2 Sections - 40 Pages June-July 2015 Volume 35


2 Sections - 40 Pages June-July 2015 Volume 35
2 Sections - 40 Pages
Volume 35 - No. 2
June-July 2015
Dahinda, Illinois 61428
Front Entrance
Back Entrance
Architect's rendering of the bar/restaurant area.
Architect's depiction of the front entrance interior.
Building site with new clubhouse location; with respect to existing
buildings and landmarks.
Architect's drawing of the building plan.
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to receive a paper. Additional subscriptions are available for $5.00 per
year. Send all address changes to: Oak Run POA, 1470 Knox Rd., 1725
N., Dahinda, IL 61428.
Steve Foster, President
Judd Glow, Vice President
and Treasurer
Subdivision & Lot #
Mail to:
Oak Run POA
1470 Knox Rd. 1725N, Dahinda, IL 61428
FAX to:
Don Timmerman, Secretary
Doug Frakes,
Assistant Treasurer
Brian O'Connor,
Assistant Treasurer
Doug Williams
Dave Diggle
Oak Run Communicator
The Oak Run Communicator is published five times a year by the Community Relations and Publicity
Committee for the Oak Run Property Owners Association, 1470 Knox Rd. 1725N, Dahinda, IL 61428 as a
service to members of the Oak Run Association. The Oak Run Communicator reserves the right to reject any
advertising submitted and the appearance of advertising does not constitute an endorsement by the newspaper. The Communicator also retains the right to reject any copy submitted because of space or content as well
as edit for clarity or brevity.
Neither the staff members, the newspaper nor the Association may be held liable for any information submitted and published by any property owner or advertiser.
The newspaper is mailed Standard Rate at Bushnell, IL.
Published by McDonough Democrat, Bushnell, Illinois 61422
Architectural &
Environmental Control...................................Joe Kunzer ....................................... 309-879-2775
Camperʼs Village............................................Clarence Rednour............................. 309-853-6525
Community Relations & Publicity .................Debra Iaun ........................................ 309-879-2603
First Responders.............................................Larry Wood ...................................... 309-712-6566
Fish & Sports .................................................Ryan McNeeley................................ 309-645-1515
Safety .............................................................Lorie Ferguson ................................. 309-879-2340
Spoon Lake Activity Team .............................Karen Addis Frakes .......................... 309-879-2186
Doug Williams, President
2001 W. Forestglen Drive
Peoria, IL 61615
Cell: 309-303-0514
Brian O'Connor,
Vice President and
Assistant Treasurer
94 Tamarack Ct.
Dahinda, IL 61428
Home: 309-879-2001
Judd Glow, Treasurer
158 Poplar Court
Dahinda, IL 61428
Home: 309-879-2476
Doug Frakes, Asst. Treasurer
4105 Oak Run Drive
Dahinda, IL 61428
Home: 309-879-2186
Don Timmerman, Secretary
350 Valley View Circle
Dahinda, IL 61428
Home: 309-879-2120
Steve Foster
109 Oak Grove Circle
Dahinda, IL 61428
Home: 309-879-2134
Dave Diggle
205 Marvin Court
Germantown, IL 61548
Ph: 879-2603
FAX 879-2278
Vicky Conway
(309) 772-2129
Fax (309) 772-3994
Managerʼs Report
by Mike Davison
I am excited to report that the
Oak Run Board of Directors has
elected to move forward with
the construction of a new clubhouse/restaurant. If preliminary
work goes as scheduled, construction of the estimated $2.5 million,
8,500 Sq.Ft. structure is expected
to begin in September 2015. The
new clubhouse is proposed to be
located just west of the existing
clubhouse, and will be centered
on the access road from Lakeview
Road South. In addition to providing improved service and expanded menu options, the larger kitchen and dining areas will allow
the facility to host events such as
wedding receptions, community
events, golf outings, and private
Board Actions: At meetings
held in March and April, the Board
of Directors approved the conceptual design presented by BLDD
Designs, accepted a contract proposal from Bush Construction
to manage the project through a
design-build delivery system, and
directed management and legal
counsel to begin the process of
bringing the golf course back into
the scheme of the development.
Construction Management
Services: Through the designbuild delivery system, Bush
Construction will act as the
Associationʼs agent for the project.
As part of their duties, they will
work with the architect to facilitate
the design process, provide budgetary estimates, prepare comprehensive bid packages, oversee the
construction schedule, and deliver
the project at or below a mutually
agreeable guaranteed price. Their
role will be focused on supervision, inspection, and professional
management to ensure that the
Association receives a cost efficient, quality-driven finished project.
In the coming months, the
Association will focus on the
preliminary design stage of the
project. This phase will consist
of conducting an overall evaluation of the project, adopting a
schedule of work, reviewing schematic designs and construction
documents, and setting a mutually
agreeable guaranteed maximum
price for the project. There will
be numerous meetings throughout
this process where the main focus
will be on the specific details of
the design program, to ensure that
the design team is meeting and/
or exceeding expectations for the
Making the Golf Course a
Subdivision: From the beginning
of the Oak Run Development in
the 1970ʼs, it was always contemplated that the golf course and
clubhouse were integral parts of
the development, even though they
were not legally part of any subdivision. The clubhouse building is
now over 40 years old. In the past,
it has served as an information
center, a real estate sales office,
the Associationʼs office, and as an
equipment storage area. It was not
built to stand the test of time, or
serve in its current capacity. It has
been remodeled, re-plumbed, and
re-wired on countless occasions, to
fit the changing needs of the community. With the Association now
surpassing 700 homes and 3,500
property owners, the structure has
become undersized, outdated, and
has outlived its useful life.
The necessity for making the
golf course part of a formal subdivision is fairly straightforward.
Under the current arrangement,
the Association is restricted from
spending assessment monies in
areas that are not within the platted subdivisions or the “properties” as defined in the restrictive
covenants. Accordingly, the golf
course needs to be re-platted
and adopt covenants, just as was
done for the Association offices,
maintenance complex, dam, and
Camperʼs Village two years ago.
Although the golf course and
clubhouse have always been
essential components of the original development, they were parceled off in 1993 into a subsidiary for-profit corporation. This
was done for tax purposes because
non-property owners also used
the facilities. Over the last several
years, the community, its financial situation, and the primary
reasoning for the separation have
changed and are no longer relevant.
For the last 20 plus years, the
Association has filed under IRS
Section 528 as a Homeownerʼs
Association. Under this section,
nonexempt income is taxed at a
flat 35%. Nonexempt function
income within our operation consists of per-use revenue derived
from activities such as marina gas
sales, daily pool use, general store
rental fees, Camperʼs Village daily
fees, committee income, etc. Onetime fees such as maintenance
assessments and watercraft registrations are considered exempt
function income and are not taxed
as long as they are used for future
maintenance and repairs.
In order to preserve the option
of filing under Section 528, a
Homeownerʼs Association must
meet the terms of four standard
Substantial Residential Test
– Substantially all units must be
held for residential purposes.
60% Income Test – At least
60% of the Associationʼs gross
income must consist of exempt
function income.
90% Expenditure Test – At
least 90% of Associationʼs
expenses must be for the purposes of carrying on exempt
functions of a Homeownerʼs
Lack of Private Benefit Test
– No member may profit from the
Associationʼs earnings.
The Associationʼs capacity to
comply with the requirements
of the 90% Expenditure Test has
become increasingly difficult to
maintain. Over the last several
years, the Associationʼs expenses
have remained at or slightly above
that 10% level, due to increases
in nonexempt function spending.
It has reached the point that the
inability to fulfill this requirement
will force the Associationʼs hand
on its filing status. In basic terms,
irrespective of the clubhouse
project, the Association will be
required to change its filing status,
and policies and procedures will
need to be in place, in preparation
for that conversion.
Through proper planning, any
increases in income tax obligations can be reduced to the point
of being negligible through elections to reserves, and republishing
the Associationʼs budget early in
the year. One of the key components of this undertaking will be
to have an updated Reserve Study
commissioned so that excess revenue can be lawfully earmarked
for future projects.
In summary, the Association
has reached the point where the
rationalization for separating the
golf course is no longer valid,
due to our inability to meet the
requirements under Section 528
of the tax code. From an income
tax standpoint, there is no compelling reason to not proceed with
bringing the golf course back into
the scheme of the development
and pursuing the improvement
of mutually beneficial amenities,
such as the clubhouse.
Funding the Project: During
the early planning stages of the
project, the Board reviewed
funding options based on several potential cost estimates for
the project. Now that conceptual
drawings have been approved and
a more definitive cost valuation
has been received, a cash flow
analysis that focuses on the next
ten years can be better defined.
The supplementary Reserve
Funding Plan addresses the
Associationʼs current financial
position, debt service on this project, anticipated yearly reserve
expenditures, and the projected
cash position at year end. Table 1
contemplates a 50/50 cost share of
the debt by the POA and restaurant
operation. Table 2 examines the
effect on cash flow if the project is
solely funded by the Association.
Notes on Simulated Reserve
Table Options 1 and 2
Reserves at Beginning of
the Year - Starting Balance:
Through December 31, 2014, the
Associationʼs balance sheet reported a reserve and replacement fund
balance of $1,453,996, and cash
on hand of $355,157.
Yearly Reserve Contribution:
The 2015 budget estimates income
of $1,676,300 and operating
expenditures of $1,091,700 for
projected net income of $584,600.
A baseline of $575,000 was used
as a conservative approximation
of estimated net income in the
study. For simplicity, this estimate
does not factor inflation, yield on
reserve investments, increases in
the CPI, or in operational spending throughout the 10-year period.
Projected Debt Service Based
on Construction Cost: Based on
preliminary discussions, lenders
are recommending using a 4% rate
over 15 years as starting point.
If the project were budgeted at
$2.5 million, it is anticipated that
$1.5 million of that amount would
be financed. Based on initial loan
rates, the yearly debt service
would be approximately $133,000
or about $38 per year, per assessment. Assessments are not projected to increase under either of
these options, other than the standard cost of living adjustment.
Option 1. 50/50 Cost Share:
Contemplates shared responsibility
between the POA and the restaurant to service the debt. The yearly
contribution would be approximately $67,000. ($575,000 less
$67,000 establishes the $508,000
used as a representative figure for
yearly reserve contributions in
Table 1.)
Option 2. 100% POA
Funded: If the project was 100%
funded by the POA, the estimated yearly contribution would be
$133,000 ($575,000 less $133,000
establishes the $442,000 used as
a representative figure for yearly
reserve contributions in Table 2.)
Anticipated Reserve
Expenditures: The anticipated annual reserve contributions
were established using the 2009
Reserve Study conducted by
Reserve Advisors Inc. as a guide.
Adjustments were made to the
replacement schedule of five
major components. Those proposed changes were as follows:
(2015) Includes the clubhouse
construction project with an estimated initial outlay of $1,000,000.
(2017) Includes the replacement of the General Store at an
estimated cost of $400,000. This
project was scheduled to be
completed in 2016 at a cost of
(2018) Includes the replacement of the Brentwood Lounge
at an estimated cost of $750,000.
This project was scheduled to be
completed in 2013 at a cost of
(2019) Includes the replacement of Brentwood Pool at an esti-
mated cost of $550,000. This project was scheduled to be completed
in 2012 at a cost of $550,565.
(2022) Includes the cost of
dredging at an estimated cost of
$500,000. This project was scheduled to be completed in 2019 at a
cost of $426,287. Selected areas
of the lake have been dredged on
three occasions - 1992, 2000, and
2012. Consequently, 8 to 10 years
is being used as a practical timeframe for future dredging requirements. Numerous dry dams have
been installed in recent years with
the intended purpose of postponing or reducing the scope of future
dredging operations.
Anticipated Reserves at Year
End: In Table 1, reserves do not
drop below $400,000 at any point
within the next ten years. In Table
2 reserves hit the lowest point of
$145,267 in 2019 and quickly
rebound to a healthy level the following year.
Cash On Hand/Savings:
The Board adopted a resolution
that authorized operating cash
in the amount of 15% of budget, or approximately $250,000,
to be carried over into these two
accounts at yearʼs end. Any surplus monies are to be placed in the
reserve account.
SUMMARY: One of the primary business duties of community Associations is to maintain
and preserve property values and
Association owned amenities.
To do this properly the Board of
Directors is required to develop a
funding plan for future repairs and/
or replacement of common area
amenities and components. Since
the 2011 assessment increase was
adopted, the Board has upheld its
fiduciary duty by dedicating funds
to reserves in a fiscally responsible manner, which has in turn
yielded a healthy reserve position.
The cash flow analysis in
Option 1 showed that even with
an aggressive plan of five major
capital improvement projects
scheduled within the next five
years, anticipated reserves at year
end only declined to a level of
$409,267 in savings in 2019, and
quickly rebounded the following
year. It is again worth noting that
assessments are not projected to
increase nor are any increases necessary, other than the standard cost
of living increase, to accomplish
the goals of this plan.
The current reserve funding
levels indicate that the Association
has come to the point that it is
now obligated to begin the process
of replacing those amenities that
have outlived their useful lives.
The Board of Directors believes
that a new clubhouse/restaurant
will be a great asset for our community and will increase property values for all members of the
By Doug Williams
With the spring months upon
us and summer just around the
corner, Oak Run staff has been
working hard to make sure that
the Golf Course, pool, boat
launch sites, pavilions, and all of
the other amenities at Oak Run
are safe and ready to use. Boat
stickers are available at the POA
office, and the pool admission is
free to property owners this year!
So be sure that you have your new
membership card in your possession when using the amenities at
Oak Run this season.
This is the year to get involved
at Oak Run! There are plenty of
activities and events planned by
the various Oak Run committees.
We want Oak Run to be a fun
place to be. By getting involved,
you will also meet more people
and make new friends. Check
out our online community calendar of events, and also the
Announcements page for important information, via the website:
www.oakrunpoa.com. Each issue
of the Communicator will contain
information that is pertinent to the
months that are covered by the
issue, so read through it carefully!
At the April Board meeting, the
architects for the new clubhouse
project gave a presentation and
answered questions from the property owners in attendance. The
architectʼs renderings depicting
what the new clubhouse will look
like are on display at the POA
office, for your convenience. They
are larger versions of some of the
same pictures that you are seeing
in this issue of the Communicator.
To fund the clubhouse proj-
ect, we plan to make a substantial
down payment from the reserve
funds, and finance the remaining
balance using the current assessment structure. No assessment
increases will be levied for the
purpose of paying for the new
clubhouse. We encourage you to
attend the regular Board meetings, which are held on the third
Thursday of the month, at 7:00
p.m. at Brentwood, for any further
developments. This much needed
project will move Oak Run forward and greatly enhance your
experience at Oak Run.
Please feel free to contact any
of the Board members with any
questions or concerns you might
have about Oak Run or the new
clubhouse project. Again, visit
the website on a frequent basis to
keep informed of the important
information you may need, and
read your Communicator. This
is how the Association keeps the
members informed! See you on
the lake!
By Sam Montooth
April showers have been low,
keeping the District sewer mains
flowing below average for this
time of the year. Service checks in
the Brentwood and Parkview subdivisions have all systems running
with only a few simple repairs
The updated schedule for the
Force Main project in Forest
Ridge presently has tentative dates
of October 2015 for letting of the
bids, and spring of 2016 for the
start of construction. We will be
working to fine tune the plans for
this project this summer. It will
still be subject to a low interest
loan approval.
Please join me in congratulating Jim Carter for passing
the State exam for Wastewater
Treatment Operator. Jim has been
working for the Sanitary District
since last fall and will now transition into being our licensed plant
operator, while Dwane Groves,
long time operator, moves into
retirement. We also want to thank
Dwane for his many years of service to the Spoon Valley Lake
Sanitary District.
If you are a lot owner at Oak
Run and you are getting ready to
build, you must remember that if
you are an owner in the following
subdivisions: Westwood, Charter
Oak, Old Orchard, Windemere,
or Laurel Hill, you will need to
contact the Knox County Health
Department (309-344-3314) to
obtain a Septic System permit.
The Spoon Valley Lake Sanitary
District has an inner-governmental agreement with Knox County
that allows the County Health
Department to enforce the both
State and our Septic System
ordinances. Please be aware that
Illinois Law now requires all new
systems to be "non surface discharge systems," and that will
require much planning and testing
before permits can be obtained.
Aerobic Septic systems have
been prohibited since 2009 under
SVLSD ordinance # 2008-6.
If you are a lot owner in Forest
Ridge, Parkview, or Brentwood
(subdivisions with sewer), and
you are going to build, contact the
SVLSD Service office at 309-8792368 to obtain Sewer Permits.
Parkview and Brentwood home
owners, please continue to call-in
any alarms you hear going off!
Thank you! Enjoy the summer
and stay safe!
Tips From
the Pro
Brett Horton, PGA
Oak Run Golf Course
1468 Knox Rd. 1725 N
Dahinda, Il. 61428
inches above the ground using a
3¼ inch tee.
Here's what some of the pros
say about teeing up. Darren
Clarke: "If I tee is too low, I put
too much spin on the ball . . ."
Zach Johnson: "The higher I tee
it and the higher I catch it on the
club face, the less spin I get. I
want high launch and low spin;
I need every yard I can get . . ."
Bubba Watson: "I try to stick my
tee in the ground as little as possible and then hover my driver
over the ground . . ." Jim Furyk:
"If it's a tight driving hole, I'll tee
it down for more control . . ."
Aqua Aerobics
Which golf tee is the right one
for you? Golf tees come in different lengths and are made of either
wood or plastic. I am often asked:
"What tee should I use?" The
advantage to a plastic tee is longevity. I know a golf professional
who used only three tees for the
entire year of the plastic model.
Wooden tees are traditional and
have been more popular. Plastic
tees are growing in popularity
because of the durability factor
and environmental issues.
More importantly, is the height
that you tee up the ball. When
using your driver, if you are looking for more distance, tee the ball
up a little higher by using a tee
that is 3¼ inches high. Through
studies, we have found that on
average, you can expect up to
12 more yards by teeing the ball
higher. This allows you to catch
the ball on your upswing as you
follow through. The extra distance
comes from less spin on the ball,
causing a higher launch angle
with more top spin.
If you're looking for more
control or straighter shots, use
a shorter tee, usually 2¾ inches
high. This will make you swing
lower at impact and more down
the intended path. On par threes,
it is an advantage to tee your ball
up. I generally use a broken tee
with my irons & hybrids. When
using a 7 iron through the wedge,
push the tee all the way in the
ground with just the head showing above the ground. When using
your long irons, tee up the ball
at about ¼ inches. For hybrids
and fairway metals, tee it up at
½ inches. Your driver will be 3
By Nancy Otto
Summer is around the corner and Oak Run Aqua Aerobics
is back! So, the big question
remains; “Would you rather spend
an hour in the pool burning calories, working out to great music
with friends, old and new, or
would you rather continue with
the never-ending summer chores
and yard work?” The answer is
simple and begins on June 8th!
Oak Run Aqua Aerobics
will meet on Mondays and
Thursdays from 6:00 PM until
7:00 PM, starting on June 8th at
the Brentwood Pool. The cost of
each class is $3.00. Although not
required, water shoes help to give
you a safer, more beneficial workout, so you may wish to bring
them to the class.
Nancy Otto will teach this fun
fitness program for adults of all
ages and fitness levels. Nancy has
a degree in Physical Education,
and has taught at Illinois Central
College and the Cancer Center for
Healthy Living.
If you havenʼt exercised in a
while, please get your doctorʼs
okay before attending. This class
can be tailored for all fitness levels, with modifications made for
most health issues. Everyone
works at their own pace.
Using energizing music, the
class begins with a cardio warm
up, adds stretches and toning
using pool noodles, and then lots
of fun cardio routines. You will
find yourself feeling healthier and
sleeping better. You will improve
your balance and your heart health
too. The resistance of the water
enables all of us to benefit from
the workout.
Come join us in our summer
fun! Contact Nancy Otto via email
with any questions or for more
information: Nancy.Otto53@
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Established 1929
Oak Run First
(Neighbors Helping
By Larry Wood
The Oak Run First Responder
Mission Statement is: “The true
meaning of community; neighbors helping neighbors. Trained
volunteers protecting life and
Your Oak Run First Responders
had the following Emergency
Medical Services (EMS) calls:
five in March and six in April
(through 4/25). Firefighters had
three calls in March and four calls
in April (through 4/25). Our EMS
staff provides Firefighter Rehab
for all local fires.
Monthly First Responder
Our Monthly Team Meetings
occur on the first Thursday of
each month at the First Responder
Building starting at 6:30 PM.
Youʼre invited to our monthly
meetings or visit our new website: www.oakrunfun.com/firstresponders for more information. At the station, check out the
trucks, turn-out gear, and medical
and fire equipment. See if being
a First Responder, either EMS or
Firefighter, is for you. Members
must be at least 18 years of age,
a full-time resident of Oak Run,
and have a valid Illinois Driverʼs
License. Jan Congreve will teach
a basic EMS First Responder
Class beginning June 9th at Oak
Run for those interested in joining
our team.
First Responder Personnel
Dan Genty has resigned as
the Oak Run Trustee with the
Williamsfield Fire Protection
District (WFPD) Board of
Directors and retired as a firefighter. We thank Dan for his dedicated service beginning in 2008.
Bob Pauer was approved by the
WFPD Board to replace Dan as
Trustee beginning May 1, 2015.
We currently have 14 mem-
bers: 4 EMS First Responders, 3
Firefighters, and 7 members who
are both EMS and Firefighters.
Three of our EMS personnel have
a higher level of training than the
required level for basic EMS. One
additional firefighter is applying
to join the team.
Melissa Stokes has resigned
as our EMS Coordinator from
St. Mary Medical Center, to join
Proctor Hospital. John Jurgens is
our Interim EMS Coordinator.
Training – First Responders
received the following training:
Feb. 28 – Firefighter Training
– HAZMAT Training at Knoxville
Mar. 4 – EMS Training – Jan
Congreve and Dan Congreve covered Patient Assessment (Part 1)
Mar. 27 – Firefighter Training
– Extrication hands-on training at
Victoria Station
Apr. 2 – EMS Training – Jan
Congreve and Dan Congreve covered Patient Assessment (Part 2)
A p r. 9 – E M S Tr a i n i n g
– Elderly Trauma at St. Mary
Medical Center
Apr. 16 – Firefighter Training
– Locomotive Fires (High Voltage
Electrical Fires)
Apr. 21 – EMS Training –
Glucometer and Oral Glucose
Apr. 23 – Firefighter Training –
Pumping and Hydrant Connection
Apr. 23 – EMS/Firefighter
Training – Fire/Rescue Boat
Review and Equipment Review
w i t h Vi c t o r i a / C o p l e y F i r e
An additional Wild Land Fire
Training Session is scheduled for
October 23-25 at Oak Run.
Oak Run received a newer
2010 EMS Truck to replace our
current 1999 vehicle. This truck is
eleven years newer and includes
several improvements over our
current vehicle.
Our Fire/Rescue Boat has been
prepped for installation on the
boat lift at Lakeview Park. The
boat carries a full complement of
EMS and firefighting equipment.
Our Thermal Imaging Camera
is a tool used to help firefighters
see through the smoke to find people within a burning structure, or
to locate someone thrown from a
car accident in a dark field. It can
also assist in locating hot spots
within a burning
structure that need
additional attention.
It can identify electrical components
that have overheated
and initially caused
the fire.
The Infrared
Thermometer is a
tool used to help firefighters measure any
surface temperature
before they make contact with the surface
of a burning structure.
Our website shares
our history, provides safety information and safety tips for the Oak
Run Community, and has additional training information specifically for First Responders: www.
Community Involvement
We are proud of our involvement in community events. We
offer monthly free blood pressure
checks on the fourth Saturday
of each month from 9-10 a.m. at
our station. We are responsible
for testing our two tornado sirens
each month and for setting them
off as necessary. The slogan, “We
canʼt help you, if we canʼt find
you!” has resulted in the addition
of 191 (white on blue) reflective address signs for Oak Run
homes and docks. Contact Tom
Kordewick at 309-879-2082 for
details. The price for the metal
sign is $20 and an additional $10
We take care of all your landscaping needs!
•Landscape Design
•Specialized Stonework
•Plant Design & Installation
•Fireplaces & Firepits
•Paver Patios & Walkways
•Retaining Walls & Edging
•Landscape Lighting
•Water Gardens
Scot Thompson
(309) 289-8759 office
1554 Barefoot Rd.
Knoxville, IL 61448
if you need a stake to mount the
Food Drive
Another community project is
the collection of food or monetary donations for the FISH Food
Pantry in Galesburg which supplies emergency food for the very
needy of Knox County. We are
collecting non-perishable food
at the First Responder Building.
Monetary donations in the form
of a check to the “Fish Food
Pantry” can be given to any Oak
Run First Responder. Each dollar
donation buys $5 of food from the
River Bend Distribution Facility.
Contact Larry Wood at 309-7126566 for questions, food pick-up,
or volunteering at FISH. Seven
Oak Run residents currently volunteer at FISH. To date, we have
collected 250 pounds of food
from the generous Oak Run residents. Many “Thanks!” to those
who have already donated to this
worthy cause.
Severe Weather Warning
Siren Protocol
Oak Run fortunately has two
Severe Weather
Warning Sirens
that cover the
entire Oak Run
C o m m u n i t y.
located at Brentwood Park and
Windemere Park. The sirens are
tested each month on the first
Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. and run for
three minutes. If a severe weather
watch or warning is in effect at
that time, the test will not be run.
For any other time of the
month, the warning sirens will be
activated for the following:
1) Tornado Warning issued by
the National Weather Service for
our area.
2) Tornado or Funnel Cloud
reported by a trained spotter.
Several of the Oak Run First
Responders are trained weather
3) Wind at 70 mph or greater.
Most fatalities during tornadoes
and severe thunderstorms are
caused by falling trees and large
4) Golf ball size hail or larger
(1.75 inch diameter or larger).
Hail will break windows at this
5) Local life-threatening events
such as hazmat incident, terrorism, nuclear emergency, etc.
There will be NO “all clear”
signal given. Citizens should
be off the lake and indoors and
monitor local media for additional information. Repeated sirens
mean that the danger still exists.
Dock or beach all boats on the
water and get to a house for cover.
Donʼt waste time.
In your house, have a designated place to go like a central room
in the basement or lowest level.
Good shelter items are a battery
operated weather radio, flashlight,
first aid kit, bottled water, mobile
phone, and a whistle. The most
important thing is to keep you and
your family safe.
For Medical Emergencies 7 Steps That Could Save Your
1. List an emergency contact in
your phone under ICE. Add the
phone number of your spouse
or a family member to your
smartphoneʼs address book
under “ICE,” which stands for
“In Case of Emergency.” That
way, emergency technicians and
physicians know exactly who to
contact to find out any important details about your health
history and your wishes, if
youʼre unconscious.
2. Wear your medical ID
bracelet. If you have diabetes or
life-threatening allergies, always
wear your medical ID bracelet.
3. Take a photo of your medications. Line up your medications
and get a clear shot of the labels
for easy, accurate access to the
correct drug names and dosages
youʼre taking. The label also provides the name of your prescribing physician and his or her phone
number, so emergency medicine
physicians can reach out to your
doctor if needed.
4. Get a photo of your EKG.
If you have a pre-existing heart
condition or have had a heart
attack, get a copy of your baseline
EKG from your doctor and take a
photo of it with your smartphone
so you have it on hand. This photo
can provide your baseline signature of your heart condition.
5. Have an advanced directive and health care proxy. An
advanced directive is a legal document that spells out your wishes for end-of-life care, such as
whether you want to be resuscitated if your heart stops or if you
want to donate your organs, and
names a health care proxy, which
is someone you trust to make
medical decisions on your behalf
if youʼre incapacitated.
6. When in doubt, call 9-1-1.
It may help to keep in mind that
certain health problems should
raise an immediate red flag that
warrant calling 9-1-1 such as if
youʼre in severe pain or are experiencing chest discomfort, shortness of breath, such as from an
asthma attack, allergic reaction, or
a heart problem.
7. Dial 9-1-1 and chew an
aspirin if you have chest discomfort. If youʼre experiencing
chest pain or discomfort, which
may be accompanied by shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting, and jaw or back pain, call
9-1-1 right away. Then follow by
chewing one adult-strength aspirin. Reference: Rachel Grumman
Bender, April 21, 2015
Wednesday Night Prayer Service: 7:00 PM
Pastor: Marty Briney
(309) 879-2869
“14 Years Serving
Oak Run Residents”
Oak Runʼs annual Easter Egg
Hunt was held on Saturday, April
4, 2015. A sunny, wonderful
day welcomed approximately
70 children along with parents,
grandparents, and friends.
The kids had a delightful time
collecting the 800 candy and prize
filled eggs.
The youngsters were greeted by
the Easter Bunny (Jane Petersen)
and enjoyed having their pictures
taken together. Children who
participate in this event always
have a great time. So, mark your
calendars, and plan to bring your
little ones to next yearʼs Easter
egg hunt!
A big “thank you” to the Youth
Group from the Oaks Community
Church, for helping out with this
yearʼs event.
Residential - Commercial - Industrial - Farm
Route 180
Williamsfield, IL 61489
Phone (309) 639-2282
Lee Wight — Alan Wight — Matt Brown
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Over 20 Yrs. Experience
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Bob Barry
Summer Bishop
Hill Events
June 14: Honor Flight Benefit
– This is a fund-raising event
for the Honor Flight of the Quad
Cities. 3 pm-6 pm. Enjoy music,
an auction, and a dinner, all in the
Bishop Hill Village Park.
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June 20: Midsommar Music
Festival - Join this lively Swedish
tradition; come celebrate the summer solstice with music, workshops, and a center stage concert.
A Maypole will be decorated and
a procession will deliver it to the
Colony School where singing
and dancing will continue. Later,
a barn dance will be held in the
School. Music from 11 am-4 pm.
Pole decorating and procession at
4 pm. Barn dance at 7 pm.
J u l y 11 : 2 5 t h A n n u a l
Country Antique Market –
Quality antiques including primitives, country, folk art, pottery,
and much more are available on
the lawn of the Colony School.
Proceeds from this event will benefit a Bishop Hill organization. 9
am-3 pm $6.00 admission.
"3,"-&"* "
July 26: Antique Car Show
– A great antique and classic car
show. Registration is from 9 am11:30 am, judging is from noon1:30 pm with awards presented
at 3 pm.
((7+-7")&(7& '
For more information on
Bishop Hill events, visit: www.
bishop hill.com
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Hello Summer
The price is right, and as always
satisfaction is guaranteed!
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Looking Up
by Bob Pauer
Selene (Luna)
On June 2nd at 9:07pm, the
moon will rise over Spoon Lake
(thereʼs a song there someplace)
and again on July 1st, thus completing one cycle of the phases of
the moon. Cruising over Spoon
Lake on these nights can not only
be romantic, but can also increase
our appreciation for our dark,
unpolluted skies.
The romantic nature of the
moon dates back to antiquity
with the goddess Selene (Luna
in Roman mythology) who was
the sister of Helios. According
to one legend, Helios drove his
chariot across the sky during
the day, while Selene drove her
chariot during the night. Looking
down to earth one night, Selene
saw Endymion asleep in a cave on
Mt. Latmos. She immediately fell
in love with this handsome mortal. Afraid that Endymion would
grow old and die, she asked Zeus
to grant Endymion eternal life in
perpetual sleep.
On nights when Selene came
down to earth to visit the sleeping
Endymion, she would ask Helios
to drive her chariot across the sky.
Because of Heliosʼs gigantic size
and the reluctance of Seleneʼs
horses to pull him, the nights
started to last longer and longer.
These long, romantic nights produced fifty children; one for each
period between Olympic Games.
This is one explanation in folklore
for the long winter nights. It is
interesting to note that during the
months of August and September
are recorded the most frequent
Since ancient times, man has
visualized characters in the moon.
This is a fun game to play with
young children.
Features on the Moon
Lady in the Moon
2nd Annual
Summer Swing
Cow Jumping over the Moon
Man in the Moon
Rabbit in the Moon
$50.00 A MONTH *
1321 SE 2nd St. Route 34
PO Box 146
Galva, IL 61434
Phone: 309-932-8229 and
email: sales@appellequip.com
Commercial • Residential
√ Driveways
√ Patchwork
√ Churches
√ Tar & Chip
√ Private Roads
√ Banks
√ Seal Coating
√ Parking Lots
√ Motel/Hotel
√ Crack Filling
√ Restaurants
Serving All Areas • Free Estimates • Fully Insured
Sky Party:
If you are interested in seeing
the night sky through a telescope,
watch for a sign set out at the firestation on nights that I will have
my telescope out for viewing this
With binoculars or a small
telescope, the craters and the
seas (large dark areas caused by
ancient lunar lava flows) are easily seen. The best time to see the
features on the moon is not during
a full moon since it is too bright.
Instead, view the moon along the
border of the light and dark faces,
during the nights before and after
the full moon.
Best time to view features
on the moon
By Lori Hansen
This year ʼs Spoon Lake
Activity Team ʻSummer Swingʼ
golf outing is already in full
swing! We have had positive
feedback from our hole sponsors
from last year and have added
many new ones for this year. We
also have many teams already
signed up for the event, which
will be held on Saturday, June 6th
at 8:00 a.m.
The first 132 people to sign up
will receive goodie bags! We had
128 golfers for our event last year,
and plan on exceeding that for this
year! Door prizes, cash prizes for
hole events, a “peanut hole” and
many fun things are planned for a
great day out!
You say you may be interested
in sponsoring a hole or donating
a door prize? No worries! Itʼs not
too late! See Brett in the Pro Shop
to sign up, or for more details.
You may also email Lori Hansen
at lhansen@galesburg205.org for
more information.
What a great event to meet
new friends, enjoy the beauty
of the Oak Run golf course, and
compete in a friendly fun game
of golf! Our committee wants
to say “Thank you” in advance,
for all of the support we have
received! Without all of you, we
couldnʼt make it such a successful
event! (Watch for a listing of
hole sponsors in our post-event
Galesburg Upcoming Events
The following upcoming
annual Galesburg events are
great for families and wonderful
summer entertainment. For more
information on a particular event,
visit: www.visitgalesburg.com
and click on the event website.
Dr. Emily A. Hawrysio
Michael Houlihan
Emily A. Hawrysio, daughter of Edward
and Susan Hawrysio, has received her Doctor of
Veterinary Medicine degree from Atlantic Veterinary
College, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Dr Hawrysio
has accepted a position in a mixed animal practice in
Ogdensburg, New York. Congratulations Emily!
Michael Houlihan, son of Steve and Angie
Houlihan, graduates from Brimfield High School
on May 17th, 2015. He has been accepted to the
School of Kinesiology at Illinois State University.
Congratulations Michael!
June 6 – First Annual Semi
Truck Cruise In: Free Family
Event. 8 am – 9 pm All truck
makes, models and years are
welcome. Join this yearʼs cruise
in and let the truck shine. Food
Vendors, 50/50 drawing, Kids
June 7 – Run Galesburg Run:
7 am, Downtown Galesburg. Half
Marathon, 5k and 1 Mile options.
June 20-21 – More on 34:
100+ Miles of Yard Sales through
seven counties from Sandwich,
Illinois to the Mississippi River,
and all along Route 34. Some
locations open on Friday, June 19.
June 27-28 – Galesburg
Railroad Days: Annual event
celebrating the cityʼs railroad
heritage with a carnival, exhibits,
a street fair, railyard tours, 5 &
10k runs, hobby train show, flea
market, rib cook-off, tram tours,
beer garden, car show and much
more. Over 40 events, most of
them free, held downtown and
throughout the community.
July 15-18 – Knox County
Fair: Come celebrate the 163rd
Knox County Fair held in these
historic fairgrounds which has
been in existence since 1851.
Enjoy FREE entertainment, beer
garden, food, vendors, nightly
grandstand events. Figure 8 racing
and the ever popular demolition
July 23 – Taste of Galesburg:
Always the 4th Thursday in July.
Sample food from numerous area
restaurants and vote for your
favorites; enjoy live entertainment,
free childrenʼs activities, and beer
garden. Simmons Street between
Seminary and Kellogg Streets.
July 24-26 – Great Balloon
Race: A colored filled weekend
of 25 plus hot air balloons flying
overhead. Featuring night glows,
competition, opportunity to view
up close and talk to pilots.
“Alpine Retreat”
“Aspen Chalet”
Whether you own a lot or are buying one, Iʼll be happy to
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Phone 309/343-5778
Golf News
By Brett Horton
Summer is just around the corner and so is Junior Golf Camp.
Not only will your child learn the
correct golfing techniques, but it
is also a great way for them to
learn valuable life skills, such as
decision making, social skills, and
Junior Golf Camp will start
June 11th, and will be held every
Thursday through July 23rd. The
kids are separated by age groups.
The 6 to 9 year olds will play from
9:00 to 10:00 a.m. The 10 to 13
age group will be from 10:30 a.m.
to noon. The high school class is
from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. The cost is
still just $ 3.00 per class, and you
simply come as many Thursdays
as you can. The Skills Challenge
qualifier (formerly the Drive,
Chip, & Putt) will be hosted on
July 16th. The times are the same
as regular classes. The Junior Golf
Camp tournament will be held on
July 23rd, and that is a 9 am start.
The annual Knox County
Amateur will be held August 1st
and 2nd this year. This is a great
event for players of all abilities.
It also gives players a chance to
compete in a USGA golf tournament. Last year, we had close to
100 players. Player scores range
from under par to over 100 for 18
holes. The event is flighted after
the first round. Players compete
in their flights according to their
scores, for prizes on Sunday. The
championʼs presentation is held
around 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, and
spectators are always welcome!
Call the golf Pro Shop for more
information at 309-879-2582 or
Members of two of the Tuesday Men's League teams paused a minute for this photo.
Wednesday Ladies League members enjoyed their first day of play.
Lawn Care Service
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You need a plan if
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36 Lakecrest
264 Lakeview
498 Greenbriar — $145,900
75 Lakeview
Plenty of Outlots to choose from!
117 Sunnyview — $439,900
Oak Run Triathlon Sponsor
Contact Doug Williams Realtor®
Agent, Peg Bivens,
Jim Maloof Realtor
As a Realtor® and General Contractor, Doug Williams specializes
in new construction and custom remodeling. If I canʼt help you buy a
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• Draperies, Shutters and Blinds
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(815) 557-9325
Ask for Lori
Oak Run residents
H & S Multi-Services, LLC
• Home remodeling & repairs
• Replacement windows & doors
• Handyman services, small jobs welcome
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37 Years Experience
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Contact us at h&smultiservices@yahoo.com or call
Mike 309-231-5511 (property owner since 1988)
Kyle 309-231-5711 (full time resident)
Ask about our vacation
home care serivces
We can care for your home year round when you are out of the
area. Also pre & post vacation packages available, we will gladly
email a list of our services & pricing.
Village News
by Clarence Rednour
Finally, the camping season is
here! Itʼs been another long and
cold winter. We look forward to
seeing our old friends again and
making new ones this year!
We started the season with
water problems, which have now
been fixed. Two new benches are
being installed by the playground
for the parents to sit on while
watching their children play.
The Camperʼs Village Charity
Golf Outing will be on July 11th
at 12:00 p.m. at the Oak Run
Golf Course. Check the flyer for
Labor Day weekend (Sept.
5th) we will have the ʻStone Cold
Cowboysʼ to entertain us again.
They are a great band, and everyone is welcome to come out and
enjoy the music. Please check the
bulletin board for other upcoming
events and important campground
We would like to see more people at our campground meetings.
We need your input on campground issues, and on how we
can improve Camperʼs Village!
Our meetings are on the second
Saturday of the month at 9:00 a.m.
at the campground pavilion. Hope
to see you there!
Mid Century
When you see or hear Mid
Century Communications, you
probably think of the products and
services it provides, like phone,
high speed Internet or television
programming. After all, those are
the core products Mid Century
advertises, but did you know Mid
Century is an active supporter of
community and school events?
Thatʼs right, Mid Century is one
of your communityʼs biggest fans!
“Supporting community, organization and school events is a big
part of who we are” comments
Jim Broemmer, Chief Executive
Officer of Mid Century. “Our
commitment to our communities
begins with our young people.
Together we can build a stronger
Did you know Mid Century
supported its communities this
past year through…
Summer Reading Programs Donated a Kindle e-reader to each
library in our service area to be
awarded to a participant of their
summer reading program.
Youth Day - Sponsored up to
two students from each of the
ten schools serving our members
on a day long trip to Springfield.
Students get an up close and first-
hand look at democracy when
they meet with their elected representatives. The event is sponsored
by the Electric and Telephone
Cooperatives throughout the state
with approximately 275 students
in attendance.
Youth to Washington, D.C.
Tour - Sponsored two students
from the Youth Day participants
to represent Mid Century in
Washington, D.C. They joined
other students from throughout
the state for the week long trip.
During the week they tour many
sites, meet with Congressional
legislators and learn more about
College Scholarships
– $9,000.00 Awarded in 2014!
Mid Century Communications
- Aw a r d e d f o u r $ 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0
Scholarships. Foundation for
Rural Service/Mid Century
Communications - Awarded two
$2,500.00 Scholarships.
Monetary donations to area
schools and events
Donated items for homecomings, auctions, benefits and fundraisers
Donated to summer ball programs
Annual donations to 4-H
FREE Community Event
Advertising on our local channel
Information booths at community functions, homecomings,
fairs, etc., and more!
So, next time Mid Century is
mentioned, we hope it is in comments like, “Mid Century advertised our church event on their
local channel for no charge and
we reached so many more people!”, or “My granddaughter/son
received a $1,000.00 college
scholarship from them”, and we
are thought of as a vital supporter
of your community.
If you are having a parade,
festival or activities in the park,
let us know. Whether it be participating, donating or advertising
your event on our local channel,
we want to be part of it. After all
isnʼt that what friends and neighbors do, support each other?
Visit our website at www.midcentury.com or give us a call at
309.778.8611 for more information.
Mid Century Communications
– The Right Connection for You
and Your Community!
The Oak
Run Garden
by Priscilla Muckey
Our regular meeting, scheduled for March 3rd was cancelled
due to an ice storm. The meeting
was rescheduled for March 12th.
At this meeting, Pat Asbury and
Roberta Whipple, Illinois Master
Gardeners, gave a presentation on
“Successful Container Gardens –
Choosing and Combining Plants.”
A slate of officers was completed by members in preparation of the annual officer election
that was held at the April meeting. The following members were
nominated: for President, Priscilla
Muckey; for Vice-President,
Keith Majors; for Secretary, Suzie
Wanner; and for Treasurer, Carol
Genty. Throughout the meeting,
members signed up for different
duties to help with the upcoming
Arbor Day Event and the May
Plant Sale. Suzie Wanner took
orders from members to purchase
shirts that will have our Garden
Club logo on them.
At our April 7th meeting,
Rhonda Brady from Galesburg,
better known as “the butterfly
lady”, gave a detailed presentation
on Monarch butterflies. Garden
Club members introduced themselves to Donna Ladd, newest
member of the club. The Garden
Club officer election was held
and all of the people listed at the
March meeting were elected. Each
officer was elected for a one year
term, beginning on May 1st.
On April 14th, Terry Ferguson
and Judd Glow co-chaired the
spring roadside/ditch cleanup project for Oak Run. Volunteers met
at The Watering Hole Restaurant
for coffee and doughnuts before
completing their road assignment.
With all of the wind weʼve been
having, there was a lot of debris
that needed to be picked up!
On Saturday, April 25th, the
Garden Club hosted their third
Arbor Day event at the Brentwood
Lounge. The speakers and their
topics were as follows: Keith
Majors (retired arborist and garden club member) “Trees Have
Values”; Bob Underwood (arborist from Avon, IL.) “An Emerald
Ash Borer Update and other Tree
Pests”; Chris Enroth (Illinois
Extension Advisor) “How to Kill
Your Tree – A Guide to What
NOT to Do.” Rhonda “the butterfly lady” Brady had her butterfly
bus outside and on display.
President Priscilla Muckey
spoke on the memorial tree that
was planted within Brentwood
Park during the program. It was
planted in honor of the late Philp
S. Tiehen, Sr. who passed away
on March 20, 2015. Phil Tiehen
was one of the original Garden
Club members when the club
formed in 1998, and he remained
until 2013 when he and his wife,
Rosie, moved to Galesburg, IL.
Keith Majors and Terry Ferguson
planted the memorial Swamp Oak
tree as it was raining!
Three Knox County Extension
Service Master Gardeners had
informational handouts for those
who attended this event. They also
answered questions associated
with trees and gardening in gen-
eral. Refreshments were served by
the Oak Run Garden Club members throughout the morning.
We encourage new membership throughout the year. Dues are
only $5.00 per person, annually.
Learning more about gardening to
beautify your own garden is exciting and self-rewarding. Come join
us at any one of the meetings and/
or activities!
President: Priscilla Muckey,
309-337-2973; Vice-Pres: Keith
Majors,309-879-2277; Secretary:
Suzie Wanner, 309-879-2802;
Treasurer: Carol Genty, 309-8792374.
Roberta Whipple taught us how to grow successful container
Rhonda Brady “The Butterfly Lady” shared her knowledge of
Monarch butterflies.
Bob Underwood gave his presentation on tree pests.
The Garden Clubʼs annual spring roadside/ditch cleanup volunteers:
Back row: Joe Markley; Keith Majors; Don Henrikson; Judd Glow:
Roberta Majors; Terry Ferguson; Bill Gliva; Eva Rohrhuber; and
Marilyn Gliva. Front row: Lorie Ferguson; Margie Glow; Suzie
Wanner; Carol Genty; and Priscilla Muckey.
Chris Enroth gave us information on how NOT to kill trees.
Keith Majors speaking on the value of trees.
TerryTiehen, Rosie Tiehen, and Phil Tiehen, Jr. attended the tree
planting in memory of Phil Tiehen, Sr.
Terry Ferguson; and Keith Majors planting the memorial tree in the
All persons born after January 1, 1998 are required to take and
pass a boating safety course validated by the Illinois Department of
Natural Resources (INDR) and hold a valid boating safety certificate before they can operate a motorboat with an engine over 10 hp.
Anyone between the ages of 10 and 12 must be supervised by an
adult who has a certificate.
Anyone between the ages of 12 and 18 must have a certificate or
have supervision of a certified adult.
The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) DID NOT send
out watercraft renewal notices this year. It is your responsibility to
make sure that your watercraft registration is current. Watercraft
registration always expires on June 30th. Did yours expire this
year? Information and renewal information can be found at www.
The state of Illinois has changed the process for registration of
non-motorized boats. Boats without motors are no longer required
to be titled in Illinois (unless it has a motor). These boats will now
require a Water Usage Stamp, which should be available at point of
sale vendors. For more information on Water Usage Stamps, visit
the DNR website listed above.
Reminder to Boat
Owners: Illinois Law
Reminder: The Illinois Boat Registration and
Safety Act was amended in 2013, to prevent the
spread of invasive aquatic plants and animals
by boats, trailers and vehicles. It is now illegal
to enter OR leave a water body with aquatic
plants and animals attached to your boat or trailer.
Travel on Illinois highways with aquatic plants
or animals attached is also prohibited. Always
Remove, Drain, and Dry to comply with this
Illinois Law!
Message from Knox County Zoning:
Please apply for Oak Run Building Permits,
and obtain approval from the AEC Committee,
before applying for a Knox County Building
Thank you!
First Session
Oak Run Property Owners Assoc.
Second Session
Oak Run Property Owners Assoc.
The FIRST SESSION is from JUNE 8 to JUNE 24 and the lessons are held MONDAY and WEDNESDAY of the week at the
allotted time.
The SECOND SESSION is from JULY 6 to JULY 22 and the
lessons are held MONDAY and WEDNESDAY of the week at the
allotted time.
GUPPY - Introduction to water. Good for a first swim lesson. (Red
Cross Levels 1 & 2)
GUPPY - Introduction to water. Good for a first swim lesson. (Red
Cross Levels 1 & 2)
MINNOW - Intermediate level of swimming lessons. Work mostly
on front crawl. Introduction to strokes. (Red Cross Levels 3 & 4)
MINNOW - Intermediate level of swimming lessons. Work mostly
on front crawl. Introduction to strokes. (Red Cross Levels 3 & 4)
FISH - Advanced level of swimming. They need to be strong swimmers. These lessons concentrate on strokes. (Red Cross Levels 5 &
FISH - Advanced level of swimming. They need to be strong swimmers. These lessons concentrate on strokes. (Red Cross Levels 5 &
JUNIOR LIFEGUARD - It is a Red Cross affiliated program for
children ages 11-14 and is designed to prepare participants for the
lifeguard certification test. All participants must pass a swimming
fitness test in order to enroll. This class is free with a paid FISH
class (see above).
JUNIOR LIFEGUARD - It is a Red Cross affiliated program for
children ages 11-14 and is designed to prepare participants for the
lifeguard certification test. All participants must pass a swimming
fitness test in order to enroll. This class is free with a paid FISH
class (see above).
The Swim Lessons are in conjunction with the Red Cross Program
and Red Cross Certification will be issued upon completion.
The Swim Lessons are in conjunction with the Red Cross Program
and Red Cross Certification will be issued upon completion.
Parentʼs Name:
Parentʼs Name:
Phone Number:
Phone Number:
Name of participant(s)
Age of participant(s)
Name of participant(s)
Have the participants ever had swim lessons before?
Age of participant(s)
Monday & Wednesday
Have the participants ever had swim lessons before?
Guppy - 9:00-9:30 a.m.
Minnow - 9:30-10:00 a.m.
Fish - 10:00-10:30 a.m.
Jr. Lifeguard - 10:30-11:00 a.m.
Payment acount enclosed:
Cost is $25.00 a session per participant for property owners. Cost is
$30.00 a session per participant for guests of property owners. For
questions or more information, call 309-879-2603.
Mail or bring check and form to:
Oak Run POA, Inc., 1470 Knox Road 1725 N, Dahinda, Il 61428
Monday & Wednesday
1. Association personnel will tour the lake once
a week beginning when the
water temperature reaches
60 degrees and spray selected areas as needed.
2. The Association will
treat problem areas of the
lake when the surface area
of a selected body of water
is 20% or more covered with
aquatic vegetation
3. It is the responsibility
of lakefront property owners
to control aquatic vegetation
within 25 feet of the shoreline. If weed control is necessary, property owners may
only use manual techniques
such as cutting, raking and
hand pulling.
4. No person shall apply
a primary pesticide to kill
weeds in the lake without
written permission from the
Board of Directors.
5. If chemical treatment
is requested of Association
personnel within 25 feet
of the shoreline, a fee will
be charged for the service.
Requests should be made 10
days in advance of the treatment date. A form will be
filled out, signed, and payment will be made within 30
days of said chemical treatment
6. The Association shall
reserve the right to deny
any request for weed spraying when it is believed that
chemical treatment is not
A $100.00 fee will be
charged for treating up to
100 feet of shoreline, and
$1.00 for each additional
foot, up to $150.00.
Guppy - 9:00-9:30 a.m.
Minnow - 9:30-10:00 a.m.
Fish - 10:00-10:30 a.m.
Jr. Lifeguard - 10:30-11:00 a.m.
Payment amount enclosed:
Cost is $25.00 a session per participant for property owners. Cost is
$30.00 a session per participant for guests of property owners. For
questions or more information, call 309-879-2603.
Mail or bring check and form to:
Oak Run POA, Inc., 1470 Knox Road 1725 N, Dahinda, Il 61428
Aquatic Weed Control
Request Form
Service Requested:
Fee: $100 for up to 100 feet of shoreline and
$1.00 for each additional foot, up to $150.00.
I have read and agree to the terms of Oak Run's aquatic weed control policy. I further understand that chemical treatment is in no way
a guarantee the area treated will be free of all aquatic plant life or
the re-growth thereof.
Property Owner Signature:
Assigned to:
Date and Time Completed:
Treated shoreline distance:
Fee to be charged:
1. Registration of four (4)
motorized watercraft will be
allowed per lot:
v Limit of two (2) watercraft
in the 26 horsepower or more
(& jet skis) category
v Limit of two (2) watercraft
in the 1-25 horsepower category
There is no limit on nonmotorized watercraft registration.
2. Minimum watercraft personal liability insurance in the
amount of $300,000 and minimum watercraft property damage liability insurance in the
amount of $50,000 must be in
force for the entire duration
that all registered motorized
watercraft(s) will be used on the
lake at Oak Run.
3. The registration application
with the Insurance Covenant
for Watercraft Registration and
Indemnification Agreement
must be signed by the property
owner before boat stickers will
be issued. (Copy of insurance
certificate is not required.)
4. A copy of the current registration or title for each watercraft to be registered is required.
All watercraft on Spoon Lake
must have current registrations,
in accordance with state laws.
5. All watercraft to be registered at Oak Run must be titled
and insured in the property ownersʼ name.
6. No guest boats are allowed
at Oak Run ANY TIME.
7. 2015 boat stickers must be
displayed by April 1st, 2015.
There is a $100.00 fine for not
displaying current stickers on
the watercraft. 2015 boat stickers are valid through March 31,
8. Please remove all expired
Oak Run boat stickers. Altered
stickers will not be permitted.
9. No watercraft will be registered that contains a head facility or porta-potty.
10. The maximum allowed
length of watercraft on Spoon
Lake is 25 feet, except pontoons.
11. There is a $10.00 charge
for replacement boat stickers. If
a new boat is purchased during
the year and you want to transfer
your stickers; return the original
boat stickers, and there will be
a $10.00 fee (plus class difference if there is an increase) for
the new stickers. If the original stickers are not returned, the
regular registration fee will be
charged for new stickers.
12. All persons born after
January 1, 1998, MUST take
and pass a boating safety course validated by the
Illinois Department of Natural
Resources and hold a valid
boating safety certificate before
they can operate a motorboat or
PWC (personal watercraft) with
an engine over 10 hp. Anyone
between the ages of 10-12 must
be supervised by an adult who
has a certificate, and those
between ages 12 and 18 must
have a certificate or have supersivion of a certified adult.
14. If you are towing a skier
or tuber, you MUST display a
bright orange flag (min 12' per
side). The flag must be placed at
the highest point of the boat that
is towing, so it can be seen from
all direction. the flag must be
displayed continuously until the
activity has ceased and the skier
or tuber has re-entered the boat.
Oak Run's 2015 Household
Garbage Policy is as follows:
1. The program is only available to part-time residents who
sign up and pay the required
user fee at the POA office.
2. A three month minimum
sign up period is required. The
cost is $22.00 per month. *You
may be required to show your
payment receipt when dumping
your garbage.
3. The hours of operation are
Saturday, Sunday, and Monday
from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The
gate will be locked during off
4. The waste program is
for household garbage only.
Construction material, yard
waste, household appliances,
TVs, electronic devices, furniture, tires, paint, and toxic or
flammable materials are strictly
5. Items which meet the aforementioned criteria must be taken
to the Knox County Landfill for
disposal. The landfill is located
approximately 10 miles from
Oak Run off of State Highway
167. Their hours of operation
are Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to
3:30 p.m. and Saturday 8:00 to
11:30 a.m. They may be contacted at 309-375-6045.
6. If you are a full-time
resident, or a part-time resident
who is here throughout the
summer, you need to sign up
for curbside pick up. There are
two companies that offer the
service at Oak Run. Tom Rollins
provides Tuesday pick up
service and he can be contacted
a t 3 0 9 - 8 7 9 - 2 6 1 3 . Wa s t e
Management provides Thursday
pick up service and they can be
contacted at 1-800-607-5474.
Lorie Ferguson
The Oak Run Safety
Committee met for the first time
this year on March 11 at The
Watering Hole. After coffee and
breakfast the meeting was called
to order. The first order of business was to elect a new Chairman
for the group. Lorie Ferguson and
Margie Glow were elected as CoChairpersons
One of our main concerns for
the upcoming summer months is
boat safety. There are many new
rules and regulations from the
State of Illinois that should be of
concern to our boaters here at Oak
These new rules were spelled
out in the last Communicator, and
are available on the IDNR (Illinois
Department of Natural Resources)
Another issue is playground
equipment. We requested that the
POA inspect all of our equipment,
since it has been reported that
some of the equipment is not currently anchored into the ground
The Oak Run First Responders
have also asked for our assistance
in purchasing new signs for our
area that show when it is unsafe
to burn anything. There are several sites on the Internet, and we
will shop around at some of the
local stores in Galesburg to check
on their prices before submitting
any requests to the Board.
Another request is that the
Speed Gun that the POA has, gets
used. It needs to be calibrated and
people need to be trained on how
to use it. It is to be used to check
speeds on the lake.
Our next meeting will be June
13th at 8:30 at The Watering Hole.
Any and all persons are asked to
join this group. We are always in
need of new members
Oak Run's Speed Limit
from 3/3/15 – 5/5/15
Bradley Clark
Lauren Grabill
Jeffrey Ralston
Yates City
Anthony Fike
Kevin & Linda Tharp
Randy Bryan
Andrew & Jill Garrison
Christopher & Cheryl Meskimen
Larry & Amy Curtiss
Rock Island
Ryne & Hannah Bushong
Kyle McGee
Jeremy & Cori Martin
Richard & Patricia LaHood
Otto & Judy Buhs
Matthew Hillhouse
John & Kathleen Southey
Jonathan & Anna Rollins
Nicole Rollins
Great Lake Ventures, LLC
B.J. & Chelsea Sorensen
Dustin & Natalie Ingle
Heather Gibson
Kevin & Kathryn Flatt
Zachary & Virginia Crowl
Brett & Ruth Briney
Dustin & Malissa Gibson
Richard & Kimberly Sims
Brian & Patty Redpath
Crystal Crain
Brett Jennings
John & Kimberly Schink
John & Cindy Emory
Andres & Kathryn Diaz
Douglas & Kimberly Bailey
Sean & Ann Ladd
Joseph & Katherine Hersemann
Gregory & Jolene Ingle
Kevin & Jessica Pribble
Heidi OʼKeefe
Kelly OʼKeefe, Sr.
East Peoria
Kelly & Cari OʼKeefe, Jr.
Nicholas & Alexandria Lavin
Peoria Heights
Brig & Rebecca Hennessey
Elizabeth Blane
Cole Craft
East Peoria
Elise & Jacob Mefford
Allison & Jacob Selke
Jeffrey & Candice Klopfenstein
Andrew & Chrissy Anderson
George Wagner
Chase & Katey Flatt
Jeremy Middleton
Oak Run
DEVELOPMENT – Authorized
management and legal counsel
to proceed with deeding the golf
course property back into the
scheme of the development.
SCHEDULE – Approved the
schedule of Fish & Sports
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Committee Tournaments on
the following dates: Spring
Bass Tournament – Saturday,
April 25th; Kidsʼ Fishing Derby
– Saturday, June 6th; Fall
Bass Tournament – Saturday,
September 26th; Thursday Night
Bass League – April 30th to
September 18th.
– Denied a wedding request on
Windemere beach, due to a conflict with a previously scheduled
Board approved committee event
on the same day and at the same
a request for a live band to perform on a dock at 168 FR, on July
11th, from 4-8 p.m.
2015 TRIATHLON – Approved
a motion to remove funding for
the 2015 Oak Run Triathlon.
– Approved to proceed with the
clubhouse design as presented in
the conceptual drawings, at a cost
not to exceed 2.5 million, and to
hire Bush Construction to provide
design-build services, pending a
legal review of the contract terms.
ACTIONS – 4/16/15
C O U R S E P R O P E RT Y –
Approved to transfer ownership
of the property that comprises the
Oak Run Golf Course, to the Oak
Run Property Owners Association
REVIEW - Approved the fine
schedule as outlined in Exhibit A
and that the schedule be noticed
in the Communicator and attached
as an addendum to the Rules and
Regulations booklet.
Approved to go forward with the
latest revisions to the Rules and
Regulations, and that those revisions be notified to the membership for comment, prior to formal approval at the June Board of
Directors meeting.
to accept the transfer of the golf
course property, and have said
property surveyed in anticipation
of starting construction on a clubhouse/restaurant in September
– Approved to fine a property
owner $50.00 for failure to have
adequate measures available to
control an open burn, and that
the fine amount be donated to the
First Responders
- Approved to hire Bush
Construction for design-build services for the construction of the
new clubhouse.
4TH OF JULY – Approved a
request to sell concessions at the
Associationʼs Fourth of July fireworks celebration.
– Approved the Garden Clubʼs
request to plant a Swamp White
Oak at Brentwood Park, in celebration of Arbor Day and in memory of Phil Tiehen.
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1st Place + Big Bass - Neil and Gary Smith.
Oak Runʼs 2015 Spring Bass Tournament was
held on Saturday, April 25, from 7:00 a.m. to noon.
Twenty-five boats registered for this yearʼs tourney,
which was held in spite of the cold, rainy weather,
and all 25 teams fished.
The winning teams this year were: First Place
– Gary and Neil Smith, Second Place – Chris Noonen
and Todd Romane; Third Place – Paul Meinert and
Jim Johnson, Fourth Place – Brian Bates and Brad
Shenaut, and Fifth Place – Jayson Querciagrossa and
Shawn Fox. The Big Bass was caught by Gary and
Neil Smithʼs team. It weighed 5.27 lbs.
The Fish and Sports Committee sponsors this
event and the Fall Bass Tournament annually. Watch
the August/September issue of the Communicator for
information on the Fall Bass Tourney.
The Committee would like to thank Robin Kunzer
for braving the weather to take pictures, and a big
“thanks” to our Board liaison, Doug Frakes, and
Board member Judd Glow for assisting with the
fish weigh-in. Dan McCabe and Brad Fox, Oak Run
Lake Patrol, were also on hand to help make things
run smoothly. Thank you to all who participated and
volunteered to help. We hope to see you all again this
Heading out to fish.
A foggy, rainy morning for the Bass Tournament.
2nd Place - Todd Romane and Chris Noonen.
Judd Glow and Doug Frakes weighing the fish.
5th Place - Duke and Fox (Jayson Q. and Shawn
3rd Place - Jim Johnson and Paul Meinert.
Checking in before the tournament.
4th Place - Brian Bates and Brad Shenaut.
Getting ready to launch.
Taking down the stats.
Waiting for the results.
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Looking for direction in this volatile market?
Jane and Jeff Frazier are our featured First Responders. Jane
Frazier is an EMS First Responder and Treasurer of the Oak Run First
Responders. Jeff Frazier is an EMS and Firefighter First Responder.
They are easily spotted rowing on the lake in their red and blue kayaks.
Pot of Gold Winners
L-R; Terry Ferguson, Steve & Jane Peterson, Bud Haskell, Kendall
Zehr, Jan Querciagrossa, Marilyn Gliva, and Gay Rusnak.
On March 17th, the SLAT
Committee sponsored the annual
St. Patrickʼs Day Card Bingo night
at 7:00 p.m. at the Brentwood
This is not the old bingo
game we all grew up to know.
Twelve couples attended this
favorite event of the past Social
Committee. Each person brought
a snack to share, along with their
Why Iʼm an Oak Run First
Submitted by Jane Frazier, writing for her and husband Jeff.
own favorite beverage.
Whether you were a winner or
a loser, a good time was had by
all. Itʼs always great to see old
and new friends celebrating Saint
Patrickʼs Day and ushering in
spring together.
Please mark your calendar for
next yearʼs Card Bingo night and
give it a try. Itʼs very entertaining
and provides a lot of laughs.
Call For An Insurance Quote
Jeff became a firefighter
first and then completed the 40
hours of EMS training shortly
after moving to Oak Run. Jeff
had been interested in helping
the community and these teams
seemed to be great ways to
accomplish that goal.
After meeting some of the
other First Responders at an Open
House at our station the next
spring, I was persuaded to attend
the training and also become a
First Responder. This was my
chance to help in any small way
that I could. It was also one more
opportunity for Jeff and me to do
outside activities together as a
We both feel that our service as
a group has evolved quite a lot in
the almost 5 years for me and over
6 years for Jeff since we joined.
We are now able to provide more
emergency assistance to the
people we are responding to. With
our system of continuous training,
Jeff and I are proud of the many
accomplishments weʼve made
at Oak Run and the surrounding
We both believe that working
with a very caring and energetic
group of fellow volunteers has
been very rewarding, and would
be extremely grateful to have
more of our neighbors join us in
our efforts to help Oak Run as a
Property Owner for
Over 30 Years.
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Real Estate
138 Public Square
Knoxville, IL 61448
Charles A. Cooley II
Managing Broker
1532 Barefoot Road Knoxville, IL 61448
1-1/2 Story home nicely remodeled with large addition and multiple
decks to enjoy the wonderful 40 acres of country scenery. 3 car
garage with shop area. Several park like settings/campsites and
trails cut into the 30 acres of timber w/an abundance of wildlife.
Approximately 9 acres of tillable acres currently planted to corn
and cash rented.
Asking Price
LeRoy Shoop
Lois Tyrrell
948 STONY HOLLOW Knoxville, IL 61448
4 bdrm, 3 bath split foyer nestled on wooded lot in country setting,
2 gas fireplaces, large deck off kitchen leading to 16x36 in ground
swimming pool, storage shed for pool supplies and pool toys.
Dining, Living, Kitchen & 3 bedroom on upper level. Family room,
4th bedroom/den lower level. Drilled Well, 200AMP Service.
Asking Price
4004 - Oak Run Drive or Lot # 4 Charter Oak SD - Large
Wooded Lot Close to Club House
1938 US HWY 150E Dahinda, IL 61428
Brick tri-level, 3 bed, 3 bath. Both eat-in kitchen & formal dining.
Family room w/wood burning FP with insert. Sliding glass door to
covered concrete patio. 2 stall garage has 15.5 x 6.6 work shop.
Front & back patios.
Asking Price
168 Lake View Rd N or Lot 168 Westwood SD
Deep, wooded lot with 88 feet of Lake front. Rip rapped shore
line with dock. Directly across from the point of Windemere
Beach. Centrally located between Lake View Beach and the
Golf Course.
Asking Price
100 East Marion Henderson, IL
Well maintained 3 bedrooms, 2 baths ranch on crawl. Newer kitchen with spacious dining area. Large corner lot nicely landscaped.
3/4 bath attached to master bedroom. Walk-in closet attached to
2nd bedroom. Covered patio & fenced back yard. 2 stall attached
Asking Price
382 Charter Oak Place Dahinda, IL 61428
Lakefront home w/gentle walk to docks & boat lift. Enter thru a well
designed 3 seasons room directly into an open living, dining room
& kitchen with beamed vaulted ceiling. Sliding glass doors lead to
large wrap around deck with panoramic views of main areas of the
lake. Lower level has family room w/office area, 3rd bdrm, bath,
laundry room.
Asking Price
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Water Safety
Take a Safe Boating
Look to the Coast Guard,
the Coast Guard Auxiliary,
U.S. Power Squadron, or the
Department of Natural Resources
for a free course offered in most
parts of the country. Oak Run's
class, sponsored by the Coast
Guard will be held on the first
Saturday in June.
Life Jacket
Swimming courses are offered
by Oak Run, the American Red
Cross or your local YMCA
Be Aware of Local Boating
They are different in every area
and are important to know.
Always Carry Safety
Make a safety checklist,
including a Coast Guard approved
personal flotation device for each
Know How to Swim and Wear a
Stay Alert in Crowded Areas
Slow down and be aware that
you are responsible for the effects
of your boat's wake. Know which
craft has the right-of-way.
Employ Defensive Driving
Respect other boaters
Designate a Skipper
Appoint someone who pledges not to drink in order to safety
drive the boat and its passengers
to shore.
Provide Non-Alcoholic
Moderation and good sense are
the keys to a safe and enjoyable
boating experience for all.
Use Extreme Caution near
Swimmers and Water Skiers
Waves can be deceiving and
can hide people in the water.
Be Aware that Rapid Changes
in the Water May Occur
Check weather forecasts before
and during any excursion.
Report Dangerous Behavior to
the Proper Authorities
Encourage Others in your boating party to follow safety procedures. You will all have a better
time because of it.
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Comfort Quilters
Comfort Quilters: Back row L-R: Ruby Hughs, Barb Timmerman,
Marilyn Coe, Margaret Briesch, and Elaine Rash. Front row L-R:
Mary Bush and Sharon Farquer.
Absent from Photo: Kathy Clang, Lorie Collopy, Linda MacDonald,
Penny Brown, and Marilyn Hurd.
The Comfort Quilters are a
group of crafters from the surrounding area, who get together
on the third Tuesday of the month
at the Dahinda Methodist Church,
from 10:00 a.m. until about 2:00
p.m. We make quilts and blankets for those who could use
some comfort from a warm blanket. The material for these quilts
and blankets has been donated to
us. We make lap blankets, children and baby size quilts, and
crocheted and knitted blankets.
We donate them to charities in
the Galesburg area, such as Safe
Harbor, LaGrace Hall of Hope,
and DCFS.
If you are not a quilter, but you
sew, knit, or crochet, we still need
you. We need people to sort fabric and yarn, and to iron and pin
material. Please join us if you are
interested in learning these crafts,
or if you want to share your creativity with others.
Bring a sack lunch and a heart
willing to help others. We each
bring our own supplies: sewing
machine and tools, crochet or
knitting needles, and favorite patterns. But don't worry; you can
share tools if you don't have them.
Iron and ironing board are fur-
Some of the quilts made by the Comfort Quilters
If you are not interested in
joining us, but have fabric or yarn
you would like to donate, please
let us know. Thank you to those
who have donated in the past.
For more information, contact
Sharon Farquer (309-639-2317)
or Barb Timmerman (309-8792120).
Baby blankets and quilts made for the community.
Call Me for Great
Oak Run Lots Available!
439 Pleasant View
Lakefront • $375,000
8078 Oak Run
Lakefront • $160,000
8020 Oak Run
Lakefront • $125,000
#25 Brentwood
Lakefront • $59,900
Lot 13 Knox Road
124 & 125 Lake View Rd.
4096 Oak Run
Golf Course Lot • $25,000
3133 & 3144 Oakview
184 Briarwood
540 Lakeview Rd.
#93 Charter Oak SD
Golf Course Lot • $7,500
...Or Build Your Dream Home Here!
L509 & 510 Little Swan
Avon • $18,900
Lake front property on
"Little Swan Lake”
33 Locust, Dahinda
. #-#
118 Birch Court, Dahinda
# $ ! * * $#6
1053 Northwood Drive, Galesburg
"# $ !
$# %& !!' $!#
8080 Oak Run Drive, Dahinda
. % # 9 -
154 Forest View, Dahinda
'$$ #--+
- !!# $ 09<#(%3)*+++#
44 Arrowhead, Dahinda
$ ! 1
# ! $
!* *2#(%3/*+++#
101 Fulton, Oquawka
--# !#.$
8 $* $$*
2 # !!#
3 Parkwood Cir., Dahinda
= %- ! * $ !
* 2 $#$!#.$!
519 E. 3rd
Maquon • $5,000
Double lot on the
outskirts of Maquon.
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LAKEFRONT homes. The many updates
in this 6 BR, 3.5 BA home include: Granite
counters, Master Suite w/walk-in whirlpool
tub, spacious walk-in closet, road access to
lake, and new stone patio area leading to
dock. 1600 SQ FT wrap-around deck, 8 person hot tub, 3 car garage, and fully finished
LL that walks out to the wooded back yard.
Plenty of room for company!
PRIVACY ABOUNDS at this exceptional
lakefront property with approx. 300 ft. of
shoreline located on 2 beautifull wooded
lots. Deep water for swimming and fishing. Spacious 2-story home remodeled and
redecorated/well-maintained. Two fireplaces. Generously sized 3 BR, 2.5 BA with 2.5
car detached garage. New dock in 2011.
Can park 4 boats at the lake.
LAKEFRONT location. EASY access
to well-built, large dock. Beautiful, fully
furnished home designed with open
floor plan & vaulted ceiling style w/4
BR & 3 BA. Lovely views from living
areas with fireplace, 3-sided windowed
dining area, large Family Room with bar
in w/o LL.
GATHER at this custom built 4 bedroom, 3.5
bath LAKEFRONT house on a large wooded lot
(186 ft. Lake Frontage) abounding with flowering perennials & a variety of tree types. Stone
steps lead to a covered fully furnished deck
at the lake. Special features include the large
kitchen, dramatic vaulted ceilings, & beautiful
staircase. Enormous master suite, 4 gathering
areas, & 3-car garage with one extra long stall.
- This sprawling 4BR, 3BA ranch with w/o
LL features a 2-story domed sunroom offering
great views of the lake as well as loads of living
space. Gather the family around fireplaces in
living room & LL family room. A long, asphalt
circle drive leads thru trees to house & 3-car
garage. At the shore are two docks & small deck
perfect for fishing.
HOME boasts vaulted beamed ceiling, stone
fireplace, master suite with separate shower
and sky lights. New wood flooring and granite
counter tops. Extra 2 bedroom and 3 bath total
for lots of guests.
- This is a nearly new beautiful walk/out
ranch with windows galore to capture lake
views. It's a definite quality home w/granite kitchen & very open floor plan. 4BR's
& 3 BA's add so much convenience for
guests and family. Decks, porch & easy
lake approach.
Exceptional LAKEFRONT property
located on beautiful cove w/outstanding
lake views. Catch the morning sunrise
through custom windows. Long, winding
asphalt drive to the 4/5BR, 3BA ranch
w/lg decks, W/O LL & inviting 3-season porch. Open kitchen, dining rm.,
& great rm. w/stone fireplace. LL family rm. w/fireplace.
ITʼS WORTH IT! Almost New, 3
Bedroom, 3.5 Bath LAKEFRONT.
Special features include vaulted ceilings, granite counter tops, custom
cabinets, hardwood floors. Easy slope,
deep water, mature trees, large waterfront, beautiful view. Tastefully and
totally furnished.
"turn-key" WATERFRONT home has 5
BR's, 3.5 BA's and 3-car garage. With
3,600 square feet of finished living space,
the "open-floor plan" style fits well for
lake living. Geothermal heat, a carousel
fireplace and a 4-wheel Polaris all terrain
vehicle are among the bonuses. Enjoy the
view of the lake from either of the two
huge decks.
large, gently sloping LAKEFRONT lot will
be something you won't soon forget. This
newly remodeled 3BR, 3BA cabin-like home
will be a cozy oasis for your family and
friends alike. Entertaining space included
in finished walk-out LL w/wet bar, 2 large
decks facing the lake, & a new 12x26 dock at
SPOON LAKE from the immaculate,
well cared for home on large part of
lake. A large shaded deck, smaller reading deck, large lake deck with piers,
screened porch & sunroom are amenities of this great new offering. Youʼll
love the perennial plantings. $425,000
ENJOY watching the birds, deer and
other wildlife from the 48' covered
porch that looks out toward the lake.
Fish off your own private dock. This
white cedar LAKEFRONT log home
has 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, and LOTS
of storage. A must see!
Well Maintained, immaculately clean 3 bedroom, 2 bath LAKEFRONT home. Enjoy the
expansive views of the lake from the 25'x10'
deck overlooking the dock & lake. Enjoy the
peaceful setting from deck or the little "hideaway" deck off the stairs leading down a gentle
slope to your private dock where you can board
your boat or enjoy swimming or fishing. Just 5
minutes from the Golf Course.
COTTAGE close to lake. Stone patio,
firepit & dock at lakeside. Beautiful
great room w/stone fireplace. Good
sized bedrooms including master bedroom with bath. Wet bar in large family room.
THE VIEW WILL “knock your socks
off.” Main floor has 75 linear ft. of floor
to ceiling windows. Master bedroom
with a whirlpool tub and separate bathroom w/tub & shower. Large kitchen.
Very open floor plan. Two BRʼs & one
BA on lower level. VERY gentle slope
to lake. Long, winding driveway. Three
car garage.
AS GOOD AS IT GETS at the lake! 3
BR, 2.5 BA LAKEFRONT HOME renovated in 2011. Enjoy great lake views
with just a few steps to new dock w/boat
lift. Great water for fishing and swimming. Detached 2 car oversized garage.
Finished basement w/wet bar. Most furniture and 17 ft. 70 HP Luno fishing
boat included.
PRETTY AS A PICTURE! This charming LAKEFRONT 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath
cottage is almost like new. Beautiful windows for enjoying views of Spoon Lake,
a concrete cart path and stairs to the lake.
Finished Shoreline has a dock and is located on a wide part of open lake. Good sized
detached garage with lots of storage space.
fully furnished plus boat/mower, 2.5 car
garage & Cathedral ceiling. Beautiful
lakeviews from this 2BR plus large loft
w/2.5 BAs. Ready for summer fun with
dock and boat lift included. Very gentle
walk to shore with over 127 feet of lake
frontage. A real find!
Bright & Stylish, Cozy & Wooded
best describes this LAKEFRONT
home with 3 BR, 2.5 BA, a wonderful up-graded kitchen, oversized garage & boat dock. Very
short walk to pool and tennis court.
are the excellent attributes this
2 bedroom (with 3rd sleeping
space), 2 bath walk-out cottage
can offer WATERFRONT buyers.
A large garage for good storage.
Listen to the waterfall as it flows
into the lake and enjoy all the
lake activities.
Cod designed 1.5 story home
with a very easy walk to the lakefront. 4BRʼs are finished, but the
“studded” Upper level awaits a
finish for more bedrooms. The
large eat-in kitchen with overflow
to big deck makes entertaining a
breeze. Includes a small dock at
the lake and boat lift. $365,000
OF YOUR DREAMS—sitting on
a wooded LAKEFRONT lot with
dock and deck at 114ʼ soreline.
This immaculate 3 bedroom, 2 bath
home features a beautiful stone
fireplace, screened porch, & family room with wet bar. Loft area
above the detached double garage.
Updated baths.
WINTER HOURS. "Neat as a
pin" 3BR, 3BA Waterfront home
features hardwood floors, fireplace, master suite, new appliances, new water heater, extra
large garage w/turnaround drive,
2 jet skis, new carpet, and many
more updates. Recently dredged.
BRAND NEW — you'll want to
take a look at this 3 bedroom,
2.5 bath bungalow with attached
double garage nestled on a quiet
cul de sac with a tree lined backdrop. Offers close proximity to
Lakeview beach and boat launch.
Many unique features including
indirect lighting and abundant
closet space.
SAME AS NEW! Comfortable,
pleasant, 2 bedroom, 2 bath
home with seasonal lake-views
from the front porch and wooded
views from the back deck and
patio. Heat and AC in 3 season
room. Double + garage has ramp
for accessibility and extra storage
space. 9ʼ ceilings in the basement
along with plumbing hook-ups
make future expansion an easy
GARAGE SPACE GALORE-This well-designed 3 bedroom
(including a master suite), 2.5
Bath, open floor plan, & beautiful hardwood floors ranch
is perfect for a family. The
huge extra 3-car garage offers
loads of space for the boat,
lawnmower, jet ski, vintage
cars, etc. A very large open
basement is ready to finish.
QUICK ACCESS to beach, boat
launch, and park! Three bedrooms, plus den, and 2 baths
will make a great family home.
Enjoy the hot tub room "with
hot tub" and a lower level family
room with electric fireplace. An
over-sized garage, a great wood
deck, and flat backyard can be
enjoyed by the whole family.
this "neat as a pin" cottage even
great for year-round living. Enjoy
the private wooded backyard of an
extra large lot or sit by the fireplace on chilly nights. The spacious
Great Room affords the benefits
of open-floor plan living. You will
appreciate the two generous-sized
bedrooms and bath. 9' ceiling in
ready to finish basement. $134,500
this charming 4 bedroom, 2 bath,
Cape-Cod inspired home on a lot
back-dropped by a very wooded
area. A cheery sun porch with
deck and a deck off the upper
master bedroom affords optional
sitting areas. Walk over the small
wooden bridge to the Oak Run
Pool and Tennis Courts. The
unfinished basement and double
garage offers ample storage.
A neat 3 BR, 1.5 BA ranch
home. There is a charming
covered front porch and a
large wood deck on the back.
The garage is an oversized
2 car. The kitchen has been
updated with nearly new
appliances. And the yard
has been well maintained.
COTTAGE with 2 BR,
1 BA, and walk-out LL.
Interesting interior construction perfect for creating a
cabin atmosphere. Tucked
away at the end of a culde-sac. The owners say
itʼs sooo quiet! New appliances & central air. You
need to see to appreciate.
CABIN on a quiet street
and beautiful wooded
lot not far from the
lake. Winter season
may afford a view of
the lake. 2 bedrooms,
1 bath and a good-sized
garage. A short distance to beach and boat
$ 4,500
$ 5,000
$ 6,500
$ 6,000
$ 3,800
$ 3,900
$ 5,000
$ 3,950
$ 4,900
$ 3,800
$ 3,950
$ 3,999
Forest Ridge
Forest Ridge
Forest Ridge
Laurel Hill
Laurel Hill 2.5A
Laurel Hill
Laurel Hill
Old Orchard
Forest Ridge
Old Orchard
$ 84,900
Forest Ridge 348
Forest Ridge 457
Laurel Hill
Old Orchard 128
Old Orchard *181
Old Orchard 197
$ 4,000
$ 4,200
$ 4,200
$ 3,650
$ 5,000
$ 5,200
Forest Ridge 425
Laurel Hill
Laurel Hill
Old Orchard 146
Old Orchard *182
Old Orchard 250
Windemere 212
$ 6,250
$ 7,500
$ 5,000
$ 4,000
$ 3,850
$ 4,250
$ 4,000
*Must Be Sold Together
Forest Ridge
Forest Ridge
Forest Ridge
Laurel Hill
Laurel Hill
Laurel Hill
Old Orchard
Old Orchard
21 $ 60,000
Laurel Hill
338 $285,000
Old Orchard 186 $115,000
125 $200,000
43 $129,500
$ 4,500
$ 3,700
$ 5,500
$ 4,000
$ 6,000
$ 4,500
$ 3,800
$ 3,850
$ 4,500
Forest Ridge 33
Forest Ridge 180
Forest Ridge 494
Windemere 153
Forest Ridge
Forest Ridge
Forest Ridge
$ 9,000
$ 4,000
(Near Golf Course)
Charter Oak
Charter Oak *115
Charter Oak 130
*Realtor Owned
$ 3,750
Charter Oak
Charter Oak
Charter Oak
IL Roofing License
Galesburg, IL
Licensed - Insured & Bonded
Guara ship
(309) 371-5535
Quality & Service
Over the last several months, the
Board of Directors has conducted
a review of the Associationʼs Rules
and Regulations. The following are
the proposed amendments that the
Board will be considering for adoption at the regular June Board meeting. Language changes or additions
are highlighted in “bold” print, or
have been “underlined” in headings
that are already in bold print. Those
that are proposed to be removed have
been “struck through.” If you have
questions or comments for the Board,
please email us at bod@oakrunpoa.
com You are also invited to attend
the Board meeting on June 18th, at
7:00 p.m. at the Brentwood Lounge.
The rules and regulations contained
herein have been adopted by the Oak
Run Property Owners Association
(POA) Board of Directors pursuant to
the general powers of granted to the
Association Board, pursuant to the
declaration and Bylaws of the POA,
in the covenants of each subdivision
including Article IV, Section 3 and
Article V, Section 8, and pursuant to
Article X of the Associationʼs Bylaws.
and pursuant to the Illinois Common
Interest Community Association Act.
The Board of Directors has the authority
to adopt rules and regulations to carry
on the affairs of the Association, to govern the conduct of its meetings, and to
govern the use of the common properties. These rules can be amended from
time to time by the Board of Directors.
All rules and regulations have been
adopted in order to establish orderly
and reasonable procedures for governing conduct and land usage within the
development. Special consideration has
been given to maintaining the integrity
of the development, public safety, the
ecology of the property, and recreational
The Oak Run Property Owners
Association volunteers, committee
members, and officers charged with the
enforcement of these rules and regulations, while acting for the Association,
are entitled to such immunity as the
applicable state and federal law may
provide. Any suit instituted against any
volunteer, committee, member, employee, officer of Board member at Oak Run
because of an act performed in the lawful discharge of duties and under the
provisions of these rules and regulations
shall be defended by the Association at
the expense of the Association.
Article I. 1, General Rules
Section A. 1.1
1.(a) No noxious, offensive, dangerous or unsafe activity, as determined
by the Board shall will be carried on
within the Association development,
nor will anything be done therein, either
willfully or negligently, which may be
or become an unreasonable annoyance
to other property owners or guests, as
also determined by the Board. No
property owner will make or permit to
be made any disturbing noises by himself, his family, employees, agents, and
guests nor do or permit anything to be
done by such persons that will interfere
with the rights, comforts or convenience
of other property owners or guests.
Members of the Association
shall be responsible for their actions
and those of any occupant, resident,
family member, invitee, or pet.
2.(c) M e m b e r s a r e e x p e c t e d
to shall respect the requests of security personnel, and to follow their direction. No person shall knowingly resist,
obstruct, fail or refuse to comply with
any lawful order or direction of any
public safety officer authorized by the
Oak Run Property Ownerʼs Association.
3.(d) Membership cards will be
issued to all property owners in good
standing. Members should be prepared
to shall show membership cards and
personal identification upon request.
4.(e) Violations of rules may
result in disciplinary action, suspension of membership privileges, and/or
fines as determined by and at the discretion of the Board of Directors. or Board
appointed committee.
5. Property owners will be accountable for any damage to the common
properties caused by themselves, their
families or guests.
6. Violators of rules of the
Association are subject to fines as established by the Board of Directors. Fines
are payable within 30 days of issuance at the Association office. Unpaid
fines will result in forfeiture of privileges. Repeated offenses will result in
increased fines, suspension of member
privileges and appearance before the
Board of Directors.
Section B. 1.2 Safety Rules
1.(a) During very dry conditions,
Burning is banned when prohibitive
burning signs may be are posted at the
Oak Run entrances. During this time, no
burning is permitted.
2.(b) The fire department and POA
office must be contacted when large
burn areas are planned.
3.(c) Regardless of conditions, No
open fire will shall be left unattended.
Precautions such as water hoses, shovels, rakes, etc., must be readily available
to contain the spread of fire.
(d) All members shall comply with
Illinois Law within the Association,
and no fireworks, explosives, firearms, or other dangerous items shall
be allowed within the Association.
Section C. 1.3
In order To maintain an efficient
use of available space, ensure the safe
movement of traffic, and provide for the
orderly parking of vehicles and storing
of boats and trailers, the following policies shall be adhered to within the Oak
Run development:
1.(a) Parking of any vehicle or
trailer on common property outlots,
other than in designated parking lots,
is prohibited.
2. Parking or storing of vehicles,
trailers or boats on or along any roadway in such a manner as to interfere
with the safe and uninhibited flow of
traffic shall be prohibited.
3.(b) There shall be no habitual
parking of vehicles or trailers on or
along any roadway. In addition, parking
or storing of vehicles, trailers or boats
within the roadside drainage easement
or on the front terrace of any lawn is
4.(c) Temporary parking of vehicles, trailers, campers, motor homes,
or boats along a roadside is restricted to
72 hours. However, no vehicle shall be
parked in such a manner as to restrict
safe traffic flow or interfere with the
clear view of same.
5. No trucks having a license plate
rated over a class B shall be parked for
a period of over 72 hours on any street
within the development or stored on any
lot visible to the occupants of other lots
in the development or to persons upon
Spoon Lake.
6.(d) At no time shall boats, boat
trailers, campers or motor homes be
parked or stored on a lot without a residence.
7. Exceptions to this section shall
Maintenance and Lake Patrol vehicles while engaged in the performance
of their duties.
Emergency vehicles of any type
while responding to incidents within the
Any other vehicles authorized by
the POA Office or the Township Road
(e) No automobile repairs of any
kind, or car washing, shall be conducted on any common property.
8.(f) Vehicles, boats, trailers,
campers, or motor homes parked or
stored contrary to this policy shall, at
the discretion of Lake Patrol, be subject
to a fine and/or towing at the owners
Section D. 1.4 Private Property
TC \l2”
1. Boaters cannot tie up to or dock
on private property or private docks of
others without permission except in an
2.(a) The use of privately owned
waterfront property, including dock
areas, lots is restricted to the owner and
his guests. Prosecution for trespassing will be the responsibility of the lot
3.(b) Members in good standing
owning lots other than waterfront lots
have full privileges of the lake. They
may shall not cross over private property to use the lake, or use owned by
waterfront owners and may not utilize such private property without the
expressed permission of the owner.
Prosecution for trespassing will be the
responsibility of the lot owner.
4.(c) Driving or parking of cars,
snowmobiles, all terrain vehicles and
motorcycles on private property, without permission from the owner, is prohibited.
5. Littering on private property is
6. All pets not on ownerʼs private
property should be kept on a leash.
7.(d.) Overnight tent camping may
be is allowed on improved properties
(lots with homes) for a period not to
exceed 24 hours, but is prohibited at
all times on common property and on
lots without a residence. by receiving
written permission from the Association
8.(e) Portable toilets are not
allowed on private property except
for use during home construction. A
permit for use of portable toilets is
required from Architectural Control the
Association office.
Article II. 2, Non-Lake and Common
Section A. 2.1 General Rules
1.(a) Oak Run Common Properties
are available for use by members in
good standing and accompanied guests
2.(b) All parks will be closed from
midnight to 6:00 a.m., exclusive of boat
launches for the purpose of loading and
unloading boats.
3. Property owners are responsible
for the conduct of their family and
guests while making use of the common properties. Each one is expected
to abide by the established rules of the
4.(c) Large outside gatherings
(non-family events) are prohibited in
the parks, from Memorial Day to Labor
Day. Examples of non-family events
include, but are not limited to, company
picnics, class reunions, church gatherings, and community service organization gatherings.
5.(d) All bicycles, licensed and
unlicensed motorized vehicles and
snowmobiles are restricted to access
roads and parking lots of all parks. In
order to protect trees, sidewalks, grass,
etc., No vehicles are permitted on sodded ground in grass areas.
6.(e) Pets are not allowed in
Lakeview Park, Windemere Park,
Brentwood Park, Hillshore Park or the
North Boat Launch strictly prohibited
from any Oak Run park areas.
7.(f) Discharge of firearms within
the boundaries of Oak Run is not permitted, except with Board approval.
8.(g) All common properties at
Oak Run are designed for recreational
use only. Association owned amenities
and properties are and shall not to be
used by any member for the personal
gain of any individual. Associationsponsored activities are excluded from
this policy.
9.(h) Littering or defacing of property anywhere within Oak Run is prohibited. All trash and garbage must be
put in appropriate trash receptacles.
10.(i) Cooking may be done only
on your own grill, or those grills that
are provided. Starting of any other fire
is prohibited.
11.(j) Activities Boisterous, rough,
or dangerous or behavior, or behavior
that interferes with the permitted use of
facilities by others, is prohibited.
12.(k) No property owner or guest
will play or cause to be played Playing
any electronic entertainment device at
such a volume or in such a manner that
will cause unreasonable disturbances to
other property owners is prohibited.
13.(l) Recreational facilities will be
used only for their designated purposes.
Picnic areas, equipment and surrounding areas will be properly used, and may
They shall not be abused, overcrowded,
vandalized or operated in such a way as
to prevent or interfere with permitted
play or use by others.
Section B. 2.2 Beach Use
1.(a) All Association members and
their guests invitees will shall comply
with the rules and regulations of the
State of Illinois, Department of Public
Health, and all posted beach rules.
2.(b) All beach users The lifeguard
must be obeyed all lifeguards, and failure to comply with their direction
may result in suspension of privileges.
at all times.
3. No food, cans, beverages or bottles are allowed on the beach.
4.(c) When the lifeguard is not on
duty, swimming is at individualʼs own
5.(d) Swimming is allowed only
within the roped-in areas.
6.(e) Children under eight twelve
years of age will not be allowed on the
beach areas without adequate supervision a supervising adult aged 18 or
7.(f) Fishing is prohibited within
the beach area.
8.(g) Bonfires, pets, food, and
breakable objects glass are prohibited
on the beach.
9. All posted rules at the beaches are
to be followed.
Section C. 2.3 Swimming Pool
1.(a) All Association members and
guests will their invitees shall comply
with the rules and regulations of the
State of Illinois, Department of Public
Health, and all posted swimming pool
2.(b) All swimming pool users
must be obeyed all lifeguards at all
times, Privileges may be suspended
for and failure to comply with their
direction and all posted pool rules may
result in suspension of privileges.
3.(c) The pool is open from
Memorial Day through Labor Day at the
hours posted. The pool may be closed,
however, at the discretion of the lifeguards due to because of inclement
weather, or when the high temperature
of the day is not expected to reach 72
4.(d) Children who are not toilet
trained are required to wear tightly fitted rubber or plastic pants or swim diapers while at the pool.
5.(e) Swim tags Membership
cards must be in the property ownerʼs
possession and readily available for
inspection while at the pool.
6.(f) No alcoholic beverages are
allowed in the pool area.
7.(g) Members may rent the pool
may be used for private parties after
scheduled pool hours. Oak Run lifeguards are required and a charge will be
assessed for their services. Members
must agree to the terms of the Rental
Agreement, and must be on-site at the
pool throughout the event. Contact the
Association office for details and reservations.
Section D. 2.4 Brentwood Lounge
1. The clubhouse is maintained for
the use of all members and is available
on a limited basis for private parties.
2.(a) Members wishing to schedule
private use of the space facility must
make reservations at the Association
Office, and agree to the terms of the
Rental Agreement. The member renting the facility must be on-site at the
lounge throughout the event.
3.(b) When possible, reservations
should be made at least one month in
advance of the event. Association-sponsored events take precedence. Members
are responsible for any damage
caused to the Brentwood Lounge during the rental, and all costs incurred
will be assessed to the memberʼs
4.(c) A rental fee and damage
deposit are is required upon for reservation confirmation. Association sponsored activities are exempt from this
fee if they are sponsored by a standing
committee, and the event is publicized
and open to all property owners.
5. The renting property owner will
be held accountable for all damages and
will assume responsibility for the cost
of repairs.
6.(d) An extra security deposit will
be charged for erecting tents or supplemental shelter and/or utilizing outside
7.(e) Rental fees are non-refundable if cancelled within 15 days of the
reservation reserved date.
8. There will be a six-hour time limit
on private parties. Events exceeding 6
hours will be charged at the additional
rate of $25.00 per hour.
9.(f) A host liquor liability insurance policy must be filed with the
Association Office if liquor, wine or
beer is to be served.
Section E. 2.5 Unlicensed
Motorized Vehicles All Terrain
Vehicles and Snowmobiles (e.g.,
ATVʼs, Snowmobiles, etc.)
1.(a) All Operators of snowmobile and ATV users are to be familiar
with the must operate such vehicles
pursuant to Illinois law, including but not limited to the Illinois
Snowmobile Registration and Safety
Act. Snowmobiles shall be operated
within the development in accordance
with this act, including age of the operator.
2.(b) T h e O a k R u n P r o p e r t y
Owners Association assumes no liability for individuals operating ATVʼs and
snowmobiles or all terrain vehicles on
the lake when frozen within the development.
3.(c) Drivers of an ATV, snowmobile, or unlicensed motorized vehicle
and all terrain vehicles will shall follow
a counterclockwise pattern when riding
on the lake (nearest shoreline on your
4.(d) A n y p e r s o n o p e r a t i n g
a snowmobile or ATV A property
owner must either be a member of
the Association, or be accompany
accompanied by a member of the
Association, at all times. guests on
snowmobiles or all terrain vehicles.
Property owners are responsible for
supervising the conduct of their guests
and for any damages caused by their
guests to Association property.
(e) Members are responsible for
supervising the conduct of their invitees and guests, at and for any damage caused by same.
5.(f) U n l i c e n s e d m o t o r i z e d
Snowmobile and all terrain vehicle
operators are to show respect in residential areas, by limiting speed and the
noise level of engines.
6.(g) All unlicensed motorized
No snowmobiles or all terrain vehicles
are resticted to access roads and parking lots of all parks. allowed in park
areas or on sodded ground.
7.(h) No snowmobiles or all terrain
vehicles are allowed on the golf course,
leased land, or downstream slope of the
8.(i) No snowmobiles or all terrain
motorized vehicles are allowed on private property without ownerʼs permission.
Section F. 2.6 Rental Docks
1.(a) Rental docks located on the
Associationʼs common properties are
rented on a first-come, first-served
basis. Members interested in renting
a dock are requested to must apply at
the Association office and agree to the
rental agreement. A waiting list will
be established in the event all available docks are in use. The Board will
establish rental fees on a yearly basis.
Property owners may continue on-going
rental of the same slip by placing a
non-refundable deposit on the slip by
November 1st of each year and paying
the balance of the annual rent fee no
later than March 1st of the new boating
(b) Only watercraft belonging to
the renting member shall be moored
in the registered slip. Subleasing of
slips is prohibited.
Article III. 3, Lake Usage
Section A. 3.1 General Lake Rules
1.(a) C o n s t r u c t i o n o f d o c k s ,
piers, steps, walkways or tie-up facilities on Common Properties is prohibited. unless done in compliance with the
rules and procedures established in the
Architectural and Environment Rules.
2.(b) No person from a boat may
go ashore to may use another property
ownerʼs lake-related recreational equipment without permission from the
3.(c) All inflatable recreational flotation devices placed in the lake must be
maintained kept within 25 feet of the
shoreline at the property ownerʼs lake
front lot. when in use.
4.(d) No swim buoys or marker
buoys will be placed in the lake without written permission from the Oak
Run Safety Committee and the Board of
5.(e) No person shall place trees,
brush, or yard waste, or garbage in the
lake for any reason. The only trees or
brush to be placed in the lake will be
done by the Fish and Sports Committee
with permission from the Board of
Section B. 3.2 Swim Platforms,
Play Islands and Other Water Related
Inflatable Platforms
1.(a) No member may use any
floating device, swim platform, All
play island or other water related
inflatable platform (hereinafter: swim
platform) without completing and
agreeing to the terms of the Insurance
Covenant for Swim Platform
Registration and Indemnification
Agreement. and swim platforms on
Spoon Lake shall be registered annually
with the Association office. All owners
must pay the yearly registration fee of
$10.00 and properly display the current
year decal.
2. A copy of liability insurance certificate in the property ownerʼs name
must be presented at the time of registration for each devise. The certificate
of insurance must include:
a. Proof of liability with a minimum
value of $100,000
b. Name Oak Run Property Owners
Association as additionally insured.
c. A description of the device.
d. A current date. (coverage throughout the period of registration)
(b) Any member who registers a
swim platform shall maintain minimum personal injury liability insurance in the amount of $500,000 for
the entire duration that all registered
swim platform(s) will be used on the
lake at Oak Run, and shall name Oak
Run as additionally insured.
3.(c) Only two devices may be registered per lot.
4.(d) All play islands and swim
platforms shall be limited in size to 15ʼ
x 15ʼ x 3ʼ in height.
5.(e) All play islands and swim
platforms must be maintained within 25ʼ
of the shoreline and 10ʼ of the side lot
lines. All platforms shall be removed
from the lake, or secured and maintained against the property ownerʼs dock
or shoreline after dusk when not in use.
6.(f) Lake front property owners will be are allowed to use an
Association approved mooring buoy in
order to secure the anchor rope when
the play island or platform is not in use.
The mooring buoy can be purchased at
the association office. The buoy must
be maintained kept within 25 feet of
the shoreline at all times. All mooring
buoys other than the approved type will
be removed by Lake Patrol personnel.
(g) An adequate and safe water
depth must be maintained below and
around the devise, per the original
equipment manufacturerʼs recommendation. It is incumbent on the
owner to insure that this depth is
7. No climbing type structures of
any kind will be permitted.
8. Children under the age of 15 must
be under the direct supervision of a
responsible person at all times while
using a play island or swim platform.
9. Oak Run staff will make the final
determination if there is a question as to
whether a certain device falls under the
above stated rules.
10.(h) Failure to comply with the
above stated rules may subject the
owner to additional fees for non-compli-
ance fines and/or loss of privileges.
Section C. 3.3 Lake Swimming
Swimming is permitted only:
(a) In the designated roped off areas
of the two Oak Run beaches, or
(b) Within 30 feet of the shoreline,
(c) In a no-wake area within 30 feet
of a boat dead in the water an anchored
Section D. 3.4 Weed Treatment
and Use of Chemicals in the Lake
1.(a) No person shall apply any
chemical(s) to the lake for any reason,
a primary pesticide with USEPA label
to the lake to kill weeds, mosquitoes
or undesirable fish without a current
license from the Illinois Department of
Agriculture and written permission from
the Board of Directors.
(b) It is the responsibility of the
lakefront property owners to control
aquatic vegetation within 25 feet of
the shoreline. If aquatic weed control
is necessary, property owners may
only use manual techniques such as
cutting, raking, and hand pulling.
(c) If a property owner requests
that the Association provide chemical treatment within 25 feet of the
shoreline, a fee may be charged for
the service.
(d) The Association shall reserve
the right to deny any request for
weed spraying when it is believed that
chemical treatment of the lake is not
Section E. 3.5 Fishing
1.(a) All rules of the Illinois
Department of Natural Resources apply
to Spoon Lake. and will be enforced by
Oak Run Lake Patrol and IDNR.
(b) Only members, and those persons accompanied by a member, shall
be allowed to fish.
2.(c) Fishing regulations regarding length and creel limits are subject
to special restrictions as determined
shall be set by the Oak Run Board of
Directors. Size and creel limits will be
posted each season at Lakeview Park,
Windemere Park and the North Boat
Launch. It is the responsibility of
property owners to know the current
creel limits.
3.(d) Fishing is not allowed on
Association docks where posted.
4.(e) Seining, and bottle and trout
lines are prohibited. not allowed on any
ponds of Oak Run or on Spoon Lake
without Board approval.
(f) The Association assumes no liability for the safety of any individual
who is fishing on the lake.
Section F. 3.6 Ice Fishing
1.(a) All rules of the Illinois
Department of Natural Resources apply
to Spoon Lake. and will be enforced by
Oak Run Lake Patrol and IDNR.
2.(b) Ice fishing is for property
owners limited to members and accompanied guests only.
3.(c) An ice fishing tent is defined
as a portable shelter consisting of a covering of canvas, plastic, etc., stretched
over poles and attached to stakes, and is
only used for ice fishing. The tent shall
not be larger than 8ʼX 8ʼ.
4. A property owner/member in good
standing shall be in or about each tent
erected for ice fishing.
5.(d) It shall be the member ʼs
responsibility to remove ice fishing
tents from the lake each day upon the
completion of fishing.
6.(e) The Association assumes no
liability for the safety of individuals
who are ice fishing on the lake.
7.(f) The Association does not
measure or provide information regarding the thickness of the ice.
8.(g) No licensed vehicles such as
trucks, automobiles, etc., are permitted
on the frozen lake.
Section G. 3.7
1.(a) A n y m e m b e r o f t h e
Association in good standing organizing
a fishing tournament, (open water or e
fishing), whereby fishermen are fishing and competing for money, prizes,
gratuities, or for fun, shall submit by an
application to the Sports and Fish Fish
and Sports Committee their intent to
conduct a tournament a minimum of 45
days prior to the event. The Committee
shall review the application and forward the Committeeʼs recommendation and the application to the Board of
Directors. - which must approve the
application. The Board of Directors
shall have sole authority to approve
or disapprove the application.
2. Tournament applications shall be
located at the POA Office and any member may file a tournament application
during normal working hours. Normally
90 days is needed for processing and
board approval.
Article IV. 4, Watercraft Registration
and Operation
All users of a boat or other water-
craft on Spoon Lake must comply
with all applicable Illinois laws,
including, but not limited to the
Association has adopted the State of
Illinois Boat Regulations and Safety Act.
All provisions of said Act are applicable
to all boats operated on Spoon Lake.
Non-compliance with these regulations, or those of the Association, will
result in additional fees for non compliance fines and/or forfeiture suspension of privileges, as determined by the
Board of Directors.
S e c t i o n A . 4 . 1 Wa t e rcr a f t
1.(a) All watercraft, motorized and
non-motorized, operated on Spoon Lake
must be registered annually with the
Association office, and must properly
display the current yearʼs decal by April
1st of each calendar year. In order to
properly register watercraft, a member must be in good standing with the
Association and must provide a copy
of the State Watercraft Registration
or title, registered in the memberʼs
name; execution of the Insurance
Covenant for Watercraft Registration
and Indemnification Agreement by
the member, and payment of the cost
of registration in the amount determined by the Board of Directors. . No
guest boats allowed.
(b) No guest boats are allowed on
the lake.
2.(c) Only watercraft that is
properly registered with the State of
Illinois is allowed to be used on the
lake. A copy of the State Watercraft
Registration or title, registered in the
property ownerʼs name, must be presented at the time of registration. The
cost of registration will be set annually
by the Board of Directors.
3.(d) Minimum watercraft personal liability insurance in the amount
of $300,000 and minimum watercraft
property damage liability insurance
in the amount of $50,000 must be in
force for the entire duration that all
registered motorized watercraft(s)
will be used on the lake at Oak Run.
Such policy shall name Oak Run as
additionally insured. A copy of a liability insurance certificate in the property
ownerʼs name must be presented at the
time of registration. The certificate of
insurance must include:
a. Proof of Liability with minimum
value of $100,000.
b. Description of the watercraft.
c. Coverage throughout the period of
(e) Upon request, any member
shall be required to provide Oak
Run with proof of insurance. The
registration application with the
Insurance Covenant for Watercraft
Indemnification Agreement must be
signed by the property owner before
boat stickers will be issued.
4.(f) Four (4) watercraft may be
registered per lot; two (2) of which
can be 11 1 to 25 hp, or more and
two (2) can be over 26 10 hp or less.
Houseboats are not allowed.
(g) Houseboats are not allowed.
(h) The maximum allowable length
of watercraft, other than pontoon
boats, which will be registered for use
on Spoon Lake, is 25 feet.
5.(i) No watercraft will be registered
that contains either a “head” facility
or portable toilet. A “head” facility is
defined as a stand up toilet facility. A
head facility must be made inoperable prior to registration. A porta potti
portable toilet must be removed from
the boat prior to registration, and not
6. All assessments owed on the lot
including special assessments, interest,
lien fees and other fees must be paid
prior to registration.
7.(j) All watercraft registered on
Spoon Lake in 1999 with above water
exhaust will hereby be grandfathered.
All other watercraft must be equipped
with an underwater exhaust system. All
watercraft, regardless of year registered
must be equipped and maintained with
an effective muffler, which does not
produce excessive or unusual noise.
Watercraft with the “captainʼs choice”
option shall be operated in the underwater mode at all times. Excessive or
unusual noise will be determined by
Oak Run Lake Patrol.
S e c t i o n B . 4 . 2 Wa t e rc r a f t
1.(a) All watercraft will be operated in a counterclockwise direction.
(Nearest shoreline on at your right
2.(b) Life jackets are required on
Children 13 years and younger are
required to wear life jackets when the
watercraft is in motion.
3.(c) In lieu of a horsepower limit
on watercraft, there will be a The maximum speed limit of on the lake is 40
mph. and a maximum overall length of
25 feet, except for pontoon boats.
4.(d) A property owner member
of the Association must be aboard ALL
the watercraft while operated on the
5.(e) All watercraft operators must
have a membership card in their possession while operating the watercraft.
6.(f) All watercraft tied up to, or
beached on outlots are restricted to the
hours of between sunrise to and sunset.
7.(g) The lake will be closed to
watercraft when the water level reaches
one foot over normal pool.
8.(h) All watercraft, whether
anchored or underway, shall keep noise,
whether from the occupants or from
electronic devices, to such a level as to
not unnecessarily disturb those on-shore
9.(i) Launching of a boat from a
trailer will take place only at the North
Boat Launch or Lakeview Park Launch.
10.(j) Docking is not allowed on
at the private rental slips where posted
registered to other members.
11.(k) Moving of, or mooring to, an
anchor buoys is prohibited.
12.(l) Anchoring of watercraft in
such a manner as to inhibit or prevent
watercraft access to private docks, boat
launches, or slips, or that would inhibits
the safe counterclockwise flow of traffic
is prohibited.
13.(m) Boaters shall respect the
rights of fishermen by keeping clear of
their boats and lines. Boaters shall keep
a reasonable distance and limit their
wake near someone engaged in fishing.
14.(n) No skiing or watercraft,
except trolling fishing boats, is allowed
within All watercraft are required to
operate at idle speed if closer than
50 feet of roped-in swim areas or to the
( o ) A l l w a t e rc r a f t m u st b e
equipped with a fully functional muffler which does not produce excessive or unusual noise. Watercraft with
the “captainʼs choice” option shall be
operated in the underwater mode at
all times.
15.(p) Posted Wake Areas: A wake
is defined as a movement of the water
created by a boat underway, great
enough to disturb a boat at rest. Under
no circumstances shall a boat underway exceed 5 miles per hour while in
a posted “No Wake” area. “No Wake”
areas shall be clearly posted with buoys
or appropriate signs.
16.(q) Age of Operators:
No person under the age of 10 may
operate a motorboat
No person under the age of 16 may
operate a motor boat with over 10
horse power on Spoon Lake.
Persons at least 10 years of age and
less than 16 years of age may operate a
motorboat only if they are accompanied
on the motor boat and under the direct
control of a parent or guardian or a person at least 18 years of age designated
by the parent or guardian. Persons at
least 16 years of age and less than 18
years of age may operate a motorboat
only if they are accompanied on the
motor boat and under the direct control
of a parent or guardian or a person at
least 18 years of age designated by the
parent or guardian, or such No person born on or after January 1, 1997,
shall operate a motor boat with over
10 horse power, unless that person is
in possession of a valid Boating Safety
Certificate issued by the Department
of Conservation, Division of Law
Enforcement, authorizing the holder to
operate motorboats Natural Resources.
17.(r) Reckless Operation: No person shall operate any watercraft, specialty prop-craft, or personal watercraft,
or manipulate any water skis, aquaplane
or similar device in such a manner as to
willfully or wantonly endanger the life,
limb, or property of any person. This
behavior includes weaving through
congested traffic, jumping the wake
unreasonably or unnecessarily close to
another vessel, or when visibility around
another vessel is obstructed, waiting to
the last possible moment to swerve to
avoid collision, or operating any watercraft so as to approach or pass another
watercraft in such a manner or at such
a rate of speed as to create a hazardous
wake or wash.
Section C. 4.3 Water-Skiing and
Towing Devices
1.(a) All persons engaged in skiing, tubing, or pulling other devices
of that nature, shall comply with all
applicable The provisions of the Illinois
Boat Registration and Safety Act. pertaining to water-skiing are applicable to
skiing on Spoon Lake.
2.(b) No person may operate
a motor boat which has in tow, or is
otherwise assisting a person on water
skis, aquaplane, or other similar contrivance, unless such motor boat is occupied by at least two competent persons.
“Competent” means capable of assisting
in case of injury or accident.
3.(c) A red or bright orange flag
indicating a “skier down/person in the
water” is required equipment for towing any individual. This flag is to be
displayed any time a person is in the
water and the engine of the vessel is
running. All watercraft will be required
to operate at idle speed if closer than 50
feet to the watercraft displaying the flag.
The operator of any watercraft that
is towing a person or persons shall
display on the watercraft, a bright or
brilliant orange flag measuring not
less than 12 inches per side. The flag
shall be displayed at the highest point
of the area surrounding the boatʼs
helm as to be visible from all directions, continuously, while the person
or persons being towed depart the
boat in preparation for towing and
until reentry into the boat when the
activity has ceased. Display of the
flag for purposes other than the activity described in this section is prohibited. All watercraft will be required to
operate at idle speed if closer than 50
feet to the watercraft displaying the
4.(d) No person may operate a
motor boat which has in tow, or is otherwise assisting, a person on water skis,
aquaplane, or similar contrivance from
the period of one-half hour after sunset
to one-half hour before sunrise before
sunrise or after sunset.
5.(e) All persons being towed on
water skis, aquaplane or similar contrivance must properly wear a Coast Guard
approved flotation device.
6.(f) The number of water skiers, aquaplanes or tubes any one that a
watercraft may tow at any one time is
limited to two (2).
(g) The number of aquaplanes or
tubes that a watercraft may tow at
any one time is limited to two (2). The
number of persons occupying those
tubes while being towed is limited to
four (4).
(h) Wake surfing is prohibited on
the waters of Spoon Lake.
7.(i) All persons operating a motor
boat which that has in tow, or is otherwise assisting, a person on water skis,
aquaplane, or similar contrivance must
be careful and prudent in their operation
and keep a reasonable distance from
persons and property so as not to endanger the life or property of any person.
8.(j) No person may operate a motor
boat which that has in tow, or is otherwise assisting, a person on water skis,
aquaplane, tube or similar contrivance
within the direct vicinity of the rental docks, boat ramps, gas marina or in
no-wake areas where when there are
numerous moored watercraft present.
9.(k.) No watercraft operated on
Spoon Lake may contain or use additional weight, ballast, or any other type
of device added used for the primary
purpose of increasing the size of the
wake behind the watercraft. Such prohibition shall include without limitation,
the addition of solid ballast and/or water
10.(l) Parasailing is prohibited on
the waters of at Spoon Lake. Those
individuals who have specifically been
granted Board approval prior to August
18, 2006 shall hereby be grandfathered
with restrictions from this provision.
(m) Towable devices that are
designed to get airborne are prohibited.
11.(n) The take-off or landing of aircraft of any kind on the waters of at
Spoon Lake is strictly prohibited.
Section 4.4 Disabled Watercraft
(a) An operator of a disabled
watercraft may not refuse assistance
in a waked area of the Lake.
(b) When Association personnel
are summoned to render assistance
to a disabled watercraft, the watercraft will be towed to the nearest boat
launch, or the ownerʼs private dock,
whichever is closest.
(c) If Association personnel offer
to render assistance to a disabled
watercraft in an area where there is
no immediate safety concern to the
disabled watercraft, other boaters,
or structures, the operator of the disabled watercraft may refuse assistance.
(d) When accepting towing assistance from Association personnel, the
operator hereby agrees to waive any
liability for damage to the disabled
watercraft resulting from towing.
If deemed appropriate for reasons of safety, Association personnel
may tow the watercraft to the nearest
Association owned dock. A time will
be set when conditions are suitable to
continue the tow to the nearest boat
launch or owners dock.
(e) A reasonable fee may be
charged for all tows.
Article V. Architectural and
Environmental Rules Re:
Lake and Lake Front
Section A. General Rules TC \l2”
1. The Oak Run covenants, Article
VI, provide for an Architectural and
Environmental Control Committee
(AEC) responsible for the approval of
all construction and improvements on
residential property, ensuring that the
properties at Oak Run continue to be
properly maintained for the appearance
and health of the Oak Run Community.
Article IV of the covenants gives the
Association the right to enforce rules for
the “Common Properties” - i.e., the lake
and lake front.
2. The Oak Run Board of Directors
has adopted specific AEC rules governing obtaining permits for new construction, remodeling, shoreline maintenance
& other improvements to the properties at Oak Run. These rules including appeal procedures and enforcement
procedures for AEC matters are contained in the Oak Run AEC Rules. A
complete set of these rules as well as
permits may be obtained by contacting
the Association Office.
3. The Oak Run Board has delegated
to the AEC Committee the promulgation
and enforcement of rules for construction of docks and lake front improvements.
TC \l2”
Section B. New Construction TC
1. All construction requires advance
approval by the AEC Committee.
Submission of plans, including detailed
components thereof, lot survey, septic system design, Knox County and
Sanitary District permits and other matters essential for approval of plans submitted and issuance of building permits by Oak Run, are outlined in the
Architectural & Environmental Control
Section C. Improvements &
Additions TC \l3”
1. Generally, all improvements
to existing properties require an Oak
Run building permit. Room additions,
deck additions, docks, fences, shoreline
improvements, or changes to the exterior of a structure including re-siding and
roofing fall into this category. When in
doubt whether a permit for a project is
required, please contact the Association
Section D. Lot Maintenance TC
1. Oak Run covenants provide that
the destruction of trees and other vegetation and such other matters which
affect the environment and ecology of
Oak Run are proper concerns of the
AEC Committee and the Board.
2. No trees over six (6) inches in
diameter, as measured one foot above
ground level, may be cut down or
removed from any lot, for any reason,
without first obtaining approval from
the AEC Committee.
3. No lot shall be used or maintained
as a dumping ground. Trash, garbage
and other waste shall be kept in a sanitary container, and then disposed of at
an appropriate site.
4. Improved lots are required to be
maintained in such a manner as to prevent them from becoming unsightly,
unsanitary or a hazard to health. Owners
of improved lots are required to:
a. Mow at such times as may be reasonably necessary in order to prevent
the growth of unsightly vegetation and
noxious weeds.
b. Prevent the existence of any other
condition that reasonably tends to distract from or diminish the aesthetic
appearance of said lot.
c. Subject to Section D, 2 above,
cut down and remove dead or damaged
trees which may present a hazard.
d. Keep debris or foreign material
from entering Spoon Lake.
Article VI. 5, Campground Rules
Section A. Camping Season
1. Opening Date - April 30th, weather permitting
2. Closing Date – October 31st
3. At any time after October 16th,
the water may be shut off at the discretion of the Oak Run staff.
4. Fees will be established by the
Oak Run Board of Directors on a yearly
Section B. 5.1 General Rules
1.(a) The campground is for the
use of property owners by members
and accompanied guests only.
2.(b) Property owners Members
must register their guests. 3. The registering property owner member is
responsible for the activities actions
and negligence of their guests and invitees, whether the guests are registered
or not, and any violation of the rules,
or damages caused by the guests, will
be charged against the property owner
the responsibility of the member.
4.(c) Quiet hours are from 11:00
p.m. to 8:00 a.m.
5.(d) The speed limit inside the
campground is 5 mph.
6.(e) A daily camping permit may
be issued for a period not to is required,
and no camper may be allowed to
camp for more than exceed 14 consecutive days.
7. Only one camp will be permitted
per site.
(f) The Association is not responsible for any personal belongings of
any campground user that is lost or
(g) No firearms, fireworks, ammu-
nition, or hazardous materials are
allowed within the campground.
Section C. 5.2 Check-in and
Check-out Times
1.(a) Check-in times are normally
from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Late checkin will be allowed at the discretion of
the campground manager, provided
space is available. The Association
cannot guarantee that an early or late
check-in will be allowed.
2.(b) Check-out time is no later
than 3:00 p.m. a) If a camper has
checked out and desires to remain in
the area for other purposes after the
checkout time, he must break camp and
move from the campground his camping equipment off of the campsite.
(c) Campers are responsible for
removing all personal items, and shall
remove all personally-owned camping
equipment from the campground once
the camper leaves by check-out time.
(d) Failure to remove camping
equipment by 3:00 p.m. without specific authorization from the campground
manager, shall obligate the camper to
pay an additional nightʼs fee.
(e) A campsite is deemed to have
been abandoned, if a camper does not
remove his camping equipment within
24 hours of the expiration of his camping permit.
Section D. 5.3 Camper
1.(a) Campsites are provided for
reasonably quiet outdoor recreational
experiences. They are not intended for
large group gatherings or parties which
that are disruptive to the normal atmosphere of the campground. Such activities will only be permitted with the prior
permission of the General Manager and
the Campground Manager.
2.(b) Fires are allowed in stoves
or designated areas only. Large
Bonfires are prohibited, unless prior
permission from the General Manager
or Campground Manager is granted.
Campers are to keep fire rings clean of
cans and debris.
3.(c) All garbage must be contained in a plastic bag and placed in the
dumpster designated for campground
4.(d) Propane tanks must be
secured to the camping unit. using an
approved method of attachment.
5.(e) It is the responsibility of
campers to maintain the campsites and
buildings in a clean and sanitary condition.
6.(f) Campers are responsible for
any damage to individual campsites.
7. Lost or stolen items should be
reported to the Campground Manager.
Section E. 5.4 Pets
1. Property owners are responsible
for all pets while at Campers Village.
2.(a) All pets must be kept on a
leash not to exceed 6 six feet in length.
All Leashed pets shall, at all times, be
under the control of a responsible person.
3.(b) Owners are responsible
to make sure their pets do not cause
No pet shall create a nuisance or disturb others, as determined by the
Campground Manager, POA staff, or
the Board. to other campers. Pets are
not to be left unattended.
(c) At no time shall a pet be left
4.(d) Designated areas are posted
for walking pets. Excretion by pets Pet
waste shall be immediately removed
and placed in the proper receptacle.
Section F. 5.5 Sanitary Rules
1.(a) Dumping expelling gray
water (sink waste) or black water (toilet
water) on the ground is strictly prohibited. Upon confirmed knowledge
of improper discharge of gray or black
water from the holding tank of a campsite unit, the camper will be subject
to the maximum allowable Violation
of this rule may result in the owner
being fined or immediate eviction from
the campground. , and forfeiture of seasonal privileges for 30 days.
2.(b) Units not equipped with holding tanks, may not uncap the external sink drain unless it is connected by
hose to a sealed container, such as a
tote-along drain tank. Open containers, such as buckets, are not permitted.
Sealed containers may be emptied into
the campground dump station.
3.(c) Black or gray water valves on
self-contained units equipped with holding tanks may not be opened unless the
sewer drain outlet is connected by hose
to a sealed container, or when dumping
into the campground dump station.
Section G. 5.6 Permanent and
Semi-Permanent Campsite Permanent
1.(a) In order To retain a camp
site for the following year, campers
must give the Association office notice
and remit a $100.00 non-refundable
deposit by November 1st. Failure to do
so may result in the loss of the site.
2.(b) All campers shall pay the balance of fees by March 31st of the following year, per the lease agreement.
Failure to do so shall result in a $25.00
per week penalty. beginning on the 2nd
Monday in April until such a time as
the balance is paid in full. If after 30
days the account remains delinquent,
the camper is subject to eviction.
3.(c) There will be no pro-rated
reimbursement for campers leaving
during the season. However, campers
obtaining a seasonal site during the season will be billed on a pro-rated basis.
Subleasing of sites is prohibited.
4.(d) Property owners Members
may trade comparable sites by mutual
agreement, and by notifying both the
Association office and the Campground
Manager in writing.
5. The Association Office requests a
30-day advance notice be given if planning to vacate a site.
6.(e) The sale of a camper or trailer
does not entitle the buyer of the camper
or trailer to the use of the campsite.
7.(f) Camper or trailer units may
be no more than 400 square feet in size
and must be licensed as a recreational
8.(g) Park Model Homes will not
be allowed to occupy sites at Campers
Village are prohibited.
9.(h) Any and all improvements
to a permanent or semi-permanent site
must have the prior written approval
of the General Manager and the
Campground Manager.
(i) Digging below ground level is
prohibited. Supports for decks may
not extend below ground level.
(j) All improvements must be
removed when vacating a site. If Oak
Run personnel are required to remove
the improvement, the property owner
will be charged a fee for the service.
Section H. 5.7 Movement Between
1.(a) Movement between sites
Relocating to another campsite will be
based on seniority.
2.(b) Campers wishing to relocate
to a different campsite will be offered
a chance at the beginning of the season,
to opt on or off of the seniority list.
3.(c) Once the list is established, it
will be put in order of seniority, based
on the basis of location.
Section I. 5.8 Temporary Storage
TC \l3”
1.(a) The storage area is restricted
to use by property owners members.
2.(b) Items in storage must be registered with the Campground Manager.
The manager must be present when
items are brought to be stored.
3.(c) The storage fee must be paid
in advance, with the length of stay predetermined.
4. The item stored must be used at
least once during the season.
5.(d) The item must be removed
before the end of the camping season,
and the balance paid in full.
6.(e) Liability for damage or theft
rests solely with the owner of the stored
item. The Association is not responsible for any items placed in storage.
(f) No dangerous, perishable,
flammable, hazardous or toxic items,
explosives, ammunition, or any illegal
items may be stored within the storage area.
Section J. 5.9 Winter Storage TC
1.(a) The storage fee must be paid
prior to the closing date no later than
November 15th. All units not paid in
full or removed from Campers Village
by this date will be assessed a $25.00
per week fine, until the fee and fine are
paid in full. If unpaid after 30 days,
seasonal campsite privileges may be
revoked. If the fee and fine remain
unpaid after 60 90 days, the unit will be
reported to the Illinois State Police as an
abandoned vehicle.
2.(b) Lessee agrees to carry his
own liability and comprehensive insurance to protect against theft, pilferage,
fire, windstorm, water damage, hail and
vandalism. The Association does not
assume any responsibility for loss or
damage to the stored item.
3.(c) If maintenance is required
to work on your leased space, the lessee will be responsible to move the
stored item to another site until work is
completed. Member agrees to remove
items from the storage area, as
requested by the Board, to completer
any necessary maintenance, repairs,
or replacements, pursuant to written
4.(d) Water and electrical service
will be shut off after the closing date.
5.(e) Campsites may not be occupied after the closing date.
6.(f) Nothing shall be left near,
under, or around the unit to be stored
(exception: a moderate stack of firewood).
7.(g) All units to be stored shall be
operational and in good repair.
Section K. 5.10 Golf Cart
Operation TC \l3”
1.(a) All golf carts must be registered with the Campground Manager.
Proof of insurance must be presented
at the time of registration. Owners are
required to sign a waiver of liability,
indicating that they have adequate
2.(b) All golf carts operated in the
evening or at night must have operating headlights and taillights.
3.(c) No person (under 16 years of
age) may operate a golf cart. Anyone
operating a golf cart must have a state
issued driverʼs license and be a member of the Association.
4. Only Oak Run property owners
who are in possession of a valid driverʼs
license will be allowed to operate golf
5.(d) When not in use, golf carts
must be stored on at the property ownerʼs memberʼs campsite.
6. Golf cart operators will follow
all posted rules for vehicles. Driving on
grass is prohibited.
7.(e) A violation of the rules
applicable to golf cart operation rules
will result in a verbal warning. , followed by Additional violations may
result in suspension of privileges.
Section L. 5.11 Eviction
1.(a) Failure to comply with the
stated rules and procedures may result
in a fine or immediate eviction from
the campground. The camper, at the
demand of the Association, shall immediately remove all equipment and personal property.
2.(b) The Association may refuse
to permit a camper to re-enter Campers
Village for a period of 30 days from
such after eviction.
3.(c) No refund will be granted in
such cases.
Section M. 5.12 Disclaimer
1.(a) The permittee waives any
claim against the Association, its agents,
or employees for damages arising out
of use by the permittee, or any member
of his party, in within the campground
2.(b) The Association makes no
representation as to the suitability or
safety of the campsite, and is not responsible for the actions other campers or
persons within the development.
Article VII. 6, Enforcement
of Rules (Non Architectural) and
Section 6.1 Procedures
Any person employed by the
Association to act as Security
Personnel, Public Safety Officer,
Lake Patrol, Lifeguard, Campground
Manager, or Association Personnel
(hereinafter collectively “Association
Personnel”) has the authority to
enforce the terms of these Rules and
As part of the Association
Personnelʼs enforcement of these
rules, they shall issue a written citation to the violator and a copy of the
same shall be given to the Board of
Directors, who shall determine the
fine imposed.
Nothing herein shall prevent
Association Personnel from reporting any violation of Illinois law to any
local municipality, county, or state
government agency.
Any member of the Association
who witnesses a violation of the
Associations Rules and Regulations
shall submit a written complaint to
the Board. The complaint shall be
in a format similar to that attached
hereto as Exhibit A.
Upon receipt of a written complaint or issued violation, the Board
will review the same and determine
whether a violation has occurred.
If the Board determines that such
a violation has occurred, the member
will receive written notification of the
same and be given the opportunity to
be heard by the Board, the first time
the violation occurs.
At the hearing, the alleged violator
will have the opportunity to explain
to the Board why he/she should not
be held in violation of the Association
restrictions. The violator may present any witnesses or evidence to the
Board. The violator may not have
an attorney attend such a hearing
without first providing the Board
with written notification of the same,
at least three (3) days prior to the
scheduled hearing. If the violator is
found guilty of the violation, and the
Associationʼs attorney attended the
hearing since the Board was advised
that the alleged Violator would have
an attorney attend the hearing, the
Association may seek reimbursement
of all fees and costs incurred to have
its attorney attend the hearing.
The Board has the right to limit
the length of time for every hearing.
At the conclusion of each hearing,
the Board will determine if a violation
occurred and if so, the penalty to be
imposed. The member will be notified of the Boardʼs finding in writing.
Any member who fails to request
or attend a hearing will be found
guilty of the violation, and the Board
will proceed accordingly.
Notwithstanding that stated herein, any violation that violates Illinois
law or presents an immediate danger
or safety concern for any member
or person on the Associationʼs property, or to property of the Association,
may result in immediate action being
taken, including the assistance of the
local authorities.
The officer shall have the authority to
act as an agent of the Association and
sign the formal complaint as such.
2. Affidavit & Complaint for
Warrant: If no immediate threat exists,
and where circumstances dictate, the
officer may file a formal report at the
Association Office, and thereafter file a
formal affidavit and complaint against
the offender with the Knox County
States Attorneyʼs office - who may
obtain an arrest warrant if a court finds
probable cause exists. All arrests will
be made by outside law enforcement
Section 6.2 Fines and Remedies
For any first time offense that does
not cause immediate danger or harm
to any person or property, a written
warning may be issued by the Board.
A fine schedule shall be established
by the Board for violations of the
Associationʼs rules and regulations.
The Board shall use the schedule as
a guideline, and has the authority to
vary the actual assessed fine based
upon the specific circumstances of the
The Board of Directors may, at its
discretion, suspend membership privileges for a period not to exceed 30
days for violations of the Associationʼs
rules, regulations, and policies.
Section C. Supplemental Fees
for Non-compliance With Rules and
1.Supplemental Fees: The hearing
panel, acting on behalf of the Board of
Directors, shall have authority to assess
supplemental fees and/or penalties. (See
Section F, infra) The panel shall have
discretionary powers regarding variances in this schedule, based upon mitigating or extenuating circumstances in
each individual case. Such fees shall be
assessed based on the schedule, Section
D below. These fees represent partial
recovery of costs of enforcement of the
2. Penalties: As an alternative to,
or in addition to, the fee schedule, the
hearing panel shall have the authority to
institute penalties against persons who
have violated regulations. Penalties
may take the form of loss of use at the
Common Properties including the lake
and public areas - for up to 30 days per
infraction, and revocation of registration
and the right to use of any unregistered
watercraft or device.
With the written agreement of the
property owner and parent, the panel
may impose public service work for
minor offenders in lieu of a fee or penalty. If done, such work shall be under
the supervision of the Oak Run manager
for a specified number of hours and
shall involve non-dangerous and nonstrenuous work.
3. Probation: The hearing panel
shall also have the authority to place
offenders on probationary status in lieu
of, or in addition to, fees or penalties.
Specific terms of any probationary status shall be determined based upon the
circumstances surrounding the particular case being considered.
Should the terms of any probationary status be violated, the hearing panel
has the right to assess fines or penalties which would have ordinarily been
assessed had probation not been granted. Violation of probation is, in and of
itself, a violation of regulations by the
Section 6.3 Payment of Fines
If a guilty verdict is upheld, all
fines and any applicable restitution
shall be remitted to the POA office
within thirty (30) days after the Board
issues its written decision.
Section A. Warnings and Citations
TC \l3”
Oak Run Lake Patrol personnel,
when observing or directed to violations of Oak Run rules and regulations,
shall have discretionary powers as to the
formal actions to be taken in response
thereto. Such response shall be within
one or more of the following approved
1. Warnings: Where any violation
is of a minor nature, or where specific
circumstances of the situation dictates,
the officer shall have the option of issuing either a verbal warning or a written
warning. In either case, the officer shall
document all warnings for future reference.
Warnings, either verbal or written,
shall carry no fine or penalty. If one
or more warnings are issued, this does
not deprive the security officer of the
authority to issue a citation or citations
for those violations provided the citation is issues within 90 days of the last
2. Citations: Where any violation
is of a major nature, involves an issue
of safety, where a subject is known to
be a repeat offender, or where specific
circumstances of a situation dictate, the
officer may issue a citation.
Where a citation is issued, the
approved uniform complaint form shall
be used and shall be designated on its
face as being a citation. All citations
issued shall be recorded in that individualʼs file for future reference. Within
five (5) business days of issuance of
a citation, a notice in regards to that
citation explaining the steps to be followed thereafter shall be mailed to the
accusedʼs last known address.
In the event that the accused is a
guest of a property owner, that property
owner shall receive a copy of the notice
in the same as the accused. Any subsequent fine or penalty shall be assessed
against the property owner who acted as
the host for the accused.
3. Juvenile Matters: In all violation incidents where a juvenile has been
involved, Lake Patrol shall make all reasonable attempts to contact immediately
that juvenileʼs parent or legal guardian
regarding the incident. Where the incident is of a minor nature, or where other
forms of contact cannot be made, the
parent or legal guardian in question shall
be notified by mail regarding all matters
pertinent to the incident. If the incident
requires restraint of the minor to prevent
bodily injury or serious physical damage, the Lake Patrol shall contact the
appropriate police authority.
In all cases, after mailed identification has been made, further contacts
regarding the incident shall be through
the juvenileʼs parent or legal guardian.
Section B. Violations of State Law
Whenever possible, Lake Patrol will
attempt to handle difficulties at Oak
Run through the citation procedures as
outlined. However, situations may arise
where a violation of law occurs that
warrants action beyond the Lake Patrolʼs
jurisdiction. Such proceedings will be
initiated in the following manner:
1. Arrest: Where a situation presents an immediate threat to the safety
and well-being of persons or property
at Oak Run, the officer shall call outside
law enforcement authorities for assistance and shall request that offending
parties be arrested and formally charged.
Section D. Supplemental Fees For
Non-compliance With Rules:
The following schedule of supplemental fees is not to be considered as
mandatory but instead represent maximum fees for specified types of violations. The hearing panel shall use
the schedule as a guideline only as to
maximum and has the authority to vary
the actual assessed fine based upon the
specific circumstances of the violation.
Level 1. Infraction
A violation of any one of the following rules will be considered a Level 1
infraction and may be assessed a maximum $25.00 fee.
a. Boating infractions including, but
not limited to: violations of the traffic
pattern, 360ʼs, excessive speed, age of
operator, no-wake areas, hours of operation, distance to shoreline, towing and
skiing violations, failure to have a competent spotter, failure to display down
skier flag, failure to display registration
stickers, swimming infractions and other
minor boating infractions.
b. Fishing infractions including,
but not limited to: fishing without a
license or fishing from a restricted area.
Violations of the size and creel limits
shall be a maximum fee of $25.00 and
$10.00 for each fish which is found to
have been taken in violation thereof.
c. Miscellaneous infractions including, but not limited to: improper parking, littering, illegal burning, animal
control violations, loud, boisterous and/
or profane language and behavior, or
other minor park or campground related
d. Failure to have in possession
proper photo identification and membership card.
Level 2. Infraction:
A violation of any one of the following rules will be considered a Level 2
infraction and will be assessed a maximum $50.00 fee.
a. Boating infractions including
but not limited to: careless or reckless
operation, failure to register watercraft,
operation of a watercraft by a non-member or member not in good standing,
failure to maintain a safe distance, failure to yield the right of way, failure to
maintain proper insurance requirements
b. Miscellaneous infractions including, but not limited to: failure to obey
Lake Patrol personnel and staff, failure
to identify or providing false identification, illegal dumping in Associationowned receptacles, minor vandalism or
defacing of Association-owned property.
c. More than three Level (1) infractions within a 12 month period.
Level 3. Infraction:
A violation of any one of the following rules will be considered a Level 3
infraction and will be assessed a maximum $100.00 fee.
a. Miscellaneous infractions including, but not limited to: fleeing and alluding Lake Patrol personnel, illegal dumping within the development, willful or
reckless conduct, fighting, verbal abuse
of POA staff.
b. Major vandalism or defacing of
Association-owned property. In all cases
where property damage is a result of the
violation, whether directly or indirectly,
the cost of repairs shall be assessed in
addition to the fine assessed.
c. Level (2) infractions within a
twelve month period.
Section E. Response to Notice
The accused shall be obligated to
contact the Association Office no later
than ten (10) business days after the
mailing date of any notice of infraction. Failure to do so shall subject the
accused to a finding of guilty by default,
unless good cause is shown for such
failure, and that owner/member will be
assessed the maximum applicable fine
as established in those Rules.
When the accused contacts the
Association office, the accused shall
advise in writing whether the charge is
contested. Should the accused admit the
violation and agree to a given fine/penalty, the accused shall be assessed the
fine/penalty set out in mailed notice,
and shall be advised in writing of the
time period for remittance of said fine.
Should the accused wish to contest the violation, the accused shall be
advised by the Association office of a
hearing date and time and mailed notice.
The notice shall advise the accused of
his/her rights regarding the hearing.
When the accused is unable to attend
this hearing, a continuance shall be
granted and a second hearing date shall
be established.
If the accused is unable to attend the
second hearing, a second continuance
shall be granted. Unless there are mitigating circumstances, failure to attend a
third hearing session shall result in the
accused being found guilty by default.
In all cases, the statement of the
accused before the panel may be presented in either oral or written form.
Section F. Hearing Panel
The Hearing Panel shall consist of
three (3) members and shall be a designated Committee appointed annually by,
and acting under the authority of, the
Board of Directors of the Association
(hereinafter “the Board”). Two Hearing
Panel members shall be members of
the Board with the third panel member selected from the membership-atlarge. An alternate Board member and
an alternate member-at-large shall be
appointed by the Board to serve on the
Hearing Panel as needed. The memberat-large and the alternate shall:
Be a member of the Association in
good standing.
Not be an employee of the
Not be a member of Lake Patrol.
Any two members of the Hearing
Panel may remove the third member
and replace him/her with the appropriate
alternate to ensure a fair hearing with
due process for the accused. Any member of the Hearing Panel shall remove
himself/herself if there is a conflict of
interest in a given case.
The Hearing panel shall hold regularly-scheduled meetings as well as special sessions as required.
The hearing panel will designate
one of its members as the Chairperson
who will preside at meetings. A ViceChairperson will also be designated to
serve in the absence of the Chairperson.
The accused member shall be afforded the following rights of due process:
1. Rights of the Accused:
The accused shall have the following
rights in regards to hearing:
a. The right to confront and question, in open hearing, the officer who
issued the citation.
b. The right to counsel, to be provided by the accused.
c. The right to call others to testify
on his/her behalf.
d. The right to a fair and impartial
Hearing Panel.
2. Hearings:
Hearings may be attended by:
a. The accused.
b. The lot owner in an incident
involving a guest.
c. The parent or legal guardian in an
incident involving a juvenile.
d. The Lake Patrol Officer issuing
the citation.
e. Appropriate witnesses as requested by any party.
The accused shall be advised regard-
ing specific details of the charge and
shall be read the regulation which the
accused was alleged to have violated.
The Hearing Panel shall hear testimony from:
a. The accused if he/she elects to
b. The officer.
c. Witnesses who may be present.
3. Hearing Panel Findings:
At the conclusion of all testimony
and questioning, the Hearing Panel shall
have the opportunity to discuss the case
in closed session and shall deliver one
of the following findings:
The offense was committed by the
accused and he/she is subject to a fee
and/or penalty.
Guilty with Mitigating
The offense was committed by the
accused; however due to specific circumstances involved in that particular
situation, the Hearing Panel shall have
the option of either assessing a lesser fee
and/or penalty, or placing the accused
on a probationary status consistent with
the offense, with no fee or penalty being
Not Guilty:
The offense was not proven to have
been committed by the accused and
shall result in dismissal of the citation.
Payment of Fee Assessed After
Unless a notice of appeal is submitted, all fees must be paid to the
Association office within fifteen (15)
business days following a finding of
guilty. At the discretion of the panel, a
payment plan may be established.
4. Authority:
This administrative procedure and
appeal process is established by authority granted in the:
a. Restrictive Covenants.
b. Bylaws of the Association.
c. Rules and Regulations established
and approved by the Board of Directors.
d. The Illinois General Not-ForProfit Act of 1986.
5. Appeals:
Appeals shall be heard by the Board.
When the accused is dissatisfied with
the outcome of a hearing, he/she shall
have the option of filing a written notice
of appeal to the Board at the Oak Run
office within ten (10) business days of
the finding. Under no circumstances
will the Boardʼs hearing appeal (be held)
more than ninety (90) days after the date
the appeal was filed.
When an appeal is requested, a time
and date shall be established for the
appeal hearing. At that time, both the
accused in the case and the officer shall
have the opportunity to present evidence
and argument to the Board. The hearing
procedure in an appeal to the Board
shall be the same as that for a Hearing
Panel and the Board will review the
matter “de novo.” Board members who
were removed from the Hearing Panel
or served on the Hearing Panel for
review of the case will not participate at
the hearing.
The Board shall then be afforded an
opportunity for a closed session discussion in order to make a decision regarding the outcome of the case. The Board
shall have the same options regarding
disposition findings as those previously
established for the Hearing Panel. The
decision of the Board shall be final and
in writing.
6. Payment of Fees after Appeal:
If a guilty verdict is upheld, all fees
and any applicable restitution shall be
remitted to the POA office within ten
(10) business days after the board issues
its written decision.
A RT I C L E V I I I . D o c u m e n t
Control Procedures
1. Any member of the Oak Run
POA desiring to inspect the corporation
books, records, or files shall submit a
written request addressed to the manager on a form provided by Oak Run.
That request shall state:
a. The name and membership status
(voting, non-voting, assessments paid
or unpaid) of the individual making the
b. The books, records or files which
the individual wishes to inspect.
c. The purpose for which the individual seeks to inspect the books, records
or files.
2. As promptly as possible, and in
no event more than seven (7) days after
receipt of any such request, the manager
(or acting manager) shall review the
request and at his or her discretion may
take either of the following actions:
a. If the request or any part of the
request appears routine and does not
involve potentially confidential or privileged information, as outlined in this
procedure, the manager may give immediate authorization for the inspection.
b. If the manager has questions as
to the appropriateness of all or any part
of the request, or if the request may
involve confidential or privileged documents, the manager shall advise the
requesting party of that fact in writing
and then promptly contact legal counsel for the Oak Run POA to review the
areas of concern. The Oak Run attorney
shall then advise the Board, which will
determine which, if any, documents will
be made available for inspection and
under what conditions. The manager
shall then advise the requesting member in writing of whatever decision the
Board makes relative to the specific
document request.
3. The following documents are considered confidential under the foregoing policy and will require review by
legal counsel and a Board determination
whether documents requested will be
a. Individual personnel files, salary records of employees, and benefit
records of individual employees.
b. Documents relating to contract
c. House plans or other documents
which would provide information
regarding interior or private areas of any
dwellings or buildings at Oak Run or
security systems for same.
d. Financial records relative to Oak
Run property owners other than the
requesting party.
4. The following documents or
records shall be considered privileged
and will require review by legal counsel
and a Board determination whether the
documents requested will be disclosed:
a. Correspondence, memos, or
records of communications between
Oak Run officers, volunteers, board
members, or management and Oak
Runʼs attorneys or accountants.
b. Files and records relative to any
litigation involving either Oak Run or
its property owners.
c. Documents prepared by or on
behalf of Oak Run or its attorneys for
use in litigation or potential litigation.
5. In addressing any request for
potentially confidential or privileged
information, in addition to the Illinois
statute and this policy, the Oak Run
Board shall consider the following:
a. The advice of legal counsel.
b. Whether the person requesting
the information has a proper purpose in
seeking the disclosure of the potentially
confidential or privileged information.
c. Whether the disclosure or nondisclosure would improperly prejudice the
rights of either the Oak Run POA, other
property owners, or other individuals.
6. Any document review, whether
pursuant to the approval of the manager
or pursuant to Board approval, must be
conducted in accordance with the following procedures:
a. Documents will be reviewed by
the requesting member during regular
office hours on a date and at a time
convenient to the office staff and the
b. If the request will entail inspection or copying of documents which
are voluminous, then more time must
be allowed to the Oak Run office staff
and manager to review the materials
requested to determine if they contain
confidential or privileged materials. For
purpose of this subparagraph, “voluminous” means more than 100 pages.
c. Under no circumstances is any
“original” document to be removed
from the Oak Run office or a boarddesignated alternate site for document
d. The documents produced shall not
be written upon or any way altered or
erased by the inspecting party.
e. All Oak Run records must be
accounted for prior to and after inspection.
7. If the document production is
voluminous, then a Document Control
Log will be created for purposes of the
inspection. The Document Control Log
shall contain a line for each document
inspected and be set up in eight columns. It shall be utilized as follows:
a. When the document is removed,
it shall be identified in column 1. The
time and date of removal shall be
recorded in column 2. The number of
pages in the document will be recorded
in column 3 and the member inspecting the document shall initial the log in
column 4.
b. Upon return of the document to
the office staff, a designated member of
the Oak Run staff will record the time
of the return of the document in column
5, verify the number of pages returned
in column 6, and initial the entry in column 7.
c. Should there be any discrepancy in the number of pages returned or
should any documents not be returned,
the office staff member shall immediately advise the manager and the requesting individual of the discrepancy. The
discrepancy will also be noted in the
Document Control Log.
d. At the end of any document
inspection, the requesting member shall
sign the Document Control Log in column 8, noting the time and date that the
inspection was completed.
e. Any unresolved discrepancy with
respect to documents not returned or
missing pages from documents are to
be reported immediately to the Board of
Directors by the manager.
8. Any request for photocopies of
Oak Run documents should be made
initially to the manager. The manager
has discretion to authorize photocopying
of any routine records at a fee of .25 per
page - which will be payable at the time
of copying by the individual requesting
copies. Any request for a copy of the
membership list must be forwarded to
legal counsel and the Board of Directors
with a statement as to the purpose for
which the copies are sought. Use of the
membership list for purposes of commercial or political mailings to or solicitations of Oak Run members shall not
be considered a proper purpose unless
specifically approved in writing by the
9. No potential confidential or privileged documents may be photocopied,
even if inspected, without the prior written approval of the Board of Directors.
Any photocopying of such documents
will be by a designated member of the
Oak Run staff and a fee of .25 per page
payable by the individual requesting
the copies shall be due at the time of
10. Oak Run reserves the right to
restrict or condition further dissemination of any potentially confidential or
privileged documents as a condition of
permitting inspection or photocopying
of such documents.
ARTICLE IX. Conduct of Board
Meetings of Oak Run P.O.A.
The President or presiding officer
will cause a written agenda to be sent to
each Board member, the secretary and
the manager of the Association at least
3 days prior to each regular Board meeting. Any Board member wishing a matter placed on the written agenda shall so
notify the President or presiding officer
one week in advance of the meeting and
such matters shall then be placed on the
written agenda. Non-Board members
or others may request that matters be
placed on the agenda - but whether such
requests are placed on the agenda shall
be at the sole discretion of the President
or presiding officer.
Any Board member may, by oral
motion, raise matters not on the written
agenda at appropriate times during the
Board meeting. The President or presiding officer shall determine in his or her
sole discretion whether and the extent
to which non-Board members may raise
matters not on the written agenda during
the Board meeting.
The agenda shall generally conform
to the following format - subject to such
variations as the President or presiding
officer may in his discretion approve:
. Review and Approval of Prior
. Members Forum - (a period during which any association members or
others, at the discretion of the President
or presiding officer, may bring matters
to the attention of the Board, subject to
such time limitations as the President or
presiding officer may impose.)
. Managerʼs Report
. Committee Reports (from standing
or special committees)
. Old Business (matters previously
. New Business (matters raised for
the first time)
. Guest Speakers (as may be recognized by the chair)
. Adjournment
The written agenda shall identify
matters coming before the Board under
the appropriate sub-headings.
The Members Forum is a time
when any member of the Association
can bring concerns or information to
the attention of the Board of Directors.
It is not necessary to reserve time in
advance for the Members Forum. The
President or presiding officer may, at his
or her discretion, determine the number
of members seeking recognition during the Members Forum and impose
reasonable time limits on each in order
to permit an orderly progression of the
meeting. The Members Forum is discretionary with the Board and may be
limited, conditioned, or deleted entirely
upon appropriate motion passed by a
two-thirds majority of Board members
present. Association members are also
encouraged to submit any concerns or
information in writing to the Association
office or to Board members directly in
advance of regularly scheduled Board
meetings. This will permit Board members to place appropriate items on the
formal written agenda and will also
enable members to more fully inform
themselves about issues before they are
raised orally at the Members Forum.
The meetings of the Board of
Directors of the Oak Run POA shall
generally follow Roberts Rules of
Order. The ruling of the President or
presiding officer on any point of order
shall be final unless overturned by a
majority vote of the Board after appropriate motion and second. Only board
members may make motions or seconds at Board meetings. Participation
and discussion by Association members
shall be at the discretion of and subject
to limitations imposed by the President
or presiding officer. Failure to follow
parliamentary procedure shall not invalidate any otherwise proper action taken
by the Board.
The Board may go into executive
session upon appropriate motion for any
proper purpose. In accordance with the
By-laws, minutes will be kept of any
formal action taken in executive session. The Board or its members may
meet informally among themselves,
with legal counsel, with management
or with members to discuss Oak Run
business - but no formal action shall be
taken at such informal meetings. The
Board retains the right to call special
meetings as provided in the By-laws.
The minutes of the Secretary
shall be prepared in accordance with
Roberts Rules of Order and shall reflect
the actions taken by the Board. Once
approved, the minutes shall be the sole
official record of each Board meeting.
Proposed minutes of the prior regular
meeting shall be approved at the next
regular Board meeting. Minutes of
executive session of the Board shall
be kept separately and shall remain
confidential except as provided in the
Bylaws. Minutes of special Board meetings shall be approved at the next regularly-scheduled Board meeting. The
Secretary shall avoid placing in the minutes any personal editorial comment or
the opinions or comments of any Board
members, officers or participants in the
meeting. The Board may, in its discretion, permit a summary of action taken
at each Board meeting to be published
in the Communicator. Such summaries
of Board action shall be limited to the
actions taken by the Board and shall not
contain editorial comments or personal
opinions of Board members, officers or
employees of Oak Run, or participants
at the meeting.
No tape recordings, video recordings, electronic recordings of any type,
and stenographic or court reporter shall
be permitted at Board meetings. The
Board believes that the use of such
devices and/or persons is too easily utilized to intimidate meeting participants,
is subject to subjective editing and quotation out of context, and is otherwise
detrimental to the free exchange of ideas
and opinions necessary for the Board to
function effectively on behalf of the
membership. The President or presiding
officer shall, without the need for formal
motion or vote, enforce this provision at
all meetings of the Board of Directors.
Article X. Publications
The purpose of the Community
Relations and Publicity Committee is to
provide Oak Run members with information relating to the community. The
following policies and guidelines have
been adopted:
1. The Committee shall publish a
newsletter, called the Communicator.
The format, content, and frequency of
the newsletter shall be determined by
the Committee, and is subject to change.
2. The newsletter shall not be used
as a vehicle for expressing political
views. Therefore, no paid political ads
of any kind will be accepted. No editorial positions will be taken.
3. No libelous or inflammatory material shall be printed in the newsletter.
The advertising and articles submitted
shall be of style, content and substance
commensurate with good taste and not
likely to be offensive to the Oak Run
property owners on the basis of moral,
cultural, or social values.
4. The Committee shall develop a
schedule of advertising rates, striving to
maintain a balance between articles and
advertisements. Advertisements will
comprise approximately 43% of total
copy, with a range of 43% to 48% of the
newsletter deemed appropriate.
5. The Committee, through its fivemember Editorial Board, retains the
right to reject any items submitted for
publication because of space or content.
6. The content of the newsletter must
conform to the legal requirements of the
Oak Run Association, and to any policies of the Board of Directors. In all
cases, the Board shall have the option of
final review.
7. In addition to the newsletter, the
Committee shall maintain a Tele-Relay
system of emergency communication
and shall update telephone and volunteer help lists on an annual basis.
8. The Committee shall also be
responsible for placing notices of
upcoming events on one of two lighted
9. The Committee shall also endeavor to identify other possible avenues of
communicating with its membership,
making the general public aware of
opportunities of Oak Run.
Collopy Trucking LLC
Deck Boats
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Home office 309-289-2261
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Enjoy the Summer at Oak Run
Affordable living at Oak Run. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, over crawl, vaulted ceilings
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FOR SALE: Lot #20 in the
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Crews & Grea
IL Free Fishing Days
Begin: June 6-9
Tornado Siren
Testing 10:00 a.m.
Summer Swing
Golf Outing 8:00
am at Oak Run
Golf Course
Ladies Bridge
12:00 pm at
Watering Hole
Ladies Bridge
7:00 pm at Brentwood
No Garden Club
First Responders
Meeting 6:30 pm
at FR Garage
AEC Mtg. 1:30 p.m
at POA Office
Kids' Fishing Derby
8:30-11:00 am at
IL Free Fishing Day
Fish & Sports
Committee Meeting
6:30 p.m.
at Brentwood
Safety Meeting
8:30 am
Watering Hole
First Session Swim
Lessons at Brentwood
Jr. Golf Camp Begins
9:00 am at the Oak
Run Golf Course
Aqua Aerobics Begins
6-7 pm; Mon. & Thurs.
at Brentwood Pool
First Session Swim
First Responder Class
Lessons at Brentwood
6-10 at Brentwood
Last Free Fishing Day
IL Free Fishing Day
Campers Village
Meeting 9:00 am
at Pavilion
Flag Day
First Session Swim
Lesson at Brentwood
TRIAD Mtg. 10:00 am
at Lakeview
First Session Swim
Lesson at Brentwood
Sanitary Dist. Mtg.
5:00 pm at Sanitary
Father's Day
AEC Mtg. 1:30 pm at
POA office
Spoon Lake Activity
Ladies Bridge 7:00 pm Team Mtg 7:00 pm at
at Brentwood
Ladies Bridge
12:00 pm at
Watering Hole
BOD Meeting
7:00 pm at
Novice Bridge Group
7:00 pm at Brentwood
First Session Swim
Lesson at Brentwood
Couples Bridge
7:00 pm at
Passport Event on
the Lake 1:00 pm at
Communicator Article
Deadline - 5:00 pm at
POA Office
FR Blood Pressure
Checks 9:00 -10:00 am at
FR Garage
First Session Swim
Lesson at Brentwood
First Responder Class
6-10 at Brentwood
Summer Begins
First Responder Class
6-10 at Brentwood
Ea. Mon, Wed, Fri
Oak Run Exercise Group, 8:30-9:30 a.m., Brentwood
Ea. Mon & Wed
Beginning June 8 through June 24: 1st Session Swim Lessons at Brentwood Pool
Cost: $25.00 per person for property owners - $30 per person for guests
Guppy-9:00-9:30 a.m. Minnow-9:30-10:00 a.m. Fish-10:00-10:30 a.m. Jr. Lifeguard-10:30-11:00 a.m.
Ea. Mon & Thurs
Beginning June 8 Aqua Aerobics 6-7 p.m. at Brentwood Pool. Cost: $3.00 per class, pay as you come
Ea. Mon
Over the Hill Golf - 9:00 a.m.
Ea. Tues
Men's Golf League - All Day
Ea. Wed
Ladies Golf League - 8:30 a.m.
Ea. Thurs
Men's Golf League - 8:30 a.m.
Ea. Thurs
Weekly Bass Tourney - 6:00 p.m. Meet at Lakeview: $25 entry fee payable each night
Ea. Thurs
Beginning June 12: Jr. Golf Camp - $3.00 per class, pay as you come
Ages 6-9—9:00-10:00 a.m. Ages 10-13—10:30 a.m.-noon High School 1:00-2:30 p.m.
Ea. Fri
Couple's Golf - 3:30 or 5:30 p.m.
Children's 4th of July
Parade 10:00 am at
Brentwood parking lot
Ladies Bridge
12:00 pm at the
Watering Hole
Oak Run
at Dusk
First Responders
Meeting 6:30 pm
at Garage
AEC Meeting
1:30 pm at
POA Office
First Responder Class
6-10 at Brentwood
Campground Mtg. 9:00
am at the Pavilion
Safety 8:30 am at
Watering Hole
Second Session
Swim Lesson at
Tornado Siren Testing
10:00 am
Ladies Bridge
7:00 pm at Brentwood
No Garden Club
Second Session
Swim Lesson at
AEC Mtg., 1:30 pm at
POA office
Fish & Sports
Committee Meeting
6:30 pm at Brentwood
Boater's Safety Class
9:00 am-5:00 pm at
Brentwood - If 10
participants register
Second Session Swim First Responder Class
6-10 at Brentwood
Lesson at Brentwood
Second Session
Swim Lesson at
Camper's Village Charity
Golf Outing 12 noon at
Oak Run Golf Course
Novice Bridge 7:00
pm at Brentwood
BOD Meeting - POA
& Golf 7:00 pm at
Jr. Golf Skills
Challenge Qualifier at
Oak Run Golf Course
Ladies Bridge
12:00 pm at the
Watering Hole
Flick-N-Float at Dusk
at Lakeview
Second Session Swim
Lesson at Brentwood
Second Session Swim
Lesson at Brentwood
TRIAD Mtg. 10:00 am
at Brentwood
Jr. Golf Camp
Tournament Day 9:00
am at Golf Course
Sanitary Dist. Mtg.
5:00 pm at
Sanitary Plant
Spoon Lake Activity
Ladies Bridge
Team Mtg. 7:00 pm at
7:00 pm at Brentwood
FR Blood Pressure
Checks 9-10:00 am at
FR Garage
Couples Bridge
7:00 pm at Brentwood
Community Relations
2:00 pm at
POA Office
Oak Run POA . . . . . . . 879-2603
POA Fax. . . . . . . . . . . . 879-2278
Pro Shop. . . . . . . . . . . . 879-2582
or 289-6481
Watering Hole . . . . . . . 879-2155
Lake Patrol . . . . . . . . . . 368-4950
Oak Run Food Mart . . . 879-3069
Brentwood Pool . . . . . . 879-2598
Ea. Mon, Wed, Fri
Oak Run Exercise Group, 8:30-9:30 a.m., Brentwood
Ea. Mon & Wed
Beginning July 6 through July 22: 2nd Session Swim Lessons at Brentwood Pool
Cost: $25.00 per person for property owners - $30 per person for guests
Guppy-9:00-9:30 a.m. Minnow-9:30-10:00 a.m. Fish-10:00-10:30 a.m. Jr. Lifeguard-10:30-11:00 a.m.
Ea. Mon & Thurs
Aqua Aerobics 6-7 p.m. at Brentwood Pool. Cost: $3.00 per class, pay as you come
Ea. Mon
Over the Hill Golf - 9:00 a.m.
Ea. Tues
Men's Golf League - All Day
Ea. Wed
Ladies Golf League - 8:30 a.m.
Ea. Thurs
Men's Golf League - 8:30 a.m.
Ea. Thurs
Weekly Bass Tourney - 6:00 p.m. Meet at Lakeview: $25 entry fee payable each night
Ea. Thurs
Through July 24: Jr. Golf Camp - $3.00 per class, pay as you come
Ages 6-9—9:00-10:00 a.m. Ages 10-13—10:30 a.m.-noon High School 1:00-2:30 p.m.
Ea. Fri
Couple's Golf - 3:30 or 5:30 p.m.
Campersʼ Village . . . . . 879-9273
Mgr. Clarence Rednour . 853-6525
Fire/Ambulance/Sheriff . . . . . 911
Knox County Sheriff
(Non Emergency). . . . 343-9151
Post Offices:
Dahinda . . . . . . . . . . . 639-4481
Victoria. . . . . . . . . . . . 879-2105
Williamsfield . . . . . . . 639-4483
Road Commissioners:
Persifer (Milo Gibbs) . 639-2721
Copley (Steve Gibb) . 879-2269
Aqua IL
Jeremy D. Blust . . . . . 879-2662
or 815-378-8829
Sanitary Sewer Dist.
Service Office . . . . . . 879-2368
Billing Office . . . . . . . 343-4156
Williamsfield . . . . . . . 639-2630
Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .639-2611
Victoria. . . . . . . . . . . . 879-2295
Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 879-2295
Monday-Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed Sundays
Summer Kitchen Hours:
Sunday-Thursday 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Friday-Saturday 11:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Bar Hours:
Sun.-Thurs.: Open until 10:00 p.m.
Fri.-Sat.: Open until Midnight
Mon,-Thurs,: 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Fri.-Sat.: 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Sun. 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.