Taenia solium
Taenia solium
PENYAKIT INFEKSIUS I PARASITIK VETERINER Tape worms – Taenia spp DIPERSIAPKAN OLEH : Prof.Dr. Pratiwi Trisunuwati, drh,MS 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 1 Identify this worm recovered from the small intestines of a cat at necropsy. Identify to genus. 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 2 The egg, worm, and larval stage seen here is representative of which parasite? It was found in the small intestines of a dog at necropsy. Identify to genus. egg Ant. end segment Larval stage 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 3 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 4 T. saginata 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 5 Taenia soleum 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 6 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 7 Identify these worms found fecal washes of the small intestines of a dog at necropsy. 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 8 HUMANS, SHEEP, GOATS, Camels etc. (not dogs) Eaten by sheep, humans etc Eggs in dog feces Cyst/contents in offal eaten by dog Dog intestine From: www.biosci.ohio-state.edu/ 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 9 Human Larval tapeworm disease Acquired from ingesting eggs from feces i.e. fecal oral Controlled by good sanitation Hydatid cyst. Many intermediate hosts including humans. (Dogs are definitive hosts) Cysticercosis Pigs and humans can both be intermediate hosts infected via eatings Taenia solium eggs released in human feces 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 10 Cysticercosis Taenia solium eggs release larvae in small intesting • Larvae penetrate intetsinal wall and spread to multiple sites including muscle, liver and CNS • Muscle infection – myalgias, see calcifications by X-ray • 6/10/2012 Calcified cysticerci in muscle taeniasis 2012-pts 11 Cysticercosis Brain infection - seizures etc. Especially after a few years when aging cysticercus begins to swell • Fairly common in parts of Mexico where incidence of pork tapeworm is high and hygiene may be low • 6/10/2012 Neurocysticercosis taeniasis 2012-pts 12 • • • • Many animals, including humans, can act as intermediate hosts. Herding animals with dogs associated as an occupational risk Larva forms a large ball like structure filled with fluid and protoscolices (hydatid sand). On rupture of the cyst, protoscolices can form new cysts. • Larval disease caused by Echinococcus granulosus (hydatid cyst) 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 13 Larval disease caused by Echinococcus granulosus (hydatid cyst) Antigens in fluid may also cause anaphylaxis leading to death. • When protoscolices eaten by dog, adult tapeworm forms in dog intestine • Diagnosed by imaging and serology • 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 14 Erchinococcus granulosus 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 15 scolex Tapeworms Adult in intestinal lumen has a scolex that attaches to intestine wall, followed by the neck region and strobila composed of proglottids. •immature near neck • mature, •gravid (with fertile eggs) Mature proglottid Eggs (+ proglottids) in feces give diagnosis Gravid proglottid 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 16 Tapeworms Larval forms derived from eggs that are ingested In correct host, eggs hatch within small intestine and larva penetrates through intestinal wall and migrates into tissues where it forms a mature infective larva. This is the damaging form of tapeworm disease The infective larva, when eaten by a definitive host, develops into the adult tapeworm within the intestine 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 17 Adult Tapeworms Site in human Source Diagnosis Beef T. saginata intestine larva in beef eggs(+proglottids) in feces Pork T. solium Intestine larva in pork eggs(+proglottids) in feces Fish These have humans as their sole definitive host intestine larva in fish eggs(+proglottids) in feces D. Latum May absorb beaucoup vitamin B12 and, if enough, cause megaloblastic anemia (rare) Has a number of wild animals as reservoir definitive hosts Control of adult tapeworm infection in humans Cooking meat to kill larva 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 18 Cacing pita pada manusia Non obligatory Taenia echinococcus Dipyllobothrium Hymenolopis Diphyllidium obligatory Taenia solium Taenia saginata T saginata taiwanensis TAENIA SAGINATA (CACING PITA DAGING SAPI) TAENIA SOLIUM (CACING PITA DAGING BABI) TAENIA SAGINATA TAIWANENSIS (CACING PITA DAGING BABI) 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 19 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 20 Taenia solium 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 21 Daur Hidup 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 22 b c d e e a b c d Dipylidium caninum. a. Scolex, consisting of 4 suckers and an armed rostellum, retracted into a sac in this photograph. b. Immature proglottid. c. Mature proglottid. Note the two lateral genital pores, diagnostic for this species. d. Gravid proglottid, in which the uterus has broken up into egg capsules, each containing 5-20 eggs. Gravid proglottids are quite motile for a short time after being passed out in the feces. e. Two egg capsules in the uterus. 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 23 Dipylidium caninum – Morfologi 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 24 Dipylidium caninum – Morfologi 1. Ovum : 20 oncosphere dalam Ovigera 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 25 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 26 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 27 As Rover sleeps, tapeworm segments are passed 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 28 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 29 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 30 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 31 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 32 Any discussion ? 6/10/2012 taeniasis 2012-pts 33
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