Pdf Format - American Philatelic Society
Pdf Format - American Philatelic Society
Member Services Handbook American Philatelic Society America’s Stamp Club 12/2013 Welcome to America’s Stamp Club Learn More, Do More, Enjoy More with APS Take advantage of your member services, there’s Something for Everyone! Administrative Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Address Changes • Register your Collecting Interests Mailing List Requests • Dispute Resolution Contact Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Clubs and Specialty Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Dealer Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Education — Learning Never Ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–5 Expertizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Magazine — The American Philatelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Mail Sales Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8–9 Mentor Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Online Stamp Store . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Protect Your Collection Estate Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Insurance Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Stamp Theft Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Recruit Members & Earn $5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Shows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Stamp Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Stay Connected. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Teacher Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Translation Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Visit Us American Philatelic Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Website/Online Resources/Media. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Young Stamp Collectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 American Philatelic Society American Philatelic Research Library 100 Match Factory Place • Bellefonte, PA 16823-1367 Phone: 814-933-3803 • Fax: 814-933-6128 Hours Monday through Friday: 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Both the building and the Library are closed on all major holidays. Executive Director Ken Martin, ext. 218 kpmartin@stamps.org Controller Rick Banks, ext. 216 rbanks@stamps.org Director of Information Services/Librarian Tara Murray, ext. 246 tmurray@stamps.org Manager of Membership Administration Judy Johnson, ext. 210 judy@stamps.org Address Changes: requests@stamps.org Director of Circuit Sales Thomas W. Horn, ext. 227 twhorn@stamps.org Director of Education & Volunteers Gretchen Moody, ext. 239 gretchen@stamps.org Young Stamp Collectors of America Janet Houser, ext. 238 jehouser@stamps.org Director of Expertizing Mercer Bristow, ext. 205 mercer@stamps.org Director of Information Technology/Webmaster Wendy Masorti, ext. 202 wendy@stamps.org Director of Internet Sales Renee Gardner, ext. 270 StampStore@stamps.org Director of Shows and Exhibitions Dana Guyer, ext. 207 dana@stamps.org Barb Johnson, ext. 217 barbj@stamps.org Show Time Listings showtime@stamps.org Public Relations Manager Doris Wilson, ext. 223 doris@stamps.org The American Philatelist Barbara Boal, ext. 221 baboal@stamps.org Advertising Information Helen Bruno, ext. 224 adsales@stamps.org Stay Connected With APS www.stamps.org http://blog.stamplibrary.org Twitter.com/APS_Stamps • Twitter.com/Stamplibrary www.youtube.com/user/AmericasStampClub www.facebook.com/american.philatelic.society www.pinterest.com/amphilatelicsoc/ www.linkedin.com/company/American-Philatelic-Society www.pinterest.com/stamplibrary/ 2 APS Handbook of Services The American Philatelist The American Philatelist is the premier philatelic magazine in the nation and the oldest continuously published philatelic journal in the world. This award-winning monthly publication features: • Colorful articles, with subjects ranging from topicals to postal history, cinderellas to revenues, research to philatelic memories — all written by APS members. • Calendar of upcoming stamp shows and exhibitions. • Society news, resources, and sources for stamps. • Advertisements from the world’s leading stamp dealers. • And much more! The AP also is available online at www.stamps.org/American-Philatelist. Members must sign in to gain access. From the pages of the online version readers can click on links and directing them to a particular advertiser or APS service. Other highlights of the digital AP are printer-friendly pages; a downloadable PDF version; a translation application; a zoom tool to see enlargements of the pages, stamps, or covers; and more. Other online perks for members include Bonus Content (www.stamps.org/AP-Album) and archives of issues back to 2007. Write an Article — We welcome articles about any aspect of philately, so long as they are original with the AP. You may request “Author Guidelines” from or submit your manuscript to: The American Philatelist, 100 Match Factory Place, Bellefonte, PA 16823 or e-mail at aparticle@ stamps.org or online at www.stamps.org. Advertise — If you would like to advertise in the AP, call 814-933-3818 or e-mail adsales@stamps.org for our ad rates and deadlines. Ad design services available. Learning through APS Affiliates & Chapters Join a national group that specializes in your areas of interests or find a club in your area! Affiliates National Specialty Societies An APS affiliate is a national organization formed for the study of a special area of philately. The APS has 200 affiliates specializing in everything from Air Mail to Zeppelins. Each group is affiliated with the APS, but is a separate organization offering varying services to its members. Nearly all publish specialized journals. How To Join an APS Affiliate Contact the APS to receive a list of current affiliates or visit www.stamps.org/Specialty-Societies for an online directory with contact addresses, websites, and e-mails. Application forms for APS affiliates are available from the APS, 100 Match Factory Place, Bellefonte, PA 16823; 814-933-3803, ext. 201, or by contacting the societies directly from the information provided on the APS website. Local Stamp Clubs Looking to find a club in your area? The APS has 500+ local clubs throughout the U.S. and many countries. All are chapter members of the APS, but each is a separate organization offering its own services to its members. Visit www.stamps.org/LocalClubs to find the nearest APS club in your area, the time and location of its meetings, and contact information. The APS supports its chapters through the Chapter Activities Committee, which sponsors a publication contest and conducts other programs for local clubs. The APS also offers clubs the use of audio visual programs, CDs, sales circuits, and the help of exhibition judges. Free show listings on the APS Show Calendar and mailing lists are available to chapters to help promote their club and any upcoming events. If your Specialty Group or Local Club is interested in the benefits of joining forces with the APS, contact us today for details: 814-933-3803, or visit us online at www.stamps.org APS Handbook of Services 3 Learning Never Ends with APS... Information, Courses, Clubs & Specialty Groups, Books, Magazine Articles, Library… Whether you are a beginning stamp collector or have collected for years, the APS provides opportunities to broaden your interests and enhance your collecting enjoyment! Answers Are a Member Service Fast, friendly information is one of the most valuable benefits of APS membership! The APS staff offers responses to questions like: “My mint stamps are stuck together, how do I get them apart?” “Where can I find supplements for my stamp album?” “How do I collect plate blocks from the self-adhesive stamp sheets?” Answers may involve referring a member to library materials, matching a member with a mentor, or suggesting an affiliated club for collectors who are looking for more in-depth support. While our staff does not have all the answers, they often can point you to an individual, dealer, philatelic publication, or another organization that can meet your specific need. We also offer a Q&A section on our website that is packed with helpful information. Visit www.stamps.org. Information on Getting Started Free informational brochures are available upon request or in pdf format on our website. The brochures cover the basics such as where to find stamps; tools of the hobby; soaking, sorting and mounting stamps; and more! Available online at the APS education page is introductory information about the hobby. Here you can discover how stamps came to be, tips on getting started, and how to improve your stamp collection. The APS also offers a variety of publications for sale, and material just for beginners. Mentor Services The dictionary defines a mentor as “a wise and trusted counselor,” combining the instructional attributes of a teacher with the insights of a guide or seasoned traveling companion. At the APS, a mentor is a fellow collector who is familiar with the territory you’re just discovering, a philatelic friend who can help show you the lay of the land. APS Mentor Service — The APS Mentor Service allows you to tap into the talent and experience we have available among our members Mentors answer questions by mail, e-mail, or phone contact. To participate, complete the Mentor Request form (enclosed in the front of your handbook) and mail it to the Education Department with $2 mint postage. 4 APS Handbook of Services Summer Seminar students hard at work. APS StampBuddy Service — The StampBuddy Service goal is to make your stamp collecting experience enjoyable. A StampBuddy mentor who has similar interests and the desire to help fellow collectors will be matched with you. A mentor can accompany you to a show, club meeting, or dealer. Your mentor can also advise you on how to store your stamps and covers, where to buy your supplies, and much more. StampBuddy mentors have a wealth of information and are eager to share it with the new collector. Go to the APS website to learn more: www. stamps.org/StampBuddy. Education Courses The APS Education Department offers both traditional and online courses. The traditional courses are offered at the American Philatelic Center in Bellefonte as well as at various venues around the United States, usually in connection with a stamp show. Traditional Courses • Adult Beginner’s Workshop— Stamp Collecting 101, a half-day beginner’s workshop for adults age 15 and up, is an opportunity to learn a great deal about the hobby in a short time from friendly stamp experts. The workshop is held during the Society’s annual AmeriStamp Expo and StampShow. Topics covered include how to understand and use the Scott Catalogue; basic tools of the hobby; how to mount and store philatelic material; how to soak stamps off paper; and how to identify worldwide stamps. A small fee is charged to cover the cost of materials. Contact the Education Department for more details. • Summer Seminar on Philately — Every June some of the greatest experts in the hobby — and collectors eager to learn from them — gather for a week-long, intensive, hands-on program. Small classes allow highly personalized instruction and sharing of information. Each student selects one “major” course of study. Elective courses and group sessions allow students to sample topics outside their major course. The week includes tours of the American Philatelic Center, use of the Sales Division and the Library, an auction of studentconsigned material, and social events. • APS Courses “On the Road” — The APS occasionally offers educational courses prior to large national shows in major cities. Frequently, the course content is tailored to what collectors in that area wish to learn. Online Courses at APS StampCampus Online courses are available at various times throughout the year and vary in format from live Internet classes to correspondence. Check the APS website for specific course topics and dates. Each course is written by collectors for collectors. • Basic Stamp Collecting (four lessons). • Collecting First Day Covers (Parts 1& 2). • Keys to Exhibiting (six lessons). Publications What better way to learn than through reading? APS publications range from books and kits for the beginner, to coffee table books, to scholarly works. Members enjoy a generous 20% discount on many Society publications. For a complete list of publications, visit the APS Shop at www.stamps.org/Publications or request a brochure by phone: 814-933-3803 or e-mail: requests@stamps.org. Just For Kids Get an Early Start with APS Stamp collecting is a hobby young people enjoy. Many older stamp collectors got their start as children and credit their stamp collecting hobby with success in school and academic endeavors. Kids can enjoy the hobby by: • Visiting “Just For Kids” at www.stamps.org — for information, fun facts, activities, upcoming stamp releases, and more! • Joining an AllStar Stamp Club in your area — have fun with young collectors just like you! Contact the APS today for a club near you! • Joining Young Stamp Collectors of America — an Internet-based group for young collectors under 18. As a member you will receive the YSCA e-newsletter, special low prices on collecting supplies, an exciting website, online support via e-mail, and a monthly e-meeting! Teacher/Leader Resources Today’s teachers need standard-based lessons that meet the needs of all their students, using hands-on methods. Stamps are a terrific way to help children achieve. The APS assists teachers by: • Offering the “Stamps in the Classroom” workshop at APS stamp shows and various teacher conventions and conferences. • Supporting teachers who join the AllStar Stamp Club with philatelic material and activities. • Making available a section of our website with free lesson plans that incorporate stamps. • Supplying leaders and teachers with printable brochures for beginning stamp collectors. • Connecting with homeschool families to provide training in using stamps to teach and learn. • Earning your Boy Scout Stamp Collecting Merit Badge. • Working with university professors in training pre-service teachers on the use of stamps in the classroom. Contact YSCA@stamps.org for more information on Youth Stamp Collecting activities. • Offering the American Philatelic Center as a site for classroom field trips. APS Handbook of Services 5 American Philatelic Research Library www.stamplibrary.org the ultimate philatelic research site The APRL has one of the world’s largest and most accessible collections of philatelic literature. Housed in the American Philatelic Center in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, its nearly three miles of shelving contain more than 21,000 book titles and 5,700 journal titles. The Library Collection The collection includes books and journals about worldwide stamps and postal history, as well as the history of philately and related subjects like transportation and geography. In addition to books, journals, and newsletters, the Library has: • Catalogs (general and specialized) • Government documents • Auction catalogs and price lists • Stamp show programs and palmares • Exhibits (copies of philatelic exhibits) • CD- and DVD-ROMs • A growing collection of digital resources Special collections and archives include the Daniel Hines Air Mail Collection; the American First Day Cover Society Archives; reference files compiled by Ernest Kehr, Belmont Faries, John Stark, and Forest Ellis; the Elliott Perry–Cyril dos Passos correspondence files; post office documents collections; and more. The APRL collections have been strengthened over the years through the acquisition of specialized libraries including the State Revenue Society Library, American Revenue Association Library, Polonus Philatelic Society Library, and the Postal History Society Library. Using the Library Members are welcome to visit the library in Bellefonte, where they can browse the collection, access archival materials, consult with library staff, and use our comfortable research space. Library collections and services can also be accessed from anywhere in the world — when you have research questions, e-mail us at aprl@stamps.org, call us at 814-933-3803, or discover online resources at www.stamplibrary.org. 6 APS Handbook of Services The APRL Delivers … to your mailbox and your inbox Search our catalog online at www.stamplibrary.org. Access online publications and request book loans, photocopies, or scans using the handy cart feature. The catalog also serves as the Philatelic Union Catalog, allowing you to search the holdings of multiple libraries and an article index simultaneously. Services for APS members include: • Book loans by mail • Photocopy and scanning services • Reference assistance The Philatelic Literature Review The APRL’s quarterly journal delivers indexes, bibliographies, book reviews, library news, and “The Clearinghouse” — a forum for buying and selling philatelic literature — in both print and digital formats. The basic U.S. subscription — or a digital subscription anywhere in the world — is just $18 a year. In between issues, keep up with the latest news by following the journal’s companion blog, Philatelic Literature & Research, at http://blog.stamplibrary.org. Tax-Exempt Status The APRL is a public library under Pennsylvania law and an authorized tax-exempt, nonprofit institution under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The library welcomes donations of philatelic literature and materials, archival items and collections, as well as monetary contributions to secure the maintenance and growth of library services. If you are considering a donation of literature or archival material, please contact us in advance to make arrangements. APS Digital/Web Resources Stamp collecting is a hobby that can be as diverse a pastime as we wish it to be. For example, while many collectors prefer the traditional pursuit of engraved stamps with water-activated gum that allows a stamp to be easily removed from paper in water, others may collect stampless covers, postmarks, or colorful topicals that reflect another hobby. The APS continually strives to address the interests and needs of all our varied members. Although we maintain a traditional touch with our printed monthly journal and though our direct mail sales circuits, we also utilize technology to allow us to provide additional services to help our members enhance their enjoyment of collecting. Stamps.org The world wide web provides an unparalleled opportunity for groups and individuals to share vast amounts of information at a relatively low cost. During 2013 the nearly 1,000 pages on the APS website (www.stamps.org) were visited more than a half million times. Some of the information we provide is available to anyone, but the site also includes a members-only area that includes such things as archived issues of The American Philatelist and the Philatelic Literature Review. Members also can access records of their recent transactions with the Society and check on items they have available for sale or have submitted for services such as Quick ID. In addition to the general information on all APS services, some of the most frequently visited pages include: • Information on U.S. New Issues • Free full-color, downloadable Album Pages • Dealer contact information • Local club and affiliate information • Digital version of The American Philatelist • Event and Show Calendar • Literature holdings for the APRL and ten other libraries • Scans of material in our Reference Collection • Digital Exhibits • Award-winning articles • Free colorful, downloadable Cachets and Wallpaper • Columns detailing differences between genuine and forged stamps • Detailed information on the Society and Library, including our history, bylaws, budget, financial statements, annual tax forms, ethics, and conflict of interest policies also are available. E-Newsletter The APS first issued monthly e-newsletters in 2000. Revamped and expanded in 2008, the e-newsletter goes to all members who have provided their e-mails and requested to be included on the mailing list. The newsletter supplements the monthly American Philatelist by allowing us to share more timely news of the Society and current events in the hobby. Online Courses The Society offers an excellent online learning environment with affordable, personalized instruction for newcomers to the hobby. Each course is directed by a knowledgeable stamp collector and provides lessons that aren’t buried in hobby jargon; won’t demand expensive equipment, software, or materials; and include open discussions in online chat groups. We currently are offering three courses: Basics of Stamp Collecting, Keys to Exhibiting, and Collecting First Day Covers. Videos With tens of thousands of stamp collectors in the philatelic community, we realize that not everyone can attend our Summer Seminar, our winter and summer stamp shows, the Postal History Symposiums, and many other philatelic events around the country. To broaden the audience for these exciting events, we now videotape and post to the Internet portions of many such activities and hobby-related talks. Additionally, we have produced several videos on how to use the various APS services. A listing of and links to our videos and select other philatelic videos is available on the Stamp YouTubes page on our website. Most of the videos are posted on the APS YouTube Channel. Digital Programs, Publications and Exhibits Traditionally, APS has provided a slide library of nearly 150 programs that we make available to our local chapters for the cost of shipping. We have begun the process of converting these programs to DVDs, most of which are available for purchase in our online store. We also have converted a few traditional print publications that are out of copyright, or for which we own the copyright, to a digital format. Some of these are for sale on DVDs and others can be accessed directly from our library’s online catalogue (which allows searches for records with digital content). A number of exhibitors also have given us permission to post digital copies of their exhibits. Online Shopping In addition to our online StampStore, which offers nearly 250,000 stamps and covers for sale to APS members (and provides members an opportunity to sell their material as well), the APS offers a complete online shopping experience. Just click on “Shop” on our home page and then on “Specialty Shops” to see the range of available publications, hobby supplies, APS logo merchandise, and gift cards. Chapter Webpages APS will produce and maintain a website for our individual Chapters for $75 per year. This fee includes hosting and allows up to four updates annually. If your club is interested in a premium website that would allow updates, a blog, unlimited pages, photo galleries, etc., please contact our webmaster, Wendy Masorti (wendy@stamps.org), for further details and related costs. Social Media APS and APRL maintain a presence on major social media platforms including Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, and Pinterest. Our Library also has its own blog (http://blog. stamplibrary.org). APS Handbook of Services 7 Buy & Sell through APS Sales Circuits “Mini Stamp Stores” Delivered to Your Home For more than 125 years, the Sales Division has served as a middleman for thousands of APS members who wish to buy and/or sell stamps and covers — all from the convenience of their home! What the Sales Division Can Offer You! • “Mini Stamp Shops” delivered to your home • $8.0 million inventory • More than 160 collecting categories • No buying limit • $215 average value per sales book • Friendly staff • Buyer satisfaction guaranteed • Sellers’ books insured while circulating • 40,000 sales books in circulation among members • Examiners review items for correct identification and authenticity • Excellent customer service (more than 150 combined years of experience in the APS Sales Division!) What Is a “Circuit”? Sales books containing stamps or covers from a specific category (country, topic, etc.) are distributed in “circuits” to prospective buyers who are grouped geographically. Buying — How Does It Work? • Submit a completed Circuit Request form, available from the Sales Division or online at www.stamps.org. • Purchase a rubber stamp containing your initials and APS number to mark the spaces in the sales book where you have removed a stamp or cover for purchase. Multiple-name Circuits • Based on your zip code, you will be assigned to a circuit list for each category you select. 8 APS Handbook of Services • A selection of sales books is sent to the first person on the circuit list. Purchases are marked with a personal stamper, and the books and paperwork are forwarded to the next member on the circuit within seven (7) days. • Each shipment must be forwarded via first class or priority mail, using the tracking method described in the mailing instructions supplied in each circuit. • Payment for items selected should be sent to the APS. Local Club Circuits Local APS chapters can request sales books for their meetings. Mailings may be scheduled as frequently as once a month. The contents of club circuits are selected based upon the specific collecting interests of the club’s members. Direct Individual Circuits Seasonal – for members who reside “down South” for the winter. Circuits are sent to each of the two locations directly from APS. On Demand — these circuits are sent on demand and based on availability of selected categories. There is a charge for this circuit. Clearance — these circuits contain previously circulated sales books offered as “buy-whole-book-or-nothing” at discounted prices. APS Visitors — for members traveling in the Central Pennsylvania area and stopping at APS headquarters. The in-house inventory is available for browsing and purchasing. Selling — How Do I Begin? Material to be sold must be mounted in one of five types of sales books, available for purchase at cost from Sales Division. Each sales book measures 5 x 8 inches; items larger than those dimensions cannot be accepted. • Single stamps — 16 pages, 12 spaces per page. • Blocks of stamps — 16 pages, 6 spaces per page. • 8-Page single stamps — 8 pages, 12 spaces per page. • 8-Page blocks of stamps — 8 pages, 6 spaces per page. • Covers — 14 pages, each having a pocket. The Sales Division also sells mounts for use with the sales books. They are closed on three sides, and each has a flap on the fourth side with a self-adhesive strip on the back. Mounts are available for definitives and standard commemoratives, large single stamps, definitive blocks of four, and commemorative plate blocks. Detailed Buying and Selling instructions, suggestions, and rules are printed in each sales book. I Have the Books — Now What? • The seller mounts, describes, and prices items within each sales book, and sends the completed book(s) to the Sales Division. • The Sales Division checks each book for pricing, clarity of description, and proper mounting, and assigns the book to an appropriate category. • For the protection of sellers, the contents of each book are photographed when received and an acknowledgment of receipt is sent. Circulation Time Sales books are circulated for approximately eighteen months, after which time they are processed for retirement and returned to the owner with payment for items sold. The seller may elect to have a book circulate for twenty-four months. A book will be retired before eighteen months if there is less than $10 in unsold material remaining. Retired books may be offered on our clearance circuits at a discount for the selling of the contents as one lot. Summer Seminar participants enjoy some time in the Sales Division. Payment and Charges Payment is made to the seller upon retirement of the sales book, after deduction of appropriate charges: • 20% commission on material sold. • 2% insurance charge, based on value of the unsold material in the book at retirement. (This provides complete coverage against loss or damage while the material is in the hands of the Sales Division.) • Return postage. • Any fines levied by examiners for improperly identified items. All Sales Division charges are deducted at the time of retirement and are itemized on the retirement statement. Contact the Sales Division today to get started. Phone: 814-933-3803, ext. 228 • E-mail: salesdiv@stamps.org Translation Service Available As an APS member, you can obtain translations of philatelically related material — letters, cancellations, inscriptions on stamps, FDC cachets — through the APS Translation Service. Translations of practically all major languages can be accomplished by the more than fifty members of the Translation Committee. FEES: Short translations generally are provided at no charge; in some cases a small fee is assessed. For difficult or complex translations, higher charges are assessed. All fees, including postage, are set before the translation is begun, along with a price limit. As a general rule, three times the postage necessary to send the translation to APS should be enclosed with the submitted material to cover all forwarding and return postage requirements. Do not send original material unless it is impossible to make clear photocopies. If it is necessary to send an original document, send it either by registered or insured mail. Send all requests to: Bobby Liao, Translation Committee Chairman; c/o American Philatelic Society, 100 Match Factory Place, Bellefonte, PA 16823; e-mail apstranslations@ gmail.com; website: sites.google.com/site/apstranslationservice/ You Can Help: If you are able to translate from or to another language and are willing to serve as a member of the Translation Committee, please offer your services directly to Bobby Liao. APS Handbook of Services 9 Buy & Sell Online with APS www.StampStore.org Visit APS StampStore — your online philatelic marketplace for stamps, covers, and other philatelic items. • No bidding or waiting — you see it, you like it, you buy it! • APS 30-day money-back guarantee on any item not as described. • Buy from fellow APS member/collectors. • Secure, safe online transactions. • Speedy shipment of orders. • More than 225,000 items available, with new items added every business day. • Looking for philatelic literature? StampStore also features many new and used books. How To Sell If you are interested in selling philatelic items on StampStore, contact Internet Sales by phone 814-933-3803, ext. 270; by fax 814-933-6128; or e-mail us at stampstore@stamps.org. We will send you a “free starter packet” that includes submission forms, instructions, and samples of how to prepare material for our online sales. Submission forms and instructions also are available online at www.stampstore.org. How To Buy With more than 225,000 items, it might be difficult to figure out where to begin shopping. Never fear, the “Search Stamps” feature is a very useful tool for the online shopper. Search Tips Searching the more than 225,000 items is very easy! For the best shopping experience, you will need to narrow your results to find material that best fits your interests. However, the more search criteria you enter (e.g. Scott number range, cost, used or unused, etc.) the fewer results you will receive. You can always broaden the search by eliminating some of the criteria. Your Order Order Fulfillment/Shipping Fees Orders are shipped the first business day after payment is processed for purchases. APS strives to keep our shipping rates at a minimum. A fee of up to $3.95 + 2% (insurance/handling) of the order total is charged for orders shipped within the United States (foreign rates are higher). Full details and a shipping fee schedule is available at www.stampstore.org. Customs and Import Duties will apply if the purchaser is considered the importer of record, and must comply with all laws and regulations of the country to which the order is being sent. Contact the local customs office for further information. The APS Guarantee states that the American Philatelic Society stands behind every item sold at StampStore.org. You have thirty days after the order is shipped from StampStore.org to return material that is not as described to receive your money back. Expertizing an item you purchase can be done by selecting the “expertize” box on the checkout page. The fee is $25 per stamp. On average the process takes less than 45 days. When we receive the opinion, we will contact you by phone or e-mail, at which time you may reject the item if the Expert Committee finds it to be other than as described by the seller. You will be refunded the full sale price as well as the expertizing fee. Log On Today! www.StampStore.org to discover one of the Internet’s most popular philatelic shopping experiences. Phone: 814-933-3803, ext. 270 • E-mail: stampstore@stamps.org 10 APS Handbook of Services APS Shows Each year the APS runs two shows that rotate around the country. AmeriStamp Expo is held in January or February and StampShow in August. For most years, APS StampShow is the largest philatelic event held anywhere in the world. StampShow often includes more than 150 dealers buying and selling stamps, 15,000 pages of competitive exhibits, multiple first day ceremonies, 150 or more seminars, a public auction, and a youth area. All members are welcome to attend the free events, and many affiliates hold meetings and seminars in conjunction with the APS shows. Future APS Show: APS StampShow 2014 August 21–24 Hatford, Connecticut APS AmeriStamp Expo 2015 February 13–15 Riverside, California APS StampShow 2015 August 20–23 Grand Rapids, Michigan New York 2016 May 22–29 World Philatelic Exhibition APS StampShow 2016 August 4–7 Portland, Oregon Visit www.stamps.org for show details, travel and hotel accommodations, things to do in the area, etc. Check out the APS Show Calendar! In addition to our own shows, the APS accredits more than thirty annual national shows. To find information on these and other local shows in your area, visit the APS Show Calendar online or browse the Show Time column in The American Philatelist where listings of upcoming shows are provided. History at the American Philatelic Center It’s well worth a visit! The American Philatelic Center has much more to offer than just the vast resources of the Library and Reference Collection and the opportunity to peruse sales circuits for bargains. A few highlights include: The Match Factory — The American Philatelic Center includes the 18-building former industrial complex constructed under the direction of the Pennsylvania Match Company in 1899. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the complex was one of the eight largest match factories in the United States, with as many as 400 employees. Headsville, West Virginia, Post Office — The Civil War-era post office and general store that resided in the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History for more than 25 years now is on loan as a contract postal unit for the APS. View inscriptions written on the shutters by Civil War soldiers, the original fixtures, and the building that served as a model for the 8-cent Mail Order U.S. postage stamp. Bellefonte Air Mail Pioneers — For ten years, from 1918 to 1927, Bellefonte was a regular stop for the fearless pilots of the early U.S. air mail service. See actual photos of the early air mail field and equipment as well as a memorial to those who perished flying “Hell’s Stretch,” as the mountainous area around Bellefonte was known. The Rosback Rotary Perforator — The 1915 machine was used to perforate 6,641 sheets of the 1-cent gray green Washington stamp issued August 15, 1919 (Scott 536) — the last of the offset Washington Franklins. Mail-O-Meter — The Mail-O-Meter, purchased for and donated to the APS by Kurt and Joann Lenz, was made in 1906 and was used to seal envelopes and to separate and apply stamps. Visit www.stamps.org/Show-Calendar/ APS Handbook of Services 11 Quick I.D. Do you want to buy a stamp on the Internet, but aren’t sure it is properly identified? Do you have a question about a stamp you already own? Quick I.D. can help identify that stamp. This is a quick identification service for items not normally listed in the standard postage catalogues, such as foreign revenue stamps, charity labels, local stamps, etc. Please note that it is not an official opinion of authenticity as offered by our Expertizing Service. Quick I.D. or Expertizing? Submitting Items Online If you own a computer and a scanner, the process is quick and easy using the Quick I.D. upload wizard! Go to www.stamps.org/stamp-identification STEP 1: Scan Images Scanning tips are available online to help you. STEP 2: Upload Images Upload each image by using the online browse feature. STEP 3: Send Images Continue to an online form where you will be asked to fill in the required information and click on Send. That’s it! Within four working days, you will receive an e-mail with a link to your Quick I.D. Report. Submitting Items by Mail For members without scanning capabilities, you may submit a good quality color photocopy of the item, along with a submission form. The forms are available online in printable .pdf format at www.stamps.org/stamp-identification or you may request a form by calling 814-933-3803. Please remember to include a check and/or credit card number as indicated on the form to cover the Quick I.D. fees. Send the photocopy, submission form, and payment to: Quick I.D., 100 Match Factory Place, Bellefonte PA 16823. Quick I.D. Fees $5 per scanned item (APS member price) or $10 per scanned item (non-APS member price) 12 APS Handbook of Services Which service do I use? Quick I.D. Is Information Quick I.D. provides basic information based on an image of a stamp. We usually can provide the country or issuing entity and design type. We frequently can provide a catalogue number and approximate value, but the opinion is not guaranteed. Identification is normally provided within four working days of submission. Expertizing Is Protection Expertizing is appropriate to protect your investment and avoid financial loss or disappointment. For some rare stamps with a common design it can be nearly impossible to make a sale without a formal Expertizing Certificate. Expertizing provides a guaranteed opinion detailing a stamp’s identity and condition. Quick I.D. may be sufficient to determine if a stamp has been reperfed, but Expertizing is usually needed to detect more subtle alterations like regumming or repairs. Sophisticated equipment, experts around the country, our own Reference Collection, and the resources of the largest public philatelic library are used to examine the actual stamp. Typical turn-around time is less than 45 days, but some items require as long as 90 days. Authentication Service We Expertize the World! Since 1903 the American Philatelic Expertizing Service (APEX) has reviewed more than 206,000 postage stamps, covers, and other philatelic material. APEX utilizes the services of more than 110 specialists and a variety of high-tech equipment to provide guaranteed opinions. Anyone may submit material to the service, but APS members receive discounted rates. Member rates, based on catalogue value of the material submitted, begin at $20 for items valued at up to $200. Each item is returned with a certificate bearing a color scan and a written opinion detailing its identity and condition. The Need for Certification Why Expertize? is returned to the owner. Any comments from the experts become part of the permanent file kept by the service. • To have proper identification of paper, color, watermark and grills • On average, the process takes less than 45 days from receipt to return. However, because the service is operated via the mail and your stamp may be reviewed by up to five experts, we ask that you allow 90 days before contacting us. An item will not be accepted for expertizing if the owner insists upon a deadline for its return. • To know if a stamp is never hinged or has been regummed or had a cancel removed • All items are insured for their full value from receipt until we return them to you. • To avoid financial loss and disappointment • To have a warranty of genuineness • To know if a stamp has been repaired or has hidden flaws • To know if an item has been reperforated or perfs have been trimmed to resemble a coil or imperforate stamp • To make it easier to sell your item! While outright counterfeits may not be as prolific today as they once were, modern alteration and or repair of genuine items to increase their value has been spurred by the demand for highquality material. The desire for perfection has led to extensive repairing and regumming of the classic issues of all countries. To Submit an Item Each item must be accompanied by a submission form. Forms may be downloaded from the APS website or obtained by sending a self-addressed, stamped No. 10 envelope to: APEX, 100 Match Factory Place, Bellefonte, PA 16823. Guidelines and fees for submitting items are printed on each form. Once Submitted • Each item received is assigned a number and scanned. That scan is kept on permanent file and is printed on the certificate when it is returned to the owner after the process has been finalized. • Items are directed to experts by registered mail. (Your name will not be shared with the experts; and, likewise, the identities of the experts are not shared.) • A formal opinion is printed on the certificate and the item Occasionally, when the required unanimous opinion cannot be reached by experts, the service declines to render an opinion and refunds all fees, minus a nominal administrative charge. The APEX Guarantee APEX is the only major expertizer that provides a guarantee. APS will compensate the owner of a philatelic item that has been wrongly certified as genuine or misidentified up to $5,000. Full details of the guarantee are provided on every certificate. The service renders opinions only on genuineness; it respectfully declines requests for market value and for statements of centering and numerical grading, but it will note defects and alterations not readily apparent. Reference Collection Many items that have been judged “not genuine” subsequently have been donated to the American Philatelic Reference Collection of Fakes and Forgeries. This provides a tremendous resource and also removes spurious material from the marketplace. The collection is housed in the American Philatelic Center, and researchers may use it there. Donations of known counterfeits are welcomed at any time. For More Information visit www.stamps.org Call: 814-933-3803, ext. 205 or 206 E-mail: mercer@stamps.org or krharter@stamps.org APS Handbook of Services 13 Protecting Your Collection Insure It • What To Do if It Is Stolen • Plan Your Estate APS Stamp Insurance Collect Defensively APS, Hugh Wood Inc. & You Thieves Like Stamps, Too! The perfect partnership for the protection of your collection. The APS considers the endorsement of any product or service a serious matter and recommends only the best available to the membership. Hugh Wood, Major Causes for Inc. is the official insurance Philatelic Loss broker for the APS Stamp • Fire • Theft • Water • Travel • Shipping • Accidental Damage Insurance Program. The prestige of the APS and the strength of our membership has enabled us to establish this Stamp Insurance Plan. Compare the coverage and cost of this plan with your current insurance, and we are confident that you will agree. Hugh Wood, Inc. — the right choice for stamp insurance. Principal Plan Benefits • Easy application process: — call toll free 1-888-APS-6494 — apply online at www.hughwood.com — send an e-mail to aps@hughwood.com — send a fax to 1-814-933-3826 — by mail to HWI at the address below • No inventory or appraisal is required for any single item valued less than $25,000. • No exclusion for losses from an unattended automobile. • No exclusion for items transported in the hold of an aircraft. • Collections of all sizes and value are welcome. Premiums start at just $25 annually. • No potential tax liability — the insurance program is filed in all fifty states. Hugh Wood, Inc. 220 Match Factory Place Bellefonte, PA 16823 Toll Free: 1-888-APS-6494 www.hughwood.com HWI/APS Stamp Insurance is exclusively for APS members — designed by collectors for collectors. 14 APS Handbook of Services Because philatelic collections are both portable and negotiable, they are especially attractive to thieves. You can protect your collection by taking several precautions: • Use security measures like burglar-resistant safes, burglar alarm systems, bank vaults, and the careful recording of important philatelic material. • Photograph, scan, or photocopy the valuable items in your collection. Keep that record in a safe place, but never with the collection itself. • Know the terms of your APS collector insurance policy and abide by those terms. If You Have a Theft If you are the victim of a stamp theft, touch nothing and follow these steps: • Call the police immediately and describe your loss as clearly as possible. Request a copy of the police report for later reference. • Contact the APS Stamp Theft Committee by e-mail at stamptheft@stamps.org. Its services are available to all victims of stamp theft. • Advise the investigating officers that you have contacted the APS Theft Committee. The committee immediately collects information — times, dates, locations, and facts that will be used as a basis for the file on your specific case. After an initial interview, victims are sent a detailed questionnaire and an inventory loss form to complete and return. The information becomes part of a confidential file and is available for the committee to use in identifying your stolen property. Some stamp thefts are reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Records are maintained for quick reference as questions arise and are used for statistical studies of theft locations, frequency, and amount of losses. To report a theft E-mail: stamptheft@stamps.org Planning Your Philatelic Estate Protect the future of your collection Leave Instructions for Your Heirs We frequently hear from the heirs of former members asking for assistance in disposing of a member’s collection. While we do assist through our Estate Advisory Service, it is much more likely that your wishes will be fulfilled if you plan ahead. With advance planning you may minimize estate taxes, better ensure that your collection is distributed in accordance with your desires, and help get maximum value from your material. First things first! Stress that the collection needs care. Storage in a basement or attic for two years may be very detrimental. And, if your collection is insured, be sure to provide policy and contact information. The careful planning of one’s estate requires the preparation of an inventory, an honest valuation, a plan for distribution, and selection of an administrator. 1. Inventory. Keeping your material organized will insure that it can be easily inspected and the better items identified. That is why one of the most important documents is an inventory of your collection. Don’t panic, this does not necessarily have to be a complete list of stamps and other items — but it should include different collections or exhibits, number of albums and title of their contents, the nature of loose stamps, literature, etc. The list should also identify the location of the items (book case in stamp room, bank vault, etc.) and if any items have expert certificates. 2. Honest Evaluation. A common mistake is that the collector has not shared an honest evaluation with anyone else. We hear far too many horror stories about collections for which the value was hidden from other family members who, not realizing the collection represented significant value, simply pitched it. And it is also not uncommon to hear about the crestfallen spouse who believes the collection of modern U.S. first day covers is worth $50,000. If you don’t want the value of your collection known while you are alive, at least provide a reasonable estimate in the documents you leave behind to be opened after your death. In making an inventory, list catalogue value, replacement value, and estimated price that might be realized at a forced sale. 3. Plan for Distribution. Ask yourself a few questions: • Do I want to pass my collection on to others? • Do I want portions that may not have much value used to promote stamp collecting to kids? • Have I promised any item(s) to a fellow collector? • Do I want my family members to benefit financially from the sale of my collection? Whatever your designated wishes, it is important to provide precise written instructions. It is also beneficial to provide a list of any dealers or auction houses that you wish to be used or that are familiar with dealing with similar material. Also indicate any friends who know the material and might be willing or have agreed to help prepare your material for sale. Remember, your heirs may get swamped with alleged promises, so protect them by providing a written record of any designations and relevant contact information that can be easily found and shared with your administrator. 4. Select an Administrator. Many individuals designate a family member as executor for their estate, but if your family has little philatelic knowledge you may be better off choosing a trusted friend who understands your collection. Precise instructions on specific items may prove difficult to implement without a basic knowledge of stamp collecting. There is nothing that prevents you from designating a “sub-executor” for your philatelic collection who is different than the main executor. If you do not have anyone you feel comfortable with appointing as your philatelic administrator, you may refer your heirs to the APS Estate Advisory Service and provide details of how we can be reached (see below for special Estate Labels). Planning Resources: • Estate Advisory Labels — Self-stick identification labels are available free to APS members who want their heirs to use the APS Estate Advisory Service — Call 814-9333803 ext. 201. • APS Dealer and Chapter Listings are available to help find individuals who would be interested in purchasing your collection. (For listings contact APS or visit www.stamps.org/dealers for dealer listing and www.stamps.org/local-clubs for chapter listing.) When an Estate Plan Has NOT been Provided Heirs of APS members may contact the APS Estate Advisory Service. Information is available online at: www.stamps.org or by calling 814-933-3803. APS Handbook of Services 15 We Are Here To Serve You Managing Your Membership Is Easy APS Members Enjoy a Variety of Benefits from the Administration Office • Maintain your membership record by notifying us any time you have a change in your contact information or even when you go on an extended vacation. Permanent summer or winter vacation addresses can be stored so that your copy of The American Philatelist will be routed automatically to the appropriate address. • Register up to six collecting interests to take advantage of specialized mailing list offers and exchange partner requests. • Verify the membership status of any present or former APS member. • Get in touch with other collectors with APS directories of local stamp clubs, dealers in your area, and specialty societies geared to your collecting interests. • Request mailing lists tailored by collecting interest, zip code areas, or by date of membership. There are requirements and fees for requesting a mailing list — call the APS for more details. • Resolve disputes with other APS members by taking advantage of the complaint process. Members found guilty of conduct unbecoming a member are subject to discipline and possible expulsion from membership. Membership Questions? Call 814-933-3803 Address Changes • ext. 201 Membership Verification • ext. 201, 210 Register Collecting Interests • ext. 201 Request Mailing Lists • ext. 210 Member Disputes • ext. 202 Dealer Status • ext. 210 Recruiting Materials • ext. 210 To receive periodic e-mail announcements from APS, make sure we have your current e-mail address and enter “apsnews@stamps.org” in your computer’s e-mail address book. Professional Stamp Dealers Any member of the APS, age 21 or older, who earns a living by dealing in stamps or other philatelic items (in business at least two years) may apply for dealer membership as a fulltime or part-time APS dealer. Dealer membership is provided to identify professional members as a benefit to the entire membership. There are APS dealers who can guide you in expanding your collection, in learning about or disposing of an inherited collection, or helping you to sell your duplicates. Fellow members can search the dealer database online at www. stamps.org/dealers by business name, city, state/country, or by business specialty; and for those that do not have Internet access, you can request a printed listing from the APS at 100 Match Factory Place, Bellefonte, PA 16823. For more information about contacting a dealer near you or about the benefits of becoming an APS dealer, visit www.stamps. org/dealers or call 814-933-3803, ext. 210. Support the Hobby, Invite a Fellow Collector To Join the APS And Earn $5 Cash! That’s right, for every individual joining the APS as a result of your referral, we will send you $5! Use it to buy lunch, purchase APS items, return it as a tax-deductible contribution, or use it towards next year’s dues! Do you know a friend, relative, or neighbor who might appreciate membership in the APS? Sponsor them for membership — it’s easy! • Simply send us their name and address — we will send information to join with you listed as “Proposer.” • Request applications from the APS — print your name and APS number in the space provided for “Proposer” and pass it to a fellow collector. • Business Reply Cards (BRCs) — request BRCs from the APS, stamp your name and APS # on each card as referral, and then include them in your philatelic correspondence, display them at a store or a stamp bourse, or hand them out at a club meeting. For information contact: judy@stamps.org Phone: 814-933-3803, ext. 210
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