Thankful - Altru Health System


Thankful - Altru Health System
Vol. 25, No. 4
Published for friends and supporters of Altru Health Foundation
December 2011
The loss of a loved one
motivates family to
establish a life-long legacy
page 6
Your comments, concerns and questions
are always welcome.
Kathryn Vigness, editor
Altru Health Foundation
P.O. Box 6002
Grand Forks, ND 58206-6002
Legacy is published as a service of
Altru Health Foundation.
P.O. Box 6002
Grand Forks, ND 58206-6002
Paying it Forward
When Nicole Kuchera’s daughter, Olivia, asked if she and her friend, Nicole
Hageman could have a lemonade stand, she didn’t think anything of it. It
wasn’t until the girls came up with the idea to give all the proceeds to charity
that their parents’ hearts seemed to burst full of pride.
“Never in my wildest dreams did I expect these girls to want to give the
proceeds to charity,” exclaimed Kuchera. “They came up with it all on their
own, and decided to split the money between Altru Cancer Center in memory of
friend Jeff Anderson, as well as the Grand Forks Circle of Friends Humane
In total, they raised over $150 in one day. “When people saw that the
money was going to charity, they were more than willing to leave extra for good
measure,” said Matt Hageman, Nicole’s dad.
“It is certainly refreshing to see young girls like Nicole and Olivia wanting to
give back,” said Altru Cancer Center Manager, Nancy Klatt. “What a sincere
tribute and lifelong connection they will have with paying it forward.”
Jon Green, Executive Director
Randy Schoenborn, Development Director
Diane Blair, Development Specialist
Paul Stadem shares his journey to establish
a life-long legacy in memory of his wife,
Dee Dee.
at a Time
Olivia and Nicole after
donating their lemonade stand
money to Altru Cancer Center
in memory of Jeff Anderson.
Focus on the Board
Tim Crary
Tim Crary is the president/owner of Prudential Crary Real Estate and Crary Development.
He started his real estate career in 1986 and founded Crary Homes & Real Estate in 1992
with his wife, Sandy. In 2009, Tim bought the Prudential Real Estate franchise and changed
the name of the company to Prudential Crary Real Estate.
The Prudential Crary Real Estate office is located in Grand Forks, ND, with over 45 sales
professionals licensed with the company. The company services an area from Canada to Fargo
and Devils Lake to Bemidji, MN. The firm specializes in residential, commercial, and farm
Along with being Altru Health Foundation’s Chairperson, Tim also co-chairs the Altru
Cancer Center Golf Tournament. “The Altru Cancer Center Golf Tournament is an event I have
really enjoyed being a part of,” said Tim. “With 100% of the donors’ dollars going to patient
care, the enthusiasm of the donors, and of coarse the golfing, this has always been a great
event that many look forward to every June.”
Born and raised in Walhalla, ND, Tim enjoys the outdoors, hunting, reading, and spending
time with family. Tim is celebrating his 28th year of marriage to his wife, Sandy, with whom
he has 5 children, and 2 granddaughters.
Gets a
Thanks to generous donors, Altru’s
Medical Fitness Center received a
makeover with brand new equipment.
Open to the public, the center is part of a
comprehensive health system which
features an array of medical specialties
and services. The fitness center has a
variety of cardiovascular and strength
equipment and a therapeutic pool. It also
offers a variety of services to include
medical screenings and assessments, fitness coaching, weight
management services, medical fitness programs and classes, and group
exercise classes. Call 780-2516 for your membership today!
Mayo Clinic,
Altru Health
System Enter
This past spring, Mayo Clinic and Altru Health System announced a
contractual relationship to further extend Mayo Clinic’s knowledge and
expertise to patients and providers throughout Altru. The agreement
formalizes a long-standing relationship between the two organizations.
Altru patients and physicians now benefit from enhanced access to Mayo
physicians and clinical resources.
“Altru physicians have long worked with our colleagues at Mayo Clinic,
and this agreement is the natural next step in this relationship,” said
Casey Ryan, M.D., president of Altru Health System. “Altru and Mayo
share the commitment that health care should be provided close to home
whenever possible. This affiliation means that Altru’s patients will have
access to the highest level of clinical expertise.”
The process of this affiliation started two years ago. There has been a
50-year long history between the two organizations, and according to Dave
Molmen, Altru CEO, it was a “natural evolution” to affiliate Altru with
Mayo Clinic.
“We are proud to formalize our ongoing relationship with our
colleagues at Altru Health System,” said David Herman, M.D., of the Mayo
Clinic Board of Governors. “Mayo and Altru have long shared a common
philosophy, commitment, and mission to improve the delivery of health
care through high quality, data-driven, evidence-based medical care and
“Altru Health System is proud to be the community’s locally owned
health system,” said Molmen. “We are excited about the new tools this
affiliation will provide for outstanding patient care in northeast North
Dakota and northwest Minnesota.”
Altru physicians will have access to Mayo Clinic’s evidence-based
disease management protocols, clinical care guidelines, treatment
recommendations, and reference materials for complex medical
Examples of current collaborations include pediatric and cancer
services. Mayo Clinic pediatric cardiologists travel to Grand Forks to
provide care for Altru’s patients, saving many families the expense and
disruption of frequent travel to Rochester. In addition, Altru Cancer Center
has worked with Mayo Clinic as part of the North Central Cancer Treatment
Group to provide patients with access to clinical trials that test emerging
cancer treatment options. These aspects will continue and will be
enhanced by the affiliation.
“We are excited about the
new tools this affiliation
“We will have the best of both worlds,” said Molmen. Altru will
continue to keep the focus locally, as well as continue to be owned by the
community. “With this affiliation, we will be able to provide the full
continuum of care, from the smallest to most complex health care needs.”
will provide for outstanding
patient care.”
- Dave Molmen
The Art of Giving
Sally Opp, Katie Bergner, and Jason Restemayer are no strangers to giving back
to the community. That is why it is no surprise that their annual Art Show sold
more than $50,000 worth of art by local artists. Through the sale of the art, over
$20,000 benefitted Altru’s Diabetes Center for pediatric diabetes awareness and
education, in memory of Jay Wilson Cox.
The event was held in September, and featured more than 40 local artists from
Grand Forks, Fargo, Minot, Belcourt, ND, and Fertile, MN. The artists themselves
donated at least 30% of their proceeds towards the benefit, some donating all of
it. Sponsorships were key players in the fundraiser itself, too. “When this
fundraiser first started back in 2007 with a bunch of my friends, never did I think
that it would morph into something of this caliber,” exclaimed Opp. “We are
beyond excited to be able to make such an impact for the Diabetes Center!”
Opp, her college roommates, and other close friends originated the fundraiser
in 2007 when Opp’s roommate, Alex Trelstead, had the idea of asking for
donations for breast cancer at their annual wine and cheese party. “Our original
goal was to raise $500, and we were amazed when we raised $2,000 total,” said
Opp. “That says a lot about our community.”
Today the event has grown from an intimate wine and cheese party to an
upscale, community event. It is estimated that over 750 people attended the art
show, and in addition to art sales, donation jars were overflowing.
“We chose the Diabetes Center and pediatric diabetes because of my uncle,
Jay Wilson Cox,” explained Opp. “He was diagnosed with Type I diabetes around
the age of six, was a double transplant recipient, but unfortunately passed away too
early at the age of 49. He was a strong advocate of the arts and had such strong
relationships throughout the community. He would be proud for all we were able to
do for both the art and diabetes communities.”
Since Opp and Bergner’s
inception of fundraising events, other
areas and individuals that have
benefitted from their generosity have
been Altru’s Breast Center, Altru
Cancer Center for prostate cancer,
the Community Violence Intervention
Center, a friend battling cancer,
Altru’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit,
and now Altru’s Diabetes Center.
Sally Opp (center) surrounded by
friends, including Jason Restemayer
and Katie Bergner (right) at the
Second Annual Art Benefit.
“We are amazed and humbled
that we were able to make such an
impact,” said Opp with Bergner
agreeing. “We are so thankful for the
positive response we have gotten
from not only the artists, but the
community. We are looking forward
to next year, and will definitely name
Altru as the beneficiary!”
To create a positive, lasting memory.
To honor a loved one. To leave
behind a legacy. To truly make a
difference in someone else’s life.
lump by one of her incisions. Three days before
Christmas, the Stadems received the second blow of the
pendulum. The cancer was back, and it had spread.
It was then that Paul learned how strong Dee Dee
actually was. She fought until the end, with the help of
her parents, family, and friends. Towards the end, Dee
Dee was so sick she required a hospital stay, which was
the one and only time throughout her battle. “I never
heard her complain,” Paul thoughtfully remembered. “I
only saw her cry once, but she was a strong woman.”
These are all reasons why an endowment can impact the
future, and that is why Dr. Paul Stadem and his two
children decided to do so in memory of their wife, mother,
and best friend, Dee Dee.
Dee Dee was a selfless, giving person who was always
supportive of her family. As high school sweethearts, Paul
and Dee Dee had a strong bond that was a true testament
to their relationship. Dee Dee gave more of herself to
others than she did to herself. She worked to get Paul
through dental school and worked at his dental practice
when they first started out. She then became a stay at
home mother to two beautiful children, and eventually
became a paraprofessional in the East Grand Forks school
system. Her heart of gold is what made her truly special,
and gave her a special place in the hearts of many.
The Stadems decided to go on Hospice care at the
end. “It was so nice to be in the comfort of our home,
with our family,” tearfully explained Paul. “Not only for
Dee Dee, but for me and the kids.”
Around Thanksgiving in 2009, Dee Dee was
diagnosed with breast cancer. She underwent surgery and
her first round of chemotherapy. Being the strong and
independent woman that she was, Dee Dee drove herself
to each appointment and was determined to fight the
cancer all on her own. In August 2010, a routine PET/CT
scan showed no signs of cancer, but Altru oncologist
Dr. Todor Dentchev strongly encouraged her to still
continue with the scheduled radiation treatment for good
measure, which she completed. Unfortunately, that
December, Dee Dee wasn’t feeling well and noticed a
Dee Dee and the Girlie Girls
What is an endowment?
An endowment is specific funds or
property donated to an organization or
an individual for the purpose of
producing income. The principal, or
corpus, represents the original amount
of the gift and usually remains
untouched forever, using the interest
earned to further the cause designated
by the donor.
The Paul and Dee Dee
Stadem Family
“Dee Dee always cared for the other person,” said Paul.
“We never talked about an endowment, but after she passed, it
felt right to do something in her honor.” After discussing
options with Jon Green, Altru Health Foundation Executive
Director, Paul and his children decided to help others through a
life-long giving gift for Filling the Gap.
Filling the Gap provides direct support to Altru Cancer
Center patients by providing aid with the financial burdens that
accompany the disease. The program provides assistance for
nutritional supplements, lodging, and transportation; areas that
are not commonly covered by insurance and deeply affect the
quality of life for patients and their families.
“Although this battle was a burden on us, we were able to
be home and drive the 15 minutes to her treatments. Not
everyone has it that easy, and many have the struggle of
additional financial burdens,” explained Paul. “We were very
fortunate. We just want to help others who aren’t able to be so
close and have the comforts of home.”
Paul and his family knew that creating this endowment
would make a lasting impact in the community, and that is
exactly what Dee Dee would have wanted. “We were always
pleased with the care we received at Altru. Dr. Robin Hape,
Altru General Surgeon, and all the doctors and staff at the
Cancer Center were exceptional,” explained Paul. “Dee Dee
remarked of how much worse it is for others. That’s how I knew
this endowment was so right.”
“Although there are many cancer survivors, it is still a
painful and expensive journey,” Paul said wishfully. “I hope with
this endowment, we can make a difference by making life easier
for other people.”
How can I create an endowment?
One may use personal assets, along
with memorials and life insurance to
gather enough funds to create an
endowment. At Altru Health
Foundation, a minimum of $25,000 is
needed to create a lasting, impactful
gift forever.
What if I can’t establish an
endowment, can I do something else to
memorialize a loved one?
Yes! There are many options to leave a
legacy of your own or for a loved one.
If you are interested in learning more
about endowments or other planned
giving options, please contact Jon
Green, Executive Director at
701.780.5837 or
Filling the Gap provides direct
support to Altru Cancer Center
patients by providing aid with
the financial burdens that
accompany the disease.
“I wish I could do more ....”
Give to Care –
Care to Give
These words often accompany our donors’ generous gifts to our patient care
mission and work at Altru. I understand when there are times that individuals
would like to make a gift of support but their current financial situation does
not enable them to do so.
With careful thought and planning, anyone can help us do more for our
future of caring for patients while still providing for themselves, their family,
and loved ones.
by Jon Green
Once you have decided to support Altru’s non profit mission of caring for
patients and their needs, the next question is what assets you could consider
utilizing for a gift while maintaining your financial security. Here are some
ideas for your consideration:
Bank Accounts – Savings or checking accounts, certificates of deposit (CDs)
or other financial accounts can be make ‘payable on death’ (POD) to Altru
Health Foundation. This essentially names Altru as a “beneficiary” of the
account/fund. Your personal banker can assist you with the simple process.
Securities – Gifting highly appreciated securities, such as stock, owned for
more that one year, enables you to deduct not only your original cost but
also the “paper profit” (appreciation). Additionally, no capital gains taxes
are due on the “paper profit”. It is important that you transfer ownership to
Altru Health Foundation and NOT sell the security (stock). There may be
tax advantages to gifting stock purchased at a lower price (that has
appreciated in value) and re-purchasing the same stock at a higher value to
potentially reduce the amount of future capital gains taxes when the new
stock is sold.
Real Estate – Gifting a home or vacation home has valuable tax benefits.
There is even a way to gift a home now, receive tax benefits immediately,
and continue to live in the home the rest of your life or your spouse’s life.
There are more benefits and details relating to each of these gift options
than we have available space in this article. Please contact me at
701.780.5837 for a no obligation visit to review all of the information with you.
This information is not intended as legal advice. Please always consult with
your personal legal and tax advisors.
I wish I could do more...
Contact me to learn more about giving through:
» Bequests - Gifts through your Will
» Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT)
» Stocks, Bonds, CDs
» Retirement Accounts
» Life Insurance
» Real Estate
For all your planned giving needs, please contact
me at 701.780.5837 or or find us
on our web at
For every completed
suicide, there are 11
attempted suicides,
so more awareness and
education for the general
public is needed.
Altru’s first Suicide Prevention Walk on September 18 was a complete
success. It raised over $4,000 for education and awareness of the tough
subject of suicide.
Although there has been a suicide awareness walk in previous years
throughout the Grand Forks/East Grand Forks communities, this is the first
year Altru has hosted it. “We joined in on the cause because working through
national foundations and associations restricted how much money could stay
local. With Altru at the forefront, we could guarantee that all the funds could
stay here,” said Mike Dewald, Manager of Altru’s Psychiatry Services.
The 5k walk started and ended in Lincoln Park in Grand Forks, with a
bittersweet, emotional celebratory and educational conclusion for all the
participants. With over 100 people attending, many were able to honor,
celebrate, and remember loved ones who have died from a suicide. Both coorganizers of the event have experienced the pain of a loss, and to them, each
year the walk is bittersweet.
According to Dewald, suicide is a prevalent and very real topic, even in the
Grand Forks/East Grand Forks communities. For every completed suicide,
there are 11 attempted suicides, so more awareness and education for the
general public is needed. “September is National Suicide Prevention month
and October is National Mental Heath Awareness month, so we found it fitting
to correspond the walk with both,” said Dewald. “Our goal is to gain more
awareness, education, and walkers for next year!”
If you would like to learn more about Altru’s Suicide Prevention
Walk or wish to donate, please contact Mike Dewald, Manager of
Psychiatry Services at 701.780.3541 or
Comments from the
seminar participants:
Second Annual Fetal
Echocardiogram Seminar
Thanks to generous donors, Pat and Heather Thibert, the second
annual Fetal Echocardiogram for the OB Sonographer Seminar was a huge
success on October 22. Jill Beithon, RT, RDMS, RDCS, RVT, presented
new techniques and hands-on training for the second year in a row.
With the gift that the Thiberts graciously gave in 2008, they developed
a five year plan that included specialized sonographer training at Altru.
After their first seminar in 2010, the accolades from the participants from
across the region were astounding. This year, there were 32 participants
from central and northern Minnesota and throughout North Dakota.
» Thank you for your time! What a
great opportunity! Thank you also to
the Thibert’s for their generous
donation to help make this happen
and help other families!
» Excellent! Much needed instruction.
Will be put to use on a daily basis for
those of us on the front line. Thank
you, Jill! And our patients thank you!
» So wonderful that the Thibert’s speak
– puts it into perspective.
» Thank you, Jill, for the great
conference. I have been scanning for
6 years and I feel like I have been
missing so much on my OB exams.
The information was great!
Harvest Gala raises over $210,000 for
Altru’s Hospice Sentimental Journey program
A night of elegance and uninterruptable conversation was amid
the seventh annual Harvest Gala on October 1. The sold out event
was a hit throughout the community, and the theme ‘A Glimpse of
India’ brought all the guests to a unique place for the spectacular
Proceeds from ticket sales, sponsorships, silent and live auction
items all benefitted Altru’s Hospice Sentimental Journey program and
helped launch this unique program within the community. Altru’s
mission of enriching lives is enhanced with this one-of-a-kind
program, which provides positive memories, during the final stages of
life. In addition to the silent and live auctions, a unique wall of wine
and 50/50 raffle boosted the proceeds.
In the seven years that Altru Health Foundation has hosted the
Harvest Gala, it has raised an overall total of over $600,000! In those
seven years, the Altru community has rallied together to help multiple
patient care programs, such as the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit,
Diabetes Center, Emergency Outpatient Department, and Multiple
Sclerosis Clinic.
In addition to the live music and generous spirit, there were quite
a few unique auction items up for grabs. One big ticket item was
bidding to buzz the hair of Altru Health Foundation Executive
Director, Jon Green. Two donors pooled their money together to reach
the hefty price tag and true to Gala’s dramatic night, buzzed his hair
on stage at the end of the night. Another item was the bidding of
yard raking by President Casey Ryan and CEO Dave Molmen. As the
good sports took their place with their rakes on the donors’ yard,
Molmen claimed, “It's good we had no guarantees on the quality of
workmanship. We raked 13 bags of leaves, but with the windy
conditions, the yard looked like it needed to be raked again as soon
as we finished!”
Join us for the eighth annual Harvest Gala in
2012! Proceeds are to benefit Altru’s Renal
Dialysis’ Help and Assistance for our Renal
Patients (HARP) Program.
The goal of the Sentimental Journey program is to provide
Altru’s Hospice patients with one last special memory for
themselves or an experience with their family. Patients will be
able to pick from a menu of options, however each wish is
essentially unique to each individual patient. Sentimental
Journey options can include a professional family picture,
entertainment or athletic tickets, housecleaning, or even an
evening out. Altru’s mission of enriching lives is enhanced
with this one-of-a-kind program, which provides positive
memories, through the final stages of life.
Live auction donors and Altru Executives, Dr. Casey
Ryan, Dave Molmen, and Jon Green proved to be
good sports in their auction commitments.
Ask me...
» Looking to sponsor the Altru Cancer Center
Golf Tournament or Harvest Gala?
» Interested in a tour of a department or
specialty area within Altru?
» Want to learn more about programs or areas
one can support?
Contact me at 701.78O.5618 or or find us on our web at
P.O. Box 6002
Grand Forks, ND
Address Service Requested
A part of Altru Health System
the tradition of giving,
the beauty of the season
and a New Year of peace
and happiness.
Season’s Greetings
from the staff of
Altru Health Foundation