2014 directory - Illinois Automobile Dealers Association


2014 directory - Illinois Automobile Dealers Association
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W. Robert Messer
CONTENTSDirectory 2014
6 About IADA - Benefits of IADA Membership
9 2014 Chairman’s Message
11 2014 President’s Message
13 2014 Secretary of State’s Message
14 IADA Past Board Chairmen
15 2014 Officers & Board of Directors
16 IADA Dealer Committees
17 IADA Staff
19 IADA Member Services
22 IADA Membership Directory
39 Illinois Motor Vehicle Franchise Act
52 IADA Associate Members
54 Illinois Legislators - House Members
60 Illinois Legislators - Senate Members
Illinois Automobile
Dealers Association
300 West Edwards Street
Springfield, Illinois 62708
T 217.753.0220
F 217.753.3424
by Media Communications Group, Inc. and is the official publication of
the Illinois Automobile Dealers Association. The ILLINOIS AUTOMOBILE DEALER NEWS is published 3 times per year. The
statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual
authors and do not necessarily represent the views of ILLINOIS
AUTOMOBILE DEALER NEWS, or its publisher Media Communications Group, Inc. Any legal advice should be regarded as general
information. It is strongly recommended that one contact an attorney
for counsel regarding specific circumstances. Likewise, the appearance
of advertisers does not constitute an endorsement of the products or
services featured by The newsLINK Group LLC.
-Benefits of
IADA Membership
The Illinois Automobile Dealers Association is an organization
of 1000 franchised new car and truck dealers founded in
1920 whose purpose is to promote an ethical, favorable
business climate, and to serve the common needs of its
members through services, education and representation.
IADA is dedicated to helping its members realize the full
potential of their individual dealerships, while providing the
kinds of services and support that only a strong, central
organization can generate.
The Advantages of Membership
Membership in IADA provides vital support to the automotive
industry of Illinois, and with this affiliation comes a variety of
benefits specially designed and created for IADA members.
Legislative and Regulatory Representation
For more than 80 years IADA has been representing Illinois
dealers in Springfield, our state's capital, on legislative and
regulatory issues. We focus on those issues that will improve
your bottom line. We have a dedicated and diligent staff
working to meet your needs day in and day out. The
primary responsibility of IADA is to represent automobile and
truck dealers in the Illinois General Assembly and before the
various state regulatory agencies. The mission will always be
to aggressively promote the interests of dealers by educating
and persuading policy-makers to make pro-business
decisions in order to promote prosperity and opportunity for
the Illinois dealer industry.
Legal Advocacy and Legal Defense Fund
IADA provides legal counsel and financial assistance through
the Legal Defense Fund to assist in judicial and regulatory
proceedings that affect the franchised new car and truck
retailing industry. IADA also provides members valuable
assistance with the Illinois Secretary of State, Department of
Revenue, Attorney General's Office and other State agencies
along with interpretations of Illinois and Federal laws and
Management Guides
Members of IADA staff
are available to provide
assistance and research
into any aspect of your
dealership business.
IADA regularly issues
bulletins on dealership
operation, regulation
changes from state and
national agencies, and
other dealership improvement techniques. IADA counsel
regularly issues legal advice that affects all members.
Association members receive brief and concise IADA Bulletins
and other correspondence to keep them abreast of important
industry matters and provide necessary information
concerning current laws and regulations affecting the
automobile industry.
Conventions and Educational Programs
IADA's Annual Convention, Spring Legislative Conference and
Regional Meetings are valuable opportunities for members
across the state to renew acquaintances, make contacts, and
most importantly, exchange ideas. Maintaining important
business relationships and providing mutual support is an
essential part of membership.
IADA Publications
IADA communicates regularly with its members and offers
specialized information through a series of publications
produced for Illinois dealers. These publications include:
IADA Annual Directory
Illinois Dealer News Magazine
published quarterly
IADA News Bulletin
published monthly
Illinois Advertising Regulations
IADA Employment Resources Program
Dealer Services
Using the immense group buying power of Illinois automobile
dealers, IADA provides very competitive in-house programs
and has negotiated discounted rates for services offered by
distinguished companies that are officially recommended by
Political Action Committee
CAR of Illinois – the Committee of Automotive Retailers
(CAR) was established to collect funds from members to
provide financial support to individual candidates for the
Illinois Legislature and various elected government positions.
Value of Membership
Contributions are based on CAR’s goal to support
IADA provides unprecedented value for member dealers.
government officials who are supportive of the business
Dues are among the lowest of any professional trade
philosophy in general and specifically the dealership industry.
association in the country, ranging from $300 to $645,
annually, based on prior calendar year new vehicle sales.
Industry Public Relations
This low dues schedule is possible because IADA leadership
By forging relationships with the news media, IADA is an
and staff have worked to create a business model that does
information resource, delivering a strong message that the
not rely solely on membership dues to fund the association.
retail automotive industry is one of Illinois’ most important
To earn non-dues income, IADA owns and recommends
economic engines. If unbalanced, irresponsible stories do
companies that provide products and services to member
appear in the media, IADA responds swiftly and aggressively,
dealers at competitive or discount pricing. This business
presenting the dealer viewpoint.
model keeps membership dues low and returns dividends to
members in the form of lower prices on products and
services they use every day.
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Companies offering something they call reinsurance seem
to forget that the business model requires treating the dealer
as an owner.
After all, reinsurance is a transfer of risk and premiums from
an insurer to a company owned by the dealer, or by someone
closely affiliated with the dealer. Inherent in that ownership
are certain rights and benefits they choose to ignore.
They got into reinsurance late and reluctantly, and really
didn’t get it at all.
Portfolio got it right 24 years ago.
We are the only company committed to
all of the dealer’s rights of ownership.
Portfolio was founded in 1990 solely dedicated to reinsurance,
and we maintain that singular focus. Portfolio creates a personal
wealth asset for the dealer owner, outside the dealership, that
earns 100% of the underwriting profits, while keeping the
dealership very profitable in F&I and maintaining the highest
levels of customer satisfaction and service retention.
Portfolio reinsurance is the only structure that delivers
maximum benefit to the dealer’s personal and business interests.
It is our only program, and that’s why we do reinsurance best.
A trusted partner, not just
another product provider
We respect all of the dealer’s rights of ownership. It’s a
promise we keep by committing to a disciplined and
comprehensive approach to all aspects of income development for the dealership.
We will deliver:
• Results-driven F&I training by an industry leader for faster
closes, increased PRU and better CSI
• Comprehensive menu support package
• Regular scheduled follow-ups with dealership business
• Regular scheduled reviews of F&I performance with the
managers,and of all reinsurance company activity with the
dealer principal.
• Quarterly review and analysis of reinsurance cession
statements with the dealer principal to reveal additional
profit opportunities
• Annual meeting between our management team and the
dealer principal to set goals and address all F&I profit
Putting the dealer’s ownership
first is how we get it right.
Portfolio for Illinois is provided through
Jim Cunha
mobile 508.838.6047
Rob Connor
mobile 815.970.1497
Greg Hoffman, Managing Director, Eastern US
On behalf of the Illinois Automobile Dealers Association, it is my pleasure to provide you
with the 2014 edition of the IADA Membership Directory. We hope you find it a convenient
and useful aide.
IADA has been promoting the business interests of the automobile and truck dealers in
Illinois for over 90 years and it is my distinct privilege to serve as Chairman and representative for you and the Association this year.
I hope during my term as Chairman, I will help to promote the many strengths of our
association. During these challenging economic times IADA is without question our most valuable resource
in protecting the interests of our dealerships before the Illinois Legislature and the various Illinois regulatory
agencies. In addition, our association staff has developed member programs that are second to none and will
help strengthen our dealership’s bottom lines. With the help of our strong state association I am confident that
we will endure these difficult times and remain a vibrant and driving force in America.
For those of you that have served as the backbone of our Association in terms of continued support over
the years, my thanks go out to each of you. Your efforts are noticed, appreciated and could not be for a more
important cause. I welcome those of you who have just begun to understand the importance and benefit that
IADA has on our day-to-day and future dealer existence, and I applaud your decision.
As we move forward, I am sure that many of us will be called upon to serve our Association. I invite and
encourage you to participate in the activities of IADA. This is your Association and its’ continued success depends on the leadership and guidance of the membership.
Mike Mangold
Mangold Ford, Inc.
IADA Chairman
Helping Automotive Dealerships
Achieve Their Financial Objectives
The Pomykala Group LLC is a full-service certified public accounting firm.
Our professionals are committed to being active business advisors to our clients
and delivering the highest quality value-added services. We help achieve timely
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create measurable benefits on the bottom line.
Automotive Dealership Specialists
We are a leading provider of professional services to the automotive industry. We specialize in serving as trusted business advisors
to automotive dealerships. Our commitment in this area extends
beyond the realm of traditional accounting and tax advice. We
offer a wide range of consulting services designed to improve the
information and processes dealerships rely on to make informed
business decisions.
We can show you the way
to greater profitability!
We currently handle over 100 automotive dealerships nationwide.
We understand this business and the special needs and requirements related to each dealership. Our dealership services include:
• Fraud Investigations
• Accounting and Operations Reviews
• Financial Statement Audits
• Tax Return Preparation
• Tax Planning
• Cost Segregation Studies
• Bill of Sale Document Preparation
We Can Help You
By taking a fresh look at your dealership, we can provide you
with constructive and innovative ideas on how to improve
controls, operations, systems and profitability. Contact Gary
Pomykala at (630) 920-9290.
♦ Our staff is one of the most knowledgeable and dedicated
in the automotive accounting field.
♦ We pay close attention to detail–leaving no stone
unturned–an important asset in our line of work.
♦ Our personal one-on-one approach to doing business and
commitment to quality and client service is unsurpassed.
♦ We add significant value to you and your dealership.
♦ We place a high priority on controlling costs and giving
clients their money’s worth.
4112 N. Cass Ave., Westmont, IL 60559 • (630) 920-9290 • Fax (630) 920-9254
Web: www.pomykalagroup.com
On behalf of the IADA Board of Directors and Staff, it is once again my pleasure to
present to you the 2014 IADA Annual Yearbook.
Inside is valuable information including dealership and associate member listings, staff
listings, IADA Board and Committee assignments and government contacts, as well as the
most updated version of the Illinois Motor Vehicle Franchise Act. Although we inquire
several times throughout the year, please review your specific listing and let us know if you
have any updates to your dealership information. You may also visit our IllinoisDealers.
com website and update your dealership information online.
With the challenging economic times confronting Illinois dealers this year, IADA will aggressively work to
manage legislative and regulatory affairs to minimize the negative impact on our members.
I would like to thank the many dealers who contribute to the IADA CAR of Illinois Political Action Fund
and participate in the legislative process through their grassroots lobbying efforts. I encourage all dealers to
participate in these efforts, as it keeps IADA strong and enables us to be an effective advocate on behalf of dealers at the Capital in Springfield.
As always, the staff of your association remains committed to your success. Together we are a powerful
voice in Illinois. And together we can successfully weather all challenges that lay before us. Lastly, please
remember that our good friends that advertise in the Yearbook make this publication possible. We encourage
you to patronize them when possible.
With best regards,
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Providing Illinois dealers with courteous and efficient service and keeping our roadways
safe have been two of my top priorities as Secretary of State.
My goals will continue to include bringing integrity and innovation to the Illinois Secretary of State’s office. During my tenure as Secretary of State, I’ve managed the largest distribution of new Illinois license plates in the state’s history, successfully fought for tougher
DUI laws, reformed the state’s commercial driver’s license program, and created the office’s
first on-line services.
Our Electronic Title and Registration program which allows dealers to process their customer’s title and
registration applications and issue plates on site at the dealership continues to be a huge success. The joint effort between our SOS, IADA & CVR has proven to be a great improvement to the vehicle registration process.
Thanks to the efforts of IADA and their members throughout the state, we have been able to pinpoint areas
of concern and to establish and improve programs providing more effective services for dealers and consumers
throughout Illinois.
As Secretary of State, I appreciate the strong working relationship that has been established with the Illinois
Automobile Dealers Association and its members, and I look forward to continue working together in the future.
Secretary of State
IADA Past Board
Honoring those who have served with distinction
to shape IADA into a solid, dynamic organization.
Entries in bold are individuals who remain active
in IADA today.
B. PINKERTON.............. PEORIA
KILLEEN .................. GALESBURG
E. BUTLER..................... CHICAGO
B. BURNS....................... DECATUR
A. EGOLF............. PEORIA
MITCHELL............. PEORIA
D. CRAIG...................
YOUNG................ QUINCY
BRAGG.................. GALESBURG
EMICH..................... JOLIET
KILBORN................ DECATUR
MANNING............. DeKALB
BLAKE.................. MCHENRY
HANNA............. MT. VERNON
BURGESS.............. ALBION
P. GREGG............. JOLIET
BERES............... PEKIN
MILLER............. CANTON
YOUNG.............. VANDALIA
HIGGINS................ PEORIA
LEICHTER.................. ELGIN
WOLF................ BELVIDERE
TAYLOR...................... SPRINGFIELD
PRAST.................... COUNTRYSIDE
SAWYER................ DEKALB
WAGNER............... BELLEVILLE
FUEHRER............... ROCKFORD
MURPHY.................. MORTON
DOLAN..................... LYONS
MOONEY................... TUSCOLA
LOMBARDI................. Wilmington
ROESCH................ ELMHURST
ABBOTT...................... MONTICELLO
MONROE.............. PERU
MCCOMB................. PEORIA
GREGG................... JOLIET
YOUNG............... VANDALIA
SABLES................. SPRINGFIELD
GUEBERT.................. SPARTA
WOLF.......................... BELVIDERE
KNIGHT.................. Danville
HUBER..................... SPRINGFIELD
GREEN...................... MONMOUTH
KOEHN............ DANVILLE
2 0 14
Jamie Auffenberg
*Mike Mangold
Jason Roberts
John Stanton
Auffenberg Ford South
Mangold Ford
Advantage Chevrolet
Frank Farmer
901 S. Illinois Street
Mercury, Inc.
9510 W. Joliet Rd.
Chev-Olds, Inc.
Belleville, IL 62220-2145
1100 West Center Street
Hodgkins, IL 60525
1551 E. 5th St.
NADA Director
Eureka, IL 61530
Region 2 Director
Metropolis, IL 62960-2717
Region 11 Director
*Bob Brady
Peoria Auto Dealers
*Sam Roberts
Bob Brady Auto Mall
Region 6 Director
Roberts Motors, Inc.
*Dave Taylor
4350 Alby Street
Taylor Chry Dodge
3955 E. Boyd Rd.
Decatur, IL 62521
Pat Manning
Alton, IL 62002
Jeep, Inc.
Region 10 Director
Brad Manning Ford
1497 N. Route 50
402 Manning Drive
Region 8 Director
Bourbonnais, IL 60914
Ray Dennison
DeKalb, IL 60115
Ray Dennison Chevrolet,
Region 1 Director
Chicago Chrysler
Dan Roesch
Roesch Auto Group
Region 7 Director
Vice Chairman
2320 North 8th Street
Louis Ochs
200 W. Grand Ave.
Pekin, IL 61554
Louis Ochs Chevrolet
Elmhurst, IL. 60126
Region 6 Director
Region 2 Director
806 South Van Buren
Rick Yemm
Yemm Chev-Bu-GMC-
Mike Ettleson
Newton, IL 62448
*Jack Schmitt
Ettleson Cad-Bu-GMC,
Region 10 Director
Jack Schmitt Chevrolet
2195 N. Henerson St.
127 Regency Park Dr.
Galesburg, IL. 61401
Region 3 Director
6201 S. LaGrange Rd.
Bob Ridings
O Fallon, IL 62269-1869
Hodgkins, IL 60525
Bob Ridings Ford
Greater St. Clair/
Region 2 Director
931 Springfield Road
Dale Zude
Taylorville, Il. 62568
County Dealers
Courtesy Car City
Region 9 Director
2301 39th Ave.
Moline, IL 61265
Region 3 Director
*Executive Committee Members
*Gary Knight
Carmack Car Capitol
3724 N. Vermilion
Danville, IL 61832
Region 10 Director
1st Past Chairman
*Jim Lombardi
Lombardi Chevrolet-Buick
Route 53 & Daniels
Wilmington, IL 60481
Region 4 Director
2nd Past Chairman
*Tim Mooney
Tim Mooney, Inc.
U.S. Highway 36
Tuscola, IL 61953
Region 10 Director
Past Chairman & Region 10
*Tom Dolan
Freeway Ford-Sterling Truck
8445 45th Street
Lyons, IL 60534
Heavy Duty Truck Dealer
Region 2 Heavy Duty Truck
Director - Past Chairman
Mike Murphy
Mike Murphy Ford, Inc.
565 West Jackson Street
Morton, IL 61550
Past Chairman
Darrell Reynolds
Eriksen Chevrolet-Buick
325 East First Avenue
Milan, IL 61264
Past Chairman
Roger Sables
Giuffre, Inc.
1030 South Dirksen Parkway
Springfield, IL 62703
Region 5 Director
Past Chairman
Dennis Young
Arthur Young, Inc.
122 W. Gallatin St.
Vandalia, IL 62471
Past Chairman
Bill Abbott
Bill Abbott, Inc.
500 West Center Street
Monticello, IL 61856
Past Chairman
DEAC Co-Chairman
IADA Dealer Committees
PAST CHAIRMEN’S COUNCIL............. (Eligible for Board of Directors)
Mike Mangold - Eureka – Chairman
Dave Taylor – Bourbonnais – Vice Chairman
Sam Roberts – Alton – Treasurer
Jack Schmitt – O’Fallon - Secretary
Gary Knight – Danville – Immediate Past Chairman
Jim Lombardi - Wilmington – Past Chairman
Tim Mooney – Tuscola – Past Chairman
Bob Brady - Decatur
Tom Dolan – Lyons – Truck Dealer & Past Chairman
Dan Roesch - Elmhurst
Gary Knight – Danville - 2013
Jim Lombardi – Wilmington – 2012
Tim Mooney – Tuscola - 2011
Tom Dolan - Lyons - 2008
Mike Murphy - Morton - 2007
Darrell Reynolds - Milan - 2006
Roger Sables - Springfield - 2005
Dennis Young - Vandalia - 2003
Bill Abbott - Monticello - 1990
Mike Mangold – Eureka
Dave Taylor – Bourbonnais
Sam Roberts – Alton
Jack Schmitt – O’Fallon
Bill Abbott - Monticello
Sam Roberts - Alton
Jamie Auffenberg Jr. – O’Fallon
Dave Taylor - Bourbonnais
IADA offers a sincere thanks to all of the above dealers who
volunteer their time and efforts to support IADA and make
Illinois a better place to do business.
Looking Forward to Serving you!
Peter Sander
Mark Harting
Director Administrative Services
Meghan Sander
Director of
Jan Kelso
CVR Administrative Assistant
Mike Healey
Director Dealer Services
Ann Jakowsky
Executive Secretary
Cindy Bland
CVR Inventory Specialist
Joe McMahon
Director Government Services
Teresa Wright
Administrative Assistant
Chloe Burtle
CVR Processing
Larry Doll
Legal Defense Attorney
Mary Blake
CVR Imaging Specialist
Lisa Stoeckel
CVR Processing
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Stop wasting time and money on your
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With CVR`s Centerpointe
IL solution you can now increase the
productivity of your dealership, improve
customer satisfaction, and enhance profitability. CVR connects dealers directly
to the Illinois DMV system via a secure,
high speed, reliable network. This unique
access provides a number of benefits not
currently available with conventional title
& registration methods including the ability to inquire DMV records, automate the
title & registration process, avoid rekeying
of customer vehicle information, and increase profitability with dealer compensation. To find out more about CVR please
click on the link below or call IADA at
800-252-8944 or CVR at 1-800-333-6995.
IADA - AEP Energy Program will
• A no-cost detailed electricity analysis.
E-mail: pharris@aepenergy.com
KPA is a dealer services provider for over
5,100 automotive, truck, and equipment
dealerships and service companies. KPA
provides on-site and on-call consulting services for Environment & Safety
(OSHA, EPA, DOT), and HR Management compliance. KPA is headquartered
in Lafayette, CO. and is endorsed by 24
ADA’s across the United States.
Contact: Rich Battenberg / 314-3038896 / rbattenberg@kpaonline.com for
information about KPA’s Environment
and Safety & HR Management compliance services
Due to the large number of IADA
members and the high volume of daily
shipping required for IADA programs
like CVR and the IADA Business Forms,
IADA has negotiated an extremely competitive FedEx Shipping program unique
for Illinois clients only. You know you can
count on FedEx to deliver expertise, great
service and great value for all your shipping needs, virtually anytime, anywhere.
And with IADA, there are no enrollment
fees or shipping quotas so you can start
saving quickly with this FedEx program!
For more information contact the IADA
office at Ph# 800-252-8944.
AMS - On Hold Solutions
Contact: Alan Bass
Create Additional Profit Opportunities and Increase Customer Satisfaction.
Selling a car is hard enough without the
paperwork getting in the way. IADA &
ph# 800-584-4653 ex. 6317
P.O. BOX 590, Manassas, VA 20108
• Education about electricity
ADP are pleased to offer DealerCAP, a
document system that is efficient, costeffective, and customer focused. While
no forms system is a substitute for sound
legal advice, DealerCAP forms can help
with dealership efforts to prevent some
paperwork errors commonly found in a
motor vehicle transaction such as:
• Incorrectly drafted documents
• Conflicting or missing documents
• Missing, incomplete or conflicting
• Using forms that haven`t been updated
with the current legal code
Once you have an efficient document
system in place, you can devote more time
to increasing customer satisfaction and
creating additional profit opportunities
within your dealership. DealerCAP helps
prevent problems and misunderstandings with customers from occurring and
assists in ensuring that they are satisfied
with the entire transaction. In addition,
DealerCAP can help your dealership
maximize your profit opportunities on
each individual transaction. Click here
to place an order on the IADA web site.
No credit card needed, simply place your
order and a DOX representative will call
you concerning your order.
IADA Office (800) 252-8944
Dealer Office Xpress
ADP/Standard Register
800-ADP-ADP-ADP (800-237-2372)
Forms Catalogs
IADA Speedway Fleet Fueling
This program allows IADA members
the opportunity to receive a discount from
Speedway, Marathon & participating Pilot
locations on gasoline purchases and offers
an additional way to support your State
Associaiton. Each dealership receives a
discount on gasoline purchases based on
the volume of the whole group; current
discount is 4 cents off per gallon. Contact
IADA at 800-252-8944 for details.
We would like to bring to your attention a potential cost savings opportunity
for IADA members through a relationship
with ETC ProLiance Energy, a natural gas
marketing company. ProLiance Energy
provides natural gas supply to many commercial and industrial customers throughout the Midwest. IADA members have
the potential to save money by purchasing
natural gas through ProLiance instead of
through your utility. The utility will remain as your local distribution company,
but the natural gas will be purchased
through ProLiance.
IADA is proud to announce Federated
Insurance as the recommended service
provider of property & liability insurance,
worker’s compensation, financial protection services, and group health insurance
to all IADA members.
Website: www.etcprolianceenergy.com
As the association-preferred insurance
carrier, Federated Insurance can help
you take the smartest, most cost effective
approach to protecting your dealership.
Federated’s field staff are specialists in the
auto industry and they are committed to
excellence when it comes to serving your
needs. Contact Mike McCrumb at ph#
608-831-9697 or email mjmccrumb@fedins.com for more details or visit www.
An industry leader in providing disability benefits to dealers across the state
and across the country. Pride in their products and quality service exemplifies their
personal commitment to you as a dealer.
From long/short term disability plans to
Section 125 administration, American
Fidelity offers a wide selection of benefits
to your employees.
IADA has partnered with CGI Communications that will include the production of an Interactive Video Magazine
highlighting IADA news and events, as
well as various aspects of our organization.
These videos will be accessible for viewing
via the Association’s website at (www.illinoisdealers.com).
In addition, CGI will provide IADA
with a wide-range of digital marketing
products. These innovative technologies
will further enhance our association’s
ability to communicate in remarkable
new ways.
Contact - Brian Hirshberg at (812)
431-4509 to complete a savings
analysis, discuss this opportunity, or
ask any questions that you may have.
2000 N. Classen Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73106
CGI offers IADA members their digital
marketing products in an effort to achieve
added exposure, and increase communication with clients. Learn more about this
exciting new way to promote your dealership via promotional videos by contacting
the IADA office at (800) 252-8944.
Take advantage of your Association’s
buying power to substantially reduce your
telecommunictions bill. The IADA/Call
One program offers local & long distance
service utilizing the highest quality in
voice, data and high speed internet networks at substantially reduced rates.
P.O. Box 3045
Springfield, IL 62708
(847) 920-9600
E-mail: chatz@callone.net
IADA publishes a variety of management guides to provide you with information on various regulatory issues. All
publications, from IADA’s Tax Procedure
Manual to the Federal/Illinois Wage
and Hour Guide, are updated regularly
and provided at no charge to our dealer
P.O. Box 3045
For more information visit: IADAStaples Program
Springfield, IL 62708
(800) 252-8944
IADA-Staples has created an industry
exclusive Automotive Sales Team to service the new car dealership industry. You
will be assigned your own personal sales
representative to assist you in all of your
office supply needs. The program stocks
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Alphabetized by company name • Website addresses listed when provided by dealership
83 RV, Inc.
Robert Novak.......................... (847) 566-8383
25514 North Route 83
Mundelein, IL 60060
Absher-Arnold Motors, LLC
David Arnold............................(618) 993-5000
3203 W. DeYoung Street
Marion, IL 62959
Acura Libertyville
Scot McKay Glen
Bockwinkel............................... (847) 680-7333
1620 S. Milwaukee Ave.
Libertyville, IL 60048
Advantage Chevrolet
Jason Roberts...........................(708) 352-2400
9510 W. Joliet Road
Hodgkins, IL 60525
Advantage Chevrolet Of Bolingbrook
Desmond Roberts....................(630) 759-5600
115 West Frontage Road South
Bolingbrook, IL 60440
Al Cioni Ford, Inc.
Al Cioni........................................(815) 339-2511
504 South McCoy
P.O. Box 577, Granville IL 61326
Al Piemonte Ford Sales, Inc.
Alex A. Piemonte, Jr................ (708) 345-9300
2500 W. North Avenue
Melrose Park, IL 60160
Al Piemonte Nissan, Inc.
Al Piemonte.............................. (708) 343-3800
1600 W. North Avenue
Melrose Park, IL 60160
Alan Browne Chevrolet Olds, Inc
Anderson Ford of Clinton,Inc.
Randy Anderson...................... (217) 935-3106
P.O. Box 638
1001 State Rte. 10 West
Clinton, IL 61727
Alan M. Browne.........................(815) 784-2511
700 Pearson Dr
P.O. Box 217
Genoa, IL 60135
Anderson Ford, Inc.
Albright Motor Company
Anderson Motor Company
William Albright........................ (618) 943-2388
1001 State Street
Lawrenceville, IL 62439
Anderson Dodge Chrysler Jeep
Brian Anderson.........................(815) 229-2000
5711 E. State
Rockford, IL 61108
Bob Anderson............................(217)-784-4119
124 S. Sangamon Ave.
Gibson City, IL 60936
Ted Markee...............................(815) 455-4330
P.O. Box 1828
Crystal Lake, IL 60039-1828
Anderson Nissan Mazda, Inc.
Mr. Brian Anderson..................(815) 633-3460
6555 E. State St., P.O. Box 10289
Loves Park, IL 61111-3111
Anderson Toyoto-Lexus of Rockford
Dave Kieffer...............................(815) 397-8995
4100 N. Perryvillle Rd., P.O. Box 10289
Loves Park, IL 61131
Anderson’s Rock River
Ford Kia Mitsubishi
Brian Anderson......................... (815) 229-0510
224 N. Alpine, P.O. Box 10289
Loves Park, IL 61131
Anthem Chevrolet Buick
Auffenberg Ford South
Anthony Buick GMC, Inc.
Auffenberg Of Carbondale
Antioch Chrysler Dodge Jeep
Autobarn VW Of Mt. Prospect
Apple Chevrolet, Inc.
AutoCenters Nissan, Inc.
Dave McFadden.....................(217) 283-6688
424 North Dixie Highway, P.O. Box 190
Hoopeston, IL 60942-0190
Tony Augelli.............................. (847) 856-3000
7225 Grand Ave.
Gurnee, IL 60031
Pete Larson............................... (847) 395-0200
105 Route W. 173
Antioch, IL 60002
John Alfirevich......................... (708) 429-3000
8585 West 159th Street
Tinley Park, IL 60477
Arlington Acura
James A. Auffenberg, Jr.........(618) 234-0330
901 S. Illinois Street
Belleville, IL 62220-2145
Chris Auffenberg.......................(618) 457-3391
1015 East Walnut, P.O. Box 2948
Carbondale, IL 62901-2948
Dealer....................................... (847) 392-6300
333 W. Rand Rd.
Mount Prospect, IL 60056
Bill Haegele............................... (618) 251-3023
1825 E. Edwardsville Rd.
Wood River, IL 62095
Autohaus Of Peoria
Randy Rohrman.......................(847) 991-9000
1275 East Dundee Road
Palatine, IL 60067
Gary Pearl..................................(309) 243-1101
2322 W. Sud Parkway
Peoria, IL 61615
Arlington Heights Ford
Michael Rosengarden............(847) 272-7900
1600 Frontage Road
Northbrook, IL 60062
John Guido...............................(847) 870-1300
801 W. Dundee
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
Arlington Kia in Palatine
Bob Rohrman............................ (800) 861-9184
1400 E. Dundee Rd.
Palatine, IL 60067
Arlington Lexus of Palatine
Bob Rohrman............................(847) 991-0444
1285 E. Dundee Rd.
Palatine, IL 60067
Arlington Nissan-Arlington Heights
Bob Rohrman............................(847) 590-6100
1100 W. Dundee Rd.
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
Arnie Bauer Buick Cadillac GMC
Dennis Bauer.............................(708) 720-1900
5525 Miller Circle Dr.
Matteson, IL 60443
Art Hossler Auto Plaza
Alex Hossler................................(309) 647-1513
2000 N. Main Street, P.O. Box 187
Canton, IL 61520
Arthur Young, Inc.
Dennis Young............................(618) 283-0381
122 W. Gallatin St., P.O. Box 400
Vandalia, IL 62471
Auffenberg Chrysler Of Herrin
Chris Auffenberg....................... (618) 942-2159
1821 S. Park Avenue, P.O. Box 40
Herrin, IL 62948
Auffenberg Ford North
Jamie Auffenberg, Jr..............(618) 632-0090
115 Regency Park
O Fallon, IL 62269
Autohaus on Edens
B & B Motors
Robert Brown........................... (309) 543-2224
318 S. Schrader
Havana, IL 62644
Barkau Automotive
Richard Barkau..........................(815) 947-3331
501 E. North Ave.
Stockton, IL 61085
Barker Chevrolet Of Lexington
Dan Traeger.............................. (309) 365-2161
1887 P.J. Keller Hwy.
Lexington, IL 61760
Barrington Volvo
Franz Mausser........................... (847) 381-9400
300 N. Hough Street
Barrington, IL 60010
Baum Chevrolet Buick Company
Scott Baum.................................(217) 935-3156
P.O. Box 657
Clinton, IL 61727
Benoy Motor Sales, Inc
Dale E. Benoy........................... (815) 338-5100
1790 S. Eastwood Drive
Woodstock, IL 60098
Berman’s Infiniti Of Chicago
Biggers Chevrolet, Inc.
Jim Leichter...............................(847) 742-9000
1385 East Chicago Street
Elgin, IL 60120
Biggers Mitsubishi
Joe Mitchell..............................(847) 742-5800
1325 East Chicago Street
Elgin, IL 60120
Bill Abbott, Inc.
William J. Abbott....................... (217) 762-2576
500 West Center Street, P.O. Box 408
Monticello, IL 61856
Bill Jacobs BMW-MINI
Denise Guardino...................... (630) 357-1200
2495 Aurora Ave.
Naperville, IL 60540
Bill Jacobs Chevrolet, Inc.
Cynthia Thrall, Jr........................ (815) 725-7110
2001 W. Jefferson, Box 2249
Joliet, IL 60435
Bill Jacobs Volkswagen
Denise Guardino..................... (630) 848-6600
2211 Aurora Ave.
Naperville, IL 60540-1003
Bill Kay Chevrolet
Bill Kay .......................................(630) 968-2900
601 Ogden Ave.
Lisle, IL 60532-1333
Bill Kay Ford, Inc
Bill Kay.......................................(708) 388-3000
14633 South Cicero Avenue
Midlothian, IL 60445
Bill Stasek Chevrolet, Inc.
Nicilette Pagoinis..................... (312) 476-8000
640 N. LaSalle St.
Chicago, IL 60654
William R. Stasek.......................(847) 537-7000
700 West Dundee Road
Wheeling, IL 60090
Bettenhausen Fiat
Bill Sullivan Buick GMC
Michael Bettenhausen...........(708) 532-2665
17514 S. Oak Park Ave.
Tinley Park, IL 60477
Jeff Sullivan...............................(847) 392-6660
777 W. Dundee Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
Bill Walsh Chev Cad
Bob Ridings Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep
Breese Motor Sales, Inc.
Bob Ridings Ford Lincoln of
Brent Bergheger Chrysler Dodge
Bill Walsh.................................... (815) 434-2323
1752 E. Norris Drive, P.O. Box 456
Ottawa, IL 61350-0456
Buddy Daniels.......................... (217) 562-3986
8 N. Locust Street
Pana, IL 62557-0133
Bill Walsh Ford Lincoln
Jacksonville, Inc.
Nick Xamis..................................(217) 245-7101
1312 West Morton, P.O. Box 1026
Jacksonville, IL 62650
Bill Walsh................................... (815) 434-4800
4001 North Columbus, P.O. Box 1410
Ottawa, IL 61350-6410
Bishop Motor Company
Gary Bishop.............................. (618) 635-2333
214 E. Main Street
Staunton, IL 62088
BMW Of Peoria
Timothy Leman.........................(309) 692-4840
1720 W. Pioneer Parkway
Peoria, IL 61615
Bob Brady Auto Mall
Robert Brady............................. (217) 876-0437
3955 E. Boyd Rd.
Decatur, IL 62521
Bob Brady Dodge
Bob Brady.................................. (217) 876-3800
4025 E. Boyd, Decatur, IL 62521
Bob Brockland Buick GMC
Robert Brockland..................... (618) 332-2277
1699 Pontiac Drive
Cahokia, IL 62206
Bob Endress Auto Sales & Service
Robert D. Endress......................(815) 772-3215
13571 Lincoln Rd., P.O. Box 229
Morrison, IL 61270
Bob Grimm Chevrolet, Inc.
Bill Hart.......................................(309) 263-2241
2271 S. Main, Morton, IL 61550
Bob Harper Ford
Bob Harper................................ (618) 658-9135
323 E. Vine Street, P.O. Box 1348
Vienna, IL 62995
Bob Jass Chevrolet
Bob Jass.................................... (630) 365-6481
300 S. Main, P.O. Box 8028
Elburn, IL 60119
Bob Lindsay Honda
Robert Lindsay Jr......................(309) 692-3200
900 West Pioneer Parkway
Peoria, IL 61615-2147
Bob Ridings Ford, Inc.
Bob Ridings............................... (217) 824-2207
931 Springfield Road
Taylorville, IL 62568
Bob Ridings Linc-Jeep-Suzuki
Larry Grischow..........................(217) 877-3102
3103 N. 22nd Street
Decatur, IL 62526
Bob Rohrman Schaumburg Kia
Robert Rohrman..................... (847) 908-0502
1100 E. Golf Rd.
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Bob Rohrman’s Schaumburg Ford
Bob Rohrman...........................(847) 605-0800
815 East Golf Road
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Bocker Chev-Cad-Buick-GMC, Inc
Mary Meyers..............................(815) 235-2121
801 E. South Street
Freeport, IL 61032
Boulder Chevrolet-Buick , Inc.
Tal Braunecker..........................(618) 548-5500
Route 50 West, P.O. Box 247
Salem, IL 62881
Brad Barker Honda
Brad Barker................................ (309) 663-9591
1602 General Electric Road
Bloomington, IL 61704-2283
Brad Manning Ford
Pat Manning............................. (815) 756-6325
402 Manning Drive, Box 428
De Kalb, IL 60115
Bredemann Chevrolet
Joseph Bredemann................. (847) 698-1234
1401 W. Dempster, P.O. Box 678
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Bredemann Ford in Glenview
Joseph Bredemann................ (847) 998-4000
2038 Waukegan Rd.
Glenview, IL 60025
Bredemann Lexus in Glenview
Brent Bergheger........................(618) 566-2155
220 W. Main St.
Mascoutah, IL 62258-1829
Brian Bemis Ford Hyundai Mazda
Brian Bemis................................(815) 895-4584
1380 Dekalb Ave.
Sycamore, IL 60178
Brian Bemis World Auto, Inc.
Brain Bemis................................ (815) 895-8105
1875 Dekalb Ave.
Sycamore, IL 60178
Brilliance Honda
Kevin Keefe...............................(815) 459-6400
680 W. Terra Cotta Ave.
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
Brown & Brown Chevrolet Hyundai
Brian K. Brown........................... (815) 933-2251
1400 Locke Drive, P.O. Box 427
Bourbonnais, IL 60914
Browning Ford, Inc.
Tim Browning.............................. (815) 875-1180
1502 W. Peru Street
Princeton, IL 61356
Bruce Foote Chevy Olds Cadillac, Inc.
Bruce Foote............................... (309) 734-2138
Box 888, Monmouth IL 61462-0888
Bruckert-Daley, Inc.
Harry C. Daley...........................(217) 854-4711
400 W. Main, Carlinville, IL 62626
Bryden Ford, Inc.
Scott Bryden..............................(815) 248-2128
303 Center Street, P.O. Box 108
Durand, IL 61024
Bull Valley Ford, Inc.
Jack Cronan.............................(815) 338-6680
1460 South Eastwood Drive
Woodstock, IL 60098
Burke Automotive Group, Inc.
Edward J. Burke....................... (630) 505-8282
1565 West Ogden Ave.
Naperville, IL 60540
Buss Ford Sales
Stephen E. Buss.........................(815) 385-2000
111 S. Route 31
Mc Henry, IL 60050-0516
Martin Bredemann................. (847) 729-6000
2000 N. Waukegan Rd.
Glenview, IL 60025
Byers International Trucks, Inc.
Bredemann Toyota, Inc.
Cache River Chevrolet
Joseph Bredemann.................(847) 698-3700
1301 W. Dempster, P.O. Box 678
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Clyde E. Dorries.........................(618) 526-2241
Rte. 50 West, P.O. Box 26
Breese, IL 62230..................................................
Gary W. Byers.............................(217) 245-4614
1314 W. Morton
Jacksonville, IL 62650
Jim Brumitt................................. (618) 845-3431
943 Shawnee College Rd.
P.O. Box 220, Ullin, IL 62992
Champaign Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram
Coffman Truck Sales, Inc.
Chester Chrysler Center
Community GMC
Dave Taylor............................... (217) 352-4273
1906 Moreland Blvd.
Champaign, IL 61822-1241
Tom Search................................(618) 826-3213
P.O. Box 270, 803 Lehmen Dr.
Chester, IL 62233
Chevrolet Of Homewood
Steve Phillipos...........................(708) 799-2000
18033 South Halsted Street
Homewood, IL 60430-2505
Chevrolet Of Naperville
Dan Wolf.................................... (630) 357-6100
1515 W. Ogden Ave.
Naperville, IL 60540
Chicago Car Auction Inc
Cadillac Of Naperville, Inc.
Frank Laskaris........................... (630) 355-2700
1507 West Ogden Avenue
Naperville, IL 60540
Carmack Car Capitol
Gary Knight...............................(217) 443-6803
3724 N. Vermilion
Danville, IL 61832
Melanie A. Brown....................(847) 662-0100
2731 Belvidere Rd
Waukegan, IL 60085
Chicago Northside Toyota Scion
Laurie Quindel......................... (773) 728-5000
5625 N. Broadway
Chicago, IL 60660
Chignoli Auto Sales Inc
John Arnold.............................. (618) 529-5025
527 E. Main, P.O. Box 3834
Carbondale, IL 62902
Lori Chignoli-Cora................... (815) 439-2233
1850 Essington Rd
Joliet, IL 60435
Carson Ford, Inc.
Chip Banks Chevrolet Buick
Cars, Inc.
Rob Carson................................(217) 357-3154
128 Buchanan, P.O. Box 9
Carthage, IL 62321
Chip Banks................................. (618) 542-2114
1116 S. Washington St., P.O. Box 188
Du Quoin, IL 62832
CarX-Change, LLC
Jay Brosten................................ (847) 623-1700
3535 Washington St.
Ste. 300, Gurnee, IL 60031
William Glomb Jr......................(708) 704-7920
12660 W. Old Plank Dr
New Lenox, IL 60451-3238
Cassens & Sons
Larry Wehmeyer....................... (618) 656-6070
3333 S. Highway 159
Glen Carbon, IL 62034
Castle Buick-GMC, Inc.
Tony Castle.................................(708) 442-7474
7400 W. Cermak Rd.
North Riverside, IL 60546
Castle Chevrolet
Tony Castle................................(630) 279-5200
400 E. Roosevelt Rd.
Villa Park, IL60181
City Auto Sales
City Select Motors, Inc.
Ron Hicks................................... (309) 343-2121
1621 N. Henderson St.
Galesburg, IL 61401
CJ Wilson Mazda
Eric Vates.................................. (708) 354-2700
6060 S. LaGrange Rd.
Countryside, IL 60525
Classic Automotive, Inc.
Fred Marks................................ (847) 336-4300
515 N. Green Bay Road
Waukegan, IL 60085
Classic Kia
Tom Sondag . .......................... (847) 965-8833
8833 Waukegan Rd.
Morton Grove, IL 60053
Bob Rohrman........................... (847) 336-4300
415 N. Greenbay Rd.
Waukegan, IL 60085
Central States Bus Sales, Inc.
Coad Chevrolet - Ancap Management
Castle Honda, Inc.
Jeff Reitz....................................(630) 556-3130
49W102 Route 30, Bldg. E
Big Rock, IL 60511
Michael Coad...........................(618) 833-2166
2525 E. Vienna, Anna IL 62906
Frank Coffman.........................(630) 892-7093
1149 W. Lake Street, Box 151
Aurora, IL 60506-5834
George Zouganelis.................. (815) 476-5224
317 S. Water Street
Wilmington, IL 60481
Community Honda Of Orland Park
Tom Wehmeier........................ (708) 364-2600
8340 W. 159th St.
Orland Park, IL 60462
Community Mazda
Thomas H. Wehmeier............. (708) 444-3200
8325 W. 159th Street
Tinley Park, IL 60477
Continental Acura Of Naperville
Joel K. Weinberger..................(630) 960-2100
2275 Aurora Ave.
Naperville, IL 60540
Continental Audi, Inc.
Joel Weinberger..................... (630) 388-1000
1527 Aurora Ave.
Naperville, IL 60540
Continental Autosports
John Weinberger.................... (630) 655-3535
420 E. Ogden Ave.
Hinsdale, IL 60521
Continental Honda
Jay Weinberger....................... (708) 352-6000
5901 S. LaGrange
Countryside, IL 60525
Continental Mazda Of Naperville
Joel Weinberger......................(630) 352-5900
2363 Aurora Ave.
Naperville, IL 60540
Continental Mitsubishi
Cheryl Nelson...........................(708) 354-1400
5800 S. LaGrange Rd.
La Grange, IL 60525
Continental Nissan
Jay Weinberger........................(708) 352-9200
5750 S. LaGrange Rd.
Countryside, IL 60525
Continental Toyota
Cheryl Nelson.......................... (708) 354-5800
6701 S. LaGrange Rd.
Hodgkins, IL 60525
Country Chevrolet, Inc.
Scott Irps.....................................(815) 426-6311
110 South Main, P.O. Box 557
Herscher, IL 60941
D&D Chevrolet Buick GMC
Dene Lambkin Honda
Daley Chevrolet Buick
Dennison Ford BMW Toyota
Kirk Lindsly................................ (309) 853-4454
Route 34 East
Kewanee, IL 61443
Harry C. Daley........................... (217) 839-2118
208 North Macoupin
Gillespie, IL 62033...............................................
Daley-Bruckert Chevrolet
Harry Daley...............................(618) 635-5202
320 West Pearl Street
Staunton, IL 62088..............................................
Dan Hecht Chevrolet Toyota, Inc.
Court Street Ford, Inc.
Jeffrey Chiero........................... (815) 939-9600
558 William Latham Drive
Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2320
Courtesy Buick GMC
Rik Fregia................................... (815) 477-8600
6305 Northwest Highway
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
Courtesy Car City
Dale Zude..................................(309) 764-6700
2301 39th Ave.
Moline, IL 61265
Courtesy Ford Lincoln
Ray W. Fregia, Jr....................... (217) 442-1840
3533 N. Vermilion
Danville, IL 61832
Credit Auto Sales
Ralph T. Snyder III...................... (815) 288-2406
601 IL Route 2
Dixon, IL 61021
Crossroads Ford Truck Sales, Inc.
John Hogan.............................. (217) 528-0770
100 N. Hill
Springfield, IL 62702
Crowe Ford
George Koustas....................... (309) 944-2127
1041 South State Street
Geneseo, IL 61254
Crown Ford Of Hoopeston
Dick Read.................................. (217) 283-7729
623 S. Dixie Highway
Hoopeston, IL 60942
Crown Toyota Scion
Darcy Grinestaff........................(217) 872-5010
255 W. Pershing Road
Decatur, IL 62524
Currie Motors Frankfort
Steve Jankelow.........................(708) 479-1100
9423 West Lincoln Highway
Frankfort, IL 60423
Currie Motors of Forest Park
Steven Jankelow...................... (708) 771-7100
8401 West Roosevelt Road
Forest Park, IL 60130
Jim Hecht................................... (217) 342-4111
P.O. Box 605
Effingham, IL 62401
Dan Pilson Auto Center, Inc.
Dene Lambkin..........................(217) 228-7000
221 N. 36th St., Quincy, IL 62301
Robert Dennison...................... (309) 663-1331
1508 Morrissey Drive
Bloomington, IL 61701-7151
Diepholz Auto Group
Ron Diepholz............................. (217) 348-0141
631 West Lincoln
Charleston, IL 61920
Dixon Ford Linc VW Mazda
Valerie Ford...............................(815) 288-3366
489 IL Route #2
Dixon, IL 61021
Dan Pilson.................................. (217) 234-6461
2212 Lakeland Blvd.
Mattoon, IL 61938
Don McCue Chevrolet, Inc.
D’Arcy Buick GMC
D’Orazio Ford
Terry D’Arcy...............................(815) 439-5500
2022 Essington Rd.
Joliet, IL 60435
D’Arcy Volkswagon Hyundai Isuzu
Terry D’Arcy...............................(815) 725-5200
2521 West Jefferson Street
Joliet, IL 60435
David Bruce Toy Cad J-E
Bruce Dickstein......................... (815) 933-7700
555 Latham, P.O. Box 398
Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2316
Davis Buick-GMC, Inc.
John Davis..................................(309) 647-1212
2051 North Main Street, P.O. Box 538
Canton, IL 61520
Davis Ford, Inc.
John Davis...................................(309) 647-1111
2111 N. Main St., P.O. Box 750
Canton, IL 61520
Dekalb/Sycamore Chevy
Mr. Mike Haigler....................... (815) 748-0930
1925 Mercantile Drive
Sycamore, IL 60178
Delfs Garage & Service
Marie Miller............................... (847) 623-1492
1521 Belvidere St.
Waukegan, IL 60085
Don/Tim McCue..................... (630) 584-9700
2015 East Main, P.O. Box 505
Saint Charles, IL 60174
Jim Miller.................................... (815) 476-5205
1135 South Water Street
Wilmington, IL 60481
Douglas Dodge, Inc.
Mark Douglas............................(217) 935-2144
P.O. Box 408
Clinton, IL 61727
Dralle Chev/Cad/Buick & GMC
John Dralle................................ (815) 432-4948
P.O. Box 465
Watseka, IL 60970
Dralle Chevrolet Buick, Inc.
David/Greg L. Dralle.............. (708) 258-3902
103 North Harlem
Peotone, IL 60468-9185
Driscoll Motor Company, Inc.
Pamela E. Schahrer.................. (815) 842-1143
1030 W. Reynolds St., P.O. Box 767
Pontiac, IL 61764
Dupage Dodge Chrysler Jeep
John Kaye................................. (630) 653-4060
433 E. North Ave.
Glendale Heights, IL 60139
Eagleson Automotive Center
Tom Eagleson............................(618) 393-2148
520 Whittle Avenue, P.O. Box 157
Olney, IL 62450
Ed Napleton Acura
Jonathon DeLong.................... (815) 584-3016
212 East Delware Street
Dwight, IL 60420
Ed Napleton..............................(630) 941-4300
745 W. Lake St.
Elmhurst, IL 60126
Dempsey Dodge-Chrysler-Jeep II
Ed Napleton Honda, Inc.
DeLong Ford, Inc.
Tom Dempsey........................... (630) 552-7688
1000 East U.S. Hwy. 34
Plano, IL 60545
Mr. Edward Napleton..............(708) 430-0011
5800 West 95th Street
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
Elgin Hyundai
Bob Loquercio......................... (847) 888-8222
881 East Chicago Street
Elgin, IL 60120 www.elginhyundai.com
Elgin Toyota
Federico Chrysler Dodge
Bob Federico............................ (618) 254-1000
1875 East Edwardsville Road
Wood River, IL 62095
Robert P. Loquercio..................(847) 741-2100
1200 East Chicago Street
Elgin, IL 60120
Feeny Dodge Chrysler Jeep, Inc.
Elizabeth Garage, Inc.
Fields BMW Of Northfield
Jeff Graves................................(815) 858-2230
201 North Main
Elizabeth, IL 61028
Elmhurst BMW
John Schiele.............................(888) 857-5487
466 West Lake Street
Elmhurst, IL 60126
Elmhurst Toyota
Kurt Schiele............................... (630) 279-2160
440 W. Lake St.
Elmhurst, IL 60126
Erie La-Salle Fleet Service & Sales Inc.
Robert Gottfred....................... (312) 337-3903
146 W Erie St.
Chicago, IL 60654
Eriksen Chevrolet-Buick
Darrell Reynolds........................(309) 787-1765
325 East First Avenue
Milan, IL 61264
Essig Motors, Inc.
Jim Essig.....................................(309) 582-5336
2204 SE Third St.
Aledo, IL 61231
Ettleson Cadillac-Buick-GMC, Inc.
Michael Ettleson..................... (708) 579-5000
6201 S. LaGrange Road
Hodgkins, IL 60525-4140
Evans Ford, Inc.
David Evans.............................. (217) 942-3636
R.R. #3 Box 33
Carrollton, IL 62016
Extreme Hyundai
Dan O’Brien..............................(309) 664-1222
600 Greenbriar Dr.
Normal, IL 61761
Extreme Motors
Dan O’Brien..............................(309) 664-1222
2029 Ireland Grove Rd.
Bloomington, IL 61704
Fair Oaks Ford Lincoln, Inc.
Norm Zienty Jr........................... (630) 357-7100
2055 W. Ogden Ave.
Naperville, IL 60540
Fairway Ford Lincoln, Inc.
Adam Tollers............................. (815) 232-6868
555 W. Meadows Dr.
Freeport, IL 61032
Dan Feeny.................................(847) 697-0900
1010 East Chicago Street
Elgin, IL 60120
John Fields.................................(847) 441-5300
700 Frontage Road
Northfield, IL 60093
Fields Chrysler Jeep Dodge
John Fields.................................(847) 446-5100
670 Frontage Road
Northfield, IL 60093............................................
Fields Infiniti
Shermin Pelinski....................... (847) 998-5200
2100 Frontage Rd.
Glencoe, IL 60022
Fields Jeep, Inc.
Barbara Becker........................(847) 446-5100
670 Frontage Rd.
Winnetka, IL 60093
Finish Line Ford, Inc.
Ashley Bradshaw......................(309) 693-2525
2100 West Pioneer Parkway
Peoria, IL 61615-1830
Fisch Motors, Inc.
Mark Fisch.................................. (815) 379-2191
401 W. North Street, P.O. Box 547
Walnut, IL 61376
Fox Valley Ford, Inc.
Dan Cirrincione Brian Collins... (630) 907-3100
208 Hansen Blvd
North Aurora Auto Mall
North Aurora,IL 60542
Fraher Ford, Inc.
Jon Fraher................................. (815) 844-3138
301 South Ladd Street, P.O. Box 588
Pontiac, IL 61764
Frank Farmer Chevrolet, Inc.
John Stanton.............................. (618) 524-2151
1551 E. 5th St.
Metropolis, IL 62960-2717
Frank Shirey Cadillac, Inc.
Thomas F. Shirey...................... (708) 636-6600
10125 South Cicero
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
Freeway Ford-Sterling Truck Sales, Inc.
Tom Dolan................................ (708) 442-9000
8445 45th Street
Lyons, IL 60534
Friendly Chevrolet, Inc.
Susan Langheim....................... (217) 547-0700
2540 Prairie Crossing Dr
Springfield, IL 62711-9408
Friendly Ford
Joe Kean.................................. (630) 924-8686
333 East Irving Park Road
Roselle, IL 60172
Galesburg Nissan
Roy Schmidt.............................. (618) 242-8600
1501 West Broadway, P.O. Box 729
Mount Vernon, IL 62864
Jeff Klinck.................................. (309) 342-4121
2080 N. Henderson St.
Galesburg, IL 61401
Fort’s Toyota Of Pekin
Gary Lang Auto Group
Fox Ford Lincoln
Geiser Ford, Inc.
Fox Lake Toyota Scion
Gem City Ford Lincoln
Ford Square of Mt. Vernon
Mike Fort................................... (309) 382-4083
110 Radio City Drive, P.O. Box 877
Pekin, IL 61554
Dan DeVos................................(312) 605-4200
2401 S. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60616
Christine Meland.....................(847) 587-9200
75 S. Rte. 12
Fox Lake, IL 60020
Gary Lang................................. (815) 385-2100
1107 South Route 31
Mc Henry, IL 60050-8200
Harlan Geiser............................ (309) 923-2141
217 West Husseman
Roanoke, IL 61561
Steve Brink.................................(217)-222-8700
5101 Broadway, P.O. Box 3505
Quincy, IL 62305-3505
Gentry Motor Co.
John Gentry.............................. (309) 837-7777
1719 E. Jackson
Macomb, IL 61455
George Weber Chevrolet - Waterloo
Skip Weber.................................(618) 939-6166
1353 N. Illinois Rte. 3
Waterloo, IL 62298
George Weber Chevrolet Co.
Grossinger City Autoplex
Skip Weber..................................(618) 281-5111
701 Old State Route 3, P.O. Box 110
Columbia, IL 62236
Gary Grossinger........................(312) 707-9500
1530 N. Dayton St.
Chicago, IL 60642
Gerald Kia Subaru, Inc.
Gerald/Donna Lawler........... (630) 355-3900
1210 East Ogden Avenue
Naperville, IL 60563
Grossinger Honda
Gerald Nissan Subaru Of North Aurora
Guetterman Motors, Inc.
Gary Grossinger....................... (773) 274-7777
6600 N. Western Ave.
Chicago, IL 60645
Neil Gerald............................... (630) 907-0800
213 Hansen Blvd.
North Aurora, IL 60542
Gerald Nissan, Inc.
Jack Guetterman.....................(618) 734-1180
2210 Sycamore
Cairo, IL 62914
Green Chev Buick Cadillac GMC
Gurnee Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram
Green Chevrolet
Gurnee Ford Lincoln Mercury
Giuffre Volvo, Inc.
Green Chevrolet Chrysler
Gurnee Hyundai
Gjovik Chevrolet Buick GMC, Inc.
Green Dodge Kia Mitsubishi Subaru
Neil Gerald............................... (630) 355-3337
1575 West Ogden Avenue
Naperville, IL 60540
Ghaben Auto Group, LLC/dba Oak
Lawn Mazda
Joseph Ghaben.........................708-233-7700
6750 West 95th Street
Oak Lawn, IL 60453-2176
Roger Sables............................. (217) 788-2400
1030 South Dirksen Parkway
Springfield, IL 62703
Olaf Gjovik.................................(815) 786-2177
2780 East US Route 34
Sandwich, IL 60548
Gjovik Ford, Inc.
Scott Gjovik...............................(815) 786-3333
2600 US Route 34 East
Sandwich, IL 60548
Glendale Nissan, Inc.
William Slevin............................(630) 469-6100
484 East North Avenue
Glendale Heights, IL 60139
Goeckner Bros, Inc.
Mark A. Goeckner................... (217) 342-3355
600 East Fayette Ave.
Effingham, IL 62401
Todd Green................................ (217) 245-4117
1700 West Morton
Jacksonville, IL 62650
Jeff Green..................................(309) 691-1100
8017 North Knoxville
Peoria, IL 61615-2133
Jill Green.................................... (309) 792-1550
1703 42nd Avenue Of the Cities
East Moline, IL 61244
Todd Green................................(217) 522-1222
3801 W. Wabash Ave.
Springfield, IL 62707
Green Holding Company
Ray Green
3801 Wabash Ave.
Springfield, IL 62711............................................
Green Hyundai
Todd Green................................(217) 525-1370
P.O. BOX 13315
Springfield, IL 62791
Green Mazda Lincoln
Todd Green.............................. (888) 568-5544
3760 South 6th St., P.O. Box 13315
Springfield, IL 62791
Green Nissan, Inc.
Gus Kreatsoulas........................(847) 470-9800
9401 North Milwaukee Avenue
Niles, IL 60714
Todd Green................................ (217) 787-7620
4801 W. Wabash Ave.
Springfield, IL 62711
Gordon GMC
Green Toyota, Volkswagen, Audi, Scion
Golf Mill Motor Sales, Inc.
Craig Richardson..................... (217) 824-3381
525 W. Spresser
Taylorville, IL 62568
Grand Subaru
Ryan Drouin............................. (630) 595-0250
125 West Grand Avenue
Bensenville, IL 60106
Graue Chevrolet-Buick-Cad, Inc.
Chris Graue...............................(217) 735-4444
1905 North Kickapoo, P.O. Box 100
Lincoln, IL 62656
Mr. Todd Green......................... (217) 241-2100
3901 W. Wabash Ave.
Springfield, IL 62707
Greenway Motors
Chuck Greenway.................... (815) 942-3400
300 Bedford Rd.
Morris, IL 60450
Greg Weeks Benton, Inc.
Dave Barnett............................(618) 435-3334
1627 N. Main St., P.O. Box 520
Benton, IL 62812..................................................
Michael Fohrman................... (847) 623-3000
7255 Grand Ave
Gurnee, IL 60031
Norm Zienty.............................. (847) 244-9500
18834 W. Grand Ave., P.O. Box 297
Gurnee, IL 60031
Bob Rohrman............................ (847) 249-1300
6251 Grand Ave., P.O. Box 7740
Gurnee, IL 60031
Gustafson Ford Lincoln, LLC
Kurt Gustafson.......................... (309) 852-2107
112 North Lexington Ave.
Kewanee, IL 61443
Haggerty Buick-GMC, Inc.
Gerard Haggerty.....................(630) 279-2000
300 West Roosevelt Road
Villa Park, IL 60181
Haggerty Ford
Gerard Haggerty.....................(630) 231-3200
330 East Roosevelt Road - POB 930
West Chicago, IL 60186
Halsted Auto Diagnostic Clinic & Co Inc
Jeff Kidd.................................... (773) 233-3250
9946 S Halsted
Chicago, IL 60628
Harvard Chevrolet Buick GMC
Martin Figueroa....................... (815) 943-4007
333 S. Division St., P.O. Box 608
Harvard, IL 60033-0608
Harvard Ford, LLC
Sean Sivore................................(815) 943-4455
5250 South Route 14
Harvard, IL 60033
Hawk Chrysler Dodge Jeep
Joe Crane.................................(708) 366-1001
7911 West Roosevelt Road
Forest Park, IL 60130
Hawk Ford Of Oak Lawn
John Crane.............................. (708) 599-6000
6100 West 95th Street
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
Hawkinson Nissan
Robert Hawkinson.................. (708) 720-4800
5513 Miller Circle Dr.
Matteson, IL 60443
Heller Ford Sales
Dan Heller.................................(309) 527-6050
700 W. Main St.
El Paso, IL 61738
Heller Motors
Daniel Heller.............................. (815) 842-1128
720 S. Deerfield Rd., Box 467
Pontiac, IL 61764 www.hellerstores.com
Heritage Cadillac, Inc.
William J. Hartigan.................. (630) 629-3300
303 West Roosevelt Road
Lombard, IL 60148
Hicks Motor Sales, Inc.
Charles Hicks............................(888) 878-4619
Hwy 115 & 54
Roberts, IL 60962
Highland Park Ford Lincoln
Martin Price.............................. (847) 433-7200
1333 Park Ave. West
Highland Park, IL 60035
Hiland Toyota Scion
Derek Carr................................. (309) 764-2481
5500 45th Avenue Dr.
Moline, IL 61265
Holzhauer’s Auto & Motorsports Group
Brad Holzhauer......................... (618) 327-8264
17933 Holzhauer Automall Dr.
Nashville, IL 62263
Home Office,
Gordon Walker......................... (219) 864-9483
1100 Tryall Ln
Dyer, IN 46311
Honda BMW of Champaign
Mr. David Cartwright..............(217) 356-0303
100 Burwash Avenue., P.O. Box 719
Savoy, IL 61874-0743
Honda City
Laurie Quindel......................... (773) 582-5000
4950 South Pulaski Road
Chicago, IL 60632
Honda of Illinois
Susan Langheim........................(217) 547-0750
2500 Prairie Crossing Dr.
Springfield, IL 62711
Honda of Joliet
Horst/Rick Korallus.................... (815) 439-2222
3225 Plainfield Road, Joliet, IL 60435
Honda on Grand
Michael Perrin......................... (630) 833-7700
300 W. Grand Ave.
Elmhurst, IL 60126
Hosick Motors, Inc.
Bryan Hosick............................. (618) 283-2424
1213 North Sunset Drive
Vandalia, IL 62471
Hoskins Chevrolet, Inc.
Lee Hoskins............................... (847) 439-0900
175 North Arlington Heights Road
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Howard Auto Group
Steven Zazove...........................(630) 832-9500
364 West Grand Avenue
Elmhurst, IL 60126
Howard Orloff Imports, Inc.
David Orloff..............................(773) 227-3200
1924 North Paulina Street
Chicago, IL 60622
Hyundai on Perryville
Isringhausen Imports
Mr. Geoff Isringhausen........... (217) 528-2042
P.O. Box 1028
Springfield, IL 62705
J & K Mitchell, Inc.
Jeff Mitchell................................(217) 932-2166
308 North Central
Casey, IL 62420
J P Chevrolet Geo Nissan Co.
Joseph Leydon.........................(815) 223-7000
3675 Frontage Road
Peru, IL 61354
J. Wilderman Autoplex
James Wilderman..................... (618) 262-5161
1422 West Ninth
Mount Carmel, IL 62863-2907
J.C. Carey Motors, Inc.
J.C. Carey.................................. (815) 273-2296
800 Viaduct Road
Savanna, IL 61074
J.D. Byrider of Chicago, Inc.
Joe Ghaben.............................(708) 422-9100
9150 S. Harlem Ave.
Bridgeview, IL 60455
Jack Phelan Chevrolet, Inc.
John C. Phelan........................ (708) 442-4000
4000 S. Harlem
Lyons, IL 60534
Jack Phelan Dodge Isuzu Suzuki
John Phelan..............................(708) 484-1200
5859 South LaGrange
Countryside, IL 60525
Dave Kieffer............................. (866) 634-5638
343 N. Perryville Rd., P.O Box 10289
Loves Park, IL 61131
Jack Schmitt Cadillac-Olds
Illinois Nissan Subaru
Jack Schmitt Chevrolet - O’Fallon
Illinois Automobile Dealers Association
Jack Schmitt Chevy - Wood River
Charles Shephard.....................(217) 352-8910
1404 N. Dunlap St.
Savoy, IL 61874
Pete Sander..............................(217) 753-0220
300 W. Edwards St.
Springfield, IL 62704
Illinois Truck Centre, Inc.
Sharon Schmitt.........................(847) 437-8900
700 Devon Avenue
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Imperial Motors Jaguar Of Lake Bluff
Jordan Aron..............................(847) 615-0606
150 Skokie Hwy.
Lake Bluff, IL 60044
International Imports
Francis Mauro.......................... (708) 342-0400
8031 W. 159th St.
Tinley Park, IL 60477
Iron Ford
Ed Martin...................................(618) 443-5351
311 South St. Louis
Sparta, IL 62286
Tom Gerke................................. (618) 632-1000
915 West Highway 50
O Fallon, IL 62269
Jack Schmitt............................. (618) 628-2500
127 Regency Park Dr.
O Fallon, IL 62269-1869
Jack Schmitt............................. (618) 259-4900
1401 Vaughn Road
Wood River, IL 62095
Jack Schmitt Ford Linc-Merc
Jack Schmitt............................. (618) 344-5105
1820 Vandalia St
Collinsville, IL 62234-4853
Jack Wolf Pont Cadillac GMC C-J
Jack Wolf...................................(815) 544-3406
1855 North State Street, P.O. Box 560
Belvidere, IL 61008
Jackson Auto Sales, Inc.
Brian Landsverk........................ (847) 244-4411
712 South Green Bay Road
Waukegan, IL 60085
Jackson Family of Dealerships
K.C. Summers Nissan Mazda
Jackson Ford
Matthew Jackson.....................(217) 877-5441
455 East Pershing Rd.
Decatur, IL 62526
Karl Knauz Motors
William Madden..................... (847) 283-8256
407 Skokie Valley Highway
Lake Bluff, IL 60044
Jacksonville Chrysler Dodge Jeep
Kelly Nissan
Mark Jackson........................... (217) 728-4366
1320 West Jackson
Sullivan, IL 61951
Keith Summers.......................... (217) 235-4136
2404 Lakeland Blvd., P.O. Box 831
Mattoon, IL 61938
Ken Kollath................................(708) 499-1000
4300 West 95th Street
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
Gary Jarvis................................ (217) 243-3371
1600 W. Morton Ave
Jacksonville, IL 62650
Jaguar Land Rover Of Peoria
Phil Lindquist.............................(309) 690-6100
7300 N. Allen Rd., POB 8178
East Peoria, IL 61611
Jansen Chevrolet Company
Michael A. Jansen....................(618) 523-8211
116 Munster, P.O. Box 275
Germantown, IL 62245
Jeff Perry Buick Cadillac GMC
Jeff Perry....................................(815) 223-0034
Route 251 North, P.O. Box 486
Peru, IL 61354
Jennings Beardstown, Inc.
Jeff Jennings............................. (217) 323-2322
61 Plaza Dr.
Beardstown, IL 62618
Jennings Chevrolet Volkswagen
James R. Jennings...................(847) 832-2699
241 Waukegan Road
Glenview, IL 60025
Jerry Haggerty Chevrolet
Jerry Haggerty.........................(630) 469-8100
300 West Roosevelt Road
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Jersey County Motor Company
John Ritter..................................(618) 498-2143
Highway 267 South, Box 278
Jerseyville, IL 62052
Jerseyville Motor Company, Inc.
David Dwyer..............................(618) 498-2139
1205 South State, P.O. Box 339
Jerseyville, IL 62052
Jim Hayes, Inc.
James L. Hayes.......................... (618) 252-8611
2130 US 45 North, P.O. Box 365
Harrisburg, IL 62946
Jim Xamis Ford Lincoln, Inc.
Jim Xamis.....................................(217) 732-2111
2301 Woodlawn Road
Lincoln, IL 62656
Joe Cotton Ford, Inc.
Paul Cotton.............................. (630) 682-9200
175 West North Avenue
Carol Stream, IL 60188
Joe Rizza Ford Of Orland Park
Ken Nelson Auto Group
JX Enterprises, Inc.
Ken Nelson Chrysler Toyota
Joseph Rizza.............................(708) 364-2325
8100 West 159th
Orland Park, IL 60462
Rick Curia..................................(815) 288-4455
1100 North Galena Avenue
Dixon, IL 61021
Dawn Girty................................ (262) 513-6451
820 Silvernail Rd. Ste. B
Pewaukee, WI 53072
Rick Curia.................................. (815) 284-6944
1000 North Galena Ave
Dixon, IL 61021
JX Enterprises, Inc.
Key Automall
Mark Muskevitsch.................... (262) 513-5066
P.O. Box 196
Waukesha, WI 53187-0196
JX Peterbilt - Bloomington
Scott Shaffer............................ (800) 322-0421
607 Truckers Lane
Bloomington, IL 61701
JX Peterbilt - Bolingbrook
Cary Gallien.............................(866) 441-3406
535 E. Frontage Rd. South
Bolingbrook, IL 60440
JX Peterbilt - Rockford
Brad Adams..............................(888) 336-7753
4260 Linden Rd
Rockford, IL 61109
JX Peterbilt - Wadsworth
Cindy Campbell..................... (800) 243-7383
42400 Old Highway 41
Wadsworth, IL 60083-9485
K & J Chevrolet, Inc.
Tony Jansen............................... (618) 594-3113
3051 Franklin Street
Carlyle, IL 62231
K & S Ford
David E. Tredennick..................(815) 692-2016
103 North Seventh Street
Fairbury, IL 61739
K.C. Summers Buick Toyota
Keith Summers..........................(217) 234-8863
117 South 19th Street, P.O. Box 769
Mattoon, IL 61938
Dan Kehoe................................(309) 764-5681
3700 16th Street
Moline, IL 61265
Key Used Cars
Tom DuFore...............................(815) 653-4800
5406 Austin Ct
Ringwood, IL 60072
Kia Of Bradley
Tony Blake................................. (815) 932-1000
1010 Tighe Dr.
Bourbonnais, IL 60914
Knauz Motor Sales
William Madden..................... (847) 283-8256
775 Rockland Rd
Lake Bluff, IL 60044
Koetting Ford, Inc.
Gerald R. Koetting...................(618) 452-5400
3465 Progress Parkway
Granite City, IL 62040
Kuhle Ford, Inc.
Don Kuhle...................................(217) 226-3217
309 North Business 51
Assumption, IL 62510
Kunes’ Country Auto Group
Gregg Kunes..............................(815) 244-2121
762 W. Commercial Ave.
Mount Carroll, IL 61053
Kunes Country Ford Lincoln
Gregg Kunes.............................(847) 395-3900
104 W. IL Route 173
Antioch, IL 60002
LaBeau Brothers
Wayne Hove............................. (815) 933-5519
P.O. Box 246, 295 N. Harrison
Kankakee, IL 60901
Lake Co. Truck Sales & Service
Stephen Anderson...................(847) 244-2990
510 Old Skokie Road
Waukegan, IL 60085
Lake Forest Sportscars, Ltd.
Rick Mancuso.......................... (847) 295-6560
990 Northshore Dr.
Lake Bluff, IL 60044
Lakeside International, LLC
William W. Reilley Jr..................(414) 353-4800
11000 W. Silver Spring Dr
Milwaukee, WI 53225
Land Rover Winnetka
Garry Redig............................. (847) 446-6665
80 Green Bay Rd.
Winnetka, IL 60093
Landmark Cadillac
Sean Grant................................(217) 793-6050
2360 Prairie Crossing Dr.
Springfield, IL 62711
Landmark Chrysler Jeep
Sean Grant................................ (217) 862-5300
2331 Prairie Crossing Dr.
Box 13253
Springfield, IL 62711
Landmark Ford, Inc.
Sean Grant................................ (217) 862-5200
2401 Prairie Crossing Dr., Box 13254
Springfield, IL 62711
Landmark Of Taylorville, Inc.
Larry Roesch Chrysler-Jeep
Libertyville Toyota
Larry Roesch Family Automotive
Lighthouse Buick GMC, Inc.
Dan Roesch.............................(630) 834-8000
200 West Grand Avenue
Elmhurst, IL 60126
Michael Parilla..........................(630) 860-3100
303 West Grand Ave.
Bensenville, IL 60106
Larry Roesch Volkswagen Of Bensenville
Jeannine Roesch....................(630) 860-0400
313 West Grand Ave.
Bensenville, IL 60106
Laura Buick-GMC, Inc
Jack Anderson......................... (618) 344-0121
903 North Bluff Road
Collinsville, IL 62234
Leach-Wilson Chevrolet Buick
William F. Leach........................(217) 774-3975
145 West Main Street
Shelbyville, IL 62565
Leman’s Chevy City
Tim Leman................................. (309) 663-4311
1602 Morrissey Dr.
Bloomington, IL 61704-7151
LeMonds Chevrolet Chrysler Center
Randy LeMond......................... (618) 842-4995
412 E. Main Street
Fairfield, IL 62837
Judy Vincent............................. (217) 824-2255
1531 W. Springfield Rd.
Taylorville, IL 62568
Lexus of Highland Park
Landrover - Hoffman Estates
Lexus of Naperville
Mick Austin................................(847) 252-7800
1051 W. Higgins
Hoffman Estates, IL 60195
Landrover Hinsdale
John Suess.................................(630) 325-9955
300 E. Ogden Ave
Hinsdale, IL 60521
Ray Nusinow.............................(847) 432-1900
3040 Skokie Valley Road
Highland Park, IL 60035
Dan Wolf.....................................(630) 717-1578
2480 Aurora Ave.
Naperville, IL 60540
Lexus of Orland
Eugene Kowalis........................(708) 614-8700
8300 West 159th Street
Orland Park, IL 60462
Liberty Auto City
Joe Massarelli...........................(847) 362-2683
1000 East Park Ave
Libertyville, IL 60048
Libertyville Chevrolet
Bob Navarre............................. (847) 362-1500
1180 South Milwaukee Avenue
Libertyville, IL 60048
Jeff Grimm.................................(309) 266-1919
100 W. Jackson
Morton, IL 61550
Lincoln Trail Ford
J. Davidson................................ (217) 826-2346
1500 North Michigan, P.O. Box 259
Marshall, IL 62441
Lincoln’s Chrysler Dodge Jeep, Inc.
Coy Hutchcraft.......................... (217) 732-1661
103 Taylor Court
Lincoln, IL 62656
Lindsay-Harkness Chevy
Pete Harkness............................ (815) 772-2171
2811 Locust St.
Sterling, IL 61081-1229
Linwood Motor Company
Lindell Eickholz..........................(618) 524-2621
1634 East 5th Street
Metropolis, IL 62960
Lisle Auto Plaza
Horst Korallus.............................(630) 852-7200
4475 Lincoln Avenue, P.O. Box 550
Lisle, IL 60532-1213
Little Jesse Motor Company
Mary E. Griffin........................... (217) 223-5950
3421 Maine
Quincy, IL 62301
Loeber Motors, Inc.
Michael Loeber........................(847) 675-1000
4255 W. Touhy Ave.
Lincolnwood, IL 60712
Lombard Toyota
Ron Postma...............................(630) 629-3900
725 West Roosevelt Road
Lombard, IL 60148
Lombardi Chevrolet Buick
Jim Lombardi.............................(815) 476-2826
901 E. Baltimore St., P.O. Box 248
Wilmington, IL 60481
Loren Hyundai
James Spellman..........(847) 362-1400 1001 S.
Milwaukee Ave.
Libertyville, IL 60048
Dennis Doerge.........................(847) 729-8900
1610 Waukegan Road
Glenview, IL 60025
Libertyville Lincoln Sales, Inc.
Lou Bachrodt Auto Mall
Libertyville Mitsubishi
Louis Ochs Chevrolet Buick
Daniel Marks..............................(847) 367-1700
941 South Milwaukee Avenue
Libertyville, IL 60048
Bob Rohrman............................(847) 816-6660
1119 S. Milwaukee Ave
Libertyville, IL 60048
Patrick Bachrodt......................(815) 332-3000
7070 Cherryvale North Blvd.,Box 5647
Rockford, IL 61112-1002
Louis Ochs................................. (618) 783-2362
806 South Van Buren, P.O. Box 397
Newton, IL 62448
LTD Ford Lincoln
Max Madsen Mitsubishi Aurora
Lynn Chevrolet Buick, Inc.
Mayse Automotive Group, Inc.
Len Taylor.................................. (618) 532-4733
848 E. Noleman, P.O. Box 724
Centralia, IL 62801
Scott A. Grove......................... (630) 898-6000
3990 Ogden Ave.
Aurora, IL 60504
John DiNardi.............................(815) 842-3344
601 S. Newport Rd., P.O. Box 648
Pontiac, IL 61764
Selden Mayse............................(417) 648-2118
P.O. Box 259
Aurora, MO 65605
Mangold Ford, Inc.
McCarthy Ford, Inc.
Manley Motor Sales Company
McClane Motor Sales
Mike Mangold..........................(309) 467-2344
1100 West Center Street, P.O. Box 185
Eureka, IL 61530
Kevin Keesee............................ (815) 544-2138
621 South State Street
Belvidere IL 61008
Manteno Ford
Ed Brooks...................................(815) 468-6566
222 South Locust, P.O. Box 404
Manteno, IL 60950
Marino Chrysler Jeep
Greg Marino.............................(773) 777-2000
5133 West Irving Park Road
Chicago, IL 60641
Marion Chevrolet Cadillac
John Lefevour...........................(773) 239-7900
11400 South Pulaski Ave.
Chicago, IL 60655
Klare S. Sunderland................(708) 460-0400
8430 West 159th Street
Orland Park, IL, 60462
McGinley, Inc.
Craig Falkenthal...................... (630) 485-2300
225 N. Randall Rd.
Saint Charles, IL 60174
Mr. T.A. McGinley..................... (618) 654-2277
P.O. Box 278
Highland, IL 62249
McGrath Acura of Downtown
McGrath................................... (773) 342-6300
1301 N. Elston, Chicago, IL 60642
McGrath Acura Of Westmont
David Arnold............................. (618) 997-1313
2604 W. DeYoung St.
Marion,IL 62959
Mike McGrath......................... (630) 323-8200
400 E. Ogden Ave.
Westmont, IL 60559
Marion Ford, Inc.
McGrath Acura-Audi
Mike Absher............................... (618) 993-2161
1910 West Coolidge Avenue
Marion, IL 62959
Marion Toyota Mitsubishi Scion Subaru
Jeff Mayer..................................(618) 997-5692
Route 13 Box 1028
Marion, IL 62959
Marquardt Buick GMC
Kurt Marquardt......................... (847) 381-2100
1421 South Barrington Road
P.O. Box 4086
Barrington, IL 60011-4086
Marshall Buick/GMC
Kimberly S. Marshall................ (618) 498-6868
902 S. State Street
Jerseyville, IL 62052
Marshall Chevrolet Company
Jay Rueter.................................. (217) 742-3123
9 Cross Street
Winchester, IL 62694
Max Dye, Inc.
Max / Mike K. Dye....................(618) 548-2343
1501 West Main St., P.O. Box 310
Salem, IL 62881
Max Madsen Mitsubishi
Scott Grove.............................. (630) 960-5040
2424 Ogden Avenue
Downers Grove, IL 60515
Mercedes Benz of Orland Park
Mr. Max/Kevin Short................ (618) 783-2372
702 E. Jourdan St., P.O. Box Box 378
Newton, IL 62448
Gary McGrath......................... (847) 998-8000
9105 Waukegan Rd.
Morton Grove, IL 60053
McGrath City Honda Hyundai
Kevin McGrath........................ (773) 889-3030
6750 West Grand Avenue
Chicago, IL 60707
McGrath Honda
Gary McGrath......................... (847) 695-8000
2020 N. Randall Rd., Elgin, IL60123
McGrath Honda Of St. Charles
Gary McGrath.........................(630) 443-6400
1411 E. Main St., Saint Charles, IL 60174
McGrath Nissan, Inc.
Scott McGrath..........................(847) 695-6700
945 E. Chicago Street
Elgin, IL 60120
McLaughlin Motors, Inc.
Peter McLaughlin.....................(309) 797-5654
P.O. Box 717
Moline, IL 61265
Meier Chevrolet Buick
Mike Meier..................................(618) 327-8251
477 E. Saint Louis St.
Nashville, IL 62263-1705
Mercedes Benz of Naperville
Taso Theodorou, Sr.................. (630) 305-4560
1569 West Ogden Avenue
Naperville, IL 60540
Mercedes Benz Of St. Charles
Mercedes Benz Of Westmont
Mike Tegge...............................(630) 654-8100
200 East Ogden
Westmont, IL 60559
Mertz Motor Company
Don Mertz...................................(618) 476-3051
4 East Washington
Millstadt, IL 62260
Metro Ford Sales & Service
Patrick Milligan......................... (773) 776-7600
6455 S. Western Ave.
Chicago, IL 60636
Meyer Honda
Charles Meyer.......................... (618) 622-0588
1268 Central Park Dr.
O Fallon, IL 62269
Mid City Nissan
Michael Berman...................... (773) 561-6700
4444 Irving Park Road
Chicago, IL 60641-2807
Midtown Toyota
Phillip H. Resnick...................... (773) 622-6300
2700 North Cicero Avenue
Chicago, IL 60639
Midway Dodge, Inc.
A.J. Weber.................................(773) 376-8060
4747 South Pulaski
Chicago, IL 60632
Midwest Transit Equipment, Inc.
Barry C. Huebner......................(815) 933-2412
146 W. Issert Dr., P.O. Box 582
Kankakee, IL 60901
Mike Miller Mitsubishi Kia Hyundai
Mike Miller................................. (309) 693-1222
2007 West Pioneer Parkway
Peoria, IL 61615-1827
Mike Murphy Ford, Inc.
Napleton River Oaks Honda
Ed Napleton............................. (708) 868-6500
17220 S. Torrence Ave.
Lansing, IL 60438
Robert Rohrman......................(630) 789-9600
550 East Odgen Ave.
Westmont, IL 60559
Miles Chevolet, Inc.
Napleton Westmont Porsche
Jim Turner................................... (217) 367-1233
1111 O’Brien Dr.
Urbana, IL 61802
Mills Chevrolet Company
Napleton’s Des Plaines C-J-D
Michael T. Murphy................... (309) 263-2311
565 West Jackson Street, Box 967
Morton, IL 61550
Pat Dawson............................... (217) 877-4440
150 West Pershing Road, Box 3160
Decatur, IL 62524-3160
David Mills..................................(309) 797-1241
1610 39th Avenue
Moline, IL 61265
Monken Buick GMC
Kim McMillan.............................(618) 532-6719
515 North Poplar
Centralia, IL 62801
Monken Dodge Chrysler Jeep Nissan
Wes Monken............................. (618) 545-5100
1739 West McCord
Centralia, IL 62801
Morrice & Heyse Motors Inc.
Mr. Robert F. Heyse..................(847) 381-0250
220 West Northwest Highway
Barrington, IL 60010
Motor Werks Infiniti Of Hoffman Estates
Paul Tamraz............................... (888) 801-4121
1075 W. Golf Rd.
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169
Muller Cars
Glenn Muller............................. (847) 831-4100
150 Skokie Valley Rd.
Highland Park, IL 60035
Muller Honda
Michael Muller..........................(847) 831-4200
550 Skokie Valley Rd.
Highland Park, IL 60035
Muller’s Woodfield Acura
Michael Muller.......................... (847) 519-9550
1099 West Higgins Rd.
Hoffman Estates, IL 60195
Mungenast Alton Toyota Scion
Kurt Mungenast........................(618) 208-2400
850 Homer Adams Parkway
Alton, IL 62002
Napleton Auto Werks
William F. Napleton..................(815) 636-6600
6600 E. Riverside Blvd.
Loves Park, IL 61111-4426
Napleton Ford Libertyville
William Napleton.....................(847) 362-4550
1010 South Milwaukee Ave.
Libertyville,IL 60048
Napleton Park Ridge Lincoln
Bill Napleton..............................(847) 825-0770
826 Touhy Ave.
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Ed Napleton.............................. (630) 725-0911
201 E. Ogden Ave.
Westmont, IL 60559
Napleton ................................. (847) 298-0900
77 Rand Rd., Des Plaines, IL 60016
Napleton’s Hyundai
Napleton.................................. (708) 868-6500
1985 River Oaks Dr.
Calumet City, IL 60409
Napletons Northwestern C-J-D
Steve Napleton........................ (773) 334-3400
5950 N. Western Avenue
Chicago, IL 60659-5004
Napleton’s Schaumburg Buick GMC
Oakbrook Toyota in Westmont
O’Brien Auto Park Of Urbana
O’Brien Mitsubishi
Ryan Gremore..........................(309) 454-1222
1601 Fort Jesse Rd.
Normal, IL 61761
Ogden Auto Group
Marc Iozzo................................ (630) 968-5600
50 West Ogden Avenue
Westmont, IL 60559
O’Hare Honda, Hyundai
Kevin Mize..................................(847) 297-5700
1509 River Rd.
Des Plaines, IL 60018
Chuck Weck.............................(847) 884-1300
100 West Golf Road
Schaumburg, IL 60195-3604
Napletons Schaumburg Subaru
Stephen Napleton.................. (847) 882-5050
911 W. Higgins Rd.
Schaumburg, IL 60195
Nikles of Petersburg, Inc.
Brad Nikles................................. (217) 632-9999
300 South 6th St.
Petersburg, IL 62675
Nissan Of South Holland
Thomas Sappenfield.............. (708) 333-2000
16269 Van Dam Rd.
South Holland, IL 60473
Nissan Of St. Charles
Fred Vargason......................... (630) 584-3900
2535 East Main Street
Saint Charles, IL 60174
Northbrook Toyota
Michael Rosengarden............(847) 272-7900
1530 Frontage Rd.
Northbrook, IL 60062
Northside Ford Linc
Mark Mayhood........................ (217) 342-3929
P. O. Box 6007
1312 N. Keller Dr.
Effingham, IL 62401
Northwest Trucks, Inc.
Richard A. Kassulat..................(847) 991-0900
2120 Rand Rd.
Palatine, IL 60074
Oak Lawn Toyota Co
R.A. Colosimo.......................... (708) 423-5200
4320 West 95th St.
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
Oliver C. Joseph, Inc.
Brad Joseph.............................. (618) 233-8140
3795 West State Route 15
Belleville, IL 62226
Orland Park Nissan
Charles C. Piano, Jr.................(708) 403-1300
8550 West 159th St.
Orland Park, IL 60462
Orland Toyota, Inc.
Jeff Kowalis................................(708) 429-3900
8505 West 159th
Tinley Park, IL 60477
Packey Webb Ford -Downers Grove
Greg Webb...............................(630) 324-7430
2150 West Ogden Avenue
Downers Grove, IL 60515
Patrick Cadillac Company
Pete Harkness Ford Lincoln
Prescott Brothers Ford, Inc.
Patrick European, LLC
Petersen Chevrolet-Buick, Inc.
Prescott Brothers, Inc.
Hanley Dawson, III.................. (847) 605-4000
526 Mall Dr.
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Pete Harkness...........................(815) 625-6300
2811 North Locust Street
Sterling, IL 61081
Hanley Dawson....................... (847) 605-4000
700 E. Golf Rd.
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Mike Petersen............................(815) 692-2341
1006 W. Oak, Fairbury, IL 61739
Patrick Hyundai
Mike Petersen........................... (217) 784-5134
324 West First Street
Gibson City, IL 60936
Hanley Dawson........................ (847) 519-9600
1020 East Golf Road
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Pauly Acura
Tom Pauly................................. (847) 433-8200
2699 Skokie Valley Rd
Highland Park, IL 60035
Petersen Chry Dodge Jeep
Phillips Chevrolet of Lansing
Curtis Pascarella...................... (708) 474-4990
17730 South Torrence Ave.
Lansing, IL 60438
Phillips Chevrolet, Inc.
Pearl Chrysler Dodge Jeep, Inc.
Mike Tierney..............................(708) 258-1700
701 S. Governors Highway
Peotone, IL 60468
Peoria Toyota Scion Lexus
Mike Udell, Jr.............................(309) 693-7000
7401 N. Allen Rd.
Peoria, IL 61614
Perillo BMW & Saab
Joe Perillo.................................. (312) 981-5200
1035 N. Clark St.
Chicago, IL 60610-2809
Pete Harkness Chrysler, Dodge,
Pete Harkness........................... (815) 625-2290
2811 Locust St.
Sterling, IL 61081
Quality Buick GMC Cadillac
David M. Stevenson................. (618) 465-8881
1602 Homer Adams Parkway
Alton, IL 62002
Ray Buick, Inc.
Piemonte Chevrolet, Inc....... (847) 426-2000
770 Dundee Ave., P.O. Box 69
East Dundee, IL 60118
Ray Chevrolet Geo Sales, Inc.
Planet Honda
Mike Pauly................................. (815) 459-7100
1035 S. Route 31
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
Dominic Pugliani........................630-964-9500
2020 Ogden Ave., Downers Grove, IL 60515.
Piehl Buick GMC Cadillac
Dan Pilson.................................. (217) 345-3673
1505 S. 18th St.
Charleston, IL 61920
Pauly Toyota
Pugi Hyundai Mazda Volkswagon
R & R Country Motors Inc
Pilson’s Of Charleston
Tom Pauly................................. (847) 362-4300
1111 South Milwaukee Ave.
Libertyville, IL 60048
Thomas K. Prescott................... (815) 539-9388
614 13th Ave., P.O. Box 708
Mendota, IL 61342
Curtis Pascarella...................... (815) 469-2323
9700 West Lincoln Highway
Frankfort, IL 60423
Greg Piehl..................................(309) 944-5353
1000 W. Main St.
Geneseo, IL 61254
Pauly Motors, Inc.
Tom Prescott..............................(815) 562-2177
620 South 7th St., PO Box 239
Rochelle, IL 61068
Brad Postma..............................(708) 720-2700
5505 Auto Court
Matteson, IL 60443
Planet Toyota
Ronald Postma........................ (708) 720-8600
5540 Auto Court
Matteson, IL 60443
Poage Auto Plaza, Inc.
Aaron Poage............................(217) 222-8900
4300 Broadway
Quincy, IL 62305
Poage Cadillac Buick GMC Inc.
Dean Poage.............................. (217) 875-2110
1500 Koester Dr., P.O. Box 110
Forsyth, IL 62535-0110
Poland Sales & Service
Gary Poland..............................(217) 342-9781
712 East Fayette
Box 39, Effingham,IL 62401
Porsche Exchange
Ernie D. Semersky.....................(847) 266-7000
2300 Skokie Valley Rd.
Highland Park, IL 60035
Pozzo Illinois, Inc.
Judson Salmon........................ (708) 755-8500
94 East Sauk Trail
So. Chicago Heights, IL 60411
Jon Bebo...................................(708) 946-2309
300 Dixie Hwy, P.O.Box 755
Beecher, IL 60401-0755
Ray Gieselmann....................... (773) 767-8530
5011 West 63rd Street
Chicago, IL 60638
Ray Scarpelli, Jr........................(847) 587-3300
39 North Route 12
Fox Lake, IL 60020
Ray Dennison Chevrolet, Inc.
Ray Dennison............................ (309) 347-3101
2320 North 8th Street
Pekin, IL 61554
Raymond Chevrolet
Mark Scarpelli.......................... (847) 395-3600
118 Route 173, Antioch, IL 60002
Rebbec Motor Company
Martin Rebbec.........................(309) 527-2580
101 East Front Street
El Paso, IL 61738
Reichert Chev Buick
John Reichert........................... (815) 338-2780
2145 South Eastwood Drive, Box 71
Woodstock, IL 60098-0071
Reno Guthrie Chevrolet
Jon Guthrie...............................(618) 588-3548
501 West Hanover St.
New Baden, IL 62265
Reynolds Motor Company
Scott Reynolds..........................(309) 792-9530
1900 Avenue Of the Cities
East Moline, IL 61244
Rice Motor Company
Scott / Todd Rice.......................(618) 382-4126
1306 West Main Street
Carmi, IL 62821
Rick Ridings Ford, Inc.
Roland Rich Ford
Sam Leman Chrysler Dodge Jeep
Riess Ford Sales
Ron Hopkins Ford, Inc.
Sam Leman Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep-Mazda
River Front Chrysler Jeep Dodge
Ron Tirapelli Ford, Inc.
Sam Leman, Inc.
River View Ford, Inc.
Ron Ward Chevrolet
Sam Leman’s Dodge City
Riverside Chevrolet Inc.
Ron Westphal Chevrolet, Inc.
Sawicki Motor Sales, Inc.
Mr. Rick Ridings.......................... (217) 762-2521
1817 North Old Route 47, P.O. Box 530
Monticello,IL 61856
Jim Dunning...............................(618) 295-3721
768 State Rt. 13, P.O. Box 109
Marissa, IL 62257
William McSkimming............... (630) 907-1700
200 Hansen Road
North Aurora, IL 60542
John Hennessy.........................(630) 897-8900
2200 US Hwy. 30
Oswego, IL 60543
Roland Rich...............................(309) 244-8249
Route 122 East
Delavan, IL 61734
Ronald Hopkins.........................(847) 741-7500
1045 E. Chicago Street
Elgin, IL 60120
Ronald Tirapelli.........................(815) 725-3033
4355 West Jefferson Street
Shorewood, IL 60404
Ronald L. Ward..........................(618) 988-1667
621 North Park Avenue
Herrin, IL 62948
Mike Miller..................................(309) 274-2181
200 Plaza Drive, P.O. Box 297
Chillicothe, IL 61523
Ron Westphal............................(630) 898-9630
1425 West Ogden Avenue
Aurora, IL 60503-9326
Roanoke Motor Company, Inc.
Rosen Mazda Lake Villa
Dennis Rocke............................ (309) 923-7171
1313 W. Front St.
Roanoke, IL 61561
Saul Rosen.................................(847) 265-2700
855 E Grand Ave.
Lake Villa, IL 60046
Rosen Motor Sales, Inc.
Mike Wilbern..............................(217) 753-1977
1900 S. 6th St.
Springfield, IL 62703
Saul Rosen.................................(847) 662-2400
100 North Green Bay Road
Waukegan, IL 60085
Roberts Motors, Inc.
Rosen Motors, Inc.
Roberts Automotive
Sam Roberts.............................. (618) 466-7220
4350 Alby Street
Alton, IL 62002
Rock Chevrolet
Gail Vitols.................................. (847) 223-8651
1000 E. Belvidere Rd.
Grayslake, IL 60030
Rockenbach Chevrolet Sales
Doug Rockenbach................. (847) 223-8651
P.O. Box 309
Grayslake, IL 60030
Rod Baker Ford Sales, Inc.
Rick F. Baker, III.......................... (815) 436-5681
23210 Lincoln Highway, P.O. Box 314
Plainfield, IL 60544-0314
Roesch Ford
Dan Roesch............................. (630) 279-6000
333 West Grand Avenue
Bensenville, IL 60106
Roger Jennings, Inc.
Kelly Ondrey.............................. (217) 532-3200
1617 Vandalia Road
Hillsboro, IL 62049
Rogers Auto Group
Monty Scher..............................(312) 225-4300
2720 South Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60616
Saul Rosen................................ (847) 856-8440
7000 Grand Ave.
Gurnee, IL 60031
Royal Gate Dodge Jeep Chrysler
Bob Kelly.................................... (618) 281-3000
500 Admiral Weinel Blvd.
Columbia, IL 62236
Rub Ford, Inc.
Ray Rub.......................................(815) 237-2901
219 Liberty Street
Gardner, IL 60424
Runde Chevrolet, Inc.
Tim Runde................................... (815) 747-3011
Highway 35 North, P.O. Box 19
East Dubuque, IL 61025
Rush Truck Center of IL, Inc.
Ben Leman................................(309) 263-2345
161 Detroit Avenue
Morton, IL 61550
Tim Leman................................ (309) 662-5000
1602 Commerce Parkway
Bloomington, IL 61704
Rich Bertschi............................... 309-467-2351
1040 West Center, P.O. Box 227
Eureka, IL 61530
Ben Leman................................ (309) 692-1801
1801 West Pioneer Parkway
Peoria, IL 61615-1948
Dan Sawicki...............................(815) 232-5141
700 East South Street,
Freeport, IL 61032
Sawicki Motors
Dan Sawicki.............................. (815) 562-8787
POB 458, Rochelle, IL 61068
Schaumburg Audi
Marc Bernat............................. (847) 843-9900
320 West Golf Road
Schaumburg, IL 60195
Schaumburg Honda Automobiles
Bob Rohrman........................... (847) 884-6632
750 East Golf Road
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Schaumburg Mitsubishi
Joe Mitchell.............................(847) 843-0400
660 E. Golf Rd.
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Schaumburg Toyota, Inc.
Lynn Bowman...........................(847) 882-1800
875 W. Golf Rd.
Schaumburg, IL 60195-2000
Schimmer Buick Chevy, Inc.
Jeff Schimmer........................... (815) 539-9343
Route 251 South, P.O. Box 80
Mendota, IL 61342
Schimmer Ford Linc Hyundai
Jeff Schimmer...........................(815) 224-4500
911 Shooting Park Road
Peru, IL 61354
W.M. Rusty Rush....................... (830) 626-5200
P.O. Box 34630
San Antonio, TX 78265-4630
Schmidt Chevrolet Of Mt. Vernon
Russ BrauneckerCad-Buick-GMC
Schmidt Ford
Russ Braunecker....................... (217) 347-0505
2309 S. Banker, P.O. Box 682
Effingham, IL 62401
S & K Buick GMC, Inc.
Kevin Kallister............................ (217) 544-0771
1400 South Dirksen Parkway
Box 3067, Springfield, IL 62703
Jeff Schmidt...............................(618) 242-5100
3423 Broadway, P.O. Box 709
Mount Vernon, IL 62864
Roy Schmidt............................... (618) 548-1711
P.O. Box 340, Salem, IL 62881
Schuler Motors, Inc.
Mark Schuler.............................. (815) 772-2196
727 West Lincolnway
Morrison, IL 61270
Sexton Ford Sales, Inc.
Randy Pellegrini........................(309) 797-3911
3802 16th Street, P.O. Box 447
Moline, IL 61265
Sherman Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep
David Dickens..........................(847) 982-9500
7601 North Skokie Blvd.
Skokie, IL 60077-3001
Shields Auto Center
Rick Shields.................................(217) 892-2155
225 South Meyers
Rantoul, IL 61866
Shields Automart
Duane Shields............................(217) 379-2361
I 57 & Route 9
Paxton, IL 60957
Shottenkirk - Quincy, Inc.
Greg Shottenkirk......................(217) 228-6500
1537 N. 24th Street
Quincy, IL 62301
Shottenkirk IL, Inc.
St. Charles Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep
Al Piemonte...............................(630) 513-5353
1611 E. Main St.
Saint Charles, IL 60174
St. Clair Auto Mall
Svanda Chevrolet Buick GMC
Stallings Ford, Inc.
Talty Chevrolet Buick Cadillac
Don Stallings............................. (217) 548-2261
155 Main Street
Fithian, IL 61844
Star Ford Lincoln, Inc.
Star Nissan, Inc.
Michael Berman...................... (847) 647-1555
5757 Touhy Avenue
Niles, IL 60714
Dave Taylor............................... (815) 935-7900
1497 N. Route 50
Bourbonnais, IL 60914
Sterling Chevrolet, Inc.
Teffertillers Motors, Inc.
Jason Hachmeister.................. (815) 625-2700
1824 N. Locust, Sterling, IL 61081
Steve Schmitt - Brubaker, Inc.
South Chicago Dodge Chrysler Jeep
Richard Ruscitti......................... (773) 476-7800
7340 South Western Avenue
Chicago, IL 60636
South Oak Dodge Chrysler Jeep
Dennis Guest.............................(708) 747-7950
4540 Lincoln Hwy.
Matteson, IL 60443-2314
Speedway Auto Mall, Inc.
William Callas...........................(815) 636-0244
1590 W. Lane Rd.
Machesney Park, IL 61115
Spring Hill Ford
Randy Kalin...............................(847) 551-3300
800 Dundee Avenue
East Dundee, IL 60118
Spring Valley Ford, Inc.
Jeff Schimmer........................... (815) 664-4512
2 Joseph Ruva Drive
Spring Valley, IL 61362
Springfield Tractor Trailer Sales
Dennis Weakly...........................(217) 789-2673
3370 Singer Ave.
Springfield, IL 62703-2186
Kenneth Talty............................ (815) 942-0030
1850 North Division
Morris, IL 60450
Talty Chevy Buick Cadillac
Silverthorne Chevrolet, Inc.
Rick B. Thoroman......................(217) 436-2414
152 North Main
Palmyra, IL 62674
John Morgenthaler.................. (618) 443-2111
P.O. Box 277, Sparta, IL 62286
Jerry Centoni.............................(815) 672-3187
2310 North Bloomington
Streator, IL 61364
Steve Foley Cadillac, Inc.
Smoky Jennings Chevrolet, Inc.
Nathaniel K. Sutton................. (708) 720-8000
21315 Central Ave.
Matteson, IL 60443
Jamie Auffenberg, Jr.............. (618) 624-2277
105 Auto Court
O Fallon, IL 62269-1655
Bill Morton.................................. (217) 224-1500
5333 Broadway, P.O. Box 3155
Quincy, IL 62301
Scott Silverthorne..................... (618) 544-9506
111 North Franklin St.
Robinson, IL 62454-2030
Sutton Ford
Stephen X. Foley...................... (847) 564-4090
100 Skokie Blvd., Northbrook, IL 60062
Clyde Brubaker........................ (217) 324-3932
1 Galaxy Ln., Litchfield, IL 62056
Steve Schmitt, Inc.
Steve Schmitt.............................(618) 654-2181
12631 State Route 143
Highland, IL 62249
Steve Winkler Chevrolet
Steve Winkler............................ (217) 465-8521
15200 U.S. Hwy 150, Paris, IL 61944
Steve Winkler Chrysler, Inc.
Steve Winkler.............................(217) 465-7626
15200 Hwy. 150
Paris, IL 61944-2335
Rebecca Talty-Finn
Taylor Chrysler, Dodge/Jeep
Alan Teffertiller..........................(618) 643-2344
P.O. Box 249
Mc Leansboro, IL 62859
Terry’s Auto-Haus, Inc.
Terry W. Bentz............................(815) 434-0370
321 West Norris Avenue
Ottawa, IL 61350
Terry’s Ford
Terry Kunes............................... (708) 258-9200
363 North Harlem Avenue
Peotone, IL 60468
The Audi Exchange
Victor Gallegos....................... (847) 432-5020
2490 Skokie Valley Rd.
Highland Park, IL 60035
The Autobarn Motors Limited
Richard Fisher............................. 847-866-7600
1015 Chicago Ave.
Evanston, IL 60202
Tim Mooney Ford, Inc.
Gian C. Sud............................... (309) 454-1101
1430 Fort Jesse Road At Towanda
Normal, IL 61761
Tim Mooney..............................(217) 253-3353
Route 36, P.O. Box 137
Tuscola, IL 61953
Sullivan Parkhill Automotive, Inc.
Tom Peck Ford of Huntley, Inc.
Sud’s Motor Car Co., Inc.
David Parkhill............................ (217) 352-4275
440 West Anthony Drive
P.O. Box 440
Champaign, IL 61822-1249
Sunrise Chevrolet
Richard Garber, Jr...................(630) 942-8300
414 East North Avenue
Glendale Heights, IL 60139
Sunset Ford of Waterloo
Tom Heutel................................. (618) 939-6171
1425 N. Illinois Rte 3
P.O. Box 509
Waterloo, IL 62298
Tom Peck, Jr..............................(847) 669-6060
13900 Auto Mall Dr.
Huntley, IL 60142-0727
Tom’s Auto Warehouse, LLC
Thomas Schroeder................. (708) 388-9538
1910 W. 127th St.
Riverdale, IL 60827
Tormohlen’s Good People Automotive
Gordon Tormohlen.................. (815) 232-5543
1800 Ihm Blvd.
Freeport, IL 61032
Toyota of Naperville
Daniel Wolf................................ (630) 357-1578
1488 W. Ogden Avenue
Naperville, IL 60540
Toyota on Western
Brian Kroll................................... (773) 776-4016
6941 South Western Avenue
Chicago, IL 60636
Tri Ford, Inc.
Eric Rehkemper.........................(618) 654-2122
12610 State Route 143
Highland, IL 62249
Truck Centers, Inc - Mt. Vernon
Julie Klebba.............................. (618) 244-2545
621 S. 45th St.
Mount Vernon, IL 62864
Truck Centers, Inc. - Morton
Justin Hopkins...........................(309) 263-4240
300 E. Ashland St.
Morton, IL 61550
Truck Centers, Inc. - Springfield
Justin Hopkins............................(217) 525-1280
2981 E. Singer Ave.
Springfield, IL 62703
Truck Centers, Inc. Troy
John Hopkins............................ (618) 667-3454
2280 Formosa Road
Troy, IL 62294-3170
Turpin Motor, Inc.
Marion Turpin........................... (309) 944-6454
1024 South Chicago, P.O. Box 239
Geneseo, IL 61254
Tyler’s Jefferson Motors, Inc.
Mike Tyler................................... (618) 242-0334
I 57 & Route 15, POB 1770
Mount Vernon, IL 62864
Tyson Motor, LLC
Tony Blake..................................(815) 741-5530
One SW Frontage Rd
Shorewood, IL 60404
Uftring Automall
Gary Uftring..............................(309) 694-0700
500 Fairlane Drive, PO Box 8178
East Peoria, IL 61611
Uftring Chevrolet
Joe Knapp................................(309) 694-0700
1860 Washington Road, P.O. Box 267
Washington, IL 61571
Uftring Chrysler Dodge Jeep
Steve Porter...............................(309) 382-1222
3809 N. Main St., East Peoria, IL 61611-1450
Uftring Nissan
Joe Phillips.................................(309) 699-9380
P.O. Box 8178
East Peoria, IL 61611
United Auto Sales, Inc.
Craig S. Earl............................... (618) 449-2277
1221 N. Market St.
Sparta, IL 62286
Vaessen Brothers Chevrolet, Inc.
Cornelius J. Vaessen................ (815) 849-5232
505 N. Pennsylvania, P.O. Box 169
Sublette, IL 61367
Van Drunen Ford Company
Marvin Van Drunen................. (708) 798-1668
3233 West 183rd Street
Homewood, IL 60430-2601
Vans Auto Sales
Watseka Ford Linc, Inc.
David Bell...................................(815) 432-2418
100 North Jefferson St.
P.O. Box 406, Watseka, IL 60970
Watson Family Hyundai
Robert D. Watson.....................(708) 444-7100
8101 W. 159th Street
Tinley Park, IL 60477
Sue Endress................................(618) 568-1183
3465 Elkville Rd.
Vergennes, IL 62994
Wayne Woodrum, Inc.
Velde Cadillac Buick GMC, Inc.
Webb Chevrolet
Velde Ford Sales, Inc.
Weber Granite City Chevrolet
Velde Lincoln Volvo
Weeks Chev-GMC-Bu-Chrys-Dodge
Rory Griggs................................(309) 346-1181
2220 North 8th Street
Pekin, IL 61554
Tim Saurs..................................... (309) 347-3111
2200 North 8th Street
Pekin, IL 61554
Dale Hicks..................................(309) 692-9880
2200 West Pioneer Parkway
Peoria, IL 61615-1832
Vermilion Auto Corporation
Charles Shephard....................(217) 443-8333
1615 Georgetown Road
Tilton, IL 61833
Vic Koenig Chevrolet, Inc.
Vic Koenig................................. (618) 529-1000
1040 East Main
Carbondale, IL 62901
Victor Ford, Inc.
Wayne Woodrum.................... (309) 837-5757
3200 East Jackson Street Road
Macomb, IL 61455
Mike Webb................................(708) 423-9440
9440 South Cicero Avenue
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
Tony Riggio................................. (618) 451-7913
3499 Progress Parkway
Granite City, IL 62040
Greg Weeks...............................(618) 937-2446
10881 Ste Highway 149
P.O. Box 668
West Frankfort, IL 62896
Weil Cadillac-Hummer, Inc
Erwin Weil.................................. (847) 362-4100
1050 South Milwaukee Ave
Libertyville, IL 60048
Weir Chevrolet Buick GMC
Norman L. Roy.......................... (618) 282-2353
1107 South Main Street
Red Bud, IL 62278
Jeff Victor..................................(847) 526-6200
P.O. Box 339
Wauconda, IL 60084
Weir Ford, LLC
Victory Lane Ford
Westfield Ford
Norman L. Roy...........................(618) 282-2375
500 West Market
Red Bud, IL 62278
Gene Hebenstreit.................... (217) 324-3965
903 N. Old Route 66, P.O. Box 68
Litchfield, IL 62056
Sal Quatrochi........................... (708) 354-8600
6200 South La Grange Road
La Grange, IL 60525-4139
Volkswagen Of Orland Park
Joseph Hoobyar...................... (708) 428-5000
8920 W. 159th St.
Orland Park, IL 60462
Wickstrom Auto Group - Chevrolet
Casey Wickstrom..................... (630) 529-7070
555 East Irving Park Road
Roselle, IL 60172
Wagner Motor Car Co - Belleville
Rusty Wagner...........................(618) 233-0303
3800 W. State Route 15
Belleville, IL 62226-5280
Wickstrom Ford L-C-J-D
Ward Chrysler Center, Inc.
Mark Ward..................................(618) 457-8155
1412 West Main
Wight Chevrolet
Carbondale, IL 62901
Watseka Chry-Jeep-Dodge, Inc.
Andrew Schroeder..................(815) 432-4200
317 West Walnut
Watseka, IL 60970
Tim Wickstrom...........................(847) 381-8850
600 West Northwest Highway
Barrington, IL 60010
Leland S. Wight.........................(309) 639-2282
Route 180, P.O. Box 207
Williamsfield, IL 61489
Wilkins Hyundai-Mazda
Tom Wilkins............................... (630) 495-0800
750 N. York Rd.
Elmhurst, IL 60126
Willowbrook Ford, Inc.
Alan Meyer............................... (630) 986-5000
7301 South Kingery Highway
Hinsdale, IL 60527-5535
Worden-Martin, Inc.
Charles Shephard.....................(217) 352-7901
100 Carriage Center Court
Champaign, IL 61820-7201
Zeiser Kia
Wilson Chrysler-Jeep
World Hyundai Matteson
Ziegler BMW of Orland Park
Woodfield Lexus
Worldwide Equipment Sales, LLC
Steve Wilson..............................(217) 935-3131
307 East Main Street, Clinton, IL 61727
Robert Koreman...................... (847) 882-0200
350 E. Golf Road
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Woodfield Nissan, Inc.
Robert D. Watson, III............... (708) 983-6500
5337 Miller Circle Dr., Matteson, IL 60443
Patrick S. Winer.........................(815) 725-4400
601 Walnut Ct.
Rockdale, IL 60436
Wright Automotive, Inc.
William A. Slevin....................... (847) 310-1900
700 West Higgins Road
Hoffman Estates, IL 60195
Ron Wright................................. (217) 532-3921
P.O. Box 279
Hillsboro, IL 62049
Woodrum Automotive, Inc.
Yemm Chev Buick GMC Chry Dodge Jeep
Wayne Woodrum.....................(309) 833-2111
3100 East Jackson, P.O. Box 110
Macomb, IL 61455
Woody Buick GMC, Inc.
Michael J. Van Iten..................(630) 357-2200
1585 West Ogden Avenue
Naperville, IL 60540
Worden-Martin Ford Linc
Charles Shephard.................... (217) 352-0462
300 Carriage Center Ct.
Champaign, IL 61820-7203
Michael Feinstein..................... (618) 216-8080
1911 East Edwardsville Rd.
Wood River, IL 62095
David Nocera.......................... (708) 460-4545
11030 W. 159th St.
Orland Park, IL 60467
Zimmerman Ford Lincoln
Mike G. Zimmerman................(630) 584-1800
2525 East Main Street
St. Charles, IL 60174
Zimmerman Honda
Mark Zimmerman................... (309) 788-9304
7030 44th Ave., Moline, IL 61265
Richard J. Yemm......................(309) 344-2727
2195 North Henderson Street
Galesburg, IL 61401
Yemm Ford
Rick Yemm..................................(309) 342-1121
P.O.Box 1423, 2201 W. Main St.
Galesburg, IL 61401
Zeigler Chrysler Dodge Jeep, Inc.
Jed Jordan............................... (847) 882-8400
208 West Golf Rd.
Schaumburg, IL 60195
(815 ILCS 710/1) (from Ch. 121 1/2, par. 751)
Sec. 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Motor Vehicle
Franchise Act. (Source: P.A. 86 1475.)
(815 ILCS 710/1.1) (from Ch. 121 1/2, par. 751.1)
Sec. 1.1. Declaration of purpose. The Legislature finds and declares that the distribution and sale of vehicles within this State
vitally affects the general economy of the State and the public
interest and welfare, and that in order to promote the public
interest and welfare, and in the exercise of its police power, it is
necessary to regulate motor vehicle manufacturers, distributors,
wholesalers and factory or distributor branches or representatives, and to regulate dealers of motor vehicles doing business
in this State in order to prevent frauds, impositions and other
abuses upon its citizens, to protect and preserve the investments and properties of the citizens of this State, and to provide
adequate and sufficient service to consumers generally. (Source:
P.A. 83 922.)
(815 ILCS 710/2) (from Ch. 121 1/2, par. 752)
Sec. 2. Definitions. As used in this Act, the following words shall,
unless the context otherwise requires, have the following meanings:
(a) “Motor vehicle”, any motor driven vehicle required to be
registered under “The Illinois Vehicle Code”. Beginning January 1, 2010, the term “motor vehicle” also includes any engine,
transmission, or rear axle, regardless of whether it is attached to
a vehicle chassis, that is manufactured for installation in any motor driven vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than
16,000 pounds that is required to be registered under the Illinois
Vehicle Code.
(b) “Manufacturer”, any person engaged in the business of manufacturing or assembling new and unused motor vehicles.
(c) “Factory branch”, a branch office maintained by a manufacturer which manufactures or assembles motor vehicles for sale
to distributors or motor vehicle dealers or which is maintained
for directing and supervising the representatives of the manufacturer.
(d) “Distributor branch”, a branch office maintained by a distributor or wholesaler who or which sells or distributes new or used
motor vehicles to motor vehicle dealers.
(e) “Factory representative”, a representative employed by a
manufacturer or employed by a factory branch for the purpose of
making or promoting the sale of motor vehicles or for contracting
with, supervising, servicing or instructing motor vehicle dealers
or prospective motor vehicle dealers.
(f) “Distributor representative”, a representative employed by a
distributor branch, distributor or wholesaler.
(g) “Distributor” or “wholesaler”, any person who sells or distributes new or used motor vehicles to motor vehicle dealers or
who maintains distributor representatives within the State.
(h) “Motor vehicle dealer”, any person who, in the ordinary
course of business, is engaged in the business of selling new or
used motor vehicles to consumers or other end users.
(i) “Franchise”, an oral or written arrangement for a definite or
indefinite period in which a manufacturer, distributor or wholesaler grants to a motor vehicle dealer a license to use a trade
name, service mark, or related characteristic, and in which there
is a community of interest in the marketing of motor vehicles or
services related thereto at wholesale, retail, leasing or otherwise.
(j) “Franchiser”, a manufacturer, distributor or wholesaler who
grants a franchise to a motor vehicle dealer.
(k) “Franchisee”, a motor vehicle dealer to whom a franchise is
offered or granted.
(l) “Sale”, shall include the issuance, transfer, agreement for
transfer, exchange, pledge, hypothecation, mortgage in any form,
whether by transfer in trust or otherwise, of any motor vehicle
or interest therein or of any franchise related thereto; and any
option, subscription or other contract or solicitation, looking to
a sale, or offer or attempt to sell in any form, whether oral or
written. A gift or delivery of any motor vehicle or franchise with
respect thereto with or as a bonus on account of the sale of anything shall be deemed a sale of such motor vehicle or franchise.
(m) “Fraud”, shall include, in addition to its normal legal connotation, the following: a misrepresentation in any manner, whether
intentionally false or due to reckless disregard for truth or falsity,
of a material fact; a promise or representation not made honestly
and in good faith; and an intentional failure to disclose a material
(n) “Person”, a natural person, corporation, partnership, trust
or other entity, and in case of an entity, it shall include any other
entity in which it has a majority interest or which it effectively
controls as well as the individual officers, directors and other persons in active control of the activities of each such entity.
(o) “New motor vehicle”, a motor vehicle which has not been
previously sold to any person except a distributor or wholesaler
or motor vehicle dealer for resale.
(p) “Market Area”, the franchisee’s area of primary responsibility as defined in its franchise.
(q) “Relevant Market Area”, the area within a radius of 10 miles
from the principal location of a franchise or dealership if said
principal location is in a county having a population of more
than 300,000 persons; if the principal location of a franchise or
dealership is in a county having a population of less than 300,000
persons, then “relevant market area” shall mean the area within a
radius of 15 miles from the principal location of said franchise or
(r) “Late model vehicle” means a vehicle of the current model
year and one, 2, or 3 preceding model years for which the motor
vehicle dealer holds an existing franchise from the manufacturer
for that same line make.
(s) “Factory repurchase vehicle” means a motor vehicle of the
current model year or a late model vehicle reacquired by the
manufacturer under an existing agreement or otherwise from a
fleet, lease or daily rental company or under any State or federal
law or program relating to allegedly defective new motor vehicles, and offered for sale and resold by the manufacturer directly
or at a factory authorized or sponsored auction.
(t) “Board” means the Motor Vehicle Review Board created
under this Act.
(u) “Secretary of State” means the Secretary of State of Illinois.
(v) “Good cause” means facts establishing commercial reasonableness in lawful or privileged competition and business
practices as defined at common law. (Source: P.A. 95 678, eff. 10
11 07; 96 11, eff. 5 22 09.)
(815 ILCS 710/3) (from Ch. 121 1/2, par. 753)
Sec. 3. Applicability of Act. Any person who engages directly or
indirectly in purposeful contacts within this State in connection
with the offering or advertising for sale or has business dealings
with respect to a motor vehicle within the State shall be subject to
the provisions of this Act and shall be subject to the jurisdiction of
the courts of this State. (Source: P.A. 81 43.)
(815 ILCS 710/3.1)
Sec. 3.1. Motor vehicle financing affiliate. For purposes of this
Act, a franchisee and a motor vehicle financing affiliate, as defined in Section 5 100 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, shall be treated
as a single entity. That a franchisee arranges to receive motor ve-
hicles through a motor vehicle financing affiliate shall not exempt
a manufacturer from the provisions of this Act. A manufacturer
shall not require, directly or indirectly, a motor vehicle dealer to
contract with a motor vehicle financing affiliate in order to receive
its motor vehicles nor shall a manufacturer prevent, directly or
indirectly, a motor vehicle dealer from contracting with a motor
vehicle financing affiliate in order to receive its motor vehicles. A
manufacturer shall not use a motor vehicle financing affiliate as
a means of avoiding the provisions and requirements of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 91 415, eff. 1 1 00.)
(815 ILCS 710/4) (from Ch. 121 1/2, par. 754)
Sec. 4. Unfair competition and practices.
(a) The unfair methods of competition and unfair and deceptive
acts or practices listed in this Section are hereby declared to be
unlawful. In construing the provisions of this Section, the courts
may be guided by the interpretations of the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 45 et seq.), as from time to time amended.
(b) It shall be deemed a violation for any manufacturer, factory
branch, factory representative, distributor or wholesaler, distributor branch, distributor representative or motor vehicle dealer to
engage in any action with respect to a franchise which is arbitrary, in bad faith or unconscionable and which causes damage to
any of the parties or to the public.
(c) It shall be deemed a violation for a manufacturer, a distributor,
a wholesaler, a distributor branch or division, a factory branch
or division, or a wholesale branch or division, or officer, agent or
other representative thereof, to coerce, or attempt to coerce, any
motor vehicle dealer:
(1) to accept, buy or order any motor vehicle or vehicles, appliances, equipment, parts or accessories therefor, or any other
commodity or commodities or service or services which such
motor vehicle dealer has not voluntarily ordered or requested except items required by applicable local, state or federal law; or to
require a motor vehicle dealer to accept, buy, order or purchase
such items in order to obtain any motor vehicle or vehicles or any
other commodity or commodities which have been ordered or
requested by such motor vehicle dealer;
(2) to order or accept delivery of any motor vehicle with special
features, appliances, accessories or equipment not included in
the list price of the motor vehicles as publicly advertised by the
manufacturer thereof, except items required by applicable law; or
(3) to order for anyone any parts, accessories, equipment, machinery, tools, appliances or any commodity whatsoever, except
items required by applicable law.
(d) It shall be deemed a violation for a manufacturer, a distributor,
a wholesaler, a distributor branch or division, or officer, agent or
other representative thereof:
(1) to adopt, change, establish or implement a plan or system for
the allocation and distribution of new motor vehicles to motor vehicle dealers which is arbitrary or capricious or to modify an existing plan so as to cause the same to be arbitrary or capricious;
(2) to fail or refuse to advise or disclose to any motor vehicle
dealer having a franchise or selling agreement, upon written
request therefor, the basis upon which new motor vehicles of the
same line make are allocated or distributed to motor vehicle dealers in the State and the basis upon which the current allocation or
distribution is being made or will be made to such motor vehicle
(3) to refuse to deliver in reasonable quantities and within a reasonable time after receipt of dealer’s order, to any motor vehicle
dealer having a franchise or selling agreement for the retail sale
of new motor vehicles sold or distributed by such manufacturer,
distributor, wholesaler, distributor branch or division, factory
branch or division or wholesale branch or division, any such motor vehicles as are covered by such franchise or selling agreement specifically publicly advertised in the State by such manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, distributor branch or division,
factory branch or division, or wholesale branch or division to be
available for immediate delivery. However, the failure to deliver
any motor vehicle shall not be considered a violation of this Act
if such failure is due to an act of God, a work stoppage or delay
due to a strike or labor difficulty, a shortage of materials, a lack
of manufacturing capacity, a freight embargo or other cause over
which the manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler, or any agent
thereof has no control;
(4) to coerce, or attempt to coerce, any motor vehicle dealer to
enter into any agreement with such manufacturer, distributor,
wholesaler, distributor branch or division, factory branch or divi-
sion, or wholesale branch or division, or officer, agent or other
representative thereof, or to do any other act prejudicial to the
dealer by threatening to reduce his allocation of motor vehicles or
cancel any franchise or any selling agreement existing between
such manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, distributor branch or
division, or factory branch or division, or wholesale branch or division, and the dealer. However, notice in good faith to any motor
vehicle dealer of the dealer’s violation of any terms or provisions
of such franchise or selling agreement or of any law or regulation
applicable to the conduct of a motor vehicle dealer shall not constitute a violation of this Act;
(5) to require a franchisee to participate in an advertising campaign or contest or any promotional campaign, or to purchase or
lease any promotional materials, training materials, show room
or other display decorations or materials at the expense of the
(6) to cancel or terminate the franchise or selling agreement of
a motor vehicle dealer without good cause and without giving
notice as hereinafter provided; to fail or refuse to extend the
franchise or selling agreement of a motor vehicle dealer upon its
expiration without good cause and without giving notice as hereinafter provided; or, to offer a renewal, replacement or succeeding franchise or selling agreement containing terms and provisions the effect of which is to substantially change or modify the
sales and service obligations or capital requirements of the motor
vehicle dealer arbitrarily and without good cause and without giving notice as hereinafter provided notwithstanding any term or
provision of a franchise or selling agreement.
(A) If a manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, distributor branch
or division, factory branch or division or wholesale branch or division intends to cancel or terminate a franchise or selling agreement or intends not to extend or renew a franchise or selling
agreement on its expiration, it shall send a letter by certified mail,
return receipt requested, to the affected franchisee at least 60
days before the effective date of the proposed action, or not later
than 10 days before the proposed action when the reason for the
action is based upon either of the following:
(i) the business operations of the franchisee have been abandoned or the franchisee has failed to conduct customary sales
and service operations during customary business hours for at
least 7 consecutive business days unless such closing is due to
an act of God, strike or labor difficulty or other cause over which
the franchisee has no control; or
(ii) the conviction of or plea of nolo contendere by the motor
vehicle dealer or any operator thereof in a court of competent
jurisdiction to an offense punishable by imprisonment for more
than two years.
Each notice of proposed action shall include a detailed statement
setting forth the specific grounds for the proposed cancellation,
termination, or refusal to extend or renew and shall state that the
dealer has only 30 days from receipt of the notice to file with the
Motor Vehicle Review Board a written protest against the proposed action.
(B) If a manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, distributor branch or
division, factory branch or division or wholesale branch or division intends to change substantially or modify the sales and service obligations or capital requirements of a motor vehicle dealer
as a condition to extending or renewing the existing franchise or
selling agreement of such motor vehicle dealer, it shall send a letter by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the affected franchisee at least 60 days before the date of expiration of the franchise or selling agreement. Each notice of proposed action shall
include a detailed statement setting forth the specific grounds
for the proposed action and shall state that the dealer has only
30 days from receipt of the notice to file with the Motor Vehicle
Review Board a written protest against the proposed action.
(C) Within 30 days from receipt of the notice under subparagraphs (A) and (B), the franchisee may file with the Board a written protest against the proposed action.
When the protest has been timely filed, the Board shall enter an
order, fixing a date (within 60 days of the date of the order), time,
and place of a hearing on the protest required under Sections
12 and 29 of this Act, and send by certified mail, return receipt
requested, a copy of the order to the manufacturer that filed the
notice of intention of the proposed action and to the protesting
dealer or franchisee.
The manufacturer shall have the burden of proof to establish that
good cause exists to cancel or terminate, or fail to extend or rewww.illinoisdealers.com
new the franchise or selling agreement of a motor vehicle dealer
or franchisee, and to change substantially or modify the sales
and service obligations or capital requirements of a motor vehicle dealer as a condition to extending or renewing the existing
franchise or selling agreement. The determination whether good
cause exists to cancel, terminate, or refuse to renew or extend
the franchise or selling agreement, or to change or modify the
obligations of the dealer as a condition to offer renewal, replacement, or succession shall be made by the Board under subsection (d) of Section 12 of this Act.
(D) Notwithstanding the terms, conditions, or provisions of a
franchise or selling agreement, the following shall not constitute
good cause for cancelling or terminating or failing to extend or
renew the franchise or selling agreement: (i) the change of ownership or executive management of the franchisee’s dealership;
or (ii) the fact that the franchisee or owner of an interest in the
franchise owns, has an investment in, participates in the management of, or holds a license for the sale of the same or any other
line make of new motor vehicles.
(E) The manufacturer may not cancel or terminate, or fail to
extend or renew a franchise or selling agreement or change or
modify the obligations of the franchisee as a condition to offering
a renewal, replacement, or succeeding franchise or selling agreement before the hearing process is concluded as prescribed by
this Act, and thereafter, if the Board determines that the manufacturer has failed to meet its burden of proof and that good cause
does not exist to allow the proposed action;
(7) notwithstanding the terms of any franchise agreement, to fail
to indemnify and hold harmless its franchised dealers against any
judgment or settlement for damages, including, but not limited
to, court costs, expert witness fees, reasonable attorneys’ fees of
the new motor vehicle dealer, and other expenses incurred in the
litigation, so long as such fees and costs are reasonable, arising
out of complaints, claims or lawsuits including, but not limited to,
strict liability, negligence, misrepresentation, warranty (express
or implied), or recision of the sale as defined in Section 2 608 of
the Uniform Commercial Code, to the extent that the judgment or
settlement relates to the alleged defective or negligent manufacture, assembly or design of new motor vehicles, parts or accessories or other functions by the manufacturer, beyond the control
of the dealer; provided that, in order to provide an adequate
defense, the manufacturer receives notice of the filing of a complaint, claim, or lawsuit within 60 days after the filing;
(8) to require or otherwise coerce a motor vehicle dealer to underutilize the motor vehicle dealer’s facilities by requiring or otherwise coercing the motor vehicle dealer to exclude or remove
from the motor vehicle dealer’s facilities operations for selling or
servicing of any vehicles for which the motor vehicle dealer has
a franchise agreement with another manufacturer, distributor,
wholesaler, distribution branch or division, or officer, agent, or
other representative thereof; provided, however, that, in light of
all existing circumstances, (i) the motor vehicle dealer maintains
a reasonable line of credit for each make or line of new motor
vehicle, (ii) the new motor vehicle dealer remains in compliance
with any reasonable facilities requirements of the manufacturer,
(iii) no change is made in the principal management of the new
motor vehicle dealer, and (iv) the addition of the make or line of
new motor vehicles would be reasonable. The reasonable facilities requirement set forth in item (ii) of subsection (d)(8) shall not
include any requirement that a franchisee establish or maintain
exclusive facilities, personnel, or display space. Any decision by
a motor vehicle dealer to sell additional makes or lines at the motor vehicle dealer’s facility shall be presumed to be reasonable,
and the manufacturer shall have the burden to overcome that
presumption. A motor vehicle dealer must provide a written notification of its intent to add a make or line of new motor vehicles
to the manufacturer. If the manufacturer does not respond to the
motor vehicle dealer, in writing, objecting to the addition of the
make or line within 60 days after the date that the motor vehicle
dealer sends the written notification, then the manufacturer shall
be deemed to have approved the addition of the make or line; or
(9) to use or consider the performance of a motor vehicle dealer
relating to the sale of the manufacturer’s, distributor’s, or wholesaler’s vehicles or the motor vehicle dealer’s ability to satisfy any
minimum sales or market share quota or responsibility relating to
the sale of the manufacturer’s, distributor’s, or wholesaler’s new
vehicles in determining:
(A) the motor vehicle dealer’s eligibility to purchase program,
certified, or other used motor vehicles from the manufacturer,
distributor, or wholesaler;
(B) the volume, type, or model of program, certified, or other
used motor vehicles that a motor vehicle dealer is eligible to purchase from the manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler;
(C) the price of any program, certified, or other used motor vehicle that the dealer is eligible to purchase from the manufacturer,
distributor, or wholesaler; or
(D) the availability or amount of any discount,
credit, rebate, or sales incentive that the dealer is eligible to
receive from the manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler for the
purchase of any program, certified, or other used motor vehicle
offered for sale by the manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler.
(e) It shall be deemed a violation for a manufacturer, a distributor,
a wholesaler, a distributor branch or division or officer, agent or
other representative thereof:
(1) to resort to or use any false or misleading advertisement in
connection with his business as such manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, distributor branch or division or officer, agent or
other representative thereof;
(2) to offer to sell or lease, or to sell or lease, any new motor vehicle to any motor vehicle dealer at a lower actual price therefor
than the actual price offered to any other motor vehicle dealer for
the same model vehicle similarly equipped or to utilize any device
including, but not limited to, sales promotion plans or programs
which result in such lesser actual price or fail to make available
to any motor vehicle dealer any preferential pricing, incentive,
rebate, finance rate, or low interest loan program offered to competing motor vehicle dealers in other contiguous states. However, the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to sales to
a motor vehicle dealer for resale to any unit of the United States
Government, the State or any of its political subdivisions;
(3) to offer to sell or lease, or to sell or lease, any new motor vehicle to any person, except a wholesaler, distributor or manufacturer’s employees at a lower actual price therefor than the actual
price offered and charged to a motor vehicle dealer for the same
model vehicle similarly equipped or to utilize any device which
results in such lesser actual price. However, the provisions of this
paragraph shall not apply to sales to a motor vehicle dealer for
resale to any unit of the United States Government, the State or
any of its political subdivisions;
(4) to prevent or attempt to prevent by contract or otherwise any
motor vehicle dealer or franchisee from changing the executive
management control of the motor vehicle dealer or franchisee
unless the franchiser, having the burden of proof, proves that
such change of executive management will result in executive
management control by a person or persons who are not of good
moral character or who do not meet the franchiser’s existing and,
with consideration given to the volume of sales and service of
the dealership, uniformly applied minimum business experience
standards in the market area. However where the manufacturer
rejects a proposed change in executive management control,
the manufacturer shall give written notice of his reasons to the
dealer within 60 days of notice to the manufacturer by the dealer
of the proposed change. If the manufacturer does not send a letter to the franchisee by certified mail, return receipt requested,
within 60 days from receipt by the manufacturer of the proposed
change, then the change of the executive management control
of the franchisee shall be deemed accepted as proposed by the
franchisee, and the manufacturer shall give immediate effect to
such change;
(5) to prevent or attempt to prevent by contract or otherwise any
motor vehicle dealer from establishing or changing the capital
structure of his dealership or the means by or through which he
finances the operation thereof; provided the dealer meets any
reasonable capital standards agreed to between the dealer and
the manufacturer, distributor or wholesaler, who may require that
the sources, method and manner by which the dealer finances or
intends to finance its operation, equipment or facilities be fully
(6) to refuse to give effect to or prevent or attempt to prevent by
contract or otherwise any motor vehicle dealer or any officer,
partner or stockholder of any motor vehicle dealer from selling
or transferring any part of the interest of any of them to any other
person or persons or party or parties unless such sale or transfer
is to a transferee who would not otherwise qualify for a new
motor vehicle dealers license under “The Illinois Vehicle Code”
or unless the franchiser, having the burden of proof, proves that
such sale or transfer is to a person or party who is not of good
moral character or does not meet the franchiser’s existing and
reasonable capital standards and, with consideration given to the
volume of sales and service of the dealership, uniformly applied
minimum business experience standards in the market area.
However, nothing herein shall be construed to prevent a franchiser from implementing affirmative action programs providing
business opportunities for minorities or from complying with applicable federal, State or local law:
(A) If the manufacturer intends to refuse to approve the sale or
transfer of all or a part of the interest, then it shall, within 60 days
from receipt of the completed application forms generally utilized
by a manufacturer to conduct its review and a copy of all agreements regarding the proposed transfer, send a letter by certified
mail, return receipt requested, advising the franchisee of any
refusal to approve the sale or transfer of all or part of the interest
and shall state that the dealer only has 30 days from the receipt
of the notice to file with the Motor Vehicle Review Board a written
protest against the proposed action. The notice shall set forth
specific criteria used to evaluate the prospective transferee and
the grounds for refusing to approve the sale or transfer to that
transferee. Within 30 days from the franchisee’s receipt of the
manufacturer’s notice, the franchisee may file with the Board a
written protest against the proposed action.
When a protest has been timely filed, the Board shall enter an
order, fixing the date (within 60 days of the date of such order),
time, and place of a hearing on the protest, required under Sections 12 and 29 of this Act, and send by certified mail, return receipt requested, a copy of the order to the manufacturer that filed
notice of intention of the proposed action and to the protesting
The manufacturer shall have the burden of proof to establish that
good cause exists to refuse to approve the sale or transfer to
the transferee. The determination whether good cause exists to
refuse to approve the sale or transfer shall be made by the Board
under subdivisions (6)(B). The manufacturer shall not refuse to
approve the sale or transfer by a dealer or an officer, partner,
or stockholder of a franchise or any part of the interest to any
person or persons before the hearing process is concluded as
prescribed by this Act, and thereafter if the Board determines that
the manufacturer has failed to meet its burden of proof and that
good cause does not exist to refuse to approve the sale or transfer to the transferee.
(B) Good cause to refuse to approve such sale or transfer under
this Section is established when such sale or transfer is to a
transferee who would not otherwise qualify for a new motor vehicle dealers license under “The Illinois Vehicle Code” or such sale
or transfer is to a person or party who is not of good moral character or does not meet the franchiser’s existing and reasonable
capital standards and, with consideration given to the volume of
sales and service of the dealership, uniformly applied minimum
business experience standards in the market area.
(7) to obtain money, goods, services, anything of value, or any
other benefit from any other person with whom the motor vehicle
dealer does business, on account of or in relation to the transactions between the dealer and the other person as compensation, except for services actually rendered, unless such benefit
is promptly accounted for and transmitted to the motor vehicle
(8) to grant an additional franchise in the relevant market area
of an existing franchise of the same line make or to relocate an
existing motor vehicle dealership within or into a relevant market
area of an existing franchise of the same line make. However, if
the manufacturer wishes to grant such an additional franchise to
an independent person in a bona fide relationship in which such
person is prepared to make a significant investment subject to
loss in such a dealership, or if the manufacturer wishes to relocate an existing motor vehicle dealership, then the manufacturer
shall send a letter by certified mail, return receipt requested, to
each existing dealer or dealers of the same line make whose relevant market area includes the proposed location of the additional or relocated franchise at least 60 days before the manufacturer
grants an additional franchise or relocates an existing franchise
of the same line make within or into the relevant market area of
an existing franchisee of the same line make. Each notice shall
set forth the specific grounds for the proposed grant of an additional or relocation of an existing franchise and shall state that the
dealer has only 30 days from the date of receipt of the notice to
file with the Motor Vehicle Review Board a written protest against
the proposed action. Unless the parties agree upon the grant or
establishment of the additional or relocated franchise within 30
days from the date the notice was received by the existing franchisee of the same line make or any person entitled to receive
such notice, the franchisee or other person may file with the
Board a written protest against the grant or establishment of the
proposed additional or relocated franchise.
When a protest has been timely filed, the Board shall enter an
order fixing a date (within 60 days of the date of the order), time,
and place of a hearing on the protest, required under Sections
12 and 29 of this Act, and send by certified or registered mail,
return receipt requested, a copy of the order to the manufacturer that filed the notice of intention to grant or establish the
proposed additional or relocated franchise and to the protesting
dealer or dealers of the same line make whose relevant market
area includes the proposed location of the additional or relocated
When more than one protest is filed against the grant or establishment of the additional or relocated franchise of the same
line make, the Board may consolidate the hearings to expedite
disposition of the matter. The manufacturer shall have the burden
of proof to establish that good cause exists to allow the grant
or establishment of the additional or relocated franchise. The
manufacturer may not grant or establish the additional franchise
or relocate the existing franchise before the hearing process is
concluded as prescribed by this Act, and thereafter if the Board
determines that the manufacturer has failed to meet its burden
of proof and that good cause does not exist to allow the grant
or establishment of the additional franchise or relocation of the
existing franchise.
The determination whether good cause exists for allowing the
grant or establishment of an additional franchise or relocated
existing franchise, shall be made by the Board under subsection
(c) of Section 12 of this Act. If the manufacturer seeks to enter
into a contract, agreement or other arrangement with any person,
establishing any additional motor vehicle dealership or other
facility, limited to the sale of factory repurchase vehicles or late
model vehicles, then the manufacturer shall follow the notice procedures set forth in this Section and the determination whether
good cause exists for allowing the proposed agreement shall be
made by the Board under subsection (c) of Section 12, with the
manufacturer having the burden of proof.
A. (Blank).
B. For the purposes of this Section, appointment of a successor
motor vehicle dealer at the same location as its predecessor, or
within 2 miles of such location, or the relocation of an existing
dealer or franchise within 2 miles of the relocating dealer’s or
franchisee’s existing location, shall not be construed as a grant,
establishment or the entering into of an additional franchise or
selling agreement, or a relocation of an existing franchise. The
reopening of a motor vehicle dealership that has not been in
operation for 18 months or more shall be deemed the grant of an
additional franchise or selling agreement.
C. This Section does not apply to the relocation of an existing
dealership or franchise in a county having a population of more
than 300,000 persons when the new location is within the dealer’s current relevant market area, provided the new location is
more than 7 miles from the nearest dealer of the same line make.
This Section does not apply to the relocation of an existing dealership or franchise in a county having a population of less than
300,000 persons when the new location is within the dealer’s current relevant market area, provided the new location is more than
12 miles from the nearest dealer of the same line make. A dealer
that would be farther away from the new location of an existing
dealership or franchise of the same line make after a relocation
may not file a written protest against the relocation with the Motor Vehicle Review Board.
D. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to prevent a franchiser from implementing affirmative action programs providing
business opportunities for minorities or from complying with applicable federal, State or local law;
(9) to require a motor vehicle dealer to assent to a release, assignment, novation, waiver or estoppel which would relieve any
person from liability imposed by this Act;
(10) to prevent or refuse to give effect to the succession to the
ownership or management control of a dealership by any legatee
under the will of a dealer or to an heir under the laws of descent
and distribution of this State unless the franchisee has designated a successor to the ownership or management control under
the succession provisions of the franchise. Unless the franchiser,
having the burden of proof, proves that the successor is a person
who is not of good moral character or does not meet the franchiser’s existing and reasonable capital standards and, with consideration given to the volume of sales and service of the dealership,
uniformly applied minimum business experience standards in the
market area, any designated successor of a dealer or franchisee
may succeed to the ownership or management control of a dealership under the existing franchise if:
(i) The designated successor gives the franchiser written notice
by certified mail, return receipt requested, of his or her intention
to succeed to the ownership of the dealer within 60 days of the
dealer’s death or incapacity; and
(ii) The designated successor agrees to be bound by all the terms
and conditions of the existing franchise.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event the motor vehicle
dealer or franchisee and manufacturer have duly executed an
agreement concerning succession rights prior to the dealer’s
death or incapacitation, the agreement shall be observed.
(A) If the franchiser intends to refuse to honor the successor to
the ownership of a deceased or incapacitated dealer or franchisee under an existing franchise agreement, the franchiser shall
send a letter by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the
designated successor within 60 days from receipt of a proposal
advising of its intent to refuse to honor the succession and to discontinue the existing franchise agreement and shall state that the
designated successor only has 30 days from the receipt of the notice to file with the Motor Vehicle Review Board a written protest
against the proposed action. The notice shall set forth the specific
grounds for the refusal to honor the succession and discontinue
the existing franchise agreement.
If notice of refusal is not timely served upon the designated successor, the franchise agreement shall continue in effect subject
to termination only as otherwise permitted by paragraph (6) of
subsection (d) of Section 4 of this Act.
Within 30 days from the date the notice was received by the designated successor or any other person entitled to notice, the designee or other person may file with the Board a written protest
against the proposed action.
When a protest has been timely filed, the Board shall enter an
order, fixing a date (within 60 days of the date of the order), time,
and place of a hearing on the protest, required under Sections 12
and 29 of this Act, and send by certified mail, return receipt requested, a copy of the order to the franchiser that filed the notice
of intention of the proposed action and to the protesting designee
or such other person.
The manufacturer shall have the burden of proof to establish that
good cause exists to refuse to honor the succession and discontinue the existing franchise agreement. The determination whether good cause exists to refuse to honor the succession shall be
made by the Board under subdivision (B) of this paragraph (10).
The manufacturer shall not refuse to honor the succession or
discontinue the existing franchise agreement before the hearing
process is concluded as prescribed by this Act, and thereafter if
the Board determines that it has failed to meet its burden of proof
and that good cause does not exist to refuse to honor the succession and discontinue the existing franchise agreement.
(B) No manufacturer shall impose any conditions upon honoring
the succession and continuing the existing franchise agreement
with the designated successor other than that the franchisee
has designated a successor to the ownership or management
control under the succession provisions of the franchise, or that
the designated successor is of good moral character or meets the
reasonable capital standards and, with consideration given to the
volume of sales and service of the dealership, uniformly applied
minimum business experience standards in the market area;
(11) to prevent or refuse to approve a proposal to establish a
successor franchise at a location previously approved by the
franchiser when submitted with the voluntary termination by the
existing franchisee unless the successor franchisee would not
otherwise qualify for a new motor vehicle dealer’s license under
the Illinois Vehicle Code or unless the franchiser, having the
burden of proof, proves that such proposed successor is not of
good moral character or does not meet the franchiser’s existing
and reasonable capital standards and, with consideration given to
the volume of sales and service of the dealership, uniformly ap-
plied minimum business experience standards in the market area.
However, when such a rejection of a proposal is made, the manufacturer shall give written notice of its reasons to the franchisee
within 60 days of receipt by the manufacturer of the proposal.
However, nothing herein shall be construed to prevent a franchiser from implementing affirmative action programs providing
business opportunities for minorities, or from complying with applicable federal, State or local law;
(12) to prevent or refuse to grant a franchise to a person because
such person owns, has investment in or participates in the management of or holds a franchise for the sale of another make or
line of motor vehicles within 7 miles of the proposed franchise
location in a county having a population of more than 300,000
persons, or within 12 miles of the proposed franchise location in
a county having a population of less than 300,000 persons; or
(13) to prevent or attempt to prevent any new motor vehicle
dealer from establishing any additional motor vehicle dealership
or other facility limited to the sale of factory repurchase vehicles
or late model vehicles or otherwise offering for sale factory repurchase vehicles of the same line make at an existing franchise
by failing to make available any contract, agreement or other arrangement which is made available or otherwise offered to any
(f) It is deemed a violation for a manufacturer, a distributor, a
wholesale, a distributor branch or division, a factory branch or
division, or a wholesale branch or division, or officer, agent,
broker, shareholder, except a shareholder of 1% or less of the
outstanding shares of any class of securities of a manufacturer,
distributor, or wholesaler which is a publicly traded corporation,
or other representative, directly or indirectly, to own or operate a
place of business as a motor vehicle franchisee or motor vehicle
financing affiliate, except that, this subsection shall not prohibit
the ownership or operation of a place of business by a manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler for a period, not to exceed 18
months, during the transition from one motor vehicle franchisee
to another; or the investment in a motor vehicle franchisee by
a manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler if the investment is
for the sole purpose of enabling a partner or shareholder in that
motor vehicle franchisee to acquire an interest in that motor vehicle franchisee and that partner or shareholder is not otherwise
employed by or associated with the manufacturer, distributor, or
wholesaler and would not otherwise have the requisite capital
investment funds to invest in the motor vehicle franchisee, and
has the right to purchase the entire equity interest of the manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler in the motor vehicle franchisee
within a reasonable period of time not to exceed 5 years.
(g) Notwithstanding the terms, provisions, or conditions of
any agreement or waiver, it shall be deemed a violation for a
manufacturer, a distributor, a wholesaler, a distributor branch
or division, a factory branch or division, or a wholesale branch
or division, or officer, agent or other representative thereof, to
directly or indirectly condition the awarding of a franchise to a
prospective new motor vehicle dealer, the addition of a line make
or franchise to an existing dealer, the renewal of a franchise of
an existing dealer, the approval of the relocation of an existing
dealer’s facility, or the approval of the sale or transfer of the ownership of a franchise on the willingness of a dealer, proposed new
dealer, or owner of an interest in the dealership facility to enter
into a site control agreement or exclusive use agreement unless
separate and reasonable consideration was offered and accepted
for that agreement.
For purposes of this subsection (g), the terms “site control agreement” and “exclusive use agreement” include any agreement that
has the effect of either (i) requiring that the dealer establish or
maintain exclusive dealership facilities; or (ii) restricting the ability of the dealer, or the ability of the dealer’s lessor in the event
the dealership facility is being leased, to transfer, sell, lease, or
change the use of the dealership premises, whether by sublease,
lease, collateral pledge of lease, or other similar agreement. “Site
control agreement” and “exclusive use agreement” also include a
manufacturer restricting the ability of a dealer to transfer, sell, or
lease the dealership premises by right of first refusal to purchase
or lease, option to purchase, or option to lease if the transfer,
sale, or lease of the dealership premises is to a person who is an
immediate family member of the dealer. For the purposes of this
subsection (g), “immediate family member” means a spouse, parent, son, daughter, son in law, daughter in law, brother, and sister.
If a manufacturer exercises any right of first refusal to purchase
or lease or option to purchase or lease with regard to a transfer,
sale, or lease of the dealership premises to a person who is not
an immediate family member of the dealer, then (1) within 60
days from the receipt of the completed application forms generally utilized by a manufacturer to conduct its review and a copy of
all agreements regarding the proposed transfer, the manufacturer
must notify the dealer of its intent to exercise the right of first
refusal to purchase or lease or option to purchase or lease and
(2) the exercise of the right of first refusal to purchase or lease
or option to purchase or lease must result in the dealer receiving
consideration, terms, and conditions that either are the same as
or greater than that which they have contracted to receive in connection with the proposed transfer, sale, or lease of the dealership premises.
Any provision contained in any agreement entered into on or
after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General
Assembly that is inconsistent with the provisions of this subsection
(g) shall be voidable at the election of the affected dealer, prospective dealer, or owner of an interest in the dealership facility.
(h) For purposes of this subsection:
“Successor manufacturer” means any motor vehicle manufacturer that, on or after January 1, 2009, acquires, succeeds to, or assumes any part of the business of another manufacturer, referred
to as the “predecessor manufacturer”, as the result of any of the
(i) A change in ownership, operation, or control of the predecessor manufacturer by sale or transfer of assets, corporate stock or
other equity interest, assignment, merger, consolidation, combination, joint venture, redemption, court approved sale, operation
of law or otherwise.
(ii) The termination, suspension, or cessation of a part or all of the
business operations of the predecessor manufacturer.
(iii) The discontinuance of the sale of the product line.
(iv) A change in distribution system by the predecessor manufacturer, whether through a change in distributor or the predecessor
manufacturer’s decision to cease conducting business through a
distributor altogether.
“Former Franchisee” means a new motor vehicle dealer that has
entered into a franchise with a predecessor manufacturer and
that has either:
(i) entered into a termination agreement or deferred termination
agreement with a predecessor or successor manufacturer related
to such franchise; or
(ii) has had such franchise canceled, terminated, nonrenewed,
noncontinued, rejected, nonassumed, or otherwise ended.
For a period of 3 years from: (i) the date that a successor manufacturer acquires, succeeds to, or assumes any part of the business of a predecessor manufacturer; (ii) the last day that a former
franchisee is authorized to remain in business as a franchised
dealer with respect to a particular franchise under a termination
agreement or deferred termination agreement with a predecessor or successor manufacturer; (iii) the last day that a former franchisee that was cancelled, terminated, nonrenewed, noncontinued, rejected, nonassumed, or otherwise ended by a predecessor
or successor manufacturer is authorized to remain in business as
a franchised dealer with respect to a particular franchise; or (iv)
the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly, whichever is latest, it shall be unlawful for such successor manufacturer to enter into a same line make franchise with
any person or to permit the relocation of any existing same line
make franchise, for a line make of the predecessor manufacturer
that would be located or relocated within the relevant market area
of a former franchisee who owned or leased a dealership facility
in that relevant market area without first offering the additional
or relocated franchise to the former franchisee, or the designated successor of such former franchisee in the event the former
franchisee is deceased or disabled, at no cost and without any
requirements or restrictions other than those imposed generally
on the manufacturer’s other franchisees at that time, unless one
of the following applies:
(1) As a result of the former franchisee’s cancellation, termination,
noncontinuance, or nonrenewal of the franchise, the predecessor
manufacturer had consolidated the line make with another of its
line makes for which the predecessor manufacturer had a franchisee with a then existing dealership facility located within that
relevant market area.
(2) The successor manufacturer has paid the former franchisee, or the designated successor of such former franchisee in
the event the former franchisee is deceased or disabled, the fair
market value of the former franchisee’s franchise on (i) the date
the franchisor announces the action which results in the termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal; or (ii) the date the action which
results in termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal first became
general knowledge; or (iii) the day 12 months prior to the date
on which the notice of termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal
is issued, whichever amount is higher. Payment is due within
90 days of the effective date of the termination, cancellation, or
nonrenewal. If the termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal is due
to a manufacturer’s change in distributors, the manufacturer may
avoid paying fair market value to the dealer if the new distributor
or the manufacturer offers the dealer a franchise agreement with
terms acceptable to the dealer.
(3) The successor manufacturer proves that it would have had
good cause to terminate the franchise agreement of the former
franchisee, or the successor of the former franchisee under item
(e)(10) in the event that the former franchisee is deceased or disabled. The determination of whether the successor manufacturer
would have had good cause to terminate the franchise agreement of the former franchisee, or the successor of the former
franchisee, shall be made by the Board under subsection (d) of
Section 12. A successor manufacturer that seeks to assert that it
would have had good cause to terminate a former franchisee, or
the successor of the former franchisee, must file a petition seeking a hearing on this issue before the Board and shall have the
burden of proving that it would have had good cause to terminate
the former franchisee or the successor of the former franchisee.
No successor dealer, other than the former franchisee, may be
appointed or franchised by the successor manufacturer within
the relevant market area of the former franchisee until the Board
has held a hearing and rendered a determination on the issue of
whether the successor manufacturer would have had good cause
to terminate the former franchisee.
In the event that a successor manufacturer attempts to enter
into a same line make franchise with any person or to permit the
relocation of any existing line make franchise under this subsection (h) at a location that is within the relevant market area of 2 or
more former franchisees, then the successor manufacturer may
not offer it to any person other than one of those former franchisees unless the successor manufacturer can prove that at least
one of the 3 exceptions in items (1), (2), and (3) of this subsection
(h) applies to each of those former franchisees. (Source: P.A. 96
11, eff. 5 22 09; 96 824, eff. 11 25 09.)
(815 ILCS 710/5) (from Ch. 121 1/2, par. 755)
Sec. 5. Delivery and preparation obligations; damage disclosures.
Every manufacturer shall specify in writing to the dealer the delivery and preparation obligations of its motor vehicle dealers prior
to delivery of new motor vehicles to retail buyers. A copy of the
delivery and preparation obligations of its motor vehicle dealers and a schedule of the compensation to be paid to its motor
vehicle dealers for the work and services they shall be required to
perform in connection with such delivery and preparation obligations shall be presented to the dealer and the obligations specified therein shall constitute any such dealer’s only predelivery
obligations as between such dealer and such manufacturer. The
compensation as set forth on said schedule shall be reasonable.
A manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, distributor branch,
or wholesaler of new motor vehicles sold or transferred to a motor vehicle dealer in this State shall disclose to the motor vehicle dealer, in writing, before delivery of a vehicle to the motor
vehicle dealer all in transit, post manufacture, or other damage to
the vehicle that was sustained or incurred by the motor vehicle
at any time after the manufacturing process was complete but
before delivery of the vehicle to the dealer. This disclosure is
not required when the cost to repair does not exceed 6% of the
manufacturer’s suggested retail price of the vehicle based upon
the dealer’s actual retail repair cost, including labor, parts, and
materials if the damage is repaired or retail estimate to repair if
the vehicle is not repaired. New motor vehicles that are repaired
may be sold as new and shall be fully warranted by the manufacturer.
For purposes of this Section, “manufacturer’s suggested retail
price” means the retail price of the new motor vehicle suggested
by the manufacturer including the retail delivered price suggested by the manufacturer for each separately priced accessory or
item of optional equipment physically attached to the new motor
vehicle at the time of delivery.
Whenever a new motor vehicle sustains or incurs any in transit,
post manufacture, or other damage at any time after the manufacturing process is complete, but before delivery of the vehicle
to the motor vehicle dealer, the dealer may within a reasonable
period of time after delivery of the motor vehicle notify the manufacturer or distributor of that damage and either:
(1) revoke acceptance of the delivery of the new motor vehicle
whereby ownership of the motor vehicle shall revert to the manufacturer, and the dealer shall incur no obligations, financial, or
otherwise for that new motor vehicle; or
(2) request authorization from the manufacturer to repair the
damage sustained or incurred by the new motor vehicle. If the
manufacturer refuses or fails to authorize repair of the damage
within 3 days of the request by the dealer, the dealer may then
revoke acceptance of the delivery of the new motor vehicle; ownership shall revert to the manufacturer; and the dealer shall incur
no obligations, financial, or otherwise for that new motor vehicle.
A motor vehicle dealer shall disclose to the purchaser before
delivery of the new motor vehicle, in writing, any damage that
the dealer has actual knowledge was sustained or incurred by
the motor vehicle at any time after the manufacturing process
was complete but before delivery of the vehicle to the purchaser.
This disclosure is not required when the cost to repair does not
exceed 6% of the manufacturer’s suggested retail price of the
vehicle based upon the dealer’s actual retail repair cost, including
labor, parts, and materials if the damage is repaired or the retail
estimate to repair the vehicle if it is not repaired.
Damage to glass, tires, bumpers, video and telephonic components, and in dash audio equipment is not to be considered in
determining the cost of repair if replaced with the manufacturer’s
original equipment.
If disclosure is not required under this Section, a purchaser may
not revoke or rescind a sales contract due to the fact the new vehicle was damaged and repaired before completion of the sale. In
that circumstance, nondisclosure does not constitute a misrepresentation or omission of fact.
A manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, distributor branch,
or wholesaler of new motor vehicles shall, notwithstanding the
terms of any franchise agreement, indemnify and hold harmless
the motor vehicle dealer obtaining a new motor vehicle from the
manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, distributor branch, or
wholesaler from and against any liability, including reasonable attorney’s fees, expert witness fees, court costs, and other expenses incurred in the litigation, so long as such fees and costs are
reasonable, that the motor vehicle dealer may be subjected to by
the purchaser of the vehicle because of damage to the motor vehicle that occurred before delivery of the vehicle to the dealer and
that was not disclosed in writing to the dealer prior to delivery of
the vehicle. This indemnity obligation of the manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, distributor branch, or wholesaler applies
regardless of whether the damage falls below the 6% threshold under this Section. The failure of the manufacturer, factory
branch, distributor, distributor branch, or wholesaler to indemnify
and hold harmless the motor vehicle dealer is a violation of this
Section. (Source: P.A. 91 485, eff. 1 1 00; 92 758, eff. 1 1 03.)
(815 ILCS 710/6) (from Ch. 121 1/2, par. 756)
Sec. 6. Warranty agreements; claims; approval; payment; written
(a) Every manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, distributor branch
or division, factory branch or division, or wholesale branch or
division shall properly fulfill any warranty agreement and adequately and fairly compensate each of its motor vehicle dealers
for labor and parts.
(b) In no event shall such compensation fail to include reasonable compensation for diagnostic work, as well as repair service,
labor, and parts. Time allowances for the diagnosis and performance of warranty work and service shall be reasonable and adequate for the work to be performed. In the determination of what
constitutes reasonable compensation under this Section, the
principal factor to be given consideration shall be the prevailing
wage rates being paid by the dealer in the relevant market area in
which the motor vehicle dealer is doing business, and in no event
shall such compensation of a motor vehicle dealer for warranty
service be less than the rates charged by such dealer for like service to retail customers for nonwarranty service and repairs. The
franchiser shall reimburse the franchisee for any parts provided
in satisfaction of a warranty at the prevailing retail price charged
by that dealer for the same parts when not provided in satisfac-
tion of a warranty; provided that such motor vehicle franchisee’s
prevailing retail price is not unreasonable when compared with
that of the holders of motor vehicle franchises from the same motor vehicle franchiser for identical merchandise in the geographic
area in which the motor vehicle franchisee is engaged in business. All claims, either original or resubmitted, made by motor
vehicle dealers hereunder and under Section 5 for such labor and
parts shall be either approved or disapproved within 30 days following their submission. All approved claims shall be paid within
30 days following their approval. The motor vehicle dealer who
submits a claim which is disapproved shall be notified in writing
of the disapproval within the same period, and each such notice
shall state the specific grounds upon which the disapproval is
based. The motor vehicle dealer shall be permitted to correct and
resubmit such disapproved claims within 30 days of receipt of
disapproval. Any claims not specifically disapproved in writing
within 30 days from their submission shall be deemed approved
and payment shall follow within 30 days. The manufacturer or
franchiser shall have the right to require reasonable documentation for claims and to audit such claims within a one year period
from the date the claim was paid or credit issued by the manufacturer or franchiser, and to charge back any false or unsubstantiated claims. The audit and charge back provisions of this Section
also apply to all other incentive and reimbursement programs for
a period of one year after the date the claim was paid or credit
issued by the manufacturer or franchiser. However, the manufacturer retains the right to charge back any fraudulent claim if the
manufacturer establishes in a court of competent jurisdiction in
this State that the claim is fraudulent.
(c) The motor vehicle franchiser shall not, by agreement, by
restrictions upon reimbursement, or otherwise, restrict the nature and extent of services to be rendered or parts to be provided
so that such restriction prevents the motor vehicle franchisee
from satisfying the warranty by rendering services in a good and
workmanlike manner and providing parts which are required in
accordance with generally accepted standards. Any such restriction shall constitute a prohibited practice.
(d) For the purposes of this Section, the “prevailing retail price
charged by that dealer for the same parts” means the price paid
by the motor vehicle franchisee for parts, including all shipping
and other charges, multiplied by the sum of 1.0 and the franchisee’s average percentage markup over the price paid by the motor vehicle franchisee for parts purchased by the motor vehicle
franchisee from the motor vehicle franchiser and sold at retail.
The motor vehicle franchisee may establish average percentage
markup under this Section by submitting to the motor vehicle
franchiser 100 sequential customer paid service repair orders or
90 days of customer paid service repair orders, whichever is less,
covering repairs made no more than 180 days before the submission, and declaring what the average percentage markup is. The
average percentage markup so declared shall go into effect 30
days following the declaration, subject to audit of the submitted
repair orders by the motor vehicle franchiser and adjustment of
the average percentage markup based on that audit. Any audit
must be conducted within 30 days following the declaration.
Only retail sales not involving warranty repairs, parts covered by
subsection (e) of this Section, or parts supplied for routine vehicle
maintenance, shall be considered in calculating average percentage markup. No motor vehicle franchiser shall require a motor
vehicle franchisee to establish average percentage markup by a
methodology, or by requiring information, that is unduly burdensome or time consuming to provide, including, but not limited to,
part by part or transaction by transaction calculations. A motor
vehicle franchisee shall not request a change in the average percentage markup more than twice in one calendar year.
(e) If a motor vehicle franchiser supplies a part or parts for use in
a repair rendered under a warranty other than by sale of that part
or parts to the motor vehicle franchisee, the motor vehicle franchisee shall be entitled to compensation equivalent to the motor
vehicle franchisee’s average percentage markup on the part or
parts, as if the part or parts had been sold to the motor vehicle
franchisee by the motor vehicle franchiser. The requirements of
this subsection (e) shall not apply to entire engine assemblies and
entire transmission assemblies. In the case of those assemblies,
the motor vehicle franchiser shall reimburse the motor vehicle
franchisee in the amount of 30% of what the motor vehicle
franchisee would have paid the motor vehicle franchiser for the
assembly if the assembly had not been supplied by the franchiser
other than by the sale of that assembly to the motor vehicle franchisee.
(f) The obligations imposed on motor vehicle franchisers by this
Section shall apply to any parent, subsidiary, affiliate, or agent of
the motor vehicle franchiser, any person under common ownership or control, any employee of the motor vehicle franchiser,
and any person holding 1% or more of the shares of any class of
securities or other ownership interest in the motor vehicle franchiser, if a warranty or service or repair plan is issued by that person instead of or in addition to one issued by the motor vehicle
(g) (1) Any motor vehicle franchiser and at least a majority of its
Illinois franchisees of the same line make may agree in an express
written contract citing this Section upon a uniform warranty reimbursement policy used by contracting franchisees to perform
warranty repairs. The policy shall only involve either reimbursement for parts used in warranty repairs or the use of a Uniform
Time Standards Manual, or both. Reimbursement for parts under
the agreement shall be used instead of the franchisees’ “prevailing retail price charged by that dealer for the same parts” as
defined in this Section to calculate compensation due from the
franchiser for parts used in warranty repairs. This Section does
not authorize a franchiser and its Illinois franchisees to establish a
uniform hourly labor reimbursement.
Each franchiser shall only have one such agreement with each
line make. Any such agreement shall:
(A) Establish a uniform parts reimbursement rate.
The uniform parts reimbursement rate shall be greater than the
franchiser’s nationally established parts reimbursement rate in
effect at the time the first such agreement becomes effective;
however, any subsequent agreement shall result in a uniform
reimbursement rate that is greater or equal to the rate set forth in
the immediately prior agreement.
(B) Apply to all warranty repair orders written during the period
that the agreement is effective.
(C) Be available, during the period it is effective, to any motor
vehicle franchisee of the same line make at any time and on the
same terms.
(D) Be for a term not to exceed 3 years so long as any party to
the agreement may terminate the agreement upon the annual anniversary of the agreement and with 30 days’ prior written notice;
however, the agreement shall remain in effect for the term of the
agreement regardless of the number of dealers of the same line
make that may terminate the agreement.
(2) A franchiser that enters into an agreement with its franchisees pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection (g) may seek
to recover its costs from only those franchisees that are receiving their “prevailing retail price charged by that dealer” under
subsections (a) through (f) of this Section, subject to the following
(A) “costs” means the difference between the uniform reimbursement rate set forth in an agreement entered into pursuant
to paragraph (1) of this subsection (g) and the “prevailing retail
price charged by that dealer” received by those franchisees of the
same line make. “Costs” do not include the following: legal fees
or expenses; administrative expenses; a profit mark up; or any
other item;
(B) the costs shall be recovered only by increasing the invoice
price on new vehicles received by those franchisees; and
(C) price increases imposed for the purpose of recovering costs
imposed by this Section may vary from time to time and from
model to model, but shall apply uniformly to all franchisees of
the same line make in the State of Illinois that have requested
reimbursement for warranty repairs at their “prevailing retail price
charged by that dealer”, except that a franchiser may make an
exception for vehicles that are titled in the name of a consumer in
another state.
(3) If a franchiser contracts with its Illinois dealers pursuant to
paragraph (1) of this subsection (g), the franchiser shall certify under oath to the Motor Vehicle Review Board that a majority of the
franchisees of that line make did agree to such an agreement and
file a sample copy of the agreement. On an annual basis, each
franchiser shall certify under oath to the Motor Vehicle Review
Board that the reimbursement costs it recovers under paragraph
(2) of this subsection (g) do not exceed the amounts authorized
by paragraph (2) of this subsection (g). The franchiser shall maintain for a period of 3 years a file that contains the information
upon which its certification is based.
(3.1) A franchiser subject to subdivision (g)(2) of this Section,
upon request of a dealer subject to that subdivision, shall disclose
to the dealer, in writing or in person if requested by the dealer,
the method by which the franchiser calculated the amount of the
costs to be reimbursed by the dealer. The franchiser shall also
provide aggregate data showing (i) the total costs the franchiser
incurred and (ii) the total number of new vehicles invoiced to
each dealer that received the “prevailing retail price charged by
that dealer” during the relevant period of time. In responding to a
dealer’s request under this subdivision (g)(3.1), a franchiser may
not disclose any confidential or competitive information regarding any other dealer. Any dealer who receives information from
a franchiser under this subdivision (g)(3.1) may not disclose that
information to any third party unless the disclosure occurs in the
course of a lawful proceeding before, or upon the order of, the
Motor Vehicle Review Board or a court of competent jurisdiction.
(4) If a franchiser and its franchisees do not enter into an agreement pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection (g), and for any
matter that is not the subject of an agreement, this subsection (g)
shall have no effect whatsoever.
(5) For purposes of this subsection (g), a Uniform Time Standard
Manual is a document created by a franchiser that establishes the
time allowances for the diagnosis and performance of warranty
work and service. The allowances shall be reasonable and adequate for the work and service to be performed. Each franchiser
shall have a reasonable and fair process that allows a franchisee
to request a modification or adjustment of a standard or standards included in such a manual.
(6) A franchiser may not take any adverse action against a franchisee for not having executed an agreement contemplated by this
subsection (g) or for receiving the “prevailing retail price charged
by that dealer”. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to
prevent a franchiser from making a determination of a franchisee’s “prevailing retail price charged by that dealer”, as provided
by this Section. (Source: P.A. 96 11, eff. 5 22 09.)
(815 ILCS 710/7) (from Ch. 121 1/2, par. 757)
Sec. 7. Unreasonable dealer or franchise restrictions. It shall be
unlawful directly or indirectly to impose unreasonable restrictions on the motor vehicle dealer or franchisee relative to transfer, sale, right to renew, termination, discipline, noncompetition
covenants, site control (whether by sublease, collateral pledge
of lease, or otherwise), right of first refusal to purchase, option to
purchase, compliance with subjective standards and assertion of
legal or equitable rights. (Source: P.A. 81 43.)
(815 ILCS 710/8) (from Ch. 121 1/2, par. 758)
Sec. 8. Agreements applicable. The provisions of this Act shall
apply to all written or oral agreements between a manufacturer,
wholesaler or distributor with a motor vehicle dealer including,
but not limited to, the franchise offering, the franchise agreement,
sales of goods, services or advertising, leases or mortgages of
real or personal property, promises to pay, security interests,
pledges, insurance contracts, advertising contracts, construction
or installation contracts, servicing contracts, and all other such
agreements in which the manufacturer, wholesaler or distributor
has any direct or indirect interest. (Source: P.A. 81 43.)
(815 ILCS 710/9) (from Ch. 121 1/2, par. 759)
Sec. 9. Renewals; transfers.
(a) Anything to the contrary notwithstanding, it shall be unlawful for the manufacturer, wholesaler, distributor or franchiser
without good cause, to fail to renew a franchise on terms then
equally available to all its motor vehicle dealers, or to terminate a
franchise or restrict the transfer of a franchise until the franchisee
shall receive fair and reasonable compensation for the value of
the business and business premises.
(b) For the purposes of this Section 9, the term “reasonable
compensation” includes, but is not limited to all of the following
(1) An amount equal to the current, fair rental value of the portion
of the motor vehicle dealer’s established place of business that is
used for motor vehicle sales and service with the manufacturer,
wholesaler, distributor or franchiser for a period of one year beginning on the date of the nonrenewal, termination, or restriction
on the transfer of the franchise.
(2) The franchisee’s cost of each new undamaged and unsold current and prior year motor vehicles that were acquired within 12
months of termination and have 500 or fewer miles recorded on
the odometer that are in the franchisee’s inventory at the time of
nonrenewal, termination, or restriction and that were purchased
or acquired from the manufacturer or from another dealer of the
same line make in the ordinary course of business.
(3) The franchisee’s cost of each new, unused, undamaged, and
unsold part or accessory that is in the current parts catalogue or
is identical to a part or accessory in the current parts catalogue
except for the number assigned to the part or accessory due to a
change in the number after the purchase of the part or accessory
and that is still in the original, resalable merchandising package
and in an unbroken lot, except that, in the case of sheet metal, a
comparable substitute for the original package may be used if the
part or accessory was purchased (i) directly from the manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, distributor branch or division, or officer, agent, or other representative thereof or (ii) from an outgoing
authorized dealer as a part of the dealer’s initial inventory.
(4) The fair market value of each undamaged sign owned by the
dealer that bears a trademark or trade name used or claimed by
the manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, distributor branch or
division, or officer, agent, or other representative thereof that
was purchased as a requirement of the manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, distributor branch or division, or officer, agent, or
other representative thereof.
(5) The fair market value of all special tools, data processing
equipment, and automotive service equipment owned by the
dealer that (i) were recommended in writing and designated as
special tools and equipment, (ii) were purchased at the request
of the manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, distributor branch or
division, or officer, agent, or other representative thereof, and (iii)
are in usable and good condition except for reasonable wear and
(6) The cost of transporting, handling, packing, storing, and loading any property that is subject to repurchase under this Section.
This subsection (b) shall not apply to a non renewal or termination that is implemented as a result of a sale of the assets or stock
of the franchise.
(c) The payment under item (b)(1) is due in 12 equal, monthly installments, beginning 30 days after the franchise is terminated or
nonrenewed. The payments under items (b)(2) through (b)(6) are
due no later than 90 days after the franchise is terminated or nonrenewed. As a condition of payment under items (b)(2) through
(b)(6), the motor vehicle dealer must comply with all reasonable requirements provided by the manufacturer, distributor, or
wholesaler regarding the return of inventory.
If a manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler does not reimburse
the motor vehicle dealer for the amounts required under items
(b)(2) through (b)(6) by the deadlines under this subsection (c),
and the Board or, if agreed to under Section 12, the arbitrator,
finds the manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler in violation of
this subsection, then the manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler
shall, in addition to any other amounts due, pay the motor vehicle
(1) interest on the amount due at a rate reasonable in light of commercial practices, determined by the Board or arbitrator; and
(2) reasonable attorney’s fees and costs. (Source: P.A. 96 11, eff.
5 22 09; 96 1000, eff. 7 2 10.)
(815 ILCS 710/9.5)
Sec. 9.5. Termination with good cause.
(a) Anything to the contrary notwithstanding, if a manufacturer,
wholesaler, distributor, or franchiser, with good cause, (i) fails
to renew a franchise on terms then equally available to all of its
motor vehicle dealers, (ii) terminates a franchise, or (iii) restricts
the transfer of a franchise, the manufacturer, wholesaler, distributor or franchiser shall pay to the franchisee all of the following,
including, but not limited to:
(1) Upon termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal of a line make
or upon termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal due to a dealer’s
poor sales and service performance pursuant to notice provided
under Section 4(d)(6), an amount equal to the current, fair rental
value of the portion of the motor vehicle dealer’s established
place of business that is used for motor vehicle sales and service
with the manufacturer, wholesaler, distributor or franchiser for a
period of one year beginning on the date of the nonrenewal, termination, or restriction on the transfer of the franchise.
(2) The franchisee’s cost of each new undamaged and unsold current and prior model year motor vehicles that were acquired within 12 months of termination and have 500 or fewer miles recorded on the odometer in the franchisee’s inventory at the time of
nonrenewal, termination, or restriction and that were purchased
or acquired from the manufacturer or from another motor vehicle
dealer of the same line make in the ordinary course of business.
(3) The franchisee’s cost of each new, unused, undamaged, and
unsold part or accessory that is in the current parts catalogue or
is identical to a part or accessory in the current parts catalogue
except for a number assigned to the part or accessory due to a
change in the number after the purchase of the part or accessory
and that is still in the original, resalable merchandising package
and in an unbroken lot, except that, in the case of sheet metal, a
comparable substitute for the original package may be used if the
part or accessory was purchased (i) directly from the manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, distributor branch or division, or officer, agent, or other representative thereof or (ii) from an outgoing
authorized dealer as a part of the dealer’s initial inventory.
(4) The fair market value of each undamaged sign owned by the
dealer that bears a trademark or trade name used or claimed by
the manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, distributor branch, or
division, or officer, agent, or other representative thereof that
was purchased as a requirement of the manufacturer, distributor,
wholesaler, distributor branch, or division, or officer, agent, or
other representative thereof.
(5) The fair market value of all special tools, data processing
equipment, and automotive service equipment owned by the
dealer that (i) were recommended in writing and designated as
special tools and equipment, (ii) were purchased at the request
of the manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, distributor branch or
division, or officer, agent, or other representative thereof, and (iii)
are in usable and good condition except for reasonable wear and
(b) The payment under item (a)(1) is due in 12 equal, monthly installments, beginning 30 days after the franchise is terminated or
nonrenewed. The payments under items (a)(2) through (a)(5) are
due no later than 90 days after the franchise is terminated or nonrenewed. As a condition of payment under items (a)(2) through (a)
(5) the motor vehicle dealer must comply with all reasonable requirements provided by the manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler regarding the return of inventory.
If a manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler does not reimburse
the motor vehicle dealer for the amounts required under items (a)
(2) through (a)(6) by the deadlines under this subsection (b), then
the manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler shall, in addition to
any amounts due, pay the motor vehicle dealer:
(1) interest on the amount due at a rate reasonable in light of commercial practices, determined by the Board or arbitrator; and
(2) reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.
(c) This Section does not apply to a termination or nonrenewal
that is implemented as a result of the sale of the assets or stock of
the franchise. (Source: P.A. 96 11, eff. 5 22 09.)
(815 ILCS 710/10) (from Ch. 121 1/2, par. 760)
Sec. 10. Free association. Every franchisee shall have the right
of free association with other franchisees for any lawful purpose.
(Source: P.A. 81 43.)
(815 ILCS 710/10.1) (from Ch. 121 1/2, par. 760.1)
Sec. 10.1. (a) As used in this Section, “motorcycle” means every
motor vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use of the rider
and designed to travel with 3 or less wheels in contact with the
ground, excluding farm, garden, and lawn equipment, and including off highway vehicles.
(b) It shall be deemed a violation for a manufacturer, a distributor,
a wholesaler, a distributor branch or division, or officer, agent or
other representative thereof:
(1) To require a motorcycle franchisee to participate in a retail
financing plan or retail leasing plan or to participate in any retail
consumer insurance plan.
(2) To own, to operate or to control any motorcycle dealership in
this State for a period longer than 2 years.
(3) Whenever any motorcycle dealer enters into a franchise
agreement, evidenced by a contract, with a wholesaler, manufacturer or distributor wherein the franchisee agrees to maintain
an inventory and the contract is terminated by the wholesaler,
manufacturer, distributor, or franchisee, then the franchisee may
require the repurchase of the inventory as provided for in this
Act. If the franchisee has any outstanding debts to the wholesaler, manufacturer or distributor then the repurchase amount may
be credited to the franchisee’s account. The franchise agreement
shall either expressly or by operation of law have as part of its
terms a security agreement whereby the wholesaler, manufacturer, or distributor agrees to and does grant a security interest
to the motorcycle dealer in the repurchased inventory to secure
payment of the repurchase amount to the dealer. The perfection,
priority, and other matters relating to the security interest shall
be governed by Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code. The
provisions of this Section shall not be construed to affect in any
way any security interest that any financial institution, person,
wholesaler, manufacturer, or distributor may have in the inventory of the motorcycle dealer.
(c) The provisions of this Section 10.1 are applicable to all new or
existing motorcycle franchisees and franchisors and are in addition to the other rights and remedies provided in this Act, and,
in the case of a conflict with other provisions contained in this
Act, with respect to motorcycle franchises, this Section shall be
(d) The filing of a timely protest by a motorcycle franchise before
the Motor Vehicle Review Board as prescribed by Sections 12
and 29 of this Act, shall stay the effective date of a proposed
additional franchise or selling agreement, or the effective date
of a proposed motorcycle dealership relocation, or the effective
date of a cancellation, termination or modification, or extend the
expiration date of a franchise or selling agreement by refusal to
honor succession to ownership or refusal to approve a sale or
transfer pending a final determination of the issues in the hearing.
(Source: P.A. 91 142, eff. 7 16 99.)
(815 ILCS 710/11) (from Ch. 121 1/2, par. 761)
Sec. 11. Refunds; discounts. In connection with a sale of a motor vehicle or vehicles to the State or to any political subdivision
thereof, no manufacturer, distributor or wholesaler shall offer any
discounts, refunds or any other similar type of inducement to any
dealer without making the same offer or offers available to all other
of its dealers within the relevant market area. (Source: P.A. 81 43.)
(815 ILCS 710/12) (from Ch. 121 1/2, par. 762)
Sec. 12. Arbitration; administrative proceedings; civil actions;
determining good cause.
(a) The franchiser and franchisee may agree to submit a dispute involving Section 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10.1, or 11 to arbitration. Any
such proceeding shall be conducted under the provisions of the
Uniform Arbitration Act by a 3 member panel composed of one
member appointed by the franchisee and one member appointed
by the franchiser who together shall choose the third member.
An arbitration proceeding hereunder for a remedy under paragraph (6) of subsection (d) or paragraph (6), (8), (10) or (11) of
subsection (e) of Section 4 of this Act shall be commenced by
written notice to the franchiser by the objecting franchisee within
30 days from the date the dealer received notice to cancel, terminate, modify or not extend or renew an existing franchise or
selling agreement or refusal to honor succession to ownership or
refusal to honor a sale or transfer or to grant or enter into the additional franchise or selling agreement, or to relocate an existing
motor vehicle dealer; or within 60 days of the date the franchisee
received notice in writing by the franchiser of its determination
under any provision of Section 4 (other than paragraph (6) of
subsection (d) or paragraph (6), (8), (10) or (11) of subsection (e)
of Section 4), 5, 6, 7, 9, 10.1, or 11 of this Act; however, if notice
of the provision under which the determination has been made is
not given by the franchiser, then the proceeding shall be commenced as provided by Section 14 of this Act.
The franchiser and the franchisee shall appoint their respective
arbitrators and they shall select the third arbitrator within 14 days
of receipt of such notice by the franchiser. The arbitrators shall
commence hearings within 60 days after all the arbitrators have
been appointed and a decision shall be rendered within 30 days
after completion of the hearing.
During the pendency of the arbitration, any party may apply to a
court of competent jurisdiction which shall have power to modify
or stay the effective date of a proposed additional franchise or
selling agreement, or the effective date of a proposed motor
vehicle dealership relocation or the effective date of a cancellation, termination or modification or refusal to honor succession
or refusal to allow a sale or transfer or extend the expiration date
of a franchise or selling agreement pending a final determination
of the issues raised in the arbitration hearing upon such terms
as the court may determine. Any such modification or stay shall
not be effective for more than 60 days unless extended by the
court for good cause or unless the arbitration hearing is then in
(b) If the franchiser and the franchisee have not agreed to submit
a dispute involving Section 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10.1, or 11 of this Act to
arbitration under subsection (a), then a proceeding before the
Motor Vehicle Review Board as prescribed by subsection (c) or (d)
of Section 12 and Section 29 of this Act for a remedy other than
damages under paragraph (6) of subsection (d) or paragraph (6),
(8), (10), or (11) of subsection (e) of Section 4 of this Act shall be
commenced upon receipt by the Motor Vehicle Review Board of a
timely notice of protest or within 60 days of the date the franchisee received notice in writing by the franchiser of its determination under any provision of those Sections other than paragraph
(6) of subsection (d) or paragraph (6), (8), (10), or (11) of subsection (e) of Section 4 of this Act; however, if notice of the provision
under which the determination has been made is not given by the
franchiser, then the proceeding shall be commenced as provided
by Section 14 of this Act.
During the pendency of a proceeding under this Section, a party
may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction that shall have
power to modify or stay the effective date of a proposed additional franchise or selling agreement, or the effective date of a
proposed motor vehicle dealership relocation, or the effective
date of a cancellation, termination, or modification, or extend the
expiration date of a franchise or selling agreement or refusal to
honor succession to ownership or refusal to approve a sale or
transfer pending a final determination of the issues raised in the
hearing upon such terms as the court may determine. Any modification or stay shall not be effective for more than 60 days unless
extended by the court for good cause or unless the hearing is
then in progress.
(c) In proceedings under (a) or (b), when determining whether
good cause has been established for granting such proposed
additional franchise or selling agreement, or for relocating an
existing motor vehicle dealership, the arbitrators or Board shall
consider all relevant circumstances in accordance with subsection (v) of Section 2 of this Act, including but not limited to:
(1) whether the establishment of such additional franchise or
the relocation of such motor vehicle dealership is warranted by
economic and marketing conditions including anticipated future
(2) the retail sales and service business transacted by the objecting motor vehicle dealer or dealers and other motor vehicle
dealers of the same line make with a place of business in the
relevant market area to be served by the additional franchise or
the relocated motor vehicle dealership during the 5 year period
immediately preceding such notice as compared to the business
available to them;
(3) the investment necessarily made and obligations incurred by
the objecting motor vehicle dealer or dealers and other motor
vehicle dealers of the same line make with a place of business in
the relevant market area to be served by the additional franchise
or the relocated motor vehicle dealership to perform their obligations under existing franchises or selling agreements; and, the
manufacturer shall give reasonable credit for sales of factory
repurchase vehicles purchased by the objecting motor vehicle
dealer or dealers and other motor vehicle dealers of the same line
make with the place of business in the relevant market area to be
served by the additional franchise or the relocated motor vehicle
dealership, or the additional motor vehicle dealership or other
facility limited to the sale of factory repurchase or late model
vehicles, at manufacturer authorized or sponsored auctions in
determining performance of obligations under existing franchises
or selling agreements relating to total new vehicle sales;
(4) the permanency of the investment of the objecting motor
vehicle dealer or dealers and other motor vehicle dealers of the
same line make with a place of business in the relevant market
area to be served by the additional franchise or the relocated motor vehicle dealership;
(5) whether it is beneficial or injurious to the public welfare for an
additional franchise or relocated motor vehicle dealership to be
(6) whether the objecting motor vehicle dealer or dealers and
other motor vehicle dealers of the same line make with a place of
business in the relevant market area to be served by the additional franchisee or relocated motor vehicle dealership are providing adequate competition and convenient consumer care for the
motor vehicles of the same line make owned or operated in the
area to be served by the additional franchise or relocated motor
vehicle dealership;
(7) whether the objecting motor vehicle dealer or dealers and
other motor vehicle dealers of the same line make with a place of
business in the relevant market area to be served by the additional franchisee or the relocated motor vehicle dealership have
adequate motor vehicle sales and service facilities, equipment,
vehicle parts and qualified personnel to reasonably provide for
the needs of the customer; provided, however, that good cause
shall not be shown solely by a desire for further market penetration;
(8) whether the establishment of an additional franchise or the
relocation of a motor vehicle dealership would be in the public
(9) whether there has been a material breach by a motor vehicle
dealer of the existing franchise agreement which creates a substantially detrimental effect upon the distribution of the franchiser’s motor vehicles in the affected motor vehicle dealer’s relevant
market area or fraudulent claims for warranty work, insolvency or
inability to pay debts as they mature;
(10) the effect of an additional franchise or relocated motor vehicle dealership upon the existing motor vehicle dealers of the
same line make in the relevant market area to be served by the
additional franchisee or relocated motor vehicle dealership; and
(11) whether the manufacturer has given reasonable credit to the
objecting motor vehicle dealer or dealers and other motor vehicle
dealers of the same line make with a place of business in the relevant market area to be served by the additional franchise or relocated motor vehicle dealership or additional motor vehicle dealership or other facility limited to the sale of factory repurchase or
late model vehicles, for retail sales of factory repurchase vehicles
purchased by the motor vehicle dealer or dealers at manufacturer
authorized or sponsored auctions.
(d) In proceedings under subsection (a) or (b), when determining
whether good cause has been established for cancelling, terminating, refusing to extend or renew, or changing or modifying the
obligations of the motor vehicle dealer as a condition to offering a
renewal, replacement, or succeeding franchise or selling agreement, the arbitrators or Board shall consider all relevant circumstances in accordance with subsection (v) of Section 2 of this Act,
including but not limited to:
(1) The amount of retail sales transacted by the franchisee during a 5 year period immediately before the date of the notice of
proposed action as compared to the business available to the
(2) The investment necessarily made and obligations incurred by
the franchisee to perform its part of the franchise.
(3) The permanency of the franchisee’s investment.
(4) Whether it is injurious to the public interest for the franchise
to be cancelled or terminated or not extended or modified, or the
business of the franchise disrupted.
(5) Whether the franchisee has adequate motor vehicle sales and
service facilities, equipment, vehicle parts, and service personnel
to reasonably provide for the need of the customers for the same
line make of motor vehicles handled by the franchisee.
(6) Whether the franchisee fails to fulfill the warranty obligations
of the manufacturer required to be performed by the franchisee.
(7) The extent and materiality of the franchisee’s failure to comply
with the terms of the franchise and the reasonableness and fairness of those terms.
(8) Whether the owners of the franchise had actual knowledge of
the facts and circumstances upon which cancellation or termination, failure to extend or renew, or changing or modification of the
obligations of the franchisee as a condition to offering a renewal,
replacement, or succeeding franchise or selling agreement.
(e) If the franchiser and the franchisee have not agreed to submit a dispute to arbitration, and the dispute did not arise under
paragraph (6) of subsection (d) or paragraph (6), (8), (10), or (11)
of subsection (e) of Section 4 of this Act, then a proceeding for a
remedy other than damages may be commenced by the objecting franchisee in the circuit court of the county in which the
objecting franchisee has its principal place of business, within
60 days of the date the franchisee received notice in writing by
the franchiser of its determination under any provision of this Act
other than paragraph (6) of subsection (d) or paragraph (6), (8),
(10), or (11) of subsection (e) of Section 4 of this Act; however, if
notice of the provision under which the determination has been
made is not given by the franchiser, then the proceeding shall be
commenced as provided by Section 14 of this Act.
(f) The changes to this Section made by this amendatory Act of
the 92nd General Assembly (i) apply only to causes of action accruing on or after its effective date and (ii) are intended to provide
only an additional venue for dispute resolution without changing
any substantive rights under this Act. (Source: P.A. 92 272, eff. 1
1 02.)
(815 ILCS 710/13) (from Ch. 121 1/2, par. 763)
Sec. 13. Damages; equitable relief. Any franchisee or motor vehicle dealer who suffers any loss of money or property, real or
personal, as a result of the use or employment by a manufacturer,
wholesaler, distributor, distributor branch or division, factory
branch or division, wholesale branch or division, or any agent,
servant or employee thereof, of an unfair method of competition
or an unfair or deceptive act or practice declared unlawful by this
Act, or any action in violation of this Act, may bring an action for
damages and equitable relief, including injunctive relief, in the
circuit court of the county in which the objecting franchisee has
its principal place of business or, if the parties have so agreed, in
arbitration. If the misconduct is willful or wanton, treble damages
may be awarded. A motor vehicle dealer, if it has not suffered any
loss of money or property, may obtain permanent equitable relief
if it can be shown that the unfair act or practice may have the
effect of causing such loss of money or property. Where the franchisee or dealer substantially prevails the court or arbitration panel or Motor Vehicle Review Board shall award attorney’s fees and
assess costs, including expert witness fees and other expenses
incurred by the dealer in the litigation, so long as such fees and
costs are reasonable, against the opposing party. Moreover, for
the purposes of the award of attorney’s fees, expert witness fees,
and costs whenever the franchisee or dealer is seeking injunctive or other relief, the franchisee or dealer may be considered to
have prevailed when a judgment is entered in its favor, when a
final administrative decision is entered in its favor and affirmed,
if subject to judicial review, when a consent order is entered into,
or when the manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, distributor
branch or division, factory branch or division, wholesale branch
or division, or any officer, agent or other representative thereof
ceases the conduct, act or practice which is alleged to be in violation of any Section of this Act.
The changes to this Section made by this amendatory Act of
the 92nd General Assembly (i) apply only to causes of action accruing on or after its effective date and (ii) are intended to provide
only an additional venue for dispute resolution without changing
any substantive rights under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 91 485, eff. 1 1 00; 91 533, eff. 8 13 99; 92 272, eff. 1
1 02.)
(815 ILCS 710/14) (from Ch. 121 1/2, par. 764)
Sec. 14. Limitations. Except as provided in Section 12, actions
arising out of any provision of this Act shall be commenced
within 4 years next after the cause of action accrues; provided,
however, that if a person liable hereunder conceals the cause of
action from the knowledge of the person entitled to bring it, the
period prior to the discovery of his cause of action by the person
entitled shall be excluded in determining the time limited for the
commencement of the action. If a cause of action accrues during
the pendency of any civil, criminal or administrative proceeding
against a person brought by the United States, or any of its agencies under the antitrust laws, the Federal Trade Commission Act,
or any other federal act, or the laws or to franchising, such actions may be commenced within one year after the final disposition of such civil, criminal or administrative proceeding. (Source:
P.A. 81 43.)
(815 ILCS 710/16)
Sec. 16. Motor Vehicle Review Board; Appointment. The Secretary of State shall, within 6 months of the effective date of this
Act, establish a Motor Vehicle Review Board. The Motor Vehicle
Review Board shall be composed of 7 members appointed by
the Secretary of State. The members shall represent the public
interest at large and shall not have engaged in the sale, manufacture, or distribution of motor vehicles at retail in this State. Each
member of the Board shall receive compensation as provided in
the regulations for performance of the duties of the office, and
in addition, shall be paid all travel and other necessary expenses
incurred while performing official duties. Terms of office of the
members shall be for 3 years, except that, of the members first
appointed to take office after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1995, 2 shall be appointed for a 3 year term, and one
shall be appointed for a 2 year term. Of the members first appointed under this amendatory Act of 1996, one shall be appoint-
ed to a 3 year term, and one shall be appointed to a 2 year term.
Of the members first appointed to take office after the effective
date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly, one
shall be appointed to a 3 year term and one shall be appointed to
a 2 year term. Thereafter, each member shall be appointed for a 3
year term. As terms of appointment expire, members shall serve
until their respective successors are appointed and qualified. No
more than 4 members of the Board may be of the same political
party. A member who tenders a written resignation shall serve
only until the resignation is accepted by the Chairperson. A member who fails to attend 3 consecutive Board meetings without an
excused absence shall no longer serve as a member. The Secretary of State shall fill any vacancy by the appointment of a member for the unexpired term of the member in the same manner as
in the making of original appointments. Annually, the Board shall
organize by selecting a Chairperson from one of the 7 members
from the public at large. (Source: P.A. 91 798, eff. 7 9 00.)
(815 ILCS 710/17)
Sec. 17. Board; organization and meetings. The Board shall adopt
regulations for the holding and conducting of hearings concerning all matters within its powers, shall keep a record of all meetings and transactions, and shall make other provisions for the
conduct of its business as it deems necessary. A majority of the
members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. The act of the
majority of the members of the Board present at a meeting at
which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board. Regular
meetings shall be held as provided in the regulations, and special
meetings may be called by the Chairperson or upon the request
of a majority of those Board members appointed. (Source: P.A.
89 145, eff. 7 14 95; 89 687, eff. 6 1 97.)
(815 ILCS 710/18)
Sec. 18. Board; powers. The Board shall have the following powers:
(a) To conduct hearings, by or through its duly authorized administrative hearing officer, on protests filed under Sections 4, 5, 6, 7,
9, 10.1, 11, and 12 of this Act.
(b) To make reasonable regulations that are necessary to carry
out and effect its official duties and such further rules as necessary relating to the time, place, and manner of conducting hearings as provided for in this Act.
(c) To advise the Secretary of State upon appointments.
(d) To advise the Secretary of State on legislation proposed to
amend this Act or any related Act.
The changes to this Section made by this amendatory Act of the
92nd General Assembly (i) apply only to causes of action accruing on or after its effective date and (ii) are intended to provide
only an additional venue for dispute resolution without changing
any substantive rights under this Act. (Source: P.A. 92 272, eff. 1
1 02.)
(815 ILCS 710/19)
Sec. 19. Relationship between Board and Office of Secretary of
State. The Motor Vehicle Review Board shall be administered by
the Secretary of State who is vested with powers, duties, and
jurisdiction of administering the provisions of this Act. The Board
shall maintain permanent records of its meetings, hearings, and
decisions at the Office of the Secretary of State. (Source: P.A. 89
145, eff. 7 14 95.)
(815 ILCS 710/20)
Sec. 20. Organization of administration. The Secretary of State
shall organize the work of the administration of the portion of this
Act delegated to him or her in a manner as he or she may deem
necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act. (Source: P.A. 89
145, eff. 7 14 95.)
(815 ILCS 710/21)
Sec. 21. Secretary of State to appoint subordinates. The Secretary of State shall appoint subordinate officers, clerks, investigators, and other employees necessary to carry out the provisions
of this Act. All clerical, professional, and other agencies for the
execution of the powers and duties vested in the Board shall be in
the Secretary of State. (Source: P.A. 89 145, eff. 7 14 95.)
(815 ILCS 710/22)
Sec. 22. Powers and duties of Secretary of State.
(a) The administration of this Act is vested in the Secretary of
State who is charged with the duty of observing, administering,
and enforcing the provisions of this Act.
(b) The Secretary may from time to time make, amend, and
rescind rules and regulations as may be necessary in the public
interest to carry out the provisions of this Act. (Source: P.A. 89
145, eff. 7 14 95; 89 433, eff. 12 15 95.)
(815 ILCS 710/23)
Sec. 23. Secretary of State to prescribe forms. The Secretary of
State shall prescribe forms or provide suitable forms requisite or
deemed necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act and any
other laws pertaining to vehicles, the enforcement and administration of which are vested in the Secretary of State. (Source: P.A.
89 145, eff. 7 14 95.)
(815 ILCS 710/24)
Sec. 24. Authority to administer oaths. Officers and employees of
the Secretary of State designated by him or her are, for the purpose of administering the Motor Vehicle Review Board and any
laws relating to the use and operation of motor vehicles, authorized to administer oaths and acknowledge signatures, and shall
do so without fee. (Source: P.A. 89 145, eff. 7 14 95.)
(815 ILCS 710/25)
Sec. 25. Authority to certify copies of records. The Secretary of
State is authorized to prepare under the seal of the Secretary of
State certified copies of any records of his or her office. Every
certified copy shall be admissible in a proceeding in court in the
same manner as the original. (Source: P.A. 89 145, eff. 7 14 95.)
815 ILCS 710/26)
Sec. 26. Records of Secretary of State. The Secretary of State
may destroy any records of his or her office relating to the administration of any laws relating to Motor Vehicle Franchise Act matters if the records have been maintained on file for 4 years. The
records may be destroyed prior to the expiration of 4 years with
the approval of the State Records Commission. (Source: P.A. 89
145, eff. 7 14 95.)
(815 ILCS 710/27)
Sec. 27. Enforcement. The Secretary of State may provide training and education for members of his or her office in the administration and enforcement matters under this Act. (Source: P.A. 89
145, eff. 7 14 95.)
(815 ILCS 710/28)
Sec. 28. Injunction. Whenever it shall appear to the Secretary of
State that a person is engaged or about to engage in acts or practices that constitute or will constitute a violation of the provisions
of this Act, or of any rule or regulation prescribed under authority of this Act, the Secretary of State may in his or her discretion,
through the Attorney General, apply for an injunction without
notice, and upon a proper showing, the circuit court shall have
power to enter a permanent or preliminary injunction, or a temporary restraining order without bond, to enforce the provisions
of this Act, in addition to the other remedies provided in this Act.
Either party may appeal as in other civil cases. (Source: P.A. 89
145, eff. 7 14 95.)
(815 ILCS 710/29)
Sec. 29. Procedures for hearing on protest. Upon receipt of a
timely notice of protest filed with the Motor Vehicle Review Board
under Section 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10.1, 11, or 12 of this Act, the Motor
Vehicle Review Board shall enter an order fixing a date (within
60 days of the date of the order), time, the place of a hearing and
send by certified mail, return receipt requested, a copy of the
order to the manufacturer and the objecting dealer or dealers.
Subject to Section 10 20 of the Illinois Administrative Procedure
Act, the Board shall designate a hearing officer who shall conduct
the hearing. All administrative hearing officers shall be attorneys
licensed to practice law in this State.
At the time and place fixed in the Board’s order, the Board or its
duly authorized agent, the hearing officer, shall proceed to hear
the protest, and all parties to the protest shall be afforded an
opportunity to present in person or by counsel, statements, testimony, evidence, and argument as may be pertinent to the issues.
The hearing officer may continue the hearing date by agreement
of the parties, or upon a finding of good cause, but in no event
shall the hearing be rescheduled more than 90 days after the
Board’s initial order.
Upon any hearing, the Board or its duly authorized agent, the
hearing officer, may administer oaths to witnesses and issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses or other persons and the
production of relevant documents, records, and other evidence
and may require examination thereon. For purposes of discovery, the Board or its designated hearing officer may, if deemed
appropriate and proper under the circumstances, authorize the
parties to engage in such discovery procedures as are provided
for in civil actions in Section 2 1003 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Discovery shall be completed no later than 15 days prior
to commencement of the proceeding or hearing. Enforcement
of discovery procedures shall be as provided in the regulations.
Subpoenas issued shall be served in the same manner as subpoenas issued out of the circuit courts. The fees of subpoenaed
witnesses under this Act for attendance and travel shall be the
same as fees of witnesses before the circuit courts of this State,
such fees to be paid when the witness is excused from further
attendance, provided the witness is subpoenaed at the instance
of the Board or an agent authorized by the Board; and payment
of fees shall be made and audited in the same manner as other
expenses of the Board. Whenever a subpoena is issued at the
request of a party to a proceeding, complainant, or respondent,
as the case may be, the Board may require that the cost of service
of the subpoena and the fee of same shall be borne by the party
at whose instance the witness is summoned, and the Board shall
have power, in its discretion, to require a deposit to cover the cost
of service and witness fees and the payment of the legal witness
fee and mileage to the witness served with the subpoena. In any
protest before the Board, the Board or its designated hearing officer may order a mandatory settlement conference. The failure
of a party to appear, to be prepared, or to have authority to settle
the matter may result in any or all of the following:
(a) The Board or its designated hearing officer may suspend all
proceedings before the Board in the matter until compliance.
(b) The Board or its designated hearing officer may dismiss the
proceedings or any part thereof before the Board with or without
(c) The Board or its designated hearing officer may require all of
the Board’s costs to be paid by the party at fault.
Any circuit court of this State, upon application of the Board, or
an officer or agent designated by the Board for the purpose of
conducting any hearing, may, in its discretion, compel the attendance of witnesses, the production of books, papers, accounts,
or documents, and giving of testimony before the Board or before
any officer or agent designated for the purpose of conducting the
hearing. Failure to obey the order may be punished by the circuit
court as contempt.
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A party may conduct cross examination required for a full and fair
disclosure of the facts. Within 20 days of the date of the hearing,
the hearing officer shall issue his or her proposed decision to the
Board and shall, by certified mail, return receipt requested, serve
the proposed decision upon the parties, with an opportunity afforded to each party to file exceptions and present a brief to the
Board within 10 days of their receipt of the proposed decision.
The proposed decision shall contain a statement of the reasons
for the decision and each issue of fact or law necessary to the
proposed decision. The Board shall then issue its final order
which, if applicable, shall include the award of attorney’s fees,
expert witness fees, and an assessment of costs, including other
expenses incurred in the litigation, if permitted under this Act, so
long as such fees and costs are reasonable.
In a hearing on a protest filed under paragraph (6) of subsection
(d) or paragraph (6), (8), (10), or (11) of Section 4 or Section 12
of this Act, the manufacturer shall have the burden of proof to
establish that there is good cause for the franchiser to: grant or
establish an additional franchise or relocate an existing franchise;
cancel, terminate, refuse to extend or renew a franchise or selling
agreement; or change or modify the obligations of the motor vehicle dealer as a condition to offering a renewal, replacement, or
succeeding franchise or selling agreement or refuse to honor succession to ownership or refuse to approve a proposed transfer or
sale. The determination whether good cause exists shall be made
under Section 12 of this Act.
The Board shall record the testimony and preserve a record of
all proceedings at the hearing by proper means of recordation.
The notice required to be given by the manufacturer and notice
of protest by the dealer or other party, the notice of hearing, and
all other documents in the nature of pleadings, motions, and rulings, all evidence, offers of proof, objections, and rulings thereon,
the transcript of testimony, the report of findings or proposed
decision of the hearing officer, and the orders of the Board shall
constitute the record of the proceedings. The Board shall furnish
a transcript of the record to any person interested in the hearing
upon payment of the actual cost thereof.
The changes to this Section made by this amendatory Act of the
92nd General Assembly (i) apply only to causes of action accruing
on or after its effective date and (ii) are intended to provide only
an additional venue for dispute resolution without changing any
substantive rights under this Act. (Source: P.A. 91 485, eff. 1 1 00;
92 272, eff. 1 1 02.)
(815 ILCS 710/30)
Sec. 30. Form; contents; service of Board’s decision after hearing. The decision of the Motor Vehicle Review Board on any
matter heard under Section 29 of this Act shall be in writing and
shall contain findings of fact and a determination of the issues
presented. A copy of the Board’s order shall be served upon all
parties to the action by the Board, either personally or by certified
mail. All expenses incurred by the Board in conducting the hearing shall be paid by the parties to the hearing and shall be divided
between or among them equally, except as otherwise provided in
Section 13 of this Act. (Source: P.A. 89 145, eff. 7 14 95.)
(815 ILCS 710/31)
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Sec. 31. Review under Administrative Review Law; appeal as in
civil cases. Any person affected by a final administrative decision
of the Board may seek judicial review of the decision in the Circuit
Court of Sangamon County or in the Circuit Court of Cook County
only under and in accordance with the Administrative Review
Law, if the person files, within 10 days of receipt of service of a
copy of the final decision sought to be reviewed, a written notice
with the Board of intent to seek review under such law. The provisions of the Administrative Review Law and the rules adopted
pursuant thereto, shall apply to and govern all proceedings for
the judicial review of final administrative decisions of the Board
under this Act. The term “administrative decision” is defined as in
Section 3 101 of the Code of Civil Procedure. (Source: P.A. 89 145,
eff. 7 14 95.)
(815 ILCS 710/32)
Sec. 32. Severability. If any provision of this Act or the application of any provision of this Act to any person or circumstance
is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or
applications of the Act that can be given effect without the invalid
provision or application, and for this purpose the provisions of
this Act are severable.
(Source: P.A. 89 145, eff. 7 14 95.)
700 Credit
Bright & Associates, Inc.
Burke, Warren, MacKay & Serritella PC
Mike Marzano . .........................541) 505-6220
2233 West 190th St.
Torrance, CA 90504
Tim Novak ................................(404) 386-4949
AEP Energy, Inc.
Paula Harris ..............................(312) 628-8632
225 W. Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60654
American Fidelity Assurance
Dan Clements .........................(877) 967-5748
2581 Pebble Beach
Oakland, MI 48363
American Fidelity Assurance Co.
Kathleen Weisenbach ............(877) 967-5748
2000 N. Classen Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73106
America’s Auto Auction Chicago, Inc.
Larry Hero .................................(708) 389-4488
14001 S. Larlov Ave
Crestwood, IL 60445
AMS - On Hold Solutions
Alan Bass .........................(800) 584-4653 x317
9500 Technology Dr.
Manassas, VA 20110
Auto Help Line
Joe Fazio ..................................(718) 331-1436
7007 13th Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11228
Automotive Development Group
William Kelly .............................(952) 937-9222
5810 W.78th Street Ste. 300
Bloomington, MN 55439
Automotive Parts Service Co.
Adolf Van Dril . .........................(630) 397-5500
2600 Keslinger Rd. Ste. G
Geneva, IL 60134
Auto Trader.Com
M. Knafel ..................................(630) 691-7015
18 W. 140 Butterfield Rd. Suite 450
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60134
James Bright ............................(314) 878-6778
10 Pines Court
Saint Louis, MO 63141
William H. Kelly .........................(312) 840-7061
330 N. Wabash Ave. 22nd Fl.
Chicago, IL 60611
Call One
Robert Chatz ...........................(847) 920-9600
123 N Wacker Drive, 7th Fl
Chicago, IL 60606
Call One
Robert Kintz ..............................(312) 506-5003
123 N. Wacker Dr. Suite 800
Chicago, IL 60606
Tim Gutierrez ............................(818) 673-4706
31280 Oak Crest Dr.
Westlake Village, CA 91361
CDA, Inc.
John Seymour ..........................(949) 233-8313
53 Costa Brava
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
Chevron Commercial, Inc.
Bill Cunagin ............................. (618) 654-5555
3545 George Street
Highland, IL 62249
Simon Jalbert ............ (647) 776-0291 ext. 201
150 Ellington Ave. East Ste. 803 M4P1E8
Toronto, Ontario M41E8
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Todd Davis.............. ....................217-442-1643
2 East Main Street, Suite 120
Danville, IL 61834
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Steve DeBruyn ...........................309-671-4500
301 SW Adams Street, Suite 900
Peoria, IL 61656
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Terry Werner ...............................314-925-4300
600 Washington Avenue, Suite 1800
St. Louis, MO 63101
Crowe Horwath LLP
John Dvorak ............................(630) 575-4255
One Mid America Plaza Ste. 700
Oak Brook Terrace, IL 60181
Crowe Horwath LLP
Ms. Denise Yezza .....................(630) 574-1624
P.O. Box 3697
Oakbrook, IL 60522-3697
Cruz Enterprises
Fred Cruz ..................................(773) 949-9585
3519 N. Lincoln St
Franklin Park, IL 60131
Matt Boyle . ..............................(614) 323-0089
12230 Mantawauka Dr.
Fenton, MI 48439
Ms. Marla Frazier . ....................(847) 420-9341
2300 Lexington Circle S
Canton, MI 48188
Ken Mehall ...............................(313) 845-6946
16901 Michigan Ave.
Dearborn, MI 48126
Greg Raupp . ...........................(800) 668-2332
7000 Village Dr.
Buena Park, CA 90621
John Roeder ............................(636) 447-8351
1205 Grey Fox Run
Saint Charles, MO 63304
Dealers Edge
Jim Muntz .................................(800) 321-5312
P.O. Box 606
Barnegat Light, NJ 8006
Digital Air Strike
Christopher Gleason . .............(630) 518-7505
529 Walsh Avenue
Joilet, IL 60435
ETC ProLiance
Brian Hirschberg ......................(812) 431-4509
111 Monument Circle, Ste 2200
Indianapolis, IN 46204
ETC ProLiance
Adam Tracy .............................(317) 231-6827
111 Monument Circle, Ste 2200
Indianapolis, IN 46204
ETC ProLiance Energy
Christie Barnhorst . ...................(317) 231-6848
111 Monument Circle, Ste 2200
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Federated Insurance
Kyle Julseth ..............................(507) 455-5368
121 East Park Square
Owatonna, MN 55060
Illinois National Bank
Evan Westlake ........................ (217) 747-5550
322 E. Capitol
Springfield, IL 62701
Interstate National Dealer Services
Breanne Morley
6120 Powers Ferry Rd. NW, Ste. 200
Atlanta, GA 30339
IP Communications, Inc.
Nick Mergen ............................(414) 507-4729
850 Vandalia St. Ste. 300
Collinsville, IL 62234
Suzanne L. Yeager ..................(815) 315-9242
1521 Windsor Rd.
Rockford, IL 61111
Financial Transaction Services
JX Enterprises, Inc.
Federated Insurance
Lance Marcinek ......................(773) 332-2982
427 East Russell St.
Barrington, IL 60010
Mark Muskevitsch . ..................(262) 513-5066
PO Box 196
Waukesha, WI 53187
Global Payments, Inc.
Key Bank
Cyndy Daly .............................(612) 860-3031
Global Payments, Inc.
Ann Furman .................(800) 638-4600 x 1731
6215 West Howard St.
Niles, IL 60714
Greater Quad City Auto Auction
Michael Fairchild......................(630) 780-8418
601 Oakmont Lane Ste. 150
Westmont, IL 60559
Nick Hardesty ..........................(262) 649-2903
W9675 Cousins Court
Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Larry Anderson ........................(309) 787-6300
4015 78th Ave.
Milan, IL 61264
Julie A. Cardosi . ......................(217) 787-9782
3040 Spring Mill Dr. Ste. B
Springfield, IL 62704
Hardt, Stern & Kayne, P.C.
Michael Silver & Company
Law Office of Julie A. Cardosi, P.C.
James R. Hardt ........................(312) 362-1600
2610 Lake Cook Rd. Ste. 200
Deerfi eld, IL 60015
Neil Friedman ..........................(847) 982-0333
5750 Old Orchard Rd. Ste. 200
Skokie, IL 60077
Harris Bank NA
Morton Auto Auction
Ghram Debes ..........................(312) 461-2886
111 West Monroe St. 5E
Chicago, IL 60603
David Keebler . ........................(630) 637-4116
1001 S. Washington St. Ste. 200
Naperville, IL 60540
R. W. Towell & Company
Mike Aiello . ..............................(217) 528-7533
214 South Grand Ave.West
Springfield, IL 62704
Resource Management Group
Greg Hoffman .........................(800) 761-4546
20 Cabot Blvd. Ste. 400
Mansfield, MA 02048
Reynolds & Reynolds
Vendor Relations . ...................(714) 833-0336
1 Reynolds Way
Dayton, OH 45430
Rubin Brown LLP
John E. Butler ...........................(314) 290-3300
1 N. Brentwood Blvd. #1100
Saint Louis, MO 63105-3900
Rich Jackson . ..........................(636) 448-1594
1910 Layven Ave.
Florissant, MO 63031
Sentry Insurance Company
Randy Dombrowski .................(718) 346-7272
1800 North Point Dr.
Stevens Point, WI 54481
Southern Dealer Services, Inc.
John Eaton . .............................(618) 218-5142
6231 Logan Rd.
Benton, IL 62812
Speedway LLC
Ted Krupa . ...............................(309) 263-7467
P.O. Box 442
Morton, IL 61550-0442
Vince Gelsomino . ...................(708) 444-7086
8200 W. 185th St. Ste. E
Tinley Park, IL 60477
www.superfl eet.net
National Auto Dealers Association
The Pomykala Group LLC
Harris N.A.
Debbie Natzke ........................(847) 434-2009
700 E. Lake Cook Rd.
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Peter Welch..............................(703) 821-7100
8400 Westpark Drive
McLean, VA 22101
Gary Pomykala .......................(630) 920-9290
4112 North Cass Avenus
Westmont, IL 60559
Henderson & Lyman
Orlanco Consulting/Northwood University
Carl Woodward ......................(309) 662-8797
1707 Clearwater Avenue
Bloomington, IL 61704
Mark Lyman .............................(312) 986-6960
175 W. Jackson Blvd., Ste. 240
Chicago, IL 60604
Ralph Kaberloh, CAE...............(573) 659-4407
P.O. Box 7075
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Illinois Auto Group
Carl Bunker ..............................(309) 693-9867
7150 North University Street
Peoria, IL 61614
Kurt Karlson ..............................(708) 774-2001
15600 W. 70th Ct.
Orland Park, IL 60462
Woodward & Associates, P.C.
Peoria Metro Dealers Association
Edward J. Acevedo - District 2
109 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-2855
(217) 557-5148 (FAX)
Jaime M. Andrade, Jr. - District 40
247-E Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8117
(217) 558-4551 (FAX)
L E G I S L AT O R S • H O U S E M E M B E R S
1836 W. 35th St.
Chicago, IL 60609
(773) 843-1500
(773) 843-9500 (FAX)
3657 N. Kedzie
Chicago, IL 60618
(773) 267-2880
(773) 267-2840 (FAX)
John D. Anthony - District 75
201-N Stratton Office Building
3605 N. State Route 47, Suite F
P.O. Box 808 Springfield, IL 62706 Morris, IL 60450
(217) 782-5997
(815) 416-1475
(217) 782-3189 (FAX)
Luis Arroyo - District 3
274-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0480
(217) 557-9609 (FAX)
5001 W. Fullerton Ave.
Chicago, IL 60639
(773) 637-2000
(773) 637-2002 (FAX)
Daniel V. Beiser - District 111
269-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-5996
(217) 558-0493 (FAX)
528 Henry St.
Alton, IL 62002
(618) 465-5900
(618) 465-5150 (FAX)
Patricia R. Bellock - District 47
215-N Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1448(
(217) 782-2289 (FAX)
1 S. Cass Ave.
Westmont Centre, Suite 205
Westmont, IL 60559
630) 852-8633
(630) 852-6530 (FAX)
Maria Antonia Berrios - District 39
290-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 558-1032
(217) 558-7112 (FAX)
2847 N. Pulaski Rd.
Chicago, IL 60641
(773) 736-3939
(773) 736-3940 (FAX)
Mike Bost - District 115
202-N Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0387
(217) 557-7213 (FAX)
300 E. Main
Carbondale, IL 62901
(618) 457-5787
(618) 457-2990 (FAX)
John E. Bradley - District 117
259-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-1051
(217) 782-0882 (FAX)
501 W. DeYoung, Suite 5
Marion, IL 62959
(618) 997-9697
(618) 997-9807 (FAX)
Dan Brady - District 105
200-8N Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-1118
(217) 558-6271 (FAX)
104 W. North Street
Normal, IL 61761
(309) 662-1100
(309) 662-1150 (FAX)
Rich Brauer - District 87
1128-E Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0053
(217) 782-0897 (FAX)
1128-E Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-0053
(217) 782-0897 (FAX)
Adam Brown - District 102
314 Capitol Building
Suite B
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8398
(217) 782-7012 (FAX)
510 S. Staley
Champaign, IL 61822
(217) 607-5104
(217) 607-5471 (FAX)
Daniel J. Burke - District 1
233-E Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-1117
(217) 782-0927 (FAX)
2650 W. 51st Street
Chicago, IL 60632
(773) 471-2299
(773) 471-1648 (FAX)
Kelly Burke - District 36
246-W Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0515
(217) 558-4553 (FAX)
5144 W. 95th St.
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
(708) 425-0571
(708) 425-0642 (FAX)
John M. Cabello - District 68
205A-N Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0455
(217) 782-1141 (FAX)
1941 Harlem Road
Loves Park, IL 61111
(815) 282-0083
(815) 282-0085 (FAX)
Kelly M. Cassidy - District 14
265-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8088
(217) 782-6592 (FAX)
5533 North Broadway
Chicago, IL 60640
(773) 784-2002
(773) 784-2060 (FAX)
John D. Cavaletto - District 107
205-N Stratton Office Building
P.O. Box 1264
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0066
(217) 782-1336 (FAX)
1370 W. Main Street, Suite A
Salem, IL 62881
(618) 548-9080
(618) 548-9087 (FAX)
Linda Chapa LaVia - District 83
229-E Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 558-1002
(217) 782-0927 (FAX)
8 E. Galena Blvd., Suite 240
Aurora, IL 60506
(630) 264-6855
(630) 264-6752 (FAX)
Katherine Cloonen - District 79
235-E Stratton Office Building
Suite 419
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-5981
(815) 939-0081 (FAX)
Deborah Conroy - District 46
244-W Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8158
(630) 415-3522 (FAX)
1 Dearborn Square
Kankakee, IL 60901
(815) 939-1983
28 S. Villa Ave.
Villa Park, IL 60181
(630) 415-3520
Jerry F. Costello, II - District 116
200-5S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-1018
(217) 558-4502 (FAX)
Fred Crespo - District 44
255-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0347
(217) 557-4622 (FAX)
Tom Cross - District 97
200-1N Stratton Office Building
Suite 213
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-1331
(815) 609-3994 (FAX)
Barbara Flynn Currie - District 25
300 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8121
(217) 524-1794 (FAX)
John D’Amico - District 15
279-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8198
(217) 782-2906 (FAX)
C.D. Davidsmeyer - District 100
228-N Stratton Office Building
P.O. Box 160
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-1840
(217) 558-3743 (FAX)
124 Locust Street
Red Bud, IL 62278
(618) 282-7284
(618) 282-7286 (FAX)
1014 E. Schaumburg Road
Streamwood, IL 60107
(630) 372-3340
(630) 372-3342 (FAX)
24047 W. Lockport St.
Plainfield, IL 60544
(815) 254-0000
1303 E. 53rd Street
Chicago, IL 60615
(773) 667-0550
(773) 667-3010 (FAX)
4404 W. Lawrence Avenue
Chicago, IL 60630
(773) 736-0218
(773) 736-2333 (FAX)
325 W. State Street, Suite 102
Jacksonville, IL 62650
(217) 243-6221
(217) 245-2071 (FAX)
Monique D. Davis - District 27
241-E Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0010
(217) 782-1795 (FAX)
1234 West 95th Street
Chicago, IL 60643
(773) 445-9700
(773) 445-5755 (FAX)
William Davis - District 30
254-W Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8197
(217) 782-3220 (FAX)
1912 W. 174th Street
East Hazel Crest, IL 60429
(708) 799-7300
(708) 799-7377 (FAX)
Anthony DeLuca - District 80
271-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-1719
(217) 558-4944 (FAX)
Tom Demmer - District 90
222-N Stratton Office Building
Suite B
Springfield, (217) 782-0535
(815) 561-3691 (FAX)
Scott Drury - District 58
250-W Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0902
195 W. Joe Orr Rd., Suite 201
Chicago Heights, IL 60411
(708) 754-7900
(708) 754-7904 (FAX)
1221 Currency Court
IL 62706 Rochelle, IL 61068
(815) 561-3690
425 Sheridan Rd.
Highwood, IL 60040
(847) 681-8580
Kenneth Dunkin - District 5
278-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-4535
(217) 782-4213 (FAX)
Jim Durkin - District 82
316 Capitol Building
Suite C
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0494
(217) 782-7012 (FAX)
Marcus C. Evans, Jr. - District 33
276-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8272
(217) 782-2404 (FAX)
Keith Farnham - District 43
249-E Stratton Office Building
Suite 505
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8020
(217) 557-4459 (FAX)
Sara Feigenholtz - District 12
300 Capitol Building
Suite A
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8062
(773) 296-0993 (FAX)
Laura Fine - District 17
231-E Stratton Office Building
Suite A
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-4194
(217) 524-0449 (FAX)
Mary E. Flowers - District 31
251-E Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-4207
(217) 782-1130 (FAX)
La Shawn K. Ford - District 8
239-E Stratton Office Building
2nd Floor
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-5962
(217) 557-4502 (FAX)
1543 North Wells Street
Chicago, IL 60610
(312) 266-0340
(312) 266-0699 (FAX)
16W281 83rd St.
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
(630) 325-2028
(630) 325-2291 (FAX)
8539 South Cottage Grove Ave.
Chicago, IL 60619
(773) 783-8492
(773) 783-8625 (FAX)
164 Division Street
Elgin, IL 60120
(847) 841-7130
(847) 841-7140 (FAX)
3223 N. Sheffield
Chicago, IL 60657
(773) 296-4141
1812 Waukegan Road
Glenview, IL 60025
(847) 998-1717
(847) 998-1707 (FAX)
2525 W. 79th Street
Chicago, IL 60652
(773) 471-5200
(773) 471-1036 (FAX)
4800 W. Chicago Ave.
Chicago, IL 60651
(773) 378-5902
(773) 378-5903 (FAX)
Mike Fortner - District 49
200-4N Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-1653
(217) 782-1275 (FAX)
135 Fremont St.
West Chicago, IL 60185
(630) 293-9344
(630) 293-9785 (FAX)
Jack D. Franks - District 63
267-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-1717
(217) 557-2118 (FAX)
1193 South Eastwood Drive
Woodstock, IL 60098
(815) 334-0063
(815) 334-9147 (FAX)
Robyn Gabel - District 18
248-W Stratton Office Building
Suite 103
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8052
(217) 558-4553 (FAX)
Esther Golar - District 6
268-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-5971
(217) 558-6370 (FAX)
820 Davis Street
Evanston, IL 60201
(847) 424-9898
(847) 424-9828 (FAX)
4926 South Ashland
Chicago, IL 60609
(773) 925-6580
(773) 925-6584 (FAX)
Jehan A. Gordon-Booth - District 92
200-8S Stratton Office Building
300 E. War Memorial Drive
Suite 303
Peoria, IL 61614
Springfield, IL 62706 (309) 681-1992
(309) 681-8572 (FAX)
(217) 782-3186
(217) 558-4552 (FAX)
Brad E. Halbrook - District 110
213-N Stratton Office Building
Suite 200 C-1
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 558-1040
(217) 558-3481 (FAX)
Norine Hammond - District 93
209-N Stratton Office Building
P.O. Box 170
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0416
(217) 557-4530 (FAX)
Josh Harms - District 106
208-N Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 558-1039
(815) 432-0110 (FAX)
David Harris - District 53
221-N Stratton Office Building
Suite 120
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-3739
Greg Harris - District 13
253-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-3835
(217) 557-6470 (FAX)
Kay Hatcher - District 50
200-5N Stratton Office Building
P.O. Box 1150
Springfield, IL 62706 217) 782-1486
(630) 553-9050 (FAX)
Chad Hays - District 104
220-N Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-4811
(217) 477-0102 (FAX)
506 West Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 348-1110
(217) 348-1166 (FAX)
331 N. Lafayette Street
Macomb, IL 61455
(309) 836-2707
(309) 836-2231 (FAX)
342 W. Walnut St.
Watseka, IL 60970
(815) 432-0106
800 West Central Road
Mount Prospect, IL 60056
(224) 764-2440
1967 W. Montrose
Chicago, IL 60613
(773) 348-3434
(773) 348-3475 (FAX)
608 E. Veterans Pkwy.
Yorkville, IL 60560
(630) 553-3223
7 E. Fairchild Street
Danville, IL 61832
(217) 477-0104
Elizabeth Hernandez - District 24
286-S Stratton Office Building
Suite 205
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8173
(217) 558-1844 (FAX)
Jay Hoffman - District 113
261-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0104
(217) 782-1333 (FAX)
Frances Ann Hurley - District 35
252-W Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8200
(773) 672-5144 (FAX)
Jeanne M Ives - District 42
230-N Stratton Office Building
Suite 200
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 558-1037
(217) 782-1275 (FAX)
Eddie Lee Jackson, Sr. - District 114
200-7S Stratton Office Building
Suite 2
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-5951
(217) 782-8794 (FAX)
Naomi D. Jakobsson - District 103
257-S Stratton Office Building
Suite 120
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 558-1009
(217) 557-4536 (FAX)
Charles E. Jefferson - District 67
109 Capitol Building
Suite 304
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-3167
(217) 557-7654 (FAX)
Thaddeus Jones - District 29
240-W Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8087
(217) 558-6433 (FAX)
Dwight Kay - District 112
223-N Stratton Office Building
Suite 5
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8018
(618) 307-9202 (FAX)
Stephanie A. Kifowit - District 84
200-3S Stratton Office Building
Ste. 116
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8028
(630) 585-1357 (FAX)
2137 S. Lombard
Cicero, IL 60804
(708) 222-5240
(708) 222-5241 (FAX)
312 S. High St.
Belleville, IL 62220
(618) 416-7407
(618) 416-7409 (FAX)
10400 S. Western
Chicago, IL 60643
(773) 445-8128
1725 S. Naperville Road
Wheaton, IL 60189
(630) 384-1108
4700 State Street
East St. Louis, IL 62205
(618) 875-9950
(618) 875-9870 (FAX)
206 N. Randolph St.
Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 373-5000
(217) 373-8679 (FAX)
200 S. Wyman
Rockford, IL 61101
(815) 987-7433
(815) 987-7225 (FAX)
1910 Sibley Blvd.
Calumet City, IL 60409
(708) 933-6018
(708) 933-6284 (FAX)
9 Junction Drive West
Glen Carbon, IL 62034
(618) 307-9200
1677 Montgomery Rd.
Aurora, IL 60504
(630) 585-1308
Renée Kosel - District 37
219-N Stratton Office Building
Suite 204 B
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0424
(217) 557-7249 rkosel@ilga.gov
Lou Lang - District 16
109 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-1252
(217) 782-9903 (FAX)
David R. Leitch - District 73
314 Capitol Building
Arbor Hall, Suite B
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8108
(217) 557-3047 (FAX)
Camille Y. Lilly - District 78
270-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-6400
(217) 558-1054 (FAX)
Michael J. Madigan - District 22
300 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-5350
(217) 524-1794 (FAX)
Natalie A. Manley - District 98
242A-W Stratton Office Building
Suite 201
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-3316
(815) 725-5269 (FAX)
Robert F. Martwick - District 19
282-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8400
(773) 545-7106 (FAX)
Frank J. Mautino - District 76
300 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0140
(217) 557-7680 (FAX)
19201 South LaGrange Rd.
Mokena, IL 60448
(708) 479-4200
(FAX)(708) 479-7977 (FAX)
4121 Main Street
Skokie, IL 60076
(847) 673-1131
(847) 982-0393 (FAX)
5407 N. University St.
Peoria, IL 61614
(309) 690-7373
(309) 690-7375 (FAX)
(217) 558-1073 (FAX)
David McSweeney - District 52
226-N Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-1517
(847) 516-8164 (FAX)
Charles E. Meier - District 108
206-N Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-6401
(618) 651-0413 (FAX)
Bill Mitchell - District 101
632 Capitol Building
Suite 100
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8163
(217) 557-0571 (FAX)
(773) 444-0711 (FAX)
105 E. Main Street
Cary, IL 60013
(847) 516-0052
821 Main St.
Highland, IL 62249
(618) 651-0405
5130 Hickory Point Frontage Road
Decatur, IL 62526
(217) 876-1968
(217) 876-1973 (FAX)
5755 W. Division
Chicago, IL 60651
(773) 473-7300
(773) 473-7378 (FAX)
Christian L. Mitchell - District 26
240A-W Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-2023
(217) 558-1092 (FAX)
449 E. 35th Street
Chicago, IL 60616
(773) 924-1755
(773) 924-1775 (FAX)
6500 South Pulaski Road
Chicago, IL 60629
(773) 581-8000
(773) 581-9414 (FAX)
Donald L. Moffitt - District 74
217-N Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8032
(217) 557-0179 (FAX)
64 S. Prairie St., #5
Galesburg, IL 61401
(309) 343-8000
(309) 343-2683 (FAX)
2701 Black Rd.
Joliet, IL 60435
(815) 725-2741
5433 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Chicago, IL 60630
(773) 286-1115
Thomas Morrison - District 54
234-N Stratton Office Building
Suite 106
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8026
(217) 782-1275 (FAX)
Martin J. Moylan - District 55
242-W Stratton Office Building
Ste. 400
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8007
(847) 635-8565 (FAX)
221 E. St. Paul Street
Spring Valley, IL 61362
(815) 664-2717
(815) 663-1629 (FAX)
Rita Mayfield - District 60
256-W Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 558-1012
(217) 558-1092 (FAX)
Michelle Mussman - District 56
277-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-3725
(847) 923-9105 (FAX)
120 S Genesee St.
Waukegan, IL 60085
(847) 599-2800
(847) 599-2955 (FAX)
Emily McAsey - District 85
237-E Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-4179
(217) 557-7204 (FAX)
209 W. Romeo Rd.
Romeoville, IL 60446
(815) 372-0085
(815) 372-0080 (FAX)
Elaine Nekritz - District 57
245-E Stratton Office Building
Suite 120
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 558-1004
(217) 558-4554 (FAX)
Michael P. McAuliffe - District 20
218-N Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8182
5515 N. East River Road
Chicago, IL 60656
(773) 444-0611
JoAnn D. Osmond - District 61
203-N Stratton Office Building
17801 W. Washington St.
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8151
(217) 557-7207 (FAX)
117 East Palatine Road
Palatine, IL 60067
(847) 202-6584
24 S. Des Plaines River Rd.
Des Plaines, IL 60016
(847) 635-6821
15 W. Weathersfield Way
Schaumburg, IL 60193
(847) 923-9104
830 S. Buffalo Grove Rd.
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
(847) 229-5499
(847) 229-5487 (FAX)
Warren Township Center
Gurnee, IL 60031
(847) 855-8600
(847) 855-6042 (FAX)
Brandon W. Phelps - District 118
200-9S Stratton Office Building
Suite B
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-5131
(217) 557-0521 (FAX)
Sandra M. Pihos - District 48
225-N Stratton Office Building
Building 3, Suite 108B
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8037
(217) 558-1072 (FAX)
Raymond Poe - District 99
E-1 Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0044
(217) 782-0897 (FAX)
Robert W. Pritchard - District 70
200-3N Stratton Office Building
Suite C
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0425
(217) 782-1275 (FAX)
Dennis M. Reboletti - District 45
204-N Stratton Office Building
Suite 203
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-4014
(217) 782-3189 (FAX)
David Reis - District 109
632 Capitol Building
P.O. Box 189
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-2087
(217) 557-0571 (FAX)
Al Riley - District 38
262-W Stratton Office Building
Suite 102
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 558-1007
(217) 557-1664 (FAX)
607 S. Commercial St.
Harrisburg, IL 62946
(618) 253-4189
(618) 253-3136 (FAX)
799 Roosevelt Road
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
(630) 858-8855
(630) 858-8857 (FAX)
E-1 Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-0044
(217) 782-0897 (FAX)
2600 DeKalb Avenue
Sycamore, IL 60178
(815) 748-3494
(815) 748-4630 (FAX)
721 West Lake Street
Addison, IL 60101
(630) 628-0045
(630) 628-6112 (FAX)
219 E. Main
Olney, IL 62450
(618) 392-0108
(618) 392-0107 (FAX)
3649 W. 183rd St.
Hazel Crest, IL 60429
(708) 799-4364
(708) 799-4481 (FAX)
Sue Scherer - District 96
E-2 Stratton Office Building
Suite 270
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 524-0353
(217) 524-0354 (FAX)
Timothy L. Schmitz - District 65
224-N Stratton Office Building
Suite D
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-5457
(217) 782-1138 (FAX)
Darlene J. Senger - District 41
211-N Stratton Office Building
Suite 300
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-6507
(217) 782-1275 (FAX)
Carol A. Sente - District 59
272-S Stratton Office Building
Suite 8
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0499
(217) 524-0443 (FAX)
Elgie R. Sims, Jr. - District 34
200-1S Stratton Office Building
Suite #404
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-6476
(217) 782-0952 (FAX)
Mike Smiddy - District 71
284-S Stratton Office Building
Unit 2
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-3992
(217) 524-0443 (FAX)
1301 E. Mound Rd.
Decatur, IL 62526
(217) 877-9636
(217) 877-9659 (FAX)
127 Hamilton Street
Geneva, IL 60134
(630) 845-9590
(630) 845-9592 (FAX)
401 S. Main St.
Naperville, IL 60540
(630) 420-3008
(630) 420-3007 (FAX)
430 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Lincolnshire, IL 60069
(847) 478-9909
(847) 478-9960 (FAX)
8658 S. Cottage Grove
Chicago, IL 60619
(773) 783-8800
(773) 783-8773 (FAX)
201 N. Main St.
Port Byron, IL 61275
(309) 848-9098
(309) 848-9101 (FAX)
Derrick Smith - District 10
260-W Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8077
(312) 243-7405 (FAX)
2532A W. Warren Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60612
(312) 243-7129
121 West Jefferson
Morton, IL 61550
(309) 263-9242
(309) 263-8187 (FAX)
Robert Rita - District 28
281-S Stratton Office Building
Suite 1
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 558-1000
(217) 558-1091 (FAX)
2355 West York Street
Blue Island, IL 60406
(708) 396-2822
(708) 396-2898 (FAX)
Keith P. Sommer - District 88
216-N Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0221
(217) 557-1098 (FAX)
Wayne Rosenthal - District 95
200-2N Stratton Office Building
P.O. Box 38
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8071
(217) 782-1275 (FAX)
324 A North State Street
Litchfield, IL 62056
(217) 324-5200
(217) 324-5201 (FAX)
Joe Sosnowski - District 69
227-N Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0548
(217) 782-1141 (FAX)(815) repsosnowski@gmail.com
305 Amphitheater Drive
Rockford, IL 61107
(815) 547-3436
516-8434 (FAX)
Cynthia Soto - District 4
288-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0150
(217) 557-7210 (FAX)
1341 W. Grand Ave.
Chicago, IL 60642
(773) 252-0402
(312) 829-3707 (FAX)
Ron Sandack - District 81
632 Capitol Building
Suite 103
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-6578
(630) 737-0509 (FAX)
633 Rogers St.
Downers Grove, IL 60515
(630) 737-0504
Brian W. Stewart - District 89
210-N Stratton Office Building
Stewart Centre Suite 1001
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8186
(217) 558-7016 (FAX)
Ed Sullivan, Jr. - District 51
314 Capitol Building
Suite 101
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-3696
(217) 782-7012 (FAX)
Silvana Tabares - District 21
280-S Stratton Office Building
Unit 2A
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-7752
(217) 524-0450 (FAX)
André M. Thapedi - District 32
273-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-1702
(217) 557-0543 (FAX)
Jil Tracy - District 94
207-N Stratton Office Building
Suite 3
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8096
(217) 558-3055 (FAX)
Michael W. Tryon - District 66
200-7N Stratton Office Building
Suite D
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0432
(217) 782-1141 (FAX)
50 West Douglas Street
Freeport, IL 61032
(815) 232-0774
(815) 232-0777 (FAX)
700 North Lake Street
Mundelein, IL 60060
(847) 566-5115
(847) 566-5155 (FAX)
2458 S. Millard
Chicago, IL 60623
(773) 522-1315
(773) 522-1317 (FAX)
Patrick J. Verschoore - District 72
263-S Stratton Office Building
County Office Bldg.
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-5970
(217) 558-1253 (FAX)
Lawrence M. Walsh, Jr. - District 86
292-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8090
(217) 782-0952 (FAX)
1504 3rd Ave., 2nd Floor
Rock Island, IL 61201
(309) 558-3612
(309) 793-4764 (FAX)
121 Springfield Avenue
Joliet, IL 60435
(815) 730-8600
(815) 730-8121 (FAX)
Emanuel Chris Welch - District 7
266-S Stratton Office Building
10055 W. Roosevelt Rd.
Suite E
Westchester, IL 60154
Springfield, IL 62706 (708) 450-1000
(217) 782-8120
(708) 450-1104 (FAX)
(217) 524-0448 (FAX)
371 East 75th Street
Chicago, IL 60619
(773) 873-4444
(773) 873-4445 (FAX)
Barbara Wheeler - District 64
214-N Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-1664
(217) 558-7016 (FAX)
3701 East Lake Centre Dr.
Quincy, IL 62305
(217) 223-0833 (217) 223-1565 (FAX)
Ann Williams - District 11
275-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-2458
(217) 557-7214 (FAX)
1726 W. Belmont
Chicago, IL 60657
(773) 880-9082
(773) 880-9083 (FAX)
Kathleen Willis - District 77
264-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-3374
(217) 524-0448 (FAX)
112 N. Wolf Rd.
Northlake, IL 60164
(708) 562-6970
(708) 562-6974 (FAX)
1500 Carlemont
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
(815) 459-6453
(815) 356-0643 (FAX)
Arthur Turner - District 9
238-W Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8116
(217) 782-0888 (FAX)
3849 West Ogden Avenue
Chicago, IL 60623
(773) 277-4700
(773) 277-4703 (FAX)
Michael Unes - District 91
232-N Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8152
(217) 782-1275 (FAX)
19 S. Capitol St.
Pekin, IL 61554
(309) 620-8631
(309) 349-3046 (FAX)
Sam Yingling - District 62
258-W Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-7320
(847) 231-6102 (FAX)
Michael J. Zalewski - District 23
243-E Stratton Office 3rd Floor South
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-5280
(217) 524-0449 (FAX)
550 W. Woodstock St.
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
(815) 900-6759
20 W. North Street
Hainesville, IL 60030
(847) 231-6262
Building1 Riverside Road
Riverside, IL 60546
(708) 442-6500
(708) 442-6501 (FAX)
Pamela J. Althoff - District 32
309L Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8000
(217) 782-7818 (FAX)
Jason A. Barickman - District 53
M103E Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-6597(309) 661-2788
(309) 210-5544 (FAX)
5400 W. Elm Street, Suite103
McHenry, IL 60050
(815) 455-6330
(815) 679-6756 (FAX)
2401 E. Washington Street,
Suite 201
Bloomington, IL 61704
John J. Cullerton - District 6
327 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-2728
(217) 782-3242 (FAX)
Thomas Cullerton - District 23
311B Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-9463
(630) 903-6643 (FAX)
1726 W. Belmont
Chicago, IL 60657
(773) 883-0770
(773) 880-9083 (FAX)
338 South Ardmore
Villa Park, IL 60181
(630) 903-6662
Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant - District 49
218B Capitol Building
15300 Route 59, Unit 202
Springfield, IL 62706 Plainfield, IL 60544
(217) 782-0052
(815) 254-4211
(815) 254-4213 (FAX)
Bill Cunningham - District 18
M115 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-5145
(217) 782-2115 (FAX)
10400 South Western Avenue
Chicago, IL 60643
(773) 445-8128
(773) 672-5143 (FAX)
Daniel Biss - District 9
M121 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-2119
(847) 568-1256 (FAX)
William Delgado - District 2
623 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-5652
(217) 782-1631 (FAX)
4150 W. Armitage
Chicago, IL 60639
(773) 292-0202
(773) 292-1903 (FAX)
3706 Dempster Street
Skokie, IL 60076
(847) 568-1250
Tim Bivins - District 45
M103A Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0180
(217) 782-9586 (FAX)
629 N. Galena Avenue
Dixon, IL 61021
(815) 284-0045
(815) 284-0207 (FAX)
Kirk W. Dillard - District 24
309J Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8148
(217) 782-4079 (FAX)
One South Cass Avenue
Westmont, IL 60559
(630) 969-0990
(630) 969-1007 (FAX)
William E. Brady - District 44
103A Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-6216
(217) 782-4079 (FAX)
2203 Eastland Drive, Suite 3
Bloomington, IL 61704
(309) 664-4440
(309) 664-8597 (FAX)
Dan Duffy - District 26
108B Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8010
(217) 782-0116 (FAX)
111 North Avenue, Suite 211
Barrington, IL 60010
(847) 277-7100
(847) 277-7101 (FAX)
Gary Forby - District 59
417B Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-5509
(217) 782-3088 (FAX)
903 W. Washington, Suite 5
Benton, IL 62812
(618) 439-2504
(618) 438-3704 (FAX)
Melinda Bush - District 31
M122 Capitol Building
Suite 112
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-7353
(217) 782-2115 (FAX)
10 North Lake Street,
Grayslake, IL 60030
(847) 548-5631
James F. Clayborne, Jr. - District 57
329 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-5399
(217) 558-6013 (FAX)
Kenneth Hall Regional
Office Building
10 Collinsville Avenue, Suite 210 A
East St. Louis, IL 62201
(618) 875-1212
(618) 274-3010 (FAX)
Jacqueline Y. Collins - District 16
M114 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-1607
(217) 782-2115 (FAX)
1155 West 79th Street
Chicago, IL 60620
(773) 224-2830
(773) 224-2855 (FAX)
Michael Connelly - District 21
M103C Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8192
(217) 782-9586 (FAX)
1725 S. Naperville Road, Suite 200
Wheaton, IL 60189
(630) 682-8101
(630) 682-8108 (FAX)
Michael W. Frerichs - District 52
124 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-2507
(217) 558-6006 (FAX)
45 E. University Avenue, Suite
Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 355-5252
(217) 355-5255 (FAX)
William R. Haine - District 56
311C Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-5247
(217) 782-5340 (FAX)
307 Henry Street, Suite 210
Alton, IL 62002
(618) 465-4764
(618) 465-4816 (FAX)
Don Harmon - District 39
329 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8176
(217) 558-6013 (FAX)
6933 W. North Avenue
Oak Park, IL 60302
(708) 848-2002
(708) 848-2022 (FAX)
Napoleon Harris, III - District 15
M108 Capitol
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8066
(708) 566-4108 (FAX)
369 E. 147th Street Unit H
Harvey, IL 60426
(708) 893-0552
321 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8181
(217) 782-4450 (FAX)
100 South Greenleaf Street
Gurnee, IL 60031
(847) 821-1811
(847) 821-1815 (FAX)
Michael E. Hastings - District 19
307A Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-9595
(708) 253-1313 (FAX)
813 School Road
Matteson, IL 60443
(708) 283-4125
David S. Luechtefeld - District 58
103B Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8137
(217) 782-4079 (FAX)
700 North Front Street
Okawville, IL 62271
(618) 243-9014
(618) 243-5376 (FAX)
Linda Holmes - District 42
129 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0422
(630) 801-8987 (FAX)
76 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 202
Aurora, IL 60505
(630) 801-8985
Andy Manar - District 48
119A Capitol Building
P.O. Box 33
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0228
Mattie Hunter - District 3
619 Capitol Building
Suite 102
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-5966
(217) 782-1631 (FAX)
2929 S. Wabash Avenue
Chicago, IL 60616
(312) 949-1908
(312) 949-1958 (FAX)
Toi W. Hutchinson - District 40
121C Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-7419
(217) 557-3930 (FAX)
Mike Jacobs - District 36
123 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-5957
(309) 797-0003 (FAX)
Emil Jones, III - District 14
121D Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-9573
(217) 557-3930 (FAX)
222 Vollmer Road., Suite 2C
Chicago Heights, IL 60411
(708) 756-0882
(708) 756-0885 (FAX)
606 19th Street
Moline, IL 61265
(309) 797-0001
507 West 111th Street
Chicago, IL 60628
(773) 995-7748
(773) 995-9061 (FAX)
David Koehler - District 46
M113 Capitol
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8250
(217) 782-2115 (FAX)
400 NE. Jefferson, Suite 200
Peoria, IL 61603
(309) 677-0120
Dan Kotowski - District 28
M118 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-3875
(217) 782-2115 (FAX)
350 S. Northwest Highway,
Suite 300
Park Ridge, IL 60068
(847) 656-5416
(847) 656-5201 (FAX)
Darin M. LaHood - District 37
M103D Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-1942
(217) 782-9586 (FAX)
5415 N. University, Suite 105
Peoria, IL 61614
(309) 693-4921
(309) 693-4923 (FAX)
Steven M. Landek - District 12
113 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0054
6215 W. 79th Street, Suite 1A
Burbank, IL 60459
(708) 430-2510
Kimberly A. Lightford - District 4
323 Capitol Building
Suite 202
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8505
(217) 558-2068 (FAX)
Terry Link - District 30
10001 West Roosevelt Rd
Westchester, IL 60154
(708) 343-7444
(708) 343-7400 (FAX)
103 West Main Street
Staunton, IL 62088
(618) 635-2583
Iris Y. Martinez - District 20
413 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8191
(217) 782-3088 (FAX)
2845 N. Kedzie Avenue
Chicago, IL 60618
(773) 463-0720
(773) 463-0795 (FAX)
Wm. Sam McCann - District 50
108E Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8206(
(217) 782-0116 (FAX)
221 Dunlap Court
Jacksonville, IL 62650
217) 245-0050
(217) 245-0021 (FAX)
Kyle McCarter - District 54
103C Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-5755
(217) 782-0116 (FAX)
310 W. Gallatin
Vandalia, IL 62471
(618) 283-3000
(618) 283-9750 (FAX)
Karen McConnaughay - District 33
103D Capitol Building
81 S. McLean Boulevard
South Elgin, IL 60177
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-1977
(847) 214-8245
(217) 782-4079 (FAX)
Pat McGuire - District 43
118 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8800
(217) 558-6006 (FAX)
Julie A. Morrison - District 29
119B Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-3650
(847) 945-5214 (FAX)
2200 Weber Road
Crest Hill, IL 60403
(815) 207-4445
(815) 207-4446 (FAX)
700 Osterman Avenue
Deerfield, IL 60015
(847) 945-5200
John G. Mulroe - District 10
127 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-1035
(217) 782-2331 (FAX)
6107 B North Northwest Highway
Chicago, IL 60631
(773) 763-3810
(773) 763-3881 (FAX)
Antonio Muñoz - District 1
323 Capitol Building1836 Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-9415
(217) 558-1042 (FAX)
West 35th Street, 1st Floor
Chicago, IL 60609
(773) 869-9050
(773) 869-9046 (FAX)
Matt Murphy - District 27
309H Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-4471
(217) 782-7818 (FAX)
1 E. Northwest Highway, Suite 109
Palatine, IL 60067
(847) 776-1490
(847) 776-1494 (FAX)
Michael Noland - District 22
307B Capitol Building
164 Division Street, Suite 412
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-7746
(217) 557-3908 (FAX)
The Professional Building
Elgin, IL 60120
(847) 214-8864
(847) 214-8867 (FAX)
Ira I. Silverstein - District 8
121B Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-5500
(217) 782-5340 (FAX)
Jim Oberweis - District 25
105A Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0471
(217) 782-0116 (FAX)
959 Oak Street
North Aurora, IL 60542
(630) 800-1992
Steve Stadelman - District 34
121A Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8022
(815) 987-7529 (FAX)
Christine Radogno - District 41
309G Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-9407
(217) 782-7818 (FAX)
1011 State Street, Suite 210
Lemont, IL 60439
(630) 243-0800
(630) 243-0808 (FAX)
Kwame Raoul - District 13
122 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-5338
(217) 558-6006 (FAX)
1509 E. 53rd Street, 2nd Floor
Chicago, IL 60615
(773) 363-1996
(773) 681-7166 (FAX)
Sue Rezin - District 38
309I Capitol Building
P.O. Box 260
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-3840
(217) 782-0116 (FAX)
Dale A. Righter - District 55
309M Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-6674
(217) 782-7818 (FAX)
Chapin Rose - District 51
M103F Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 558-1006
(217) 607-5471 (FAX)
Martin A. Sandoval - District 11
111 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-5304
(217) 558-6006 (FAX)
103 Fifth Street
Peru, IL 61354
(815) 220-8720
(815) 220-8721 (FAX)
88 Broadway Avenue, Suite 1
Mattoon, IL 61938
(217) 235-6033
(217) 235-6052 (FAX)
510 S. Staley Road, Suite D
Champaign, IL 61822
(217) 607-1853
2951 West Devon
Chicago, IL 60659
(773) 743-5015
(773) 743-4750 (FAX)
200 S. Wyman, Suite 301
Rockford, IL 61101
(815) 987-7557
Heather A. Steans - District 7
M120 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8492
(217) 782-2115 (FAX)
5533 North Broadway
Chicago, IL 60640
(773) 769-1717
(773) 769-6901 (FAX)
John M. Sullivan - District 47
417C Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-2479
(217) 782-3088 (FAX)
926 Broadway, Suite 6
Quincy, IL 62301
(217) 222-2295
(217) 222-2944 (FAX)
Dave Syverson - District 35
108A Capitol Building
200 S. Wyman, Suite 302
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-5413
(217) 782-9586 (FAX)
Donne E. Trotter - District 17
627 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-3201
(217) 782-8201 (FAX)
Patricia Van Pelt - District 5
218A Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-6252
(312) 277-3716 (FAX)
State of Illinois Building
Rockford, IL 61101
(815) 987-7555
(815) 987-7563 (FAX)
8658 S. Cottage Grove Ave.
Chicago, IL 60619
(773) 933-7715
(773) 933-5498 (FAX)
1016 W. Jackson Street
Chicago, IL 60607
(312) 888-9191
5807 W. 35th Street
Cicero, IL 60804
(708) 656-2002
(708) 656-7608 (FAX)
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Mike Murphy owns Mike Murphy Ford in Morton, Illinois and is a member of
the Illinois Automobile Dealers Association (IADA). He will save an estimated
$8,800* on his electricity costs with AEP Energy. AEP Energy is the exclusive
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*The estimated savings are based upon the customer’s local utility’s Price to Compare for the March 2013 billing cycle compared to AEP Energy’s contracted price over a 24-month term.
Actual saving results are not guaranteed and may vary based upon actual usage, tax rates, regulations and other factors.
AEP Energy is a competitive retail electric service
provider affiliated with American Electric Power. AEP
Energy is not soliciting on behalf of and is not an
agent for any AEP utility.
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