catalogue issue 8 - Pumpmaster Pumps
catalogue issue 8 - Pumpmaster Pumps
CATALOGUE ISSUE 8 35(6685(38036%25(38036$*5,&8/785$/38036),5(3803635(6685(7$1.6plus more... PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE | 1 INDEX 3 4 5 6 7-8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15-17 18-19 20-21 22 23 24-25 26 27-28 29 30-32 33 34 35 MULTIMATE Stainless steel pressure systems MULTIMATE Cast iron / stainless pressure systems HOUSEMATE Economy pressure systems VILLAMATE Stainless body pressure systems WATERGATE Tank to mains controllers FARM MATE High pressure systems RANGEMATE We adhere to a philosophy of offering products best suited to Australian conditions. Price is not the sole criterion quality, warranty, serviceability and spare parts back up are components of the total value for money benefits. It is the intention of the “Pumpmaster” group to continue to offer you, the customer, a range of product to suit your needs, to the highest standards we can provide. Medium pressure / flow systems RANCHMATE High flow pressure systems WATERMATE Centrifugal pump systems BOREMATE Deep well jet pumps MULTIMATE Multistage pumps BARE PUMPS Performance curves SUBBIEMATE Borehole submersibles 4” SUBBIEMATE Borehole submersibles 6” SUBBIEMATE Borehole submersibles 6” - 8” - 10” MOTORMATE Submersible motors 4” WELLMATE 3XPSPDVWHU$XVWUDOLD3W\/WG DQ$XVWUDOLDQRZQHGFRPSDQ\ Composite pressure tanks AQUAFOS Steel pressure tanks SUMPMATE Shallow drainer pumps FIREMATE Engine drive high pressure KOSHIN Engine drive pumps BLASTMATE Engine drive pressure washers ACCESSORIES Cable, bore, caps, switches and more FITTINGS Fittings 2 | PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE Information contained within is correct, at time of printing, to the best of our knowledge, and is based on manufacturer’s actual performance test figures as supplied to Pumpmaster Australia. This is a basic catalogue of our product range. Expanded technical advice can be supplied on request. Davydick & Co Pty Limited 15 Pursehouse Place, Goulburn NSW 2580 P: 1300 665 999 E: ABN: 97 052 316 891 Totally stainless steel pressure systems A combination of 7 horizontal multistage centrifugal pumps, in all stainless steel. For domestic / small agricultural installations. Equipped with 3 versions of electronic controllers or hydraulic pressure tanks, in .37, .55, .75 and 1.1 motor sizes, silent, efficient and cool running. CSS2 / CSS4 Model MULTIMATE MULTIMATE 15PSI 20PSI 30PSI 40PSI 50PSI 60PSI 70PSI 80PSI 90PSI 100PSI 100KPA 140KPA 210KPA 275KPA 345KPA 410KPA 480KPA 555KPA 650KPA 700KPA (Also) 750 57 CSS2-30 CSC2-30 CSS2-40 CSC2-40 CSS2-50 CSC2-50 CSS2-60 CSC2-60 CSS4-40 CSC4-40 CSS4-50 CSC4-50 1.0 .75 CSS4-60 CSC4-60 1.5 1.1 1742 132 1530 116 1742 132 528 40 712 54 765 58 1108 84 1452 110 1610 122 224 17 554 42 633 48 765 58 700 53 1108 84 1505 114 250 19 488 37 646 49 370 25 567 43 369 28 686 52 1082 82 290 22 792 60 277 21 PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE | 3 MULTIMATE MULTIMATE Stainless steel pressure / transfer systems A range of 14 horizontal multistage centrifugal pumps with all stainless steel working components. Motor bracket and suction housing in cast iron with electrophoretic coating for anti-rust protection. 2-4-8 and 12 cubic metre capacities. CSC2 / CSC4 Model 15PSI 20PSI 30PSI 40PSI 50PSI 60PSI 70PSI 80PSI 90PSI 100PSI 100KPA 140KPA 210KPA 275KPA 345KPA 410KPA 480KPA 555KPA 650KPA 700KPA (Also) 750 57 CSC2-30 CSS2-30 CSC2-40 CSS2-40 CSC2-50 CSS2-50 CSC2-60 CSS2-60 CSC4-40 CSS4-40 CSC4-50 CSS4-50 1.0 .75 CSC4-60 CSS4-60 1.5 1.1 1742 132 CSC8 / CSC12 1530 116 1742 132 528 40 712 54 765 58 1108 84 1452 110 1610 122 224 17 554 42 633 48 765 58 700 53 1108 84 1505 114 250 19 488 37 646 49 370 25 567 43 369 28 686 52 1082 82 290 22 792 60 277 21 20PSI 30PSI 40PSI 50PSI 60PSI 70PSI 80PSI 90PSI 100PSI 140KPA 210KPA 275KPA 345KPA 410KPA 480KPA 555KPA 650KPA 700KPA CSC8-30 CSC8-40 CSC8-50 CSC8-60 CSC12-30 CSC12-40 CSC12-50 1.0 .75 1.5 1.1 2.0 1.5 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.1 2.0 1.5 3.0 2.2 1755 133 2046 155 2480 188 871 66 1452 110 2112 160 2244 170 1650 125 2705 205 792 60 1558 118 1900 144 1190 90 1650 125 1120 85 1850 140 2705 205 2245 170 1320 100 FOR CSC2+4 FIGURES, SEE ‘ALSO’ COLUMNS , PAGE 3 4 | PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE Home pressure systems A range of 5 cast body pressure pumps, suitable for applications beginning with water supply to a garden tap, up to total supply of a large house. Equiped with a variety of controls, they are a versatile option at a budget price. CTJ 100 / 120 Capable of flows to 80 LPM. Normally equipped with an electronic controller for constant flow and dry run protection. HOUSEMATE HOUSEMATE TT45 Turbine pump with brass impeller, brass removable cover and brass face at rear of impeller for non-sticking. JP81 / 101 Available in a 1 litre pressure tank / switch and electronic controller for constant flow in a shower. An economy jet pump range in cast iron. Flows up to 57LPM and capable of supplying water to large houses. The pump body internals are electrophoretic coated to provide total protection against corrosion. 20PSI 30PSI 40PSI 50PSI 60PSI 70PSI 140KPA 210KPA 275KPA 345KPA 410KPA 480KPA TT45 .45 .33 JP81 .8 .6 JP101 1.0 .75 CTJ100 1.0 .75 CTJ120 1.2 .9 305 22 713 54 765 58 924 70 160 12 607 46 752 57 700 53 858 65 105 8 462 35 634 48 660 50 765 58 185 14 435 33 448 34 475 36 290 22 238 18 277 21 105 8 PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE | 5 VILLAMATE VILLAMATE Home pressure systems Three optional stainless steel body pumps with noryl internals. All are ‘self priming’ models, ideal for whole household supply, whether prime residence or a holiday house. Flows up to 90LPM with electronic contollers are standard. JSL60 / 100 Stainless Steel body with Noryl internals, ideal for a rainwater tank or whole house supply. Flows up to 60 LPM are sufficient for multiple outlets. CTJX120 Pump shaft in 316 grade stainless steel, with stainless steel body. A very high performance, self priming jet pump, for applications where significantly large flows with high pressure are required. 20PSI 30PSI 40PSI 50PSI 60PSI 70PSI 140KPA 210KPA 275KPA 345KPA 410KPA 480KPA JSL60 .6 .46 JSL100 1.0 .75 CTJX120 1.2 .9 6 | PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE 445 34 580 44 1056 80 238 18 409 31 898 68 92 7 251 19 660 50 52 4 410 31 158 12 &RPPHUFLDOJUDGHWDQNPDLQVXSSO\FRQWUROOHU WATERGATE PRO Fully automatic controller will changeover your water supply from your rainwater tank to your mains supply if your tank runs out of water. Once your tank has been replenished the controller will revert back to the tank, all done automatically. Certified with the Australian “Watermark” Approval and 2 year warranty. The operation is mostly hydraulic which means more reliable and simple, for easy priming when the tank refills an air release valve is fitted. Simple to install, NO float required, totally enclosed pump cover in a variety of colours and available with a wide range of household pumps. WATERGATE WATERGATE AMENITIES MAINS PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE | 7 WATERGATE WATERGATE WATERGATE NEO This version comprises of a submersible pump “NEO-SUB” in tank pump where security is a consideration, this unit is used in conjunction with the Presscontrol and controller mounted on top of the tank or on the side of a wall using our mounting bracket. AMENITIES MAINS 8 | PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE +LJKSUHVVXUHV\VWHPV Twin impeller shallow well jet pumps. Excellent self priming with high pressure for larger household requirements or rural applications. Cast iron body with stainless steel shaft and Noryl internals. FARMMATE FARMMATE CTJ150 / 200 / 300 For long distance high head water delivery, can be equipped with pump mounted 24 litre tank or larger base models. 20PSI 30PSI 40PSI 50PSI 60PSI 70PSI 80PSI 90PSI 140KPA 210KPA 275KPA 345KPA 410KPA 480KPA 555KPA 630KPA CTJ150 1.5 1.1 CTJ200 2.0 1.5 CTJ300 3.0 2.2 1056 80 885 67 1321 100 1585 120 660 50 977 74 1215 92 436 33 555 42 766 58 132 10 PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE | 9 RANGEMATE RANGEMATE 0HGLXPFDSDFLW\SUHVVXUHV\VWHPV Single impeller, self priming jet pumps, combining substantial flow with very useable pressures. Particularly suited to applications where self priming benefits are important and the application demands a flexible operating performance. Pump internals are exceptionally strong, with brass impeller. CTJ2-150 / 200 / 300 Equipped with electronic controller, gives constant flow with loss of prime protection. With 24L steel pressure tank With free standing non-corrosive pressure tank 30PSI 40PSI 50PSI 60PSI 70PSI 80PSI 90PSI 210KPA 275KPA 345KPA 410KPA 480KPA 555KPA 630KPA CTJ2-150 1.5 1.1 CTJ2-200 2.0 1.5 CTJ2-300 3.0 2.2 1710 130 * Optional controls available 10 | PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE 1120 85 1715 130 660 50 1082 82 1520 115 265 20 792 60 1055 80 300 23 595 45 130 10 RANCHMATE RANCHMATE +LJKFDSDFLW\SUHVVXUHV\VWHPV A range of multiple impeller, high flow, centrifugal pumps, ideally suited for very large households, and properties, where additional water supply is demanded for other than domestic purposes. This includes water supply for lawn sprinklers, small irrigation, stock troughs and fire protection. Solid metal construction with non-corrosive internals, mechanical seal, thermal motor overload protection makes this a hard working pump range. CTBJ150 / 200 / 300 Extra performance takes care of extra water demand. Heads to 46M and flows to 260 LPM makes them extremely versatile where more than just a domestic supply is needed. As pressure systems, can be supplied with: /WDQNSXPSPRXQWHG 6WHHOWDQNEDVHPRXQWHG 1RQFRUURVLYHEDVHPRXQWWDQN (OHFWURQLFFRQWUROOHURQPRGHOV Model H.P. K.W. Flow CTBJ150 1.5 1.1 CTBJ200 2.0 1.5 CTBJ300 3.0 2.2 GPH LPM GPH LPM GPH LPM 20PSI 30PSI 40PSI 50PSI 60PSI 140KPA 210KPA 275KPA 345KPA 410KPA - 2006 152 3235 245 1690 128 2840 215 1160 88 1820 138 2190 166 1055 80 1595 121 PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE | 11 WATERMATE WATERMATE &HQWULIXJDOSXPSV\VWHPV Single impeller, metal body, centrifugal pumps with high efficiencies. These pumps operate on suction lifts up to 8M, with minimal reduction in performance. Rugged in construction with Noryl, brass or stainless steel impellers depending on model, they provide high heads/medium flows, or medium head/high flow. Smaller units make ideal household supply pumps, while others excel in water transfer, sprinkler operation and dairy washdown. SPM200 CTM 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 SCM100 1.85kW in medium head/flow, ideal for small irrigation from shallow well supply. Up to 1.5kW with brass impellers in 1.1 / 1.5kW sizes. Versatile range of 4 models. (SCM100 Brass Impeller). SE - 300 SPLI - 300(T) 2.2kW in single or 3 phase. Big flows for dairy washdown or irrigation. SDK100 Open brass impeller suitable for pumping of light waste, such as from secondary septic tanks. SSM100 All 304 grade stainless steel suits saline and slightly corrosive liquids and can be set up for automatic pressure system application. CTC100 Open impeller with high flows using only .75kW. An efficient water transfer unit. 12 | PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE 15PSI 20PSI 30PSI 40PSI 50PSI 60PSI 70PSI 100KPA 140KPA 210KPA 275KPA 345KPA 410KPA 480KPA CTM50 .50 .37 CTM100 1.0 .75 CTM150 1.5 1.1 CTM200 2.0 1.5 SCM100 1.0 .75 SDK100 1.0 .75 CTC100 1.0 .75 SSM100 1.0 .75 SPM200 2.5 1.85 SPLI-300 SE-300 3.0 2.2 925 70 1320 100 790 60 1055 80 1782 135 1350 105 528 40 3170 240 1980 150 1250 95 990 75 225 55 1980 150 1740 132 4360 330 5940 450 895 68 3560 270 4555 345 2375 180 2905 2200 990 75 Deep well jet pumps Designed to be capable of lifting water from depths beyond the ability of conventional ‘above ground’ centrifugal pumps. Typically used in deep bores or wells, they are optional with injector and all fittings, only needing the dual suction / return pipes to facilitate installation. Capable of very high pressures and operation to significant depths, with a choice of injectors, their design enables installation away from the well whilst still retaining their excellent re-priming capability. CTA with 24L tank KPA PSI P20 P20 P30 10m 15m 20m 34 28 18 21 18 12 10 8 5 - - - - - - - - - CTA150 P20 P30 P30 P30 20m 25m 30m 35m - 29 - 27 - 22 22 17 17 19 20 16 15 15 15 13 12 10 15 12 13 12 11 10 10 9 8 - - - CTA200 P10 10m P10 15m P20 20m P30 25m P30 30m P30 35m 73 - 70 54 43 - 68 52 40 - 75 50 32 26 25 25 74 45 28 28 24 22 65 40 22 22 20 18 55 26 15 22 19 17 45 16 8 18 17 15 26 16 14 12 6 10 8 8 - - CTA300 P10 10m P10 15m P20 20m P30 25m P30 30m P30 35m P30 40m - - - - 86 52 32 - 75 46 26 26 23 21 - 63 30 18 25 22 19 16 52 18 10 20 19 17 14 30 18 16 14 12 7 12 10 10 6 - - Litres per minute Suction Depth CTA100 Pump Model Injector Size Discharge Pressure CTA 150 / 200 / 300 22 29 36 44 51 58 65 73 80 87 94 102 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 - BOREMATE BOREMATE PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE | 13 MULTIMATE MULTIMATE +RUL]RQWDO9HUWLFDOPXOWLVWDJHSXPSV Comprising, in the main, a wide selection of in-line models coupled to single or three phase motors. Standard pump construction is in all 304 grade stainless steel internals with cast iron base. Optional is for ALL componentry - vertical multistage can be in 304 stainless, or 316 grade if required to pump aggresive liquids. P7-250/5 SCV10-6 (option of 240V or 415V) SCV / SBV / SSV SCV: Cast Iron & AISI 304 SBV: All AISI 304 SSV: All AISI 316 30PSI 40PSI 50PSI 60PSI 70PSI 80PSI 90PSI 100PSI 210KPA 275KPA 345KPA 410KPA 480KPA 555KPA 630KPA 700KPA Model P7-250/5 2.5 1.85 SCV10-6 3.0 2.2 2244 170 2138 162 ,QGLYLGXDOFXUYHVDYDLODEOHRQUHTXHVW 14 | PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE 1954 148 2970 225 1742 132 2376 180 1425 108 2046 155 990 75 1650 125 3HUIRUPDQFH&XUYHV MULTI STAGE CENTRIFUGAL H (m) 60 CSS2-60 55 H 50 (m) &66&6& &66&6& &66&6& &66&6& CSS2-50 60 45 CSS2-60 55 40 CSS2-40 50 35 CSS2-50 CSS2-30 45 30 25 40 CSS2-40 20 35 CSS2-30 15 30 Port Sizes: INLET - 1” BSP OUTLET - 1” BSP 25 10 205 150 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Q(L/min) 5 BARE PUMPS BARE PUMPS 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Q(L/min) MULTI STAGE CENTRIFUGAL &66&6& &66&6& &66&6& H (m) 60 55 H 50 (m) CSS4-60 60 45 55 40 Port Sizes: INLET 1¼” BSP OUTLET 1” BSP CSS4-60 CSS4-50 50 35 45 30 CSS4-40 25 40 CSS4-50 20 35 15 30 CSS4-40 25 10 205 150 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Q(L/min) 5 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Q(L/min) MULTI STAGE CENTRIFUGAL &6& &6& &6& &6& H (m) 60 55 CSC8-60 50 45 CSC8-50 40 35 Port Sizes: INLET 1½” BSP INLET 1¼” BSP CSC8-40 30 CSC8-30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Q(m³/hr) MULTI STAGE CENTRIFUGAL &6& &6& &6& H (m) 60 50 CSC12-50 Port Sizes: INLET 1½” BSP OUTLET 1½” BSP 40 CSC12-40 30 CSC12-30 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Q(m³/hr) PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE | 15 BARE PUMPS BARE PUMPS 60 50 JP101 40 3HUIRUPDQFH&XUYHV H (m) TURBINE & CAST IRON JETS Port Sizes: INLET 1” BSP OUTLET 1” BSP 30 60 20 50 10 6040 0 H 5030 (m) 0 4060 20 50 H 30 10 (m) 20400 H 30 (m) 10 0 20 0 10 0 0 JP81 TT45 JP101 JP101 JP81 30 20 10 TT45 40 50 60 Q(L/min) 40 50 60 Q(L/min) JP101 JP81 TT45 10 JP81 30 20 TT45 10 0 20 10 30 20 40 30 50 40 60 Q(L/min) 50 60 Q(L/min) 50 45 77 40 -3 35 30 50 25 45 H (m) TWIN IMPELLER CENTRIFUGAL &7%- &7%- &7%- Port Sizes: INLET 1½” BSP OUTLET 1¼” BSP CTBJ200 20 50 40 15 45 35 10 30 H 4050 (m) 5 25 3545 0 20 3040 H (m) 15 0 2535 10 H 2030 (m) 15255 10200 CTBJ150 CTBJ200 40 CTBJ150 CTBJ200 120 160 80 200 CTBJ150 CTBJ200 0 515 CTBJ300 40 CTBJ300 CTBJ150 120 160 80 200 010 50 40 80 120 160 200 40 80 120 160 CTBJ300 240 280 Q(L/min) 240 280 Q(L/min) 0 0 CTBJ300 240 280 Q(L/min) 200 240 280 Q(L/min) 70 60 50 H 40 (m) 30 70 SINGLE IMPELLER JET &7- &7- &7- Port Sizes: INLET 1½” BSP OUTLET 1” BSP CTJ2-300 CTJ2-150 20 60 10 50 70 H 40 0 60 (m) 30 0 5070 H 40 20 60 (m) 10 3050 Port Sizes: INLET 1” BSP (JSL) INLET 1¼” BSP (SSM) OUTLET 1” BSP &7-; -6/ Self Priming - Stainless Body 16 | PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE 660 Centrifugal - All Stainless 20 40 60 80 CTJ2-300 CTJ2-150 100 120 140 100 120 140 CTJ2-300 CTJ2-150 H 20400 (m) 1030 0 20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 50 40 60 80 160 180 Q(L/min) CTJ2-200 CTJ2-200 CTJ2-150 020 0 STAINLESS STEEL JETS / CENTRIFUGAL CTJ2-200 CTJ2-300 100 120 140 160 180 Q(L/min) CTJ2-200 160 180 Q(L/min) 160 180 Q(L/min) CTJX120 40 30 H (m) 20 SSM100 10 50 JSL60 CTJX120 0 40 30 H50 (m) 20 40 10 3050 H (m) 20400 0 1030 H (m) 020 0 20 JSL100 40 60 80 100 120 140 CTJX120 160 180 Q(L/min) SSM100 JSL60 CTJX120 100 20 40 JSL60 20 0 0 20 40 JSL60 40 JSL100 60 80 JSL100 60 80 JSL100 60 80 100 100 100 120 120 120 SSM100 140 160 180 Q(L/min) 140 140 SSM100 160 180 Q(L/min) 160 180 Q(L/min) 3HUIRUPDQFH&XUYHV H (m) 90 80 70 H (m) 60 90 50 80 40 70 30 60 20 50 10 VERTICAL MULTI STAGE 3+RUL]RQWDO 6&99HUWLFDO SCV10-6 P7-250/5 40 SCV10-6 30 0 0 2040 60 80 100 P7-250/5 160 140 120 180 200 220 240 Q(L/min) 10 0 0 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 Q(L/min) Port Sizes: INLET 1¼” BSP (P7-250/5) OUTLET 1” BSP (P7-250/5) SCV10-6, FLANGED - 1¼”BSP BARE PUMPS BARE PUMPS SELF PRIMING JETS H (m) 70 60 H (m) 55 50 70 45 &7- &7- &7- &7- &7- CTJ300 60 40 55 35 CTJ150 CTJ200 50 30 CTJ300 45 25 40 20 CTJ120 CTJ150 35 15 30 10 CTJ100 25 5 CTJ120 20 0 15 20 10 0 CTJ200 40 CTJ100 80 60 100 120 Q(L/min) 5 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Q(L/min) SINGLE IMPELLER CENTRIFUGAL 50 CTM200 40 30 CTM150 H (m) 20 CTM100 10 CTM50 SCM100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Port Sizes: INLET 1” BSP (100-120) INLET 1½” (150 / 200 / 300) OUTLET 1” BSP 6&0 &70 Port Sizes: INLET 1” BSP (50/100) INLET 1¼” BSP (150/200) OUTLET 1” BSP 120 140 Q(L/min) OPEN IMPELLER CENTRIFUGAL 35 30 25 SE300 SPLI-300T SPM200 20 H 15 (m) 6'.&7& Port Sizes: INLET/OUTLET PORTS 1½” BSP CTC100 10 SDK100 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Q(L/min) CLOSED IMPELLER CENTRIFUGAL 6306(63/,7 Port Sizes: 200 - INLET 1½” BSP, OUTLET 1¼” BSP 300 - INLET 2” BSP, OUTLET 2” BSP PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE | 17 %RUHKROH6XEPHUVLEOHVµ SERIES III NOMINAL 15 L.P.M. Recommended operating range indicated in shaded area. An extensive range - up to 63 models available. Flows from 5 to 400LPM, Heads to 320M, for motors .37 to 5.5kW. All solid 304 grade stainless steel metal construction, floating Noryl impellers with a polycarbonate diffuser work inside a stainless bowl (individual leaflets and full size curves available on request) * Non stock item, enquire with your distributor for lead time. 18 | PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE NOMINAL 50 L.P.M. NOMINAL 30 L.P.M. SUBBIEMATE SUBBIEMATE %RUHKROH6XEPHUVLEOHVµ SERIES III NOMINAL 150 L.P.M. NOMINAL 250 L.P.M. NOMINAL 85 L.P.M. NOMINAL 110 L.P.M. NOMINAL 180 L.P.M. NOMINAL 70 L.P.M. Recommended operating range indicated in shaded area. * Non stock item, enquire with your distributor for lead time. SUBBIEMATE SUBBIEMATE PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE | 19 SUBBIEMATE SUBBIEMATE %RUHKROH6XEPHUVLEOHVµ AP6 SERIES - NOMINAL 6” A range to 71 models. Total capacities out to 1100LPM and heads to 700M. Motor sizes 2.2 to 45kW. All metal external construction in 304 grade stainless steel, with 420 grade shaft and coupling. Impeller/diffuser in Noryl with stainless steel interstage diffuser, wear rings and suction strainer for applications including: ,UULJDWLRQ:DWHU6XSSO\)LUH)LJKWLQJ6\VWHPV'RPHVWLF,QGXVWULDO6HUYLFHV Max water temp 30°C Max sand content 40G/M3 (Individual leaflets and curves available on request) Refer to page 19 for quick reference block performances. 20 | PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE 3HUIRUPDQFH&KDUWµ PERFORMANCE CHART Tolerances according to ISO 2548 class C and B. 50 Hz - 2 poles TIPO HP AP6B5 3 AP6B6 4 AP6B7 4 AP6B8 5 AP6B9 5.5 AP6B12 7.5 AP6B15 10 AP6B18 12.5 AP6B21 12.5 AP6B24 15 AP6B28 17.5 AP6B30SD 20 AP6B40SD 25 AP6B45SD 30 AP6D4 3 AP6D5 4 AP6D6 5 AP6D7 7.5 AP6D8 7.5 AP6D9 7.5 AP6D12 10 AP6D15 12.5 AP6D18 15 AP6D21 17.5 AP6D24 20 AP6D30 25 AP6D35SD 30 AP6D40SD 35 AP6E2 2 AP6E3 3 AP6F3 4 AP6F4 5 AP6F6 7.5 AP6F8 10 AP6F10 12.5 AP6F12 15 AP6F14 17.5 AP6F16 20 AP6F20 25 AP6F24 30 AP6F28SD 35 AP6F32SD 40 AP6F39SD 50 AP6F44SD 60 AP6H2 4 AP6H3 5.5 AP6H4 7.5 AP6H5 10 AP6H6 12.5 AP6H8 15 AP6H9 17.5 AP6H10 20 AP6H12 25 AP6H15 30 AP6H18 35 AP6H20 40 AP6H24S 50 AP6H28SD 60 AP612 3 AP6L2 5 AP6L3 7.5 AP6L4 10 AP6L5 12.5 AP6L6 15 AP6L7 17.5 AP6L8 20 AP6L9 25 AP6L12 30 AP6L15 35 AP6L18 40 AP6L22S 50 AP6L25S 60 Q (m3/h) Q (l/min.) 0 0 81 98 114 130 147 196 244 293 342 391 456 487 649 729 62 78 94 109 125 140 187 234 281 328 374 468 546 624 28 41 46 61 91 122 152 182 213 243 304 365 425 486 592 668 31 48 63 78 94 126 141 157 188 235 283 314 376 438 21 26 40 52 65 78 104 118 131 158 197 236 284 326 3 50 78 93 109 124 140 186 233 279 326 372 434 465 620 698 6 100 71 86 100 114 128 171 214 257 299 342 399 428 570 641 7.2 120 68 82 95 109 122 163 204 245 286 326 381 408 544 612 60 75 90 105 120 135 180 225 269 314 359 449 524 599 9 150 61 74 86 98 110 147 184 221 258 294 344 368 491 552 57 72 86 100 115 129 172 215 258 301 344 431 502 574 12 200 47 56 66 75 84 113 141 169 197 225 263 281 375 422 51 64 77 89 102 115 153 192 230 268 307 383 447 511 25 35 40 54 81 108 135 162 189 216 270 324 377 431 526 593 15 250 27 32 37 43 48 64 80 96 112 128 150 161 214 241 42 53 64 74 85 95 127 159 191 223 254 318 371 424 23 34 38 51 77 102 128 153 179 204 255 307 358 409 498 562 16.8 280 18 300 35 44 53 62 70 79 106 132 158 185 211 264 308 352 22 32 37 49 74 99 123 148 172 197 246 296 345 394 480 542 30 37 44 52 59 87 89 111 133 155 178 222 259 296 21 30 36 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 240 288 336 384 468 528 29 43 57 72 86 114 129 143 172 215 257 286 343 400 24 400 30 500 36 600 42 700 48 800 54 900 60 1000 66 1100 17 25 30 40 60 80 100 12140 160 200 240 280 320 390 440 26 40 53 66 79 106 119 132 158 198 238 264 317 370 16 10 15 22 30 44 59 74 89 103 118 148 177 207 236 288 325 24 35 47 59 71 94 106 118 142 177 212 236 283 330 14 21 32 42 53 63 84 95 106 127 158 190 232 264 2 3 11 15 23 30 38 46 53 61 76 91 106 122 148 167 20 30 40 50 59 79 89 99 119 149 178 198 238 277 12 19 29 38 48 58 77 86 96 115 144 173 211 240 15 22 29 36 44 58 65 73 87 109 131 145 174 203 10 17 26 34 43 51 68 77 85 102 128 153 187 213 7 11 14 18 22 29 32 36 43 54 65 72 86 101 8 14 22 29 36 43 58 65 72 86 108 130 158 180 5 11 17 23 29 34 46 51 57 69 86 103 125 143 8 12 16 20 24 32 36 40 48 60 72 88 100 4 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 24 30 36 44 50 SUBBIEMATE SUBBIEMATE PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE | 21 SUBBIEMATE SUBBIEMATE 6WDLQOHVVVXEPHUVLEOHVµµµ Series submersible pumps are designed for heavy duty and high volume pumping applications. Highly efficient hydraulic impeller and diffuser designs reduce energy requirements and provide long and dependable service life, even in difficult environments. Componentry - STD is 304 grade stainless steel (shaft in 431 grade) with elastomers in NBR. For aggressive water conditions such as seawater, many models are optional in JUDGHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO Applications are 0XQLFLSDOZDWHUVXSSO\GLVWULEXWLRQDQG treatment plants ,QGXVWULDOIRUFRROLQJDQGFOHDQLQJ 3UHVVXUHERRVWLQJLQKLJKULVHEXLOGLQJV $JULFXOWXUDOLUULJDWLRQ 0LQHGHZDWHULQJ Features 0RXQWLQJWRQHPDVWDQGDUGV +LJKTXDOLW\PDWHULDOVDQGZRUNPDQVKLS 5HVLVWDQFHWRFRUURVLRQDQGPHFKDQLFDOZHDU 6” - MAX HEAD 433M MAX FLOW 78 M3H 8” - MAX HEAD 412M MAX FLOW 120 M3H 10” - MAX HEAD 502M MAX FLOW 280 M3H $GGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQFXUYHVHWFRQUHTXHVW 22 | PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE %RUHKROHSXPSPRWRUVµLQVWDLQOHVVVWHHO ‘Pumpmaster’ submersible motors are built to the highest standards. A full 2 year warranty and wide operating parameters. 3OXVPLQXVDOORZDEOHYROWDJH variation on nominal single phase 230 volt, three phase 400 volt $OORZDEOHWRVWDUWVSHUKRXU MOTORMATE MOTORMATE :DWHUWHPSWR& 8SWRPLPPHUVLRQGHSWK $[LDOWKUXVWIURP1WR1 MOTORS FEATURE 5HPRYDEOHPRWRUOHDG ,QWHUQDWLRQDOO\DSSURYHGQRQWR[LFVWDWRURLO +LJKVWDUWWRUTXHVWDWRUGHVLJQLQVLQJOH phase 0RWRUFDVHGULYHVKDIWXSSHUFRYHUDQG bottom end in high grade stainless steel (XURSHDQFRPSRQHQWVPHFKDQLFDOVHDO copper winding wire, insulators etc TWO WIRE PSC 5 models, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 HP. Capacitor in motor. Low start current required. Can plug directly into power point. THREE WIRE PSC 5 models, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0 and 5.5 HP. Seperate control box. Metal with power light and overload. Single capacitor to 1.5HP (optional with boost capacitor + relay, standard from 2.0 to 5.5 HP) THREE PHASE 8 models, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.5, 7.5 and 10.0 HP. Typical 3 phase D.O.L starting. No starter supplied. Motors must be installed with ‘quick trip’ overloads incorporated. 5HTXHVWLQGLYLGXDOSDJHOHDIOHWIRUIXOOVSHFLILFDWLRQV PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE | 23 WELLMATE WELLMATE )LEUHJODVVSUHVVXUHYHVVHOV The long lasting pressure tanks that offer real benefits for dealers and owners. These tanks contain no steel, consequently they can’t corrode. Because they contain no steel, there is no paint to require repair, or rust to conceal. The unique aircell won’t abrade against any metal and contains air, not water! They are light weight, easier to handle and quick to install. Only NSF / FDA materials are used to ensure pure, safe water with environmentally safe componentry. Fully repairable with replacement parts. 5 YEARS WARRANTY FROM DATE OF PURCHASE. 2XWHUVKHOOLVDFRPSRVLWHRIFRQWLQXRXV fibre glass strands sealed with high grade epoxy resin. :RXQGZLWKXSWRPRI fibres. Tested to 5 times actual pressure ratings. 5 YEAR :$55$17< ,QQHUOLQHUZLWKRXWHUZLQGLQJ for contamination free water and strength. *ORVVILQLVKHQVXUHVDQ attractive, finished installation. Full size aircell provides higher draw-offs and cannot be stressed against tank walls. /LJKWHVWWDQNV\RXFDQJHWQR more straining to manoeuvre into place. 2QO\PDWHULDOVDSSURYHGE\ international regulating authorities are used. 5HSODFHDEOHDLUFHOO²DOOSDUWV are in-field serviceable. 0RXOGHGEDVHFRUURVLRQDQG impact proof. /RZSURILOHVHULHVIRULQVWDOODWLRQLQ restrictive height areas. All the proven features of regular Wellmates. 24 | PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE )LEUHJODVVSUHVVXUHYHVVHOV 5 'XUDEOHIXOO\UHSODFHDEOHLQWHULRU aircell, constructed of heavy gauge butyl. 2QHSLHFHVHDPOHVVLQQHUVKHOO moulded of premium, high density polyethylene. YEAR :$55$17< 2XWHUVKHOOLVDFRPSRVLWHRI continuous fibreglass strands sealed with high grade epoxy resin. WELLMATE WELLMATE :RXQGZLWKXSWR0RI fibres. Tested to 5 times actual pressure ratings. 0RXOGHGSRO\PHULFEDVH corrosion and impact proof. +LJKLPSDFW39&EDVHGUDLQ assembly, threaded to accept pipe fittings. /2:352),/( Model No Model No WM-LP075 WM-LP130 WM-LP075 WM-LP130 Capacity gal / litre Capacity gal / litre 19.3 / 73 34.5 19.3//131 73 34.5 / 131 Maximum Operating Pressure Maximum Operating psi / Kpa / Bar Pressure psi / Kpa / Bar Diam. inch / cm Diam. inch / cm Overall Height inch / cm Overall Height inch / cm 5.8 / 21.9 10.4 39.2 5.8 //21.9 10.4 / 39.2 24 / 61 24 // 61 61 24 24 / 61 201/4 / 51 28 / 71 201/4 / 51 Maximum Operating Pressure Maximum Operating psi / Kpa / Bar Pressure psi / Kpa / Bar Draw Down 30/50 Setting Draw Down 30/50 gal / litre Setting gal / litre Diam. inch / cm Diam. inch / cm Overall Height inch / cm Overall Height inch / cm 4.4 / 16.5 5.9 // 16.5 22.5 4.4 8.9 // 22.5 33.5 5.9 12.1 45.8 8.9 //33.5 14.1 12.1 // 53.5 45.8 18.0 14.1 // 68.1 53.5 26.0 / 98.5 18.0 / 68.1 35.9 26.0//135.9 98.5 16 / 41 16 // 41 41 16 16 // 41 41 16 16 16 // 41 41 21 16 // 53 41 24 / 61 21 / 53 24 // 61 61 24 24 24 // 61 61 26 / 66 32 // 66 81 26 44 32//112 81 57 44 // 145 112 411/4 / 105 57 / 145 411/2 411/4 // 105 105 551/4 // 105 140 411/2 741/4 / 189 551/4 / 140 125 / 862 / 8.6 35.9 / 135.9 24 / 61 741/4 / 189 100 / 700 / 7.0 100 100 // 700 700 // 7.0 7.0 100 / 700 / 7.0 Draw Down 30/50 Setting Draw Down 30/50 gal / litre Setting gal / litre 28 / 71 Height inlet / outlet to floor Height inlet / outlet inch / cm to floor inch / cm 21/4 / 5 21/4 21/4/ /5.7 5 21/4 / 5.7 System Connection System Connection 1” male NPT 1” male male NPT NPT 1” 1” male NPT Assy. Weight Assy. lb / kg Weight lb / kg 22.75 / 10.3 29.5 //13.4 22.75 10.3 29.5 / 13.4 :(//0$7( Model No Model No Capacity gal / litre Capacity gal / litre WM-0060 WM-0075 WM-0060 WM-0120 WM-0075 WM-0150 WM-0120 WM-0180 WM-0150 WM-0225 WM-0180 WM-0330 WM-0225 WM-0450 WM-0330 14.5 / 55 19.8 // 55 75 14.5 29.5 19.8//112 75 40.3 29.5 // 153 112 47.1 40.3 // 178 153 60.0 // 178 227 47.1 86.7 / 328 60.0 / 227 119.7 453 86.7 //328 WM-0450 119.7 / 453 125 / 862 / 8.6 125 // 862 862 // 8.6 8.6 125 125 // 862 862 // 8.6 8.6 125 125 125 // 862 862 // 8.6 8.6 125 125 // 862 862 // 8.6 8.6 125 / 862 / 8.6 125 / 862 / 8.6 125 // 862 862 // 8.6 8.6 125 125 125 // 862 862 // 8.6 8.6 Height inlet / outlet to floor Height inlet / outlet inch / cm to floor inch / cm System Connection System Connection Assy. Weight Assy. lb / kg Weight lb / kg 13/4 / 4.4 13/4 // 4.4 4.4 13/4 13/4 // 4.4 4.4 13/4 13/4 13/4 // 4.4 4.4 21/4 13/4 // 5.6 4.4 21/4 / 5.6 21/4 / 5.6 21/4 // 5.6 5.6 21/4 21/4 // 5.6 5.6 21/4 1” male NPT 1” male male NPT NPT 1” 1” male male NPT NPT 1” 1” 1” male male NPT NPT 11/4” maleNPT NPT 1” male 11/4” male 11/4” male NPT NPT 11/4” male male NPT NPT 11/4” 11/4” male NPT 11/4” male NPT 14.5 / 6.5 17.75 8.1 14.5 //6.5 24.75 17.75//11.2 8.1 30 / 13.6 24.75 / 11.2 43 30 // 19.5 13.6 50 43 // 22.7 19.5 72.75 / 33.0 50 / 22.7 95 / 43.1 72.75 / 33.0 21/4 / 5.6 11/4” male NPT 95 / 43.1 PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE | 25 AQUAFOS AQUAFOS Pressure Vessels Aquafos pressure tanks are suited for all water systems: industrial, domestic and agricultural. The tanks are constructed of a polypropylene liner combined with high grade butyl diaphragm to isolate water and air. This provides a closed system for drinking water preventing the growth of bacteria and vermin intrusion. The cast stainless steel water connection is used for corrosion resistance. All tanks are quality tested to ensure the structural integrity of every tank. 5 YEAR :$55$17< FEATURES: EDUSVLSUHVVXUHUDWLQJ 16)6WDQGDUG,$0325783& approved 3RO\SURS\OHQHOLQHUHQVXUHVORQJ durability %XW\OGLDSKUDJPDVVXUHORQJOLIHDQG safety +LJKO\UXVWUHVLVWDQWGXUDEOHEDNHG epoxy coating finish &DVWVWDLQOHVVVWHHOZDWHUFRQQHFWLRQ /HDNIUHHRULQJVHDOHGDLUYDOYHFDS SUHVVXUHWHVWHG 1RPDLQWHQDQFH Leak free, o-ring sealed air valve cap BB B Epoxy coating finish BB B Butyl diaphragm A AA A Polypropylene liner Stainless steel connector Dimensions Volume Model No BSP Litre SPTB3 3 SPTB8 8 SPTB18 18 SPTB24 24 Vertical Models with Base SPTB58 58 SPTB80 80 Connection A U.S Gal. mm inches mm inches kg lbs .75 2 4.5 6 204 300 380 420 8.0 11.7 14.8 16.4 140 202 276 290 5.5 7.9 10.8 11.3 1” BSP 1” BSP 1” BSP 1” BSP 1.2 2.5 4.2 4.7 2.6 5.5 9.3 10.4 14.5 20 560 680 21.8 26.5 390 390 15.2 15.2 1” BSP 1” BSP 11.5 13.0 25.3 28.7 '10 bar (150psi) pressure rating 26 | PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE Weight B AA 'HZDWHU&RQWUDFWRU9RUWH[*ULQGHU6KUHGGHU The Pumpmaster range of shallow depth drainer pumps were selected to suit a wide variety of applications. These include, from clean water through to raw sewerage, from plastic cased suitable for domestic/light commercial installations through to stainless steel and solid cast construction. Our smallest drainers are built to the same high standards as our biggest pumps, with mechanical specifications to ensure a long working life. Typical of these are: 6+$)76($/6 The heart of the pump. All ‘Sumpmate’ feature dual or triple seals with either one or two being mechanical and an additional lip seal to exclude abrasives. The seal chamber operates in an oilbath for lubrication of the seal contact faces, with the majority of these being in double-faced, silicon carbide material. SUMPMATE SUMPMATE 38036+$)76 High grade stainless steel, running in quality, sealed ball bearings. 29(5/2$'3527(&7,21 All single phase motors have in-built thermal, auto reset. (3 phase require a seperate external overload to be incorporated). $8720$7,&)/2$723(5$7,21 Standard on single phase motors to 750 watt, and selected models to 1500 watt. Above these sizes individual control panels for alternate starting and audible/visual warning systems are available. Pumpmaster and its dealers are always ready to assist pump selection for specific duties, but the following guide may assist in the initial enquiry. $33/,&$7,2168**(67('02'(/6 Clean water, or with light dirt in suspension. GFA100, GFA680, SF132, SFA112 Building site water with sand, etc KT112 Water with soft solids in suspension, such as secondary septic tank GVA200, GVA680, SSA0512N Similar as above but more severe contamination SMA112N, STA112N, SS132N, SST212, SST232 Similar as above but extreme conditions SST312, SST332, SST532, SST1032 Raw sewerage and grindable solids GPA1B12, GB1B32, GPA212, GP232 PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE | 27 SUMPMATE SUMPMATE 'HZDWHU&RQWUDFWRU9RUWH[*ULQGHU6KUHGGHU Model GFA100 GVA200 GFA680 GVA680 SFA-112AN SF-132AN KT-112N SMA-112N GPA-1B12 GP-1B32 GPA-212 GP-232 SSA-0512N STA-112N SS-132N SST-212 SST-232 SST-312 SST-332 SST-532 SST-1032 Type Max Head (M) Max Flow (LPM) Auto Manual Outlet Seals Power (kW) Phase/ Volts CW Vortex CW Vortex CW CW Contractor Vortex Grinder Grinder Grinder Grinder Sewerage Sewerage Sewerage Sewerage Sewerage Sewerage Sewerage Sewerage Sewerage 5 5 10 9 16 16 13 7 16 16 23 23 8 9 9 13 13 18 18 27 27 100 160 260 240 360 360 300 380 190 190 200 200 200 500 460 750 750 900 900 1150 1500 Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Manual Manual Auto Auto Auto Auto Manual Auto Auto Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual 25mm 32mm 50mm 50mm 50mm 50mm 50mm 50mm 32mm 32mm 50mm 50mm 50mm 50mm 50mm 80mm 80mm 100mm 100mm 100mm 100mm CC CC CC CC CC CC SC SC SC SC SC SC CC SC CC SC SC SC SC SC SC .10 .20 .68 .68 .75 .75 .75 .75 1.1 1.1 1.5 1.5 .37 .75 .75 1.5 1.5 2.2 2.2 3.7 7.5 240 1Ø 240 1Ø 240 1Ø 240 1Ø 240 1Ø 415 3Ø 240 1Ø 240 1Ø 240 1Ø 415 3Ø 240 1Ø 415 3Ø 240 1Ø 240 1Ø 415 3Ø 240 1Ø 415 3Ø 240 1Ø 415 3Ø 415 3Ø 415 3Ø CW = Clean Water HEAD (M) DEWATER 20 18 HEAD (M) CONTRACTOR 14 SFA112 14 12 6 GFA100 60 120 SMA112 180 GVA200 2 2 240 HEAD (M) 300 360 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 FLOW (LPM) GRINDER 30 HEAD (M) FLOW (LPM) SHREDDER 14 12 GPA212 GP232 20 GVA680 4 FLOW (LPM) 25 VORTEX 12 6 4 2 4 5 7 7 21 21 24 22 31 30 37 34 11 22 22 36 30 53 45 49 88 8 6 8 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 10 10 10 10 6 6 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 GFA680 10 Weight (Kg) HEAD (M) 10 KT112 10 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No No Cable Length SC = Silicon Carbide 12 16 0 CC = Carbon Ceramic Overload Protection STD SHREDDER 30 25 SST212 SST232 10 HEAD (M) 20 SST1032 SST532 8 15 15 6 10 GPA1B12 GP1B32 5 0 4 2 50 100 FLOW (LPM) 28 | PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE STA112 SS132 150 200 0 10 SST312 SST332 5 SSA0512 190 380 FLOW (LPM) 570 750 0 250 500 750 FLOW (LPM) 1000 1250 1500 (QJLQHGULYHKLJKSUHVVXUH Four versions of high pressure pumps suitable for fire-fighting, water transfer, sprinkler operation, etc. 5('6LOYHU3XPS&DVLQJ 6LQJOH,PSHOOHU<(//2:3XPS&DVLQJ 7ZLQ,PSHOOHU HTF40C/C-2 - HONDA GX160 Engine HTF40CL/CL-2 - HONDA GX160 Engine ® 1½” (1” x 1”) x 1½” single or twin impeller pumps for general E N G All I N E Sconstruction. Rapid self priming. Fitted with farm use. metal replaceable cast iron suction/delivery ports. Available with Std engine fuel tank or 13L tank for extended run times. FIREMATE FIREMATE ® E N G I N E S ® E N G I N E S MADE IN JAPAN DELIVERY VOLUME TOTAL HEAD L min SERM 50V m 500 - HONDA 90( ( GX390 Engine HTF80C-E ® E N G I N E S SERM50V - MITSUBISHI GM182 2” (1” x 1”) x 2” High performance single and twin impeller efficiency with one pump! Max 90m head, with a 6.0HP unique high speed engine. Standard in roll frame with quick action suction connector. 8 Bolt body with high quality internal construction. Cast iron impeller and diffuser. 500 L min 90 90 80 70 60 50 40 TOTAL HEAD 20 SERM 50V 10 Hm 90 500 MADE IN JAPAN DELIVERY VOLUME 500 L min HTF40C/CL TOTAL HEAD 90 m (SERM 50V ( HTF80C-E 30 MADE IN JAPAN DELIVERY VOLUME MADE IN JAPAN 3” x 3” self priming, high pressure pump with 13HP DELIVERYelectric VOLUME start TOTAL HEAD Excellent performance Honda engine. L transfer over m where water long distances need (SERM 50V ( substantial min flow and pressure. m ( ( HTF40C-2/CL-2 SERM50V 0 0 l/min 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 MAX PERFORMANCE PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE | 29 AGROMATE AGROMATE (QJLQHGULYHPXOWLSXUSRVH 1”, 2” and 3” pumps for multiple uses. 2 handy lightweight units, noncorrosive poly pump and semi-trash models in 2” and 3”. SEH25L 1” x 1” - HONDA GX25 SEM25L 1” x 1” - MITSUBISHI TU26 4 stroke engine giving noise reduction, and fuel saving. 7kg weight, head to 32m, suitable for water and diesel fuel. High performance 2 stroke unit, self priming, suitable for water and diesel fuel. Only weighs 6kg. Head to 35m, flows to 115LPM. Compact, easy-to-start, high quality construction. PGH50GX 2” x 2” - HONDA GX120 HCP50C 2” x 2” - HONDA GX160 Manufactured from glass fillied polypropylene plastic with EPDM elastomers, self priming and can pump: 6HDZDWHUEULQHV 6DOLQHJURXQGZDWHU *HQHUDOIDUP+HUELFLGHVSHVWLFLGHVOLTXLG fertilizer An ideal general purpose pump to pump varying liquids. (NOT SUITABLE FOR DIESEL FUEL Manufactured from polyethylene terephthalate plastic housings and impeller, with ABS diffuser and NBR elastomers. Suitable for general farm chemicals and sea water, brines, liquid fertilizers (not suitable for pumping diesel fuel) STH50 / 80X 3” - HONDA GX120, GX160 Semi trash pumps are the option to a full trash pump where cost is a consideration. They have easy-to-remove bodies and are fitted with silicon carbide mech seals and spheroidal iron impellers for 10 times more erosion resistance than standard materials. Solids handling - 8.0mm 40 35 HCP50C 30 25 20 15 SEH80T 10 SEH25L SEM25L 5 Hm PGH50 SEH50T 0 0 100 l/min 200 300 400 500 600 700 MAX PERFORMANCE 30 | PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE 800 900 1000 FLOWMATE FLOWMATE (QJLQHGULYHWUDQVIHU 2”, 3” and 4” clean water transfer pumps suitable for tanker filling, de-watering, etc. SEH50X 2” x 2” - HONDA GX120 Heads to 30m and flows to 600 LPM makes this an economical water transfer pump. Ideal for farm use, for tank to tank, or running sprinklers. SEV50X 2” x 2” - HONDA GX120 Economy model using Koshin engine. Built to high standards and completed in the Koshin factory. SEH80X / SER80XD / SER80XDE The popular “Tank Fill” pump. Heads to 25m and flows to 950LPM. Lightweight, compact with power to spare. SEH80X fitted with Honda GX160 (5.5hp) SER80XD fitted with Robin DY23 Diesel engine, recoil or recoil/ electric start versions. ® SEV80X 3” x 3” E N G I N E S Optional Koshin engine with full Koshin 2 Year Warranty. ALL UNITS MOUNTED IN ROLL FRAMES. FULLY REPAIRABLE PUMP ENDS. INCLUDES NUT/TAIL CONNECTORS, STRAINER, ETC. SEH100X / SER100XDE For serious water shifting. Heads to 27m and flows to 1450LPM. A big pump with Honda GX240 (8.0HP) or Robin DY27 diesel engine in electric start version 40 MADE IN JAPAN DELIVERY VOLUME 500 L min 35 TOTAL HEAD 90 m (SERM 50V ( 30 25 20 SEV80X / SEH80X 15 SEH100X 10 SER80XD SEV50X SEH50X 5 Hm SER100XDE 0 0 l/min 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 MAX PERFORMANCE PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE | 31 TRASHMATE TRASHMATE (QJLQHGULYHUXEELVKKDQGOLQJ µµDQGµVHULRXVFRQVWUXFWLRQVLWHSXPSV4XLFNDFWLRQUHOHDVHIURQWERGLHVIRUDFFHVVLELOLW\WR clear out blockages. Silicon carbide mech seal, high chrome impellers and FCD volute casing ensures long operating life. KTH50X 2” x 2” - HONDA GX160 Can pump solids to 20mm diameter. For heads to 30m and flows to 650LPM. Compact, lightweight for its ability and economical in cost. KTH80X 3” x 3” - HONDA GX240 Can pump solids to 27mm diameter. The popular pump size for general de-watering use with a max head of 27m and flows to 1300LPM. ® E N G I N E S KTH100X 4” x 4” - HONDA GX340 The serious pump where significant water volume and solids to 27mm, have to be moved quickly. Heads to 25m and flows to 1600LPM. MADE IN JAPAN DELIVERY VOLUME TOTAL HEAD 90 m 500 L min 35 (SERM 50V ( 30 25 KTH80X 20 15 10 KTH100X 5 Hm KTH50X 0 0 l/min 250 500 MAX PERFORMANCE 32 | PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 ALL UNITS MOUNTED IN HEAVY DUTY ROLL FRAMES WITH ANTI-VIB MOUNTS COMPLETE WITH NUT/TAILS, STRAINER AND ENGINE TOOL SET (QJLQHGULYHSUHVVXUHZDVKHUV These versatile units let you clean and spray where high pressure is a necessity. Powered by a genuine Honda engine for long, reliable service, driving an industrial grade triplex pump with ceramic pistons and brass manifold. Supplied complete with accessories, the unit is mounted on a rugged frame with fold down handles and pneumatic wheels. PMW 2700 / 3000 / 3600 BLASTMATE BLASTMATE ® E N G I N E S TXLFNFRQQHFWQR]]OHV 3URIHVVLRQDOWULJJHUJXQZLWKVDIHW\ORFN PKHDY\GXW\KRVHZLWKTXLFN connections 5HLQIRUFHGVXFWLRQKRVHZLWKµILWWLQJ &OHDUGHWHUJHQWKRVHZLWKVWUDLQHU +HDY\GXW\IUDPHZLWKIROGGRZQKDQGOHV PRQWKVZDUUDQW\ Thermal relief valve fitted as standard - this can allow the unit to run for up to 1 hour on standby 7XUERKHDGDOVRDYDLODEOH SPECIFICATION / MODEL Max Pressure (PSI/BAR) Max Flow (LPM) Pump Model Engine Model Horsepower Approx Hrs of Run Time Fuel Tank Size in Litres Weight in KGS Dimensions (L x W x H) PMW 2700 PMW 3000 PMW 3600 2700 / 184 12.6 3WZ1507A HONDA GX 160 5.5 3.6 3.6 33 695x535x490 3000 / 204 15.3 3WZ1509A HONDA GX270 9.0 3.0 6.5 65 850x670x630 3600 / 245 18.1 3WZ1807A HONDA GX390 13.0 2.5 6.5 68 850x670x660 PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE | 33 ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES 6WDLQOHVVVWHHOFDEOHERUHFDSVSUHVVXUHVZLWFKHVDQGPRUH Pumpmaster can supply a wide range of accessories for all water pump requirements. In addition our State Distributors and Central Australian Warehouse hold servicing spare parts for every product we distribute. &21752//(56 )ORZVZLWFK Brass/stainless construction (OHFWURQLF0RGHOV 3UHVVXUHVZLWFKHV )ORDWVZLWFK Flows to 200LPM (2,600 GPH) Standard on-off operation or Rated to 8/16amp and pressures to10 bar (147 PSI) with loss-of-prime facility with 10 metres of cable 68%0(56,%/($&&(6625,(6 Stainless steel VDIHW\FDEOH 3.2mm, 4.0mm, 5.0mm 6SOLFHNLWV 4 x cable, 1 x outer wire stakes, cleaner 3UREH&RQWURO%R[ for safety on low bore levels $&&(6625,(6 µ%UDLGHGKLJKSUHVVXUH FRQQHFWLRQKRVH straight & elbow available 34 | PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE %RUHFDSV threaded centre bush for 32 + 50mm pipe FITTINGS FITTINGS 3XPSPDVWHU$XVWUDOLDPRUHWKDQMXVWSXPSV At Pumpmaster we have a huge range of water associated products suitable for any application. Here’s a small sample of what we stock. Fire Nozzles Metric Compression Rural Compression Brass fittings Gal Fittings Ball Valves Gate Valves Impact Sprinklers Wobblers Hansen Valves Jobe Valves Hose & Pipe Large Radius guns Tank Fittings Camlocks Hansen Threaded Fittings Irrigation Storz Fittings Check Valves Flanges Pop-ups Differential Valves PUMPMASTER CATALOGUE | 35 Follow us on: 67$7(',675,%87,1*:$5(+286(6 NEW SOUTH WALES QUEENSLAND VICTORIA Davydick & Co Pty Ltd 15 Pursehouse Place GOULBURN NSW 2580 Davydick & Co Pty Ltd Unit 2/29 Premier Circuit WARANA QLD 4575 Phone: 02 4822 4999 Fax: 02 4822 5999 Phone: 07 5437 7268 Fax: 07 5493 7782 Davydick & Co Pty Ltd Factory 4, 77-83 Bayfield Road East BAYSWATER NORTH VIC 3153 Phone: 03 9738 1444 Fax: 03 9738 1666 SOUTH AUSTRALIA & NORTHERN TERRITORY WESTERN AUSTRALIA Phone: 08 8251 2222 Fax: 08 8251 7222 Phone: 08 9240 2992 Fax: 08 9240 2993 Foundation Pump Davydick & Co Pty Ltd Services 13 Edison Drive Unit 2/251 Balcatta Road GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125 BALCATTA WA 6021 TASMANIA Wholesale Products 4 Knoll Street GLENORCHY TAS 7010 Phone: 03 6273 3455 Fax: 03 6273 1901
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