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Focus: Multi Residential
April, 2009
Hamilton Construction Builds
Westinghouse Plaza and 601 Albany St.
NewBridge on the Charles - Designed by Perkins Eastman and Chan Krieger
Margulies Perruzzi and Columbia Top Off Hobbs Brook Corporate Campus
Interview with Fernando J. Domenech Jr. on the Revitalization of Franklin Hill
Interview with Nexamp Partners
EBC Completes Evergreen Place
J. Calnan & Assoc. Completes PAREXEL HQ
Studio G and Vertec Corp. at 270 Centre Street
ICON and New Atlantic Development at ArtBlock 731
LaRosa Building Group at Hollander Foundation Center
KBE Expands Whitney Center -SFCS Project Architect
Lee Kennedy Co. and Fine & Assoc. Complete Hadley Apartments
Plus Educational and Healthcare Facilities News, Calendar, People and more...
April 2009
Interview with Bill Wynne
of Plymouth Rock Studios
PERMIT NO. 55800
April, 2009
American Plumbing & Heating Corporation
is honored to complete the Plumbing and Fire Protection work
at another signature project in Boston.
Corporation is
membership to
to the
the U.S.
the the
role role
play in
thein the
and Heating
the important
role educated
in the
is pleased to
LEED Accredited
American Plumbing and Heating has integrated multiple green building strategies in their recent
in their
their recent
their newmultiple
at 1000
located at
at 1000
This impressive
in Norwell,
This impressive building includes:
100% of their 34,000 sq/ft. warehouse lighting has been replaced with high-efficiency occupancy
of their
high-efficiency occupancy
kWh annually.
 sensor
in saving
75% of45,200
all occupied
spaces equipped with photo-responsive controls to maintain
sensor fixtures
kWh annually.
controls to
to maintain
is proud
be part
the Walsh controls
  consistent
in in
of of
the new that
University interior
Dormslighting to be turned off during
enable all non-emergency
light levels.
be turned
Northeastern University Parcel
West, located
at 1153-1159
Street isall
latest addition tointerior
the Huskies
designed by Kyu Sung Woo
 18
that enable
Architects, Engineered by
R. W.75%
and built
by Walsh Brothers.
This projectofconsists
of four buildings
a twenty-two
story, nineteen
story and nine story
of roofing
are constructed
high emissivity
and highly
of roofing
materials areBuilding.
of high
Dormitory Style Residences aswell
75% of roofing
loads. are constructed of high emissivity and highly reflective materials to
This impressive project includes: minimize cooling loads.
minimize coolingirrigation
loads. system equipped with rain shut-off sensors.
¼ mile of with
piping sensors. • 15 miles of fire protection piping
 and
• 6 miles of sanitarywaste
storm piping irrigation system• equipped
irrigation system
shut-off sensors.
of all
of all
1800 plumbing
fixtures controlled,
• 11 miles of water 
 in
of all regularly
used plumbing fixtures are electronically controlled,• low
in wastewater reduction.
in wastewater reduction.
and fire
fire protection
protection in
in our
our new
new corporate
corporate HQ.
inhouse fabrication
fabrication for
for plumbing
plumbing and
Student Housing
Sports & Entertainment
Mechanical Contractors Registration No. 8028
April, 2009
NECA and Local 103 set the standard for excellence in electrical and
telecom construction of biotechnology and healthcare projects
throughout Eastern New England.
Amgen Center, Cambridge
One Hampshire at Kendall Square, Cambridge
Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge
Center for Life Science / Boston
Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge
Brigham & Womens Hospital, Boston
In the world of biotechnology and healthcare
facility construction, experience, quality and safety
are critical to every project. Which is why leading
architects, general contractors, engineers, building
owners, and facility managers throughout Eastern
New England rely on the skilled union electricians
of Local 103 of the International Brotherhood
of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and the professional
electrical contractors of the Greater Boston
Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors
Association (NECA).
As we light the way for innovations in biotechnology, healthcare, education, and the sciences, NECA
and IBEW remain committed to powering our energy-efficient, technology-driven facilities with electrical and telecommunications construction that is
unsurpassed in quality. All with critical attention to
on-time, on-budget delivery.
Take a close look at just a few of the recently completed projects by NECA Greater Boston Chapter
members. It will tell you where to turn for the highest standards in electrical, telecom, and renewable
energy construction.
Rely on the power of quality electrical work. Call
1-877-NECA-IBEW for a complete directory of
NECA Greater Boston Chapter Members, or visit us
at www.bostonneca.org
Lighting the way for biotechnology and healthcare facilities.
(877)NECA-IBEW (632-2423)
April, 2009
Subscribe to
High-Profile Monthly
all year
Cover Story: Hamilton Construction Builds Lofts At
Westinghouse Plaza and 601 Albany Street...... 30
Calendar................................. 46
Upfront:................................... 6 Features
Facilities................................... 8
Healthcare.............................. 14
Green..................................... 15
Multi-Residential....................... 20
Education................................ 36
Awards................................... 40
People.................................... 44
NewBridge on the Charles.......... 22
35 W. Newton Street................ 26
PAREXEL Headquarters............. 28
ArtBlock 731.......................... 32
Franklin Hill Revitalized.............. 33
Old Boston Garden Redefined..... 42
Hadley Apartments Completed..... 43
E-mail news releases, advertising queries, articles, calendar listings
and announcements, to: editor@high-profile.com
I’ll choose my
best collar and
Michael Barnes and Kathy Barnes
leash to attend
Advertising Manager: Mike Marvelli
the April 23
Business Development: Anastasia Barnes
SSFNE meeting
on “Theory of
Subscriptions: Octavia Van De Molen
Accounts Payable: Michael Barnes
Consultants: RAB Associates
High-Profile Monthly accepts no responsiArt Direction & Design:
bility for typographical errors or omissions
Sandra Guidetti
of ads. We will reprint, without charge, that
Proofing Editor:
part in which the error occurs if it affects the
value of the ad. Credit for errors made only
Peggy Dostie
for first insertion. The advertiser or agency
P.O. Box 7, Pembroke, MA 02359
seeking the services of High-Profile Monthly
Express Delivery:
will indemnify and save harmless claims,
615 School St., Pembroke, MA 02359
lawsuits, damages or expenses, including
Phone: (781) 294-4530
attorney’s fees and costs that may arise from
Fax: (781) 293-5821
publication of the advertiser’s ads.
E-Mail: editor@high-profile.com
American Plumbing.............................2
B.L. Makepeace.................................39
Barker Steel Company, Inc................46
Blakeslee Prestress Inc.......................34
Boston Plasterers................................18
Bowdoin Construction.......................35
Capone Iron Corporation............. 24-25
Century Drywall, Inc.........................11
Cogswell Sprinkler Company, Inc.......5
Coreslab Structures............................21
CSI - Contracting Specialists Inc.........5
DJ Plumbing and Heating, Inc...........31
Domenech Hicks
& Krockmalnic, Inc......................33
E. W. Burman, Inc..............................21
East Coast Electrical..........................28
Eastern States Insurance....................42
EHK Adjorlolo & Associates, Inc......11
Empire Masonry Corp........................31
Fine Associates..................................43
G. Greene Construction. Co., Inc.......30
General Safety Services Corp..............7
Geothermal Drilling of N.E...............19
Great In Counters.................................5
Greenscape, Inc..................................22
Hamilton Construction
Management Corp................... Cover
ICON Architecture, Inc......................32
Ideal Surface Solutions......................15
Imperia Custom Cabinetry.................17
James W. Flett....................................47
KM Kelly Inc.....................................43
Lawton Contractors............................28
L.C. Anderson....................................29
Lighthouse Masonry, Inc...................23
Marr ....................................................9
Marr Scaffolding Co..........................39
NB Kenney, Inc....................................5
NEBFM Trade Show.........................41
Norgate Metal....................................38
North Branch......................................11
Nothern Business Machines...............18
Northern Design Precast....................26
Novel Iron Works...............................14
NRI Data and Business Products.........8
Patent Construction Systems.............10
Performance Contracting Group..........8
Precast Specialties Corp.......................4
Roome & Guarracino.........................27
Sandra Guidetti Graphics...................34
Service Point......................................14
SFC Engineering Partnership, Inc......10
Steel Fabricators of New England.......6
Sunrise Erectors.................................30
The Welch Corp.................................36
Tower Glass Company, Inc..................4
Triple G Scaffold Services Corp........31
Trumbull-Nelson Const. Co., Inc.......16
Valleycrest Landscape........................12
Vincent A. DiIorio Inc........................33
Wayne J. Griffin Electric, Inc.............13
Wessling Architects............................16
Williams Scotsman............................35
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April, 2009
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April, 2009
Leary One of Boston’s Future Leaders
‘Local Stimulus’ Awareness Promo
Rowley, MA - Capone Iron Corporation, a major structural steel and miscellaneous iron fabricator/contractor, in Rowley recently, initiated a “Local Stimulus”
promotion in an effort to invigorate the
local economy by encouraging the use
of American contractors on local
construction projects. Company President Stephen J.
Capone summed up the
program by stating,
“Given the current
economic climate,
we felt it was necessary to remind
developers, owners and general
contractors how
important it is to
hire local American
companies for their
construction projects.
We need to support the local economy at this time. “
The “Local Stimulus” awareness drive is represented by a new corporate emblem, which will be prominently
displayed on all company correspondence,
faxes, emails and proposals, as well as on
company vehicles and at jobsites on which
Capone Iron is working. The new emblem
features an American eagle emblazoned
with the Capone logo, and clutching two
steel beams in its talons. The eagle design
is surrounded by the motto:
“Creating American Jobs
– Generating American
Tax Dollars – Supporting the American Economy.”
The new
emblem was
Capone announced
the final selection
to all employees at
a recent company
meeting. “We hope
this program will result in
more business, not just for our
company, but for all local subcontractors
facing foreign competition in the marketplace,” he observed.
Boston, MA - Suffolk
manager, Leary develops the
Construction Company, Inc.,
business direction and strateannounced that the Greater
gy for all projects undertaken
Boston Chamber of Comby Suffolk Education.
merce selected Vice President
His responsibilities
Angus Leary to join its Bosinclude identifying and culton’s Future Leaders program,
tivating client relationships,
a highly selective program
recruiting and developing key
that identifies the leaders of
staff members, overseeing
tomorrow and engages them
preconstruction efforts on all
in the business and civic life
education projects, and ensurof the Boston community by
ing that all construction and
providing a platform for professional de- renovation projects adhere to Suffolk’s
velopment and significant opportunities high-quality standards.
for growth and exposure.
Throughout his career Leary has
Leary leads Suffolk Education, served in every key role on a project
Suffolk Construction’s strategic busi- team, including estimator, preconstrucness unit (SBU) focused exclusively on tion manager, project engineer, assistant
construction and renovation projects for superintendent, project manager, project
academic institutions. As education SBU executive and vice president.
Friedlaender Named
Chair of N.E. Conservatory
Cambridge, MA - HMFH Architects, a leading architectural firm focused on the design of innovative learning environments, announced that founding principal Stephen Friedlaender,
FAIA has been named Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the
New England Conservatory in Boston.
The oldest independent school of music in the United
States, New England Conservatory (NEC) is designated as a National Historic Landmark along with its premier concert venue,
Jordan Hall.
Prior to his nomination to the position of board chairman by
a committee within NEC’s board of trustees, Friedlaender served
the institution for 15 years. He was a member of the NEC’s Board
of Overseers for six years beginning in 1993, and was then elected to the Board of Trustees, where he served until his election as board chairman in April 2008. Friedlaender will
remain in his current role for a maximum of two three-year terms.
Photo courtesy of New England Conservatory
Surviving the
Economic Downturn
Positioning Your Company for a Stronger and More
Profitable Recovery with a Better Understanding of the
Theory of Constraints
SFNE - Steel Fabricators of New England
Spring Dinner Meeting
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Executive Court, Manchester, NH
During this meeting you can learn how to apply the “Theory of Constraints”
from a steel fabricators perspective. It has never been more critical for steel
fabricators to learn the value of increased throughput, reduced work-in-process,
improved productivity and increased profitability.
SFNE Fabricator-Member Eric Greene of American Welding Company
and SFNE Treasurer will present the Theory of Constraints and explain its
application to the steel fabrication and all industries.
BEING PROFITABLE must be “The Goal” of any company.
It’s simple but accurate……….it’s a logical starting point!
To get a registration form go to:
www.ssfne.org/calendar of events
For assistance or for more information call:
Catherine Flaherty at 603-766-7363.
April, 2009
Q & A with Nexamp Partners
High-Profile Monthly recently interviewed Will Thompson and Dan Leary,
partners at Nexamp, Inc., a North Andover,
Mass. company that has developed a full
spectrum of energy solutions for commercial construction.
HP: So, let’s talk about how you two
Will: Dan and I attended public
schools together here in North Andover;
we’ve been friends since about the age of
five. We both served as active duty military officers for over five years.
Dan: I had always wanted to work
in the clean energy sector, so upon leaving
the Army I decided to focus on the potential
of developing renewable energy in Massachusetts. I began to develop the business
in January 2006 and began installing solar
electric and solar thermal systems. About a
year in I invited Will Thompson to join me
as a business partner. Today we have about
25 people, which is greater than 300%
growth over the past few years.
HP: I was told that you were a onestop shop for green building. How did you
develop technologies outside of solar?
Dan: Solar is very much in demand.
A lot of folks want to have solar who don’t
yet realize that there are enormous opportunities to reduce carbon and energy
through energy-efficiency measures and
energy management. For example, installing a solar array is a great investment, but if
you also haven’t installed energy efficient
lighting and improved your building controls and made other efficiency measures,
then you really can’t capture the full benefit
of your solar system. We quickly adjusted
our business model to build a company
Thompson and Leary
capable of integrating full-spectrum energy solutions. We also offer our clients
turnkey service. We call it “one neck to
choke.” An account manager capable of
managing everything from clean energy
integration including solar, wind and geothermal technologies, but also energy efficiency technologies and processes, notably LED lighting, retro commissioning
services and energy management services.
It’s complicated and we’re very good at it.
We interface with buildings using energy
management software, computers and control systems. Live metrics and connectivity
with the building are very important. IT
has come so far in the last decade and it’s
synchronizing very well with energy. We
have the ability to understand how all of
our operating systems are functioning in
real time. We can observe mechanical system operating patterns to increase efficiencies.
Take all of this together, put it under
one roof, and you have a really comprehensive solution set. What sets Nexamp
still further apart are some of our other key
components to the company. Advisory ser-
DGT Makes the Call at Fenway
Boston, MA — When
it’s your responsibility to
make sure the most famous
right field foul pole in baseball
is in the right spot, you don’t
take chances.
So when it was time to
re-align Pesky’s Pole at historic Fenway Park, it’s no
surprise that DGT Survey
Group’s Gunther Engineering division was handed the
ball. The foul pole, named for
iconic Red Sox player, manager, and coach Johnny Pesky,
was temporarily removed this
past winter to accommodate
off-season renovations and
“Our Gunther Engineering division has been doing
survey engineering work at
Fenway since 1983,” said DGT
Survey Principal Michael Clifford. “So we know what it’s A DGT Survey Group field crew re-aligns Pesky’s Pole,
like to race against the weather Fenway’s famous right field foul marker, after recent offtowards Opening Day.”
season renovations.
This off-season, Boston-based DGT Survey Group
provided survey control and as-builts to task compared with the firm’s more comsupport restoration of the field box seats plex construction survey work.
Still, said Clifford, a lifelong Red
for NER Construction and renovations to
this was a high profile project with
the right field grandstands for William A.
high stakes. “When an inch can
Berry & Sons.
between a home run or
Although DGT Survey used ada
for error,” he said.
vanced 3D laser scanning technology for
team is a perenthe grandstand project, Pesky’s Pole was
not when your
re-aligned with line-of-sight measurement
using a total station — a straightforward
Safety Fall Arrest Roof Anchors
Continued on page 18
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April, 2009
High-Profile: Facilities Development News
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New York
Washington, DC
Jean DiGiovanna from ThinkPeople prior IFMA workshop at Allsteel offices.
Keep a High Profile in Hard Times
- by Michael P. Barnes, publisher
those principless in presenting the facilities
I had the good fortune to attend Jean development community to our readers.
M. DiGiovanna’s program, “Keep Yourself
At the core of the IFMA session were
Marketable in Tough Economic Times,” sound principles to guide one though any
the focus of a discussion event
economy but are more imporoffered recently by the Internatant now, because of increased
tional Facilities Management
competition over fewer jobs.
Association (IFMA) of Boston,
High-Profile Monthly has
and held in the attractive 200
seen an enormous change in
State Street office of Allsteel
how it is assembled and how
it presents itself to its readers
DiGiovanna led the group
since it started 11 years ago.
with the help of a simple form
Hard times require us to develthat we filled out individually
op new, money saving ways for
as she explained its purpose.
advertisers to maintain exposure
The first step in the exercise to
in our market.
improve our marketability is to determine
Businesses are still willing to spend
our value. The formula to determine value money to attract customers, but they hesiis simple, Value = Impact + Delivery + Pas- tate to make long-term commitments.
sion. Impact is the results you make, delivThat’s why we are offering a new
ery is how you make it, and passion is that discount program for advertisers. With our
special added expression that describes the TF (Til Finish) program we offer the lowdifference between being a painter or being est rate available every month without any
an artist.
special commitment. The schedule continThe presentation was directed toward ues to run monthly unless canceled. And
people who are in transition between jobs, as a further incentive to run now, the rate
but it was also an exceptionally useful tool is locked and will not go up if the regular
to improve one’s ability to make the most rates increase.
from any networking opportunity. The baThere were several key components
sis for keeping yourself marketable is to in the wrap up of DiGiovanna’s presentaknow your capabilities, be able to express tion. The one that stood out for me was,
them succinctly and network those values “How can you make everyone around you
successful?” I am certain this is a golden
with a passion.
There were many examples that we rule not just for tough economic times but
followed to show ways to do this. At the for all times.
end of the session DiGiovanna made it clear
For more information on Jean DiGiothat to complete the exercise we must take vanna’s services visit www.thinkpeople.
what we had started and follow through com.
with a plan of action.. My action is to use
Service Point USA
Now Autodesk VAR
Woburn, MA - Service Point
USA has become an authorized Autodesk value-added reseller (VAR)
with a focus on AutoCAD software
and Revit software for building information modeling (BIM) in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction
(AEC) market.
Bill Sullivan, Service Point
Managing Director and COO, states, To mark its new VAR designation, Service
“We are excited about our expanded Point held introductory training sessions
for Autodesk software
relationship with Autodesk and what it
products and services, combined with
means for our clients. Autodesk, like
Service Point, is a leader in providing our strong training and support services,
relevant and timely products and ser- greatly benefit our customers and are
vices key to the AEC industry. These leading the way to a successful future.”
April, 2009
Hi-ProVideo Interviews: Bill Wynne of Plymouth Rock Studios
Hi-ProVideo Launches with Plymouth Rock Studios Interview
embroke, MA - High-Profile Monthly is launching its first Hi-ProVideo
production with an interview by
Anastasia Barnes of Bill Wynne, executive V.P. of planning & development for
the new Plymouth Rock Studios, about the
latest plans and progress for Hollywood
Hi-ProVideo will use Internet and
e-mail based distribution to augment HighProfile Monthly feature stories with video
Additional video interviews are being planned, and links to existing videos
are being added to the content provided
online at www.high-profile.com.
Plymouth Rock Studios is utilizing
the talents of Gensler, Nixon Peabody,
Tishman Construction, Creative Strategies
and Communications, Coler & Colantonio
and Ernst & Young.
Plymouth Rock Studios is a
$500-million film and television studio complex slated to start its access
road in April, break ground in July
and open in 2010 as the world’s first
friendly studio complex.
Internet Links
Gensler: www.gensler.com
Nixon Peabody: www.nixonpeabody.com
Tishman: www.tishmanconstruction.com
Creative Strategies: www.creatstrat.com
Coler & Colantonio Inc.: www.col-col.com
Ernst & Young: www.ey.com
The studio will have 14 soundstages and a 10-acre back lot, plus
production offices, post-production facilities, a theater, hotel, and an amenity
village. The project provides for growth
of the entertainment industry in New
Plymouth Rock Studios became
the first development
project to apply for
ICUBED economic inhttp://www.hollywoodeasttv.com/video/the-series-submits-a-site-plan
centive package.
Gensler is one of
leading enhttp://www.hollywoodeasttv.com/video/the-series-union-partners
tertainment architecture
and design firms, inhttp://www.hollywoodeasttv.com/video/the-series-schedule-for-a
volved in the full spechttp://www.hollywoodeasttv.com/video/the-series-architects
trum of projects.
Nixon Peabody
LLP is one of the larg-
Video Links
est multipractice law firms in the United
States, with offices in 17 cities and more
than 700 attorneys collaborating across 25
major practice areas.
Tishman and its affiliates provide
construction management, owner’s representative, and project management services
to a wide range of clients, including many
in the entertainment industry.
Creative Strategies specializes in
meeting the needs of corporate and political clients.
Coler & Colantonio was founded in
1986 for the sole purpose of providing high
quality engineering services.
Consultants Ernst & Young provide
global services in assurance, tax, transactions and advisory to help retain the confidence of investors, manage risk, strengthen
controls and achieve the maximum potential.
Marr Movie Services
and Equipment
CONTACT: JOHN FARREN, Equipment Coordinator
617.269.7200 / johnfarren@marrscaffold ing.com
Telescoping Booms
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Marr Scaffolding Company
web: marrscaffolding.com
One D Street South Boston, MA 02127
Boston: 617.269.7200 Branch Offices: Springfield MA 413.739.2121 / Providence RI 401.467.3110
April, 2009
High-Profile: Facilities Development News
Masters Touch Assists With Renos
Martingale Wharf Project continues to take shape on Bow Street.
Martingale Wharf Making Progress
Ricci CM-TMS Architect
Portsmouth, NH - TMS Architects designed project on Bow Street, Martingale
Wharf, under the direction of owners Butch
and John Ricci of Ricci Construction, has
made significant construction progress
over this past winter. The east and west
steel frame is fabricated, and considerable
reconstruction of the interior of the existing
Martingale Building has occurred.
A 50,000sf mixed-use building is well
Westwood, MA - Masters Touch
of Medfield, a one-stop-shop providing
architectural, design and construction
services, is actively involved with the
Westwood Historical Society in completing renovations of the historic Obed
Baker House, also known as the “Red
House,” in Westwood.
“It is an honor for Masters Touch to
participate in the preservation of a piece
of architectural history,” said Doug Masters, president. When finished, the Obed
Baker House will provide the town of
Westwood a time capsule of the town’s
past, dating back nearly 200 years. This
important endeavor will not only enrich
the community but also serve as a learning
tool for adults and schoolchildren alike.
The Obed Baker House has been authenticated by the Massachusetts Historical
Commission as a “well preserved example
on its way on either side of the Martingale
Apartment building and will eventually offer restaurant, retail and office space. Ricci
Construction brought in Maine Drilling &
Blasting to handle the sensitive site work.
Access was extremely limited to the site
and the slope from the pavement to the rivNorth Kingstown, RI - Wayne J. Grifer was 30 feet down and much of the rock
fin Electric, Inc. of Holliston, Mass. has
removal had to be performed by barge.
begun electrical work at the Army Aviation
Support Facility (AASF) for the Rhode Island Air National Guard at Quonset State
Airport in North Kingstown.
The new 105,000sf facility will house
administrative offices, flight operations areas, simulation training, aircraft maintenance hangar, aircraft storage hangar and
related shop and storage spaces.
Griffin Electric will install new 2,500
Bow Street
amp, 480/277 volt service with a 400 kilo-
Obed Baker House
of Federal Period architecture.” Through
the tireless efforts of the Westwood Historical Society and the community at large,
the Obed Baker House, built in 1810 with a
family history stretching back to the 1630s,
became a renovation project in 2005.
Wayne J. Griffin at AASF
watt generator to provide full power for the
new facility. Included in the project scope
are controls for the state-of-the-art lighting
package, which includes full emergency
capabilities. In addition, a new life-safety
system including mass notification and
fire alarm systems will be installed; power
for operations including mechanical and
aircraft systems; and telecommunications
Completion date is targeted for October 2010.
April, 2009
High-Profile: Facilities Development News
We don’t just build green, sustainable, and LEED
Certified Buildings for our clients - we decided to
design and build one for ourselves.
New UMass Student Apartme
of 487 c
MAis th
of 75 s
town h
will tota
will be i
in a ma
with oth
to aare60o
mural tea
Designed by ARC, Buil
Rendering of the new Mashpee library
Public Library for Town of Mashpee
Bufftree CM - J. Stewart Roberts Architects
Mashpee, MA - In early 2010, a
new public library in Mashpee will open
its doors and welcome patrons to a building that is both user- and environmentallyfriendly. When completed, the library will
incorporate energy efficiencies that qualify
for LEED certification from the U.S. Green
Building Council.
“Construction has gotten off to a
great start,” said Michael Fazio, project
manager for the architectural firm of J.
Stewart Roberts Associates, Inc. of Somerville, who added that the foundations are
currently being installed. “We’ve been very
happy with Bufftree’s performance and are
very excited about this project because it
will be one of the first LEED-certified libraries in Massachusetts and the first on
Cape Cod.”
The projected cost for the new library is $6,402,800. The total footage is
20,880sf. The site also includes a parking
lot, an outdoor events yard and an adjacent
building that will house a new Mashpee
post office.
Among the outstanding features of
the library are an events room for community meetings, space for the library’s Native American collection, and an expanded
area for children’s services.
Integrated Builders
Gets Vestcom Contract
Cramer Levine Architect
South Easton, MA - Integrated Builders, a construction management, designbuild and general contracting company in Braintree, has been awarded a 20,000sf
interior fit-up contract from Vestcom International Inc., a provider of customized
shelf-edge marketing solutions to major retailers and brand manufacturers in the
grocery, drug, and mass merchandising industries.
Integrated Builders will build approximately 20,000sf of interior space; a
warehouse will account for 15,000sf and the remainder 5,000sf will be made up of
office and print room. The facility is located in South Easton, Mass.
Norton-based Cramer Levine & Company serves as project architect.
The project is scheduled for completion in May.
Consigli to Renovate Airport Garage
Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Architect
Milford, MA - Consigli Construction
Co., Inc. has been awarded the multi-phase
renovation of the Terminal B Parking Garage at Logan International Airport, making important infrastructure upgrades while
maintaining full access to departure and
arrival gates and parking areas throughout
the 42-month project beginning in March.
The project consists of upgrading the
roadway that surrounds the garage, ensuring that the arrival and departure roads can
accommodate the heavier loads of today’s
modern traffic and the increased passenger
travel that Logan has experienced in recent
years. Pavement repairs and drainage improvements will be made, and important
environmental upgrades – including three
new oil/water separators – are scheduled
for the first phase of the project.
Inside the Terminal B garage, improvements will include multiple structural repairs, such as new expansion joints,
installation of new 24-inch PC girders,
column and slab repairs and new waterproofing membrane. The existing lighting
system will be removed and replaced with
energy efficient units, and alternative energy sources – such as photovoltaic panels
and wind turbines – are potential options
for enhancing the efficiency of the garage.
Consigli and Massport will develop a
phasing plan that will minimize traffic flow
interruptions and incorporate off-hours operations to ensure services for the terminal
remain operational at all times.
Amherst, MA - ARC/Architectural
along with glass bay windows help to difResources Cambridge announced the
ferentiate the new buildings from existing
dedication of four new residence halls
building s on campus.
designed by the firm for the University
Each unit includes four bedrooms
of Massachusetts in Amherst. Dimeo
with cable and Ethernet connections, two
Construction Co. of Providence, R.I. was
full baths, a common living room/kitchen
the construction manager for the $93
area, a pantry, floor-to-ceiling windows,
million project.
and air-conditioning.
UMass officials held a dedication
“Seeing this building open is the
ceremony in August for the opening of
realization of much hard work and creativ225-7165
the 864-bed project known (603)
as the224-3233
North . FAX
ity on(603)
of a great project team that
Residential Area.
included our staff, Dimeo Construction
ARC completed the design of the
four new apartment-style residence halls
HVAC Duct Design
in September of 2005 and construction
Fabrication Drawings
started in June 2005. Totaling 325,000 sf,
the five-story buildings were designed to
Mechanical Piping
relate to the earlier residence halls that
Design & Coordination
incorporate brick exteriors, pitched roofs
and dormers. A brick banding pattern
Plumbing Piping
Design & Coordination
North Branch Construction, Inc.
UMass Amherst Lobby
UMass Amherst Student Lounge
Asbuilt Drawings
and UMass personnel,” said Mark Dolny
of ARC. “Workingwww.EHKA.com
together, we exceeded
the University’s goal of providing a com1502 who
munity for students
want theHwy.
12 with the
venience of on-campus housing
Norwood, MA 02062
advantages of a more autonomous living
situation. These residences represent a new
April, 2009
High-Profile: Facilities Development News
Patriot Place Buzzing with Activity
Pro Con Architect and CM
Foxborough, MA – The new Renaissance Hotel and Spa at Patriot Place
is buzzing with activity. Finish carpenters,
dry wall installers, carpet installers and
painters are applying the interior finishes
on all levels of the hotel’s interior, while
installers complete the exterior finishes.
Pro Con Inc, of Manchester, N.H. is the
architect and construction manager for the
four-star, 150-key hotel and spa project,
which anchors the stores, restaurants, and
entertainment venues at Patriot Place and
is adjacent to Gillette Stadium.
The hotel’s public spaces will include a stylish 98-seat restaurant, a private
dining room, a lounge with 60-foot bar and
stone hearth oven, outside patio for casual
dining, a flexible space conference room,
an enclosed business center, a club lounge
on the fifth floor, fitness center, indoor pool
Acella Completes Retail Tenant
Fit-Out at Mayfaire Center
Attleboro, MA - Acella Construction Corporation recently completed the
construction of a 4,800sf retail fit-out for
Avenue, a women’s clothing store, at the
newly-built Mayfaire Center in Attleboro.
Acella completed the 4,800sf fit-out
on behalf of the landlord, Carpionato Properties, Inc., a Johnston, R.I.-based develop-
er of retail, hotel and multi-family properties in New England.
Mayfaire Center is located at the intersection of U.S. Route 1 and May Street.
Its anchor tenants include Super Stop &
Shop, Pizzeria Uno and Modell’s Sporting
Suffolk Completes Music Hall
Interior of Renaissance bar/lounge area
and a full service spa with 14 treatment
rooms that will offer facials, massages,
body wraps/scrubs, nail care, and hair care.
The hotel was designed and is being built
to accommodate a 100-room addition.
Exterior photo of Renaissance main entry
Boston, MA -Suffolk Construction Company recently completed
construction of Boston’s
House of Blues music
hall. The new music hall
rises three stories and
holds more than 2,400
patrons, making it one of
the largest concert halls in
Built on the site of
the former Avalon and
Axis nightclubs, Suffolk’s
project team completed
construction on an aggresHouse of Blues is one of the largest concert halls in Boston.
sive schedule in time for
Photography by Robert Umenhofer, RJU Photography
the House of Blues’ scheduled February opening.
ored accent panels. The Lansdowne Street
project was built on a very tight urban site façade is clad in brick, which gives the
on Lansdowne Street directly across from building a sense of historical scale since
Fenway Park. The building’s exterior con- it is in such close proximity to the historic
sists of corrugated metal siding with col- Fenway Park structure.
Commercial • Institutional • Fine Residential • Irrigation • Stonewalls, Walkways Terraces
Current Landscaping Projects Include:
175 Wyman Street
The Natick Collection
40 Sylvan Road - John Moriarty and Associates
175 Wyman Street - Columbia Construction
225 Franklin St - Shawmut Design and Construction
St. Elizabeths Hospital - Walsh Brothers Construction
One Broadway Renovations - Walsh Brothers Construction
One Boston Place Plaza Renovations - Trinity Builders
MIT Media Lab Expansion - Bond Brothers
McCormack Building Greenroof - Suffolk Construction
Franklin Hill Housing - CWC Builders
Museum of Fine Arts - John Moriarty and Associates
Harvard Law School - Skanska
Lahey Clinic North - Walsh Brothers Construction
Mass Biologic Expansion - William A. Berry & Son, Inc.
Eaton Vance Roof Garden - Shawmut Design + Construction
Gillette Integration - Walsh Brothers Construction
Arnold Arboretum Weld Hill - Lee Kennedy Construction
Fan Pier Building F - Turner Construction
New England Aquarium - Turner Construction
303 Third Street - Bovis Lend Lease
Internap - Richard White and Sons
Two Financial Center - Suffolk Construction
Large Caliper Tree Transplanting
Trinity College Longwalk Pavers
Telephone: 617-254-1700 • Fax: 617-254-0234 • 17 Electric Avenue, Boston, MA 02135 • www.valleycrest.com
April, 2009
High-Profile: Facilities Development News
SIOR Breakfast
175-185 Wyman StreetFeatured Landlord
Newton, MA - With a goal of LEED
Gold, the campus at 175-185 Wyman Street
will be comprised of two new buildings
encompassing over 330,000sf. Located
directly adjacent to Hobbs Brook Office
Park, which consists of nine buildings totaling over 1.2 million sf, the addition of
175-185 Wyman Street, will increase the
total office park to over 1.5 million sf.
Designed by Margulies Perruzzi Architects of Boston and being built by Columbia Construction of Andover, 175-185
Wyman Street will have convenient structured and surface parking, mature landscap-
ing, and direct access to Route 128/95.
As the SIOR Featured Landlord, a
Breakfast will be held Tuesday, April 21,
2009 at the Newton Marriott.
7:30 a.m-Registration/Networking,
8:00 a.m.-Breakfast
8:15-9:00 a.m. Presentation/Q&A
Panel includes: Donald Oldmixon
from Hobbs Brook Management LLC,
Marc Margulies, AIA, LEED AP from
Margulies Perruzzi Architects, and Chip
Batchelder from Wyman Street Advisors.
For more information visit http://
Brookline Town Hall newly renovated lobby. photos courtesy of HMFH Architects, Inc.
HMFH Dedicates Town Hall
Rendering of 175 Wyman Street. courtesy of Margulies Perruzzi Architects.
Brookline, MA - HMFH Architects announced the formal dedication of
Brookline Town Hall. The event took place
March 29 followed by an open house of
town offices. Throughout the renovated
space, an exhibition of objects and images
tracing the town’s history was displayed.
The 18-month-long project includes
extensive renovation of a seven-story,
1960’s-era office building to improve both
energy and operational efficiency and meet
the town of Brookline’s ambitious sustainability goals. Work includes new windows,
MEP systems and flooring designed to
meet LEED Silver standards. Work also
includes redesign of public spaces to im-
prove circulation, wayfinding and accessibility; redesign of the ground floor to better
meet community needs; and reconfiguration of offices to improve efficiency and
adjacencies. In addition, renovations of the
two main meeting spaces, the Selectman’s
Hearing Room and the School Committee
Room, include significant technology and
accessibility upgrades.
The Brookline Town Hall renovation
was recently honored with a North Atlantic
regional award for sustainability from the
Illuminating Engineering Society (IES)
and will go on to compete in the national
IES awards program.
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Photo Credit: David Ryan Photography
April, 2009
High-Profile: Healthcare Facilities Development News
NECA Members Provide Services
for Center for Life Science
Amgen Center, Cambridge
Jewett Completes Hospital Renos
Exeter, NH - Jewett Construction
Company, Inc. of Raymond has recently
One Hampshire
at Kendall
at Square,
Exeter Hospital.
The work took place from early December,
2008 through January, 2009.
Renovations consisted of the demolition of the existing staff lounge, adjacent
corridor, cardiac rehabilitation, restroom,
and partial exit stairwell. This demolition
included the removal of existing doors,
walls, lockers, bathroom fixtures, acoustical ceilings, flooring, lighting, and HVAC
New work consisted of renovating
the staff lounge into a family discharge
room with new flooring, acoustical ceilings, lighting, HVAC, and finished walls.
The former
rehab was divided
the new west staff lounge and the new dialysis room and adjacent restroom. The
former stairwell was closed off and utilized
as dialysis storage.
Jewett worked with subcontractors
including Cadieux Flooring of Stratham;
Gemini Electric, Inc. of Auburn; John C.
Pratt Company of Rochester; A.P. Dailey Millwork of Windham; Granite State
Plumbing & Heating, LLC of Weare, and
Kaloutas Painting of Peabody, Mass.
Boston, MA – The new
Center for Life Science / Boston,
located at 3 Blackfan Circle, is
regarded as one of the preeminent
research facilities in the world.
Eight NECA Boston Chapter contractors have recently
provided the comprehensive
electrical construction and telecommunications services for the
facility and its tenants – Bennett
Electrical, Inc.; Gaston Electrical
Construction, Inc.; Mass. Electric
Construction Co, Inc.; LAN-TEL
Communications, Inc.; Lighthouse Electrical Contracting,
Center for Life Science / Boston
Brigham & Womens Hospital, Boston
Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge
Inc.; Infowires Contracting, LLC; Center for Life Science / Boston
Consigli to maintain the agJ.M. Electrical Company, Inc.; and
Flow Cytometry Core facility for DanaIn
a close
look at the
just client
a few oftothe recent
Viscom Systems, Inc.
Farber/Harvard Cancer Center here.
mobilizaThe 18-story, 700,000+sf contempofacility construction,
quality Boston
and safety
pleted projects by NECA Greater Boston C
re- Association (NECA).
rary, glass structure serves as a medical re- searches such complex areas as neurologi- Associates’ new oral and maxillofacial sur- tion.
are critical to every project. Which is why leading
As we light the way for innovations in biotechnol- Themembers.
It willstructure
tell you where
to turn for th
search and office facility. Primary tenants cal disorders, neurobiological matters, and gical office at 172 Main Street in Northborarchitects,central
building ough.
ogy, healthcare, education, and the sciences, NECA
fully equipped
im- and ren
est standards
include Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
injuries including
Center (BIDMC), which occupies floors
4 and
nerve managers
and spinal
cord and IBEW remain committed to powering our ener- energy construction.
ity was completed under the design-build area, doctors’ offices and a medical library.
through 10, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, injuries.
gy-efficient, technology-driven facilities with elecRely on the power of quality electrical wor
and Harvard Medical School affiliate – the
IDI is a world leader in immunology delivery system, giving the team the flex- Included on the main floor is a CT scanner
to expedite
key portions of
the proj- that
radiographic equipment
speof Localresearch
103 ofand
theis focused
trical and
for aforcomplete
Immune Disease Institute (IDI).
on immune
defense ibility
maxillofaThe medical research conducted
and Workers
of Electrical
anda the
professionalin unsurpassed in quality. All with critical attention to NECA Greater Boston Chapter Members, or
at Center for Life Science/Boston spans adhesion molecules/inflammation; auto- wooden truss framing, before final designs cial CT scans. Medical service areas extend
electrical contractors of the Greater Boston on-time, on-budget delivery.
at www.bostonneca.org
diverse areas of medicine, providing the immunity/allergy; genetics of immunode- were complete. Consigli self-performed into the basement of the building, including
promise and basis for critical medical ad- ficiency and cancer and immune defenses multiple components of the project, includ- a dental laboratory for processing dental
and millwork installation. casts, prostheses and surgical guides.
vancements. As examples, BIDMC bases against infectious diseases,
viruses, and
the ing
and healthcare facilities.
dctDESIGNS worked
its Genomics and Proteomics Center and tumors.
Consigli Completes Surgical Offices
Architect dctDESIGNS
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April, 2009
Report from the National Electrical
Manufacturers Association
containing lighting used in commercial
properties. Particularly if you own a building or manage it for someone else, there
is liability associated with improper lamp
Fortunately, a recycling program
is easy to set up. Recycling contractors
can be located through the Association of
Lighting and Mercury Recyclers (www.
almr.org) and on www.lamprecycle.org,
which contains lots of helpful information
in a separate section dedicated to lamp recycling issues in Massachusetts –http://www.
Generally, recycling services are available
to both small and large businesses. There
are also many lighting, maintenance and
other building contractors who will also
collect spent lamps and get them recycled
for their customers.
Penalties: What’s at stake for businesses that discard lamps improperly? In
Massachusetts, the maximum fine for
improper disposal of hazardous waste is
$25,000 per violation per day. Clearly, the
proper management of mercury-containing
lamps is a serious matter to lawmakers
and regulatory authorities in the commonwealth.
Lamp recycling, therefore, is no longer a choice available to employees and
residents of Massachusetts but their obligation under the law.
EnerWorks Partners
with Nelson & Small
Dorchester, MA – EnerWorks announced its strategic partnership with
Nelson & Small, nationally recognized
wholesale distributor. Through Nelson
& Small’s network of over 800 dealers, EnerWorks solar thermal appliances
will be distributed throughout
New England and Upper State
New York.
“We’re thrilled about
this partnership,” says Jim
Hughes, EnerWorks director of business development for northeastern USA.
“Nelson & Small’s knowledge
and experience in the energy market,
as well as their depth of coverage, will
enable customers throughout the region
to take advantage of the economic and
environmental benefits of heating their
water with the power of the sun.”
Nelson & Small has been in the
energy business for 24 years and saw
renewable energy as the wave of the future. They were eager to be ahead of the
curve in meeting the needs of their customers who are looking for alternatives
to fossil fuel.
“EnerWorks has taken
complex solar thermal technology and packaged it as
an appliance, making solar
water heating understandable, accessible, and affordable. Their approach really
simplifies the installation and
integration of this technology into
both residential and commercial applications,” said Peter LaRose, Nelson &
Small’s senior vice president and general sales manager.
Charpentier Leed Accredited
Medford, MA – Delta Design & Construction announced that Al Charpentier, superintendent, has recently
become LEED accredited.
“I’m really pleased that Al is the first member of our
team to become accredited. He represents a great start to our
company goal of getting everyone accredited,” commented
Delta president, Derek Pelletier.
STRCOM NEMA4 steel & NEMA4X stainless steel combiners are made
in the USA and listed to UL1741
Solectria Introduces
Combiner Box
Lawrence, MA - Solectria Renewables introduces its most recent
innovation, the stainless steel string
combiner. This is now available for
fused string combining of any commercial photovoltaic (PV) system.
Stainless steel string
combiners are perfect for
systems located outside that
experience harsh weather
conditions and require extra
protection. All units are USmade with fuses included in
a NEMA4 or NEMA4X enclosure, and the whole unit is
listed to UL1741.
Solectria Renewables,
LLC, of Lawrence, is a developer and manufacturer of
a wide range of inverters for renewable power applications including
1.8kW to 95kW grid tied PV inverters for systems from 1kW to multiMW.
High-Profile: Green Facilities Development News
by Mark Kohorst
Did you know that you can’t throw
fluorescent and CFL bulbs in the trash? A
law passed last year makes trashing these
light bulbs unlawful.
Specifically, the law states that, effective May 1, 2008, “no person, household,
business, school, healthcare facility or state
or municipal government shall knowingly
dispose of a mercury-added product in any
manner other than by recycling, disposing
as hazardous waste or using a method approved by the department (of Environmental Protection).”
Households: For households, the
primary concern is CFLs – the energy-efficient lightbulbs promoted to replace incandescent bulbs.
Now, recycling these bulbs is easier
than ever. Several retailers such as IKEA
and The Home Depot will recycle these
bulbs for free. The city of Boston offers
household hazardous waste collection
twice a year and will accept all fluorescent
lamps. More information can be found at
recycling/hazardouswaste.asp. A broader
list of recycling locations throughout the
Commonwealth can be found at www.
keepmercuryfrom rising.org. And several
lighting manufacturers offer recycling kits
for sale through their websites.
Businesses: For business owners and
operators, the primary concern is mercury-
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April, 2009
High-Profile: Green Facilities Development News
BostonCoach HQ Earns Leed Silver
ADD Inc. , Elaine Construction, RDK Engineers
Boston, MA – Commercial real estate professionals recently toured the LEED
Silver-certified corporate headquarters of BostonCoach to
learn firsthand how corporate
office tenants can benefit from
implementing environmentallyfriendly workplace measures.
Hosted by CoreNet Global, the leading professional association for corporate real estate and workplace executives,
the event also featured a panel
discussion featuring representatives from BostonCoach, architects ADD Inc., construction
manager Elaine Construction
and engineers RDK.
The team was responsible
for creating a highly functional,
sustainable corporate headquarters within a century old
warehouse at 70 Fargo Street in Corporate office tenants can benefit from implementing
environmentally-friendly workplace measures.
Boston’s Seaport District.
BostonCoach’s initiatives
tions and employee relocations within the
to boost employee amenities, reduce envi- space.
ronmental impacts and foster productivity
Lighting energy was reduced by 30%
earned the project a 2008 “Best New Work- and 126,000 gallons of water will be saved
place Award” from CoreNet Global.
Among the accomplishments and lesRecycling 90% of all construction
sons learned on the 23,652sf project were: waste kept demolition byproducts out of
Installing an underfloor air distribu- local landfills.
tion system not only improves comfort, it
allows significant flexibility in reconfigura-
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Upcoming Calendar Events
The Green
Roundtable Events:
5/5/2009 & 5/12/2009 1-5pm
• Leed Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance Training
*Learn more about The Green
Roundtable events online at www.nexusboston.com/space/events.
4/11/2009 10am-2pm
• NEXUS Second Saturdays: The
Green Remodel
4/14/2009 6-7:30 pm
• Emerging Green Builders--EduUSGBC MA
cation Committee meeting
4/15/2009 5:30-7pm
Membership Forum
• Emerging Green Builders-4/16/2009 8-9am
Design Competition Site
• Education Committee
4/16/2009 8-9am
4/16/2009 6-9pm
• The Forum--Educa• Earth Day Celebration
tion Committee Meeting
4/28/2009 6-7pm
4/22/2009 6-8pm
• Boston Leed Users
• Earth Day SpeGroup (BLUG): Leed for Recial: Greening of Southie
Screening @ NEXUS
*Learn more about
4/23/2009 8:30am-12:30pm
USGBC MA Membership Forum events
• USGBC’s “Using Energy Mod- online at www.nexusboston.com/space/
eling on LEED Projects”
4/23/2009 6-8pm
• Save the date! GRT and the EnEmerging Green
vironmental Business Council Present
Builders Committee
“Green Careers Networking Night-4/14/2009 6-7:30pm
Leaders in Leed”
• Education Committee meeting
4/28/2009 6-7:00pm
4/15/2009 5:30-7pm
• The Forum--Boston LEED Us• Design Competition Site Tour
ers Group (BLUG): LEED for Retail
*Learn more about Emerging
4/30/2009 6-8pm
Committee events online
• VIP Event with Barbra Batshaat
April, 2009
High-Profile: Green Facilities Development News
RGB Green News
Providence, RI – The architectural, engineering and interior design firm
of RGB has the following green news:
Mark R. Remillard, associate
AIA, FMP, has successfully completed
the U.S. Green Building Council’s requirements for LEED Professional Accreditation for Existing Facilities. He
has a thorough understanding of environmentally sustainable design practices
including energy efficient construction,
alternative energy systems, and environmentally sound material selections with
special interests in sustainable housing and
alternative energy systems.
RGB project manager and associate,
Steven L. Hughes AIA, NCARB, LEED
AP, RI’s first LEED accredited architect,
and job captain Christopher A. Armstrong,
associate AIA, LEED AP are both serving
on the RI Chapter’s US Green Building
Council (USGBC).
Hughes is serving on the board of directors and is chairman of the Advocacy/
Government Relations Committee.
is serving as the
chapter’s At-large
representative to
the USGBC’s Upper Northeast Regional
He also served as
one of two Rhode
Island representaArmstrong
tives on the USGBC’s Revitalization Task Force to develop regional credits
for its LEED rating system.
‘Zero Net Energy’
in Two State Buildings
Boston, MA - Two new state
buildings will be built to “zero net energy building” specifications, to demonstrate cost-saving, high-efficiency designs and on-site renewable energy use
outlined in the final report of the state’s
Zero Net Energy Task Force released recently,” said Energy and Environmental
Affairs (EEA) Secretary Ian Bowles.
“The buildings we build today
will be with us for generations,” said
Secretary Bowles. “Using less energy
saves money and reduces greenhouse
gas emissions, and the state should lead
the way in making buildings as smart as
possible in energy use, and providing a
boost for the clean energy technologies
and jobs that make this possible.”
The Task Force of industry experts, convened by Secretary Bowles
at the behest of Governor Patrick, who
called for the panel at the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA)
annual meeting last year, reviewed more
than 80 state construction projects at
various stages of design to determine
the best candidates for energy and design techniques that minimize energy
use and maximize renewable energy opportunities, for minimum “net” energy
consumed on an annual basis.
The projects identified by the
Task Force and selected by the state as
suitable for zero net energy treatment
are the Department of Fish and Game’s
Division of Fisheries and Wildlife
(MassWildlife) headquarters, to be built
in Westborough, and North Shore Community College’s Health and Student
Services Building in Danvers.
The North Shore Community
College building is now in design, with
construction due to begin sometime this
summer. The MassWildlife project goes
into design this spring, with construction
expected to begin in fiscal year 2011.
EYP Reduces Its Carbon Footprint
Boston, MA - EYP is taking steps
towards reducing its carbon footprint by
buying carbon offsets, to dramatically reduce the effect of all business-related airline travel.
Additionally, the firm purchased Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) for
one year to offset 100% of the electricity
used by its corporate offices.
In partnership with 3Degrees, a national renewable energy and carbon offset
company providing Green-e Certified Renewable Energy Certificates from renewable energy facilities across the nation,
these moves enable EYP to continue its
commitment to promoting and implementing environmentally responsible solutions.
The firm’s purchase of RECs will
have the environmental benefit equivalent
to removing 65 cars off the road each year,
or the amount of CO2 stored in more than
80 acres of trees annually.
According to EYP President and
AP, “A shared commitment to a sustainable future is a defining value for each of
EYP’s employees. Reducing our carbon
footprint through purchasing green power
and carbon offsets further enhances those
values and helps sustain our pride in the
work we do. Working with 3Degrees has
ensured that EYP’s commitment meets the
very highest quality standards for Verified
Emission Reductions and RECs.”
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Is your firm a leader in green
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Submission of industry articles,
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can be e-mailed attn:
Anastasia Barnes
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Call Anastasia to learn more
at 781-294-4530.
April, 2009
High-Profile: Green Facilities Development News
Q&A with Nexamp Partners
Continued from page 7
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vices for instance. We work with companies as advisors and build a specific road
map of solutions tailored to their facility,
rather than just offering solar or lighting.
We might offer 20 different projects
that can reduce energy and save money, but
we group it together so you can see the result of the whole portfolio of energy projects would be in terms of return on investment and net present value, etc. We also
sort out and describe the rebates and tax
incentives that are available. We offer advisory services at a substantially lower cost
than a typical consultant. And we implement the solutions in house.
HP: So you provide the options and
once the client decides what they want, you
actually do the installing. So for example,
something like geothermal, do you hire an
outside company to do the drilling?
Will: We have an HVAC project
manager and a technician. Again, our work
is turnkey. We complete the design, procurement, permitting and installation. We
don’t have our own drill rig, but once the
program builds to the point that we have
that much work, that will be the next step.
We have eight in-house technicians, but
like any construction company, we use subcontractors.
HP: Are you just New England?
Dan: Right now we’re making sure
that we’re really good at everything that
we can implement here in the New England states. We’re able to offer some of our
advisory services beyond this region.
HP: Where do you see Nexamp in
the next five years?
Will: We’re building Nexamp to be
very scalable on the national level and ultimately on an international level.
Dan: We’re in the process of opening up our first expansion office on the
South Shore, and we’ll probably open a
central Massachusetts office. In a year or
so, we may have offices opening on the
West Coast and the Mid Atlantic.
HP: Who are your customers?
Dan: We’ve found that CEOs and
community leaders enjoy working with us
because of the way we organize information and present it. At the same time, we
often work with owner’s representatives,
architects, equipment manufacturers, general contractors, etc.
HP: Do you find it’s more commercial or residential?
Dan: It’s very mixed. We find a lot
of our commercial customers stem from
projects with residential customers.
Will: We’ve implemented several
renewable energy systems for agricultural
clients. Farms receive substantial state and
federal grants. One of our latest commercial solar electric contracts resulted from a
greater Boston facility engineer who saw
one of our arrays while picking apples
with his children at the Cider Hill Farm in
Dan: What we really like about
working with farmers is that they have a lot
Wind turbine installation, Kensington, NH
of foresight. They realize that clean energy
systems are really investments. The systems have a relatively fast payback and are
going to generate power for a whole generation over their 25 to 30 year life span.
Will: One of the other rewarding
aspects of building Nexamp is that we’re
one of the few companies that is hiring
folks right now. We’re taking on some
really great people, some of whom have
been in the labor force for 30 or 40 years
but have recently found themselves out of
work. Each of our employees brings specific skills to the table, and it’s making us
such a strong company. It makes our work
that much more rewarding.
HP: Do you ever hold information
workshops or training of any kind?
Dan: One thing we do is host Webinars. Nexamp looks for new opportunities every day. One of today’s significant
opportunities, for example, is for towns to
put solar arrays on their schools and public buildings. In our history there’s never
been a better time. We’ve put together a
series of Webinars to reach out and educate
community leaders on how to go about integrating clean energy. We let our clients
and potential clients know what opportunities exist. It can be hard to keep track, so
we keep track for them.
HP: So what would you say is the
most beneficial factor to the end user?
Dan: The reason why people should
be looking at clean energy and the sector
as a whole, whether they become an end
user or they want to invest in it, is due to
the fact that the conditions are perfect right
now for these types of investments. The return on investment you can get from clean
energy and especially energy efficiency
and energy management are just enormous
compared to what is available across the
rest of the global markets. For a privately
owned solar array, many of our clients will
experience at least a 12 to 14% post tax rate
of return over the 20 to 25 year life of the
system. That’s a phenomenal investment
by any measure. And during that period
you’re using clean energy!
April, 2009
High-Profile: Green Facilities Development News
New Haven Approves Wind Power
New Haven, CT-- The New Haven
city planning commission approved the
installation of two new wind power generators for local industries. Both will be
erected by Alteris Renewables.
A new 120-foot tall wind -powered
turbine with 30-foot tall blades is expected
to supply up to one-third of the electric
power required by New Haven’s Phoenix
Press, and a 90-foot turbine will provide
power for a building on Long Wharf Park.
Brian Driscoll of the family-owned
Phoenix Press says it takes up to 400,000
kilowatts a year to operate their printing
presses. He says the new wind turbine will
be the first of its kind in the country large
enough to power a commercial enterprise
of this size.
He said the company’s savings could
amount to $40,000 to $60,000 annually using this renewable energy source.
The turbine installation will cost
about $500,000, half of which is covered
by a grant from the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund.
The Driscoll brothers, Brian and
Kevin, say they hope to have the project
completed and the new source of energy
operating their presses by this fall.
They hope to build a second wind
turbine in the near future.
The Phoenix Press tower will be
erected on its property at 15 James St. near
the Quinnipiac River. A mile away, on the
other side of the harbor, the city will participate with the Connecticut Clean Energy
Fund to place a turbine atop a 90-foot tower on Long Wharf Drive to test the value of
smaller turbines.
The 6 kilowatt wind turbine at Long
Wharf will produce about 5,500 kilowatts
of electricity a year to offset the power
needs of the Schooner building on the
Wharf property.
The Phoenix Press Recycles much of
its materials, using Forest Stewardship certified paper and is hiring an environmental consultant to further reduce its carbon
State and federal tax credits encourage installation of renewable energy sources. The new turbines will be exempt from
property taxes, and the Phoenix Press can
claim a 30% tax credit under the economic
stimulus package.
Metric Corp. LEED Accredited
Boston, MA – Metric Construction
Corp announced that assistant project manager, Peter Bohlin, has successfully passed
the LEED Accreditation exam. Bohlin
has been recently elected as chairman of
the Membership Committee for Boston’s
Emerging Green Builders.
Metric recently held an intensive
training program to prepare more of its
employees for the accreditation process
and expects another five employees will
achieve LEED AP status in the immediate
• Solar Photovoltaic and Thermal • Wind
• Geothermal Heat Pumps • Energy Efficiency
“Working in the property management business for over 22 years, I would have to say
that this project was by far the smoothest and most well run of the many that I have been
involved with. Nexamp can be very proud of their employees and of a job well done.”
– Gary Spence, Arlington Center Garage (105 kW solar project customer) and Service Corp.
Nexamp is New England’s
leading turnkey clean energy
solutions integrator.
Nexamp designs, builds and
operates clean energy projects
from solar to geothermal for
developers, businesses,
organizations, and governments.
We make clean energy simple
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Window Quilt Resumes Operations
Brattleboro, VT - Window Quilt, the
company that developed movable window
insulation 30 years ago, is now shipping
high-performance insulated shades from
its new Brattleboro factory. Window Quilt,
whose products dramatically reduce energy
losses through windows, has returned to its
original hometown and is under the direction of experienced management.
Over a half million Window Quilts
have been installed in residences, schools,
national parks, and public buildings of all
“The need for energy saving products is greater than ever today and Window
Quilts are still the most cost-effective and
easily deployed solution bar none,” says
Larry Digney, the new owner.
Window Quilts, though simple in
appearance, are highly engineered to address all the mechanisms that contribute to
heat loss from the building envelope and
discomfort in the interior space.
CT Green School
Designed by Turner Group
Union, CT – The new high-performance Union Elementary School for
the town of Union is about to start construction this spring after many years
of planning. The 100-student, 20,000sf
K-8 school is the first sustainable facility for the smallest community in Connecticut.
Located on the original school
property, the $6.5 million project includes significant site improvements
benefiting both the student population
and citizens. These amenities include a
new campus entry, bus loop and parking, and accessibility access to athletic
fields and playgrounds, while still respecting the historical town pound
stonewall structure.
Sustainable building design features include a highly efficient building
envelope, natural day lighting, designed
For More Information Visit:
Nexamp, Inc., 21 High Street, Suite 209, North Andover, MA
p. (978) 688-2700, ext. 707 • e. jabe@nexamp.com • w. www.nexamp.com
acoustics, displacement ventilation,
carbon dioxide monitoring, occupancy
sensors, heat recovery, and DDC system controls.
The building focuses on two classroom wings integrating the trademarked
Advantage Classroom design of the full
service A/E firm, Turner Group DesignCT, LLC, a division of The H.L. Turner
Group Inc. In addition, the students and
faculty will enjoy a multipurpose room
with planned future expansion capabilities, centrally located library, music, art,
science, and support spaces.
The project will be awarded an
approximately $8,000 grant from Cl&P
Program for its healthy and environmentally responsible design features.
The school expects to be occupied in
the early part of 2010.
Look Who’s Gone Green!
Contact us for a clean energy assessment of your project or building
Over a half million Window Quilts
have been installed.
* Harvard University Cambridge MA
* Nichols College Dudley MA
* Saltwater Institute Kennebunk ME
* Belmont Senior Center MA
* Saco Transportation Center Saco ME
* Oceanic Institute Scituate MA
* Berkshire Hills School
Great Barrington MA
“Tapping the Earths’ Energy” * Battered Women's Shelter
sowmba certified WBE
Boston MA
* Wayside Farms-55+ community E.Bridgewater MA
High-Profile Focus: Multi-Residential & Assisted Living Facilities
KBE Expands Whitney Center
Hamden CT - Like many other
established continuing care retirement
communities, Hamden-based Whitney
Center knows that to be competitive it
has to upgrade its facilities from time
to time. When constructed in 1979, this
attractive CCRC was a state-of-the-art
community. Changing demographics
and evolving demands of the retirement
market over the years caused Whitney
Center to reevaluate its offerings. Today, Whitney Center is readying itself
to make far-reaching improvements to
the community, which is now home to
250 residents.
KBE Building Corporation, formerly Konover Construction, began
working with Whitney Center and SFCS
Inc., the project’s architect, in 2005 on
an in-depth preconstruction program
to address this “Renaissance Project.”
This comprehensive expansion of the
existing building will further enhance
the high quality of life that residents
already enjoy. Design is complete and
SFCS Project Architect
Whitney Center
construction is planned to start by this
The project will include a new
eight-story building with 100 spacious
new apartments, a new cultural arts
center and a host of other amenities.
To the north of the existing building,
a new four-story building will provide
32 new assisted living apartments, a
Newly expanded Whitney Center
new health and wellness center with 48
skilled nursing beds and other services
and programs. Other amenities include
restaurants, a bistro, salon, upgraded fitness center, expanded library, and resident business center.
With these renovations, Whitney
Center will be better equipped to take
advantage of the science behind good
health. The new facilities will help with
preventive care, health monitoring and
fitness programs, all of which are ongoing mission targets for the community.
The fitness center features advanced
equipment specifically designed to be
safe and effective for users 55 and older, a heated indoor pool and a relaxing
spa. In total, the expansion will cover
more than 325,000sf.
“This project really points out
how valuable preconstruction services
and planning are for any major renovation,” said KBE senior vice president
and principal, Simon Etzel. “We are
working closely with SFCS Inc. and
Whitney Center to make sure we carried their vision for the project to fruition. Through our years of experience,
we have developed a very robust preconstruction process that allows us to
maximize the owner’s resources, establish an understanding of what is expected from all stakeholders and foster
a sense of partnership between owner,
architect and construction manager.”
Etzel says what is so valuable
about the preconstruction phase is the
collaboration between the owner and
the design team to evaluate the evolving design. This evaluation encompasses not only the cost of the proposed
design, but also its constructability, impact on schedule and effect on the building’s long-term durability and operating costs. The cost evaluation is done
throughout each of the design phases
– schematic, design development and
construction documents – along with
a comprehensive effort to provide full
value for every dollar spent within an
owner’s budgetary constraints. Though
an experienced preconstruction team
will always look for opportunities for
both long- and short-term savings, they
will also work hard to preserve the
owner’s program and the design team’s
vision and provide the owner with the
best value.
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April, 2009
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April, 2009
High-Profile Focus: Multi-Residential & Assisted Living Development News
The Hollander Foundation Center from Asylum street
LaRosa Continues Hollander Ctr
Crosskey Architects
Hartford, CT - LaRosa Building
Group, LLC of Meriden is in the final
stages of historic restoration and renovations to the Hollander Foundation Center
Building on Asylum Street in downtown
Hartford. The project team also includes
Common Ground Community (developer)
and Crosskey Architects (project architect).
LaRosa provided pre-construction
services and has been involved in the project throughout the design and construction phase. The project is on schedule for Historical Ceiling in Lobby pre-restoration
completion this summer.
sorting trash and recycling chute. These
The building was originally designed elements, in combination with the buildby Thomas White Lamb and built in 1926. ing’s commissioning program, will reduce
Prior to restoration, the old “Capitol Build- the carbon footprint and will also provide
ing” sat vacant since the early 1990s. The a sustainable and efficient building for the
six-story historic building overlooks Bush- tenants in years to come.
nell Park and is being transformed into
Notable work on the project in70 units of mixed-income housing and cludes re-creation of historic windows, re13,000sf of ground-floor retail space that pointing of existing masonry exterior, and
will contribute to the revitalization of the restoration of the original paintings and
downtown Hartford area.
murals located in the vestibules and main
The $22 million project is Connecti- corridor. These original paintings and mucut’s first LEED certified multi-family rals include metal leafed allegorical figures
housing development, and is also the first molded after “The Genius of Connecticut,”
affordable housing development in down- which used to stand on top of the Capitol
town Hartford. The building design incor- Building dome, and faux mosaic depictions
porates many green elements, including a of the Old State House and the Connecticut
green roof to promote water conservation State Capitol Building, which is located
and re-use, high-efficiency heating and just a short walk across the park from the
cooling systems, low flow plumbing fix- Hollander Foundation Center Building.
tures, high-efficiency lighting, and a preMuch care has been taken to repair
the existing terra cotta
exterior pieces, which
were used to emulate
actual stone and the terrazzo flooring located
throughout the building.
The present team
retained the attention to
detail and historic value
that world-renowned
architect Thomas White
Lamb had when designing The Capitol Building.
The old “Capitol Building” Entrance
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April, 2009
High-Profile Feature: NewBridge on the Charles
Suffolk Nears Completion of NewBridge on the Charles
edham, MA - Suffolk Construction
is partnering with healthcare provider Hebrew SeniorLife to bring a
higher quality of living to seniors throughout the greater Boston area. The NewBridge
on the Charles project, which is just a few
months from completion, will include both
long- and short-term care accommodations,
along with the largest geriatric research facility in the United States.
“The project includes a series of
buildings on 162 acres,” Project Executive Matt Grosshandler says. “There will
be a full health center with an approximately 250,000sf skilled nursing facility,
268 beds through 230 rooms, and amenities
such as country kitchens, therapy station, a
full salon, chapel, gift shops and exercise
In addition, the Village Center [community center] will feature 130,000sf of
space, which will include an indoor pool,
sauna, steam room, synagogue, three full
kitchens, restaurants, winter garden, therapy areas, library space, and 30 residential
independent living units.
The community will also offer
285,000sf of independent living apartments
in four buildings, which range from threeto four-story structures. “There will be 176
independent living, senior supportive housing units, all with walkout balconies, private indoor parking, all done in wood-frame
construction,” Grosshandler explains. The
Designed by Perkins Eastman and Chan Krieger
Continued on next page
NewBridge Village Center. All photos courtesy of Perkins Eastman.
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P.O. Box 260
Worcester, MA 01613
April, 2009
High-Profile: Advice Article
High-Profile Feature: NewBridge on the Charles
Acoustics in
Multi-Residential Buildings
NewBridge Villas
Continued from previous page
garage features three acres of subterranean
parking with 258 spaces, constructed with
cast-in-place concrete.
In addition, the community will feature 51 units of assisted living space, which
will feature a mix of structural steel and
wood-frame construction and will offer 50
independent living “Cape Cod-style” cottage units, for a combined 151,000sf.
NewBridge on the Charles was designed collaboratively by Perkins Eastman
and Chan Krieger.
NewBridge Apartments
Lighthouse Masonry, Inc.
Paul Alves
150 John Vertente Blvd.
New Bedford, MA 02745
by Jeff Fullerton, Acentech Inc.
level of privacy and enhanced isolaost residents of multi-res- tion from noise.
idential buildings expect a
Purchasing a residence in Manreasonable level of priva- darin Oriental, Boston provided the
cy from their neighbors and isolation owner with the unique flexibility of
from the building’s central mechani- controlling the residence’s layout and
cal systems, but residents
design. An exceptional
and guests of luxury hofeature for residents who
tels and residences have
seek to create their own
even greater expectations
special residence, it also
for these issues. For these
presented unique chalhigh-end projects, designlenges in ensuring that
ers and acoustical consulany possible arrangement
tants need to work togethof rooms, kitchens, and
er to ensure that sound
bathrooms would have
and impact isolation and
no sound and vibration
architectural acoustics are
impact on neighbors. Deaddressed before the moving truck mising constructions were developed
for providing exceptional sound isoThe recently opened Manda- lation between the residences and
rin Oriental, Boston was developed the guestrooms, both vertically and
by CWB Boylston and designed by horizontally, to allow the occupants
Boston-based CBT Architects. The of each space their enjoyment and
Boylston Street hotel and residence privacy from others. Noise and vicomplex is one of the most exclusive bration control for mechanical sysdevelopments in the city, featuring tems were implemented to achieve
attentive personal service and high- quiet in the building, including the
end amenities. The multi-use facility equipment within each residence, the
features the Residences at Mandarin rooftop equipment adjacent to the
Oriental, Boston, consisting of 50 rooftop terraces, and the emergency
ultra-luxury condo residences and 25 generator in the lower level of the
high-end apartments, and the ultra- building.
luxe Mandarin Oriental, Boston hoGiven this high standard, the
tel. The hotel, with 136 guest rooms developer, design team, and contracand 12 suites, also encompasses a 16,000 squareNoise and vibration control for
foot spa and fitness cen- mechanical systems were implemented
ter, meeting rooms, a
to achieve quiet in the building, includballroom, and Mandarin
Oriental, Boston’s sig- ing the equipment within each resinature restaurant, Asana. dence, the rooftop equipment adjacent
The Shops at Mandarin to the rooftop terraces, and the emerOriental, Boston is home gency generator in the lower level of
to legendary Boston res- the building.
taurant L’Espalier, along
with Sel de la Terre, Mizu
Salon, Frette linens, and Gucci.
tor understood the critical importance
The success of the project’s of succeeding with these acoustical
acoustics rested on satisfying the constructions and concepts on the
potentially high expectations of the first try. The success of exceptional
future owners, guests, visitors, and privacy and acoustical isolation at
retailers that were anticipated to oc- the Residences at Mandarin Oriental,
cupy the building. Undertaking these Boston has provided the peace and
objectives required the commitment solitude that residents have expected
of the owner to constructions and with this project.
systems that would have a greater
Jeff Fullerton is the director of
than normal cost and complexity. architectural acoustics at Acentech
Though projects with more tradition- Inc., a multi-disciplinary acoustics,
al expectations could tolerate typical audiovisual systems design, and videtails, off-the-shelf equipment se- bration consulting firm providing a
lection, and conventional installation wide range of services to a diverse
procedures, the exceptional goals of group of clients.
this project required extraordinary
constructions to achieve a higher
April, 2009 April,
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April, 2009
High-Profile Feature: 35 West Newton Street
35 West Newton Street Restoration and Renovation
oston, MA – A $3.9 million renovation is near completion at 35
West Newton Street in Boston’s
historic South End. The five-story renovation is spearheaded by Nuestra Comunidad
Development Corporation, in conjunction
with Greater Boston Design Associates /
Tappé Associates and Kaplan Corporation,
Contractors and Builders.
Built in the 1800s, the brownstone
previously served as a lodging house and
commercial space until a fire in the 1970s
left the building unusable and vacant. It
was not until a decade later that 35 West
Newton was rescued by the Boston Redevelopment Authority and Boston Aging
Concerns – Young and Old United (BACYOU). In 2004, BAC-YOU merged with
Nuestra Comunidad Development Corporation, a Roxbury based nonprofit development group.
Since its conception, 35 West Newton Street has been the quintessential community endeavor, made possible by the
vision and involvement of members of the
community, the funders, and the Nuestra
This restoration was made possible
by a $2 million contribution from the city
of Boston, historic rehab tax credits, and assistance from various nonprofits in the area.
As part of the city’s Boston Resident Jobs
Policy, the project was required to employ
50% Boston residents, 25% minorities, and
10% female subcontractors. 35 West NewContinued on next page
35 W. Newton Street. Photo courtesy of Northern Design Precast.
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April, 2009
High-Profile Feature: 35 West Newton Street
Continued from previous page
ton Street far exceeded these requirements
in community involvement, hiring nearly
75% minority subcontractors.
The revitalization project includes
a full restoration of the façade as well as
an interior renovation to the 12,000sf, fivestory building, including new communal
kitchens and bathrooms. The currently
unused first floor will be leased as commercial space and the storefront will be restored. The much needed façade restoration
consists of precast concrete to emulate the
original brownstone. Fiberglass cornices
and window pediments were used to minimize weight and cost.
Once completed, the SRO hopes to
boost its services to the community’s underserved population. 35 West Newton
Street will provide affordable housing for
low-income individuals, with three of the
units set aside for the homeless.
The project is on track to be completed in mid-April.
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April, 2009
High-Profile Feature: PAREXEL Headquarters
J. Calnan & Associates, ADD Inc. and RDK Engineers
Complete New Technology Center for Global Service Provider
illerica, MA - J. Calnan & Associates, Inc. (JC&A), ADD Inc. and
RDK Engineers recently completed the renovation and interior fit out of an
existing 100,000 square foot building in
Billerica to serve as a technology center for
PAREXEL International, a leading global
biopharmaceutical services provider.
The project included a new 9,000
square foot data center in the two-story
building, which is part of PAREXEL’s
global technology infrastructure. Intricate
coordination was required throughout the
project to accommodate a phased plan for
move-in occupancy along with electrical
and mechanical equipment start-up. Interior features include a café, state-of-the-
art medical imaging lab, new lobby areas,
no-flow and low flow restroom fixtures
and showers, open office areas and interior
huddle rooms.
JC&A, headquartered in Quincy,
MA, is one of New England’s leading construction management firms specializing in
pre-construction services and challenging
construction projects. The company provides world-class services to select highprofile clients in the corporate, private
school and life science sectors.
High-profile interviewed J. Calnan &
Associates’ team members, Eli Constantinou, Project Manager; Peter Locke, Superintendent and Molly Gates, Assistant Project
Manager to learn more about the project.
Open plan multipurpose space inclusive of the café/eatery
and two large conference areas with movable walls.
PAREXEL reception area
High-Profile (HP): When did construction begin?
Eli Constantinou (EC): We started
demo in July. Construction began September 1st and the Certificate of Occupancy
was received on Feb. 6th. We received (6)
temporary C of O’s throughout the phased
Molly Gates (MG): We phased construction to accommodate PAREXEL’s
schedule. We sequenced the project so the
renovations to the second floor began first.
In the meantime, we were doing all of the
underground work for the data center on the
first floor as well. This allowed the Company to begin occupying the second floor
first, while we finished out the remainder
of the first floor.
(HP): What were some of the challenges on this project?
EC: This was an interior fit out that
included a large 9,000 square foot data
center. This particular data center was complex. It took a lot of up-front coordination
with the town and the utility companies
that were going to upgrade the infrastructure serving the building.
Peter Locke (PL): It was important
to create a UPS (Uninterruptible Power
Supply) room, which feeds the data center.
This is to allow the equipment to remain
powered in the event of a potential power
Continued on next page
Acoustical Ceiling
Proud to be a part of the
J. Calnan & Associates Team
on the PAREXEL Headquarters in Billerica, MA
Chief Operating Officer
(978) 692-ECEC
FAX (978) 692-4424
Acoustical Ceiling Specialists
Proud to be a part of the
PAREXEL Headquarters Project
with J. Calnan & Associates, Inc.
Lawton Contractors, Inc.
31 Sampo Place
Quincy, MA 02169
Phone: 617-770-9444
Fax: 617-770-9388
April, 2009
High-Profile Feature: Parexel Headquarters
Continued from previous page
outage in the building. With miles of conduit serving the UPS/data center needing to
be installed, we had to dig out the entire
UPS area which was close to 5,000 sf, and
bring everything up from underneath into
the equipment as opposed to overhead.
EC: There were actually seven to ten
layers of conduit involved, which contributed to the complexity and required a very
organized approach to manage the installation.
PL: Another big challenge was the
outside transformer that was feeding the
building. It had to be upgraded in order to
run the data center, but it wouldn’t fit on the
existing pad. The feeders came from the
street, all the way around the building and
back, so there was 600 feet worth of wire
that we had to pull out without disrupting
the power. This building was already occupied, so we had to run them on a 24 hour
generator over a three week period.
MG: It’s obviously more challenging when people are in the building. You’re
trying to work around them and keep them
separate from what you’re doing. Noise
levels need to be kept to a minimum and
they have to be warm during the winter.
HP: What would you say was key to
overcoming these challenges?
EC: I have to say there was a lot of
quick decision making amongst the team.
There was a great collaboration amongst
PAREXEL, the town, ADD Inc, RDK,
JC&A and our subcontractor partners to
A view of the medical imaging lab
mitigate any potential issues that would
disrupt the budget or schedule. We’re very
pleased with the outcome of this project
and privileged to be involved with such a
world-class client.
HP: Any sustainable features?
EC: PAREXEL has applied for
LEED certification for its Billerica office.
Some of the sustainable features include
daylight sensing of the lighting, recycled
content in the carpet, low VOC paint, adhesives, formaldehyde free wood and doors.
UPS and Switchgear Room
Design-Build Installations
Office buildings and commercial
specialty applications
Contact Karl Hudson
Design-Build Installations
Office Service
and commercial
applications and
Karl Hudson
Thousands of network cables laying in cable trays throughout the data center
“The goals for the office space in Billerica included providing a
workspace that is open and flexible. ADD Inc achieved these goals by
simplifying the number and types of workspaces as well as by opening
up the workspace to provide access to natural daylight.
The design team integrated sustainable design principles throughout the project, which has enabled the goal of achieving a LEED CI
Certification. In addition to diverting over 75% of the construction
waste from landfills, some of the sustainable design features include
low VOC emitting furniture, paints, carpets and adhesives, a green
housekeeping program, efficient HVAC and plumbing fixtures.”
–Lisa M. Killaby, IIDA, LEED AP, principal at ADD Inc.
Heating, Air Conditioning and
Planned maintenance and
Contact Kurt Hudson
emergency service
Heating, Air Conditioning and
to be part
of another successful
J. Calnan &
(617) 779-9500 Fax (617) 779-9515
Soldiers Field Place
Boston, Massachusetts 02135-1103
(617) 779-9500 Fax (617) 779-9515
April, 2009
High-Profile Cover Story: Hamilton Construction Management Corp.
Hamilton Construction Management Corp.
Builds Lofts at Westinghouse Plaza and 601 Albany Street
espite a challenging market, creativity can still lead to opportunities in multi-unit residential construction. As is usually the case, assembling
the right team, finding the right project at
the right time, and understanding market
niches are the key. Hamilton Construction
Management Corp has been fortunate to do
this several times in this down market. Two
projects currently under construction are
the Lofts At Westinghouse Plaza and 601
Albany Street.
Framing at Artist Lofts
The Lofts At Westinghouse Plaza
is a multi-million-dollar conversion of an
abandoned manufacturing building in Hyde
Park into combination live-work units designed by ICON Architecture, Inc. The
initial reaction may be that a mill building
conversion to loft style condominiums is
nothing out of the ordinary. However, there
is nothing ordinary about this project.
It was conceived from the very beginning as an artist live-work facility and
designed specifically with artists in mind,
as a place where they could live,
work, and display their art in a
community setting. Although
it’s a private development project, it is part of the Boston Redevelopment Authority’s “Artist Initiative.”
The intent is to provide
an affordable alternative for artists being displaced from other
parts of the city and to find a
home for artists who could otherwise not afford to live and
create in Boston. It is believed
to be the first residential use of
this type allowed in an industrial zone; something that would
not have been considered were
there not a need for this type of
development to house Boston’s
Before the start of con-
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601 Albany Street
struction, the building consisted of a threestory 120,000sf shell of masonry, heavy
timber frame, and the original wood factory floors covered with over 30 years of
dirt and debris. Due to the many broken
and missing windows, the only visitor was
a red tail hawk which occasionally flew
through the building.
After just seven months, the build-
ing has undergone an amazing transformation. Walls have been bead blasted, floors
have been sanded which revealed beautiful maple floors throughout, a new freight
/ passenger elevator is nearing completion,
mechanical electrical, plumbing, and fire
protection systems are well along, and new
Continued on next page
Civil/Site Improvements
April, 2009
High-Profile Cover Story: Hamilton Construction Management Corp.
Continued from previous page
windows have been installed.
The project meets LEED certification standards and when complete,
will consist of 63 live-work units, over
20,000sf of shared and sub-dividable studio space, and a first floor public gallery.
The remainder of the first floor as well as
the rest of the occupied buildings on the
20-acre site will retain the existing commercial and industrial tenants.
Hamilton is also the GC for 601
Albany Street. a new six-story residential
building with first floor retail and a parking
garage. Designed by Hacin & Associates,
601 Albany introduces residential development to an industrial area on the edge of
Boston’s “Biosquare” medical complex,
blending the influences of local artist studios and galleries with the need for housing the growing medical community.
The project consists of conventional
structural steel and masonry veneer façade. Residences will have all the modern amenities expected by today’s professionals. Although the construction may
be conventional, the location and fact that
the developer planned from the beginning
Proud to be part of the
Hamilton Construction Team
at Westinghouse Plaza & 601 Albany Street
Tel. (508) 660-1011
231 Norfolk Street
Fax (508) 660-1028
Walpole, MA 02081
Exterior progress at Artist Lofts
to develop rental units is unusual – seeing
an opportunity to introduce multi-unit residential at an underutilized location.
amilton Construction Management Corp. was incorporated
in 2002 but operated as part of The Hamilton Company for
many years before that. Hamilton Construction’s president,
Steve Weinig, explains, “Our connection to one of the region’s largest developers gave us a basis to build our business through corporate
fit-up, retail, industrial, medical office, and residential projects. Construction was always something the company did but not so much for
a profit center as out of necessity to maintain its large portfolio and
service its many commercial tenants. As we started taking on our own
larger projects, we found ourselves in demand by other developers,
and many of the commercial tenants we had worked for in the past
started asking us to build out other locations for them. By 2002 we
decided to start a separate company focused only on construction operations. Hamilton Construction is signatory with the New England
Regional Counsel of Carpenters and Massachusetts Laborers. We are
a member of the US Green Building Counsel, Associated General
Contractors, and the Building Trades Employers Association.”
Although projects in recent years have primarily been multi-unit
residential, Hamilton also does commercial and mixed-use projects,
corporate fit-up, retail, medical office, and numerous specialized projects. One of the keys to success has been the ability to adapt to the
market, find niches, and not be afraid to jump in head first. In addition
to the Lofts At Westinghouse Plaza and 601 Albany Street, Hamilton Construction is nearing completion of 132 Beacon Street in the
Back Bay, and recently began work on the gut rehab of a multi-use
commercial property on the harbor in Scituate and interior renovation and restoration of the sanctuary at the Beth El Temple Center in
Weinig said, “Perhaps one of the best measures of success is repeat business and the recommendation of our clients to others. We are
very proud of what we have accomplished over the last eight years.
We truly try to treat every customer as if they are our only customer
and use our development expertise and experience to help them make
decisions and plan their own projects. At the end of a project, we need
our clients to have the same confidence and trust they had when we
Safety Coordination
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29 Accord Park Drive, Norwell, MA 02061
162 Page Boulevard, Springfield, MA 01104
April, 2009
High-Profile Feature: ArtBlock 731
ArtBlock 731
oston, MA - ICON and New Atlantic Development were awarded the
redevelopment of a prominent site
in Boston’s South End. ArtBlock 731 includes two new buildings wrapped around
the historic Bates School. The contemporary exterior emulates the surrounding
rhythms and materials of the historic South
End and expresses the community-of-arts
The Bates School stands at the center
of ArtBlock 731, a mixed-use redevelopment that creates 54 adjacent live-work
apartments with 50% subsidized for ownership by artists who qualify professionally
and economically. The live-work townhouse and flat units benefit from lower level parking, a cooperative gallery at street
level and a sculpture garden.
The primary mission of new construction on this urban renewal parcel was
the creation of permanently affordable, energy-efficient live-work space for artists.
Raw lofts ranging in size from 950sf
to 1,200sf were sold to BRA-certified artists for $179,000 to $199,000. Special fea-
tures include high floor loads, large doors,
supplemental ventilation, and large elevators. Re-sale restrictions ensure that units
will remain affordable to artist households
earning up to 80% of area median income.
Buyers were selected by lottery.
Loft and townhome-style condominiums ranging in size from 700sf to 1,700sf
were targeted to a range of buyers including artists, young professionals, and empty-nesters. Prices ranged from $400,000 to
$750,000. Some lofts were combined and
highly customized.
The 2,000sf gallery space was designed to provide high visibility to arts
activity at ArtBlock, and is now the home
of Mobius Artists Group, known internationally for incorporating a wide range of
visual, performing, and media arts into innovative live performance, video, installation and intermedia works.
Maintaining affordable work space
in the Victorian former Joshua Bates
School was a priority of the BRA and artists who had been working here for a decade or more. Renovations focused on
ArtBlock 731 Project Team
Developer: New Atlantic Development
Architect: ICON Architecture, Inc.
Contractor: CWC Builders
MEP Engineer: Wozny/Barbar & Associates, Inc.
Structural Engineer: McNamara/Salvia, Inc.
Civil/Survey Engineer: Nitsch Engineering, Inc. 56789zatu*963.
Landscape Architect: Geller DeVellis, Inc.
safety and accessibility upgrades, window
and envelope repairs. The Bates is run by
a non-profit corporation jointly controlled
by the developer, the BRA, and the artists
leasing space in the building. Rents are approximately $8 per square foot including
all utilities.
ICON has been at the forefront of
artist live-work housing in Boston since
the partnership with New Atlantic Development in the redevelopment of a former
rubber factory into “Brookside Artists
Live-Work” in Jamaica Plain in 2002.
ICON’s Maverick Landing HOPE VI
was awarded the 2009 I. Donald Terner Prize for
Innovation and Leadership in Affordable Housing,
a national award administered by the UC Berkeley Center
for Community Innovation. The 425 unit, transit-oriented
project on East Boston’s waterfront is Massachusetts’s first
LEED certified, affordable, multi-family housing development.
Please contact:
Nancy Ludwig FAIA, LEED AP
Ia r cC
h i t e c t u r e
a r c h i t e c t u r e
38 Chauncy Street
Suite #1401
Boston, MA 02111
t: 617.451.3333
April, 2009
High-Profile Feature: Franklin Hill
Franklin Hill Revitalized
oston, MA - Like the phoenix rising none, and have placed the buildings on the
from its ashes, the Franklin Hill pub- streets as in any traditional neighborhood.
lic housing development has been We also provided them with a park in the
restructured and revitalized in the heart of center of the site.
HP: I understand the buildings will
The project, started in 2006 and com- meet LEED Silver requirements although
pleted in 2008, consisted of the demolition not certified?
of an existing housing development of threeD: Yes, and let me say this about bestory brick apartment buildings and new ing green: there are some standard things
construction of 350 units in two phases.
and some that are unique. The first considerThe project includes a combination ation is about the selection of materials, and
of mid-rise, six-story elevator buildings and building in a manner so that the end product
two-and-a-half-story townhouse buildings. is very efficient, whether it is the low rise
The site has been reconfigured to organize it townhouses or the high rise buildings. This
into a regular city block by the introduction includes windows, insulation, highly effiof a grid of new public streets.
cient building envelope and mechanical sysThe mid-rise buildings define the edges tems, the reflective roofs etc. Then there is
of the site, while townhouses establish a making sure the carpet is reconstituted from
more residential scale in the middle of it.
previous waste and paint that doesn’t put out
The mid-rise buildings contain one- fumes and is nontoxic, that the process of
and two-bedroom units on the upper five construction undertaken is less wasteful and
floors, and three-bedroom units on the first the debris from the construction is channeled
floor, directly accessed from the exterior.
to places where it will be recycled, and lastly
Townhouse units are strictly three- about the use of highly sophisticated pieces
and four-bedroom units oriented to families. of equipment that have to do with photo volThese have private stoops and individual taic (PVs) in the mid-rise buildings in order
rear yards. Vistas to both Franklin Park to to generate some of the power for lighting
the north as well as to Harambee Park to the needs of the these buildings.
south are opened by the placement of the
HP: What is the average size of the
various buildings. A new park will be lo- units?
cated in the middle of the site.
D: They are bigger than the units that
High-Profile interviewed Fernando J. the Housing Authority had in the previous
Domenech, Jr., FAIA, principal at Dome- buildings; a two-bedroom unit averages
nech Hicks & Krockmalnic, award winning, 950 to 1000sf, a three bedroom is 1,200sf,
mid-size architecture and planning firm and four bedroom averages around 1,400 to
based in Boston with branch offices in New 1,500sf, which are substantially larger numYork City and San Juan, about the multi bers than the former project, where you may
residential Franklin Hill project in the Mat- have had four-bedroom units at 900sf.
tapan section.
HP: What is your role on the project?
HP: I understand Trinity Financial is
D: Domenech Hicks & Krockmalthe Developer?
nic is the architect and I am the principal
Domenech (D): Yes, they were desig- in charge. I should also mention Marya
nated the developer by the Boston Housing Piasecki, the project manager, and Janis
This is one of
those deals in which the
Housing Authority signs
an agreement with a private developer to finance
the deal to own the property with a ground lease
for a certain period of
time, and to manage that
property, as long as the
private developer replaces the existing housFranklin Hill Apartments
ing units with completely
rebuilt, nicer, more attractive, bigger and Crotty, project architect.
better units, more defensible space etc.
HP: And you have worked with TrinHP: When did Phase I begin?
ity Financial before?
D: Phase I started in late 2006, and it
D: We have worked with Trinity for
was placed in use sometime in 2008. The the revitalization of the Orchard Park projfirst phase of the project has 114 units, in- ect in Belcore Orchard Gardens in Dudley
cluding two mid-rises on either end of the School, and again this is a case where we
parcel facing onto Franklin Park. The sec- essentially tore down the housing developond phase has a single mid-rise building on ment, turned it over to the private sector to
the opposite end facing out onto Harvard redo it in a form that was more conducive
Street and Franklin Field. In between there to family living and more in the style of a
are 122 townhouses.
HP: What is unique about this projWe also did a project with them called
Davenport Commons that was pretty interD: Essentially we have turned upside esting. It was to do dormitories for Northdown the concept of public housing and eastern on public land owned by the BRA
have created a neighborhood as opposed to as well as first time affordable ownership of
an enclave of low income housing. We have family housing.
introduced new streets where there were
Electrical Engineer
April, 2009
High-Profile Focus: Multi-Residential & Assisted Living Development News
Hobbs Brook and Columbia
Top Off Corporate Campus
Margulies Perruzzi Architects
Waltham, MA- Columbia Construction Company, serving as construction
manager, and Hobbs Brook Management
marked a milestone at the Hobbs Brook Office Park campus by hosting a topping off
ceremony on February 24 at the site’s location, 175-185 Wyman Street in Waltham.
The entire 175-185 Wyman Street
complex will be designed to meet green
building standards. Columbia is playing an
active role with Hobbs Brook Management
and Margulies Perruzzi Architects in the
planning, documentation and achievement
of LEED Gold certification with the U.S.
Green Building Council.
The original 335,000sf building was
demolished and 90% of the steel, concrete
and masonry were recycled. The two new
buildings will utilize an existing under-
Signing the beam.
Hoisting the beam with the traditional
pine tree and American flag
ground water storage tank to capture stormwater runoff for irrigation purposes.
In addition, the project includes implementation of a green housekeeping program and construction of new roofs with
a high reflection rating to reduce the heat
island effect.
“Having spent 10 months in preconstruction and now in construction for just
seven months, Columbia is honored to be
partnering with Hobbs Brook Management, Margulies Perruzzi Architects and
their consultants,” stated Jim Marsh, senior vice president and COO of Columbia
Construction. “The entire preconstruction
and construction process has been a truly
remarkable experience due to the highly
collaborative effort by all team members.”
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11361_Blakeslee_50th Anniv_B&W_ad.indd 1
bedroom units, all of which will have
exterior decks.
The current three-story building on
the site will be razed to make way for the
new building.
The development team consists of
Paul Adamson and Mark Cummins of
South Boston, as the developers/contractors, Tim Johnson of Tim Johnson Architects LLC, as the architect, and Daniel
McDevitt, as the attorney.
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Blakeslee Prestress, Inc.
oston, MA - The
270 Centre Street
project scheduled
to be completed in 2010
is a 40,000sf mixed-use
project for the Jamaica
Plain NDC that incorporates retail and office
space at the first floor and
affordable housing units
on the upper three floors.
Located across from
the Jackson Square T Station and adjacent to the
Southwest Corridor Park,
the project is being de270 Centre St. rendering by Studio G Architects
veloped as a sustainable,
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD).
The mixed-use building is designed
The project team includes Vertec to minimize fossil fuel use, preserve natCorp as general contractor; Studio G Ar- ural resources, and maximize indoor air
chitects; structural engineer Souza True & quality. With a high performance envelope
Partners, Inc.; mechanical, plumbing, elec- and energy-efficient systems, it meets Entrical and fire protection engineers WBA, ergy Star and LEED standards.
Inc.; civil engineer Nitsch Engineering;
The building design includes pasand traffic engineer Howard/Stein-Hudson sive solar strategies, such as orienting the
building with long elevations to the north
The owner is CWL Housing LLC.
and south and maximizing natural light and
Spanning Centre, Wise and Lamar- ventilation with large operable windows.
tine streets, the site bridges the small scale The roof is planned to incorporate a phoone- and two-family homes of Wise Street tovoltaic array providing electricity to the
and the seven story Bromley Heath Hous- building, and drought-resistant vegetation
ing Development. It is the first new con- to reduce the heat island effect.
struction in Jackson Square, and continues
Residential units range from studios
the streetwall from Hyde Square, Boston’s to three bedrooms, with barrier-free apartLatin Quarter.
ments in all sizes.
Mayor Thomas M. Menino announced that the Boston Redevelopment
Authority Board granted approval for a
development project located at 333-339
West Broadway in South Boston. The
project includes the creation of a fivestory mixed-use building containing 15
residential homeownership units with a
ground-floor commercial unit and belowgrade parking. Two of the 15 units will
be affordable. Totaling 6,176sf, the project will include a mix of one- and two-
To all our Business Partners
Vertec Corp. GC / Studio G Architects
BRA Approves Multi-Use Project
And a time to give...
270 Centre Street
Qualified Erector
10/3/08 10:13:39 AM
April, 2009
High-Profile Focus: Multi-Residential & Assisted Living Development News
Village at South Farms Opens Wing
Middletown, CT - The Village at
South Farms, a Benchmark Assisted Living property in Middletown, held a grand
opening to celebrate the completion of the
renovations and addition on March 12.
C.E. Floyd Company, a general contractor and construction manager with offices in Middletown and Bedford, Mass.,
performed the work and was present at the
event. Bechtel Frank Erickson of Lexington, Mass. was the architect on the project.
Benchmark identified a need for
more Alzheimer’s and memory care units
for The Village at South Farms’ Harbor
Program. As a result they increased the
number of units from 28 to 44 and hired 15
new employees to staff the expanded program. More than five million people in the
United States are living with Alzheimer’s,
Village at South Farms
Innovative Solutions
For Your Space Needs
Living room
and that number is rising as the population
The second floor of the south wing
was converted from assisted living units
to Alzheimer’s units. It also includes a
country kitchen and dining area, living
room, activity room and all new finishes.
Renovations to the fully occupied first floor
Memory Care space
were completed by the
end of March. These
include a new living
room, country kitchen
and dining area, salon
and new finishes in the
common areas. A small
addition was also constructed to house an
elevator, spa and sitting
area. New vinyl fencing
was installed and a 20ft by 40-ft patio with a
pergola was built.
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EBC Completes Evergreen Place
Architect Roundel 47
Haverhill, MA - Essex Builders
Corp. (EBC) has completed construction
on Evergreen Place, the new three-story,
20 SRO and one single-unit wood framed
building in Haverhill formerly known as
Murray Court Housing.
Architectural design for the project
was provided by Roundel 47, LLC of Scituate.
Evergreen Place is owned and operated by Emmaus Inc. a non-profit community housing development corporation
that provides emergency shelter, housing
and services to homeless families and individuals. Evergreen Place is a new per-
manent residence for homeless individuals with a priority to elders. To find out
more please visit www.emmausinc.org.
“We are extremely proud to have
been involved with this project which
gives back to the community,” said David O’Neil, president of Essex Builders
Essex Builders Corp. is a full-service merit shop general contractor/construction manager located in Westwood
providing services to private sector clients.
Evergreen Place Project Team
Essex Builders Corporation General Contractor / Construction Management
Roundel 47 LLC - Architect
Peterson Engineering, Inc. - Mechanical Engineer
Engineered Building Systems, Inc. - Electrical Engineer
Struble Engineering - Structural Engineer
Riverside Engineering - Civil Engineer
Dussault Mechanical Services - HVAC / Plumbing
Diaz Construction Corporation - Site Work
East Coast Fireproofing - Fire Protection
April, 2009
High-Profile: Educational Facilities Development News
HMFH Renovates Landmark Cambridge Rindge and Latin School
Boston, MA - HMFH
Architects, an architectural
firm focused on the design
of innovative learning environments, announced that
construction is beginning
on the $85 million renovation of Cambridge Rindge
and Latin School (CRLS).
The renovation will
revitalize 400,000sf of the
high school’s academic
space, originally constructed in 1933 and expanded
in 1978. CRLS is the only
public high school in the
city of Cambridge, with a
capacity of 1,800 students
and a continuous history
dating back to the founding
of Harvard College. Long
noted for its innovative
approach to teaching and
learning, the high school is
organized into four Small
Learning Communities.
CRLS is expected to be
LEED Silver certified, adding another green building
to the city’s increasingly sustainable
building stock.
The comprehensive renovation
will take place in a two-year phased
process during which the incoming
ninth grades will spend their first year
off-campus in a nearby empty elementary school building. Originally, the
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School aerial view. Rendering courtesy of HMFH Architects.
project included complete replacement
of the school’s heating, ventilation and
air conditioning (HVAC) systems, roof
windows and related fire safety and
electrical work.
In keeping with the city’s green
buildings policy, HMFH recommended
high-efficiency building systems and
secured grants from the Massachusetts
Technology Collaborative’s (MTC)
Renewable Energy Trust, such as a
$100,000 design and a $300,000 installation grant for a 30 kW photovoltaic
rooftop panel array that will provide
energy acquisition data for educational
“It was important for us to maximize CRLS’s long-term value and look
at sustainability as a way for the community to leverage its investment,”
said George Metzger, AIA, president
of HMFH Architects. “We began with
the investigation of building system
replacement needs, but were able to
expand our approach to address operational, educational and community
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City of Attleboro – Pond Street Landfill, Attleboro
Columbia Construction Co. – 16 Miner Street, Boston
John Moriarty & Associates – Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
LNR/Tishman Construction – Shea Memorial Drive,
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Shawmut Construction – Apple Computer
Shawmut Construction – Malkin Center, Cam bridge
Skanska USA Building – Harvard Law School Enabling,
Suffolk Construction – Cambridge Residence, Cambridge
Suffolk Construction – Long Island Day Camp, Boston
Turner Construction – Harborview, Boston
Turner Construction – Harvard Life Science, Boston
Turner Construction – Mass General Hospital, Boston
Turner Construction – RISD Memorial Hall, Providence RI
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April, 2009
High-Profile: Educational Facilities Development News
URI Biotech Center Completed
Gilbane CM, Designed by Payette
Kingston, RI - Construction of the University of Rhode
Island’s Center for Biotechnology and Life Sciences was recently
completed. The $54 million project is the largest classroom and
research building project in the
university’s history. The opening
was celebrated by numerous public officials, industry executives,
and hundreds of URI faculty,
staff and students. Gilbane Building Company was construction
manager for the project.
The 140,000sf facility Interior view of the University of Rhode Island’s Center for Biotechnology and Life Sciences
houses modern teaching laboratories, cutting edge research laboIt also includes numerous design eleratories, high-tech facilities for
that will qualify it for LEED Silver
DNA sequencing and analysis, faculty ofcertification,
just the second new construcfices, a 100-seat classroom, and a two-story,
the state to achieve the des300-seat auditorium, all to meet the needs
first was URI’s Hope Comof URI’s growing environmental biotechmons
in 2008.
nology, life and health sciences programs.
design features
Designed by Payette Associates of Boston,
partially covThe Center for Biotechnology and Life Sciered
to filter
ences is the anchor of the new North Dispollutants
trict of the Kingston Campus.
treatThe center features a dramatic fourment
story atrium that connects the research
wing with the teaching wing, a rooftop pa- and detention system; daylight harvesting
tio, an open stairway that suggests the DNA technologies to brighten rooms and warm
double-helix, and interior spaces designed the floors; an energy-efficient heating
to encourage interaction among faculty and and cooling system; and environmentally
friendly framing and interior finish wood.
Medomak Middle School
Medomak MS Facilities Plan
Harrison, ME -The new High Per- es on 16 team classrooms integrating the
formance Medomak Middle School for the trademarked Advantage Classroom design
five-town District of MSAD #40 opened in of The H.L. Turner Group Inc. In addithe fall of 2008 after many years of plan- tion, the students and faculty enjoy a high
ning. The 340 student, 57,000sf Middle school size gymnasium, centrally located
School is the first sustainable facility for library, cafetorium, music, art, and technolthe community.
ogy rooms, as well as support spaces.
The $13 million project included sigThe project was awarded an addinificant site improvements benefitting both tional $119,000 grant from the Efficiency
student populations and citizens. These Maine School’s Program for its healthy
amenities included a new campus entry, and environmentally responsible design
bus loop and parking, tennis courts, run- features.
ning track, and athletic fields.
Sustainable building design features include
a highly efficient building envelope, natural day
ventilation, carbon dioxide monitoring, occupancy
sensors, heat recovery and
DDC system controls.
The building focusTennis Court at Medomak Middle School
Perkins Eastman’s Renovation of Beacon Hall
Enrollment increases 14% for Housatonic Community College
by Pamela J. Loeffelman, FAIA, LEED AP
Bridgeport, CT - For much of its
history, Housatonic Community College
provided quality educational opportunities
from insufficient and inadequate leased
spaces. As a result, the college spent many
years supporting only a fraction of its potential student enrollment. Recognizing the
significant role these institutions play in
sustaining a community’s economic welfare and quality of life, the campus relocated to an expanded location in downtown
Bridgeport, Conn., and has been experiencing its own rate of unprecedented growth
since—a 70% increase in enrollment in
less than 10 years.
Recently, community colleges have
experienced a significant increase in their
enrollment. As the Housatonic student
body continued to grow, school officials
recognized a tremendous opportunity to
expand the school’s curriculum once again
and further integrate the school within the
Newly completed Beacon Hall—a
dramatic 174,500sf renovation of a former venue belonging to the Sears Roebuck
Corporation—addresses the complex academic programming requirements of the
school and its tech-savvy students, while
creating a transformed urban campus and
major focal point for the college. Rather
than tearing down an abandoned but otherwise solidly built structure, Perkins Eastman was able to create a fresh look for the
campus that is integrated into its surrounding community and a benefit to the environment.
The core academic and faculty spaces include 30 general instructional class-
Project Team
Perkins Eastman - Architecture, Interiors
Altieri Sebor Wieber LLC. - Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Engineer
Fusco Corporation - Construction Manager
Newfield Construction - General Construction
Theatre Projects Consultants, Inc. - Theater Consultant
Cerami & Associates, Inc. - Acoustics
Gibble Norden Champion Consulting Engineers, Inc. - Structural Engineer
Towers-Golde LLC. - Landscape Architect
Tighe & Bond, Inc. - Civil Engineer
rooms, 100 offices for faculty
and adjuncts, computer laboratories, foreign language labs, early
childhood development labs, and
a black box theater for 150, all
arranged to maximize flexibility
for HCC’s programs well into the
future. Student amenities include
a bookstore, student life spaces,
wellness center, and cafe, which
have all been designed to underscore HCC’s focus on enhancing
a student-centered environment.
In addition, a new large multi-purpose event space is capable of various configurations to support the
college in various activities, including hosting college events and
academic, business, and cultural
programming for the community. Housatonic Community College, Bridgeport, Conn.
Technology is also integral to learn- Copyright Elliott Kaufman Housatonic Community
ing at the college. For laptop users,
Beacon Hall is 100% wireless.
Special program features were added to the
Since the renovated facility opened building and grounds to insure this comin the fall of 2008, it has already had a munity asset was celebrated by the public
profound impact on enrollment at the col- as well. Outdoor sculptures were relocated
lege, registering an all-time record—5,081 to the perimeter of the campus to announce
students—in the first semester; a 14% in- the importance of art to this unique inner
crease from in the fall of 2007, and a 92% city facility, and paintings and sculpture
increase over the 2,653 who registered in were installed throughout circulation areas
the fall of 1996, when the college was still within the building itself welcoming art enat its old location in the city’s east end. thusiasts of all ages.
April, 2009
High-Profile: Educational Facilities Development News
Stantec Helps UMass Upgrades
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Structural Steel & Miscelaneous Metals
Amherst, MA - Although the eco- steam tunnels to prolong the life of the
nomic stimulus bill has placed a bright pipes. The team coupled this work with
spotlight on infrastructure in recent improvements to other campus utilmonths, the University of Massachu- ity networks, including rebuilding new
setts at Amherst and Stantec have long underground electrical distribution in
been taking action to make sure the the project area and the domestic water
campus’ systems are healthy. For the system. In some areas, new landscaped
past five years, engineers in Stantec’s public open spaces and a new pedesNorthampton office have been working trian corridor were also created in conwith UMass-Amherst to update and es- junction with the work.
To make the projects even more
sentially rebuild much of the school’s
underground infrastructure, beginning complex, many were implemented over
with a number of steam line replace- extremely tight deadlines, giving the
project team as short as 10 months to
ment projects.
As the campus expanded over the complete the project from start to finish.
past few years, the new dorms, class- In addition, the school implemented
room buildings, and laboratories need- new landscaping guidelines at the same
ed to be connected to the campus’s new time, requiring the design to restore the
sites to match
central steam
For the last five years, engineers in the new stantunnel. Accordingly, Stantec Stantec’s Northampton office have been dards.
designed thou- working with UMass-Amherst to upsands of feet date and essentially rebuild much of the the challengof new and
school’s underground infrastructure, ing design
steam and con- beginning with a number of steam line deadlines, the
upgrades will
lines replacement projects.
total almost
in these areas,
managing asbestos removal, relocat- $18 million worth of improvements to
ing other existing utilities, and in some the campus infrastructure.
Stantec, whose infrastructure dicases developing temporary steam bypasses to prepare for further campus vision has worked on similar projects
at dozens of campuses across North
development work.
On the North Campus, the effort America, continues to partner with the
has involved not only adding steam university on projects ranging from
lines but also designing precast concrete drainage studies to parking lot design.
Fairchild Hall at the University of New Hampshire
Cutler Completes UNH Res. Halls
Worcester, MA - Cutler Associates
recently completed the renovations of two
historic residence halls in New England.
Both Mount Holyoke College and the University of New Hampshire elected to use
the design-build delivery system to insure
that the project was well designed, well
built, met budget constraints, and strict
time constraints.
Safford Hall at Mt Holyoke College,
constructed in 1897, occupies a prominent
spot on Skinner Green. Utilizing the design-build delivery system, Cutler Design
successfully developed a plan for upgrading the building systems within Safford
Hall. This integrated project delivery approach allowed Cutler Design to work with
Mount Holyoke facilities staff, residential
life, engineers, and subcontractors to develop solutions that will provide the best
value to Mt. Holyoke.
Cutler Design reprogrammed the
building to transform an underutilized former dining hall space into student lounges
and a Golden Pear kitchen area. In addition, two of the floors were redesigned to
accommodate the relocation of offices and
dorm rooms. At the same time, the team
addressed accessibility issues, completely
updated the mechanical, electrical and
plumbing systems, and while updating the
finishes to restore the grandeur of this magnificent structure.
Fairchild Hall at the University of
New Hampshire was constructed in 1915.
Cutler Associates teamed with Dimella
Shaffer Architects for the largest designbuild renovation project completed within
the University System of New Hampshire.
The design-build approach allowed both
teams to work seamlessly to design and
build a high quality residence hall.
This transformation provided updated building systems and amenities, while
maintaining the facility’s historical character and maximizing the total bed count. The
newly renovated hall has air conditioning
and is fully accessible with the addition of
an elevator and a modified central entry.
The project also included replacement of
the slate roof, exterior masonry repairs, and
drainage improvements.
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April, 2009
High-Profile: Advice Article
Protecting Your Assets
From Future Creditors
by Buz Aaron
Family limited partnerships (FLPs.
You’ve worked hard to build your net You can transfer assets to an FLP in exworth. But if you haven’t set up adequate change for limited partnership interests for
protections, your assets could be attacked you and your family. In general, a limited
by frivolous lawsuits or unreasonable partner’s creditors can’t reach the FLP’s ascreditor claims. So go on the offensive, and sets; they can only obtain rights to receive
implement asset-protection strategies that any distributions made from the FLP to the
will defend your assets against potential le- limited partner. But a word of caution is in
gal and financial hazards.
order — if you retain both a genA good offense is your
eral partner interest and a limited
best defense
partner interest, it can have devYour best offensive
astating results with respect to
move will depend on your inyour asset protection objectives.
dividual circumstances and
Again, careful planning is vital,
goals. For example, if you and
as is proper drafting, and there
your spouse live in a state that
must be a valid business purpose
recognizes the form of ownerfor the FLP.
ship known as “tenancy by the
Further, keep in mind that
entirety,” holding a home or
FLPs must be well structured and
other real estate in that form
carefully operated to minimize
protects the property from claims of your the risk of failing an IRS challenge.
creditors and your spouse’s separate crediTrusts. To effectively use a trust as
tors. It doesn’t protect you, however, from an asset-protection tool, it must be irrevoclaims of your joint creditors. This protec- cable and it must own the property. Once
tion is due to the fact that in a tenancy by given away, these assets are no longer
the entirety each spouse effectively owns yours and aren’t available to satisfy claims
the whole property and neither can act on against you. To properly establish an assetthe property without the other. Creditors of protection trust, you must not keep any inone spouse cannot enforce claims because terest in the trust assets or control over the
the other spouse is also deemed to own the trust. And, the less access the beneficiary
entire property.
has to the trust property, the less access the
This type of ownership is a form of beneficiary’s creditors will have. So, work
joint tenancy with right of survivorship that with your CPA and attorney. Only an attorcan apply to personal residences. Available ney experienced in this area should draft
in more than half of all states, it allows you this type of instrument
to protect your home for as long as you and
Finally, know that certain claims can
your spouse continue to use it as your pri- pierce domestic protective trusts, such as
mary residence. Unfortunately, persistent claims by a spouse or child for support,
creditors may eventually succeed to owner- and state or federal claims. Two cautionary
ship of the property when you sell or upon notes: 1) There were changes to the bankyour or your spouse’s death. However, if ruptcy code in 2005 which created a 10 year
the debtor spouse dies first, the creditor can lookback period for all assets transferred to
not enforce the claim against the property.
asset protection trusts, and 2) Most states
If one of you has greater liability statutorily prohibit this type of trust.
exposure (perhaps your spouse is a doctor
You can strengthen your front-line
who is susceptible to malpractice suits) an- protection by placing the assets in an offother option is to transfer title to property shore trust. Offshore trusts can offer signifto the spouse with less exposure. Even if icant protection, but they must comply with
you live in a community property state (of the laws in the country in which they’re eswhich there are only nine), you may be tablished and be structured in accordance
able to protect your assets by partitioning with U.S. tax laws and regulations. And,
community property into separate property they can be very expensive to set up and
or having one spouse give property to the maintain.
other spouse. However if you do this you
Don’t wait. One asset-protection
should be aware that you give up control strategy may not meet all of your needs, so
over the asset.
you should consider a combination of sevOther asset-protection strategies in- eral as your best line of defense. But get
started now. Don’t wait until trouble is at
Retirement plan. Qualified retire- your doorstep. Laws against “fraudulent
ment plans — such as 401(k)s — generally conveyance,” or defrauding creditors by
are exempt from creditors’ claims. IRAs transferring your assets to avoid paying
also offer protection against creditors. your debts, provide that creditors can leQualified plans offer federal protection, gally stop transfers that occur after a claim
while IRAs are protected under the laws has been made.
of the state where you live. Also note that
Buz Aaron is a CPA and senior tax
retirement assets are not protected against manager at Braver PC, a financial services
claims by the US government or against firm with offices in Rhode Island and Masqualified domestic relations orders.
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April, 2009
High-Profile: Awards
Two CBT Projects Awarded
Boston, MA - The Boston Preservation Alliance named
two CBT projects as recipients of
2009 Preservation Achievement
Awards – the AstraZeneca Hope
Lodge Center in Boston and 179
Lincoln Street in Boston’s leather
district. The awards, which are bestowed annually, honor outstanding
achievements in historic preservation and compatible new construction in Boston.
The AstraZeneca Hope Lodge Center
The American Cancer SociPhoto credit: Rick Mandelkorn
ety (ACS) provides free temporary
lodging and support at the Astracertification for the project.
Zeneca Hope Lodge Center for up to 1,500
At 179 Lincoln Street, CBT refurcancer patients and caregivers who come to
bished a Beaux Arts-style 20th-century
the city for outpatient treatment each year.
warehouse into a 21st-century office buildThe facility reuses and adds to the site of the
ing. 179 Lincoln Street, built in 1899 and
former Vincent Memorial Hospital, which
designed by Peabody & Stearns, was origiwas originally built in 1907 and designed
nally constructed as a warehouse and sales
by the architect Charles Buren Perkins and
center for leather and accessories for the
expanded in the 1950s and 1960s.
shoe industry. It was converted to research
CBT’s design of the 50,000sf faand development space for Teradyne Corcility includes a complete restoration and
poration in the 1970s, and, in 2006, Milrenovation of the existing 1907 building,
lennium Partners – Boston acquired the
demolition of the later additions, and the
property and engaged CBT to design the
construction of a new wing to complement
and augment the original 1907 structure.
The design team created a new acThe ACS is pursuing LEED Gold
cessible bright and airy lobby space with
a quasi-“auto-court” entry and welcoming
canopy on the Greenway in place of the
former loading docks.
New elevators provide gracious access to the upper floors, and the central
stair has been restored and re-lit as a green
feature allowing spacious inter-floor connections for multi-floor tenants. The work
was planned to comply with LEED Green
Building Rating System Certification Requirements
“We are extremely honored to receive these awards from the Boston Preservation Alliance,” said Richard Bertman,
FAIA, LEED AP, a founding principal of
CBT. “Our approach to renovation projects
is sensitive to the historic connotations of
the original structure, achieving excellence
through a dual focus on modernizing the
building’s function while preserving and
Rendering of refurbished 179 Lincoln
restoring its distinctive qualities and deStreet. Rendering credit: CBT Architects
LKC’s Restoration Awarded
Tellalian Associates Architects
Quincy, MA — Lee Kennedy Co.’s historical restoration of the Old State House tower has been recognized with
a 2009 Preservation Achievement Award. Given by the Boston Preservation Alliance, the Old State House was named a
winner in the “Restoration of an Iconic Boston Landmark”
Lee Kennedy Co. collaborated with The Bostonian Society, Tellalian Associates Architects & Planners and Preservation Technology Associates on this complex historical
restoration. In just four months, the team re-gilded the tower’s gold dome, restored the windows, applied new copper
roofing and wood siding and performed other repairs in a $1
million effort to make the 295-year-old structure watertight.
The team also re-gilded the original weather vane atop the
tower, which dates back to 1713 when the Old State House Recently restored Old State
House tower
was first constructed.
W Boston Hotel Team Wins Award
Boston, MA – The W Boston Hotel
team has been honored with the New England Women in Real Estate (NEWIRE) Networking Award for their collaboration on
this high-end hotel and residences project.
The team includes Sandra Smith,
principal, AIA, LEED AP and Ethel MacLeod, senior associate, AIA from TRO
Jung|Brannen; Rebecca A. Lee, Esq. and
Maureen Bitler from Edwards Angell
Palmer & Dodge LLP; Jane Howard, principal at Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates,
Inc; Cindy Schlessinger, principal at Epsilon Associates, Inc.; and Judith Nitsch,
P.E., LEED AP, Nitsch Engineering, Inc.
All are NEWIRE members.
The project is currently under construction, with hotel occupancy slated to
occur in fall 2009 and residential occupancy shortly thereafter. The glass skyscraper,
designed by William Rawn Associates, Architects, Inc., will be 28 stories. Residential
units will have commanding views of the
Boston skyline.
Award winning W Boston Hotel.
Rendering by Neoscape
Surfside Narragansett Award Finalist
Redevelopment by Gilbane
Narragansett, RI - The National
Association of Home Builders (NAHB)
announced that Surfside Narragansett, a
residential redevelopment by Gilbane Development Company, is a finalist for the
2009 NAHB National Green Building
The prestigious annual awards honor
home builders, remodelers, home builders’
associations and other organizations for advancing green building through innovative
design and construction techniques, excellent educational programs and successful
advocacy efforts.
Surfside Narragansett was nominated in the “Project of the Year – Remodel”
category for its transformation of existing
1970s apartments into luxury condominiums. The redevelopment of Surfside created a quaint seaside community within
the Narragansett Pier Village while utilizing smart redevelopment, where nine of
10 buildings remodeled were pre-existing
The awards will be presented at a gala
dinner during the NAHB National Green
Building Conference. The 11th annual conference is set for May 8-10 in Dallas.
Walsh Brothers Boston Symphony
Hall Project Award Winner
Boston, MA The Associated General
Contractors (AGC) of
America recently honored Walsh Brothers,
Incorporated with the
prestigious 2009 AON
Build America Award.
This national award
was given in recognition of Walsh Brothers’
project at the Boston
Symphony Hall.
Having worked
with the Boston Symphony
(BSO) over the last 20
years, Walsh Brothers AON Build America Awarded the Clerestory Window restoration project at Boston Symphony Hall.
welcomed the challenging Clerestory Window
ary in the Hall, as well as improving the
acoustics by restoring the windows to their
The key objectives of the Clerestory original design completed by the firm of
Window program was to bring to life the McKim, Mead, and White some 108 years
original details, natural lighting and statu- ago.
April, 2009
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April, 2009
High-Profile: Facilities Development News
Group One Redefines Space in Old Boston Garden
Boston, MA - After the Celtics won
the Championship in 2008 and the dust
settled on the floor of the Boston garden,
the next major event was unfolding. Group
One Partners, Inc was charged with the task
of reimaging the existing, under-utilized
8,500sf Banners Restaurant in the Premium Club level.
The direction from the team at TD
Banknorth was to redefine and reinvent this
space to one that currently did not exist, a
place where people can socialize, mingle
and relax in a “club” type atmosphere – all
while being entertained by the event below.
The goal was to have people come and enjoy a first class meal with a city view, have
a business meeting at a landmark site.
Group One’s vision to “gut” the entire space and create new zones within the
Left: Night Club. Above: Viewing Box
overall footprint was well received.
Five new premium club hospitality
and seating areas were created as part of the
$4 million renovation project. These new
spaces encompass private luxury seating
areas (The Lofts), lounge and raw bar (Club
Lounge), corporate event suite overlooking
the bowl (the Executive View), reinvented
and relocated Banner’s restaurant (Banner’s Harbor View), and function room
(The Partners Room).
Each space provides direct site lines
to the arena floor or the Boston Harbor skyline.
These spaces are all set behind a
Let us improve upon your current program.
We can help!
dramatic new entrance from the premium
sixth floor level providing a fresh identity
while enticing visitors as they approach.
The walls are finished in dark rich millwork
with views to the lounge beyond. The circular entry is adorned in pinwheel burgundy
and black terrazzo floor with accents of
stainless steel introducing the color palette
that continues throughout.
Passing through this gateway gives
the patron a direct view to the arena floor
and immediately engages them with the action of the event below.
A semi-private lounge directly off of
the entrance with plush velvets and smooth
leathers in warm browns and deep shades
of burgundy leads to a centrally located 30ft
polished black quartz bar that reflects the
custom alabaster cube light fixtures above.
The stainless steel screen display
with cantilevered wine bottles presents a
back drop to this contemporary raw bar
food experience.
On the edge of the space overlooking the main event are 12 private Loft
boxes - the catalyst for the design - creating a private luxury experience within the
lounge with direct views to the floor below.
The recessed seating area is furnished with
custom upholstered sofas covered in red
na to the harbor side overlooking the Boston Waterfront. The entry is emphasized by
a warm sapele millwork floor that carries
up the wall and continues onto the ceiling
leading the guest into a formal dining setting.
A complement to the full height windows is an illuminated patina metal wall in
hues of amber and gold recessed behind a
long fabric and leather wrapped banquette
running the length of the restaurant.
Two private function rooms are now
provided-one with water views and the
other having dedicated tiered seating overlooking the arena with custom upholstered
sofas. Both spaces incorporate warm burgundy and brown tones reflected in the carpet, built-in millwork buffets with polished
black quartz tops and custom millwork
doors with frosted horizontal windows.
These function rooms along with
the other spaces offer the latest in high-end
technology with independent music access,
dedicated televisions, wireless internet and
multi functional lighting.
Using warm wood tones, deep rich
colors and durable finishes unifies these
different experiences. Simple and classic
architectural details provide a visual distinction between the different environments
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crocodile-like leather and moveable stainless steel tables with indirect accent lighting. Each Loft is separated by a wood, glass
and stainless steel railing for privacy.
The Fine Dining restaurant, which
previously seated over 200 people, is now
more intimate for 65 relocated from the are-
while maintaining continuity. Group One
with the help of their team of consultants
and Ownership group was able to transform
this once abandoned space into a multifunctional event, capturing the guest’s interests and creating its own identity.
April, 2009
High-Profile Feature: Hadley Apartments
Hadley Apartments Completed
EDFC, Lee Kennedy Co. and Fine & Associates Team
eveloper David RodriguezPinzon and the Economic Development Corporation (EDFC)
of Dedham announced the completion
of Hadley Apartments in downtown
Worcester. This project represents the
rebirth and transformation of a near
century-old furniture shopping icon - a
historic city landmark.
The historic building, with a pivotal location on the corner of Main and
Madison Streets, has been repurposed
to create 44 affordable apartments and
ground-floor retail space.
Under the guidance of the National Park Service and Massachusetts
Historical Commission, the Main Street
and Madison Street facades have been
preserved. State-of-the-art aluminum
windows, which replicate the dimensions and operation of the original industrial steel-sash windows, have been
installed. The windows have the same
pane size as the older units, as well as
a “floating” awning ventilator. Brickbearing walls have been pointed, repaired
and reclad in areas where the masonry has
failed. On the interior, sections of historic
tin ceilings have been retained and either
left in place, exposed, or relocated to public areas.
The building’s heavy timber frame
has been repaired and reinforced with new
Rendering of Hadley Apartments
elevator and stair shafts. All systems have
been completely replaced, including the
fire protection, plumbing, HVAC, electrical, roof, and communications.
Construction management firm Lee
Kennedy Company commenced work in
February 2008 and under an accelerated
schedule obtained a temporary Certificate
of Occupancy by the end of December
2008. Lee Kennedy Co.’s team perse-
vered through the ongoing
challenges this past winter
presented, during which
the team accomplished
complete roof reconstruction and interior demolition. This 83,000sf. project
was completed for slightly
more than $12 million and
benefited from the partici-
View of kitchen
REal EstatE
Proof NE/NY
Tel: 781-878-4540 Fax: 781-871-1853
Architecture and Interiors
pation of the City of Worcester, MassHousing, and the
Department of Housing and
Community Development, as
well as investors and lenders
such as Aegon and Amalgamated Bank.
Designed by Bostonbased architectural firm Fine
Associates, the project team
also included Tremont Preservation, Graves Engineering,
The Collaborative Engineers,
SED Associates, and Capobianco and Associates
192 South Street
Boston, MA 02111
Tel: 617-695-9171
Fax: 617-695-9360
New Proof
Proof Approved
Section/Size: Mass pom
From: Patty
Fax Number:
Pub. Date:
Approved by:
April, 2009
G. Greene Hires Four
Boston, MA G. Greene Construction Co., Inc., builder and construction
manager located in
Boston, announced
the addition of four
new employees to
its team.
ruda, a former Associate Vice President
from Walsh Brothers, recently accepted the
position of Project Executive. Arruda has
over 30 years of construction experience
working at some of the most prestigious
healthcare and educational institutions in
New England. A former Chief Estimator
and Senior Project Manager, Mr. Arruda
has an extensive background in all facets
of construction and will be an invaluable
High-Profile: People
addition to the G.
Greene Team.
Also hired
is Peter DeSisto
as Site Operations
Manager. He has
over 20 years of
site and civil construction experience both as a SuDesisto
perintendant and
Project Manager.
Prior to his new position, DeSisto worked
as a Project Manager at Stephen Ando Paull
Contractors Inc.
In addition, G. Greene Construction
added Chris Chmeielinski, Accounts Payable Manager, formerly of Perini Corporation, as well as Jana Srajer, formerly of
Linbeck/Kennedy & Rossi, as Accounts
Payable Assistant.
Woloszyn LEED AP
Scarborough, ME - Kristi Woloszyn has earned the designation of LEED
Accredited Professional.
She is a project architect at Gawron Turgeon Architects, an architecture, interior design, landscape architecture and master planning firm in Scarborough.
Doucet Earns LEED Accreditation
Middletown, CT - The
U.S. Green Building Council
has named Peter Doucet II a
LEED Accredited Professional.
He is in his eighth year with
C.E. Floyd Company, where he
works as a project superintendent.
Doucet recently oversaw
65,000 sf of additions to Pond
Ridge at Ashlar Village, an as-
sisted living and memory care
building in Wallingford. Currently he is assigned to The Willows at Worcester, a new senior
housing community in Worcester, Mass.
C.E. Floyd Company is a
Middletown and Bedford, Mass.
general contractor and construction manager.
Baroody LEED-Accredited
Bedford, NH - Brian Baroody, PE, project manager
with Eckman Construction Co. in Bedford, has achieved
LEED Professional Accreditation.
Baroody has been with Eckman for 26 years.
His recent projects include Kearsarge Regional Middle
School, Seacoast School of Technology, Hanover High
School and the ongoing renovations to the Manchester
School of Technology
Louis Stone LEED Accredited
New Haven, CT – Louis A. Stone, Chapel
Construction of New Haven, Inc. CEO, has received
accreditation from the U.S. Green Building Council
as a LEED Accredited Professional.
Chapel Construction was founded in 1926 by
Stone’s grandfather.
Eisenberg LEED Accredited
Woburn, MA - Landmark
Structures Corporation, a full
service general contractor/construction management company,
announced that Stephen Eisenberg, VP, construction management, has achieved designation
as a LEED Accredited Professional. He has been with Landmark Structures for 13 years.
“Having the designation
as a LEED Accredited Professional is a tremendous asset
when working with an architect
or building owner with an interest in building green; it ensures
that we are all working together
to promote site sustainability,
water efficiency, materials content and other core green design
elements,” said Eisenberg.
Gilbane Appoints Hutchins
Boston, MA - Gilbane recently named Ryan E. Hutchins
the district manager of its Massachusetts office. In this role, he
will be responsible for overseeing excellence in execution of all
facets of the Massachusetts operations.
Hutchins began his career with Gilbane as an intern in
1997, and has since served in many positions for the company,
including past roles as business development manager, project
manager, project engineer and regional quality manager.
Susan Klawans Gilbane VP
Providence, RI - Gilbane Building Company has named Susan Klawans as vice
president. She serves as the corporate director of client satisfaction.
Klawans has been with the company for almost 25 years and has extensive
operations experience, including serving in New England at the project manager and
project executive levels.
Some of the projects she has led include: Sun Microsystems, Brookline High
School, the University of New Hampshire Morse Hall and Rhode Island Hospital.
Sbacchi Principal in TFMoran
Bedford, NH - TFMoprojects of all types, including
ran Inc. announced that Paul E.
commercial, industrial, educaSbacchi, PE, SECB has become
tional, and residential.
a principal in the firm.
He is a licensed profesSbacchi serves as chief
sional engineer in N.H., Vt.,
structural engineer and vice presMe., R. I. and Fla, and is naident for TFM. He has over 17
tionally certified for structural
years of experience in structural
engineering by the Structural
design and analysis for a variEngineering
Aaron Sasety
seville was promoted to director of cli- His experience covers building
ent services for the
firm. He is responsible for overseeing
Portland - Wright-Ryan ConstrucOther significant projects she
Windover’s relation,
include the historic restorationship with every
Museum and Center
customer from instruction
Pavilion, and
troduction through
of which are
tion. He previously
Buildserved as the directhe
Histor of Windover’s custom home division
brook Regional Vocational Center and toric Preservation Commission award
and has extensive experience in site superBrickhill Heights.
in 2004.
vision and overall project management.
Windover Promotions
MA - Windover
announced that Tom
Dodge has been promoted to director of
field operations. In
his new role, he is in
charge of preparing
project schedules,
investigating phasDodge
ing options as well
as site and logistics planning. He specializes in managing
and operating complex, large-scale project
schedules and issues related to site acquisition, construction and implementation.
Wright-Ryan Hires Pitman
April, 2009
High-Profile: People
USI Adds Barry
Ultra Services Inc. (USI), a full service HVAC/mechanical
contracting firm, announced the addition of Kevin Barry as sales
engineer/project manager.
With more than 20 years of experience in HVAC/Mechanical/Plumbing estimating, sales, and management, Barry will be
focusing on business development for USI while working closely
with their HVAC service, mechanical installation, estimating, and
marketing departments.
Prior to being added to the USI Team, Barry worked at Fraser
Engineering Co., Inc. as service manager and project manager.
AWWA Honors Silbovitz
Boston, MA - Dewberry, a leading wastewater, land development, municipal
civil, structural, and construction engineering and inspection firm, announced
that Alan M. Silbovitz, PE, has been selected for Honorary Membership in the
American Water Works Association.
As vice president and manager
of Dewberry’s Boston office, Silbovitz
directs professional services for both
private and public clients in the areas of
building services, transportation, water/
infrastructure, and telecommunications.
Since 1974, Silbovitz has been
involved with the New England Water
Works Association (NEWWA). In his
service to the organization, he has chaired
several committees. He has served on the
NEWWA Board of Directors since the
early 1990s and was assistant treasurer
for three years and treasurer for six years
before becoming a presidential officer.
McMahon Hires Apicella
Taunton, MA - McMahon
Associates, a full-service transportation engineering and planning firm, announced the addition
of Christine W. Apicella, AICP to
its transportation planning department as senior project planner.
experience includes serving as a
senior planner at MASCO supporting 22 institutions in the
Longwood Medical and Academic
Area of Boston. She specializes in developing strategic
transportation and community
development plans; transportation demand management; and
building public/private partnerships. She has proven success
for projects with the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, the city of Boston, and
numerous other public, as well
as private sector organizations.
Ralph Morse Joins Consigli
Milford, MA – Consigli
Construction Co., Inc. announced that Ralph Morse has
joined the company as a project
With over 25 years
of experience, Morse joins
Consigli after overseeing the
multi-phased construction of
the American Wing at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston,
and other projects such as the
WGBH headquarters building in
Currently, Morse is leading the construction team at the
35,892sf Cambridge Stake Center for the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints, where Consigli is building a new meeting
house located in Cambridge.
Robinson & Cole Adds Eight
Hartford, CT - Robinson & Cole
LLP, a commercial law firm with more
than 260 lawyers and eight offices in
the Northeast and Florida, announced
the addition of eight former Thelen LLP
construction attorneys. They are part of
a larger group of over 30 attorneys from
Thelen who recently joined the firm.
The group includes three partners, Dennis C. Cavanaugh, Gregory R. Faulkner,
and Martin A. Onorato.
Cavanaugh counsels in the areas
of construction law, fidelity and surety, and
commercial law.
Faulkner has served as local, national, and international counsel in all aspects
of construction law.
Onorato represents construction industry clients, including owners, designers,
construction managers, trade contractors,
and consultants.
lawyers have devoted their professional careers
to serving the
construction industry and they
their work.
Hoffmann Promotions
Hamden. CT - Hoffmann Architects
announced the following staff promotions: Craig A. Hargrove, AIA LEED AP
has been certified as a LEED Accredited
Professional and promoted to senior vice
president. As a director of architecture with
Hoffmann Architects, Hargrove applies his
20-plus years’ experience in design.
Robert W. Doyle has been promoted
to senior business development manager.
He is responsible for initiating and maintaining client relationships, particularly in
the Washington, DC area, and for negotiating and preparing proposals and contracts
for new and expanded projects, in liaison
with technical staff.
Nicholas J. Moroniti earned a promotion to information technology manager.
Previously the firm’s Information technology coordinator, he is responsible for planning and implementing information technol-
ogy projects for the
firm’s three offices,
as well as for maintaining, upgrading,
and securing all
computing systems
and providing application installation and support
services to staff.
New York
Washington DC
Dirubbo New LEED AP
Norwell, MA - Acella Construction Corporation
announced that Anthony Dirubbo, sr. project manager,
has passed the LEED certification examination and has
become a LEED AP.
Dirubbo, who has been with Acella since 2003,
has been working on projects for clients such as Thayer
Academy and Riverview School. His previous experience includes project management roles with Lee Kennedy Company and Suffolk Construction in Boston.
Two at Harriman LEED Accredited
Auburn, ME - Harriman, a fullservice architecture and engineering firm,
announced that Jessica G. Johnson, AIA
and Daniel R. Ellingson, AIA have received their LEED accreditation.
“There is a growing awareness from
the public and private sectors for environmentally-friendly or green buildings,”
said Clif Greim, president of Harriman.
“...Harriman is taking steps to ensure that
our employees and our clients’ buildings
receive the LEED recognition.”
2321 Whitney Avenue, Ha
New York
500 Fifth Avenue, Suite 8
Washington DC
2611 Jefferson Davis Hig
Patrick Joins Bowdoin
Needham Heights, MA - Paul A. Patrick has joined Bowdoin Construction Corporation, one of the region’s leading construction management and general contracting firms, as project
manager, focusing on Bowdoin’s Healthcare market sector.
Patrick brings 20 years of experience managing projects
throughout the Northeast with a comprehensive background in
building healthcare and academic facilities.
April, 2009
High-Profile: Calendar
IFMA Boston 2009 Awards of Excellence
Leading a Real Estate
Harvard Program for Senior-Level
NAIOP Professionals, May 19-22, 2009
Presented by the Harvard University Graduate School of Design, the National Association of Industrial and Office Properties (NAIOP), and the Urban
Land Institute (ULI).
The annual NAIOP program
at Harvard on Leading a Real Estate
Company is an excellent opportunity
for CEOs and top management to take
a break from the daily grind, and think
outside the box. The Harvard faculty
will captivate you for three days, and
challenge you to think in new and different ways. Participants will experience
campus life at Harvard by dining at the
Harvard Faculty
Club and taking an optional tour of
the campus, with the option to stay at the
Inn at Harvard. Participants will form
relationships with 25 senior executives
from real estate companies across North
America, and they will gain a thorough
understanding of successful strategies
for real estate company management.
You must apply for an appointment to
the class.
Visit http://www.naiopma.org for
more information.
Thursday, May 21, at the Intercontinental Hotel, Boston, MA
Time: 5:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Registration and Networking start at
5:30 pm. Dinner and the Presentation begins at 6:30 pm
Best Practice Awards include:
• Sustainability Existing Bldg LEED
Principles (Owner/Operator)
• Sustainability Practices (Tenant
• Small Project (<50,000 s.f.)
• Large Project (>50,000 s.f.)
Other awards include: Exempla-
A Brave New World
An IPD Case Study of the Auto Desk
Project. The Speakers for the April 16 MBC
breakfast at the Radisson Hotel, Boston,
will include:
Phillip G. Bernstein, FAIA, LEED
AP, Vice President, Autodesk, Inc.
John L. Tocci, Chief Enabling Officer, Tocci Building Companies
Scott Simpson, FAIA, LEED AP, Senior Director, KlingStubbins
John Cannistraro, Jr., President, J. C.
Cannistraro, LLC
7:30 am: Registration and networking
8:00 – 9:30 am: Breakfast and presentation
Tickets $55.00 – Members, $75.00
– Non-members, At the door, add $10. Reserve on line at www.buildingcongress.org
or call 978-921-9222.
ry End User
Award, Exemplary Service
Provider Award,
Award, Emerging Leaders Award. For more information
visit http://www.ifmaboston.org
Success Down Under
Sustainability/Asset Management
Practices in Australia
Friday, April 17 - Moakley Courthouse, One Courthouse Way, Boston
Time: 7:30-8:30a.m. - Registration,
Networking & Continental Breakfast
The Australian FM Action Agenda, a
unique government and industry collaboration with a strategic plan for “Managing the
Built Environment “
8:30a.m.-12:00 Noon Program
ASM Member Meeting
Thursday, April 30, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Marriott Hotel, 2345 Commonwealth
Ave. Newton, MA 02166
“Adventures of Going Green: from
Mountains to Wind Turbines”
Mark Richey, acclaimed mountain
climber and founder/ CEO of Mark Richey
Woodworking & Design, will talk about
both his climbing adventures and his adventures “going green” – erecting a wind
turbine, installing a biomass furnace, and
providing the “green” services that customers demand. http://asm.affiniscape.com
Boston Charity Golf Tournament
Presented by TMP
Blissful Meadows Golf Club Uxbridge, MA
Friday May
15 - 9:00a.m.
those clubs, clean
the dirt from those
spikes, toss the bag
into the trunk for the
rest of the season, and
come join SMPS at the industry’s first big
tournament of the year!
The tournament is a favorite chapter event for members and friends who
like to get outside and network with clients and each other. Besides the actual
tournament, the organizers also offer a
golf clinic to those who wish to strengthen their game before taking on 18 holes
or prefer to join the group at lunch for
networking and a variety of raffles including golf clubs, tickets to Boston
sporting events, and many other various
gift certificates.
The tournament also serves as the
chapter’s principal opportunity to give
back to those less fortunate through a
charitable organization. For 10 years, the
chapter has partnered with Rebuilding
Together Boston. For information: http://
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April, 2009
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601 Albany Street
Westinghouse Plaza
espite a challenging market, creativity can still lead to opportunities in
multi-unit residential construction. As is usually the case, assembling the
right team, finding the right project at the right time, and understanding
market niches are the key. Hamilton Construction Management Corp. has been
fortunate to do this several times in this down market. Two projects currently
under construction are the Lofts At Westinghouse Plaza and 601 Albany Street.
See story on page 30.
Artist Lofts