January 2k10 - L.A. Marzulli


January 2k10 - L.A. Marzulli
2 0 0 9
P.P.& S . NE WS !
First off - Happy New Year to all who make our News Magazine the success that it is! I
would like to take a moment and thank our columnist for their priceless contribution, Dr.
Stephen Yulish, Dr. Mike Heiser, Bruce Collins, Jim Wihelmsen and others who have
gone on the record in our interview section. You all have enriched our lives with your
scholarly erudition and perspicaciousness!
I would like to use this opportunity to write about the highlights of 2009.
The Coming Ezekiel War: I have talked incessantly about the fulfillment of the ancient
prophecy of Ezekiel. The stage in the Middle East is set and it would appear that all of the
players named are now in position. Coinciding with this is the Isaiah 17; prophesy that
point to the destruction of Damascus. It certainly seems apparent that Iran’s president,
Mahmoud I’m-in-a-jihad is literally hell-bent on acquiring an atomic bomb. Will he then
drop it on Tel Aviv? Will the nations that surround Israel attack first? My “prediction,”
and I say this tongue and cheek is that we will see something this year in 2010…. Will it
be the long awaited war? King Abdullah stated months ago that unless Israel and the
Palestinians resolved the two state solutions there would be war in the region within the
year…. Think about it.
Shroud of Turin: Why is it that the media never does a real expose on the Shroud? It
seems that every time another skeptic tells us that they have re-created the Shroud, the
media goes into full swing. Conversely when information that supports the Shroud’s
authenticity comes to light it is ignored. The Shroud was “attacked” twice this year, one
by a scientist who claimed that he was able to re-create the image. This claim has never
been substantiated and as far as I know he produced a dull, lifeless, smudge that has none
of the unique properties that are inherent to the Shroud. The other was the discovery of a
First Century shroud. The argument here was because this shroud was of poor quality, in
its weave and design it proved the Shroud of Turin as a fake because the Shroud of Turin
weave was of high quality. As I pointed out in my BLOG – this is like comparing Levis
to Armani. Both are 20 century clothing. One is more expensive that’s all. Jesus was
buried in a rich man’s tomb by Joseph of Aramethia, who provided the costly burial cloth
that has been handed down to us as God’s calling card!
Maitreya: This year Benjamin Crème and Share International stunned us by saying that
the Star of Bethlehem was going to re-emerge to herald the arrival of the world teacher,
Maitreya! I pointed out that the star that appeared 2,000 years ago was not a giant UFO
mother ship, the likes of which Crème has told us it was. We provided a wonderful DVD
that exposed what the star was, the rare conjunction of Jupiter and Venus! This is another
tentacle of the Coming Great Deception that I keep warning about. Yet, the churches, for
the most part are silent on it. Once again we are being inundated with signs from the
heavens as thousands all over the world saw the phony star. Remember we are told that
there would be signs in the heavens. In my opinion we are seeing a burgeoning of these
and other phenomena that would point to the fact that we are in the last days and time is
UFOs and Hybrids: This year we saw the gradual disclosure of the so-called
extraterrestrial presence, as the UK and Brazil divulged some of their files on the
phenomena. We also heard, specifically from Dr. David Jacobs, that hybrids were
passable as humans and were being integrated into our society. In my opinion this may be
a direct manifestation reflecting Jesus admonition, “as in the days of Noah, so it will be
when the Son of Man returns.” Is this the fulfillment of the warning set in place
thousands of years ago? Are these hybrids modern-day Nephilim? It certainly seems so to
Our UFO Sighting: Earlier this year my wife and I saw an anomalous light as we were
driving home from eating at our favorite Italian restaurant. I Blogged about this and also
wrote a full account of it in, The Alien Interviews, book. Briefly stated here, it was like
nothing I had ever seen before, especially when the smaller light appears directly above
the larger one and then disappeared into it. While we did not see any craft, and light
disappeared, but as it did so it actually expanded leaving concentric rings where it had
once been. About a minute later it reappeared in the same spot. This happened perhaps
four times in sort of a cat and mouse game. I was overwhelmed at the phenomena and
from this encounter I coined the phrase, rebuke first, ask questions later!
Race to Witch Mountain, Knowing, District 9, The Fourth Kind, Avatar. I recently had a
discussion with a close friend about the movie Avatar. I pointed out to him that in my
opinion, the film promulgated the concept of trans-humanism, or in other words pushed
the boundaries of what makes us unique as human beings. My friend laughed my
comments off and said that it was all just entertainment! We also saw this theme explored
in, Race to Witch Mountain, and District 9. During Hitler’s, Third Reich, film was used as
a propaganda tool to indoctrinate millions of Germans into the “theology,” of the Nazi
party. As Jim Wihelmsen points out in his book, Beyond Science Fiction, the religious
paradigm embraced by the Nazi’s stems from Theosophy and the movies of Leni
Wertmuller certainly reflected that world-view. That being said are we being set up to
accept full disclosure of the so-called Extraterrestrial presence? Are these movies
deliberately pointing to this, or is it all just entertainment, as my friend would have us
believe? You be the judge….
UFOs Over London, China, Moscow, and Pretty Much Everywhere else! 2009 might
be a year for the record books in regard to the amount of UFO sightings that was reported
from all over the world. There were mass sightings of craft seen by thousands of people.
We also saw daylight encounters of what be described as Mother ships. The phenomenon
seems to be ramping up toward full disclosure. I believe that at some point we will see one
mile or larger UFOs over the capitals of the world. Is this the coming great deception that
we are warned will come upon the earth in the last days?
Our Southern Border: After the attacks of 911, our government began construction on a
fence on our porous southern border, specifically our border with Mexico. Not only have
20 million illegal aliens impacted our nations emergency service – this is why the state of
California is bankrupt – but also the drug trade has grown exponentially. The fence
remains unfinished, albeit they have completed all but about 60 miles of it. This has
created a bottleneck for the drug lords as they can’t get their poison into the country as
easily as before. This has led to more murders per month than soldiers killed in Iraq. The
border town of Juarez might be the most dangerous place on the planet. Here’s one more
thought. The government has had 8 years to finish the border fence. They haven’t
completed it and this same government wants to manage our health care? Do the math. If
they can’t finish a fence how can they run a national health care system that will impact
300 million Americans?
History Channel Hype – This Changes Everything? This year we witnessed the fullMonty-media-hype that the History channel served up to us with ads that said, This
changes everything! Of course the supposed 50 million year old fossil that was hailed as
the missing link turned out to be pure speculation on the part of the scientists who were
promulgating it. We are being pounded with this sort of rhetoric that man is an accident
and we were not created in the image and likeness of God. This concept was reflected in
our Declaration of Independence as it declares all men have inalienable rights. This begs
the question, where do those rights come from if not the creator? Once we move away from
this and replace it with evolution we then have no truth or absolutes, therefore it can lead to
the extermination of people that are undesirable to the state.
The former Soviet Union murdered an estimated 50 million of its own people in the gulags
that were set up during the reign of the dictator, Stalin. Once God is removed it’s a slippery
slope in regard to the worth of a single human being as the state now determines who is
worthy of life. Think of the Nazi eugenics program. In my opinion history proves me right.
The Death of Michael Jackson: The only reason I mention this is because it showed us
how the media links up and reacts to news. Can you imagine if a nuclear bomb goes off? Or
a mile wide UFO manifests in broad daylight? We see from the Jackson media frenzy what
will happen. We live in a time that is different than any other in that with the Internet, Face
book and Twitter news travels at the speed of light. We also saw the “frenzy” when the now
infamous Balloon Boy story went live….
The Passing of Author John Keel: I mention Keel because he was instrumental in
bringing to light the High-strangeness that happened in Point Pleasant West Virginia in
regard to the Mothman. I was privileged to be part of a show with host George Noory that
paid respects to this pioneer of all things strange. Hats’ off to you Mr. Keel!
Crop Circles in the UK: 2009 saw a rash of complex crop circles. According to one
report, which I Blogged about, an off duty policeman saw three tall, long hired, beings with
one piece jump suits standing in the crop circle. When the officer approached them these
beings seemed not to notice him. It was only when he stepped into the crop circle that these
beings became aware of him and promptly ran off at speeds that humans cannot travel at.
Dr. Roger Leir: Dr. Leir has been a guest on Acceleration Radio and I have followed his
work. He also came on the record in, The Alien Interviews book. He recently retrieved his
16th implant. He has had the others tested and he believes as I do that whoever is doing this
is not of this earth. This opens the debate whether the phenomena is extraterrestrial or
interdimensional. One thing is for certain we both agree that it’s real, burgeoning and not
going away!
The Torah Code Project: Richard Shaw is the director/producer of the up-and-coming
Torah Codes project. He appeared on Acceleration Radio and proved to be a fascinating
guest. He has interviewed the originators of the Torah Codes with the likes of Eliyahu
Ripps and other Rabbi’s who have dedicated long hours to authenticate the codes. His
documentary is in need of funding. His Website is www.pinlight.com
I Know What I Saw: The Television documentary, I Know What I Saw, aired this year. I
have watched it twice and believe it blows the lid off the UFO phenomena. The caliber of
witnesses is impeccable and what they say that they saw, compelling. I believe that this
type a show paves the way to some sort of full disclosure sooner than later. Of course I
believe this is the Coming Great Deception and will open the doors for the one-world
religious system as well as the one world government that we are told will be formed under
the iron fist of the Antichrist.
Fort Hood: This year we witnessed yet another attack by an Islamic radical. This Jihadist
was part of our military. There is an inherent problem with Islam in that their central tenant
proves to be intolerant of other religions. Don’t believe me? All it takes is a casual glance at
Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran or any other country where Islam and Sharia law has been
established. The Fort Hood murderer, Major Hassan is just another radical in a long line of
Jihadists who long for martyrdom and their 72 virgins. The bigger problem for me is that
Islam is creeping into this country and this is alarming when viewing the track record of
immigrants in Europe and other countries like the UK. It is not a religion of peace. One
only need to take a look at how women are treated to see how repressive Islam really is.
Where are the so-called moderates? Where are their voices of reassurance?
Norway Lights: The Norway lights were fascinating to say the least. Was it a failed Soviet
rocket that the Russians admitted that caused the perfectly formed concentric circles to
appear in the clear Norwegian sky? A Tesla ELF wave? Project Blue Beam? We may never
know what it was and the speculation surrounding it is almost endless….
Cairo Marian Apparitions: In December we saw the manifestation of so-called Marian
apparitions appearing on the roof of a Coptic church, just outside Cairo. I BLOGGED about
this and we received many comments both pro and con in regard to the appearance. I
maintain this is not the Mary of the Bible but an imposter who goes by the name, “Queen of
Heaven.” This week on Acceleration Radio, my guest will be Jim Tetlow. Jim is the author
of the book, Messages From Heaven. Jim is the go-to person in regard to the apparition
phenomena and I’m sure he will provide us with a riveting interview.
H ere
is an article that illustrates the alarming apocalyptic view that
Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmedinejad holds to. It becomes clear
th that the Iranian regime is bent on the manifestation of what is
known as the Imam Mahdi. This is unique only to the Shia brand of
Islam, and believers that the Mahdi will not manifest until a time of
chaos have been reached. The Iranians are trying to complete their
first atomic bomb and when they do so, will it be used against their
sworn enemy Israel? Is this the beginning of the Ezekiel 38
prophecy that was written 2,600 years ago? In my opinion once the
Iranians complete their goal and acquire a nuclear bomb, it’s just a
matter of time before we will see an all out war in the region. I also
believe that 2K10 might be the year in which this happens. One
thing we can rely on. The Guidebook to the Supernatural i.e. the
Bible has never been wrong in regard to prophecy, so it’s not a
matter of if, but when…. L. A. M.
Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he has documented evidence that the United States
is doing what it can to prevent the coming of the Mahdi, the Imam that Muslims believe will be
ultimate savior of mankind, press reports said Monday.
“We have documented proof that they [U.S.] believe that a descendant of the prophet of Islam
will raise in these parts [Middle East] and he will dry the roots of all injustice in the world,” the
hard-line president said, addressing an audience of families of those killed during the 1980’s war
against Iraq.
" They have devised all these plans to prevent the coming of the Hidden Imam
because they know that the Iranian nation is the one that will prepare the grounds
for his coming and will be the supporters of his rule "
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
One of the most intriguing prophecies is found in Isaiah 17. It tells us that at some future point
the city of Damascus will be destroyed. In this article we see that the Iranians want the Syrians
to come to their aid in case they are attacked. There is an alarming quote that is referred to and
it’s this:
"The countdown for war is coming close to its end," said Vahidi to the joint defense committee.
"And we must get our strategic partnership in shape ahead of time."
It would appear that the words of King Abdullah should be heeded when the King of Jordan
went on the record earlier this year admonishing the world that, “unless a two-state was
reached between the Israeli’s and the Palestinians there would be a regional war. It would
appear that the nations that surround the state of Israel are hell-bent on her destruction.
This is nothing new as they tried in:
* 1948 War of Independence
* 1956 Sinai War
* 1967 Six Day War
* 1973 Yom Kippur War
The table above says it all. The nations that surround Israel do not want peace. In typical
Moslem fashion they are re-grouping until they believe they can obliterate the Jews. When one
thinks about this vitriol against the Jews it defies reason. Why the unbridled hatred against the
Jews? I would propose that this is supernatural and ties in with the end-times prophecies that
we are told will happen in the last days. It is my belief that we are in those days and we will
see the destruction of Damascus as well as the Ezekiel prophecies comes to fulfillment. L.A.M.
If attacked, Iran wants Syria to hit back at Israel. Damascus hedges
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
December 10, 2009, 5:16 PM (GMT+02:00)
Iran's defense minister Ahmad Wahidi
DEBKAfile's military sources report that this message Iran's defense minister Ahmad Vahidi brought
to Damascus where he is attending a session of the high Iranian-Syrian defense committee, which
went into its second day Thursday, Dec. 10. Syrian defense minister Ali Habib is in the chair.
The Iranian visitor indicated that Tehran expects an Israeli attack within a month. According to
Iranian intelligence, Jerusalem will take its green light from President Barack Obama's forced
admission after Christmas that his policy of dialogue and stiffer sanctions have failed in the face of
Tehran's rejection of the international proposal to send its enriched uranium for overseas processing.
"The countdown for war is coming close to its end," said Vahidi to the joint defense committee. "And
we must get our strategic partnership in shape ahead of time."
The leitmotif of the Iranian defense secretary's talks in Damascus was the fate Iran and Syria share
and their strategic partnership as the only safeguards against what he called "'American-backed
Zionist aggression." Syria must commit itself to joint military action against Israel, because “stronger
defense ties between Iran and Syria are elements of deterrence in confronting the Zionist regime's
threats to the countries of the region.” http://www.debka.com/headline.php?hid=6413
Here is another story linking Iran and Syria together. Is this pact part of the end
times war in the region? I think it is, and is yet another step in the direction of the
coming regional conflict. What threat does the Zionist regime pose? As I showed
before in the wars that have been waged against Israel, it is the Arab nations that
surround her that will not recognize her existence. Remember Hezbollah as well as
Hamas refuse to recognize Israel’s right to exist. How can there be reconciliation
when one of the parties refuses to recognize your right to exist? Iran is no different,
as I’m-in-a-jihad has called for the destruction of Israel time and time again.
L. A. M.
Report: Iran and Syria sign defense cooperation pact
By Haaretz Service
Iran and Syria signed a defense cooperation pact in Damascus on Friday, and
pledged to work in coordination to counter the regional threat they see posed by the
"Zionist regime," Iranian news agency Al-Alam reported.
Iranian Defense Minister General Ahmad Vahidi and his Syrian counterpart Lieut.
Gen. Ali Mohammad Habib signed the agreement meant to strengthen political,
security and economic relations between the two countries.
The Israel Defense Forces this week carried out two extensive drills, simulating
various combat scenarios against Syria and Hezbollah.
The drills were two-day affairs for which dozens of reserve officers were mobilized
and included scenarios in which ballistic missiles with conventional and nonconventional warheads landed in Israeli cities.
One drill with live munitions took place on the Golan Heights and involved tank,
artillery, sappers and Israel Air Force combat aircraft and helicopters.
Do you know what drives me nuts about stories like this? I’m glad you asked! Here we
have the Iranians testing a missile that would place it well within any city in Israel and
the U. N. does nothing about it. In fact, most Americans just shrug their shoulders in
indifference to what the winds of war that are blowing in that region of the world. Now
all that is needed is a nuclear weapon to arm it with and then who knows, the unthinkable
will happen. I believe that we will see a nuclear exchange in the Middle East sooner than
later and this will affect all of us in dramatic ways. Especially if it is a two-prong attack –
a scenario that I outlined in P.P.&S. – and we are hit at the same time a combined military
force attacks Israel. Remember there are those in the intelligence community that believe
that their dirty nukes, or worse live nukes, have come across our southern border and are
already embedded in this country. If this war happens we might be looking at the
complete collapse of our economy and as I have pointed out before, this just might be the
event that triggers the full manifestation of the UFO phenomena. L.A.M.
Iran says it tested upgraded Sajjil-2 missile
TEHRAN, Iran — Iran says it has successfully tested an upgraded version of its longestrange solid-fuel missile.
State TV reported the news Wednesday without providing details on the test of the
Sajjil-2 missile.
The Sajjil is a solid fuel, high-speed missile with a range of about 1,200 miles (1,930
kilometers), placing Iran's sworn enemy Israel well within range and reaching as far away
as southeastern Europe with greater precision than earlier models.
Iran has intensified its missile development program in recent years, causing concern in
the United States and its allies at a time when they accuse Tehran of seeking to build a
nuclear weapon. Iran denies the charge and says its nuclear program is aimed at
generating electricity.
S h r o u d
o f
T u r i n
I Blogged about this article when it first came out but will do so again here as I find it
just amazing that skeptics are always trying to debunk the Shroud of Turin and say that
it was a medieval forgery. The gist of this story is to somehow equate a poorer quality
shroud from the first century that somehow negates the Shroud of Turin. In other words
the 1st century shroud is different from the burial cloth known as The Shroud of Turin.
As I pointed out in my BLOG, this is like saying that Levi’s and Armani suits couldn’t
be from the same time period. Of course this is absurd and so are the so-called experts
who are trying to foist yet another scam on the public. Of course in the words of the
Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebles, “Repeat a lie often enough and people will
believe it. This story does not mention the fact that when the Shroud of Turin was sent
to a leading textile expert for repairs the woman noted that the weave was only found in
antiquity and was similar to material that she found in the ruins of the Jewish fortress of
Massada. Notice also the sentence which I highlighted that once again tells the Shroud
was carbon dated and proved a fake. Of course there is no mention of how the tests
were skewed! L.A.M.
Here is the link to that video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXEE9OWXFZg
'Jesus-era' burial shroud found
By Bethany Bell
BBC News, Jerusalem
The old city of Jerusalem 2009
The shroud was found near the Old City of Jerusalem
A team of archaeologists and scientists says it has, for the first time, found pieces of a
burial shroud from the time of Jesus in a tomb in Jerusalem.
The researchers, from Hebrew University and institutions in Canada and the US, said
the shroud was very different from the controversial Turin Shroud.
Some people believe the Turin Shroud to have been Christ's burial cloth, but others
believe it is a fake.
The newly found cloth has a simpler weave than Turin's, the scientist’s say.
The body of a man wrapped in fragments of the shroud was found in a tomb dating
from the time of Jesus near the Old City of Jerusalem.
The tomb is part of a cemetery called the Field of Blood, where Judas Iscariot is said to
have killed himself.
The researchers believe the man was a Jewish high priest or member of the aristocracy
who died of leprosy, the earliest proven case.
They say he was wrapped in a cloth made of a simple two-way weave, very different to
the complex weave of the Turin Shroud.
The researchers believe that the fragments are typical of the burial cloths used at the
time of Jesus.
As a result, they conclude that the Turin Shroud did not originate from 1st Century
The Turin Shroud has been the subject of much controversy.
Tests 20 years ago dated the fabric to the Middle Ages, but believers say the cloth
bears the imprint of a man's face that is an authentic image of Christ.
Here is an interesting article showing what the Israeli’s have to
deal with in regard to the continual rocket fire that comes from
Gaza. This should put the final nail in the coffin that land for
peace will appease the Arabs. The Arabs/Moslems do not want
peace with Israel. They want every Jew pushed into the sea and
Israel to be under Sharia law. Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran have
sworn to destroy Israel. How do you reason with this? Simple
answer is you can’t. Some critics call me a Zionist. I would point
them to the creation of the nations of Jordan, Syria, Iraq,
Lebanon and Israel, which were created out of the Ottoman
Empire after WWI. I don’t hear any one fro the Arab street
whining about the newly created nation of Jordan? Why is it that
the Jews are singled out? L.A.M.
Gaza by the Numbers: One Year After Operation Cast Lead
Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon pens historic op-ed in largest pan-Arab
daily newspaper (courtesy Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dec. 15, 2009)
On Dec. 27, 2008, Israel Defense Forces began a defensive operation in Gaza—
Operation Cast Lead—to stop Iran-backed Hamas and other terrorist groups from their
years-long campaign of firing thousands of rockets, mortars and missiles at Israel.[1] [2]
During Operation Cast Lead, Israel focused on dismantling Hamas’ terrorist
infrastructure while minimizing civilian casualties.[3] The operation, which ended Jan.
18[4] , was made more difficult – and dangerous – because of Hamas’s widespread use
of civilians as human shields.[5] The defensive operation has reduced by 90 percent the
number of rocket, missile and mortar attacks on Israel from Gaza.[6]
Following are facts and figures about the conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza:
Key Statistics
• 1 million: Israeli civilians under threat from Hamas rocket fire.[7]
• 15: Seconds Israelis have to get to a bomb shelter once a warning siren has sounded.
• 2 million: Leaflets the Israel Air Force dropped on Gaza during Operation Cast Lead,
warning civilians to stay clear of Hamas fighters.[9]
• 200,000: Phone calls made by the Israeli army to civilians in Gaza warning of an
impending strike near their residences.[10]
• 8: Years Israel has endured rocket, missile and mortar fire from Gaza.[11]
• 1: Israeli left in Gaza – Staff Sgt. Gilad Shalit,[12] kidnapped by Hamas from Israel on
June 25, 2006.[13] I
• 3,200+: Rockets and mortar fired from Gaza in 2008.[14]
• 6,500+: Rockets and mortars fired from Gaza since Israel withdrew from Gaza in
• 10,389: Rockets and mortars fired from Gaza 2001-2008.[16]
• 1,000+: People in Israel injured from rockets and mortars fired from Gaza since 2001.
• 27: Number of people killed by Palestinian rocket and mortar attacks since 2001.[18]
• 270: Rockets and mortars fired from Gaza since the end of Operation Cast Lead, Jan.
18 - Nov. 31, 2009.[19]
Iran-Backed Hamas Terrorism
• 17: Attacks on Gaza goods crossings by Palestinian terrorist groups in 2008.[20]
• 80: Percent of mosques in Gaza which Hamas reportedly controls, some of which are
used for weapons storage, command and communications headquarters.[21]
• 37 mi (60km): Range of Hamas rockets in Gaza acquired after Operation Cast Lead.
• 2.5 mi (4 km): Range of Hamas’s anti-tank missiles, smuggled into Gaza since the end
of Operation Cast Lead.[23]
• 1,500: Number of smuggling tunnels between Gaza and Egypt (estimate)[24]
• 59 ft (18 m)/6.8 mi (11 km): Length and depth of metal fence Egypt is building on
Sinai-Gaza border to prevent tunnel smuggling operations.[25]
• 22 mi (35 km): Distance between Gaza and Yavneh - the northernmost Israeli city hit
by Gaza rockets on Dec. 28, 2008.[26]
• 900: Hamas operatives trained by Iran.[27]
• $20 million - $30 million: Funding Iran provides annually to Hamas. Iran gave Hamas
another $50 million following Hamas’s victory in the 2006 Palestinian elections.[28]
Israel’s Humanitarian Aid to Gaza
• 900: Percent increase in humanitarian aid delivered to Gaza in 2009, compared to
• 630,253: Tons of humanitarian aid delivered to the Gaza Strip, Jan. 19 – Dec. 13,
• 24.5 million gallons (92.7 million liters): Heavy-duty diesel fuel delivered to the Gaza
Strip, Jan. 19 – Oct. 31, 2009.[31]
• 10,346: Gaza residents who entered Israel for medical and humanitarian reasons, Jan.19
– Nov. 7, 2009.[32]
• 57,295 tons: Monthly average of humanitarian aid entering Gaza since Operation Cast
Lead, Jan. 19 – Dec. 5, 2009.[33]
• 11,508: Monthly average (in tons) of humanitarian aid entering Gaza from February –
June 2008, a period of intense rocket fire.[34]
• 34,253 tons: Monthly average of humanitarian aid entering Gaza during period of calm,
July - December 2008.[35]
• 18,500: Permits Israel issued to Gaza residents to enter Israel or travel overseas in 2009.
• 28,400: Flowers from Gaza scheduled for export to Europe on Dec. 10, 2009.[37]
• 250,000: Flowers from Gaza scheduled for export beginning Dec. 13, 2009.[38]
k e
ALH84001: NASA Shorthand for “Panspermia Rules”
This past December 1 NASA’s Johnson Space Center issued a press release that read, in part:
"Using more advanced analytical instruments now available, a Johnson Space Center research
team has reexamined the 1996 finding that a meteorite contains strong evidence that life
may have existed on ancient Mars."
The meteorite in question is labeled ALH84001. As the press release suggests, this meteor has been the
focus of debate since 1996, when NASA scientists asserted that the meteor contained fossilized bacterial
life forms.
And what is their new conclusion? Basically the same as in 1996, though it is now being offered on the
basis of far more sophisticated testing methods: Life once existed on Mars.2 If NASA is correct, the
discovery will certainly be used to promote the idea of panspermia. If you aren’t familiar with that term,
you need to be—and how it will be used by both mainstream science and the “ancient astronaut fringe”
to explain the origins of life on earth.
The term panspermia comes from two Greek words: “pan,” which means “all” and “sperma,” which
means “seed.” Panspermia is actually an umbrella term that describes any scientific theory that posits
that all life as we know it on earth began in outer space. Panspermia can actually be thought of in two
ways by scientists. An “extreme” view of panspermia, also known as cosmic ancestry, contends life has
always existed everywhere in the universe. In this view, life was not transported to earth and has no
single origin. The second view is more common, that earth at one time did not have life, and so the
ingredients for life came from elsewhere in space.
How living microbes from space came to the earth to spawn terrestrial life as we know it is debated by
panspermia theorists. One catalyst that has not gained credence (yet) in mainstream science is that life
from space was seeded to earth by aliens. This is referred to as “intelligent” or “directed” panspermia.
The ancient astronaut theorists naturally favor that notion. A more mainstream catalyst would be random
meteorites, and that’s where ALH84001 comes in to play. Scientists contend that finding fossilized life
forms on that meteor will give panspermia theorists something they’ve not had before: proof that the
panspermia theory could have happened. But does it?
Even if ALH840001 does indeed contain fossilized life forms from space, their presence does not prove
the very long chain of events that panspermia theorists want to posit between that meteorite and life as
we know it. It’s sort of like me arguing that I can perform major surgery because I’ve successfully
removed splinters from my kids’ toes. Correlation (I got it out and the wound healed) does not prove the
Dr. Michael S. Heiser is currently the Academic Editor for Logos Bible Software in Bellingham, WA. You can follow his
research and blogs at www.drmsh.com.
1.Michael Heiser earned an M.A. (1998) and Ph.D. (2004) in Hebrew and Semitic Languages from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
He also has an M.A. in Ancient History from the ivy-league’s University of Pennsylvania (1992).
See www.sitchiniswrong.com and the Sitchin archive on my blog, PaleoBabble.
Readers can learn about lexical lists here.
M i k e
H e i s e r
But let’s play along. Assuming NASA is right about ALH840001, and assuming the evolutionary
framework that will be used to interpret the finding, what does it prove about the origins of life? The
crucial logic question is this: Is there any way to be sure that the primordial life on earth from which
more advanced life forms are thought to have evolved could not have been on earth all along, never
having been in space? The answer is “no” on two grounds: (1) the assumptions and process are
untestable, and (2) one would have to rule out all other reasons why similar microbial organisms could
exist on earth and in space. That’s pretty hard to do since the same elements that comprise earthly and
terrestrial bacteria exist on earth and in space. It would be like proving the existence of a disease found
only in Australia and Alaska can only be explained by saying one caused the other. Good luck with that.
But rest assured. Panspermia will be coming our way with greater force than ever, and sloppy thinking
—from mainstream Darwinists and those wacky-but-lovable people who want God to be an ET—will
surely follow.
1.See the brief but informative article from Astrobiology Magazine (12/1/2009)
Please Check out Dr. Heiser’s BLOG!
T h e
S u p e r n a t u r a l
The Supernatural:
Here we have a link to a site that shows what the Cassini telescope, located in the
South Pole, photographed recently. Is this some sort of huge 20 mile UFO that is
headed our way or is it something else? I find this report interesting and worthy of
keeping an eye on. There is no way to confirm or deny what is really going on there. Is
it an asteroid, or comet? Did the object stop in space as reports indicate? Why does
there seem to be a news black out regarding this? As we are told in the Guidebook,
there will be signs in the heavens, men fainting from fear from what is coming on the
earth. Is this latest sighting by the Cassini telescope part of that warning? We are told
to watch and know the signs…. L. A. M.
Here is a link to a story about a UFO landing and the “occupants” that came out of is
and were observed. If we had only one report like this every ten years or so I would
dismiss it. However, this is not the case as sightings like these are now fairly common.
I believe that at some point we will see full disclosure. This will lead to the great
falling away that I wrote about in Politics, Prophecy and the Supernatural. This is the
coming great deception that we are warned about will come upon the earth in the last
days. I continually point this out a priori so there can be no mistake that when it
happens people can recall that they were not only warned but also admonished of the
supernatural manifestations that would deceive the elect if that were possible. L.A.M.
This story goes hand-in-hand with an earlier commentary that I wrote about Iran. We
see that if Iran is attacked it will launch a counter attack on Israel as well as all US
bases in the area. This would start WWIII, in my opinion. Reading this kind of news
certainly isn’t helping ones outlook in a positive way. In other words this isn’t Joel
Olsteen telling us that everything is going to be fine and God wants to prosper us.
While that may be true, Joel and others of his ilk are not telling the people, not
warning the “flock” that we are in times that are unprecedented. Wake up! Get your
house in order. Stock pile some food, water and arm yourself. Remember, all we
need to do is look at what happened during the Katrina Hurricane. There was
complete anarchy and the government wasn’t there to help until a week later. Same
thing happened in the LA riots. We need to come to grips with the concept that we
are on our own. Take measures to protect your family and loved ones. Find others
who are like-minded and have a plan to band together should the times dictate it.
L. A. M.
Report: Iran to launch counterattack if Israel strikes
Lebanese al-Nahar reports Ali Larijani said attack will focus on Israel, US bases in
Gulf States
Roee Nahmias
Lebanon's al-Nahar reported Tuesday that Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani
warned Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak against an Israeli attack on his country.
On Israeli Side
Barak: Qom site can withstand regular shelling / Amnon Meranda
Defense minister goes before Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, reviews
passing year's security aspects. '2010 will be a year of threats and opportunities,' he
says Larijani told Mubarak that if Israel dared to attack its nuclear facilities, Iran
would launch a counterattack on Israel and all US bases in the country, as well as
countries of the Gulf region.
The two leaders met nine days ago. al-Nahar's report cites "diplomatic sources in
Beirut" as saying that Larijani had asked Mubarak to convey his message to a
number of Gulf States the latter was visiting.
According to the report Mubarak did indeed convey the message to leaders of the United
Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait, who fear Iranian aggression within their
Larijani stressed that Iran intended to retaliate only against American bases used against it,
the report says, and therefore urged the states to ask the US not to use bases situated on
their territory to attack the Islamic Republic.
The report adds that Mubarak's visit to the Gulf States focused on prevention of a regional
conflict between Israel and Iran, and that he updated the Islamic Republic as to as to efforts
made by the US to the same effect.
D r . S t e p h e n Yu l i s h !
The Apostle Paul wrote to the Church at Ephesus that "Our struggle is not against flesh
and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this
darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly
places" (Ephesians 6:12). He also wrote to the Church at Corinth, "For though we walk
in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are
not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are
destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God,
and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians
What rulers, what powers, what world forces, what fortresses, what speculations, what
lofty things, what spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places, are we warring
against? It is my firm belief that Satan and all his demonic hordes are preparing to
unleash one the greatest deceptions on mankind that ever has been undertaken. This
upcoming deception and wickedness in the heavenly places will be as a result of
Satan's signs and false wonders for those who will perish because they did not receive
the love of the truth so as to saved ( 2 Thess. 2:9-10). God will send on them a
deluding spirit so that they will believe what is false and will be judged (2 Thess. 2:11).
What is this great deception? A deception so vast and sinister that it will envelop the
entire world in an instant when the last trumpet blows and the Lord descends from the
clouds to gather up all the righteous dead and those of us who are alive and are His
bride and we will ascend to be with Him in the air (1 Cor. 15:52, 1T hess. 4:16-17).
Paul called this event the harpazo (original Greek), the catching away (1 Thess. 4:17).
It became raptiere in the Latin Vulgate and Rapture in English. It is my sincere belief
that this deception will be that those left behind will believe that we who were taken,
and millions will suddenly disappear, were actually abducted by UFOs rather than have
been caught up to be with the Lord in the air. Most people would rather believe in aliens
and UFO abductions than in the power of Jesus Christ and in His word, the Bible. "The
word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing (1 Cor. 1:18). People love
conspiracy theories and this conspiracy of Satan and his minions is the mother of all
conspiracies and is in my humble opinion the truth. Could I be wrong? Absolutely, I
could be wrong, because only God knows what will happen, but after years of study
and prayer, I believe that this scenario is a very real possibility.
Military aviation historian Trevor James Constable once wrote that the battle with UFOs
is not for the planet of man but for the soul of man. There are no more evolved super
intelligent aliens out there. The Bible makes it clear that man is the highest form of
creation, created in the image of God Himself (Genesis 1:26-27), that He created man
for His own glory (Isaiah 43:7), that man was wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), that
the heavens are the heavens of the Lord but the earth He has given to the sons of man
(Psalm 115:16). We are told that all things were created by Christ both in heaven and
on earth, the visible and the invisible, thrones and dominions all were created by Him
and for Him (Colossians 1:16). We are told to praise the Lord as are the angels, the
sun and the moon, the stars, because He established all (Psalm 148), And finally we
are told that there is only one God and only one mediator between man and God and
that is Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 2:5).
Thus we do not need some ET to come and save us from the wrath to come. We do not
need some extraterrestrial savior to redeem a fallen mankind when we have God's first
begotten Son who came to earth and died for our sins (John 3:16). If any more evolved
aliens are ever discovered, than throw away your Bible because it is false, but don't
count on that ever happening. If these beings ever appear, we will be deceived as to
who they really are.
It is amazing that the Bible deals with this popular concept of extraterrestrial entities
interacting with mankind. These so called extraterrestrial entities, however, are not from
another galaxy but are actually fallen angels from another spiritual dimension who have
interacted with mankind before as they went after the "strange flesh" of human females
and produced fallen offspring, the nephilim (Genesis 6:2-4). Doesn't this sound similar
to modern day accounts of alien impregnations of humans and hybrid offspring? This is
nothing new. This concept is 4000 years old. God became angry with these rebellious
angels and threw them into the pits of hell forever chained (2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6-7) and
wiped out their corrupt DNA with the flood (only Noah and his family were pureGenesis 6:9). But other of these fallen demonic angel spirits have reappeared over
time (Numbers 13:33) and now are preparing for Satan's great deception.
How else do you think that it will be explained to the left behind masses that at the
twinkling of an eye, suddenly millions of people have disappeared, probably leaving
their clothes, glasses, jewelry, hearing aides, pacemakers, contact lenses, artificial
hearts, hips, and knees, and even their tattoos behind (1 Cor. 15:53, 2 Cor. 5:4). Why
do you think that our modern technological society is so enamored with aliens and
UFOs and close encounters of the third kind? Satan is preparing the masses left behind
to believe that we were taken by aliens in UFOs. Fallen angels have no need for
spacecraft but it is a modality that modern technological man will understand. Yes,
there are "UFOs", unidentified flying objects. Yes, there may have been some
abductions. But these are not aliens from another galaxy interacting with mankind but
fallen angels setting the trap for the one of greatest deceptions in mankind's history.
Satan is the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2) and his dominions control
the skies above us and fill our minds with delusions and lies.
There is one more piece to this end time deception puzzle. It also tells us why the
harpazo, the Rapture, could not have happened a hundred years ago. Not only were
there no "UFOs" or advanced lighter than air craft as we see today but there was no
modern day Israel. Isn't it interesting that the famous alleged crash of an alien
spacecraft took place at Roswell, NM in 1947 and Israel once more became a nation in
May of 1948? When Israel became a nation again, Satan knew that his time was short
(Revelation 12:12) and the Lord would be returning soon. The countdown to
Armageddon had begun in earnest and Satan had to move quickly to brainwash and
deceive the masses to believe in aliens and UFOs. UFO sightings increased rapidly in
the 1950s as did UFO movies and books and magazines. Project Blue Book was set up
by the US air force to try and explain the phenomena. While the government was trying
to hide the truth from the people to prevent panic, in reality, they were being deceived
to believe that these craft/beings were highly advanced aliens rather than fallen angels
bent on their demise.
Trevor James Constable again was correct that the battle with UFOs was for the soul of
man not the planet of man.
Satan hates the Jewish people because to them belongs the adoption as sons and the
glory and the covenants and the giving of the Law and the temple service and the
promises, and whose are the fathers and from whom is the Christ according to the
flesh, who is over all (Romans 9:4-5). God used His first born chosen people, the
Jews, through the Patriarchs, the Prophets and the Temple, to bring His word and truth
to this earth and then sent His Son in a Jewish body to save the world from its sin and
spread this through Jewish disciples. Satan hates God and His word and thus hates
Jews and Christians. I thus believe that the Rapture (Harpazo) will begin first over
Jerusalem and the site of the Temple Mount. The skies will be filled with UFOs and
unbelieving Jews, Muslims and Gentiles will be deceived to believe that those who
suddenly disappear were abducted by these UFOs.
What a powerful witness it will be, however, when hundreds of secret Jewish believers
from the Israeli government and from Rabbinic, Orthodox, and Hassidic groups
suddenly disappear and leave their prayer shawls behind. I am weeping as I write this
because I know that it will happen. It happened 2000 years ago and I know that it has
happened in this age as well. "A great many of the priests were becoming obedient to
the faith" (Acts 6:7).
Satan knows his time is short because Israel has returned to its land. A land that God
gave to Abraham. Isaac and Jacob and their descendants for an everlasting covenant
(Genesis 17:7-8. Judges 2:1, Psalm 105:6-11, Jeremiah 31:35-37). From the word of
God we know that Christ is to return in His second coming to Israel and a rebuilt
Temple (Zechariah 12:10, Daniel 9:27, 2 Thess. 2:4). He is not coming to New York
City and the UN, or to Rome and the Vatican, or to Salt Lake City and the Mormons or
to Belgium and the EU. Christ is coming back to Jerusalem, and that is where He and
Satan will face off at the battle of Armageddon (Revelation 16:16). We furthermore
know that Jesus Christ alone will bring peace to that region and to the world (Isaiah
9:6) and that He will rule and reign there for 1000 years from the rebuilt Temple
(Revelation 20:4). If Satan will be there, then so will his fallen angels and thus the tie
once again between UFOs and Israel.
Satan is currently using the fanatical Muslim jihadists (just as he formerly used the
Catholics of the Crusades and the Inquisition and the Lutheran Nazis to kill Jews) to try
and stop this from happening but he will never succeed.
He is also bombarding Israel with UFO sightings to set them up for his upcoming great
rapture deception. Believe it or not it all fits together. The current crisis in the Middle
East is a sign that the Lord Jesus is about to come (Luke 21:28), to catch away his
people in the Rapture to protect them from the wrath to come during the upcoming days
of Jacob's Trouble (Jeremiah 30:7) i.e. Tribulation (Psalm 27:5, Zephaniah 2:3, 1
Thess, 1:10, 5:9, Revelation 3:10). It is also a sign that Satan knows that his time is
short and that the Second Coming of the Lord will occur just seven years after the
Rapture (Daniel 9:27) and so he is trying to deceive as many people as possible to
follow him into the lake of fire for eternity (Revelation 20:10).
During the seven year tribulation period between the Rapture and the Second Coming,
the entire world will become a living hell and the man of lawlessness (possibly an
apostate homosexual Jew with Islamic leanings, (Daniel 11:37) will appear who will
exalt himself above every so called god and takes his seat in the Temple of God with
the assistance of the fallen angel ETs displaying himself as being God (2 Thess. 2:3-4).
Muslims will be deceived and think that it is the return of the 12th Mahdi and Jews will
think that is their real Messiah (coming for the first time) but it will actually be the false
Messiah, the antichrist (1 John 2:22).
After the catching away into the clouds of the Christians in the Rapture and before
Christ returns, a confederation of Islamic nations led by Iran (Persia) and Russia (Gog
of Magog) will invade Israel (Ezekiel 38-39) with a tank armada. America will have
already been brought to her knees by terrorist attacks with WMDs and will not be in a
position to help. Isn't it amazing that thousands of years ago the Hebrew prophet
Ezekiel saw an alliance between Iran and Russia which has only recently materialized?
I believe that these fallen angels will continue to deceive and even behead (Revelation
6:9) those left behind who seek Christ.
Beware people of the coming deception. ETs are not aliens from another galaxy but are
fallen angels who will not save you from destruction but will instead lead you smiling all
the way to hell. After the disappearance of the Christians, a false messiah will come
and declare himself to be God, but he will also lead all who follow him to hell as well.
In my end time novels The Great Harpazo Deception: the real story of UFOs and
Invasion: Israel, I tried to create believable stories of this upcoming great deception
concerning the sudden disappearance of millions of Christians as well as the horrible
period of Tribulation to follow including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, famine and the
invasion of Israel by Muslim tanks in the Ezekiel 38-39 war of Gog of Magog While my
novels are presently only fiction, I sincerely believe that one day they may be non
fiction truth. I call them thus faction
If this does eventually turn out to be the case, then people need to wake up now and
consider seeking after the one and only true God and Savior of mankind, Jesus Christ,
before it is too late and they get left behind to suffer through the days of wrath to come.
Interview with Bill Myers!
Bill Myers is a best selling writer/director whose books and videos have sold over 8
million copies and have won 60 national and international awards including the C.S.
Lewis Honor Award. He writes for both children and adults. His web site is
Interview with Bill Myers.
L. A.: Tell us why you decided to write Angel of Wrath?
B. M.: Like you I’ve not only researched the supernatural but have had encounters with
it. I wanted to share some of what I’ve learned and experienced in a novel format – a
story that is fiction but has plenty of facts to support it.
L. A.: What is the story based on?
B. M.: In part, the Mothman sightings -- that large, malevolent winged creature whose
sightings have been reported in various parts of the world for years.
L. A.: Is there a way to discern whether an entity is good or evil, benevolent or
B. M.: Please understand it’s not my intention to preach or to proselytize here, though I’m
sure that’s how it will sound. But from my own studies and experience I’ve seen three
methods for discerning repeated time and time again
1. Watch how the entity or experience responds to the verbal reading of the Bible. I know
that sounds old fashioned and outdated. But, if you recall, there’s a portion in the
Scriptures that talk of Christ and Satan dukeing it out in the wilderness. It’s interesting
that they didn’t use swords or nukes, or smart bombs. Instead, what some perceive to be
the most evil force in the universe, and the creator of the universe, fought with what both
felt to be the most powerful force in the universe . . . the holy Scriptures,
2. Watch how the creature or experience responds to worshipping the Judeo-Christian
God. I remember in the one and only exorcism I was involved with, how the entities
inside the man, writhed and screamed in torment whenever I began singing and
worshipping. It was like pouring acid on them. Amazing.
3 Watch how it responds to your calling out to the name of Jesus Christ, particularly in a
frightening encounter. And, along those lines, if you are able to communicate, note where
the entity places Christ. Most go out of their way to discount Christ or simply say he was
a good teacher. Of course, the problem with the later statement is that no good teacher
goes around saying he’s God incarnate as Christ did.
L. A.: Even thought the book is fiction you have filled it with spiritual principles, tell us
some of those.
B.M.: I really wanted to explore the second principal I mentioned above. To examine
what happens when we worship. Is it the intensity of worship, is it just the words, is it
something to do with our minds? Is it supernatural? If so, how? I found it interesting that
in the Old Testament not one, not two, but three opposing armies were scattered and
destroyed themselves when people obeyed the instruction to worship God instead of
fight. I wanted to see how that truth would play out today in a 21st Century story.
L. A.: Why do the characters in the story trust the angel?
B. M.: I think we all have a tendency to believe that if something is supernatural, it will
be good, honest and trustworthy. We feel if it glows in the dark and says it’s good, it must
be good. But again, according to a person’s interpretation of Scripture, a third of the
angels in Heaven were cast to earth with Satan (who has never made either mythology’s
or reality’s list of top nice guys).
L. A.: Why are so many young men and women embracing the occult?
B. M.: I believe we’re all wired to be hungry for the supernatural. It’s like there’s a hole
in our psyche that yearns for a supernatural relationship. As a believer in the JudeoChristian God, I believe it’s for that God. But young people who love to question (and
should question) the status quo, tend to discredit the Biblical God as being old fashioned
and outdated. It may have worked for their parents, but it’s time to find something cooler
and more enlightened. So, they look elsewhere. The only problem, at least from my
research, is that they often find that enlightenment in the form of one or more of those
third-of-Heaven entities cast to earth.
L. A.: What defense do we have against these entities?
B. M.: Once again, please excuse my religious bias, but from my personal experience and
research, it’s those same three elements we discussed earlier – the reading of Scripture,
the worship of the Judeo-Christian God, and calling upon the name of Jesus Christ. I was
interested in your book, Alien Interviews, how everyone seemed to be saying there was
no hope for the UFO abductees. Once an abductee always an abductee. Except in Chapter
______, the article written by ____ of the _____ organization. I went to their web site
______ and was pleased (though not surprised) to see they have helped over 300 people
break the abductee cycle – sometimes even in the midst of the very event -- by calling
upon the name of Christ. Not as a chant or mantra. But as someone who can seriously
kick some supernatural butt. Again, forgive my bias, but if he died for us, it would only
stand to reason he would fight for us.
L. A.: What would you say to those who are seeking power in such occult practices?
B. M.: Be very careful. There’s lots of counterfeit out there. And a true counterfeit will
always look and sound good at the beginning. It’s like a baited hook. It tastes real good
for a while, but eventually you start to be reeled in and eventually controlled. That tactic,
though blatantly simple, has been verified by the many, many people I’ve interviewed.
L. A.: Does the angel in the story show us who he really is? How and when does this
happen and when does the protagonist begin to catch on?
B. M.: As our characters learn what worship really consists of (not some boring song or
mindless chant) they begin seeing and experiencing the supernatural on a much higher
L. A.: Do you think we will see more supernatural manifestations?
B. M.: That’s a tough one. I don’t know if it’s because the supernatural is my field of
study and I’m more aware of it, or if there really is an increase. My guess is the later. And
again, harkening back to the Scriptures, they say that in the last days supernatural
counterfeits would increase.
L. A.: Do you believe we are in the last days?
B. M.: Another good question. As events spin faster and counterfeits seem to be
increasing, it’s difficult for me to imagine how much longer we can continue until there’s
some sort of break down. Then again, maybe my father and grandfather would have said
the same thing if they were involved in similar studies.
L. A.: Your closing thoughts?
B. M.: Most scientists agree that 96% of the universe is Dark Matter. A slightly less
percentage of that is something called Dark Energy. Both are things we can not touch,
taste, see, smell or hear. They’re totally invisible. The same can be said by many
mathematicians and physicists who insist we live in a world of 11 maybe even 22
dimensions. The days of claiming that if we can’t see or experience something, we won’t
believe it, are long gone. We now live in an age where scientists insist we can only
perceive a fraction of the reality surrounding us. I don’t think it’s a stretch to replace the
words for that reality with one our ancestors might have used . . . ‘the supernatural.’ And,
just as there are benevolent or malevolent beings in our visible world, it would stand to
reason the same is true in the invisible. Jesus Christ, himself, said that a malevolent force
has, “come to kill and rob and destroy.” If he’s accurate, then we might want to seriously
consider the warning. Of course the same Jesus Christ said, “But I’ve come that you
might have life and have it abundantly.”
The bottom line is there’s lots we don’t know about the supernatural. But if we
error in exploring it, let’s error on the side interested in our good and not the counterfeit
side that wants to destroy. True, talk is cheap. Anybody or any entity can make claims
about themselves. But from what I’ve studied historically and experienced first hand,
Jesus Christ loved my life more than his own when he chose to die for me. So, at least for
me, if I’m going to explore the supernatural, I’d rather risk exploring the side that wants
to give me life than the side that wants to destroy it.
Please check out Bills Books!
I am pleased to announce that we are carrying Bill Myers novel
Angel of Wrath!
If you are interested in purchasing this fast paced nover please go to:
Interview with Chuck Zukowski
Interview with Chuck Zukowski
Independent Paranormal Investigations
MUFON STAR Investigator
Amateur UFO Archeologists
All Around Great Guy
Chuck is a Principle IC Mask Design Engineering Consultant with Zukowski Inc. and has
over 25 years of Mix Signal IC Microchip design. He has an Associate’s degree,
Bachelors degree, Certification in Electronics and is a sworn peace officer with the El
Paso County Sheriff’s Reserve unit in Colorado.
Chuck has been researching and investigating the UFO phenomenon for close to 30 years
and as an investigator he’s worked on sightings in multiple states and have worked on
multiple TV shows as either an investigator or consultant.
Chuck addresses all his investigations using a skeptic frame of mind looking for all
natural possibilities to explain the situation before making other claims. Using extreme
creativity and on site experimental techniques, he applies engineering insight while
addressing all situations. And yes he’s been wrong before, just ask his wife. (heh heh)
L. A.: What got you interested in the UFO phenomena?
C. Z.: As a child living in Safford, Arizona, I remember seeing what I thought was a
UFO. Thinking now, the years have blurred my thoughts enough to have me question my
own sighting. Still I remember the unusual lights I saw and recall the thoughts I had the
time. The thoughts were “excitement” and that’s what I still experience today when I
work an investigation.
L. A.: How long have you been a MUFON investigator?
C. Z.: On and off just a few years, I’ve gained the majority of my field experience
working my own investigations.
L. A.: You recently reported on several cattle mutilations in your area. Your story was
picked up by the AP. Tell us what it was like in the field?
C. Z.: It’s always exciting doing on-site investigations, looking for clues, and then
reporting them to the public. When a story goes AP and people all over the world can
read it, then is a real plus for me. When the Thanksgiving Day article from the Pueblo
Chieftain went AP, I was getting emails from all over the globe. The questions, the
comments, the other incidents which were shared through my website were priceless. The
name of the game is getting the information out and getting the people to discuss it. This
creates a very high awareness in our field which spreads information. Very exciting.
L. A.: Why are you sure that these mutilations are not the work of predators?
C. Z.: I rely on not only on my own experience seeing predator kills living out here in
Colorado, but rely heavily on the ranchers themselves. The average rancher I’ve
interviewed this year has at least 40 years of cattle ranching experience. They know their
profession (which is their life) very well including what type of predators to watch out for
and keep their cattle safe. Communication between the local ranchers also ensures
upfront knowledge of any type of threat which could affect their live stock. So when the
ranchers themselves become scared and bewildered about what took down their animal,
then that worries me.
My other two jobs, IC Mask Design Engineer gives me the analytical look at every
investigation from an engineering perspective, and as a Reserve Deputy Sheriff, I look at
field investigations through cop eyes, trying to discern what’s confronted me and look for
any type of unknown clues.
L. A.: What distinguishing marks did you see on the animals?
C. Z.: The question should be, “What distinguishing marks didn’t I see when looking at
these animals?” Marks like, signs of blood on the hide or on the ground pertaining to the
massive trauma seen, or signs of claw marks, teeth marks on the hide, or just scavenger
debris near the strange unknown incisions. These are marks I look for first before
deciding if the case is a true mutilation case.
L. A.: You mentioned to me that you believe the phenomena have gone, “destructive,”
what do you mean by this?
C. Z.: The two calf mutilations I investigated were beyond the standard mutilation type of
scenario one would normally see. The first calf I investigated in March of 2009 looked
questionable. The center section of the animal was completely removed, the rib cage was
completely cored out and the ribs themselves looked as though they were crushed. But
when I didn’t see any teeth or clawing marks on what was left of the ribs nor did I see
any blood spattering on the hide I knew something was unusual. Of course the removal of
the ears in an evenly cut fashion was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The second
calf I investigated in November of 2009 was very similar but instead of the ears missing,
the animal’s tongue was gone. One has to wonder why these two animals were mutilated
so severely in a very destructive manner. Could it be whoever is doing this has to remove
most of the animal so as not to leave any type of evidence? Or do they just need that
much of the animal? Very scary.
L. A.: Have there been UFOs sighted near or around the mutilations?
C. Z.: History has shown us there have been unusual sightings associated with previous
mutilations. Everything from strange lights, black un-marked helicopters to strange craft
and sometimes strange beings. Out of the five mutilation cases I’ve done this year, there
were strange lights seen before the mutilations by at least two of the ranchers, and a UFO
sighting reported a couple of hundred miles away the night one animal was mutilated
flying from the direction of the mutilation.
L. A.: The phenomena have been going on for decades and yet law enforcement has never
arrested anyone, why?
C. Z.: Not only has no one been arrested or convicted, but law enforcement has been
unable to understand the ‘What” and “Why” of the mutilation case.
The main reason no one has been arrested is because no one has been caught. And no one
will be caught if law enforcement can’t find enough evidence to point to any one
L. A.: What do you think the parts of the cattle that are cored out with surgical precision
is used for?
C. Z.: I really don’t have an answer to this question, but like many other investigators I
do have a theory. Based on my recent findings on the 12/12/09 investigation, the high
EMF readings I picked up near the circular facial wound could be residual properties left
by an implant. The implant could be used to record data of the animal’s habitat or internal
chemical make-up. The tissue samples would be taken to analyze for some type of
specific needs. Not too sure what the needs are, that’s why we need further investigations
and try new and different techniques from those used by previous investigations. It’s all a
crap shoot with a taste of creativity for what and how to look for the “un-lookable”. (Is
that a word?)
L. A.: There has been disturbing talk of human mutilations. What can you tell us about
C. Z.: We have to be careful when discussing human mutilations because these are not
just misdemeanor acts like with cows, but felony homicide acts with a very drastic
outcome for the individual accused of such act. So great care must be taken comparing a
human death to a typical animal mutilation death and who we point the figure at.
So far I’ve read about two, the most recent a women from Canada. But what is more
disturbing is an average of 2300 people go missing every day in the US. Most without a
trace or cause pertaining to the missing. So they just vanish. I’m sure a large percent of
the missing cases are explainable, but statistics and law of averages state a small percent
would be unexplainable. Makes you wonder.
L. A.: Do you think our government knows what is going on and are keeping it away
from the public, if so why?
C. Z.: If our government is hiding what’s going on about mutilations, then it’s part of the
government not associated with the law making body we elect but associated with the
“We do as we damn please” section of government.
And yes, I believe there are individuals within agencies of the US who know exactly
what is going on. And I’ll keep “pluggin” along until one of these individuals tells me
L. A.: Is there an end-game to all of this?
C. Z.: Sure, I believe we “ the investigators and the readers ” are responsible for the “endgame”. It’s up to us to get this information out.
L. A.: Do you think we will see disclosure soon?
C. Z.: The disclosure scenario has been going on since I’ve been investigating and
researching UFOs about 30 years now. Disclosure by definition won’t happen by our or
any other governments on this planet, but by us, The Investigators, The Researchers, The
Readers, and any other individual who is tired of the cover up.
L. A.: You’re closing thoughts?
C. Z.: Gee, where do I start? I could write a book on my closing thoughts and luckily for
your readers I won’t. (heh heh) Here’s the bottom line and something I generally say to
my audience when summing up a lecture.
“Based on science and what we know about the creation of the earth and all the solar
systems and galaxy’s out there” “The Possibility of Life Existing Outside this Planet is
Greater Than, the Possibility of Life Existing on This Planet.” Pretty deep, but true.
Thank you
Chuck Zukowski
J i m
W i l h e l m s e n
Does the UFO Community Promote a Religion with a Political End? Part
3 The Conclusion
In the past two installments of this series, I defined the aspects of the UFO community. I also revealed
how the religious beliefs integrated themselves into every aspect of that community. I described this
belief and defined Theosophy in word, idea and action as a same but opposite of Biblical historical
events. Now with this background we are ready to see it’s possible climax in the form of “Disclosure”
which is the Bible’s description of the “Strong Delusion”.
The Political Agenda
In the 40’s and 50’s , if you made the connection of UFOs with the Nazi’s it could get you killed . Such
was the case of Morris K. Jessup who was on his way to the local news media to make public his
discovery. It has been speculated this was knowledge of a Nazi connection. On his way, he decided to
turn off the road and commit suicide. (He was murdered)
When I first discovered this connection in the 90’s I was concerned with what might happen to myself
but knew I had to proclaim the truth regardless. Much to my surprise (and rest), I was met with laughter
and ridicule by the insiders of the UFO community and just about everyone else. This was ten years
before anything would be seen on television about the subject.
I discovered a secular researcher at the same time with an engineering background, William Lyne. He
had the smoking gun proof of this connection by finding an actual part to a Nazi UFO. He tried to be
active in the UFO community but was also ridiculed by most of the insiders. His persistence has
prevailed and he is now getting more respect for his fine work.
He also remained alive and not threatened by anyone, just laughed at like myself. Something had
changed by the powers that be.
No Disclosure Ever! (or so I thought)
It was because of this obvious connection involving our own government with the Nazi technology that I
had always thought that full disclosure would never happen. But the sudden change in attitude and
acceptance with this whole topic in the last five or six years indicates some kind of change of policy for
the powers that be. Researchers Henry Stevens and Joseph Ferrel authored books on the Nazi UFO
connection with excellent documentation and were accepted by the insider UFO community. Not very
long after that the History channel and Discovery channel presented documentaries about the specific
occult beliefs of the Nazis. This has never happened since the end of the war. This was big but unnoticed
by most. More recent documentaries even added the technological marvels including Nazi UFO’s, a
hollow earth and base 211 in the Antarctic. This information had been out there for at least two decades,
only to be ridiculed and rejected by most. Now the public is just beginning to have it presented by the
established powers that be as if this were new revelations to be taken seriously. One program even
quoted a section written on my web-site word for word. Of course no one sited me as his or her source
being an unknown. Suddenly the insiders that used to laugh at William Lyne, myself and a few others,
are proclaiming the same evidence as their own new discoveries. In addition to this they have
impeccable credentials and established authority making their claims accepted by all. What did this
Sed accumsan
vel enim
Why thelibero
and acceptance of a topic that was once a deadly one that turned into a
Jerry Springer freak topic? What changed was America and the world political setting
Now is the time for the NWO
Theosophy is the religious philosophy of the New World Order and the implementation of this is global
Socialism, be it Marxist or Fascist it is still socialism at it’s worse.
I believe the political climate globally sets the canvas for the final details placed by the sudden change in
the direction of America by this new Obama socialists administration. This radical shift in light of eight
years of the Bush administration was a combination one-two punch against the traditional JudeoChristian American Republic. We the people have been sold out by both sides because both sides are
working toward the same New World Order. Never before in American or global history has everything
been set up for the prophetic Biblical events to actually unfold as our new reality. The only thing
standing in the New World Order’s way is a strong America with the foundational Judeo-Christian faith
and values. The removal of these obstacles must be the objective and plan for the New World Order so
as to encompass the entire world. A UFO/Alien Disclosure may just be the means to assist to remove the
problem for the NWO. My own experience has caused me to maybe get a glimpse of what is coming and
My personal discoveries at Stephenville, Texas 2008.
I was able to investigate the “Stephenville Lights” sightings of 07 in person.
I was curious about the few people who mentioned seeing a bell shaped UFO. This description was
unique as the only bell shaped UFO sighting was the “acorn” type from the Kecksberg, PA crash in
1964. The only other mention of a bell shaped object was the captured documents in Prague in 1945.
The Nazis had a research complex there that was an equivalent to our own area 51. These documents
displayed the bell shaped object called “The Bell”. This was a vehicle used in time travel experiments.
No objects were ever found only the drawings. The UFO community has called this the Nazi Bell which
has become well known in the last few years. While researching the witnesses and testimonies before I
actually went to Stephenville, two individuals saw the bell shaped objects! My excitement was that
maybe someone had actually seen one of these strange objects in operation as one of our own gleaned
experiments or actual escaped Nazis from 1945!
I was able to meet with Officer Leroy Gaiton who saw the bell shaped UFO. In my interview with him I
saw him as an honest courageous man who was also a fellow believer in Jesus. He had nothing to gain
and more to lose as a respected civil servant in a small Texas conservative town. I drew him a picture of
the Nazi bell and he said that was exactly what he saw. He said he saw two red glowing orbs and inside
you could see this bell shaped object. He said the orbs had a sharp defined line and looked like a force
field around the bell.
He also added that he had a video of the objects. I became extremely excited as this was historical, this
was important, this was the smoking gun! I asked him if the video showed the clear details he described
to me and he said yes they did.
I asked him if I could get a copy. He said I could but he gave the only copy to Angela Joiner the local
reporter covering the original story. Her persistence to get to the bottom of this story caused her to lose
her job at the paper but she was quickly adopted by the insider UFO community. She has now turned
into the UFO communities official expert on the Stephenville lights and has been joyfully accepted by
the entire UFO community as she sees Aliens with a conformity to their agenda. Speaking at all the
major UFO conferences around the nation, she will probably have a book forthcoming as that seems to
be the established pattern.
Officer Gaiton continued on telling me that Angela turned the video over to a new friend, Linda
Moulten-Howe. My heart sunk as I realized that I would never get my hands on a copy and it was very
likely that no one will ever see this video again.
Linda is an Emmy award winning journalist, active in the UFO community as the expert on Cattle
Mutilations. I met her and talked to her on several occasions. She is also an enthusiastic believer in
Theosophy. She is a new age apostle with very strong feelings against Christianity. Her most famous
book, “An Alien Harvest” describes in detail her
beliefs that Christianity was created by the Gray aliens to repress mankind from moving forward to
become equal to our creators. (Aliens). I wondered why she had anything to do with Nazi UFO material
as this seemed out of her area. I searched around the internet and discovered she has been working with
Jim Marrs.
Jim was in my store in Roswell in 05 and we had a long talk. He was excited to see my wall boards
explaining the Nazi UFO connection. He is well informed in this area and had written about it in two
books of his. Our conversation went great until he discovered I was a Christian minister. You could cut
the air with a knife after that. He believes that Christianity is involved with the government covering up
the UFO/Alien truths from the public. Jim Marrs has always been more of a Conspiracy theorists with
several popular books. Both Linda and Jim lean to the left wing as liberals, they are also anti-Christian
and view the New World Order as coming from right wing conservatives and evangelical Christians.
Now I know why the video is forever gone. I wrote Linda and requested a copy of the video, she never
responded. My friend and colleague, Dave Ruffino wrote a rather stern letter requesting a copy. She
replied to him and said it was just a video of fuzzy lights and nothing really important and asked why he
was so mad as she came across as Miss innocence. Just show us the real tape Linda?
As I was considering all of the elements to the now missing video, other questions became apparent. I
am not so vain as to think that somehow I caught the details of the bell shaped UFO while many others
missed it or overlooked this important detail. I mean this event happened almost a year before I came to
interview people. MUFON had their own people there almost immediately after the sightings doing their
own investigations. They all were more than familiar with the Nazi Bell as they had already had Joseph
Farrell and Henry Stevens speak at MUFON supported conferences. The UFO hunters, a History
Channel program staffed with their own investigators where there and did a TV program on the
sightings. They mention the bell shaped objects with no further comments or connections. They also
knew of the Nazi Bell. As a matter of fact the very day I was conducting my investigation, the program
UFO hunters that week made the connection of the Nazi bell to the Kecksberg crash . Why did they not
make known the obvious connection to the Stephenville Lights also?
Am I just being paranoid here? The individuals in MUFON or the UFO hunters are not novice people.
They represent very skilled trained and seasoned investigators and researchers. It is highly doubtful that
any of these professionals missed anything by accident. This just screams out the question Why? Why
does it seem like you are covering this up?
Message from ET = Left is Right?
The UFO/Alien contact from the last 6 decades has made an impact to the belief system
of the American political left far more than any impact to conservative Americans. This is because of the
humanist god rejecting beliefs that most liberals have as their world-view. They are, simply in their own
minds, “progressive” thinkers that reject the former things and are open to every wind of new doctrine.
This new help from above with man as the center of all things, no accountability to any God, and god
existing only as a power source to become your own god, is an inviting message for the liberal to
embrace, and they have. Without ever making the connection, they have embraced the philosophy of the
most radical right wing government ever conceived, the Nazi regime. Understanding this change of the
hearts and minds of the American left by the “New Age” heavily influenced by UFO and Alien contact,
and also knowing the infiltration of the spirit of Antichrist (Theosophy) has permeated both the left in
ideology and the right , by a literal take over of power in our own country by ex-Nazis, sets “we the
people” up for a major deception. One (the left) thinks they are in power and the other (right) actually is.
Both are being played against each other for a false end time set up by the financiers who support both
sides and are the real power controllers and manipulators. If you check it out yourself, you will find that
the same financiers of the Nazi régime are the same involved in the UN global agenda who are rich elite
members of occult lodges and secret societies that are in league with the “god of this world”.
At the Opportune Moment?
With the new Obama administration hell bent on remaking America as a Socialist nation, homeland
security and Nancy Pelosi have already proclaimed that Evangelical Christians, Conservatives and
Veterans are the new potential threat to America. What better way to put them all on the list of criminals,
than to offer proof of the Nazi connection into right wing politics and conservative Christianity. The
truths of this reality can easily be twisted and spun by the media to make it what they want. Proof of the
ease of media control and manipulation is November 4th 2008 Obama an enemy of the state becomes
our new President. At this writing it has been announced on the internet that Obama is going to
announce what information the government has about UFOs and an “Alien” presence very soon.
I was very wrong, the disclosure will come because of the US government/Nazi connection. It will be
blamed on conservative administrations with the Obama administration being the heroes who reveal
their wrong. This kind of disclosure could also support their claim to “change we can believe in”. In the
mix of this controversy, could this video be offered up as some form of “smoking gun proof” to this
connection? I guess we will have to wait and see.
I believe that in some manner the UFO community will someday provide this kind of evidence which
will directly oppose Evangelical Christians and Conservatives as conspirators with the ex-Nazis. With
the Vatican’s announcement that it is OK to believe in Aliens, astronaut Mitchell’s public statement on
UFOs and Obama’s alleged coming disclosure something is on the horizon. When this happens, it will
be up to all of us that have the true Biblical understandings to rise to the occasion and share with
everyone these truths regardless of personal consequences. Today you are laughed at but soon what you
have will be life and hope for all against the coming big lie. While some will desire to hear from you
others will stop at nothing to prevent you from speaking.
Three Frogs
As I warn people about this unseen hand of a global Nazi agenda, most people who are aware of a global
conspiracy will agree in part with the subject matter. However, they also impress upon me that we
should be concentrating more on the current threats of Islam and Communist/ Socialism. I agree that we
cannot disregard these threats. All three are the most deadly real yet equal threats to this world today.
The Bible describes in Revelation 16:13 that out of the mouth of the Anti-Christ, the false prophet and
the beast (as a nation or last empire) there are three frogs that come out of their mouths.
Jesus said, “…from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Matt 12:24
These frogs can be symbolically seen as ideas or movements. Jesus said that it is not what a person puts
in their mouths that defile a man but what comes out. Matt 15:11 These frogs as ideas and movements
are defiling and destroying the earth and its people.
What are they? Frogs are an amphibian. They start out in the water and end up in the land by a process
of metamorphoses. There are three movements on this earth that have something in common with frogs
and each other. What they have started out at in the beginning will change into something else at their
ending. All three ideas have been willing to morph into Christianity as long as they hold the superior
position, power and control. All three also have a rabid hatred of Jews and Israel. Their main drive and
goal is to see Jews and Israel exterminated from off the planet without any other consideration.
Christianity conformed and morphed with them may survive but the rest who resist must also die.
These three frogs or threats are the ideologies and movements of Communist- Socialism, Islam and
Fascist Nazism. All three are equally important threats to every Bible believing person on this earth and
we need to understand that. In the coming years these three will combine and morph into the final
movement that will rally the entire world against Israel and all believers in Christ.. At this writing we
have the Copenhagen accord that may be a step toward this direction and become our prophetic Biblical
reality soon.
As obscure as the UFO community may seem to be from global political activity, they will and already
have made a big impact toward this direction.
Our Own Community as One Voice
Christian researchers, it is time to see that a line has already been drawn in the sand. We need to unite
and confront the blasphemous lies coming from the insider community that so far, has gone
unchallenged by the “Church”. I believe it is time to stand in the Gap and oppose their message and the
role they play in this global movement of religion and politics. Trying to play up to them and be nice
ambassadors with the hope to “bring them to Christ ,“ or to think that you will ever be invited to speak at
their secular occult biased meetings is for a start, honorable but their rejection as a community has made
the line in the sand drawn. To think otherwise is naïve. Light and darkness do not mix and like Lot
trying to evangelize Sodom and Gomorrah, there is a point of no return that will only reverse your
attempts and bring you down with the rest of them.
The Ancient of Days conferences brought the two camps together. The Biblical perspective has been
made known to the secular UFO community. They have had several years to contemplate and consider
these claims. As a community they have openly rejected this outright which became apparent in the
Roswell meeting of July 2007.
Now as a community they need to be confronted by an equal active cohesive community. The
community I speak of is the remnant community of true believers in the Bible and our Lord. These are
the many of you who have been called to understand this rejected piece of the end time puzzle. We need
to unite and begin to work with each other and not compete with each other or separate ourselves
because of petty doctrinal issues. The war is on and the battle is right before us what will our role be? I
do not mean as individuals but as a Community…A Christian community who understands the UFO/
Alien threat to humanity!. Most of us have made individual decisions and commitments but we have
made no direction to collectively take a stand against this lie and coming deception as being united and
organized as our own community.
For now it is just a thought but it should be the next prayerful step we all need to consider.
Check out Jim’s Website @ www.echoesofenoch.org
V i d e o
o f
t h e
M o n t h !
Interesting Video:
Here we have a video from someone who claims to see angels. The question I have is
this. What is this person really seeing and why toward the end of the video does she
imply that these same angels as well as God are found in all religions. This is the point I
try to make over and over again, that just because she says she sees something it doesn’t
wash unless she has tested the spirits. If you watch the video you will see that Lorna is
sincere and presents herself in a calm and peaceful way. But in my opinion she is
deceived, as I believe these are fallen angels. I would love to really interview her and find
out several things. One, is there a history of witchcraft or occult participation in her
family? Two, has she ever tested the spirits? Just because an angel of light appears
doesn’t mean it’s benevolent. Why should we trust it? We need to understand that testing
the spirits in days in which we live must become as familiar to us as sliced bread. How do
we do this? Simply by asking the question, did Jesus come in the flesh? The demons and
fallen angles go nuts when they hear this because it points to their defeat on Calvary. Be
on guard because they might answer something like, well yes He did, but…. And that’s
what we must watch out for, “the but.”… L. A. M.
Video Angels:
Reader Feedback!
I do have to agree w/ your opinion of Von Daniken. His work just seems seductive/intriguing yet
misleading and much like "Predictive Programming"....such as these recent "Spirals" in the skys over
Norway and China within days apart,which I believe are hologram test runs of some kind. I also believe
that these "Spirals" might be connected to ISS the international space station that i think is actually a
Hologram/manmade ufo craft Control Center to deceive us all. The "Mental seed planting" is so obvious
even in our movies from when I was a child w/ "Close encounters of the third kind" to the present w/
"Knowing" and now "Avatar"---whos true definition is "Manifestation of God" which it will be far
from.....P.S. Sad but True as for 2012 will be the Fall of our Dollar w/"Arnold Schwarzenegger for
President" w/ his Kennedy Relation through marriage:(...It will happen---I can see the slogans now
"Dont be a Girlie Man,Vote Arnie" :)
Hi L.A.
It's 2am. I am awake because I can't put your books down. I am approaching the end of the third book in
the series. I just checked to see if I could order additional copies because this fictional work goes
such a long way toward explaining the end tmes. Your books open up a whole new world view without
labouring theory. Much of what is written about end times, or UFOs, and everything associated with
them, is heavy reading. Your novels are easier to read. That hopefully makes the ideas in them more
accessible to non believers as well as believers. Thanks for making the effort to write them.
Unfortunately, you are all out... I'd love to hear when more copies become available. Please keep me
posted. I know of several people who might benefit from your work. May the Lord continue to bless and
keep you and yours always.
Catou G.
Just a short note to let you know that I found your blog recently and enjoy it very
much.........THANK YOU..... I also wanted to ask one question........the Guidebook says
that even the Elect could be deceived "if that were possible". With the present spiritual
condition of the Church being what it is, I have a hard time believing that even believers
wouldn't fall for something this big. Do you think the Lord is telling us that the event
happens after the Rapture, and the only reason that it is not possible is because we
with the Lord ???
Tom J.
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