Master Karen Eden


Master Karen Eden
Karen Eden
& The Red
Shield Warriors
Beat a Bully
Fight Cancer
MRSA & Martial Arts
The Silent Killer
Exclusive Kukkiwon Interview
July 2009 / Volume 29 No. 4 / Issue Number 170
Publisher & CEO
Woojin Jung
Managing Editor
Laura Stolpe
26 U.S Open
Photos and inside coverage of the amazing tournament
in Las Vegas. See what went on and who was there.
Creative Director
Elizabeth Brown
28 Kukkiwon Special Testing
Business Director
An exclusive interview with Hyun-Sup
Brian Heckart
Park of the Kukkiwon. Find out why and
how the special dan testing took place in
the United States for the first time ever.
Copy Editors
Bill Heckart
Julie Heckart
Assistant to
GiSeon Kim
39 Progressive Hapkido
Read up on the system created by Doju Klaus
Schuhmacher of Germany. Learn how he created the
system and why it will work for anyone.
Web Site Manager
Midwest Dedicated
What you don’t know could kill you.
That’s the honest truth about MRSA,
or what some like to call, the “superbug.”
Find out how to protect yourself and
your loved ones from this frightening and
widespread illness.
John Lee
C. M. Griffin
Doug Cook
Karen Eden
Master Rondy
Tae Yun Kim
Tom Kurz
Suzanne R. Ellenberger
Jerry Beasley
Cynthia Vespia
Dillon Patel
Dylan Presman
Erik Richardson
Gary Arkerson
Guy Larke
Jerilyn Michaels
Kathrin Sumpter
Klaus Schuhmacher
Krystal Armstrong
Robert J. Ott
Stace Sanchez
Vice Presidents
Don Wells
Eui Min Ko
He-Young Kimm
General Advisors
Jhoon Rhee
Jin Suk Yang
Hee Il Cho
Woon Chick Park
Chuck Sereff
Soo Nam Park
Edward Sell
Rick Rojeck
Tiger Kim
Kwang Sik Myung
Soon Ho Lee
Chun Sik Kim
Public Relations
Jung Oh Hwang
Taek Sung Cho
Michelle Kim
General Education
Alexander Choi
Byungchul Kim
Yong Bum Kim
Event Coordinator
Jun Pyo Choi
Sung Yong Ji
Song Son Yu
Martial Art Tech.
Jae Kyung Kim
Scott Greca
Barry Harmon
Jamie Serio
Dojang Operations
Mike Menters
Marshall Pereira
Alex Suh
Donald C. Kimm
News Director
Mike Zeman
Marketing Director
Scott Warner
Lisa Warner
Kwang Jo Choi
Jae Chul Sin
David Moon
Jin Suk Yang (WTF)
Yong Son Ri (ITF)
Changsub Shin
Bum Ju Lee
Robin Rafferty
Ricardo Desimone
South America:
Jose Luis Giarone
Tam Fook Chee
is what a typical MRSA culture looks like.
51 Denver’s Red Shield Warriors
Master Karen Eden has teamed up with The Salvation
Army to create Denver’s Red Shield Warriors, a group
of martial artists in downtown Denver who have
come through rough spots in life to find a new meaning with the art of Tang So Doo.
58 Kicking Against the Odds
Meet 19-year-old Bradley Schneider.
Born with Down Syndrome, young
Bradley is passionate about life and
learning and loves Tae Kwon Do and his
62 After the Fire
Catch up with Chief Master Robert Ott, our cover
personality from July 2008. Read about his journey
over the past year and the good things that have come
his way.
Cover Photo by James Rowe, Snap Shot Photography, Aurora Co.
Cover photo by Bill Bly.
Founded in 1980 by Chung E. Kim
68 Grounded in Clarity
Instructor Kathrin Sumpter is on a mission, teaching weekly
martial arts classes for cancer victims. In the past year teaching
the class, she has seen improvement in the self-confidence and
health of her students.
Tr i - M o u n t P u b l i c a t i o n s
Circulation & Business Offices
3950 Wilson Ave. S.W.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404
(319) 396-1980 FAX: (319) 396-5070
Editorial & Advertising Offices
800 388-5966 FAX: (319) 396-5070
73 Taeglish
Check out this innovative way that one instructor
is teaching English to Koreans. The Taeglish program combines the art of Tae Kwon Do with the
English language, making learning a new language
easy and fun.
76 Tae Kwon Do in Service of the Community
Read about Master Lawrence Couch and his school based in
a tough neighborhood in Washington, D.C. Check out what he
is teaching his students about the value of helping in the community.
82 Beating the Bullies
When her daughter became the victim of bullying, one mom decided to stand up and say
“Enough is enough!” Find out how she battled the
bullies and won.
86 J.K. Lee and MTV
MTV’s popular program Made found a young teenager wishing
to become a martial artist. TKDT sat down with Master Chan
Lee, student to Grandmaster J.K. Lee, to discuss what it was like
to represent Tae Kwon Do to the world.
Heart to Heart / Be Your First Good Deed
MMA & You / Mixed Martial Arts and More
The Supplement / Good Deeds Good For You
Woman of the Times / Being the Cheese
East Meets West / A Link in the Chain
Traditions / The Moral Directives of Tae Kwon Do
Stretch Yourself / My Best Advice on Injuries
The Last Word / Now I’m Bionic Part 2
Readers’ Forum / In Your Words
From the Desk of the Editor / TKDT Goes Green
News / What’s Happening in the World of TKD
NEW! TKDT Schools of the Month / June & July
NEW! Killer Kicks / Awesome Kicks by You
NEW! The Big Break / Unbelievable Board Breaks
Black Belt Beginnings / Inspiring Stories
Calendar of Events / Tournaments Near You
Martial Arts Directory / School Listings
Correspondent Page / Our TKD Community
TAE KWON DO TIMES, Volume 29, Number Three (ISSN 0741-028X) is published bi-monthly, (January, March, May, July, September, and November) by Tri-Mount Publications, Inc., Corporate Headquarters, circulation and
fulfillment offices located at 3950 Wilson Ave. SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 (319-396-1980). Editorial and advertising 3950 Wilson Ave. SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 email: Fax: 319-396-5070 800-388-5966 info@taekwondotimes.
com. Web site: Submissions must be accompanied by return postage and will be handled with reasonable care; however, the publisher and editor assume no responsibility for the return of unsolicited photographs or manuscripts. Submissions become the property of TAE KWON DO TIMES upon notification of their publication. Printed in the United States by R.R. Donnelley. Periodical postage paid at Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to TAE KWON DO TIMES, 3950 Wilson Ave. SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404. Copyright © 2008 by Tri-Mount Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction of contents may
be a violation of copyright laws.
DISCLAIMER—TRI MOUNT PUBLICATIONS does not guarantee, warranty, or endorse any product or service advertised in this magazine. The publisher also does not guarantee the safety or effectiveness of any product, service
or martial art technique illustrated in this magazine. The sole purpose and distribution of some products/services may be illegal in some areas and we do not assume responsibility thereof. State and local laws must be investigated by the purchaser prior to purchase and usage of products/services and martial art techniques. Because of the special nature of some products/services and techniques, a physician should be consulted before application.
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A Martial Arts Poem
Why I Train
As a mom who does Tae
Kwon Do
I’m boosting my get up an
d go
With each skill that I gain
I’ e les
l s fog
f on my bra
b in
As I shuttle the kids to an
d fro
Getting fit might thwart ma
That run through my fam
ily trees
The “I Can’t Remember”
Training can be instrume
In learning to live incremen
We strive for success
and learn through distress
for much of the struggle is
And as the seasons keep tur
Living and training, I’m lea
Through all the belt ranks
Work hard and give thank
for the joy that we find in
the journeying
—Collette Wilbers, fifth-c
up green belt,
A Taekw
10 July 2009 /
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TKDT Goes Green
From the Desk of the Editor
In the spirit of TKD and giving back to the community, TKDT is taking
steps to give back not only to the TKD community, but to our planet as well. At
TaeKwonDo Times, we feel it is important that we role model the responsibility for
the Earth that we wish our readers and fellow martial artists to follow. Too much
negligence has occurred in our world, leaving our planet on a path filled with global
warming and waning resources, but here at TKDT we are joining in the battle to
rebuild and give back to our mother planet, Earth.
Our first step toward becoming greener and more Earth-friendly is something
you may have already noticed. On our front cover, there is a logo indicating our new
paper standards. This entire magazine is our first issue printed entirely on paper
that is certified in accordance to the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) standards.
The FSC sets responsible forestry management standards, ensuring that all ecological procedures are maintained when harvesting trees. This means that TKDT is
taking the steps it needs to ensure the printing of our magazine leaves as little of a
footprint as possible on our planet.
Our next Earth-friendly adventure is our new all-natural totes that we will be
carrying in our online store. Rather than using plastic bags, paper grocery sacks, or
other materials that can end up as litter or garbage in our landfills, we are encouraging our staff, readers, and fellow martial artists to use these all-natural totes for carrying your groceries, belongings, etc. Again, these totes, which bear the TaeKwonDo
Times logo, are an attempt to leave the Earth in a cleaner and greener state.
Another TKDT green endeavor I’d like to mention is something we’ve been
doing for a couple of years. We offer a totally paperless digital edition to our magazine online. While this comes free with a paper subscription, it also can be purchased as a standalone subscription. Our digital edition is exactly the same as our
paper subscription, without the paper, making it very eco-friendly.
FPO / July 2009
August 14-16, 2009 + Cost of Event: $95.00
Location: Temple of Certain Victory - Olympia, Washington
Grandmaster In Sun Seo
Through the training under his father Chairman Grand Master In Sun Seo, Master Steve Seo has become molded
into the Director of Techniques and Skills for the World Han Min Jok Hapkido Association/World Kido Federation
for the USA and abroad. This is the second time that Master Steve Seo has been hosted by Master Robert J. Ott the
Chief Master of the World Kidokwan Federation. “His techniques are tight and yet vector out with Ki energy through
each motion. The way he is able to take true traditional Korean Martial Arts and keep & up hold it while at the same
time both shortening and lengthening critical techniques is that of a man who not only understands these skills but is
ready to carry on the teachings of his father to the next generation.
This event will be 3 days of training and enjoyment wrapped up into one. From the beautiful
Northwest water to the quality of food served at this function any Martial Artist will find this to be
educational and relaxing all at the same time. This seminar is designed for fellow Moosa to come
together and grow in both relationship and knowledge with guests from all over the country.
For information on address, schedule, items to bring, lodging and more, please contact Master
Robert J. Ott the official host and Chief Master of the Temple of Certain Victory at For more information and or payment visit
Participants will be able to pay through check, pay pal, cash at front door with a $30.00
increase for expedited processing. Our goal is to have students registered by July 1, 2009.
Master Steve Seo
Hanminjok Hapkido
World Kido-Hae
August 14-16, 2009 + Cost of Event: $95.00
Location: Temple of Certain Victory - Olympia, Washington
Each participant will be receiving certificates from both the World Han Min Jok Hapkido Federation under chairman
& Grand Master In Sun Seo and recognized World Kidokwan Federation President Robert J. Ott with special guest
Master Steve Seo. Awards will be presented along with photos both single and group. Signed copies of the front pages of
magazines of both Masters will be available for no charge. The Biography of Pilsung/ Certain Victory by Robert J. Ott
and filmed documentary are also available. (See website for pricing information)
Kenneth P. MacKenzie
Also featuring special guest visitor Grand Master and highest ranking American Sin Moo Hapkido certified
Kenneth P. MacKenzie who will attend in a show of friendship, support and unity in the Korean Martial Arts.
Chief Master Robert J. Ott
For an informational package and FREE DVD featuring the
instructors of this event, please contact Robert J. Ott at
A deposit will be necessary to lock in your place as a
participant of this seminar.
NPTA New Schools
Springfield, MO—The NPTA (National Progressive Taekwondo Assciation) is proud to announce the addition of two more facilities. Republic,
Missouri and Mattoon, Illinois are the locations of the two newest members
of the NPTA Taekwondo family. Purple Dragon Martial Arts is owned and
operated by NPTA Certified Instructors Jeff and Brianne York and Lakeland
College Taekwondo is owned by senior instructor Kevin Roberts. The NPTA
currently has schools in six states, including Missouri, Arkansas, Alabama,
Oklahoma, Kentucky and Illinois.
Martial Artist Catches Thief
Tucuman, Argentina—A 39-year-old man was arrested in
the city center of Tucuman, Argentina, after stealing a briefcase containing almost $30,000. The thief had the bad fortune
of running into a Tae Kwon Do master when he tried to escape
with the briefcase. Professor Centeno Carlos, after hearing the
shouts of the victim and onlookers, stopped the thief with a strike,
then threw him to the ground after taking back the stolen goods. The
martial artist is a Professor at the School of Police in Tucuman.
WTF General Assembly Approves Rules
Thief detained
Seoul, South Korea—The World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) General Assembly has voted to
approve the proposed amendments to the WTF Rules and Regulations and the WTF Competition
Rules. WTF President Choue stated, “I am pleased with the outcome and I am positive that the new
rules will serve us well in the years to come.” Among the approved amendments to the WTF Rules and
Regulations were the WTF’s designation of the World Taekwondo Academy in Korea as its international
academic center for studies, education and research of Tae Kwon Do. Among the newly approved WTF
Competition Rules, which will be effective starting as early as in June 2009, were the shortening of the
competition area from the present ten meters by ten meters to eight meters by eight meters; the introduction of a differentiation of valid points (one point for a valid punch or kick to the trunk protector, two
points for a valid turning kick to the body, and three points for a valid kick to the head); the introduction
of an instant video replay system; the abolition of the win by a seven-point gap and the win by a twelvepoint ceiling; and the awarding of an additional point to the opposing contestant for two kyonggos and a
Kuk Sool in San Diego
San Diego, CA—The Black Lotus Martial Arts Academy and Kuk Sool of San Diego owned and operated by Liam O’Connor, is proud to announce their relocation to a new and much larger facility centrally
located in San Diego (Clairemont). The Black Lotus Martial Arts Academy is the only Kuk Sool dojang
in the city of San Diego. To celebrate, the school is offering a Grand Opening special for all new students
who sign up and mention they saw the announcement in Tae Kwon Do Times. The Grand Opening special
offers adult tuition at $75 a month and children’s tuition at $55 a month. This rate applies to new students only and is guaranteed for as long as you are a student in good
Master Frank Lupo
Obituary for Master Frank Lupo
Bensalem, PA—Pennsylvania Taekwondo and the Bensalem Taekwondo School
sadly announce the death of Master Frank Lupo, who passed away on January 31,
2009. Master Lupo was one of the founding officers Pennsylvania Taekwondo and
served as Vice President of its East Region. Master Lupo will be remembered for his
14 July 2009 /
dedication to his students and his significant impact on the overall success of martial arts over the past 18 years.
Hefty Donations
Boardman, OH—Students of Master Park Martial Arts International recently donated $5,200 to Hospice of the Valley, a local hospice organization.
Master Park Martial Arts International donated over $85,000 to the local community in 2008. This year is the 25th year of Master Park Martial Arts International in the valley and the school places a strong emphasis on giving back to
the community and helping others.
Mrs. Choi (center) and daughters
General Choi Inducted
Toronto, Canada—On April 11, 2009, the fourth edition
of the Canadian Black Belt Hall of Fame 2009 was held in
the Korean Cultural Centre in Toronto, Canada. General Choi
Hong Hi was inducted as the Founder of Tae Kwon Do. On
behalf of the Canadian Black Belt Hall of Fame Board, Grandmaster Park Jong Soo, ninth-dan, presented the award to Mrs.
Choi. Over 300 people were in attendance for the presentation.
Tae Kwon Do Promotions
Master Couch (3rd from left)
Washington, D.C.—Mr. Lawrence Couch, of Silver Spring, Maryland,
was promoted to sevent-degree black belt by Grandmaster Sung Hong,
ninth-degree black belt, on March 23, 2009. By reaching the level of
seventh-degree, Lawrence Couch achieved the rank of Grandmaster.
To honor the occasion, Grandmaster Hong presented Mr. Couch with a
traditional Korean sword. Mr. Couch is the head instructor of the Han Su
Tae Kwon Do School. Grandmaster Hong also promoted Kaseam Carr
and Terry Collier to the level of black belt, first-dan, and Dylan Presman
to the level of black belt, second-degree.
USAT Juniors Win Six Medals at Dutch Open
Colorado Springs, CO—Female junior heavyweight Adrienne Ivey won the gold medal as competition wrapped up at the 36th Dutch Open Taekwondo Championship in Eindhoven, Netherlands. Ivey’s
medal gave the ten-member USA Taekwondo Junior Team a total of six medals at the two-day event.
The USAT Junior Team garnered five medals; gold by junior male bantamweight Olie Burton, silver by junior female welterweight Nicole
Palma, and bronze medals by female junior featherweight Kiana Lo,
female junior lightweight Victoria Stambaugh and female junior lightmiddleweight Merissa Pico. Other Americans earning medals were Ernest
Samotshozo, who captured gold in the male junior light-heavyweight
division, Haley Kong who earned silver in the female junior flyweight
division, Alexander Yow winning silver in the male junior flyweight diviUSAT Junior Team
sion, and Anees Hasnain who took the bronze medal in the senior female
finweight class.
Combat Martial Arts Named Best Team
Del City, OK—Oklahoma City-based Combat Martial Arts Academy (CMAA) was awarded the Best
Team trophy in recognition of the school’s performance at the 23rd Oklahoma Invitational Tae Kwon
16 July 2009 /
Do Tournament held at Del City High School. The tournament,
sponsored by the U.S. Central Tae Kwon Do Association, brings
competitors from across Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri,
and Mexico. This year, over 300 individuals competed in a variety
of events including Olympic-style sparring, forms, and board breaking. The ages of the competitors ranged from five to over fifty. Combat Martial Arts Academy brought a competition team of thirteen students
to the event, including Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) National Champions
Ashli Takashima and Rebekah Davenport. The school’s thirteen competitors
competed in twenty-seven individual events and earned ten first-place awards,
eleven second-place awards, and third-place awards. “We are extremely proud
of each of our team members,” said Master James Ray, co-owner of CMAA.
“Not only did they perform exceptionally well, but they demonstrated the character traits of honor, respect, sportsmanship, and friendship.”
2009 CTF Black Belt Extravaganza
Conshohocken, PA—In Spring 2009, black belts from the International Chin Mu
Kwan Tae Kwon Do Federation (CTF) met in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, for Master
Fred DeStolfo’s Annual Black Belt Training Extravaganza. The President and Founder
of the CTF is Grandmaster Howard Y. Kang. Schools from Pennsylvania, Connecticut
and Maryland were represented for this event which is used as a way to unify the schools
and practice the black belt testing requirements of Grandmaster Kang. The instructors also
exchange teaching ideas to make classrooms fun and exciting for students of the federation.
Workouts and seminars were presented by the following masters: Fred DeStolfo, Steve Davis,
Lenny Young, Vince Muscarella, David Burns, Cindy Davis, Michael Trimarchi, Lonnie Clark,
Geoff Anders and Nicky Halpin. Topics covered at the extravaganza were forms, prearranged sparring, free sparring, ground fighting, two-on-one self-defense, weapon self-defense, and the use of
pressure points in defending yourself.
1st African Open
1st African Open
Vienna, Austria—The 1st African Open Taekwon-Do Championship took
place in Johannesburg, South Africa in Spring 2009. With over 160 competitors in attendance from nine countries across the continent of Africa, the
championship was a great success. Simultaneously, the Taekwon-Do Federation of Africa (TFA) was officially formed at the first general meeting of
TFA held in Johannesburg, South Africa. All representatives present at the
meeting agreed to fervently grow this new organization. The 2nd African Open
Taekwon-Do Championship will again be held in Johannesburg, South Africa
in 2011.
Krav Maga Seminar
Stadthagen, Germany—Juergen Koehler, the
Krav Maga Chief Instructor of Martial Arts
Association International, recently held a Krav
Maga seminar in cooperation with the World
Krav Maga Association. The seminar held at
the Golden Dragon Combat Art Center educated participants on different defense techniques
and strategies against diverse weapon attacks.
Mr. Koehler placed emphasis on preventive
measures, informing attendees of realistic situations and the best options for defense.
18 July 2009 /
Krav Maga seminar attendees
43rd Annual Oriental World of Self-Defense
New York, NY—Aaron Banks 43rd Annual Oriental World of Self-Defense hit Broadway in Spring 2009.
The show was a hit, with martial
artists performing Karate, Kung Fu,
Ju Jitsu, Ninjitsu, Tae Kwon Do and
Kendo, as well as performing incredible
breaking techniques.Some famous martial
artists performing
were Paul “Mr.
Karate USA”
Mormando, Great
Grandmaster Ronald Duncan and
Maurice Elmalem.
Dennis “Suptacular” Burgess
Shihan William Mack broke 1000 pounds of ice with
his head, and later went on to showcase his incredible
strength and experience of over fifty years in the martial arts. Another highlight was Shihan Robert Ornes,
who after forty years of training in Shotokan Karate
Legendary grandmasters performed
demonstrated the near impossible
by blindfolding himself and disarming a knife-wielding attacker. As
the demonstration continued, Shihan
Ornes knocked his opponent 25 feet
into the audience. Next up was Maurice
Elmalem. Elmalem is a Guinness world
record champion, and a master in the
art of Tae Kwon Do. He performed an
incredible glass break and left the audience
wanting more. Mr Karate USA truly lived
up to his title as he
captivated the audience by breaking
ten cinder blocks
on his chest while
lying on a bed of
razor sharp nails.
The audience was
gasping for air as
Shihan Robert Ornes
they watched him
absorb the brunt of a 20-pound sledge hammer hitting the bricks on his chest. As
the dust cleared the audience was amazed to find that Mormando had absolutely
no damage to him. To end this monumental event, world champion Dennis “Suptacular” Burgess broke over a five-minute period, destroying stacks and stacks of
concrete blocks, leaving them in dust.
Great Grandmaster Aaron Banks proved again that the show he created in 1966,
which played the famous Madison Square Garden for twenty years, still lives and
will continue its legacy for many years to come.
GM Aaron Banks
20 July 2009 /
TKDT School of the Month une
Allen Park Martial Arts Center
Allen Park Martial Arts Center (APMAC) located
in Allen Park, Michigan, is in its 13th year of business. Dr. Matthew B. Gonzalez is the founder and
owner of APMAC, which offers Tae Kwon Do for
students of all ages, as well as Cardio Kickboxing and
self-defense classes.
Left: The APMAC Spar-AThon raises money for the
nonprofit organization
Hopeful Tomorrow, which
sponsors at-risk youth to
train for free at APMAC.
The most recent Spar-AThon helped sponsor two
children to train at the
center for three months.
Right: A recent black belt
testing at APMAC. Dr. Matthew B. Gonzalez, the
founder and owner of APMAC, is pictured at the far
left in the top photo,
along with two lead instructors, Helen Taylor and Scott
22 July 2009 /
TKDT School of the MonthJuly
Missoula Taekwondo Center
Missoula Taekwondo Center is western Montana’s
most family friendly martial arts facility. Their goal
is to provide fun useful instruction to all students.
Whether you are an elite competitor, an energetic
five-year-old, an individual looking for confidence, or
someone in need of a fun pastime, their classes will
suit your needs.
They teach Olympic style sport Taekwondo, yet
remain grounded in the traditions of the martial art.
Their curriculum includes sparring strategies as well
as observance of their five tenets: Modesty, Perseverance, Self Control, Indomitable Spirit, and Etiquette.
Master Steve Rosbarsky is the head instructor. He
and his wife, Amanda, operate the Taekwondo Center
and have seen it grow from 35 students to around 200
since opening in 2001.
Master Rosbarsky helping a student with a
wrist grab release during the self-defense
portion of a colored belt test.
(Above) A colored belt
test in 2007.
(Right) Lydia performing a rising kick with
her father, Master
Rosbarsky, during the
River City Roots Festival Demo.
Mr. Viet Le doing a flying sidekick over ten
(l-R) Amanda Rosbarsky, Kim Sturre and
Karen Hammond at their black belt test.
Ruth Austin and
Jeff Jones doing
double kicks at
the River City
Roots Festival in
Missoula. / July 2009
Submit your Killer Kick and Big
Break photos, along with your
name, age, rank and location to or
mail to:
TKD Times
Attn: Killer Kicks / Big Break
3950 Wilson Ave SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 USA
Left: 27-year-old Sergio Arroyo of Columbia, fourth-dan
black belt
Right: Daniel Briggs of the University of
Chester does a jumping double front kick.
Left:Seventh-degree Michael Muleta of
Melbourne, Australia
Right: Christopher Thomas of South Wales
does a jump spinning back kick.
24 July 2009 /
Big Break
Master Henrik S. Hunstad, sixth-dan TKD,
fourth-dan Hapkido, of Norway
Master Antonio Lanni, seventh-dan TKD, of
Montreal, Canada
Both Photos Below: Tiffany Vasquez, third-degree TKD,
Orland Park, Illinois / July 2009
U.S. Open
By Cynthia Vespia
It’s been nearly ten years since the U.S. Open Taekwondo Championships were held in Las Vegas, Nevada. The competition started early on Thursday, February 12, as eager young hopefuls and skilled veterans
filled the Tropicana Hotel readying themselves for an intensive three days of competition. You can always
note the telltale signs of a fighter: backpack full of gear and nutrients; sweats emblazoned with team logos;
headphones keeping outside distractions at bay; and a mask of concentration. Once they stepped inside the
ring, it was all business.
For the first time in the history of the U.S. Open, the fighters wore the LaJust electronic body protectors
as a scoring system to more accurately track points with each strike. Hits to the body are one point each,
where a legal headshot would be two.
“We are excited and gratified to see unprecedented worldwide support for this important event,” said
USA Taekwondo CEO David Askinas. “The U.S. Open has long been recognized as one of the premier
world events in the sport of Tae Kwon Do and USA Taekwondo is known for running the highest level
events in the world. We worked very hard to secure a venue in Las Vegas for this event. We also dedicated
ourselves to marketing the event for the last six months domestically and internationally and those efforts
have clearly paid off. I also think it is fair to say that there is clearly interest in attending a high level Tae
Kwon Do competition featuring the LaJust electronic body protector scoring system. There is a very good
chance this system will be chosen for the upcoming world championships. If you combine all of those factors
with the international lure of a Las Vegas vacation,
there was definitely a chance to make history this
year. We are investigating the possibility of making Las Vegas a semi-permanent home for the
event and we will be polling our customer base to
gauge their interest in returning to Las Vegas in
future years.”
About 59 different nations were represented,
including 17 national teams and 13 Olympians
from the 2008 Beijing Games. The U.S. contingent was represented in 47 states and 2008
Olympian, Charlotte Craig, headlined the list
26 July 2009 /
of U.S. Senior Team members taking part in
the international competition. Craig was joined
by fellow 2007 Senior National Team members
Brian Gallagher, Luis Reyes, Dalia Avivi and
Eleni Koutsilianos, as well as 2006 Senior Team
member Lauren Cahoon. It was an international
competition to test against the best. Matches were
set so each competitor was fighting a skill set from
a different country, something different from the
style to which they were accustomed to fighting.
Skilled fighters from every age and weight class
were present. Each represented different training
camps and each brought their enthusiasm and intensity, including Nancy McClane from Team Lee
fighting out of Texas in the 41-50 division who,
after winning her first round, remarked, “I like
meeting other ladies my age who compete. It’s fun.”
Valentine’s Day brought no shortage of fighting.
Hearts were pumping and competition remained
fierce. Your head was on a swivel trying to keep
up with all the action in the various rings. Lots of
aerials and attempts at aerials were presented this
day. Spin wheel kicks to the head seemed to be the
emphasis as China took on Mexico in Ring 1 during the 14 and up division.
The final day of competition brought out the cream of
the crop. These fighters knew their skills and knew them
well. As Mexico took on the Dominican Republic, a well
placed side kick to the chest flattened Mexico early on. In
the stands, friends, fans, and supporters of Team Jalisco
from Mexico began a chant to fire up their countryman and
keep him in the fight.
One of the major upsets of the championships came
when Breanna Bordon took on Danielle Pelham. Bordon, a
local Las Vegas fighter without a lot of fight time, went
in as the expected underdog
against the seasoned Pelham.
The fight turned out to be a
classic. At one point Pelham
took a toe to the eye but she
did not falter. The fight went
into sudden death overtime and it was Bordon who scored the upset. Ceremonies and awards followed to conclude an amazing weekend of competition.
In addition, the U.S. Olympic Committee will be producing a highlight
airing from this year’s U.S. Open in Las Vegas. The 40-50 minute webcast
will appear soon after the event on the USOC’s website, / July 2009
Kukkiwon Special Testing
An Interview with Hyun-Sup Park
By Cynthia Vespia
The historic Kukkiwon Special Dan Testing was held February 1315, 2009, at the Tropicana Hotel during the 2009 U.S. Open TKD
Championships. Each applicant was judged by a panel of Kukkiwon
and USAT Martial Arts Commission judges on their individual test
TKD Times was privileged to sit down and speak with Hyun-Sup
Park, the Director of General Affairs at the Kukkiwon World Taekwondo Headquarters.
TKDT: Tell us a little bit about the Kukkiwon special dan testing.
Park: In the whole world there are 180 countries. Under the TKD
umbrella, there is the World Taekwondo Federation, as well as the
Kukkiwon. And under that there are five regional federations: Asian
TKD Union; African TKD Union; Pan-American TKD Union; Europe TKD Union; and Oceania TKD Union. These are the five that
are under the umbrella and the TKD Federation.
TKDT: Why is the Kukkiwon testing in the U.S.?
Park: In the world there are a lot of federations giving black belt
certifications, but in the World Taekwondo Federation, the Kukkiwon
is the authority who certifies all the black belts around the world. So right now, the different situations in the
U.S., you have ATU (Asian Taekwondo Union) certification, ITF (International Taekwon-Do Federation)
certification, because of all of them, the Kukkiwon wanted to come over here and conduct the testing so
28 July 2009 /
that the people that are qualified would be able to
receive the Kukkiwon certification. And the Kukkiwon certification is the basic criteria for any black
belt athlete in order to compete under the umbrella
of the Olympics. So that’s the reason why the Kukkiwon is so crucial to the TKD practitioner.
TKDT: What degree of belt is being tested?
Park: The maximum of special testing was up to
seventh-degree black belt.
TKDT: What are the pros and cons of this kind of
Park: There are no negatives. The very positive
things about it, because Kukkiwon is really the
most renowned authority for black belt certification, is to be able to give the education for the dan
requirement, the routine—or what they call the
poomsae—so the educated know the
people that are holding the certification, and also
giving the chance for the people who haven’t had
the opportunity to find an authority to be tested
underneath. So that they can be able to learn what
is the criteria for the black belt certification under
the umbrella of Kukkiwon which they have learned
To read Master Sang Yun’s thoughts
on the Kukkiwon testing, visit and read his
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Cynthia Vespia is a trainer and
writer based in Las Vegas. Her work includes health and entertainment media, as well as published work in fiction. She is
a skilled martial artist and active fitness competitor. For more
information visit / July 2009
My dear fellow Martial Artists,
Change is a great thing. It is invariably a Yin-Yang process. I
think we have all experienced it this year, with all the positive
comes some negative. In a world of uncertainty, it is so important that martial artists maintain who we are and what we stand
As martial artists, we are training, and trained, to do good
deeds. Most schools list in their rules something to the effect
that they are only using the art for positive purposes and most
are involved in charity work, such as kick-a-thons or breaka-thons. Perhaps they have toy and food drives, or offer free
self-defense classes. At my schools, we have adopted some great
causes and everyone participates whole-heartedly. It is a beautiful mission we are all meant to do. “The power is in you, it is
your personal choice what you do in your life!”
However, sharing with others, doing good deeds, isn’t the
whole story. In order to really do good deeds, we have to start
with our own selves. I am not talking about just the physical
aspect. I am talking about our own self-development. How
much good can we do if we are miserable? What kind of
energy would we be sending out if we are unhappy? How could
someone with a tremendous anger issue help anyone unless
he helped himself first? Unless you are at least on the way to a
balanced and fulfilling life, you will need to devote yourself to
helping yourself first. You’ll need to take action and set a plan in
First, you will need to get your energy under control, purifying it, increasing it, and directing it toward goals and activities that promote your growth and development, rather than
self-destructive or limited ends. Because you are unique, it is
important not to compare yourself with others or have unrealistic expectations. There is already within you a quiet recognition
of the goals that are appropriate. An unrealistic goal will make
you feel “pushed” or anxious, whereas a realistic goal will bring a
sense of excitement and eager anticipation.
What is energy? It is an expression of the life force of the
whole universe. And you and the life force are one! Because you
are at one with the life force of the universe, you are energy. And
the sun, wind, water, and
all of nature, are also
energy. When you
cannot find this
energy within
yourself, often
you can go into
nature to feel
and connect
with it. This
life force is
love in action.
When you
start feeling
this natural
love within
you, it will
respond to the whole world. You will start feeling a
warmth and enthusiasm that flows out of you as natural
as breathing.
One of the goals of self-discovery is to be able to enjoy
this natural energy and share it. Yet, why do we often feel
such a lack of energy if we are indeed one with the life
force? The answer is that our own negative thoughts act
like filters that keep this mighty river of energy down to a
trickling stream. One purpose of training at Jung SuWon
is to purify your thinking and feeling so energy flows
more freely and powerfully.
For example, one of my black belt instructors told me
how his teaching changed when he began to approach it
with this natural love. Before he began to feel his spiritual energy increasing, his teaching consisted of making
sure the students did every move correctly or learned at
the proper rate. This is part of being a good teacher. But
when he began to feel the natural love, his teaching went
beyond physical instruction. He listened and responded
with more awareness and sensitivity to everyone’s needs
and feelings. He not only desired to see the students
learn the correct moves, but to help them defeat their
weaknesses and shine. He cared about every step of their
growth with as much enthusiasm as he cared about his
own growth. In short, he began loving the students as
well as teaching them, and it made his job more joyous
and fulfilling.
That is how love energizes you. It gives you inner joy,
enthusiasm, and awareness that helps you carry out your
goals. Would you be surprised to know that you may be
wasting your energy, spending it on things that undermine and sabotage your goals and desires? You may have
habits that regularly weaken the quality of your energy.
Your energy is a creative tool. It must not be wasted.
When I teach my students to break a brick with their
bare feet or hands, I’m teaching them to control and
direct their energy in a positive way. Martial arts training
isn’t just movements. Because body and mind are one,
this physical training helps students contact their spiritual energy. There is always a balance. You can’t have a
pure body without a pure mind, and vice versa. You may
develop your mind, but if you don’t develop your body,
it will have an ill effect on you. When your body gets
hurt, doesn’t that cloud your thoughts? Likewise, if you
pay attention to developing only your physical body and
neglect your mental training, you will be unable to deal
with life’s situations. Body and mind must always work
Your whole being is an expression of energy. To create,
transform, or reshape your life, your energy must be pure
and free. And as you purify your energy, you move into
the next stage of examining your life. You need to take a
hard look at your present priorities, asking, “Have I been
true to myself? Am I where I want to be? Do I know who
I am? Am I being who I am or am I being who somebody
else wants me to be?”
Only by looking closely at where you are, can you
evaluate the quality of your environment, motives, beliefs,
and attitudes. You can’t change anything until you identify precisely what needs to be changed. The conditions
in your environment and the quality of your thinking
have brought you to where you are now. Do you like
where you are? If not, where did you compromise or sell
out along the way? How did you get off the track? And
why? What forces did you respond to instead of listening
to yourself? Only by looking honestly at where you are
now can you form a good plan to go somewhere else. A / July 2009
By Tae Yun Kim
Heart to Heart
Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim is the founder and head of Jung SuWon. She is also the founder and CEO of Lighthouse Worldwide
Solutions, a high-tech computer control and monitoring industry located in the Silicon Valley. Grandmaster Kim is a best-selling author
and motivational speaker.
careful evaluation will help you see where you detoured, help
you determine where you want to go now, and plan how you
will get there. As you look at your life, do not underestimate
the power your environment. Is your job or family speaking
to you louder than your inner desires? Is your environment
strengthening or smothering you? You cannot assume everyone
you know wants you to change in the ways you want to change.
Help is always available to you, but the help you need may
not be easy to find. Your environment and the people in it may
have to be altered in order for you to change. If this is true, it’s
important not to become desperate or make premature moves
without thinking things through clearly and thoroughly. Not
everyone who promises you help is able to give it. This is when
the tools of meditation, concentration, and visualization can
help you move wisely.
After looking at how you may have missed the mark, you
now mobilize your inner power to recreate your life. All the
bad experiences you have had can be used as feedback; they are
the fertilizer that enables you to grow strong.
Mistakes can be a good friend when we use them in a learning process. As a Western society, we are terrified of failure.
We often feel that mistakes reveal fatal flaws in our character.
But when we make mistakes, it is a sure sign we are learning.
One of the ways we learn what’s right is by learning first what’s
wrong. As long as we are trying to grow productively and
apply the lessons we learn, our mistakes will surely propel us
to success. Alexander Graham Bell, Albert Einstein, Thomas
Edison, Abraham Lincoln, and others who achieved something
significant failed numerous times before succeeding. But they
were also learning before they succeeded, just as you will do.
Through your successes and failures you eventually are guided
to choose your path and control your destiny. You will now
become your own doctor and surgeon, carefully bringing your
new self into the world by constantly removing the strangling,
stifling thoughts and feelings of your old self. This is not something that happens and then ends. This rebirth is an ongoing
process, a daily practice that goes on for your entire life. As you
continue to move down life’s path, you will constantly be made
aware of changes you need to make and will constantly be
reborn, as you make them.
You will always be striving to look at yourself impartially,
like a doctor examining a patient for the first time—studying
the symptoms, trying to gain insight into the source of the
trouble, and prescribing the appropriate cure. Only by being
willing to constantly look at your weaknesses, can you constantly do something about them.
That is what martial arts are about—self-improvement and
self-development, so that then you can share yourself with others; share your joy of life and your happiness, with the world!
Always remember, the power is in you, it is your personal
choice what you do in your life. You ARE an original—don’t be
a copy!
So, my fellow martial artists let us do good deeds—for ourselves and for others. Let us share our wisdom and knowledge
and our hearts!
With love, from my heart to yours,
Dr. Tae Yun Kim
Great Grandmaster
HE CAN DO, SHE CAN DO, WHY NOT ME! /January 2008
Special appearance by
Dojunim Ji, Han Jae
The Founder of Sinmoo Hapkido
Open to all styles
Come and join us and experience this exciting Martial Art,
taught by Masters and Instructors from around the world.
Hosted by Sinmoo Legacy Group
August 8 & 9, 2009
Held at the: Crowne Plaza
Mid-Peninsula Hotel
Foster City, California
contact information:
Focus On Our Readers...
Black Belt Beginnings tells the inspiring and motivational
stories of students climbing the rank system and achieving black belt. To submit your story of 750 words or less,
email it to
Eye Focus, Body Focus, Mind Focus
By seven-year-old Dillon Patel
My name is Dillon
Patel and I am seven
years-old. I am going to
be testing for my seconddegree black belt. When I
put on my dobok, I focus
all my attention to the
reason I am at Tae Kwon
Do and what I am there
to learn. Tae Kwon Do
is a sport most anyone
can do if they put their
mind, body and spirit
into it. Tae Kwon Do
is an ancient art form
that originated in South
The school I attend
is called White Tiger
Taekwondo in Cary,
North Carolina. I have
been training at White
Tiger since 2005. White
Tiger belongs to many different associations: The
World Taekwondo Federation, Korean Hapkido
Federation and the Korean Tiger Team School.
Last May, I tested for my first-degree black belt.
I signed up for Tae Kwon Do to build character
and good judgment. Tae Kwon Do teaches respect,
kindness, honesty, motivation, focus and perseverance. Even though Tae Kwon Do is a lot of work,
you also meet new friends and it is a lot of fun.
You can improve your grades and increase energy.
Tae Kwon Do helps you build strong bones and
muscles. You should always stick together in Tae
Kwon Do because it allows you to spend time with
your family.
I absolutely love Tae Kwon Do because I have
learned to speak Korean and Korean history. I have
,- July 2009 /
also learned
a lot of kicks,
punches and
board breaking techniques.
I have also
learned to spar
and to break
wooden boards.
I have learned
poomsae forms
and self-defense
techniques. I
have earned
seven belts
since I joined
White Tiger. I
was very proud
Dillon Patel
when I received
my black belt and certificate from the Kukkiwon
in Korea. Since I am only seven, my belt is called a
At White Tiger, we don’t just try our best to
get our black belts, we also try our best to help the
community. As part of our testing, we have to do a
group charity project and an individual project that
helps people learn about Tae Kwon Do. For my last
testing, I collected prescription eyeglasses for Unite
For Sight. I was able to get people to donate their
used glasses to help other people in countries that
cannot afford to have them.
Once I receive my second-degree black belt,
I plan to pursue more martial arts. I really like
Hapkido and I am excited about joining that. I will
also continue being on the Junior Leadership Team
at White Tiger, so that I can encourage other students to be the best that they can be. I look forward
to also helping my sister, since she is now in her
white belt classes.
The Michaels Family
Perseverance Pays Off
By Jerilyn Michaels
I started my TKD journey 20 years ago at the
age of 23, when my husband convinced me to join
him in his favorite sport. I had a lot of excuses
why I would not like TKD. I was not very athletic,
I was very shy, I lacked self-confidence and selfesteem. After a short time, I came to love the sport
of TKD. I took lessons from white to green belt at
the same school before it closed. It took my husband a little while to find a new school and by that
time, I was pregnant with our first child. I decided
to end my TKD experience.
Fifteen years went by fast and we now have four
children. We had just moved to Minnesota from
Phoenix and our oldest child was being bullied at
the bus-stop. I decided it was time to take TKD
again. We found a new school close to where we
lived and my husband and older children started
training. I could barely sit on the sidelines and
watch. I still loved the forms, philosophy, and exercise of TKD, but I was also still shy and anxious in
new situations performing in front of others. Many
times, I had to give myself a talk all the way to class
that I could get out there and workout in front of
others. Once in class though, all my fears were gone
and I enjoyed the workout.
I did get over my anxiousness and moved
through the belts from white to purple. When I
was a purple belt, I tore my ACL in my knee sparring and I had to have my knee rebuilt. The next
nine months were spent in physical therapy. I really
had to put blinders on at this time to all the people
who told me I should not pursue my dream of
becoming a black belt. I worked hard in physical
therapy and followed my doctor’s orders. I rejoined
class two months after surgery to hold pads for
kids’ classes. At four months after surgery, I was
able to join class but not pivot, and at six months I
was able to participate in class without restriction.
Nine months after surgery, I was able to break two
boards with that leg using a jump back kick for my
brown belt test.
One year after my knee surgery, I got the news
that our school was closing. This may have been
the biggest challenge yet. We had a lot of friends
there and I wasn’t sure I wanted to start all over
again. Many questions raced through my mind.
Master Kim & Jerilyn /July 2009
Did I want to deal with the anxiety I felt in new
situations? Did I want my goal of black belt bad
enough? In my mind came a resounding “YES.”
This time I was surprised that my jitters about
starting a new school were much less and I credit
it to the TKD training I had done already. I was
about ready for my red belt test but at our new
school we had two sets of patterns for each belt.
This meant learning nine new patterns before I
could test for red belt. I spent every day practicing
patterns for the next four months to be able to take
the test. I was also able to do a speed break for the
first time with the help of our new instructor, Mr.
Six months after my red belt test, I tested for
my black belt with my husband. I had great success at my test with many friends and old instructors present. Twenty years after my initial start, I
achieved my goal of black belt. Several times during
my journey I had someone say, “If one more thing
goes wrong, maybe you should take it as a sign you
should quit.” I take comments like that just the
opposite way. There are always excuses and reasons
why you shouldn’t pursue goals, but perseverance is
about pushing forward toward your goals no matter what life sets in your way. That is how you succeed in life and TKD.
I am currently working toward my seconddegree black belt and assisting in kids’ classes under
the direction of Master Young Kim at Kukkiwon
Tae Kwon Do Academy in Blaine, MN.
seniority roster and time became more available to
It was at this time in my life, at the age of 55, I
was diagnosed with high cholesterol and Type II
diabetes. I needed an exercise program. Since my
wife had joined a local fitness center, she convinced
me to do the same.
At the fitness center one evening, I noticed a
group of people in white uniforms doing exercises
in one of the center’s rooms. At that moment, one
of the black belts came out. I asked him about the
class, and he said it was Mr. B’s TKD. He asked
if I’d like to meet the owner, and I said “Yes.” That
day changed my life, although I did not realize it at
the time. The owner, Mr. Adam Boisvert, asked me
if I wanted to start training in TKD and I agreed.
He suggested that I try it for a month to see if it
was a fit for me.
After a month, I was ready to quit, confused
with techniques and did not have much flexibility.
Mr. Boisvert took me aside one evening and asked
me if I would give two more months before deciding whether to continue training or not. After three
months of training, the techniques started to fall
into place and my flexibility increased. As months
of training progressed, my commitment grew stronger and a more positive attitude grew.
After training a year and a half, I was having
trouble learning my new tul, Won Hyo. Being in
my mid-fifties, I thought my age was going to put
my training at an end. I kept my indomitable spirit
and with Mr. Boisvert’s help, I was able to continue
training. Even today, when I start that tul, I say to
Sticking with It
By Gary Arkerson
During my younger years, I spent most
of my time as a Locomotive Engineer,
running trains throughout New England.
At times, I was required to be on duty any
given hour of the 24-hour day, which gave
me little or no consistent time for activities. Having been an avid outdoorsman
since my teen years, it was difficult to find
the time to pursue these activities. Later
in my railroad career, I advanced on the
(L to R) Mr. Gary Arkerson 2nd Dan, Grandmaster Hwang 9th Dan,
and Mr. Adam Y. Boisvert 5th Dan
,/ July 2009 /
myself, “and this is where I was going to quit.”
In my life today, being a black belt is second to
none. I try to live the tenets every day, one day at a
At age 60, I retired from my railroad career after
35 years of service. Mr. Boisvert gave me my own
class to run, beginning the day after my retirement.
I am now teaching four morning classes a week.
Mr. B’s Tae Kwon Do is a traditional ITF
(International Taekwon-Do Federation) school.
Along with his wife Shannon (Mrs. B), they have
two daughters who also train. Mr. Adam Boisvert
is a fifth-dan and Mrs. B is a third-dan, while their
daughter Alexis is a recommended black belt, and
other daughter Aliya is a high green belt. I am presently a second-dan and am hopefully going to test
for third-dan in June 2009.
Now at the age of 63, I plan on training and
instructing indefinitely. There is always the good
feeling of fitness when I leave my black belt class.
After instructing a class, there is always that feeling that I have helped another person in some way,
whether it be physically or mentally.
I cannot write this article without the mention
of our Grandmaster K.S. Hwang, ninth-dan ITF.
It is always a special treat when he comes to our
school for seminars and testing.
As time moves on, I will try not to get complacent with myself. I will practice my humility and
tenets and be forever thankful to everyone in Tae
Kwon Do who has helped show me the way.
Humble Beginnings
Teaching class at Iowa Black Belt Acadamy.
communities and have expanded to two additional
locations. We also have a Panther Cubs program
for kids aged four to six and 27 of my students
have attained the rank of Black Belt.
In December 2001, Tae Kwon Do was introduced to New Virginia, Iowa. Our first classes
were held in the middle school gymnasium. Twenty
people were in attendance at the first session and
all who came were eager to learn. The community
immediately supported TKD and has continued to
do so even to this day.
In May 2002, the middle school closed its doors
for the last time as it was consolidated in another
town. The buildings were sold, but we were allowed
to continue our Tae Kwon Do practice in the gymnasium under contract with the new owner while
he remodeled the old school into an apartment
Remodeling and Tae Kwon Do did not always
go together smoothly. Many times during that
summer we were locked out of the gym and had
to practice outside at a local park or in the football
By Mike McCuddin
It has always been a dream of mine to teach
Tae Kwon Do and run a dojang. My instructor,
Mrs. Bonnie Wells from Martial Arts America,
reflects that she can remember me making comments about it as early as green belt level. I was
anxious to start teaching as a branch instructor
after reaching black belt. We opened our first
branch of Martial Arts America eight years ago
in a small town of about 450 people in south central Iowa. Since that time we have built our own
dojang called Iowa Black Belt Academy and have
the privilege of touching the lives of approximately
250 students from our town and the surrounding
The new, but incomplete, dojang /July 2009
Demonstrating in front of the school
field behind the school. Despite the inconveniences,
class attendance remained high.
As the weather began to turn colder, we were
able to use the gym more consistently two times
per week. While it was a definite improvement to
being outside, the freezing temperatures presented
another challenge as we moved into the coldest
winter months. Without the old boilers, the gym
was just too large to heat effectively. Students
would dress with long underwear under their
doboks and take breaks to warm their feet huddled
around portable heaters. With all of these adverse
conditions, class sizes continued to increase. It
became obvious to everyone that we would need
another place to practice and we began to plan a
building of our own.
The following spring of 2003, we secured a construction loan from our local bank and purchased a
lot in the business district. A local builder was contracted to erect the outside shell. Almost all of the
interior was constructed by Tae Kwon Do student
volunteers. We had volunteers to excavate the site,
dig the trenches for the sewer system, provide electrical contracting and the inside carpentry work. It
was truly a testament to the influence Tae Kwon
Do had on our lives. The project created a special
team-building opportunity for all of us.
In October of 2003 we moved in! Even though
the floor was just a concrete slab, as we did not
have carpet and not all the inside construction was
finished, we eagerly began practicing in the new
building. We encountered more hardships, but
everyone was thankful to have heat and bathrooms
that worked! Over time, we made improvements
like carpets on the floors as well as other nice-tohaves like heavy bags and mirrors.
Almost as soon as we started working out in
the new dojang our community began to ask about
cardio equipment and weight lifting equipment.
The new dojang
Gradually we added these services and more. Over
time, we have added classes like Kickboxing, Pilates
and step aerobics. The community involvement and
support has been truly inspiring.
Now, almost eight years later we have outgrown
our space. We have branched our Tae Kwon Do
classes into the surrounding towns of Indianola and
Osceola. Our younger community members have
enthusiastically supported our Panther Cubs program which we added just this year. So once again,
we have started a Tae Kwon Do project to build a
cardio and weight lifting center next to the existing
dojang. We hope to finish it this summer.
From these humble beginnings we are constantly
reminded that value is not always measured in
terms of dollars and cents. The hard work and dedication of a few Tae Kwon Do students built what
we enjoy today. The special relationships we’ve
developed, i.e. the confidence of knowing that a fellow Tae Kwon Do practitioner will drop everything
and be there when help is needed, is remarkable to
witness and is part of the traditional Tae Kwon Do
practice. It is traditional values and the people who
uphold them to which I attribute our “success.”
Black Belt Beginnings tells the
inspiring and motivational stories of
students climbing the rank system and
achieving black belt. To submit your
story of 750 words or less, email it to
,1 July 2009 /
The History of PHKD
a fight. PHKD doesn’t believe that yells should be a
part of today’s realistic street self-defense. It encourages multiple strikes and low kicks, rather than
Klaus Schuhmacher of Germany has been teachrelying only on joint locks and throws. It provides a
ing martial arts since 1977. After many years as a
range of techniques that recognizes the gender, size
member of the international martial arts commuand strength of the student. With no high kicks, no
nity, he became dissatisfied. He began to wonder
acrobatic maneuvers, no unpractical stances, and no
about some of the limitations he’d discovered with
forms to learn, PHKD is a realistic training system.
conventional forms. So he started to practice HapIt requires no athletic ability and is oriented to adult
When developing his system, Progressive HapkiPHKD also is a philosophy. It is a smart, streetdo (PHKD), in 1997, Doju Schuhmacher primarwise
martial art that teaches tactics using the
ily sought to address the
major principles of balissues he felt were hindering
ance, speed, and leverage
the development of martial
to overcome an opponent’s
arts. He found he could
superior force. Through
get as much power without
PHKD, students also learn
hyper-extending his blows
the history and techniques
by following through with
of traditional Hapkido.
shorter, more natural, soft
The art created by Doju
strikes. This innovative way
seeks to
of attack not only was more
techpowerful, but quicker. Soon,
niques with new innovative
he began to incorporate
training methods. It is a
the same concept into all
realistic and logical develhis maneuvers, drills and
opment of Hapkido and is
based on the very effective
original three Hapkido
What is PHKD?
principles (non-resistance,
circular motion, and the
PHKD is a complete
water principle) created
martial art that includes
by Choi Yong Sool, conkicks, strikes, punches, joint
sidered by some to be the
Shoulder manipulation technique against an
locks, chokes, takedowns,
founder of Hapkido.
attack from behind.
throws, ground fighting, and
skills to defeat attackers who may be younger, larger,
Character growth
and stronger. It’s a realistic and effective approach
for self-defense. It incorporates the latest advancePHKD is a holistic discipline where the spiritual
ments in physiological and scientific research, and
and moral developments of the students are very
was made for real-life situations.
important. The qualities spelled out in the tenets
PHKD retains many traditional Hapkido
are vital in their significance: Self-Confidence, Rebreathing exercises, which are vital to focusing and
spect, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control, Humilconserving energy, while at the same time eliminatity, Discipline and Courage.
ing high-risk techniques that might get you hurt in / July 2009
Left: Klaus controls his attacker’s elbow, preventing a forward slashing knife attack.
Below: Still controlling the attacker’s arm,
Klaus applies pressure to a point below the attacker’s ear.
Below: Klaus pulls the
attacker’s elbow to his
chest, locking it and
hooks around to control the knife hand.
No one receives promotions into higher levels without displaying these qualities. PHKD
is definitely concerned with physical skills, but
the spirit and character behind those skills are
very important. In the event of a conflict, the
system trains you to prevail, but not necessarily by devastating your opponent. With the
maturity and self-confidence fostered by PHKD, it
should rarely, if ever, be necessary to resort to violence. Insecurity leads to violence. PHKD develops
secure, disciplined, well-rounded individuals who
are also, as a last resort, well-equipped to protect
themselves in a physical confrontation.
The Benefits
In a real fight, every second counts. Most attacks
last under one minute. In PHKD, martial artists are
not left exposed with artificial stances or poses. It
includes some other ideas too, like:
1. You do not need brute strength to win.
2. You do not need the same muscle mass as your
3. You do not have to be an Olympic athlete to win.
PHKD depends on skill, not strength.
On the street, the prize is being safe. Of course, it is
always better to be strong rather than weak; PHKD
believes that good technique is more critical than
brute strength.
40 July 2009 /
Striking Principles
In PHKD, one should never
extend the joints all the way to
the end, but should rather use the
natural action of the force of the
strike, springing the feet and the
hands back to the body, using the
full weight of your own body. The
system’s punching and kicking techniques are built
upon these dynamics. Much more force comes from
short sequential motion of the entire body, than
from the joints of the elbow and knee. The most
traditional forms of martial arts teach you to extend
your arms and legs to the maximum. But half the
force of the blow is absorbed by your own knee and
elbow joints, which are not designed to withstand
that amount of pressure and, in time, will collapse.
Students of PHKD are also taught to hold back
their strikes. The negative transfer of power goes
directly to the larger muscle groups and joints: the
shoulders, the lower back, the neck and so on.
All the blocking methods and drills in the art
of PHKD do not need a great deal of force to run
interference. All motions are gentle, subtle and
remarkably fast. They are so quick and easy, that
punches can be thrown immediately with the same
hand used to block without readjustment. This adds
a dimension that is absolutely devastating. Every
block is directed toward the incoming blow. There is
no rearing back to generate momentum. No time is
lost. The blocks are all done with the fleshy part of
the appendages, not the bone. The goal is to redirect
the attack away from its target, not to meet it head
on with equal force. You are looking to throw your
opponent off balance, using his own
strength against him.
without any concentrated effort on your part. It
happens by itself. As in punching, training sessions
emphasize the form and technique of kicking in the
structured movements.
Street Fights
There are eight principles of street fighting in
1. Offensive
2. Simplicity
3. Manoeuvre or Planning
4. Security
5. Economy
6. Strategy
7. Control
8. Tactic
Special Components
The same principles are applied
to kicks. At no time is the leg pulled
back after a kick, as in the traditional forms. The natural momentum of
the strike will spring the leg back,
PHKD also touches on some special components
of fighting, such as fear management, fight body
language, stances and verbal instruments. These are
all important parts of realistic street combat. The
PHKD system is noted for its hard-core approach
to street defense training.
continues to be sought after for his breakthrough research
into fear and panic management, verbal and physical tactics
and behavior psychology in the martial arts. His pioneer
spirit leads him into affiliation with several martial arts.
Above: Klaus disarms the attacker.
Right: Using a wristlock, Klaus uses a
Jae-Up-Sul pressure point strike to takedown
his attacker. / July 2009
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Dr. Jerry Beasley is Professor of Exercise, Sport and Health at Radford University in Virginia where he heads the Asian Martial Arts Minor and produces the world famous
Karate College MMA training camp. Dr. Beasley has earned an eighth-dan in Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan and an eighth-dan in Joe Lewis Kickboxing. Visit his MMA
trainers’ association at
The term mixed martial arts (MMA) was first introduced to viewers of the popular Ultimate Fighting Championship as early as the midnineties when the hosts of the program began describing fighters that
represented a “mix” of several arts as “mixed martial artists.” Over the
years, it has been demonstrated that mixed martial artists differ from
their classical martial arts brothers, in that they tend to show less interest in style and more focus on obtaining performance based skills. It can
be argued that the obvious lack of identification with traditional styles
like Tae Kwon Do (TKD) and Karate has made mixed martial arts a
very controversial topic.
Voicing an Opinion on MMA
Because of its popularity as a spectator sport, MMA is not without
its detractors. Complaints about the practice of mixed martial arts range
from “it’s ineffective against multiple opponents” to “the fighters have no
concept of what it takes to master an art. They just learn skills to hit
people.” MMA is different from classical martial training, true, but it
remains popular among various age groups, including kids and young
A fan of MMA volunteered this explanation of why he enjoys watching the sport. “As a kid, I watched professional sports with my dad. We
became turned off by the way the athletes seemed to value the long term
contract and money over the love for the game. MMA is real sport. You
have two men fighting it out to the finish with no help from the managers and agents. MMA is pure sport.”
Another fan puts it bluntly: “I like to see a good fight. I also watch
NASCAR for the wrecks and hockey for the fights.” MMA certainly fills
the bill for those who want violence in their sport.
A black belt offers this complaint: “The fight is real but the environment is contrived. When are you ever going to fight someone in a cage?”
If you look for reasons to be against MMA, it’s not hard to find complaints among skilled martial artists.
Another black belt notes: “The grappling takes place on a comfortable
mat, whereas in the street you’re liable to end up on broken glass and
One instructor explains, “The misconception is that all fights end up
on the ground. All fights begin standing up. Only the guys that can’t
fight standing up, end up on the ground.”
An instructor offers this opinion, “I watch MMA to learn about what
works and what doesn’t. I have a new appreciation for knee strikes, leg
kicks and an overhand right because of seeing the techniques actually
work in competition.”
A student and fan of MMA competitions volunteers this opinion, “I
like the whole idea of building my body and testing my metal by stepping in the ring in front of people that might not like me and still coming out the winner.”
In spite of the lip lashing and the praise MMA receives from classical martial artists, it has become the top spectator oriented fighting
art today. MMA events have recorded larger audiences than boxing or
professional wrestling. People on the street may not know the names of
Mas Oyama or General Choi, both significant to martial arts historians,
but they readily identify names like Chuck Liddell, Royce Gracie and
Georges St-Pierre. MMA draws attention to the martial arts community.
For some there remains a misconception about what is meant by the
term MMA. It is understandable since the term MMA has been used in
more than one context. While MMA has been most effectively used to
identify the ultra-popular spectator sport called mixed martial arts, it is
a fact that MMA has also been used as an abbreviation for “multicultural
martial arts” (arts representing more than one country). And, the term
MMA has often been used simply to identify the fact that the school
offers instruction in more than one martial art, i.e., multiple martial arts.
blends the arts into one multi martial arts style. For example, the
1960s fighting style of Chuck Norris was said to include “the kicks of
Tang Soo Do and the punches of Shotokan Karate.”
Multicultural Martial Arts
Proponents of the multicultural format tend to focus on the concept of range. Instructors select arts from different countries based
on the arts expediency in a selected range. For example, English
boxing works best at boxing range. TKD, Karate and Muay Thai are
most functional at kicking range. Judo, Jujitsu and wrestling are used
when the focus is on ground fighting. Escrima and Kubodo are often
employed to prepare the student in weapons range. Proponents of
the multicultural martial arts method typically identify the flow from
one art form to the next as a preferred way to offer solutions to selfdefense situations.
MMA and You
A Functional Definition for MMA
The term mixed martial arts appropriately implies that a single
style does not dominate, but rather the fighter uses stand up skills
when in the upright position and grappling skills when engaged on
the ground. More importantly, the MMA fighter must identify his
best attributes and match them with a successful strategy. A strategy
is much like a game plan. The fighter may plan a ground game or
maintain the fight in the stand up position. The fighter may also
choose a mix of ground and stand up.
Every form of competition, including a street fight, MMA bout or
even a playground scuffle, is governed by three variables called attributes, strategy and chance. Chance is luck. By chance, the police just
happen to be driving by as you face a gang of punks. Chance happens.
But you can’t expect it or plan for it.
Attributes can vary per fighter and may be developed or neglected.
To improve the attribute of strength, the fighter may lift weights,
maintain proper nutrition and rest. The attributes of speed and
accuracy may be improved through various drills. Professional fighters often claim that the fight is won or lost not in the ring, but in the
Every martial arts style represents a particular strategy. The TKD
player plans to kick the opponent, while the Judo practitioner plans
to off balance the opponent. The boxer’s strategy is to strike, while
the MMA fighter plans only to fight
standing up or on the ground. He
requires no particular art. He
needs skills and tactics that
will work regardless of the art
from which the skill may have
originated. The champion
MMA fighter often develops
his own unique style as he
discovers the best strategy to highlight his specific
attributes. In the next issue,
we’ll talk more about the
importance of attributes and
Multi Martial Arts
A number of martial arts instructors choose to interpret MMA as a
format for learning and practicing the skills from more than one martial
art. This idea goes all the way back to Bruce Tegner, a 1960s martial
arts writer, instructor and black belt, who was known for combining
Judo and Karate to form an art he called Jukado. Many instructors have
followed Tegner’s example. Today, you can consult the yellow pages and
find an ad for martial arts schools listing two or more styles. Oftentimes,
the multi martial arts format includes separate classes in Karate, Jujitsu,
TKD, etc. However one is just as likely to come upon a school that
By Dr. Jerry Beasley / July 2009
MRSA in the Dojang
What You Don’t Know Could Kill You
By Suzanne Ellenberger, Ph.D.
Let’s start by defining MRSA. MRSA stands for
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, and
is sometimes called a “superbug” because of its ability to become resistant to several antibiotics. MRSA
infections are now very common among healthy
children and adults in the community. A MRSA infection is caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria—often called “staph.” Many MRSA strains are
currently resistant to antibiotics commonly used to
treat staph infections such as penicillin, methicillin,
amoxicillin, and cephalosporins. Although Staphylococcus aureus has been causing infections (staph
infections) probably as long as the human race
has existed, MRSA has a relatively short history.
Unfortunately, MRSA can be found worldwide and
invasive MRSA infections can be deadly. Recent
statistics show the mortality rate to be between four
and twelve percent or approximately 19,000 deaths
in the United States each year. These figures suggest that MRSA infections are responsible for more
deaths in the U.S. each year than HIV/AIDS.
Staph bacteria are normally found on the skin or
These are two different pictures of what MRSA looks
like under a microscope.
in the nose of about one-third of the population. If
you have staph on your skin or in your nose but are
not sick, you are said to be a carrier—a person who
is not infected but is colonized with the bacteria. Healthy people can be colonized and
have no ill effects, but, they can pass
the germ on to others. As many as
11 to 40 percent of the population
is estimated to be colonized with
no symptoms.
Staph bacteria are generally harmless unless they enter
44 July 2009 /
the body through a cut or other wound, and even
then they often cause only minor skin problems in
healthy people. However, staph infections can cause
serious illness. This most often happens in older
adults and people who have weakened immune systems, usually in hospitals and long term care facilities. But in the past several years, serious infections
have been occurring in otherwise healthy people
in the community. For example, athletes (reported
mostly in sports such as wrestling, football, rugby
and martial arts) who share equipment or personal
items or have skin-to-skin contact with one another.
Some MRSA infections occur in hospitals or
other healthcare settings, such as nursing homes
and dialysis centers. Older adults and people with
weakened immune systems are at most risk for
this type of MRSA. More recently, another type
of MRSA has occurred among otherwise healthy
people in the wider community. This form, community-associated MRSA, or CA-MRSA, is responsible for serious skin and soft tissue infections and
for a serious form of pneumonia. The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate
that about 14 percent of all MRSA infections are
community associated.
The best way to avoid MRSA infection is avoiding direct contact with MRSA. This is often not
possible because MRSA-infected individuals or
MRSA carriers are not immediately identifiable.
There are two major ways people become infected
with MRSA. The first is physical contact (sparring,
grappling, throwing) with someone who is either
infected or is a carrier of MRSA. The second is
physical contact with MRSA-infected objects, such
as floor mats, air shields, focus mitts, heavy bags
and standing bags, door handles, sinks, and even
towels that have been touched by a MRSA-infected
person or carrier. Normal skin tissue in people
usually does not allow MRSA infection to develop;
however, if there are cuts, abrasions, or other skin
flaws—even something as seemingly innocent as
a hangnail—MRSA can develop. Many people,
especially children and young adults, do not notice
small skin imperfections or scrapes and may be lax
in taking precautions.
Risk Factors for CA-MRSA
Young age: CA-MRSA can be particularly
dangerous in children. Often entering the body
through a cut or scrape, MRSA can quickly cause a
widespread infection. Children may be susceptible
because their immune systems aren’t fully developed
or they don’t yet have antibodies to common germs.
Children and young adults are also much more
likely to develop dangerous forms of pneumonia
and bone infections, which can result from CAMRSA.
Participating in contact sports: CA-MRSA has
affected sports teams because the bacteria spreads
easily through cuts and abrasions and skin-to-skin
Sharing towels or athletic equipment: CAMRSA has spread among athletes sharing razors,
towels, uniforms or equipment.
So, what does a MRSA infection look like? How
do you know if you have it and what should you
look for? The symptoms of MRSA infections are
variable; staph skin infections, including MRSA,
generally start as small red bumps that resemble
pimples, boils or spider bites. These can quickly
turn into deep, painful abscesses that require surgical draining. Occasionally, cellulitis can occur which
is easily identified as a “red streak” with accompanying fever, sometimes with chills, sweats and swollen
lymph nodes near the area of infected skin. MRSA
can also infiltrate the bone. One major problem
with MRSA is that occasionally the skin infection
can spread to almost any other organ in the body.
When this happens, more severe symptoms develop. MRSA that spreads to internal organs can
become life-threatening.
How does the doctor know if you have a MRSA
infection? Doctors diagnose MRSA by checking a
tissue sample for signs of the drug-resistant bacteria by passing a swab over the suspected area. The
sample is sent to a lab where it’s placed in a dish
of nutrients that encourage bacterial growth. But
because it takes about 48 hours for the bacteria to
grow, newer tests that can detect staph DNA in a
matter of hours are now becoming widely available.
How is the dreaded MRSA infection treated?
MRSA is resistant to anywhere from 15 to 30 different antibiotics. That means when it’s detected, a
doctor has only a very small number of compounds
at hand that are able to kill it. CA-MRSA may be
treated with Vancomycin or other antibiotics that
This is what a typical MRSA culture looks like.
have proved effective against particular strains. Vancomycin is a very strong antibiotic that is not taken
orally but is administered directly into the vein
through an intravenous port. Although vancomycin saves lives, it may become less effective as well.
Some hospitals are already seeing strains of MRSA
that are becoming resistant to vancomycin. In addition to antibiotic therapy, MRSA infections usually
require opening and drainage of the infected site,
but more often surgical removal of the infected area
is necessary. Even with these treatments, unfortunately, patients can still die from a MRSA infection,
if it overwhelms the patient’s immune system.
How likely are you to get another MRSA infection if you have already had one? The recurrence
rate of MRSA infection in mild cases is thought
to be very low, but some investigators report that
patients may be carriers for up to 30 months. Most
investigators agree that strict hygiene helps reduce
the risk of recurrent infections. / July 2009
Protection Against MRSA
Wash your hands: Careful hand washing remains your best defense against germs. Scrub hands
briskly (the amount of time recommended for hand
washing is 20 to 30 seconds—you can time this by
singing the Happy Birthday song twice), then dry
them with a disposable towel and use another towel
to turn off the faucet. Carry a small bottle of hand
sanitizer containing at least 60 percent alcohol for
times when you don’t have access to soap and water.
Do not share personal items: Avoid sharing personal items such as towels, sheets, razors, clothing
and protective hand and foot equipment. MRSA
spreads on contaminated objects as well as through
direct contact.
Keep wounds covered: Keep cuts and abrasions
clean and covered with sterile, dry bandages until
they heal. The pus from infected sores may contain
MRSA, and keeping wounds covered will help keep
the bacteria from spreading.
Shower after athletic practices: Shower immediately after each practice. Use soap and water. Don’t
share towels.
Sit out if you have a concerning infection: If you
have a wound that is draining or appears infected
(red, swollen, warm to the touch or tender) consider
sitting out athletic practices until the wound has
Sanitize linens: If you have a cut or sore, wash towels and bed linens in a washing machine set to the
hot water setting (with added bleach, if possible)
and dry them in a hot dryer. Wash gym and athletic
clothes after each wearing.
Get tested: If you have a skin infection that requires treatment, ask your doctor if you should be
tested for MRSA. Doctors may prescribe drugs that
aren’t effective against antibiotic-resistant
staph, which delays treatment and
creates more resistant germs. Testing
specifically for MRSA may get you
the specific antibiotic you need to
effectively treat your infection.
Use antibiotics appropriately:
When you’re prescribed an
46 July 2009 /
antibiotic, take all of the doses, even if the infection
is getting better. Don’t stop until your doctor tells
you to stop. Don’t share antibiotics with others or
save unfinished antibiotics for another time. Inappropriate use of antibiotics, including not taking all
of your prescription and overuse, contributes to resistance. If your infection isn’t improving after a few
days of taking an antibiotic, contact your doctor.
How can you increase your safety in the dojang?
Recommendations from the CDC state that athletic facilities should always be kept clean whether
or not MRSA infections have occurred among the
athletes. Shared equipment should be cleaned after
each use and allowed to dry. Cleaning procedures
should focus on commonly touched surfaces and
surfaces that come into direct contact with people’s
bare skin each day. Regular household bleach (use
1/4 cup of bleach in one gallon of water) is an
effective and inexpensive cleaner effective against
MRSA. Alternatively, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides a list of registered
products that work against MRSA called List H.
For more information on this list, visit
There is a lack of evidence that spraying or fogging rooms or surfaces with disinfectants will prevent MRSA infections more effectively than a more
targeted approach of cleaning frequently-touched
surfaces. Equipment with damaged surfaces that do
not allow surfaces to be adequately cleaned should
be disposed of or repaired.
In most cases, MRSA infections are mild and
can be treated successfully with proper skin hygiene
and the appropriate antibiotics. If left untreated,
MRSA can progress to life-threatening infections
and become difficult to treat because there are fewer
effective antibiotics available at this stage of the
illness. Practice good health. Recognize the signs of
infection, skin sores that have redness, pain, swelling
or pus. Don’t treat yourself. When in doubt, check it
out. Your health matters.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Suzanne Ellenberger is a first-degree
black belt in Choi Kwang Do martial arts. She works at Clemson
University in South Carolina, where she teaches both freshman
chemistry courses and a class in Choi Kwang Do martial arts. Suzanne also leads the Clemson University Choi Kwang Do Club.
The author has had personal experience
with the devastating superbug MRSA. To
read her full story, go to and
click on our bonus content.
A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is
never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who
plants kindness gathers love.
—Saint Basil
After decades of looking at what ails human nature, science
is just starting to explore the influence of positive behavior on
health. Using brain scans, scientists have found evidence that
human beings are conditioned to help each other. Experiments
show that thinking about someone else’s problems lights up
the same part of the brain that gets activated when we reflect
on our own problems, while compassion registers in the brain’s
pleasure zones.
In the classic story, A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge, the
narcissistic, mean-spirited, miserly old man who was the epitome of selfishness, discovers the joy of good deeds. He blooms
with the “helper’s high” and his spirit is reborn.
“It is better to give than to receive,” is literally true. In everyday life, countless people choose to give up free time to volunteer. People who perform random acts of kindness generally
agree that doing a kind deed for someone else makes them “feel
good.” Many people find that helping others brings feelings
of health and happiness. But apart from sheer niceness, why
should people be encouraged to commit acts of kindness? Are
there any other concrete benefits that would motivate more
people to become kinder?
When we act on behalf of other people, research shows that
we feel greater comfort and less stress. In the last few years,
researchers have looked at the so-called helper’s high and its
effects on the human body. When you do something nice for
someone else, your focus turns away from yourself and your
own problems, and toward others, helping them feel good. A
smile that you bring to the face of someone else is a contagious
smile, bringing contagious happiness. Also, when faced with
others in need, people tend to focus more on what they already
have than on what they are lacking. Scientists are searching to
understand just how altruism, the wish to perform good deeds,
affects our health, emotional well-being, and even our longevity.
A number of scientific studies show that acts of kindness result
in significant health benefits, both physical and mental, for
those who perform them.
In a study involving more than 3,000 volunteers, a clear
cause-and-effect relationship between helping others and good
health was observed. The study concluded, “Helping contributes to the maintenance of good health, and it can diminish the
effect of diseases and disorders both serious and minor, psychological and physical.” The volunteers in the
study testified to feeling a rush of euphoria, followed by a longer period of calm,
after performing a kind act. This
feeling, the helper’s high, involves
physical sensations that strongly
indicate a sharp reduction in stress
and the release of the body’s natural
painkillers, endorphins. The helper’s
high results in the same kind of endorphin
rush that runners get loping along a trail. This initial rush
is then followed by a longer-lasting period of improved
emotional well-being. Scientific studies have shown that
only 36 percent of the people who performed volunteer
work experienced major illness compared to 52 percent
of those who did not volunteer. More dramatic results
showed a 44 percent reduction in early death among those
who frequently volunteer, an effect greater than exercising four times a week. A quick good deed can be anything
from a kind word, to a gift for a loved one or a charity, and
can make you feel happiness right away.
Stress can be the cause of many maladies. The Buddhist
scripture says the evil-doer suffers here and hereafter; on
the other hand, the man who does good deeds rejoices
here and hereafter. When we engage in good deeds, we
reduce our own stress, including the physiological changes
that occur when we experience stress. During this stress
response our heart races and breathing rates increase, kicking on the “fight or flight” response. Stress also sparks the
adrenal glands to pump adrenaline into our bloodstream,
giving us extra strength. In addition, corticosteroids, which
are powerful hormones, and adrenaline work together
to release fatty acids into the bloodstream, where they
become energy for our muscles. If this stress response
remains “turned on” for an extended period, the immune
and cardiovascular systems are adversely affected, weakening the body’s defenses, making it more susceptible to
abnormal cellular changes. These changes can ultimately
lead to a downward spiral causing abnormal cellular changes that cause premature aging.
Altruistic emotions, or the helper’s high, seem to gain
dominance over the stress response. Studies have shown
that when one is feeling empathy and love there is a lowered stress response resulting in improved immunity (higher levels of protective antibodies), faster recovery from
surgery and fewer restless nights. Many of the study volunteers had stress-related health problems that improved
after performing kind acts.
One quick and simple way to turn your mood around
is to change your expectations. Instead of looking at what
you don’t have, look at all that you do have. There will
always be people who have more than you in one area of
life or another, but many have less. Revel in the benefits
of gratitude, and change the way you view what you have
(and don’t have), and you can feel more happiness right
The Supplement
The luxury of doing good surpasses every other
personal enjoyment.
—John Gay
Suzanne Ellenberger is a first-degree black belt in Choi Kwang
Do martial arts. She works at Clemson University in South
Carolina, where she teaches both freshman chemistry courses
and a class in Choi Kwang Do martial arts. Suzanne also leads
the Clemson University Choi Kwang Do Club.
By Suzanne R. Ellenberger, Ph.D / July 2009
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Denver’s Red Shield Warriors
Strong and Courageous
By Master Karen Eden
The Red Shield Warriors, under the direction
of Master Karen Eden, is located in the Five Points
section of inner-city Denver. It’s a program supported and sponsored through the Denver Salvation Army.
Each week, a multi-racial and diverse group of
students meets to practice the discipline of Tang
Soo Do (traditional Korean) at the Red Shield
Community Center.
Some of these students have been homeless,
some recovering drug addicts and alcoholics. Some
have been associated with gangs, and many have
been considered “at-risk” youth. They also have law
enforcement officers and even pastors who have
trained with The Red Shield Warriors.
This is a success story of discipline, focus and
obedience. It’s the discipline of the recovering addicts to find a strict art form to replace their addiction. It’s the focus of school-aged students who go
from a failing report card, to honor roll students
with As and Bs or even straight As.
It’s also the obedience of a local TV personality,
to listen to her heart and reach out to make an impact in an area that many would rather forget about.
Red Shield white belt warriors practicing one-step
Above: Karen, Issac and
Left: Issac and James
Master Karen Eden:
In Her Voice
Let me be perfectly clear, I don’t feel sorry for my
students who are from less fortunate situations. I
know that many of them come from “hard times,”
but so did I.
When I see students walk in as homeless or
recovering addicts, I’m not in any way taken back. I
say to myself, “But by the grace of God, that could
have been me…maybe that should have been me.”
And I’m very humbled.
I had every reason to grow up and not make it
in life. I came from a broken home. I know what it’s
like to come home from school and find the cupboards and refrigerator empty. I understand having
to live with poverty and emotional despair on every
But I don’t look at my past as “bad” anymore. I
view it as a “training ground” for what I feel became
a major purpose in my life. I know I beat the odds
in my life. I went on to obtain a pretty successful
broadcasting career in major market radio and TV.
I would actually teach class before I went on
the air at the FOX affiliate in Denver. Some of the / July 2009
Strict, Traditional
and Disciplined
Master Karen Eden and the Red Shield Warriors
students recognized me, but many of them didn’t. It
didn’t matter to me either way.
And what most people don’t know is that I’m
not just a martial arts instructor for The Salvation
Army, I’m a member of The Salvation Army, and I
have been for many years (I actually wear the blue
Those who wear The Salvation Army uniform
basically take an oath to uphold God and the community, sometimes even before your own self. Little
did I know that taking this oath would lead me into
the most depressed part of the city, to answer a calling that reminds me every day of who I really am
and from where I have come.
No, I’m not an impoverished, overshadowed
child anymore, but that’s just it. I want to get the
message across that they (students) don’t have to be
this way in life either.
When you’re a child, there’s only so much you
can do about your current situation. But teaching
kids to stay focused and disciplined, and helping
them develop a spiritual understanding, is a great
start to building a successful life.
Junior warriors
practicing hand/
eye distance coordination. T and
52 July 2009 /
Let me also make it clear that this is
not an easy class. I teach a very strict,
traditional art form that’s based out of
the Korean military. I’m really amazed at
how successful this program has become
over the years, because I’m not nice
when it comes to teaching martial arts.
I don’t give free rank rides and I
don’t just pass out belts. Each and every
student will walk away after a promotion
knowing that they have absolutely earned their
Junior warriors practicing hand/eye distance
coordination. Karen, Cody and Unique
rank. In nine years, I’ve only promoted six black
belts, and one second-degree black belt.
And these students may not pay for classes, but
the requirements to train with The Red Shield
Warriors are stiff. I require that all of my students
attend a church or spiritual meeting at least once a
week. They have to bring me signed notes and/or
church bulletins as proof.
I also require that the younger students produce
a progressively improving report card every semester, and that the working adults bring me a monthly
pledge that they are giving a portion of their income
to a better cause or higher purpose. I don’t ask how
much they have given or where they have chosen to
do so, but they must sign off on this every month.
I have discovered that the combination of “body,
mind, and don’t forget spirit” all working together is
a beautiful thing. That’s the way the original monks
designed martial arts to work in the first place.
I have also discovered that regardless of where
they may come from, these students are definitely
not dumb. Matter-of-fact, I’m blown away at the
potential that I see. I’ll sometimes look around
when I’m teaching and say to myself, “If these students stick with this Tang Soo Do, many of them
will be far better than me…a lot quicker than me.”
Why the Program
A Pay-Off Far More
Than Money
A crash course on The Salvation Army: This organization will single-handedly go out into the community, and extend a helping hand in any and every
way it’s needed. They feed and shelter the homeless;
they take in addicts off the street and put them into
recovery programs. They feed children and take
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a problem with
making money, but there are some things you just
have to do in life…just do because you have to do
them, and money isn’t even part of the discussion.
Teaching this class is one of those things.
When I think that here I am a woman, and one
who was considered somewhat of a local celebrity…
is the one answering this calling, I can only say that
God must have a sense of humor.
But this is my way of giving back. This is how
I choose to make a difference in the lives of many
who need martial arts training, but couldn’t otherwise afford martial arts training.
I tell you honestly, what I have gotten out of
doing this over the years, has been more than any
amount of money, or any glory that local celebritism
could ever bring me.
care of them after school. They harbor families in
dire straits, and provide assistance to the elderly. In
addition, every officer is an ordained minister, and
trained to counsel in spiritual matters…and I’ve
only just scratched the surface of what they do.
But because they are in constant contact with
the community in this way, anyone and everyone is
invited to sign up for the martial arts lessons that
I teach. This has become a successful partnership,
that has touched hundreds of lives over the years,
whether the students stuck with the training or not.
The Red Shield Warriors are a multi-racial and diversified group of students from all walks of life. / July 2009
When you see someone who used to be homeless
become a contributing member of society, or you
see a student go from failing grades to the honor
roll, you know that you have truly left your mark.
And it’s a permanent mark that will resonate
far beyond the present. It will also be passed on to
whomever these students decide to help along the
way as well. To me, this is a spiritual matter, and it’s
absolutely priceless.
The Hard Truth
The hard truth is that I do lose students to gang
warfare. And the recovering addict who walks
through the door has much more to master than
just martial arts, he or she also has to master him or
herself. Sometimes it doesn’t work out.
Master Eden relies on the young people in the program
to set an example for the younger students.
From Homeless to
Black Belt
It is not uncommon to see the Red Shield Warriors
“take a knee” for prayer before class.
I used to take these issues personally, until I realized what I was truly up against. I’ve heard of evils
so unspeakable against some of these students, that
I choose not to speak about them.
I truly believe that there are things which we can’t
control and they must be surrendered and taken
care of in a spiritual way. It’s not uncommon to see
The Red Shield Warriors take a knee to collectively
pray before class.
Still, it’s the success stories on which we choose
to focus. If one student is off the street because of a
martial arts class being taught at a community center or if one recovering addict chooses to go to class
instead of choosing to get high…that’s one more
soul gained for the right cause.
And whether we have come to realize it or not,
that is why we all are truly here. It’s about what we
can do with our strengths and experienced hardships to impact the world. In the words of The
Salvation Army slogan, it’s declaring “Heart to God
and hand to man.”
54 July 2009 /
Black belt candidate, Ronald Neal, has more
than one reason to feel proud about his martial arts
journey. Six years ago, this man was homeless.
“I became an alcoholic after my twin brother
committed suicide in 1985,” says this 47-year-old
student. “I felt responsible for his death, and I spent
the next 18 years of my life trying to drink that feeling away.” Ron says he was a drunkard living on the
streets of Denver, when he went into The Salvation
Army Adult Rehabilitation Center (ARC). “I
credit my miraculous
turn around in life to my
new found relationship
with God, and to my
Tang Soo Do training.”
Ron went on to
eventually become the
resident manager of The
Salvation Army shelter
he was sent to live in. He
has been drug and alcohol free for six years.
Best wishes to Cho
Dan candidate Ronald
Ronald Neal
Neal, as he tests for the
rank of black belt next year.
About Master Karen
t "VUIPSPGThe Complete Idiot’s Guide to
Tae Kwon DoQVC
a Martial Artist
Kwon Do Times
Inside Tae Kwon DoNBHB[JOF
t 4UVOU1MBZFSGPSSudden Death
t 'FBUVSF3PMFGPSSworn to Justice
Master Karen Eden with the Red Shield
Corps Officers, Captains Celestine and
Shosannah Ruwethin.
Attention Martial
Those who know me have learned to accept me with
all my eccentricities. So I know that after many years
go by, surely they must be a true friend. But for those
who desire to know me better, I always air a disclaimer:
I am a different breed of person.
Perhaps it bothered me earlier in life, but whether
good or bad, I’ve actually grown quite comfortable with
the way that I am today. I often think about how much
time it would save, if I could just hand out a resume to
everyone who wants to know me better. That way, if I
wasn’t their “cup of tea,” they could just never call me. I
wouldn’t be offended!
I am a deeply religious person. I am a die-hard traditional martial arts woman, with a master’s rank in
a Korean, military-based, hand-to-hand combat art
form. If that isn’t scary enough to the average person,
I’m also an extremely picky eater. I don’t prefer preservatives and artificial ingredients. I also don’t particularly care for parties, and I’m a nightmare when it comes
to talking about nothing (small talk.)
Some of the labels my closest acquaintances have
given me are “food Nazi” and “party-pooper.” To this I
am “unoffendable,” because it’s all true.
Initially, you don’t want anybody to know that
you’re not like everybody else, because it can get pretty
lonely out there. But it was a children’s song called The
Farmer and the Dell, that made me seriously ponder the
act of trying to be like everybody else.
In this song, “the cheese stands alone.” In my opinion, it wasn’t fair that the cheese
had to stand alone, but he
did, period. The song
ends there. I must
admit that I myself
have felt like the
cheese many
It’s pretty
amazing how a
dairy product
could have such
a huge impact
on one’s life,
but “being
is a
message of self-discovery, and many people go
through their entire life without ever experiencing
this discovery.
Being the cheese can be a very lonely journey. Most
likely, you will not win any popularity contests, and
many times when you stand, you don’t just stand
alone…you stand totally alone.
Being the cheese can also feel like mental bondage.
More often than not, you’re constantly asking yourself: “Did I do the right thing?” But I have discovered
that if I can listen through all the noise, there’s always
that whisper deep down inside that answers back,
“Yes, you did!”
Being the cheese isn’t fun, and it isn’t the less stressful path to travel. So why would anybody choose to
be the cheese?
Because looking back, I can see that every accomplishment I’ve ever achieved wasn’t because I was like
everybody else…it was because I wasn’t like everybody else.
As much as I’ve always admired those whose journey was uncomplicated and smooth riding, I’ve come
to accept that “easy street” has never been my journey,
and probably never will be.
Bottom line, the biggest accomplishments of my
life were always because I was willing to take the
chance of standing alone, and I had no fear of what
others might think or say about it.
Have I been victorious in every up-taking?
Absolutely not. But I will be able to go to my grave
someday knowing that I stood for what I felt was
right, and I at least always attempted to do what I felt
I had to do.
If I could write a follow-up to The Farmer in the
Dell, it would be of how the cheese that once stood
alone, became a real success, independent of the
farmer, his wife, his child, the nurse, the cow, the dog,
the cat and the rat.
And for all of the cheese’s strength and fearlessness,
in the end he’s the one out of the entire farm that
became the “big cheese.” Hats off to the cheese for
being true to itself.
Woman of the Times
Karen Eden is a fourth-degree black belt and master in the art of Tang
Soo Do. She is also a published author, former radio personality and
TV journalist, who has appeared on CNN, FOX National, and Animal
Planet. She has also appeared in two major Hollywood productions. Karen has written for and appeared in many martial arts publications over the years. Her books include The Complete Idiot’s Guide
to Tae Kwon Do (Penguin Books) and I Am a Martial Artist (Century
Martial Arts). She is also the poet behind the popular I Am a Martial
Artist product line, also available through Century Martial Arts,
and Dojo Darling martial arts wear, available through Karatedepot.
com. Master Eden currently teaches at-risk youth through the
Salvation Army in Denver, Colorado. For contact or booking information, email her at / July 2009
By Karen Eden
By Stace Sanchez
Since July of 2008, I have been traveling across the
nation doing photo shoots for martial arts schools. It
is always an awesome experience because I get to meet
some incredibly talented martial artists from all walks of
life. In December, I stopped in and did a photo shoot at
Master Walter Swaney’s school, American TKD Martial
Arts Center, in Margate, Florida. This is where I met the
most incredible young man who has left a lasting impression on me.
Bradley Schneider is a 19-year-old man with Down
Syndrome. He is warm-hearted, polite and has a smile
that lights up a room. When it was Brad’s turn to take
photos, his mother approached me and talked to me
about Brad’s special needs. I could see the concern in
her eyes, so I took great care in preparing myself for his
shoot. But when Brad dropped down into the splits, my
jaw dropped at his skill. I asked him to do a stance and
he did it—perfectly. I then asked him to do kicks and he
threw them effortlessly. I was truly amazed at his talents.
Bradley is so passionate about life and learning. His
interest in sports, as an active participant as well as
an enthusiastic observer, started at a very young age, and
the martial arts were no exception. Martial arts were
58 July 2009 /
also important to his mother because she wanted to
know how to defend herself and protect her children. So the whole family joined a dojang and the
rest became history.
Brad has been devoted to his style of Ko Am Mo
Do. His drive and excitement for weapon training,
as well as Hapkido training, is an inspiration. He
has met many challenges throughout his training. In
the early years, he ran across instructors who were
not able to cope with his disability. But that didn’t
stop Brad. Brad and his mother then found Master
Swaney, an instructor who believes that anything is
possible and focuses on Brad’s abilities, not his disability. That is the motto that Brad and his family
have come to live by.
Master Walter
Swaney and Brad / July 2009
Brad and his mother,
Barabara Sternfeld
Brad’s journey continues as his training as a black
belt becomes more intense each day. Every day,
Brad is ready to train with all his heart and soul.
The bond Brad and his family share as they have
climbed the colored belt ranks together has deeply
strengthened. He is very proud to be training with
his mother and she is even more proud to be training with her son.
Brad aspires to pursue his black belt training, as
learning is a never ending process. His interests
are in helping others and making this world
a nicer place. He is currently in a post high
school vocational life skills program. He has
worked in restaurants, a bank, and a children’s center. Brad expresses much interest in
living independently and is fantastic at playing Guitar Hero! He is an unbelievable dancer
and has great chi. He loves to talk to people.
Brad is an incredible inspiration to anyone he
meets; his infectious personality and magnificent
smile truly illuminate his already positive aura.
Over the last few months, we have heard news
of professional athletes who have everything going
for them, only to succumb to bad judgment. It is
unfortunate that we seem to hear only about the
bad people in this world. However, two local news
stations have stopped in on separate occasions to do
a story on Brad. Finally, the public can hear about
an everyday person who doesn’t get paid millions
and is a true role model.
This world needs more people like Brad. We
should all have just a fraction of Brad’s love in his
heart, his dedication, commitment and honesty to
ourselves and others. I am truly blessed to be a part
of Brad’s incredible journey. And to you, Brad, we
wish you many, many more years of kicking!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Stace Sanchez is the Owner and
Founder of KICKPICS LLC, Professional Martial Arts Photography, and the world famous, He has been
shooting martial arts photos since 2001 and travels the entire
United States doing photo shoots for schools. His photography has gone global with photo shoots in the United
Kingdom and, more recently, invitations to shoot photos in
Norway, Sweden and Australia.
60 July 2009 /
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By Chief Master Robert J. Ott
Certified Correspondent of Tae Kwon Do Times
It seemed that no matter where I was or what I
was doing, there was only one thing on my mind,
and that was receiving the July 2008 edition of Tae
Kwon Do Times magazine. I was uncertain what
day it would be arriving, but knew that it would
be soon. After almost 30 years of studying Korean
martial arts under some of the best instructors
in the world, I was without question a dedicated
reader of this fantastic magazine. There was a period of time in my life, when reading the magazine
was impossible. I was learning how to see life again
after being blinded in a violent crime. Through a
loving family, fellow martial artists and the old ancient philosophy called “pilsung” (Certain Victory),
I found the ability to find and see life once again.
As I pulled up to my driveway in my new 2008
H2 Hummer, driven by my Administrative Assistant, Karley, I was informed that my builder,
who had built and sold us our home, was going
over some blue prints in the driveway with one of
the subcontractors. It was the first time he saw the
black 2008 H2 Hummer with the writing on the
side that states the following:
Flowering Warrior Enterprises
*Motivational Speaking
*Self Defense
*Personal Empowerment
*Private/semi private lessons
It also has the picture of my logo. “Wow!” I
heard my builder, Doug Dixon, say. Apparently
the letters looked good with the dark tinted windows and chrome. The writing was a silver/purple,
showing nothing but class. After getting out of
the vehicle, I heard Doug ask, “What does pilsung
mean?” I had customized license plates that said
“PILSUNG” and I knew I was going to be sharing
the definition quite often.
Before I could even put my hand out for a shake,
I heard Karley say, “The magazines have arrived!
There you are on the cover!” Needless to say, I
62 July 2009 /
never even made it to the handshake. Instead, I
turned off to the right, shifting gears, feeling like
a magnet being pulled toward metal. As I made it
to the top steps of my front porch, I put out my
hand to receive a magazine. I stood there staring
at the cover. A smile was stretching across my face,
portraying an indescribable happiness. Everything
about my numerous years of study, challenges
in life, victorious battles, and my ability to take
a negative event and make it positive, making a
difference to others across the country was in this
magazine. The cover of Tae Kwon Do Times had
me throwing two fellow martial artists. The article
I wrote for the magazine was entitled “The Eyes
of Kidokwan.” It discussed the philosophies and
principles that I learned through Korean martial
arts that allowed me to overcome and continue to
move on with life, both in who and what I am as
a human being and a martial artist, even though I
am now blind.
This was more than my first cover. The true
uniqueness of this cover was that a completely
blind practitioner was demonstrating what many
other fantastic Korean martial artists could have
also done. The picture was much larger than what
the eyes of any reader would initially come to see.
I personally don’t know how many other martial
arts magazines have ever placed such a significant
demonstration of indomitable spirit on a cover,
but I do know that the most powerful part of
what comes from the study of the arts is, at times,
also forgotten. Thus “The Eyes of Kidokwan” is
not about the physical techniques that a blind
person is capable of doing, instead it is about the
way of the mind and the fire that lies within the
spirit of a man who has learned to take his challenge and turn it into a positive difference bringing
vision to all who become part of his path.
Upon the arrival of the magazine, a ball of fire
that I have always kept in my dantien (the red
field, three fingers below the navel) began to expand. I felt it not only throughout my body but in
and around my life. It seemed like I was becoming
an important tool for various events, schools, businesses and even fellow Moosa (martial artists).
My first stop from the Great Northwest was
San Francisco. I was invited to become the key note
speaker and an instructor for a Global Sin Moo
Hapkido Seminar. At first, I was informed that I
was going to be teaching one class that was focused
on what I wrote in the TKDT article, the topics of
“black on black” and “touch to touch.” It turned out
that there were many people who wanted to experience what I had to share. Two other classes were
being taught at the same time as mine, but sadly
they were empty, since everyone was in my classroom wanting to learn and comprehend my methods. During that two-day event, I ended up teaching two other classes on joint locks and takedowns
while with the help of my two assistants, sold over
$2300 in books, audio books and CDs. In conjunction with that I was signing more autographs than
I had ever before. Each student wanted a signed
TKDT magazine along with a photo standing with
From San Francisco, I jumped on another plane
and flew over to Las Vegas. The next morning, I
hopped on a helicopter and flew to the Grand Canyon. Once we landed inside the canyon, I stepped
out of the helicopter and my photographer took
numerous photos of me. After spending another
day in Las Vegas, I caught another plane back to
Seattle. Once I arrived home, it was a combination
of mailing signed, stamped and gold sealed TKDT
magazines to people all over the country and into
Canada. I was promoting numerous things from
the magazine. The sales of my biography entitled
Certain Victory increased and with each purchase
the customer would receive an official signed magazine from me. Along with it was information on my
seminars and speaking engagements that I offered.
Between that and holding two different black
belt tests during the summer, along with my title
of President and CEO of Certain Victory Food
Services, Inc., which feeds the ROTC (Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) at Fort Lewis, it is safe to say
that life is nonstop.
The two black belt tests consisted of a first-dan
in Tang Soo Do and a third-dan in Tang Soo Do.
Both times, each student was a prime example of
how a test should be executed. Both of the individuals not only demonstrated excellent skills, but
wrote excellent heart-felt essays. Upon the completion of these tests and demonstrations, the following people earned promotion: Robyn Goodwin,
first-dan, World Kidokwan Federation; and Paul
Turner, third-dan, World Kidokwan Federation. / July 2009
Following the tests, word started getting around
that I was on the cover of the magazine and that
I needed to hold a women’s self-defense seminar.
Needless to say, without much advertising, my class
was filled up within one week. I had women come
from all over the Northwest area of the United
States and even from as far as Canada. The seminar ended up being quite successful and the participants shared with me how anxious they were for
the next one to take place.
64 July 2009 /
Within a blink of the eye, I was
back on a plane again flying to the
East Coast. I spent two weeks in the
Delaware Valley area (Pennsylvania,
Delaware and New Jersey) holding
seminars and speaking engagements.
A southern New Jersey newspaper
advertised that I was coming into
town. Each seminar was a winner and
each of the speaking engagements
ended with a standing ovation. Going
a step further, a Salem County newspaper did a fantastic article regarding my speaking to the high school
students. On top of all of that, I was
invited as a special guest to attend
Grandmaster Kenneth P. MacKenzie’s black belt ceremony. There was
over 150 students testing and demonstrating at a large indoor soccer field.
The honorable feeling it was for me
to be sitting side by side with Grandmaster MacKenzie during this event
is one I will not ever forget. Having
known him since I was a child, I
always looked up to him as not only a
good true friend but a big brother as
well. He was always by my side when
I needed him the most.
After saying goodbye to my family in New Jersey and all my fellow
Moosa, I hopped on a plane to the
Bahamas. There I spent four days
relaxing my mind and clearing my
thoughts. Enjoying the saltwater and
feeling the sand between my toes was
a pleasure that has no words. Within
that short trip, I picked the sunniest
day to go to the coast and had photos taken of me
practicing my martial arts. The water was as blue as
it could be and the surrounding areas were close to
It came to the point where I knew inside that
it was time to go home. Not only to be there for
my family, but to make sure that my business was
doing well. Until a person becomes a President and
CEO of a large corporation, he or she has no comprehension on the type of orchestrating, delegat-
ing and confidence that it entails. No sooner did I
arrive home when, I received a phone call from a
hospital located on the other side of the Cascade
Mountains in a town called Yakima. Yakima is an
area that has military training outside of the city
area in a large tract of land that is much like a desert. Paul Turner, my recently promoted third-dan,
had been crushed between two Stryker military
vehicles, collapsing both his lungs and severely
damaging his spleen. His lower back also suffered
some possible bone damage.
Within a day, I was back in the Hummer with
Karley, crossing the Mountains to go and visit him.
There, I met his family and spent the day holding
his hand. What was so amazing was the incredible realization that if he had his body facing the
opposite direction he would have been crushed.
For most people, it would have taken a long time
to heal, but only three days after the injury he was
sitting upright in bed. I held his hand and told him,
“There is no question, Paul, that your Certain Victory will assist you in overcoming this injury.”
Within a week he was sent home and within two
weeks he came to the dojang with his dobok on and
ready to teach again. I, of course, stepped forward
and let him know how proud I was of him and that
he wasn’t going to be practicing martial arts in my
dojang until I had a letter from a doctor.
No sooner did this traumatizing thing occur
when I received an email from the office of Major General, Patricia D. Horoho, asking me if I
would be the key note speaker for 600 people at
2008’s Holiday Ball. This event was held at the
Official Convention Center in the city of Tacoma,
Washington. The General is in charge of Madigan
Hospital at Fort Lewis, one of the largest hospitals
in the country. She had listened to me speak briefly
at a fundraiser for soldiers. I was honored to be
asked to be the key note speaker and took on the
That same week, I received another call from a
group called Wounded Warriors, a group that has
been developed in the last several years. The reality
is because of our advancement in medical technology we are having more wounded warriors coming
home from war then dead soldiers. In many ways
this is a fantastic thing, but in many other ways
challenges have arisen due to the care and need of
these soldiers, who for the most part, end up with
some type of disability. We now have less then
3000 deaths from the Iraq war and over 30,000
wounded. This is a fact that will continue into our
future. The truth is, the U.S. Army asked me, an
individual who demonstrated the ability of going
from a victim to a survivor, to possibly help bring
that positive strength, courage and indomitable
spirit back to these men and women. The more I
thought about it, the more I realized that this was
going to be one of my most challenging speaking
engagements. I took on the obligation because my
feelings are that if those men and women can be
our soldiers who fight for freedom and independence, then the least I can do is to help when they
come home to once again rebuild the freedom
and independence they used to have in their lives.
Through speaking to the Wounded Warriors, I was
assisted by the U.S. Army in selecting the most
challenged warrior to donate raised money to support and assist with his or her needs. / July 2009
On Saturday, December 20, 2008, we held the
annual North Pole Party that usually has over 150
people in attendance. Through raffle tickets, small
local businesses and the money I made throughout
the year doing seminars, speaking and selling my
books, we were able to donate to a loving person
who just needs a little help. This soldier went by
the name of Trey and he suffered a gun shot wound
to the head. The scar was quite wide and deep. It
traveled from the forehead all the way to the back
of the neck and around to the bottom of the ear.
This man is a proud husband to his wife Brandy,
and a special father to two beautiful, young ladies
who are like angels from heaven. This year, the
amount that martial arts, speaking engagements,
local businesses and caring corporations raised,
allowed us to give this Wounded Warrior over
Today, I find myself living into another year
filled with new and positive journeys, sharing the
gift along with my special wife, Kimberly, in raising
our two wonderful children. I am both holding and
teaching seminars, as well as hosting workshops
with special martial artists who go by the names
of Grandmaster Rudy Timmerman, Master Steve
Seo, Grandmaster Kenneth P. MacKenzie, Grand-
master Michael De Alba, and others who will be
spending time here at my dojang. None of us can
know for sure what tomorrow will bring, but it is
all so true that what we put into life each day can
make for our tomorrow.
Once again I go back to Shin Gong (the way of
the mind) and I see the Um and Yang in motion,
sharing with me the cohesion of what giving and
making a difference for another can give back to
one’s own self.
Since the day the magazine was put in my hand
there on my front porch and the fire inside started
filling me with drive, lust and passion to make a
difference, I can only say that my blindness and
love of life reminds me that: “After the fire…the fire
will still burn!”
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: For more information on Robert J.
Ott, his seminars and motivational speaking, the World Kidokwan Federation, Flowering Warrior Enterprises, up and coming
seminars (Grandmaster Rudy Timmerman June 21, 2009 and
Master Steve Seo August 14, 15 and 16 *see the two-page advertisement in this edition) and the book, Certain Victory, available
in hard, soft, audio and e-book, please visit
The World SinMoo Hapkido Federation
“DoJuNim” (Honorable Founder of Korean Hapkido)
Ji, Han Jae
Do Ju Nim
Ji, Han Jae
Honorary Chairman
10th Degree Blackbelt / Supreme Grandmaster
Over 50 Years in the Martial Arts
Bodyguard to South Korea’s President Park
Instructor to many of the World’s Top Master-Instructors
Starred in Bruce Lee’s “Game of Death”, “Lady Kung-Fu”,
“Fist of the Unicorn Palm” and “Hapkido”
Founder / DoJuNim: Korean Hapkido
Founder / DoJuNim: SinMoo Hapkido
World SinMoo Hapkido Federation (Honorary Chairman)
“The Future of Hapkido”
Kwang Jang Nim
Ken MacKenzie
President / 9th Dan
Chief-Master Scott Yates
For Information on Individual and School Charter Memberships Log Onto:
Technical Support – Manuals – Curriculum – Certification
Uniforms - Seminars – Direct Link to the Founder – Networking
Training Opportunity – Rank Advancement – Instructor Accreditation
Member Newsletter – Dojang Operational Support
Note: The World SinMoo Hapkido Federation is the official governing body for SinMoo Hapkido world-wide as sanctioned by DoJuNim Ji, Han Jae
PO Box 262, Atco, New Jersey, 08004, U.S.A.
1(856) 719-1411
World SinMoo Hapkido Federation…..Unifying Hapkido Worldwide!
By Kathrin J. Sumpter
Judy and Christlyn rep out hubad basics.
two components, it quickly occurred to me that
martial arts can combat those two things! That’s
when I began to develop the curriculum, and I have
a lot of faith in it. As students participate, I’m seeing evidence that it works.
The program focuses on the five elements that I
find to be the cornerstone of martial arts; balance,
proper breathing, true targeting, correct form, and
purposeful motions. It incorporates universal martial principles into which any instructor can tap.
We open with a half-hour series of moderate
stretches that concentrates on these elements. I
emphasize the correct position of the limbs and
the proper breathing of each technique. We take
care and time with the details of stretching because
the students begin to reap the deeper benefits of
stretching beyond just loosening the muscles; moving on purpose and controlling their bodies in a
mindful, healthful way.
Attention cancer fighters and survivors, diabetics and dialysis recipients. Each Wednesday
morning, for an hour and fifteen minutes, I host
free martial art lessons to cancer fighters and survivors. I recently opened the class to diabetics and
dialysis recipients. It’s been a tough sell to get this
program off the ground. Since February 2007, I’ve
been pounding the pavement with flyers, speaking
engagements, weekly newspaper announcements
and mailings. But the screen image of martial arts
surely puts doubt into the mind of a potential stuMonte leads
dent, especially one that’s battling disease.
block drill.
The older I get, the fewer
people I know that haven’t
been affected by one of these
illnesses, either by battling the
disease themselves or caring for
a friend or family member. My
dad was a 20-year survivor of
diabetes that eventually led him
to dialysis. Although he was a
trooper, he suffered from mood
swings and lethargy. Then, I
abruptly lost a family member
to cancer, and it changed me
forever. I began talking to cancer fighters and survivors, and
although their stories were all
unique, they all had two things
in common; they were scared
and their energy levels were low.
When I boiled it down to those
68 July 2009 /
Next, we move onto block work. I’m excited
about the block work because it evolves into a
challenging volley between the left and right side
of the brain. A psychologist friend told me that
people suffering from fear, PTSD (post traumatic
stress disorder), anxiety, stress and panic attacks
are sometimes given simple exercises to combat the
symptoms, hopefully in lieu of medication. These
exercises typically involve easy drills that require a
back and forth motion between the left and right
hemispheres of the brain. Even when you are learning it, you begin to feel a deep sense of clarity.
Here’s how it works. Students learn five blocks
on each side (down, hook, middle, up, outside)
until the blocks are second nature. When learning
the left side, the student has his or her left foot and
shoulder in front. When it’s the right side, it’s the
opposite. Whatever foot and shoulder are in front,
that’s the blocking arm. When the techniques are
hardwired, we square off in front of the mirror into
a gentle riding stance. Then, we alternate blocks.
For example, I’ll call out “Left hand, down block,”
and the students will know that the next technique
will be executed on the right side and so on. We
also incorporate these blocks into walking drills,
which again requires the student to switch their
chambers and blocks each time. It feels great, and
the better you get at it, the more grounded and in
control you become.
Then, we move on to Eskrima, a Filipino martial art that focuses on stick combat. The infinity
motion of partner stick drills is another exercise
in ownership and clarity. At a time in their lives
when students feel out of control, there’s undeniable power in wielding a weapon. This is without
a doubt the most popular part of the class. We
start with single count high strikes, single count
low strikes, circle strikes (strike high and followthrough strike low) and “sword fight” strikes (slash
left/slash right, slash right/slash left). Then, we
stack these basic drills into a fun and easy two-person pattern or kata. Of course, form and function
are detailed at all times. Hardwiring these basics
have allowed us to move on to four and six count
drills, where the possibilities grow. I make sure to
give them solo drills as well because, like the block
work and the stretching, I want them to be able to
take some of the curriculum home. Since this stick
work is all upper body operation, it gets the blood
circulating around the heart. It’s also not too physically taxing, and instead, I’m seeing students getting
Students hammer out two-person Eskrima patterns.
a mental workout and rejuvenating in every minute
of it.
The natural follow up to the sticks is the same
infinity motion and upper body work of handsfree, basic hubad drills. Also a class favorite, hubad
is a tactical hand-combat drill. There’s something
extraordinary about this tactile (and tactical!)
partner work. The immeasurable healing power of
human touch makes the hubad the perfect addition
to this curriculum. Students are able to safe-touch
at a time when perhaps they’re on the receiving end / July 2009
find and cultivate their inner strength during the
Kathrin and
fight of their lives. I am honored to be able to help
Carolyn perform a them in their battle.
targeting drill.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Kathrin Sumpter began studying Tae Kwon Do after moving to Sequim, Washington
from the San Francisco Bay Area in 1991. She earned her
second-dan rank in 2007 and actively pursues the traditional and modern Tae Kwon Do way. She also trains in
weapons such as the bo and nunchakus. She opened her
school Sequim Martial Arts in 2006.
Judy, Christlyn, Linda, and Carolyn rep out
hubad basics.
of unpleasant human
contact in the
form of treatment. We
start learning with a basic knife-hand strike to the
neck, using only light touch. We use big motions
from the right to left side, and back again, stressing
that we’re partners, not adversaries. It’s the same
grounding clarity you foster practicing these drills.
There is nothing but pain-free trust in this class,
nothing but gentle kindness and positive energy. I
do not, however, mince words. The practical application of each technique is explained frequently.
Students that are battling and surviving disease are
fighters, so they must learn the language. A knifehand strike to the neck is just that. A Number 8
from Eskrima is a strike to the knee that will devastate a kneecap and drop an attacker. I give them the
language that will help channel the anger and fear.
Students embrace this approach. At their most vulnerable, it empowers them to seize control and call
things what they are.
I’ve had little more than a handful of students
on which to test this curriculum, and I’m seeing
results. They’re coming back week after week, and
that in itself is a testimonial. I’m seeing students
walk into class, sometimes post-treatment, lethargic and low. By the time they leave, they’re walking erect and purposeful in a grounded, confident
fashion. They don’t just put their fear on the shelf
for an hour and fifteen minutes. They dissolve it.
There’s no measuring the vast benefit of that. From
bow-in to bow-out, I’m witnessing the physical and
mental about-face with these fighters; the one that
all of us martial artists humbly know and gravitate
I’m still pounding the pavement to get the word
out about this program. It’s clearly helping people
70 July 2009 /
I believe that anyone who dedicates their life to teaching
martial arts does so because they have witnessed the numerous benefits gained by their students. Shy students gain confidence and come out of their shell. Bullies build self-esteem
and develop respect for themselves and others. The small
and frail develop strength and endurance. The non-athletic
become graceful and fluid. The unfocused develop concentration. The undisciplined learn to take care of themselves
so they can care for others. The unmotivated establish pride
and set higher standards for themselves.
Martial arts instructors hold the key to unlock so many
obstacles that prevent one from achieving their goals. It is
natural that we want to pass this knowledge on to touch as
many lives as possible.
Imagine my disappointment when I contacted the local
school system to offer my school’s services to their students.
Surely the teachers would appreciate the increased focus and
concentration in their students. “No thanks, we don’t promote fighting and violence.” Is this really what others think
we do? Does the school system actually think I spent the last
25 years of my life, obligated myself to a martial arts school
mortgage for the next 20 years, so I could teach our future
generation to become more violent?
Apparently some of them do. Our public school system
issued a statement: “This school system prohibits the presentation, demonstration or participation in any and all martial
arts by students and guest speakers.” My area is not alone. I
have heard from schools around the country having the same
problems when dealing with public schools.
This unflattering impression of martial arts is held by
many. It is up to us martial artists to find a way to enlighten
In another region of the country, 25 years ago, I was writing my two-page essay, a requirement for my first-degree
black belt exam, entitled, “How Taekwondo has Changed
My Life—Developing Black Belt Character.” To date, this
was the most meaningful paper I had written. I poured my
heart and guts out onto the pages, revealing my private and
personal struggles along my journey. I imagined the judging masters in Korea on the edge of their seats, with a box
of tissue, anticipating the conclusion of my dramatic story.
Imagine my disappointment when I found my unread essay,
still sealed in the manila envelope, on a corner of my master’s desk years after I had received my black belt. I vowed
to myself that when I was in charge, I would read each and
every one of my students’ black belt essays. And I did, usually with a box of tissue. The essays, possibly therapeutic for
my students, heartwarming for me, were however, barking
up the wrong tree. Such passion and emotion toward their
beloved art was being spent on me, and I was already a “lifer”
of the martial artists.
This is when I put it all together. Instead of having the
students write a paper that would never reach the people it
needed to persuade, I would have them show the public the
character of a black belt.
When I took over for my aging master, he explained that
it was time for me to become a link in the martial art chain.
His English was limited, and he talked while forming interlocking chain links with his thumbs and forefingers pinched
together. He taught me what he had learned from his master, and now it was my responsibility to pass that training
along to the newer students. It was time for me to teach as
I had been taught. In addition to making me feel needed
and important, it made me feel immortal, my way to have
something live on, long after I am gone. Because of my link,
my master would not be forgotten. Being a link was more
satisfying than being a black belt.
By Master Rondy
As a master with my own students, of course I want all
of them to have the opportunity to be a link in the legacy of
their martial art. It is unrealistic that they can all have their
own martial arts schools. I doubt that Dr. C is going to give
up his heart surgeon career or our Jr. Olympic gold medalist is going to leave middle school so he can open the next
White Tiger school.
Instead of writing an essay for the black belt requirement,
students now participate in a project that shows the character of a black belt. Instead of the old-school impressions
of martial artists, violence and destruction, the black belt
candidates have the opportunity to educate the world on the
positive traits of their art.
So now, our black belt candidates, nearly 200 per year,
are raising money for charities and performing good deeds
everywhere. Over the last decade, students have collected
mountains of toys and stuffed animals for rescued children;
held book drives; sent loads of gently-used uniforms and
gear to poverty-stricken dojangs in Africa; stocked entire
rooms with canned goods for the needy; provided free eyeglasses for underprivileged children; rebuilt damaged houses;
provided a seeing-eye dog for the blind; financial funding
for at-risk youth (gang prevention); found loving homes for
homeless pets; coats for the cold; food for the hungry and
medicine for the sick...just to name a few! These good deeds
of our future black belts have shown the public what it truly
means to be of black belt character.
White Tiger was honored with the Community Service
Award presented by the mayor of our city. Our students, and
their untiring efforts have changed the once frowned upon
perception of martial arts. To be a martial artist in this town
is to be a valued and productive member of society. This new
and improved image of a martial artist has opened many
doors for public appearances and performances showcasing
our art, thus leading to numerous new students.
Our black belts have truly found a way
to keep the tradition of the Korean
culture link in the chain and
updated it with the generosity
and charitableness of many
Master Rondy is a sixthdegree black belt in WTF
Taekwondo, a fourth-degree
in Hapkido and a seconddegree in Kickboxing. She
was the only non-Asian
member of the Korean
Tigers Professional
Martial Arts Team, spending two years in Korea,
living in Seoul and YongIn.
Master Rondy successfully blends the cultures
of a Korean teaching staff
and an American management staff for her
24,000 square foot
superschool located
in Cary, North
Carolina. For more
information visit
East Meets West
Why on earth would
you even want to
consider joining
with Mile High Karate
for your school,
your students and
Reasons why some schools think they shouldn’t
consider Mile High Karate, maybe you are one
of them:
It’s not for me: because I’m a member of ______
(fill in the blank for yourself; i.e. WTF, ITF or any
other martial arts style association.)
he key reasons why business owners in any
business join a franchise rather than go it
alone are: robust and complete systems, an opportunity to create real equity and therefore wealth
from their business, and the incredible power that
comes with organization.
Why would you?
For your particular situation the reasons are clear:
First: Be a Martial Artist. We eliminate your
need to be a “marketing expert,” “sales trainer,”
“accountant,” and “curriculum and education expert.”
You get to be a Martial Artist-Teacher, and we overlay
all of the other systems for you.
Second: Cut 10 to 20 years OFF of your LEARNING curve. That’s time that if you do it yourself
you’ll never get back. Overnight, you’ll turn on “Plug
and Play” systems without having to develop them.
Immediately implement proven processes and methods
that make your school operate more efficiently and
Third: Affiliate and work together with other
“Winners,” all working to develop a powerful
national (and international) brand and school system.
There’s incredible power in lots of smart and successoriented owners working together.
Fourth: Plug your students into a huge national
support system that helps them grow and enhance their character development, success skills, focus
and achievement. You don’t have to be the expert in
all things since they will plug into web sites, webinars,
and teleconferences.
Fifth: Immediately start using unparalled sales
and marketing materials. You’ll have immediate
access to our series of infomercials for upgrades, our infomercial for enrollment, and sophisticated AUTOMATIC
sales processes to develop and support your students.
It’s not for me because: I’m a Shotokan, BJJ, Goju,
Kenpo or ___________ (fill in the blank for yourself) stylist.
Did you know that … It’s NOT about changing your
style, changing the root of what you teach your students, or abandoning your lineage or your first love?
It is about creating an INCREDIBLY strong “character
development” program for kids and families, and overlaying
effective marketing, sales, business and accounting systems
over your existing curriculum and style. It’s about having
access to great teaching support if you need it, but it’s not
about changing what or who you are as a Martial Artist.
Did you know that … It’s not abandoning your current
association or Master Instructor. It’s about honoring that
association by overlaying more effective business practices
and student support to help your income SKYROCKET!
It’s not for me because: Well, it says Mile High Karate
and I’m BJJ, Kung Fu, Tae Kwon Do or ________
(fill in the blank for yourself) school.
Did you know that … It’s really about Martial Arts
instruction in a high-trust, clean-cut and professional
environment. It’s about creating a SCHOOL that teaches
character, confidence, focus, and discipline to all ages.
You could just as easily think of it as:
Mile High Martial Arts
Mile High Kung FU
Mile High BJJ
Mile High Tae Kwon Do
It’s not for me because: I don’t want to “lose my name.”
Did you know that … You don’t have to? Really, think
about it as “co-branding” — you’re always the key person,
the master instructor, of your career. You are the focal
point for your students and your community. Mile High
brings national clout, and you retain your local credibility.
For a complete, no-obligation information package and
invitation to our next “Discovery Day,” call or register
online today.
Since 1983
By Guy Larke
Kicking Broken English to the Wayside
It’s a fact that English is the number one international language in the world. Now that we are
facing the 21st century, fluency in English is no
longer an asset, it’s a necessity. This has become
most obvious in the Pacific Rim. Untold fortunes
are sacrificed for the ideal of bilingualism or multilingualism. In no other country is this harried sacrifice more apparent than in the Republic of Korea.
Looking back upon my ninth year of teaching
in South Korea, I’ve seen a lot of education trends
come and go. Lately out of necessity, “hakwons” or
private learning centers have taken to combining
other subjects or activities with English. Some have
even attempted to ally themselves with dojangs. As
many instructors and school owners can attest, this
later combination resulted in failure. Reasons were
multi-fold. To state a few:
≤ Improper research and development
It would be easy to give another twenty or thirty
excuses, but the point has been made. Previous
attempts at mixing martial arts with literary education failed, and therefore were discounted as foolish
or a waste of time. Excuses for failure varied from
“It’s strange” or “It’s too much work” to “My friend
said it wouldn’t work.”
Part of the problem, at least in Korea, was with
the implementation of Confucianism. The culture
favored the pen over the sword and military arts
were seen as barbaric. So even to this day, parents
who want clever children, quickly get their child’s
first black belt then cram them into six or seven
schools afterward. The intangible link between
scholastic pursuits and athletic ones is seen as a
fantasy best kept in old movies.
Ironically, the upper class youth of almost every
ancient civilization practiced armed and unarmed
combat along with scholarly pursuits to help refine
the mind and body. I think it would be safe to say
that Alexander the Great would not have been so
great if he spent his free time getting his nose powdered. This fact is sadly rejected here in Korea.
Enter 2001. An entrepreneur in Seoul province,
Kim Sung-Hoon (Bryan Kim), a successful interpreter, language school owner, and Tae Kwon Do
expert, had a vision of how he thought English
should be transmitted to his nation’s youth. He
developed a program into a large binder, which was
later divided into 18 notebooks. It included elements of grammar, vocabulary, and English conversation, useful for the school and everyday conver-
≤ Poor marketing strategy
≤ No research done on target market
≤ Improper staff training
≤ Mostly broken English used
≤ Scarce supply of educated and certified foreign
ESL (English as a Second Language) teachers/
martial artists
≤ No association support / July 2009
A revolutionary concept where foreigners can study
the Korean language while studying Tae Kwon Do.
sation. It was fun, new, and as it was done during
practice, much more exciting than parroting from
a school desk. He aimed it at elementary school
students, as that is the age that youth begin English
study. At this impressionable age, children can
develop a love or hate relationship with a second
language. So innovative was this concept, that it
attracted media attention from over four television
networks, plus countless articles and radio shows.
Due to the popularity of his program, he had to
patent and trademark his entire system of Taeglish.
Taeglish Now
There are currently several schools using the
Taeglish system. Also there are 140 certified school
owners and instructors. The certified members
range from Tae Kwon Do experts, Hapkido sabumnims, Kumdo athletes, physical education teachers
and even English instructors. At this point, there
are four foreign instructors. Due to the popularity
of his Taeglish café or internet blog group, there are
1800 martial art instructors who use elements of
the Taeglish curriculum. Approximately 6000 students study this system. Not bad for something that
started in a community center room in a department store eight years ago.
Up to now, all the Taeglish dojangs were just running Taeglish as an additional program. On April
3, 2009, the first pure Taeglish dojang opened in
the city of Daejeon. Others will be following. In
fact, the city of Daejeon will become the “capital” for
bally in class during a particular week. Each level
has three books that are color coded like martial
art belts (three books for yellow belt, etc.). Each
book takes the student to a higher level. The entire
program takes an average of about three years to
A side benefit of Taeglish is that Korean martial art instructors can have more confidence in
attracting and developing relationships with foreign
students in Korea. They can feel at ease in basic
conversation and showing and correcting techniques
in their chosen discipline. Later, TaeKorean can be
implemented to promote further understanding and
friendship between master and student.
The System
The classes are conducted entirely in English.
No Korean is spoken. At first, the instructor uses
body language as well as English to identify direction, basic techniques, parts of the body, etc. After
that, question and answer combinations from the
Taeglish book series are used.
The book series is actually three sets of study
books called “Junior Journals.” They are bilingual
and consist of “Home Missions” (which is homework) and “Weekly Missions” which are done ver74 July 2009 /
Students undergo monthly tests where they are
expected to chant out technique names in English
while performing basic Tae Kwon Do techniques
and the Taegeuk poomsae. After the tests, questions are asked to each student in English and the
student must respond in kind.
There is a belt system in Taeglish, much the
same as in Tae Kwon Do. Some schools choose to
use stripes on their existing belts to signify Taeglish
level. Instructors get qualified by attending the
regularly occurring seminars.
Other Programs
CD-ROMs for
teachers and students alike. Also,
teacher’s guides
will be developed
and future seminars will enhance
the instructors’
teaching abilities
and marketing skills will be
As stated before, there are just a few nonKoreans affiliated with the organization. There is
a lot of room for more black belts of any legitimate
system. Presently, you need to already be working
in South Korea, typically as a teacher, but there are
steps being taken to bring in foreigners as full-time
instructors of Taeglish.
Gymglish: Like English Tae Kwon Do, not a new
idea per se, but much more organized and systemized with a full arsenal of games, oral quizzes,
riddles and sports. It’s geared towards preschool
and kindergarten students. Taeglish naturally picks
up where Gymglish leaves off.
TaeKorean: A revolutionary concept where foreigners can study the Korean language while studying
Tae Kwon Do. It is certainly much more interesting
for the student and allows foreigners to learn about
Korea’s culture, history and people much easier. It
is still in development, but the program plans to
go into much more detail than Taeglish does with
English (since it will be for adults primarily).
The Future
Master Kim wants to see Taeglish, TaeKorean
and Gymglish as international commodities.
Already negotiations are underway with schools
in China, Japan and Colombia. Taeglish will then
be translated into the target markets’ languages
and made relevant to their cultures. In addition,
the textbooks will undergo their second revision
(a third edition), complete with accompanying
For more information on the Taeglish
program, please visit In
the very near future, an English link
will be provided. Following, will be
other languages as well.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Guy Edward Larke sabumnim has
been in love with the martial arts all his life. It eventually led
him to move to South Korea in 2000. He now holds black belts
in Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido, Taek Kyon, Karate-Do, Korean
Kickboxing, Bon Kuk Kum, Wushu and Cheon Ji Muye Do.
His other passions include public speaking, economics, hoplology, Asian culture and travel. He currently resides in Daejeon,
South Korea with his
wife Gi-Ryung and
their son, Alexander.
He’s also the founder of
Kisa-Do Martial Arts
& Marketing. In addition, he is the Director
of International Affairs
for Taeglish and the
International Consultant
for Cheon Ji Muye Do.
He can be contacted at / July 2009
By Dylan Presman
In the Lyttonsville neighborhood on the northern outskirts of Washington D.C., urban deprivation has long been a fact of life. Until the 1960s,
the residents lived without paved roads, running
water or indoor plumbing. In the 70s, 80s and 90s,
violent crime rates here were almost double the
national rate.
In an attempt to create a safe haven, community
leaders built the Gwendolyn Coffield Community
Center as a place where children and families could
receive sustenance for the body and spirit to buttress them against the world around them. It is here
that Master Lawrence Couch chose to base the
Han Su Tae Kwon Do School as part of his vision
of Tae Kwon Do in service of the individual and
the community as a whole. Through the school,
Master Couch offers structured activities to youth
and adults in a traditionally underserved community because he believes in the unique nature of Tae
Kwon Do to provide individuals with a focus to
strengthen their discipline, self-esteem and respect,
76 July 2009 /
especially for potentially at-risk youth and underserved families.
Master Couch, a sixth-degree black belt, founded the Han Su Tae Kwon Do School in 1992. In
explaining the school’s name, Master Couch noted,
“Han Su represents water that creates life and
allows growth. Although a single drop of water
can achieve little, drops of water make rivers and
the ocean. By learning one technique, we may
accomplish little, but through perseverance, we can
progress as martial artists. As we progress, we learn
greater confidence and to respect others. Through
self-discipline, we learn the importance of being of
service to others.”
Martial arts have always served a higher calling
and Master Couch’s vision forms a modern link in a
philosophical chain that stretches back through the
ages. In the 19th century, Jigoro Kano, the founder
of modern Judo, declared, “If the work of a human
being does not benefit society, that person’s existence is in vain.” A century later, Morihei Ueshiba,
the founder of Aikido, dedicated his art “for the
good of all.”
Since establishing the Han Su Tae Kwon Do
School, Master Couch has maintained a policy of
providing classes free of charge. As Master Couch
put it, “Traditionally, Tae Kwon Do was not a commercial enterprise, but a skill and a self-discipline
passed from master to student. I would hate for
anyone not to train simply because he or she lacks
Providing free instruction opens the classes up
to individuals who may not otherwise be able to
take advantage of the opportunity. As a result, the
classes include a broad range of participants of all
ages and from all walks of life, enriching the experience for all involved.
“Many in the community would not be able to
pay the usual monthly fee for martial arts classes.
I am reminded of the quote by St. Paul who said,
‘Freely have we received, so let us freely give,’”
Master Couch said.
Master Couch’s idea of service permeates every
aspect of his relationship with his students. At the
Han Su Tae Kwon Do School, he strives to create an environment that nurtures self-discipline,
Master Coach trains with Joseph Valere
self-control and self-confidence in students while
instilling respect of self and others and, on a more
profound level, the integration of mind and body.
Master Couch serves as a role model by treating all
his students, from the most inexperienced beginner
to the most practiced black belt, with respect, courtesy and consideration. In serving as such a positive
example, Master Couch demonstrates the tangible
social benefits that Tae Kwon Do can bestow on
the community by influencing practitioners—
especially the younger students—toward positive
behaviors and a respectful outlook.
Says student Terry Collier, “I had actually
stopped taking Tae Kwon Do for years due mainly
to fatigue. I discovered Master Couch’s class
during a community day. I joined because I was
impressed with Master Couch’s obvious down-toearth dedication to the art and to the community. I
continue to be impressed by and have started
to emulate his spirit of welcome and of giving
something back.”
Although Master Couch does not charge for the
classes at the Coffield Centre, participation does
not come without a price. As “payment” for the
classes, Master Couch requires all his students to
commit to community volunteering or service.
“Volunteer service provides a way for students
to pay back for the classes they have received. Also,
volunteer service provides a way for the students to
relate to their community in a positive way. Further,
volunteer service provides an opportunity for / July 2009
Master Coach awards the author’s son, Henry,
a new belt.
dents to enhance their sense of self-esteem and selfworth,” Master Couch said.
Students are allowed to volunteer in any community or non-profit organization that they choose.
In recent years, students of the Han Su Tae Kwon
Do School have racked up hundreds of volunteer
hours in local schools and libraries, tutoring and
mentoring programs, as well as local non-profit
organizations such as Habitat for Humanity.
A recent report by the Corporation for National
and Community Service concluded, “Mobilizing
people to serve others is key to promoting more
effective communities.” The report also found
that “volunteers who serve as tutors and mentors
The author’s daughter, Sarai, earns a new belt.
can help increase test scores and graduation rates
among youth from disadvantaged circumstances.”
By promoting volunteer service, Master Couch
encourages the students of the Han Su Tae Kwon
Do School to form more meaningful bonds with
their community and, in doing so, build stronger,
more resilient communities.
To facilitate volunteer service in 2008, Master
Couch organized a community service day
for the students of the Han Su Tae Kwon Do
School. On that day, students conducted cleanup activities at a local river and park, called
Rock Creek Park. The service day was organized
collaboratively with a number of local schools
and community organizations. In all, more than
110 people participated in the clean-up activities,
dragging several tons of trash out of the river
and surrounding parkland. The final pile of trash
included 60 full trash bags, 21 car and tractor tires,
four bicycles, two lawn mowers, two mattresses,
and even a fridge.
Master Couch has
explained his philosophy this
way: “Although Tae Kwon Do
provides a way for the individual to achieve physical health
and develop confidence, Tae
Kwon Do also has a social
dimension. By requiring the
student to serve his or her
community, we are channeling
the energy toward a positive
social goal. We remind the
students that we are not just
individuals, we are also members of our community. We
owe a great debt of gratitude
to our parents and other family members, teachers, fellow
students, friends and even
our enemies. As Archbishop
Oscar Romero of El Salvador
said, ‘We drink from wells we
did not dig.’”
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dylan Presman is a first-degree
black belt and practices Tae Kwon Do with his daughter,
11-year-old Sarai, and son, eight-year-old Henry. Born in
England, Dylan lives in Washington, D.C., where he works on
education issues.
78 July 2009 /
TaeKwonDo Association
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If the general public were left to the mercy of the cinematic
eye, most would undoubtedly come to the mistaken conclusion
that the martial arts are simply disciplines of unbridled aggression. Yet, beneath the dramatic kicks and ferocious strikes of
Tae Kwon Do, lies a benevolent heart. This is made all the
more evident by the fact that self-restraint, respect and, yes,
compassion, are all vital elements cultivated by the martial artist.
It is not uncommon for dojangs around the world to
engage in community service and fundraising events that
benefit humanitarian causes. Just read through any edition of
TaeKwonDo Times and you will see mention of the good deeds
done by Tae Kwon Doists around the globe. Yet, it is natural
for the layperson to ask just how a pursuit so resonant with
violent overtones can generate goodwill and benefit humankind. The answer to this question lies in a focused understanding of Korean history.
Traditional Tae Kwon Do takes much of its ethical guidelines from principles established in the late seventh century
through the practice of Hwarang-do, or the “Way of the
Flowering Manhood.” The Hwarang represented a fraternity
of elite warriors drawn from noble stock. Aside from their
knowledge of Kwonbop and Subak, two native martial arts
of the day, these youthful soldiers were distinguished from
other combat troops by virtue of their unique holistic training
in archery, music, poetry, equestrian skills, and Eastern philosophy. Furthermore, the Hwarang lived under a strict code
of honor handed down by the Buddhist monk, Wonkwang
Popsa. These basic moral principles included loyalty to the
king, filial piety and restraint against misuse of force in battle.
In AD 668, the Sillian leadership, using the Hwarang as their
instrument of war, succeeded in bringing the three kingdoms
under central control.
Considering the sophistication of the order, Hwarang-do
provided fertile ground for the growth of future kings, generals, and statesmen destined to guide the kingdom of Silla from
relative obscurity to its once-legendary position as an influential regional power. One great example of acquired compassion
through the search for spiritual enrichment are the deeds and
actions of Kwisan and Chuhang, whose exploits ring clear in
the annals of Korean history. It is almost impossible to accurately portray the impassioned narrative that likely took place
in the late seventh century between Wonkwang Popsa and the
two inquisitive Hwarang warriors, mostly due to the fragmentary manner in which the overall history of the Korean martial
arts have been documented. Yet, if we were to journey back in
time to the age of the Hwarang, perhaps the transmission of
this ancient wisdom, at least as I see it, would have taken place
something like this:
A full moon shone against an ebony sky, its light falling
diagonally through the slender branches of the birch trees that
rocked gently in the autumn breeze. Although it was well after
midnight, Kwisan was restless, tossing and turning on the pine
needles he and his loyal comrade had gathered to make their
beds. Chuhang slept peacefully across the clearing, warmed by
the receding embers of the fire from the night before. It had
been a long, arduous journey and the two companions took
delight in knowing that their destination drew near.
For some time now, the pair of young warriors had shared a
concern stemming from the wanton bloodshed they observed
almost daily, perpetrated by undisciplined troops on the field
of battle. Realizing that their common adversaries fought to
80 July 2009 /
preserve the national honor and dignity of their respective
kingdoms just as they did, it seemed overly cruel to indiscriminately take life so brutally when not directly threatened.
But the benevolent thoughts and complex concerns of these
men were unique in the history of Asian warfare, since they
were no ordinary soldiers. Instead of being kin to the ordinary folk that composed the rank and file army defending the
tiny kingdom of Silla to which they belonged, Kwisan and
Chuhang were warriors of the Hwarang. With minds unsullied
by cynicism, they reasoned: Should not this respect for life be
universal regardless of borders? They were confident that the
answers to this question and others concerning purification of
the mind would be made apparent to them in the days ahead.
After rising and consuming the morning meal, they mounted their steeds who till now stood grazing in the grassy field
beyond. Both young men felt optimistic about their upcoming audience with the Buddhist monk, Wonkwang Popsa.
Acknowledged far and wide for his compassion and wisdom,
the elderly sage, now 59 years of age, was currently residing at
Hwangnyong Temple and even now was extolling the virtues
of the Buddhist faith at the Assembly of One Hundred Seats.
Kwisan and Chuhang traveled through that entire day and
into the night uninterrupted, feeling their anticipation rise
with each hoof beat. Exhausted after gingerly picking their
way through brambles and hoping their horses would not
stumble on the narrow, rock strewn path that precipitously
wound its way down the mountain toward the vast expanse
of the Kyongju Plain, the young warriors at last caught their
first glimpse of the temple walls silhouetted by the rising sun.
Passing monks foraging for the few sticks of firewood so scarce
in that environment, the pair passed through the ornate portal
of the spiritual compound. Once dismounted, their road-weary
horses were stabled.
Kwisan and Chuhang were silently led by a group of weathered monks toward a central temple where a congregation
from throughout the kingdom had assembled to witness the
ministrations of Wonkwang. Upon entering the
vast hall, it was difficult to see, given
the contrast between the dimly
lit interior and the brightening sky outside. Clouds
of incense, so intense
that they were intoxicating, suffused
the air. Those
participating in
the morning’s first
meditation practice were dispersing
to enjoy a meager
breakfast. Kwisan
and Chuhang passed
through the throng and
humbly approached the
master’s door. Beckoned to
enter, they raised their robes in
the Confucian custom of greeting.
Kneeling before the sacred master
who was leaning on a tall staff and
adorned in a gray undergarment
covered by a scarlet robe, Kwisan
respectfully intoned: “We are igno-
By Doug Cook
rant and devoid of knowledge. Please convey to us principles
which will serve to instruct us for all the days of our lives.”
The great master Wonkwang replied that there are ten
injunctions in the Bodhisattva ordination. “But, since you are
subjects and sons,” he continued, “I fear you cannot practice
them all. Here, however, are five directives for laymen. The
first is to serve your King with loyalty. Second, tend your
parents with filial piety. Next, treat your friends with consideration and sincerity. Fourth, do not retreat in the face of
battle. And, finally, be discriminating concerning the taking
of life. Though you may have need, do not kill often. These,”
the kind monk concluded, “are the good rules for laymen.”
Rising in unison, the two Hwarang bowed in supplication
and left the chamber feeling gifted with a shared knowledge
that would ultimately travel down the centuries to shape the
very fabric of Korean ethical principles, and thus Tae Kwon
These ancient, moral directives, transmitted to Kwisan
and Chuhang by Wonkwang Popsa, eventually evolved into
what is widely recognized today as the Student Creed of Tae
Kwon Do. As cultures merged, however, it was expanded
to instill trust between teachers and students, fidelity in
marriage, respect for elders, and perseverance in deeds and
actions. Today, we wonder who in the distant past could have
predicted that the ethical curiosity exhibited by two young
Sillian warriors would result in the prominent posting of
these principles in dojangs around the globe, with the intention of promoting honorable behavior in martial artists of all
ages and backgrounds. As it reads today, these moral precepts
1. Be loyal to your country.
2. Be loving and show fidelity to your parents.
3. Be loving between husband and wife.
4. Be cooperative between brothers and sisters.
5. Be faithful to your friends.
6. Be respectful to your elders.
7. Establish trust between teacher and student.
8. Use good judgment before harming any living thing.
9. Never retreat in battle.
10. Always finish what you start.
As a testament to the timelessness surrounding the ten
noble principles that comprise the cornerstone of the Korean
martial arts, many training halls routinely call for their
recitation at the close of a practice session. Moreover, they
remain a dynamic blueprint for ethical conduct. Not to be
construed as a neighborly set of values or the casual lines of
some benevolent poem, this creed represents a direct link to
the past and a reflection of the true essence surrounding the
good deeds of traditional Tae Kwon Do.
Master Doug Cook, a fifth-dan black belt, is head instructor of the Chosun Taekwondo Academy located in Warwick,
New York, a senior student of Grandmaster Richard Chun,
and author of the best-selling books entitled: Taekwondo…
Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Warrior, and Traditional
Taekwondo…Core Techniques, History and Philosophy, published by YMAA of Boston. His third book, Taekwondo–A Path
to Excellence, focusing on the rewards and virtues of Tae Kwon
Do, will be released in 2009. He can be reached for discussions
or seminars at or
By Krystal Armstrong
82 July 2009 /
In October of 2008, my oldest daughter came
home from school one day and started to cry.
When I asked her what was wrong, she told me
that she did not want to go to school anymore. This
statement was very upsetting to me because she
loved school. She told me that a classmate of hers
had threatened to beat her up several times after
school. I was shocked when I heard this, shocked
that at seven years old, my daughter was being bullied. I didn’t think this kind of thing would start at
such a young age.
The next day, I approached both her teacher and
principal about what had happened and they were
very supportive. The teacher discussed bullying in
the class and it seemed to have helped. About one
week later, my daughter was at a birthday party
which this other child attended as well. Again,
she was threatened about being beat up and this
time was physically pushed. Now my attitude was
‘enough is enough.’ My husband and I approached
the parents and they were very receptive in dealing
with the bullying and it has now stopped. I have
to admit that I had many sleepless nights over this
situation. I felt so upset for my own daughter, who
I could see was not only afraid but also stressing
out because of the bullying, but now I was feeling
upset for all the other children and families
who have been dealing with bullies for
not only a week, but for months and
After this incident occurred, I took
it upon myself to become more educated
on bullying. I went on the Internet and came
across the Web site This site
was founded by classroom teacher Bill
Belsey from Cochrane, Alberta Canada,
and provides so much information on
what bullying is, how you can deal with
it, as well as real life stories from children
and adults all around the world. I also discovered that there was an online course for
parents and educators. I enrolled in the online
course for parents and was supplied with excellent information and resources on bullying. After
completing the course at, I feel I have a
much better understanding on bullying, something
I think from which everyone can benefit in learning.
Through, I also learned about
Bullying Awareness Week, an annual event
approaching its seventh anniversary in November
2009. The whole idea for this week in 2008 was
to not focus on the bully or the victim, but on the
bystanders. These are the people that see this type
of behavior, but do nothing about it. In fact, 85 percent of bullying occurs within the context of a peer
I went to the school’s principal and told her
about Bullying Awareness Week and how it would
be great if the school could participate. She was all
for it. I was hoping that if we brought more awareness to bullying, that maybe it could help at least
one child or family who is dealing with this terrible
A fire started to burn within me. I found myself
on a mission. It was great that I had my daughter’s
school support on this, but what about the rest of
the community? As I have come to understand,
bullying is a community issue and is happening
to adults and even senior citizens. I contacted the
local radio stations and they agreed to broadcast
a public service announcement that I had gotten
from the Bullying Awareness Week Web site. In
addition, I presented a proclamation for Bullying
Awareness Week to my city council that they
approved, officially making November 16-22, 2008,
in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, Bullying / July 2009
Awareness Week. I also contacted
the local newspaper, hoping again
that I would be able to bring more
awareness to bullying and possibly
help someone. They published an
article on me entitled “Mom Takes
Action Against School Bullying.”
After the article ran in the paper,
there were a few letters to the editor. Some were from adults who
were bullied as children, talking
about how it made them feel even
now as adults. Another was from
a girl in seventh grade, telling her
story on how she has been bullied
for the past three years. Her school
was even aware of it, but had done
nothing to stop it. Three years?
This letter really touched my heart.
I responded to that letter and again
stressed that in order to prevent
this type of behavior we needed to
be better educated on it. I commended her on the
courage to write the letter and hoped it had helped
her. I still think about her often.
I had many parents come up to me and tell me
that they saw my article and that I should be very
proud that I did something. I also had some tell me
that their children are being bullied or have been
bullied and how traumatic it has been. A couple of
moms came up to me and thanked me for doing
what I did. Wow! How could the efforts of one
person affect so many? It still amazes me.
Sure, I could’ve stopped my efforts when I
talked to the child’s parents, but like my good
friend Chief Master Robert Ott says, “We should
give something positive back to others.” I had the
absolute honor in meeting him in September 2008
at a women’s self-defense seminar he was holding
in Olympia, Washington. My friend and I drove
six hours from Canada to attend. I first met him
through email after reading his biography, Certain
Victory. I emailed him to tell him how his book
inspired me to not only be a better person, but a
better martial artist. To this day we still communicate through email. I feel so fortunate to have
someone like him in my life and to be able to call
him a friend.
Training in martial arts has done so much for
me, not only physically, but mentally and spiritu84 July 2009 /
ally as well. It gave me the self-empowerment to
do what I did. The way I am today is because of
my martial arts training. It gave me the courage
to believe in myself. For me, presenting to the city
council was a bit scary. However, helping others
and bringing more awareness to an issue that needed it was far more important than my own fears.
I feel so blessed to be able to train in the martial
arts and to have my daughters train as well. Martial
arts teach not only self-defense, but also respect for
ourselves and for others. Respect is something that
is lacking in today’s society. Bullying is certainly a
community issue and addressing it at a school level
is only part of the solution. We, as parents, need
to step up and be positive role models for our children, so that they can be part of a strong and happy
For now, everything seems okay. My daughter
loves school again and her classmate that once bullied her is now nice and friendly to her. However,
she is only in the second grade and has many
school years ahead of her. If I continue to address
bullying, maybe, just maybe, one day this kind of
thing won’t happen. I have to think positive.
I am so proud of what I accomplished and have
realized that if we go the “extra mile” in our everyday lives, like we do in our martial arts training, we
can accomplish so much more.
For more information
on Bullying Awareness
Week and how you can
participate, visit
Krystal is currently training in ITF TaeKwon-Do
under the instruction of
fifth-degree black belt and
Certified International
Instructor, Mr. Rob Gill, at
his school Thompson Valley
See page 62
for more on
Robert J. Ott!
Krystal & Robert Ott
United States
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By Erik Richardson
MTV’s Made is a reality show where young people are trained
over the course of six weeks to fulfill a personal goal. Dreams featured
on the show have included such things as becoming a ballet dancer,
a competitive triathlete, and even a rock singer. On June 14, 2008,
MTV aired an episode following a young man, Ryan, in his quest to
become a martial artist, and when TKD Times talked with the coach
for the episode—Tae Kwon Do Master Chan Lee of Milwaukee’s J.
K. Lee Black Belt Academy founded by Grandmaster J. K. Lee—we
discovered that this popular episode is an awesome representation of
the potential of martial arts to connect with today’s youth.
Master Chan Lee
TKDT: In the very early scenes of the episode, we learn a lot about Ryan’s motivation and point of view, but
almost nothing about yours. So tell us, what did you hope to accomplish in this episode?
Lee: My goal was to show people how much of the process is about more than the kicking and the punching, so to speak. I wanted them to walk away with a better idea of how much training in TKD—and martial arts in general—is really about building up a certain mindset and a certain set of character traits.
I think if more parents knew how much of what goes on inside a martial arts school is about the character building, there would probably be people lining up around the block to enroll their kids.
In fact, at the time they were interviewing possible coaches for the episode, I was overloaded. I had two
kids under two; we were opening a new 12,000 square-foot strip mall; there was a tournament coming
up (700+ competitors); and I had just launched a new martial arts association. I interviewed just for the
adventure of it, but when I realized what a great opportunity this could be to show a lot of kids and parents
the positive side of TKD and martial arts, I couldn’t really resist.
TKDT: Interesting. Coming in with that kind of mindset, now we can ask: What was the coolest part of
the Made experience for you?
Lee: Honestly, it was probably working with Ryan and seeing him change. At the beginning, I was a little
doubtful of whether he would be able to follow through on the plan, so at each turning point, when Ryan
just kept on going, that was amazing to see. Of course, it’s all the more awesome that the whole transformation is recorded on film for other people to see and be inspired by as well.
TKDT: What do you think other kids could learn from Ryan’s experience?
Lee: If you set your mind to something, if you can show persistence, then you will always manage to find a
way to do it. We use the phrase “pilsung” a lot in our schools, and that means “indomitable spirit.” That is
the lesson that Grandmaster Lee modeled for his students, and it is the lesson Ryan can model for people
watching that episode on MTV.
TKDT: Did the directors give you a lot of coaching in terms of things they’d like to see happen in the
Lee: A little bit. Using the ninja characters, for instance, because ninjas really have nothing whatsoever to
do with TKD, but the producers thought it would make the show really cool to have them show up a few
The other thing that they really wanted was to show where Ryan was starting from by allowing the audience to see him fail, like that first day in the dojang when we were sparring. I normally start by giving my
students a feeling of success, but because of the short timeframe of the episode, it made sense to show some
failure to help people appreciate just how far he would go in the six weeks of the filming.
86 July 2009 /
Ryan and Master Chan Lee
TKDT: Were you able to bring your own ideas/values to the show?
Lee: Oh, definitely.
TKDT: Where do you think those showed through the most?
Lee: I think it showed through in the training for TKD. All of that was completely
realistic, and showed exactly the same set of forms and requirements that any of our
students have to go through to earn their gold belt.
TKDT: I went through and timed it, and out of the one-hour episode, only about
six or seven minutes actually showed punching and kicking. That seems kind of
light on martial arts for a show about becoming a martial artist, doesn’t it?
Lee: In contrast to that, the issue of character development and self-discipline
comes up 15 or 16 different times. I think that difference mirrors the balance in
regular training at my Tae Kwon Do schools—and in a lot of martial arts schools—so that’s another place
where my ideas and perspectives really showed through.
TKDT: Even allowing for the condensed timeline of the show, you and Grandmaster Lee still seem to hold
Ryan to a pretty tough standard, and at one point when you are pushing to get the room cleaned up, Ryan’s
brother asks how your house looks. In that same spirit, do you push yourself in your TKD training as hard
as you seem to push Ryan?
Lee: The hardest thing is keeping yourself to a consistently high standard. It’s very tempting for most people to settle for 80 percent or 90 percent of their personal best sometimes. I struggle with that too, all the
time; but, I guess I would have to say that yes, I do push myself hard. I constantly challenge myself to keep
turning in a 100 percent effort.
TKDT: Why push yourself and Ryan (or your other students) so hard, though?
Lee: When a student has that “aha” moment and feels empowered because they can do something difficult
that they never could before, and that confidence changes them . . . at that point their feeling of accomplishment starts to spread beyond the edges of the dojang mat and crosses over into other areas of their lives.
That moment is the essence of why I teach martial arts—that’s the part that makes it all worth doing. A lot
of times, if you don’t push them past their comfort zone, they never have that moment, and if they never
have that moment, then they never acquire the motivation to push themselves past their comfort zone.
TKDT: What do you think is the toughest obstacle to getting students to that point?
Lee: When parents aren’t on board with a child’s need for success and determination. Sometimes a student
will hit an obstacle on the path to becoming black belt, and they feel like they want to quit. At that point, a
student’s support system can fail, and they let him or her quit. When that happens, the student gives up on
the chance to see what it’s like to carry through on a commitment. Everything worth accomplishing is hard,
and everyone is tempted to quit along the way, so I hate to see when students—and their parents—give in
to that temptation. That’s the exact moment when they could have achieved a meaningful level of self-discipline that would stay with them when they walk outside the dojang doors.
TKDT: Is that why you kept trying to get Ryan to clean up his room in the show?
Lee: That’s exactly right. If the attitude and values that we teach in the martial arts studio only have an
effect inside the studio, then we haven’t really reached that student. As a result, we are constantly looking
for creative, innovative ways to have an effect on our students outside the studio. One example of this is
that we recently started a program at our schools called Heroic Acts of Kindness that has the same goal: to
build character out in the larger community. / July 2009
TKDT: Where did you come up with the inspiration for this kindness program?
Lee: This was an idea I learned from Master Tom Callos. This program gets kids motivated not only to
perform random acts of kindness in their normal daily lives, but, even more importantly, in terms of developing leadership and in terms of making an impact in the community, they try to get other kids motivated
to join in with random acts of kindness as well.
TKDT: But if you’re a high-flying, butt-kicking martial artist, who really cares if your room is clean? What
does being kind have to do with martial arts?
Lee: If you think back to their origins, the martial arts were developed to train warriors. Well, the goal of
warriors is to achieve peace, whether it is by bringing a quick end to fighting once it has broken out, or
by preventing the outbreak of fighting in the first place. Why train people who don’t know what to do if
they are succeeding? They were not just training to be good leaders in war, but to be good leaders in peace
too. At the end of every class, our students repeat an oath that includes the line, “I shall help build a more
peaceful world.” That makes sure that they put all of the physical training into perspective.
TKDT: The show concludes with Ryan’s competition at a tournament, is that part of what you do as a
lifelong student yourself?
Lee: No, I was very successful as a competitor, but after I reached a certain point, I had to decide where my
real passion was, because the time it takes to be a competitor at the higher levels was taking away from my
time for teaching and for building the business. For me, the real passion was to spread the kind of character
education that the school was trying to accomplish. It was a good choice, because even though I now put in
70+ hours a week running five different schools, I always think of the famous quote: “Do something you
love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.”
I still train students for tournaments, though, because it helps them to learn some really important
things about themselves and what they are capable of. Again, the kicking and punching are only a small part
of it. As shown in the episode, it’s much more about having the will and the self-discipline to go on when
there is pressure from an audience full of people watching you and maybe you have an injury or you make
a mistake and you really, really want to quit. It’s hard to imitate a situation like that, or the powerful feeling
that comes from pushing through it.
TKDT: That was just an amazing episode, and it had such a fitting ending. In looking beyond the ending
scenes, sometimes the show follows up with the kid who was transformed during the Made episode, but
nobody follows up with the coach. What are some of your goals for the future?
Lee: Building on the goals of the past. When Grandmaster J. K. Lee came to this country, his dream was
to spread the benefits of TKD training to America. He wanted to help American students appreciate the
same connection between the kind of person we are building on the inside and the world we are building
on the outside that he had seen working with students in Korea. My goal for the future is to keep on doing
that same thing as long as I can and for as many students as I can. That doesn’t
just mean in my own schools, though. I am also part of a new project to try to
spread the same way of thinking to other martial arts schools through The New
Way Network (
TKDT: Thank you for helping us gain some perspective on one of the best
hours of reality television ever. We wish you all the best as you keep growing
your school and your program to reach out to other schools. Any last words for
the readers?
Lee: Train hard in the martial arts and help spread the word that martial artsist
are just more than kicking and punching. Be inspirational and a leader in your
community. That is real martital arts.
88 July 2009 /
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Erik Richardson is a Certified Sports Nutritionist in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and he was recently promoted to Online Nutrition Editor
for Tae Kwon Do Times Magazine. He is currently the Director of Richardson
Ideaworks, which focuses on personal and small business consulting.
Calendar of Events
6 Intercontinental Cup at Algonquin College
Woodroffe Campus Gymnasium Ottawa, Canada. For
more information call (613) 837-4123 or e-mail
6 2009 Taekwondo Leadership Summit Weekend in
Las Vegas. For more information call (212) 595-1256.
12-14 4th Annual Battle at the Beach International
Martial Arts Tournament to be held in St. Croix Virgin
Islands in the Caribbean. For more info call (340) 6432265 or e-mail or lmfricke@
30 2009 USAT National Championships / Junior
Olympics in Austin, Texas. For more information visit
4-9 7 GTF World TKD Championships in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia. Find out more at worldchamp2009.
10-15 2009 Chuncheon Open International Taekwondo Championships to be held in Chuncheon City,
Korea. For more information please visit
25 1st Annual All-Star Specially Challenged Martial
Arts Championship & Banquet to be held at Salem
Lutheran Church in Tomball, Texas. For more information visit
8-9 Global Hapkido Conference 2009 to be held
in Foster City, California. For more information visit
14-16 Robert Ott Seminar with special guest Master
Steve Seo to be held at the Temple of Certain Victory
in Olympia, Washington. For more information visit
12 WMAL Hall of Fame to be held in Frankfurt,
Germany. For more information visit
23-2 The 5th International Korean Martial Arts
Federation (IKMAF) Jong Hap Mu Sool Symposium
and Awards Banquet to be held in Philadelphia, PA. For
more information contact Ian Cyrus, Headmaster at
(267) 342-5880 or visit
19 IX Pan-Am Games in Yauco, Puerto Rico. For
more information visit
Coming Next Issue
Andrew Fanelli
Fighting Autism with TKD
Serious Elbow Strikes
An Interview with Mauro
Plus More
Inspiring Stories!
Top News!
Killer Kicks!
Big Breaks!
the August & September
TKDT Schools of the Month!
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(Outside Indiana Only)
Martial Art Directory
Defensive Services Intl
4960 S Gilbert Rd Suite 485
Chandler 85249
(480) 985-9700 (480)
Turtle Press
403 Silas Deane Hwy
Wethersfield 06109
(860) 721-1198
GM Hee Il Choʼs TKD Center
Koko Marina Shopping Center
Honolulu 96825
(808) 396- 8900
Best Martial Arts Supply
7120 Alondra Blvd
Paramount 90723
(562) 251-1600
Korean Martial Arts Institute
2419 W Newport Pike
Stanton 19804
(302) 992-7999
Black Lotus Martial Arts Academy
Kuk Sool of San Diego
San Diego 92117
(619) 723-1592
DeAlba Productions
PO Box 641286
San Francisco 94164
(415) 661-9657
Kenʼs Trading Golden Tiger
9528 Richmond Place
Rancho Cucamonga 91730
(909) 980-0841
Kuk Sool of San Diego (BLMAA)
3901-B Clairemont Drive
San Diego, 92117
(619) 723-1592
Jung SuWon World Federation
4150 Technology Place,
Fremont, 94538
(510) 659-9920
Kuk Sool Won of San Francisco
1641 Fillmore Street
San Francisco 94115
(415) 567-5425
Robinsonʼs TaeKwonDo Center
2155 Fulton Ave
Sacramento 95825
(916) 481-6815
World Hapkido Federation
PO Box 155323
Los Angeles 90015
(714) 730-3000
World KIDO Federation
3557 Valenza Way
Pleasanton 94566
(510) 468-8109
World KukSool HKD Federation
PO Box 16166
Beverly Hills 90209
(310) 859-1331
Colorado Intl TaeKwon-Do
Master Roberto Carlos Roena
Denver/Wheatridge/Ft. Collins
US TaeKwonDo Federation
Chuck Sereff
6801 W 117th Ave
Broomfield 80020
American TKD Union
1303 E Busch Blvd
Tampa 33612
(313) 935-8888
Great River Martial Arts
1647 Hwy 104
Quincy 62305
(217) 257-9000
International Hapkido USA
1385 N Milwaukee Ave
Chicago 60622
(312) 225-4828
K. H. Kimʼs TaeKwonDo
3141 Dundee Rd
Northbrook 60062
Aruba Karate Institute
7440 NW 79th St
Miami 33166
Kimʼs Black Belt Academy
Grandmaster Tae H. Kim
2230 Ogden Ave
Aurora 60504
ATU Headquarters
1303 E Busch Blvd
Tampa 33612
(313) 935-8888
Ottawa Martial Arts Academy
500 State St
Ottawa 61350
(815) 434-7576
Choi Kwang Do Largo
13819-C Washington Rd
Largo 33774
Universal TKD Association
1207 W Main
Peoria 61606
(309) 673-2000
East Coast Martial Arts Supply
1646 E Colonial Drive
Orlando 32803
(407) 896-2487
NKMAA- Florida
Master Thomas Gordon
Gordon Martial Arts
PO Box 1966,Crestview 32536
Jun Kimʼs Martial Arts Center
10024 West Oakland Park Blvd
Sunrise 33351
(954) 741-8000
US National TKD Federation
9956 W Grand Ave
Franklin Park 60131
Self Defense America
2450 Lincoln Street
Highland 46322
(219) 545-7894
Independent TKD Association
2919 E North Military Trail
West Palm Beach 33409
(561) 745-1331
Ancient Memories Academy
2600 E Euclid
Des Moines 50317
(515) 266-6209
USNTA National Team Training
5720 Old Cheney Hwy
Orlando 32807
(312) 443-8077
Chung Kimʼs Black Belt Academy
1423 18th St
Bettendorf 52722
(563) 359-7000
United Martial Arts Center
11625 S Cleveland Ave # 3
Ft. Myers 33907
(239) 433-2299
Yeshá Ministries(14 NE FL locations)
Grand Master Charles W. Coker
904-399-0404 or 904-838-8585
Choi Kwang Do Cartersville
1239 Joe Frank Harris Pkwy
Cartersville 30120
(678) 721-5166
Choi Kwang Do Suwanee
4285 Brogdon Exchange
Suwanee 30024
(770) 654-1510
Jungʼs TaeKwonDo Inc.
New Life Fitness World
Cedar Rapids 52404
(319) 396-1980
Jungʼs TaeKwonDo
501 Panama St
Nashua 50658
(641) 435-4920
Martial Arts America
621 S. Ankeny Blvd.
Ankeny, Iowa 50021
Raccoon Valley Martial Arts
104 S 7th St
Adel 50003
(515) 993-3474
Two Rivers Martial Arts Inc.
2017 Southlawn
Des Moines 50315
(515) 285-5049
Choon Leeʼs Black Belt Academy
121 NE 72nd St
Gladstone 64114
(816) 436-5909
Richard Chun TaeKwonDo Center
87 Stonehurst Dr
Tenafly 07670
(201) 569-3260
Kuk Sool Won of St. Peters
#1 Sutters Mill Road
St. Peters 63376
(636) 928-0035
World Sin Moo Hapkido
PO Box 262, Atco, N.J. 08004
Master Jeʼs World Martial Arts
6204 NW Barry Rd
Kansas City 64154
(816) 741-1300
Choon Leeʼs Academy of TKD
11453 W 64th St
Shawnee Mission 66203
(913) 631-1414
Ryu Kyu Imports
5005 Merrian Lane
Merriam 66203
(913) 782-3920
Han Do Group
4816 Jamestown Ave
Baton Rouge 70808
(225) 924-2837
Cane Masters Intl Association
PO Box 7301
Incline Village 89452
East West Martial Art Supply
2301 E Sunset Rd Suite 22
Las Vegas 89119
(702) 260-4552
World Combat Arts Federation
PO Box 763
Owings Mills 21117
(410) 262-2333
Wheatley Intl TaeKwon-Do
1790 W Fourth St
Reno 89503
(775) 826-2355
AAU Taekwondo
Mr. Mike Friello
(518) 372-6849
Cumberland County Martial Arts
531 N High St
Millville 08332
(856) 327-2244
Myung Kimʼs Acupuncture
347 Massachusetts Ave
Arlington 02474
(781) 643-3679
International Martial Arts
10 Main St
Woodbridge 07095
B.C. Yu Martial Arts
5204 Jackson Road Suites F & G
Ann Arbor 48103
(734) 994-9595
D.S. Kimʼs TKD-Milford
125 Main St Ste 500
Milford 48381
(248) 529-3506
Choi Kwang Do Trenton
3010 Van Horn Rd Suite A
Trenton 48183
(734) 675-2464
International TKD Association
PO Box 281
Grand Blanc 48480
(810) 232-6482
Universal American Natl TKD
PO Box 249
Sturgis 49091
(574) 243-3450
World Martial Arts Association
37637 5 Mile Rd #348
Livonia 48154
(734) 536-1816
American Midwest TKD Academy
315 W Pacific St
Webster Grove 63119
(314) 968-9494
Ki Yun Yiʼs Karate Institute
560 S Evergreen Ave
Woodbury 08096
(609) 848-2333
MacKenzieʼs TaeKwon-Do &
200 White Horse Road
Voorhees, N.J. 08043
(856) 346-1111
MacKenzie & Allebach Family
302 White Horse Pike
Atco, N.J. 08004
(856) 719-1411
MacKenzie & Allebach
1833 Route 70 East
Cherry Hill, N.J. 08003
(856) 424-7070
MacKenzie & Barnabie Martial Arts
7710 Maple Ave.
Pennsauken , N.J. 08109
(856) 662-5551
MacKenzie & Barnabie Martial Arts
1599-D Route 38
Lumberton, N.J. 08048
(609) 702-0666
Grandmaster Hee Il Choʼs TKD
8214 Montgomery Blvd NE
Albuquerque 87110
(505) 292-4277
Black Belt Fitness Center
54-10 31st Ave
Woodside 11377
(718) 204-1777
Dynamics World Martial Supply
(800) 538-1995
Intl Taekwon-Do Academy
54 Nagle Ave
New York City 10034
(212) 942-9444
Iron Dragon Fitness & SelfDefense
88-8 Dunning Rd
Middletown 10940
(845) 342-3413
New Age TKD & Hapkido
2535 Pearsall Ave
Bronx 10469
Pro Martial Arts
(866) 574-0228
Queens Taekwon-do Center
89-16 Roosevelt Ave Basement
Jackson Heights 11372
(718) 639-6998
TʼaeCole TKD Fitness
909 Willis Ave
Albertson 11507
(516) 739-7699
NKMAA - North Carolina
Master Monty Hendrix
Essential Martial Arts, Inc
(336) 282-3000
Lionʼs Den Martial Arts
413 N Durham Ave
Creedmore 27522
(919) 528-6291
World TaeKwonDo Center
112 Kilmayne Dr
Cary 27511
(919) 469-6088
Master Doug Custer
Nacient Oriental Fighting Arts
608 S Platt St, Montpelier 43543
Master Kevin Janisse
NW Korean Martial Arts
12083 SE Eagle Dr,Clackamas 97015
Kuk Sool Won of Austin
13376 Reserach Blvd #605
Austin 78750
(512) 258-7373
Kuk Sool Won of Baytown
805 Maplewood
Baytown 77520
(281) 428-4930
Kuk Sool Won of Clear Lake
907 El Dorado Blvd #110
Houston 77062
(281) 486-5425
Progressive Martial Arts
112 E Sam Rayburn Dr
Bonham 75418
(903) 583-6160
ICF Hapkido
7252 Valley Ave
Philadelphia 19128
(215) 483-5070
Intl Tang Soo Do Federation
3955 Monroeville Blvd
Monroeville 15146
(412) 373-8666
Mark Cashattʼs TKD School
30 West Broad St
Souderton 18964
(215) 721-1839
Pan-Am Tang Soo Do Federation
1450 Mt Rose Ave
York 17403
(717) 848-5566
Red Tiger TaeKwonDo-USTC
1912 Welsh Rd
Philadelphia 19115
(215) 969-9962
The Martial Artist
9 Franklin Blvd
Philadelphia 19154
(800) 726-0438
World Tang Soo Do Association
709 Oregon Ave
Philadelphia 19146
(215) 468-2121
World Black Belt Bureau
Grandmaster Kang Rhee
Cordova (Memphis) 38088
(901) 757-5000
World Kuk Sool Won
20275 FM 2920
Tomball 77375
(281) 255-2550
COM-DO Direct
(780) 460-7765
First Canada Tang Soo Do
209 3400 14th St NW
Calgary T2K 1H9
(403) 284-BBKI
Intl Bum Moo HKD-Hoshinkido
111 Laurentides Blvd
Pont-Viau Montreal Laval
(450) 662-9987
Kuk Sool Won of Sault Ste. Marie
40 White Oak Dr E
Sault Ste. Marie P6B 4J8
(705) 253-4220
Stadion Enterprises
Island Pond 05846
(802) 723-6175
NKMAA- Ontario
Master Dusty Miner
Sidekicks School of MA
2421 New St, Burlington
USA Tiger Martial Arts
48 Plaza Drive
Manakin Sabot 23103
(804) 741-7400
World Martial Arts League
Klaus Schuhmacher
Rhoenstr 55
Offenbach 63971
World Famous USA Tiger Martial
3941 Deep Rock Rd
Richmond 23233
(804) 741-7400
World Martial Arts Group
Dr. Jerry Beasley
Christiansburg 24068
Robert Ott Martial Arts
9235 Piperhill Dr SE
Olympia 98513
(360) 888-0474
Simʼs TaeKwonDo USA
9460 Rainier Ave S
Seattle 98118
(206) 725-4191
Alakoji Knife & Martial Art
San A 302 W Madison Ave
Harlingen 78550
(956) 440-8382
American Martial Arts Center
2711 Allen Blvd Suite 82
Middleton 53562
(808) 831-5967
Central Texas TKD Council
Master Danny Passmore
(254) 662-3229
J.K. Lee Black Belt Academy
12645 W Lisbon Rd
Brookfield 53005
(262) 783-5131
Champion Training
522 W Harwood Rd
Hurst 76054
(817) 605-1555
Great Britain Tang Soo Do
Headquarters for Europe TSD
Tel: 01234-766-468
Martial Arts Academy of India
30 GF DDA Flads, Sarvapriva,
Vihar, New Delhi 110016
Tel: (011) 686-1625
Martial Arts Training
Gulmohar Sports Center
New Delhi 110049
Tel: 9111-467-1540
Zulfi TKD Academy of Pakistan
II-B 10/2 Nazimabad
Tel: 9221-660-5788
Korean MA Instructors Association
SongSanRi 661, BonJi JonNam
JangSongKun JangSongUb
Kimʼs Academy of TaeKwonDo
4447 Thousand Oaks Dr
San Antonio 78233
(210) 653-2700
NKMAA- Headquarters
Master Rudy Timmerman
1398 Airport Rd,Sault Ste.
Marie, P6A 1M4
To list your school or business email or call 319-396-1980.
TKDT Correspondents
Dan Spangler
Jason Amoriell
Julia Freel
Ron Johnson
Soyang Kwon
Wallace Cooper
Zoe Verchota
United States
Lucinda Miller
Jerry Laurita
Johnny D. Taylor
He-Young Kimm
Ronda Sweet
Dylan Presman
Eric Frederick
William Blake
Arthur Pryor
Cynthia Breed
Mel Steiner
Sang Koo Kang
Steve Blanton
Thomas Gordon
Victor Fontanez
South Carolina
Daniel Middleton
Hyo-Won Choe
Michelle Kim
Dennis McHenry
Don Kirsch
Greg O’Neal
Richard Sacks
Robert McLain
New Zealand
Rua Kaiou
George Ashiru
Robert Haritonov
North Korea
Bong-Man Ra
Jae-Hun Chung
Marc-Andre Roy
Mounir Ghrawi
Phap Lu
Dong Yong Zheng
Liang Huiyu
Costa Rica
Carlos Orozco
Dag Jacobsen
Jessica Stenholm
Rizwan Zubairi
Nenad Seferagic
Alla Rabkina
Nazarenko Ekaterina
Yong Hun Kim
Zeljko Gvozdic
Michael Wilson
Seong Young Ji
Susan Whitfield
Suzanne Ellenberger
Aaron Wayne-Duke
Fernan Vargas
Jeremy Talbott
Michael Curtis
James Theros
David Higgs
J.R. West
Charles Vaughn
Chong Su Kim
Gregory Bruno
Jennefer Pursell
LaClaire MitchellNzerem
Michael Aloia
Stephen DiLeo
Dan Perry
Joshua Paszkiewicz
Jeffrey Helaney
Sue Sands-Buss
New Jersey
Anthony Roure
Belida Han Uckan
Benjamin Paris
Michael Robinson
Quoc Tran
Taek Sung Cho
Arlene Limas
Carol Griffis
Chuck Thornton
Joseph Catlett Jr.
Pamela Justice
Aaron Rayburn
Joshua Dylka
Kathrin Sumpter
Robert Ott
Sang B. Yun
Susan Mix
# /2 2
Frank Fattori
John Godwin
Stace Sanchez
Edward Smith
G.L. Chapain
Krishna Balal
Ricardo Capozzi
New York
Elvis Mendez
Erica Linthorst
George Vitale
Kalynn Amadio
Maurice Elmalem
Sidney Rubinfeld
Wee Sun Ngiaw
North Carolina
Jun Lee
Master Rondy
Steven Childress
Ted Abbott
Erik Richardson
Koang Woong Kim
Tarryl Janik
Nicolas Toboada
Ricardo Desimone
Azza Ahmed Fouly
Mohamed Riad
Pierre Sabbah
Byonho Won
Klaus Schumacher
Sanjay Sachdeva
Shammi Rana
Kenneth Hilliard
Robert Beaudoin
Gilbert Woodside, Jr.
Norman McLinden
Dan Piller
Karen Eden
Renee Sereff
C.M. Griffin
David Hamilton
Joon Pyo Choi
Shawn Hamblin
Joon No
Steven Luxmoore
Tam Fook Chee
Mohammad Sikder
7/2 7)
Alex Haddox
Daniela Camargo
Federico Luna
Jodi Lasky
Man Tran
Oscar Duran
Peter Dallman
Ray Terry
Ron Shane
North Dakota
Jere Hilland
Hossein Farid Sabbagh
Pak Chong Hyon
Angel Flores
Gerardo Rosales
Jose Lozoya
Jose Velardes
Marco Cardenas
Roberto Mendoza
Sonja Patratz
South Korea
Chan-Mo Chung
Chang Sup Shin
Dong Young Park
Gregory Brundage
Guy Larke
Hyun Chul Kim
James Yoo
Jinsung Kim
Jung Doo Han
Seok Je Lee
Sook Kyung Moon
Young Mi Yun
Daniel Lee
Lawrence Masawe
Pascal Ilungu
Sang Cheol Lee
United Kingdom
Alasdair Walkinshaw
Anthony Aurelius
David Friesen
Ralph Allison
*List does not include all worldwide correspondents
Become a Correspondent! Learn how at / July 2009
Stretch Yourself
Many people write to me with questions that can be
summed up as: “I have a boo-boo…I have overdone my
exercises…I have torn this or broke that...what should I
do now?”
I generally answer: “I think you shouldn’t be doing
it, but now that you have done it, you should see a doctor.” I have no clue why these individuals think it makes
sense to ask what to do of someone who has never seen
them and who is not a physician, but rather a physical education teacher. The best I know about treating
injuries is this: Look for the best specialist you can find.
Then follow the doctor’s orders without second-guessing. A good injury specialist can tell you in advance how
your symptoms will change over time as you heal, when
you will feel improvement, and how long it will take for
a full recovery. One more thing: Make sure the doctor
understands your sport—what you do in contest and in
your typical exercises, against what resistance, and your
training regimen. My hard-earned experience taught me
to trust only doctors who know my sport (preferably did
it competitively or are team doctors) or a least watched
it and can intelligently discuss its demands and injury
I reiterate the above in the following three points:
1. Go to a good physician, not just any M.D.
2. If a doctor cannot tell accurately what you will feel
and be able to do at all stages of healing and rehabilitation—go to another one.
3. Follow the good doctor’s treatment to the letter.
Most of the questions below are from people who
either did not train correctly and were injured, or after
the injury did not follow the common sense advice given
I have a groin and hamstring
pull that still bothers me. I
would like to improve my
flexibility, form, sparring
ability, and balance in my
spinning kicks. What are
your suggestions?
Your objectives of improving flexibility, form, and
sparring ability all depend on
first properly treating your
injuries. Before your hamstring and groin muscles
are back in excellent
working order, no
other work can
96 July 2009 /
be done. (You need to see an Applied Kinesiologist, or
a Muscle Activation Technique specialist, or a Sports
Chiropractor.) After successful treatment, you may
start working on strength and flexibility according to
the book Stretching Scientifically and the DVD Secrets
of Stretching. Develop balance in spinning kicks by performing spinning kicks at a low (below knee) target
(initially imaginary, then soft, which will allow kicking
and spinning through it). To strengthen your legs and
prevent hamstring and groin injuries, do deadlifts and
On page 63 of Stretching Scientifically (fourth edition)
you state that people who experience knee problems
should do strength exercises. What are these strength
Squats and deadlifts.
Although the book Stretching Scientifically and the
DVD Secrets of Stretching go into depth about stretching, I found that they did not fully explain the stretches
to be performed by those who suffer from “weak knees.”
What strength exercises will strengthen the muscles that
stabilize the knee?
If your knees hurt when you do a stretch, change
it so your knee bears less or no weight. For example,
in hamstring or adductor stretches leading to a front
or side split, place the lower end of your thigh on the
chair or on any support. If bending your knees is not a
problem, you may do the last exercise shown on page
82 of Stretching Scientifically. The strength exercises that
stabilize the knee are all those that affect muscles that
originate above and attach below the knee joint. These
exercises are squats, step-ups, deadlifts, and good mornings. If you cannot do these exercises because your knees
were injured, then you can do isometric tensions with
your knees held at angles at which you do not feel pain.
Thomas Kurz is an athlete, a physical education teacher, and a
Judo instructor and coach. He studied at the University School of
Physical Education in Warsaw, Poland (Akademia Wychowania
Fizycznego). He is the author of Stretching Scientifically, Science
of Sports Training: How to Plan and Control Training for Peak
Performance, Secrets of Stretching, and Basic Instincts of SelfDefense. He also writes articles for Stadion News, a quarterly
newsletter that is available from Stadion Publishing (
or For self-defense tips visit If
you have any questions on training you can post them at Stadion’s
Sports and Martial Arts Training Discussion at
By Thomas Kurz
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The Last Word
C. M. Griffin holds black belts in several martial arts. He is involved in many facets of the performing arts from stunt coordinator to director. He has
written, produced and directed projects for television and for corporations. He owns and operates his own Hwa Rang Do school in Ohio.
It’s the day of my surgery. I first go to that “Star Trek” room where
they give me a radiation treatment. Then, they draw more blood and
send me to the surgical floor. I strip down and put on that damnable
gown. You know what I mean. It’s the one the hospital folks make
you wear so they have something to laugh about. Your back is open
and it’s always cold. You back away from folks so they don’t see your
big butt hanging out and you back into a wall that’s ice cold! Then
you spin around to see what was so cold, then spin back so people
don’t see you! Oh yeah, it’s a riot!
I make my way to what they call a “pre-op” room and they place
me on a bed. The nurses flit in and out, take more blood and give me
an IV drip. Now comes the real fun part—this guy comes into the
room and says he’s going to shave me! Say what?!? He says the doctor
needs my hip, stomach, chest, leg, everything on my left side, shaved.
I was not happy, and I let him know it. But it had to be done. He
turned on the clippers and began to shave me.
Now…um…how can I say this? He, well, the clippers got close
to…ah…something personal. I sat up and grabbed his arm. I let him
know that…um…I am not from Brazil, so what the $#@* was he
doing? He said he had to shave everything and that he’d been doing
this for 20 years and had never once slipped, tripped or made a
I reluctantly let him go, but he completely understood that if he
did make a slip, I was going to remove his spleen with my bare hands.
I will admit he was a pro. He finished and my wife returned, trying
not to laugh.
After a few minutes, the anesthesiologist arrived. She explained
what they were going to do and then said she was going to give me
an epidural. I asked if that was the same thing they gave to pregnant
women, a needle in the spine? She said yes. I reminded her that I
was not pregnant so I would not need any gigantic needle stuck into
any part of my body. She thought I was cute and said not to worry, I
would never even remember her giving it to me. Oh, that’s comforting.
She left, returning with something she added to the IV, then
an orderly came into the room. The orderly and anesthesiologist
wheeled me into the operating room. This room was just like you
see on TV; everyone wore white with masks covering their nose and
mouths. They resembled reverse ninjas. A nurse leaned over me and
asked if I was ready. I said, in a controlled calm voice, “Wait a minute,
I am wide awake, I can see and hear and feel everything. It is too soon
to do any kind of cutting on me, because I would feel it.” (Yeah, you
believe it was in a nice calm, controlled voice don’t you?)
The nurses and doctors laughed. Someone said, and I quote, “Nrff
glsihkish skully booly.” I remembered thinking that language didn’t
sound familiar.
I blink my eyes and try to focus. Everything is a blur and someone
had removed my glasses. I have an intense pain on my left side, and I
feel like I’m not in my own skin. A female voice leans over and says I
have been asking about my wife, making sure she’s okay. They bring
her in and she assures me that she’s fine. I remember her saying something…and I drift back to sleep.
I wake up and I’m in a room, my family is there and I remember
eating some nasty jello thing for dinner. I can’t remember much else.
The Day After: I feel a little better, more like myself, except for this
damn pain on my left side. They seem to check me every few hours
to take blood. I really can’t sleep, I drift off, time has no real meaning
except how it relates to TV shows.
I have an oxygen thing attached to my index finger and whenever
I move it goes off. It is really annoying. I don’t take drugs, and I don’t
want any unnecessary chemicals in my body, so they give me a “weak”
version of a painkiller. I do my best to not touch the control which
makes it drip into my IV. I try to do ki exercises to reduce the pain.
I meet with a physical therapist who teaches me how to use a walker, how to get in and out of bed and chairs, walk up and down stairs
and so on. I feel like I’m three years old. He goes over “hip precautions,” stuff I need to remember or otherwise I could pop the new
hip out of place, and he assures me that would be quite painful.
Alright, memo to self: DON’T FORGET ANY OF
98 July 2009 /
By C.M. Griffin
THESE! Don’t cross my legs, even at the ankles; don’t have my knees
higher than my hips, don’t bend beyond 90 degrees, keep my left leg
elevated when lying down or seated, don’t let my knees touch, sleep
with a thick pillow between my legs so the “bad hip” is supported and
the knees don’t touch; use a special seat for the bathroom and a few
more items. Trust me, I still remember them all.
My family visits me and I actually feel a little better. When my wife
tells them I have a titanium hip, my eldest son jokes about me setting
off detectors at the airport. My daughter calls her friends and brags
that her father is “bionic.” My wife and I both say, “Let’s hope that all
this doesn’t cost six million dollars.” My eldest son laughs, while my
daughter, who’s 22 and youngest son, who’s 17, don’t get it.
Oh, trying to go to the bathroom is an experience and I’ll leave it
at that.
The Next Day: More blood tests and some cute nurses. Finally, I
can wash myself and everyone is happy that um…I actually went to
the bathroom, if you know what I mean.
Grandmaster Fairbanks visits me and we go over some ki power,
pain management techniques and man, do I need them. I really don’t
want to take these damn chemicals to ease the pain, but sometimes it
gets so intense. Going over these techniques really, really helps.
Dr. Welsh visits me and tells my wife cutting through me was like
cutting through solid marble, which was why the operation took so
long. He said the procedure usually takes 45 minutes to an hour, but
with me it took almost three hours, cutting through all the muscle
fibers in my leg.
I have to say, the doctors, nurses, therapist and staff at the hospital
were all wonderful people. They treated me with respect and made me
as comfortable as possible. They were all so different from the people
I had dealt with previously. I don’t know, maybe it was just the luck of
the draw? Or maybe it was that balance theory, where I had to experience the bad, so I could really appreciate the good.
The one thing I had to smile about, when certain members of the
staff heard that Grandmaster Fairbanks was visiting me, they made a
point of stopping by my room. A few of them read this magazine, so
we chatted about training, different martial systems and their similarities. I even did an impromptu Nae Gong Sul session with some of the
staff and a few patients.
The Final Day: I can go home after I visit with the occupational
therapist. He shows me how to get in and out of a car as well as a few
other things. We go over those “hip precautions” again.
When I return to my room, the nurse goes over everything I will
need and makes sure I am comfortable giving myself those daily injections. A doctor stops by and gives
me a once over and a thumbs up.
I get dressed, fill out some paperwork and a nurse pushes
me in a wheelchair to the
front of the hospital.
It’s a sunny day, not
too cold. The air is a
mixture of car fumes
and frying hamburgers. In the distance, I
can hear the children
playing at the local
elementary school.
They help me get
into the van and I’m
finally on my way
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enhance living and improve
martial arts practice. Easy to
follow exercises are given for
practice of meditation with
poetry, brush painting, martial
arts, and more. 158 pages.
Item BPP15 / $12.95
Simple Confucianism
This book offers a clear and
concise guide to the history,
key concepts, and principles of
Confucianism including benevolence, central harmony, the
mean, and becoming a sage.140
pages. Item BPP16 / $12.95
Simple Buddhism: A Guide to
Enlightened Living
An accessible guide to Buddhist concepts and practices including Mahayana and
Theravada traditions. This
book gives history, themes,
and exercises including key
mental practices such as the
Four Noble Truths and the
Eightfold Path. 133 pages.
Item BPP17 / $12.95
Simple Taoism: A
Guide to Living in
A clear explanation of Taoism
with simple exercises in meditation, breathing, chi kung,
and tai chi chuan. An informative discussion of key Taoist
concepts including “wu-wei”
(achieving through non-action), “yin” and “yang”, and
“te” (power and virtue). 177 pages.
Item BPP18 / $12.95
Taekwon-Do and I
( Volumes 1&2)
The memoirs of Choi
Hong-Hi, the founder
of Taekwon-Do. Volume
One; Motherland; the
land in turmoil. Volume
Two; The Vision of Exile:
any Place under Heaven is
Item B043 / $79.99
Featured Books
Simple Tibetan
Buddhism: A Guide to
Tantric Living
A concise introduction to the
unique history and traditions
of Tibetan Buddhism, a philosophy that integrates ritual
with practice. With simple
exercies for incorporating
visualization, diety yoga, mandalas, mantras and
the esoteric, effective tantric methods, this book
opens up new possibilities.144 pages. Item BPP19
/ $12.95
Tao in Ten, Easy Lessons for Spiritual
This book presents fundamental
teachings from Taoism in ten
easy lessons with a brief history.
Each of the ten lessons gives
experiences and understandings
of a key Taoist principle, revealing the infinite potentials for
better living at One with Tao.
158 pages. Item BPP20 / $12.95
Zen in Ten, Easy
Lessons for Spiritual
Buddhism in Ten, Easy
Lessons for Spiritual
This book begins with a brief
history to reveal Zen’s development and evolution through
the ages. The ten lessons give
fundamental principles and significant understandings of Zen.
152 pages. Item BPP21 / $12.95
The Ten lessons contain fun
damental principles of
Buddhism along with clear
and effective ways to apply
Buddhism to many areas of
life.152 pages. Item BPP22 /
Chi Gong Medicine From God
Korean Martial Art: The Conquer of
Lose weight with a seaweed diet.
Prevent altitude and divers sickness, and many other advantages
of Chi.Item B042 / $19.95
By Ho Sung Lee.The story of the
history of Tae Kwon Do in the
United States and the Korean
pioneers who brought the art to
344 pages. Only available in
Korean.Item B040 / $19.99
Champions 2000: 14th Men’s & 7th
Women’s WTF Championships Video
Vol. A contains men’s and women’s
fin, fly and men’s bantam competitions. Item T021A / $35.00
Reduced to $4.99!
Vol. B contains women’s bantam and
men’s and women’s feather & light
Item T021B / $35.00
Reduced to $4.99!
Vol. C contains men’s and women’s welter, middle
and heavyweight championships
Item T021C / $35.00 Reduced to $4.99!
Success and the Creative
Imagination: The Unique
Power of Do
Sang Kyu Shim’s book provides
a rich model of the way one can
bring diversity of expression to
the unity of understanding and
fulfillment. Item B026 / $15.00
Reduced to $4.99!
Tae Kwon Do, Volume I & II
Vol. 1 contains all of Poomsae
(forms), Taeguek 1-8 and Palgwe
1-8, required to earn a black belt
from the WTF. Vol. 2 illustrates
Poomsae from Cho Dan to
Grandmaster. Item B003 / Vol. 1
/ $15.00 Reduced to $2.99!
Item B004 / Vol. 2 / $15.00
Reduced to $2.99!
Featured Training Products & Novelties
Re-Useable Breaking Boards
Endorsed by the Korea Taekwondo Association,
the board’s rectangular shape and padding make it
easier to hold while its slide groove enables faster
and easier reassembling. Board color corresponds to
belt level. Item K007/
Yellow (Easiest) $24.95
/ Blue (Easy) $24.95 /
Red (Harder) $24.95 /
Black (Hardest) $28.95
Sold Out
The Ultimate Martial Arts Board
High strength plastic construction allows the board
to be re-breakable time after time. A rubber palm
pad provides a cushion for the holder. Different
colors represent level of difficulty. Item K011 /
White $34.95 / Orange $34.95 / Green $34.95 /
Blue $34.95 / Brown $34.95
/ Black $34.95
Double Focus Target
Two separate pads are bound together to create a
training aid that enables you to actually hear the
strength of your kick. A sturdy, elastic wrist band
ensures that the
target will not leave
the holder’s hand.
Item K002 / $24.95
with an inner cavity filled with a
durable urethane foam. Weighs
270 lbs. when filled. Made in
the USA.
BOB Item NPP03 / $280.00
BOB XL Item NPP04 / $340.99
Jang Bong Sul (Long Pole)
This three-section staff easily screws together to
form the six-foot long bong that has been a part
of Korean martial history for over 4,000 years.
Constructed with a durable core surrounded by a
wood-simulated padded covering that will cushion
strikes and blows.
Item K008 / $29.95
Karate Kritters
They’re back! These cute little toys make karate
sounds when you squeeze their belly. Each stands 6”
tall. TIGER—Item KKT1 / $9.95 BEAR—Item
KKB1 / $9.95
BOB Training Partner
He’s the perfect sparring partner! Practice your
techniques and accuracy on this life-like mannequin. Fits on a sand or water filled base, which is
included. BOB is made of a high strength plastisol
HapkidoGear Shoe
This shoe uses existing RingStar technology with
Hapkido specific refinements to create the first shoe
born for Hapkido. HapkidoGear shoes are specifically designed for both training and sparring. The unique
materials used in this make it
the lightest, most comfortable
and protective shoe available.
Item NPP01 / $82.99
HapkidoGear Cane
The New Tactical Cane from HapkidoGear is
designed to be the perfect training aid in the
Dojang and to meet the requirements of real world
usage. Using high tech aluminum alloy and durable
powder coating in it’s construction along with sure
grip knurling on the shaft, this cane is the most
highly developed and versatile available today. Item
NPP02 / $75.00