WMSG 2008 Report
WMSG 2008 Report
Civilization Varied, Wisdom Unbounded October 3rd to 18th 2008 B ei j i ng, C hi na Table of contents 1. Presentation of the World Mind Sports Games Beijing 2008............................ 3 1.1 General presentation ................................................................................................. 3 1.1.1 The International Mind Sports Association (IMSA) ................................................................ 3 1.1.2 The 5 mind sports of the World Mind Sports Games ............................................................. 3 1.1.3 The organisation of World Mind Sports Games ..................................................................... 9 1.1.4 Welcome to Beijing, China ................................................................................................... 10 1.1.5 The Event in Datas ............................................................................................................... 11 1.1.6 List of the participating countries .......................................................................................... 12 1.1.7 Competition site .................................................................................................................... 14 1.2 Competition programme ..........................................................................................18 1.2.1 Bridge ................................................................................................................................... 19 1.2.2 Chess.................................................................................................................................... 20 1.2.3 Draughts ............................................................................................................................... 21 1.2.4 Go ......................................................................................................................................... 22 1.2.5 Xiangqi (Chinese Chess) ...................................................................................................... 23 1.3 Results.......................................................................................................................24 1.3.1 General ................................................................................................................................. 24 1.3.2 Bridge ................................................................................................................................... 25 1.3.3 Chess.................................................................................................................................... 26 1.3.4 Draughts ............................................................................................................................... 27 1.3.5 Go ......................................................................................................................................... 27 1.3.6 Xiangqi (Chinese chess)....................................................................................................... 28 2. Media ................................................................................................................... 29 2.1 TV Production ...........................................................................................................29 2.2.1 Media areas .......................................................................................................................... 31 2.2.2 Press conferences ................................................................................................................ 32 2.2.3 Press releases ...................................................................................................................... 34 2.3 Television coverage ..................................................................................................36 2.4 Press coverage .........................................................................................................38 2.5 The Daily Bulletins ....................................................................................................45 3. Public Relations .................................................................................................. 46 3.1 Opening ceremony ...................................................................................................46 3.2 WBF’s 50th Anniversary and IMSA Gala Dinner ......................................................50 3.3 Closing ceremony .....................................................................................................51 4. Event’s Promotion .............................................................................................. 54 4.1 Internet ......................................................................................................................54 4.2 Television ..................................................................................................................56 4.3 Marketing supports...................................................................................................58 4.3.1 Brand exposure .................................................................................................................... 58 4.3.2 Decoration items................................................................................................................... 65 2 1. Presentation of the World Mind Sports Games, Beijing 1.1 General presentation 1.1.1 The International Mind Sports Association (IMSA) On the 19th of April 2005, four federations met together under the AEGIS of the General Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF) and decided to constitute the International Mind Sport Association (IMSA). The International Mind Sports Association in datas : - 4 Games : Bridge, Chess, Draughts, and Go - 400 National federations - 500 million players On the occasion of the World Mind Sports Games, an other popular mind sport joined the competion : Xiangqi (Chinese Chess). 1.1.2 The 5 mind sports of the World Mind Sports Games Mind sports are real Sports, with universal values concentration training fighting spirit competitive attitude quick reflexes Mind Sports physical fitness fair play discipline stamina 3 Mind sports intervene in the areas of : Behaviour (cf. civic education) Structuring the mind, reasoning Techniques (mental arithmetic, probabilities….) Memory Concentration These five mind sports Games are taught in schools in many countries all over the world. Bridge Bridge is a Game of communication between a pair of players, playing in partnership, against an opposing pair. A contract is decided during the first phase, called the auction. Then the second phase involves the play of the cards, and is based on information gained, together with the probabilities of card distribution. Key figures · 100 million players · 130 countries / 5 continents · 1 million affiliated members The World Bridge Federation (WBF) It is recognized by, or affiliated to : · IOC (International Olympic Committee) as an International Sports Federation since 1999 · ARISF (Association of the IOC Recognized International Sports Federations) · GAISF (General Association of International Sports Federations) · IMSA (International Mind Sports Association) WBF celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2008. Through its World Educational Foundation, it has developed a teaching program especially in schools supported by UNESCO. This program is actively used in many countries (including US, France, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, China, Indonesia, and many others). WBF Championships · The World Bridge Team Championships in the odd years (Bermuda Bowl, Venice Cup, and World Transnational Open Teams) · The World Bridge Games in the Summer Olympic year (Open teams, Women Teams and World Transnational Mixed Teams) · The World Bridge Series in the other even year (Open teams, Women Teams, Open Pairs and Mixed Pairs) · The World Bridge Youth Championships every year (Youth-25 and Youth-20 Teams) At the 1st World Mind Sports Games, there were 9 bridge events : Bridge Teams José Damiani’s Cup (Youth-21), Bridge Teams Ortiz Patiño’s Trophy (Youth-26), Bridge Youth (28) Team, Bridge Youth (-28) Pairs, Bridge Youth (-28) Individual, Bridge Individual Women, Bridge Individual Men, Bridge Teams (Open), and Bridge Teams (Women). 4 Chess Chess is a royal Game. Originally the Game of kings, chess today is a sport for all. Sixteen white pieces battle against 16 black pieces on a board of 64 squares. It is played at schools throughout the whole world. Some of the scholastic events in places like Russia and USA involve very large numbers. Key figures · 300 million players · 161 countries / 5 continents · 800 000 affiliated members « Federation Internationale des Echecs » (FIDE) FIDE was founded in 1924 in Paris, France. It is recognized by or affiliated to : · IOC (International Olympic Committee) as an International Sports Federation since 1999 · ARISF (Association of the IOC Recognized International Sports Federations) · GAISF (General Association of International Sports Federations) · IMSA (International Mind Sports Association) The purpose and aim of “Federation Internationale des Echecs” is the diffusion and development of Chess among nations of the world, as well as the raising of peoples recognition on chess of its competitiveness, creativity, culture … FIDE regular Championships · World Championships every 2 years · International Team Championships every 2 years · World Team Championships every 4 years · World Junior and Youth every year · World Seniors every year · World Schools Team and Individual Championships every year At the 1st World Mind Sports Games, there were 10 Chess events : Chess Individual Blitz (Women), Chess Individual Blitz (Men), Chess Individual Rapid (Women), Chess Individual Rapid Men, Chess Paris Blitz (Mixed), Chess Paris Rapid (Mixed), Chess Teams Blitz (Women), Chess Teams Blitz (Men), Chess Teams Rapid (Women) and Chess Teams Rapid (Men). 5 Draughts Draughts is an elimination Game where one player tries to capture all the pieces belonging to his or her opponent on a board. Key figures · 40 million players · 57 countries / 5 continents · A Game played all over the world with strong roots in Europe and Asia « Federation Mondiale du Jeu de Dames » (FMJD) FMJD was founded in 1947 by four Federations (France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland). It is affiliated to : · GAISF (General Association of International Sports Federations) · IMSA (International Mind Sports Association FMJD regular Championships · Championships for women were introduced in 1973, for juniors in 1971, cadets in 1988 and girls in 1989 · Team championships started in 1967 for the senior players and in 1987 for the juniors · Individual European championships, for seniors and youth · International club competitions 6 Go Go is the oldest board Game with the history of three thousand years. The player tries to capture the largest part of the board to win the Game. Coming from China, go is very popular in East-Asia where there are lots of go players and fans. Key Figures · 60 million players · 68 countries / 5 continents · Go is highly broadcasted in Asia : - Go program once broke the record of TV viewers on CCTV - Japans National Station (NHK) organizes a go tournament running throughout the whole year which broadcasts for two hours every Sunday, attracting a very large audience - 3 Korean TV channels are dedicated solely to go broadcasting More than anywhere else in the world, Asian countries are very keen on Go. In China, the government strongly supports the sport and the different competitions. In Japan, go is recognized as an instrument contributing to key elements of human life, such as young peoples education, leisure activities, mental care for the aged, promotion of culture, etc. In Korea, the demand for go is rising rapidly. A number of Korean youngsters are the top players in the world, and they are idols of the Korean peers. In many schools, Go is part of the curriculum. International Go Federation (IGF) · IGF was founded in 1982. It is affiliated to : · GAISF (General Association of International Sports Federations) · IMSA (International Mind Sports Association) At the 1st World Mind Sports Games, there were six Go events : Go Individual Men, Go Individual Women, Go Individual Open, Go Teams (Men), Go Teams (Women) and Go Pairs (Mixed). 7 Xiangqi Xiangqi is a two-player Chinese board Game. It has a long history and is one of the most popular board Games in the world. It consists of 32 pieces, playing on a board with 9 vertical lines and 9 horizontal lines. There are rules of the Game which make Xiangqi quite different from Chess, for example : the generals cannot face each other directly; the river and palace are special board features, and the movements of some pieces are restricted. Key figures · 200 million players · 20countries / 4continents · Xiangqi has spread from Asia into the world, where it has gained increasing popularity World Xiangqi Federation (WXF) WXF was founded in April 6, 1993 during the 3rd World Xiangqi Championships in Beijing, China. The Founder is the late Mr. Henry Fok, former Vice Chairman of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference. The current Chairman is Mr. Timothy Fok. Specific information To promote, organize and develop Xiangqi activities internationally : exchanges and cooperations among Xiangqi organizations in various countries and regions through Xiangqi activities, to enhance peace and friendship among Xiangqi players and people of the world; Xiangqi has spread from Asia into the world, where it has gained increasing popularity. The Game is mainly played in the recreation parts, at local clubs or at home. WXF regular Championships Nine Xiangqi World Championships had been held, they were all fully supported by the players from the members countries and regions in the world. There are also World Championships every two years. At the 1st World Mind Sports Games, there were five Xiangqi events : Xiangqi Rapid (Men), Xiangqi Team (Women), Xiangqi Team (Men), Xiangqi Individual (Women) and Xiangqi Individual (Men). 8 1.1.3 The organisation of the World Mind Sports Games (WMSG) Sponsored by the International Mind Sports Association (IMSA), the World Mind Sports Games is an international multi-event Games with the purpose to popularizing the sports and widening the influence of mind sports like bridge, chess, go, draughts and xiangqi. In order to strengthen the Olympic family, the president of the International Mind Sports Association first proposed the idea of holding Mind Sports Olympic Games after the founding of IMSA in April, 2005. The GAISF supported this idea to complement the vacancy that there was no international multi-events Games for mind sports. Therefore, the 1st World Mind Sports Games was born, with a friendly message of Jacques Rogge, President of the International Olympic Committee. The 1st WMSG is a multi-event Game and for the first time in human history the five mind sports are integrated as one Game. The five mind sports are : bridge, chess, go, draughts, and xiangqi, which have the longest history, the widest popularity and widest influence in the world. It is not only a creative pageant in the sport circle but also an abundant content and large scale exchange for the traditional culture of human being and wisdom. The successful holding of the 1st WMSG will definitely further promote the development of mind sports in the world and will draw people’s attention to get to know, to love and to participate in the mind sports, creating a harmonious atmosphere of edifying wisdom, refining sentiment and pursuing a mental and physical harmony. 9 1.1.4 .Welcome to Beijing, China Geographically located in the northwest part of the North China Plain, and covering an area of 16 800 square km, Beijing is the second largest city in China. It is both a tribute to China's proud history and a gateway to China's future. From its earliest beginnings to its current attempts to be recognized as a major international city, Beijing is a fascinating city. The capital city during the Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, Beijing has long been the political, cultural, and diplomatic center of China. It is now an international metropolis, home to 11 million people from all walks of life. .1.2 The event in data 10 1.1.5 The Event in Datas Title of the event The World Mind Sports Games Date October 3rd to 18th 2008 Location Beijing, China Competition disciplines Bridge Chess Draughts Go Xiangqi (Chinese Chess) Participants Countries Participants Staff, Judges, Officials The Media TV official producers and broadcasters (incl. HB*) 2 Television Channels present 12 Reporters present on site 326 Domestic or foreign media agencies present 109 * HB : TV Host Broadcaster, Beijing TV 11 140 2 736 800 1.1.6 List of the participating countries 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Albania American Samoa Angola Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaidjan Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Benin Bermuda Bolivia Bosnia & Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Bruneï Bulgaria Burkina Faso Cameroun Canada Chile China China Hong Kong China Macau Chinese Taipei Colombia Congo Costa Rica Croatia Cuba ALB SAM AGO ARG ARM ABW AUS AUT AZE BGD BRB BLR BEL BEN BMU BOL BIH BWA BRA BRU BGR BFA KHM CAN CHL CHN HKG MAC CYP COL COG CRI CIV CUB 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 French Polynesia Gabon Georgia Germany Great Britain Greece Grenada Guadeloupe Guinee Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Latvia Lebanon Libya Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malaysia PYF GAB GEO DEU GBR GRC GRD GLP GIN GUY HTI HON HUN ISL IND IDN IRN IRQ IRL ISR ITA CIV JAM JPN JOR KAZ KEN LVA LBN LBY LTU LUX MDG MYS 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Curacao Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt England Estonia Finland France ANT CYP CZE DNK DMA ECU EGY ENG EST FIN FRA 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Mali Malta Martinique Mauritanie Mexico Moldavia Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar MLI MLT MTQ MRT MEX MDA MNG MNE MAR MOZ MYA 12 91 92 93 94 95 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Reunion Romania Russia San Marino NEP NLD NZL NIC NER PER PHL POL PRT REU ROM RUS SMR 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 Spain Sri Lanka Surinam Sweden Switzerland Thailand Trinidad & Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Ukraine United Arab Emirates Uruguay ESP LKA SUR SWE CHE THA TTO TUN TUR TKM UKR UAE URY 109 110 111 112 Scotland Senegal Serbia Sierra Leone SCO SEN SRB SLE 132 133 134 135 USA Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam USA UZB VEN VNM 113 114 Singapore Slovakia SGP SVK 136 137 Wales Zambia WAL ZMB 115 116 Slovenia Somalia SVN SOM 138 139 ZWE PRK 117 118 South Africa South Korea ZAF KOR 140 Zimbabwe North Korea FYROM = former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 13 MKD 1.1.7 Competition site The WMSG took place in the brand new Beijing Olympic Park, which hosted the competitions of the 2008 Olympic Games in August. Beijing Olympic Park sits at the north end of the axis of the metropolis, covering an area of 1 135 hectares, with 680 hectares set for forest park at the north side, 291 hectares for main venues in the center and 114 hectares at the south side. The competitions of the World Mind Sports Games took place in two different venues, both located in the Olympic Park - The Beijing International Convention Center which hosted the competitions for Draughts, Chess, Go, Xiangqi, and Bridge juniors. - The China National Convention Center which hosted the competitions for Bridge, except for juniors. 14 The Beijing International Convention Center (BICC) is located at the intersection of Fourth Ring North Rd. and the central axes of Beijing City, in the commercial area of the Asian Games Village. It is 20 km to the west of the Capital International Airport, 9 Km to the North of Tianan men Square, and 10 Km to the east of Summer Palace. It is also near the Olympic Village. If you want to pay a visit to Great Wall, it will only take you a drive of 80 Km. The Beijing International Convention Center covers a constructional area of 60 000 square meters. It is mainly a venue for international and domestic meetings, exhibition, and largescale activities. It also serves as an office building. 15 The China National Convention Center (CNCC) is located in the north of main venues like Birds Nest and Water Cubes of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. It is composed of the main body, two affiliated hotels and office buildings. It will serve as a symbolized information and intellectualized conference center in Beijing. The China National Convention Center covers an area of 534000 square meters, of which the conference center covers 270000 square meters while supporting facilities covers the rest. Convention halls A and B : playing areas Pre-function space : hospitality area 403 : WBF Secretariat 16 405 : Bulletin room 406 : Meeting room 407 : Press room 408 : Duplication room 409 : Main Office Besides, in both competition sites, players and accompanying persons could enjoy the live broadcasting of the different Games in dedicated rooms called viewgraphs : they could follow the scores and watch the Games on big screens. Many of the Games were commented by professionals, in English and Chinese. 17 1.2 Competition programme Bridge 18 1.2.1Bridge 19 1.2.2 Chess 20 1.2.3 Draughts 21 1.2.4 Go 22 1.2.5 Xiangqi 23 1.3 Results 1.3.1 General NOC Total Rank by Total 1 China 12 8 6 26 1 2 Russia 4 1 3 8 4 3 Ukraine 2 4 3 9 =2 3 Korea 2 4 3 9 =2 5 Norway 2 1 3 6 5 6 Turkey 2 0 0 2 =11 7 England 1 2 0 3 =7 8 Bulgaria 1 1 0 2 =11 8 France 1 1 0 2 =11 10 Latvia 1 0 2 3 =7 11 United States of America 1 0 1 2 =11 12 DPR Korea 1 0 0 1 =18 12 Sweden 1 0 0 1 =18 12 Denmark 1 0 0 1 =18 12 Ecuador 1 0 0 1 =18 12 Hungary 1 0 0 1 =18 12 Italy 1 0 0 1 =18 18 Vietnam 0 2 3 5 6 19 Poland 0 2 1 3 =7 19 Republic of Moldova 0 2 1 3 =7 21 Netherlands 0 1 0 1 =18 21 Romania 0 1 0 1 =18 21 Chinese Taipei 0 1 0 1 =18 21 Australia 0 1 0 1 =18 24 21 Barbados 0 1 0 1 =18 21 India 0 1 0 1 =18 21 Israel 0 1 0 1 =18 28 Hong Kong, China 0 0 2 2 =11 28 IR of Iran 0 0 2 2 =11 28 Japan 0 0 2 2 =11 31 Malaysia 0 0 1 1 =18 31 Singapore 0 0 1 1 =18 31 Greece 0 0 1 1 =18 35 35 35 105 Total 1.3.2 Bridge Rank NOC Total Rank by Total 1 Norway 2 1 3 6 1 2 Turkey 2 0 0 2 =5 3 England 1 2 0 3 =3 4 France 1 1 0 2 =5 5 Denmark 1 0 0 1 =7 5 Italy 1 0 0 1 =7 5 Sweden 1 0 0 1 =7 8 Poland 0 2 1 3 =3 9 China 0 1 3 4 2 10 Israel 0 1 0 1 =7 10 Romania 0 1 0 1 =7 12 Russia 0 0 1 1 =7 12 United States of America 0 0 1 1 =7 9 9 9 27 Total 25 1.3.3 Chess Rank NOC Total Rank by Total 1 China 4 3 2 9 1 2 Russia 2 0 1 3 3 3 Ukraine 1 4 2 7 2 4 Bulgaria 1 1 0 2 =4 5 Ecuador 1 0 0 1 =7 5 Hungary 1 0 0 1 =7 7 Vietnam 0 1 1 2 =4 8 India 0 1 0 1 =7 9 IR of Iran 0 0 2 2 =4 10 Greece 0 0 1 1 =7 10 Singapore 0 0 1 1 =7 10 10 10 30 Total 26 1.3.4 Draughts Rank NOC Total Rank by Total 1 Russia 2 1 1 4 1 2 Latvia 1 0 2 3 =2 3 Ukraine 1 0 1 2 4 4 United States of America 1 0 0 1 =5 5 Republic of Moldova 0 2 1 3 =2 6 Barbados 0 1 0 1 =5 6 Netherlands 0 1 0 1 =5 5 5 5 15 Total 1.3.5 Go Rank NOC Total Rank by Total 1 China 3 1 1 5 2 2 Korea 2 4 3 9 1 3 DPR Korea 1 0 0 1 =4 4 Chinese Taipei 0 1 0 1 =4 5 Japan 0 0 2 2 3 6 6 6 18 Total 27 1.3.6 Xiangqi (Chinese chess) Rank NOC Total Rank by Total 1 China 5 3 0 8 1 2 Vietnam 0 1 2 3 2 3 Australia 0 1 0 1 =4 4 Hong Kong, China 0 0 2 2 3 5 Malaysia 0 0 1 1 =4 5 5 5 15 Total 28 2. Media 2.1 TV Production Beijing TV, one of the main BOB subcontractors during the Olympic Games, was in charge of producing the images linked to the Games. The production reached high standards. CCTV, one other important Chinese channel, was also present on site as an official TV producer and broadcaster. Additionally, several National and International TVs were punctually present. 29 30 2.2.1 Media areas Media areas were left at the journalists’ disposal, within the two competition sites. 31 2.2.2 Press conferences 4 main press conferences were held, before and during the World Mind Sports Games. 26th of September 2007 at the Great Hall of People, with the presence of : Madam Chen Zhi Li (State Councilor) Mr Liu Peng (Minister of the General Administration of Sports of China) Mr José Damiani (President of IMSA) Mr Liu Si Ming (Executive Vice President of Boards and Cards Games) 13th of December 2007 at the Meeting Hall 2nd of October 2008 at the Beijing International Convention Center 32 18th of October 2008 at the Beijing International Convention Center 33 2.2.3 Press releases Different press releases were sent to The International federations (who then transmitted them to the National federations) as well as to IMSA press contacts. 34 35 2.3 Television coverage The television coverage was impressive, with no less than two main Chinese TVs present on site (Beijing TV being the official Host Broadcaster) to produce images and broadcast them live, delayed or through TV news on their networks in China. Furthermore, during the whole period of the competition, daily short TV programmes were put at the disposal of Eurovision. They were all diffused to the European platform’s members (more than 65 within 46 different countries). Those short programmes are now available for download at : http://ftpcom.mabpc.net/download In total, more than 10 millions of TV viewers per day watched images of the Games. Beijing TV CCTV 36 The following links are some examples of TV reports broadcasted in Chinese TV news during the event : http://hd.openv.com/pro_play-BTV6prog_20081016_6794173.html http://hd.openv.com/pro_play-BTV6prog_20081013_6778639.html http://hd.openv.com/pro_play-BTV6prog_20081006_6754680.html http://hd.openv.com/pro_play-BTV6prog_20081006_6754697.html http://hd.openv.com/pro_play-BTV6prog_20081006_6754670.html http://www.openv.com/play/BTV6prog_20081006_6754709.html http://www.openv.com/play/BTV6prog_20081012_6776972.html http://www.openv.com/play/BTV6prog_20081013_6778648.html http://www.openv.com/play/BTV6prog_20081016_6794183.html http://www.openv.com/play/SHTiYuprog_20081009_6766748.html http://www.openv.com/play/ShanDongSportprog_20081008_6763179.html http://www.openv.com/play/ShanDongSportprog_20081004_6749484.html http://vsearch.cctv.com/plgs_play-CCTVNEWSprog_20081010_6768507_0.html http://space.tv.cctv.com/act/video.jsp?videoId=VIDE1223247764592332 http://space.tv.cctv.com/act/video.jsp?videoId=VIDE1223506122223173 http://space.tv.cctv.com/act/video.jsp?videoId=VIDE1223463530533109 http://space.tv.cctv.com/act/video.jsp?videoId=VIDE1223165088012249 CCTV in French http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7jP13CppbY 37 The following link is an example of the TV reports some Eurovision members could make out of the images put at their disposal : TV report on ERT (Greek TV Channel) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJYLZ0_GKGY 2.4 Press coverage The World Mind Sports Games benefited from a strong Press Coverage all over the world. 326 reporters from 109 domestic or foreign media agents were present to cover the event (100 news stories were published every day). Many articles were published in the Specialized Press, as well as in National Federations’ magazines (for each sport). The 38 following links constitute some examples of the various articles that can be found within the Press in different countries : International Sports Press Association http://www.aipsmedia.com/index.php?page=news&cod=2550&tp=n http://www.aipsmedia.com/index.php?page=news&cod=2687&tp=n Reuters http://www.reuters.com/article/lifestyleMolt/idUSL0487501620080604 GMA News http://www.gmanews.tv/story/125462/RP-Super-GM-Paragua-4th-in-Mind-Sports-Games# PRWeb http://www.prweb.com/releases/2008/09/prweb1398114.htm Bolivia Los Tiempos http://www.lostiempos.com/noticias/11-09-08/11_09_08_ultimas_dep3.php China China Daily http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2008-10/16/content_7110191.htm http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/life/2008-10/07/content_7082476.htm http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2008-10/06/content_7081191.htm http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2008-10/05/content_7077625.htm China Radio International http ://english.cri.cn/2886/2008/04/09/1042@343630.htm 39 40 Cuba Juventud Rebelde.cu http://www.juventudrebelde.cu/deportes/2008-06-06/realizaran-controles-antidoping-en-los-juegosmundiales-de-deportes-mentales-/ Telesur http://www.telesurtv.net/noticias/secciones/nota/32632-NN/la-i-olimpiada-de-deportes-mentales-sedisputara-en-beijing-en-octubre/ Ecuador Los andes http://www.diariolosandes.com.ec/index2.php?option=com_content&do_pdf=1&id=9704 El Universo http://www.eluniverso.com/2008/10/10/0001/15/3C68DC835CB2463FB3FC070CD69488D4.html Hoy.com.ec http://www.hoy.com.ec/noticias-ecuador/fierro-y-matamoros-ganan-plata-en-china-310810.html Ecuador Inmediato.com http://www.ecuadorinmediato.com/noticias/89813 France Le Point Le Figaro 41 Mexico Excelsior online http://www.exonline.com.mx/diario/noticia/adrenalina/especiales/pekin,_sede_de_olimpiada_de_depor tes_mentales/349257 Terra.com http://www.terra.com.mx/articulo.aspx?articuloId=734606 The Netherlands NRC Handelsblad http://weblogs3.nrc.nl/china/2008/07/05/mind-Games/ Panama Mensual Prensa.com http://mensual.prensa.com/mensual/contenido/2008/10/18/uhora/depor_2008101809134537.shtml Pakistan The news http://www.thenews.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=142607 Philippines Inquirer.net http://showbizandstyle.inquirer.net/lifestyle/lifestyle/view/20081123-173851/Nene-Quimson-WarrenBuffet-and-bridge Russia Sportcom http://sportcom.ru/portal/world/articles/56.html http://sportcom.ru/portal/2008/10/26/45429.htm http://sportcom.ru/portal/2008/10/17/45004.htm http://sportcom.ru/portal/2008/10/17/45001.htm All Sport info http://www.allsportinfo.ru/index.php?id=19335 Newsru.com http://www.newsru.com/sport/20oct2008/intelgmes.html 42 Sport-org.ru http://www.sport-org.ru/shaxmaty/Al-ksandra-Kost-nuyk-stala-p-rvoj-v-istorii-pob-dit-lnic-j-Vs-mirnih-intll-ktualnih-igr.html Sport Express Daily http://www.sport-express.ru/art.shtml?168665 Spain Superdeporte.es (Spain) http://www.superdeporte.es/secciones/noticia.jsp?pRef=2008091100_4_38392__PolideportivoOlimpiada-Deportes-Mentales-disputara-Pekin-octubre Sweden Radio 86 http://www.radio86.se/allt-om-kina/sport-halsa/9346/world-mind-sports-Games-en-uppfoljning-till-os Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobaggo’s Newsday http://www.newsday.co.tt/features/0,86255.html United kingdom The Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/chess/malcolmpein/3562098/Let-battle-commence.html BBC news http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/7651145.stm Daily Express http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/66641/England-bridge-teams-reap-success-in-Beijing 43 United States of America The New-York Times http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9901EFDD1538F931A25755C0A96E9C8B63 http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/31/crosswords/bridge/31card.html http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/02/crosswords/bridge/02card.html http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/04/crosswords/bridge/04card.html http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/06/crosswords/bridge/06card.html http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/09/crosswords/bridge/09CARD.html http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/11/crosswords/bridge/11card.html http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/13/crosswords/bridge/13card.html http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/16/crosswords/bridge/16CARD.html http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/18/crosswords/bridge/18card.html http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/20/crosswords/bridge/20card.html http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/25/crosswords/bridge/25card.html http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/30/crosswords/30card.html http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/01/crosswords/bridge/01card.html The New-York post http://www.nypost.com/seven/07272008/entertainment/let_the_Games_begin_121706.htm The International Herald Tribune http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/06/04/sports/EU-SPT-Mind-Sports-Games.php 44 2.5 The Daily Bulletins Daily bulletins were published everyday, allowing all the participants to read the news related to the event. 3 different editions were available on the competition sites : - The Bridge Bulletin - The General Bulletin - The Youth Bulletin 45 3. Public Relations 3.1 Opening ceremony The main opening ceremony of the first World Mind Sports Games was held on Friday, 3rd of October at 8.00 pm at the Gymasium (Olympic Sports Center) for Bridge Junior teams, Chess, Draughts, Go and Xiangqi. The second one was a cocktail party held at the Intercontinental Beijing Beichen Hotel, for the Bridge Open, Women, and Senior teams. Pictures of the Opening ceremony at the Gymnasium Each participating country was represented by a delegate, who was chosen to hold the flag during the opening ceremony. 46 47 The Water ceremony During the opening ceremony, six delegates representing all the continents were asked to bring typical flasks containing water from their country. Each of them poured this water into a common bowl, symbolizing the union of the different civilizations. “Tracing the Origins of Wisdom” : - Water, the origin of life, is also the origin of civilization Water is the humanistic vehicle for the wisdom Water, through its unique way of existence, better explains the meaning of the slogan “Civilizations Varied, Wisdom Unbounded” While the five continents are separated from another, the four oceans are connected Pictures of the Bridge Opening Ceremony, held at the International Beijing Beichen Hotel Peter Hoglund, GAISF Representative, and José Damiani, President of IMSA and WBF 48 Invitation to the Opening Ceremony VIP Invitation to the Opening Ceremony 49 3.2 WBF’s 50th Anniversary and IMSA Gala Dinner 400 guests (IMSA officials, COC, Chinese authorities, partners, staff) attended the IMSA Gala dinner, held at 7 pm, the 9th of October, at the Crown Plaza Hotel. José Damiani (IMSA president) gave a speech on that occasion. This dinner benefited from the special presence of important China leaders. After the speech, the guests had the opportunity to discover Chinese opera. 50 3.3 Closing ceremony The 1st WMSG Closing Ceremony and Cocktail party was held at 5 pm on October 18th (Saturday) at Yayuncun Central Park. On that occasion, different speeches were given; and some people were granted special prices. Invitation to the Closing ceremony 51 52 Water ceremony During the Closing ceremony, the six delegates could share the water made of the union of the six continents and pour it back in their flasks. This ceremony was very symbolic and illustrated perfectly the slogan of the world Mind Sports Games 2008 : Civilizations varied, Wisdom unbounded 53 4. Event’s Promotion 4.1 Internet Internet was one of the most important promotion tools of the World Mind Sports Games. An official website was created and updated by the Chinese OC. It included the presentation of the mind sports and the event, as well as information for participants, and a recap of the event’s highlights. All kind of information were available, as well on the international federation’s websites, and their national federation’s websites. Moreover, a very important number of blogs were either used or created by players or fans to promote the event and relate the highlights day by day. 600 thousand hits were counted on the official websites of the competition broadcasting events live. http ://2008wmsg.chinaqiyuan.com/en/ http ://wmsg2008.fide.com 54 http ://www.worldbridge.org/tourn/Beijing.08/Beijing.htm http ://www.wmsg-draughts.org/ http ://ranka.intergofed.o 55 4.2 Television Some promotional TV spots were created and broadcasted on Chinese channels. Those teasers were also broadcasted on internet, and are still available to watch online. http ://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTpoMCV0jjo http ://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=TOd7abM6Aak&feature=related 56 http ://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=G2bAOrLydhU http ://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=AXnSZDNK-jA&feature=related 57 4.3 Marketing supports 4.3.1 Brand exposure Common marketing signage Backdrops on the competition sites and within the media areas 58 59 Individual marketing signage Backdrops on competition sites 60 Editions Daily Bulletins 61 Programmes 62 Advertising pages within the programmes 63 Posters 64 4.3.2 Decoration items BICC Tower Kakemonos 65 66