I , NEAR EAST UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF COMPUTING & TECHNOLOGY COMPUTER STUDIES&INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES 2002/2:003 SPRING TERM CIS 200 SUBJEC"Z: PERSONAL AND ACTUAL WEB SITE SUBMITTED TO: DR~ YALCIN AKCALI MISS. NADIRE CAVUS. SUBMITTED BY: NAME&SURNAME:MUEAMMED NUMBER FATiH AKDENIZ : 20000,98,6 -- I I I I I. I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I CONTENTS Page .,· i "' ' r 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1 A B ST RA CT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . I NT RO D U CTI O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 USER FLOW CHART 5 USER MANUAL 6 LI ST OF S U1B PROGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - SO U RC E PRO G RAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - SCREEN OUTPUT 66 7 . R E F E RA N C E S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7 I I I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to Mr. Dr. Yalcm Akcah and Miss. Nadire Cavus who helped me during my graduation Project. I ' I I I I I I I I I I I ,,/ I I I I ~ --~~~~-~ --'-- ABSTRACT Computer changes a lot of things our daily life. It becomes main part of our daily life. For example ; Today education in computer is very usefull , helpful! and comfortable students. In this case we dont pay any payment for book, notebook , School , class and teacher. You can use internet or cd for your lessons of what ever you want. Our general aim for establish. This site that everybody can attain the necassary knowledge which we use in our daily life. It's including; Mp3, program , computer news, cinema news, mobile phone and cartoon draw with flash. We use these softwares for make web site : Y Microsoft Frontpage 2000 Y Macromedia Flash MX Y Macromedia Firewoks MX Y Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Y Adobe Photoshop 7.0 This Web site finely 800x600 to appear. You required programs: At least Internet Explorer 5.0 or Netscape Navigator 5.0 and Macromedia Flash player 6.0 are necessary for attain our site. _ z_ ------------ I I ~ ~,. I -· -~ "ii , ; I I . I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I ~· ..•.. \ .... < " INTRODUCTION Computer is a machine that the most important discovery on last century it first appeared near 1940 's and it was look like a big salon. After it becomes smaller than a book .Now it is the main part of our life. We can do a lot of things with computers, Shopping , Chat , listen to music , Play game and etc. When computer's were developing by segment there a lot of part appeared network , internet , etc. Internet is the most important part for computer. Internet is a network of network , Linking computers to computers and sharing TCP - IP Protocols. Today" internet help us for make easier ourlife. You can do what you want ; if you have internet on your home it is not important that you don't go out . You can shopping , You can meet foreigners, you can visit a lot of web site for see the foreign culture or different for you. It is cost is very cheap and it help you for your job. And you can meet more people for your needs. - 3- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Menu's of program. • Main page : The first thing that we meet face to face with the survey and update. • Music : These are many foreign MP3 song and music news. and local • Culture : There are many knowledge about Ottman empire, Cinema, old Istanbul photograph and museums. Melodies • Mobile Phone messages. and prepared • Computer world: The system of the mounth, updatable computer news and usefull computer programs. • Flash : Alot of Flash films which are choosen with carefully. - 4- (index.htm) J-"7:14J'>u,,.'i::"~~;...,,':-Y,'l,..L.~- 1- Muzii! 2- Kiiltiir 3- Cep 4- Bilgisayar 5- Flash Choice=ch V f rf0,,..,/ .e-. t!t'41,{,/"' 7,,.,,.__u,· ~,,.,,..,. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ii IV. USER MANUAL *First input dikette floopy driver.Then double left click "My Computer" icon on desktop. *Then doblue left click on "E:\cd rom" icon and open Cd-rorn drive, My f"otnffUtcr ~d My _,,,,..;,,) 1 · 1 31~Floppy (A) Computer Kamarya {D:) - ~ :b~) '·· (~J Printers (E:) CD-ROM Fenerbahce (C:) I Control Panel Dial-Up Networking Disc Zamanlanm1~ GOrevler 0J'IA1"1 C r E,xplma - . w •• I • i. _ • . '.~~:i:s ;~ni_~ainf~hi>p _ I Pi'p_· · .Br ows a w\t]:'(,ACDSee. -~::!:),. :sie_, Ad.d to,aichi.ve .. -. !i!i!l!i 'Add to ~Aich,va:i:at" · Scari-~th N ClrtonAntiVitus , :Ei.i'ct' \_r:~ste.'\{ . t:J ··~: •• ~te:'.iitio;tc."ui • - , , I I! I I 0 -~u ~- *ta'lem lowwb .i........w'••.•. n \ ~·. ,.._..Ji,_, 'Ill ~~ tfT r:M!St !II ttr.mw« I n n [ u 8 In the cd rom drive which is opened and double Mouse left click "index.htm" and begin to running web site on your computer. ,~ r r r - 1- ------ I I I I I i Mainpage: We read the update knowledge and we make an election from the survey which is on the right of the main page.and we pres the sent button. The result image graphical on the monitor . .• /-······· . ; .... ·. - E-mail - '2? -- Music : We choose the foreign or local MP3 pages. We select the melody icon and then we select the icon which look like a note book, and we can see the song's word on the nootbook icon. Culture: We choose the link which that we want to see for example if we want to see Beylerbeyi Museum on the Museum's page. We choose the Museums links and go on .. • E·mail -- ~- Mobile Phone: Are you looking for melody? There are many phone alternative for you: Ericsson, Nokia, Siemens and Panasonic and ,you can choose one of them and can load your melody. Computer Life: We update this page every week ,There are many computer news, The comparement of computer performances, any you can attain a lot of computer programs. I I I I I I • E,mail -. lO- Flash: You can attain a lot of flash films which you see the its photographs on the monitor. + E~mail Svstem Confizration Minimum Recommend Intel Pentium 133 Mhz 16MBRam 2MB Vga 30 MB Hdd 14 inc Monitor intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHZ 256 MB DDR Ram 32 MB Vga 30MB HDD 1 7 inc Monitor I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1254"> <title>istasyon online</title> <meta name='Author" content="matrixturk"> <meta name="Keywords" content="LOGO, SMS, MP3, APPZ, MELODi, FLASH"> <meta name="Description" content="+LOGO+SMS+MP3+APPZ+MELODi+FLASH+"> <meta name="Copyright" content="(c) 2001-2003 matrixturk''> <meta name="Publisher" content=""> <meta name="Content-language" content="tr"> <meta name="Page-topic" content="Bilim&Teknik"> <meta name="Page-type" content="Milzik"> <meta name="Revisit-after" content=""> <meta name="Audience" content="Hepsi"> <meta name="Robots" content="INDEX,FOLLOW''> <script language="JavaScript"> function startOpen Win(Open Win) {var desktop=window.open( Open Win, "Clickatell", "toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,men ubar=no,scrollbars=no,width=468,height=397,noresize");} // Free SMS www.clickatell.com </script> <style type="text/css"> <!-A:hover { text-decoration: none} body { scrollbar-face-color: #336699; 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Siirekli<br> kendimizi geliptirip sizlere en iyi ve en sa3lykly hizmeti sunmaya ~alypyyoruz. Ayyn sistemi kopesinde 600$ civaryndaki pc konfigrasyonlaryny sunmaktayyz. </font></h4> <div align="center"><center><table border="O" cellpadding="5" width="95%" height="85" cellspacing=" 11 "> <tr> <td width="53%" height="85" bgcolor="#OOCCFF" valign="top"><div align="center"><center><table border="O" cellpadding="O" cellspacing="O" width=" 100%" height="349"> <tr> <td width="l00%" bgcolor="#000080" height="20"><p align="center"><font face="Fixedsys" color="#FFFFFF"> Ayyn sistemi - HAZIRAN</font><ltd> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" height="329"><table border="l" width="l00%" bgcolor="#0099CC" height="329"> <tr> <td width="78%" height="l9"><strong><font color="#000066">Athlon XP 2.5+ (640K)</font></strong></td> <td width="22%" height="l9"><p align="center"><strong."><font color="#000066"> 115 $</font></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td, width="78%" bgcolor="#0099CC" height=" 19"><strong><font color="#000066">MSI KT4V Ms-6712</font></strong></td> <td ,vidth="22%" height="19"><p align="center"><strong><font color="#000066">65 $</font></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="78%" height="l9"><strong><font color="#000066">256 mb DDR 400 ram</font></strong></td> <td width="22%" height="l9"><p align="center"><strong><font color="#000066">40 $</font></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="78%" height="19"><strong><font color="#000066">60 Gb Maxtor 7200 Hdd</font></strong></td> _1+- <td width="22%" height="19"><p align="center"><strong><font color="#000066"> 7 4 $</font></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="78%" height="38"> <p align="center"><strong><font color="#000066"> 128 Mb Tornado Gef orce4 Mx SE </font></strong></p> <ltd> <td ,vidth="22%" height="3 8"><p align="center"><strong><font color="#000066">56 $</font></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="78%" height=" 19"><strong><font color="#000066"> 15 inc. Samsung 551 V </font></strong></td> <td width="22%" height="19"><p align="center"><strong><font color="#000066">95 $</font></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="78%" height=" 19"><strong><font color="#000066"> A TX 360 Watt Kasa</font></strong></td> <td width="22%" height="19"><p align="center"><strong><font color="#000066">25 $</font></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="78%" height=" 19"><strong><font color="#000066"> 16x Lg Dvd-Rom</font></strong></td> <td width="22%" height=" 19"><p align="center"><strong><font color="#000066">40 $</font></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td ,vidth="78%" height="19"><strong><font color="#000066">56K Apache PCI (Hard)</font></strong></td> <td width="22%" height="19"><p align="center"><strong><font color="#000066"> 32 $</font></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="78%" height="19"><font color="#000066"><strong>Creative PCI 4+ I </strong></font></td> <td width="22%" height=" 19"><p align="center"><strong><font color="#000066"> 19 $</font></strong></td> </tr> -- I I <tr> <td width="78%" valign="top" height=" l 9"><strong><font color="#000066">Klavye ve Mouse</font></strong></td> <td width="22%" height=" l 9"><p align="center"><strong><font co lor-"#000066">9 $</font></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="78%" valign="top" bgcolor-"#336699" height="29"><strong><font color="#FFFFFF">Toplam</font></strong></td> <td width="22%" bgcolor-"#336699" height="29"><p align="center"><strong><font color="#FFFFFF">570 $</font></strong></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </center></div></td> <td width="47%" height="85" bgcolor="#0099CC" valign="top"><div align=''center"><center><table border="O" cellpadding="O" cellspacing="O" width=" 100%" bgcolor="#COCOCO" height="337"> <tr> <td width="100%" bgcolor-"#000080" height-=="21 "><p align="center"><font face="Fixedsys" color="#FFFFFF">Ohnazsa olmaz prqgramlar</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width=" 100%" bgcolor-"#008080" height="3 l 6"><table border=" l" width="l00%" bgcolor="#0099CC" height="283"> <tr> <td width="IOO%" align="center" bgcolor="#33CCFF" height="l9"><font color="#OOOOOO"><strong><a href-=:"http://www.xright.com/ getrt450.exe ">Getright 4.5</a></strong></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" bgcolor="#33CCFF" height="19"><a href-=:"http:l/212.252.113 .91 /multimedia/rp8-standard-ul-setup.exe"><font color="#OOOOOO"><strong>Realplayer 8</strong></font></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" bgcolor="#33CCFF" height=" l 9"><strong><font color="#OOOOOO"><a href-=:"http://inmatrix.hoyty.com/mirror/dvdgn402.exe">DVD Genie 4.02</a></font></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" bgcolor="#33CCFF" height="l9"><a href-=:"http://www.amazesoft.com/fgf095.zip"><strong><font color="#OOOOOO"> Flash Get Turkce 0.95</font></strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="l00%" align="center" bgcolor="#33CCFF" height="l 9"><a href="ftp://zdftp.zdnet.com/pub/private/sWlIB/graphics_multimedia_tools/graphics_t oo ls/acdwin. exe "><strong><font co lor="#OOOOOO"> Acd See 3 .1 </font></strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" bgcolor="#33CCFF" height=" 19"><strong><font color="#OOOOOO"><a href="http://www.hardwaremaniacom/executable/directx8-433-2.exe">DirectX 8.0a</a></font></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" bgcolor="#33CCFF" height="l9"><a href="http://212.252. l l3.9l/multimedia/mp7l .exe"><strong><font color="#OOOOOO"> Media Player 7 .1 </font></strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="I00%" align="center" bgcolor="#33CCFF" height="19"><a href="http://download.nullsoft.com/winamp/client/winamp276_full.exe"><font color="#OOOOOO"><strong> Winamp 2. 76 Full</strong></font></a></td'> </tr> <tr> <td width="l00%" align="center" bgcolor="#33CCFF" height="l9"><a href="ftp://ftp.download.com/pub/win95/utilities/winzip80.exe"><font color="#OOOOOO"><strong> Winzip 8.0</strong></font></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="l00%" align="center" bgcolor="#33CCFF" height="19"><font color="#OOOOOO"><strong><a href="http://WVv'\v.datatechcs.com/downloads/mirc/mirc591 t.exe">Mirc 5. 91 </a></strong></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="l00%" align="center" bgcolor="#33CCFF" height="l9"><a href="http://ftp.icq.com/pub/ICQ_ Win95 _98 _NT 4/ICQ2000b/icq2000b.exe"><font color="#OOOOOO"><strong>icq 2000b 4.65 # 3281 </strong></font'></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="l00%" bgcolor="#33CCFF" height="4"> <p align="center"><font color="#OOOOOO"><a href="http://bendeniz.artist.webjump.com/pub/MOONST AR.zip"><b>Moonstar tiirk-ing sozllik</b></a></font></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="l00%" bgcolor="#33CCFF" height="l "> <p align="center"><font color="#OOOOOO"><b><a href="http://212.252.l l3.91/multimedia/QuickTimelnstaller5.zip">QuickTime 5.0</a></b></font></p> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </center></div></td> </tr> </table> </center></div><div align="center"><center><table border="O" cellpadding=" 5" cellspacing="25" width="104%"> <tr> <td width="100%" bgcolor="#004080" align="left"><div align="center"><center><table border="O" cellpadding="O" cellspacing="O" width="41 O"> <tr> <td width="74" bgcolor="#004080"><font face="Fixedsys"> </font></td> <td width="226" bgcolor="#000080"><font face="Fixedsys"><p align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF">Teknolojik Haberler</font></font></td> <td width="108" bgcolor="#004080"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="410" colspan="3"><strong><b><font size="3" color="#FF8000"><br> 16.06.2003 </font><font color="#ffc800" size="3 "> Archos'un kipisel video izleyiticisi</font><font color="# l 9 l 29a" face=" Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif' size=" 1 "><br> </font></b></strong><font face="Verdana" color="#FFFFFF" size="2">Artyk yolda sadece milzik dinlemek kesmiyorsa video izlemeye ne dersiniz ? Archos bunu baparyyor ve ozellikleri belkide daha fazlasyny vaad ediyor. <br> <br> Orlin disk'indeki filmleri calabiliyor, her hangi bir analog kaynaktan (tc scart mesela) gorUntil alyp kayyt edebiliyor (bir ek fuiinle), Tv'ye tekrar goruntn verebiliyor, Mp3 ve benzeri ses dosylaryny destekliyor, pc'den dosya aktaralyp saklanabiliyor ve resim albnmnnde gezme imkany sunuyor. <br> <br> </font><strong><b><font size="3" color="#FF8000"><br> 16.06.2003 </font><font color="#ffc800" size="3">The lnquirer'dan bir haber: Ysvec'te 26Mbit/s genip bant VDSL ba31ancy</font><font color="#l9129a" face=" Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif' size=" I "><hr> _l-\l- </font></b></strong><font face="Verdana" color="#FFFFFF" size="2">0nemli haber sitesi adeta bize nazire yaparcasyna bir haber yapyp Ysvec'in 26Mbit/s genip bant Internet ile tanypty3yny aktarmyp.cbr> <br> Turkiye'de iptal nzerine iptal yapayan ihaleleriyle yalan hikayesine donen DSL teknolojisinin farkly bir varyasyonu olan VDSL'i kullanan baolantynyn ucreti sadece ve sadece aylyk €40 yani 1€=1.700.000 TL'den 68.000.000 TL<br> </font><strong><b><font size="3" color="#FF8000"><br> 16.06.2003 </font><font color="#ffc800" size="3">Sandisk'in Combo karty; 128Mb bellek+ Wi-Fi tek Compact Flash i9inde</font><font color="#19129a" face="Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif' size="l "><br> </font></b></strong><font face="Verdana" color="#FFFFFF" size="2">Cep bilgisayary kullanycylary bugunlerde almayy planladyklary Wi-Fi kartlaryny anlabylan erteleyecek 9iinldi Sandisk sadece Wi-Fi'li kart satmak yerine icinde 128 Mb depolama alany olan kartlary satmaya bapljyor. <br> <br> Bu sayede tek genipleme yuvasy olan PocketPC'ler artyk ayny anda hem extra belleoe hemde kablosuz network'e sahip olabiliyorlar. Yleri zamanda bu modelin birde 256 Mb entegreli bir model ~ykacak. Zaten genipleme olanaklary az olan PPC'lerde boyle combo iirilnlerin cykmasy cok sevindirici. Hatta son zamanlarda buynk bir format olan CF'in boyle bir yola girmesi cok daha akyllyca.cbr> <br> </font><strong><b><font size="3" color="#FF8000"><br> 16.06.2003 </font><font color="#ffc800" size="3">WD'den SATA destekli dev: WD Caviar Special Edition 250GB SATA</font><font color="#l9129a" face="Arial, Helvetica,sans-serif' size="l "><br> </font></b></strong><font face="Verdana" color="#FFFFFF" size="2">WD buyuk diskler uretme konusunda oldukca deneyim kazandy son donemde. Ozellikle Caviar SE serisi ile pazaryn bu kysmynda onemle paya sahip firrna pimdi de dunyanyn en biiyilk SAT A diski olan WD Caviar Special Edition 250GB SAT A'yy tanytty, <br> Disk PATA benzeri gibi 7200rpm, 8 MB onbellek ve 3 yyl garanti gibi ozelliklere sahip. <br> </font> <p><strong><b><font size="3" color="#FF8000"> 16.06.2003 </font><font color="#ffc800" size="3 ">DivX v5.03 Cyktyl=br> </font></b></strong><font face="Verdana" color="#FFFFFF" size="2">Divx codec ve Divx Playa'nyn yeni versiyonlary piyasaya siirilldii. Bu versyionda Divx codec'lerine goruntuntm daha iyi decode edilmesi icin bir siiril yeni se~enek eklenmip, </font> <p><strong><b><font size="3" color="#FF8000"> 16.06.2003 </font><font color="#ffc800" size="3">Xbox- Gamecube- PS2: $199 <br> </font></b></strong><font face="Verdana" color="#FFFFFF" size="2">Microsoft, konsol fiyat indirim savapyna katyldy ve bir basyn duyurusu ile XBox oyun konsolunu l 99$'a indirdioini a~yklady. Bu karardaki en buyuk etken Sony'nin gecen haftaki Sony PS2 fiyatynyda 199$'a indirmesi olarak gosteriliyor. <br> <br></font> </html> -~ 2- <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1254 "> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0"> <title>FLASH</title> </head> <body text="#339966" bgcolor-"#003366" link="#FFFFFF" vlink="#FFFFFF" alink="#FFFFFF"> <table border="O" width="746" bgcolor="#OOOOOO" cellspacing="O" cellpadding="O" height="20"> <tr> <td width="746" height="20" bgcolor="#003366"> <p align="center"><embed width="737" height="95" src=" . ./flash/banneranim.swf'> </td> </tr> </table> <table border="O" width="747" cellpadding="O" cellspacing="lO" bgcolor="#003366"> <tr> <td width="153" valign="top" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <p align="center"> <map name="FPMapO"> <area href=" . ./index.htm" shape="rect" coords="31, 15, 137, 37"> <area href-="muzik.htm" shape='rect" coords="33, 48, 137, 71 "> <area shape="rect" coords="33, 80, 127, 102" nohref> <area href="kultur.htm" shape="rect" coords="25, 112, 134, 136"> <area href="cep.htm" shape="rect" coords="29, 146, 135, 165"> <area href="bilgi.htm" shape="rect" coords="26, 176, 139, 198"> <area href="Flash.htm" shape="rect" coords="41, 210, 119, 229"></map> <img border="O" src=" .. /Xara/ana2.gif' usemap="#FPMapO" width=" 170" height="280"> <div align="right"> <table border="O" cellpadding="O" cellspacing="O" width="81" height="228"> <tr> <td width="87" height="l07" valign="top"> <p align="center"><a href="mailto:matrixturk@yahoo.com"><img border="O" src=" .. /Xara/e-mail3.gif' align="right" width="65" height="83 "></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width='S?" height,2="71" valign="bottom"> <p align="center"><a href="http://www.muder.net/cgi-bin/mlist/create.cgi" target="_top"> <img src="http://www.muder.net/cgi-bin/mlist/muder.cgi?istasyon2001" border="O" alt="Mlist - En iyi Siteler" ></a></p> <ltd> </tr> <tr> <td width="87" height="l2" valign=rmiddle"> <p align="lefl"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="8T' height="46" valign="top"> / <p align="center"> <a href="http://www.bizimliste.de/cgi-bin/bizimliste.cgi?istasyon2001 "><img border="O" src=" . ./HTML/toplist/egzos.gif' width="8811 height="31 "></a> <br> </tr> <tr> <td height="9"> <td width="87" height="9" valign="middle"> </tr> <tr> <td width="87" height=" l 611 valign="top"> <p align="center"><!-- ZirvelOO kodu baslangici--><script language="javascript"> var isjs=O, site=41091, icon=2, imgwidth=90, imgheight=30;</script><script language="javascript 1.1" src="http://zirvelOO.com/counterjsv2.asp?site=4 l 091 &icon=2"> </script><script language="javascript"> if (isjs=O) { ctx = "<ahref='http://zirvel00.com/linkin.asp?"; 11; ctx = ctx+site+"' target='_ top'><img ctx = ctx+"src='http://zirveI00.com/counterv2.asp?site="; ctx = ctx+site+"&icon="+icon+"' border=O alt='ZirvelOO"'; ctx = ctx+"height="'+imgheight+'" "; ctx = ctx+"width="'+imgwidth+"'></a>"; document. write( ctx); } </script><noscript> <ahref="http://zirve100.com/linkin.asp?4 l 091" target="_top"><img src="http://zirvel00.comlcounterv2.asp?site=4109l&icon=2" border=O alt="ZirvelOO, en iyi siteler"></a"></noscript> <!-- Zirve 100 kodu sonu --></p> </tr> <tr> <td wldth='B?" height="12" valign="middle"> </tr> <tr> <td width="87" height=" 16" valign="middle"> </tr> </table> </div> <table border="O" width="88" cellpadding="O" cellspacing=D" height="25"> <tr> <td height="25" width="90"><!-- Start ofTheCounter.com Code--> <script><!-s="na" ;c="na" ;j="na" ;f=""+escape( document.referrer) //--></script> <script language=''javascript 1.2 "><!-s=screen. width;v=navigator.appName if (v != "Netscape") {c=screen.colorDepth} else { c=screen. pixelDepth} j=navigator.javaEnabled() //--></script> <script><!-function pr(n) {document.write(n,"\n");} NS2Ch=O if (navigator.appName = "Netscape" && navigator.appVersion.charAt(O) = "2") {NS2Ch=l} if (NS2Ch = 0) { r="&size="+s+"&colors="+c+"&referer="+f+"&java="+j+"" pr("<AHREF=\"http://www.TheCounter.com\" T ARGET=\"_top\"><IMG") pr("BORDER=O SRC=\"http://cl.thecounter.com/id=51700l "+r+"\"></A>")} //--></script> <NOSCRIPT> <a HREF="http://www.TheCounter.com" TARGET="_ top"><img SRC="http:/ le 1.thecounter.cornlid=517001" BORDER="O" width="88" height="3 l "></a></NOSCRIPT></td> </tr> </table> <p align="left"><font color="#FFFFFF">3</font></p> <table border="O" width=" 100%" cellspacing="O" cellpadding="O"> <tr> <td width=" 17%"> </td> <td Vvidth="67%"> <p align="center"></p> </td> <td width=" 16%"> </td> </tr> </table> <p> </p> <ltd> <td width="506" valign="top" align="center" bgcolor-"#336699"> <p><img border="O" src=" .. /Xara/flash.gif' width="155" height="36"><p><font color="#FFFFFF">Flash Sitemizin Yepyeni bir kysmy. Web tasarymy artyk Flash 'syz olmuyor. Gerek iilkemizde ve gerekse dunya da bir Flash furyasydyr baplamyp gidiyor. Bizde kendimizi bu ruzgara byraktyk bakalym bizi nereye siirtikleyecek. <br> Apaoyda netten ozenle secili Flash'la yapylmyp cizgi filmler var hepsini mutlaka gormelisiniz. Buraya syk syk yeni cizgi :filmler ekleyeceoim, takip edin derim ben :))</font><font color="#0033CC"> <br> </font><font color="#003366"><br> </font> <div align="right"> <table border="O" cellpadding='O'' eellspacing=D" width="92%" height="440" bgcolor="#003366"> <tr> <td width="35%" height="! 16" bgcolor="#CC99FF"> <n e::ilio-n="f"entPr"><imo<;:rf"=11 /resimler/flash/abdus o-,f" -y -..1....1..e,..1. ••••.. •.1...1....1...1.e, border=t'O" ..l..1..\..-.1.. \../\,J..l.---..1. U..1.- ool ..1. i.J..LL.I..Ll.-..1./ ..L..1.-U..I.J.I .._,......_ __ Uof;,.l,J.. width="206" height="158"><br> <font color="#FFFFFF"> <a target="_blank" href=" . ./flash/:fihn/abdurrahman.swf'> AbdurrahMAN 899 Kb</a></font></td> <td width="66%" height="l 16" bgcolor="#CCCCOO" colspan="2" valign="middle "> <p align="center"><img border="O" src=" . ./resimler/flash/bruce.gif' width=" 186" height=="228"><br> <font color="#FFFFFF"> <e::i http· I /rnatrixturk a....d,. l • trinod com/flash/film tarzet=" t:, _ blank" href=" . ./flash/:fihn/bruce.swf'>Bruce Lee - 700 Kb</a></font><a http://matrixturk.tripod.com/flasrJfihn href=" . .rflash/film/bruce. swf '></ a></ a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="35%" height="! 10" bgcolor="#FF3300"> <r- 1,,.4,.Ll..e,..1....1.. e::i lien=vcent Pr"><imo<;:rf"=11 /resimler/flash/christin a gif" ..1.f:, MrrlPr=''()""-f U..1.width="142" height="150"><br> <font color="#FFFFFF"> <a target="_blank" href=" . ./fiash/:fihn/christina.swf'>Christina Aguleria - 899 Kb</ a></font></td> <td width="32%" height="l 10" bgcolor="#FFOOOO''> <p alicn=vcenter'c-cimc borrlPr="O" /resimler/flash/britnev zif" '-J src=" Lwidth="l 10" height="140"><br> <font color="#FFFFFF"> <a target="_blank" href=" . ./flash/:fihn/britney.swf'>Britney Spears - 757 Kb</a></font></td> <td width="34%" height="! 10" bgcolor="#FFOOOO"> <p align=" center"><img border="O" src=" . .rresimler/flash/scream.gif'' width=" 114" height=" 180"><br> <font color="#FFFFFF"> <a target="_blank" href=" . ./flash/film/scream.swf'>Scream (aaaa 90k korktum) - 363 Kb</a></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="35%" height="81" bgcolor="#CC6600"> <p align=reenter"> ""' ..1.1,, ol ""'J....1..f:>.1. I J...1...1.'-"' ..&. .• 1,,..1. J.._tJ ..I._..._ - .I.I.- - -..LL • '-''-'.l.""""""'..L. ..1...1.f:, '-1..1.-.-..1. J.I ..L.u ••~U.1.J.I ..I. lo.4..1. 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Jf..L...1...1. ~ <p align="center"> <imo- border=O" src=" /resimler/flash/fizht gif" u,i<lth=""~" height=" 68 "><br'> <b><a target="_blank" href=" . ./flash/filrrJfight.swf''><font color="#800QOO"><br> KarateK\TI - 1.34 'Mb</font></a></b></td> </tr> -.LJ.,.1..1.t:, "-''-"..I. -.I. V .I.- <tr> <td width="48%"> <p align="center"><br> <ltd> <td width="52%"> <p align="center"><br> </td> </tr> </table> ••l.1.-U.LJ..1...LL- /..L->J..l.~..L.1.f:,.1...1.1.e .L.l. YY.1.-- .1...1. 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' } function showl ayenlayer) .a.- .&. .J. U .1.'-JTT..1.....,/\A,J-.l.\.&.L-l. _...._ fl if (isMinNS4) if ( isMinIE4) layer.style.visibility= "visible"; } function isvisiblerlayer) { if (isMinNS4 && layer.visibility== "show") return( true); if (isMinIE4 && layer.style.visibility= "visible") return( true); return(false ); } //---------------------------------------!! Layer positioning. !/--------------------------------------function moveLayerTo(layer, x, y) { if (isMioNS4) bvPr J..\A,J _..._ mn,rPTn(v v'I· ..I.. '-'\-'1.., J 1,- •.•..•..•. ....,..,. if (isMinIE4) { layer.style.left= x; .I.. • V' layer.style.top = y; } } function moveLayerBy(layer, dx, dy) { if (isMinNS4) laver movelsvtdx dy); J J..'-' J \ if (isMinIE4) { layer.style.pixell.eft +== dx; layer.style.pixelTop += dy; } .&. e.&. T .LJ --.C'S,,.' --; ' } function orrPtLpft(l<'lvPfl - , . . -J- } .I.. ..l.- J.'-.J'..l..&. fl. if (isMinNS4) return(layer. left); if (isMinIE4) return/laver stvle n1xPIT eft); " .•...•. , .;• ..., ;..1. •y.L,'. return(-1 ); -i..L..1~.1.." ' } function get'Topilayer) .L'-J_tJ\.1.\A,J-) ..l..1.- '-' fl if (isMinNS4) return/Iaver.l.•"'-'.t-'}, ton'\· ..l.-1.-.&..&..&.,J..'I.A,J if (isMinIE4) returrulaver <:tvlP pixel'I'op); .L\J. J....,..._.u J.1..-•_t-'i...< ..., ..•...•.. '-'_t-' return( -1); .I.. \d-..&. ' } function getkighttlayer) { if (isMinNS4) return(layer .left + get Width(layer)); if (isMinIE4) returrula VPr <:tvlP n;vPIT eft" +. o-" cetwldthtlavern: J ...., .•.• ..., J .•. - • .t-'.u'l,,.-.&.i....1-. ,. . ._ __ .. J' return(-1 ); .I.. "'- .•. ..I. .1.\ ...__; ...., .•. ; } function getBottom(layer) { if (1.sMinNS4) ton+ CTPtl-JP1crht(J1n1pr\\• .returrulaver 1. -.1..1..1.\.1..1.A,J .••.. . ..1...1. .t-' ' t,-'-.L..1..-..1.f:,..1..1.1.\.1.-J ....,,.,_11, else if (isMinIE4) returnrlaver <:hrlP nixel'Ton getlleightilayerj); J....,.1,_.u1.;J..-•_t-'.LJ'l,,.'""..1. '-'.t' + ' 0.1......,.1.c,..1..a.1.\..1.-;....,.1.. ;, return(-1 ); .L } l.\d-.L.1...1..\..l. function getPageLe:ft(layer) { if(isMinNS4) return/layer - -...&. .•.. -J-.&.• pageX); -t:,,"'- •. ' if ( isMinIE4) returnrlaver J - Affcptf eft); retum(-1); ..I..- ..L..L.I.\ o~.L.LU-1...1,....J ..LI. ' } function getPageTop(layer) { if (isMinNS4) return(layer. page Y); if (isMinIE4) return(layer. offset'I op); returru- I); } function get\Vidth(layer) { if (isMinNS4) { if (layer.document.width) retum(layer .document. width); else retum(layer.clip.right - layer.clip.left); } if (isMinIE4) { (b'1Pr chrlP pixelWidth) \..1."'4,J -.I. oU'-J .1.-•y~'I..-.&. l' f .1.-1...1...1. if ..L.L retum(layer. style. pixel Width); else retum(layer .client Width); } retum(-1); } function getHeight(layer) { if (isMinNS4) { if (Iayer.document.height) return(layer .document.height); else retum(layer.clip. bottom - layer.clip. top); } if (isMinIE4) { jf (false &.P.r l,:nrPr dv]p pixellleight) retum(layer.style.pixelHeight); else retum(layer .clientHeight); .LL \..I.. .LU"-' _. .1.'-4rJ-..LoU1.J.l.-o_l-'l...t'I.. .L.1,._..1..-.1.f:>..L.1. } returru - 1 )· ..L •• - ••..••., ..&. ' ---------- ~~-~- 1 f function getzindex(layer) { if (isMinNS4) returntlayer 7TndPvl' .1..'-""J •'-'.&...&..l......__L'l..j' if (isMinIE4) returntlayer. style.zindex); ..I. "-''--...&...1..1.. -..I. return(-1 ) ; } function setzindex(layer, z) { if (isMinNS4) layer.zlndex if (isMinIE4) l!nrPr ..1.'-"") -.I.. == z; chrlP 7TndPX •"-''-'J .1.'-'eL.J...a...L.L -L = 7' I...J' } //--------------------------------------II Layer clipping. . //-------------------------,--------------function clipLayer(layer, clipleft, cliptop, clipright, clipbottom) { if (isMinNS4) { layer.clip.left = clipleft; layer.clip.top = cliptop; bvPr f'liny . ricrht = cliorizht: "'f:,.L.1..'-, layer.clip.bottom= clipbottom; } if (isMinIE4) layer.style.clip = 'rect(' + cliptop + ' ' + clipright + ' ' + clipbottom + ' ' + clipleft .1..t,,,A,J -.L ••••••..••.•. .1. .1..e,.1..i.l. ••••. .1...1..y +')'; } function getClipLeft(layer) { if (isMinNS4) return(layer. clip. left); if (isMinIE4) { v<:n· ct r = b,upr chrlP t'lin• ..1."'4-J o-..J'-J .l..""'•...,..1....1.y, ,- t,,,,4,..1. -.I. U'-.I. if (!str) return(O); var clip = gytIEClip Values(layer.style.clip ); return( clip[3]); } returnf-I); .L-1. ..&..L.L ;, } --------- ----- -- function getClipTop(layer) { if (isMinNS4) retum(layer.clip.top ); if (isMinIE4) { var str = layer.style.clip; if (!str) return(O); var clip = getIEClip V aluesrlayer. style. clip); returru clip[O]); } return/ - 1 )• _ ••• ..L .•. , ..L ' } function getClipRight(layer) { if (isMinNS4) return(layer. clip.right); if (isMinIE4) { var str = layer.style.clip; if (!str) retumrlayer.style.pixelwidth): var clip= getIEClipValues(layer.style.clip); return fclipr1 l.&. ]'\· ;, -\.- .A..1.\ ..LL } return( -1); } if (isMinNS4) returrulayer.clip. bottom); if (isMinIE4) { var str = layer.style.clip; if (!str) retum(layer. style. pixellleight); var clip= getIEClipValues(layer.style.clip); return( clip[2]); } returru-I); } function getClip\Vidth(layer) { if (isMinNS4) returnt laver r- J1r, ur1rltn \• _ •• J...1..1.\.1. ;-..a.--..1....L_t'• 1.,..LJ,), 'l''l'..L •••••. if (isMinIE4) { var str = layer.style.clip; if'{lstr)J ,LL •••...•••• ------- --- retum(layer. style. pixel Width); var clip= getIEClipValues(layer.style.clip); retum(clip[l] - clip[3]); } retum(-1); } if (isMinNS4) return(layer. clip .height); if (isMinIE4) { var str = layer.style.clip; if (!str) return(layer. style. pixell leight); var clip= getIEClipValues(layer.style.clip); return( clip[2] - clip[O]); } return(-1 ); } function getIEClip Values( str) { var clip= new Array(); i = str.indexOf("("); 1m· rlipfO] = parselnttstr substrinzfi + 1 ct r lenzth) L ·u f:,L-..1.. ;, .a.v;, i = str.indexOf(" ", i + l ); clipl l] = parse!nt(str.substring(i + 1, str.length), 1 O); i = str.indexOf(" ", i+ 1); clinfZl = parselntf dr substringfi + 1 str ..1.....,..L..1.E:,1,.1..1.' length) 1 {)\• U'i = str.indexOf(" ", i + l); rlipf11 "nhd1·ino/1 + 1 c+r lenath)1, 1 Q)· L •.... J = parselntfstr - ..,..., ....-.LL ..I...L_t'L-J u-.1...1..1. \...," - '"'..I...&. ._,..., .1...1. .u •••a. u11...1..,1....1..&.f:,\ \Ull..1.eU~ .l..1.1.\Ul,..1.•"-'._.. .U...I. \.I. •.....• ...,1,..1...1....1...1.c,\..1. , ..L' ' ' u11...1. • ..1....,J.. .1., UI. • ..•. , ...., •• .1. • ..1.-.1..1.5\,..1. return( clip); } /!-----------------------------------------------II Layer scrolling. ,,-------------------------------·--------------II function scrolll.ayer'Ioilayer, x, )', bound) { var dx = getClipLeft(layer) - x; var ,h, = OoetrlinTnn(kn,Pr\ t'U-.i.--J 1,.......,..u.y..1..'-'y.1.-;-; - v· ;, scrollLayerBy(layer, -dx, -dy, bound); } ..I.VJ, .1. ;, I I function ...._ ••.••. <:f'rr.Jlf <l"\TPrR,1{J<l"\TPr .•. 1,,J...,..L.....,..•. ~-J-..1....LJJ\.Llo.4,J_ .1."""'-.1..'-'.1...I. dx..:1,,., thr --J, bound)J fl , \./'-'\,,t,-.L var cl= getClipLeft(layer); var ct= getClipTop(layer); var er= getClipRight(layer); "\lat· {'h ,. J._ ...,...., = b"""" O-PtCl,pRr.ttr.m(b,.,Pr)· ..1....1. .,LJ'-' ""'-'.l...1...1.\..1.-J -.I.. ' if (bound) { if (cl+ dx < 0) dx = -cl; else if ( er + dx > get Width(layer)) cretW,dthf.l<l"\TPr) "..,,.... .•. .•. , -J-"dx. : = E, {'r" ,. if ( ct + dy < 0) else if ( cb + dy > getlleighttlayerl) dy = getHeight(layer) - cb; } clipLayer(layer, cl+ dx, ct+ dy, er+ dx, cb + dy); moveLayerBy(layer, -dx, -dy); } '/ 1,----------------------------------------------- // Layer background. !!---------------------------------------------function <:PtRo-rolr.r{la"pr { .1,..JE,'-"" ..L'-".L\.L ;- . •. , color) .a..· .L..1.- .•• .l..L ...,"" .L<oJJ..J if (isMinNS4) layer.bgColor = color; if (isMinIE4) layer.style.backgroundColor = color; } function setBgimage(layer, src) { if (isMinNS4) layer.background.src = src; if (isMinIE4) Iaver ha{'l.crrounr1Tm<l0-P <:rf' + .•. ; .•.. ch,lP ..., . . ; .•..•...•..... - .•. ,,.o... -. . •. J....1.-o- :;:= "urh" .•. , + . ...,....... . ")"·' } //--·--------------------------------·----------I I Layer utilities. ti ,,----------------------------------------------- function getLayer(name) { if (isMinNS4) return findLayer(name, document); if (isMinIE4) return eva U1rlr1r11m,:,nt all 1 + name I' .1.-;, J._-11, J._J._J._ - 1' .I.\ "'"'-''-'-.I..I...L-.1..1.11.ol.4, • , ..l..1.\,,1;.L return null; } var i, layer; for (i = O; i < doc.layers.length; i++) { bu,:,r = rlr1r bu,:,rcfil· "5-'V-o.l.\A-.)'"'J,,.Ul..1.J, .UA,J-.1.. if (layer.name = name) return layer; if (layer.document.layers.length > 0) { layer =-fiI1dLayer(name, layer.document); if (layer != null) return layer; } } return null; } 11----------------------------------------------II Window and page properties. II ,,---------------------------------------------function getWi..11dmvWidth() { if (isMinNS4) return( window .inner Width); if (isMinIE4) document hr1rlv rliPnflX/irlth.1..1.;, I' .returru L •. ..I. .l.\""-'-'"" •....•. retum(-1); .I....L.1.-.1.. "•'-''-''""'.) ·-..L.1.-..L.I.\, '' .•••••..•. } function getWindowHeight() { if (isMinNS4) return( window .irmerHeight); if (isMinIE4) return(document. body.clientfleight); return(-1); } function getl'age Width() { if (isMjnNS4) return(document, width); if (isMinIE4) return(document.body.scrollWidth); return(-1 ); } function getPageHeight() { if (isMinNS4) return( document.height); if ( isMinIE4) return( document. body. scro lll-Ieight); return(-1 ); } function getPageScrolLX() { if (isMinNS4) return( window. page'XOffset): if (isMinIE4) return( document. body. scro lll.eft); returnt- I); } function getPageScrollY() { if (isMinNS4) returnrwindow n<=iOP " .,., "'--'"' .,. ,. ·y-oif (isMinIE4) V().A:'.,pt)· '-'1..1:..,-"1, return(document. bod)'. scro llT op); retum(-1); } scroller.js II Scroller constructor. this.x = x; this.y =;: y; this. width = width; this.height = height; this.border= border; this. padding = padding; this.items= new Array(); this.created = false; II Set default colors. this.fgColor = "#000000"; thi<: hrrr~kw = 11:1:!:ffffFf''· '-..& .•....•. V•"-"f:,"-/'v.J.~.f.. IJ~ ' this.bdColor = "#000000"; II Set default font. this.fontFace = "Arial,Helvetica"; this.fontbize = "2"; !! Set default scroll tuning values. this.speed = 50; tris.pauseTi.111e= 2000; II Define methods. this.setColors = scrollerSetColors; tllis.setFont = scrollerSetF011t; this.setSpeed = scrollerSetSpeed; this.setl'ause = scrollerseiPause; this.add.Item= scrollerAdd.Item; this.create = scrollerCreate; this.show= scrollerShow; this.hide = scrollerllide; this.moveTo = scrollerMoveTo; this.movelry = scrollerMoveBy; this.getzlndex = scrollerGetzlndex; this.setzlndex = scrollerSetzl11dex; this.stop = scrollerStop; -~- this.start= scrollerStart; } ll********************* II Scroller methods. ll********************* function scrollerSetColors(fgco!or, bgcolor, bdcolor) { if (this.created) { alert("Scroller Error: Scroller has already been created."); return; } this.fgColor = fgcolor; this.bgColor = bgcolor; this.bdColor = bdcolor; } function serollerS_etFont(face, size) { if (this.created) { alert("Scroller Error: Scroller has already been created."); return; } this.fontFace = face; this.fontSize = size; } function scrollerSetSpeed(pps) { if (this.created) { alert("Scroller Error: Scroller has already been created."); return; } this.speed= pps; } function scrollersetl'auseuns) -..&. .•••••••..•. \..&. ..L .1...L .••••••• .I. ..&..L -.L'-' ~i.,.t.U JjJ fl if (this.created) { alert("Scroller Error: Scroller has already been created."); return; } this. pause Time = ms; } function scrollerAdditem(str) { if (this.created) { alert("Scroller Error: Scroller has already been created."); return; } this.items[this.items.length] = str; } function U'"'..LY scrollerf'reatet) _...._ --'-""".L.L'-' ••...•.. '-"..I. .L.1. """''"'\/ fl. var start, end; var str; var i, j; var X, )r; if (!isMinNS4 && // .011 first !isMinIE4) scro ller, start interval timer. if (scrollerList.length = 0) setinterval('scro llerGo()', scro llerlnterval); JI Create the scroller only once. if (this.created) { alert("Scroller Error: Scroller has already been created."); return; } this.created = true; II Copy :first item to the end of the list, this lets us scroll from the last // defined item to the first without jumping. this.items] this.items.length] = this.items[O]; I I Set up HT!\1L code for item text, start = '<table border=O' +' cellpadding=' +(this.padding+ rhis.bordcr) + ' cellspacing=O' + ' width=' + this. width + ' height=' + this.height + '>' + '<tr><td>' + '<font' + ' color="' + t1"is.fgColor + '"' 1111 +'face="'+ this.fontf'ace + + ' size=' + this.fontsize + '>'; end = '</fo11t></td></tr></table>'; I I Build the layers. if (is1·1irJ'-.JS4) { I I this.basel.ayer = new Layenthis.width); this.scrollt.ayer = new Layertthis.width, this.basel.ayer); this.S:crollLayer.visibility = "inherit"; this.iteml.ayers = new Arrayt); for (i = O; i < this.items.length; i++) { this.ltcmr.everslil = new Layenthis.width, this.scroilt.aver); this.itemLayers[i] .document.open(); this.iternLayers[i].document.,vrite!n(start + this.itemsli] + end); this.itemLayers[i] .document.close(); tf1is.itemLayers[i].visibility = "inherit"; } II Set background colors. setBgColor(this.baseLayer, this.bdColor); setBgColor(tliis.scrollLayer, this.bgColor); } if (isMinIE4) { i = scrollerList.length; str = '<div id="scroller' + i + '_baseLayer"' + ' style="position:absolute;' +'background-color:'+ this.bdColor + ';' 1nv•1 + I width:' + this width + .t-'"~, +'height:'+ this.height+ 'px;' + ' overflow.hidden;' +' visibility:hidden;">\n' + '<div id="scroUer' + i + '_scrollLayer"' +' style="position:absolute;' +' background-color: '+ this.bgColor + ';' +'width:'+ this.width+ 'px;' +'height:'+ (this.belght * this.items.length) + 'px;' + 'visibility:inherit;">\n'; for (j == O; j < this.items.length; j++) { str += '<div id=''scroller' + i + '_itemLayers' + j + '"' ' ;t;,.1. \...1..1.• ' 1..1. U• T'f..1.-.1. .I. ' + I + + + + + 'width:'+ this.width+ 'px;' ' height:' + this.height + 'px;' 'visibility:inherit;">\n' start+ this.itemslj] + end '<ldiv>\n'; ' ctvJe:::::"nncitinn·~hsnlutp• u J .I. Y'-'U.I. .•. ....., .•.. -..., ....., .•. 1.-, 1 } str += '<ldiv>\n' + '</di~l>\n'; II Insert HTML code at end of page. For IE4, need to scroll window to II end of page, insert and scroll back to correct bug. if (!isMinIE5) { x = getPageScrolLX(); s= getPageScrollY(); window C'.f'rn llT n( crpt Paze \.V,dt•...•..•.ht\,;,e,-"..1..-0-.&...L-.J.E,-'-'· crpt P<:rnPl-l eighttj): o-'f'f.J. I' ,r;:,1....1.-.'-''l''ro>J-.L'-'..L.l...&..'-'\b_" ..•.. } document.body.i11sertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", if (!isMinIE5) win dow, . . ...,-...._ scroll'Iotx ", .u.~·'-' ..., .r1o., "\· J I, str); ..1... '-' I I Get handles to each layer. this.baseLayer = getLayer("scroller" + i + "_baseLayer"); th1c, scrolll aver O-PtT averf'lscroller'' + 1· + II c,('rnllT ayer"); ..&.'-' ;-..&. = C,"""'-L.L....._J....,.L\_ t..L.LL>JoU ,JJ...J ..1..'-'.4...1.-..&. U ' ' _o.J-.L'-'.LLL-J"'4,J-.L ' this.itemLayers = new Array(); for u· = O·v, Ji «~ this itPrrlC'. lenzth: i++'}\ 11 '-" f,"' J' this.itemLayers[j] = getLayer("scroller" + i + "_itemL~yers" + j); ..&...1.,Jo.LII.-.I..I...L.Jo.L-.L ..&.' } II Position and clip base and scroll layers. moveLayerTo(this.baseLayer, this.x, this.y); ,..J,pT avertthis basel aver O 'v,() this width thic, hPicrht)· -.1....L ;-..L\'-..&. U•._,, moveLayerTo( this.scrollLayer, this. border, this. border); clipLayer(this.scrollLayer, 0, 0, thic, m1rlth - ') * this hnr.lPr this hPirrht - ') * thic, border); U-L.L .£...J 1..1...LI.'-'• 'l''I'.L....._1..L.J. ;-.a., "-' \...&..i...L o'l''f.L .L..Ll."-'•'-''-'.l.""-.L' J. 1,,.1., \,,J._..L.I.Uo.L.1.-.J.f:,.1..L\..' Uo.L.L-.Lf:>.l..L\, "-' 1..1...I....I.Uo..,,'-'.I.. II Position and clip each item layer, x= O; y=O; for (i = O; i < this.items.length; i++) { moveLayerTo(th.is.itemLayers[i], x, y); clipLayer(this.itemLayers[i], 0, 0, this.width, this.height); y += this.height; } /I Set up scrolling parameters. this.stopped= false; this.currentY = O; this.stepY = this.speed I (1000 I scrollerlnterval); this.step Y = Math.minithis.height, this.step Y); this.nextY = this.height; tPis.maxY = this.height * (tliis.iterns.length - 1); this. paused = true; = {)~ v, th1ci {"r'lr,ll1'if~1'• \..l.U..~o'\.IV".L.l\.VJ.. II Add to global list. scrollerList[scrollerList.length] II I I = this; Disnlav it .LJ..l.u'y L-1,.J '-• 62- _..._ , show Layer( this. base Layer); } function scrollerShowf) { if (this.created) showl .._.. .•. 'U' ~-.rpr(thic f;,.i....J'I.A,J-.L\'-.1..U..U• basel ayer); U J,.....i\.A,,J-..1.. ' ), ) function scrollerHide() { if (this.created) hidel avertthis basel ayer); -J,.....1-;\"' ·'-'J,.....I\A,J .L ' } function scrollerlvlove'I'otx. y) { if (this.created) mo,1eLa)1erTo(tl1is.baseLayer, x, )'); } function scrollerMoveBy( dx, dy) { } function ccrnllernPt7Tndpv(\ .l.-lo...l.'U'.1..1. ••..• ,L.'U'..1....1. .1..'-'-"'L,.j.JL..I. _,.,. J fl if (this.created) return(getzlndex( this. base Layer)); else return(O); } function 11 .L.1.- .I. crrn Jlpr<;;!pt7Jndp·v( 7I { ..L.I.U'-'.l..'U'..1....1.- J..J-1,L...1 ..l..l.. -,llt..\L..l/ if (this.created) setzindex(this.baseLayer, z); } function scrollerStart() { this.stopped= false; } function scrollerStotx) .U..-.i.'"-''-'-Jt'\} ..L\.A- .l.""'-.1.'U'..l..L ••..•••.•.•.. fl this.stopped = true; - I } ll********************** II Code for scrolling. ll********************** II An array is used to hold a pointer to each scroller that is-defined. The II scrollerGo() function runs at regular intervals and updates each scroller /I in this list. = new Array(); var scrollerList var scrollerlnterval = 20; function scrollerGo() { var 1; II Update each scroller object in the list. for (i = O; i < scrollerList.length; i++) { II If stopped, skip. if (scrollerList[i].sto:pped); I I If paused, update counter. else if (scrollerList[i].paused) { scro llerList[i] .counter += scro llerlnterval; if (scrollerList[i].counter > scrollerList[i].pauseTime) scrollerList[i].paused = false; } II Scroll it. else { scrollerl.istlil currem'r c.~rnllPrT istli] .1.U\,L.1.J•"""-.•.•••.....•..•.. "' ..•.. += ' U"""..L'-'..L.1.-..L U"""..L'-'..L.1."'"".L.-..._J.1.U\. c;:t,;nV· . •. ' ..LJ•U'-' ••••. .t-' II Pause it if the next item has scrolled into view. if (scrollerList[i].currentY >= scrollerList[i].nextY) { scrollerList[i].paused == true; scrollerList[iJ.counter = O; scrollerList[i].cu..rrentY == scrollert.istlil.nex'Y, scroUerList[i].nextY += scrollerList[i].height; } /I When v{e reach the end, start over. if (scrollerList[i].currentY >= scrollerList[i].maxY) { I scrollerList[i].currentY -= scrollerList[i].maxY; scrollerl idril nPvtV = <:rrnllPrT idfi] heizht: U'-'.I.. I I I I I I I .LL_...L.1.....1.1..U'-L.1.J•..1...l.""""Lllt..,\. ..L. '-'"'.1..'-'.1....1."".1...I.....IJ..Ut.Li o.l..J.'-'..1.f:, , } scro lll.ayer'T o( scro ller List [ i]. scro llLayer, 0, Math.round( scrollerList[i] .current Y), false); ..L.'-"'.l.U-' } } } ll********~************************ II Code to handle a window resize. ll********************************* II These variables are used to determine if a resize event is a true one. II Necessary due to a bug in older NS4 releases. var orig Width; var on· f:>zHeieht: ·~ ..I.. .1..e,.1...a. ' // Fix for resize bug. if (isMinNS4) { origWidth = window.innerWidth; origHeight = window.innerfleight; } window.onresize = scrollerkeload; function scrollerReload() { II Reload page in case of a browser resize. First make sure it's a true // resize. if (isMinNS4 && origWidth == window.innerWidth && origHeight == window.in.rierHeight) return; windo v: locatio n.href = win do \'V. location.href; } ---Screen Output-- ~ E-mail I I I I I I REFERANCES BOOKS: Orson Kellog , Macromedia Flash MX , Sistem Y aymcihk V eera Bhatnagar , Macromedia Dreamweaver MX , Sistem Y aymcihk Michael carter , Macromedia Fireworks MX , Sistem Y aymcihk Dr. Cahit Akm, Adobe Photoshop 7.0, Alfa Yaymcihk MS Frontpage 2000 , Arkadas Kitabevi Macromedia Freehand IO , Sistem Y aymcihk Web sites: Dhtml : http://www.brainjar.com Java applet: www.Dynamicdrive.com Java Applet: http://freewarejava.com For internet services: www.Bravenet.com • - b 1--