the proceeding of international joint conference
the proceeding of international joint conference
THE PROCEEDING OF INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE CHALLENGES IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY (AEC) IN THE HEALTH SECTOR IN INDONESIA Reviewers Rose Nanju MN Unisa BN RN (Faculty of Medicine and Health Science Universiti Sarawak Malaysia) Prof. Nursalam ( Airlangga University) Dr.H.Moch. Agus Krisno Budiyanto,M.Kes (Muhamadiyah Malang University) Dr. Ali Haedar Sp.EM ( Brawijaya University) Grand Surya Hotel 15-16th November 2015 Supported by : i THE PROCEEDING OF INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE: CHALLENGES IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY (AEC) IN THE HEALTH SECTOR IN INDONESIA Editor: Rose Nanju MN Unisa BN RN (Faculty of Medicine and Health Science Universiti Sarawak Malaysia) Prof. Nursalam ( Airlangga University) Dr.H.Moch. Agus Krisno Budiyanto,M.Kes (Muhamadiyah Malang University) Dr. Ali Haedar Sp.EM ( Brawijaya University) Cover Designer: Arya Ulilalbab, S.TP., M.Kes. Setting/ Lay out: Ns. Eko Arik Susmiatin, M.Kep,Sp.Kep,J Nian Afrian Nuari,S.Kep,Ns,M.Kep Dwi Setyorini,S.Kep,Ns,M.Biomed Steering Committee by: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. STIKES Karya Husada Kediri STIKES Surya Mitra Husada Kediri STIKES Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung STIKES RS Baptis Kediri STIKES Bhakti Mulia Pare FIK Unipdu Jombang STIKES Patria Husada Blitar STIKES Satria Bakti Nganjuk Akademi Kebidanan Dharma Husada Kediri Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Kediri Printed by: UD. Mitra Abadi Dr. Sutomo 69 Street, Pare, Kediri Telp: (0354) 398912 Email : ISSN: 2477-0639 ii COMMITTEE Committee President Ns. Ratna Hidayati, M.Kep., Sp.Mat Committee Vice President Dr. (PH) Sandu Siyoto, S.Sos.,SKM.,M.Kes Secretary I Reni Yuli Astutik, SST., M.Kes Secretary II Agusta Dian Eliana, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep Financial Holders I Efa Nur Aini, S.Kep.Ns.,M.Kep Financial Holders II Sri Mahanani, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep Ceremonial Committee Scientific Committee Publication Committee Hj. Farida Hayati, M.Kep Neny Triana, S.Pd.,S.Kep.,Ns Ita Eko Suparni, SSiT.,M.Keb Enggar Anggraeni, SST Yuly Peristiowati, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kes Ns. Aries Wahyuningsih, S.Kep.,M.Kes Dr. Apin Setyowati, SKM.,M.Kes (Kep) Masruroh, S.Kep.,Ners.,M.Kes Endah Susanti, SST Dian Prawesti, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep Farida, SKM.,M.Kep Ulfa Husnul Fatah, M.Kep Trisnanto, SH.,S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kes Siti Komariyah, SSiT.,M.Kes Ns. Eko Arik S, M.Kep.,Sp.Kep.J Dwi Setyorini, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Biomed Nian Afrian Nuari, S.Kep,Ns, M.Kep Andi Yudianto, S.Kp.,Ners.,M.Kes Sri Banun Titi Istiqomah, SST.,M.Kes Bambang Wiseno, S.Kep.,Ns Novita, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep Erlin Kurnia, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kes Eny Masruroh, S.Kep.,Ners.,M.Kep Levi Tinasari, SKM.,M.Kes Titin, SST Erma Herdyana, S.SiT.,M.Kes Ns. Moch. Maftuchul Huda,M.Kep.,Sp.,Kom Cucuk Suprihartini, STP.,M.Kes Yenny Puspitasari, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kes Ns.Sukamto,S.Kep.M.Kes Sandy Kurniajati, SKM.,M.Kes Dr. Suprajitno, SKp., M.Kep Ninik Azizah, SST.,M.Kes Ahmad Wasis S, S.Kep.,Ns.,MSi Yitno, S.Kp.,M.Pd Erni Setyorini, M.Kep Heru Wahyudi, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kes Susiani E.,SST.,M.Kes Accomodation and Transportation Committee Linda Andri M, S.SiT.,M.Keb Basiran, S.Sos Mirthasari Palupi, SST., M.Kes dr. Nanang Muhibuddin Decoration and Documentation Committee Ahmat Arianto, ST Dwiono Cahyo Susilo Arya Ulilabab, M.Kes Ns. Sujatmiko, S.Kep.,M.Kes iii GREETING FROM COMMITTEE PRESIDENT On behalf of the committee, it is a great honor me to extend this opportunity to welcome all of you to International Joint Conference with a theme “Challenges Implementation Of The Asean Economic Community (AEC) In The Health Sector In Indonesia.” The International Joint Conference conducted by 10 institution consist of STIKES Karya Husada Kediri, STIKES Surya Mitra Husada Kediri, STIKES Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung, STIKES RS Baptis Kediri, STIKES Bhakti Mulia Pare, FIK Unipdu Jombang, STIKES Patria Husada Blitar, STIKES Satria Bakti Nganjuk, Akademi Kebidanan Dharma Husada Kediri, Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Kediri and supported by Akper Pamenang Kediri.I hope you all have wonderful, fulfilling conference and are able to take great ideas back to your individual program. Through this conference we hope there is transfer knowledge, sharing idea so we can respone the change of global needs across health system . Ladies and Gentlemen, This conference brings together academicians, practitioners, researcher as much as 200 participant from different provinces in Indonesia and different countries such as Malaysia, Filphina. Finally, I would like congratulate those whose selected papers are included in the International proceeding and I also would like to thank to the attendance keynote speaker, expertise, participant and organizing committees of this conference. Thank you very much and enjoy the conference Committee President Ns. Ratna Hidayati, M.Kep., Sp.Mat iv INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE AGENDA 2015 NO 1 DAY TIME Sunday 07.00-08.00 th 08.00-09.30 15 November 2015 09.30-09.45 09.45-10.30 10.30-11.15 11.15-12.30 12.30-13.15 13.15-14.00 14.00-14.45 14.45-15.15 15.15-16.00 16.00-16.45 ACTIVITY Registration Opening Ceremony National Anthem (Indonesia Raya) Traditional dance Speechs 1) The head of commite 2) The regent head of health department Kediri 3) Prayers 4) Photo session Tea Break Key Note 1 (30‟ presentation, 15‟ discuss) Update Management of Trauma in Pregnancy: Resuscitation priorities in the Implementation of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Key Note 2 (30‟ presentation, 15‟ discuss) Update Management of HIV-AIDS in the Implementation of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Pray and lunch Key Note 3 Legal aspect of ethical use of foreign labor in Indonesia health filed Key Note 4 Update Management of Stunting in the Implementation of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Key Note 5 The learning strategy (include hardskill, softskill, enterpreneurship, and foreign language capabilities health students)to face of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) inUniversiti Sarawak Malaysia Tea Break and Pray Key Note 6 Update Management of Acute Coronary Syndroma (ACS) in the Implementation of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Key Note 7 Disaster Management in the v RESPONSIBLE EVENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE Prof. Dr. Idzwan Zakaria (Malaysia) Prof. Dr. Wongsa Laohasiriwong (Faculty of Public Health Khon Kaen University Thailand) Head of Province Health Department, Indonesia Sugeng Irianto, MPS.,PhD (Indonesian Representatif WHO) Rose Nanju (Faculty of Medicine and Health Science) Universiti Sarawak Malaysia Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wasana Ruaisungnoen (Faculty of Nursing KKU Thailand) Sarah Sandy S.M, Phd NO 2. DAY TIME Monday 08.00-10.00 th 16 Nopember 10.00-10.15 2015 10.15-11.15 11.15-11.30 11.30-12.30 12.30- Implementation of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) ACTIVITY Oral Presentation (session 1) Tea Break Oral presentation (session 2) CLOSING Pray and Lunch City Tour vi (Philippines) RESPONSIBLE EVENT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE TABLE OF CONTENT PROCEEDING OF INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE 2015 ORAL PRESENTATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Preparedness Strategies For Healthcare Students In Facing AEC: “The Importance Of Hard Skill, Soft Skill And Foreign Language Competencies” (Rose Ak Nanju Manju) An Update On The Management Of Trauma In Pregnancy: Resuscitation Priorities (Mohd Idzwan Zakaria) Update Management & Emergency Care For Acute Coronary Syndrome (Wasana Ruaisungnoen) Cheers: A Framework For Disaster Response And Management Review Of Related Literature (Sandra Sanches Montano) Update Management Of Stunting In The Implementation Of Asean Economic Community (AEC) (Sugeng Eko Irianto) Personal Hygiene Behavior And Vulvovaginitis Incident On Fertile Women Age In Obstetrics And Gynecology Ward dr. Iskak Hospital- Tulungagung (Yenny Puspitasari, Intan Fazrin) Analysis Motivation In Review Of The Components Employee Participant And Career Development (Ratna Wardani) Strategy On Health Care Protection For The Poor Society In Kediri City (Koesnadi) Cervical Cancer Model On Hela Cell Transplantation Mice (Yuly Peristiowati, Yenny Puspitasari) The Effect Of Elderly Exercise To Cognitive Dimensia Elderly Function In “Mawar”Age Care Facilities (Pslu) Blitar Tulungagung (Prima Dewi Kusumawati) Social Interaction Affect The Recurrence Of Coronary Heart Disease Patient In Poli Jantung RSUD dr. Mohamad Saleh Probolinggo (Nia Sari) The Effect Of Phase I Cardiac Rehabilitation On Activity Tolerance Of Patients With Coronary Heart Disease (Sutrisno) Analysis of The Use Of Personal Protective Equipment (Ppe) To Cleaning Service Work Accident dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung (Sandu Siyoto) Affecting Factors Of Community Preparedness At Disaster Prone Areas Kelud Mountain (Novita Ana Anggraini) Correlation Between Anxiety Levels With Dysmenorrhea Incident In Collegians Of Study Program Of Midwifery Advanced Diploma Stikes Karya Husada Kediri (Dwi Ertiana) Difference Of Mothermilk Production Between Massaged Baby And Unmassaged Baby (Brivian Florentis Yustanta) The Difference Of The Effectiveness Drinking Of Ginger And Vitamin B6 For Reduced Nausea And Vomiting Of Pregnancy In Working Area Of Bendo Public Health Center, Pare Sub-District, Kediri District (Wahyu Wijayati, Anis Setyowati) Description Of Preeclampsia Risk Factors In Hospital Pare Kediri (Endah Luqmanasari, Nunik Ike Yunia Sari) Detection Of High Risk Pregnancy In Integrated Antenatal Care (ANC) At Bendo Public Health Services Kediri District (Eka Sri Purwandari, Wahyu Nuraisya) The Risk Factor That Cause The Happening Of Post Partum Haemorrhage In RSUD Pare Kediri (Fitri Yuniarti) Description Of Risk Factors Neonatal Jaudience In The Perinatology Of Pare Hospital Kediri (Dwi Yuliawati, Ita Eko Suparni) The Influence Of Sosiodemografi Factors On The Incidence Cervical Precancerous vii 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 21 27 31 35 39 48 54 63 68 73 78 83 88 93 98 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Lession By Screening With Visual Inspection Acetat Acid (VIA) (Wuri Widi Astuti, Reni Yuli Astutik) The Analysis Of Menopausal Complaints Toward Menopause Anxiety At Pelem Village, Pare Subdistrict, Kediri Regency (Reni Yuli Astutik) Neonatal Outcomes In Women With Preeclampsia At General Hospital Of Kediri District On January-June 2015 (Dintya Ivantarina, Estin Gita Maringga) Correlation Self Appraisal With Pansy‟s Self Identity in 21-35 Years old (Farida Hayati) Analysis Of Intervention Of Sick Day Management In Effort To Create Normoglycemia In Patient Of Diabetes Mellitus Through Family After Discharge (Eko Arik Susmiatin, Rina Dwi Andari) Effect Of Aerobic Exercise With Yoga Relaxation Techniques Combined On The Fatigue Level On Patients With Breast Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy (Muhammad Taukhid) The Effect Of Social Skill Training For The Game Addict On The Children 10-12 Years Old Of Students Class V State Elementary School (Dina Zakiyyatul Fuadah, Laviana Nita Ludyanti) Coaching Intervention Model To Improve Comfort In Adolesence With Disminore (Dhina Widayati) Mangosteen Peel Ekstracts As Preeclampsia Preventive Therapy On Reducing Oxidative Stress (iNOS And MDA) In Vivo Studies At The Mice Model Preeclampsia (Ratna Hidayati) Slow Deep Breathing Intervention Reduce The Frequency Of Recurrence Of Patients With Asthma Bronchiale (Nian Afrian Nuari) Effect Of Giving Cognitive Support And Emotional Spiritual Quotient (Esq) To Changes Sexual Behavior Patients Hiv/Aids (Joko Sutrisno, Yuly Peristiowati, Alfian Fawzi) The Effect Of Corn Flour Adding Proportion (Zea Mays) Towards Degree Of Provitamin A, Water Degree And Acceptability Of Cake Corn (Rizka Mar‟atus Sholichah, Arya Ulilalbab, Sindy Anneo Maharani) The Relation Between The Consumption Degree Of Energy, Protein, Fe, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12 And Vitamin C Toward Anemia Status For Alcohol Consumers In Jong Biru Village Kediri Regency (Mirthasari Palupi, Enggar Anggraeni) The “Kimcil” Phenomenon: Sexual Knowledge And Safe Sex Behaviour Among Adolescents In Kediri (M. Ali Sodik) Relationship Of Women‟s Self Perception About Menopause With Self Readiness In Facing Menopause In Selosari Kandat Kediri (Shinta Kristianti) Effectivity Progressive Muscle Relaxation Toward Stress At Community Impact Noisy Highway Street In Pare Kediri (Moch.Maftuchul Huda) The Impact Of Psychological Bulllying At School Against Student‟s Confidence On Communication Ability (Dwi Setyorini) Satisfaction Between BPJS Patients And General Patients Towards Health Services At Community Health Center (Yoyok Febrijanto, Sandy Kurniajati) The Importance Of Family Social Support In Improving Self-Care To Elderly (Dian Taviyanda, Heru Suwardianto) Nurse‟s Effort In Prevention Of Phlebitis To Patients In hospital (Kili Astarani, Erlin Kurnia) Parenting Type Of Authoritative Parents Tends To Inhibitmotor Development To Preschool Children (Rina Endah Kristini, Kili Astarani) Relationship Between Smoking Behavior With Sleep Disorders (Insomnia) Of Adolescent Boy (Leny Indrawati, Presca Adi Prayogo) The Influence Of Hip Motion Exercises (Stretching) To Decrease Lower Back Pain In The Elderly Posyandu Wonorejo Country Districts Sumbergempol Tulungagung viii 103 108 113 118 223 230 235 244 251 258 265 273 279 287 294 301 308 315 322 329 336 343 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 (Ratna Kholidati, Dwi Intan sari) The Correlation Between The Interest And Motivation Of Becoming A Nurse And The Learning Achievement Of The Student Of Diploma III In Nursing Science At Hutama Abdi Husada Health Institute Of Tulungagung (Sri Agustiana) The Effect Of Massage To The Improvement Of Baby‟s Appetit On The Infants Aged 7-12 Months At Desa Aryo Jeding Kecamatan Rejotangan In Kabupaten Tulungagung As At 2015 (Yitno, Dian Fitriana Ulfa) The Effect Of Interleukin-1β Induction On Chondrocytes (Anis Murniati, Siti Zulaikah, Ma'rufah, Rena Normasari, Sri Fauziyah, Ardani Galih Prakosa) Personality Type Relationship With Students Learning Achievement Of Nursing Program Study S1 Stikes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung (Farida, Taufik Muchlison) The Effect Of Meditationand Haemoglobin Levelson Learning Concentration (Indah Rohmawati, Oka Ludianita, Dwi Sixteen Erawati Putri) Management Of Hyperuricemia With Ergonomic Exercise (Anita Rahmawati) Psychoeducational Family Therapy To Improve Family Attitudes Towards Pulmonary Tb Patients (Bisepta Prayogi) 4s‟s Techniques To Physiological And Crying Duration On Newborn (Erni Setiyorini) Early Stimulation Of Children Aged 12-24 Months To The Gross Motor Development (Ika Agustina) Progressive Muscle Relaxation To Improve Quality Of Sleep Neurosis Patient (Nawang Wulandari) Carrot (Daucus Carota) And Simvastatin To Changes In Blood Colesterol Levels Of White Rats (Rattus Norvegicus) With Hyperkolesterolemia (Thatit Nurmawati) Relationship Between Personal Self-Care Ability And Quality Of Life In Patients Undergoing Chronic Kidney Failure In Hemodialysis Installations Of RSUD Mardi Waluyo Kota Blitar (Sandi Alfa WigaArsa) Effectiveness Of Problem Based Learning Model Towards Student Learning Outcomes In Midwifery Care Pregnancy Diploma Program (Nevy Norma Renityas) Relationship Between Knowledge And Attitude With Culture "Tarak" Postpartum Mothers In Wonodadi Blitar (Ning Arti Wulandari) Overview Of Fatigue In Cancer Patients Which Undergo Chemotherapy (Ulfa Husnul Fata) Improving Nursing Students‟ Speaking Skill By Using Realia As The Media (Wahyu Wibisono) Relationship Between Financial Models And Medicine Adherence In Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Inatalation In Outpatient At Rsud Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi (Yeni Kartikasari) The Effect Of Consuming Watermelon Rind Extract (Citrullus Lanatus) Toward The Decreasing Of Blood Sugar Levels On Diabetes Mellitus Patients In Weru - Paciran – Lamongan (Arifal Aris) The Effect Of Giving Common Snake Head (Channa Striata) On Perineal Wound Healing In Postpartum Mother In BPM Ny. Titin s. Mubin Karanggeneng Lamongan (Heny Ekawati) Modisco Supplementary Feedings On The Weight Gain Of Children Under Five Bgm (Yuyun Fitriani, Vivin Eka Rahmawati, Ike Johan) Psycho Education Module To Treat Children With Thalasemia To Improve Their Family Self Care (Ana Farida Ulfa) Improvement Oxygen Saturation With Soak Foot In Warm Water On Diabetic Foot (Diah Ayu Fatmawati, Khotimah,) Comparison Of Propolis And Piper Betle With Honey Topically On Healing SecondDegree Burns White Rat (Rattus Norvegicus) (Herin Mawarti, Muhammad Zulfikar Asumta and Zuliani) ix 350 357 364 371 378 385 392 399 406 413 420 427 434 441 448 455 462 469 476 483 490 497 504 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 The influence of progressive relaxation to decrease pain For patients of sectio caesarea Surgery in the first and second day (Aris Dwi Cahyono, Wida Wicaksana) The Influence Factors of Caesarean Section Patient Outcomes in Preparation for Clinical Pathways Costing of DRGs (Diagnose Related Groups) (Suryono) Improving Self-Efficacy Using Caring-Based Self-Efficacy Enhancement Intervention Program In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (Christianto Nugroho) Effect Of Reminiscence Therapy Of Older People And Self- Acceptance With Gerotranscendence Theory Approach (Nugrahaeni Firdausi) The Effect Attitude Exercise Given To Decrease Anxiety To Teacher To child the first school (Widhi Sumirat) The Potential of Shalat Tasbeh to Decrease Postprandial Blood Glucose Levels in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus (Mukhamad Rajin, Afifa S., M. Zhahrul Azhar Asumta) Symptom Of Polyuria Decreases Sleep Quality To Patient With Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 (Dian Prawesti, Selvia David Richard) Stimulus Effect Cutaneous (Slow-Stroke Back Massage) To Intensity Of Pain Head In Elderly With Hypertension (Unit Pelayanan Terpadu Pslu Blitar, Tulungagung 2015) (Sukanto, Dinda Wahyuningtyas) Family Duty (Caring) Supportsfulfillment Of Mobility Needs To Elderly With Cerebrovascular Accident (Cva) (Erlin Kurnia, Natalia Yohanes) The Activity Test of Pandan Wangi Leaves Extract (pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb) for Solubility of Calsium Kidney Stones by in Vitro Method using atomic Absorbtion Spectrophotometri (AAS) (Ida Kristianingsih, Dewi Resti Basuki, Siti Mamluk Atul M3) The Effectiveness Of Fluid Ringer Acetate Malat Compared With Ringer Lactate Fluid In Accelerating Time Increase In Blood Pressure In Rats (Rattus Norvegicus) (Ika Rahmawati, Lizete Auxiliadora Costa Malic) Changes In Blood Pressure In Hypertensive Patients Who Consume Tomato Juice (Nurul Hidayah, Arief Bachtiar, Supono) Effectiveness Of Murotal Music Therapy And Kangaroo Method On LBW Baby‟s Feeding Time In The Neonates Ward Of Aura Syifa Hospital (Putri Kristyaningsih, Diah Eliya Humaida) Parent‟s Attitude In Safety And Injury Prevention To Preschool Children (Selvia David Richard, Erva Elli Kristanti) The Effect Of Attitude Toward Behavior, Subjective Norm And Perceived Behavior Control At Dm Therapy Adherence: Study Theory Of Planned Behavior (Sheylla Septina Margaretta, Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono, Falasifah Ani Yuniarti) The Effect Of Bates Methode On Dioptres Decrease Of Low Myopia On Nursing Students At Iik Bhakti Wiyata Kediri (Sri Wahyuni) Lesshealth Maintenance And Environmental Health Behavior Increases Ari Incident To Under-Five-Children (Srinalesti Mahanani, Vitaria Wahyu Astuti) Study Potential Of Local Plant Pumpkin (Cucurbita Moschata Duch) As Traditional Medicinal Plants (Suwanto) The Effectiveness Of Rose Flower (Rosa Chinensis Jacq) Against Candida Albicans Colonies On Jelly (Sda) Media (Erni Dwi Widyana, Tarsikah, Naimah) Effectiveness Of Zamzam Water And Alkali Water Toward Ankle Brachial Indexs, Oxidative Stress And Reduce Hemoglobin A1c In Diabetic Foot Ulcer Patient (Yohanes Andy Rias) The Correlation Between Energy And Protein Consumption Levels With Gross Motor Development Of Undernourished Children Aged 6-24 Month (Yuliana Dwi Diningrum, Arinda Lironika S, Agustina Endah W) Comparison Body Mass Index (BMI), Hemoglobin Concentration (Hb), Energy And Nutrient Intake (Protein, Iron, Vitamin C) Of Female Adolescent (Cucuk Suprihartini, x 511 518 525 532 542 549 556 563 570 577 584 591 598 605 612 619 626 633 640 647 654 661 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Frenky Arif Budiman) Relationship Body Fat Thickness With Menstrual Cycle Length Students Unusa( Annif Munjidah, Annisa) Relation Of Application Leadership Participative Style Head Of Nursing Services With Employee Job Satisfaction In Asfiyak Graha Medika Clinic, Kencong, Kepung (Bambang Wiseno) The Effect Of Tomato Fruit (Solanum Lycopersicum) Toward The Increase Of Appettite In White Rats (Ratus Norvegicus Strain Wistar) (Experimental Study In Pharmacology Laboratory of Brawijaya University Malang 2015) (Endah Susanti,Yuli Admasari, Fariha, Intan Layla Vinurika) Relation Of Family Role In Fulfilling Requirement Nutrient Child With The Nutrient Status At Child Age Pre School (4-6 Year) In TK Kusuma Mulya Pare kediri (Erna Nurhochim, Febrina Dwi , Yunarti Matilde Ade) The Influencing Bandura‟s Theory Aplication Toward First Pregnant Woman‟s Knowledge About Umibilical Cord Care (Eva Silviana Rahmawati) The Correlation Between The Frequency Of Baby Massage And The Sleep Duration Of Babies Aged 0-18 Months Found At RB Endang Widayat (Maternity Clinic), Located In Sidoarjo. (Fauziyatun Nisa‟) Affecting Factors For The Implementation Of Early Detection Of Cervical Cancer By Visual Inspection With Lactic Acid In Primary Healthcare Centers In Surabaya (Fritria Dwi Anggraini) Effects Of Age And Parity On The Incidence Of Preeclampsia In A Public Hospital District Sidoarjo (Hinda Novianti, Lailatul Khusnul Rizki) Nurse Experiences In Implementing Logotherapy On Low Self-Esteem Client In Dr.Radjiman Wediodiningrat Lawang In Year Of 2015 (Junianto Fitriyadi,Katmini,Nurul Cholifah) Analize Client‟s Demand For The Health Services Which Have Been Percepted By Nurses And Correlated With Nurses‟ Job Satisfaction (Mohamad Hanifudin) Comparison Between Technique Tendon Suture Modified Samu (Ms) And Modified Kessler (Mk) Towards Tendon Suture Strengths (Tensile Strength) Of Broilers Tendon (Gallus) (Nanang Muhibudin, Erni Rahmawati, Moh. Halimi) Literature Review: Analysis Of Risk Factors For Post Partum Depression (Reni Nurhidayah) Influence The Granting Of Water Decoction Of Betel Leaf Against The Whiteness On Young Women (Study at Pesantren Putra Putri Nurul Huda Singgahan Pelem Pare Kediri) (Ulfatin Nafiah, Silfia Sekar Arum, Martha Mai Nggiri) Effect of Exercise On The Road Fast Weight Changes In Adolescent Obesity Smk Bhakti Mulia Pare-Kediri (Vika Taulina Ismanto, Amri Nasus Talan) Influence Of The Traditional Game Congklak About Stress Levels To Pre-School Age Children In The Daycare Kasih Karunia Foundation Pare - Kediri 2015 (Ahmad Wasis Setyadi,Arif Setiawan,Jitro Gideon Liu) The Effect Of Giving Extract Of Clove (Syzgium Aromaticum) Toward Acceleration Healing Of Incision Wound In White Rats(Rattus Norvegicus) (Analytical study in Pharmacology Laboratory of Brawijaya University, Malang) (A.Wasis Setyadi,Nanang Muhibuddin,Syamsul Hudha,Nurul Cholifah) The Relationship Between Parenting Pattern And The Oldest Child‟s Self Care Independence At Preschool Age In The Permata Ibu Kindergarten Gunung Anyar Surabaya (Ainun Qoiriyah, Ika Mardiyanti) The Effects Of Hand Washing And Cutting The Nails Againts Diarrhea In Young Children In Paud Tunas Mandiri Rt.09 Rw.07 Kelurahan Pacarkeling Kecamatan Tambaksari Surabaya (Rukmini) The Effectiveness Of Semi Fowler Position To The Degree Of Spontaneous Perineum Rupture On Primipara And Multipara Maternal At The Working Area Of Puskesmas xi 668 675 682 689 696 703 710 717 724 731 738 745 752 759 766 773 780 787 794 Ngadiluwih Kediri. (Susanti Pratamaningtyas) 109 Reproductive Health Counseling Theraphy Towards Sexual Attitudes Of Adolescent At Pgri Talun Highschool Blitar (Levi Tina Sari) 110 Therapeutic Effect Of Acupuncture And Warm Compresses To Decrease Joint Pain In The Elderly (Masruroh, Achmad Dany Ardiansyah) 111 The Correlation Of Emotional Intelegency With The Motivation Of Clinical Practice Result In Stikes Patria Husada Blitar (Maria Ulfa) 112 Effect Of Warm Compresses To The Reduction Of Menstrual Pain (Disminorea) Primer In Adolescent Girls Boarding School In The Village Maftahucfdxl Uluum Jatinom Kanigoro District Of Blitar (Laily Prima Monica) 113 Revitalization Of Posyandu Lansia Through Non-Pharmacological Therapy To Improving Elderly Quality Of Life (Nasrudin, Abdul Ghofar, Indah Mukaromah) 114 Relationship Between Parent‟s Knowledge And The Ability Of Children Preschooler‟s Self Eating (Andi yudianto) 115 Modeling Adaptive Spline Threshold Autoregressive (Astar) Incidence Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) In Nganjuk From 2010-2014 (Tutut Pujianto) 116 The Effect Of Stimulation Therapy Group Activities Perception On The Level Of Depression In The Elderly In Pamotan Sambeng Lamogan (Siti Sholikah) 117 Poverty And Lung Tuberculosis In Ponorogo (Sulistyo Andarmoyo) 118 Influence Of Student's Knowledge And Attitude Level About Healthy Life Behavior Toward Garbage Disposing At IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri (Zuyyina Fihayati, Endah Retnani Wismaningsih, Ruli Asharil) 119 The Effect Of Classical Music Therapy To Increase Glasgow Coma Scale In Moderate To Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Patients At Mardi Waluyo Blitar Hospital (Christina Dewi P, Riesa Yuni Pangestuti) xii 802 809 816 823 830 837 844 851 858 865 872 TABLE OF CONTENT PROCEEDING OF INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE 2015 POSTER PRESENTATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 The Correlation Of Knowledge And Attitude With The Decision-Making Of Bride Couple To Conduct Premarital Check-Up In Work Area Of KUA District Of Pare Kediri (Ira Haslinda, Tintin Hariyani, Linda Andri Mustofa) An Experience In Herb Complementary And Alternative Medicine (Nurul Laili) Literature Review: Partners Of Professional Nursing Students In The Face Of Mea Through Learning Methods IPE (Interprofesional Education) (Sylvie Puspita, Neny Triana) Effectivity Of Beluntas Juice Toward Cholesterol Level In Elderly With Hypercholesterolemia (Efa Nur Aini, Florena Berty Anggraini) The Analysis Of The Health Service Staff For Patient Satisfaction In Gambiran Public Hospital Kediri (Nurdina) The Relation Teenagers' Knowledge About Puberty And Teenagers' Behaviour (13-15 Years) Against Puberty Age In State Junior High School 3 Wates Kediri (Linda Ishariani) The Influence Of The Music Therapy To The Level The Old Age‟s Stress In Bendo Village, Pare Subdistrict, Kediri Regency (Widyasih Sunaringtyas,Vinda Pratiwi) The Influence Of Peer Group Support To Social Interaction Of The Elders (Linda Kristina) Mean Arterial Pressure As A Mortality Predictor On Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Patients (Pria Wahyu Romadhon Girianto) Nurse‟s Role As Care Giver In Implementing Nursing Care Ineffectiveness Airways Breathing In Patient With Asma Bronchiale (Diana Rachmania, Anggita Windu Lestari) Application Of Caring Behavior (Caring) New Students In Satisfaction Of Recognition D3 Nursing Program Institute Of Health Karya Husada Kediri (Neny Triana, Sylvie Puspita) The Analyze Factors Which Is Influence The Occurred Of The Prisoner Anxiety In Prisoners Of Polres Kediri (Ariani Sulistyorini, Lilik Setiawan) The Effect Of Stad (Student Team Achievement Division) In Increasing Social Ability Of Nursing Students In Karya Husada Institute Health Science (Melani Kartika Sari) Relationship Between Independence Learning And Therapeutic Communication Skill With Clinical Competence Learning In Program Studi D III Keperawatan Stikes Karya Husada Kediri (Sutiyah Heni, Ambar Mudigdo, Nunuk Suryani) The Correlation Between The Quality Of Family Planning Services With The Need Unmeet Events (Ita Eko Suparni , Eka Sri Purwandari) Effect Of Using Condoms Events Sexually Transmitted Infection In Prostitutes In Clinic Sexually Transmitted Infections ( STIS ) Gurah Public Health Service Kediri Regency (Lingga Kusuma Wardani) Women's Willingness To Counseling And Testing HIV / AIDS In Tulungagung (Suci Anggraeni) Comparison Of New Born Morbidity Between Pervaginam Breech Labor And Sectio Caesarea With Gluteal Presentation (Linda Andri Mustofa) Analysis Of Related Factors With Incidence Of Depression In Disaster Victims After The Eruption Of Mount Kelud In The Western Village Of Besowo Sub-District xiii 879 886 892 898 905 912 919 926 933 940 947 951 958 965 975 981 990 997 1004 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Kenteng Kepung (Didit Damayanti) Risk Screening Of Pre-Eclampsia And Eclampsia In Pregnant Women In Puskesmas Ploso Klaten Regency Kediri (Siti Asiyah) Progressive Muscle Relaxation Therapy Is Effective To Decrease Insomnia To Elderly (Akde Triyoga, Heru Suwardianto) Behavioral Factor Of Drop-Out Family Planning Acceptor According Lawrence Green (Aries Wahyuningsih, Fidiana Kurniawati) Poor Sleep Quality Affects Severe Impairment Of Cognitive Function To Elderly (Dyah Ayu Kartika Wulan Sari, Dian Taviyanda) Individual Characteristics Affect Nurse‟s Performance Based On Kopelman Theory (Aries Wahyuningsih, Evi Philiawati) Disability Decrease Quality Of Life Topatients With Leprosy (Vitaria Wahyu Astuti, Akde Triyoga) The Warm Water Bath Is Effective To Decrease Sleep Disorder (Insomnia) To Elderly (Tri Sulistyarini, Desi Natalia Trijayanti Idris) Contingency Training Role Of Early In The Community To Improve Preparedness Of Tsunami Hazard On The Beach Sidem District Tulungagung 2015 (Siti Nurhasanah) The Study Of Mother‟s Knowledge On Diftheria Disease In Posyandu (Maternal And Child Health Center) Bago Vilage Tulungagung (Yeni Setyo Prastiwi , Azmi Bagus Prayogo) Effect Of Health Education About Circumcision Against Anxiety In Children Who Will Do Circumcision Actions In The District Of Tulungagung Campurdarat (Hadi Santoso) The Corelation Of Body Mass Index (Bmi) With Cardiorespiratory Resistance On Nursing Students Program (Oka Ludianita,Ita Novita Dewi) The Effect Of Giving Date Palm Extract To Againts Constipation That Happen To Postpartum Mother (Ninik Azizah, Suyati ) Giving Effect Of Tablet Fe And Vitamin C On Anemia Event Numbers Decline In Pregnant Women In The Village Peterongan Jombang (Zakiah, Feny Vitiasaridessy, Dian Puspita Yani) The Effect Of Giving Honey Topically For Healing Perineum Laceration On Post Partum Mother (Suyati,Nur Alfi Abidah,Muzayyaroh) The Influenced Of Early Mobilization On The Fundal Height Decreased Of Post Partum Mother At Paviliun Melati Rsud Jombang (Sabrina Dwi Prihartini, Dewi Triloka Wulandari, Siti Roudhotul jannah) Relationship Between Levels Ofspiritual Intelligence To The Level Of Preoperative Anxiety In Patients (Pujiani, Didik Saudin, Ainur Rofiqoh) The Correlation Between The Quality Of Nursing Care With Patients Satisfaction Level In The Inpatient Unit (Edi wibowo S, Mukhoirotin, Sih Anjar K) Playing Therapy Decreases Anxiety (Hospitalization) Of toddler (Rimawati, Srinalesti Mahanani) Relationship Behaviour of Using Personal Protective Equipment (APD), Healthy and balanced Diet And Personal Higiene To Skin Health status of scavengers In TPA Kediri (Indasah, Nur Zuhdana Maula) The Identification Of Families Stress Level With Adversity Quotient In Caring Schizophrenia Family Members In The City Of Kediri (Byba Melda Suhita) Differences Between Contaminated Old Wound Healing Wound Care Using Scours Onion (Allium Cepa L) Compared With Binahong (Anradera Cordifolia) At The White Rat (Rattus Norvegicus) (Nove Lestari) Nutrition On The First 1000 Days Of Life Determinate The Nutritional Status And Development Children (Miftakhur Rohmah) The Effect Cognitive Support And Emotional Spiritual Quotient(Esq) To Immunologist Status Change In HIV/AIDS Patient In Kediri City (Alfian Fawzi ,Yuly xiv 1011 1018 1025 1032 1039 1046 1053 1060 1067 1074 1081 1088 1095 1102 1109 1116 1123 1130 1137 1144 1154 1161 1168 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Peristiowati, Joko Sutrisno) Stress Management Techniques Seft (Spiritual Emotional Freedom Tehnique) To Decrease Frequency Of Epilepsy Patients Seizures Tulungagung (Lasman) Perception Differences In Young Women And Men About Pregnancy At Smk Canda Bhirawa Pare Subdistrict Kediri, East Java (Enur Nurhayati Muchsin) The Relationship Of Self Efficacy And Nurse Caring Behavior To Aids Patient In Isolation Ward Of Rsud Eks Karesidenan Kediri (Dodik Arso Wibowo) Strategies For Improving Nutritional Status Of Children Under Five In Communities (Nurwijayanti) Onion And Ginger Extract To Cholesterol Stabilizers In The Blood (Agusta Dian Ellina, Mohammad Irfan Helmi Ramadhan) The Effectiveness Of Sex Education To Knowledge About The Dangers Of Adolescent Premarital Sex (Agus Supinganto, Kurniatillah ) Out Patient Physical Exercise For Heart Failure Patients More Effective In Improving Activity Daily Living Than Functional Capacity ( Erni Tri Indarti, Heru Wahyudi) The Give Of Audio Visual Provision Of Development Language In Pre School Age Children Kosgoro Kabupaten Nganjuk. (Rahayu Budi Utami, Uswatul Ma‟rifah) The relationship Of Increased Body Weight Pregnant Mothers Withnewborn Weight At Home Her Areas Of Public Hospitals(Sujatmiko, Titin Ratnaningsih, Remita Yuli K) Effectiveness Of Bay Leaves Boiled Water Towards Uric Acid Level Of Hyper Uricemia Patients In The Village District Of Pace Joho Nganjuk (Trisnanto, Anggi Ratih Setiorini) The Difference Of The Cateter Installation Skill Result Of The Study Before And After Peer Tutoring To Term Midwifery Students Stikes Satria Bhakti Nganjuk On 2013 (Tutik Handayani, Ike Nurrochmawati, Ambar Dwi Retnoningrum) Correlation Between The Role Of Mother With Adolescent Girls Perception About Menarche (Dewi Taurisiawati Rahayu) Star Fruit Consumption On Blood Pressure In Hypertensive Outpatients At Gambiran Hospital In Inner Disease Poly Kediri (Andayati) Effect of Initiation Of Breast-Feeding Within One Hour Of The Delivery On MaternalInfant bonding In RSUP M. Djamil Padang 2014 (Dewi Susanti) Correlation Of Parenting System With Verbal Development Of Preschool Age Children (Dharma Wanita Kindergarten Sitimerto Pagu Kediri) (Siti Komariyah, Deby Sintyana Dewi) Relationship Between Nutritional Status With Anemia Prevalence At 1 st grade Dharma Husada Midwifery Academy Class 2012 / 2013 (Widya Kusumawati) The Relation Parity And Acceptor Knowledge About The Injection Contraception With Be The Interest To Be Injection Familly Planning Program In Ngampel Village Mojoroto Sub District Kediri City In 2015 (Rofik Darmayanti) The Relationship Between Mother Knowledge With Attitude Of Stimulation Provides Growth In Children Age 1-3 Years (Toddler Phase) ( In IHC Orchid Village Jambean Kras District Of Kediri Regency ) (Erma Herdyana, Indra Saputri) The Corelation Of Knowledge And Behaviour Of Mother‟s Stimulation For Development Of Adaptif Motor 1-3 Years Old In Ngampel Village Kediri (Susiani Endarwati) Relations Of Herb Consumption Withseverity Of Ckd (Chronic Kidney Disease) At The Dahlia And Flamboyan Room Hospital dr. Iskak Tulungagung 2015 (Eny Masruroh) Relation Between Multiple Pregnancy With A Newborn Baby Weight (Nanik Nuraini, Nur Hasanah) The Relationship Between Maternal Communication Skill And Verbal Language Development In Children Aged 3-4 Years (Nur Hasanah ,Nanik Nuraini) The Identification Of Families Stress Level With Adversity Quotient In Caring xv 1175 1182 1189 1196 1209 1216 1223 1230 1237 1244 1251 1258 1265 1272 1279 1286 1293 1300 1307 1314 1321 1328 1335 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 84 85 86 Schizophrenia Family Members In The City Of Kediri (Byba Melda Suhita) Health Education To Parents To Improve Children Personal Hygiene With Moderate Mental Retardation (Dewi Ika Sari Hari Poernomo, Maria Anita Yusiana) The Correlation Between Mother‟s Perception About Exclusive Breastfeeding And Exclusive Breastfeeding In Pajaran Village Peterongan Jombang (Mukhoirotin, Zulfa Khusniyah, Fais Sugiarti) Family Effort In Improving The Compliance Of Patients With Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) Undergoing Hemodialysis (Kurniawati) The Relationship Between Fatigue Level Night Sport With Sleep Quality At Teenagers Futsal Club “ Scholar One” In Sumeleh Futsal Tulungagung 2015 (Suciati,Riki Irawan) Application Of Blended Learning Method Based Learning Ict For Increasing Interest In The Course Of Social Cultural Basis (ISBD) (Sri Banun Titi Istiqomah, Helmi Annuchasari, Arifa Retnowuni) Related Knowledge Of Exclusive Breast With The Frequency Of Breastfeeding Baby Age 0-6 Months (In Posyandu Srikaton, District Ngantru, Tulungagung 2015) (Firsta Sukmawati, Nurhidayati, Sri Agustiana) The Influence Of Giving Health Education About Napza To Change Attitudes At Students In VIII Grade Of Smpn 2 Campurdarat, Tulungagung, 2014 (Surtini1, Amita Audilla) Process Of Social Legitimacy Of Persons With Mental Retardation In Karang Patihan Districts Balong Ponorogo (Siti Noor Farida Layla) Duration Efect Of Treatment And The Family Motivation For Medication Adherence Of Lepers (Ema Mayasari) Effect Of Giving Isoflavone Genistein During The Period Of Pre- Pubescent Vagina Histology , Estradiol Concentration And Ovulation In Female Mice (Mus Musculus L) (Yenny Puspitasari, Byba Melda Suhita) Characteristics Multiple Drugs Resistance Patient That Conversion Cultures At First Months Of Treatment In Dr. Soetomo Surabaya Hospital (Retno Ardanari Agustin) The Correlation Between Age, Women Fertile Couple‟s Knowledge About Cervix Cancer And Their Interest To Have Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Immunization. (Case Study In RT 02 RW 2 Sidomulyovillage, Semen Distric Kediri Regency) (Betristasia Puspitasari) Self-Care Deficit To Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Based On Orem Theory (Desi Natalia Trijayanti Idris, Tri Sulistyarini) Formulation and Characterisation Of Granule Effervescent Cilembu Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas (l). Lamk)Extract With Concentration Variation Of Citric Acid And Sodium Bicarbonate (Dewi Resti Basuki) Midwifes Science Relationship About Early Initiation With Early Initiation Practices In Bps Nganjuk District‟s Nganjuk‟s Regency (Fitria Hari Wibawati, Sri Ngayomi, Titin Ratnaningsih) Do elderly Use Community Health Centers For Outpatient Care? (Gerardin Ranind Kirana, Hari Kusnanto Josef, Mubasyisyir Hasanbasri) Study Of The Needs Of Patient‟s Family Of Palliative Nursing Program Development At Intensive Care Of Ulin General Hospital Banjarmasin (Ifa Hafifah, Iyus Yosep, Anastasia Anna) The Correlation Level Of Education And Mother‟s Age With Mother Attitudes In Face Of Child Down Syndrome At Menarche (In SLB C1 Putera Asih Balowerti Kota Kediri) (Lely Khulafa‟ur Rosidah) The Correlation Between The Motivation Of Becoming A Nurse And The Learning Achievement Of The Students Of Stratum 1 Nursing Science At Faculty Of Medicine Lambung Mangkurat University (Herawati, Naya Ernawati) Progressive Muscle Relaxation Is Effective To Decrease Blood Pressureto Elderly xvi 1342 1349 1356 1363 1370 1377 1384 1391 1397 1404 1409 1416 1423 1430 1437 1444 1451 1458 1465 1472 87 With Hypertension (Suprihatin, Dian Prawesti) Relationship Between Nutritional Status With Anemia Prevalence At 1stgrade Dharma Husada Midwifery Academy Class 2012 / 2013 (Widya Kusumawati) xvii 1485 ABSTRACT PREPAREDNESS STRATEGIES FOR HEALTHCARE STUDENTS IN FACING AEC: “THE IMPORTANCE OF HARD SKILL, SOFT SKILL AND FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMPETENCIES” Rose ak Nanju Manju Email: The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) shall be the goal of regional economic integration by 2015. AEC envisages four key characteristics, which are a: i. ii. iii. IV. single market and production base. highly competitive economic region. region of equitable economic development. region fully integrated into the global economy. The AEC areas of cooperation among the 10 member countries includes human resources development and capacity building; recognition of professional qualifications; closer consultation on macroeconomic and financial policies; trade financing measures; enhanced infrastructure and communications connectivity; development of electronic transactions through e-ASEAN. The aim is to integrate industries across the region to promote regional sourcing; and enhancing private sector involvement for the building of the AEC. The AEC is hoped to transform ASEAN into a region with free movement of goods, services, investment, skilled labour, and freer flow of capital. As such, healthcare students should be prepared to compete in the ASEAN AEC market to fulfil the human resource providence and to be well-prepared in the area of communication, to master several foreign languages in order to cater the free movement of labour force in the region. This means that the healthcare staff will care for people from different part of the world, who speaks different languages. It is expected that the skills of healthcare workers to be at par with others from the other AEC member countries. This includes the soft skills demonstrated along with their hard skills. As we will be facing challenges to compete in AEC and also the global markets, we need to be excellent in our soft skills and also hard skills. Based on the four key areas above, healthcare staff are to be trained to prepare them to challenge the area of healthcare. Key word: Preparedness; healthcare staff/student; soft and hard skills; communication skills. ABSTRACT AN UPDATE ON THE MANAGEMENT OF TRAUMA IN PREGNANCY: RESUSCITATION PRIORITIES Assoc Prof Dr. Mohd Idzwan Zakaria Department of Emergency Medicine, University Malaya Medical Centre Email: Trauma death in pregnancy is a downward trend in Malaysia. But it is still the leading cause of nonobstetric cause of mortality and morbidity. The main principle of management of trauma in pregnancy is aggressive resuscitation of the mother. Stabilization of the mother ensures a better foetal outcome. Trauma increases risk of spontaneous abortion, preterm premature rupture of the membrane, preterm delivery, abruption placenta and uterine rupture. This lecture concentrates on the maternal physiology and its clinical implication in trauma, some special clinical management considerations and perimortem caesarean section. The supine hypotension syndrome is also discussed here and methods to prevent are also shown. The role of focused abdominal ultrasonography in trauma is also discussed. The teratogenic risk of radiological imaging is discussed and it is then weigh against the importance of treating the mother to ensure the fetus is safe. Peri-mortem caesarean is discussed although its success rate is minimal in our setting. Keyword: Management, Trauma, Pregnancy, Resuscitation PERSONAL HYGIENE BEHAVIOR AND VULVOVAGINITIS INCIDENT ON FERTILE WOMEN AGE IN OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY WARD Dr. ISKAK HOSPTAL- TULUNGAGUNG Yenny Puspitasari, Intan Fazrin Nursing Faculty Health Institute Of Health Surya Mitra Husada Email: ABSTRACT Personal hygiene behavior is an act of maintaining cleanliness and health of a person's physical and psychological well-being. Someone who have good personal hygiene can prevent disease, such as Vulvovaginitis. The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship of personal hygiene behavior and Vulvovaginitis incident in fertile women age in Obstetrics and Gynecology ward Dr. Iskak hospital-Tulungagung. The study design was observational analytic.The population is fertile women age in Obstetrics and Gynecology ward Dr. Iskak hospital- Tulungagung on 2 - March 27, 2015 as many as 26 respondents with accidental sampling technique with a large sample of 26 respondents. The independent variables in this research was personal hygiene behavior, the dependent variable was Vulvovaginitis incident. Instruments used questionnaires, observation sheets, the statistical test Chi Square α = 0.05.Results of statistical test p value = 0.003 means p <α = 0.05 so that H1 is accepted, then there is a relationship between personal hygiene behavior and Vulvovaginitis incident in fertile women age.Personal hygiene behavior is good and right to prevent the incidence of diseases such as Vulvovaginitis especially in fertile women age, therefore it is necessary to always maintain personal hygiene so that the physical and psychological well-being. Keywords: personal hygiene behavior, Vulvovaginitis, fertile women age 8 with abnormal conditions , Research at the Obstetrics Gynecology RSCM get data 2% (age 11-15 years), 12% (age 16-20 years) of 223 adolescents who were infected in the pubic area or because Vulvovaginitis (Kurniadi, 2012). Health problems are common genital area in women is flour albus. Abnormal flour albus can be a symptom of Vulvovaginitis. As many as 75% of women in the world have suffered from flour albus at least once in lifetime, and 45% of them may have twice or more times (Pribakti, 2012). Based on the results of a preliminary study that began on October 13, 2014 at Obstetrics and Gynecology ward of Dr. Isaac hospital Tulungagung, from interviews to 16 women of fertile women age, 9 person declared that they do not not get Vulvovaginitis because most them understand the importance of protecting their genital organs by keeping it clean or perform personal hygiene. Then the 7 person tested positive get Vulvovaginitis marked as vaginal flushing and itching, and accompanied by other signs. It is also influenced by the cleanliness of oneself or one's personal hygiene is not good. Vulvovaginitis can affect women of all ages and it is very common. This can be caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other parasites such as Bacterial vaginosis eg, Candida albicans, Trichomonas vaginitis, etc. Vulvovaginitis can be found as well as the use of various chemicals feminine hygiene products that actually will kill the normal flora in the area of femininity. Environmental factors such as poor hygiene and allergens may also cause the condition Vulvovaginitis (Purwanti, 2011). Humid circumstances on feminine area will further support growth of bacteria or fungi. If someone less attention to the condition of cleanliness, especially in the area of femininity will arise symptoms such as itching in the area of femininity, redness and a burning sensation on the skin, discomfort during or after urination or during intercourse , irritation and discharge abnormal liquid. Condition Background Study Vulvovaginitis is inflammation of the vagina and vulva that is most often caused by infection with bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites. Inflammation of the vulva and vagina is characterized by itching in the pubic area, swelling of the mucous membranes, the amount of mucus from the vagina, redness, burning sensation, irritation, and discomfort on the skin, especially during or after urination (Suparyanto, 2011). Vulvovaginitis is one of the most common reasons why women visit a gynecologist (Leber, 2009). Habitual action in maintaining personal hygiene plays an important role in this case, particularly in maintaining cleanliness. Personal hygiene or cleanliness of the individual is an act to maintain the cleanliness and health of a person's physical and psychological wellbeing (Permatasari, 2012). Kinds of personal hygiene activities including dental care, hygiene skin, toe, nails and hands, including the treatment of genital (Potter, 2005). Cleanliness itself is strongly influenced by individual values and habits. Things that affect them cultural, social, family, education, health and a person's perception of the level of development (Christina et al, 2011). Vulvovaginitis often caused due to bacterial vaginosis. Gardnerella vaginalis is the most common bacterial cause of bacterial vaginosis in women of fertile age. It is mentioned that 50% of active women's sexuality ever get Gardnerella vaginalis infection, but only a few are symptomatic. Approximately 50% was found in users of IUDs and 86% were found along with Trichomonas infections. Estimating the number of patients with bacterial vaginos very difficult since Gardnerella vaginalis can be obtained from the vagina in 30-50% of women who had no symptoms (Juanda et al., 2007). Cohort study conducted by Bradshaw et al in 2013 that is cited in the study Sulistianingsih et al, 2014 stated in 29 health care centers in three states in Australia to get the 11.8% of women with bacterial vaginosis and 17.2% of women 9 abnormal if a polynomial, it smelly or accompanied by itching and pain. In daily life, it is necessary to clean and healthy life, which is intended to avoid germs or bactery, fungi, viruses that cause disease. Reproductive is one of the organs that are sensitive and require special care. Knowledge and good care is a decisive factor in maintaining reproductive health (Ratna, 2010). The main factor of genital health problems Events around the vagina is highly susceptible to infection. Easy infection occurs because it is situated very close to the urethra and anus, so that microorganisms (fungi, bacteria, viruses, and parasites) easily fit into the vagina (Muin, et al, 2013). Therefore, it should be kept in behavior, especially the behavior of healthy and clean life by further improving personal hygiene or an action to maintain the cleanliness and health of a person to realize the physical and psychological well-being. RESEARCH METHODS The research design used in this study was observational analytic that is looking for a relationship between variables in cross sectional. The populations in this study were all fertile women age who present at Obstetrics and Gynecology ward of Dr. Isaac hospital Tulungagung which amount 26 respondents. Samples used in this study were fertile women age who meet by the researchers at the time of data collection in Obstetrics and Gynecology ward of Dr. Isaac hospital Tulungagung that a number of 26 respondents. This research conducted on 2 March 27, 2015. The sampling technique used in this research was accidental sampling is taking respondents in the sample by coincidence, that anyone who by chance met the researchers can be used when a sample of people who happen to be found suitable as a data source. Data processing is done by editing that is by checking the data obtained. Coding is done by giving the code on each characteristic. Then the scoring the results of the research. The next process is data analysis. Analysis of the data was analyzed using Chi-square statistic test techniques with the help of Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) version 17 to assess the behavior of personal hygiene with the incidence of vulvovaginitis in fertile women age. RESEARCH PURPOSES GENERAL PURPOSE To determine the relationship of personal hygiene behavior with Vulvovaginitis incidence in fertility women age in Obstetrics and Gynecology ward dr. Isaac hospital Tulungagung. SPECIAL PURPOSE a. To identify personal hygiene behavior in fertile women age in Obstetrics and Gynecology ward dr. Isaac Hospital Tulungagung. b. To identify the incidence Vulvovaginitis in fertile women age in Obstetrics and Gynecology ward dr. Isaac hospital Tulungagung. c. To analyze the relationship between personal hygiene and Vulvovaginitis incidence in fertile women age in Obstetrics and Gynecology ward dr. Isaac hospital Tulungagung. RESEARCH RESULT CHARACTERISTIC OF RESPONDENT Table 1. characteristic of respondent characteristic Age 20-29 years old 30-39 years old 40-49 years old marrital status 10 N % 9 8 9 34 31 35 characteristic Single Married Widow N 3 19 4 Education Primary school Junior high school Senior high school University STATISTICS TEST RESULT Table 4 Chi-Square % 12 73 15 6 8 8 4 Chi-Square Tests Value df 23 31 31 15 Job Jobless 5 Private 13 Entrepreuner 7 Public servant 1 Resource: result of data analysis Pearson Chi- 11.816 2 .003 a Square Likelihood 14.121 2 .001 Ratio Linear-byLinear 11.180 1 .001 Association N of Valid 26 Cases a. 3 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.27. 19 50 27 4 VARIABEL CHARACTERISTICS Table 2. variable characteristics characteristics Personal Hygiene behavior good enough less N % 12 11 3 46,2 42,3 11,5 Symmetri Measures c Valu Approx. e Sig. Nominal Contingenc by y .559 .003 Nominal Coefficient N of Valid Cases 26 Vulvovaginitis incident Positive 11 42,3 Negative 15 57,7 Resource: result of data analysis Based on the analysis of statistical test Chi Square (X ²) obtained the value p value = 0.003, so p - value <0.05 then H0 is rejected and H1 accepted meaning there is relationship between personal hygiene behavior and Vulvovaginitis incidence in fertile women age in Obstetrics and Gynecology ward of Dr. Isaac hospital Tulungagung. With correlation coefficient personal hygiene behavior with Vulvovaginitis that is equal to 0,559 events in the category correlations were in the range (0.40 to 0.599). CROSS TABULATION Table 3. cross tabulation between personal hygiene and Vulvovaginitis incident personal hygiene behavior Good Enough Less Total Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Positive Negative Total n % n % n % 1 7 3 11 3,8 26,9 11,5 42,3 11 4 0 15 42,3 15,4 0 57,7 12 11 3 26 46,2 42,3 11,5 100 DISCUSSION Personal Hygiene behavior in fertile women age 11 Results of a study of 26 respondents in Obstetrics and Gynecology ward of Dr. Isaac hospital Tulungagung showed almost half of respondents (46.2%) with good personal hygiene behavior as many as 12 respondents, nearly half of respondents (42.3) have quite personal hygiene behavior as many as 11 respondents, and a small of respondents (11.5%) have less personal hygiene behavior as many as 3 respondents. Personal hygiene behavior according Potter and Perry (2005) is an act of maintaining cleanliness and health of a person's physical and psychological wellbeing. A person said have good personal hygiene when, the person can maintain a healthy body includes cleanliness of the skin, teeth and mouth, hair, eyes, nose, and ears, legs and nails, genitalia, as well as the cleanliness and tidiness of his clothes. According to Potter and Perry behavior of someone doing personal hygiene is influenced by some factors; body image, social practices, the status of socio economic, science, cultural variables, personal choice, and physical condition. According to researchers opinion based on the results of the study showed that nearly half of respondents have good personal hygiene with this case reflects that the respondent was aware of personal hygiene or personal hygiene for themselves, especially in maintaining the cleanliness of the female organs. Due to keep or maintain the cleanliness and health of a person will strive to realize the physical and psychological wellbeing. By having good personal hygiene they're indirectly trying to prevent from diseases, especially diseases associated with female organs. or get Vulvovaginitis as many as 11 respondents. Vulvovaginitis is an inflammation or infection of the vulva and vagina are often caused by infection with bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Genesis Vulvovaginitis cause irritation and itching. Vulvovaginitis is one of the most common reasons why women visit a gynecologist (Leber, 2009). This can be caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other parasites. Environmental factors such as poor hygiene and allergens may also cause this condition. Vulvovaginitis has signs and symptoms such as; itching, pain and / or a burning sensation and discomfort in the vagina and vulva, and a bright red rash that affects the inside and outside of the vulva, sometimes spread widely in the groin, pubic area, groin and thigh area. It may happend only a few hours or some days, weeks, or months. Based researchers opinion on the results of the study showed positive results fraction of respondents aged 20-29 years occurred Vulvovaginitis. Vulvovaginitis can affect women of all ages. In this study, a small portion of respondents aged 40-49 years as many as five respondents positively. Because of the age influence the perception and mindset of the person, the age will be growing anyway perception and thought patterns. Especially in health, one would have thought that maintaining health is very important. Moreover, when the body has a condition that is not health, then the person should be quick to respond in such conditions, for example with health check yourself into the nearest public health centre or hospital. Ofcourse, it would be better to prevent than cure. Some prevention can be done to prevent a disease, particularly diseases Vulvovaginitis. The most important thing in preventing infection is to always maintain personal hygiene, especially in the female organs well. Vulvovaginitis incidence in women of fertile age Research result of 26 respondents in Obstetrics and Gynecology ward of Dr. Isaac hospital Tulungagung showed most respondents (57.7%) results were negative or did not get Vulvovaginitis as many as 15 respondents, and nearly half of the respondents (42.3%) the result is positive Analysis of Personal Hygiene behavior and Vulvovaginitis incident in women of fertile age in Obstetrics and Gynecology ward of Dr. Isaac hospital 12 Tulungagung. skin, teeth and mouth, hair, eyes, nose, and ears, legs and nails, genitalia, as well as the cleanliness and tidiness of his clothes. Personal hygiene behavior is very important to maintain cleanliness in the genital organs in order to avoid germs that cause disease. Such as Vulvovaginitis. Vulvovaginitis is an inflammation or infection of the vulva and vagina are often caused by infection with bacteria, fungi, and parasites (Leber, 2009). Factors environmental factors such as poor hygiene and allergens may also cause this condition. Based on the results above it can be concluded that it is true that when someone who has good personal hygiene behavior will mos be negative or be spared from Vulvovaginitis incident. Results of cross tabulation personal hygiene behavior and Vulvovaginitis incidence in fertile women age in Obstetrics and Gynecology ward of Dr. Isaac hospital Tulungagung showed 1 respondents who have good personal hygiene behavior but the results positive gets Vulvovaginitis. Based on the data collected in the specific data summary, it can be happen because the respondent did not use pads that are made of materials that do not cause irritation. Respondents themselves also often complained of itching during menstruation and feel uncomfortable with a bandage used. However, respondents continue to use the material that eventually makes irritation and irritation wider. Results of statistical analysis with Chi-square test to determine the incidence of personal hygiene behavior Vulvovaginitis in Obstetrics and Gynecology ward of Dr. Isaac hospital Tulungagung p value - value = 0.003 (p value <α ie 0.003 <0.05) then H0 rejected and H1 accepted, which means that there is a relationship between personal hygiene behavior and Vulvovaginitis incidence in fertile women age in Obstetrics and Gynecology ward of Dr. Isaac hospital Tulungagung. With correlation coefficient personal hygiene behavior with vulvovaginitis is equal to 0,559 events in the category correlations were in the range (0.40 to 0.599). CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS CONCLUSION Based on the research that has been done in Poli Obstetrics and gynecology ward of Dr. Isaac hospital Tulungagung 2015 on 26 respondents about personal hygiene behavior and Vulvovaginitis incidence in fertile women age, it can be concluded as follows: 1. Almost half of respondents with good personal hygiene behavior as many as 12 respondents (46.2%) a total of 26 respondents in Obstetrics and Gynecology ward of Dr. Isaac hospital Tulungagung. 2. Most respondents of Vulvovaginitis incident the result is negative or does not get Vulvovaginitis as many as 15 respondents (57.7%) a total of 26 respondents in Obstetrics and Gynecology ward of Dr. Isaac hospital Tulungagung. 3. Results p - value = 0.003, (p - value <α ie 0.003 <0.05) then H0 rejected and H1 accepted, which means that there is a relationship between apersonal hygiene behavior and Vulvovaginitis incidence in fertile women age in Obstetrics and Gynecology ward of Dr. Isaac hospital Tulungagung. With correlation coefficient personal hygiene behavior with According to Iqbal Wahit Mubarak (2011), the behavior is a set of actions / measures in response to someone in doing something and then made a habit because of the value that is believed. Human behavior is basically made up of components of knowledge (cognitive), attitudes (affective), and skills (psychomotor). Personal hygiene behavior according Potter and Perry (2005) is an act of maintaining cleanliness and health of a person's physical and psychological wellbeing. A person said to have good personal hygiene when, the person can maintain a healthy body includes cleanliness of the 13 Vulvovaginitis that is equal to 0,559 events in the category correlations were in the range (0.40 to 0.599). Kurniadi, I.G.A.M. 2012. Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Remaja Putri Tentang Cara Mencegah Dan Mengatasi Keputihan Di Klinik Remaja Kisara PKBI Bali. Jurnal Dunia Kesehatan, Vol. 2 No. 2. Leber, W. 2009. Vulvovaginitis. ( l-dan Greta Hungson vaginosis/page/1044636/. Diakses tanggal 15 September 2014, pukul 16:01. Mubarak, W.I. 2009. Ilmu Keperawatan Komunitas. Jakarta : Salemba Medika. Muin, M., Salmah, U., dan Sarake, M. 2013. 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SUGGESTION Researchers give advice based on research results are as follows: For the respondents, with the participation of responder helped course of this research, directly or indirectly, they can find out a little information about personal hygiene behavior with Vulvovaginitis incident. Thus the respondent should further improve personal hygiene properly. For hospitals, should be able to add information about the behavior of personal hygiene with Vulvovaginitis incidence in fertile women age so that it can be used as a reference for handling the problem neighbor Vulvovaginitis events. Besides it can also add leflat media that contains information about personal hygiene behavior is good and right and also about Vulvovaginitis, so expect the patient or the public know about the information. As well as giving a briefing to the nurse or midwife to suggest to the patient to be examined, especially when signs and symptoms arrise in order to prevent Vulvovaginitis. For further research, for further research are expected to conduct research and develop a topic or issue related to the incidence of Vulvovaginitis in greater depth with variable wider. REFERENCES Christiana, A., Martono, K., dan Rejeki, S. 2011. Hubungan Antara Vulva Hygiene Dengan Kejadian Servitis Di Desa Sambigede Kecamatan Sumberpucung Kabupaten Malang. Jurnal : Ari Christiana. Djuanda., Ilyas, S., dan Elistiawaty. 2007. 75% Wanita RI Alami Keputihan. ( php/detik. Diakses tanggal 15 September 2014, pukul 16:00. 14 AFFECTING FACTORS OF COMMUNITY PREPAREDNESS AT DISASTER PRONE AREAS KELUD MOUNTAIN Novita Ana Anggraini Lecture From Nursing Faculty Health Institute Of Health Surya Mitra Husada Email: ABSTRACT Speciality for disaster management needed to loss minimizing affected by its main disaster in preparedness phase. Disaster Preparedness phase include community as initial subjects of disaster management as well as disaster victims till be able to manage disaster at certain limit and expected disaster do not develop to bigger scale. Purpose of the research is to know Affecting Factors of Community Preparedness at Disaster Prone Areas Kelud Mountain. Design of the research used analytic descriptive desain with cross sectional approach. Sampel generated from 360 respondent used cluster sampling technique consisting of village officials, community leader, jangkar kelud community member, health worker and community member at Disaster Prone Areas Kelud Mountain. Result of research data analized using logistic regression method and showed that contributing variable to preparedness is knowledge (OR 1,509; CI 95%), attitude (OR 1,127; CI 95%), nurses role (OR 1,076; CI 95%), and culture (OR 0,856; CI 95%). Information given to community will shape community attitude and behaviour facing disaster preparedness at Disaster Prone Areas Kelud Mountain because in behaviour shaping based knowledge till shape behaviour eternally. Information spreading about disaster preparedness performed by nursing may do collaboration between nurses and jangkar kelud community through community radio so information spreading more comprehensive and targetted. Affecting factors of community preparedness at disaster prone areas kelud mountain is role nursing, knowledge, attitude and culture. Key Word : Preparedness, Disaster, Community 54 55 knowledge and behavior. The importance of the knowledge society towards disaster preparedness aims to change people's behavior in order to be aware of the disaster. But people tend to be less active in the dissemination of disaster for reasons flurry by the job. Lack of public awareness of disaster preparedness will also influence the behavior of the community. Another factor is the availability of health resources, the nurse on duty as educators to empower communities in disaster preparedness. Providing training to the community is also required which is associated with the training of community volunteers for casualty evacuation and rescue training and first aid (WHO, 2011). Therefore, this study was conducted to determine factors - factors that affect the community in the face of disaster preparedness Kelud in Disaster Prone Areas Kelud. INTRODUCTION Indonesia is part of the path of the Pacific Ring of Fire which is a series of lines of active volcanoes in the world. In a study also showed that the cause of the disaster in Indonesia 60.66% of floods, landslides 63.11%, and 65.57% volcano. Higher percentage obtained volcano it is related to the position or location of Indonesia which is a region pacific ring of fire (Khairuddin, 2011). Mount kelud (+ 1,731 m DPAL) is a strato volcano type which has a crater lake at its peak, located in the border region of Kediri, Blitar and Malang. According to data from the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation in Bandung, eruption of Mount Kelud recorded history began in 1000 until 1990, the longest interval of intermittent breaks between 65-75 years and shortest 3 years. METHODS In Indonesia the center of the disaster is BNPB as the giver of command in collaboration with public, private, and several related sectors including the government and the health sector. The role of the people here as well as perpetrators of early disaster victims must be able to handle a disaster within certain limits in order to prevent disaster into a larger scale. This study was observational analytic research with cross sectional approach conducted in Disaster-Prone Areas Kelud Blitar in May-June 2013. The subjects were selected using cluster sampling where samples were people living around the mountain lava flow kelud. Retrieving data using a questionnaire given to the people associated with factors that affect preparedness (the nurse's role, knowledge, attitudes and cultural) communities in the face of Kelud. A total of 360 samples were taken in six selected villages and villages through which the lava flows Kelud. Analysis of the data used to see the relationship between factors that influence (knowledge, behavior, culture, the role of nurses, nurse's knowledge and skills of nurses) and community preparedness in the face of a mountain disaster kelud then performed bivariate analysis. Using a statistical test Chi-Square test if they meet and alternatively using Fisher's exact test with a confidence interval of 95% or p≤0,05. As for the multivariate analysis using logistic regression NAP-DRR 2010-2012 explained that the new paradigm of the implementation of disaster management is directed to the concept of community-based disaster management. Implementation of disaster management-oriented empowerment and self-reliance through community participation, among others, will lead to disaster risk reduction efforts with areas communities in disaster-prone independently and avoid the emergence of a new vulnerability and dependence of communities in disaster-prone areas to outsiders. Karancy (2005) explains that something which can influence community preparedness in the face of disaster is the 55 statistical test with a confidence interval of 95% or p≤0.05. The role of nurse knowledge behavior culltural RESEARCH RESULT In this study, the respondents were 360 respondents consisting of people living in disaster prone area I, disaster prone area II and disaster prone area III. It is gained from 360 respondents were 60 respondents (16.67%) lived in disaster prone area III, 120 respondents (33.33%) live in disaster prone area II and 180 respondents (50%) live in disaster prone area I. Results obtained demographic data that the average age of the respondents 35 years and a minimum age of respondents 20 years. Characteristics of the sex of the 360 respondents, 269 respondents (74.72%) were male and 91 respondents (25.28%) were female. Based on the characteristics of the educational level of the 360 respondents the majority of respondents are junior high school graduates as many as 124 (34.44%) and a minority of respondent uneducated as many as 8 respondents (2.2%) it is also affected by economic conditions Disaster Prone Areas Mt. kelud. Based on the characteristics of the 360 respondents earning an average income Rp. 500.000, because the majority of people work as laborers on plantations and farmers. the average length of stay is based on the characteristics of long-stay community disaster prone area Kelud is 33 years so that people have experienced at least two times the eruption of Mount Kelud. Data obtained information related to disaster preparedness community with the majority of people getting information from television that 151 respondents (41.94%), while for others that they get information from the local village officials that 17 respondents (4.72%) and total 4 (1.11%) never get information related to disaster preparedness. Results of bivariate analysis to determine the relationship of each variable (the role of nurses, knowledge, attitudes and culture) towards community preparedness Kelud obtained their significance - each 0,004; 0,000; 0,004; 0.007 to p <0.05 which means there is relationship between the nurse's role, knowledge, attitudes and culture towards community preparedness p <0.25 at Chi-Square test. Test results showed that in a sequence that affects community preparedness is knowledge (OR 1.509), attitude (OR 1,127), the role of nurses (OR 1076) and culture (OR 0.865). Table 2 Results of Multivariate Analysis Variabel The role of nurse Knowledge Behavior Cultural p 0,30 0,01 0,01 0,22 OR 1,076 1,509 1,127 0,865 DISCUSSION The Relationship Between The Role of Nurse With Kelud Community Preparedness Results of the analysis showed that the nurse's role is primarily a community nurse can influence community preparedness of disaster-prone areas Kelud with the results of significant value 0,004 less than alpha (5%). Researchers get the results of a survey related to the nurse's role in educating the public showed a majority of the nurse's role is less (62.2%). The theory of the formation of behavior according to Green one that is a supporting factor (enabling factors) in the formation of behavior is infrastructure Table 1 Analysis results Bivariat Variable 0,004 0,000 0,004 0,007 p-value 56 and health resources. Low role of nurses in providing education to the public will have an impact on the information received that could influence the knowledge and behaviors of society towards disaster preparedness. society in the face of preparedness (Lakhsmi, 2007). disaster Based on the theory of Lawrence Green et al (1980) knowledge is a predisposing factor in the formation of behavior. Knowledge in cognitive domain has 6 levels that know, understand, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation (Notoatmodjo, 2010). In this study the realm desired by the researchers is to know and understand the realm of disaster preparedness in the face of the mountain erupted. The material must be known and understood community with regard to disaster volcano is the type and characteristics of the hazard, early warning self-protection tool should be prepared community in case of volcanic eruption, volcanic eruption hazard material, sanitary water and evacuation route. Efforts dissemination of information related to disaster preparedness is not only played by health professionals, but also played by non-medical personnel such as government or NGOs. In the region there are Kelud community radio is a community radio anchor kelud an active role in the dissemination of information related to disaster preparedness volcanoes. The data obtained from the survey results relating to the public the information obtained in Disaster-Prone Areas Kelud majority of people get information through TV (41.94%) and radio (40.83%). According Notoatmodjo (2010) health promotion method which is used if the target is public then it should use the method of mass health promotion. For public health promotion methods frequently used one of them the use of electronic mass media, such as radio and television. Efforts dissemination of data obtained proved that although the information obtained from the community health workers less but community preparedness in the face of disaster preparedness has good (54.7%). This research was supported by a study conducted by Runblad et al (2010) conducted on 1,000 respondents that use the radio to educate the public effectively to raise public awareness in the use of clean water in the floods. The knowledge gained by the society is also influenced by several factors such as socioeconomic, experience, education and age. Knowledge is very closely related to education, where it is expected that the higher education then that person will be more knowledgeable. The result showed that the educational level of the people living in Disaster-Prone Areas Kelud majority is graduated from junior high school (34.44%). Economic status of a person will determine the availability of a facility that is required for certain activities, so that socio-economic status will affect a person's knowledge (Lukman, 2008). Results of this study found that the average income of people living in disaster prone area Kelud Rp. 500.000. Getting experienced before disaster events can also be a lesson for the public to be more careful and community preparedness in facing similar disasters. The experience allows a person become aware and know the result is then called knowledge (Vardiansyah, 2008). The survey results are available to the public in Disaster-Prone Areas Kelud society obtained the average length of stay is 33 years. Relationship Between Knowledge With Kelud community preparedness Results of the analysis showed that the knowledge society can influence community preparedness of disasterprone areas Kelud with the results of 0,000 p <0.05. The study was supported by the results of research conducted on 100 respondents found that there is a relationship between knowledge and 57 simple and very meaningful in life include values - values that exist in society (Williams, 1961). Some cultures are still embraced by society Kelud is “Larung Saji ritual” that each year is still done by local residents is the main people who are in disaster prone area III which is close to the area Kelud. People assume that they should respect the ancestors to be given safety and lush natural grace. The same study also found associated with the trust factor and superstition also gives an influence on the mindset and behavior of the people living around Mount Merapi eruption area. For people who live in the vicinity of the volcanoes, where the caretaker who becomes guardian of the volcano is still more trusted than the government even the choice of caretaker to remain in the area Kinahrejo (one of the areas affected by the eruption of volcanoes) is followed by many people around even the government ask the community for evacuation (Lavigne, et al., 2008). Relationship Between Behavior With Kelud Community Preparedness Results of the analysis showed that behaviors can influence community preparedness of disaster-prone areas Kelud with the results of 0.004 p <0.05. Behavior is covered person's response to a stimulus or object, both internally and externally so that its manifestations are not directly visible, but can only be interpreted in advance of behaviors covered. Behavior in reality indicate suitability response to certain stimuli (Sunaryo, 2004). Based Rosenberg's theory known as the theory of affective-cognitive consistency in terms of behavior and this theory is also called two-factor theory is focused on the components of cognitive and affective components. In terms of relation with the volcanic eruption disaster preparedness related to preparedness knowledge must be understood by the community in the process of the formation of community behaviors in the face of disaster volcano. The results show the percentage of behaviors and knowledge by results (41.9%) and (49.4%). Other studies related to people's behaviors in the face of floods in North Sulawesi were collected from 125 respondents showed that 48.61% of respondents have a positive behavior, while 51.39% have a negative behavior (Kumajas et al, 2012). Factors Affecting Community Preparedness Disaster Prone Areas Kelud From the analysis it was found that sequentially factors that influence community preparedness is knowledge (OR 1.509), behavior (OR 1,127), the role of nurses (OR 1076) and culture (OR 0.865). Based on the theory of Lawrence Green there is relationship between the role of nurses, knowledge, behaviors and culture in shaping the behavior of society in the face of disaster preparedness kelud mountain. Health workers who are in community health centers is a nurse who has the task as educators is to promote the health of the community to empower communities in disaster preparedness through the organization or community development. Relationship Between Culture With Kelud Community Preparedness Results of the analysis showed that culture can influence community preparedness of disaster-prone areas Kelud with the results of 0.007 p <0.05. In the theory of Lawrence Green culture is one of the predisposing factors of the formation and behavior of a person who possesses or believe a certain confidence will affect their behavior in the face of a disease that will affect the health (Green, 2000). Some people also see a different culture, culture is something that is Knowledge is the most important factor that effect on preparedness because based on the Lawrence Green theory, knowledge is a factor predisposing factors that facilitate or predispose the 58 person's behavior. Or cognitive domain knowledge is very important for the formation of one's actions (overt behavior). The results of experience and research that behavior based on knowledge will be more lasting than behavior that is not based on knowledge (Anwar, 2010). 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Regional Office for South – East Asia 62 ANALYSIS MOTIVATION IN REVIEW OF THE COMPONENTS QUALITY OF WORK LIFE EMPLOYEE PARTICIPANT AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT Ratna Wardani STIKes Surya Mitra Husada Kediri Email : ABSTRACT Human resource enough with the quality of being high, professional, in accordance with its function and the task of each personnel is one of indicator the success of hospitals. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of components quality work of life to motivation nurses in RSM ahmad dahlan kediri. Population a total of 85 a nurse with using simple random sampling obtained the total sample 70 nurse. Pearson correlation in use to know the relationship between a components of quality work of life against motivation nurse. Regression analysis a liner with approach stepwise used to know the influence of components quality work of life to motivation nurse. The results of the analysis in knows that has employee participant and career development influential of 44.6% of motivation where employee participant having influence most dominant. Keywords : career development, employee participant, nurse motivation nurse always faced with demands idealism a profession and often to face a range of kind of problems good friend of the patients and fellow worker. Service nursing in hospital was a factor for the quality of service and citra hospital in the citizens. And also to participate in improve the quality of health services, every nurse should have motivation high that will get a good performance. Motivation work here is a condition / of circumstances that affect someone to keep increasing, direct and maintain his behavior that deals either directly or indirectly with the environment of work. Many factors that can affect motivation nurse in implementing responsibilities are in hospital . The results of the study Alzeira (2010) claim that there was a correlation between components quality work of life to motivation work nurse so far in a hospital Tugu 2010. Of all components quality work of life in the survey pride to institutions has a strong against motivation work. From the description above so research aims to understand the relationship between employee INTRODUCTION The hospital is an organization that formed specifically for the demands of the needs of people increasingly complex because people begin to realize the importance of health. Thing that since the hospital to give maximum service to the community. (Amriyati, 2003), the demands will increase heavy in the face of the era of globalization now that the change very fast and simultaneously when is not followed the existence of resources improve our mankind hospitals professional and excellent. In the hospital, besides profession doctor, there are also nurse who had an important role in terms of serve and care for the sick directly. Of their duties daily, a nurse often faced in an effort rescue survival or the life someone. (Kuntjoro, 2005), good service not despite the presence of commitment from a nurse to provide good service to the patient. (Soeroso, 2003) In running the role and functions, a nurse are required to have skill, knowledge, and concentration high. In addition nor a 16 participant and career development to motivation employees in RSM Ahmad Dahlan Kediri. the driving force behind working spirit. Strong and the weak motivation a work of labor come determine big or small outstanding achievements. According to Herzberg (Anoraga 2009), system needs the underlying the motivation, and is divided into two parties, namely factor hygiene and factor motivator. Herzberg found that factors that raises satisfaction work different from factors that raises dissatisfaction work. Factors that cause satisfaction work called factor motivator, which includes the contents of work is factor intrinsic from work itself, that includes: responsibility, progress, work itself, accomplishment, recognition. While factors that raises dissatisfaction work called factor hygiene, pertaining to the context of work, and is factor extrinsic from work, includes: administration and health policy, supervisor, salary, personal relationships, and working conditions. MOTIVATION According to Edwin B Flippo in Hasibuan (2007), motivation is a expertise in driving civil servants and organization to work more good that desire civil servants and organizational goals can be achieved. Thus, motivation work employees are needed in order to increase firm production. The theory Mc Clelland argues in (Hasibuan 2007) that employees have stored potential energy, but how this energy used dependent upon the strength encouragement the motive for employees and the situation that exists. According to this theory is 3 things that motivates someone. First, needs achievement became an propulsion that motivate of work of someone. Therefore, this need drives someone to develop creativity and mobilize all ability and energy to reach work performance maximum. Someone will realize that only on achieving work performance high will be a greater incentive. Second, the need for affiliation be propulsion that will motivate of work of someone. This need including demand is to be accepted in the neighborhood place to work, feeling respected, feeling forward and not to fail, and feelings participate. Hence, motivation someone to fulfill the need by using energy and develop itself in order to finish the job. Third, the need for power became an locomotion motivation to reach chair or notch the best. Competition is an appropriate way to reach this need. Nurse need to continue to be motivated to improve its contribution to because motivation is a source of propulsion that closely related to labor productivity, culture and scores of work in organization. According to ( Anoraga 2009 ), motivation employment is something raising of enthusiasm or impulse. Because of that, motivation of work in psychology commonly called QUALITY OF WORK LIFE According to Arnold and Feldman (1986) in Anggraeni (2009), claim that the quality of work life intended to create conditions organization that can help development employees to learn. This is proven by the organization as control the role of how employees does its work and provide an opportunity to occupation is to draw and meaningful for employees so as to cause personal satisfaction that can affect the effectiveness of organization. According to Cascio (2003), the role of organization to improve the quality of work life is a business to meet the needs of employees both physical and psychological made up of several components, including: 1. employee participation according to (Cascio 2003), an attempt participation in employees may be done by means form employee involvement, employee participation meeting, and quality improvement teams. 2. Equitable compensation, compensation are related for its 17 employees as individuals, because the size of the compensation is size hard work the employees. 3. Job security, according to (Cascio 2003) security employees to work can in achieving by an organization in the form of retire and status employees. 4. Safe environment, Work environment having the effect on labor productivity. If environmental nice and safe it will cause additional burdens for employees. 5. Pride, according to (Cascio 2003) proud to institutions be able to be implemented by means of strengthen the identity and image organization, increase the participation of the community as well as increase the awareness of for the environment. 6. Career Development, according to (Cascio 2003) career development can be conducted by creating education and training evaluation, performance, and position promotion. 7. Wellness, according to Sikula in the Hasibuan (2005 ), to maintain employees of a company provide welfare in the form of compensation indirect for the provision of facilities and services. 8. Conflict Resolution, conflicts take into consideration that there are problems that need to be resolved in a relationship, induce to commit change within one person, grow encouragement in a burden to solve problem until now have not realized that. 9. Communication, according to (Notoatmodjo, 2007), two way communication will easier to understand each other and very help develop relation which is satisfying to both sides by created on good cooperation. According to (Usman 2009), program the quality of work life can be improving communication internal and group, improve coordination, motivation, and capabilities workers. Thus programs are able to reach vision, mission, nor the purpose of more developed organization. MATERIAL and METHOD This research is research quantitative uses the research correlational with the approach crosssectional. Research methodology quantitative can be defined as research methodology based on philosophy positivism, used to scrutinize in the population or a given sample of, data collection use of the instruments research, data analysis is quantitative/statistics, for the purpose of test a hypothesis that has been set. The conclusion is the last step of the process research of response to formulation problems. This research in doing in RSM Ahmad Dahlan Kediri by the number of a population of 85 nurse. Technique the sample to research this is simple random sampling by the number of sample 70 respondents. Stage data processing in this research include univariate analysis in used to do analysis on each variable so that it can be in know the percentage. Next done analysis bivariate by using correlation analysis Pearson and to test hypotheses, which is there are influence components quality of work life to motivation nurse use linear regression multiple with the approach method stepwise. RESULT AND DISCUSS Univariate Analysis Table 1. characteristic of employees RSM Ahmad Dahlan Kediri Variabel Freq Percent Age < 25 year 25 – 35 year > 35 year Length of service < 6 year 18 21 46 4 29.6 64.8 5.6 55 77.5 >= 6 year 16 Gender Man 19 52 Women Marital Status Married 51 Not married 20 Education D1/D2 8 D3 49 S1 14 Table 1 above can be knows that age employees RSM ahmad dahlan kediri majority exists by the age of 25 - 35 years as many as 46 respondents (64.8 %).To many years working most workers having long works less than six years 55 or 77.5 %. Gender respondents most are women 52 or 73.3 %, with married status almost all respondents married as many as 51 respondents (71.8 %). Education respondents most of them are d3 a total of 49 (69 %). Bivariate Analysis Table 2. Correlations component the quality of work life against motivation work nurses in RSM Ahmad Dahlan Kediri Variabel p-value Career development 0.003 Employee participant 0.000 Safe environment 0.040 Job Security 0.048 From table 2 above of nine components quality of work life with the motivation work nurses in RSM Ahmad Dahlan the quality of only four variable with links with the motivation work nurse, namely career development, employee participant, safe environment and job security. Multivariate Analysis Table 3. The influence of components quality of work life to motivation work nurses in RSM Ahmad Dahla n Kediri Variabel p-value Career development 0.000 Employee participant 0.000 Safe environment 0.124 22.5Job security 0.051 0.609 0.000 Sig (all variables) 26.8R-Square (2 variabel) 44.6 73.3R-square (4 variable) 44.0 In table 3 it can be in know that 71.8career development and employee 28.2participant affect motivation work nurse, while safe environment and job security 11.3has not been affecting the motivation 69.0work nurse because the value of 19.7signifansinya more than 0.05. The influence of fourth variable above to motivation work of 44 % and influence two variable the motivation nurse to work of 46,2 %, while of 53.8 % in stir by the other factors that not in minutely. Of both variable above in know that employee participant having influence the most dominant to motivation work nurses in RSM Ahmad Dahlan Kediri. According to ivancenvich konopaske & matteson in the (ardiansyah 2009) the concept quality work of life widely have been used for increased the motivation work and improving the condition of who has sent down motivation such work. (Cascio 2003) outlines nine components quality of work life consisting of the employee participant, career development, conflict r resolution, communication, wellness, 0.352job security, safe environment, equitable 0.608compensation, and proud. According to 0.245Harvey and Brown (Usman, 2009) 0.235quality of work life need to be created by the Organization to provide balance in employees in carrying out the work and personal life. Of correlation analysis person in table 2, of the nine components quality of work life only four component that has relations with the motivation work nurse. Career development has a enough with the motivation nurse, employee participant had strong ties with the motivation work nurse, while safe environment and job security has a weak with the motivation nurse. Of table 3 in know that of four B variable with links with the motivation 0.408 0.881work nurse, only two variable that has 0.305an effect on motivation work nurses in RSM Ahmad Dahlan Kediri. Employee 19 participant is a component quality work of life that has an effect most dominant to motivation work nurse. The involvement of nurse is part of the program motivation derived from facilities and the assumption described by the experts and support relations of persons in work environment. With there is participation nurses will be creating a sense of responsibilities of each individual. In addition the involvement of nurse to a sense of belonging to institutions place the employees work , namely RSM Ahmad Dahlan Kediri. According to (Siagian 2004) employee participant is the way of view as in see the extent to which an employee first will then enclose in determining decisions sendirl iti on that job. It is done to give liberty against the employee to play an active role to institutions place they work. The higher their participant the more higher the responsibility the employees to complete the task in give. Efforts to improve participation nurse can be done by the leader of RSM Ahmad Dahlan by means of follow enclose in the meeting, involving an employee in each meeting, and development of the quality of team. The role of the head room to guide nurse implementing. With the delegation of given to nurses implementing so will increase responsibilities and a sense of belonging to institutions place to work. The second variables that influence the motivation work nurse is career development, this is in accordance with the (Haryono 2011) in studies conducted in Hospital Hermina Bogor. In general career is all forms of work done a during his lifetime to meet the needs of ideal. According to (Cascio 2003), career development can be conducted by creating education and training, performance evaluation, and position promotion. Thus the level of a career in an institution will increased the motivation an employee in his job. With the career development will give benefits can increase satisfaction work, can dig potential self of an employee, and will raise motivation work. Competitive environment demanding RSM Ahmad Dahlan Kediri to make standard competence nurse through the level of career nursing that the implementation of the quality of service be well maintained. Allowance level career nurse need to be done so that each increase level of a career which also was an improvement competence nurse able to be rewarded in a career that the program more effective level. Thus the level of a career in an institution make employee improve quality of work and services provided to patients more optimal in accordance with standard minimum service. CONCLUSION Of the nine components quality work of life there are two components influential to motivation work nurse namely career development and employee participant. Employee participant into components the most dominant and had strong ties with the motivation work nurses in RSM Ahmad Dahlan Kediri. REFERENCES Amriyati, S. S. (2003). Kinerja Perawat Ditinjau dari Lingkungan Kerja dan Karakteristik Individu (Studi Pada Instansi Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Umum Banyumas Unit Swadana Daerah). Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan, 8-11. Anoraga, P. (2009). Psikologi Kerja (Cetakan ke 5). Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Ardiansyah, G. (2009). Pendelang Pekerjaankatan Job Mapping sebagai alat bantu dalam desain u . Depok: Skripsi. Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia. Cascio, W. (2003). 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Pengaruh Quality of Work Life Terhadap Semangat kerja di Pertamina Eksplorasi dan Produksi Rantau. Jakarta: Tesis Program Pascasarjana Unversitas Terbuka. 21 STRATEGY ON HEALTH CARE PROTECTION FOR THE POOR SOCIETY IN KEDIRI CITY Koesnadi Institute Of Health Surya Mitra Husada Email ABSTRACT In general, a guarantee of Public Health (Assurance) has the goal of increasing access to and quality of health services to the entire community, including the poor in order to achieve an optimal degree of public health effectively and efficiently. This study purposed to determine the strategy on health care protection for the poor society in Kediri. This study was conducted in May to June 2015 using purposive sampling technique. The approach taken in this study used a qualitative approach. This study took place in Kediri. The informants are the patients who went to threat in Kediri. The data showed that a. The services provided by health centers and hospitals according to the informant was good b. according to all informants every patient should have a health ansurance like Jamkesmas, Jamkesda or BPJS. c. The response of users health care are very diverse among them say that using the health insurance may be light d. Almost all informants said that at there were still obstacles they face, for example, when a family member was sick and in need of further treatment, they are still difficult to get a room for treatment because the room is full. e. Almost all respondents want to get legal protection so that they could be treated safety, comfort and reached Keywords: Strategy, protection, health care, the poor of a good quality in itself and the health ministry.Adisasmito (2007) mentions, low health status of the poor due to limited access to health services due to geographical constraints and cost constraints (cost barrier) .In addition, the behavior of people who lack support a clean and healthy lifestyle is also an obstacle for the Government to promote the development of society, especially in the field of health (Adisasmito, 2007). The quality of public health are low due to the public awareness that is low for a healthy life, a means of health infrastructure beyond the reach of community and economic levels of society who are unable to meet the needs of health, become a concern for the developed countries that are members of the United Nations ( UN). Implementation of the constitutional mandate on health insurance of citizens and the implementation of the declaration of the United Nations in INTRODUCTION Healthy living is a dream for every human being, because the lives of healthy people can carry out their activities with full perfection, both activities in conjunction with the creator God Almighty, and the activities of fellow human beings and their environment to meet their needs. Socioeconomic conditions are very diverse, both in cities and villages, those who worked as civil servants and private employees, as well as company workers and farm laborers, and others. Differences in social and economic strata of society, has also resulted in differences in the degree of health. Poverty is one obstacle to efforts to increase well-being and quality of life. The poverty rate is also the cause of the poor are not able to meet the demand for health services are relatively expensive (Tiyayasih, 2011). However, the high cost of health care is not the only cause 21 2000 on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) or the Millennium Development Goals, the Government of Indonesia has set a policy on the guarantee and protection of public health, with the enactment of Law No. 40 Year 2004 on National Social Security System (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2004 Number 150, Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4456) called UU.SJSN, and Law No. 36 Year 2009 concerning Health (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2009 Number 144, Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5063) called the Health Act. as well as Law No. 24 of 2011 on the Social Security Agency (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2011 Number 116, Additional State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5256) called the Law of BPJS. The philosophical foundation of Law No. 40 of 2004 on National Social Security System, as stated in the preamble to weigh states: "a. that everyone is entitled to social security to be able to meet the basic needs of a decent life and improve dignity towards the realization of Indonesian society that is prosperous, just and prosperous; b. that in order to provide a comprehensive social security, the country developed a National Social Security System for all Indonesian people ". Social security in it is of public health insurance philosophy is to bring people of Indonesia a prosperous, fair and prosperous, and the State ensure the implementation of public health insurance, through the National Social Security System. As the providers of public servants, hospital and health centers should implement the law properly. That is, should carry out duties as institutions that provide health services to the community as well as the obligations mentioned above, including the poor have either Jamkesmas card or no Jamkesmas card, domiciled either in Kediri or outside Kediri, if they require health services at the General Hospital of Kediri, they should be given good service according to the authority given by legislation, and not be rejected on the excuses where the room does not exist, or pay for the drug itself to the reason the office of PT Askes closed on holidays , as the mandate of the Social Security Act and the Regulation of the Minister of Health on the implementation of the guidelines Jamkesmas. The law must be implemented well in order to create the legal law which creates of public welfare with free public health guaranteed in hospitals. Based on the background above, this dissertation take the topic “STRATEGY ON HEALTH CARE PROTECTION FOR THE POOR IN KEDIRI CITY" METHODS Research Design: Qualitative descriptive. Place and Time: This study was conducted in Kediri in May 2015 Population and Sample: The informant as much as 15 people In this study, the data collection methods used by researchers is the depth interviews with informants RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A.Result 1. The characteristics of informants Informants research on health care protection strategies of the poor in Kediri are composed of 15 informants include age, gender, job, holding health cards From these results obtained informant characteristic data are housewives aged between 40 and 67 years. Based on the characteristics of sex are all female. Based on all sex their jobs are housewives. Health cards of the characteristics possessed 9 using Jamkesmas while others use BPJS. From the results of research from day to day care in health centers has improved. But precisely the existing services at the Hospital which according to one informant is still lacking and not very pleasant for the informant. 22 The Informant also says that in all health centers and hospitals of all health workers there suggest that poor patients should have a health card such as Jamkesmas, or Jamkesda or BPJS where the cost for the treatment is cheap. Almost all informants said that by using the health card to be cheaper treatment, drug - any drug can be obtained easily and inexpensively. Even the fee can be deducted from the salary of her husband. Obstacles faced by the informant are very wide - range for example, each time going hospitalization rooms, the rooms in the hospital are always full. That's what always made them feel uncomfortable. All informants say he wants to get legal protection for them as medical personnel perform a medical act not in accordance with the procedure. They want the service at the Hospital of the best, comfortable, safe, cheap and affordable. well as guarantee to obtain medical care from the state. B. Discussion Means and facilities to protect the welfare of the community is felt by the poor is very limited. This is because the geographical situation in the region and knowledge of the importance of health is not maximum. And the public perception is still less maximum of the health card itself. 2. Obstacles in the implementation of the protection of public health services for the poor in Kediri. Obstacles encountered in service is not all government regulations and policies known by the poor, as well as the limited means and facilities available, as well as the dedication of health staff in providing services for the poor is not maximized. Low health status of the poor due to limited access to health services due to geographical constraints and cost difficulties. Besides the behavior of people who lack support a clean and healthy lifestyle is also an obstacle for the government to advance the development of society, especially in the field of health (Adisasmito, 2007) 1. The implementation of the protection of public health services for the poor in the city Kediri The results showed that nearly all of the patients who seek treatment either in the clinic or are in the hospital using health cards. And if they do not already have it health staff recommends obtaining the health card immediately 3. The model of the legal protection of poor people in obtaining health services in Kediri Article 34 paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution states that "the State is responsible for the provision of health care facilities and viable public facilities” "If it is about the protection it will be related to the law, don‟t you , now I also want to like it so that when there will be an error due to actions taken by the health staff as the poor we can be protected" (informants 1) Indonesian government policy set national social security system aims for the creation of social security including public health insurance, which can be enjoyed thoroughly by the community. Legal protection is a subjective condition stating the presence of necessity on ourselves a number of legal subjects to quickly acquire a number of sources, to the continued existence of legal subjects that are guaranteed and protected by law, so that its power is organized in the decision making process politically and economically, Based on the above statement, it can be interpreted that every Indonesian citizen is guaranteed by the state to prosper and unseen, dwelling and its surroundings as 23 especially in the distribution of resources, both at the individual and structural rankings (Hadjon, 1987) 2. It is imperative to improve the socialization of all the rules and policies for all medical staff and the public in Kediri. To obtain legal protection in the health services, the government should be more aggressively again to socialize on the health service, so that people know and are able to apply the program correctly. 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It is a primary cancer of the cervix (cervical canal and/or portio). Carcinogenesis is a somatic event since the accumulation of genetic and epigenetic changes cause changes in the normal regulation of molecular control of cell proliferation. The purpose of the present study was to develop a cervical cancer model by implanting HeLa cells into immunosuppressed mice. True experiments were conducted with 5 DDY mice of 2 months in age and 2030 gr. in weight obtained from the Integrated Research and Testing Laboratory (LPPT) 4 of Gadjah Mada University. Mice were injected with 0.5 mg/kg of dexamethasone for 7 days to suppress their immunity. Furthermore, 1 ml (8 x 106 per microlite) of HeLa cells was injected intracutaneously into the back of the mice. Mice were observed for nodulation at the injection site. Upon reduction of nodule growth, dissection and histopathological examination were carried out with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. Results showed that the cutaneous tissue of HeLa cell-implanted mice had largesized cells, greater nuclear volume than that of the cytoplasm and cells losing contact inhibition. The features of HeLa cells implanted into the cutaneous tissue resembled the vaginal cytologic smears of patients with cervical cancer, in which the cells have been washed away from the surface of the tumor or aspirated from the mass through a fine needle. Keywords: Model, cervical cancer, HeLa cells HeLa cells can be used to test antitumor activity, tumorigenic transformation, cytotoxicity, cell biology and bacterial invasion. Morphologically, HeLa cells are epithelial cells invaded by the human papilloma virus (HPV) tope 18. The cells are immortal and highly aggressive, making it easy to invade other cell culture/tissue (Doyle and Griffiths, 2000). Among the grounds for selecting HeLa cells for use in cervical cancer research is that it has the p53 gene that can be induced by the tested compound resulting in cell apoptosis (Desaintes et al., 1999). INTRODUCTION Cervical cancer is a primary cancer of the cervix (cervical canal and/or portio). Half a million cases are reported annually and the incidence is higher in the developing countries. This is potentially due to non-routine implementation of Pap smear screening programs. In Latin America, subSaharan Africa and Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, cervical cancer ranks second after breast cancer. In Indonesia, it was reported the number of new cases of cervical cancer was 100 in 100,000 women per year or 180,000 new cases aged 45 to 54 years. Additionally, cervical cancer tops the list of 10 most common cancers in women. The course of cervical cancer represents one model of multistep carcinogenesis, beginning from earlystage carcinogenesis to changes in morphology to invasive cancers. Cervical cancer is caused, among others, by infection with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), leading to abnormal changes in the cervical cells (Riono, 1999). Human palpillomavirus is a DNA virus infecting human skin and mucous membranes (Desaintes et 27 al., 1997). When it infects a cell, the HPV type 18 will express the proteins E6 and E7 (Thierry et al., 1987, cited by Desaintes et al., 1997). These proteins are suppressor proteins that affect cell proliferation and death. E6 binds to p53 to degrade p53 to prevent cells from undergoing apoptosis, while E7 binds to PRB, leading to cells‟ continuous proliferation (Dyson et al., 1989, cited by Desaintes et al., 1997). hormones that enhance cell growth. Albumin serves as transport protein, lipids as cell growth support and minerals as enzyme cofactor. All the components of RPMI-serum media are to provide the cells with sufficient nutrients in order to survive and proliferate (Freshney, 1987). Furthermore, 1 ml (8 x 106 per microlite) of HeLa cells was injected intracutaneously into the back of the mice. Mice were observed for nodulation at the injection site. Upon reduction of nodule growth, dissection and histopathological examination were carried out with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. The purpose of the present study was to develop a cervical cancer model by implanting HeLa cells into immunosuppressed mice. METHODS The present study used the true experiment design with 5 DDY mice of 2 months in age and 2030 gr. in weight obtained from the Integrated Research and Testing Laboratory (LPPT) 4 of Gadjah Mada University. Mice were injected with 0.5 mg/kg of dexamethasone for 7 days to suppress their immunity. RESULTS 1. Cervical cancer induction HeLa cell-implanted mice of Cancer in the present study was induced by implanting HeLa cells into the back of immunosuppressed mice. Implantation was carried out by injecting 8 x 106 HeLa cells per microlite. Results showed 100% of the mice developed nodules in their skin. Induction of cancer produced local and unmetastatic tumors. Intracutaneous implantation of HeLa cells were aimed at maintaining the cells in place. This situation allowed for nodulation at the implantation site. HeLa cells obtained from the LPPT 4 of Gadjah Mada University were grown from the liquid nitrogen storage with 70% ethanol. Cells were transferred to a sterile conical tube containing the RPMI 1640 medium. Subsequently, cells were centrifuged at 325 g for 5 min. the pellets were added with the growing medium containing 20% PBS. The cells were then grown in a tissue culture flask and incubated at 37°C in 5% CO2. The confluent cells were subsequently harvested and washed with PBS without Ca and Mg. Cells were released by adding 0.25% trypsin and then 10 ml of RPMI 1640. Cells were centrifuged for 5 min. Furthermore, cells were added with the growing medium 20% PBS to obtain a concentration of 8 x 10 6/100 microlites. The formed nodules were initially soft in consistency since it contained HeLa cell suspension but it then changed to be hard in consistency on day 3 of implantation. The medium used in the HeLa cell culture was RPMI 1640-serum since it contains nutrients required by the cells such as amino acids, vitamins, organic salts and glucose, while serum contains 28 aspirated from the mass through a fine needle. Figure 1. Nodules produced by implantation of HeLa cells into the back of mice. It appeared on day 3 of intracutaneous implantation and was hard in consistency. Figure 3. The features of HeLa cells implanted into cutaneous tissue. Results of H&E staining (1000x magnification) showed cells of similar size with the nuclear volume larger than that of cytoplasm. The cells were not adherent to each other. The growth of nodules was observed daily for 12 days. Nodules began to appear on day 3 of implantation. It reached the optimum value on day 8 and then began to decline on day 9. 1 DISCUSSION A cervical cancer modeling by intraepithelial implantation of 1.5 x 106 HeLa cells into the skin tissue was made by Marquez-Lemus et al. (2005) into the legs of female nu/nu mice of 34 weeks in age. It was capable of producing tumors appearing on day 15 of implantation without metastasis. The nu/nu (nude) mice are genetically mutated mice to have no thymic glands. Thus, they cannot produce T cells (lymphocytes) that play an important role in the immune system, leading to incapability to generate an immune response. Therefore, nude mice cannot reject a xenograft, or a tissue transplant from other species. Nodule Volume Curve 0 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10H11H12 K3 K4 Figure 2. The curve of nodule volume produced by implantation of HeLa cells. 2. Microscopic features of HeLa cells implanted into mice Results showed that the cutaneous tissue of HeLa cell-implanted mice had largesized cells, greater nuclear volume than that of the cytoplasm and cells losing contact inhibition. HeLa cells implanted into the cutaneous tissue could not form massive tumors. The features of HeLa cells implanted into the cutaneous tissue resembled the vaginal cytologic smears of patients with cervical cancer, in which the cells have been washed away from the surface of the tumor or The present study used DDY mice of 2 months in age and 20-30 gr. in weight. Mice were intramuscularly (IM) injected with 0.5 mg/kg B.W. of dexamethasone into their thigh for 7 days aimed at depressing their immune system. Dexamethasone is a steroid that depresses the immune system. However, it should not be used excessively since it 29 can damage the immune system of mice, leading to death. Of 5 mice used in the study, one was dead after dexamethasone injection. The success rate of the immunosuppression technique used in the study was 100%, as evidenced by the mice‟s appearing relatively weak and losing appetite after dexamethasone injection. However, the immunosuppression was also temporary; thus, naturally the formed nodules would shrink and eventually disappeared. 8 of implantation. This showed that the cells have been subjected to inflammatory process due to stimulation of HeLa cells implanted. Implantation of HeLa cells into the cutaneous tissue caused infiltration of neutrophils to the implantation site, resulting in swelling in the cutaneous layer. A proper intracutaneous implantation was shown by the presence of cells in the cutaneous layer. Cancer cells have a morphology different from that of normal cells (Price 1994). Thus, hematoxylin and eosin (H & E) staining is required on the emerging nodules. In the present study, examination of HeLa cell- implanted skin tissue (nodules) by the use of the H & E staining method indicated largesized cells with pink nuclei and nuclear volume larger than that of the cytoplasm. Cells were not adherent to one another (loss of contact inhibition). HeLa cells implanted into the citaneous tissue could not form massive tumors. One of the forms of immune response to the implantation of cells is inflammation. In the implantation site, the pre-capilary arterioles will be dilated and the post-capillary venules will be narrowed, thereby increasing the local blood flow. These events may cause swelling and redness typical of inflammation (Campbell, 2004). Swelling and redness can be clearly observed after isolation of nodules. Inflammatory responses are initiated by the presence of chemical signals. The chemical signals derive from the invading organisms/cells. The chemical signals are pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as histamine and serotonin. Histamine produced by circulating leukocytes, called basophils, and mast cells can be found in the connective tissues. In the event of a lesion, these cells stimulate the release of histamine and trigger enlargement and increase in capillary permeability. Leukocytes and cells of damaged tissues secrete prostaglandins which in turn will increase blood flow to the injured site. An increase in local blood flow and capillary permeability will increase macrophage migration to the injured tissue. Furthermore, macrophages, along with neutrophils, will phagocytize dead (necrotic) tissues (Campbell, 2004). The features of HeLa cells implanted into the cutaneous tissue resembled the vaginal cytologic smears of patients with cervical cancer, in which the cells have been washed away from the surface of the tumor or aspirated from the mass through a fine needle (Price, 1994). Tumor cells have a large prominent nucleus of irregular shape and few cytoplasms (Damjanov, 2000). REFERENCES Campbell, NA., Reece.,J.B Mitchell.,L.G., Biologi, Edisi ke-5 jilid 1, diterjemahkan oleh Wasmen Manalu, Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta., 2004, hal 75. Damjonov, I.,Histopatologi, di terjemahkan oleh dr. Brahm U. Pendit, cetakan ke-1, Penerbit Medika , Jakarta., 2000, hal 65. Desaintes,C., Goyat, S., Yanif.,M., Thierry, F. Papilomavirus E2 indus p53-independent apoptosis Nodules formed after implantation of HeLa cells contain tumor cells and cells produced by immune reaction. Results of the present study showed that the optimum termination was observed on days 7 and 30 in HeLa cells, Oncogene,1999. 18, 4538-4545. Griffiths, G.D., Leek, M.D. and Gee, D.J. The toxic plant proteins ricinand abrin induce apoptotic changes in mammalian lymphoid tissues and intestine, J. Pathol., 1987.,151,221-229. Marquez-Lemus, V.A., NoguezJuarez,B.M., Salano-Rodriguez, L., Perez Zepata, A.J., RamonGallegos, E., Schneider- Ehrenberg, O.P and Graue. Wiechers, F. In vivo study of Biological Effects of Photodynamic Therapy on Cervical Cancer, Physica Scripta 2005., 71,1-4. Price, S.A. Patofisiologi: Konsep Klinis Proses-Proses Penyakit , edisi ke-4 buku 1, diterjemahkan oleh Peter Anugerah, 119-120, Penerbit buku Kedokteran EGC., 1994, Jakarta 31 THE EFFECT OF ELDERLY EXERCISE TO COGNITIVE DIMENSIA ELDERLY FUNCTION IN “MAWAR”AGE CARE FACILITIES (PSLU) BLITAR TULUNGAGUNG Prima Dewi Kusumawati Institute Of Health Surya Mitra Husada ABSTRACT Elderly would decrease of nerve cells in the brain that would lead to dementia in the elderly. Effective ways that could be used by the elderly to decrease aging process. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of Elderly exercise to cognitive dimensia elderly function in “Mawar” age care facilities (PSLU) Blitar Tulungagung.This study design was quasi-experimental approach to One Group Pre Test - Post Test design. The population all dimensia elderly in “Mawar” age care facilities (PSLU) Blitar Tulungagung totaling 15 respondents with a total sampling method obtained a sample of 15 respondents. Results of statistical test Paired Samples T-Test p value 0.027 to 0.027 value <0.05 can be concluded that the H0 is rejected, which means there was influence of elderly exercise cognitive function in dimensia elderly function in “Mawar” age care facilities (PSLU) Blitar Tulungagung.Exercise elderly provides benefits that emotional stress is reduced, the mind is more clear, the relationship between humans and the atmosphere is more relaxed and happy, language skills and memory increases, people become more passionate, more creative and efficient, people feel more healthy because the stress is reduced. Keywords: Exercise Elderly, Elderly Cognitive Function Statistics, 2010). In the Asia Pacific region, the number of elderly people will increase rapidly from 410 million in 2007 to 733 million in 2025, and estimated to be 1.3 billion by 2050 (Murwani, 2011). INTRODUCTION The process of aging and being aging is a natural process that everyone experiences (Atum, 2008). Entering old age means setbacks, such as physical deterioration characterized by sagging skin, graying hair, beginning toothless, lessening clear hearing, getting eyesight worse, being slow motion, and not having figure proportional (Nugroho, 2008). The number of elderly people who are in dormitory of PSLU Blitar Tulungagung around 77 inhabitants, whereas in Mawar dormitory of PSLU Blitar Tulungagung, there were 14 people still in good health. Elder is an old person because of his old age changes the biological, physical, psychological, and social. This change will affect all aspects of life, including health. Therefore, the health for the elders needs special attention while providing motivation for the elderly people can live productively based on their abilities (Health Act No. 36 of 2009 Article 138). The elderly population in Indonesia in 2006 amounted to approximately 19 million (8.9%) with a life expectancy of 66.2 years, in 2010 amounted to 23.9 million (9.77%) with a life expectancy of 67.4 years and in 2020 is estimated at 28.8 million (11.43%) with a life expectancy of 71.1 years (the Central Bureau of Statistics, 2010). The amount includes the fourth largest after China, India and Japan (the Central Bureau of 31 The increasing number of the elderly population will be able to provide a problem - the problem of disease in the elderly. According to the Ministry of Health in 1998, there was 7.2% of the population aged 60 years and older up to cases of dementia. A total of 5% of old age 65-70 years suffers from dementia and will double every 5 year reaching 45% at the age above 85 years (Nugroho, 2008). Dementia is a disorder of memory function that occurs slowly, and can disrupt the performance and daily activities (Atum, 2010). The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of exercise for cognitive function from elderly people with dementia in the Mawar Dormitory of PSLU Blitar Tulungagung. MATERIAL AND METHOD Research design Based on the research objectives, the design of the study is quasiexperimental. The model used is the pre and post-test without control. Population and Sample Research The design of the study is quasiexperimental design with pre and post test without control. Sampling technique in this research is total sampling where all population can be sampled, and the samples are elderly suffering from dementia amounts to 15 people. Independent variables of this study are elderly exercise while the dependent variable is the cognitive function in elderly dementia. And data analysis uses Paired sample t-test. Dementia is marked with disturbances of memorizing and learning something new in short term, eloquence interference (difficult to name objects and search for words to speak), wrong about the place, time, person or object, difficult to count, unable to plan, organize, make decisions and other things (Sumijatun, 2005). The results of a preliminary study conducted by researchers at Dormitory of PLSU Blitar Tulungaggung are the number of elderly people 80 and the number of elders in Mawar Dormitory is 15 people. The results of interviews of 15 elderly people in Mawar Dormitory of PSLU Blitar Tulungagung showed that they often perceived in the dormitory and often forgetful when they put something, it is easy to forget the names of fellow elders and often confused when someone asks. RESULTS 1. Characteristics of respondents a. By age The way to improve cognitive function for the elders is a group therapy with Reminiscene therapy is beneficial to maintain individual identity and also can improve the cognitive function, because the elders will use his past to defend his opinions and criticism (Johnson, 2005). The other way to improve cognitive function is Brain Gym or sports. It can also use exercise for the elders to inhibit the aging process. Exercise for elders will not only facilitate the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain, but also stimulate both sides of the brain to work (Tammase, 2009). Figure 1 shows almost all respondents are 60 -74 years (73%) b. Based on Gender 32 Figure 2 shows most of the respondents are male (53%) Dormitory of PSLU Blitar Tulungagung based on the research results of cognitive value before being granted elderly exercise the respondents with the highest cognitive value was as much as seven respondents (47%). c. based education According Pudjiastuti (2003), that decrease of the cognitive function ability due to morphological and biochemical, decreased brain weight for the elders due to a reduced content of protein and fat in the brain so that the brain becomes lighter. Axons, dendrites and nerve cell bodies experience many changes; dendrites which serve as a means for communication between nerve cells change to become thinner and lose cell contact between nerve cells, nerve conductivity decreased so that the movement becomes slow. Figure 3 shows that the majority of the respondents are no schooling (53%) 2. Characteristics of variables a. MMSE before being given elderly exercise 2. Cognitive Function after being given elderly exercise for Elders with Dementia in the Mawar Dormitory of PSLU Blitar Tulungagung The results of the study are after being given elderly exercise for Elders with Dementia found that mild cognitive score as many as 8 respondents (53%). Figure 4 shows that most of the respondents have moderate cognitive function (47%) There are several ways to cope with the occurrence of dementia in the elderly, both pharmacological and non pharmacological. In this study, we use non-pharmacological means by giving for 15 minutes exerciser for the elders every day for 3 days. In addition, researchers are consistent with the theory stated by an expert who discovered the exercise movements for elders stating that therapeutic exercise for elders conducted over 1 time a day within 15 minutes for 3 days, on a regular basis can reduce the decline in cognitive function (Denisson, 2009). b. MMSE after being given elderly gymnastics Figure 5 shows that most respondents have mild cognitive functions (53%) 3. The effect of elderly exercise for the elders with Dementia on Cognitive Function In the Mawar Dormitory of PSLU Blitar Tulungagung based on the statistical test result with Paired sample Discussion1. Cognitive Function for Elderly people with Dementia before given elderly exercise the Mawar 33 t-test p value 0.027 thus obtained 0.027 <0.05 it can be concluded that the H0 is rejected, which means that there is influence of elderly exercise with cognitive function for the elders with dementia in the Mawar Dormitory of PSLU Blitar Tulungagung. The results showed that elderly exercise for the elders is significantly beneficial in improving the cognitive function of elderly people with dementia proved by the meaningful score results in cognitive function after being given elderly exercise. The result of this study is expected to provide objective information and feedback related to the handling of the elderly people who have dementia to optimize cognitive function by elderly exercise. For elderly people with dementia is expected to do elderly exercise regularly. 3. For Researcher The result of this study is expected to add the knowledge and experience for the researchers themselves in conducting research on elders with dementia, especially in optimizing cognitive function by elderly exercise. Conclusion 1. It was found that before doing elderly exercise 15 mostly elderly respondents have moderate cognitive functions are seven respondents (47%). 4. For further research The result of this study is expected to be used as a source of information in future research as well as other measures such as cognitive therapy to optimize cognitive function for elderly people with dementia. 2. It was found that after doing elderly exercise 15 respondents mostly elderly people have mild cognitive functions i.e. 8 respondents (53%). 3. Based on the research showed the value of .8667 and a pre-test to post-test value of 1.4000 so that it could be seen an increase in cognitive function before and after treatment 5,333. Whereas the results of statistical test Paired Samples Test using SPSS with = 0.05. P value 0.027 to 0.027 value <0.05 it can be concluded that the H0 is rejected, which means that there is an influence of elderly exercise with cognitive function for elderly people with dementia in the Mawar Dormitory of PSLU Blitar Tulungagung. Bibliography Dahlan, Sopiyudin. 2008. Statistika Untuk Kedokteran dan Kesehatan. Jakarta : Salemba Medika Dennison, Paul E,. Gail E. Dennison. 2008. Buku Panduan Lengkap Brain Gym. Jakarta : Grasindo Depkes RI. 2008. Pedoman Pembinaan Kesehatan Usia Lanjut Bagi Petugas kesehatan. Jakarta : Direktorat Pembinaan Kesehatan Masyarakat. Suggestion Hartati. 2010. Clock Drawing : Asesmen Untuk Demensia. Semarang : Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Diponegoro. 1. For Respondents The result of research on elderly exercise therapy is expected to be used for pre-seniors with dementia and to prevent the occurrence of a more severe degree of dementia. 2. For Elder Dormitory of PSLU Blitar Tulungagung Jonhson, M.H,. 2005. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Edisi 2. Oxford : Blacwell Publishing 34 35 36 SOCIAL INTERACTION EFFECT THE RECURRENCE OF CORONARY HEART DISEASE PATIENT IN POLI JANTUNG RSUD Dr. MOHAMAD SALEH PROBOLINGGO Nia Sari STIKes Surya Mitra Husada ABSTRACT The recurrence is a condition of the patient when arissing the same symptom which is like before dan makes the patient must nurse back. The condition arround or the society that is full of stress with dietary habit that is not healthy can cause someone infected a heart attack. The purpose of this research is for analyze the effect of social interaction on the recurrence of coronary heart disease patients. The kind of this research used quantitative approach with cross sectional design. The data is got by using a questioner paper for social interaction and medical record for recurrence. The totality of the samples that are taken in this research are 57 respondents By “Simple Random Sampling”. This research on February until Juni, 2015. From 57 respondent which is researched, 71,93 % of the respondents gets relapse and 28,07% of the respondents gets relapse over the last month. From 71,935 of the respondents who is relapse, 21,1% has a bad social interaction.The test results of Logistic Regresion with α = 0,05 got the variable result which is influenced significant on recurrence is social interraction (p=0,026). To prevent the recurrence of coronary heart can be done by healthy social interaction in communities. Key words : Coronary Heart, Social Interraction, Recurrence 35 heart disease (CHD), 23.73% of primary hypertension, 18.9% of heart failure, myocardial infarction 7.5% and there are still some other heart disease. From the above results it can be concluded that patients with coronary heart disease continues to grow each year, and CHD is also the largest type of heart disease during 2014 in the Hospital Dr. Mohamad Saleh Probolinggo. INTRODUCTION Indonesia today has a double burden in the face of disease problems. On one side of communicable diseases are still high even tends to increase, on the other hand non-communicable diseases are generally classified as degenerative disease began to increase. One of the degenerative disease is the leading cause of death is coronary heart disease (CHD). The disease is generally caused by the behavior or unhealthy lifestyle (Notoatmodjo, 2011). Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in many develop countries and looks for a rising trend as a cause of death in many developing countries. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the cause of that need more in-depth attention to the developing countries. Impact of economic progress, the rapid eradication of infectious diseases. As a consequence, on the other hand CHD shifted into the main cause of death in which previous infectious disease is the leading cause of death. High levels of plasma total cholesterol, arterial hypertension and smoking are three major risk factor for CHD. Hipercholesterolemia occupies a very important position because hipercholesterolemia is the only risk factor that can lead to the onset of artherosclerosis. Diet is related to hipercholesterolemia. Diet is one of the main environmental factors causing coronary heart disease through blood cholesterol. The scientific evidence in recent years shows the importance of the role of social factors as determinants of the health status of non-communicable diseases, especially in this case cardiovascular disease (Bulletin of Health Indonesia, 2012). Based on data obtained from cardiac poly Hospital Dr. Mohamad Saleh Probolinggo, it was found that each year the number of patients with heart disease is increasing. The increase in the number of patients with heart disease from 2013 to 2014 increased from 8191 to 10.311 patients or 25.88%. The percentages of 30.73% of heart disease is coronary MATERIALS AND METHODS RESEARCH This study uses a quantitative approach, using cross sectional design. Social interaction data obtained using a questionnaire. While the variable dependentnya is recurrence outpatient coronary heart disease (CHD). The population in this study were all outpatients coronary heart disease (CHD) in the heart poly Hospital Dr. Mohamad Saleh Probolinggo. On average there are 66 patients a week which will be used as the study population. Samples are taken as many as 57 respondents, with "Simple Random Sampling" technik. Data analysis using logistic regression. RESULTS Characteristics of the subjects in this study include sex, age, education level and occupation. The description of the characteristics of variables as in table 1. Table 1. Characteristics of Research Based on gender, age, education level and occupation. No Karakteristik 1 Sex Male Female 2. Age <50 th ≥50 th Education level 3 SD SMP SMA PT 36 N % 33 24 57,89 42,11 9 48 15,79 84,21 9 8 27 13 15,79 14,04 47,37 22,81 4 5 6 7 Occupation Swasta PNS Tdk bekerja Social Interaction Good Bad Smoking Smoker No Recurrence yes never Total 14 12 31 24,56 21,05 54,39 44 13 77,19 22,81 3 54 5,26 94,74 41 16 57 71,93 28,07 100 Hospital Dr. Mohamad Saleh Probolinggo showed that of the 57 respondents surveyed, 13 respondents (22.81%) had a poor social interaction, and 44 respondents (77.19%) have a good social interaction. Of the 13 respondents who have poor social interaction, the average of them is a man who does not work and aged over 50 years. Social interaction is said to be bad because most of them are rarely interact or cooperate with groups in the community such as for example, Posyandu elderly, spiritual groups, group gathering and so forth. So that they are the elderly tend to be aloof and less interaction with groups in the community, so the majority, or 10 of 13 respondents poor social interaction, they tend to experience stress. According Soekanto 2006, social interaction is the key to all social life. In the absence of communication or interaction between each other then there may be a life together. If only the physical line of sight between each other, can not produce a form of social groups can interact. And the age factor also affects the elderly lazy to interact and cooperate with social groups because they feel he is old, their ability to interact with and adapt to already not optimal due to the aging process. Based on Table 1 it can be seen that the majority of respondents are male as many as 33 people (57.89%), aged more than 50 years as many as 48 people (84.21%) and have a high school education level as many as 27 people (47 , 37%), most respondents do not work as many as 31 people (54.39%), the majority of respondents have a good interaction as many as 44 people (77.1%), there are three (5.26%) of respondents who have smoking as many as three people, as many as 41 respondents (71.93%) experienced a recurrence. Table 2. Results regression analysis Variabel Social Interaction of the logistic Sig. OR 0,026 3,576 Recurrence Outpatient Coronary Heart Disease in Space Poly Heart Hospital Dr. Mohamad Saleh Probolinggo Recurrence is a condition in which the patient's symptoms are the same as before and the resulting patient should be nursed back (Andrew, 2008). Family with full of stress can trigger a heart attack. In people who are susceptible to heart disease in need of attention and recognition of risk factors that exist in people and that immediate action can be taken against these patients in a short time in order to avoid complications that can bring unintended consequences. According to Niven, in 2005 the factors that influence relapse is noncompliance, depression, behavioral patterns, and the individuals themselves. P value of social interaction = 0.026 <α = 0.05, which means that H0 is rejected. Results of logistic regression test showed no significant influence of social interaction with the patient relapse. And the value of OR = 3.576, which means, the worse the social interaction of a patient then the person is more likely to relapse 3 times greater compared with patients who have good social interaction. DISCUSSION Social interaction outpatient coronary heart disease (CHD) in the heart poly 37 Based on the results of a study of outpatient coronary heart disease (CHD) in the heart poly Hospital Dr. Mohamad Saleh Probolinggo found that of 57 respondents surveyed, as many as 41 people (71.93%) experienced a relapse and 16 did not have a relapse or 28.07%. From the results of cross tabulation between respondent characteristics with recurrence as many as 23 respondents (40.4%) who experienced a relapse-sex male, 33 respondents (57.9%) who experienced recurrence over 50 years, 14 respondents (24, 6%) who experienced a relapse are college graduates and 24.6% of high school graduates, and as many as 22 respondents (38.6%) who did not work also experienced a relapse. Conclusion 1. Social interactions in outpatients coronary heart disease (CHD) in the Hospital Dr. Mohamad Saleh Probolinggo showed that 13 respondents (22.81%) had a poor social interaction, and 44 respondents (77.19%) have a good social interaction. 2. Results of statistical test by using logistic regression showed no significant influence of social interaction with the patient relapse. Suggestion 1. Patient and Family Outpatient CHD a. Outpatient coronary heart disease should have to further enhance friendly relations with their peers. b. For families of patients should continue to provide support and keep control of the activities conducted in order to maintain the health of the patient. 2. For Hospital Dr. Mohamad Saleh Probolinggo Can be added to the program of relaxation for people with coronary heart disease, such as the holding of yoga to reduce stress levels and maintain the health of CHD patients. 3. For Educational Institutions Once this study is expected to further research to follow up on other factors that influence relapse patients with coronary heart disease. 4. For researchers Coming Once this study is expected to further research in order to pay more attention to the frequency of recurrence of CHD patients. REFERENCES Albery I.P dan Munafo, M. 2011.Psikologi Kesehatan Panduan Lengkap dan Komprehensif Bagi Studi Psikologi Kesehatan.Yogyakarta : Palmall Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2010. Prosedur Penelitian suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta Feldman, Robert S. 2012. Pengantar Psikologi (Understanding Psychology). Jakarta : Salemba Humanika. Hidayat, Alimul. 2011. Riset Keperawatan dan Penulisan Ilmiah.Jakarta : EGC Kabo, Peter. 2008. Mengungkap Pengobatan Penyakit Jantung Koroner. Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama Niven, Neil. 2005. Psikologi Kesehatan Pengantar untuk Perawat & Profesional Kesehatan Lain. Jakarta : EGC Notoatmodjo, Soekidjo.2011. Kesehatan Masyarakat Ilmu &Seni. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta. Ridwan, Muhamad. 2009. Mengenal, Mencegah, Mengatasi Silent Killer Jantung Koroner. Semarang : Pustaka Widyamara. Sugiyono. 2013. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D. Bandung : Alfabeta Supriyono, Mamat.2008. Faktor-Faktor Resiko yang Berpengaruh terhadap Kejadian Penyakit Jantung Koroner pada Kelompok Usia <45 Tahun. Tesis.Semarang : Universitas Diponegoro, 13-34 Soekanto, Soerjono. 2006. Sosiologi Suatu Pengantar. Jakarta : Raja Grafindo Persada. Wilkinson, Greg. 2005.Stres.Jakarta : Dian Rakyat 38 39 THE EFFECT OF PHASE I CARDIAC REHABILITATION ON ACTIVITY TOLERANCE OF PATIENTS WITH CORONARY HEART DISEASE Sutrisno STIKES Surya Mitra Husada Kediri Email ABSTRACT Phase I cardiac rehabilitation program is one of the efforts to achieve a functional level that allows patients to perform their own activity early in preparation to carry out daily activities at home and yet, to prevent unfavorable effects of prolonged bed rest. This program needs to be implemented as soon as possible in patients who have stable hemodynamics since in ICU/ICCU until the time to discharge from the hospital. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of phase I cardiac rehabilitation toward activity tolerance in patients with Coronary Heart Disease. The design of the research was a quasi experiment design with post test only non-equivalent control group. The sample was 24 respondents. The measurement tools used the Barthel index, six-minute walking test, digital sphygmomanometer and digital oxymeter. The results showed that there is a significant difference in the ability to perform ADL (p value=0.004), but there is no significant difference in systolic blood pressure (p value=0.875), diastolic blood pressure (p value=0.179), SpO2 (p value=0.920), pulse (p value=0.428), and the maximal VO2 (p value=0.220) between the intervention and control groups after being given the phase I cardiac rehabilitation. Further, the ability to perform activities (ADL) of respondents in the intervention group is significantly higher than the control group and the maximal VO 2 values of the intervention group shows a better value than respondents in the control group. It can be concluded that phase I cardiac rehabilitation exercise have an effect on the tolerance activity in patients with CHD. Therefore, nurses as part of a cardiac rehabilitation program team are expected to assist patients in improving their adaptability on tolerance activity. Keywords: phase I cardiac rehabilitation, tolerance activity, coronary heart diseases (CHD) recognized to have the largest proportion causes of death cardiovascular diseases (48%), followed by cancer (21%), and chronic respiratory diseases (12%). INTRODUCTION Coronary heart disease is a disorder of the coronary arteries due to a block or plaque of atherosclerosis. The term atherosclerosis comes from the Greek meaning intima thickening of the arteries (sclerosis, thickening), and accumulation of lipids (athere, pasta) which characterizes the typical lesions (Lewis, Dirksen, Heitkemper, Bucher, and Camera, 2011). WHO statistics (2012) describes the global mortality estimate of 57 million in 2008, 36 million (63%) are caused by noncommunicable diseases. Risk factors for non-communicable diseases that are Coronary heart disease is causing the reduced amount of oxygen needed by the myocardium. If the oxygen requirement is not met according to the needs, it will cause myocardial ischemia. Conditions such as this will reduce cardiac contraction and movement disorder if persistent occur which eventually causes hemodynamic changes of the body. Furthermore, the left ventricular function will decrease 39 and may reduce cardiac output with reduced stroke volume (the amount of blood ejected each time the heart beats). One result of the decreased cardiac output or low perfusion and decreased peripheral blood flow causes weakness / fatigue in patients (Anderson & McCarty, 2005). Improve Physical Functioning in Refractory Angina: A Pilot Study. The results showed that after cardiac rehabilitation, patients showed an increase in physical abilities compared with patients in the control group the level of achievement Progressive Shuttle Walk (p value = 0.005) and the total distance (p value = 0.015). Weak conditions in patients with coronary heart disease requires the patient should reduce physical activity with complete bed rest to reduce the heart's work and the need for oxygen in the body. Bed rest is given to patients with coronary heart disease because of weakness or fatigue caused by the prognosis of the disease. However, total bed rest can increase the activity intolerance in patients. The impact that occurs when the patient does not do early mobilization or physical activity gradually cause bad effects to the physical condition of the body. This is in line with research conducted by Dolansky et al (2010) which says that a physical disability due to heart disease occur because of decreased aerobic capacity and threshold / tolerance to perform physical functions. Research on cardiac rehabilitation phase 1 has also been carried out in Indonesia by I Made Mertha (2010) with the title PengaruhLatihanAktifitasRehabilitasiJa ntungFase I TerhadapEfikasiDiri Dan KecemasanPasienPenyakitJantungKoro ner Di RsupSanglah Denpasar with the results of data analysis showed that there is a significant influence of exercise activities to increase self-efficacy (p value = 0.001), and to decrease anxiety respondents (p value = 0.001) after the exercise intervention activities. Phenomenon above shows the immense possibilities for patients with coronary heart disease activity intolerance, but because the disease process is also due to the effects of totall bed rest or not carried out his early mobilization after patients got hemodynamically stable condition. Research on the effect of cardiac rehabilitation phase I to increase activity tolerance in patients with CHD has not been widely described in the nursing research in Indonesia. Therefore this research was conducted to determine “The Effect of Phase I Cardiac Rehabilitation on Activity Tolerance of patients with Coronary Heart Disease”. Management to overcome the negative effect caused by coronary heart disease and to prevent the re-admission of patients to the hospital with the same complaint, the cardiac rehabilitation program can be administered to patients ranging from hospitalization to longterm maintenance program / outpatient. According to The National Hearth Foundation of Australia (2004), cardiac rehabilitation are all measures that are used to help people who suffer from heart disease reactive, achieving life satisfaction and prevent a recurrence of heart disease. METHOD The research design was quasiexperimental research design with posttest-only non-equivalent control group. The number of samples in thisresearch as many as 24 respondents, the respondents were divided into two intervention and control. The inclusion criteria respondents, namely (1) Patients with a diagnosis of CHD were treated in the ICCU was continued in a regular patient room. (2) Willing to be a Other studies of cardiac rehabilitation program in patients with coronary heart disease are also carried by Asbury, Elizabeth Webb, Probert, Wright, Barbir, Fox, & Collins, (2012) with the title of Cardiac Rehabilitation to 40 responder. (3) Patients are invited smooth communication. While exclusion criteria: (1) Angina that continues/uncontrolled, (2) heart block degree two or three, (3) Patients CHD haemodynamic not stable (systolic> 200 mmHg, diastolic> 110 mmHg, tachycardia/HR> 130x/mnt, hypotension), (4) the ventricular or atrial arrhythmias are severe, (5) Patients with coronary heart disease with complications such as arrhythmias, congestive heart failure (CHF) functional class III-IV, (6) Patients with CHD muskulosketal system problems. Sistolik Diastolik Frekuensinadi SpO2 116.82 117,53 76.86 81,94 84.79 81,66 97,5 97,5 10.88 11,14 9.09 8,84 10.69 8,18 0,89 0,44 Tabel 1.2 Distribution of respondents by VO2 max and ADL on the sixth day (n1 = n2 = 12) Variabel VO2 Analysis of the data used is the analysis of univariate and bivariate. The statistical test used for bivariate analysis is independent t test test (for normal numerical variables) and test Mann Whitney test (for numerical variables are not normal) (Hastono, 2001). ADL Kelompok Intervensi Kontrol Intervensi Kontrol Mean 19.14 16.86 97.08 87.50 SD 5.20 3.43 5.42 7.54 In the bivariate analysis showed that the values obtained are not significant (p value> 0.05) from the average variable pulse rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and SpO2 after intervention for five days in both the respondents both intervention and control, it is showed no significant difference between the two groups. On the sixth day ADL measurement values obtained are significant (p value = 0.004), which says there is a significant difference between the intervention group and the group. While the variable VO2 max no significant difference (p value = 0.22) between the intervention and control respondents. Result Characteristics of respondents or confounding variables in this study obtained. On this research, the mean age of the respondents is at 55.29 years, with the majority of the male sex 18 (75%). History of smoking among respondents obtained more than half of the respondents do not smoke are 14 (58.33%) of respondents, and in this study the majority of respondents have a body mass index of obesity as many as 17 (70.8%) of respondents. Characteristic variable pulse systolic blood pressure, diastolic pressure, SpO2, VO2 max, and data can be seen in Table 1.1 and 1.2 Intervensi Kontrol Intervensi Kontrol Intervensi Kontrol Intervensi Kontrol Discussion Effect of cardiac rehabilitation phase I of the systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, pulse rate and SpO2 responder after intervention. rate, blood ADL Table Tabel 1.1 Distribution characteristics of respondents based on the average of the mean pulse frequency of blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) and mean SpO2 post intervention and control interventions respondents (n1 = n2 = 12) Variabel Kelompok Mean SD Results of this research showed a mean systolic blood pressure intervention respondents less than control respondent, it is possible to intervention respondents have started a process of adaptation to the condition of the body because it has given physical activity exercises for five days. So that 41 hemodynamic conditions began to change when the body perform physical activity. Physical exercise regularly and continuously will cause the body's adaptive changes. This is consistent with research that studies conducted Stem & Cleary (1982) that regular exercise will lower systolic blood pressure. This research is in line with the literature that suggests that exercise regularly and continuously can provide chronic effects on the body as a decrease in systolic blood pressure through the process of spending Nitrite oksit a potent bronchodilator after four weeks of exercise (Gormley& Hussey, 2005). In this research, the mean diastolic blood pressure values in control respondents is higher than intervention respondents. It is possible the intervention of respondents have started a process of adaptation to the condition of the body because it has given physical activity exercises for five days. As in systolic blood pressure response. Based on the theory of physical activity exercises if done continuously, the heart muscle and skeletal muscle will experience an increase in employment adaptation to chronic namely hypertrophy. Enlargement of muscle mass from the normal state can be between 300 g and 500 g (Huonker et al, 1996). This can lead to end-diastolic volume will increase, and it will also stoke volume increase heart. So the diastolic blood pressure will decrease. Research conducted Spartaro (1991) also reported a decrease in systolic 8and diastolic 5 respondents who frequently perform regular physical activity. It is possible to occur in the intervention group who had suffered during the given intervention adaptation exercise physical activity. result analysis found there is no significant difference in mean systolic post intervention in the intervention and control. It showed no difference in the average value of systolic blood pressure was statistically the second respondent. The maximum value of systolic blood pressure in the intervention respondents in the amount of 137.02 mmHg, indicating increase in systolic pressure value is not shown in conditions that endanger the health of the respondent or still within the tolerance limits of the body. It can be said that the cardiac rehabilitation phase I does not cause harmful effects if done in accordance with procedures and strict supervision. The analysis results obtained p value not significant that the average diastolic post intervention in the intervention and control. It showed no statistically significant difference in mean diastolic blood pressure in both groups. Respondents were given a five-day intervention during physical activity and exercise interventions show the value of the increase in diastolic blood pressure after the intervention. The maximum value of diastolic blood pressure in the intervention respondents were given a physical exercise-based interventions obtained by 76.86 mmHg. This value indicates no increase is so large and endanger the health condition of respondents coronary heart disease. Increasing the value of diastolic blood pressure in intervention respondents during the given intervention is in line with the theory advanced by Gormley& Hussey (2005) that during the Based on the theory advanced by Gormley& Hussey (2005) acute effect of physical activity was immediate activation of the sympathetic nerves in the heart and blood vessels can release adrenaline in the blood circulation of the adrenal medulla. One of these effects that cause vasoconstriction of blood vessels. Body compensated to accelerate the flow of blood in the body as a result of physical activity also increases the heart rate so it needs a large preload as compensation of increased heart rate. Vasoconstriction necessary for blood flow to be fast to meet the needs of large preload so after load also must be increased. 42 movement of the body or physical activity then it will be activated the sympathetic nerves in the body that lead to increase contraktility heart and accelerate the work of fibers Purkinje that serves to accelerate emptying the contents of the heart volume. This causes an increase in diastolic blood pressure in the body. the left atrium, predicted as the cause of the appearance of atrial fibrillation during cardiac rehabilitation. Exercise physical activity on a regular basis will provide a great benefit to the body of the adaptation process occurs both at the heart organ and the blood vessels in the body. This is consistent with the theory put forward by Kusuma (2003) which says that physical activity (exercise) increases the blood flow is pulsatile increase the production of nitric oxide (NO) which parallel increase production of EDRF (endothelial relaxing factor derive). Coronary blood flow at rest about 200 ml / min (4% of total cardiac output) increased to 350 ml / min (increase of 150 ml / min) while moderate weight training. If the heart rate increases to 10 times only, the coronary blood flow increased to 224 ml / min, which means an increase of 24 ml / min and already exceeds 4 ml / min, as a condition of increased production of nitric oxide. Moderate physical activity (exercise or walking) will increase the heart rate to 110 beats per minute, an increase of 40 times seadainya resting heart rate of 70 beats per minute. Research in the laboratory showed that the increased flow of 4 ml / min was able to produce nitric oxide, which means it is sufficient to stimulate the improvement of vascular endothelial function (Takahashi, 1997). Nitric oxide (NO) is a potent vasodilator that is located in the intima layer (endothelium) of the arteries where the compound is very important for blood vessels to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. The analysis results obtained p value not significant mean pulse rate post intervention in the intervention and control. It showed no statistical difference in the average value of the pulse frequency of respondents intervention and control after the intervention. In this reseach, the frequency of the pulse values obtained after exercise increased physical activity among respondents intervention. The increase in the pulse frequency of the respondents intervention is the result of several mechanisms in the body due to the movement of the body or as a result of physical exercise. When the physical exercise increased sympathetic stimulation of the heart organ that affects the heart's electrical system, especially the SA node therefore increasing heart rate/pulse (Gormley& Hussey, 2005). This effect can be seen when the body physical activity are irregular or can be said is the acute effects of physical activity on the body. The increase in the pulse rate that exceeds the maximum limit should feared the presence of an electrical disorders on the heart and can threaten death to the respondent. This will lead to atrial fibrillation according to research conducted by Giaccardi et al, (2011) which said that the incidence of atrial fibrillation was significantly high number of patients who follow a cardiac rehabilitation program that is sorely lacking in exercise intensity physical activity compared with that follows program of physical exercise with moderate intensity. This is due to the large volume of the left atrium and the low effort emptyvalumepemompoaan to Results of the analysis we found no significant values mean oxygen saturation post intervention in the intervention and control. It showed no significant difference in the average value of the oxygen saturation in both groups post intervention. In this study found an increase in oxygen saturation after cardiac rehabilitation interventions conducted in the respondents 43 intervention. It is very useful to respondents to assist in accelerating the healing process of the disease. Based on the literature it is said that there is one example of respiration also plays a role in increasing the working capacity of the body is the breathing exercise prescription for patients with post-operative cardiac surgery. Peripheral to tolerate the practice of physical activity, many patients require special breathing while working, which could increase lung volume and gas exchange capacity and, consequently improve the distribution and capture systemic oxygen and increase exercise tolerance (McKirnan&Froelicher, 1993). Based on the literature says the existence of some mechanism of changes in the respiratory system during a physical activity on the body: (1) The dilution air in the dead-space lungs during inspiration as a result of the increased pressure of pulmonary alveolar (PO2), causing vasodilation of the pulmonary arteries that are activated by the receptor Blood vessels are hypoxic. (2) increase in thoracic volume during the development of lung parenchyma during inspiration. (3) an increase in cardiac filling the right side along with an increase in the exploitation of moments of inspiration, this means an increase in venous return and that will increase the ejection volume of the right ventricle and pulmonary systolic pressure. With this change, the efficiency of ventilation and perfusion of the body tissue will be balanced (Gormley& Hussey, 2005). This led to the intervention of respondents experiencing respiratory system of compensation which improves the functional capacity of the lungs can eventually increase the maximum working Traffic from the body. Effect of Cardiac Rehabilitation Phase I Against Capability ADL and VO2 max Respondents. Results of bivariate analysis of the ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL) in the intervention group and the control group showed a significant difference. In this study, the intervention group get exercise physical activity gradually in accordance with the capacity and condition of the respondents, while the control group without exercise just given bed rest alone. So it can be said that the exercisebased cardiac rehabilitation that physical activity can stimulate the adaptation and improvement of exercise tolerance capability in the intervention group compared with the control group. In this research, interventionrespondents always increase even improvement of the respiratory system, while at the controls of the respondents there were some respondents who sometimes experience down the value of saturation. On the intervention of the respondents only one of the respondents who experienced a decrease in oxygen saturation, whereas the control of the respondents there were eight respondents who experienced deterioration in oxygen saturation. It is possible the intervention of respondents functional capacity of the lungs had increased as a result of the intervention given the exercise of physical activity compared to control respondent. Based on the first congress of cardiac rehabilitation in Hamburg in 1977, insists that the need for early mobilization in patients with heart disease (Balady, Fletcher, Froelicher et al, 1994). Phase I is the effort to be done while the patient is still being treated, the main purpose of this phase is to reduce or eliminate the adverse effects of the condition due to total bed rest, to educate early and that the patient is able to perform daily activities independently and safely (Basuni et al, 2009). Another theory says that one of the objectives of rehabilitation of cardiac rehabilitation phase I that patients can perform selfcare and activities of daily life (ADL) 44 and domestic work except for up and down stairs (Garrison, 2001). Physical activity everyday is useful not just to get a healthy body condition but also beneficial to mental health, entertainment in preventing stress. This study ADL ability intervention group obtained only three respondents who have a value below 100, it indicates that the Barthel index on respondent intervention is better than the control respondents were only two respondents who had ADL value of 100. The results are also consistent with research conducted by Weberg et al (2013) which says that a significantly increased function and physical role, increased ability and endurance to pain on the effects of cardiac rehabilitation phase I, and the disclosure directly from the respondents experienced an increase in physical and mental after following cardiac rehabilitation Phase I. Improved physical function and role, increased ability and endurance to pain due to a cardiac rehabilitation phase I also found in a study conducted by Hsu et al (2011) the research done on post-CABG patients and organ transplants. Results of bivariate analysis were not significant values between maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) in the intervention group and the control. It showed no significant difference VO2 maximum value of both respondents statistically. At respondents intervention lowest value of VO2 max respondents, 11.15 ml / kg / min, which means all respondents have been able to meet the target of cardiac rehabilitation phase I (> 3 MET = 10.5 ml / kg / min), but the respondent control limits bottom of VO2 max is nothing less than the expected target of Phase I of 10:34 ml / kg / min. Physical activity the body will consume the oxygen that will be used as fuel in energy production. One's ability to consume oxygen during physical activity to the formation of energy, until it reaches the maximum value without being able to go up again though with the addition of the intensity of the exercise known as VO2 Max (Astorin, 2000). Another study said the effect of exercise physical activity on improving exercise tolerance was also carried out by Marzolini et al (2008) who showed that a combination of aerobic exercise and resistance cause changes more evident in physiological adaptations such as muscle strength and endurance, and body composition compared to aerobic exercise alone in patients with coronary artery disease. Physical exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation also reduces overall mortality / cardiovascular disease mortality [RR 0.87 (95% CI 0.75, 0.99) and 0.74 (95% CI 0.63, 0.87), respectively -masing], and hospitalizations [RR 0.69 (95% CI 0.51, 0.93)] in the short term (<12 months of follow-up). Cardiac rehabilitation does not reduce the total risk of MI, CABG or PTCA (Strange, 2011). Numerous studies have also shown that aerobic training increases muscle strength and exercise tolerance in patients after openheart surgery and patients with MiocardInfark (Ueshima et al, 2005). The gold standard to measure cardiovascular fitness is maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max). it is defined maximal oxygen consumption as a measure of exercise are achieved by an individual, who at that point of fatigue or symptoms that arise prevent such individuals to exercise more (Garrison, 2001). This is in line with research Belardinelli (1999) who said that clearly defined, measured by exercise tolerance and oxygen consumption as well as a good predictor of prognosis in patients with cardiovascular disease. Based on the theory advanced by Guyton (2007) not only the respiratory system are instrumental in determining a person's VO2 maximum, but there are four systems that determine the 45 maximum VO2 is the respiratory system, cardiovascular, biochemical oxygen transport and network systems. The fourth system is interrelated to one another, so that when the respiratory system is in good condition but there are one or more of the three other systems in the state is not good then it can affect the value of a person's VO2 maximum. While the value of a person's VO2 maximum is also determined by a person's posture, between the one and the other will certainly be different if say both equally healthy but have a different body portur. This is in line with research conducted by Nury (2011) which says that the main determinant of the cycle runs in addition to height is leg length measurements when the maximum VO2. The results also show the benefits of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation phase I of physical activity that can be done by a nurse if a physiotherapist human resource is not in the hospital. Phase I cardiac rehabilitation nursing in the world can be said to help the patient in the process of adapting to be able to perform daily activities independently, improve the tolerance of the patient's activity. CONCLUSION On this study, the mean age of the respondents is at 55.29 years, with the majority of the male sex 18 (75%). History of smoking among respondents obtained more than half of the respondents do not smoke are 14 (58.33%) of respondents, and in this study the majority of respondents have a body mass index of obesity as many as 17 (70.8%) of respondents. The mean systolic blood pressure of both groups showed similar values and within normal limits. Mean diastolic blood pressure in the control group was slightly higher than in the intervention group and both were within normal limits. The mean frequency of the pulse after the intervention in the intervention group was slightly higher than in the control group and both were within normal limits. The mean SpO2 after the intervention in both groups of equal value.The mean maximal VO2 greater intervention group than in the control group.The mean ADL higher intervention group than in the control group. It was found no significant difference between the systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, pulse rate, and oxygen saturation after the intervention in the intervention and control. There are significant differences ability to perform ADLs between intervention and control groups on the sixth day. But there was no significant difference between the value of the maximum VO2 intervention and control groups on the sixth day. This study shows the difference between the value of the maximum VO2 intervention and control groups was not so great can be seen from the average of the two groups is 19.14 ml / kg / min and 16.87 ml / kg / min. From this it was found that the mean maximal VO2 values greater intervention group than the control group. Value of maximal VO2 could be improved on a person, with increasing VO2 maximum, it can be said the maximum working ability of the body to be achieved. This is according to research conducted by Ueshima et al (2004) peak VO2 increased by less than 25% after exercising, especially in patients who have undergone heart valve surgery. This research can provide input that cardiac rehabilitation program that is most important is when Phase I, which in this phase requires the mobilization of patients as early as possible to reduce the undesirable effects of bedrest old (thrombophlebitis, hypotension orthosatik, muscle atrophy, etc. etc.) and knowledge about the disease in order to return later after there is a change of behavior in the control of risk factors that may lead to heart disease occur so do not get heart disease later in life. 46 This research requires a socialization programs the Phase I cardiac rehabilitation program based physical activity practice, to accelerate the healing process in patients that could reduce the lenght of stay (LOS) patients. And the need for nurses to give an evaluation of the action exercise physical activity is given to know the development of tolerance to the patient's physical activity. The need to develop therapeutic modalities nursing to overcome the problems associated with the physical activity of the patient's therapy, which can be applied in providing training physical activity in patients requiring early mobilization during hospitalization. And disseminate information about the importance of mobilization as early as possible after the patient's hemodynamic condition stabilized, to reduce the unfavorable effects of total bedrest. statement for health care professionals from aha. Circulation; 90;1602-1610. Basuni, Radi; Andang, H. Joesoef; Dede, Kusmana.(2009). RehabilitasiKardiovaskular Di Indonesia.J KardiolIndones. 30:43-5. ISSN 0126/3773. Belardinelli, R; Georgiou, D; Cianci, G; Purcaro, A. (1999). Randomized, controlled trial of long-term moderate exercise training in chronic heart failure: effects on functional capacity, quality of life, and clinical outcome. Circulation; 99:1173-82. 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(2011). Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation for coronary heart This research can be a reference to conduct further research that can improve understanding and knowledge of the cardiac rehabilitation program, especially the phase I. Maybe it could be done further research to determine the relationship of drugs and laboratory values (hemoglobin, hematocrit, and others) are influential toward physical activity in a cardiac rehabilitation program phase I. REFERANSI Anderson, S And McCarty, L. (2005). Patofisiologi :KonsepKlinik Proses-proses Penyakit. Edisi 6.Volume 1.Jakarta : EGC Asbury, Elizabeth, Webb, C, Probert, H, Wright, C, Barbir, M, Fox, K, Collins, P. (2012). Cardiac Rehabilitation to Improve Physical Functioning in Refractory Angina: A Pilot Study. Cardiology 2012; 122;170-177 Balady, J.G; Fletcher, B.J; Froelicher, V.F,et al. (1994). AHA medical/scientific statement: position statement: cardiac rehabilitation programs: a 47 disease (Review).The Cochrane Library, Issue 7. 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Inpatient cardiac rehabilitation and changes in self-reported health related quality of life – a pilot study. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 56; 342–355. World Health Organization.(2012). World Health Statistics 2012.WHO Library Cataloguingin-Publication Data. 48 ANALYSIS OF THE USE OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) TO CLEANING SERVICE WORK ACCIDENT Dr. ISKAK HOSPITAL TULUNGAGUNG Sandu Siyoto Institute Of Health Surya Mitra Husada Kediri Email : ABSTRACT Accident is an event that is unexpected and undesirable. The use of personal protective equipment is one of the factors that cause accidents. Personal protective equipment is a set of tools used by workers to protect all or part of his body against the possibility of any potential hazards in the workplace or work accident. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) to cleaning service work accident. This study uses a quantitative approach to the observation method. Data were obtained using a questionnaire. The population in this study were all cleaning service in Dr.Iskak hospital Tulungagung as many as 71 people. The sample were 62 people. The sampling technique using Simple Random Sampling. The results of data analysis with logistic regression test is obtained (p = 0.005) (p <0.05). The results of this study concluded there is the influence of the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) to cleaning service work accident. Keywords: Personal Protective Equipment, Work Accident who are at risk. The officer in charge of waste management should ensure that all risks have been identified and rapid protection available. Based on data from the ILO (International Labour Organization) in 2008, each year an estimated 1.2 million workers died from workplace accidents. Meanwhile, citing data in Anggraini Social Security in 2010, there were 98 711 cases. Of that number, 2,191 workers died, and raises a number of 6667 people permanently disabled. The number of claims to be paid for these cases reached more than Rp 401 billion. Press release International Labour Organization (ILO) in 2013 recorded 160 million cases of work-related accidents with about 2 million deaths annually. On April 28, 2014, in the framework of the occupational safety and health worldwide, stating that cases of occupational illness and accidents has risen 337 million and 2.3 million deaths annually. Based on data from the Indonesian Kemenkertrans death rate from workplace accidents and occupational diseases in Indonesia is still very high, the data up to September 2013 recorded 9 workers die per day. Based on the preliminary results of a study conducted on 15 people, no workers wearing full personal protective equipment. 3 people claimed get stabbed needle, two people never exposed to infectious fluids and the first person ever to slip while working. Based on the above, the researcher was interested to study about “Analysis Use of Personal Protective INTRODUCTION One effort to increase productivity is to provide protection to workers for her work. This protection is given with the intent to obtain assurance worker health and safety so that they avoid accidents. Work accident is an event that is unexpected and undesirable that may disrupt the process that has been set for an activity (Kurniawati, 2013). Hospital as a health care institution with core service activities of preventive, curative, rehabilitative and promotive have positive and negative impacts. The positive impact is the increasing level of public health, while the negative impacts among others are garbage and medical waste or non-medical that can cause disease and pollution that needs special attention. The number of hospitals in Indonesia in 2014 amounted to 2,415 with as many as 296 087 beds and solid waste as much as 376 089 tonnes / day of wastewater as well as 48 985 tonnes / day (Departement of Health, 2014). As a result of accidents and occupational diseases can attack all workers in the hospital, one of them being a cleaning service. Cleaning service has the greatest risk of exposure to hazardous biological substances (biohazard), contact with the disposable medical instruments (disposable equipment) such as used syringes, IV tubes former. That requires safety and health efforts to prevent and control accidents occupational diseases in hospitals. Therefore, protection is very important to prevent injuries for all workers 48 Equipment (PPE) to Cleaning Service Work Accident Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung”. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ) to Cleaning Service Work Accident Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung. The benefits of this research are as an input that can be used as measures and efforts to improve occupational health and safety programs to prevent occupational injuries, so as to create a workplace that is safe and convenient for all employees as well as the maximum increase in labor productivity. mostly male sex a number of 38 respondents (62%) while the female number of 24 respondents (38%). Figure 3 Characteristics of Respondents According to Education On Hygiene Officer at Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung Based on Figure 3 shows that respondents whose level education most are high school number 28 respondents (45%), junior school of 24 respondents (39%), primary school number seven respondents (11%), whereas that is un educated number of 3 respondents (5%). RESEARCH METHODS This type of research used in this research is a correlational study with a "cross-sectional" which emphasizes the time measurement / observation of independent and dependent variables only once in a while. The population in this study is all cleaning service at Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung as many as 76 people. The sampling technique used in this study is simple random sampling with a total sample of 62 people. Data were collected through interviews and observations. The study was conducted in March 2015. Data were analyzed using logistic regression statistical tests. Figure 4 Characteristics of Respondents based on employment status on cleaning service at Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung Based on Figure 4 shows that most respondents are not permanent employee status a number of 52 respondents (84%), while the status of permanent employee number 10 respondents (16%). RESEARCH RESULT Figure 1 Characteristics of Respondents by Age At Hygiene Officer at Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung. Based on Figure 1 shows that most respondents are in the age group 21-30 years by 56%, the age group 31-40 years by 26%, and the group of less than 20 years at 18% Figure 5 Characteristics of Respondents According to the marital status of cleaning service at Dr. Iskak Hospital tulungagung Based on Figure 5 shows that the marital status of respondents the most is not / has not been married a number of 35 (56%), while respondents were married a total of 27 (44%) Figure 2 Characteristics of Respondents by Gender In Cleaning Service in Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung Based on Figure 2 shows that the cleaning service at Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung 49 Table 2 Distribution Gender Against Use of Personal Protective Equipment At the cleaning service at the Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung use of PPE Total Gender Y T Y T N % N % N % Male 16 67 2 58 3 61 2 8 Female 8 33 1 42 2 39 6 4 Total 24 100 3 100 6 100 8 2 In Table 2 shows that the use of personal protective equipment based on sex in the cleaning service at the Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung. Respondents who use PPE men 67% and women 33%. While respondents were not using PPE male some 58% and women 42%. Table 3 Distribution Old Working Against the Use of Personal Protective Equipment At the cleaning service at the Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung Use of PPE Worki Total ng Y T Y T Long N % N % N % <1 1 42 15 39 25 40 Year 0 1-5 1 58 21 55 35 56 Year 4 >5 0 0 2 5 2 4,0 Years Total 2 100 38 100 62 100 4 In Table 3 shows that the use of personal protective equipment based on longer work. Respondents who use PPE with long work <1 year 42% 1-5 years 58%, while those not using PPE long work <1 year 39% 1-5 years 55% and> 5 years 5%. Table 4 Distribution of educational status Against Use of Personal Protective Equipment At the cleaning service at the Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung Use of PPE Total Educat Y T Y T ional N % N % N % Un 1 4 2 5 3 5 educat ed Primar 2 8 5 13 7 18 y School High 10 42 14 37 24 39 Figure 6 Diagram Distribution of Respondents According to Use of Personal Protective Equipment Based on the picture 6 shows that respondents who use personal protective equipment a number of 24 respondents (39%), whereas that does not use personal protective equipment a number of 38 respondents (61%). Figure 7 Pie Diagram Distribution of Respondents Against Accidents Based on the picture 7 diagram shows that the incidence of occupational accidents in the cleaning service in Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung number of 42 respondents (68%) said they had experienced a work accident, while 20 respondents (32%) claimed to have never had an accident. Table 1 Age distribution Against the Use of Personal Protective Equipment At the cleaning service at the Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung. use of PPE Total Age Y T Y T N % N % N % <20 4 17 7 18 11 18 Year 21-30 1 66 1 47 34 55 Year 6 8 31-40 4 17 1 32 16 26 Year 2 >40 0 1 3 1 2 Years Total 2 100 3 100 62 100 4 8 In Table 1 shows that the use of personal protective equipment based on the age range cleaning service at Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung. Respondents who use PPE age <20 years of a 17%, 66% aged 21-30 years and 31-40 years of age 17%. While respondents who do not use personal protective equipment (PPE) age <20 years some 18%, 21-30 years 47% 31-40 32% and> 40 years of 3%. 50 cleaning service at Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung Accident Total PPE Never Ever N % N % N % Yes 13 65, 11 26,0 2 39, 0 4 0 No 7 35, 31 74,0 3 61, 0 8 0 Total 20 100 42 100 6 100 2 At table 7 above shows the use personal protective equipment against work accidents. Respondents who use PPE and Never crashed some 26%, respondents who use PPE and never had an accident some 65% of respondents who do not use PPE and never had an accident some 74%, while those who did not use PPE and work accident number 35 %. Tabel 8 Results Effect Analysis Using Personal protective equipment against work accidents At a cleaning service at Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung Variables in the Equation St B S. Wa d Si Exp ep E ld f g. (B) a The 1.6 .5 7.9 1 .0 5.23 1 use of 55. 86 88 05 4 PPE Consta .9 3.9 1 .0 .162 nt 1.8 20 23 48 22 a. Variable (s) entered on step 1: The use of PPE. The analysis showed the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) against occupational accidents in the cleaning service at Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung p value = 0.005 (p <0.05) means that there is the effect of the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) against workplace accidents. Respondents who use personal protective equipment are possibly five times to avoid workplace accidents when compared to workers who do not use personal protective equipment and statistically significant as well as related. School Senior 11 46 17 45 28 45 High School Univer 0 sity Total 24 100 38 100 62 100 In Table 4 shows that the use of personal protective equipment by educational status. Respondents who use PPE school status no amount of 4%, primary school 8%, 42% junior high school, high school 46% . While not using PPE school status does not amount to 5%, SD 13%, 37% junior and senior 37%. Table 5 Distribution Employmentof Status Against the Use of Personal Protective Equipment In the cleaning service at the Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung The use of PPE Emplo Total yee Y T Y T Status N % N % N % Indepe 2 83 32 84 52 84 ndent 0 Depen 4 17 6 16 10 16 dent Total 2 100 38 100 62 100 4 In Table 5 shows the use of personal protective equipment based on employment status. Respondents who use PPE status of nonpermanent employees 83% and the number of permanent employees 17%. While respondents were not using PPE status of permanent employees 84% and 16% permanent staff. Table 6.Distribusi Marital Status Against the Use of Personal Protective Equipment in the cleaning service at the Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung The use of PPE Total Marital Y T Y T Status N % N % N % No / Not 1 50 2 60 3 56 married 2 3 5 Married 1 50 1 40 2 44 2 5 7 Total 2 100 3 100 6 100 4 8 2 In Table 6 shows the use of personal protective equipment based on marital status. Respondents who use PPE status of unmarried 50% and 50% are married. While respondents were not using PPE status is not married some 60% and 40% are married. Table: 7 Distribusi Use of Personal Protective Equipment Against Accidents in DISCUSSION Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to the cleaning service in Dr.Iskak Hospital Tulungagung that of 24 respondents (39%) who use PPE while 38 respondents (61%) did not use PPE. Judging from the use of gloves 44% do not use and 56% use, the use of masks 48% do not use and 52% use, the use of apron 51 watertight 95% do not use and 5% use, the use of the shoes 100% use, while the use of hats or headwear 100% do not use. This is due to lack of compliance officers in the use of personal protective equipment as well as the lack of availability of personal protective equipment for the cleaning service. Proved to be only available one spilkit box in one area, while the officer is in one of the area between 6-8 cleaning service. Besides lack of supervision and lack of sanctions for cleaning service make cleaning service negligent in using personal protective equipment. Personal protective equipment (PPE) according to OSHA or the Occupational Safety and Health Administration is a tool used to protect workers from injury or illness caused by contact with hazards in the workplace, whether it is chemical, biological, physical radiation, electrical, mechanical and other , The use of PPE is used to protect the body from harm job can cause illness or accidents and labor can work with more secure because it can avoid the various occupational hazards. Thus, the use of PPE has an important role because it is useful not only for workers, but also useful to the company. The number of accidents on the cleaning service at the Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung is 42 respondents (68%) never had an accident at work, and 20 respondents (32%) have never had an accident at work. Judging from the respondents fell 29% has been dropped and 71% never fall, 24% of respondents had experienced punctured and 76% have never experienced punctured, 44% of respondents had experienced exposure to liquid infectious and 56% of respondents were never exposed to liquid infectious, 40% respondents had spilled hazardous liquids and 60% of respondents have never spilled liquids deadly; 35% of respondents had collided and 65% of respondents had never hit, 31% of respondents never inhaling toxic gases and 69% of respondents never inhaling poisonous gas, 26% of respondents never exposed chemicals and 74% of respondents were never exposed to chemicals. World Health Organization (WHO) defines accident as an event that can not be prepared in advance countermeasures so as to produce a real injury. Classification of accidents due to work according to Labour Organization is based on the type of accident: such as a fall, hit by falling objects, pierced, pinched, movements that exceed the capabilities, contact with hazardous materials or radiation, Other types, including accidents Data not sufficient or other accidents that have not entered. While classification according to the cause include: machinery, transport equipment, materials, substances and radiation, work environment, other causes that do not include these factions , Results from the analysis of data obtained (pvalue: 0.005) (p <0.05) means the use of personal protective equipment has a significant relationship * with workplace accidents in the cleaning service at the Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung. The results showed that respondents use personal protective equipment (PPE) 5 times to avoid accidents. While workplace accidents influenced by the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) by 18%. Based on the theory of work accidents caused by several factors and one of them is because they do not use personal protective equipment. As for how to prevent accidents by Ramli 2010 is to wear personal protective equipment in earnest without coercion, aware of the importance of workplace safety and comply with the regulations that exist, because 85% of workplace accidents are caused by human factors with unsafe acts , Joseph 2007 study on Factors Related Accidents also mentioned that there is a significant association between the use of personal protective equipment at work accidents with a value of (p: 0.013) (p <0.05). CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS From the research that has been done and it can be concluded from the discussion of matters related research about the effect of the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) against occupational accidents in the cleaning service at Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung. Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to the cleaning service at the Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung of 62 respondents, only 39% were using PPE, while 61% did not use PPE. The number of accidents caused by work in the cleaning service at the Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung of 62 respondents 68% had had an accident at work and 32% have never had an accident while work. The use of personal protective equipment has a significant influence with workplace accidents in a cleaning service at Dr. Iskak Hospital Tulungagung namely with (p-value: 0.005) (p <0.05). With regard to the outcome of research and discussion and conclusion, then the advice that can be given is a cleaning service should be submissive in the use of personal protective 52 equipment to reduce the risk of workplace accidents. Maintain and take care of personal protective equipment has been provided by either. BIBLIOGRAPHY Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2010. Prosedur Penelitian. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta Depnakertrans. 2012. 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Higiene Perusahaan dan Kesehatan Kerja (HIPERKES) edisi 2. Jakarta : Sagung Seto Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1970 tentang Keselamatan Kerja 53 AEROBIC COMBINATION WITH RELAXATION YOGA TO FATIGUE LEVELS IN PATIENTS WITH BREAST CANCER UNDER CHEMOTHERAPY PROGRAM Muhammad Taukhid STIKES Karya Husada Kediri E-mail: Abstract Background : Fatigue is feeling tired physically, psychologically, cognitively perceived cancer patients while undergoing therapies for the disease, including chemotherapy. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in the level of fatigue in cancer patients between before and after aerobic exercise combined with relaxation techniques of yoga. Methods : This study used Quasi-experimental design with pre-test – post-test control group in patients with breast cancer in the course of chemotherapy. The sampling methods used purposive sampling. The fatigue level was collected by subjective instruments Pipper Fatigue Scale (PFS), and then analysed by the Independent and Dependent T test, and multivariate analysis used linear regression with a significance value of α <0.05. Results : There were differences in the level of fatigue post-test between the intervention group and the control group with a difference of 1.25 (p = 0.013). History of previous exercise may explain the 17.8% level of fatigue that occurs in patients with breast cancer in the course of chemotherapy, the rest was explained by other variables. Conclusion : There were a decrease in the level fatigue statistically, however clinically the level of fatigue remain the same categories. Keywords : fatigue, aerobic, yoga, breast cancer quality of life and ability of daily activities (Wagner, Cella, 2004). Signs and symptoms of fatigue characteristics are multi-biopsychosocial, so that if two people who experience fatigue, the appearance symptoms will not exactly match. Introduction Fatigue is an overwhelming exhaustion more than normally, which are not relieved by rest and nutrition intake. Cancer related Fatigue (CRF) associated with cancer process and the side effect of cancer therapy. The incidence of fatigue in the US reaching 95% of all cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy (Mustian, 2007). Most incidents fatigue that is between 28% -91% suffered by breast cancer patients who undergo therapy (Hofman et. Al, 2007). CRF are generally influenced by a history of less activity and psychological stress experienced as a result of cancer. Based on the priorities effectiveness against fatigue, Mitchell, Beck, Hood, Moore, Tanner (2007) recommend giving exercise to intervene against fatigue. Suggested exercises include walking, cycling, swimming, resistance training or exercises combined. Nursing interventions that are judged to be effective fatigue management is performed for activity management and energy conservation, one of the interventions which includes relaxation techniques. Escalante and Manzullo (2010) tried to apply the technique combination of CRF will affect the ability, physical capacity, and quality of life of cancer patients, so they will rely on others for daily necessities such as household activities, transportation, personal needs such as eating and bathing. CRF perceived multidimensional feeling, the dimensions are behaviour, cognitive, psychological and social. Fatigue felt by the majority of cancer patients during therapy may reduce the 223 pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies, among others: energy conservation, regulation of sleep, exercise, relaxation, antidepressants, analgesics, stimulants, anxiolytic and nutritional counseling. The results are 59% of the 140 respondents reported less fatigue.Methods of combination therapy to reduce fatigue have also been made in the research Decker, Cline-Elsen, Galaggher, (1992) and Kim, Kim, (2005), using nursing interventions breath relaxation techniques with yoga positions. The cancer patients were given the intervention reported lowerlevel experience fatigue. Danismaya research results (2008), who did the application of relaxation techniques of yoga in patients with breast cancer, showed a decrease in the level of fatigue on the 5th day of intervention. Research by wahyuni (2012) suggested that the walking exercise program can reduce fatigue levels in breast cancer patients. The above studies indicate that intervention aerobic (walking exercise) as well as the relaxation of yoga is effective in lowering the level of fatigue. However, so far researchers have not found a combination of aerobics with yoga relaxation of the intervention to be effective in lowering the level of fatigue. This study aimed to determine differences in fatigue levels in breast cancer patients in chemotherapy program between before and after the combination of aerobic exercise and relaxation techniques of yoga. exercise , then the patient rested for 2 minutes , then the patient is asked to perform Shavasana position yoga as a form of relaxation for 8 minutes. Rest breaks given to minimize the discomfort that can be perceived by the respondents. Data were collected by questionnaires for the pre-test and post-test. Analysis of data using frequency distribution, bivariate analysis Independent and Dependent T test and multivariate analysis using linear regression. Most respondents chose to participate in the study and are willing to take measurements and interventions at each residence. All existing identity documents and data in this study have been agreed only use initials, all the information from respondents in the form of a hard copy stored in a locked filing cabinet and the data in the form of soft copy stored in a specific folder is secured by using a password. During participated in the study respondents are treated fairly and impartially , by providing the same treatment , but in a different time . Intervention control group given a combination of aerobic exercise with relaxation techniques of yoga after data collection is complete . RESULT Obtained 34 respondents by sex married women are divided into two groups , namely 17 respondents in the intervention group and 17 respondents as the control group . The mean age of the respondents 51.5 years old, mean body weight 57.71 kg, and the mean fatigue score of 6.04 (95% CI). Table 1 displays the characteristics of respondents METHODE The research was used Quasi-experimental pre test post test with control design in patients with breast cancer under chemotherapy program at RSUD Kediri and Amelia Hospital Kediri on April until June 2014. Using purposive sampling technique 34 participant were recruited from 110 patients by medical data record and encountered patients at one day care services unit. Aerobic data was collected with observation sheets about exercise time schedule, and fatigue levels data obtained with Pipper Fatigue Scale (PFS). Initially the patient is asked to perform continuous walking for 10 minutes as a form of aerobic 224 TABEL 3 Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat fatigue Adjusted R R2 P value R square 0,012* Langkah 1 0,594 0,353 0,311 0,178 0,001* Langkah 2 0,451 0,203 TABLE 1 Characteristics of Respondents Based on the results of statistical tests, it was found that a significant reduction in fatigue scores between before and after doing a combination of aerobic exercise Variable n (%) with relaxation techniques of yoga in the Occupation intervention group (p = 0.001; α = 0.05). a. Having a Job (14,7) 5 Based on test results, a decrease in fatigue (85,3) b. Jobless 29 scores were significantly also occurred in Education the control group (p = 0.004; α = 0.05). a. Low Education Based on further testing of the level of (does not school, 27 (79,4) fatigue post test between the intervention Elementary, Junior) group and the control group there were b. Higher Education 7 (20,6) significant differences in levels of fatigue (p (High School and = 0.013; α = 0.05). Table 2 shows the Universities) differences in levels of fatigue post test Cancer Stadium between the intervention group and the a. Stadium II 25 (73,5) control group b. Stadium III 9 (26,5) TABLE 2 Differences in levels of fatigue post-test, Therapy History intervention group and the control group a. Nothing 23 (67,6) Mean b. Exist 11 (32,4) Mean± P Different Exercise History SD value (CI 95%) a. None 30 (88,2) Fatigue Levels (11,8) b. Exist 4 intervention 4,3±1,6 Types of chemotherapy drugs 1,25 group 16 (47,1) (0,29-2,22) 0,013* a. Tamoplex Fatigue Levels b. Cyclospamit 11 (32,4) 5,5±1,8 control group c. Doxorubyn 7 (20,6) independent t test *p < 0,05 by cancer therapy undertaken. The feeling will make the patient's physical abilities Based on the test results of multivariate decline. The high level of perceived fatigue linear regression, the level of fatigue in of breast cancer patients, is associated with breast cancer patients under chemotherapy a decrease in daily activities performed by program is influenced by prior treatment patient (Rotonda, Guillemin, Bonnetain, history and a history of previous exercise (p Velten, Conroy, 2013). Therefore, physical <0.05). Also shown in Table 3 the previous exercise becomes one of the main exercise history can explain the fatigue that recommended treatment for patients with occurs in cancer patients under fatigue, so that the patient's ability to chemotherapy program, the rest is independently returned. Physical exercises explained by other variables. ranging from the mild to severe intended to Uji regresi Linier *p < 0,05 allow someone to have regular activities, so Langkah 1 : riwayat terapi, riwayat atihan that the body will be able to compensate for Langkah 2 : riwayat latihan the decrease in the patient's physical Faktor dependen : tingkat fatigue abilities. If a person feels himself psychologically incapable, then his body DISCUSSION will respond to the same thing, so it will be Cancer related fatigue is a feeling of fatigue the condition of the patient's body that appears persistently, along with the increasingly weak. cancer therapy. Fatigue can arise from the Accordingly, in this study interventions that patient's physical condition declined due to can increase the activity of the respondent the disease process, and may also be caused to provide physical fatigue management by 225 walking exercise, and psychological management by providing relaxation techniques of yoga. The results in this study showed a difference between level of fatigue before and after applying a combination of aerobic exercise with relaxation techniques of yoga in patients with breast cancer under chemotherapy programs. Chemotherapy is a protocol that is almost used in all cancer treatment. Be aware that chemotherapy is a treatment method using a type of cytotoxic drugs, which is intended to inhibit the regeneration of cells. Inhibition mechanism occurs in all cells of the body, not least on healthy cells or non-cancerous, so it's also a factor that contributed to the decline in patient's physical abilities. important for patients who are undergoing chemotherapy and experiencing fatigue to keep improving activities of daily routine, to compensate for attenuation effects caused by chemotherapy drugs on normal cells. Routine activities such as cooking, sweeping, walking around the house is the method forms of simple aerobic activity that can be done by cancer patients in order to maintain their physical abilities. In accordance with the results of several previous studies which revealed that aerobic exercise (walking exercise) can be beneficial to the fatigue levels of patients who are in treatment programs (Velthuis, Agasi-Idenburg, Aufdemkampe, Wittink 2010; Wahyuni, 2012; Mustian, Sprod, Janelsins, Peppone , Mohile, 2012; Mayo, Moriello, Scott, Dawes, Auais, Chasen, 2014). Decrease in fatigue scores that occurred in the intervention group can explain that feeling of fatigue experienced by cancer patients can be improved by doing aerobic exercise. These types of exercises can strike a balance between the needs and the production of energy needed by the body to improve physical abilities. Aerobics can increase the cardio-respiratory activities that will increase the supply of oxygen to the muscles. The presence of oxygen in the muscles will increase energy metabolism through oxidation of fats, carbohydrates and protein to form a small part Adenotriphosphate / ATP (Hernawati, nd downloaded from ATP is the basic ingredient of energy, so that when production increases it will be directly proportional to the body's ability to perform its duties and functions. Conversely, a decrease in activity (deconditioning) result in the breakdown and loss of enzymes involved in cellular energy production level. The use of oxygen and energy sources become inefficient. Aerobic exercise is conducted into a stimulation for the body to change the reserves of energy sources into the base material of energy. This is consistent with the first and second laws of thermodynamics theory, which states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; energy can only be redistributed or changed from one form to another (Winningham and Barton-Burke 2000). Aerobic exercise program can be used as an exercise to minimize energy loss in cancer patients whose chemotherapy by using oxygen consumption as an objective parameter in measuring performance. Aerobic exercise showed progress in terms of performance that produces energy despite cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Individuals who perform activities would not feel too tired compared to individuals who do not indulge, this is because the energy in individuals whose activities continue to be distributed though the energy used continuously, the opposite situation occurs in individuals who do not perform activities, energy continues to be required but there is no activity undertaken to produce energy anymore. The exercise program can also provide benefits for the psychosocial health of cancer patients, by improving the ability of themselves and the quality of life (Doyle, C., et al., 2006). Physically, history or the patient's ability to perform activities before experiencing fatigue becomes a factor that greatly affect the compensation body when experiencing fatigue. Analysis of the comparison between each of the factors that influence fatigue in this study suggests that a history of activity contributed 17.8% to the occurrence of fatigue in breast cancer patients (Table 3). Meanwhile, the research results also illustrate that yoga relaxation techniques 226 also contribute to the score of fatigue respondents. Yoga is useful to provide and increase the sense of calm in respondents feeling after doing a series of exercises. According Shindu (2013) with yoga positions Shavasana (position lying like a corpse / relaxation in total) will take place gentle pressure on the glands that secrete hormones to a more stable, blood circulation becomes more smoothly, the body will describe the tension of his muscles, the mind becomes quieter and more serene sense of being. Relaxation become appropriate method chosen for the management of fatigue caused by the burden of or stress of feeling in the minds of cancer patients. Stress experienced by patients could be due to progressive disease process, the phase of self-acceptance on the patient's health status, or because of saturation in undergoing cancer therapy who repeatedly and for a long time. According to Hans Selye (in the Canadian medical hall of fame, 2013) stress syndrome originated from a situation in which the body is not specifically respond to various stimuli. Under conditions of stress hypothalamus secretes corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH), further to stimulate the pituitary to secrete cortisol and directly or indirectly adrenal secrete adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), GRH, Somatostatin and release factors (releasing) the hypothalamus and pituitary hormones other. Cortisol and ACTH will issue vasopressin and catecholamines, causing an increase in blood pressure and heart muscle contraction. Clinically, this phase will bring a feeling of tension accompanied by signs such as ulcers, high blood pressure and heart attacks. symptoms that may aggravate tension fatigue does not occur. The results also showed that the level of fatigue also decreased in the control group, who did not get a combination of aerobic exercise with relaxation techniques of yoga. Generally, it can be overcome with fatigue restoration techniques, such as; ensure a proper diet, ensuring a good sleep patterns, adjusting a good lifestyle, understanding the psychological problems associated with fatigue, as well as coping management for the energy loss (Victoria Minister for Health, 2013). Decrease fatigue that occurs in the control group could be acceptable because some respondents have chemotherapy schedules predetermined, so it is difficult to predict the peak of the respondent fatigue. In addition, the distance between the last chemotherapy respondents to the implementation of the research is very varied, there is a direct postchemotherapy and some that have a few weeks after the last chemotherapy. In the opinion of Otti (cited in Danismaya, 2008) that the peak fatigue occurs on day 7 to day 10 after chemotherapy session and will be back at the starting point before the next cycle. So when performed assessments of respondents could not be ascertained were at the height of fatigue or not, because it may just have been a recovery from fatigue experienced conditions. Interventions that have been given during this study is safe and can be done independently by the respondents during the period of chemotherapy. It is based on the absence of a report from the intervention group who runs a combination of aerobic exercise and yoga relaxation techniques that are harmful and harm him. A decrease in fatigue scores in the intervention group was significantly higher when compared with the control group. Fatigue scores are clinically categorized into four categories, namely; a score of 0 for categories not fatigue, the score 1-3 to the category of mild fatigue, fatigue score of 4-6 to the category of moderate and severe fatigue category 7-10 (Pipper, et. al, 1998 and NCCN, 2014). Decline in average scores are statistically obtained either from 0.52 to 1.82 in the intervention group and Further processing of the situation would lead to a decrease in the secretion of insulin, glucagon and the intake of oxygen in the body. The impact, decrease energy production, while the energy needs in cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy are very large. This gap that causes the inadequate energy for the body, causing fatigue. Therefore, cancer patients need to be taught relaxation methods as an effort to adapt to stress, in the hope 227 the control group, from the initial score in the range of 6 scores fell in the range of 5 and 4. Fatigue score 4-6 clinically categorized into moderate category, so it can be concluded that the decrease in fatigue that occurs only statistically significant, but clinically decrease in fatigue that occurs still within the same category, or do not decrease. Several other studies also reveal the same thing, that the reduction in fatigue after exercise and relaxation of yoga significantly only shown in the statistical calculation, but not clinically significant difference (Schwartz, Mori, Gao, Nail, King, 2001 Danismaya 2008, Mustian et. al 2009). However, the research results Mustian et. al (2009) added that although not clinically significant changes occur fatigue, cancer patients were given continuous training to observations of three months showed an improvement in quality of life. As well as on the research results Danismaya (2008) further explained that the provision of the relaxation techniques of yoga over three days showed a decrease in fatigue clinically significant, namely from fatigue category of being on the first day become the category of mild fatigue on the fifth day. Exercise and physical activity that exceeds the portion of the ability of cancer patients can also potentially lead to fatigue, thus creating the opportunity to exacerbate fatigue, therefore in this study are still using the criteria of minimal intervention, namely with a frequency of three days a week. Such determination is based on the optimal frequency in adults aerobic ie at least 3 days a week (Whalet, 2006) and the duration of time of at least 10 minutes in a day (Newton cited in CCWA, 2009). While Danismaya (2008) also mentions that a change fatigue of cancer patients given yoga relaxation occurs from the third day of exercise. This study is an initial attempt to determine the effectiveness of the combination therapy which has not found a reference frequency and duration for the implementation of the combination in previous studies, so that some of the above considerations are used to determine the frequency and duration of combined aerobic exercise with relaxation techniques of yoga for three consecutive days. The results showed a significant influence between the combination of aerobic exercise with relaxation techniques of yoga in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, after three days of observation. But according to the law of Thermodynamic III discovered by Rudolf Clausius (in Barton-Burke and Winningham, 2000) stressed that energy can not only be modified in other forms, but also constantly less available for work. Whenever energy is converted, it always takes more energy than the energy expended a system. This theory can be the basis of that intervention provided in this study can not necessarily eliminate fatigue in just three days, because the body needs a continuous supply of energy along with energy use. So that respondents who perform these interventions are also at risk for getting tired because of the energy requirements continuously. However, at least by providing a combination of aerobic exercise with yoga relaxation techniques on an ongoing basis to balance energy needs, can stimulate the aerobic energy metabolism and relaxation of yoga can save energy by minimizing internal stress. According Winningham (in King and Hinds, 2003) about the proposition of rest and activity states that too much / little break will result in fatigue, as well as too much / little activity will also lead to fatigue, so the dynamic balance between activity and rest will minimize fatigue, and otherwise the imbalance of which will aggravate fatigue. In addition, fatigue become a different problem to individuals who have completed cancer therapy. Individuals who are no longer undergo therapy and be considered free of cancer called cancer survivor. Fatigue is still a problem that can interfere with quality of life for cancer survivors significantly. According Servaes, Verhagen, Bleijenberg (2002), 38% of women with breast cancer who have completed cancer therapy still merasakana exhausted after 29 days post-therapy. Fatigue is also still perceived by 1/3 of women with breast cancer 10 years after completion of therapy 228 (Bower, Ganz, Desmond 2006). Theory and research conducted in patients undergoing cancer therapy can not be applied in a population of cancer survivors, solutions that can be given in this population is to improve themselves to be able to adapt and perform independently of the fatigue management are still being experienced. CONCLUSION There are differences in fatigue levels in breast cancer patients who received a combination of aerobic exercise with relaxation techniques of yoga. The decline is statistically significant, but clinically no significant changes in levels of fatigue either the intervention group or the control group. Special interventions for fatigue in cancer patients in this study may be one of the nursing interventions, so that nurses can implement it in order of nursing, especially in the area of oncology nursing. Further research is needed, especially regarding intervention to determine the long-term results of the implementation of the intervention. Specific interventions for fatigue in cancer patients so far is not widely held by hospitals that deal with cancer therapy. The results could be used as a basis for interventions against fatigue that occurs in cancer patients in hospitals, both in hospitals and in the center of the regional hospital. informed choices. 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(2000) Fatigue in cancer: a multidimensional approach. United Kingdom: Jones and Bartlett Publisher, inc 230 COACHING INTERVENTION MODEL TO IMPROVE COMFORT IN ADOLESENCE WITH DISMINORE Dhina Widayati Bachelor of Nursing Study Programe STIKES Karya Husada Kediri Email : ABSTRACT Disminore is one of the most common problems experienced by Adolesence during menstruation. Disminore management can be performed pharmacological and non-pharmacological. In nonpharmacological one of which can be done by a model of coaching intervention through the abdominal stretching. Coaching is one type of intervention in the theory of comfort "Colcaba". This study aims to determine the effect of coaching intervention models to improvr comfort of adolesence with dysmenorrhea. This study design using pre-experimental, with the approach of one group pre-test post-test design. Sample size are 20 respondents gotten by accidental sampling technique. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test with results ρ value = 0.001 (<α = 0.05), which means there is the influence of coaching intervention models to improve level comfort of adolesence with dysmenorrhea. After the intervention most of the respondents increased comfort, from mild levels to be high. This is because the movement of the abdominal stretching can stimulate the hypothalamus to excite endogenous opioids that produce endorphins, which can reduce pain intensity disminore and increased comfort with a mechanism can make the muscles around the stomach to relax, reduce pain and make the body feel comfortable. Abdominal stretching can be applied in the Schools, especially in the provision of health education and be learning in physical health education. Keywords: abdominal stretching, coaching, comfort various problems that interfere with and affect the activity of which the symptoms of premenstrual tension (tension before menstruation), mastodinia, mittelschmerz (pain during ovulation) and dysmenorrhea (pain during menstruation). Dysmenorrhea is not a disease but a physical disorder arising from abnormalities of the pelvis are debilitating female. The main manifestations of dysmenorrhea is painful cramping in the lower abdominal area and spread back or surface of the thigh. In the more severe symptoms are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and even fainting. These symptoms cause many women who complained of pain and requires resting (Bobak, 2010). Based on the cause of dysmenorrhea is divided into two primary dysmenorrhea experienced by women who are menstruating prostaglandins cause arising from the work INTRODUCTION Adolescence starting from age 12 to age 23 years were a period of dynamic development characterized by changes in the physical development of social cognitive and emotional so quickly. The earliest changes at this time that the physical or biological development of one teenager menstruate. At puberty women also experience emotional changes that change as the peak emotional instability emotional development this is caused by an increase in sexual hormone is so rapid (Guyton, 2006). Menstruation or menstruation is physiological changes that occur periodically women and influenced by reproductive hormones. This period is important in terms of reproduction, usually occurs every month between adolescence and menopause (Bieber, 2011). But in menstruation sometimes arise 235 contained in the cervix and uterus. Prostaglandins work increase uterine contractions and the excessive levels will activate the large intestine. Prostaglandins can reduce or inhibit temporary blood supply to the uterus, which causes the uterus deprived of oxygen causing myometrial contractions and pain. Unlike the secondary dysmenorrhea usually experienced by women with certain diseases disorders include endometriosis, pelvic infection, appendicitis and cervical cancer (Anurogo 2011; Prawirohardjo, 2011). In the epidemiological study of approximately 70-90% of cases of menstrual pain occurs when adolescence (Anurogo, 2011). According Wales (2006 quoted of Fatima, 2007), premenstrual syndrome experienced by 50% of women with socioeconomic medium that come to the clinic gynecology and approximately 14% of women between the ages of 15 to 35 years experience premenstrual syndrome very great influence that require them to take a break from school or office. According santoso 2008 dysmenorrhea is the case in Indonesia is of primary dysmenorrhea, dysmenorrhea percentage in Indonesia amounted to 64.25%, which is divided from primary dysmenorrhea as much as 54.89% and in secondary dysmenorrhea as much as 9.36%. According to Hendrik, 2006 as many as 60-75% of young women experience primary dysmenorrhea provided three-quarters of women experience dysmenorrhea pain mild to moderate and a quarter again experiencing severe pain. Fatimah Research 2007 conducted in Semarang, showed that 71.9% of the 154 respondents experienced premenstrual syndrome. About 40% of women aged 14-50 years experiencing premenstrual syndrome. In most of the young girls of primary dysmenorrhea an ordeal is quite disturbing and should be experienced by every month so that young women must be able to seek appropriate solutions to overcome them. Management of the intensity of pain during dysmenorrhea can be done in two ways, namely by pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatment early in patients with menstrual pain primer is to provide medicines penghilangrasa pain and 80% of patients experienced a decrease in pain of menstruation after taking drugs inhibiting prostaglandin (Arifin, 2008; Anurogo , 2011). Some ways nonpharmacologic to relieve dysmenorrhea that is safe and without side effects include warm compresses, messase, distraction, getting enough sleep, low-salt diet, physical activity / exercise and increased use of diuretics naturally like celery (Bobak et al., 2005) , As according to Woo and McEnerney (2010 in Charles 2012) there is a strategy that New eventto dysmenorrhea with vitamin B1, B6, and vitamin E, magnesium and omega 3, exercise, acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Many researchers say exercise can cope with dysmenorrhea and exercise more safe and contains no side effects due to use of the physiological processes of the body it is supported by the results of the Daley (2008) which states exercise effective in reducing the intensity of primary dysmenorrhea and study of istiqomah 2009 stating motion gymnastics effective in reducing the scale of dysmenorrhea dysmenorrhea. In the exercise the body will produce endorpien produced by the brain and spinal cord that can serve as a natural tranquilizer, causing a sense of relaxed and comfortable (Arifin, 2008). According Thermacare (2010 in the Retna 2011), exercise that effectively lower scale of dysmenorrhea is abdominal stretching exercise to increase muscle strength abdominal flexibility stomach and immune system in certain circumstances, as well as relaxation breathing for relaxation, release tension and improve pulmonary ventilation so that the blood oxygen can lowering the scale of dysmenorrhea (Wong, et al. and Smeltzer 2002). Distraction is a technique used to reduce pain by means of diverting attention for example to sing, pray, tell loudly, and listen to music, music therapy is a way to reduce pain by distracting and thoughts to the music is heard so that the client's awareness of the painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea is reduced , listening to music can stimulate the release of endorphins that can reduce pain and make the mind relaxes (Potter, 2011). Dysmenorrhea arising during menstruation is very influential on the activities of daily living many symptoms resulting decline in immunity and the effect on the emotional level of women when dysmenorrhea not be handled will have an impact on activity disorder menstrual moving backward, infertility, pregnancy is not detected, the infection and the emotional disorders emerging feelings of tension and anxiety that will affect personal skills and 236 emotional changes occur that make girls labile decreased concentration. Therefore, dysmenorrhea symptoms must be addressed in order to avoid harmful impact. According Kolkaba, humans have a comprehensive response to the stimulus / stimuli are complex and a sense of comfort is the result that comes as a response to the stimulus. The context of a sense of comfort as a holistic experience viewed from four aspects: physical, psychospiritual, environmental and social (Tomey and ALIGOOD, 2006). Abdominal Streching provide interventions are expected to provide a sense of comfort in adolescent girls with disminore pain. This study aims to determine the effect of coaching intervention models: abdominal streching towards comfort in adolescent girls with dysmenorrhea. 1 2 3 7 6 7 35 30 35 Amount 20 100 Table 1 shows that nearly half of respondents (35%) aged 13 years and 15 years (35%). 2. The age of menarche. Table 2 Frequency Distribution of Respondents by age of menarche No Age of Frequency % menarche 1 11 years 11 55 2 12 years 6 30 3 13 years 2 10 4 14 years 1 5 Amount 20 100 The data shown in Table 2 shows that most respondents (55%) had menarche at age 11 years. 3. Intensity of pain Table 3 Respondents Frequency Distribution Based on Ordinary Perceived Pain (in days) No Days Frequency % 1 1 9 45 2 1-2 8 40 3 1-3 3 15 Amount 20 100 METHOD This study uses a pre-experimental design with the approach of one group pre post test design. The population is adolesence at SMPN 1 Srengat experiencing disminore. The sample size in this study were 26 respondents through accidental sampling technique. In this study sample will be selected candidate must meet the requirements of the inclusion criteria set by the researchers. Criteria for inclusion in this study are as follows: (1) Young women who experience disminore during menstruation (mild pain, moderate, severe), (2) Young women who did not take analgesics when disminore, (3) Young women ages 13 -15 years with disminore are willing to become respondents. Exclusion criteria included: (1) Young women who have reproductive diseases, such as endometriosis, uterine polyps, ovarian cyst and uterine myoma, (2) Young women who experience pain due to other complications. In this study, the independent variable is the model of coaching intervention: abdominal stretching. The dependent variable in this study is comfort and pain of dysmenorrhea. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS General Data 1. Age Table 1. Frequency Distribution Respondents by Age. No Age Frequency % 13 years 14 years 15 years Table 3 shows that almost half of respondents (45%) had pain dysmenorrhea for 1 day 4. Efforts Independent Dysmenorrhea Treatment Table 4. Frequency Distribution of Respondents by Management Efforts Disminore No Management Frekuensi % 1 Drug 7 35 2 Jamu 3 15 3 Rest 9 45 4 Other 1 5 Amount 20 100 Table 4 shows that in reducing pain, almost half of respondents (45%) is done with a break. of Specific Data 1. Level of Comfort Prior to Do coaching intervention: abdominal streching 237 Table 5 Distribution of the frequency of respondents criteria based on pre implementation comfort level coaching intervention: abdominal streching Comfort Criteria Low Frequenc y 10 causing increased tone of the myometrium resulting in excessive uterine contractions. In general, primary disminore felt pain before menstruation or during menstruation, this pain usually lasts 48 to 72 hours (Anurogo, 2011). This is due on the first day of menstruation has occurred decay of the cells in the walls of the endometrium that stimulate contractions of the uterus, causing pain during menstruation prefix. Characteristics of respondents by self effort in handling disminore, nearly half of the respondents do independent effort to overcome the pain disminore with rest. According Sukarni et al (2013), breaks it is one of the efforts by non-pharmacological pain management. Happy indeed break action carried out adolescent girls who experience disminore at school. However it is less effective, because when girls break takes too long so that it will interfere with the learning process in schools. It is feared that if the break is always used as a way to reduce menstrual pain, will lead to affective and cognitive impairment in subjects abandoned when disminore. If the attempt to self-break is also done in-house, the young women will increasingly think of the pain that is felt, so keep pain disminore. Then it can interfere with daily activities and the young women will increasingly affect disminore perceived pain. Difikirkan something negative then the result will be negative. % 50% Medium 4 20% High 6 30% Amount 20 100% Based on the table above the majority (50%) of respondents have a comfort level in the low category as many as 10 respondents. Disminore is pain during menstruation, usually accompanied by cramps and centered on the lower abdomen. Menstrual pain, it can occur vary from mild to severe pain (Prawirohardjo, 2011). Causes of primary disminore influenced by endocrine factors starting from low levels of progesterone in the late phase of the corpus luteum. Hormone progesterone prevents uterine contractility while the hormone estrogen stimulates uterine contractility (Anurogo, 2011). This pain is felt in the moments before or prefix menstruation that occurs due to uterine contractions due to the decay of endometrial cells. Characteristics of respondents by age and menarche, most respondents had ages between 13 to 15 years. Most had menarche at age 11 years. Ie mid teens aged 13 to 15 years old is still prone to menstrual pain or pain disminore, this is because the primary disminore pain began to emerge from six months to two years after menarche (Sukarni et al, 2013). According Anurogo (2011), menarche at an early age can indeed be a trigger of primary disminore. This is because at this period of rapid increases include reproductive function thus affect the occurrence of changes both physical and psychological development. It is also affected because of the reproductive hormone is not yet stable. Table 5 Characteristics of respondents by regular menstrual pain is felt, almost half of the respondents feel pain disminore on the first day alone. According Sukarni et al (2013), the pain inflicted exposed to increased levels of prostaglandins in the endometrium, causing a decrease in progesterone in luteal phase skhir, 2. Level of Comfort After the Forum coaching intervention: abdominal stretching. Table 6 Distribution of the frequency of respondents criteria based on comfort level post implementation of coaching intervention: abdominal streching Criteria Frequency % Low 2 10% Medium High Amount 11 7 20 55% 35% 100% Based on the table above half (50%) of respondents experienced a decrease in pain disminore ie mild pain as much as 10 respondents. Disminore is a medical condition that occurs during menstruation or periods that can interfere with activities and require medication which is characterized by pain or 238 pain in the abdomen or pelvic area (Judha et al, 2012). Abdominal stretching is one of the relaxation techniques with gentle exercise that aims to stretch the muscles, especially in the abdomen, so as to make the muscles around the abdomen be relaxed and smooth blood circulation (Nurhadi, 2007). Streching abdominal movement more emphasis on quietness and comfort, which has positive effect on physical and psychological health. If the body in a relaxed state, the body will secrete endogenous opioids that produce endorphins. If we do a physical exercise / sport lightweight body will produce β-endorphin, the hormone most efficacious among other hormone (Haruyama, 2011). Disminore pain occurs due to abdominal muscle strain due to the decay of the cells of the endometrium during menstruation. A decrease in pain scale and increase the perceived comfort of respondents affected by abdominal stretching. These interventions can reduce pain disminore because this movement can stimulate the hypothalamus that can secrete endogenous opioids from the body and produce endorphins. Endorphin is a natural sedative substances derived from the body so as to make the body feel more relaxed and comfortable. Based on research, the majority of respondents feel pain disminore as age of menarche at age 11 years. Ie mid teens aged 13 to 15 years old is still prone to menstrual pain or pain disminore, this is because the primary disminore pain began to emerge from six months to two years after menarche (Sukarni et al, 2013). The primary risk factor disminore yaiti influenced by age of menarche at age less than 12 years old, unmarried, and long periods of time (Anurogo, 2011). Young women whose menarche age gap of more than two years prior to the age now, it would be easy decreased pain intensity disminore. This is because at adolescence there is a process of growth, resulting in peningkatann namely reproductive organs have started to mature and reproductive hormones begin to stabilize. Disminore perceived because girls also started to decrease in physical activity so that more can arrange a lifestyle that is light exercise simply by doing abdominal stretching and more able to avoid other factors that trigger the pain disminore. A person's behavior in health requires knowledge that these young women will avoid and will not experience stomach pain due to disminore. 3. Effect of coaching intervention: abdominal stretching for Comfort Level With Young Women Dysmenorrhea Cross Tabulation Table 7 Effect of coaching intervention: abdominal stretching of the pre respondents comfort and post intervention Comfort Level Pre Low Medium High Amount Low Medium High Amount f % f % f% F % 2 10 0 0 0 0 2 10 8 40 3 15 0 0 11 55 0 0 1 5 6 30 7 35 10 50 4 20 6 30 20 100 Based on the table above shows that the respondents perceived comfort level before the intervention is implemented mostly (50%) of respondents have a comfort level in the low category. Once implemented the intervention increased comfort, the majority of respondents have a comfort level in the medium category. Wilcoxon analysis results with significance (ρ) = 0.001 and α = 0.05 where ρ <α then ρ = 0.001 <0.05 means that H1 is accepted, meaning that there is the influence of coaching intervention models: abdominal stretching of the level of comfort in adolescent girls with disminore. Results of research on the impact of coaching intervention: abdominal stretching of the level of comfort in young women with dysmenorrhea in SMP Negeri 1 Srengat, the Wilcoxon test analysis showed that there is an increased comfort after coaching intervention models: abdominal stretching. Significant level (ρ) value = 0.001 and α = 0.05 of the analysis results obtained (ρ) value = 0.001 and α = 0.05 is H1 accepted, it means that there is the influence of coaching intervention models: the streching abdominal increase the comfort by reducing the intensity of pain disminore in adolescent girls in SMP Negeri 1 Srengat. Abdominal stretching is one alternative to reduce pain due disminore. This intervention is a series of movements performed continuously by stretching muscles, 239 especially in the abdomen. Streching abdominal disminore made at the time, and can be done several times until it feels comfortable. Movement is done can be done independently, in groups, or even with the help of an instructor. Streching abdominal goal to help reduce the complaints of abdominal pain during menstruation and to help young women to relax. In accordance with the implementation of the first, starting from the gymnastic movements relaxed sitting position with your left leg straight ahead, then the right leg is bent transverse to the side of the left leg. Inhale while turning the body to the right. Exhale to its conclusion, and then do back in the right direction. Do this several times with the same intensity and in a matter of 2 x 8 count. Movement started from movements easy to difficult (Senior, 2008). This movement can suppress the diaphragm so as to increase the contractility of the heart muscle and lungs so that a smooth blood circulation. In accordance with a second implementation, the body supine sleeping position, then slowly bent left leg is placed on the chest, then the right leg bent, placed on the left leg, the position of the left hand is placed under the left leg. Perform full diaphragmatic breathing until it feels comfortable. Do the same with the other leg and count 2 x 8 count. If we do light exercise / physical exercise the body will release endorphins that reduce pain (Haruyama, 2011). This movement aims to relax the muscles thighs, pelvis, abdomen and back so as to expedite the circulation of blood by pressing the diaphragm so that the contractility of the heart muscle that can later be increased blood circulation and muscles around the stomach becomes more comfortable. In accordance with the implementation of the third, still in the body supine sleeping position, with legs bent. Then slowly lift the abdomen, pelvis, chest with hands remain beside the body. Perform full diaphragmatic breathing until it feels comfortable and is calculated as 2 x 8 count. This movement aims to relax the abdominal muscles, chest, thighs, hips and back so that blood circulation more smoothly so that the body is getting nyerasa relaxed and comfortable. In accordance with the implementation of the fourth, the telengkup sleeping posture, with legs straight back. Then slowly lift the abdomen and chest with his hands as a pedestal. Perform full diaphragmatic breathing until it feels comfortable and is calculated as 2 x 8 count. This movement aims to relax the abdominal muscles, chest, thighs, hips and back so that blood circulation more smoothly so that the body is getting nyerasa relaxed and comfortable. In accordance with the implementation of the fourth, sitting cross-legged slowly, then save the head and body towards the front with the hand position is straight forward. Do it while a deep breath and count 2 x 8 count. This movement aims to relax the muscles around the stomach and can also suppress the movement of the diaphragm thereby increasing muscle contractility of the heart and lungs so it can be blood circulation and the body feels more comfortable. In accordance with the implementation of the sixth, with relaxed sitting position right leg straight, left leg bent inward. Then the right hand holding the fingertips right leg and left hand is pulled towards the right. Perform a deep breath until you feel comfortable and count 2 x 8 count. Do the opposite and repeat several times until it feels comfortable. The movement of being able to relax the muscles due to cover the thigh, abdomen, waist, pinggung and hands so that the blood circulation throughout the body become more smoothly and the body becomes relaxed and comfortable. Based on the theory that there can be defined that the interventions that have been given to respondents who experienced pain disminore very positive effect on physical and psychological health by using deep breathing and can stimulate the body to release endorphins endogenous opioids that mengkasilkan. Endorphin is a natural sedative that comes from inside the body. If the body relax then we put the body in the correct position and comfortable. Muscles are not tense and do not require so much oxygen and sugar, slow the heart beat, blood pressure drops, breath easier, relaxed body condition, the body can stop the production of hormones adrenaline and all the necessary hormones during stress, so it can reduce pain. Looks very significant difference from the results of the post-test, proving that the abdominal stretching effect on comfort and pain intensity disminore in adolescent girls. But in addition to the therapeutic factors, 240 respondents could set lifestyle and other factors that could cause pain intensity disminore being dropped off by exercising regularly and be able to avoid the factors that trigger increased disminore. In accordance with catherine kolcaba theory, elaborated on the theory of comfort in nursing. Kolcaba linking the three types of comfort with the convenience of four experiences: physical, psychospiritual, environmental and social. It is known that the appropriate assessment of the experience of comfort in the physical context, clients complain of pain scale 6. After Abdominal Stretching combination of six exercises, consisting of paint stretch, lower trunk rotation, hip stretch, abdominal strengthening: curl up, lower abdominal strengthening, and the bridge position to reduce menstrual pain for 10 minutes and evaluated using instruments cheklist comfort behaviors, pain in the client down from the pain scale 6 to 5. During done Abdominal Stretching technique clients are less able to focus on doing stretching exercises abdominal muscles, tend to be relaxed and still thinking pain he felt and the client still grinning withstand pain. Then do the Abdominal Stretching into two, clients seemed more relaxed and feel more comfortable and clients say the pain slightly reduced so that the pain scale fell from 5 to 4. In the evaluation using instruments comfort behaviors checklist after being given the implementation of the second increased value is 0.67 to 0.77. This shows that an increase in comfort. Pain scale clients are included in the category of being so continued action to reduce pain to mild pain that limits scale 1-3. At the time of abdominal stretching techniques third, clients feel more comfortable, and can no longer stand the pain grinning, clients say the pain much less than at the beginning prior to abdominal stretching, pain scale 4 fell to 3. And the score of the instrument balanced ride comfort behaviors checklist to 0.99. The higher the score the higher the level of comfort. Abdominal stretching techniques, effective to reduce pain because the exercises are designed to increase muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility of muscles, which is expected to decrease menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) in women. This exercise should be done at the time of menstrual pain (Thermacare, 2010). Abdominal stretching techniques can reduce stress and can increase the production of endorphins that affect pain reduction. Researchers are also using music that clients are more relaxed because the client's psychological state can affect the intensity of pain. In accordance with the theory Kolcaba (2005) in Peterson and Bredow (2010: 259) suggests some assumptions about the comfort among others: 1). Humans have a holistic response to the complex stimulus, 2). Convenience is a holistic expected results related to the discipline of nursing, 3). People are trying to meet the needs of active comfort. Convenience is more than the absence of pain, anxiety, and other physical discomfort. CONCLUSION Comfort level with disminore girls before coaching intervention: abdominal steching, mostly in the low category. Comfort level after doing the coaching intervention: abdominal steching in adolescent girls half of the respondents have a comfort level in the medium category. Coaching intervention: abdominal steching can improve comfort through reduction in pain intensity disminore in adolescent girls. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Thanks to the respondents, all participants SMPN 1 Srengat and Emy Nurul Hidayah as a partner in this study. REFFERENCE Anderson, B. 2010. Stretching in the office. Cetakan 1. Penerjemah: Ratih Ramelan. Jakarta: PT Serambi Ilmu Semesta. Anugroho D, Wulandari. 2011. Cara Jitu Mengatasi Nyeri Haid. Yogyakarta: C.V Andi. Anurogo. 2008. Segala sesuatu tentang nyeri haid. 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The samples in this study used purposive sampling technique with 10 respondents, while the instrument measured the value of PEFR used a flow meter and the frequency of recurrence in patients with Asthma Bronchiale checklist sheet and analyzed using the dependent sample t test (paired t test) with α 5%. The results showed that most respondents (88%) showed PEFR values increased and 60 % of respondents experienced a decrease in the frequency of recurrence of Asthma Bronchial after intervening slow deep breathing. Based on analysis of Paired T Test on PEFR values (p = 0.001) and the frequency of recurrence of asthma (p = 0.003), so it can be concluded that there is effect of slow deep breathing with the frequency of recurrence of Asthma Bronchiale. Slow deep breathing in the lungs causing get plenty of oxygen will flow throughout the body. This supports the activity of the cells and stimulate spending hormone such as endorphins to prevent the recurrence of asthma. Proper asthma management among others are making near-normal lung function, prevent recurrence, control regularly slow deep breathing. Keywords: Slow, Deep, Breathing, Recurrence, Asthma ,Bronchiale treat this disease. (nugroho, 2009). In indonesia is estimated to 17% of the population suffer from asthma in its various forms (sahat, c, 2008). Various studies show that asthma pravalensi in indonesia estimated 3 to 8.0%. For people with asthma in east java in 2003 as many as 21 925 people. To assess the severity of disturbance can be assessed by lung function tests that the inspection checks spirometridan peak expiratory flow (ape). In addition to using spirometry, ape value can be obtained through a simple examination using meter peak expiratory flow (pef meter). Results of pulmonary function tests in patients with asthma, it is known the existence of airway obstruction if fev1 (forced expiration volume first second) / fvc (forced vital capacity) <75% or fev1 <80% predicted value. Monitoring peak ekspiratory flow rate (pefr) is important to assess the weight of asthma, the degree of INTRODUCTION Asthma is one of the problems for the people who were raised in various ages. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease respiratory disorder characterized by episodes of wheezing, difficulty breathing, chest tightness and coughing. According to who, about 100 to 150 million people worldwide are persons with asthma. This number continues to grow as many as 180,000 people every year. In indonesia, the prevalence of asthma is not known for certain, but estimated 2-5% of indonesia's population suffer from asthma (moh, 2006). In 2005 estimated 400 million people worldwide suffer from asthma with added 180,000 annually. The prevalence of asthma morbidity and mortality recently reported increasing worldwide, despite various new drugs continue to be developed and used to 251 diurnal variation, the treatment response when an acute attack, detection of worsening asymptomatic before it becomes serious, the identification of the originator for example exposure to the working environment and the frequency of recurrence of asthma (guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma in indonesia, 2003). In the study ambareesha, kondam et al (2012) reported on a study of medical students showed a slow deep breathing can improve pulmonary function (vital capacity, forced vital capacity and peak expiratory flow rate). Proper asthma management among others are making nearnormal lung function, prevent recurrence, control regularly and improve your fitness with exercise or exercise that is recommended (yunus, 2006). Respiratory muscles is one of the interventions in patients with bronchial asthma. Many theories that explain how respiratory muscle training is expected nati can improve lung function one is to slow deep breathing techniques. Slow deep breathing is a yoga practice which concentrates more on breathing and can be applied in patients with asthma. Slow deep breathing is beneficial to increase the maximum oxygen intake, and the circulation of blood to and from the lungs that can improve lung function (nadera, reyna, 2009). Research pramanik, et al. (2009) in adult patients found that respiratory bhastrika pranayamic in adults able to stimulate the frequency and duration of nerve impulses that activate the receptor pulmonary during tidal volume. It was able to increase vasodilation in blood vessels to lower peripheral resistance in the blood vessels so that it can lower blood pressure. , bhargava research results r (1998), shows the slow deep influence on the autonomic nervous changes associated with breathing and increase vagal rhythm and reduce sympathetic changes. The novelty of this study is the implementation of the slow deep breathing is rarely applied by people with asthma and have not done much research in indonesia on slow deep breathing with asthma sufferers in indonesia. Therefore, it was necessary to examine the effect of slow deep breathing is the pulmonary function in patients with asthma and frequency of recurrence of the disease.The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the method of Slow Deep Breathing in lowering the value of Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) and the frequency of recurrence in patients with Bronchial asthma. METHOD The research design used in this research is to draft Pre Experiment Design One Group PrePost Test. This research was conducted in Puskesmas Bendo Kediri region and time of the study started in January-August 2015. The population in this study were all patients with asthma bronchiale in Puskesmas Bendo in January - July 2015. In this study, researchers set a number of samples of 10 people with a sampling technique by using purposive sampling. PEFR value measuring instruments used in the form of tools and sheet Peakflow meter check list. Frequency of Recurrence Asthma. The instrument used was the observation sheet. Slow deep breathing intervention for 1 month and monitored by researchers. Within a period of 1 month later, researchers conducted a post test to measure the return value of PEFR and asthma relapse frequency. Bivariate analysis was conducted to determine differences in PEFR value and frequency of asthma relapse during the pre-test and post-test with statistical test dependent sample t test (paired t test) with α (standard error) of 5%. RESULT Characteristics of Respondents a.Age Bronchial Asthma frequency distribution of patients by age, can be seen below: Figure 1. Diagram Frequency Distribution Based Asthma Patients Age in June 2015 Kediri Based on Figure 1 indicates as many as five respondents (50%) had 61-70 years of age, 3 252 respondents (30%) were aged 51-60 years, 10% aged 31-40 years and 10% of respondents aged 41-50 years. b.Gender Bronchial asthma patients the frequency distribution by sex can be seen below: Figure 4. Diagram Frequency Distribution Based Asthma Patients Body Height in June 2015 Kediri Figure 2. Diagram Frequency Distribution Based Asthma Patients Sex in June 2015 Kediri Based on Figure 4 shows as many as eight respondents (80%) have a height of 141-150 cm, one of the respondents (10%) have a height of 131-140 cm and 1 respondent (10%) have a height of 151-160 cm. Based on Figure 2. shows as many as nine respondents (90%) were female and 1 respondent (10%) male sex. e.Weight c.Long suffering Bronchial Asthma 40% 60% 1-5 Tahun 6-10 Tahun Figure 5. Diagram Frequency Distribution Based Asthma Patients Body Height in June 2015 Kediri Figure 3. Diagram Frequency Distribution Based Asthma Patients Sex in June 2015 Kediri Based on Figure 5 shows as much as 6 respondents (60%) had a body weight of 31-40 kg, 3 respondents (30%) weight 41-50 kg and 1 respondent (10%) weight 61-70 kg. Based on Figure 3 shows as many as six respondents (60%) suffered from asthma for 610 years and 4 respondents (40%) suffered from asthma for 1-5 years. d.Body Height 253 2. PEFR value respondents during the pretest and post-test can be seen below: month, and as many as 1 of the respondents (10%) experienced a frequency recurrence 56x / month. After the intervention Slow Breathing deep as 3 respondents (30%) to not relapse, 3 respondents (30%) had experienced a recurrence frequency 1-2x / month and 3 respondents (30%) experienced a recurrence frequency 3-4x / month. Data Analysis Normality test using Kolmogorov Smirnov test data analysis with statistical tests Paired t test showed that the obtained PEFR p value of 0.001 (p <0.05), which means that there are differences in PEFR values before and after the intervention of slow deep breathing. While the frequency of recurrence of asthma was obtained p 0.003 (p <0.05), which means that there are differences in the frequency of recurrence of asthma before and after the intervention of slow deep breathing. Figure 6. Diagram PEFR Value during pre and post test on Asthma Patients in June 2015 Kediri Based on Figure 6 shows as many as nine respondents (88%) experienced an increase in the value of PEFR after intervention Slow deep breathing and 1 respondent (12%) did not experience an increase in the value of PEFR after the intervention. DISCUSSION 1. PEFR Value Analysis in Pre test The result showed that prior to dintervensi Slow Deep Breathing by 5 respondents (50%) has a value of PEFR below 250 l / sec and as one of the respondents (10%) has a value of PEFR 250 l / sec, and as many as four respondents (40%) PEFR above has a value of 250 l / sec. This suggests that in patients with asthma tend to have below normal PEFR value in accordance with a count of the age and height. To assess the severity of a disorder that occurs in asthma can be assessed by lung function tests, namely the examination of spirometry and peak expiratory flow examination (APE). In addition to using spirometry, APE value can be obtained through a simple examination using meter peak expiratory flow (PEF meter). Results of pulmonary function tests in patients with asthma, it is known the existence of airway obstruction if FEV1 (forced expiration volume first second) / FVC (forced vital capacity) <75% or FEV1 <80% predicted value. Monitoring Peak Ekspiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) is important to assess the weight of asthma, the degree of diurnal variation, the treatment response when an acute attack, detection of worsening asymptomatic before it 3.The Frequency Of Recurrence Bronchial Asthma Frequency of recurrence bronchial asthma in pre-test and post-test can be seen below: Figure 7. Diagram frequency of recurrence during pre and post test on Asthma Patients in June 2015 Kediri Based on Figure 7 shows prior to the intervention as much as 6 respondents (60 %) experienced a recurrence frequency 3-4x / month, a total of three respondents (30%) experienced a recurrence frequency 1-2x / 254 becomes serious, the identification of the originator for example exposure to the working environment and the frequency of recurrence of asthma (Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma in Indonesia, 2003). Mulyadi (2011) states that PEFR study in adults with asthma tend to decrease and male gender are also likely to experience a decrease in PEFR due to the influence of smoking history and others. While the value of PEFR in adults who suffer from lung disease also decreased the most with a value of 50-80%. This is in line with research that people who suffer from respiratory problems such as asthma bronchiale impaired PEFR. The results showed that as many as 8 respondents (80%) have a height of 141-150 cm and as much as 6 respondents (60%) had a body weight of 31-40 kg. PEFR values of the respondents varied according to the height of being owned respondent. This is consistent with Mulyadi (2011) states that the normal PEFR values associated with the individual's height and weight of individuals and PEFR values are also influenced by age, sex, history of respiratory problems and lung disease. It can be concluded that the normal value is affected PEFR weight and height. applied in patients with asthma. Slow deep breathing is beneficial to increase the maximum oxygen intake, and the circulation of blood to and from the lungs that can improve lung function (Nadera, Reyna, 2009). In normal conditions we put on 10-15% of our ability to breathe every day. Deep slow exercise will increase the amount of blood being exchanged in the lungs. In normal conditions the amount of air entering the lungs in one minute keparu is as much as 16 x 500ml, whereas when doing yoga exercises has increased 4 x 4800 ml. Some of the benefits of yoga breathing is to increase breathing capacity, improve breath control, and increase the supply of oxygen. Pramanik, et al. (2009) in adult patients found that respiratory bhastrika pranayamic in adults able to stimulate the frequency and duration of nerve impulses that activate the receptor pulmonary during tidal volume. It was able to increase vasodilation in blood vessels to lower peripheral resistance in the blood vessels so that it can lower blood pressure. With the stimulus, there will be an increase in lung function and the effect on patient PEFR values. Slow Deep Breathing is an attempt to regulate and control the breath consciously that include setting the length and duration of inhalation and exhalation as well as efforts to hold his breath. With the application of slow deep breathing regulator happen coping mechanisms capable of inhibiting the release of CO2 that stimulate Bohr effect that will increase the amount of catalyst in chemical reactions release of oxygen from hemoglobin, which will accelerate the distribution of oxygen to the tissues. Besides, breathing exercises are also able to increase the use of NO (Nitric Oxcide) which stimulates Guanylil cyclase that activates cGMP and GTP that activates cGMP dependet that stimulates myosin light-chain phospatase activity that causes relaxation of the respiratory tract, causing dilation that can improve lung function measured by the value of Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) in patients with Bronchial asthma. Attempts setting of slow deep breathing breath on both inhalation and exhalation can also increase muscle flexibility intercostalis, pectoralis and trapezius resulting in increased levels of O2 in the lung that will improve lung function. 2. PEFR Value Analysis in Post test The result showed that after intervention Slow Breathing deep by 2 respondents (20%) had PEFR values below 250 l / sec and 8 respondents (80%) had PEFR values above 250 l / sec. This is consistent with research Ambareesha, Kondam et al (2012) reported on a study of medical students showed a slow deep breathing can improve pulmonary function (Vital Capacity, Forced Vital Capacity and Peak expiratory Flow Rate). Proper asthma management among others are making near-normal lung function, prevent recurrence, control regularly and improve your fitness with exercise or exercise that is recommended (Yunus, 2006). Respiratory muscles is one of the interventions in patients with Bronchial asthma. Many theories that explain how respiratory muscle training which is expected later can improve lung function one is to Slow deep breathing techniques. Slow deep breathing is a yoga practice which concentrates more on breathing and can be 255 3. The Frequency of Recurrence Analysis Bronchial Asthma in Pre Test will berbedapada every height and weight (Guyton & Hall, 2001). The result showed that before intervention Slow Breathing deep as 6 respondents (60%) experienced a recurrence frequency 3-4x / month, a total of three respondents (30%) experienced a recurrence frequency 1-2x / month, and as many as 1 of the respondents (10%) experienced a recurrence frequency 56x / month. Based on the characteristics of respondents by age is obtained as much as 50% of asthma patients aged 61-70 years. Most who develop asthma in adulthood. Based on the Report of the Basic Health Research (RISKESDAS) in 2007 found that the tendency of the prevalence of asthma has a tendency prevalence increases with age. The airways of asthmatics have distinctive properties that is very sensitive to various stimuli. Asthma attacks can occur at any age from children to adults (Sandaru, 2007). Younger asthma patients under age 30 years of about 70% due to hypersensitivity. In patients with asthma who are older, the cause hypersensitivity to non-allergic irritants in the air such as dust, respiratory tract infection, fatigue, changes in weather and excessive emotional expression. Allergic reaction that occurs will stimulate the formation of abnormal IgE antibody in large quantities and these antibodies cause allergic reactions. This is consistent with the findings that most of the respondents have more than 30 years of age with the age in which individuals experience hypersensitivity thus higher recurrence frequency becomes higher. Based on the characteristics by sex obtained mostly female. This is consistent with the results RISKESDAS 2007 which states that the prevalence of asthma there were no differences by sex. The results showed that as many as 8 respondents (80%) have a height of 141-150 cm and as much as 6 respondents (60%) had a body weight of 31-40 kg. Weight and height affect the respiratory muscle strength and lung function, these results are related to the theory that someone who has a high body large it will have the function of pulmonary ventilation is higher than the smallish. Inspiratory and expiratory function is affected by the height and weight as the ability to expand the chest 4. The Frequency of Recurrence Analysis Bronchial Asthma in Post Test The result showed that after intervention Slow Breathing deep as 3 respondents (30%) to not relapse, 3 respondents (30%) had experienced a recurrence frequency 1-2x / month and 3 respondents (30%) experienced a recurrence frequency 3-4x / month. Bhargava (1998), also showed Slow deep influence on the autonomic nervous changes associated with breathing and increase vagal rhythm and reduce sympathetic changes. Results were in line with this study that the autonomic nervous changes that will improve the lung function of patients. Slow Deep Breathing reduce sympathetic activity and give relaxation response. Relaxation of skeletal muscle also increases lung expansion. During slow deep breathing patterns will increase bronchiale increasingly enlarge the blood perfusion to alveoli. It is able to support a controlled breathing patterns and help reduce sensitivity to allergens that come from the environment. This mechanism which can affect a decrease in allergic reactions that may decrease the frequency of asthma relapse. Slow breathing in the deep causes the lungs to get oxygen and oxygen will flow throughout the body. If breathing is done regularly and concentrate, then the wave amplitude frequency bioelectrical energy fields in the body will take place slowly and steadily. This supports the activity of the cells and organs of the body to be in sync and stimulate spending antibodies that work against a variety of sources of disease and stimulate spending hormone such as melatonin, endorphins that calm the nerves and the mind. This is what causes asthma patients bronhiale can avoid repeated asthma attacks because the mind relaxed and stress do not cause the patient could avoid the stressor or allergens trigger asthma attacks. CONCLUSIONS RECOMMENDATIONS AND The results showed that the method of Slow deep breathing can affect the value of PEFR and asthma relapse frequency. Slow deep breathing method is able to increase the value 256 PEFR patients with asthma bronchiale and able to reduce the frequency of relapse of patients with asthma. Suggested this method can be applied as one exercise that is easy and inexpensive that can be carried out continuously by patients with asthma bronchiale. Hidayat, Azis Alimul. 2007. 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Jakarta : EGC, hal 14, 119, 120, 122, 124, 126 257 EFFECT OF GIVING COGNITIVE SUPPORT AND EMOTIONAL SPIRITUAL QUOTIENT (ESQ) TO CHANGES SEXUAL BEHAVIOR PATIENTS HIV/AIDS Joko Sutrisno*, Yuly Peristiowati**, Alfian Fawzi*** STIKes Surya Mitra Husada Kediri Email: ABSTRACT HIV is a health problem that threatens Indonesian and many countries around the world. Currently no country is free from problem HIV (Djuanda, 2011). Increases Case HIV/AIDS in the world , including in Indonesian, is one thing that soulder be a concern of many patients. One thing is considered to be a source of spread HIV/AIDS is a ryski sexual behavior . Risk Sexual Behavior a sexual activity ,especially those associated with vaginal and anal intercourse by individuals with sexual partners so that it becomes vulnerable to contracting sexually transmitted diseases as HIV/AIDS. One of the efforts to suppress the increase of HIV cases is chages in the sexual behavior of the sufferer so it does not infect other people who are stilln healthy . This result before and after intervantion Cognitive Support an ESQ Support Sexual behavior research before treatment to 80% commit sexual behaviors that lead to the spread of HIV / AIDS and after treatment 36% perform sexual behavior that causation to the transmission of HIV / AIDS. obtained from analysis Wilcoxon p value ,035 ≤ α 0:05 proved to effect cogntive support and increase to Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ) expected sexual behavior patient HIV IDS. So the they will be more motivated to live better and carry out useful activities and get closer God ,Chages and Behavior an attitude positive and treatment are rutinely expected to increase Quality of life and status of people living with HIV /AIDS. Keyword : Cogntive Support, Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ) , Sexual Behavior mother -to-child HIV NTRODUCTIONand positive ( 4.1 % ) MSM ( Men Sex Men ) ( 2.5% ) (Ditjen PP & PL Kemenkes RI, 2013). Based on the data obtained from the Dr. ISKAK Hospital Tulungagung known that the patients with HIV / AIDS in 2006 was 35 people , 2007 is as much as 42 , Year 2008 is as many as 62 people , 2009 was as much as 96 , Year 2010 is a total of 103 people , 2011 is as much 107 , 2012 is as many as 144 people , in 2013 was as much as 152 people . Based on the data obtained from space chrysanthemums during the last 5 months is known that in September 2013 is as many as 11 people , in October are as many as 26 people , November is as many as 17 people , December is as much as 4 people . While the month of January 2014 is as much as 7 people (medical record RSUD Dr. Iskak Tulungagung, 2013). The role of health care in the prevention and control of disease HIVdilakukan through outreach to the community , INTRODUCTION Globally an estimated 42 million people living with HIV/AIDS, They are composed 38,6 million adult, 50% of whom were women (19,2 million) and under 15 year (3,2 million) (WHO, 2007).according to report case of HIVAIDS from April to Juni 2013 in Indonesian the prevalence of report AIDS as many as 320 people . The highest percentage of AIDS in the age group 30-39 years ( 33.8 % ) , followed by the age group 20-29 years ( 28.8 % ) and the age group 40-49 years ( 11.6 % ) . The ratio of AIDS among men - men and women is 2 : 1.Jumlah highest AIDS were reported from South Sulawesi ( 80 ) , East Nusa Tenggara ( 76 ) , Lampung ( 50 ) , Banten ( 31 ) and Southeast Sulawesi ( 25 ) .Persentase highest AIDS risk factor is sex risk in heterosexual ( 78.4 % ) , the use of nonsterile syringes to IDUs ( 14.1 % ) , from 258 mentoring high-risk groups and behavior change interventions communities, HIV testing and counseling services, Harm Reduction services, treatment and periodic inspection of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), blood safety donors and other activities that support the eradication of HIV (Notoadmodjo, 2003). Besides, awareness of the self in people with HIV to not do things - negative things like sex uncomfortable still be done. One attempt was made to change the attitudes and behavior of people with HIV are giving cogntif support in the form of provision to people living with HIV and their family members, in addition to information also given motivation, psychological assistance, and providing spiritual guidance (Rasmun, 2004). Dihapkan by administering cogntif supportdapat change the attitudes and behavior of people with HIV become positive attitude and behavior, so that all activities undertaken will memotvasi HIV patients to improve their quality of life. Positive behavior will result in an increase in the immune system of HIV patients, which is indicated by elevated levels of CD4. Based on the above phenomenon, the researcher interested in conducting research with title “Effect Of Giving Cognitive Support And Emotional Spiritual Quotient (Esq) To Changes Sexual Behavior Patients Hiv/Aids” Cognitive Support and Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ) in Kediri City . c) Analysis Effect Of Giving Cognitive Support And Emotional Spiritual Quotient (Esq) To Changes Sexual Behavior Patients Hiv/Aids in kediri city METHODS This Research use methods Quasi Eksperimental using a study design One Group Pretest - Posttest Design. This research with population 20 Patient HIV/AIDS in groups Kelompok Dukungan Sebaya (KDS) in kediri. The sample used in this study are same 18 patients with HIV/AIDS in groups Kelompok Dukungan Sebaya (KDS) in Kediri City . a) Inclusion Criteria The inclusion criteria as follows : Patients with HIV / AIDS yang incorporated in peer support groups ( KDS ) in Kediri Patients who have HIV / AIDSyang incorporated in peer support groups ( KDS ) in Kediri which is a group at risk of transmitting HIV / AIDS . All Patients Patients with HIV / AIDSyang incorporated in peer support groups ( KDS ) in Kediri using ARVs regularly . b) Exclusion Criteria The exclusion criteria as follows : Patients with HIV / AIDSyang hospitalized in the Hospital ( in the condition of the drop ) Patients with HIV / AIDSyang cared for in the home are not conscious OBJECTIVE DAN BENEFITS Objective Research 1. General objective Know Effect Of Giving Cognitive Support And Emotional Spiritual Quotient (Esq) To Changes Sexual Behavior Patients Hiv/Aids in kediri city . 2. Special Objective a) Identification of diffrent Behavior on Patient HIV/AIDS before Giving Cognitive Support and Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ) in Kediri City . b) Identification of diffrent Behavior on Patient HIV/AIDS after Giving This sampling used is Purposive Sampling methode namely sampling of members of the population in accordance with the criteria that have been known. This Independent Variabel to giving Cognitive Support and Emotional Spiritual Quotion Variabel Dependen. Changes Sexual Behavior Patients Hiv/Aids. 259 KDS formed to the concerns and needs of fellow sufferers of HIV / AIDS in gaining support on an individual basis. KDS can provide a comfortable and safe place to interact, exchange ideas and information where solving an issue for people living with HIV, the preservation of confidentiality, and apart from a sense of isolation and remove the stigma and discrimination of people with HIV / AIDS. Data Analysis Data analysis techniques were used to examine the Influence of Cognitive Support and ESQ Against Changes in sexual behavior in patients HIVpada Peer Support Groups (KDS) in Kota Kediridengan using test T-Test included the testing of nonparametric yaituuntuk compared between the two groups of related data with a level of confidence α = 0.05. In the calculation process aided by the help of Statistics Programme For Social Sience (SPSS) For Windows. To Wilcoxon Test Drawing conclusions hypothesis test results are: KDS support given in the form of motivation both in patients and in the patients' family. This support is done * with the establishment of peer support groups (KDS) Friebdship plus in the town of Kediri, in which a container to provide support, motivation, and increased knowledge of HIV. KDS dilakuan activities, among others, performed once every month regular meetings that discuss permasalaha- Sesma problems that occur in people with HIV. The problems are discussed from their physical health, regularity of taking antiretrovirals, as well as problems concerning the psychological condition of people living with HIV. In addition to discussing the problems also are donors movement of partners involved This form of material assistance, as well as moral support and increased knowledge by giving counseling. KDS's presence in the city kediri provides many benefits for people with HIV. They can meet with friends - friends who have suffered the same so that they do not feel alone and lonely in the fight against the disease. 1. If p ≤ α = 0.05 means that H0 is rejected and H1 accepted meaning There Influence of Cognitive Supportdan ESQ Against Sexual Behavior Change in Patients HIVpada Peer Support Groups (KDS) in Kediri If p> α = 0.05 means that H0 is 2. accepted and H1 rejected, which means not There Influence of Cognitive Supportdan ESQ Against Sexual Behavior Change in Patients with HIV Peer Support Group (KDS) in Kediri RESULT Peer Support Groups (KDS) in the town of Kediri is a group that is potentially in assisting people living with HIV to the fullest. Therefore, its existence is need for support from the community and from the government. Empowerment of the KDS in the town of Kediri should try as much as possible to help people living with HIV in problem solving and provide motivation and good memberikandukungan moral, and spiritual. Expected with the implementation of science and technology for the people who carried on by STIKes Surya Mitra Husada Kediri can increase KDS role in pemberikan troubleshooting solutions for people with HIV / AIDS both physical problems, psychological and spiritual and efforts to combat HIV / AIDS in the town of Kediri. PLHIV who are members of the Peer Support Groups (KDS) Friend Ship Plus in Kediri town of 100 people, they are composed of at risk groups such as female sex workers, drug users, Homo sex and also housewives. Until now recorded in Kediri in 2014, there were 456 patients in which 354 were patients and 102 HIV is AIDS. Of the total HIV / AIDS mother tumah ladder ranks second after the WPS (Women Sex Workers). Data from the Regional AIDS Commission Kediri record number of 69 people with HIV / AIDS is a housewife. 260 KDS Friendship Plus was established on October 28, 2007 which has a secretariat at the Jalan Banjaran Gg. Carik No. 71B Kediri, E.mail: KDS organizational structure Friendship Plus chaired by Yudho, secretary / treasurer sister Mira, Division Kolif women and children, brothers and sisters Narmi Services Access Division 27% married unmarried 73% Figure 5.3 Characteristics of respondents by marital status at KDS group Friendship Plus Kediri April 19 s / d 25 April 2015 Identifikation characteristic of responden a. Characteristics of Respondents by Gender d. Characteristics of Respondents Based on ARV Consumption e. 47% 53% Male 20% routine consumption Women 53% 27% Figure 5.1 Characteristics of respondents by Gender at KDS group Friendship Plus Kediri April 19 s / d 25 April 2015 Figure 5.1 Characteristics of respondents by Gender at KDS group Friendship Plus Kediri April 19 s / d 25 April 2015 Variabel Of Research a. Identification of Sexual Behaviour HIV / AIDS before Intervension Cognitive support and Emotional and Spiritual Support employee 27% 13% 7% 33% No Consumption Figure 5.4 Characteristics of respondents by consumption of drugs in the group of KDS Friendship Plus Kediri April 19 s / d 25 April 2015 b. Characteristics of Respondents by Job 20% concumtion no routine teacher 20% entrepren eur WPS/Muci kari Transmissi on 80% Figure 5.2 Characteristics of respondents by job group KDS Friendship Plus Kediri April 19 s / d 25 April 2015 preventio n Figure 5.5 Characteristics of respondents by sexual behavior Before treatment at KDS group c. Characteristics of Respondents by Married Status 261 Friendship Plus Kediri April 19 s / d 25 April 2015 decisions requires information that is relevant, useful, accurate and true. 1.2 Identification of diffrent Behavior on Patient HIV/AIDS after Giving Cognitive Support and Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ) in Kediri City . sexual behavior after treatment at KDS group Friendship Plus Kediri 67% to prevention or 33 % transmission deseases b. Identification of Sexual Behaviour HIV / AIDS after Intervension Cognitive support and Emotional and Spiritual Support 33% transmission 67% Cognitive can be enhanced by changes in beliefs, emotions and behaviors. Another way to approach health social cognitive behavioral example is the effort to find ways of behavior related to health started from the consideration of people - those on health also take preventive measures depends directly on the outcome of confidence or health assessment (Herawani, 2012). social support from family members, close friends, tetanga. Social support as cognitive consisting of knowledge, information, verbal or non-verbal advice, real help or action is given by the familiarity of social and emotional benefits or have the effect of behavior on the part of the recipient. 1.3 Analysis Effect Of Giving Cognitive Support And Emotional Spiritual Quotient (Esq) To Changes Sexual Behavior Patients Hiv/Aids in kediri city . proven to exist effect of Cognitive and Emotional and Spiritual Support support to changes in sexual behavior patient HIV –AIDS dengan nilai P Value ,,035 ≤ α 0:05 proved effect cogntive support and increase to Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ) expected sexual behavior patient HIV IDS. Cognitive is the acquisition, structuring and use of knowledge covering every mental behavior associated with the understanding of consideration, information management, problem solving, gaps and beliefs (Nurbani, 2008). So the they will be more motivated to live better and carry out useful prevention Figure 5.6 Characteristics of respondents by sexual behavior after treatment at KDS group Friendship Plus Kediri April 19 s / d 25 April 2015 c. Analysis Effect Of Giving Cognitive Support And Emotional Spiritual Quotient (Esq) To Changes Sexual Behavior Patients Hiv/Aids in kediri city proven to exist effect of Cognitive and Emotional and Spiritual Support support to changes in sexual behavior patient HIV –AIDS dengan nilai P Value 0,035 ≤ α 0:05 proved effect cogntive support and increase to Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ) expected sexual behavior patient HIV IDS DISCUSSION 1.1 Identification of diffrent Behavior on Patient HIV/AIDS before Giving Cognitive Support and Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ) in Kediri City . Sexual behavior Before treatment at KDS group Friendship Plus Kediri to transmission deseases 80% or prevention 20% According Herawani (2012), Cognitive Function Support (Information) that is as raw material for the decision, which everyone in any time will take the right 262 activities and get closer God ,Chages and Behavior an attitude positive and treatment are rutinely expected to increase Quality of life and status of people living with HIV /AIDS. Darwis, S. D. 2003. Metode Penelitian. Jakarta : EGC. DepKes, RI. 2005. Profil kesehatan Indonesia 2005. Dibuka pada website : http.//www, id. Pada tanggal 6 januari 2008). CONCLUTION AND REKOMENDATION Conclution 1. From the research for a while it can be concluded that the provision of cognitive support and ESQ treatment in patients with HIV / AIDS Kelompok Dukungan Sebaya (KDS) Friendship Plus Kediri can be received well by respondenm, and respondents calls for this therapy regularly and continuously 2. This results of the identification characteristics of respondents by sex 53% male, 33% self-employed by occupation, by married status 73% did not / not married, based on consumption of 53% routine ARV ARV consumption, based on examination of 57% Normal CD4 levels and based blood tests 3. Sexual behavior research before treatment to 80% commit sexual behaviors that lead to the spread of HIV / AIDS and after treatment 36% perform sexual behavior that causation to the transmission of HIV / AIDS. DepKes, RI. 2010. Riset Kesehatan Dasar. Jakarta : Badan penelitian dan pengembangan kesehatan Kementrian Kesehatan RI. 2010. Djuanda, Adhi. 2011. Ilmu Penyakit Kulit dan Kelamin. Jakarta : Balai Penerbit FKUI. Ditjen PP & PL Kementerian Kesehatan RI. 2013. Laporan Perkembangan Situasi HIV & AIDS Di Indonesia Triwulan 2 Tahun 2013. Jakarta. DinKes Jawa Timur, 2013. Hawari, D. 2004. Al Qur‟an : Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa dan Kesehatan Jiwa”. Edisi III (Revisi). Yogyakarta: PT. Dana Bhakti Prima Yasa. Herawani, 2012.Pendidikan Kesehatan Dalam Keperawatan. Jakarta : EGC. 5.1 Recomendation 1. Giving to cognitive support and ESQ in maintenance support odha and giving motivation support aand guidance both morally and spiritually to be able increases prevention ODHA in order to increase its life expectancy and Quality of live. 2. It should be further analysis to determine the effect of treatment on sexual behavior ODHA and improving the mental status and addiction to sexual habit. Halim, M.S & Atmoko, W.D. 2005. Hubungan Antara Kecemasan Akan HIV/AIDS Dan Psychological WellBeing Pada Waria Yang Menjadi Pekerja Seks Komersial. Jurnal Psikologi. 15 : 17 - 31. Kurniawati, 2006. Coping Stres Pada Orang Dengan HIV/AIDS (Sebuah Studi Kasus). Skripsi. Surabaya : Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Airlangga. REFERENCES Lazarus, R.S & Folkman, S. 1984. Stress, Appraisal and Coping. New York : Spranger. A.Aziz, Alimul Hidayat. 2010. Metode Penelitian Keperawatan Dan Teknik Analisis Data. Jakarta : Penerbit. Salemba Medika. 263 Mandal, 2010. Penyakit Infeksi. Jakarta : Erlangga Medical Series. Umar Zein, 2006. 100 Pertanyaan Seputar HIV/AIDS Yang Anda Ketahui. USU Press, Medan. Nihayati, A. 2012. Dukungan Sosial Pada Penyandang HIV/AIDS Dewasa. Skripsi. Surakarta : Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. WHO, 2007. Pencegahan AIDS melalui promosi kesehatan : Masalah yang sensitif. Bandung : Penerbit ITB. Notoatmodjo, Soekidjo. 2003, Pendidikan dan Perilaku Kesehatan. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta. Notoatmodjo, Soekidjo. 2007. Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta. Nursalam, 2008. Konsep dan Penerapan Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Keperawatan. Jakarta : Salemba Medika. Nugroho, P. 2009. Coping Stres Pada Orang Dengan HIV dan AIDS. Skripsi. Malang : Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Nurbani, F. 2008. Dukungan Sosial Pada ODHA. Skripsi. Jakarta : Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gunadarma. Phillips, K.D. 2007. Social Support, Coping, and Medication Adherence Among HIV-Positive Women with Depression Living in Rural Areas of the Southeastern United States. AIDS PATIENS CARE and STDs. 21 : 667 - 680. Rasmun, 2004. Stres, Koping dan Adaptasi. Sagung Seto. Jakarta : EGC. Sugiyono, 2011. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif Dan R&D (Edisi Revisi). Bandung : CV. Alfabeta. Stuart & Sunden, 2002. Principles and practice of psychiatric nursing sixth edition. St.Louis Missouri : West Line Industrial Drive. 264 RELATIONSHIP OF WOMEN’S SELF PERCEPTION ABOUT MENOPAUSE WITH SELF READINESS IN FACING MENOPAUSE IN SELOSARI KANDAT KEDIRI. Shinta Kristianti Prodi Kebidanan Kediri Poltekkes Malang Email: ABSTRACT Perception is interpretation process about something pass through seeing, hearing, and feeling sense. Menopause is the last of menstruation which is experienced by woman which still influenced by reproduction hormone, which will seem to uncomfortable thing in running life. It needs self readiness physically and psychologically in facing menopause. Purpose of this research was knowing the relation of self perception of 45th-55th years old woman about menopause with self readiness in facing menopause in Selosari Kandat Kediri. The research design was analytic survey with cross sectional time approach. The research was implemented in June 2014 with population 45th-55th years old woman in Selosari Kandat Kediri, sample was taken from population were 79 respondents. The instrument was questionnaire. The data analysis by Fisher Exact Statistic test. Women who had negative perception with ready category contains of 49 women (62,03 %), women who had positive perception with readiless category contains of 0 women (0 %). It was gotten from accumulation value of ρ account < ρ table (0 < 0,05). This research will show that there was relation of self perception of 45 th-55th years old woman about menopause with self readiness in facing menopause in Selosari Kandat Kediri. Health staff have to give counseling about menopause in local area. Keywords: Perception, Menopause, Readiness BACKGROUND Women have a complex body. They experience a life with a process of development of anatomical, physiological, and reproduction, beginning in childhood, then grew into adolescence and adulthood. At the same time, growing and developing organs as well as a perfect woman. The most typical and distinctive of the women is the reproductive system. This is due to all of the processes that formed the reproductive system since women still fetus to grow up. Perfection was marked by the beginning of menstruation and from that moment all the organ anatomy, physical, and reproductive work together to enhance the female reproductive function. The process continues until the expiration of productive women, when menstruation stops permanently (Kasdu Dini, 2005). In general, people prefer to use the term "menopause", although the term is not appropriate, because menopause is only a momentary occurrence, namely the last menstrual bleeding. The most appropriate use is climacteric, the period of transition from the reproductive phase to the phase of aging caused by the declining function of the generative (Baziad, 2003). Climacteric is a phase that women pass down the aging process and stop fertility. Menopause is a life after the last menstruation. Because it is the phase of life premenopausal women before menopause (Benson, 2008). Menopause occurs at that age varied, occurring on average menopause age 45-50 years, at present there is a tendency, for the occurrence of menopause at an older age of menopause for example in 1915 is said to occur at the age of 44 years, while in 1950 the menopause occurs at age approaching 50 years. According Manuaba (1999) the average menopause occurs at age 45-50 years with a clinical picture of normal menstruation stops. Most women begin experiencing symptoms in their 40s and reached its peak at the age of 50 years. Most experienced symptoms for less than 5 years old and about 25% over 5 years (Sibagariang, 2010). In the course of his life a woman who reaches the age of about 45 years, 287 aging ovaries, so it is unable to meet the hormone estrogen (Manuaba, 2009). Some of the changes that occur in the body due to lack of the hormone estrogen are: hot flashes (hot flushes), vertigo, sweating a lot, paresthesias (disorders skin feeling like tingling), spinal pain, muscle pain, depression, insomnia, vaginal discharge, and menstrual disorders (Sibagariang, 2010). In addition, the symptoms of menopause often acute and long-anxiety effect, such as cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. Emotionally, menopause may indicate the timing of major change when women have the opportunity to make the assessment of the life he had been through, she may have to adapt to the changing role within the family and society, and have to face changes in the body and in life expectancy. Changes in physical, social, and emotional life, as well as psychological changes in women to make menopause become one of the biggest shake-up and self-analysis for some women. Menopause is an event that is very individual, with a variety of problems due to the "middle age" that accompany so how every woman receives and undergo a physical change is highly variable (Andrews, 2009). Such a situation can occur when individuals are not ready to face the climacteric, menopause, and senium (Manuaba, 2009). As a result of physical changes that can last longer and can affect the way women face other stresses that may arise at the same time. It‟s to very easy to blame the menopause for all the physical and emotional disturbance experienced by women in their ages. This assumption could be wrong, but it is true that the area of a woman's life that can always be managed by women suddenly become difficult to manage. Some women require treatment and other therapies, in addition to hormone replacement therapy, to help them cope with some aspects of their lives. Some women who arise in midlife is better treated using other therapies, not only hormone replacement therapy (Andrews, 2009). METHODOLOGY The research design was analytic survey with cross sectional time approach. The research was conducted in June14 with population 45th-55th years old woman in Selosari Kandat Kediri, sample were 79 respondents was taken by purposive sampling. Independent variable of data from this study was women‟s self perception about menopause. Dependent variable was self readiness. The instrument was questionnaire, and the data analysis by Fisher Exact Statistic test. RESULT Women’s Self Perception Women about Menopause The survey showed that 62,03% of clients had negative perceptions Table 1. Frequency Distribution Women‟s Self Perception Women about Menopause No. Perception f % 1. Positive 30 37,97 2. Negative 49 62,03 Total 79 100 Self Readiness in Facing Menopause The survey showed that 100% ready in facing menopause Table 2. Frequency Distribution of Women‟s Self Readiness RESEACH OBJECTIVES The objective of this research was anallyzing women‟s self perception about menopause with self readiness in facing menopause. No. Readiness f % 1. Ready 79 100 2. Not Ready 0 0 79 100 Total 288 Relationship of Women’s Self Perception about Menopause with Self Readiness in Facing Menopause covers everything that broaden the knowledge of themselves and the world in which they live (Team Developer Education FIP-UPI, 2007). Based on the research results of Umi Rizky The majority of respondents were women aged Sari in 2009, most of the respondents have less 45-55 years who have a negative perception of knowledge about menopause with negative the category is ready to face menopause as perceptions of menopause complaints by 25 many as 49 people (62.03%) people. Sufficient information about menopause have a positive impact on the Table 3 Correlatios Analysis Result reaction of the respondents in facing menopause. Based on the above explanation, Readiness Ready Not Total ρ the perception is the process of interpretation Ready Value of a person through the senses of sight, taste, Perception f f% % f % and hearing. So what is seen from others, feel 30 37,97 0 0 30 37,97 Positive 0 the symptoms before menopause, and obtain information from others about menopause may 49 62,03 0 0 49 62,03 Negative lead to the perception of oneself. Negative 79 100 0 0 79 100 Total perception may also be caused because the mother has not feel the menopausal symptoms. Based on the results of data processing by One can understand the information in the Fisher Exact test statistic ρ value is 0, the error surrounding circumstances. Mothers who have level of 5% (0.05) the obtained values of 0.05 low knowledge, information held too little. ρ table. This means that ρ value <ρ table (0 The higher the knowledge, the higher the <0.05). With these results H0 is rejected and it absorption rate of the information so that the can be said that there is a correlation self information acquired can be well understood. perception women age 45-55 years of Conversely the lower knowledge, the patterns menopause the readiness self in face of thought to be low so that the absorption rate Menopause. of the information also becomes less. Low knowledge may also lead to a negative DISCUSSION perception. Self Perception of Women’s Women about Menopause Self Readiness in Facing Menopause The distribution of respondents by readiness in facing menopause is entirely categorized as ready as many as 79 people (100%). This is supported by research Atik Ismiati the year 2010, the distribution of respondents by readiness of menopause largely categorized ready. A person who ready can control depression, anxiety, and emotional disorders in the face of the problems of menopause (Sukarni, 2013). Perception of Self Female Age 45-55 Years of Menopause Perception of the respondents in this study are categorized into two, namely the perception of positive and negative. Respondents said to have a positive perception if the total score > mean and have a negative perception if the value of the mean total score ≤ Mean. The results showed that more than half of the respondents self perception of women aged 45-55 years of menopause is negative as many as 49 people (62.03%). Based on the above explanation, the readiness defined as a state of the mother to prepare her to face menopause, both physically and psychologically. The period of this change will be passed well, if the woman is able to adapt to new conditions as they arise. A woman approaching menopause should always think positive that the condition is something that is natural, in order to be able to prepare themselves to face the menopause. Soenaryo (2004) stated that the perception of the individual can realize and understand about the state of the environment in the surrounding areas as well as on the state of the individual concerned. This is consistent with the theory that perception is an experience that is generated through the senses of sight, hearing, and smell (Setiawati, 2008). In the broadest sense, both formal and informal education 289 menopause and establish confidence if the information that many around. Mothers who have a low probability of knowledge increasingly narrow social life because they only relate to those around her house, so it has little understanding and not much in touch with mothers who have high knowledge that allows mothers do not obtain information or insight about the menopause. Conversely, the lower the knowledge is not necessarily the more negative perceptions of menopause, when obtaining information or insight a little around. Relationship Self Perception Women Age 45-55 Years of Menopause the Self Readiness in Facing Menopause Results of this analysis showed that there was no connection Self Perception Women Age 45-55 Years of Menopause the Readiness Self in Face Menopause in Hamlet Village Nglarangan Selosari Kandat Subdistrict Kediri. It was found that respondents who have a negative perception is more prepared to face menopause as many as 49 people (62.03%) and respondents who have a positive perception of the category is ready to face menopause as many as 30 people (37.97%). According to the perception of the process of extracting the information that is preparing to respond (Grace H, 2009). Thus, it is necessary to study how much information about the woman's climacteric owned, perception of stress experience, who relied on for a dependent, and ask for help (Bobak, 2004). Of course, support from family members, to make it more expedient to face attitude that menopausal women (Harmanto, 2006). There should also foster reading craze that has extensive knowledge about life. It would increase confidence that the larger (Santoso 2009). If you experience symptoms that make you feel uncomfortable, then you should consult with health professionals (Astikawati, 2006). This is supported by research Atik Ismiyati in 2010, that there is a correlation between the level of knowledge about menopause with the preparedness of menopause in premenopausal mothers in Housing Sewon Asri Yogyakarta. Seeing the existing data can be explained there are some things that cause this hypothesis is accepted, the perception appears to be no reaction from the person to prepare for the menopause. A person's perception was correlated with readiness in the face of menopause. It is influenced by pegetahuan. Knowledge varies greatly affect research. Though knowledge has nothing to do with the perception of menopause and menopause preparedness. The higher the knowledge, the higher the absorption rate of the information so that the information acquired can be well understood. Conversely the lower knowledge, the patterns of thought to be low so that the absorption rate of the information also becomes less. The higher the increasingly positive perception of knowledge about Other studies above also states that there is a relationship of knowledge about menopause with menopause preparedness. Perceptions arise because of the knowledge of a person. This shows the perception that emerged resulted readiness in the face of menopause, so it does not interfere with the role of the individual. Therefore, in this study, low knowledge is not necessarily less prepared to deal with menopause. Many mothers who have a negative perception, prepared better to face the menopause. Here also the necessary support so that more families can accept the fact, as well as consultation with a health worker if you feel uncomfortable in dealing with the symptoms of menopause. CONCLUSION It conclude that more than half of the respondents had negative perceptions of menopause and all respondents are ready to face menopause. There is a relationship selfperception of women aged 45-55 years of menopause with readiness in facing menopause. REFERENCES 1. Andrews, Gilly. 2009. Buku Ajar Kesehatan Reproduksi Wanita. Jakarta: EGC 2. Astikawati, Rina dan Amalia Safitri. 2007. Simple Guide Menopause. Jakarta: Erlangga 3. Azwar, Saifuddin. 2005. Sikap Manusia Teori dan Pengukurannya Edisi Ke 2. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar Offset 290 4. Baziad, Ali. 2003. Menopause Andropause. Jakarta: YBP-SP dan 5. Benson, Ralph C. 2008. Buku Saku Obstetri dan Ginekologi Edisi 9. Jakarta: EGC 6. Bobak, dkk. 2004. Buku Ajar Keperawatan Maternitas. Jakarta: EGC 7. 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To the effect this research which is to identify corelation between smoking behaviour with sleep disorder (insomnia) of adolescent boy in Jepun Village, Tulungagung‟s district Tulungagung‟s Regency. This observational method utilize analytic method. Executed research at Jepun‟s subdistrict Tulungagung on 17 th February – 17th March 2015, by use of research design “Cross Sectional”. This observational population is all adolescent boy which smoke, technics sampling utilizes purposive sampling with sample 47 striplings. For research it utilizes statistical quiz formula corelation Spearman-Rho. Base observational result, gotten that smoking behaviour of adolescent boy at Jepun‟s subdistric, Tulungagung‟s Regency at 2015, which is stripling with weight level smoker 43 persons (91,5%), Lightweight smoker 4 persons (8,5%) and insomnia on adolescent‟s Jepun‟s subdistrict boy which weight insomnia 43 (91,5%), lightweight level of insomnia 4 persons (8,5%). From statistical quiz result corelation Spearman-Rho gotten p = 0,000 < a = 0,05 therefore h0 refused and h1 accepted, its mean available Relationship smoking behaviour with sleep disorders (insomnia) on adolescent boy at Jepun, Tulungagung‟s District / Regency. Progressively heavy behavioural smoking on stripling, therefore getting weight too insomnia level on that adolescent. Expected adolescent one smoke at a swoop experience insomnia will stop to smoke than insomnia that their suffering can get over or minimal dwindling level acuted. Keyword: Smoking Behavior, Sleep Disorders (Insomnia), Adolescent Boy INTRODUCTION cardiovascular disease, cancer, fertility disturbing, born less months, Death or absent from work or school. Adolescent who smoking, growth and development of his lungs immediately affected would be the smoking immediately. The other effect of smoking is can cause insomnia. Nicotine in cigarettes classified stimulants. Stimulants are substances which gives a refreshing effects as well as caffeine and cocholate. Efect from nicotine is more stronger, evidenced with Research of Punjabi and his colleagues in 2006 examined the effects of nicotine on the sleep patterns of someone. (Prasadja, 2009). Smoking And Insomnia has a close The international research conducted US Census Bureau, International Data Base of 2004 as reported by From Cureresearch, Saturday (05/01/2010) Indonesian people of 2004 amounted to 238 452 million, as many as 28 053 million people in Indonesia the affected insomnia or approximately 11.7 % . This Data just based indications are generally not take into account genetic factors, culture, environment, social, and ras. It can continue to grow as living style changes. ( downloaded on February 5, 2012) Consequences of smoking can increase incidence of respiratory tract infections differences, cough, asthma, sinusitis, 336 relationship. Although smoking is not the only predictor for insomnia, but nicotine contained cigarettes cause tension on Sympathetic nerve and parasympathetic nerve, causing the person would stay awake. In fact, when someone sleep, all nerves and human organ in relaxation, even Heartbeats was throbbing slow. On this essentially condition, man who can not sleep or experiencing insomnia is a condition where the someone nerves still continues work (contracts) when the person wants to review highly feel sleepy or relaxes nerve-the nerve to review a rest. Then, substances that can cause the triggering of the dopamine hormone for example is the caffeine in coffee, nicotine in cigarettes, and the alcohol in alcoholic beverages. (downloaded on March 9, 2012) The data is justified Posted Dr. dr. Nurmiati Amir, SpKJ admitted that Indonesia Population About 10 Percent Paid From having trouble of sleep. Normal time for adult for a review of sleep is 6-7 hours. But the most of patients with Insomnia sleep 3-4 hours only. "Insomnia is a one medical condition frequently encountered but not diagnosed so no treated well," as Dr. dr. Nurmiati SpKJ in Event Management Comprehensive Insomnia press conference at the Novotel Mangga Dua Square, Jakarta, Saturday (05/01/2010) . According to her, if the Condition Continues to left unchecked, can reduce quality of life of sufferers so the impact triggering accidents. So it takes behavioral therapies and medications to review deal with insomnia. (www. health. com to download on February 5, 2012). Based on the findings of research carried Posted Health Center Tulungagung Tulungagung subdistrict Jepun during the month of April 2012 in at works region, the findings showed that smokers largest are young men in the Tulungagung district. There are 47 teenagers (80, 49%) of the results of research findings is a smoker (PHC Data Jepun, 2013). Based on the reason, researchers ALSO addition to experience, as well as many of the adolescents that already smoke, researchers are interested in a review examining Relations the smoking behavior of young men age 15-23 years with Disorders Sleep Patterns (insomnia) in the Jepun village of Tulungagung subdistrict METHODS In carrying out the research, researchers using the design study "observational" study namely on the research object is a moment. Research and observation on independent and dependent variables from the object of research conducted in conjunction in limited time, means that the object is not researched or continuously observed over specific time periods. That study was based on location Jepun Village Tulungagung subdistrict So the population of the research is some teenagers in the Jepun Village of Tulungagung subdistrict. Based the Data, the details of the study population was 47 Paid adolescence. Acumulated data of this study uses instrument label form interview and kuesionar then regrouped includes tabulation in accordance with drawn sub variables. In analyzing the relationship smoking behavior with sleep disorders (insomnia) at Young Men in the Jepun Village of the District / Tulungagung 2015 using Computer Assisted SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution Version 16 Windows) By type Rho-Spearman statistical test. To determine the relationship is p value ≤ α of 0.05 means that H0 is rejected, H1 accepted and Means stated there is relationships smoking behavior with sleep disorders (Insomnia) in young men in rural Jepun, If the value of p > α 0.05 means that H0 is accepted, and H1 rejected Means stating there is no relationships smoking behavior with sleep disorders (Insomnia) in young men in rural Jepun. 337 RESEARCH RESULT A. General Data 1. Characteristics of respondents by age male population in villages Jepun subdistrict / district Tulungagung. Based on Research findings showed that respondents that amounts of the 47 teenagers, mostly big respondents aged 1823 years (85%). 2. Characteristics of respondents by job man in the village Jepun subdistrict / Tulungagung From the research findings showed that respondents that amounts of the 47 teens, teens work in Jepun village sub-district / Tulungagung, Most big teenager not work (70%). B. Special Data 1. Smoking Behavior on young men in the village of Jepun. Age The mid teens (15-18) Late Teens (18-23) Total Smoking Behavior Mild Moder Weight ate F % F % F % 4 8,5 0 0 8 17 12 25, 5 0 0 0 0 35 74, 5 35 74, 5 4 8,5 0 0 43 91, 5 47 100 most the weight smokers there are 43 teenagers. b. Based on the study findings showed that respondents that amounts of the 47 teenagers. 18-23 year-old big portion Already Namely Heavy smokers as much as 35 teenagers. Job Smoking Behavior Mild Total Moder ate Weight ∑ Smoking level % Frequency (F) Percentage (%) Lightweight 4 8.5 30 Medium Weight 0 43 0 91.5 33 70 Period 47 100 47 100 F % F % F % Work 0 0 0 0 14 30 14 Not Working 4 8, 5 0 0 29 61,5 Total 4 8, 5 0 0 43 91,5 c. a. Based on the study findings showed that respondents that amounts of the 47 teens, from the data that is most are not working behave smoke weight by 29 teenagers. Based on the study findings showed that respondents that amounts of the 47 teens, 338 Total ∑ % b. 2. Sleep Disorders (Insomnia) IN young men in the village of Japan a Insomnia level Frequenc y (F) Age The mid teens (15-18) Percentage (%) Light weight Medium 4 0 0 Weight 43 91.5 Period 47 100 Late Teens (18-23) Total 8.5 Mild ∑ % F 4 12 25,5 0 0 0 35 74,5 35 74,5 4 8, 5 0 0 43 91,5 47 100 Sleep Disorders (Insomnia) Light weight Me diu m F % F % F % F % 4 8,5 0 0 0 4 8,5 Medium 0 0 0 0 Weight 0 0 Total Mode Weight rate % F % F % 8, 0 0 8 17 5 0 Heavy Total c. Jobs Lightwei ght Total Based on the study findings showed that respondents that amounts of the 47 adolescents, aged 18-23 years most big insomnia weight that's been experiencing as many as 35 teenagers. . Smoking Behavior Insomnia 4 8,5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 91,5 43 91,5 0 0 43 91,5 47 100 F 0 4 Insomnia Moder ate % F % 0 0 0 8,5 0 0 F 8 35 4 8,5 43 Mild Work Not Working Total 0 0 Weight % 17 74, 5 91, 5 Based on the study findings showed that respondents that amounts of the 47 adolescents, small portion that not working with experience lightweight insomnia 4 adolescents (8.5%), Weight experiencing insomnia that work at 8 teenagers (17%) and most big that not work with Insomnia weight experienced by 35 adolescents (74.5). Based on the study findings showed that respondents That amounts Of the 47 adolescents, adolescents experiencing Insomnia Most big weight of 43 teenagers. 3. Relationship smoking behavior with Sleep Disorders (Insomnia) in young men 339 Total ∑ % 8 3 9 4 7 17 83 100 in the village of Jepun subdistrict / Tulungagung. problem. There are many phenomena today we can see that teens especially teenage boys already to do smoke or being a smoker. Smoking behavior also influenced Work factors, base on Posted Theory * According Sitepoe (1997) that smoking For teenagers, especially teenage boys has become commonplace and can proud For them, even many of those who already become Active smokers. In Indonesia, children younger Starting smoking due to several factors, including the influence of the others, Peer Pressure, Want to customize the Self, Work. Work problem in Someone smoke Become Habits Should smoking be done BECAUSE WITH MORE Someone Becomes Quiet even Cigarettes contained Chemicals such as nicotine stimulates the brain The order The smoker feels Smart. ON findings The study was conducted Posted Research shows that teens are smoking more Final compared WITH the midle. Based on Theory The older teenagers Age The Ripe and Ready ACCEPT trials and matters would be faced, because that Posted Should End teen CAN anticipate Smoking behavior. Based on the findings of research done Turns that in adolescents Final MORE CAN precisely Many Are Becoming Heavy smokers caused Smoking habits Already Long And Difficult to review in the High-Level avoid even more against smoking dependence. Facts on the differences of some researchers believe that adolescents That Works interaction will be more spacious, so the potential for a review Posted affected his social environment, whereas adolescents who do not work have less Insights The affected area so it does NOT ABOUT Dangers And Lack Knowledge of the smoking. Based on Well then teenWorking and NOT Work have Heavy smokers Behavior. B. Sleep Disorders (Insomnia) ON Teens Based on Table 4.4 it is known that adolescents CAN The Insomnia weight of Based on the study findings showed that respondents that amounts of the 47 young men in rural Jepun, adolescent smokers The Weight And Insomnia weight totaled 43 (91.5%), The lightweight smokers and insomnia Lightweight 4 (8.5%) C. Research Statistics Test Results Obtained Spearmanrho value of p = 0.000, while α = 0.05, p ≤ α It‟s mean H0 is rejected, H1 accepted and there is Relation between Smoking Behavior with Sleep Disorders (Insomnia) at Young Men in the Jepun village of the District / Tulungagung 2015. DISCUSSION A. Smoking Behavior on young men Based on Table 4.1 the study findings showed that 47 Respondents who are heavy smokers of 43 (91.5%), with lightweight smokers 8,5% (4 orang). From the Data indicate that Of the 47 young men in the village of Jepun the majority is weight smokers. Based covers cross-tabulation table 4.2 Of the 35 respondents aged 18-23 years are weight smoker. Under cross-tabulation table covering 4.3 between the smoking behavior of teenage boys work in Rural Jepun Tulungagung 2015 showed that of the 33 teens who do not work there are Lightweight smokers behaves 4 teenagers, and behave in weight smokers are 29 adolescent smokers. Based on The Smoking behavior is influenced Posted factors Age, base on Posted Theory According to Hurlock (1999) that the age of youth smoking used on as emblem maturity. more teen age old who has a psychological that more on mature from a younger age, so increasingly age somebody, Ready The accept trials are also hearts and various 340 43 teenagers (91.5%). Clearly seen that 91.5% there are 43 young smokers in Jepun village experience Insomnia Sleep Disorders Weight. From the findings include cross-tabulation tables 4.5 BETWEEN THE Age of teenage boys with Insomnia in the village of Jepun Tulungagung 2015 showed that most adolescents aged 18-23 years big weight's been experiencing Insomnia That is a total of 35 adolescents (74.5%). From the findings include cross-tabulation table 4.6 BETWEEN Insomnia WITH Works teenage boys in the village of Jepun Tulungagung 2015 that shows that do not work as many as 39 teenagers and there are 35 adolescents (90%) that have trouble sleeping weight As well as the four teens (10%) Lightweight who have trouble sleeping. Based on the level of Insomnia The affected Age factors, Supported WITH Theory * According to the Theory Noorkasiani And S.Tamher (2009) that the Age of factors affecting the psychology of man, The More age can increasing of problem Should think so hard to review Night's Sleep. Based on the level of Insomnia What factors influenced the work.In Posted in Support BY Theory * According Noorkasiani And S.Tamber 2009 that states Insomnia Often Occur ON Work that has activity until hours or work to be done as soon as possible, thereby ALSO Student Very Often Less sleep in because The Many tasks. ON findings The study was conducted Posted Research shows that teens End more likely to have insomnia than middle teens. In Researchers WITH Increasingly Age The Many problems Should think so hard to review Night's Sleep. Facts on the differences of some researchers argue that the initial theory According WITH include cross tabulations BETWEEN THE work with Insomnia at young men in the village Jepun Tulungagung 2015 That shows the percentage of insomnia weight, ON adolescents who worked more big of juvenile who is NOT ON works. Researcher advise review go to Bed Late BECAUSE can disturb activities the next day. C. Relationship Smoking Behavior WITH Sleep Disorders (Insomnia) Based on the data Table 4.7 obtained young smokers in Jepun Village, District / Tulungagung as much as 47 teenagers. ON teenager who have Weight smokers And weight Insomnia totaled 43 teenagers (91.5%). ON Above analysis founded Statistics Test Results Obtained Spearman-rho value of p = 0.000, while α = 0.05, BECAUSE p <α then H0 rejected and H1 accepted. Its mean there is Relation between Smoking Behavior with Sleep Disorders (Insomnia) ON Teens in Jepun subdistrict / Tulungagung. Effects Of Tobacco OR Cigarette Giving stimulation Lighter depression, fishing Disorders Power, insomnia, feeling, Thinking process, behavior and psychomotor functions. When compared to other addictive substances Cigarette very big effect, so dependence To Cigarette hard to break review of Sleep (Roan, 1979: 33). Proven smoking behavior can cause insomnia, Where Rafknowledge (2004: 58) states that one thing that can cause insomnia is nicotine. Nicotine is a stimulant in Cigarettes. Nicotine is a stimulant substance that function to review the working suppress nerve, Sympathetic Nerve Namely And the parasympathetic nerve to review contracting OR Fixed Work. * According to the researchers Smoking is Associated WITH Proven Sleep Disorders (insomnia) that experienced by young men in the village of Jepun Tulungagung. Increasingly Heavy smoke teenager more Tougher Sleep Disorders (insomnia) that experienced. And conversely more Lightweight Smoking behavior, The Light also Sleep Disorders (insomnia) that experienced. 341 It initials accordance BY results include cross-tabulations Relations BETWEEN Smoking Behavior WITH Sleep Disorders (Insomnia) AT Young Men in the village of Jepun subdistrict / Tulungagung That shows that, of the respondents That amounted to 47 young men in rural Jepun, juvenile who Weight smokers And Insomnia Weight amounted to 43 persons (91.5%) and The light smokers and insomnia Lightweight 4 persons (8.5%). for a student to continue the review of research WITH Methods more Better. With Adding materials research A more complete and latest accordance BY Advancement of Science That The longer Increasingly Evolving as well as Research Methods The DIFFERENT degree of difficulty compared with what has been done Posted researchers BIBLIOGRAPHY Alghifari, Abu. 2003 Teen Fashion Victims. Bandung: Mujahid. Conclusions and Suggestions From the findings of this study concluded that: 1. Smoking behavior of young men in the village Jepun, District / Tulungagung 2015, are teenagers who are heavy smokers are 43 persons (91.5%). 2. Level Insomnia ON young men in Jepun Village, District / Tulungagung CAN teenager who weight Insomnia are 43 (91.5%). 3. There is a relationship between the behavior of smoking with Disorders Sleep Patterns (insomnia) at adolescents boy in the Village of Jepun, District / Tulungagung 2015. As the Researchers suggestion : 1. For Respondents CAN expected increase understanding ABOUT Smoking behavior, and Insomnia so CAN stop smoking, smoking resulted CAN BECAUSE Jazz hospital diseases such as lung, heart, cancer, and Insomnia. 2. For Health workers should MORE improve health education To the young men in particular, in order to determine the impact of cigaret and BE MORE Maintaining healthy And Environment there around. 3. For Educational Institutions are expected to multiply literature of smoke that relation Sleep Disorders (insomnia) so that young people in rural Jepun CAN anticipate the danger posed smoke . 4. For Further Research papers WITH the research, is expected to be an inspiration Anonymous. May 31, 2009. 10 Country WITH Paid Smokers World's Largest Accessed 6 April 6 April accessible .......... .......... Wake up, A.P. Attitude 2008. Wisely For Smokers. Jakarta: Indocamp. Budiarto. 2001. Biostatistics for a review of Medicine and Public Health. Jakarta: EGC. Bustan, M.N. 2000. Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases NO. Rineka Copyright: Jakarta. Ministry of Health. 2008. The Indonesia Health Profile 2007. Jakarta: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. Hidayat, Aziz Alimul. 2006. Introduction to Basic Human Needs. Jakarta: Salemba Medika. Hurlock, Elizabeth. 1999. Developmental Psychology. Jakarta. PT Gramedia. Listiani, Amelia SS 2007. The Secrets of Sleep Well Tonight. 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This phase i scharacterized for some decline inphysical activity and psychological and ageaggravate lowerback pain, as happens decrease the body's functions, especially bone elastic and onenonpharmacological treatment of lower back pain is the physical exercise such a ship motion exercises (stretching) which include slight and easy exercise. The goal in this research is know the influence of hipmotion exercises (stretching) to decrease low back pain in the elderly in the village Elderly IHC Wonorejo Sumbergempol Tulungagung subdistrict. The design used in this study is Quasy-experiment by comparing the results of pre test and post test. The study population was all elderly people of lower back pain in the Village Elderly IHC Wonorejo Kecamatam Sumbergempol Tulungagung on March 8, 2015, March 10, 2015 and March 14, 2015. Samples were taken with total sampling technique with a number of 32 respondents in accordance with the inclusion criteria. Retrieving data using observation sheets, and the data were analyzed with statistical test Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. From the results of the study showed that there is influence of hip motion exercises (stretching) to decrease low back pain in the elderly in the village Elderly IHC Wonorejo Sumbergempol Tulungagung sub district indicated by the value of ρ=0,000<α =0,05. Therefore from these results we can conclude that the elderly experience lower back pain (low back pain) can be done physically exercises (stretching) to reduce lower back pain (low back pain) in the elderly. Keywords: Elderly, Lower BackPain, Hip motion exercises (Streching). have been hit by lower back pain (Paliyama, 2004). The more we age, the level of perceived pain and the number of elderly with lower back pain increased with age, especially over 65 years. And the average low back pain experienced by both sexes, but an outline of women into the higher incidence of the Low Back Pain (LBP). One of the things that cause this is menapouse. Menapouse cause women produce less estrogen that one of its functions is to maintain bone density. When these hormones are produced, and slightly less than the body needs, the risk of Low Back Pain (LBP) to be larger that is aggravated by heavy work or sitting too long (Jayson, 2002). Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2011, the number of elderly in Indonesia reached 18.96 million people. Of these 11.16% of which are in East Java province or region ranked number two highest INTRODUCTION Aging or growing old is a biological process that is unavoidable. The aging process occurs naturally, it can cause physical problems, mental, social, economic, psychological. Potentially causing any circumstances that tend to the health problems of mental health in general and specifically in the elderly (Sumosadjuno, 2005). Stage elderly is a condition that must be faced by every human being, this stage is characterized by the presence of some decline in physical activity and psychological (Prawitasari, 2004). Age is a factor that aggravate the occurrence of lower back pain, so it is usually suffered by older people due to a decrease fungsi¬-function body, especially the bones so it is no longer elastic like the time when young. But as is often found young people 343 number of lansianya after Central Java (Indonesia National Media, 2009). According to the WHO in 2011, In the UK reported the prevalence of low back pain in a population of approximately 16.5 million per year. And in the United States 60-80% reported experiencing lower back pain or Low Back Pain. Epidemiological data regarding low back pain in Indonesia does not exist, but an estimated 40% of the population of East Java island aged over 55 years had suffered from back pain, the prevalence in males 18.2% and 13.6% in women. Incident based on patient visits to several hospitals in Indonesia ranging between 3-17% (Sadeli & Tjahjono, 2011). According RISKESDAS (Health Research) in 2013, the prevalence of joint disease diagnosis based health workers (Health Workers) in Indonesia and 11.9 percent based on the diagnosis or symptoms of 24.7 per cent. Prevalence based diagnosis of health workers (Health Workers) Bali's highest (19.3%), followed by Aceh (18.3%), West Java (17.5%) and Papua (15.4%). Based on the data in Posyandu in November 2014 in the village Wonorejo districts sumbergempol tulungagung district, unknown number of elderly who recorded 61 elderly people and there are 35 elderly people, or about 22% of elderly with low back pain. Biologically elderly population is a population that is experiencing the aging process continuously. Which is characterized by declining physical endurance is increasingly vulnerable to disease that can cause death. This is due to changes in the structure and function of cells, tissues and organ systems. Most elderly who frequent complaints are pain in the lower back area (Hutapea 2005). Pain is an inconvenience in the development of events will mempenga ruhi various components in the body. The impact of pain can affect the physical, behavioral, and influence on daily activities. Although the pain is usually handled through the use of drugs, some technical nonpharmacological may also help control the pain: masasse, nerve stimulation with electrical transcutaneous (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)), peng use of hot or cold compresses, meditation, hypnosis, and stretching , These techniques are generally safe, easily available, and can be done at home or in an environment of acute care facilities (Stanley, 2006). In the treatment of back pain there are several actions that can be done in relieving back pain either by physical training or exercise pinngul motion. This exercise is not only to relieve pain, could be to merileksasikan muscles in the lower back due to regular physical exercise or sport back muscles will be more flexible and relaxed so it would be free to move and the pain can be reduced (Davies, 2007). Stretching (stretching) not only for athletes, but also for active people require stretching to relieve them from the pressure of stiff muscles. A number of researchers have shown that the more we age, the elasticity of the muscles will decrease, and stretching helps maintain flekbisilitas and assign physical appearance. If done correctly and regularly, stretching would be nice (Burke, 2001). Provision of hip motion exercises / stretching can help to reduce the time of the pain. Because it will automatically train the pelvic muscles become supple (aqila smart, 2010). Based on the description above, the researchers interested in conducting research "The influence of hip motion exercises (stretching) to decrease lower back pain (low back pain) in the elderly posyandu wonorejo country districts sumbergempol Tulungagung". METHODS The study design used quasyexperiment with using one-group pre-post test design. characteristic of this type of research is the use of a causal relationship by engaging a group of subjects. Group of subjects was observed before the intervention, and then observed again after the intervention (Nursalam, 2003). Population in this research is all elderly Posyandu Wonorejo In Sumbergempol Tulungagung subdistrict to 56 people. In this study the samples used all elderly low back pain (low back pain) at Posyandu village districts Wonorejo sumbergempol Tulungagung total of 32 respondents, with the inclusion and exclusion criteria. In data collection that is used for measuring instrument research was the observation sheet. 344 The research was conducted on the 8th of March, 10 March and 14 March 2015 in the village of Wonorejo Elderly IHC Sumbergempol Tulungagung subdistrict. In analyzing the effect of hip motion exercises (stretching) of the lower back pain in elderly Elderly In Village Wonorejo IHC Tulungagung subdistrict Sumbergempol 2015, using statistical test of Wilcoxon Signed Rank test. If the p value <0.05 was said to be significant namely the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected, then H1 accepted meaning stated there Effect of hip motion exercises (stretching) of the lower back pain in the elderly, while p value ≥ 0.05, the null hypothesis is accepted and H1 rejected the means no Influence claims no hip motion exercises (stretching) to decrease low back pain in the elderly. RESULT AND ANALYZE 1. Low Back Pain Before Exercise Motion Hips (Stretching) (Pre-test). Table 1 Distribution of Respondents Frequency Measurement Based on Lower Back Pain (Low Back Pain) Prior Following Hip Motion Exercise (stretching). Number Low Back Pain Frequency Procentase (%) 1 2 3 Weight Moderate Light Summary 16 13 3 32 50% 40,6% 9,4% 100% Based on Table 1 above it can be seen that out of 32 respondents before given stretching half experiencing severe back pain as many as 16 people (50%). 2. Low Back Pain After Exercise Motion Hips (Stretching). Table 2 Distribution of Respondents Frequency Measurement Based on Lower Back Pain Prior Following Hip Motion Exercise (stretching). Number Low Back Pain Frequency 1 2 3 Weight Moderate Light Summary 0 22 10 32 Based on the table 2 above can be seen that out of 32 respondents after given motion exercises Hips (Stretching) most experienced moderate pain as many as 22 people (68.8%). Results of statistical test Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test in getting the value ρ = 0.000 where ρ <0,05 so that Ho rejected Procentase (%) 0% 68,8% 31,2% 100% and H1 accepted which means there is significant influence between the administration of Motion Exercise Hips (Stretching) The Lower Back Pain (Low Back Pain) In elderly In elderly Posyandu Wonorejo village Sumbergempol Tulungagung. 345 Researchers agree with the above theory, that hip motion exercises (stretching) can reduce the level of lower back pain in the elderly. Stretching not only performed in the elderly but can be done by all ages. A. The results of lower back pain before hip motion exercises (stretching). From the results of this study in elderly hip motion before training (stretching) at Posyandu Village Wonorejo Sumbergempol Tulungagung subdistrict, of 32 respondents showed that respondents who experienced light of low back pain are 3 (9.4%), moderate of Low Back Pain were 13 (40.6%) and weigh of Low Back Pain as much as 16 (50%) of the data is mostly elderly people experience lower back pain (Low Back Pain) total weight 16 people (50%). In the treatment of back pain there are several actions that can be done in relieving back pain either by physical training or exercise pinngul motion. This exercise is not only to relieve pain, could be to merileksasikan muscles in the lower back due to regular physical exercise or sport back muscles will be more flexible and relaxed so it would be free to move and the pain can be reduced (Davies, 2007). Researchers agree with the above theory, that hip motion exercises (stretching) done regularly can help to reduce pain in the lower back and free to indulge and pain can be reduced. C. The Effect of Exercise motion analysis Hips (Stretching) The Lower Back Pain On Elderly Results of statistical test Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test in getting the value ρ = 0.000 where ρ <0,05 so that H0 rejected and H1 accepted which means there is significant influence between the administration of Motion Exercise Hips (Stretching) The Lower Back Pain (Low Back Pain) In Elderly In elderly Posyandu Wonorejo village Sumbergempol Tulungagung subdistrict 2015. In the treatment of back pain there are several actions that can be done in relieving back pain either by physical training or exercise pinngul motion. This exercise is not only to relieve pain, could be to merileksasikan muscles in the lower back due to regular physical exercise or sport back muscles will be more flexible and relaxed so it would be free to move and the pain can be reduced (Davies, 2007). In accordance with the results obtained by researchers and theory shows the influence of lower back pain before being given a hip motion exercises (stretching) and given setelahh hip motion exercises (stretching). This proves that the given hip motion exercises (stretching) in the elderly can reduce lower back pain (low back pain). Means the provision of motion exercises / Hips (stretching) no effect on low back pain (low back pain) in the elderly. B. The results of lower back pain after hip motion exercises (stretching). From the results of this study in elderly hip motion after training (stretching) at Posyandu Village Wonorejo Sumbergempol Tulungagung subdistrict, of 32 respondents showed that respondents who experienced low back pain (Low Back Pain) light as much as 10 people (31.2%) and lower back pain (Low Back Pain) was as much as 22 (68.8%) of the data is mostly elderly people experience lower back pain (Low Back Pain) was as much as 22 people (68.8%). Stretching is not only in the show for the athletes, but also for active people require stretching to relieve them from the pressure of stiff muscles. A number of researchers have shown that the more we age, the elasticity of the muscles will decrease, and stretching helps maintain flekbisilitas and assign physical appearance. If done correctly and regularly, stretching would be nice (Burke, 2001). CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of the study the effects of exercise hip motion (stretching) of the lower back pain (Low Back Pain) in elderly Posyandu Wonorejo Village District of Sumbergempol Tulungagung 2015 can be inferred from the 32 respondents in the analysis by using statistical test of Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test with a value of ρ = 0.000, meaning that ρ <α = 0.05, so that H0 rejected H1 accepted and that means no influence 346 Granting Motion Exercise Hips (Stretching) With Lower Back Pain Decline In Elderly In Rural Elderly IHC Wonorejo Sumbergempol Tulungagung subdistrict 2015. Pain (Online).( Accesed on 26th october 2014). Ismiati Cahyo, dkk. 2010. Posyandu & Desa Siaga. Yogyakarta : Nuha Medika ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Nursing education institutions should equip students with knowledge about handling nonfarma-psychology lower back pain in the elderly, which can later be equipped nurses in applying science and knowledge to the people, especially the elderly. The result is expected as fill material for both increased insight and knowledge and skills perawata in increasing knowledge about how to lose lower back pain in the elderly, efforts are made to improve education and health promotion activities to the public. Malcolm. 2003. Seri Kesehatan Bimbingan Dokter pada Nyeri Punggung. Jakarta : Dian Rakyat. REFERENCE Potter, Patricia A; Anne Griffin Perry. 2005. Buku Ajar Fundamental Keperawatan: Konsep, Proses, dan Praktik Edisi 4 Volume 2. Jakarta : EGC. Notoatmojo, S. 2003. Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta. Nugroho, W. 2000. Keperawatan Lanjut Usia. Jakarta : EGC. Nursalam, 2008. Konsep dan Penerapan Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Keperawatan : Pedoman Skripsi, Tesis dan Instrumen Penelitian Keperawatan. Jakarta : Salemba Medika. A.Aziz. 2008. Metode Penelitian Keperawatan dan Teknik Analisi Data. Jakarta : Salemba Medika. Arif, M. 2000. Kapita Selekta Kedokteran. Jakarta : Media Aesculapius Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Rakel. 2002. Nyeri Pinggang Bagian Bawah (onli-ne). ( accesed on 26th october 2014) Arikunto,S. 2005. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek.Edisi Revisi keempat. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta. Santoso. 2013. Ilmu Faal Olahraga (Fisiologi Olahra-ga). Bandung : PT Remaja Rosdakarya. Asmadi. 2003. Konsep Aplikasi Kebutuhan Dasar Klien. Jakarta : Salemba Medika. Setiadi. 2007. Konsep & Penulisan Riset Keperawatan. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu. Bimariotejo. 2009. Low Back Pain (LBP). (online). (Website accessed on 26th october 2014) Smeltzer, Bare. 2002. Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medikal Bedah Brunner & Studdarth. Jakarta : EGC. Stanley M, Patricia GB. 2006. Buku Ajar Keperawatan Gerontik Edisi 2.Jakarta: EGC. Brunner & Sddarth. 2002. Keperawatan Medikal-Bedah. Jakarta : Buku Kedokteran EGC. Sugiyono, 2009 . Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kulalitatif dan R&D. Jakarta : CV Alfabeta. Davies. 2007. Buku Pintar Nyeri Tulang dan Otot. Jakarta : publisher by Erlangga. Tamsuri, Anas.2006. Konsep dan Penatalaksanaan Nyeri. Jakarta : EGC. Fallen R, Dwi Budi R. 2011. Catatan Kuliah Keperawatan Komunitas. Yogyakarta: Nuha Medika. Yuflihul. 2010. Pengaruh Latihan Gerak Pinggul (Stretching) Terhadap Nyeri Punggung bawah pada Lansia Di Dusun ketejer Desa Suka Makmur Kecamatan Gerung Kabupaten Lombok Barat NTB. Ebook‟Yuflihul Kharir. Accessed on 28th october 2014. Hidayat, A.Aziz Alimul. 2007. Riset Keperawatan dan Teknik Penulisan Ilmiah. Jakarta: Salemba Medika. Idyan, Z. 2008. Hubungan Lama duduk Saat Perkuliah an dengan Keluhan Low Back 347 (The Coreelation Between The Interest and Motivation of Becoming A Nurse And The Learning Achievement of The Student of Diploma III In Nursing Science at Hutama Abdi Husada Health Institute Of Tulungagung Sri Agustiana STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung Email : Abstract The objective of this research are to investigate : ( 1 ) the correlation between the interest and the learning achievement, (2) the correlation between the motivation and the learning achievement, (3) the simultaneous correlation between the interest, motivation and the learning achievement.The method for this research was an observational analytical with the correlation design. The research started from December 2009 up to Agust 2010. The population, were all student semester IV ( fourth ) with total 91 student and all student semester VI ( sixth ) with total 121 students. As well as independent variable in this research were interest and motivation of becoming a nurse. The data at the research were gathered by using quetionnaire and document analysis. The data were then analyzed by using the multiple correlation technique of analysis.According to the result from analysis data and discussion which done by using significant 1% shows : (1) there is signification correlation between the interest and the learning achievement as indicated by r count > r table ( 0,764 > 0,159 ) with ρ = 0,000, (2) There is significant correlation between the motivation and the learning achievement as indicated by r count > r table ( 0,632 > 0,159 ) with ρ = 0,000 ; (3) there is simultaneous correlation between the interest, motivation and the learning achievement as indicated by Fcount > Ftable ( 103,58 > 4,74 )The result can be conclude that the research place founded students which have high interest and motivation to become a nurse, the academic achievement also high, the students which have moderate interest and motivation to become a nurse, the academic achievement also moderate. For the students to become a nurse, the academic achievement is fairly. This is caused by, the support from parent is strong but interest and motivation not come from their self. For the academic institution, better increase the learning achievement for student by way at improve and increase the quality teaching process, fulfill tool and infrastructure, as well as adequate human resources. Keyword : Interest, Motivation, Learning achievement INTRODUCTION The right choice for high school graduates who are interested and motivated to get a job is to continue their education to higher education such as Diploma III. One lane professional education in the health sector is education of Nursing Diploma III program. In the late, interest of the students entering the Diploma Nursing education tends to decrease. It can be seen from the data STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung, the number of applicants in the year 2006/2007 as many as 152 people, as many as 139 people in 2007/2008, 2008/2009 115 people and as many as 111 people in 2009/2010. One contributing factor is the lack of interest and motivation of students. STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung D-III Study Program of Nursing is the formal educational institutions that educate students to become professional nurses. To determine the success STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung as a professional educational institution needs assessment of students‟ academic achievement. Cumulative Performance Index (IPK) is a number that indicates the achievement of students from the 350 first semester till the final semester. Predicate graduation Nursing D-III program in STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung as follows: IPK 2.00 to 2.75 predicate satisfying, IPK 2.76 to 3.50 VERY satisfying, IPK of 3.51 to 4.00 cumlaude. Student interest and motivation essential to achieve something to be desired. Students who have an interest and high motivation to become a nurse, then academic achievement is also high. But in reality, many students who are not interested in becoming a nurse. Though graduates of the Diploma of Nursing has a pretty good prospect. To achieve a high cumulative grade point it is necessary interest and motivation to become a nurse. Therefore it is very important to identify: whether there is a relationship between the interest and motivation to be a nurse with the Learning Achievement (in Students of D-III Nursing Program in STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung). The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationships between interest in learning achievement; analyzing the relationship between motivation and academic achievement; analyze the relation interest and motivation and learning achievement. Husada Tulungagung totaling 297 students. The sampling technique using the Stratified Random Sampling. Stratified Random Sampling is a sampling technique by means of stratification of the list of all units of the population. The sample in this research is the Students of D-III Nursing Program in semester IV and VI. Forth semester students numbered 60 people. Sixth semester students numbered 79 people. Data were collected using a questionnaire. Questionnaire to gauge interest consists of 10 questions and questionnaires for measuring motivation consists of 17 questions. The answer choices are strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree and strongly disagree. Whereas, this measure is used to obtain data learning achievement is a document in the form of student achievement scores such the last semester of IPK. Hypothesis test uses multiple correlation test. Double correlation is a number that indicates the direction and strength of the relationship between two independent variables together. Double two-variable correlation formula is: √ METHODS The research design used in this study was observational analytic correlational design. Reasons for using analytic observational design correlational design is to determine the relationship between the independent variables (interest and motivation to be a nurse) and the dependent variable (the learning achievement). This research is cross sectional. Dependent and independent variables were taken simultaneously with one observation. This research was conducted in STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung D-III study program of Nursing. This study was conducted from December 2009 to August 2010. The population in this study were all students of Nursing D-III STIKes Hutama Abdi Testing the significance of the multiple correlation coefficient can use the Ftest with the formula: ( )( The calculation results are then compared to the price of Ftable (4.78). If the Fcount larger than Ftable then H0 rejected and H1 accepted. This means there is a significant relationship shared between the interest and motivation and academic achievement. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS Results of this study consisted of general data and specific data. General data include age and gender. While specific data consists of the 351 ) interest to be a nurse, be a nurse motivation and learning achievement. The frequency characteristics of respondents by sex female 80 people (58%), while the male gender as many as 59 people (42%). The frequency characteristics of the respondents according to the age of students 15-20 years as many as 46 people (33%), and 21-25 years as many as 93 people (67%). Data student interest in becoming a nurse showed seven respondents (5.04%) have high interest, 88 respondents (63.31%) had moderate interest, and 44 respondents (31.65%) had a low interest. Data student motivation to be a nurse showed 6 respondents (4.32%) have high interest, 104 respondents (74.82%) had moderate interest, and 29 respondents (20.86%) had a low interest. Data student achievement shows three respondents (2%) had a performance index is very high, 79 respondents (57%) had a grade point well, and 57 respondents (41%) had a grade point enough, and no one has the less IPK. The correlation of student‟s interest in learning achievement of D-III study program students of Nursing STIKes Hutama Abdi Husda Tulungagung in 2010 showed there is correlation. This is indicated by the test results with the Pearson product moment correlation values obtained rcount > rtable is 0.764 > 0.159 (p = 0.000). While the relationship between motivation and learning achievement of D-III study program students of Nursing of STIKes Hutama Abdi Husda Tulungagung in 2010 also showed there is correlation. This is indicated by the test results with the Pearson product moment correlation values obtained rcount > rtable is 0.632 > 0.159 (p = 0.000). Data from multiple correlation test the correlation interest and motivation to be a nurse and learning achievement in the study program Student Nursing D-III STIKes Hutama Abdi Husda Tulungagung in 2010 as in the following table: Correlation Value r1 0,764 r2 r3 0,632 0,777 Multiple Correlation Test Fcount = 103,58 Ftable = 4,78 significant The table shows that there is a significant correlation between interest and learning motivation and academic achievement. With a standard error of 1%, the price of the F table = 4.78 and the price of the F count = 103.58. F count larger than F table (103.58 > 4.78). Then H0 is rejected and Ha accepted. This means that there is a significant relationship between interest and motivation and academic achievement. DISCUSSION 1. Relationship between Interests and Learning Achievement According to the theory Sandjaja (2005) that an activity will be performed or not is dependent once by a person's interest towards the event. This means that interest is very dependent on the values that make a person have a choice in life. Interest is the psychological aspect of a person to pay high attention to certain activities and encourages concerned to carry out such activities. With the support element of learning that support the learning process, it will facilitate the learning activities of students. Students with high interest will arise in the spirit of high achievement. While low interest will cause the students are not interested in learning. The results showed no significant relationship between interest to be a nurse and academic achievement. The value of rcount > rtable is 0.764 > 0.159 (p = 0.000). Students who have an interest in being in the category of enough about 88 people (63.31%) as 352 well as academic achievement and also quite good. These results indicate the suitability of theory and research results showed that the higher a person's interest to be a nurse, then the learning achievement also increased. 2. Relationship between Motivation and Learning Achievement According to Hamalik (2008), that motivation is the energy change in a person who is characterized by the emergence of feelings and reactions to achieve the goal. Motivation is the driving factor in the self-learning students. Motivation is very important in improving student achievement. Students are highly motivated will seek to learn at any time. Instead students who have low motivation, it is also low learning motivation. This makes them lazy to learn, easily discouraged, and dependent on others. The results showed no significant relationship between motivation to be a nurse and academic achievement. The value of rcount > rtable is 0.632 > 0.159 (p = 0.000). Students are highly motivated as much as 50% with excellent academic achievement. Students who have the motivation was as much as 74% with good learning achievement. And only 26% of students have enough learning achievement. Based on theory and the results showed that students who have high motivation, the achievement of high academic achievement as well. While students who have low motivation, then the achievement of learning is also small. 3. Relationship between Interest and Motivation with Learning Achievement According Poerwodarminto (1990) learning success is the mastery of knowledge or skills developed by each subject and shown in the form of test scores. Learn to show some change in behavior as a result of exercise, or interaction with the environment. Interest and motivation has an important role in the learning process. Interest and high motivation will strengthen a person to achieve what is desired. Students who have an interest and motivation to become a nurse more enthusiastic about learning and acquiring learning achievement. This is in accordance with the opinion of Sardiman (2007) that the learning process goes smoothly accompanied by high interest to learn. The results showed no significant correlation between the collective interest and motivation to be a nurse and academic achievement. Prices Fcount > Ftable is 103.58 > 4.78. From the description it can be concluded that the interest would influence the motivation to learn. And the higher the motivation, the better academic achievement. Meanwhile, the lower the interest, the motivation will decline thus affecting the academic achievement as well. CONCLUSIONS From the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that: there is a correlation between interest in becoming a nurse with the achievement of students with rcount > rtable table is 0.764 > 0.159 (p = 0.000). There is a relationship between motivation to be a nurse with the achievement of students with rcount > rtable table is 0.632 > 0.159 (p = 0.000). And there is a significant relationship shared between the interest and motivation to be a nurse with student achievement, as shown by Fcount > Ftable (103.58 > 4.78). Suggest that can be given are: education institutions, should improve learning achievement of the students to improve their motivation. In addition, the organization of the learning process should be supported by adequate infrastructure. Creating a conducive learning environment, and improve the quality of teaching and learning processes. For students, should be able to follow the teaching and learning process in accordance with the provisions stipulated. Students need to increase interest and motivation to learn 353 to achieve optimal learning. In addition to outstanding students awarded. Suggestions for researchers, this study can be used as a reference implementation of future studies. REFERENCE Arikunto S, 2002. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Mudjiman H. 2006. 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Jakarta: EGC. 355 THE EFFECT OF BABY MASSAGE TO THE IMPROVEMENT OF BABY’S APPETITE ON THE INFANTS AGED 7-12 MONTHS AT ARYOJEDING, REJOTANGAN, TULUNGAGUNG 2015 Yitno1, Dian Fitriana Ulfa2 STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung Email: Abstract Currently many infants less appetite. Physiotherapy is a very large role in helping the growth process is the optimal infant massage, which is one of the benefits is that it can increase appetite and weight. The aim in this study was to determine the effect of massaging babies aged 7-12 months to increase appetite in the village of Aryo Jeding Rejotangan Tulungagung subdistrict. The method in this study using the analytical method. by using the design study "Pre Experimental (one group pretest-posttest)". The study population was all infants aged 7-12 months were enrolled in the Village District of Aryo Jeding Rejotangan that meet the criteria for inclusion and exclusion criteria as much as 20 respondents, and respondents who have been actually have criteria as a sample. For this study using the formula Willcoxon Signed Rank Test. Based on the results of the study Effects of Infant Massage Ages 7-12 Months Against Increased Appetite held on 23 – 28 February 2015 showed that 20 respondents before massaging all have less appetite, whereas after massaging all have normal appetite. From the statistical test result obtained Willcoxon Signed Rank test P = 0.00 <α = 0.05 then H0 is rejected and H1 accepted, meaning that there Effect of Infant Massage Ages 7-12 Months Against Increased Appetite in the village of Aryo Jeding Rejotangan Tulungagung subdistrict Year 2015. From this it can be concludedthat all infants aged 7-12 months experienced a lack of appetite so that the importance of infant massage physiotherapy done to improve the baby's appetite so as to achieve optimal growth according to age. Keywords : Infant Massage, Infant Appetite, Baby. PRELIMINARY Infancy is the golden period and also as the critical period of people development. It‟s said to be a critical period because at that time the baby is very sensitive to the environment and it‟s said to be golden because infancy lasted a very short and can not be repeated, if during these infants suffered malnutrition and don‟t get optimal treatment, the effect was lost generation, the lost generation (Department of Health). Infancy is divided into 2 (two) periods, neonatal period and post-natal period. Neonatal period starts from the age of 0-28 days, while the post-neonatal period starting from the age of 29 days - 11 months. Babies are individuals who are weak and need adaptation process. Difficulty process of adaptation will cause the baby get weight loss, developmental delay, behavioral irregular even to death (Mansur, 2009). Physiotherapy has very big role in helping the optimal growth and development, so that it will form a quality generation. Infant massage is a form of physiotherapy that has positive effect on the growth and development of infants beside giving supplementary feeding (Roesli, 2001). According Roesli (2001) infant massage therapy is the oldest known human touch and the most popular. Infant massage is a form of stimulus / tactilekinesthetic stimulation is accompanied by stimulation of verbal communication as the 357 embodiment of love affection of parents to the baby who have benefits for the baby. Infants are massaged by their parents will have a tendency to increase appetite or weight, good emotional and social relationships. In 2011 the number of babies in Indonesia are 4.3726 million inhabitants of toddlers 21,805,008 or 20.05% (Ministry of Health Indonesia, 2011). In Indonesia the implementation of infant massage in rural communities still held its role by consider traditional birth attendants (TBAs). Because they consider traditional birth attendants better understand and proficient to do infant massage has been practiced for centuries. (Roesli, 2010). Based on the results of RISKESDES in 2013 about the nutritional status of infants in the East Java, namely the prevalence of underweight children with Zscore <-3.0 SD. The prevalence by province and national. One of indicator to determine the child should be treated in the management of malnutrition is a very thin. The prevalence of very thin nationally in 2013 is still quite high at 5.7% severe malnutrition and malnutrition 13.9%, there is an increase compared to the year 2010 are poor nutrition and malnutrition of 4.9% and 13.0% in 2007 malnutrition 5,4% and 13.0% malnutrition. Over all prevalence of malnutrition and malnutrition increase in 2013. Generally, malnutrition is one of the terms of the disease-Protein Energy Malnutrition (MEP), that is a disease caused by lack of energy and protein. Depending on the degree of energy-protein deficiency that occurs, then the manifestation of the disease was different. MEP is often termed mild malnutrition. Whereas marasmus, kwashiorkor (often also termed malnutrition or HO), and marasmik-kwashiorkor include as heavy MEP. Infant who get malnutrition is a threat for future generations. This infancy is a growth and development period that‟s very rapid. If during these infants suffered malnutrition and do not get optimal treatment then the impact is lost generation. Physiotherapy has very big role in helping the optimal growth and development, so that it will form a quality generation. Infant massage is a form of physiotherapy that has positive effect on the growth and development of infants beside giving supplementary feeding (Roesli, 2001). In the book Guidelines for Infant Massage (Utami Roesli 2005) mentioned that one of the benefits of touch therapy or massage can improve appetite and weight. If these actions are taken on a regular basis and in accordance with the procedures and techniques of baby massage, therapy could be beneficial for the baby. The positive influence of massage or touch on growth and development process of infants and children has long been recognized by humans. Infant massage can started after the baby is born, that‟s sure the younger infants should not be massaged as in infants. Touch and infant massage is done slowly and gently so the baby feel comfortable and make appetite to be great (Billy, 2005). Baby massage therapy has several benefits, there are make comfortable, stimulate blood circulation and increase energy, enhance endurance baby, reducing stress and make babies sleep better, can build love with parents (Roesli, 2009). Besides the benefits, there are also disadvantages among infants who were not massaged, that is the babies who do not gain weight, more slowly than the babies were massaged. And also have irregular sleep patterns than babies who massaged (Roesli, 2010). Baby massage is one of touch language and massage in baby after birth could provide guarantees for sustainable body contact that can sustain the feeling of safety in baby. Touch will also stimulate blood circulation and will add energy as waves of fresh oxygen will be more sent to the brain and througho ut the body (Roesli, 2001). Notice of the phenomenon, researchers interested in conducting the study titled "The Effect of Baby Massage Ages 7-12 Months To Increased Appetite In Aryo Jeding, Rejotangan, Tulungagung 2015". 358 RESEARCH METHODS The study design is a strategy as guide the researchers guide on the whole process of research (Nursalam, 2007). In this study use "pre-experimental (one group pretest-posttest)". This study was done by giving a pretest (initial observations) before given the intervention, after the intervention is given, then given posttest (concluding observations) (Aziz, 2008). This design is also no comparison group (controls), but it already made the first observation (pretest) which allows researchers can test the changes after the experiment (Setiadi, 2007). Population is all subject or object with particular characteristics that will be studied. Not only the object or subject being studied but all the characteristics or properties owned by the subject or the object. (Aziz, Alimul, 2003). The population in this study were all infants aged 7-12 months were enrolled in Aryo Jeding, Rejotangan, Tulungagung there are about 20 babies. Sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling technique, sampling based upon a something purpose. (respondents were chosen correctly - does have criteria as a sample) (Aziz Alimul, 2003). Instruments / measuring instruments used in this study is the observation sheet, that is a worksheet to observe and measure the level of achievement. (Aziz Alimul, 2003). Analysis using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. If the results of the analysis showed p value <α (0.05) is said to be significant, the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected, then accepted H1 means that states there Effect of Baby Massage 7-12 Months Against Increased Appetite In Aryo Jeding, Rejotangan, Tulungagung 2015. RESEARCH RESULT 1. Identification Appetite Before Massaging Table 1. Description of the appetite data before Massaging in infants aged 7-12 months. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Age 7 8 9 10 11 12 Min Max Mean SD 5 6 7 6 7 8 5,67 6,33 7,25 0,577 0,577 0,500 0,707 0,447 0,577 7 9 9 8 10 10 7,50 9,20 9,67 Source: Observation Research 2015 Based on the results of the study showed that from 20 respondents, 3 respondents aged 12 months has value average appetite as much as 9,67. 2. Identification of Appetite After Massaging Table 2. Description of the appetite data after Massaging in infants aged 7-12 months. No Age Min Max Mean SD 1 7 6 7 6,67 0,577 2 8 7 8 7,67 0,577 3 9 8 9 8,25 0,500 4 10 9 10 9,50 0,707 5 11 10 11 10,20 0,447 6 12 11 12 11,67 0,577 Source: Observation Research 2015 Based on the results of the study showed that from 20 respondents, 3 respondents aged 12 months has value average appetite as much as 11,67. 3. Analysis of The Effect of Baby Massage 7-12 Months Against Increased Appetite Table 3. Decription data of the effect of baby massage in Infants 7-12 month to increase appetite Data Age Before After 7 5,67 6,67 8 6,33 7,67 Rata - rata 9 10 7,25 7,50 8,25 9,50 Source: Observation Research 2015 359 P 11 9,20 10,2 0 12 9,67 11,6 7 0,026 and regulated by the close interaction between the digestive tract, adipose tissue and the brain. Decrease in appetite is called anorexia, while polyphagia (or "hyperphagia") is increased eating. Appetite is said to be good / normal when the feeding process in order to meet the nutritional needs of the body, especially the energy balance running optimally (Arali, 2008). From the results above the researchers think there is compatibility between theory and the results of research, conducted massage is an attempt to add increased baby‟s appetite to obtain optimal conditions during the infant period. Based on the table above shows that of the 20 respondents on average appetite before and after massaging have test results Willcoxon Signed Rank Test showed that the value of P = 0.026 (P <α = 0.05), which means there Effect of Baby Massage Ages 7-12 month Against Increased Appetite In Aryo Jeding, Rejotangan, Tulungagung, 2015. DISCUSSION A. Identification Massaging Appetite Before The results showed, the baby‟s appetite before massaging from 20 respondents aged 7-12 months on average have less appetite than normal. Lack of appetite / lost will cause in weight loss that is undesirable and some other impacts, it cause strongly influenced by the eating procces disorders (physiological) and psychological influences (Arali 2008). Based on AKG nutrient deficiencies because of poor eating quality can cause various disorders of growth process and endurance. From the result above the researchers found a compatibility between theory and the results of research, massaging regularly will increase the appetite. This is accordance with Roesli‟s opinion (2005) which said that the benefits of baby massage can increase weight, growth and endurance. B. Identification Massaging of Appetite C. Effect of baby massage 7-12 Months Against Increased Appetite After The results showed, the baby‟s appetite after massaging from 20 respondents aged 7-12 months have an average appetite approaching normal figures. Appetite is the desire to eat food, feel hungry (srimulyati, 2003). Appetite exists in all higher forms of life, and the function is to regulate intake energy sufficient to maintain metabolic needs 360 Based on data analysis to determine the effect of massage infants aged 7-12 months to increased appetite with statistical test Willcoxon Signed Rank Test p value = 0.026 where p = 0.05, so that H0 rejected and H1 accepted, which means there Effect of Infant Massage Ages 7 -12 Months Against Increased Appetite In Aryo Jeding, Rejotangan, Tulungagung 2015. The correlation above is supported by the theory from Roesli (2009) infant massage can increase the intestinal peristaltic and increase in vagal tone (the brain's neurons to-10), which can lead to increased levels of the enzyme absorption gastin and insulin, it can increase appetite and absorption food becomes better so that weight‟s baby who appetite and massaged are increase than the baby who are not massaged. In this study, the importance of infant massage is proven effect to increase the appetite for optimal growth of the baby during this time. This is supported by research from Laurentina Fitriany & Novita Nurhidayati In Clinic Physiotherapy Handicamp International Wedi Klaten 2007, entitled Effects of Infant Massage Against Increased Appetite Baby Age Above 6 Months, stating that babies are massaged increased vagal tone (the brain's nerve to 10) that will lead to increased levels of absorption gastin enzymes and insulin. Thus, food is absorbed better so the appetite massaged baby more than who are not massaged. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusion Based on the results of research at in Aryojeding, the respondent Rejotangan, Tulungagung can be conclude that from the 20 respondents were analyzed using statistical tests Willcoxon Signed Rank test with p <α = 0.05, so that H0 rejected and H1 accepted, which means there Effect of Baby Massage Ages 7 -12 Months To Increased Appetite In Aryo Jeding, Rejotangan, Tulungagung 2015. B. SUGGESTIONS 1. Suggestions for Development of Science The result is expected as input to add knowledge and skills of nurses in increased appetite. The efforts made to improve baby massage and health promotion to the public. 2. Suggestion for Program Development Educational institutions should give education for their students that is knowledge about the effect of baby massage to increase appetite. Knowledge about the effect of baby massage to increase the appetite will be the provision of nurses in applying science and knowledge to the community. BIBLIOGRAPHY Arikunto, Suharsini. 2006. 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Tumbuh Kembang Anak: Jakarta : Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. 362 THE EFFECT OF INTERLEUKIN-1Β INDUCTION ON CHONDROCYTES Anis Murniati 1, Siti Zulaikah 2, Ma'rufah 2, Rena Normasari 3, Sri Fauziyah 4, Ardani Galih Prakosa 5 1 (Department of Nursing, STIKES Hutama Abdi Husada, Tulungagung, Indonesia) 2 (Department of analitical medicine, AKMAL, Malang, Indonesia) 3 (Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jember, Jember, Indonesia) 4 (Department of Fisiology, Faculty of Medicine, UNISMA, Malang, Indonesia) 5 (Department of Fisiology, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia) e-mail: Abstract IL-1β is a glycoprotein molecule produced and secreted in an inactive form called pro-IL-1β. IL1β stimulates the synthesis and activity matrikmetalloproteinase (MMPs), one of which is MMP13 and it also synthesis the other enzymes that cause cartilage degradation. IL-1β has the ability to suppress the synthesis of type 2 collagen, proteoglycans and inhibit TGF-beta serves to stimulate the proliferation of chondrocytes. Chondrocytes are cells contained in avascular tissue, synthesize all the elements contained in the cartilage matrix. The changes that occurred during the chondrocytes in vitro conditions also occur in the body of patients with osteoarthritis (OA). This research is a true experimental by using post-test only control group design, The aim of this research is to know the changes of chondrocytes and secretion of MMP-13 after being given recombinant human IL-1β. The result showed chondrocytes become hypertrophic, the cells swollen and the secretion of MMP-13 increased, the results are analized used un-paired t test obtained (p = 0.000), there are differences in the secretion of MMP-13 between groups were given IL-1β with a group were not given IL-1β. Chondrocytes induced IL-1β to produce MMP-13 and type X collagen which shows dedifferentiation toward hypertrophic phenotype. Stimulation of IL-1β activates several MAPK kinase (MAPKK) will then phosphorylates and activates MAPK, p38, c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and extracelullar signal-regulated kinase (ERK) which will translocate into the nucleus. Next, MAPK phosphorylates and activates several transcription factors (ATF-2, c-jun, Elk-1 and Ets-1) that play a role in the transcription of MMP will further increase in the expression of Nuclear factor kappa B (NFkB) and activator protein 1 (AP- 1) and the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines occurs stimulation were able to induce chondrocytes to synthesize the MMPs and stimulates the normal chondrocytes becomes hypertrophic Keyword : IL-1β induction,chondrocytes, hypertrophic, MMP-13 ability to induce chondrocytes and synovial to synthesize MMPs, IL-1β has the ability to suppress the synthesis of type 2 collagen, proteoglycans and inhibit TGF-beta which serves to stimulate the proliferation of chondrocytes (Alejandro, 2011). Chondrocytes which were induced by IL-1β produce proteins that are not found in cartilage that produce collagen type I and III. It also produces alkali phosfatase, osteonectin, MMP-13 and type X collagen Introduction IL-1β is one type of cytokine that plays an important role in the inflammatory response associated with the infections and diseases related to the immune system. IL-1β is a glycoprotein molecule produced and secreted in an inactive form called pro-IL1β. IL-1β stimulates the synthesis and activity of matrikmetalloprotein and other enzymes that cause cartilage degradation. IL1β is a pro-inflammatory cytokine, has the 364 which shows dedifferentiation toward hypertrophic phenotype. It could be used as a marker chondrocytes osteoarthritis (OA) (Prasadam et al, 2010). The morphology of hypertropic chondrocyte has characteristics that drastically increased cell volume, chromatin core spread, a number of glycogen particles visible existing in the cytoplasm. In cytoplasm there are many rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and lysosomes shape becomes very large. Chondrocytes synthesize the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) to break down the collagen type 2 and aggrecan. MMP has a workplace in a matrix surrounded by chondrocytes (Felson, 2008). Stimulation of cytokines to injury can stimulate matrix remodelling, but the over stimulation of IL1β can increase matrix degradation. TNF induce chondrocytes to synthesize prostaglandins (PG), nitric oxide (NO), and other proteins that have an effect on the synthesis and degradation of matrix. NO which were produced will inhibit the synthesis aggrecan and improve the process of protein breakdown on the network (Felson, 2008). Cartilage have a slow metabolism, with the change of matrix slow and orderly balance between synthesis and degradation. However, in the early phases of development OA has a very active metabolism (Felson, 2008). At the onset of OA, chondrocytes are stimulated to release aggrecan and collagen type two which is inadequate to the cartilage and joint fluid. Aggrecan in cartilage will often run out and braid collagen will easily loosened (Felson, 2008). The complex of matrix articular cartilage composition make chondrocytes difficult to replicate in the severe damage of collagen. During the early stages of OA, chondrocytes in vivo respond to structural changes in the surrounding cartilage matrix by proliferate and synthesize matrix proteins, proteinase, and the anabolic and catabolic factors.The changing nature of OA chondrocytes reflected fibrillation, depletion matrix, grouping the cells and changes in the quantity, distribution, or the composition of the matrix proteins. Evidence of phenotypic modulation is shown in the increase of collagen type I, III, hypertrophic chondrocytes, collagen type X and the others chondrocytes differentiation (Felson, 2008). Mechanism of IL-1β in stimulating normal chondrocytes changes into chondrocytes that have a phenotype such as OA is to interact with the receptor, and then activate MAPK signaling and activate the transcription factor through AP-1, NFkB to stimulate MMPs that causes degradation of matrix degradation. In OA, the process of the matrix extracellular degradation by matrix metalloprotein (MMPs) faster than endogenous inhibitors of MMPs, it‟s called tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), which inhibit the degradation of matrix extracellular, this happens because the pathogenesis of OA, chondrocytes secrete proinflammatory cytokines, one of which is IL -1β (Nagase et al, 2010). This will exacerbate OA cytokines by stimulating excessive secretion of matrix degradation thus complicate treatment. Based on the above, the researchers wanted to know the role of IL-1β to changes either in the form of chondrocyte cells and secretion of MMP13. This study is expected to be the initial research for the development of therapeutics through the blocking of IL-1β or MMP-13. Materials and Methods This research is a true experimental by using post-test only control group design, The aim of this research is to know the changes of chondrocytes and secretion of MMP-13 after being given recombinant human IL-1β. It using random sampling technique. The experimental group was treated with human IL-1β recombinant and the control group was not induced by IL-1β then observed and measured the cells form and secretion of MMP-13. Each treatment was repeated 3 times. Material Cell line (Clonetics ™ Nhac-kn LONZA), Dulbeco's Modified Eagle's Medium (DMEM), Growth medium (Clonetics ™ CGM ™ BulletKit ™ LONZA), medium differentiation (Clonetics 365 ™ CDM ™ BulletKit ™ LONZA), Chondrocyte ReagentPack ™, sodium alginate, a solution of CaCl2, NaCl solution, a solution of Na citrate, H2O, fetal calf serum (FCS), phosphate buffered serum (PBS), and fetal bovine serum (FBS). IL-1β human recombinant (Biolegend, California, Cat No. 579 402 ) 10 ng / ml (Mathew, 2001). Material for measurement type II collagen is collagen type II (R & D) antibody-coated 96-well plates (Bioassay Technology Laboratory, Shanghai. Cat no. E0717Hu), materials measurement of MMP13 is a microwell plate coated with monoclonal antibody to human MMP-13 ( Abnova, Taipei, Cat no.KAO182) 96 well, Biotin-Conjugate anti-human MMP-13 polyclonal antibody, Streptavidin-HRP, MMP-13 Standard, lyophilized, Assay Buffer Concentrate 20x (PBS with 1% Tween 20 and 10% BSA ), sample Diluent, Wash Buffer Concentration 20x (PBS with 1% tween 20), substrate solution and stop solution. Cell culture Thawing process, the chondrocyte cell line grown in sterile conditions in a laminar air flow (LAF). Thawing cell cryopreserved at a temperature of 37 ° C to melt. The culture medium (chondrocyte cell growth medium bulletkit TM LONZA) 1 ml was added to the medium containing the chondrocyte cryovial then dissolved transferred into 25 cm 2 culture flask already containing medium. Cell chondrocytes then cultured in a humidified incubator 37 ° C, 5% CO 2 until the cells attached to the base flask cultures after 2 days the cells were washed with serum free media and the culture medium was replaced with fresh medium, the cells were allowed to grow up to form a monolayer of fibroblast-like cell and achieve confluency 80-90%. The process of subculture, a culture that has reached confluency 80-90% then subcultured using reagentPack TM chondrocyte subculture reagents. If 90% of the cells had detached, trypsinisasi process was stopped by adding 6 ml of room temperature trypsin neutralizing solution (Lonza) and transferred in a 15 ml falcon tube and centrifuged at 1000 rpm for 10 minutes.Obtained pellets (solid phase) which is the chondrocyte cells. Furthermore, the cells were collected for diredeferensiasi become mature chondrocytes cells. Redifferensiasi process, prechondrocyte cells can dirediferentiation into chondrocyte cells cultured in suspension by means of alginate bead. To ensure that cells cultured chondrocytes was carried out using a measurement of collagen type 2 medium then replaced with elisa media which is containing IL-1β dose of 10 ng / ml for the group treated incubated 24 hours later was measured MMP-13, a group that was not given IL-1β also measured MMP 13, before it is taken cell culture medium was observed with a microscope to see the changes in cell morphology. Measurement of MMP-13 by ELISA After preparing all reagents and samples to be measured, samples were taken from the medium, add 50 mL sample diluent into the sample well, add 50 mL biotin conjugate at all well, cover with adhesive films after incubation at room temperature for 2 hours in microplate shaker 400 rpm. After 2 hours of opening the cover, aspirated and washing all well with wash buffer, washing is done 3 times, aspirated and dried with a tissue. Then add 100 mL of streptavidin-HRP diluted at all well, cover with adhesive films after incubation at room temperature for 1 hour at 400 rpm shaker mikroplate. After 1 hour open the cover, aspirated and washing all well with washing buffer, washing is done 3 times, aspirated and dried with tissu. added 100 mL of TMB substrate solution at all well and incubation at room temperature for 10 minutes, keep it away from light. Add 100 mL of stop solution into each well shaken gently until it forms a uniform color (± 1 hour). ELISA results read by ELISA reader at a wavelength of 450 nm. Calculation multiplied by 2 as the dilution factor. Result Culture in the flask after thawing observed every 2 days when replacing medium. Observations using light 366 microscope to see the development of the cell. After reaching confluency 80% in the flask, the cells were transferred into 24-well culture plate and the medium was changed every 2 days, the cells were allowed to grow until it reaches confluency 8090%. Chondrocyte cells that are too long are planted in monolayer tend to undergo dedifferentiation. Chondrocyte cells that round will lose the properties of phenotype and morphologic change into fibroblast like chondrocyte (chondrocyte similar to fibroblasts) (Figure 1 (B)). In these circumstances, markers such as collagen type 2 in chondrocytes will go down or not generated so as to restore the properties of chondrocytes, should redifferentiation for 3 weeks using alginate bead. Fibroblast like chondrocyte not produce collagen type 2, while physiologically chondrocytes producing collagen type 2 so as to ensure chondrocyte phenotype results redifferentiation have normal chondrocytes, the measurement of collagen type 2 (De Ceuninck, 2004). As a comparison measurement of collagen type 2 of the culture medium DMEM-10% FCS without cells, fibroblast like cell culture medium before redifferentiation and medium of chondrocyte cells after redifferentiation (Figure 1 (A)). Measurements by ELISA. light microscope magnification of 400x, chondrocytes culture transformed nature into fibroblast like cells (B) before diredifferensiasi, forms flattened, elongated, translucent white color, arrows indicate cells undergoing changes resemble fibroblasts. collagen type 2 concentration (ng/ml) 100 80 60 40 20 0 b a a DMEM-10% Chondrocytes Chondrocytes FCS (without cells before cells after cells) differentiation differentiation Medium Figure 2. The concentration of collagen type 2 chondrocyte cell culture medium, measurements using ELISA method. Medium DMEM-10% FCS without chondrocyte cells, collagen type 2 concentration of 15.3 ng / ml, DMEM medium chondrocyte cells that change into fibroblast like cell morphology (B), the measurement results of type 2 collagen concentration of 15.6 ng / ml and DMEM medium chondrocyte cells after diredifferensiasi (C), collagen type 2 concentration of 77.9 ng / ml. The results (Figure 2) used as a benchmark further treatment is administration of IL-1β and incubated 24 hours. After incubated 24 hours later seen with microscope and got a few cells undergo hypertrophy (Figure 3). (A) (B) Figure 1. Cell culture chondrocytes day 8 in medium DMEM-10% FCS seen with a light microscope magnification of 400x, chondrocytes reached confluency 80%, rounded cell shape, fluorescent yellow light (A) and chondrocyte cell culture day 11 in medium DMEM-10% FCS, seen with a 367 chondrocyte cell cultures after induction of IL-1β, the medium is taken 24 hours after induction of IL-1β.The average concentration of MMP-13 cell culture chondrocytes without induced IL-1β of 1.422 ng / ml, the cell culture chondrocytes induced IL-1β amounted to 7.947 ng / ml. Examination by ELISA method. Analysis and discussion The role of IL-1β in chondrocyte morphology Observation of cell shape chondrocytes in group induced IL-1β and were not induced differences morphology that is at chondrocytes were not induced IL-1β cells are round and small whereas in the group induced showed morphological chondrocytes transformed into hypertrophy, cell shape enlarged ( figure 3). IL-1β is a proinflammatory cytokine, has the ability to induce chondrocytes and synovial to synthesize MMPs, IL-1β has the ability to suppress the synthesis of type 2 collagen, proteoglycans and inhibit TGF-β that serves to stimulate the proliferation of chondrocytes. IL-1β is a cytokine that plays a role in the inflammatory process (Alejandro, 2011). This is consistent with most previous research that states in cultured chondrocytes induced IL-1β to produce proteins that are not found in cartilage that produce collagen type I and III. Chondrocytes induced IL-1β also produces alkali phosfatase, osteonectin, MMP-13 and type X collagen which shows dedifferensiasi toward hypertrophic phenotype (Prasadam et al, 2010). Hypertrophy occurs due to IL-1β interacts with the receptor and activate signal MAPK and work to activate the transcription factor through AP-1, NFkB to stimulate spending MMPs that degrade the matrix and release cytokines, stimulates cells to the dedifferensisasi so chondrocytes undergo changes in phenotype become hypertrophic. (A) (B) Figure 3. Comparison of morphological between normal chondrocytes with IL-1β induction chondrocyte. Redifferentiation chondrocyte cells in medium (Clonetics ™ CDM ™ BulletKit ™ LONZA), was observed using inverted microscope with a magnification of 200x. (A). showed morphological normal chondrocytes in alginate beads and medium redifferensiasi. (B). Morphology shows chondrocytes that have been induced by IL1β for 24 hours, chondrocytes undergo morphological changes become hypertrophic, dilated cell shape. This morphological change one marker has become OA chondrocytes. The arrows indicate cells undergoing hypertrophy. Results of measurements of the concentration of MMP-13 in the group induced and not induced as follows: MMP-13 concentration (ng/ml) 10 * 8 6 4 2 0 IL-1β (-) Sample IL-1β (+) The role of IL-1β in chondrocyte in the secretion of MMP-13 Changes in chondrocyte metabolism driven by the presence of pro-inflammatory Figure 4. Comparison of concentrations of MMP-13 cell culture chondrocytes without induced IL-1β and MMP-13 concentration 368 mediators. One of the pro-inflammatory mediators potential and play an important role in the pathogenesis of OA is IL-1β, IL1β has the ability to stimulate chondrocytes for the synthesis of MMP (Aigner et al, 2006; Roman, 2006; Weber, 2010).). In this study showed that the induction of IL-1β increases the secretion of MMP-13 significantly compared to the group that was not induced (Figure 4). Induction of IL-1β activates several transcription factors such as NF-kB, AP-1, c-jun terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 MAPK. Activation of NF-kB is able to induce some of the target gene transcription works on the inflammatory process, immune system, cell proliferation, cell cycle and apoptosis. NF-kB activation may induce several MMP genes, one of which MMP-13, so that the OA increased MMP-13. Results of the study says the average concentration of MMP-13 in normal chondrocytes 1.422 ng / ml, while the IL-1βinduced chondrocyte average concentration is 7.947 ng / ml. SPSS test results un-paired t test obtained (p = 0.000), there are differences in the secretion of MMP-13 between groups were given IL-1β with a group who were not given IL-1β which analyzed data from 3 repetitions. These results are consistent with the theory and research Alejandro (2011) which states that the induction of IL-1β stimulates the synthesis and activity of matrix metalloprotein (MMPs) and other enzymes that cause cartilage degradation. IL-1β is a pro-inflammatory cytokine, has the ability to induce chondrocytes and synovial to synthesize MMPs, IL-1β has the ability to suppress the synthesis of type 2 collagen, proteoglycans and inhibit TGF-β that serves to stimulate the proliferation of chondrocytes. Another study by Shan (2004) explains that the induction of IL-1β can decrease the expression of transcription factors after 6 hours of induction. Experimental research models of OA, MMP-13 expression correlated with the pathological chondrocytes undergo hypertrophic differentiation in the development of OA. Immunostaining results on research Kobayashi et al (2005) found an increase in MMP-13 in OA chondrocytes and expressed also type X collagen which is hypertrophic marker. In severe conditions found to co-localization of MMP-13 and type X collagen in the areas adjacent to the destructive lesion. Conclusion IL-1β causes morphological changes in chondrocyte cells become larger and stimulates increased secretion of MMP-13. The statistic result significantly different between the secretion of MMP-13 induced IL-1β group. Acknowledgement We thank you for your input and discussion with Prof.Dr.dr.Handono Kalim, Sp.PD., KR so as to complete the research properly. Reference Afif., Nebbaki, Fatima, Hassan, M. Kapoor, Benderdour, Nicolas Duval, Jean-ierre Pelletier, Johanne Martel-Pelletier., Fahmi H. Egr-1 contributes to IL-1- ediated downregulation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor g expression in human osteoarthritic chondrocytes. Arthritis Research & Therapy. 2012, (14): 69. Alejandro M. Florian. IL-1 and it's role in osteoarthritis. Open Journal Of Medicine. 2011.1 (1): 3 Weber, P. Wasiliew, andM. Kracht, Interleuk in-1 (IL-1) pathway, Sci Signal, 2010 3 (105), cm 1 Conaghan, f. 2008. Osteoarthritis National clinical guideline for management in adults careAnd. 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The experiment was conducted in February to March 2015. This type of research using correlation design with cross sectional approach. All students study population is S1 Nursing Program Level II STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung and samples are Most students study program S1 Nursing II STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung using simple random sampling technique as many as 54 people. Collecting data using questionnaires and personality type card study results, the data were analyzed with used Chi Square test. The results of the 54 students mostly exstovert personality and get a very good learning achievement as many as 17 people (58%). Statistical test Chi Square test obtained value ρ = 0.032 <α = 0:05 so that H0 is rejected and H1 accepted, where there is a relationship between personality type S1 Nursing Program students study the level II STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung. This study shows that there is a relationship between the type of personality to the achievement of students, therefore creating an atmosphere or a supportive learning method in accordance with the type of personality could increase the achievement of students. Keywords: Personality, Academic Achievement, Student Student in relation with education, is a subject that has the potential to develop a pattern of life, and become the object of the whole form of activity and creativity, so it is expected to show the quality it has to obtain satisfactory academic achievement. Learning achievement is a benchmark used to measure student‟s ability to understand the material and awarded after student get learning in an institution and within a certain period in the form of value (Naam, 2009). The value of student achievement called Performance Index (IP). Grade distinguished on their GPA (IPS) and a grade point average (GPA). The calculation of grade point average at the end of the semester, by calculating the PRELIMINARY Education is a necessity for humans. Every man needs education until whenever and wherever he is because without education, we will be difficult to develop and even backward. Education is divided into formal education, non-formal and informal. Formal education is pursued through education in schools such as Elementary School / equivalent, Junior High School / equivalent, Senior High school / equivalent and Universities. Non-formal education is obtained from the institute courses, training institutes and similar educational unit. Informal education acquired in the family and society (Yusniati, 2008). 371 values that have been entered in the semester. GPA is used as an input evaluation study of student success and academic sanctions (Diknakes, 2014). Learning achievement in the form of a good GPA/IPK is very important for students because it will increase the chances of getting a scholarship and affect the work that can be obtained in adulthood. Many people give opinion that to reach learning achievement in the form of a high GPA/IPK, everybody must have a high Intelligence Questions, Intelligence Questions is a provision that would make it easier to learn and in turn will produce optimal learning achievement. However, the level of Questions Intelligence is not only the one that determines a person's success, because there are other factors that influence (and Melissa Lim, 2012). Intelligence Questions (IQ) accounted for only 20% for success, while 80% is the contribution of other factors. There are other factors which influence learning achievment. They are external factor that include family circumstances, teacher/lecturer, teaching proccess and social motivation and internal factors include aptitude, motivation, intelligence, physical health and personality. From this, it is stated that a person's personality is one of the factors that influence achievement (Goleman, 2007). A study entitled "The relationship with the Personality Type Academic Achievement at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Riau 2006", personality types studied are personality type A, type B personality, and personality type AB. The final conclusion, there is a relationship between personality type with academic achievement in students of the Faculty of Medicine class of 2006 University of Riau (Lusiana, 2009). The study documentation in STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung on S1 Nursing Program level 1 academic year 2013/2014 in getting the data that the percentage of students who earn GPA/IPK below 3.0 is 46%, while the percentage of students who earn GPA/IPK value over / equal to 3.0 is 54%. From these data it can be concluded that there are still many students who have GPA/IPK less than satisfactory, if it continues, it will be a negative impact (S1 Prodi Academic Unit of Nursing, 2014). The negative impact that may arise when low GPA/IPK is, the students will feel insecure and difficult to make competition with other students who are superior in getting scholarships and jobs and will certainly interfere with future students. In the long run, the quality of the institution will also decrease. It will lead to the decline in the interest of the registrant or high school students / equivalent to study at the institution. To prevent it, it needed a proper solution (Arifin, 2009). Alternative solutions that can be used by teachers / lecturers is to change strategy centered learning teacher (Teacher Center Learning) with teacher always gives lecture become a Student Center Learning and the teacher as a facilitator train students for a discussion group and seminars. This is according to the student is extroverted because it is easily sociable, optimistic and talkative, is also appropriate for students who are introverted personality who has a shy nature, difficult to express their opinions and pessimistic because of the learning strategy is a student who has an introverted personality can learn speak his mind and increase self-confidence (Naisaban, 2005). Based on the above, researchers interested in conducting research titled “The Relationship Personali ty Type with Students Learning Achievement of S1 Nursing Program Grade II STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung” RESEARCH METHODS The design of this research used design correlation with cross sectional approach. Cross sectional design is study design or he observed measurements carried out 372 simultaneously at a time or all the time (Hidayat, 2007). The population in this study is all students study program S1 Nursing Grade II STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung. The sample in this study is the majority of students study program S1 Nursing Grade II STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung as much as 54 students, with the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Measuring tool wear data collection questionnaire research that has been in the validity and reliability and Card Study Results (KHS). The research was conducted on 24 February to 4 March at STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung. Analysis of data Personality Type Relationship with Student Learning Achievement Program S1 Nursing II STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung, using statistical test Chi Square. If the p value <0.05 was said to be significant, the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected, then H1 accepted meaning stated there Personality Type Relationship with Student Learning Achievement S1 Nursing II program, while p value ≥ 0.05 then the null hypothesis is accepted and H1 rejected, which means that states there is no relationship with the Personality Type of Student Learning Achievement Program S1 Nursing II Source : Research 2015 RESULTS 3. The relationship personality type with students learning achievement of s1 nursing program grade II STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung Tabel 3 The relationship personality type with students learning achievement of s1 nursing program grade II STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung. Based on table 1 above it can be seen that most students S1 Nursing Study Program II STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung have extroverted personality types as much as 29 people (54%). 2. Student Learning Achievement Study Program S1 Nursing II STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung. Table 2 Distribution of the Student Learning Achievement Program S1 Nursing II STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung. No 1 2 3 Learning achievement Enough Good Excellent Total F % 12 18 24 54 22,22 % 33,33 % 44,45 % 100% Source: Research, 2015 Based on the table 2 above can be seen that almost half of the students of S1 Nursing II STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung learning achievement is excellent / very good to have as many as 24 people (44.45%). 1. Personality Type Student S1 Program Nursing Grade II STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung Table 1 Personality Type Student S1 Program Nursing Grade II STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung No Personality Frequency Procentage 1 Introvert 25 46,3 % 2 Ekstrovert 29 53,7 % Total 54 100% 373 Learning Achievment Excelle Enough Good nt F % F % F % 12, 16,6 16,6 96 Introvert 9 9 7 7% 7% % 31, Ekstrover 5,56 16,6 1 47 3 9 t 7 % 6% % 44, 1 22,2 1 33,3 2 45 Jumlah 4 2 2% 8 3% % Source : Research, 2015 Personal Type Based on Table 4.3, students who have introverted personality types with excellent achievement is as much as 7 (12.96%) and students who have personality types extrovert with an excellent / very good achievement is as much as 17 people (31.47%), concluded that nearly half of respondents who have a very good learning achievement is the respondents who have extroverted personality types as much as 17 respondents (31.47%). Results of statistical test ChiSquare obtained ρ = 0.032, while α = 0.05 for ρ <α then H0 rejected and H1 accepted. Meaning There is Relationship Between Personality Type Learning Student Achievement Program S1Grade II STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada. active, happier working group, easy expression and prefers to interact with many people at once. There are many factors that can affect a person's personality type. Stephen and Timothy (2008) reveals there are several factors that can affect a person's personality that include heredity, environmental and situational conditions. And F.G. Robbins (in Suryabrata, 2006) also suggests there are five factors that form the basis of personality, namely nature, prenatal environment, individual differences, the environment, and motivation. Researchs believe the theory and the facts above, the environmental factors are among the factors that determine an individual's personality type, especially in a campus environment that demands a Prodi S1 Nursing student to master the theory and clinical practice in the field. Maybe that's why Prodi S1 Nursing student who has type kepribadin more extrovert than the extrovert personality type. 2. Student Learning Achievement Grade II Stikes Hutama Abdi Husada The result in table 2 show that out of 54 respondents grade II have different learning achievement. From the data obtained show of 54 students, almost half of the respondents had excellent/ very good learning achievement as much as 24 respondents (45%). Learning achievement is a change in behavior skills, or abilities that can grow over time and not due to the growth process, but the learning situation. Embodiment forms of the results of the learning process can be either talk or writtensolving and problem-solving skills as well as directly measured or assessed using a standardized test (Sobur, 2006). Learning achievement is not only influenced by Intelligence Questions course, there are many DISCUSSION 1. Personal Type Students Grade II STIKes hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung The result of the research shows that from 54 respondents have different personality type. Based on Jung (Sunaryo, 2004) reveal that there are two types of human personality is introverted and extroverted personality types. Table 1 shows that of the 54 students, most have a personality type ekstovert totaling 29 students (54%). According to Jung (in Sunaryo, 2004) this personality type tend to be happy with someone, confident (sometimes to excess), 374 factors that influence it. According to Ahmadi (in Septiarini, 2011) factors that affect the process and the learning outcomes of students in school, can be broadly divided into two parts, namely internal factors (factors physical health, physiological, intelligence, motivation, interests and personality) and external factors (family circumstances, teachers and teaching, teaching tools, social motivation, environment / opportunities and curriculum). Researchers give opinion from the theory and the facts above, the learning achievement is not only influenced by Intelligence Questions course, there are many factors that affect the learning achievement one of which is the motivation and interest, with the motivation and strong interest then someone will be active in learning so that it will get the value learn a great achievement. The results are consistent with the theory Ahmadi (in Septiarini, 2011) which states that personality is one of the factors that influence learning achievement. Learning achievement with excellent category are mostly owned by students with personality types extrovert, according to personality traits ekstovert active, friendly, confident, happy to discuss and bold expression so as to encourage them to provide achievement of optimal (Sunaryo, 2004). Researchers agree with theory above as characteristic personality types ekstovert be one of the factors that can improve learning achievement because it has characteristics of social skills, express their opinions and provide counseling / solutions to public health problems. It is also supported by a previous study conducted by Lusiana (2009) on the Relationship of Personality Types with Academic Achievement at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Riau Force 2006 ", personality types studied are personality type A, type B personality, and personality type AB. With results of the research, there is a relationship between personality type with academic achievement in students of the Faculty of Medicine class of 2006 University of Riau. In common with this study is equally aims to determine the relationship of the type of personality and academic achievement. Differences of this study with previous studies is if the previous study examined are personality types A, B and AB, but this study examined are introverted and extroverted personality type. Based on this research and the results of previous studies, the researchers concluded there is a correlation between the type of personality and academic achievement, thus the personality type is affecting the students to get a good learning performance, 3. Relations with the Personality Type of Student Learning Achievement Program S1 Nursing II STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada The results in Table 3 obtained a student who has an introverted personality type with a very good achievement is as much as 7 (12.96%) and students who have personality types extrovert with a very good achievement is as much as 17 people (31.47%), it can be concluded that nearly half of the respondents who have a very good learning achievement is the respondents who have extroverted personality types as much as 17 respondents (31.47%). Statistics Chi Square test results in Table 4 was obtained p value = 0.032, while α = 0.05 for p <α then H0 rejected and H1 accepted. That is no relationship between personality type and Achievement of Student Learning Nursing Program S1. 375 therefore, the institution is expected to choose the method of learning that suits the type the personality of each student in order to obtain optimal performance. c. For further Researcher Further research is needed to look for a more complete supporting data about personality types and learning achievement, so as to develop further research in order to better. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions From the result of the research, it shows almost half of 54 students have personality type extrovet with excellent / very good learning achievement 17 students (31,47%) and value ρ = 0,032, so it can concluded there is relationship between personality type with learning achievement of S1 Nursing Program Grade II STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung. BIBLIOGRAPHY Arifin, Z. 2009. Evaluasi Pembelajaran, Prinsip, Teknik, Prosedur. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya. Diknakes. 2014. Pedoman Kegiatan Akademik Program S-1 Keperawatan. Tulungagung: STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada. Goleman, D. 2007. Emotional Intelligence (Terjemahan). Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama Grafindo Perkasa. Hidayat, A.A.A 2007. Metodologi Penelitian Keperawatan dan Teknik Analisa Data. Jakarta: Salemba Medika. Lim, P.S. & Melissa, N.A.L.Y. 2012. Big Five Personality Predictors Of Post-Secondary Academic Performance. Pertanika Journal Social Science & Humanika, 4 , 973 - 988. Lusiana. 2009. Hubungan Tipe Kepribadian dengan Prestasi Akademik pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Riau Angkatan 2006, diunduh tanggal 25 Desember 2014 dari K/ article/download/672/665.pdf. Naam, S. 2009. Hubungan Konsep Diri dengan Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa S1 Keperawatan Semester III Kelas Ekstensi PSIK FK USU medan. Universitas Sumatera Utara, Fakultas Kedokteran. Diunduh tanggal 23 November 2014, dari am /123456789/14291/1/09E00579 B. Suggestions 1. For Development Program a. S1 Nursing Program With this research, educational institutions can be expected to develop a program to create a mood or learning support method according to personality type S1 Nursing Program students grade II STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung. 2. For Develompment Science a. For Educational Institution For educational institutions can be expectated to provide more reference books about personality and academic avhievement. b. For Development Nursing Science It‟s expected to further develop nursing science in the field of education, especially it can be the basic to determine the student's education strategy which has introverted and extroverted personality, and further advance the science of nursing research in enhancing the value of learning achievement. 376 Naisaban, L. 2005. Psikologi Jung, Tipe Kepribadian Manusia dan Rahasia Sukses dalam Hidup (Tipe Kebijaksanaan Jung). Jakarta: PT. Grasindo. Septiarini, N. 2011. 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Jakarta : Ganesha Exact. 377 THE EFFECT OF MEDITATION AND HAEMOGLOBIN LEVELS ON LEARNING CONCENTRATION Indah Rohmawati 1, Oka Ludianita 2, Dwi Putri Sixteen Erawati 3 1 Prodi DIII Nursing STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung 2 ,3 Prodi SI Nursing STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung Email: Abstract Producing quality graduates is the hope of all the educational institutions, for it during the course of one's physical condition must be healthy and not anemic. In addition concentration is necessary for the student to learn the material provided can be absorbed. Good concentration is when a being in the alpha state, this can be accomplished one of them when students are trained meditation. The research objective is to prove the effects of meditation and haemoglobin levels on learning concentration. Analytical research type experimental design with randomized controlled trials (RCT) and carried for 28 day. population Nursing student in Prodi DIII STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung fourth semester amounted to 74 students, with a purposive sampling technique obtained 56 samples, the distribution of control and experimental group (trained meditation) done with Proportionate cluster random sampling technique. Practice meditation conducted for 28 days. HB levels were measured using Cyanmethemoglobin, learning concentration to use Bourdon Wiersma test. The technique of data analysis use independent t test. There is a statistically significant effect of meditation on the learning concentrations, seen from a p-value of 0.000 for speed, p 0.006 for accuracy, and p 0.000 for constancy. There is no statistically significant effect of Haemoglobin levels on learning concentrations, seen from the p-value of 0.933 for speed, p 0.126 for accuracy, and p 0.670 for constancy, this is because in this research was not found samples had higher levels of HB less than normal Keywords: Meditation, Learning Concentration, hemoglobin levels (HB) INTRODUCTION Learning quality one can be seen from the starting measuring student achievement through the cumulative achievement index (CPI). One can achieve the expected achievement when in the process of learning to concentrate. Various attempts have been made to improve student learning concentration eg improvement of instructional media, improving the quality of lecturers as well as the improvement of facilities and infrastructure supporting learning, but the fact still be obtained Students who are not able to concentrate, including the Students in STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung. Concentration learning is centralizing power of thoughts and acts on an object to be examined with flush or set aside everything that has nothing to do with the object being studied (Surya, 2009). One of the tools for measuring the concentration of learning is Bourdon Wiersma Test, including speed, accuracy and constancy.Categorized group concentration measurement results using standard norm values Wieghted Scores (WS). Rate of speed is the quality of attention that is manifested by the cumulative number of seconds in completing the test material. The ability of perception is to describe the precision strike group specified point. Based on the level of vigilance recorded figures shortest and longest completion of the test, is used as the determination of constancy completion of work Someone who has the HB levels lower than the normal value or mangalami anemia can mangalami thought process disorder, decreased concentration, 378 memory, intelligence and ultimately the learning achievement of children is low (Yuriastien E, Prawitasari D, Febry AB, 2009). H B is a protein that is rich in iron. HB most important function is the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide (Muttaqin, 2008). To determine whether a person is deprived of blood or not, can be determined by measuring hemoglobin levels. Determination k Adar hemoglobin can be defined in various ways, including a method t allquist, Sahli, oxyhemoglobin method, or a method sianmethemoglobin. But there anya h 2 an acceptable method in hemoglobinometri clinics, ie oxyhemoglobin, and sianmethemoglobin. Limit of normal levels of HB strongly influenced by age, sex, and height of residence from sea level (Hand W and Haribowo USA, 2008). The normal value of hemoglobin of male approximately 14-18 gr am / dL, while women 12-16 gr am / dL (Asmadi, 2008). Values above can be different on each - each laboratory but not would be too far from the value above. There is also a laboratory which does not distinguish between men or women by men or older women. Good concentration is when a being in the alpha state (relaxed without stress is marked by the opening of 88% subconscious mind (Olivia, 2007). Meditation can make our brain waves to the alpha state (Sukmono, 2013). Exercise regular meditation can help improve our ability to change with the brain consciousness lowering the brain waves of a beta, alpha, theta to delta (Mustajib, 2010). M anfaat meditation among others improve confidence and selfcontrol, m Enhancing the ability to focus the mind, sera can m engeluarkan hormone endorphin (Rodenbeck, 2007). E ndorphins can be generated when the condition of the wave g o no (Brainwave) are in phase between alpha and theta. Endorphins not only makes feeling refreshed and energized. Endorphin substances can also improve concentration and memory (Mustajib, 2010). Rehearsal meditation within a period of 8 weeks was found to alter brain structure, based on analysis of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) research results from Sara Lazar researchers from Psychiatric Neuroimaging Research Program MassachusettsGeneral Hospital found the density of the substance of gray (gray matter) increased in the hippocampus that are important to the process learning, memory, awareness, compassion and introspection, as well as a decrease in the density of gray substance in the amygdala, which plays an important role in anxiety and stress, (Sukmono, 2013). The point of all this depends on the student, unable or unwilling to control yourself to stay focused on what is being learned. The research objective is to prove the effects of meditation and haemoglobin levels on learning concentration. Hypothesis 1) there is the effect of meditation on learning concentration of , 2 ) there is no effect of HB levels on learning concentration METHODS This research analytic experimental design with random control trial (RCT). do in STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung Jl. Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Tulungagung. population in this research is Student of diploma III Nursing STIKes Tulungagung III level II semester of academic year 2013/2014 which amounted to 74 students. Samples partly Student of diploma III Nursing level II, III semester of 2013/2014 academic year who meet the inclusion criteria, namely the status of active students, willing to become respondents, as well as the exclusion criteria are sick more than 1 week. Samples numbered 56 students. Meditation is done for 28 days was conducted from May 31 s / d July 2, 2014, primary data collection (HB levels and learning concentration) was made on July 3, 2014 obtained through examination of the levels of HB and assessment of learning concentration, both in the control group (not trained in meditation) and the treatment group (trained meditation). The level of HB manner using a spectrophotometer Cyanmethemoglobin 379 collaboration with the laboratory Enggal Saras Tulungagung, while learning concentration was measured using an instrument Bourdon Wiersma test. Data analysis techniques, the characteristics of the sample data continuous are described in n, mean, SD, minimum and maximum. Katagorikal data sample data characteristics are described in n and percentage (%). To determine 2 sample unpaired have average values different statistically tested with independent t test RESULT A description of the characteristics of the respondents using univariate analysis. The univariate analysis aims to determine the number and percentage of respondent characteristics. Here are the data about the characteristics of respondents who became research subjects Table. 1 Characteristics of Respondents Research Gender Number (n) Man 18 Female 38 amount 56 HB levels Number (n) Percentage (%) 32.1 67.9 100 Percentage (%) ≥ 18 g / dL 12- 18 g / dL 10.7 89.3 Based on Table. 1 it is known that 38 (67.9%) of the respondents are female, meaning that many study subjects were female. Judging from the level of HB 89.3% of the study subjects had higher levels of HB 12 to 18 g / dL. Description of the research variable data to the data katagorikal didiskripikan in n and percentage (%), for 6 50 continuous data analysis presented in the form of minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation. Presentation data variable research (Data c ontinuous) This aims to determine the average scores HB levels and learning concentration compared with a maximum score of assessment, as follows: Table. 2 Description of the variable data research HB levels, the concentration of study and meditation status N Minimum Maximum Mean SD HB levels meditation group 28 13.2 18.6 15.9 1.60 Speed meditation group 28 3.9 12 8.9 2.44 Accuracy meditation group 28 0 15 2.4 3.30 Constancy meditation group 28 0.1 8 1.4 1.71 HB levels of the control group 28 13.5 19.6 15.9 1.70 Speed control group 28 6 14 11.4 1.98 Accuracy control group 28 0 20 5.7 5.10 Constancy control group 28 1.4 15.5 5.8 3.75 Speed group HB levels normal 50 3.9 14 10.1 2.59 Accuracy group HB levels normal 50 0 20 4.4 4.71 Constancy group HB levels normal 50 0.1 15.5 3.6 3.68 Speed group HB levels above normal 6 6.4 12 10.2 1.98 Accuracy group HB levels above normal 6 0 4 1.3 1.51 Constancy group HB levels above 6 0.2 9.2 3 3.44 normal Valid N (listwise) 56 380 Granting the status of Meditation Not Meditation Meditation amount Table 2 shows that the participants on the assessment of the levels of HB score the average and maximum values The same good level of HB control group as well as the levels of HB treatment groups. As for the concentration of study in the treatment n 28 28 56 % 50 50 100 group receive an average score and the maximum value is better when compared with the control group. Judging from the status of meditation partially of respondents do meditation as many as 28 respondents (50 %) Table. 3 Independent T Test results about different of learning concentration between groups of not meditation and meditation Concentration Group n Mean SD t p speed Not meditation 28 11.4 1.98 4,10 0,000 Meditation 28 8.9 2.44 Accuracy Not meditation 28 5.7 5.10 2,86 0,006 Meditation 28 2.4 3.30 constancy Not meditation 28 5.8 3.75 5.61 0,000 Meditation 28 1.4 1.70 Table 3 shows that there is a mean learning concentration difference between the 2 groups of student, mean differ significantly because better for the group meditation. Judging from the p value of 0, 000 for speed, value of p 0.006 for the accuracy and value of p 0,000 for constancy. Thus the p-value is smaller than the value of α (5%) or 0.05 means that there is effects meditation with learning concentration. Table 4 Independent T Test results about different of learning concentration between the study group with HB levels <18.1 and HB levels > 18.1 Concentration Group n Mean SD t p Speed HB > 18.1 6 10.2 1.98 0.08 0.933 HB < 18.1 50 10.1 2.59 Accuracy HB > 18.1 6 1.3 1.51 -1.55 0.126 HB < 18.1 50 4.4 4.71 Constancy HB > 18.1 6 3 3.44 -0.43 0.670 HB < 18.1 50 3.6 3.68 Table 4 shows that the mean difference the concentration of learning between the two groups, the mean was not significantly different. Judging from the p-value 0.933 for speed, the p-value 0.126 for accuracy, and the p-value 0.670 for constancy thus the p-value is bigger than the value of α ( 5 % ) or 0.05 means that there no effect of HB levels with a learning concentration DISCUSSION The effects of meditation on learning concentrations Concentration learning is centralizing power of thoughts and acts on an object to be examined with flush or set aside everything that has nothing to do with the object being studied, (Surya, 2009). This concentration can be developed through practice, Hakim (2004). For example, through the practice of 379 meditation. Meditation is a conscious process to focus a lot of attention to the course (Suryani, 2006) Meditation done right means not just sit still and thoughts still wander anywhere will be able to generate positive effects such as increased concentrations of learning. To so do your meditation correctly needs to be done regularly practice meditation. In this study, the treatment group doing the meditation exercise for 28 days with a long time of 30 minutes a day in STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung. With the practice of meditation on a regular basis, it is expected the students have become accustomed meditative under any circumstances, including in the learning process or while working on a questionnaire Bourdon Wiersma test. This is in line with the opinions Ada (2013) that the benefits of meditation is the harmony of mind, which is not cleaved by the ghost of the past and worries about the future. Students who are already doing the meditation exercise while working on a questionnaire Bourdon Wiersma test students' attention is concentrated on what is being done, and stop trying to do several things simultaneously ignoring the various factors that do not favor, for example, the noise from the atmosphere outside the classroom, the number of tasks from other academic subjects which must be resolved, and others. Their minds remain concentrated on what is happening at the moment, they are doing today is working on a questionnaire Bourdon Wiersma Test and not think about what had happened either failure which can lead to depression or feeling useless and success that can lead to a sense of fun that excessive and taste arrogant, and not thinking about what's coming, which made them anxious, fear and stress, what matters is currently done with the best. It can be shown from the average value listed in Table 2 that the value of the average speed of 8.9 seconds treatment groups included in good criteria, while the control group 11, 4 seconds is included in the criteria of sufficient treatment group means faster and better in completing the questionnaire Bourdon Wiersma Test compared with the control group. Judging from the treatment group had a mean accuracy of 2.4 included in the criteria good enough and the control group had a mean of 5.7 is included in sufficient criteria, which means a more accurately treatment groups, fewer mistakes in cross out or does not answer the questionnaire Bourdon Wiersma Test when compared with the control group. Judging from the mean value constancy treatment group had a mean of 1.4 included in good criteria and a control group that has a mean of 5.7 is included in sufficient criteria, which means the treatment group had a better constancy in work on the problems when compared with the control group. All of these conditions can be achieved if the student is able to control and calm the mind and emotions. So according to researchers meditation is not just sitting still for practice concentration, but more important is the control of our thoughts and emotions in all situations. That is meditation just as the means to achieve a meditative (tranquility). This is in accordance with the opinion of Krishna (2003) that meditation is a way of life which is the basis of life for a person to become meditative. "When it has reached the level of meditative, we like having the on off button in terms of emotion". In this case for example when working on a questionnaire Student Test Bourdon Wiersma, Students who do meditation will be able to control his emotions so much faster in the work on the problems, more constant and more accurate. Based on Table 3 obtained the data that the p-value of 0.000 for the speed, p 0.006 for accuracy, p 0.000 for constancy. Thus the p-value is smaller than the value of α (5%) or 0.05 means there studying the effects of meditation with concentration. According to researcher Sara Lazar of Psychiatric Neuroimaging Research Program at Massachusetts General Hospital of the results of research 379 mentioned that the practice of meditation within a period of 8 weeks was found to alter brain structure, based on analysis of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) find the density of the substance of gray (gray matter) increased in the hippocampus is important for learning, memory, awareness, compassion and introspection, as well as a decrease in the density of the substance of gray in the amygdala, which plays an important role in anxiety and stress (Sukmono 2011 ). Results of research at North Western University also proved that when someone is learning something, the brain "reward" themselves by producing endorphins. In other words, learning and memory, will be easier to do if there are quite a lot of endorphins in our brain, a condition that can occur when the brain is at the right waves (Mustajib, 2010) In line with the opinion attributed to the results of research, learning concentration of students in the treatment group is better when compared with the control group it can be caused because by giving the meditation practice, although only 28 days using music alpha meditation, when doing questionnaire Bourdon Wiersma Test, students can organize brain waves in the alpha state, because according Sukmono (2011) meditation is one way to regulate brain wave patterns, meditation can make our brain waves to the alpha state. In this study, researchers did not see directly how a brain wave conditions while working on a questionnaire Students Bourdon WiersmaTest. Researchers only observe the effects of the alpha brain waves. If the student is able to make his brain waves in a state of alfa, the endorphins will be released. According Rodenbeck (2007) one of the benefits of meditation is to produce endorphins, further Sukmono (2011) explains that the hormone endorphin will be issued when our brainwaves in the alpha state. Mustajib (2010) also mentions that endorphin substances can also improve concentration and memory. That is why at the moment working on questionnaires Bourdon Wiersma test Students who are already doing the meditation exercise can focus or concentrate on what he was doing compared to students who do not do meditation for 28 days, in addition to the student who has been doing the meditation exercise may not experience anxiety and stress and have fun juice that makes them relax. The effects of HB level on learning concentrations Physical health, healthy condition and fit for example no deficiencies of HB levels (anemia) affect the concentration of one's learning. HB carries oxygen to all body tissues, then decreasing levels of HB will result in decreased oxygen levels, including to the brain. Oxygen deficiency is certainly going to affect the amount of energy produced (energy being a little), and the need for energy to be able to concentrate decreased. According Astawan (2008) that one of the effects of anemia is that it can decreases the ability of to concentrate Based on the table 1 in getting the data that 50 respondents (89.3%) of the 56 respondents had higher levels of normal HB and 6 (10.7%) had levels above normal HB. Based on Table 4 obtained the data that different from the mean concentration of learning, to speed and constancy mean did not differ significantly better in the group with high levels of HB normal or groups that had higher levels of HB above normal, but for accuracy mean significantly different, because it more closely to the group which has HB levels above normal with a mean value of 1.3 is smaller when compared with the group who had higher levels of normal HB. Judging from the p value of 0.933 for the speed, p 0.126 for accuracy and p 0.670 for constancy thus the p-value is bigger than the value of α (5%) or 0.05 means that there is no effect HB levels on the learning concentration Associated with the above theory, basically the result of this study are consistent with above theory even though the levels of HB proved not to have 380 significant effect with the learning concentrations, but still supports the theory above, it is in because the results of the study are not found respondents who had higher levels of HB below normal (<11 g / dL) were included in the criteria of anemia that can decrease the learning concentrations. So since this study only groups with higher levels of normal and above normal HB and did not have HB respondents who had levels below the normal functioning as a comparison that can not prove that the HB levels has an effect on learning concentrations. In addition to not finding respondents who had higher levels of HB below normal, to support research that the levels of HB does not affect the learning concentrations, also the discovery of the mean levels of HB were similar between the treatment group and the control group, this can be evidenced in Table 1 that the level of HB between the treatment groups and the control group had the same mean is 15.9 g / dL, whereas the concentration of learning both the speed, accuracy and constancy has a mean and maximum score better in the treatment group compared with the control group. If levels of HB proved either directly with the learning concentration, this is because there are other factors that lead to increased learning concentration and in this study is meditation. meaning that although between the treatment group and the control group had a mean level of HB same, but because of the treatment group was given meditation exercise for 28 days so that an increase of the concentration of learning CONCLUSIONS a. There is a statistically significant effect meditation on the learning concentration, Viewed from a p-value of 0.000 for speed, for accuracy` p 0.006 and p 0.000 for constancy b. There is statistically significant no effect HB levels on the learning concentration Viewed from a p-value of 0.933 for the speed, p 0.126 for accuracy and p 0.670 for the constancy, this is because in this study was not found samples had levels HB less than normal REFERENCES Ada, M., 2013. The time for silence, peace, and healing. 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The study was pre experiment with One Group Pretest Posttest design. The sample was hyperuricemia elderly client in posyandu lansia which fulfill the inclusion criteria. The respondents ergonomic exercise in every day for two weeks and uric acid rate was measured before and after research. The data was served in the frequencydistribution table and analysed with normality test using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Paired Sample T-test with significancy α ≤ 0,05. The results shown that the urid acid level was decrease (uric acid mean and standart deviation for pretest 7,06 ± 0,85 and post test 3,94±1,84). Paired sample T-test analysis found different significant value (p=0,000). Ergonomic exercise can be one of intervention to decrease uric acid rate for hiperuricemia. Key word: hyperuricemia, ergonomic excecise, urid acid level, elderly Introduction Uric acid had been known since two-thousand years ago and be well known as one of the oldest disease. In order to human time life improvement, the incidence of the disease is getting increased because of bad life style, include uncontrolled eating pattern. Uric acid is a crystal-shaped that become the end of purine metabolism (derivative from nukleoprotein), so uric acid is the latest product of purine metabolism which usually cannot tolerate highly. Everyone have uric acid in their body because in every normal metabolism process always produce uric acid. In the other hand, highly uric acid rate coming from many triggers like food or everything in which contain purine. Fortunately, our body contribute about eighty-five percent purine derivatives for daily need. It means that purine demand from food only about fifthteen percent (Hesen, 2009). Hyperurisemic incident all over the world is nominally vary, estimated between 2,3%-17,6% while gout incident between 0,16%-1,36%. In USA the prevalence number of client with asymptomatic hyperurisemic from general population is about 2%-13%. In the hyperurisemic study on the hospital there are higher prevalence between 17%-28% because of disease and drug influent. In Indonesia, hyperurisemic prevalence is about 24,3% on male and about 11,7% on female (Indriawan, 2009). Many people in Indonesia that life with hyperuricemia doesn`t aware their condition except their symptoms lead to be severe. Uric acid could be relieved in the way to make the rate normally with control of the consumption of meal and prevent the food with higher purine rate. In addition, neither drinking water nor exercise could be useful to increase the circulation so that can excrete excessive purine in our body. One of the exercises that useful for hyperurisemic client is the ergonomic gym exercise. In some places there are many ergonomic gym exercise groups, e.g. MASUSEI 385 (Yayasan Masyarakat Suka Senam Ergonomik), East Bekasi Gym Groups, and many more, which a large number of their member had given the testimony that stated if the gym exercise could be useful to control many diseases like migraine, vertigo, gout, and diabetes mellitus. Ergonomic gym exercise is not the same as yoga or other fitness that are more complex. Actually, the exercise movement use general movement from our daily activities and every person would be able to do this exercise. Even this exercise is used by everyone, there is no pain either during exercise activity or after exercise is finished. Because hyperurisemic client is susceptible with pain on their joint so the exercise must have simple and no tiring movement. The important thing is continuity and consistency on doing this exercise (Khairumi, 2012). General purpose in this research was to learn the effectiveness of ergonomic exercise toward uric acid rate on hyperurisemic client and the specific purpose was to measure uric acid rate on hyperurisemic client before ergonomic exercise, to measure uric acid rate on hyperurisemic client after ergonomic exercise and to analyse the effectiveness of ergonomic exercise toward uric acid rate on hyperurisemic client. . RESULT Tabel 1 Method The study was pre experiment with One Group Pretest Posttest design. The sample was hyperuricemia elderly client in posyandu lansia which fulfil the inclusion criteria. Respondents act in every day ergonomic exercise for two weeks and uric acid rate was measured before and after research with easytouch GCU. The sample were taken based on inclusion criteria: first stage hyperurisemia (hyperurisemia client which was not followed with symptom like continues severe pain, arthritis, tofi/tofus and able to do ergonomic exercise. Exclusion criteria was respondents who did not do routine ergonomic exercise. Ergonomic exercise process in this research base on instrument SOP (Standar Operasional Prosedur) had created by researcher base on ergonomic exercise by Wratsongko (2009). While in ergonomic exercise process, the researcher was helped by two enumerator for observed respondent exercise movement by observational sheet. The data was served in the frequency-distribution table and has analysed with normality test using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Paired Sample T-test with significancy α ≤ 0,05. The Frequency Distribution of responden based on age, sex, job, education, purine dietary and BMI No description 1. Age : 45 - 59 years old 60 - 74 years old 75 - 90 years old 2. Sex: Male Female 3. Job: Housewife Had rest private 4. Educational: Junior High School Senior High School University F frequency 1 14 1 7 9 3 11 2 10 4 2 % percentage 6,2 87,6 6,2 43,7 56,3 18,8 68,7 12,5 62,5 25,0 12,5 Purine Dietary: Intermediate 9 56,3 5. 386 High 7 1 12 3 16 6. BMI Thin Normal Fat Total Tabel.2 43,7 6,2 75,0 18,8 100 The average level of uric acid in Hyperuricemia client before and after Ergonomic Exercise Uric acid level Mean Std. Deviation 7,06 3,94 0,85 1,84 Before exercise After 2 week exercise paired sample T-test 0,000 DISCUSSION Uric Acid Level on Hyperuricemia Client Before Ergonomic Exercise The mean of uric acid level for Respondent before had done ergonomic exercise 7,06 mg/dl. The majority of respondent had intermediate purine dietary (56,3 %). This condition was the same as experimental result which had done by Setyoningsih and Darmono (2009) in RSUP Dr.Kariadi Semarang that shown if purine intake was the predominant risk factor for hyperuricemia. In this research Male more susceptible than female, but in female hyperuricemia incident would be higher after menopause because estrogen help uric acid to be excreted before menopause. Uric acid disease more frequent in erderly and less in people before 60 year age (Kertia, 2009). Sex distribution of hyperuricemia client in experimental group slightly increase on female and majority of them have uric acid level higher than male respondent. The effect of elderly age and menopause was considered as the cause of why uric acid level on female respondent relatively higher than male. There were correlation between uric acid level with menopause and water consumption (Fajarina, 2011) Body mass index (BMI) was one of the measurement of nutrition status. The result of BMI respondent in this research majority found on normal BMI. Based on the research done by Choi et al., in Pramudya (2009) found that between dietary factor and gout risk factor were not depend on Body Mass Index (BMI). This was strengthen by research in Sokaraja, Banyumas where found if there were no correlation between uric acid level and BMI (Kumalasari, 2009). Uric Acid Level on Hyperuricemia Client After Ergonomic Exercise After sixteenth respondent had done ergonomic exercise routinely for two weeks, uric acid level decrease from 7,06 mg/dl to 3,94 mg/dl. Hyperuricemia was a condition where uric acid level in the blood higher more than normal (male about 3,5 - 7 mg/dL, female about 2,6 - 6 mg/dL) so uric acid would be accumulated in body tissues formed crystal on joint (Sari, 2010). Almost all of the experimental group respondent who are firstly hiperuricemia then to be normal after ergonomic exercise routinely for two weeks but there were one of experimental group respondent have increase in uric acid level. From the process ergonomic exercise observation, this respondent always stopped her movement while in sit movement because unable to retain pain and heat. In hyperuricemia client or 386 food intoxication will fell like burnout (Sagiran, 2009). Conclusion 1. The average uric acid level hyperuricemia client before ergonomic exercise was 7,06 mg/dl. 2. The average uric acid level hyperuricemia client after ergonomic exercise was 3,94 mg/dl, 3. There were an effect of ergonomic exercise toward uric acid level hyperuricemia client. Based on paired sample t-test shown p value p= 0,000 Influence Ergonomic Exercise Toward Uric Acid Level on Hyperuricemia Client Based on paired sample t-test p= 0,000 shown that there were significant different uric acid level between before and after ergonomic exercise. According to Wratsongko from Indonesian Ergonomic Gym& Health Care, purpose of doing ergonomic exercise was a part of prevention and rehabilitation from every disease. There are five principal movements in this ergonomic exercise that had benefit in each of the movement. In first movement, stand upright with straight vision make the body relax, two arms twist backwards maximally to optimalize nerve function on pleksus brakialis in stimulate nervus system on lungs, hearts, hepar, stomach, and intestines so that metabolism would be optimal too. Those movements were followed by stand on tiptoes to increase stimuli sensory nervous system and to increase uric acid excretion flow in where that uric acid accumulated more on tiptoes joint. The second movements were bend our body frontward with our hand hold on foot ankle to our back joint, elbow, thigh and knee until feeling drawled or pulled. This step could bent ligament and muscle on the joint and increase blood circulation so the uric acid flow that accumulated on joint could fast too. The third movements were to help the optimally from renal function in uric acid excretion. In the fourth movements two hands grasp foot ankle to give relaxation effect on sympathetic nerve system so that relaxation of the circulation wall would be happening. The fifth movements were the most important movement in reduce uric acid level because those could burn uric acid, fat, and toxin in our body, strengthen low back area and renal function (Isran, 2012). Acknowledgement This study had no control group and so can not be clear whether the reduction in the level of uric acid caused by ergonomic exercise or by other factors. Various confounding factors that may reduce the uric acid level was not investigated in this study. Refferences Cole, J.R. dan Azmi. 2010. Inilah Senam Ergonomik dan Manfaatnya. 15 Maret 2013 (10:30) Hensen dan R. Tjokorda. 2007. Hubungan konsumsi Purin dengan Hipersemia Pada Suku Bali di daerah Pariwisata Pedesaan. df. 17 Maret 2013 (14:10) Indriawan, I. 2009. Penyakit Asam Urat. ector/kampus.13 maret 2013 (11.10) Isran. 2012. Pedoman Sehat Tanpa Obat dengan Sholat dan Pijat. Kawan Pustaka. Jakarta Khairumi. 2012. Senam Penderita Asam Urat. Kertia, N. 2009. Asam Urat. Bentang Pustaka. Jakarta. Kumalasari, T. Saryono. I. Purnawan. 2009. Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan Kadar Asam Urat Darah pada Penduduk Desa Banjaranyar Kecamatan Sukoraja Kabupaten Banyumas. Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman (The Soedirman Journal of Nursing). 4(3):119-124. 386 Notoatmodjo, S. 2010. Metode Penelitian Kesehatan. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Nucleus Precise News Letter Edisi – 1). Asam Urat atau sletter%2070%20Edisi%201%20%20Asam%20Urat%20310120111. pdf. 13 maret 2013 Setyoningsih, R dan Darmono. 2009. Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Hiperurisemia pada Pasien Rawat Jalan RSUP dr.Kariadi Semarang. Skripsi. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro Semarang. Sari, M. 2010. Sehat dan Bugar Tanpa Asam Urat. Cetakan ke-1. Araska Publisher. Jakarta. Sagiran. 2007. Mukjizat Gerakan Sholat. Qultum Media. Jakarta. Tenggara. J. 2009. Elderly Exercise – Olahraga Untuk Lanjut Usia, Bagian I. FKUI-RSCM. Jakarta Wratsongko, M. 2006. Pedoman Sehat Tanpa Obat. Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta. Weaver, A.L. 2008. Epedemiology Of Gout. Cleveland Clinic Journal OfMedicine. 75 (5):9-12. 387 PSYCHOEDUCATIVE FAMILY THERAPY UNTUK MENINGKATKAN SIKAP KELUARGA TERHADAP PASIEN TB PARU (Psychoeducational Family Therapy To Improve Family Attitudes Towards Pulmonary TB Patients) Bisepta Prayogi STIKes Patria Husada Blitar Email: ABSTRACT Tuberculosis(TB) remains a major global health problem. This leads to poor health among millions of people every year and is now ranked second leading cause of death from infectious disease world wide, after the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The objective of this study was to analyze the effectivenes of family therapy psycoeducative to to improve family attitudes of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. This study used quasy experiment pre-post test control group design. Total sample was 32 respondents taken using purposive sampling, the sample divided into experiment and control group. The data were analyzed by Paired T Test, and Independent T Test, with significance value of 0.05. Paired T Test analysis showed that psychoeducative family therapy had effect on increasing family attitude of towards pulmonary TB patients (p =0,000). Psychoeducative family therapy improved family attitudes. Keywords: psychoeducative family therapy, attitudes of family, Pulmonary TB Patients __________________________________________________________________________ prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis in Indonesia 730,000 cases or 297 cases per 100,000 population. According to WHO tendency of new cases of pulmonary TB in Indonesia increased that in 2000 there were 430,000 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis and in 2012 there were 460,000 new cases (WHO, 2013). TB eradication in Indonesia has been implemented since 1969 through the National Program Tuberculosis Eradication Program (P2TB) by the Ministry of Health, and since 1995 further intensified by means of treatment strategies using Directly Observed Treatment Short course (DOTS) recommended by WHO. But in reality after running 9-10 years of DOTS, treatment success rate has yet to reach the target set by the Ministry of Health is able to cure 85% of TB patients with Acid Resistant Bacteria (BTA) (+) were treated. From global surveillance results have been reported TB germ resistance against Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs (OAT) in patients with TB for one type of OAT (DR-TB Drug Resistant-TB) by 12.6% and for more than 2 types of OAT (MDR TB, Multi-Drug Resistant TB) of 2.2% (Depkes, 2002). INTRODUCTION Tuberculosis (TB) remains a global health problem. The most recent estimate that there are 8.6 million new TB cases in the world in 2012 and 1.3 million deaths from TB (just under 1.0 million among HIVnegative people and 0.3 million deaths associated with HIV-TB). Most of these TB cases and deaths occur among men. In 2012, there were an estimated 2.9 million TB cases and 410,000 deaths among women, as well as the estimated 530,000 cases of dan74.000 death in children. The actual number of TB deaths could be reduced given that most could be prevented if people can use health services for diagnosis and appropriate treatment. The program of short-term treatment of first-line drugs available and can cure about 90% of cases for decades (WHO, 2013). Indonesia take on fourth place in the world for the number of TB cases after India, China, and South Africa. In 2012 there were 460,000 new cases of TB in Indonesia or 185 per 100,000 population. There are about 67,000 deaths from pulmonary tuberculosis or 27 people per 100,000 population. The 392 At the national level, East Java is one contributor to the invention of the number of pulmonary tuberculosis patients under the second highest in West Java Province. In 2012, the figure Case Detection Rate (CDR) of 63.03% with the number of new cases (positive and negative) as many as 41 472 people and as many as 25 618 new smearpositive cases. These conditions are still far from the target CDR stipulated that 70% (east java public health office, 2013). Data in the East Java Public Health Office in 2012 showed the results of treatment of TB patients can be seen from the cohort of patients in 2011. The number is calculated by summing the new smear positive TB patients with the final results of treatment to heal and complete treatment is divided with smear-positive TB patients treated in cohort same period and multiplied by 100%. The results of treatment in East Java showed a pretty good number, because it has achieved treatment success rate of over 90%. Only 9 (nine) districts / cities that have not yet reached a success rate of 90%. Target 2014, a treatment success rate of 90% can be achieved by 100% of districts / cities (East Java Public Health Office, 2013). In 2012 the number of new cases in Blitar is 180 cases per 100,000 population. The mortality rate of pulmonary TB in Blitar is 17 people per 100,000 population. Of the 104 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis treated, the number of people who recover is 80, meaning that the level of success in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in Blitar is 80%, whereas the target is 90% success rate. Cure rate in Blitar reached 76.92% of the target of 85%. Data of patients drop out as much as 5 patients (4.8%). The figure is still within the target of <5% (East Java Public Health Office, 2013). To improve discipline and prevent non-adherent patients in the treatment program needs the support of the family. The support given to family members who suffer from pulmonary tuberculosis in the form of psychosocial support which could be a positive support to any activity undertaken. By providing information to families about the disease and advise on effective coping mechanisms, psychoeducation program reduces the tendency of clients to relapse and reduce the effects of this disease on other family (Townsend, 2009) .Berdasarkan research conducted by Sulistiowati (2012) that psycoeducative family therapy effective in enhancing the ability of families both psychomotor and cognitive in treating patients with pulmonary TB disease. Based on evidence based practice, psychoeducation is a therapy that is used to provide information to families to improve their skills in caring for their family members, it is expected that the family will have a positive coping to stress and load experienced (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2004). In the family psychoeducation there are 5 sessions: identification of problem, client care, stress management, load management family, community empowerment. Thus, one alternative solution to optimize the support is to use psychoeducative family therapy. Psychoeducative family therapy with means to facilitate local social structures (families, groups, and communities) are likely defunct so as to re-provide effective support to the needy related stressful life experiences. MATERIALS AND METHODS The design of this study was Quasi Experiment with pre and post test control group design. The Population was pulmonary TB patients and families (PMO) in the city of Blitar. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with a sample 16 respondents of treatment group and 16 respondents of control group. The independent variable was Psycho Educative Family Therapy, while the dependent variable is the attitude of pulmonary TB patient's family. Instruments used: 1) The questionnaire to collect demographic data of respondents including sex, age, education, occupation, marital status, religion, income, relationship with the PMO patients, the number of families and family-type, 2) questionnaire to measure the attitude of the family. The data collected then processed and analyzed using statistical test Paired t Test, and Independent t test with significance level p≤0,05. 393 RESULT This chapter describes the results of research, which includes: 1. The effectiveness of psycho educative family therapy to family attitudes Statistical test results in the group treated with Paired T Test p = 0.000, which showed no change attitudes before and after treatment, the control group Paired T Test results p = 0.333 showing no change in attitude. Statistical test results Independent T Test after intervention was obtained p = 0.000 in both groups showing that there is a significant influence on attitudes between the treatment group and the control group (see table 1). Table 1. The effect of psycho educative family therapy to family attitudes N SD Mean Treatment Pre Post test Test 16 16 4,195 2,872 28,44 34,38 Paired T Test p=0,000 Control Pre Post Test Test 16 16 3,074 3,146 21,13 21,19 Paired T Test p=0,333 Difference (∆) Treat Control ment 16 16 3,492 0,25 5,94 0,06 Independent T Test p=0,000 DISCUSSION 1. The effect of psycho educative family therapy to family attitudes. Most respondents in the treatment group were 9 respondents (56.3%) before being given psychoeducative family therapy have a negative attitude. Attitude is the response of someone who is still closed to a stimulus or object. Components of attitude consists of the trust (confidence), the idea and the concept of an object, the emotional life or emotional evaluation of an object and a tendency to act. According to Wright & Leahay (1994) trust is a sub category of assessment which is something underlying ideas, opinions and assumptions are owned by the family. Changes in the domain knowledge is an intermediary changes in attitudes and behavior. In the affective domain is facilitated family to share the experience of caring for a family member suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis and provide family support. The attitude of the family treatment group on average have increased from the previous negative to positive. In the first session found a problem that most of the patient's family or the PMO did not want to help remind patients to take medication time. If the family does not help remind patients when to take medication, patients forget to take medication for a very large. This is then followed up, especially in the second session of therapy. In the second session is given psychoeducation about the attitude that should be done by the family (PMO), and the roles of the family in the treatment program undertaken by the patient. Improved attitudes in the treatment group this may occur because of the continuous interaction between researchers and respondents during the study. Attitudes can be influenced by one's personal experience, the attitude is formed when a personal experience involving emotional factors. The attitude of the family in the control group there were 1 rise respondents and 15 respondents remain. Respondents who experienced an increase in the value of the attitude though not obtain the intervention can be caused, because the respondents still interact socially with others, such as health care workers, other family or those that are considered important. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Conclusions Psychoeducation can improve the attitude of the family (PMO) patients suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis in Blitar through the provision of psychoeducation about the care of patients with pulmonary TB. Suggestions For nurses can be used as a study to consider the psychoeducational family therapy as an alternative solution in order to optimize treatment program at psien pulmonary tuberculosis. Provide activities that are psychologically based on the family of pulmonary tuberculosis in an effort to improve medication adherence. Family is expected to cooperate with the health care 394 team in monitoring the development of the . diakses pada tanggal 21 November 2012. condition of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, and provide optimal support to family members suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis. Kasran, S. (2006). Penatalaksanaan rasa nyeri pada lanjut usia: Universa Medicina. LITERATURE Azwar, S. (2003). 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Philadelphia: FA.Davis Company. 396 The Effectiveness of 4s’s Techniques To Physiological And Crying Duration Of Newborn Erni Setiyorini Pediatric Nursing STIKes Patria Husada Blitar Blitar, Indonesia 085645646666 and Abstract For a hospital birth, there are numerouse routine procedures, such as injection, blood sampling procedures and many other which can administered. The procedures made newbon uncomfortable by pain then have impact to short and long term. Newborn express their pain in defferent ways. Previous study have shown that newborn who experience many painful procedures may show changes to their behaviour in later childhood. The purpose of this study was determine the effect of 4s‟s techniques on physiological responses and duration of crying after venous blood sampling. We conducted a prospective, post test only control group design. Newborn consist of 46 samples, were divided into 2 group, 23 samples control group with 1s‟s technique and 23 samples treatment group with 4s‟s technique. The data collected by accidental sampling at November 2014 by observation sheet. Data Analysis used T-Test and Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Result showed that 4S‟S technique had effect on physiological responses on pain (heart rate with p=0,004, respiratory rate with p=0,000, temperature with p=0,000) and on duration of crying with p=0,001).The 4s‟s technique decrease pain on newborn with physiological responses indicator and decrease length of crying. Keyword: The 4s‟s technique, physiological response, crying duration, newborn INTRODUCTION For a delivery in hospital, newborn administered on various procedures resulted in pain, discomfort, or noxious stimulation. These include general procedural pain, such as blood sampling procedures, injection. Normal newborns experience painful procedures as a component of routine care. Haouari and Coworkers (1995) estimate that every newborn undergoes at least one heel stick or venipuncture. procedure and that over 1 in every 10 newborn have two or five injections or blood taken for testing. Based on data obtained from Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi Hospital, from January to September 2014 there were 1385 births and 942 term infants. From these data a 100% gain venous blood sampling procedures (Data Register RS Ngudi Waluyo Blitar, 2014). Differences in pain management in neonates have evolved over three decades. Perception early to said that the development of neuroanatomical and neuroendocrine in pain response neonates less than complete, accompanied by fears of analgesia that can potentially damage the respiratory system (Lippmann et al, 1976, Rackow et al, 1960). Anand and Craig suggested that reported neonatal pain behavior as nonverbal. Some neonatal pain assessment methods based on different combinations of indicators of physiological, biochemical and behavioral pain (Khurana, Hall and Anand, 2005). Newborns demonstrate autonomic/ visceral, motor and state behavior changes in relation to venipuncture. Pain in infants will respond by crying and moving the entire body. One of them through facial expressions, crying, movements arm, leg movements, breathing patterns, and stimulation status, so the assessment 399 suggested the response in newborn using observations a sign of behavioral and physiological responses (Wong et al, 2009). Some procedure of inventions that repeated pain early in life can interfere with the development of the central nervous system permanently (Hatfield, Meyers and Messing, 2012). Physiological studies indicate that the experience of pain and stress very early to have immediate consequences in newborn. Assessment and treatment of pain is a complex subject and a challenge when the individual was still a baby. Reviews conducted by Page (2004) shows the long-term physiological consequences of pain, including changes in the central nervous system and changes in responsibility of neuroendokrin and the immune system. Wati (2004) explains that the pain experienced by the baby raises three effects: the immediate, short term and long term. Soon experienced the effects of newborn is the emergence of a sense of fear, anxiety, sleep and wake disorders, decreased food consumption, increased production of stomach acid. Short-term effects can cause immunological disorder (the body's defense), delayed healing, impaired formation of emotion, while the longterm effects on memory formation of pain, growth retardation, changes in response to pain. Pain management in neonates has not been a major concern for health workers; this is caused by the inability of the baby to convey pain, fear of negative side effects used anlgesics, a mistake to interpret the expression of pain in newborn as an expression of fear, health workers concern for priority disease management (Hockenberry & Wilson, 2007). Darcia Narvaes a psychologist explains her opinion about continues crying on newborn. According her the methods of letting a baby cry is dangerous because it can caused brain cell death of newborn. The mechanism is when the newborn is stressed, they release cortisol, a hormone that can cause the death of brain cells. While, at birth, new baby's brain develops 25% and growing very fast their first year (Kartikawati, 2011). From interviews with nurses in Edelweiss, intervention was given after invasive procedure in newborn, there was no specific treatment. Generally soon after a blood drawn, then the baby would be returned to its original position, which is only swaddling (1S s) and they were not considered when the baby stops crying, sometimes can be immediately stopped crying, sometimes prolonged duration of crying. Various methods are used to treat pain in newborn with pharmacological and non pharmacological. Preferably non pharmacological interventions on minor invasive procedures because the side effects are minimal (American and Canadian Academy of Pediatrics, 2000). One non pharmacological methods that can be applied in dealing with infant pain is 4s's technique. The initial concept of physical intervention techniques adapted from 5s's composed of swaddling, side-stomach position, shushing, swinging and sucking. Based on concept that newborn lost fourth trimester. They not yet ready living at wide world, they still missing lived on mother whomb. The swaddling almost similar with mother whomb, gaved warm temperature. Side-stomach position help their gastrointestinal and gaved support. Shushing like sound of mother artery near whomb and giving message that mother here, available for newborn. Swinging (when baby at mother whomb about 9 month, they living at amnion fluid and every movement giving sensation to baby, like shaking). Sucking giving comfort affect on newborn, like position at whomb they sucking their thumb. The research conducted by Dr. Harrington (2010) states that most babies who get physical intervention 5s's stop crying within 45 seconds, while receiving a sugar solution were still crying 2 minutes after vaccination invasive procedures (Gupta, 400 2012).One of reason we did dot apply sucking paciffier in this research because of pacifier use may be associated with early breast weaning or may be a marker of breastfeeding difficulties; therefore, it should be avoided until breastfeeding is well established (Sexton and Natale, 2009). The 4s's technique research I did before also showed that the 4s's technique influenced physiological pain responses (heart rate and oxygen saturation), while the respiration rate showed no difference in the control group and the treatment group (Setiyorini, 2015). Wintiyah (2014) studied of applications of the 4s's technique for the crying duration of newborn showed that the 4s‟s technique influenced on duration of crying babies with p value: 0,001. Based on background above, the researchers interested in conducting research on the effect of 4s's technique on physiological responses (HR, RR, temperature) and crying duration of newborn post venous blood sampling procedures. dependent variables was physiological responses (heart rate, respiratory rate and temperature) and crying duration of newborn. Data analysis with T-Test and Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. RESULT AND ANALYSIS RESULT General data Table 1 Characteristics of samples 4s‟s technique Characteristics F % Type of birth Normal 7 30,4 Cesarean 16 69,6 Gender of newborn Male 8 34,8 Female 15 65,2 Specific data Table 2 The effect of 4s‟s technique on physiological responses (HR, RR, temperature) post venous blood sampling procedures. Gro Min Me Ma Stat up ima an xim isti l al c test Heart 4s‟s 115 12 138 rate tech 3,8 niqu 2 p=0 ,00 e Con 100 13 162 4 trol 4,8 6 40 42, 48 Respi 4s‟s ration tech 78 p=0 niqu rate ,00 e 0 Con 38 47 60 trol Temp 4s‟s 36, 36, 37,3 eratur tech 6 99 p=0 e niqu ,00 e 0 Con 36 36, 37 trol 67 METHODS The research design was quasy experiment with post test only of control group. The population of this research was newborn at Edelweis Room at Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi Hospital with venous blood sampling procedure. The data was collected on November 2014. The inclusion criteria were: newborn first day aged, weight ≥2500 gram, not in illness, apgar score of 7-10, not using infusion, first blood sampling procedure, newborn crying during and after blood sampling procedure. A samples of 46 newborn was taken by accidental sampling, which were divided into 23 newborn with treatment 4s‟s technique (swaddling, side-stomach position, shushing, swinging) and 23 newborn with 1s‟s technique (swaddling) as control group. The independent variable of this study was the 4s‟s technique (swaddling, side-stomach position, shushing, swinging). While the Table 3 The effect of 4s‟s technique on crying duration newborn post 401 C f 7 16 10 9 venous blood sampling procedures Grou Min Me Max Stat p imal an imal istic test Cryi 4s‟s 8 20, 40,5 tech seco 32 ng 6 dura niqu nd sec seco tion e ond nd p=0 Cont 13,1 30, 50,1 ,001 rol 2 14 2 seco sec nd ond According table 2, the results showed that the average heart rate on treatment group was lower than the control group, but heart rate in both groups remained in the normal range. The decrease in heart rate was one indicator that the intensity of pain experienced on newborn treatment group has decreased compared to the control group. Respiration rate showed that the treatment group was lower than the control group. This data also as the indicator of decreased pain on newborn. Statistic test showed that the 4s‟s technique affected on newborn respiratory rate with p value=0,000. While the temperature of the treatment group had an average higher than the control group, but still on normal range temperature. After delivery, in addition to breathing and circulatory adaptation, the newborn must take control of body temperature. Getting too warm was as likely as getting too cold, so parents must continue to monitor, touch and feel their baby to ensure baby was not too hot or too cold, because both over chilling and overheating are SIDS risk factors and could impact the health and well being of infants (Williams, 1996). Temperature deviations were key signs of illness. Variation temperature on newborn affected by external factors. Fransson, Karlsson dan Nilsson (2005) on they studi emphasises the importance of close physical contact with the mothers for temperature regulation during the first few postnatal days. According this research temperature on treatment group had an average higher than control group but still on normal range. The 4s‟s technique given more time to newborn contact with caregiver than 1s‟s technique. Normal temperature for infants and children is usually higher than the normal adult temperature. At birth, heat-regulating mechanisms are not complete developed, so a marked fluctuation in body temperature may occur during the infant‟s first year of life (The Brookside Associates Medical ANALYSIS Characteristics of newborn Based on Table 1, most types of labor experienced by mothers of newborn was cesar both the control and treatment groups most of newborn with female gender. Biological factors in genetic variations causing different types of neurotransmitters and receptors in moderate pain. There were limited data that gender also influence the behavior of pain, the female gender had an increased expression of behavior in response to acute pain compared to male babies. Unknown gender differences associated with pain processes and expressions of pain (Fuller, 2002; Guinsburg et al, 2000 on Rollman GB, Abdel-Shaheed J, Gillespie JM, Jones KS, 2003). The effect of 4S’s technique on the physiological responses (HR, RR, Temperature) on newborn post venous blood sampling procedures. Venous blood sampling procedure is one of routin procedures has effect pain. Pain is stressor for newborn. During and soon after pain procedure infant responses by physiological, behavioral and physic. Hockenberry & Wilson (2007) states that the interpretation of pain through physiological responses which are vital signs, variations increased heart rate, rapid and shallow respiration and oxygen saturation decreased. 402 one only senses an the 4s‟s technique involving various senses. Education Division, 2007). Beside that, when newborn got pain procedures, they are responses by behavioral, its also produced calor. The result of changed physiological responses supported by Harvey Karp research by recondition on womb mother. Swaddling made newborn restrict room and stopped extreme movement, giving message that time to sleep. Side-stomach position, newborn after delivery have morro reflex and they felt almost fall when got surprising stimuly. Fast method to calm baby at stress condition by side-stomach position. Shushing with sound of mouth “ssssshhhhh” near ear baby as loud as their crying sound. This sound almost same with artery mother. Swinging is rocking movement at our arms, this movement not more than 1 until 2 inchi from side to side. Stimulation by used many of senses such as sight, hearing and touching more efective for decrease pain than used just one of senses. CONCLUSION There was an effect of the 4s‟s (swaddling, side-stomach position, shushing and swinging) to physiological responses (heart rate with p value=0,004, respiratory rate with p value=0,000 and temperature with p value=0,000) and the 4s‟s technique effect on crying duration newborn post venous blood sampling procedures with p value=0,001. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The limitation of this research was on samples, we didn‟t control the first condition on newborn, newborn hungry or not, newborn felt cold or hot, felt comfortable or not and another factors influenced newborn prolonged to crying. REFERENCES Barr RG, et al. Effectiveness of educational materials designed to change knowledge and behaviors regarding crying and shaken-baby syndrome in mothers of newborns: a randomized, controlled trial. 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International Journal of Epidemiology; 25, 366-75. 404 THE EFFECT OF EARLY STIMULATION IN CHILDREN AGE 12-24 MONTH OF GROSS MOTOR DEVELOPMENT IN THE CORNER INFANT HEALTH CARE 1 VILLAGE CORNER DISTRICT DISTRICT PONGGOK BLITAR Ika Agustina STIKes Patria Husada Blitar Abstract Growth and development is a process that occurs in life. Development stage in children is a series of regular growth from one stage of development to the stage of development of generally applicable. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of early stimulation of children aged 12-24 months against gross motor development at IHC Corner 1 Corner Village District of Ponggok Blitar. The study design used is a preexperimental with one group pre-post test design. The sample from this study were 20 infants in the IHC Corner Village Corner Ponggok District of Blitar. The sampling technique used was total sampling. The analysis in this study used paired samples t test and assisted by using SPSS program. The results showed an increase in the percentage of gross motor development of children before and after the early stimulation that motor development with the appropriate category of 7 respondents, or 35% to 16 respondents or 80%. While the dubious category of 13 respondents or 65% after stimulation given to 4 respondents or 20%. In addition, there were no children who have a distorted gross motor development. Based on statistical test sample paired t test showed p value = 0.024 <= 0.05, indicating the effect of early stimulation on the development of gross motor toddlers. The results of this study were expected to be used as a reference for monitoring the implementation of the stimulation and early detection to toddlers KEYWORDS: Early stimulation, development of gross motor Toddlers Age 12-24 Months children who have little or no stimulation(Soetjiningsih, 2008). In the process of gross motor development at age 12-24 months, namely walking, standing without holding, walking backward and kicking a ball, a child required special stimulation to encourage children to dare to do the stage of development in accordance with his age. An important role in stimulating the development of children is to train children especially gross motor development. Someone children must be trained to perform motor development in order to avoid delays (Hurlock, 2008). Unknown approximately 80% of the number of children who have INTRODUCTION Growth and development is a process that occurs in living organisms. The process of growth and development of children have occurred since conception until the end of adolescence. Every organ and function have different growth rates. Development in children is a chain and orderly growth of one stage of development to the stage of development of generally applicable (Fida and Maya, 2012). One of the factors that affect growth and development are stimulated. Stimulation is essential in growth and development. Children who are purposeful and regular stimulation will grow faster than 406 developmental disorders also have difficulty in setting the body's balance. This body balance adjustment problems related to the vestibular system or systems that regulate the balance in the body. If not treated immediately, this difficulty will be taken continuously by the children to school and when they will cause problems in the gross motor (Monks, 2004). Blitar town has about 3,817 children aged 0 to 1 year, about 1,840 children aged 1 to 2 years, approximately 4,687 children ages 3 to 5 years. This means that children aged 0 to 6 years as many as 15 939 have been growing and developing well or perhaps even risky. On 13 April 2008 the City Health Office Blitar cooperate with ties pediatrician Indonesia (IDAI) East Java and the division of child development and adolescent part of a community health center RSU Dr Sutomo Surabaya hold events early detection of child development mass (DDTKA-mass) in the City Blitar with a pre-screening questionnaire method development (KPSP) ( Based on the results of secondary data conducted in IHC Corner 1, were not in accordance with the toddler stage of its development (doubtful) in Infant Health Care Corner 1. Thus the phenomenon the authors wanted to examine the effect of early stimulation of children aged 12-24 months against gross motor developments in Infant Health Care Corner 1. Based on the results of secondary data conducted in IHC Corner 1, were not in accordance with the toddler stage of its development (doubtful) in IHC Corner 1. Thus the phenomenon the authors wanted to examine the effect of early stimulation of children aged 12-24 months against gross motor developments in Infant Health Care Corner 1. The research problem were: "How is the effect of early stimulation of children aged 12-24 months against gross motor development at Infant Health Care Corner 1 Corner Village District of Ponggok Blitar? The aim of the study was to find out the effect of early stimulation of children aged 12-24 months against gross motor development. While the specific objectives were (1)Identify gross motor development in children aged 12-24 months before it was given early stimulation. (2) Analyze the effect of early stimulation of children aged 12-24 months against gross motor development. The theoretical benefits of the research was expected to increase the understanding and ability in the growth and development of children by providing the fulfillment of love, grindstones and good parenting to children so that children can grow and develop in accordance with his age level. The practical benefit was it was expected to improve the implementation of the stimulation and early detection to infants through cadre's to give an example of stimulating the development of the baby in the family. MATERIALS AND METHODS Design of this study was preexperimental with one group pre-post test design.The subjects were all children aged 12-24 months in Infant Health Care Corner 1. The Sampling technique used total sampling. The independent variable was early stimulation. The dependent variable was gross motor development. The analysis 407 in this study used paired samples t test and assisted by using SPSS program. Based on the results of the research showed that 20 toddlers, 65% or 13 children under five gross motor development before early stimulation in the category of dubious then after given early stimulation gross motor development of infants to 80% or 16 children in the appropriate category. Of the 20 infants, showed an increase in the percentage of gross motor development of children before and after the early stimulation that the motor development of the appropriate category from 35% to 80%. In addition, there were no children who have a distorted gross motor development. Based on statistical test sample paired t test showed p value = 0.024 <= 0.05, indicating the effect of early stimulation on the development of gross motor of toddlers. RESULT AND ANALYSIS RESULT Characteristics of respondents listed in the table below. Table 1. Respondents No 1 Characteristics Of Characteristics Age f % 12 - < 15 month 15 - < 18 month 18 - < 21 month 21 - < 24 month 8 2 3 7 10 15 15 35 f 12 8 % 60 40 Table 2.Gender No Gender 1 Man 2 Female Table 3. Toddler Nutrition f Toddler nutrition No Eating a day 3X 20 Table 4. History Of Toddler No History of toddler f 1 2 Nothing Exist 18 2 ANALYSIS Gross Motor Development Of Children Aged 12-24 Months Before Early Stimulation Based on the results of research conducted in Infant Health Care 1 Corner Village District of Ponggok Blitar, showed that from 20 children aged 12-24 months, 13 respondents or 65% growth of gross motor development of infants before early stimulation in the dubious category. While 7 respondents, or 35% gross motor development of infants before early stimulation in the category appropriate. The gross motor development in infants who still doubt category could be due to the lack of stimulation in infants by parents, because when seen from the common data that includes nutritional research toddlers 100 % children got balanced nutrition. While based on a history of the disease 90% children under five do not have a history of the disease, while % 100 % 90 10 Table 5. Gross Motor Development Of Infants Before Early Stimulation No Category f % 1 7 35 Corresponding 2 13 65 Doubtful 3 0 0 Diverge Table 6.Gross Motor Development Of Infants After Early Stimulation No Category f % 1 16 80 Corresponding 2 4 20 Doubtful 3 0 0 Diverge 408 70% parenting authoritatively. There were no complications of childbirth. It could be concluded from the general data not obtained it leads to the development of children who are not good. Lack of stimulation was done to a child's development could be caused by lack of knowledge of mothers on the stimulation of the development as well as ways or methods of doing so in infants. Lack of knowledge of the respondents attributed to the lack of information and experience in providing stimulation mother (Notoatmodjo, 2010). Information about the development of sufficient stimulation would increase knowledge and ultimately encourage motor development of children. It was appropriate according to the source who said that the information would have an influence on the knowledge. With less get a true and accurate information will make the respondents do not have a good understanding of the method for stimulation in children. Mothers tend to did not deliver stimulation could significantly help the development of gross motor baby (Notoatmojdo, 2011). The young age of the baby is still considered to be particularly vulnerable should be taught something so she just gave the need for affection and only quieted the baby so that it grows naturally. The assumption that gross motor development will progress automatically to the child's age, is a false assumption (Fida and Maya, 2012) If the mother has a good knowledge not necessarily also able to provide a good development for toddlers. Good and bad behavior is also influenced by the environment, human, social, economic, cultural and others. Gross Motor Development In Children Aged 12-24 Months After Early Stimulation Based on the results of research conducted in Infant Health Care Corner 1 Corner Village District of Ponggok Blitar, that of 20 children aged 12-24 months, 16 respondents or 80% gross motor development of infants after early stimulation in the appropriate category and 4 respondents or 20% of children under five in the category dubious. A lack of compatibility with KPSP gross motor development could be attributed to the success of the stimulation of the progress made and supported by the fulfillment of the basic needs of children, grindstones, compassion and parenting that have been carried out by the mother. While 4 respondents or 20% children still in the category of dubious because at the time there is a post assessment toddler in a state of less healthy or sick, fussy so as it affects the assessment. Based on the results, 90% of infants were exclusively breastfed 0-6 months and 100% children immunized complete. Physical needs-biomedical (FOSTER) include food or nutrition is the most important needs, basic health care, including immunizations, breastfeeding, weighing babies or children who regularly, treatment when sick, and others, board or adequate housing, hygiene individual, environmental sanitation, clothing and physical fitness, recreation, and others. With the fulfillment of basic needs to children who either course will encourage the improvement of gross motor development of infants. Toddlers become nutritional needs were met and that their immune stimulation can be done well. 409 The results showed 70% parenting toddlers apply authoritative style. Meeting the needs of emotion or affection (ASIH) is the affection of his parents (father, mother) will create a close bond (bonding) and a trust basis (basic trust). The need for mental stimulus (Sharpen) is the forerunner in the process of learning (education and training) in children. Mental stimulation (Sharpen) was develop the mental development of psychosocial namely intelligence, skills, independence, creativity, religion, personality, moralethical, productivity, etc. If the fulfilment of love, grindstones and custody can be met by either the stimulation given to children under five will be successful. Some stimulation given to children aged 12-24 months are for children who are still babies (unable to walk), which could be trained include crawling, standing exercises, throwing, and so on. Mother invites toddlers to play and induce mothers to crawl or take a ball or throwing objects. As for children who can walk, a mother can train some movements, for example: running, climbing stairs, climbing chair, spinning, and so on. Up and down the couch at home are also sometimes given to help the development of gross motor skills of children. Mothers taking children play involving these movements and the children are always under the supervision of a parent while doing so. So that early stimulation is given able to improve gross motor development in children according to age levels (Fida and Maya, 2012). gross motor development of children before and after the early stimulation that motor development with the appropriate category of 7 respondents, or 35% to 16 respondents or 80%. While the dubious category of 13 respondents or 65% after stimulation given to 4 respondents or 20%. In addition, there were no children who had a distorted gross motor development. Statistical test results obtained paired sample t, p value = 0.024 to p value = 0.024 <= 0.05, indicating the effect of early stimulation on the development of gross motor toddlers. An increase in gross motor development in infants, indicating early stimulation was a good method to improve gross motor development in infants. The most important period in the development of the child was the toddler, because at this time the basic growth that will influence and determine the next child development. In infancy, the development of language skills, creativity, social awareness, emotional, and intelligence to walk very fast and create a foundation for further developments (MOH RI, 2006). In child development are critical times, in which the necessary stimulation or stimulation useful for developing potential, that require attention. Stimulation of the parents, in addition to aid development, the aim was also to detect whether a child develops motor properly or not, whether in accordance with the task of development of the child's age at the time. Early detection was crucial in order to provide solutions or anticipate when gross motor development of the child was not the appropriate stage of its development, although it is still important to remember that each child must be different. If the developing Effect Of Early Stimulation With Gross Motor Development Based on the results of the study showed an increase in the percentage of 410 gross motor normal and optimal, this certainly will be supporting the child's level of self-confidence, health, and happiness together (Soetjiningsih, 2012 ). Fida dan Maya. 2012. Pengantar Ilmu Kesehatan Anak. Yogyakarta: D-Medika Hidayat, Alimul. 2007. Metode Penelitian Kebidanan dan Teknik Analisa Data. Jakarta: Salemba Medika CONCLUSIONS From the research and data analysis showed following results: 1. The development of gross motor skills of children aged 12-24 months before early stimulation majority of respondents in a dubious category at 65%. 2. The development of gross motor skills of children aged 12-24 months after early stimulation almost entirely of respondents in the appropriate category at 80%. 3. The results of the analysis with paired sample t test showed p value = 0.024 <= 0.05 so that it could be stated that early stimulation influence on gross motor development of children aged 12-24 months. Hurlock, 2008. Perkembangan. Erlangga. Jakarta: Trans Info Media Martiningsih,wiwin.Pengaruh Stimulasi terhadap Perkembangan Anak Sebagai Tindak Lanjut DDTK Masal Pasca pencatatan Recor Muri di Kota Blitar. Online diakses pada tanggal 11 September 2014 ( index.php/.../1138 umm scientific journal) Monks. 2004. Psikologi Perkembangan. Yoyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press. Notoatmodjo, Soekidjo. 2010. Metodologi Penelitian. Jakarta: Rineka cipta REFFERENCES Notoatmodjo, Soekidjo. 2011. Metodologi Penelitian. Jakarta: Rineka cipta Arikunto. 2010 . Prosedur Penelitian. Jakarta: PT Rineka cipta Nursalam,2011. Konsep dan Penerapan Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Keperawatan. Jakarta: salemba Medika Cahyaninsih, Sulistyo. 2011. Pertumbuhan Perkembangan Anak dan Remaja. Depkes Psikologi Jakarta: R.I.2006. Pedoman Pelaksanaan Stimulasi,Deteksi, dan Intervensi Dini Tumbuh Kembang Anak . Jakarta: Depkes RI. Nursalam. 2008. Konsep dan Penerapan Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Keperawatan. Jakarta: salemba Medika Soetjiningsingsih. 2012. Tumbuh Kembang Anak. Jakarta : EG 411 THE EFFECT OF PROGRESSIVE MUSCLE RELAXATION TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF SLEEP OF NEUROSIS PATIENT Nawang Wulandari Program Studi Pendidikan Profesi Ners, STIKes Patria Husada Blitar ABSTRACT Neurosis is a psychic reaction with typical anxiety. Anxiety may cause physical imbalance such as the increase of blood pressure, insomnia, muscle tension and palpitations. Muscle tension and sleep difficulties are common anxiety response symptoms experienced by the society. Progressive muscle relaxation therapy is a relaxation of the tightening and relaxing movement on the muscles of one particular body part at a time to provide physical relaxation. The muscles are tightened and relaxed in a series of movement. This study aimed to determine the effect of progressive muscle relaxation to improve the quality of sleep of neurosis patients. Pra-experimental research design with One Group Pre-Post Test with purposive sampling was conducted with the number of samples was 13 respondents. This study used a questionnaire to measure sleep quality while to measure the improvement of the quality of sleep used PSQI questionnaire, and the data were analyzed used bivariate analysis using the T-test. The result of the quality of sleep before and after the therapy on the treatment was p 0.000. It means there was some effect on progressive muscle relaxation therapy to improve the quality of sleep neurosis patient, so the hypothesis could be accepted. From the results, it could be concluded that the progressive muscle relaxation therapy could be used to improve the quality of sleep of neurosis patients. Keywords: Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Sleep Quality, Neurosis INTRODUCTION Neurosis is a mental disorder in which the psychological condition of the client are in fear and anxiety chronic, people put more pressure on the perceived negative emotions to the subconscious, where it affect the feelings, thoughts, behavior and health of the body of a person who experienced it. Individuals who in the span of life have positive thoughts to the events in his life will develop a positive emotional response. Likewise, individuals who have negative thoughts toward an event experienced always use the negative thoughts and irrational when the stressor appear¹. This is an impact on physical and psikis² one of neurosis. Anxiety can cause physical imbalance such as increased blood pressure, insomnia, muscle tension and palpitations. While the psychological imbalances that can arise for example difficulty concentrating, confusion, loss of control and imbalance social1. Based on the results of basic medical research (Riskesdas) Indonesia in 2013, the prevalence of emotional disorders as many (6%)2. Among a variety of mental disorders, neurotic disorders (anxiety neurosis) is a mental disorder that is most widely found in the community that is 2-4%3. In Blitar City particularly in Puskesmas Kepanjen Kidul Blitar there are 35 clients with a diagnosis of neurosis who visit every month, and there are no further interventions to address them. The prevalence of anxiety increased in line with the course of the disease and symptoms. Anxiety can provide the signs and symptoms of the complaints expressed subjectively or that can be observed with the observation that consists of the physical, cognitive, social 413 and psychological behavior. Muscle tension and difficulty sleeping is a response to the anxiety that is often experienced clients. Several factors can affect sleep as physical, psychological, social and environmental. Changes in the physical, psychological, social and environmental results in reduced time of sleep. Psychotherapy more effective than medical therapy in the long-term evaluation, as psychotherapy aimed at helping the patient or family to change the pattern of cognitive, behavior that is based on a deep understanding of the problems experienced by patients and their family. Progressive muscle relaxation therapy can be applied to clients with anxiety neurosis. Relaxation exercises aimed to distinguish the feelings experienced during be straightened muscle groups and compared when the muscles in a state of tension. By knowing the location and feel the muscles tense then the client can feel the loss of tension as one response to anxiety more clearly where therapy is progressive muscle relaxation can stimulate spending chemicals endorphins and enkephalins and stimulate signaling the brain that causes the muscles to relax RESULTS AND ANALYSIS Table 1. Characteristics of Respondent Variabel Age (Year) and improve blood flow to the brain. Progressive muscle relaxation can make the mind feel calm, relaxed and easier to sleep4. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of progressive muscle relaxation therapy to improve the quality of sleep neurotics in Puskesmas working area Kepanjen Kidul Blitar. METHODS This research was a quantitative research used Pre Experimental with PrePost Test design. The population in this study was all neurotics in Puskesmas Kepanjen Kidul Blitar as 35 people. The Sampling technique used in this research was purposive sampling as 13 respondents. The instrument to measure sleep quality used PSQI (The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) questionnaires. The implementation of the entire study takes 6 weeks. 5 weeks were use for the implementation and one week of therapy were use to evaluate the quality of sleep after therapy. The data analysis used consisted of univariate and bivariate analyzes. In univariate analisis used statistical test Paired t-test. s by Age Mean SD 45,15 9,998 Min 31 Max 58 Table 2. Characteristics of Respondents by Sex, Occupation, Education, and Marital status Variable Category Ʃ n % Sex Male 6 42,9 Female 7 53,8 Wrking Privately 6 42,9 Occupation Farmer 1 7,1 Not Work 6 42,8 Married 11 78,6 Marital Status Single 2 14,3 SD 3 21,4 Education SMP 6 42,9 SMA 4 28,6 414 Most of the respondents were female gender. This type of work, the respondent is working privately, to the marital status of the majority of the respondents were married as many as 11 people. And for the respondent's educational level is junior high school. Table 3 Distribution of Neurotics Sleep Quality Before and After Intervention Sleep Quality Paired t-test. Interven N si St. Deviasi Min-Max Mean 95% CI Pre 13 17,15 1,519 15-19 16,24P 0,000 18,07 Post 13 13,38 2,022 10-16 12,1614,61 the quality of sleep neurotics on the average was 17.15 before the intervention, after the intervention has been changed into 13.38. Sleep quality score before and after progressive muscle relaxation with a p-value of 0.000 (p value <0.05). ANALYSIS Neurosis Patients Sleep Quality Before Given Progressive Muscle Relaxation Therapy In Puskesmas Kepanjen Kidul Blitar. The results showed that the average quality of sleep neurotics before given progressive muscle relaxation therapy was 17.15. Poor sleep quality could be anxiety, fear and worry that excessive respondents experienced a decline due to the condition of the disease or health status, environmental conditions and other psychological conditions. In addition, some factors trigger a decrease in the quality of sleep is also associated with diet, habits of the use of drugs to help you sleep and daily activities were performed. In this study, the majority of respondents, namely private work as a maker of craft that demands high job completion precipitate stress that impact on the fulfillment of sleep. Emotional stress causes the stress that often leads to frustration so that the individual would have difficulty to start sleeping or otherwise. Smoking habits performed by male respondents were also concerned with the difficulty to start sleeping, this was because nicotine causes an increase in time awake. Nicotine has a half-life of about 1-2 hours so that individuals who smoked more than one cigarette in a few hours before sleep will have difficulty to start sleeping. In this study, the average sex of the respondents in the treatment group was women. Women 2-3 times more prone to anxiety than men, this was because women were putting emotion. So that in times of stress, the more untouched emotion, aspects that impact on their health5 conditions. Neurosis Patients Sleep Quality After Given Progressive Muscle Relaxation Therapy In Puskesmas Kepanjen Kidul Blitar. The average score of PSQI respondents after being given progressive muscle relaxation therapy was 13.38. The average score of sleep quality decreased from before therapy, where the average quality of sleep 17.15. This shows that the average decrease in score indicates improvement in sleep quality. The assessment of quality of sleep by PSQI based on a score of 7 components include appraisal quality of sleep subjectively, sleep efficiency, sleep duration, the accuracy of sleep, a history of the use of drugs to help you sleep, things disturb of sleep, the perceived impact associated with sleep problems. The sum score of PSQI would describe the quality of sleep in which a high score indicates bad sleep quality6. Progressive muscle relaxation was part of a relaxation therapy that was used as a coping skill that teaches clients when and how to do relaxation and comfort under 415 conditions that can cause anxiety. This therapy was done with motion tightens and relaxes the muscles on one body part at a time to give a feeling of physical relaxation. Progressive muscle relaxation showed benefit in reducing the tensions that will fix various physiological and psychological symptoms. The stress response was part of a closed feedback path between the muscles and the mind. Assessment of the stressors lead to muscle tension which sends stimulus to the brain and make feedback path7. Relaxation exercises was one of self-management techniques that are based on the workings of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Muscle relaxation would inhibit the pathway by activating the parasympathetic nervous system works. Physiologically the body, to produce endogenous to inhibit pain impulses generated by the perceived tension. Consists of endogenous endorphins and enkephalins, when the body remove these substances then one effect was to relieve tension be perceived8. The relaxation response occurred because parasympathetic autonomic nervous system activity raphe nuclei, causing changes that can control the activity of the autonomic nervous system in the form of a reduction in oxygen function, frequency of breathing, pulse rate, muscle tension, blood pressure, as well as alpha waves in the brain so it was easy to fall asleep. Neurosis patients sleep quality before and after progressive muscle relaxation therapy in Puskesmas Kepanjen Kidul Blitar. The results showed that there were differences in sleep quality scores neurosis patients with p 0.000 (α <0.05), which means that there is the effect of progressive muscle relaxation therapy against in this study, the average patient has decreased the quality of sleep before therapy. This was caused by the various conditions experienced by respondents include family conditions, relationships with family members, delinquency, a relationship with a spouse, loss of loved ones and so on. Someone who were experiencing anxiety would lead to an imbalance in terms of physical vital signs, eating disorders, sleep patterns and tensions musle9. Sleep disorders are perceived them difficult to start sleeping, easily awakened at night and did not get a good sleep quality that impact on their daily activities. Progressive muscle relaxation were done by the respondents in a full concentration in which respondents were asked to distinguish between feelings experienced when the muscle groups be limp and compared when the muscles in a state of tension, and given the suggestion in the form of comfort to the respondents feel the relaxation maximum turned out to show a benefit in reducing tension and anxiety respondents experienced even a few respondents who feel the maximum relaxation stated doze off because of perceived convenience. Therapy was well done and full of concentration would improve a variety of physiological and psychological symptoms because it could create a state of relaxed and effective in improving sleep. Another opinion that some of the techniques that could be done to increase the need for sleep quality and quantity was bootzin methods and methods of relaxation, but the approach were the most widely used relaxation is progressive muscle relaxation. Progressive muscle relaxation was based on the mechanism of action of progressive muscle relaxation in influencing the need for sleep, which occurs the relaxation response (Trophotropic) that stimulates all the functions which works opposite to the sympathetic nervous system in order to reach a state of relaxation and calm. This relaxed feeling would be forwarded to the hypothalamus to produce Corticotropin Releasing Factor (CRF), which would stimulate the pituitary gland to increase the production of several hormones, such as βEndorphin, enkephalin and serotonin10. The relaxation response occurred because the activity of the parasympathetic 416 autonomic nervous system so that the raphe nuclei caused changes that can control the activity of the autonomic nervous system in the form of a reduction in oxygen function, frequency of breathing, pulse rate, muscle tension, blood pressure, as well as alpha waves in the brain so it is easy to fall a sleep. Sleep was one of the basic requirements relating to the maintenance and restoration of health that allows the body and mind continue to function optimally. During the period of sleep the brain would process the long-term memory, integrate new information as well as tissue repair brain and nerve cells and plays a role in the biochemical processes. Less quality sleep was very harmful and affect the well-being of the negative impact on the function of physiological, psychological and work of someone11. Progressive muscle relaxation could make the mind feel calm, relaxed and easier to sleep4. 3. Hawari,D. (2007). Pendekatan Holistik pada Gangguan Jiwa Skizofreni. Jakarta: FK-UI. CONCLUSIONS Based on the research results, it could be concluded that there were significant progressive muscle relaxation therapy to improves the quality of sleep neurotics in Puskesmas Kepanjen Kidul Blitar 7. Bebbington, P.E., Brugha, S., Meltzer, H et al. 2000. Neurotic Disorders and The Receipt of Psychiatric Treatment. Journal Psychological Medicine, 30(1369-1376). ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Limitation research in the implementation of this study has limitations that technical issues such as location of residence respondents in 7 villages so it takes a long time. And the samples used only involve one group and no control group REFFERENCE 1. Stuart, G.W. 2009. Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing (9th edition). St. Louis: Mosby 2. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Departemen Kesehatan RI. 2007. Laporan Nasional Riset Kesehatan Dasar. www. riskesdas. litbang depkes. diakses tanggal 2 Februari 2015. 4. Conrad, A., Roth, W.T. 2007. Muscle Relaxation Therapy for Anxiety Disorders: It Works But How?. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 21 (243–264). 5. Kaplan & Sadock. 2007. Sinopsis Psikiatri: Ilmu Pengetahuan Psikiatri Klinis Jilid 1. Jakarta: Bina Rupa Aksara. 6. Bush, L.A., Armento, E.A., Weiss.J.B et al. (2012). The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index in Older Primary Care Patients With Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Journal Psychometrics and outcomes following cognitive behavioral therapy Psychiatry Research, 199 (24–30). 8. Smeltzer,S.C & Bare,B.C. (2002). Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medikal Bedah Brunner & Suddart edisi 88.Jakarta: EGC. 9. Stuart, G.W & Laraia, M.T. 2005. Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing (7th edition). St. Louis: Mosby. 10. Ramdhani, N & Putra, A.A. 2008. Pengembangan multimedia relaksasi. Yogyakarta: bagian psikologis klinis fakultas psikologi UGM. 11. Riegel, B., Weaver, T.E. (2009). Poor Sleep and Impaired Self-Care: Toward a Comprehensive Model Linking Sleep, Cognition, and Heart Failure Outcomes. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs, 5(337-344). 417 12. Varcolis, E.M. 2006. Psychiatric nursing clinical guide: assesment tools and diagnosis. Philadelphia. W.B Saunders Co. 13. Keliat, B.A, Akemat. 2010. Model Praktik Keperawatan Profesional Jiwa. Jakarta: EGC. 14. Colten, R., Harvey., Altevogt, M.B. (2006). Sleep Disorders and Sleep Deprivation: An Unmet Public Health Problem. Washington, DC: The National Academic Press. 15. Iyus, Y. (2007). Keperawatan Jiwa. Bandung: Refika Aditam 418 The Comparison of effectiveness between carrot (Daucus Carota) and Simvastatin to Changes in Blood Cholesterol Levels of white rats (Rattus Norvegicus) with Hyperkolesterolemia Thatit Nurmawati Pendidikan Ners, STIKes Patria Husada Blitar email: Abstract High level blood cholesterol can impact on diseases. Carrot known with high beta carotene able to reduce blood cholesterol levels. The aim of the research was to determine the comparison effectiveness between carrots and simvastatin on cholesterol levels in hypercholesterol rats. The type of the research was experiments used randomized control-group pretest - post test design. The samples were divided into simvastatin and carrots treatment groups, each of 8 rats. Hypercholesterolemia by administering highcholesterol diet. Treatment using raw carrots with 1.25cc dose for 3 days. Measurement of cholesterol levels using Touch Essay data analysis with Willcoxon and Mann-Whitney. The results showed decreased cholesterol simvastatin groups as much as 12.5% (P = 0.069> α = 0.05), and the treatment group as much as 37.5% (P = 0.208), but the statistical test showed no effect of carrots on blood cholesterol levels. While the effectiveness of the results between treatment and control group (P = 0528> α = 0.05), indicating no effect to decreased levels of good cholesterol and a control group treated group. No effect on decrease in cholesterol levels could be caused by factors of betacarotene absorption easier if you boil carrots. Additionally only 3% beta-carotene in raw carrots was released during digestion. Keywords: levels-cholesterol, hypercholesterolemia, carrots, beta-carotene INTRODUCTION No contagious diseases become a leading cause of death globally . Data WHO (world health organization) shows that of the 57 million deaths that occurred in the world in 2008, as many as 36 million or nearly two- thirds were caused by no contagious diseases. Several cases of no contagious disease including hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, stroke, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases (Bulletin of the window and Health Information , 2012). Based on a sample of 1.5 % 300,000 heart diagnosed by a doctor , as much as 0.5 % on the interview with the doctor , 0.3 % had signs and symptoms of heart disease and as many as 0:13 % had heart failure The coronary heart disease become one of the major cause of death caused by narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels of the heart or often called atherosclerosis (Kabo 2008) The emergence of atherosclerosis triggered by a buildup of cholesterol in the blood (hypercholesterolemia). Cases of atherosclerosis increase if there are factors - risk factors that can be changed include high diit , hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking, obesity, and stress (Brunner and Sudart, 2000). In addition, there are other factors that cannot be changed among others ras, sex, ages and genetic (Mutaqqin, 2009). High-fat diet can cause hypercholesterolemia by triggering the accumulation of cholesterol (Muttaqin, 2009). Cholesterol is a nutrient or component of the complex fat needed by the body as one of the highest sources of energy and also is the manufacture of sterol (Nurwahyuni, 2006). Cholesterol is divided into HDL (high destiny lipoprotein) cholesterol is the type that contains a lot of protein and LDL (low destiny lipoprotein) cholesterol is the type with a lot of fat. When excess levels of 420 LDL will settle on the walls of the arteries that can lead to narrowing until closing. Therefore, an increase in LDL is one of the oxidants in the body (Fikri, 2009). Then attempt to decrease cholesterol levels in the blood is expected to reduce cases of atherosclerosis. Therefore, researchers wanted to use herbs. Herb is a plant or plants that have the purpose or value in the treatment because it contains an active substance that is useful for therapeutics. Advantages of herbal plants which lack side effects, processed naturally without chemicals, easily available and affo (Iklan Pos, 2014). One of plants used is carrots (Daucus Carota) Plant carrots (Daucus Carota) is no stranger to the world community, because always there regardless of the season. The community has many cultivate as plantation that profitable. Plant carrots (Daucus Carota) is an annual herb, can be consumed as vegetables, juices and even for snacks. Besides the price is relatively affordable, Carrots (Daucus carota) have low side effects (Cahyono, 2006). Based on the results of the study showed that the consumption of raw carrots every morning can lower blood cholesterol up to 11% (Julianti, Nurjanah and Soetrisno, 2009). This is because there is a compound in carrots beta-carotene. Based on research Parwata (2010) serves as an antioxidant beta carotene which has the ability to reduce free radicals, especially singlet O2. Taking beta-carotene derived from carrots are safe and will not give toxic effects to 100,000 IU per day. This is in contrast to the excessive synthetic beta carotene have potential risks as prooxidan (Muchadi, 2009). The walls in carrots also contain pectin, which is a type of dietary fiber, which is water-soluble (Soluble dietary fiber). This type of fiber acts to lower cholesterol levels and blood sugar (Vallerie, 2009). Higher beta-carotene in carrots is still raw, but the absorption of betacarotene more easily if the carrots boiled first (Muchadi, 2009). Also based on laboratory test results MOH nutritional composition of ingredients in raw carrots more than in cooking and presentation of other (MOH, 1995). Based on research in carrots (Daucus Carota) contained beta carotene 7.6 mg, alphakarotin 3.4 mg, vitamin E 465 mcg, Vitamin B1 69 mcg, Vitamin B2 53 mcg, nocotamide 500 mcg, acid pentofanat 270 mcg, Vitamin B6 270 mcg, phosphoric acid 26 mcg, 0.7 mg vitamin (Rozaline, 2006). Therefore, the researchers want to do research on the effectiveness of the carrot (Daucus Carota) on cholesterol levels in rats (Rattus norvegicus).Research Question Are there any potential differences in cholesterol reduction in white rat Rattus norvegicus after carrots compared with simvastatin? METODS Independent variable : processing of carrots, carrots dose and duration of administration. Dependent variable : decrease in blood cholesterol levels. The design of this study was true experiment using pretest posttest control group design. The sample is based on a formula Federer, the (t-1) (n-1) ≥15, t is the treatment group, n is the number of samples per treatment group. Then the number of samples in each treatment is 8 of rats. Cholesterol levels obtained by measuring the blood of rats before treatment carrots. The provision of a diet high in cholesterol (egg yolk duck, goat oil, lard, flour) in feed. Treatment of carrot (blended), filtered and then administered by sonde. Measurement of blood cholesterol levels by taking from the tail end. Analysis of the data used was Kruskal Wallis statistics to examine differences in the speed of cholesterol reduction using 95% confidence level used by SPSS 17. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS This study aims to determine the differences decrease blood cholesterol levels by using the carrot (Daucus carota) were given to rats (Rattus norvegicus) after administration of a diet high in cholesterol. During the study, there was no samples droup-out, complications or serious side effects. 421 cholesterol levels of white rats treated group before being given a raw carrot is greater than in the control group were also not given the treatment by a margin of 6 mg / dl. Table 2 also shows the results of research in the form of cholesterol after N Weight Pre Post o (gr) ∑ % ∑ % treatment in the treatment group and the 1 100-150 1 6.25 9 56.25control group. From these results indicate 2 160– 200 12 75 2 12.25that high cholesterol levels in the treatment 3 210– 250 3 18.25 5 31.25group was 349 mg / dl. While the lowest was 137 mg/ dl. Value - average cholesterol treatment group mice who had Based on table 1, before treatment been given a raw carrot was 185.25 mg /dl. 75% weigh 160-200 grams. While the In the control group the highest cholesterol percentage of weight loss with 6:25 level is 218 mg / dl and the lowest smallest 16% of rats. Body weight of rats cholesterol levels of 117 mg / dl. Value after treatment given change of weight average cholesterol levels after the control range 100-150 gr changed from 6:25% group given cholesterol drug was 169.75 increase to 56.25%. weight gain also mg / dl. After calculating the average occurred in the range of 210-250 g of obtained - average cholesterol levels of 18:25% increase to 31.25%. However, for white rats after the treatment group was the range of 100-150 g decreased from given raw carrots is greater than the 75% to 12.5%. cholesterol levels of mice white given cholesterol drug therapy with a difference The Distribution Of Cholesterol Levels of 15.5 mg/dl. From the comparison of the Of Rats On Pre And Post Treatment difference between the average - average Table 2 The distribution of cholesterol results from before and after treatment levels of rats on pre and post treatment Simvastatin showed that an increase in average Daucus (mg/dl) (mg/dl) differences - cholesterol rats from the No Sample Pre Post Pre Postdifference between the previous average of 141 162 100 154 1 1 138 1506 mg/dl to 15.5 mg / dl. Of the difference 2 2 207 167 3 3 132 165 112 218could be concluded that a change in 4 4 171 168 100 150cholesterol levels between before and after 5 5 147 137 164 117treatment. Distribution Of Rats Weight On Pre And Post Treatment. Table 1. Distribution of rats weight on pre and post treatment. 6 7 8 6 7 8 Median 150 159 100 145.75 168 174 349 185.25 131 179 153 139.75 145 209 207The Distribution 169.75Of Rats On Pre Based on the table 2 cholesterol treatment group had the highest cholesterol levels 207 mg / dl and the lowest cholesterol level is 100 mg / dl. Value average cholesterol levels of white rats in the treatment group before being given a raw carrot was 145.75 mg / dl. While the control groups were not given the treatment had the highest cholesterol levels 179 mg / dl and the lowest cholesterol level is 112 mg / dl. Value - average cholesterol levels of white rats control group was 139.75 mg / dl. After tabulation of data obtained average - average Of Cholesterol Levels And Post Simvastatin Treatment Table 3 The distribution of cholesterol levels of rats on pre and post simvastatin treatment Simvastatin Pre Post No Sample (mg/dl) (mg/dl) 141 162 1 1 2 2 138 150 3 3 112 218 4 4 100 150 5 5 164 117 6 6 131 145 7 7 179 209 8 8 153 207 422 Median Average range Α P : 0.069 139.75 169.75 30 Based on Table 3 the results before and after drug administration cholesterol in the control group obtained average - average before being given treatment was 139.75 mg / dl and the average - average after being given treatment with the drug was 169.75 mg / dl. Based on the above tabulated results are an increase in the average - average cholesterol levels before and after treatment of cholesterol drug delivery. While based on the data of the table is a decrease in cholesterol levels before and after treatment as much as 12.5% of all samples. Changes in cholesterol levels before treatment was 164 mg / dl after being given the drug treatment of cholesterol dropped to 117 mg / dl. But based on statistical result obtained P = 0.69 in other words P> α = 0.05 which means acceptable and there is no effect of cholesterol drugs against cholesterol test animals white mice. The Distribution Of Cholesterol Levels Of Rats On Pre And Post Daucus Carota Treatment Table 4 The distribution of cholesterol levels of rats on pre and post Daucus carota treatment Daucus Carota No Sample Pre Post (mg/dl) (mg/dl) 1 1 100 154 2 2 207 167 3 3 132 165 4 4 171 168 5 5 147 137 6 6 150 168 7 7 159 174 8 8 100 349 Rata rata 145.75 185.25 Average range 39.5 α P : 0.208 Based on Table 4 in the treatment group obtained average - average before being given a raw carrot was 145.75 mg / dl and the average - average after given raw carrots increased to 185.25 mg / dl. Based on these results it can be concluded there is an increase in the average average cholesterol levels before being given a raw carrots and after given raw carrots. However, based on the table there is also a decrease in cholesterol levels 37.5% of the total number of samples treatment groups. Among rats No. 2 with cholesterol levels of 207 mg / dl to 167 mg / dl, the mice no 4 with cholesterol 171 mg / dl changed to 168 mg / dl and no rat 5147 mg / dl changed to 137 mg/dl. Different things also occur in mice No. 8 is characterized by an increase drastic of cholesterol before treatment of 100 mg / dl increased to 349 mg / dl. But based on statistical results available P = 0.208, in other words P> α = 0:05 so that it can be concluded that there was no effect on cholesterol levels of raw carrots test animals white mice. Cholesterol Mice After Treatment In The Treatment Group And The Control Group Table 5 Cholesterol mice after treatment in the treatment group and the control group Post Post No Sample control treatment (mg/dl) (mg/dl) 162 154 1 1 2 2 150 167 3 3 218 165 4 4 150 168 5 5 117 137 6 6 145 168 7 7 209 174 8 8 207 349 α P : 0.528 Based on the table 5 after the test statistics on the results of the effectiveness of the provision of raw carrots and giving cholesterol drugs obtained P for 0528. because the value P> of the α = 0.05, then the hypothesis is rejected, which means there is no influence. it can be said that there is no effect of raw carrot to decrease cholesterol levels either the control group or the treatment group. 423 DISCUSSION Carrots are one of the root vegetables that are rich in bioactive compounds. Carrots has become a major vegetable and is commonly known as and carotene content (Sharma, et al, 2012). Carotene as an antioxidant dampen singlet oxygen and prevent lipid peroxidation, the effect resembles the effects of vitamin E and vitamin C in protecting DNA and membranes from oxidative attack endogenous (Robbins, et al., 2004; General, 2013).Carotene acts as an antioxidant to prevent a chain reaction generated hydroxyl radicals thus preventing disconnection chain fatty acids in membranes and prevents the formation of disulfide bonds (-SS) the protein so it does not lose its biological activity for the formation of energy (Mayes, 2002). Carotenoids are lipophilic so that play a role in cell membranes to prevent lipid peroxidation. β carotene is a compound that can give electrons (electron donor) to free radicals or oxidants so that a stable radical compounds (Meyes, 2002; General, 2013). β carotene is known as an excellent antioxidant, due to its ability to quench singlet oxygen and peroxyl radical scavenger (Agung, 2013). he results showed no difference in each treatment to reject the hypothesis. Probably due to the levels of β carotene contained in carrots is still very low. This is in line with research Heber and Lu (2000), which shows that at the same concentration of various carotenoid compounds, β carotene will have lower antioxidant activity. The addition of carotenoid intake can increase the concentration of lipoprotein carotenoids In addition there is also a pectin carotene in carrots. Pectin is able to decrease absorbance bile acid but only slightly lowering cholesterol (Leveille, 1966) pectin binding bile acids and increased spending that is then wasted with feces. Bile acid binding by pectin causes bile acids out of the enterohepatic cycle. Decrease the amount of bile acids cause liver uses cholesterol in the blood as a precursor of bile acids. Increased faecal bile acid or cholesterol is lost can result in decreased plasma cholesterol and increase the turnover of cholesterol biosynthesis in animals (Linder, 1992). Will tetepi on the results of this study showed no pectin high cholesterol absorption capability. Pectin levels in carrots is very small, about 7.4% There is no difference in treatment can be influenced metabolism in rats of different bodies. When the number of calories derived from food is less than energy expended the endogenous savings will be issued (Ganong, 2002). Food absorption there may be differences in each individual and therefore contributes to increased levels of cholesterol (Haryanti, 1997). The conditions allowing the mice to spur the production of stress hormones epinephrine, norepineprin, corticotropin and glucocorticoids that activates hormone-sensitive lipase that breaks down triglycerides, triglycerides and free fatty acids increase. The stress hormone causes the active genes in fat cells that can multiply and thrive. Comparative Analysis Of Cholesterol In Pre And Post Control Group Based on the results of data processing showed that there were decreases in cholesterol levels before and after treatment as much as 12.5% of the test animals, but based on statistical result obtained P = 0.69 in other words P> α = 0.05 which means acceptable and there is no effect of cholesterol drugs against cholesterol test animals white mice. It is possible researchers used the lowest dose in the study. The dose used was 0144 mg. based on research results Venesa et al (2013) volume required is 10 mg simvastatin medications for cholesterollowering effect in rats. In line with the research Unneyputty (2013) the dose of simvastatin to rats of 0.18 mg / day / 200 gr BB. Another possibility rat cholesterol level changes caused by the activity of the rats based on the observations of researchers, rats experienced enough activity. Because of the activity on a regular basis can improve HDL cholesterol and pressing total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol and triglycerides burn to lose weight. In addition to food activity also 424 affects changes in cholesterol levels. foods that contain a lot of cholesterol, trans fats and high in saturated fat such as cheese, lard, beef brain and viscera increase cholesterol levels in the blood. Stress experienced by the rats within lasts long enough will destroy the balance of body functions so that it can raise cholesterol and blood pressure (Wijayakusuma. 2008). Comparative Analysis Cholesterol Levels Of Mice In The Treatment Group Before And After Given Raw Carrots Based on the results of data processing are cholesterol-lowering amount of 37.5% of the treated group of mice. But based on statistical results obtained P = 0.208, in other words P> α = 0:05 so that it can be concluded that there was no effect on cholesterol levels of raw carrots test animals white mice. There may be because of the absorption of white mice terhadapa raw carrots. This is in line with research Muctadi (2009) argued that a higher content of beta carotene in carrots is still raw, but the absorption of carotenoids easier if carrots boiled first. Raw carrots have tough cell wall makes the body can only convert less than 25% beta-carotene into vitamin A. Based Rukmanan (2006) Carrots can be eaten in various ways, but only 3% of beta carotene in raw carrots is released during the digestion process takes place, this can be increased to 39% through cooking and add palm oil. Comparative Analysis Cholesterol Levels Of Mice In The Treatment Group And The Control Group Based on the results of a statistical test the effectiveness of the provision of raw carrots and giving cholesterol drugs obtained P for 0528. The P value> of the α = 0.05, then the hypothesis is rejected, which means there is no effect, it can be explained that there was no effect of cholesterol-lowering both the control group and the treatment group. This is caused due to the timing of therapy is only 3 days. According to research conducted Vanese et al (2013) cholesterol changes which occurred in the first week can also be caused due to environmental stress, and changes in the type and pattern of food suddenly. As soon as rodents can adapt to food, metabolism lasted well so that cholesterol in the blood can go down by itself CONCLUSION The results of this study had demonstrated that there were no effect of Daucus carota on high levels cholesterol white rats (Rattus norvegicus) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The sample size is the least. Time research to short treatment so alteration not maximal REFERENCES Anonymous, 2004. Carrot. online diakses tanggal 6 mei 2015 Biokimia Harper Edisi 25 Robert k.Murray; Daryl k.Granner ; Peter A.Mayes and Victor w.Rodwel, 2003 EGC. Fikri F. 2009. Memahami, Mendeteksi Bahaya Kolesterol. Arr-Ruzz Medi: Jakarta Iklan Pos. 2014. Sehat dengan herbal. Jakarta: Iklan Pos Julianti, Nurjanah dan Soetrisno. 2009. Bebas Hipertensi dengan Terapi Jus. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama Kabo. 2008. Mengungkap Pengobatan Penyakit Jantung Koroner. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Nurwahyuni A. 2006. Efek Kolesterol Daun Sambung Nyawa TerhadapKolesterol LDL dan Kolesterol HLDL Darah Tikus Diabetik Akibat Induksi Streptozotozin. Skripsi Universitas Negeri Semarang Rozaline. 2006. Terapi Jus dan Sayur. Jakarta: Puspa Swara Smeltzer ,Suzane C Buku ajar keperawatan medikal – bedah, Brunner & Suddarth edisi 8 vol.2 Jakarta. Uneputty, Yamlean dan Kojong. 2013. (Annona Potensi Infusan Sirsak muricata L) terhadap kadar 425 kolesterol darah tikus putih jantan (Rattus Norvwgicus). Vanessa, Purwijantiningsih dan Aida. 2013. Pemanfaatan minuman serbuk instan kayu manis (Cinnamomum Burmanii BI) untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol total darah pada tikus putih (Rattus Norvwgicus). Wijayakusuma H. 2008. Ramuan herbal penurun Kolesterol. Jakarta: Pustaka Bunda. 426 THE CORRELATION OF PERSONAL SELF-CARE ABILITY AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE IN HEMODIALYSIS INSTALLATIONS OF RSUD MARDI WALUYO BLITAR Sandi Alfa Wiga Arsa STIKes Patria Husada Blitar Email : Abstrac : Chronic kidney disease is condition occurs if the patient could survive only with help of hemodialysis machine. In this state, the patients not only have to survive alone but also to achieve a certain level of their welfare. This quality of life should be maintained in management of clinical nursing for these patients. Self-care ability is one of the factors that is considered to have a relationship with the quality of life for chronic kidney disease patients. As many as 30 patients were being respondents to this research by filling out a questionnaire of personal care ability and quality of life that is modified from KDQOL-SF v 1.3. The data were analyzed using Spearman rho correlation with SPSS version 17. The results showed p value: 0.008 and rs: 0.473. This means that the correlation was strong and had positive correlation directions between self-care ability and quality of life for the patients of chronic kidney Disease. If the level of the self-care ability is higher, they will have a better quality of life. With the increasing number of the patients who can conduct a personal self-care ability will increase the contentment, or socalled a psychic satisfaction, because of the fulfillment of the requirement for a good life for both of external requirements and their perception. In addition, this satisfaction will drives an individual to gives a good value for their quality of life. Keywords : quality of life , self-care, chronic kidney disease. INTRODUCTION Along with the development of globalization era, Indonesia is one of the developing countries that are now executing to develop in every sector including health. Riskesdas 2007 in SKN 2009 show an increase in cases of noncommunicable diseases (such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer) are quite significant; making Indonesia has a double burden. Chronic kidney disease is one of the non-communicable diseases is quite rapid development rate of sufferers. Kidney failure is a clinical condition characterized by the irreversible decline in kidney function, to a degree requiring kidney replacement therapy which remains, in the form of dialysis or kidney transplantation (Aru W Sudoyo et al, 2009). Peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis and kidney transplantation is the treatment given to patients with chronic kidney failure. Hemodialysis is a treatment that has been chosen by patients with chronic kidney failure. Hemodialysis is used for patients with end stage kidney failure or acute disease patients requiring dialysis short time (Nursalam & Fransisca, 2006). Hemodialysis can extend life without clear boundaries, this action will not change the natural history of the underlying kidney disease, and does not restore kidney function, and patients will continue to experience a number of problems and complications (Smeltzer & Bare, 2004). The quality of life of patients will gradually decrease over the course of the disease experienced. Where a person perceives himself departed with normal living conditions / ideal to hazardous conditions or without health that need dialysis to stay alive. One of the factors that are considered researchers affect the quality of life is the ability to self-care, which is a form of business to meet the needs of these patients in order to survive. Based on the Report of Indonesian Renal Registry in 2010 by the Association of Nephrology Indonesia (PERNEFRI). Shows the number of new hemodialysis patients and hemodialysis patients were still active in 2007, 4977 new patients a number of people, in 1885 the number of active patients; In 2008 new patients a number of 5392 people, in 1936 the number of active patients; In 2009 new 427 patients a number of 8193 people, 4707 active patients; In 2010 the number of new patients 9649 and 5184 active patients (PERNEFRI, 2010). Based on preliminary survey dated January 11, 2012 at Mardi Waluyo Hospital Hemodialysis installation Blitar, from 2009 to 2011 patients continues to increase. Currently available 8 daily dialysis machine and this machine is never empty. The number of patients on hemodialysis installation Mardi Waluyo Hospital amounted to an average of 14 people every day who do dialysis. Hemodilisa engine number and business hours only in the morning and afternoon shift considerably less installation space because according to data Mardi Waluyo Hospital hemodialysis there are still 45 patients with chronic renal failure have not been able to obtain dialysis services here. In addition to therapy with hemodialysis, patients with chronic renal failure should be able to adapt to the circumstances that happened. Restrictive diets will change the patient's lifestyle and perceived as a nuisance and undesirable for many patients with chronic renal. Because food and beverages is an important aspect of socialization, patients often feel excluded when with other people because there are only a few food choices are available to him (Aru W Sudoyo et al, 2009). In addition, patients with chronic kidney failure who receive hemodialysis actions undergone many changes in many aspects of life. According to Mercedes-Moreiras (2011) the first aspect that changes is welfare, where the progressive state of renal worsening will reduce also the functions of other organs, such as restrictions on food, diet control, decreased sexual function, and others, make the patient feel things that he liked to be limited, so that the change in subjective well-being of himself. Second, is the self-image, problems such as discoloration of the skin, body odor, reduction urinary function, and others can make patients assess themselves negatively and using feelings of inferiority. This limits the feeling of social and family relationships that can bring introversion. The third is the fulfillment of basic needs, where the frequency of dialysis can damage and limit the patient's lifestyle. On the other hand the feeling of inferiority accelerates physical deterioration, passivity, ignorance and dependency, which can often be left with the help of another person, the family and social environment. The last aspect that changes are the mental attitude, anxiety is always present at all times in the life of the patient because every day faces the risk of death. Anxiety causes stress, somatization, obsessive attitude, depression, aggression and so on. With various changes in various aspects of the person's going to do something on his own in maintaining the life, health and welfare, called Dorothea Orem as care themselves. The ability of daily self-care activities was important for health. There are eight elements of universal self care needs identified include air intake, water intake, food intake, elimination function, activity / rest, social interactions, precautions against the dangers of life, and live a normal life. With self-care (non-medical factors) that have been pursued and action hemodialysis (medical factors) capable slow down progression to kidney failure, are important factors in the morbidity and mortality of patients with chronic renal failure. Of the two factors of medical and non-medical has been done, the patient will perceive himself about his position in life. Perception and self-assessment of the patient's health status is called MercedesMoreiras (2011) as the quality of life. Quality of life is very important in the clinical management of patients at this time, because the patient is not just hoping to survive alone, but hopes to achieve a certain level of prosperity. Improving the ability of self-care for patients with chronic kidney failure is needed to increase quality of life of these patients. Improved quality of life will greatly affect the life expectancy in patients with renal failure. Based on the above, it is necessary and important to know the correlation of selfcare ability and quality of life of patients with chronic renal failure receiving 428 hemodialysis action in Hemodialysis Installation General Hospital of Mardi Waluyo Blitar. The research problem in this research was: How is the correlation of self-care with the quality of life of patients with chronic renal failure in Hemodialysis Installation Mardi Waluyo Hospital Blitar. The general objective of this research was to explain the correlation of self-care ability and quality of life of patients with chronic renal failure receiving hemodialysis action in Hemodialysis Installation General Hospital of Mardi Waluyo Blitar. While the specific objectives of this research were: 1) Identify the ability of self-care patients chronic kidney disease, 2) Identify the quality of life of patients chronic kidney disease, 3) analyze the relationship between the ability of self-care patients with chronic renal failure with the quality of life in the Installation Hemodialysis Hospital Mardi Waluyo Blitar. Theoretical benefit of this research was to add the treasures in the science of nursing intervention on arrange patients with chronic renal failure receiving hemodialysis action, practically this study can be used as one way to improve the quality of life of patients with renal failure receiving hemodialysis action. version 1.3. Data analysis Spearman's Rho with p ≤ 0:05. using RESULT Table 1 Value quality of life and self-care of patients with chronic renal failure Quality of Life Self care Mean 12.9333 73.8300 Std. 1.96404 9.87980 Range 8.00 38.50 Minimum 8.00 48.20 Maximum 16.00 86.70 Deviation Table 2 Value of correlation between selfcare with the quality of life of patients with chronic renal failure Spearman rho Probabilty (p Correlation value) Coefficient (rs) 0,008 METHODS The research design was correlational to assess the correlation of self-care with the level of quality of life in patients with chronic renal failure who received the action hemodialysis, research carried out in the installation Hemodialysis Regional General Hospital Mardi Waluyo Blitar, on on 5 - May 19, 2012, with a population of 42 patients still undergoing regular hemodialysis, the sampling technique was total sampling. The independent variable was the ability of daily self-care of patients with chronic renal failure and the dependent variable was the quality of life of patients with chronic renal failure receiving hemodialysis action. Data collection tool in this study was questionnaire self-care ability and questionnaire SF KDQOL modified 0,473 Based on the table above, obtained probability value of 0.008. Because the pvalue ≤ 0.05, it means that there is a significant correlation between self-care ability and quality of life. The value of the correlation coefficient obtained from the SPSS statistical test is rs: 0.473 which shows a positive correlation coefficient with a sufficient degree of correlation. It can be concluded that the relationship was strong and positive relationship between the ability of self-care with the quality of life of patients with chronic renal failure who receive hemodialysis action in Hemodialysis Installation Mardi Waluyo Hospital Blitar. 429 DISCUSSION AND ANALISIS Self Care Nursing independent (self-care) by Dorothea E. Orem was an implementation of the activities initiated and conducted by the individuals themselves to meet the need to maintain life, health and wellbeing according to the circumstances, either healthy or sick. Based on this study the ability of self-care acquired by 6 people in the category ability of self-care partial was only some of these patients can meet the needs of self-care daily, and the majority of respondents included in the ability of self-care self-sufficient, as many as 24 people with a sense could be said of these patients does not need any help at all in meeting the needs of daily self-care. From the data tabulation of data obtained minimum value of self-care was at the 8 and the maximum value obtained was 16. While in the category of total or require full assistance in fulfilling the needs of daily self-care, was not found in research in Hemodialysis Installation Mardi Waluyo Hospital Blitar. Actually, necessary of self-care by Dorothea E. Orem learned and influenced by individuals themselves, the environment, health and nursing. Self-care was the first step by individuals that take place on an ongoing basis according to the circumstances and its existence, good health and perfection. Self-care independent universally assumed as the ability to meet life daily care that have been identified to the respondents in this study through questionnaires include moderately air intake, moderate intake of water, moderate intake of food, the fulfillment of the functions of elimination, balance between activity and rest, fulfillment activities and social interactions, precautions against the dangers of life, and is able to live a normal life. Disappearance category abilities self care total respondents possible because the respondents themselves quickly adapt to the circumstances they were experiencing now, the everyday environment where they often come face to face with renal failure patients other and share experiences neighbor of self-care that must be done, the self-awareness of their health status was also greatly contributes to the patient's ability to self-care, and health education on self-care given by nursing staff in hospitals Hemodialsa Installation the Mardi Waluyo. Quality of Life Quality of life is the perception person about the individual how assess their own health. It is influenced by several factors, medical and non-medical interconnected. Pain, or effect to one's physical area, has an impact to the psychological condition of people and relationships. MercedesMoreiras uses the term Health-Related Quality of Life because it is defined formally as when the physical, emotional and social reasonable or are expected to be affected by a medical condition or treatment. The concept of Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) shows the impact of a disease or medical action against the physical symptoms, functional status, and mental and social functioning. Agus Yuono in 2000, the quality of life decreases with increasing age, patients with terminal renal failure young age will have a better quality of life because typically have better physical condition. Male gender have a lower quality of life than in women, and the longer undergoing hemodialysis the lower the quality of life of patients. Etiology or cause of chronic kidney disease nephrotic diabetic disease has a poorer quality of life than patients for other reasons (Bergstrom, 1985 in Agus Yuono 2000). Based on the research quality of life of patients with kidney failure in Hemodialysis Installation Mardi Waluyo Hospital Blitar very varied, with the acquisition of a minimum value is 48.2 and the maximum value obtained 86.7. The average value of the quality of life obtained from 30 respondents was 73.83. Assessment of quality of life particularly a maximum value of 100, the number 100 can be said to approach the quality of life of patients with chronic renal failure, the better. Age, education, the last ever taken of respondents do not have a meaningful role. Age and educational status does not 430 guarantee a person's past can assess and perceive a state of pain they experienced well. According to Mercedes Moreiras quality of life is affected by the physical, psychological and social relations. Based on research conducted Agus Yuono (2000), a precursor of diabetes mellitus disease has a significant role in the quality of life. In this study did not prove so because the number of patients with chronic renal failure in this study the majority had hypertension predecessor disease. In the grouping of sex, women have a better quality of life than in males with a minimum value the quality of life in women is 68.20, the minimum value of the quality of life in men 48.20, while the maximum value obtained in women was 86.7 and 86.4 in men. The difference between the quality of life gained men and women, may be because men are usually more active in the work, and make a living for his family so that the male has a standard priority higher quality of life compared with patients female. As a result the quality of life of men will get lower when compared to women. Quality of life of respondents undergoing hemodialysis 120 months long enough to dominate the minimum value of the quality of life to appear as much as 4 respondents in the four lowest value and 4 respondents in moderate values. This can caused initial adaptation period or tolerance of a patient with chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis the first time both psychologically and physically. In a previous study conducted by Agus Yuwono in Hemodialysis Unit of Hospital Dr. Kariadi (2000) shows the nutritional status, etiology, and the number of comorbid affect the quality of life, whereas sex, duration of HD and age do not have a meaningful relationship. Research results Kusman Ibrahim (2009) revealed that there were significant differences between the quality of life by gender and other accompanying health problems, whereas there was no significant difference in the quality of life of patients according to age, education level, and the longer undergo hemodialysis. Each research area has different factors that have a significant relationship with quality of life. As in this study, a factor that has not been previously studied the ability of self-care that turned out to have quite a significant relationship in the quality of life of patients with chronic renal failure. Relationship between Self-Care Ability with Quality of Life From the statistical test using Spearman's rho correlation test with SPSS version 17 is the result p value of 0.008. Because the value of p <0.05 then the H1 is accepted it means there was a significant correlation between self-care ability and quality of life. The value of the correlation coefficient obtained from the SPSS statistical test was rs: 0.473 correlation coefficient that shows the correlation between the levels of self-care with the quality of life considerably. Positive values obtained in the correlation coefficient have a meaning, the higher the self-care ability the higher the quality of life of patients with chronic renal failure in Hemodialysis Installation Mardi Waluyo Hospital Blitar. The ability of self-care was an implementation of the activities initiated and does by individuals themselves to meet the need to sustain life, health and wellbeing in accordance with the state of both sick and healthy, the results of this study show the ability of self-care that was owned patients with chronic renal failure have a encouragement or motivation of its own to live with what happened to him today. With more and more patients could perform independence in self-care could improve satisfaction, or can be called psychic satisfaction for the fulfillment of their needs, both externally and perception needs. And satisfaction was what drives an individual gives good value for itself in the quality of life. CONCLUSIONS Self-care ability of patients with chronic renal failure who receive hemodialysis action in Hemodialysis Installation Mardi Waluyo Hospital Blitar with an average value of 12.93 which if considered to be in an independent category. The average value of the quality of life that was 73.83, 431 Moreiras, Mercedes P. 2011. “Assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life:TheCinderella of Peritoneal Dialysis?”,accesed on February 192012( Nursalam. 2008. KonsepdanPenerapan MetodologiPenelitianIlmuKeperaw atan.Jakarta:SalembaMedika. NursalamdanFransisca B.B. 2006.Asuhan KeperawatanpadaPasiendengan GangguanSistemPerkemihan. Jakarta. SalembaMedika. Nursalam. 2003. KonsepdanPenerapan MetodologiPenelitianIlmuKeperaw atan.Jakarta:SalembaMedika. O‟Callaghan, C.A. 2007. At Glance SistemGinjal, Terjemahan Elizabeth Yasmine,edisikedua.Jakarta: Erlangga. PerhimpunanNefrologi Indonesia (PERNEFRI). 2010. Report of Indonesian RenalRegistry 2010. Smeltzer, Suzane C and Bare, Brenda G.2001.BukuAjarKeperawatan MedikalBedah Bruner &Suddarth, Terjemahan :AgungWaluyo. Jakarta: EGC Saryono.2010. Kumpulan Instrumen PenelitianKesehatan. Bantul: NuhaMedika.UnitPenelitidan PengabdianMasyarakat. 2009. getting closer to the 100 it can be said the quality of life of patients with chronic renal failure, the better. There was correlation between self-care ability and quality of life with a p-value: 0.008 and rs: 0.473 ACKNOWLEGEMENT The limitations of the study using a questionnaire that is sometimes the answer given by the sample did not show real state. In addition to assessing the quality of life of patients with chronic renal failure can be changed according to time with the psychological and emotional state of patients when assessed. REFFERENCES AgusYuono. 2000. UniversitasDiponegoro Semarang. KualitasHidupMenurutSpitzer pad PenderitaGagalGinjal Terminal yang MenjalaniHemodialisis diUnit Hemodialisis RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang. ArifMuttaqindanKumala Sari. 2011. AsuhankeperawatanGangguanSist emPerkemihan.Jakarta: SalembaMedika. Alligod, Martha R and Tomey, Ann M. 2006.Nursing Theorists and Their Work, Seventh Edition. Greenville, North Carolina: Mosby Elsevier. Aru W. Sudoyo., dkk. 2009. IlmuPenyakit. Dalam, Edisi V Jilid II. Jakarta: InternalPublish. AwiMuliadi W.2011. GagalGinjalKronik (Chronic Renal Failur) TahapAkhir.accessed on January 17 2012. ( Draft SKN 2009.Accessed March 122012 .( 09.pdf) Jonathan Sarwono, StatistikItuMudah: PanduanLengkapuntukBelajarKom putasiStatistikMenggunakan SPSS 16PenerbitUniversitasAtma Jaya Yogyakarta,2009 Kidney Disease Quality of Life Short Form (KDQOL-SF ™), Version 1.3.A Manualfor Use andScoring.Accesed on March 20 2012. ( 432 THE EFECTIVENESS OF PROBLEM BASED LEARNING MODEL DEPEND ON LEARNING OUTCOMES STUDENT IN COURSE PREGNANCY ON OBSTETRICAL CARE ON DIPLOMA PROGRAM Nevy Norma Renityas Program Studi D3 Kebidanan STIKes Patria Husada Blitar ABSTRACT The changes in a Health education system must be done for better education. Midwifery care in pregnancy is health education courses in midwifery department. In order to get the optimal result of education, it is required an innovative learning models. There are many models of learning innovation such as example problem based learning. Based on the consideration above, researchers want to analyze the effectiveness of Problem Based Learning depend on learning outcomes student in course Pregnancy on Obstetrical Care learning Diploma Program. This research was done in STIKes Patria Husada Blitar on 25 February until March 8 th 2015. This research used quantitative approach, quasy experimental. The population and the sampel was the students in the third semesters in the total amount of 38 student divide into 2 groups in random. The control group was discussion group in the amount of 18 people. Problem based learning group (experimental group) consists of 20 people divided into 4 groups, each group consists of five people. The Independent Variable was Problem Based learning while the Dependent Variable was learning outcomes. The results of the research showed there was a significant difference with different test results using a t-test ( t:-5,46) between learning outcomes using problem based learning model and class group discussion on pregnancy midwifery care courses. The problem based learning model is more effective than group discussions. Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Learning Outcomes, Pregnancy on obstetrical Care INTRODUCTION Day by day, the problems faced by many people tend to be increased. It makes the competition to gain something also getting tougher. The Demands and challenges in world worked always changes especially healthy.In this case , a change in a system of health education must be changes more beter. Lecturer is very important in the change, one of the changes that can be made by the lecturer is a change in the learning process. Midwifery pregnancy is a health education course of obstetrics.In Course Pregnancy on obstetrical care the student is expected to get the optimal learning. Lecturers have an important role in the learning process. The lecturers have to be creative and innovative in their lessons. During this time, the methods used lecturer in the learning process of pregnancy care in addition to conventional methods, there are also some student-centered methods include a method in a class discussion. The method is performed by a group discussion presented in front of the class. STIKes Husada Patria is one of the health institutions in the district blitar. Based on 434 observations in the classroom, especially learning model that can be applied to the the second class of the third level can be real world, especially learning healthy in identified problems that occur. These course pregnancy on obstetrical care. problems can be stated as follows: Based on consideration above, the 1. The low pregnancy test scores researcher want to analyze of effectiveness midwifery care, especially the subject of model problem based learning depend matter of pregnancy care. In the academic on learning outcomes student in course year 2011/2012 due to the limit value of pregnancy on obstetrical care on program midwifery pregnancy is 75. Students who diploma get test scores 75 as much as 40% and students who scored <75 as much as 60%. 2. Inappropriate method chosen and METHOD applied. In the implementation of learning, This research was done in STIKes lecturers less attention to the learning Husada Patria Blitar, on February 25process but more attention on the end March 8 2015, this research used result. quantitative approach, experimental quasy. 3. Difficulty students to answer the The Population and sample in this study question and less interaction between other was the third semester students in total students. amount 38 students, divided into 2 groups, Discussion class model was good for choice in random. Discussion groups course pregnancy on obstetrical care on (control) in the amount 18 people,Problem program Diploma. But the researchers tried Based Learning (experimental to use problem based learning model in group)consist of 20 people were divided STIKes Patria Husada. into 4 groups. Each group consist 5 people. If the learning process was well ,student The independent variable was Problem participation has also increased. I hope the Based Learning, dependent variable was learning outcomes will be increased. The learning outcomes. researchers trying to apply problem-based RESULT AND ANALYSIS The Difference of Learning Outcomes depends on Learning group discussion Model and PBL in Course Pregnancy On Obstetrical care On Program Diploma This Research used 38 sample. 18 people for group discussion and 20 people for Problem Based Learning Group. Table 1 The Difference of Learning Outcomes depends on Learning group discussion Model and PBL in Course Pregnancy On Obstetrical care On Program Diploma no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 interval 35-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 Jumlah Group discussion 2 4 8 3 1 0 0 18 435 frequensy % 11.11 22.22 44.44 16.67 5.56 0.00 0.00 100 PBL 0 0 3 6 7 2 2 20 % 0 0 15 30 35 10 10 100 Primery Source The Difference of Learning Outcomes depends on Learning group discussion Model and PBL in Course Pregnancy On Obstetrical care On Program Diploma The data table consideration above can show that higher value on Group Problem Based Learning. Group discussion not show that the higher value for the learning outcomes in course pregnancy on obstetrical care. And it show that PBL more effective to increase learning outcomes. Diagram 1 The research of The Difference of Learning Outcomes depends on Learning group discussion Model and PBL in Course Pregnancy On Obstetrical care On Program Diploma From the histogram considered above higher value show on PBL student. And the student in group discussion not show that have higher values. It show that PBL more effective than group discussion. ANALYSIS PBL was a adult learning. Adult Learning was learning based on considered a problem learning in contextual problem thus stimulating student to learning, this model give student more motivating for learning(Claire, et all, 2001) in learning outcomes show that there was different learning participation student depend on PBL model and group discussion. The statistic result show that P=0,014, it means there was different PBL and Group discussion. The research result show that PBL give Good indicator amount of 9 people than group discussion amount 4 people. Indicator least once on PBL nothing, in group discussion indicator least once amount 4 people. This was due because the participation learning on PBL show good quality to expression opinion in course Pregnancy obstetrical care. The contribution expression opinion was very important. It show in participation chart amount 20 people just 1 doubters in expression opinion. In Group discussion 4 people doubters that opinion. Many things effect participation learning accept student consentration. Other affect was technical factor from learning model. The research show that learning model affect the participation. In PBL based on considered adult learning it means actif to find more experience with learning source, which centered student, if the adult learning used give more motivating for student learning. Group PBL consist tutor, chairmain, and members. The tutor excite, motivating the members to think critical and to pay attention. Chairman members also officiate set a time (Saptono, 2003; karim, et all 2007;Sudjana,2004; Suradjiono, 2004) Effectivenss of Model PBL show that member name Riski Dwi A(score 5) from PBL group have good participation be compared ST widatul jannah have enough participation (score 3). The name of members veni antikasari from Group PBL have least participation (score 2). Not beter than tika epiana from group discussion have good participation (score 4). But the outline Model PBL more effective to increase participation learning. The research show that any different mean and median, learning outcomes PBL between group discussion. Learning Outcomes mean with PBL more higher than learning outcomes group discussion.The statistic result show (t:0,00)signivicants. About that same in the teory that show learning outcome get from 436 the effort to find mastery knowledge and basic skiil in various in life aspect, so it seems in individualism about the used values attitude, knowledge and basic skill change attitude quantitatively. To change learning outcomes more better, must to used good learning model, like a problem based learning. This learning model demand the student to more active than before in learning process. PBL was outanding factors to influence learning outcomes(sudjana,2004). The result show that any difference significant from learning outcomes.In Group discussion show learning outcome score 46-50 amount 8 people. And PBL amount 4 people. Altough this score not good but it show that PBL more effective than group discussion. In half score 60 point show that PBL amount 7 people and group discussion amount 1 people. Higher scre getting Group PBL amount 4 people. And than group discussion nothing at all for getting higher score. CONCLUSIONS Any different significant with different result test used t-test (t:0,00) between learning outcomes PBL with group discussions in course pregnancy on obstetrical care. It show that PBL more better than group discussions. And in fact that PBL more efective to increase learning outcome. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The limitation of this study was the researcher cannot controll the confounding factor that can influence the result. REFERENCES Alimul, A. 2007. Metode Penelitian kebidanan & Tehnik Analisa data. Jakarta: Salemba Medika. Ali Muhammad. 2004. Dasar-dasar Proses pembelajaran. Bandung: Sinar Baru Algesindro Bondan, D. 2011. Mengembangkan softskiil siswa melalui pembelajaran Matematika berbasis masalah. 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Each region has a different culture that is embraced by the trust from the previous generation."Tarak" on postpartum mothers is a habit of not eating chicken dishes, meat, eggs and certain other foods, fearing the wound did not heal and their infants vomiting after breastfeeding. Cultural aspect is very important to facilitate in providing nursing care. The purpose of this research was to identify correlation between knowledge and attitude with a culture of "tarak" in the postpartum mothers at Wonodadi Blitar. The design of this research was crossectional with a sample of 40 mothers in the postpartum at Wonodadi Blitar taken by Consecutive sampling with inclusion criteria: maternal postpartum phase of letting go. The variable in this research was the knowledge, attitudes about postpartum maternal nutrition and culture "tarak". The instruments used questionnaire. The result by Spearman rank analysis showed no correlation between postpartum maternal nutritional knowledge of the culture of incontinence with a value of ρ = 0, 658, correlation between attitude and cultural behavior "tarak" with the value ρ = 0.01. eventhough the level of knowledge of mothers of postpartum in nutrition was good but it did not guarantee that the mother did not follow the culture of "tarak", this is in accordance with Manurung (2012) that culture is not only influenced by the knowledge but also a strong belief. While the attitude is a feeling that followed the tendency to act so that the attitude of postpartum mothers have a correlation with the "tarak". Therefore, the role of nurses is very important in reconstructing the culture of "tarak". Key Word: Knowledge, attitudes, culture "Tarak", postpartum mothers Background Post partum period called postpartum or puerperal period is a period or time since the baby was born and the placenta comes out until the next six weeks, accompanied by the restoration of the organs associated with the content, which changes as injury and other related During childbirth ( Suheri . Et al , 2008) . While the purpose of the provision of care during childbirth, according Saleha (2009), among others maintains the health of mother and baby, detect problems; write your health education and providing family planning services. Maternal care community is very important in this regard. In nursing theory, saw man should nurse holistic in providing nursing care. Differences in cultural values is also part of a holistic human Indonesian society is a multicultural society. Each region has a different culture that is embraced by the trust from previous generations. Many people who believe in the culture of previous generations because the culture was obtained from parents who think they have more experience. With this belief they are convinced that the behavior he does will bring positive results and beneficial to their health. Not all treatments are performed based on the heritage can be fully accepted, could have carried out such treatments provide less favorable health outcomes for mother and baby (Manurung, 2009). Behavior or habits that harm eg nursing mothers are prohibited from eating foods that fishy eg fish, eggs and others because the baby will 441 sweat odor. Postpartum mothers are prohibited nap. Post partum mothers had to sleep sitting or half-sitting for fear of bad blood rose to the eye (Mubarak et al, 2012). Based on the preliminary research conducted in September 2012 in the Cempaka (space Ruling) Hospital Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi obtained 15 of the 22 mothers postpartum do not want to eat chicken dishes, meat and eggs because their parents forbid fearing the wound did not heal and their breastfeeding infants vomiting. Based on interviews with the head of the room, the nurse had provided health education about the importance of nutrition to patients‟ post-partum mothers. Some elements involved in the sociocultural according to Mubarak, et al (2012) among other things: knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs and abilities as well as custom made by the community. Knowledge has a profound influence on health. Likewise, related public confidence about the care of the sick is very influential on the public health level. Culture is the behavior resulting from human perception, behavior that would be stronger if it is based on the powerful stance anyway. Medeleine Leininger developed the concept of transcultural nursing, bringing the role of cultural factors in nursing practice into the discussion on how to provide nursing care according to need. According Leinenger (1978) transcultural nursing is a nursing service berfocus on the behavior of individuals or groups, as well as the process to maintain or improve health behavior and the behavior of physical pain and psikokultural provided to clients in accordance with the cultural background (Tommey and Alligood, 2006). Swasono Statement (1998) in Manurutng (2009) argue that there are some people kepercayaaan value associated with post partum care, with knowledge of the cultural aspect is important to be known by health workers to facilitate the approach to providing health care. This of course requires special attention to overcome. According to nursing theory leineinger medeline there are several strategies are in use in providing nursing care, among others maintaining the culture, the culture of negotiation and change the culture (Tommey and Alligood, 2006). From the description above, the researchers wanted to identify how the correlation between postpartum maternal nutritional knowledge and attitude to culture "incontinence" in postpartum mothers in Wonodadi Blitar METHODS The research design used cross sectional, which connects between knowledge and culture "incontinence" and attitude with a postpartum mother culture "incontinence" in the mother postpartum. Knowledge in this research was knowledge about postpartum maternal postpartum maternal nutrition, attitude in this research is the attitude of postpartum mothers in meeting their nutritional culture whereas "incontinence" was the behavior not eats tempeh, tofu, egg, chicken, meat/ goat, fish freshwater and saltwater fish. The sample in this research was 40 people listed in the postpartum maternal health centers Wonodadi. The sample in this research were drawn in a way convenient sampling with inclusion criteria postpartum mothers who are already in the phase of letting go, the mother and the baby does not have a particular disease and do not have allergies to certain foods. This research was conducted from September 26 to October 6, 2014. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS RESULTS Postpartum maternal characteristics in Blitar Wonodadi as many as 40 people as in the table below: Table 1 Postpartum maternal characteristics in Wonodadi -Blitar 442 characteristics of Respondents Age ≤ 20 years 21-30 years 31-40 years 41-50 years Education Elementary School Junior High School Senior High school Prioriy to Primipara Multipara Occupation Housewife Privat employees 3 16 20 1 7 18 15 14 26 36 4 Information about postpartum maternal nutrition No Ever Table 2 30 10 Table 3 above shows that 43 % of respondents have a good attitude towards nutrition postpartum mothers and 20 % of 8% respondents had a very bad attitude 40% towards the fulfillment of postpartum 50% maternal nutrition. 2% Table 4 Frequency distribution of " Tarak " culture in postpartum mothers 17% 45% 38% Culture " Tarak " Frequ percen tage ency (%) 35% 9 23% 65% Do not follow the culture of " Tarak " 90% Following some cultures " 5 13% 10% Tarak " Following culture " Tarak" 26 64% overall % 75% 25% Based on Table 4 above shows that the majority of 64 % of respondents follow the culture of “tarak” and only 23 % who do not follow the culture of “Tarak” The frequency distribution of knowledge about postpartum Table 5 maternal on postpartum maternal nutrition Pengetahuan Good Sufficient f Frekuensi 15 25 The correlation between postpartum maternal nutritional knowledge of the culture of Tarak" postpartum mothers Persentase (%) Culture 37% " tarak " 63% Table 2 above shows that most respondents Followin have sufficient knowledge of as many as g culture 25 people ( 63 % ) " Tarak " overall Table 3 Frequency distribution attitude postpartum maternal postpartum Followin maternal nutrition in meeting g some cultures attitude frequency percentage " Tarak " (%) 43%Do not 17 Good 15 38%follow Sufficient 8 20%the Bad culture of 443 Knowlegdement Good Sufficie nt Total N 1 6 (%) 40 N 1 0 (%) 25 N 2 6 (%) 65 2 5 3 8% 5 12 7 18 2 5 9 23 " ρ 0,658 have sufficient knowledge anyway, it was evident that one of the factors affecting the level of knowledge is education. In addition to educational information is also Table 5 above shows that the Spearman greatly affect a person's knowledge. Based rank test results obtained value of ρ = 0658 on Table 1 of the 40 respondents 75% had which means that there is no correlation never received information about with postpartum “tarak “ culture . postpartum maternal nutrition. The correlation between with a postpartum Table 6 Information could be received from maternal nutrition of“tarak” culture in the media or health workers, in this postpartum mothers. case the role many are nurses. Therefore Wonodadi PHC nurses "Tarak” Attitude Total ρ should provide health education Culture Bad Not Good particularly on postpartum maternal good nutrition. N % N % N % N % Following 1 3 3 8 8 2 2 65 Postpartum Maternal Attitude In culture " 5 8 0 6 Meeting Nutrition Tarak " overall Table 3 shows that postpartum 0,01 mothers who have a good attitude as much as 43%. According Following 0 0 4 1 1 3 5 12 Notoatmodjo (2010) knowledge, some 1 thoughts, beliefs and emotions play cultures " an important role in determining the Tarak " attitude intact. These results strongly support the theory tersbut, of the 17 Do not 0 0 1 3 8 2 9 23 respondents who have a good follow the 0 attitude, 12 have a good knowledge culture of " anyway. According to the theory Tarak” Anwar (2007) health communication using the design principles of teaching is one of the efforts to foster an Table 6 above shows that the Spearman attitude. The theory is supported by the rank test results obtained value ρ = 0.01 , results of this research, based on table 1 which means that there were correlation postpartum mothers who never get between attitudes in nutrition with a information about postpartum maternal postpartum mother " tarak"culture nutrition as much as 75%. Information obtained through communication poses. Knowledge About Nutrition Maternal Communication is the exchange of Postpartum Maternal Postpartum With thoughts, feelings and opinions and give Cultural "Tarak" advice in which occur between two or more people work together. Table 2 shows that most respondents Communication is also an art to compose (63%) have sufficient knowledge about and deliver a message in a way that is easy postpartum maternal nutrition. One's so that others can understand. Therefore, knowledge according Notoadmodjo (2010) health professionals, especially nurses play could be affected by several external an important role in changing attitudes in factors, namely, education, information meeting the nutritional postpartum and experience. Based on Table 1 of the 40 mothers. Providing health education respondents were educated terakir SPM as through the media and attractive method is many as 18 (45%) of the 18 respondents 15 the right way to make it easier to who have enough knowledge. While respondents were educated last 7 SD whole understand the postpartum mother and " Tarak 444 motivated to apply. If the postpartum mother can understand very well it will form a good attitude as well. Of a good attitude will have a tendency to behave well. “Tarak " Culture Of Mother Postpatum Indonesian society is a multicultural society. Each region has a different culture that is embraced by the trust from previous generations. Many people who believe in the culture of previous generations because the culture was obtained from parents who think they have more experience. With this belief they are convinced that the behavior he does will bring positive results and beneficial to their health. Culture is the behavior resulting from the perception of cultural manusia.Masyarakat Wonodadi Blitar have in providing care to mothers postpartum, one of which is the culture of "tarak". Culture "incontinence" behavior is not consuming all kinds of proteins, among others; do not eat meat beef or mutton, chicken, eggs, tempeh, tofu, fish, freshwater and marine fish. Blitar Wonodadi community considers consume meat, chicken, eggs, fish, freshwater and saltwater fish will lead to the failure of wound healing. While consuming tempe and tofu would result in accumulated dirt eye on breastfeeding infants. Culture "tarak" adopted Wonodadi Blitar society is very contradictory to the theory Widasari (2009) which says that the fulfillment of adequate protein will help the healing process. Based on Table 4 shows that 26 respondents (65%) followed tarak overall culture, which means did not take all of the above proteins. While 5 respondents (13%) follow some cultures continence which means do not consume any animal protein? According to nursing theory leineinger medeline there are several strategies are in use in providing nursing care, among others maintaining the culture, the culture of negotiation and change the culture (Tommey and Alligood, 2006). Based on the theory Wonodadi PHC nurse can provide nursing care to negotiate a culture at 65% of respondents who follow the culture of "tarak" as a whole by providing knowledge that protein is essential for wound healing and nutrition to the baby. While the 13% who follow some cultures "tarak" could be given nursing care to maintain the culture or the culture of negotiation because although postpartum mothers do not consume animal protein, the protein needs met mothers of vegetable protein. Correlation Between postpartum maternal nutritional knowledge of the culture of “tarak” Based on Table 5 shows that the test results obtained with the Spearman rank ρ value > 0.05, which means that there was no correlation between postpartum maternal nutrition to the culture of “tarak" . Some elements involved in the sociocultural according to Mubarak , et al ( 2012) among other things : knowledge , belief , art , morals , law , customs and abilities as well as custom made by the community . Knowledge has a profound influence on health. The theory is not in accordance with the results of this research , 65 % of respondents who follow the culture of " tarak " overall , 40 % have a good knowledge of postpartum maternal nutrition . Such conditions show that other elements , namely trust, tradition and habits Wonodadi community was very strong against the culture of " incontinence . Wonodadi public confidence towards “tarak “ culture strong need special attention . According Leinenger (1978 ) transcultural nursing is a nursing service berfocus on the behavior of individuals or groups , as well as the process to maintain or improve health behavior and the behavior of physical pain and psikokultural provided to clients in accordance with the cultural background ( Tommey and Alligood , 2006) . According to the research most of respondents who embrace the culture of “tarak " have a good level of knowledge about postpartum maternal nutrition , so that according to nursing theory transkultur cultural negotiation not only to individuals but also families who care for postpartum mothers . Negotiations 445 culture can be done by providing counseling to families or even society at large about the importance of postpartum maternal nutrition. Correlation Between Attitude In Meeting With Postpartum Maternal Nutrition Culture “Tarak” Based on Table 6 shows that the test results with rank Spearman ρ value < 0.05 , which means that there was a correlation between attitudes in meeting with a postpartum maternal nutrition culture " tarak " . According B.Karr Snehandu (1983 ) in Notoadmojo (2010 ) or the resultant behavior was the result of the stimulus ( external factors ) and response ( internal factors ) in the subject or The person who behaves . While culture was the behavior resulting from human perception . According to the theory lawrence Green in Notoatmojo (2010 ) said that behavior to own some of the factors that influence it , among others praktor predisposing factors that allow and amplifier factors . Predisposing Factor of behavior such as knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, beliefs , values , traditions and so on . The theory was in accordance with the results of this research , 65% of postpartum mothers who embrace the culture of " tarak " overall 38 % had a very bad attitude and 8 % had a bad attitude towards the fulfillment of postpartum maternal nutrition . Based on the results of the research 75 % had never received information about postpartum maternal nutrition. This is consistent with the theory that some of the factors that facilitate the occurrence of behavior was the facility in infrastructure or health behaviors. Therefore, the role of health personnel on duty at the health center Blitar Wonodadi very important to negotiate on the culture of “tarak " . It was also proven from the results of this research of 65 % of respondents who follow incontinence culture overall 40 % had good knowledge about nutrition postpartum mothers and 20 % of respondents have a good attitude towards the fulfillment of nutrition , but they still behave " tarak " . This was because the huge belief in the culture of “tarak“ in Wonodadi Blitar . Conclusions 1. There were no correlation between postpartum maternal nutrition to the culture of " tarak " postpartum mothers in Wonodadi Blitar 2. There were correlation between attitudes in meeting with a postpartum maternal nutrition culture " tarak " postpartum mothers in Wonodadi Blitar ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The instrument not yet passed by validity and reliabily test. We cannot control honesty of respondent because of researcher little interaction with them during resesearch and may they not yet belief with us. REFERENCE Azwar, saiffudin.2007. Sikap Manusia,teori dan pengukurannya. Yogyakarta.Pustaka pelajar Depkes RI. 2009.Pedoman Pelaksanaan Kelas Ibu Hamil. Jakarta. Dirjend Bina Kesehatan Masyarakat Manurung, Yunani Dewi. 2009. perawatan Post Partum Menurut Perspektif Budaya Jawa. Sumatera Utara. Universitas Sumatera Utara (skripsi) Mubarak, dkk. 2012. 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Buku Ajar Keperawatan Pediatrik Wong, Ed 6, Vol I.Alih Bahasa Agus Sutarna. Jakarta:EGC. 447 OVERVIEW OF FATIGUE IN CANCER PATIENTS WHICH UNDERGO CHEMOTHERAPY Ulfa Khusnul Fata Nursing Study Program of STIKes Patria Husada Blitar Jl. Sudanco Supriyadi 168 Blitar, Jawa Timur Email: Abstract One of the side effects of chemotherapy in cancer patients is fatigue. Fatigue is a feeling of tired, exhausted, or lack of energy that can that may take in several days, weeks, or months. The purpose of this study was to identify fatigue on cancer patients which undergo chemotherapy. The population of this study was adult cancer patients that undergoing chemotherapy in the Dharmais Cancer Hospital Jakarta. The research method was descriptive with a sample size of 95 respondents. The sampling technique used consecutive sampling. The data collection used questionnaires by respondents and accompanied by the researcher. The result of this study showed that 53 (55.8%) of respondents experienced mild fatigue, and 42 (44.2%) of respondents experienced severe fatigue. Fatigue in cancer patients undergo chemotherapy often causes by physical and psychological problems. The predisposing of fatigue in patients undergoes chemotherapy including cancer burden, treatments of cancer, nutritional problems, infections, and psychological factors including depression, anxiety, and stress. Therefore, identification of the causes of fatigue is needed to prevent more severe fatigue in cancer patients undergo chemotherapy. Keywords: cancer, chemotherapy, fatigue The experience of fatigue in 90% cancer patients at some point during the course of their illness and it has been noted to worsen when cancer treatment begins (Barnes & Bruera, 2002; Escalante et al., 2001; Yeşilbalkan, ȌU., Karadakovan, A., & Gőker, E., 2009). Diminished performance status and the presence of disease-related symptoms often cause fatigue before treatment with chemotherapy (Grant, Golant, Rivera, Dean, & Benjamin, 2000; Yeşilbalkan, ȌU., Karadakovan, A., & Gőker, E., 2009), but fatigue also can be worsened by pain, anemia, sleep disturbance, and nutritional, mood, and activity issues (National Comprehensive Cancer Network [NCCN], 2008; Yeşilbalkan, ȌU., Karadakovan, A., & Gőker, E., 2009). Patients who experience severe and persistent fatigue have a truly impaired quality of life, as this condition affects their social activities, leisure time, work and responsibilities (Romito et al. 2011). BACKGROUND Fatigue is a common symptom in patients with cancer (Piper et al. 1998 ; Yeşilbalkan, ȌU., Karadakovan, A., & Gőker, E., 2009). According to The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), Cancer Related Fatigue (CRF) is a “distressing persistent, subjective sense of tiredness or exhaustion related to cancer treatment that is not proportional to recent activity and that interferes with usual functioning” (Mock et al., 2007, p.1 ; Given, B., 2008). Compared with fatigue experienced by healthy individuals, cancer related fatigue is more severe, more distressing, and less likely to be relieved by sleep or rest (Kwak, SM., et al., 2011). The incidence of fatigue among patients with cancer is well-documented, with 75%-99% of patients who undergo chemotherapy describing it as increasing with every cycle (Nail & Jones, 2001 ; Kuchinski, AM., Reading, M., Lash, AA. 2009). 448 Factors contributing to fatigue are surgery, chemotherapy, pain, sleep disturbance, anemia, gastrointestinal disturbance, and emotional distress (Anderson, N.J., & Hacker, E.D, 2008). Fatigue has a significant impact on the overall quality of life. In the fatigue study, of the 419 patients with cancer who participate in a telephone interview, 78% experienced fatigue during the course of their treatment. Fatigue adversely affected patients in their daily lives more than did pain (61% vs 16%). The fatigue study involved a telephone survey of 379 patients with cancer who had previously received chemotherapy. Seventy-six percent of the patients reported experiencing significant fatigue at least a few days each month during their most recent chemotherapy cycle (Errihani, H, & Tazi, EM, 2011). Until now, overview of fatigue overview in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy still necessary to developed in Indonesia. Therefore, based on the description above, author interested in conducting research on the description of fatigue incancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. The general purpose of this study was to describe of fatigue in cancer patients undergo chemotherapy in inpatient unit and ambulatory short of care Dharmais Cancer Hospital Jakarta. Whereas the specific purposes of this research are: 1) indentifyng fatigue in cancer patients undergo chemotherapy, 2) identify the age, Hb, stage of cancer, types of chemotherapy, cycles of chemotherapy, sex, type of cancer, pain, sleep quality, nausea and vomiting, anxiety, depression, physical activity in cancer patients undergo chemotherapy. Schwartz Cancer Fatigue Scale which is a questionnaire to assess fatigue in cancer patients. Researchers identify potential respodents with medical records that are ajusted to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Then, the questionnaires filed out by respondents with assisted by researchers. Data analysis was to know the description of fatigue in cancer patients undergo chemotherapy. RESULT Table 1. Distribution of respondents by age and hemoglobin levels in the Dharmais Cancer Hospital, June 2013 (n = 95) Varia ble Mea n Medi an SD Age 45,5 4 46,0 0 10,1 02 10,8 81 10,6 00 1,37 98 Mi n– M ax 21 65 95% CI 43,4 8; 47,5 Hb 6.3 – 13, 8 10,5 99 ; 11,1 6 Table 1 describe the results of the analysis of the mean respondents age in this study was 45,54 ± 10,102 years (95% CI: 43,48 ; 47,49) with the age range of 21 – 65 years. While the average level of haemoglobin range of 6,3 g/dl -13,8 gr/dl. Table 2. Distribution of respondents by sex and types of cancer in the Dharmais Cancer Hospital, June 2013 (n = 95) Variable Frequency Percentage Gender Male 26 27,4 69 72,6 Female RESEARCH METHODS This study was descriptive. The sample was cancer patients undergo chemotherapy at the Dharmais Cancer Hospital Jakarta in 2013 and the number of sample was 95. The samplin methode used consecutive sampling with inclusion and exclusion criteria. Instruments used in this research was Questionnaire Revised Types of cancer Ca Mammae KNF LNH Ca Kolon 449 37 13 10 6 5 4 38,9 13,7 10,5 6,3 5,3 4,2 Variable Ca Ovarium Ca Cerviks Another Frequency 20 stadium 3 of 52 respondents (54.7%). The following analysis data result obtained types of chemotherapy combination of FAC as much as 29 respondents (30.5%), and nearly half undergo cycles of chemotherapy more than 4 reaching 28 respondents (29.5%). Table 4. Distribution of respondents by pain, sleep quality, nausea and vomiting in the Dharmais Cancer Hospital, June 2013 (n = 95) Variable Frequency Percentage Percentage 21,1 Table 2 describe the distribution of respondents were female as much as 69 respondents (72.6%), as well as the distribution of respondents by types of cancer is breast cancer by nearly half as much as 37 respondents (38.9%) Table 3. Distribution of respondents by stadium of cancer, types of chemotherapy, and cycles of chemotherapy in the Dharmais Cancer Hospital, June 2013 (n = 95) Frequenc Percentag Variable y e Stage of Cancer Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Types of chemoterapy FAC Cisplatin Paxus Lain-lain Cycles of chemotherap y Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Cycle > 4 2 27 52 14 2,2 28,4 54,7 14,7 29 12 4 50 30,5 12,6 4,2 52,6 9 13 27 18 28 9,5 13,7 28,4 18,9 29,5 Pain Nothing Mild Moderate Severe Sleep Quality Good Bad 13 29 45 8 13,7 30,5 47,4 8,4 17 78 17,9 82,1 11 11,6 Nause and 33 34,7 Vomiting Normal 37 38,9 Mild 11 11,6 Moderate 3 3,2 Severe Worse / Very severe Table 4 descibe the distribution of respondents by level of pain was obtained almost half of the respondents experienced moderate pain as much as 45 respondents (47.4%), and nearly all respondents are poor sleep quality as much as 78 respondents (82.1%). The frequency distribution by nausea and vomiting showed that nearly half of respondents had experienced nausea and vomiting in the category were as much as 37 respondents (38.9%). Table 5. Distribution of respondents by anxiety, depression, and physical activity in the Dharmais Cancer Hospital, June 2013 (n = 95) Variable Frequency Percentage Table 3 describe the distribution of respondents standium of cancer was 450 Variable Anxiety Normal Borderline Abnormal Depression Normal Borderline Abnormal Physical Activity Pasif Minimal active Active DISCUSSION Describe of Fatigue in Cancer Patients which Undergo Chemotherapy The research result showed that nearly half (44.2%) of respondents experienced severe fatigue. Fatigue is common symtom experienced by cacer patients and cancer survivor. Fatigue may be defined as a distressing, persistent, subjectives sense of tiredness or exhaustion related to cancer or cancer treatment that is not proportional to recent activity and interferes with usual functioning. Fatigue is multidimensional symtom because it ecompasses physical, mental, and emotional aspects. Patients can experience fatigue anywhere along the spectrum of cancer care (Escalante & Manzullo, 2009). Several factors play the occurence of fatigue, however, no specific pradictivefactors have been indentified in the literature. Age is consedired a predictive factor though the evidence is conflicting. Younger patients, les that 34 years do better that older patients. Similarly, men men over 75 years of age were found to experience 11 time more fatigue thant their younger counterparts (Narayan & Koshy, 2009). Frequency Percentage 34 35 26 35,8 36,8 27,4 59 20 16 62,1 21,1 16,8 33 42 20 21,1 44,2 34,7 Table 5 showed that almost half of respondents experienced a borderline anxiety as much as 35 respondents (36.8%), and almost were not experience depression as much as 59 respondents (62.1%). The frequency distribution of respondents by physical activity showed that nearly half of the respondents included in the category of activity minimal as much as 42 respondents (44.2%). The mean age of respondents was 45,54 years old with the age range 21-65 years. It was consistent the theory that older people had of higher of fatigue than younger. The age effect on the incidence of fatigue because the higher a peson‟s age, the ability to regenerate cells wil decrease. It was may lead to the incidence of fatigue in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. CONCLUSIONS 1. The result of the study showed that the mean age was 45,54 years old with the age range 21-65 years old. While the mean of heamoglobin level was 10.881 with the lowest value was 6.3 g/dl and the highest was 13.8 g/dl. 2. Overview the majority gander of respondens (72.6%) were women. The types of cancer was almost half of teh respondents (38.9%) were breast cancer, and the most (54.7%) Table 6. Distribution of respondents fatigue in the Dharmais Cancer Hospital, June 2013 (n = 95) Variable Frequency Percentage Fatigue Mild 53 55,8 fatigue 42 44,2 Severe fatigue Table 6 showed that almost half of the respondents experienced severe fatigue that was 42 respondents (44.2%). 451 were stage 3. The types of chemotherapy were received almost a half of respondent (30.5%) was a type of FAC chemotherapy combination. 3. Almost a half (44.2%) of respondents experinceing mild fatigue and almost a half (47.4%) of respondents had moderate pain. Sleep quality of respondent (38.9%) experienced mdoerate nausea and vomiting. REFFERENCES Anderson, N.J., & Hacker, E.D. (2008). Fatigue in Women Receiving Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for Ovarian Cancer: A Review of Contributing Factors. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 12(3), 445-454. doi: caac.20073 [pii]10.3322/caac.20073 [doi] Errihani, H, & Tazi, EM. (2011). Evaluation and Management of Fatigue in Oncology: A Multidimensional Approach. Indian Journal of Palliative Care / May-Aug 2011 / Vol-17 / Issue-2. Escalante, C.P., & Manzullo, P.J. (2001). Cancer-Related Fatgiue: The Approach and Treatment. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 24, 412416. Given, B. (2008). Cancer-Related Fatigue: A Brief Overview of Current Nursing Perspectives and Experiences. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing Volume 12 Number 5. Kuchinski, AA., Reading, M., & Lash, AA. (2009). Treatment-Related Fatigue and Exercise in Patients with Cancer: A Systematic Review. Medsurg Nursing. Vol. 18/No.3. Kwak, SM., et al. (2011). The relationship between interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-α, and Fatigue in terminally Ill Cancer Patients. Palliative Medicine 26(3) 275-282). Narayanan, V., & Koshy, C. (2009). Fatigue in cancer: A review of literature. Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 15(1), 19-25. Romito, et al. (2011). Is Cancer Related Fatigue more strongly correlated to haematological or to psychological Factors in cance patiens?. Support Care Cancer (2008) 16.943-946. Yeşilbalkan, ȌU., Karadakovan, A., & Gőker, E. (2009). The Effectiveness of Nursing Education as an Intervention to Decrease Fatigue in Turkish Patients Receiving Chemotherapy. Oncology Nursing Forum Vol. 36, No. 4. 452 IMPROVING NURSING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL BY USING REALIA AS THE MEDIA Wahyu Wibisono STIKes PATRIA HUSADA BLITAR Jln. Sudanco Supriyadi no.168 Blitar E-mail: Telp: 085649587182 ABSTRACT English become the most important things in facing the issue of ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY (AEC) especially in the health sector since english is one of the international language use in asean. So, preparing medical employees with English become a great issue to be solved. This study was intended to apply realia as the media to improve students speaking skill. The research design used in this study was collaborative Classroom Action Research. The collaboration was done with one English teacher of STIKes Patria Husada Blitar. This Classroom Action Research was implemented in one cycle only which involved four stages namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. To know how far the implementation of realia as the media in teaching writing were successful, the researcher gained the data in the form of students‟ involvement during teaching learning activity and speaking score in role play. To get those data, the researcher used several instruments; those were observation checklist, field notes. The finding of this study showed that by using realia as the media, the students could speak and communicate much better than before when they were taught by using other speaking instructions. In terms of the students‟ individual writing product, in preliminary study, the number of students who passed the minimum passing grade (64) was only 2 students (9.09%). On the other hand, in Cycle 1, all of the 22 students (100%) could pass the minimum passing grade (64). The improvement of students‟ writing skill was due to the use of realia as the media in teaching speaking which consisted of several activities for the students so that they were enthusiastic in joining the class. In addition, it was suggested for the lecturers and/ or teacher to apply and modify this technique in their classes. Keyword: realia, speaking skill 455 English become the most important things in facing the issue of ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY (AEC) especially in the health sector since english is one of the international language use in asean. So, preparing medical employees with English as early as possible will be a the best way to face the challenge. STIKes Patria Husada Blitar is a medical college located on Jln. Sudanco Supriyadi 168 Blitar. There are two departments in this college: the nursing department and the midwifery department. Based on the curriculum book of STIKes Patria Husada Blitar, English is a compulsory subject which should be taken by the students. This college provides English courses for the students which focus on the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) (Panduan Pendidikan Ners dan Bidan STIKes Patria Husada Blitar, 2011). This course focuses instruction on skills required to perform in an English-speaking academic context across core subject areas generally encountered in a university setting. In this EAP course, the students will be taught vocabulary, grammar, and also the four skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) of English, but the English will be tied up to meet the specific needs of the students, in this case is English for medical purposes. There are six English courses in the nursing department and one English course in the Midwifery Department (Panduan Pendidikan Ners dan Bidan STIKes Patria Husada Blitar, 2011). Based on the researcher‟s experience in dealing with the students in STIKes Patria Husada Blitar, the EFL students frequently get difficulties in English. Among those difficulties, speaking is considered to be difficult by the students. Based on the observation, the students had low motivation and were not interested in the class. They felt that speaking was a difficult activity. Moreover, the teaching learning process was still insufficient in the classroom. The first things which need to be solved was the teacher‟s technique in teaching writing because teacher played an important role in managing the class so that students would not get bored and also feel excited on having a writing class. Next, the condition of the teaching learning process in the class should be changed into more cooperative atmosphere between teacher and students and among students and not competitive atmosphere in order to create a conducive teaching learning process in speaking class. In this research, the researcher is interested in using realia as the media in teaching speaking since he considered that realia would be more effective than other previous techniques which had been used in speaking class. Realia is considered to be effective in teaching speaking of nursing students because the nursing students were often exposed to the real objects of medical instruments so that by using realia, it is expected that students‟ motivation in speaking will increase. Furthermore, they will also get benefit in writing and practicing, so that they will get both the speaking process and the practicing process. In this research, realia were used as the media in teaching speaking of procedure text. In order to increase the understanding the concept of realia, many experts have already made a definition of realia. Celce-Murcia & Hilles (1988) state that realia is objects of any origin used to illustrate vocabulary and structure in the L2. Furthermore, realia is concrete objects and the paraphernalia of everyday life (Zukowski-Faust, 1997). The examples of realia are objects such as coins, tools, and textiles that do not easily fit into the orderly categories of printed material. In education, realia are objects from real life used in classroom instruction, so by using realia students are exposed to the real objects. A realia gives students the opportunity to use all of their senses to learn about a given subject, and is appropriate for any grade or skill level. A realia provides language learners with multisensory impressions of the language which, as Rivers (1983) notes, is "learned 456 partly at least through seeing, hearing, touching, and manipulating" items. Interaction with authentic materials aids in contextually grounding instruction by bringing students into contact with language as it is used in the target culture in order to meet actual communication needs. The use of realia, then, can enhance linguistic and cultural comprehensibility, which are both prerequisites for real language learning. Realia has advantages and disadvantages. Jones (1994) explains the advantages of realia. First, realia which deals with real things with which one will interact in life is the best learning situation possible. Second, real objects are plentiful and available everywhere. Third, real items can be observed and handled, providing concrete learning experiences for the student. Fourth, dealing with realia motivates the learner. Fifth, realia can be used as part of the evaluation system. The last is realia learning can be extended through the use of displays. On the other hand, realia also has disadvantages. First, real things are not always readily available. Second, realia are not always practical for use in the classroom (size of a real object may be too large for instance a submarine or too small for instance a single human cell for classroom study). Realia such as live animals, certain electrical and mechanical equipment, etc., can represent potential hazards for the learner and the teacher. Real objects often are expensive. Realia need to maintain original structure (while some realia can be dismantled, many others cannot be, e.g., cutting open a person to see how the heart functions.). Third, affective learning is unpredictable through realia. Fourth, if left sitting around the classroom, realia can be a distraction. The last is storage and retrieval can create problems. The researcher decided to choose realia as the media in teaching writing because the nursing instruments were available and easy to be found in this college so that teacher and students were found any obstacles in finding and using the realia. METHOD The research is designed using classroom action research which is intended to solve a particular problem encountered by a teacher in the teaching and learning process, especially in the teaching speaking. According to Harmer (2001), action research is the name given to a series of procedures which is engaged by teachers to improve aspects of their teaching, and to evaluate the success and suitability of certain activities and procedures. Burns (1999) also states that a major focus of action research is on concrete and practical issues of immediate concern to particular social groups or communities. Based on the statements above, classroom action research is the research that is held by the teacher in the class and school where he/she teaches by improving the process and teaching practices. A classroom action research design is suitable as the research design in this study because the researcher is an English teacher who often finds some problems faced by the students in mastering the lessons. The students have difficulties in speaking. Moreover, the researcher tries to solve the problem. It is in line with the basic point of the classroom action research that is to propose a strategy, technique, or media in the teaching and learning process to overcome the students‟ problem in mastering a particular subject. In this research, the researcher proposes using realia as the media in teaching speaking. Realia is considered to be suitable in this research because realia has never been implemented as the media in teaching speaking in this college. The previous studies proposed by Darojat (2011) and Rokhmawati (2011) show that realia can improve students‟ writing skill. In conducting the research, the researcher worked collaboratively with one collaborator who was involved from the beginning up to the end of the process of the research activity in arranging the lesson plan, instructional material, teaching learning activities, the action, and evaluation. Before starting the 456 research activity, the researcher and the collaborator discussed all of the things related to the process in order to meet the same perception about the strategy being implemented, the procedure of the teaching and learning process being carried out, how to collect the data using the instruments, and how to score the students‟ test using the scoring rubric. In this research, the researcher acted as the practitioner who taught speaking by using realia, whereas the collaborator acted as the observer who observed the implementation of the action in the classroom. During the process of implementing the strategy, the collaborator observed the students‟ activities by using observation checklist and field notes. At the end of the teaching and learning process, the students were to make role play. After implementing the strategy, the teacher and the collaborator conducted reflection or discussion. In this session, the researcher and the collaborator analyzed the data from observation checklist, field notes, and the result of the test, in order to find out whether the criteria of success in use are achieved or not. Finally, the researcher and the collaborator drew the conclusion. Based on the conclusion, the researcher and the collaborator discussed and solved the problems continuously until they reach the standard. The original plan would be revised and would be changed into a new cycle until the criteria of success have been achieved. presenting the research findings in Cycle 1. FINDINGS The result of the research deals with how to improve the students‟ ability in speaking using realia as the media. It contains the research findings of the implementation of the classroom action research which cover the students‟ involvement during the implementation of the action and students‟ speaking ability, the results of the observation checklist, and the field notes. To know the students‟ problem in speaking, the data in preliminary study are provided before In relation to the students final scores in preliminary study, based on table 3.7, it could be seen that 11 students or more than a half students got E, 9 students got D, and 2 students got BC. The Students’ Speaking Score in the Preliminary Study All of the students score for each aspect in speaking could be seen in Table 3.6 below. In this table, no students were in the level of excellent. Most of the students‟ writing products on procedure text were in the level of fair. Table 3.6 The Level of Students ’ Speaking Score in all Aspects in Preliminary Study STUDENTS SPEAKING SCORE Level Pronu Grammar Vocab Fluency nciatio ulary n 0 Excellen 0 0 0 t 1 1 1 1 Very 3 4 3 6 good 12 16 17 12 Good 6 1 1 3 Fair Poor Total 22 22 22 22 In brief, the table 3.6 the level of students speaking score in each aspect could be seen in that the students‟ speaking score were mostly in the level of fair. Table 3.7 Students’ Final Score of Speaking in Preliminary Study Grade Score Number of studens A 84-100 0 AB 77-83 0 B 71-76 0 BC 64-70 2 C 56-63 0 D 41-55 9 E 0-40 11 Total 22 Moreover, after being analyzed, based on Table 3.7, the researcher found out that there were only 2 students who passed the passing grade BC (64); the rest of the students (20 students) did not pass the passing grade. The number of the students who passed and did not pass the 457 Comp rehen sion 0 1 4 15 2 22 Table 3.14 The Level of Students ’ Writing Score in all Aspects in Cycle 1 minimum passing grade could be seen in Table 3.8. STUDENTS WRITING SCORE Level Pronunc Gram iation mar 3 0 Excellent Very 14 10 good 4 12 Good 1 0 Fair 0 0 Poor 22 22 Total Table 3.8 Students’ Final Score of Procedure Text in Correlation with the Minimum Passing Grade in Preliminary Study Score >64 <64 Total Number of Students 2 20 22 Category Passed did not pass Vocab ulary 2 17 3 0 0 Fluency 22 2 16 4 0 0 Comprehen sion 0 3 19 0 0 22 22 In brief, the level of students speaking score in each aspect in Cycle 1 could be seen in table 3.14. In this table, the students had already made some improvement compared to the scores in preliminary study. It could be seen that the students‟ speaking score were increased, mostly in the level of very good. Table 3.15 Students’ Final Score of Procedure Text in Cycle 1 Grade A AB B BC C D E Figure 3.8 Percentages of Students Final Score in Preliminary Study In brief, it can be seen from the figure 3.8 showing the diagram of the percentage of students‟ final score in preliminary study. In this figure, it could be seen that 90,91% of the students did not pass the minimum passing grade of the score 64(BC), while only 9,09% of the students had passed the minimum passing grade of 64 (BC). Score 84-100 77-83 71-76 64-70 56-63 41-55 0-40 Total Number of Students 3 3 13 3 0 0 0 22 In relation to the students‟ final scores in Cycle 1, based on table 3.15, it could be seen that 3 students got score A, 3 students got AB, 13 students got B, and 3 students got BC. The diagram of this finding can be seen in Figure 3.15. The results of the research and development correspond to the research questions as mentioned in the following sections. Moreover, after being analyzed, based on table 3.15, the researcher found out that all of the students had already passed the passing grade BC (64). The number of the students who passed and did not pass the minimum passing grade could be seen in Table 3.16. The Result of Students’ Speaking Score on cycle 1 All of the students score for each aspect of the speaking could be seen in Table 3.14. In this table, the students‟ made some improvement compared to the scores in preliminary study. There was no student in the level of poor. Most of the students‟ speaking score were in the level of fair very good. Table 3.16 Students’ Final Score of Procedure Text in Correlation with the Minimum Passing Grade in Cycle 1 Score >64 <64 Total 458 Number of Students 22 0 22 Category Passed did not pass 6 In brief, it can be seen from the figure 3.16 showing the diagram of the percentage of students‟ final score in Cycle 1. In this figure, it could be seen that all of the students or 100% passed the minimum passing grade of the score 64(BC). Based on the result of the students‟ speaking score, there was a great improvement of the students‟ average score from the students on the preliminary study to the students‟ speaking score on the Cycle 1. The average score on the preliminary study was 44,3 and the average score of the students‟ on the first cycle was 76,3. It means that there was a 32 point of average score improvement. In the preliminary study, there were only 2 students who achieved the score above the criteria of success. Meanwhile, in the Cycle 1, all of the students had already passed the minimum score of the criteria of success that is 64 or BC. For detailed information about the improvement of the students‟ score in Cycle 1 compared to the score in the preliminary study can be seen in Table 3.1 4 5 68 96 - - 64 64 - - 2 22 9,09% 100% 90,91 % 0 0% Table 3.18 The Students’ Improvement in each Aspect of Writing Stage Preliminary Study Cycle 2 Aspect Writing of Content Organization Vocabulary Grammar Mechanics Table 3.17 The Students’ Speaking Improvement in Cycle 1. N Preliminary Cycl Percentage PreAspects o Study e1 Cycle 1 Study 1 Average 44,3 76,3 Score 2 Min Score 33 69 Max Score Criteria of Success Achieving Criteria of Success 20 Based on the students‟ scores on table 3.17, it can be concluded that the implementation of the process writing approach in the Cycle 1 met the criteria of success. The average score was 76.3. There were no students who got score under 64. The lowest score in the first cycle were BC which were acquired by 3 students, 13 students got score B, 3 students got score AB, and 3 students got score A. The student‟s lowest score was 69 and the highest students‟ score was 96. The data above showed that the students‟ achievement in their speaking had achieved the criteria of success. There was also an improvement in terms of the aspect of speaking. For detailed information about the students‟ improvement in speaking of each aspect can be seen in Table 3.18. Figure 3.16 Percentages of Students Final Score in Cycle 1 3 Not Achieving Criteria of Success 459 Mean Min Score Max Scor e Mean Min Score Max Score 2,11 2,34 2.20 2.25 2.23 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 4 3 4 4 4 3,89 4 4 3,68 3,14 2,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3 5 5 5 4,5 4 Based on the score of the students‟ final score in Cycle 1, it can be concluded that the implementation of the strategy on the first cycle had met the criteria of success. The average score of the Cycle 1 was 76,63. In addition, all of the students or 100% of the students had reached the criteria of success. DISCUSSIONS The realia were designed to achieve the objective of teaching speaking. The objective was that the students were able to make a droleplay based on the realia used. In this case, realia was very useful because it helped the students to arrange the sequence of steps on how to use/operate something into correct order. It was confirmed by many experts, for instances, Doff (1995) states that the use of real conditions using the target language items helps the students absorb the point faster and memorize them longer. Meanwhile Kreidler (1971) mentioned that realia can be used to teach fast drill of the tenses. In this activity, medical instruments are excellent aid. To help the students practice with imperative sentence, the using of medical instruments can help a lot rather than just teach them theoretically. Furthermore, Celce-Murcia and Hilles (1998) also suggested that realia can be used in conjunction with storytelling and role play techniques to contextualize the grammar lesson, as well as facilitate memory and learning. Moreover, Soames (2008) mentioned some advantages of the implementation of realia. First, using realia stimulates the mind, and is one way of encouraging creativity by involving the senses. Second, realia saves time, as recognition of an object is immediate and so cuts out the need for lengthy explanations and drawing funny pictures on the board. Third, bringing realia into the class is a great icebreaker, and serves as a useful tool to prompt conservation. Forth, using realia will generate interest and help create an atmosphere conducive to learning. The last, realia breathes life into new vocabulary, and the chances of the students remembering the new words. The teaching of speaking consisted of pre, whilst, and post activities. In the pre speaking stage, the researcher activated the students‟ background knowledge by using brainstorming. Brainstorming activity helps the students to collect ideas, viewpoints, or ideas related to the topic being discussed. This was in line with Raimes (1983) who states that brainstorming is an activity to produce words, phrases, ideas as rapidly as possible without concerning for appropriateness, order or accuracy. In this part, the teacher asked the students to mention medical instruments they usually used in nursing standard operating procedure. This activity is essential to promote creativity and tolerate for collecting many possible answers. After the students were familiar with some medical instruments, the teacher decided to continue to the next activity. The teacher asked some questions to the students related to the terms of the part of the medical instruments used in nursing standard operating procedure. It was proposed to make the students familiar with the vocabulary and give chance for the students who have known the terms before to share the information with other friends. After that, the teacher presented the model of speaking of nursing SOP. It was about the procedure of “how to check blood pressure”. The teacher explained the model of nursing SOP so that the students understand it. By presenting a model, the students could understand the form of writing they were supposed to speak. Brown (2001) stated that by reading and studying a variety of relevant types of text, students can gain information insight both about how they should write and about subject matter that they may become the topic of their writing. This finding is parallel with the idea stated by Eanes (1997) that the activities or strategies in the prewriting stages should help students to develop their background knowledge and organize thoughts. The teacher and the students discussed the model together. Through the discussion, the students could comprehend the how to speak and what to speak. However, the teacher should give guidance by asking some questions so that the students had good understanding of the model. Therefore, presenting the model becomes an effective way to facilitate the students to transfer their ideas. The next activity was group task. In this action, the teacher asked the students to make a group of four. Their task was; first, observe/practice with the realia in term on how to operate the realia. Second, make a draft about procedure 460 Realia to Improve Students‟ Speaking Ability in Procedure Text”. In this research, the researcher used realia to improve students‟ speaking ability, because realia is real object that can be used as a medium in teaching learning process and most of students are interested in it. In this research, the researcher used many kinds of realia. In the first cycle, the researcher used candles, bar of match and candle holder. Then, in the second cycle, she used a water faucet, a soap, and a towel. In third cycle, she used pencils and sharpener. The result of research shows that realia used in teaching speaking procedure text with the ninth grade of students MTs Mathalibul Huda Jepara in The Academic Year of 2010/2011 can improve students‟ speaking ability. In terms of the realia being used, there was a difference between this study and another previous study. Both previous research by Darojat (2011) and by Rokhmawati (2011) took the MTs N students as the object of the study, while in this research, the researcher will take the fifth semester students of nursing department. Rokhmawati (2011) used household appliances and stationary such as candles, match, candle holder, water faucet, soap, towel, pencils and sharpener, while in this research the researcher used the medical equipment which is used in the nursing Standard Operating Procedure such as thermometer, stethoscope, sphygmomanometer, etc because nursing students are expected to be able to use those kind of tools in their profession. To know whether the teaching and learning process had achieved the objectives or not, it was necessary to conduct evaluation. The result of the evaluation should be led to the improvement on students‟ speaking score. In this study, there was a significant improvement on students‟ speaking skill compared to the teaching and learning process of speaking before applying realia as media. The result of the analysis on the students‟ final product on speaking showed that the students‟ skill in speaking paragraph on how to operate the realia. Then, they exchange their draft to other group. After that, they did peer revising. The students should give comments or suggestions to their friends‟ draft. It was intended to train the students in giving feedback to their friends‟ draft for correctness in term of content, organization, and grammar. Brown (2001) states “peer editing is a true sharing process”. Through this strategy, the students learn to be better writers and better readers. Besides, it enabled them to have close relationship with each other. However, the teacher should give intensive guidance. The fact showed that some of the students reluctant to ask for the teacher‟s help though they found difficulties in accomplishing the task. So, the teacher should proactively help the students without waiting for the students to raise questions. After getting the feedback from their friends and the teacher, the next stage was rewriting. In this stage, the students revises their draft based on their friends‟ and the teacher‟s feedback. The last stage was the postspeaking activity. In this stage, the students were given a chance to make a role play. The role play activities could be done by asking the students to present role play in front of the class Referring to the previous relevant studies in the use of realia to improve students‟ English skill, the finding of this study showed the same result as Darojat (2011). He implemented realia to teach writing procedure texts. The results of the study revealed that the implementation of realia as media to teach writing procedure texts is effective in improving the students' writing ability of the ninth grade students of MTs N Liwa in writing procedure texts. Besides, the results of the study showed that the students were enthusiastic, motivated, and actively involved in teaching and learning process using realia as media in the teaching and learning process. Another research that supports realia is effective to be used in language teaching was done by Rokhmawati (2011) entitled “The Use of 461 had improved significantly from preliminary to cycle 1. Before the action was implemented, the mean score of students was D or 44.3. After the strategy had been implemented, the mean score of the first Cycle 1 became B or 76.3. the problem faced by the students in a certain class and certain topic. This study focused on the effort to improve the students‟ ability in speaking in term of on how to do something/how to operate some modern appliances. As the result, it had been successful. Based on the research findings, some suggestions, particularly for the teachers and/or lecturers who want to apply this approach in their speaking classes, and for the next researchers who want to conduct similar study, are proposed to improve the quality of the teaching and learning process in the future. Firstly, the result of the research will be advantageous for STIKes Patria Husada Blitar. As has been discussed previously, this study provides an alternative approach in teaching and learning writing that can be used for the lecturers in solving their students‟ problem in speaking. However, the lecturers should be more aware in the time management, particularly in handling students-teacher conference otherwise it would spend much time. To make the time effective, it would be much better if the lecturers could manage the meetings less than five meetings. Additionally, since the students are not accustomed to be actively involved in the class activities, the lecturers should give activities that can stimulate students‟ cooperativeness and activity. Secondly, based on the effectiveness of the implementation of realia as a media to teach speaking, it is suggested that the English teachers implement the strategy as an alternative strategy in English instruction and create the students-centered instruction. In addition, in applying this strategy, the teacher should be active in monitoring the students and proactively give effective guidance to the students. Furthermore, the teacher should be creative in the teaching and learning process so that the students will never feel bored. Furthermore, in implementing the strategy, the teachers should be aware of the following considerations. First, the teacher should clarify their instructions and explanations CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION This chapter presents the conclusion and the suggestion in reference to the research finding and discussions presented in the previous chapter. The conclusion deals with the students‟ improvement in speaking and the using of realia as the media in teaching and learning process of speaking. In addition, the suggestions are directed to English teachers and further researchers who want to continue to do research in the same field in the future. Conclusion Referring to the findings of this study, realia can be an effective media in the teaching of speaking. The realia can improve the students‟ ability in speaking and the students‟ involvement in the teaching and learning process. In this study, the students‟ speaking scores was significantly improved in Cycle 1 compared with those in Preliminary study. The number the students who got score above 64 (BC) as the minimum passing grade set by the researcher was also improved from the Preliminary study to Cycle 1. The data showed that the students‟ participation in Cycle 1 is categorized as very good because most of the students involved actively in the teaching and learning process. Most of the students participated actively in the teaching and learning process, such as: paying attention to the teacher‟s explanation, answering the teacher‟s question, making a group, making a draft, giving comments to their friends‟ draft, revising draft, and making a role play. Suggestion This study proposed realia as media to improve the students‟ ability in speaking. It was conducted to overcome 462 more and more since it is still hard for non English students to understand instructions in English. Second, during the process, it is better for the teacher to use modeling for providing examples of how the students should speak, and pronounce. Third, the teacher should give intensive guidance to the students in each stage of the speaking process when the students do the task. The last, there must be a sufficient number of dictionary in the class in order to help the students find the appropriate words that they used in their speaking. It is a must because inability of the students to organize the ideas was mainly caused by the insufficient vocabulary they already mastered. Finally, further researchers who are interested in the same field of the study, it is suggested that they apply this strategy. They can propose realia as media to help the students learn how to describe something/someone. Besides they can investigate the research about the effectiveness of realia in the teaching of vocabulary REFERENCES Celce-Murcia, M. & Hilles, S. 1998. Techniques and Resources in Teaching Grammar. Hongkong: Oxford University Press Darojat, Muhammad. 2011. Using Realia to Improve the Ability of the Ninth Graders of MTs N Liwa Lampung Barat in Writing Procedure Texts. Unpublished S2 Thesis. Malang: Graduate Program State University of Malang. Jones, Anthony S.D.,& The Black River Group. 1994. The Expert Educator. Fond du Lac WI: Three Blue Herons Pub Rivers, W. 1981. Teaching Foreign Language Skills. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press Tim Penyusun Kurikulum STIKes Patria Husada. 2011. Panduan Pendidikan Ners dan Bidan STIKes Patria Husada Blitar. Blitar: STIKes Patria Husada Zukowski-Faust. 1997. What is meant by Realia? Arizona: AZ-TESOL Newsletter 463 THE CORRELATION OF FINANCIAL MODELS AND MEDICINE ADHERENCE IN PATIENTS WITH DIABETES MELLITUS INATALATION OF OUTPATIENT AT RSUD NGUDI WALUYO WLINGI Yeni Kartika Sari, Nanang Yudhi Prasetyo, Wiwin Martiningsih STIKes Patria Husada Blitar Abstract Medication adherence in patients with Diabetes Mellitus is important in achieving treatment goals and effective in preventing some of the complications of Diabetes Mellitus. Patients with chronical diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus whose treatment requires a long time even a lifetime to note about the social economy, especially how patients pay for treatment. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between financial models and medicine adherence in patients with diabetes mellitus of Outpatient in RSUD Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi.This study was a type of nonexperimental research design and analysis of cross sectional. This study was conducted in 68 patients with Tipe 2 Diabetes Mellitus at Outpatient RSUD Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi, in Nopember 2014, the samples were taken by accidental sampling technique. The correlation score of medication adherence with financial models was analized using Spearman Rank test. It was found that there were correlation between financial models and medicine adherence in patients with diabetes mellitus by p value 0,000. It was important to improve health education about medicine adherence and how to acces financing to support their treatments. Key words: medicine adherence, financial models diabetes. The number of diabetics in urban areas of Indonesia in 2003 was 8.2 million people. While 5.5 million people in rural areas. It is estimated that 1 of 8 people in Jakarta have diabetes. The high count of patients in urban areas is partly due to lifestyle (Prapti Utami, 2009). Based on data obtained in Outpatient of Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi hospital that the average patient visits during 2009 was 259, in 2010 the average patient visit was 278, in 2011 the average patient visit was 300 and in 2012 the average patient visit was 295. Then in 2013, 33 visit patient was new patient and 311 visit patient was the old patients. In 2014 Introduction Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by high blood sugar levels. Basically, this is because the body lacks insulin substance produced by the pancreatic gland. Disadvantages here could be the lacking amount of insulin that, or the insulin is quite but it works less well. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic degenerative disease / not curable but blood sugar levels can be stabilized to normal (Sukarjdi, 2009). According to WHO Indonesia ranks fourth largest number of diabetics in the world. In 2000 there were approximately 5.6 million people in Indonesia who have 462 until September, the average patient visits were 354. It is estimated that there are still many people (about 50%) who have not been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus in Indonesia witch was only two-thirds of diagnosed people who have undergoing treatment, both non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic. From the undergoing such treatment is only one-third are well-controlled (PERKENI 2011 ). Whereas patients with diabetes mellitus if it does not receive appropriate treatment will have a negative impact on the patient's own form of occurrence of various complications. Which it will further increase the burden of medical expenses that should be covered by the patient. Based on this condition, noncompliance of diabetes mellitus patients maybe due to socioeconomic related factors. In patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus whose treatment requires a long time and even a lifetime must note about the social economy, especially how to finance patient treatment. If the patient is in lower economic level or do not know about the existence of the system of financial model dedicated to him, the patient will tend to disobey in the treatment. Based on research of Isa and Baiyewu in Ramdani, 2012, showed that lower quality of life in patients type 2 diabetes is influenced bybsocio-economic factors that is associated with financial problems or financial availability to support their The lower treatment. of socioeconomic status is also associated with poor adherence in patients with diabetes mellitus (Faradhilah, 2014). Medication adherence in patients with Diabetes Mellitus is important in achieving treatment goals and effective in preventing some of the complications of Diabetes Mellitus. Patients with chronical diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus whose treatment requires a long time even a lifetime to note about the social economy, especially how patients pay for treatment, (Putri, 2008). Various studies have shown that generally patient compliance in the treatment of chronic diseases is low. The research involving outpatients showed that more than 70% of patients do not take medication according to the right dose (Basuki, 2009). According to a WHO report in 2003, the average compliance of patients on long-term therapy for chronic disease in developed countries is only 50%, whereas in developing countries, the number is even lower (Asti, 2006). From the analysis of some of the opinions of experts known that medicine adherence is influenced by many factors. These factors include economic factors. Estimates that there are states that 20% of hospitalization as a result of noncompliance of patients to treatment (Sarafino, 2013) There were various financial models at Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi hospitasl such as general financial, BPJS and Jamkesda. Based on observation there, the 80% of 354 visit of diabetes mellitus patient to September choosen BPJS as financial models and a lot of patients who used a general financial and 463 Jamkesda moved to BPJS financial models. analyzed by Spearman rank test with significance level ≤ 0.05 Based on the above description of the importance of sustainable financial models to support the treatment of patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, the researchers were interested to know the correlation of Financial Models and Medicine Adherence in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Inatalation in Outpatient at RSUD Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi. Result and Analysis The Gender of Respondents Table 1 The Distribution of Respondent‟s Gender In Outpatient of Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi Hospital, November 2014 Gender Male Female Total The general purpose of this research was to explain the correlation between Financial Models and Medicine Adherence in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Inatalation in Outpatient at RSUD Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi While the specific purposes of this study were: 1) Describe the financial model of diabetes mellitus patient in Outpatient of Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi hospital. 2) Describe the medicine adherence of diabetes mellitus patients in Outpatient of Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi hospital. 3) Analyze the relationship between financial models and medicine adherence in patients with diabetes mellitus inatalation in Outpatient at RSUD Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi. Amount 25 43 68 Procentage 37% 63% 100% The Employment of Respondents Table 2 The Distribution of Respondent‟s Employment In Outpatient of Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi Hospital, November 2014 Employment House wife Private Job Farmer Pentionary Teacher Government emp Total Jumlah 19 15 7 23 3 1 Prosentase 27,9% 22,1% 10,3% 33,8% 4,4% 1,5% 68 100% The Education Of Respondents Table 3 The Distribution of Respondent‟s Education in In Outpatient of Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi Hospital, November 2014 Method This research was non-experimental research with cross sectional method. The sample in this research was 68 people who suffer from diabetes mellitus who visited the Outpatient of Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi hospital with accidental sampling technique The independent variable of this research was financial model while the dependent variable was the medicine adherence. The data were Education Elementary Junior High Senior High Diploma/ bachelor Total 464 Amount 21 18 17 12 Procentage 30,9% 26,5% 25% 17,6% 68 100% happens because the ongoing financing needed when the level of compliance to be achieved successful therapy with either (WHO 2003), in which the BPJS patient is no guarantee continued their threatment. While on public patients there was a possibility of high socio-economic status so that they could pay for their treatment, because the sustainable financing needed if the level of medicine adherence to be achieved works so well (WHO, 2003). From the results of the research obtained from the data that there were 22 people who have a moderate level of compliance in which 13 people were patient with public financial models. In addition to socio-economic factors that could affect adherence, the majority of respondents (8 people) answered yes when asked if they feel that therapy was complicated, this means that factors associated therapies such as the duration, the treatment regimen, previous treatment failures , changes of treatment, the unfavorable effects of the drug, side effects, and the availability of medical support to deal with them was a prominent factor in influencing medicine adherence (Takiya et al, 2004). While in the BPJS financial model there were 9 people with moderate adherence and the majority of respondents (4) have the same answer with 8 respondents of public financial models. The result also showed that there were 6 people have low adherence level and most of them (4 patient) are public financial models that were commonly influenced by socioeconomic factors which socioeconomic status were low also associated with poor adherence in patients diabetes mellitus Cross-tabulation financial model with medication adherence of Diabetes mellitus patients Table 4 Cross Tabulation Financial Model with medicine adherence of Diabetes mellitus patientsIn Outpatient of Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi Hospital, November 2014 Financial Model BPJS General Spearman Rank Medication Adherence High 37 3 0,000 Moderate Low 9 2 13 4 The above table shows that there was a correlation between financial model with medicine adherence in diabetes mellitus patients, with the results of analysis using SPSS 16 software with Spearman Rank test P value of 0.000 was obtained, and in this case of course P value less than 0.05. Discussion Based on the research results could be obtained that the majority of respondents, 40 people have a high compliance rate (58.8%), 22 with moderate compliance rate (32.4%), six people had a low compliance rate (8.8%). It could be obtained from the study also that patients with diabetes mellitus using BPJS were 48 people (71%), and patients who use public financing were 20 people (29%). The 40 people who have a high density of as many as 37 people (92.5%) were respondents who use BPJS financial model, while 3 people (7.5%) are respondents who use public financial model. This 465 (Faradhilah, 2014). Whereas in BPJS patients there are 2 people who have low level of adherence in which the majority of them answered yes when asked if they sometimes forgets to take medication. It was appropriate with that some of the factors related to clients adherence affected factors was reportedly forgetfulness (WHO, 2003), besides of course also due to the lack of motivation of the client to perform the treatment, as well as the level of education of the patients were low (elementary shool), considering education can affect the level of patients' knowledge about the importance of regularity of taking the drug, it was appropriate because education were a process of changing attitudes and code of conduct of a person or group and also mature human effort through the efforts of the teaching and training (Meliono Irmayanti, 2007). From the results of this study showed that BPJS patients have a high compliance rate of more than patients who used public financial model in which of the 48 respondents who used as 37 respondents (77.1%) have a high compliance rate. While in public financial model patients from 20 respondents there were 3 respondents (15%) had a high compliance rate. This condition occurs because BPJS patients had availability of financing for access to treatment, while the public financial model patient not necessarily guarantee the availability of financing because it depend on the social economic status. At the level of moderate compliance there were more BPJS patient than public client that was 13 respondents (65%) and in BPJS patients from 48 respondents have 9 respondents (18.75%) with high levels of complianc. It was a fact that there were other factors that affect adherence in this case that were relevant with therapy factor. At the low level of medicine adherence the amount of public patient are more than BPJS patient where from 6 low adherence respondents, 4 of them were public financial models, this condition could be happens because in public patients not necessarily guarantee the availability of sufficient financial access to treatment, while BPJS patients have other factors affecting adherence that were factors related to the client them self. Conclusion There were correlation between model of financial model with medicine adherence in diabetes patients in Outpatient of Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi Hospital with α significance value of 0.000. Acknowledgement Among patients with a number of public financial and BPJS patients in this study is not the same REFFERENCES Asti, Tri. 2006. Kepatuhan Pasien : Faktor Penting dalam Keberhasilan Terapi. Info POM, Vol. 7, No. 5, diakses Januari 2011 dari ( /Koleksi/Buletin%20Info%20P OM/0506.pdf) Basuki, Endang. 2009. Penatalaksanaan diabetes mellitus terpadu. Jakarta: Balai Penerbit FKUI. Irmayanti, Meliono, dkk. 2007. MPKT Modul 1. Jakarta: Lembaga Penerbitan FEUI. 466 PERKENI, 2011.Konsensus Pengelolaan Dan Pencegahan Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 Di Indonesia Putri, 2008, Analisis Efektivitas Biaya Penggunaan Antidiabetik Kombinasi pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 Rawat Jalan Di RSU Pandan Arang Boyolali. Skripsi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Surakarta, tidak dipublikasikan Ramdani, Deri. 2012. Gambaran Kualitas Hidup Berdasarkan Karakteristik Pasien DM Tipe2 Di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Hasan Sadikin. ( ab 1 pendahuluan). Di akses tanggal 9-10-2014 Ramdani, Deri. 2012. Manajemen Berkas Dan Isi Rekam Medis. (http://www.academia.edu3275 264./Management Berkas dan Isi Rekam Medis). Di akses tanggal 10-10-2014 Sukardji, Kartini. 2009. Penatalaksanaan diabetes mellitus terpadu. Jakarta : FKUI Surya, Faradhilah Adi. 2014. Hubungan Tingkat Kepatuhan Minum Obat Penderita DM Tipe2 Terhadap Kadar Hba1c.( doc/234158166/HubunganTingkat-Kepatuhan-MinumObat-Penderita-DM-Tipe 2Terhadap-Kadar-Hba1cSkripsi). Di akses tanggal 1010-2014 Sarafino, E.P. 2013.Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interaction, Second Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Soegondo, Sidartawan. 2009. Hidup secara mandiri dengan Diabetes mellitus, kencing manis, sakit gula. Jakarta : Penerbit FKUI. Takiya, 2004. Meta-analysis of interventions for medication adherence to antihypertensives. Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 38(10), 1617-1624. ( 8/10/1617.full)diakses 18 september 2014. Utami, Prapti.2009.Solusi Sehat Mengatasi Diabetes.Jakarta:Agromedia Pustaka. WHO, 2003. Adherence to Long Term Therapies Evidence for Action. (Online) ( docs/en/d/Js4883e/) diakses 7 oktober 2014 467 THE EFFECT OF CONSUMING WATERMELON RIND EXTRACT (CITRULLUS LANATUS) TOWARD THE DECREASING OF BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS ON DIABETES MELLITUS PATIENTS IN WERU - PACIRAN - LAMONGAN Arifal Aris, S.Kep, Ns, M.Kes. Nursing Program of STIKES Muhammadiyah Lamongan ABSTRACT Diabetic is a cronic disease that characterized by hyperglycemic. This disease is a problem that often occurs in the society, with their high blood sugar levels. One way to control blood sugar levels is by pharmacological and non-pharmacological. One of the ways is using the essence of watermelon rind juice/extract (Citrullus Lanatus), because rind extract of watermelon contains citrulline that produces nitric oxide, which nitric oxide is capable of lowering blood glucose. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of watermelon rind extract (Citrullus Lanatus) toward the decreasing of sugar levels of diabetic patients in Weru, Paciran, Lamongan. The method used in this research is quasy eksperimental using pre test and post test design. Population in this research is all diabetic patients in Togosadang Health Center, Weru, Paciran, Lamongan at October. The population is 31 patients with the sample is 28 patients. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. The instrument is Glukotest. The method to analyze the data is using paired t-test with α = 0,005. The result of this research is that the patients in treatment group given watermelon rind extract get decreasing in their blood sugar levels attaining 10 of them(71,4%) anf they who get increasing in ther blood sugar levels reaching 4 of them (28,6%). But in the control groups not given watermelon rind extract do not get decreasing on their blood sugar levels, none of them (100%). It measured using paired t tets α 0,05 with significan 0,000 (p < 0,05). From this result, we can conclude that there is effect of consuming watermelon rind extract to the diabetic patients in Weru to decrease their blood sugar levels.. Based on the result of this research, it can be concluded that to control blood sugar levels is by combining pharmacology medicine with herbal medicines, one of the ways is by using watermelon rind extract (Citrullus lanatus). Key words: watermelon rind extract (citrulus lanatus), blood sugar levels, diabetic. diabetics in the world currently reached 200 million and is estimated to increase more than 330 million in 2025. The reasons for this increasing are the raising of life expectancy and doubled high population growth with increased rates of obesity linked with urbanization and dependence on processed foods. In the United States, 18.2 million people with diabetes (6.3% of the population), almost one-third of them are unaware that they have that illness. (Corwin, 2009) 1. INTRODUCTION Diabetes is derived from Greek word which means 'drain or divert' (siphon). Mellitus from Latin word which means sweet or honey. Diabetes mellitus (diabetic) can be defined as an individual that drains much urine volume with high glucose level. Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by hyperglycemia with the lack of absolute insulin or the decreasing in the relative insensitivity of cells to insulin. Based on the current epidemiological evidence, the number of 469 Diabetes mellitus is a disease that is not contagious which its‟ pravelence increases from year to year. Diabetes mellitus often referred to as 'The Great imitator', because this disease contaminates all organs of the body and causes many complaints. The symptoms vary widely and can occur gradually, so the patient will not aware of the changes such as they drink more often, urinate frequently or even lose their weight. (Andi D, P, 2007) According to data of the Health Ministry in 2008, there were 5.7% of Indonesia's population (about 12 million people) suffer from diabetes mellitus and 11% of that amount is a group of prediabetes. In the projection of 2030, it is estimated that the number will rise into more than 21 million people (Hidayati, 2009). Likewise, people with diabetes mellitus in the Surabaya also continues to rise, it can be said that the diabetic currently reaches 180,000 people, 6% of society on that region, while in Lamongan about 200,000 or 12% of the population allegedly affected by diabetes mellitus (Nur and Ayi 2008). Based on the data obtained from Puskesmas Tlogosadang Paciran, it is found 360 people who have tested their blood sugar levels in January to September 2014, 212 of them (58.84%) have a normal blood sugar levels and 148 of them (41.16%) have abnormal blood sugar levels. Based on the initial survey conducted in September 2014 in Weru Paciran, it got 10 people suffering from diabetes mellitus, 7 of them or 70% with a high blood sugar levels. Of all the people to be sampled for this survey, 10 people did not do additional therapies or alternative treatments for lowering their blood sugar levels. From these data it can be concluded that the problem of blood sugar levels of diabetic is still high or can not be controlled. There are some factors that could affect the success in controlling blood sugar levels are diet, stress, drugs, environment, sports, elucidation about diabetes mellitus and the role of the family in motivating them and supervising their diet. Diabetes mellitus is already known widely as a disease characterized by the increasing of blood sugar levels, and can occur because of hereditary factors. Therefore, the treatment of diabetes should be conducted as early as possible, in order to prevent the occurrence of various complications. The treatment of diabetes can be with chemical drugs or with natural drugs. To avoid the consequences of the use of diabetes medications that can harm health if consumed in a long term that can cause undesirable adverse effects on health is by controlling blood sugar levels. To control the blood sugar levels is by combining pharmacology drugs and herbal medicines. One of the ways is to eat watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), especially its‟ rind (the white one), the process is simple and has no side effects that is safe to eat for health. Watermelon is a plant of tropical and subtropical Afrika. Gurun Kalahari is the central of its divergence. Recently, this plant has grown rapidly in many other countries such as China and the United States. Watermelon is a crop that grows vine and require sunlight. Watermelon is favored by many people from infants to adults, because this fruit is really sweet and its color is red or yellow that is quite tempting to make everyone who see it keen to savor. Watermelon contains a lot of water which is about 92% of its containt so it will taste delicious when it is consumed by the time we feel thirsty. Unripe watermelon can be used as a vegetable in making food. While the watermelon rind can be used as raw material for making candied or pickled while the seeds are used to make kwaci. (Khomsan, 2009). In Indonesia, watermelon‟s seeds are commonly consumed as snack and known as kwaci. The fruit is eaten as a dessert or dishes laid outon the table. Mozambik of watermelon is further processed, for example, a traditional alcoholic beverage made of its extract. 470 Some people use this plant and its fruit for animal feed, even just a few that do that. One respondent showed that the consumption of watermelon is able to be used as a medicinal treatment. In his watermelon‟s leaves opinion, maceration is able to cure earache, while the flesh is able to cleanse the bowels and has the effect of watermelon afrodifiak. Kind of watermelon in this research is varied consisting white, yellow, and red flesh watermelon. In his research, Sugiyanta expect that the watermelon rind contains citrulline producing nitric oksida. Nitrad oxide is capable of lowering blood glucose and triglyceride mice with diabetic. Researcher explained that citrulline is useful for nitrad oxide systems of human that has a high potential as an antioxidant and vasodilation and dilating blood vessels to increase blood flow to the tissues that need it. (Trufus, 2013). From the description above, one of the ways to control blood sugar levels is by combining pharmacology medicine with herbal medicines, one of which is by consuming watermelon rind (Citrullus lanatus). The researcher is interested in examining the effect of watermelon rind to decrease blood sugar levels of diabetic patient in Weru, Paciran, Lamongan. Table 1 The distribution of respondents characterized by gender in the treatment group. Table 1 shows that nearly all respondents with diabetes mellitus in treatment group are women with the amount of 12 respondents (85.7%). The (14.3%) is male with the amount of 2 respondents. (2) Characteristics by gender in the control group. Tabel 2 The distribution of respondents based on gender in the control group. Table 2 shows that the majority of respondents with diabetes mellitus in control group are female with the amount of 9 respondents (64.3%), and the reaming is male (35.7%) with the amount of 5 respondents. 2. RESEARCH METHOD The design of this study uses Quasy Experimental using Pre-Test and PostTest Design. The population of this study is all diabetes patients in Weru who come to Puskesmas Tlogosadang, Paciran, Lamongan in October. The amount of the population is 31 people. The sample of this study is 28 people taken using simple random sampling. The instrument used is Glukotest. 2) haracteristics based on Age (1) Characteristics treatment group. by age in the Table 3 The distribution of respondents by age in the treatment group 3. RESULT General Data 1) The characteristics based on Gender. (1) Characteristics by gender in the treatment group 471 respondents ger rising on their blood sugar levels (28, 5%). 2) Blood sugar levels In the control group. Tabel 6 The distribution of blood sugar levels in the control group Based on Table 3, it can be explained that 6 respondents aged 50-59 (42.8%) and one respondent aged <40 (7.1%). (2) Characteristics based on age in the control group Table 4 The distribution of respondents by age in the control group Table 6 shows that the blood sugar levels in the control group given watermelon rind extract/juice are 14 respondents. No one got decresing on their blood sugar levels (100%) 3) Comparison of Blood sugar levels In Treatment and Control Group. Tabel 7 The comparison of data distribution on blood sugar levels between treatment group and control group. Based on Table 4, it is explained that 7 respondents aged 50-59 (50%) and no one aged <40. Particular Data 1) Blood sugar levels In The Treatment Group. Table 5 The data distribution of Blood sugar levels in the treatment group Table 7 shows the differences between blood sugar levels in the treatment group and the control group given watermelon rind extract/juice of 14 respondents. Ten patients in treatment group given watermelon rind extract got their blood sugar levels decreases (71.4%) and 4 participants got their blood sugar levels increases (28.6%). On the other hand, 14 patients in the control group not given watermelon rind extract did not get decreasing on their blood sugar levels (100%). It is supported by the results of the test using SPSS 16.0 using t test sample independent with significance 0.00 Table 5 shows that the blood sugar levels of the patients in the treatment group given watermelon rind juice/extract are 14 respondents. Ten respondents get decreasing on their blood sugar levels (71.4%), and 4 472 where α = 0.05. Then H0 is rejected, it means that there are differences in blood sugar levels among respondents who given watermelon rind extract and them who were not on the diabetes mellitus‟ patients in Weru, Paciran, Lamongan. regularly consumed, at least, in seven days to obtain maximum results. 2. Blood sugar levels In the Control Group The results in table 4.6 shows that blood sugar levels in the control group who were not given watermelon rind extraxt is 14 people and all the respondents get decreasing on their blood sugar levels (100%). Based on the results, it can be concluded that all patients who were not given watermelon rind extract did not experience changes in their blood sugar levels. It is because the control group was given no treatment. Based on the observations, many respondents are less active in controlling their blood sugar levels, such as the lack of regular exercise, do not eat properly. There are several factors that can affect the success in controlling the levels of blood sugar, such as: diet, stress, family roles, medicine, environment, and sport (Guyton, 2007). Thus, maintaining the body to stay healthy is very salient. Some of the ways to do that are by maintaining a proper diet, exercising regularly, and keeping the mind to avoid stress. 4. DISCUSSION The discussion of this study is in accordance with the purpose of the research, statistical result and the effect of watermelon rind juice to decrease blood sugar levels on diabetes mellitus‟ patients in Weru, Paciran, Lamongan in the year of 2015. They are as follows: 1. Blood sugar levels In the Treatment Group The results written in Table 4.5 shows that the blood sugar levels of diabetic patients in the treatment group given watermelon rind extract are 14 people, 10 patients got decreasing on their blood sugar levels (71.4%) and 4 patients stayed the same in their blood sugar levels (28.6%). Based on the data above, it can be concluded that the majority of patients after consuming watermelon rind juice got decreasing on their blood sugar levels. According Trufus, (2013) white watermelon rind extract contains citrulline producing nitric oxide; nitric oxide is capable of lowering blood glucose and triglycerides of diabetics. In addition, citrulline is useful to nitric oxide system in human body and it is very potential as an antioxidant and vasodilation. It dilates blood vessels to increase the blood flow in the body and distribute it to the tissues that need it. The levels of citrulline in watermelon rind reached 24.7 mg, more than the flesh that only 16.7 mg. Citrulline in watermelon red fleshy (7.4 mg) is less than the citrulline of yellow-fleshed watermelon (28.5 mg). Thus, watermelon rind juice has qualitative benefits as herb because it has been used as a medicine to lower blood sugar levels in diabetes mellitus‟ patients. Watermelon rind extract/ juice should be 3. The differences between Blood sugar levels In Treatment Group and Control Group Table 4.7 shows the differences between blood sugar levels in the control group and the treatment group given watermelon rind extracts. It shows that 10 diabetic patients get decreasing on their blood sugar levels (71.4%) and 4 diabetic patients did not experience the same (28.6%). Whereas in the control group, the diabetic patients who were not given watermelon rind juice, all of them did not get decresing on their blood sugar levels (100%). Based on the data above, it can be claimed that all participants, diabetic patients, who consumed watermelon rind juice got decreasing on their blood sugar levels. According to Trufus (2013), white watermelon rind extract 473 contains citrulline-producing nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is able to lower blood glucose and triglycerides of diabetes. Whereas in the control group, all the patients were not given watermelon rind juice and they did not get any level changes on their blood sugar levels. It is caused that the control group were not given the treatment. The factors that could affect the success in controlling the levels of blood sugar are diet, stress, family roles, medicine, environment, and sport (Guyton, 2007). By studying the theories and the results described above, watermelon rind extract can influence to the decreasing of blood sugar levels in diabetes mellitus‟ patients in Weru, Paciran, Lamongan. Thus Sari watermelon rind can be used as an alternative medicine for lowering blood sugar levels. medical personnel or medical team, but also the whole individual should take a part. To facilitate the information about the effect of consuming watermelon rind extract on diabetic patients, it is needed to be held counseling to the patients and their family. 5.2.2 For Health Institutions By the development of the effect of watermelon rind juice to decrease blood sugar levels in diabetes mellitus‟ patients, this research is hoped to be able to support the research as additiona existing theories. 5.2.3 For Other Researcher To conduct further research, the other researcherscan use larger number of respondents with more accurate method. They are also able to study using other influences such as diet, reducing stress, medicines, comfortable environment, regular exercise, and role of family to motivate and supervise the diabetic patients in their diet to eat fruit and vegetables regularly with low sugar. 5. CLOSING 5.1 Conclusion After analysing the data and see the results of the analysis, the researchers can draw some conclusions as follows: 1) There is reduction on the blood sugar levels of diabetic patients in the group given watermelon rind extract in Weru, Paciran, Lamongan. 2) There is no reduction on the blood sugar levels of diabetic patients in the group not given watermelon rind extract in Weru, Paciran, Lamongan. 3) There are differences on the blood sugar levels between group given watermelon rind extract and the group not given the extract of watermelon rind in Weru, Paciran, Lamongan. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Andi, Dyah Pratiwi. (2007). Epidemologi dan Isu Mutakhirnya http// Diakses: tanggal 10 Oktober 2012. Corwin, E. J. (2009). Buku Saku Patofisiologi. Jakarta: EGC. Davey, Patrick. (2005). At Glance Medicine. Jakarta: Erlangga. David, Rubenstein. (2005). Lectura Notes on Clinical Medicine, Ahli Bahasa Annisa RahmaniaJakarta: Erlangga. Guyton, Athur C. (2007). 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Bandung: PT Trubus Swadaya. 475 THE EFFECT OF GIVING COMMON SNAKE HEAD (CHANNA STRIATA) ON PERINEAL WOUND HEALING IN POSTPARTUM MOTHER IN BPM NY. TITIN S. MUBIN KARANGGENENG LAMONGAN Heny Ekawati Stikes Muhammadiyah Lamongan Email: ABSTRACT Perineal wound is a wound caused of the birth canal laceration well as in episotomy or not, at the time of birth the fetus. One of the way for fast perineal wound healing is gived common snakehead. The aim study for knowing the effect of giving Common Snakehead (Channa Striata) On Perineal Wound Healing In Postpartum Mother. The design of the study uses Quasy Experimental. The population is all of postpartum mother in BPM Ny. Titin S. Mubin, Amd. Keb in February to April 2014. The sampling technique uses consecutive sampling. Sample are taken by 30 respondents to include inclusion criteria. The research data is taken using observation sheets and SOP. Processing data using editing, coding, and tabulating, and then analyzed using the mann whitney test with a significance level α = 0,05. The result showes almost entirely or 80% perineal wound healing fast category experienced of postpartum mother is given common snake head (Channa Striata). While, almost entirely or 86.7% perineal wound healing slow category experienced of postpartum mother not given common snakehead (Channa Striata). The results of statistical tests obtained results are the effect of giving common snakehead (Channa Striata) on wound healing of the perineal with a value of Z = 3598 and with a significance level of 0.000 (p <0.05). The conclusion, giving common snakehead can used as alternative for perineal wound healing. Key word : postpartum mother, wound perineal, given common snakehead indications such as (1) a large baby, (2) abnormal head position, (3) Birth buttocks, (4) extraction forceps are difficult, (5) shoulder dystocia (Saifuddin, 2008). Meanwhile, according to Varney (2007), perineal laceration can be classified as follows: 1) the degree: laceration involving the vaginal mucosa, posterior fourchette and perineal skin. 2) Second degree: laceration that resulted in the vaginal mucosa, posterior fourchette, perineal skin and muscles of the perineal. 3) Degree three: Lacerations involving the vaginal mucosa, posterior fourchette, perineal skin, perineal muscles and the external anal sphincter. 4) Degrees Four: Lacerations involving the vaginal mucosa, fourchetter posterior perineal skin, perineal muscles, external anal sphincter, rectum and anterior wall. In the wound healing process in addition to new mothers require proper wound care, also require nutrition mainly albumin and protein. When albumin and protein requirement is rarely met in the wound healing process of the tissue cells of the body will be hampered in building and replacing the cells in INTRODUCTION Childbirth is the process of spending the products of conception that can live in the uterus through the vagina from the outside world (Wiknjosastro, 2005). Childbirth is a normal process that occurs at the expense of the fetus at term gestation (37-42 weeks), was born spontaneously with the presentation in the back of the head that lasted 18 hours, with no complications for both the mother and the fetus. (Prawirohardjo, 2002). However perineal laceration occurred in nearly all first births and not infrequently also in the next delivery. Perineal wound is a wound in the perineal because of the birth canal laceration well as episiotomy and delivery of a fetus (Wiknjosastro, 2005). The cause of perineal injuries can be caused by two factors: 1) Maternal factors: maternal factors such as (1) parturition precipitatus are not controlled and are not helped, (2) The patient is not able to stop pushing, (3) parturition hastily resolved to urge Excessive fundus, (4) edema and fragility of the perineal. 2) Indication of the fetus: fetal 476 the wound tissue perineal wound healing process lasts so long. In Indonesia ancestral herb for healing after childbirth is still widely used, even by modern society in this way has not been widely used. For example, perineal sutures for wound healing, traditional societies use common snakehead to be consumed daily in order to accelerate the process of wound healing of the perineal. However, meeting the needs of albumin and protein by using a fish cork has not been widely used, but according to the study conducted by prof. Dr.. Ir. Eddy Suprayitno MS, fish cork containing albumin is high enough so that it can accelerate wound healing of the perineal and the rapid wound healing can prevent the occurrence of infections (Kordi, 2010). In the community itself is still a lot of mothers who experience postpartum perineal wound healing delays, where the 7th day after the wound is still there crusta, no adhesions at the turn of the bandage, no scarring, no signs of infection, inflammation and granulation are still not visible, the former wound is not good (Pusdiknakes, 2003). Based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2009 there were 2.7 million cases of rupture of the perineal at birth mother. This figure is estimated to reach 6.3 million by 2050, along with the high midwife midwifery care that do not know well. In the 26 million Americans who experience maternal perineal rupture, 40% had rupture of the perineal because of the negligence of the midwife. In Asia rupture of the perineal is also a considerable problem in the community, 50% of the incidence of rupture of the perineal in the world occur in Asia. The prevalence of maternal experiencing perineal rupture in Indonesia in the age group 25-30 years is 24% while at the maternal age of 32 -39 years by 62%. The results of the initial survey conducted by researchers for one week in BPM Ny.Titin S. Mubin, Amd.Keb.Lamongan Karanggeneng there were 10 mothers who experience postpartum perineal wound. Of the 10 mothers there are 7 people or 70% of new mothers experience a delay in wound healing of the perineal and 3 people or 30% of puerperal women have experienced in the wound healing process. Based on the data in the above description, that the majority of new mothers experience a delay in wound healing of the perineal. Physiologically perineal wound will begin to improve within 6-7 days postpartum. As for some of the factors that affect wound healing of the perineal are internal factors and external factors. Internal factors that affect the healing of the perineal include: (1) Nutrition. Nutritional factors, especially protein will greatly affect the wound healing process perinium because the network is in desperate need of protein turnover. Protein requirements will be needed in the process of wound healing lacerations of the birth canal, because this protein serves as a building block cells that have been damaged. When this protein needs are lacking in wound healing process the tissue cells of the body will be hampered in building change cells and tissue in the birth canal laceration wound healing process lasts so long (Kartika, 2008). (2) Personal hygiene or vulva hygiene. If personal hygiene maintained in less postpartum mothers will lead to an infection (Moya, 2003). Personal hygiene or lack of personal hygiene can also slow healing, it may cause foreign objects such as dust and germs (Smeltzer, 2002), (3) maternal condition. If the condition of a healthy mother, then the mother can take care of themselves well. (4) Descendants, (5) age, (6) hemorrhage, (7) hypovolemic, (8) local edema factor, (9) nutritional deficit, (10) oxygen deficit, and (11) over the activity. While external factors affecting the perineal wound healing include: (1) Environment. Support from family, where the mother will always feel the protection and support and advice, especially parents in caring for hygiene after childbirth. (2) Tradition. sutures for wound healing after surgery, using a traditional community fish or fish cork curse to be consumed daily in order to accelerate the process of wound healing stitches. (3) Knowledge. If the mother's lack of knowledge thereof problems of food consumed wound healing will take a long time (4) Socio-economic, (5) Handling officer, (6) Network Management, (7) Drugs (Smeltzer, 2002). Impact of delay in the first perineal wound healing is infection, which affected locheaperineal conditions and moisture will greatly support the proliferation of bacteria which can cause infection in the perineal. The second occurrence of complications, the emergence of infection in the perineal can propagate in the gallbladder or in the birth canal that can result in the emergence of 477 infectious complications and bladder infections in the birth canal. And the third is the occurrence of postpartum maternal death, treatment of complications that can lead to a slow death in women post partum physical condition is still weak postpartum mothers (Ambarwati, 2008). To accelerate wound healing of the perineal there are many ways, such as through improved nutrition by eating foods high in calories and high in protein. Common sources of protein are meat, milk, bread, cereal, eggs, fish, nuts, and seeds (Boyle, 2008). According Kordi (2010), catfish (Channastriata) is one kind of fish that contain albumin and protein are high enough. Protein and albumun very function as a builder substance cells that have been damaged, so that wound healing will take place faster. With a high content of protein and albumin, common snakehead could potentially be used by the public for the wound healing process, especially postoperative wounds, burns and after childbirth. For the role of nurses is expected to help provide counseling to new mothers on how to optimize the perineal wound healing by encouraging the fish to consume common snakehead. Because many factors affect the perineal wound healing researchers interested in conducting research on nutrition, which is intended to improve nutrition by researchers is "Giving Nutrition Improvement With Common Snakehead (Channastriata)". S. Mubin, Amd. Sumberwudi 2014. No Keb Village Age Jumlah Prosentase Responden (%) 1. < 20 thn 5 16.7 2. 20 – 30 thn 15 50 3. > 30 thn 10 33.3 Total 30 100 Sources Primary Data: Study Pebruari-April 2014 Based on the above data shows that of the respondents who experienced a postpartum mother's perineal wound most or 50% aged 20-30 years and a fraction or 16.7% were aged <20 years 2) Characteristics of respondents by level of education Table 2.Distribution of Respondents by Education Mothers Experiencing Postpartum The perineal wound in BPM Ny.Titin S. Mubin, Amd. Keb Village Sumberwudi 2014. No Education 1. 2. 3. 4. PrimarySchool Junior High School High School College Juml ah 4 4 17 5 Prosent ase (%) 13.3 13.3 56.7 16.7 Jumlah 30 100 Sources Primary Data: Study Pebruari-April 2014 Based on the above data shows that of the respondents who experienced postpartum maternal perineal wound over part or education high school and 56.7% or 13.3% fraction education elementary and junior high school METHODS This study uses Quasy-Exsperimental. In this study population was 300 respondents and the sample in this study consisted of 30 respondents 15 respondents control group and the treatment group of 15 respondents. The sampling method used in this study is Consecutive sampling. RESULTS 1. The General Data 1) Characteristics of respondents by age Table 1. Distribution of Respondents by Age Mothers Experiencing Postpartum The perineal wound in BPM Ny.Titin 3) Characteristics of respondents by Jobs 478 Table 3. Distribution of Respondents by Mother Employment Ruling scarred perineal in BPM Ny.Titin S. Mubin, Amd. Keb Village Sumberwudi 2014. No Jobs Jumlah Persentase (%) 1. Farmer 3 10 2. Employee 9 30 3. Merchant 8 26.7 4. Don‟t 10 33.3 work Jumlah 30 100 Sources Primary Data: Study Pebruari-April 2014 Based on the above data shows that of the respondents who experienced a postpartum mother's perineal wound almost half or 33.3% do not work and a small portion or 10% are farmers. 1) The Perineal Wound Process of Control Group Diagram 1. The perineal wound Healing process of control group in BPM Ny.Titin S. Mubin, Amd. Keb Desa Sumberwudi Tahun 2014 1. 2. 3. Jumlah Cepat Lambat 13.3% perineum Wound Healing Process Based on the above data shows that respondents that new mothers in the control group was 86.7% or almost entirely wound healing process is slow and categories perineal fraction or 13.3% wound healing process perineal fast category. 2) The Perineal Wound Healing Process of Intervention Group Diagram 2. the perineum wound healing process of intervention group n BPM Ny.Titin S. Mubin, Amd. Keb Desa Sumberwudi Tahun 2014 Persentase (%) 46.7 36.7 16.7 Frekuensi Parity 86.7% Frekuensi 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 4) Characteristics of respondents based on parity Table 4.Distribution of Respondents by Parity Mothers Experiencing Postpartum The perineal wound in BPM Ny.Titin S. Mubin, Amd. Keb Village Sumberwudi 2014. No Healing Primipara 14 Multipara 11 Grandemultip 5 ara Jumlah 30 100 Sources Primary Data: Study Pebruari-April 2014 Based on the above data shows that of the respondents who experienced a postpartum mother's perineal wound partially or almost 46.7% had 1 child (primiparous) and a small portion or 16.7% had> 2 children (grandemultipara). 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 80 % Cepat Lambat 20 % Properineum Woun Healing Process Based on the above data indicate that respondents puerperal women in the treatment group or 80% almost entirely wound healing process faster and categories perineal fraction or 20% of the wound healing process is slow perineal category. 2. Data Special 3) Effect of Commond snake head ( Channa striata) The Perineal 479 turnover (Boyle, 2008). 2) Personal hygiene or vulva hygiene affect wound healing of the perineal, if personal hygiene maintained in less postpartum mothers will lead to an infection (Moya, 2003). 3) The condition of the mother. Maternal health condition both physically and mentally, can lead to long recovery. If the condition of a healthy mother, then the mother can take care of themselves well. 4) Age: Age is closely related to wound healing, because the older person will decrease the speed of wound healing. Faster wound healing occurs at a younger age than in older people. People who are already advanced in years can not tolerate stress such as tissue trauma or infection (Smeltzer, 2002). The result showed that the cause of the slowdown in the perineal wound healing than the control group because it was not given fish cork, they also undertake to abstain from foods that lack nutritional needs are met, lack of attention to personal hygine so easy to breed bacteria and cause infection, and lack of activity. These factors led to the possibility that the perineal wound healing process in the control group lasted longer. In the treatment group were given fish cork 12 respondents showed rapid wound healing perineal categories namely wound healing perineal<7 days, the average wound healed on days 5-7. Nutrition is one of the key wound healing. Puerperal women are encouraged to eat with a balanced diet, enough carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals (Suherni, 2009). One source of protein that can be obtained from fish cork that can aid in wound healing, it is because the catfish can increase endurance. Common snakehead meat contains high protein and albumin. In addition, common snakehead meat also contains a complete amino acid, as well as micronutrients zinc, selenium, and iron. Other content in fish flesh is alisin cork, allyl sulfide, and furostanol glycosides that can help repair damaged tissue in the wound, so that wound healing can take place more quickly (Suprayitno. E, 2003). Above theory in accordance with the results of research in Ny BPM. Titin S. Mubin Amd. Keb sumberwudi Karanggeneng Lamongan village where the results of statistical tests indicate that there is the effect of common snakehead (Channa striata) on wound healing of the perineal. Providing methods to improve nutrition in the form of a Wound Healing In BPM Ny.Titin S. Mubin, Amd. Keb 2014. Diagram 3 Effect of Common Snakehead (Channa Striata) the Perineum wound healing in BPM Ny.Titin S. Mubin, Amd. Keb Tahun 2014 proses Penyembuhan Luka 25 20 15 Perlakuan Kontrol 10 5 0 0 20 40 jumlah responden Z = -3.598 dan = 0.000 Based on the above data shows that in the control group perineal wound healing process is slow category, where the wound healed after day 7. Whereas in the treatment group respondents puerperal women perineal wound healing process including fast category, where the wound is healed before day 7. Based on the results of statistical tests using the Mann Whitney in SPSS version 16 with the results obtained Z = -3598 and where Ho is rejected, which means there is the effect of common snakehead (Channa striata) on wound healing of the perineal in BPM Ny.Titin S. Mubin, Amd. Keb 2014. Granting common snakehead (Channa striata) can accelerate wound healing of the perineal in postpartum mothers. DISCUSSION In the control group was given fish without cork 13 respondents indicated category perineal slow wound healing wound healing perineal> 7 days, the average wound healed at day 14-21. There are several factors that can affect the perineal wound healing include: 1) Nutrition. Nutritional factors and nutrients, especially protein will greatly affect the wound healing process in the perineal because the network is in desperate need of protein 480 fish cork in hopes of repairing damaged tissue in the wound, so that wound healing can take place more quickly. CONCLUSIONS RECOMMENDATIONS DayaIkanGabus.Edisi 1. Yogyakarta: ANDI Moya J, Morison. (2003). Manajemen Luka. Jakarta: EGC Prawirohardjo, Sarwono. (2002). PelayananKesehatan Maternal dan Neonatal.CetakanKelima. EdisiKetiga. Jakarta: BinaPustaka Pusdiknakes. (2003). Asuhan Kebidanan Post Partum. Jakarta: Pusdiknakes Saifuddin, Abdul Bari. (2008). Buku Acuan Nasional Pelayanan Kesehatan Maternal Dan Neonatal. Jakarta: YBPSP Smeltzer, Suzanne C, dkk. (2002). Keperawatan Medikal Bedah, Edisi 8 Vol 1, Jakarta: EGC Suherni. (2009). Perawatan Masa Nifas. Yogyakarta: Fitramaya Varney, Helen. (2007). Buku Ajar Asuhan Kebidanan Edisi 4. Jakarta: EGC Wiknjosastro, Hanifa. (2005). Ilmu Kandungan. Jakarta: YBPSP AND 1. Conclusions There is the effect of common snakehead (Channa striata) on wound healing of the perineal in BPM Ny.Titin S. Mubin, Amd. Keb 2014. 2. Recommendation Giving common snakehead can be used as an alternative to accelerate wound healing of the perineal in postpartum mothers. REFERENCES Ambarwati. (2008). Asuhan Kebidanan Nifas. Yogyakarta: Mitra Cendekia. Boyle, Mauren. (2008). Pemulihan Luka: Seri Praktik Kebidanan. Jakarta: EGC. Kordi, M. Ghufran H. (2010). PanduanLengkapBisnisdan Budi 481 THE INFLUENCE OF PROGRESSIVE RELAXATION TO DECREASE PAIN FOR PATIENTS OF SECTIO CAESAREA SURGERY IN THE FIRST AND SECOND DAY Aris Dwi Cahyono, Wida Wicaksana Akademi Keperawatan Pamenang Abstract After the effect of Sectio Caesarea anesthesia has finished, they will feel pain on body organ where surgery is done. There are two methods to decrease pain of Sectio Caesarean surgery by using medicines and using progressive relaxation technique. The purpose of this research is to identify the influence of progressive relaxation to decrease pain for patients of Sectio Caesarea surgery in Maternal Room General Hospital of Kediri Regency in 2014. Research design was Pre-Post Test Experiment. The populations 38 patients of post section caesarean surgery in the first and second day. Sample used purposive sampling and consisted of 9 respondents. Data analysis was implemented by comparing pain scale pre and post intervention and being analyzed as descriptive. Research result showed that pre-intervention, value of mean was 5,66 with standard deviation 1, and post-intervention, value of mean was 4,66 with standard deviation 1,5. Analysis result showed a decrease of mean value 1 and standard deviation 0,54. There was influence of progressive relaxation to decrease pain for patients of Sectio Caesarea surgery. It is hoped for medical staffs to use progressive relaxation technique as one of chosen therapies to decrease pain scale beside of medicines. Key words : Progressive Relaxation, Pain, Post Sectio Caesarean Surgery. technique is to focus on a muscle activity in a sustainable manner by identifying the tense muscles then lowers the tension by doing relaxation techniques to get a feeling of relaxation (Murphy, 1996). In Indonesia, the percentage of Caesarea Sectio big enough. In government hospitals in the year 2008 the average labor with Sectio Caesarea by 11%, while at the Private Hospital could be more than 30%. And recorded from 17 665 birth rate there is 35.7% 55.3% of mothers giving birth to the process of sectio caesarea. In East Java, Regional General Hospital Dr. Soetomo as the largest referral hospital in East Java was found that the incidence of labor with Sectio Caesarea in 2008 was 1478 cases (23.3%) of the total 6335 deliveries (Yudhoyono, 2008). Meanwhile, according to a preliminary study conducted at the maternity ward Kediri District Hospital on 19 November Background Sectio Caesarea is an act of delivery of a fetus that has been able to live together with the placenta and membranes are transabdominal through the uterine incision. In the operation process used anesthetic so that the patient does not feel pain during surgery. But after the operation is completed and the patient began to realize and react to the anesthesia wears off, the patient will feel pain in the body that had surgery. Many women complain of pain in stitches, this complaint is actually reasonable because the body is experiencing injuries and healing can not be perfect, especially if the wound is relatively long and deep. However, there are two methods to reduce pain in a natural scale postoperative Sectio Caesarea mother is in Pharmacological and non-pharmacological drug use one of them with progressive relaxation techniques. Progressive relaxation 511 2013 was recorded incidence Sectio Caesarea deliveries on average each month in 38 patients. This increase is allegedly due to improved techniques and facilities, the operation lasted more aseptic, anesthetic techniques improved, comfort pasectio caesarea higher operating, and the length of the short growing and can choose the date of birth as you wish (Roeshadi, 2006). Nevertheless Caesarea operation does not mean free of risks or problems. Research by Hillan about pain post Sectio known that on days 1-2 clients still experiencing pain in the wound, and even almost half of women lasts until they return home, and even about 32% of patients who performed the cesarean is still experiencing pain in injuries, and often pain in the wound after returning gain weight thus requiring analgesics. Steer, 2004 stated that relaxation is a method of transfer of nonpharmacological pain that is often used in the UK. Steer in the study reported that as many as 34 women using relaxation, by induction of relaxation for 15 minutes can significantly reduce the sensory component of pain. Pillips added that the emotional component of pain is also reduced so that the effect of exacerbating anxiety was also reduced due to the impact of the relaxation (Mander, 2004). Relaxation can be used in episodes of acute and chronic pain to reduce pain. Usually it takes 5-10 training sessions before a client can effectively minimize pain. Patients who already know about the relaxation techniques may just need to be reminded to use such techniques to reduce or prevent the pain. The basic aim of relaxation is to help people to relax, and thus improve the various aspects of physical health. Besides, there are also some other benefits, which lead to inner peace, reduced anxiety, lower heart rate, reduce blood pressure, a greater resistance to disease, mental health getting better and better memory. Many patients and health teams tend to view drugs as the only method to relieve pain, but many non- pharmacological nursing activities that can assist in the relief of pain. One of them is progressive relaxation, nonpharmacological methods of pain relief that has a very low risk. Although such action is not a substitute for drugs, such action is necessary to shorten episodes of pain that lasts only a few seconds or minutes. Based on the above description researchers interested in conducting “The Influence Of research on Progressive Relaxation To Decrease Pain For Patients Of Sectio Caesarea Surgery In The First And Second Day” in the Maternity Room of the District General Hospital Kediri. Formulation of the Problem Based on the description of the background of the problem, it can be formulated research problem, namely “Is there a The Influence Of Progressive Relaxation To Decrease Pain For Patients Of Sectio Caesarea Surgery In The First And Second Day in the Maternity Room of the District General Hospital Kediri?” Purpose 1. General Purpose To determine differences in the level of pain in patients with postoperative Sectio Caesarea before and after being given the progressive relaxation technique in Maternity Room General Hospital of Kediri. 2. Special Purpose a. Identify the level of pain before the progressive relaxation in patients with postoperative sectio caesarea in the first and second day. b. Identify the level of pain after doing the progressive relaxation in patients with postoperative sectio caesarea in the first and second day. c. Analyzing the influence of progressive relaxation to decrease postoperative pain in patients 512 sectio caesarea in the first and second day. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Mean Median Modus stand. Dev Research Design The research design used in this research is the design of preexperimental design One group pretestposttest, which in this design there is no comparison group (control, but most do not already made the first observation (pre-test) that allows researchers can test changes occurred after the experiment. Pre test test 01 Treatment X 4 5 5 7 6 5 7 5,66 6 6 1 Based on the table shows that out of 9 respondents surveyed 11.11% or 1 respondent experienced pain with pain scale 4, 33.33% or 3 respondents experiencing pain with pain scale 5, 33.33% or 3 respondents experiencing pain with pain scale 6 and 22.22% or 2 respondents experiencing pain with pain scale 7. the mean 5.67, median 6, 6 mode and standard deviation 1. Post 02 The independent variable in this study is a progressive relaxation. The dependent variable in this study is the reduction of postoperative pain in patients Sectio Caesarea. The study population was 38 patients with postoperative sectio caesarea experiencing pain in the first and second day. In this study, samples taken part sectio caesarea postoperative mothers who experience pain in the first and second day as many as 9 respondents. In this study, the sampling technique used was purposive sampling, where the technique of determination of sample by choosing among a population sample in accordance with the desired researchers in accordance with the criteria. The data analysis was done through descriptive analysis, the observation of the frequency table. Frequency table consists of a column - a column that contains frequencies and percentages for each category. 2. Pain scale respondents action after progressive relaxation techniques Code Scale Pain 1 5 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 3 6 7 7 5 8 3 9 7 Mean 4,67 Median 4 Modus 4 Stand. Dev 1,5 Based on the table shows that out of 9 respondents surveyed 22.22% or 2 respondents experiencing pain with pain scale 3, 33.33% or 3 respondents experiencing pain with pain scale 4, 22.22% or 2 respondents experiencing pain with pain scale 5 and 22.22% or 2 respondents experiencing pain with pain scale 7. The Mean Value 4.6, 4 Median, Research Result 1. Respondents pain scale before action is taken progressive relaxation techniques Code Pain Scale 1 6 2 6 513 mode 4 and the Standard deviation of 1.5. 3. Analysis of the effect of progressive relaxation in patients with postoperative sectio caesarea in Maternity Room General Hospital District Kediri. Resp. Decrease Before After Number pain scale 1 6 5 1 2 6 4 2 3 4 4 Tetap 4 5 4 1 5 5 3 2 6 7 7 Tetap 7 6 5 1 8 5 3 2 9 7 7 Tetap Mean 5,66 4,67 1,5 Median 6 4 1,5 Modus 6 4 1 Stand. 1 1,5 0,54 dev. Based on the results of research conducted it appears that there is a decrease pain scale by the respondents, the descriptive statistical tests obtained prior to action relaxation techniques mean value of 5.66, the median value of 6.00, the value of 6:00 mode, and standard deviation of 1. After the action is obtained the mean 4.67, median values of 4.00, 4.00 value mode, and standard deviation of 1.5. Value indicates a decrease in the mean value of 1.5, the median value of 1.5, the value of mode 1 and a standard deviation of 0.54 so that H0 is rejected and H1 accepted. It showed no effect of relaxation techniques on a scale decrease postoperative pain in patients sectio caesarea on the first day and the second in the Maternity Room General Hospital of Kediri. Discussion 1. Pain scale before the patient is given the actions of progressive relaxation techniques. Pain scale before being given a progressive relaxation technique that measures of 9 respondents surveyed in the last 2 weeks Mean pain scale score was 5.6, median 6, 6 mode and standard deviation 1. Pain is an uncomfortable feeling, whether mild or severe. Pain is defined as a condition that affects a person's existence is unknown and if someone ever experienced (Tamsuri, 2007). According to the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), pain is an emotional experience unpleasant feelings as a result of actual or potential damage, or describe the condition of the occurrence of damage. According to the researcher scale of perceived pain patients in the Maternity Room District General Hospital Kediri is influenced by several things including the age and experience of sectio caesarea operation. Showed that of the majority of respondents aged 20-30 years and 2 respondents had never undergone surgery sectio caesarea. It can be concluded that the different scale of perceived pain patients due to surgery sectio caesarea experience before. 2. Pain scale after the patient is given the actions of progressive relaxation techniques. The scale of the pain that is felt after the patient is given the actions of progressive relaxation techniques, decreased pain skla into Mean Value 4.6, 4 Median, Mode 4, the standard deviation is 1.5. Progressive relaxation technique is to focus on a muscle activity by identifying the tense muscles then lowers the tension by doing relaxation techniques to get a feeling of relaxation (Murphy, 1996). It is also based on the theory of the 514 gate control, explaining that the pain that occurs in a person due to certain stimuli such as surgery can be blocked when the interaction between the pain stimulus and the stimulus to the fibers that transmit sensations of pain blocked on the circuit gate resistor, this reversal can be done through distraction or by the action of relaxation (Sutherland, 2005). According to researchers pain scale decline in respondents influenced surgery sectio caesarea experience and capabilities of different respondent in conducting progressive relaxation techniques are taught. So with relaxation techniques is expected patients assisted by nurses can use it as an action to lower the scale of pain experienced, in addition to using the drug. different respondents in performing relaxation techniques are taught, so the impact on respondents' perceived pain scale. So the difference in results or the effect of relaxation techniques performed in this study indicate that the need for health workers to improve the ability to analyze the factors that affect pain scale and improve skills in using the techniques of progressive relaxation as one alternative to reduce the pain scale for patients other than use drugs. Conclusion 1. Pain scale measures a patient prior to relaxation techniques obtained a mean value of 5.6, the median 6, 6 mode and standard deviation 1. 3. Progressive relaxation influence on reducing postoperative pain in patients sectio caesarea on the first day and the second in the Maternity Room General Hospital District Kediri. Based on the results of the study showed a decrease in the pain scale sixth respondent after given action relaxation techniques, to obtain penurunkan mean values of 1.5, 1.5 median, mode 1, and standard deviation of 0.54 means that there is a decrease in the pain scale of respondents. The factors that affect pain scale include age, gender, culture, anxiety and past experiences and progressive relaxation techniques. Progressive relaxation is an effective way to rest the muscles through an appropriate manner, followed by mental relaxation and mind (Davis, 2005). According to researchers, the differences decrease pain scale on each individual is different. That is because many factors ranging from differences in age, experience sectio caesarea operations, and the ability of 2. The scale of the patient's pain after the relaxation techniques implemented measures showed that the mean value of 4.6 median value of 4.00 mode value of 4.00 and a standard deviation of 1.5. 3. Patient pain scale before and after the implemented measures showed a decrease in mean values of 1.5 median value of 1.5 mode value of 1 and a standard deviation of 0.54. There dilakukanya influence action relaxation techniques to decrease pain scale figures on maternal postoperative sectio caesarea in Maternity Room General Hospital District Kediri. Suggestion 1. For health agencies Progressive relaxation technique is one of the nursing treatment that is easy and inexpensive can be selected to be applied to nursing actions for clients with problems of pain. 2. 515 For educational institutions Relaxation techniques are one option for clients with problems of 3. 4. pain, so it can be entered into the laboratory skills of students in the achievement of competence. Farrer, For the general public Mothers with post Sectio Caesarea expected to apply relaxation techniques as a nonpharmacological therapies that are safe and easy to reduce pain. Astuti, Puji. (2010), cermin Dunia Kebidanan. www.cermin dunia (download ) Notoatmojo, Notoatmojo, (2003). soekidjo. (2005). Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan. Jakarta : PT Rineka Cipta. Notoatmodjo, S. (2010). Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan , Ed.Rev 1 .Jakarta : PT Rineka Cipta Reference Potter, P.A & Perry, A.G.(2005) Fundamental Keperawatan Konsep, Proses Dan Praktik, Jakarta: EGC Nursalam. Smeltzer, S. C, & Bare.(2001). Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medikal Bedah. Jakarta. EGC Smeltzer, S. C, & Bare.(2002). Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medikal Bedah. Jakarta. EGC Torrance, C & Serginson. E (1997). Surgical Nursing. Bridgend, Midglanmorgan:WBC Book Manufactured. Ltd A. (2007). Konsep Penatalaksanaan Nyeri.jakarata : EGC soekidjo. Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan. Jakarta : PT Rineka Cipta. For further research This study can be used as a source of information for further research pengembangkan. Future studies may consider factors that affect pain scale such as age, experience sectio caesarea operations and the ability of respondents to do relaxation techniques taught. Tamsuri, Hellen. (2001).Pearawatan Maternitas.Edisi 2 : ECG.Jakarta Dan Cuninghamm. F.G, (2007) Obstetri William, vol ipenerbiy buku kedokteran egc, Jakarta 516 (2003). Konsep dan Penerapan Metodologi Keperawatan. Jakarta : Salemba Medika THE INFLUECING OUTCOME FACTORS OF CAESAREA SECTIO PATIENTS IN PREPARATION FOR THE CLINICAL PATHWAYS COSTING OF DRGS AT PARE – KEDIRI HOSPITAL Suryono Akademi Keperawatan Pamenang Pare, Jl. Mahakan No. 05 Pare- Kediri, Email Abstract Clinical Pathway is a concept of comprehensive service to plan the patient that are using standard of medical service and Nursing care during hospitalization. Research design is correlational approach observation with secondary input variables including Hb, age, class of service, indication, medicine, wound care, and nutrition. The output variables are LOS (Length of Stay), cost, wound, mobilization, and complication using statistical analysis with multiple linear regression. Populations in this study were all patients hospitalized with caesarean section at Pare Hospital, Kediri, east Java, Indonesia. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that Hb variable positive correlate to the LOS(r=0,136). Antibiotic variables also showed positive correlation with the hospital cost (p=0,041). From multiple logistic regression analysis, wound care is more influenced (B=161,98) to wound healing process, mobilization and complications more than another variables. This result can be used for early basic to arranged clinical pathway at caesarean section patient with some consideration such as age, infant indications, nutrition, antibiotic combinations, wound care, diabetic mellitus, prolonged delivery, and hypertension with complications. Key words : Clinical pathway, caesarean section mobilization and complications of caesarean sectio patients at Delivery Room Pare Kediri Hospital. The benefits of this research can be used as the initial data for the hospital to arrange Clinical Pathway. 1. Framework Concept Scheme 3.1 research conceptual framework Background On July 1st, 2007 the Ministry of Health of Indonesia has introduced Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG's INA) which will be used as the basis for a claim payment insurance patient hospital. But the government in implementing the INA DRG's not give the basis for calculating the financing so detailed yet clearly the cost of each component of health care. As a basis for determining the cost of health insurance services can be used Clinical pathway (theoretical cost driver). Clinical pathway is one component of the DRG system casemix consisting of codefication and action procedures and the calculation of costs. Clinical pathway into something that should be developed by each hospital, where the insurance company or the government would require hospitals to provide quality health services at a reasonable cost(Yunita,2009). Formulation of the problem in this study are the factors that affect the LOS, costs, wound healing time, mobilization and complications of caesarea sectio patients in maternity room Pare Kediri hospital. While the goal of this research is to identify factors that affect the LOS, costs, wound healing time, Hypothesis: there is influence of the characteristics (Hb, age, class of service) indication, medicine, doctor, nurse intervention, and nutrients to the LOS, costs, wound healing time, infusion time off , catheters time off and complications. 3.Researchmethods The study design: a correlational approach "observational" using retrospective secondary data aims to identify factors - factors that affect patient outcomes caesarea sectio. The population in this study were all hospitalized 518 patients with cesarea sectio in the General Hospital of Pare Kediri. While the independent variables examined included the data Hb, age, class of service, indications, medications, nutrition, the actions of doctors, nurses, and LOS include the dependent variable, the cost, time healing wounds, immobilization time, and complications. 4.Research result The result showed that the distribution of respondents mother who gave birth by cesarea sectio mean age was 31.1 years. The general status of the mother when viewed from the maternal haemoglobin concentration was 9.4 mg%. The majority of respondents in this study using a class of service insurance as 74 respondents (92.5%). Most caesarea sectio conducted with mothers indicated that 59 (73.8%). The majority of doctors use amoxicillin antibiotic injection and oral amoxcillin 48 (60%), wound care nurse performed, a majority of only 1 x during care after surgery 64 (80.8%). While the lenght of stay (LOS) of respondents found that the average patient is treated for 4.8 days. The total cost incurred respondents means is 3.910.000 rupiah. Majority of the wound healing time for 7 days, as many as 64 respondents (80%), the distribution of respondents by the ability start to mobilize, a majority on the first day of 52 respondents (65%). 1) The Influencing Factors To LOS a. The Influence of Age and Hb The relationship between LOS and age shows with a low correlation (r = 0.241) and a positive pattern means that the older have higher of LOS . Statistical test results found relationship/significant influence of maternal age with LOS (0.031) (Table 4.1). The mean of hospitalization long days patients with poor insurance is 4.85 or 5 days. Patients with Health Insurance the mean of hospitalization is 4 days, while in the general patient have 4 days of hospitalization. Statistical results test obtained p = 0.437, which means it can be concluded there was no effect of financing sources with LOS. While the average long day of hospitalization of caesarea sectio patients with an indication is 4.95 days. Statistical test results obtained value of p = 0.067, meaning there is no influence between caesarea sectio with a long day of hospitalization. The mean long days of hospitalization patients with amoxicllin injection therapy and oral amoxicillin is 4.92 or 5 days. The mean of patients with amoxicillin injection therapy and oral cipro is 4.25 days of hospitalization, cipotaxim injection therapy and oral amoxicillin has average of 4.60 days, while in patients with therapy oral cipro and cipotaxim injection means 4.85 days. Statistical test results obtained value p = 0,470 which means there is no influencing between medicine therapy with LOS. The mean long days of hospitalization patients with one time wound care is 4.44 days, patients with wound care 2 times the average length of stay was 6.13 days and patient with three times wound care the average is 9 days. Statistical test results obtained p = 0.000, which means there is significant influence between the LOS wound care. The mean of long days of hospitalization caesarea sectio patients with nutritional/ dietary high-calorie highprotein is 4.75 days, while the dietary highcalorie high-protein-low salt means was 5.80 days. Statistical results test obtained value of p = 0.019, meaning there is influence between nutrition/diet with long days of hospitalization. (table4.2). Table 4.1. Correlation and regression analysis of age and Hb with LOS Table 4.2. Distribution The mean LOS According Class Service a. The Effect of Nursing Class, Caesarea Sectio Indication, Medicine, Wound care and Mutrition To LOS. 519 0.822, which means there is no class effect with the cost of hospital care. The mean cost of hospital patients on caesarean sectio with an indication of the capital is 3.950.000 rupiah 797,642.991 rupiah. While the mean with baby indication is 3.800.000 rupiah - 297,905.704 rupiah. Statistical results test obtained value of p = 0.275, meaning there is no influence between patients caesarean sectio with hospital cost. The Mean hospital costs patients with amoxicillin injection therapy and oral amoxicillin is 3.770.000 rupiah -. 231.590.4 rupiah ,-. Patients with amoxicillin injection therapy with oral ciprofloxacin the means days of hospitalization is Rp. 4.010.000,-, 359.290.6 rupiah, cipotaxim injection and oral amoxicillin its average 3.920.000 rupiah 860.610.9 rupiah whereas in patients with therapy cipotaxim injection and oral ciprofloxacin means 4.390.000 rupiah,1.346.163.5 rupiah. Statistical test results obtained p = 0.041, which means there is the influence of medicine therapy with hospital costs. The Mean hospital costs in patients with wound care one time is 3.940.000 rupiah, 756.545.9 rupiah, in patients with wound care 2 times the average cost of hospital is 3.770.000 rupiah, - and wound care 3 times its average 4,020.000 rupiah -. Statistical test results obtained p = 0.690, which means there is no significant influence of the wound care with hospital costs. The mean of hospital cost patients caesarea sectio with nutrition / dietary highcalorie high-protein is 3.870.000 rupiah - with a standard deviation of 636.348.4 rupiah while the high-calorie high- protein low salt diet means is Rp 4.430.00 with a standard deviation of 1380550.6 rupiah. Statistical test results obtained value of p = 0.088, meaning there is no influence between nutrition/diet with long days of hospitalization (Table 4.4). Table 4.4. Distribution The mean cost of hospital According Class Service 2) The Influential Factors To Cost a. The Influence of age and Hb The relationship of age with the cost of the hospital showed a low correlation (r = 0.105) and a positive pattern means that the older the higher cost of RS. Statistical results test found no significant effect (p = 0.000) between age and hospital costs. While the relationship haemoglobin with hospital cost shows a low correlation (r = 0.078) and a positive pattern means higher Hb levels will make higher hospital costs. Statistical results test found no significant effect (p = 0.000) between Hb with hospital costs(Table4.3). Table 4.3. Linear Regression Results The effect of age and Hb Against Hospital Costs b. The Effect of Nursing Class, Caesarea Sectio Indication, Medicine, Wound Care and Nutrition Mean hospital costs patients with poor insurance is 3.920.000 rupiah -. Patients HI (Health Insurance) the average cost is 3.610.000 rupiah - while the general patient means is 3.770.000 rupiah - 174.300,281 rupiah. Statistical test results obtained p = 520 b. The Effect of Nursing Class, Caesarea Sectio Indication, Medicine, Wound care and Nutrition for Wound Healing Time Average time of wound healing patients with poor insuranc is 8.08 days. For Health Insurance Patients mean of wound healing time is 7 days, whereas in the general patient means also 7 days. Statistical test results obtained p = 0.455, which means there is no influence of the class of service with the wound healing time. Average time healing wounds of patients caesarea sectio with an indication is 8.19 days. While the baby with indication means is 7.48 days. Statistical results test obtained value of p = 0.166, meaning there is no effect between the caesarean sectio indication with wound healing time. Average time of wound healing in patients with amoxcilin injection therapy and oral amoxicillin is 8.15 days. Patients with amoxicillin injection therapy and oral cipro have mean of long days of hospitalization is 7.00 days, cipotaxim injection and oral amoxicillin its average 7.67 days, while in patients with therapy oral cipro and cipotaxim injection means 8.15 days. Statistical results test obtained p = 0.639, which means there is no influence of medicine therapy with wound healing time. Average time of wound healing in patients with wound care one time is 7.16 days, patients with wounds care 2 times the average hospitalization time is 11.33 days wound healing and wound care 3 times its average 12.00 days. Statistical results test obtained p = 0.000, which means there is significant influence between the wound care and healing time. Average time of wound healing with means dietary high-calorie high-protein is 10 days. Statistical results test obtained value of p = 0.090, there is no difference or effect between nutrition / diet with wound healing time (Table 4.6). Table 4.6. Mean Distribution According Wound Healing Care Class, Indication, Medicine, Treat Wounds and Nutrition 3) The Influential Factors of Wound Healing Time a. The Influence of age and Hb The relationship of age with wound healing time showed a low correlation (r = 0.204) and a positive pattern means that the older have longer of the wounds healing time. Statistical results test found no correlation/significant influence of maternal age and the healing time of wound (0.069). The relationship of haemoglobin with wound healing time showed a low correlation (r = 0.085) and a positive pattern means higher Hb levels will have longer of healing time wounds. Statistical results test found no correlation/significant effect (p = 0.453) between Hb with wound healing time (Table 4.5). Table 4.5. Correlation and regression analysis of age and Hb with Wound Healing Time 521 (60%). On the results of statistical tests on wound care obtained p = 0.000, which means there is significant influence between the wound care wound healing time. (Table 4.8). Table 4.8. Mean Distribution According Wound Healing Care Class, Indication, Drug, Wound Care and Nutrition 4) The Influencing Factors of Patient Mobilization To Caesarea Sectio In Delivery Room Pare Kediri Hospital. a. The Influence of age and Hb The results test found no statistically significant relationship between maternal age at the time of wound healing (0.069). Likewise, the results of statistical tests between Hb with wound healing time no significant effect (p = 0.453) (Table 4.7.). Table 4.7. Logistic regression analysis with age and Hb Wound Healing Time 5) The Factors that influence the occurrence of complications a. The Influence of age and Hb The test results found no statistically significant relationship between maternal age with complications (p = 0.061). Likewise, the results of statistical tests between Hb with complications no significant effect (p = 0.453). More can be seen in Table 4.9. c. The Effect of Nursing Class, Indication, Medicine, Wound Care and Nutrition Results of the analysis of the majority of the average wound healing time for 7 days occurred in treatment classes HI 1 (100%) and General 5 (100%), and indication of babies were 19 (90.5%), antibiotics that used a combination of injection and amoxcicilin oral ciprofloxacin 4 (100%), wound care one time as many as 62 (96.9%) and with dietary highcalorie high-protein were 62 (82.7%). While the wound healing time will be longer (median 12 days) in patients with wound care 2 x 13 (86.7%), three times as many as 1 (100%) and dietary high-calorie high-protein-low salt 3 Table 4.9. Logistic regression analysis of age and Hb with Time Mobilization Effect of Nursing Class, Indication, Medicine , Wound care, and Nutrition Results of the analysis do not occur the majority of complications in the treatment of class HI 1 (100%) and General 5 (100%), and indication of babies were 19 (90.5%), which used a combination of antibiotics oral ciprofloxacin and amoxcicilin injection 4 (100% ), wound care one time as many as 62 522 (96.9%) and with dietary high-calorie highprotein were 62 (82.7%). Statistical result test of complications with treatment classes obtained p = 0.444; indication p = 0.162; antibiotics p = 0626; nutritional value of p = 0.083; which means there is no effect between treatment classes, indication, antibiotics and nutrients with the occurrence of complications. While the wound care obtained p = 0.000, which means there is significant influence between patient wounds with complications (Table 4.10]. Table 4.10. Distribution of Respondents According to the Class Care and Occurrence of Complications 0.12 days associated with maternal hemoglobin concentration and increased LOS related to wound care. While the cost of the regression line equation hospital = Rp 3.582 million + Rp 170,200.2 * antibiotics, which means that we can predict hospital costs by using variable antibiotics, which is the relationship shown significant positive relationship hospital costs will rise by Rp. 3.582.000 - with regard to antibiotics used. More can be seen in Table 4.11. Table 4.11. Results of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis LOS and Costs Constant Hb Wound care Antibiotic LOS 1,45 Days 0,12 1,82 Hospital cost Rp 3.582.000,- - Rp 170.200,2 - From the results of multiple logistic regression analysis, it turns out the variables that significantly affect the wound healing time was wound care and nutrition. It also looks interaction between the wound care nutrition with P Value = 0,000. Thus the final model is the model with interaction. Of the three variables, the variables that most influence on the LOS is variable nutrient (Exp B = 178.89). While the results of the analysis of mobilization, it turns out the variables that significantly affect only the mobilization of the wound care alone, with Exp B = 7.475. However found the interaction between patient wound with class of service in their influence on the mobilization (p Value = 0.002). On the results of the analysis of complications, wound care only significant effect on the incidence of complications. But in these complications did not reveal any interaction between age, wound care and nutrition in their influence on complications (0.094), but the wound care among the three most effect on the incidence of complications (Exp B = 161.98). (Table 4.12.) Furthermore, multivariate analysis of the dependent variable for the scale of numerical data (LOS and Hospital cost) using multiple linear regression analysis to predict the value of LOS and hospital cost by using independent variables. As for the scale of categorical data the dichotomous (wound healing time, mobilization, and complications) using multiple logistic regression analysis. Terms of independent variables that can be continued in a multiple linear regression analysis and multiple logistic regression is if the value of p Value <0.25. LOS on the dependent variable, the regression line equation obtained LOS = 1.45 + 0.12 * Hb + 1.82 * wound care, which means that we can predict LOS using variables Hb and wound care, where the relationship shown is positive relationship which means the LOS will rise by Table 4.12. Results of Linear Regression Analysis & Logistics Double Wound Healing Time, Mobilization and Complications. 523 responses (60%). Selection of antibiotic combination is among the most inexpensive price compared to other types of antibiotics. Wound care nurses do a majority of just 1 time for treated after surgery as many as 64 respondents (80.8%). Because the healing process epithelialization on day 2-3 then it is not advisable to open the wrapping on that day so that enough nurses to do it once, for the next patient enough control to poly outpatient. Diet given to the majority of respondents was 93.8% dietary high-calorie high-protein. . This diet is best to expedite the healing process in post-cesarea mother's condition, because in addition to the calories for the recovery of the general health status of the mother, the protein to aid in cell regeneration (Sugeng, 2004) Results of research on the distribution of the dependent variable length of stay (LOS) of respondents obtained a mean of 4.8 days. The total cost incurred respondents means is 3.910.000 rupiah. Majority of the wound healing time for 7 days, as many as 64 respondents (80%) with the indicator does lift the seam during the control patients in poly outpatient. The majority of respondents have been mobilized since the first day of 52 respondents (65%). Immediate mobilization gradually very useful to help the healing of wounds. Mobilization is useful for preventing thrombosis and embolism (Novita, 2007). Other findings of 64 respondents (80%) had no complications, and complications as much as 20% in the form of caesarean section wound that has not healed up to the 12th day. In accordance with the theory of short-term complications in cesarea sectio deliveries is happening escape of stitches, bleeding, haematuria and infection, while in the long run will occur sepsis. May undergo surgical wound dehiscence (wound is open back) and infections. Local causative factor in dehiscence no bleeding, wound infection, suture less good and less good surgical technique (Potter and Perry, 2006). 2} The Influential Factors To Length Of Stay Patient Caesarea Sectio In Delivery Room Pare Kediri Hospital Statistical results test found no significant relationship between maternal age with Length Of Stay (LOS) (p = 0.031). However, the relationship of age with LOS showed a low correlation (r = 0.241). From the age variable linear regression analysis found a positive 5. Discussion 1) Overview Patient Characteristics Input of Caesarea Sectio The result showed that the distribution of respondents mother who gave birth to the caesarea sectio the average age was 31.1 years. The age of the theoretical or technological advances health is still relatively old safe from the standpoint of the health of the mother's reproductive system both for normal childbirth or caesarea sectio. While respondents mean Hb levels of 9.4 mg%. Hb is relatively small under normal indicator in women (10 mg%). Hb levels correlated with the distribution of blood supply to the wound area, which in turn affects the healing process, both the caesarea sectio and the wound healing process of the reproductive system of women after pregnancy and childbirth (Sylvia, 2006). Class of service selected respondents using the majority of insurance as many as 74 respondents (92.5%). However, based on patient rights and obligations of hospitals, health workers shall not discriminate treatment of patients, including based on the class of service. Which may be different only hospital facilities are provided, so that the logic does not affect or relate to the healing process. While the distribution characteristics of the client based on the indication does the majority of caesarea sectio is an indication of the mother as many as 59 respondents (73.8 This indication is also not relevant to the healing process, so long as it is detected or treated early. Doctors in Pare hospitals majority prescribe antibiotics oral amoxicillin and amoxicillin injection, as many as 48 524 correlation, which means that the older the respondent, the longer days of hospitalization. These results are consistent with the theory that with increasing maternal age, disruption of cellular repair mechanisms (Wahyudi, 2000) thereby increasing the long days of hospitalization. From the analysis of patient variable wound was found that these variables proved significant effect on the long days of hospitalization in the mother post caesarea sectio , this means that there are differences among the three intervals do LOS wound care. In accordance with the results of the mean LOS of 4.8 days, whereas in the fourth day of new mothers are given care of the wound, which subsequently allowed to go home and outpatient care enough if the observation is currently visible injuries wound care improves. The provision of care wound on the fourth day post caesarean sectio is to adjust the theory where sterile wound healing process that has entered the stage of epithelialization is around the third and fourth days (Potter and Perry, 2006). Nutritional factors also affect the long days of hospitalization in the mother post caesarea sectio (P = 0.019). This situation is consistent with the theory that with good nutrition, the recovery process is also good that the mother would sooner go home from the hospital (Sugeng, 2004). For further when analyzed with multiple linear regression equation regression line LOS = 1.45 + 0.12 * Hb + 1.82 * wound care, which means that we can predict LOS using variables Hb and wound care, where the relationship shown is a significant positive relationship LOS will rise by 0.12 days associated with maternal hemoglobin concentration and increased LOS related to wound care. The results are consistent with the theory that hemoglobin levels correlated with the distribution of blood supply to the wound area, which in turn affects the healing process, both the caesarea sectio and the wound healing process of the reproductive system of women after pregnancy and childbirth (Sylvia, 2006). 3) The Influence Factors To Cost Statistical test results found no significant relationship between maternal Hb with Length Of Stay (LOS) (p = 0.000). Of linear regression analysis, the association of Hb with hospital costs patterned positive means higher Hb levels higher hospital costs, but the strength is relatively low relationship (r = 0.078). These results are consistent with the results of the analysis on the dependent variables LOS, where the dependent variable LOS also negatively correlated with haemoglobin. LOS is closely related to the cost of the hospital, the higher LOS greater the cost to be incurred hospital patients. In the analysis of the cost of hospital care class p value = 0.822 which means there is no significant impact to the cost of hospital care class. Statistical test results indicated cesarea sectio with hospital costs obtained p = 0.275 ,. But unlike the analysis of the antibiotics used in hospital costs, which gained statistical test result obtained p = 0.041, which means there is the influence of drug therapy with hospital costs. The findings are consistent with the more expensive antibiotics are used, meaning the higher the costs incurred hospital patients. But not relevant to the results obtained in the analysis of antibiotics with LOS. From the analysis of patient variable wound was found that this variable was not shown to significantly affect the cost of posthospital maternal caesarean sectio (p = 0.690). While nutritional factors do not affect the cost of post-hospital maternal SC (p = 0.088). Nutrition assist in the recovery of the mother post caesarea sectio, so the LOS and costs decreased. For further when analyzed with multiple linear regression equation regression line hospital costs 3.582.000 rupiah = 1 + 170,200.2 rupiah * antibiotics, which means that we can predict hospital costs by using variable antibiotics, which is the relationship shown significant positive relationship Hospital costs will rise by Rp. 3.582.000, - associated with antibiotic use. The results are consistent with the fact that a combination of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor, will determine the size of the hospital costs. A positive relationship between the cost of the hospital with antibiotics on the results of this study in accordance with the theory, which serves antibiotics against microorganisms so that no infection (Sulistia, 2005). 4) The Influential Factors of Wound Healing Time The test results found no statistically significant relationship between maternal age at the time of wound healing (0.069). While the results of the statistical test between Hb with wound healing time no significant effect 525 (p = 0.453). In the statistical analysis of treatment classes obtained p = 0.440, which means there is no class effect of treatment with wound healing time. While the analysis does indication caesarean sectio, obtained p = 0.280, which means there is no indication does influence between SC with wound healing time. Selection of a combination of antibiotics also has no effect on wound healing time (p = 0.626). The wound care proven effect on wound healing time for patients in Pare hospitals post caesarea sectio (p = 0.000). In accordance with the results of the mean LOS of 4.8 days, whereas in the fourth day of the new mother is given once a wound care, which subsequently allowed to go home and outpatient care enough if the observation is currently visible injuries wound care improves. The provision of care wound on the fourth day post caesarea sectio is to adjust the theory where sterile wound healing process that has entered the stage of epithelialization is around the third and fourth days. Therefore, the opening of the bandage before the third day is not allowed because it can disrupt the network epithelialization process (Potter and Perry 2006). Results of statistical analysis on the nutritional value obtained p = 0.083, meaning there is no influence between nutrition / diet with wound healing time. To further after analyzed by multiple logistic regression was obtained variables that significantly affect the wound healing time was wound care and nutrition. It also looks interaction between the wound care nutrition with P Value = 0,000. Thus the final model is the model with interaction. Of the three variables, the variables that most influence on wound healing is nutritional variables (Exp B = 178.89). The results are consistent with the theory, where the frequency of hospitalization injuries most a little showing the wound well, considering the patient wound made to wait after three-four days post c that adapts to the theory so as not to interfere with the process of epithelialization wounds as a caesarea with positive wound healing process and to further patients for outpatient treatment (Perry and Potter, 2006). 5} The Influencing Factors of Mobilization Patient To Time Caesarea Sectio In Delivery Room Pare -Kediri Hospital. The age factor does not significantly influence the mobilization time (p = 0.507). Similarly, hemoglobin (p = 0.453), grade of treatment (p = 0.174), indicative caesarean sectio (p = 1.000), antibiotics (p = 0.440), and nutrition (p = 0.468) did not affect the mobilization time. Wound care factors proven to affect the mobilization of maternal time post caesarea sectio in Pare hospitals (p = 0.001). The indirect effect of the action is to help the patient wound healing process so that patients are motivated for immediate mobilization. Immediate mobilization gradually be very useful to assist wound healing irritation. Mobilization is useful for preventing thrombosis and embolism. Conversely if too early mobilization can influence wound healing (Novita 2007). To further after analyzed by logistic regression, it turns out the variables that significantly affect only the mobilization of the wound care alone, with Exp B = 7.475. However found the interaction between patient wound with class of service in their influence on the mobilization (p Value = 0.002). The results are consistent with the theory, where the frequency of hospitalization injuries most a little showing the wound well, considering the patient wound made to wait after three-four days post SC that adapts to the theory so as not to interfere with the process of epithelialization wounds as a sign of positive wound healing process and to further patients for outpatient treatment (Perry and Potter, 2006). 6) The Influence factors that affect the occurrence of complications of Caesarean section Patients In Delivery Room Pare Kediri Hospital. The age factor proved to be no significant effect on the occurrence of complications (p = 0.061). Likewise, the Hb factor (p = 0.453), grade of treatment (p = 0.444), indication (p = 0.162), medicine (0626), and nutrition (p = 0.083). Only the factor hospitalization proven effect on the occurrence of complications in patients in hospitals Pare post caesarean sectio (p = 0.000). To further after analyzed by logistic regression, it turns out the variables that significantly affect the occurrence of complications is simply wound care alone, with Exp B = 161.98, and there were no interaction between age, wound care and 526 nutrition in their influence on complications (0.094). 6. ImplicationsResearch In this study, patients with complications of caesarean section wound healing time so that the average 9-12 days of hospitalization (LOS) for 9 days because obstetric doctors in Pare hospitals do not allow patients go home if the wound is still wet (in case of complications in the postoperative wound) , so that the wound care needs to be performed 2 times. This usually occurs in patients with an indication of entrance is indicative of a mother with diabetes mellitus, prolonged labor and with high blood pressure that affects the cost increase in caesarea section patients to Rp 4.43.000, -. The variable class of service as a source of financing in this study did not affect the outcome of patients sectio, so that in accordance with the Law on Consumer where there is no difference in terms of the provision of care services that lead to the healing process of patients in hospitals, except the room facilities were acquired, so the cost issued approximately Rp. 3.61.000, -. Based on these images we can conclude the preparation of Clinical Pathway restrictions on caesarea sectio patients in terms of age at least patients aged 25-31 years, because it affects the patient LOS factors to be 4 days, while the diet given was High-calorie high-protein and the time required for wound healing is 7 days and 1 day mobilization. Antibiotics are used can be used is a combination of amoxicillin and oral amoxicillin injection, wound care enough 1kali done after the patient is allowed to go home because the incision is dry (no complications in the wound) and outpatient treatment at the time determined by the treating physician. Indication of incoming patient is an indication that the baby does not affect the relative length of stay because usually the mother was discharged so that the total costs needed by patients is approximately 3610.000 rupiah. 7. Limitations Research a. Secondary data nutrients in Pare Hospital Delivery Room just shows the type but can not reflect the amount of intake that is acceptable to the patient. b. The analysis carried out in one direction and a stage that can not be identified properly. Further research is advisable to use Path analysis for the perfection of research analysis. c. Collecting data in this study is only done in Pare Hospital so that these results can not be generalized. 8. Conclusion Factors that proved influential on maternal LOS post caesarea sectio in hospitals Pare was wound care and nutrition, factors that proved to affect the cost of post caesarea sectio hospital in the mother's age, Hb, and medicine. While the wound care factors shown to affect the wound healing time. Wound care factors also proved to be an effect on the time of mobilization, in addition to wound care and nutritional factors are also shown to influence the occurrence of complications in patients with post caesarea sectio in Pare hospitals. 9. Suggestions To determine the cost efficiency in the preparation of Clinical Pathway for caesarea sectio patients in Pare hospitals to consider is the age factor, Hb, class of service, indications, wound care, antibiotic use, nutrition and complications. 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Methods: The study used a quasi experiment design, in which the experimental group was given caring-based SEEIP intervention, while the control group received routine care given by doctors and nurses.Samples were 17 participants of Prolanis(Program PengelolaanPenyakitKronis, or Chronic Disease Management Program) selected by a simple random sampling technique. The independent variable was caring-basedSEEIP and the dependent variable was self-efficacy of patients with type 2 diabetes. Data were collected using questionnaires, which were then analyzed using paired t-test and independent t-test, while confounding variables were analyzed using multiple linear regression.Results: Results showed that caring-based SEEIP had effects on improving self-efficacy of patients with type 2 diabetes with a p-value of 0,000 (α < 0.05), meaning that there was a significant difference before and after the caring-based SEEIP intervention.Discusion:When an individual thinks that he or she is God‟s perfect creature, the individual would maintain his or her body well. Caring-based SEEIP had effects on improving self-efficacy of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Future researchers could develop this concept for other diseases. Keywords: Caring-based SEEIP, self-efficacy, type 2 diabetes mellitus INTRODUCTION Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic diseases with characteristic increase in blood glucose level (hyperglycemia). Often times DM patients accept diabetes diagnosis difficult, when especially they knows their life are regulated by diet and drugs (Kai G.Kahl, 2014). DM patients will be negative attitude when during treatment, negative attitude toward the disease and treatment will be cause to DM management failure, this may affect patients of life quality and social skills (Soegondo, 2011). That introduction survey results are diabetes patients in Kediri District has less DMSES self efficacy (46-58%) and PTES (30-37%). Diabetes independently Selfmanagement that effective is gotten if the individual has knowledge, skills and selfefficacy to perform DM. behavior management. one way to improve selfefficacy by applying SEEIP (Self Efficacy Enhancement Intervention Program) based Caring in DM patients. This the purpose research was to prove the influence SEEIP caring based on the increase in selfefficacy in patients with type 2 diabetes. Someone who has only the knowledge, attitudes, and specific skills in the absence of self-efficacy are high, indicating a belief that he was able to do something, it is unlikely that someone would commit such acts or behavior (Edberg, 2010). Based previous research Wu, et. Al (2011) stated that the program SEEIP have an influence on self-efficacy. 525 Damayanti (2012) also states the same thing that self-efficacy enhancing intervention program in DM patients,This program increase self-efficacy patient to do self-care. SEEIP is one the techniques of learning to improve self-efficacy to patients who adopted the cognitive theory of social (social cognitive theory, SCT) proposed by Bandura comes from four main sources of influence, among other things: (1) performance accomplishments, (2) vicarious experience ( 3) verbal persuasion, (4) somatic and emotional state (Bandura, 1997). Meanwhile, to support awareness of himself and others we add model of caring by Jean Watson with 10 caritasnya values of humanity, trust-hope, sensitivity terdahapyourself and others, a relationship of trust and mutual help, expression of positive and negative, systematic problem solving methods, teaching and learning through interpersonal relationships, support, protection, mental, physical, social, cultural and spiritual environment, human needs and the strength of the existential phenomenological (Alligood, 2014) RESULTS Patients withtype 2 diabetes mellitus identification is Self Efficacy Table1. Differences Self Efficacy type 2 diabetes patients are before and after treatment to treatment group and control group of Diabetes group in BPJS branch Kediri, Kediri,District in April-May 2015. Treatment Control (n = 17) (n = 17) Variabel M M p P (SD) (SD) Self Efficacy (DMSES) Pre–Post 1 -21,706 ,000 -,029 ,868 (12,572) (,717) Pre – Post 2 -28,382 ,000 -,235 ,399 (13,563) (1,120) -6,676 ,000 -,206 Post 1 – Post 2 ,130 METHODS Design research uses quasiexperimental, by the experimental group were given intervention based SEEIP Caring, while control group received routine maintenance carried out by doctors and nurses. Samples were some participants Prolanis (Chronic Disease Management Program) amounted to 17 people chosen by simple random sampling. SEEIP-based independent variable is the dependent variable is Caring and Self - Efficacy Patient DM Type 2. Data were collected using a questionnaire DMSES and PTES, then analyzed using paired t-test, independent ttest, while confounding variables using multiple linear regression. Table1. to refer in treatment groups show that Self Efficacy(DMSES &PTES) has a p value is <0.000, α<0.05, its which means that any significant changes before and after SEEIP based Caring. In contrast to control group showed that Self Efficacy (DMSES &PTES) has a p value greater with α<0.05, which means are not change before and after SEEIP based Caring. (4,334) (,532) Self Efficacy (PTES) Pre – Post 1 -25,471 ,000 ,294 (16,164) (1,213) Pre – Post 2 -27,000 ,000 ,118 (15,996) (1,269) Post 1 – Post 2 -1,529 ,001 -,176 (1,463) (1,185) 526 ,332 ,707 ,548 Table2. Self Efficacy type 2 diabetes patients is identification in the treatment group and control group after to do SEEIP indiabetes group in BPJS branch in Kediri, Kediri in April-May 2015. Treatment Control Variabel p (n=17) (n=17) M (SD) M (SD) Self Efficacy (DMSES) 55,06 55,06 1,000 Pre (13,236) (13,236) 76,76 55,09 ,000 Post 1 (13,579) (5,483) 83,44 55,29 ,000 Post 2 (13,815) (2,984) Self Efficacy (PTES) Pre Post 1 Post 2 66,59 (16,086) 92,06 (1,345) 93,59 (1,805) 73,00 (17,288) 72,71 (16,744) 72,88 (16,733) Correlation characteristics Respondent with Self Efficacy Table 3.Correlation variables are in research diabetic groups in the region of the branch BPJS Kediri in Kediri, in April-May 2015. Post – 1 (T2) T Col. (p) (vif) Self Efficacy (DMSES) Group ,000 1,787 Age ,935 1,547 Gender ,068 1,431 Therapy ,842 1,376 Work ,066 1,895 Education ,031 4,709 Sick ,517 1,302 Complication ,609 1,069 DMSES PRE ,000 3,230 Self Efficacy (PTES) Group ,000 1,597 Age ,842 1,633 Gender ,922 1,430 Therapy ,325 1,339 Work ,036 1,842 Education ,147 3,513 Sick ,243 1,222 Complication ,967 1,062 PTES PRE ,000 2,046 Variabel ,271 ,000 ,000 The results analysis show that Self Efficacy (DMSES & PTES) in pre ( do not do SEEIP based Caring) the difference was not significant, and after SEEIP showed results that Self Efficacy (DMSES & PTES) on post1 (T2), post2 (T3) has a value p value = 0.000, α> 0.05, which means that self-efficacy were not significant differences between treatment and control groups. While seeing a change in the treatments group are mean number self-efficacy show DMSES post 1 (76.76%) and post 2 (83.66%) in both categories that were previously pre (55.06%) in medium category and self efficacy PTES post 1 (92.06%) and post 2 (93.59%) in both categories that were previously pre (66.59%) in the medium category. This differs significantly from results of self-efficacy to control group are lean to remain medium category. F (p) ,000a ,000a Post – 2 (T3) t Col. F (p) (vif) (p) ,000 ,621 ,161 ,972 ,091 ,086 ,285 1,787 1,547 1,431 1,376 1,895 4,709 1,302 ,934 ,000 1,069 3,230 ,000 ,943 ,831 ,241 ,052 ,183 ,191 ,810 ,000 1,597 1,633 1,430 1,339 1,842 3,513 1,222 1,062 2,046 Test analysis results are f (p value 0,000, α <0.05), which means together variable (group, age, gender, treatment, employment, education, duration of illness, complications, pre dmses and PTES) significantly affects the self efficacy and the t test analysis on the variable group, dmses and pre PTES (p value 0,000, α <0.05) which shows that the variable group and self efficacy in pre influence on self-efficacy, but variables (age, sex, treatment, employment, education, duration of illness, complications) has a p value greater than α, which means these variables individually have no effect on selfefficacy. These results are also supported by the analysis of collinearity shows the value of vif<10 thus concluded variable (group, age, gender, treatment, employment, education, duration of 527 ,000a ,000a illness, complications, self-efficacy pre) does not occur multikolinearitas or does not happen a strong correlation with self efficacy. similarity with the observer's own self. The more people who are observed to have a resemblance to him, the greater the potential for self-efficacy that will be contributed by this factor. While helping individuals gain confidence in healing, positive thinking. The more people have a strong belief and positive thinking, then the self-efficacy would be optimal. Verbal persuasion is persuasion that other people verbally or by yourself (self-talk) that can be used effects how people act or behave. Individuals under the influence or the suggestion that he was able to overcome the problems to be faced. Someone who confidence always given and the drive to recover and be able to control the disease, it will show behavior to try to recover and control, vice versa. This factor nature may come from outside or within the individual himself. The influence that can be given by the giver of persuasion is a sense of trust to the grantor of persuasion and believed that he was able to manage his illness. The same time through verbal persuasion helps to appreciate the power of existentialphenomenological namely appreciate and realize that the life-death-suffering is a blessing from God and believe in the possibility of the magic / miracles of healing from God and recalling that the individual is a creature cipataan God's most perfect and continue loved by God. Emotional arousal is generating positive emotions so that people have the confidence to perform a particular action. Emotional condition (mood) also affect a person's decision-making related to his self efficacy. Emotional state that accompanies the individual when he was doing an activity will affect a person's self-efficacy. Emotion is meant strong emotions such as fear, stress, anxiety and joy. These emotions can increase or decrease one's self efficacy. At the same time dividing issues with other individuals, which help the individual that he has friends and relatives who always supported him. DISCUSSION The results show that significantly affect Caring based SEEIP Self Efficacy patients with type 2 diabetes, is evidenced by the significant changes after treatment with the value Self Efficacy (DMSES & PTES) has a value of value <0.000, α <0.05, which means that the significant changes before and after SEEIP (table 1) and supported the existence of differences between treatment and control groups, namely Self Efficacy (DMSES & PTES) on post1 (T2), post2 (T3) has a value of value = 0,000, α> 0 , 05 which means that self-efficacy were no significant differences between treatment and control groups (Table 2). This situation is caused by a program-based Caring SEEIP given to patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus include Performance Accomplishments which recalls the accomplishments or experience the best ever achieved by the patient in the past in controlling diabetes. Good performance in the past experienced by the patient will make increase the expectation of efficacy, while the experience of failure will decrease the efficacy of the individual. At the same time it helps the individual to have a sense of love, care, trust, hope, sensitive, positive thinking, creative problemsolving, the best learning experience, and confidence to cure both to themselves and to others. Vicarious experience is the experience gained from others or emulate their behavior to get what others get. Selfefficacy will increase if observing the success that has been achieved by others, whereas the self-efficacy would decrease if individuals observing someone who has the equivalent of his Traffic failure. Given the influence of these factors on the selfefficacy is based on the observed 528 This is consistent with the results of the study conducted by Wu, et. Al (2011) which states that the program SEEIP have an influence on self-efficacy. Damayanti (2012) also states same thing that self-efficacy enhancing intervention program in patients with DM, the program enhances patient self-efficacy in performing self-care. Potter and Perry (2009) stated that confidence of the patient's health can be a powerful motivation to take actions that can reduce the disease or reduce the severity. The role of nurses as educators took part in providing the knowledge and motivation to patients. Trento, (2004) in Atak, Gurkan and Kose (2006) explained that the health education group problem solving increase knowledge about diabetes and improve the decision making lifestyle changes to manage the disease. Similarly, Anderson, et al (1995) in Atak, Gurkan and Kose (2006) conducted a study on the effects of health education about DM, with health education about disease management obtained a change of psychosocial and skills where someone with type 2 diabetes develops keyakinananya about coping psychology DM called confidence DM. Research nyut et al (2010), which conducts research on self-efficacy, self care and control blood sugar result that the provision of education can improve self efficacy 62% and 30% self-care behavior. Self-efficacy is the belief in one's ability to organize and execute courses of action required to manage a situation that will occur (Bandura, 1994). It is also supported by results of Table 3. on other factors that affect selfefficacy, ie the t test analysis on the variable group, dmses and PTEs pre indicates that the variable group and self efficacy in pre influence on self-efficacy, but variables (age , gender, treatment, employment, education, duration of illness, complications) has a p value greater than α, which means these variables individually have no effect on self-efficacy. These results are also supported by the analysis concludes variable collinearity (group, age, gender, treatment, employment, education, duration of illness, complications) do not occur or do not occur multikolinearitas strong correlation with self efficacy. Results were showed statistically many female respondents, but there is no relationship between gender and selfefficacy, means that men and women have the same ability in solving various problems or to cope, and to behave as expected. Men and women possess the same confidence in their ability to behave as expected to manage the disease. Age of respondents average 47 years, the results not statistically significant relationship of age with self-efficacy this is due to the older respondents have complications or comorbidities that will further reduce the function of the physical so that patients do not feel able to do the treatment himself with such good though sport, whereas in the adult respondents were more likely to focus on perjaan and household. The average education level of respondents junior high school graduates, according to the results of this study that education level was not associated with self-efficacy can be interpreted that the higher the education level of respondents do not guarantee good self efficacy. The level of education is high on the respondents in this study is a formal education in general not describe specific education about DM, but respondents with higher education should be easier to understand and accept the information that helps in improving efficacy of himself. Based on current experience researching, there are some respondents who are well educated and know how to correct diabetes management, but is still difficult melaksanakannnya a variety of reasons including the one about exercise and diet DM. The average respondent has a job, 529 according to the results of this study that the job no association with self-efficacy, it is because the working conditions can be a source of stressors that can reduce a person's ability to solve problems. Stress conditions is one of the risk factors that can aggravate the condition of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2, which will have an impact on the decline in selfefficacy in the management of his diabetes. Long experience DM is mean of respondents two years, the results of this study there was no significant relationship between old suffering from diabetes with self-efficacy, due to the length of experience DM will happen much damage to cells and body functions so more easily appeared a variety of physical disorders and metabolic or in other words complications have occurred. someone with komlikasi will experience a variety of disorders and limitations that can cause low self efficacy of patients. The above results differ from test analysis f in Table 3. stating jointly variables (group, age, gender, treatment, employment, education, duration of illness, complications, pre dmses and PTEs) significant effect on self-efficacy. This suggests that there are factors other than the four elements of self efficacy which affect self-efficacy in individuals, although these factors do not stand alone but affects together, are consistent with the theory Bandura (1977) states in addition to the four sources of efficacy and process information can be also influenced by the characteristics of the individual and the environment. Ideally, self-efficacy strengthened through a variety of experiences related and will influence subsequent behavior. Someone will decide to behave based on reflective thinking, the use of knowledge in general, and the ability to perform an action. based Caring can improve Self Efficacy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. RECOMMENDATIONS Application of Caring based SEEIP can be applied to health care institutions to develop an integrated system of services and provides the means for the Center Self Efficacy Restoration as an effort to increase confidence in type 2 diabetes patients in the care of her. Caring based SEEIP program can be applied to cases of other chronic diseases that require treatment eg patients with hypertension, stroke, kidney failure, and in palliative care. REFERENCES ADA, 2012. Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Melitus. Diabetes Care, II(1), p.35. Alligood, Martha R., 2014. Nursing Theorist and Their Work. 8th ed. United Satates of America: Elsevier. Atak, N. Gurkan,T. & Kose,K., 2006. The effect of education on knowledge, self management behaviour and self efficacy of patient with type 2 diabetes. Australian journal of advanced nursing , pp.66-74. Bandura, A., 1977. Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. New York: Psychological Review. Bandura, A., 1994. Self-efficacy. 1st ed. New York: Academic Press. Bandura, A., 1997. Self-Efficacy: The exercise of kontrol. New York: Academic Press. Damayanti, S., 2012. Analisis Praktik Residensi Keperawatan Medikal Bedah: Penerapan teori adaptasi Roy pada pasien dengan gangguan sistem endokrin. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia. Edberg, M., 2010. Buku Ajar Kesehatan Masyarakat; Teori Sosial dan Perilaku. Jakarta: EGC. CONCLUSIONS Application of SEEIP (Self Efficacy Enhancing Intervention Program) 530 Kai G.Kahl, Ulrich, Christoph, Conrad, Marie, Michael, Peter., 2014. Depression, anxiety disorder, and metabolic sydrome in a population at risk for type 2 Diabetes Melitus. Brain and Behaviour, pp.1-7. Patricia A Potter, A.G.P., 2009. Buku Ajar Fundamental Keperawatan. Jakarta: EGC. Sandhi W.Nyut, Nopporn H, Nawarat S, Thiltipat R., 2010. self-efficacy, self-care behaviour and glycemic kontrol among type-2 diabetes patients attending two private clinic in yangon,myanmar. Southeas Asian J Trop Med Public Health, pp.943-51. Shu-Fang V.W, Mei-chen L,Shu-Yuan L, Yu-Ying L, Tsae J.W, Heng H T., 2011. Effectiveness of a selfefficacy program for persons with diabetes: A randomized kontrolled trial. Nursing and Health Science, pp.335-43. Soegondo, S., Rudianto,P., Subekti, I., Pranoto, A., Arsana, P.M., et al.., 2011. Konsensus pengelolaan dan pencegahan diabetes melitus tipe 2 di Indonesia 2011. Jakarta: PB Perkeni. 531 EFFECT OF REMINISCENCE THERAPY OF OLDER PEOPLE AND SELFACCEPTANCE WITH GEROTRANSCENDENCE THEORY APPROACH IN JOMBANG INSTITUTION AND GERIATRIC OF PUHJARAK COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER KEDIRI Nugrahaeni Firdausi Akademi Keperawatan Pamenang Kediri Email: Introduction: Aging process is a natural phenomenon. Aging process is change to physical, social, psychological, moral and spiritual to older people. That change can to effect low self-acceptance. Older people of low self-acceptance will correlated with high depression level. This research purpose was analyse effect of reminiscence therapy to self-acceptance older people with gerotranscendence theory approach in Jombang Institution and Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center Kediri. Method: This research used a quasy experiment two groups with non randomized pretest-posttest control group design approach. This research sampling technique used purposive sampling, so 28 samples got to selected was based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. This research independent variables was elderly self-acceptance and the dependent variable was the reminiscence therapy. The instrument used data collection of selfacceptance questionnaire from modification psychological well-being questionnaire Ryff (1989). Data were analyzed using paired t test and t test independent. Result: The results showed that treatment group in Jombang Institution, there was increasing acceptance older people with p= 0.001, whereas the control group was p= 0.021. Value pretest was self-acceptance between treatment and control group showed p= 0.139, and the posttest value was p= 0.000. The treatment group was Puhjarak Community Health Center Kediri, there was increase self-acceptance older people p= 0.001, whereas the control group was p= 1.000, between value were pretest self-acceptance treatment and control group to show p= 0.226, and the posttest value was p= 0.000, differences between value were posttest self-acceptance treatment group in Jombang Institution and Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center Kediri p= 0.854, and the value control group was p= 0.017. Discussion: Reminiscence therapy can increase self-acceptance in the older people through gerotrancendence theoretical approach, but older people acceptance effected age were too, stay nursing homes long time, history life, sadness, environmental, and social support. Suggestion for next researcher expected can do qualitative research about selfacceptance older people and respondents are strict controls observing and environmental research so to give maximum results. Keywords: self-acceptance older people, reminiscence therapy, theory gerotranscendence INTRODUCTION Increasing degree of health and well-being of the population at this time will have an effect on the increase in life expectancy in Indonesia (Kemenkes RI, 2013). The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) reported that life expectancy in 2010 was 69.43 (with the percentage of the elderly population is 7.56%) and in 2011 to 69.65 years (with the percentage of the elderly population is 7.58%). Number of older people in the province with the highest percentage of three contained in Yogyakarta (13.04%), East Java (10.40%), and Central Java (10.34%). Changes in physical, social, psychological, moral and spiritual occur in the older people can lead to negative self-acceptance (Mariana, 2014). The research of Tika & Saifuddin (2013) showed that of 54 532 older people, found 31 (59.6%) older people have enough self-acceptance, and 3 (5.8%) older people have less selfacceptance, while the data collection showed that two out of three people (66.67%) in the Jombang institution had a lack of self-acceptance, and one (33.33%) had self-acceptance well, the same data was also obtained on Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center Kediri, from three older people, single people (33.33%) of older people had enough self-acceptance, one person (33.33 %) had less self-acceptance, and one person (33.33%) had good selfacceptance. Gerotransenden theory is a theory explaining the aging process, in this process the thought patterns of the older people will become more extensive and cosmic (Jonson & Magnusson, 2001). Thorstam in Thorsen (1998) mentions that gerotransenden is a universal phenomenon that occurs in any process of aging. The research of Tornstam (1994, 1997a, b, 1999, 2003), quantitatively demonstrate that the gerotransenden theory positively correlated with age, but in fact, only about 20% of the population. achieving a high degree of gerotranscendence without difficulty (Tornstam, 2011). Johnson & Magnusson (2001) mentions that changes to the natural aging process is described by the gerotransenden theory an awareness in old age toward wisdom. Gerotransenden sign is divided into three levels, the cosmic level, the level of self, and the level of the individual and social relations (Tornstam in Jonson, 2001). At the level of self, gerotransenden theory outlines the developments associated with the aging process (Wadensten, 2005). Older people who do not have self-acceptance will view themselves as depressed, too boast of his past, or use a self-defense mechanism to deal with change associated with increasing age itself (Sari & Nuryoto, 2002). Reminiscence therapies currently used as a therapy for treatment of depression in the older people, while the influence of the reminiscence therapy to improve self-acceptance has not been done. The using of reminiscence therapy by motivating the older people to remember the ability he has, whether biological, psychological, social, spiritual, and cognitive, so the limitations due to the aging process can be minimized (Syarniah, 2010). Elderly will become more focused on the needs of others, and obsession with body switch with self-acceptance which results in life satisfaction (Tornstam, 2011). This research purpose was analyse effect of reminiscence therapy to self-acceptance older people with gerotranscendence theory approach in Jombang Institution and Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center Kediri. METHOD This research used a quasy experiment two groups with non randomized pretest-posttest control group design approach, with research time was 4 weeks in Jombang Institution and Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center Kediri. This research sampling technique used purposive sampling, so 28 samples got to selected was based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Twentyeight samples were in Jombang Institution divided into two groups, 14 samples were treatment group, and 14 samples were control group. Puhjarak Community Health Center was divided into two, each 14 samples were treatment group, and 14 samples were control group. This research independent variables was elderly self-acceptance and the dependent variable was the reminiscence therapy. The instrument used data collection (pretest and posttest) of self-acceptance questionnaire from modification psychological well-being questionnaire Ryff (1989), which contains 14 questions. Format attitude scale questionnaire self-acceptance is a Likert 533 scale. In the questionnaire of selfacceptance, there are four possible answers, Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree and Strongly Disagree. This measure are items favorable (item number 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 12, and 13) and items unfavorable (item number 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, and 14). Score 4 for Strongly Agree, 3 to Agree to Disagree 2, and 1 for Strongly Disagree, while for item unfavorable scoring is the opposite. Assessment questionnaire is indicated by a score of acceptance of yourself, better when the score 43-56, acceptance of self-sufficient when the score 29-42, and the acceptance of self-less when the score 14-28. Instruments for the independent variable reminiscence therapy is SAK. Retrieval of data held in Jombang Institution and Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center Kediri in March 2015, while the process of research carried out on April 23, 2015- May 16, 2015. The respondents determined in accordance with the criteria of the sample and sampling techniques. Respondents who have been selected will be given an explanation about the purpose and benefits of research. Respondents that had been collected was then given an explanation of the technical guidelines of treatment research/SAK in accordance with the group (treatment or control) in order to obtain informed consent from each respondent. Pretest is done by using a questionnaire form self-acceptance, so the initial score obtained before the intervention. Scores of self-acceptance questionnaire obtained from questionnaires acceptance modification of psychological well being questionnaires Ryff (1989). The data collection process is assisted by observers who have studied and understand the research activity. Respondents in the treatment group was given the research activities in the form of reminiscence therapy as much as six sessions, the first session that activities reminiscing childhood with 2 meetings, the second session in memory of adolescence with 2 meetings, third session in memory of adulthood with two meetings, fourth session in memory of a family with one meeting, the fifth session of reminiscing elderly period with 2 meetings, and the sixth session is the evaluation of the achievement of self-integrity. Implementation of the reminiscence performed with a duration of 20-30 minutes, every meeting held 3x/week, was done 2 days in a period of 4 weeks. The final assessment carried out by the end of the 4th week, performed on all groups using a questionnaire form self-acceptance back to find out the scores after the intervention. Respondents in the control group was not given any intervention, just doing everyday actions of each respondent, but after the study ended, the control group will also be given the same treatment as the reminiscence of older treatment group before. Data were analyzed using paired t test to determine the difference before and after implementation of an intervention and t test independent to determine the comparison between the groups treated and untreated. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Results of observations about the characteristics of survey respondents which include gender, age, marital status, and length of stay in Jombang institution or longer follow Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center Kediri will be described below. 534 Tabel 1 Respondent characteristics in Jombang institution or longer follow Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center Kediri April-May 2015 Jombang Institution Geriatric of Puhjarak CHC No Characteristic Treatme Total Control Treatme Control s nt group group nt group group Gender f % f % f % f % Ʃ % 1. Male 3 21,4 3 21,4 1 7,1 1 7,1 8 14,3 2. Female 1 78,6 11 78,6 1 92,9 1 92,9 48 85,7 1 3 3 Amount 1 100 14 100 1 100 1 100 56 100 4 4 4 f % F % f % f % Ʃ % Age (year) 1. 60-65 4 28,6 1 7,1 4 28,6 3 21,4 12 21,4 2. 66-70 2 14,3 1 7,1 4 28,6 5 35,7 12 21,4 3. 71-75 8 57,1 12 85,7 6 42,9 6 42,9 32 57,1 Amount 1 100 14 100 1 100 1 100 56 100 4 4 4 Bartlett‟s test p=0,848 of Sphericity % f % f % f % Ʃ % Marital status f 1. Married 2 14,3 1 7,1 4 28,6 5 35,7 12 21,4 2. Widow 1 71,4 11 78,6 9 64,3 8 57,1 38 67,9 0 3. Widower 2 14,3 2 14,3 1 7,1 1 7,1 6 10,7 Amount 1 100 14 100 1 100 1 100 56 100 4 4 4 Ʃ Length of f % f % f % f % % stay 1. < 3 month 0 0 1 7,1 0 0 0 0 1 1,7 2. 3 month –1 4 28,6 1 7,1 6 42,9 6 42,9 17 30,4 year 3. 1-5 year 8 57,1 6 42,9 8 57,1 8 57,1 30 53,6 4. > 5 year 2 14,3 6 42,9 0 0 0 0 8 14,3 Amount 1 100 14 100 1 100 1 100 56 100 4 4 4 Characteristics of respondents in Jombang institution and Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center majority are female, are in the age range 71-75 years old, a widow, length of stay in Jombang institution is in the period of 1-5 years, and longer follow Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center also within 1- 5 years for respondents who are older people in the Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center. Results of the assessment of self-acceptance older people in Jombang institution in the treatment group and the control group before and after reminiscence therapy can be seen in the following table: 535 Tabel 2 Assessment of self-acceptance older people in Jombang institution in the treatment group and the control group before and after reminiscence therapy of the April-May 2015 Self acceptance Treatmen group Control group Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest F % f % f % f % Well 0 0 12 85,7 0 0 1 7,1 Enough 12 85,7 2 14,3 13 92,9 13 92,9 Less 2 14,3 0 0 1 7,1 0 0 Amount 14 100 14 100 14 100 14 100 Mean±SD 32,14±2,742 50,14±4,258 34,07±3,832 37,36±3,003 Mean difference 18 3,29 Wilcoxon signed p=0,001 p=0,021 rank test The results showed that after is marked by the return of past memories treatment reminiscence therapy, selfand conflicts (Butler, 1996). acceptance older people in the treatment Implementation of therapy have a group experienced a significant positive influence in improving selfimprovement after reminiscence acceptance in the older reminiscence therapy. Older people before people. implementation reminiscence therapy Increased self-acceptance in the more focus on the lack of theirselves and treatment group after treatment desire to change the past, after the reminiscence therapy still not up on all reminiscence therapy become more the respondents, there are two categories grateful and accept all its shortcomings of respondents who have enough selfas a gift from God that must be grateful. acceptance despite given reminiscence At the level of self gerotransenden therapy, there are respondent 2 and 6. perspective, there is a change of Self acceptance on respondents 2 and 6 rationality eolder people obsession with does not increase significantly in both body switch with self-acceptance and categories, although there is an increase become more focused on the needs of in the value of her acceptance. others, resulting in life satisfaction. SelfRespondent 2 are aged 75 years old, a acceptance is an introduction to personal widow, and lived in Jombang institution abilities and accomplishments for 7 years. Interviews showed that themselves, along with the acceptance of during the research process that the limitations of self (Corsini, 2002). coincided with the arrival of the students Reminiscence therapy carried by practice makes respondent 2 motivating the elderly to recall remembered her grandchildren that are capabilities, whether biological, outside Java were sorely missed, so psychological, social, spiritual, and make respondent 2 feel sad. Pannes in cognitive, so the limitations due to the Hurlock (1978) argued that a person aging process can be minimized. who receives him is someone who is not Memories, in the Gerotransenden troubled by itself, does not have the perspective seen as an important element burden of feeling of self, so it has plenty in the development process of the older of opportunity to adapt to the people, because contribute in developing environment. an identity and a sense of reality through The research of Tornstam (1994, memories (Tornstam in Wadensten, 1997a, b, 1999, 2003), quantitatively 2006). Butler (1996) illustrates that demonstrate that the gerotransenden people of all ages reviewing their past in theory positively correlated with age, various ways in life. Remembering the but in fact, only about 20% of the past is a normal developmental task that population, which reached a high degree 536 of gerotransenden without difficulty (Tornstam, 2011). Gerotransendence process towards this, some people may be hampered by a variety of reasons, one of which is retained hope. Self-acceptance older people besides influenced by reminiscence therapy is also affected by age, adaptation to the environment and circumstances in the individual's own personal self. Respondent 6 is a 60-year-old, widow, and the length of stay in Jombang institution is 3 years. Respondent 6 said that during the process of research, respondents still work as usual and maintain good relations with friends, but from observation during the research process, respondent 6 is not too interact with other. Other respondents said that respondent 6 did not like to associate with other, because of differences in the background. Hurlock (1980) explains that the attitude or response from the environment to form an attitude towards oneself (self attitude), the individual who received the appropriate attitude and fun of their environment tend to receive him. Baltes & Baltes in Newman & Newman (1979) said that the adaptability make an important contribution for older people to achieve successful aging. This is because successful aging strategies involve older people who used to accept the changes that happened to him. Other factors that lead to self-acceptance is the age of maturity, according to Akçakoca in Ceyhan and Ceyhan (2011), age may affect the level of self-acceptance on a person, the more a person's age, the higher the level of acceptance of himself. Implementation of reminiscence therapy in improving selfacceptance in the older people through gerotransenden theoretical approaches do not all give good results, but is also influenced by the history of one's life that should help understand and provide coherence of life (Tornstam, 2005). Increased of self-acceptance older people in the treatment group after reminiscence therapy in accordance with previous studies, the research Moral et al (2013), which indicates that the reminiscence therapy given positive effect in improving the psychological well being of older people in the posttest and follow-up, with self-acceptance as one dimension of psychological well being. This is supported by the observation of memories during therapy in Jombang institution group, which showed that out of 14 respondents, all of them participated in the therapy with enthusiasm. The respondents recalled independently after listening to instructions and rules of conduct. Results of the evaluation showed activity of all respondents score more than 3 per session, which indicates that in following the activities, the respondents can be followed with enthusiasm and complete from start to finish. The evaluation results are supported by previous studies that the use of reminiscence therapy can motivate the elderly to remember the ability he has, whether biological, psychological, social, spiritual, and cognitive, so the limitations due to the aging process can be minimized (Syarniah, 2010). Memories in the gerotrancendence perspective seen as an important element in the development process of the older people, because contribute in developing an identity and a sense of reality through memories (Tornstam in Wadensten, 2006). In the process of gerotransenden changes materialistic and rational view of the world becomes more cosmic and transcendence, which is usually accompanied by an increase in life satisfaction. At the level of self-change view of themselves and the physical retrospect and acceptance of, the individual and social relationships occur selectivity against superficial relationships, while at the cosmic level changes the feeling that grew into a part 537 of the universe. This perspective changes resulted in a lot of thought back to childhood, a period that was revised and understood in a new way (Tornstam, 2005). Reminiscence therapy given significant influence in increasing acceptance in the older people, but increase self-acceptance in the older people is also affected by age, length of stay, and an environment that is not observed in this study. Kelompok kontrol yang tidak mendapatkan terapi kenangan, sebagian besar responden lanjut usia mengalami peningkatan penerimaan diri, dan terdapat satu responden lanjut usia yang mengalami peningkatan penerimaan diri yang signifikan, yaitu pada kategori cukup meningkat menjadi kategori baik, yaitu pada satu responden (7,1%). Peningkatan tertinggi terdapat pada responden 9, yaitu dari penerimaan diri kategori cukup menjadi penerimaan diri kategori baik. The control group that did not receive therapy memories, most respondents increased self-acceptance, and there is an respondents who experienced a significant increase selfacceptance, which is in the category increased to a category quite well, which is on one of the respondents (7.1% ). The highest increase contained in the respondent 9, which is quite a category of self-acceptance into either category of self-acceptance. Respondent 9, aged to 75 years, widow, and the length of stay in Jombang institution is 3 years. Observed during the research activities underway indicate that the respondents in the control group who did not receive therapy during the study period memorable stay abreast of daily activities in Jombang institution. In the second week, the student practices of some institutions do gerontik nursing practice, and the existence of these students can not be controlled optimally in this study. Ryff (1989) says that social support is one of the factors that influence the high and low levels of psychological well being of individuals, with self-acceptance is one dimension of psychological well being. Observation and extracting information to clients that support this theory is the data obtained that the respondent 9 during the study period was very pleased with the visit of the students, the respondent 9 can talk and express their feelings to the students companion, every day someone accompany, as a granddaughter. The participation of students practice that can not be controlled optimally in this study, because the study period coincides with the time gerontik nursing practice students from several institutions. It is also consistent with research Masyithah (2012) who said that there is a significant relationship between self-acceptance and social support for patients with poststroke. The data obtained from the study in the control group showed that the cause of the increase in the older people acceptance in Jombang institution influenced by social support factors that are not observed in this study. Results of the assessment of selfacceptance differences in Jombang institution between the treatment group and the control group can be seen in the following table: 538 Tabel 3 Assessment of self-acceptance differences in Jombang institution between the treatment group and the control group in April-May 2015 Self acceptance Pretest Postest Treatment Control group Treatment Control group group group Mean± SD 32,14±2,742 34,07±3,832 50,14±4,258 37,36±3,003 Mean difference 1,93 12,78 t test independent p=0,139 Mann whitney p=0,000 Results of self-acceptance older people in the treatment group and the control group before being implemented reminiscence therapy indicate that the level of self-acceptance older people between the treatment group and the control group was no difference value of acceptance between the two groups before being implemented reminiscence therapy, showed the data homogeneous, and among the treatment group and the control group there was no difference between the two background prior to the reminiscence therapy. Strict control is needed on research, because many factors can affect self-acceptance in the oder people, such as self-understanding, realistic expectations, the absence of environmental barriers, social behavior accordingly, the absence of emotional stress, memories of success, good selfidentification good, self perspective, parenting good childhood, and selfconcept steady (Hurlock, 1974). Results of the assessment of selfacceptance elderly in the treatment group and the control group after reminiscence therapy showed that there are differences in the value of selfacceptance significant between treatment groups who received reminiscence therapy and a control group that did not receive reminiscence therapy. Moral et al (2013), explained that the therapy has positive effect in improving the psychological well being of older people in the post-test and follow-up, with acceptance of ourselves as one dimension of psychological well being. Acceptance of self-assessment results indicate conformity with the results of previous studies showing that reminiscence therapy can increase selfacceptance in the older people. Results of the assessment of selfacceptance in Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center in the treatment group and the control group before and after reminiscence therapy on can be seen in the following table: Tabel 4. Assessment of self-acceptance older people in Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center in the treatment group and the control group before and after reminscence therapy of the April-May 2015 Self acceptance Treatment group Control group Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest f % f % f % f % Well 0 0 12 85,7 0 0 0 0 Enough 14 100 2 14,3 13 92,9 13 92,9 Less 0 0 0 0 1 7,1 1 7,1 Jumlah 14 100 14 100 14 100 14 100 Mean±SD 36,21±3,867 49,71±5,980 34,29±3,361 34,29±3,292 Mean difference 13,5 0 Wilcoxon signed p=0,001 p=1,000 rank test 539 Results of the assessment of selfacceptance in Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center in the treatment group before and after the implementation of the reminiscence therapy showed that there is a significant increase in self-acceptance after reminiscence therapy. Reminiscence therapy of an activity that aims to learn about theirselves, in the perspective of gerotransenden aims to develop, reorganize, change of identity, and perception of the world (Tornstam, 1999b). Results of the assessment of selfacceptance in Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center in the treatment group before and after the implementation of the reminiscence therapy showed that there is a significant increase in self-acceptance after reminiscence therapy. Reminiscence therapy of an activity that aims to learn about yourself, in the perspective of gerotransenden aims to develop, reorganize, change of identity, and perception of the world (Tornstam, 1999b). Increased self-acceptance in the treatment group is not maximized, there are two respondents increased acceptance, but did not arrive at either category, despite an increase in the value of self-acceptance, that the respondents 11 and 14. Respondent 11, 62 years old, a widow, and a long follow Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center is 1 year. Respondent 11 said that the time of her life in old age, respondent 11 was not able to enjoy her old age in peace, because they still have to take care of her grandchildren were entrusted by his parents who worked as Labor Indonesia, when returning home, a job taking care of grandchildren is always wait. Respondent 14 was 60 years old, married, long followed Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center is 3 years, said that in her old age still have to support themselves busy, although her husband also worked odd jobs. Kalimaftika & Saifuddin (2013) stated that the activity increases fatigue that can affect the older people selfacceptance. The process towards gerotransenden hampered or stopped, can cause psychiatric symptoms including depression, anxiety, fear of death, hate and a feeling that life has been stolen, that for some people commit suicide is the final breakout (Jung in Tornstam, 2011). Results of observations during the study showed that all respondents were keen to follow the activities of the 14 respondents, all of them participated in the presence of 100%. All respondents recount memories of the good old days with an enthusiastic from the start of operations until the activity is over, even respondent 9, 10, and 13 show the objects memories of the past that still exist, such as the gramophone, tools knitting and embroidery equipment. Results of the evaluation showed activity of all respondents score more than 3 per session, which indicates that in following the activities, the respondents can be followed with enthusiasm and complete in accordance with SAK. Respondents 4, 6, and 13 said that the memory of the good old days to make happy, accept aging as an advantage that can motivate to live better longer. This is consistent with previous studies that show that reminiscence therapy significantly improved psychological well being in the treatment group compared with the control group (Jo Chiang et al., 2009). Reminiscence therapy given significant influence in increasing acceptance in the older people, but increase selfacceptance in the older people is also influenced by the activities and environments that can not be strictly controlled in this study. Results of the assessment of selfacceptance in Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center in the control group during the pretest and posttest showed that the respondents' level of self-acceptance still remains as the pretest, which means there is increasing acceptance during the pretest and 540 posttest. This means that the background in the treatment group and the control group before implementation reminiscence therapy is the same background. Observed during the study showed that the respondents in the control group perform daily activities as usual, and actively participates in older people in Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center every month. Low self-acceptance in the older people if left untreated will cause a negative impact, as expressed by Kalimaftika & Saifuddin (2013), that self-acceptance older people is low will correlate with high rates of depression in the older people. Older people who have low selfacceptance will easily fall in depression conditions and limitations due to the aging process can not be minimized. Results of the assessment of selfacceptance older people in the treatment group and the control group before the reminiscence therapy showed that there was no difference in the value of acceptance between the two groups before treatment reminiscence therapy. Strict control is needed on research, because many factors can affect selfacceptance in the older people, such as self-understanding, realistic expectations, the absence of environmental barriers, social behavior accordingly, the absence of emotional stress, memories of success, selfidentification good, self perspective, parenting good childhood, and selfconcept steady (Hurlock, 1974). Results of the assessment of self-acceptance older people in the treatment group and the control group after therapy performed a memorable show differences in the value of selfacceptance significant between treatment groups who received reminiscence therapy and a control group that did not receive reminiscence therapy. This is consistent with previous studies, that there is an increased psychological well being, that selfacceptance is one of the dimensions after treatment reminiscence therapy (Afonso et al., 2011). Meiner and Lueckenotte (2006) describes the therapeutic use of memories with the motivation and discussion on the older people about past experiences that experienced and problem solving efforts undertaken at the time, so as to develop the identity and rationality elderly. Effect of reminiscence therapy of the most significant role in increasing selfacceptance in the older people. Results of the assessment of self-acceptance differences in Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center between the treatment group and the control group can be seen in the following table: 541 Tabel 5. Assessment of self-acceptance older people in Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center between the treatment group and the control group after reminiscence therapy of the April-May 2015 Self acceptance Pretest Postest Treatment Control group Treatment Control group group group Mean± SD 36,21±3,867 34,29±3,361 49,71±5,980 34,29±3,292 Mean difference 1,92 15,42 Mann whitney p=0,226 p=0,000 is support from the surrounding Results of the assessment of environment. Memories in the self-acceptance differences in the gerotransendence perspective seen as an control group aged between Jombang important element in the development institution and Geriatric of Puhjarak process of the older people, because Community Health Center at the time of contribute in developing an identity and the posttest show that there are a sense of reality through memories. differences in the value of selfGerotransenden processes associated acceptance among older people control with age, but in fact, this process can group. Such differences may be caused hampered by various things, such as by environmental factors that may affect expectations restrained, life crisis, grief, the acceptance of older memories that and the environment. The results are present in addition to therapy when showed that the effect of therapy the study took place, and less can be remains the most significant controlled optimally. reminiscence therapy in increasing selfThe existence of students as one of acceptance older people, because they social support can affect self-acceptance can be trained themselves independently elderly, this is in accordance with the by the respondents without having to statement of Hjelle and Ziegler (1981), wait another supporting role. that acceptance would be better if there CONCLUSIONS RECOMMENDATION AND Conclusions Implementation of reminiscence therapy can improve the acceptance of older people in the treatment group compared to the control group in Jombang institution and Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center. In the control group there was an increase in Jombang institution self-acceptance because of the lack of strict controls on the environment during the process of the study. Self-acceptance older people in Jombang institution and Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center between the treatment group and the control group before implementation reminiscence therapy showed homogeneous values. Memories as an important element in the development process of the older people in developing identity and a sense of reality. Implementation of reminiscence therapy in improving self-acceptance in the older people through gerotransendence theoretical approaches do not all give good results, but is also influenced by the history of life, including life crisis, grief, and environment should help understand and provide coherence of life. Comparison of self-acceptance older people in the treatment group in Jombang institution and Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center provide equally good effect in improving self-acceptance older people. The value of selfacceptance that differ between the older 542 people control group in Jombang institution and Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center posttest when implemented due to lack of control over the environment. Recommendation Jombang institution as the residence of the older people and Geriatric of Puhjarak Community Health Center as implementing health care for the older people is expected to use the reminiscence therapy as a way to increase self-acceptance in the older people. Nurses can use the reminiscence therapy to improve self-acceptance in the older people so that limitations due to aging can be minimized. Researchers then expected to conduct qualitative research on selfacceptance in the older people and social support affects self-acceptance. Observing strict control of the survey respondents and the environment so as to provide maximum results should be done. 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This research is experimental study with pretest-posttest control group design. Giving attitudional guidance to children when they interact with the teacher using positive conditioning was aimed at lowering children‟s anxiety. The data was collected using questionnaire and observation, in order to obtain data connected to the characteristic of the children, school components, and anxiety indicators towards the teacher. The sample used in this study are all the population which comprised of 16 children, divided randomly into the experimental group consisted of 8 children, and the control group also with 8 children. The result of the analysis showed that the decrease of anxiety towards the teacher in experimental group was higher than that of the control group. Conclusion, giving attitudional guidance to children with anxiety towards the teacher could lower the children‟s anxiety Keywords: attitudional guidance, anxiety towards the teacher, children on their first day at school INTRODUCTION Socialization is the process whereby an individual‟s standards, skills, motives, attitudes and behaviors are shaped to conform to those regarded as desirable and appropriate for his or her present or future role in society. Socialization process of education takes place throughout one's life through a learning process that guided and supervised. The learning process can take place within the family through the role of parenting and school environment through teaching and mentoring role of teacher. The success of the educational process of socialization can be seen from a person's ability to make adjustments yourself. One common problem that parents often complained about the ability of self-adjustment of the first children to school is school refusal with anxiety when in a school environment. The results of preliminary studies conducted in March 2011 in the working area of preschool education in kindergartens and elementary UPTD Wates Subdistrict average anxiety problems were recorded from 30 children 13.3%, which is 3.3% of children with anxiety when interacting with teachers. Handling is done in this case school teachers to the child's anxiety problems, has not been well standardized. Provision of training with a positive attitude conditioning in children who experience anxiety when interacting with teachers, is expected to reduce his anxiety. METHOD The study design was experimental with a pretest-posttest control group design. The exercise is an independent variable and attitude toward teachers anxiety as the dependent variable. Engineering data collection using questionnaires and observation, which aimed to obtain data related to child characteristics, components and indicators of school anxiety about the teacher. The sample used in this study using the entire population of 16 children, which were randomly divided into study group and control group of 8 children 8 children. The results were analyzed using descriptive analysis. Exercise attitude given to children for two weeks with three times the assessment of indicators of anxiety about the teacher that is before treatment, 1 week after treatment and 2 weeks after treatment. Assessment conducted on the study group by providing a positive sign on the indicators of anxiety to the child's teacher can be maintained for 5 minutes and then also the child is given food or a toy he likes, while the control group given no training but observation of indicators of anxiety attitude toward teachers is still being done with the assessment the same study group. Score assessment of indicators of 542 Table. 2 Respondent’s Father Characteristics in Study Group and Control of Preschool Education in Kindergartens and Elementary UPTD Wates Subdistrict, June 2011 anxiety about the teacher who determined if the child is able to retain four (4) attitudes toward teachers 'anxiety decreased until the end of the study assessed children do not worry, children are able to maintain a three (3) attitudes toward teachers' anxiety decreased until the end of the study assessed the child mild anxiety, children are able to maintain one or two (half) attitude decreased anxiety for teachers until the end of the study assessed the child and the child's anxiety was not able to maintain four (4) attitudes toward teachers' anxiety decreased until the end of the study assessed the child serious anxiety. N o 1 RESULT AND DISCUSS Result Table. 1 Respondent Characteristics in Study Group and Control of Preschool Education in Kindergartens and Elementary UPTD Wates Subdistrict June 2011 N o 1 2 3 2 Group Respondent Characteris tics Age (year) <6 ≥6 2(50%) 6(50%) 2(50%) 4(100%) 6(50%) 12(100%) Gender Male Female 6(50%) 2(50%) 6(50%) 12(100%) 2(50%) 4(100%) Study (n=8) Control (n=8) Birth Grade Single child 3(37,5%) 5(62,5%) Eldest child 1(100%) 0(0%) Middle 1(100%) 0(0%) child Youngest 3(50%) 3(50%) child Total 3 4 8(100%) 1(100%) 1(100%) Responden t’s Father Characteri stics Age (year) 20 – 25 26 – 30 31 – 35 36 – 40 Group Study (n=8) Control (n=8) Total 0(0%) 0(0%) 6(66,7%) 2(28,6%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 3(33,3%) 5(71,4%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 9(100%) 7(100%) 1(20%) 3(75%) 4(80%) 1(25%) 5(100%) 4(100%) 4(57,1%) 3(42,9%) 7(100%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) Work Status Work None 7(50%) 1(50%) 7(50%) 1(50%) 14(100%) 2(100%) Income (million) None <1 1 1(50%) 0(0%) 7(58,3%) 1(50%) 2(100%) 5(41,7%) 2(100%) 2(100%) 12(100%) Education grade Elementary First secondary school High secandary school University Characteristics of respondent‟s father in the study group and the control group of Preschool Education in Kindergartens and Elementary UPTD Wates Subdistrict, are in the age range 31-35 years, high secondary school, work, and income more than 1 million. 6(100%) Characteristics of respondent in the study group and the control group of Preschool Education in Kindergartens and Elementary UPTD Wates Subdistrict, are in the age range is more and equal to six years, male, and birth grade of single child. 543 Table. 3 Respondent’s Mother Characteristics in Study Group and Control of Preschool Education in Kindergartens and Elementary UPTD Wates Subdistrict, June 2011 o 1 2 3 No 1 Respondent’s Mother Characteristics Age (year) 20 – 25 26 – 30 31 – 35 36 – 40 Education grade Elementary 2 First secondary school High secandary school University 3 4 0 0% 0 0% 8 100% 8 100% 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 8 (61,5%) 0(0%) 1 (100%) 2 (100%) 13 (100%) 0(0%) Assessment of the level of anxiety towards the teacher in study group and control before treatment are in the level of severe anxiety. 1 (33,3%) 1 (25%) 5(62,5%) 2 (66,7%) 3 (75%) 3 (37,5%) 0 (0%) 3 (100%) 4 (100%) 8 (100%) 1 (100%) N Levels of N Anxiety o 3 (50%) 5 (50%) 6 (100%) 10 (100%) 5(50%) 2 (66,7%) 1 (33,3%) 10(100%) 3 (100%) 3 (100%) 1 (100%) 5(50%) 5(50%) 1 (33,3%) 2 (66,7%) Table. 5 Assesment of Level Anxiety Towards The Teacher in Study Group and Control After 1 Week Treatment 1 2 3 4 Characteristics of respondent‟s mother in the study group and the control group of Preschool Education in Kindergartens and Elementary UPTD Wates Subdistrict, are in the age range 31-35 years, high secondary school, not work, and no have own income. None Mild Anxiety Moderate Anxiety Severe Anxiety 1 2 3 4 544 8 100% 5 62,5 % 0 0% 3 37,5 % Table. 6 Assesment of Level Anxciety Towards The Teacher in Study Group and Control After 2 Weeks Treatment N o Before Treament Study Control After 1 Week Treatment Study Control (n=8) (n=8) N % N % 0 0% 0 0 0 0% 0 0 Assessment of the level of anxiety towards the teacher in study group and control after 1 week treatment, study group are in the level of moderate anxiety level, and control group 5 ( 62.5 % ) are in moderate level and 3 ( 37.5 % ) are in severe anxiety. N Table. 4 Assesment of Level Anxiety Towards The Teacher in Study Group and Control Before Treatment N (n=8) % 0% 0% 1 (100%) 2 (100%) 5 (38,5%) 0(0%) None NLevels of Anxiety N 0 0 control (n=8) 3(50%) 1 Total (n=8) % 0% 0% Study (n=8) Work Status Working Income (million) None <1 4 Group None Mild Anxiety Moderate Anxiety Severe Anxiety N 0 0 Levels of Anxiety None Mild Anxiety Moderate Anxiety Severe Anxiety After 2 Weeks Treatment Study Control (n=8) (n=8) N % N % 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 12,5 % 7 87,5 7 87,5 % % 0 0% 1 12,5 % Assessment of the level of anxiety towards the teacher in study group and control after 2 weeks treatment, study group 1 ( 12.5 % ) are in level mild anxiety and 7 ( 87 , 5 % ) are in moderate anxiety, and control group 7 ( 87.5 % ) are in moderate anxiety , 1 ( 12.5 % ) in severe anxiety. Table. 8 Median Score of Level Anxciety Towards The Teacher in Study Group and Control Before, After 1 and 2 Weeks Treatment Before Level N sNof Anxi o ety Table. 7 Level Anxiety Towards The Teacher in Study Group and Control Before, After 1 dan 2 Week Treatments Leve N lsNof Anxi o ety 1 Non e 2 Mild Anxi ety 3 Mod erat e Anxi ety 4 Seve re Anxi ety Before Stud i N % 0 0 % 0 0 % Kont rol N % 0 0 % 0 0 % 0 0 % 0 0 % 8 10 0 % 8 10 0 % After Treatment 1 Week Studi Kontr ol N % N % 0 0 0 0 % 0 0 0 0 % 8 10 0 % 0 0 % 5 62 ,5 % 3 37 ,5 % After Treatment 2 Week Studi Kontr ol N % N % 0 0 0 0% % 1 12 0 0% ,5 % 7 87 7 87,5 ,5 % % 0 0 % 1 None 2 Mild Anxi ety 3 Mode rate Anxi ety 4 Sever e Anxi ety Median After 1 Week Treatment Stud Cont Stud Cont y rol y rol Sc N Sc N Sc N Sc N or or or or e e e e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 After 2 Weeks Treatment Stud Contro y l Sc N Sc N or or e e 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 8 15 5 15 7 18 7 32 8 32 8 0 0 12 3 0 0 4 1 4 8 4 8 3 8 8 8 8 3 2 3 Median score of level anxiety towards the teachers in the study group and the control group before treatmeant is 4. Median score of level anxiety towards the teachers in the study group and the control group after 1 week treatmeant is 3. Median score of level anxiety towards the teachers after 2 weeks treatment, in the study group is 2, and control group is 3. 1 12,5 % Assessment of the level of anxiety towards the teacher in study group before treatment are in the level of severe anxiety, after 1 week treatment are in the level of moderate anxiety level, and after 2 weeks treatment 1 ( 12.5 % ) are in level mild anxiety and 7 ( 87 , 5 % ) are in moderate anxiety Assessment of the level of anxiety towards the teacher in control group before treatment are in the level of severe anxiety, after 1 week treatment 5 ( 62.5 % ) are in moderate anxiety and 3 ( 37.5 % ) are in severe anxiety, and after 2 weeks treatment 7 ( 87.5 % ) are in moderate anxiety , 1 ( 12.5 % ) in severe anxiety. Table. 9 Assesment of Children’s Age in Study Group and Control Between Anxiety Towards The Teacher After 2 Weeks Treatment, June 2011 Study Group Levels of Anxiety After 2 Weeks Treatme nt None Mild Anxiety Moderate Anxiety Severe Anxiety Total Control Group Levels of 545 None Age (year) <6 ≥6 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(100%) Total 2 (28,6%) 0(0%) 5 (71,4%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 1 (100%) 7 (100%) 0(0%) 2 (25%) 6 (75%) 8 (100%) Age (year) <6 ≥6 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 0 (0%) Anxiety After 2 Weeks Treatme nt Mild Anxiety Moderate Anxiety Severe Anxiety Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2(28,6% ) 0 (0%) 2 (25%) 0 (0%) 5 7 (71,4%) ( 100%) 1(100%) 1 (100%) 6 (75%) 8 (100%) Table. 10 Assesment of Children’s Gender in Study Group and Control Between Anxiety Towards The Teacher After 2 Weeks Treatment, June 2011 Study Group Levels of Anxiet y After 2 Weeks Treat ment None Mild Anxiety Moderat e Anxiety Severe Anxiety Total Control Group Levels of Anxiet y After 2 Weeks Treat ment None Mild Anxiety Moderat e Anxiety Severe Anxiety Total 5 (71,4%) 2 (28,6%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 6 (75%) 2 (25%) Gender Male Female 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) Study Group Level s of Anxi ety After 2 Week s Treat ment Assesment of children‟s age in study group and the control between anxiety towards the teacher after 2 weeks treatment, is levels of anxiety happening of children less than 6 years of age is 28.6 % , smaller than the above age children and equal to 6 years ( 71.4 % ). Gender Male Female 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(100%) 0(0%) Table. 11 Assesment of Children’s Birth Grade in Study Group and Control Between Anxiety Towards The Teacher After 2 Weeks Treatment, June 2011 None Mild Anxi ety Mode rate Anxi ety Sever e Anxi ety Total Total 0(0%) 1 (100%) 7 (100%) Control Group Level s of Anxi ety After 2 Week s Treat ment 0 (0%) 8 (100%) Total 0(0%) 0(0%) 5 (71,4%) 2 (28,6%) 7 (100%) 1(100%) 0(0%) 6 (75%) 2 (25%) 1(100 %) 8 (100%) None Mild Anxi ety Mode rate Anxi ety Sever e Anxi ety Total Singl e 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Birth Grade Eldes Midl t le 0 0 (0%) (0%) 0 0 (0%) (0%) 3 (42,8 %) 1 (14,3 %) 0 (0%) 1 (14,3 %) Youn gest 0 (0%) 1 (100 %) 2 (28,6 %) Total Total 0 (0%) 1 (100 %) 7 (100 %) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 3(37, 5%) 1(12, 5%) 1(12, 5%) 3(37, 5%) 8(100 %) Singl e 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Birth Grade Eldes Mid t dle 0 0 (0%) (0%) 0 0 (0%) (0%) Youn gest 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 4 (57,1 %) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 3 (42,9 %) 7 (100 %) 1 (14,3 %) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (100 %) 5(62, 5%) 0(0% ) 0(0 %) 3(37, 5%) 8(100 %) Assesment of children‟s birth grade in study group and the control between anxiety towards the teacher after 2 weeks treatment, is levels of anxiety going on greater than of single child and a youngest is almost three times compared to the eldest and middle child. Assesment of children‟s gender in study group and the control between anxiety towards the teacher after 2 weeks treatment, is levels of anxiety is happening in male 71.4 % , higher than female (28.6 %) . 546 Table. 12 Assesment of Father’s Income in Study Group and Control Between Anxiety Towards The Teacher After 2 Weeks Treatment, June 2011 Study Group Levels of Anxiety After 2 Weeks Treatm ent None Mild Anxiet y Moder ate Anxiet y Severe Anxiet y Total Control Group Levels of Anxiety After 2 Weeks Treatm ent None Mild Anxiet y Moder ate Anxiet y Severe Anxiet y Total Parent’s Income (million) Father None ≤1 >1 0 0 0 (0%) (0%) (0%) 0 0 1(100 (0%) (0%) %) 0 (0%) 1(100 %) 1 (14.3 %) 1 (14.3 %) 5 (71,4 %) 7 (100 %) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (12,5 %) 1 (12,5 %) 6 (75% ) 8 (100 %) Parent’s Income (million) Father None ≤1 >1 0 0 0 (0%) (0%) (0%) 0 0 0 (0%) (0%) (0%) Table. 13 Assesment of Mother’s Income in Study Group and Control Between Anxiety Towards The Teacher After 2 Weeks Treatment, June 2011 Study Group Total Level s of Anxi ety After 2 Week s Treat ment None Mild Anxiet y Moder ate Anxiet y Severe Anxiet y Total Control Group Total Level s of Anxi ety After 2 Week s Treat ment 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (14.3 %) 2 (28,6 %) 4 (57,1 %) 7 (100 %) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (12,5 %) 2 (25% ) 1 (100 %) 5 (62,5 %) 1 (100 %) 8 (100 %) None Mild Anxiet y Moder ate Anxiet y Severe Anxiet y Total Parent’s Income (million) Mother None ≤1 >1 0(0%) 0 0 (0%) (0%) 1 0 0 (0%) (14,3% (0%) ) 4(57,1 1 2 %) (14,3 (28,6% %) ) Total 0 (0%) 1 (100%) 7 (100%) 0(0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 5(62,5 %) 1 (12,5 %) 2 (25%) 8 (100%) Parent’s Income (million) Mother None ≤1 >1 0 0 0 (0%) (0%) 0 0 0 (0%) (0%) Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 5 (71,4% ) 2 (28,6 %) 0 (0%) 7 (100%) 0 0 (0%) 1 (100%) 1 (100%) 5(62,5 %) 2(25 %) 1(12,5 %) 8(100 %) Assesment of mother‟s income in study group and the control between anxiety towards the teacher after 2 weeks treatment, is levels of anxiety happening of mother no income greater than who earn more than 1 million and nearly three times the mothers who earn less than and equal to 1 million. Assesment of father‟s income in study group and the control between anxiety towards the teacher after 2 weeks treatment, is levels of anxiety happening to fathers who earn more than 1 million more than who earn less than and equal to 1 million and none . Discuss 1. Analysis Decrease Levels of Anxiety Toward The Teachers Results of the assesment of levels anxiety towards the teachers to child the first time school before and after 1 and 2 weeks treatment, 547 showed that decrease anxiety scores towards the teachers. Anxiety to child at the school occured, because of the attitude and behaviors of teachers less friendly, unfriendly and incompetent (Astuti et al, 2010). According to Hurlock (2006), fear or anxiety to child may be influenced by the intelligence, gender, socioeconomic status, physical condition, social relationships, birth grade and personality. Negative perceptions to pre-school child has it happened because the development of cognitive, social, emotional and moral child not develop optimally, then habituation positive through exercise posture by giving food or toys are preferred, and in accordance with the child's development, can reduce attitudes and beliefs of children not good. (Freud; in Singgih and Yulia (2003)). Decrease of levels anxiety towards the teachers in the study group occurred because of the effect attitude exercise, that is positive conditioning to reduce the situation is less fun and also a process of maturation, while decrease of levels anxiety towards teachers in the control group occurred as a result of maturation of child and also through the process of imitating or equate themselves with friends. Age characteristics of child influence to develop intellectual, so that child can ability to perceive a stimulus that is received will be carefully and appropriately. Perception child positive, and a less pleasant experience which can lead to anxiety. Gender characteristics of child influence to interests and values, in which the interest and value of boys is higher than women. Birth grade characteristics of child influence to social and emotional develop. Characteristics of parents, influence to the role and to take care of the child. Anxiety towards the teacher to child the first time school, because age of parents in the range of young adult, and elementary education. Thats can influence to the understand and ability to take care of the child. Parents does not meet the principles of mental health, less aware of their responsibilities and domestic tranquility can not be realized, while the father has not been wise. Anxiety towards the teacher to child the first time school, because the competence of teachers not good. According Singgih and Yulia (2008), the teacher is the central figure at the school environment, and guide who learn of the develop personality. The successful achievement of tasks and obligations lies in the relationship that is conducive that could be created with full communication of affection, respect, sincerity and the warmth of the teacher to the child. Favorable relations requires the ability to understand the students, the culture, and the corresponding value of child development. 2. Analysis The Effects Attitude Exercise Given To Decrease Anxiety To The Teachers To Child The First Time School Results of the assesment of median scores in the study group and the control group after 1 and 2 weeks of treatment, showed that difference. Decrease median scores in both groups after 1 week of treatment, and after 2 weeks of treatment of control group did not experience a decrease in median scores. Decrease of median score that is indicate to given attitude exercise for 2 weeks have an effect of levels anxiety towards teachers to child the first time school. According to Hurlock (2006), emotional development of child depends on factors ripening (maturation) and learning factors, of which the most important of the two is a factor of learning because it can be controlled. Process Children's learning process can be through trial and error, imitating, likening herself, conditioning and training. Hurlock (2006) also says that child really like the safe environment that is conducive. This environment can be created through the control of the environment by making the experience unpleasant emotions (reward). Exercise attitude is very helpful to reduce the anxiety towards the teacher to child the first school. Children initially had trouble adjusting in school or have a less pleasant experience when interacting with teachers, there will be insecurity, lack of confidence and calm. CONCLUSION AND RECOMENDED Conclusion 1. Results of the assesment of levels anxiety towards the teachers to child the first time school before and after 1 and 2 weeks treatment, showed that decrease anxiety scores towards the teachers. Decrease of levels anxiety towards the teachers in the study group occurred because of the effect attitude exercise, that is positive conditioning to reduce the situation is less fun and also a process of maturation, while decrease of levels anxiety towards teachers in the control group occurred as a result of maturation of child and also through the 548 process of imitating or equate themselves with friends. 2. Results of the assesment of median scores in the study group and the control group after 1 and 2 weeks of treatment, showed that difference. Decrease median scores in both groups after 1 week of treatment, and after 2 weeks of treatment of control group did not experience a decrease in median scores. Decrease of median score that is indicate to given attitude exercise for 2 weeks have an effect of levels anxiety towards teachers to child the first time school. Exercise attitude is very helpful to reduce the anxiety towards the teacher to child the first school. Children initially had trouble adjusting in school or have a less pleasant experience when interacting with teachers, there will be insecurity, lack of confidence and calm. http.Upi.Adu/Direktori/FIP/Jurnal PGTK. (sitasi Juli 2011) Frogratt, W. (2006). Free From Stress: Panduan Mengatasi Cemas. Bhuana Ilmu Populer. Jakarta Gunawan, Ary. (2000). Sosiologi Pendidikan. Jakarta. EGC http//en wikipedia org/wiki/Cognitive Behavior Therapy, 2008 Hurlock, Elizabeth B. (2006). Perkembangan Anak. Jilid 1. Jakarta. Erlangga Kearney, Silverman. (1996). Defined Refusal Behavior. Kecamatan Wates. (2010). Profil Kecamatan. Kediri. Pemerintah Kabupaten Kediri Mulyatningsih, Rudi., Sunu P., Kuswadi Y., Manik R. (2006). 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EGC 550 STIMULUS EFFECT CUTANEOUS (SLOW-STROKE BACK MASSAGE) TO INTENSITY OF PAIN HEAD IN ELDERLY WITH HYPERTENSION (Unit Pelayanan Terpadu PSLU Blitar, Tulungagung 2015) Sukanto1, Dinda Wahyuningtyas2 STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung Abtract Hypertension is systolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 90 mmHg One of the risk factors that lead to this unstability is aging process so that the primary clinical symptoms of headache. One of the non-pharmacological ways to cope with this pain is by applying cutaneus stimulation with slow-stroke back massage method. The mechanism of cutaneous stimulation using the principle of gate control theory and the theory of endorphins. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cutaneous stimulus (Slow-Stroke Back Massage) to the intensity of headache in the elderly with hypertension. The design used is to one group pretest-posttest. The research began February 23th until March 7th, 2015. The sample of this study were elderly people aged 55 to 80 years using purposive sampling technique were 30 elderly. The data collected by observation. The results of the 30 respondents before given stimulus cutaneous mostly experienced moderate pain is there are 21 (70%) of respondents, and after given stimulus cutaneus a small portion experienced mild pain is there are 7 (23.3%) of respondents. According of Wilcoxon Signed Rank test that p value (0.000) <α (0.05), then H 0 is rejected and H1 accepted that there is effect of cutaneous stimulus (Slow-Stroke Back Massage) to the intensity of headache in the elderly with hypertension.This research showed that administration of cutaneous stimulusis very effective in order to reduce the intensity of headache. Then of the cutaneous stimulus (slow-stroke back massage) can be used as an alternative option toreduce the intensity ofheadachein patients with hypertension. Keywords : Slow-Stroke Back Massage, Headache Intensity,Hypertension, Elderly referred to as 'The Silent Disease' or hidden disease. (Hartono, 2012). WHO (World Health Organization) said that cardiovascular disease is the largest cause of death in the population aged 65 years or older with more number of deaths in developing countries. Based on the data Lancet (2008), the number of hypertensive patients world wide continues to increase. In India, the number of hypertensive patients reached 60.4 million people in 2002 and an estimated 107.3 million people in 2025. In China, 98.5 million people have hypertension and increased to 151.7 million in 2025. In the the other in Asia, there were 38.4 million people with PRELIMINARY Indonesia will experience an increase in the number of elderly population the 21st century. High increase in the number of elderly who have the potential to cause various problems both from the aspect of social, economic, cultural, and health (Nugroho, 2000). Health problems of aging occur on various body systems such as hypertension. Hypertension is one of the most deadly diseases in the world, because the disease can cause complications such as heart failure and stroke. Hypertension is a condition in which a person's blood pressure to rise which systolic blood pressure / diastolic exceeds 140/90 mmHg. It is often 563 hypertension in 2000 and is predicted to be 67.4 million people in 2025. Data patients with hypertension in Indonesia reach 17-21% of the population and mostly undetected. In general, more women than men suffer from hypertension. It is closely related to diet, especially salt intake, which is generally higher (Muhamaddun, 2010). Based on the results of a preliminary study conducted by researchers at UPT PSLU Blitar, obtained the data in October 2014 there are many elderly suffer from hypertension. For the last 2 months there are 56,25% as many as 45 elderly people who suffer from hypertension of the total elderly. While the prevalence of hypertensive patients who experience headaches as many as 30 elderly ie 37.5% of the elderly who are 80 elderly. (UPT PSLU Blitar in Tulungagung, 2014). The impact of hypertension that can lead closed blood vessels (vasoconstriction), there by resulting in a decrease in cardiac output. If there is a decrease in cardiac output, the tissues of the body will experience a shortage of nutrients and O2. As cardiac compensation will increase to meet the needs of network contraction resulting in increased hydrostatic pressure of the blood vessels. Stiffness and increased hydrostatic pressure causes the lowest threshold of pain the brain blood vessels easily touched (hit), and the sensation of head pain will be felt hypertension. According Marlia (2009) general treatment of hypertension that is pharmacological and nonpharmacological. One of the actions complementary or non-farmacologist in reduce symptoms of hypertension like help to reduce the perception of pain or provide comfort in nursing is the Massage and touch sensory integration techniques that affect the activity of the autonomic nervous system (Potter and Perry, 2006). Relaxation is very important to helps clients to improve comfort and free themselves from the fear and the stress of illness and pain experienced endless (Potter & Perry, 2005). Based on the above phenomenon, researchers are interested to knowing and proving there any influence cutaneous stimulus (Slow-Stroke Back Massage) to the intensity of headache in the elderly with hypertension in UPT PSLU Blitar in Tulungagung 2015. RESEARCH METHODS The design study is using a one-group pre-post test design. characteristic of this type of research is the use of a causal relationship by engaging a group of subjects. Group of subjects was observed before the intervention, and then observed again after the intervention (Nursalam, 2003). The population in this study were all elderly with hypertension in UPT PSLU Blitar in Tulungagung as many as 45 elderly. In this study sample used mostly elderly people who suffer from hypertension with headache in UPT PSLU Blitar in Tulungagung that meet the criteria desired by the researchers, the number of respondents are 30 people. In collecting data is used observation and interview for measuring instrument research. This experiment was held on February 23 until March 7, 2015 in Unit Pelayanan Terpadu PSLU Blitar in Tulungagung. In analyzing the effect of the stimulus effect of cutaneous (SlowStroke Back Massage) to the intensity of headache in the elderly with hypertension in UPT PSLU Blitar in Tulungagung 2015, using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test statistic Tes.Bila p value <0.05 was said to be significant, the hypothesis 0 (Ho) is rejected, then H1 accepted meaning stated there Effect of stimulus effect of cutaneous (SlowStroke Back Massage) to the intensity of headache in the elderly with hypertension, while p value ≥ 0.05, hypothesis is accepted and H1 rejected, which means no cutaneous stimulus effect Effect (Slow-Stroke Back 564 Massage) to the intensity of headache in the elderly with hypertension. moderate pain respondents. is 7 (23.3%) of 3. The Result of statistical test From the data obtained, the next test statistics using the Wilcoxon Sign Rank T-test and showed sig. (2-tailed) less than 5% (p = 0.000) <( = 0.05), thus the results obtained H0 rejected and H1 accepted meaning there is effect, cutaneous stimulus effect (Slow-Stroke Back Massage) to the intensity of headache in the elderly with hypertension in UPT PSLU Blitar in Tulungagung. RESULTS 1. Initensity Head Pain Before Awarded Stimulus cutaneous (Slow-Stroke Back Massage). Table 1. Distribution of frequency intensity characteristic of the headache before it is given stimulus cutaneous (slow-stroke back massage) in UPT PSLU Blitar in Tulungagung on 23 February -7 March 2015. No. Categori Frequen Prosenta es cy se (%) 1 No pain 0 0% 2 Less pain 9 30 % 3 Moderate 21 70 % pain 4 Hard pain 0 0% Jumlah 30 100 % DISCUSSION A. The results Head Pain Intensity Stimulus Before Giving cutaneous Stimulus (Slow-Stroke Back Massage) Source : Penelitian tahun, 2015 Table 1 above shows that out of 30 respondents largely there are 21 experiencing moderate pain (70%) of respondents. 2. Head Pain Intensity Stimulus Provided After cutaneous (SlowStroke Back Massage). Table 2. Distribution of frequency characteristics of headache intensity after cutaneous stimulus is given (slowstroke back massage) in UPT PSLU Blitar in Tulungagung on 23 February -7 March 2015. No. Categories Freque Prosentase ncy (%) 5 16,7 % 1 No pain 2 Less pain 18 60 % 3 Moderate 7 23,3 % pain 4 Hard pain 0 0% Jumlah 30 100 % Source : Penelitian tahun, 2015 Table 2 above shows that of the 30 respondents, some small experience 565 From table 1 the data obtained that before given stimulus cutaneous (slowstroke back massage), of 30 respondents mostly experienced moderate pain that is there are 21 (70%) of respondents, 9 (30%) of respondents experienced mild pain and 0 (0%) respondents did not complain of the pain. Pain is everything that someone says about the pain and occurs whenever someone has told that he felt pain (Potter and Perry, 2005), so that each individual will perceive pain in different ways depending on other factors that affect pain such as experience past, anxiety, culture, age, the placebo effect (Smeltzer & Bare, 2008) and the meaning of pain and coping style (Potter & Perry, 2006) and also factors of disease. Based on the above theory and fact, researchers believe that pain is a natural response of the body to respond to the presence of an abnormality in the body system. This happens because the response to pain that is felt by each of the indivitu vary depending on factors other causes such as age, anxiety, culture, the placebo effect, the meaning of pain and coping styles. Response to pain that is felt by the client begins with a decrease in the body's organ systems, especially that of blood vessels that can lead to atherosclerosis, resulting in a decrease in cardiac output may increase the hydrostatic pressure of the blood vessels arises sensation of pain. The individual response to pain through three phases: activation starts when the first individual receiving pain stimuli to the body reacts to pain include muscular and emotional responses. The second stage is the stage of reflection, at this stage the pain that arises very great but brief. And the third stage is the stage adaptation, if pain lasts longer then the body will adapt to a pain, so that individual responses to pain vary. It was also evident from the research data that showed that before being given cutaneous stimulus of 11 respondents aged 75-90 years old, all experienced moderate pain that is there are 11 (100%) of the respondents, and of the 19 respondents who suffer from mild hypertension, almost all of which pain was that there were 17 (89.5%) of respondents. the attributes certainly the experience of pain is that pain is an individual (Potter & Perry, 2003) so the response that occurs after treatment can not be compared with others. Mechanisms of pain reduction can be explained by the gate control theory, the pain intensity lowered by blocking the transmission of pain at the gate (gate), and the endorphin theory, namely the decrease in pain intensity was influenced by increased levels of endorphins in the body. With stimulus cutaneous (slow-stroke back massage), can stimulate the fibers A beta are numerous in the skin and responds to a light massage on the skin so that the impulse delivered more quickly. This makes the stimulation comes from the dominant impulse input A beta fibers so that the gate closes and pain impulses can not be transmitted to the cerebral cortex to be interpreted as pain. In addition, the descending control system will also react by releasing endorphinyang is the body's natural morphine that block pain transmission and perception of pain does not occur (Potter & Perry, 2005). Cutaneous stimulus correct use can reduce the perception of pain and helps reduce muscle tension that can increase pain, decreased pain intensity, anxiety, blood pressure, and heart rate were significantly (Mook E, 2003) Referring to the theory and the above facts the researchers found the presence of nursing actions such as the provision of cutaneous stimulus (slow-stroke back massage) for 10 minutes on the subject of the research, the intensity of the headache that is felt client can be decreased. This occurs because of the influence of the fibers A that can block the transmission of pain impulses and also the presence of endorphins which are natural morphine in the body so it can reduce the intensity of the headache that is felt by the client. It was also supported by research data shows that before being given cutaneous stimulus of 11 respondents aged 75-90 years old, all experienced moderate pain that is there are 11 (100%) of the respondents B. The results Head Pain Intensity Stimulus After Giving cutaneous Stimulus (Slow-Stroke Back Massage) Cutaneous stimulus (slow-stroke back massage) for 10 minutes on the subject of the study show the results as listed in Table 2, which shows that of the 30 respondents, some small experience moderate pain there are 7 (23.3%) of respondents, 18 (60 %) of respondents experienced mild pain and 5 (16.7%) of respondents did not complain of pain. According to the theory explained that pain is a condition such as an unpleasant feeling, is very subjective because the feeling of pain is different for each person in terms of scale or the level, and only the person who can explain or evaluate the pain they experienced (Alimul, 2006). Decrease in pain intensity value of each individual is different even though the stimulus that causes pain and was given the same treatment. It is associated with one of 566 and after a given stimulus cutaneous nearly half experience moderate pain that is there are 5 ( 45.5%). And of the 19 respondents who suffer from mild hypertension, almost entirely experiencing moderate pain that there were 17 (89.5%) of the respondents and after a given stimulus cutaneous nearly half experience moderate pain that is there were 5 (26.3%) atherosclerosis, loss of elasticity of the connective tissue and a decrease in vascular smooth muscle relaxation, which in turn lowers the ability of distension and tensile strength of blood vessels. Consequently, the aorta and large arteries diminished ability to accommodate the volume of blood pumped by the heart (stroke volume), resulting in decreased cardiac output and increased peripheral resistance (Rohaendi, 2008). Increased pressure may touch peripheral blood vessels around it so sensation the pain felt by the individual. Management of nonpharmacological measures can be taken to reduce the intensity of headache is the stimulus cutaneous (slow-stroke back massage). Mechanism of this technique is with gate control theory, the pain intensity lowered by blocking the transmission of pain at the gate (gate), and the endorphin theory, namely the decrease in pain intensity was influenced by increased levels of endorphins in the body. With stimulus cutaneous (slowstroke back massage), can stimulate the fibers A beta are numerous in the skin and responds to a light massage on the skin so that the impulse delivered more quickly. This makes the stimulation comes from the dominant impulse input A beta fibers so that the gate closes and pain impulses can not be transmitted to the cerebral cortex to be interpreted as pain. In addition, the descending control system will also react by releasing endorphins which are the body's natural morphine that block pain transmission and perception of pain does not occur (Potter & Perry, 2005). Based on theory and the facts above, the researchers argue that the stimulus cutaneous the elderly who experience headache very effective in order to reduce the intensity of the headache that is felt client, it looks at the differences in the intensity of headache in the elderly with hypertension before and after stimulus cutaneous ( slowsroke back massage). This stimulus can dilate blood vessels, muscles become relaxed, can stimulate the fibers A and C. The results of the analysis of cutaneous Stimulus Effect (SlowStroke Back Massage) Against Pain Intensity Head On Elderly with Hypertension Based on the results of statistical tests Wilcoxon Sign RankT-testdengan α = 0.05 was obtained p value = 0.000. Thus the p value (0.000) <α (0.05), then Ho is rejected. From the analysis above, it can be concluded that the stimulus cutaneous (slow-stroke back massage) has an influence on the intensity of headache in the elderly with hypertension. According to the theory, explained that the sympathetic nervous system stimulates the blood vessels in response to emotional stimuli. The adrenal glands also stimulated, resulting in additional activity vasoconstriction. The adrenal medulla secretes epinephrine causes vasoconstriction. The adrenal cortex to secrete cortisol and other steroids, which can strengthen the vasoconstrictor response of blood vessels. Vasoconstriction leading to decreased blood flow to the kidneys, causing release of renin. Renin stimulate the formation of angiotensin II, a vasokonstriktorkuat, which in turn stimulate the secretion of aldosterone by the adrenal cortex. This hormone causes the retention of sodium and water by the kidney tubules, causing an increase in intravascular volume, all these factors tend to trigger a state of hypertension. For consideration gerontology, functional and structural changes in the peripheral vascular system responsible for blood pressure changes that occur in the elderly. These changes include 567 stimulate endorphin pengeuaran of the body so as to block the transmission of impulses to be transmitted to the brain (cerebral cortex). It was also reinforced by research data from Sumartini and Grhasta Dian Perestroika which showed that this stimulus can reduce pain intensity and can also stimulate the hormone endorphin which Brazilians of morphine naturally from the body, so the pain that arises can be neutralized resulting in a decrease in the intensity experienced by individuals. It was also proved by the research data shows that before being given stimulus cutaneous majority of respondents experiencing moderate pain that is there are 21 (70%) of respondents, and after a given stimulus cutaneous small proportion of respondents experienced moderate pain that is there are 7 (23.3%) of respondents , And from a small portion of respondents who experienced a mild pain that is there are 9 (30%) of respondents, having given no cutaneous stimulus large majority of respondents who experienced a mild pain that is there (60%) of respondents. Thereby providing a stimulus cutaneous (slowstroke back massage) can be used as an alternative option to reduce the intensity of headache in the elderly with hypertension in non pharmacological relatively no side effects. hipertensi PSLU Tulungagung Blitar 2015. SUGGESTION 1. For Developers Sciences Nursing education institutions should equip students with knowledge of non-pharmacological treatment in the elderly who suffer from hypertension with symptoms of headache, which later can be equipped nurses in applying science and knowledge to the people, especially the elderly. 2. For Developers Program The result is expected as fill material for both increased insight and knowledge and skills nursing in increasing knowledge about how to lose headache in the elderly, efforts are made to improve education and health promotion activities to the public. SOURCES Arikunto,S. 2005. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek.Edisi Revisi keempat. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta. Arikunto, Suharsini. (2000). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta :PT. Rineka Cipta Ahmad, H.A.2002.Ilmu Penyakit Dalam.jilid I. Jakarta : Galia Indah. Azwar, S.2006.Metode Penelitian.Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar Darmojo, B. 2006. 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In accordance with Pramono (1986), one of the kidney stones medicine mechanisme is by forming dissolvable calcium-flavonoid complex. The experiment was purposed to know whether water extract of Pandanus amarylliflius Roxb folium contains flavonoid and could dissolve calcium contained in kidney stones. Kidney stones as subject were homogenized its fitrated sefted using a mess 45, and then to test of qualitatively analized chemically. Pandanus amarylliflius extracted with water and get analized qualitatively with Wilstatter Test. The kidney stones divided into seven group, each of them soaked in aquadest, Calcusol 1,2%, solution, Pandanus amarylliflius Roxb. Folium extract 0,625%, 1,25%, 2,5%, 5% and 10%,during ±5 hour with temperature ±37°C. Quantitative analize with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer was done to the solution after soaking. Qualitative analysis of kidney stones calcium shows positive results. Flavonoid qualitatif analysis with Wilstatter Test shows possitive results of flavonoid with carmine colours. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer data analysis by One Way Anova shows significant differentiation the amount of dissolved kidney stones calcium in aquadest negative control and 1,2% Calcusol as positive control are 0,3812 ± 0,0027 ppm and 1,4053 ± 0,0051 ppm; The0,625%, 1,25%, 2,5%, 5% and 10%, Pandanus folium extract could dissolved kidney stones calcium 1,4590 ± 0,0065 ppm, 2,8419 ± 0,0078 ppm, 2,5909 ± 0,0176 ppm, 2,9439 ± ,00740 ppm, 5,4445 ± 0,02562 ppm. The experiment results shows that water extract of Pandanus amarylliflius Roxb.,. Leaves contains flavonoids and could dissolve calcium in kidney stones. The experiment results shows that water extract of Pandanus amarylliflius Roxb., folium contains flavonoids and could dissolve calcium in kidney stones Keyword : Pandanus amarylliflius Roxb., kidney stone, calcium, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer causing turbidity or urine becomes concentrated. The next result of blockage in the drain from the kidney to the bladder which can disrupt the smooth flow of urine. If the urine is obstructed exit of the kidney, there will be accumulated of urine in the kidney. In addition, it can also lead to infection due to the emergence of bacteria or viruses from the bladder. Accumulation of urine in the kidneys and infection that lasts a long time will lead to a decrease INTRODUCTION The people considers that the used of traditional medicine was safer than chemical medicine, so that they prefer to used traditional medicine to cure many diseases. They are usually consumed in the form of stew, steeping, or directly consuming that are considered nutritious (Anonim, 2008). Kidney stones were one of the health problems in the urinary system, because the body is dehydrated, its 577 in the physiological function of the kidneys. Traditional medicine used empirically is pandan wangi (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb). it used by the community as a laxative medicine kidney stones. The people used it hereditary and based on their experiences used boil water of pandan wangi leaves to treat kidney stones. One of the laxative mechanism drug by dissolving kidney stones are calcium kidney stones. Pandan wangi leaves, according Dalimartha (2000) contains flavonoids. In his research, Pramono (1986), states that the mechanism of dissolution of calcium kidney stones with the possibility of the formation of complexes between ionic calcium kidney stones with a hydroxy group carbonyl flavonoids contained in traditional medicine. Rahardjo study (2003) showed that infusion of pandan wangi leaves can dissolve calcium kidney stones. Some results phytochemical screening of pandan wangi contains alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, tannins, and a dye. These flavonoids can be extracted with ethanol 70%. Ethanol can be used to sum up the relatively high polarity substance until relatively low. Pandan wangi leaves ethanol extract is obtained through maceration which are a method that is suitable for compounds that do not withstand heating to high temperatures and is often used for extracting the ingredients which floured smooth simplicia (Voigt, 1994). Preparations of infusa can only sum up the substances that are polar, penyarian this way produce pollen that is unstable and easily contaminated by bacteria and fungi, therefore the juice obtained must not be stored for more than 24 hours. Another disadvantage is the cause swelling of the cell so that the active ingredient will be firmly attached to the bulbs. While the dosage forms in addition to the extract can be stored for longer also can be used repeatedly. Method 1. Processing of simplicia Pandan Wangi Leaves plants grow away from water sources and harvested during the dry season. The leaves are taken is growing 8 strands of shoots up to 8 strands of the base and than its were cut 10 cm from the base of the leaf. Leaves were disorted and washed with flow of water. The leaves are allowed to dry with air flow and Its not exposed to direct sunlight. 2. Preparation of pandan wangi ethanol extract Pandan Wangi Leaves were dried under shade and then were powdered with a sieve number 8 made extrac. Extraction using 170 g (10 parts) simplicia pandan wangi leaves by maceration with ethanol 70% as much as 1.275 ml (75 parts). Maceration performed for 5 days with stirring twice a day. Maserat obtained from filtration was collected. The remaining pulp macerated again 2 days, filtered and collected to obtain 1700 ml (100 parts). Maserat obtained evaporated with a rotary evaporator at a temperature of not more than 500C, until a thick consistency is formed future. The Extract is made by weighing 10 grams of pandan wangi leaves extract is dissolved in 100 ml of solvent (DMSO and distilled water). 3. Treatment of kidney stones disease Kidney stones are made of powder by means of crushed using a mortar and sieved with a mesh size 45. After sifted powder kidney stones washed with distilled water and dried flows. 4. Preparation of calcusol 1.2% (a therapeutic dose of 1 day) Calcusol as a positive control, six capsules calcusol (3 x daily therapeutic dose of 2 capsules) is opened and its contents weighed 2.4 grams gained weight. The powder is then dissolved in distilled water to 200 ml (volume one drink)→ levels of 2.4 g / 200 ml = 1.2% 578 dilute with water as much, whipped and left. Red to orange color is given by the flavonoids, dark red color is given by the flavonol or flavonon, green to blue color is given by the aglycone or glycoside. 5. Test the identification of calcium kidney stones in vitro Test identification of calcium kidney stones by using chemically qualitative inorganic analysis. Powder kidney stones included a test tube and reacted with detection reagents: 7. Grouping and treatment of test subjects Kidney stone test subjects were divided into seven groups. The first group, a negative control, were given distilled water, kelompak II, the positive control, given calcusol solution 1.2%. Group III to VII consecutive extract fragrant pandan leaves grading 0.625%, 1.25%, 2.5%, 5% and 10% . The seventh group of test subjects are treated as follows, as much as 50 mg powder kidney stones soaked with 5 ml of the test solution as specified above in the tube and placed in a water bath with a temperature of 370C for 5 hours and shaken every half hour for one minute. After 5 hours the filter with filter paper, the filtrate obtained was analyzed by atomic spectrophotometer to determine the solubility of calcium. a. Carbonic Kidney stones are already included in the test tube was added HCl 10%, when gas formation means CO3 (+). b. Calcium Kidney stones are already included in the test tube was added 3 ml of HCl 10%, then heated and added saturated ammonium oxalate through the tube wall (not shaken), the white precipitate like fog means calcium (+). c. Oxalate Kidney stones are already included in the test tube was added 1 ml of HCl 10%, then bring to a boil and coupled with MnO2 tip of a spoon. If the gas arises, then oxalate (+). d. Phospat Kidney stones are already included in a test tube add 4-5 drops of HNO3, then heated until the powder kidney stones 8. Preparation of standard curve Making the standard curve begins with a calcium stock solution of 1000 ppm. Laruatn stock calcium prepared by dissolving 2.497 grams of CaCO3 in 100 ml of HCl 1M and added distilled water up to 1000 ml. Solution standard curve then pipette 10 ml and 100 ml plus aqudest. This solution is called the working standard solution with a concentration of 100 ppm. Of the working standard solution is then diluted to obtain a standard solution standard with konsentrasi1 ppm, 2 ppm, 3 ppm, 4 ppm, and 5 ppm. 1 ppm standard solution prepared by diluting 1mI 100 ppm calcium solution using distilled water to 100 ml Calculation: V1 x C1 = V2 x C2 Description : V1 = volume solution of working stones CaCO3 6. Qualitative test pandan wangi leaves extract with test method Wilstatter a. Preparation of experiments Take the equivalent of 10 grams of extracts of plant material. Whipped repeatedly with hexane until the extract is colorless. Discard the hexane phase. Mix the residue with 10 ml of 80% ethanol and then filtered to filtrate into 2 equal parts a lot (A, B). A tube is used as a control. b. Test wilstatter "cyanidin" Tube supplemented with 0.5 mL of concentrated HCl, then add 3-4 slices of magnesium. Observe the color change occurring within 10 minutes. If the stain is weak, the solution is taken in half and added to 1 ml of octyl alcohol. Then 579 C1 = concentration of CaCO3 working standard solution (100 ppm) V2 = volume of standard solution (100 ml) C2 = concentration of standard solution (1 ppm, 2 ppm, 3 ppm, 4 ppm, 5 ppm) Standard solution 2 ppm, 3 ppm, 4 ppm, 5 ppm created using the same way. Atomic spectrophotometer set the conditions for the determination of levels of calcium. The condition of the tools used are: Lamp current: 7.5 Ma Wavelength: 422.7 nm Oxidant: Air 3 kg / cm²; 15 l / min Fuel: Acetylene; 1.1 kg/cm²; 2l/ min Once the conditions are appropriate tools, raw absorbance readings performed and samples. Figure 1. Standard Curve Profile A. Randemen Pandan Wangi Leavesextract Extract Method Used In This Study Is Maceration. Simplicia dry powder pandan wangi leaves used a 170 g. Extraction solvent ethanol 70% as much as 1700 ml. Do as much as 3x. Extraction results are collected and then evaporated with a boiling water bath until thick extract obtained. And is calculated on the weight of crude drug extract randemen early. Randemen extracts = the total weight of the extract obtained x 100 ml Simplisia initial weights 9. Sample Preparation A sample of the filtrate results immersion kidney stones filtrate samples diluted with distilled water immersion results with distilled water, pandan wangi leaves extract 0.625%, 1.25%, was diluted 10 times is done by taking a 1 ml sample was then added to 10 ml of distilled water. Samples pandan wangi leaves extract 2.5%, 5% and 10% diluted 50 times by taking a 1 ml sample was then added to 50 ml of distilled water. 10. Preparation tool 580 Table 1. Results randemen extract Replication initial Weight (g) 1 2 3 170,0003 170,0002 170,0001 Weight extrac (g) 17,0230 17,0180 17,0220 Average B. Results Making Fragrant Extract (Pandanus Amarillifolius Roxb.) Randement extract 17,023 17,018 17,022 17,021 C. Results Qualitative Test Method Flavonoids With Wilstatter Assay was done by qualitative chemical. Begins by weighing 10 grams of extract. Then extract that has been weighed mixed with hexane in a separating funnel. The mixture is shaken repeatedly until the extract is colorless. Hexane phase discarded, the residue is added 10 ml of 80% ethanol, filtered and the filtrate was divided into two parts as much (A and B). - The weight of the powder herbal P.Wangi leaves: 170 grams - The volume of ethanol 70% : 1700 ml - Weight viscous extract : 17.021 grams - Percentage randemen: % Randemen = weight extract thick x 100 the weight of powder % Randemen = 10.012% Table 2 Results of the qualitative examination of flavonoids Tube A B treatment _ added 0.5 ml HCl concentrated, then added 3-4 magnesium. D. Qualitative Results Of Kidney Stones Before the identification test of calcium, then the kidney stones crushed and sieved with a mesh size of 45. Tests conducted in vitro method of qualitative inorganic chemical analysis. Kidney stone powder reacted with calcium reagent identification, ie carbonate solution, a solution of calcium, oxalate solution, and a solution of phosphate. observed deposition of calcium compounds are formed. result Negatif control Old red its showed that contain flavonoid E. Levels of Measurement Results Samples with AAS Soaking kidney stones with pandan wangi leaves extract distilled water negative control and positive control calcusol, levels of 0.625%, 1.25%, 2.5%, 5% and 10%, carried out for 5 hours at a temperature of 37°C and every 30 minutes done shaking for 1 minute. After soaking for 5 hours, filtrate screening results were analyzed dissolved calcium content using atomic absorption spectrophotometer 581 Table 3. Results of the qualitative examination of calcium kidney stones NO 1 2 3 4 Treatment Result Carbonat Assay Kidney stone powder + HCl 10% Calcium Assay Kidney stone powder + 3 ml of HCl 10%, heated + NH4 oxalate saturation through the wall of the tube (do not shake) Oksalat Assay examination Sulfate Kidney stone powder + 1 ml of HCl 10%, boil + tip of a spoon MnO2 Phospat Assay idney stone powder + 3 ml of HCl 10%, heated + NH4 oxalate saturation through the wall of the tube (do not shake) CO3 + A white precipitate is formed like a fog + Arising gas + Pale yellow - Table 4 Results of measurements of samples with SSA Sample Neg control.Aquades Pos. control Calcusol 1.2% P.Wangi extract 0.625 P.Wangi extract 1.25% P.Wangi extract 2.5% P.Wangi extract 5% P.Wangi extract 10% Absorbance 0.0382 0.1162 0.1204 0.2258 0.2066 0.2335 0.4241 Concent ration (ppm) 0.3813 1.4046 1.4597 2.8426 2.5907 2.9436 5.4442 Dilution factor Concentration of sample (ppm) 10 10 10 10 50 50 50 3.813 14.046 14.597 28.426 129.535 29.436 272.21 Figure 2. Histogram test solutions versus the average Ca dissolved by atomic absorption spectrophotometer, the results of immersion calcium kidney stones with the test solution for 5 hours 582 In this case, the researchers only identify the elements which generally form kidney stones among other things carbonate, calcium, oxalate, and phosphate. However, the most important element in this study is calcium. For qualitative analysis of calcium, carried out by first adding calcium powder with 10% HCl. The addition of 10% HCl aims to dissolve the calcium. Selection of HCl 10% based on the theory that most of the compounds in the form of calcium kidney stones of calcium oxalate. This is evident in the analysis of oxalate which showed positive results. Calcium oxalate is only soluble in strong mineral acid HCl 10% so selected that a strong mineral acid as the solvent of calcium oxalate. After the addition of 10% HCL and heated, then the solution was added ammonium oxalate. Calcium analysis results are as follows: CaCl2 + (COONH4) 2 Ca (COO) 2 + 2NH4Cl The addition of ammonium oxalate solution causes the formation of a white precipitate such as fog (+). The above reaction shows that the subject of kidney stones were used in this study contains calcium. Flavonoid qualitative analysis carried out by Wilstatter Test. This analysis aims to determine the content of flavonoids in pandan wangi leaves extract used in the study. Flavonoida are polar compounds that can form complexes with metal ions. Wilstatter In tests, the addition of magnesium as the metal ion. In literature, it is mentioned that the test is done by extracting the equivalent of 10 grams of plant material. and added hexane until colorless. The purpose of the addition of hexane is to attract chlorophyll that can interfere during the examination of flavonoids. Then, the hexane phase discarded, the residue mixed with 10 ml of 80% ethanol. This filtrate concentrated HCl plus 0.5, then added 34 magnesium metal. Results can be seen after 10 minutes. From this test get a deep red color that identifies a class of flavonoid compounds flavonols. RESULT AND ANALYSIS Pandan wangi used in this study was obtained from Purwodadi. This study begins with the identification of pandan wangi will be used. This step aims to ensure that the plants used are not wrong and actually comes from Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb species. The extraction method used in this research was maceration with ethanol 70% as solvent. Ethanol are neutral, can inhibit the growth of mold and bacteria, non-toxic, can be mixed with water at any ratio, and the time required for a concentration of less (Depkes, 1986). So it is expected these solvents can obtain optimal active substances because it can attract active substances that dissolve in water or in alcohol. The amount of 70% ethanol used in this maceration is 10 times the weight of crude drugs. Pandan wangi leaves extract made with a series of levels of 0.625%, 1.25%, 2.5%, 5% and 10%, the selection is based on a series of levels of study Rahardjo with levels of 10% proved to have an influence on the solubility of calcium kidney stones. For further research then made a different dosage forms that extracts fragrant pandan leaves with lower levels, and whether the dosage form of the extract has an effect on the solubility of calcium kidney stones. Kidney stones before it is treated with fragrant pandan extract, than it washed with distilled water flowing and dried. Afterwards, kidney stones crushed and then sieved with a sieve mesh size of 45. The purpose of the washing is done to remove impurities that exist in kidney stones. While sifting is done so that the size of the kidney stone that is used uniformly. To determine the content of calcium in the kidney stones were used then conducted a qualitative analysis of the chemical calcium. One purpose of this study was to determine the effect on the solubility of fragrant pandan extract calcium kidney stones in vitro, therefore, needed kidney stones contain calcium as one of the constituent components. 583 Quantitative analysis of the solubility of calcium kidney stones is done by adding 50 mg powder kidney stones each into 7 groups. The seventh group include: 5 ml of distilled water as a negative control, 5 ml calsusol 1.2% as positive control, and sample each 5 ml pandan wangi leaves extract 0.625%, 5 ml pandan wangi leaves extract 1.25%, 5 ml pandan wangi leaves extract 2.5%, 5 ml pandan wangi leaves extract 5%, and 5 ml pandan wangi leaves extract 10%,. Soaking carried out for 5 hours at a temperature of ± 37 ° C and every minute is done shaking for 1 minute. After soaking for 5 hours, 7 groups filtered using filter paper. In this study, used Calcusol positive control because it is a traditional medicine that kidney stones proven efficacious and have been determined by a doctor. As for the negative control used is distilled water. The use of negative control aims to look at the possibility of dissolution of calcium for treatment during soaking and shaking. Selection of atomic absorption spectrophotometer is based on the ability to measure levels of metals with high accuracy and low detection limit. Atomic absorption spectrophotometer can detect calcium metal to levels of 0,002 ppm. Analysis of calcium in fragrant pandan extract made with flame atomization at a wavelength of 422.7 nm, air oxidant 15 l / min, acetylene fuel 2 l / min. A wavelength of 422.7 nm is the wavelength of maximum spectral calcium. A mixture of air-acetylene flame temperature required to reach about 2300 ° C. The high temperatures needed to melt, evaporate, then mengatomkan calcium metal which has a melting point of 838 ° C and a boiling point of 1440 ° C. Before measuring the absorbance of the sample prior measurement of the absorbance of standard solutions. Absorbance measurement standard solutions aimed at obtaining the raw curve equation used to calculate the level of calcium in the sample extract fragrant pandan leaves. Standard curve of standard solution absorbance measurement results can be seen in Table 4. Before the measurement of absorbance, sample first made sample dilution. The sample dilution due to high calcium in the sample. Absorbance measurement results show the sample absorbance after being diluted. The concentration of dissolved calcium in the sample before dilution can be calculated by multiplying the dilution factor with the concentration of calcium measured. Atomic absorption spectrophotometer analysis results processed using descriptive statistical methods to determine whether a data Explore each sample has a normal distribution and homogeneous variants. Explore normal distribution in statistics ditujukkan with the ratio between the value of skewness and kurtois and strandart error no more than ± 2. Variant data are expressed homogeneous when its significance is greater than 0.05%. Explore the results of the analysis show that the data were normally distributed and had homogeneous variant. Analysis of the One Way ANOVA statistical method performed to see whether there are differences in the data from each sample and whether it is a significant difference or not. Methods One Way Anova been a parametric analysis method for data with one free variable that is first of the two treatments and unpaired. Calcium solubility data analysis using One Way ANOVA showed significance value less than 0.05 (sig. <0.05). Sig. <0.05% indicates that there is a difference in the average value of the solubility of calcium kidney stones in distilled water negative control, positive control calcusol 1.2% and pandan wangi leaves extracts of each level. To find out which groups that have an average difference of dissolved calcium, and if the difference is significant, the use of comparative analysis with the Tukey HSD method. In the analysis of Tukey HSD average significant difference between 584 samples is shown with significance value of less than 0.05. Significance value obtained from the comparison of the average solubility of calcium each sample in Tukey HSD analysis is less than 0.05. it can be said that the average solubility of calcium in distilled water negative control, positive control Calcusol 1.2%, and the pandan wangi leaves extracts from each of the different levels of meaning or difference is real or significant. It is marked on the Mean Difference column contained an asterisk (*). The amount of calcium dissolved in pandan wangi leaves extract and the percentage increase of the negative control and a positive control Calcusol distilled water of 1.2% can be seen in Table V. Comparison between the negative control and a positive control calcusol distilled water of 1.2% indicates that the ability to extract fragrant pandan leaves 2 , 5% calcium kidney stones dissolve the lower 2.5909% and 84.3663. Aquadest comparison with the negative control and positive control Calcusol 1.2% indicated that the ability of pandan wangi leaves extract 0.625%, 1.25%, 5% and 10% are able to dissolve calcium kidney stones with each percentage increased, 282.6381 ± 3.8265, ± 645.3675 102.2272, 672.1198 ± 109.4855, 287.4315 ± 1327.9916, although a less capable but wandan pandan wangi leaves extract 2.5% still has the potential to dissolve calcium kidney stones because Tukey HSD analysis results showed significant differences between calcium dissolved in a pandan wangi leaves extract 2.5%. Histogram test solutions versus the average Ca dissolved by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, results immersion calcium kidney stones with the test solution for 5 hours. Histogram relationship between the test solution with the amount of dissolved calcium indicates that the higher the concentration of the extract, the amount of dissolved calcium also higher. Flavonoids contained in the extract to form soluble complexes with calcium so that an increasing number of flavonoids would increase the amount of dissolved calcium. Research pandan wangi leaves extract effect on the solubility of calcium kidney stones in vitro results that pandan wangi leaves extract content of 0.625% to 10% can dissolve calcium kidney stones. ability to dissolve calcium kidney stones caused by the flavonoids in pandan wangi leaves extract. This study is the first step to determine the ability of pandan wangi leaves extract kalsim in dissolving kidney stones. Further studies need to be performed in vivo to determine the ability of pandan wangi leaves extract in dissolving calcium kidney stones. CONCLUTION The experiment results shows that water extract of Pandanus amarylliflius Roxb.,.folium contains flavonoids and could dissolve calcium in kidney stones REFERENCES 1. Anonim. 2008. Sediaan Galenik. Jakarta: Departemen Kesehatan RI 2. Anonim. 1979. 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Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta 586 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF FLUID RINGER ACETATE MALAT COMPARED WITH RINGER LACTATE FLUID IN ACCELERATING TIME INCREASE IN BLOOD PRESSURE IN RATS (RATTUS NORVEGICUS) Ika Rahmawati¹, Lizete Auxiliadora Costa Malic² Nursing Major Faculty of Health Science Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata Kediri Abstract Dehydration is described as a state of disturbed fluid balance that can be caused by various types of disease. One of the signs and symptoms of dehydration is a decrease in blood pressure. Dehydration occurs due to loss of water more than on the water inlet. Fluid administration is one of the measures taken to overcome the problem of dehydration. Ringer Acetate Malate fluids containing electrolytes are balanced with concentrations similar to those found in human plasma. Ringer Lactate fluid is a crystalloid liquid that is widely used in fluid therapy. The levels of sodium in the crystalloid solution called Ringer Acetate Malate is more similar with the plasma of the human body than Ringer lactate therefore Ringer Acetate Malate more isotonic than Ringer Lactate. Acetate metabolism also obtained 3-4 times faster than Lactate. Experimental animals used in this study were white rats (rattus norvegicus) totaling 14 samples. This study aims to determine the effectiveness between the administration of Ringer Acetate Malate fluid compared with Ringer Lactate fluid in accelerating time increase in blood pressure in rats. Type of research is quantitative research, design true eksperimental approach pra test- post test group design. Data collection using observation. Data were analyzed by Independent T Test statistical test to determine differences in Ringer Acetate Malate fluid and Ringer Lactate fluid in rats. Based on the survey results revealed that the increase in blood pressure in rats by administration of Ringer Acetate Malate fluid there is an increased and accelerated the volume of urine produced by the average amount of 0.3625 cc in less than 2 hours. While Ringer Lactate for fluid administration in increasing blood pressure and accelerate time amount of urine produced volume is 0.275 cc within 2 hours or more. The results of statistical tests using Independent T Test found the difference between giving Ringer Acetate Malate fluids with Ringer's Lactate with values obtained α = 0.017. Conclusions from this study that there is a difference between giving fluids Ringer Acetate Malate with Ringer Lactate fluid in accelerating time increase in blood pressure in rats. Increased blood pressure more quickly by providing fluid Ringer Acetate Malat than using fluid Ringer Lactate. Key Words : Ringer Acetate Malate, Ringer Lactate, Blood Pressure 584 dehydration if fluids and electrolytes are not replaced either through oral rehydration solution Salts (ORS) or through intravenous fluids (15). Children are smaller (toddlers) are more susceptible to dehydration due to the composition of body fluids large, immature kidney function, and inability to meet their own needs independently (independent) (7). The main goal of fluid therapy Ringer Acetate Malat (RAM) is in lieu of extracellular fluid, prevents dehydration, prevent hypotension, correcting fluid and electrolyte deficiency rapidly (rehydration therapy) and to prevent nutritional deficiencies (5). Based on the amount of fluid lost dehydration can be categorized into 3 among others: without dehydration, mild dehydration moderate, and severe dehydration. Diarrhea without dehydration children appear unconscious, not sunken eyelids, lips and tongue wet, skin turgor back quickly, in this case can be given ORS as much as 5 to 10 ml/kg. On being discovered signs of mild dehydration sunken eyes, children restless or cranky, thirsty to drink with gusto, pinch back by slow stomach. In this case the child should get as much ORS 75 ml/kg administered over 3 hours by monitoring the progress of hydration. In the severe dehydration, the child looks unconscious, sunken eyes, can not drink or drink lazy, the abdominal skin pinch the return is very slow. In this situation the child must be hospitalized and receive intravenous fluids 100ml / kg for 6 hours in infants aged under 12 months and 3 hours for children older than 12 months (13). RAM solution is different from the solution of Ringer Lactate (RL), where lactate is mainly metabolized in the liver and a small portion of the kidney , while acetate is metabolized in almost all tissues of the body, especially in muscles. The RAM solution containing electrolytes are balanced with concentrations similar to those found in human plasma. This solution can be used for handling fluids in the perioperative haemostasis and can be used to replace the volume of provisional intravasal (9) . Based on the above, the researchers are interested in doing research on the effectiveness of the liquids Ringer Acetate Malat compared with Ringer Lactate fluid in accelerating time increase in blood pressure on the White Rat (Rattus norvegicus) . INTRODUCTION Dehydration is a condition that disturbed fluid balance that can be caused by various diseases (7). Dehydration occurs due to loss of water (output) more than on the water inlet (input) (13). Discharge is usually accompanied by an electrolyte (9). Dehydration caused by diarrhea is the leading cause of death in infants and toddlers (7). Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2004 in the WHO (2009), showed diarrhea is the second leading cause of child deaths in the world with 1.5 million children die each year from this disease. In the United States, dehydration occurs around 7 % in patients older than 65 years who were hospitalized with an average length of 14 days and occurs in 82 % of febrile patients being treated at home. Dehydration is one of the main reasons elderly patients taken to the emergency room (8). Data in Indonesia obtained from the emergency department of the Department of Internal Medicine RSUPNCM in 2000-2001 where as many as 45% of elderly patients who were brought to the emergency room, suffering from dehydration. Dehydration occurs more frequently in adolescents (48.1 %) compared to adults (44.5%) (3). Based on the results of research conducted by Ella (2007), entitled Relationship diarrhea with dehydration Genesis Figures show pediatric patients with diarrhea in Dr H. Adam Malik of the 39 samples analyzed, 76.9 % found dehydrated mild or moderate and 23.1 % severe dehydration . Based on these data we can see that the incidence of diarrhea with dehydration in children is still quite high. Based on data taken in hospital emergency rooms Gambiran Kediri, morbidity of diarrhea with dehydration in January to October 2014 to reach 184 cases. In acute diarrhea with severe dehydration, blood volume is reduced so that it can have negative consequences in infants and children the symptoms include shock of hypovolemic (heartbeat becomes rapid, rapid pulse, blood pressure decreases, the patient becomes weak, decreased consciousness, diuresis decrease), disruption electrolyte, acid-base balance disorders, and acute renal failure (9). During episodes of diarrhea, water and electrolytes (sodium, chloride, potassium, and bicarbonate) is lost through liquid stools, sweat, urine and breathing. Death can follow severe 585 Table 3 Production of urine production period METHODS This type of research is quantitative research, experimental, quasi-experimental research design with the approach of the pre test and post-test group design . In both groups started with the pre-test, and after the treatment is completed held back measurement (post-test) (13). Animals used in this study is the White Rat (Rattus norvegicus) totaled 14 tails are male 2-3 months old weighing 200300 g and get the same nutrients. Selection of male rats so that there are no hormonal influences and pregnancy. This study used rats as an animal is widely used as experimental animals, easy to obtain, have a quick response, give an idea scientifically that may occur in humans, and are relatively inexpensive. Age 1 2 2- 2,5 months 6 8 Percentage (%) 42,85 57,14 14 100 Frequency 2,6 -3 months Total No DISCUSSION After collecting data using observation sheet is then processed, interpreted and analyzed according to the variables studied. The effectiveness of fluid Ringer Acetate Malat against time increase in blood pressure in rats (Rattus norvegicus) Results of the study increase in blood pressure in rats obtained Ringer's acetate malate fluid is a liquid that is effective in accelerating the production of white rat urine so that a white rat blood pressure increase becomes faster. It can be seen from the increase and acceleration of volume of urine produced by the average number of 0.3625 cc in less than 2 hours . With fluid administration of Ringer's acetate malate in the amount of 2 cc and using a 3 cc syringe (14) . Theoretically RAM fluid is isotonic fluids similar to body fluids (1). This RAM fluids containing electrolytes are balanced with concentrations similar to those found in human plasma. RAM is an isotonic balanced electrolyte solution which can adjust to human plasma by not ignoring physiology important electrolytes in it. RAM is different from the solution of Ringer Lactate (RL), where lactate is mainly metabolized in the liver and a small portion of the kidney, while acetate is metabolized in almost all body tissues, especially in muscle (1). Acetate metabolism also obtained 3-4 times faster than lactate. Ringer Acetate malate has been widely available in many countries. This liquid is particularly indicated as a replacement for the acute fluid loss (resuscitation), such as diarrhea, dengue fever, burns/shock hemoregik. In lieu of fluid during a surgical Sample Characteristics Frequency Distribution Based Weight Loss Weight 200-250 1 grams 260-300 2 grams Total Frequency 14 Percentage (%) 4 28,57 10 71,42 Fluid Based on Table 3 shows the results of urine output with fluid administration of Ringer acetate malate is the average number of 0.3625 cc in less than 2 hours (40 minutes to 1 hour), while the average of urinary production for Ringer Lactat is 0.275 cc within 2 hours or more. Based on Table 1 shows the characteristics of the sample based on age can be explained that the mice age 2,6-3 months as much as 8 samples (57.14 %) and 2-2.5 months old as 6 samples (42.85 %) . Table 2 urine Rate urine Duration of urine output production RAM 0,3625 cc < 2 hour (40 1 minutes s.d 1 hour) 2 RL 0,275 cc 2 hours/more No RESULT Table 1 Sample Characteristics Frequency Distribution by Age No and 100 Based on Table 2 shows the characteristics of the sample by weight can be explained that the white rat body weight 260300 grams by 10 samples (71.42 %) and body weight of 200-250 grams of 4 samples (28.57 %). 586 procedure, fluid loading time of induction of regional anesthesia, priming solution in action cardiopulmonary bypass, and is also indicated in acute stroke complicated by dehydration (6). The benefits of fluid loading at the time of induction of anesthesia, for example, demonstrated by studies Ewaldsson and Hahn (2001) which analyzed the effect of 350 mL of RAM quickly (within 2 minutes) after the induction of general anesthesia and spinal against volume kinetic parameters. This study shows the provision of RAM can prevent arterial hypotension induced central hypovolemia is common after general anesthesia/spinal. According to Hahn and Drobin (2003) RAM does not encourage cell swelling, because it can be given in acute stroke, particularly if there is suspicion of cerebral edema. For obstetric cases , Onizukka et al (2009) tried to compare the effect of rapid infusion of Ringer Lactate Ringer Acetate Malat with against the maternal and fetal metabolism and acid-base balance in 20 patients who underwent combined spinal and epidural anesthesia before seksiosesarea . This study shows giving Ringer Acetate Malat better than Ringer 's lactate for the 3 parameters above , because it can improve neonatal lactic acidosis (a condition common in babies born to mothers who experienced pre-eclampsia or eclampsia) . Based on the results of the study, administration of fluid Ringer Acetate Malat is effective compared to administration of Ringer's lactate liquids which time the rats increased blood pressure becomes faster as measured from the white rat urine production quicker and more. administered intravenously or subcutaneously. Fluid Ringer lactate abbreviated as "LR" , "RL" or "LRS, where lactate is mainly metabolized in the liver. Ringer Lactate is a fluid hipotonis where absorption in the human body a little longer. At neurotraumatologi, hypotonic fluid such as Ringer 's lactate should be avoided because of the risk of edema cerebral (1). According to the conclusions of researchers on Ringer's lactate for fluid administration can increase blood pressure in rats but it takes a little longer because of the white rat urine production and a little too long. The effectiveness of fluid Ringer Acetate Malat compared with Ringer Lactate fluid in accelerating time increase in blood pressure in rats (Rattus norvegicus) Results of research in accelerating a rise in blood pressure in rats showed that more effective use of fluid Ringer Acetate Malat in accelerating time increase in blood pressure in rats compared with fluid Ringer Lactate, this is evidenced by statistical tests using T Test Independent of the declared value Asymp sig 0.017. Ringer Acetate Malat an isotonic balanced electrolyte solution which can adjust to human plasma by not ignoring the physiology of important electrolytes in it (1). RAM solution is different from the solution of Ringer Lactate (RL), where lactate is mainly metabolized in the liver and a small portion of the kidney, while acetate is metabolized in almost all tissues of the body, especially in muscles. Acetate metabolism also obtained 3-4 times faster than lactate (6). RAM is an isotonic solution is a solution similar to the body fluids. The RAM solution containing electrolytes are balanced with concentrations similar to those found in human plasma. This solution can be used for handling fluids in the perioperative haemostasis and can be used to replace the volume of provisional intravasal (9). The difference with a solution of Ringer Lactate (RL) which is now frequently used in resuscitation purposes is that the RAM containing anions acetate and malate metabolism which has a role as a precursor bicarbonate, will neutralize acidosis hyperchloraemic (1). Ringer's lactate is fluid hipotonis with blood and intended for intravenous administration. This liquid can also be administered subcutaneously. Fluid Ringer Ringer Lactate fluid administration effectiveness over time increase blood pressure in rats (Rattus norvegicus) Results showed there was an increase in blood pressure in rats by administration of Ringer's lactate fluids but not too significant because urine production takes a little longer. It can be seen from the increase and acceleration of volume of urine produced by the average number of 0.275 cc within 2 hours or more. With Ringer's lactate for fluid administration in the amount of 2 cc and using a 3 cc syringe (14). In theory Ringer lactate fluid is a liquid hipotonis with blood. Administration may be 587 lactate abbreviated as "LR", "RL" or "LRS, where lactate is mainly metabolized in the liver (1). Solution Ringer Lactate is often used for fluid resuscitation after blood loss due to trauma, surgery, or burns. Previous, was used to induce the production of urine in patients with kidney failure. Another use is a common treatment of renal failure in small animals, where a solution is given subcutaneously instead of intravenously. Managing fluid in this way allows the solution to be given to the animals quickly and not require the presence of blood vessels. The liquid is then slowly absorbed from under the skin into the blood stream of animals. Solution Ringer Lactate used as a by-product of the metabolism of lactate in the liver to overcome acidosis, which is a chemical imbalance that occurs with fluid loss of acute renal failure . Ringer Lactate is not suitable for maintenance therapy because the sodium content (130 mEq /L) is considered too high, especially for children, and the potassium content (4 mEq / L) is too low, given the need for daily electrolytes (1). Thus the researchers conclude that the fluid Ringer's acetate malate and fluid Ringer's lactate can be used to speed up the increase in blood pressure in rats but more effective in the resuscitation fluid is a liquid malate Ringer's acetate. REFERENCES 1. Braun, B. 2011. Manfaat isotonisitas ringerfundin vs hiponatremia pada ringer laktat dan ringer asetat (hipotonis). Germany : KoTM FVT 2. Ewaldson Carl Arne, Hahn Robert G. 2005. Anesthesiology. American Society of Anesthesiology 3. Gustam, Hardinsyah, Dodik Briawan. 2012. Faktor Risiko Dehidrasi pada Remaja dan Dewasa. Skripsi Institut Pertanian Bogor 4. Hahn. 2010. Volume kinetics for infusion fluids. Anesthesiology 5. Hartanto WW., 2012. Terapi cairan dan elektrolit perioperatif. SMF/Bag. Farmakologi Klinik dan Terapeutik/ Fak. Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran. Bandung : FK Unpad 6. Hartanto R V. 2007. Perbedaan perubahan konsentrasi natrium plasma antara preload 20 cc/kgbb ringer laktat dibandingkan dengan preload 20 cc/kgbb ringer asetat malat. S.Ked [thesis]. Semarang: Universitas Diponegoro 7. Huang. L.H, Anchala, K.R, Ellsbury, L. George, S.C. 2009. Dehydration. Available from : (accessed 15 Juni 2012) 8. Friedman J.N, Goldman R.D, Srivastava R, and Parkin PC. 2004. Development of a Clinical Dehydration Scale for Use in Children Between 1 and 36 Months of Age. The Journal of Pediatrics CONCLUSIONS 1. Giving Fluid Ringer Acetate Malat effective to speed up the increase in blood pressure in rats (Rattus norvegicus). It can be seen from the increase and acceleration of volume of urine produced by the average number of 0.3625 cc in less than 2 hours. 2. Giving Fluid Lactate Ringer effective in increasing blood pressure in rats (Rattus norvegicus) but it takes a little longer. It can be seen from the increase and acceleration of volume of urine produced by the average number of 0.275 cc within 2 hours or more. 3. Fluid Acetate Ringer Lactate Ringer's Malat and liquid can be used to speed up the increase in blood pressure in rats but more effective in the resuscitation fluid is a liquid malate Ringer's acetate. This is evidenced by statistical tests using the Test T Independent stating Asymp sig value of 0.017. 9. Latief S A, Suryadi K A, Daclan M R. 2009. Analgesia regional. Dalam: Latief S A, Suryadi K A, Daclan M R, editor. Petunjuk praktis anestesiologi. Edisi ke-2. Jakarta : Bagian anestesiologi dan terapi intensif FK UI 10.Nursalam. 2013. Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Keperawatan. Edisi 3. Jakarta : Salemba Medika 11.Notoatmodjo, 2005. Metodologi penelitian kesehatan. Edisi ketiga. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta 12.Plaiser, A. 2010. Plasma Water as Tool in the Assessment of Dehydration in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis. Eur J Pediatr 13.Suraatmaja. 2010. Keseimbangan cairan dan elektrolit tubuh. Jakarta : Sagung Seto 14.Rusdi, Budipramana V.S. 2010. Perbandingan pemberian ringer laktat dan ringer asetat dalam meningkatkan 588 kadar laktat darah pada iskemia hepar akibat ligasi vena porta (studi eksperimental pada kelinci) [Karya akhir penelitian]. Surabaya : Bagian bedah FK-UNAIR/RSU dr.Soetomo 15.WHO, 2009. Pelayanan kesehatan anak di rumah sakit pedoman bagi rumah sakit rujukan tingkat pertama dikabupaten/kota. WHO dan Departemen Kesehatan RI. Jakarta. 589 EFFECTIVENESS OF MUROTAL MUSIC THERAPY AND KANGAROO METHOD ON LBW BABY’S FEEDING TIME IN THE NEONATES WARD OF AURA SYIFA HOSPITAL Putri KristyaningsihI, Diah Eliya HumaidaII Nursing Major Faculty Of Health Science Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata Kediri Abstract Kangaroo method is a treatment method for low birth weight (LBW) or premature baby, by doing skin to skin contact between mother and the baby. Music therapy is the use of music as therapy equipment to repair, maintain, develop physical mental and emotional health. While murotal music therapy is a technique that used to cure a disease by using the verses of the Holy Al-Quran. The design of this study is pre-experimental post only design. The sample are 24 babies that were stayed in Neonate Ward of Aura Syifa Hospital Kediri. This study use the inclussion and exclussion criterias to determine the samples. The sampling technique that is used in this study is purpossive sampling. The data collected by using the observation sheet, statistical test that used is Kruskal Wallis with ρ ≤ 0,05. From the test, the p value is 0.000, which means this study‟s result is statistically significant. The result showed that baby‟s feeding time on kanggaroo method group is 18 to 22 minutes time span, on murotal music therapy group is 14 to 16 minutes, on control group is 13 to 16 minutes. From the study we can conclude that kangaroo method is more effective to increase baby‟s feeding time. Kangaroo method is more effective because the kangaroo method using skin to skin contact technique between mother and baby, hence the baby can feel more comfort and baby‟s feeding time becomes longer. Keywords : Kangaroo Method, Murotal Music Therapy, Baby‟s Feeding Time tension reflective and measured quantitatively and qualitatively by a computer-based (8). INTRODUCTION Low birthweight infants (LBW) is baby newborn‟s weight less than 2500 grams regardless of gestational age (6). LBW consists of LBW preterm or and fullterm or post-term with growth retardation in the uterus (4). LBW with preterm pregnancy, usually experienced a complications. While the LBW with full-term pregnancy commonly are the organs are mature so it is not too problematic in treatment (1). According to the Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (14), Indonesia infant mortality rate is 34 per 1,000 live birth. The amount is higher than the Millennium Development Goals (MDG's) by 2015, a target which is to reduce infant mortality rate of 25 cases per 1,000 live births. One of the main causes of infant mortality is LBW infants, about 29% (13). Murotal music therapy can accelerate the healing, it has been proven by some experts, as has been done by Ahmad al Khaidi, Director of Islamic Medicine Institute for Education and Research in Florida, the results of these studies show a positive results, that listening to the verses of the Holy Al-Quran have a significant effect in reducing the nervous According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2007, in developing countries, nearly 70% of 5 million neonatal deaths and 17 of the 25 million deliveries per year give birth to babies with low birth weight (less than 2500 grams). Each year, an estimated 20 million babies are born with low birth 598 therapy can also affect the baby‟s feeding time and which one is more effective between kangaroo method and murotal music therapy to increase the length of breastfeeding in infants LBW is not known yet. That is why researchers interested in studying the effectiveness between kangaroo method and murotal music therapy in increasing LBW baby‟s feeding time. The research was done in Aura Shifa Hospital. Aura Syifa Hospital is a hsopital taht focus on mother and child treatment. weight (LBW). The main cause of this case can be due to the preterm or prematurely born or impaired growth during unborn or Intra Uterine Growth Retardation (IUGR) (12). The prevalence of LBW in Indonesia ranged from 2 to 17.2%, and its donates about 29.2% of Infant Mortality Rate (IMR). The high morbidity and mortality rates of low birth weight infants remains a major problem. The value of Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) in Indonesia is 34% and the incidence of low birth weight (including preterm birth) in Indonesia reached 29% where the incidence of low birth weight is a health issue first and as a contributor to death in the perinatal period, followed by asphyxiation 27% and sepsis 5.4%. It is estimated that the incidence of premature and low birth weight in Indonesia is diminishing but it is still quite high at 52% per 100 live births (1). METHODS The research used the Pre-experimental Post Only design with control design, this study uses a therapy for the respondents and the aim is to search whether there is an influence between the therapies, so we can conclude the effect after we give the therapy (5). Sampling technique that used in this study is purpossive sampling technique, is a technique by choosing he sample among a population appropriate with the researcher‟s desire (aim and problem of this study), so that the sample can represent the characteristics of the population that has been known previously (9). And using inclussion criterias that have been determined by researchers (the baby did not experience severe respiratory problems, the babies do not experience Hiperbilirubin, no congenital abnormalities, the mother is willing to participate, Moslems for murotal music therapy group). In East Java, LBW is still the highest cause of neonatal deaths, in 2001 amounted to 36.23% and in 2002 amounted to 34.72%. Based on preliminary studies that researchers do in Aura Syifa Hospital during the last 5 months from July, June, August, September and October, the incidence of babies of low birth weight are born normal and operations by 33% or 164 in 2014 with a range of weight 1900 grams to 2500 grams of number 492 births. There are some data from previous research, the effect of kangaroo method and murotal music therapy affect the baby with low birth weight, but whether the kangaroo method and murotal music RESULTS AND DISCUSSION RESULT Table 1. Frequency Distribution Characteristics of Respondents Based Weight LBW babies in Neonatal Space Aura Shifa Hospital Kediri No. 1 2 3 Baby‟s weight 1000-1500 grams 1600-2000 grams 2100-2500 grams Total Frequencies 3 4 17 24 599 Precentage (%) 12,5 16,7 70,8 100 Table 2. Frequency Distribution of Respondents by Old Time Breastfeeding At LBW infants in Neonatal Space Aura Shifa Hospital Kediri No . Baby‟s weight 14-15 minute s 16-17 minute s 18-19 minute s 20-21 minute s 22-23 minute s 4 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 7 1 1 4 2 12 4 1 4 3 1000-1500 grams 1600-2000 2 grams 2100-2500 3 grams Frequencies 1 Total 24 Table 3. Frequency Distribution of Respondents by Old Time Breastfeeding At Each group of LBW babies in Neonatal Space Aura Shifa Hospital Kediri N o Group Kangaroo method Murotal 2 music therapy 3 Control Frequencies 1 14-15 minute s 16-17 minutes 18-19 minute s 20-21 minute s 22-23 minute s 0 0 1 4 3 5 3 0 0 0 6 11 2 5 0 1 0 4 0 3 Based on table 1, the characteristics of respondents by weight can be explained that LBW infants of low birth weight infants are the most dominant is the gram weight of 2100 -2500 as many as 17 samples (70.83%). Total 24 therapy 14-17 minutes there are 8 samples and the control group 14-17 8 minutes also 8 sampled. To identify significant differences in the length of feeding time, the data were statistically test, using Kruskal Wallis Test (10). Fromthe test we get p value 0.000, where the signifcant level is p <0.05, it means that H1 is accepted,it is more effective to use kangaroo and murotal music therapy to increasing baby‟s feeding time. Based on table 2, LBW infants feeding time according to the weight that the weight can be explained 1000-1500 long feeding time 14-15 minutes 22-23 minutes 4 samples and 1 sample. 16002000 weight long feeding time 14-15 minutes 1 minute 16-17 samples and there are 3 sample. While weight 21002500 long feeding time 14-15 minutes 7 samples, two samples of 16-19 minutes, 20-23 minutes there were six samples. DISCUSSION Effect of Kangaroo method on LBW baby’s feeding time Based on table 3, the distribution of feeding time each group is known for a kangaroos feeding time range from 1823 minutes 8 samples, murotal music The result showed that the kangaroo method is the most effective method to increase the feeding time on baby with LBW in Aura Syifa Hospital. The time 600 for feeding on respondents range from 18 to 22 minutes is proved by the value of Mean Rank 60.50, with baby weight from 1000 to 1500 grams is 1 sample and weight 2100- 2500 grams are 7 samples. Weight 1600 to 2000 grams are 3 samples and weight 2100 to 2500 grams are 5 samples. Murotal music therapy gives great effect if played to the baby, it was revealed by Dr. Nurhayati (dalam 9), according to her research, 48-hour-old baby whom played Quranic verses from the tape recorder showed a response to smile and be quieter. Murotal therapy consists of sentences that written in Al-Quran, played for 15 minutes that can provide psychological impact towards the positive, this is because when murotal played will be translated by the brain which will give rise to a sense of comfort and calm (11). For the babies, kangaroo method useful for reducing consumption of calories, prolong the baby's sleep time, improve bonding between the baby and mother, causing a calming effect that lowers the stress (marked with cortisol levels low), reducing the incidence of nosocomial infections, serious illnesses or lower respiratory infections , body temperature more quickly reach 36.5oC temperature, heart rate and respiratory rate relative in the normal range, reduce stress on the baby, baby's behavior becomes better, which would seem baby alert, cry less, more frequent breastfeeding, increasing the baby weight (2). For mothers, kangaroo method is useful to facilitate breastfeeding and implementation of the early breastfeeding, increase milk production, improve mother‟s selfesteem, improving the bonding and affection of a mother with a baby and provide psychological influences in the form of serenity in the mother and family (7). Music murotal can increase the breastfeeding time but not too significant, music murotal may be less significant in influencing suckling time on LBW infants due to the timing of the music therapy murotal possibility of sound frequencies less according to the condition of each child, but still can be used daily for therapy supporters. Effectiveness between kangaroo method and murotal music therapy to the baby’s feeding time Statistically, it was found that the length of feeding time in LBW baby in the Aura Syifa Hospital more effective using kangaroo method and murotal music therapy compared to control group, it was proved by the results of statistical tests Anova Non parametric Kruskal Wallis test stating Asymp sig value is 0,000. According to the conclusions based on research studies that have been done kangaroo method is more effective because the baby directly touch the mother so the baby can be more comfort and familiar, it can affect baby‟s suckling time. This is supported by the theory of the Kangaroo method above. Effect of Music Therapy Against Murotal Long Time Feeding in Infants LBW Kangaroo method is a simple way to care for newborns and use the mother's body temperature to warm the baby. The baby is naked, wearing only a diaper and a hat, and the baby is placed vertically / upright in the chest between mother‟s breasts, naked chest, then covered (7). While Murotal is one of the music that has a positive influence for the hearing. Murotal therapy can accelerate healing, it has proved by various experts as it has The results showed that there is an effect of music therapy for abbay feeding time at Aura Syifa Hospital. The data showed that music theray can influence baby‟s feeding time but not too significant. It is from the result of statistical test Mean Rank at 27.02. With time for breastfeeding from 14 to 16 minutes. 601 done Ahmad al Khadi, president of the Islamic Medicine Institute for Education and Research in Florida, USA. In the seventeenth annual conference of the American Medical Association, US missuori region, Ahmad Al-Qadi made a presentation on the results of his research with the theme of the influence of the Koran on the perspective of human physiology and psychology. Results of these studies showed positive results that listen to the verses of the Quran have a significant effect in reducing the tension cord is reflective and the results recorded and measured quantitatively and qualitatively by a computer-based tool (8). minutes. while the control group breastfed longer time between 13-16 minutes. Feeding time 13-14 minutes 1 samples, 15 samples of 5 minutes and 16 minutes of 2 samples. Kangaroo method is the most effective method because it is influenced by the technique of skin to skin between the mother and the baby so the baby can feel comfort and calm. Refferences 1. Depkes, Asuhan Neonatal Esensial: Paket Pelatihan Pelayanan Obstetri Dan Neonatal Emergensi Komprehensif (PONEK), Jakarta,2008 This study shows that both of them can be used to increase the feeding time, but the most effective is to use the Kangaroo method than using Murotal Music Therapy. This is possible because the kangaroo method has several advantages such as there is direct contact or skin to skin between the baby with the mother that the baby gets a sense of comfort and calm while in the mother's arms. Kangaroo method is a settlement in a state where medical technology and obstetrics extremely limited or no tersediannya for LBW care as in developed countries. CONCLUSSION RECOMMENDATIONS 2. Fatmawati, S, Andi, 2013. Pengaruh Perawatan Metode Kanguru Terhadap Fungsi Fisiologis Bayi Prematur Dan Kepercayaan DiRI Ibu Dalam Perawatan Bayi. Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman, vol 8, no 3. Palu 3. Gusmiran, 2005, Rugyah Terapi Religi sesuai sunnah Rasullah SAW, Jakarta: Pustaka Marwa 4. 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( .php/keperawatan/issue/view/22 6/show/toc) THE EFFECT OF ATTITUDE TOWARD BEHAVIOR, SUBJECTIVE NORM AND PERCEIVED BEHAVIOR CONTROL AT DM THERAPY ADHERENCE: STUDY THEORY OF PLANNED BEHAVIOR Sheylla Septina Margaretta1, Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono2, Falasifah Ani Yuniarti3 Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata Kediri Abstract Diabetes Mellitus cause physical complications that can aggravate the psychological pressure. Provision of education is one of the four main pillars of the management of DM. Educational Theory of Planned Behavior-based DM is an education with individual approach that includes support and guidance DM therapy at home which aims to improve treatment adherence DM. In education TPB has been given to people with diabetes are among antesenden TPB The Attitude Toward Behavior, Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavior Control which would contribute significantly to the compliance behavior therapy with DM. To identify a number of antesenden ie Attitude Toward The Behavior, Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavior Control described in TPB to behavior therapy adherence DM. This study used data analysis method that includes the step of measurement and interpretation of the value of Attitude Toward The Behavior, Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavior Control according to the principles Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), the next step performed statistical tests include test bivariate correlation third antesenden TPB attitude towards compliance DM therapy performed on 34 sempel with sample selection using purposive sampling. The results on the F test probability value (sign) 0.000> 0.05, so it can be concluded that the Attitude Toward The Behavior, Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavior Control unacceptable influential in predicting the intentions of people with diabetes to comply with therapy DM, with variable Attitude Toward The Behavior showed a stronger effect than any other variable that is obtained by value ttest (sign) 0.033> 0.05 and the value of the regression coefficient β attitude and subjective norm is positive, it indicates that this variable has a strong correlation with DM therapy adherence. R2 values obtained from the results of the three variables simultaneously perceived by 70.4% effect on DM therapy adherence. The three antesenden TPB ie Attitude Toward The Behavior, Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavior Control DM attitude towards compliance with therapy showed that all three received antesenden influential in predicting intention to comply with DM DM therapy. TPB-based education so highly can be used to improve coping and treatment adherence penyadang DM. Keywords: Educational DM, individual coping, compliance DM and Theory of Planned Behavior. 612 million people die of infectious diseases every year, which is 63% of global deaths in the world (WHO, 2013) 5. In 2035 is expected to rise DM 14,152.2 thousand people or 6.7% of the population of Indonesia soul (IDF, 2013)6. Boss, M & Cjarles, A., (2013)7 shows that in North Africa DM complications ranged from 8.1% to 41.5% in retinopathy complications, 21% to 22% complications arise albuminuria, 6.7% to 46 , 3% complications nephropathy and 21.9% to 60% neuropathic complications arise. American Diabetes Association INTRODUCTION Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) or the theory of planned behavior is one theory of learning for educational use in the patient's interpersonal approach. This theory was developed by Ajzen 1967. This theory includes three things namely; beliefs about the likely outcomes and evaluation of the behavior (behavioral beliefs), beliefs about the expected norm and motivation to meet these expectations (normative beliefs), as well as beliefs about the factors that can support or hinder behavior and awareness of the strength of these factors (control belief ) (Nursalam, 2013)1. Many studies use TPB approach to look at the human intention, one study conducted by Tjahjono, HK et al, (2013) 2 who has studied the intention of management students Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta in IT-based entrepreneurship. In addition to viewing the intention TPB can be used to view human behavior as the research that has been done by (Zoellner et al, 2012)3 concluded that the educational approach can decrease intentions TPB in sugar consumption. Research conducted by 8 (ADA) (2014) menganjuran treatment to be followed with diabetes include diet planning, exercise and regular activity, drugs control, and follow the educational program DM. Education given to people with diabetes should be done continuously and progress must be observed by health workers (Soegondo 2009)9. Researchers have found that satisfaction with the quality of the interpersonal relationship between patients and health workers were significantly associated with treatment compliance DM (Sherbourne, 1992 in St. Paul, S et al., 2001)10, so it is necessary to educate health workers using interpersonal approach to patients with the aim of achieving therapeutic success DM. The provision of education to people with diabetes by strengthening the three basic beliefs of TPB are: behavioral beliefs, normative beliefs and beliefs control is expected to provide confidence, the intention (intention) to accept the conditions and the intention to recover so as to improve therapy adherence DM. 4 Rashidian & Russel (2012) also concluded the use of TPB are very helpful in the intention (intention) in understanding a doctor's prescription, so that it can be concluded TPB is a theory of effective learning in the field of health one of them in the provision of health education. In the health sector needs to approach interpersonal between nurses and patients in the delivery of education communication (Ajzen, 1988, in Nursalam 2013)1. Provision of education is one of the important part of diabetes management. These diseases include the category of non-communicable diseases in the world's biggest killer, no less than 36 HYPOTHESIS In general it can be said that the better the attitude and subjective norms toward a behavior, and large semkain perceived 613 H3: The behavior of people with diabetes to comply with therapy DM significantly influenced by subjective norm with diabetes to comply with therapy DM Perceived behavior control is a condition where people believe an action it easy or difficult to do (Dharmmesta, 1998)11. behavioral control, the stronger the intention of the individual to perform an action (Dharmmesta, 1998)11. Based on the above, the proposed hypothesis as follows: H1: Behavioral therapy to comply with DM DM jointly influenced significantly by the attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavior control is in keeping with DM DM therapy. Gordon Allfort in Setiadi (2003)12 proposed a definition menganai attitude toward the behavior is a mental and terms in connection with readiness to respond, organized through experience and influence that lead to behavioral or dynamic. If we analogy with the attitude towards compliance with DM DM therapy mean attitude towards compliance DM DM is studying the tendency to evaluate the therapeutic results either liked or disliked consistently. Based on the above, the researcher took hypothesis as follows: H2: The behavior of people with diabetes to comply with therapy DM significantly influenced by the attitude toward the behavior of people with diabetes to comply with therapy DM Subjective norm as social factors indicate the perceived social pressure to perform or not perform an action or behavior (Dharmmesta, 1998)11. Subjective norm formed of normative beliefs and willingness to obey the wishes of others that are considered important. Normative beliefs regarding the condition that the individual or group of important referents will agree or disagree with the execution behavior. The strength of each normative beliefs generated through the motivation of the person to follow referents and estimates of subjective norm is obtained by summing the results of all referents pentin). Based on the above, the researcher took hypothesis as follows: 11 Ajzen in Dharmmesta (1998) have stated that perceived behavior control effect on intent or directly on the behavior itself. Based on the above, the researcher took hypothesis as follows: H4: The behavior of people with diabetes to comply with therapy DM significantly influenced by the perceived behavior control people with diabetes to comply with therapy DM. METHODS Data analysis method used in this study includes the step of measurement and interpretation of the value attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavior control according to the principles Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), the next stage of statistical tests include test bivariate correlation third antesenden TPB attitude towards compliance with therapy DM , The research model form shown in Figure A below: Attitude Toward The Behavior (X1) Subjective Norm (X2) Perceived Behaviour Control (X3) 614 Therapy adherence DM (Y) In this study, researchers used multiple linear regression analysis model. Formula of multiple linear regression model as follows: Y =β1X1 + β 2X2 + β 3X3 Where: Y =the dependent variable (adherence therapy DM) X1 = Independent 1 (Attitude Toward The Behavior) X2 = Independent 2 (Subjective Norm) X3 = Independent 3 (Perceived Behavior Control) β 1, 2, 3 = coefficient of regression approach ( holistic) which is based on the framework of the adaptation system, consisting of 33 questions covering compliance with DM in terms of diet, medication, and exercise control. The answer from the compliance questionnaire using Likert scale with a scale of 1: TP (never), 2: JR (rarely), 3: KD (sometimes), 4: SR (often), 5: SL (always). This research was conducted in the village of Wajak Lor, District Boyolangu, Tulungagung, East Java in March 2015 by all people with diabetes in the village Wajak Lor, District Boyolangu, Tulungagung Java Tumur some 78 people. This study using purposive sampling or sampling with inclusion criteria set by the researchers. With sample calculation sample of 34 people. Criteria for inclusion in this study were DM willing as a respondent, can read and write, aged 15-70 years, with at least one elementary school, do not have other concomitant diseases eg heart disease. This study has been declared worthy of ethics on October 6, 2014 by the Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Questionnaires spreadsheet of the data belief DM therapy made using the Theory of Planned Behavior approach made by researchers based on the results of discussions with experts Prof. Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono. Retrieved 28 instrument consists of variable beliefs (bi) is the variable that is the strength of your belief that by keeping DM therapy will gain certain benefits, variable evaluation (ei) is the variable that indicates to you whether to comply with the DM therapy will provide good benefits , variable normative beliefs (ni) is the variable that indicates that family / friends (group referents) advise you to adhere to the DM therapy, motivational variables (mi) is the variable of motivation to carry out compliance DM therapy with suggestions of family / friends (a group referent), variable access to the controls (ci) is an assessment you that in order to comply with the DM therapy is easy and not difficult, belief variables control (pi) that is your belief based on experience about the sources of opportunities such as information and facilities necessary to comply with the DM therapy with 5 answers that strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly setuju.Sedangkan DM therapy adherence attitude measurement using a questionnaire developed by the research Hidayat (2013)13 based on the Concept System Model Betty Neuman's developed that overall human RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Correlation The Attitude Toward Behavior, Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavior Control Compliance Behavior Therapy Against Persons with DM in the village Wajak-Lor, BoyolanguTulungagung 2015 Variabel β t Sig. F.Sig R Attitude Toward The Behavior Subjective Norm Perceived Behaviour Control ,532 2,233 ,033 ,381 1,758 ,089 0.000 0.444 -,341 -2,008 ,054 1) Attitude Toward The Behavior Based on t test analysis significance value of 0.033 is smaller than the probability of error of 0.05. It concluded that compliance with therapy is significantly influenced by 615 2 the DM Attitude Toward The Behavior DM 2) Subjective Norm Based on t test analysis significance value of 0.089 is greater than the probability of error of 0.05. It can be concluded that the therapy compliance with DM was not significantly affected by Subjective Norm DM. 3) Perceived Behavior Control Based on t test analysis significance value of 0.054 is greater than the probability of error of 0.05. It concluded that compliance with diabetes treatment significantly influenced by Perceived Behavior Control DM. 4) From the table above it can be seen that the independent variable is the attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavior control simultaneously and significantly affect the dependent variable DM compliance with therapy that is indicated by the significance of 0.000 is smaller than the probability of error is 0.05, it can be said that the F-test reject Ho and accept Ha proposed that compliance with DM therapy jointly influenced significantly by the attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavior control is felt with DM. 5) From the above calculation is obtained Adjusted R2 = 0.444, or 44.4%, this means that the variations in treatment adherence (Y), which can be explained by the regression equation was 44.4% influenced attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavior control while the rest to 55.6% influenced by other variables that are outside the equation. Patient compliance is a health care concept that affects all areas of health nursing, including the handling of Diabetes Mellitus. Attempts to change a behavior health improvements are constantly a component of compliance that requires a health education (Society of Endocrinology Indonesi, 2006)14. Health education is a process of dynamic change in behavior. Changes in behavior is not just a material transfer process but change happens awareness of individuals, groups or communities (Mubarak et al, 2007)15. According to Edelman and Mandle (2002) in Widiastuti (2012)16 health education purpose is to make people achieve optimal health levels through its own actions. Education is an effective strategy and the potential to reduce the risk of complications for patients with Diabetes Mellitus so as to reduce the economic cost of diabetes care. Patients with diabetes who understand the condition will be responsible for the compliance of DM therapy (Jenhani, M., et al., 2005)17.Edukasi would be more effective if nurses understand the theory of learning required. Educational process applied in this study is education DM using the theory of planned behavior (Theory of Planned Behavior / TPB). Correlation tests were conducted attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavior control simultaneously and significantly influence the behavior of people with DM variables in complying with Diabetes Mellitus therapy that is directed by the significance of 0.000 is smaller than the probability of error is 0.05, it can be said that the test F unity hypothesis is accepted that compliance behavior in keeping with DM DM therapy jointly influenced significantly by the attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavior control with DM. The results support the first hypothesis that explains that the behavior of people with 616 diabetes to comply with therapy together DM influenced significantly by the attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavior control with DM. So it can be explained that the better or the positive attitude of people with diabetes to compliance therapy and subjective norms are positive ie a willingness DM to follow the advice of people they consider important such as family and friends, as well as more easily control behavioral perceived in this case is a assessment of therapy that are not considered difficult and beliefs based on the experience of the sources of information and opportunities such as health facilities will encourage greater the behavior of people with diabetes to comply with therapy DM. Of the t-test results it can be said that the attitude toward the behavior has a significant value for 0,033 is smaller than probilitas error of 0.05. It can be concluded that the behavior of people with diabetes to comply with therapy DM significantly influenced by the attitude toward the behavior of people with diabetes to comply with therapy DM. Results of the study received the second hypothesis. This is because autonomy in being owned by people with diabetes to comply with therapy DM is high. It shows that the decision to comply with the DM therapy involves a lot of internal factors such as personality, perception, motivation and so forth. Objective norm variable has a value of greater significance than the 0,089 error probability of 0.05. It can be concluded that the behavior of persons with DM DM ntuk adhere to therapy was not significantly affected by the subjective norm to comply with DM DM therapy. Results of this study contradicts the third hypothesis. So it can be explained that family and friends are considered important role has no role or lower for people with diabetes to comply with therapy DM. This can be caused by the decision to adhere to the therapy prescribed by his own behavior. Perceived behavior control variable has a value signikasi for 0,054 is greater than the error of 0.05. It can be concluded that the behavior of people with diabetes to comply with therapy DM was not significantly affected by the perceived behavior control people with diabetes to comply with therapy DM. The research result is in contrast to the fourth hypothesis. So it can be explained that the condition reality assessment of therapy is not considered difficult and beliefs based on experience about the sources of opportunities such as information and health facilities do not affect people with diabetes to comply with therapy DM, it is due to that raised still feel the difficulty adhere to therapy for life should be they live as well as information sufficient experience which is felt less so influence the behavior of people with diabetes who tend to be non-compliant in the implementation of DM therapy. Determian coefficient of the test results are Adjusted R2 = 0.444, or 44.4%, this means that the variations in treatment adherence (Y), which can be explained by the regression equation was 44.4% influenced attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavior control while the rest to 55.6% influenced by other variables that are outside the equation. This is in line with research conducted by (Trinh et al, 2012)18 learning theory TPB assessed effectively be a useful model to explain physical activity in patients with cancer of kidney, development interventions physical activity based on TPB effective in promoting physical activity in patients with cancer of kidney and can be important in the improvement of health. It can be concluded that the attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavior control influential in predicting the behavior of people with diabetes to comply with therapy DM. 617 Sugar sweetened Beverage Consumption. Journal J Nuert Educ Behav. 2012 March; 44 (2): 172-177, doi. 10.1016 / j.jneb.2011.06.010 4) Rashidian and Russel (2012). General Practitioners' Intentions and prescribing for Asthma: Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Explain Guideline Implementation. Journal Int J Prev Med. 2012 January; 3 (1): 17-28. PMCID: PMC3278865 5) WHO. (2013). Diabetes Mellitus 2013. 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No. 18 / VII / 1998. 12) Setiadi, N.J. 2003. Consumer Behavior: Concepts and Implications for Strategy CONCLUSION 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) The first hypothesis test results showed that the attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavior control simultaneously significant influence on treatment adherence behavior with DM. The second hypothesis test results showed that the attitude toward the behavior significantly in people with diabetes to comply with therapy DM The third hypothesis results showed that significantly subjective norm no significant effect on the behavior of people with diabetes to comply with therapy DM. The fourth hypothesis test results show that perceived behavior control is significantly no significant effect on the behavior of people with diabetes to comply with therapy DM. From the test results are determian coefficient Adjusted R2 = 0.444, or 44.4%, this means that the variations in treatment adherence (Y), which can be explained by the regression equation was 44.4% influenced attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavior control while the rest of 55.6% is influenced by other variables that are outside the equation. REFERENCES 1) 2) 3) Nursalam (2013). Methodology of Nursing Research. Salemba Medika: South Jakarta Tjahjono, HK, et al. (2013). Students intentions IT.Jurnal Yogyakarta-based Entrepreneurship Business Strategy vol 17, no 1, p 17-27. Zoellner, et al. (2012). Exploring the Theory of Planned Behavior to Explain 618 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) and Marketing Research, First Edition, First Printing, Pernada Media. Bogor. Hidayat, F. (2013). Coping relationship Individuals With Compliance Levels for People with Diabetes Mellitus As Persadia Member RSMM Branch Bogor Perkeni (2011). 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International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2012, 9:96 619 STUDY POTENTIAL OF LOCAL PLANT PUMPKIN (CUCURBITA MOSCHATA DUCH) AS TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL PLANTS SUWANTO Biology Department, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Health Sciences Kediri Email: Abstract The times will change the paradigm of society on effective medicinal plants, even does not recognize the effectiveness of medicinal plants that exist around, nowadays many types of diseases that attack the human body, one being the issue of global terms is diabetes this can be caused by genetic factors and environment. With the various types of diseases that attack the body, the work done by the sick patient is treated in a modern rather than through traditional medicine. Indonesia country rich in biodiversity, one of which is the pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch) which is the local plant as a traditional medicinal plant. Part of the pumpkin plants can be utilized, such as fruit pulp, seeds, leaves and flowers as a cure diseases, among others, anti diabetes mellitus, anti-cancer, healing of burns, prostate, and bladder intestinan and some other diseases. Medicinal plants pumpkin contains active molecules that can be used as a traditional medicine such as; fruit pulp, seeds, flowers, and its leaf. The nutrient content of yellow squash plant parts such as; Protein, vitamin A, beta-carotene, potassium, vitamin C, unsaturated fatty acids, phosphorus, phytoestrogens, selenium, fiber, cucurbitacin E, calcium, zinc, other vitamins and minerals. Keywords: Traditional medicine, Cucurbita moschata Duch, Nutrition. Introduction Indonesia country rich in biodiversity, one of which is a pumpkin that is the local plant as a traditional medicinal plant. More than 200 species of medicinal plants that can be used for health, the effective of medicinal plants for the benefit of society as a treatment to 75% [1]. In 1985 WHO (World Health Organization) predicts that about 80% of the world population has been utilizing medicinal plants (herbal medicine, phytotherapy, phytomedicine or botanical medicine) for primary health [2]. The times will change the paradigm of the public about the effectiveness of medicinal plants, even does not recognize the effectiveness of medicinal plants that is around, now many types of diseases that attack the human body, one being the issue of global terms is diabetes mellitus this can be influenced by genetic and environment. With the various types of diseases that attack the body, the work done by the sick patient is treated in a modern rather than through traditional medicine, because people generally prefer something instant and recover quickly from his illness treatment, can not see the negatives of modern medicine. Modern medicine can cure the disease on the body but through a process that is rather long, and the result does not cause negative dapak. The proof of our ancestors utilizing medicinal plants so that her immune system strong is not easily attacked by the disease. Modern medicine can cure the disease on the body but through a process that is rather long, and the result does not have a negative impact. The proof of our ancestors utilizing medicinal plants so that the body resistance is strong is not easily attacked by the disease. Traditional medicine should be returned to the old days, when treating diseases by utilizing our existing plants around the plant is believed to treat disease. Medical tradition left by our ancestors must be guarded and applied to health. Medical tradition of a society can not be separated from local culture. Perception of the 633 concept of illness, healthy, and varieties of plants used in traditional medicine are formed through a process of socialization that have historically been trusted and believed to be true. Traditional treatment is all treatment efforts by other means outside of medicine based on knowledge that is rooted in a particular tradition [3]. Medicinal plants known to contain many different types of antioxidants. The study of medicinal plants in China shows the content of flavonoids, lignin, bisbenzyl, coumarine, and terpenes. Flavonoid pigment is an aromatic compound found in green plants and includes compounds chalcone, flavanone, flavone, biflavonoid, dihydroflavonole, anthrocyanidine, and flavonole. Mexico also reported that in many medicinal plants used for the treatment of various diseases such as infections, arthritis, heart disorders, headache, fever, asthma. After analysis of bioactive components, it turns out many medicinal plants contain antioxidants that ranged from 27 to 972 mol Trolox equivalents per gram of dry weight.. However, in addition to antioxidants, the results of research conducted by the researchers that the compounds contained in plant pumpkin serves as diabetes [4] [5], inhibition of tumor growth, wound healing, hypoglycemic effect and hypolipidemic, [6] [7] [8] [9]; antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity, antioxidant effects, and prevent the growth of, and reduce the size of the prostate, antihypertensive [5] [10]. Pumpkin plants usually cultivated in dry land and only as a secondary crop when approaching dry season. Pumpkin plants included in the family Cucurbitaceae [11]. The plants are annual crops that are spreading (vine) by means of a flat-shaped tool holder. The plants are annual crops that are spreading (vine) by means of a flat-shaped tool holder. pumpkin stems are strong enough and a length of 12 m, the surface of the trunk contained fur / hair ness rather sharp and triangular rod shape, the surface dark green stems [12]. Pumpkin plant leaves is a single leaf which has a compound leaf. The leaves along the stem and leaves rounded shape, the color of the leaf surface dark green and dark green no white spots. While the flowers of pumpkin is uniseksual monoecious reddish yellow. Pumpkin plants can be grown in lowland and highland. While the ideal altitude is between 0 m - 1500 m above sea level [13][14]. Pumpkin is a family Cucurbitaceae, pumpkin plants classified as fruit-bearing crops [11]. Pumpkin plants consisting of 130 genera and 800 species are cultivated around the world, so these plants are very general and is known by many people. Some of which include plant pumpkins are squashes, gourds and melons [15][16][17][11]. In this paper was delivered on plant morphology local pumpkins, the content of the plant pumpkin, pumpkin potential of local plants as a cure for diabetes and potential of local plants pumpkin as an anti cancer. Morphology of Pumpkin Plant pumpkin as a vegetable and medicinal plants, these plants grow spread and classified in types of crops that will soon die after fruiting. Pumpkin plants has been widely cultivated in countries such as Africa, America, India, China, and Yougoslavia [13][10]. Pumpkin plant can be classified as follows[18]: Kingdom : Plantae Divisi : Spermatophyta Sub divisi : Angiospermae Kelas : Dicotyledonae Ordo : Cucurbitales Familia : Cucurbitaceae Genus : Cucurbita Spesies : Cucurbita moschata Duch. Pumpkin is an annual plant that is spread or propagate by intermediaries who shaped flat toolholder as shown in (Figure 1). Strong enough and long stem and on the surface of the rod are hair ness rather sharp. Leaf width (10-25 cm up to 13-35 cm), and on the surface there are green leaf innocent and there is also green but there are white patches on the surface of the leaf, flower have five petals and five sepals [19]. 634 Source: [12] b a c Figure 1. Morphology of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch) Description : (a) stem and petiole; (b) Spots on the green leaf of pumpkin; (c) parts of flower consist of 5 sepals and 5 petals Pumpkin shaped fruit flat round, oval, round egg upside down, bottles, elongated oval, round, long, and a bokor with lots of grooves (15-30 groove) as shown in (Figure 2). Large fruit and the colors vary (although the fruit is old but the color of the fruit still young green because of fruit pumpkin has not been picked in the stalk so that the chlorophyll in the fruit is still a e there, while the fruit has been harvested yellow whitish because of fruit pumpkin after being picked from stems and stored so that the chlorophyll in the fruit is not there). Thick thick flesh of about 2 to 3 cm and slightly sweet taste. Weights pumpkin fruit an average of 3-5 kg, for large-size pumpkin can weigh up to 20 kg per fruit b c f g d h Source: [14] Figure 2. Variations fruit shape pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch) Description: (a) Round flat; (b) Oval; (c) Round egg; (d) Bottle (e) Elongated oval ; (f) Round; (g) long; (h) Bokor. The content of pumpkin Pumpkin contains the active molecule in the flesh of the fruit, seeds, flowers, and its leaf, the content of the parts of the plant pumpkin, among others, proteins, petida, polysaccharides, sterols of the aminobenzoic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, [20]; all parts of pumpkin plants can be utilized, such as seeds and skin of the pumpkin as a tapeworm treatment, part of the interest can be used as a healing of burns and healing sore throat [21]. The contents of pumpkin flower as follows; 635 Tabel 1: The content of pumpkin flowers [21]. Nutrient Proximate Water Energy Protein Total lipid (fat) Carbohydrate, by difference Mineral Calcium (Ca) Iron (Fe) Magnesium (Mg) Phosphorus (P) Potassium (K) Sodium (Na) Vitamins Vitamin C, total ascorbis acid Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Folate, DFE Vitamin B-12 Vitamin A, RAE Vitamin A, Vitamin D (D2+D3) Vitamin D Lipid Fattt acid, total saturated Fatty acids. Total monousaturated Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated Cholesterol Unit Value per 100 gram g kcal g g g 95.15 15 1.03 0.07 3.28 mg mg mg mg mg mg 39 0.70 24 49 173 5 mg 28.0 mg mg mg µg µg µg IU µg IU 0.042 .0.075 0.690 59 0.00 97 1947 0.0 0 g g 0.036 0.009 g 0,004 Mg Pumpkin seed oil is generally dominated by oleic (± 50%), linoleic (± 30%) and palmitic acid (± 15%) phytosterol, [22] the content of the seeds is beneficial for people affected by hypertrophy. Phytosterol the seeds can act as a cure prostate. Pumpkin seed oil contains vitamins A, D, and E. Vitamins A and E are antioxidants that function as 0 inhibitors of free radicals that can mencega cancer diseases, especially cancer of the prostate. pumpkin seeds proven to aid in the prevention of prostate disease and cancer and small intestine and seeds contain a lot of potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, Zonc and selenium, all the content of the seed used to treat intestinan and bladder. 633 Tabel 2. Nutrient in pumpkin [21] Nutrient Unit Energy KJ Carbohydrate g sugars g Dictary fiber g Fat g Saturated g Monounsaturated g polyunsaturated g Protein g Vitamin A µg Beta-carotene µg Thiamine (vit. B1) mg Riboflavin (vit. B2) mg Niacin (vit. B3) mg Pentothenic Acid (B5) mg Vitamin B6 mg Folate (vit. B9) µg Vitamin C mg Vitamin E mg Calcium mg Iron mg Magnesium mg Phosphorus mg Potasium mg Sodium mg Zinc mg Potential local plant pumpkin as an anti cancer. The term cancer in medical science is the abnormal growth of cells. Cancer cells grow in an uncontrolled way, and cause malignant cancer that attacks on nearest parts of the body. Cancer cells, did not spread to other parts of the body via lymph or blood flow, called metastasis. All tumors are not cancerous in nature; there are some benign tumors, benign tumors do not invade nearby tissue, and spread to other parts of the body. More than 200 types of cancer has been identified that harm the human body. Has identified that the factors that influence the increase of cancer that attacks the body such as smoking, radiation exposure, obesity, lack of physical activity, environment, psychology. More than 5-10% of cancer diseases caused by hereditary factors. Cancer can be diagnosed using Value per 100 gram 109 6.5 136 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.01 1.0 369 (46%) 3100 (29%) 0.05 (4%) 0.110 (9%) 0.6 (4%) 0.298 (6%) 0.061 (5%) 16 (4%) 9 (11%) 1.06 (7%) 21 (2%) 0.8 (6%) 21 (2%) 44 (6%) 340 (7%) 1 (0%) 0.32 (3%) biochemical tests, and advice from a doctor. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery is the procedure adopted for the treatment of cancer. Of the procedure for the treatment of cancer can be menimbuklan negative impacts, the use of medicinal plants for treating cancer diseases are safer than treatment with chemotherapy. [23]. Medicinal plants are the main source for the treatment of cancer, medicinal herbs have anti-cancer compounds. Some herbs have been known to cure and control of cancer include pumpkin plants. [21] [24] that plant pumpkin as a medicinal plant has many nutritional content such as; Protein, vitamin A, beta-carotene, potassium, vitamin C, unsaturated fatty acids, phosphorus, phytoestrogens, selenium, fiber, cucurbitacin E, calcium, zinc, other vitamins and minerals, etc.. Pumpkin plants are not only used as prevention of cancer disease but can be 634 used for healing several diseases. All parts of pumpkin plant organs such as flower, leaves, roots, and seeds have benefits for disease treatment. The organs of these Cucurbitaceae showed anti-cancer activity which inhibits the oxidation of blood, isolated from polymorphonuclear cells and mononuclear cells. Anti-cancer potential of the seed extract of Cucurbitaceae Telfairia occidentalis showed significant activity with other extracts [25]. The following results can be seen in Table 3. plants can be useful as an anti-cancer drug plants. It was reported that the family Cucurbitaceae have potential anti-cancer. Telfairia occidentalis seed extract of Table 3. Anticancer activity of crude extract occidentalis against HeLa cells [25]. Extract GI50(µg/mL) Crude extract 171.3±1,24 Hexane 14.6±1.22 Dichloromethane 25.0±0.57 Ethyl acetate 43.3±0.73 Butanol 55.3±0.57 Aqueous 51.3±0.83 Doxorubucin (µM) 0.61±0.003 µM and fractions of seed of Telfairia LC50 (µg/mL) 244.0±1.29 72.6±1.16 81.3±1.52 88.6±1.38 78.3±1.15 92.0±1.18 7.80±0.80 µM TGI (µg/mL) 216.4±3.23 21.6±1.05 46.3±1.04 3.60±0.30 µM Note: Data are represented as mean ± SEM of three independent experiments; Values in the table are concentrations of extract/fraction expressed as μg/mL; GI50 = Concentration of the drug causing 50% growth inhibition of the cells; TGI = Concentration of the drug causing total growth inhibition of the cells; LC50 = Lethal concentration of the drug that killed 50% of the cells. Potential local plant pumpkin as antidiabetic. Diabetes mellitus is one of the oldest diseases known to man, is derived from the Yunani language which means that the sweet urine. This is illustrated from the usual symptoms of this disease that appears on urination in large quantities and sugar. Medically can be defined as a metabolic disorder caused by a deficiency of the hormone insulin resulting in blood glucose can not be stored and utilized by the body's cells become energy [26]. There are various types of diabetes mellitus, but there are two main types of diabetes mellitus type 1, a said disease diabetes mellitus when fasting glucose levels ≥ 126 mg / dl or 2 hours after eating ≥ 140 mg / dL but less than 200 mg / dL, the glucose tolerance is said to be weak [27]. Diabetse mellitus type 1 is a disease of hyperglycemia due to absolute lack of insulin. People with this disease must receive insulin replacement. Diabetes mellitus type 1 is usually found in people who are not fatter aged less than 30 years, by comparison the men slightly more than women. Incidence of type 1 diabetes mellitus peaking in adolescence or early age, eat out often called juvenile diabetes. However, it turns out type 1 diabetes can occur at any age [28]. Diabetes mellitus type 1 is thought to arise as a result of autoimmune destruction of β cells of the islets of Langerhans which is triggered by the environment. Autoimmune attack can occur after a viral infection for example mumps, rubella, sitomegavirus chronic, or after exposure to drugs or toxins (eg class of nitrosamines found in preserved meats). At the time of diagnosis of diabetes mellitus type 1 is being established, found antibodies to the cells of the islets of Langerhans in the majority of patients. Causes a person to produce antibodies against the cells of the islets of Langerhans is unknown. Any of the possibilities is that there is an environmental agent that antigenic change pancreatic cells to stimulate the formation of autoantibodies. It may also be that 634 individuals who have diabetes mellitus type 1 have in common antigens between β cells pangkres them with viruses or certain medications, so the immune system fails to recognize that these cells are the pancreatic cells themselves [28]. Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a type of diabetes mellitus are more common, many sufferers compared with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus reach 90-95% of all patients with diabetes mellitus population. Generally, people older than 45 years, but lately people with diabetes mellitus type 2 has not been revealed clearly. Genetic and environmental factors influence is large enough to cause the occurrence of diabetes mellitus type 2, among others, obesity, a diet high in fat and low in fiber, and lack of physical activity [29]. Individuals who suffer from type 2 diabets millitus still resulting in insulin, but there insentivitas cells to insulin. There may be a genetic link between obesity and prolonged stimulation of insulin receptors. The prolonged stimuli on these receptors can cause a decrease in the number of insulin receptors found on cells. It may also be individuals who suffer from diabetes mellitus type 2 produce insulin autoantibodies associated with insulin receptor, inhibiting access to the insulin receptor, but does not stimulate the activity of the carrier. The reason is what makes diabets mellitus type 2 is also called noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), because insulin still produced by pancreatic β cells [28]. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is expected to double by 2030 compared to 2007. During this time the treatment has been done for people with diabetes is insulin injections and oral drug delivery antidiabetic have side effects such as headache, dizzy, nausea, and anorexia as well as relatively inexpensive so many people are trying to control blood glucose levels in the traditional way using materials nature such as herbal plants [30]. The research states that a medicinal pumpkin plant (Cucurbita moschata) as antidiabetes mellitus as follows: [17] polysaccharide extract of Cucurbita moschata cause significant inhibition at concentrations of α-glucosidase with 0.70.9 mg / ml.[31] powder on the species Cucurbita moshata have hypoglycemic properties of type 2 diabetes mellitus. [32] polysaccharide capable of lowering blood glucose concentration, increase serum insulin improve glucose in mice were given treatment using alloxan will then damage the cells β pangkreas in mice, therefore, can cause diabetes mellitus, alleged that the polysaccharide has antioxidant properties that protect cells β pangkreas. The results showed that among the proteins extracted, globulins constitute the most abundant class of storage proteins in all five species selected. Citrullus lanatus and Cucurbita moschata presented the highest levels of globulin (275.34 and 295.11 mg/g dry matter, respectively). The results of electrophoresis showed that all species possess acidic and neutrals albumins and globulins, with molecular weight of protein subunits ranging from 6.36-44.11 kDa for albumins, 6.5-173.86 kDa for globulins and 6.5-49.66 kDa for glutelins. The 6.36 kDa of albumin subunit protein and the 6.5 kDa of globulin subunit protein were present in all the species. The oral glucose tolerance test showed that the globulins of the seeds of all species except Cucumeropsis mannii caused significant drop in blood sugar (88 – 137.80%, compared to the controls, p<0.05). These findings showed that the selected Cucurbitaceae seeds contained globulins with significant anti-hyperglycaemic activity. It is therefore highly encouraged to pursue investigations towards development of peptide-drugs and/or phytomedicines from these bioactive proteins which could be used as affordable alternative therapy against DM [33]. Conclusions Indonesia country rich in biodiversity, one of which is a pumpkin that is the local plant as a traditional medicinal plant. More than 200 species of medicinal plants that can be used for health, the effectiveness of medicinal plants for the benefit of society as a treatment to 75% [1]. 634 Pumpkin contains the active molecule in the flesh of the fruit, seeds, flowers, and its leaf, the content of the parts of the plant pumpkin, among others, proteins, petida, polysaccharides, sterols of the aminobenzoic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, [20]. Pumpkin plants as medicinal plants can be used to control cancer, [21] [24] that plant pumpkin as a medicinal plant has many nutritional content such as; Protein, vitamin A, beta-carotene, potassium, vitamin C, unsaturated fatty acids, phosphorus, phytoestrogens, selenium, fiber, cucurbitacin E, calcium, zinc, other vitamins and minerals. The pumpkin plants as medicinal plants can be used as antidiabetic, [17] polysaccharide extract of Cucurbita moschata Duch cause significant inhibition at concentrations of α-glucosidase with 0.7-0.9 mg / ml. [31] powder on the species Cucurbita moshata have hypoglycemic properties of type 2 diabetes mellitus. [32] polysaccharide capable of lowering the concentration of blood glucose, serum insulin increases glucose repair in rats given the treatment using alloxan then will destroy pancreatic β cells in mice, therefore, can cause diabetes mellitus, that polysaccharides have antioxidant properties that protect cells of the pancreatic β. Acknowledgement Thank you, I thank the rector of the Institute of Health Sciences Kediri, head of research institutions and community service IIK kediri which gives the opportunity and motivation to the author, so I can finish the scientific papers. Refrences [1] Yamada, H. 2008 Whistler award lecture. International Carbohydrates Symposium. Oslo, Norway. Lokakarya tentang Penelitian Praktek Pengobatan Tradisonal. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, Deparetem Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Ciawi, 14-17 Desember 1988. [4] [5] Manal, K. A. 2006. 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Herbal medicine is one alternative that can be used as a raw material for anti fungi medication of C. albicans. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of rose flower (Rosa Chinensis Jacq) against Candida albicans colonies. This research was an experimental laboratory with "Posttest Only Control Group Design", using four repetitions with a concentration of 7.5%, 10%, 12.5%, 15% and 17.5%. The hypothesis test used was One-way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) with a significance level of 0.05. Analysis at 7.5% concentration, the growth of the colonies was 148.75 CFU/ml; at 10% concentration, the growth of the colonies was 123 CFU/ml; at 12.5%, the growth of the colonies was 86 CFU/ml, at 15%, the growth of the colony was 29 CFU/ml; at 17.5 %, the colony growth was 0, so it can be concluded the higher concentration of rose extract, the lower number of Candida albicans colonies. Rose extract (Rosa chinensis Jacq) is effective in inhibiting the growth of the Candida Albicans fungus with Minimal Killing Levels of 17.5%. Further studies on toxicity test on rose extracts (Rosa chinensis Jacq) against Candida albicans are expected. Keywords: Rose flower (Rosa Chinensis Jacq), Candida albicans Introduction Fluor albus is a very common symptom experienced by many women. About 90% of women in Indonesia have the potential to experience fluor albus. Research data on women's reproductive health shows that 75% of women in the world suffer from fluor albus at least once in their lifetime, 45% of them would experience this twice or more (Yatim, 2005). Fluor albus is divided into physiological and pathological. Physiological fluor albus occurs before ovulation, before and after menstruation or as hormone influence on pregnancy, while the pathological factor occurs due to vaginal infection, Trichomonas vaginalis infection, candida albicans fungal infection, reproduction malignancy or caused by foreign bodies in the birth canal. Candidiasis is the most frequent cause. The infection often happens on the vulva and results in ithciness. The fungal attacks the cells in vaginal tract and vulva skin cells. About 15% of women are infected, but the symptoms of fluor albus and itching occurs in 3% to 5% of women. Candida albicans is one of the organisms function as normal flora in human bodies and is not dangerous. But C.albicans is also one of the funguses that cause infections on people. It is usually a local infection such as oral and vaginal infection (Manuaba 2008). Candida albicans is a facultative anaerobic organism that is capable of cell metabolism in both the anaerobic and aerobic atmosphere. This fungus grows at a temperature of 280C - 370C and at a pH of about 4.5-6.5. Candida albicans will have fermentation process in an aerobic or anaerobic condition, which will ferment glucose, maltose and 640 sucrose which will then produce acid and gas (Simatupang, 2008). Treatment for fluor albus due to infection caused by Candida fungus usually starts with avoiding or eliminating predisposing factors before medication with chemical drugs. Medical treatment with chemical drugs does give satisfactory results, but it has side effects such as fever, vomiting, muscle spasms, and hypotension. Herbal medication is one alternative that mostly people choose when they are reluctant to use medical treatment using chemical drugs, so that it is necessary to do research on the medicinal herbs (Riskillah, 2010). Herbs that can be used as a natural ingredient for treating fluorine albus among others are turmeric, ginger, pomegranate, papaya fruit, yellow flowers, hibiscus, kembang pukul empat flower, and rose flower (Fitzania, 2010). Rose (Rosa chinensis Jacq) contains vitamin C, B, E and K. Its atsiri oil also contains geraniol, limonene, citrate substance, citronellol, linalol, nerol, eugenol, feniletilalkohol, farnesol, gallic acid and nonilal-dehida. The result of the research conducted by Tripathi (2002) states that gallic acid content on roses has antifungal effect against 17 kinds of fungi in concentrations of 3%. Yi Zhong Cai, (2005) mentions that rose flower (Rosa chinensis Jacq) contains a lot of hydrolyzable tannins, flavonoids and anthocyanins. Flavonoid found in rose is about 41 mg / 100 g dry. Flavonoids, tannins and antioxidant activity found in roses can inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi (Sigh, 2009). treatment group were given extracts of rose flower (Rosa chinensis Jacq). Sampling The samples used were vaginal Candida albicans from Microbiology Laboratory of the University of Brawijaya cultured in a petri dish with SDA medium (Sabouraud dextrose Agar), using four repetitions for each extract concentration of roses (Rosa chinensis Jacq) which are 7.5%, 10%, 12.5%, 15%, 17.5%. Data Collection and Instrument Stage 1 Make rose extract (Rosa chinensis Jacq) using maceration method by providing 500g of fresh rose petals, dried in room temperature. Once dried, mash them using the blender then weigh them. Put 100gr of dry sample into an Erlenmeyer glass with the size of 1 liter, soak with methanol to a volume of 900 ml (3 times), then whisk until thoroughly mixed (± 30 min) and allowed to stand one night to settle. Take the top layer of the mixture of ethanol with active substances that have been drawn up and put in the 1 lt evaporation flask. Attach the evaporation tube on evaporator and fill up the water bath with water. Let methanol solution separate from the existing active substance in the flask. Wait until methanol flow stops dripping from the container flask (± 1.5 to 2 hours for 1 flask). Put the result into a plastic bottle and store it in the freezer. Stage 2: Rose Extracts Test (Rosa chinensis Jacq) against Candida albicans colonies. 1) Pre-test. It is conducted to find out the concentration of flower petals extract. On this test, the killing ability of each extract with concentration of 5%, 7.5%, 10%, 12.5%, 15%, 17.5% with a ratio of (1 cc of aquabidest:100) x concentration of the extract. 2) 65 grams of Saboraud Dextrose Agar powder is added to 70 ml of distilled water; stir and cover it with Method This research was an experimental research laboratories using dilution Tube Test to determine the effects of roses antifungal (Rosa chinensis Jacq) against Candida albicans in Vitro. It used "Posttest Only Control Group Design" with colonies of Candida albicans 641 aluminium foil and sterilize with autoclave together with the instruments used for 15 minutes with the temperature of 121ºC. 3) First layer of liquid Saboraud Dextrose Agar is poured into sterilized petri dish and let it to become solid 4) Take 1 ml of 1 ml Candida albicans culture using heated osche above spiritus lamp until it is getting heated then let it cool 5) Give 0.1 ml rose petal extract (Rosa chinensis Jacq) with concentration of 7.5%, 10%, 12.5%, 15%, 17.5%. 6) Do a full streaking on Saboraud Dextrose Agar media as much as 10µ1 7) Petri dish is incubated for 24 hours in incubator with temperature of 37º 8) Calculate the growth (Colony Counter) using Total Plate Count (TPC) method 9) Repeat the experiment as much as 4 times. Minimum Killing Level is the lowest concentration of an antimicrobial that can kill fungi (characterized by the absence of bacteria growth in SDA medium) or colony growth of less than 0.1% of the number of colonies on initial inoculum (original inoculum / OI) in SDA medium by one ose streaking (Dzen et al., 2003). The results of streaking on SDA medium can be seen in figure 1. Result And Analysis Table 4.1 The result of Candida albicans colony calculation on Pre-test Concentration 5% 7.5% 10% 12.5% 15% 17.5% The number of growing Candida Albicans colonies 193 151 128 77 29 0 From table 1 it can be seen that a concentration of 5% is able to inhibit the growth of Candida albicans colonies. With a concentration of 17.5% there is no growth of Candida albicans colonies. Test Result of the Growth of Candida Albicans 642 (c) (b) % (a) (d) (e) Figure 1. Candida Albicans growth on many rose extract flower with jelly media Source: Primary Data Caption: (a) Growth of colonies of Candida Albicans with concentration of 7.5% (b) Growth of colonies of Candida Albicans with concentration of 10% (c) Growth of colonies of Candida Albicans with concentration of 12.5% (d) Growth of colonies of Candida Albicans with concentration of 15% (e) Growth of colonies of Candida Albicans with concentration of 17.5% The result of descriptive analysis about the data of the number of Candida albicans colony growth at a concentration of 7.5%, 10%, 12.5%, 15% and 17.5% can be seen in the following table: Table 2. Calculation Results of the number of Candida albicans colonies in each concentration Concentration Repetition I II III IV Average The number of growing Candida Albicans colonies 7.5% 10% 12.5% 15% 17.5% 149 127 96 31 0 149 115 70 26 0 146 115 62 25 0 151 123 86 29 0 148,75 123 86 29 0 Based on the observation in Table 2, it was found out that by the increasing concentration of rose petals extract, the number of colonies that grow on the SDA (Saboraud Dextrose Agar) is also increasingly reduced. 7.5% concentration resulted in the largest and most dense growth of fungal colonies, that is 149 CFU/l. Meanwhile, at a concentration of 17.5%, there is no growth of Candida albicans colony. From the result of isolated Candida albicans colony growth and calculation, the killing ability minimum level of rose extracts can be determined. That is, on the SDA with colony growth <0.1% of the original 640 inoculum. The minimum killing level of rose extracts in this treatment was 17.5%. Prior to statistical analysis to determine mean differences of each rose extract concentration, normality and homogeneity tests were conducted. Table 4 The result of Homogeneity test: Levene One Way ANOVA on the number of Candida Colonies Concentration Normality Test Results Normality test results on the number of Candida albicans colonies of each rose (Rosa chinensis Jacq) petals extract concentration with Shapiro-Wilk test can be seen in Table 3. 7.5% 10% 12.5% 15% The number of Candida Albicans Colonies () 0.572 0.224 0.768 0.650 The Results of Variant Data Analysis on the Number of Candida albicans Colonies in average number of Candida Albican colonies (CFU/ml) 7.5% 10% 12.5% 15% The number of Candida Albicans Colonies Average ± SD Levene 148.75 ± 2.062 0.692 120.00± 6.000 78.50± 15.351 27.75 ±2.754 Homogeneity test results in Table 4 shows the value of> 0.05 ( = 0.692), which indicates that the data is homogeneous, so that the One-Way ANOVA test requirement is met, which should be in a normal distribution and the variance should be the same Table 3 The Results of the ShapiroWilk normality test on the number of Candida albicans Colonies Concentration albicans The results Shapiro-Wilk normality test as shown in Table 3 shows that the value of> 0.05, so the significance of all the data on the number of colonies of Candida albicans at each concentration is at normal distribution. 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 7,5% 10% 12,5% 15% 17,5% rose extract concentration Homogeneity Test Results Homogeneity test of the average number of Candida albicans colonies at each rose petals (Rosa chinensis Jacq) extract concentration were tested with Levene test using One Way ANOVA. Each Concentration Graph 1 Average Number of Colonies of Candida albicans in Each Concentration Graph 1 shows the significant reduction in the number of colonies in with rose extract provision, wherein the more number of extract concentration the less number of Candida albicans colonies were grown. 641 Table 5. Results of ANOVA test on Total Colonies of Candida albicans in Each Concentration Concentration N (X) SD F 7.5% 10% 12.5% 15% 17.5% 4 4 4 4 4 148.75 120.00 78.50 27.75 .00 2.062 6.000 15.351 2.754 .000 270.439 0,000 chinensis Jacq) has anti-fungal potency against Candida albicans. Based on Table 5 it can be concluded that H1 is accepted which means that there are significant differences in the various concentrations of rose extracts (Rosa chinensis Jacq) between concentrations of 7.5% to 17.5%. From ANOVA test results in table 5 and graph 1, it can be concluded that the more concentration of rose petals extract, the less number of growing Candida Albicans colonies. This shows that rose extracts (Rosa LSD (Least Significance Difference) Test Results on the Number of Colonies of Candida albicans in each concentration. After ANOVA test, it was followed by LSD Post Hoc Test to determine which groups are different and which groups did not differ significantly in the number of colonies of Candida albicans. Table 6. Mean Difference Test Result using LSD Post Hoc Test on Dependent Variables in Each concentration. Concentration Group (I) 7.5% 10% 12.5% 15% 17.5% * Group (J) 10% 12.5% 15% 17.5% 7.5% 12.5% 15% 17.5% 7.5% 10% 15% 17.5% 7.5% 10% 12.5% 17.5% 7.5% 10% 12.5% 15% Mean Difference (I-J) 28.750* 70.250* 121.000* 148.750* -28.750* 41.500* 92.250* 120.000* -70.250* -41.500* 50.750* 78.500* -121.000* -92.250* -50.750* 27.750* -148.750* -120.000* -78.500* -27.750* Remark 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,001 Significantly different Significantly different Significantly different Significantly different Significantly different Significantly different Significantly different Significantly different Significantly different Significantly different Significantly different Significantly different Significantly different Significantly different Significantly different Significantly different Significantly different Significantly different Significantly different Significantly different The mean difference was significant at <0.05 From Table 4.6 above it can be seen that there are differences in the concentration of each extract of rose petals with the average number of 641 Candida albicans colonies ( = 0.000, = 0.001, <0.05). albicans poliferation. Flavonoids have antifungal effect which is very effective in inhibiting cell growth (Orhan D., 2009). Biological flavonoids activities were done by destroying the cell wall of Candida Albicans consisting lipid and amino acid which react with alcohol groups on a flavonoid compound that will break down the cell walls and the compound can enter the fungi cell nucleus. Furthermore, in the fungi cell nucleus, this compound will contact the DNA in Candida albicans fungi cell nucleus and through differences in polarity between the lipids making up the DNA with alcohol groups on flavonoid compound, there will be a backlash that would damage the lipid structure of the DNA of the Candida albicans. The activity of flavonoids is due to their ability to form complexes with the extracellular proteins which is soluble with cell walls, so that microorganisms cannot attach and invade the host cell. Lipophilical flavonoids may also damage microbe membrane. Flavonoid compounds also inhibit topoisomerase II enzyme work on microorganisms associated with microorganism proteins (Melderen, 2002). DNA gyrase is one of the of topoisomerase II class of enzyme, DNA gyrase twists the strands of DNA and decipher DNA strands. The more lipophilic a flavonoid, the more ability to destroy the bactery cell wall (Cowan, 1999). Tannin contained in rose extract believed to have the same mechanisms as other phenolic compounds in inhibiting and killing the growth of fungi and bacteria and can react in an inactivation function way of genetic material (Branen, 1993). Tannin can also form complex compounds that are irreversible with proline, a complete protein which has the effect of inhibiting the synthesis of proteins to inhibit cell wall. Tannin also has the ability to inhibit reverse transcriptase enzyme from the microbial cells. In addition, Tannin can also Analysis Rose extracts have antifungal effect against Candida Albicans that can be seen in table 1 showing that the higher the concentration of rose extract used, the smaller the number of colony growth of Candida albicans. It can also be stated that the higher the concentration of the rose extracts the higher antifungal effects. The result of One-Way ANOVA statistical test on Table 5 obtain F count = 270.439, with a value of = 0.000, it is significant with α <0.05, so that <0.05 then H1 is accepted, which means that there are differences between the mean value of colonies of Candida albicans of each extract concentration rose (Rosa chinensis Jacq). Test results in Table 6 on LSD Post Hoc Test which showed a highly significant difference from all group of rose extract concentration which shows <0.05. Rose extract has anti-fungal effect against the Candida albicans fungus which is caused by active substances that are soluble in methanol flavonoid. Suitable with Yi Zhong CAI, (2005) research which states that are hydrozable content of tannins, flavonoids and anthocyanins in roses. There are 17 types of flavonoids that have been identified and 7 types of flavonoid which has not been identified at the roses, and there are 15 types of anthocyanins which are mostly classified as monoglicocides or diglicocides, cyanidin, pelargonidin and peonidin (Mikanagi,, 2000). Roman I, et al, (2013) in his study also states that roses contain ascorbid acid compounds, polyphenols, flavonoids and antioxidant activity. The content of vitamin C in rose is about 0.51 g / 100 g of dried roses, flavonoid about 41 mg / 100 g dried roses, and citric acid approximately 3.34 g / 100 g of dried roses (Arthur A, 2012) .Vitamin C contains in roses decrease Candida 641 inhibit the C-14 demethylase enzyme which is also a catalase enzyme, which serves to spur ergosterol. Ergosterol forms a major component of the plasma membrane of fungi. With the disruption of this enzyme function then it cannot synthesize ergosterol normally. This causes plasma membrane structure does not form properly and the function is disrupted (Deacon, 1997). Eukaryotic cell plasma membrane such as C. Albicans cell has an important role in osmotic regulation, nutrient absorption, excretion and cell wall biositesis. Aside from being a major component of the plasma membrane, ergosterol is also involved in the formation of chitin, which is one component of the polysaccharides cell wall and has a very important role in germination. Thus, inhibition of the formation of the plasma membrane ergosterol C. albicans of cells also mean inhibition of reproduction (Albert et al, 2002). In addition to the number of cells, the cell mass can also be used as a measure for the growth of the C. albicans fungi. Dawes and Sutherland (1992) state that the growth of single cells (including fungi) can be interpreted as an increase of cell mass. The results of this study indicate that the concentration of 7.5%, 12%, 12.5%, 15% rose extract cannot affect or inhibit cell mass accretion. This happens because the compounds in roses at these concentrations have not been able to get through the cell walls. At a concentration of 17.5% it can affect C. albicans cell mass accretion, which means interfering with metabolism, so there is no increase in the number of the colonies at this concentration. Killing Level of rose extracts (Rosa chinensis Jacq) against Candida albicans was 17.5%. Acknowledment The Author would like to thank the Health Polytechnic of Malang, Microbiology Lab of FK UB, and many people who have contributed to this current study. References Braner, LA. 1993. Antimicrobial in Food. Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York. Crowan, MM. 1999. 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The University of Hong Kong. 643 EFFECTIVENESS OF ZAMZAM WATER AND ALKALI WATER TOWARD ANKLE BRACHIAL INDEXS, OXIDATIVE STRESS AND REDUCE HEMOGLOBIN A1C IN DIABETIC FOOT ULCER PATIENT Yohanes Andy Rias Departement of Medical Surgical, Collage of Nursing, Bhakti Wiyata Institute of Health Sciences, Indonesia E-mail: Abstract DFU that can affect oxidative stress so result in an imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants mechanisms. The imbalance can be affected by water consumption such as zamzam water and alkaline water. it can be neutralize acidic conditions in the body, the cells used for hydration, and removing toxins and produce insulin efiseien. We have carried out this study in diabetic foot ulcer patients to evaluate the effect of Zamzam water be compared Alkaline water on their oxidant antioxidant status, glycemic control, vascularization (Ankle Brachial Indexs) and lipid profile as long as 61 day. The patients were randomly divided into two groups each drank one liter/day of water for 61 day; one group received alkaline water while the other drank zamzam water. This study was a experimental design with purposive sampling and than pre and post test controlled grups design. Results after two months of water consumption were compared with their corresponding baseline values in the same groupusing paired t-test. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05. Regarding these results, based on the results of research that correlated with a literature review, it can be concluded that Zamzam water and alkaline water can affected by ABI, reduce hemoglobinA1c, and blood glucose, but no significant influence on TBARS, MCH, ESR. Further research is needed in this area to confirm the results and explore the mechanism behind HbA1c lowering effect produced by zamzam water and alkaline water compared and hystology of pancreas organ. Keyword: zamzam water, alkali water, ankle brachial indexs, oxidative stress, hemoglobin a1c, diabetic foot ulcer 647 Introduction Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disease of carbohydrate metabolism disorders include chronic caused by a deficiency of insulin hormone in relative or absolute terms with complications of diabetic foot ulcers 1,2. Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is a neurological disorder as a re