5047 - The Wheel Horse Tractor Manual and Documentation Website
5047 - The Wheel Horse Tractor Manual and Documentation Website
co se or H el he yW -M w w w MECHANICAL TRANSMISSION REPAIR MANUAL WHEELHORSE lawn & garden tractors m L...----J Price $3.50 FOREWORD -M w w w This service and repair manual has been compiled to provide authorized Wheel Horse service personnel with the proper procedures and techniques for servicing Wheel Horse mechanical transmissions. The following index lists all areas covered. It is advisable to read el he yW all of the introductory sections first to gain a proper understanding of the Wheel Horse mechanical transmission used in each model. The transmission is a sophisticated piece of machinery. Maintain strict cleanliness control during all stages of service and repair. Even a small amount of dirt or other contamination can severely damage the components. se or H Product information and specifications are shown herein as of the time of printing. Wheel Horse Products. Inc. reserves the right to change product specifications. designs and standard equipment without notice and without incurring obligation. -c om CONTENTS Page TRANSMISSION USAGE C+tART ...... . Page SECTION III 5060 6-SPEED TRANSMISSION 27 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Insta l lation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . 2 8-29 . .. . . . . . Cl uster Gear .. . . . . 29 Cleaning, I nspection, Bearing and Oil Seal Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Assembly . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-32 w SECTION I 5003 • 5010 TRANSMISSIONS 5-1 4 . . w Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insta l lation . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . Disassembly . . . . .. . . . . . . ... Cleaning, Inspection, Bearing and Oil Seal Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assembly . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w . . . . . . . yW -M DIFFERENTIAL OVERHAUL . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 6-8 . 5003 AND 501 0 SERVICE NOTES . .. . . . . . . 12 EXPLODED VIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 . . . . . . . . . . • . .. . . . . . . SECTION II • . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . 5058 3·SPEED UNIDRIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 -34 . .. . 32-33 . . . 33-34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 PARTS LIST 36 3 7-44 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 37 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 I nsta llation . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .... Disassembly .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37·40 Cleaning, Inspection, Bearing and Oi l Seal Replacement . ...... ... 40 Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . 40- 4 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Disassembly Assembly . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 42-43 42 . . . . . . ... .. .. . . . .. .. . . . .. 42-43 DIFFERENTIAL OVERHAUL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXPLODED VIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 PARTS LIST 44 SECTION V . . . . . . . .. . . . 2 1 -22 . Dissassembly (Sta ndard Differential) . .. Assembly (Standard Differentia l) . . .. . . Disassembly (Bevel Gear Differential) . . Assembly (Bevel Gear Differential) . . .. 21 22 22 22 EXPLODED VIEW (5053 TRANSMISSION) . . 23 PARTS UST (5053 TRANSMISSION) . . . . . . . 24 EXPLODED VIEW (5058 TRANSMISSION . . . 25 . . PARTS LIST (5058 TRANSMISSION) . . . . . . . EXPLODED VIEW . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 8-SPEED TRANSMISSION . 26 - 3- 45-53 45 Description . . . . . . 45 Removal . .. . . . . 45 Insta l lation . .... . Disassembly .. . . . . . 45-47 Needle Bearing Replacement . . 47 47 . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . Cluster Gear . Cleaning, I nspection, Bearing and Oil Seal Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Assembly . .. . .. . . . . . 47-50 . . DIFFERENTIAL OVERHAUL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . om -c se . . . . . or . . . . . . . . . . . 4-SPEED UNIDRIVE TRANSMISSION 1 5-26 . . . H . . . . SECTION IV 14 15 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 15 Removal . ... . . . . . . . . . . . Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6- 1 7 Disassembly . .. . . . . .... . . . . . 1 6- 1 8 Clea ning, Inspection, Bearing a nd Oil Seal Repl acement . . .. . .. 18 Assembly . . . . . . . . . 1 9-20 Assembly of 5058 Series with Bevel Gear Differential . .. . 21 . . el 5053 . . . . he PARTS LIST . . . . . . LIMITED SLIP DIFFERENnAL . . Disassembly . . . . . . . Assembly . . ... . . . . . 1 0- 1 1 10 10 11 . . 8 8-9 Disassembly Cleaning, Inspection, Parts Replacement Assembly . . .. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .. . . . 27-36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-PINION DI FFERENTIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Di sassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXPLODED VIEWS . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . PARTS LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 50 50 5 1 -52 53 TRANSMISSION USAGE .._---_. _-- YEAR TRANSMISSION USED TRACTOR MODEl 1958 1959 RJ-58 RJ-59 1960 Suburban 1/4001/ & 1/500" 5003 --------� 5010 ---- 401 551, 701 1962 502, 552, 702, 32E, 32R . ------ II 3 3E, 33R, 603, 633, 653, 753 953 5025 5045 II II 34E, 34R, 604, 654, 704 854 1045 1054 5046 5025 5025 5047 II II ------- ---- - -M w -------_._----_._..- . . 1965 1966 -�- ------- 5025 ------- 1964 II II ._-_...._--_. L·l05, l·155 60S, 655, 855, 1055 1054A II 5048* 5049 5051 _._-_._----. ------ II II ._-----_._-- l· 106, l-·156, 606, 656, 1046, 1056, 856 5053 5053 L.l07, l-157, 607, 657, 857 867, 1067, 1267 1057, 1257 II II --- ------ ------ --._--------------_. ---- 5053 5060 5058 yW 1967 I 1/ 5010 5007 ...__ .- w w 1961 1963 MANUAL SECTION II III II --- 1968 II 1-2631 Electric 1-1631 Recoil 1-3631 1-4631 1-4831 1-6931 1-6041 1-6241 1 ·6231 5053 5053 5053 5053 5053 5060 5060 III III 1-3745 -1-3741 1-6041 1-6241 5053 5071 5071 II III III 5073 5073 5073 V V V 5080 5073 5073 IV 5086 5086 5073 5073 5085 V V V V IV he lawn Ranger lawn Ranger 1/500" Special Commando 6 Commando 8 Raider 9, 10 Raider 12 Workhorse "7001/ Raider 10 Raider 12 1970 Raider 10 Raider 12 Raider 12 1-6051 1-6251 1-6253 1971 Workhorse 1/8001/ Raider 10 Raider 12 1-0100 1-0300 1-0310 1972 Raider 8 Reider 10 Raider 12 Raider 14 Commando "800" 1-0330 1-0301 1-0311 1-0320 1-0110 1973 8 10 12 14 8 el 1969 II II II II ---- ..�----. se or H V V ------- ._------ Eight Speed Eight Speed Eight Speed Eight Speed Four Speed 5086 5086 5073 5073 5085 1-0370 1-0360 1-0350 1-0340 1-0120 ------ ----- .------- _.- ----_..._------ B-80 4 Speed C-100 8 Speed C-120 8 Speed C-160 8 Speed 1-0140 1-0390 1-0353 1·0380 5080, 5084 5091 5091 5091 1975 B·80 4 Speed C-100 8 Speed C-160 8 Speed 1-0141 1·0391 1-0381 5084 5091 5091 ..•. _---_. -4- IV V V V m 1974 Up-dot" 5048 to 50S3 with 7168 kit. V V V V IV co HP HP HP HP HP .----_. --- IV V V TRANSMISSION USAGE YEAR 1 976 TRACTOR MODEL 6-60 8-Speed 6-80 B-Speed yW -M w w w 8-100 8-Speed C-I20 B-Speed C-I20 B-Speed C- 1 6O a-Speed C-1 6O 8-Speed 8-60 8-Speed 8-80 8-Speed 8-1 00 a-Speed C-I20 8-Speed C-1 6O a-Speed C-81 B-Speed C-1 0 1 B-Speed 1 03907 509 1 V V 1 03907 5091 V V 103907 509 1 V V 1 03907 V 1 03907 1 03907 1 03907 1 03907 1 03907 V V V V V 81-08K801 8 1 -IOK801 BI-1 2K801 BI- 1 4K801 81-1 6K80 1 BI-168801 1 03916 1 03916 1 03916 10391 6 1 039 1 6 1 0391 6 V V V V V V 9 1 -08K80 1 & 9 1 -08K802 91-IOK801 & 9 1 - 1 0K802 9 1 - 1 1 6801 9 1 - 1 2K801 & 9 1 - 1 2K802 9 1 - 1 4K80 1 & 9 1 - 1 4K802 9 1 -16K80 1 9 1 - 1 66801 & 91 -166802 1 039 1 6 V 1 039 1 6 V & or H 1 979 V V el C-81 B-Speed C-101 8-Speed C- 1 2 1 8-Speed C-1 41 8-Speed C-16 1 8-Speed C-1 6 1 Twin 8-Speed 509 1 5091 7 1 -07K801 7 1 -08K801 7 1 - 1 0K80 1 7 1 - 1 2K80 1 71 - 1 6K801 71-16K802 he 1 978 MANUAL SECTION 61 -07K80 1 61 -08K801 , 61 -08K802 & 61 -08K804 61-08K803 61-10K80I, 6 1 -IOK802 & 61 -10K804 61 -IOK803 61 -12K80I, 61 -1 2K802 & 61-1 2K804 61-1 2K803 6 1 -16KBOI, 61 -1 6KB02 & 61 -16K804 61-1 6K803 6-80 B-Speed 6-1 00 B-Speed 1977 TRANSMISSION USfD VIN NUMBER C-III B-Speed C-12 1 8-Speed V V 1 039 1 6 V 1 0391 6 1 039 1 6 V V o -c se C- 1 41 8-Speed 1 0391 6 1 0391 6 C-1 61 8-Speed C-161 Twin 8-Speed m - 4A - TRANSMISSION USAGE YEAR 1 980 w w VIN NUMBER C-85 8-Speed 1 982 TRANSMISSION USED MANUAL SECTION 1 039 1 6 V 1 0391 6 5086 1 0391 6 1 039 1 6 1 0391 6 1 0391 6 1 0391 8 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V C-1 05 8-Speed 1 1 00 Special C-1 25 8-Speed C-1 45 8-Speed C-l65 8-Speed C-1 75 Twi n 8-Speed E-1 4 1 8-Speed 01 -08K80 1 & 0 1 -08K802 0 1 - 1 0K801 01 -1 1 B803 0l-1 2K801 01 - 1 4K801 01 -1 6K801 01 -1 7K802 01 - 1 4E801 C-85 8-Speed C-1 05 8-Speed C-1 25 8-Speed C-1 45 8-Speed C-1 65 8-Speed C-1 75 Twi n 8-Speed E-1 4 1 8-Speed GT-2500 8-Speed 01 -08K802 01 - 1 0K802 0 1 -1 2K802 01 - 1 4K802 01 - 1 6K802 0 1 -1 7K802 0 1 - 1 4E801 01 -1 1 B804 1 0391 6 1 0391 6 1 0391 6 1 0391 6 1 0391 6 1 0391 6 1 0391 8 C-85 8-Speed C-1 05 8-Speed C-1 25 8-Speed C-1 75 Twi n 8-Speed E-1 41 8-Speed GT-1 1 42 8-Speed GT- 1 642 8-Speed SB-421 8-Speed SK-486 8-Speed 01 -08K803 01 -lOK803 01 - 1 2K803 01 - 1 7K803 01 - 1 4E801 Al- 1 1 420l Al-1 64201 01 - 1 1 BH01 0 1 -1 6KH01 1 0391 6 1 0391 6 1 0391 6 1 0391 6 1 0391 6 5086 5086 5086 5086 5086 V V V V V V V V V om -c se or H el he yW -M w 1 981 TRACTOR MODEL - 48- Section I 5003 5010 TRANSM ISSIONS • DESCRIPTION The 5003 and 50 1 0 transmissions are readily iden tifted by their removable steel side covers which are bolted to a one piece cast iron case. The transmissions are of the sliding gear type and provide three speeds forward and one speed in reverse. w w The d ifferential is of the spur pinion type. On a l l original equipment transmissions, the ring gear is a n i ntegral part o f the differentia l case. The s, rvice reo placement, however, consists of a case and gear as· sembly in which the gear is bolted to the d ifferential case. All shafts operate on needle or ba l l bearings sup ported by the steel side covers. w RATIOS yW -M lst gear . . 2nd gear 3rd gear Reverse . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66.8 to . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 42.4 to . 24.6 to . 5 1 .5 to REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT Removal : Remove three bolts at each transmission side cover and frame side rai l . Move tra nsmission assembly away from the tractor. Remove the wheels a nd hubs, clutch and idler arm assembly, and transmission in put pul ley. el he Remove a n y mid-mou nted o r trailing attachment which might i nterfere with transmission remova l . Provide. some support under the tractor frame a head of the tra nsmission. Instal l clutch and idler arm assembly, brake rod, and i nput pulley. Instal l wheels a nd hubs a nd move t hrough holes in each transmission side cover and correspond ing holes in frame side rails. Tighten nuts securely. - 5- I nsta l l drive belt a nd belt g uard. Connect clutch rod. lay lift cable i n place along top of tra nsmission, i nstal l hitch a nd connect lift cable. om -c se assembly i nto place on the tractor. I nstall three bolts or Installation: Drain lubricant a nd clean case as necessary be fore disassembling. H Remove the seat, fender and tool box assembly if so equipped, belt g uard, belt, and clutch rod. Discon nect the lift cable a nd remove the h itch. I nstall fender and tool box assembly if so equipped, a nd install seat. Remove s upport from be neath t ractor frame. 500]·5010 ].SPEED TRANSMISSION Disassembly: The transmission should be mounted in a vise or suitable fixture as shown in Figure 1, with the left cover up and the gear shift lever and top of the case toward the mechanic working on the unit. w w w yW -M FIGURE 3 4. Clean and remove all burrs from both axle shafts and brake shaft and remove both axle seals. 5. FIGURE 1 he The followi ng steps are for com plete disassembly with the transmission in the vise, as shown in Fig ure 1. Lift the ru bber shift lever boot and loo�en the shift lever set screw and lock nut, and remove the shift lever. 2. Remove the two bolts that hold the brake band to the side cover bracket and remove the brake band. 3. Remove the snap ring (some models may have a set screw) from the brake shaft and remove the drum using a suitable pul ler as required. Remove the Woodruff key from the brake shaft. -c se or H el 1. Remove the nine left cover reta ining bolts a nd lift off the cover. NOTE: Figures 2 and 3 show the two types of covers used on these tra nsmis sions, one with a ba ll bearing and one with a needle bearing at the brake shaft location. Re placement information for each type is given in Service Notes 1 a nd 2, Page 12. FIGURE 4 6. om Remove the spline shaft and pinion gear. See Figure 4. NOTE: The shaft and matching gears in some transmissions have 1 0 spl ines while later models have 11 spl ines. For details and ordering i nformation, refer to Service Note 3, Page 12. 7. Remove the bolts from the right cover a nd break the case loose from the cover gasket. This will allow the case to shift sufficiently to let the clus ter gear assembly to be worked loose and re- FIGURE 2 -6- moved, as shown in Fig ure 4. The cl uster gear may be d isassembled as shown i n Figure 5. Dis assemble a nd assemble carefully to avoid dam age to the Woodruff keys a nd bush ings. The cluster gear bushings may be removed and in sta l led using suitable a rbors. 1 0. Remove the differential and axle assembly, the bra ke shaft gear and the input gear and shaft. See Figure 7. Remove the i nput shaft sea l. yW -M w w w FIGURE 1 FIGURE 5 or H el he FIGURE 8 FIGURE 6 Remove the low a nd reverse, a nd the hI g h a nd second sliding gears. If either gear is to be re placed, refer to Service Note 3. Page 9. 9. lift the brake shaft gear slig htly, and rotate the transmission case to the right and upward. over the top of the i nput gear. Position the case so that the differentia l ring gear is centered be· tween the two seat spring bosses. The case may now be removed by working it up over the dif ferentia l ring gear. -1- To remove the reverse id ler gear, drive out the rol l pin from the id ler gear pin and remove the pin and gear. See Figu re 8. (Early models used a rol l pin at each end of the id ler gear pin.) 12. Before removing the shift forks and shift ra ils. mating pa rts shou ld be marked or scribed so they may be reassembled properly. The shift fork retaining rol l pins may be removed by driv ing them out with a X" punch i nserted throu g h the shift lever tower. Remove the shift rai ls mak· i ng su re to catch the two ba l ls, spri ng and stop pin as they are released. NOTE: Althou g h the shift forks are identical, the shift rai ls differ. The low and reverse shift rail (located nearest m 8. o -c se 1 1. the end of the case) has three equally spaced detent grooves. The high a nd second shift rail has two of the three dete nt grooves closely spaced. slide i nto position, mak ing sure the detent g rooves are toward the opposite shift rai l . Se cure the shift fork t o the shift rai l with a Va" x 1 " roll pin. 4_ Position the low and reverse shift rai l assembly so that the center (neutral) detent groove l ines up with the detent hole and insta l l one of the stop bal ls, spri ng and the shift stop pin. C leaning, Inspection, Bearing and w Oil Seal Replacement w Thoroughly clea n a l l parts and i nspect for damage and wear. Use suitable arbors when replacing bear ings. Always renew a l l oil seals and gask ets. 5. yW -M w If the differential and axle assembly is to be serv iced, refer to Differentia l Overhaul Section. 6 . Position the shift fork on the shift rail so the shift Q roove faces the opposite shift ra il, a nd continue to slide the ra i l into place, mak i ng sure the de tent grooves are facing the stop ball. Secure the shift fork to the shift rai l with a Va" x 1 " rol l pin. 5003 ·5010 3·S PEED TRANSMISSION Assembly: 1. Place the other ball on top of the spring a nd push the ball and spring throug h the high a nd second shift rai l bore with a K6" punch u ntil the �a l l is fl ush with the bore. I nsert the high and second shift rail, removing the punch as the shift rai l passes the ball. om -c se or H el he I nsta l l the reverse id ler gear in position so that the cha mfered end of the gear faces the left side of the case. This will position the gear with the straight edge toward the rig ht side of the case, as shown in Figure 9. I nsta l l the reverse idler pin a nd secure with a K," rol l pin. FIGURE 1 0 - . - - I 7. Place the right side cover i n a vise. I nsta l l the i nput gear a nd shaft assembly. See Figure 1 0. 8. I nsta l l the side cover gasket using gasket sealer to hold in position. 9. I nsta l l the brake shaft gear. FIGURE 9 2. 3. Position the low and reverse sh ift fork (the one nearest the end of the case) between the shift rai l supports so that the shift lever groove points toward the opposite shift rai l . I nsert t h e low a nd reverse shift rai l (the one with the equally spaced detent grooves) and - 8- 1 0. I nsta l l the differential and axle assembly. Ser Figure 1 0 showi ng the i nput gear, brake shafl gear and differential assembly i n position. yW -M w w w FIGURE 1 2 FIGURE 1 1 11. Before i nsta l li n g tra nsmission case make sure 1 9. that it is positioned properly in relation to the range s t o determi ne if the unit h a s been proper right side cover. This will place the shift lever ly assembled. tower to the front and toward you, as i n Figure 1 1. 20. ential ring gear, lift the brake shaft gear slightly, and seat case in position. Make sure the brake 21. Insta l l left side cover over the axle and brake I shaft and tap gently i nto position, making sure shaft gear and differential assembly a re seated. th, a t a l l bea rings and shafts are properly seated. el 1 3. I nstal l gasket on left side cover using gasket !ea ler to hold in place. To insta l l the case, work i t down over the. differ· he 1 2. Turn in put shaft and shift tra nsmi ssion i nto a l l Position the hig h ' a nd second sliding gear (the 22. I nstal l left side cover retai ni ng bolts and torque H smal ler one) on the lower shift fork. Position the low and reverse (the lar ger one) on the up a l l bolts on both side covers even ly. per shift fork. When properly i nsta l led the er. See Figure 1 1 . or shift fork grooves wi l l be adj acent to each oth 23. a free neutra I. I nsta l l the cl uster gear assembly. See Figure 1 2 . 1 5. I nsta l l the spli ne shaft a nd pi nion gear and seat 24. Carefu lly insta l l a l l new oi l sea ls and again check for free operation. in position. 25. I nsta l l the ri ght side cover bolts. Do not tig hten I nstall the brake shaft Wood ruff key and i nsta l l the brake drum. Secure the brake drum with the at this time. snap ring. I nsta l l the brake band and fasten to the a nchor bracket with the two bolts. 17. Make sure shift forks are in neutra l posi tion and i n sert shift lever and secure with the retaining set screw and lock n ut. Do not tig hten set screw 1 8. om -c se 1 4. 1 6. Chec k transmission for proper operation and for 26. Fill tra nsmission to check plug level with lubri too tight, as it may bi nd the shift lever. cant. The fi l l plug is located on top of the case. I nsta l l the shift lever rubber boot. to the axle tube. The check plug is on the right side cover next -9- 5003·5010 DIFFERENTIAL OVERHAUL For removal of differential assembly, see Trans w mission Disassembly Section. w Disassembly: 1. Drive the roll pins from the end of the differ -M w ential pins, remove the pins (early models used roll pins at each end of the differential pins) and remove the spider gears. See Figure FIGURE 2 1. 3. lift the axle gears aut of the case. Remove the Woodruff keys from the axles. yW Cleaning, Inspection, Parts Replacement Thoroughly clean all parts and inspect for damage and �ear. Use a suitable arbor when replacing bush ings. If replacement of the differential case or gear is required, refer to Service Note 5, Page 12. FIGURE 1 Drive the roll pins out of the axles and pull the se or 2. lH e he Figure 3 shows a breakdown of the entire differ ential assembly. axles from the axle gears. See Figure 2. FIGURE 3 om -c - 10 - 5003·5010 DIFFERENTIAL 2. Assembly: Place the spider gears in position, as shown in Figure 6, slide the differential pins into position through the spiders and secure with roll pins. The splden must be placed in position as shown, and the diagonally opposite spiders should be in the same direction. Check for prop er operation. NOTE: w 1- w w yW -M 1. FIGURE 4 To assemble the differential (see breakdown Fig ure 4) place the axle gears in the differential case, insert the Woodruff keys in the axles, slide the axles into the axle gears and drive in the retaining roll pins. (Figure 5 shows the axles, gears and roll pins assembled.) If the axles will not s l ide freely into the axle gears, p lace a spacer between the two axle gears, which will hold them apart enabling the axles to be driven into position. FIGURE 6 he For instal lation in transmission case, the Transmis sion Assembly Section. H el o -c se or FIGURE 5 m -11- 5003 AND 5010 SERVICE NOTES 1. TRANSMISSION COVERS All # 5003 production transmissions and the early #501 0 ,ransmissions were equipped with ball bearings on the brake shaft. late #501 0 transmissions and replacement transmissions of both models were pro duced with needle bearings. To insure receiving the correct side covers, please order as follows: PAiT NO. DESCRIPTION TYPE OF BEARING USED ON OIL SEAL RIGHT COVER All #3509-59 lEFT COVER #5003 #" 1519 BAll BEARING # 1234 #3509-59A LEFT COVER #5003 :# 1508 NEEDLE BEA R ING #1303 #3509·60 LEFT COVER #5010 #15 1 9 BAll BEA RING #1234 #3509·60A LEFT COVER #5010 :# 1508 NEEDLE BEARING #1303 w w w #3504 yW -M 2. #3559 BRAKE SHAFTS A. Original equipment brake shafts used in ball bearing type transmissions cannot be used with needle bearing side covers. B. Presently stocked brake shafts and those used in needle bearing transmissions are interchangeable. To install in ball bearing transmissions, use four 1197 Shim Washers between the brake shaft gear and the left side cover plate. 3. SPLINE SHAFT AND MATCHING GEARS he All tractors and replacenient transmissions produced previous to tractor Serial No. 11628, contain Part No. 3521 Spline Shafts with 10 straight sides splines and matching gears, Part Nos. 3523, 3524 and 3526. All tractors and replacement transmissions produced after tractor serial number 11628, contain Part No. 3521 Spline Shafts with 11 involute tooth form spl ines and matching gears, Part Nos. 3523, 3524 and 3526. The matching gears for the two types of Spline Shafts are NOT inter·changeable, although the part numbers are identical. el 4. #3559 BRAKE SHAFT H It is suggested that, when ordering the #3523 High ond Second Gear, the #3524 low and Reverse Gear or the #3526 Splined Pinion Gear, the number of Splines on the #3521 Spline Shaft be noted. This will eliminate the possibi lity of receiving gears which will not assemble on the Spline Shaft. .The ordering of the #3521 Spline Shafts should be handled in the same manner. 5. se or The original 113559 brake shaft has been replaced with a new design. The new shaft has more strength and able to carry more load. The 113502 differential case and gear hos been replaced with porI #7243 and 113559 (See Figure A). If either the original 113559 or 113502 ore required, order both new ports #3559 and 117243. The new ports ore shown in Figure A. The original construction is shown in the exploded view rawing. � m o -c FIGURE A -12- om -c se or H el he yW -M w w w / c .2 .! E ;a .g o - o It) § It) -1 3- 5003 · 5010 TRANSMISSION When ordering partl alwoYI lilt Port No. and nome o f part. (Specificotionl lubject to chonge without notice.) Ref. No. " No. Description Ref. No. Part No. Description No. leq'd. 1 3504 Right Tranlminion Cover 1 31 3516 Shift Roil - Rear 2 123-4 Oil Seal 2 32 933156 Roll Pin 3 1519 8011 learing • 33 1013 Pipe Plug 1 • 3536 Golket Tronsmillion 2 3-4 3501 Tronlminion Houling 1 5 1108 Pipe Plug 35 3509 Left Tronsminion Cover 1 3 36 908016·. Hex • 37 1503 8ronze lea ring 2 w Ye" 1 " Ye 1 x 2 6 1502 8011 learing 7 1122 No. 8 3533 Clulter Shaft 1 38 1257 Oil Seal 2 9 3559 8roke Shaft and Gear 1 39 3532 Axle 2 10 3522 Input Gear 1 .0 937022 Key - Woodruff No. 1 .1 1517 8ronze lea ring 42 933217 Roll Pi" 43 3502 Differential Co.. and Gear 1 1 .u 3535 Differential Pinl • 18 45 93319. Roll Pin 1 ,.6 3530 Axle Gear - Differential 2 9 Woodruff Key yW -M '" No. lec(d. 1 w w " Part 8o1t J(,.18 x Y. 18 15 • 11 1518 Needle learing • 12 3523 Hi , 13 352. Low 1. 3526 Splined Pinion 15 920082-4 Lockwasher 16 3521 ' Spline Shaft 17 3528 Cluster Shaft Reduction Pinion 1 ,.7 3531 Spider Gear - Differential • 18 3525 Clulter Gear 1 .. 1001 Knob 1 19 3527 Clulter Shaft Reduction Gear 1 .9 3538 Lever - Shift 1 20 150-4 8ronze learing 2 50 3577 loot - Shift Lever 1 21 1243 Cup Plug 933168 Roll Pin 'S2 1 22 3573 Pin - Shift Stop 1 23 3518 Spring - Shift Stop 1 24 3517 8011 2 25 3503 Shift Fork 2 26 3520 Rever.. Idler Gear with learing 1 27 1516 learing - Rever.. Idler Gear 1 � 28 933188 Roll Pin 6 58 29 3519 Rever.. Idler Pin 1 $9 30 3515 Shift Rail - Front 1 • 1 & Rever.. Gear J(, 1 Dia. el J(, - 1 4- x x 2 1� 1�, Collar - Shift Lever 53 1239 �.20 x � Dog Paint Set Screw 1 1 1 54 915111-6 Nut - Hex 55 936125 Snap Ring $6 3543 8rake 80nd with Liner 1 3540 8rake Drum 1 920081-4 Lockwalher 908002.• Hex 80lt �·20 �" Truarc 1 om -c se · 'See Service Note "'See Service Note " "s.. Service Note �, 2 1� 351. , #3 #1 #2 & • #5 x 52 -----,- 'See Service Note � or 1 �1 H x ! 1 - Stop �, •••• he • & Second Gear 2 �" �.20 Dia. x Y. 2 2 Section I I 5053 · 50 58 3·$PEED UNI DRIYE DESCRIPTION Mode l 5053 cover s a l l st andar d mode ls (5007, 5025, 504 6, 5048, 5049, and 5053) equ i pped wit h the spur gear differe ntia l . w The 3- spee d u nidr i ve transmission is an a l l-ge ar tra nsmission utiliz ing sliding ge ars and spli ned shafts for easy shifti ng. All shafts ope rate on needle or ball bearings su pported by the tr a nsmission case . The tra nsmission case consists of R.H. and l. H . cast ir on case halves which are dowe l le d for a l ignme nt and bolte d se cure ly toge the r. w w Mode l 5058 cover s a l l he avy du ty mode ls (5045, ,.5047, 505 1 , 5059, and 5058) incor por at ing the be ve l ge ar differe ntial. -M The mode l nu mbers 5053 a nd 5058 u se d in this se ction stand for t he fu l l line of u n idrive tra nsmis sions produced since 1 9 6 1. RATIOS yW ht ge ar . . . . . . 2 nd ge ar . 3 rd gea r Re ve rse . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . ... . . . 6 6 . 8 to . . . . ... .. 42.4 to 24. 6 to 51 . 5 to he REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT H el Removal: ne ce ss ar y to gain c le ar ance, re move t he du st cover a nd i nstru ction plate locate d ju st a head of t he shift le ver . Re move mid- mou nted or tr ailing attach me nts, or hitches which might interfere wit h tr a nsm ission re mova l . Su pport the tractor frame a head of the trans mi ssion ju st e noug h t hat the rear whee ls no longer carry a ny we ig ht. Re move two ca p scre ws t hat fa ste n t hr ou g h the bottom of t he tool box i nto t he top of t he tra nsmis sion. Re move four cap scre ws t hat go thr ou g h t he frame bu tt plate i nto the front of the tra nsm ission . lower the front of the tra nsmission, guide t he shift le ver down betwee n the fr ame r a i ls, and r oll the tr ansmission and wheel asse mbly fre� of the tr actor . Remove the R.H. foot rest, if so e qu i p ped, be lt guard, a nd bel t. Discon nect t he bra ke rod or re move the br ake ba nd from the anchor br acket. On most models, re move the fe nder and se at asse mbly. If -c se or These basic instructions apply to a l l tract ors equ i p pe d with Unidr i ve transmissions. De viate fr om the m as ne ce ssary for any particu lar tractor . Dr ain lu br icant, re move whee ls, a nd clean tr ans mission as nece ssar y be fore disasse mb li ng. NOTE: It is recomme nded that two pilot stu ds be use d to facilitate tra nsmission i nsta l lation. To make the stu ds, cu t t he heads off of two Ye" -16 X 2" he x he ad or carr iage bolts. Grind a taper on the u n· threaded e nd of e ach bol t. Screw one stud into one of the u pper holes in the front of the tr ansmission om Installation: case . Pu t the other one in the diagona l l y opposite lowe r hole . Inst a l l input pu l le y, ax le hu bs and whee ls. Move the transmission asse mbly i nt o place and gu ide t he shift leve r u p betwee n t he fr ame rails. Al ign t he pi lot - 15 - studs with the corresponding holes in the frame butt plate and push the transmission firmly in place against the plate. Install cap screws in the top of the transmission and the open holes in the front, and tighten them until snug. Remove the pilot studs one at a time, replacing them with cap screws. Tighten all six cap screws securely. Connect brake linkage. Install dust cover, instruc tion plate, fender and seat assembly, drive belt, belt guard, foot rest, etc. Fill the transmission to proper level with S.A.E. 90 gear oil. Remove support from beneath tractor frame. Test tractor operation. - w UNIDRIVE TRANSMISSION w 5053·5058 w Disassembly: 1. 2. yW -M These instructions apply to all unidrive models un less indicated. A section applying only to specific models will be so identified. Remove axle hubs and input pulley. Place the transmission assembly in a vise or suitable holding fixture, as shown in Figure 1. he FIGURE 2 el 7. H Remove paint and burrs from both axle shafts, brake shaft, and the input shaft. FIGURE 1 4. Remove the two (2) brake band retaining bolts and remove the brake band. 5. Remove the brake drum retaining ring and re move the brake drum using a suitable puller as required. See Figure 2. 6. Remove the six (6) Ye" x 16 bolts and nuts that retain the right hand and left hand cases. m Place the gear shift lever in neutral and pull the gear shift lever rubber boot away from the transmission boss. loosen the gear shift lever retaining lock nut and set screw and remove the gear shift lever. o -c 3. � R move the left hand case, as shown in Figure 3. se or 8. fiGURE -16- 3 9. Lift ou t the axle a nd differe ntial asse m bly. Figure 4. Note: If only the diffe re ntia l is to be ove r hau led the trans m ission nee d not be fur the r d is asse mb led. See Diffe re ntial Over hau l Se ction. 10. Shift the 2nd and high shift f or k asse mbly up into the 2nd spee d p osition . See Figure 4. yW -M w w w FIGURE 6 FIGURE 4 The following steps 1 1 through 1 7 apply to all unidrive models except 5058 and 5059. For models 5058 and 5059 follow steps 1 A through 7A. he 11. Re move the sp li ne d p i nion shaft and ge ar . At the same time the cluste r ge ar asse mbly may be re move d . See Figu re 5. el Place the shif t f orks in neu tr a l and re move first the low and re ve rse shif t ra i l and for k assembly, the n the 2nd a nd high shift ra i l and fork asse m bly, be ing carefu l not t o lose the tw o stop balls. spr ing a nd stop p i n as they are re le ase d . Fig ure 8 . or H 1 4. FIGURE 7 Re move t he br ake shaft gear asse mbly and the re ver se i d ler gear . See Fi gure 6. 1 3. Re move the 2nd and high sliding gear and the low and re ver se sliding ge ar. as show n i n Figure 7. -17- m 12. o -c se FIGURE 5 FIGURE 8 15. Re move the re ve rse idle r shaft and t he input shaft and ge ar. See Figure 9. Note : The re ve rse idle r shaft may somet i me s st ick in t he left hand case . 17. The cluste r gear may be disasse mb led, a s shown in f igure 11. Disasse mb le and asse mble c are fully to avoid damage to t he woodruff keys and bu$ hi ngs. The cluste r ge ar bushings may be re move d and inst a l le d using suit a ble arbors. The following steps IA through 7A apply to Uni drive models 5058 and 5059 only. w IA. Remove t he cluste r ge ar asse mbly, t he broke shaft asse mbly, a nd the re ve rse idle r ge ar and shaft . yW -M w w FIGURE 9 1 6. If it is de sired to re place t he case be arings t he y may e asily be re moved a n d installed wit h suit able arbors. Whe n re placing be ari ngs t he y should be pre sse d i n so t hat t he y a re flush wit h t he i nside of t he case, as shown in Figure 1 0 . he 2A. FIGURE 12 el Remove t he splined pinion ge ar from t he input shaft . 3A. Place t he shift fork in ne ut ra l and re move t he or H low and re ve rse shift rai l and fork ass� mbly (t he : one ne are st t he e nd of t he case ) t oget he r wit hI t he low and re ve rse sliding gear mak i ng sure t o catch t he st op ball as t he shift rai l is [ rem ove d . See Figure 1 2 . 4A. Remove t he 2nd a nd high shift roi l and fork FIGURE 10 om -c se asse mbly toget he r wit h t he 2 nd and high sliding gear . SA. Rem ove t he re maining st op ba l l, spring and stop pin. 6A. Re move t he in put shaft a nd ge ar asse mbly. 7A. Refe r t o ste p 17 if cluste r is to be ove rhaule d . • Cleani"g, Inspection, Bearing and Oil Seal Replacement FIGURE 1 1 Thoroughly clean a l l ports and i nspect for damage a nd wed r. U se suitable arbors whe n re placing be ar i ngs. Always re ne w a l l oil se als and gasket s. - 18- UNIDRIVE TRANSMISSION 5053 - 5058 Assembly: Place the right hand case in a vise or other su it able fixture for assembly, as shown in Figu re 1 3. yW -M w w w FIGURE 1 3 The following steps apply to all unidrive models 1. he except 5058 and 5059. For these models, follow steps 1 B through 1 7B. FIGURE 1 5 I nstall the input shaft and gear, and reverse id ler shaft, as shown in Figure 14. I nsta l l the 2nd stop ball and u si ng a pu nch pu sh the ball in against the spr ing. Move the 2 nd & high shift rai l i nto the neu tral p osition and continue to pu sh on the pu nch u nti l the ball is flu sh with the shift rai l bore. At the same time insert the low and reverse shift rai l a nd fork assembly, removing the pu nch, as the shift ra il passe s the ball. See Detent Drawing. Figure 1 5 a nd 16. or H el 4. o -c se FIGURE 1 4 Insta l l the 2nd and high shift r a i l and fork as sembly (t he one w ith the u nequ a l l y sp aced deten t grooves. ) See Figure 1 6. 3. Insta l l one stop ba l l, sp ring and stop p i n. Refer to detent dr aw i ng and Figure 15. m 2. FIGURE 16 -19- 5. Shift the 2nd a nd high shift fork i nto the 2nd speed position and i nsta l l the 2 nd and high sliding gear, and the low and reverse sliding gear in position on their respective forks, Figure 1 7. Note that the shift fork grooves of the sliding gears face each other, and that the smaller of the two gears is the 2nd and high gears which goes on the bottom. w w w FIGURE 1 9 yW -M FIGURE 1 7 Install the reverse idler and the brake shaft, as shown i n Figure 1 8, making sure that the fl anged end on the reverse idler goes down. 7. I nsta l l the splined shaft and gear through the two splined sliding gears seating the bottom end of the shaft i nto the i n put gear bearing. See Figure 1 9. Insta l l the clus ter gear assem bly c are fully seating it in its bearing a nd meshi ng it with its related gears. 8. 9. Place sh ift forks i n neutral position and check for a free neutra l and proper operation in a l l gears. or I nsta l l the differential and axle assembly, as shown i n Figure 20, making sure that four (4) nuts are up toward the L. H. case. FIGURE 20 H el he 6. 1 0. I nsta l l a new case gasket holding it i n place with gasket sealer and i nsta l l the left hand case. om -c se 11. I nstall the six (6) %" x 1 6 bolts and nuts a nd tighten a l l bolts evenly to avoid distortion. 1 2. I nsta l l the shift leve r assembly and retai n with the set screw and lock nut. I nstall gear shift lever rubber boot. 1 3. Check again for a free neutral and operation i n a l l gears. 14. I nsta l l the brake s haft Woodruff key a nd install the brake drum. Insta ll the brake drum reta ining sna p ring. 15. I ns ta l l the brake band and secure with the two retaining bolts. FIGURE 18 - 20 - 12B. l nsta l l a new case gasket holding it in place with gasket sealer and i nstall the left hand case. Assembly of 5058 Series With Bevel Gear Differential 138. I nsta l l the six (6) % x 1 6 bolts and n uts a nd t ighten a l l bolts evenly to avoid distortion. lB. I nsta l l the i nput shaft a nd gear assembly. 3B. I nsta l l one stop ball, spring a nd stop pin. See drawing Figure 1 5. w w 2B. I nsta l l the 2 nd and high shift rai l and f ork as sem bly (the one with the uneq ually spaced detent grooves) together with the 2 nd a nd high sliding gear (the smaller of the two sliding gears). The sliding gear fits down over the i nput shaft with the shift f ork g roove u p. See F igu re 2 1. 15B. C heck again for a f ree neutral and operation in a l l ranges. 16B. , nstal l the brake shaft Woodruff key a nd i nsta l l the brake drum. I nsta l l the brake d r u m retaining snap ring. 17B. I nsta l l the brake band a nd secure with the two retaining bolts. D IFFERENTIAL OVERHAUL STANDARD DIFFEREN'rlAL Disassembly: he yW -M w 4B. I ns:"11 1 the 2nd stop ba l l a nd using a punch push the bal l in aga inst the spring. Move the 2 nd & high shift rai l i nto the neutra l position and contin ue to push on the punch until the bal l I s flush with the shift rai l bore. A t the same time i nsert the low a nd reverse shift rai l a nd f ork as sembly together with the low and reverse sliding gear, removing the punch as the shift rol l passes the ba l l. (See detent drawing F ig u re 1 5.) Note: The low and reverse gear fits down over the i nput shaft with the shift f ork groove down. See F igure 2 1 . 14B. I nsta l l the shift lever assembly a nd retai n with t he set screw a nd lock nut. I ns ta l l gear shift lever rubber boot. 1. Remove the four (4) retaining bolts and nuts. 2. � ift off the differentia l side case together with t,he axle shaft and gear. 3. Remove the axle shaft and gear f rom the case. 4. Remove the differential b u l l gear. FIGURE 21 om -c se 5B. Instal l the spli ned pinion shaft gear down over the i nput shaft gear a nd through the two sliding gears. or H el 5. N ote position of the four (4) pi nions. Adjacent pinions are i nsta l led in opposite directions, which make the position of the diagona lly opposite p inions the same. See Figure 1 . 6B. Shift the 2 nd and hig h shift rai l and fork assem bly in to 2 nd speed position. 7B. I nsta l l the reverse idler gear shaft and gear assembly making sure that the shoulder of the gear goes down. FIGURE 1 8B. I nsta l l the brake shaft gear. 9B. I nsta l l the cluster gear assembly. 6 . Remove the pinions and shafts a nd remove the remaining axle s haft a nd gear f rom the case. lOB. Instal l the differential and axle assembly with the differential bolt heads down. This will place the lef t hand differential case with the threaded bolt holes up. 11B. Place shift forks in neutral position. Check for a free neutral and proper operation in a l l ranges. 7. The axle shaft gears may easi ly be removed by driving out the rol l pins. Fig ure 2 is a n exploded view of the com plete standa rd differential assembly. -21 - w sa, w w FIGURE 2 STANDARD DIFFERENTIAL -M Assembly: 1. 2. I nsta l l one of the axle and gear assemblies i n the differential case a nd i nsta l l the f o ur (4) pinion s hafts. yW 3. FIGURE 3 If the axle gears were remov,ed insta l l them on the axles a nd i nsta l l the retaining roll pins . I nstal l two (2) pi nions with their teeth u p diag onal ly opposite each other , a nd i nstal l the o ther two (2) pinions with their teeth down diagonally opposite each other . See Figure 1 . he 4. I nstall the differential bull gear. I nsta l l the remaining axle and gear assembly i n the remaining differe ntial case. 6. Position the axle a nd gear , a nd differential c as e over the pinion shafts, mes h the gears a nd s eat the cas e agai nst the ring gear. el 5. Disassembly: Instal l differential assembly in a vise, the case with the threaded holes should be down. Remove the four (4) bolts and lock washers a nd remove one of the axle shafts, gear, thrust washer and differential case half as an assembly. S ee Figure 3. I ns ta l l a thr ust w asher on each axle next to the gear . 3. Insta l l the short axle, gear and thrust washer as�embly i nto the' threaded left hand d ifferential calle. 4 . Instal l differentia l shaft, gear s a nd blocks as an assembly i nto the bull gear and push the gears Q nd blocks outward, seating the blocks into pos i tion in the bull gear. Ins:ta l l the bull gear, d ifferential shaft, gears and blocks as an assembly onto the differenti al case seating the differential block and bull gear. See Fig ure 3 . differ ential gears a nd differential blocks as a n assembly. 3. 5. 4. The axle shafts, gears and thrust washers may now be removed from the d i fferential case. 5. The axle gear s may be removed fr om the axle s hafts by removing the rol l pi ns. A brea k down of the par ts is s hown in Figure 4. -22- Insta l l the right hand (long) axle gear, and thru st washer assembly into the r ight hand di� erential case. I m S l ide the differentia l blocks and gears toward the center and remove the assembly fro m the bull gear . The differential b locks a nd gears may now be removed fr om the s haf t. co 2 . Remove the bull gear, differential pinion s haft, 2. se 1. 1. If t he axle gears have been removed from the axles i nsta l l the gears and retai n with the rol l pins. or BEVEL GEAR DIFFERENTIAL Assembly: H 7. Center the bull gear a nd i nstal l the four (4) retaining bolts and nuts. Tighten s ecur ely and evenly to avoid d istor tion. BEVEL GEAR DIFFERENTIAL Inst a l l the right hand case and axle assembly onto the bull gear and center over the differ ent i a l blocks. Secure wit h the 4-%" bolts and wa' shers. Tighten evenly making sure the assem blie s seat properly. m 5053 Typical Spur Gear Differential Type o -c se or lH e he I yW -M w II.) Co) w w 5053 TRAN SMISSION PARTS LIST When ordering porta alwaYI lilt Part No. and name of part. (Specification I lubject to change without notice.) - Part No. 1 3900 COle R.H. 2 1 533 Bearing - Ball 3 1 528 Bearing - N eed le Description w w Item No. lYJ I.D. " 1.0. 4 1 508 Bearing - Needle 5 1532 Bearing - Needle I" 1.0. -M w " 1.0. Na. ae..'d. Item No. Part No. 1 32 2 No. Description Re ..'d. 933156 Roll Pin y. x 2 33 35 17 Ball 2 2 34 351 8 Spring - Shift Stop 2 35 5614 Pin - Shift Stop 1 36 3525 Gear 1 37 1 504 Bearing - Bronze � 1.0. - - Shift Stop Cluster 1529 Bearing - Needle 7 1303 Seal - Oil � Shaft 1 38 3528 Gear - Reduc:ion Pinion 8 1 232 Seal - Oil I" Shaft 3 39 3527 Gear - Reduction 9 391 5 Pin - Dowel 2 40 391 0 Shaft - Cluster Gear 10 3901 Case LH. 1 41 9370 1 4 Key #9 Woodruff 11 1 530 Bearing - Ne.dl. I " 1.0. 1 42 4204 Gear - Reverse Idler 12 1 53 1 � 1 .0. 1 43 1516 Bushing - Bronze y, 1.0. 13 3905 3903 Gear - Brake Shaft 14 3906 Gea r - Differentiol Bull 1 45 3902 Drum - Brake 15 4235 Gear - Diff.rential Pinion 4 46 937022 Key # 1 5 Woodruff 16 3909 Shaft 5 47 936131 Snap Ring 17 908 1 46 Bolt Hex �.- 1 8 48 7376 Ass'y. Brake Band & Lining 18 1316 Nut Huglock �.- 1 8 4 19 3904 Axle - Rear 2 20 3908 Gear - Axle 2 21 9332 1 7 Roll Pin X x H l 2 22 3522 Gear - Input 1 23 1518 Bearing - Needle 24 3523 Gear H i & 2nd i 25 3907 Shaft Spline 1 26 3524 Gear - Low & Rever.. 1 27 3526 Gear - Pinion - Sp l i n ed 1 28 936 1 25 Snap Ring � Truarc 1 29 561 5 Rail - Front Shift 1 30 5616 Rail - Rear Shift 1 31 3503 Fork - Shift yW 6 Bearing - Needl. Co.. - Differential e he x 2 3X lH 1 49 908002-4 Bolt Hex X .20 x % 2 50 92008 1 -4 Lockwcuher � Oia. 2 943<460 Plug r4 Pipe 52 943420 Plug Ya Pipe 53 391 2 Gasket 908043·4 Bolt Hex Ya-16 x 3�2 55 908038-4 Bolt Hex Ya · 1 6 x 2 56 9151 1 3·6 Nut Hex Ya-16 Nylok 5632 Ass'y. Shift Stick 3577 Boot - Shift Stick 1 239 Set Screw Dog Point X-20 x � 9151 1 1 -6 Nut Hex �-20 Nylok 1001 Knob - "Not included in No. 5053 Assembly. - 24- 5 6 om "59 -c 51 "57 2 2 Shaft se or � 1.0. 4 I" 2 I t.,) til 5058 Bevel Gear Differential Type om -c se or H el he yW -M w w w ; 5058 TRANSM ISSION PARTS LIST When ordering partl alwaYI lilt Part No. and name of parI. (Specificationl lublect to change without notice.) Item Part No. No. No. Req'd. Des cription No. Part N o. Description 33 5615 Rail - Front Shift 1 34 5616 Rail - Rear Shift I Req'd. 6940 COle �.H. 2 1 533 Ball Bearing 1);2 1.0. 3 1532 Bearing - Needle 1" 1.0. 35 3503 Fork - Shift 2 1508 Bearing - Needle �" 1.0. 36 9331 56 Roll Pin V. x I 2 1 526 Bearing - Needle IV." 1.0. 2 37 351 7 Ball - Shift Stop 2 2 38 3528 Spring - Shift Stop 1 39 5614 Pin - Shift Stop I w w No. Item 5 w 6 1 529 Bearing - Needle �" 1.0. 7 1 303 Seal - Oil � Shaft 9 10 11 12 13 14 yW -M 8 2 Seal - Oil I V. Shaft 2 40 3525 Gear - Cluster 1 3915 Pin - Dowel 2 41 1 504 Bearing - Bronze � I.D. 2 6941 COle L.H. 42 3528 Gear - Reduction Pinion 1 1 530 Bearing - Needle I" 1.0. 43 3527 Gear - RedUc:lion I 1 53 1 Bearing - Needle Ye" I.D. 44 3910 Shaft - Cluster Gear 1 1 232 Seal - Oil 1 " Shaft - Brake 45 93701 4 Key # 9 Woodruff 2 2822 COle - Differential R.H. 46 4204 Gear - Reverse Idler 1 COle - Differential L.H. 47 1516 Bushing - Bronze )1 I.D. 1 48 3909 Shaft 1 49 4166 Gear - Brake Shaft 1 15 he 1213 16 2821 Gear - Differential - Bull 17 2820 Gear - Axle 18 2819 Gear - Differential Pinion 19 2828 Washer - Thrust 20 2826 Block - Differentiol 21 2827 Shaft - Dlfferentiol Pinion 22 6450 Axle - Rear - R.H. 54 92008 1 ·4 Lockwasher � Dia. 2 23 6451 Axle - Rear - L.H. 55 943460 Plug - � Pipe I 24 933217 Roll Pin � x 1 );2 2 56 943420 Plug Y. Pipe 1 25 908043-4 Bait - Hex y' . 1 6 x 3)1 5 57 391 2 Gasket 1 26 920156·4 Washer-Internal Shakeproof y. Dia. 58 908038·4 Bait - Hex y'·16 x 2 5 27 5176 Gear - Input 59 9151 1 3·6 Nut - Hex %.16 Nylok 6 28 1518 Bearing - Needle Ye I.D. *60 5632 Ass'y. Shift Stick 1 29 5173 Gear - Hi & 2nd *61 1 239 Set Screw Dog Point �.20 x � 1 30 5174 Gear - Low & Reverae *62 9151 1 1 ·6 Nut - Hex � ·20 Nylok 1 31 5175 Gear - Pinion - Splined *63 3577 Baat 1 32 936131 Snap Ring - I " Shaft *64 1001 Knob 1 2 el 2 50 3902 Drum - Brake 1 2 51 937022 Key # 1 5 Woodruff I H 2 52 4437 Ass'y. Brake Band & Lining 1 53 908002-4 Bait - Hex �.20 x Ye 2 .l... _ .. _ _ _ L-_ _ _ ____ ._. ____ _'-- om -c se or 2 -. _ _ _ *Not included in 5058 Auembly. - 26 - Section I I I 5060 6·SPEED TRANSM ISSION DESCRIPTION -M w w w The 6-speed tra nsmission is an a l l-gear transmis sion uti lizi ng sliding gears and spli ned shafts for easy shifting. All shafts operate on needle or ball bearings supported by the tra nsmission case, which consists ot R. H. a nd L.H. cast iron case halves, dowelled for alig nment and bolted securely together. The tra nsmission features high and low range se lection. Low range provides an additiona l 4 to 1 re duction in each of the 3 speeds forward a nd a l so re verse. RATIOS Gear 1 st gear 2nd gear 3rd gear Reverse High Range 66.8 42.4 24.6 5 1 .5 267.2 1 69.6 98.4 206.0 to 1 to 1 to to ditions in which normal differential action would tra nsfer power to the wheel with least traction. el he yW The 6-speed tra nsmission also incorporates a spur gear type of li m ited slip differentia l . The limited slip feature provides i ncreased traction under those con- to 1 to to to Low Range REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT Removal: models, remove the fender a nd seat assemb ly, the dust cover and instruction plate located just a head of the shift levers. Remove mid-mou nted or trailing attachments, or h itches which might interfere with tra nsmission re mova l . Support the tractor frame a head of the trans mission just enough that the rear wheels no longer carry any weight. Remove the cap screws that fasten through the bottom of the tool box i nto the top of the transmis sion. Remove four ca p screws that go through the fra me butt plate into the front of the transmission. Lower the front of the tra nsmission, gu ide the shift levers down between the frame rai ls, and roll the tra nsmission and wheel assembly free of the tractor. Drain lubricant, remove wheels, and clean the trans mi ssion as necessary before disassem bling. se Remove the R.H. foot rest, if so eq ui pped, belt guard and belt. Disconnect the brake rod or remove the brake band from the a nchor bracket. On most or H These basic i nstructions a pply to a l l tractors equi pped w ith 6-speed tra nsmissions. Deviate from them as necessary for any particu lar tractor. I nsta lIation: Remove the pi lot studs one at a time, replacing them with ca p screws. Tighten all six cap screws se curely. Connect brake l inkage. I nsta l l dust cover, in struction plate, fender and seat assembly, drive belt, belt guard, foot rest, etc. om I nsta l l i nput pul ley, axle h ubs and wheels. Move the tra nsmission assembly i nto place and guide the sh ift levers up between the frame rails. Align the pi lot studs with the corresponding holes in the frame butt plate and push the tra nsm ission firmly agai nst the plate. I nsta l l ca p screws i n the top of the trans· mission and the open holes at the front and tig hten them u ntil snug. -c NOTE: It is recom mended that two pilot studs be used to facilitate tra nsm ission insta l lation. To make the studs, cut the heads off ot two Ya"- 1 6 x 2" hex head or carriage bolts. Grind a taper on the un threaded end of each bolt. Screw the studs i nto diag ona l ly opposite upper and lower tapped holes in the front of the tra nsmission case. Fill the transmission to proper level with S.A.E. 90 gear oil. Remove su pport from beneath tractor fra me. Test tractor operation. - 27 - 5060 6-SPEED TRANSMISSION 6. Disassembly: 1. Remove axle hubs and in put pul ley. 2. Pl ace the transmission assembly in a vise or suitable holding fixture, as shown in Fig ure 1 (shown with levers, brake band, brake drum, hubs, and i n put pul ley removed). Remove the bra ke drum retaining ring a nd remove the brake drum using a suitable puller as r,eq uired. 7. Remove paint and burrs from both axle sh afts, brake shaft a nd the inut shaft. w w 8. Re move the six (6) Va" x 16 bolts and nuts that retai n the right hand and left hand cases. 9. Remove the left hand case leaving a l l gears intact, as shown in Fig ure 2. 1 0. Lift out the axle and differential assembly. Note: If only the differential is to be overhauled, the transmission section need not be further di s· assembled. Refer to Differential Overhaul Section. 1 1 . Shift the 2nd and high shift fork assembly up FIGURE 1 3. el he yW -M w i nto the 2nd speed position. See Figure 3 . Place the shift lever in neutral a nd pull the shift lever rubber boot from the transmission boss. Loosen the shift lever retaining lock nut and set screw and remove the shift lever. Remove the roll range lever. S. Remove the and remove pi n a nd remove the high-low two (2) brake band retain ing bolts the brake band. 1 2. Remove the cluster gear assembly, the brake shaf, assem bly and the reverse idler gear a nd shaft. 13. Remove the spline d pinion gear from the input shaft. or H 4. FIGURE 3 1 4. With a screw driver or other suitable tool remove the plug from the detent passage, as shown in Figure 4. m co se FIGURE 4 FIGURE 2 - 28 - 1 5. Place the shift forks in neutral and remove the low a nd reverse shift rai l a nd fork assembly (the one nearest the end of the case) together with the low and reverse sliding gear, making sure to catch the stop ball a nd other detent parts as the shift rail is removed. Remove the 2nd and high shift rai l a nd fork assembly together with the 2nd a nd high sliding gears. 17. Remove the remai ni ng detent parts - ball, spring and stop pin from the detent passage. 1 8. Remove the gear a nd spline assembly from the i nput shaft. Figure 5 . yW -M w w w 1 6. Remove the detent bolt from the shift fork being careful to catch the stop ball a nd spring. 24. Remove the reduction gear shaft (Figure 7) by driving it out toward the i nside of the case, and remove the reduction gear. 25. Remove the high- low range shift lever and shaft a ssembly from the inside of the case. FIGURE 7 Need le Bea ring Replacement: If need le bearings are to be replaced they should be removed and insta l led with suitable arbors. he FIGURE 5 23. Remove the input shaft. Figure 5. 20. Remove the sliding gear from the high -low range shift fork assembly. Fig ure 6. 21. Remove the input shaft to case thrust washer. The cluster gear may be disassembled as shown in Figure 8. Disassemble and assemble carefu l ly to avoid da mage to the Woodruff keys and b ushings. The cluster gea r bushings may be removed and in stal led using suitable a rbors. or H el 1 9. Cluster Gear: o -c se ------ '. - . --- -- --- -..._. -.,. .. - - - - . FIGURE 8 Oil Seal Replacement FIGURE 6 22. Remove the high- low range detent bolt and shift fork assembly. Figure 6. m C leaning, Inspection, Bea ring and Thoroughly clean a l l parts and inspect for damage and wear. Use suitable arbors when replacing bear ings. Always renew a l l oi l sea ls and gaskets. - 29 - 5060 6·SPEED TRANSMISSION Assembly: 1 . I nsta l l the hig h-low range shift lever (Figure 9) in the hole of the right case below the shift rail su pports. yW -M w w w FIGURE 11 ' Lift u p on the reduction gea r and slide .the i nput sha ft thrust was her i nto position. Fig ure 1 2. 7. I nstil l l the sliding gear into the high-low range fork with the groove down. Figure 1 2 . 6. FIGURE 9 Position the reduction gear assembly i n place with the large gear down and i nsert the reduc tion gear shaft, driving it i n place from the i nside of the case, as shown in Figure 9. 3. Assemble the high and low range shift fork assembly (Fig ure 1 0) by i nserting the spring and ball i n the detent hole. Using a K," p unch, press on the ball, compressing the spring. At the same time insert the detent bolt, withdrawing the punch as the bolt slides in pl ace. 2. H el he FIGURE 12 I nsta l l the input shaft, sliding it down through the high-low range sliding gear a nd thrust washer. Fig ure 1 3 . 9. I nsta ll the gear and spline assembly over the input shaft, sliding the spline down through the �Iiding gear. Figure 1 3 . 8. - 30 - m 4. Position the detent bolt and shift fork so that the slot of the high and low range shift lever engages the shift. fork (Figure 1 1 ) and thread the bolt in place until it seats securely against the shoulder. Torque the detent bolt to 1 2- 1 7 ft. Ibs. 5. Using a K," punch to move the h igh.low range shift lever, check the operation of the detent and fork assembly. o -c se FIGURE 10 or k!>I:l FIGURE 1 3 1 0. 11. Install the 2nd and h igh shift rail and fork as sembly (the one with the unequally spaced deten t grooves) together with the 2nd and high sliding gear (the smal ler of the two sliding gears). T he sl iding gear fits down over the input s haft with the sh ift fork groove up. 1 4. S.hift the 2nd and h igh sh ift rail and fork assem· bly into 2nd speed position. 15. I nstall the reverse idler gear shaft and gear as sembly making sure the shoulder of the gear goes down. Figure 1 6. Install one of the stop balls, stop spring and stop pin into the detent passage. w w w yW -M FIGURE 1 6 FIGURE 1 4 1 2. H el he Install the 2nd sfop ball and using a punch, push the ball in against the spring. Move the installed shift rail into the neutral position and continue to push on the punch (F igure 14) until the ball is flush with the shift rail bore. At the same time insert the low and reverse shift rai l and fork assembly together with the low and reverse sliding gear, (F igure 15) removing the punch as the shift rail passes the ball. See de tent drawing Figure 17. Note : The low and re verse gear fits down over the input shaft with the shift fork groove down. m o -c se or -------- ------- FIGURE 1 7 FIGURE 1 5 13. Install the splined pinion gear. 1 6. -31 - Install the brake shaft gear. yW -M w w w FIGURE 19 FIGURE 1 8 1 7. Insta l l the cluster gear assembly. See Figure 1 8. 23. 1 8. I n sta l l the differentia l a nd axle assembly with the long end cap a nd the retaining bolt nuts down into the right hand case. Figu re 1 9. I nsta l l the high-low range selector lever and retain with the �6" rol l pin. 24. Recheck for a free neutra l and proper operation in a l l gears and ranges. 25. I nsta l l a new plug to sea l the detent passage and d rive it in flush with the case. 26. I nsta l l the brake shaft Woodruff key and insta l l the brake drum. I nsta l l the brake drum retaining sna'p ring. 1 9. Recheck for proper asse mb ly, a free neutra l a nd proper operation in a l l gears in both ranges. P l ace the shift forks in neutral position. I nsta l l a new case gasket holding it in place with gasket sealer and insta l l the left hand case. 21. I n s tal l the six (6) :Va" x 1 6 bolts and nuts and tig hten a l l bo lts e v e nly to avoid d i st ort ion. 22. I n stall the s h i ft lever assembly and reta i n with the set screw and lock n ut. I nsta l l gear shift lever ru bber boot. he 20. 27. L I M ITED S L I P DI FFERENTIAL H el I nsta l l the brake band and secure with the two reta i n i ng bolts. 2. NOTE Disassembly: 1 . Remove the five (5) bolts, n uts and flat washers that retai n the end caps to the differential ring gear. Note that the nuts are on the right hand side next to the right hand end cap. Note also that the right hand end cap and right hand axle are longer than the left hand end cap and left hand axle. om -c se or See Service Bulletin number 252 for conver sion of limited slip dlHerentlal to 8-plnlon dlHerentlal. Remove the axles a nd end caps by pu l ling the ax les in a nd out to free the end caps from the rol l pi n s. Caution. do not pry u nder the edge of the e nd caps. FIGURE 2 3. Remove the ten ( 1 0) differential p i n i ons and the cyl i ndrica l spring from the differential bodies. 4. Press the two (2) differential bodies from the dif ferential ring gear. The right and left differential bodies are iden tical with rol l pins located next to two (2) bolt holes. Figure 4. FIGURE 1 - 32 - The matching rol l pin holes i n the left hand end cap are a lso located next to the bolt holes, but in the right hand end ca p they are between bolt holes as shown in Figure 6. 5. Remove the end caps a nd thrust washers from each axle. 6. The axle gears may be removed after removing the retaining snap rings. w FIGURE 5 shows the d ifferential parts in relation tQ each other. Note, that the right hand end cap a/1d axle is noticeably longer than the left hand end cap a nd axle. ----,-._--- w L I M ITED S L I P DI FFERENTIAL w Assembly: 1. I nsta l l the axle gears on the axles and insta l l the retaining s n a p rings. yW -M 2. Place the axle gear to end cap thrust washers on the axles next to the axle gears at:ld i nsta l l the respective e n d ca ps on the axles. Note that the right hand axle and the hub of the right hand end cap is longer than the left hand axle and left hand end cap. 3. Using the left hand case as a worksta nd, place the right hand (long) axle and right hand end ca p (long) assembly in the axle housing. Figure 6. FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 om -c se or H el he ! FIGURE 6 4. Align the roll pins with their respective holes a nd seat one of the bodies in place on the end ca p. Refer to Figure 7. 5. I nsta l l the ten (10) d ifferential pinions in their respective bores. Refer to Figure 7. 6. FIGURE Hold the cylindrical spring with suitable pliers, as shown in Fig ure 7 and com press the spring, i nserting it in the center of the pinions, seating it down agai nst the axle gear. 1. Position the differential ring gear over the body. After careful al ignment press the gear down over the body until it seats on the end cap. Fig ure 8. 5 - 33 - 8. With the rol l pins up, a lign the rema i n ing body 1 0. with the pinions and usi ng a plastic ha mmer or hard wood block carefu l ly ta p the body into the differe ntial ring gear until it seats against the other body. Figure 9. I nsta l l the five (5) rema ining bolts and nuts, placing a flat washer next to each end ca p, placing the nuts on the side of the long end ca p. Figure 1 0. yW -M w w w FIGURE 9 FIGURE 7 or H el he 9. o -c se FIGURE 8 FIGURE 1 0 Align the rol l pins and i nsert the left hand axle and end cap assembly, seating it in the d iffer· ential ring gear. 1 1. Torque bolts evenly t o avoid distortion o f the end caps. Torque to 20 ft. I bs. m - 34 - I Co) (.It 5060 Transmission om -c se or H el he yW -M w w w 5 060 TRANSMISSION PARTS LIST When ordering parts always list Part No. and name of part. (Specifications subject to change without notice.) Port No. No. 1 7066 Case - 2 1 533 Bearing Ball 3 1 532 4 I��;;' I No. Req'cI. D.scrlption �� I Port No. Description No. Req'd. 1 42 5 1 73 Gear - Hi and 2nd 2 43 5 1 74 Gear - Low ond Reverse learing - Needl. 1" I.D. 1 « 56 1 5 Rail 1 542 learlng - Needl. �" I.D. 1 45 56 1 6 Ran - Rear Shift 5 1 526 lea ring - N•• dl. 1 � " 2 46 3503 Fork - Shift 2 6 1 529 Bea ring - N•• dl. � I.D. 2 47 93 3 1 56 Roll Pin � x 2 7 1461 Seal - Oil � Shaft 1 '8 561 4 Pin - Shift Stop w w w It.m 8 I.H. 1}� I.D. 1.0. au 1 � Shaft - Front Shift Seal 2 49 3525 Gear - C luster Pin - Dowel 2 50 1 50-4 Bea ring - B�anz. 3:'c I.D. 694 1 Co .. - LH. 1 51 3528 Gear Reduction Pinion 1 530 lea ring - N••dl. 1 52 3527 Gear Reduction 1531 Bearing - Needl. � I.D. 1 53 3910 Shaft - Clu.ter Gea r 1 232 Seal - Oil 1 54 9370 1 4 Key #9 Woodruff 7 1 94 End Cap It.H. 1 55 4204 Gear - Reverse Idler 7 1 95 End Cap LH. 1 56 1516 Buihing - 8ronze Yz " 7 196 Gear - Differ.ntlal Ring 1 57 3909 Shaft 7197 Gear - Axl. 2 58 -4 1 66 Gear - Brake Shaft 18 7 1 98 Gear - 10 59 3902 Drum - Brak. 19 7 1 99 Washer - Thrust 2 60 937022 Key 20 9081 38-4 Bait � . 1 6 .5 61 9361 3 1 Snap ring 21 9 1 5663-4 Nut - Elastic Stop � . t 6 .5 62 7376 AII'y. 22 920009.4 Wash.r - Flat � SAE 10 63 908002.... Iolt - Hex �.20 23 7202 Axle - Rear R.H. 1 64 920081 .... Lockwosh.r � " Dla. 2 .. 7203 Axl. - Rear 1 65 943460 Plug � Pipe 25 7 1 69 Snap Ring - Heavy Duty - Ext.mal 2 66 943420 Plug Y. Pipe 26 7201 Shaft - Input 1 39 1 2 Gask.t 720-4 Gear & Spline 67 27 1 28 1518 68 Bearing - N.edle � 9080"3--4 Bait Hex 29 5 1 75 Pinion Gear 69 908038-4 Bolt Hex y' . t 6 x 2 5 30 7205 Gee r - Sliding 70 9 1 51 1 3-6 Nut y' · 1 6 Nylok 6 31 7206 Gear - R..auction 1 71 943322 Nipple y. Pipe x 32 7207 Bearing - NHdie � I.D. 2 72 9-43003 Coupling � Pipe Shaft - Reduction Gear 1 73 74 1 8 Thrust Wash.r 74 1 243 Plug 75 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 yW -M 1213 3915 9 Differential 3� I( Pinion 4 & Splin. 1 7209 AII'y. Shift Fork 1 35 351 7 Ball - Stop 3 1.0. # 15 Woodruff ," Shoft Brake & Lining Bond X Ya 5632 Ass'y. Shift Stick 76 1 239 Set Screw � -20 x 3:'c Dog Point 77 9 1 51 1 1 .4 Nut Hex X-20 3577 Boot 351 8 Spring - Stop 2 37 72 1 3 Iolt - Det.nt 1 38 72 1 4 Lever - Shift 1 78 39 7200 Body 2 79 1 00 1 Knob -40 933209 Roll , 80 72 1 7 An'y. Handl. - Shift 81 933 1 84 Roll Pin �, x 41 7235 -..L._ . _ ._ _ Pin Spring - Cylindrical -+-_ _ _._ ............_... _ _ ---'- __ _ _ _ _ *Not I ndueled - 36 - 2 y'.1 6 - 3Yz 36 • 2 om -c se 1 3-4 2 or 1.0. H L.H. el 7208 I " Shaft - Brake he 33 I " I.D. 2 in No. � Assembly. 2 � Section IV 4·SPEED U N I DRIVE DESCRIPTION w w The 4-speed unidrive tra nsmission is an all-gear transmission util izing sliding gears and spli ned shafts for easy shifti ng. All shafts operate on needle or ball bea rings supported by the transmission case. The transmission case consists of R.H. and l.H. cast iron case ha lves which a re dowelled for a l ignment and bolted securely together. Fill the transmission to proper level with S.A. E. 1 40 A. P.I. Service Gl-5 gea r oi l . Remove support from beneath tractor frame. Test tractor operation. --,,�.--�---- RATIOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66.8 42.4 24.6 5 1 .5 4·SPEED to to to to U N I DRIVE TRAN SM ISSION Disassembly: yW -M w 1 st gear . 2nd gear 3rd gear Reverse . Connect brake linkage. I nsta l l dust cover, instruc tion plate, fender and seat assemb ly, drive belt, belt g uard, foot rest, etc. These, i nstructions a pply to a l l unidrive models un less i ndicated. A section a pplying only to specific models w i l l be so identified. REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT Removal: These basic instructions a pply to all tractors equ ip ped with Unidrive transmissions. Deviate from them a s necessary for any particular tractor. 1. Remove axle hubs and input pulley. 2. Place the transmission assembly in a vise or suitable holding fixture, as shown in Figure 1 . he Remove mid-mounted or trailing attachments, or hitches which might i nterfere with transmission re mova l. Support the tractor frame a head of the trans mission just enough that the rear wheels no longer carry any weight. Installation: NOTE: It is recommended that two pilot studs be used to facilitate tra nsmission i nsta l lation. To make the studs, cut the heads off of two Ye"- 1 6 x 2" hex head or ca rriage bolts. Grind a taper on the un threaded end of each bolt. Screw one stud into one of the upper holes in the front of the tra nsmission case. Put the other one in the diagona l l y opposite lower hole. Insta l l in put pul ley, axle hubs and wheels. Move the tra nsmission assembly into place and guide the shift lever up between the frame rails. Align the pi lot studs with the corresponding holes in the frame butt plate and push the tra nsm ission firmly in place against the plate. I nsta l l ca p screws in the top of the trans mission and the open holes in the front, and tig hten them until snug. Remove the pi lot studs one at a ti me, replacing them with cap screws. Tig hten a l l six ca p screws securely. - 37 - om -c se Drain lu bricant, remove wheels, and clean trans mission as necessary before disassembling. or Remove two ca p screws that fasten through the bottom of the tool box into th e top of the tra nsm is. sion. Remove four cap screws that go through the frame butt plate into the front of the tra nsm ission. lower the front of the transmissio.n, guide the shift lever down between the frame rails, and rol l the transmission and wheel assembly free of the tractor. H el Remove the R.H. foot rest, if so equi pped, belt guard, and belt. Disconnect the brake rod or remove the brake band from the anchor bracket. On most models, remove the fender and seat assembly. If necessary to gain clea rance, remove the dust cover and instruction plate located just ahead of the shift lever. FIGURE 1 3. Place the gear shift lever in neutra l and pull the gear shift lever rubber boot away from the trans mission boss. loosen the gea r shift lever retaining loc k nut and set screw and remove the gear shift lever. 4. Remove the two (2) brake band retaining bolts and remove the brake band. 5. Remove the brake drum retaining bolt and wash ' er, and remove the brake drum. (See Figure 2). 6. Remove the six (6) Ye" x 1 6 bolts and nuts that reta in the right hand and left hand cases. 7. Remove pa int and bu rrs from both axle shafts, brake shaft, and the input shaft. 8. Remove the left hand case, as shown in Figure 3. yW -M w w w FIGURE 4 FIGURE 2 he lift out the axle and differentia l assembly. �igure 4. Note: If only the d ifferential is to be over hau led the tra nsm ission need not be further dis assemb led. See Differential Overhaul Section. 1 0. Shift the 2 nd and high shift fork assembly up into the 2 nd speed position. See Figure 5. H el 9. t , or FIGURE 5 Remove the spli ned pi nion shaft and gear. At the same time the cl uster gear and b ra ke shaft asse mbly may be removed. See Figure 5. 1 2. Remove the large pin ion and reduction gear a s sembly, (a nd the thrust wa sher if used) and the reverse idler gear. See Figure 6. o -c se 1 1. NOTE: Prior to 1 973 models the pinion reduction g'e ar and thrust washer was welded together and was serviced as one part. m Sta rti ng with the 1 973 models the pinion, reduc tion gear and thrust washer a re serviced sepa r¢ltely. The thrust washer goes on the stub shaft next to the big gear. The pinion may be pressed in and out of thf g'e ar with a suitable arbor press. 1 3. FIGURE 3 - 38 - Remove the 2 nd a nd high sliding gear and the low and reverse sliding gea r, as shown in Figure 7. Place the sh ift forks in neutral and remove first the low and reverse s hift rail and fork assembly, then t he 2nd and high sh ift rail and fork assem· bly, being careful not to lose the two stop balls, spring and stop pin as they are released. Fig ure 8. 1 5. Remove the reverse idler shaft and the input s h aft and gear. See Fig ure 9. Note: T he reverse idler shaft may sometimes stick in the left hand case. w w w 1 4. yW -M FIGURE 9 FIGURE 6 H el he se or FIGURE 1 0 FIGURE 7 1 6. If i t i s desired to replace t he case bearings they may easily be removed and installed wl th suit able arbors. When replacing beari ngs they should b� pressed in so that t hey are flush with the in;side of the case, as shown in Fig ure 1 0. m o -c FIGURE 1 1 FIGURE 8 - 39 - 1 7. T h e cluster gear and brake shaft assembly may be disassembled, as shown in Figure 11. Dis assemble and assemble carefully to avoid dam age to the woodruff key and bushings. The cluster gear bushings may be removed and in stalled using suitable arbors. 1 8. With a screwdriver or other suitable tool remove the plug from the end of the detent passage. 3. Install one stop ball, spring and stop pin. Refer to detent drawing and Figure 14. w Cleaning, Inspedion, Bearing and Oil Seal Replacement w Thoroug hly clean all parts and inspect for damage and wear. Use suitable arbors when replacing bear ings. Always renew all oil seals and gaskets. w Assembly: Place the right hand case in a vise or other suit able fixture for assembly, as shown in Figure 12. el he yW -M FIGURE 1 2 4. 2. Install the 2nd and high s hift rail and fork as sembly (t he one with ' the unequally spaced detent grooves.) See Figure 15. m o -c se or Install the input shaft and gear, and reverse idler shaft� as shown in Figure 13. Install the 2nd stop ball and using a punch push the ball in against the spring. Move the 2nd & high shift rail into the neutral position and con tinue to push on the punch until the ball is flush with the shift ra il bore. At the same time insert th� low and reverse shift rail and fork assembly, removing the punch, as the s hift rail passes the ball. See Detent Drawing. Figure 14 and 15. H 1. FIGURE 1 4 RGURE l S FIGURE 1 3 - 40 - 5. Shift the 2nd a nd high sh ift fork into the 2 nd speed position a nd i nsta l l the 2 n d and high sliding gear, and the low and reverse sliding gear in position on their respective forks, Figure 1 6. Note that the shift fork grooves of the sliding gears face each other, and that the smaller of the two gears is the 2nd and high gears which goes on the bottom. w w w FIGURE 1 8 yW -M FIGURE 1 6 Pla<e shift forks i n neutral position and check for a free neutra l and proper operation in a l l gears. 1 0. I nsta l l a new case gasket holding it in place with gasket sealer and i nsta l l the left hand case. 1 1. I nsta l l the six (6) Xu x 1 6 bolts a nd n uts and tighten a l l bolts evenly to avoid distortion. 1 2. I nstal l the shift lever a ssembly a nd reta in with the set screw and lock nut. I nsta l l gear shift lever rubber boot. he 6. 9. Insta l l the reverse idler and the large pinion and reduction gear assembly (a nd the thrust washer if used), as shown in Figure 1 7, making sure that the flanged end on the reverse id ler goes down. I, el I nsta l l the spli ned shaft and gear through the two spli ned sliding gears seating the bottom end of the shaft into the input gea r bearing. See Fig ure 1 8 . I nsta l l the cluster gear and brake shaft assembly carefu lly seating it in its bearing and meshing it with its re lated gears. 8. I nsta l l the differential and axle assembly, <JS shown in Fig ure 1 9, making sure that fou r (4) n uts are up toward the L. H . case. m co e- s or H 7. FIGURE 1 9 1 3. Check agai.n for a free neutra l a nd operation i n a l l gears. 1 4. Insta l l the brake drum and secure with the bolt and washer. 1 5. I nMall the broke band and secure with the two retaining bolts. 1 6. I nstall a new plug to seal the detent passage and drive it in fl ush with the case. FIGURE 1 7 - 41 - D IFFERENTIAL OVE RHAUL 4 PI N ION DIFFERENTIAL NOTE: Two types of differential pinions a re used: 1 . Early type use hol low pinions with separate shafts. See Figure 1 and 2 . 2 . Late type pinions a re one piece with integral shafts. See Figure 1 A a nd 2A. w Early type axles incorporate roll pin holes a nd use rol l pins to secure the axle gears. See Figure 1 and 2 . 2. Late type axles i ncorporate snap ring g rooves and use snap rings to secure the axle gears. See Figure l A and 2A. 1. w 3. Remove the axle shaft and gear from the case. 4. Remove the differential bull gear. 5. Note position of the four (4) pinions. Adjacent pinions a re insta l led in opposite directions, which make the position of the d iagonally opposite pinions the same. See Figure 1 and 1 A. 6. Remove the pinions (and shafts on the early type), and remove the rema ining axle shaft and gear from the case. 7. The axle shaft gears may easily be removed by driving out the roll pins or removing the snap rings a s required. Figure 2 & 2A are exploded views of the complete 4 pinion differentia l assembly. w Disassembly: Remove the four (4) reta ining bolts and nuts. Lift off the differential side case together with the axle shaft and gear. he yW -M 1. 2. FIGURE 2 or H el FIGURE 1 om -c se FIGURE 2A DIFFERENTIAL Assembly: 1. If the axle gears were removed i nsta l l them on the axles and insta l l the reta ining rol l pins or snap rings as required. Note: I nstall the snap rings with the sharp side of . the snap ring toward the i nner end of the axles. FIGURE l A - 42 - 2. Insta l l one of the axle and gear assemblies i n the differential case and on the early type insta l l t h e four (4) pi nion shafts. 3. Insta l l two (2) pinions with their teeth up diag onally opposite each other, and insta l l ! he other two (2) pinions with their teeth down diagonally opposite each other. See Fig ure 1 and 1 A. 4. I nsta l l the differential bul l gear. 5. I nsta l l the remaining axle and gear assembly i n the remaining differential case. 6. Position the axle a nd gear, a nd differential case over the pinion shafts, mesh the gears a nd seat the case agai nst the ring gear. 7. Center the bull gear a nd insta l l the four (4) re tai ning bolts, and nvts. Tig hten securely and evenly to avoid distortion. 4-SPEED TRANSMISSION w \ Y/j 2·1 7 _ _ w I 2· 1 1 2· 1 0 2·47 w 2· 1 6 2· 1 5 --_ yW -M 2·28 2.2 5 ,." c/" 2·S] 2·45 � / I 2·20 2·16 om -c se or H el he 2·2 1 O N E PIECE (SOLID PINION) DIFFERENTIAL TWO PIECE (PINION & SHAFT) DIFFERENTIAL - 43 - 4·SPEED TRANSM ISSION ITEM NO. 2-1 0 R. H. Case L. H. Case Ball Bearing, 1 X" I. D. Needle Bearing, 1 " I. D. Needle Bearing, �" I. D. Needle Bearing, 1" I. D. Needle Bearing, �" I . D. Oil Seal, �" Shaft Oil Seal, 1 " Shaft Dowel Pin Needle Bearing, .�" I. D. Needle Bearing, Ya" I . D. Differential Case Differential Case Differential Bull Gear Differential Pinion Gear Differential Pi nion Gear Shaft Axle Gear Axle Axle Snap Ring Input Gear Needle Bearing, Ya" I. D. Hi a nd 2nd Gear Spline Shaft Snap Ring, %" Low and Reverse Gear Splined Pinion Gear Front Shift Rail Rear Shift Rail Shift Fork Shift Stop Ball Shift Stop Spring Shift Stop Pin Cup Plug Cluster Gear Bronze Bearing, �" I. D. Reduction Gear Cl uster Gear/Brake Shaft Reverse Idler Gear Bronze Bushing, X" I. D. Gear, 44 Teeth Gear, 1 1 Teeth Thrust Washer, 1 " I. D. Case Gasket Shift Stick Assembly Set Screw, �-20 x � Boot Knob 2-28 2 -29 2-30 2-3 1 om - 44 - -c se or 2-32 2 -33 2-34 2-35 2-36 2-37 2-38 2-39 2-40 2-41 2-42 2-43 2-44 2-45 2 -46 2-47 2-48 2 -49 2-52 2-53 2-54 2-55 2-56 H el he yW -M w w w 2-1 1 2- 1 2 2-1 3 2�1 4 2- 1 5 2-1 6 2- 1 7 2- 1 8 2-20 2 -2 1 2-22 2-22A 2-23 2-24 2-24A 2-25 2-26 2-27 DESCRlnlON Section V I·SPEED TRANSM ISSION Remove the pilot studs one at a ti me, replacing them with ca p screws. Tighten all six ca p screws se curely. Connect brake linkage. I nsta l l dust cover, in structio'n plate, fender and seat assembly, drive belt, belt gJard, foot rest, etc. DESCRIPTION The 8-speed tra nsmission is an all-gear transmis sion uti l izing sliding gears and spli ned shafts for easy shifting. All shafts operate on needle or ba l l bearings supported by the tra nsmission case, whiCh consists of R. H. a nd L. H. cast iron case halves, dowelled for alignment and bolted securely together. w Fill the tra nsmission to proper level with S.A. E. 1 40 A. P.1. Service GL-5 gear oil. Remove support from beneath tractor frame. Test tractor operation. w w The transmission features high and low range se lection. Low range provides an additional "" to 1 re d uction in each of the 3 speeds forward and a lso re verse. High Range I·SPEED TRANSM ISSION Low Range yW -M Gea r RATIOS 1 st gear 2nd gear 3 rd gear Reverse 66.8 42.4 2 4.6 5 1 .5 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 267.2 1 69.6 98.4 2 06.0 to to to to 1 1 1 1 Disassembly: 1. Remove axle hubs a nd in put pul ley. 2. PI(:Ice the tra nsmission assembly in a vise or suitable holding fixture, as shown in Figure 1 (shown with levers, brake ba nd, brake drum, hubs, a nd input pul ley removed). REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT Removal: These basic i nstructions a pply to all tractors equip ped with 8-speed transmissions. Deviate from them as necessary for any partiCular tractor. he el Remove mid-mounted or tra il i ng attachments, or hitches which might i nterfere with transmission re mova l. Su pport the tractor frame a head of the trans mission j ust enough that the rear wheels no longer carry any weight. H Remove the R. H . foot rest, belt guard and belt. Disconnect the brake rod or remove the brake band from the a nchor bracket. Remove the fender a nd seat assembly, the dust cover and i nstruction plate located just a head of the shift levers. Installation: NOTE: It is recommended that two pilot studs be used to facil itate tra nsmission insta llation. To make the studs, cut the heads off of two %"- 1 6 x 2" hex head or carriage bolts. Grind a taper on the u n threaded end of each bolt. Screw the studs into diag ona lly opposite u pper and lower tapped holes i n the front of the transmission case. FIGURE 1 I nstall input pulley, axle hubs a nd wheels. Move the transmission assembly into place and guide the shift levers up between the frame rails. Align the pi lot studs with the corresponding holes in the frame butt plate a nd push the transmission firmly against the plate. I nsta l l ca p screws in the top of the trans mission and the open holes at the front and tighten them until snug. - om -c se or Remove the ca p screws that fasten throug h the bottom of the tool box into the top of the transmis sion. Remove four ca p screws that go through the frame butt plate into the front of the tra nsmission. Lower the front of the transmission, guide the s hift levers down between the frame rails, and roll the tra nsmission · and wheel assembly free of the tractor. Drai n l ubricant, remove wheels, a nd clea n the trans mission as necessary before disassembling. 45 - 3. Place the shift lever i n neutra l and pull the shift lever rubber boot from the tra nsmission boss. Loosen the shift lever retaining lock nut and set screw and remove the shift lever. 4. Remove the rol l pi n and remove the high-low range lever. 5. R�move the two (2) brake band retai ning bolts ahd remove the brake band. rately. The th rust washer goes on the stub shaft next to the big gear. The gear and pinion may be pressed in and out of the gear with a suitable arbor press. 1 4. Remove the splined pin ion gear from the input shaft. 1 5. With a screw driver or other suitable tool remove the plug from the detent passage, as shown in Figure 4. w w -M w - FIGURE 2 Remove the brake drum retaining bolt and wash er, and remove the brake drum using a suita ble pu l ler as required. 7. Remove paint and burrs from both axle shafts, brake shaft and the input shaft. 8. yW 6. Remove the six (6) %" x 1 6 bolts and nuts that retain the right hand a nd left hand cases. Remove the left hand case leaving all gears intact, as shown in Fig ure 2. 1 0. lift out the axle and differential assembly. Note: If only the differential is to be overhau led, the transmission section need not be further dis assembled. Refer to Differentia l Overhaul Section. 11. FIGURE 4 he 9. Place the shift forks in neutra l and remove the low and reverse sh ift ra il and fork assembly (the one nearest the end of the case) together with the low and reverse sliding gear, making sure to catch the stop ball and other detent parts as the shift ra i l is removed. 1 7. Remove the 2nd and high shift rail and fork. assembly together with the 2nd and high sliding gears. 1 6. H el Shift the 2nd and high shift fork assembly up into the 2nd speed position. See Fig ure 3. Remove the rema ining detent parts - ball, spring and stop pin from the detent passage. 1 9. Remove the gear and spline assembly from the input shaft. Figure 5. co se or 18. fiGURE 3 Remove the cluster gear and brake shaft assem bly, and the reverse id ler gear and shaft. 1 3. Remove the large reduction gear assembly. m 1 2. NOTE: Prior to 1 973 mode ls the pinion reduction gear and thrust washer was welded together and was serviced as one part. Starting with the 1 973 models the pinion, reduc tion gear and th rust washer are serviced sepa- FIGURE 5 20. - 46 - Remove the input shaft. Figure 5. 21. Remove the sliding gear from the high-low 22. range shift fork assembly. Figure 6. Remove the input shaft to case thrust washer. w w FIGURE 8 -M w Cleaning, Inspection, Bearing and Oil Seal Replacement Thoroug hly clean a l l parts and inspect for damage and wear. Use suitable arbors when re placing bear ings. Always renew a l l oil sea ls and gaskets. FIGURE 6 yW Remove the high- low range detent bolt and sh ift fork assembly. Figure 6. 24. Remove the detent bolt from the sh ift fork being careful to catch the stop ball and spring. 25. Remove the reduction gear shaft (Figu re 7) by driving it out toward the inside of the case, and remove the reduction gear. 26. a·SPEED TRANSMISSION he 23. Assembly: Remove the high- low range sh ift lever and shaft assembly from the inside of the case. 1. FIGURE 7 co se or H el I nstal l the high-low range shift lever (Figure 9) in the hole of the right case below the sh ift roi l supports. FIGURE 9 Need le Bearing Replacement: Cluster Gear: The cluster gear and brake shaft assembly may be disassembled as shown in Fig ure 8. Disassemble and assemble carefully to avoid damage to the Woodruff key and bushi ngs. The cluster gear bushings may be removed and instal led using su ita ble arbors. - 47 - 2. Position the reduction gear asse mbly in place with the large gear down and insert the reduc tion gear shaft, driving it in place from the inside of the case, as shown in Figure 9. 3. Assemble the high and low range sh ift fork assembly (Figure 1 0) by inserting the spring and bal l i n the detent hole. Using 0 K6" punch, press on the ball, compressi ng the spri ng. At the same time insert the detent bolt, withdrawing the punch as the bolt slides in place. m If needle bearings are to be replaced they should be removed and in sta l led with su itable arbors. 7. I nsta l l the sliding gear into the high-low ra nge fork with the groove down. Figure 1 2. 8. " I nsta l l the input shaft, sliding it down through the hig h-low range sliding gear and washer. Figure 1 3. 9. • thrust I nsta l l the gear and spline assembly over the input shaft, sliding the spl i ne down through the sliding gear. Figure 1 3 . w w w FIGURE 10 Position the detent bolt and shift fork so that the slot of the high and low range shift lever engages the shift fork (Figure 1 1 ) and thread the bolt in place u ntil it seats securely agai nst the shoulder. Torque the detent bolt to 1 2 -1 7 ft. Ibs. 5. Using a K6" punch to move the high-low ra nge shift lever, check the operation of the detent a nd fork assembly. 6. yW -M 4. Lift up on the reduction gear and slide the i nput shaft thrust washer into position. FiglJre 1 2. FIGURE 1 3 10. he 1 1. Install the 2nd and high shift ra i l a nd fork as sembly (the one with the unequally spaced detent grooves) together with the 2nd and high sliding gear (the smal ler of the two sliding gears). The sliding gear fits dOWh over the input shaft with the shift fork groove up. FIGURE 11 om -c se or H el I nsta l l one of the stop bal ls, stop spring a nd stop pin into the detent passage. FIGURE 1 4 12. FIGURE 1 2 - 48 - I nsta l l the 2 nd stop ba l l and using a pu nch, push the ball in against the spri ng. Move the i nsta l led shift ra il into the neutra l position and continue to push on the punch (Figure 1 4) until the ball is flush with the shift rail bore. At the sa�e time insert the low and reverse shift rail an;:! fork assembly together with the low a nd reverse sliding gear, (Figure 1 5) removing the punch as the shift rail passes the ba l l . See de- tent drawing Figure 1 7. Note: The Jow a nd re verse gear fits down over the i n pu t shaft with the shift fork groove down. -M w w w FIGURE 1 5 yW 1 3 . I nsta l l t h e spl i ned pinion gear. 1 4. Shift the 2nd and· high shfft rail and fork assem bly i nto 2nd speed position. 15. I nsta l l the l a rge p i n i on and reduction gear a s 1 6. he se mbly (a nd the thrust washer if used). I nsta l l the reverse idler gear shaft and gear as sembly making sure the shou lder of the gear goes down. Fig ure 1 6. FIGURE 1 7 or H el o -c se FIGURE 1 6 FIGURE 1 8 1 7. I n sta l l the cl uster gear and broke shaft assem bly. See Fig ure 1 8. 2 1 . I n �ta l l the six (6) Ya " x 1 6 bolts a nd n uts a nd m ti � hten all bolts evenly to a void d i stortion. I n sta ll the d ifferential and axle a sse mbly with the reta i n i ng bolt nuts u p toward the left h a nd case. Figure 1 9. 22. I n sta l l the shift lever assembl y and reta i n with Recheck for proper assemb ly, a free neutra l and proper operation i n all gears i n both ranges. Place the shift forks in neutra l posi tion. 23. I n sta l l the h i g h-low range reta i n with the 3{6" rol l p i n . 20. I n sta l l a new case gasket holding i t in place 24. Recheck for a free neutra l and proper opera tion in a l l gears a n d ranges. 1 8. 1 9. the set screw and lever rubber boot. w i th gasket sea ler a nd insta l l the left hand case. - 49 - lock nut. I nsta l l gear sh ift selector lever a nd 3. Remove the axle shaft and gear from the case. 4. Remove the differential bull gear. S. Note position of the eight (8) pinions. Adjacent pinions a re i nstal led in opposite diredions, which make the position of the d iagonally opposite pin ions the same. See Figure 1 . 6. Remove the pinions a nd remove the remai ning axle shaft and gear from the case. yW -M w w w 1. The axle shaft gears may easily be removed by removing the snap rings. Assembly: 1. If the axle gears were removed, insta l l them on the axles and install the snap rings with the sharp side of the snap ring toward the inner end of the axle. FIGURE 19 25. Insta l l a new plug to seal the detent passage and drive it in flush with the case. 26. Insta l l the brake drum and secure with the re tai ning bolt and washer. 21. Insta ll the brake ba nd and secure with the two retaining bolts. 2. I ns\al l one of the axle and gear assembl ies in the differential case and insta l l the eight (8) pinions, as shown in Figure 1 . Properly i nsta lled each axle gear will mesh with four pinions. NOTE he 8 PIN IO N DI FFERENTIAL See Service Bulletin numbers 1 74 & 273 for Im portant I nformation on differential bolts. el Disassembly: Remove the four (4) retaining bolts and nuts. 2. Lift off the differential side case together with the axle shaft and gear. 3. Insta l l the differenti a l bull gear. 4. I nsta l l the remaining axle and gear assembly in the' remaining differential case. 5. PO$ition the other axle, gear, and differential cas� over the pinion shafts, mesh the gears and seat the case against the ring gear. or H 1. FIGURE 2 6. Center the b u l l gear and insta l l the four (4) re m o -c se tai ni ng bolts and nuts. Tighten securely and evenly to avoid distortion. FIGURE - 50 - 8-SPEED, 10 PI N IO N L I M ITED SLIP D I FFERE NTIAL (Used in 5073 Transmission) yW -M w w w 3-79 -------_ .._-_. _ ---_.- --- DESCRIPTION ITEM NO. --- Snap Ring R. H. End Cap l. H . End Cap Ring Gea r Axle Gear D ifferential Pinion Gea r Thrust Washer Body Roll Pin Spri ng R. H. Axl e l . H . Axle 3-30 3-74 3-74 3-76 3 -77 3-78 3 -79 3 -80 3-81 3-82 3-86 3-86 -- --------- - -- --------.------ he NOTE See Service Bul letin number 252 for conver sion of limited slip dlHerentlal to 8-plnlon dlHerentlal. el H 8-SPE E D. 4 PIN ION D I FF�RENTIAL 111 AXLES (Used in 5086 Transmission) DESCRIPTION _ Differe�tia l Case Ring Gear D ifferential Pinion Gear Ax le Gea r Axle Snap �l_n� _______. ____ _ - 51 - m 3 -22 3-23 3-24 3-27 3 -29 3-30 o -c se ITEM NO_ 3-22 ---. or 1---- 8-SPEED. 8 P I N ION DI FFERENTIAL 1.1/8" AXLES (Used In 509 1 . 1 03907. 1 039 1 6 a. 1 039 1 8 Transml..lons) yW -M w w w ITEM NO. 4- 1 9 4-20 4-22 4-24 4-25 4-27 DESCRIPTION Differential Case Axle Snap Ring Axle Gear Ring Gear Differential Pi nion Gear ---- he 8·SPEED TRANSMISSION or H el 13 om -c se 43 69 - 52 - 8·SPEED TRANSM ISSION ITEM NO. 3- 1 0 3-3 1 3-32 3·33 3-34 3-35 3-36 3-37 3-38 3·39 3·40 J.·41 3-42 3-43 3·44 3-45 3·46 3-47 3·48 3-49 3-50 Case - R. H . Case - l . H. Ba l l Bearing 1 X" I . D. Needle Bea ring 1" I . D. Needle Bearing %" I . D. Needle Bea ring 1 Ye " I. D. Needle Bea ring %" I. D. Seal - % Shaft Seal - 1 Ye" Axle Dowel Pin Needle Bea ring %" I. D. Needle Bearing %" I. D. Seal - Brake Shaft Differential Case I nput Shaft Thrust Washer Gear a nd Spline Needle Bearing %" I. D. Gear a nd Spl ine Pinion Sliding Gear Reduction Gear Needle Bearing %/r I. D. x X Reduction Shaft Shift Fork Stop Ba l l Stop Spri ng Plug Detent Bolt Shift Lever Gear - Hi and 2nd Gear - Low a nd Reverse Front Shift Ra i l Rear Shift Ra i l Shift Fork Roll Pin, Ye x 1 " Shift Stop Pin Gear a nd Bearing, Complete Cluster Gear Bronze Bearing %" I. D. Reduction Gear Cl uster Gear a nd Brake Shaft #9 Woodruff Key Reverse Idler Gear Bronze Bush i ng X" I. D. Shaft Nipple Di pstick Case Gasket Shift Stick Set Screw - Dog Point - X -20 x % Nut, X-20 Boot Knob Shift Handle Roll Pin �6 x % Thrust Washer Gear Assembly Gear l l T Gear 44T 3·71 3-72 3-73 om -c se 3·68 3·69 3 ·70 or 3·57 3·58 3·59 3-6 1 3-63 3-65 3·66 3-67 H 3-51 3·52 3-53 3-54 3·55 3-56 el he yW -M w w w 3-1 1 3-1 2 3- 1 3 3-1 4 3- 1 5 3-1 6 3-1 7 J.· 1 8 3-1 9 3·20 3-2 1 DESCRIPTION - 53 - w w yW -M w s or lH e he m co e- WHEEL HORSE PRODUCTS. INC. PRINTED IN U.S. A. 0482 Revision PIN 492-4004 5 1 5 West Ireland Road. P.O. Box 2649 South Bend. Indiana 46610 FORM NO. A- 1 392