2 Sections - 44 Pages April-May 2015 Volume 35
2 Sections - 44 Pages April-May 2015 Volume 35
PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID McDonough Democrat Communicator 2 Sections - 44 Pages Volume 35 - No. 1 April-May 2015 Dahinda, Illinois 61428 PAGE 2--April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR Manager’s Report by Mike Davison Board Meeting Schedule and Information The Board approved 2015 meeting schedule includes meetings on the third Thursdays of the months of March through November. These meetings are open to all property owners. If you have an issue you would like brought before the Board, we ask that you fill out a Board Agenda Request Form, at least a minimum of one week prior to the meeting date. Submitting the question/appeal/complaint a week in advance gives the Board the opportunity to consider your issue and obtain any supplemental information necessary to address the matter in a more comprehensive fashion. BOD Agenda Request Forms can be picked up at the POA office or downloaded from the Association’s website at www.oakrunpoa.com under the forms section. As always, if the issue is simply informational in nature, or you are not seeking immediate action or response, you have the ability to address your concern in the three minute member’s forum held at the beginning of every meeting. In the months ahead, the Board will continue to focus on the planning stage of the clubhouse/restaurant project. As of writing this article, the Board has reviewed several sets of conceptual drawings and is in the process of choosing a design with which to move forward. The short term goal is to have a design and prospective funding plan available for owner review by the April meeting. As we move further along in this process, you will be able to obtain additional information on this project in the Communicator and on the Association’s website. The Board has also taken advantage of the winter months to begin the process of reviewing the Association’s rules and regulations. In an effort to make certain that rules are reasonable, easily enforceable, and that they conform to the governing documents, the Association commissioned the services of a firm that specializes in Community Association law to conduct an assessment. As this process moves forward, and prior to any substantive changes in policy, owners will be asked for their input. The easiest and most cost efficient manner for communicating this information to you will be through the Communicator and the Association’s website. Please take time to review these avenues of communication so that your opinions can be heard. Water Quality It is that time of year again when we like to remind property owners about the role they play in lake water quality. Although we continue to focus on the importance of controlling erosion, an act as commonplace as fertilizing one’s lawn can have an equally detrimental impact on the lake. The runoff of nutrients, especially fertilizers containing phosphorus, contributes significantly to algae growth and weed growth. When planning for yard work this year, we ask that you review the label prior to purchasing and only use fertilizers which do not contain phosphorus. Also, check weather Clip Out For Billfold or Near Phone EMERGENCY NUMBERS FOR OAK RUN Fire Department.............................................................................. 911 Ambulance...................................................................................... 911 Accidents involving injury.............................................................. 911 Non-injury accidents, issues involving road traffic call: Knox County Sheriff...................................................... 309-343-9151 Animal Control.............................................................. 309-343-9151 For the lake and common properties, call the Oak Run Community Service Officers.......................... 309-368-4950 Refer to "Telephone Reference" on calendar page for all other non-emergency Oak Run phone numbers The Communicator uses bulk rate mailing for this publication; therefore, the paper will not be forwarded. If your address is incorrect, send in the form below. All lot owners and multiple lot owners are eligible to receive a paper. Additional subscriptions are available for $5.00 per year. Send all address changes to: Oak Run POA, 1470 Knox Rd., 1725 N., Dahinda, IL 61428. CHANGE OF ADDRESS FORM Name Address City State Phone Zip E-mail Subdivision & Lot # Mail to: Oak Run POA 1470 Knox Rd. 1725N, Dahinda, IL 61428 309-879-2278 communicator@oakrunpoa.com FAX to: Email: Oak Run Communicator The Oak Run Communicator is published five times a year by the Community Relations and Publicity Committee for the Oak Run Property Owners Association, 1470 Knox Rd. 1725N, Dahinda, IL 61428 as a service to members of the Oak Run Association. The Oak Run Communicator reserves the right to reject any advertising submitted and the appearance of advertising does not constitute an endorsement by the newspaper. The Communicator also retains the right to reject any copy submitted because of space or content as well as edit for clarity or brevity. Neither the staff members, the newspaper nor the Association may be held liable for any information submitted and published by any property owner or advertiser. The newspaper is mailed Standard Rate at Bushnell & Dahinda, IL. Published by McDonough Democrat, Bushnell, Illinois 61422 conditions before applying and make certain that no heavy rain is in the forecast. Good water quality makes all recreational activities more pleasurable and can have an impact on property values. Open Burning Open burning is another important topic which necessitates a little forethought on property owners’ part. If you are planning on burning, stay up-to-date with the local weather for windy or dry conditions. No open fire should be left unattended. Precautions such as water, shovels, and rakes must be readily available to contain the spread of fire. It is also a good idea to contact your neighbors and be sensitive to those who may have health concerns. Above all, use common sense. Last spring, First Responder personnel were called to assist with several fires that quickly grew out of control. Not only can this be an embarrassing situation; allowing a fire to burn out of control can potentially end with catastrophic consequences to both personal property and the surrounding natural habitat. Moreover, it is an unnecessary threat to the safety of those volunteers who serve to protect this community. 2014-2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS POA Doug Williams, President 2001 W. Forestglen Drive Peoria, IL 61615 Cell: 309-303-0514 Brian O'Connor, Vice President and Assistant Treasurer 94 Tamarack Ct. Dahinda, IL 61428 Home: 309-879-2001 Judd Glow, Treasurer 158 Poplar Court Dahinda, IL 61428 Home: 309-879-2476 Doug Frakes, Asst. Treasurer 4105 Oak Run Drive Dahinda, IL 61428 Home: 309-879-2186 Don Timmerman, Secretary 350 Valley View Circle Dahinda, IL 61428 Home: 309-879-2120 President’s Message By Doug Williams It seems as though winter will never leave us this year! I have heard so many people groaning “enough already!” I know that spring is on its way, and soon the snow and cold and icy weather conditions will be just a memory. Oak Run is waiting for us to come and enjoy the lake and all of the amenities. So much is planned for the months ahead. Various committees have activities for both the young and the old. Spring is full of golfing, fishing, boating, and children’s activities. Check out the front page of this Communicator for just a few of the many events that are being offered here at Oak Run. We hope that our new property owners will get involved in the community. Join a committee, or volunteer to help with the Triathlon, or a worthy community project. This issue of the Communicator will provide you with many choices, along with the information you will need to contact someone about your interests. Our website: www.oakrunpoa.com features an online calendar of events marking all future planned activities, and also has an up-to-date Announcements page containing pertinent information concerning Oak Run. I want to thank our established Oak Run residents for the fantastic job they have done making Oak Run a great place to live and play. Your support of the Rules and Bylaws is a great example to our future generations, and will help to keep our community running smoothly. The Board is currently reviewing all of our Rules and updating them to reflect the changing times. The new clubhouse/restaurant project is still in the works. The Board has been reviewing drawings, and studying costs. Keep watching the Communicator and the website Announcements page for updates on this exciting proj- 2014-2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS GOLF Steve Foster, President Steve Foster 109 Oak Grove Circle Dahinda, IL 61428 Home: 309-879-2134 Judd Glow, Vice President and Treasurer Dave Diggle 205 Marvin Court Germantown, IL 61548 bod@oakrunpoa.com Doug Frakes, Assistant Treasurer OAK RUN OFFICE Ph: 879-2603 FAX 879-2278 ect! As always, please feel free to contact any of the Board members with questions or concerns you may have. Check the website on a frequent basis to keep informed of the important information and dates you may need for upcoming Oak Run events. Don Timmerman, Secretary Brian O'Connor, Assistant Treasurer Doug Williams Dave Diggle COMMUNICATOR CONTACT INFO: E-MAIL: communicator@oakrunpoa.com ADVERTISING Vicky Conway (309) 772-2129 Fax (309) 772-3994 Email: info@themcdonoughdemocrat.com OAK RUN COMMITTEES Architectural & Environmental Control....................................Joe Kunzer........................................ 309-879-2775 Camper’s Village.............................................Clarence Rednour.............................. 309-853-6525 Community Relations & Publicity..................Debra Iaun......................................... 309-879-2603 First Responders.............................................Larry Wood....................................... 309-712-6566 Fish & Sports..................................................Ryan McNeeley................................. 309-645-1515 Safety..............................................................TBA Spoon Lake Activity Team..............................Karen Addis...................................... 309-879-2186 April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR--PAGE 3 Safety Committee From The Safety Committee: Effective January 1, 2015, Illinois adopted several new laws that Oak Run property owners should be aware of: 1) MANDATORY BOATER’S EDUCATION (Senate Bill 3433): Requires all persons born after Jan. 1, 1998 to take and pass a boating safety course Validated by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and hold a valid boating safety certificate before they can operate a motorboat or PWC (personal watercraft) with an engine over 10 hp. Anyone between the ages of 1012 must be supervised by an adult who has a certificate and those between 12 and 18 must have a certificate or have supervision of a certified adult. The State of Illinois offers an online boater’s safety class. For more information visit: https:// www.boat-ed.com/Illinois The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Boater’s Safety Class will be taught here at Oak Run. This year’s 8 hour class will be held on Saturday, July 11, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Brentwood. Please register at the POA office by July 4, and include your phone number. A minimum of ten (10) participants is necessary for the class to be held. Lunch will be provided. Contact the POA office at 309-879-2603 for more information. 2) NEW SKIER TOW RULES (Senate Bill 2731): The operator of any watercraft that is towing a person, such as a water skier or tuber, MUST DISPLAY a bright orange flag measuring not less than 12 inches per side. The flag shall be displayed at the highest point of the area surrounding the boat’s helm as to be visible from all directions, continuously, while the person or persons being towed depart the boat in preparation for towing and until re-entry into the boat when the activity has ceased. Display of the flag for purposes other than the activity described in this section is prohibited. 3) OPERATING UNDER THE INFLUENCE (OUI – Senate Bill 3434): The new rules bring penalties for boating under the Influence more in line with those for operating a motor vehicle while impaired by drugs or alcohol. This law allows for the seizure of a watercraft used in the commission of certain offenses related to operating under the influence. 4) MINORS DRINKING (House Bill 4745): This law establishes that parents cannot let minors use their campers, watercraft, private planes or other property to drink alcohol. OAK RUN members please remember to: C H E C K Y O U R ILLINOIS WATERCRAFT REGISTRATION DECAL: registration expires every 3 years on June 30th. Register online: http://www.dnr.illinois.gov/recreation/boating N O N - P O W E R E D WATERCRAFT: require a WATER USAGE STAMP (except those with an Illinois registration that does not expire until June 30, 2015). These are available over the counter at the Oak Run Food Mart, or businesses that usually sell fishing licenses. LAKE FRONT OWNERS: p l e a s e e x a m i n e , r e p a i r, o r replace your DOCK ADDRESS NUMBERS. They need to be a minimum of 3”height, have to be visible from the lake in contrasting colors to the dock. The address includes: 2 letters for sub division and 3 numbers for lot. Signage can be purchased from the Oak Run First Responders. The Safety Committee welcomes all interested community members. Our meetings are held at the Watering Hole at 9:00 AM on the second Saturday of each month, starting in April. Fish and Sports Committee by Ryan McNeeley As you receive this spring issue of the Communicator, I hope the weather is pleasant and that everyone is enjoying the many spring activities planned by the various committees here at Oak Run. Before I get into the events that the Fish and Sports Committee will be hosting this year, I would like to do a quick recap of what was done in the fall of last year. Last fall, the Fish and Sports Committee did its annual fish stocking in Spoon Lake and sponsored the archery deer hunting program. As for the fish stocking, there was $14,000 allocated for it in our 2014 budget. We broke that down among three different species. Those species were Walleye, Crappie, and Smallmouth Bass. With that budgeted amount, we were able to stock 3,052 Walleyes at 6-8 inches each, 1,931 Crappie at 6-9 inches each, and 1,673 Smallmouth Bass at 4-6 inches each. All three species were stocked into the lake late last fall (November). Because of the many concerns from the crappie fisherman, we decided to stock crappie for the first time since 1990. With that being said, there will be many more live well checks by the lake patrol officers this year. So as a reminder: you are only able to keep 15 fish over the 9 inch minimum. All fish less than 9 inches MUST BE RELEASED. Also as a reminder, all new creel limits for the other fish species have been printed on the back of your 2015 membership card. The archery deer program for 2014 was also another success. There were a total of 48 hunters, who participated, and a total of 59 deer were harvested; both numbers are a record high. Of those deer harvested 52 were does and 7 were bucks. To my knowledge, there were no complaints or issues from Oak Run property owners. The Committee will be meeting the second Tuesday in April, at 6:30 p.m. at Brentwood, to discuss the 2015 deer season and make any rule changes that are needed. This meeting is open to all property owners. Feel free to attend Now on to the 2015 spring events hosted by the Fish and Sports Committee. We will be having the annual Kids’ Fishing Derby, the Spring Bass Tournament, the Thursday night bass tournaments, The Sugar Creek Team Anglers of the Year competition, and possibly a summer fundraising catfish tournament. The Kids’ Fishing Derby will be held again in conjunction with the Illinois free fishing days. By holding the derby on this weekend, no one participating will need to have a current fishing license. This year those days are June 5th through the 8th. The derby will be held that Saturday, June 6th, at Windermere Park. Registration will be between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. The kids will fish until 11:00 and the weigh-in will follow thereafter. All bait will be provided, along with juice, milk, and donuts. Please provide your own rods, reels, and tackle, as there is not enough on hand to be used by all. There will be four Co-Ed divisions this year: Ages 4 years and under, 5-8 years, 9-12 years, and 13-15 years old may participate. There will be trophies and prizes given out to the top finishers for each division. We are always looking for more sponsors, so if anyone is interested in being a sponsor, please feel free to contact me at 309-645-1515, or the POA office at 309-879-2603, for details. The annual Spring Bass Tournament will be held this year on Saturday, April 25th. The application, along with the rules, will be posted in this same issue of the Communicator. The only major rule change for this year is the start/stop time. In years past, the tournament has always been from 6:00 a.m. to noon. But due to the many delayed starts we’ve encountered during the last few years, mainly from safe light and fog issues, we will be having the tournament from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. All applications must to be turned in to the POA office and paid for by Friday, April 17th, at 5:00 p.m. All boats registered for the tournament may fish the lake until dusk on Tuesday, April 21st, but it is off limits starting Wednesday April 22nd, at 12:00 a.m. Starting the Thursday after the spring tournament, April 30th, the weekly bass tournaments will begin. They will run every Thursday from April 30th through September 17th. The tourneys will take place each week at the Lakeview boat launch. There is no pre-registration required. Entry fee for each week is $25.00 and it can be paid prior to each tournament. These are 100% payback events. Take-off for every Thursday is at 6:00 p.m. For the last two years, there has been a Team Angler of the Year competition that encompasses the best team scores throughout the bass tournament season here at Oak Run. During those two years it has been a “winner takes all” event. This year, there have been four generous sponsors for this event, so that has changed. PAGE 4--April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR With that being said, there will be money paid for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, along with a payout for “Big Bass” of the year. In addition, there will be an extra purse in place for the fall tournament (the classic). There is also an automatic “kickback” to the registered participants. You will receive a sweatshirt, tshirt, and a can koozie for your participation. We have also changed the format this year, to make it more accommodating for the teams that cannot make it to every tournament. For more details, the application, along with the newly formatted rules, will appear in this issue of the Communicator. I would like to remind everyone that our Committee meets every second Tuesday of the month, at 6:30 p.m. at Brentwood. Feel free to attend! I would also like thank all of the Committee members, along with the many sponsors/ volunteers who help with the organization of our events, and the time they spend making Oak Run a true outdoor paradise! See you on the water, Ryan McNeeley Tips From the Pro by Brett Horton How to buy a set of clubs Seems like an easy thing to do. Until you see all of the different makes and models of golf clubs that are available these days. Do I need a hybrid or a fairway wood? Stiff flex or regular? Nine or ten degree loft? and let’s not forget about price. Golfers come in all shapes and sizes and they, accordingly, need equipment specifically designed for their physical characteristics and playing style. A golfer who is 6’6” needs clubs at a longer length than one who is 5’5’. Seniors often need a shaft that is more flexible, due to slower swing speeds. This is why it is important that the person selling you the clubs should be a PGA golf professional, who watches your golf swing, the flight of the ball, and asks questions about your playing style to know more about your golf game and goals. A club fitting session takes less than thirty minutes. I go through a series of simple questions and measurements. This enables me to determine the proper length of your clubs and your grip size. Then we hit a few shots off of a lie board, which will determine the lie that the club should have. The lie of the club is a major influence on accuracy. After hitting a few shots, I determine the type of shaft that you need, based on your swing speed and ball carry. Based on the questions I have asked and the feedback from the ball flight, we will then determine the club set makeup, replacing hard to hit clubs with clubs more forgiving. There are five basic areas where custom club fitting improves your game: Distance: A golf club fitted with the correct shaft length suited to your height and swing speed will increase your distance. Accuracy: Golf clubs with shorter shafts are generally more accurate because there is less inconsistency, due to a shorter swing. The player is able to hit the center of the club face more often. Trajectory: Golf clubs with shafts that have a flexible tip will produce a higher trajectory and more carry. Players with a fast swing speed require a shaft that has a firmer tip, producing a lower ball flight. Consistency: Golf clubs with correctly fitted lie angles will promote better consistency, due to less error when the club head impacts the turf. A club that digs its toe into the turf first will result in a shot to the right of the target. Feel: The swing weight, shaft length, and grip size have the greatest impact on the feel of your golf clubs. Golfers looking for a way to ensure that their equipment truly fits their needs for the upcoming golf season have the opportunity to receive free equipment fitting sessions throughout April and May, during the PGA Free Fitting & Trade-Up Months at Oak Run. The month of May also offers Free Demo Days. Tuesday of each week, golf companies bring their demonstration equipment to Oak Run; allowing players to test the latest equipment and be custom fitted for Free. Mark your calendars and come to the Oak Run Public Golf Course! Roger Seiboldt—Army 1954-1957 Served a year in Baumholder Germany April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR--PAGE 5 BITS AND PIECES Simone Manau’iokeakua Peterson. Kennedy Cate Johnson Marc & Shannon Johnson of Coal Valley, IL are the proud parents of a baby girl, Kennedy Cate, born at 3:58 A.M. Monday, January 12th at Genesis Medical Center-East Campus in Davenport, Iowa. Marc is a native of Knoxville (and former POA Board member), and Shannon is a native of Thomson, IL. Maternal grandparents are Scott and Lyn Durward, Thomson, IL, and greatgrandmothers are Norma Durward and Janice Foltz, Thomson, IL. Fraternal grandparents are Jim and Janice Johnson, Oak Run, Dahinda, IL, and great-grandmother is Bev Linn, Knoxville, IL. Simone Manau’iokeakua Peterson was born on November 4, 2014, to parents Marc and Starr Peterson of Lombard, Illinois. Simone weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz. and was 20 inches long. She is the granddaughter and second grandchild of Jane and Steve Peterson of Oak Run, and the fourth granddaughter and grandchild of Michael and the late Miriam Fernandez of Honoka’a, Hawaii. Simone’s middle name, pronounced Mah-now-eeh-ohkay-ah-koo-ah, is Hawaiian for “Beautiful Power of God”. Jane and Steve are looking forward to lots of fun times on the lake with their little Hawaiian girls; Simone and her 21 month old big sister, Scarlett. Michelle Williams at Notre Dame’s “Messiah” chorale concert. Michelle Williams, daughter of Peter and Chantel Williams, has been named to the dean’s list in the University of Notre Dame’s College of Science for outstanding scholarship during the Fall 2014 semester. Students who achieve dean’s honors at Notre Dame (ND) represent the top 30 percent of students in their college. Michelle is a sophomore studying pre-med and is involved in sleep deprivation research through the neuroscience department at ND. She is hoping to spend the summer in Tubingen, Germany continuing to participate in sleep research at Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, depending on grant approval. Ms. Williams is also a mem- ber of the Notre Dame Chorale (the official concert choir of Notre Dame) and traveled with them to Prague, Vienna, and Salzburg last summer on a tour where they performed in various churches. Then this January, she toured with the Chorale to Louisville, Nashville, Shreveport, Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Memphis, and Westerville, OH where they also performed in various churches. Most recently, Michelle, who is a member of the Notre Dame Right to Life club, just traveled with them to Washington DC for the march on the capitol on January 22, 2015. Congratulations on all of your accomplishments, Michelle! Anna Mae Gorski celebrates her 89th birthday! On November 18, 2014, Anna Mae Gorski celebrated her 89th birthday. The morning exercise group celebrated this birthday with her the next day, by taking her out to lunch, with a stop at Tanner’s Orchard first. The original plan was to eat lunch there also, but it was a very cold and blustery day, so the plan was changed to a warmer venue in Peoria. This woman is an inspiration to the few of us left in the exercise group. Anna Mae has done some type of exercise all of her life and it is certainly evident each time she attends. We all aspire to be in the same “shape” she is when we reach that age! "You go girl!" Quality Work at Reasonable Rates Oak Run Resident Specializing In New Construction, Remodeling, Decks, Docks And More. “Like” Shane Construction on Facebook to check out our work! PAGE 6-- April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR SVLSD Update By Sam Montooth As I am writing this article at the end of February. I am hoping and praying that by the time you are reading it, around the 1st of April, the weather will have moderated and temperatures of the low thirties (and lower) have taken leave! Hopefully, sunshine has prevailed and warm rains are gently falling. Flowers will bloom and green grass will grow, only too soon to need mowing! District employees have had an average winter keeping systems running and answering services calls on Step systems. Spring will bring on the standard service checks of systems in the Brentwood and Parkview subdivisions. The finish work of the line rerouting project at the Sewer plant, which did not get completed last fall, will be completed. We also have a couple of projects that we will be researching and setting priorities on, to keep our gravity sewer system working in years to come. We are still awaiting information on our application for an IEPA loan to reroute the forced sewer main from lift station #1 to the sewer plant. The project has been approved (as reported last summer) and all indications are that the loan approval could come sometime this summer. When the loan is approved, notices will be published for construction bids to be received, and then the due process of accepting and approving them will commence. When the project will actually begin, will depend on when the approval for the loan is received. The earliest start date could be this summer, but only time will tell. A reminder to residents in Westwood, Charter Oak, Old Orchard, Windemere, and Laurel Hill subdivisions with Aerobic Septic Systems: Spring is a good time to get your systems serviced, in order to meet the July 1st date of providing service reports to the Sanitary District. Letters will be going out around the 1st of June, requesting copies of your contracts and service reports for your Aerobic Systems. Residents: If you have a billing question or are moving and need a change of address, contact our business office at 309-343-4156 (ask for Pat Tolle). If you have a service related question, contact our Sewer Plant in Oak Run at 309-879-2368. Again, we would like to thank those in the Brentwood and Parkview subdivisions for calling our service office when you heard alarms going off. Thank You!! Clubhouse, Pool & Beach News By Beth Russell, Pool Manager Summertime has FINALLY arrived, and the Brentwood Pool is up and running! The pool was remodeled last year, and there will be a Grand Re-Opening party to show it off! The Spoon Lake Activity Team (SLAT) Committee is sponsoring the first ever pool “SPLASH!” There will be drawings every hour, all day long! There will also be fun water games from 12-4 p.m. that anyone can enter, and prizes will be awarded to the winners. The admittance to the pool will be FREE for everyone that day! We will also provide FREE hotdogs nachos asAM long as1supplies Vonachen_Oak_Run_March_15_Layout 1and 2/16/15 10:01 Page last! Please come to the pool and partake in the FUN! During the pool “SPLASH” event, the SLAT Committee will host the second annual Cardboard Boat Regatta (at the pool at 4:00 p.m.). Special trophies will be awarded for the event. So start getting your creative juices flowing and make a cardboard boat! Please look for more information about the Regatta on SLAT’s website, or on their Facebook page. Please save the date for Saturday, May 23rd, and come join us for a fun-filled day of Food, Fun and Prizes! Summer hours at the pool will be 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Monday-Thursday) and 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (FridaySunday). Beach hours will be 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. daily, weather permitting. We will have our popular water aerobics classes every Monday and Wednesday night from 6-7 p.m. at the pool, and we are contemplating having a class in the morning as well. Please look for more details about the new class later. The Oak Run pool will also continue to offer swim lessons, and you can find the sign up forms in this issue of the Communicator, or you can pick one up at the POA office. As usual, we will offer two sessions of swim lessons, with the first one running from June 8-24. The second session of swim lessons will be held from July 622. Each session is three (3) weeks long, and is held on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 8-11. Time frames will be dependent upon how old your child is at the time of the session. Please sign up at the POA office as early as possible to reserve your child’s spot! We are currently looking for certified lifeguards for the pool and beaches, and concession workers for the 2015 season. Anyone interested in becoming a member of our “team” at the Brentwood pool, should pick up a job application at the Oak Run POA office as soon as possible, or request one by emailing poaoffice@oakrunpoa.com The pool and beaches are wonderful amenities that Oak Run has to offer. They are a great place to partake in activities such as the swim lessons or water aerobics, and they offer a great way to celebrate a special birthday or reunion. New this year: admittance to the pool is now FREE for all property owners, and guests of property owners will only pay $2.00 per person at the pool to swim! Come support our newly remodeled pool and join the fun on Saturday, May 23rd for the Grand Re-Opening party and SLAT”s pool “SPLASH!” I look forward to seeing everyone this summer! Beautiful one owner home on a flat lake lot! Spacious ranch with a full basement offers 4 BR, 3 BA and endless views of gorgeous Spoon Lake. Open floor plan with vaulted great room that opens to the huge wraparound deck. Fresh neutral decor throughout and beautifully updated main bath. Lovely yard with great landscaping, nice dock and views to cherish. Offered at $454,900. Unlimited 7227 N. University Peoria, IL 61614 Each office independently owned & operated. 309.687.5050 309.264.2700 amyv3@aol.com April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR--PAGE 7 Oak Run First Responders (Emergency Medical Services and Firefighters) By Larry Wood The Oak Run First Responder Mission Statement is: “The true meaning of community; neighbors helping neighbors. Trained volunteers protecting life and property.” Your Oak Run First Responders had the following Emergency Medical Services (EMS) calls: two (2) in November, four (4) in December, one (1) in January, and five (5) in February (through 2/25). Firefighters had no (0) calls in November and December, one (1) call in January, and one (1) in February (through 2/25). Monthly First Responder Meetings Our Monthly Team Meetings occur on the first Thursday of each month at the First Responder Building starting at 6:30 p.m. This has changed from previous Communicators. You’re invited to our monthly meetings or visit our new website: www.oakrunfun.com/firstresponders for more information. Look for a link to our website on the POA website home page: www.oakrunpoa.com At the station, come and check out the trucks, turn-out gear, and medical and fire equipment. See if being a First Responder, either EMS or Firefighter, is for you. Members must be at least 18 years of age, a full-time resident of Oak Run, and have a valid Illinois driver’s license. Jan Congreve will teach a First Responder Class this summer at Oak Run, for those interested in joining our team. We thank Travis Huffman for winterizing the First Responder Fire/Rescue Boat at no charge, prior to winter storage. First Responder Officers As of January 1, 2015, Kraig Love continues as the Oak Run Fire Chief. Bruce Bush is the Assistant Fire Chief. Dan Congreve is the EMS Officer. Dan Genty continues as the Trustee with the Williamsfield Fire Protection District Board of Directors. First Responder officers are as follows: Mary Bush, President; Jan Querciagrossa, S e c r e t a r y ; J a n e F r a z i e r, Treasurer; Jan Congreve, Training Coordinator; and Larry Wood, Communicator. We currently have 15 members: 4 EMS First Responders, 4 Firefighters, and 7 members who are both EMS and Firefighters. Three of our EMS personnel have a higher level of training than the required level for basic EMS. Christmas/Recognition Party Our December monthly meeting was our annual Christmas and Recognition Party at Brentwood. All current and former first Responders were invited, and the Williamsfield High School Honor students served the guests. We recognized the resignat i o n s o f G e o rg e H u r d ( 1 5 years in EMS and a Charter Member) and Tom Kordewick (5 years as a firefighter). George and Tom were presented commemorative plaques for their great service. Our alumni included Anna May Gorski, Elaine Rash, and Mel Rash. It was a fun evening with great food and lively conversation. Training First Responders received the following training: Nov. 13 - EMS review of new refusal sheets and report forms (1 hr) Jan. 8 - EMS review of scene size-up by Jan and Dan Congreve (1 hr) Jan. 25 - Fire and EMS training on ice rescue along with Appleton Fire Department (2 hrs) Jan. 26 - New EMS Protocol Training by Melissa Stokes, EMS Coordinator from OSF St. Mary Medical Center (1.5 hrs) Feb. 5 - EMS review of trauma assessment and scene size-up by Jan and Dan Congreve (1.5 hrs) Feb. 19 - Firemen training on accountability at the scene, extraction equipment practice, and SCBA practice (2 hrs) Feb. 24 - New EMS Protocol Training by Dan Congreve (1.5 hrs) A website was developed by Jim Cody, that shares our history and provides safety information and safety tips for the Oak Run community, and has additional training information specifically for First Responders: www.oakrunfun.com/firstresponders Thank you Jim for your time and effort. We are proud of our involvement in community events. We offer monthly free blood pressure checks on the fourth Saturday of each month from 9-10 a.m. at our station. We are responsible for testing our two tornado sirens each month and setting them off as necessary. The slogan, “We can’t help you if we can’t find you!” has resulted in the addition of 188 (white on blue) reflective address signs for Oak Run homes and docks. Contact Tom Kordewick at 309-879-2082 for details. The price for the metal sign is $20 and an additional $10 Give us a call for all your Projects! if you need a stake to mount the sign. Food Drive Another community project is the collection of food or monetary donations for the FISH Food Pantry in Galesburg, which supplies emergency food for the very needy of Knox County. We are collecting non-perishable food at the Oak Run Food Mart or the First Responder Building. Monetary donations in the form of a check to the FISH Food Pantry can be given to any Oak Run First Responder. Each dollar donation buys $5 of food from the River Bend Distribution Facility. Contact Larry Wood on 309-7126566 for questions or food pickup. To date, we have collected 150 pounds of food from the generous Oak Run residents. Thanks to those who have already donated. Fire Department Symbol Have you ever wondered about the logo on the Fire Truck door at the First Responder Building? The red symbol illustrates a fire hydrant on the left side. At Oak Run, we are fortunate to have hydrants throughout the community; every 300 – 400 feet along the roads. The right side of the emblem illustrates a ladder and a pike pole. The pike pole is a long pole with a hook on the end used to ventilate a burning building by removing interior ceiling panels, exterior shingles and siding, and breaking out windows. The pike pole was also used in logging and ice fishing, where it likely got its name “pike” from the type of fish that it speared upward. Also, the term “hook & ladder truck” was said to be derived from the hook on the end of the pike pole along with the ladder on the side of the fire truck. The center of the emblem shows the tools of the trade, including a helmet, an ax, a pike pole, and a ladder, along with a historical bugle. Before our modern day electronic radios, the bugle was an important means of communicating at the fire scene. Spot a STROKE and Act Quickly! THINK YOU ARE HAVING A STROKE? CALL 9-1-1 IMMEDIATELY! F.A.S.T. is an easy way to remember the sudden signs of stroke. When you can spot the signs, you’ll know that you need to call 9-1-1 for help right away. F.A.S.T. is: Face Drooping – Does one side of the face droop or is it numb? Ask the person to smile. Is the person’s smile uneven? Arm Weakness – Is one arm weak or numb? Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward? Speech Difficulty – Is speech slurred? Is the person unable to speak or hard to understand? Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence, like “The sky is blue.” Is the sentence repeated correctly? Time to call 9-1-1 – If someone shows any of these symptoms, even if the symptoms go away, call 9-1-1 and get the person to the hospital immediately. Check the time so you’ll know when the first symptoms appeared. Reference: American Heart Association PAGE 8--April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR Oak Run P.O.A. Board POA BOARD ACTIONS 11-20-14 2015 MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT – Approved the 2015 maintenance assessment of $352.00, using the base $85.00 and the current CPI. 2015 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE – Approved the schedule of regular Board meetings on the following dates: March 19, April 16, May 21, June 18, July 16, August 20, September 17, October 15, and November 19. COMMITTEE LIAISON APPOINTMENTS – Approved the following committee liaison appointments for 2015: Architectural and Environmental Control (AEC) – Steve Foster; C a m p e r ’s Vi l l a g e – B r i a n O’Connor; Community Relations & Publicity – Don Timmerman; Fish and Sports – Doug Frakes; Safety – Dave Diggle; and Spoon Lake Activity Team (SLAT) – Judd Glow. STANDING COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS – Approved the following members to serve on the Architectural and Environmental Control Committee for 2015: Joe Kunzer, Ron Schild, Dave Anderson, Larry Wood, Carl Clang, and Kent Wanninger. A L L O C AT I O N TO RESERVES – Directed management to retain $200,000 in the Cash in Bank account and $50,000 in Savings, and to move all additional funds to the Reserve and Replacement account at the year’s end. A RCH ITECTU RA L A N D ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL (AEC) FEES – Approved the following AEC Fees for 2015 permit applications: Siding $25, Landscaping $25, Miscellaneous Construction $25, Fence $50, Dock $75, Deck $100, Shed $100, Garage $250, Room Addition $250, Demolition $250, and House $500. Tree removal and Shoreline work require no fee. RULE BOOKLET REVIEW – Suspended discussion on this issue until more information is obtained. 2015 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE – Moved to adopt the same meeting schedule as the POA approved. GOLF COURSE BOARD ACTIONS – 11-20-14 RiverBottom Tree Service •Storm Damage Cleanup •Complete Tree Removals •55' Bucket Truck •Trimming & Pruning •Lot & Brush Clearing •Firewood •Wood Chips Climbing IS Our Specialty! Fully Insured Year Round Service 24 Hr. Emergency Service Locally Owned and Operated Call Now for a Fast Free Estimate! John Howard Knoxville, IL 309-221-1914 April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR--PAGE 9 Looking Up by Bob Pauer Leo’s Tripet of Galaxies Using a good pair of binoculars, a cluster of three galaxies can be seen in the same field of view. The cluster is located near the belly of Leo. At a distance of 35 million light years, one of Gemini Twins The skies of spring bring several interesting constellations. Facing south at 8:00 p.m. during the month of March, Gemini appears high in the southern skies. It can be located to the left of the constellation Orion, which is just above the setting sun. In Greek mythology, the constellation is known as the Gemini Twins and it represents mortality (Castor) and immortality (Pollux). In the myth, Leda, the queen of Sparta, gave birth to twin boys, Castor and Pollux. Castor’s father was the mortal king of Sparta, but Pollux was the son of the immortal god Zeus. Castor and Pollux, whose sister was Helen of Troy, were inseparable as children and went off together to fight in the Trojan War. When Caster eventually died, Pollux was grief stricken. Seeing this, Zeus made Castor immortal and reunited him with Pollux in the sky. Pollux’s head is represented by the brighter of the two stars seen in the diagram above. Near the left foot of Pollux is the star cluster M35. Composed of about 650 stars, it is thought to be about 100 million years old, and can be easily seen through a pair of binoculars. the galaxies is comparable to our own Milky Way Galaxy. It is so large that traveling at a speed of 186,000 miles per second, it would take about 100,000 years to fly across it. S uperior S eawalls & Docks Rip Rap Shoreline Barge at Work Facing south, the constellation Leo is to the left of Gemini, and is identified by the sickle-shaped (backwards ?) group of stars and the triangle of stars that represent his hind quarters. In mythology, Leo represents the Nemean lion that was slain by Hercules in the first of his 12 Labors. The lion lived in a den near the town of Nemea, and he would lure local hunters to the den. When they tried to kill him, their arrows would bounce off of his impenetrable fur. The lion would then devour the doomed warriors and throw their bones to Hades. To defeat the lion, Hercules stunned it with his club and then strangled it with his super human strength. Steel Piling Wall WE COMPLETE ALL PERMITS! ALL WORK COMPLETED FROM BARGE! What We Do! • Barge Work—install beaches, remove trees • Docks—custom, floating, stationary • Dredging—shallow areas • Erosion Control—earthwork & terraces • Pile Walls—steel or vinyl • Rip Rap—shorelines BOOK FOR SPRING & SAVE Barge Advantages • 24' Wide x 40' Long Barge • 110,000 lbs capacity • 37,000 lbs John Deere excavator * Pile Driver - 75,000 lbs. down force Custom Docks & Lifts Wahoo Docks - http://www.wahoodocks.com/ Floating or Stationary Category 5 Docks come standard with a real 20 year non prorated warranty. Our floating docks stay + or - 22" above the water during flooding and droughts. Our decking and canvas roofs are available in multiple color options. Hydrohoist Air Lifts — Are the highest quality in the industry - available with many options. Your Waterfront Is Our Business! 877-875-2463 - Office 309-678-2303 - Mobile Website: superiorseawalls.com Email: dharper@superiorseawalls.com Experienced Crews & Grea t Service! PAGE 10--April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR Oak Run is a wonderful community to live in. That is the reason we have been emptying out the farm house and buildings in Galva, and making our permanent home here. Many Oak Run residents have been there for us, to help pack, load, and move things from the farm to Oak Run. Thanks to Joan and Ken Grauf, Mary and Bruce Bush, Dale Steffen, Kendal Zehr, Barb and Don Timmerman, Norma and John Lindberg, Vicki and Mike Massie, Marilyn and Bill Gliva, Don Morris, and Kathryn and Carl Clang. Also, a few days later after the move, Don Timmerman and Carl Clang built a nice little ramp from the garage into the house here at Oak Run, for easier access. We can’t thank all of them enough. Harlan and Sally Nelson During the snow storm on February 26th, we left early in the morning for our son-in-law’s funeral in Shelbyville, leaving our driveway full of snow. On the way back home on Friday afternoon, we were both dreading facing the task of cleaning our driveway up as it had drifted quite a bit and, of course, we had driven on it, which makes cleanup more difficult. As we arrived at the cul de sac, we were pleasantly surprised to see that it had been all cleared off for us. Our neighbors, Margie and Judd Glow, had done it! What a wonderful gesture. Thanks! Jerry and Ruth Love New Property Owners FROM 11/3/14 - 3/3/15 Steven Harper Naperville 8-160 Kristen Pool Monmouth 7-064A Dan & Traci Hier Kewanee 3-246 Jeremy Gerlach Dahinda 1-362 Mary McDade Peoria 1-205C Curtis & Rebecca Good Dahinda 1-287 Bryan & Karen Dixon Bettendorf 6-090 William Clark Knoxville 3-066 James & Betty Nelson Galesburg 2-457 Jeffrey Bridgewater Kewanee 7-137 Ron & Brenda Roling Peoria 1-495 Craig & Janet Rocke Peoria 2-355 Blaine & Jessica Villarreal Galesburg 2-389 Robert & Christine Whitlatch Mapleton 7-255 Keith & Roberta Majors Dahinda 1-281 Michael Nguyen & Jessica Condi Dahinda 1-221 James Callihan Browning 5-171 James & Pamela McNelly II Dahinda 5-244 Chad & Brooke Traphagan 1-261 Dahinda Kimbal & Tamyra Skaggs Bartonville 5-088A Daniel Skaggs Bartonville 5-088B Adrienne Dixon Princeville 5-155A Rudy & Lindsey Dixon Sycamore 5-155B Matthew & Rhonda Knox Metamora 1-262 Michael & Karen Bolt Normal 8-010 Blaine & Jessica Villarreal Galesburg 2-388 Craig & Terri Martin Princeville 2-365B Randy & Linda Hulet Abingdon 6-237A Bradley Hulet Hanna City 6-237B William Whitehurst Glasford 3-043A Rose Birmingham Glasford 3-043C Matthew & Phyllis Givan East Galesburg 5-237 Ryan Lewis Peoria 6-189B Charles & Sherry Jones Yates City 7-229 MITCH DAILY EXCAVATING s 38 year nce experie Serving West Central Illinois Cell: (309) 337-8992 Home: (309) 289-8992 •Clearing •Dam Repair •Overflow Pipe Replacement •Rip Rap Placement •Fencerow Removal •Pond Dredging •Basements •Shoreline Work •Demolition •Conservation Work Fully Insured Williamsfield Public Library News Many Oak Run residents borrow books from their tax-supported Williamsfield Public Library and are aware of plans for growth. To those who do not know about the building of a new library adjacent to the Williamsfield School campus, completion is slated for the middle of May, with opening by the end of August. The Williamsfield Public Library District (WPLD) is excited and proud to be on schedule with the building of the new library facility. Three public entities have worked cooperatively to plan for taking the library into the future and better serve our communities. The land was given to the WPLD by the Village of Williamsfield. The Williamsfield Schools’ Building Trades students are constructing the Library. The Library Board and Friends of the Library are conducting fundraisers to buy the building. When in operation, the new enlarged library will have a larger collection, an expanded children’s library, student study areas, a genealogy center, enhanced technology, public Wi-Fi, a community-accessible meeting room, public restrooms, and storm shelter. If you have questions, call 639-2630, email info@wpldnext. org, or visit www.wpldnext.org for more information. April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR--PAGE 11 Spoon Lake Activity Team (SLAT) By Karen Addis Frakes December’s Christmas Walk and Buffet, was a huge success! January and February we held: Your Wine and Art Defined. This concept sounded like so much fun, we held it twice this winter to ‘paint away the winter blues!’ A portion of the proceeds for each painting event was donated to the Oak Run Fire Department and Knox county TRIAD, respectfully by ‘Art Defined’. Check out the ‘Masterpieces’ in progress and pictures from each of other events on our website: HYPERLINK “http://www.slatnews.com” www. slatnews.com Look for Spoon Lake Activity Team’s upcoming 2015 events on our “Save the Date” listing located within this Communicator. Quickly approaching; spring at Oak Run, and SLAT’s first Easter egg hunt! Please work with us in offering this fun Oak Run event for kids 10 and under! Saturday, April 4th (10 am) Brentwood – don’t be late! Questions - call Suzie at 309-879-2802. Our May event will be changed up a bit this year. Beth Russell, pool manager, has asked SLAT to help her with the Brentwood Pool’s Grand Re-Opening! SLAT’s portion of the Pool “SPLASH” on May 23rd will be providing a Cardboard Boat Regatta at 4 pm: prizes will be awarded for the Fastest Time; Most Spectacular Sinking; and Best Theme. Find the rules and boat regulations within this Communicator. Beth will be having many more activities for the Brentwood Pool’s Grand ReOpening! Come kick off summer at the Pool! Never played Golf (?) that’s ok! Come try your swing out at SLAT’s Summer Swing. A Superball golf event we will be holding on June 6th. Fun Time – Fun Crowd! We are always looking for businesses and/or individuals interested in sponsoring any one of our various events; prizes or monetarily. Feel free to join us at one of our meetings. We welcome interested planners and facilitators to our Activity Team! We meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7 pm at Brentwood. Have questions or interested in sponsoring an event? Contact Karen at 309-879-2183, Sherry at 309-879-2134 or Robin at 309879-2775. Visit our website!! www.slatnews.com and Like us on Facebook at Spoon Lake Activity Team/Dahinda A New Generation of Television Service is Here... OPTURA from Mid Century! The Right Connection for You! Bringing you entertainment options & features like: Games HD Apps & More Whole Home DVR No Contract Interactive SAVE when you bundle with phone & Internet! Learn More... Call 309.778.8611 or Visit midcentury.com. OAK RUN PEST CONTROL Some service restrictions may apply. H & S Multi-Services, LLC • Home remodeling & repairs • Replacement windows & doors • Handyman services, small jobs welcome • Basement finishing projects, including custom built bars 37 Years Experience Free Estimates Contact us at h&smultiservices@yahoo.com or call Mike 309-231-5511 (property owner since 1988) Kyle 309-231-5711 (full time resident) Ask about our vacation home care serivces We can care for your home year round when you are out of the area. Also pre & post vacation packages available, we will gladly email a list of our services & pricing. Mid Century Communications t 285 Mid Century Lane t Fairview, IL 61432 PAGE 12-- April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR--PAGE 13 May2: Valborg Bonfire – Welcome Spring in this traditional way. Listen to songs and speeches as you watch the bonfire consume the remnants of winter. 6pm-9pm. Enjoy a wiener roast, coffee, hot chocolate, and other tasty treats Spring Bishop Hill Events April 11: Spring Jubilee – Bishop Hill springs to life as shops and museums open for the season from 10am-5pm. Guests are greeted with coffee, cookies, and special treats. April 11: He Gave the World the Steel Plow: The John Deere Story - The Bishop Hill Heritage Association (BHHA) will be host Richard Morthland, a scholar with the Illinois Humanities Council, to present a first person portrayal of John Deere in the story He Gave the World the Steel Plow. The public is invited to this free program in the Dairy Building at 2pm. April 21: Swedish Immigration Program – Dr. Anne-Charlotte Harvey will present a program with accompanying music, about Swedish immigration. Sponsored by the BHHA, this hour-long program will be held in the Dairy Building at 410 North Erickson Street at 7pm. May 9: Bishop Hill Civil War Days – The public is invited to celebrate Bishop Hill’s Military Company D, 57th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. This event will feature a Civil War encampment in the village park and free programming throughout the day. Meet Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln, General Blackjack Logan, and other Civil War figures. A special Civil War exhibit will be on display at the Steeple Building. Stay for an evening Civil War Dance held in the Colony School. May 15-17: Quilt Show – Wine, Women, and Windows – A bedazzling display of color will fill the Colony School. May 15 and 16, 10am-5pm and May 17, 10am-4pm. Quilts may be antique, miniature, patchwork, applique, or something else. $4.00 admission. See special quilt exhibits throughout town. June 7: Honor Flight Benefit – This is a fund raising event for the Honor Flight of the Quad Cities. 3pm-6pm. Enjoy music, an auction, and a dinner, all in the Bishop Hill Village Park. April 25: Swedish Stomp and Skamparoo – Experience Historic Bishop Hill as you run or walk in this 5K event. Registration 7am; Race 9am. Support the “Communicator” •Utilize the classified ad section. •Acknowledge our advertisers when using their services CW Septic Service Inc. 1-800-852-6220 Chris Wenger, President Box 50, London Mills, IL 61544 Cell: 309/221-5100 • Septic Tanks • Grease Traps • Holding Tanks 200 Feet of Vacuum Hose Family owned since 1975 In the spring we install . . . we take out in the fall: •Docks •Boat Hoists •Canopy Covers Please call your ShoreStation dealer Boat Lift Services, Inc. Scot Thompson 1554 Barefoot Rd., Knoxville, IL 61448 (309)289-8759 Office We look forward to seeing you on the lake! “Why Volunteer?” By Larry Wood Joining an Oak Run committee and/or volunteering for special projects sponsored by Oak Run committees, creates a feel good feeling and provides a way of meeting other Oak Runners. It also opens doors to activities beyond, but in close proximity to, the Oak Run area. Many of our residents are involved in volunteer work outside of Oak Run. These include the Oak Run First Responders (part of Williamsfield Fire Protection District-15 Oak Run volunteers), Habitat for Humanity, FISH Food Pantry of Galesburg, Knox County Fair, Carl Sandberg College, Local church activities and missions, Blood drives, Election Judges, Knox County 4H, American Legion and VFW, and numerous other organizations. We should also be aware of what’s going on in our community and look into ways to help. It could be a neighbor who’s struggling with a chore or needing assistance. With a helping hand they could continue to enjoy their life at Oak Run. Volunteering comes in many ways. In the end, it means giving of one’s time to bring a ray of hope to one in need. P.S. Currently, eight Oak Runners volunteer at the Galesburg FISH Food Pantry on a weekly basis. More volunteers are needed, especially those with basic computer knowledge. Contact Jim Rich (309-368-5516) for more information. THOMPSON LAND IMPROVEMENT We take care of all your landscaping needs! •Landscape Design •Specialized Stonework •Plant Design & Installation •Fireplaces & Firepits Scot Thompson (309) 289-8759 office •Paver Patios & Walkways •Retaining Walls & Edging •Landscape Lighting •Water Gardens 1554 Barefoot Rd. Knoxville, IL 61448 PAGE 14--April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR 2015 Sugar Creek Anglers of the Year made up of their Spring Bass Tournament total and their top 10 finishes of the Thursday night tournaments. (Points from 11 total tournaments will be used.) Points will be given at each tournament, according to the team’s total bass weight. Points will be awarded to the teams finishing with the top 5 weights. Points will also be given for the biggest fish weighed at each tournament. To qualify for the Fall Classic, you must fish the Spring Bass Tournament and at least ten (10) Thursday night tourneys. Big Bass will always break ties. If there is a tie for any of the places at the end of the season, big bass for the year will break the tie. *Note: There are no showup points awarded this year, you must weigh in at least one (1) fish to qualify for points. The total purse will consist of Season, Points and Payouts: This year ’s Sugar Creek Anglers of the Year competition will consist of our regular Oak Run season fishing events and a Fall Classic. The regular season will consist of the Oak Run Spring Bass Tournament and all of the Thursday night bass tournaments. The Fall Classic will be held during the Oak Run Fall Bass Tournament. The Oak Run Spring and Fall Bass tournaments, and all of the Thursday night tournaments will be paid out as usual, the Fall Classic is a completely separate event. Team total points will be team entry fees and all left over sponsor monies. Sponsor monies will be used for the Fall Classic and for sign up gear - sweatshirts, t-shirts, and can koozies. Rules: All Oak Run fishing rules and regulations, governed by the Fish and Sports Committee, apply and will not change. Teams must possess at least one (1) POA card and a valid Oak Run boat sticker. Substitutes may be used, as long as one (1) team member is present. One member from each team must check in before each tournament to receive points for that tournament. Team-mates cannot fish in separate boats during a tournament event. If so, that team cannot collect points during that tournament. All tournament results will be posted online at www.oakrun.thursdaynight.com WORSHIP: 8:30 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL: 9:50 AM WORSHIP: 10:45 AM Wednesday Night Prayer Service: 7:00 PM Pastor: Marty Briney TERRACE HOMES, INC. “QUALITY MODULAR HOMES” BUILDING YOUR DREAMS “Alpine Retreat” “Aspen Chalet” Whether you own a lot or are buying one, I’ll be happy to look at your building site for you! We can give a firm quote on your total building project. “Aspen Chalet” TERRACE HOMES are top of the line. Quality materials and name brand products go into every TERRACE HOME. We have hundreds of designs but will also build the plans you have and customize to suit your needs. You won't get a better price on a new home! WHY BUY A “TERRACE HOME” FROM WHITMAN BUILDERS, INC. ◆ I am not just a dealer - I am the builder who personally does the work on your new home. If you need anything you can call me. ◆ I have built over 70 homes at Oak Run that you can see. I will give you a reference list. Call my past customers. ◆ I save the customers money! I coordinate all of the work on your home with our contractors and there is NO general contractors fee. This means I get a quote for their work and you pay them directly. ◆ I can also build your decks, docks, stairs, garage, lay up stone fireplaces inside and out or finish off your basement with additional bedrooms and rec area. I have albums of photos of homes I have done that I will be glad to show you! OUR EXPERIENCED PROFESSIONALS OWN AND OPERATE THEIR BUSINESSES CLOSE TO THE OAK RUN AREA. IF YOU NEED SERVICE, THEY WILL BE THERE TO TAKE CARE OF YOU. CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITE AT: www.terracehomes.com Available From WHITMAN BUILDERS, INC. “Your Local Contractor” CALVIN WHITMAN Authorized Dealer/Contractor 2395 HENDERSON TRAIL, RIO, IL 61472 Call for our catalog and free factory tour! We’ll build to suit or e-mail whitman@galesburg.net your needs! Fax 309-344-2410 Phone 309/343-5778 April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR--PAGE 15 IMPORTANT NOTICES AND POLICIES FOR KNOX COUNTY AND OAK RUN 2015 ILLINOIS BOAT OPERATION REQUIREMENTS All persons born after January 1, 1998 are required to take and pass a boating safety course validated by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (INDR) and hold a valid boating safety certificate before they can operate a motorboat with an engine over 10 hp. Anyone between the ages of 10 and 12 must be supervised by an adult who has a certificate. Anyone between the ages of 12 and 18 must have a certificate or have supervision of a certified adult. ATTENTION BOAT OWNERS: The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) DID NOT send out watercraft renewal notices this year. It is your responsibility to make sure that your watercraft registration is current. Watercraft registration always expires on June 30th. Did yours expire this year? Information and renewal information can be found at www. dnr.illinois.gov STATE OF ILLINOIS NON-MOTORIZED BOAT REGISTRATION CHANGED: The state of Illinois has changed the process for registration of non-motorized boats. Boats without motors are no longer required to be titled in Illinois (unless it has a motor). These boats will now require a Water Usage Stamp, which should be available at point of sale vendors. For more information on Water Usage Stamps, visit the DNR website listed above. Reminder to Boat Owners: Illinois Law Reminder: The Illinois Boat Registration and Safety Act was amended in 2013, to prevent the spread of invasive aquatic plants and animals by boats, trailers and vehicles. It is now illegal to enter OR leave a water body with aquatic plants and animals attached to your boat or trailer. Travel on Illinois highways with aquatic plants or animals attached is also prohibited. Always Remove, Drain, and Dry to comply with this Illinois Law! PAGE 16-- April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR OAK RUN FORMS AND FEES SWIM LESSONS - 2015 First Session Oak Run Property Owners Assoc. SWIM LESSONS - 2015 Second Session Oak Run Property Owners Assoc. The FIRST SESSION is from JUNE 8 to JUNE 24 and the lessons are held MONDAY and WEDNESDAY of the week at the allotted time. The SECOND SESSION is from JULY 6 to JULY 22 and the lessons are held MONDAY and WEDNESDAY of the week at the allotted time. GUPPY - Introduction to water. Good for a first swim lesson. (Red Cross Levels 1 & 2) GUPPY - Introduction to water. Good for a first swim lesson. (Red Cross Levels 1 & 2) MINNOW - Intermediate level of swimming lessons. Work mostly on front crawl. Introduction to strokes. (Red Cross Levels 3 & 4) MINNOW - Intermediate level of swimming lessons. Work mostly on front crawl. Introduction to strokes. (Red Cross Levels 3 & 4) FISH - Advanced level of swimming. They need to be strong swimmers. These lessons concentrate on strokes. (Red Cross Levels 5 & 6) FISH - Advanced level of swimming. They need to be strong swimmers. These lessons concentrate on strokes. (Red Cross Levels 5 & 6) JUNIOR LIFEGUARD - It is a Red Cross affiliated program for children ages 11-14 and is designed to prepare participants for the lifeguard certification test. All participants must pass a swimming fitness test in order to enroll. This class is free with a paid FISH class (see above). JUNIOR LIFEGUARD - It is a Red Cross affiliated program for children ages 11-14 and is designed to prepare participants for the lifeguard certification test. All participants must pass a swimming fitness test in order to enroll. This class is free with a paid FISH class (see above). The Swim Lessons are in conjunction with the Red Cross Program and Red Cross Certification will be issued upon completion. The Swim Lessons are in conjunction with the Red Cross Program and Red Cross Certification will be issued upon completion. Parent’s Name: Parent’s Name: Address: Address: Phone Number: Phone Number: Name of participant(s) Name of participant(s) Age of participant(s) Age of participant(s) Have the participants ever had swim lessons before? Have the participants ever had swim lessons before? *********************************** Monday & Wednesday *********************************** Monday & Wednesday Guppy - 9:00-9:30 a.m. Minnow - 9:30-10:00 a.m. Guppy - 9:00-9:30 a.m. Minnow - 9:30-10:00 a.m. Fish - 10:00-10:30 a.m. Jr. Lifeguard - 10:30-11:00 a.m. Fish - 10:00-10:30 a.m. Jr. Lifeguard - 10:30-11:00 a.m. Payment acount enclosed: Payment amount enclosed: Cost is $25.00 a session per participant for property owners. Cost is $30.00 a session per participant for guests of property owners. For questions or more information, call 309-879-2603. Cost is $25.00 a session per participant for property owners. Cost is $30.00 a session per participant for guests of property owners. For questions or more information, call 309-879-2603. Mail or bring check and form to: Oak Run POA, Inc., 1470 Knox Road 1725 N, Dahinda, Il 61428 Mail or bring check and form to: Oak Run POA, Inc., 1470 Knox Road 1725 N, Dahinda, Il 61428 April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR--PAGE 17 OAK RUN FORMS AND FEES 2015 OAK RUN BOAT REGISTRATION PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES 1. Registration of four (4) motorized watercraft will be allowed per lot: • Limit of two (2) watercraft in the 26 horsepower or more (& jet skis) category • Limit of two (2) watercraft in the 1-25 horsepower category There is no limit on nonmotorized watercraft registration. 2. Minimum watercraft personal liability insurance in the amount of $300,000 and minimum watercraft property damage liability insurance in the amount of $50,000 must be in force for the entire duration that all registered motorized watercraft(s) will be used on the lake at Oak Run. 3. The registration application with the Insurance Covenant for Watercraft Registration and Indemnification Agreement must be signed by the property owner before boat stickers will be issued. (Copy of insurance certificate is not required.) 4. A copy of the current registration or title for each watercraft to be registered is required. All watercraft on Spoon Lake must have current registrations, in accordance with state laws. 5. All watercraft to be registered at Oak Run must be titled and insured in the property owners’ name. 6. No guest boats are allowed at Oak Run ANY TIME. 7. All motorized watercraft shall be registered with the State of Illinois, if such watercraft will be within this state for a period of 60 consecutive days. 8. 2015 boat stickers must be displayed by April 1 st , 2015. There is a $100.00 fine for not displaying current stickers on the watercraft. 2015 boat stickers are valid through March 31, 2016. 9. Please remove all expired Oak Run boat stickers. Altered stickers will not be permitted. 10. No watercraft will be registered that contains a head facility or porta-potty. 11. The maximum allowed length of watercraft on Spoon Lake is 25 feet, except pontoons. 12. There is a $10.00 charge for replacement boat stickers. 13. If a new boat is purchased during the year and you want to transfer your stickers; return the original boat stickers, and there will be a $10.00 fee (plus class 2015 APPLICATION FOR BOAT REGISTRATION, MOTORIZED: 1-25 HP OFFICE USE ONLY: NO. AMOUNT CASH DATE: CHECK MAP COP FEE: $30.00 PER WATERCRAFT Boat stickers are valid through March 31, 2016 PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: SUBDIVISION & LOT NO. Street Address City State Zip LOT CO-OWNERS’ NAME(S): (If this is a multi-owner lot) MAKE & TYPE (Pontoon, Jon Boat, etc.) STATE REGISTRATION # LENGTH H.P. CRAFT 1 CRAFT 2 For this application to be processed, the following requirements must be met: 1. All maintenance assessments must be paid by all owners of the lot. 2. Minimum watercraft liability insurance requirements as described below must be met. 3. A copy of the current registration or title of each watercraft to be registered must be enclosed. 4. Oak Run boat registration procedures and guidelines must be read and understood. 5. A stamped, self-addressed envelope must be enclosed, if stickers are to be mailed to property owner. 6. Mail your application and check to: Oak Run POA, Inc., 1470 Knox Road 1725 North, Dahinda, IL 61428 7. No refunds will be issued. No stickers will be issued without signature on application. Covenant for Watercraft Registration and Indemnification Agreement: As a condition of registering the above identified watercraft(s) at Oak Run, each undersigned hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. Each signer is an owner of the foregoing watercraft, with legal authority to sign this document. 2. At all times, each signer will maintain insurance coverage on each motorized watercraft registered at Oak Run, with minimum personal liability limits of $300,000 and minimum property damage liability limits of $50,000. 3. If any signer or permissive user of any watercraft identified above fails to comply with this covenant, and for any reason the Association incurs any loss as a result, either directly or indirectly, including attorney's fees and costs, or damage of any kind or nature whatsoever, each signer agrees to indemnify and hold the Association harmless for any loss incurred as a result of the breach. 4. This covenant does not limit or restrict any other legal remedies the Association might have arising from the operation of any of the above watercraft. Signature of Property Owner(s) Date Signed 2015 APPLICATION FOR BOAT REGISTRATION, NON-MOTORIZED BOATS OFFICE USE ONLY: NO. AMOUNT CASH DATE: CHECK MAP COP FEE: $20.00 PER WATERCRAFT Boat stickers are valid through March 31, 2016 PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: SUBDIVISION & LOT NO. Street Address City State Zip LOT CO-OWNERS’ NAME(S): (If this is a multi-owner lot) MAKE & TYPE (Canoe, Kayak, Paddle Boat, etc.) LENGTH CRAFT 1 CRAFT 2 CRAFT 3 CRAFT 4 For this application to be processed, the following requirements must be met: 1. All maintenance assessments must be paid by all owners of the lot. 2. Insurance coverage is not required for non-motorized watercraft. 3. The state requires that a yearly "water stamp" be purchased for all non-motorized watercraft to be used in Illinois. Water stamps may be purchased by vendors who sell fishing licenses. 4. A stamped, self-addressed envelope must be enclosed, if stickers are to be mailed to property owner. 5. Mail your application and check to: Oak Run POA, Inc., 1470 Knox Road 1725 North, Dahinda, IL 61428 6. No refunds will be issued. No stickers will be issued without signature on application. I (We) the undersigned have read and understand the boat registration procedures and guidelines attached to this document. Signature of Property Owner(s) Date Signed difference if there is an increase) for the new stickers. If the original stickers are not returned, the regular registration fee will be charged for new stickers. 14. All persons born after January 1, 1998, MUST take and pass a boating safety course validated by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and hold a valid boating safety certificate before they can operate a motorboat or PWC (personal watercraft) with an engine over 10 hp. Anyone between the ages of 10-12 must be supervised by an adult who has a certificate, and those between ages 12 and 18 must have a certificate or have supersivion of a certified adult. 15. Watercraft with the captain’s choice option SHALL be in the underwater mode at all times. All watercraft, regardless of the year registered, must be equipped and maintained with an effective muffler which does not produce sound levels that create excessive or unusual noise. Excessive or unusual noise levels shall be determined by Oak Run Lake Patrol. OAK RUN RULES Violators are subject to up to $100.00 fine for each offense. Subsequent offences are 30 days suspension of privileges and an appearance before the Oak Run Board of Directors. 1. Docking of watercraft on outlots is restricted to the hours between sunrise and sunset. 2. Sharing of membership cards is prohibited. 3. All watercraft must travel in counterclockwise direction. (Keep the nearest shoreline to your right.) 4. Skiing, fishing, or swimming from POA posted boat docks and rental boat slips is prohibited. 5. A property owner must be aboard any watercraft while it is on the lake, including jetskis. 6. No careless or reckless operation of watercraft. No 360º turns are allowed while operating a personal watercraft. 7. Observe "no wake" areas. 8. No person may operate a motor boat or personal watercraft which has in tow or is otherwise assisting; a person on water skis, aquaplane, or similar device, from the period of sunset to sunrise. 9. When towing a person on water skis, aquaplane, or similar device, the towing vessel must have the capacity of at least three people, and must be occupied by at least two competent individuals (a qualified operator and a competent observer) and a ski flag. The bright orange ski flag (min 2" per side) must be displayed so it can be seen from all directions, continuously, until the activity has ceased and the skier or tuber has re-entered the boat. 10. All play islands and swim platforms on Spoon Lake shall be registered annually with the Association office. All owners must pay a yearly registration fee of $20.00 per device and sign the registration application agreeing to provide the required insurance. 11. No swimming over 30 feet from the shoreline or anchored boat. 12. 2015 boat stickers must be displayed by April 1st, 2015, on all boats in rented slips or at private docks, if they are on the water. 13. All Federal and State laws shall apply. 14. Watercrafts are not to exceed 40 mph at any time. AQUATIC WEED CONTROL POLICY 1. Association personnel will tour the lake once a week beginning when the water temperature reaches 60 degrees and spray selected areas as needed. 2. The Association will treat problem areas of the lake when the surface area of a selected body of water is 20% or more covered with aquatic vegetation 3. It is the responsibility of lakefront property owners to control aquatic vegetation within 25 feet of the shoreline. If weed control is necessary, property owners may only use manual techniques such as cutting, raking and hand pulling. 4. No person shall apply a pri- mary pesticide to kill weeds in the lake without written permission from the Board of Directors. 5. If chemical treatment is requested of Association personnel within 25 feet of the shoreline, a fee will be charged for the service. Requests should be made 10 days in advance of the treatment date. A form will be filled out, signed, and payment will be made within 30 days of said chemical treatment 6. The Association shall reserve the right to deny any request for weed spraying when it is believed that chemical treatment is not justified. A $100.00 fee will be charged for treating up to 100 feet of shoreline, and $1.00 for each additional foot, up to $150.00. Aquatic Weed Control Request Form Name: Date: Phone: Cell: Subdivision: Lot: Service Requested: Fee: $100 for up to 100 feet of shoreline and $1.00 for each additional foot, up to $150.00. I have read and agree to the terms of Oak Run's aquatic weed control policy. I further understand that chemical treatment is in no way a guarantee the area treated will be free of all aquatic plant life or the re-growth thereof. Property Owner Signature: OFFICE USE Assigned to: Date: Date and Time Completed: Comments: Treated shoreline distance: Fee to be charged: 2015 APPLICATION FOR BOAT REGISTRATION, 26 HP OR MORE & JET SKIS OFFICE USE ONLY: NO. AMOUNT CASH DATE: CHECK MAP COP FEE: $150.00 PER WATERCRAFT Boat stickers are valid through March 31, 2016 PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: SUBDIVISION & LOT NO. Street Address City State Zip LOT CO-OWNERS’ NAME(S): (If this is a multi-owner lot) MAKE & TYPE (Pontoon, Ski Boat, Jet Ski, etc.) STATE REGISTRATION # LENGTH H.P. CRAFT 1 CRAFT 2 For this application to be processed, the following requirements must be met: 1. All maintenance assessments must be paid by all owners of the lot. 2. Minimum watercraft liability insurance requirements as described below must be met. 3. A copy of the current registration or title of each watercraft to be registered must be enclosed. 4. Oak Run boat registration procedures and guidelines must be read and understood. 5. A stamped, self-addressed envelope must be enclosed, if stickers are to be mailed to property owner. 6. Mail your application and check to: Oak Run POA, Inc., 1470 Knox Road 1725 North, Dahinda, IL 61428 7. No refunds will be issued. No stickers will be issued without signature on application. Covenant for Watercraft Registration and Indemnification Agreement: As a condition of registering the above identified watercraft(s) at Oak Run, each undersigned hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. Each signer is an owner of the foregoing watercraft, with legal authority to sign this document. 2. At all times, each signer will maintain insurance coverage on each motorized watercraft registered at Oak Run, with minimum personal liability limits of $300,000 and minimum property damage liability limits of $50,000. 3. If any signer or permissive user of any watercraft identified above fails to comply with this covenant, and for any reason the Association incurs any loss as a result, either directly or indirectly, including attorney's fees and costs, or damage of any kind or nature whatsoever, each signer agrees to indemnify and hold the Association harmless for any loss incurred as a result of the breach.4. This covenant does not limit or restrict any other legal remedies the Association might have arising from the operation of any of the above watercraft. 15. Posted fishing regulations enforced. DAILY LIMITS ARE PER PROPERTY OWNER, PER DAY ON ALL FISH: WALLEYE 2 FISH - 18" AND LARGER CRAPPIE 1 5 F I S H OVER 9" CHANNEL CAT 5 FISH - 12" AND LARGER ALL SMALL MOUTH BASS - CATCH AND RELEASE ONLY. LARGE MOUTH BASS: 6 FISH - UNDER 12" O R 5 FISH - UNDER 12" & 1 FISH OVER 20" BLUEGILL & REDEAR COMBINED: 20 FISH PER DAY Y O U M AY K E E P A L L BULLHEAD, YELLOW PERCH, CARP, AND WHITE BASS. PAGE 18--April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR 2015 Oak Run Photo Contest Submit your favorite photo, taken at Oak Run, to the Oak Run Photo Contest! The contest will be open January 1st through October 1st, 2015. The winning four photos of the contest will be featured on the front page of the December/March issue of the Communicator. Honorable mention photos will also be featured in the December/March issue. The 2015 contest will have categories, so there will be more than one winner. The main theme is still to represent Oak Run. The categories include: Landscape/ waterscape, nature/animals; difficult shots, and creative shots. Be sure to mention which category you want your photograph to be entered in, as some photos could be considered for more than one category. You may submit your picture via email to communicator@oakrunpoa.com using “Photo Contest” as your subject line. You may submit printed photographs to Photo Contest % Oak Run POA, 1470 Knox Road 1725N, Dahinda, IL 61428. All submitted photos become property of the Oak Run POA and the Communicator. Photos may be used in future ... Real Estate Charles A. Cooley II Managing Broker 309-289-9022 138 Public Square Knoxville, IL 61448 309-289-9022 issues of the Communicator, or as the POA deems fit. Photo prints will not be returned. For all photo submissions, please include your name and address, phone number, and the name of the person who took the photo. A short background story concerning the photograph and the photographer may also be included. Get out your camera and take some fantastic photographs of Oak Run! Enter your photo in the contest, and then see your picture on the front page of the December/March issue of the Communicator! Remember, the contest ends on October 1st, 2015. Travel Plans For 2015? I have been in many places, but I’ve never been in Kahoots. Apparently, you can’t go alone. You have to be in Kahoots with someone. I’ve also never been in Cognito. I hear no one recognizes you there. I have, however, been in Sane. They don’t have an airport; you have to be driven there. I have made several trips there, thanks to my children, friends, family, and work. I would like to go to LeRoy Shoop Realtor/Auctioneer 309-299-0078 Lois Tyrrell Realtor 309-221-9293 Farms 1532 Barefoot Road Knoxville, IL 61448 1-1/2 Story home nicely remodeled with large addition and multiple decks to enjoy the wonderful 40 acres of country scenery. 3 car garage with shop area. Several park like settings/campsites and trails cut into the 30 acres of timber with an abundance of wildlife. Approximately 9 acres of tillable acres currently planted to corn and cash rented to neighboring farmer. Asking Price $300,000 1585 KNOX STATION Knoxville, IL 61447 160 ac with modern hog nursery, finishing building & machine shed. 91.8 ac tillable 50+ ac pasture with balance in pond, waterways etc. Lester hog buildings erected in fall 1996 with 3 separate rooms per building. Finisher has 8 ft. pit, nursery has flush system to concrete covered pit located away from building. Drilled well. Asking Price $7812.50/ac Area Listings 203 N MARKET ST Knoxville, IL 61448 Spacious 5 Bedroom 2 story house, 1.5 baths, remodeled kitchen, open stair case, covered front porch, main floor laundry. 2 car detached garage, concrete patio. Nice lot size with open back yard. Asking Price $79,000 919 SE 8TH ST Galva, IL 61434 Large 5 bedroom, 2-story home located just outside Galva city limits on 1.85 acres with several outbuildings. This home features large rooms and early 1900 characteristics. Main floor has kitchen with walk in pantry, dining, living room, bath, small bedroom/office and large front entry/foyer with open stair case to upper level. 4 bedroom upstairs with bath and staircase to attic for more storage. Asking Price Check out our web site at: www.cooleyii.net 309-289-9022 Our Eyes Look After Your Best Interest! $150,000 Conclusions, but you have to jump, and I’m not too much on physical activity anymore. I have also been in Doubt. That is a sad place to go, and I try not to visit there too often. I’ve been in Flexible, but only when it was very important to stand firm. Sometimes I’m in Capable, and I go there more often as I’m getting older. One of my favorite places to be is in Suspense! It really gets the adrenalin flowing and pumps up the old heart! At my age I need all the stimuli I can get! I may have been in Continent, but I don’t remember what country I was in. It’s an age thing. They tell me; it is very wet and damp there. 2014 Mitten Tree April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR--PAGE 19 Once again, the Community Relations & Publicity (CR&P) Committee sponsored the Mitten Tree for 2014. The empty tree was placed in the lobby of the Watering Hole restaurant for the Oak Run community to decorate with their donations from November 17 through December 17. Various hats, gloves, mittens, socks, and toiletries for children and adults, and also small toys for the children were presented to the Safe Harbor Family Crisis Center in Galesburg, IL. Safe Harbor photographed Betty Anderson and Nancy Henry as they brought the donations in on December 18th, 2014. Please look for the thank you note that was received from Safe Harbor, located on this page. Many thanks to all of the Oak Run residents who gave much needed help to families in need within our community. Betty Anderson and Nancy Henry at Safe Harbor presenting the Mitten Tree donations. Call For An Insurance Quote Property Owner for Over 30 Years. “We write” BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois Medicare Supplement & “Part D” 39 Years in Business Certified Marketplace Agent Affordable Health Insurance IL Roofing License #104-016-553 Galesburg, IL Licensed - Insured & Bonded Time to have your A/C system checked for summer. Call Handy Electric Plumbing & Heating 1-309-289-2161 Licensed, Bonded, and Insured (IL Plumbing Lic #058-08366) Email: handyelec@grics.net CREASON EXCAVATING •Basements & Sewers •Water Lines •Septic Systems •Land Clearing •Site Preparation •Demolition •Pond Dredging & Building Dean Creason owner & operator 22405 W. Nightingale Rd. Laura, IL 61451 Ph: (309) 446-3901 •REMODELING •ROOFING •SIDING •GUTTERS •DECKS •ROOF & CHIMNEY REPAIRS •PRESSURE WASHING & STAINING (309) 371-5535 FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED FREE ESTIMATES Workm an Guara ship nteed 1 Quality & Service st PAGE 20--April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR Class Day By Sally Nelson The Knox County Association for Home & Community Education (KCAHCE) held their 32nd Annual Class Day on Saturday, February 28th, at Carl Sandburg College. There were 54 classes offered, including a wide variety of classes for the sewer, gardener, collector, historian, or technology buff. Other selections were for people wanting to be healthy with exercise and proper diet, and also for the outdoors man. Have you ever been kayaking? Instructor, Tammie Weaver, owner of the Garden Station, taught how to transport, lift, mount, and dismount a kayak, and shared great tips for kayaking at Oak Run and on Spoon River. Kay and Steve Davis taught a class on gun safety, concealed carry considerations and the law. Ken Russell, District Fisheries Biologist for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, and father of Oak Run’s Beth and Dan Russell, spoke on small lakes and ponds. Oak Run First Responder and marketing manager for the FISH Food Pantry, Larry Wood, gave the history and overview of the FISH Food Pantry. Attendees learned to play bridge, knit, reverse paint, and to arrange flowers, among many other skills. Each person chose five (5) one hour classes during the one-day event. Pre-registration ensured a reservation in the session of choice. Cost for the entire day was $25, and lunch was included. Some classes required an additional supply fee, which Oak_Run_March_15_Layout 1 2/16/15 was usually $5. It was a great way to spend a Saturday during the winter, and the annual proceeds are given to the Sandburg Foundation Fund for scholarships to be used by a Knox County student attending Carl Sandburg College. Class Day is typically held on the last Saturday in February, so plan to attend next year, and try something new that you have always wanted to learn! For more information, visit online at: http://sandburg.edu/ go/classday 10:42 AM Page 1 Call Me for Great Oak Run Lots Available! 439 Pleasant View Lakefront • $375,000 8078 Oak Run Lakefront • $160,000 8020 Oak Run Lakefront • $125,000 #25 Brentwood Lakefront • $59,900 Lot 13 Knox Road $29,900 124 & 125 Lake View Rd. $28,500 4096 Oak Run Golf Course Lot • $25,000 Lot 1 Lakeview North Lakeview • $24,500 3133 & 3144 Oakview $21,800 184 Briarwood $19,900 540 Lakeview Rd. $10,000 #93 Charter Oak SD Golf Course Lot • $7,500 3253 Oak Run $4,000 33 Locust, Dahinda Lakefront home with cathedral ceilings on one of the nicest lakefront lots at Oak Run. Almost every window has a lake view! 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 2 fireplaces, wrap-around deck plus a California room next to the dock. 2nd kitchen in basement. 2.97 acre wooded lot. $649,900. 118 Birch Court, Dahinda Beautiful, well-built partial brick front 4 bedroom, 3 bath lake front home on cul-de-sac lot. Fireplaced great room, finished walk-out basement, deck and patio. Master suite with private balcony. Spacious floor plan for entertaining. 100' lake frontage with dock. $499,900. 8080 Oak Run Drive, Dahinda Check out the views from this beautiful 4BR/3BA lakefront home. This home would allow for 2 families to use (2 kitchens). 4 season sunroom overlook lake, 2 fireplaces, 3 car attached garage. $459,000. 44 Arrowhead, Dahinda Beautifully landscaped lakefront home next to the waters edge on quite cove. Large wrap around deck, screened in room off kitchen, great room with cathedral ceiling, newly remodeled deck, dock and beach area & more. $397,000. 328 Rustic Oak, Dahinda Tranquil wooded setting & elevated lake views from this beautiful 4BR, 2BA lake front home with open floor plan and two large decks. Full, finished basement. Tasteful neutral decor. 85' lake frontage with dock. $325,800. 101 Fulton, Oquawka Beautiful 2BR/2.5BA river front home on a bluff overlooking river. Completely remodeled with quartz counter tops, stainless steel appl, natural tile & hardwood floors. 4 car garage. Awning over large deck. $220,000. 3 Parkwood Cir., Dahinda New 3BR/2BA home home with great lake views near beach, play ground, boat launch & boat slips. Fireplaced great room. Concrete parking for 6 cars & large pad in rear for patio or cars. $214,000. 182 Briarwood Pl., Dahinda, IL Very sharp 4BR, 2.5BA split foyer home built in 2009 and accented with ledgestone. Wooded setting. Newer back deck. Spacious family room in lower level. Part of Oak Run recreational community with 600 acre lake. $185,000. 12 Twin Oaks, Dahinda, IL Premium built log cabin on large, wooded lot at Oak Run, just 1/2 mile from Spoon Lake. Open floor plan with pine floors and wood burning stove. Second floor sleeps 8+ comfortably. All appliances stay. 2 car garage. $159,722 1001 Northwood Drive, Galesburg Feel like you’re on vacation every day in this 4BR lakefront home at Lake Bracken. Fireplaced living room, open kitchen area with access to upper deck. Updated flooring, appliances, bathrooms and more! $158,000. ...Or Build Your Dream Home Here! 519 E. 3rd Maquon • $5,000 Double lot on the outskirts of Maquon. Each office independently owned and operated. April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR--PAGE 21 By Karen Addis Frakes Paint away the winter blues with Your Wine & Art Defined! The Spoon Lake Activity Team (SLAT) provided this event/activity at Brentwood on January 20th and again on February 17th. ‘Art Defined’ from Galesburg, came out to provide this paint by number event, without the numbers! They even supplied all of the materials needed to complete the paintings; including easels, canvases, paint, brushes, and aprons to cover your clothes. All you had to bring was your own wine or beverage of choice to enjoy while creating your “masterpiece!” ‘Art Defined’ donated a portion of their proceeds to the Oak Run Fire Department and to Knox County TRIAD, respectively, for these two events. Thus, event participants not only got out of the house and enjoyed painting their winter blues away with many of their Oak Run neighbors, but they helped our community while doing so! This winter meet and greet, provided by SLAT, introduced our new website: registration option. Most of the participants utilized the option for this activity, primarily through the website: HYPERLINK “http://www.slatnews. com” www.slatnews.com and PayPal! SLAT hopes you will use this easy way of registering for our events in the future! 1-866-7-BEETLE www.nocreepycrawlies.com The price is right, and as always satisfaction is guaranteed! ~ Locally and Family owned and operated for over 30 years ~ PAGE 22--April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR In honor of Cinco de Mayo, we asked our readers to submit their favorite Mexican or Southwestern recipes. We received so many recipes that it was hard to choose which ones to share! Please enjoy these submissions and celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a new recipe from your Oak Run friends and neighbors! For the June/July 2015 issue, the category we are looking for is Spring Salads. Share your favorites with our Communicator readers! Remember to email your recipes to communicator@oakrunpoa. com using "recipes" as your subject line, or mail your recipes to: Communicator Recipes % Oak Run POA 1470 Knox Rd. 1725N Dahinda, IL 61428. Creamy Burrito Casserole 2 lbs. hamburger 1 can refried beans 2 pkgs. taco seasoning ½ cup finely chopped onion (optional) 1 cup sour cream 1 can cream of mushroom soup 1 small can chopped green chilies (optional) ½ cup water (more if needed) 8 flour tortillas 3 cups shredded cheddar cheese Preheat oven to 350º. Brown the hamburger and onion in a large skillet, until thoroughly cooked. Drain any excess grease and add the green chilies. Sprinkle the taco seasoning over the cooked meat mixture and add the water. Add the refried beans, stirring well. If the mixture is too thick, then add a little more water. Simmer on low heat for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally to keep from sticking. In a medium bowl, mix the sour cream and the cream of mushroom soup. Spread half of the sour cream mixture in the bottom of a 9x13 pan. Tear up four (4) of the soft tortillas into approximately 1" pieces, and layer over the sour cream, spreading evenly and overlapping to cover the bottom of the pan. Next, spread half of the cooked meat mixture over the tortilla layer. Then sprinkle evenly with shredded cheese. Repeat the layers again in the same order, using the remaining half of each ingredient. The last topping should be shredded cheese. Bake uncovered at 350º for 30 minutes or until the cheese on top is melted and just begins to brown around the edges. Remove from the oven and let stand for at least 5 minutes before cutting. Serve with salsa, sour cream, and jalapeños. until tender. Stir in green chilies, sour cream and soup; mix well. Reserve ¾ cup sauce; set aside. Stir in chicken and ½ cup cheese to remaining sauce in skillet. Warm tortillas according to package directions. Fill tortillas with chicken mixture; roll up. Place seam side down in ungreased 12"x8" baking dish. In a small bowl, combine reserved sauce and milk; spoon over rolled tortillas. Top with remaining ½ cup cheese. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes or until bubbly. Makes 8-10 enchiladas Low-Fat Chicken Enchiladas 1 Pkg. Fat free Tortillas 1 Tbsp. margarine ½ cup chopped onion 1 fresh garlic clove, minced 1 (4oz) can diced green chilies, drained ½ cup nonfat sour cream 1 (10¾ oz.) fat free condensed cream of chicken soup 1½ cups, cooked chicken breast (without skin) 1 cup (4 oz.) reduced fat shredded cheddar cheese ¼ cup skim milk Remove tortillas from refrigerator; set aside. Preheat oven to 350º. In non-stick skillet, melt margarine. Cook onion and garlic Easy Never Forgotten Guacamole 3 avocados - peeled, pitted and diced 1 Tbsp. sour cream 2 (3 oz.) packages cream cheese, softened 2 Tbsp. salsa 1 pinch salt (1/16 tsp.) 1 dash pepper (1/8 tsp.) 1 dash garlic salt 1 dash onion powder In a small bowl, mix together the avocados, sour cream, cream cheese and salsa. Blend to desired consistency. In a small bowl mix the salt, pepper, garlic salt and onion powder. Stir into the avocado mixture. Cover and chill in the refrigerator Discover how much fun you’ll have in a Hobie Powered by Hobie’s patented MirageDrive® pedal system, the Hobie Mirage® line of kayaks leaves your hands free for a fishing pole, camera or a cool drink. Available at In-water demos & delivery available Ottawa, IL 815/433-2200 www.questwatersports.com 1/2 hour before serving. Makes about 2 cups. Authentic Mexican Cornbread 1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk ½ cup sugar 5 large eggs 2 tsp. vanilla 2 (15.25 oz.) cans whole kernel corn, drained and rinsed 1 (15 oz.) can creamed corn ½ cup butter, melted 2½ cups cornmeal ½ cup flour 1 Tbsp. baking soda 1 tsp. salt Preheat oven to 350º. Grease and flour a 2-quart baking dish. Whisk sweetened condensed milk, sugar, eggs, and vanilla in a large bowl. Stir in whole kernel corn, creamed corn, and melted butter. Combine cornmeal, flour, baking soda, and salt in a separate bowl. Then stir cornmeal mixture into the corn mixture. Pour batter into prepared baking dish. Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean; about 45 minutes. Soft Chicken Tacos 1½ lbs. boneless, skinless chicken breasts 1 (1.25 oz.) pkg. taco seasoning mix 1 Tbsp. brown sugar 1 (4 oz.) can diced green chilies, do not drain 1 (10 oz.) can enchilada sauce Soft flour tortillas Shredded cheese, optional Spray the inside of a slow cooker with cooking spray. Place chicken breasts in the slow cooker and sprinkle with the taco seasoning and brown sugar. Toss to coat the chicken. combine undrained green chilies and enchilada sauce in a medium bowl, mix well. Pour sauce mixture over chicken, cover and cook on low heat for 6-7 hours, or on high heat for 3-3½ hours. Remove chicken from cooker and shred chicken with two forks. Return chicken to cooker and mix with sauce. If cooking on high heat, decrease to low heat, cover and cook for 1520 minutes. Serve chicken on soft flour tortillas. Top with shredded cheese, sour cream, salsa, etc. as desired. Shrimp and Salsa Quesadillas 8 flour tortillas Bottled salsa ½ lb. small cooked shrimp 1 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese Preheat oven to 400º Place 4 tortillas on 2 baking sheets (2 per sheet). Spread each with 3 tbsp. salsa. Divide shrimp and cheese evenly on tortillas. Place 4 tortillas on top and press lightly. Stagger baking sheets and bake 4 minutes. Rotate sheets and bake another 4 minutes. Cool slightly before cutting into wedges. Serve with desired condiments. *Note: Shredded cooked chicken can be used in place of shrimp. Chilies Rellenos Bake 1 (14 oz.) can whole green chilies, drained 1½ lbs. grated Monterey Jack cheese 4 eggs slightly beaten ½ cup milk 1 tsp. salt ½ tsp. mustard ¼ tsp. pepper Preheat oven to 350º Line the bottom of a lightly greased 9x12 baking dish with half of the chilies. Sprinkle half of grated cheese over chilies. Top with remaining chilies and cheese. Combine eggs with milk and Continued on page 23 April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR--PAGE 23 RECIPE BOX Continued from page 22 seasoning and pour over chilies and cheese. Bake at 350º for 30 to 35 min. until lightly browned and set. Tex-Mex Layered Dip 1 can (15 ounces) black beans, rinsed and drained 2 Tbsp. salsa 1½ cups sour cream (12 oz.) 1 cup guacamole 1 cup shredded cheddar or Mexican finely shredded cheese (4 ounces) ½ cup fresh salsa Mix black beans and 2 Tbsp. salsa in small bowl. Spoon into 10-inch circle on a 12-or 13 inch serving plate. Spoon sour cream over beans, leaving about 1-inch border of beans around the edge. Spread guacamole over sour cream, leaving border of sour cream showing. Sprinkle cheese and fresh salsa over guacamole. Serve immediately, or cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate up to 6 hour. Serve with tortilla chips. Cardboard Boat Regatta By Joe and Katherine Seguino Have you ever dreamt of building your own boat? This is your chance! To add to the festivities of the pool “Splash” on Saturday May 23, we will be holding a Cardboard Boat Regatta. If you can cut, tape and paddle, then this is the event for you! Boats can be made by individuals or teams, but only one person has to race the boat. Bring your fully assembled boat to the Brentwood pool at 3:45 p.m. on May 23, and the races will begin by 4:00 p.m. You are highly encouraged to decorate the boat with a theme and have team members dressed to match the theme to add to the fun. You will have to row your boat from one edge of the swimming pool to the other, and then back again (hopefully without sinking). The number of heats will depend on how many entrants there are and each heat will be timed. The goal of the Regatta isn’t necessarily to win the race, but to have a good time! Prizes will be awarded in the following categories: Fastest Time, Most Spectacular Sinking, and Best Theme. The rules are as follows: Prior registration completed. Build a one-person boat. Boat length is limited to 5 ft. The boat should be powered by oars (provided by participant). The boat must be built completely out of corrugated card board of any thickness. The only adhesive allowed is duct tape. No other materials allowed, such as Styrofoam or inflation devices, to aid in floatation. No sand bags or other weighted materials for ballast. Decorations may be made from any material but may not be used to reinforce the actual structure of the boat. The team member who races the boat must wear a personal flotation device. All teams are expected to clean up after themselves, including removal/disposal of the boat after the race. All boats are subject to inspection before racing. Good sportsmanship will be expected. Free to enter and no rain date. If you are interested in participating in the Cardboard Boat Regatta, please fill out the registration form (found in the Communicator) or email OakRunRegatta@comcast.net “The Professional Building Team” Wayne Herrmann's Professional Building Team - Building Custom Designed Homes for your Oak Run Lifestyle Off: (309) 385-1155 Fax: (309) 385-1656 1012 N. Santa Fe. Princeville, IL 61559 Enjoy the Spring at Oak Run RANDY HELLYER PRESENTS 36 FOREST VIEW Expires 5-31-15 • Over 14 Colors • Deal Directly With The Owner • Factory Trained Installers REE F OTHER SAVINGS INCLUDE: TES ESTIMA • WINDOWS - 25% off • ROOFS - 20% off • DECKS - $500 off • SUNSETTER AWNINGS - $200 off SERVING DAHINDA AND SURROUNDING AREAS Affordable living at Oak Run. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, over crawl, vaulted ceilings in living room and kitchen, remodeled bath and oversized 1 car attached garage. Brand new 16'x12' treated wood deck off kitchen. New front porch slab. $86,900 YOUR PEORIA CONNECTION TO OAK RUN — Office (309) 692-6100 Home (309) 879-2316 Cell (309) 224-9822 HONIG-BELL FULL TIME RESIDENT PAGE 24-- April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR Traveling in Time By Harlan and Sally Nelson Many Oak Run residents traveled to the warmer climates of Arizona, California, Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, and Texas this winter. But Harlan and I traveled in a different way; we traveled back in time. Let me explain: In October, we decided that we were getting too old and were unable to keep our farm home, which has been in the family for 100 years, and the farm buildings along with it, in good shape. So we decided to clean them all out and sell them and the 1.85 acres they sit on. Since the farm had been in the family for so many years, and Harlan had lived here for 75 years, the full walk in attic was packed full of family items that had accumulated there. Both sets of grand parents came over from Sweden and settled here. They lived during the depression and threw nothing away. We found the rent receipt for Grandpa Algot’s first month of rent in the late 1800s for the amount of $5. Harlan’s Mom kept diaries back to 1922 when his folks married. Their honeymoon was spent in California for three months in the winter. They went to the Rose Bowl Parade and saw many celebrities in Hollywood. Lots of photos and signatures were found (of course we’re keeping those!). Upon returning, they went to Galesburg and bought the furniture for their entire home for $99. We found the receipt. The dining room table and chairs we were still using, but will soon be sold at auction. We also learned that during the World War II sugar rationing, the school was cancelled because of it. Now we wonder why. We have learned the price of grain through the years and how happy they were when they got 57 cents a bushel for corn in the 20s. In the back of each diary, his Mom listed the prices of things. We found Harlan’s little sailor outfit that he wore when he was a child, his Boy Scout handbook, and also the school papers and report cards of his parents when they were in school. We discovered many items that we didn’t realize existed. Harlan’s Dad raised race horses in the 30s and 40s and we even found bits and bridles. Harlan’s toys from those days were found. Among them were Charlie McCarthy paper dolls, a filmstrip projector with Tom Mix and Charlie Chaplin strips, and various trucks and cars. Many of those items will be sold at auction. So many interesting things are going to auction. I wish I had the time to record all of the stories that have been shared by friends and relatives as items have been uncovered. From the wardrobe built by Harlan’s Dad, to the lead glass chewing snuff jar that my grandpa used to use. I even learned a story about Harlan’s Grandpa chewing Copenhagen. So, while many of you enjoyed warm temperatures this winter, my time has been filled with warm memories. I wonder if this house will be filled with another 100 years of new memories. Yes, we kept a lot of things and brought them here to the lake; so that our son and grandchildren can travel back in time someday too. You need a plan if your goal is home. We’re step one. Download My Mobile App ll g to se Lookin ome? h r u o y ak Run f our O Most o sell within listings days! 180 day! h us to t Lis wit Text GBG to 87778 to see MLS Listings & MLS Sales at Oak Run LOTS FOR SALE 36 Lakecrest $5,000 264 Lakeview $6,000 498 Greenbriar — $145,900 75 Lakeview $10,000 Plenty of Outlots to choose from! 117 Sunnyview — $439,900 Oak Run Triathlon Sponsor Contact Doug Williams Realtor® Jim Maloof Realtor 309-303-0514 www.dougwilliamsconst.com dwci97@aol.com www.maloofrealty.com As a Realtor® and General Contractor, Doug Williams specializes in new construction and custom remodeling. If I can’t help you buy a home you like, I will build you one you will love! Call Doug today. LEEZER INSURANCE AGENCY Toulon, IL Ph. 309-286-2221 Website: www.leezeragency.com April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR--PAGE 25 Oak Run Spring Bass Tournament APRIL 25, 2015 7:00 AM TO 1:00 PM (WEATHER PERMITTING) AT LAKEVIEW RULES: 1. Entry fees may be paid at the POA office or by mail until the cutoff date of Friday, April 17, 2015, at 5:00 P.M. Entry fees will not be refunded. All entries will be subject to open draw by the t o u r nament officials at 5:30 AM the day of the tournament. 2. REGISTRATION AND MANDATORY MEETING. All teams shall register with tournament officials prior to take-off. At registration, teams will be notified of take-off position and issued a number for take-off, identification of current POA membership card, check of live well, determine property ownerís boat and one property owner in boat with current POA registration sticker on boat, and check of running and anchor lights in working order at time of inspection. There will be a mandatory contestant meeting 15 minutes before take-off. If any team member is not present for the meeting, the team will be disqualified for the tournament ñ no exceptions. 3. 70 boat limit 4. $100.00 entry fee per boat. Includes Big Bass. 5. Both large and small mouth bass. 6. 12" inch limit for tournament. 7. ½ pound penalty for each dead fish. 8. 1 pound penalty and no weigh of short fish. 9. No culling after tournament ending time. "Disqualified". 10. 6 fish limit per boat 11. 6:00 am to 12:00 noon (weather permitting). 12. Boat Inspection: The boater shall be responsible for having live well doors open and running lights in operation, prior to inspection. 13. Safety: Safe boating must be observed at all times. 2015 OAK RUN SPRING BASS TOURNAMENT ENTRY FORM APRIL 25, 2015 - 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (6 hours) Fee—$100.00 per boat Make checks payable to: Fish & Sports Committee Name Address Lot. No. 1. 2. We agree to abide by all rules and regulations of the tournament. Decisions of tournament officials are binding and final. “No alcohol permitted.” Safety a must. Not responsible for accidents. Signed Special Notice: Your entry form and check must be at the P.O.A. office no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, April 17, 2015. Mail form and check to: Fish & Sports Committee %Oak Run P.O.A. 1470 Knox Road 1725 North Dahinda, IL 61428 Blinds Budget • Draperies, Shutters and Blinds • Brand Names • Family Owned • Free In Home Estimates • Free Installation • The Most Affordable Prices (815) 557-9325 Ask for Lori jlburns@budgetblinds.com Oak Run residents During take-off, each contestant shall wear a coast guard approved flotation device. 14. Late coming in "Disqualified." 15. Tie - Big bass breaks all ties. 16. NO FISHING within 50 feet of the following: other boats, beach areas of Lakeview and Windermere when designated swimming ropes are in the lake. Lakeview: all docks from beach to last rental docks east. North Boat Ramp: All rental docks, boat ramps, rip rap from 50 feet north of concrete wall to 50 feet south of last rental dock. 17. No leaving boat except at the North Boat Launch with tournament official's knowledge. 18. Must observe all lake rules of boating. 19. No live bait. 20. Decision of tournament officials final and binding. 21. No alcohol - Safety is a must. 22. Not responsible for accidents. 23. Entry must be received at POA office by Friday, April 17, 2015. NO EXCEPTIONS. 24. NO ONE FISHING THE TOURNAMENT IS ALLOWED ON THE LAKE BEGINNING T U E S D AY, APRIL 21, AT DUSK. PAGE 26--April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR The Oak Run Garden Club by Priscilla Muckey Oh, how we all look forward to the first signs of spring! It’s been a long, cold winter for us Midwesterners. But, before moving on into 2015, I’d like to reflect back to November and December of last year. In November, the Garden Club members enjoyed decorating many of the large evergreen trees at the front entrance into Oak Run. And also, a beautiful lighted display was located above the Oak Run entrance sign to greet everyone for the holiday season! The Christmas decoration committee and other garden club members worked very hard on this project. “THANK YOU,” members, for your continued efforts to make Oak Run beautiful at such a very special time of the year. On December 2nd, Garden Club members enjoyed an evening trip to Peoria Luthy Botanical Gardens. Participants viewed a beautiful lighted display of many decorated Christmas trees and several varieties of poinsettias. The room felt enchanting with all of its lights and beauty! Our Luthy guide, Bob Streitmatter, explained about many of the plants kept within the large, terrarium-domed room. After our tour, we enjoyed a meal and continued our fellowship at one of Peoria’s Mexican restaurants, before heading back to Oak Run. A new year, 2015. The Garden Club has another active and exciting annual agenda. We will continue to help beautify Oak Run by caring for the many gardens within the development, as well as caring for some of the plants on the golf course. The spring and fall roadside/ditch cleanup project is an important community project, which is sponsored annually by the Garden Club. The following is a brief list of planned activities: April 7: Garden Club regular meeting at Brentwood building – 7:00 p.m.; April 14: Spring roadside/ditch cleanup project – Volunteers to meet at The Watering Hole Restaurant at 9:30 a.m. for coffee, doughnuts and road assignments (Volunteers are not just garden club members. If you are a resident, please feel free to join us to help with this worthwhile community project.); April 25: Arbor Day Tree Planting event held at Brentwood building beginning at 9:00 a.m. Speakers on numerous gardening topics and a tree planting demonstration to be held at 11:30 a.m.; May 2: Annual Garden Club Plant Sale at Brentwood building 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. A huge variety of plants, reasonably priced, will be for sale. Many of the plants are donated and are native to Oak Run. Other sale plants are from a local greenhouse. Also, Oak Run community garage sales will be held that day from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and yard sale maps will be available at the plant sale; May 5: Regular Garden Club meeting at Brentwood building at 7:00 p.m.; June 2: A planned greenhouse/ nursery day-trip and lunch (details announced at a later date); June 16: Progressive garden tour/progressive meal for members; July 7: Annual fun, evening cookout/potluck at Lakeview Park and Oak Run lake boat tour; August 4: Regular Garden Club meeting at Brentwood building at 7:00 p.m.; September 15: Planned orchard tour day-trip and lunch (details announced at a later date); October 6: Garden Club Banquet at Brentwood building at 6:00 p.m. Guests are from surrounding area garden clubs. A potluck meal will be enjoyed by attendees, with a program speaker to follow after the meal; October 20: Fall roadside/ditch cleanup project. Volunteers meet at The Watering Hole Restaurant at 9:30 a.m. for coffee, doughnuts and road assignments; November 3: Regular Garden Club meeting at Brentwood building at 7:00 p.m.; November 15: “Hanging of the Greens” event with soup/salad/dessert potluck meal to follow work time at Brentwood building at 3:00 p.m.; December 1: Regular Garden Club meeting at Brentwood building at 7:00 p.m. We encourage new membership. Garden Club by-laws, Article III – Membership reads: “Membership shall be open to all interested individuals.” Our current membership is made up of both Garden Club members preparing tree decorations November “Hanging of the Greens” soup/salad/ dessert meal, which followed hanging the Christmas wreaths at Oak Run. Keith Majors (L) and Pat Asbury (R) Suzie Wanner (L) and Lori Ferguson (R) Front entrance lighted display at dusk Deck Boats We do all types of trailer service including tires. “We service all Mercury and Mercruiser motors under factory warranty, no matter where you bought it!” Authorized Mercury Platinum Dealer - See us for the Best Prices! Largest Mercury Parts Inventory in the Area FAST SERVICE “We’ll get you back on the water in no time!” Consignment Boats Wanted! men and women. By-law, Article VI – Dues reads: “Dues shall be $5.00 per individual per annum payable before the April meeting. If dues are not paid by June 1st, name will be removed from membership roster,” although, new membership can take place any month of the year. Learning more about gardening to beautify your own garden is s r r TM MASTER TECHNICIAN! HAL WATKINS MARINE • 309/348-3072 13950 IL Rt. 29 • 2 Mi. S. of Pekin, IL www.watkinsmarine.com exciting and self-rewarding. Come join us at any one of the meetings and/or activities. Looking forward to a new Garden Club year! President: Priscilla Muckey, 309-337-2973; Vice-Pres: Keith Majors,309-879-2277; Secretary: Suzie Wanner, 309-879-2802; Treasurer: Carol Genty, 309-8792374. Garden Club members decorating tree at front entrance Peoria Luthy Botanical Garden in December April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR--PAGE 27 By Tom and Linda Kordewick & Larry and Pam Douglass Fifty three holiday-spirited Oak Runners attended the Christmas “Walk” and Buffet on Saturday, December 6th. While the Watering Hole made their final preparations on a scrumptious buffet, the guests toured three Oak Run homes, coming away amazed at the beautiful decorations. Opening their homes for the walk were Tim and Lori Loving, Jerry and Linda Rodgers and Ron and Melanie Pitcher. While touring the homes, the guests were offered little treats of holiday goodness. Once the tours were completed, the guests and hosts drove over to the Watering Hole where they were greeted to a festively-decorated dining room, complete with tablecloths, candles and Santa Clauses. While dining, Christmas carols played in the background. And the Christmas buffet? Well, the Watering Hole kitchen thoroughly outdid themselves! SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL FREE Sales Estimates Sectional Steel Doors Automatic Door Openers Spring & Section Replacement Service On All Makes 24 Hour Emergency Service Cranberry-glazed pork loin, roasted chicken, garlic-mashed potatoes, cheesy potatoes, broccoli, green beans with roasted pecans, and two types of salad. To finish off the dinner, there was an array of sweets, including cheesecakes and truffles! Andrew and his staff also served two special cocktails that night. One was a peppermint martini and the other was a tasty concoction called the ‘Grinch.’ A good time was had by all! Residential and CommeRCial mowing ✦ tRimming ✦ FeRtilizing dethatChing ✦ seasonal Clean Up ed winteR (309) 879-2869 dahinda, il 61428 AUTHORIZED DEALER 309-345-0123 Toll Free 1-877-324-9517 www.sullivandoor.com “14 Years Serving Oak Run Residents” Insured PAGE 28-- April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP ELIGIBILITY Watch a Dream Home Become Reality Seriously. Watch. Come see what’s new at www.ABetterWayTo.Build Oak Run Board of Directors amended the Bylaw, Article III, Membership, Section 2. Users. Effective January 1, 2012 the following shall apply: If not otherwise a member, each of the following "users"shall be entitled to the privileges of membership other than voting and other rights which are granted solely to members, subject to the payment of all applicable assessments and fees: 1) The spouse of a member or person in a relationship with a member which is recognized by Illinois as a civil union. 2) Any child and/or legal ward of a member who is unmarried, under 19 years of age, and living with a member. 3) Any dependent child of a member who is a full-time student and under the age of 24. 4) A lessee, tenant, or user under written lease for residence of over six months duration. When a property owner leases his house for six or more months, the member forfeits his rights to use any of the common properties to the lessee. Property Owner Name: Subdivision and Lot Number: Property Owner Address: Please list your eligible associate members below: 1)Name Address Relationship DOB 2)Name Address Relationship DOB 3)Name Address Relationship DOB (Please use a separate sheet of paper, if you need additional space.) For those children 16 to 18 years of age, we will need a copy of their driver’s license or Secretary of State ID card to verify the address. For those children between 19 and 23, we will need a copy of their Student ID card, as well as their Driver’s License or Secretary of State ID card. HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE POLICY With the return of summer, a review of Oak Run’s residential waste policy seems appropriate. The program is only available to part-time residents who sign up and pay the required user fee at the POA office. A three month minimum sign up period is required. The hours of operation are Saturday, Sunday, and Monday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Please note the recent change in hours for this season. The waste program is for household garbage only. Construction material, yard waste, household appliances, furniture, and toxic or flammable materials are strictly prohibited. Items which meet the aforementioned criteria must be taken to the Knox County Landfill for disposal. The landfill is located approximately 10 miles from Oak Run off of State Highway 167. Their hours of operation are Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Saturday 8:00 to 11:30 a.m., and they may be contacted at 309-375-6045. No household garbage can be disposed of in the dumpsters or receptacles located in the parks. A minimum fine of $50.00 will be issued for illegal dumping. If you are a full-time resident or part-time resident who is here throughout the summer, you need to sign up for curbside pick up. There are two companies which offer the service at Oak Run. Tom Rollins provides Tuesday pick up service and can be contacted at 309-879-2613. Waste Management provides Thursday pick up service and can be contacted at 1-800-607-5474. April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR--PAGE 29 LAKE FRONT HOME FOR $309,900 •New renovated kitchen •100% New Flooring on the 1st level •Screen Room/Tiki Bar •2 Car Garage •Huge Deck, perfect view, GENTLE SLOPE TO LAKE! •This home is owned by an IL licensed Broker •See photos on lakehouse.com •Call Roy Reynertson 630-301-1115 REMINDER Oak Run's Speed Limit IDENTIFICATION & DAILY LIMITS OF SPOON LAKE FISH 2015 FISHING REGULATION WALLEYE 18 IN. MIN. 2 DAILY LIMIT CHANNEL CATFISH 12 IN. MIN. 5 DAILY LIMIT CRAPPIES 15 FISH - OVER 9" RED-EAR SUNFISH LARGE MOUTH BASS 6 FISH UNDER 12" OR 5 FISH UNDER 12" & 1 OVER 20" COMBINED TOTAL OF THESE TWO FISH 20 PER DAY BLUEGILLS Approved by the board on 3/20/14 CATCH AND RELEASE ONLY ON SMALL MOUTH BASS HOW TO MEASURE FISH Use a flat board, close mouth and compress the tail. WHITE BASS OAK RUN PEST CONTROL 486 Greenfield Court PAGE 30--April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR JUNIOR GOLF CAMP PGA SPORTS ACADEMY Every Thursday beginning June 11th - July 23rd MEETING TIMES: 6-9 yr. olds - 9:00-10:00 am 10-13 yr. olds - 10:30 am-noon High School ages - 1:00-2:30 pm COST: $3.00 per class Pay as you come 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MEETINGS: Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, Daniel B. Butler Financial Advisor 1472 N. Henderson St. Galesburg, IL 61401 Bus. 309-344-8737 Fax 877-829-4193 daniel.butler@edwardjones.com www.edwardjones.com Looking for direction in this volatile market? March 19 April 16 May 21 June 18 July 16 August 20 September 17 October 15 November 19 2015 ANNUAL MEETING: Saturday, October 24 11:00 a.m. at Brentwood COMMUNICATOR DEADLINES FOR 2015 APRIL 25 - June/July Issue JUNE 25 - August/September Issue AUG. 25 - October/November Issue OCT. 25 - Dec./Jan./Feb./March Issue Copy must be received by 5:00 p.m. at the POA Office on or before the due date for inclusion in the Communicator relative to that issue. Email: communicator@oakrunpoa,com LOCKES Painting Carpentry and Lawn Care Service Licensed - Insured - Bonded Clay Locke 879-3411 2154 Coal Road, Victoria, IL 61485 309-267-6688 Residential Services *house washing *vinyl siding *any exterior wood surface cleaned & sealed *concrete walkways, patios & floors *roof shingles & gutters *paint chip removal *auto detailing *farm machinery 309-345-9462 ASK ABOUT OUR SPRING SPECIAL! Commercial *parking lots & spaces *outside store fronts *drive-ups *dumpster areas *paint stripping *exterior building washes *fleet washes *construction equipment We can make your wood look like new again, and provide protection to beautify and preserve it for the future. As a Certified Contractor, we use an environmentally friendly, low pressure cleaning system to safely remove dirt, mildew, and dead wood fibers to restore your wood to its clean, natural, like-new appearance. Then to protect your wood into the future, we apply a high performance water repellent/preservative coating to keep your wood looking its best. Agent, Peg Bivens, CPCU April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR--PAGE 31 PAGE 32-- April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR Route 180 Williamsfield, IL 61489 Phone (309) 639-2282 Lee Wight — Alan Wight — Matt Brown SEE COLOR PHOTOS OF OUR ENTIRE PRE-OWNED INVENTORY AT www.wightchevrolet.com & www.wightauto.com * updated daily * 4 Wheel Alignment Body Shop ASE Certified Technicians OFFERING AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY The Monge Home Team helped 312 families in 2014! AVAILABLE 60 Birchwood Dahinda $499,900 One of the most amazing lake front settings in all of Oak Run! This wonderfully updated 4 BR, 3 BA home sits on two lots totaling 2.71 acres and with over 300 feet of level lake front! Home features include a wrap-around porch, new furnished home theater, cathedral ceiling in the gathering room, updated master bath, private dock, and comes with a boat and lift. Only 40 minutes from Peoria! Mark & Jennifer Monge SOLD 155 Forest View $699,900 Spectacular 1.9 acre lakefront home in Oak Run offering the nest of amenities both inside and out including a lighthouse top cupola! 5 BR, 4.5 BA with gorgeous chef’s kitchen with Wolf and KitchenAid stainless steel appliances. Wood oors on the main and upper levels. Lower level walk-out with gorgeous boat-shaped bar. Extensive landscaping with multi-tiered stone patios and stone replace. Cell: 309-253-6098 mark@mongehometeam.com www.mongehometeam.com LEADING THE WAY! April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR--PAGE 33 HURD-HENDRICKS Funeral Homes, Crematory and Fellowship Center 120 S Public Square, Knoxville, Illinois 61448 309/289-4121 204 E Prospect, Oneida, Illinois 61467 309/483-2323 www.hurd-hendricksfuneralhome.com Calvin Whitman-Builder NEW HOMES - GARAGES ROOM ADDITIONS HOME REMODELING DRYWALL FINISHING & REPAIR NEW DECKS & DECK REPAIR FIREPLACE INSTALLATION FIREPLACE STONE HOME MAINTENANCE SCREEN PORCHES BASEMENT FINISHING FOR REC AREA AND BEDROOMS Call 309-343-5778 Fax 309-344-2410 E-mail: whitman@galesburg.net In Business Since 1970 REFERENCES FURNISHED POTTER & SON’S BLACKTOPPING Commercial • Residential √ Driveways √ Patchwork √ Churches √ Tar & Chip √ Private Roads √ Banks √ Seal Coating √ Parking Lots √ Motel/Hotel √ Crack Filling √ Restaurants www.potter-n-sonsblacktopping.com 309-695-6624 Serving All Areas • Free Estimates • Fully Insured G.E. - Hotpoint - Holland Grills Andrews Implement Company 104 E. Main Street Altona, IL A General Electric Showcase Dealer Appliances - Grills - Much More Visa - MasterCard - Discover Card All Accepted M-F: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Sat: 8:00 am - Noon Sun: Closed Established 1929 (309) 484-5591 PAGE 34-- April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR CHARTER OAK REALTY 1472 Knox Rd 1725 N Dahinda, IL 61428 www.oak-run.com 309-879-2742 Your On-Site Oak Run Real Estate Specialists Open Mon.-Sat./Sun. by appointment 291 RED OAK COURT LAUREL HILL SUBDIVISION JOYCE GRAVES 309-879-2639 Managing Broker PHYLLIS (PK) KARCZMARCZYK 309-335-6383 Broker Associate KELLIE SHANE 309-231-5882 Broker Associate 3-187/188 OAK RUN DRIVE PARKVIEW SUBDIVISION 337 OAK WOOD CIRCLE LAUREL HILL SUBDIVISION ONE OF OAK RUN'S FINEST LAKEFRONT homes. The many updates in this 6 BR, 3.5 BA home include: Granite counters, Master Suite w/walk-in whirlpool tub, spacious walk-in closet, road access to lake, and new stone patio area leading to dock. 1600 SQ FT wrap-around deck, 8 person hot tub, 3 car garage, and fully finished LL that walks out to the $595,000 wooded back yard. Plenty of room for company! PRIVACY ABOUNDS at this exceptional lakefront property with approx. 300 ft. of shoreline located on 2 beautifull wooded lots. Deep water for swimming and fishing. Spacious 2-story home remodeled and redecorated/well-maintained. Two fireplaces. Generously sized 3 BR, 2.5 BA with 2.5 car detached garage. New $595,000 dock in 2011. Can park 4 boats at the lake. A WELCOMING HOME WHERE FRIENDS GATHER at this custom built 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath LAKEFRONT house on a large wooded lot (186 ft. Lake Frontage) abounding with flowering perennials & a variety of tree types. Stone steps lead to a covered fully furnished deck at the lake. Special features include the large kitchen, dramatic vaulted ceilings, & beautiful staircase. Enormous master suite, 4 gathering areas, & 3-car garage with $549,500 one extra long stall. 335 OAKWOOD CIRCLE LAUREL HILL SUBDIVISION 41 ARROWHEAD COURT WINDEMERE SUBDIVISION 481 GREENFIELD COURT FOREST RIDGE SUBDIVISION LOCATIONS DON'T COME MUCH BETTER! - This sprawling 4BR, 3BA ranch with w/o LL features a 2-story domed sunroom offering great views of the lake as well as loads of living space. Gather the family around fireplaces in living room & LL family room. A long, asphalt circle drive leads thru trees to house & 3-car garage. At the shore are two $535,000 docks & small deck perfect for fishing. SPACIOUS ATTRACTIVE WATERFRONT HOME boasts vaulted beamed ceiling, stone fireplace, master suite with separate shower and sky lights. New wood flooring and granite counter tops. Extra 2 bedroom and 3 bath total for lots of guests.$499,000 THE PERFECT PLACE AT THE LAKE - This is a nearly new beautiful walk/out ranch with windows galore to capture lake views. It's a definite quality home w/granite kitchen & very open floor plan. 4BR's & 3 BA's add so much convenience for guests and family. Decks, porch & easy lake approach. $495,000 213 BRIARWOOD PLACE FOREST RIDGE SUBDIVISION 8075 OAK RUN DRIVE BRENTWOOD SUBDIVISION 175 BRIARWOOD CIRCLE FOREST RIDGE SUBDIVISION Exceptional LAKEFRONT property located on beautiful cove w/outstanding lake views. Catch the morning sunrise through custom windows. Long, winding asphalt drive to the 4/5BR, 3BA ranch w/lg decks, W/O LL & inviting 3-season porch. Open kitchen, dining rm., & great rm. w/stone fireplace. LL $495,000 family rm. w/fireplace. AWESOME, EXPANSIVE lake view from this 4 BR, 3 BA cedar sided LAKEFRONT home. 2,448 SF plus 3 Season RM. Neat & cheery interior. Many updates. Most all furniture is included in price. Beautiful maintenance free dock at Lakeside. $485,500 THE CAPTIVATING VIEWS from this large, gently sloping LAKEFRONT lot will be something you won't soon forget. This newly remodeled 3BR, 3BA cabin-like home will be a cozy oasis for your family and friends alike. Entertaining space included in finished walk-out LL w/wet bar, 2 large decks facing the lake, & a new 12x26 dock at $449,500 water. 288 RED OAK COURT LAUREL HILL SUBDIVISION 171/172 ELMWOOD COURT FOREST RIDGE SUBDIVISION 8013 OAK RUN DRIVE BRENTWOOD SUBDIVISION IT'S TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE that this "turn-key" WATERFRONT home has 5 BR's, 3.5 BA's and 3car garage. With 3,600 square feet of finished living space, the "open-floor plan" style fits well for lake living. Geothermal heat, a carousel fireplace and a 4-wheel Polaris all terrain vehicle are among the bonuses. Enjoy the view of the lake from either of the two huge decks. $440,000 ENJOY watching the birds, deer and other wildlife from the 48' covered porch that looks out toward the lake. Fish off your own private dock. This white cedar LAKEFRONT log home has 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, and LOTS of storage. A must see! $399,900 Well Maintained, immaculately clean 3 bedroom, 2 bath LAKEFRONT home. Enjoy the expansive views of the lake from the 25'x10' deck overlooking the dock & lake. Enjoy the peaceful setting from deck or the little "hideaway" deck off the stairs leading down a gentle slope to your private dock where you can board your boat or enjoy swimming or fishing. Just 5 $399,500 minutes from the Golf Course. NEW ING LIST NEW ING LIST April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR--PAGE 35 125 CHERRYWOOD COURT WINDEMERE SUBDIVISION 367 CHARTER OAK PLACE FOREST RIDGE SUBDIVISION 87 PARKSIDE COURT BRENTWOOD SUBDIVISION SPACIOUS WATERFRONT COTTAGE close to lake. Stone patio, firepit & dock at lakeside. Beautiful great room w/stone fireplace. Good sized bedrooms including master bedroom with bath. Wet bar in large family room. $399,500 AS GOOD AS IT GETS at the lake! 3 BR, 2.5 BA LAKEFRONT HOME renovated in 2011. Enjoy great lake views with just a few steps to new dock w/boat lift. Great water for fishing and swimming. Detached 2 car oversized garage. Finished basement w/wet bar. Most furniture and 17 ft. 70 HP Luno $396,000 fishing boat included. Bright & Stylish, Cozy & Wooded best describes this LAKEFRONT home with 3 BR, 2.5 BA, a wonderful up-graded kitchen, oversized garage & boat dock. Very short walk to pool and tennis $369,500 court. 3198 OAK RUN DRIVE PARKVIEW SUBDIVISION 119 BIRCH COURT LAUREL HILL SUBDIVISION 546 SUMMIT COURT FOREST RIDGE SUBDIVISION CRYSTAL CLEAR WATER, OPEN LAKE LOCATION, NO STEPS TO THE LAKE. These are the excellent attributes this 2 bedroom (with 3rd sleeping space), 2 bath walk-out cottage can offer WATERFRONT buyers. A large garage for good storage. Listen to the waterfall as it flows $369,900 into the lake and enjoy all the lake activities. A PICTURESQUE PLACE FOR SUMMER DAYS OR WINTER HOURS. "Neat as a pin" 3BR, 3BA Waterfront home features hardwood floors, fireplace, master suite, new appliances, new water heater, extra large garage w/ turnaround drive, 2 jet skis, new carpet, and many more updates. Recently dredged. $329,500 BRAND NEW — you'll want to take a look at this 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath bungalow with attached double garage nestled on a quiet cul de sac with a tree lined backdrop. Offers close proximity to Lakeview beach and boat launch. Many unique features including indirect lighting and abundant $250,000 closet space. 97 GREENWOOD COURT WESTWOOD SUBDIVISION 332 SHERWOOD CIRCLE FOREST RIDGE SUBDIVISION 1-270 LAKEVIEW ROAD S FOREST RIDGE SUBDIVISION SECLUDED, PRIVATE, SPACIOUS property with winding concrete circle drive to this 4 BR, 2 BA cottage with 3-car garage. The light and bright open Great Room with beautiful hardwood floors offers easy living. Send the invitations for a party on the 2-level decks and stock the lower level bar in family room in case of rain! $245,000 SAME AS NEW! Comfortable, pleasant, 2 bedroom, 2 bath home with seasonal lake-views from the front porch and wooded views from the back deck and patio. Heat and AC in 3 season room. Double + garage has ramp for accessibility and extra storage space. 9’ ceilings in the basement along with plumbing hook-ups make future expansion an easy possibility. $220,000 GARAGE SPACE GALORE--This well-designed 3 bedroom (including a master suite), 2.5 Bath, open floor plan, & beautiful hardwood floors ranch is perfect for a family. The huge extra 3-car garage offers loads of space for the boat, lawnmower, jet ski, vintage cars, etc. A very large open basement is ready to finish.$192,500 1515 LAKEVIEW ROAD N FOREST RIDGE SUBDIVISION 284 MAPLE RIDGE COURT FOREST RIDGE SUBDIVISION 237 GREENLEAF COURT FOREST RIDGE SUBDIVISION YOUR PERFECT GETAWAY is this "neat as a pin" cottage even AFFORDABLE, COZY CABIN on a quiet street and beautiful wooded lot not far from the lake. Winter season may afford a view of the lake. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath and a good-sized garage. A short distance to beach and $94,500 boat launch. NEW ING LIST NEW ING LIST QUICK ACCESS to beach, boat launch, and park! Three bedrooms, plus den, and 2 baths will make a great family home. Enjoy the hot tub room "with hot tub" and a lower level family room with electric fireplace. An over-sized garage, a great wood deck, and flat backyard can be enjoyed by the whole fam$146,500 ily. great for year-round living. Enjoy the private wooded backyard of an extra large lot or sit by the fireplace on chilly nights. The spacious Great Room affords the benefits of open-floor plan living. You will appreciate the two generous-sized bedrooms and bath. 9' $134,500 ceiling in ready to finish basement. We also offer a variety of lots for sale, including OFFSHORE, LAKEVIEW and LAKE ACCESS lots which range in price from $3,500 to $30,000. LAKEFRONT lots vary in price from $60,000 to $285,000. Stop by our office or call us for a complete list. We can help you find the perfect lot for your needs. CONGRATULATIONS to Sherry Hughs on her retirement from Charter Oak Realty after many years of faithfulness and loyalty. She has been greatly appreciated. Thank you, Sherry! WELCOME to our staff, Kellie Shane, Broker Associate. Kellie has been an Oak Run resident for many years and brings to us her experience in public relations and communications. PAGE 36--April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR Office Use Only: NO. Amount: Cash Check Date: MAP COP 2015 APPLICATION FOR SWIM PLATFORMS, PLAY ISLANDS & OTHER WATER RELATED INFLATABLE PLATFORMS PROPERTY OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION/LOT NO. PHONE: Fee is $20.00 per device. Amount enclosed is: DESCRIPTION OF DEVICE: 1ST DEVICE 2ND DEVICE COLOR: SIZE: MANUFACTURER: For this application to be processed, the following requirements must be met: 1. All Maintenance assessments must be paid by all owners of the lot. 2. Minimum insurance requirements as described below must be met. 3. A stamped, self-addressed envelope must be enclosed, if mailing application. 4. Mail your application and check for $20.00 per device (maximum of two) to: Oak Run POA, Inc., 1470 Knox Road 1725 North, Dahinda, IL 61428 5. No refunds will be issued. No devices will be registered without signature on application. Covenant for Swim Platform Registration and Indemnification Agreement: As a condition of registering the above identified swim platform(s) at Oak Run, each undersigned hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. Each signer is an owner of the foregoing swim platform, with legal authority to sign this document. 2. At all times, each signer will maintain insurance coverage on each swim platform registered at Oak Run, with minimum personal injury liability limits of $500,000. 3. If any signer or permissive user of any swim platform identified above fails to comply with this covenant, and for any reason the Association incurs any loss as a result, either directly or indirectly, including attorney’s fees and costs, or damage of any kind or nature whatsoever, each signer agrees to indemnify and hold the Association harmless for any loss incurred as a result of the breach. 4. This covenant does not limit or restrict any other legal remedies the Association might have arising from the use or location of any of the above identified swim platform(s). Date Signed: Signature of Property Owner(s) Section B. Swim Platforms, Play Islands 1. All play islands and swim platforms on Spoon Lake shall be registered annually with the Association office. All owners must pay the yearly registration fee of $20.00 per device. 2. Minimum personal injury liability insurance in the amount of $500,000 must be in force for the entire duration that all registered swim platform(s) will be used on the lake at Oak Run. 3. The registration application with the Insurance Covenant for Swim Platform Registration and Indemnification Agreement must be signed by the property owner before any floating device will be registered or allowed on the lake at Oak Run. 4. A swim platform or play island is defined as any nonmotorized floating platform which is not affixed to the shore whose primary purpose is for recreational activities such as: swimming, lounging, jumping and diving. 5. Each lot is allowed a maximum of two (2) devices. 6. All play islands and platforms shall be limited in size to 15’ x 15’ x 3’ in height. 7. An adequate and safe water depth must be maintained below and around the swim platform or play island. It is incumbent on the owner of the device to insure this depth is maintained. 8. All play islands and swim platforms must be maintained within 25’ of the shoreline and 10’ of the side lot lines. All platforms shall be removed from the lake or secured and maintained against the property owner's dock or shoreline after dusk. 9. Lake front property own- ers will be allowed to use an Association approved mooring buoy in order to secure the anchor rope when the play island or platform is not in use. The mooring buoy can be purchased at the Association office. The buoy must be maintained within 25’ of the shoreline at all times. All mooring buoys other than the approved type will be removed by Lake Patrol personnel. 10. No climbing type structures of any kind will be permitted. 11. Children under the age of 15 must be under the direct supervision of a responsible person at all times while using a play island or swim platform. 12. Oak Run staff will make the final determination if there is a question as to whether a certain device falls under the above stated rules. 13. Failure to comply with the above stated rules may subject the owner to fines or loss of privileges. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE: 1994 Searay Bowrider 180BR. Good Condition, Very Clean, Includes Karavan Trailer. New Battery, 5 Blade Prop, Snap-on cover. Asking $4200. Call: 630-8412686. FOR SALE: 2004 SeaDoo GTI Jetski; 10 Foot, 3 Passenger Includes Triton Trailer, Good Condition. Asking $2500. Call: 630-841-2686. Two beautiful, wooded lakefront lots for sale by owner. On the main lake 285 & 286 Pin Oak (Laurel Hill). *Visit our new website: www.oakrun-spoonlakefront. com $150,000 each or $280,000 together. 630-202-4535. GODSIL INSURANCE Home, Auto, Commercial, Farm, Life & Health Boats, Jet Ski's, ATV's, Golf Carts, Motorcycles Charles A Cooley II Owner 138 Public Square PO Box 166 Knoxville, IL 61448 Fax: 309-289-9186 Phone: 309-289-4823 cooleyii@grics.net Let us cover your insurance needs Wolf Covered Bridge, Knox County, Illinois April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR--PAGE 37 POLICY FOR USE AND RENTAL OF BRENTWOOD LOUNGE AND BRENTWOOD PARK Liquor, including beer, wine, draft beer and hard liquor may be served with proper licensure and insurance. Decorations for lessee’s activities; i.e.., weddings, anniversaries, picnics, etc. These are limited 2015 RESERVATION DATE: _____________________________ OAK RUN BRENTWOOD PARK LOUNGE & KITCHEN RENTAL CONTRACT It is hereby agreed that _______________________________________________, Owner(s) of Lot No. ____________ in the ________________________ Subdivision, whose address is ________________________________________________ is solely responsible for the articles within use, care and cleaning of the Lounge and/or Kitchen located at Brentwood Park. The Lounge and/or Kitchen will be left in the order in which it was inspected by Oak Run POA Personnel and myself prior to usage. It is understood that anything damaged by me or my guests will be replaced with the same or the actual cost of repairs will be paid by me. Kitchen items such as pots, pans, dish clothes, towels, table service, etc. are not provided. Type of Event: (i.e. - company picnic, class reunion) __________________________________ Number of Participants: ____________________ Hours requested use of the building: _______________________________________________ Rental fees below are for a maximum of 6 hours. If you wish more than the six hours, an additional charge of $25.00 per hour must be included with the fee. (Must be cleaned up and gone by midnight.) inside the Lounge by limits on attachments; that is, no taping or tacking to structures or fixtures. Decorations must be limited on grounds outside of building. Tents will be permitted as supplemental shelter in conjunction with the Lounge for activities such as weddings, picnics, hog roasts, scenic drive. Tents need board approval. An additional $200.00 security deposit will be collected from those property Owners proposing to erect a tent (one) and/or utilizing outside decorations. BRENTWOOD CLUBHOUSE OAK RUN We would like your cooperation in helping us maintain these facilities. GENERAL Do not tape, tack or nail decorations, banners, signs, etc. from ceiling light fixtures, walls, drapes, or drapery rods. Clean table tops, chairs, carpet and floors of spilled food/liquids immediately. Replace tables and chairs to original locations. Run sweeper. Empty all waste baskets in outside trash containers. Insure all windows and doors are locked and all lights turned off when leaving. KITCHEN Do not put grease or coffee grounds in sink. Do not clean oven using oven cleaning cycle. Clean oven and stove of spills, etc., using a damp cloth. No food/liquids to be left in refrigerator. Using supplies provided, insure kitchen utensils, counters, stove, etc., are left in a clean condition. Clean kitchen floor using water only. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation. We hope you enjoyed yourselves. Oak Run POA Will you be serving alcohol? Yes/No ____________ If yes, evidence of host liquor liability insurance must be attached to this document. It is agreed that the following fees will be charged for usage of the Lounge and/or Kitchen for a maximum of six (6) hours. If you wish more than the six hours, there is an additional fee of $25.00 per hour. The security deposit will be returned after the Lounge and/or Kitchen has been inspected by Oak Run POA Personnel and found to be in proper order. RENTAL FEE 50 or Less: $125 51 or More: $200 SECURITY DEPOSIT: $ 75 $ 75 EXTRA HOURS @ $25.00/HOUR TOTAL ENCLOSED (Rental & Security) $200 + ______________$275 + ________________ It is agreed that an EXTRA SECURITY DEPOSIT OF $200.00 will be charged for erecting tents or supplemental shelter and/or utilizing outside decorations. NOTE: Rental fees are non-refundable if cancelled within 15 days of reservation. _____________________________________________ Property Owner Signature & Phone Number SECURITY DEPOSIT DISBURSEMENT: OAK RUN PEST CONTROL ______ All Security Deposit Returned _______ Deposit Withheld Because _________________ Residential - Commercial - Industrial - Farm RE/MAX® Preferred Properties 309/344/5444 1197 N. Henderson St. Galesburg, IL 61401 Welcoming Tyler Bond to RE/MAX Preferred Properties! 31 Parkwood Circle $249,000 Enjoy this wonderful Lake-View Home that offers picturesque views of Oak Run from your Deck, Living Room and Kitchen- no matter the season. This immaculately kept 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath home was remodeled in 2009 to give an open kitchen/ living room layout, and to insulate against both the Wintertime lows and the Summertime highs! Located in Forest Ridge. Call or Email Tyler Bond. 309-368-9684. tylerbbond@ gmail.com 17 Parkwood Circle $310,000 One of the best LAKEFRONT lots left at Oak Run! With over 90 ft of lake frontage, this lot has everything you could want. Enjoy the two separate docks with slips for 3 boats, your well-maintained deck with storage and seating. Think about soaking up the sun here or at the beach, just a short walk away! Also located in Forest Ridge. Come see it today! Call or Email Tyler Bond. 309-3689684. tylerbbond@gmail.com • Interior / Exterior • Deck Staining • Power Washing • New Construction • Free Estimates • In-Shop Painting • Insured Available Over 20 Yrs. Experience Monmouth E.P.A. & O.S.H.A. Compliant Illinois www.specpainting.com Owner Bob Barry PAGE 38--April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR Youth Corner by Sally Nelson Answer on page 8 Answer on page 3 Answer on page 4 Every row, column and mini-grid must contain the letters M O T H E R. Don't guess - use logic. April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR--PAGE 39 APRIL AT OAK RUN-2015 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 Maintenance Assessments Past Due Boat Stickers Due 5 6 7 Campground Opens Ladies Bridge 12:00 p.m. at Watering Hole AEC Meeting 1:30 p.m. at POA Office First Responders Meeting 6:30 p.m. at FR Garage 8 9 GOOD FRIDAY POA Office Closed 10 Easter Egg Hunt 10:00 a.m. at Brentwood 11 Safety Meeting 8:30 a.m. Watering Hole Tornado Siren Testing 10:00 a.m. EASTER 12 Ladies Bridge 7:00 p.m. at Brentwood 13 Campers Village Meeting 9:00 a.m. at Pavilion Garden Club Meeting 7:00 p.m. at Brentwood 14 POA Office begins Saturday hours: 9-5 15 16 17 18 AEC Mtg. 1:30 p.m at POA Office Spring Roadside Cleanup 9:30 a.m. at Watering Hole NO RAIN DATE Fish & Sports Meeting 6:30 p.m. at Brentwood 19 20 21 Boat Slips Open Weather Permitting Ladies Bridge 12:00 p.m. at Watering Hole Watering Hole open Wednesdays starting today BOD Meeting 7:00 p.m. at Brentwood 22 TRIAD Mtg. 10:00 a.m. at Brentwood Spoon Lake Activity Team Mtg. 7:00 p.m. at Brentwood Spring Bass Tourney participants cannot fish the lake starting today Ladies Bridge 7:00 p.m. at Brentwood Watering Hole open Tuesdays starting today Ladies Morning Golf League 8:00 a.m. at Watering Hole 27 23 Spring Bass Tourney Application Deadline 24 Tourney 5:30 a.m. to Noon at Lakeview 28 29 Garden Club Arbor Day Event 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at Brentwood Golf Swing into Spring - 4 Person Superball 9:00 a.m. Couples Bridge 7:00 p.m. at Brentwood Tuesday Men's Golf League begins Ladies Morning Golf League begins 8:15 a.m. Blood Pressure Checks - 910 a.m. at the FR Garage Communicator Deadline 30 Thurs. Men's Golf begins 8:30 a.m. Watering Hole open Mondays starting today 25Spring Bass TRIAD Cookout at Lakeview 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Sanitary District Meeting 5:00 p.m. at Sanitary Plant 26 Novice Bridge Group 7:00 p.m. at Brentwood Weekly Bass Tourneys begin 6:00 p.m. Lakeview Last day to sign up for Yard Sale Map OTHER APRIL OAK RUN EVENTS Ea. Mon, Wed, Fri Oak Run Exercise Group, 8:30-9:30 a.m., Brentwood Ea. Tues Beginning April 28th, Tuesday Men's Golf League - All Day Ea. Wed Beginning April 29th, Ladies Morning Golf League - 8:15 a.m. Ea. Thurs Beginning April 30th, Men's 18 Hole Golf League - 8:30 a.m. Ea. Thurs Beginning April 30th, Weekly Bass Tournament - 6:00 p.m. at Lakeview NOTE: Copy must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 25th, for inclusion in the June/July issue of the Communicator April-May 2015--OAK RUN COMMUNICATOR--PAGE 40 MAY AT OAK RUN-2015 S M T W T F S 1 2 Couple's Golf League Begins 3:30 p.m. 3 4 5 6 Maintenance Assessment Late Fee 7 8 Ladies Bridge 7:00 p.m. at Brentwood 10 11 NIKE Golf Demo Day 2:00-6:00 p.m. No Garden Club Meeting Cinco de Mayo 12 Annual Community Yard Sale 8:00 a.m.3:00 p.m. 9 Safety 8:30 a.m. at Watering Hole Tornado Siren Testing 10:00 a.m. Over-the-Hill Golf Begins - 9:00 a.m. Garden Club Plant Sale 8:00 a.m.-noon at Brentwood AEC Meeting 1:30 p.m. at POA Office Ladies' Afternoon Golf League Begins Ladies Bridge 12:00 p.m. at the Watering Hole First Responders Meeting 6:30 p.m. at Garage Campground Meeting 9:00 a.m. at pavilion 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 Golf Demo Day 2:00-6:00 p.m. Fish & Sports Committee Meeting 6:30 p.m. at Brentwood Mother's Day 17 18 19 Sanitary Dist. Mtg. 5:00 p.m at Sanitary Plant TRIAD Meeting 10:00 a.m. at Brentwood Ladies Bridge 7:00 p.m. at Brentwood 24 25 Spoon Lake Activity Team Mtg. 7:00 p.m. at Brentwood Golf Demo Day 2:00-6:00 p.m. 26 Ea. Mon, Wed, Fri Ea. Mon Ea. Tues Ea. Wed Ea. Wed Ea. Thurs Ea. Thurs Ea. Fri Oak Run POA . . . . . . . . 879-2603 POA Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . 879-2278 Pro Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . 879-2582 or 289-6481 Watering Hole . . . . . . . . 879-2155 Community Service Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368-4950 Oak Run Food Mart . . . 879-3069 Brentwood Pool . . . . . . 879-2598 Ladies Bridge 12:00 p.m. at the Watering Hole Novice Bridge Group 7:00 p.m. at Brentwood BOD Meeting 7:00 p.m. at Brentwood 27 Community Relations 2:00 p.m. at POA Office 31 AEC Meeting 1:30 p.m. at POA Office Golf Demo Day 2:00-6:00 p.m. 28 Brentwood Pool opens at 11:00 a.m. North Boat Launch Marina opens 11:00 a.m. Blood Pressure Checks 9-10:00 a.m. at FR Garage SLAT Brentwood Pool Splash Event 29 30 Couples Bridge 7:00 p.m. at Brentwood OTHER MAY OAK RUN EVENTS Oak Run Exercise Group, 8:30-9:30 a.m., Brentwood Beginning May 4th - Over the Hill Golf - 9:00 a.m. Tuesday Men's Golf League - All Day Ladies Morning Golf League - 8:30 a.m. Beginning May 6th, Ladies Afternoon Golf League Men's 18 Hole Golf League - 8:30 a.m. Weekly Bass Tournament - 6:00 p.m. at Lakeview Beginning May 1st, Couple's Golf League - 3:30 or 5:30 p.m. Campers’ Village . . . . . . 879-9273 Mgr. Clarence Rednour . . 853-6525 Fire/Ambulance/Sheriff . . . . . 911 Knox County Sheriff (Non Emergency) . . . . 343-9151 Post Offices: Dahinda . . . . . . . . . . . . 639-4481 Victoria . . . . . . . . . . . . 879-2105 Williamsfield . . . . . . . . 639-4483 Road Commissioners: Persifer (Milo Gibbs) . 639-2721 Copley (Steve Gibb) . . 879-2269 Aqua IL Jeremy D. Blust . . . . . . 879-2662 or 815-378-8829 Sanitary Sewer Dist. Service Office . . . . . . . 879-2368 Billing Office . . . . . . . 343-4156 Libraries: Williamsfield . . . . . . . . 639-2630 Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .639-2611 Victoria . . . . . . . . . . . . 879-2295 Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 879-2295 POA OFFICE HOURS: Beginning Saturday, April 11: Monday-Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. WATERING HOLE RESTAURANT: Spring Kitchen Hours: Opening Wednesdays on April 15th Opening Tuesdays on April 21st Opening Mondays on April 27th Sun.-Thurs: 11:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Fri.-Sat.: 11:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. Bar Hours: Sun.-Thurs.: Open until 10:00 p.m. Fri.-Sat.: Open until Midnight OAK RUN FOOD MART: Spring Hours Mon,-Thurs,: 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Fri.-Sat.: 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Sun. 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Hours subject to change