dublin gin and tonic festival campaign coverage doc
dublin gin and tonic festival campaign coverage doc
DUBLIN GIN & TONIC FEST JUNE 22ND - 27TH 2015 PRODUCED AND PROMOTED BY GREAT IRISH BEVERAGES PRESS CLAIRE ROCHE AT THE PITCH PR DUBLIN MEDIA CLIPPINGS & BLOG POSTS & RADIO LINKS PRESS CLIPPINGS JUNE 21ST PAGE 1 SUNDAY BUSINESS POST MAGAZINE Tomas Clancy Article “A CLEAR WINNER”1 JUNE 21ST PAGE 2 SUNDAY BUSINESS POST MAGAZINE Tomas Clancy Article “A CLEAR WINNER” JUNE 21ST - SUNDAY BUSINESS POST GILLIAN NELIS - BITESIZE JULY 5TH THE SUNDAY TIMES MAGAZINE FOOD SPECIAL KATY MCGUINNESS PAGE 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES MAGAZINE JULY 5TH FOOD SPECIAL KATY MCGUINNESS PAGE 2 THE SUNDAY TIMES MAGAZINE JULY 5TH FOOD SPECIAL KATY MCGUINNESS PAGE 3 IRISH TIMES ONLINE - INTERVIEW AND VIDEO ONLINE JUNE 19TH http://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/food-and-drink/drink/relax-this-summer-with-the-perfectirish-gin-and-tonic-1.2255753 IRISH MIRROR JUNE 11TH Also a small piece Irish Mirror Print on June 11th. IRISH TIMES JUNE 12TH 2015 EATING OUT SECTION THE TICKET - RACHEL COLLINS INDEPENDENT JUNE 24TH ‘How gin got its fizz back ‘ Deirdre Reynolds RADIO NEWSTALK FM 106 JUNE 16TH http://www.newstalk.com/listen_back/8/19373/16th_June_2015_-_Moncrieff_Part_4/ FM 104 website http://www.fm104.ie/entertainment/dublin-s-getting-a-gin-and-tonic-festival/2866 LMFM website http://www.lmfm.ie/entertainment/dublin-s-getting-a-gin-and-tonic-festival/2866 Spin fm http://www.spin1038.com/page/1.74.416/21871/0/ 98 FM Live on air interview with Oisin Davis with Brendan O’Loughlin JUNE 9TH http://www.98fm.com/Dublins-Getting-A-Gin--Tonic-Festival WEBSITES JAR.IE http://www.jar.ie/article/dublin-gin-tonic-fest-2015 DISCOVER IRELAND LISTING ON EVENTS PAGE PUBLIN.IE http://publin.ie/2015/theres-a-gin-and-tonic-festivalcoming-to-dublin-soon/ VISIT DUBLIN EVENT LISTING TOTALLY DUBLIN http://totallydublin.ie/food-drink/food-drinkfeatures/bitesize-dublin-gin-tonic-fest/ IMAGE MAGAZINE - IMAGE.IE http://image.ie/entertainment/gallery/make-sure-to-catch-dublinsgin-festival-this-weekend/ MENS FASHION MAGAZINE IRELAND ONLINE http://mfimagazine.com/journal/fathers-day-gift-guide/? utm_content=buffer03932&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign= buffer LE COOL DUBLIN http://dublin.lecool.com/event/gin-tonic-festival/ IRISH CENTRAL - AMERICAN IRISH WEBSITE www.Irishcentral.com http://www.irishcentral.com/culture/food-drink/Irish-flora-and-fauna-create-booming-gindistillers-with-a-difference.html IRISH MIRROR http://www.irishmirror.ie/whats-on/food-drink-news/dublin-gintonic-festival-rugby-5856169 (Also small mention in print ) BLOGS PINK ELEPHANT BLOG http://pinkelephantbloggin.com/2015/06/summer-elderflower-gin-tonic/ LovelyDubley .com http://lovelydubley.com/dublin-gin-tonic-fest/ UNA KAVANAGH - www.spillthebeans.ie http://spillthebeans.ie/2015/06/15/glasses-at-the-ready-dublin-gin-and-tonic-festival-is-comingsoon/ EAT DRINK RUN FUN www.eatdrinkfunrun.com - Piece by Rory http://eatdrinkrunfun.com/?p=4464 GOURMET GRAZING FESTIVAL ANNOUNCEMENT http://gourmetgrazing.ie/dublin-gin-and-tonic-festival/ WINNING GIN AND TONIC DIEP LE SHAKER JULY 1ST. http://gourmetgrazing.ie/and-the-winner-of-dublins-best-gin-tonic-is/ TWITTER REACH ON THE PITCH PR TWITTER FEED 41,200 Impressions during the month of June. END.