Winter 2013 Hoister - Operating Engineers 520
Winter 2013 Hoister - Operating Engineers 520
IUOE Local 520 Volume 5, Issue 1I1 Winter 2013 Inside this Issue... Ron Kaempfe, Business Manager Per Capita Tax Increase DUES INCREASE— Effective July 1, 2013 3 Mark Johnson, President Mike Parkinson, Treasurer The following monthly dues rates went into effect July 1, 2013 for Local 520 Operating Engineers. 4 520, 520A, 520R .............................................. $34.00 520B, 520C........................................................ $29.25 520D ................................................................... $34.25 Retirees (low dues) ......................................... $11.00 Vern Parmley, Financial Secretary Chad Goldschmidt, Recording-Corresponding Secretary Delegates at the 38th General Convention of the International Union of Operating Engineers, held in April 2013, voted unanimously for a Per Capita Tax Increase of Twenty-five Cents ($0.25) per month effective July first. 5 Please note: Union dues are due by the first of each month. After that time, there will be a $1.50 late fee per month. Schedule of Events 6-10 Member meetings take place at 7 PM on the second Friday of each month. Specific dates for the next 4 months are as follows: Installation of Officers 10 Friday, January 10 News & Events 11 Friday, February 14 Retiree Recognition 12 Job Site Photos 13 Health & Welfare Friday, March 14 Friday, April 11 Training Department 14-15 2013 Pin Presentation 16-17 Labor Day Parade & Picnic 18 THE 520 HOISTER Page 3 Ron Kaempfe, Business Manager Brothers and Sisters, The Labor Day parade was again a huge success. We had great weather and a great turnout for it. I want to thank all of those who walked, drove equipment, pulled wagons, helped with the fish stand and did whatever it took to be involved. Your business agents and secretaries work hard in getting things ready but it takes help from a lot of people to get it done. October 19th was Local 520 Health Fair Day at Highland. The number who participate in this seems to increase every year which is a good thing, as that preventative care keeps costs down in the long run. If by this preventative measure just one or two participants discover unknown medical conditions, the cost of the day has been money well spent. By doing this as a group there is significant savings to the plan. If you didn’t make it this year, I encourage you to make it next year. That evening was Local 520’s Pin Presentation at Albert’s Convention Center in Belleville. A crowd of about 150 members and guests enjoyed a fantastic dinner and a few drinks. The guest speaker was John Kujawski, a prominent personal injury attorney who also has been a member of 520 for 45 years. Much time has been spent by the Health & Welfare trustees, our plan administrator Dave Glastetter, our actuaries and attorney in trying to prepare our plan for the implementation of the ACA. The uncertainty of managing a welfare fund that has no liability caps has caused the trustees to make many changes and probably be faced with more changes as the ACA rolls out. What I ask the members to do is remember that the trustees must act for the financial stability of the plan. Our reserves were diminished by 3 million dollars in the first seven months of 2013, so any savings must be considered. When you search for savings so many times it involves change and we all know that no one likes change. We will continue to work through this together. As usual, work did pick up about the first week of October. The numbers on the A list got down to about 120 with 35 of those being 520A members and about 20 not taking calls. There is work to be done as long as the weather holds but 2013 will still go down as the worst man hours worked in 15 years. Lane Construction is going to start on the Prairie du Pont/Fish Lake Levee work yet this fall and work as the weather permits. They have L-W Contractors, Moniger, Mayer and M.S.I. as sub contractors. Korte Luitjohn also plans on working on their pump station project. Hopefully we will finally see some of the levee work that we have been waiting on for so long. I.D.O.T. engineers are encouraging completion by the end of the year on work being done by contractors on the Illinois ramps leading to the New Mississippi River Bridge and it looks like this will be accomplished for the most part. This should be another Union Project completed on time and either on or under budget. This will reach you well past Veteran’s Day but I still want to recognize our veterans who have given so much for each and every one of us. “Thank you” to the veterans for all you have done! In closing, I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving and will have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May the New Year bring many good things for Local 520 and its members! Be safe at work and at home. Always, Ron “It is to the real advantage of every producer, every manufacturer and every merchant to cooperate in the improvement of working conditions, because the best customer of American industry is the well-paid worker.” — Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States, 1933–1945 Page 4 Mark Johnson, President THE 520 HOISTER Mike Parkinson, Treasurer Brothers and Sisters, Brothers and Sisters, With the New Year fast approaching, Local 520’s Health and Welfare administrator, trustees and advisers have been working hard to make the necessary changes to bring the plan into compliance with the new requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). As many of you have seen from the latest mailings, the trustees have taken some cost cutting measures. These actions have been taken in preparation of the unknown cost that the plan will be burdened with due to the new requirements of uncapable liabilities which go into effect on January 1, 2014. Prairie State Energy is well into its first scheduled outage. Both of the units there were scheduled for maintenance, with unit #1’s boiler anticipated to need the most work. The shift work there will provide some much needed benefit hours for Local 520 members. While nobody likes change, especially in a service as complicated and cumbersome as health insurance, I ask for your cooperation and patience in understanding that the adaptability of our plan to the ever changing healthcare environment will be key to keeping it strong and solvent. While the ACA has left our plan with many financial uncertainties, I still feel that its passage in 2011 is positive for the overall labor movement. Healthcare costs in this country have increased at five times the rate of middle class wages over the last 20 years. These growing costs gone unchecked are truly unsustainable. Let’s hope the leadership in Washington possesses the wisdom and cooperation to make the changes to the ACA that are necessary to allow Local 520’s plan, and Taft-Hartley plans like it, to provide the quality coverage for their members and families as they have for decades. After all, it was the unions’ hard fought battles that won us the right and a seat at the collective bargaining tables that has secured quality, affordable health benefits for much of the working class well before it was one of the most important and divisive political issues of our time. I am happy to say that in these most challenging times I am very confident in Local 520’s experienced administrator and team of advisers and I can assure you that they are as committed as ever in delivering the best healthcare coverage possible. In Solidarity, Mark The improvements to Prairie du Pont & Fish Lake Levee system will finally get underway. The type of improvement is specific to the needs of that section of the levee. In general, the improvements will include building and modifying relief wells, construction of riverside clay caps, constructing seepage berms, and constructing piping systems to convey flow to new pump stations. The funding for the projects comes primarily from a ¼% sales tax in Monroe, St. Clair and Madison Counties. As a matter of history: In 2007, the Corps of Engineers stated it did not believe the current levee system could protect against a 100-year flood without flood fighting. On the basis of this statement, FEMA announced the decision to deaccredit the levee system. In 2009, the Southwestern Illinois Flood Prevention District Council was formed. The primary purpose of the Flood Protection District was to again gain accreditation by FEMA. In October 2010, the Council enlisted engineering consultants to design and manage construction of improvements to the levee system. In May of 2011, the Council received, after 7 months of subsurface testing and analysis, discussions and review sessions with all affected parties, an implementation plan. Fast forward to December 2013. After years of legal wrangling, protests by FEMA, and outright refusal by the Corps, the hard work and collective dedication by the many affiliates determined to see the levee system once again comply with FEMA accreditation requirements has paid off. It is important to point out that the regional effort and complication of task achieved cannot be underestimated. I wish everyone and their family a Joyous Holiday Season. Respectfully, Michael Parkinson Page 5 Volume 5, Issue 1I1 Chad Goldschmidt, Vern Parmley, Financial Secretary RecordingCorresponding Secretary Brothers and Sisters, Dear Brothers and Sisters, Hope you and your family have had a nice summer and fall season. Unfortunately, our work load has not been too attractive this year, as we all know it. On the flip side of things looking into 2014, we are hoping these three large projects will get underway. With the advent of winter arriving quickly, our work begins to diminish in an already painstaking year. Although, this being normal for seasonal work such as ours, it doesn’t make it any easier after experiencing some of the most profitable years Local 520’s members have seen to date. However, as problematic as these times may seem, know that Local 520 and its members have stayed strong for decades and decades against many of the same obstacles we are facing today. Please know that we as officers at Local 520 will continue to work to keep close relations with neighboring locals for those willing to travel, support politics that will bring jobs to our area, and police the work we currently have to insure our members are first. 1. River Berm Project: Lane Construction has the 1st stage of this project and will begin as soon as the Corps of Engineers give the go ahead. 2. Enbridge Pipeline: This spring a $700 million project from Flanagan, IL to Patoka Tank Farm. 3. Railroad work for the High-Speed Rail will arrive early in the spring of 2014. We have had a few of our local contractors working on the line this fall—J. P. Burns, Sterett Crane, Moniger Excavating with Fred Weber having a sizable contract on this line next spring. Also, a few out of town contractors have hired some of our operators replacing 3 bridges in Macoupin County near Carlinville, IL last month. Rousch Construction, J.C.F. Bridge & Concrete on site. Jobs in progress through the winter months include: A. Raymond, IL School Addition that is underway with a $6 million project. B. Infrasource Underground Pipeline rebuilding Ameren Pump Stations throughout Madison & Bond Counties. C. One large job that has not yet started, but soon we hope, will be L. W. Contractors Mine Reclamation. There will be 600,000 yards at Carlinville/Gillespie Coal Mine. In closing, I thank you for reading your Hoister. Once again, I wish you and your family a Happy Holiday Season. Respectfully, Vern Parmley Now I’d like to touch on a new industry coming to our area where politics has played a crucial part. I attended a meeting on October 31st on Public Act 98-22, Illinois Hydraulic Fracturing Regulatory Act (fracking regulations). This will only affect a small part of Local 520’s eastern counties. Regardless, this industry is expected to erupt the economy in Southern Illinois. But unlike other areas where this type of work has taken place, these companies are going to have strict guidelines to follow here in Illinois. One of the most beneficial criteria’s will be substantial tax credits towards the production severance tax, that at least 50% of the workforce be Illinois residents and be paid prevailing wage. Without the help of these politicians keeping Illinois Labor in mind and implicating these much-needed regulations, this industry would be a free for all. Typically these companies come with all their own people and use whatever means necessary to get what they need, regardless. Thanks to the tireless effort of the people in the state government and beyond who have had the foresight to implicate these regulations. We can rest at ease that fracking in Illinois will be beneficial for its residents and not a burden. Here is a list of the people we have to thank: Chief sponsor of the bill State Rep. John Bradley, Senator Gary Forby, State Rep. Brandon Phelps, IDNR Director Mark Miller, IEPA Legislative Director Michael Ziri, Gov. Deputy Chief of Staff Justin Cajindos, IL AFL-CIO Sec. Treasurer Tim Drea, and IL AFL-CIO Legislative Director Jason Keller. Let’s hope this new industry lets some well deserved sunshine shine on the faces of the good people of Southern Illinois. Sincerely, Chad R. Goldschmidt Page 6 THE 520 HOISTER HEALTH & WELFARE, PENSION, ANNUITY, AND VACATION TRUST FUNDS’ BENEFIT REPORT Administrative Manager – David Glastetter As we approach the end of the year and celebrate the holiday season, on behalf of everyone in the Fund Office, I am pleased to have this opportunity to wish you and your family all the best in the year 2014 and to provide you with this update on matters relating to your Health and Welfare, Pension, Annuity, and Vacation Funds. HEALTH & WELFARE: The Health and Welfare Fund processed 36,000 claims (33,907 Medical and 2,093 Optical) during the first 10 months of 2013 and paid benefits totaling $9,963,396.72 ($8,702,193.79 Medical, $275,675.06 Optical, and $985,527.87 Dental) compared to $10,734,986.33 that was paid out during the first 10 months of 2012, a decrease of $771,589.61 or 7.2%. The Managed Pharmacy Program administered by CVS/Caremark processed 44,948 prescriptions during the first 10 months of 2013 at a cost of $2,174,672.39 compared to 43,642 prescriptions during the first 10 months of 2012 at a cost of $2,073,897.57, an increase of $100,774.82 or 4.9%. As of September 30, 2013, the Health and Welfare Fund had total assets of $30,109,495.91 compared to $33,805,876.51 as of September 30, 2012, a decrease of $3.7 Million or 11% in that 12-month period. As of December 31, 2012, the Health and Welfare Fund had a Reserve Bank liability of approximately $11.9 million covering 725 individuals. As of November 1, 2013, the Health & Welfare Fund was providing coverage to 1,340 families (700 Actives, 460 Retirees, and 180 Widows) representing 2,962 individuals. ANNUAL HEALTH FAIR: th The 14 annual Health Fair was held on October 19, 2013, at the new St. Joseph’s Hospital in Highland, IL. Over 340 individuals participated in the Health Fair and we want to thank all of those who attended. The Trustees of the Health & Welfare Fund feel these types of blood tests and health screenings can be extremely important in the early detection of potentially serious medical problems. We want to thank the staff and volunteers at St. Joseph’s Hospital for all of their hard work in preparing for and hosting this event in their impressive, newly-opened facility. A special thanks also to the representatives of Crown Vision, Delta Dental, Coventry Health Care, and Great West Retirement Services for giving up part of their weekend to participate in our Health Fair and helping to make it a success. HUMANA MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PLAN: After much thoughtful consideration on ways to control costs that continue to rise annually at double-digit rates, the Health & Welfare Fund Board of Trustees has decided to contract with Humana as of January 1, 2014, to provide coverage for those retirees and widows that are covered by Medicare. The Humana Medicare Advantage Plan that was chosen largely duplicates the current plan provided by the Fund for medical and prescription drug benefits (the annual benefit limits having been removed effective January 1, 2014). You will receive an Enrollment Kit during November 2013 explaining the benefits that will be available to you under the Humana Medicare Advantage Plan. If your doctor or medical facility currently accepts Medicare, they will accept this coverage. Please note, new ID cards will be sent to you during midDecember 2013 that should be used for all medical and prescription drug services that you receive on or after January 1, 2014. You will no longer need to use your original Medicare card, the Local 520 ID card, or the CVS/Caremark prescription drug card as of that date. Your other benefits available through the Health & Welfare Plan (Optical, Hearing Aid, Chiropractic, and Death Benefit) will continue to be administered and processed by the Fund Office as they have in the past, and your dental benefits will continue to be administered and processed by Delta Dental of Illinois. Your monthly self-payment amount will remain the same until June 1, 2014, and those self-payments for coverage will continue to be made to the Fund Office. The Health & Welfare Fund will pay the total premium, including the amount subsidized by the Fund, to Humana on a monthly basis. All participants eligible for Medicare as of January 1, 2014, will be automatically enrolled in the Humana Medicare Advantage Plan and do not need to complete an enrollment application; those participants becoming covered by Medicare after that date will be provided with an Enrollment Application which will need to be completed and returned to Humana for their coverage to be in effect. If you decide NOT to continue your coverage with the Local 520 Health & Welfare Plan, you may be eligible to enroll in another Medicare Advantage Plan in your geographic area, or you may choose to go back to original Medicare and elect your own Medicare supplement plan. You can obtain information about the Medicare program and Medicare health plans by visiting on the web or by calling 1-800-MEDICARE. If you decide to drop your coverage for any reason, you MUST notify the Fund Office, in writing, no later than December 15, 2013, that you are dropping coverage as of January 1, 2014. Please remember, once you terminate retiree coverage from the Fund, you may not purchase coverage from the Fund in the future. Change in Retiree Subsidy Policy: In January 1992, the Board of Trustees adopted a policy to provide a 50% subsidy to retirees and widows relative to the amount of self-payment that would otherwise be required for them to retain coverage under the Health & Welfare Plan. At that time, the ratio of retirees to active participants was low. Today, the number of retirees and surviving spouses exceeds the number of active operating engineers. Recognizing this change, and due to the continuing increases in the costs associated with providing the various benefits available under the Health and Welfare Plan, the Trustees have found it necessary to take action to relate the level of retiree subsidy to the number of years of vesting a participant accumulates under the Employers and Operating Engineers Local 520 Pension Fund for those individuals retiring on or after January 1, 2014. The Trustees feel that it is appropriate to provide a larger subsidy to those retirees that attained more years of Vesting Service under the Pension Plan, and therefore generated a larger amount of contributions to the Health and Welfare Fund during their career as an operating engineer. For those participants that attain 25 years or more Vesting Service, that subsidy will continue to be 50%; for those participants that attain 15-24 years of Vesting Service, the subsidy will be 35%; and for those participants that attain less than 15 years of Vesting, the subsidy will be 20%. The rules for eligibility for Retiree coverage remain the same. Shown on the next page is a schedule of the self-payment rates for the coverage period June 2013 through May 2014 for those that retired prior to January 1, 2014, and the rates for the period 1/1/14 - 5/31/14 for those that will be retiring on or after January 1, 2014. Volume 5, Issue 1I1 Page 7 Retired Prior to 1/1/03 Monthly Self-Payment Retired On or After 1/1/03 Monthly Self-Payment Retiring on or After 1/1/14 Monthly Self-Payment Based on Years of Vesting (25+) (15-24) (5-14) 50% 35% 20% Under 65 – Single Coverage $ 308.00 $ 308.00 $308.00 $400.40 $492.80 Under 65 – Family Coverage $ 616.00 $ 616.00 $616.00 $800.80 $985.60 Over 65 – Single Coverage $ 187.00 $ 221.00 $221.00 $287.30 $353.60 Over 65 – Family Coverage $ 374.00 $ 442.00 $442.00 $574.60 $707.20 Changes Required by Supreme Court Decision and ERISA: Health and Welfare Fund: Effective September 18, 2013, the Trustees of the Employers and Operating Engineers Local No. 520 Health and Welfare Fund amended the Plan by adding the following after the first bullet under the Definition of Dependent on Page 13 of the Summary Plan Description: Effective September 18, 2013, the term “Spouse” shall also mean any individual to whom you are lawfully married under any state law, including individuals married to a person of the same sex who are legally married in a state that recognizes same-sex marriages, even if you are domiciled in a state that does not recognize such marriage. The term “Spouse” shall not mean domestic partners or individuals in civil unions. Pension Fund: The Trustees of the Pension Plan of the Employers and Operating Engineers Local No. 520 Pension Fund amended the Plan effective September 18, 2013, by adding the following definition to the Definitions section of the Summary Plan Description: Effective September 18, 2013, the term “Spouse” means 1) your legal spouse as defined under the laws of the State of Illinois; and 2) any individual to whom you are lawfully married under any state law, including individuals married to a person of the same sex who are legally married in a state that recognizes same-sex marriages, even if you are domiciled in a state that does not recognize such marriage. The term “Spouse” shall not mean domestic partners or individuals in civil unions. Changes to Prescription Drug Program: Effective January 1, 2014, there will be changes to the Prescription Drug co-payment levels you pay when filling a prescription. This change affects active participants and their covered dependents and non-Medicare retired participants and widows and their covered dependents. Co-payments for up to 34-day supply: National Network Retail Pharmacy or Retail-90 Pharmacy Generic: 20% co-payment per prescription ($5 minimum co-payment/$30 maximum co-payment) Formulary Brand: 30% co-payment per prescription ($10 minimum co-payment/$50 maximum co-payment) Non-Formulary Brand: 40% co-payment per prescription ($20 minimum co-payment/$75 maximum co-payment) Specialty: 20% co-payment per prescription ($40 minimum co-payment/$100 maximum co-payment) Co-payments for up to 90-day supply Retail-90 Pharmacy or Mail Order Generic: 20% co-payment per prescription ($12.50 minimum co-payment/$75 maximum co-payment) Formulary Brand: 30% co-payment per prescription ($25 minimum co-payment/$125 maximum co-payment) Non-Formulary Brand: 40% co-payment per prescription ($50 minimum co-payment/$187.50 maximum co-payment) Specialty: 20% co-payment per prescription ($40 minimum co-payment/$100 maximum co-payment) Maximum benefit per coverage period: Unlimited Page 8 THE 520 HOISTER Prescription Drugs Covered by the Plan: Effective January 1, 2014, the Plan’s prescription drug coverage will change to cover all drugs which are eligible for Medicare Part D based on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Formulary Reference File, as well as any drugs that are required by the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”). The Medicare Part D drug categories and drug classes are part of the basis for the ACA’s prescription drug requirements, meaning this change will provide you with coverage similar to that required of plans purchased in one of the ACA’s exchanges. As a result of the change, the Covered Prescription list beginning on page 71 of your SPD is amended to read as follows: Covered Prescriptions Listed below are prescription drug benefits which are covered under the Plan when Medically Necessary. One or more of these items may be subject to prior authorization. You will be notified if a prescription drug item is subject to prior authorization when you present your prescription drug card at a CVS/ Caremark network pharmacy or request a prescription drug item through the mail order program. You or your physician or pharmacist should then contact the Fund Office, which will then contact CVS/Caremark when appropriate. If you obtain your prescription through an out-of-network pharmacy, contact the Fund Office to determine if prior authorization is required and, if applicable, work with the Fund Office to address that requirement before submitting a paper claim to CVS/Caremark. Covered Prescriptions are: 1. Prescription Drugs covered by Medicare Part D. Any drug eligible for Medicare Part D coverage based on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Formulary Reference File, subject to the Plan’s exclusions. 2. Affordable Care Act Drugs. Any drug required to be covered by the Affordable Care Act and the standards established by it. WORKER’S COMPENSATION MATTERS: No benefits are payable under the Plan for any expense covered by a Worker’s Compensation Act or similar legislation or any injury arising out of or in the course of any employment for wage or profit. Once you file a Claim Form with the Fund Office indicating your condition is the result of a work-related accident or injury, the Health & Welfare Fund will not be in a position to consider any related medical expenses. Should your Worker’s Compensation Claim be denied, you must file an Appeal with the Industrial Commission for a final determination. If your claim is found not to be work-related, then the Health & Welfare Fund will be in a position to re-evaluate the submitted medical expenses. THIRD-PARTY LIABILITY MATTERS: The Health & Welfare Fund will be the secondary payer in those situations where the injury or illness of a covered individual (member or dependent) is the result of a negligent or wrongful act by a third party (automobile accident, etc.) who is primarily responsible for the payment of medical expenses incurred by that covered individual. Once you notify the Fund Office your condition is the result of an injury or illness caused by a liable third party, the Health & Welfare Fund will not be in a position to consider any related medical expenses for payment until the responsible third party or their insurer have paid up to the maximum limit of their liability in the matter. You should promptly notify the Fund Office of the name, address, and phone number of the responsible third party, attorneys, and insurance companies involved in such matters, as well as keeping us informed when legal action is instituted and the progress of that legal action. The Health & Welfare Fund, at your request, will notify medical providers that the Fund will be in a position to process all eligible claims in accordance with Plan provisions after the maximum amount has been paid by the liable third party. PENSION FUND: As of September 30, 2013, the Pension Fund had Total Assets of $161,670,700.42 compared to $153,201,851.95 as of September 30, 2012, an increase of $8,468,848.47 or 5.5% during that 12-month period. The Fund is currently paying benefits to 858 Retirees or their surviving beneficiaries, such payments totaling $9.7 million during the first 10 months of 2013, and approximately $1 million per month at the present time. Thus far during 2013, we have had 50 members retire, after having 62 members retire during calendar year 2012. If you plan to retire in the near future, you may want to contact me to request a draft of your Pension Quotation detailing the various benefit options that will be available to you at the time of your retirement. When you file your application for pension benefits, you will need to provide a copy of your birth certificate, your spouse’s birth certificate, and a copy of your marriage license, if applicable, in order for us to process your retirement papers. Once you make your benefit selection and begin receiving payments, you are not permitted to change your pension option. Pension payments are made on the first day of each month, for that month, either by Direct Deposit or check. Currently 68% of the pension payments are being made by direct deposit, which reduces the amount of clerical work and eliminates concerns about timely mail delivery. If you need a Direct Deposit Authorization Form to initiate direct deposit or notify us of a change in your bank account information, please contact the Fund Office. As of January 1, 2013, the Pension Fund has a Funded Percentage of 88.7% and is classified in the “Green Zone” under the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA). Based on the current Contribution Rate and actuarial assumptions, the Pension Plan is projected to attain a Funded Percentage of 100% during the year 2016. ANNUITY FUND: The Annuity Fund assets continue to grow at a steady rate. As of September 30, 2013, the Market Value of Plan Assets was $117,532,976.69 compared to $109,339,841.32 as of September 30, 2012, an increase of $8,193,135.37 or 7.5% during that 12-month period. We have listed on the next page the year-todate and 1-year, 5-year, and 10-year Average Returns as of 9/30/13 for the 22 Mutual Fund and one Stable Value Fund selections that are currently available to you under the Daily Valuation Investment Program: Volume 5, Issue 1I1 Page 9 Fund Name 1-Year Return 5-Year Average Return 10-Year/Since Inception Avg. Return Year-to-Date Return as of 9/30/13 Distribution Of Investments Federated Capital Preservation (Y) 1.36% N/A N/A .99% 28.9% Federated U.S. Gov’t: 2-5 years (Svc.) -2.02% 2.67% 3.06% -1.99% 2.5% T. Rowe Price U.S. Treasury Intermediate -2.98% 4.79% 4.37% -2.71% 1.3% .46% 7.66% 5.09% -.51% 2.1% Dodge & Cox Balanced 21.31% 10.67% 7.32% 18.44% 3.9% Vanguard 500 Index (Signal Shares) 19.29% 10.03% 7.52% 19.75% 2.9% Dodge & Cox Stock 29.27% 10.93% 8.15% 25.69% 4.6% Fidelity Focused Stock 26.51% 12.61% 11.03% 25.74% .9% T. Rowe Price Mid-Cap Growth 29.01% 14.73% 11.90% 26.91% 4.5% Fidelity Low-Priced Stock 28.52% 17.83% 14.43% 24.52% 3.8% Fidelity Diversified International 21.39% 5.67% 8.02% 15.56% 2.3% Manning & Napier Target — Income 5.51% 6.85% 6.44% 4.8% N/A Manning & Napier Target — 2010 7.33% 6.83% 6.76% 6.19% N/A Manning & Napier Target — 2015 10.01% N/A 7.21% 8.64% N/A Manning & Napier Target — 2020 11.21% 7.80% 7.37% 9.74% .1% Manning & Napier Target — 2025 13.62% N/A 7.29% 11.79% N/A Manning & Napier Target — 2030 15.02% 8.60% 7.44% 13.41% .1% Manning & Napier Target — 2035 16.51% N/A 7.06% 14.85% N/A Manning & Napier Target — 2040 18.28% 8.51% 7.22% 16.42% <.1% Manning & Napier Target — 2045 18.93% N/A 7.29% 17.14% <.1% Manning & Napier Target — 2050 19.19% 8.72% 7.29% 17.22% <.1% Manning & Napier Target — 2055 18.23% N/A 7.24% 16.70% <.1% Buffalo Flexible Income Fund * 10.99% 9.30% 8.72% 10.99% 41.9% Dodge & Cox Income * Default Fund Designation of Beneficiary: With the transition to Great West Retirement Services on October 1, 2012, it became necessary to complete and file new designation of beneficiary information, since that information was not transferred to Great West by the prior record-keeper. You can file your beneficiary designation on the Great West website at or you can obtain a paper form from Great West or the Fund Office, which should be completed and returned as soon as possible if you have not already done so. TARGET DATE FUNDS AND OTHER CHANGES: The full line-up of target date funds offered by Manning & Napier Advisors, LLC, was added to the Annuity Fund investment platform on July 22, 2013. Manning & Napier was founded in 1970 and has more than $46 Billion in assets under management, with 250 Union accounts and $7 Billion in Union assets under management. Manning & Napier is one of the pioneers of lifecycle (target date) investments and provides professional active management for their clients. The eleven Manning & Napier Target Date Funds available are the Retirement Income Fund (the most conservative) as well as the 2010 Fund, 2015 Fund, 2020 Fund, 2025 Fund, 2030 Fund, 2035 Fund, 2040 Fund, 2045 Fund, 2050 Fund, and 2055 Fund. The later Target Date Funds (2040, 2045, 2050, and 2055) would be the most aggressive and have more growth potential and risk, with equity investments comprising 65%-95% of the value of those Funds. With the addition of these Target Date Funds to the Annuity Fund Investment Platform, the Forward Funds were phased out on September 3, 2013. The American Century Ultra Fund was also phased out on September 3, 2013, due to poor performance in both the short-term and long-term measurement period, and was replaced by the Fidelity Focused Stock Fund, which was added to the investment platform on July 22, 2013. Those participants who had assets remaining in the American Century Ultra Fund as of 9/3/13 were “mapped” to the Fidelity Focused Stock Fund at that time. Those participants that had assets remaining in any of the six Forward Funds as of 9/3/13 were “mapped” into the “Default Fund” (Buffalo Flexible Income Fund) at that time. THE 520 HOISTER Page 10 VACATION FUND: The 2013 Annual Vacation benefit check was mailed to all participants during mid-November 2013. Your Vacation benefit amount was determined by the number of hours reported and paid by contributing employers for the work period October 2012 through September 2013. If you worked for an employer that was delinquent in the payment of fringe benefits for any month(s) during that period, you will receive an adjustment vacation check when the Fund Office collects those deductions from that employer. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION: A copy of your work history for the period October 2012 through September 2013, detailing those hours reported on your behalf by contributing employers, was mailed to all participants during November 2013. Since your Health & Welfare eligibility and level of Annuity, Vacation, and Pension benefits directly relate to the number of hours worked, we ask that you carefully review the quarterly work history reports and notify the Fund Office of any discrepancies as soon as possible. It is very important that you keep your check stubs as it may become necessary to use them to verify the number of hours that you worked for a particular employer. Also the quarterly Health & Welfare eligibility letters were mailed during the first week of November 2013 for the coverage period December 2013 through February 2014. As always, we ask that you notify the Fund Office of any changes in your mailing address, phone number, marital status, beneficiary status, etc. If you have any questions about your fringe benefits, please let us know. The Fund Office is open from 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday to assist you and your dependents in whatever way possible. INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS SEPT. 13, 2013 Page 11 Did you know as a member of IUOE you are automatically eligible for UnionPlus program benefits? One of the most popular is a 15% discount on select monthly wireless service plans with AT&T. To learn more about UnionPlus and the AT&T select service plans available, visit their web site at WELCOME NEW SIGNATORY CONTRACTORS Village of Millstadt Corrosion Monitoring Services, Inc. Heet Excavating, Inc. Bret Weil Excavating, Inc. R & S Construction, Inc. Reminder: Dues Increase Effective July 1, 2013 The following monthly dues rates went into effect July 1, 2013 for Local 520 Operating Engineers: 520, 520A, 520R.......................................................$34.00 520B, 520C ................................................................$29.25 520D ............................................................................$34.25 Retirees (low dues) .................................................$11.00 Accounts have been adjusted to reflect the recent rate change. If you have paid Union Dues in advance, please call the Hall to check on the amount you may owe. Volume 5, Issue 1I1 IMPORTANT NOTICE At the May 13, 2011 meeting, a motion was made, seconded and carried to charge $25.00, levied against any member writing a “Bad Check” to pay their dues, and thereafter, only cash, certified check or money order would be accepted from the same member. Your 2014-2015 Union Membership Card should be in the mail to you by the second week of February 2014. A BIG THANK YOU to Pat Jenne and all those who volunteered their time to help at the DuQuoin State Fair! Operating Engineers Local 520 sponsored nine $50 VISA gift cards for the daily drawings held at the labor pavilion booth. Congratulations to all who won! Happy Anniversary! Richard & Donna Kaiser of New Athens, IL 50 years of marriage on September 14, 2013 Wayne & Helen Mooney of Dix, IL 50 years of marriage on September 14, 2013 James & Doris Beaty of Pinckneyville, IL 50 years of marriage on September 21, 2013 Robert & Georgiana Bailey of Fairview Heights, IL 50 years of marriage on September 28, 2013 From everyone at the Local 520 office — Wishing you and your family a wonderful Holiday Season! Larry & Corneil Clowers of Nebo, IL 55 years of marriage on October 11, 2013 Russell & Verlaine Featherling of Centralia, IL 55 years of marriage on November 15, 2013 William & Wilma Fox of Dowell, IL 50 years of marriage on November 30, 2013 William & Sharon Blackwell of Tilden, IL 55 years of marriage on December 12, 2013 Page 12 THE 520 HOISTER RETIREES September 2013 September 2013 September 2013 Fred Eisenhauer — 44 years Lance Miller — 33 years Frank Vazzi— 16 years September 2013 September 2013 September 2013 Louis Holthaus — 37 years Lionel Mortland — 33 years Richard Renfro— 12 years September 2013 Dale Evans — 36 years October 2013 September 2013 Clara Awalt — 31 years Gerald Sommer — 41 years Page 13 Volume 5, Issue 1I1 Job Site Photos Walsh Construction Canal Bridge, Granite City IL Aerial photos provided by Walsh Construction taken by Peaks View Aerials Fred Weber, Inc. Port Authority, Madison IL Foltz Welding Pontoon Beach IL Tim Brooks operating stump grinder, Baxmeyer Construction, Inc. job, Hwy 159, Collinsville IL Derrick Golliday working for Green Trac LLC on demo work behind Staunton Hospital, 330D Cat Excavator, 11-1-2013 THE 520 HOISTER Page 14 TRAINING DEPARTMENT Well this is my first time writing a report in the Hoister so bear with me as I try to give an update on what has happened since I took over on October 1st. The first thing that we have been trying to get up and running since late summer is the NCCCO initial and in-seat testing, which we have not done since we moved to the new facility. This is in its final stages and we will be hosting the initial along with recertification testing on December 15th of this year. On those same lines, we are gearing up for our winter classes as the schedule has been set and postcards have been mailed out to everyone who needs to get recertified in their respective areas so they will be more employable. If you haven’t already done so, please call Summer at (618) 644-1969 and get signed up for class as they are filling up fast. This past June, we advertised for the testing of new apprentices. We are happy to announce that the Board of Trustees has accepted in 10 new apprentices. Local 520 has not taken in any apprentices for the last 3 years so most of our current apprentices are near their hours to graduate. We have one apprentice that graduated this October. Congratulations to Christopher Sinn. We hope he has a very long and prosperous career as a Journeyman for Local 520. October 2013 One final thing that has changed at the Training Department this winter is you MUST bring your union card to the site and Ron, Rusty, Dean, or I will be checking to make sure your dues are paid in full. Starting November 1, 2013, we will be checking union cards and you will be reminded to get your dues current if they are in arrears. After January 1, 2014, you will not be allowed to attend classes if you do not have your card or if your dues are in arrears. In closing, I hope everything is going well for everyone and this fall weather holds out a little longer as work has seemed to pick up a little bit . Happy Holidays Brothers and Sisters and hopefully I will see everyone this winter at the Training Department. Christopher Sinn Respectfully, Rick Local 520 JATC Apprentice Robert McKinney, III Apprentice David Tandy, Jr. Apprentice Byron Kidd, Jr. Apprentice Justin Brisk Volume 5, Issue 1I1 Page 15 Winter 2013 – 2014 Training Schedule * TENTATIVE * These dates are subject to change, please contact the Training Center at (618) 644-1969. ALL CLASSES ARE HELD AT THE TRAINING CENTER IN ST. JACOB ** BRING YOUR UNION CARD TO EACH CLASS ** Date December 2 - 4, 2013 Class Rigging/Signalman (3 Days) December 9 - 11, 2013 Rigging/Signalman (3 Days) December 9, 11, 13, 14, 2013 NCCCO Day Review December 10, 12, 2013 Time Max. Attend. 7:00 am 12 7:00 am 12 7am – 3pm Unlimited NCCCO Night Review 5 – 9 pm Unlimited December 14, 2013 (Saturday) OECP Written Exam 7:00 am - December 15, 2013 (Sunday) NCCCO Written Exam 7:00 am - December 16 – 21, 2013 Forklift Refresh (1 Day) 7:00 am 12 December 16 – 21, 2013 Pipeline Initial & Refresh (1 Day) 7:00 am 18 December 20, 2013 MSHA Refresh (1 Day) 7:00 am 25 December 21, 2013 (Saturday) MSHA Refresh (1 Day) 7:00 am 25 December 26 – 28, 2013 Forklift Refresh (1 Day) 7:00 am 12 December 26 – 28, 2013 Pipeline Initial & Refresh (1 Day) 7:00 am 18 January 2 - 6, 2014 Hazmat Refresh (1 Day) 7:00 am 25 January 7 - 11, 2014 Forklift Initial (2 Days) 7:00 am 5 January 11, 2014 (Saturday) GPS (1 Day) 7:00 am TBD January 13 – 17, 2014 40 Hr Hazmat (5 Days) 7:00 am 24 January 17, 2014 MSHA Refresh (1 Day) 7:00 am 25 January 18, 2014 (Saturday) MSHA Refresh (1 Day) 7:00 am 25 January 18, 2014(Saturday) Forklift Refresh (1 Day) 7:00 am 12 January 20 – 22, 2014 Rigging/Signalman (3 Days) 7:00 am 12 January 23 – 25, 2014 Rigging/Signalman (3 Days) 7:00 am 12 January 28 - 30, 2014 Forklift Initial (2 Days) 7:00 am 5 January 31 & February 1, 2014 OSHA 10 (2 Days) 7:00 am 25 February 1, 2014 (Saturday) GPS (1 Day) 7:00 am TBD February 3 – 5, 2014 Rigging/Signalman (3 Days) 7:00 am 12 February 7, 2014 GPS (1 Day) 7:00 am TBD February 7 & 8, 2014 OSHA 10 (2 Days) 7:00 am 25 February 8, 2014 (Saturday) OECP Written & Practical 7:00 am - February 11 – 13, 2014 GPS (1 Day) 7:00 am TBD March 10 – 14 & 17 – 21, 2014 80 Hr Crane (10 Days) 7:00 am 16 March 29, 2014 (Saturday) NCCCO Practical 7:00 am - April 5, 2014 (Saturday) OECP Practical 7:00 am - THE 520 HOISTER Page 16 2013 Pin Presentation 30 Years: Seated left to right—Kevin Henke, Sam Shafer Standing—Bus. Mgr. Ron Kaempfe 25 Years: Seated left to right—R. Henry Habbe, William Knop, Standing left to right—Gordon Wilson, Bus. Mgr. Ron Kaempfe, Ronald Motiejaitis 35 Years: Seated left to right—George Croft, David Dixon, Edward Hulliung Standing left to right—William Hasty, Rick Tyler, Bus. Mgr. Ron Kaempfe, Herbert Smith 40 Years: Seated left to right—Larry Eitzenhefer, Matt Henrichs, Robert Bierman Standing left to right—Walter Bertelsman, Bus. Mgr. Ron Kaempfe, Thomas Caldieraro 45 Years: Seated left to right—Daniel Gruber, Tom McCowen, Gerald Wright, Richard Garren, Robert Carmack, John Grimm, William Peach, Leland Wiegand Standing left to right—William Sutter, William Knop, Melvin Miller, Claude Tinsley, Robert Koerber, Bus. Mgr. Ron Kaempfe, Paul Hustedde, James Kosarek, James Thomas Volume 5, Issue 1I1 Page 17 50 Years: Seated left to right—Delbert Johnessee, Theodore Dressel, Lee Otten, John Buddy Gibson, Jr., Standing left to right—James Chapman, Terry Smith, Bus. Mgr. Ron Kaempfe, Sherman Hunt, Clarence Stehl 55 Years: Standing left to right—Occie Bates and Bus. Mgr. Ron Kaempfe 60 Years: 65 Years: Standing left to right—Leland Jones and Bus. Mgr. Ron Kaempfe Standing left to right—Francis Osborn and Bus. Mgr. Ron Kaempfe THE 520 HOISTER Page 18 Labor Day Parade and Fish Stand We’d like to thank all of our members and their families who walked with us in the Belleville Labor Day Parade and helped out with the fish stand. Thank you to our fish stand helpers!! Susan Place Ron Place Sheila Slifka Joe Slifka Janice Hart Julie Parmley Vern Parmley Jodi Smith Michelle Coats Denise Andrews Chett Andrews Dean Andrews Natalie Watts Bill Hasty, Jr. Lee Pitmon Billy Schlueter Jordan Schlueter Hunter Schlueter Tobey Suter John Grimm, Jr. Bob Howard Butch Dohrman Jim Smith Walt Rohwedder Joe Stahla Josh Miller Nathan Morris Greg Pingsterhaus Jason Ruot Rich Kaiser Volume 5, Issue 1I1 Page 19 ATTENTION LOCAL 520 MEMBERS Please contact the Union Hall or any agent in the event of an illness or death of any member or any member of their family. Please make sure that the Union Hall, Health & Welfare Fund Office and Training Department have your correct address, phone numbers and beneficiaries on file. NOTICE DO YOU HAVE OLD PHOTOS ? We may include them in an issue of The Hoister! Please contact the office or email: Local 520 will not be accepting new referral applications until further notice. Next Referral Re-registration date: Monday, January 6th REMINDERS MONTHLY CARD CHECK Please make sure you have your card with you and that your dues are paid up when you come to the union meetings. A late charge of $1.50 will be added to dues if received after the second Friday of the month. If you are mailing in your dues, please keep this in mind. IUOE WEBSITE Visit for information regarding the International Union of Operating Engineers and the latest in labor news. Also visit to stay informed of member deaths. LOCAL 520 CONTACT INFORMATION Operating Engineers Local 520 520 Engineer Road Granite City, IL 62040 618-931-0500 Health and Welfare Office 8 Executive Woods Court Swansea, IL 62226 618-233-7978 Training Department J.A.T.C. Operating Engineers Local 520 1969 Triad Road St Jacob, IL 62281 618-644-1969 and 644-JATC (5282) Office Hours - 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Office Hours - 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Office Hours - 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. NONPROFIT ORG PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID EDWARDSVILLE, IL PERMIT NO. 88 Operating Engineers Local 520 520 Engineer Road Granite City, IL 62040 618-931-0500 IUOE Local 520 Officers Business Manager .................................... Ron Kaempfe President ..................................................... Mark Johnson Vice-President................................................ Steve Smith Recording-Corresponding Secretary ..................................... Chad Goldschmidt Financial Secretary .....................................Vern Parmley Treasurer ..................................................Mike Parkinson Conductor .....................................David “Kelly” Brown Guard .............................................................. Rick Cicardi Trustee ............................................................ Jim Stevens Trustee ...................................................... Don Robinson Trustee ...................................... Raymond “Alex” Burris Auditor .................................................. Bryan Anderson Auditor ........................................................ Joseph Thyer Auditor .................................................. Christy Hopkins ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Retirees Richard Luckhaupt Ronald D. Johnson James Lawrence, Jr. Lee E. Pitmon June Childerson Paul Ross Matt Henrichs Dale Evans David Wittenbrink Lance Miller George Slifka Clara Awalt Craig Mansholt Richard Renfro Jack Cohlmeyer Charles Heepke Lionel Mortland Gerald Mays Louis Holthaus Frank Vazzi Fred Eisenhauer Gerald Sommer Dan White Bruce Hepp Robert Brown Peggy Harris Edwin Holthaus Edward Hulliung Michael Lazar 06/01/2013 06/01/2013 06/01/2013 06/01/2013 07/01/2013 07/01/2013 07/01/2013 07/01/2013 07/01/2013 07/01/2013 07/01/2013 08/01/2013 08/01/2013 08/01/2013 09/01/2013 09/01/2013 09/01/2013 09/01/2013 09/01/2013 09/01/2013 09/01/2013 09/01/2013 10/01/2013 10/01/2013 10/01/2013 10/01/2013 12/01/2013 12/01/2013 12/01/2013 Obituaries We extend our condolences to the families of: John I. Benjamin 03/07/2013 Billie J. Hasty 03/10/2013 Rotha L. Walton (Burl) 03/16/2013 William Schaffner, Jr. 03/24/2013 Theodore R. Brown 03/30/2013 Michael White 04/07/2013 Glen Pike 04/21/2013 Robert D. Wright 05/07/2013 David Compton 05/21/2013 Donald Speraneo 05/31/2013 Henry Colligan 07/15/2013 Percy Reinhold 07/20/2013 Robert Merkle 07/31/2013 Kenneth Tinker 08/01/2013 James Easley 08/23/2013 Larry Nalley 08/30/2013 James Spreter 09/10/2013 Mary Peppenhorst 09/25/2013 Robert V. Jones 09/25/2013 Albert Tippitt 10/05/2013 Frank Premor 10/23/2013 Charlie Schleeper 11/02/2013
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