1952 12 10 memo, establishment of NAVAD Saipan, Parks
1952 12 10 memo, establishment of NAVAD Saipan, Parks
DEp.A.RTI,,iilitT I\IAVY 0ll, ?j{E OP}IAV 5450 rrlce or ,.,l,::r?ffi;i,"lr)'X:*, o'u"ut ions 3:;'13$ 4pz.. IC Dec ltl5z t. .. Fi-"3T,I,g.AT.JD ' 0Pryj{.jjgllgl!, i4 qg Front Chief of Naval Operatlons To! . Dlstrlbution Llst ': U.S. I{ava}.t},chrlnistrati.on lInit $alpan Dlstrict i esSub j! :l. Purpos e. Th j-s Not lce es t arll ishes tlre U. S . ldava} Ad* miniftEtffir1 Unit Salpan Dlstrlct, Salpanr l,arlanas Islands. 2, Establlshmont. Tho f ollovring actlrrity is eptabllshorlr. effeffiT-Jffiiry l-e53 NavaI l+dninistrat o:: Satpan Dlstrlct SaIpan, Iiiarlanas Islands (tlal-t A,ldress ) ldava I il,dninls trat or U. S . llaval Adralnistrat I Saipan Distrlct on ilnit 1{avy i'io. 935 Fleet Post 0ffice 1o92-790 san Fr.anc is c o, c.Llif . Thr.is activity |s under the coirmand of the Corm:anderp U,S. i\TavaI I'orcos, I'fletrlanas. 3, Flnanclal Responslbility. Flnanclal responsibility for Saipan Dlstrict is as: Unlt,j-ons. trre Ui$.-frtvETffin Naval the Chtef of Operat slgned to 4.. Il1lsqJ?n. To Erdmlnister Civil Govornment ln ti:at part of tffiffifrEt Territory whlch includos the islatnds of $alpan and Tl::ianr 5i lqpr_gqq!?t"lsln necessary action. Buroaus and Rdffiesce& l*L*- offlees 4,* o ,l- i t f concernod take RESTIiICTED SECURITY Ifili' ORlviAT ION oPirIAvi{oTE 5450 1O Dec 1952 6, !g[c."]HILgl. Thls Notlco ls cancelled when no longer neoaffi-ffi-I3-d]'os s oos . /u/n, B. DrIi{cAN NavaI Operatlons Cirief'of Actlng Authenti cat e:1: DI$TRI JUTION IIST I th,i{ CI}.ICPAC}TIT LCDII, T,'i t\tt SffiffiT-Gss TutrI COMSERVPAC c0IlArBIAo, CG FTIFPAC coi,,tt{AvEs 0oi;NAMTIARIANA$ COl'i[IllIESTSEAFR0l{ CO},[I{AWSE$FRON COI,iI".OU8TEEN COlVl$,ffELVE RESIRICTED 2 r) I!r /e4* DAt)TaQ lrlrLfLv US1V