1946 06 18 memo, transfer of Tinian Island command, Pownall
1946 06 18 memo, transfer of Tinian Island command, Pownall
I tZ J lJ-,,>__o p.ll.-L/Frv/36-Jtu IIt June 19116 17@ Fr@: $oz Comander UarLanas. Connander in CLrief, U.S. SubJect: TINIAN, Transfer FtrnetAons Befenences: tt) about 2p June Z. of Island Comand *16 grlrtary Governnent Sallnn. 12 April Lgl$, rt[l,sslon of Post-]Tar Pacificn. the o,verseas bases in (u) CNo Ser 0!.S0I of 21 uerdr L9b6, nFost lrar Pl"etr No. 2. (a) CfnCpac sor CljS ot (c) l-. to Pacific Fleet. Conltarianas Upon spdltr ser 0222 of & }{ay ]945. tlre repatriation.of the rernaiuing Ie? Oklaamn civi-lians on or TINIAII riII be redueed to .the followtng apprordnate popu}ation: 1{6. Amy - 5l+5 Naw --UqTotal - 7bj Civtliane 3 Ctranorro fanilies fnon Saipan enployed by USCC. tre status of naterLal- on tlaian is appro:c'im,teJ-y ag fol1me: (.) Naw - $rrpLrs &cceee (fon shipent to U.s.) To be ratalned in caretalcr ststtts for Post War }[isslon' TotaS-(Approx.) (u) arny - Surplus E:ccees To be retained Total (Appror.) hD rW 5r0co 10.0O0 n/L n/t nt l5raffi nlr r3N n/! n/t 1L'2L6 n/l' ? tht755 ILf fiL il} the above does not inelude bulldings and othen fixed installatlons and appo:d.nateIy 61100 tons of Aray Air Force a,mmrni.tlon lncluding bmbs. Based on recolnlllsndatlons in reference (P) for a l{avy Post w8r eeretaka dotactrners and informatlon reselved frm comndlng GeneraL' TFst Faci-fic Base Comant and. Cmoanding G,qreraL 2$th Air For"ce the eeti"nated [Iaral and tr{i}Ltary poprtatiion on Tinlan for t[e irmredlate Poet IYar Period rllt be approclnate3"y aa fol]owg: 3. l{ary fumy Garr{.son Fortes Army Air Forces (lppror. ) Total 55 I00 20e 355 of the fertility of the soil, anail-&i.}ity of rater and favorable ggpgfaphical Locatd.on, Comander l[arLanas belleveE that ?iaian shou]d be throrvn open to ig.lsuit11.al developrirt fn"fuairrg eattle raisLng to emtribute to the sryppnt of the Ar.gy, Nalry and native populau.on of the lfari.anas 8r€Bo In alt prob&i]ity $.S. or qmianian capital uorLd be intereeted In such a vonture. h. Beeause In order to fagl}ltate future strateglcal pbnrtfug it ls requested that a aefinite po[cy for fiNIAN, from both econonic and nIlitary standpo5nts be promrlgated 5. aa aocrt as 1rcoslb1e. of the early reduction of both Arry and Narry actlvLties-_on the caretaker status and the ]lmited nrmber of penoonnel, both Arry and Navy now omterytated, it is recomented that for the futerin period the Is:Land 0omand and the Urutaiy Covernrnent Untt of tinian be dtsestablistred and that these functions be asqned Uy Ure laland Comader Saipm. It ls believed that adnlnlstratlm of the ac- 5. islard to In vLew state that tlvitlei on tinLan irorrld be taclLitafed thereby, as Local Arrry Comrardersfrcm parent it is their Lntmi1on that the Aruy Garri6on on Tirrian will be asgigned unlts on saLpan on a rotational *"=,3i" i?"1:T*-":H**il1i"::t:fifl}1. il" f , ,,a/ , Z x I \ I I ; -n'}ffs;;'"" <-/ I <-1 or.the l{aw on Tlntan as egt<*rea uy CfnCAc serLal 036& of 6 reUnrary lgf L?t&r ."aergeryeut for Separatlon of Aruy and Neqy ActlvltLes ln the ttarianae Arean * conteryrated c recomended as a reeult of the aboye. The Cmandfng Gereral, Igest PacLfic Baae Cmard and the @rnn^srdlng Alr Forree have no 6bJeetim to the aboce recomnendatlons. ,.-8.^Gener&l, Trrenttettr I I I . I I lr' Copg to: fri IIPB0 CG thentteth Atr Force ConFalrl[espae IsCoe ttnian IsCom Saipan C. A. FOHIiIALL.