TIMARRON T imarron December 2007, Volume 1, Issue 9 Official Publication of The Timarron owner's Association Timarron Residents While inspecting your holiday mail, be sure to watch for your 2008 annual assessment. The assessment is due January 1st each year and is mailed the last days in November. Information is limited at time of newsletter publishing but remember that the May 2007 management change results in Associa, Principal Management Group appearing as document sender. Please do not throw away this envelope. In addition to assessment billing, Timarron homeowners will receive a separate mailing this winter with both a secure access card reissue and homeowner directory requests. Watch your mail and be sure to respond quickly that we may publish the 2007 Timarron Directory with your contact information. As December is a time for review, the December newsletter includes articles printed in prior 2007 newsletters. I hope you find the information useful. Please feel free to call the office at (817) 424-3027 to speak with either Melissa Prior or myself with any questions. Kathy Epperson Timarron General Manager Musicians, Singers, Magicians, Dancers, Cheerleaders, Bakers, Etc.!... Calling on all Timarron residents…We are planning an evening of Seasons Greetings in mid-December for all our residents to gather in the Bent Creek Clubhouse area to enjoy some of our own talent including caroling, fun games, music, magic and hopefully baked goods with your donations. This is a great opportunity for our teens, adults, and all Youth Groups to get involved in a fun community event. Please contact ASAP so we can get this party started! Watch the website at www.timarron – for more information. Don’t want to wait for the mail? View the current issue of the Timarron Newsletter on the 1st day of each month at Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc. Annual Holiday Lighting And Decor Contest Winter holidays are here and the Timarron Community is holding the Annual Holiday Lighting and Decoration contest. Judging takes place the evening of Monday, December 10th or the next day if weather results in delays. So don’t forget to have your lights on by 6:00 p.m. for judging. ValleyCrest donates poinsettias for first place winners. Neighborhoods with more than onehundred homes receive two first place awards. Winning yards will also have a sign posted in their yard for everyone to see. First place winners may not win two consecutive years. So let your creative side come out as ‘tis the season. DATE: MONDAY, DECEMBER 10th TIME: BEGINS AT 6:00 P.M. Happy Holidays from the Timmaron owners Association Timarron Owner's Association Newsletter - December 2007 TIMARRON Newsletter Information Editor Kathy Publisher Peel, Inc.........................., 888-687-6444 Advertising........., 888-687-6444 ATTENTION TIMARRON RESIDENTS!!! Our newsletter is in need for volunteers to help coordinate articles and information gathering. We are very fortunate to have the “Inside Timarron” newsletter. It has opened a great communication forum to help us build and maintain a stronger community, free of charge to our readers. This could be a great opportunity for those interested in positive journalism to get involved in helping your community. Please contact the office to volunteer at 817-424-3027. Mission Statement The Mission of the Timarron Owners Association is to provide its members a superior residential development with amenities, policies, and standards which maintain the quality of life for its neighborhoods, maximize the property values of its homeowners, and provie uniform administration and enforcement of its polices The principle points of focus to fulfill the mission are to: • Administer strict but fair enforcement of covenants and restrictions • Maintain the high standards of Timarron landscaping and infrastructure • Respond to property owners particular needs and ideas • Maintain accountability to the elected neighborhood delegates DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above. Timarron Owner's Association Newsletter - December 2007 Timarron Country Club “Tis the Season to be..............” Most people will complete this statement with something about the Holidays and their beliefs, family and giving etc....and of course it all goes hand in hand with great food, parties and more great food. And the Season runs along smoothly up until the time we just happen to glance sideways into a reflection as we pass by a mirror. Aaagggh – when did that happen?!!! And there you have it. The honest truth staring back at you. Somewhere between the joyful fa lalalas at Aunt Martha’s Eggnog and Fruitcake Feast a few extra pounds have attached to the hips. Now what? For Timarron Country Club Members – it’s a No Brainer! Sign up now for Boot Camp that will be starting up again the first of the year. The first two sessions has us looking better then ever. And more importantly – feeling better then ever! Ask anyone that survived even the first eight-week training session and they will exclaim the positive results – actually I bet you will be able to see the positive results without asking first. And okay, yes – many of them are very proud of literally ‘surviving’ the Boot Camp and are boasting a fun tee shirt with a quirky happy face topped off with a military beret. (And how our Trainer Rory Brown can stay so cute and fun through all the classes is a not even fair and entirely another article topic for later down the road.) (Continued on page 4) Advertising Information Please support the businesses that advertise in the Timarron Community Newsletter. Their advertising dollars make it possible for all Timarron residents to receive the monthly newsletter at no charge. No homeowners association funds are used to produce or mail the newsletters. If you would like to support the newsletter by advertising, please contact our sales office at 888-687-6444 or The advertising deadline is the 20th of each month for the following month's newsletter. At no time will any source be allowed to use the Timarron Community Newsletter contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from the Timarron Association and Peel, Inc. The information in the newsletter is exclusively for the private use of Timarron residents only. Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc. TIMARRON Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc. Timarron Owner's Association Newsletter - December 2007 TIMARRON Timarron Country Club - (Continued from page 2) But wait! Last time I looked around the room at Aunt Martha’s the kids were there too! Which brings to my attention the new Boot Camp Session at Timarron. Timarron has added an after school event for the Teenage Girls to enjoy Boot Camp two days a week. As one that has already survived what was commonly referred to as the Roller Coaster Years aka my daughter’s High School Years, it would be wise to take counsel before bringing this to the attention of your 16 year old daughter. You cannot just suggest and say “How about joining Boot Camp at the Club?” Well, you could – but I wouldn’t recommend it. So, before she starts that famous glare of “why me” response to your suggestion of getting involved at the Club’s Boot Camp may I suggest a positive spin. Something along the lines of ‘shopping for Prom Dresses is not far off’ yadda yadda...quickly followed up with Spring Sports and Summer Traveling Team try-outs and the opportunity to do something with other girls her age at the Club. I’m sure you are aware that you are actually looking at the face of not your daughter but what you know is the next Girl Wonder in the World of Golf. I don’t need to worry, as I’m sure you’ll come up with a few other great reasons on your own. Oh! By the way, depending on your true knowledge of your daughter would I wait to bring up the “no boys present during workout” bit - - that may or may not be seen as plus. And as for the honest truth staring back...don’t look, don’t glance, don’t even give a hint of looking that way until after the New Year begins. Here’s how I see it. If I’m already registered for the Boot Camp session then Tis the Season to be Guilt Free! A few things I’ve heard in the halls at the Club that might interest you this month. There are the family activities, the Santa visits, the Christmas Brunch and of course the New Year’s Eve Celebration: Fantasy in Red! WOW! It’s going to be fabulous! I even heard- oh, sorry I think it’s suppose to be a surprise for you so I best not say. I just know welcoming in 2008 at Timarron Country Club is going to be memorable for everyone! And one more note on things I’m looking forward to: January 26, 2008. As the Membership Director I have the privilege of inviting Club Members to an Invitation Only Party. It’s our Annual Sponsor Party. This party is only for those Club Members that have extended the Invitation to Membership AND the Member Candidate has become a New Member. Club Members – if you have not invited someone you know to join the Club you still have time! Just ask yourself, “Who do I know who...?” See you at the Club! Susan Merrill Membership Director Give a Lifetime of Memories This Season Why not bring a smile to the face of someone you love this Christmas with a gift that they will always remember. Whether it’s a weekend escape for two during the doldrums of February or a once-in-a-lifetime exotic destination, we have it all. Seabourn Cruises Regent Seven Seas Navigator 50% Off Selected March Caribbean Sailings Free Coach or Business Class Airfare with Select Europe Cruises Baltic Cruises $ 9900* air June & August Sailings Call Today to Book That Special Trip... Gift Certificates Available. (*plus tax) Southlake Travel XXXTPVUIMBLFUSBWFMDPN Timarron Owner's Association Newsletter - December 2007 1300 Concord Avenue, Southlake, TX 76092 1IPOF tLEBXTPO!TPVUIMBLFUSBWFMDPN Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc. TIMARRON Rockenbaugh Elementary: Sponsors and Donations Needed The Rockenbaugh Elementary School PTO auction is March 8, 2008. We are looking for: • Items or services to donate • Gift Cards to donate • Advertising in the program which includes advertising in the 2008-9 PTO Directory • Cash donations to underwrite the event For additional information regarding this event, feel free to contact Lynda Warner at (817) 846-7996 or Book Club Meeting NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE DECEMBER 10th 7:00 p.m. Christmas Potluck Judy Bender Hostess (817) 488-3229 624 Chandon Court Hot Christmas Punch 1 Cup brown sugar 1 Tall can pineapple juice 1 large jar cranberry juice 6 sticks cinnamon, broken 3 Cups water 3 T whole cloves 3/4 tsp. salt Dissolve sugar in water and pour in percolator. Add juices. Place cinnamon sticks, cloves, and salt in basket. Percolate. If you would like to submit YOUR recipe email it to Beautify & Protect Your Investment • BEFORE Standard Timarron approved colors available • Don’t replace your wood fence. FREE TES ESTIMA AFTER In most cases, we can adjust or replace your post, pickets and gate as needed and top it all off with a fresh coat of stain giving your old fence an “As Good As New” appearance at just a fraction of the cost of replacement. FENCES • DECKS • ARBORS • WOOD SIDING As Good As New Preservative 817-419-0043 Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc. Timarron Owner's Association Newsletter - December 2007 TIMARRON Crescent Royale Wrought Iron Many Crescent Royale homeowners have wrought iron fences between their homes and the street. Within this neighborhood, the front iron fences are a bronze color as opposed to the black of all other wrought iron fences. This fence color is as follows: Lowe’s Tinter #A #5 73705 – One Gallon Olympic/CCA. Premium Exterior/Alkyd/Gloss 101-9Y22.5, 107-1Y17, 109-1Y20, 113-1Y11 Please remember that only the wrought iron fences in Crescent Royale between the home and street are this bronze color. All other wrought iron fences in every Timarron neighborhood are black. Classified Ads Personal classifieds (one time sell items, such as a used bike...) run at no charge to Timarron residents, limit 30 words, submit before the 15th of each month. Please e-mail Kepperson@ Business classifieds (offering a service or product line for profit) are $50, limit 40 words, please contact Peel, Inc. Sales Office at 888-687-6444 or Isn’t It Time the Gym Came To YOU? At Curbside Fitness we know that not everyone has the time or wants to work out at a gym or health club. We provide the professional support and guidance you need to reach your own personal wellness goals and best of all we come to you. Finally enjoy working out with professional guidance and motivation in the comfort TIMARRON WOOD FENCE STAIN Do you need the Timarron wood fence stain? Please see below for one gallon color codes at both Lowe’s and Home Depot stores. LOWE’S OF SOUTHLAKE: Tinter A Custom mixed colors are Non-returnable Custom Formula 06/04/07One Gallon Custom Color Timmarron tim exterior Cabot PRO V.T. Neutrual Base 101-3Y2.5 107-5Y13.5 109-31 113-4Y HOME DEPOT SOUTHLAKE: BEHR Non-returnable PLUS 10 SOLID COLOR HOUSE & FENCE STAIN {MANUAL} TINT BASE NO.20 (020) GALLON COLORANT AX PERM YELLOW BLAMP BLACK FRED OXIDE TMEDIUM YELL OZ 0 4 1 6 48 24 23 1 8 96 0 1 0 1 Want to confirm that your fence is the approved Timarron color? Browse this newsletter for the As Good As New Preservative advertisement because the “After” picture is of the approved wood fence color. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The social and lighting committees are soliciting homeowners interested. The social committee has an annual budget for Timarron social activities. Members work together with Social Chair in planning community activities. The lighting committee reports on neighborhood light outages and address overall neighborhood lighting concerns. of your home. Call Today to Book your FREE Initital Health & Fitness Consultation 1-800-946-4490 *No Obligation *Reg. Fee $149 BONUS - SAVE $100 when you enroll on any Personal Trainer or Nutrition and Weight Loss Program before 12.31.07 Timarron Owner's Association Newsletter - December 2007 Advertise Your Business Here 888-687-6444 Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc. TIMARRON Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc. Timarron Owner's Association Newsletter - December 2007 TIMARRON CRESCENT ROYALE LANDSCAPE CONCERNS S Su ud do ok ku u The challenge is to fill every row across, every column down, and every The challenge is to fill every row across, every column down, and every 3x3 box with the digits 1 through 9. Each 1 through 9 digit must appear 3x3 box with the digits 1 through 9. Each 1 through 9 digit must appear only once in each row across, each column down, and each 3x3 box. only once in each row across, each column down, and each 3x3 box. Brickman performs general front yard maintenance to Crescent Royale homes. This maintenance includes semi-annual color changes, turf maintenance, bed and turf weeding, and most chemical applications. While Brickman takes responsibility for actions resulting from this maintenance, they do not perform lighting and irrigation maintenance. Are you Crescent Royale homeowner with front lawn maintenance concerns? Call the Brickman line at (817) 488-6969. This message line is checked weekly and addressed the following week. Street Light Outages *Solution at © 2006. Feature Exchange © 2006. Feature Exchange To report a street light outage: Call 1-888-313-4747 or Go on-line at http:// form.aspx or then click community from the pull down menu finally clicking streetlight report. Be prepared to report the exact address or location of the street light along with your name, phone number, or email address. Are you a decision maker looking for results? Dawson Marketing Group offers an integrated marketing approach that delivers creative and cost-effective solutions. Our integrated approach includes strategic planning, creative development and execution in all media. We work with you to establish powerful marketing programs that build your brand, generate sales and enhance the bottom-line. It starts with research to eliminate the guesswork. We then leverage the results to develop the right message for the right audience. It’s worked for clients like GM, Anheuser Busch, American Express, Verizon and Shell, so we’re confident it can work for you. 630 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 58, Southlake, TX 76092 t Timarron Owner's Association Newsletter - December 2007 To learn how our experience and marketing approach can work for your business, call us now at (817) 800-3364. It may be the best decision you’ll make today. Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc. TIMARRON Green Belt Walking Paths There are numerous green belt areas and walking paths interspersed between the Timarron neighborhoods. These paths are beautiful and full of animals in their natural habitat. Please stay on paths when walking through these areas to avoid injury from falling tree limbs and holds dug by animals. One misstep could cause an injury. We must all assume responsibility for minimizing the chance of injury in these areas by staying on walking paths. HOLIDAY COLLECTION DAY SCHEDULE Colleyville Christmas Week – Normal collection both Monday and Thursday New Years Eve – Normal collection on December 31st Southlake Christmas Week – Normal collection both Monday and Thursday New Years Eve – Normal collection on December 31st Making Changes to Your Home or Yard? Please remember that all exterior modifications require a submission through either the New Construction Committee or Modification Committee for approval. This includes but is not limited to landscape changes, rear yard installations, exterior painting, roof colors or products, and front door colors or styles. Management would rather answer a question before an installation takes place than send letters to homeowners. Please feel free to call the management office with any questions. Simply Radiant. Looking your best was never easier. Fine lines, wrinkles, aging skin and more can all be treated at Destination Health™. A licensed aesthetician with years of experience not only asks about your skin, but what your daily routine involves. Only then is the right treatment recommended for you. Now Offering: t'BDJBMTGPS.FO8PNFOt-BTFS)BJS3FNPWBM t.JDSPEFSNBCSBTJPOt4QB1BDLBHFTt#PUPY® t$IFNJDBM1FFMt)ZESBUJOH.BTLT .FOUJPOUIJTBEBOETBWFPOPVSXFCTJUFTQFDJBMT 4QFDJBMPGGFSFYQJSFT Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc. %S3PCJO")BMMt&4PVUIMBLF#MWE 4VJUF4PVUIMBLF59t XXXEFTUJOBUJPOIFBMUIDPN Timarron Owner's Association Newsletter - December 2007 TIMARRON Texas Events - December 1-Jan. 1—DALLAS: The Trains at NorthPark Enjoy this holiday tradition of seeing the most elaborate toy train exhibit in Texas with vintage locomotives whizzing on a journey across America by miniature landmarks. NorthPark Center. 214/631-7354 1-Jan. 1—FRISCO: Christmas in the Square Extraordinary light show is synchronized to holiday music. Includes outdoor movies, train and carriage rides, and more on weekends. Frisco Square. www.friscosquare. com 972/292-5000 1-Jan. 6—DALLAS: 5,000 Years of Chinese Ceramics: The R. Randolph Richmond Collection Collection is from the New Orleans Museum of Art. The Crow Collection of Asian Art. 214/9796438 1-Jan. 6—DALLAS: The Amazing Chocolate Tree Exhibit takes visitors inside the world of chocolate, from its roots as part of the cacao plant to a candy factory, and explains how chocolate comes to the consumer. Dallas Arboretum. 214/515-6500 1-Jan. 6—FORT WORTH: Declaring Space Focuses on the work of four artists whose works had a dramatic impact on the complex development of abstract space and color in the years following World War II. Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth. 817/738-9215 1-Jan. 27—DALLAS: Domains of Wonder: Selected Masterworks of Indian Painting Provides a complete overview of Indian court painting with examples representing each school. Dallas Museum of Art. www. 214/922-1200 1-Jan. 27—DALLAS: When Gold Blossoms: Indian Jewelry from the Susan L. Beningson Collection Centers on jewelry from South India, 10 Timarron Owner's Association Newsletter - December 2007 where goldsmith work has a long history. There are 154 pieces of jewelry in the exhibition. Dallas Museum of Art. 214/922-1200 1-Jan. 27—IRVING: Michael Bane & Sue McCans: Paintings McCans’ paintings are a series of geometric abstractions while Bane’s works are representational with subject matter that includes horses and still-lifes. Irving Arts Center Carpenter Performance Hall Lobby.www.irvingartscenter. com 972/252-7558 1-Feb. 3—MCKINNEY: Dinosaurs Alive! Come see the second annual exhibit of life-size animatronic dinosaurs placed throughout the hiking trails. The Heard Natural Science Museum and Wildlife Sanctuary. www. 972/562-5566 1-Feb. 17—DALLAS: Indian Miniature Paintings form the David T. Owsley Collection This is a companion exhibition of 50 paintings on loan from a major benefactor of the Dallas Museum of Art. www.dallasmuseumofart. org 214/922-1200 1-Feb. 24—DALLAS: Coming of Age: American Art, 1850s to 1950s It includes 72 paintings and sculptures drawn from the internationally renowned collection of the Addison Gallery of American Art at Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass. Meadows Museum. 214/768-2516 1-Mar. 1—DALLAS: Pullman Porter Exhibit Highlights the stories of Pullman porters and their influence upon the African-American middle class. Museum of the American Railroad. www.dallasrailwaymuseum. com 214/428-0101 (Continued on page 12) Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc. TIMARRON Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc. Timarron Owner's Association Newsletter - December 2007 11 TIMARRON Texas Events - (Continued from page 10) 1-Mar. 23—DALLAS: Phil Collins, The World Won’t Listen The Dallas Museum of Art presents the world premiere of British artist Phil Collins’ international three-part video project. 214/922-1200 1-Mar. 30—FORT WORTH: Picturing the Bible: The Earliest Christian Art Drawing on new historical research and the latest archaeological discoveries, this exhibition tells the story of how the earliest Christians first gave visual expression to their religious beliefs in works of art. Kimbell Art Museum. 817/332-8451 1-Apr. 27—DALLAS: Rubin Museum of Art The Crow Collection of Asian Art. 214/979-6438 2, 6, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18—GRAPEVINE: The Best Time of the Year Musical Begins at 8 p.m. Palace Theatre. 817/4103185 2, 9, 16, 23, 30—FORT WORTH: Cowboy Concerts Exchange Building, Historic Fort Worth Stockyards. 817/838-5882 2-31—FARMERS BRANCH: Tour of Lights Begins at I-35 and Valley View Lane. Drive through an amazing and joyful display of lights and figures with more than 300,000 shimmering lights. 972/919-2620 8, 15—MCKINNEY: Dino Days Offers lots of activities for kids, including meeting 12 life-size, roaring animatronic dinosaurs. Spots fill up fast; make reservations early. The Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary. 972/562-5566 ext. 234 12—IRVING: Unsilent Night Presented by Lone Star Youth Orchestra at 7 p.m. Carpenter Performance Hall. 972/252-14- 12 Timarron Owner's Association Newsletter - December 2007 16—MCKINNEY: Third Monday Trade Days More than 750 indoor and outdoor vendors sell antiques, collectibles and more. Hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 4550 W. University Drive. 972/562-5466 14-16—SEGUIN: Country Christmas Tour a 20th-century farm and experience what Christmas was like for German settlers. Offers entertainment, dancing, chuck-wagon dinner, storytelling and educational tours. Texas Agricultural Ed & Heritage Center. E-mail: cofc@seguintx. org 800/580-7322 or 830/379-1122 15—IRVING: Holiday Gala Features a literary cafe with authors such as Sherasa Thomas and Danielle Stewart, Karen Moore and Arlether Wilson. Begins at 7 p.m. Irving Arts Center, 3333 N. MacArthur Blvd. www. 972/252-7558 15—IRVING: Holiday in Sound Presented by Irving Symphonic Band. Carpenter Performance Hall. 972/252-ARTS 15—LEXINGTON: Christmas Tour of Homes 979/542-3455 15—MESQUITE: Mesquite Symphony Orchestra Mesquite Arts Center Concert Hall. E-mail: 972/216-8127 15—PALESTINE: A Country Christmas The Dogwood Jamboree presents a Branson-style country music concert to celebrate the season. Palestine Civic Center. 903/723-3014 15—ROUND TOP: Gay Men’s Chorus of Houston Begins at 3 p.m. International Festival-Institute at Round Top. 979/2493129 16—GIDDINGS: Christmas Cantata Begins at 3 p.m. First United Methodist, 279 E. Monroe. 979/542-3455 16—MOUNT VERNON: Voices of Christmas Enjoy a Christmas concert (Continued on page 13) Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc. TIMARRON Texas Events - (Continued from page 12) ing 30 Ye Ce rat eb s ar l reaching back to some of our oldest and purest musical traditions in a program of early music with the famed University of North Texas Collegiums Singers and Instrumentalists. Mount Vernon Music Hall, 402 Leftwich. 903/563-3780 16—SEGUIN: Las Posadas Presents a re-enactment of the journey of Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem. The journey is led by a mariachi band and travels to different buildings in downtown Seguin. A brief service, refreshments and Diablo pinata for the kids conclude the event. Begins at 6 p.m. Meet at City Hall, 205 N. River St. E-mail: 800/580-7322 18—RICHARDSON: The Oak Ridge Boys This Christmas show is a holiday treat for the entire family. Begins at 8 p.m. Charles W. Eisemann Center for Performing Arts. 972/744-4600 19—DALLAS: Holiday Magic Features the Children’s Chorus and Youth Chorus of Greater Dallas. Includes Corelli’s Christmas Concert and holiday music with chorus. Begins at 7:30 p.m. Meyerson Symphony Center. www. 214/528-7747 20—SEGUIN: On Austin More than a dozen businesses and restaurants along Austin Street offer refreshments, entertainment and more. Hours are 6 to 10 p.m. Austin Street. 800/580-7322 or 830/401-5000 20-23—DALLAS: The Nutcracker In Clara’s Christmas Eve dream, her nutcracker doll transports her to a magical world. Music Hall at Fair Park. 877/828-9200 21—BASTROP: Christmas Candlelight Stroll Walk through the historic downtown area singing Christmas carols and stopping at several churches for scripture readings and refreshments. Downtown. 512/303-0810 19 7 7-2007 22—IRVING: Holiday Celebration: Albinoni, Holst, Rimsky-Korsakov Irving Arts Center, Carpenter Performance Hall. www.lascolinassymphony. org 972/252-4800 28—GRAND PRAIRIE: Playhouse Disney Live! Nokia Theatre. www. 214/373-8000 or 972/647-5700 28-30—GLEN ROSE: Booger Barter Team Roping Somervell County Expo Center. 254/897-3081 29-30—ATHENS: Best in Texas Barrel Racing Henderson County Fairpark Complex. 903/677-6354 31—DALLAS: Bach’s Greatest Hits St. Rita’s Catholic Church. www. 214/320-8700 31—DALLAS: New Year’s Luncheon/Tea Dance Charity Ball Features Jack Melick’s Big Band. Reservations deadline is Dec. 22. Sterling Hotel. E-mail: 979/239-3342 or 214/341-2900 31—FORT WORTH: Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl The Division 1A football champions from the Pac-10 Conference, Conference USA or Mountain West meet in Fort Worth for this match up. TCU’s Amon Carter Stadium. 31—FORT WORTH: New Year’s Eve 2007 Join the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra for a new show. Bass Performance Hall. 817/665-6000 Texas Events has been published with the permission of the Texas Department of Transportation. All events are taken in part from the Texas Events Calendar. All dates for events were correct at the time of publication and are subject to change. ADVERTISE HERE 888-687-6444 • NO MATTER THE SIZE OF YOUR BUSINESS, WE’VE GOT ROOM FOR YOU! Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc. Timarron Owner's Association Newsletter - December 2007 13 TIMARRON TIM’S Kids Peel, Inc. Printing & Publishing Publishing community newsletters since 1991 Kelly Peel Sales Manager 512-989-8905 1-888-687-6444 14 Timarron Owner's Association Newsletter - December 2007 Support This Neighborhood Newsletter. Advertise your business to your neighbors. Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc. TIMARRON Attention KIDS: Send Us Your Masterpiece! Color the drawing below and mail the finished artwork to us at 203 W. Main Street, Ste. D, Pflugerville, TX 78660. We will select the top few and post their artwork online at DUE: December 31st Be sure to include the following so we can let you know! Name: ________________________________________ (first name, last initial) Age:______ Email Address: ________________________________________ [This information will only be used to notify you or your parents if your artwork was selected.] Timarron Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc. Timarron Owner's Association Newsletter - December 2007 15 TIMARRON Peel, Inc. PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE 203 W. Main Street, Suite D Pflugerville, Texas 78660 % Voice 512-989-8905 16 Timarron Owner's Association Newsletter - December 2007 PAID PEEL, INC. V TM Copyright © 2007 Peel, Inc.
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