

June / Junio 2008 - Free Newsletter / Revista Gratuita
The Hispanic Center, Inc. / El Centro Hispano
800 Allegheny Ave. Suite 127 & 118 A
Pittsburgh, PA 15233
Tel: 412-322-2714/ 412-322-2716 / 412-322-2717
Supporting the Latino and Business Communities in Pittsburgh
In this Issue
The Pittsburgh Regional Compact
Turn Your Vacations into Donations
Changes in Lattitude
Star Volunteers
Working Together We Are Stronger
Local Officials Support Latinos
Job Opportunities & Services
Filing Your Taxes Hispanic Center: In the Media
Diversity SoccerFest 2008
Free Training Programs
Board of Directors
Beatrice Contreras
Angel Couoh
Ricardo Barón
Board Members
Silvio Baretta
Guillermo Campaña
Ana María Mieles
Angeles Valenciano
Rodolfo Vega
Executive Director
Pedro Paulo Bretz
Employment and Training Manager
Shena L. Cavallo
Assistant Office Manager
José Ignacio Iglesias
IT Administrator
Mildred Galarza-Martí
Newsletter Editor
Jessica Valotta
Volunteer Coordinator
Patricia Galetto
For Employers, Educators, Membership is Just a Click Away
The Pittsburgh Regional Compact: Building the Workforce and Building Careers
In a meeting with Roger Cranville, Senior Vice President of Global Marketing at the Pittsburgh Regional
Alliance in Pittsburgh, Beatrice Contreras, Chair of the Board at The Hispanic Center, and Pedro Bretz,
Executive Director at The Hispanic Center, the three discussed ideas regarding workforce development
in the region. Researching Pittsburgh industry clusters with jobs that go unfilled is an important issue
that needs to be addressed. In an effort to alleviate this, The Hispanic Center is currently working to
strengthen relationships with educational institutions in Pittsburgh targeting students upon graduation for
career placement. Please read below to find out more about what the Pittsburgh Regional Compact is
doing to address the issue.
he Pittsburgh Regional Compact is an employer-driven
initiative collaboratively sponsored by the Allegheny
on Community Development, business
leaders, educators, students, educational institutions and
workforce development organizations across the 10county Pittsburgh region.
Launched last November at the Allegheny Conference’s
annual meeting, the Compact addresses a regional
workforce challenge: employers report they cannot find
enough skilled and qualified employees to fill their jobs
and students believe they can’t find jobs in the Pittsburgh
Neither statement is true, but perception can become
reality. What is contributing to some employers’ and
students’ perceptions? Historically, most career education
in the region has been offered in a piecemeal manner.
Unfortunately, these career education efforts couldn’t
effectively connect, across the board, employers with
schools. Thus, students may have received less exposure
to the types of real-world jobs or careers they could expect
to find in the region and their preparation for securing
one of the available jobs or careers might have been
insufficient. The result is an inadequate pool of qualified
job candidates for employers who want fill open positions,
and employers begin to look elsewhere for candidates.
Together, Compact members are responding
to the regional workforce challenge with a solution
focused on employer-educator partnerships. These
partnerships uniquely present an overview of the
jobs available regionally – now and in the future
– and show students how to prepare themselves for
these jobs. This approach is practical and grounded
in the reality of the types of employment that are
regional drivers: information technology, advanced
manufacturing, healthcare and energy – to name a few
key industry sectors. A full complement of qualified
Continued on Page 6
Turn your Vacations into Donations By George Villegas
oes it matter where you book your travel?
Yes, it does matter. Not only to you, but also
to The Hispanic Center and Shepherd Financial
Group, LLC, and now when you book your travel
with us through the use of www.TravelForACause.
org you’ll not only be getting a great deal, you’ll
also be contributing to the sustainability of an
organization you believe in and you already
support. Quite often, what distinguishes one travel
site from another is simply which one happens to
be offering the lowest price. As
long as they can find a good
deal, most travelers don’t care
where they book their travel.
But what if you could take
advantage of great low prices
while lending your support to
The Hispanic Center?
By visiting our new travel
www.TravelForACause.org, you
can do just that. For everything
you book on our site, a portion
of the travel commissions
you generate will be given to
Creative Fundraising Ideas (a
division of Shepherd Financial
Group, LLC) who in turn will
Donate a generous portion of that to The
Hispanic Center. – From the ‘drop-down’ menu
select The Hispanic Center as the organization
you wish to receive credit for your booking and
we will do the rest - And you’ll still be getting
a great deal on all the things you purchase:
airfare, cruises, hotels, rental cars, vacation
packages, and more. In fact, unlike the other
highly advertised travel sites, we also offer you
the ability to purchase special event tickets;
concerts, sporting
events, etc. and even
buy flowers through
our site. So next time,
make your travel count.
Book your travel with us
and help support The
Hispanic Center today.
Creative Fundraising
Ideas travel website
org) offers you the
same airlines, hotels
and rental cars, and the
same low rates offered
by other websites.
Para leer este artículo en
español visite
Visit our NEW website at www.pghhispaniccenter.org
Opor tunidades
Changes in Lattitude By Jessica Valotta
he staff at The
Hispanic Center
would like to send a
special message to
Dawn Morgenstern
or Yamuna as many
of you may know
her. She began
her work at The
Hispanic Center in
November of 2005,
and in that time has
made countless
matches between job seekers and employers,
in addition to providing an indescribable
number of services to the Latino community in
As the Latino population in Pittsburgh
expands, many companies seek biliingual
employees. One company is Burns & Scalo
roofing company. They are continually aiming
to expand their Latino workforce, and for that
reason they decided to hire a bilingual Human
Resource Director, who would work to better
integrate and promote a positive and diverse
work environment for all employees. They
chose Yamuna, a highly qualified candidate.
We’d like to wish Yamuna good luck in her
new job at Burns & Scalo and all the best in her
journey of life.
On another note, The Hispanic Center
would like to Congratulate Shena Cavallo on
being promoted to Employment and Training
Manger. She looks forward to continuing the
work of Yamuna, serving the Latino community
and meeting with all Hispanic Center’s
collaborative Human Resource Managers.
The Hispanic Center also would like
to introduce its newest addition, Patricia
Galetto. She holds the position of Volunteer
Coordinator and has been reaching
out to the community attracting new
volunteers, as well as, working closely
with current volunteers. She is just
delightful and it is a pleasure to have
her be a part of The Hispanic Center
The Hispanic Center has seen
many positive changes, and is
excited to continue serving clients at
its best.
Cambios de Latitud
l personal del Centro Hispano
quiere enviar un mensaje
Free Meeting
Space Available
As part of their effort to reach out to
all residents of Allegheny County, the
Department of Human Services (DHS)
is making their building’s meeting
space available free of charge for DHS
sponsored immigrant and international
groups in Allegheny County. This is part
of their Immigrants and Internationals
Initiative and the purpose of this
policy is to foster community building
and mutual support among immigrant
and international groups. The rooms
available for use are on the lower level
of the Human Services Building; located
especial a Dawn Morgenstern,
mejor conocida por Yamuna.
Ella comenzó a trabajar para el
Centro Hispano en noviembre
de 2005, y desde entonces
estuvo haciendo innumerables
conexiones entre buscadores de
trabajo y empleadores, además
de incontable servicios a la
comunidad latina en Pittsburgh.
Como se amplia la población
latina en Pittsburgh, muchas
empresas están intentando
conseguir empleados bilingües. Una tal
empresa se llama, Burns & Scalo, una
compañía de instalación de techos. Debido a
que Burns & Scalo está expandiendo la fuerza
trabajadora latina, decidieron reclutar un
Director de Recursos Humanos bilingüe, que
pudiera integrarse y promover el ambiente
diverso de trabajo de todos los empleados.
Seleccionaron a Yamuna, candidata
altamente calificada. Nosotros queremos
desear a Yamuna mucha suerte en su nuevo
trabajo con B&S y todo lo mejor.
Por otra parte, el Centro Hispano quiere
felicitar a Shena Cavallo al ser promovida a
Gerente de Empleos y Entrenamiento. Ella
continuará la labor de Yamuna, sirviendo a la
comunidad latina y reuniéndose con Gerentes
de Recursos Humanos que colaboran con el
Centro Hispano.
El Centro Hispano también quiere introducir
a Patricia Galetto, que ha sido nombrada
Coordinadora de Voluntarios del Centro
Hispano, y esta relacionándose con la
comunidad, y atrayendo nuevos voluntarios
al Centro Hispano, así como trabajando
directamente con los que ya tenemos. Ella es
una persona muy agradable y es un placer
tenerla como
un miembro de
nuestro equipo
en el Centro
El Centro
Hispano ha
visto muchos
positivos, y
está motivado
de continuar
sirviendo a
sus clientes lo
mejor posible.
downtown at One Smithfield St. and are
available when not in use by DHS.
For more information, contact
Barbara Murock at Barbara.murock@
Spacio para reuniones
disponible y Gratis
Como parte de los esfuerzos por llegar
a todos los residentes del Condado de
Allegheny, el Departamento de Servicios
Humanos (DHS) esta preparando sus
salas de reuniones para ponerlas a
disposición de manera gratuita, de los
grupos de inmigrantes e internacionales
apoyados por el DHS del Condado de
Star Volunteers
¡Gracias Rosi y Rosa por
toda vuestra ayuda!
Por Patricia Galetto
n nombre del Centro Hispano queremos agradecer
públicamente por todo el gran aporte que hacen
nuestros voluntarios desinteresadamente.
Tal es el caso en este último mes, de nuestras amigas
Rosi Bonacchi, quién
con su experiencia
en trabajo social y
asistencia nos ayudó
con los llamados
a empleadores y
empresas. También
realizó varias tareas
y practicó su español
con nosotras.
Rosa McGill,
nuestra gran
voluntaria ha hecho
innumerables tareas,
desde atender los
llamados de la oficina,
pasar información en
nuestra base de datos
y lo más importante consiguió trabajo para muchos de
nuestros clientes. Se ha destacado con su caudal de
conocimientos especialmente hablar varios idiomasespañol, portugués, alemán, y japonés básico. Rosa se
graduará en 2011 de la Universidad de Pittsburgh.
Y damos la bienvenida a todos aquellos que quieren
ayudar a crecer el Centro Hispano. Para ser voluntario
del Centro Hispano contacte con Patricia al
412- 322-2714.
A Big Thank you to Special
Volunteers Rosa and Rosi!
he Hispanic Center would like to give a special
thanks to our volunteers for all their great efforts
and support.
Last month, Rosi Bonacchi, with her experiences in
social services helped us reach out to employers and
businesses anouncing future parternships and upcoming
events. Rosi helped complete various projects as well as
brushing up on her spanish.
Rosa McGill, another great volunteer has done
countless projects, in addition to taking calls, data entry
and most importantly
helping clients find
work. Rosa is a
linguistics major at the
University of Pittsburgh
and speaks spanish,
portuguese, german,
and basic japonese.
We’d like to
welcome all those
interested in
volunteering at The
Hispanic Center. If
you’d like to volunteer
please contact Patricia
at 412-322-2714.
Allegheny. Es parte de su “Iniciativa
de Inmigrantes e Internacionales” y el
propósito de esta política es fomentar
la construcción comunitaria y apoyo
mutuo entre los grupos de inmigrantes
e internacionales. Las salas disponibles
para su uso están en el nivel bajo del
Edificio de Servicios Humanos, que se
encuentra en el Centro de Pittsburgh
en One Smithfield St. y están a su
disposición cuando no sean utilizadas por
Para más información, póngase en
contacto con Barbara Murock en el email
Opor tunidades
Working Together We Are Stronger! By Patricia Documet
atinos, the fastest growing population in the United
States, experience a multitude of barriers to quality
health care services and have worse health outcomes
than the general population.
Even when individuals and organizations in the
Pittsburgh area work to address these problems, they
are still overwhelming. What if we put our strengths
together in a formal way?
From February to April of 2008, under the
leadership of Dr. Patricia Documet, a unique
partnership was formed to write a grant proposal to
implement a network of Promotores – community
members trained to outreach and connect people
to health related services and offer social support.
Community members, as well as health and human
service providers were invited to be apart of the
“committee.” The enthusiasm of the project was
contagious as teamwork expanded.
The committee’s focus was on families with
children and men living apart from their families,
thus it was decided to have women Promotoras,
and male Promotores. Social support is also crucial.
The problem in the area is that many Latinos are
isolated, and one way of solving this problem is by
taking advantage of the various agencies servicing
the population. For example, The Hispanic Center and
its first ever Spanish Service Directory, in addition to
Join Us...
Thursday, July 31st
8PM til ???
@ Mullaney's Harp & Fiddle
for music, food & dancing
from all over the Latin Nations!
and... join us for
Harp & Fiddle Latino Nights
Thursday nights, Cuban Chef, Sammy
Balbuena prepares authentic Cuban
cuisine that, "goes beyond the borders!"
Enjoy a margarita, mojito or caipirinha
with your meal accompanied by the
musical sounds of a Latino paradise!
their newsletter Oportunidades, which reaches more
Latinos in the Greater Pittsburgh area than any other
publication. Another example is The Graduate School
of Public Health which has expertise in health services
and grant writing. The Squirrel Hill Health Center, the
Birmingham Clinic, Salud Para Niños (Health for the
Children) from Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Latino
Mental Health Coalition and Nueve Lunas are a few
other organizations offering health services in Spanish.
Additionally, Consumer Health Coalition, the Latino
Catholic Community Social Services, the Pittsburgh
Interfaith Impact Network, and Community Justice
Project reach out to Latinos. As the Latino population in
Pittsburgh grows, so do its bilingual services.
Currently, the proposal is the National Institutes of
The Promotores network is expected to start
next year. “Together we can do anything!” said Dr.
Documet. If you or your organization is interested in
helping out or joining the committee, email Patricia
Documet at documetp@yahoo.com.
¡Trabajando juntos somos más fuertes!
os Latinos, el sector de población de crecimiento
más rápido en los Estados Unidos, encuentran
barreras para acceder a servicios de salud de calidad y
tienen peores resultados de salud que la población en
Aún cuando
organizaciones y personas
trabajan en el área de
Pittsburgh para solucionar
estos problemas en nuestra
comunidad, los inconvenientes
aun existen. ¿Qué sucedería si
tratáramos de poner nuestros
esfuerzos juntos de manera
Desde febrero hasta abril
de 2008, bajo el liderazgo
de la Dra. Patricia Documet,
se creó una asociación
para escribir una propuesta
para solicitar fondos para
implementar una red de
Promotores – miembros de
la comunidad entrenados
para conectar con la gente y
hacerles llegar los servicios de
salud y ofrecer apoyo social.
Miembros de la comunidad,
así como organismos e
instituciones de salud y de
servicios sociales fueron
invitados a formar parte del
“comité”. El entusiasmo del
proyecto fue definitivamente
contagioso al tiempo que el
grupo de trabajo se expandía.
El comité comprendió
que el enfoque debía estar
en familias con niños y
hombres viviendo lejos de
Harp & Fiddle
sus familias, y por esta razón
se decidió tener mujeres
2329 Penn Ave
Promotoras, y hombres
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Promotores. El apoyo social
es crucial. El problema en el
área es que muchos latinos
están aislados, y una manera
www.harpandfiddle.com de solventar este problema
es aprovechar la existencia
Don't forget
zapatos de baile
so you can
dance away the
de organizaciones que proporcionan servicios a la
población. Por ejemplo: el Centro Hispano y el primer
Directorio de Servicios para la Comunidad Latina en
español, además de publicar el boletín Oportunidades,
que llega a más latinos en el área de Pittsburgh que
cualquier otra publicación. Otro ejemplo es la Escuela
de Salud Pública que tiene experiencia en servicios
de salud y preparación de propuestas para solicitar
fondos. El Centro de Salud de Squirrel Hill, la Clínica
Birmingham, Salud Para Niños (Health for Children)
del Hospital de Niños de Pittsburgh, la Coalición
de Salud Mental de Pittsburgh y Nueve Lunas son
algunas de las organizaciones que ofrecen servicios de
salud en español. Además, la Coalición de Salud del
Consumidor, los Servicios Sociales de la Comunidad
Católica Latina, la Red de Impacto de Interfé de
Pittsburgh, y el Proyecto de Justicia para la Comunidad,
llegan a latino. La población Latina de Pittsburgh esta
creciendo y también lo hacen los servicios bilingües.
Se espera que comience la red de Promotores el
próximo año. “Juntos podemos hacer mucho” dice la
Dra. Documet. Si usted o su organización tiene interés
en ayudar o unirse al comité, contacte con Patricia
Documet por email documetp@yahoo.com.
Local Distinguished
Officials Support
Latinos in Pittsburgh!
Chief Executive Officer
of Allegheny County Dan
Onorato and Pedro Bretz
in recent meeting at the
Allegheny County Courthouse.
Mayor of Pittsburgh Luke
Ravenstahl and Pedro Bretz.
Opor tunidades
Learn how to stand out at
your next job interview.
Aprenda como destacar en
su próxima entrevista de trabajo.
We can help. At each of PA CareerLink’s four locations, our variety of workshops are available
to help you with your resume, interview preparation, and career counseling. All of our
locations are equipped with free internet access, faxes, phones, as well as many other job
search resources.
En cada una de las oficinas de Careerlink de PA nuestra variedad de talleres esta disponible para ayudarle
con su resume, preparación de la entrevista y consejos de carrera profesional. Todas nuestras oficinas están
equipadas con acceso gratuito a Internet, faxes, teléfonos, además de otras fuentes de búsqueda de trabajo.
Visit us online for more information:
Para más información visita nuestra sitio de web:
Phone: 866-317-JOBS; 877-TTY-JOB1
More jobs.
Más Trabajos.
More employees.
Más Empleadores.
More help finding them. Más Ayuda en la Busqueda.
Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request. Requesting accommodations in advance
helps to ensure that reasonable accommodations are available at the time service is provided. Phone 866-317-5627; TTY 877-889-5621;
www.careerlinkpittsburgh.com, click on “Reasonable Accommodations”
¿Esta Buscando Trabajo en Pittsburgh? ¡Contactenos! 412-322-2716
Opor tunidades
Se Necesitan Conductores/Jardineros
Lawn King esta en la zona de South Hills de Pittsburgh. Somos un negocio local
establecido hace 19 años. Estamos buscando candidatos responsables, buenos
trabajadores, con motivación y con una buena y sólida ética de trabajo.
Los candidatos interesados deben tener una licencia de manejar valida y un historial
limpio, sin infracciones de circulación. De uno a tres años de experiencia en jardinería
y deben tener transporte propio para ir al lugar de trabajo cada día. Por favor, no
aplicar si no cumple los requisitos exigidos. Se comprobara el historial delictivo y de
Puestos de trabajo Full time y Part time. Durante el periodo
de prueba de treinta días el sueldo es de $9 por hora. Con
experiencia previa en landscape y realización de un buen
trabajo durante los 30 días puede suponer entre $11-13
por hora y posibilidad de beneficios para personas que
califiquen. Ponerse en contacto con Michelle en el 412 563
5296 para mas información.
Visite nuestra website www. lawnkinglandscaping.com o
envié un email con su resume actualizado a lawnking@verizon.net
Drivers/ Landscapers Needed
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positions available. 30 day introductory period, $9 per hour. Previous Landscaping
Experience and Work Performance during 30 days can allow up to $11-13 per hour
and possible benefits for qualified people. Contact Michelle @ 412-563-5296 for more
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to: lawnking@verizon.net
Lawn King Landscaping
P.O. Box 1455 McMurray, PA 15025
412-563-LAWN (5296)
Aprende a preparar taxes y gana dinero extra*.
Toma un curso que te dara la habilidad para poder convertirte en un profesional en
taxes y obtener empleo temporal, y asi podrias ganar mas dinero para ti y tu familia
sin comprometer tu estilo de vida. Es perfecto para amas de casa, o personas que
no deseen trabajar a tiempo completo.
l Hay clases en espanol** o en ingles.
l Los horarios de las clases son flexibles ¡para amol darse
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l ¡Animamos a estudiantes que completen el
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Llama hoy al 1-800-HRBLOCK o visita
hrblock.com/goto/cursodetaxes para información
sobre horarios y localidades.
Learn to prepare taxes and earn extra money*.
Take a course that can provide you with the skills necessary to become a
professional tax preparer. Obtain seasonal employment opportunities which may
help you earn extra money for you and your family, without having to compromise
your lifestyle. It’s perfect for stay-at-home parents or people who don’t wish to work
full time.
l Spanish** and English –language classes available.
l Class hours are flexible to accommodate your routine!
l Students who successfully complete the course are
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Call 1-800-HRBLOCK today or visit
hrblock.com/goto/cursodetaxes for more
information on schedules and locations.
*La inscripción en el Curso de Preparación de Taxes de H&R Block, o la finalización del mismo, no es una oferta ni una garantía de empleo. Podrían
aplicarse cargos del curso y restricciones a la inscripción. Válido en las localidades participantes solamente. Nulo donde esté prohibido. H&R Block
es un empleador de oportunidades igualitarias. ** Se ofrecen clases en español en muchas localidades.
*Enrollment in, or completion of the H&R Block Income Tax Course is neither an offer nor a guarantee of employment. Enrollment restrictions and
course fees may apply. Valid at participating locations only. Void where prohibited. H&R Block is an equal opportunity employer. **Classes are offered
in Spanish at many locations.
Opor tunidades
By Jose Ignacio Iglesias
he Hispanic Center, in collaboration with
the Latino Catholic Community, Community
Justice Project and The Benefit Bank, provided
assistance to 50 Latinos in SWPA to file federal
and state income taxes 2007. The Benefit Bank
supplied the software and training of volunteers
from the Latino Catholic Community Office of
Social Services, Community Justice Project and
The Hispanic Center. This is the second straight
year, tax filing services have been provided for
free and in Spanish in Allegheny County.
Rosylnn Moholland, Benefit Bank
Coordinator, commented, “What an impressive
result due to the dedicated energy of a small
group!”. According to their statistics, the total
Adjusted Gross Income of participants filing
returns was $920,700 for the year 2007. Thirty
five participants will receive an average
return of $1,197, and the other 10 must pay an
average of $821 in owed taxes. In addition,
nine people were eligible for the Earned
Income Credit, eleven for the Additional
Child Tax Credit, and 22 applicants qualified
for the Economic Stimulus Payment, who
are expected to receive a check of $518 on
The Hispanic Center is a member of the
“Money in the Pocket Coalition of Pittsburgh”
and has the third highest number of tax
returns filled in SWPA using The Benefit Bank
program. The Hispanic Center thanks The
Benefit Bank for their support and intensive
training of the interactive software made
available --and especially to all the volunteers
for their time and dedication. Given such
good results generated for both tax payers
and government alike, we hope to continue
offering this service in the future.
Para leer este artículo en español visite www.pghhispaniccenter.org
For Employers, Educators,
Membership is Just a Click
Away Continued from front page
Hispanic Center: In the Media
By Jessica Valotta
Comcast Provides Airtime for
The Hispanic Center
In an effort to communicate The Hispanic
Center’s mission and current projects, Pedro
Bretz, was interviewed by Tonya Caruso
of COMCAST Newsmakers last April. The
interview was aired during the month of May
and received positive feedback regarding The
Hispanic Center’s achievements, 3 year strategic
plan, and positive effect the organization
has had and is having in SWPA’s economy.
The Hispanic Center would like to thank
COMCAST for all their tremendous support and
the opportunity to tell about the its role in
community development.
Clear Channel’s Diversity Career Fair
Clear Channel’s Diversity Career Fair on May 21,
2008 was a big success. It took place at Dave
and Buster’s at the Waterfront and the turnout
was tremendous. The Hispanic Center was
able to connect with many employers and job
seekers and hopes to continue collaborating in
similar events in the future.
A través del programa innovativo y revolucionario llamado sistema de Money Merge
AccountTM, los propietarios pueden usar medidas bancarias establecidas para ayudar a pagar
la hipoteca rápidamente y de manera segura, potencialmente ahorrando no DECIMAS si no
CIENTOS DE MILES de dólares en intereses.
Through an innovative and revolutionary program called the Money Merge AccountTM
system, homeowners can now use established banking tools to help pay their mortgage off
quickly and safely, potentially saving TENS if not HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars in
Results will vary and are determined by individual financial situation. The information contained herein
does not constitute an offer or a solicitation to lend or extend credit. Provided by Shepard Financial
Group, LLC Independent United First Financial Software agent #849037.
employees supports business success, which is good
for the regional economy. Keeping students in the
region to live and work also bolsters the economy
and keeps the region vibrant and diverse. Compact
partnerships are win-win.
The Compact is a bridge between employers and
educators, two entities which don’t often interface.
Because the Compact is supported by regional
business leaders, among others, connecting employers
and educators is convenient and happens across
Compact membership. Employers have an opportunity
to shape career education so that today’s students
– tomorrow’s workforce – are realistically prepared to
fill a variety of regional jobs. Educators are supported
by employer partners, and meeting Career Education
standards can be easier and more creative as a result
of collaboration.
More information about the Pittsburgh
Regional Compact is available at www.
pittsburghregionalcompact.org. Employers and
educators can find information on the website specific
to their roles, and joining the Compact is easy.
Employers or educators interested in membership can
download a brief membership form directly from the
website. Compact organizers get in touch with new
members and provide assistance with indentifying an
employer or educator partner and deciding on which
career education activities to pursue.
Para leer este artículo en español visite
Llame hoy para un Análisis GRATIS
Shepard Financial Group
P.O. Box 233
Zelionople, PA 16063
George Villegas, Jr
Opor tunidades
El Centro Hispano les Invita a.....
S cc e r f e s t
- mini juegos para niños Entre los
- Comida mexicana para la venta
- Jugadores del Pittsburgh River
- Invitado Especial de Allegheny
- Rifas Y Premios
- Feria de Trabajo de Diversidad
Jueves el 28 de agosto de 10am-3pm .
Llame para mas info.
Agosto 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24
Partidos de 9am-12pm & 12pm -3pm
North Park Soccer Fields (20
mins. norte de Pgh en Wexford
desde Rt. 19)
Si tiene un equipo y quiere participar llame 412-322-2717
Founded in 2001, PC Doctor
has become the number one
onsite computer solutions
provider, offering systems repair,
maintenance, systems solutions
for network, workstations and one
on one application training.
Our main goal is to offer excellent
customer service to residential customers and small
businesses, bringing our technology and system knowledge
regardless of how big or small you are. Specializing in:
Residential and Business Services
Repair- Upgrades, System Performance, Virus Removal
Data Recovery
Se Habla
System Backup
Software Training
Network Services
System Design
Website and Database Development
South Hills / Mt. Lebanon
North Hills / McKnight Rd
East Monroeville
Plum Boro / New Kensington
Join us
May 3
June 14
June 21
June 29
July 5
July 19
July 20
July 26
August 1
August 9
Time Opponent
Games played at Chartiers Valley HS Stadium
50 Thoms Run Rd, Bridgeville, PA 15017
July 19 & 20
Group Rates Apply
Mention The Hispanic Center Inc.
to receive your Group Rate
Youth soccer camps
Player appearances
Promotion Nights
3v3 Tournament
July 12-13
Ruetom Fields - Washington, PA
Non-profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Community College of
Allegheny County
The Hispanic Center, Inc
El Centro Hispano
800 Allegheny Ave. Suite 127 & 118A
Pittsburgh, PA 15233
Tel: 412-322-2714 / 412-322-2716
Para Obtener el GED
¿Qué es el GED?
El GED (General Educational Development) es el exámen
equivalente al diploma de la escuela secundaria (high school).
Se compone de cinco partes, las cuales miden el conocimiento
adquirido en las siguientes materias:
• Escritura • Estudios Sociales • Ciencias
•Interpretación de literatura y arte • Matemáticas
Este curso en español ayuda en la preparación en cada
materia para tomar el exámen de GED en español. El
curso es de 12 semanas y las clases son lunes por
la tarde de 6:00 - 8:00pm.
Fechas de Sesiones:
• Comienza el 9 de julio hasta lunes 15 de septiembre. Matrícula entre el 18 de junio y 14 de julio.
• Comienza el 22 de septiembre hasta lunes 8 de diciembre. Matrícula entre el 2 y 22 de septiembre.
Para Matrícularse llame a:
Shena al 412-322-2716 o Patricia al 412-322-2714
Goodwill Industries of Pittsburgh
Robert Foltz Building
2600 East Carson Street, Piso 6
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Financial Services
Start a professional career with companies like National City,
PNC Bank, Bank of New York Mellon, Sky Bank, Parkvale, and
•Improve business English for non-native English speakers.
•Complete training in 9 weeks, 5pm-8pm, M, T, W, Th.
•Improve your computer and keyboarding skills.
•Graduates receive job placement support, resume and interview preparation.
Orientation Dates:
Thursday 6/26 from 6 – 8 PM
Wednesday 7/2 from 3 – 5 PM
Tuesday 7/8 from 6 – 8 PM
Classes start July 14, 2008, run Monday thru Thursday,
5pm - 8pm and end September 11, 2008. Please call The
Hispanic Center to reserve space: 412-322-2716
Orientation Location:
Goodwill Industries of Pittsburgh
Robert Foltz Building
2600 East Carson Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
(Attendance to an orientation session is mandatory.)
M any T hanks T o A ll T hose O ffering S upport A nd S ponsorship
T o D iversity S occer F est 2008!