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To the PDF version please click here. - FIT
Faculty of Integrated Technologies (FIT)
Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Faculty of Integrated Technologies
Integrated Science Building
Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Jalan Tungku Link Gadong, BE1410
Brunei Darussalam
“A Faculty that Blends
Engineering, Technology
and Innovation”
The Faculty of Integrated Technologies (FIT), Universiti Brunei
Darussalam was inaugurated in 2012. The faculty emphasizes a
quality design centric broad-based engineering education. Research based Post Graduate Degrees leading to MEng and PhD
are offered at the faculty in collaboration with other centers under the close supervision of excellent faculty members with broad
span of research expertise in diverse fields of engineering. Currently FIT offers the following 4 postgraduate Degrees:
Master of Engineering (Systems)
Master of Engineering (Chemical)
PhD in Engineering (Systems)
PhD in Engineering (Chemical)
Sensor Technology Research
Environment Modelling & Simulation
Smart Houses & IoT
Fuel Cell Research
FIT with its faculty member’s diverse research expertise is working
Fiber Optic Communications
in 4 distinct topics of research under the theme of “Improving qual-
Solar Energy Systems
ity of life using integrating technologies”.
Wireless Network Security
Audio Signal Processing
Image Processing
Bio-Mass Processing
Speech Processing
Bone Tissue Engineering
Pg Dr Iskandar Pg Hj Petra (
Research Interests: Biomedical Signal Processing, Mechatronics, Sensor Technology
Selected Publication(s): M Iskandar Petra, Liyanage C De Silva, “Inverse Kinematic Solutions Using Artificial Neural Networks”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol 534, pp 137-143,
Prof Dr Chandratilak De Silva Liyanage (
Research Interests: Multimodal Signal & Speech Processing, Smart Homes and Energy
Efficiency, Sensor Technology & IoT (Internet of Things)
Selected Publication(s): Liyanage C De Silva, Chamin Morikawa, and Iskandar Petra,
“State of the art of Smart Homes”, Elsevier Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial
Intelligence, Vol 25, Issue 7, October 2012, pp 1313-1321, 2012.
Dr Juliana Hj Zaini (
Research Interests: Soil Modeling, Geotechnical and Structural Engineering, Ground Improvement, Renewable Energies
Selected Publication(s): V Sivakumar, P Mackinnon, J Zaini, P Cairns, "Effectiveness of filters
in reducing consolidation time in routine laboratory testing", Published in Geotechnique, Vol. 60,
No 12, pp 949-956, 2010, doi:10.1680/geot.9.T.013.
Associate Prof Dr Regan Watts (
Research Interests: Fiber Optic Communications, Optical Interconnects for Data Centres,
Test & Measurement Instrumentation, THz Systems, Solar Energy Systems
Selected Publication(s): V. Vujicic, C. Calo, R.T. Watts, F. Lelarge, C. Browning, K.
Merghem, A. Martinez, A. Ramdane, and L.P. Barry, "Quantum Dash Mode-Locked Lasers for
Data Centre Applications," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 21, 6, 5360, 2015.
Dr Martin Blundell (
Research Interests: Solar PV Characterization, Microprocessors, Renewable Energy
Selected Publication(s): Tarik Al-Khateeb, Martin Blundell, “An electronic meter for measuring
the saving in electrical power”, Elsevier Journal of Desalination Vol 209, pp. 3288 – 333, 2009.
Dr Quentin Cheok Hoon Nam (
Research Interests: Environmental Engineering, Activated Carbon Manufacture, Sustainable Waste Reuse
Selected Publication(s): Juliana Zaini, Abul Kalam Azad, Saifullah Abu Bakar, Quentin
Hoon Nam Cheok, "Effects of Wetting on the Soil Fabric of Compacted Clay", Published in
the Journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol 789, pp. 1166-1170, 2015.
Dr Muhammad Saifullah Abu Bakar (
Research Interests: Biomass and Bio-Oil Characterisation, Thermochemical Conversion
of Biomass and Wastes, Solar Thermal Studies
Selected Publication(s): Muhammad S Abu Bakar, James O Titiloye, "Catalytic Pyrolysis of Rice Husk for Bio-oil Production", Published in the Elsevier Journal of Analytical and
Applied Pyrolysis, Vol 103, pp 362-368, 2013.
Dr Feroza Begum (
Research Interests: Optical Fiber and Photonics, Fiber Optic Communications,
Optical Coherence Tomography
Selected Publication(s): F. Begum, Y. Namihira, T. Kinjo, and S. Kaijage,
“Supercontinuum generation in square photonic crystal fiber with nearly zero ultraflattened chromatic dispersion and fabrication tolerance analysis,” Optics Communications, vol. 284, no. 4, pp. 965-970, 2011.
Pg Dr Emeroylariffion Abas (
Research Interests: Data Analytics, Software-Defined Radio, Info-Security
Selected Publication(s): AM Ruzaini, MA Salam, F Wen, SP Ang, AE Pg Abas, SS Yin, W
Voon, “Measurement and mitigation of magnetic field of a microwave oven” IET Digital Library
Dr Abul Kalam Azad (
Research Interests: Fuel Cells and Rechargeable Batteries, Photo Catalyist, Engineering Materials
Selected Publication(s): Abul Azad, Juliana Zaini, Pg I. Petra, Lim Ming, Sten Eriksson,
"Effect of Nd-doping on structural, thermal and electrochemical properties of LaFe0.5Cr0.5O3 perovskites", Ceramics International, Vol 42, Issue 3, pp 4532-4538, 2016.
Dr Hazwani Hj Suhaimi (
Research Interests: Bone Tissue Engineering, Porous Media, Regenerative Medicine
Selected Publication(s): Suhaimi H, Wang S, Thornton T, Das DB, “On glucose diffusivity
of tissue engineering membranes and scaffolds”, Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 126,
244-256, 2015.
Prof Dr Teuku Meurah Indra Mahlia
Research Interests: Fuel Economy Standards, Biodiesel, Bioethanol, Renewable Energy,
Energy Policy
Selected Publication(s): RK Sharma, P Ganesan, VV Tyagi, TMI Mahlia, "Accelerated thermal cycle and chemical stability testing of polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 for solar thermal energy storage", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2016.
Dr Sandhya Aneja (
Research Interests: Wireless Networks Routing & Security, High Performance Computing,
Networks Simulation and Analysis
Selected Publication(s): Preeti Nagrath, Sandhya Aneja, Neelima Gupta and Sanjay
Madria,"Protocols for mitigating blackhole attacks in delay tolerant networks" Published in
Journal of Wireless Networks (Springer US), Pages 1-12, May 2015.
Internationally FIT has developed research partnerships
with many established Institutions.
There are several attractive scholarship programmes
available for Postgraduate studies at FIT. Please refer
to Graduate Studies and Research Office (GSRO) for
more information.
For further inquiries, please contact FIT Admin office:
Faculty of Integrated Technologies (FIT)
Integrated Science Building
Block D, Level 3,
Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD)
Jalan Tungku Link
Brunei Darussalam

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