Pastor Regina T. Harris DANIELLE HARRIS


Pastor Regina T. Harris DANIELLE HARRIS
3rd Quarter 2014
I am so excited about
Sanctified Diva, Inc.
launching the first issue of
The Sanctified Diva
Journal. This is not only a
monumental moment for
our company, but it is proof
that God can do anything
when you move in HIS
Although the Lord gave me
the idea for Sanctified Diva,
Inc., He blessed me with a
great team of people who
share the same passion to
impact and empower
generations. So, with The
Lord leading us, we are able to use each others strengths to do great
things in the community.
I encourage you to do the same thing when it comes to fulfilling your
purpose. Remember to always involve the Holy Spirit in your decisions,
do not entertain any thoughts of competition, and surround yourself with
people who will give you wise counsel.
I hope you enjoy all of the great information we have in The Sanctified
Diva Journal and don’t forget to connect with us on social media.
Thank you for your support and, as always, STAY FABULOUS and
Sanctified Diva, Inc
From The Desk of
Danielle Harris,
CEO & Founder
Regina T.
The Power Of One: This
is the hour to bring
ourselves into alignment
with the Will of God. In
Bible likens us as (2)
metaphors: Salt and light.
We have what the world
needs. It’s been said that:
“Our greatest fear is not
that we are inadequate;
accept that you have a
degree of God’s breath and brilliance, it gives you responsibility.
There is something YOU can do.
You may NOT be able to catch all the fish in the river; but you can
catch one and to that one you made a difference. You may NOT
be able to change the whole world; but you will be able to change
the whole world around you. Marie Curry said, "you can not hope
to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that
end each of us must work for his own improvement. And at the
same time share a general responsibility for all humanity. Our
particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most
useful." It may seem small, but do what you can, fix what you can,
pay what you can. Just one obedient person can make a
4th Annual Sanctified Diva Conference 2014
"Contend for the Faith" - July 10th -11th
Meet Elder Nathaniel Green, 2014 Conference Speaker
"Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you,
and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." Jude 1:3
The Conference speaker, Elder Nathaniel Green, serves as the Vice President of the Church of God in Christ
International Youth Department. He is also the CEO and Founder of Sons of God Ministries, which is a movement that
has been designed to minister to the spiritual and social needs of men young and old. His ministry has traveled throughout
the United States and to Europe, and thousands have been saved and received the baptism of the Holy Spirit in his
Ladies and gentlemen from everywhere gathered on May 31st at New Life Worship Center for the first Hat and Gloves Tea sponsored by
Sanctified Diva, Inc. The ladies looked exquisite and a participant stated that "it reminded her of being in Memphis at a church
convention." Here are a few of our FAVORITES from the occassion!
Sanctified Diva, Inc. Hat and Gloves Tea
Ladies from the Hat and Gloves Tea. Top to Bottom and L to R/Top to bottom: Pastor Regina T. Harris, Jewel Wilson, Danielle Harris- CEO of Sanctified
Diva, Felicia Jackson, Valencia Jones, and Mariela Larry. Photo Credit: Brittney James
Let's Juice!
by Valencia Jones
Juicing is known as extracting juice from fruits and vegetables. Juicing,
or juice fast/cleanse, can be used to lose weight or to detox the body.
It is also a great way to jump start a diet, or to jump start a clean eating
lifestyle. When doing a juice fast, only juice is involved in the process.
No solid foods are being taken into the body. A juice fast can be done
for 3 days, 7days, or even 30 days. So if you are interested in juicing
or want to shed a few unwanted pounds, here are a few tips before you
1. Do Your Own Research Before You Start Juicing
Everyone's body is not the same, so the results may differ. Determine
what type of cleanse you want to do for your body and find out what the
cleanse will do to your body.
2. Find A Good Juicer
How much want to spend on a juicer is really up to you. Black and
Decker manufactures juicers that are small in size but work great.
Black and Decker juicers range in prices from $34.00 to $40.00
3. Determine How Many Days To Cleanse
This is very important for beginner juicers because the body will go
through changes due to the lack of solid foods. If you opt for a 7
days cleanse, make sure to drink plenty of water to keep the body
You can use juicing as a meal replacement. Make sure that the other
meals during the day are healthy because unhealthy meals will defeat
the purpose of the cleanse.
4. Side Effects
There will be side effects while juicing. Headaches and weakness are
to be expected the first 2 to 3 days while on the cleanse. The
headaches and the weakness are known as "The Healing Process".
You experience these symptoms because the the body is releasing all
the harmful toxins that have been stored for months.
Valencia Jones is a juicing enthusiast, not a licensed nutritionist
or dietician. Please consult your doctor before attempting any
exercise or nutrition program.
Eyebrow Care
by Jessica Allen and Erin
If eyes are the windows to the soul then
your eyebrows are the eye-catching
Your eyebrows are the most critical facial
feature. They signal emotions, but they are
Tips for Caring for Eyebrows
For the best result, we recommend getting
your eyebrows waxed. If you get your
eyebrows waxed, you should get them
done every 4-6 weeks depending upon
how fast your eyebrows grow in. Make sure
your waxing specialist does not blow on the
stick to cool the wax. This is unsanitary.
If you do not like getting your eyebrows
waxed, tweezing is an option. Make sure
A Simply
by Renetta Britt
“Food is Essential to life, therefore make it good.”
–S. Truett Cathy
Tri Color Pasta Salad
1 pound package of tri-color rotini pasta
1 package of cooked shrimp
1 tomato, seeded and chopped
1 cucumber chopped
1 pack of Good Season Zesty Italian Salad
Dressing Mix
1 bottle of Zesty Italian Salad Dressing
Cook pasta according to the package directions,
rinse and drain. Make sure your shrimp has been
cleaned and rinsed well. After the pasta has been
completely drain, add the clean shrimp to the pasta
as well as the vegetables. Sprinkle the entire pack
of dry salad dressing mix over the pasta then add
the Zest Italian Salad Dressing and mix well being
careful while mixing.
Additional ingredients that can be added:
also on autopilot. So, if you are surprised,
scared or angry, your eyebrows are going
to give away the full story.
Brow Mapping
Point 1 is where your eyebrow begins.
Point 2 is the arch of your eyebrow.
Point 3 is the end of eyebrow.
Ladies, try using a dark brown eye shadow
or pencil when filling in your eyebrows for a
softer feminine look. Black will give you a
stronger facial feature and will overpower
the other beautiful features of your face.
"Try the Juice"
Go To Juice:
3 Red Apples
that you choose the right tweezers or ones
that are slanted and sharp. Try not to over
tweeze. If tweezing is a little painful, try
applying a little dab of baby orajel to your
eyebrows before tweezing to ease the pain.
So remember ladies, your eyebrows are
Song of Solomon 4:7 (NIV): You are
altogether beautiful, my darling no flaw in
1/2 of a medium red onion, chopped - optional
1/2 of a medium green bell pepper, chopped –
1 can of medium pitted black olives, sliced optional
The conference was awesome. I was allowed
to be free in my worship like I am accustomed
to doing. I appreciated being reminded that as
Jessica Allen and Erin Johnson are a Christian, we don't have to lower ourselves
licensed cosmetologists in the State of or keep our mouths closed when it comes to
expressing what we believe in. I enjoyed it and
was blessed to know that the devil is still a liar
2 Carrots
and that every thing that he brings before us
2 Celery Stalks
that is not like God, we shall condemn. I look
forward to this Year's Conference
Weight Loss:
Sebrina Petterson
Apple Crisp Juice:
5 Red Apples
Takin' It To the Streets
Sanctified Diva is getting involved in the community!
Our work includes working with hospice patients, hosting canned food
drives, working with youth groups, and we'll be launching our human
trafficking initiative in January.
Log on to the website at
Become a Sanctified Diva Ambassador today and join the movement.
to find out more
Subscribe to the newsletter on to receive more
great information on a variety of topics!
Sanctified Diva, Inc. Social Media
Facebook - Sanctified Diva, Inc.
Twitter - @sanctifieddivas
Instagram - @sanctifieddivas
T: 762-333-2868
Summer Travel Tips
by Bianca Woodard
Summer is the time where millions
of Americans hit the road for the
beach, family reunions, cruises, and
relaxation. Preparation is key to
traveling efficiently, so we’re here to
provide you with some quick tips on
summer travel.
Pack Smart
Make a list of everything you need
to bring and check it off as you go.
The technologically savvy traveler
might consider downloading an app
such as Packing Pro. If you pack
smart, you will get through those
TSA lines faster. Do not over pack.
Attempt to pack early and revisit
your suitcase to remove items that
you won’t need.
Downsize Personal Items
Buy the travel size items. Walmart
has an entire section with travel
sized items that range in price
from .98 to $5. If you are only
traveling with a carry-on, travel size
is ideal because of TSA restrictions.
It’s best to pack liquids, gels, and
aerosols in checked baggage.
Pack Healthy Snacks
Some airlines don’t serve free
meals on domestic flights, so be
prepared with healthy snacks.
Healthy snacks also reduce time in
gas stations on road trips and can
keep your growling stomach quiet
on a plane.
Don’t forget to relax!
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