Fall 2014 Membership Committee Packet
Fall 2014 Membership Committee Packet
__________________________________________________________________________________________ Membership Committee October 28, 2014 | 12:30 p.m. Best Western Premier Eden Resort & Suites | Lancaster __________________________________________________________________________________________ CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION—PRLA OFFICIAL USE ONLY. PENNSYLVANIA RESTAURANT & LODGING ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Tuesday, October 28, 2014 ‐ 12:30 p.m. Best Western Eden Resort & Suites, Lancaster, PA AGENDA I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTORY REMARKS Mr. Musciano/Mr. Campbell ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Mr. Musciano/Mr. Campbell APPROVAL OF APRIL 7, 2014, MINUTES Mr. Musciano/Mr. Campbell MEMBERSHIP REPORT A. PRLA Membership Numbers and Trends Mr. Doulgeris Mr. Longstreet Ms. Preuss Mr. Doulgeris Mr. Doulgeris NEW BUSINESS A. Membership Survey results summary B. Membership drive update C. 2015 Membership Development Plan Summary D. Hall of Fame award Mr. Longstreet Ms. Preuss Ms. Daniels Ms. Preuss ADJOURNMENT Mr. Musciano/Mr. Campbell OLD BUSINESS A. New PRLA team positions B. Partner Program/MRP Update C. Dues Invoice redesign D. Job Board update Next Meeting: PRLA Spring Membership Meeting April 27‐28, 2015 Location: TBD Pennsylvania Restaurant and Lodging Association Tuesday, October 21, 2014 Page 1 Membership Committee As of 10/21/2014 Joe Campbell Committee Chairman Chickie's & Pete's 489 Bristol Pike Bensalem, PA 19020-6336 Work Phone: (215) 604-9960 Fax: (215) 604-9964 Steve Musciano Committee Chairman ARAMARK Corporation 115 Federal St, PNC Park At N. Shr Pittsburgh, PA 15212 Work Phone: (412) 325-4453 Fax: (412) 697-7117 Rick Sell Chairman of the Board Metz Culinary Management 73 Granville Way Exton, PA 19341 Mike Brady Member Eastern Insurance Group 613 Baltimore Dr Ste 8 Wilkes Barre, PA 18702-7980 Work Phone: 570-819-2000 142 Fax: 570-819-4000 Jennifer Byers Member Courtyard by Marriott Greensburg 700 Power Line Dr Greensburg, PA 15601-1387 Work Phone: (724) 834-3555 Fax: (724) 834-3787 Jeff Cohen Member Smallman Street Deli 2840 Smallman St Ste 1 Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4787 Work Phone: (412) 434-6600 Fax: 412-434-6822 Michael Desmond Member Hotel State College & Co. 100 W College Ave State College, PA 16801-3838 Work Phone: 814-237-4350 Fax: 814-237-4129 Dee Fegan Member 30 Timber Road B&B 30 Timber Road Mechanicsburg, PA 17050-4505 Work Phone: (717) 448-9091 Jim Fris Member PJW Restaurant Group 520 N Haddon Ave Haddonfield, NJ 08033-1725 Work Phone: 856-216-0656 Robert Howell Member Shawnee Inn and Golf Resort PO Box 67 Shawnee On Delaware, PA 18356-0067 Work Phone: (570) 424-4000 Fax: (570) 424-9168 Tony Salomone Member Golden Sheaf 1 N 2nd St Harrisburg, PA 17101-1601 Work Phone: (717) 233-6000 421 Fax: 717-233-6271 Christine Sczypta Member Courtyard By Marriott Harrisburg West / Mechanicsburg 4921 Gettysburg Rd Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-4816 Work Phone: (717) 766-9006 Fax: 717-591-1728 Tim Watson Member Historic Revere Tavern 3063 Lincoln Hwy E Paradise, PA 17562-9651 Work Phone: 717-687-8601 Fax: 717-687-6141 PENNSYLVANIA RESTAURANT & LODGING ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, April 7, 2014 / 12:30 p.m. Nittany Lion Inn / State College, PA MINUTES I. II. CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTORY REMARKS Membership Committee Chairman Steve Musciano called the meeting to order at 12:38 p.m. and welcomed everyone in attendance. John Longstreet introduced himself and spoke briefly about his new role as the PRLA President & CEO. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS Committee members present: Steve Musciano, Rick Sell, Jeff Cohen, Dee Fegan, Jim Fris, Tony Salomone, Christine Sczypta, Tim Watson, Michael Brady Guests present: Matt English, Mike Rodden, Brian Dailey, Matt Lyle, Michael Passalacqua, Jim Purdum, Ann Mitchell, Ray Hottenstein, Stephen Weinstock, Barry Kidd, Ed Master, Bryan Reichelt, Evan Pappas, Steve Stetzler, Jim Bosco, Frank Sluzis, Mike Weaver, Vincent Sanzotti, Bill Henderson, Larry Rood, Danielle Showalter, Diane Deitzel, John Graf, Tim Zugger, Joyce Kraemer and Erik Evjen, John Longstreet Staff present: John Doulgeris, Christine Preuss, Stephanie Otterson, Eric Adams, Brenda Mendte, Melissa Bova, Charlie Anderson and Patrick LeBlanc III. IV. V. APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 3, 2013, MINUTES Motion: Matt English motioned to approve the minutes. Dee Fegan seconded and the motion passed unanimously. MEMBERSHIP REPORT Patrick LeBlanc, state director of member services, reviewed the financial performance of membership as of February 28, 2014. The following reports were discussed and included in the meeting packet: Summarized the Monthly Billing Summary for January 1 through December 31, 2013 – 84.65 percent retention versus 80 percent goal. Reviewed the total members and chapter breakdown through February 28, 2014 – 2,673 total members. Jeff Cohen suggested tracking student and retired members separately rather than including in total membership counts. OLD BUSINESS A. Director of Member Services – Western Region Patrick LeBlanc announced that this position is being posted and a process is in place to select a qualified candidate. B. Partner Program Update Manufacturer Rebate Program—awarded $81,050 in net rebate money to participating members since September 30, 2013 (through Q3 2013). 1 BMI—360 members currently participating in BMI’s discount program. In 2013, members saved $24,731 on music licensing fees. A discount program with SESAC is currently being worked on. C. Website Update Stephanie Otterson, communications coordinator, provided an update on the new website. There have been some browser issues which are being handled. It was suggested that we begin tracking how many people go to site, how many log in and how many are members versus non‐members. Matt English asked meeting attendees to submit pictures of their businesses for the home page photo scroll. These could also be used to implement a member spotlight on the home page. Brian Dailey asked for an employment section to post opportunities. It was also mentioned that we need a student section. VI. VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Webinar Topics Patrick LeBlanc discussed implementing webinars for 2014. He asked that if anyone has a topic, to please forward it to him. B. Membership Benefits Patrick LeBlanc discussed strengthening the benefits we offer our members. He is going to be reviewing the benefits and looking for more money‐saving benefits. Eric Adams, member relations coordinator, mentioned the VisitPA site. Members can now add photos, menu items and links to social media on their profile. Each PRLA restaurant member will have the PRLA logo next to their name to drive users to our site. Michael Passalacqua suggested PRLA reviews its member recognition policies to take advantage of potential public relations opportunities. C. Membership Committee and Subcommittees Steve Musciano discussed the formation of subcommittees under the membership committee. The programming subcommittee will develop, promote and coordinate PRLA events in collaboration with the membership committee and PRLA staff. The membership value subcommittee will consist of 3 outreach groups: lodging and B&B, student, allied and restaurant. A meeting will be held next month to discuss these efforts. MEETING ADJOURNMENT Motion: Ed Master motioned to adjourn the meeting at 1:58 p.m. Dee Fegan seconded and the motion passed unanimously. NEXT MEETING: PRLA Fall Membership Meeting October 27‐28, 2014 Best Western Premier Eden Resort & Suites, Lancaster, PA Minutes submitted by Christine Preuss, Member Relations Coordinator 2 MEMBERSHIP REPORT 3 Pennsylvania Restaurant & Lodging Association Member Billing Report January thru September 2014 RENEWAL SALES CATEGORY MEMBERS Restaurant Lodging Allied Other Hospitality Institution Totals * BILLED AMOUNT 561 195 319 98 72 1,245 Retired Students Totals PAID AMOUNT 303,516 113,586 99,311 22,252 14,400 $553,065 10 163 173 271,966 97,202 71,990 18,572 12,400 $472,130 450 4,075 $4,525 250 275 $525 % BALANCE DUE % 89.61% 85.58% 72.49% 83.46% 86.11% 85.37% 34,067 18,182 29,187 3,680 2,000 $87,115 11.22% 16.01% 29.39% 16.54% 13.89% 15.75% 55.56% 6.75% 11.60% 200 4,625 $4,825 44.44% 113.50% 106.63% NEW MEMBER SALES Actual Restaurant Allied Institution Other Sub Total YTD Budget $ Variance % $ 20,008 20,605 1,600 225 42,437 $ 84,375 $ (41,938) -98.82% Lodging Other Hospitality Sub Total $ 8,300 498 8,798 $ 28,125 $ (19,327) -219.69% Total New Member Sales $ 51,235 $ 112,500 $ (61,265) -119.58% *As of 10/20/2014 4 96 49 26 41 1 21 4 13 5 2 2 3 8 1 1 0 0 348 Philadelphia Central Lancaster Brandywine Keystone Lehigh Valley Northwestern Berks-Schuylkill Northeastern Southern Midwestern Susquehanna Valley Bucks Pocono Mountains Laurel Highlands North Central Pike/Wayne Total Variance 0 0 1 2 7 3 3 3 6 12 3 19 0 39 27 53 104 71 31-Jan 353 -5 -1.42% 75 30-Sep Allied Western Chapter (Rank by Total Members) 5 1 1 3 4 2 2 5 4 7 2 5 3 7 2 4 17 26 21 31-Jan 116 -3 -2.59% 113 1 1 4 4 2 3 6 4 7 3 4 3 6 3 3 17 24 23 30-Sep Institution 3 2 2 7 2 1 6 9 6 6 4 3 13 6 17 31 29 40 31-Jan 187 -4 -2.14% 183 4 2 2 6 1 1 5 9 6 6 4 3 13 6 17 30 30 38 30-Sep Lodging 0 1 0 0 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 0 4 3 6 8 3 8 31-Jan 95 3 6 4 1 4 8 2 3 8 2 6 3 6 1 8 10 9 11 30-Sep 3 7 4 1 4 8 4 3 8 2 7 3 7 1 12 11 11 12 31-Jan 1,658 5 17 26 30 31 36 47 57 49 57 69 69 55 80 107 201 293 429 31-Jan -42 -2.53% 1,616 8 14 28 32 32 38 48 52 47 54 65 69 53 77 100 199 281 419 30-Sep Other Restaurant Hospitality 45 108 -4 -13 -8.89% -12.04% 41 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 4 3 6 9 5 6 30-Sep Management Pennsylvania Restaurant & Lodging Association Member Count by Chapter September 30, 2014 vs January 31, 2014 9 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 31-Jan 11 -2 -18.18% 30-Sep Retired 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 42 24 1 1 82 4 31-Jan 159 0 0.00% 159 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 43 25 0 0 82 3 30-Sep Students 2,637 12 28 39 45 48 51 69 77 78 85 91 98 128 156 175 322 550 585 31-Jan -68 -2.58% 2,569 16 24 41 46 48 54 64 71 75 82 85 101 126 157 161 314 528 576 30-Sep Total 5.13% 2.22% 0.00% 5.88% -7.25% -7.79% -3.85% -3.53% -6.59% 3.06% -1.56% 0.64% -8.00% -2.48% -4.00% -1.54% % Change -68 4 -2.58% 33.33% -4 -14.29% 2 1 0 3 -5 -6 -3 -3 -6 3 -2 1 -14 -8 -22 -9 Count Variance Number of Members 2,850 2,800 2,750 2,700 2,650 2,600 Pennsylvania Restaurant & Lodging Association Membership Count 2009 - 2014 PRLA transition July 2012 Added lodging membership from PTLA. Jan-13 2,550 Nov-12 2,500 Sep-12 2,450 Jul-12 2,400 May-12 2,350 Mar-12 2,300 Jan-12 2,250 Nov-11 2,200 Sep-11 2,150 Jul-11 2,100 May-11 2,050 Mar-11 2,000 1,950 Nov-09 Jan-10 Mar-10 May-10 Jul-10 Sep-10 Nov-10 Jan-11 Mar-13 May-13 Jul-13 Sep-13 Nov-13 Jan-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 6 OLD BUSINESS 7 8 9 Christine Preuss Member Services Manager Eric Adams Dir of Membership Development - East Dir of Membership Development - West Member Services Manager Brenda Mendte Tom King Vice President of Membership Development Amy Daniels ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Membership Development Rep. Director of Events & Engagement Office Assistant Gisela McBride Director of Communications Heidi Howard Chief Operating Officer John Doulgeris President & CEO John Longstreet Executive Committee Board of Directors Stef Otterson Charlie Anderson Director of Government Affairs Melissa Bova General Counsel Director of Education Hope Sterner Executive Assistant Vicki Zeppa Auditor Accounting Manager Paula Judd Director of Finance & Human Resources Diane Sherwood 10 Money-saving Member Benefits Serving the Hospitality Industry since 1937 It pays to belong The Pennsylvania Restaurant & Lodging Association (PRLA) researches and identifies benefit providers to ensure members receive quality services at reasonable prices. The following companies have developed special money-saving programs specifically for PRLA members. Contact the PRLA office at (800) 345-5353 or visit www.prla.org for more information about any of these benefits. PRLA restaurant members also have access to the full range of membership benefits from the National Restaurant Association. ServSafe Food Safety Certification Discounted ServSafe food safety certification classes and training materials. Comply with Pennsylvania food safety regulations while saving money. Credit Card and Payroll Processing Heartland offers payment processing that comes with the highest level of service with local, personal consultation, Interchange Plus Pricing and Rate Guarantee. Legal Resources to Lean On Restaurants are subject to a wide swath of regulations at the local, state and federal levels. PRLA offers free legal advice through Shumaker Williams P.C. and the National Restaurant Association legal team. Prime Source Purchasing Inc. BMI Music Licensing Discount Stop paying full price for music licensing fees. PRLA members save up to 20 percent on BMI music licensing fees. SESAC Music Licensing Discount Stop paying full price for music licensing fees. PRLA members save 10 percent on SESAC music licensing fees. Manufacturers Rebate Program Receive quarterly rebate checks for many of the products you already purchase. All administrative work done by Prime Source. Enrollment is free and easy. Email Marketing Solutions With a Fishbowl Local account, PRLA members send up 500 FREE email messages a month, no strings attached. Other discounts available. RestaurantOwner.com Subscription PRLA members save $40 on this informative operator resource full of management tools and templates for their business. All new members receive a free six-month subscription to Restaurant Startup & Growth. Restaurant Health Insurance Program Need health insurance for your business? Group health insurance plans at competitive rates or a health discount program for as little as $5 per employee per month. 100 State Street I Harrisburg, PA 17101 I 800.345.5353 I 717.236.1202 FAX I www.prla.org 11 Money-saving Member Benefits Serving the Hospitality Industry since 1937 It pays to belong The Pennsylvania Restaurant & Lodging Association (PRLA) researches and identifies benefit providers to ensure members receive quality services at reasonable prices. The following companies have developed special money-saving programs specifically for PRLA members. Contact the PRLA office at (800) 345-5353 or visit www.prla.org for more information about any of these benefits. Smith Travel Research Reports PRLA members have access to monthly STR reports with the latest hotel performance data for Pennsylvania and its regions. Special discounts also are available on many STR products and services. Credit Card and Payroll Processing Heartland offers payment processing that comes with the highest level of service with local, personal consultation, Interchange Plus Pricing and Rate Guarantee. ServSafe Food Safety Certification Discounted ServSafe food safety certification classes and training materials. Comply with Pennsylvania food safety regulations while saving money. Email Marketing Solutions With a Fishbowl Local account, PRLA members send up 500 FREE email messages a month, no strings attached. Other discounts available. Legal Resources to Lean On Hotels are subject to a wide swath of regulations at the local, state and federal levels. PRLA offers free legal advice through Shumaker Williams P.C. and the National Restaurant Association legal team. Restaurant Health Insurance Program Need health insurance for your business? Group health insurance plans at competitive rates or a health discount program for as little as $5 per employee per month. Prime Source Purchasing Inc. Manufacturers Rebate Program Receive quarterly rebate checks for many of the products you already purchase. All administrative work done by Prime Source. Enrollment is free and easy. 100 State Street I National Association Affiliation PRLA is the Partner State Association of the American Hotel & Lodging Association. Independent lodging properties can join AH&LA though PRLA.. Harrisburg, PA 17101 I 800.345.5353 National Association Membership Restaurants managed by PRLA lodging members have access to the full range of membership benefits from the National Restaurant Association at no additional cost. I 717.236.1202 FAX I www.prla.org 12 Allied Member Benefits S er ving t he H os pit alit y Indus t r y s inc e 1 9 3 7 Increase your presence in Pennsylvania’s growing hospitality industry by promoting your company to Pennsylvania Restaurant & Lodging Association members. PRLA allied members receive valuable benefits and discounted pricing for various marketing opportunities. Contact the PRLA membership department at (800) 345-5353 or visit www.prla.org for more information about any of the benefits or opportunities outlined below. CORPORATE MARKETING PROGRAM Reach PRLA’s network of owners and operators through pre-packaged advertising and event sponsorship opportunities. Packages can be customized to suit your marketing needs and budgets. MEMBERSHIP MAILING LIST Directly connect with the restaurant and hotel community using PRLA’s direct mail marketing list, which is a free resource for allied members. Call PRLA at (800) 345-5353 to request your list. PENNSYLVANIA RESTAURANT & LODGING MATTERS PRLA’s quarterly magazine has a circulation of more than 2,500 readers and offers insights on industry news, trends, events and legislative updates. Make the most of your print advertising dollars by taking advantage of PRLA’s special member pricing. QUICK BITES BANNER ADS Extend your reach to PRLA’s restaurant and lodging members through this monthly e-newsletter. Space is limited in each issue, so act quickly to reserve your banner ad today. PRLA offers special pricing and continuity rates for allied members. ONLINE BUYERS’ GUIDE PRLA members turn to the Online Buyers’ Guide when looking for trusted suppliers and services. Your basic listing, which includes four categories and a link to your website, is included in your membership. NETWORKING & RELATIONSHIP BUILDING Meetings, golf outings and educational seminars provide exceptional opportunities for quality face-to-face time with hospitality industry leaders at the state and chapter levels. Your membership dues includes membership in the local chapter nearest you but you can join additional chapters for a nominal fee. 100 State Street I Harrisburg, PA 17101 I 800.345.5353 I 717.236.1202 FAX I www.prla.org 13 Pennsylvania Restaurant & Lodging Association Manufacturer Rebate Program Summary Period ending September 30, 2014 Year 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 Total Rebate Annual Total 9,047 9,946 14,238 16,829 16,602 16,618 19,997 21,696 21,283 19,084 26,353 30,150 $ 9,047 $ 75,587 $ 221,843 Period Quarter 4 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 * Total Rebate $ 57,615 $ 79,593 * Quarter 3 2014 estimated Quarter 3 * Quarter 2 Quarter 1 Quarter 4 Quarter 3 Quarter 2 Quarter 1 Quarter 4 Quarter 3 Quarter 2 Quarter 1 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Quarter 4 Dollars Total Rebate 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 Period 14 Pennsylvania Restaurant & Lodging Association Manufacturer Rebate Program Participants September 2014 Establishment City Alltown Pizza Andalusia Angelo's Apollo Grill Appalachian Brewing Company of Gateway, Inc. Appalachian Brewing Company of Mechanisburg Appalacian Brewing Company/Camp Hill Appalacian Brewing Company/Collegeville Appalacian Brewing Company/Gettysburg Appalacian Brewing Company/Harrisburg Appalacian Brewing Company/Lititz August Henry's City Saloon Aviva Brick Oven Bayfront Convention Center Bella Sera Belvedere Inn Bertrand's Bistro Big Woody's Beach Bar and Grill BJ's Steak & Rib House/Danville BJ's Steak & Rib House/Selinsgrove Black N Bleu Bonfatto's Restaurant & Lounge Braddock Inn Inc. Brights Restaurant Buddy's Burgers Cafe Bruges Calabria's Restaurant Capriccio Cafe & Espresso Bar Carbone's Restaurant Carnegie Inn & Spa Carson's Tavern LLC Center Street Grille Clubhouse Grille, The Combine Brothers Bar & Grille Commonwealth Caterers Couch Tomato Cafe, The Deitsch Eck Restaurant Detzi's Tavern Inc Dizzy Lizzie's Don Juan Mex Grill Eadie's Kitchen & Market Eagle Tavern Eagles Mere Country Club Ferrante's Lakeview Firehouse Restaurant, The Flinchy's Glenolden Carlise Lewistown Bethlehem Gettysburg Mechanicsburg Camp Hill Collegeville Gettysburg Harrisburg Lititz Pittsburgh Warrendale Erie Canonsburg Lancaster Erie Harrisburg Danville Selinsgrove Mechanicsburg Bellefonte Farmington Ephrata West Chester Carlisle Pittsburgh Philadelphia Crabtree State College Scottdale Enola Bethlehem Hermitage Middletown Philadelphia Lenhartsville Wind Gap Kittanning Easton Pittsburgh Chester Springs Eagles Mere Greensburg Harrisburg Camp Hill Source: Prime Source Purchasing, Inc. State PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA 15 Pennsylvania Restaurant & Lodging Association Manufacturer Rebate Program Participants September 2014 Establishment City Franco's Trattoria Franklin House Tavern, The Front Street Fountain Fusion Fire Asian Restaurant Geo's Restaurant & Lounge Gold Eagle Inn Golden Crust Pizza Good 'N Plenty Restaurant Hennings Market Hershey Road Family Restaurant Hilltop Inn Hinkles Pharm & Restaurant Hogan's/Valley Green Golf Course Hot Z Pizza Jimmie Kramer's The Peanut Bar John Wright Restaurant Johnny B's Johnson's Cafe Kelly's Kennywood Park Kitchen Kettle Village Klinger's On Carsonia, LTD Laurel View Village Le Sorelle Porch and Pantry Leaf Restaurant Cigar Bar & Lounge Lenape Heights Golf Resort Limoncello/Chester Springs Limoncello/West Chester Little Everett's BBQ Logan Square Cafe Lombardo's Restaurant Luigis Ristorante/Clymer Luigis Ristorante/Dubois Marblehead Grille & Chowder House Mario's East Side Saloon Mario's South Side Saloon Martin's Trailside Express Inc. Master Touch Consulting Mel's Italian Mick's All American Pub/Airport Rd Mick's All American Pub/Columbia Ave Mick's All American Pub/West Main St Midtown Tavern, The Moe's Bar & Grill Molly's Pub Mrs. Gibble's Candies & Restaurant, Inc. Canonsburg Schaefferstown Media Camp Hill Latrobe Brookville Red Lion Smoketown Harleysville Harrisburg Ephrata Columbia Etters Landisville Reading Wrightsville North East Montoursville Thorndale West Mifflin Intercourse Reading Davidsville Mt. Gretna Easton Ford City Chester Springs West Chester Hanover Philadelphia Lancaster Clymer Dubois Easton Pittsburgh Pittsburgh East Earl Clearfield Bala Cynwyd Lititz Lancaster Mount Joy Harrisburg Mechanicsburg Lancaster Greencastle Source: Prime Source Purchasing, Inc. State PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA 16 Pennsylvania Restaurant & Lodging Association Manufacturer Rebate Program Participants September 2014 Establishment Nino Barsotti's Restaurant Olde Greenfield Inn Inc, The Penn Brewery Pete's East End Pub Pete's Olde Towne Bar & Grill Philadelphia Steak & Hoagies, Inc. Piatto Pica's Italian Restaurant Piero's Pizza N' Pasta River Grille LLC Rivertowne Romeo's Pizza Inc Scooter's Restaurant Shipley Stores, LLC Soda Jerk Diner Sophia's at Walden Sophia's on Market St. Clair Country Club State Cafe & Grill Steve and Irene's Hoagies Stock's on Second Inc. Summit Restaurant at Masthope Sweet Lucy's Smokehouse Taze Ristorante Ted's Bar & Grill The Brewerie at Union Station The Carlton The Prime Rib Tomato Pie Cafe Tonino's Pizza & Grille Trattoria Fratelli Vallozzi's Pittsburgh Vallozzi's Restaurant Victory Brewing Company Vintage Restaurant & Bar West Shore Country Club Wimpy & Dee's Classic Diner Winedown Cafe & Wine Bar Xochitl Restaurant/Tequila Bar Zia Maria Italian Eatery Zia's Trattoria City Mt. Pleasant Lancaster Pittsburgh Steelton New Cumberland Camp Hill Carlisle Upper Darby Akron Plains Export Indiana Lititz York Hummelstown Mechanicsburg Camp Hill Pittsburgh Easton Mayfield Harrisburg Lackawaxen Philadelphia Indiana Harrisburg Erie Pittsburgh Philadelphia Lititz Harrisburg Lebanon Pittsburgh Greensburg Downingtown Easton Camp HIll Honey Brook West Reading Philadelphia1 Denver Harrisburg Source: Prime Source Purchasing, Inc. State PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA 17 MEMBERSHIP DUES INVOICE Print Date: 10/20/2014 Membership Period 11/01/2014 - 10/31/2015 SEND TO: BILL TO: Sample Invoice Member ID # Membership Type NRA ID # AH&LA ID # Due Date Restaurant Chapter Phone 10/31/2014 Fax Email Basic Description Industry Supporter Champion of the Industry $200.00 $200.00 $25.00 $25.00 $200.00 Membership Dues Annual Political Education Committee (PEC) Investment $25.00 Annual Education Foundation Investment TOTAL: $200.00 $225.00 $250.00 SELECT ONE BOX TO INDICATE YOUR CHOICE OF THE AMOUNT ABOVE PAYMENT OPTIONS Card Number: Expiration Date: CVV/CVC: Name on Card: * Monthly payment options are available * Renew online today by visiting: Billing Address: Same as above www.prla.org PRLA membership dues payments are not deductible as a charitable contribution. 50% is tax deductible as a business expense. PRLA 100 State Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101 Phone: 717-232-4433 or 800-345-5353 Fax: 717-236-1202 www.prla.org 18 MEMBERSHIP DUES INVOICE Print Date: 10/20/2014 Membership Period 11/01/2014 - 10/31/2015 SEND TO: BILL TO: Sample Invoice Member ID # Membership Type NRA ID # AH&LA ID # Due Date Lodging Chapter Phone 10/31/2014 Fax Rooms Rate/Rm 276 Rooms 6.55 Description Membership Dues Email 15% Multi Property Discount Basic $1,807.80 ($271.17) Industry Supporter Champion of the Industry $1,807.80 $1,807.80 ($271.17) ($271.17) $100.00 $100.00 Annual Political Education Committee (PEC) Investment $50.00 Annual Education Foundation Investment TOTAL: $1,536.63 $1,636.63 $1,686.63 SELECT ONE BOX TO INDICATE YOUR CHOICE OF THE AMOUNT ABOVE PAYMENT OPTIONS Card Number: Expiration Date: CVV/CVC: Name on Card: * Monthly payment options are available * Renew online today by visiting: Billing Address: Same as above www.prla.org PRLA membership dues payments are not deductible as a charitable contribution. 50% is tax deductible as a business expense. PRLA 100 State Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101 Phone: 717-232-4433 or 800-345-5353 Fax: 717-236-1202 www.prla.org 19 This page intentionally left blank 20 NEW BUSINESS 21 Membership Sales & Marketing Plan Summary October, 2014 A. THREE PILLAR PROGRAM 1. DIRECT SELLING Concentrated Sales Effort (CSE): Team will market a specified area, zip code, or market segment to generate new business. Each CSE will focus on a common prospect characteristic such as country clubs, restaurant rows, institutions, etc. 20/10 Program: Develop and distribute qualified list of 20 prospects to Membership Development team with a monthly goal of establishing 10 or more new members in a specified time frame. Prospects to include recognizable accounts which are either well known or highly visible. PRLA leadership will identify each month’s targets. Leverage other association memberships, such as tavern associations, metro hotel associations and PATT. 2. REFERRALS Roll out referral program to existing State & Chapter Board Members challenging each member to enroll two new members on an annual basis. Measure growth on a monthly basis and communicate progress via email. Reinvigorate internal referral program. 3. CAMPAIGNS Continue successful campaigns such as email blasts, telephone, social media, newsletters, magazine publication, and events. Membership Development team will take a more proactive approach in communicating special events to drive participation. Increase Social Media presence by posting 2 tweets per day, 2 Facebook messages per week, and creating PRLA Linkedin and Instagram pages. B. ENHANCING VALUE ADDED BENEFITS Continue the development of value added Member Benefits such as Free Legal Services, UPS discounts, Manufacturers Rebate Program, BMI and SESAC music licensing discounts, etc. Better leverage and promote NRA and AH&LA Benefits. C. ENHANCING MEMBERSHIP VALUE Plan retention strategies and start renewals early. Tell members what we did for them this year and what we will be doing for them next year – make it a “no brainer” for them to 22 want to renew. Communicate value thru review of prior year results and future planned activities. Institute an improved on boarding program for new members. Provide proper instruction, a point person and orientation into the association. Increase awareness of PRLA with more frequent and more widely distributed press releases. Ramp up regular communication by increasing email blasts to one per week in addition to legislative update and Quick Bites to two per month. D. MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TEAM ENHANCEMENT Ongoing training and development of existing Team Members including “4-Step Sales Process” and “Sales Is…” Effective 1:1s to review sales activity, prospects, strategies, and obstacles. Developing appropriate sales goals and accountability for those goals. “Measuring success” on a daily, weekly, monthly basis to include prospect calling, face to face meetings, written correspondence. 23
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Tim Watson
Historic Revere Tavern
3063 Lincoln Hwy E
Paradise, PA 17562-9651
Work Phone: 717-687-8601
Fax: 717-687-6141
Email: twatson77@comcast.net