Untitled - Dragon 100


Untitled - Dragon 100
About The Dragon Foundation.............................................................................................1
Board of Directors ................................................................................................................3
Executive Committee ...........................................................................................................4
Programme and Fund Raising Committee ...........................................................................5
Message from the Chairman ................................................................................................6
Administrative Review.........................................................................................................7
Highlights of the Year...........................................................................................................8
Financial Highlights ...........................................................................................................19
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................21
Staff List .............................................................................................................................24
About The Dragon Foundation
The year 2000 was celebrated as the start of the new millennium and as the Year of the
Dragon in Chinese culture. To commemorate this auspicious date, The Hong Kong Federation
of Youth Groups, the Home Affairs Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
(HKSAR) Government and the All-China Youth Federation co-organized a project entitled,
"Dragon at the Great Wall – Commemorating the New Millennium: a Vision for Youth".
What the project entailed was a Youth Conference on Meeting the Challenges of the
New Millennium. The main theme of the Conference was Visualizing the Trends of Global
Development and the Challenges of the 21st Century and was held at the Great Hall of the
People in Beijing. The Conference was followed by more than three thousand Chinese youth
from across the globe raising a 10,000-foot-long dragon on the Great Wall, successfully
breaking the current Guinness World Record for the longest dragon dance.
With community support and encouragement, The Dragon Foundation was set up and
takes forward the aims manifested by the “Dragon at the Great Wall”. The Foundation was
established in Hong Kong and inaugurated on 12 February 2000.
The Honourable Tung
Chee-hwa, the-then Chief Executive of HKSAR and the Honourable Elsie Leung, the then
Chief Justice of HKSAR, officiated at the Inaugural Ceremony.
The Foundation was incorporated under the Companies Ordinance and registered as a
non-profit making, charitable organization. The fundamental objectives of the Foundation are
to develop leadership skills and nurture the innovative and creative talents of ethnically
Chinese youth from around the world, while also encouraging and facilitating the creation of
exchange networks amongst them. The Foundation also nurtures a spirit of service and civic
responsibility towards the community. It furthermore recognises the outstanding achievements
of youth in various professions.
A Board of Directors for the Foundation was set up, which
includes representatives of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups and the HKSAR
Government, along with prominent leaders from various sectors of the community.
Foundation’s Secretariat is administered by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups.
To facilitate networks among Chinese youth worldwide, promoting Chinese culture and
heritage, and instil the spirit of service and responsibility to home communities.
The Dragon Foundation aims:
to develop leadership skills
to establish an exchange network among Chinese youth
to facilitate the development of innovative potential
to provide opportunities and ways to serve the community
to honour outstanding Chinese youth in various professions
Board of Directors
The Hon. Sir Yang Ti-liang, GBM, JP
Directors (in alphabetical order)
Professor Chang Hsin-kang, GBS, JP, Lég d’ Hon, FREng
Mr. Samuel Ching Kwok-ho
Dr. Victor Fung Kwok-king, GBM, GBS
Mr. David Lan Hong-tsung, GBS, ISO, JP
Ms. Shelley Lee Lai-kuen, GBS, OBE, JP
Dr. Leo Lee Tung-hai, GBM, GBS, OBE, Chev Leg d’ Hon,
Comm Leopold II, LLD, JP (deceased)
The Hon. Leung Chun-ying, GBS, JP
Mr. Richard Li Tzar-kai
Mrs. Rita Liu Tong Wei-oi, BBS
Dr. Vincent Lo Hong-sui, GBS, JP
Mr. Andrew Ma Chiu-cheung,
Dr. Tam Wing-kun, BBS, MBE, JP
Dr. Lawrence T. Wong
Dr. Rosanna Wong Yick-ming, DBE, JP
Dr. Yeoh Eng-kiong, GBS, OBE, JP
Honorary Auditor
Dr. Eric Li Ka-cheung, GBS, OBE, JP
Honorary Secretary
Mr. Lester Garson Huang, JP
Executive Committee
The Hon. Sir Yang Ti-liang, GBM, JP
Members: (in alphabetical order)
Ms. Shelley Lee Lai-kuen, GBS, OBE, JP
Mr. Andrew Ma Chiu-cheung,
Dr. Lawrence T. Wong
Dr. Rosanna Wong Yick-ming, DBE, JP
Programme and Fund Raising Committee
Mrs. Nina Lam Lee Yuen-bing, MH
Mr. Wilfred Ng, MH, JP (till January 2010)
Vice Chairpersons:
Mr. Bunny Chan Chung-bun, SBS, BBS, JP
Ms. Shelley Lee Lai-kuen, GBS, OBE, JP
Mrs. Gloria Ng Wong Yee-man, JP
Dr. Chan Kwok-chiu, MH (till January 2010)
Members: (in alphabetical order)
Mr. Tenniel Chu Ting-yiu
Mrs. Olivia Davies
Miss Junia Ho Suk-yin, JP
Mr. Christopher Lau Kwan
Mr. Alan Lo Yeung-kit (till January 2010)
Mr. Ma Ching-nam (till January 2010)
Dr. Tang Kam-hung
Mr. Stanley Yeung Chee-tat
Message from the Chairman
I am pleased to present the annual report of The Dragon Foundation for the year ending 31st
March 2010. It has been both extraordinary and exciting, with staff working on the principle of
“making time to turn challenges into opportunities.” Their dedication has led to very
satisfactory results.
Because of the risk of a second wave of human swine flu last winter, Youth Federations in the
Pearl River Delta, complying with government regulations, did not organize any large
exchange events. As a result, the Dragon 100 Young Chinese Leaders Forum was,
unfortunately, postponed. On the other hand, the Global Citizenship Programme, another major
Dragon Foundation programme, expanded into Asia. Bangkok, the regional headquarters of
many UN agencies and international organizations, was selected as the destination, and a group
of thirty outstanding university students were trained as ‘Global Citizens’ for Hong Kong.
Concerted efforts have led to further developments of “DragoNation” and the newly launched
“Envision Hong Kong”, which sees many young leaders making a commitment to service and
leadership. In return, they will benefit young people in diverse communities around the world.
This year has also been hectic for our fellow Directors and members of the Programme and
Fund Raising Committee. We have organized three fundraising events, including the Golf
Tournament, and I would like to thank most sincerely all donors, partners and supporting
organizations for their unfailing commitment to The Foundation’s work. I am also deeply
grateful to the staff and management of The Dragon Foundation; without whose enthusiasm
and dedication, the Dragon Foundation could not have thrived.
We have laid a solid foundation and have achieved promising results which bode well for a
bold leap into the future. As we enter a new decade, I look forward to sharing our programmes
with the outstanding young people for whom they have been designed. They have the potential
to create new initiatives which will endure for generations to come.
T.L. Yang
Administrative Review
The Secretariat
There was a minor change in staff at the Secretariat this year when Ms. Rebecca Tsui
succeeded Ms. Snowie Ho as project Manager in February 2010. We continue to simplify our
structure and make day-to-day operations more efficient.
Financial Results
The audited financial statements of the Foundation for the financial year 2009/2010 showed
total revenue of HK$ 8,067,282 against a total operating expense of HK$ 6,349,677, resulting
in a surplus of income over expenditure amounting to HK$1,717,605. The balance will be
transferred to the Accumulated Fund. The total reserves of the Foundation as at 31st March
2010 stood at HK$31,616,734.
Details of income and expenditure can be found in the Auditors’ Report and Accounts.
Highlights of the Year
Dragon 100 Young Chinese Leaders Forum 2009
The annual flagship event of the Foundation – “Dragon 100” Young Chinese Leaders Forum
was originally planned for late December 2009 in Hong Kong, Macau and Pearl River Delta
Region. However, the All China Youth Federation, The Youth Federation of Jiangmen and The
Youth Federation of Zhongshan had to comply with rules stipulated by the Department of
Health of People’s Republic of China and declined to organize any large exchange events
because of concerns about human swine flu.
They were very cautious about receiving any
delegation, assisting in the arrangement of any visits to government departments or universities,
or organizing any meetings with government officials, since there had been an outbreak of the
disease in the mainland. Therefore, with the blessing of our Directors, the forum was
Global Citizenship Programme 2009
The Global Citizenship Programme inculcates a sense of responsibility in young people while
raising their awareness of global trends. It provides international exposure and training for
young Chinese leaders, maximizing their capacity to create networks for sharing and mutual
exchange, while encouraging motivation for commitment to the community.
The theme of the sixth Global Citizenship Programme was “The Impact of the Global Financial
Crisis on the International Community.” Nominations were made by universities in Hong Kong
and two rounds of interviews were held. Members of the final Selection Panel for the
Programme were Mr. Alan Wong (Head), Special Advisor of Cathay Pacific Airways Limited,
Mr. David Lan, GBS, ISO, JP, Director of The Dragon Foundation and Delegation Leader, Ms.
Diana Tsui, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility of KPMG.
With the rich experience gained in New York and Geneva in past years, the Foundation decided
to extend the programme to Asia. A group of thirty outstanding university students were
therefore selected for a programme in Bangkok, regional headquarters of many UN agencies
and international organizations. The programme consisted of 2 days of orientation and training
in Hong Kong and a week of training in Bangkok. The Bangkok programme offered students
the opportunity to link theory with reality, and see organizations such as UNEP, UNDP,
UNICEF, Asian Development Bank in action while learning about positive leadership and
outcomes. The students examined case studies from the 1997 Asian financial crisis and
discussed the effects of the crisis on UN agencies, NGOs, and developing countries, thus seeing
how they responded to challenges and balanced needs. There was encouraging feedback from
both guest speakers and participants.
Participants met Sir TL Yang, GBM, JP, Chairman of The Dragon Foundation Board of
Directors, other Directors, panel judges and representatives from universities at the launching
of the Global Citizenship 2009 Programme on 24 June 2009. Dr. Rosanna Wong spoke about
the vision and rationale behind the Global Citizenship Programme, while Dr. Lawrence Wong
shared his wisdom on allocation of resources in communities. Mr. David Lan, the head of the
Judging Panel, spoke about his observations during the selection interviews and his
expectations of those selected. Mrs. Ann White, Director of the China-Hong Kong, Institute of
International Education, and Miss Dianna Tsui, member of our selection panel, met
representatives from universities as well as past participants of the programme.
During training in Hong Kong, Ms. Suratchaya Palawongse, Consul of Royal Thai
Consulate-General in Hong Kong, was invited to deliver a talk on “Recent Developments in
Thailand and the Unique Role played by ASEAN in International Issues”. Professor Simon
Xu-hui Shen, Adjunct Associate Professor, Centre For East Asian Studies in The Chinese
University of Hong Kong, spoke on “The Rise of Non-state Actors in the International Arena”.
The delegation went to Thailand from 28 June to 4 July with Mr. David Lan, Director of the
Foundation, as Delegation Leader. The delegates had the chance to visit the Khao Sorn Royal
Development Study Centre, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and
the Pacific (UN ESCAP), Bank of Thailand, United Nations Conference Centre, the Asian
Centre for Population and Community Development, and the Thailand Development Research
Institute. At the Opening Ceremony in Bangkok, Mr. Alex Mavro, Chair-Corporate, Social
Responsibility Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce, and Dr. Naruemon
Sawanpanyalert, MD, Deputy Director, Bureau of Medical Technical Department, Department
of Medical Services, Ministry of Public Health, were invited as the Guests of Honour. Mr. Alex
Marvo, as keynote speaker, delivered a speech on “Values in Crisis”. While Dr. Maruemon
Swanpanyalert spoke on “The Current Global Situation and Thailand’s Readiness in
Combating H1N1/ Influenza A and Other Virus”
Dr. Chalinton M. Burian, Regional Director of the Institute of International Education,
extended a warm welcome to the student delegates for the week-long, challenging, study tour.
She emphasized the need to pay attention not only to information received at formal training
and briefing sessions, but also to the “Thailand experience”, immersing themselves in Thai
culture and building long lasting relationships with those they met. She reminded delegates that
they should strive for values of good global citizenship. Mr. David Lan highlighted the
importance of full cooperation at regional and international levels, in order to tackle complex
issues during the financial crisis. He remarked that young people who are eager and willing to
learn should collaborate if they were to become responsible leaders in future, working together
to benefit society.
During the programme in Bangkok, participants also attended lectures by the following
renowned speakers and government officials:
Mr. Sra Chuenchoksan, Economist, Monetary Policy Group, Bank of Thailand
Ms. Thawadi Pachaiyankum, Representative, United Nations Information Service
Dr. Joong Wan Cho, Chief, Trade Policy Section, Trade and Investment Division, UN
Ms. Aneta Nikolova, Environmental Affairs Officer, Environment and Development
Division, UN ESCAP
Ms. Beverly Jones, Officer-in-charge, Gender Equality and Empowerment Section,
Social development Division, UN ESCAP
Mr. Shuvojit Banerjee, Economic Affairs Officer, Microeconomic and Policy
Development Division, UN ESCAP
Mr. He Changchui, Assistant Director-General and FAO Regional Representative for
Asia and the Pacific
Mr. Diderik de Vleeschauwer, Information Officer, FAO Regional Office for Asia and
the Pacific
Mr. Upali Wickramasinghe, Policy Officer, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the
Ms. Guia M. Morales, Manager, ACPD Training Division, Population and Community
Development Association
Mr. Mecchai, Founder, Population and Community Development Association
Dr. Nipon Poapongsakorn, Thailand Development Research Institute
Dr. Somchai Jitsuchon, Research Director, Microeconomic Development and Income
Distribution, Thailand Development Research Institute.
During the programme, delegates worked in teams on a study project to develop critical
awareness of a global issue. At the end of the programme, each of the teams presented their
project ideas, research findings and recommendations to a panel of experts. We invited Prof.
Sukum Attavavutichai, Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, Thammasat University, Prof. Boonsap
Witchayangkoon, Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, Thammasat University, Dr. Kanlaya
Reuksuppasompon, retired scholar, and Dr. Chalinton N. Burisn, Regional Director, IIE/
Southeast Asia as group project presentation jurors.
Fund Raising Events
Golf Tournament at Mission Hills Golf Club 2009
With the generous support of Mr. Tenniel Chu, Executive Director of Mission Hills Golf Club,
and member of Programme and Fund Raising Committee of The Dragon Foundation, the
Foundation held its first Golf Tournament on 26 April 2009. Over 100 well-known people and
philanthropists were invited and net proceeds of over HK$ 600,000 were raised. Funds were
used to support leadership training programmes of The Foundation.
The Organizing Committee was chaired by Mr. Tenniel Chu, with Ms. Junia Ho, Mr.
Christopher Lau, Ms. Shelley Lee and Mr. Ma Ching Nam as committee members. We were
very honoured by the presence of The Hon. Ambrose Lee Siu-kwong, IDSM, JP, Secretary for
Security, Security Bureau, Government of the HKSAR, and Mr. Peter Wong Tung-shun, JP,
Executive Director, Hong Kong and Mainland China, The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking
Corporation Limited, as our Guests of Honour. They officiated at the kick off, together with Mr.
Tenniel Chu and Dr. Rosanna Wong, Director of The Dragon Foundation.
“The Founding of a Republic” Charity Gala Premiere
To celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China, The Dragon Foundation
proudly held a Charity Gala Premiere of the film “Founding of a Republic” on Sunday 20
September 2009, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The Hon. Donald Tsang,
GBM, Chief Executive, HKSAR, Mr. Peng Qinghua, Minister, Liaison Office of the Central
People's Government in the HKSAR and Mr. Lü Xinhua, Commissioner, Office of The
Commissioner of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The People's Republic of China in the
HKSAR, were invited as our Guests of Honour. King Fook Jewellery, as our main sponsor of
the film, manufactured limited edition gold medallions with The Foundation as the beneficiary.
The event successfully raised net proceeds of about HK$ 400,000.
“A Million For The Dragon” Charity Sale 2009
With the support of Lisa’s Collection, The Dragon Foundation held its third Charity Sale on 28
November 2009. Over 130 pieces of jewellery, jade, replicas and original Chinese artefacts
were for sale, attracting many jewellery and antique lovers. The sale helped to raise over HK$2
million for future activities.
The DragoNation and The Envision Hong Kong
To maintain firm connections between the worldwide networks created in recent years, the
Alumni Association of The Dragon Foundation, namely “DragoNation” was launched in 2008.
The Executive Committee comprising 7 enthusiastic young leaders arranged activities during
the year to raise awareness of global issues and collaborate with the US Consulate in the
showing of two movies, The 11th Hour, and Dead Poets Society, in May 2009 and March 2010
Alumni are encouraged to serve the community, strengthen youth training, promote Foundation
activities and recognize the contributions of outstanding Chinese youth. Therefore, active
members of DragoNation set up a new organization, “The Envision Hong Kong” which aims to
support sustainable development in the community by engaging young professionals in youth
development activities. A website has been created to communicate with members all over the
world (www.envisionhk.org). A large scale community-based mentorship project the “Youth
Envisioning Scheme” will be launched at local secondary schools, as well as a large scale “Beat
Drugs” programme in schools and the community, with training workshops, a community
service programme, and participation at the Asia Pacific Youth Summit. All these activities
match the mission and vision of The Dragon Foundation.
Macao SAR Government Anniversary Celebration
2009 was a very special year for Macao as it was the 10th Anniversary of the establishment of
the Macao SAR Government. The Macao Youth Federation invited The Hong Kong Federation
of Youth Groups and The Dragon Foundation to send a delegation to their large-scale youth
celebration programme (龍賀濠江慶祝特區成立十同年系列活動).
The programme aimed
to recruit 1,000 youth participants to join a lion dance on 12 December in Macao. The
Foundation, together with The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, sent a delegation of 40
young people to join the event, with Mr. Lester Huang and Mr. David Lan, representing The
Foundation and HKFYG.
(Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability by guarantee)
Interest receivable
Other receivables
Cash and cash equivalents
Receipt in advance
Accounts payable
Amount due to The Hong Kong Federation
of Youth Groups
(Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability by guarantee)
Programme income
Income from fund raising events
Interest income
Rebate from fund manager
Gain on disposal of available-for-sale financial
Sundry income
Auditors’ remuneration
Staff salaries
Provident fund and mandatory provident
fund contribution
Printing and stationery
Programme expenses
Fund raising events expenses
Cost of sales
Repairs and maintenance
Telephone and fax charges
System administration fee
Sundry expenses
This year, as in the past, we recognise that our work would have been impossible without
the dedication and commitment of the Board of Directors and Programme and Fund Raising
Committee Members.
We acknowledge their passion, and thank them for their shared time
and wisdom.
In recognition of the dedication of our supporters and donors, we nominated four partners:
Glory Day Limited, Prince Jewellery & Watch Co, and King Fook Jewellery for the 2009–2010
Caring Company Logo organized by the Hong Kong Council of Social Services.
The Dragon Foundation would also like to express its most sincere thanks to all the
following sponsors, partners and donors for their generous help during the year 2009-2010.
Corporate Sponsors
(in alphabetical order)
Mainland Headwear
Chevalier International Holdings Ltd.
Mission Hills Golf Club
Frankie Dominion (Holdings) Ltd.
MK Lau Foundation
Glory Day Limited
Golf & Tennis Express
P. C. Woo & Co.
Great Eagle Holdings Limited
Prince Jewellery And Watch Company
Hong Kong Tatler
Sa Sa International Holdings Limited
Hopewell Holdings Limited
Santa Mia
South China Media
In Express-Sisters Group Ltd
The China Paint Mfg. Co. (1932) Ltd.
Inter Continental Hotel (Shenzhen)
The Verdant Foundation Limited
King Fook Jewellery
The Yuen Yuen Institute
Lisa’s Collection
Yeung's Group Inc.
Donors (in alphabetical order)
Mr. Milton Au
Ms. Helena Koo
Mr. Chan Chung Bun, Bunny
Ms. Koo Yuet Sau
Mrs. Chan H L K White
Mr. Edward Kwan Pak Chung
Ms. Chan Shui Mee, Anna
Mr. Simon Kwok
Mr. Edmond Chau
Ms. Lai Siu Wan, Marigold
Mr. Daniel Cheng
Mrs. Nina Lam
The Hon. Cheng Yiu Tong, GBS, JP
Ms. Lam Chi Sheung
Dr. Edgar Cheng, GBS, JP
Mr. Frederick Lam Hon-mo
Mr. Kalam Chueng
Mrs. Lam Lee Yuen Bing, Nina
Mrs. Lisa CHEUNG CHUNG Lai-seung
Mr. Winkie Lau
Ms. Cheung Lai Wah
Mr. Christopher Lau Kwan
Mr. Adrian Fan
Ms. Lau Wing Mun, Ruth
Ms. Fok Kit Lan, Jacques
Mr. Sammy Lee
Ms. Fung Su Ling
Ms. Shelley Lee
Ms. Ho Siu Ching
Mr. Lee Chun Hung
Dr. Philip Hsieh Cheung
Ms. Lee Siu Ping, Eva
Mr. Fred Kan
Mr. Kenneth Ting Woo Shou, SBS, JP
Mr. Leong Ka-chai, SBS, JP
Ms. Ting Yuk Chee, Christina
Ms. Leung Kim Fun
Mr. Tsang Chi Ming
Mr. Li Siu Man
Ms. Tsang Yin Kuen
Mr. Brandon Liu, JP
Mrs. David Tsien
Mr. Andrew Lo
Mr. Andrew Tsui
Mr. Richard Lo
The late Dr. Tsui Tsin Tong
Mr. Luk Kwok Fai
Mr. Tsui Yiu Ming
Mr. Kevin Ma
Mr. Alan Wong
Mr. Ng Sau Kei, Wilfred
Ms. Mona Wong
Mr. Ng Siu Fai
Mr. Peter Wong
Mrs. Ng Yeoh Saw Kheng
Ms. Margaret Wong
Ms. Ngan Man Lai, Emily
Dr. The Hon. Philip Wong Yu-hong, GBS
Miss Pang Ho Gwun, Anna
Mr. Nature Yang
Mrs. Stephen Tai
Dr. Yeoh Eng Kiong
Mr. Thomas Tang
Ms. Tang Wai Han
Collaborating organizations (in alphabetical order)
Asian Center for Population and Community Development
City University of Hong Kong
Consulate General of the United States Hong Kong & Macau
Hong Kong Baptist University
Institute of International Education – Hong Kong-China
Institute of International Education - New York Headquarters
Institute of International Education - Southeast Asia
Khao-Hin-Sorn Royal Development Study Center, Thailand
Lingnan University
Media Asia Entertainment Group Limited
Population and Community Development Association
Royal Thai Consulate-General Hong Kong, China
Thailand Development Research Institute
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Institute of Education
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
The Open University of Hong Kong
The University of Hong Kong
United Nations Conference Center
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
The above list is not meant to be exhaustive. Heartfelt thanks are due to all organizations and
individuals who have offered their generous sponsorship and assistance.
Staff List
Ms. Phoenix NGAI Mei Wah
Miss Mabel WOO Tak Yan (since June 2010)
Project Manage
Miss Rebecca TSUI Yin San (March - May 2010)
Project Manager
Miss Snowie HO Man Yin (till Feb 2010)
Project Manager
Miss Amy CHENG Wing Yan
Administrative Assistant
The Dragon Foundation
Room 6-7, G/F
The Center
99 Queen’s Road Central
Central, Hong Kong.
+852 2811 2779
+852 2811 2669