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France and the UK hold their first summit for 4 years In their first official summit, Prime Minister Cameron and President Hollande enjoyed a pub lunch and discussed Syria and joint defence projects. >> Page 10 Limousin March 2014 Issue #53 France admits guilt over forced repatriations Between 1963 and 1982, over 1,600 children were removed from the French island of Réunion and "relocated" to mainland France - primarily the Limousin. Now, for the first time, France has publicly acknowledged its responsibility in the scandal of "Les Enfants de la Creuse". ing place from rural France towards the country's cities. This was noted by Michel Debré, a former Gaullist minister who was then an MP for Réunion. It was his job to manage “the demographic problem in the overseas departments, by encouraging and developing the promotion of mass immigration toward mainland France”, according to documents obtained by AFP news agency. Debré hit upon the idea of sending children deemed “wards of the State” in Réunion to be adopted by families in France. However, many of these children were not orphans or “wards of the State”, but more often they came from poor, illiterate families who couldn’t resist the promise of a brighter future for their children in mainland France. Although promised a better life, many children suffered from the sudden NEWS - Speed limit to be reduced to 80 km/h The government looks set to reduce the speed limit on national roads to 80 km/h in some or all departments >> Page 3 NEWS - Ryanair allows PDEs on all flights No need to turn off your mobile phone next time you fly as Ryanair change their rules >> Page 7 FRENCH LIFE - In the Garden - March © iko - Fotolia.com O n the 18th February, France finally admitted responsibility for its role in the scandal that saw 1,615 children taken from their homes on the island of Réunion and sent to live in rural France. Many of these children were brought to the Limousin, in particular the Creuse department and a large number still live here today. France's National Assembly voted by 125 votes to 14 to adopt a resolution that finally recognized the country's “moral responsibility” for these “stolen children”, denouncing their “forced migration” from the island in the Indian Ocean and describing their fate as “irreparable”. In the 1960s, birth rates and unemployment were booming in the French overseas territory of Réunion, and at the same time a mass exodus was tak- INSIDE > > > >> continued on page 4 Our resident expert, Michelle Pierce, helps us get our veggie gardens ready for summer >> Pages 14-15 Figures show that burgers now account for half of all sandwiches >> Page 12 bought in France!! Develop a habit that saves you money! Your indispensable guide to the region's Businesses >> Centre Pages Don’t let the banks cash in! www.hifx.co.uk Save time and money by sending your international money transfers the easy way and benefit from: Consistent bank beating exchange rates online or over the phone. Move money, pay people and settle bills within seconds. Make and track payments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Norton security used by 97 of the world’s top 100 banks. HiFX Plc is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Payment Services Regulations 2009, registration 462444, for the provision of payment services. MARCH 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu 2 ♦ IN THIS EDITION Welcome to I The Bugle t's been hard not to talk about the weather in the last few weeks. I'm fortunate enough to live on slightly higher ground and while it's been pretty squelchy underfoot, we have avoided any actual flooding. As I write this, however, we are enjoying something of a warm spell - it was 17ºC yesterday and I passed a very pleasant hour in my garden. The reason for my sojourn into the outdoors can be found on pages 14 and 15 of this paper. Having read Michelle Pierce's two excellent pieces on getting your gardens planned and prepped for the summer growing season, I well and truly have the bug. I'm itching to get out there and get planting!! The first years that I lived here, I had a huge vegetable patch going on behind my house. Arriving from the big city, I knew very little about vegetables, plants and flowers, and didn't really appreciate things like seasons and their effect on the garden. Those first years, although the garden produced prodigious amounts of food, were very much part of a steep learning curve! I remember growing melons for the simple reason that my elderly neighbours said they wouldn't grow in this climate. More than 70 years of experience versus blind stubbornness... I'll let you guess how the melons fared. I also grew some quite impressive aubergines, even if I do say so myself... only to find that no one in my household actually liked them!! While I would never say I have green fingers, over the years I have grown to understand how the garden works, when certain vegetables and fruits come into season, and how to work smarter, not harder, in my potager. Unfortunately, work and family commitments have meant that more recently, my most plentiful crop has been grass, closely followed by nettles. I'd like to say I've been cultivating “green compost”, but alas, I have simply been letting nature run its natural course. This year will be different, however! My children are old enough to understand planting, growing and harvesting (and crucially, to help out!), so I think it will be loads of fun to grow vegetables with them. I suspect that foods they would ordinarily sniff at will be wolfed down when they have just been freshly hand-picked from the garden. There is something incredibly satisfying in harvesting your own food and it does taste better, doesn't it?!! Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is if you are even slightly interested in growing fruit and vegetables, read Michelle's articles and I bet you a packet of seeds that you'll be in your garden measuring up in no time!! Elsewhere, Ryanair have announced that they are allowing passengers to use their phones and tablets at all times on flights. I actually took a flight to London earlier in February and it was a surreal experience to be sending a text from up in the clouds. At the time, I had not read about the changes and didn't realise I'd be able to use my phone. Then again, the cabin crew on the way back to France didn't seem to know about the changes either and told me I had to switch it off. Ryanair are on something of a PR push at the moment and boy would that be welcome. Most people who live out in France will use Ryanair frequently and though I may occasionally badmouth them, I am simultaneous eternally grateful that they run the flights they do. They offer a vital link back to the UK for many expats, it's just that sometimes they seem to make things difficult simply for the sake of it. Improving their customer service may cost them a little, but I suspect that they would gain a lot. Until next month! Steve Martindale, Editor INSIDE this edition 1 & 3-6 Local News 7-12 National News 13-15 French Life 16 Practical 17 Bilingual 18-19 Classifieds 20-21 Clubs & Associations 22 Notice Board 23-24 What's On B1-B8 Business Directory CONTACT us Tel: General: editor@thebugle.eu Advertising (EN): sales@thebugle.eu Publicité (FR): publicite@thebugle.eu Subscriptions: subscriptions@thebugle.eu Write to: The Bugle Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois France www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ MARCH 2014 LOCAL NEWS ♦ 3 Godson Travaux Publics All aspects of Fosse Septique Installations incl. Micro-Stations* from concept, planning permission and installation to final inspection 25+ years’ experience Civil/Structural Engineer - Assainissement / Mains Drainage Connection / Demolition / Trouble shooting / Foundations / Concrete Work / Groundworks / Pre-Purchase Property Surveys Chris Godson BSc CEng M.I.C.E web: www.pilgrim23.com 05 55 62 61 12 / 06 33 78 24 23 email: fossepro@orange.fr * Agent for Klargester BioDisc ® Micro-Station - please contact for further details Bénévent-l’Abbaye 23210 siret no. 47930451100021 Speed limit could be Martin Nadaud to lowered locally to 80 km/h appear on a stamp I n the latest move to combat the number of deaths on the country's roads, France could be about to implement plans to reduce the national speed limit on open roads from 90 km/h to 80 km/h. According to Europe 1, a panel of experts from the national road safety council has met behind closed doors to discuss the logistics of lowering the speed limit. There are apparently 2 suggestions on the table: the first is to reduce the speed limit from 90 km/h to 80 km/h across the entire country; the second is to reduce it in the half of the country's departments with the highest rates of road deaths per capita. If the second of the plans were to be implemented, Creuse, Corrèze, Indre and Charente would all have their speed limit lowered on national roads, but Haute-Vienne and Vienne, which have fewer than the national average of 47 deaths per million people, would remain at 90 km/h. The changes may even be implemented as soon as this summer, with one member of the council hinting that a date of July 1st is being targeted. “The easiest option would be to say 80 km/h on all roads and then revisit after a year,” said council member Claude Got, giving a clue as to which option he prefers. “It is a political decision. This summer would appear to be a good time.” Implementing the new speed limits would require updating the code de la route and replacing road signs, which experts have assured is “neither complicated, nor expensive”. A Government figures show that 3,250 people died on the roads of France in 2013, a fall of 400 when compared with 2012, significantly down on the 9,000 who died in 2002 and a vast improvement on the 18,000 fatalities recorded in 1972. The figures show that excessive speed still accounts for 25% of all deaths on French roads, while alcohol is a factor in 20%. Interior minister, Manuel Valls, has publicly stated his wish to see the number of people killed on French roads fall to less than 2,000 in the next decade. ■ COLOMBIER fter years of campaigning, it has been revealed that Martin Nadaud, the famous mason and politician, will appear on a French postage stamp in 2015. The news was delivered in a very understated way, appearing in the Journal Officiel, a daily paper released by the government and containing official declarations and changes to law. The move will come as a great relief to the association that runs the museum dedicated to the maçon de la Creuse in La Martinèche, near Soubrebost, which has campaigned tirelessly to have Martin Nadaud commemorated on a stamp. Previous attempts in 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2013 all failed, and it is likely that the 200th anniversary of his birth next year has this time tipped the scales his way. Martin Nadaud was born in 1815 into a peasant family in the hamlet of La Martinèche, just outside Bourganeuf. His father insisted he go to school to learn to read and write and he first went on the long march to Paris, bleeding feet and all, at the age of 14 along with the columns of maçons de la Creuse. Ameublement Décoration Antiquités Mode Cadeaux Accessoires Trouvez des trésors uniques et irrésistibles Houses on Internet is a marketing service that allows private owners of French property to sell their house without using an estate agent. A method that has proven to be very successful. Need a gift idea...? Think leather! For a warm winter Wooled lambskin coats, leather coats, bombardier coats Finance options available Sherpa hats, fur scarves, leather goods, handbags, sheepkin slippers, decorative items ... wallets and purses - from €10 Mégisserie Colombier - Colombier Tannery 13 avenue Gay Lussac, 87200 Saint-Junien Every year, thousands of workers would migrate to Paris at the end of winter to spend the summer building many of the famous stone buildings and monuments that still stand to this day. During this work as a mason he was seriously injured following a fall on a building site in Paris. Appalled at the conditions endured by the masons - long hours, unsafe working conditions and poor nutrition - he began to organise literacy and politics classes for his colleagues and started campaigning for workers' rights. He ran building projects, became politically active on a national level and eventually, having become well-known as a radical politician, was exiled to England following the 1848 French revolution. Self-taught in English, he went on to teach French at a school in Wimbledon before eventually returning to France and La Creuse to become a respected regional politician and MP. If that wasn’t enough, he also developed the idea of the Paris Metro and had a station named after him until it was moved and renamed Gambetta in 1969. ■ A vast range of designer home decor to suit all styles Classic – Country – Contemporary New stock arriving continuously brands including: Miss Selfridge, New Look, Next, Monsoon, M&S and John Lewis sofas... and many more! n houew rs 3 Ave. Gay Lussac, 87200 St Junien T: +33 (0)5 55 79 57 60 www.moulin-de-tintin.com Open non-stop: Wednesday – Friday 12h00 - 19h00 Saturday 10h00 - 19h00, Sunday 12h00 - 18h00 (Closed Monday & Tuesday) How does it work? 1. We make a website for your property in English, French and Dutch. The main website is available in Russian too. 2. We connect that website to our main site which gets over 130,000 visitors from 40+ countries per month. 3. We advertise your property on several international French-property websites. This way we reach 1.5 million people a month worldwide. What does it cost? We ask a contribution to the advertising cost up front and after the sale a fee of 2.5%, which is included in the selling price. Houses on Internet operates throughout France with a staff of 7 professionals and 89 local photographers who visit our clients to take photos and gather all information. For more information, call us at 05 55 65 12 19, or visit our website. WWW.HOUSESONINTERNET.COM Plus Vite! Moins Cher! MARCH 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu 4 ♦ LOCAL NEWS LE MOULIN DU BREUIL RESTAURANT, BAR, TERRASSE Le Moulin du Breuil will be re-opening on Saturday 29th March with our popular quiz at 7pm. Food and Quiz for just €10 See the Bugle Notice Board for more details on this and other events 23140 PIONNAT – Tel 05 55 80 37 70 info@lemoulindubreuil.com >> continued from pg 1 and brutal shock of leaving a warm, tropical setting for rural life in central France. Further, the educational opportunities promised were not systematically applied and the children’s futures depended largely on which family they ended up with. The forced repatriations ran from 1963 up until 1982. According to Philippe Vitale, a sociologist and expert on the case, Debré's actions need to be viewed in the context of the times. “The goal of Michel Debré, who had a very Jacobin, nationalist vision of France, was to push the overly full towards the overly empty,” Vitale told AFP. “For him, a Corsican, Breton or person from Réunion were the same and he believed in assimilation. At that time we had not really embraced the idea of child psychology.” T H E C O D F A T H E R TRADITIONAL FISH AND CHIPS www.thecodfather.eu 1st Fri 2nd Fri 2nd Sat 3rd Tue 3rd Fri 4th Fri 4th Sat All venues 18:00 - 21:00 Please check our website for confirmations and new venues www.lemoulindubreuil.com The move to force the government to finally accept responsibility was brought by Ericka Bareigts, the current MP for the island, who said it was “high time” the Assembly discussed this dark period of French history and “at least recognised its moral responsibility”. Creuse MP, Michel Vergnier, spoke during the debate and said that the facts of history needed to be addressed and accepted, but also that the current reality needed to be appreciated, namely, “the Réunionais who have brought many positive things to the department”. He summed up his position by saying that France should try to “transform something unacceptable into something with positive energy because today, we live together”. The scandal surrounding “Les Enfants de la Creuse” was brought to the attention of the wider French public in 2002 Confirmed Dates opp. church Eguzon La Campagnard Fougerolles Las Damas La Souterraine La Gourmandière St-Maurice-la-Sout. Café des Sports Châteauponsac Au Jardin d’Eté La Châtre Garage du lac Eguzon Tel: 05 55 89 57 94 E: crozant@hotmail.co.uk siret: 793 447 905 00019 when one of these children, Jean-Jacques Martial, tried to sue the state for €1 billion for “kidnapping and sequestration of minors, roundup and deportation”. “A billion, it’s like a euro, it’s symbolic,” Martial told AFP. “It's a lot of money, but how much is a stolen childhood worth?” he asked. His case eventually failed because the events took place outside France's statute of limitations. Jean-Jacques Martial was six years old when he arrived at Orly airport in Paris one November morning wearing flip-flops and shorts. He had been removed from his grandmother's care and was eventually brought to Guéret, capital of the Creuse, where he was brought up by an elderly farmer and his wife. Then, four years later, he was uprooted again, and moved to Normandy where, he wrote in his book Une Enfance Volée (Stolen Childhood), he was sexually abused. Others who were taken from Réunion reportedly committed suicide. Still more suffered with depression and mental illness, or turned to crime. “They took babies who were only six months old,” said Ericka Bareigts. Poor and illiterate families were told that their children would be sent to France, “and of course they imagined Paris and the Eiffel Tower,” she said. “They were promised a home, schooling, and told they would succeed. The families were told the children would return for the holidays. But it was all a lie.” Another victim, Simon APoi, was 12 years old when he arrived at Guéret on 6 September 1966 with two coachloads of children from Réunion. “There were children of all ages - 12, 15, 17, even 3,” he recalled prior to the Bill being read. He was an orphan who was removed from his grandmother's care with four brothers and sisters, and twelve cousins. “We were the largest family to arrive in the Creuse. We thought we were going to Paris, to see the Eiffel Tower, and the Arc de Triomphe. And we ended up in a home in Guéret. It was the first time we had seen snow, we thought it was cotton wool falling,” he told a local TV station in Réunion. The passing of the Bill does not pave the way for financial compensation for the victims, and Yvan Combeau, a historian from Réunion and expert on the case, noted that the French Mayday computer services Operating system support Application support Network support System security pc • mac • network Virus and Malware removal Call for friendly no-obligation assessment and advice Haute-Vienne & surrounding areas 05 55 68 47 33 06 82 26 31 54 siret 500 443 536 00015 Phil Monaghan - maydaymayday@orange.fr motion did not even ask for an apology. He said every word had been carefully weighed so that historical archives could be opened up. “The text seeks reparation through a recognition of the history of these exiles. Reparation must come through knowledge and recognition,” he said in an email. France is not the only state to have sinned against its own children. The Australian government apologised in 2008 for the removal of an estimated 100,000 Aboriginal children between the 1890s and the 1970s. The United States and Canada had similar policies for their indigenous peoples. Colonial Britain exported 100,000 children to populate Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Canada under the “home children” programme. And the story of Philomena, now an Oscar-nominated film, highlights Ireland's treatment of thousands of single mothers whose children were forcibly removed by the Catholic Church. ■ Eurl Réno-Gén - Roofing Experts are now offering 3kw Solar PV Installation We offer 2 systems:1. Roof mounted system 2. Integrated system €8,200 inc TVA @10% €9,500 inc TVA @10% (Buy back tarif 0.15 cents / kwh) (Buy back tarif 0.31 cents / kwh) This includes:* 12 Solarworld mono black 250W panels (German panels 25 yr performance guarantee) * 1 SMA 3000TL inverter (German - world leader in solar inverters) * Easyroof fixing kit - French (Integrated system) or K2 fixing kit - German (roof mounted system) * All cables * AC/DC connection box * Scaffolding and access equipment as required * System fully fitted and tested * Site survey * Electrical certificate of conformity (Consuel) * All necessary paperwork - Mairie - ERDF - Consuel * 10 yr guarantee on all our workmanship EVOLUTION 23 Par RN 145, sortie 48 rue Johannes Gutenberg, 23000 GUERET Tél : 05 55 52 82 15 Mail: teamgueret@orange.fr GPS: 46.1831, 1.8800 Not included:* ERDF connection charge * Any extra roof / guttering repairs Call us now 02 54 30 11 20 - 06 42 38 54 22 www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ MARCH 2014 LOCAL NEWS ♦ 5 Quenelle gesture sparks fresh controversy T he controversial quenelle gesture was again back in the news in February after two young Frenchman took a photo of themselves performing the “salute” in the ruins of the church at Oradour-sur-Glane, the memorial site to the World War II massacre. The photo had been uploaded, along with many others featuring public quenelle performances, to the website of comedian Dieudonné. But, what exactly is the quenelle, what does it mean and why is it so controversial? The gesture involves touching or gripping your shoulder with one hand while holding the palm of your other hand outstretched and pointing to the ground. Some describe it as a combination of the bras d'honneur with a bent arm (which means “up yours”) and the Nazi salute. Dieudonné, who invented the gesture, claims it is simply “anti-establishment”, but the comedian has a long history of anti-Semitism and many argue this is where its roots lie. He currently has seven convictions for anti-Semitic hate under his belt and the French High Court believes that his shows are unashamedly anti-Jewish. The salute came to prominence last September when two soldiers were pictured making the gesture outside a Paris synagogue and there have been images circulating on the internet of people performing the quenelle at the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland. Following the latest controversy, the mayor of Oradour-sur-Glane, Raymond Frugier, said he was unsure of the best course of action. “I haven't seen the photo, I was just notified by the Gendarmerie,” he told La Montagne newspaper. “It is obviously shocking, but we do not know if we will lodge a complaint. That would just bring publicity to people who don't deserve it. The less we talk about these things, the better.” Several outspoken anti-racist groups had already publicly stated that they would chase anyone performing the quenelle in “locations where there is no doubt” as to its underlying meaning. Sure enough, the next day, the bureau national de vigilance contre l'antisémitisme announced its intention to file a formal complaint. “The choice of location leaves no doubt as to the perverse intentions of these individuals,” said the group. SOS racisme also expressed its “anger and sadness”, adding that “it is no longer possible to continue to ignore the profound significance of the quenelle”. It remains to be seen if the two men can be identified and exactly what they can or will eventually be charged with. ■ Second German charged over massacre A month after a former German soldier was charged over the 1944 massacre at Oradour-sur-Glane, a second man has now also been charged. Like his compatriot, the 87-year-old man from Wildeshausen in lower Saxony has admitted being present at the time of the massacre but has denied that he took part. “Nothing proves that he fired a shot,” said his lawyer, echoing the argument put forward by Werner Christukat, the 88-year-old charged with similar offences in January. The charges are the result of 3 years of tireless work by a team headed by Stefan Willms, who has 15 years' experience tracking Nazi war criminals. After painstaking research, the team identified 7 soldiers still alive today believed to have taken part in the massacre: 1 Austrian and 6 Germans. Three have already been deemed too ill to ever stand trial. “The investigation will continue for as long as the suspects are alive,” Mr Willms has said previously. On the 10th June 1944, German soldiers massacred 642 men, women and children in the town of Oradour-sur-Glane, the largest atrocity committed against civilians in France by Nazi forces. Adolf Diekmann, who commanded the German troops on the ground on that day, was killed in action shortly afterward during the Battle of Normandy, and a large number of the third company, which had committed the massacre, were themselves killed in action within a few days. ■ MARCH 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu 6 ♦ LOCAL NEWS Le Pub Coming soon at Living life in France with the French 58, rue d’Orjon, Argenton-sur-Creuse ALL OUR ENTERTAINMENT IS 100% FREE!! Le Pub’s famous Rump Steak 250g - €12.95 400g - €14.95 600g - €16.95 Sunday roast dinner Main only €9.95 Main + Dessert €11.95 3 Courses just €12.95 Check out the latest news and download special offers throughout the month: • Saturday 1st March - SERIAL COVER - live music for our reopening party. • Saturday 8th March - Lucky Luke’s Birthday Party with Luke doing the live music! • Saturday 15th March - St Patrick’s Party Night - music, fun and games. • Sunday 16th March - François’ Birthday Party in the evening, with a FREE BUFFET. • Saturday 22nd March - INDIAN BANQUET - reserve well in advance to avoid disappointment. • Saturday 29th March Bev and music man live. 2I[SRXLI1IRY ------- X ------- 1-<)(+6-00)96 [MXLKEQQSRTSVOGLST GLMTSPEXEERHJVMIHIKKWIVZIH [MXLGLMTWERHWEPEH ------- X ------- 1)+%6-&7)96 KSJTSVOVMFWQEVMREXIH MREFEVFIGYIWEYGI WIVZIH[MXLGLMTWERHWEPEH www.danielallen.fr Le Pub is an English themed bar... not an expat bar!! The majority of our customers are French, so why not come and enjoy yourself with the locals!! We don’t charge for our entertainment, so what have you got to lose?! FREE CARAFE OF WINE Enjoy a FREE carafe of wine with all Sunday Roasts ordered in March Our famous Fish ‘n’ Chips are still only €9.95 but they are also available to take away for just €7.95 Opening hours: Wed 7pm-midnight, Thu 12-2pm & 6pm-midnight, Fri 12-2pm & 6pm-2am, Sat 6pm-2am, Sun 12-11pm 58, rue d’Orjon, Argenton-sur-Creuse - 02 54 60 02 14 www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ MARCH 2014 NATIONAL NEWS ♦ 7 Ryanair allows tablets and phones on flights I n February, Irish low-cost airline Ryanair announced that, with immediate effect, passengers will be allowed to use electronic devices such as tablets, smartphones, e-readers and MP3 players at all times on their flights. Ryanair follows British Airways' lead in allowing the use of so-called PEDs (Personal Electronic Devices) during takeoff and landing - BA were the first major European airline to allow their use throughout the flight. In November last year, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) ruled that smartphones and tablets could be safely used during take-off and landing, a decision which followed the release of a report from the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) in the US suggesting the rules could be relaxed. At the time, executive director of the EASA, Patrick Ky, described the changes as “a major step in the process of expanding the freedom to use personal electronic devices on board aircraft without compromise in safety”. Passengers must still listen to the safety announcement and all devices must be switched to “flight mode”, which means that they will effectively be offline and unable to make calls, send texts or access the internet. How cabin crew will police exactly which devices have been switched to flight mode remains unclear. Laptops and other larger electronic items are not subject to the relaxation of the rules. The EASA has said that it is up to individual airlines whether they change their own rules on the use of PDEs and airlines such as easyJet and Air France have yet to do so. Ryanair has been on something of a public relations drive in recent months in an attempt to improve both its image and its reputation for less-than-spectacular customer service. “We are working hard to improve our service to all customers and today’s PED approval is the latest in a series of changes which we know our customers will love,” said the airline in a statement on its website. “Ryanair customers can now use their personal electronic devices at all stages of their flight, while they enjoy their allocated seats, our low fares and on-time arrivals.” In October of last year, following a series of high-profile PR disasters and investor concerns, Ryanair's controversial boss Michael O'Leary announced a range of new measures aimed at improving the public's perception of the company. These included a more customer-friendly website, relaxed baggage allowances and the introduction of 'quiet flights' before 8am and after 9pm where no PA announcements would be made during the flight. All passengers also now have allocated seating. Ryanair carries more than 80 million passengers every year to destinations across Europe. ■ Expats lose key Sky channels O ne of the creature comforts adopted by expats living in France is receiving British television via satellite. In February, however, many people across Portugal, Spain and the south of France woke up to blank screens, having lost the signal for BBC and in some cases ITV. The problems are due to the changeover of many channels to a new satellite, Astra 2E. This new satellite has a much more focused beam, targeted at the UK, so there is far less “overspill” into Europe, meaning a far weaker signal for those of us who live abroad. The change has been expected for some time now - a planned launch of the new satellite was delayed last year following technical problems. It was not known before the switch exactly what effect the changes would have, but expats in Portugal and Spain have been bracing themselves to lose the signal. So far, it would appear that only the far south of France is affected, with one frustrated expat in the Gers department writing on the Survive France Network: “In the Gers we've lost BBC, although the Sky box is telling me we still have a good signal...” Many other expats took to the message boards to vent their frustration, but Alix Pryde, Director of BBC Distribution, shrugged off any complaints: “The overspill of the BBC’s services will be reduced so viewers outside the UK will find it even harder to receive them. I know that this causes unhappiness to some of you living outside the UK. However, it is entirely appropriate because the BBC domestic services are for people living in the UK only.” All is not lost if your signal has gone, however, as most expats in France should still be able to watch Eastenders, though a larger dish may be necessary depending on how far south you live. ■ MARCH 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu 8 ♦ NATIONAL NEWS www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ MARCH 2014 NATIONAL NEWS ♦ 9 Car Breakers - C.R.A.L. Centre de Recyclages d’Automobiles du Limousin - Les Tourettes, 87440 SAINT-MATHIEU WE WILL COLLECT YOUR SCRAP CAR FOR FREE - WE BUY & SELL SECOND HAND CARS (RHD OR LHD) SPARE PARTS FOR SALE TEL: - ENGLISH SPOKEN - Email: cral87@gmx.fr The Grammys Made in France D aft Punk are an electronic music duo who sing in English, soak up American influences and who have taken the Anglophone world by storm, most recently by winning 5 Grammys, including Album and Record of the Year. They are also the latest target for France's much heralded 'Made in France' campaign. Guy-Manuel de HomemChristo and Thomas Bangalter, who make up the helmeted duo, are both French and were born in the wealthier suburbs of Paris. Despite the fact that these days they work, mostly, in the United States, producing tracks sung in English, the French press and politicians seized the opportunity to celebrate their triumph. Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault sent out an enthusiastic tweet of congratulations: “Historic victory of #daftpunk at the Grammy awards! France is proud of you!” However, France 24, a French news site written in English, was not the first to point out that “none of their records shows a trace of influence from traditional French chansons”. Unfazed by such remarks, Stéphane Jourdain, the author of “French Touch”, a book named after the musical movement from which Daft Punk sprung, claimed that their English sounds were actually their greatest strength. He commented: “Daft Punk has achieved what Telephone and Johnny Hallyday were never able to do: produce a global success. It is clear that we don’t reach this market by singing in French on the Eiffel Tower or Montmartre.” The attempts to reclaim Daft Punk as a French export have raised eyebrows on both sides of the Channel. The news comes only weeks after France tried to improve its credentials on the international stage by sending Downing Street a list outlining France's strengths and Britain's respective weaknesses. ■ Amaryllis Barton Au revoir to 'The France of Amélie’Poulain' O n 27th January 1964, Charles de Gaulle became the first Western leader to officially recognise the People's Republic of China. During a visit to China this month as part of celebrations marking the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties, Claude Bartolone, president of France’s National Assembly, took advantage of an opportunity to rebrand France in the eyes of the world’s second largest economy and called for France to shed its image as the 'France of Amélie Poulain'. Amélie Poulain is the main character in the 2001 film “Amélie”, or as it is more accurately known in its original French version, “Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain”. The film achieved worldwide success and, as a result, the eponymous heroine is associated with the 'je ne sais quoi' of France in the hearts and minds of all who have seen the film. However, as Bartolone was keen to point out, France is more than just the backdrop to a feisty rom-com. “We want this anniversary to allow us to talk about the future and make it clear to our Chinese friends that France is also the country of nuclear energy, agribusiness, the pharmaceutical industry,” said Bartolone. While Bartolone underlined the importance of the French economy as opposed to French culture, it must not be forgotten that the romantic 'Amélie' image of France accounts for ever-increasing sales of designer clothes, French food, and, of course, high quality wine. Indeed, as China develops its taste for French wine, maintaining the image of France as the home of sophisticated culture will become more crucial than ever. As a result, the self-titled 'Madonna of the unloved', Amélie Poulin, could yet play a part in France's economic growth in China. ■ Amaryllis Barton Nicholas Hemming WOOD CRAFT Made to Measure Furniture ng Outstandi Quality!! Restorations Carpentry/Joinery Distinctive Carved Cat Trademark Furniture and joinery made to last a lifetime - 02 48 63 15 09 n.hemming@orange.fr - www.nicholashemming.co.uk SIRET: 533 607 115 00011 Netflix set to launch French service in 2014 O n-demand TV service Netflix looks set to launch a service in France as part of a “substantial European expansion”, it has been revealed. The subscription based service could be operational as soon as September this year, although as of yet, no rumours have been confirmed by the company. Netflix sells monthly subscriptions that allow users to watch television series and films via the internet on their televisions, tablet computers and mobile phones. For several months, the company has been involved in high-level talks with French politicians who are looking to work with the company as an innovative way of preventing illegal downloads of US television shows. After establishing a European presence through the UK, Ireland, Scandinavia and most recently the Netherlands, 2014 could be the year that Netflix truly goes big in Europe, with Germany also set to be added to the list of territories where the service is available. If that were the case, with France, Germany and the UK, the US company would have a presence in Europe's three largest TV territories. There are still some regulatory and legal wrinkles to smooth out, particularly in France, where strict laws prevent feature films from being offered on a subscription “video on demand” service until three years after their debut in cinemas. But if a consumer rents the video of the same film using his set-top box, for example, it would be available just four months after its premiere. The framework, which dates back decades, is aimed at protecting French film producers and cinemas, and does not affect TV series. The long delays for films by subscription have so far crippled attempts to launch video streaming services in France. A recent study commissioned by the French culture ministry recommended shortening the delays, and discussions are ongoing with content owners and media companies on how to achieve this. Around a quarter of Netflix's 44 million subscribers are currently based outside the US. ■ MARCH 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu 10 ♦ NATIONAL NEWS French pole vaulter breaks legend Bubka's world record come close to disaster, failing twice at 6.01 metres before going on to clear the new record height at the very first attempt. Sergei Bubka, the six-time outdoor world champion and 1988 Olympic gold medalist, stood and applauded as he watched his long-standing record broken; he had previously said that if it were to fall, he would like it to happen in his home town of Donetsk. “That's fantastic. It's history and I'm very happy that Renaud does it here, in Donetsk, my town,” said Bubka, who came on to the track to personally congratulate the Frenchman. “I'm happy because my job is to help athletes perform. Athletics is my life. I'm pleased for him and for athletics,” added Bubka, who is the vice-president of the International Association of Athletics © Erik van Leeuwen (bron: Wikipedia) F rench pole vaulter Renaud Lavillenie has broken the indoor world record by clearing 6.16 metres at an athletics meeting in Donetsk in February. The previous record of 6.15 metres was set by the legendary Ukrainian Sergei Bubka at the same venue in 1993. Lavillenie took his head in his hands when he realized he had beaten the record: “It's completely unbelievable,” he later told French news channel BFM TV. “I will need time to get back down on Earth. It was a mythical record. I knew I had the potential to do it. But to beat it so early, that's something else. I did not know what was happening to me. The sound was crazy. These are huge emotions. I am in a new dimension.” The French perchiste had Federations. The 27-year-old Lavillenie had made the world record his priority for this season and started using longer poles last year in preparation. He has been steadily improving on his indoor personal best this year and become the second highest man in history by clearing 6.08 metres in Bydgoszcz, Poland, a few weeks before his world record vault. Despite only having a personal best outdoors of 6.02 metres, the London 2012 Olympic champion will now have his eyes set later this summer on Bubka's outdoor record of 6.14 metres. ■ Hollande on the defensive in UK T project, which will cost about 145 million euros and will involve several British and French companies, including Thales, Dassault, Rolls Royce and BAE, was discussed in detail. In addition, funding for helicopter missiles and shared underwater mine detectors were on the negotiating table. The number of shared defence projects discussed testify to the growing relationship between Britain and France, not least because both defence departments have suffered severe budget cuts. The informal setting in a pub in Cameron's own constituency allowed the leaders to discuss the problems which mar the po- he first Anglo-French summit in the UK for four years was held this month. President Hollande and Prime Minister David Cameron answered questions from reporters at a press conference at RAF Brize Norton, followed by a working lunch at a local Oxfordshire pub. Among issues discussed were military deployment in Syria, the now infamous issue of EU reform, Iran, and nuclear and space technology. Key agreements were made with regard to British and French defence. The UCAV combat drone, an Anglo-French financed 2013 looks to have been a bad year for Bordeaux litical landscape on both sides of the Channel outside the high pressure environment of diplomatic events. For Hollande, however, other pressures were in evidence. Unlike their French counterparts, the British press wasted no time in asking Mr Hollande about his vaudevilleesque love life, a sorry farce which has gripped millions around the world. “Is there still a first lady then?” was the first question asked by unabashed British reporters. Mr Hollande, after a day discussing France's defence systems, was left, not for the first time, on the defensive. ■ Amaryllis Barton The Bordeaux region has had a few spectacular years recently, with 2009 and 2005 providing vintages that saw prices soar, but no one was expecting too much from 2013's production. After a strange year of weather that saw rain, hail and rot decimate the area's vineyards, 2013 was never going to be year to remember. Despite this lowered expectation, the middleranking Bordeaux vineyard, Château Malescasse, has sent shockwaves through the industry by declaring that last year's vintage is too poor to even bear the label. The bottles, which usually sell at about €10 each, will instead be sold off as generic Haut Médoc red wine for about €2 or €3 a bottle. The decision will cost the chateau several hundred thousand euros. “I’m not saying that the wine is bad,” explained Stéphane Derenoncourt, a consultant to Château Malescasse. “But it does not measure up to our ambitions. Rather than squeeze something out of a wine we don’t like, we prefer to cut off our own arm and move on.” The decision to effectively scrap last year's wine may anger many of the other Bordeaux viticulteurs who are still hoping to salvage an acceptable wine from a bad year. Mr Derenoncourt, however, has predicted that many would be forced to follow his lead. “They will have no choice,” he told Le Figaro newspaper. “Others will go to the market with ridiculous quantities, maybe 20 to 50 per cent of what they usually sell. All of Bordeaux is not bad. But even the top chateaux, which always make good wines, will have no great stars this year.” Overall, wine production in Bordeaux is expected to drop by 23 per cent, according to the French government, to 543 million bottles. Last year saw a “perfect storm” of bad weather for wine-growing in Bordeaux: the vines were damaged by cold weather in May; the flowers failed to develop properly because of constant rain; and freak hail storms battered some vineyards in the height of summer, stripping the grapes from the vines. When rot began to set in as the September harvest time approached, many chateaux were then forced to pick their grapes early, before they were fully mature. ■ 32,000ft² of great products incl. Toiletries, DIY, Housewares, Furniture plus loads more at great prices & we are even open on SUNDAYS!! The bargains don’t stop at THE SHED - we have 1000’s of value for money products in our 32,000ft² store including the best Ambient British Grocery selection available anywhere in the Limousin. We are reliable for lots of your favourite brands whether it be Heinz baked beans, Bisto gravy granules, Typhoo teabags etc. Our British food aisle may be second to none, but at THE SHED we are about more than just groceries. We regularly restock our range of DULUX paints and English Plaster as well as many other DIY essentials like PVA, angle beads etc. Whether you’re after HOUSEWARES, TOILETRIES, FURNITURE or CLOTHING, you’ll find them all at bargain prices... so get yourself down THE SHED!! Decking, Ply, Flooring, Sand, Gravel, etc. ... plus a great range of Timber for all your DIY needs!! Route de l’Isle Jourdain Opposite the Gendarmerie Just off the RN147 87320 Bussière-Poitevine Tel: 05 55 68 74 73 Open Tue - Sat: 09h00 - 12h00 & 14h30 - 18h30 (closed Mon) Sun: 09h30 - 12h00 & 14h30 - 18h00 GPS: Long: 0° 53’ 33’’ 40 E Lat: 46° 13’ 45’’ 10 N GARAGE DE L’AVENIR Par RN 145, sortie 48 rue Johannes Gutenberg, GUERET Tél : 05 55 52 73 73 Mail: toygueret@orange.fr GPS: 46.1831, 1 .8800 www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ MARCH 2014 NATIONAL NEWS ♦ 11 Maiden names set to become default for all women Married women are to be addressed by their maiden names in all official correspondence under new gender equality laws being discussed by the National Assembly. The law is just one of a raft of measures aimed at improving equality between men and women in the country. If the law is passed, women would need to opt out of the system if they prefer to be addressed by their married name. Maiden names will become the default option used by government bodies, the tax office and any other state organisations. Feminists in the country point out that since the French Revolution of 1789 French law has stipulated “no citizen can carry a surname or a first name other than those expressed on their birth certificate”, although currently around three-quarters of women choose to take their husband's surname when they marry. Since 2013, French tax forms have included a tick box for women who wish to use their birth name; the new rules, put forward by two Socialist MPs, Axelle Lemaire and Sébastien Denaja, would mean the opposite choice would apply in the future. Critics of the new law argue the move is a further intrusion into family life in France. ■ Wolf found just 150 km from Paris M uch has been made over recent years about the resurgence of the wolf in southern and even central France, but no one thought they would find one just 150 km from Paris! But that is exactly what happened in February when the body of an animal, which had been shot dead, was found in the commune of Coole, in the Marne region. “We have confirmation by a national expert that it is a wolf which was probably shot in the middle of last week,” said Yann Dacquay, Marne’s deputy departmental director, speaking shortly after the body had been discovered. He said the wolf had not been killed instantly but travelled a short distance before dying. Wolves were virtually extinct in France until a handful crossed the border from Italy and recolonised the French Alps around 1993; they then rapidly spread across much of the southeastern part of the country and in recent years have crossed the Rhône valley and moved into the Massif Central. Wolves are protected under European law and a “wolf code” established in France in 2004 means that the animals can only legally be shot by licensed “wolf lieutenants” or government marksmen, and only then if all other measures have been exhausted. To ward off the carnivores, shepherds are first expected to invest in guard dogs, lighting and RESTAURANT AUX CEPES LA VEYTIZOU (87130) Open every lunchtime & Wed - Sat evenings Fish & chips party bookings a la carte menu du jour theme nights Music Night 2nd Saturday every month Tel: 05 55 69 33 38 Email: susan_dorrington@yahoo.co.uk electric fences - financially difficult for all but the biggest farming businesses. Many see wolves as a threat to livestock and are campaigning for the government to do more to halt their spread across France. In the Massif Central, farmers have even said the wolf could threaten the very existence of Roquefort cheese - part of the cheese's AOC label protection states that it is “compulsory” for sheep to be allowed to graze freely and to roam on the hilly pastures “every day” provided there is sufficient grass, “weather conditions permitting”. The farmers argue that with wolves roaming the hills, this may no longer be possible. Defenders of the wolf say that cohabitation between man, sheep and wolf is possible. Wolves are blamed for 5,000 sheep deaths a year in France - double the number of five years ago - and the most recent estimates suggest there may be as many as 300 wolves in France, in up to 25 packs. This figure is still far lower than in Italy, which has an estimated 1,000 canis lupus lupus and Spain where 2,000 wolves roam free. In both countries, sheep farms still thrive. ■ MARCH 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu 12 ♦ NATIONAL NEWS Whilst most people lucky enough to reach 100 years old would be sitting back and enjoying a nice cuppa, age has not slowed down Frenchman Robert Marchand, who has just broken his own world record for distance cycled in one hour in the over-100 category. When the 102-year-old was born, the Titanic was still afloat and the Tour de France was a mere 8 years old, but despite his advanced years, the resident of Amiens (Picardie), covered an impressive 26.9 km, blowing his previous record out of the water by over 1.5 km. Despite admitting that he was only feeling “90% fit”, the centenarian put on a good show for the gathered crowds, some of whom had travelled long distances to witness the record attempt. “It was very good, but at the end it started to become very hard,” the rider told AFP news agency. “You have to know there are people who came from 600 kilometres away to see me today! It is incredible. That's all I can say.” The cyclist admitted that he had gone against doctor's advice in his recordbreaking effort. “The doctors told me to make sure that my heart rate did not go higher than 115 beats per minute,” he said, before confessing that it had in fact hit 130 during the ride. Mr Marchand, a retired firefighter and logger, also holds the record for someone over the age of 100 riding 100 km, which he completed 2 years ago in 4 hours, 17 minutes and 27 seconds. The current world record for the distance cycled in an hour is 49.7 km, set by Ondrej Sosenka from the Czech Republic in 2005. ■ Half of all French sandwiches are burgers! T he humble baguette is a staple of French cuisine and there was a time, not long ago, when households would routinely make the short trip to their local boulangerie at least twice a day in order to maintain a constant, fresh supply of bread at home. A century ago, every French person would eat on average three baguettes a day. By 1970 this had dropped to just one and today, the average person is somehow surviving on a meagre half a baguette a day! And in worse news for France's bread lobby (yes, that does exist and it's called l’Observatoire du pain), it has been revealed that the hamburger, that most American of foods, now accounts for nearly half of all “sandwiches” sold in France, up from one in nine in 2000 and one in seven in 2007. Research by marketing and consulting firm Gira Conseil found that burgers are also making inroads into traditional French cuisine. Although McDonald's dominates the burger market, one quarter of all burgers sold last year were served up by traditional restaurants. Gira's director, Bernard Boutboul, said the firm found “seventy-five per cent of traditional French restaurants offer at least one hamburger on their menu” and that in one third of these restaurants, burgers were outselling entrecotes, other grilled meat or fish dishes. In all, burger sales in traditional restaurants have soared by 40 per cent in the last two years, Mr Boutboul added. Last year it was revealed that for the first time ever, sales of fast food outstripped those of traditional sit-down restaurants, with 54% of the market. These figures led magazine Le Point to proclaim that “In the land of gastronomy, fast food has become the king”. Much of the change in France's lunchtime routine has been put down to shorter lunch breaks, down from around an hour and a half in 1975 to less than 30 minutes today. The stereotype of the 2-hour, 4-course lunch washed down with a bottle of wine is now about as relevant as that of the bowler-hatted Englishman eating cucumber sandwiches with the crusts removed while taking high tea. A "traditional" French sandwich? Not only does France represent the largest market for McDonald's outside the US, the report has also revealed that the French are now the second-biggest consumers of pizza in the world, again, behind the Americans. ■ French chefs rail against "food porn" trend A group of grumpy French chefs have hit out at the increasing number of customers who disrupt their restaurants by taking endless photos of their meal. Fed up with diners snapping pictures with their smartphones to post on social networks, several Michelinstarred French restaurants are now looking to ban cameras as part of their war on so-called “food porn”. Food bloggers, and even some chefs, defend taking pictures of food as free publicity, but for many the sharing has just gone too far. “Before, they took photos of their family, of their granny - now it's photos of the dishes,” said Alexandre Gauthier, chef at La Grenouillère restaurant in La Madelainesous-Montreuil, 60 kilometres from Calais. “There is a time and a place for everything. Our aim is to create a special moment in time for our clients. And for that, you have to switch off your phone.” The 34-year-old chef told La Voix du Nord newspaper that his customers had sometimes set off a series of flashes, repositioned their tables, taken each photo several times before posting the final result on social media... in the meantime leaving the dishes to go cold. Another chef, Gilles Goujon, told the Midi Libre newspaper that he also wanted to ban camera phones at his three Michelin-starred restaurant, L'Auberge du Vieux Puits, in Fontjoncouse, near Perpignan, but was still working on exactly how to achieve this. He also raised the interesting question of intellectual property rights. “If people take a photo and put it out on social media, it takes away the surprise,” he said, adding that pictures of his signature dish “oeuf de poule pourri de truffes” (chicken egg laden with truffles) were now commonplace across social media. “It takes away a little bit of my intellectual property too. Someone could www.ohmycod.fr Email:- contact@ohmycod.fr Tel:- 05 55 80 34 26 Mobile:- 06 47 85 90 92 Dun-le-Palestel (rue de Guéret - by Brocante) 1st Tue each month Bourganeuf (pl. Martin Nadaud - fountain roundabout) 1st Thu each month Châtelus-Malvaleix (Auberge de Voyageurs) 1st Fri each month Sardent (Auberge du Lac) 1st Sat each month Ste-Sévère-sur-Indre (Place du marché) 2nd Mon each month Gargilesse (Auberge de la Chaumerette) 2nd Wed each month Marsac (Chez Jacques) 2nd Fri each month Aigurande (JJ’s Café Bar) 2nd Sat each month St-Germain-Beaupré (Chambre d’hôte) 3rd Wed each month Chéniers (Auberge La Chaumière) 3rd Fri each month Boussac (opposite Café des Sports) 3rd Sat each month Bussière-Dunoise (Auberge du Tilleul) 4th Wed each month La Cellette (Auberge de la Tour) 4th Fri each month ** Peyrat-le-Château (Le Bellerive) 4th Sat each month ** Fromental (Salle des fetes, by l’église) 29th March ** Peyrat-le-Château will commence 4th Saturday in April ** Please try to email your order in advance to avoid disappointment All 6pm - 8.30pm unless stated - Please consult our website for any updates. SIRET: 520 807 660 Frenchman sets over-100s cycling record copy me. Plus a photo taken on an average smartphone is rarely a great image. It doesn't give the best impression of our work. It's annoying.” Not all chefs are against the craze for food photos, however. David Toutain, whose eponymous Paris restaurant is a favourite among critics, said word of mouth on the internet had provided a boost to his career. “You have to live with the times,” he said. “Social networks helped at the start of my career and are helping me now. It's advertising!” ■ CENDRILLON IMMOBILIER Bilingual French Estate Agency in Creuse We have over 200 properties ranging from 12,000 EUR for a renovation project, up to 903,000 EUR for a ʻDomaineʼ. Ref 1476 – 12,000 euros. Once a tiny house & garage, this building could be transformed into a small house again, with a room of 35m² on the ground floor & the same on the first floor. Mains water, electricity, telephone & mains drainage nearby but not connected. No garden. Exempt from DPE Ref 1852 – 28,500 euros. Little cottage with extension for renovation. The original cottage has bedroom, kitchen/diner/lounge & shower room. The unfinished extension has kitchen, lounge/diner, shower room & two bedrooms (all just empty rooms at present). Garden of 650m². Exempt from DPE Ref 1850 – 35,500 euros. Large 5 bedroom townhouse with garden, which could also be 3 apartments. New double glazed windows on top floor. Modern shower room with corner shower, sink and toilet. The property is in need of renovation. Outbuilding on two levels. Cellar & attic. Garden of 202m². Exempt from DPE Ref 1856 – 152,600 euros. Detached renovated property in good condition comprising of a main house, attached barn, another little house with its own attached barn, plus a garden of 5835m². Wood central heating with new boiler. All doors and windows are aluminum & double glazed. Botanical gardens. DPE – E 330 & A 5. Ref 1853 – 424,000 euros. Stunning 10 bedroom house with its own tower, set grounds of 3570m². The house has been completely refurbished, new electricity, modern oil-fired boiler & central heating. Many original features including an amazing circular staircase in the tower. DPE – D 188 & F 56. 23 rue Zizim, 23400 BOURGANEUF Email: bourganeuf.immobilier@wanadoo.fr Telephone 05 55 54 95 85 www.limousin-bilingual.com The Bugle March 2014 2 8 Page Pull-out Section Your indispensable guide to finding local businesses & artisans Accommodation Activities & Leisure Animals & Pets Antiques/Brocantes Auto Services Building Services Architects Carpenters/Joiners Electricians Fosses Septiques General Accommodation >> B1 >> B1 >> B1 >> B1 >> B2 Groundworks Painters/Decorators Plasterers Plumbers Sandblasters Chimney Sweeps >> B2 Computers/Satellites >> B2 Food & Drink >> B2 Garden Services >> B2 Gifts & Crafts >> B3-B4 Handholding Services Activities & Leisure >> B4 >> B4 >> B4 >> B5 >> B5 >> B5 >> B5-B6 >> B6 >> B6 >> B6 >> B6 Animal communication Gentle healing for people and pets. Complementing conventional treatments by easing the side effects. Helping to identify the causes of allergic reactions and behavioural problems. More information at: www.ame-et-corps.com Tel: English, French, German - and Animal - spoken! Katharina Maiss The Linden House Self-catering gîte in Creuse Sleeps 6-8 Prices from €250/week www.thelindenhouse.eu info@thelindenhouse.eu Les Dryades Hotel / Golf / Spa www.les-dryades.fr see main ad - pg 7 Animals & Pets www.la-petite-maison.eu sue@la-petite-maison.eu SIRET: 518 135 009 00018 sales@thebugle.eu (Farges, nr. Aubusson) Small & friendly, English run. Viewings welcome. Certificat de capacité. Also available: Pet foods, treats & accessories. Mon - Sat: 9.00 - 7.00 Contact Dave Grant: 05 55 67 58 87 www.the-orchard.eu siret: 504 584 228 00010 La Petite Maison Beautiful 2-person gîte in the heart of Creuse. Perfect for house-hunters & holidaymakers alike. The Orchard Kennels & Cattery sales@thebugle.eu The Caring Cattery Rochechouart 05 55 03 76 87 / 06 30 02 35 73 Only 30 mins from Limoges airport. Established, purpose built secure cattery. Large individual/family units, tiled floors, shelving, adjoining outside areas. Heated, individual needs catered for. NEW - purpose built isolation unit. Certificate of Capacity. Contact Barbara: bdowning77@wanadoo.fr SIRET: 494 125 016 00019 Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 sales@thebugle.eu Health & Beauty Insurance & Finance Language Services Online Shopping Pest Control Property Maintenance Property Sales Retail & Commerce Transport/Removals /Storage General Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts Champlong Chatterie Caring, quiet accommodation just for cats JUNCT 22 off A20, Arnac la Poste Alison & Ray Tel: 05 55 60 27 83 champlongchatterie@me.com www.champlongchatterie.com SIRET: 520 896 671 00010 >> B7 >> B7 >> B7 >> B7 >> B7 >> B7 >> B8 >> B8 >> B8 >> B8 Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 Antiques/ Brocantes Dog Holidays at Valhalla Farm 5 Star Accommodation in our Home (Dept 23). 4 Walks each day & lots of T.L.C. Contact Karen & Darren Tel: 05 55 80 95 18 / 06 52 58 17 95 valhallafarm@europe.com www.valhallafarm.org SIRET: 511 629 610 00011 ZE DOG (& CAT) HOUSE Family, cage-free boarding for dogs and cats. Positive dog training and counseling. We make sure that “Ze Dog (& Cat) House” is a real home from home for your companions so that they, as well as you, spend a great time on holiday! June Altman, Le Puytren, 87800 Meilhac Tel: 05 55 58 87 94 or Mob: 06 61 01 12 21 Email: zdh@ze-dog-house.fr Certificat de capacité n° 87-203 RCS Limoges 750 912 057 La Grange Brocante Seillant, 36310 Chaillac We sell a range of quality new and second-hand goods to suit a variety of tastes and budgets. Second hand furniture, clothing, books, CDs/DVDs, toys, new items, gifts & English greetings cards. We also purchase items. Thursday-Sunday, 14h00-17h30 lagrangebrocante@yahoo.fr www.lagrangebrocante.com CONTINUED NEXT PAGE... MARCH 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu B2 ♦ DIRECTORY Entreprise Hines Building Services All Internal & External Works, completed to a high standard. We also supply KWIKSTAGE scaffold for hire - either DIY or full scaffold service provided. siret: 503 169 237 00016 See website for more info - www.entreprisehines.com - 05 55 89 69 46 - robert.hines@orange.fr Auto Services Architectural SHUTTERS / VOLETS Made to Measure DRAWING Woodwork Pine Window Shutters from €35 SERVICE Pine Ledge and Brace Doors from €69 Renovating your French property? New build? Le Mécanique Anglais 30 years’ experience ● All Makes & Models ● Repairs ● Servicing ● CT’s ● Specialist in: Vehicle Diagnostics and Auto Electrics Covering 87/24/16 - I can come to you Email: lemeca24@gmail.com TEL: 05 53 62 50 46 SIREN: 514 423 532 The English Mechanic Car Breakers - C.R.A.L. Buy/Sell/Scrap Spare Parts for Sale - see pg 9 RING BILL! Registered Car Mechanic See Display Ad below Building Services Architectural Services www.masterplans.eu We offer a comprehensive Architectural Drawing Service for your projects. Supplying all the necessary drawings, elevations & photo realisations for your application. We also offer a floor plan service. Dossiers compiled for: ● Certificat d'urbanisme ● Déclaration préalable ● Permis de construire 05 55 80 72 83 / 06 33 07 29 72 info@masterplans.eu siret: 790 016 984 00011 Dossiers prepared Permis de Construire Déclarations Préalables Tel: 05 53 52 36 05 lavieilleabbaye@orange.fr SIRET: 493 770 358 00015 CHARTERED STRUCTURAL ENGINEER Pre-purchase & Structural Surveys. Verbal & written reports. Structural calculations & drawings. Redevelopment ideas & solutions. Tim Haw B.Eng C.Eng M.I.Struct.E 05 53 56 72 59 / 06 58 04 21 94 +44 (0)7910 283 965 Web: www.versineer.com Email: enquiries@versineer.com UK Reg No. 5245744 sales@thebugle.eu Building Services Our joinery expertise includes barn doors, barn door frame openings, staircases, kitchens, windows & doors. We also make handmade furniture. Every item is bespoke and made to measure. Please visit our website for recent installations and references. www.lecharmedechene.com contactus@lecharmedechene.com 02 54 25 65 08 06 16 91 64 67 SIRET: 510 156 763 00011 ELECTRICIAN O5. www.saraleigh.com 05 55 14 12 43 Rewires, renovations and all other electrical needs Fully insured, 25+ Years experience Based near St-Yrieix-la-Perche Depts covered: 87, 24 & 19 Siren 527 854 749 Siret: 507 643 336 00013 Bespoke items made www.scrollart.co.uk Oradour-sur-Vayres (87150) contact@saraleigh.com Nicholas Hemming Wood Craft www.nicholashemming.co.uk 02 48 63 15 09 - see main ad pg 9 Lumiere Service et Energie Steven Rofe - 20+ Years experience • NICEIC approved Electrician for 8 years in the UK • Wiring of new installations (including liaising with EDF) • Rewiring existing houses/barns • External & garden lighting • All aspects of electrical works • Fully insured - (10 year Decennale) • Departments covered 19,23 & 87 Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 / Building Services Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts email: rofesteven@yahoo.co.uk Siret No. 501.792.386.00010 BARWICK ÉLECTRICITÉ Electricians SHAUN BARWICK QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN SALAMANDRE électricité Carpenters/Joiners Keith SLOPER Le Charme De Chêne Handmade solid oak joinery and furniture Leigh Dodd Tel: 05 55 64 94 20 Mob: 07 86 38 09 61 * Qualified electrician * All types of electrical works carried out * Free estimates * Fault finding * Consuel certification arranged * Temporary and permanent EDF supplies arranged * Departments 23 and 87 No Siret: 494 916 760 00015 sales@thebugle.eu Available for all types of electrical work Small jobs, new builds, renovations, rewires Consuel assistance and certification service available Fully insured with 10 year workmanship guarantee Based near Châlus (87230) Covering departments 87 and north 24 Tel: 09 72 35 74 73 Email: barwick.shaun@gmail.com Siret: 794 282 368 00016 Pink Electrique Ruth & Geoff Kowalczyk All electrical work, home automation & security. Project management. See our website for more information. French qualified and insured. 30+ years worldwide experience. Departments covered: 23, 36, 87. Tel: 05 55 63 10 68 Mob: 06 64 59 48 64 Email: info@pink-electrique.fr www.pink-electrique.fr SIRET: 788 709 871 00016 Building Services Fosses Septiques LES VIDANGES LIMOUSINES ▪ Emptying septic tanks ▪ Unblocking pipes ▪ Cleaning wells ▪ Group rates available between neighbours Call David - 24/24 7/7 06 49 66 44 25 87800 Jourgnac Siret N° 750 725 780 00019 Steve Johns Fosse Septique Specialist 20+ years experience All aspects covered: Paperwork and permissions arranged Installations (full/part) Upgrades (to current regs) Inspections Digger and dumper hire Groundworks, foundations, driveways, etc. Building & Renovation services Free devis and site visit We guarantee to beat any like for like quote ! siret: 514 556 208 00015 Fosse France Solutions DO YOU NEED A NEW FOSSE SEPTIQUE? HAS YOUR FOSSE FAILED ITS INSPECTION? IS YOUR EXISTING FOSSE ILLEGAL? If you have answered YES to any of these questions then help is at hand. We offer the very latest in: sewage treatment systems, compact filter systems and micro-stations For a professional and friendly service, contact: Philip Allen Tel: +33 (0)2 54 24 88 35 Email: phil@fossefrancesolutions.com Web: www.fossefrancesolutions.com Siret No: 502 254 972 00016 sales@thebugle.eu 50,000 sq ft of covered showrooms & 2 large external display areas - All reclamation bought & sold - Demolition undertaken - Specialists in oak beams - Metalwork & stonework - Indian stone flooring - Plywood, all in 8x4 sheets. Internal, external and marine grade ply available Open Mon-Sat 8.30am to 6pm - www.reclamation-yard.com Only 1km from Confolens on the D952 Ansac-sur-Vienne road www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ MARCH 2014 DIRECTORY ♦ B3 ADVERTORIAL Big Dish Satellite - Satellite broadband solutions H ere at Big Dish Satellite, we have been supplying and installing the new generation Tooway satellite broadband system ever since it first launched in June 2011. We brought a new approach to France by being the first satellite installation company to import all the necessary hardware from a UK service provider enabling everything to be in English… including the vital after-sales service. The Tooway equipment is designed for selfinstallation and therefore slotted in to our wellestablished mail order business; we have now supplied several hundred Tooway kits throughout France and many customers have visited our workshop in the Limousin for a demonstration and have taken away the kit to install themselves. In a new move, we can now supply and install the new Astra Connect satellite broadband system. This is a rival system to Tooway and has some interesting features which are not available on the Tooway system. The Astra Connect equipment is slightly cheaper to purchase outright and, just like Tooway, there is no ‘engagement’ with the service provider, so no minimum contract term. Not everybody has 300+ euros in petty cash, so Astra Connect has a very Building Services General ENTREPRISE SMITH BUILDING SERVICES Established, Qualified Builder/Electrician 30 years experience All internal & external building, electrical and plumbing works from start to high quality finish. Tel: 05 55 89 00 89 Mob: 06 04 06 55 28 email: anthonytsmith15@gmail.com Siret: 533 577 128 00010 Dave Cardwell - Builder 05 55 98 24 12 See our Display Ad - pg 15 interesting rental option in which the equipment will belong to the customer after 24 months… so the rental payments stop. Tooway also has a rental scheme but the equipment is never owned by the customer, no matter how long he (or she) rents the equipment for. With Astra Connect, you pay a one-off 60 euros fee and then 15 euros per month on top of your monthly subscription. After 24 months, the 15 euros stops because you now own the equipment and you just continue to pay the monthly airtime. Astra Connect monthly packages start at 10.95 euros, so satellite broadband is not going to break the bank and is a Harlequin KWIKSTAGE Scaffold Hire Developments All aspects of renovation DIY or Full Scaffold Service See our website or phone for details 05 55 89 69 46 SIRET: 494.501.067.00016 Property Maintenance Services Qualified Tradesman 20+ years experience Offering extensive handyman and general maintenance services Small jobs a speciality, able to work with you on your renovation projects Affordable & reliable, a quality job every time Servicing 23 and surrounding areas. Call Jim: 05 55 66 23 97 06 27 25 07 78 Siret: 792 049 025 00010 Masonry & More martin_sprague_1@ hotmail.com Please see our portfolio at : 05-55-62-24-27 / 06-48-77-79-19 siret: 511 277 527 00012 SIRET: 503 169 237 00016 Contact Kristian Woodgate on: kristianwoodgate@icloud.com Multi-skilled Professional Workmanship for every aspect of your build. Harlequin Developments are a Distributor and Installer for Solarventi, solar dehumidifying and water heating products, as well as a range of other renewable energies harlequindevelopments@live.com www.harlequindevelopments.com www.oldstylecreativity.weebly.com Rural Renovations and refurbishment, big or small, undertaken. www.entreprisehines.com robert.hines@orange.fr General building Renovation & maintenance Reliable, good quality work 30 years exp Based central 23 - will travel Martin Sprague Old Style Creativity fairly painless way to rid you of the misery that is Dial-Up. Like Tooway, our service provider will automatically give you a British IP address to easily access UK-only sites and services. Tooway stopped offering an Unlimited service to new customers last September; the most data that you can move now is capped at 50GB per month. Astra Connect can offer you an Unlimited package, but speed restrictions will be applied to make sure everyone has fair and equal access to the system… all very carefully explained on our website. We have been ‘doing’ satellite from our Limousin base since 1998; we have 05 55 61 93 07 SIRET: 531 768 182 00010 Entreprise Hines Building & Renovation ● Roofing - New & Repairs ● Masonry ● Plastering ● Dry Lining ● Sand Blasting ● Equestrian Buildings ● Digger/Scaffold Hire ● ... and much, much more Kitchens & Interiors 05 55 80 92 91 - see pg 5 Eurl Réno-Gén 02 54 30 11 20 / 06 42 38 54 22 see main ad - pg 4 Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts Skilled Workman INSTALLATION23 - Electricity - Plumbing - Air conditioning and heat pump - Small renovations (bathrooms, kitchens, etc.) Dutch and English spoken E-mail: installation23@gmail.com La Noneix Construction www.entreprisehines.com robert.hines@orange.fr & Property Services SIRET: 503 169 237 00016 Established, Professional and Personal Building Services. Fully registered with décennale insurance covering all works. Your advert here ●Renovations ●New builds ●Roofing ●Stonework ●Carpentry ●Ground works Large or small projects undertaken - please view our website. Contact: Paul or Joanne Rands 05 55 41 17 76 John Sidwell www.bigdishsat.com 05 55 78 72 98 3kw Solar PV Installation Siret: 753 054 030 00014 We have both Tooway and Astra Connect satellite broadband systems installed here… bring a laptop and give them a road test. We carry large stocks of both systems for take aways, installation or mail order. ■ French Lily Mob. 06 40 56 96 12 Tel. 05 55 67 57 64 28 years qualified experience sales@thebugle.eu a well-established mail order business and are still installing systems after all these years. Customers like the way we can sort out most problems over the phone, mainly through oldfashioned experience but also through sophisticated diagnostic tools put at our disposal by EuropaSat, our UK-based internet service provider. www.lanoneix.com Paul.rands@orange.fr SIRET: 501 144 596 00019 Building Renovations & Small Jobs • Velux Windows • Roof Repairs • Tiling • Plumbing • Plaster boarding • Garden Projects & Maintenance For more info please call Barrie / Or visit my website www.bw-renovations.co.uk SIRET: 501 338 230 00011 Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 WASTE REMOVAL SERVICES • house and barn clearances • dechetterie runs • rubbish removal • cash paid for scrap • general labouring service • 7.5 tonne tipper for hire • mini digger hire - with/without driver 05 55 37 45 35 / 06 74 21 47 71 siret 532 981 198 00015 CONTINUED NEXT PAGE... MARCH 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu B4 ♦ DIRECTORY Septic tanks systems designed with permissions & paperwork included and independent approval with certification. Building Services Electrics diagnostic report and remedial works – consuel approvals - liaison with ERDF for changes. full re-wires, new-build, additions, modifications. Your advert here Double D Renovations & Home Improvements 05 55 65 00 29 - pg 14 RSW Entreprises Simon Carter La Coterie Entreprise Fosse Septique Specialist See our main ad above Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts T J Renovations Davis & Davis GODSON www.lce23.com 30 years experience in building trade Full refurbishments undertaken • Stone/Brickwork • Patios • Repointing • Studwork • General Repairs & Maintenance All areas in the Limousin covered Contact Tim 05 55 61 08 02 / 06 52 23 89 54 web: www.builderinthecreuse.co.uk Email: tjrenovations96@yahoo.fr Siret: 750 068 116 00011 Magnetic Double Glazing www.sarant.eu 30 years' Experience in Construction, Renovation & Project Management Quality Workmanship Guaranteed Internal/ External Developments Barn conversions, loft conversions, new-build, drylining, plastering, rendering, spray rendering, tiling, installation of kitchens/ bathrooms, painting, carpentry, replacement doors & windows, velux installation, groundworks, landscaping, decking & much more... No job too big (or small). Give us a call for a free competitive quote. 05 55 60 29 50 / 06 04 13 30 57 email: davis-davis@sfr.fr - see ad below Based Arnac-la-Poste - Covering depts 87, 23 & 19 House/Barn Clearance R & B Construction •Complete clearance service (just moved in?/just moving out?) •All types of household and garden rubbish and waste removal. Including stone, metal, rubble, etc. •Landscaping, clearing and tree work (qualified tree surgeon). •Pre-sale/Post-purchase house clearing and cleaning. Contact Kristian on: kristianwoodgate@icloud.com 05-55-62-24-27 / 06-48-77-79-19 Siret: 511 277 527 00012 Eurl Réno-Gén ROOFING SPECIALISTS All types of roofing External insulation Carpentry work Dormer windows Velux windows Zinc guttering Chimney repoints Lead flashing, etc. Contact Phil Andrews: Mob: 06 42 38 54 22 Tel: 02 54 30 11 20 Email: philip.andrews@orange.fr siret: 509 180 410 00011 Siret: 498 203 652 00017 ALL ASPECTS OF RENOVATION & CONSTRUCTION * Winter Discounts * • House & barn renovations • Garage/loft conversions • Bathroom/shower rooms • Doors/windows • Roofing • Patios/decking • Plumbing & Electrical See our website: http://www.rb-first-construction.com Tel: 05 55 37 74 06 (Dave) Tel: 05 55 69 75 67 (Steve) (Depts 23, 87 & 19) siret: 501 792 386 00010 Monte Sarginson House Renovations Inside & Out Experience in Roofing, Tiling Floors & Walls, Plumbing, Fitting Kitchens & Bathrooms, Stonework & Rendering, Painting & Decorating Tel: 05 55 63 88 70 Mob: 06 21 34 18 20 Siret no 507 516 748 00013 Building Services Painters/ Decorators 05 55 41 17 76 bathrooms & kitchens from design to completion; ceilings; partition walls; drylining. sales@thebugle.eu General Approved septic tank installer Renovation See our Display Ad - pg 11 Travaux Publics www.pilgrim23.com - pg 3 Your advert here Montluc Painting & Decorating Qualified craftsman with over 25 years UK experience, now based in Haute Vienne Specialist services: Interior & exterior painting, wallpapering, plastering & boarding, floor restoration, tiling. FREE QUOTES Tel: 05 87 19 91 50 Mob: 07 81 26 88 65 Web: www.sjcmontluc.fr Email: sjcmontluc@yahoo.fr siret: 792.130.932.00017 05 55 41 17 76 Copy Deadline 15th of the month Building Services Building Services Tel: Email: sales@LCE23.com Web: LCE23.com MARK COLYER LIMOUSIN PLASTERING LIMOUSIN STUKADOORS 20 years experience in: ● Solid Plastering ● Skimming ● Dry Lining ● Rendering ● Plasterboard Studwork Specialising in both French lime plastering and English plastering techniques. 10 years tiling experience. Covering Creuse (23), Haute-Vienne (87), Northern Corrèze (19) & Southern Indre (36) For a free quotation & friendly advice call Mark or Mareike on 05 55 54 95 63 mcolyerplasteringandtiling@orange.fr siret: 539 941 450 00014 Le Plâtrier du Limousin The friendly and reliable plasterer Registered in France. Fully insured offering 10 year guarantee. Call Stuart on: 05 55 80 92 91 info@platrierlimousin.fr Siret: 534 396 908 00012 GLEN VINEY PLASTERER Quality Plasterwork, Internal & External Plasterboarding, Partitioning, Skiming, Solid Plastering, Floor Screeding, Rendering: Mono Couche/Coloured Render Waterproofing Render Systems Tel: 06 45 18 86 10 (18 Years Experience) Email: glenviney1@btinternet.com Siret: 527 736 326 00010 Multiskilled Artisan Groundworks Plasterers Mini-Digger with driver « LE PLATRIER » john.bonella@gmail.com See Main Ad below Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts Chris the Plasterer A genuine plasterer French and English spoken Traditional Plastering Rendering, Floor Screeding Stud partition dry lining Lime mortar stone pointing FOR A QUOTATION CALL 05 55 63 53 06 06 23 29 48 19 christopher.willis@orange.fr Le Bourg, 23360 Nouzerolles SIRET: 504 612 441 00015 Graham Carter Plastering • Plastering • Rendering • Stud Walling • Tiling and associated works • Bespoke polished concrete surfaces for Window Sills, Shelves, Fire Surrounds etc. • General Renovation interior and exterior of buildings to customer's specification. Tel: 05 55 76 69 32 Mob: 06 43 11 95 87 Siret No. 513 415 091 00018 Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ MARCH 2014 DIRECTORY ♦ B5 ADVERTORIAL “SolarVenti”- the solar solution to damp and humidity A simple solar energy system that runs on its own, even when you are not there! – And provides a free heat supplement in winter. The Solarventi air panel was invented more than 20 years ago by Hans Jørgen Christensen, from Aidt Miljø, with the backing of the Danish government. He wanted to use the sun’s energy for airing and ventilation of the thousands of holiday homes on the West coast of Jutland, - houses that were left empty and unheated for long periods - houses with damp problems, mould and bad odours houses that left their owners with discomfort, lots of work and expense. He wanted a system that would be safe, simple, without the need for radiators, water and/or mains electricity. Slowly but surely, the first Solarventi model came together. power from the solar cell, introduces warm, dry air into your home at the rate of 20 to 100 cubic metres per hour. The initial models were more than capable of keeping the cottages dry (and ventilated), even with the limited sunshine hours available in Denmark during the winter season. Since that time, the technology has really come along in leaps and bounds. Now, more than 20 years later, the 3rd and 4th generation Solarventi have exceeded all expectations. In Southern Europe, Solarventi is not only used for ventilation/dehumidification purposes; with far more winter sunshine hours, it also provides a substantial heating supplement. Several technical and governmental studies show that incoming air temperature can be increased by as much as 40°C. How it works The principle behind Solarventi is simple: a small, built-in, solar cell powers a 12V fan that is connected to an air vent, a control unit and an on/ off switch. Whenever the sun shines, the air in the solar panel is heated and the fan, receiving A DIY Solution? The installation process is very straightforward and should only take two or three hours. All that is needed is a drill, hammer and chisel to make a hole in the wall. Roof installations are also possible. In fact, the Solarventi was originally designed to be a DIY Building Services Plumbers Martin Walters Plumber Caught out last winter? Don't worry! We can now offer winter checks, drain downs, caretaking, general DIY, key holding, as well as our usual friendly plumbing services. Tel 02 54 24 84 62 Rick Fife All aspects of Plumbing and Heating work undertaken. SPREAD THE COST OF A NEW GAS/OIL BOILER OVER 3 MONTHS 23 Years Qualified (Previously UK CORGI registered – Oil / Natural Gas / LPG) Established and registered in France for 8 years. 05 55 41 17 76 computer services - pc • mac • network 05 55 68 47 33 / 06 82 26 31 54 see pg 4 Please give us a call to discuss your requirements. If you get the answer machine we WILL return your call the same day. siret: 494 380 264 00015 Sand and Blast Your advert here Mayday Tel: 05 55 62 34 66 Building Services We provide a fully operated sandblasting service for wood, stone and metal. Perfect for stripping away years of grime or paint. Contact us for a free quote or see our website. www.sandandblast.com / steve@sandandblast.com SIRET: 488 522 921 00037 sales@thebugle.eu GOODWIN SATELLITE TOUTE SWEEP Chimney Sweep Service * All types of chimneys cleaned * Brush & Vacuum * Smoke Tested * Fully Insured * HETAS Approved and member of NACS * Official certificates of cleaning issued (Certificat de Ramonage) * Clean, tidy, professional & friendly service SALES & INSTALLATION OF ALL SATELLITE SYSTEMS & AERIALS. FAULT FINDING. Dept 23 & surrounding areas Tel: 05 55 62 05 61 Mob: 06 06 47 89 66 Email: garygoodwin@wanadoo.fr Contact Barry Manning siret: 453 067 910 00019 Tel: 05 55 66 14 11 Mob: 06 31 59 81 08 NO FIX... NO FEE !! barry@toutesweep.com REMEMBER - BLOCKED FLUES AND CHIMNEY FIRES CAN BE FATAL... DON'T TAKE THAT RISK! SIRET: 534 351 754 00013 Chimney Sweeping • Flue ways cleared • Birds nests, vermin & debris removed • Smoke evacuation & gas tightness tests • Official certificates of cleaning issued (Certificat de Ramonage) www.stovesellers.com 05 55 63 78 72 Siren: 502 409 949 sales@thebugle.eu Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 Email: amanda.rick@tiscali.co.uk H20 CREUSE Computers & Satellites Chimney Sweeps Areas Covered: North Creuse (23) & South Indre (36) Sandblasting 05 55 63 89 23 - see pg 13 SOLARVENTI Available in the Limousin From Harlequin Developments Tel: 05 55 68 67 56 Mobile: 06 06 60 46 97 Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts Plumbing & Heating Engineer Siret 522 804 723 00016 Heating & Plumbing engineer product - in Scandinavia it still is. There are no electrical or water connections and it can be safely left running, even when the property is empty. Solarventi requires no maintenance - if the property is unoccupied during the hot summer months, then it can be left running at low speeds for ventilation and dehumidification purposes or simply switched off. With a range of panel sizes, and the option for wall or roof mounting, Solarventi is suitable for all types of buildings, caravans or even boats!! Following the patenting of its design in 2001, Solarventi has only recently been actively commercialized. Over the last six years, Solarventi units have been installed in more than 24 countries and demand is increasing rapidly. From Greenland to Australia, Solarventi is finally getting the recognition it deserves. ■ IT Support for Creuse, HauteVienne, Indre and Vienne www.indre-it.com We provide a fast and friendly service either at the client's home, via remote software or computers can be left with us and collected when the work is complete. ● Ordering/Installing wireless & broadband ● Fixing results of a virus attack ● PC healthchecks ● Virus , trojan , worm removal and protection ● Backups/Disaster recovery ● Hardware/software upgrades. ● Website and graphic design. ● Printer/scanner assistance. Creusetec Satellite Systems 05 55 66 60 21 "Tooway" High speed internet via satellite TV Satellite Sales, Service & Installations. TV Receiver & Electronic Repairs. Dish alignments. Sky/Freesat/TNT/FTA. Most of depts 23,03,63,87,36 covered. martin@creusetec.com http://www.creusetec.com SIRET: 510 117 328 00011 Sat-Elec Formerly Electrosat UK & French Satellite TV Dishes & Freesat boxes always in stock Terrestrial digital aerial installations From a single outlet to multi-point systems TOOWAY BROADBAND Approved Supplier Wi-Fi, Data Networks, CCTV For sales, service or advice Call Mike G on 06 30 28 81 43 We only use our own qualified staff No call out charge Free quotations All areas covered Quality work from qualified Staff 5 Place de la Republique Sauviat-sur-Vige 87400 siret no 798 364 600 00014 CONTINUED NEXT PAGE... MARCH 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu B6 ♦ DIRECTORY Computers & Satellites The Codfather British Fish & Chips in France www.thecodfather.eu See main ad pg 4 THÉ BONBONS CADEAUX Salon de Thé - 06 72 38 82 20 For all your TV and satellite installations and repairs (Sky TV, Internet etc.) Call Patrice: libre.antenne87@gmail.com Fast dependable service Based Séreilhac (87) siret: 353 613 227 00035 Big Dish Satellite www.bigdishsat.com 05 55 78 72 98 see main ad - pg 10 ZESTUX SPECIALIST CMS WEB DESIGN www.zestux.com 06 79 26 75 65 - See main ad pg 15 Food & Drink Tue-Sat 10.30am-5.30pm All Day Frothy Coffees - Hot Choc - Cakes English Greeting Cards 1€ & 1,50€ Traditional Sweets 1,10€ 100g Fabrics - Jewellery - Homewares Toiletries - Mugs - Candles - Aprons Bags - Purses - Glassware - Mirrors Cushions - Pot Pourri - Foliage MAGNAC LAVAL 87190 Two Floors Serving French & English Tastes since 2011 Petticoat Lane 5 Rue Nationale – 16150 Chabanais Tel: 05 45 29 03 99 Visit: www.petticoatlaneshop.com E-mail: sales@petticoatlaneshop.com English groceries, Fresh British Beef & Steaks (to order only), Gammon Steak, Bacon, Sausage & Cheddar Cheese. Wide range of frozen items including vegetarian. Traditional English beers, Sherries & Wine. Cards for all occasions. Opening hours: Mon - Sat 10am – 6pm Visit us and compare our prices JJ’s Cafe Bar Some customer quotes: ‘...more than just a bar’ ‘....a bit like Allo Allo and Cheers!’ Come and see for yourself - Open all week. RIVE DROITE 8 rue Ledru-Rollin 36200 Argenton-sur-Creuse 02 54 24 01 06 Restaurant - Pizzeria ● Italian Specialities ● Traditional Cuisine ● Home-made Desserts Moules de bouchot AOC available from July to December High Quality Food, a Warm Welcome and a Friendly Atmosphere await Closed Sundays & Mondays Le Moulin du Breuil BAR, RESTAURANT, TERRASSE 23140 PIONNAT 05 55 80 37 70 - see pg 4 Your advert here Cross Cut Tree Surgeons Oh My Cod Fish and Chips 05 55 80 34 26 - see pg 12 Ladies fashion accessories 05 55 78 62 29 / 06 04 08 29 53 C’est cheese ARBO GESTION Qualified Climbing Pruner Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts Depts 36/87/23 The Exchange www.ohmycod.fr Find us at local markets selling a small and tasty selection of excellent quality english cheeses. Also available online. For more information, see our website: www.cestcheese.fr cest.cheese@orange.fr Tree pruning Felling / Dismantling Tel: 06 87 13 75 66 Email: arbogestion@live.fr siret: 798 029 690 00012 SIREN: 409 679 578 Le Creusois Gifts & Crafts Bar/Restaurant 02 54 06 30 77 www.frenchweb.eu/jjscafebar/ cafebarjj@yahoo.co.uk SIRET: 508 754 314 00013 Le Pub 58, rue d'Orjon, Argenton-sur-Creuse - see pg 6 Restaurant AUX CEPES LA veytiZoU, 87130 3D Puzzle Maker 'CARTES DE CHRISTINE' Handmade, fully interlocking, multi-layered 3D puzzles from just €9. Keyrings €2 plus other unique gift ideas. Customisation and personalisation possible. Come and visit the workshop by appointment. Quality product at affordable prices. Customized, if required, especially for you. Available blank or with either English or French greetings. Les Bregères, 23150 St-Martial-le-Mont alison.petley@wanadoo.fr www.lecreusoisbistro.com SIREN: 483 988 853 26, Ecurat 23150 Atelier d'Art du Jardin ** closed until Easter ** Open Fri, Sat, Sun and Bank Holidays 11h00 to 18h00 Artisan art for your garden. Cream teas on the terrasse. RDV for weekday visits SVP. 2km from Chénérailles and the Chateau Villemonteix HAND-CRAFTED CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Email: ellinghamroam764@yahoo.com VISIT ME AT THE FOLLOWING MARKETS: PEIGUT (Wednesday, Weekly) CHASSENEUIL & CONFOLENS (Monthly) FIND OUR CARDS AT: Magazin Artisanat, Confolens Send an email to sign up to the newsletter Tel: 06 86 89 81 02 siret 528 539 448 tel: 05 55 81 31 85 email: artdejardin@gmail.com www.atelierdartdujardin.net Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts Your advert here 26, Ecurat 23150 Atelier d'Art du Jardin ** closed until Easter ** Garden Services BUY YOUR BRITISH GREETINGS CARDS ONLINE! QUALITY CARDS AT UK PRICES! E: ANGI@CARDBUBBLE.COM FREE DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS OVER €10 WORLDWIDE siret: 751 978 917 00019 Handholding Services Cream teas on the terrasse. RDV for weekday visits SVP. 2km from Chénérailles and the Chateau Villemonteix tel: 05 55 81 31 85 LE DORAT (Pl. Charles de Gaulle) Vera Laine Gift Shop & Salon de Thé Gardening & Property Services Stuart Fieldhouse All aspects of garden maintenance: hedge cutting, mowing, fencing, etc as well as property maintenance. References provided. Coussac-Bonneval - 05 55 70 59 75 email: smincky@yahoo.com sales@thebugle.eu WWW.CARDBUBBLE.COM Artisan art for your garden. 05 55 41 17 76 siret: 792 079 626 00018 Tel: Open Fri, Sat, Sun and Bank Holidays 11h00 to 18h00 Le Relais de l'Abloux 05 55 41 17 76 02 54 47 56 74 05 55 78 19 24 Ivan Petley see main ad - pg 11 36170 SACIERGES-ST-MARTIN Tue 2.30pm - 5pm Thu, Fri 9:15-12 & 2:30-5pm Sat 9 - 12 SIRET 484 479 480 00010 email: artdejardin@gmail.com www.atelierdartdujardin.net Pizzas to eat in or take away Rochechouart SECOND HAND BOOK SHOP. GREAT SELECTION OF GIFTS, CARDS, CANDLES AND HAND-CRAFTED PRODUCTS 500+ DVD's now in stock 9 rue Dr Charles Poitevin High quality British & French food at reasonable prices. Menu du Jour €12, Traditional Pub Food, Vegetarian dishes, Childrens & Snack menus also available Tel: 05 55 69 33 38 Bar - Restaurant Pizzeria see main ad pg 17 www.theexchangerochechouart.com Les Genêts, Azerables See our Notice Board events listings 39 Place du Champ de Foire 36140, Aigurande Très Jolie for all your tree requirements beverley.pawson@yahoo.co.uk / see main ad opposite Candles, mugs, shabby chic homeware, cards, leather goods, jewellery... all at affordable prices! Neal's Yard Remedies Consultant. Fresh homemade cakes and free WiFi now available! Open Tue-Fri: 9h30-17h30 Contact Jay: 05 87 77 95 59 veralaine19@gmail.com A HELPING HAND Translation/interpretation Dealing with utilities/banks Permis de construire Sourcing/supervising artisans 1-2-1 conversation classes 05 55 62 50 38 Jonathan Critchley - jcritch.7@gmail.com siret: 792 285 025 00013 Sophie Arsac French lessons & handholding services - pg 17 Copy Deadline 15th of the month www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ MARCH 2014 DIRECTORY ♦ B7 ADVERTORIAL Spotlight your business to an estimated 30,000 readers E very month 13,000+ copies of The Bugle are printed and distributed across the region. Thanks to our targeted distribution where we personally visit each of our 350+ distributors every month, and adjust the number of papers left accordingly, we make sure that the right number of copies go in the right places. The Bugle has an estimated monthly readership of over 30,000 people!! That means as many as 30,000 pairs of eyes will be reading this text in the coming few weeks… and they could be reading about your business! An Advertorial like this one costs just €50, that’s 600 potential new customers or clients for your business for every euro spent! As our newspaper has grown in popularity and The Bugle has established itself as the primary source of free local and national news in the region, our advertising has also become increasingly effective. Advertorials are just one of the advertising options we offer, but they have become a very cost-effective way of attracting new customers and raising the profile of your business. Because we only feature a handful of businesses each month, we highlight those businesses prominently and deliver your message in a targeted manner. Advertorials are now available in 4 sizes: • 1/6 page - €50 (this one) • 1/3 page - €100 • 2/3 page - €200 ADVERTORIAL Health & Beauty • full page - €300. If you would like to find out more about our Advertorials, or any of our other advertising options, please feel free to get in touch with us on or drop us a line at sales@thebugle.eu ■ TAILORED FITNESS ADVERTORIAL From low-cost shutters to beautiful handmade staircases - made here in the Limousin S ince moving to France in 2010 and after registering for work we have spent our time making fir shutters and other wooden products. We know how cold it can be and understand why shutters are part of France's architectural heritage. The cold weather highlights the need to seal up our homes against the harsh winters. Sometimes made to measure can be costly but we do our best to keep our pricing low, such as our range of lowcost shutters (starting Language Services from only 35 euros each) to complement our standard range of Douglas Fir and Oak shutters. Our shutters are made to measure so little if NO trimming is required making fitting much easier than brico kits which often require severe alteration. We also build with care: External Doors, Kitchens, Windows, Internal Doors and other wooden items. If you would like to know about our woodworking services then please get in touch, or more information can be found on our website. ■ ADVERTORIAL Online Shopping OSTEOPATHY & ACUPUNCTURE Your advert here 05 87 41 07 93 - see pg 14 05 55 41 17 76 Individual or Group Personal Training 06 23 90 45 82 - see pg 15 lindabodimeade@eircom.net paulbodimeade@eircom.net AMMARA Call Alex, your English nail technician now Gel nails starting from €40 a set Beginner's French Insurance & Finance I specialise in helping beginners to communicate confidently & fluently in French. Made-to-measure French lessons with an English speaking, qualified language teacher. Tel: 06 22 93 14 57 ammara.onglerie@gmail.com Meditation class held by Association ame et corps in Limoges each Wednesday at 8pm. First session free of charge, then 4 evenings at a total fee of €35. New group in St. Junien is planned. Beginners and advanced participants welcome! For more information see: HiFX International money transfer www.hifx.co.uk Siddalls www.ame-et-corps.com Financial Solutions & Expert Advice See our Display Ad - pg 12 Les Dryades Your advert here or call Katharina on: Hotel / Golf / Spa www.les-dryades.fr see main ad - pg 7 Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts La Maison Shopping UK shopping delivered to your door +44 (0)1268 767 237 - pg 11 Property Maintenance Pest Control Based near Magnac-Laval (87190) siret: en cours Learning to meditate Website: www.scrollart.co.uk Tel: 05 55 14 12 43 Email: info@scrollart.co.uk Oradour-sur-Vayres (87150) Mob: 07 81 90 61 04 Tel: 05 19 23 00 00 Les Bons Voisins martininledognon@gmail.com www.beginners-french.com Help with all property related issues See main ad pg 7 siret: 798 931 861 00016 Easyfrench FREE FRENCH LESSONS Training institution in partnership with the State. Lessons in either of our premises or at your home. 12 rue Thiers, 87300 Bellac or 11 ave Cruveilhier, 87130 Châteauneuf-la-Forêt 06 75 56 99 06 – 05 87 77 90 39 easyfrench87@orange.fr www.easyfrench.fr 05 55 41 17 76 www.LBVfrance.com sales@thebugle.eu Central France Pest Control Dératisation, Déinsectisation, Désinfection 02 48 60 83 72 / 06 74 33 02 38 www.applicateur3d.com Email: info@applicateur3d.com Curative and preventative rats, mice, moles, flies, woodworm, bed bugs, fleas, wasps, hornets La Petite Barre, 18210 Bessais Le Fromental SIRET No. 498 544 741 00024 Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 CONTINUED NEXT PAGE... Cross Cut Tree Surgeons for all your tree requirements 27 years experience Free quotes and advice We will not be beaten on price or standard of work Fully qualified arborist - Fully insured Covering depts: 87, 23, 86, 36, 19 & 16 Reliability guaranteed beverley.pawson@yahoo.co.uk / siret: 530 840 958 00017 MARCH 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu B8 ♦ DIRECTORY Property Sales Soie et Bois Depot Vente des Vêtements Dress agency and gallery, specialising in designer and high quality pre-owned clothes for women and children, together with accessories, footwear, jewellery, gift items, and hand made furniture. Transport, Removals & Storage 4 rue Principale, St Mathieu, 87440 Email: soieetbois@gmail.com Web: www.soiebois.net Tel: 05.55 48.28.89 www.housesoninternet.com See our Display Ad - pg 3 Leggett Immobilier www.leggettfrance.com 05 53 56 62 54 see main ad - pg 5 Alinéa VAN SERVICES see advert on pg 2 Extra Large Van & Curtain Side Trailer Available for your Personal Requirements Meuble & Déco sales@thebugle.eu Cendrillon - Bourganeuf Bilingual Estate Agent in Creuse www.limousin-bilingual.com FABRICA Everhot stoves supplied & installed across France 05 55 54 95 85 - see pg 12 www.fabricadesign.com - see pg 9 Retail & Commerce Eco Entrepot Get down The Shed 87230 Bussière-Poitevine - see pg 10 French Lily Kitchens & Interiors 05 55 80 92 91 - see pg 5 Mégisserie Colombier www.tannery-colombier.com 05 55 02 30 60 - see pg 3 Moulin de Tintin Furniture, interiors & gifts www.moulin-de-tintin.com - see pg 3 Stove Sellers www.stovesellers.com See our Display Ad - pg 12 Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts Efficient parking for all types of vehicles Book now!! www.parkinglimoges.com 06 13 38 59 68 SIRET: 510 995 681 00010 Houses on Internet Parking For Limoges Airport Contact Dave or Richard: 02 54 24 29 76 07 85 26 95 71 Email: van@deliveryman.com The Man With A Van MAN + VAN Fiat Ducato with 11m² load capacity Experienced home help nurse General 3 HOUSE CLEARANCE 4 U SIRET: 523 955 151 00015 Please contact Ms Angelika Knauer: Yes you have read this ad correctly... It's FREE Contact Antoinette: 02 54 24 29 76 / 07 85 26 95 71 clearance@housemail.com Siret : 532 526 001 00013 BABY/INFANT EQUIPMENT FOR HIRE To raise funds for the SPA dog rescue centre in Guéret. High chair, buggy, play pen, travel cot, fire guard, stair gate etc. Each item will incur a hire charge of 7 euros, plus a refundable 8 euros deposit. 87150 Oradour-sur-Vayres For more INFO or to HIRE Call Jean: 05 55 54 96 36 Siret 530 213 644 00012 jeanwhitham@orange.fr www.frenchvanman.eu siret 532 981 198 00015 jonathanpiddock@orange.fr 05 55 83 02 77 / 06 30 90 58 90 Tel: (+33) 05 55 33 21 59 Tel: 05 55 37 45 35 Mob: 06 74 21 47 71 offers compassionate care for children, elderly people and sick people. I can also help with household chores and look after your pets when you are away. E: pancentral@hotmail.com W: www.themanwithavan.info Genuine/Reliable/Honest Local + Europe + UK runs Goods In Transit Insurance 14m3 capacity 4.2m load length French Spoken All Limousin covered Anything considered Any quantity Collections / Deliveries Removals / Brico Runs All over France. Competitve hourly rate incl fuel. Please ring or e-mail for a quote. Based nr Aubusson Dept 23 Affordable Moves/ Single Items Regular UK runs - check website Europewide/ Limousin based 18m3 van / 4.5m load area Man & Van Transport Cash paid for scrap Carrefour du bois Limousin www.chauffagebois-limousin.com 05 55 63 72 45 - see pg 14 Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 To advertise in the Business Directory / sales@thebugle.eu SUDOKU - EASY SUDOKU - MEDIUM The solutions to this month’s Sudokus can be found on page 19 SUDOKU - HARD www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ MARCH 2014 FRENCH LIFE ♦ 13 H2 0 Creuse HEATING Gas and & PLUMBING ENGINEER oil fired boiler specialist Qualigaz certificates arranged Winterising of heating & plumbing systems Kitchens & bathrooms fitted and tiled Advice given Jason Green: Email: h2ocreuse@orange.fr Siret no: 487 425 639 00027 Fun at the brocante Y ou never know who’s interested. I was having a new freezer delivered in Devon. One of the nice men delivering spotted some boxes of interesting and valuable antiques and collectibles - erm, junk – in my garage. “Are you a car booter?” was the first question, then, when I said no, they were going to France, the next question was did I go to brocantes and vide-greniers? Plug in the freezer. Get the coffee on. Someone who knows about La Brocante and all its pleasures. The second nice man, having asked what a brocante was, then decided it was more interesting to watch the trawlers come and go in the English Channel from our living room window. It turned out that the nostalgic brocanteur had lived in La Creuse for a while and had really enjoyed the videgreniers. As they trotted back to the van, he said that he thought he might look at living in La Creuse once more. He missed it. And it made me think about how much I enjoy vide-greniers and brocantes. Quite a lot as it happened. I like doing the sales for different reasons. The vide-greniers by Gina Jolliffe is a wonderful opportunity to do what the translation says: empty the attic. At the vide-greniers you can sell and indeed pick up authentic items, strange stuff, and yes, more stuff to put in your own attic for next time. Many vide-greniers don’t charge for the pitch, and most are very cheap. Some will have a mobile coffee wagon, always welcome at 6am! The brocante is more serious and you can sell more up-market items, vintage, retro and antique. They charge, but always reasonably. What follows is how to approach things. Not everyone will agree. And I have to say if I have to hear the words ‘quirky’ or ‘bling’ or ‘shabby chic’ or ‘art deco’ applied to anything that’s not, I will spit. 'Kitsch’ is rapidly gaining this accolade too. Likewise, I also leave the overcleaned over-priced wooden furniture alone. It helps to be a hoarder, and secondly to be a de-clutterer. This can be a major cause of controversy in households where there is at least one of each. I often start out the year with a great heap of wonderful objects for the brocante, a heap which then tends to diminish with time and cries of “you’re not taking that…” Then as the day draws near there is a renewed interest in getting rid of stuff; this is a danger point and can lead to regrets. The moral: don’t put anything in the brocante boxes which you’ll be sad to see go; and don’t include broken things which ‘might come in useful sometime’. They don’t, that’s why they are broken and not used and you have probably bought new... chuck ‘em! That all culminates in the day of the sale. Up at four, out at five, get on the pitch early, although personally, I don’t get the boxes out or display goods before the official start. This is because the dealers descend like crows on the wares and pick through them carelessly. This is also because I am what is known in Devon as Ar$ey. If a dealer wants something they will come back, and friends have had items broken by their practice. I did a stint in high-end craft retail and learnt that unpacking stuff and arranging it when the general crowd is around attracts like nothing else. Opinion varies about price ticketing. I know what I want for pricier items and what my meil- leur or dernier prix is. Other bits and pieces can have tickets on, or I’ll just trill out a price as someone looks at an item. I find a box of 50 cent and €1 items will attract, or a ‘3 for 2 euros’ book box. On larger items I’ll put the price and ‘à débattre’ (negotiable) on them. I’ll always haggle on those, but have a base price below which it’s worth taking things home again for next time. You can tell I’m not a professional; I do this for fun and for socialising. Friends and neighbours will also have their own TVA No: FR86487425639 stalls, so one can wander off, talk to them, have a snack, have a laugh, share food, look after their pitch while they have a look round themselves, have a chat to the mayor, see what’s what and what’s new in the locality, talk to local journalists, be interested... all this reinforces that we’re part of the community even if we’re immigrés. What's more, my French improves. I learn more about France every time and make a tiny bit of cash. And more importantly, I clear cupboards for the hoarder to refill... ■ Global warming, jet streams and Frankenfoods Regular environment contributor, Arthur Smith from Harlequin Developments, takes a look at the recent changes to the jet stream and considers whether blight-resistant potatoes count as genetically modified "Frankenfoods" A fter all the rainfall that we’ve just had in Western Europe, it was expected that the exponents of climate change due to global warming would be out in force to claim we’ve brought it all on ourselves. It would also appear that there are now new avenues opening up for politicians to bring in ever more green taxes. However, as various politicians line up to claim the latest storms are a result of global warming, they should take note of one of the Met Office’s senior experts, who claims there is no link between global warming and the storms that have battered the US and the UK. Mat Collins, a professor in climate systems, said the storms have been driven by the jet stream, the fast-moving river of air that controls weather over Northern Europe and North America, which has been ‘stuck’ further south than usual. Professor Collins said: “There is no evidence that global warming can cause the jet stream to get stuck in the way it has this winter. If this is due to climate change, it is outside our knowledge.” Professor Collins is also a senior adviser for the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). His statement appears to contradict the posturing politicos lining up on the nightly news for their soundbite. *** It’s just been announced that the first potato genetically modified to resist blight may soon be grown in Europe. It has been engineered in a three-year project that saw genes from a wild South American potato inserted into a normal Desiree. Scientists say it is fully resistant to blight which destroys up to half of European crops in a bad year. The disease was responsible for the Irish potato famine of the 1840s, and still destroys over €4 billion worth of potatoes globally each year. However, critics say tampering with genes in crops to create ‘Frankenfoods’ could damage natural ecosystems and affect human health, and insist shoppers would never knowingly buy GM products. Consumer fears have so far kept genetic engineering out of European farming. No GM products have ever been commercially grown in a European country, and only one, a pest-resistant maize, is authorized for cultivation in Europe. Currently all GM foods have to be labelled, but meat, milk and eggs from farm animals fed on GM products do not, and campaigners are worried about political pressure to accelerate research in the field. ■ Arthur Smith Harlequin Developments www.harlequindevelopments.com Tel: Mob: Fish and Chips w w w. l e s n a c k s h a c k . f r Tel: Mob: We would like to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone that has supported and assisted us over the last four years. We wish you all well, but unfortunately we have had to make the unwelcome decision to cease trading. Anne, Philip & Becky MARCH 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu 14 ♦ FRENCH LIFE Double D Renovations & Home Improvements All types of building work, groundwork, renovations, decorating and maintenance Fosses septiques Roofing Tiling Kitchen & bathroom fitting Conservatories Plaster boarding Masonry Carpentry etc. etc. CARREFOUR BOIS LIMOUSIN Order your winter firewood today OSTEOPATHY & ACUPUNCTURE Oak, Beech, Hornbeam - Logs of 50, 33 & 25 cm PAUL BODIMEADE, BSc (Hons) OST All wood is stored under cover and cleaned before delivery UK Licensed Five Element & Traditional Chinese 05 55 63 72 45 / 06 76 05 81 38 (8h30-12h & 14h-18h) Fruit Fruit can be a real cornerstone of a garden, and represent a big saving in your pocket when you consider the high prices in the shops for fruits grown halfway around the globe and then flown in. Early crops The tunnel started producing crops in February (although I should say, continued to, to be precise) with wild rocket plants, mizuna (red and green varieties) and mustards ready to pick. The garlic is growing well and could be used as a flavouring now, although some will not be touched, so it matures more quickly. Cutting some of the green part off to use like chives won't hurt the plant in any way, but it will slow down growth. I like it as aillet, green garlic, rather than bulbs for storing and generally work on a “harvest one, plant one” basis, so that there is an ongoing sup- aillet - young garlic It also has the advantage of just growing by itself, with much less human input than traditional vegetables. Over the last couple of years, due to working commitments, my time in my garden seems to be getting less and less, but by growing fruit, I still manage to have good crops, with limited work. I wonder why I didn't see that before? The trick is to have a good selection and at least two varieties of everything, if you have the space. After all, many people ply. If you're going to use it in this way, it's perfectly adequate to use the tail ends of bought garlic cloves which have started sprouting in the larder. Herbs Herbs are so important in a healthy garden. Visually & aesthetically they are some of the loveliest garden plants, and then there is their important role in feeding bees and butterflies (which then in turn feed birds), so make Do You Suffer from Back, Neck, Joint Pain, Arthritic conditions, Tension headaches or Sports Injuries, Insomnia, Stress, Sinus, Hayfever? Based in Châteauneuf-la-Forêt - Home visits available on request siret: 793 539 826 00016 Tel: 05 87 41 07 93 or 06 18 74 05 08 siret: 791 847 429 00010 sure your plot has a good selection. If you go out with a trowel you can easily dig up sections of, for example, thyme or sage that have rootlets. Plan to sow dill, fennel, parsley (curled & flat leaved), coriander and basils (later on when it's warmer). Why not try more unusual things, like fenugreek? This usually germinates well from the packets you buy for cooking, as long as you buy the whole seed. Sowing for now, and later March really is a good time to start sowing under cover. You can sow most things, but use caution when sowing varieties that like heat for their growth - chilies, aubergines, basils, etc. If you are going to sow these early, do so in a heated propagator and make sure you have a nice warm place for them to grow on afterwards. Go round the garden or greenhouse, etc. with a trowel and dig up self-sown seedings that you can either move into a more convenient place, or pot up into pots and modules. There can be lots of advantages to letting things go to seed. Grow your own seed, grow your own plants Given the extraordinary rise in prices for seeds and plants over the last few years, it makes sense to factor this into your plans for the garden. A single tomato given to you by a friend, or a couple of bean seeds, can be grown on, not for a vegetable crop, but for the seed they will give you for the next year. We have forgotten to be thrifty, but gardeners can really save themselves lots of money by doing this with some of the varieties they want to grow. One strawberry plant, with a year's patience, will produce enough offspring for you to plant a whole bed. Make your seed work hard for you If you have reasonable quantities of seed saved from last year, it can give you four © 2008 - Allotmenteer (WikiCommons) M ACUPUNCTURIST LINDA BODIMEADE, BSc (Hons) MBAaC paulbodimeade@eircom.net - lindabodimeade@eircom.net In the garden jobs for March ouillé, sodden, soaked, trempé, how many ways can we find to say 'wet'?!! What a few weeks we've had. The ditches are full, the rivers are at or over capacity, and the ground in many places is a squelchy thing, more akin to a swamp! But it's been relatively mild, with virtually no frosts, and that means the vegetation is well away, roughly about 2 weeks ahead of where it should normally be, I reckon. If it turns cold, we may suffer for it, but if it doesn't then the garden will likely burst into activity rather than gradually wake up. So be prepared. OSTEOPATH www.chauffagebois-limousin.com Telephone:- 05 55 65 00 29 / 06 33 19 99 64 Email:- double-d-23@live.fr by Michelle Pierce grow early and maincrop potatoes, so what's the difference in having early and late varieties of plum, currant or apple? Whether it's soft fruit, stone fruit, orchard fruit, berries, nuts, fruits rouges or edible ornamentals, do make plenty of space in your plot for as much fruit as possible. UK Registered Cranial & Structural Home delivery loose or palleted - depts 23/87 20211438CC1243 siret: 510 357 155 00017 With a bit of hard work and forward planning now, the perfect vegetable garden different crops: sprouted seed for adding to salads & sandwiches; micro leaves, harvested by cutting with scissors (think mustard and cress); baby leaves picked at about 5 cm; and last but not least, young plants. Now that's what I call worth it. Admiring the self-restraint of others Often when I read about famous modern gardens, or the work of garden designers, I admire, in a kind of horrified way, their self-restraint. The person who says “When a plant doesn't fit my planting scheme, it has to go” or the garden where the designer has chosen a colour palette where each element complements the other, seem to miss the point in my opinion. Where is the scope for sudden desires? Or plants that remind you of defunct friends and relatives? Is there a secret bed, out of the way of all view, where red poppies clash with blue delphiniums and pink geraniums? Let's hope so! Pots are soaked through Put a top dressing of chopped flax, or bracken to help push the wet off, or cover them for a few days with fleece, to help them dry out a little. Start weeding The first crop of weeds will be well away. Most can be easily removed, and fed to hens, or put on the compost heap, but pay particular attention to deep rooted weeds or pernicious weeds like bindweed and couch grass. These shouldn't go on the heap. I put mine in an old barrel of water, where they slowly rot, and then every now and then it gets emptied onto the garden. Resist temptation!! The shops and garden centres will suddenly be full of glorious plants, many in full flower. If what you see is much more advanced than what's in your garden, then it has been gown in hotter conditions and it won't adapt easily to life outside. Just try to be a bit patient, though that's easier said than done. Remember that shops respect their product cycles much more than the seasons and that it's in their best interests if you need to buy tomato plants twice over because the first ones died. Ils sont malins! ■ www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ MARCH 2014 FRENCH LIFE ♦ 15 DAVID Tailored Fitness PROFESSIONAL BUILDER DO YOU WANT TO FEEL BETTER? Home renovations / Ground works Block works / Verandas, Abris & Terraces Barn doors & Shutters Also available: digger & driver Planning permission assistance and design available HNC and ONC qualified, 15 years experience & 5 in France ACHIEVE A FITNESS GOAL? MAYBE TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT AND NOT SURE WHERE TO START? INDIVIDUAL OR SMALL GROUP PERSONAL TRAINING TAILORED TO MOTIVATE YOU T: 06 23 90 45 82 E: paul.ironman.foster@gmail.com Tel: 05 55 98 24 12 Email: dave.cardwell@yahoo.co.uk Based in Eymoutiers 87120, Haute Vienne Let's get fruity!! W ith less and less time available for the garden, in general, growing fruit makes sense. As the majority is perennial, it's basically a question of planting, occasional pruning and harvesting. Really easy. Add to this the fact that some fruit is extraordinarily expensive in the shops - when did you last buy a kilo of raspberries?! - or difficult to get hold of, it just makes perfect sense. So try and make space for as much as possible, try and have early, mid season and late varieties, in order to spread the harvest over as wide a period as possible, and aim to grow what you and your family like to eat. No point growing blackberries if no one likes them. Here are some ideas for currants and berries you might like to try. Currants - There are the traditional blackcurrants (cassis) and redcurrants (groseille), but did you know there are other colours: pink (Rose de Champagne), white (Versaillaise blanche), and then others that verge on the pale pinky white (Gloire des Sablons). There is also the ornamental yellow-flowered Ribes odoratum, the golden currant or clove currant, with its highly perfumed flowers, that produce edible currants. © 2005 - Serena (WikiCommons) could be just a few short months away ED - For me it's hard to beat a good raspberry CARDWELL These are just a few examples; there really are colours (and tastes) to suit everyone. And if you don't get round to eating them, or if you have too many, well then they are still highly decorative additions to the garden. Aronia melanocarpa - the black chokeberry. This doesn't sound too nice, does it? In fact, this small to medium sized shrub produces tons of black berries which are excellent when processed into jams, pies, jellies, syrups, etc. It is common in cultivation in the US, where there are black, red and purple varieties. As it's highly ornamental in the garden, with its clusters of creamy white flowers, it really makes a welcome addition. Amelanchier - juneberry, shadbush. This fine-leaved tree is covered in star- by Michelle Pierce shaped white flowers in late spring/ early summer, and turns a flaming red/ orange in the autumn. The flowers lead to dark purply-black berries roughly the size and shape of blackcurrants. The family has lots of varieties, including Amelanchier canadensis. The berries are, depending on the variety, good to eat raw or can also be used in cooking or dried. Well known in the States, from where it originates, it's a family that European gardeners could make much more use of. Tayberry - Rubus fruticosus x idaeus is a cultivated shrub in the genus Rubus, patented in 1979 as a cross between a blackberry and a red raspberry, and named after the river Tay in Scotland. The fruit is sweeter, much larger, and more aromatic than that of the loganberry, itself a blackberry and red raspberry cross. The tayberry is grown for its edible fruits which can be eaten raw or cooked, but the fruit do not pick easily by hand and cannot be machine harvested, so it has not become a commercially grown berry crop. As a domestic crop, this plant has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. As you could expect, it's a vigorous grower, so leave lots of space for it, and preview a strong pole & wire framework before you plant it. Loganberry - Accidentally created in 1883 in California, it is also a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry. The large black-red fruit are delicious and juicy, and plants often produce huge quantities of berries (mine do, anyway). It's very vigorous, so the same advice applies as for tayberries. Well worth having, though - I wouldn't be without mine. Raspberry - Raspberries are pretty much loved by everyone, aren't they? With or without the company of dark chocolate! There are a vast range of cultivars, which fruit at different times, and have quite different tastes so don't hesitate to plant two or three varieties for comparison. There are also other colours of raspberry: yellow (Fall Gold, Golden Everest) and even black ones. These are difficult to get hold of in Europe, but can be found from specialist growers. I believe in the US there are blue and purple varieties. Wineberry - The Japanese wineberry or wine raspberry is a handsome species of raspberry that was introduced to the West from Northern China, Japan and Korea as an ornamental. It has heart-shaped leaves, and little pink flowers, not really spectacular, which lead to orange berries matur- ing to red. The fruit can be eaten raw, although it does have quite a lot of seeds, or else can be cooked. A very nice plant for a corner of the garden. In the US it has become invasive in certain areas, so keep an eye on it in your garden. Hasn't been a problem for me. Gooseberry - The groseille à maquereau is an ancient garden plant. With its spiny (although there do exist a few cultivars without spines) stems, it produces green, yellow or red berries of various sizes and tastes. Mmmmmm gooseberry mousse, crumble, pie with ice cream!! And in other parts of the world they are picked, dried, used to flavour beverages, etc. In the UK, in the past, gooseberries were particularly popular before fruit was imported from elsewhere, as they were often the first available fresh fruit of the year. It is very sad that a fruit which was once so popular, and had hundreds and hundreds of varieties, is now usually offered in such a restricted list. Try hunting out old, local varieties! Jostaberry - This is a botanically complicated cross between several gooseberries and a blackcurrant, has fruit with the notes of both parents, and is rich in vitamin C. It isn't spiny, so is fine planted by paths or areas where people walk. It is a good cropper but is not in commercial production because of the difficulty of large-scale picking. Blueberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, rhubarb, grapes, kiwis, hardy kiwi (a smooth-skinned kiwi whose small fruit can be eaten whole), nuts, walnuts, cobnuts, plums, peaches, apples, pears, sharon fruit, apricots, quince, medlars - the list is nearly endless of delicious marvels that you can grow at home. We think that supermarkets have an ever-widening range of fruit on offer, but the reality is that the average peasant family probably grew just as many, if not more, on their own smallholding, in times past. What a pity to have lost so much!! ■ MARCH 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu 16 ♦ PRACTICAL CADASTRE - the French Land Registry The Bugle's resident lawyer, Laure CHAVERON, looks at the cadastral plan in France, what information it contains and how it compares to the UK's Land Registry. T he French land registry plans are known as the « cadastre ». The French cadastre derives from the Napoleonic cadastre and applies to all urban and rural properties (built or not). The literal information is strictly linked to the geographical one. A plot is defined as an entity linked to an owner and to a fiscal division, following the Napoleonic concept. Basically, the cadastre has a fiscal function evolving to an informative function and having, additionally, a certain probative function. The “Conservation des Hypothèques” Bureau keeps and manages the Land Register; it is located in the Centre des impôts foncier. The cadastre is homogeneous across the whole French metropolitan territory, with some small discrepancies for the AlsaceMoselle cadastre. From the outset, users have had access to the cadastral documents - anybody can consult these documents and obtain copies at the cadastral offices. A copy of the local cadastre will be held in the local mairie, or at the local land registry office. You are entitled to visit their offices and freely inspect it. Copies and extracts from the register and the plan are given for various purposes : • to people seeking fiscal information (for the basis of assessment of local taxes ...) or property information (situation and contents of property...) • for the accomplishment of real estate registration formalities for property transfers. The French tax authorities have now made the land registry plans for large areas of France available online and there is also an English version : http://www.cadastre. g o u v. f r / s c p c / c h a n g e L a n g u e . do?lang=en&cty=EN It provides a very useful source of property information for international French property buyers. Unlike the UK land registry site, there are no details available regarding personal Letters to ownership nor the price paid by the present owner. The main missions of the cadastre are: • fiscal (evaluation of real estate, determination of the bases for property taxes, identification of the taxable owners), • legal and property related (identification and physical description of a property), • technical (establishment of the cadastral plan and keeping it up to date, topographical pictures essential for the identification and physical description of the property if question). N.B. The plan cadastral is not proof of ownership. It is merely an administrative document. Moreover, it does not show the precise boundaries between properties and, as a result, is not a definitive statement of the legal boundaries of a property, which can only be established by a land survey. The cadastral plans literally tell you what you are about to purchase, so it's very important to study them carefully before making an offer. The information on the plan cadastral may not be completely up to date, as it can take up to three years for new developments or other changes to be entered on to the plan. ■ For more information on this or any other topic, contact: Laure CHAVERON, Avocat 36 avenue Pierre Leroux, 23600 Boussac Téléphone: 05 55 82 18 99 E: laure.chaveron@wanadoo.fr http://avocats.fr/space/laure.chaveron Mechanic recommendation Joseph Fletcher Near Chénérailles By Email The Editor I Dear Editor, just read your ad «Ring Bill». I know Bill personally and I would like to praise his skill and work done with perfection and kindness. He is the best mechanic I ever encountered and I would recommend him unconditionally to anyone with a car problem, regardless of what the problem may be (mine was indeed severe: I had lost my FIAT Punto engine due to over heating and he managed to repair the damage in no time at all and make a brand new car out of it!) Thank you so much Bill and keep up the good job for us! Regards, Joseph Fletcher 23130 Chénérailles Raising money for Rural Broadband Issues a very worthy cause Sue Lambert By Email Hello I n February 2010, our 34 year old son, Tom, took his own life. Since living in France, I have met two other ladies within my small circle of friends, to whom this terrible tragedy has happened too. On talking to my daughter about this, she told me that suicide is now the premier cause of death for young men under the age of 35 in the U.K. She also told me about a charity in England, called the Campaign Against Living Miserably (C.A.L.M.) They are there to help these young people in many ways, providing a helpline for discussion and to enable them to access long-term help and move forward. They are also trying to help families, wives, partners, sisters and girlfriends recognise the signs of depression and seek help for their loved one. Having looked at their site, I decided it was just the sort of place Tom may have found solace, so I decided I wanted to do something to help raise money for them. When she lived in France, I used to go swimming with one of the other men's mothers, in Montluçon, so I decided I would like to try to swim 20 lengths of the pool (which I am told is Olympic size) and try to encourage family and friends to sponsor me. I am a very slow swimmer, so for me this will be quite a challenge! I am hoping that some readers of The Bugle may feel able to sponsor me too. I have now set up a direct donation site with JustGiving which can be accessed as follows: Mike Rogers Near Boussac By Email Dear Sir, With regard to the item on 4G and broadband in February's issue, I like many others can't access broadband via a telephone line. Orange/ France Telecom are not interested in providing a service to rural areas as there is not enough profit. Our lines are very old and cannot carry the signal but they say they will never replace them; when lines came down a few years ago all they did was join them back together. We were offered WiMAX by the mairie but this was a disaster and the company (A2C'net) couldn't or wouldn't provide a reliable service, so it was taken out. The option then was satellite broadband which works very well but at double the cost and not unlimited. When will the providers realise that rural areas need it but not at a premium? Yours, Mike Rogers Nr Boussac Wish me luck! Managing Editor: Steve Martindale Editor-in-Chief: Steve Martindale Registered Address: Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois France SIRET: 514 989 748 00017 Printed by: Rotocentre 348, rue Marcel Paul 45770 Saran France Monthly circulation: 13,000 copies All copyright, unless stated otherwise, is reserved to The Bugle. Reproduction in whole or part of any text without permission is prohibited. Sue Lambert The Bugle cannot accept responsibility for the claims of advertisers or their professionalism. We strongly advise readers to verify that the company you are dealing with is a registered trading company in France or elsewhere in the world. www.justgiving.com/Sue-Lambert I am hoping to complete the challenge on Thursday 10th April 2014. Directeur: Steve Martindale Rédacteur-en-chef: Steve Martindale Siège Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois France SIRET: 514 989 748 00017 Imprimé par: Rotocentre 348, rue Marcel Paul 45770 Saran France Tirage mensuel: 13,000 copies Tous droits réservés. Toute reproduction, totale ou partielle, des articles et illustrations du présent numéro est strictement interdite. Dépôt légal à parution. www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ MARCH 2014 BILINGUAL ♦ 17 SIRET 502 409 212 00011 – APE 8559B FRENCH LESSONS WITH A NATIVE FRENCH SPEAKER Individual/Group lessons, all levels - Skype lessons via the INTERNET also available Free trial lesson! Lessons in La Souterraine & Dun-le-Palestel (23) OTHER SERVICES: Accompanying and interpreting - house purchase, arranging new utilities, car registration, healthcare, liaison with French administration, etc... I am always looking for new students in the English Library in La Souterraine! Sophie Arsac - 05 55 89 15 74 - scarolinea@yahoo.fr S Pancake Day hrove Tuesday is the last day before the beginning of Lent, the 40 day fast that comes before Easter. Lent is a time of abstinence, when many people choose to give something up, such as chocolate or sweets. Therefore, Shrove Tuesday is the last chance to indulge yourself... and to use up the foods that aren't allowed in Lent. Fat, butter and eggs are three ingredients which were traditionally forbidden during Lent and over the years this has led to people eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. This tradition has led to the day becoming more commonly known as Pancake Day. Shrove Tuesday always falls exactly 47 days before Easter Sunday, so the date changes from year to year - according to the Christian calendar, it will always fall between 3 February and 9 March. In 2014, Easter is relatively late, meaning Pancake Day will not happen until the 4 March although you can also eat pancakes before this date! Pancakes are very versatile and you can put almost anything you like on or in one, but the most common topping in the UK is sugar and lemon juice. The pancake is then usually rolled before being eaten. Over the years a number of other traditions have been created around Pancake Day - the most fun of these is pancake racing. The object of the race is to get to the finishing line first, whilst flipping a pancake in a frying pan a minimum number of times along the way. Be careful - the pancake must still be in one piece when you finish! The most famous pancake race has taken place in Olney since 1455. Only local housewives may compete and in order to win, they must start with a hot pancake in the market square, run 375 metres to the church, flipping their pancake at least three times along the way. When they arrive at the church, they must serve their pancake to the bell ringer, and then be kissed by him. The record, set in 1967, is 63 seconds!! Elsewhere, in Ashbourne, one of the world’s oldest, largest, longest and craziest football games begins on Shrove Tuesday every year. The game is played over two days and involves thousands of players. The goals are more than 4 kilometres apart and there are not many rules! ■ The Bugle thanks local French teacher, Sophie Arsac, for the translation of this month's bilingual article on another topical aspect of Franco-British culture. Bilingual Crossword Clues in English - answers in French Did You Know? M ardi Gras est le dernier jour avant le commencement du Carême, la période de jeûne de 40 jours qui précède Pâques. Durant ce temps d’abstinence, de nombreuses personnes choisissent de se priver de certains aliments, tels que le chocolat ou les bonbons. En conséquence, il vous reste une dernière chance de vous faire plaisir le jour de Mardi Gras …et de consommer les aliments défendus pendant le Carême. Les matières grasses, le beurre et les œufs étaient les trois ingrédients alimentaires interdits durant cette période. Au fil des ans, cette tradition a incité les gens à manger des pancakes le jour de Mardi Gras, dont le nom est devenu communément «La journée des Pancakes». Mardi Gras tombe toujours 47 jours avant le dimanche de Pâques. La date © 2009 - Robin Myerscough (WikiCommons) The world's biggest pancake was cooked in Rochdale in 1994; it was an amazing 15 metres in diameter, weighed three tonnes and contained an estimated two million calories!! est donc mobile d’une année sur l’autre et est toujours fixée, selon le calendrier chrétien, entre le 3 février et le 9 mars. En 2014, la fête de Pâques sera célébrée relativement tard et la journée des Pancakes se fera attendre jusqu’au 4 mars … mais vous êtes autorisés à en manger avant cette date! Le pancake se prête à de nombreuses recettes et les garnitures peuvent être multiples, soit en nappage soit mélangées à la pâte à crêpe. Au Royaume Uni, il est d’usage de l’accommoder avec du beurre et du jus de citron puis de le rouler avant de le consommer. Au fil du temps, la journée des Pancakes a suscité l’organisation de nombreux événements dont le plus drôle est «la course de pancakes». Les concurrents font la course tout en faisant sauter un pancake dans une poêle, un nombre minimum de fois. Le gagnant est celui qui franchit la ligne d’arrivée Le Saviez-Vous? Le plus grand pancake du monde fut cuisiné à Rochdale en 1994. Ses mensurations étaient impressionnantes puisqu’il mesurait 15 mètres de diamètre, pesait 3 tonnes et contenait environ 2 millions de calories!! en premier. Attention! Le pancake doit arriver en un seul morceau! La course de pancakes la plus fameuse a débuté à Olney en 1455. Seules les ménagères de la région peuvent entrer en compétition. Pour avoir une chance de gagner, elles doivent partir de la place du marché avec un pancake chaud, courir les 375 mètres jusqu’à l’église et faire sauter leur pancake au moins 3 fois sur le trajet. Une fois arrivées à l’église, elles doivent servir leur pancake au carillonneur qui doit les embrasser. Le record de 63 secondes date de 1967! Ailleurs, à Ashbourne, se déroule chaque année l’un des doyens des matchs de football mais aussi l’un des plus dingues du monde pour son nombre de joueurs (ils sont des milliers) et sa longueur (il dure deux jours). Quant aux buts, ils sont distants de 4 kilomètres et il n’y a que très peu de règles à respecter! ■ Across: 5. cockerel(3) 6. garbage(7) 8. meal(5) 9. keys(5) 11. divorced(7) 14. dresses(5) 15. pen(5) 17. jobs(7) 18. friend(3) Down: 1. cheeks(5) 2. meadow(3) 3. advertising(9) 4. eggs(5) 7. chickenpox(9) 10. floor(3) 12. apple(5) 13. lead(5) 16. lily(3) Bilingual crossword solution can be found on page 18 Très Jolie Ladies fashion accessories Mail order available or find me at a local market (see Notice Board for more details) Paula Robinson 05 55 78 62 29 06 04 08 29 53 tres.jolie1@orange.fr Facebook: search for “Tres Jolie Milhaguet” siret 753 125 061 00014 MARCH 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu 18 ♦ CLASSIFIEDS The Bugle CLASSIFIEDS are brought to you in association with WWW.HOUSESONINTERNET.COM Classified Adverts Classified adverts are currently free for all small items (less than €500). For other types of classified adverts a small fee does apply: ● Items more than €500 are charged at €5 per month ● Accompanying photos are charged at €2.50 per month To place a classified advert, please email notices@thebugle.eu with the details you would like included in your advert. FOR SALE ANIMALS & PETS FOR SALE: Welsh Terrier Puppy Dog Born 04/11/13, transponder, vaccinated, wormed, Vets Certificate of Health, excellent pedigree U.K. Champion L.O.F. Enquiries tel 09 80 08 54 38 Looking for loving home Leon, a nine month old beautiful male Anglo-Poitevin rescue dog (chip, vac, vet) is looking for a loving family home. For further information on adoption fees and conditions please contact Katharina. Tel: Katharina on 06 66 24 85 49 FOR SALE: Miniature Shetland Pony onc (Delboy) 7 months, male chestnut 68cm. Father stands 88cm and mother stands 80cm. Walks easily on headcollar, lifts feet, very sociable, vaccinated, wormed and microchipped. €480.00 tel: 05 55 66 22 92 FOR SALE: 2 aquariums 120L with stand and 200L, both with accessories, filters, pumps, heater and ornaments, etc. Ready to go, just add water and fish. 120L (100 euros) 200L (120 euros). Tel: 05 55 66 22 92 FOR SALE: Large Dog Kennel Interior measurements L 117cm x W 72cm x H 78cm. Centre partition. Made in wood with aluminium corner protection and feet. €100.00 Tel: 05 55 66 22 92 FOR SALE: TINY MINIATURE DONKEYS Near Boussac. American stud-book registered. Grey, brown, black and red little treasures. Our goal is to produce a superior quality, extra small, extra loveable donkey. Healthguaranteed. Tiny mules and miniature horses. More on www. anepassion.fr (translation on the home page) Email: miniatures@ viveole.com Little grey cat with long hair, 5 month old, green eyes, looking for a new HOME Tel: 05 55 63 30 94 Email: trxl@msn.com 67 86 (Ste-Severe area) FOR SALE: Ikea Benno TV stand BUILDING MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Cement Mixer 130 litres (110 mixture). Electric 230v 650w. €60.00 Tel: 06 82 86 59 36 Email: synandglue@orange.fr FOR SALE: Reclaimed terracotta tiles 16cm x 16cm x 2cm approx 12m square 400 tiles. €1 each. (La Souterraine) Tel: 05 55 63 43 35 FOR SALE: Building Equipment Defitec 300 Generator 2.5 kw in charriot 150€; 5.5m roof ladder with hooks 100€; 2.65m roof ladder 45€; Double ladder closed 4m 30€; 2 x Bell Cement mixers 250€ and 350€; Breaker 100€. Tel: 0781994983 / 0678172778 Email: daveandjo100@gmail. com FURNITURE FOR SALE: Ikea Pax wardrobes With white gloss finish doors, shelves, drawers and hanging rail. Very good condition, simply too big for bedroom. Dimensions: 236 x 200 x 60 cm. Partial dismantling necessary for transportation, sorry am not able to deliver. €200.00 Tel: 07956 072 608 Email: antrad@fastmail.fm FOR SALE: Two-seater sofa Good condition. €30.00 Tel: 02 54 30 67 86 (Ste-Severe area) FOR SALE: Office chair €25.00 Tel: 02 54 30 67 86 (Ste-Severe area) FOR SALE: Large 3-piece suite Light colour. 3-seater settee, 2 armchairs. Removable, washable upholstery. Good condition. €70.00 Tel: 02 48 56 74 73 FOR SALE: Ikea pine effect kitchen doors, drawer fronts, side panels etc. Also some worktop. All reasonable offers considered. Text 06 41 99 57 40 Email: hopgoods@gmail.com FOR SALE: Pine round table Extends to 56 inch with four chairs plus two carvers. Excellent condition. €50.00 Tel: 02 54 30 Beech effect (118cm wide, 51 cm high) on castors and two matching bookcases (106cm high, 80cm wide). €35.00 Text 06 41 99 57 40 Email: hopgoods@gmail.com FOR SALE: Coffee Table and Matching Lamp Tables Solid hardwood with book-matched veneer tops and cabriole legs. Coffee table 1350L x 680W x 430H. Lamp tables 680L x 560W x 600H. Please ask for photos. Euros 140 the lot. Tel: 05 55 63 43 69 FOR SALE: Large coffee table Heavy teak frame with smoked glass top. 80cm x 120cm x 10mm. €25.00 Tel: 05 55 61 19 81 FOR SALE: 3 seater settee Polished oak frame with loose tapestry cushions. Nice clean condition. €45.00ono Tel: 05 55 61 19 81 FOR SALE: SOFA BED Converts into double bed. Bed unused, excellent condition. St Severe area, Indre. €125.00 Tel: 02 54 30 67 86 GENERAL FOR SALE: TETRO petrol space heater Only used a couple of times, complete with instruction book. €50.00 Tel: 02 54 30 67 86 (Ste-Severe area) FOR SALE: Small bales of hay 10-12 kilo - 2.40 each. Near to Chénérailles. Can deliver up to 70 BALES if required. Tel: Steve or Rosie 05 55 41 59 42 Email: stephen.towse@wanadoo.fr FOR SALE: Tent Quechua Base II 2-person, fold up tent in carry bag with straps for carrying on back, used one afternoon for at archery competition. €30.00 Tel: 06 82 86 59 36 Email: synandglue@ orange.fr FOR SALE: Ladies Cycle 19” frame (Green), 26” x 1.95” wheel size. 21 Shimano gears.. Little used. €50.00 Tel: 06 82 86 59 36 Email: synandglue@orange.fr FOR SALE: Gents cycle 21” frame (Gold), 26” x 1.95” wheel size. 21 Shimano gears.. Little used. €50.00 Tel: 06 82 86 59 36 Email: synandglue@orange.fr FREE to a good home 51 VHS videos, great titles, some not even opened, can't bear to bin them! Email: dshawleycett@hotmail. com FOR SALE: Ornate Log Burner GARDEN FOR SALE: Roller for swimming pool cover Up to 5m wide. On stand with wheels for easy moving. €80.00 Tel: 06 82 86 59 36 Email: synandglue@orange.fr FOR SALE: Swimming pool heater Heat pump for pool with up to 30m3 of water. Heat output 4.150kw for input of 1.15kW, ie performance (230v 50Hz) coefficient 3.6. Complete with fittings, valves, etc. Unused, still in box. €300.00 Tel: 06 82 86 59 36 Email: synandglue@orange.fr FOR SALE: Rotavator Briggs and Stratton 5.5hp petrol motor. 0.76m (30”) tilling width. Little used. €200.00 Tel: 06 82 86 59 36 Email: synandglue@orange.fr FOR SALE: Gas BBQ on wheel with gas bottle Good condition. €75.00 Tel: 05 87 77 20 82 FOR SALE: Large wooden oval patio table With four chairs, sunshade with lights and base. Good condition. €100.00 Tel: 05 87 77 20 82 FOR SALE: Mosaic Stepping Stones Round or Square. 25 Euros each. Various colourful patterns. Cheryl 06 46 89 88 89 Very good condition. €280.00 Tel: 02 54 24 29 76 Email: sablage@mail.com FOR SALE: Mobility Scooter New Battery €480.00 Tel: 02 54 24 29 76 Email: sablage@mail. com FOR SALE: Hotelware (Limoges) Excellent for tea room or chambre d'hôtes use: 10 tea-pots (3cup); 5 sugar bowls; 10 small milk jugs (150cl); 2 large milk jugs (300 cl); 18 teacups and saucers; 20 tea plates; 14 coffee cups (demitasse) and saucers. White with flower and leaf border. To be sold as a lot for 250€. €250.00 Tel: 05 55 69 21 98 (near St-Léonard-de- Noblat 87400) FOR SALE: 15 Large bales of meadow hay Fertiliser and ragwort free. £18 each. Delivery can be arranged in the Rochechouart area. Tel: 05 55 50 47 75 FOR SALE: Franco-Belge Solid Fuel Burner With tank and accessories. Very good condition. €480.00 Tel: 02 54 24 29 76 Email: sablage@mail.com FOR SALE: Stable door Second hand 2ft 6in x 6ft 6in complete with frame, installed for 10 months, good condition. €50.00 Tel: 05 55 61 19 81 FOR SALE: Various Modern double steel radiator - excellent condition 95 x 90. €40.00 (new €150.00); 4 white plastic garden chairs (as new) €15.00. Please contact for further information or photos (La Souterraine). Tel: 05 55 63 43 35 FOR SALE: Graco Highchairs 2 highchairs - one spot, one yellow. Can be folded for easy storage – complete with Detachable Tray - Lovely Clean Condition BARGAIN 16 euro (each). Tel: 05 55 64 46 27 (23400 St Dizier Leyrenne) Email: tiony_48@ hotmail.com FOR SALE: Two Unique Table Lamp Bases Manufactured from hand-thrown Arabic pots complete with turned mahogany tops and brass lampholders. Already fitted with long flexes. Please ask for photo. Euros 40 the two. Tel: 05 55 63 43 69 FOR SALE: SELECTION of jigsaw puzzles free to good home A folding jigsaw mat 5 euros. Tel: 02 54 30 67 86 (Ste-Severe area) FOR SALE: Polished beech cot Used a total of 6 weeks by our visiting grand-daughter. It has three adjustable height settings. The mattress has an adjustable head piece so it can be inclined if baby has a cold or the snuffles. Both cot and mattress are unmarked and as new and are easily dismantled. Benevent L'Abbaye, Creuse. €70.00 Tel: 05 87 40 91 26 FOR SALE: Mirror (80 by 65cm) Painted wood with matching wall lights and accessories suitable for bathroom. €45.00 Text 06 41 99 57 40 Email: hopgoods@gmail. com FOR SALE: Pioneer Stereo Receiver Unit Model SX-339 500W Tuner/Amplifier. Good condition, fully functioning. Can throw in one Pioneer 60W speaker box. €50.00ono Tel: 05 87 57 13 92 (based 23800) FOR SALE: 2 Convector Heaters 2000W Adjustable – beige near new condition (boxed). BARGAIN BUY £15 each. www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ MARCH 2014 CLASSIFIEDS ♦ 19 The Bugle CLASSIFIEDS are brought to you in association with WWW.HOUSESONINTERNET.COM Tel: 05 55 64 46 27 (St. Dizier Leyrenne) Email: tiony_48@ hotmail.com FOR SALE: 2 metal adjustable trestles Working height 1.5mtr max. €25.00 Tel: 05 55 61 19 81 FOR SALE: Bosch Induction hob Four heating rings each with booster. 56 by 51 cm. €80.00 Text 06 41 99 57 40 Email: hopgoods@gmail.com FOR SALE: Guinea pig/hamster cage 87 by 50 by 45cm. As new. €15.00 Text 06 41 99 57 40 Email: hopgoods@gmail.com FOR SALE: Cadac Carri Chef gas barbecue With domed lid, grill, griddle skottle, cover. €30.00 Text 06 41 99 57 40 Email: hopgoods@gmail.com FOR SALE: Various Large Royal Paris tapestry canvas 136cmx98cm The lady and the Unicorn €45. Small portable De Longhi Electric radiator unused €15. Tel: 05 55 81 74 25 FOR SALE: Listo refrigerator Under worktop model, excellent condition and good working order. €100.00 Tel: 05 87 77 20 82 FOR SALE: Brand new, boxed Sarreguemines basin / Vasque à poser Table top mounting basin. 445mm x 445mm x 130mm. Colour White. Please email for further details and images. We are based near Le Grand Bourg 23240. €40.00 Email: vanessa. fugler@orange.fr FOR SALE: Part of my extensive collection of Taxidermy { Trophees de chasse } Boar Heads, from 150 Euros, Red Deer Heads from 150 Euros, Roe Deer Heads from 40 Euros, Roe Deer Skull Mounts from 25 Euros, Cow Head Mounts from 40 Euros, EASY Pine Martin full mounts from 60 Euros, Red Squirrel full mounts from 15 Euros, Golden Pheasant full mount 70 Euros, Pheasant full mount 65 Euros, Fox full mounts from 60 Euros, Pair of Victorian mounted Cobras with mongooses 100 Euros. PLUS many more related items. Contact for more details and photos. Phone Bob 0555-64-48-35 Email: bigbob. bb@wanadoo.fr FOR SALE: Armitage Shanks Belfast Butler Sink Condition - Used/ Good. 460mm D x 600mm W x 260mm H. Colour White. Please email for further details and images. We are based near Le Grand Bourg 23240. €125.00 Email: vanessa.fugler@orange.fr FOR SALE: JTNatural range Basin with infinity plate 700mm 70 Euros ea; Ladies Clothes New / Used Size 14 - 16. Can be worn for special occasions e.g. Xmas / New Year. Contact: Joan 06 65 20 68 15 FOR SALE: FREE - Consigned 13kg butane gas canister Marque Butagaz. Come collect in person from post code 23800. Tel: 05 87 57 13 92 FOR SALE: Fuji x100 12.3 megapixel digital camera Two years old, paid 1,100€ new. Used, but in good condition, well cared for with minimal wear, extra batteries, all original accessories, original box, paperwork, etc. Available to test in person, no time wasters please. €500.00ono Tel: 05 87 57 13 92 (based 23800) FOR SALE: White WoodBurning Cooker Chappée wood cooker, body in cast iron, outer dressing white enamel. Heats well, but has hole in air exhaust to be repaired. Cast iron cook top in great (non rusted) condition. €40.00ono Tel: 05 87 57 13 92 (based 23800) VEHICLES / PARTS FOR x 450mm. Brand new - the item is still wrapped and on the pallet. When installed there is a slight gap around the plate to allow the water to drain. This gap also makes it easy to remove the plate for cleaning underneath it. Beneath the plate is a standard 90mm waste outlet. The infinity plate is used to cover the waste thereby creating the illusion of no waste and a very contemporary finish. Colour: White. Please email for further details and images. We are based near Le Grand Bourg 23240. €325.00 Email: vanessa. fugler@orange.fr FOR SALE: Various White under worktop fridge 15€; Freestanding white gas cooker with compartment for a gas bottle 60€; 130 bar Karcher jet wash 60€. Tel: 07 81 99 49 83 Email: daveandjo100@gmail.com FOR SALE: Various Neutral Ceramic Basin New 50 Euros ono; Elec & Gas 2 Plate Hob New SALE: Camping Car French lhd, 1.9 turbo diesel, 1997, 147,000 km, excellent condition inside and out. New fridge, new battery, shower room with sink & toilet. 4berth, cooker & sink. Solar panel. Bike rack. Must be seen. €13,500.00 Tel: 05 49 48 35 23 Email: airpl22@icloud.com FOR SALE: French L.H.D.Renault Express van (white) CT’d until august. 1000 cc Petrol. Good order / Tow bar fitted. Full sized roof rack capable of carrying full sized plasterboard. Runs well. €750.00ono Tel: 05 55 82 35 12 Email: mickangtrafford@hotmail.co.uk FOR SALE: Hyundai Santa Fe lhd headlights Used for one year. €100.00 Tel: 05 55 61 19 81 FOR SALE: Peugeot 206 1.6 Coupé Cabriolet Allure 2004, RHD, fully French registered. MEDIUM Excellent condition, recent service, alarms, radio/CD, black leather interior, alloys, etc. €3,000.00 Tel: 05 55 78 11 94 FOR SALE: Citroen Berlingo 1.6 HDI XTR Registered May 2009, 98 000 km, air conditioning, towbar, double airbags, radio/CD. €7,500.00 Tel: 05 55 78 11 94 FOR SALE: FORD TRANSIT VAN SWB 2.5DI 1998 RHD on French plates. Heavy duty roof rack & tow-bar. 2 new tyres, some spares. 1 year CT. €950.00ono TEL: 02 54 06 39 31 FOR SALE: Renault Clio 2 1.5 DCI LHD 1st regd 07/2003. Good condition /needs CT. Diesel. 162.900 km. €1,500.00ono Tel: 05 55 82 35 12 FOR SALE: 1995 Kawasaki GPZ 1100 { the fast 1. 175 MPH } Still on English plates. Sorn Declaration. Only 24,000 miles, only run during summer months. Mint condition, fully serviced summer 2013. Comes with pair of Givi rear panniers. €3,500.00 Tel: Bob 05 55 64 48 35 Email: bigbob.bb@wanadoo.fr FOR SALE: 1994 Ford Escort Van (ex-GPO) for spares or restore. Still on English plates { Sorn Declaration } but fitted with French headlights, 2 new front tyres. Only 94,000 miles, engine has running time clock. Before bringing this van to France, it was fitted with re-con cylinder head, new fuel pump and filter, new brakes and shocks. Just needs a battery and she will run. €350.00 Phone Bob 0555-64-48-35 Email: bigbob.bb@wanadoo.fr FOR SALE: 4 Nearly New Tyres Only done 600 km. Size 185/65r14n. 6ply rated so are suitable for car, van or trailer. Price new 220 + tax, yours for only 130 euros.Based near Lussac-les-Eglises. Email: thompsonandrew722@gmail. com FOR SALE: Car Parts (Peugeot Boxer Van) Front silencer (part no. 703540041) and centre silencer (part no. 704545851) for Peugeot boxer van 2.5 diesel (1994-2000). New items bought in error. €200 ono for pair. 87470 Peyrat-le-Château. €200.00ono Tel: 05 55 36 20 50 FOR SALE: Mounted Tires (2x) 155/70/R13 KLEBER. (2x) 145/80/R13 SUMITOMO. Taken from Renault Express. Good HARD tread, no punctures, mounted on alluminum hubs. 15€ each or 50€ all four. €50.00 Tel: 05 87 57 13 92 (based 23800) FOR SALE: Towbars Citroen Xsara Picasso & Peugeot 406 towbars - both complete with wiring. €60 and €40. Towbar, make unsure, complete with wiring. €25. Tel: 02 48 56 74 73 FOR SALE: Nissan Primera 2.2 DCI Turbo Diesel Hatchback 2004 UK registered. Long MOT. 11 months tax. Low mileage. Excellent all-round condition. Regularly serviced. Very economical (no cam belt required). 6-speed, cruise control, alloy wheels, reversing camera, on-board computer, air conditioning, electric windows, power steering, central locking with alarm, fold down rear seats, large boot, new Witter towbar with twin electrics. Spacious comfortable car in very good overall condition. €1,900.00 Tel: 02 48 56 74 73 FOR SALE: Citroen Xsara Picasso SX RHD. reg 2000. 1600cc petrol. 1 year 3 months CTA. UK plates. 86000 miles. Good reliable runner. FSH. €900.00ono Tel: 05 55 03 11 40 FOR SALE: FORD IVECO 75E15 CARGO 7.5 Tonnes WAGON M Reg (1994) 216,914 Kms. Will carry three large horses with living space and professionally fitted ramp. In very good order but requires some cosmetic work and minor welding around cab area. Change of circumstances forces sale hence price. Dept. 36. €2,500.00 Telephone: 0254 24 81 12 WHITE GOODS FOR SALE: Maytag American large capacity washing machine with large tumble dryer VGC. Can be seen working. €350.00ono Tel: 05 55 61 19 81 FOR SALE: Ariston Up-Right Freezer 5 foot 6 inches High, 2 foot wide, 2 foot deep. 8 shelves. 3 years old { cost 803 Euros } fully working, but does not auto de-frost. €150.00 Phone Bob 0555-64-48-35 Email: bigbob. bb@wanadoo.fr WANTED WANTED: Urgently wanted new home for Cooper Handsome 2-yrold caramel-coloured labrador - his mummy and daddy need to relocate for work and sadly can't take him with them. Loves long country walks and swimming. Please contact for pics and further info. Tel: 05 55 54 91 69 / 06 40 12 93 53 WANTED: Celotex or Kingspan 50mm Tel: 05 55 64 63 84 Email: bob.evans23400@gmail.com WANTED: Second hand tractor mower Preferably one which picks up the grass. Must be in good working order. Tel: 06 41 99 57 40 Email: hopgoods@gmail. com WANTED: Wood Cutting Help Do you have a band-saw? From time to time I need to cut long, narrow, laminations in various woods. Could you, for a fee, cut them for me or let me use your band-saw (I know how to use one, I just don’t have room for one)? Tel: 05 55 54 95 77 Email: johnminnitt2003@hotmail.com WANTED: Treadmill/exercise walker New or used in excellent condition. Electrically-operated. Does not need to be "state of the art". Just a machine that will help me lose some of the weight I have put on from all the great food here in France. Tel: 05 55 41 69 93 WANTED: Part-time help wanted with showjumping horses Based in Vaulry 87140, prof rider looking for help with jumpers and youngstock a few times a week, maybe a few hours at the weekend. Feeding, hay, tacking up, sweeping, grooming, etc. Suit semi-retired person, or someone just interested in competition horses. Experience with horses essential. Flexible hours. Call Louise on 06 44 10 14 95 Email: arenberg.stud@yahoo.co.uk WANTED: Used Romane Canal roof tiles Must be in reasonable condition. Tel: 05 45 63 14 41 WANTED: Wanted to buy Digger/Excavator Tel: 02 48 56 74 73 WANTED: Gate or pair of gates Can collect. Tel: 02 48 56 74 73 WANTED: Van English or French registration. Cash buyer. Tel: 02 48 56 74 73 Classified Submission Deadline: 15th of the month for the next edition MARCH 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu 20 ♦ COMMUNITY CLUBS, CHARITIES & ASSOCIATIONS Church Notices Monthly Worship in English If your journey of life has brought you here to France, why neglect your journey of faith? We look forward to giving a warm welcome to everyone from whatever Christian tradition (or none) on the 3rd SUNDAY of the MONTH at 3pm. Where? At the Temple in Thiat (in the north of the Haute-Vienne) – we are part of the Parish of the Basse-Marche of the Eglise Protestante Unie de France. The Temple is on the main road close to the Mairie. After worship there is tea/coffee and cake – and a chance to chat. If you want to know more contact Rev Derek Lawson on 05 55 68 53 03 or Rev Stephen Sawyer on 05 49 84 33 86. English-speaking church services Guéret Come as you are... This is an invitation to join us at our CHURCH SERVICE IN ENGLISH. Whether you have a faith or would just like to attend a church service you are welcome at 3pm on the 2nd Sunday of each month at the Eglise Evangélique, 9b Place Bonnyaud, Guéret, 23000. We welcome all who want to join a group of English-speaking Christians for a time of worship and learning together. Children are very welcome. For more details contact Jim & Pat Scott on 05 55 67 54 78 / email scott. james@neuf.fr or Ian & Becky Jefferies on 05 55 61 10 23 / email mail@otiumsanctus.com Christians together in Limousin La Souterraine Area We hold a time of fellowship and Bible study every Tuesday afternoon. Barbara and Cedric look forward to welcoming you. Tel: 05 55 71 09 04 The International Free Church in Creuse The church presently meets at 10, La Chaudronnière, a small hamlet mid-way between Crozant and Eguzon. Sunday worship meetings are held on the first and third Sundays of the month at 10.30am. Fellowship meetings, for mid-week prayer, bible study and discussion are at the same venue every Thursday at 7.30pm. For further information contact Eric Sutton tel 05 55 89 26 62 Fitness & Fun PENSOL Indoor Carpet Bowls We meet on Wednesdays at 2.30pm-5.00pm. Come along for a fun afternoon, a warm welcome in a warm hall, refreshments and equipment provided. Ladies and Gents welcome. The venue is the salle polyvalente at PENSOL - 87440 on the D67 between Marval and Dournazac, clearly indicated from the village, or from Piégut-Pluviers take the D91. Come and have a free trial, with our slightly smaller Bowls and 33` carpet. NO heavy lifting. Established club and club Leader. Registered and insured. Please phone Hilary for any enquiries on 09 72 23 13 20 or r.h.brayshaw@ gmx.com Tai Chi, Pakua & Qigong Tai Chi, Pakua & Qigong classes organised by the ACAMIES (association culturelle d'arts martiaux internes et d'exercices de santé). Wed: Jarnages, 18h30-20h, Salle Polyvalente. Thu: Bétête, 19h-20h30, Domaine de Tournessac. OPEN DAY Sun 6th Oct at the salle de la mairie, Jarnages from 9h-12h. Individual classes, courses, massage & treatments also available. Contact: 06 48 00 02 07 http://acamies.e-monsite.com Keep Fit Amazing abs, breathtaking buttocks! Come and join our group at the CAPE in Pontarion. We are all ages, all sizes, men & women, but are serious about keeping fit. Our “monitrice” is English and will happily provide bilingual instructions. We meet every Thursday at 8p.m. in Pontarion Town Hall, for a one-hour workout. Come for a free trial, or call 05 55 64 98 87 or 06 32 42 95 68 for more details. Indoor Bowling at Oradour-sur-Vayres If you already play or have never tried indoor bowling then come along to a meeting. It's great fun and easy to play. If you have never played it before we will show you how. We meet every Monday evening starting at 18.30 hrs at La Chapelle, avenue des Chapelles, 87150 Oradour-sur-Vayres. Come and try it - it's free. If you require further information or directions to our venue please contact me - Email: Oradour-Bowling@gmx.com or telephone: 05 55 08 41 75 Zumba! Regular zumba classes across depts 36, 18 & northern 23. For more info tel 06 58 37 17 04 email evezumba36@gmail.com and for details of classes visit www.zumbazumba.fr Indoor Short-mat Bowling at Cussac 87150....and now Outdoor too! As the premier bowls club in the Haute-Vienne, we are going from strength to strength with members seeking us out and travelling great distances to continue their love of bowls or simply to 'try us out'. Our reputation as a "very friendly and welcoming club" goes before us. If you've never tried the game, just come along and take a look; there is far more to it than first appears! We are a formally registered association within the French system and benefit from assistance from our local commune by use of a wonderful indoor venue. AND NOW...the use of a synthetic outdoor court where Flatgreen, Crown and Short-mat can be played. Just imagine the summer evenings with a drink in your hand, watching fellow bowlers enjoying the quiet of village, interrupted only by the 'click' or 'tunk' of bowl against bowl! Our regular sessions indoors are Wednesday evening at 8pm and Thursday Mornings at 10am. Outdoor sessions will be arranged as the spring arrives so keep in touch. Serious bowlers and beginners are welcome - club bowls are available for use. For further information contact cussac-bowlsclub@live.co.uk or telephone 05 55 50 40 89. Association Equilibre, le mouvement du corps Yoga for all levels: Tue 18:30 Aubusson, Pied au plancher (Espace Philips); Wed 18:30 Vallière, salle polyvalante. Pregnancy/Post Natal: Tue 17:00 Aubusson, Pied au Plancher (Espace Philips) For further information tel 06 83 24 62 72 or visit www.spaequilibre.yolasite. com Chinese Gym & Karate Mondays & Thursdays 19h30-21h at the DOJO, Allée Jean-Marie Couturier, Aubusson. Warm and friendly atmosphere. For more info tel 06 08 92 30 53 Tai Chi at Boussac and La Châtre Tai Chi classes in Boussac (Tue 18.15 - 19.45) and La Châtre (Thu 18.15 - 19.45). The first two lessons are free, the subscriptions are 36 euros per month and members can go to both venues having paid this fee. The style is that of Yang. All ages and abilities welcome, but folk must bear in mind that they will be on their feet, doing the equivalent of what one might classify as light exercise, for about an hour and a half. For more information contact 05 55 65 08 20. Gym Bien-être Would you enjoy an afternoon of gentle exercise with a cheerful, light-hearted group? Each week we exercise a different group of muscles, do a little country dancing & some floor exercise and laugh a lot. The aim of the activities is to increase suppleness and mental agility. We meet every Tuesday afternoon upstairs at the Capitole in Rochechouart between 2pm and 3.30pm. It isn’t necessary to speak French because you can copy but you will learn some. Come for 2 weeks’ free trial. For details contact: pauline. maskell@sfr.fr Learn to Meditate Learn to meditate and meet other like-minded people. Simple mindfulness technique. Dechen Choling, Le Mas Marvent, St-Yrieix-sousAixe, 87700. Also, ongoing regular group meetings and events. Contact tel Christina 05 55 03 82 01 www.dechencholing.org Gardening Les petits jardiniers du Limousin http://jardiniers-du-limousin.webs.com Do you love gardening or are you keen to learn more WE NEED HELP FOR ZIP Zip is a beautiful castrated male labrador, well educated, obedient and playful. He has been “waiting” in the SPA of Limoges for more than 5 years now! Nobody sees this lovely fellow. He can jump high fences - what he does when left alone for hours in a garden - but that is his only comprehensible default. Please see what you can do to help find him a family. Contact the SPA on or Katharina (volunteer) for information in English on Thank you! about it? Then why not come along and join Les Petits Jardiniers? We’re a friendly group of English, French and Dutch residents and normally meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 2.30pm in the salle de fêtes in StAmand-le-Petit, between Peyrat-le-Château and Eymoutiers. Our meetings are held mostly in English and we have guest speakers, organise garden visits and swap plants and seeds. Annual membership is 15 euros pp or 20 euros per couple or pay as you go for 3 euros per meeting. For more information or to be put on our mailing list for our quarterly newsletter or monthly agenda contact Carolyn at Carolyn@ cnlees.eu or Gill at gillinfrance@orange.fr Agenda for 2014: 20th Mar Planting for Night and Day; 17th Apr Electrifying your garden: a guide to outdoor lighting/fountains; 15th May Invasive plants - Friends or Foes?; 19th Jun Visit to two gardens 'From field to fantastic garden'; 17th Jul Demonstration - flower arranging; 21st Aug Summer lunch; 7th Sep Annual Show; 16th Oct AGM and Splitting perennials to double your plants; 20th Nov Visit to the Musée des distilleries, Limoges; Tba Dec Gardeners' Question Time and Christmas party.. Club Liseron – Gardening Club Meets on the 2nd Mon evening of the month at 19.30 at the Salle des Fêtes in Massignac. We're a mixed bunch of English & French, who are united by a passion for gardens and gardening, sharing plants, seeds and information. More info from Sally on 05 45 21 30 20 or Craig on 05 45 89 33 50 or mccolville@orange.fr ** The Club has a new president, Véronique Granet, a very dynamic and enthusiastic person. ** Aux Plantes etc We are an association of independent, ethicallyminded and passionate plant producers. Our aim is to encourage consumers to know more about the plants they buy, how they were produced and their needs, thereby avoiding the disappointments that so often come with mass produced plants. It's not just about us selling you plants - we want them to thrive and do well for you! Current members include plantspeople specialising in unusual shrubs & trees, butterfly plants, heritage vegetables and flowers, irises, perennials and drought-tolerant plants. For more info contact Michelle Pierce 05 45 89 36 54 or vitist www.auxplantesetc. jimdo.com Are you a carer for someone? Are you stressed, tired, isolated, lonely? If the answer is 'yes', then come and join us in doing some gardening activities. Plants & gardens are good for you, and making new friends will give you a breather to help you continue your care!! Come along on the first Saturday afternoon of the month to Les Jardins de Sirius, Pressignac. For more details contact Michelle Pierce on 05 45 89 36 54. Les Jardins de Sirius Based in Pressignac, Charente, we are a small association of people who are keen on gardening. As well as finding plants an endless source of interest, we believe that the simple fact of gardening has numerous positive benefits for health, stress, social interaction in other words, our daily lives - and we'd like to encourage this aspect. Currently, we run flower/plant sessions in old people's homes on a regular basis. From June (weather permitting) we are hoping to run gardening sessions once a month. If you'd like to get involved, have more info on the association or become a member, please contact Michelle Pierce on 05 45 89 36 54 or at unjardinenfrance@gmail.com Integration French Conversation Group at Les Billanges We are a small group of half a dozen who meet fortnightly for an hour and a half on a Tuesday evening in Les Billanges (87340), with the objective of practising and improving our use of the French language. We are accompanied by a retired French schoolteacher, and discussion is very informal, loosely based on everyday topics. The only cost is 15 € a year membership of the local Association, which brings with it other social opportunities. To find out more please contact David Shaw at dshawleycett@hotmail.com International Apero Reseau We meet each Saturday from 11.30am-1pm at Baileys Bar/Restaurant, 5 Rue de L'Abreuvoir, Aubusson. These meetings offer the opportunity to: exchange views - make new friends - share experiences - have fun together - help and advise one another - help intergrate newcomers. Discussions in English (all nationalities welcome). For more information please contact Catherine 06 86 17 80 88 or Liz 05 55 66 22 92. Learning Together – Apprenons Ensemble Our main aim is to foster understanding and good relations amongst the local Frenchspeaking and English-speaking populations. To this end we are offering courses of tuition in English and in French, and organising social and cultural events and visits. LANGUAGE CLASSES (take place at the Maison des Associations, Rochechouart) Beginners and Intermediate - Mon am; French/English Conversation – Tues am; Advanced and Children’s – Wed am; Conversation (StJunien) - Thur. SOCIAL EVENTS Games Night (Rochechouart) 1st Thur; Games Night (St-Junien) 2nd Thur; Lunch Club – Last Thur. FORTHCOMING EVENTS - More details in Association Newsletter. For more details visit www.learningtogether.me or contact Sue Ratcliffe 05 45 31 50 86 The Melting Pot Members of the Ambassador's Club of the Welcome en Limousin Association. We are a group of around 70 members, both French and British, who meet with the aim of sharing things and trying to integrate with the French community. We meet every week at the Ancienne Ecole in Darnac, on a Wednesday morning from 10am - 12noon, except for the first Wednesday, when we meet in the evening at 8pm. We hold information meetings, plant swaps, BBQ's, games nights, visits and have guest speakers about topics relevant to living in France. Contact: www.meltingpot-limousin.com Charente Limousine Exchange The Charente-Limousine-Exchange (CLE), founded in 2003, aims to improve the provision of French language courses and to share experiences and skills among members who live in Charente, Vienne and HauteVienne. CLE provides information to members living and/or working in France and works with local communities and organisations to tackle practical issues through forums and workshops, as well as organising a wide range of cultural and social events throughout the year. The recent launch of English lessons has been well attended by Confolentais. If you would like to know more about this group of volunteers, please look on our new website www.charente-limousine-exchange.com or contact the Chairman, Barry Leech, on 06 35 96 77 46. Libraries & Books Baileys Book Exchange Baileys Bar/Restaurant, 5 Rue de L'Abreuvoir, Aubusson. Large selection of English books, plus a Phoenix Appeal for CHARLIE “Hi, I’m Charlie, and I’m a young, goodlooking dude, as you can see. Life hasn’t always been a breeze, though. I was loved once, but then abandoned when my owners moved away. Despite this, I am really friendly and affectionate. I’m not even a year old yet. I would just like to stare like this into my own family's eyes and be secure forever. I will give you loads of cuddles in return. Contact Lynda on lapuille@gmail.com or telephone 05 53 81 30 44. Thank you.” For more animals awaiting homes visit: www.phoenixasso.com www.facebook.com/PhoenixAssociationFrance few French books and DVDs. Swap (for each swapped book a small charge of 20cts applies) or buy books from as little as 50cts. ALL money received donated to S.P.A. de la Creuse Dog Refuge Guéret. Books available during opening hours, please check Baileys Restaurant Ad for details. Sale of Second-hand Books, La Croisillesur-Briance On the 18th of every month, during the monthly market at La Croisille-sur-Briance (87130), there is a sale of second-hand books (both English and French) from 9am to 12 noon, at the old garage in La Place - next door to the pharmacy. All proceeds towards the restoration of the church. St Jean English Library, La Souterraine The St Jean English Library and Information Centre is now well-established in the beautiful medieval building of the Porte de Puy Charraud, 10 Rue de Portail, La Souterraine. We now have just under 10,000 books, catering for a wide range of tastes, both fiction & nonfiction, plus a large collection of DVDs and CDs, and you can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, together with a selection of delicious homemade cakes, in our cafe, Caxtons, where we also have regular exhibitions of work by local artists, both French & English. The Library runs classes in French, for English speakers, with a professional teacher, and also organises Anglo-French conversation groups in association with the Municipal Library in La Souterraine. We have a number of thriving special interest groups, such as the Gardening Club, Photographic Society, Friendship Group, etc. and we have an ever-changing selection of interesting items for sale in our Brocante on the ground floor. We also provide support & assistance in bureaucratic and administrative matters for both existing British residents as well as newcomers to the area, so whatever your interests, don’t hesitate to pay us a visit, when you will be assured of a warm welcome. The library is open from 9.30 -12.30 on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Contact tel 06 06 43 47 64 or email bibliostjean@yahoo.co.uk Our website is www.frenchweb.eu/biblio The English Library, Dun-le-Palestel The English Library, which has now been established for over 5 yrs, is situated in the Route des Rateries, beside the Bibliothèque Municipale, Parc Benjamin Bord. The library is a very welcoming meeting place, where you can come and enjoy a cup of tea, or coffee, whilst you browse through our collection of around 7,500 books, DVDs and talking books. Our opening hours are Thursdays, 10h00 – 16h00 and Saturdays 10h00 – 12h30. Also, on the first Tuesday of every month, 10h00 – 12h00, you are invited to join us for our Club Franglais, which welcomes people from all nationalities, to chat in French, English or any language you wish(!) whilst enjoying a cup of tea, and a piece of home-made cake. We host a range of other activities too, including the Café Philo, and Club Scrabble, More information can be found on the Entente Cordiale website at www.ententecordialecreuse.org or email us at library. ententecordiale@yahoo.com Music Music Club Boussac 3rd Saturday of the month at the Grand Café des Sports, 26 place de l'Hôtel de Ville. All musicians and singers wishing to join in an evening of free fun and entertainment are most welcome, as are those who simply enjoy listening to live music. A PA system and drum kit is available, so all you need to do is bring along your own instrument to have a good time. "Oh My Cod" fish and chips is available in the square or Philippe, the bar owner, provides a charcuterie. All food can be eaten in the café. Contact: Bev or Dave Calladine at gemsandcrystalsmail@gmail.com or Mervyn or Rosie Wood at mervynjw@aol.com for more info. Castaways Drama Following the success of our first production “Carry on Macbeth”, Castaways Drama (which is based in La Souterraine) are looking for new members. We are a fun-loving sociable group of people and would welcome new members from all walks of life, with or without experience in a wide range of activities, including acting, singing, dancing, directing. If being on stage is not really your cup of tea then we would be glad of your involvement in other ways. Whatever your strengths, there's always something to get stuck into behind the scenes, helping out with costumes, scenery construction, sound, lighting, publicity, staffing our front of house, box office or just making the tea! Enthusiasm, a sense of fun and a willingness to “have a go” are the only pre-requisites. If you are interested in becoming a member of Castaways Drama please contact me at Jacqueline.grant@sfr.fr www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ MARCH 2014 COMMUNITY ♦ 21 Are you a reader of books or even a writer of fine literature? Maybe you aspire to be a writer, whether as an author of novels, poetry or articles. Perhaps you have connections within the publishing industry. MONDAY Evaux-les-Bains TUESDAY Auzances Bénévant-l’Abbaye Bussière-Poitevine Champagnac-la-Rivière Genouillac Gouzon Laurière Limoges (Le Vigenal) Peyrat-le-Château Rochechouart Royère-de-Vassivière Saint-Sulpice-lesFeuilles Whatever your experience, you may have a valuable contribution to make at the meetings of La Souterraine Writing Group. The group convenes from 10.00 until 12.30 on the last Thursday of each month at the English Library & Information Centre in La Souterraine in the Creuse. WEDNESDAY You will find the library near the town centre, adjacent to La Porte du Puycharraud. The next meetings will be held on 27 February and 28 March. Ahun Bourganeuf Chambon-sur-Voueize Cognac-la-Forêt Clugnat Le Dorat Isle Limoges (pont St Martial) Nantiat Séreilhac THURSDAY Contact: jamesvance.author@sfr.fr Boussac Coussac-Bonneval Dun-le-Palestel Guéret Limoges Bastide et There is no joining fee; just a small charge for 'elevenses' on the day. PLEASE NOTE THERE WILL BE NO MUSIC CLUB IN FEBRUARY. NEXT MEETING 15TH MARCH (SAINT PATRICK THEME). L'Orchestre Philharmonique de La Souterraine If you or one of your family are interested in playing in an orchestra and think your standard might be adequate do get in contact with us. We meet weekly on Friday evenings in La Souterraine (apart from the summer holidays) to rehearse. Most of our concerts are around Xmas or May-July. Our members come from all over Limousin so lifts to and fro may be possible if necessary. Contacts: French language Marie-France Martinie 05 55 30 76 23 / English language Alan Kerr 05 55 56 34 52 Club de Musique Takes place on the last Fri of each month from 8pm at La Grange, Chassignolles (5mins from La Châtre). Open to all musicians, singers, groups and audience. PA and drum kit available. Bring your instrument, mic and join in a great French / English musical and social evening. Bar, hot and cold snacks. Meals available if reserved – see website for contact details of La Grange. For more info email: geoff@clubdemusique.fr http://www. clubdemusique.fr The Harmonics This is our 6th season of singing as a group. Our music is varied classical, madrigals, spiritual, songs from the shows etc and we sing in French, English, Swahili, Latin - whatever the music demands. Our concerts are in support of a variety of charities including the British Legion, L'Oregon at Civray and Retina and thus non profit making. We meet Wed 14h – 16h in the Salle d'Annexe behind the Mairie in Civray. Interested? We'd love to see you so contact: David Lee tel 05 49 87 53 93 email WEEKLY MARKETS dave.lee@cegetel.net or Dolly Ait Boualou email sylvia.murray@wanadoo.fr Support L'Association France Alzheimer Dordogne Charitable organisation offering Englishspeaking support and guidance to anyone dealing with the day-to-day difficulties affecting those with dementia, their families and their carers and assistance with how to access the best provisions of care. English Helpline (available on Tuesday mornings between 10am and midday): 09 64 21 40 86. For more information email alzheimer. dordogne@orange.fr or visit www. francealzheimer-dordogne.org Alcoholics Anonymous If you or someone you know has a drinking problem, there are now English-speaking Elizabeth Finn Care We understand that life can be difficult for expats living away from the UK and that sometimes assistance is needed. We will listen and try to help when that help is needed. As I am sure you realise, there seems to be this popular misconception that expats living outside of the UK live in large houses with hectares of ground and that nobody ever has problems. As we all know this is far from the truth and even the best laid plans can fall apart due to sudden changes in health, bereavement, family breakdown or a host of other unforeseen problems. Registered charity Elizabeth Finn Care is able to offer direct financial assistance to British and Irish nationals or residents who live overseas. We ensure that our help does not affect any means-tested payments. Corgnac Magnac-Laval Oradour-sur-Vayres (except 3rd Thu) Peyrat-le-Château Saint-Sulpice-lesChamps Saint-Victurnien La Souterraine FRIDAY Aigurande Aixe-sur-Vienne Ambazac Bessines-sur-Gartempe Bosmie l’Aiguille (16h - 19h30) Bujaleuf Châlus (except 2nd Fri) Châteauponsac Châtelus-Malvaleix Couzeix (16h30 19h30) Le Dorat Felletin Limoges (place des Bancs et Beaubreuil) Nexon Pierre-Buffière Rochechouart St-Etienne-de-Fursac Saint-Sulpice-Laurière Verneuil-surVienne(15h-18h30) SATURDAY Aixe-sur-Vienne Aubusson Bellac Bonnat Bussière-Poitevine Châteauponsac Condat-sur-Vienne Eymoutiers Feytiat Flavignac Guéret La Châtre La Jonchère-St-Maurice La Souterraine Limoges (place des Bancs et place Marceau) Le Palais-sur-Vienne Mainsat (4th Sat only) Nantiat Peyrat-le-Château Rochechouart Saint-Junien St-Léonard-de-Noblat Saint-Mathieu Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche SUNDAY Bessines-sur-Gartempe Blond Crocq (1st and 3rd Sun) Panazol Peyrat-le-Château Saint-Paul St-Sulpice-le-Guéretois (3rd Sun) Saint-Vaury (2nd Sun) Veyrac (2nd Sun) meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous at Limoges, Périgueux and the recently opened meeting at Civray. Alcoholics Anonymous is a Fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership and A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. For details of the meetings or other information contact Roger 05 55 76 22 65 (Limoges), Ewen 05 53 05 76 62 (Périgueux) or Angela 05 49 87 79 09 (Civray). Other meetings in South-West France can be located on our web-site at aafrancesud-ouest. com Cancer Support France, Charente Plus Offers free and confidential support to English speakers affected by cancer in departments 16, 17 & 86. Our helpline number is 06 45 35 32 30. If you need any more information, please get in touch via csf.charenteplus@gmail.com Cancer Support France, Haute-Vienne We offer free and confidential support to English speakers affected by Cancer in the Haute-Vienne (87). Our helpline number is 06 04 43 39 87. If you would like more information or would like to become a member or help in any other way, please contact Sue Ware 05 55 00 31 15, csfhv@frangle.fr Cancer Support France, Creuse If you are English-speaking and need support or information, please phone Helpline number 06 06 47 18 60. The Creuse Branch is now under the umbrella of Haute-Vienne. Briefly we can consider assisting those who: 1. Are British or Irish residents or nationals. 2. Are living on a low income or means-tested benefits. 3. Have formerly been employed in one of a wide range of qualifying occupations. Have, or have had, a partner employed in a qualifying occupation. We are able to consider assisting financially in numerous ways. For more information contact: Mary Hughes - Case worker France, Elizabeth Finn Care tel: 04 68 23 43 79 or visit: www.elizabethfinncare.org.uk and: www.turn2us.org.uk MONTHLY FOIRES BY DATE Aixe-sur-Vienne: 1st Fri Ambazac: 1st Wed Auzances: 2nd Tue Bourganeuf: 1st & 3rd Wed Boussac: 1st & 3rd Thu Bujaleuf: Last Mona Châlus: 2nd Thu Châteauneuf-la-Forêt: 2nd Sun Cognac-la-Forêt: 1st Tue Cussac: 4th Sun Domps: 2nd Tue Dun-le-Palestel: 1st Thu Evaux-les-Bains: 1st Mon Eymoutiers: 1st & 3rd Thu Feytiat: 1st Sat La Souterraine 2nd & 4th Sat Magnac-Bourg: 2nd Sat Meuzac: 4th Mon Mézières-sur-Issoire: 2nd & 4th Mon Nexon: 3rd Fri Oradour-sur-Vayres: 3rd Thu Peyrat-le-Château: 3rd Mon Peyrilhac: 3rd Sun Pierre-Buffière: 1st Fri Royère-de-Vassivière: 2nd Tue Saint-Germain-les-Belles: last Sat Saint-Jouvent: 1st Sun Saint-Junien: 3rd Sat Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat: 1st Mon Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche: 2nd & 4th Fri Sauviat-sur-Vige: 2nd Mon Veyrac: 2nd Sun BY DAY 1 (day before if public holiday): Bellac 3: Bellegarde-en-Marche 3: Châteauponsac 5: Bussière-Poitevine 5: Chénérailles 6: Bussière-Boffy 8: Compreignac 9: Saint-Sulpice-Laurière 11 (Sat if 11 is a Sun): Bessines-surGartempe 13 (Sat if 13 is a Sun): Le Dorat 15: Oradour-sur-Glane 17: Mortemart 18: La Croisille-sur-Briance; La Jonchère-Saint-Maurice 20: Chénérailles 21: Ambazac; Saint-Sulpice-lesFeuilles 22 (Mon if 22 is a Sun): MagnacLaval 23: Razès; St Laurent sur Gorre 24: Nantiat 25: Blond - St Paul 26: Nouic; Rochechouart 28: Cieux 29: Laurière All Markets & Foires are in the morning unless stated otherwise. If your local market is not listed, please let us know - editor@thebugle.eu Baby Equipment Hire - Dog Rescue Sorry not to have written this article sooner, I know supporters will be wondering how much money was raised last year through the hiring of baby equipment for the SPA at Guéret. Thank you to everyone who helped raise €300. The hiring of baby equipment is continuing this year at the same prices as last year: €15 per item per week, with €8 refunded on return of the item in the same condition as it went out. These prices apply to high chairs, travel cots, buggies, car seats, fire guard, stair gate and now a large cot. Several other pieces of equipment are for hire: a potty, wash bowl, bath toy, play mat and changing mat; these are priced at €5, with €3 refunded on return. I also have 2 dog cages, for small or medium sized dogs, which can be hired out long or short term. Please give me a call or e-mail if you are interested in hiring one. Last year I was asked to look after a puppy which was only 10 days old. A little apprehensive at first, as I had not taken care of a dog so young, I said I would try my best. At first feeding was with powdered milk every six hours which was tiring but a lovely feeling to have this tiny creature in my hand feeding from a bottle. I decided to call him Nat after my granddaughter who was born 3 months premature last year. After a long struggle she is now a healthy 17 months so I hoped he would have the same strength of character. We kept him in the bedroom out of the way of our dogs and cat for a few weeks until he opened his eyes and could get around for himself. After this he migrated downstairs and was introduced to the other dogs and cat. As he began to grow he started to join our dogs around the house, under supervision at first as he was so tiny. He was such a happy, lively puppy and I would have kept him but having 3 dogs already I thought Nat would be happier with a family of his own. I was so happy when a family came to see him and fell in love with him as much as I was. He is now a well-established member of a lovely family who I cannot thank enough. I get regular reports of his progress, or mischief, and the first words we say to each other are about Nat. Contact Jean Whitham for baby equipment and dog cages on 05 55 54 96 36 or e-mail jeanwhitham@orange.fr SPA details: Web: www.spa-creuse-englishversion.webeden.co.uk/ Tel: 05 55 81 99 31 Address: Refuge de Clocher, 23000 Saint-Sulpice-le-Guérétois MARCH 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu 22 ♦ COMMUNITY Très Jolie Fashion Accessories Where to find me in January: Every Wednesday - Piégut Market Lots of new Winter accessories now in. New stunning Jewellery Scarf designs, a great affordable gift. Hat & scarf sets, snoods, ponchos and lots more. Great little gifts starting from €3. Most items now stocked at the 'Coeur et Etoile', St-Mathieu Postage available, please email or call for details. 05 55 78 62 29 / 06 04 08 29 53 tres.jolie1@orange.fr Bugle Notice Board Le Moulin du Breuil Restaurant, Bar, Terrasse Opening soon... Amy's Tea Rooms 17 Rue Grande 36340 Cluis amystearooms@outlook.com Le Bellerive Hotel - Restaurant - Café-Bar 29 Avenue de la Tour, 87470 Peyrat-le-Château Tuesday 4th March - Pancake Day Friday 7th March - Fun Quiz Night Wednesday 19th March - La Maison delivery & Book Club (DVDs as well as books) Sunday 30th March - Mothering Sunday 3 Course lunch for only €19.50 For details of all our events, go to: www.facebook.com/hotellebellerive Email: bonjour@lebellerive.net Phone: 05 55 36 20 63 23140 PIONNAT Re-opening 29th March with our popular Quiz Food from 7pm. Bring your friends - great value food and quiz for €10. Ring or email to reserve Spring 'Fizz & Chip' Soirée - Saturday 12th April with Live music, 'Blondie and the Jazz Man' A glass of fizz and a 3-course meal including our special 'Fish and Chips' - all for €19.50 Don't forget Easter Sunday a 4-course lunch (including an apero) - €27.50 Easter egg hunt for the children. Book early to avoid disappointment. Please contact us for any information re: events, weddings, parties and christenings. Join us on facebook: www.facebook.com/lemoulindubreuil and follow us on twitter: @lmdb_pionnat Tel: 05 55 80 37 70 Mail: info@lemoulindubreuil.com Web: www.lemoulindubreuil.com CARRACIOLA SARDO ... has closed for the festive season, re-opening on 26th March 2014 (please see our website for 2014 opening times). STEVE AND ELENA Vera Laine Gift Shop & Salon de Thé LE DORAT (Pl. Charles de Gaulle) Candles, mugs, shabby chic homeware, cards, leather goods, jewellery... all at affordable prices! Neal's Yard Remedies Consultant. HOMEMADE CAKES and FREE WIFI now available! Knitting Group Knitters, expert or beginners, meet every Wednesday at 2pm for a little knit and natter. All welcome, please feel free to drop in or call Jay for more details. Alternatively, follow "Veralaine" on Facebook. Open Tue-Fri: 9h30-17h30 Contact Jay: 05 87 77 95 veralaine19@gmail.com 59 KWIKSTAGE Scaffold Hire Exclusive Offer to readers of The Bugle 10% off any scaffolding ordered for any time during 2014, if ordered & deposit paid before end of March 2014. 05 55 89 69 46 www.entreprisehines.com robert.hines@orange.fr Baileys Bar & Restaurant 5 Rue de L’Abreuvoir Aubusson We will be closed through January and February, re-opening in March! Tel: web: www.carraciola.com e mail: ristorante@carraciola.com tel: 05 55 63 86 05 Pianist/ vocalist available for events/ gigs/ private parties etc... New Orleans old time jazz n blues n boogie... Call: JJ’s Café Bar Aigurande Music Club 2nd Sat of every month. 8.30 pm. Next event: 8th March JJ's Music club is for musicians of all levels and genres entry is free, there is no membership and is open to everyone who loves music. You can also buy fish and chips from the van in the market square (from 6.30 - 8.30) and eat them in the comfort of JJ's. ** Hopefully fish and chips will be available from 'Oh My Cod' - to be confirmed ** The club starts from 8:30, but we are open for all those who want to come earlier to eat. In fact we hardly ever shut !!!! JJ's Cafe Bar, 39 Place du Champ de Foire, 36140 Aigurande Tel: 02 54 06 30 77 www.frenchweb.eu/jjscafebar/ Email: cafebarjj@yahoo.co.uk RESTAURANT AUX CEPES La Veytizou On the main road (D979), Between Limoges & Eymoutiers ~~~~~~~~~ Sat 1st March - Indian Night (reservation only) ~~~~~~~~~ Sat 8th March - Music Night ~~~~~~~~~ ** Please Note ** We are closed from Sat 22nd until Mon 24th March (inclusive) for a short break ~~~~~~~~~ Sat 5th April - Chinese Night (reservation only) ~~~~~~~~~ Our famous Fish & Chips every day of the week For more information & reservations call Sue on 05 55 69 33 38 Any bridge players out there...? Limousin Dog Training Bridge player living in Les Salles-Lavauguyon would like to play bridge on a regular basis. For more details contact Elaine on: Please contact Alan on: brinsdona@aol.com ... has a couple of places left on the new beginners class at Les Grand Chezeaux. 05 55 68 67 56 or 06 04 47 35 19 Cartes de Christine Hand-crafted cards for all occasions Find us every week at Piégut market (Wed) and at Chasseneuil and Confolens (monthly). We will have an extended range at Magazin Artisanat, Confolens from 20 March email: ellinghamroam764@yahoo.com Petticoat Lane Easter Eggs & Easter Cards now in Stock Pre-order your Hot Cross Buns by 27th March ** Please note we will be closed from 15th to 23rd March ** Please check our website to check which markets we will be attending this month http://www.petticoatlaneshop.com/ 5 Rue Nationale – 16150 Chabanais Tel: 05 45 29 03 99 Looking for Work Hardworking South African lady, experienced in all aspects of running an office, urgently requires employment in (87) region. Fluent in English & Afrikaans but still learning French. CV available on request. Call Cheryl: 06 46 89 88 89 or email: cherylds1959@gmail.com Atelier d'Art du Jardin The tea room will be closed for the winter months and we look forward to welcoming our customers at Easter 2km from Chénérailles and the Chateau Villemonteix - 26, Ecurat 23150 tel: 05 55 81 31 85 email: artdejardin@gmail.com www.atelierdartdujardin.net www.thebugle.eu ○ THE BUGLE ○ MARCH 2014 WHAT’S ON ♦ 23 season, where current productions are screened live around the world, the Cinéma Grand Ecran in Limoges will be showing The Sleeping Beauty. Journey with The Royal Ballet to an enchanted world of princesses, fairy godmothers and magic spells in Petipa’s classic ballet. Grand Ecran Limoges Ester, 87000 LIMOGES. 20h15. Tickets: Adults €15; Over 65s/ Under 18s €12. For more information visit: http://www.grandecran.fr/limoges-centre/ Also showing at the Cinébourse, Saint-Junien. Tel 05 55 02 26 16 for more information. Thu 27th Mar LIMOGES Fête de la Saint Patrick - Celtic Show Three-hour show with over 60 artists on stage with Irish singing and dancing from Celtic Dances, the Royal Scots Pipe Band and Breton musicians Bagad de Lann-Bihoué, a show that will combine the Celtic traditions of Scotland, Ireland and Brittany. Zénith, 16, avenue Jean Monnet, 87000 Limoges. 20h30. Tickets €42-€50. Book online at www.fnac.com or www.ticketnet.fr or www.francebillet.com Thu 27th Mar SAINT-JUNIEN Bennetti's Jazz & Blues Club Organised by Association Bennett Productions - Thursday 27 March 8pm - Golf Club StJunien, les Joubertie, 87200 Saint-Junien Tel: 05 55 02 96 96 www.golfdesaintjunien.com/ Come along and enjoy the music. If you wish to play then please contact:- associationbennett@ yahoo.fr. Free entry. Food available but must reserve in advance. Sat 29th Mar AHUN Saturdays in the Garden A series of gardening courses held at the Lycée Agricole in Ahun. 29th March: Preparing bio household products. This course costs EUR 27 (free for accompanying children) and will be held at CFPPA d’Ahun from 8h30-12h. For more information tel: Sun 30th Mar GOUZON Salon du chocolat Espace Beaune from 10h-12h & 13h30-18h. Société Philharmonique de la Souterraine 2014 Concert Programme Saturday 29th March: Concert 20h. Espace André Lejeune, Guéret Saturday 5th April: Concert 20h30. Location to be confirmed, Ennezat Sunday 27th April: Annual Concert of the Society 15h. Centre Cultural Yves Furet, La Souterraine Sunday 11th May: Annual Festival of Creuse Orchestras 9h30-18h. La Souterraine. Performances in the town centre from 10h30. 14h-18h Concert Centre Cultural Yves Furet Saturday 24th May: Concert 21h. Salle Polyvalente, Saint-Germain-Beaupré Saturday 14th June: Annual Concert of the Harmonie de Guéret 21h. Espace Fayolle, Esplanade Nelson Mandela, Guéret Saturday 21st June: Fête de la Musique 18h. Jardin Publique La Souterraine 20h. Location to be confirmed, Guéret The orchestra will be accompanied by L’Harmonie de Guéret at all concerts. The concerts are normally free but contributions for the programmes are appreciated. Further info contact Alan Kerr on 05 55 56 34 52. OPEN MIC NIGHT Every Friday night from 4th April 2014 If you like music and have ever fancied getting up and having a go, why not come along to our first Open Mic Night at “Le Lock Ness” in La Souterraine town centre on 4th April around 8.30pm. Our Open Mic Night is a non-profit making event and its aim is to bring pleasure and fun to people of all ages, nationality, creed, etc. who have always fancied getting up to play their guitar, tambourine, triangle or even the spoons if you'd like. You can sing, play or even read a poem, the choice is yours. No pressure! You might like to just come along and support, sit and have a drink... So get out that guitar or penny whistle that's been lurking in the attic for the last twenty years, dust it down and join in for an evening of fun!! Look forward to seeing you there. Got an event for The Bugle? notices@thebugle.eu 05 55 41 17 76 MARCH 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ www.thebugle.eu 24 ♦ WHAT’S ON UPCOMING EVENTS ACROSS THE REGION Sat 14th Dec to Sun 30th Mar Les Bistrots d’Hiver 2014 The Bistrots d'Hiver are back in to liven up winter Sundays in and around the Plateau de Millevaches. Organised by the association Pays'Sage this season sees a diverse programme including French song, blues, Celtic music, jazz, Corsican songs... there is something for everyone! Concerts take place in auberges and cafes across the region and take the form of an apero-tchatche (debate on something topical or related to the territory) before lunch and an afternoon concert. For full details and to download the programme visit: http://www.pays-sage.net/ Sun 2nd Mar LIMOGES Carnival Get out your costumes! Since 1998, the city of Limoges has been organising its carnival on the first Sunday in March. A continuous effort has allowed the creation of unique floats, matched by top quality musical entertainment. The growing reputation of the Limoges Carnival has opened up the event to national and foreign musical troupes. A fantastic day out to enjoy with friends or family. Departs 15h from the Champ de Juillet. For bookings contact the Tourist Office in Guéret on 05 55 52 14 29 or at info@guerettourisme.fr Sun 9th Mar MONTBRON Concert: Appassionata String Quartet Sat 8th Mar BOUSSAC AIPB Spring Concert On Saturday 8th March the Amitiés Internationales du pays de Boussac will be holding a spring concert in association with Les Troubadours. It starts at 20h30 in la salle polyvalente, Boussac (23600). The concert will feature 2 groups: Belle Allure, the 2012 worthy winners of the AIPB "Battle of the Bands" competition and popular local group Fingers in the Noise. Entrance price €4 and there will be a bar. We do hope to welcome you to our first event of 2014. Sat 8th to Sun 9th Mar GUÉRET Concert exceptionnel: Didier Barbelivien Concert by renowned singer-songwriter Didier Barbelivien (think "Les Mariés de Vendée", "Elle", "A toute les filles que j'ai aimé avant", "il faut laisser le temps au temps", "Elsa"...) Sat 8th at 20h30 & Sun 9th at 16h at the Espace André Lejeune, Guéret. Tickets €43. Foumagnac has been distilling its folk cocktail since 1998. Think The Pogues with a touch of ska-rock to get everyone up and dancing! The atmosphere of an Irish Pub guaranteed. Come and celebrate with family and friends and why not enjoy a traditional Irish meal of Irish soup, beef in Guinness & colcannon and whoopies for dessert. Speciality Irish beers available (to be drunk in moderation!) Meal begins at 20h30 with the concert to get underway at 21h/21h30. Concert: €7 Concert + Meal: €18 Surprise for anyone dressed in green! For more information and to book for the meal tel 05 55 62 26 92. Concert organised by the association Tardoire Allegro. Programme: HAYDN Quartet opus 54 n°2; SHOSTAKOVICH Quartet opus 110 n°8; LEKEU Molto Adagio / Sempre cantate doloroso for string quartet; BEETHOVEN Quartet opus 59 n°3. Eglise Saint-Maurice de Montbron. 17h. Tickets: €15; FREE for Under 15s. Reservations: contact the Tourist Office in Montbron tel 05 45 23 60 09. For more information visit: http://tardoireallegro.com/ Fri 14th to Sun 16th Mar LIMOGES Limoges Salsa Carnival The programme is composed of an opening night with shows on the Friday evening, two days of workshops, with the customary traditional costume party and concert on the Saturday evening. Centre Culturel Municipal John Lennon, rue de Feytiat, 87000 Limoges Tel: 05 55 06 24 83 For more info visit http://www.carnavalsalsa.com/ Fri 14th Mar GOUZON Soirée de la Saint Patrick Come and celebrate Saint Patrick's Day with the group Foumagnac at the Espace Beaune in Gouzon on Friday 14 March at 20h30. Wed 19th Mar LIMOGES Royal Opera House Live: The Sleeping Beauty As part of the Royal Opera House Live CONTINUED ON PAGE 23 >>