View - Arden on the Severn


View - Arden on the Severn
Volume 59, Issue 4
July/August 2013
By: Andrew W. Huppert
Naive as it may be, up until last week, I was still one
of those crazy people who believed that you could put
your outgoing mail into your mailbox with the expectation that people would have the common decency to
leave it alone. I guess my impression of mail theft was
reserved for packages containing some new gadget
from or the new DVD player that was left
sitting unattended on your front stoop all day. Little did
I know, thieves are out there in the morning looking to
get ahold of my payments to the power company,
checks to multiple local food banks, a battered women’s shelter, and a citizen’s philanthropic group in
Crofton. Welcome to my reality.
On June 24th I received an e-mail from one of my
Section 2 (angel) neighbors informing me that my mail
had been discarded in the street at the intersection of
Oser and Severnview Drives. Thankfully, the thief/
thieves that removed it from my mailbox that morning
must have been struck with some semblance of guilt as
a majority of the outgoing mail in my box was not from
my own household, but from the church that I happen
to be the treasurer of. Only one of the envelopes was
opened and, I am guessing, that upon reading the
Page 1
FROM party on the check, I am hoping that they had
the decency not to steal from the homeless people that
the money was going to assist. I am guessing that the
bulk of it was thrown out the window of their moving car
only to be discovered by one of my neighbors out for a
walk in the community later that day.
I realize now that the fault lies in my naivety, but I
won’t be making that mistake again as I will just drop it
at the post office from now on. I wanted to pass along
those details and to let everyone in the community
know that a sage-green, late model, “pimp-mobile” (a
witnesses words, not my own) was driving through the
neighborhood at about the time the mail would have
been stolen. I don’t know if they are the culprits, but
two of the people who saw the car admitted that they
had never seen that particular car in Arden before. Just
be aware. Also, I wanted to provide my follow-up for
anyone else who has experienced mail theft and let it
go unreported.
After the incident came to light, I spoke face to face
with our local Postal Master. She informed me that I
could file a Federal Criminal Report with the Postal
Inspection Division (the postal equivalent of the FBI that
handles everything from interstate mail fraud to bombs,
etc.). I promptly did just that. In addition, the federal
(Continued on page 22)
Circulation 970 Households
Andrew W. Huppert
Scott Stose
(410) 923-1534
(410) 262-3741
PO Box 241, Crownsville, MD 21032
Vice President:
Section 1 Rep:
Section 2 Rep:
Section 3 Rep:
Section 4 Rep:
Section 5 Rep:
Alby Bacon
Sonja Snelgrove
Etta Bardelang
Susan Fenton
Scott Stose
Edna Marsteller
Alby Bacon
Arden Gardeners:
Neighborhood Watch
Arden Volunteers:
Kids Club:
Seniors Club:
Sunshine Club:
Town Hall Mgr:
Duane Wilding
Madonna Gambrell
Kim Franklin
Barbara Peterson
Don Yeskey
Alby Bacon
Art Bardelang
(410) 923-0047
(410) 697-3173
(410) 923-2917
(410) 697-3164
(410) 729-2694
(410) 987-5393
(410) 923-0047
(410) 923-3074
(410) 923-2915
(410) 923-1007
(301) 332-9517
(410) 923-6215
(410) 923-0047
(410) 923-2917
PO Box 365, Crownsville, MD 21032
V. Chairman:
Sec. 1 Rep:
Sec. 2 Rep:
Sec. 3 Rep:
Sec. 4 Rep:
Sec. 5 Rep:
Member at Large:
Website Manager:
ACA Rep:
ABI Security
Scott Stose
(410) 262-3741
Kevin Routhier
(410) 923-1069
Joan Shank
(410) 697-3251
Don Snelgrove
(410) 697-3173
Steve Hudgins
(410) 697-3453
Joan Shank
(410) 697-3251
Joe Skiratko
(443) 320-3042
Pete Mule’
(410) 923-2496
Vicki Durst
(570) 677-2317
Steve Ramspacher (443) 994-8630
Steve Durst
(570) 677-2317
Andrew W. Huppert (410) 923-1534
Scott Stose
(410) 262-3741
Alby Bacon (acting) (410) 923-0047
Contact Your Section Rep Directly
Joe Clark
(410) 923-8836
Official Website
Sec. 1 Rep:
Sec. 2 Rep:
Sec. 3 Rep:
Sec. 4 Rep:
Sec. 5 Rep:
Program Manager
Asst Mgr
Program Coordinator
Jim Rainwater
Don Yeskey
Ron Martin
Carolyn Wallace
Kendall Crisp
Kim Franklin
Joe Clark
Sally Franklin
(410) 987-9855
(410) 923-6215
(410) 923-4131
(410) 923-0630
(410) 923-1169
(410) 923-1007
(410) 923-8836
(410) 923-3058
By: Alby Bacon
Summer is here with a vengeance! All the more
reason to live in lovely water privileged Arden where
you can go jump in the river after a hot day at the office
and cool off. Did I pay those Beach dues? Oops. Many
of you have been contacted about past due payments
of these annual dues. As your ACA representative to
the Beach Association Board I am helping with the
project to get everyone caught up. Your dues pay to
maintain our beaches and boat ramps which make your
property more valuable and are payable each year
whether you use the beaches or not. Please help me
and ABI get this done. Call me if you have any questions: 410-923-0047. There are about 170 of you out
there who haven’t paid.
While you have that check book out, there are
about 600 of you who haven’t sent in your annual ACA
contribution of $10. Remember we are separate associations with special needs financially to serve you, our
community members. See the ACA form in this issue.
I’ve been in touch with the County about mosquito
spraying which runs through late September. Spraying
is scheduled for Monday evenings between 7 PM and
2:30 AM . The new products they use are safer than in
the past. They do not address larval mosquitoes that
breed in standing water. Those areas will be considered
for treatment if they have specific locations. Let me
know if you have concerns about a specific area and do
check your yard for any container however small that
could breed these beasties.
Kids Club Yard Sale is scheduled for September
21st with a rain date of the 22nd. There are registration
forms in this issue as our next News Buoy will come out
too late to allow time to get you on the map. This was
very successful last year with almost 70 homes participating. We will need help to deliver flyers door to door
in late August or early September. Call me or Nita if you
can volunteer for a street or two in your section.
Dumpster Days will follow the Yard Sale by one
week, Friday September 27th and Saturday AM Sep(Continued on page 29)
2013 Arden Community Association Contribution
 Check here to receive community updates from the ACA Board via your e-mail address
Please check your category below and make checks payable to ACA:
 2013 Annual Contribution (per household)
$ 10.00
 Patron Level
$ 20.00
 Benefactor Level
$ 50.00
 Neighborhood Watch (Police Patrol Fund)
TOTAL Enclosed: $
Mail to ACA, P.O. Box 241, Crownsville, Maryland 21032
By: Scott Stose, ABI Chairman
The Annual Arden Bull Roast went very well this
year! We had a smaller crowd than usual but it was an
entertaining, fun loving group. No incidents to report.
Financially, we broke about even at this social event
and that is our goal. I would like to thank all those involved in making this gathering happen. We had too
many volunteers to list but all of Arden is grateful for
your help and support. We could not have pulled this off
so smoothly without you! We had many new residents
in attendance as well! It is a great way to meet your
The 4th of July weekend was great for many local
activities! I saw a record number of boats in attendance
at Epping Forest for their annual display. They accept
donations to this annual event. If you would like to
contribute in the future, please contact Craig Schwartz
at ( 410) 353- 37 22 o r b y e- ma il at Annapolis seemed a little
less crowded than years past but nonetheless had a
spectacular display.
It was reported that we had quite the display at
beach 4 this year which was winding down by 11pm
when I returned by boat.
Unfortunately, we had a couple complaints about
disorderly conduct. In one incident, a few residents got
physical and the police were brought in to deal with the
situation. Please, if you see a police matter, do not
intervene in a way that
could put you in
harm’s way; just call
911. Our beach checkers are merely kids
and only employed to
check for beach cards.
Our resident security
officer cannot be at all
places at all times.
Have a great summer!
Come on in & check out our
Drink Specials during all NFL games
10 HDTVs to watch from any seat
NFL Red Zone to watch all the scoring
Food Specials during every game
$1.00 Home Team shooters every time the
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Ladies Night Food & Drink Specials!
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Plus Famous $5 Lunch Plates 12-4p
400 Herald Harbor Rd - Food to Go (410) 923-HIDE
By: Terri Arnold
ACE Certified Personal Trainer
As of June 21, we’re officially in the summer season. The central part of Md. is known for its warm humid air and it can send many indoors to escape the
sweltering heat. Temps can be in the high 80’s but it’s
the high humidity that makes for discomfort. Our air is
filled with so much water that perspiration doesn’t evaporate to take our body heat away. What do we do to
successfully maintain (or start) an exercise routine in
these dog days of summer? Here are a few tips to help
you with that.
Watch your nutrition. What we eat and drink during
summer’s heat has much influence with how well we
tolerate the high heat index. Look to incorporate more
foods with high water content in your daily diet, e.g.,
tomatoes, cucumber, watermelon, leafy greens, yellow
and green squash, eggplant, strawberries. As always
keep yourself hydrated by drink plenty of water throughout the day and especially before, during and after ex-
ercise. I’ve heard it said that if you’re thirsty that’s a
sign you’re already slightly dehydrated. Gordon Blackburn, director of the Cleveland Clinic's Cardiac Rehabilitation, Preventive Cardiology and Rehabilitation Program recommends “about 20 or 30 minutes before your
workout, drink 8 to 12 ounces of water, and tack on
another 6 to 10 ounces for every additional 30 minutes
of exercise.” If you are exercising longer than an hour
sports drinks might be a consideration. The bottom line
is heat and humidity increase our need for fluids so fuel
up appropriately.
Allow for a period of adapting. As with any new
activity our body prefers a gradual introduction. While
we are designed to adapt to our environment outcomes
are best when that happens gradually. Allow for a period of acclimation. There will be some discomfort exercising in the summer heat but it need not be miserable
and gut wrenching if breaks are incorporated, intensity
is slightly lowered, and time spent exercising is somewhat reduced for a couple weeks. The body will eventually acclimate to the heat and longer, more intense
workouts will be tolerated.
Work with the environment. Avoid working out
when the sun’s rays are directly above or near that
position. It’s far cooler in the morning and early evening so schedule your workouts around more temperate
parts of the day – early am or in the pm when the sun is
low. The air will still be warm but the sun’s contribution
to the heat will be far less. Also clothing should be
lightweight and loose in order to help air flow over the
skin and allow sweat to evaporate. If you’re a person
who wears a hat during their workout to help keep sun
off the face and brow sweat out of your eyes keep in
mind they also trap heat. Look for hats made with lightweight, breathable material too. It’s been suggested
clothing should be light in color as well. [As someone
who has a lot of dark clothing in their closet, and wears
it regularly, I needed to investigate if this is fact or folklore.] A search on the internet suggested it is fact and
has to do with sunlight’s reflection/ absorption upon
various colors. Specifically says, “because
light clothes reflect more light when a person is outside,
the accompanying heat from the sun is reflected as
well. Since dark clothes reflect little solar light, they
(Continued on page 20)
Tom Michaels is the owner of The UPS Store in Odenton. Not only does
he provide a fantastic shipping, packing, and/or printing services, his
business is what allows the NewsBuoy to be printed every other month.
Please join us in supporting his business as he supports the NewsBuoy!
My Favorite Subject
In All The Land: Music
By: Michael Music Friedman
What am I really good at? Leaving things to the last
moment. No, I will not say it's a Friedman thing because Friedmans will get mad at me. Some say that
last minute pressure creates great things. I can't think
of any examples. Maybe some of my past work (not my
last article). But I actually started working on my first
draft the day after I sent my last article to Andrew. But I
can't find where I saved it on my computer. Excuses.
It's a Friedman thing.
Maybe this article will be my best. By saying maybe, I'm covering my butt in case it isn't. This article is a
new style of articles for me. My previous work was in
list format but not really an article at all. When I think
articles, I just don't think of lists qualifying as articles.
So, I'm changing it up a little bit. In fact, change is nec-
essary sometimes. Yes I can write my best article (poli
speak). And enough of my pre-amble.
The root word of that word above is appreciate. Let
me use it in a sentence. I appreciate young music artists that appreciate older music artists. Example: Jim
James. Jim James is the lead singer of a group called
My Morning Jacket. I don't really know how to describe
their music. I guess it has a little bit of country leanings.
But then some of it isn't. When I first heard about them,
I don't remember where. But I did see them on Leno in
support of their album, “Z”. And then they had their 30
minutes of fame (15 + 15). I'm not sure what came first
but let's talk about their chicken.
As my family knows, I'm a big fan of the Showtime
series, “Californication”. I think I've seen all of the first
season but I have a lot of catching up to do to be where
the show currently is. I do have the first and second
(Continued on page 16)
What Can Families Do
To Keep Children Reading
During the Summer?
By: Laura J. Colker, Ed.D.
As children's first and most important teachers,
families have a major role to play in motivating children
to read during the summer months. There are many
strategies families might employ to encourage summertime reading:
Combine activities with books. Summer leaves
lots of time for kids to enjoy fun activities, such as going
to the park, seeing a movie, or going to the beach. Why
not also encourage them to read a book about the activity? If you're going to a baseball game, suggest that
your child read a book about a favorite player beforehand. In the car or over a hot dog, you'll have lots of
time to talk about the book and the game.
Visit the library. If your child doesn't have a library
card, summer is a great time to sign up for one. In addi-
tion to a wide selection of books to borrow, many libraries have fun, child-friendly summer reading programs.
Lead by example. Read the newspaper at breakfast, pick up a magazine at the doctor's office, and stuff
a paperback in your beach bag. If kids see the adults
around them reading often, they will understand that
literature can be a fun and important part of their summer days.
Talk it up. Talking with your kids about what you
have read also lets them know that reading is an important part of your life. Tell them why you liked a book,
what you learned from it, or how it helped you—soon
they might start doing the same.
Help kids find time to read. Summer camp, music
lessons, baseball games, and videos are all fun things
kids like to do during the summer. However, by the end
of the day, children may be too tired to pick up a book.
When planning summer activities with children, remember to leave some time in their schedules for reading.
Some convenient times may be before bedtime or over
(Continued on page 22)
Relax! Let Steve
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By: Andrew W. Huppert
Ahhh… the generator line had been run, the conduit
set, and the outlet and breaker installed. All we needed
now was a derecho, hurricane, or tornado to set upon
us and we would be prepared. But the bees had another idea for us; a seemingly never ending fight.
With the warm weather, the bugs and bees returned, but we never expected that they would set up
shop in our ceiling! Little did I know, they managed to
find their way through the sill-plate where the 30amp
line had been run for the generator. Now I can’t tell you
how many are in there (I’m not that brave), but I can
say that I managed to take our about 50 of them before
a neighbor alerted me to a pretty awesome group of
people right here in our local area that will remove honey bees for free!
I managed to contact Toni and Michael over at (they are located in Annapolis) and they
confirmed that they would love to come over and remove any honey bees that I had. Many of you already
P.O. Box 406
Crownsville, MD 21032
O: (410) 923-0015 • C: (410) 570-0973
know that there is a global die-off of bees going on and,
with this, is the fear that a decrease in pollination power
could lead to a worldwide decline in food production.
Relocating bees is a more environmentally conscious
option than simply spraying them… I wish I had
thought of that first, but thankfully I was redirected.
After talking to Toni, she was able to identify my bee
problem as a Southern Yellow jacket variety. Unfortunately, no one wants those; not even her! So I set out
to find out what I could do about them. According to
many sources, they say to simply let them be and they
will die off at the end of the season. You plug the hole
in the house, and the problem is taken care of. However, after they found their way deeper into my home and
through a high hat (light) in the ceiling, I was forced to
take action when my son was stung while sitting on our
I spoke to a local exterminator and they wanted
$250 just to show up at the house. As I’ve mentioned in
previous articles, I don’t like to spend money on things
that I can do myself so I set out to find other options.
Simply spraying at the hole in the house gets the buggers coming out, but it doesn’t get the nest. In addition
to killing a few, it creates a barrier that they do not want
to cross, so they will go deeper in in search of an exit.
What I learned is that you have to use a professional
grade powder like Drione and/or Delta Dust.
Both are effective against a host of critters from
bees to bedbugs, and ants to 1000-legers. I wish I
could report that it worked, but I am still waiting on the
order to arrive at my house. I would happily wait for the
season to end, but have also come to learn that yellow
jackets, in particular, have a nasty habit of chewing
through drywall if you don’t get them out soon. Now,
I’m an understanding guy when it comes to being environmentally conscious, but having a swarm of bees
eating breakfast with me is not my idea of a good time.
Hopefully I will be able to report that I am bee-free in
the September issue, but until then… wish me luck. If
anyone out there has any better ideas, I’m always open
to suggestion, but leaving them be is not on my radar
when they are coming into my house and stinging my
Hidden Gems!
Al Friedman, Long & Foster Realtor
It's time to take a detour from my normal real estate
reporting. With summertime here, I thought it would be
a good opportunity to visit some places you may not be
aware of. These are some local, hidden gems which
you may want to check out over the next couple of
Let's start with some eateries. Summer in Maryland
means crabs. One of the best crab houses in this area
is Cantler's. One of the findings of a recent PBS documentary was the better crab houses were the ones
located the furthest off the beaten path. Cantler's has
that going on, and then some. Located on Mill creek,
just outside of Annapolis, it's a classic Maryland crab
house. You can arrive by car or boat. Enjoy your crabs
in the rustic dining room, or pull up a table on their
creek side deck and enjoy the views.
Is it a big 'ol lump back fin crab cake you're craving?
The best crab cake value around, lies at G & M Restaurant off Nursery Road, in Linthicum. This 9 ½ ounce
round, mound of pleasure is broiled, not fried. For approximately $26, you get two of these beauties, with 2
sides, and a salad and roll. I pretty much guarantee
you'll take one of those cakes home for lunch the next
day, because you won't be able to finish the whole
meal, there.
So you like to take your crabs home and eat them in
the privacy of your own deck. Head to Seamarket Seafood on Ritchie Highway, in Glen Burnie. Guess what?
The beauty of Seamarket... they only sell Maryland
Crabs! Buy them raw, or steamed, same price. You
can't beat Maryland crabs!
Want the best Chili foot long around? While you're
in Glen Burnie, head to Ann's Dairy Creme, also on
Ritchie Highway. Located right in front of the Marley
Station Mall (the mall developers had to negotiate with
Ann's, to be able to build their shopping center), it's a
local landmark. Get a regular foot long, or my preference, a double dog. Their hot dog chili is, hands down,
the best. They also serve great shakes and cheese
steaks. If you get there at lunch time, be prepared to
stand in line. It does move quicker than you might
think. The one thing you have to appreciate, is the
ladies behind the counter NEVER write down an order,
and they NEVER get them wrong!
OK, you filled your belly from all of the above mentioned eateries. Now, you need to walk it off. Some
cool places to do it.
On Veteran's Highway, just north of Generals Highway is the park entrances to the Severn Run. You
(Continued on page 31)
By Marge McGugan
Music is a universal language. It is an education of
its own. It is history, mathematics, art, psychology all
rolled into a package that anyone can appreciate, no
matter where they live. Music is a proven healer. It is
one way many students, deemed “special” by the educational community, can communicate with others.
Those who do not respond to words, respond to music.
This blessing is nothing short of magic.
I allowed myself to enjoy the magic that is classical
music, courtesy of the Apollo Chamber Orchestra. This
orchestra is local to the Washington DC area and features young musicians and their mentors playing sideby-side in an informal atmosphere. It also helped that
two of my treasured friends “Handel” the double bass
duties in the orchestra. We brought a complete cheering section for the low strings section that evening.
The program this evening focused on four Eastern
European composers. The orchestra, led by an energetic Stephen Czarkowski, began the evening with the
Russian Easter Festival Overture, Op. 36 by Nikolai
Rimsky-Korsakov. The melodies of this piece started by
honoring Passion Saturday and moved to a joyous
awakening on Easter. The intense celebration of Easter
was felt with the rising crescendo of the notes. Just try
sitting still through this piece! I dare you! You can’t do it.
Throughout the audience, feet were tapping, arms were
moving, and excitement was building during the entire
performance of this overture.
Our psyches were then treated to a wonderful gift in
the form of baritone Javier Arrey. He appeared courtesy
of the Washington National Opera’s Young Artist Program. This Chilean native sang five of Dvorak’s Biblical
Songs, Op. 99, in Czech. The compositions were personal for Antonin Dvorak, who took the words from the
Book of Psalms during a time of personal crisis. Arrey
was true to the beauty of the music Dvorak composed
in his mourning. His voice carried without microphone
assistance in the concert venue. Powerful, and prayerful – and the sounds melted my own sad heart.
Mr. Arrey then sang a portion of Handel’s Messiah,
“Why do the Nations so Furiously Rage Together?” We
were told, by the conductor, that Mr. Arrey was recovering from a cold. But no one in the audience could tell.
We were taken on a magic carpet into Georg Handel’s
musical masterpiece. What could be better? How about
an encore from the “The Barber of Seville”? Mr. Arrey
did not just sing this piece – he performed it. He moved
among the audience singing directly to the crowd. The
only thing missing was a hundred-pound costume.
Catching my breath was taking effort! The performance
brought the audience to its feet and to tears of joy.
Intermission gave all of us a chance to catch our
breath and come back down to earth. But it didn’t last
long. We made a journey to Stalin’s Russia with Dmitri
Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 5 in D Minor, Op. 47.
This symphony has quite a tongue-in-cheek history.
Stalin sat in on its first performance. The music was
supposed to document the greatness of Communist
Russia. The notes in the beginning created mental
images of abused peasants and elitist class under
Czarist rule. The music moved to a feeling of chaos, but
the listener can not really tell if it is the chaos of the
Revolution, or the chaos from the aftermath of the Revolution. I felt that Shostakovich was trying to find beauty
in the current state of Russia and it just wasn’t happening for him. I felt the music pull my strings as if I were a
puppet, which is the image in my mind of how Shostakovich may have really felt about his government’s
attitude toward its citizens. The last movements were
supposed to document the triumphant Russia under
Stalin’s rule. There were some notes and chords
(Continued on page 17)
(MUSIC—Continued from page 8)
seasons on DVD. And the first season (the first episode) contains a song by MMJ. This is part of the appreciation I mentioned in the beginning because the
song is a cover song. It is Elton John's “Rocket Man (I
Think It's Going to Be a Long Long Time)”. Originally,
this and other covers can be found on a series of lo-fi
recordings. “Rocket Man” (as it's known by fans and
the name of MMJ's version), can be found on “Chapter
1: The Sandworm Cometh - Early Recordings”. I own
Chapter 2 or “Chapter 2: Learning - Early Recordings”
and I want Chapter 1 to complete my collection. Chapter 2 also has covers too.
Now the egg. Their other 15 minutes of fame came
when My Morning Jacket released their c.d. “Evil Urges”. That's when my dad became a leech and got attached to them. They then preceded to play Saturday
Night Live (SNL). I think they even had a single from
the c.d. And that was it. I never really heard about
them again. They went back to being unknown. And
that's my story of MMJ. Here's my story of their front
man Jim James.
Think about performing in front of a large crowd.
You might shake your hand as to say you're not quite
sure but leaning towards no. But then you think about
the possibility of falling off stage and no is a definite
answer! That's what happened to Jim in 2008 while
performing with his band. He was seriously injured.
And probably if you asked, it was good thing to happen
to him. During his recuperation, it seemed Jim found
spirituality. He was given a graphic novel called “God's
Man”. He
recorded a c.d. called “Regions of Light
and Sound of God”. The first thing I heard about My
Morning Jacket or Jim James after “Evil Urges” was a
couple months ago when my brother gave me a free
download card for a song from “ Regions of Light and
Sound of God”. Recently, I purchased the c.d. as well
as another c.d. from Jim.
That other c.d. is from his alter ego, Yim Yames and
the c.d. again shows his spirituality but this time he's
also showing appreciation. This c.d. is a short set of
covers of a man who was definitely know for his spirituality. It's covers of George Harrison. And the c.d. is
called “Tribute to – EP”. Appropriately titled!
Topic of next article: The Police
Errands, Shopping, Appointments,
Etc. Whatever your travel needs
may be, I can take you where you
need to go!
Alby Bacon - (410) 923-0047
** Homemade Cookies Available **
One of Arden's best features are our
talented and helpful residents. Barbara
and Steve Petersen are building a list of
neighbors who can help our seniors. If
you can help or if you need help please
call. We are ready and willing to provide
assistance where we can. With the leaf
and snow season upon us, now is a
good time to call! Please contact Barbara Petersen at (301) 332-9517.
(VIEW FROM THE PASSENGER—Continued from page 14)
throughout that section which told me Shostakovich
thought Stalin’s version of Russia needed – let’s just
say, a bit of – improvement.
We aren’t sure what Shostakovich really meant in
this composition, since he passed away before the
Gorbachev era. We can only speculate based on what
we do know of the composer and his history in Russia.
The orchestra, however, allowed us in the audience to
feel the tension and imagine what was going on. We
were permitted to put ourselves in Russia, to feel what
it was like to work in the factory, to search for beauty in
the midst of dictatorial sameness.
The Apollo Chamber Orchestra members do not
know how much I, personally, needed their music. The
prior week for me was a frustrating one. I returned from
a week’s vacation to a mountain of yard work, weather
that refused to cooperate, the one-year anniversary of
the death of my trusty Rusty, and experiencing yet another hurricane. I do not have a good, recent track rec-
ord with hurricanes. But, as if preordained, the rains
cleared in time for me to pack up some friends and
head out to the concert. The traffic on the Washington
Beltway moved smoothly in our direction. We had no
problems getting to the venue or home. We were meant
to be there for this concert.
Self, you must seek out more concerts in the local
area… and especially from the Apollo Chamber Orchestra. Here are some other places you may consider
for summer concerts:
Quiet Waters Park and Downs Park Concerts:
Maryland Hall Performances: http://
Apollo Chamber Orchestra homepage: http://
Ft. Meade:
Life is good, especially with a side of music.
By: Carla Stefanelli
By: Andrew W. Huppert
Following a season in which he helped lead No. 2
Limestone [16-2] to the NCAA Division II National Semifinals, senior midfielder Zach Cummings [Arden on the
Severn] was selected to play in the prestigious USILA
North and South All-Star Game which was held Friday,
May 24 in Rador PA. A tradition that began in 1940, the
North and South Game has been played 71 times and
features some of the top seniors in the country. In its
current format, the top seniors from NCAA Division I
and Division II will compete in this game. Setting foot
on the lacrosse field for the first time as a collegian,
Zach made it count as he delivered a pair of goals and
helped lead the South Team to a 16-10 win. He was
also one of only three Division II players selected to
play in the game for the South Team.
This season he was also named USILA First Team
All-American and All-Conference Carolinas First Team
along with serving as team
Captain. The General
Manager of the Washington Stealth Pro Box Lacrosse Team has invited
Zach to try out for their
team this fall in Seattle.
Zach grew up with great
pride playing lacrosse for
Arden Rec and Old Mill
High School, Arden is very
proud of him.
It doesn’t happen often, but once in a while I have
some free time. The middle of June somehow snuck up
on me and I was facing a mountain of newspapers that
had accumulated on our living room table. My kids
were elsewhere and I happily sat down to wade through
the abundance of information. One item, about a garbage man finding American flags disposed of in the
trash, caught my attention and I realized that most people probably don’t know what to do with an old, tattered
flag. Here’s my attempt to help out:
Retiring Old Flags
While many people opt to purchase a new flag
when it becomes worn or torn, the flag can actually be
mended when torn and cleaned when dirty; yes, it feels
a little odd to run a flag through the wash with your
clothes, but it is perfectly acceptable as the act of cleaning it is out of respect for what it stands for. If mended it
should not be hemmed (shortened) to the point where
its measurements are no longer in proportion – the
standard is 3’x5’, but there are many variations.
According to the United States Flag Code, “the flag,
when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting
emblem of display, should be destroyed in a dignified
way, preferably by burning." Most people recoil at the
thought due to recalled images of protests from around
the world where foreigners burn our flag. However,
disposing it in a non-political, non-protest burning ceremony is more dignified than tossing it in the trash with
your old coffee grounds and last night’s leftovers.
In many communities, one or more organizations
render an important community service by collecting
and overseeing the proper disposal of old, worn, tattered, frayed and/or faded U.S. Flags. Those organizations include the Boy Scouts of America, Veterans of
Foreign Wars, or the American Legion. If they provide a
flag retirement service the flag can be dropped off and
they will take care of the ceremony. A flag retirement
ceremony is usually organized once a year and is open
to the public so that anyone can come and pay their
respects. It provides an opportunity to teach and in(Continued on page 31)
By: Andrew W. Huppert
With the summer months upon us, Cub Scout Den
4 did not find itself slowing down as expected. As we
are the youngest group of cub scouts, we found ourselves granted the entire year to plan a “Pack” activity
for all of the Dens in Millersville’s Pack 768. This allowed us an entire year of experiencing what the other
Dens had put together before planning our own. Hopefully we didn’t disappoint.
The theme of our Pack Meeting was Volleyball and
Family Fun. We managed to rent out Beach 4 for an
afternoon in early June, but almost had to cancel because of the wacky weather on the actual day. Luckily
we had a decent turnout and the kids got to learn how
to play volleyball to earn the belt loop associated with
the activity. In addition, we were able to grill up some
hot dogs and hamburgers for all in attendance. Many
of the families provided side dishes and much fun was
had by all.
Beyond that, the only other exciting event was the
annual Bowie Baysox Scout night. Members of the
Pack got to watch the game and the fireworks with
their families, but afterward were allowed to camp out in
the outfield at the stadium for the night. Once the
crowds exited, we were invited to set up tents and enjoy a movie on the jumbotron while camped in the outfield! The only downside was the 6am wake up call
because of the pre-programmed watering sequence
that could not be altered. The kids had fun regardless!
(FITNESS CORNER—Continued from page 6)
reflect little solar heat and are hotter as a result.” I
guess I’ll have to keep that in mind next time I’m shopping for athletic wear.
If all else fails don’t give up - work indoors. If your
health is compromised as a result of the heat and humidity by all means take your workout to an airconditioned environment. If you enjoy being outdoors
but just can’t tolerate the heat (even with the suggestions above) try doing the warm-up and/or cool down
outside and leave the more intense section of your
workout for the cooler indoor environment.
Incorporating these adjustments will allow you to
maintain your fitness program during Md.’s summer
heat. Remember exercise or activity should be like
brushing your teeth – it’s a regular daily event. The
heat of summer should not get in the way of that. Your
fitness program can be done anywhere – outdoors, in
your home, office, or at a traditional gym. Actually it’s
more about what works for you and keeps you consistently practicing it. If you have any questions on the
above or want further assistance in designing your
exercise program please feel free to contact me by
phone at (410) 353-4082 or email:
Section 1:
John Perry &
Toni Ebbenhouse
996 Waterview Drive
Section 4:
Brian Gallagher
1037 Plum Creek Drive
This information is from the MD Dept. of Assessment & Taxation. We apologize
to anyone listed in error or left out. Notify us and we will reprint any corrections!
By: Jane Huppert
Harvard Beets (serves 6 people)
Beets (about 6-10 depending on size)
1/2C sugar
1 Tbsp cornstarch
1/2 tsp. salt
2 whole cloves
1/2C mild cider vinegar
1. Cut beet tops off to within 1" of the beet, leave the
root. Place in boiling water and cook for at least 20
minutes. Let cool slightly so you don't bum your
hands, or wear rubber gloves and slip the skins off.
Now cut off the tops and the root.
2. Slice the beets into 1/4” thick chips/slices.
3. In a separate pot, while the beets are cooking, stir
the sugar, cornstarch, salt, cloves, and cider vinegar
over low-med heat. Cook and stir these ingredients
until they are clear.
4. Add the beets & place them over hot water for 30
min.- as in a double boiler - to keep them warm and
let the flavor soak into the beets.
5. Serve
Cooking suggestion: If you make the recipe the day
before you plan to serve them and store them in the
fridge, the beets will really soak up the flavor of the
coating mixture. Simply re-heat them and serve.
By: Len Crogan
I found a ball on Beach 2 around July 1 and was
hoping to locate its owner. There is no description
here as I would hope the person looking for it can describe it to me over the phone. Please call me and
describe your lost ball and I would be happy to return it
to you. I can be reached at (410) 923-2662.
Scheduled Maintenance & Repairs Specializing in Toyota, Lexus, Honda, Acura, & Scion 
Complete Mechanical Service & Repair Full Electronic Diagnos cs Maryland State Inspec ons All Work Guaranteed 
Family, Locally Owned & Operated Personalized Service Factory Trained Technicians Licensed, Insured & Bonded M ‐ F: 5:30 AM to 10:00 PM • Sat: 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM Sun: 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM (410) 923‐6995 / (410) 923‐7430 1226 General Highway, Crownsville, Maryland 21032 NEWSBUOY 22
By: Dr. Rodney A. Floyd D.D.S., P.A.
Bone loss in your jaw will always follow the loss of a
tooth. Dental implants can help you to avoid facial
changes, speech changes, and diet changes that take
place over time as teeth shift, jawbone recedes, and in
extreme cases, cheeks take on a collapsed look. Dental implants can replace those lost teeth and help you
to look great.
Here are some reasons why dental implants are
now the treatment of choice for many people who need
to replace missing teeth. Implants:
...require only normal brushing and flossing for
maintenance; ...are anchored permanently in your jawbone; ...preserve and strengthen the underlying bone
just like the roots of your natural teeth; not alter or
compromise adjacent healthy teeth; ...require no plates
that can affect comfort and fit; ...can replace the form
and function of only one tooth or two, or can replace
teeth in an entire jaw; ...can anchor dentures to prevent
shifting, or replace partial dentures & bridgework; ...are
without any age barrier; ...are safe & reliable (hundreds
of thousands are placed every year – all over the
world); ...look completely natural so that no one will
know you have them ... unless you tell!
Call for a consultation. Safe, reliable, and naturallooking dental implants may be your solution
(MAIL THEFT—Continued from page 1)
investigator who followed up with me by phone had me
fill out a Mail Theft and Vandalism Complaint (https:// in
addition to the information they took over the phone.
They also had me contact the Delivery Supervisor for
the Crownsville area (Mr. JC) at the DDU in Annapolis
(he can be reached at 410-573-2938) to fill him on the
activity. What they are doing is profiling the area to see
when and where these incidents occur so that they can
catch the person(s) in action. If this has happened to
you, please report it because they will use the information to dispatch plain clothed officers to the locations
in the hopes of finding these people.
(A TO Z KIDS—Continued from page 9)
Relax the rules for summer. During the school
year, children have busy schedules and often have
required reading for classes. Summer is a time when
children can read what, when, and how they please.
Don't set daily minute requirements or determine the
number of pages they should read. Instead, make sure
they pick up books for fun and help find ways for them
to choose to read on their own. You may even want to
make bedtime a little bit later if you find that your child
can't put down a book.
Have plenty of reading material around. Storybooks aren't the only thing that kids can read for fun. Be
sure to have newspapers, magazines, and informational material on hand that might spark the interest of a
young reader.
Use books to break the boredom. Without the
regular school regimen, adults and kids need more
(Continued on page 26)
On Sunday, September 29th from 7:00a to 11:30p,
The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition Central Maryland Chapter invites you to take part in a wonderful
5KRun/3KWalk to Break the Silence on Ovarian Cancer
outside on the ring road at The Annapolis Mall. The 5K
course is certified and age awards will be given. You
will enjoy refreshments, kids activities, entertainment
and wonderful chance prize drawings.
NOCC is a 501(c)(3) non profit whose mission is to
promote ovarian cancer awareness and education.
Look for the Teal ribbons around the mall!
All ages are welcome! For mor information, visit
http://nocc. .asp?
ievent=1062021 or call (410) 849-3467. Registration for
adults is $25.00, kids 17 and under $15.00, and kids in
strollers are free!
Show off your ARDEN SPIRIT by picking up an
Arden on the Severn shirt! We only have XX Adult sizes, but there are lots of Kids sizes available! All are
$5.00 each. Please contact Alby Bacon at 410-9230047 if interested!
Oh My, It’s Too Much Tech
By: Daniel Friedman
This month I’d like to talk
about one event that happened last month (as of the
reading of this article). This
event regards games. The
conference is known as E3
(Electronic Entertainment
Expo), a videogame conference, for retailers, and developers. The big 3 (Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo)
announce new games, new software, and new hardware.
I’m going to start off with talking about what Microsoft announced. The reason I’m telling you about
Microsoft first is because in order to tell you about what
Sony announced, I have to tell you what Microsoft announced. Before E3, Microsoft announced a new console called the Xbox One. The name insinuates that it’s
an “all-in-one” console. Meaning that it can do a lot
more then be a game console. Using your current cable
service, you will be able to hook the console to your
cable box. This will provide lots of information from
facebook, twitter, and other sites. Another thing that will
be possible is when you’re watching football, the console will show you stats. The console will have the Kinect sensor (a camera, and sensor that tracks what you
say, and your movements) built in. This is making a lot
of people paranoid, because the sensor will always be
on, even when the console itself is off. The biggest
thing that Microsoft announced was their policy on used
games. The policy which says that you can’t play used
games. Another thing that is important to note is that
the console would always have to be online. All of
these things I mentioned, Microsoft talked about at E3,
but went into more depth. Since this is a games convention, they showed off some games too. Finally, they
announced that you would be able to trade downloadable games between friends. The price tag for the
“One” will be $499.99 and, will come out this holiday
Now, it’s important for me to talk about Sony next.
Sony announced a new console. Following in the footsteps of the previous consoles, they named their console the PS4 (Playstation 4). The reason I talked about
the One first is because Playstation took the role reversal. The PS4 will play used games, and the console
won't require you to be online. Not only that, but the
PS4 is more powerful than the Xbox One, and will cost
$100 less. The PS4 will also come out this Holiday season.
Now before I move on to Nintendo, I want to mention one more thing about Microsoft. After Microsoft’s
press conference they were being heavily criticized by
consumers. So, on the 19th of June Microsoft decided
they would do a role reversal on everything I mentioned.
The only thing different now it that they announced they
would remove the ability to trade downloadable games.
In order to play games offline, you will have to download
a Day One patch that’s on the console, so the console
doesn’t have to always be online.
Now, lets finish by talking about Nintendo. Nintendo
did a lot of things differently. For a while now, Nintendo
has been doing things their own way. They have this
thing a few times a month called Nintendo Direct, on
their website where they announce new games, and
software. Instead of having a press conference at E3,
they had a pre recorded Nintendo direct. While they
didn’t have a press conference, they did have some
games set up to play at E3. Also, a select few games
were also playable at Best Buy that Wednesday, and
Saturday. Now, since Nintendo already has their next
gen console out, all they did was announce games. To
name a few, they announced a new Mario Kart, a new
Super Mario game, a new Super Smash Brothers (a
fighting game of sorts) game, a remake of a Legend of
Zelda game, and a new Donkey Kong game, among
others. In most peoples’ opinion, Nintendo had the most
lackluster presence at E3, because most of the games
that were announced, people were already expecting.
This week I was also going to talk about an event
that Apple had, but I didn’t want to take up too much
space. So, in the next article I will be talking about that.
Thanks for reading. As always, don’t forget to email
me at if you have any
“Tech” questions, comments, or concerns. Thanks.
4 Independence Day
8 ABI Meeting,
Town Hall
Scott Stose
Baldwin School
Don Yeskey
12 Senior’s Lunch
Alby Bacon
9 Senior’s Lunch
7:00 pm
(410) 262-3741
7:30 pm
(410) 923-6215
11:30 am
(410) 923-0047
16 SRA,
7:00 pm
Arlington Echo
975 Indian Lndg
Millersville, MD
SRA Phone #
25 Gardner’s Club
M. Gambrell
(443) 569-3556
7:00 pm
(410) 923-2915
Alby Bacon
12 ABI Meeting,
Town Hall
Scott Stose
Baldwin School
Don Yeskey
11:30 am
(410) 923-0047
7:00 pm
(410) 262-3741
7:30 pm
(410) 923-6215
20 SRA,
7:00 pm
Arlington Echo
975 Indian Lndg
Millersville, MD
SRA Phone #
22 Gardner’s Club
M. Gambrell
(443) 569-3556
7:00 pm
(410) 923-2915
2 Labor Day
9 ABI Meeting,
Town Hall
Scott Stose
Baldwin School
Don Yeskey
13 Senior’s Lunch
Alby Bacon
(410) 262-3741
7:30 pm
(410) 923-6215
11:30 am
(410) 923-0047
17 SRA,
7:00 pm
Arlington Echo
975 Indian Lndg
Millersville, MD
SRA Phone #
18 ACA Meeting
Town Hall
Alby Bacon
21 Community
Yard Sale
Nita Wenger
Please notify the NewsBuoy Editor of
any events that should be on future calendars!
7:00 pm
(443) 569-3556
7:00 pm
(410) 923-0047
8am - 2pm
(443) 517-3281
22 Yard Sale
(Rain Date)
8am - 2pm
26 Gardner’s Club
7:00 pm
M. Gambrell
(410) 923-2915
27 Dumpster Days
9am - 6pm
28 Ball Fields
8am - 1:30pm
Please save your aluminum can pull tops for the Ronald McDonald House!
Call Alby Bacon at (410) 923-0047.
By: Bay Country Veterinary Hospital
By: Reid Ellis
Did you know:
One out of every three pets in the United States will
go missing at some point in their lives.
Approximately 4.3 million pets enter animal shelters
as unidentified strays each year. Of those, only 15% of
dogs and 2% of cats are reunited with their owners.
Almost 80% of cats reported missing were described as “indoor only.”
Please don’t let your pet be one of these unfortunate statistics! Consider microchipping your furry family
member. A microchip is a coded chip, about the size of
a grain of rice, that is implanted just beneath the skin.
The entire process takes only moments and does not
require sedation. Unlike collars and tags, a microchip
provides a permanent identification number that is
unique to your pet.
Most all veterinary hospitals, shelters, and rescues
have scanners that can quickly determine your pet’s
microchip number and match it to a data base of registered animals. If the unthinkable happens, this is the
best way to be reunited with your pet.
Consider the multiple ways your “indoor only” pets
can escape: he panics during a thunderstorm and
sprints off; he digs out under the fence; a repairman
accidentally leaves the door ajar; or your pet is visiting
an unfamiliar area and becomes disoriented.
O u r
part of our
Improve the
chance of
from accidental loss
by asking
for a microchip today!
Twice in recent weeks have Kayaks been removed
from beach fronts on Severnview Drive. The first time, a
single kayak was removed, and recovered the next day
from the river, awash. The second time, on Fathers'
Day eve, 3 Kayaks were removed from a rack on the
river-front. The next day, two of the three kayaks were
retrieved from the Beach in the Narrows (Beach 3?)
The last kayak, an Orange and yellow, 12', West Marine has not yet been recovered. If you know any information about these 'removals', please phone 301 526
6412. That having been said: Owners, please review
your security measures. Police indicate that Hunters
security cameras can be discreetly placed and will run
for a long time (and you can get an idea of your nightly
wildlife activity) We also note, and have reported to the
police departments, motorcycles racing illegally down
the street and into the community area, where they are
destroying the local walking paths. This also will be
watched for by the police. As much as we hate to do it,
we have seen groups of un-invited teenagers on the
beaches and near our piers, and we are posting them
for NO TRESPASSING. AND we are keeping the
County Police and DNR police on speed dial.
(A TO Z KIDS—Continued from page 22)
activities to fill the hours. Books that teach kids how to
make or do something are a great way to get kids reading and keep them occupied. Don't forget to take your
kids' favorite reading series along on long road trips.
Read aloud with kids. Take your children to see a
local storyteller or be one yourself. The summer months
leave extra time for enthusiastic read-alouds with children, no matter what their age. Don't forget to improvise
different voices or wear a silly hat to make the story that
much more interesting!
By: Kim Franklin
Wow….did summer come right on in. We hope you
are all well and keeping safe. Some of you may have
heard about the wave of criminal activity occurring in
our neighborhood, specifically surrounding the theft of
outboard motors. Please know that we have been
working closely with the police to help solve these
crimes. Many leads have been passed along and we
continue to seek them out. If anyone has any information that may help this case, please let us know and
we can put you in connection with the investigating
officer. Any information you can provide would be
greatly appreciated by many and may help prevent you
from becoming a victim. In the meantime, please take
precautions and necessary measures to safeguard your
property. The theft of these outboard motors has been
blatantly bold and quite risky. This type of risky behavior may give us the opening we need to catch these
criminals in action. With that said, please pay specific
attention to those areas where small boats and motors
reside and if you see anything suspicious, report it to
the police immediately. The size of these motors
seems to range from between 9hp to 25hp. Let’s pull
together as a community to eliminate the gaps these
criminals are squeezing through.
It has also recently come to our attention that a
threatening letter has been sent to a neighbor in Section 4 regarding a matter unrelated to neighborhood
watch, but signed "Your Friends at Arden Watch. Dedicated to keeping Arden a safe and residential community". Please be aware that the Neighborhood Watch
team NEVER sends letters to residents and does not
get involved in the personal matters of our neighbors.
Our program is dedicated to sharing information with
residents related to neighborhood watch and keeping
an eye out, reporting and encouraging the reporting of
suspicious activity to the police immediately to provide
the best opportunity for apprehension. It is unfortunate
that there are individuals in our community who choose
to misrepresent a group devoted to a good cause for
their own personal gain. This information is being
shared to assure our neighbors that we volunteer our
time to help you keep your families and properties safe.
We do not support, encourage, or condone this type of
Don’t forget to immediately report suspicious activity to the police by dialing 911, then following up with
the NW Team and emailing details to so that the information can be
shared with the Team and our police patrol. During the
observation of suspicious activity, it is extremely helpful
for law enforcement if you report it immediately and are
able to obtain and report the following information:
 Vehicle descriptions (make/model/color)
 Tag Numbers
 Suspect descriptions (gender/age/height/weight/
The sooner you report an incident the higher the
likelihood of apprehension, especially if an officer is
Please join us on Facebook where we can share
information and events. If you are interested in keeping
in touch, friend request the “Arden NW-Team” and let
us know what Section you live in.
Safeguard Property Tips:
 NO VALUABLES should be left in your vehicles
(locked or not).
 USE COMMON SENSE and BE AWARE of things
going on around you.
 STOP MAIL and newspaper distribution to your
home if you are away.
 Arrange for a neighbor or friend to periodically
CHECK ON YOUR HOME while you are away.
LIGHT ON INSIDE if at all possible.
night as it may give the impression that you are not
at home, even if you are.
(Continued on page 29)
(NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH—Continued from page 28)
property if possible.
 INSTALL SECURITY CAMERAS around your property if possible. (If you have installed cameras and
would like to assist the NW Team in possible future
criminal activity identification, please let us know the
area your cameras capture and we will store that
information in a private location for use by the NW
Team and law enforcement only if needed regarding
criminal activity. If your cameras could potentially
assist in an investigation, you would be contacted.)
If you are interested in assisting with the Neighborhood Watch program, please contact us at
We hope you all have a safe and enjoyable summer. Thanks to ABI for continuing to fund beach patrol
during the summer with our faithful uniformed police
(ACA OPERATIONS UPDATE—Continued from page 3)
tember 28th so you can get rid of anything that didn’t
sell at the yard sale.
There was vandalism at Town Hall on the night of
June 21st. Someone tried to break into the front door
of the hall damaging the lock so badly it had to be replaced at a cost of $400.00. There is nothing in Town
Hall to steal no computers, electronics or TVs etc.
Please keep your eyes out for any suspicious activity
and call 911.
Another resident reported outgoing mail taken from
his mail box. This was later found discarded by the side
of the road by another resident. Bills being paid were
among the items and would have caused a lot of headaches for sender and receiver if they had not been
found. Maybe we should consider using the post office
to drop off outgoing mail.
The senior luncheons are at the beaches for the
summer. This month we’ll be at beach 4 for fried chicken, watermelon etc. We meet at 11:45 on Friday, July
12th. Please join us.
Keep Cool! And have a fun summer. Alby
CONTACT: NITA WENGER (443) 517-3281
Clean out your attic, basement, garage or shed and make some cash! For only $10, you get advertising in local newspapers, the Pennysaver, Craigslist, and local signs posted. Maps are provided to all shoppers. Simply set up in your yard, driveway or garage and buyers will come to you. What could be easier?
Last year more than 70 Arden residents participated. Proceed enabled the Kids Club to host events
like the annual Easter Egg Hunt and Halloween Party. If you or your neighbors have participated in past
years, you know how successful you can be when there are hundreds of buyers in our community.
The fastest way to sign up is by going to and use the form
found on the front page of the community website. If you want to use the form found below, please
send it by mail right away! Come on and join in the Community spirit!
Entry Form—Community Yard Sale
Saturday, September 21, 8:00am - 2:00pm
(Rain Date: September 22)
Section #:
If necessary, will you participate on the Sept. 22 rain date? (Circle one) Yes No
Enclose a check for $10.00, made payable to:
ACA, PO Box 241
Crownsville, MD 21032
All proceeds benefit Arden Kids Club
Mail to ACA, P.O. Box 241, Crownsville, Maryland 21032
(REAL ESTATE CORNER—Continued from page 12)
won't see a sign, but it's there. Lots of great hiking
trails, and, guess what, the only remaining fresh water
trout stream in A. A. County.
Did you know the Washington Monument, located in
Baltimore (no not D.C.), is open on weekends for climbing the stairs, to the top? What a view of the city!
While in Baltimore, make sure you pay a visit to
both the Babe Ruth Museum, and the Sports Legends
Museum. The Sports Legends Museum is located in
the old railroad station at Camden Yards, and highlights
all local sports.
There are many more hidden gems in our region,
which I will highlight in a future article. I think it's important to get to know the area in which we live.
For more information on this topic and real estate
related matters, be sure to visit my website at
(RETIRING OLD FLAGS—Continued from page 18)
struct future generations as well as convey the importance of our flag.
If you would like to retire a flag at your home, this is
perfectly acceptable as well. The proper ‘procedure’ is
to, either alone or with your family, raise the flag on the
pole or staff or hold it aloft by hand, salute and recite
the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, say something
like, "This flag has served its nation well and long. It is
now worn to a condition in which it should no longer be
used to represent the nation. We pay honor to this flag
for the service it has rendered,” lower the flag and
properly fold the flag, burn it until it is completely consumed.
An alternative retirement process includes cutting
the flag apart, instead of folding it, so as to completely
burn the entire flag without issue. To do so, you keep
the flag off the ground and cut the stars out of the canton, cut the stripes apart, with dignity, put the stripes
into the fire one by one, let the material burn completely, then place the canton into the fire and let it burn
Just like death and taxes, this is an uncomfortable
subject for many… however, it is important to know so
that you properly show respect for the multitudes of
Americans who have died trying to preserve the freedoms that we enjoy every day.
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