when your closet door won`t fasten and your garage door doesn`t


when your closet door won`t fasten and your garage door doesn`t
June 2016
...of Living Water, of the Living Word...of DSUMC News
P. O. Box 99 - 28900 RR 12
Dripping Springs, TX 78620
(512)894-7123 Phone
(512)858-1954 Fax
e-mail: dsumc@dsumc.org
website: www.dsumc.org
In Every Issue:
Wave upon Wave . . .
Words of Encouragement
Church News
Adult Ministries/News
Youth News
Children’s Ministries
Church Nurturing
Wesley Nurse
Church Calendar
DSUMC Main Sanctuary
8:15 AM Traditional Service
Communion every Sunday
Communion 1st Sunday
Communion 1st Sunday
9:45 AM Contemporary Service
11:15 AM Traditional Service
6:00 PM Bilingual Service
Communion 1st Sunday
The Foundry
11:00AM Modern Worship Service
Communion every Sunday
9:45 AM and 11:15 AM
9:45 AM
Wednesdays 6:15 PM - 8:30 PM
Middle School and High School
Page 1
when your closet door won’t fasten
and your garage door doesn’t shut,
when the clutter has you beaten
and you know you’re in a rut,
let the ladies of UMW
relieve you of your woes.
Just grab an empty box or bag
and pack up those old clothes!
Yes, it’s true! The annual DSUMC Garage Sale
provides you the opportunity to clear some space
in that closet, garage, carport, garden shed or
By donating your gently used clothes and shoes,
toys, sporting equipment, bikes, garden/workshop tools, music, movies, books, dishes/kitchen items, linens/blankets, electronics in good
working order, computers, tv’s and monitors(flat
screen only), pet supplies, boots, coats, art and
furniture-you can help someone else as well as
Details of the week are on page 4
Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
June 2016
Wave upon Wave
The SOURCE is published
and available online at
Our Mission:
To make disciples for Jesus Christ
Our Vision:
In accordance with the teachings
of Jesus Christ, the vision
of Dripping Springs United
Methodist Church is to identify,
meet and nurture the spiritual
needs of our congregation
and community.
Scott Bradford
Adam Thornton
Cara Mullen
Krista Shook
Barbara Johnson-McArthur
Randy Voorheis
Vicki Rector
Brandon “Shook”
Chéri Heldstab
Mary Fernandez
Laurel Bradford
DSUMC is Alive
After General Conference, my best word for you is, keep praying!
The Council of Bishops have called for a study commission to see
if they can develop a plan for keeping the church united and for
a special General Conference called before the next quadrennial
one, so likely in two or three years. My best word for you about
this is, keep praying!
As far as focus, I bring your attention back to Dripping Springs
UMC and the very exciting things that have happened here in the
last few months that remind us, that while there is a struggle across the denomination,
God is at work in our midst. There is good news to be celebrated.
A mission team went to Panama. A highlight was installing a restroom and shower at a church mission outreach though they did much more.
A very successful Wild Game Dinner sponsored by the U.M.M. has funded around $80K+ in community mission ministry and other non-profit ministries in
our community.
The Foundry was completed and consecrated in a wonderful open house with
Bishop Martinez present.
Helping Hands Food Bank has moved into the new space and has improved their
own mission of feeding people.
Capital District awarded us a small grant for Bilingual ministry and we are working towards hiring a staff person to help facilitate this ministry.
Our Bilingual Ministry continues to grow.
Recently we baptized eight people, three of whom were from our Bilingual Community.
We launched a new worship service at The Foundry under the idea of new places
for new faces.
Improvements have been made to the Nursery.
Part of our vision was to have The Foundry be a further place of outreach to our
community, which has already been happening through City Wide Youth Retreat; FCA
Movie Night; Chamber of Commerce Job Fair. We will soon be hosting two small mission groups as well as so much more.
This list isn’t exhaustive but, as you can see, we have much to celebrate while we pray
we keep working for the Kingdom. As I said this past Sunday when we pray “Your
kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in
heaven” we are praying for cosmic Kingdom stuff
to happen here on earth.
Scott Bradford
Senior Pastor
June Sermon Series “Connected”
Chéri Heldstab
Adam Miller
Don Cawood
Page 2
6:00 PM
June 5th ~ “Thirsting for God ~ Psalm 63-1-11
June 12th ~ “The Really Hard Stuff” ~ Mark 19:14-29
June 19th ~ “Greater Things” ~ John 14:1-14
June 26th ~ “Praying When God Seems Absent”
Luke 11:5-12
Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
June 2016
Words of Encouragement
Choose the Latter
Every four years the United Methodist Church holds a gathering called General Conference. It
is at this gathering that United Methodist delegates from every Annual Conference in our global
connection decide the important issues facing the UMC and amend our polity, otherwise known
as the Book of Discipline.
Last week, the General Conference ended after two weeks of daily meetings. While I could go on
and on about what happened at GC and characterize many of the protests that took place, I won’t
do so in this article. There is a plethora of places in which you can find information about the
policies, petitions, and votes that took place. One such site is methodistcrossroads.org; another
is umc.org. You can, I imagine, also look at many other sites by doing a simple Google search.
While it would be easy to focus on the events that took place at GC and be deeply affected and troubled by them, there
were many good things that also came about during this time of gathering. All in all, as it pertains to us in the local church,
very little changed.
And now that we are thinking of the local church, and specifically DSUMC, we should rejoice and be excited about all of
the opportunities for ministry. People are discipled on almost every day of the week here at the church. There are men’s
meetings, women’s meetings, bible studies, support groups, youth meetings, and children’s meetings. Community events
are held every week and scouting groups such as American Heritage Girls, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Brownies, Cub Scouts,
Trail Life, and Venture crew meet to become better citizens and better people.
Christ is glorified here every week and many people experience the grace of God in ways that are new and refreshing.
Vital ministry is taking place at DSUMC and we would be wise to focus on this instead of being drawn into what is broken
within the United Methodist Church. It is important that we as Christ’s disciples not become deterred or distracted by our
vital calling to make disciples of Jesus Christ. We have much to do and the best is yet to come.
So don’t be discouraged by what you hear or what you have seen in the news, in social media, or elsewhere. God is at
work. He is at work in you and me and with many more of our brothers and sisters in the global United Methodist Church.
Rest in that and remember the words of Toby Mac… “at the end of the day you can either focus on what’s tearing you
apart or what’s holding you together.”
Choose the latter.
Adam Thornton
Directing Ministries Pastor
Prayers of the People
Kelli Anderson, the family of David Anthony, Crew Avery, Wayne Clark, Ivelissa Cruz,
Jeanne & Blackie Cutrer, Grace Delger, Austin Eddins, Henry & Millie Ellis, Betty Garnett,
the Gholson Family, Gina Griffin, Clark Hanley, Josetta Harris, the Heffley family, Jeannine & Harold
Hoke, Kristie Howard, the family of Jennifer Humphries for the loss of her father Frank Ross,
Eva Huffaker, Jose Jimenez, Paula Johnson, Barbara Keetch, Farrar Keetch, June McDougal, Nannette,
Carmen E. Rivera, Jim Spencer, Pat Swenson, Patty Swenson, Anissa Thompson, Eugenia Wade,
Young Life Puerto Rico
Military: Dylan Boren, Captain David Brummett USMC, Corpsman Sam Burns, Sgt Danny Cecil,
A1C Emery C. Chandler, Private Cody Clement USA, Sgt J Lawton, AWR3 Mitchell R. Lawson U.S. Navy,
Captain B Lennon USMC, Lt JG C Lynch, Kip Minigh USMC Private, Master Sgt. Eric Shuttlesworth USAF,
SSS Kevin Simmons, SGT. Michael Stretz, Lance Corporal Daniel E. Sullivan, Lt. Matthew Symons, Cpl J Wood USM
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Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
June 2016
Church News...
The DSUMC Garage Sale is a community based mission. Not only do the proceeds
help support church programs, the shopping opportunities benefit those of our neighbors who may be less fortunate than ourselves.
Donating is only part of the fun. Treasure Hunting is another. Come help us set up
the sale on Wednesday the 8th or Thursday the 9th and enjoy the benefit of early
shopping while you complete a 2 hour shift. Find yourself a new treasure!
If you're a guy, don't feel left out. We need you too for this event to run smoothly and
be successful. It's always good to have a couple guys out on the sidewalk to supervise the sales of tools and sports goods!
We also will need to transport our leftovers to DS Goodwill on Saturday, June 11th between 12-3pm. Trucks and trailers
welcome. Community Service Hours for ages 14 years and up.
Donation Drop Off/ Sale Set Up:
Wednesday, June 8th, 10am-7pm
Thursday, June 9th, 10 am -7 pm.
Shop/ Help with Sale:
Friday, June 10th, 7:30am-5:30pm
Saturday, June11th, 7:30 am-12:00pm.
Clean Up:
Saturday, June 11th, 12:00-3:00pm.
Stop by and be part of the success that is the annual
DSUMC Garage Sale!
It won't be the same without YOU!
Manage your giving
1)Go to the DSUMC website (www.dsumc.org)
2)Click on “Online Giving”
3) Click "Create a Profile" and fill out your
4) Follow the onscreen instructions to make a
donation and to schedule your recurring
Preparing His Way: God’s Plan – Our Future
God’s Plan = Our Future
Capital Campaign
April 2014 – April 2017
Page 4
Pledges & Gifts to Date
May 2014 Debt Retirement
The Foundry
Additional Pledges & Gifts Needed to
Eliminate a Long-term Loan of
Pledges Fulfilled as of 12/20 (Cash Received) figures are rounded
Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
$ 812,500
June 2016
Church News...
The Prayer Garden at DSUMC
As Spring turns into Summer and our surroundings take on a new life, you may have noticed
a change in the Prayer Garden. There have been new plantings and a beautiful new water fountain has been added. If you have not been to the Prayer Garden recently or ever, it may be the
place you are looking for to spend some quiet time with God. The Prayer Garden is located on
the South end of the main building by the Family Life Center. It is a lovely place to come and
be still. Enjoy God’s presence as you sit in peace, pray, mediate or just enjoy the surroundings.
The Garden also contains a labyrinth you can walk. The labyrinth can be called a Sacred Path because it symbolizes our
spiritual journey reconnecting us with God through body, mind and spirit, giving us unity and wholeness. It is not a maze;
it is a clear path which winds to the center and winds out. So as the weather warms and the birds start their singing, Come
to the Garden and enjoy! Be Still and Know That I am God… Psalm 46:10
Stephen Ministry Needs You!
We are now forming a new class of Stephen ministers to begin Thursday, September 8. If you
have ever had a passion to help others by listening and being a good Christian friend, this is what
we do. The training is to prepare us to live out our ministry with skill and also with grace and
love. Please call for more information if this sounds like something you are called to do. There
is an application that must be completed before the class begins and a criminal background check is also required. You
may contact Barbara McArthur at the church in the afternoons at 512-894-7123, call Ken Heffley at 214-212-1548 or Linda
Snow at 512-619-9975 if you need more information.
You need Stephen Ministry if:
Life is throwing you a curve with financial issues, job loss, dealing with grief, trying to manage a family and a stressful job,
loss of friendship or relationships, troubles with family dynamics, changes in life situations such as serious illness and many
other situations that are temporary “bumps in the road.” We are NOT counselors that can help you solve these problems.
We serve you by listening to you and listening to the Lord for ways to walk through these situations. We visit for usually
an hour each week for as long as it takes to help with a particularly difficult time. Women meet with women and men meet
with men. We keep your information and situation confidential. If you have questions or need to make an appointment to
receive a Stephen minister, please call Ken Heffley, our referrals co-ordinator, at 214-212-1548.
DeColores Dripping Springs 4th Day
The 4th Day from Dripping Springs/Driftwood had a great turnout for the May HPE Community
Gathering in Manchaca UMC for the consecration of Women’s Team #1830. The Bilingual praise band
from DSUMC was outstanding in leading the community in music! Let’s continue to support our Emmaus
community by attending the next Community Gathering at San Marcos UMC on June 7th with potluck
dinner starting at 6:30pm. I tried to get a church bus so a group of us could ride to San Marcos together but
the buses are not available. If you are interested in carpooling, let me know (martyjnull@gmail.com) and
meet at DSUMC between 5:30-5:45pm.
Some you may already know, but for you who haven’t heard Rio Texas Conference will no longer be supporting Hays Praise
Emmaus. The HPE Board of Directors is starting the process for HPE to be an independent Emmaus community reporting
directly to the Upper Room. Please keep the HP Emmaus Community and the HPE Board in your prayers as the board starts
this unexpected but exciting new chapter in our Emmaus community.
Local Update: Local Elections in July: We will have our first local Gathering at DSUMC on July 5th, potluck at 6:30pm. At this Gathering we will be electing a new Board member (replacing Annie Hollingshead); a new local Lay Director, LLD
(replacing Marty Null), an Asst. Local lay director( ALLD), and a fundraiser coordinator (FC). Please pray about and
volunteering for one of these local positions. Qualifications needed: 1) Board member: have been a Walk Lay Director
(or a 2x, 3x Walk ALD); LLD and ALLD: organizer, outgoing personality, some leadership experience in the HPE community; and FC: fun-personality, idea person, able to supervise and motivate volunteers. If interested, please contact Marty
Null at martyjnull@gmail.com or Vicki Rector at vrector@dsumc.org.
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Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
June 2016
Join us for a DSUMC Family Affair
Monday July 4th
if you attend or know someone who attends that automatically makes you part of our family
There will be Food….of course
And good old fashion Fellowship
Food Competitions, Ice Cream Crank-off and Games
And...when it gets dark...sit back, relax and enjoy
Watch for more details
Adult Ministries...
Mission: Helping Men Grow IN Christ so others may KNOW Christ.
Vision: UMM is Home Base for all the men of the church; the place to plug in and
go out in fellowship/ministry/service. All men’s activities fall under this umbrella.
Challenge: For us, as MEN, to step up and be a shining example of the spiritual
backbone of the church.
All men in the community are encouraged to join us. UMM is not just for church
members. Our meeting provides a forum to communicate what is going on in the life of our church.
Mark Colfelt at ummen@dsumc.org for more information.
UMM Breakfast Meeting
We will not meet in June
UMM Service Projects
Garage Sale & Golf Tournament
UMW ...United Methodist Women
is the largest denominational faith organization
for women with approximately 800,000 members
whose mission is fostering spiritual growth,
developing leaders and advocating for justice.
Members raise up to $20 million each year for
programs and projects related to women, children
and youth in the United States and in more than 100 countries
around the world.
The organized unit of United Methodist Women is a
community of women whose purpose is:
• To know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ.
• To develop a creative, supportive, fellowship.
• To expand concepts of mission through
participation in the global ministries of the church.
UMW Circles
and Their Focus
AGAPE CIRCLE: Members are ladies of
all ages whose main mission is handmade
quilts and blankets for children in need, local disaster victims and women and children of abuse. Part of their mission
for 2016 is the Hays-Caldwell Women’s Shelter.
Meetings: 1st Monday of the month 9:30 AM
Leader: Linda Bruce 512-264-9446
UMW-Agape Circle will meet June 6th at 9:30AM
at the home of Linda Bruce. We will have a brief meeting
followed with a salad luncheon.
This will be our last meeting before our summer break.
Our next meeting will be Septembe. 12th at 9:30AM
in the Fellowship Hall.
SHALOM CIRCLE: A circle that keeps the
“Prayer Shawl Mission” tradition going.
Meeting: 2nd Tuesday of the month 6:30 PM
DSUMC Rm. 108
Leader: Dixie Myers dmyers21@austin.rr.com
Childcare is available upon request for all Circle Activities
Page 6
What a huge blessing it was to have the Head Football
Coach Galen Zimmerman speak to the Men and Boys of
Dripping Springs at The Foundry last month. He spoke
about leadership and the need to use those traits to help
serve the Lord. We are happy to have such a man of faith
leading our school’s sports programs.
Please set aside time to participate in the following UMM
events to fellowship and mission together in June. Please
send an email to me if you want to participate in these
events. We need you!
June 10th & 11th Church Wide Garage Sale
The Foundry
Help lift and carry items for the UMW
June 19th UMM Golf Tourney
Quicksand Golf Course
Enjoy Golf with your UMM friends
Please email me if you have any questions about the upcoming men’s meetings or serving the UMM this year in
any way. My email is: markcoffelt@empiricadvisors.com
Mark Coffelt – UMM President
Annual UMM Golf Tournament
Sunday June 19th - 1pm.
Quicksand Golf Course.
Wimberley, TX
Teams and Individuals welcome!
Sign up Sunday between worship services
or contact Mark Coffelt at
markcoffelt@empiricadvisors.com or (512)789-8552
Cost is $60 a player
includes lunch, provided at the course between 12-1pm
Prizes for longest drive, closest to the pin.
Trophies for winning teams. Mulligans $10/each
Come out and bring a friend
this event is always a good time!
Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
June 2016
Youth News...
Brandon “Shook” ~ Director of Student Faith Formation
512-894-7123 - ext. 242 bshook@dsumc.org
DSUMC Student Ministry
Wednesday Worship
Middle School and High School
gather at The Foundry
6:00 PM for Worship
Summer Sunday
School Class
9:45 AM at The Foundry
Middle/High School
Logan Stewart
Dripping Springs UMC Youth Ministry
Cross Chat
Every Wedneday Night
6:15pm - 7:30pm
at The Foundry
JUNE 6th-9th - H.S. Backpacking Retreat at Camp Eagle
9th-12th grades
9th-12th Grades, Mission Trip
JULY 3rd-7th - UM ARMY Basic
6th-8th Grades, Mission Trip - Corpus Christi, Texas
JULY 18th-22nd - Vacation Bible School, 6th-12th Grades Volunteering @ DSUMC
Page 7
Aug 1st-4th - 6th-8th Grade
Hill Country Mystery Trip
Cost TBD - Registration due July 13th
Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
June 2016
Children’s Ministry...
Chéri Heldstab ~ Director of Children’s Faith Formation ~ cheldstab@dsumc.org
We need adults and
high school youth who will
serve in Children’s Ministry!
We have opportunities of all
types whether you can
serve once or consistentlyWe have something for
anyone with a heart to serve God’s children!
For ALL Children’s Ministries
- VBS, Sunday School, etc…
includes Safe Sanctuary Training
Choose ONE!
Sat. June 18th 9am-noon
Tues. June 21st 1-4pm
Wed. July 13th 6-9pm
Contact Chéri to sign up!
Storytime With a Twist
We will be offering special
summer storytimes at
Drippin’ with Delights
throughout the
summer. Details including exact
dates & times are coming soon!
June Family Let’s Go! Outing- Sat. June 18th
Join Ms. Chéri and her family as we head to a
matinee showing of
Finding Dory on Sat. June 18th
at Hill Country Galleria. Exact
time will be announced on
Sunday June 12 so we can get our tickets early!
Be sure to join the fun on
July 4th as we gather in the
parking lot for all kinds of
family-friendly activities
including lemonade stands,
hot dogs, water games,
ice cream crank-off,
fireworks & more!
Monthly Mission Focus: Fruit Cups or Canned Fruit
While school is out, many children do not get the same nutritious options that
they receive at school. During June, we are collecting canned fruit or fruit
cups for Helping Hands to provide children and their families healthy choices.
Vacation Bible School 2016- Surf’s Up at Surf Shack- July 18th-22nd
Get ready to surf into summer fun as we catch the wave of God’s amazing love!
During this mission-focused adventure of sun, surf, & sand, surfers will experience God’s love through energizing
music, interactive Bible fun, super science, cool crafts, hands-on mission work, delicious snacks, great games, & more.
Register online today at www.dsumc.org!
Space is limited- we are filling up fast!
We need LOTS of help to prepare for & host over 300 children. How will you serve God’s children?
Adults & Youth (6th-12th grade) can register online to serve in many ways- for one day or all week.
Toddler Tidepool & Preschool Pier are available for the children ages 0-3 years of the adults serving at VBS.
We are now taking donations- monetary or material. Be sure to check out our donation list!
Contact Chéri Heldstab at cheldstab@dsumc.org to volunteer or if you have any questions.
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Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
June 2016
VBS Supply List
Monetary donations are always appreciated. Please note “VBS” on your memo line of check or online
 Fishing nets
 Sea shells
 Beach comber hats
 Hawaiian shirts
 pool noodles
 beach balls
 beach towels
 inflatable water toys
 sand buckets
 giant sunglasses
 surfboards
 boogie boards
 flip-flops (bright colors)
 beach chairs
 beach umbrellas
 palm trees
 blue tarps
 painter drop cloths
 blue cellophane
 blue sheets (flat not fitted)
 tan sheets (flat not fitted)
 tiki torches
 tiki bar/ hut
 grass skirts
 15 hula hoops
 15 pool noodles
 15 large, sturdy plastic
laundry baskets
 15 sand buckets
 3 blue tarps
 5 red Frisbees
 5 yellow Frisbees
 5 green Frisbees
 5 orange Frisbees
 5 pink Frisbees
 5 white Frisbees
15 personal-sized fans
2 large bottles of
liquid dish soap
500 1 liter water bottles
(empty, clean with lid)
2 Hodgson Mill Active Dry
Yeast, 8.75g (Pack of 48)
food coloring- primary colors
food coloring-neon colors
50 - 6 packs of Kool-Aid
Bursts (asst. flavors)
disposable plastic
tablecloths- bright colors
(round & long rectangle)
clothesline & clothespins
Essential oil- lavender
food coloring- primary colors
food coloring-neon colors
LOTS large pieces of
150 empty cereal boxesbroken down
2 baby wading poola
5 clear LARGE plastic storage
10 spray bottles
5 pkg. blue RIT dye
50 glue sticks
10 bottles of Aleene's
Quick Dry "Tacky" Glue
350- 6 inch fabric squares preferably bright beachy or
watery prints
15 flats Ball 24-Count
4-Ounce Jelly Jars with Lids
and Bands
5 pkg. Photo Paper GLOSSY
(4x6 Inches, 100 Sheets)
200 sheets of sandpaper
(asst. grit- cheap)
200 sheets of blue paper
(assorted shades & textures)
MORE Crafts
3 pkg. Elmer's Painters
Opaque Paint Markers,
Set of 5, Bright Colors,
Medium Point
3 pkg. ELMERS Painters
Opaque Paint Markers,
Set of 5, Sherbet Swirl
Colors, Medium Point
3 pkg. Elmer's Painters
Opaque Paint Markers,
Set of 5, Neon Colors,
Medium Point
2 pkg. ELMERS Painters
Opaque Paint Markers,
Set of 5, Eastern Empire
Colors, Medium Point
2 pkg. ELMERS Painters
Opaque Paint Markers,
Set of 5, Craft Colors,
Medium Point
2 pkg. ELMERS Painters
Opaque Paint Markers,
Set of 5, Pearlescent Colors
, Medium Point
1 pkg. Sharpie Color Burst
Permanent Markers, Fine
Point, Assorted, 24-Pack
1 pkg. Sharpie Permanent
Markers, Fine Point,
80s Glam Colors, 24 Pack
22 sheets Jolee's Boutique
Repeats Dimensional
Stickers, Crabs
22 sheets Jolee's Boutique
Repeats Dimensional
Stickers, Beach Ball Repeats
9 lbs. baking soda
27 lbs. coarse sea salt
54 lbs. Epsom salts
2 rolls of BEADNOVA 1mm
Elastic Stretch Polyester
Jewelry Bracelet Crystal
String Cord 60m Roll
(Light Blue)
Naomi's Sisters, formerly The Widow's Ministry, has met regularly throughout the fall
and winter. Our purpose is to serve, comfort, restore and provide fellowship for widows
in our Christian community. Currently nineteen widows make up our roster.
We generally meet the second Tuesday of the month. Education, health issues, grief
issues and opportunities for fellowship and emotionalsupport are part of every meeting.
Going into the summer and early fall, we are looking to do day trips, shopping trips and
going to places we've heard about, but never felt comfortable going to alone.
If you are a widow and would like to be a part this fellowship, please call or email us.
Marilyn Koons
Sharon Lucas
A New Summer Session
Is everyone making summer plans but you are wondering what life is even
about? Have you lost someone dear to you and now life is a fog – especially
since the casseroles have stopped and your friends have gone back to their
usual routines? Do you need some friends who understand your grief. Who will walk with you through this difficult time? Come and meet us!
Our next cycle of the GriefShare program will begin at Dripping Springs UMC on Sunday, June 5, from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
in room 106. GriefShare is a 13-week seminar for people 18 years and older who are navigating through life after a loved
one’s death. It is never too late to begin – especially if you will be out of town some during the summer – come as often as
you can. The current GriefShare group has 17 participants and six Stephen Ministers who facilitate the meetings – many
of these men and women will be returning to attend another cycle and will help support you in your loneliness and grief.
This helpful, encouraging seminar features weekly video interviews with top Christian experts on grief and recovery
topics as seen from a biblical perspective. There are personal testimonies from people who have experienced all the
tangled emotions after bereavement.
The video seminar is combined with support group discussion of the materials presented during the video. There is also a
workbook filled with weekly exercises, practical tips, encouraging words, a gospel presentation and much more. In sharing
your feelings and thoughts with others who are also grieving, you will find loving support and encouragement to find your
way back to normal.
Child care is available at no cost with preregistration by calling the church at 512-894-7123.
Call Linda Snow at 512-619-9975 or email EmbroideryDetails@gmail.com for more information, or if you just want a
private meeting to explore whether this class is right for you. The class fee of $15 covers the cost of the workbook.
Scholarships are available.
Living Word Bible Readers’ Club
The ladies Bible Reader Club will begin a study of the book of Galatians, Wednesday
June 15th at 9:00AM in the Fellowship Hall. There is no homework nor any workbook
to purchase. Simply bring your Bibles and enjoy discussing the WORD and have fellowship with other church ladies. Even if you have never participated in a Bible study,
you are especially welcome to join us!
Page 9
Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
June 2016
Spiritual Growth
Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am reading a book titled 'Girls with Swords'. Essentially it is a book detailing how
every child of God has been entrusted with a sword.... The sword of the spirit. God's
word and our ability to pray is our defense against all the traps the "world" would
lay for us. As your prayer steward, I have shared some ways to pray, asked you to
join in for the National Day of Prayer, and invited you to contact me for prayer concerns or to join with me in prayer for
our church and our church family. There has been little to no response to these. Pastor Scott implored us to be in prayer for
the Methodist Church as the general council met to discuss pressing and decisive issues in our church. I prayed. Did you?
Last Sunday Pastor Scott discussed the very scripture that describes how we are to pray.... It begins, Our Father....
As I was deciding what to share with you in the newsletter, I happened to read the following in one of my devotionals....
It began with this scripture- Hebrews 5:16 let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive
mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. And went on to detail this story...During the American Civil War, a
soldier was granted permission to seek a presidential hearing due to a family tragedy. He went to Washington but was
promptly refused entry and dismissed from the White House. He despaired of what to do, and wandered down the road
to a park, where a little boy came up to him to ask what was wrong. The soldier poured out his story and woe. To his
surprise, the boy replied, "come with me.” He led the soldier back to the White House. None of the guards stopped them
as they took a detour around the back. The various metal emblazoned guards stood to attention as they walked past. The
soldier couldn't believe what was happening. When they came to the presidential office, the boy entered without so much
as knocking. The Secretary of State was briefing President Abraham Lincoln, who interrupted him and turned to the boy
to ask, "what can I do for you Todd?" Todd said, "dad, this soldier needs to talk to you." Hebrews 10:24 reads, "therefore
brothers since we have confidence to enter the most holy place by the blood of Jesus…. " The discouraged soldier had
access to the president "through the son." How much more do we have access to God "through the son...Jesus." Both
verses from Hebrews include the key word 'confidence'. We don't come with shame, fear, or embarrassment. We come
with confidence. We need not be timid, but bold… not because of what we have done but because of who we are. We are
co-heirs with Christ Jesus and children of God. Enjoy the assurance, confidence, and security that knowledge brings, and
petition God boldly today. If fear is holding you back, or if you don't know the words to say, remember that you are His
child therefore be confident! In the next couple of weeks, we will begin meeting before and after each service to share
prayer concerns and to pray for our church and pastors. Look for more information and feel free to join in! I would ask you
join me in this prayer today....Thank you Lord for the incredible privilege of being your child.
May I act like a child of the King today. Amen!
Amy Mitchhart ~ Prayer Steward
Visit Our Prayer Room
During your wanderings around the church, stop by the room with double doors in the upstairs foyer.
It is a place of solitude and serenity for those who want to get away from the daily routine and spend
some quiet time with their Lord. The Prayer Room is open and available all hours, seven days a
week. Feel free to stop by and visit with our Lord.
God Bless.
Spiritual Direction – How is it with Your Soul?
This is the classic question you may be asked if you were to seek Spiritual direction. It opens a
conversation to seek God’s presence in your life and how you are relating to Him. Spiritual directors
are available to help you on a faith journey, to help with practices of prayer and other disciplines. It
is a mutual search for the work of God….identifying and clarifying where He is present and what
He is doing in your life. Sometimes it may be a search for a better relationship or even to begin a
relationship with Him. Spiritual directors listen and attempt to help you discern. If you are interested
in seeking out this type of help in your walk, please contact Barbara McArthur at 512-894-7123 or
512-626-5288. There are brochures at the Welcome Center and outside Barbara’s office. You can get more information at
the Spiritual Director’s International website, www.sdiworld.org.
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Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
June 2016
From the Desk of our Wesley Nurse
Rachel Kemper, RN, is a Wesley Nurse with Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South
Texas, Inc. (MHM). MHM’s Wesley Nurse program is a faith-based, holistic health and
wellness program committed to serving the least served through education, health
promotion and collaboration with individual and community in achieving improved
wellness through self-empowerment. Learn more at www.mhm.org.
Office hours are Monday-Friday from 8:00am - 5:00pm.
For an appointment call 512-894-7123 ext. 225.
The following services are available:
 Prescription assistance
 Diabetes education & supplies  Support groups
 Blood pressure & glucose screenings
 Group physical activities
Lots of interesting and fun activities coming up for the Wesley Nurse Program here at DSUMC!
First up! Do you have or do you know of a teenager who could benefit from a FREE babysitting class? I am presenting a
Babysitter’s Training Class in partnership with the
Dripping Springs Community Library on Thursday, June 30, from 11-4.
Attendees will learn about:
Emergency preparedness;
The physical safety of the children they sit;
Pool safety;
Stove safety;
Nutrition; and
Age-appropriate activities
Contact me at 512-894-7123 or contact SuzAnne Beard at the Dripping Springs Community Library if you’d like your
teenager to attend. Last year we had over 20 kids and they had a blast! We expect the same this year.
Next! Are you a senior over the age of 60 who is afraid of falling? Most seniors ARE afraid of falling, due to changes in
joint health, such as arthritis, or perhaps due to vision changes or vertigo. Perhaps you simply want to become stronger in
an effort to prevent falls. We have a marvelous opportunity to help with that fear, starting this July. See the attached flyer
on the A MATTER OF BALANCE class that we are hosting in partnership with the Capitol Area Council of Governments
– Area Agency on Aging.
Our Chair Yoga Class is a hit! Come have fun with us! We meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00-10:00 in Room F11 at
The Foundry. While our current focus is yoga, we will explore other forms of chair exercises and senior exercises. These
classes are 100% free! Contact me for more information.
Last, but certainly not least! DSUMC is hosting a Back to School Event offering free haircuts and vision checks for
disadvantaged returning school children on Saturday, August 20. We are starting a Sock and Underwear Drive to help
these kids. So please! Remember us when you go shopping and grab an extra pair of socks or package of underwear and
throw them (still packaged please!) in the Diaper Drive bin in The Fellowship Hall. For underwear, we need both boys and
girls, sizes 4/5 to Men’s and Women’s XL. For socks, we need Size 1 Youth all the way up to Women’s 9-11 and Men’s
Large. Any colors, any style. Contact me with any questions!
Diapers, Diapers, Diapers...
Don’t forget our ongoing Diaper Drive! We have recently had requests for adult diapers, as well as
plenty of wipes. We are still collecting child diapers in all sizes but have a greater need for sizes 3-5 for
older children. Feel free to leave your donation in the Diaper Drive collection box in the Fellowship Hall.
Contact me with any questions!
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Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
June 2016
Mission Opportunities...
Summer Mission Trip to the Valley
The DSUMC Mission Team is hosting a mission trip to Mercedes in the Rio Grande
Valley on June 20-25. We will be working on a new building at La Mesa Mision
Metodista in Mercedes. La Mesa is a small combined Hispanic United Methodist Church
and Mission serving the needs of the Hispanic population in the area, especially children,
youth, and women. The new building will serve as a multi-purpose building primarily for
the youth but will be multi-purposes.
The foundation for the building was built earlier this year by DSUMC members. The goal for this trip to is to erect a floor,
walls, roof, doors and windows, depending on team size and skill level. We currently have about 15 DSUMC members on
the team but there is room for more.
We will be staying at Mercedes FUMC, which is set up with sleeping facilities and a nice kitchen and a dining room to
host mission teams. They also have several full hookups for RV’s.
If you may be interested in joining the team or need more information, please contact Dave Sutherland at davees@aol.com
or 512-940-7244.
"Ministerio Manos y Pies de Cristo /Christ's Hands & Feet Hispanic Outreach NEWS!"
Kairos Prison Ministry!
DSUMC has been involved in Kairos Prison Ministry for about 20 years! Kairos has been
bringing the love of Christ to our incarcerated brothers and sisters in white for more than 30
years, building Christian community in the prison and reducing recidivism. During the years
that DSUMC has been involved with Kairos, we have seen a large number of inmates turn away
from their troubled past to become strong Christians and productive members of society upon
their release. Many of those whose crimes prevent them from returning to society have testified
that they have found freedom in Jesus even though they are still physically imprisoned. In
recent years, more and more of our former Brothers and Sisters in White have come back to
serve as volunteers in Kairos and have been a great inspiration to those who are still incarcerated.
DSUMC members serve at the men’s maximum security Hughes unit and the women’s maximum security Lane Murray
unit, both in Gatesville. Team formation and preparation is underway for the fall Hughes and Lane Murray Kairos Weekends. Former DSUMC member James Cecil will be leading the Hughes weekend, which will be on September 29th thru
October 2nd. The Lane Murray weekend will be on October 25th thru 29th. Team meetings for both units begin in late
July. If you have a possible interest in serving on the men’s Hughes Kairos Weekend, please contact Dave Sutherland at
davees@aol.com. If you may be interested in serving on the women’s Lane Murray Kairos Weekend, please contact Shari
Breese at sbreese@austin.rr.com.
Thank you again for your support of this great ministry!
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Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
June 2016
Community Youth Organizations
American Heritage Girls Troop TX-0522 is a ministry of DSUMC.
As the Troop’s Charter Organization Representative,
Pastor Adam Thornton assures that the Troop is aligned with the church.
Troop Coordinator Cheryl Calvert: ahg@wheresme.com.
AHG mission statement: "Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country."
AHG Troop TX 0522 equips its young ladies in six areas as set out by American Heritage Girls. The six program
emphases are Social Development, Girl Leadership, Life Skill Enhancement, Character Development, Developing
Teamwork and Building Confidence, and Spiritual Development.
One of the ways AHG Troop TX 0522 teaches skills is through guiding the young ladies to plan and work to earn level
awards at each stage of AHG. This year, our troop had 7 young ladies earn their level awards at our May Court of Awards.
Each level award requires community service enough to earn one service star per year of AHG membership, attendance at
Troop TX0522 functions, and special projects which increase in difficulty as the girl advances. The young ladies must then
sit for a Board of Review. At our May Court of Awards, we celebrated the accomplishments our young ladies had earned,
with the grace given to them by God, and awarded a Fanny Crosby level award to a Pathfinder (Kindergarten), a
Sacagewea level award to a Tenderheart (Grade 3); a Lewis and Clark level award to an Explorer (Grade 6); two
Harriet Tubman level awards to Pioneers (Grade 8) and two Dolley Madison level awards to Patriots (Grade 10).
Two of our Patriots earned their P.R.A.Y.
medals as well, and Pastor Adam joined us
for our awards ceremony to recognize these
Our AHG troop will start back up with our
Parent Information and Registration Night on
Thursday, August 25, 2016, starting at 6:30
p.m. in The Foundry. Girls aged 5-18 are
encouraged to join us!
Trail Life USA Troop TX-0107 is a ministry of DSUMC.
As the Troop’s Charter Organization Representative,
Pastor Adam Thornton assures that the Troop is aligned with the church.
Troopmaster Patrick Welton: TrailLifeDrippingSprings@gmail.com
In April, TX-0107 and AHG TX-0522 informed our community about their programs as they shared a booth at Founder’s
Day. Trail Life finished May by recognizing the achievements of the Trailmen at the Spring Court of Awards.
The Trailmen plan on enjoying their trail skills at Summer Adventure.
Among the core values of TLUSA is COURAGE. Our Trailmen will need courage to stand for the timeless truths, values and teachings of Christ’s church.
“We will continually commit ourselves to the truths found in the scriptures,
that we are to fear God and not man, and that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and understanding” Join us in praying for these boys and
young men that they might have courage in a hostile world.
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Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
June 2016
Community Youth Organizations
DSUMC is the charter organization for three Boy Scout units:
Cub Scout Pack 101, Boy Scout Troop 101, and Venture Crew 101.
Pack 101
Pack 101 Cub Scouting is a year-round family program designed for boys who are in the first grade
through fifth grade (or 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 years of age). Guests are always welcome to come out to one
of our Pack meetings to see what our Pack is all about before joining.
We generally meet on the 4th Thursday of each month at 7:00pm during the school year at The Foundry
of Dripping Springs United Methodist Church. Please check the calendar to verify the date as it occasionally shifts due to holidays or district-wide school testing days. You can also check out the
calendar at
http://pack101.us/ to see what other fun activities we have planned.
Pack Committee Chair, Jennifer Sedlmeyer at rsedlmeyer@gmail.com
Cub Master, Barry Crutchfield at barry.crutchfield@me.com
Troop 101
Boy Scout Troop 101 meets every Tuesday night from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Boy Scouts is for young men in 6th grade up to age 18. For questions or information on how to join
the Troop, you may contact our Troop Committee Chair, Rebecca Fahey, at rebecca@thefaheys.us or
The new scouts are working on Path to First Class by learning new skills and earning merit badges such as
Orienteering, Geocaching, and Biking.
Campout May 27-29. Navigating an Orienteering Course at the Peel Ranch.
We are looking for an adult to head up the Bicycle Merit Badge. The PLC has designated several meetings and
mountain bike rides dedicated to earning this badge - but we need an adult to lead this.
The meetings are the troop meetings on May 31 and June 14. The bike rides are:
June 18 - 5 mile mountain bike trip
June 25 - 10 mile mountain bike trip
TBD - 20 mile mountain bike trip
Can you lead this? Contact Rebecca Fahey.
Page 14
Dripping Springs United Methodist Church
June 2016
June 20-24
July 11-15
August 15-19
Ages 6-12
Ages 6-13
Ages 5-11
Wizard of Oz
June 2016
8:15am, 9:45am
& 11:15am
Sunday School:
Adult & Youth
9:45am, 11:00am
Children’s 9:45
Service 6:00pm
12 Step
Recovery Meets:
M - F & Sat.
Tu & Th 6:30am
Wed. at noon
Sunday 7:00 pm
Al-Anon meets
Thursday noon
HS Youth
Camp Eagle
9:30 - Agape
HS Youth
Camp Eagle
9:00 Chair Yoga
10:00 Naomi’s
6:00 Bilingual Serv.
6:00 Disciple 1
6:30 Hand Bells
6:30 Young Life
12:00 Men’s Bible
6:30 Emmaus
San Marcos
6:30 Troop 101
2:00 GriefShare
3:30 JBQ
Annual Conference
HS Youth
“YWAM” Houston
HS Youth
“YWAM” Houston
9:00 Ladies Bible Sty
9:00 Chair Yoga
9:00 Precepts
Book of Revelation
6:15 Youth
6:30 Ladies Bible Sty
6:30 Stephen
6:30 Spanish to
English Class
6:30 American
Heritage Girls
HS Youth
Camp Eagle
9:00 Ladies Bible Sty
6:15 Youth
6:30 Ladies Bible Sty
Garage Sale
Donation Drop off
10am - 7pm
HS Youth
“YWAM” Houston
Annual Conference
HS Youth
Camp Eagle
9:00 Chair Yoga
Garage Sale
Donation Drop off
10am - 7pm
HS Youth
“YWAM” Houston
HS Youth
“YWAM” Houston
9:00 Chair Yoga
6:00 Bilingual Serv.
6:30 Hand Bells
6:30 Young Life
6:30 Troop 101
6:15 Youth
6:30 Shalom Circle
Kids Acting
Kids Acting
9:00 Chair Yoga
Kids Acting
9:00 Ladies Bible Sty
Kids Acting
9:00 Chair Yoga
12:00 Men’s Bible
2:00 GriefShare
3:30 JBQ
6:00 Bilingual Serv.
6:30 Young Life
Rio Valley Mission
6:30 Troop 101
Rio Valley Mission
6:15 Youth
Rio Valley Mission
Rio Valley Mission
9:00 Chair Yoga
9:00 Ladies Bible Sty
9:00 Chair Yoga
6:15 Youth
6:30 American
Heritage Girls
2:00 GriefShare
3:30 JBQ
6:30 Young Life
6:30 Troop 101
Annual Conference
Annual Conference
9:00 Precepts
Book of Revelation
8am - 5pm
8am - noon
HS Youth
“YWAM” Houston
9:00 Precepts
Book of Revelation
Kids Acting
9:00 Precepts
Book of Revelation
6:30 American
Heritage Girls
12:00 Men’s Bible
9:00 Ladies Bible Sty
12:00 Men’s Bible
6:30 Spanish to
English Class
6:30 American
Heritage Girls
6:30 Stephen
6:30 Spanish to
English Class
6:30 American
Heritage Girls
9:00 Chair Yoga
2:00 GriefShare
3:30 JBQ
Rio Valley Mission
At The Foundry