Leisureville News - Palm Beach Leisureville
Leisureville News - Palm Beach Leisureville
Palm Beach BOARD MEETING JANUARY 20 7 PM R3 Leisureville News PALM BEACH LEISUREVILLE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AN ACTIVE ADULT COMMUNITY DONATION FROM ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE Brenda Byrom donated the final check of $13,392.81 from the Fund Raising For the Reserves to Leisureville’s Capital Fund. This makes the grand total $58,392.81 raised by the entertainment shows over the last three years. The entire community is most appreciative of Brenda and Colin’s dedication and hard work Brenda Byrom with the final check to be presented to the Board. CALLING ALL CANDIDATES CALLING ALL CANDIDATES Is it time for you to step up and volunteer? Do you own property in Leisureville? Are you concerned about the financial viability of Leisureville? January 2015 Manager’s 2014 Year-End Summary I hope all Leisureville residents had a prosperous and healthy Holiday Season and a Happy New Year. An update on 2014: I would like to give our residents an update on our community. We had a lot of projects and infrastructure repairs. Our pipe lining project (Shenandoah Construction) was completed for 2014 and will resume in 2015. Our painting contract (Coastal Painting) was delayed because of all the rain that we had this year but will be completed by the end of this year. They also will resume next year for the 2015 phase. Some of the other infrastructure repairs were bulkhead repairs (Summers Lake and Golf Course), sewer replacement in Club house 1 and the office building and sprinkler pumps house repairs. We also resealed parking lots 1 and 3. In 2015 we will do parking lot two. We have put in place a monthly maintenance schedule (Pinnacle Group) for our lakes to maintain the lake area and keep the lakes clean and prevent evasive plants taking over our lakes. This is very important for the beautification and aesthetics of Leisureville. We have made improvements in many areas and want to make more improvements is 2015 to make Leisureville a great place to live. Thanks to the recreation committee they have rebuilt the Gym and did a lot of upgrades to Clubhouse 3. We like to thank them all for their hard work and dedication to all of our residents. 2015: All of the ongoing projects are scheduled for 2015 and will resume after the first of the New Year. We will be doing infrastructure repairs and upgrades as needed. We will be replacing one of the bridges on the golf course and schedule the second for 2016. We also are going to address the signage on our entrances and upgrade them to be more aesthetic in color and size. We will also continue to repair our sprinkler pump houses. We will be upgrading our sprinklers in Section I (Evergreen Sprinklers). We would like to start power washing some our sidewalks and pave some of our streets in 2015. I hope that we can start and accomplish some of these projects. I have asked the City of Boynton Beach if they would consider repaving some of our public streets. I am looking forward to the upcoming year and all of the projects that we have scheduled and would like to put in place for the betterment and repair of Leisureville aging infrastructure. I hope all of the residents of Leisureville will support our efforts to make Palm Beach Leisureville a great place to live. Submitted, Robert J. Van Liew, LCAM, CMCA, AMS General Manager Do you love Leisureville? If you answered “YES” to the above questions, you should volunteer to be a candidate for the Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee is searching for six people to fill the upcoming vacancies on the Board of Directors. Five positions have 2-year terms; one position has a 1-year term. It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to serve the needs of all residents while maintaining the integrity and financial viability of our community. If you would like to volunteer, please submit your resume to the Nominating Committee no later than January 13. All resumes should be dropped off at the Administration Office at R1, 1007 Ocean Drive, Boynton Beach, FL 33426. The postmark deadline for resumes is January 10, 2015. The deadline for submission of all resumes to the Nominating Committee is Tuesday, January 13, 2015, at 9:00 am in R2. NO RESUMES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THAT MEETING! Prospective candidates should submit their typewritten resumes of work experience, qualifications and interest in working on the Board of Directors on one 8 ½ by 11 in. piece of paper. Resumes should contain your photograph. Candidates must understand there are heavy time commitments. Candidates must be up to date on all fees and assessments. All candidates are encouraged to be available for a “Special Meeting” at Clubhouse 2 on Tuesday, January 13, 2015, at 9:00 A.M. All candidates are encouraged to attend the “Meet the Candidates Night” at Clubhouse 3 on Sunday, January 18, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. If you have questions about your resume or the qualifications for candidacy, please leave a message at the office and a member of the Nominating Committee will contact you. SPECIAL MEMBERS MEETING JANUARY 13 9 AM - CLUBHOUSE 2 PLEASE ATTEND OR SEND YOUR SIGNED PROXY TO THE ASSOCIATION OFFICE MAINTENANCE FEES FOR 2015 BEGINNING JANUARY 1, LEISUREVILLE HOMEOWNER FEES ARE $142 PER MONTH NEXT NEWSPAPER DELIVERY Tuesday February 3, 2015 THE NEW JERSEY CLUB Invites you to “Meet & Greet Your Neighbors” Complimentary Beverages & Bites Sponsored by THE RECREATION COMMITTEE Join us for an informative reception on Friday, January 16, 2015 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Clubhouse 3 Are you familiar with all the wonderful opportunities Leisureville has to offer? Get to know the activities, clubs, sports and special events just waiting for you. Learn what they are all about, when they meet and where. Be Active....Be Social.... Make the most of your community! Page 2 LEISUREVILLE NEWS January 2015 Holiday Craft Bazaar Lighted blocks with Claire Skelton, Beth Wagner, and Maureen McNulty Barbara Blackford shops the bazaar. Alice Torname and Mary Martin with bird houses Christmas Goodies: Fran Stamm and Jane Palughi Eveline Atkins, Marilyn Reader, Neena Lynch, and Joy Brady Kathy Mobus and Duabe Andrews sell afghans. Liz Jones and Eileen Ray at the knitting table Angel dolls with Rosemarie Desantis and Carol Cole. Louise Ricker and Brenda Clark at the Christmas Table Shoppers Joyce and Mark Caulfield check out an item. Kathy Bonstrom poses with the snowman. Phyllis Minsky and Jane Palughi sell raffle tickets. January 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2014: Ed DeFilippis, President (2015); James Bogert, Vice-President (2016) Janet Dixon, Secretary (2016) Bob Wilt, Treasurer (2015) Directors: Peter Senftleben (2016), Barbara Knutson (2015), John McKnulty (2015) Frank Vilardo (2015), Carl Wagner (2015) Email: secretary@myPBLCA.com Board Members may also be reached by calling the office: 732-7474 _____________________________________________________________________ ASSOCIATION STAFF Contact the office M-F 8am-4:30pm - 561-732-7474 - fax: 561-732-5878 1007 Ocean Dr, Boynton Beach Fl, 33426 email: CustomerService@myPBLca.com Robert J. Van Liew, General Manager; Ronnie Navarro, Secretary/Office Manager Perry Markowitz, Accountant Estelle Harper, Judy Lick, Joy Olson, Office Staff Administrative Assistants _____________________________________________________________________ CLUBHOUSE COORDINATORS R-1 Marie Miller, 733-3740 R-2: Cindy Cirillo, 732-0273 R-3: - Dick Corrinne (561) 738-6221 clubhouse phone numbers R1 - 561-732-7703 • R2 - 561-734-7572 • R3 - 561-737-8489 _____________________________________________________________________ CARING NEIGHBORS R-3 Ofc: 731-3501 Mon.-Thurs. 9 a.m.– 12 p.m. (Closed Friday) Peg Bailey, President; June Hewett, Vice President; Lynn Theis, Secretary; Bob Cevasco, Treasurer; Members- Joan Meyers _____________________________________________________________________ CARING NEIGHBORS MEDICAL EQUIPMENT Coordinator – Gerhard Lange, 364-4039 Assistants - Dick Brown, 742-8598; Joyce Paul, 733-9680; Susie Brufladt, 369-7130; Phil Schiro, 735-7489 _____________________________________________________________________ GOLF COURSE Golf Shop, 732-0593 • Chairperson: Jim Atkins _____________________________________________________________________ CITIZENS OBSERVER PATROL-COP Ofc-R-1 Email: COP@MyPBLca.com PHONE # (561) 375-9824 Wednesdays & Fridays, 9 a.m. to Noon PBL COP STAFF 2014 OFFICER RITA SWAN LIAISON 742-6848 OFFICER CHEL LOY LIASON 742-6849 MAJOR RICHARD BOTTS OPERATIONS 737-0129 CAPTAI£ JOAN KELLY TRAINING 742-3233 CAPTAIN BEVERLY GARRIS PROGRAMS 732-5738 LIEUTANANT/ADMINISTRATIONADM/OFFICE COMPUTER VIVIANE DIETSCHY 704-3282 SERGEANT HORACE FEINSTEIN SCHEDULING 523-2579 SERGEANT BRETT COATES SCHEDULING 246-07.., I SERGEANT SHEILA PESCE SCHEDULING 737-1371 SERGEANT ELEANOR COSTELLO OFFICE ASST. 737-1338 SERGEANT DICK FOELL PATROL CARS 737-9481 _____________________________________________________________________ HOBBY SHOP Call Louis Forrler for an appointment at 734-7286 until further notice. Volunteers available Tuesdays from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. _____________________________________________________________________ After hours Emergency Phone #’s for Maintenance Jim Maxwell 374-1289 • After hours Sprinkler Problems - 374-1289 _____________________________________________________________________ GOLF COMMITTEE GOLF – Email: golf@myPBLca.com Jim Atkins, Chairperson; Kevin McNiece, Vice Chairperson; Patti O’Connor, Treasurer; Dympna Fitzmaurice, Asst. Treasurer; Pat Maupin, Secretary; George Huygo, Steward; Pat Zukas, Head of Day Captains. _____________________________________________________________________ SECTION LEADERS Francesca Bonnel Chairperson ........................................................................739-9039 Jean Maxwell, Asst. Chairperson ................................................................................... Gerhard Lange, Asst. Chairperson .................................................................. 364-4039 Ron Hardin, Asst. Chairperson ....................................................................................... Susie Brufladt, Asst. Chairperson..................................................................... 369-7130 Marilyn Cahill, Asst. Chairperson.................................................................................... Sec. 1 Arnold Brothers............. 740-4806 Sec. 2 Richard Botts................. 737-0129 Sec. 3 Mary Hillyer................... 752-9194 Sec. 5 Barbara McLaughlin ..... 734-6603 Sec. 5A Marge Rodda.............. 736-9597 Sec. 6 Gerhard Lange.............. 364-4039 Sec. 7 Marie Miller.................... 733-3740 Sec. 8 Joyce Paul .................... 733-9680 Sec. 9A Gloria Thompson ........ 734-0670 Sec. 9 Ann Schillerr.................. 364-1733 _____________________________________________________________________ RECREATION Email: rec@myPBLca.com Chairperson: JoAnn Cirillo; Vice-Chairperson: Mae Lazarus; Secretary: Sandi Gentile; Treasurer: Dympna Fitzmaurice; Jack Niszczak, Assistant Treasurer: Pat McKelvey; R-1 Coordinator: Marie Miller, 733-3740; R-2 Coordinator: Cindy Cirillo, 732-0273; R-3 Coordinator Dick Corinne, 738-6221; Fitness Center Director: Lynne Vickers _____________________________________________________________________ LANDSCAPE COMMITTEE June Silva, Chairperson; Maureen McNulty, Vice Chairperson; Julia Palmer, Secretary; Maureen McNulty and Beth Van Wagner, Green Thumb. _____________________________________________________________________ CONDO ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPE COMMITTEE Chairperson: Judy Brunner _____________________________________________________________________ ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE Chairperson: Bill Patten; Vice Chair: Tim Fowler; Recording Secretary: Shirley Cassa _____________________________________________________________________ FINANCE Email: finance@myPBLca.com Chairperson: Steve Schone; Vice Chair: Gail Wheatley; Secretary: Helen Sexton Members: Sheila Garlen, Frank Perry, Leo Grondin, Ken Weissman; Manager: Robert Van Liew; Bookkeeper:Perry Markowitz; Consultant: Mike Culligan. _____________________________________________________________________ TECH COMMITTEE tech@mypblca.com Chairperson: Steve Schone; Vice Chair: Webb White Secretary: Midge Mahnken; Treasurer: Joan Schone; Member: Laureen King • Board Liaison: Frank Vilardo Newspaper Editor: Rose Luke - 561-200-9659, 561-740-3846 pblnews@MyPBLca.com or roseluke@bellsouth.net Webmaster: Cele Weissman - webmaster@mypblca.com Page 3 _____________________________________________________________________ SPECIAL PHONE NUMBERS PBL Office....................................................................................................... 732-7474 Boynton Beach Water Dept........................................................................... 742-6300 Boynton Beach Water Emergencies............................................................. 742-6430 Boynton Beach City....................................................................................... 742-6000 Emergency Police....................................................................................................911 Police Department (Non-Emerency)............................................................. 732-8116 Sprinkler Hot Line........................................................................................... 734-3042 Paid Security ........................................................................................... 561-704-1158 Florida Power and Light (Emergency).......................................................... 994-8227 C.O.P. Office.................................................................................................... 375-9824 City Hall, Main Number.................................................................................. 742-6000 Animal Control................................................................................................ 742-6210 Pro-Shop......................................................................................................... 732-0593 Leisureville News Office................................................................................ 200-9659 _____________________________________________________________________ Palm Beach Leisureville Official Website: Palmbeachleisureville.com or mypblca.com FOR ALL COMMITTEES COMMITTEE MEETINGS Board Of Directors: 3rd Tuesday, 7 p.m., R3 Finance Committee: 3 p.m. every 4th Thursday, Association Office Architectural Committee: 1st Tuesday (during summer), 9 a.m., Association Office Meeting Room - R-1 Recreation Committee: 2nd Tuesday, 9 a.m., Association Office Meeting Room - R-1 Tech Committee: As Needed Women’s Golf League: 1st Monday, 8:30 a.m.., R-3 - Patio Room Landscape Committee: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 2:30 p.m., Association Office Meeting Room - R-1 C.O.P. Staff: 2nd Monday, 7p.m., R-1 C.o.p. Members: 3rd Monday, 7 p.m., R-2 Golf Committee: 1st Monday, 1:30 p.m., Association Office Meeting Room - R-1 Men’s Golf League: 2nd Monday, 1:30 p.m., Association Office Meeting Room - R-1 Condo LLC & ACC meeting in R1 Association Office is now the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month. Section Leaders: 1st Monday, 10 a.m., R-3 Entertainment Committee: Wednesday, 1:30 p.m. Association Office ACTIVITIES Arts & Crafts: Wednesday, 9-11 a.m., R-2..........................................737-7883 COP: 3rd Monday, 7 p.m., R-2.............................................................736-8129 Drawing & Painting: Tuesday, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., R-2............................742-0755 Flea Market: Saturday, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., R-2........................................734-9631 Hymn Sing: Every Friday night, 7:15 p.m., R-2...................................734-0849 Line Dancing: Wednesday (Nov-Apr), 6:30-8 p.m., R-2.....................737-8037 Pool Exercises: Monday-Sunday, 9-10 a.m., R-1...............................736-8624 ......................................................................... R-2..............................364-8925 ......................................................................... R-3..............................733-9680 Tap Dancing: Monday, 1:30-3:30 p.m., R-3........................................733-4626 ....................... Friday, 1:30-3:30 p.m., R-3...........................................733-4626 Walking Exercise: M-W-F, R-1, 8 a.m. (Jan.-Dec.)..................... 561-736-7013 CARD GAME/GROUPS Bingo: Monday, 6:15-9 p.m., R-3........................................................734-5843 Wednesday, 6:15 p.m., R-3..................................................................734-5843 Bridge- every Monday- R1 billiard room- ..................................... 561-738-9604 Bridge: Wednesday, 12-4 p.m., R-2....................................................738-5082 Bridge: Thursday, 6:15-10 p.m., R-1...................................................738-5082 25 Card Club: Friday (Sept.-May), 7-9:30 p.m., R-1...........................752-1834 Chess: Tuesday or Thursday, 6-10 p.m....................................... 561-400-8614 Euchre: Sunday, 6:30-9 p.m., January-April, R-2................................734-3712 Euchre: Sunday, 6-9 p.m., May-December, R-2..................................734-3712 Hand & Foot: Tuesday, 1-3 p.m., R-3 Patio Room.............................732-0252 Mahjongg: Wednesday, 1-4 p.m., R-1................................................733-3081 Men’s Billiards: Monday-Friday, 6-8 p.m., R-2...................................736-9422 Pinochle: Tuesday, 6:30-9 p.m., R-2................................. 737-7883; 737-1338 .................Thursday, 6:30-9 p.m., R-2.............................. 737-7883 ; 737-1338 Scrabble: Tuesday, 1-4 p.m., R-2.......................................................736-8129 Shuffleboard: Monday, 7-9 p.m., R-2.................................................734-2098 ........................ Wednesday, 7-9 p.m., R-2...........................................734-2098 Texas Hold’em Tuesday...........................................Carl Olesky 561-752-9276 CLUBS Computer: 1st Monday, 6:45-7:30 p.m., R-2........................................738-0323 S.I.G. Digital Cameras (Members Only): 1st Monday,7:30-8:15 p.m. R-2........ 738-0323 Long Island: 1st Friday (Oct-Apr), 9:30-11:30 a.m., R-3......................846-2430 Michigan: 3rd Thursday (Oct-Apr), 5-10 p.m., R-3...............................364-4039 New England: 2nd Friday (Oct-Apr), 9:30-11 a.m., R-3........................740-9178 New Jersey: 2nd Wednesday (Oct-Apr), 9-11:30 a.m., R-3..................733-5286 New York: 2nd Monday (Oct-Apr), 9:30-11 a.m., R-3............................733-1205 Pennsylvania: 3rd Friday (Oct-Apr), 9 a.m.-12 p.m., R-3.....................735-9392 VFW: 1st Monday 7 p.m., R-1................................stuartlpreston@bellsouth.net - Leisureville Office Hours Office Hours are 8 AM to 4:30 PM and WILL be OPEN at Lunchtime Page 4 LEISUREVILLE NEWS January 2015 Fitness Center Update The Fitness Center modifications are almost complete! The walls have been painted, the central air unit and duct work have been replaced, the flooring has been installed and sealed, and a new wall mirror hung in the main room. Four ceiling fans now cool that area, and the weight machine has been moved to the middle of the main room with the new “functional trainer” placed next to it. Our second rower, new commercial barbell set, and some ancillary equipment have been added to broaden our workout options. None of this could have been accomplished without the Recreation Committee, the Board of Directors, and our Community Manager – thank you very much for your support and guidance! Thanks also go to Jim, Martin, and Enrique for all you did with the painting, fan installation, flooring questions, etc., etc., and to Caroline for keeping the building clean during the various renovation phases. And, to the volunteers who helped with the laminate flooring and the very early morning cleaning sessions – thank you for giving up your workout time to support the process! While I had hoped to provide dates in this issue for equipment demos, the holiday season and subsequent travel plans of our volunteers have delayed the setting of our schedule. Please watch for dates to be posted in the Fitness Center in early January. REMINDERS: Please check with your doctor before starting your exercise program. Be sure to use the spray bottles located in both rooms to wipe down equipment after use (please do not spray directly onto bike, treadmill or elliptical panels). With this being our busy season, 30-minute limit on all equipment unless no one else is waiting. The Fitness Center is open from 5:30am until 10pm. Please continue to use the sign in book so we track usage volume (residents AND guests). Please DO NOT remove any equipment from the Fitness Center for personal use. The 80# green band has now been replaced but we would appreciate the return of the original! Thank you for your help and cooperation! Lynne Vickers, Fitness Center co-ordinator Free-weight room WWll History series 1939 thru 1945 Come and experience the video story of the war years. 10 weeks of actual footage 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm Clubhouse 2 Starts Sunday December 7, 2014 Sunday’s for 10 wks. Steve- 737 7215 Main room with wieght machine BLOOD DRIVE SCHEDULE PLEASE JOIN US WEDNESDAY JANUARY 14 , 2015 At CLUB HOUSE 2---7:00 AM - 1:00 PM PLEASE COME!!! YOU ARE NEEDED!!!!! Please bring your Photo I.D. NEW NEIGHBORS WELCOME!! Thanks! Norma Van Buskirk, 738-6820 AND Barry Price COFFEE HOUR GRAND OPENING STARTING JANUARY 5 MONDAY TO FRIDAY 7 – 8 AM FREE COFFEE AND DONUTS CLUBHOUSE 2 YOUR HOST: NICK COLIGIOVANNI THANK YOU GUARDIAN ANGELS Do all Guardian Angels live in Leisureville? I have met two more since my last letter: Richard Smith and Ben Capizulo. They removed all their living room furniture and set it up on the outside patio. They made a long large Thanksgiving table and invited twenty people – some family, friends, neighbors, and some they knew who were going to be alone. They both worked very hard cooking, serving, and cleaning up and just being kind to everyone, This is my second time meeting Guardian Angels in Leisureville. For all those that enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving with Richard and Ben, thank you so very much guys. Noreen C. Altham 2015 Palm Beach Leisureville Variety Show Cast/Crew Call Yes, the 2015 Palm Beach Leisureville Variety Show will go on. The theme will be “See the USA”. The show is scheduled for February 27, 28 and March 1st. But, to make it a success, we need help. Rehearsals will be held in January and February on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and on some Sunday afternoons. It’s not too late! Final Cast/Crew call on Tuesday, January 6, at 6:30 PM in Clubhouse 3. Anyone interested in participating in the show, as an entertainer or crew member, is invited to attend. Call Dan: 777-8997 or Dave: 586-419-1222 for more information. January 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS ADVERTISING INDEX Please support our advertisers AIR CONDITIONING Alpha Omega.................................... 30 Integrity Air....................................... 31 Robert McGowan A/C....................... 32 D.L. Folsom A/C & Heating Corp................ 29 Tom Kruse Air Conditioning........................ 28 ALTERATIONS Mabels Alterations...................................... 28 APPLIANCES A Appliance Service of PB..................5 Appliance Repair by TNG................ 28 ASSOCIATIONS American Legion........................................ 29 BUS SERVICE INSURANCE Basic Integrity................................... 31 KITCHEN/BATHROOM REMODELING The Carpenter’s Son.......................... 30 Scherban Mica Works...................... 34 LANDSCAPING Mignano Landscaping................................ 28 Mignano Tree Care..................................... 28 LEGAL Kevin La Montagne, Attorney.......... 30 LIMOUSINE SERVICE Chauffeur for Hire....................................... 28 JPA Airport and Limo Service...................... 28 CAREGIVERS LOCKSMITH Caregiver.................................................... 29 South Shore Locksmith.............................. 29 First Class Nursing Registry....................... 28 MASSAGE Inge Richner, LPN...................................... 28 Alexis Chapman, LMT.......................17 Jan Coleman.............................................. 28 MEDICAL Dr. Michael Levine.............................20 Martha M. Rodriguez MD.................. 32 Dr. Steven Lashley........................... 30 Woolbrite Physical Therapy................ 29 Maria Lucano.............................................. 29 CLEANING Blue Water Window Cleaning..................... 33 P3 Property Solutions LLC......................... 28 Sarah’s House Cleaning............................. 29 COMPUTER Computer Hospital..............................5 CONSTRUCTION Bailey’s Home Services, Inc.............25 Sardi Construction............................21 Churey & Son Construction........................ 29 R.C. Cole Construction................................ 23 ELECTRIC Budget Electrical........................................ 28 C.N.D. Electric............................................ 29 JB Electric................................................... 29 JW Electric.................................................. 29 ELECTRONIC REPAIR Electronic Gadget Repair................ 35 ERRANDS Jen’s Errands.......................................28 FINANCIAL Ed Jones............................................23 FIREARMS RRPSI................................................. 33 FLOORING/CARPET Sal’s Carpet Cleaning................................. 28 FUNERAL A Cremation Service........................ 36 Scobee Combs Brown Funeral....... 33 GARAGE DOORS The Doorman.................................... 32 Boynton Garage Doors............................... 13 GOLD & COIN Les.......................................................28 HAIR SALONS D’Agostino Barber...................................... 28 Richard’s Barber Shop............................... 28 HOME REPAIRS Bryan Kanonik Contractor......... 30, 35 Jack of All Trades....................................... 28 Let Jerry Do It............................................. 29 Peter Bolt..................................................... 29 HOUSE SITTING House Sitting by Vickie............................... 29 While Away.................................................. 29 INCOME TAX SERVICE Spitz & Yespy, P.A..............................26 Allan Neimotka..................................29 Computer Hospital Inc. Erika Z. Philmore...............................27 Corporate Coaches...........................25 Kimberly Salik............................................. 29 Page 5 NAIL CARE Nail Time............................................ 34 PAINTING We Make House Calls! 561-965-5315 What We Do Computer Repairs Home Network Set-up Virus Removal iPhone, iPad, Tablets Set-up & Training New & Used Desktops and Laptops Interior Painting by Kenny G...................... 29 Paint It Rite................................................. 28 PEST CONTROL Mr. Carl’s Pest Control......................27 Nozzle Nolen..................................... 30 Rid A Pest.......................................... 33 Jeff’s Pest Control...................................... 28 PETS Gail Truscio Pet Grooming......................... 28 Happy K-9.................................................. 29 PLUMBING Fox Plumbing.....................................34 Garner Plumbing...............................29 Maine-ly Plumbing............................ 28 Papa’s Plumbing............................... 30 RJ Fisher Plumbing.................................... 30 REAL ESTATE Coldwell Banker Shirley Cassa. 29, 36 Remax - Kathy Clarke...................... 36 Remax Prestige Mary Ellen Fowler..17 Coral Shores Realty-Scheft & Malo.22 Hudson Realty - Cathy Fowler..........23 Hudson Realty - Cheryl Fowler........23 Hudson Realty - Desiree Cornelio.......29 Leisureville International................. 31 Valerie Anne Martinetti..................... 26 RELIGIOUS First Presbyterian............................. 29 First United Methodist.......................13 ROOFING Bossler Roofing.......................... 28, 31 Brian Kanonik Contractor.......... 30, 35 AAM Industries................................. 31 Rab Roofing.......................................27 Robert Cherry Roofing..................... 34 SHUTTERS/WINDOWS Bailey’s Home Services, Inc.............25 SLIDERS/DOORS The Door Doctor............................... 34 The Doorman.................................... 32 SLIPCOVERS Slipcovers, etc.................................. 28 THEATRE Delray Beach Playhouse...................33 Patronize our advertisers. They make it possible to bring you this newspaper. Tell them you saw their ad in the leisureville news. We are waiting for your call! Used Desktop PCs for sale $99 & up We buy used iPhone & iPads Page 6 LEISUREVILLE NEWS January 2015 HEALTH FAIR VENDOR LIST 2015 Palm Beach Leisureville 2015 Health Fair Friday January 23rd 9:30am – 12:30pm MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT ONLINE: www.BRRH.com/MammoVan or CALL THE SCHEDULING LINE AT: 561.955.4700 (OPTION 1) CLUBHOUSE RESERVATIONS SIGN UPS FOR ALL CLUBHOUSES MARCH 3, TUESDAY PATIO ROOM CLUBHOUSE 3 9 – 10 AM Name Service or Product Julie Salomon Hearing Aid Specialist Mar-J-Medical Medical Supplies Area Agency Aging Medicare Counseling Bethesda Healthcare Health Info A Plus Private Care Private Care Expicare Nursing Agency Private Duty Home care Audiology With Heart Amplified Phones Comfort Keepers Home Health Care Kasten Eye Center Eye Care Hand & Wrist Institute Grip Strength Helix Biomedics LLC Clinical Trial Dignity Memorial Pre Planning Edward Jones Financial Services Lighthouse for Blind Rehab for Blind Dermatology Assoc Dermatology Amicus Medical Center Information Caregiver Services In Home Care Outreach Experts Hearing Loss Telephones Atria Meridian Sr. Independent & Assisted Living Quality Living Alerts Med Alert System Dr. Jay Newman Podiatry Legal Shield Identity Theft Protection QUESTIONS: SUSIE BRUFLADT 369-7130 NOVEMBER C.O.P. RIDERS The Palm Beach Leisureville Recreation Committee Presents The 2015 Variety Show “SEE THE USA” “Where you’re from, where you’ve been, or where you’d like to visit. Friday, February 27th – 8:00 PM Saturday, February 28th – 8:00 PM Sunday, March 1st – 2:00 PM At PBL Clubhouse III 3 Tickets - $10.00 - Will be on sale at Clubhouse III on Tuesdays, Feb.3rd, 10th, 17th, & 24th 9:00AM – 10:00AM NORMAN AQUILINO BEVERLY GARRIS BEVERLY ROSENZWEIG CARL BADAMO GLORIA GROCH IRA ROSENZWEIG MARY BEGLEY CHARLES HARRINGTON SEAN RYAN CARL BENTLY PATRICK HUGHES LOUISE RICKER SHIRLEY BERNS PETER KARALEKAS JOHN RODDA BRETI COATES JOAN KELLY JULIANNA ROSADO NOREEN CAHILL PATRICIA KHOURY CHERYL RYDER ADELAIDE CAMPBELL RAY KISH JUNE SILVA BEVERLY CLASSEN MAE LAZARUS MARGARET SULLIVAN JAMES CLASSEN GEORGE LEONHARDT LOUISE SWEENEY NICHOLAS COLAGIOVANNI LARRY LIMOGE ELLEN TRAYNOR ELEANOS COSTELLO PHYLLIS MACALLISTER KATHLEEN URE MARY CUCCINOTIA KENNETH MALLEY MARGE WACHSMUTH CARMELITA CURTIS ANTHONY MARANO KENNETH WHITE THEODORE D’ALOIA CARL MARTURANO MARIE WILLIAMS DIANA HANES ROBERT MCCOY GLORIA WOLFE VIVIANE DIETSCHY JOHN MCGRATH DELMAS WOOD JR RITA DIPRETIE JOHN MCNULTY JOHN ZAMPEDRI ROCCO DIPRETIE KARL MIELENHAUSEN JOSEPH GIROLAMO MARIE MILLER January 2015 December 2014 LEISUREVILLE NEWS NEWS LEISUREVILLE Page 77 Page Help make the Health Fair yours Please give to a Health Professional you would recommend to your friends and neighbors. This way we can make the Health Fair really great and Personal. Palm Beach Leisureville Health Fair 2015 Sponsored Dr. Martha Rodriguez, M.D., P.A. and The Recreation Committee We hope you can join us for our upcoming HEALTH FAIR, so that we can provide health information to maintain a strong healthy lifestyle to our community. The health fair will be held on Friday, January 23rd, 2015, from 9:30 am till 12:30 pm at Palm Beach Leisureville Clubhouse 3 at 2000 SW 13th Ave, Boynton Beach, Fl 33426. Everyone should set up by 9:15 am and we ask that you do not break down your exhibit before 12:30 pm. We normally have over 500 attend, so please bring enough educational and promotional material. There will be FREE COFFEE and goodies in the morning. Each exhibitor will have a 6’ table and 2 chairs. Please bring your own tablecloth for your table. Also, let us know on the registration form, if you have any special needs or requirements that we should be aware of prior to setup, i.e. electricity or location. We will do our best to accommodate you. If you are providing a complimentary screening, please note it on the form. Exhibitors, if you bring raffle prizes, please do at your own table. We would request you take a picture of the winner and we will publish it in our newspaper. Please note this on the form as well. The registration fee for an exhibit is $100 for a 6’ table. Please complete the attached registration form and with check payable to PBL Recreation Committee ---- by December 10, 2014. Mail to: PBL Recreation Committee , C/O Dympna Fitzmaurice, 599 SW Golf Dr., Boynton Beach, FL 33426. Please contact us if you have any questions: Brenda Byrom (561) 594-3286 or brenda-colin@hotmail.com We look forward to making this a very successful health fair and we hope you can be part of it! --------------------------------------------------------------------detach here------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Palm Beach Leisureville Health Fair 2015: Vendor Application Company/Organization Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:______________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name:______________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number:_________________________________Fax Number:_____________________________________ E-Mail Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Service Exhibiting:_______________________________________________________________________________ Screening if Offered:______________________________________________________________________________ Raffle Prize:_______________________________________________________________________________________ 6ft Table ($100):________ Electricity: ____No ____Yes Special Setup Requests/Requirements: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please make the check payable to PBL Recreation Committee and mail with completed form no later than December 10th to: PBL Recreation Committee C/O Dympna Fitzmaurice 599 SW Golf Dr. Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Signature:______________________________________________________Date:_________________ Page 8 LEISUREVILLE NEWS January 2015 EDMUND DEFILIPPIS 1114 SW 17TH ST. MEET THE CANDIDATES HAROLDP. EIDE 1003 REPOSO AVE., BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33426 27 PRITTEN HILL ROAD BROOKFIELD, CT 06804 PHONE (203) 775-3179 E - MAIL HALEIDE@GMAIL.COM CELL 475-204 - 0996 OBJECTIVE: To secure a position on the board of directors for Palm Beach Leisureville Community EDUCATION: Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT Team: Interim Initial Support Teacher Training, Fall/2009 Southern Connecticut State University , New Haven, CT Sixth Year Degree, Educational Leadership, 5/1981 Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT Master of Science Degree, Education Major and Mathematics Minor, 6/1975 University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT Bachelor of Science Degree, Electrical Engineering Major and Mathematics Minor, 6/1966 Norwalk State Technical College Associates of Science Degree, Electrical Engineering Major and Mathematics Minor, 6/1966 TEACHING EXPERIENCE: • University Supervisor, Western Connecticut State University 1/20095/2013 • Mathematics Teacher, Danbury High School Fall semester/2008 • Mathematics Teacher, Newtown High School Spring semester/2008 • Acting Assistant Principal, Rogers Park Middle School 11/07-12/07 • Mathematics Teacher, Danbury High School 9/1980 -6/2007 • Educate diverse classes of students in various levels of mathematics, including Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Pre-calculus. Math strategies include hands-on, integrated projects and various types of technology. Emphasis placed on assisting students to prepare for the needs of University level math. • Building Bridges Project, Coordinator for Danbury Public Schools 7/2004- 6/2006 • Led Danbury Public School teachers through professional development of a diagnostic application program ALEKS that enabled teachers to individualize tests and instruction to prepare students for the WCSU math accuplacer. • Mathematics Teacher, Rogers Park Junior High 9/1970- 9/1980 •Taught geometry, algebra and general mathematics . • BEST Connecticut Training Mentor 6/1999- 6/2007 Preformed duties of a Master Teacher for student teachers on the BEST Practices of Teaching. • Volleyball Assistant Coach, Danbury High School 4/2002- 6/2004 VALUED EXPERIENCE: Lakeside Townhouse Association president 6/2008--present Executive Owner and Manager of Candlewood Lake Apartments 6/1980-2/2006 Responsibilities included, however not limited to advertisement, screening applications, expansive management of property, and comprehensive accounting. Engineer & Consultant, Mitrek Management Inc. New York, NY 6/1981-6/1991 Responsible for negotiation of leases, approval and improvement of all maintenance, while incorporating valuable interpersonal skills for a group of employees. Design Engineer, Computer Optics, Bethel, CT 8/1969-8/1970 Responsible for making needed design of test equipment and accountable for the monitoring of the construction and implementation. Senior Design Technician, Norden , Norwalk CT 6/1967- 8/1969 Responsible for the construction and testing of new equipment. I am a Florida resident who has owned in Leisureville since 1987. Being active in our community is important and it presents the opportunity to meet and speak with many residents. I volunteer at the weekly flea market and is a pleasure to do so. I offer my thirty years of experience in commercial construction and six years as a union business agent for labors international. My familiarity with contracts and contractors can benefit Leisureville. It is my goal to make sure our HOA receives the best results for the money we spend. Much has been accomplished since becoming president in February of 2013. The restoration of the r-3 pool and spa, the entire r-3 clubhouse and its continous efforts to up date the entire facility is still on going. What a beautiful hall we have. The restoration of the r·2 pool and interior work for club house 2 is in full swing. The r-2 fitness center is a state of the art excersice room and they are continuing to up grade its equipment and work out area. In the beginning of 2015 the r-1 pool will be renovated along with the up dating of club house 1, a much needed project. The r-3 and r-1 parking lots have been resurfaced and painted and they look good. The Donna King Memorial has been completed and it is a testament on how everyone can come together to complete this great project. The bocce courts are a huge success and i am glad that many residents are enjoying it. The storm drains, pop up sprinklers and the painting are all on going projects. We are also looking into the possibility of a pickle ball court and i look forward to the outcome. It is important to me that we continue to up date our community. We want to bring Leisureville into a competative housing market so we can receive top dollars for our homes if you decide to sell. I would like to continue working for you,I appreciate your support and I ask for your vote to keep moving Leisureville forward into the 21st century. THANK YOU. ED DEFILIPPIS PRESIDENT~ Louise Farrell 1909 SW 13TH Avenue A native New Yorker, lived in South Carolina for 15 years and now a full time resident of Lelsureville since 2009. My mother has been living in Leisureville since 1976. Leisureville services: C.O.P., Exercise Class, Ladies Golf League, Bowling League and Membership for both the Long Island and New Jersey Clubs. I worked for Northrop Grumman for 33 years as a Material Program Manager. My main responsibility was to insure that all material and components were delivered on time and available to build the aircraft. In addition, for 15 years while living on Hilton Head Island, I worked for a General Contractor, and ran his business for him. My main reason for running for the Board of Directors is my interest in keeping Leisureville as an updated beautiful community to attract new residents. If you elect me, I feel I would bring new blood and new ideas to the community. Lewis J Petriccione 1015 SW 16th StreetBoynton Beach, FL 33426 Ph 561 737 1608 Retired. Executive Company Vice President. Education: Graduated Stone Business College 1957, Accounting Major, New Haven Connecticut. Military Service; US Army veteran, Finance corp. Work experience: Esso Standard oil, clerical to Management. Professional Business’s; Pet -Car products and Mfg Inc, 80 employees, New Haven, Conn.19 65-1990 Machine works production including Tool and Die fabrication. Founded Turbine components Corp. 600 employees, Branford, Conn. Founded Coatings technology Co. 200 employees, Branford, Conn. An FAA repair station, sold 1995. Business’s after being purchased, currently in operation under my three son’s working in the management. My Comment: I am a successful decision maker and would like to contribute to the success of the Palm Beach Leisureville Community Association. January 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS Stephen Palermo Synopsis Vita 1012 SW 16th Street Boynton Beach, Fl33426 Frank Vilardo My PBLCA Mission Statement: To promote a sense of community, livability, safety, welfare of the residents. To preserve property values and the quality of life through the prudent use of resources for the benefit of all who live, visit or work in our Community. To such purposes conduct any business and engage in any activity compliant of “not for profit” corporations under the laws of the State and City of Boynton Beach, Florida for the benefit of the property and the property owners. Provide responsible management and use of community assets to benefit all owners. To assure adherence of the covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements. Palm Beach Leisureville Comm Assoc Board Of Directors. Past Member PBLCA BOD Treasurer, 2 years. (2012-2013) Coordinate hiring of PBLCA accountant with Finance comm. and Manager. Finance committee liaison (2012-2013) Coordinate No Trespassing sign installation in PBL with Boynton Beach City Police and Manager. Assist in the successful remodel project of pool at R2 with manager. Participate in the TV provider installation in R1,R2 and R3, 2012/2013 Participate in the Storm sewer infrastructure work in PBL with contractor, BOD and Manager. Past Member GIS study group. Palm Beach Leisureville Community Association Activities: Previous LCC committee VC, 1year. COP member, ongoing. Boynton Beach, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) member, ongoing. PBL Men’s Golf league Treasurer 4+ years, ongoing. Professional Background (Retired) Department of Energy National laboratories (NNSA) Research Engineering and Manager Government budget (capital expense) Fortune 500 companies, HP & Hitachi Boynton Beach City Planning commission Alternate member Other: Davis Park Fire Department (DPFD) Volunteer firefighter. Davis Park Association (DPA) Board Of Directors CPR/AED certified. Sp-2014 rev0.3 Election Committee ELECTION COMMITTEE A. Purpose: The Election Committee members shall handle all aspects of the election including addressing Green envelopes to the voters, labeling the back of the yellow envelope with voterS name, property number, signature line, printing of ballots, printing proxy statement and letter of explanation, printing of candidates resume, mailing of ballots, handling returns, counting ballots and reporting results to the membership at the Annual Members Meeting. B. The Election Committee shall consist of five (5) members not currently serving on the Nomination Committee, Board of Directors or on the slate as a candidate. The members shall be appointed by the Board of Directors in December from a list of volunteers and be determined by the Secretary of the Board of Directors drawing from a hat, five (5) names from the list of volunteers. C. A Chairperson will be elected at the first meeting of the Election Committee in December. Additional ballot counters may be added at the discretion of the Chairperson. D. At the last Board meeting in January, the Chairperson of the Election Committee will ask for volunteers to assist in the preparation of ballots to be mailed. Board of Director Qualifications: Cover Letter and Resume Candidates must be a resident of PBLCA (name on deed) Candidates must be up to date on all Maintenance assessments. The statute provides that within 90 days after being elected or appointed to the board, each director shall certify in writing to the secretary of the association that he or she has read the association’s declaration of covenants, articles of incorporation, bylaws, and current written rules and policies. Or; Within 90 days after being elected or appointed to the board, in lieu of such written certification, a newly elected or appointed director may submit a certificate of having satisfactorily completed an educational curriculum administered by a state-approved education provider, within 1 year before, or 90 days after, the date of election or appointment. The Association shall perform a countrywide background check in accordance to FS 720.307 (9) (b) A person who has been convicted of any felony in this state or in a United States District or Territorial Court, or has been convicted of any offense in another jurisdiction which would be considered a felony if committed in this state, is not eligible for Board membership unless such felon’s civil rights have been restored for at least 5 years as of the date on which such person seeks election to the Board. Page 9 Education: Xavier University -B.S. Psychology 1962 Xavier University- M.A. Psychology 1965 University of North Carolina- Dr. P.H. Health Administration 1971 Professional Experience National Safety Council l964-1969 Senior Research Scientist University of North Carolina 1969-1971 Doctoral Student University of North Carolina 1971-1972 Research Scientist Dept. Health Education & Welfare 1972-1973 Public Health Advisor Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs 1973-2004 Associate Professor, also served as Director Transportation Research Center (1992-1998) and Director Undergraduate Programs (1998-2004) Indiana University 2004 to present Retired Personal Married to Gayle Vilardo, four children and nine grandchildren. P art time resident Palm Beach Leisureville since April 2003. Leisureville involvement Board of Directors member since November 2011, Hobby Shop volunteer, Flea Market volunteer, previously volunteer golf shop and member of technology committee. Previous nonprofit boards Blooimington Hospital- president Indiana Public Health Association, president Bloomington Against Abusing Alcohol and Drug, president Bloomington Boys Club, president Monroe County Board of Health, vice-president Public Health Nursing Association, president St. Charles Borromeo Parish Council, vice president St. Charles Borromeo Parish Finance Committee, chairman St. Charles Borromeo Parish Board of Education, member Robert H. Wilt 110 SW 1Oth Street Boynton Beach, FL 33426 561-336-2940 Resume I am a full time resident of Leisureville presently serving as Treasurer. I am Allocate over 15+ hours a week to Board Business for Leisureville . I presently Hold or have Held Positions within the community : Leisureville C.O.P.’s (now only on occasion) Architectural Committee (Past) Presently I am Researching Leisureville ‘s History for our 50th Bicentennial Celebration Leisureville Nominating Committee 2013 (Past) Previous Work History: U.S.NAVY- Aviation Maintenance Office, 6 years - Discharged with Honors Mason-Dixon Trucking Co- Ass’t Dock Forman in charge of Security Traffic of valuables. Foster-Lipkins Corp - Office Manager& Construction Site Coordinator. Duties were setting up office construction sites and establishing bank accounts for R.I.T (Rochester Institute of Technology); Monroe Community College , Queensbury Comm. College, S.U.N.Y. Phase 1 Albany, Corning Office Tower and the Swan St. Motor Vehicle Building . Responsible for payroll on each project. Paddock Pool Builders, Inc.- Purchasing Agent, purchased concrete, steel, tile etc. all items needed for the construction of Commercial Swimming Pools. Created Concrete delivery pumping system. Campito Plumbing Corp - Purchasing Agent - Set up warehouse and established the Purchasing Department. Bought pipe, steel pipe & fittings. Also plastic pipe and fittings needed for major construction Projects throughout New York State. Purchased Commercial A/C units for motel projects . Cosmetologist - Salon Owner of 5 salons- also substitute-teacher at BOCES NY (Board of Educational Services New York) . Lived in and owned a hair salon in Puerto Rico. State License administrator for New York State. HAIR 2000- Major Hair Salon Chain, General Manager Indian River State College of Cosmetology - Stuart, Florida Adjunct Instructor for Cosmetology & Barbering Tiffany Nursing Home - Partially retired/part time providing cosmetology and barbering services for terminal ill residents . Also going to homebound residents homes here in Leisureville . Page 10 LEISUREVILLE NEWS January 2015 Patricia Beeler 2097 SW Lake Circle Drive Employment: Palm Beach County Medical Society, 2010-Present-Receptionist Anne Arundel County Schools, 1975-2007-Business Administrator Volunteer Delray Gift Shop 2007-2009 Relay for Life Cancer Walk, 2007-2008 Boynton Beach Clean-up, 20082010 American Legion Aux. 2008-present Education Kent State University-Education/Business Major Anne Arundel CollegeBusiness Major Leisureville Community Board of Directors, 2009-2010-Treasurer Nominating Committee 2014 I have been a Leisureville resident since 2005. I enjoy “Living the Life” here in southern Florida. I have served as treasurer for the community, where I promoted having the HOA payment directly taken from bank accounts to ensure that monies would be available on a certain date to conduct business. My strength is in business and long term planning, focusing on 5 year plans to see that money is properly put aside for repairs to keep the community functional and safe for all of us to enjoy. Times are changing, Board members will change, but the one thing that will never change and that is Leisureville residents want a community to enjoy in retirement years. Iwill always keep an open mind and make my vote count to uphold the policies of this wonderful community! Thank You Barbara Knutson 2105 S.W. Park Drive Boynton Beach, FL 33426 561·703·5284 Maxmandy0836@yahoo.com I would like to run again for the Board of Directors. I have been on the Board for two years. The reason I want to serve again is to keep trying to help our community run smoothly. With my background in Human Resources/Management plus a strong interest in volunteerism, I feel my skills have been helpful on the Board of Directors. My goal is to keep working to make this safe community and a pleasant looking community. I worked for Bell Atlantic/Verizon for 30 years as Human Resource Manager. Among my duties was to negotiate with Banks, Insurance Companies, Workers Comp and Union Contract and many more duties. Past member of the Human Resources Committee Flea market Volunteer Liaison to the Architectural Committee President of Mirror Lakes HOA for 7 years President of the Montgomery County Telephone Pioneers of America which do fund raisers for the handicapped and elderly Participate in Fund Raising for Autism Presently on the board of Directors of the Freightliner Chassis Owners Club. (A RV Club 4000 members strong) as Senior Vice President and Treasurer. Volunteer for the Special Olympics Bill Patten 2393 SW Congress Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33426 A full time resident of P.B.L. Chairman of the Architectural Control Committee President of the Long Island Club Co Vice-President of the Michigan Club Paper boy with the P.B.L. news Past volunteer at the Flea Market Member of the K of C, P.B.A. and D.E.A. of N.Y.C. Asst. head usher @ St. Thomas More Church Married 48 years to my wife Lorraine 3 children (doctor, lawyer, and physical therapist) Graduated H.S. Master Degree School of Hard Knox, N.Y.C. Majored in Common Sense Retired – N.Y.C. Detective Retired – Campus Facility Manager Hard worker, team player, gets the job done- a true voice of all the people Julia Palmer 2092 SW 13th Way Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Born and raised in New Jersey, it is where I spent most of my life. I purchased my home in Leisureville in 2004 . I worked for Foodarama Supermarkets for 28 years as a Scanning Coordinator. My responsibilities were customer service and project management, including, but not limited to, scheduling, pricing integrity, inventory control, scale accuracy, computer and register management. Retired from there, I moved to Leisureville full time. Leisureville activities include: Landscape Committee Secretary, Treasurer of the Long Island Club, Ladies Golf League, Bowling League, C.O.P. member, participated on the AD HOC hotel committee and I volunteered in the PBLCA office taking ID pictures of the new owners and renters for the golf league. helped organize the annual fund raiser for the Great Kills Yacht Club, helped organize our 4’h of July, Price Is Right Luncheon and I am an active member of the Elks Club. My purpose for running for the Board of Directors is to bring my organizational and excellent team building skills to the table. I am proud to be a resident of Leisureville. It is a beautiful and active community, which we need to keep updating to be current with today’s lifestyles. I feel you need to be flexible and versatile and be able to maintain a sense of humor under pressure in this environment. Thank you for your consideration. Julia Palmer CARL F. WAGNER 1311 SW 21st Street I have lived in Leisureville for the past 11years and am a full time resident. I have previously served on the Board of Directors for several years and taken on many duties which have helped the community to grow into what it is today. I have served on many committees, not only as a member but as Liaison to three committees, Landscape, ACC, and Recreation. I worked for 36 years with the same company and was employed as a Quality Control engineer serving the military and commercial aerospace industry. I served my country in the US Army during the Korean War with an honorable discharge. I am presently involved in completing the bi-yearly Leisureville census as mandated by the State of Florida which will insure that the association retains their status as a 55 adult community. If elected I shall support our governing documents to their fullest. I shall be active in editing our bylaws and introduce new and revised amendments to better serve our community by updating our outdated documents, this will require a team effort by all Board members. David Mobus Candidate for PBLCA Board of Directors Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. Served in US Army, 1960-62. Worked for Sears, Roebuck as a Department Manager for eighteen years. left Sears in 1988 to serve as the State Executive & Service Director for a major veteran’s organization. In that capacity I supervised the operations and finances of the over 10,000 member Michigan department of the organization. Also served as the supervisor of the veterans’ service officers for the organization in Michigan. At the National level of the organization,I served eight terms as the National Inspector General and six terms as a member of the National Constitution & By-laws Committee, four terms as Committee Chairman. Retired in 2007 and moved to Palm Beach leisureville in June of 2011. My wife Kathy and I have been year round residents in the U-3 Condos since then. I have volunteered as a worker for the Monday bingo for the past two years and was the producer of the 2013 PBlCA Variety Show, and will serve as the producer of the 2015 Variety Show. I believe that my experience in management and a good working knowledge of parliamentary procedure will help considerably. January 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS Page 11 CLUBS & COMMITTEES Caring Neighbors So many thanks to Naomi Rorro who cooked Christmas dinner for our home bound residents and to Rosemarie DeSantis who prepared the dessert. Our thank you’s too to those who delivered Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. Those thoughtful folks included Jim and Nancy Malte, Roz Swartz, and Lori and Bob Purcell. How much we appreciate these volunteers!! We continue to need additional volunteers for the office and to provide transportation. We are hoping to raise additional funds for insurance to cover our drivers. Do remember to get your blood pressure checked at the Blood Pressure Clinic on Wednesday, January 7 at Clubhouse 3 between 9 and 11 AM. Some of our volunteers will be sharing why frequently checking your blood pressure is so very important. New office hours at the Caring Neighbors office at Clubhouse 3 are Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 12 PM. For information about Sunshine Calls, call 561-737-3501. Peggy Bailey, Board President WEDNESDAY DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUBHOUSE 2 12:15 NOVEMBER WINNERS Malte - Murnane Baker- Ripley (3) Bolger- Burkholder (2) Eide Hardt-Blumenstock (2) Canalas - Feinstein THURSDAY DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUBHOUSE 1 6:15 NOVEMBER WINNERS Murnane - MacAllister Lambton (2) Malte Hardt -Blumenstock (2) Burk Baker - Ripley Dorothy Baker 738-5082 RECREATION COMMITTEE The Recreation Committee met on December 9, 2014. Many projects have been completed: Clubhouse 1 has new window coverings; the Clubhouse 3 Game Room has been recarpeted, new accessories have been added and the pool tables have been resurfaced. The Clubhouse 1 kitchen is being renovated and should be completed by January. The Fitness Center is being renovated and new equipment will be added. A New Year’s Eve party is scheduled for Clubhouse 1; tickets are $12 per person. The Health Fair is in progress. A “Meet & Greet”, sponsored by the Recreation Committee but organized by the new board members of the New Jersey Club, is scheduled for Friday, January 16, from 4:00 to 6:00 PM at Clubhouse 3. by Sandi Gentile, secretary COMPUTER/CAMERA CLUB NEXT MEETING MONDAY JANUARY 5, 2015 COMPUTER CLUB 6:45-7:30 CLUBHOUSE 2 Time to give your Computer some love - Monthly 1. Clean your Keyboard 2. Clean your Screen 3. Update all Programs 4. How to obtain a list of everything on your Computer 5. Which programs help protect your Computer 6. Plus lots more CAMERA CLUB 7:30-8:15 CLUBHOUSE 2 Time to give your Camera some love - Monthly 1. Charge all Batteries 2. Clean Lens 3. Read Owners Manual 4. Plus lots more Bob Murnane,President 738-0323 WAGON WHEELS CLUB FASHION SHOW DELRAY BEACH GOLF CLUB $30 P/P FEBRUARY 6, 2015 LUNCHEON 11:30-1 PM FASHION SHOW 1 PM 50/50 BASKETS OF CHEER FASHIONS BY TOBY DALES Page 12 LEISUREVILLE NEWS January 2015 CLUBS & ACTIVITIES NEW ENGLAND CLUB Our December meeting was great as Mike Duseberg did magic right before our eyes. Members gave a generous donation to our Mission, the Caridad Center. At our next meeting on January the 9th, we will have a local author, Pam Carey who wrote a humorous book about Leisureville. Our new board for the coming year is: President Maria Kinney, Vice President Suzanne Jackson, Treasurer Bob McCarthy, and Secretary Jean Birdsall. We will have the installation of the new board at our January meeting. We wish everyone a HAPPY HEALTHY NEW YEAR. Jean Birdsall, Secretary Magician Mike Duseberg performs at the New England Club New York Club Raffle winners: Catherine Greene, Bobbi Stedham Mae Lazarus PENNSYLVANIA CLUB The Pennsylvania Club met on Friday, December 19, at Clubhouse 3 for a Christmas sing-along led by Ida Sands. Members brought Christmas cookies to share and Christmas wishes were exchanged. Our next meeting will be on January 16 at 9:30 AM at Clubhouse 3. We will have our “Trash and Treasure” auction with John Stidham as auctioneer. All donations of unwanted items will be accepted and all are welcome to attend. We wish everyone a very Happy New Year. Neena Lynch, secretary PENNSYLVANIA CLUB MARDI GRAS CASINO EVERY THIRD THURSDAY RESERVATIONS TWO WEEKS PRIOR CALL 369-7721 COST $2 INCLUDES $3 TOWARDS LUNCH INCLUDES $5 FREE PLAY BUS DEPARTS 9 AM CLUBHOUSE 3 BUS RETURNS 5 PM Sponsored by Pennsylvania Club Sue Kruse, chairperson Happy New Year! We wish all good health, good friends and good times for 2015. Let's start with agreat get together on Monday, January 12th, at 9:30 am in Clubhouse 3. There will be a mini-breakfast for paid members and musical entertainment by the S,P and G band (Sam, Paul and Gary). Also on the agenda is the filling of the office of the presidency and increasing the number of people on the board. We welcome all your suggestions. Tickets for our annual event will be sold at the meeting and then on Tuesdays 9-10 am in Clubhouse 3 starting in February. SPRING FLING : Saturday, March 21st 5:30-9:30pm in Clubhouse 3 Catered by Ellie's: Chicken Marsala, ham, mashed potatoes, glazed carrots, cake Music by Pink Slip, Raffles, "Name that Tune" Game, Dancing $15 NY Club members, $18 Guests . Reserved seating MICHIGAN CLUB As you read this it will already be 2015. A very happy, healthy New Year to you all.Thank you for all your support in 2014. We hope to provide a fun filled year for everyone. We have some new entertainment and delicious food to be enjoyed. Our Christmas dance was a huge success with a complete sell out. Bud’s served us a delicious prime rib dinner. TJ and Joey kept us on our feet as we danced the night away. We are starting our New Year off with a dinner dance on Thursday January 15th in R3. BYOB happy hour begins at 5 PM. A chicken francese dinner will be served by Ellie’s at 6 PM. Music for dancing will be provided by Ruth Davis from 7 - 9 PM. All this for just $18.00 each. Ticket sales will be on Tuesday January 6th from 9 AM - 10 AM in R - 3. Checks are appreciated. Your $5.00 dues are due if you had not paid them yet. Please bring a separate check ($5.00) for your dues. Invite your friends for some good food and entertainment. Hazel Kowalik Secretary Louise Hanson 733-4673 January 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS NEW JERSEY CLUB At our December meeting the new slate of officers were presented. Beverly Coccoli, President, and Olla Lee, Treasurer, were sworn in by outgoing President Jo Spatafora. Bonnie Kish, Vice President, and Carol Knussman, Secretary will be sworn in at the January meeting as they were not present. We wish the new officers good luck in their new endeavors. The outgoing board, Jo Spatafora, Mae Lazarus, Jo-Ann Cirillo and Marie Miller, would like to wish everyone a Happy & Healthy New Year. Our next club meeting on Wednesday, January 14th, will feature Janet DeVries, author and President of the Boynton Beach Historical Society. She is author of Vintage Postcard Series: Boynton Beach. She has co-authored Images of America: Boynton Beach (with M. Randall Gill) and Vintage Postcard Series: Delray Beach (with Dorothy W. Patterson). She has also written articles on South Florida history and Girl’s Series Books for various newspapers and other publications. Her latest book, Pioneering Palm Beach: The Deweys and the South Florida Frontier, with Ginger L. Pedersen, released September 4, 2012 has brought the hidden history of Palm Beach County out into the open. Critics have applauded the book as a welcome addition to the historical record. A permanent resident of Palm Beach County since 1987, DeVries is the archivist for a South Florida library. A member of the American Association of State and Local History, the American Association of Archivists, the Society of Florida Archivists and the Gold Coast Archivists, and the Historical Society of Palm Beach County, DeVries is President of the Boynton Beach Historical Society. Won’t it be fun to learn more about the fascinating history of the area we live in! Bring a friend and join us at 9:30 AM for coffee, refreshments, and fun. Marie Miller, secretary, and Bonnie Kish, vice president Page 13 Message from the New Jersey Board of Officers; It has been our pleasure to serve you for the past six years. We hope you have enjoyed our programs and benefited from our informed speakers. It is time for new ideas and maybe new activities. We leave it in the hands of your new board of officers for the New Jersey Club. We want to thank everyone who volunteered to help us in running the club: Sandi Gentile and her call girls Louise Farrell & Gloria Groche-Membership Berle Withers-Sunshine Josie DePasqua-Hospitality Tom Spatafora-Set up & Coffee Server Gerhardt Lange-Coffee Preparer Mary Cucinotta-Door Prize & Raffle Eileen Sharkey-Tickets We wish you all Good Luck, Good Health & a Happy New Year. Jo Spatafora, President Mae Lazarus-Vice President Jo-Ann Cirillo-Treasurer Marie Miller- Secretary. LI Club officers Delphine Faust, Julie Palmer, Cheryl Ryder, and Bill Patten pose with Santa (aka Frank Morrison) and Pat Maupin. LONG ISLAND CLUB Happy New Year everyone! If both you and the person who delivers your PBL newspaper are early risers, then you still have time to get to our January meeting. Normally, as of yesterday, people usually make New Year’s resolutions. Some of those resolutions might include getting your legal paperwork reviewed or even getting legal paperwork prepared. Remember, we’re not promised tomorrow. Come get a cup of coffee and a donut and listen to our January speaker, attorney Kevin LaMontague. One of my resolutions is to re-read this column before I send it for publication. I knew that my time travel stuff would catch up with me one day. After reading my December column, boy did I screw up. I really didn’t know if I was coming or going. Oh, well, story of my life. However, Pat Maupin did her normal great job and they stuffed Frank Morrison into the Santa suit. And, Frank, “Yeah we love you, your body – not so much.” You had to be at the meeting to appreciate that remark. If you’re wondering “what the H--L” you’re missing out on really fun, interesting meetings. Speaking of fun, the Long Island Club is having a Valentine’s Day Dance AND it’s cheap. Not free, just cheap. Considering many of us live just on our stipend from Social Security, that’s our second favorite word. For JUST $20.00 per person you’ll get a choice of dinner (Chicken Francaise or Pork Roast with apricot sauce) and dancing with music by RJ & Joey. Now daahling, where are you going to go on Valentine’s Day, especially on a Saturday, for only $20.00. Cheaper than roses and chocolates. Rush to Clubhouse 3, Tuesday mornings from 9-10am or call Cheryl Ryder 561-742-9089. Also, instead of that basket of so called Cheer that no one wants, we’re selling tickets for a chance to win a 50” LED TV. You read that right. The tv grew from last months’ column. Tickets are only $1 each or 6 for $5. You don’t have to come to the dance or even be present to win. A 50” TV for $1, that’s better odds than the Lotto. Finally, just a few more future happenings. If you received some holiday gift that you don’t want, don’t need, please consider donating it to the Long Island Club for our July 4th barbeque/The Price is Right game. Yes, we do have a Price is Right wheel and it will be spun on 7/4/15. Call Cheryl (561-742-9089) with any donations. On January 18, 7PM at Clubhouse 3, there will be a “Meet the Candidates”. Our fantastic community has six openings on our Board of Directors. Take the time to meet the thirteen people who have stepped up to the plate to donate their personal time and energy for the good of the community. Last, but not least, I will again inform all of our residents, when it comes to ANY of the STATE CLUBS, you do not have to have been born in, resided in, even know where the state or location is, to be a member of any club. Just get your backside out there and enjoy the fun. Delphine A. Faust, Secretary Pat Maupin gives a very jolly Santa a kiss! Pat Maupin entertained the LI Club members with Holiday songs. WHAT’S DOING ON LONG ISLAND?? The balmy summer evening concerts at the village of Stony Brook on the North shore of Long Island have been delighting audiences for years. However, people have another purpose in attending these productions. ‘T”hey all come to witness the ‘show’ before the show! One minute before the hour of the event, the conductor, the audience, and the fifty musicians remain absolutely silent!! All are eagerly waiting for the minute hand to strike 12. At precisely this time, the mechanical eagle flaps its wings....and the concert begins! by Vincent Roger Gugliemetti GOSPEL MUSIC CONCERT Dan Schall will be presenting a concert of blue grass and gospel songs and hymns at the First United Methodist Church of Boynton Beach, 101 North Seacrest Blvd. on Saturday, January 31 at 4 p.m. Performing 25 concerts in Florida in January and February, Schall will sing and play guitar as well as share his testimony of what God has done in his life. The concert is free and open to the public. For information, contact Tom Bates, music director, 678/386-9102. Page 14 LEISUREVILLE NEWS January 2015 BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC SPONSORED BY to PB Leisureville CARING NEIGHBORS FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH • Barbara & Lawrence Anderson 1113 Lake Terrace • Robert & Donna Cacossa 519 SW 18 St • James & Catherine Chahalis 1117 Lake Terrace • John Murray 205 SW 14 St • Leslie & Susan Davis 2383 SW 8th Ave Newark, NJ • Alfonso & Nicolina Verruso 1312 SW 18th Ct Boynton Bch • Marion Krutchkoff 2387 SW 13 Way Evansville, IN • Marlene Stuckey 122 SW 10 Ct Boynton Bch • Helen O’Hara 1803 SW 5th Ave Boynton Bch • George & Glenda Tobin 2093 SW 13th Ave Boynton Bch • Julie & Edward Solomon 1821 SW Congress Blvd • Raymond & Katherine Montezon1003 SW 5 Ave Boynton Bch • Peggy Harper 1822 Congress Blvd Boynton Bch • Luciano Mancini 1313 SW Lake Ct th Florida New Providence, NJ th JANUARY 7 CLUBHOUSE 3 9 – 11 AM New York Ft. Collins, CO th th th Delray Bch SECTION LEADER NEEDED SECTIONS ONE AND TWO CALL 737-8048 HOBBY SHOP TUESDAY 9:30- 11:00 am OR CALL LOUIS FORRLER, 561-734-7286 Jupiter, FL PALM BEACH LEISUREVILLE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION NOTICE OF 2015 MONTHLY BOARD MEETINGS BOARD MEETINGS THIRD TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 7:00 P.M. – R3 JANUARY 20th FEBRUARY 17th MARCH 17th APRIL 21st MAY 19th JUNE 16th JULY 21st AUGUST 18th SEPTEMBER 15th OCTOBER 20th NOVEMBER 17th DECEMBER 15th STILL NEEDED!!!! FLEA MARKET VOLUNTEERS 12/30/2013 For Saturday AM by 7:30 AM to arrange and fill tables with items to sell. and/or 11:00 AM to pack and returnNotice merchandise to of Monthly Meetings.docx the secure areas. Call Vicky 561-704-8353 LEISUREVILLE NEWS DEADLINE INFO NEWS, FEATURES, SPORTS, PICTURES SENT VIA EMAIL DUE BY THE 18th OF THE MONTH ARTICLES TO BE TYPED DUE BY THE 15th OF THE MONTH ADVERTISEMENTS, CLASSIFIEDS DUE BY THE 15th OF THE MONTH EMAIL FOR NEWSPAPER: news@mypblca.com or roseluke@bellsouth.net EMAIL FOR WEBSITE: admin@mypblca.com 55 Alive Driving Program Come to Class at R-3 8:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Wednesday January 21st class Call for February 18th The cost is $15 members, $20 non-members Call Jerry Needleman @ 561-965-0672 CLUBHOUSE RESERVATION CLARIFICATION To all clubs/organizations & private parties: Please note the capacity number posted by the Boynton Beach Fire Department does not include a Dance Floor!!! When planning an event, if there is to be a dance the capacity is reduced. For example, if you are reserving Clubhouse 3, the capacity is 168 WITHOUT A DANCE FLOOR. Therefore, if you are planning a dance, the number of SEATS IS REDUCED TO 130. If you are planning on using the patio room, that will hold an additional 75 tables/chairs, bringing your total for BOTH ROOMS to 200. FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR RESIDENTS AND GUESTS THESE NUMBERS MUST BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO. Thank you for your cooperation in this very important matter. The Recreation Committee Flea Market Change FLEA MARKET resumes January 3. PICK-UPS will be made on Thursdays from 9AM till 12 Noon for larger items. Special Arrangements for other times MUST BE MADE through Barbara (561-703-5284) or Ruth (561-523-2487). Vicky White (561-704-8353) PET COMPLAINTS The Leisureville newspaper has received several complaints from concerned residents about pet owners who do not clean up after their pets. Residents with pets are encouraged to ‘walk’ their pets on their own property and duly pick up after them. Doing so will show consideration for those service people who come onto our property. Cleaning up after your pet’s mess is also most appreciated by other homeowners. In addition to keeping our community clean and beautiful, picking up after your pets will decrease the chances of spreading disease. Our community allows owners to have pets. Please do not abuse this privilege. January 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE This committee meets twice a month, on the first and third Tuesday at 9 AM at the Association Office on Ocean Avenue. All residents are welcome. Please consider volunteering. We need all the help we can get. No experience is required. As a committee, we approve or disapprove all home improvement applications. We inspect all homes before they get a painted. We inspect all homes that are for sale. Also, we respond to all complaints. If you live in Section One or Three, your home is going to get painted in 2015. Section One homes should have been inspected between November and December in order for the homeowner to repair those non-conforming areas prior to painting. Section Three homes will be inspected beginning in January. During the month of November, there were 15 applications for home improvement. All were approved. There were 82 home inspections; 43 conformed and 39 did not conform. There were 10 resale home inspections; 2 conformed and 8 did not conform. There were 18 complaints; 1 conformed and 17 did not. The only colors for your driveway authorized by the Board are gray, green, tan, natural cement, and black (if you have blacktop). If your driveway has another color, you are in violation of the PBL rules and regulations. If you have bushes or flowers around your carriage light, please keep plant life trimmed so that they do not block the light in the area. These lights must be on 24/7 or on a light sensor. All homes must have numeral numbers on the home a minimum 4 1/2” to follow the City of Boynton code. We would like to thank all our neighbors who conform to the rules and regulations for keeping our community looking great. We would also like to thank Mignano Lawn Service and Coastal Painting for doing a great job too! The Architectural Control Committee would like to wish all our neighbors a Happy and Healthy New Year. Bill Patten and the Architectural Control Committee The Picnic A Jewish Rabbi and a Catholic Priest met at the town’s annual 4th of July picnic. Old friends, they began their usual banter. “This baked ham is really delicious,” the priest teased the rabbi. “You really ought to try it. I know it’s against your religion, but I can’t understand why such a wonderful food should be forbidden! You don’t know what you’re missing. You just haven’t lived until you’ve tried Mrs. Hall’s prized Virginia Baked Ham. Tell me, Rabbi, when are you going to break down and try it?” The rabbi looked at the priest with a big grin, and said, “At your wedding.” CLUBHOUSE RESERVATIONS Please contact Susie Brufladt (561) 369-7130 B I N BINGO G O VOLUNTEERS NEEDED 4 27 3255 73 MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY 15 25 41 58 75 NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED 8 26 59 WILLFREE TRAIN ACTIVE PEOPLE LIVE LONGER 7 22 33 13 17 43 561-734-5843 CALL JACK Page 15 KENNETH CLARK PASSES Kenneth Clark of Leisureville passed away at his home in Mystic, Connecticut on November 14, 2014. Ken was born in Chicopee Falls, MA, but raised in Cornwall, Ontario, Canada. He served in the Navy for 22 years and retired as a Master Chief Petty Officer. Ken then worked for Electric Boat as a nuclear sound test engineer from 1966 to 1981. He was predeceased by his wife of 64 years, Maureen, in 2012. He is survived by his three daughters, Karen, Barbara, and Janice; four grandsons and two great grandsons. Ken and Maureen came to Leisureville in 1988. They loved spending their winters here. Ken will be remembered for his sense of humor and quick wit and also for his helping hands as he was always repairing anything that needed repair for his condo association and loved doing it. Ken will be missed by all who knew him. by Sally Scott DON MURNAME PASSES Leisureville has lost a wonderful person with the death of Donald Murname. I met Don in 1999. Since that time, I always admired his many excellent human qualities. Many may recall seeing him in the clubhouses, playing pool. He was one of the best. He was also a doctor in the field of prodiatry. Don often donated his time to helping others. He was an eucharistic minister at our parish of St. Mark taking Communion to the home-bound. The Greeks have a saying: "Speak well, speak gently of those who have passed." And I will. Don was a good friend, a good husband, and a good father. I was fortunate to call him my friend. I know that he will be greatly missed by many. byCharles A. Harrington Thank You To all of my Leisureville neighbors for your kind condolences at the passing of my dear husband Paul Hicks. Your many acts of kindness are greatly appreciated. God Bless all of you Bernadette Mc Nally-Hicks The Usher An elderly woman walked into the local country church. The friendly usher greeted her at the door and helped her up the flight of steps. “Where would you like to sit?” he asked politely. “The front row, please,” she answered. “You really don’t want to do that,” the usher said. “The pastor is really boring.” “Do you happen to know who I am?” the woman inquired. “No,” he said. “I’m the pastor’s mother,” she replied indignantly. “Do you know who I am?” he asked. “No,” she said. “Good,” he answered. 70 54 62 48 67 Scrabble Players Wanted Scrabble is a board game where you make up words from your seven tiles that have letters from A to Z with different point values. You aim for the highest score from these letters. We play every Tuesday at 1 PM at Clubhouse 2. We draw numbers to see whom you play against. We play for fun and will even help you if you have trouble. We use word lists of two and three letters and even use the dictionary. (Yes, we are known to cheat if necessary!) This is a way to meet new friends and challenge your mind at the same time. All are welcome. Come join us. Any questions, call Beryl at 736-8129. John Stidham Boynton Garage Door Garage Doors and Door Openers Sales & Service Competitive Rates Call Kenny @ 561-789-1204 Anytime Leisureville Resident LIC U-21480 Page 16 LEISUREVILLE NEWS January 2015 LEISUREVILLE ENTERTAINMENT LEISUREVILLE RECREATION COMMITTEE Presents Country Rock Dance MUSIC BY THE RODEO CLOWNS January 24, 2015 • Club House 3 Music from 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. Doors Open at 6:30 p.m. BYOB & Snacks $1e2r p n o pers Western Wear Optional Ticket # _________ ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT TICKET SALES TICKET SALES CLUBHOUSE 3 9-10 AM Ok, so it’s not the ‘real’ Jake and Elwood, nor is it truly Tina, but you’ll think it is! Join us for a night of jazz, rock, soul, R&B, funk and more! You’ll be tapping your feet to the sounds of James Brown, Cab Calloway, Aretha Franklin, and Tina will be singing hits including “Proud Mary” and “What’s Love Got to Do With It”. CLUBHOUSE 3 EVERY TUESDAY STARTING NOVEMBER 4 9-10 AM Theatre Series $20 per showDANCE or $45 for10/18/2014 all three HARVEST/HALLOWEEN EVERY TUESDAY STARTING NOVEMBER 4 $12 ASHLEY COOPER 01/11/2015 BLUES BROTHERS & TINA TURNER 02/08/2015 EVERY TUESDAY STARTING SEPTEMBER 16 MAGICIAN GARY MIDNIGHT & COMEDIAN PETER FOGEL 03/15/2015 COUNTRY WESTERN DANCE 01/24/2015 Theatre Series NOVEMBER 4 EVERY TUESDAY BEGINNING $12 All events$20 sponsored byorDelray Buick/GMC per show $45 for all three Dealership For more information EVERY TUESDAY STARTING NOVEMBER 4 call Sandi 735-8947 or Midge 742-7290 ASHLEY COOPER Show runs 7pm-9pm with a 15-minute intermission, and the doors open at 6:30. Tickets are $20/pp or $15/pp if you buy the 3-show series for 45! Porkpie hats and dark sunglasses optional! Presented by the Recreation Entertainment Committee Sponsored by Delray Buick/GMC Dealership 01/11/2015 BLUES BROTHERS & TINA TURNER 02/08/2015 MAGICIAN GARY MIDNIGHT & COMEDIAN PETER FOGEL 03/15/2015 COUNTRY WESTERN DANCE 01/24/2015 $15 Ashley the Entertainer returns to Palm Beach Leisureville withEVERY his singing and dancing from theNOVEMBER 40’s thru the460’s a TUESDAY BEGINNING la Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Elvis, and more, and his All events sponsored by Delray Buick/GMC Dealership dancing has been compared to Gene Kelly! For more information call Sandi 735-8947 or Midge 742-7290 Join us for a double-header event! We have comedian Peter Fogel, who was trained in improv at Second City in Chicago and has worked with Robert Klein, David Spade and other Hollywood stars, and who also wrote for tv shows like “Married with Children”, “The Howie Mandell Show” and others, starting us off with some laughs. Then, after a brief intermission, Gary Midnight, Master Magician/Illusionist will perform his fast-paced, jaw-dropping, wild magical experience! So, come on out for a night of professional showmanship! Show runs 7pm-8pm, and the doors open at 6:30. Show runs 7-9pm with a brief intermission between acts, and doors open 6:30. Tickets are $20/pp or $15/pp if you buy the 3-show series for $45! Presented by the Recreation Entertainment Committee Tickets are $20/pp or $15/pp if you buy the 3-show series for $45! Presented by the Recreation ntertainment Committee Sponsored by Delray Buick/GMC Dealership Presented by the Recreation Entertainment Committee Sponsored by Delray Buick/GMC Dealership January 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS Page 17 Alexis Chapman, L.M.T. $60 $90 60-minute massage 90-minute massage Call: (561) 735-2105 Mobile Massage - Relaxation in the Comfort of Your Home or Office! Deep-Tissue, Swedish, Pre-Natal, and Aromatherapy Flexible Scheduling; Day, Evening, & Weekend Appointments Serving Palm Beach County for Over Nine Years We Accept Cash, Check, and All Major Credit Cards Florida Licensed (MA44456) and Insured Prestige Marketed & Sold in 14 days, Closed in 29 days “As a resident of Leisureville, I am here to help provide a smooth transition.” Mary Ellen Fowler Licensed Real Estate Professional SOLD MARY ELLEN FOWLER, PA MaryEllenFowler@remax.net Cell: 561-735-2265 Page 18 LEISUREVILLE NEWS January 2015 2014 Christ Tz Tz Tz Mae Lazarus and Marie Miller sell raffle tickets to Roseanne Roche and Cathie Bilardello. Singing The Wonder of You, Danny Suppa steals the show from Joey. Jeanette and Bill Norris Midge and John Mahnken and Mae Lazarus dance away! Lynne Vickers and Louise Richter Mary Cucinotta and Sam Bellotto Paula Walsh and Ken White Nancy and Sergio Pacini Sheena and Jim LaDouceur January 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS Page 19 tmas Dance Tz Tz Tz Frank Morrison and Bill Patten do the Tango! Carmelita Curtis, Dom Intagliato, and Joan Schone croon Sweet Caroline. Edward and Mary Hunt Maria and Ted D’Aloia, Kathy and Jim Sims, Joanne Cirillo, and Mae Lazarus Julianne and Ray Rosado Marie Crimi and Rich Heinick Residents enjoy their prime rib dinner. Sandi and Kenny Gentile Fred and Mary Loquivice Sandi and AJ Alleshouse Page 20 Toys for Tots LEISUREVILLE NEWS Ginny and Leo Grondin bring their donation. January 2015 Cele Weissman, Midge Mahnken, and Joan Schone from the Technology Committee enjoy breakfast with Bob Luke, Ken Weissman, and Carmelita Curtis. Natalie Larivee makes a donation to Martha Miller. Vicky White gives Bob Luke a goodie. Michael L. Levine Patsy and Jack McKee donate a boy’s and girl’s bike. M.D., F.A.C.S. Specializing in Cataract & Glaucoma Surgery Webb White signs in with Martha Miller from Edward Jones. Premium Lens Cataract Surgery Tecnis®Crystalens® ReSTORE®Toric® 561-600-9286 3280 Old Boynton Rd. Boynton Beach, FL 33436 www.eyeconsultantspalmbeach.com Scott presents a hot wheels donation to Cele Weissman. January 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS Page 21 Palm Beach Leisureville January 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 ¥7:30 AM - Ladies Golf Lg. ¥6:10 PM - Hand & Foot R1 ¥6:15 PM - Bridge @ R1 ¥8:00 AM - Walk/ Exrcse R1 ¥9:30 AM - L. I. Club @R3 ¥1:30 PM - Tap Dancing R3 ¥7:15 PM - Hymn Sing R2 ¥7:30 PM - 25 Card Club R1 ¥8:30 AM - Mix Chorus R2 ¥9:00 AM - Flea Market @ R2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ¥7:00 PM - Board Meeting R3 ¥1:00 PM - Mah Jong, R1 ¥6:15 PM - Bingo @ R3 ¥6:30 PM - Line Dancing R2 27 28 29 30 31 ¥2:00 PM - WWII History Series ¥7:00 AM - Mens Golf Lg 1939-1945 ¥8:00 AM - Walk/Exrcse R1 ¥6:00 PM - Euchre R2 ¥8:30 AM - Ladies Golf Committee R3 ¥9:30 AM - Golf Comm Meeting @ ofÞce ¥1:30 PM - Tap Dancing R3 ¥6:15 PM - Bingo @ R3 ¥9:00 AM - Ticket Sales R 3 ¥9:00 AM - Drawing/Painting R2 ¥9:00 AM - Arch Comm R1 ¥1:00 PM - Scrabble R2 ¥6:05 PM - Hand & Foot R1 ¥6:30 PM - pinochle at R2 ¥2:00 PM - WWII History Series ¥7:00 AM - Mens Golf Lg ¥9:00 AM - Ticket Sales R 3 1939-1945 ¥8:00 AM - Walk/Exrcse R1 ¥9:00 AM - Drawing/Painting ¥6:00 PM - Euchre R2 ¥8:30 AM - NY Club Meeting @ R2 ¥7:00 PM - Ashley Cooper R3 ¥9:00 AM - Annual Meeting @ Theatre Series ¥1:30 PM - Tap Dancing R3 R2 ¥1:30 PM - Men's Golf Comm ¥9:00 AM - Rec Com R1 Meeting @ OfÞce ¥1:00 PM - Scrabble R2 ¥6:15 PM - Bingo @ R3 ¥2:20 PM - Landscape Meeting @ OfÞce ¥6:05 PM - Hand & Foot R1 ¥6:30 PM - pinochle at R2 ¥2:00 PM - WWII History Series ¥7:00 AM - Mens Golf Lg 1939-1945 ¥8:00 AM - Walk/Exrcse R1 ¥6:00 PM - Euchre R2 ¥1:30 PM - Tap Dancing R3 ¥7:00 PM - Meet the Candidates ¥6:15 PM - Bingo @ R3 R3 ¥7:00 PM - COP Meeting @ R2 25 26 ¥2:00 PM - WWII History Series ¥7:00 AM - Mens Golf Lg 1939-1945 ¥8:00 AM - Walk/Exrcse R1 ¥6:00 PM - Euchre R2 ¥1:30 PM - Tap Dancing R3 ¥6:15 PM - Bingo @ R3 ¥9:00 AM - Ticket Sales R 3 ¥9:00 AM - Drawing/Painting R2 ¥1:00 PM - Scrabble R2 ¥6:05 PM - Hand & Foot R1 ¥6:30 PM - pinochle at R2 ¥9:00 AM - Ticket Sales R 3 ¥9:00 AM - Drawing/Painting R2 ¥1:00 PM - Scrabble R2 ¥2:20 PM - Landscape Meeting @ OfÞce ¥6:05 PM - Hand & Foot R1 ¥6:30 PM - pinochle at R2 ¥9:00 AM - Arts & Crafts R2 ¥12:00 PM - Bridge at R2 ¥1:00 PM - MahJong on the Patio, R3 ¥1:00 PM - Mah Jong, R1 ¥6:15 PM - Bingo @ R3 ¥6:30 PM - Line Dancing R2 ¥9:00 AM - Arts & Crafts R2 ¥9:30 AM - NJ Club @ R3 ¥12:00 PM - Bridge at R2 ¥1:00 PM - MahJong on the Patio, R3 ¥1:00 PM - Mah Jong, R1 ¥6:15 PM - Bingo @ R3 ¥6:30 PM - Line Dancing R2 ¥9:00 AM - Arts & Crafts R2 ¥9:00 AM - Driving Course @ R3 ¥12:00 PM - Bridge at R2 ¥1:00 PM - MahJong on the Patio, R3 ¥9:00 AM - Arts & Crafts R2 ¥12:00 PM - Bridge at R2 ¥1:00 PM - MahJong on the Patio, R3 ¥1:00 PM - Mah Jong, R1 ¥6:15 PM - Bingo @ R3 ¥6:30 PM - Line Dancing R2 ¥7:30 AM - Ladies Golf Lg. ¥6:10 PM - Hand & Foot R1 ¥6:15 PM - Bridge @ R1 ¥6:30 PM - Pinochle at R2 ¥7:30 AM - Ladies Golf Lg. ¥9:00 AM - Mardi Gras Casino R3 ¥5:00 PM - Michigan Club @ R3 ¥6:10 PM - Hand & Foot R1 ¥6:15 PM - Bridge @ R1 ¥6:30 PM - Pinochle at R2 ¥7:30 AM - Ladies Golf Lg. ¥3:00 PM - Finance CommOfÞce ¥6:10 PM - Hand & Foot R1 ¥6:15 PM - Bridge @ R1 ¥6:30 PM - Pinochle at R2 ¥7:30 AM - Ladies Golf Lg. ¥6:10 PM - Hand & Foot R1 ¥6:15 PM - Bridge @ R1 ¥6:30 PM - Pinochle at R2 ¥8:00 AM - Walk/ Exrcse R1 ¥9:30 AM - New England Club R3 ¥1:30 PM - Tap Dancing R3 ¥7:15 PM - Hymn Sing R2 ¥7:30 PM - 25 Card Club R1 ¥8:30 AM - Mix Chorus R2 ¥9:00 AM - Flea Market @ R2 ¥8:00 AM - Walk/ Exrcse R1 ¥8:30 AM - Mix Chorus R2 ¥9:30 AM - PA Club Meeting @ ¥9:00 AM - Flea Market @ R2 R3 ¥1:30 PM - Tap Dancing R3 ¥7:15 PM - Hymn Sing R2 ¥7:30 PM - 25 Card Club R1 ¥8:00 AM - Walk/ Exrcse R1 ¥1:30 PM - Tap Dancing R3 ¥7:15 PM - Hymn Sing R2 ¥7:30 PM - 25 Card Club R1 ¥8:00 AM - Walk/ Exrcse R1 ¥1:30 PM - Tap Dancing R3 ¥7:15 PM - Hymn Sing R2 ¥7:30 PM - 25 Card Club R1 ¥ - Country Western Dance R 3 ¥8:30 AM - Mix Chorus R2 ¥9:00 AM - Flea Market @ R2 ¥8:30 AM - Mix Chorus R2 ¥9:00 AM - Flea Market @ R2 http://www.mypblca.com/calendar_print2.asp?report_type=1 CBC1256602 LICENSED & INSURED FREE ESTIMATES CONSTRUCTION & HOME IMPROVEMENT Kitchen Remodeling Bathroom Remodeling General Repairs Custom Built-ins Drywall Repairs Popcorn Removal & Textures Hurricane Prep & Repairs Handyman Services Interior / Exterior Painting Light Fixtures Flooring Crown Moulding Baseboards Windows & Doors Ceiling Fans ACCORDIAN SHUTTERS IMPACT AWNINGS 561-429-4292 J. Sardi Construction JOE SARDI Page 22 LEISUREVILLE NEWS January 2015 “One Call Does it All” BUYING OR SELLING A HOME IN The Arts & Crafts Leisureville? Group would like THEN CALL Paul Malo & Palm Beach Leisureville to thank each and Kim Scheft everyone who We live in Leisureville and know the community! contributed in any Let's face the facts.........If you are interested in Selling your home, right now is the time to list it! The Season is "here" the inventory is "low" and the prices are "up!" way to the success of our Holiday Bazaar. Thank You again NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE Paul Malo / Kim Scheft Realtor® (561) Realtor® 302-7100 (561) 289-1287 Coral Shores Realty More than 800 Agents Strong Saturday Night Social BULLETIN BOARDS in the clubhouses are to be used by RESIDENTS to advertise items for sale. The doors to our clubhouses, stop signs and other public places are NOT to be used to advertise garage sales, political candidates, other services and lost pets. These notices must be placed on the bulletin boards in the community clubhouses and no other place. They must also have the stamp of approval from the office before posting. DOOWOP DANCE Featuring “VINNIE & MARY ANN & PAULIE” Saturday, March 28, 2015 7:30-10:30pm - Clubhouse 3 (doors open 7:00pm) CLUBHOUSE 1 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM Admittance $1.25 per person at the door Summer is over and neighbors and friends are once again welcome to join us for friendly conversation and or to have a cup of coffee, cookies and or dance. Dancing to the music of the oldies: swing, rumba, fox trot, tango, waltz, cha-cha, and line dance. We hope to meet many of our new neighbors will join us. Remember the poodle skirts, cinch belts, saddle shoes, penny loafers, rolled up jeans with white socks. Come & dance the night away with memories of our “DooWop” years. Tickets $10 per person (Limit of up to 1 table of 12 per person) On sale at CLUBHOUSE 3 Tuesdays March 10th & March 17th 8:30 to 10:00am. Any questions please call Rosemary Gieseking 845-661-6529. January 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS Page 23 Pictures Wanted Do you have a picture you’d like to share with your neighbors? The Palm Beach Leisureville website (mypblca.com) is looking for pictures of residents and scenes in and around Leisureville for our new feature “Picture of the Week” on the homepage. If you have pictures you’d like to share, please email them to webmaster@ mypblca.com. Unfortunately, we are not able to accept printed pictures at this time. TEXAS HOLD’EM TUESDAY 6:30 PM Call Carl Olesky 561-752-9276 Goat for Dinner ICE MACHINE WARNING Please do not place anything inside the ice machine at Clubhouse 3, including canned drinks, plastic bottles or any other items. We have discouraged this practice as there are opportunities for contamination of the ice used by the community. If these and other items are placed in the ice, the ice may become contaminated. The ice machine was re-located about a year ago to the pool area to give more security and make sure that it was not used as a personal cooler for people outside the community. Residents should bring a small cooler to the pool in which to keep their drinks and other items cool and not use the ice machine. Always use the scoop to get ice from the machine and not your hands. Do your part to keep Leisureville safe and healthy. The young couple invited their elderly pastor for Sunday dinner. While they were in the kitchen preparing the meal, the minister asked their son what they were having. “Goat,”the little boy replied. “Goat?” replied the startled man of the cloth, “Are you sure about that?” “Yep,” said the youngster. “I heard Dad say to Mom, ‘Today is just as good as any to have the old goat for dinner.’ “ Happy New Year! www.edwardjones.com New Year’s is a time to reflect on the year past. It is also a time to set goals for the future, and Edward Jones can help you do just that. We’re in your neighborhood and available to help you take steps now to help meet your long-term financial goals. W Call today to set up a portfolio review. Wyn Yelin 300 S. Federal Hwy., Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Financial Advisor is A hin Ne Ha g Y w pp ou Ye y ar !! NEW LEISUREVILLE WATERFRONT DON’T LET THE BIG ONE GET AWAY!!!! . 901 N Congress Ave Suite D106 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 561-737-1442 2/2/1 Edgewood Model with paid rec. lease and private dock on the E-4 Canal. Lovingly cared for over 27+ years. Many upgrades over time include tile, carpeting, A/C, kitchen appliances and cabinetry, hot water tank and more! The 10x30 enclosed porch faces east to the water. Great location for the avid boater or bird watcher. Fish 18 miles of waterway. There’s something soothing about being on the water. Please call for an appointment. $239,900 Shown By Appointment Only Call Cheryl Fowler Of Hudson Realty Member SIPC (561) 629-4979 Page 24 LEISUREVILLE NEWS January 2015 LEISUREVILLE sports LADIES GOLF LEAGUE Joe Zuhoski and Ken Groch Cliff Burk The Hole in One Club Congratulations to the new members of the “Hole in One Club”. Del Feliciano (not pictured): Cliff Burke Ken Groch Joe Zuhoski Hole # 17 Hole #6 Hole #6 Hole #8 Hole #5 on May 19, 2014 on May 23, 2014 on September 19, 2014 on November 4, 2014 on November 12, 2014 Submitted by Carmelita Curtis LADIES’ GOLF LEAGUE BOARD: Barbara Razzano, vice-president; Louise Hansen, treasurer; Carol Shasha, secretary; Joan Schone, president. Ladies Golf League Wishing everyone a Healthy and Happy New Year! Congratulations to our new board for the 2015 – 2016 board: President Joan Schone Vice President Barbara Razzano Secretary Carol Shasha Treasurer Louise Hansen We were put in the Holiday Spirit with the lovely Christmas luncheon held at Benvenuto’s Party Center. Thank you to Sandi Gentile and her committee for planning this special luncheon. Due to technical difficulties, pictures for the Blind Partners Tournament played on November 20th and the Consolation Tournament played on December 4 will appear in our next edition. On January 8th we will begin the new year with Regular Play. Enjoy your game. Publicity/Photos Carmelita Curtis SUMMER WEDNESDAY SCRAMBLE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2015 $5 PER PERSON INCLUDES HAMBURGER, CHIPS, DRINK SIGN UP GOLF SHOP 7:30 TO 9 AM JANUARY 8 & 15, THURSDAY JANUARY 12 & 19, MONDAY NINE HOLERS WELCOME UP TO 16 GOLFERS TO PLAY BACK NINE CONTACT FOR MORE INFO: FRANK OR JOAN MORRISON 561-738-3164 Leasure Leaguers Bowling MEN'S GOLF LEAGUE The December Luncheon featured Bud's roasted half chicken, green beans, baked potato, rolls, salad, and apple pie and ice cream. Door prizes were provided by Torchio's, ACE Hardware, Skeeters Lounge, Kathy Clarke and Shirley Cassa. Thank you for your support of our league. Please, if you have not been a patron of these firms, become one this year. The tournament schedule for Jannuary starts with regular play on the 5th, Cross Country scramble on the 12th, luncheon on the 19th with cheeseburgers, and ends with a 2 Man Best Ball. Remember that a scramble requires each member drive from the tee box. The next shot is determined by where the best shot landed. All team members drop their ball at that spot for the second shot. Repeat the process until one player holes out. Best Ball means that each player shoots his own ball as in regular play; all scores shall be recorded. The Committee will establish the low scores from your card. There is a form on the bulletin board at the Pro Shop for any members that wish to join a 9 Hole League. Questions can be directed to Jim Archer or Mike Culligan. Elections will be held in March for President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Now is the time to step up and take a position on the Board. Mill Goodsell. Secretary Hello Bowlers We are already into our 10th week of bowling. Time goes by when you’re having fun. All of our snowbirds are back and we welcome you. Following are the results for the month of November: Female Hi Games: Male Hi Games: Gladys Cardamone - 208 Don Hansen - 212 Sandi Gentile - 178 Pete DePaulo - 201 Joann Cirillo - 202, 181 Duke Foell - 267, 219 Ann Brouwer - 178 Bob Brouwer - 204 Pat Moynihan - 177 Barbara Johnson - 175 Female Hi Series: Male Hi Series: Gladys Cardamone - 489 Duke Foell - 535, 641, 589 Joann Cirillo - 526 Billy Rau - 502 Kay Nemire - 492 Bob Koegel - 538 Pat Moynihan - 477 Bob Brouwer - 506 Ron Manhs - 523 Dennis Dumond - 516 Keep up the good scores and enjoy. All of us wish everyone a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Ann Brouwer Kathleen Ure JANUARY 5 MEETING CLUBHOUSE 2 8 AM GOLF PRO SHOP NEEDS VOLUNTEERS FOR MORE INFORMATION JOHN 732-241-5586 Day Captains and Desk Attendants Needed Contact Golf Shop 732-0593. SOFTBALL LEAGUE FORMING January 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS BETHESDA HEALTH LECTURE SERIES Bethesda Health's Ask the Physician Venous Insufficiency and Varicose Veins: A Commonly Misdiagnosed Cause of Leg Pain and Swelling Date: January 8, 2015 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Location: Clayton Conference Center - Bethesda Hospital East Presented by Michael Metzger, M.D. on Thursday, January 8 at 4:30 p.m. at Bethesda Hospital East. OrthoSensor: The Latest in Knee Replacement Date: January 15, 2015 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Location: Bethesda Hospital West - Education Classroom Presented by Elvis Grandic, M.D. on Thursday, January 15 at 4:30 p.m. at Bethesda Hospital West. Page 25 GOLF COMMITTEE January means that our golf season is in full swing. MATCH PLAY sign-ups 1/02/15 to 1/09/15, Championship and Handicap divisions for both men and ladies. First match to be played on or before 1/18/15, then one per week until finished. Summer Group Scramble will be held 1/28/15 with Friday as a rain date. Always a good time so watch for sign-ups for this one. The Committee currently has openings for a Monday Day Captain and also a Captain of the Day Captains. If you are interested and can help us out please contact me or any member of the Committee. Jim Atkins (chairman) Sleep Apnea: The Serious Health Risks of a Bad Night’s Sleep Date: January 27, 2015 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Location: Bethesda Hospital West - Education Classroom A Presented by Carl Spirazza, D.O. on Tuesday, January 27 at 4:30 p.m. at Bethesda Hospital West. Wrist Fractures: Getting Back to Normal Date: January 29, 2015 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Location: Clayton Conference Center - Bethesda Hospital East Presented by Angelo Incorvaia, M.D. on Thursday, January 29 at 4:30 p.m. at Bethesda Hospital East. BAILEYS HOME SERVICES DOORS AND WINDO WS WINDOWS WS!! STORM SEASON IS HERE! Protection. Beauty. Serenity. FREE ESTIMA TES CALL ME ESTIMATES Home Services Der le Baile y – 561-738-5933 Derle Bailey President – BAILEY’S HOME SERVICES, INC. Fla. Certification No. CGC007241 HUR RIC ANE Ask Your Neighbors About Us SINCE 1970 WIN DOW S *GET YOUR MILES/REWARDS Ë SEE YOUR NEIGHBORS PROJECTS COMPLETED ON WWW.BAILEYSHOMESERVICES.COM • • • Hurricane Shutters IMP ACT IMPA ENCL OSURE ENCLOSURE ADDITIONS B AT H KIT CHEN TC REMODELS SCREENED ENCLOSURE SPECIALISTS REPLACE YOUR FASCIA WITH WHITE COMPOSITE MATERIAL THAT NEVER ROTS – NEVER TOUCH IT AGAIN! TILE OVER YOUR CRACKED PATIOS THE LEADER IN 3” INSULATED ALUMINUM ROOFS! BEA UTIFY BEAUTIFY & ST AY COOL STA COOL! “RE-INTRODUCING - NEW - CLAM SHADE AWNINGS!” TOO HEAVY DUTY MATERIALS FOR MAXIMUM STORM WIND GUSTS Page 26 LEISUREVILLE NEWS January 2015 not allowed in our home - not from us, our friends or any visitors. Our long time visitor, however, got away with four-letter words that burned Submitted by Vivian Stirpe my ears and made my dad squirm and my mother blush. My Dad didn't permit the liberal use of alcohol but the stranger enA few years after I was born, my Dad met a stranger who was new couraged us to try it on a regular basis. He made cigarettes look cool, to our small town. From the beginning, Dad was fascinated with this cigars manly, and pipes distinguished. enchanting newcomer and soon invited him to live with our family. The He talked freely (much too freely!) about sex. His comments were stranger was quickly accepted and was around from then on. sometimes blatant, sometimes suggestive, and generally embarrassAs I grew up, I never questioned his place in my family. In my young ing.. mind, he had a special niche. My parents were complementary instructors: Mom taught me good I now know that my early concepts about relationships were influfrom evil, and Dad taught me to obey. enced strongly by the stranger. Time after time, he opposed the values But the stranger... he was our storyteller. He would keep us spellof my parents, yet he was seldom rebuked and NEVER asked to leave. bound for hours on end with adventures, mysteries and comedies. If I wanted to know anything about politics, history or science, he More than fifty years have passed since the stranger moved in with always knew the answers about the past, understood the present and our family. He has blended right in and is not nearly as fascinating as even seemed able to predict the future! He took my family to the first he was at first. Still, if you could walk into my parents' den today, you major league ball game. He made me laugh, and he made me cry. The would still find him sitting over in his corner, waiting for someone to stranger never stopped talking, but Dad didn't seem to mind. listen to him talk and watch him draw his pictures. Sometimes, Mom would get up quietly while the rest of us were His name? We just call him 'TV.' shushing each other to listen to what he had to say, and she would go (Note: This should be required reading for every household!) to the kitchen for peace and quiet. He has a wife now....we call her Computer. (I wonder now if she ever prayed for the stranger to leave.) Their first child is Cell Phone. Their second child is I Pod. Dad ruled our household with certain moral convictions, but the And just born this year is a grandchild IPAD. stranger never felt obligated to honor them. Profanity, for example, was OH MY, HOW TRUE THIS IS! The Stranger In Our House The TV has been the ruination of the American Family and a bad influence on our young people. It has changed all our ways of thinking, and not for the good. With all the new I Pods, etc, no one even talks to each other anymore. Very sad. BONZAI CLASS FREE INTERESTED RESIDENTS CALL SOL BARNETT 561-246-8881 Rod McClendon Building Contractor The Carpenter’s Son Inc. Lic. No. CBC1253120 New Construction • Additions • Home Improvements Big & Small Repairs • Crown Mold • Cabinetry Doors & Windows Office 561 452-2191 Fax 561 375-9502 246 SW 7 Ave Boynton Bch, FL 33435 E-mail: remmcclendon@aol.com Income Tax Preparation By Certified Public Accountants Spitz & Yespy, P.A., CPA’s Renaissance Commons 1500 Gateway Blvd., Suite 220 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 561.739.7904 www.spitzyespycpa.com / info@spitzyespycpa.com 10% Senior Citizen Discount BOYNTON BEACH MAE VOELEN SCHEDULE RESERVATIONS: CALL 561-395-8920, extension 5 PICK UP AT RESIDENT’S HOME RETURN TO RESIDENT’S HOME MONDAY & THURSDAY: 11 AM – 12 PM TUESDAY: 10 AM – 11 AM 1:30 PM 12:30 PM DESTINATIONS MONDAY: MALL, TARGET, WALMART, SHOPPES OF BOYNTON TUESDAY: PUBLIX THURSDAY: WALMART NO PICKUP WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY January 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS THE Explanation! MAKES SENSE TO ME!! Brains of older people are slow because they know so much... People do not decline mentally with age, it just takes them longer to recall facts because they have more information in their brains, scientists believe. Much like a computer struggles as the hard drive gets full up, so to do humans take longer to access information, it has been suggested. Researchers say this slowing down it is not the same as cognitive decline. The human brain works slower in old age, said Dr. Michael Ramscar, but only because we have stored more information over time. The brains of older people do not get weak. On the contrary, they simply know more. Also, older people often go to another room to get something and when they get there, they stand there wondering what they came for. It is NOT a memory problem, it is nature’s way of making older people do more exercise. SO THERE!! MYPBLCA.COM LOG IN TODAY • SEE WHAT’S NEW FIND OUT WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE Remembering Entertainers By Charles A. Harrington While surfing the internet, I came across a listing of many entertainers that died in 2014. Among the many were Lauren Bacall, Sid Caesar, Casey Kasam, James Garner, Mickey Rooney, George Hamilton IV, Joan Rivers, and Shirley Temple. Some of them stand out in my memory and took me back to a simpler time. Back in the 1950’s, Hamilton had a big hit called, A Rose and a Baby Ruth, which peaked in 1956. I recall going to a teenage-record hop back then, dancing to that song with a pretty redhead named Rosemary, who was not quite built like a brick so-and-so, but she was a credit to the physical-fitness program and she danced a mean jitterbug better than anyone that I knew at that time. Casey Kasem, who was very popular on radio, in a class with Paul Harvey, was another favorite. He always ended his program with: “Keep your feet on the ground and reach for the stars.” When I read the name of Shirley Temple, it returned a flood of happy memories. My late aunt Helen used to sing all of the Shirley Temple songs, Animal Crackers and The Good Ship Lollipop, along with many others. Later, when we got our television, we would enjoy all her movies as well as singing her songs. It was a lot of fun and made us happy. A few years ago, at our Clubhouse 2 morning coffee group, the late Leisureville resident, Peter Taormina, would do a Shirley Temple imitation, holding up his index fingers while doing a quick dance step, as we laughed with him. Like all of us, Shirley Temple grew up. She married a man named Black and became Shirley Temple-Black. She tried an unsuccessful attempt at a run for Congress; then she was appointed ambassador to Czechoslovakia, which, to me, seemed like an odd departure for a movie star. I think that most people would agree, that Shirley Temple was not just a song and dance girl, but had blossomed into a bright and classy woman. I could not help comparing Shirley Temple to the young singers and dancers that we see today. There is a vast difference. Our current entertainers seem to be in and out of court, arrested for drinking while driving, having children out of wedlock, while all the time, they are admired as cool and sexy role models to our younger generation. It makes me wonder what ever happened to goodness, kindness, respect, and real love. It is sad that our young people are fed such a steady diet of such bad behavior, along with immoral activity, on a continuous basis. Another side of all of this is the clothing style displayed by these people is conveyed to the younger generation as cool and hip. Recently, I observed a young woman dressed like she was a greeter at a house of ill repute. Many of our magazines are full of both men and woman that exude sex. Everything seems to revolve around sex, starting at a very young age. Shirley Temple set an example of a very wholesome woman. She was one who would get your attention when she walked into a room. She seemed to have a happy life while moving through her adult years with grace and character, which is sadly lacking in our entertainment world today. It is always good to remember the good times that have passed. Occasionally, I yearn for those days when all seemed right, nobody locked a door, and neighbors got along and helped each other. Church was the center of many lives, along with respect and love as the center of family life. The stores were closed on Sundays, giving us more time to spend with each other, and there were no malls to go to. Often we do not appreciate a person until we no longer have them. We were fortunate to have Shirley Temple in our lives. She was an entertainer with both dignity and talent. “Auld lang syne.” May she and all the others rest in peace. Charles A. Harrington is a Leisureville resident and retiree of the Boston Globe. Page 27 ERIKA Z. PHILMORE Certified Tax Preparer (561) 739-8999 40 Years Experience In Home Appointments LEISUREVILLE RESIDENT MR CARL’S PEST CONTROL, INC 3960 89TH RD. S, BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33436 WE OFFER DEPENDABLE & PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AT REASONABLE RATES EVERY OTHER MONTH SERVICE LEISUREVILLE HOMES $44.00 INCLUDES EXTERIOR BORDER SPRAY FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 736-9536 LICENSED & INSURED LIC. #5452 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE Metal Roof Installed By Rab Roofing, Inc at 909 SW 3rd A ve., in Palm Beach Leisureville 561-317-4236 RICHARD BIRD • LEISUREVILLE RESIDENT LICENSED & INSURED ROOFING AND GENERAL CONTRACTING CCC 1328921 - CGC 011411 Page 28 LEISUREVILLE NEWS CHAUFFEUR FOR HIRE! January 2015 Maine-ly Plumbing P3 PROPERTY SOLUTIONS LLC LICENSED AND INSURED Airports, cruiseports or anywhere within 100 mile radius! CLEANING IS STRESSFUL ENOUGH. Reasonable rates - Call 9 to 9 daily Master Plumber #CF-C056861 Licensed Insured (561) 632-4166 Safe prubin98@aol.com LET US RELIEVE THE STRESS OF CLEANING YOUR HOME FOR AS LITTLE AS $35.00 CALL US AT 561-880-0173 Paul G. Rubin Pres WWW.P3PROPERTYSOLUTIONS.COM OF ALL TRADES JACK NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL Pressure Cleaning – Painting – Bicycle Repairs Car Wash/Detailing – Toilet Repairs Roof Painting & Coatings – Spray for Bugs Yard Work – Awnings, Up and Down CELL 561-283-9516 1206 N.W. 7TH COURT Boynton Bch., FL 33426 Dog Dog & & Cat Cat Grooming E Anal Glands 35 Yrs. Experience C IN . MIG JEFF STUBBLEFIELD Certified Operator • Licensed • Insured FREE Pickup & Delivery Leisureville Resident Nails Your Babies are My Babies GAIL TRUSCIO (561) 452-6731 PAINT IT RITE “FOR A TRADITIONAL PRACTICE OF BARBERING” Gentlemen Cuts • Hot Towel Shaves • Hot Shaved Neck With Every Haircut • Finer Interior Painting • Paper Removal • Rents Of All Kinds • Drywall & Popcorn Repairs • Exterior Painting • Popcorn Ceiling Removal www.paintitrite.net OLD FASHION SERVICE.FORMERLY OF YONKERS, SOMERS & KATONAH, NY Commercial • Residential / Lic. & Ins. #U-16445 Serving 561-738-1113 BOYNTON (& Vicinity) 3529 W Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, FL 33436 BUDGET Electrical Service 561 • Rat Control • Attic Dusting Monthly rate $25.00 Richard D’Agostino Insured 369-1433 Jeffrey Finell Over 30 Years Exp. THE CLEAN, DEPENDABLE, ON-TIME PEOPLE! JPA AIRPORT & LIMO SERVICES ~WANTED~ Would you believe there are coins i WILL BUY out there worth: COINS Dollars -1 Million STAMPS Cents - $75,000 GOLD Nickels - $285,000 BILLS Dimes - 1.7 Million JEWELRY Quarters - $60,000 ETC. Halves - $32,000 There are thousands of Silver Dollars worth $20 to $120,000 in common grades. Call LES at 561-638-1557 -USAF RET. Mabel’s Alterations PATRICK JUSTE LIC #13004082 24/7 Emergency Service Troubleshooting Installations Repairs 637-2366 Bonded MIGNANO • Professional Landscaping • Lawn Maintenance • Hedge • Trim • Shrubs • Clean-Up Flower Beds • Trim Trees • Sod and Top Soil Licensed & Insured 732-9515 (561) 572 5466 (561) 244 3987 www.jpalimo.com jpalimo@yahoo.com 561-732-0008 561-312-8585 cell Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Leisureville Residents 10% OFF Jan Coleman BEST HAIRCUT IN TOWN! In Home Caregiver Companion-House Sitter-Driver RICHARD’S Formerly of Katonah & Yonkers, NY Old Fashioned Manicures & Pedicures Ladies & Men With Helen 1887 Woolbright Rd. Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Part Time or Evenings 561-635-7033 Next to Torchio’s Meat Market Leisureville Center 561.742.5800 State Certified Roofing Contractor Tile Shingle Metal Lic. #CCC1326308 Flat Roofs Re-Roofs Repairs Office: (561) 547-3742 Cell: (561) 718-8422 Fax 561-540-3640 bosslerroofing@gmail.com www.bosslerroofing.com 860 N. 8th Street, Suite. 1, Lantana, FL 33462 Jim Kolifrath Vice President BEST HAIRCUT IN TOWN! Barber Shop A Full Service Barber Shop HOT SHAVED NECK WITH EVERY HAIRCUT OPEN: Monday - Saturday Richard, Louie, Dave, Orrie, Helen, George & Carlos Since 1997 MEMBER SOUTHEAST FLORIDA Office: (561) 753-4682 Cell: (561) 714-0485 45 Years Experience SPECIAL $35++ TO PBI Licensed CAC# 1815538 Insured Tom Kruse Air Conditioning, Inc. All Work Guaranteed SUMMER 614 Industrial Ave., Boynton Beach, FL 33426 12020 61st Street North West Palm Beach, FL 33412 Making Homes Beautiful Judy Lambert Boynton Beach Since 1974 * Local Transportation Office: (561) 738-2850 Fax: (561) 738-2801 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ CUSTOM CRAFTED WITH YOUR FABRIC * Care for Elderly (561) 369-0186 (561) 336-3594 jeaps@mail.com State Certified Electrical Contractor • Draperies • Valances • Roman Shades PEST CONTROL Home Services Pet Services Joe Mignano Brian Galaini Local 561-752-2721 561-347-0653 FAX: 561-752-2721 Jeff’s Jen’s Errands and Personal Services Insured Licensed 25 Years serving Delray Beach & Boynton Beach 40 Years Experience in the Medical Field • Flea Spraying • Lawn Control Owner NA Maine-ly Plumbing 561 632 2770 Jennifer Persad TRE E C A R NO A FULL SERVICE PLUMBER • Water Leaks • Water Heaters • Disposals • Dishwashers • Toilets • Sinks & Tubs • Bathroom Tiling • Filters • Gas Piping • Sewer Camera & Cleaning REMODELING 561-752-3122 Jack Salik, Leisureville Resident Errand Services House Sitting Services Automobile Care Services Company, Inc. Mike McNamara Sal’s Carpet Cleaning T Mo ruck un ted Expert Cleaning of: Carpet • Upholstery • Tile & Grout Deep Cleaning • Quick Dry Process Try us once...You’ll never switch! (561) 478-1491 or 707-0046 January 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS Page 29 SHIRLEY CASSA ASSOCIATE-BROKER Maria Lucano, C.N.A. Licensed Nursing Assistant Caring Companion References Available Upon Request Palm Beach Leisureville Resident Lic.#: 85628 Tel: (561) 577-5225 Available For Long Term Care Documentation BEWARE ! ! ! ! COACH LAMP REPAIRS ODD JOBS, PRESSURE CLEANING, ERRANDS ANYWHERE / ANYTIME the Keep rning PUT SHUTTERS UP & DOWN B s t u Ligh Resident of Leisureville SAM E SER DAY VICE Licensed, Bonded & Insured http://www.jbelectrical.vpweb.com 4154 Kivey Dr. Lake Worth, FL 33461 Office/Fax: 561-642-0881 Cell: 561-358-7787 Jonathan Brixner President / Master Electrician Email: jbelectrical@comcast.net Call Kim Available for health care, elderly sitting, pet sitting-walking, or house cleaning. References Available (Alzheimer’s experience) Also Gardening & Window Cleaning Leisureville Resident Kimberly Salik: (561)-577-0064 Call 734-3680 “Let Jerry Do It” Cell: 632-5001 Email: Beamerluv@att.net C.N.D. Electric L.L.C. OF THE PALM BEACHES, INC. Electrician In PB County Since 1981 Add A Light/Fix A Switch/ Hang A Fan JW ELECTRIC Licensed • Insured • Bonded ER-13013072 / U-20101 REFERENCES AVAILABLE Norm Douglas V.P./Qualifier 561-635-4893 Free Estimates INTERIOR PAINTING by Kenny G. “No Job Too Small” Home: 561-735-8947 Cell: 561-302-9360 Leisureville Resident HANDYMAN Call Peter Bolt 561.732.0359 Expert In: Ceramic Tile, Repair Regrouting, Painting, Etc. Leisureville Resident SERVICE WORK OF ANY KIND • NO JOB TOO SMALL I BELIEVE IN HONESTY, RELIABILITY & INTEGRITY LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED JOSEPH R. WESCHREK (561) 633-9472 Master Electrician 10% LABOR DISCOUNT TO SENIORS ER13014042/U-21040 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WELCOMES YOU! Joe Cell 561-662-0359 15 Years Experience in Leisureville ~ ALSO CLEANS HOUSES ~ AMERICAN LEGION Dinner Every Friday Night - $8 5 pm to 7 pm 571 W. Ocean Ave. 561-734-8125 AS OF APRIL 1, THERE WILL BE NO SMOKING “don’t worry” HOUSE SITTING By Vickie Beane Mitchell of Rid-A-Pest, Inc. 561-441-4763 Licensed & Insured Allan Niemotka Certified Tax Preparer Reasonable Rates/Senior Discounts Office: (561) 732-3774 (Just 5 minutes from Leisureville) Visit us at fpcboynton.com Happy K-9 PB Leisureville We take care when you can’t Call Gail at 561-336-2653 ...for your pet sitting needs Why board your pet when he can be happy at home? Experience ~ 20 years pet sitting/boarding ~ 3 years as Vet Tech Trainer ~ Obedience ~ Behavior Modification ~ Therapy Dog Serving Broward & Palm Beach Since 1975 Family Owned & Operated Complete Locksmith Service Residential & Commercial southshorelocksmiths.com High Security Primus southshorelocksmiths@gmail.com Lock System 3860 Aladdin Ave. Boynton Beach, FL 33436 362 N. Congress Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC TAX RETURN PREPARATION 954-974-7608 561-531-2619 Additions • Remodeling • Cement Work Of All Types Asphalt Replacement Specialist Bobcat - Prompt Service RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE aniemotka@att.net First Presbyterian Church 235 S.W. 6th Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 SOUTH SHORE LOCKSMITHS Churey & Son Construction 561-271-0392 CELL, TEXT 561-736-1560 FAX scassa50@bellsouth.net ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC. 4593 Bucida Dr Boynton Beach, FL 33436 Tel: 561-734-1550 Fax: 866-906-0473 IN MY OFFICE OR YOUR HOME Sarah’s House Cleaning and Pet Care Sarah Kirkland Cleaning and Pet Specialist Office: 561-369-8726 Cell: 240-818-1007 Owner Operated JUST RIGHT! d D.L. Folsom Air Conditioning & Heating Corp. The Best Service...At The Lowest Prices Sales & Maintenance • Installations Residential • Commercial • Quality Work Free Estimates On Replacements ALL WORK IS GUARANTEED d Call The Company . You Can Trust. d SERVING PALM BEACH COUNTY SINCE 1970 737-3000 1-877-737-3001 224 S.E. 6th Ave. Boynton Beach Service You Can Trust For ALL Your Needs Repair - New Installation Residential - Commercial Licensed & Insured • Master Plumber Don Garner - CFC 1427771 - Jill Garner 561-868-5595 • 561-901-0698 Visit Our Website @ www.garnerplumbingservices.com Ray Ybanez DPT Physical Therapist (561) 742-3345 • Fax (561) 742-8933 2015 Ocean Dr., Suite 1 • Boynton Beach, FL 33462 Patronize our advertisers. They make it possible to bring you this newspaper. Tell them you saw their ad in the leisureville news. Page 30 LEISUREVILLE NEWS Dr. Steven Lashley Board Certified American Board of Podiatric Orthopedics American Board of Podiatric Surgery Practicing Podiatry – Foot Surgery Diseases of the Foot & Leg – Sports Medicine January 2015 BOYNTON BEACH FREE EVENTS 369-3069 Now Accepting New Patients Movies in the Park Movies in the Park - First Friday of Each Month October through June NEW ADDRESS Local Hospital Affiliation Medicare & Most Insurance Accepted 3389B W. Woolbright Road Boynton Beach BRYAN KANONIK CONTRACTOR STATE LICENSED ROOFING: • RE-ROOFS • ROOF REPAIRS • FLAT ROOF ALUMICOATING STATE LICENSED BUILDING: • ADDITIONS - REMODELING • DOOR / WINDOW REPLACEMENT • ROTTED WOOD REPLACEMENT Location: Dewey Park, 100 NE 4th Street & Ocean Ave. Google maps® directions Next: Friday, January 2, 2015 Enjoy FREE MOVIES. Bring your lawn chair or blanket and view feature films under the stars. Food and drink available. Visit web page “There is no substitute for quality” Call us for a free estimate 737-1419 STATE ROOFING LICENSE #CCC-448162 STATE BUILDING LICENSE #CBC-045554 INSURED FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED SERVING LEISUREVILLE SINCE 1972 ALPHA OMEGA Cooling & Heating, Inc. First & Last in All Your Air Conditioning Needs Music on the Rocks Music on the Rocks - FREE Concerts - Third Thursday of Each Month, 6 P.M. - 8 P.M. October through June Location: Ocean Avenue Amphitheatre, 129 E. Ocean Ave. Google maps® directions Next: Thursday, January 15, 2015 The hottest bands in South Florida perform. Happy Hour: cocktails and food available. Bring a friend or meet new ones! Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Sales, Service & Installations - HVAC Maintenance Agreements Air Duct Cleaning & Sanitation - Air Purification Systems 561.686.9900 561-734-6813 24 Hour Emergency Service R.J. FISHER PLUMBING SINCE 1918 www.alphaomegacoolingandheating.com Licensed & Insured CAC1816635 We Service All Makes & Models $49.95 TUNE UP RAYMOND J. FISHER 901 S.W. 35th Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 OWNER-OPERATOR U-16484 KEVIN M. LaMONTAGNE Attorney-at-Law 639 East Ocean Avenue, Suite 207 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 (561) 732-0100 Nozzle Nolen Pest Solutions People Friendly Pest Control Since 1951 •Termite Treatments •Elimination of Roaches, Ants, Rodents, and Fleas •Guaranteed Results Wills & Trusts, Durable Powers of Attorney, Designations of Health Care Surrogate, Pre-Nuptial Agreements, Real Estate, Contracts, Probate, Corporate, Bankruptcy, Foreclosure Defense, Legal Disputes, and Civil Litigation J.D., 1982, Duke University School of Law Member of Florida Bar since 1982 Local resident since 1964 FREE ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN H EMERGENCY SERVICE H Call Today For Your Free Inspection 561-964-6200 Visit us at http://nozzlenolen.com 3975 Coconut Road, Lake Worth, FL 33461 “Don’t Worry, PaPa Will Fix It Guaranteed” Nozzle Nolen Pest Solutions • WATER HEATER SPECIALIST • ALL TYPES DRAIN CLEANING • REPAIR & REMODELING Coupon $25 Off the initial service of any new annual agreement $50 Off any new termite agreement 561.964.6200 PaPa’s Plumbing, Inc. the mark of excellence in pest management MASTER PLUMBER LIC #U17111 INSURED 40 YR. EXP. BOYNTON - DELRAY 732-0808 SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT 10% OFF WITH THIS COUPON ONLY PARTS and LABOR January 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS INTEGRITY AIR “Our Name Says It All” Page 31 INC (561) 966-6262 When your Air Conditioner is on the blink, you don’t need some smooth talking repairman. You need INTEGRITY. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE GIVES YOU THE MOST EFFICIENT COOLING FROM YOUR UNIT AND REDUCES THE CHANCES OF COSTLY BREAKDOWNS. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE INCLUDES: • Check Filtration System • Flush Drain Line & Add Algaecide • Check Freon Pressures • Lubricate Motors • Calibrate Thermostat • Tighten All Electrical Connections • Check Amp Draws • Check Heat-Mode • Clean Condenser Coil • Check Temperature Differential • Resicential / Commercial • We Service All Makes & Models • FPL Participating Contractor • Free 2nd Opinion • State Licensed (CACO55524) & Insured $50.00 Financing Available – Family Owned & Operated – DICK ALTMAN – OWNER “We Keep Appointments” RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • CONDO AAM INDUSTRIES, INC. ROOF SERVICES: FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1953 • • • • • Roof inspections Repairs Re-roofs Wood repair Condo maintenance program • Soffit, fascia, decking STATE LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED CGC001229, CCC1325938 737-2383 225 SE 5th Ave. • Boynton Beach ving Ser reville u er s i e L ov for ears! 30 y www.aamindustries.com MEMBER SOUTHEAST FLORIDA Leisureville International Real Estate Specialists State Certified Roofing Contractor Lic. #CCC1326308 1880 N. Congress Ave., Suite 201, Boynton Beach, FL 33426 • IN OFFICE REAL ESTATE • MORTGAGE CO. • TITLE & ESCROW • ATTORNEY • NOTARY PUBLIC Residential - Commercial Investment Buying Or Selling CALL 561-732-9000 TITLE CO. 561-424-9993 Leisureville Tile Shingle Metal Now Offering a $325.00 Florida Power & Light Rebate* INTERNATIONAL - HOMES - VILLAS - CONDOS - GOLF COURSE WATER VIEWS - YOUR LOCAL REAL ESTATE CO. Call a REALTOR® today. Flat Roofs Re-Roofs Repairs for white on white new tile roofs. *Must be your primary residence to qualify. Jim Kolifrath Vice President bosslerroofing@gmail.com Office: (561) 547-3742 Fax 561-540-3640 www.BosslerRoofing.com 860 N. 8th Street, Suite. 1, Lantana, FL 33462 Page 32 LEISUREVILLE NEWS January 2015 PRBE IC ST ES ! ! TS ESCE B I PR FRE E Seco Opini nd on Installation & Repair Work 16’x7” INSTALLED 9’x7” INSTALLED MIAMI DADE CODE $1179 MIAMI DADE CODE $749 Must present this Leisureville coupon. GARAGE DOOR TUNE UP •Lubricate all moving parts •Inspect rollers, tracks, hinges, cables, bottom rubber & exterior weather seal •Opener adjustments 3995 $ Must present this Leisureville coupon. • SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS • CALL FOR COMMERCIAL RATES THE DOORMAN OF SOUTHEAST FLORIDA 940 Clint Moore Rd. • Boca Raton Visit us at: www.palmbeachdoors.com Lic. #U 20617 Showroom By Appointment Only 561-272-DOOR (3667) GARAGE DOOR OPENER INSTALLED All Repairs 29995 $ Includes wall button, safety sensors & clicker (remote) Must present this Leisureville coupon. ENTRY DOORS Fiberglass door, composite jambs, & stainless steel security hinges. Hurricane code approved. Serving Palm Beach & Broward Counties for Over 20 Years 20% OFF 799 $ from INSTALLED Seasonal Check Up $ 45.00 Robert McGowan 561-963-1043 License #CAC057406 An update from your PCMH Care Team: As the New Year arrives, we hope to continue our quest for healthcare excellence. We have exciting news that will hopefully encourage you to embark on these new journeys with us. 2014 was the year where we have really embraced new tools such as Wellness Visits. This is the yearly visit where we do a comprehensive evaluation of your overall health, habits and risks. We have used this tool as a platform to build and improve on our healthcare plan. Here, we take the opportunity to examine all your medications, including supplements and over the counter medications. Updating these allows us to openly examine and revisit the interactions and patterns of your medication use. This, if not carefully updated, poses one of the biggest risks to your healthcare. We also examine your risk for depression as well as drug and alcohol abuse. Exploring this opens the door to fixing issues that can interfere with your quality of life. We continue to encourage you to make sure you think about how important it is to “be heard when you don’t have a voice.” Making the proper plans for your end of life issues is imperative. It is essential to have your living will and healthcare surrogate information in your chart. It is very likely that we will be one of the first contacts you will need in the event that something goes wrong. I.C.E. is a term we advise you to familiarize yourself with. It should be very clear during an emergency who you would want as your advocate “IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY” (ICE). As we enter 2015, we have new projects in the horizon. We continue to look at technology as an amazing tool to coordinate healthcare. We have implemented the use a MyHealthWare, which is a place where all your health information is stored and can be accessed easily and securely. We encourage you to use the computer, or the phone to travel with your health information, and have it available any where, any time. If you don’t have, use, or like computers we encourage you to designate some one you trust who can access your information easily. Again, we consider this an essential tool to preserve the integrity of your health information. Additionally, we are working on an amazing project called “Chronic Care Management”. With your involvement, the use of the tools we provide and the team we are preparing, we hope to change the goal of healthcare to a clear pursuit of preservation of health rather than treating diseases. Make sure to stay tuned for our monthly educational seminars and diabetes support group. You can visit our website any time and register for any or all of these events. You can also ask Martha, your friend and the GATE KEEPER. She will be glad to give you a copy of the schedule and take care of any reservations. As we prepare for the year to come, we promise to educate, guide and walk along side with you towards an endless enjoyment of your GOLDEN YEARS! January 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS Page 33 Turn Unwanted Firearms into CASH WALKING EXERCISE CLASS Buy, Sell, Trade, Transfer & Consign New and Pre-Owned RRPSI Firearms 125 E. Boynton Bch. Blvd., Boynton Bch., FL Come join us CLUBHOUSE 1 8AM MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY Further information contact Louise Farrell, 843-384-2837 • Gloria 419-356-1904 561-739-9080 We now have weekly Concealed Weapons Permit Classes. Call or stop by to reserve your spot. BLUEWATER RID-A-PEST,Inc. WINDOW CLEANING SEA AIR - $60 EDGEWOOD - $75 FAIRMONT - $60 ATTACHE - $75 HOLIDAY - $60 CHALLENGER - $75 REGIS - $75 PRESSURE CLEANING AVAILABLE • FREE ESTIMATE INSURED & LICENSED (07-22414) Exp. 12/27/07 CONDOS CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE. PRICE INCLUDES ALL WINDOWS CLEANED IN & OUT. INCLUDING SCREENS - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 561-386-2151 Termite & Pest Control Locally owned & operated Let Us Help You With All Your Pest Problems (561) 498-4623 Vickie Beane Mitchell From a family of exterminators Serving Palm Beach County over 40 Years 5236 Adams Road Delray Beach, FL 33484 NEED CASH? WE BUY GUITARS, HORNS, ETC. ALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ANY CONDITION NEED MORE SPACE? ALSO BUYING HOUSE CONTENTS TOP $ THEO 371-5337 PAID LYNN 601-8360 License No. 09001 New Construction & Existing Structures Consulting Service Insurance Inspections $50 OFF Page 34 LEISUREVILLE NEWS CHECK IT OUT!!!! – I miss my monthly Leisureville News – I wonder what events are planned for next season – I’d like to join one of the state clubs. Who can I call? – What happened at the last Board meeting? – A picture is worth a thousand words If you have ever had any of the above thoughts, either as a snowbird or full time resident, CHECK IT OUT: www.mypblca.com. The official website for Palm Beach Leisureville! Easy to access. Easy to use. Just log on and youíll have all the news, pictures, events and information at your fingertips! TRY IT – YOU’LL LOVE IT! PUT NEW LIFE INTO YOUR KITCHEN We replace cabinets & countertops Custom Made • Kitchens • Wall Units • Furniture - Home & Office Free Estimates SCHERBAN MICA WORKS, INC. Leisureville References Available 210 SE 12th Avenue Boynton Beach (561) 732-4960 LICENSED & INSURED THE DOOR DOCTOR of South Florida Inc. FREE ESTIMATES ON: • REPLACEMENT DOORS • RAISED PANEL STEEL DOORS • ELECTRIC OPERATORS • REPLACEMENT SECTIONS WE SERVICE MOST BRANDS OF GARAGE DOORS & ELECTRIC OPERATORS SAME DAY SERVICE FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1981 5% leisureville discount 369-1560 Licensed & Insured U-18307 - OICE 73448010 DON’T REROOF nt dR in W sta esi STORM PROOF Lea kP roo f 56% Less • 100% Stronger Than A New Roof Energy Saving $ Rebate January 2015 Palm Beach Leisureville CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE HOUSE: Waterfront Edgewood 2 bed/2 bath. Huge lot; very private. Completely updated: granite countertops, stainless appliances, newer windows, plus window coverings. Call for more details. Phone: 920-889-2211. FOR FORRENT RENT: CONDO: Spend the winter in our condo.. Charming, clean, and airy 2nd flr. 2/1 on lake with beautiful view. Completely furnished. Available after May 15, 2014 and for winter 2015. NP/NS. Short walk to free golf and pool. Min. 4 mo. Call 503-224-7734 for more info. MISCELLANEOUS: MISCELLANEOUS NATIONWIDE AUTO TRANSPORT: “SNOWBIRDS” RETIRED TOUR BUS DRIVER WILL PERSONALLY DELIVER YOUR CAR ANYWHERE! REASONABLE RATES. CALL FOR QUOTE. REFERENCES AVAILABLE. LEISUREVILLE RESIDENT. CALL EDWARD 561-8602991. FINE ART: Academy Award winning actor/artist Tony Curtis: for sale a fine art one of a kind pen and ink drawing beautifully framed and signed by the artist. Asking $1500.00. 561-860-2991. WANT TO TO RENT: WANT RENT WANT TO RENT: Owners interested in renting your home or condo for the 2014-2015 season, I have list of seasonal renters that are looking for properties. Please contact Mary Ellen Fowler, PA RE/MAX Prestige at 561523-7280 or email at maryellenfowler@remax.net WANT TO WANT TOBUY BUY WANT TO BUY: 1990 or older Chevrolet with automatic transmission and air-conditioning. Call John at 561-742-9249. The cost for a classified ad is $10.00 for seven lines (35 characters per line maximum); each additional line is $2.00. Payment, together with a copy of your ad, is to be paid by check or money order only. NO CASH WILL BE ACCEPTED. Please email us your classified ad at classified@ mypblca.com or bring your completed ad, together with your check, to the Association office or the newsroom office by the 1st of the month. AN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE is required for all classifieds advertising, rental of houses, condos, or apartments. A copy of a current city of Boynton Beach license (City of Boynton Beach ordinance no: 9415, Appendix A, 6-21-94) must accompany your classified ad request. The licensing period is from October 1 to September 30. FOX PLUMBING, INC. “Your Friendly Plumber” David Fox Service Manager For Plumbing Needs Call Plumbing Contractor 737-3599 or 737-6163 We are introducing “Menu Pricing” which helps you understand pricing, work to be performed and warranties available. *10% Discount New customers State Certified, Licensed, Insured Lic. #CFC057706 24 hours 7 days a week *Offer Expires 6/30/13 Not valid with any other offer expressed or implied 3301 W Boynton Beach Blvd. (1/2 mile west of Congress) Boynton Beach With this coupon • Cannot be combined with other offers Expires 12/15/14 10 yr. Transferable & Renewable Warranty ROBERT CHERRY ROOFING INC REROOFING & REPAIRS (561) 791-2612 LICENSED & INSURED #CCC1326048 With this coupon • Expires 12/15/14 Cannot be combined with other offers. With this coupon • Expires 12/15/14 Cannot be combined with other offers. With this coupon • Expires 12/15/14 Cannot be combined with other offers. January 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS Page 35 I’m retired, and I can resolve any GREEN THUMB AWARDS Electronic Gadget Problem “NO FIX, NO FEE” “A Leisureville Resident” In-home fix and coaching on: • Computers Is your computer sluggish? Too many ad’s popping up? Virus/Malware Removal • New Smart Cell Phones And Tablets • Cable TV Add-Ons Great Leisureville referrals 116 SW 15th Court Call 561-704-3300 • • • • • • • ROOF REPAIRS LEAK REPAIRS (TILE, FLAT) FLAT ROOF COATING TILE REPAIRS AND SECURING ROTTED FACIA REPLACEMENT PLUMBING VENT COVERS (RATS) FALLING GUTTERS SECURED ROOF READY FOR HURRICANE SEASON? CALL FOR A FREE ROOF INSPECTION Serving Leisureville Since 1977 Family Owned and Operated LEAK SPECIALIST 603 SW 15th Street “There is no substitute for quality” Call us for a free estimate STATE ROOFING LICENSE #CCC-048162 (561) 400-2010 (561) 737-1419 BRYAN KANONIK CONTRACTOR LOCK IT OR LOSE IT! 500 SW18th Street COOK’S CORNER We’re seeing an increase in bicycle thefts in your neighborhood. Prevent yourself from becoming a victim. • Always secure your bicycle when it’s not in use; this includes your patio • Use a U-Bolt lock; it cannot be cut by bolt cutters • Register your bicycle with the BBPD; it’s nearly impossible to recover without a serial number Creamy Macaroni and Cheese 2 cups uncooked multigrain macaroni Cooking spray 1 ½ cups fat-free milk 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour 3 oz. light processed cheese (Velveeta Light), cubed 1 cup (4oz.) reduced-fat shredded extra-sharp Cheddar cheese, divided ¼ teaspoon salt; ¼ teaspoon black pepper 1. Cook macaroni in boiling water 8 minutes. Drain and set aside. 2. Coat 8 inch casserole dish with cooking spray. Preheat broiler. While pasta cooks, combine milk and flour in a large saucepan, stirring with a whisk until blended. Cook over medium-high heat for 10 minutes or until thickened, stirring constantly. Remove pan from heat; add processed cheese, ¾ cup Cheddar cheese, salt, pepper, stirring until cheese melts. Stir in macaroni. Spoon macaroni mixture into prepared dish; sprinkle with remaining ¼ cup Cheddar cheese; broil 3 minutes or until cheese melts. 5 servings This recipe is light but very creamy. Enjoy! Submitted by Carmelita Curtis U-BOLT LOCK Did you know the BBPD has a bicycle registration program? All information will be stored in our database, which will be useful to officers should your bicycle be stolen. All owner information is required unless otherwise noted. Register online at bbpd.org or call Officer Rita Swan at 561-742-6848. Page 36 LEISUREVILLE NEWS January 2015 Shirley Cassa, PA (561) 271-0392 scassa50@bellsouth.net 362 N. Congress Ave., Boynton Beach A CREMATION SERVICE OF THE PALM BEACHES “Leisureville Resident Since 1990” WATER VIEW CONDO One bedroom one bath condo with new step in shower, impact windows, water view, paid lease, sold furnished. $49,900 2BR/2BA Corner Villa Tiled living area, raised Florida room floor, new kitchen with open area and bar stool, bath has new step in shower, new tile and vanity. Accordion shutters complete. Paid recreation lease, newer A/C, sold furnished. Large rear patio with view of the lake and 16th tee. A must see... Do not wait... $115,000 YOUR FIRST CHOICE WHEN SELECTING CREMATION “South Florida’s oldest family owned cremation only service” LOW COST, DIGNIFIED CREMATION SERVICES OUR PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORS HAVE OVER 50 YEARS COMBINED EXPERIENCE HELPING FAMILIES AT THEIR TIME OF NEED Must See This One! This home has been tastefully remodeled. New kitchen, bathroom, floors, appliances, completely painted inside and out, paid rec lease, recessed lighting, screen room, extra cabinets in the garage for extra storage. Do not miss this, it is worth looking at. Flat roof replaced 2014. $146,000 ASSISTANCE WITH VA BURIAL OF ASHES IN ANY NATIONAL CEMETERY ARRANGE FOR BURIAL OF ASHES IN ANY US CEMETERY INCLUDES LOCAL TRANSPORTATION FROM THE PLACE OF DEATH FILING FOR SOCIAL SECURITY • PROCESSING ALL PAPERWORK ACT OF CREMATION Happy New Year... CALL FOR A BROCHURE 561-734-7409 NEW LISTING - TOO NEW FOR PHOTO: Fax 561-740-0095 Spectacular Edgewood: Two bedroom, two bath home. New roof in 2007, new windows 2008, A/C 2013, front porch, rear patio, paid recreation lease and more. Call for appointment. $143,000 Web: acremationservice.net e-mail: acremation@yahoo.com Great Time for Buying or Selling... Each Office Independently Owned & Operated Walk to R3 Clubhouse & Pool - $134,900 Corner Regis with paid up recreation ltease... Florida room has been converted to office/computer room plus additional bedroom. Nicely updated with roof replacement, neutral carpeting and lushly landscaped. A must see...Quiet location...Minutes to shopping, restaurants and ocean beaches. This home has lots of possibilities...Please call to see, you’ll be glad you did... May 2015 Bring you lots of Happiness and Joy! Please Call Kathy Clarke (561) 704-4069 For All Your Real Estate Needs Interest Rates are the Lowest in 30 Years and Prices are RISING... Looking Forward to Serving You.... Deluxe Edgewood on Main Canal Totally Updated expanded 2BR/2BA home with paid up recreation lease... Home has a magnificant view of the main canal and is on an over-sized lot. Many upgrades including all glass enclosed Florida room in addition to standard Florida room it has 1728 UNDER A/C. Kitchen updated, roof and A/C replaced... This home is in move-in condition... A Must see... Quiet area and lots of privacy... Please call.. You’ll be glad you did... Asking $275,000 Panoramic Golfcourse Views $189,900 Exquisite 2BR/2BA expanded Fairmont Model with paid up recreation lease. This home has been totally updated with kitchen cabinetry replaced, updated appliances, roof replaced, freshly painted with crown moulding. Also hurricane code garage door and front door. Home has both Florida room plus screened porch. Spectacular golf and water views... Rarely do homes on the golfcourse come for sale... Won’t last long at this price... Please call to see.. Oversized Challenger Model $164,900 Please call to see this expanded 2BR/2BA with both family room plus concrete Florida room. Total 1582 living A/C square footage, Leisureville’s largest. Split bedroom plan, paid up recreation lease. A/C replaced 2011. Roof replaced 2000. New electrical panel box. Kitchen appliances updated with glass top stove, micro and side-byside refrigerator... Great location... Great Price... A Must see... Corner Edgewood - $143,900 Regis Model - $154,900 Edgewood on Golf Lane Perfect Winter Hideaway - $93,900 This exquisite 2BR/2BA with both Florida room plus screened porch is in move-in condition. Paid up recreation lease in full. Ideally located walking distance to R2 pool and clubhouse.. Lots of tile and neutral carpeting in bedrooms and portion of Florida room. Kitchen cabinetry all replaced with newer appliances. Both bathrooms updated. Spacious backviews... Please call to see... You’ll be glad you did... Lovely 2BR/2BA home with full Florida room. Paid up recreation lease in full. Flat roof replaced 1995 and Southern Coating on entire roof in 1997. Garage door replaced... Home is vacant for quick sale. Needs updating but great value at $129,900... Please call to see... You’ll be glad you did... Holiday Model 2BR/1BA with paid up recreation lease... Kitchen cabinetry replaced. Updated appliances. Bathroom totally remodeled. Freshly painted with tile and new carpeting... Enclosed porch with separate A/C... Roof was sealed with an elastometric coating.. Bright and airy home... Move in condition... A Must see... Corner Regis - $129,900 Edgewood Model on Small Canal - $154,900 Holiday Model with Garage - $84,500 This lovely 2BR/2BA home has a paid up recreation lease in full. Ideally located on a spacious lot with spacious backviews facing south. Nicely updated and ideally located on a quiet street across from homes on the golfcourse... Great value and move-in condition... Just listed... Will not last long at this price... Please call to see today... Privacy plus in the back of this 2BR/2BA with both Florida room and porch. Paid up recreation lease. Neat as a pin and close to R3 Clubhouse and pool. Southern Coating on roof. Porch faces south for those great breezes and lots of privacy on canal... Front and back porches... A Must see.. Home is located on a quiet street. Roof replaced 2005... Double oversized driveway.. Washer and dishwasher replaced. Priced to sell... Minutes to ocean beaches, shopping and restaurants. Three clubhouses, three heated pools and 18-hole Par 3 golf course... Great home... Great Price... Please call to see today. Thousands in upgrades in this beautiful 2BR/2BA home with full Florida room and paid up recreation lease in full. Roof replaced 2003. Windows replaced in living room, front windows in guest bedroom and windows in Florida room. Garage floor freshly painted. Kenmore self-cleaning glass top stove. Amana Refrigerator. Hot water heater replaced 2012. Duct work replaced for energy efficiency. Blinds thruout. Home is immaculate.. A gem... Free 18 hole golfcourse, 3 clubhouses & 3 heated pools. Fitness Center... Minutes to ocean beaches, restaurants and shopping... Please call to see today... You’ll be glad you did... Summer Lake Villa - $101,900 Ideally located. 2BR/2BA with fully glassed porch facing east for those gulfstream breezes. Paid up lease... Walk to R3 and R2 clubhouses... Move in condition... A/C and hot water heater replaced. These sought after villas do not come up very often, so please call today to see... You’ll be glad you did... Perfect winter hideaway... Quiet street, yet close to clubhouses, heated pools and fitness center... Free 18-hole / Par 3 golfcourse... A GEM.....