Verdasys Digital Guardian Consumer Data Protection Solution Pack
Verdasys Digital Guardian Consumer Data Protection Solution Pack
S O L U T I O N PA C K Digital Guardian C O N S U M E R D ATA P R O T E C T I O N Digital Guardian’s Consumer Data Protection Solution Pack is an optional package of pre-written rules that greatly extends Digital Guardian’s core “Point of Use” control, monitoring, and auditing capabilities, to focus specifically on protecting and managing consumer data. The Consumer Data Solution Pack makes it easy to configure Digital Guardian to protect consumerrelated information and/or sensitive files and other data (including customer lists, private customer records, financial and credit information, etc.). This data can represent a significant portion of a company’s information assets, and protecting it is an essential part of maintaining trust with consumers, and PROVIDES INT EGRAT ED VIS IBILIT Y AND CONTROL Digital Guardian’s Consumer Data Protection Pack functionality is tightly integrated with the extensive analytics and drilldown reporting capabilities of Digital Guardian’s Console Server. The Consumer Data Protection Pack captures actions by end-users of sensitive information, and maintains a detailed record of what is subsequently done with that information. This gives systems administrators and managers top-level, as well as granular, visibility into user transactions involving consumer data. a company’s reputation with the public. PROTECT INFORMATION SHARED WITH PARTNERS AND SUPPLIERS – WORLDWIDE CONS U MER DATA PROT ECT ION F O R THE GLOBAL ENTERPRISE Simple menu selection is all that is needed to automatically activate individual rules of the Pack to protect against threats to internal information, or information shared with partners and suppliers throughout the world. It also gives organizations control and visibility over the flow of their information both internally and externally from a single console. CENTRALIZED MONITORING AND REPORTING Digital Guardian’s Consumer Data Protection Solution Pack Makes It Easy to Protect Information Shared With Employees, Partners and Suppliers On a Global Basis. Protect Confidential Documents: Monitor and protect documents containing confidential and private consumer information. Protect Customer Lists and Records: Restrict the copy and transfer of customer lists and private financial records. Protect Consumer Private Data: Assure the security of Detailed Online Query and Summarization Reporting for All Alerts and User Transactions private data that is essential to running your business. Verdasys 950 Winter Street Waltham, MA 02451 781-788-8180 GLOBAL DATA SECURITY SOLUTIONS © 2006 Verdasys, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Verdasys, the Verdasys logo, Digital Guardian, and the Digital Guardian logo are trademarks of Verdasys, Inc. The content of this document is subject to change without notice. V2 1-22-06
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