Postgraduate Prospectus 2016 - Edinburgh Napier University


Postgraduate Prospectus 2016 - Edinburgh Napier University
Our University
Our City
26 Edinburgh is beautiful, cultured,
fun and connected
Course index
10Innovative. Inspiring. International.
12 Making sure you stand out
14 Our pioneering research
is changing lives locally and globally
18 Innovating with industry
20 Cutting-edge facilities for
cutting-edge study
24Campuses designed for learning
Our Country
34 Scotland is full of surprises
Our International
Student Body
36 Edinburgh Napier welcomes the world
Our Schools
40 How to use this prospectus
42 The Business School
84 The School of Arts & Creative Industries
110 The School of Computing
130 The School of Engineering & the Built Environment
156 The School of Life, Sport & Social Sciences
174 The School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Care
Further Information
188 Student Services
190 Postgraduate funding
192 Postgraduate fees
194Applying to Edinburgh
Napier University
198 Applying from overseas
200Visit us online or
at an open day
201 Contact us
With more than 100
industry-relevant courses,
we offer flexible options
to advance your career or
take it in a new direction.
Our full-time, part-time,
flexible online and distance
opportunities make it easier
than ever to ensure that
studying complements
your busy life and fits
around your current work
or family commitments.
& Financial
Management MSc
58 I nternational
Management MSc
Heritage &
Cultural Tourism
Management MSc
Banking & Financial
Regulation MSc
Flexible, Managed
Programme MSc
Governance MSc
60 H
uman Resource
Management MSc
Tourism &
Management MSc
Global Investment
Banking MSc
62 I nternational
Human Resource
Management MSc
Banking & Finance
51 I nternational
Finance MSc
52 I nternational
53 T
he Edinburgh
Napier MBA
54 Executive MBA
MBA (Leadership
Management MSc
Management MSc
(various specialisms)
Marketing MSc
Marketing with
Festival & Event
Management MSc
65 M
with Sales
Management MSc
66 I nternational
Marketing /
with Tourism &
Events MSc
67 T
Marketing MSc
68 I nternational
Management MSc
69 I nternational
Event & Festival
Management MSc
74 I ntercultural
75 I ntercultural
with TESOL MSc
Global Online MBA
79 G
lobal Online MBA
(various specialisms)
Global Online
Management MSc
81 G
lobal Online
Management MSc
(various specialisms)
Global Online HRM
Advanced Film
Practice MFA
Networking MSc
134Advanced Materials
Engineering MSc
Advertising MSc
115Advanced Security
& Cybercrime MSc
Creative Writing MA
Security & Digital
Forensics MSc
Engineering MSc
Directing MFA
Graphics MA/MDes
Exhibition Design
Interaction Design
Interior Architecture
Lighting Design
Motion Graphics
Product Design
100Film MA
for Media
Professionals MA
102Journalism MA
Publishing MSc
104Playwriting MFA
105Publishing MSc
106Screenwriting MA
107Screenwriting PgCert
117Advanced Software
Engineering MSc
Technology MSc
119Computing MSc
120Computing for
Educators MSc
Technologies MSc
Development MSc
123Project &
Management MSc
(various specialisms)
124Sound Design MSc
125Strategic ICT
Leadership MSc
Development MSc
& Building
Performance MSc
137Automation &
Control MSc
Management MSc
& Electrical
Engineering MSc
140Energy &
Engineering MSc
Sustainability MSc
Management MSc
144Maritime Transport
& Logistics MSc
145 Mechanical
Engineering MSc
Engineering MSc
147Property &
Management MSc
148Real Estate
Management &
Investment MSc
149Renewable Energy
160 Applied Criminology
& Forensic
Psychology MSc
178 Advanced Practice
MSc (and flexible
161 Biomedical
Science MSc
162 Biotechnology for
Sustainability MSc
163 Career Guidance
& Development
164 Drug Design &
Science MSc
150Safety &
Management MSc
165 Ecotourism MSc
151Timber Engineering
167 Pharmaceutical
Science MSc
152Timber Industry
Management MSc
168 Sport &
Exercise Science
MSc by Research
153Transport Planning
& Engineering MSc
166 Medical
Biotechnology MSc
170 Sport Performance
Enhancement MSc
171 Wildlife Biology &
Conservation MSc
180 Clinical Research
181 Health
Administration MSc
184 Blended & Online
Education MSc
185 Learning, Teaching
& Assessment
Practice in Higher
Education PgCert
Choosing to study with us is choosing to work with inspiring
academic minds who continue to innovate through their research
and collaboration with industry. Meanwhile your fellow students
and colleagues represent more than 100 nations, creating a vibrant,
cosmopolitan atmosphere in a truly international city.
Our three campuses
are part of an
iconic, cultural and
beautiful city at the
heart of Scotland.
ur programmes are created in collaboration
with industry and employers to give
you the best chance of career success.
Industry accreditation, placements, international
links, visiting tutors and academic staff highly
engaged and connected in their fields make
our qualifications relevant. In this prospectus,
you’ll see our full range of postgraduate
programmes as well as information on some
of the life-changing research you could be
involved with in the UK and internationally.
Our student profiles in this prospectus give just a
snapshot of our diversity, representing a handful
of more than 100 nationalities proud to call
Edinburgh Napier home. Meanwhile, our academic
profiles give you a taste of the experience and
expertise that is available to you, all supported
by cutting-edge, industry-standard facilities.
Whatever stage you’re at, postgraduate study
at Edinburgh Napier can fit into your life. We offer
full-time, part-time, flexible online and distance
learning as well as a wide range of support
services such as our Confident Futures and
Standout programmes that aid your professional
progression. In our Bright Red Triangle incubators,
we’ll help you start your own business if
that’s the exciting path you want to take.
Best of all, you can experience all of this in one
of the globe’s most attractive cities in one of
the world’s most beautiful countries. Our three
campuses are part of an iconic, cultural and
beautiful city at the heart of Scotland.
A UNESCO World Heritage Site and home to
the world’s largest arts festival, it is a buzzing,
multicultural city, yet feels small, welcoming,
safe and perfect for postgraduate life.
No matter where you’re from and whether
you are looking to start, enhance or change
your career or simply challenge yourself in
something new, postgraduate study at
Edinburgh Napier will give you a competitive
edge and the skills to succeed today, tomorrow
and throughout your career.
Making sure
Every postgraduate programme at Edinburgh
Napier is designed with your career in mind.
hrough our careers service,
our links with industry and
enviable accreditations across
the University, we offer a supportive
yet challenging environment.
A 2014 report by Biggar Economics
also named us the most successful
university in Scotland for graduate
enterprise and start-ups.
Each postgraduate course is
structured to provide the skills and
knowledge valued by employers
globally. We complement this
with innovative programmes
to boost your employability:
•Our Confident Futures programme
is unique in higher education in the
UK. The workshops are free to all
postgraduate students and include
topics such as assertiveness,
networking, selling your strengths,
self-employment, and preparing
for assessment centres.
•Throughout the year, we run
Academic Skills workshops, open
to all postgraduates and all free
of charge. They include sessions
specifically for non-native English
speakers, and cover anything from
essay writing to presentations
to help with mathematics.
The experience of our staff can also enrich your career
prospects. Across our Schools, our staff work on
knowledge exchange projects; sit on advisory boards;
and provide direct services and consultancy to
commercial and public-sector clients.
Our staff use their active involvement in commercial and
public life to arrange substantial input from employers,
including talks and workshops, employer-led projects
and professional placements. They proactively let
you know information about job vacancies, internships,
competitions and grants.
Across all our Schools, you’ll see that many of our
courses are accredited by industry bodies. From the
Institute of Hospitality to the Engineering Council,
these bodies support our courses because they have
been designed from an industry perspective.
This dialogue with industry is continuous and in this
prospectus you’ll find details of our new MSc Corporate
Governance programme which has been developed in
conjunction with ICSA (The Institute of Chartered
Secretaries and Administrators), while our new MSc
Game Technologies course in the School of Computing
has been awarded Playstation©First status by Sony.
As a result of our courses, links, accreditation and
Edinburgh Napier experience, the vast majority of our
students feel better prepared for their future careers.
“On our MSc in Corporate
Governance, we’re working
with ICSA so that you can
do a Masters degree, but at
the same time you’re making
significant progress towards
a professional qualification.”
Dr Matthew Bonnett,
Programme Leader, MSc Corporate Governance
HESA Destination of Leavers from Higher Education Survey 2013/14
*Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey 2015
Pioneering research is
At Edinburgh Napier, the strength of our taught
postgraduate programmes is complemented
by a broad range of academic research that is
benefitting people and places across the world.
he quality of this research was recently recognised in the 2014
Research Excellence Framework (REF) which rated more than half
of our research as “world-leading” or “internationally excellent”.
This included a carbon credit project in Kenya that has protected more
than 100 hectares of tropical forest and raised thousands for reinvestment;
a construction scheme based on our research that led to a significant
drop in noise-related complaints in new-build homes; and work
re-establishing the reputation of Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson.
Like our courses, our research is innovative as well as relevant to today’s
ever-changing world. Our researchers work closely with industry in fields
as diverse as sustainable construction, cyber security, compassionate care
and responsible tourism.
The following pages showcase just a few areas where Edinburgh Napier’s
research community is continuing to lead the way.
The world of cybercrime is continually
evolving as we become more
dependent on the internet, with
technological change leading to
new bugs and viruses which are
used to disrupt networks, commit
fraud or carry out espionage.
“The world of cybercrime is
continually evolving as we become
more dependent on the internet.”
Launched in 2015, the Edinburgh
Napier-led Cyber Academy is helping
to address the resulting demand
for cyber security specialists and
provides a mechanism for interaction
between students and law enforcers,
related organisations and companies.
Innovative ideas are being developed
through funded PhD research, and
students and professionals are
learning how to secure systems,
respond to security breaches and how
to investigate the work of hackers.
Neil Anderson, Security Director at
technology consultant FarrPoint, says:
“Edinburgh Napier’s excellent track
record in producing high-quality cyber
security graduates underlines the
city’s superb reputation as a centre of
excellence for cyber security expertise.”
The launch was also supported by
the National Crime Agency and Police
Scotland. Professor Bill Buchanan,
of Edinburgh Napier’s School of
Computing, says: “The demand for
graduates in this area increases by
the day, and the Cyber Academy
will strive for excellence in teaching,
professional practice and research.”
Groundbreaking work by two Edinburgh Napier
materials chemistry researchers has led a
global pulp and paper producer to commission
a nanocellulose production plant in the
Netherlands. The bio-based material can be
used in a wide range of areas, including
packaging, touch screen displays, automotive,
paint, foods, concrete and even wound care.
Sappi Ltd believes nanocellulose will play a
key role in its future suite of products, both
as a product in itself and in its applications.
The global market is expected to grow to
35 million tons per year by the 2020s.
The researchers at Edinburgh Napier University
had been developing technology that uses
unique chemistry to allow wood pulp fibres
to be readily broken down into Cellulose
NanoFibrils (CNF). After joining forces with
Sappi Ltd to develop an energy-saving process
that would make production commercially
viable, a plant for low-cost nanocellulose
production has now been commissioned in
the Netherlands.
•Evaluating the Police Scotland
stop and search scheme
•Mapping devastating environmental
changes to ensure countries’ economic
growth is ecologically sustainable
•Reporting on the impact of
welfare reform in the UK
•Producing biofuel from residues of
the whisky industry through our
spin-out company Celtic Renewables
•Investigating treatments for
rhinovirus which could lead to a
cure for the common cold
As a result of their work, Professor Rob English,
who led the research, and his Edinburgh Napier
colleague Dr Rhodri Williams, were honoured
with a special commendation alongside Sappi’s
project leader for new technology development at
Sappi’s annual Technical Innovation Awards event
in 2015. It was the first time a commendation
of this type had been made by the Sappi board.
If you are interested in research
at Edinburgh Napier, we offer a
number of research degree awards:
•Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
•Master of Philosophy (MPhil)
•Masters by Research (MRes)
•Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA)
•PhD by Published Works.
There is a wide range of subject
areas and expertise available across
the University’s schools and related
institutes, where staff are happy to
discuss potential research proposals.
Funded PhD studentships are available in
some areas and, what’s more, researchers
at Edinburgh Napier highly rate the
research degree supervision received,
recording 82 per cent satisfaction
in the most recent Postgraduate
Research Experience Survey (PRES).
If you are interested in research at
Edinburgh Napier, please contact
A recently signed Memorandum of Understanding
with the Moredun Group, a world-renowned
research institute aimed at promoting livestock
health and wellbeing, will see greater
collaboration between us and its researchers.
The University has already worked with the
Institute on a number of projects – from examining
farmers’ attitudes to emerging livestock diseases
such as the Schmallenberg virus, to testing
vaccines to combat parasites. New research will
also focus on land management issues, specifically
livestock health and long-term food security, and
understanding the sociological implications of new
policy and uptake of new interventions.
Professor Andrea Nolan, Principal and ViceChancellor of Edinburgh Napier, says: “This will
encourage more mutually beneficial crossworking and development opportunities for our
staff, including opening up new areas for joint
research projects that deliver real impact for
farmers, landowners and the public.”
Professor Julie Fitzpatrick, Moredun Research
Institute Scientific Director & Group CEO, says:
“We can see real benefits from the opportunities
provided by interdisciplinary collaboration to
enable both organisations to make a real impact in
enabling new technologies and developments to
be used effectively where they are most needed.”
Bright Red Triangle is our innovation and enterprise
hub where current and past students can start their
own businesses or work as consultants with industry.
e recognise that the
nature of careers is
changing, and many of
our postgraduate students go on
to set up their own businesses or
choose to go freelance after their
studies. To that end, we want to
encourage an enterprising mindset
in all of our students and alumni
so that whether you go on to set
up your business or work for an
organisation, you are equipped
with the skills you need to succeed.
Bright Red Triangle is Edinburgh
Napier University’s one-stop shop
for all extracurricular activities
relating to enterprise and innovation,
so whether you are looking for
part-time, flexible work or looking
to set up a business either during or
after your postgraduate studies,
there is a dedicated team to help you.
As well as ongoing support, there are
regular workshops, seminars and
talks throughout the year, which
offer great networking opportunities.
There are two distinct areas within
Bright Red Triangle:
Bright Red Consultancy (BRC)
Our Bright Red Consultancy programme is designed to
recruit and train our most ambitious students to become
junior consultants. We offer paid, flexible work experience
on real client issues for businesses across various sectors
and industries. We have completed film and photography
work for SMEs, industry analysis and market research
for the oil and gas industry, as well as graphic and web
design, social media and PR for a wide range of clients.
All students can apply to be a junior consultant on our
consultancy programme and will work with a senior
member of staff on projects that they have been carefully
matched with.
The consultancy service is operated from within the
University so that we can offer you the chance to
enhance your skills and increase your confidence in a
client environment, with a strong focus on training and
improvement throughout.
“BRC gives you the opportunity to work for real clients on
real projects. Every day is a unique learning experience
and different projects require different sets of skills,
creativity and commitment. You are faced with various
challenges that you have to overcome, while also
extending your networks and building relationships.
All these experiences put you in a stronger position
when applying for jobs. From the start of your career
you have an insight that other graduates may not have.”
Paul Jersika
Postgraduate student consultant
For further information, contact
Bright Red Ventures (BRV)
Bright Red Ventures focuses on business start-ups.
Edinburgh Napier has two student and graduate business
incubation centres housed at our Craiglockhart and
Merchiston campuses. These dedicated hot desk facilities
can be used free of charge to develop initial business
ideas or grow your existing business. Each campus has
a dedicated incubator manager to support you at every
stage, whether you are looking for advice or mentoring.
We can even support your interaction with accountants,
lawyers and angel investors.
“BRV has allowed me to meet new people, register
as a business in the incubator at Merchiston, and
learn about how to work with a variety of clients.”
Alex-Porter Smith
Former student and current BRV business
More than
1,400 students
have used Bright Red Ventures
“I am currently a filmmaker for Stramash,
an outdoor learning company based
on the west coast of Scotland. I like to
film cool things to keep myself happy
while sharing my knowledge and giving
back. I set up my business with the
help of Bright Red Ventures and have
completed a number of client projects
for the Bright Red Consultancy.”
Michael Westcott,
Cutting-edge facilities
When you choose a postgraduate course or a base
for research, your surroundings are important.
You want to live in an interesting, welcoming city,
and you want great facilities for learning, studying
and making new friends and connections.
e have three campuses at Edinburgh Napier University, all of
them cosmopolitan and dynamic. They cater for the needs
of the 21st-century postgraduate, with state-of-the-art
teaching facilities and research laboratories, and extensive computer
suites, including one open 24 hours a day during Trimesters 1 and 2. Our
study spaces suit today’s students, not those of centuries past.
We provide for life beyond the lecture theatre too, with cafés, social spaces
and Starbucks franchises, and our superb [EN]GAGE gym, with a 200 sq m
fitness suite, 1,200 sq m sports hall, and dozens of fitness classes and sports
activities each week. In 2015, it was announced that these facilities are to
be expanded as we become home to the BT Sport Scottish Rugby Academy,
Edinburgh, where we will help elite rugby players develop their talents.
Our facilities can also inspire, opening up new opportunities
and career paths. Facilities such as multimedia language
labs, industry-standard music studios, broadcast studios
and computer games development labs will help you
pursue your career aspirations or discover new passions.
Our School of Computing at Merchiston has some of
the most impressive IT facilities of any UK university,
including specialist labs for Cisco networking, featuring
the latest development kit, embedded and wireless
systems, and Linux, Cisco and Microsoft technologies.
Our Sport and Exercise Science laboratories at Sighthill
are among the best in the UK, and include a human
performance laboratory and a biomechanics laboratory.
We also boast an environmental chamber where
researchers can test athletic performance in extreme
conditions, including high and low temperatures and humidity.
The chamber is the largest facility of its kind in Scotland,
and can replicate high-altitude conditions up to the
equivalent of Everest Base Camp. As well as observing
performance, our researchers and students can
test equipment and clothing in the most extreme
conditions – all from the comfort of Edinburgh.
At the School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Care, we have
a 1,000 sq m Simulation and Clinical Skills Centre. It even
includes a High Dependency Unit (HDU) simulator suite
which replicates an intensive care treatment area.
Other facilities at the Sighthill campus range from Biomed labs
with confocal microscope, histology suite and real-time PCR
suite, to our capacity to work with anaerobic micro-organisms
on our Biotech programmes.
These diverse and impressive facilities have a common
theme: to enrich the skills and career prospects of our
students. They’ll help you gain skills and experiences
relevant to employers all over the world.
At all our sites, we’ve invested significantly in IT
and audiovisual equipment, to provide students
with the best learning and teaching environment.
For example, our futuristic 400-seat lecture
theatre at the Business School at Craiglockhart
has calculated lighting, specialised acoustics,
natural ventilation and comfortable seating.
Our Virtual Learning Environment, Moodle,
allows you to access electronic teaching
materials wherever and whenever you want.
You can access lecture notes before or after
your classes, check the details of an assessment
or find coursework materials. It’s available 24
hours a day – another way in which our IT and
learning facilities back your learning ambitions.
Our postgraduate accommodation, usually
reserved in quieter locations, spans a number of
sites including our new en-suite accommodation
at Slateford Road that opened in 2015.
All our purpose-built student accommodation
is situated in the centre of Edinburgh
and includes facilities such as desk space
and well-equipped kitchens. Each site is
managed by an Accommodation Officer.
Please note that accommodation for
postgraduate students is allocated on
a first-come, first-served basis, and
there are limited places available.
For more information, see
A successful postgraduate experience stems
from offering students inspiring facilities and
staff. But there’s another essential ingredient
too: enabling students to work in a way that
suits them. The best universities combine
cutting-edge facilities with the human element.
We help our postgraduates to connect with each
other – after all, the people you meet as a
postgraduate could become your global contacts
of the future. Across all of our campuses are
break-out spaces, fully connected meeting rooms,
places to discuss a group project or get to know
talented people from all over the world – modern
spaces designed for today’s postgraduates.
As a result, our campuses combine the sociable
atmosphere of a university with the professional
feel of a modern workplace. They’re places where
you can prepare for the career you want. Cuttingedge facilities combined with practical spaces and
support. Places where you can achieve your best.
At Edinburgh Napier University we recognise
that different people like to study in different
types of space – some postgraduate students
may prefer to work in a silent study room;
others in an open -plan IT suite, or a sociable
coffee shop environment. We provide you with
all these choices.
In an increasingly globalised world, we realise
you don’t have to be in a lecture theatre to learn.
That’s why we’re constantly investing and innovating
with new technology to allow your studies to fit
round you. A number of our programmes can now
be fully studied online but with the same support
and resources you’d expect if you were on campus,
including 24-hour library and IT support.
Iconic views
and excellent
transport links
Postgraduates study at our
Craiglockhart Campus
Check out a video
of Craiglockhart at
The iconic Lindsay Stewart lecture theatre at Craiglockhart
Our Merchiston Campus
Three different schools are based at our Merchiston campus: Arts & Creative Industries,
Computing and Engineering & the Built Environment.
The co-location of these different disciplines means the atmosphere at Merchiston is lively and diverse.
It’s a great place for cross-over ideas, where creatives mix with digital specialists and engineers.
It’s exactly the type of atmosphere where great business ideas or creative projects are born.
The campus is situated in the heart of Bruntsfield, one of the most interesting areas of
Edinburgh. Whether you want some artisan coffee, Edinburgh’s best ice cream, cafés with
free WIFI or a park to play football, you will find it in Bruntsfield. There are good transport
links to Edinburgh’s city centre and other parts of the city.
Facilities at the campus include the 500-seater Jack Kilby Computer Centre; art studios;
a newsroom and film studios; specialist digital media, computer games and cyber forensics
labs; and other enviable facilities purpose-built for our students. Merchiston also boasts
a Bright Red Triangle business incubator to help you start your own business.
Investment in
Sighthill campus
Situated on the
new Edinburgh
tram route
Check out a video
of Sighthill at
A £60m redevelopment of Sighthill was completed in 2011
Our Craiglockhart Campus
If you study at The Business School, your main base will be our Craiglockhart campus.
With more than 900 postgraduate students from around the world, the atmosphere is
international, ambitious and animated. It’s a place to build networks as well as learn.
The campus has state-of-the-art lecture theatres and seminar rooms, a superb library, a
dedicated teaching area for postgraduate students, and a choice of cafés, all with WIFI. It also
houses a Bright Red Triangle incubation centre where you are free to develop your business ideas.
The backdrop to the campus is one of Edinburgh’s most sought-after residential areas, rich in
history and close to beautiful outdoor scenery. There are also excellent public transport links to
the centre of Edinburgh.
We’re close to the Pentland Hills Regional Park, where you can mountain bike, walk or even
snowboard / ski at the Midlothian Snowsports Centre. A few minutes’ walk away is the
Craiglockhart Tennis Centre, one of Scotland’s finest racquet sports centres, with top-quality
indoor and outdoor tennis courts plus squash and badminton.
Close to the
Meadows park
seat computer centre,
open 24 hours a day in
Trimesters 1 and 2
The Merchiston Tower has stood since 1454
Check out a video of
Merchiston at
Our Sighthill Campus
Sighthill is our newest campus, a £60m state-of-the-art facility housing our Schools of Life,
Sport & Social Sciences and Nursing, Midwifery & Social Care.
In addition to the cutting-edge teaching facilities and laboratories at Sighthill, resources include:
•a stunning five-storey Learning Resource Centre, with library and IT facilities and spectacular
180° views of Edinburgh.
•an airy four-storey atrium with a café and Starbucks franchise.
•our much-envied [EN]GAGE sports facility, with gym and sports hall, which can be booked
for activities from basketball to table tennis. The sports centre is used by students from
all three campuses and classes include INSANITY®, spinning, zumba, yoga and pilates.
The Sighthill area of Edinburgh has excellent bus and tram links to central Edinburgh,
the airport, shopping malls and retail parks.
A City
Choosing to study at Edinburgh
Napier University is choosing
to live in one of Europe’s most
prosperous and successful cities.
n 2015, the Daily Telegraph noted that Edinburgh was
the best city in the UK for jobs growth, even better
than fast-growing London. This in turn led to the lowest
ratio of applications to job vacancies, making Edinburgh
a great place for jobseekers. It is no surprise when you
consider the calibre of employers that have made the city
their home. Traditional Scottish companies such as Standard
Life, RBS and Scottish Widows have been joined by national
and international corporations, including HBOS, Tesco
Bank and Diageo, all creating jobs within the city in a huge
number of fields.
Added to these financial institutions and fund managers,
creative companies such as Rockstar North, maker
of the Grand Theft Auto series of videogames, online
fantasy sports site FanDuel, and leading flight booking
website SkyScanner, also call Edinburgh home.
In 2015, The European magazine
named Edinburgh as the FDI
(Foreign Direct Investment)
City of the Year at its Business
& Finance Awards
1. Bank of Scotland on The Mound
2. Scottish Parliament on The Royal Mile
As Scotland looks to position itself
at the forefront of green energy,
particularly in renewables technology,
the UK Government has chosen
Edinburgh as the home of the world’s
first Green Investment Bank. Located
in the heart of the city, the bank is
charged with investing in new energy
and waste infrastructure across
the UK that will create new jobs in
construction, operations and related
fields, while also helping the country
achieve its environmental targets.
Since 1999, Edinburgh has also
been a seat of national government,
with the Scottish Parliament based
at the foot of the city’s historic
Royal Mile, and the country’s civil
servants housed at Victoria Quay in
the city’s regenerated Leith area.
As well as being a centre for business
and government, Edinburgh also has
a major tourism industry. With the city
a UNESCO World Heritage Site and
famous events such as the Edinburgh
International Festival, the Fringe
Festival and Edinburgh’s Hogmanay
proving hugely popular year after
year, the city welcomes around 1.3
million international visitors a year.
This in turn has created thousands of
permanent and seasonal jobs in the city
and led to the expansion of Edinburgh
International Airport, which now serves
more than 10 million passengers a year.
With such a richly diverse selection of
employers in the city, and Edinburgh
Napier’s proud history of links to
industry, studying for a postgraduate
qualification in Scotland’s capital
means you can put yourself in pole
position for gaining employment
both while you study and once you
graduate to begin your own career.
And with average earnings in the
capital among the highest in the UK
outside London, coming to Edinburgh
could be a financially astute move.
“SMEs are growing like I’ve
never seen before. It’s like
a new Enlightenment for
Edinburgh, especially in terms
of innovation and enterprise.”
Bill Buchanan,
Professor of Computing
• Standard Life
• Scottish Widows
• Tesco Bank
• Diageo
• Rockstar North
• Skyscanner
• Fanduel
A City
With an iconic skyline that includes an extinct volcano
and a famous castle, Edinburgh also benefits from
plenty of green spaces and excellent air quality.
aving come to Edinburgh from Ghana
with a limited knowledge of the city,
how would MSc Safety & Environmental
Management student Mark Arthur describe
it after eight months? “Edinburgh is a very
beautiful city. It’s very clean and the people here
are friendly. It’s also a very compact city but it’s
exciting, with a lot of tourists going about.”
Edinburgh is a very beautiful
city. It’s very clean and the
people here are friendly.
And it’s easy to see why Mark has fallen in love
with his new home. Wherever you go in Edinburgh,
a UNESCO World Heritage site, there is always
a new and inspiring view just around the corner.
Edinburgh Napier’s own three campuses all boast
views across the city, whether you’re enjoying a
seat on the grass outside Craiglockhart, having
a tutorial on one of the top floors at Merchiston
or some quiet study time in Sighthill’s fifth floor
library with its stunning floor-to-ceiling windows.
One thing you’ll notice from any viewpoint in
Edinburgh is the amount of green space in the city
centre. Princes Street Gardens, the Royal Botanic
Garden and the Meadows are three of the more
famous green sites in the city but there are 140
other public parks so no matter where you study
and live, you’ll never be far from some fresh air
and recreational space. This is one reason that
Edinburgh has the lowest level of air pollution
of any major city in the UK, according to the
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs.
“I really love Edinburgh.
I’ve had so many friends
visit from Norway and
they keep coming back.
The city has a castle right
in the centre and such
a beautiful landscape –
it just really works.”
Mari Helsett, Norway
MSc International
Business Management
You’re also never far from water
in Edinburgh. The Water of Leith
and its accompanying walkway
meander through the city for
just under 13 miles. The path,
which you can enjoy on foot or by
bike, takes you from the western
suburbs, through the city centre
and out to the Firth of Forth at
Leith. Along the way, look out for
flora and fauna including wild
garlic, orchids, trout, herons,
kingfishers and otters as well as
quaint parts of the city such as
Dean Village and Stockbridge.
Like Rome, Edinburgh is said
to be built on seven hills.
All are easily reached by public
transport, relatively simple to
climb, and offer different views
of the city. Why not aim to climb
them all in your time here?
Arthur’s Seat
Blackford Hill
Braid Hills
Calton Hill
Castle Rock
Corstorphine Hill
Craiglockhart Hill
The Union Canal also runs
through the western side of
the city, passing right beside
our state-of-the-art student
accommodation at Bainfield.
You can cycle, walk, run or even
row along this peaceful stretch
of water. However, if you more
associate water with the beach,
Portobello lies to the east of the
city, a short bus journey from
the city centre. Here you can
enjoy a traditional British seaside
experience with sand, sea, ice
cream and fish and chips.
Edinburgh has
more Green
parks than any
city in the UK
outside London
A City
It may be famous the world over for
its summer festivals, but while you’re
studying, there is plenty to see, do, eat
and drink all-year round in Edinburgh.
dinburgh’s population of around 490,000 swells
every summer as the city plays host to several
arts festivals. The world famous Edinburgh Fringe
takes place throughout August when around 50,000
performances of more than 3,000 shows, many of which
are free, take place in hundreds of venues across the
city. Around the same time, the film festival, the book
festival and numerous other smaller events delight the
city’s occupants, both permanent and temporary.
Come the festive season, the city’s Princes Street Gardens
are turned into a winter wonderland as the Christmas
Market, the big wheel and the famous ice rink entertain
visitors and residents alike. Then on New Year’s Eve,
or “Hogmanay” as it’s known in Scotland, hundreds
of thousands of people gather on Princes Street for
the legendary street party that boasts live music
and an enthralling fireworks display above Edinburgh
Castle at midnight.
people attend Edinburgh’s
festivals throughout the year
Edinburgh’s National Gallery is
home to a world class collection
of paintings including works by
Cézanne, Degas, El Greco, Gauguin,
Monet, Raphael, Rubens, Van
Gogh and Velázquez, as well as
Scottish greats such as Raeburn,
Ramsay, McTaggart and Wilkie.
Top 10 most popular
visitor attractions
in Edinburgh
• National Museum of Scotland
• Edinburgh Castle
• Scottish National Gallery
• St Giles Cathedral
• Royal Botanic Garden
• Edinburgh Zoo
• National War Museum
• Edinburgh Bus Tours
• Scottish National Gallery
of Modern Art
• Our Dynamic Earth
Edinburgh Zoo is home to the
only Giant Pandas in the UK.
Tian Tian and Yang Guang came
to Scotland from China in 2011.
Edinburgh has a reputation
for fine dining, with the
city boasting five Michelinstarred restaurants that are
perfect for a very special
occasion. However, if
you’re on more of a budget,
there are restaurants,
pubs and cafés offering
food from around the
world: Indian, Chinese,
Mexican, Thai, Spanish,
Argentinian, Indonesian,
Malaysian, Korean,
Brazilian and Japanese are
just some of the cuisines
represented on Edinburgh’s
thriving food scene.
No matter where you’re
from, you’ll find a little
taste of home in the city.
You’ll also be able to sample
some of the finest seafood
in the world, from fresh
salmon to langoustines,
alongside traditional
Scottish favourites such
as the famous haggis.
“There is always something
to do and see at any time of
day or night. While walking
around town you will feel
like you are walking around
in a movie. I sometimes
laugh out loud because I feel
like I’ve stepped into one of
the Harry Potter movies!”
Paige Myers,
MSc Ecotourism
A City
The city of Edinburgh is a major transport hub that offers easy
access to the rest of Scotland, the UK, Europe and beyond.
Located near the heart of Europe,
Edinburgh International Airport
now welcomes more than 10
million passengers a year and a
major expansion to the terminal
facility was completed in 2014.
You can now fly on 29 airlines direct
to more than 120 destinations,
including cities throughout Europe
and further afield, such as Doha,
New York and Toronto. With London
Heathrow and Amsterdam Schiphol
airports just over an hour away,
easy connections are available to
almost anywhere in the world.
When you arrive, a 24-hour bus service
and a new tram system are available
to take you from Edinburgh Airport to
the city centre in around 30 minutes.
Approximate flight times
from Edinburgh:
(not all flights are direct)
London 1.25
Amsterdam 1.30
Paris 2.00
Berlin 2.05
Madrid 3.00
Doha 6.55
New York 7.35
Abuja 10.15
Mumbai 11.55
Islamabad 13.00
Beijing 13.00
Bangkok 15.00
Edinburgh’s Waverley and Haymarket stations in the
city centre offer access to the whole of the UK and on to
Europe. Heading north, regular services take you to the
beauty of the Scottish Highlands within a couple of hours.
Typical rail times from Edinburgh:
Glasgow 0.50
Aberdeen 2.20
Inverness 3.20
Newcastle 1.25
Birmingham 4.00
Manchester 3.15
Liverpool 3.40
London 4.20
More than half of Edinburgh’s
residents who work or study in
Edinburgh commute on foot,
by bike or public transport.
Edinburgh boasts a very efficient
network of increasingly environmentallyfriendly buses and a new multi-million
pound tram system. Flat fare rates
apply throughout the city on both,
while full-time students at Edinburgh
Napier University are eligible for a
money-saving Student Ridacard.
All our campuses are well-served by
the Lothian Buses network and our
state-of-the art campus at Sighthill has
a state-of-the-art tram to match.
Countries you can fly
to from Edinburgh
Direct flights
Flights to London
every day
10 million
people pass through Edinburgh
Airport every year
The number of people cycling in
Edinburgh continues to grow as the city
invests in an extensive cycle network.
All of our campuses are located close
to cycle paths and offer secure bike
storage. In 2015, we also began a new
eCycle scheme where students and staff
can borrow electrically-assisted bicycles
for short to medium lengths of time.
A Country
From lochs to castles, mountain
biking to skiing, you will find
it hard not to fall in love with
the delights of Scotland.
aking a base for
yourself in the
capital city of
Edinburgh means you are
ideally placed to explore
the rest of Scotland –
a country visited by nearly
2.5 million overseas
visitors every year. With
its rich cultural heritage,
bustling cities, beautiful
scenery, captivating wildlife
and numerous outdoor
activities, you will have
an unforgettable time.
If history is your thing,
you will be spoiled for choice
in Scotland. With stunning
castles such as Stirling,
Eilean Donan, Culzean
and Glamis, the country’s
fascinating past is there
to see in all its glory.
Elsewhere, Scotland’s
beautiful islands are
tranquil, intriguing and
full of wildlife, with some
boasting beaches that
would rival the Caribbean
for white sands and
turquoise waters; while
the mountains of the
Highlands offer climbs to
suit all abilities with the
rewards being some of the
finest views in the world.
For thrilling activities,
head to beautiful Highland
Perthshire where you’ll
find a wide variety of
watersports on the
country’s famous rivers
and lochs or continue on
and you could soon find
yourself on the slopes of the
Cairngorms Ski Centre in the
heart of one of Scotland’s
stunning National Parks.
Eilean Donan Castle
• Scotland’s landscape boasts
282 Munros – mountains
taller than 3,000ft.
The biggest of them all,
Ben Nevis, is also the
highest mountain in the UK.
• Scotland is the most
beautiful country in
the world, according to
readers of Rough Guides.
On Your Bike
Mountain biking is big in Scotland
and within an hour of the city,
you could be on one of the UK’s
top trails. The award-winning biking
centre at Glentress has routes for all
levels, whether you fancy a sedate
ride in the forest or the buzz
of a high-speed downhill descent.
In 2014, a centre for training,
research and support for
commercial opportunities in mountain
biking was opened at Glentress in
collaboration with Edinburgh Napier.
National Icon
Awarded World Heritage Site status
in 2015, the Forth Bridge is one of
the world’s most iconic structures.
Opened in 1890 and located just 10
miles from Edinburgh, it remains a
triumph of engineering to this day.
“Despite its small size, Scotland
certainly has many treasures
crammed into its compact territory.”
Lonely Planet
“There’s nothing like seeing the
Highlands from a boat. It’s incredible.
I recommend it to anyone, as long
as you don’t mind being wet.”
Anna Armstrong,
MSc Health Administration
If you prefer to stick to city living,
Scotland’s second city of Glasgow
is less than an hour away by bus or
train. Traditionally more industrial
than Edinburgh, the city has a thriving
entertainment scene, world-class
museums and excellent nightlife.
For more info about everything
there is to see and do in Scotland,
go to:
Edinburgh Napier
From Austria to Zambia, more than 115 different
nationalities have chosen to study with us.
early half of our student population comes
from outside the UK, creating a thrilling
multicultural buzz around our campuses.
With 8,000 international students from more than
115 countries studying at Edinburgh Napier, there
is a real sense of diversity and the opportunity to
learn not just from our academics but from your
own colleagues with their different experiences
and backgrounds. And, as you’ll see from the
students profiled throughout this prospectus,
postgraduates who come here to study are
quick to regard the city of Edinburgh as home.
The streets of Edinburgh are rich in culture
and history and the world-famous festivals
create a lively atmosphere. You’ll experience
it all while learning in a first-class study
environment and enjoying the worldrenowned benefits of a UK education.
With our experience of supporting our
international students, we are well-versed
in your needs and aim to make your arrival
and your time here as straightforward and as
enjoyable as possible. Many of you will travel
a long way from home to study with us and
we know this will be a major investment for
you. That is why we offer you the following:
•Discounts on tuition fees for early payment*
•An opportunity to pay fees in instalments*
•A welcome service at Edinburgh International
Airport at the start of trimesters one and two
•Welcome events for all new international
students at the start of trimester one and two
•A calendar of social events throughout
the year, through Students at Edinburgh
Napier International Club (SENIC)
•University accommodation, provided you
apply and pay a £500 advance rent payment.
Please note that spaces are limited and
offered on a first come first served basis.
* Only if you are liable to pay the full tuition fees.
For full details of fees and how
to apply, see page 198.
115 countries
represented in our student population
To help you adjust to life in Edinburgh, our
International Support team and the Napier
Students’ Association (NSA) will do their
best to help you settle in to your new home,
providing information and assistance when
you arrive and organising events where
you can meet other new students.
Students at Edinburgh Napier International
Club (SENIC) brings together students from all
over the world who are studying at Edinburgh
Napier. The club organises regular tours
of some of Scotland’s stunning locations
and famous landscapes, all departing from
Edinburgh. Destinations in the past have
included St Andrews, Loch Ness and Oban
in the beautiful Scottish Highlands.
To help you through the formalities and
procedures both before and after your arrival
in Edinburgh, further information can be found
Membership is open to all students
– for further details email
We are happy to consider applications from
visiting postgraduate students from the EU
on a pay-per-module basis. We can offer you
the chance to take some time away from
your studies at your home university and
experience life in Edinburgh while studying
some of the many postgraduate modules
available here at Edinburgh Napier.
Eligible EU students study up to a maximum
of three postgraduate modules per trimester
which, upon successful completion, will
give you a total of 30 ECTS credits to
take back to your home university.
There is also the option to study as a visiting
student for a trimester, complete your
dissertation at Edinburgh Napier and then
have the potential to graduate with a double
award from both your home university and
Edinburgh Napier. For more information on
eligibility, costs and the application process,
please contact:
For full details on international postgraduate
entry requirements and for details
of how to apply, see page 198.
Pre-sessional courses
English as a Foreign Language Pre-sessional
courses are available for prospective
postgraduate students. These courses improve
your English language and academic study skills.
In addition to classes, you are give an opportunity
to immerse yourself in Edinburgh and Scotland’s
culture through visits to tourist attractions.
We also provide you with practical help to settle
into life in a new city.
Pre-sessional courses are designed to suit a
range of abilities.
4 Week Academic Skills Induction
Course in August
Entry Requirements: Unconditional
offer for a degree course at + IELTS
6.0 with no skill below 5.5
6 Week Pre-sessional* in July and
November (for January intake)
Entry Requirements: Offer for a degree course
at + IELTS 5.5 with no skill below 5.0
For further information on these
programmes please contact or visit:
*Students with IELTS 4.0-5.5 are required
to sit the Edinburgh Napier University
language exam in order to progress
to postgraduate programmes.
You cannot apply for these courses directly.
The Admissions Team will consider if you are
eligible for one of these programmes based
on your previous English language test score
and when considering your eligibility for the
postgraduate course you have applied for.
12 Week Pre-sessional* in June and
October (for January intake)
Entry Requirements: Offer for a degree course
at +IELTS 5.0 with no skill below 4.5
1 Year pre-sessional* October – August
Entry Requirements: Offer for a degree course
at + IELTS 4.0 with no skill below 4.0
If you are on the Year-Long English Language
Programme, you will receive two Confirmation
of Acceptance of Studies (CAS) letters – one
for the English language course and one for
your degree programme (on the assumption
of passing the Edinburgh Napier University
language exam). You will be expected to
hold the academic entry requirements for
your degree programme at the start of the
Year-Long English Language Programme.
English-language and study skills workshops
and individual appointments will be available
during your time as a postgraduate student
here to complement your studies. These are
free of charge to all international students
enrolled on a postgraduate course.
“We have students from China and all
over Europe and you wouldn’t get such
a diverse group like this anywhere else.”
Pankhuri Jain, India
MDes Interaction Design
Edinburgh population
(National Records of Scotland)
Edinburgh student population
(HESA/Scottish Funding Council)
“The combination of this fantastic city –
with so many green spaces, sea views and
mountains all around – and the flexibility
at the University is perfect for me.”
Anders Moripen, Norway,
MSc Marketing
Edinburgh Napier UK students
(Edinburgh Napier University)
“The lectures are very interactive, more
practical with real-life experiences.”
Claudia Chepkor, Kenya,
MSc Advanced Security & Digital Forensics
Edinburgh Napier
international students
(Edinburgh Napier University)
How to use
this Prospectus
Our postgraduate
prospectus has been
designed to help you as
much as possible as you
consider your options.
Each of our schools has its own section
in which you’ll find listings of their
courses. Each entry contains an outline
of what you’ll study and what the entry
requirements are. The sample course
page opposite explains the layout we
use in more detail.
Unless otherwise stated, all our courses
are available as a Master of Science (MSc)
degree with other exit points to qualify
with a Postgraduate Certificate (PgCert)
or Postgraduate Diploma (PgDip).
At the back of the prospectus, you’ll find
additional information to help guide your
decision about postgraduate study with
us, including information on support
services, fees, funding and how to apply.
42 The Business School
84 The School of Arts & Creative Industries
110 The School of Computing
130 The School of Engineering & the Built Environment
156 The School of Life, Sport & Social Sciences
174 The School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Care
1 Award
Whether the course is available as a
Professional Diploma/PgCert/PgDip/MSc/
MA/MBA/MFA or LLM will be listed here.
2 Course title
The name of the course and
principal areas of study.
3 Study type
These show the modes of study
and attendance available.
•Full-time learning or research study involves
the student in an average of at least
21 hours study per week, including private
study and on-campus taught provision,
for periods of more than 24 weeks per year.
•Part-time learning or research study involves
the student in less than 21 hours study
per week, including private study and/or
on-campus taught provision, for periods
of less than 24 weeks.
Similarly postgraduate students still engaged
in the work of the course and supervised but
working away from the institution are also
classified as part-time.
•Flexible online study includes a variety of
teaching and delivery methods, mainly online.
MSc Timber Industry Management 2
Study type
Start Date
Usually an Honours
degree at 2:2 or
above in any degree
discipline. Alternatively,
an appropriate
qualification or a
degree and relevant
work experience will
also be considered.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 190.
Whether you are currently employed
in the timber industry, or are
looking to enter, this course will
equip you with a comprehensive
knowledge of the relevant
management and legislative issues.
We offer a comprehensive
programme that combines
theoretical learning with practical
application. As well as managerial
skills, you will learn to work in the
legislative context that governs
the use of timber in today’s
construction industry. You will
be given the knowledge that will
allow you to understand, critically
evaluate and manage every
aspect of the timber industry’s
supply chain. Presentation,
communication and analytical
skills will also be developed.
The course content and our links
with well-respected industry
bodies such as the Edinburgh
Napier-based Centre for Timber
Engineering, Building Performance
Centre, Scottish Energy Centre,
Forest Products Research
Institute and the Institute for
Management; Project Management;
Sustainable Building Design; Timber
Materials and Applications; Timber
Form and Construction; MSc Thesis.
Career prospects
Should you be already working
in the timber industry, in either a
managerial or technical role, you
will find your employment options
will be enhanced on graduation.
Entry into the industry, either
directly from university or from
another field, will also be facilitated,
thanks to the practical experience
and industry contacts you will
encounter throughout the course.
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
5 Entry Requirements
The minimum qualification(s) required
to gain a place on the course.
6 Course description
A short description of the course,
highlighting key points of interest.
7 Subjects may include
•Distance learning courses include all those
whose modules are delivered through
paper-based or online materials. There is a
minimal amount of face-to-face teaching
and support is provided via email or phone.
8 Career prospects
These courses have an intake and start
date on the month(s) shown. Note that
course length can vary dependant on start
date. For example, most September courses
last one calendar year but those starting
in January can last up to 16 months.
Subjects may include
More information:
•Blended learning includes a combination of
online delivery and face-to-face teaching,
support and assessment.
4 Start Date
Sustainable Construction combine
to make this course unique in
the UK. The education, research,
consultancy and knowledge
transfer expertise they offer as
well as their own strong links with
industry will add to your level of
experience and employability.
An outline of what subjects the
course is planned to cover.
An outline of possible career paths this
course could lead to.
9 Logo(s)
Accrediting organisation; an official or
recognised industrial approval. Note: some
organisations do not allow us to use their
logos, please read the course description.
More detailed information about each
course is available on our website:
Business School
The Business School at Edinburgh Napier is here to prepare
you for the challenges of doing business in the 21st-century.
We do this in a lively, flexible and international environment
at our stunning Craiglockhart campus and also online across
the world as we continue to innovate in online education.
A flexible approach
Connected to industry
Our courses allow you to extend your
current area of expertise, or to develop new
knowledge and skills, in complementary
business disciplines. With more than 80 to
choose from, including our MBA, International
Finance and Tourism Marketing, we’d like to
think that we offer something for everyone.
Our connection with industry is further
strengthened through our established
links with professional bodies, for example
the Association of Chartered Certified
Accountants (ACCA), the Chartered
Management Institute (CMI), the Chartered
Institute of Management Accountants
(CIMA), the Institute of Hospitality (IOH)
and the Institute of Chartered Secretaries
and Administrators (ICSA).
You can choose how to study a Masters
course with us to fit around your personal
and work commitments, from full-time or
part-time study at our Craiglockhart campus
to fully online from anywhere in the world.
Our Masters courses are taught by experts
from the worlds of accounting, business,
finance, law, management, HR, marketing,
tourism and many other areas.
While our academics are very much involved
in research and knowledge exchange, many
bring a vast experience of working at the heart
of business in sectors such as finance, law and
marketing into the classroom. Their practicebased knowledge will help you reflect your
learning onto real-life scenarios.
You can also choose to extend your studies
to Doctorate level through engaging
with research degrees such as PhD or DBA.
Our efforts to help students start up their
own businesses have also been commended
and we have been awarded a Small Business
Charter Award for this work, one of only 20
universities in the UK and only two in Scotland
to receive this.
At the forefront – Global Online
We also continue to innovate and bring new
opportunities to gain an internationally
recognised business degree from anywhere
in the world, at a time, place and pace to
suit you. While our modern online learning
environment provides you with all the
essential materials and opportunities to
engage with a global community of learners,
our academic staff and Global Online support
team are available to support your learning.
The industry standard
Anna Fawcett
MSc International Marketing
When looking for a Masters, industry professionals
recommended Anna choose Edinburgh Napier. A few
months on, she’s looking forward to a new job in the
US that came about as a result of her scholarship.
currently work in the media team at
Festivals Edinburgh and Edinburgh Napier
University is so highly regarded within the
festival industry that straight away when I
mentioned I was thinking of doing a Masters,
everyone I spoke to suggested that I come
here. In terms of the industry here in
Edinburgh, in a practical sense, and in terms
of contacts, Edinburgh Napier seems to be
the industry standard.
The highlight of the programme was going
to the US. That was through the Edinburgh
Napier and Santander mobility scholarships.
My work has a really strong academic value
underpinning it and I think that shone
through in my application. My dissertation,
in layman’s terms, is looking at consumer
behaviour at heavy metal festivals, with an
international focus.
What was really amazing about that was
that I made some really good contacts over
there and I’m moving to the US in January
to work. This was just completely random,
standing there watching a show and talking
to the person next to me who happened to
be a marketing executive for Relapse
Records, a big heavy metal label in the US.
And through talking with them, they said get
yourself over here as we’ve got a couple of
other businesses that need some
international perspective. That couldn’t
have happened had I not got the scholarship
and hadn’t been in the right place at the
right time.
If you want to get into arts and culture or
you want to work in festivals, why go
anywhere other than Edinburgh Napier?
There are so many opportunities here.
A good friend of mine has volunteered at
four different festivals in nine months.
Those sort of opportunities aren’t available
everywhere else.
As a result of my Masters, I feel like I’m
quicker and much more analytical. I can
assess situations from a completely different
perspective. Our global marketing class was
probably the hardest thing I’ve ever had to
do. I sat there thinking I knew how to do
marketing as I’d been doing it for years, but
this involved economics, cultural differences,
and much more maths than I was used to.
However, after doing that class, I’ve come
out so much better equipped to deal with
international marketing as it was both highly
academic and highly practical. Coming to
Edinburgh Napier to do my Masters has been
very beneficial and probably the best decision
I’ve ever made.
As a result of my Masters,
I feel like I’m quicker and much
more analytical. I can assess
situations from a completely
different perspective.”
Find out more about
MSc International
Marketing on page 66.
MSc Accounting & Financial
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above
in a businessrelated subject.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
This course provides you with the
unique opportunity to achieve a
Masters degree and at the same time
provide you with the knowledge and
expertise to successfully complete
the CIMA Management Level case
study examination, giving you
exemption from 11 papers of the
CIMA 2015 syllabus. The course
combines a critical evaluation of the
latest accounting and finance theories
with a practical understanding of
how these are applied in real life.
This blend of theory and practice
and the combination of a Masters
degree and professional qualification
will ensure that you have a
competitive advantage in the job
market and significantly enhance
your employability prospects.
The course has been designed for
students who have completed an
undergraduate degree in a business
related subject and who now wish
to pursue a career in accounting
and finance. You will develop an
in-depth knowledge and critical
understanding of accounting
and financial management
and its role in the strategic
management of an organisation.
In addition you will develop your
knowledge of the technical skills of
accounting and finance and how these
are applied in the workplace as well
as a critical awareness of accounting
theory and the conflicts between
theory and practice. You will develop
an appreciation of the importance
of ethics and professionalism
within the accounting profession
and other areas of business.
The subjects covered on this course,
combined with the above skills,
will enable you to make an effective
and valuable contribution to
an organisation’s accounting
and finance function.
Subjects may include
Accounting for Performance
Management; Financial
Reporting and Analysis; Financial
Management; Strategic Performance
Management; Contemporary
Issues in Strategic Management;
Research Methods; one option from
Contemporary Issues in Financial
Reporting, Strategic Financial
Management, Organisational
Change and Management;
Company Study Dissertation.
Career prospects
The MSc Accounting & Financial
Management offers you the
unique opportunity to study for
two qualifications at the same
time, enabling you to enter the
employment market with a
competitive advantage. You will
develop a range of personal and
professional, employability, lifelong
learning and leadership skills to allow
you to respond positively to future
change within the business world.
MSc Banking & Financial
In order to maintain stable financial
systems, academics, policy-makers
and practitioners need to be able to
address the rationale and structure
of micro- and macro-prudential
regulation of modern banking.
This course will offer you the
opportunity to specialise in
the area of bank regulation in
an international context, and
become an expert in how ethics
and corporate governance
practices underpin banking
regulation and practice.
You will develop the theoretical
foundation to analyse key issues
in regulatory risk management
in modern banking, ethics, bank
failures, international financial
regulation and emerging financial
markets. Upon graduation you will
be equipped to provide invaluable
leadership to financial institutions,
having acquired the knowledge and
skills to critically analyse the latest
regulatory trends and their impact
upon global financial markets.
Subjects may include
Financial Management; Financial
Markets, Institutions and Banking;
International Economic Law;
Principles of Financial Regulation;
Ethics and Corporate Governance;
plus one option module; Research
Methods; Dissertation.
Career prospects
The world of international finance
is a fascinating and lucrative one.
This higher degree will offer you a
valuable head start in your chosen
career. Students graduating with
an MSc in Banking & Financial
Regulation would normally seek to
further their career in the field of
international banking regulation.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Corporate Governance
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above
in a businessrelated subject.
Comparable alternative
qualifications or
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
This course has been developed
in conjunction with the Institute
of Chartered Secretaries and
Administrators (ICSA) and provides
you with the opportunity to achieve
a Masters degree while also gaining
significant exemptions from the
ICSA professional examinations.
The potential to achieve a globally
recognised Masters qualification
will form a foundation for advanced
professional development in a rapidly
changing business environment.
This course has been designed to
develop critical analytical skills
expected of a Masters degree
graduate while providing you with
the skills expected of a Chartered
Secretary at the same time.
You will be provided with a range
of knowledge and skills across
law, ethics, accounting and finance
and business strategy, drawing
on theoretical, practical and
business perspectives with one
of the main focuses being on the
application of theory to practice.
You will gain an in-depth knowledge
and critical understanding of a range
of issues relevant to the strategic
and general management of an
organisation and, specifically, to
the various responsibilities which
managers have in relation to the
governance of business and other
organisations. You will develop your
knowledge of the technical skills
of accounting and finance, of a
number of aspects of company law
and of the importance of ethics and
corporate governance and of how
these are applied in the workplace.
In addition, in each area of the
course you will develop a critical
awareness of theory and the conflicts
between theory and practice.
Subjects may include
Business and Corporate Law;
Financial Reporting and Analysis;
Financial Management; Strategic
Decision Making; Ethics and Corporate
Governance; Research Methods
for Dissertation; Dissertation;
plus one option from Managing Risk,
Employment Law, International
Economic Law, or Investment,
Corporate Finance and Portfolios.
Career prospects
A Masters award in Corporate
Governance will provide you with
a wide range of expertise across
a number of business and related
subject areas, as well as the critical
awareness of how these areas
contribute to the development and
implementation of a company’s
overall strategy. This combination of
subject expertise and the transferable
skills that you will develop throughout
the course means that you will be
well placed to make an effective and
valuable contribution across a range
of business management functions.
MSc Global Investment Banking
The MSc in Global Investment
Banking offers you a practical
approach to investment analysis
within the environment of a truly
globalised industry. This programme
is designed to provide you with
the theory, concepts and methods
needed to raise your profile with
marketable skills in high demand
by employers in the banking
sector. The disciplines covered in
this course are of special interest
to international institutions that
wish to attract professionals who
understand the fundamentals
of finance and investments.
The course aims to develop your
understanding of theoretical and
practical aspects of investment
banking and will provide you with
the skills necessary to analyse
the risks and returns of securities
portfolios in global markets.
The course explores the
characteristics of investment
banking within global financial
markets, alongside the analysis
and valuation of portfolio
investments and securities.
Subjects may include
Financial Management; Financial
Markets, Institutions and Banking;
International Economic Law;
Investment, Corporate Finance
and Portfolios; Management of
Financial Risk; plus one option;
Research Methods; Dissertation.
Career prospects
Graduates with an MSc in Global
Investment Banking would normally
seek to further their career in the
areas of international investment,
particularly in a banking context.
If you are already working in this
field, you can expect to advance
your personal development.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc International Banking
& Finance
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Whether you are contemplating
a career in business, or currently
working and looking to enhance
your qualifications, this course
will give you the tools you need
for successful banking institution
management. Covering issues that
range from creativity in business to
the global economic environment
and organisational behaviour, it
addresses the essentials of modern
business and opens doors to
increased employment opportunities
at a postgraduate level.
The MSc in International Banking
& Finance will familiarise you with
the most current developments
in global financial markets from
the unique perspective of banking
institutions. The programme aims
at preparing you for a career in
banking and finance by enabling
you to develop expertise in key
areas of international banking
institutions management.
Subjects may include
Financial Management; Financial
Markets, Institutions and
Banking; International Economic
Law; International Banking and
Insurance; Strategic Management
in Global Banking; plus one option;
Research Methods; Dissertation.
Career prospects
Graduates with an MSc in
International Banking & Finance
would normally seek to further
their career in the areas of
international banking. If you
are already working in banking,
you can expect to advance your
personal development in this field.
MSc International Finance
Designed for students from a wide
variety of non-financial disciplines
and employment backgrounds, this
course combines mathematical
and communication skills to offer
you a rounded approach to the
world of international finance.
Subjects may include
Whether you are looking for a role
in the provision and management
of financial services, or planning
to undertake research in the
area, this course will equip you
with the appropriate theoretical
and practical learning.
Career prospects
As well as communication
and presentation skills (vital
in this complex industry) you’ll
gain knowledge of accounting
practices, statistics, financial
management, banking and
insurance, plus a thorough overview
of the international financial
environment. You’ll graduate with
the mathematical and informational
analysis skills you need to create
a rewarding career in the industry,
and the means to apply your
knowledge of research methods.
Financial Reporting and Analysis;
Statistics, Probability and Risk;
Financial Management; Global
Finance; Strategic Financial
Management; plus one option;
Research Methods; Dissertation.
The world of international finance
is a fascinating and lucrative
one. This degree will enhance
your employability, and open
the doors to a global career.
You’ll be eligible for graduate
level positions in areas such as
banking, insurance and finance.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree at
2:2 or above. Holders
of UK degrees in
Finance will not be
admitted to this course.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
LLM International Commercial Law
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree at
2:2 or above in Law
or in other subjects
with a substantial
law component.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
This programme provides an
opportunity to study at an
advanced level a wide range of
subjects related to international
commercial law from a broad
political and economic context.
It will also develop various
essential skills required for a
career in the legal profession,
international business, national
or international governmental
bodies or academic research.
A good understanding of
international commercial law is
one of the essential attributes of
legal and business practices in any
jurisdiction in the modern economic
environment. An advanced degree
in this area is now considered highly
desirable for international legal
and business professionals, as
evidenced by the increasing number
of students from overseas pursuing
the LLM in commercial law in the UK.
The LLM in International Commercial
Law at Edinburgh Napier University
is designed for those students from
law, business, management, politics
or other social science backgrounds
who intend to specialise in the
international aspects of commercial
law. It will particularly hold appeal
for international students who
wish to apply the legal knowledge
to work in their home countries.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Subjects may include
Legal Skills and Research Methods
(Compulsory for non-law entrants
and international students);
International Economic Law; Human
Rights Aspects of International
Business; Dispute Resolution
Methods; Contemporary Issues
in Business Law; International
Sports and Entertainment Law;
Ethics and Corporate Governance;
Principles of Financial Regulation;
Contemporary Issues In Intellectual
Property; Dissertation.
Career prospects
The LLM in International
Commercial Law is a way of
enhancing opportunities for entry
into a range of careers related to
international commerce and trade,
either in private legal practice,
in industry, or with a national or
international regulatory body.
MBA The Edinburgh Napier MBA
Designed for professionals
from all industries and sectors,
this internationally recognised
qualification will develop your
managerial skills and give
you the expertise you need to
take on senior roles. It offers
a curriculum which is tailored
to the dynamic contemporary
global business environment,
focused on developing skills in
leadership, and the application
of conceptual management
theories to current practice.
You will acquire creative problem
solving, critical reasoning and
strategic thinking skills, and apply
these to your learning about global
economic principles, strategic
business issues, organisational
management and the realities
of the competitive marketplace.
You will utilise and augment your
written and verbal communication
techniques, giving you the
confidence to present your ideas and
strategies to the business world.
Your learning experience will be
complemented by participation
at a Residential Weekend, and
enhanced by Master Classes
with guest speakers from
various business sectors.
Building High Performance
Organisations; Marketing in the
Global Economy; Management
and Organisational Change;
Leading Strategic Decision Making;
Managing Innovation; Contemporary
Issues in Strategic Management;
Skills for Managers; MBA Project.
You will be enrolled as an
Affiliate member of the CMI.
On graduation you will join our
MBA Alumni community, giving
you access to future master
classes and networking.
Alternatively, if you are unable
to study on a full-time basis
then you may be interested in
our Flexible Executive MBA
(see page 54) or our Global
Online MBA (see page 78).
Subjects may include
Career prospects
The Edinburgh Napier MBA will
provide you with the opportunity
to realise your full career potential.
You will be in demand, as employers
worldwide seek graduates with
a recognised portfolio, able to
deliver solutions in complex
organisational settings.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above plus
two years’ relevant
work experience.
Comparable alternative
or professional
and relevant work
experience may also
be considered.
Applications from
individuals who do
not possess the two
years’ relevant work
experience but who
have significant
potential to develop
work-related skills
may be considered on
an individual basis.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MBA Executive MBA
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above plus
two years’ relevant
work experience.
Comparable alternative
or professional
and relevant work
experience may also be
considered. Selection
of suitable candidates
is at the discretion of
the MBA Director.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
This globally recognised
qualification will develop your
business skills and give you the
expertise you need to take on
senior roles in any organisation.
Our Executive MBA is designed to
be flexible, to meet the needs of
individuals who choose to balance
their personal and professional
commitments and study while
working. It is a two-year part-time
course that will build on your work
experience, and enhance it with
contemporary business theory.
Intended for professionals
from all industries and sectors,
this internationally recognised
qualification will develop your
managerial skills and give you the
expertise you need to take on senior
roles. Your learning experience
will be enriched with workshop
sessions that supplement the study
materials, as well as regular master
classes with guest speakers from
diverse sectors, and a residential
academic and networking weekend.
You will be enrolled as an
Affiliate member of the CMI.
On graduation you will join our
MBA Alumni community, giving
you access to future master
classes and networking.
If you are unable to attend
the workshops, you may also
be interested in our Global
Online MBA (see page 78).
Subjects may include
Building High Performance
Organisations; Marketing in the
Global Economy; Management
and Organisational Change;
Leading Strategic Decision Making;
Managing Innovation; Contemporary
Issues in Strategic Management;
Skills for Managers; MBA Project.
Career prospects
The Executive MBA will provide you
with the opportunity to realise your
full career potential. You will be in
demand, as employers worldwide
seek graduates with a recognised
portfolio, able to deliver solutions
in complex organisational settings.
MBA (Leadership Practice)
Are you a recently qualified,
ambitious graduate who has acquired
experience in areas such as the
voluntary sector, family businesses
or held leadership positions in
associations such as the student
union, sports clubs or societies?
If so, then this innovative MBA
programme is for you. It recognises
the rise of young entrepreneurs and
demand from graduates to acquire
higher-order managerial skills to
develop their careers quickly.
You will acquire creative problem
solving, critical reasoning and
strategic thinking skills, and apply
these to your learning about global
economic principles, strategic
business issues, organisational
management and the realities
of the competitive marketplace.
You will utilise and augment your
written and verbal communication
techniques, giving you the
confidence to present your ideas and
strategies to the business world.
This MBA (Leadership Practice)
programme is designed to develop
you as a manager and leader of the
future through supporting you in
analysing environments, formulating
strategy, taking decisions and
leading change programmes. The
programme incorporates a 14-week
placement to help you develop
practical experience and insight
as well as build valuable linkages
between theory and practice and
enhance your overall employability.
Through this placement, you will
formulate a project plan and introduce
a new approach or strategy into a
public, private or voluntary sector
organisation. The programme covers
the full range of MBA skills as well
as additional action learning and
critical reflection skills – essential
for the 21st-century manager.
You will be enrolled as an
Affiliate member of the CMI.
Subjects may include
Building High Performance
Organisations; Management and
Organisational Change; Marketing
within the Global Economy; Leading
Strategic Decision-Making; Reflection
on Practice; Action Learning in
Organisations; MBA Practice Project.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
qualifications or
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered at the
discretion of the
Programme Leader.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
Career prospects
Opportunities in the public, private
or voluntary sectors in a range
of leadership and management
positions. Many of our graduates
have started their own businesses
or worked as consultants to leading
organisations worldwide. Upon
graduation, you will join the Edinburgh
Napier MBA Alumni community
giving you access to master classes
and networking opportunities.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Business Management
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
Whether you’re contemplating
a career in business or currently
working and looking to enhance
your qualifications, our MSc
Business Management will
equip you with the practical
skills to advance your career.
You may also choose to
introduce a specialism to your
course, to reflect your area
of interest. This may include:
Economics; Entrepreneurship;
Human Resource Management
(HRM); Marketing; or Sales.
Addressing the essentials of modern
business, this course has been
designed to develop personal and
professional skills of independent
thinking, critical analysis and
reflective learning, opening
doors to increased employment
opportunities at postgraduate level.
Alternatively, if you are
unable to study full-time,
you may be interested in our
Global Online MSc Business
Management (see page 80).
Our course materials are based on
real issues faced by contemporary
businesses, covering topics
ranging from creativity in business,
to global economics, strategic
management and organisational
change management.
You will learn to creatively address
issues such as competition
and sustainability, and acquire
knowledge of the global economic
and business environment.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Subjects may include
Sustaining Organisational
Performance; Global Economic
Environment and Marketing;
Organisational Change and
Management; Leadership, Strategy
and Innovation; Managing
Innovation; Contemporary
Issues in Strategic Management;
Research Methods; Dissertation.
Career prospects
In recent years, students have
come to our MSc courses with
degrees from many different
disciplines, and have gone on
to build careers in a range of
industries in the public, private and
voluntary/not-for-profit sectors.
MSc Business Management
(various specialisms)
You can also combine the study
of Business Management with
specialist modules to reflect
your area of interest. Examples
of specialist routes which
may be available include:
Business Management (Economics)
Economics for Decision Makers;
Economic Globalisation
and Integration.
Business Management
Managing Innovation;
New Venture Planning.
Business Management (HRM)
Contemporary Issues in HRM;
HRM in an International Context.
Business Management (Marketing)
Marketing Communications;
Global Marketing.
Subjects may include
Sustaining Organisational
Performance; Global Economic
Environment and Marketing;
Organisational Change and
Management; Leadership,
Strategy and Innovation; Research
Methods and Dissertation.
Your course structure is based upon
the MSc Business Management
and includes modules from the
specialist area of your choice.
Career prospects
Students have come to our Business
Management courses with first
degrees from many different
disciplines. Having completed an
MSc with modules from their chosen
specialism, they have gone on to
work in a variety of industries in the
public, private and third sectors.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
Business Management (Sales)
International Sales Management;
Professional Selling and
Sales Strategies.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc International Business
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Whether you are contemplating
a career in international
business, or currently working
and planning to enhance your
qualifications, this course will
give you the tools you need to be
successful in the international
business management arena.
Covering issues such as intercultural
business communication, strategy,
innovation, global economics and
global marketing, it addresses
the essentials of modern
international business and opens
doors to increased employment
opportunities at postgraduate level.
We expect this course to attract an
international student body from
various countries and cultures.
This will provide an excellent
opportunity for discussion with your
peers, allowing you to acquire and
deepen your understanding of the
diversity of international approaches
to global business challenges.
You will be encouraged to reflect
on the approach to international
business in your own culture/
country and contribute relevant
examples in class discussions.
You will learn to creatively address
the issues of global competition
and sustainability while acquiring
knowledge of international business
and its economic environment.
You will graduate with an
advanced understanding of the
complexities of global economics
and international business.
Subjects may include
Sustaining Organisational
Performance; Global Economic
Environment and Marketing;
Leadership, Strategy and Innovation;
Global Marketing; Intercultural
Business Communication; HR
in an International Context;
Research Methods; Dissertation.
Career prospects
This course has been developed
to enable you to compete in
the expanding and increasingly
competitive labour market. In recent
years, students have come to our
MSc courses with degrees from
many different disciplines, and have
gone on to build careers in a range of
industries in the public, private and
voluntary/not-for-profit sectors.
MSc Flexible, Managed
With a flexibly managed
programme, you can build your
own individual study path within
certain parameters to achieve
an award at Postgraduate
Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma
or Masters Degree level.
Alternatively, you could choose
to study one or two modules for
your own personal or professional
development: you decide how far
to go and can pace your studies
to suit your other commitments.
Focusing on your background,
aspirations and career goals,
you will choose modules from a
wide range of business-related
subjects to suit your personal
or development needs, with the
help of an academic adviser.
You will develop transferable
skills such as analysis, synthesis
and evaluation which you will
apply to the business areas and
management disciplines of your own
choice. Development of research
abilities is also emphasised,
and you’ll learn techniques
and strategies that will enable
you to critically reflect on your
workplace experiences, and create
your own ongoing programme
of professional development.
Subjects may include
Unique to this course is the
opportunity to design your own
programme of study, choosing
modules from a wide range of
business-related subjects. Through
our dedicated software, PRISM
PG, you can view the full module
catalogue available for selection.
Career prospects
To advance your career in any area,
the differentiating factor in the
current employment marketplace
is an advanced postgraduate
qualification. Whether you want
to continue on your chosen
career path, or change direction,
a Masters degree which you can
design to enhance your career
development or aspirations
will make that difference.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Human Resource
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered. You
will also be required
to produce a specified
piece of work as part of
the selection process.
All students are
required to enrol as
student members
of the CIPD.
For international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Human Resource Management
(HRM) is a vital area of business:
successful people management,
effective recruitment and a
knowledge of employment law
are keystones to the running
and development of any
company, whatever its size.
You will learn the specialist skills and
expertise you need to be effective
in realising human potential and
wellbeing in employment and gain
an understanding of recruitment
and selection, training and
development, employee relations
and performance management.
Aimed at both newly qualified
graduates and managers already
working in the field of people
management, as well as those
who see their careers developing
in this direction, the course is
accredited by the Chartered Institute
of Personnel and Development
(CIPD) as an advanced level
qualification and provides you with
the knowledge indicators required
for membership of the CIPD.
This course is supported by a
network of Edinburgh Napier
academics and HRM professionals
employed in both business and
research. This gives you access to
industry and research practitioners
who are at the leading edge of policy
and theoretical developments.
This course received a number
of commendations of good
practice from the CIPD, including
our responsive and innovative
approach to programme delivery
and our research-informed
approach to teaching. We have
also been given the highest
quality rating for our research
project and dissertation module.
Development of research abilities
is also emphasised, and you’ll
learn techniques and strategies
that will enable you to critically
reflect on your workplace.
Subjects may include
People and Organisational
Development; The Organisational
Context of HR; Employment Law;
Employee Resourcing; Learning and
Development; Labour Relations;
Research Skills and Professional
Development; Dissertation.
Career prospects
Employers often approach the
university with relevant vacancies.
In addition, through the workplace
placement, full-time students will
have the opportunity to make
valuable industry contacts that
could lead to employment.
“The lecturers are very
good and we’ve had
interesting guest speakers.”
Zohra Iftikhar
MSc International
Human Resource Management
MSc International Human
Resource Management
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
Interested in a career involving
responsibility for the management
and leadership of employees
in a global environment? Then
this course is ideal for you.
This course will develop your
personal and professional skills to
enable you to succeed in dynamic
and complex international business
environments. It will equip you
with knowledge and understanding
of global perspectives in HRM,
and prepare you to work in
organisations to develop and
sustain competitive advantage.
You’ll develop an in-depth
knowledge of international HRM
processes and practices and gain an
understanding of international and
multicultural business environments
and the skills required to manage
people in global organisations.
You will also develop skills which will
enhance your personal effectiveness
as a critical thinker and a lifelong
independent learner, encouraging
creative and effective approaches
to complex management issues.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Subjects may include
People and Organisational
Development; Organisational
Context of HRM; Intercultural
Business Communication; Employee
Resourcing; Contemporary Issues
in Strategic Management; Human
Resource Management in an
International Context; Research
Methods; Dissertation.
Career prospects
In response to the increasing
internationalisation of business, and
the appreciation of the importance
of effective people management,
expertise in International Human
Resource Management is, and will
continue to be, increasingly valued
by employers. This programme
has been developed to enable
our graduates to compete in
this expanding labour market.
MSc Marketing
A career in marketing can take you
into almost any sector of business,
and into workplaces all over the
world. With an understanding of
consumer behaviour and effective
communication techniques, you will
be able to help guide businesses
towards commercial success.
This course introduces you to
the theories and principles of
marketing, then presents them in
practical applications based on real
business scenarios. It’s an effective
combination of teaching styles, and
one that has resulted in increased
employment opportunities for
many of our previous students.
You’ll benefit from our strong
links within the marketing and
advertising industries all over the
world, as well as guest speakers.
We also have good links with
industry bodies including the
Chartered Institute of Marketing
and the Institute of Direct Marketing.
Subjects may include
Principles and Practice of Marketing;
Marketing Communications;
Consumer Behaviour; Strategic
Brand Management; Global
Marketing; either Direct and
Digital Marketing, International
Festival and Events Management,
Advertising as Cultural Discourse,
Managing Cultural Diversity
in Organisations, Professional
Selling and Sales Strategies, or
New Venture Planning; Research
Methods; Dissertation.
Career prospects
The scope of marketing employment
opportunities is extremely wide.
Most businesses recognise the
need for a marketing function,
and positions constantly arise in
a variety of areas worldwide, as
diverse as finance, law, health,
charities, tourism and government.
Your qualification could lead to
a marketing role in advertising,
brand management, information
technology or market research.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Marketing with Festival
& Event Management
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
This course is particularly oriented
to those who wish to combine
the key principles and practice of
Marketing with a specialisation
in the management of Festivals,
Events and Conferences.
presentation techniques will be
developed alongside the ability
to formulate policies and plans,
and deliver exciting business
or cultural experiences.
Almost all business sectors rely
on marketing and a career in the
industry can take you all over the
world, particularly within festivals
and events. There are opportunities
to make a contribution to the
success of companies in the private
sector and also, increasingly,
the public sector. The practical
applications, based on real business
scenarios, will help equip you for
a marketing career in this fastgrowing international industry. You’ll
benefit from our strong links within
the marketing, advertising, festival
and event industries all over the
world with guest speakers, industry
links and, of course, the opportunity
to immerse yourself in marketing
practice within one of the most
famous festival cities in the world.
Your course structure is based
upon the MSc Marketing and
includes modules from the
specialist area of your choice
and may include: Principles and
Practice of Marketing; International
Business Event Management;
Strategic Brand Management;
International Festival and Event
Management; either Marketing
Communications or Consumer
Behaviour; plus one option;
Research Methods; Dissertation.
Marketing requires a wide range
of skills. You’ll learn to think
analytically, and critically examine
the issues confronting the global
business environment and the
festival and events industries.
Brand management, research
skills (both quantitative and
qualitative analysis) and
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Subjects may include
Career prospects
The scope of marketing employment
opportunities is extremely wide.
Most businesses recognise the
need for a marketing function,
and positions constantly arise in
a variety of positions worldwide.
You’ll be particularly well-equipped
for marketing roles in the festivals,
events and conference industries.
MSc Marketing with
Sales Management
This course introduces you to the
theories and principles of Marketing,
and presents practical applications
based on real business scenarios.
Sharing much of its content with
the MSc in Marketing, this course
allows you to specialise in Sales
Management, giving you the sales
management theory and practical
skills you need to be successful
in the area of professional
sales. Choosing to study this
dynamic blend of Marketing
and Sales will bring increased
employment opportunities in
this rapidly growing field.
A career in Marketing with Sales
Management could take you all
over the world. Sales management
is a key role within all businesses,
and there are opportunities for
senior level sales-related roles in
a range of industries, including oil
and gas, chemicals, information
technology, retail, pharmaceuticals,
finance, and engineering.
Sales-ready graduates are highly
prized assets to many organisations,
and with improved selling skills
and techniques, and knowledge
of effective sales processes and
relationship strategy you will
be able to deliver commercial
success to your organisation.
The MSc Marketing with Sales
Management introduces you
to the theories and principles
of Marketing and Professional
Selling and Sales Management,
delivering practical applications
based on real commercial selling
and business scenarios. You’ll
also benefit from our strong links
within the sales and marketing
industries globally, as well as guest
speakers. Our teaching team is
highly qualified and experienced
within the Sales Management area.
Subjects may include
Your course structure is based upon
the MSc Marketing and includes
modules from your specialist
area, including: Principles and
Practice of Marketing; Marketing
Communications; International
Sales Management; Consumer
Behaviour; Strategic Brand
Management; Professional
Selling and Sales Strategies;
Research Methods; Dissertation.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
Career prospects
The scope of Marketing and Sales
employment opportunities is wide
and positions arise in a variety of
areas worldwide, as diverse as IT,
retail, finance, health, charities,
tourism and government.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc International Marketing /International
Marketing with Tourism & Events
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
International Marketing at
Edinburgh Napier offers you
the rare opportunity to study in
two of the most beautiful cities
in the world – Edinburgh and
Nice. You will study at Edinburgh
Napier University with an option
to spend trimester 2 at the IPAG
Business School in Nice, France.
International marketing is an
increasingly important area of
business as companies strive to
grow globally. As well as learning
basic principles of marketing,
you will develop an appreciation
of its practice in a truly global
environment. You will learn
alongside other international
students and be taught in English,
so you don’t need to speak French
to apply. Your third trimester can
be based in Edinburgh or Nice.
There may be further opportunities
to gain work experience in Nice,
as IPAG offer internships.
You will develop organisational
and business skills as well as
an understanding of strategic
marketing, brand management
theories, intercultural
communication, and the ability
to develop marketing plans.
You will gain transferable skills,
such as formulating policy
and project management,
research, time management
and presentation methods.
The MSc International Marketing
with Tourism and Events route
shares most of its content
with the MSc International
Marketing, but lets you specialise
by studying modules in tourism
or event management.
Subjects may include
Principles and Practices of
Marketing; Intercultural Business
Communication; Strategic Brand
Management; Global Marketing;
either Consumer Behaviour or
Tourism Concepts and Issues;
either Direct and Digital Marketing,
Case Studies in International
Tourism, or International Festival
and Event Management; Research
Methods; Dissertation.
Career prospects
This course will give you excellent
career prospects including at
management level. The experience
of studying marketing abroad
and in a global context can open
up many more marketing career
options to you around the world.
Read about Anna’s
experience on page 44.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Tourism Marketing
With its high profile history,
attractions and world-famous
festivals, Edinburgh is a popular
destination for travellers and
tourists from all over the world.
Tourism-based businesses
flourish here, many of them with
international connections – which
is why there’s no better place
to study Tourism Marketing.
The Tourism Marketing degree
will equip you with the knowledge
you need to successfully market
tourism destinations and products.
You will develop organisational and
business skills that focus on the
marketing aspects and implications
of tourism. Through lectures, guest
speakers and case studies, you will
develop an advanced understanding
of the issues and concepts involved
in marketing tourism products and
experiences. You will learn broad
skills, such as formulating policy
and planning for the future, as
well as developing your abilities
in research, time management
and presentation methods.
Subjects may include
Managing Heritage Tourism;
Tourism Marketing; Direct and
Digital Marketing; Experience Design
and Management; plus two options;
Research Methods; Dissertation.
Career prospects
As a tourism graduate from
Edinburgh Napier, you’ll be
extremely popular within the
industry, whether your career
aspirations are local or international.
You’ll find yourself in demand for
a variety of management roles in
various sectors and organisations,
including destination development,
visitor services management,
operations management,
public sector organisations,
retail and hospitality.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc International Tourism
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
A UNESCO World Heritage Site
and home of the world’s largest
arts festival, Edinburgh welcomes
visitors from across the world, all
year round. As a result, the city
boasts a thriving tourism industry
with global connections. This
makes it the ideal place to study
International Tourism Management.
This higher degree will equip
you with the knowledge you
need to successfully operate or
be employed in an international
tourism business in the UK or
elsewhere and devise sustainable
policies and strategies for the
overall industry. With the number of
tourist ventures and operations in
and near the city, you’ll have plenty
of options for part-time work and
employment after graduation.
You will develop organisational
and business skills that take
into account the diversity of
cultures involved in developing
and managing international
tourism. Through lectures, guest
speakers and case studies,
you will develop an advanced
understanding of the issues and
concepts involved in international
tourism development, as well as
marketing practice and heritage
considerations around the world.
You will also learn broad skills,
such as formulating policy and
planning for the future, as well
as developing your abilities in
research, time management
and presentation methods.
Subjects may include
Tourism Concepts and Issues;
Managing Heritage Tourism;
Case Studies in International
Tourism; Experience Design and
Management; plus two options;
Research Methods; Dissertation.
Career prospects
As a tourism graduate from
Edinburgh Napier, you will become
sought after in the industry,
whether you want to progress your
career in the UK or internationally.
The skills you learn may lead to
management roles across a variety
of sectors and organisations.
MSc International Event &
Festival Management
Edinburgh is arguably the most
famous festival city in the world.
Travellers flock to this tourismfriendly city to experience its
thriving cultural, seasonal and
special events.
Where better to study event
and festival management?
This higher degree will equip you
with the knowledge you need
to successfully coordinate and
plan international festivals or
events, including conferences and
devise policies and strategies
for the overall industry.
With our close connections within
Edinburgh’s festival community,
and the number of events and
festivals held in and around
the city, you will have plenty of
options for part-time work and
employment after graduation.
You will learn broad skills, such as
formulating policy and planning for
the future, as well as developing
your abilities in research, time
management and presentation
methods. You will also develop
business and marketing skills
that relate specifically to the
management of large and smallscale events and festivals with
an international focus. Through
lectures, guest speakers and
case studies, you will develop
an advanced understanding
of the issues and concepts
involved in the industry.
Subjects may include
International Business Event
Management; Business Skills for
Event Management; International
Festival and Event Management;
Experience Design and
Management; plus two options;
Research Methods; Dissertation.
Career prospects
As a graduate in event and festival
management from Edinburgh
Napier, you will be extremely
popular within the industry,
whether your career aspirations
are local or international. You
will find yourself in demand
for a variety of management
roles in various sectors and
organisations, including festival
management, event management,
conference management and
public sector organisations.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Heritage & Cultural
Tourism Management
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2. or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Thanks to its rich history,
abundance of heritage attractions
and its world-famous festival of
the arts, Edinburgh is a popular
destination for a rising number of
cultural tourists from all over the
world – which is why there’s no
better place to study Heritage &
Cultural Tourism Management.
This advanced degree will equip
you with the knowledge you need
to successfully operate a cultural
tourism business and devise policies
and strategies for the overall
industry. With a number of tourist
ventures and operations in and
near the city, you will have plenty
of options for part-time work and
employment after graduation.
You will develop organisational
and business skills that relate
particularly to cultural aspects of
tourism. Through lectures, guest
speakers and case studies, you will
develop an advanced understanding
of the issues and concepts
involved in the industry, as well as
marketing practice and heritage
considerations. You will learn broad
skills, such as formulating policy
and planning for the future, as
well as developing your abilities
in research, time management
and presentation methods.
Subjects may include
Tourism Concepts and Issues;
Managing Heritage Tourism;
Tourism, Society and Visual
Culture; Experience Design and
Management; plus two options;
Research Methods; Dissertation.
Career prospects
As a graduate from Edinburgh
Napier, you will be extremely
popular within the tourism industry.
Whether you want to advance your
career in the UK or further afield,
the skills you learn can lead to
management roles across a variety
of sectors and organisations. These
include destination development,
cultural services management,
operations management,
tour operators, public sector
organisations, retail and hospitality.
MSc Tourism & Hospitality
With its high profile history and
attractions, and world-famous
festivals, Edinburgh is a popular
destination for travellers and
tourists from all over the world.
Hospitality-based businesses
flourish here, many of them with
international connections – which is
why there’s no better place to study
Tourism & Hospitality Management.
This higher degree will equip
you with the knowledge you
need to successfully operate an
international tourism business
while integrating hospitality
management skills.
You will develop organisational
and business management skills
that are relevant to hospitality and
tourism organisations. Through
lectures, guest speakers and
case studies, you will develop an
advanced understanding of the
issues and concepts involved in
creating successful hospitality
and tourism experiences.
You will learn broad skills,
such as formulating policy and
planning for the future, as well
as developing your abilities in
research, time management
and presentation methods.
Subjects may include
Management of Hospitality
Operations; Tourism Marketing;
Contemporary Issues in Hospitality
Management; Experience Design
and Management; plus two options;
Research Methods; Dissertation.
Career prospects
As a graduate from Edinburgh
Napier, you’ll be extremely popular
within the industry, whether
your career aspirations are
local or international. You’ll find
yourself in demand for a variety
of management roles in various
sectors and organisations.
Study type
Start Date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
As global corporations and international organisations
continue to dominate the business world, Dr Nick Pilcher
sees our MSc in Intercultural Business Communication
as a way of breaking down potential barriers.
Dr Nick Pilcher
Programme Leader, Intercultural
Business Communication
ith businesses becoming more
international, many of our students
will go on to work for multicultural,
multinational organisations. We prepare them
for this. For example, I teach a module which
takes linguistic theories and philosophies and
then applies them to business contexts.
If you’re dealing with John from Switzerland,
for example, some ‘large’ cultural theories
will give you this idea that he is from a
culture that has certain ways of behaving,
therefore you should deal with him in a
certain way. Others caution that you should
work from the individual upwards, but be
informed by an awareness of the ‘larger’
culture. The linguistics element then brings
in how the language is enmeshed with that
culture. It’s about what the words might
mean from a dictionary perspective but also
what they mean to individuals and bringing
that in with the cultural angle – understanding
that there are cultural elements but equally
that everybody’s an individual. You have to
go in informed of but not stereotyped by
these things. The language angle that we
offer makes our course quite different to
other intercultural business courses.
Generally our students will take one of two
routes. There is a marketing route and we’ve
had a student from Germany working
for a prosthetics company from the US,
based near Edinburgh but with German
and UK subsidiaries. They wanted her
because she was a German speaker but
also because she’d done marketing.
The other route is more of a human resources
(HR) one because it’s about understanding
people and different cultures.
If students are from China and they’re doing
the TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers
of Other Languages) side of the course, they
quite often go back to China and teach there.
We had another student from Germany who
did the TESOL part of the course and went on
to teach German and English in Spain. We’ve
had people on the course from Italy, Greece,
Scotland, China, Germany, Canada, US, the
Czech Republic, Morocco and elsewhere, so a
lot of the course is about looking at culture
and reflecting on your own culture.
I’m learning all the time, and a lot of ideas I get
from students. I was recently out in Singapore
teaching Intercultural Business Communication
and I’ve just put down some ideas for
something that I can do related to discussions
we had in class. The appeal of Edinburgh
Napier is the practical nature, the focus on
the teaching side and the amount of student
contact. That for me is our selling point.
Career highlights
Studied history and trained as a History teacher at the University of Birmingham.
Gained a Certificate, Diploma and Masters in Teaching English as a Foreign Language.
Over 20 years’ teaching experience in Japan, Singapore and Argentina, and the UK.
PhD in “Mainland Chinese Students and UK Supervisors: Perceptions and
Experiences of Completing Masters Dissertations” from Heriot-Watt University.
International publications on culture, education, and qualitative research.
Student quote:
“Intercultural Business Communication
with TESOL, with its challenging and
rich modules, gave me the right tools
and instruction to put me in an excellent
position to pursue a career in teaching
as well as continuing my PhD studies.”
Bouchaib Chbada
MSc Intercultural Business
Communication with TESOL
Find out more about
MSc Intercultural Business
Communication on page 74.
MSc Intercultural Business
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
Intercultural Business
Communication plays a key role
in the global economy and world
commerce, as it cuts across cultural
differences between international
business partners and clients.
You will critically examine issues
related to cross-cultural business
behaviour, cultural dimensions,
the key role of language, critical
cultural awareness, and training
for intercultural sensitivity. You
will discuss the works of major
intercultural researchers and
the critiques they have received
in order to contribute to a more
widening debate of intercultural
theory and research.
The course gives you grounding in
the global economic environment
and the opportunity to specialise
in an area of business. You will also
study an in-depth introduction
to research methodology,
appropriate to undertaking
research at this level. This course
has an international outlook and
attracts students from a wide
range of cultural backgrounds.
By the end of this course, you’ll
have a systematic understanding
of Intercultural Business
Communication and competing
theories of culture and
communication. You will also have
the ability to critically and flexibly
apply theoretical models to
cross-cultural business contexts,
including those of international
marketing, commerce, advertising
and tourism.
Subjects may include
Intercultural Business
Communication; Understanding
Language in the Global Workplace;
Managing Cultural Diversity in the
Workplace; Advertising as Cultural
Discourse; plus two options;
Research Methods; Dissertation.
Career prospects
Opportunities in international
tourism, commerce and marketing,
where trained professionals are
required to negotiate business
ventures with overseas clients
and markets. You could also
progress to further academic
study on a higher research degree.
Meet programme leader
Dr Nick Pilcher on page 72.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Intercultural Business
Communication with TESOL
English is a business language for
global communication among people
who do not share the same native
tongue. This course understands
that cultural differences can create
barriers, even when English is used
as a common language. It thus
combines a systematic approach
to Teaching English to Speakers of
Other Languages (TESOL) with a
solid understanding of Intercultural
Business Communication.
and develop the necessary skills
to mentor colleagues who need
cross-cultural training. You will also
gain an in-depth introduction to
research methodology appropriate
to undertaking research at this level.
There is an increasing demand
for proficient speakers of English,
and for highly qualified teachers
of English as a foreign language.
An advanced command of English
alone does not ensure the success of
cross-cultural business: this course
involves a critical examination of
issues related to English language
teaching and learning, along
with cross-cultural business
behaviour, cultural dimensions,
critical cultural awareness, the
key role of language, and training
for intercultural sensitivity.
Teaching English as a Foreign
Language 1; Intercultural
Business Communication;
Understanding Language in
the Global Workplace; Teaching
English as a Foreign Language
2; Managing Cultural Diversity in
the Workplace; plus one option;
Research Methods; Dissertation.
You will develop your understanding
of approaches to the teaching of
English as a Foreign Language
and your ability to critically apply
teaching practices to training
for intercultural sensitivity. You
will learn from both disciplines
This course has an international
outlook and attracts
students from a wide range
of cultural backgrounds.
Subjects may include
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
Career prospects
You could find employment in areas
of international business acting as
a trainer for colleagues in crosscultural skills or as a negotiator of
international business ventures.
Additionally, you could pursue a
career in English Language Teaching
or progress to further academic
study on a higher research degree.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
As technology continues to advance, flexible online study
has become a viable option for students across the world.
Dr Jacqueline Brodie believes Edinburgh Napier’s online offering
fits perfectly into busy lives, no matter where you are.
Dr Jacqueline Brodie
Programme Leader, MSc Business
Management – Global Online
here are a lot of students who don’t fit
into traditional study – they can’t
attend a normal class every week or
they can’t move to the UK for whatever
reason. That’s why online study is great –
I give you the material and you can work at
your pace. The library accommodates you as
well by having all your main textbooks
available to access online. You also have a
workbook where you reflect on what you are
learning and link that to your own workplace.
When you’ve been working, you realise where
the gaps in your learning are and you think,
“How can I fill that?” We’re the vehicle for you
to get you to where you want to go. We are
the enabler. You’re busy with life, you’re busy
with work, but you also want to develop
yourself as a person and give yourself an
opportunity to get promoted within your
workplace. That’s what we equip you with:
the knowledge, the skills and the attitude
to succeed in business.
Online modules are independent experiences
that are designed to develop your own critical
thinking but they do have room to develop
the collaborative aspect of learning. We have
chat sessions and it’s amazing that you can
have someone in the Middle East and then
someone in the Caribbean for instance but
they’re both software developers or IT
specialists. They start having a little side-line
chat about their lives and their careers and
their ambitions. You break down all the
barriers that you think would exist.
Everyone in my family ran small businesses
so business is in my blood. Then, while
doing my PhD looking at the design of new
technologies, I did a placement with a mobile
phone company. I’ve also got a Masters
in Blended & Online Education so that
ties my interests in technology and
education together. As a result, all that
understanding of how people work online
and use technology has been fed into
making decisions on the online environment.
We are constantly coming up with
new ideas to enhance the student
experience. We have everything from
FAQs on how to log in, to animations and
videos of expert speakers.
If you want an opportunity to become
more critical in your thinking, to become
an independent, reflective thinker,
and you want to have experience and
learn about the latest business ideas and
business models, then I would encourage
you to consider online study.
Career highlights
Work Experience includes small family business, public healthcare
and time spent in the voluntary sector.
PhD in Information Systems Management from Brunel University, London.
Became a Researcher funded by Scottish Institute for Enterprise
based at Edinburgh Napier University.
Gained a Masters in Blended & Online Education from
Edinburgh Napier University.
International publications in entrepreneurship, educational research
and design of new mobile technology.
Student quote:
“The teaching materials are designed
to reflect the real environment.
The modules directly support the
real business challenges I face,
and the theoretical understanding
of this has been invaluable.”
Nicola McMillan
MSc Business Management
Global Online
Study type
Flexible online
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above plus
two years’ relevant
work experience.
Comparable alternative
or professional
and relevant work
experience may also be
considered. Selection
of suitable candidates
is at the discretion of
the MBA Director.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
This globally recognised qualification
will develop your business skills
and give you the expertise you
need to take on senior roles in
any organisation. It is a flexible
course that will build on your work
experience, and enhance it with
contemporary business theory.
Our Global Online MBA is ideally
suited to individuals who intend
to balance their personal and
professional commitments and
study while working. Designed to
deliver accessible, creative and
flexible postgraduate business and
management education, it offers
you choice in how, when and where
you study, as well as the option
to pursue a specialism. You will
be able to study in your own time
at home or at work and progress
toward an award at your pace, as
your career or personal life dictate.
You may also choose to introduce
a specialism to your MBA,
to reflect your area of interest.
The curriculum is tailored for
the dynamic contemporary
global business environment,
focusing on developing skills in
leadership, and the application of
conceptual management theories
to current practice. You will acquire
competencies in innovative and
creative problem solving, critical
thinking and strategic reasoning.
You will graduate with business
competence and effective
management skills, ready to make
your mark at the highest level.
You will be enrolled as an
Affiliate member of the CMI.
Subjects may include
Building High Performance
Organisations; Marketing in the
Global Economy; Management
and Organisational Change;
Leading Strategic Decision Making;
Managing Innovation; Contemporary
Issues in Strategic Management;
Skills for Managers; MBA Project.
Career prospects
The Global Online MBA will provide
you with the opportunity to
realise your full career potential
in a variety of industries.
(various specialisms)
This flexible online course will build
on your work experience, and allow
you to combine your MBA with a
specialism to reflect your area of
interest. Your course structure is
based on the Global Online MBA
and includes modules from the
specialist area of your choice:
MBA (Banking)
Financial Markets, Institutions
& Banking; Global Finance.
MBA (Entrepreneurship)
Managing Innovation; New
Venture Planning.
MBA (Events)
International Festival & Event
Management; International
Business Event Management.
MBA (Finance)
Finance for Management Decision
Making; Global Finance.
MBA (Health Management)
Governance & Accountability
in Healthcare; Health Policy
& Public Involvement.
HRM in an International
Context; Contemporary HRM.
Study type
Flexible online
MBA (Leadership & Innovation)
Managing Innovation; Leadership,
Learning & Development.
Start date
MBA (Marketing & Sales)
International Sales Management;
Global Marketing.
MBA (Tourism & Hospitality)
Contemporary Issues in Hospitality
Management; International
Business Event Management.
Visit the Global Online MBA
microsite for full details
about the course.
You will be enrolled as an
Affiliate member of the CMI.
Subjects may include
Building High Performance
Organisations; Marketing in the
Global Economy; Management &
Organisational Change; Leading
Strategic Decision Making; Research
Methods and Dissertation.
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above plus
two years’ relevant
work experience.
Comparable alternative
or professional
and relevant work
experience may also be
considered. Selection
of suitable candidates
is at the discretion of
the MBA Director.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
Career prospects
Completion of the Global
Online MBA with your chosen
specialism will provide you
with the opportunity to realise
your full career potential.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Business Management
Study type
Flexible online
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
Whether you are contemplating
a career in business, or currently
working and looking to enhance your
qualifications, our Global Online MSc
Business Management will equip
you with the practical skills and
knowledge you need to succeed.
This course is designed to
deliver accessible, creative and
flexible postgraduate business
education and offer a choice in
how, when and where you study
– as well as the option to pursue
a specialism. It is ideally suited to
individuals who intend to balance
their personal and professional
commitments with their studies.
It is a fully online course that will
build on your existing experience
and knowledge, and enhance it with
contemporary business theory.
The curriculum is tailored for
the dynamic contemporary
business environment and
focuses on developing skills in
leadership and the application
of conceptual management
theories to current practice.
Our online learning environment
uses materials created especially for
the course by our module leaders,
and your learning experience will be
enriched through online discussions
that supplement the written
materials, as well as case study
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
analyses from diverse sectors, and
articles from leading academics
and practising professionals.
You will be able to study at a pace
which best suits your individual
needs. However normally we
would expect you to complete
within 18 months to two years.
With the support and guidance
of our academic staff you will
develop a bespoke programme
of study that best suits you.
You’ll learn through a combination
of self-directed independent online
learning materials, online discussion
topics and independent study.
Subjects may include
Sustaining Organisational
Performance; Global Economic
Environment and Marketing;
Organisational Change and
Management; Leadership, Strategy
and Innovation; Managing
Innovation; Contemporary
Issues in Strategic Management;
Research Methods; Dissertation.
Career prospects
In recent years, students have
come to our MSc programmes
with degrees from a number of
different disciplines, and gone
on to build careers in a range of
industries, in the public, private and
voluntary/not-for-profit sectors.
MSc Business Management
(various specialisms)
These courses offer you the
opportunity to combine the study
of Business Management with
a specialist subject, opening
doors to increased employment
opportunities at postgraduate level.
This will widen the application of
your business management skills
to include a range of career routes
in the banking sector. Subjects may
include Global Finance and Financial
Markets, Institutions and Banking.
If you aspire to start your own
business, or even manage a division
in a larger organisation, combine
your MSc Business Management
with Entrepreneurship: you’ll
learn how to plan new ventures
and manage innovation.
You’ll learn about the management
of international Festivals and
Events, as well as looking at the
Business Events sector worldwide.
By focusing on Finance you will
learn a set of skills and knowledge
that will enhance your business
and management capabilities, and
can also be applied in a range of
careers in Finance and the financial
sector. Subjects may include
Finance for Management Decision
Making and Global Finance.
You’ll gain a sound understanding
of business and human resource
management theory, including
the skills needed to successfully
manage and motivate staff, real
issues faced by contemporary HR
managers, and international HRM.
Marketing and Sales
This dynamic blend of business,
marketing and sales will provide
you with a business education
tailored towards employment
opportunities in this sector. Subjects
may include International Sales
Management and Global Economic
Environment and Marketing.
Tourism and Hospitality
This covers topics ranging from
the management of international
Business Events to contemporary
issues in hospitality management.
Study type
Flexible online
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
Subjects may include
Your course structure is based
on the Global Online MSc
Business Management and
includes modules from the
specialist area of your choice.
Career prospects
In recent years, students have
come to our MSc courses with
degrees from many different
disciplines, and have gone on
to build careers in a range of
industries in the public, private and
voluntary/not-for-profit sectors.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Human Resource
Study type
Flexible online
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above.
Comparable alternative
or professional
qualifications, and
experience may also
be considered at
the discretion of the
Programme Leader.
For international
entry and English
language requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Effective Human Resource
Management (HRM) is recognised as
vital to organisational performance.
This online programme allows you
to develop as an HRM practitioner,
at a time, place and pace to fit with
your personal and professional
requirements. It has been designed to
enable you to gain a comprehensive
knowledge and understanding
of HRM theory and practice that
will enhance your development of
professional competencies in this
evolving field. This, together with the
strong focus on reflective practice,
will enable you to make a significant
contribution to management practice
within your organisational role.
Acknowledging the strategic role of
HRM within organisations, the course
focuses on how the HR function can
develop high-quality leaders and
practitioners who make a positive
and enduring difference to the
wellbeing of individuals, organisations
and society. It emphasises HRM
as an integral part of corporate
strategy and demonstrates its links
with other managerial activities.
You will have access to specialist
knowledge in core areas of HRM
and business, grounded in the latest
research and learn from, reflect
upon and apply this knowledge
and understanding to your own
professional practice in order to
increase your credibility and add
value to your organisation.
Our virtual learning environment
provides you with access to an
extensive range of online resources,
including interactive learning
opportunities throughout each
module, combining academic rigour
with real-life examples and practical
elements. This will be enriched
through online discussions with
your academic tutors and peers.
Subjects may include
People and Organisational
Development; Labour Relations;
The Organisational Context of
HR; Learning and Development;
Employee Resourcing; HRM in an
International Context; Research
Methods; Dissertation.
Career prospects
You will be provided with the
knowledge and expertise to enhance
and develop your career, whether it be
a specialist career in HRM, or a career
in more generic business and leadership
roles which would benefit from an
in-depth understanding of HRM.
Students may gain empl oyment in a
range of HR roles such as HR Manager,
Business Partner, or Organisational
Development or Training and
Development Managers in international
or domestic organisations. The
programme will also be attractive
to students in general management
positions with responsibility for
managing people or development of
people management or HR policy.
“Studying online meant that I was able to
gain practical knowledge in my day job and
supplement my theoretical understanding
of business in my own time. The modules
absolutely align with real business challenges
and the experience gained through the course
has enabled me to understand the wider
business management challenge.
Being online, it’s accessible at any time from
any location, and the handy online virtual office
hours offer a good real-time discussion zone for
students and tutors. The level of teaching and
involvement from the tutors has been brilliant.
They are readily accessible and always on hand.
The knowledge I have gained fits perfectly with
my current role and has allowed me to grow in
confidence in the business environment quicker
than I would have alone.”
Nicola McMillan
MSc Business Management
Global Online
The School
of Arts
Creative Industries
As befits a city full of culture, the School of Arts &
Creative Industries at Edinburgh Napier boasts a vibrant,
international and creative community. Our modern
facilities and strong links with industry combine to
produce industry-ready, award-winning graduates.
Expertise across the board
We offer courses across a wide variety of
creative areas, from MSc qualifications in
Creative Advertising, Creative Writing and
Magazine Publishing to MAs in Screenwriting
and Journalism and MFAs in Advanced Film
Practice and our Directing and Playwriting
programmes. We also offer a full range of
design disciplines at MA and MDes level,
including Exhibition Design and cutting-edge
areas such as Interaction Design. We have
made postgraduate study as flexible as
possible and many of our courses can be
studied full-time, part-time and online.
Industry recognition
This depth of knowledge of our tutors, many
of whom are industry-active, is complemented
by official accreditation. Many of our courses
have been through a rigorous assessment to
win the coveted Creative Skillset Tick, which
guarantees that you’ll gain the professional
skills and knowledge that industry needs.
Elsewhere, our MSc Publishing course is
accredited by the Professional Publishers
Association (PPA) and our MA Journalism
course is recognised by the Broadcast
Journalism Training Council (BJTC).
Edinburgh Napier is also a partner in Screen
Academy Scotland, one of only three film
academies in the UK to be recognised by
Creative Skillset as a centre of excellence.
Based next to our Merchiston campus, this
allows our students to collaborate across
disciplines, including film and journalism.
Award-winning outcomes
The Arts is a competitive field but we aim to
produce graduates who can compete at the
highest level. This is borne out by high-profile
award wins such as a “Black Pencil” at the
prestigious 2014 D&AD New Blood Awards.
Our staff are no strangers to industry
recognition either, with our MDes Lighting
Design team taking home a 2015 Museum
& Heritage Award for their innovative Botanic
Lights: Night in the Garden project.
Facilities for learning
At Merchiston, which is also home to
engineering and computing students,
we have studio space, our own newsroom,
TV and radio studios and the 500-seat
Jack Kilby Computing Centre which boasts
both PC and Mac-based technology. Your
education does not all happen on campus,
however, and many of our courses offer
work placement modules, for example on
our renowned Publishing and Magazine
Publishing courses.
When you get first-hand experience
from stalwarts of the advertising
world, it’s marvellous.”
Find out more about
MSc Creative Advertising
on page 89.
Learning from the best
Akaash Ampili
MSc Creative Advertising
Having previously worked for an advertising agency in
India, Akaash came to Edinburgh Napier to learn about
the international market. He believes his experience
has been more rewarding than he ever dreamed possible.
n my first day at Edinburgh Napier,
we had an informal meet-up with
the professors. We immediately got
the impression that this was going to be
something really exciting because they
had achieved everything you can achieve
in advertising across the UK.
They made sure that we knew what life
would be like in advertising because it’s a
very cut-throat business and you need to
stand out. I had some experience of agency
life in India but it was very different from
how it is over here. When you get first-hand
experience from stalwarts of the advertising
world, it’s marvellous.
These days, the first thing you do when
thinking about an ad is social media. The
automatic thought is: “If this goes on
Facebook, what happens?” or “If this trends
on Twitter, what would happen?” On our
digital module, every week a person was
brought in from the digital industry to speak
to us about how things work. That showed
the level of commitment that Edinburgh
Napier has to giving you the right knowledge.
The good thing about the course is that the
IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising)
supports it. We were encouraged to go to
their events and have conversations with
people. If you do not network and you sit
towards the corner, nothing is going to come
to you. You have to go and collect it. My
internship at Union came through one of
these events. I formed a creative team with
one of my course mates and we started
talking to the creative director of Union
Direct. She invited us to the agency to
present our work, including our portfolio
of videos. We were ecstatic to get an
opportunity like that because Union is one
of the biggest agencies in Scotland.
We’ve been lucky enough to work on a huge
client, and both of us are extremely proud of
the work that’s gone out because that work
has been taken as the official pitch from the
agency. In the end, an initial two-week
placement was pushed to two months.
The experience and knowledge that you get
here, you will not get that back in your own
country. I did not think in a million years I’d be
able to learn this much in such a short span.
If someone was to ask me if it was worth
going to study at Edinburgh Napier, I would
100 per cent stamp the course and say it
was absolutely brilliant.
MFA Advanced Film Practice
Study type
Start date
An MA in a film-related
subject. Alternatively,
you may have
equivalent professional
or semi-professional
experience. You will also
be required to submit a
portfolio of your work.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
Are you an ambitious, talented
and driven film director, producer
or writer, looking to make the
leap from student to professional
filmmaking? Or perhaps you’ve
been making high-quality films for
broadcasters, the internet or the
corporate or semi-professional
world and have always wanted
to work on the big screen?
On entry into this course, you
will already have demonstrated
advanced skills in production,
direction or screenwriting. By
graduation, you will have honed
these skills and added to them.
You’ll learn techniques to further
develop your creative voice, plus
the production skills necessary to
bring a film project to completion.
This course gives you the chance
to develop, produce and complete
a short cinema film to professional
standards. In parallel with this
you will develop your creative and
professional skills through practical
exercises and masterclasses with
leading industry practitioners. We
offer great scope for collaboration,
with more than 200 students
engaged in film activities – from
cinematography and editing to
documentary and animation.
Your qualification carries Screen
Academy status, the only film
qualification in Scotland to
offer this, and one of only a
few throughout the UK.
In addition to acquiring practical
skills, you’ll create projects that can
form the basis of your portfolio.
You’ll also develop your existing
skills to a near-professional level,
collaborating with students and
working practitioners alike to
create a fully-funded short film,
documentary, feature film script or
similar finished creative product.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Subjects may include
Project Development and Preproduction; Project Production
and Post-production.
Career prospects
This course maximises your chances
of success in a tough industry.
Your qualification carries Creative
Skillset Film Academy status –
giving us and you credibility in the
industry. You will meet and work
with industry practitioners, building
contacts and networks that will
help form the basis of a potential
career. Our graduates’ films have
screened at festivals throughout
the world including Edinburgh,
Venice and Kolkata and many of our
alumni go on to pick up prestigious
awards and commissions.
MSc Creative Advertising
The world of advertising is fuelled
by bright minds and creative
thinkers. It generates millions of
messages that reach consumers
via an ever-increasing number
of channels. There are around
14,000 people employed in UK
advertising, yet at its heart, only
some 8% of employees are what
are known as “creatives”. These
are the art-directors, copywriters
and planners who are the creative
powerhouse of the industry. If you’re
aiming at a career as an advertising
creative, then our award-winning
programme will help you develop
an understanding of the industry
and the practical skills you’ll need.
The course has been developed
in collaboration with the Scottish
Institute of Practitioners in
Advertising (The IPA), and is taught
by leading practitioners. It gives
you the chance to respond to real
advertising briefs. You will learn the
best way to present your ideas and
how to work collaboratively and
individually as you create advertising
across a variety of media, including
print, TV, radio, outdoor and online.
Your critical evaluation skills will
also be developed as you explore
the theories behind successful
advertising campaigns and critique
your own and others’ work.
Students have in recent years
won “Yellow and Black Pencils”
in the D&AD New Blood
awards and medals in the
Roses Creativity Awards.
Subjects may include
Planning in Advertising; Concept
Creation; Creative Toolkit or Motion
Graphics; Campaign Creation;
Digital Creative; Professional
Portfolio in Advertising.
Career prospects
Creative directors and other
senior industry professionals have
a strong interest in the course
and are keen to find new talent.
Industry-driven projects will expose
you to employers and generate a
valuable set of creative ideas that
will enhance your portfolio. Recent
graduates have developed interests
not only in creative careers but also
in planning, account management
and media planning/buying – 75%
of graduates have found work
in the advertising industry.
Read about Akaash’s
experience on page 86.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:1 or above or
the equivalent in
professional experience.
You will be asked to
undertake a copy test
and if successful will
also be required to
attend an interview.
Students based
outside the UK will be
offered a telephone
interview. If English is
not your first language,
you must have a
minimum IELTS score
of 6.0 or equivalent or
substantial experience
using English as your
working language.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MA Creative Writing
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above in any
discipline is desirable.
Alternatively, relevant
experience will be taken
into account. Applicants
may be asked to submit
a writing sample and
attend an interview. For
students based outside
the UK, interviews are
conducted by telephone
or Skype. If English is
not your first language,
you must have a
minimum IELTS score
of 7.0 or equivalent.
For international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
If you want to make a career in
writing, this course is for you.
You already have talent and ideas:
we will add the expertise you need
to approach your chosen market
with confidence, originality and skill.
No ambitions are out of bounds:
we love commercial genre fiction
and literary experiments equally.
We take an innovative approach
to training and support driven
by intellectual ambition and
practical industry experience.
There are four strands to the
programme: developing narrative
technique; practising vocational
skills (including abridgement,
adaptation and collaborative
creation); experimental, theoretical
and personal development
work; and regular one-toone editorial mentoring.
Uniquely, the course offers a
dynamic range of cross-disciplinary
options. Writing for graphic fiction,
screenwriting, interactive media and
creative non-fiction are all offered
as specialisms, while our pioneering
module in genre fiction covers
crime, horror, fantasy and science
fiction, with YA options in each.
We host an exciting programme
of lectures and masterclasses
from award-winning authors and
high-profile industry experts.
In addition, an internationally
recognised author joins us for 12
months as Writer in Residence
to develop new work alongside
students, share experience and
offer one-to-one consultations.
Subjects may include
Creating Narrative – Writer’s Toolkit;
Innovation and Authorship; Creative
and Editorial Development; Writing
Practice – First Person Narrative;
Writing Graphic Fiction; Writing
Genre Fiction; Creative Non-Fiction;
Interactive Media; Major Project.
For more information visit our blog
Career prospects
Among our graduates’ achievements
are book deals, representation
by literary agents, international
and national competition
wins, publication in magazines
and anthologies, Edinburgh
International Book Festival
appearances, paid editing and
writing commissions, performances
and teaching, and working for
national literary organisations.
MFA Directing
(subject to approval)
Edinburgh Napier’s MFA is the only
postgraduate Directing degree
set in the UK’s “Festival City”.
You will direct for the Festival as
well as gaining experience and
knowledge in a variety of styles.
The course’s industry links will
also allow you to create a network
of professional contacts and the
practical nature of the course will
increase knowledge and confidence
and prepare you for a career as
a professional theatre director.
All of our lecturers are industry
professionals and placement will
be with one of Edinburgh’s worldclass producing theatres. You will
also collaborate with actors on
the Acting for Stage and Screen
and Acting & English courses,
and will have access to rehearsal
space for individual, independent
work. Each postgraduate student
will finish their degree with a fully
supported run of a production in
the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Based in Edinburgh, this course
will give you relevant knowledge,
skills and support over two years,
and will offer a wealth of hands-on
experience in a variety of styles.
You’ll be making the most of the city
with its extensive cultural offerings,
doing a professional work placement
and assistant directing as well as
directing your own projects. Finally,
you’ll direct and document your
own show in the Edinburgh Fringe
Festival as a practical MFA Thesis.
Subjects may include
Applied Directing; Dramatic Story
and Structure; Script Analysis;
Design and Metaphor; Professional
Preparation; Festival Workshop.
Career prospects
A variety of careers in the creative
industries, including: directing,
teaching, training and facilitating,
arts administration, company
management and artistic direction.
Meet lecturer Donna
Soto-Morettini on page 108.
Study type
Full-time (2 years)
Start date
An Honours degree at
2:2 or above. We look
for applicants to have a
background in theatre
or the humanities.
We may also consider
lesser qualifications
if you have sufficient
relevant work experience
within the industry. The
selection process for
this programme involves
a practical workshop
and an interview.
Applicants will be asked
to prepare materials
for the workshop.
If English is not your first
language this course
requires an overall IELTS
score of 7.0 with no
individual component
score of less than
6.5 or equivalent.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MA/MDes Environmental Graphics
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above with
a background in any
degree subject. You
will be interviewed
and show a portfolio
of creative work.
International applicants
can be interviewed by
teleconference with
an online portfolio. If
English is not your first
language, you must
have minimum IELTS
6.5 or equivalent.
For international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
The MA/MDes Environmental
Graphics explores image and text
that can be experienced in public
spaces. Responding to critically
informed themes, you will create
and manipulate graphic outcomes
and site specific installations
that inform, inspire and delight
onlookers and audiences. You will
have the opportunity to shape
your own ideas, concepts and
theories through a self-directed
Major Project, informed by design
research and critical enquiry.
In specialist modules you will
develop specific skills and
knowledge, which will inform and
enable highly developed design
outcomes in your self-directed major
project. You can choose between
an exhibition design or advertising
module both of which allow for
collaboration with practitioners
from other areas. You have the
option of taking an MA or MDes
award, depending on whether you
complete a dissertation or design
project report in your final trimester.
We have a strong studio culture
supported by our multidisciplinary
staff team of academics and
industry based practitioners, and
the programme is closely linked
to the Centre for Design Practice
and Research. You will be able to
develop creative, professional,
strategic and contextual knowledge
and skills and apply design thinking
to a range of creative outcomes.
Subjects may include
Design Research Methods;
Graphics; Design or Concept
Creation; Interpretative Design;
Major Design Project; For MDes
Degree – Design Project Report;
For MA Degree –
Design Dissertation.
Career prospects
With a physical and digital/online
portfolio demonstrating industryready skills, graduates could
apply for design jobs, freelance
work or establish entrepreneurial
ventures. You may also wish to
continue study to MPhil or PhD
level. We have strong industry
links and often involve students in
projects undertaken in our Centre
for Design Practice & Research.
MA/MDes Exhibition Design
The MA/MDes Exhibition Design
brings together a range of
design disciplines to explore the
interpretation and presentation
of images, objects, spaces and
experiences, both virtual and
physical, for a range of audiences
and user groups. You will undertake
specialist modules in exhibition
design, lighting design and design
interpretation, and will shape
your own ideas, concepts and
theories through a self-directed
Major Project, informed by design
research and critical enquiry. The
programme is well connected
with the local exhibition design
practices industry, and Scotland’s
vibrant museum, heritage,
tourism and events sectors.
In specialist exhibition, design
interpretation and lighting modules
you will develop specific design skills
which will inform and enable highly
developed outcomes in your selfdirected major project. Collaboration
with practitioners from other areas
is encouraged. You have the option
of taking an MA or MDes award,
depending on whether you complete
a dissertation or design project
report in your final trimester.
We have a strong studio culture
supported by our multidisciplinary
staff team of academics and
industry based practitioners,
and the programme is closely
linked to the Centre for Design
Practice and Research.
Subjects may include
Design Research Methods; Spatial
Lighting Design; Exhibition Design;
Interpretative Design; Major
Design Project; For MDes Degree
– Design Project Report; For MA
Degree – Design Dissertation.
Career prospects
With a physical and digital/online
portfolio demonstrating the skills
needed by industry, you will be able
to apply for design jobs, freelance
work or establish entrepreneurial
ventures. You may also consider
continuing your studies at MPhil
or PhD level. Edinburgh Napier
also has strong industry links
and often involves students in
projects undertaken in our Centre
for Design Practice & Research.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above with
a background in any
degree subject. You
will be interviewed
and show a portfolio
of creative work.
International applicants
can be interviewed by
teleconference with
an online portfolio.
If English is not your
first language, you
must have minimum
IELTS 6.5 or equivalent.
For international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MA/MDes Interaction Design
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above with
a background in any
degree subject. You
will be interviewed
and show a portfolio
of creative work or
technical projects. You
may be asked to give
a design presentation.
International applicants
can be interviewed by
teleconference with
an online portfolio. If
English is not your first
language, you must
have minimum IELTS
6.5 or equivalent.
For international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
This programme will equip you
with creative prototyping and
programming skills for design. You
will use software and hardware to
respond to a range of design briefs
dealing with human interaction in
spaces, and through objects and
interfaces. You will learn combined
technical and creative skills and
have the opportunity to shape
your own ideas, concepts and
theories through a self-directed
Major Project, informed by design
research and critical enquiry.
In specialist prototyping modules
you will develop specific skills and
knowledge in Arduino and other
forms of prototyping, which will
inform and enable highly developed
3D outcomes in your self-directed
major project. Collaboration with
practitioners from other areas
is encouraged. You have the
option of taking an MA or MDes
award, depending on whether you
complete a dissertation or design
project report in trimester 3.
We have a strong studio culture
supported by our multidisciplinary
staff team of academics and
industry based practitioners,
and the programme is closely
linked to the Centre for Design
Practice and Research.
Subjects may include
Design Research Methods;
Sketching in Hardware and
Software; 3D Prototyping or
Exhibition Design; Major Design
Project; Light Art and Projection or
Digital Creative; For MDes Degree
– Design Project Report; For MA
Degree – Design Dissertation.
Career prospects
You will gain a rare blend of
creative and programming skills
which are highly sought after in
industry. With a physical and digital/
online portfolio demonstrating
industry-ready skills, graduates
can apply for design jobs, freelance
work or establish entrepreneurial
ventures. You may also wish to
continue study to MPhil or PhD
level. We have strong industry
links and often involve students in
projects undertaken in our Centre
for Design Practice & Research.
“Edinburgh Napier is hands
on and not just about theory.
Everyone is so up to date.”
Pankhuri Jain
MDes Interaction Design
MA/MDes Interior Architecture
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above with
a background in any
degree subject. You
will be interviewed
and show a portfolio
of creative work.
International applicants
can be interviewed by
teleconference with
an online portfolio. If
English is not your first
language, you must
have minimum IELTS
6.5 or equivalent.
For international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
You will explore design for
architectural and public spaces,
and make creative interventions
in the built environment. You will
undertake specialist modules in
exhibition and lighting design, and
a design management module will
sharpen your industry focus. You
will shape your own ideas, concepts
and theories through a self-directed
Major Project, informed by design
research and critical enquiry.
We have a strong studio culture
supported by our multidisciplinary
staff team of academics and
industry based practitioners, and
the programme is closely linked
to the Centre for Design Practice
and Research. You will be able to
develop creative, professional,
strategic and contextual knowledge
and skills and apply design thinking
to a range of creative outcomes
and design interventions.
In specialist spatial design, lighting
design and management modules
you will develop specific skills
which will inform and enable highly
developed outcomes in your selfdirected major project. Collaboration
with practitioners from other areas
is encouraged. You have the option
of taking an MA or MDes award,
depending on whether you complete
a dissertation or design project
report in your final trimester.
Subjects may include
Design Research Methods; Spatial
Lighting Design; Exhibition Design;
Design Management; Major
Design Project; For MDes Degree
– Design Project Report; For MA
Degree – Design Dissertation.
Career prospects
Having developed a physical and
digital/online portfolio demonstrating
that you have the skills required by
industry, you will be able to apply
for design jobs, freelance work or
establish entrepreneurial ventures.
You may also wish to continue study
to MPhil or PhD level. We have
strong industry links and often
involve postgraduate students in
projects undertaken in our Centre
for Design Practice & Research.
MA/MDes Lighting Design
This programme explores the use
of light in interior and exterior
spaces, and light as a medium for
creative practice. You will learn
combined technical and creative
skills, and user centred knowledge
to apply lighting design principles.
You have the opportunity to
shape your own ideas, concepts
and theories through a selfdirected Major Project, informed
by design research and critical
enquiry. You will be taught by
award winning and internationally
renowned lighting designers.
In specialist lighting design,
exhibition design and light art
modules you will develop design
skills which will inform and enable
highly developed outcomes in
your major project. Collaboration
with practitioners from other
areas is encouraged. You have the
option of taking an MA or MDes
award, depending on whether
you complete a dissertation
or design project report.
We have a strong studio culture
supported by our multidisciplinary
staff team of academics and
industry based practitioners, and
the programme is closely linked
to the Centre for Design Practice
and Research. You will be able to
develop creative, professional,
strategic and contextual knowledge
and skills and apply design thinking
to a range of creative outcomes
and design interventions.
Subjects may include
Design Research Methods; Spatial
Lighting Design; Exhibition Design;
Major Design Project; Light Art
and Projection; For MDes Degree
– Design Project Report; For MA
Degree – Design Dissertation.
Career prospects
This is one of only a small number
of post-graduate lighting design
courses in the world. You will
develop specialised skills and
knowledge and with a physical and
digital/online portfolio graduates
can apply for design jobs, freelance
work or take a more entrepreneurial
path. You may also wish to continue
study to MPhil or PhD level. We
have strong industry links and
opportunities exist for postgraduate
students to become involved in
projects undertaken in our Centre
for Design Practice & Research.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above with
a background in any
degree subject. You
will be interviewed
and show a portfolio
of creative work.
International applicants
can be interviewed by
teleconference with
an online portfolio. If
English is not your first
language, you must
have minimum IELTS
6.5 or equivalent.
For international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MA/MDes Motion Graphics
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above with
a background in any
degree subject. You
will be interviewed
and show a portfolio
of creative work.
International applicants
can be interviewed by
teleconference with
an online portfolio. If
English is not your first
language, you must
have minimum IELTS
6.5 or equivalent.
For international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
This programme explores the
design of moving image using
new and emerging digital 4D
software and traditional production
methods. We are increasingly
surrounded by image and text in
motion, and you will apply visual
narratives to critically informed
themes for film, television, digital
devices and online platforms.
You will have the opportunity
to shape your own ideas,
concepts and theories through
a self-directed Major Project.
In specialist moving image modules
you will develop specific skills and
knowledge, which will inform and
enable highly developed design
outcomes in your major project. The
exhibition design module allows
for collaboration with practitioners
from other areas, and you can
also have the choice of working
with light art and projection, or
advertising. You have the option
of taking an MA or MDes award,
depending on whether you complete
a dissertation or design project
report in your final trimester.
Working with specialist tutors,
including a BAFTA nominated
BBC graphic designer, the major
project allows you to model
and develop design outcomes
for film, television, animation,
digital interfaces, on-line spaces,
and site-specific installations.
We have a strong studio culture
and close links to the Centre for
Design Practice and Research.
Subjects may include
Design Research Methods; Motion
Graphics; Exhibition Design or
Concept Creation; Light Art and
Projection or Digital Creative; Major
Design Project; For MDes Degree
– Design Project Report; For MA
Degree – Design Dissertation.
Career prospects
Having developed a physical
and digital/online portfolio
demonstrating that you have the
skills needed by industry, you could
apply for design jobs, freelance
work or establish entrepreneurial
ventures. You may also wish to
continue study to MPhil or PhD
level. We have strong industry
links and often involve students in
projects undertaken in our Centre
for Design Practice & Research.
MA/MDes Product Design
This programme explores new
and emerging methods for rapid
prototyping, digital crafts and the
repatriation of manufacture. You will
use old and new technologies for the
virtual and physical modelling and
testing of design ideas. With highly
creative projects you will employ
design prototyping and fabrication
methods for various scales of
production, critically informed
by design research methods.
We have a strong studio culture
supported by our multidisciplinary
staff team of academics and
industry based practitioners, and
the programme is closely linked
to the Centre for Design Practice
and Research. You will be able to
develop creative, professional,
strategic and contextual knowledge
and skills and apply design thinking
to a range of creative outcomes.
In specialist prototyping modules
you will develop specific skills and
knowledge in CNC milling, laser
cutting, 3D printing, digital crafts
and Arduino (electronic prototyping),
which will inform and enable highly
developed 3D outcomes in your selfdirected major project. Collaboration
with practitioners from other areas
is encouraged. You have the option
of taking an MA or MDes award,
depending on whether you complete
a dissertation or design project
report in your final trimester.
Design Research Methods;
Sketching in Hardware and
Software; 3D Prototyping; Design
Management; Major Design
Project; For MDes Degree –
Design Project Report; For MA
Degree – Design Dissertation.
Subjects may include
Career prospects
With a physical and digital/online
portfolio demonstrating industryready skills, graduates can apply
for design jobs, freelance work or
establish entrepreneurial ventures.
You may also wish to continue
study to MPhil or PhD level. We
have strong industry links and
often involve PG students in
projects undertaken in our Centre
for Design Practice & Research.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above with
a background in any
degree subject. You
will be interviewed
and show a portfolio
of creative work or
technical projects. You
may be asked to give
a design presentation.
International applicants
can be interviewed by
teleconference with
an online portfolio. If
English is not your first
language, you must
have minimum IELTS
6.5 or equivalent.
For international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MA Film
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above in any
discipline or equivalent,
plus a portfolio.
For international
entry requirements
see page 198.
This course has been designed to
help you embark on a career as a
professional fiction film-maker in
one of the following disciplines:
Directing; Cinematography;
Editing; Sound; Producing.
Teaching is through a combination
of collaborative, shared modules,
and modules that are geared to each
individual discipline. You spend about
half your time concentrating on
your chosen discipline and half your
time acquiring general film making
skills. Coursework consists of a large
number of practical exercises and
projects that allow you to deepen
your own technical, creative and
professional film making skills.
The year’s work culminates in a
major project module in which you
will work, in your chosen discipline,
on one or more short fiction films.
Screen Academy Scotland offers
great scope for collaboration,
with some 200 or so students,
at under-and post-graduate level
engaged in diverse film activities.
You have access to a complete
range of professional production
and post-production equipment,
including Arri Alexa, HDCam, Super
16 mm, Avid, Final Cut Pro, ProTools and a fully equipped dubbing
facility. And you can draw on support
from tutors who themselves have
significant experience in the industry.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Subjects may include
Motion Graphics; VFX; Sound for Film
1; Sound for Film 2; Collaborative
Techniques for Film 1; Creative
Practice for Film and TV; Script
Workshop 1; Writing and Screen
Project Development; The Business
of Screen Project Development;
Collaborative Techniques for Film 2;
Creative Practice for; Cinema; Critical
Film Study; Masters Film Project.
Career prospects
Graduates have had their films
screened at festivals in cities
around the world, including
Venice, Beijing, Kolkata and
Edinburgh. Many have gone on to
win awards and commissions for
TV and feature film projects.
On completion of this course, we
would expect graduates to be ready
to take up an entry level job in the
industry, or, in the case of outstanding
students, set themselves up as an
independent practitioner as either a
director, producer, cinematographer,
editor or sound designer.
High achieving students on the
programme who would like
to continue and deepen their
studies will have the opportunity
to apply for the MFA Advanced
Film Practice on page 88.
MA International Journalism
for Media Professionals
This cutting-edge distance
learning degree is designed to
reflect current developments in
the media industry worldwide. It
is intended to help journalists and
media professionals break into
new areas of practice and enhance
their global mobility and career
progression. You will join a global
community of media professionals
reflecting on your current practice
and expanding the scope of your
professional expertise. The course
will build on your professional
experience and directly inform
and develop your daily practice.
The flexible delivery of this unique
curriculum will enable you to
continue to work as you study. An
intensive on-campus residential
week in Scotland’s thriving capital
is combined with distance learning
in virtual class- and newsrooms
featuring the latest technology.
Tutors and mentors with substantial
industry experience will support
you in developing leadership
attributes as well as the ability
to apply advanced journalistic
skills across a wide range of
platforms, including television, radio,
online, print and social media.
Your learning will be underpinned
by modern research into global
journalism and media practice.
You will develop the ability to
analyse the industry with academic
rigour and appraise political,
economic, regulatory and cultural
influences in different global regions.
Subjects may include
Cross-platform Journalism
and Media Practice; Global
Current Affairs across Cultures;
Leadership and Entrepreneurship
in the Media; Specialist Journalism
(Global Business and Finance
Reporting; Investigative Journalism,
Documentary Film Production;
Professional Media Industry
Placement); Professional Media
Production Dissertation.
Career prospects
Former students have become
flagship reporters, editors,
international correspondents
and presenters on high-profile
programmes, magazines and
newspapers. This course also
provides an ideal platform for
further research, including PhD
studies, and can serve as an entry
point to an academic career.
Study type
Full-time Distance
Part-time Distance
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above and
at least one year’s
relevant experience
as a journalist,
media practitioner,
specialist or information
officer. Alternative
qualifications combined
with substantial
experience may be
considered. You will also
be asked to provide a
portfolio of previous
work. If English is not
your first language,
you must have a
minimum IELTS score
of 6.5 or equivalent.
For specific international
entry requirements,
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MA Journalism
Study type
Start date
A 2:1 in your first
degree and a
demonstrable interest
in journalism, for
example some relevant
work placement
experience and/or a
portfolio of stories.
Non-UK students
also need IELTS level
7.5 or equivalent.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
This course offers an intensive,
practice-focused multimedia
programme, linked to industry. We
combine traditional methods with
new and developing technologies to
train you in multimedia journalism.
You’ll learn a range of practical
skills and leave with reporting
and production expertise for
print, online, magazine, television
and radio. You’ll also develop an
understanding of social media
and convergence issues.
placements help you develop
your industry contacts, allowing
you to have work published/
broadcast before you leave.
You’ll have a passion for news and
an interest in the media, plus an
instinct to find and tell stories. We
develop your skills to make sense
of fast-moving situations and
meet deadlines, while reporting
facts simply and eloquently with
honesty, integrity and creativity.
Our broadcast studios and
multimedia newsrooms provide
an industry setting, allowing you
to experience life as a journalist
and develop employability skills.
You’ll gain a firm understanding of
media law, ethics and regulations,
plus analytical and critical skills,
writing and research techniques.
We have a high success rate for
placing our graduates in jobs.
You may find work as a reporter,
editor, press officer, feature writer,
commentator, or production
worker in broadcast, print or
online. The industry placement
you will undertake as part of your
course is particularly valuable for
making contacts and can often
lead to an offer of employment.
Placements are a vital opportunity
to gain industry experience and
show editors, and potential
employers, what you can do.
You will use Edinburgh as a
political, economic and cultural
centre, providing a rich source
of stories and settings for your
work. Guest lectures and work
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Subjects may include
PgDip: Radio Bulletins; Media Law
for Journalists; New Writing; TV
and Multimedia News; Journalism,
Information and Society; Magazine
Publishing. MA: An academic
or Production Dissertation.
Career prospects
This course is fully accredited by
the Broadcast Journalism Training
Council and is part of Edinburgh
Napier’s Skillset Screen Academy.
We also have a partnership
with STV to deliver local TV.
MSc Magazine Publishing
Do you live and breathe magazines?
Do you follow fashion, keep up
with celebs or get worked up by
sport? Do you see yourself working
for your favourite glossy? If so,
then this course is for you.
Our intensive, industry-focused
course was accredited in 2014
by the Professional Publishers
Association, the lead body for
best practice in the industry.
The first postgraduate programme
of its kind in the UK, it’s an
intensive, practical, hands-on
course that will prepare you for
a career in multimedia magazine
publishing. This innovative course
will study magazines in their
widest sense; print and online.
Lectures, seminars, workshops and
intensive masterclasses will explore
the day-to-day operations of a
magazine, as well as showing you
how to get your foot in the door.
•PgCert: Publishing in Context;
the Business of Magazines;
Creative Toolkit.
You will learn the industry-specific
skills that will help you succeed in
the fast-paced, exciting world of
magazine publishing. You’ll study
modules in magazine practice where
you will create your own full-colour
magazine. You will also have the
opportunity to undertake a work
placement and a dissertation,
both of which will enhance your
career prospects and allow you to
research the area of magazines
which interests you most.
Subjects may include
•PgDip: Magazine Publishing;
Journalism, Information and
Society; Publishing Placement
and Professional development.
•MSc: Dissertation; an in-depth,
industry-based research project.
Career prospects
We have an excellent record of
placing graduates in relevant
employment because we provide
you with the most up-to-date skills
required by a rapidly advancing
industry. A work placement module
is offered on this course. Your
work placement and subsequent
employment could be in: magazine
and journal publishing; corporate
publishing; digital publishing;
magazine writing; magazine
design, production or printing;
or as a magazine entrepreneur.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree at 2:2
or above or an equivalent
qualification. However,
if you do not have the
necessary qualification
requirements, please
contact us – relevant
industry experience
will also be considered.
Applicants whose
first language is not
English will be required
to meet IELTS level
6.5 or equivalent.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
You may also be interested in
MSc Publishing on page 105.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MFA Playwriting
(subject to approval)
Study type
Full-time (2 years)
Start date
An Honours degree at
2:2 or above. We look
for applicants to have a
background in theatre
or the humanities.
We may also consider
lesser qualifications
if you have sufficient
relevant work experience
within the industry. The
selection process for
this programme involves
a practical workshop
and an interview.
Applicants will be asked
to prepare materials
for the workshop.
If English is not your first
language this course
requires an overall IELTS
score of 7.0 with no
individual component
score of less than
6.5 or equivalent.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Edinburgh Napier’s MFA is the
only postgraduate playwriting
degree set in the UK’s “Festival
City”. You will write for the Festival
as well as gaining experience and
knowledge in a variety of styles.
The course’s industry links will
also allow you to create a network
of professional contacts and the
practical nature of the course
will increase your knowledge and
confidence and prepare you for a
career as a professional playwright.
Based in Edinburgh, this course
will give you relevant knowledge,
skills and support over two years,
and will offer a wealth of hands-on
experience of writing in a variety
of styles. You’ll be making the
most of the city with its extensive
cultural offerings, collaborating with
Postgraduate Directors as well as
training actors in practical workshop
settings, to hone and enhance your
craft. Finally, you’ll workshop and
write a fully supported production
for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
as a practical MFA Thesis.
All our lecturers are industry
professionals, and writers will
be teamed with professional
mentors for intensive, ongoing,
one-to-one tutorial sessions. You
will collaborate with actors on the
Acting for Stage and Screen and
Acting & English courses, and will
have access to rehearsal space
for individual, independent work.
Each postgraduate student will
finish their degree with a fully
supported production of their work
in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Subjects may include
Applied Playwriting; Dramatic
Story and Structure; Script
Analysis; ongoing mentoring
seminars; Professional
Preparation; Festival Workshop.
Career prospects
A variety of careers in the creative
industries, including: writing for
stage and screen, teaching, training
and facilitating, and various
roles in arts administration.
Meet lecturer Donna
Soto-Morettini on page 108.
MSc Publishing
Our intensive, industry-focused
publishing programme is the
“standard bearer for publishing
education in the UK” (Source:
Professional Publishers
Association). Our focus is
vocational, providing you with the
industry-specific and research
skills demanded by employers, the
invaluable contacts that will open
doors, and a placement that will
provide you with crucial experience.
MSc Publishing works closely
with the PPA, and was the first
programme to be accredited
by it. More recently, the course
was awarded the prestigious
Creative Skillset Tick.
Our team has strong relationships
with thought leaders across
industry, commerce and academia
which helps to ensure you are at
the forefront of latest thinking,
processes and technology. The
expansion of digital media has
created a need for highly specialised
skills in Publishing. You will gain the
specialist training and experience
demanded by publishing employers.
You’ll develop skills in critical
thinking and problem solving, and
will graduate with an excellent
understanding of the industry
in an international context.
You will become familiar with every
aspect of the publishing process,
meet industry professionals and
attend prestigious events such
as the London International Book
Fair, the Edinburgh International
Book Festival and Magfest.
We are also linked with the
internationally renowned Scottish
Centre for the Book based at
Edinburgh Napier University.
For more information visit
Subjects may include
•PgCert: Publishing in
Context; Publishing in
Practice: From Concept to
Creation; Creative Toolkit.
•PgDip: Publishing Placement
and Professional Development;
Publishing in Practice: From
Creation to Consumer; Option
of New Venture Creation, From
Script to Screen, Interactive
Media or Magazine Publishing.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above or
equivalent qualification.
Alternatively, relevant
industry experience
will be taken into
account. If English is
not your first language
you will require IELTS
6.5 or equivalent.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
•MSc: Dissertation
Career prospects
You will be prepared for work
in areas including: book and
magazine publishing (editing,
design, production, sales or
marketing); journal publishing;
consumer and corporate publishing;
online and digital publishing; or
as a publishing entrepreneur.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MA Screenwriting
Study type
Start date
A degree at 2:2 or
above in a related field,
or the equivalent in
professional or semiprofessional experience.
You will be required to
attend an interview
and present a writing
sample or portfolio. If
your native language
is not English, you will
need to have IELTS
level 7.0 or equivalent.
For international
entry requirements
see page 198.
Our MA Screenwriting degree
has been running since 2006
and we are confident it’s one
of the strongest in the UK.
Accredited by Creative Skillset,
the course is aimed at screenwriters
wishing to work in film, television
or in script development. You will
develop a portfolio of creative work,
study aspects of contemporary
screenwriting and develop a
working knowledge of the current
film and television industries.
Our general approach is suitable
for students wishing to develop
a flexible approach to writing
for cinema, television and other
interactive or online media.
The teaching combines classes
on craft and the commercial and
industrial context. Workshops
develop your creativity through a
series of exercises and deadlines.
Teaching staff are working
screenwriters and producers
and there are regular visits from
professional writers, producers,
directors and those working in
script editing and development.
The course has developed a strong
international profile and attracts
a diverse range of students. As
a student at Screen Academy
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Scotland you will be part of a
large, thriving film community.
Collaboration is encouraged
and our MA Screenwriters
work closely with students on
the MA Film programme.
The course will develop skills
in screenwriting, creativity,
analytical thinking, academic
writing, professional writing for
film (script reports, coverage),
editing and developmental skills.
The course is taught two days
a week. Part-time students
attend classes one day a
week over two years.
Subjects may include
Writing and Screen Project
Development; The Business of
Screen Project Development;
Script Workshop 1 and 2; Script
to Screen; Interactive Media or
Graphic Fiction; Major Project.
Career prospects
Our students have gone on to
success in various competitions,
winning the PAGE International
Screenwriting Award for three years.
Some are working as self-employed
writers for television drama and
have found agents, while others
are working professionally in script
development and production.
PgCert Screenwriting
Our distance learning PG
Certificate in Screenwriting is
a course that combines online
lectures, tutorials and writing
exercises with attendance at
two live, face-to-face workshops
in February and June. Students
receive a free pass to the Edinburgh
International Film Festival in June.
The course is aimed at screenwriters
wishing to work in film, television
or in script development. You will
develop a portfolio of creative work,
study aspects of contemporary
screenwriting and develop a
working knowledge of the current
film and television industries.
Our distance learning PG Certificate
in Screenwriting takes a general
approach and is suitable for
students wishing to develop a
flexible approach to writing for
cinema, television and other
interactive or online media.
The online classes take three
modules from our successful
MA Screenwriting (see page 106)
and redesigns them for online
delivery. In the first, you will
learn about the craft, language
and industrial context.
In the two tutor-led workshops
you will develop your creativity
through a series of exercises and
deadlines. On completion, you
will have a portfolio of short film
or TV scripts and one longer 30’
script at a polished first draft.
Subjects may include
Writing and Screen Project
Development; Script
Workshop 1 and 2.
Career prospects
Screenwriting is a hugely
competitive profession.
Nevertheless, our students have
gone on to success in various
competitions, winning the PAGE
International Screenwriting
Award for three years. Some are
working as self-employed writers
for television drama and have
found agents, while others are
working professionally in script
development and production.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above in an
appropriate discipline,
such as creative writing,
journalism, filmmaking
or dramaturgy. We also
consider recognition of
prior learning (RPL) if you
demonstrate appropriate
knowledge and skills
equivalent to an Honours
degree standard. You
will normally be required
to take part in an online
or telephone interview,
and/or asked to produce
evidence of aptitude,
appropriate experience
and an ability to benefit
from the course. If your
native language is not
English, you will need
to have IELTS level
7.0 or equivalent.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Edinburgh Napier is launching two new MFA
programmes in Playwriting and Directing that will
both culminate with productions at the Edinburgh
Festival. Senior Lecturer Donna Soto-Morettini
explains why this is such an exciting opportunity.
Donna Soto-Morettini
Senior Lecturer
e are the only university that’s
managed to make something of
being in Edinburgh. Our graduating
undergraduate students all do a full run at
the Festival which we support and staff for
them, which also means that we have a great
opportunity for directors and playwrights.
Doing anything at the Festival is really
expensive if you’re trying to fund it yourself.
But careers still get launched there – if you
get enough five-star reviews, you will be
noticed by the industry. I know a lot of
directors who began their careers at the
Edinburgh Festival and that is still possible.
There are very few playwriting or directing
courses in the country and none offer a
semi-professional, fully-supported run in
the Edinburgh Festival, which we think is
an extraordinary way to cap a two-year
postgraduate degree.
It will be collaborative because you will spend
two years with the people you are going to be
writing for. That means a lot of time in
workshop with them, learning to listen and
learning to take feedback. It will be wonderful
to have writers who can be there the whole
time, getting to know the students, getting
to learn their strengths and weaknesses and
then writing something specifically for them.
Most writers and directors never get their
work produced in a full production.
Even at the end of a postgraduate course,
they’ll get maybe a rehearsed reading.
To actually get the opportunity for a full
run at the Edinburgh Festival is significant.
We’ve also got great relationships with
theatres such as the Lyceum and Traverse in
Edinburgh, the National Theatre of Scotland,
Dundee Rep and the Citizens Theatre
in Glasgow. That means that the people we
bring in to mentor students are industry
professionals who are already working in
the business. We also have an extraordinary
staff here – all of us have significant industry
experience. I still work as a casting director
for television, working for shows such as
The Voice UK.
The city of Edinburgh has an incredibly
vibrant culture – it’s hard to match apart
from being in London, and London as a
student is difficult. It’s expensive and it’s
hard to navigate. Edinburgh has that kind
of culture but it’s navigable and affordable.
What we want to do is support without
smothering and to make sure that we’re
providing the right creative atmosphere
– we really have the most extraordinary
opportunity here.
Career highlights
Head of Acting, Central School of Speech and Drama, London.
Head of Acting & Dance, Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts.
Director of Drama, Head of Musical Theatre and Director of
International Development, Royal Scottish Conservatoire.
Casting Director and Performance Coach, Superstar, Popstar to
Operastar, The Voice, The Dare, Over the Rainbow, I’d Do Anything.
Student quote:
“The University is extremely
supportive of independent
projects and is always providing
opportunities for students to
expand their set of skills to prepare
them for the professional world.”
Alex Card
Acting & English
Find out more about
MFA Directing on page 91 and
MFA Playwriting on page 104.
The School
of Computing
The School of Computing at Edinburgh Napier is here to
equip you for the future in a fast-changing and fascinating
sector. From networking to cybercrime, sound design
to web development, we offer accredited courses taught
by industry experts in labs that feature cutting-edge kit.
Skills for the future
In the School of Computing, we know that
in years to come you will be working with
technologies that didn’t exist when you were
at university, so it is important to us to make
sure that we prepare you appropriately. To
this end, our courses give you the practical
skills but also the problem solving and
research skills to allow you to adapt to, and
design, new technology.
Top-class accreditation
In 2014, our Advanced Security & Digital
Forensics MSc programme became one of
only six courses of its kind in the UK, and
the only in Scotland, to be accredited by
Government Communications Headquarters
(GCHQ). This was further confirmation that
Edinburgh Napier is at the forefront of battling
cybercrime at a time when a 2015 Tech Cities
Job Watch Report showed that cyber security
consultants were in high demand and could
earn more per day in Edinburgh than in
London. Across the School, many of our
courses are accredited by the BCS: The
Chartered Institute for IT, while we are also
an official Cisco Networking Academy.
One of our new programmes, MSc Game
Technologies, has also been awarded coveted
PlayStation®First status by Sony, allowing
you access to official development hardware.
Flexible study
We understand that many potential
students are already in work so that is
why we have designed several work-based
Masters degrees, such as MSc Strategic ICT
Leadership and MSc Sound Design, where
the majority of your learning and study can
happen in your workplace or draws upon
your workplace experiences. A great mixture
of campus-based courses, full-time and
part-time options and online learning based
in virtual labs, means your learning can sit
within your busy lifestyle.
Leading the way
The School of Computing also has a
thriving research community, where many
opportunities exist within the Institute for
Informatics & Digital Innovation, for example.
This also means that whatever you choose
to study, you’ll be learning from experts
who are not just teaching about the industry
but are major influencers within it.
From having a major role in designing
new internet standards, to launching an
international Cyber Academy, Edinburgh
Napier really is a leader in the online world.
Leading the way
Jorge Fernando Illescas Peña
MSc Advanced Security & Digital Forensics
Jorge Fernando Illescas Peña believes that a
Masters degree from Edinburgh Napier will
benefit himself and his country. He puts this
down to the quality of teaching at the University.
he United Kingdom is the leading
country for information security and
only a couple of universities teach such
a complete programme in this area, with
Edinburgh Napier being one. Here you look at
information security plus digital forensics so
it’s great – a real, complete subject.
The expertise and attitude of the tutors and
lecturers is incredible. A great example is Bill
Buchanan. His knowledge of the subject is
incredible and, more than that, he is always
trying to help students. It’s a subject that’s
changing every month, every week, with new
concepts and new technologies, yet the
people here are always up to date. Alongside
the staff, equally important is the software
we have access to for digital forensics.
It’s really hard to find that kind of software
if you want to learn by yourself so it’s really
valuable to learn digital forensics on it here.
The course has more than lived up to my
expectations. The critical thinking is well
oriented. It’s not just learning something that
is written in a book, it’s about generating
new concepts and criticism. My dissertation
is focusing on digital forensics in a cloud
environment. I hope that in Ecuador I am
going to work in that specific area. There
are other very interesting areas on the
programme, for example penetration testing,
digital forensics, host-based digital forensics
and nowadays the cloud environment.
I feel the cloud is going to be in constant
development in the future so that is why
I want to be involved with it.
My plan is to work back in Ecuador. So many
students find opportunities to keep working
here in the United Kingdom but I am happy
to go back to Ecuador as I feel useful in that
country. I would like to create my own
consultancy company offering services
relating to information security, principally
digital forensics. I have a friend from the
same town in Ecuador who was studying at
Edinburgh Napier University at the same
time so I think we will join together to create
a company and offer consultancy services,
teaching, presentations and seminars.
I chose Edinburgh Napier for the quality of
the programme. After that I was looking for
the quality of life and Edinburgh for me is
amazing. It’s a great city to live in.
It’s a subject that’s changing
every month, every week,
with new concepts and new
technologies, yet the people
here are always up to date.”
Find out more about
MSc Advanced Security & Digital
Forensics on page 116.
MSc Advanced Networking
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above or
equivalent with some
coverage of computer
networking. Alternative
qualifications may
be considered if
accompanied by
appropriate work
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
This Masters degree in Advanced
Networking offers you the
opportunity to design, develop
and maintain advanced network
architectures, covering enterprise
topologies, wireless configurations,
network security and forensics,
cloud computing, Internet of
Things, and server infrastructures.
You will learn the techniques
associated with current networking
practices, enabling you to develop
and implement effective systems.
You will also be instructed in
leading-edge network research
and provided with the techniques
to constantly extend and update
your knowledge and thinking
on networking theory, practice
and research, allowing you to
keep up to date well into your
future networking career.
The course blends postgraduate
level understanding with significant
elements of Cisco CCNA, CCNP
and Cisco security curriculums.
This offers you a strong basis
to extend your CV and obtain
related certifications. The Cisco
Certification Exams themselves
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
are not included in the MSc course
but during your time here you will
be offered additional support to
obtain them, by qualified CCNP Cisco
Certified Academy Instructors.
Subjects may include
Network Technology; Network
Security; Host-Based Forensics;
Routing Technology; Switching
Technology; Advanced Cloud
and Network Forensics;
MSc Dissertation.
Career prospects
With its emphasis on technical and
hands-on network technologies
this course will leave you well
equipped for a career in practical
networking, ready to address
real-life networking situations and
problems. As computer networks
are in use in almost every industry
and workplace, networking
professionals are in demand. You
will have the opportunity to work
in a wide range of areas, including
research, education and training.
Meet programme leader
Dr Imed Romdhani on page 128.
MSc Advanced Security
& Cybercrime
The Masters degree in Advanced
Security and Cybercrime focuses
on extending your knowledge into
leading-edge issues related to
network and computer security
technologies and processes, both
generally and with a particular
focus on the growing threats from
cybercrime. The course blends
hands-on technical knowledge with
theoretical understanding, utilising
a range of remotely accessible
resources to allow access to
specialised computer configurations.
These remote systems allow
you to engage with the practical
activities of the course from home
or work. We also have well-equipped
labs, which can be utilised if you
wish to attend the campus.
This course is focused on delivering
to professionals already employed in
the area of computing who wish to
develop their skills into the areas of
computer security and cybercrime. It
allows employees to gain significant
course credits by applying knowledge
and skills gained from this course to
their own company’s procedures and
systems. Additionally, modules are
available on a distance learning basis.
Note that some credits are derived
from your employment activities, and
so you must be already employed
in a company which allows you to
demonstrate your developing course
knowledge. Please discuss your
current employment with the course
leader before applying to ensure
your role is suitable for the course.
This high-quality flexible course
provides a framework that lets
you focus on the requirements
of your own organisation and
your professional development
needs. You’ll focus on areas of
specialisation in your field and
broaden your knowledge and skills
to enhance career development.
The majority of learning and study
takes place at work or draws
on your workplace experience
which means attendance is only
one day a month at most.
Subjects may include
Advanced Professional Practice;
Network Security; Host-Based
Forensics; e-Security; Advanced Cloud
and Network Forensics; Security
Audit and Compliance; Management
of Software Projects; Leadership,
Learning and Development.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above or
equivalent. You will be
a professional working
in an organisation in a
role related to security
and/or cybercrime or
have access to this area.
Alternative qualifications
may be considered
if accompanied by
appropriate work
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
Career prospects
Participation in this course will
develop your technical and managerial
skills and enhance your chances of
promotion. It may also open doors
to more specialist jobs including:
security consultant, forensic
investigator, audit/compliance
consultant, security advisor/
auditor, cybercrime consultant.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Advanced Security &
Digital Forensics
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above,
or equivalent
in a computing
discipline. Alternative
qualifications may
be considered
if accompanied
by appropriate
work experience.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Computer security is a growth
industry and vital in modern
computing environments. This course
focuses on the areas of securing
computer and network systems and
the forensic investigation of digital
devices and networks. You will gain
foundation knowledge in the key
areas of computing cyber security,
with specialisations in network
security and incident response as well
as security testing. The digital forensic
aspects include both network and
computer forensics, allowing you to
develop the knowledge required to
conduct computer-related
investigations across networks,
computers and other digital devices.
Cyber security and digital forensics
are becoming significant disciplines,
with an acknowledged skill shortage
coupled with growing employment
opportunities. The University has
developed close ties with industry,
law enforcement and the public
sector, through partnerships with
organisations such as Cisco Systems,
Guidance Software, Dell Secure
Works, NCA, NCC, Police Scotland,
Scottish Crime & Drug Enforcement
Agency, and many others. Through
the School’s research group,
externally funded research is also
carried out within the fields of security
and digital forensics. This MSc is one
of very few courses certified by GCHQ,
recognising UK universities which are
excellent in cyber security.
The course develops a range of skills,
covering areas such as cryptography,
network security, penetration
testing, security monitoring, incident
response, operating systems,
network and computer forensics,
virtualisation and malware analysis.
Materials from many professional
courses are integrated into the
curriculum, helping you prepare
for sought after professional
certification such as Cisco Security
Certifications, CISSP, and CREST.
This course is flexible in the mode
of delivery, making extensive use of
online and blended learning materials.
Subjects may include
Host-Based Forensics; Network
Security; Security Audit and
Compliance; e-Security;
Incident Response and Malware
Analysis; Computer Penetration
Testing; Dissertation.
Career prospects
This is a growing industry and there
are a wide range of careers available
to you, such as: Security Consultant/
Analyst, Penetration Tester,
Network Security Analyst, Forensic
Investigator, Audit/Compliance
Consultant, Security Certification
Engineer, Incident Response Analyst,
Cisco Security Engineer/Architect,
Sys Admin, Network Engineer.
Read about Jorge Fernando’s
experience on page 112.
MSc Advanced Software
This course will build on your
existing knowledge of software
engineering to an advanced level
and help you to pursue a career or
further research in this area. You will
have an enthusiasm for software
technology from your first degree, or
perhaps your work experience, and
be keen to engage with a wide range
of new materials and technology.
We give you the opportunity to
focus on the area of software
engineering which interests you
most by offering a number of
module choices as well as the
chance to specialise in state-ofthe-art research topics such as
evolutionary and parallel computing.
By the end of this course you
will have a good understanding
of the principles of modern
software engineering and have
developed an understanding
of current research and future
trends in software engineering.
The course can be studied either
full-time for one year or parttime for two and a half years.
Subjects may include
Advanced Software Development;
Formal Methods; Emergent
Computing for Optimisation;
Enterprise Computing; and
Programming for the Web.
You will also take part in a
group project that will develop
your team working skills.
Career prospects
This qualification can open the
door to a wide range of careers.
We prepare you for a career
in development and use of
practical software systems by
equipping you with the skills that
employers require. Our courses
have an emphasis on meeting real
challenges, supported by a mixture
of theory, current technology and
practical content. Graduates can
expect to find employment in a
variety of jobs and companies
ranging from independent software
houses to graduate trainee courses
in large multinational companies.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above in
Computer Science or
Software Engineering,
or an alternative
qualification with
relevant work
experience. You should
also be competent in
Object Oriented Design
and a programming
language such as
C++ or Java.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
You may also find opportunities for
further study in research, either at
PhD level or as research assistants.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Business Information
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above or
equivalent in any
discipline. If you
have alternative
qualifications or
experience, you will
be considered on
an individual basis.
Confidence in spoken
and written business
English is an advantage
for non-native
English speakers.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
Regardless of the economic
environment, organisations always
try to maximise their resources
in pursuit of business objectives.
This often involves the effective
use of information technology by
management to increase efficiency
and improve corporate performance.
This route to improvement has
not always been successful, and
information technology solutions,
if badly conceived or applied, have
been shown to have as much
potential to cause damage as
they have to underpin success.
This course will equip you with
the knowledge and techniques to
be an effective agent for change
in the application of information
technology to business processes.
You will learn the nature of the
underlying technology and how
to successfully apply it in a range
of business environments using
industry-standard technology
and techniques. Modules examine
the characteristics of business
information systems, how they
are designed and how they can
be successfully implemented
in the working environment.
This course is aimed at closing the
capability gap between technology
practitioners and generic managers
to produce individuals who are
equipped to operate in the corporate
environment, yet be aware of the
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
nature of the technology and be
able to interact with specialists
to deliver successful IT projects.
It is suitable for individuals with
a management background
wishing to specialise in the area
of information system technology
or technology specialists wishing
to move in to managerial roles.
Subjects may include
Information Systems Engineering;
Enterprise Information Systems
with SAP; Strategic Information
Systems Management;
Management of Software Projects;
Digital Business Environments;
Information Security, Audit and
Compliance; Introductions to
databases, SQL and computer
systems; Web Design and
Development; Dissertation.
Career prospects
The variety of business information
technology elements offers a strong
vocational focus. After graduation,
you can expect to be involved in
both academic and practical fields
in widely diverse areas including:
business analysis, systems
design, usability engineering,
information engineering,
software engineering, IT project
management, IT consultancy and
sales, operations management,
information security, database
design and implementation.
MSc Computing
By taking a Masters degree in
Computing, you will be able to
further your undergraduate
computing studies or work
experience in the areas of your
particular interest. Choosing from
a wide variety of optional modules,
from Advanced Applications
Programming to Web-enabled
Business, you will be able to
design a course that best suits
your needs and career direction.
As well as building on your existing
computer skills and taking them
to the next level, you will learn to
develop a critical understanding
and an analytical approach to
your choice of specialist areas. For
example, you may choose software
development or information
systems, and focus on the skills
involved, while a theme such
as security and forensics would
obviously comprise different areas
of study. Whichever direction you
choose, you will end the course
equipped with the expertise needed
to take you further in your career.
This course is studied full-time over
three trimesters or part-time.
Subjects may include
Advanced Applications
Programming; Advanced Cloud
and Network Forensics; Advanced
Software Development; Computer
Penetration testing; Computer
Systems; Database Systems; Design
Dialogues; Emergent Computing for
Optimisation; Enterprise Computing;
Enterprise Information Systems
with SAP; e-Security; Group Project;
Host-based Forensics; Information
Systems Engineering; Interaction
Design; Management of Software
Projects; Network Security;
Network Technology; Programming
for the Web; Routing Technology;
Security Audit and Compliance;
Software Development 1 & 2;
Switching Technology; Web Design
and Development; Web-enabled
Business; MSc Dissertation.
Career prospects
Thanks to its content, and the high
demand for well-qualified graduates
in computing, this course can open
doors to a wide range of careers.
With previous work experience in
the field, you can take advantage
of the increased opportunities for
advancement that your new skills
offer. You could pursue a new role
in your specialist area, or take on a
research, education or training role.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above or
equivalent in any
discipline. If it does not
contain 50 per cent
computing content,
module choice may
be limited. Alternative
qualifications may
be considered with
appropriate work
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Computing for Educators
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2.2 or above in
an IT, Business or
Computing discipline
plus two years’
relevant computing
teaching experience.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
This part-time Masters course
focuses on equipping educators
with new technology skillsets
to help you deliver innovative
curricula for today’s aspiring
students. Attendance is no more
than one day a month (sometimes
split over two half days).
This part-time work-based degree
aims to deliver maximum impact
for you, your organisation and
your students. The majority of
learning and study takes place at
work or draws on your workplace
experience. Content and assessment
are tailored to meet your learning
needs. The course exploits
Edinburgh Napier University’s close
contact with colleges and schools
and experience in delivering blended
and online educational programmes.
You will:
•Learn, apply and evaluate
up-to-date educational
technology in your workplace;
•Complete assessments based on
your normal work activities, with
minimal attendance on campus;
•Study a balanced and tailored
blend of educational and
technology subjects to build on
existing expertise and meet the
needs of your organisation;
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
•Receive online support
throughout your course,
with access to online tutors.
Subjects may include
Three 20-credit option modules,
also delivered flexibly, will allow
you to choose from technical
and education-related modules
and build a customised course
that meets your needs.
On completion of the Postgraduate
Diploma, you will write a flexible
work-based dissertation to
gain your Masters Degree.
This dissertation will develop
your capability for independent
research and apply your studies
to an educational project which
relates to your organisation.
Career prospects
This work-based course will
develop your promotion prospects
whether you are a lecturer wanting
to update your technical skills and
make a greater contribution to
your college’s provision; a school
teacher seeking to deliver the
new Curriculum for Excellence;
an educational professional who
wants to learn about new delivery
mechanisms for your courses; or a
learning technologist who wants to
develop their career in education.
MSc Game Technologies
This course focuses on the
critical investigation of advanced
technology, their innovative
development, implementation,
performance and applications.
The aim of the game technologies
degree is to teach cutting-edge
methods to enhance your
understanding by means of
practice-led research and teaching.
MSc Game Technologies is an
advanced programme that updates
your current software knowledge
with modern game technologies and
methodologies, and then extends
this focus on advanced areas and
architectures. In parallel with this
are modules on physics-based
animation, computer graphics,
concurrency and parallel systems,
and advanced game engineering. In
addition, the course develops skills
in research and critical thinking
which is demonstrated in your
dissertation and module projects.
We have been awarded
PlayStation®First status by
Sony (SCEE), providing unique
access to Sony’s PlayStation®
development hardware (dev-kits)
and software (SDK), so we can
equip you with industry-relevant
game technology skills across
PlayStation®3, PlayStation®Vita
and PlayStation®Portable.
Edinburgh Napier University is
also one of a select number of
universities worldwide to be
honoured as a CUDA Teaching
Center. This award supports the
Game Developments efforts in
parallel computing education and
research. GPU computing and
CUDA tools are integrated into
numerous modules and within the
university, such as the concurrent
and parallel systems and computer
graphics modules. Students at
Edinburgh Napier University can
expect to learn the latest in crossplatform parallel programming.
Subjects may include
Interactive graphics; Physics-based
Animation; Game Production;
Concurrency and Parallelisation;
Artificial Intelligence; Interactive
Design and Practices with
Emerging Game Technologies.
Career prospects
This course is ideally suited to those
who wish to pursue a career in
game development and use of
practical software technologies
that address real problems or
situations, as well as being a
valuable course for those who
wish to pursue a career in research
either in games technologies, or
perhaps in state-of-the-art fields
such as physics-based animation
or parallel computing.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above. We
look for applicants to
have a background
in computer science
or a discipline with
significant computing
and/or mathematical
content, such as
computing, information
systems, mathematics,
engineering, systems
engineering or physics
in order to be eligible
for the programme.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Information Systems
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above
or equivalent, in a
discipline other than
computing. Alternative
qualifications may
be considered with
appropriate work
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
All organisations require information
systems to operate efficiently
and competitively, so we have
developed this programme based
on the techniques of developing
such computer-based application
systems. We have structured the
course to develop your knowledge
of information systems to an
advanced level in a relatively short
time and provide you with the
skills employers require. You will
learn about how these systems
work, how the requirements for
them are established and how
they are designed and developed.
You will gain an overview of
the importance of systems to
organisations as well as gain
technical and communication
skills which the industry values.
You will develop an understanding
of information systems
management and development
in organisations, and learn
how to design and implement
information systems solutions.
You will also gain transferable
skills in project management, time
management and communication.
This course is studied full-time
over one year or part-time
over two and a half years.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Subjects may include
•PgCert: Software Development;
Information Systems
Engineering; Computer Systems
and Database Systems.
•PgDip: Web Design and
Development, plus Software
Development or Web-enabled
Business and an Information
Systems group project or
Management of Software Project.
•MSc: Dissertation.
Career prospects
You may find employment
in computer departments of
organisations as a trainee
programmer, software engineer,
system builder, analyst or system
tester. Alternatively, you could
move into business as a graduate
trainee, particularly where a good
understanding of information
systems, and their potential, is
valuable. This degree and the
experience you will gain of creating
and commissioning computer
solutions can open up new
opportunities in your existing area.
No formal knowledge of computing
is required before starting the
course, but this is not an IT training
course and does require you to
engage with new technologies,
so familiarity with basic computing
would be an advantage.
MSc Project & Programme
Management Practice Based
This work-based degree aims
to deliver maximum impact for
both you and your organisation.
The majority of learning takes
place at work or draws on your
workplace experience. Content and
assessment is tailored to meet your
learning needs. This course exploits
Edinburgh Napier University’s close
contacts with industry and draws on
our extensive experience of advising
businesses and organisations.
This Masters course is
suitable for you if you are:
•A Project or Programme Manager
aiming to improve your own and
your organisation’s performance.
•Aiming to make a strategic
contribution and challenge
traditional thinking
through projects.
•Looking for ways to address
problems and manage change
in the modern fast-paced,
dynamic environment.
•A professional who wishes to
move into project or programme
management related roles and
requires a robust rounded set of
skills, knowledge and experience.
This course gives you the
opportunity to build on existing
competencies and develop new
skills that engage with human
and organisational factors in
addition to project and programme
management methodologies.
You will develop competencies
in project and programme
management methodologies,
explore the role of leadership, risk
management and governance
as well as set a vision for
projects in your organisation.
Subjects may include
You will select three modules
that will provide the breadth and
depth to explore the theory and
practice of project and programme
management as well as extending
your knowledge with insights into
the application of best practice
and creative problem solving.
Career prospects
Participation in this course will
indicate your aspirations and
dedication to your management
and enhance your chances of
promotion. It may also open doors
with other employers or improve
your standing as a consultant.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above or
equivalent with at
least three years’ work
experience. You will be a
professional working
at a managerial level,
or have aspirations to
do so, in an organisation
where ICT is key to
business success.
This course is only open
to Home/EU students.
Alternative qualifications
may be considered
if accompanied
by appropriate
work experience.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Sound Design
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree at
a 2:2 or above with
three years’ experience
working as an audio
professional, for any
form of media. We may
also consider lesser
qualifications if you
have sufficient relevant
work experience.
If English is not your
first language, it is
usually required that
you sit an English
language test in order
to gain entry onto
our postgraduate
programmes. This
course requires the
standard IELTS 6.0
with no individual
component score of less
than 5.5 or equivalent.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
This online Masters degree in sound
design is for audio professionals
who wish to enhance and formalise
their industrial experience with
industry-relevant theory and
practices. The degree is made
up of three parts: work-based
learning, taught classes, and a
research project, all of which are
designed to apply theory and
advanced practice to enhance
current approaches to sound design
for linear and interactive media.
In addition you will also have a
deep understanding of how to
assess approaches of affecting
audiences’ perceptions of linear
and interactive media using sound
design. Emphasis is placed on
cognisance with professional
standards for the production
and documentation of sound
designs for linear and interactive
media, and familiarity with a
comprehensive set of methods of
assessing listening experiences.
Guest lectures are provided by
international practitioners with
extensive industrial experience,
alongside lectures, tutorials
and other online resources
with established researchers in
the fields of sound design and
listening. Information about past
guest lecturers can be found on
Twitter (@SoundDesignMSc).
Subjects may include
On completion of this programme
of study you will have a conceptual
understanding of sound design
principles for linear and interactive
media, and a critical awareness
of sound production methods for
linear and interactive media.
Sound Design for Linear Media;
Listening; Sound Design for
Interactive Media; Work-Based
Learning; Dissertation.
Career prospects
Graduates will be ideally placed to
further progress their career in linear
and/or interactive media industries
with the confidence that they have
up-to-date, professional knowledge
of the sound design practices
required of them. This course will
provide you with the ability to
continue learning and adapting to
the changing media environment
and develop your own distinctive
voice within any form of media.
MSc Strategic ICT Leadership
This work-based part-time
course addresses the shortage
of professionals with both
ICT and business skills and
will help you develop a more
strategic and entrepreneurial
approach to applying ICT in your
organisation. Attendance is no
more than one day per month.
Edinburgh Napier University
has built an excellent reputation
over many years working with
nearly 500 growing businesses
and organisations, developing
and implementing ICT strategy
to achieve business goals.
This course is suitable for ICT
professionals to develop more
influence in their organisation;
corporate executives to develop
strategic ICT skills; public sector
managers, especially in education
or health, to protect services by
exploiting ICT and SME directors to
build business growth on innovative
ICT. You will develop business,
technology and leadership skills,
making a strategic contribution
to ICT in your organisation at a
senior level and using technology
to deliver business improvement.
Linking learning and development
to your work activities, you
can ensure your professional
development is part of the strategic
plan of the organisation and can
consider and reflect on established
views of the organisation,
colleagues and yourself, to
promote innovation and change.
Subjects may include
Compulsory Work-Based
Learning; Leadership and
Identity; MSc Dissertation.
Study type
Start date
Recommended Options: Security
Audit and Compliance; Management
of Software Projects.
Alternative Options: students
with particular development
needs may select two from the
following as alternatives to the
recommended options: Strategic
Thinking for Information Services;
Enterprise Information Systems
with SAP; Introduction to Blended
and Online Education; Sources of
Competitive Advantage; Growth
Venture Management; e-Security;
Digital Markets; Web-enabled
Business; Managing Knowledge;
Supporting the Blended and
Online Student Experience; and
Creativity to Sustainability.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above or
equivalent with at
least two years’ work
experience. You will be a
professional working at a
managerial level, or have
aspirations to do so, in an
organisation where ICT is
key to business success.
Alternative qualifications
may be considered
if accompanied by
appropriate work
Career prospects
Participation in this course will
indicate your aspirations, improve
your visibility in your organisation
and enhance your chances of
promotion. It may also open doors
with other employers or improve
your standing as a consultant.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Web Development
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above, or
equivalent, in a discipline
other than computing.
Alternative qualifications
may be considered
with appropriate
work experience.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
This course will provide you with
the theoretical and practical skills
involved in developing modern
web-based computer systems.
The course can be studied either
full-time for one year or parttime for two and a half years.
This is a technical course designed
for you to pursue a career in
the development and use of
practical software technologies
for web-based systems
development. At its core are
four key technologies: software
development using Java, Oracle
databases, computing internals,
and internet-based client and
server side software applications.
Web Design and Development;
Design Dialogues; Computer
Systems; Database Systems;
Programming for the Web; Webenabled Business and Group Project.
You will expand your current
knowledge and critical thinking
towards web-based computing and
information technology. Building on
previous knowledge and practice,
this course extends it into new
approaches and methodologies.
No formal knowledge of computing
is required before starting the
course. However, this is not
an IT training course and does
require you to engage with a
wide range of new technologies
in a relatively short time, so
familiarity with basic computing
would be an advantage. You do
not need to know programming
already but you do need to be
able to analyse and research.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Subjects may include
Career prospects
Previous graduates have found
employment in jobs ranging from
programmers and web-based
programmers in small software
houses to graduate trainee
programmers in large multinational
companies. This degree and the
experience you will gain of creating
and commissioning computer
solutions may also open up new
opportunities in your existing
degree or work experience area.
Other graduates have moved
into academic fields such as
research, education and training.
“I’m trying to come up with
solutions to help make the
web more accessible.”
Finlay Niven
MSc Web Development
Edinburgh Napier is leading research into internet networking
protocols and helping to shape the Internet of Things.
Dr Imed Romdhani believes a Cisco-accredited MSc will equip
you for a successful career in a rapidly changing industry.
Dr Imed Romdhani
Programme Leader,
MSc Advanced Networking
t Edinburgh Napier, we have an
excellent balance between research
and applied skills. Professionally,
students will consolidate their skills, be
competitive in the market, and they will
develop know-how that is flexible and
adjustable to future demands and needs.
At the same time, we give them the
opportunity to engage with research and
to develop. They are designing things,
not just using them, but building, innovating
and shaping the future.
We are a Cisco Network Academy and they
have given us their latest kit, which is worth
£100,000 and has not yet been released
to the market, to use in teaching and for
experimentation. I have also strengthened
connections with industrial partners,
including Motorola and IBM, and we have a
good international presence on the Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF) and other
projects. All the protocols we are using in our
network equipment today are revisited on a
daily basis and the IETF is the sole organisation
in the world that is looking at standardising
this, and it is debating amendments and
enhancements to these protocols.
The key idea of the Internet of Things (IoT)
is to enable devices, including cars,
smartwatches, smartphones, TVs and
wearable devices, to connect to existing
networks. However, the current internet is
not suitable for a large-scale deployment
of smart objects so we need a new
addressing scheme and that is IPv6. We are
embedding this as part of our teaching and
a lot of students are already addressing this
as part of their dissertations.
We have home students, international
students, and professionals who are coming
back to university. Some of them already
have good experience but they are looking
to consolidate and learn new skills for
professional reasons, for example to get
promoted and take senior leadership in their
companies. I have a couple of students who
are Cisco-certified and they are coming
to do this as they still strongly believe
that there is an additional value to them.
Others are looking at this as a step to doing
advanced research and a PhD.
Our students are getting very good, leading
positions once they graduate. For example,
Hutchinson Networks took on all of our
Masters students last year. They are now
responsible for managing the network
of Edinburgh Airport. Others have taken
leading roles with Edinburgh Council and the
Scottish Government. Another is working
with Cisco in Australia.
Career highlights
Formerly R&D Network Engineer with Motorola Labs in Paris.
Author of three patents in the field of networking and
telecommunications, including IPv6.
Contributed to the specification of five standards (RFCs) within the
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
Active member of CENSIS innovation centre in Scotland, UK IPv6
Council, and HyperCat Consortium.
Leading research into the Internet of Things (IoT) and working closely
with Cisco to test and optimise IoT-based routing protocols.
Student quote:
“For any serious minded student
who is ready to learn I think
the facilities for my modules at
Edinburgh Napier were fantastic.”
Ajiboye Fakunle
MSc Advanced Networking
Find out more about
MSc Advanced Networking
on page 114.
The School
of Engineering
the Built
The School of Engineering & the Built Environment at
Edinburgh Napier is here to provide you with the skills
needed to innovate, create, respond to and provide
solutions for a technically-demanding society. We have
a broad range of industry-relevant courses at postgraduate
level that have been designed with employment in mind.
One School, four areas
We offer postgraduate study in four distinct
disciplines: Building & Surveying, Civil &
Transportation Engineering, Electrical
& Electronic Engineering and Mechanical &
Materials Engineering. We also have a focus
on new technologies and sustainable solutions
as graduates are required to consider more
innovative ways of doing things.
Some of our programmes further develop
the technical skills and knowledge achieved
at undergraduate level, others enhance the
skills of those already working in engineering,
built environment or related areas who do
not necessarily have backgrounds in those
specialisms. Our part-time courses are also
designed so that you can work around and
with your existing employment.
Importance of accreditation
We’re proud of our industry accreditations and
have courses accredited by many respected
bodies. For example, the Chartered Institution
of Highways & Transportation (CIHT), the
Energy Institute, the Institute of Materials,
Minerals and Mining (IoM3), the Institution of
Civil Engineers (ICE), the Institution of
Structural Engineers (IStructE) and the Royal
Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
have all endorsed our courses. We also boast
modern, industry-standard lab spaces and
input from industry professionals who come
in as guest lecturers.
At the cutting edge
We also ensure that the qualifications we
offer are the ones industry is looking for. For
example, our new MSc Maritime & Logistics
programme has been developed as a result
of globalised production increasing the
demand for professionals who can operate
in sea-based transportation and logistics.
We are also at the forefront of research
in a number of areas, for example timber
engineering, and there is always the
opportunity to learn from the experts or
become involved in research yourself.
International community
The diversity of our students and teaching
staff means that we offer a global
view across our disciplines, considering
developments from a range of perspectives.
With more than 100 nations represented at
Edinburgh Napier, you will collaborate with
colleagues from across the world.
Part of the solution
Mark Arthur
MSc Safety & Environmental Management
Mark studied in his native Ghana before a passion
for the environment drove him to Edinburgh
Napier to learn more about environmentallyfriendly waste management solutions.
was interested in doing something in safety
and environmental management because
I had previously done some environmentalrelated projects and wanted to further delve
into the area. The environment is a passion
for me. Anything related to it is critical
and I want to be involved in protecting it
and making the world a better place.
we also have plastic waste which is very
disturbing to the environment so it was
enlightening to learn about the practices
here in Europe compared to how we go
about managing it. Waste management is
critical everywhere, as is occupational
health and safety, and I can use the skills
I’ve learnt here back in Ghana.
My dissertation is on electronic waste
management. In developed countries, what
often happens is they struggle to deal with
electronic waste like computers, laptops and
printers. The infrastructure required to
manage such waste is very expensive and
instead of managing it, they prefer to dump
it in developing countries, especially Ghana.
There, they have little resources to manage
it and it causes a lot of health and
environmental problems. For example,
it contains poisonous chemical materials
like lead. There are international regulations
such as the Barcelona Convention that ban
that sort of activity but, for some reason,
it still happens.
The lecturers at Edinburgh Napier are
experienced and they actually teach you
what’s going on in the industry. They are also
very friendly. I’ve made use of every support
that the School has to offer. Even if a lecturer
doesn’t teach me directly, I still feel I can go
to their office and speak to them about
anything related to my studies. I’ve also used
some of the academic support services –
especially in my early days here. For my first
coursework, I just wanted to know how
things were done here compared to where I
come from so I went to discuss it and they
were very helpful.
I think the waste management module at
Edinburgh Napier was quite practical because
you learn what is happening here and you
know what is happening in Ghana and you
are able to draw comparisons. In Africa,
Before I came here, I didn’t know much about
Edinburgh, I didn’t know much about
Scotland. Having been here eight months
now I would describe Edinburgh as a very
beautiful city. It’s very clean and the people
here are friendly. It’s also a very compact city
but it’s quite exciting with a lot of tourists.
The lecturers at Edinburgh
Napier are experienced
and they actually teach
you what’s going on
in the industry.”
Find out more about
MSc Safety & Environmental
Management on page 150.
MSc Advanced Materials
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above
or a recognised,
equivalent, professional
qualification, in a
science or engineering
discipline is required.
A non-Honours degree
or experience which
demonstrates that
you possess relevant
knowledge and skills
may also be acceptable.
For specific international
entry requirements
please see page 198.
This course, fully accredited by the
Institute of Materials, Minerals and
Mining, offers you the opportunity
to develop a specialised knowledge
of materials engineering. It is
one of very few such courses
offered at Masters level in the UK,
putting you at an advantage over
other engineering graduates.
Part-time study is flexible. Normally
students will take three years to
complete the programme if they
undertake one module per week
but the length of the course can
be reduced to two years, if two
modules are taken each week.
Many part-time students undertake
projects in their place of work.
You will gain exposure to the
latest trends in design, materials,
manufacturing processes, testing
and advanced applications by
taking full advantage of our modern
technology and computing facilities.
We have been successfully teaching
a Masters programme in materials
engineering for 20 years, leading
the way in the study of this field.
You will benefit from our first
class research and knowledge
transfer partnerships with
local, national and international
companies. We have excellent
industry links and encourage
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
you to interact with industry
too. All projects are practically
focused, with emphasis on using
industry standard manufacturing
and testing equipment. Many
projects are live, meaning you
will be working for real clients.
Subjects may include
Metallic Materials; Plastics
Materials; Ceramics and
Composites; Smart Materials
and Surfaces; Forensic Materials
Engineering and Energy Materials;
MSc Project – a focused piece
of industrially relevant research,
normally carried out on placement.
Career prospects
You will have excellent job prospects
as few people have materials
engineering skills, expertise and
knowledge. This will give you
enhanced employment prospects
in almost all engineering, science,
design and manufacturing
disciplines. In particular, you
may find roles in Manufacturing,
Design, Energy Engineering and
Renewables, Chemical Engineering,
Offshore Engineering, Materials
Testing, Advising and Assuring
Companies, Regulatory Authorities
and Automotive, Aerospace
and Defence Industries.
MSc Advanced Structural
On this course, you will develop
skills in the analysis, design
and assessment of engineering
structures subject to normal,
seismic and extreme loading
and environmental conditions.
Accredited by relevant professional
bodies and designed to meet the
needs of the modern construction
industry, this course offers a wide
range of structural engineering
principles, as you learn about
issues relating to steel and concrete
structures and foundations.
Through this highly technical course,
studied one year full-time or two
years part-time, you will develop
skills in numerical simulation using
a variety of advanced software.
You will also learn failure analysis
methods, the Eurocodes and the
code of practice for the design of
various construction materials,
research skills and the legal issues
surrounding construction.
The course is accredited by the
Institution of Civil Engineers
(ICE), the Institution of Structural
Engineers (IStructE) and the
Chartered Institution of Highways
& Transportation (CIHT). Industry
practitioners are regularly invited
as guest speakers and lecturers.
Subjects may include
Advanced Mechanics of Materials
and FEA; Advanced Structural
Concrete; Advanced Structural
Steel Design; Forensic Engineering;
Foundation Design to Eurocode
7; Structural Dynamics and
Earthquake Design; MSc Thesis.
Career prospects
As a qualified structural engineer
with advanced training, you will
be in demand in the construction
industry worldwide. Alternatively,
you may choose to use this
course as the basis for further
education or extensive research.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above in
either science or
engineering or an
alternative qualification
with relevant work
For specific international
entry requirements
please see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Architectural Technology &
Building Performance
Study type
Start date
An undergraduate
degree at 2:2 or
above in Architecture
or Architectural
Technology. This course
is also suitable if you
are already working
in the construction
industry (for example
as an architectural
technologist) and
seeking to improve your
formal qualifications.
You will be required
to submit a portfolio
of work and attend
an interview.
For specific international
entry requirements
please see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Developed to meet the demands
of the modern construction
industry, this course incorporates
current construction techniques
and explores the latest regulatory
and commercial issues.
You will build on your existing
qualifications or experience in this
area to develop a good knowledge
of architectural technology,
building performance and the
legislative framework that governs
the industry. The course offers a
well-balanced blend of theory and
practice which prepares you for the
workplace. You will gain a broad
understanding of the construction
industry and learn how to apply
this to create design solutions.
This course is built around
the knowledge and current
applied research of three of the
University’s key research units;
the Building Performance Centre,
Scottish Energy Centre and the
Centre for Timber Engineering.
You will gain the knowledge and
experience required to complete a
major design project that should
enhance your career prospects.
The Chartered Institute of
Architectural Technologists
recognises this as a Masters
programme and graduates who
gain this award meet the Institute’s
requirements for Associate
Membership, for progression
to Chartered Membership.
Subjects may include
Concrete Form and Construction;
Sustainable Building Design;
Timber Form and Construction;
Building Performance 1
(Acoustics); Building Performance
3 (Energy and Microrenewables);
Advanced Digital Media; Design
Project and Technical Report.
Career prospects
This course can improve your
employment opportunities in the
field of architectural design and
technology. It also provides you with
many of the skills required to enter
the house construction sector.
MSc Automation & Control
Automation and control are
important aspects of modern
manufacturing and utility supply.
Many manufacturing assembly lines
and processes utilise programmable
control systems, e.g. robotic
systems. As a result, it is essential
to equip the prospective engineer in
this field with the appropriate skills.
This course will extend your skills
into several essential areas in the
field of automation and control.
Think of any modern manufacturing
or utility supply process, and you’re
seeing automated assembly lines,
robotic systems and programmable
controls. This postgraduate
qualification gives you the
advanced knowledge you need to
create these systems and devise
innovative solutions in the broad
field of automation and control.
Taking your existing knowledge of
engineering theory and practice,
the course focuses on the essential
areas of this specialist field, such as
embedded systems, control system
design. Using specialist equipment
in our dedicated laboratories, you’ll
learn to use Programmable Logic
Controllers (PLCs) and Supervisory
Control and Data Acquisition
(SCADA) systems, the industry
standard for the development
of effective control systems.
Subjects may include
Sustainable Energy Technologies,
Embedded System Applications,
Automation and Robotics, Research
Skills and Project Management,
Control Engineering, Mechatronic
Systems and MSc Project.
Career prospects
Automotive industries;
Automation and control industries;
Renewable energy industries;
Engineering research; Engineering
design and development;
Engineering management;
Engineering consultancy.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above in
one of the following
engineering disciplines:
Electrical, Electronics,
Electrical & Electronics,
Control, Automotive,
Mechatronics; or
other qualifications
or relevant experience
that demonstrates
appropriate knowledge
and skills.
For specific international
entry requirements
please see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Construction Project
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above, or an
ordinary degree with a
minimum three years
relevant experience.
Applicants with
corporate membership
of a professional
body will also be
considered. Equivalent
qualifications and
experience may also
be considered.
For specific international
entry requirements
please see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
This course offers a well-balanced
blend of theory and practice which
prepares you for work as a project
manager in the construction
industry. Project managers are
responsible for controlling and
coordinating the development
process from concept through to
construction and are in high demand
across a number of industries.
Students may choose to study
flexibly by distance learning using
online teaching methods and
independent study with appropriate
support and resources provided
by our experienced staff.
This programme may also be
studied part-time over two
years. This is designed to allow
the student to continue at their
workplace, whilst attending the
University for limited sessions
each week alongside the fulltime cohort but for a reduced
number of modules per year.
You will gain an industry recognised
qualification as this course is
accredited by the Royal Institution
of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and
the Institution of Civil Engineers
(ICE). Combined with a suitable
BEng accredited undergraduate
degree, the course will then satisfy
the academic requirements of
the UK Engineering Council for
Chartered Engineer (CEng) status.
The course is broad-based and
targeted at a diverse student
body, including civil/energy/
building services/mechanical
engineers, architects, architectural
technologists, construction project
managers, quantity surveyors,
lawyers, accountants and estate
managers. Candidates with a
background in social sciences
seeking an understanding of
Construction Project Management
are encouraged to apply.
Subjects may include
Strategic Management; Project
Management; Project Appraisal and
Finance; Production Management;
Procurement Strategy; Project
Risk Management; MSc Thesis.
Career prospects
You will graduate into an industry
where your skills are in high
demand. With the resurgence
in the property market and
investment both by the private
and public sector in capital projects
and infrastructure, there is an
increasing demand for Construction
Project Managers to service the
numerous projects coming on-line
across the UK and further afield.
MSc Electronic & Electrical
There are a considerable
number of options in the field
of electronic and electrical
engineering for future careers
and research. This course covers
a wide range of electronic and
electrical engineering from signal
processing and communication
electronics to power generation.
Add this postgraduate degree
to your toolkit, and you’ll have
the qualification and practical
experience you need to make the
most of these opportunities.
You’ll add to your existing
engineering skills and develop
advanced knowledge and
technical abilities in digital
design, instrumentation systems,
distributed generation systems and
more. You’ll also carry out practical
tasks that will equip you with the
experience you need to hit the
ground running in any new role.
This advanced degree also
gives you the management and
strategic thinking skills you need
to successfully compete in the
workplace at a specialist level.
The skills you will gain will make
you very sought after in industry
and maximise your employment
opportunities. The course will build
on your existing engineering skills,
developing advanced learning
and practical experience. You will
also be introduced to design and
quality management and project
management. You will then begin
preparation for the next level of
your career in management.
This course is currently awaiting
re-accreditation by the Institution
of Engineering & Technology.
Subjects may include
Instrumentation Systems; Design
and Quality Management; Digital
Signal Processing; Industrial
Automation; Communication
Electronics; Distributed Generation
Systems; Individual MSc Project.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above in
one of the following
engineering disciplines:
Electrical, Electrical
& Electronics, Power,
Energy; or other
qualifications or
relevant experience
that demonstrates
appropriate knowledge
and skills.
For specific international
entry requirements
please see page 198.
Career prospects
There are a considerable number
of options in the field of electronic
and electrical engineering for
future careers and research.
Advanced engineering graduates
are highly sought after in industry.
Your specialisation will open up a
variety of career choices in both
the private and public sectors,
such as engineering research,
design and development and
communication industries.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Energy & Environmental
Study type
Start Date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above in
one of the following
engineering disciplines:
Electrical, Electronic,
Environmental Energy,
Energy, Environmental
Science, Engineering
with Management;
or an alternative
qualification and
appropriate experience.
For specific international
entry requirements
please see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Energy and the environment are
increasingly taking their place as a
major issue in today’s world. With
this qualification, you’ll build on
your current credentials in the field,
or take the first step into this vital
industry. The course emphasises
renewable energy techniques and
theories, while also addressing the
scientific background associated
with sustainable construction and
renewable and alternative energies.
As well as advanced engineering
principles and practices, you’ll learn
to effectively manage projects
and develop your research skills.
You’ll be given practical experience
in applying these principles to the
investigation and development
of renewable energy sources,
such as solar and wind energy.
The course is accredited by the
Energy Institute, UK. Combined with
a suitable accredited undergraduate
degree, the MSc degree would then
satisfy the academic requirements
of the UK Engineering Council for
Chartered Engineer (CEng) status.
Subjects Include
Sustainability Energy Technologies;
Solar Energy: Technology, Modelling
and Analysis, Sustainable Building
Design; Research Skills and
Project Management; Control
Engineering; Distributed Generation
Systems and MSc Project.
Career Prospects
Opportunities exist in a variety
of sectors, including: energy
production; engineering
consultancies; research;
building services; environmental
engineering design.
“I think being a woman in the electrical
engineering sector must have been unusual
in the past but now there are as many
opportunities for female students as there
are for male students.”
Dr Lourdes Alwis
Lecturer, Electrical Engineering
MSc Environmental Sustainability
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above (or
other qualification at
equivalent level).
We may also consider
lesser qualifications
if you have sufficient
relevant work experience
within the industry.
For specific international
entry requirements
please see page 198.
Extremely relevant in today’s
climate-aware world, this course
is aimed at graduates from a
wide range of disciplines. Whether
you’re an engineer, architect,
lawyer or accountant, it will give
you the qualifications you need
for a career in the sustainability
sector in various industries.
engineers, architects, architectural
technologists, construction project
managers, quantity surveyors,
lawyers, accountants and estate
managers. Candidates with a
background in the social sciences
seeking to gain an understanding
of sustainable development
are encouraged to apply.
This course takes an industryfocused approach, with particular
application to buildings, property
development, sustainable
technologies as well as the
waste and water sectors.
You will also study national and
international environmental legal
principles, opening the door to a
possible career in sustainabilitybased projects worldwide.
Subjects may include
You will graduate with the ability
to analyse and plan environmental
sustainability solutions, particularly
relating to buildings, property, waste
and water. You will develop your
communication skills, and be able
to exchange theory and ideas on a
wide range of sustainability issues.
This course is broad-based and
targeted at a diverse student
body, including civil engineers,
energy engineers, building
services engineers, mechanical
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Sustainable Energy Technologies;
Renewable Energy Finance
and Environmental Law;
Sustainable Building Design;
Waste Management; Sustainable
Water Resources Management;
Choice of: Sustainable Urban
Property Development; Building
Performance 3; MSc Project.
Career prospects
You will be well-placed to take on
an analytical or developmental
position in any company or
institution that incorporates
an aspect of environmental
sustainability, such as construction
contractors; consulting engineers;
quantity surveyors; architects;
local and central government;
housing associations; management
consultants; manufacturers or
service sector organisations.
You may also be interested in
MSc Safety & Environmental
Management on page 150.
MSc Facilities Management
These days, it’s no longer enough
for a business to simply own
and run property and other
property-based resources. They
must be managed economically,
efficiently and effectively, so as
to provide maximum income or
output. This course will train you
in the principles and methods of
successful facilities management,
from technological processes
to commercial considerations.
You will gain insights and make
valuable contacts through industry
visits and guest speakers who are
current industry practitioners.
This programme may be studied
part-time over two years and
students may choose to study
flexibly by distance learning using
online teaching methods and
independent study with appropriate
support and resources provided
by our experienced staff.
This course caters to students from
a wide range of backgrounds who
can bring skills from their current
disciplines to the field. Whether you
are an architect, estate manager,
accountant, lawyer, or even hold a
degree in Social Sciences, this course
could take you that extra step into
a fascinating and rewarding career.
The programme is designed to
prepare the student to make a
valuable contribution to the facilities
management of any property
type through the teaching of the
strategic and operational principles
which can be customised to the
company’s particular requirements.
The course is targeted at a diverse
student body, including civil/energy/
building services/mechanical
engineers, architects, architectural
technologists, construction project
managers, quantity surveyors,
lawyers, accountants and
estate managers. Candidates
with a background in social
sciences seeking an understanding
of Facilities Management
are encouraged to apply.
Subjects may include
Strategic Management; Facilities
Management 1 and 2; Law
and Administration; Building
Economics; Property Asset
Management; MSc Thesis.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above, or an
ordinary degree with a
minimum three years
relevant experience.
Applicants with
corporate membership
of a professional
body will also be
considered. Equivalent
qualifications and
experience may also
be considered.
For specific international
entry requirements
please see page 198.
Career prospects
You will graduate with the academic
component of a professional
qualification, ready to take up
a position managing property
assets for a variety of employers.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Maritime Transport
& Logistics
Study type
Start date
Honours degree at 2:2
or above, preferably in
the fields of Transport
and Logistics, Business,
Mathematics or
Social Science.
For specific international
entry requirements
please see page 198.
Educational demand in the maritime
transport and logistics sector has
been expanding rapidly as a result
of globalised production and the
subsequent increasing requirement
for sea-based transportation and
logistics services. Employers are
increasingly seeking graduates
for managerial and professional
level positions in the transport
and logistics sector, and this
course will provide you with the
specialist skills for a career in
maritime transport and logistics.
You will learn about world trade and
the demand for freight transport of
all kinds, including a comprehensive
analysis of the maritime sector.
The opportunities and challenges
inherent to the management and
operation of ports and shipping lines
will be covered in detail, with guest
lectures by industry professionals
and case studies from the latest
research. You will explore and
critique logistics and distribution
strategies, in addition to studying
the economics of freight transport
and learning to apply tools of
strategic business management
analysis to the maritime industry.
The course will provide you with
an academically challenging and
industry-relevant programme
of study at Masters level. It will
equip you with a knowledge and
understanding of the general
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
practices and principles in addition
to industry knowledge and skills
appropriate to a future career in
transport and logistics operations
and management. It will develop
your practical, critical and analytical
abilities, enabling you to become
an effective and reflective
learner. We are currently seeking
accreditation from the Chartered
Institute of Logistics and Transport
(CILT) in the UK for the course.
Subjects may include
Maritime Geography and Trade;
Freight Transport; Global Logistics
and Supply Chains; Maritime
Economics; Maritime Business and
Management; Contemporary Issues
in Maritime Logistics; Dissertation.
Career prospects
Career paths exist in the maritime
transport and logistics industry
in a number of areas, including
shipping and port management
and operations, global logistics
and supply chain management,
freight forwarding, maritime
transport operations and planning,
warehousing and inventory
management and procurement.
The degree contains transferable
skills in global trade and logistics,
strategic management and planning
and operations management which
could also be utilised in a range
of other sectors. Some students
will pursue studies to PhD level.
MSc Mechanical Engineering
This course has been designed
to enhance your existing skills in
mechanical engineering. You will
study a range of modules to gain
an understanding of stress/strain
in structural integrity, philosophy
of design, design methods and
analysis using finite element and
computer-aided solutions. You will
also learn how to critically appraise
the environmental impact of
alternative engineering solutions.
Engineer a high level career for
yourself with this advanced course
in Mechanical Engineering. While
a graduate degree is a valuable
foundation, the journey to the top
of your career ladder requires more
intensive skills. A postgraduate
qualification not only gives you the
knowledge and confidence to plan,
manage and implement complex
projects, it also tells prospective
employees that you’re serious
about your role in the industry.
This course will add to your existing
knowledge to give you the advanced
engineering skills demanded by
employers. You’ll graduate with
the ability to critically appraise
the environmental impact of
alternative engineering solutions,
develop a design infrastructure
with reference to design systems
and their management, and
analyse stress in structures
using finite element method.
Subjects may include
Applied Design; Sustainability
and Environment; Design and
Quality Management; Research
Skills and project management;
Computer Aided Engineering;
Design Analysis; MSc Project.
Career prospects
Opportunities exist in a variety
of sectors, including:
automotive industries;
manufacturing industries;
construction industries;
renewable energy industries;
motor racing industries;
engineering research; engineering
design and development;
engineering management.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above in
one of the following
engineering disciplines:
Automation, Control,
Engineering with
Management; or
other qualifications
or relevant experience
that demonstrates
appropriate knowledge
and skills.
For specific international
entry requirements
please see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Polymer Engineering
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above in
Polymer Engineering,
or other qualifications
or experience that
appropriate knowledge
skills at SCQF level 10.
For specific international
entry requirements
please see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Plastics are present in practically
every facet of life, and play a large
part in shaping the look and feel of
today’s world. This course takes
your solid foundation in polymer
engineering and adds an emphasis
on project management skills.
You’ll study a range of engineering
and management subjects that
cater for your intended career.
As well as reinforcing your existing
engineering skills and developing
them further, we’ll equip you with
knowledge of and expertise in
project management techniques.
You’ll graduate with strong polymer
engineering skills which will enhance
your employability prospect in the
world of plastics engineering.
The course is accredited by the
Institute of Materials, Minerals and
Mining (IOM3). Combined with a
suitable accredited undergraduate
degree, the MSc degree would then
satisfy the academic requirements
of the UK Engineering Council for
Chartered Engineer (CEng) status.
Subjects may include
Sustainable Energy Technologies;
Ceramic and Composite Materials
and Plastics Materials; Research
Skills and Project Management;
Flow Analysis and CAE; Forensic
Materials Engineering; MSc Project.
Career prospects
Opportunities exist in a variety
of areas, including: research
and development; engineering
designer/developer; engineering
management; consultancy.
MSc Property & Construction
Property and construction play
a key role in the structure of our
society and economy. The industry
requires managers who can meet
the growing challenges of market
forces and new technologies.
You will learn through a wellbalanced blend of theory and
practice. As well as gaining a
solid foundation in construction
management and procurement
strategy, you will learn about
the wider economic and legal
frameworks of construction.
The course covers technological
theory and practice linked
heavily to industry.
You will gain an industry recognised
qualification – this course is
accredited by the Royal Institution
of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and
allows successful graduates to gain
entry onto the RICS APC pathway
to becoming a Chartered Surveyor.
You will gain a great number of
valuable management skills such
as communication, planning and
organisation, problem solving and
team working skills, as well as the
specialist knowledge of how these
apply to the construction industry.
You will also cover topics currently
at the forefront of the construction
industry including Sustainable
Property Development and have
a number of presentations given
by industry practitioners.
The course is targeted at a
diverse student body, including
civil/energy/building services/
mechanical engineers, architects,
architectural technologists,
construction project managers,
quantity surveyors, lawyers,
accountants and estate managers.
Candidates with a background
in social sciences seeking an
understanding of Property &
Construction Management
are encouraged to apply.
Subjects may include
Strategic Management (Built
Environment and Engineering);
Law and Administration
Property and Construction);
Building Economics; Production
Management; Procurement
Strategy; Sustainable Urban
Property Development; MSc Thesis.
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above, or an
ordinary degree with a
minimum three years
relevant experience.
Applicants with
corporate membership
of a professional body
will also be considered.
Equivalent qualifications
and experience may
also be considered.
For specific international
entry requirements
please see page 198.
Career prospects
You will graduate into an industry
where your skills are in high
demand. You may go on to
work in roles including Property
Developer, Construction Cost
Management, Consulting Engineer,
Construction Project Management
and Management Consultant.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Real Estate
Management & Investment
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above or
another qualification
at equivalent level.
Applicants will be
considered from a
variety of backgrounds
such as social sciences,
arts, accountancy
and law in addition to
the more traditional
construction and
science subjects.
qualifications with
appropriate experience
may be considered.
For specific international
entry requirements
please see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Commercial real estate makes a major
contribution to the economy, and the
capital invested in property has created
demand for Chartered Surveyors with
specialist skills in valuation, investment
appraisal, asset management and
sustainability. Commercial property
plays a key role in business and there
is a need to maximise the return from,
and productivity of, real estate assets.
Working with industry practitioners,
you will gain knowledge of the
wide range of principles that
underpin property investment
assets, including economics,
property law, property valuation
methodology, asset management,
the principles of sustainable urban
property development and the
skills to apply these effectively.
The value of UK commercial property
has increased to £680bn and just
over half is held as investment
assets. The private rented residential
sector is worth more than £800bn
and is now attracting interest
from institutional investors. These
assets are all traded and need to be
valued and actively managed, which
requires professional expertise.
You may study full-time (one year),
part-time (two years) or you may
choose to study flexibly by distance
learning using online teaching
resources and independent study with
appropriate support and resources
provided by our experienced staff.
Subjects may include
Real Estate Valuation; Law and
Administration; Building Economics
or Strategic Management (Built
Environment & Engineering);
Property Investment Analysis;
Property Asset Management;
Sustainable Urban Property
Development; MSc Dissertation.
Career prospects
This course will equip you with the
knowledge to become a competent
and resourceful professional. There
is a shortage of surveyors and you
will graduate into an industry where
your skills are in high demand across
the world. The accreditation of the
course by the RICS allows successful
graduates to enter onto the RICS APC
pathway to becoming a Chartered
Surveyor. The course is accredited
in the Commercial, Valuation and
Residential RICS pathways.
You can work in private practice real
estate consultancies; commercial
and residential surveying firms;
property companies; financial
institutions; property management;
local and central government; and
for commercial clients. Most large
scale investors have in-house
surveyors, and they work alongside
external surveyors and advisors
from private surveying firms.
Meet programme leader Alison
Andrews on page 154.
MSc Renewable Energy
Renewable energy technologies
have become an important part
of energy production. Strong
initiatives and investments from
the public and private sectors
have made this a rapidly growing
field and created further career
opportunities in the sector.
The course is accredited by the
Energy Institute, UK. Combined with
a suitable accredited undergraduate
degree, the MSc degree would then
satisfy the academic requirements
of the UK Engineering Council for
Chartered Engineer (CEng) status.
This is one of the few courses offered
at Masters level which not only
encompasses renewable energy
technologies but also complements
with the essential related elements
of renewable energy finance and
environmental law. These elements
touch on financial analytical tools,
project structuring, finance and
management in renewable energy,
while the law element will consider
legal framework impacting upon
renewable energy provision.
Sustainable Energy Technologies;
Solar Energy: Technology,
Modelling and Analysis;
Renewable Energy Finance and
Environmental Law; Research
Skills and Project Management;
Distributed Generation Systems.
The course will extend your skills
into various renewable energy
technologies such as wind, solar,
hydro, biomass, wave and so on.
At the same time, you will also
study renewable energy capture,
energy storage, energy audit and
life-cycle analysis, as well as learning
the concept of the system, design,
development and applications.
Subjects may include
Choose one from the following
modules: Control Engineering;
Energy Materials; Mechatronic
Systems; Sustainable Urban
Property Development.
Career Prospects
Opportunities exist in a number
of areas, including: consultancies;
renewable energy industries;
renewable energy technology/
design; building services;
research and development.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree at
2:2 or above, usually in
engineering, energy &
environmental science
disciplines though
other disciplines will be
considered. Alternatively
a degree equivalent
qualification, a degree
without Honours or
appropriate professional
qualification plus
appropriate work
experience gained
in the relevant field
will be considered.
For specific international
entry requirements
please see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Safety & Environmental
Study type
Start Date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above, or an
ordinary degree with
a minimum two years’
relevant experience.
Applicants with
corporate membership
of a professional
body will also be
considered. Equivalent
qualifications and
experience may also
be considered.
For specific international
entry requirements
please see page 198.
Very similar to our MSc in
Environmental Sustainability, this
course adds the element of health
and safety law at an advanced
level, opening up an even wider
range of employment options.
You will graduate with the ability
to analyse and plan safety
management and environmental
sustainability solutions, particularly
relating to the workplace, property
and potentially hazardous
installations. You will develop your
communication skills, and be able
to exchange theory and ideas on a
wide range of sustainability issues,
including energy, environmental law,
building design, waste and water
management and health and safety.
With input from both academics
and working professionals, the
student will gain the knowledge
needed to be confident in tackling
safety and environmental issues
of increasing concern to public
and private organisations.
The course is aimed at a diverse
student body, including civil/energy/
building services/mechanical
engineers, architects, architectural
technologists, construction project
managers, quantity surveyors,
lawyers, accountants and estate
managers. Candidates with a
background in social sciences
seeking an understanding of Safety
and Environmental Management
are encouraged to apply.
Subjects may include
Sustainable Energy Technologies;
Renewable Energy Finance and
Environmental Law; Health and
Safety Law. Options: Sustainable
Building Design or Forensic
Engineering; Waste Management
or Sustainable Water Resources
Management; Building Performance
3 or Sustainable Urban Property
Development; MSc Thesis.
Career prospects
Once qualified, you will be well
placed to take an analytical or
developmental position as a safety
manager or an occupational safety
officer or work in an institution
that incorporates an aspect of
environmental sustainability,
such as construction contractors;
consulting engineers; quantity
surveyors; architects; local and
central government; housing
associations; management
consultants; manufacturers and
service sector organisations.
You may also be interested
in MSc Environmental
Sustainability on page 142.
Read about Mark’s
experience on page 132.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Timber Engineering
Timber is, in many respects,
the ideal construction material,
particularly in terms of its structural
attributes and environmental
efficiency. There is an increasing
demand to use timber as a
building material, which has
created the need for qualified
engineers with specialised
knowledge and appropriate
expertise in this area. You will
learn the principles of designing
a timber structure, particularly
considering the nature of the
material itself and its properties.
Timber is becoming increasingly
popular as a sustainable
construction material, creating
more and more opportunities
for engineers who want to work
with this unique resource. This
course, the only one of its kind
in the UK, meets a demand for
suitably qualified construction
professionals by developing the
diverse range of skills of those
that are already in, or would like
to enter the timber industry.
You’ll develop the ability to
analyse, design and assess
timber structural systems and
assemblies as well as useful
transferable skills in presentation.
This degree is accredited as meeting
the requirements for Further
Learning for a Chartered Engineer
(CEng) for candidates who have
already acquired an Accredited
CEng (Partial), BEng (Hons) or an
Accredited IEng (Full) BEng/BSc
(Hons) undergraduate first degree.
Subjects may include
Timber Analysis and Design 1 and
2; Sustainable Building Design;
Timber Materials and Applications;
Timber Form and Construction;
Project Management. MSc
students complete a dissertation in
addition to the taught elements.
Career prospects
You’ll become a competent and
resourceful timber engineer,
equipped with the relevant training
in analysis, design and assessment
of timber structural systems.
This both satisfies the needs of
the timber industry and meets the
academic requirements appropriate
for chartered membership of the
Institution of Civil Engineers, the
Institution of Structural Engineers,
the Institute of Highway Engineers
and the Chartered Institution
of Highways & Transportation.
This means you will not only
graduate with a postgraduate
degree but a highly respected
professional qualification.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree at
2:2 or above in Civil
Engineering and/or
Structural Engineering,
or Engineering (with
a minimum of 3
years civil/structural
work experience).
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 190.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Timber Industry Management
Study type
Start Date
Usually an Honours
degree at 2:2 or
above in any degree
discipline. Alternatively,
an appropriate
qualification or a
degree and relevant
work experience will
also be considered.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Whether you are currently employed
in the timber industry, or are
looking to enter, this course will
equip you with a comprehensive
knowledge of the relevant
management and legislative issues.
The course content and our links
with well-respected industry
bodies such as the Edinburgh
Napier-based Centre for Timber
Engineering, Building Performance
Centre, Scottish Energy Centre,
Forest Products Research
Institute and the Institute for
Sustainable Construction combine
to make this course unique in
the UK. The education, research,
consultancy and knowledge
transfer expertise they offer as
well as their own strong links with
industry will add to your level of
experience and employability.
We offer a comprehensive
programme that combines
theoretical learning with practical
application. As well as managerial
skills, you will learn to work in the
legislative context that governs
the use of timber in today’s
construction industry. You will
be given the knowledge that will
allow you to understand, critically
evaluate and manage every
aspect of the timber industry’s
supply chain. Presentation,
communication and analytical
skills will also be developed.
Subjects may include
Management; Project Management;
Sustainable Building Design; Timber
Materials and Applications; Timber
Form and Construction; MSc Thesis.
Career prospects
Should you be already working
in the timber industry, in either a
managerial or technical role, you
will find your employment options
will be enhanced on graduation.
Entry into the industry, either
directly from university or from
another field, will also be facilitated,
thanks to the practical experience
and industry contacts you will
encounter throughout the course.
MSc Transport Planning
& Engineering
Developments in transport shape
the world we live in and influence
communities’ economic and
social wellbeing. Transporting
people and goods provides a
serious challenge for politicians,
transport planners and engineering
specialists. If you have a relevant
qualification, e.g. a degree in civil
engineering, geography, urban
planning, the social sciences or
economics, this course will offer
the necessary skills for a successful
career in a transport profession.
During your studies you will
examine the major transport issues
facing society and learn the main
techniques applied in analysing
and resolving transport problems.
You will gain an understanding
of transport systems through
studying issues such as transport
modelling and appraisal techniques
from a theoretical and practical
perspective. You will also learn
how to develop effective transport
strategies to address a range of
different scenarios. Your studies will
also benefit from our excellent links
with industry and the transport
research community, allowing you
to gain a good understanding
of the profession from industryrelevant teaching, guest lecturers
and by engaging with transport
practitioners and researchers.
Part-time and distance learning
options allow those working
in the industry to expand
their professional capabilities
and meet the educational
requirements for chartership.
Subjects may include
Public Transport; Transport Policy;
Transport Demand Management;
Traffic Engineering; Transport
and Traffic Models; Transport
Economics and Appraisal; MSc
Project with Research Methods.
Career prospects
At the moment, this industry
accredited qualification offers
excellent career prospects due
to the increasing demand for
transport planning graduates in
the UK. Recent graduates have
been employed by transport
consultancies, local authorities
and government agencies.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree at
2:2 or above in Civil
Engineering, Social
Sciences, Geography,
Maths or an alternative
qualification. An
ordinary degree with
a minimum of three
years relevant industrial
experience will be
considered. You will also
need Scottish Higher
or A Level Maths, or
equivalent. Appropriate
qualifications may
be considered.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Commercial real estate is a growing sector around the
world and lecturer Alison Andrews believes gaining
an accredited qualification from Edinburgh Napier
is an ideal way to enter this ever-changing industry.
Alison Andrews
Programme Leader, MSc Real Estate
Management & Investment
he course is professionally accredited
by the Royal Institution of Chartered
Surveyors (RICS) and by liaising with
industry and finding out what the profession
needs, I’ve changed the programme
extensively to keep it up to date. An accredited
course is a great route to become a chartered
surveyor. The benefits of being chartered
are the professional status and that you can
sign off valuations and property advice.
An estate agent can say that your property
is worth £100,000 but they couldn’t sign off
a valuation that a bank would accept.
The majority of the staff are chartered and
undertake continuing professional
development for RICS. I’m also an assessor
for the RICS assessment of professional
competence. If you had just qualified, done
your two years’ work experience, diary
submissions and critical analysis, I’m on the
panel that decides whether you are fit to be
chartered or not. That’s been really rewarding
and really makes me keep up to date.
The industry has very much become global.
The major firms now, for example CBRE and
Jones Lang LaSalle, are all now international
real estate firms. The RICS aims to be the
prime organisation for property professionals
worldwide, particularly in Europe, Africa and
China. That makes a RICS-accredited course
attractive to overseas students. As a result,
currently the course is around 50:50 in terms
of international and home students.
We have good resources here, including
access to industry-standard software.
This includes RICS’ isurv, which is a paidfor subscription service, and CoStar
which is the main property database.
If you’re valuing something, CoStar tells
you everything about the property –
when it was let, how much the rent was,
and so on.
Post-2008, there was consolidation in
the industry but now there’s a shortage
of suitably qualified people. Everybody
that wants a job can get a job right now.
The buying/selling is the high fee side of
the profession but even when that was
quiet, nearly all properties are leased to
tenants and the ongoing day-to-day
management still has to go on so there
were always jobs on that side. For example,
every company needs its properties valued
for its accounts. There’s a lot of that sort
of work that always has to happen.
Employers will often sponsor students to
undertake the course part-time. The profession
is always looking for the right people.
Career highlights
Chartered Surveyor (MRICS).
Senior Surveyor in Private Practice.
Chair, School of Engineering & the Built Environment (SEBE)
Staff-Student Liaison Committee.
RICS APC Assessor (Assessment of Professional Competence)
– for the Commercial, Valuation, Rating and Academic APC pathways.
Student quote:
“I love the atmosphere at Edinburgh
Napier. Although steeped in tradition,
it is a modern, multicultural university
at the cutting edge of research.”
Kirsty Downie
MSc Real Estate
Management & Investment
Find out more about
MSc Real Estate Management
& Investment on page 148.
The School
of Life, Sport
Social Sciences
From career guidance to sports performance, biomedical
science to ecotourism, research into human life, human
behaviour and our understanding of the environment is
at the centre of the School of Life, Sport & Social Sciences.
Giving you the skills
We offer a wide variety of courses across
multiple disciplines, all designed to prepare
you for your future career. All aim to develop
your critical understanding and ability to
critically evaluate advanced principles, often
within fascinating areas where developments
and advances are being made on a daily
basis. We offer this at the University’s
newest campus where you will learn from,
and collaborate with, recognised industry
professionals while using the latest state-ofthe-art technology.
Advancing understanding
Within life sciences, biology is at the heart of
this constantly changing area. Technological
advances in molecular biology and
biotechnology mean there are always new
areas of study and research, for example in
drug design. Sports science looks at how
improvements can be made in high-level
athletes, while exercise science is increasingly
popular in a world where obesity is becoming
a critical problem. In social science, we are
accredited by the Career Development
Institute as a career guidance training centre.
Meanwhile, we are also constantly evolving
our postgraduate course offering, developing
programmes such as Applied Criminology &
Forensic Psychology, designed to give you a
deep insight into crime and criminal behaviour.
Investing in the best
Based at Edinburgh Napier’s multi-million
pound Sighthill campus, the School boasts
state-of-the-art laboratories, including
biomechanics labs, exercise physiology
labs and an environmental chamber where
researchers can test athletic performance
in extreme conditions. In June 2015, it was
announced that Edinburgh Napier would
become home to the BT Sport Scottish Rugby
Academy, Edinburgh, which will develop
future rugby stars. It also means considerable
investment in extending the University’s
state-of-the-art laboratory and gym facilities.
Constant innovation
We also guarantee access to some of
the brightest minds in industry, with
research a major part of all areas, including
biomedical science, human performance
and environment, sustainability and society.
Opportunities exist to study a Masters by
Research or a PhD and the School is also
home to the Centre for Nano Safety, Centre
for Ecotourism and Wildlife Management and
the Biofuel Research Centre and associated
SME Celtic Renewables.
Out in the field
Paige Myers
MSc Ecotourism
US student Paige Myers was attracted to the hands-on
nature of Edinburgh Napier’s MSc Ecotourism and
has loved every minute of it – from the expert tutoring
she’s received, to an amazing field trip in Tobago.
was researching countries that would
accept US federal student aid and the
UK was one of those places. Edinburgh
Napier was the only university that had
an Ecotourism programme and because
it’s more of a hands-on programme,
that pulled me in.
Every Friday we have a class where we’re
either in the lab at Sighthill, perhaps looking
at invertebrates, or we’re out in the field.
We’ve been to Cramond to do birdwatching,
to Arthur’s Seat to do plant ID in segments
and walked the Water of Leith. You also have
to do a field course and can choose to do
three weeks in Scotland or two weeks in
Tobago. I chose Tobago and it was awesome.
There were 14 of us plus two lecturers and
we all got really close. It was great to do
hands-on things that we’d learnt in the
classroom. We did marine surveys –
snorkelling and counting fish and coral
– and then we did hikes, birdwatching and
bird abundance surveys.
The tutors here are very accessible,
way more so than on my undergraduate in
Utah. These guys are experts as well. When
we go on walks and hikes, they’ll pull out
plants, call them by their Latin names and
then tell us all about them.
Although I’m based at Sighthill, I’ve been
to the other campuses and that way you
get more of a feel of Edinburgh. We could
choose to do a tourism module or a science
module and so the first trimester I chose
a science one at Sighthill and then last
trimester I chose a tourism class and
studied at Craiglockhart. My favourite
campus is Sighthill though. There are five
floors to the library and they are so nice
– there’s even a café on the first floor.
There is also a postgraduate room that
has computers, couches, a microwave,
tables and some games. It’s nice to go
there for a bit of a break.
I live in student accommodation at
Bainfield and it’s lovely – there are seven
of us, all postgraduates and all from
different places. I’ve also met people
through trips with the SENIC club, where
we went to Stirling and Oban and saw
some of Scotland.
In terms of funding, there are various
opportunities. I applied for several things
and was delighted to be awarded a
£5,000 Santander scholarship. It covered
Tobago and some of my living expenses
for the summer.
We did marine surveys –
snorkelling and counting
fish and coral – and then we
did hikes, birdwatching and
bird abundance surveys.”
Find out more about
MSc Ecotourism
on page 165.
MSc Applied Criminology &
Forensic Psychology
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:1 (or equivalent)
in a related subject
(e.g. Social Sciences,
Psychology, Sociology,
Law, Humanities,
Forensic Nursing,
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Develop a deep insight into crime
and criminal behaviour by studying
this uniquely practical and applied
course in criminology and forensic
psychology. You will have the
opportunity of a work placement
alongside modules covering
mediation, international criminology,
assessment of offenders, child
protection, and high-level quantitative
and qualitative research methods.
This will give you an invaluable set
of skills for both employment and
further research. Your tutors will
be research-active staff who are
experts in their field and you will also
benefit from external practitioners
who bring their practical skills
and experience to the course.
Applied criminology and forensic
psychology at postgraduate level
will allow you to develop a range
of analytical and practical skills
benefitting you as a practitioner
and/or researcher. You will develop
a critical awareness of topics at the
forefront of criminology and forensic
psychology, and the contexts and
theories that influence practice in
these areas. The applied focus of
this course provides an excellent
foundation in risk assessment of
offenders, methods of rehabilitation,
use of forensic interviewing
strategies, mediation skills, and facial
composite construction. Alongside
these skills you will also learn directly
from leading experts about current
research and debates in criminology
and forensic psychology which
directly affect people at all points in
the legal system. Additionally you
will acquire excellent transferable
research skills in both quantitative
and qualitative methods which
will enable you to carry out highquality research in a variety of
contexts and with ethical integrity.
Subjects may include
Practical Forensic Psychology
(assessing offenders and working
with witnesses); Advanced Forensic
Psychology (therapeutic jurisprudence
and neuroethics); Criminal Justice
in Practice; Current Topics in Crime;
Comparative and International
Criminology; Advanced Research
Skills; Community Safety; Mediation;
Investigative Journalism; Child
Protection; Work Placement.
Career prospects
Graduates of this course possess a
blend of subject-specific knowledge,
well-developed people skills and
technical abilities giving them
access to occupations including:
HM Prisons and secure units;
probation service; police services;
social work; court services; legal
services; voluntary sector; community
development; adult guidance; local
and central government; academia
and research; health services;
forensic services; private practice.
MSc Biomedical Science
This course is designed to help you
pursue a career as a professional
biomedical scientist or take a leading
role in research and development.
The course is supported by an
internationally recognised and highly
active biomedicine research group
with strong links to healthcare
industries, research institutes and
the hospital and NHS sectors.
You will gain a detailed critical
knowledge of immunology,
toxicology and molecular
biology and their application
to biomedical science.
You will also undertake a Research
Project which will enable you to
apply and further develop your
technical, research and professional
skills. This project may be
conducted in research institutions,
academic laboratories or relevant
industries in the UK or overseas.
This course is also available
as an MSc by Research.
Subjects may include
Advanced Immunology; Biology of
Disease and Therapeutics; Molecular
Pharmacology and Toxicology;
Research Skills – Molecular
Analysis; Molecular Pathogenesis of
Microbial Infection; Drug Design and
Chemotherapy; Research Project.
Career prospects
This course prepares you for
employment in the rapidly
developing bioscience and
healthcare sectors. This may be in
hospitals, NHS, local government
or health and safety divisions in
various roles including research
and R&D support management.
Opportunities also exist for qualified
biomedical scientists in industries
ranging from smaller medical
biotech companies to the global
giants as well as contract research
and consultancy businesses. If you
already work in the biomedical
sciences, you can expect advanced
personal development and career
progression. It also provides a
sound platform for study to PhD
level and an academic career.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree at 2:2
or above in biomolecular
sciences, such as biological
sciences, biotechnology,
human biology, molecular
biology, microbiology,
immunology, virology,
genetics, biochemistry,
biomedical sciences or
forensic science. Applicants
will need to demonstrate
evidence of biochemistry
and molecular biology in
their previous studies.
Equivalent qualifications
plus appropriate
experience gained in the
medical, pharmaceutical
or healthcare industries
or as a medical laboratory
scientific officer may
also be acceptable.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Biotechnology for
Environmental Sustainability
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree at 2:2
or above in a biological
science, eg microbiology,
molecular biology,
genetics, biochemistry,
environmental biology
or brewing and distilling.
Applicants will need to
demonstrate evidence
of microbiology,
biochemistry and
molecular biology in
their previous studies.
Environmental science
based degrees and
equivalent qualifications
may be considered as will
appropriate experience
gained in relevant fields
of research or industry.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
This course is designed for
those interested in a career in
the growing renewables and
remediation sectors, who also have
interests in the biotechnologies
that underpin these and
environmental sustainability,
be it in research, product and
technology development, or an
environmental protection role.
You will also undertake a Research
Project which will enable you
to apply and further develop
your technical, research and
professional skills. This project
may be conducted in research
institutions, academic laboratories
or relevant industries in the UK
or overseas. This course is also
available as an MSc by Research.
You will develop a critical
understanding of key concepts
and issues in biotechnology and
environmental sustainability.
You will explore in depth new
process and product innovations
in biofuels, bioremediation and
waste conversion; technologies
driving discovery of natural
compounds; biotechnology
processes underpinning the
remediation of aquatic and
terrestrial environments; regulation
and monitoring of pollution; and the
theoretical and applied concepts
in environmental sustainability.
Subjects may include
The course comprises core modules
relevant to environmental and
industrial biotechnology in addition
to modules of specific relevance
to environmental sustainability.
Bioethical, economic and social
aspects will also be considered.
Cell Technology; Business and
Bioethics; Biotechnology for
Sustainable Renewables; Research
Skills – Molecular Analysis;
Biotechnology for Sustainable
Remediation; Environmental
Sustainability Management;
Independent Research Project.
Career prospects
This course prepares you for
employment in the growing
biorenewables, bioremediation,
water and waste management
and bioprocessing sectors.
This may be within industries
ranging from the global giants to
smaller biotech companies, contract
research/consultancy businesses,
and government or environment
protection agencies. It also provides
a sound platform for study to PhD
level and an academic career.
You may also be interested
in MSc Environmental
Sustainability on page 142.
PgCert/PgDip/MSc Career Guidance
& Development
As a Careers Guidance professional,
you will be working with young
people, adults, parents, teachers,
employers and training providers.
These courses equip you with
the knowledge to successfully
support clients in navigating the
confusing maze of pathways in
employment and education.
Running since 1974, with an
excellent employment rate for
graduates, our postgraduate
diploma provides the training
required for entry to the career
guidance profession in the UK.
The programme is recognised by
the Career Development Institute
and incorporates its professional
qualification. It combines
academic study with practical
professional training, including
seven weeks of work placement.
You will acquire effective
interpersonal communication
skills for one-to-one career
guidance, working with groups,
and via online media. You will learn
and put into practice the latest
counselling techniques, while
developing the necessary research
and teamwork skills to carry you
into your own successful career.
Subjects may include
Career counselling and coaching;
theories of career choice and
development; career and
educational information;
labour market studies; public
policy and the professional
context for practice; equality,
diversity and social inclusion.
Students who progress to
the MSc will undertake a
supervised research project.
Career prospects
If you are not already employed in
a career guidance related role before
starting the course, most graduates
find work as a career adviser or
guidance practitioner. Key employers
include Skills Development Scotland,
university careers services, and also
community agencies promoting
employability for disadvantaged
groups. Some students go on
to work in the private sector
or become self-employed.
The skills taught are transferable
to many other roles in employment,
education and training.
For example, former students
have gone on to work in educationindustry liaison and projects
promoting equality and diversity.
Study type
(subject to approval)
Start date
An Honours degree at 2:2
or above in any discipline.
Equivalent qualifications
will be considered if
you can demonstrate
the appropriate skills
and knowledge to
study effectively at
an advanced level.
All applicants will be
interviewed and all
successful applicants
must complete a
Protecting Vulnerable
Groups (PVG) scheme
or a police check.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
Meet programme leader
Dr Pete Robertson on page 172.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Drug Design &
Biomedical Science
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above in
the biomolecular
sciences (biological or
biomedical sciences,
chemistry, pharmacy,
pharmaceutical or
medicinal chemistry,
immunology, genetics,
virology, molecular
biology or forensic
science). Equivalent
qualifications will
be considered, as
will appropriate
experience gained in
the pharmaceutical or
healthcare industries.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
If you’re interested in a career in the
fascinating and challenging world
of drug design, this course, unique
in Europe, blends biomedicine
and pharmaceutical science into
one comprehensive programme
that focuses on the integration
of modern organomedicinal
chemistry and molecular biology.
Your learning will be based on
modern drug design practices.
You will study every step involved
in developing and creating
effective drugs, from concept to
clinic, including the theories and
practical applications of chemical
drug design and immunology,
toxicology and molecular
biology. Involving discovery,
innovation and application.
You will leave with in-depth
understanding of disease processes
and molecular targets, and an ability
to apply knowledge and theory
to all aspects of drug design and
biomedical science. Equipped with
the ability to follow developments
in the field, you will learn to apply
them to your work, and make
innovative contributions to the
industry that will benefit others.
You will also undertake a Research
Project which will enable you
to apply and further develop
your technical, research and
professional skills. This project
may be conducted in research
institutions, academic laboratories
or relevant industries in the UK
or overseas. This course is also
available as an MSc by Research.
Subjects may include
Current Practice in Drug
Development; Advanced
Immunology; Molecular
Pharmacology and Toxicology;
Research Skills – Molecular
Analysis; Biotechnology and
Drug Discovery; Drug Design and
Chemotherapy; Research Project.
Career prospects
The rapidly developing
pharmaceutical, bioscience and
healthcare sectors all need qualified
drug discovery or biomedical
scientists. You could establish
a laboratory-based career, with
global pharmaceutical companies,
developing biotech companies,
contract drug testing, hospitals,
NHS, local government or health
and safety divisions. Alternatively,
an academic career or further
studies to PhD level are available
at institutions all over the world.
MSc Ecotourism
Ecotourism is often seen as an
approach allowing communities
to benefit from the economic
and social aspects of tourism
while reducing impacts on the
environment and wildlife. This
course takes a science framework
and adds a business perspective.
It builds on the experience of staff
working worldwide in wildlife
conservation and developing
sustainable livelihoods through
the conservation of communities
and natural resources.
You’ll gain a variety of both scientific
and business skills including ecological
field skills, contract tendering,
questionnaire design and analysis,
marketing, proposal and report
writing. An understanding of the
diversity of living organisms and their
taxonomy is fundamental together
with an appreciation of the impact
of humans on their environment.
The practical and applied nature
of this course encourages the
development of generic skills
including communication, IT,
including Geographical Information
Systems (GIS) and the statistical
programming language R, problem
solving, research and team-working,
enhancing your employability.
You will benefit from an intensive
three-week field course based in
Scotland to help embed practical
skills in habitat sampling, species
identification and data analysis.
A two-week field course in Tobago
with an additional cost (~£1,300)
may be available as an alternative.
Subjects may include
Scientific Methods; Humans and
Wildlife; Field and Laboratory Skills
and a choice of one module from
Environmental Management for
Ecotourism, Tourism Concepts and
Issues or Managing Heritage Tourism
and also two from Case Studies in
International Tourism, Experience
Design and Management for Tourism,
Hospitality and Events. Natural Area
Tourism or Management of Acquatic
Protected Areas. In addition you
will undertake a research project
on a subject of your choice.
Career prospects
Owing to its multidisciplinary
nature, graduates have gained
employment in a wide variety of
areas including green education,
guiding, environmental events
management, government agencies
(e.g. SNH, DFID), independent nongovernmental wildlife organisations
and charities (e.g. RSPB, RZSS) and
environmental consultancy (some
have set up their own companies).
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above in a
suitable area – Biology,
Zoology or Geography.
If you have a tourism
background you
should be keen to build
a practical science
foundation. Alternative
qualifications combined
with appropriate
experience may
be considered.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
You may also be interested
in MSc Wildlife Biology &
Conservation on page 171.
Read about Paige’s
experience on page 158.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc Medical Biotechnology
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above in
biomolecular sciences,
such as biological
sciences, biotechnology,
molecular biology,
genetics, biochemistry,
biomedical sciences,
immunology, virology,
forensic science
or microbiology.
qualifications will be
considered, as will
appropriate experience
gained in biotechnology
or related industries.
For specific international
entry requirements
please see page 198.
If you are interested in establishing
a career in the biomedical/
pharmaceutical sectors and have
an interest in the biotechnologies
that underpin these, be it
in research, or product and
technology development, then
this may be the course for you.
In addition to the development
of specialist research skills and
technical expertise, you will
develop a critical understanding
of key concepts and issues in
biotechnology. For example, you
will explore the technologies
driving discovery and modification
of natural compounds for use in
medicine, the relationship between
progress in our understanding of
disease with the development
of diagnostics and treatments and
the theoretical and applied concepts
to the use of biological systems
for production of drugs.
The course comprises core
modules of relevance across
the biotechnology sector, in
addition to modules of specific
relevance to medical and
pharmaceutical applications.
You will also undertake a Research
Project which will enable you to
apply and further develop your
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
technical, research and professional
skills. This project can be undertaken
in research institutions, academic
laboratories or pharmaceutical
industries in the UK or overseas.
This course is also available
as an MSc by Research.
Subjects may include
Cell Technology; Business
and Bioethics; Research
Skills – Molecular Analysis;
Biotechnology and Drug Discovery;
Molecular Pathogenesis of
Microbial Infection; Research
Project; Options – Advanced
Immunology; Current Practice in
Drug Development; or Molecular
Pharmacology and Toxicology.
Career prospects
Opportunities for laboratory,
research, R&D support management
and product development
work in industries from the
global giants to smaller biotech
companies in food, beverage,
biochemical, environmental,
medical and pharmaceutical
sectors. Also, contract research
companies, service providers to
the biotechnology sector, and local
government. It also provides a
sound platform for study to PhD
level and an academic career.
MSc Pharmaceutical Science
This course provides expert critical
and technical knowledge related
to the development, manufacture
and analysis of medicines before
they can reach regulatory approval.
You will study recent trends
in small molecule drugs and
macromodular biopharmaceutical
products. You will evaluate the
latest technologies used in the
pharmaceutical industry and gain
hands-on analytical experience
with industry-standard equipment
such as HPLC. You will also gain
an understanding of the processes
and methodologies undertaken
in GMP/GLP-compliant labs.
You will acquire a broad knowledge
of contemporary, integrated
pharmaceutical analysis
strategies and develop the skills
and attributes necessary for a
successful career in pharmaceutical
science. After the course, you
would be able to undertake lead
research and development roles
as well as analytical positions
within a wide range of industries
including the pharmaceutical,
nutraceutical, cosmetic, healthcare
and medical devices industries.
You will also undertake a Research
Project which will enable you to
apply and further develop your
technical, analytical, research and
professional skills. This project
may be conducted in research
institutions, academic laboratories
or relevant industries in the UK
or overseas. This course is also
available as an MSc by Research.
Subjects may include
Current Practice in Drug
Development; Molecular
Pharmacology and Toxicology;
Current Topics in Pharmaceutical
Science; Research Skills – Molecular
Analysis; Biotechnology and
Drug Discovery; Drug Design and
Chemotherapy; Research Project.
Career prospects
A large proportion of graduates
enter laboratory based and research
management based product
development work in industries
ranging from the big pharmaceutical
companies to developing biotech
companies, contract drug testing
companies and service providers to
the pharmaceutical and healthcare
industries, hospital laboratories,
NHS and local government.
It also provides a sound platform
for study to PhD level in
pharmaceutical and biomolecular
sciences and an academic career.
Study type
Start date
Normally an Honours
degree at 2:2 or above
in the biomolecular
sciences (pharmacy,
pharmaceutical or
medicinal chemistry,
biological or biomedical
sciences, chemistry,
biotechnology, genetics,
virology, molecular
biology or forensic
science). Equivalent
qualifications will be
considered, as will
appropriate experience
gained in the
pharmaceutical or
healthcare industries.
For specific international
entry requirements
please see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
MSc by Research Sport &
Exercise Science
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree at
2:1 or above in a related
Sport and Exercise
Science area. Lower
level qualifications with
appropriate equivalent
experience may also
be considered.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
If you have a particular research
interest in sport and exercise
science, this postgraduate
research degree allows you to
explore the subject in depth and
provides an excellent platform for
progression to PhD level study.
The qualification you will gain is
equivalent to a third of a PhD and
mainly consists of a major research
project and formal research
methods training. It also offers
you potential links to industry.
There may be an opportunity
during this degree to link with a
business partner to form a mini
knowledge transfer partnership
within an area that complements
your research interests.
Applications are particularly
welcome in the following
areas of research:
•Physiology: Exercise interventions
with diabetics, the obese or
those with Parkinson’s disease;
Impact of ageing on sporting
performance; Cycling physiology;
Active transport (cycling, walking);
Thermoregulation during exercise;
Workability and occupational
physiology; Impact of air pollution
on athletic performance.
•Psychology: Stress and coping
interventions and responses;
Factors affecting physical activity
levels in special populations.
•Coaching: Talent identification
and development; Evaluation of
coach education programmes.
•Biomechanics: Biomechanics
of Golf; 3D analysis of
swimming; Dynamic profiling.
•Exercise Immunology: Biomarkers
of lymphocyte cellular senescence.
This course is studied fulltime over one year, or parttime over 20 months.
Career prospects
This course is specifically aimed at
helping you progress into further
study and research in the area of
sport and exercise science, either
as a PhD student or research
assistant. This enables you to
enter the academic profession
as a researcher or a university
lecturer. Other opportunities
exist in sports governing bodies,
professional sports, national
sports institutes and the NHS.
“Our postgraduate course
is about the uncertainty
of the real world and trying
to solve problems.”
Dr Tony Westbury
Sport Performance Enhancement
MSc Sport Performance
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above
or equivalent in a
sport-science related
discipline. Alternative
qualifications plus
appropriate experience
may be considered.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
This course applies the scientific
principles underpinning sport
to the context of performance
enhancement. Traditionally sport
science has been based on three
foundational scientific disciplines
– physiology, biomechanics and
psychology. You will either study
two disciplines in breadth or a
single discipline in depth with
a negotiated independent study.
You will also study research
methods and data analysis and
will work on an interdisciplinary
team providing support services
for an athlete client, which
will expose you to a range of
practical and ethical issues
associated with support work.
The MSc course structure lets you
develop your expert knowledge in
a specialist area of the science of
sport performance and develop
applied techniques which will
help you develop a career in sport
science support, academic research,
teaching or other science based
professions. The applied focus
of this course is supported by
modern, well-equipped and wellsupported laboratory facilities.
Subjects may include
•PgCert: Scientific Methods;
Biomechanics and Performance
Enhancement; Psychological
Interventions for Sport
Performance Enhancement;
Applied Physiology and Sport
Performance; Independent
Study Module.
•PgDip: Sport Science; Support
of Performance Athletes;
Management; Contemporary
Issues in Sport Performance;
Independent Study Module.
•MSc: Independent research project.
Career prospects
The alignment of course content
to the requirements of supervised
experience (SE) with the British
Association of Sport and Exercise
Sciences (BASES) will help you
achieve accreditation if SE is
continued after graduation. Sport
science support is a growing field.
Many professional sporting bodies
now employ sport scientists in
a performance support role and
this course is ideal if you have an
interest in this area. The emphasis
on research skills also equips you to
continue on to possible PhD study
and a research or teaching career.
MSc Wildlife Biology
& Conservation
The greatest challenge facing
conservation biologists today is
the preservation of the world’s
biodiversity in the face of considerable
human demands on space and
resources. This course is designed to
train you to meet this challenge. By
combining the disciplines of Wildlife
Biology and Conservation Biology,
experienced staff will help you
develop and apply existing knowledge
of biology to issues of wildlife
management and conservation.
The main focus of the programme
is on the development of practical
employability skills and has been
designed in conjunction with
employers and professional bodies.
In addition to studying relevant
theory, you will develop:
•advanced analytical skills
for population investigation
and management;
•practical skills used in
identifying, quantifying and
assessing biodiversity; and
•transferable skills including
communication, IT (including GIS, R,
Mark, Estimate S), problem solving,
research and team working.
You will benefit from a three-week
intensive field course based in
Scotland to help embed practical
skills in sampling, identification
(plants, aquatic and terrestrial
invertebrates, small mammals,
birds) and data analysis. In addition,
guided visits to several sites and
talks from managers of others will
highlight how conservation and
management are informed by the
aims and objectives of the site
owners. As your interests develop
through the programme, you will
be able to design a final research
project to suit your individual goals.
Subjects may include
Scientific Methods; Humans
and Wildlife; Biodiversity and
Conservation; Field and Laboratory
Skills; Management of Aquatic
Protected Areas; Principles of Wildlife
Management and a choice of either
Modelling Wildlife Populations or
Case Studies in Ecology. In addition
you will undertake a research
project on a subject of your choice.
Career prospects
Returning graduates who share
their experience of the work
environment each year have
emphasised the importance of the
skills gained from the programme in
their subsequent success. They have
developed careers with government
agencies such as Scottish Natural
Heritage and Natural England, nongovernmental agencies and charities
such as RSPB, Pondlife, Wildlife
Trusts and private consultancies.
You may also be interested in
MSc Ecotourism on page 165.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
at 2:2 or above in
Zoology, Ecology,
Environmental Science,
Wildlife Biology, Animal
Biology or a related
subject. Alternative
qualifications with
a strong personal
statement may
be considered.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Edinburgh Napier has been a centre for career guidance for more
than 40 years. Programme leader Dr Pete Robertson is keen
to show how research, accreditation, industry links and new
flexible learning options mean we are still leading the way.
Dr Pete Robertson
Programme leader,
Career Guidance & Development
e’re a training centre for careers
advisers. And career guidance
in Scotland is in a much better
state than in some parts of the UK.
Scottish career guidance is a model that
lots of countries look to.
I was a professional careers adviser and our
students like to be taught by people who have
experience of doing the job for real. I worked as
a careers adviser in London and Hertfordshire
and some of the time specialised in working
with young people with disabilities. I then
studied occupational psychology and got
involved in training careers advisers before
moving to Edinburgh Napier.
Some of the core skills don’t change, such as
working with individuals and helping them
change. There have however been lots of
developments in terms of theory and
underpinning ideas – one thing we train our
students in is labour market analysis and
communicating that to their clients and that’s
a field which changes rapidly.
We’ve got strong links with employers.
It is a requirement on our full-time course to
have six weeks on placement and students
go to universities, colleges, charities or
organisations like Skills Development
Scotland. We’re also an approved centre for
the Career Development Institute (CDI)
so our students within the full-time
diploma also leave with a CDI qualification.
What makes us stand out? I think we are
developing some research activity which
our competitors are not in a position to do.
I’m working on a couple of research projects,
one with local young people and the other
with Remploy, looking at the experiences
of disadvantaged groups on access to work
programmes and what it is about those
schemes that builds confidence.
We’ve been a training centre for career
guidance since 1974 so we’re pretty well
established but we’re now introducing some
flexible provision, part-time and distance
options, certificate options and we can now
take PhD students, which is something
we’re keen to encourage. We want to offer
something substantive to international
students, including distance learners who
are not likely to work in Scotland but still want
to learn the skillsets that are not available
through training in their own countries.
I’m not prone to boasting but year after year
we get good ratings from our students for
being approachable. I’d be pretty horrified
if we didn’t given the nature of the topic we
are teaching!
Career highlights
Trained as a career adviser at Bristol Polytechnic.
Qualified as a Chartered Psychologist.
Practised as a career adviser in Hertfordshire and London,
specialising in disability work.
Gained PhD at Edinburgh Napier: the well-being
outcome of career guidance.
International publication linking career guidance with public health.
Student quote:
“The feedback was constructive
and encouraging throughout the
academic year. I really enjoyed
the course and feel that it has
equipped me with the appropriate
tools to enter into the profession.”
Eoin Walsh
PgDip Career Guidance
& Development
Find out more about
Career Guidance & Development
on page 163.
The School of
Social Care
The UK’s envied healthcare model, Scotland’s strong
reputation for health training and our research-active
academics makes Edinburgh Napier the ideal place to
study, no matter where you are based.
Tailored learning
Making connections
The breadth of our offering at the School
of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Care means
we can offer the correct course for you,
whether you wish to study full-time, parttime, on-campus or online. Our investment
in online technology to offer webinars and
online tutorials means that wherever you
are, our lecturers, their expertise and our
significant resources are easily accessible.
With classmates across the world,
it also means you will gain a valuable
global perspective on your chosen field and
increase your employability.
Our PgCert in Clinical Research has links with
pharmaceutical companies, clinical research
organisations and the NHS to ensure that your
learning is up-to-date and your employment
opportunities are wide and varied. Meanwhile,
our MSc Health Administration is taught
by lecturers with many years of experience
working in the NHS, who are able to offer a
real insight into modern healthcare systems
and their requirements. This course also offers
the chance to collaborate with students from
The Business School, with some modules
such as human resources delivered at our
Craiglockhart campus by academics with real
industry knowledge.
The right route for you
Our MSc Advanced Practice offers flexibly
managed programmes in a variety of areas,
from Cancer Care to Neonatal Nursing,
enhancing your career as a practitioner in the
public, health and social care services. Other
routes include Advanced Practice in Child
Protection, providing opportunities for those
working in the police, social care or other
services related to nursing to develop their
skills, while other customised routes exist
in nursing, for example MSc Nursing (acute
medicine, general practice or critical care).
Research for the future
There is a thriving community of researchers
at work in the School and they work closely
to support our student researchers. In the
field of healthcare, research is critical as we
work to improve people’s lives in areas such
as reproductive health, cancer, mental health,
learning disabilities and acute care. We aim
to have a major impact on health and society
and PhD opportunities exist within the School
in these key areas.
Different cultures
Rubina Khanal
MSc Health Administration
Originally from Nepal, Rubina has enjoyed learning
about health systems from around the world.
She now feels equipped to work in healthcare
management worldwide.
’ve been in Scotland for nine years and
studied Life Sciences for my undergraduate
degree. When I was doing that, I was
working in the lab a lot but I’m more of a
people-friendly person. I need to go to
different places and speak to people. That’s
why I ended up doing Health Administration.
Now I’ve done this course, it will allow me
to work anywhere, in different health bodies
across the world. It gives you an insight into
how things can be changed and how you
can make improvements to your health
system, teaching you what you need to be
a good manager. You learn about the health,
social and business aspects and how all
three are integrated.
I like learning about other countries and their
health systems so I enjoyed the International
Health and Social Care module in the first
trimester, where we learnt about Malawi.
We also had to do our own research into
the differences between NHS England and
NHS Scotland. I know it’s the same NHS but
there are differences in different constituent
parts of the UK.
I also liked Evidence-Based Practice. It was
interesting to look at how things happen in
the NHS and how they go about changing
things. For example, if an accident happens,
they make new policies based on evidence.
It was also very useful in helping me choose
the topic for my dissertation. I’m doing
child obesity with respect to ethnicity
and that’s a hot topic. There hasn’t been
much done in Scotland yet but there is a
lot of information from England. I was
taking that and exploring how it could be
implemented in Scotland.
All the classes are very interactive – it’s not
all about the books. It’s about learning and
thinking about how we can use the
knowledge in real life. For example, our tutor
organised for us to go into NHS Edinburgh
to sit in a board meeting. It was interesting
to see how people interact with each other
at that level. We then went in a second time
and learned about all the research areas
that are going on in the NHS right now.
The first time I entered Edinburgh Napier,
I noticed all the flags everywhere from
around the world, symbolising the diversity.
I don’t think anyone should hesitate to
come here because they are coming from
abroad and they feel they might struggle
to settle. It’s very easy to settle here.
You will have a good experience and meet
people from all over the world.
All the classes are very interactive –
it’s not all about the books. It’s about
learning and thinking about how we
can use the knowledge in real life.”
Find out more about
MSc Health Administration
on page 181.
MSc Advanced Practice (and flexibly managed programmes)
for practitioners in the public, health and social care services
Study type
Blended Learning
Start date
You must be working
in a related field of
practice and hold
an undergraduate
degree, or equivalent.
If English is not your
first language, you
must have a minimum
IELTS score of 6.0
or equivalent.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
As a health and social care
practitioner, you are expected to be
innovative, provide leadership and
make an advanced contribution in
your professional role. This course
will enable you to do just that in
your specialised area of practice.
We are the only university in
south-east Scotland that delivers
education across all four fields of
nursing, midwifery and social care.
This is why we can provide a tailormade programme for anyone from
a health and social care background
wishing to advance their career.
You can take one module or work
toward a postgraduate certificate,
diploma or masters degree.
Routes exist in applied education,
cancer nursing, child protection,
child health, neonatal and
learning disability practice.
You can also agree a customised
route to achieve an award in your
chosen area of practice, for example
MSc Nursing (acute medicine,
general practice or critical care).
You will build on your existing
knowledge and abilities by applying
critical appraisal skills to policy and
practice throughout this course.
The course will also enable you
to apply new knowledge and
skills to achieve advanced and
specialist levels of practice and
influence decision making at
both local and strategic levels.
Subjects may include
Exploring Professional Roles in
Practice; Research Methods; Workbased Learning; Contemporary
Ethical and Professional Issues
in Healthcare; Leadership;
Clinical Governance; Teaching
Learning in Higher Education.
Career prospects
On successful completion of the
course, graduates will be wellequipped to undertake roles
requiring advanced practice in
a specialist field, in a variety of
strategic positions including the NHS
and Higher Education institutions.
“There are a lot of projects that students
have taken forward that have made
a big difference to patient care.”
Karen Campbell
Lecturer in Nursing
PgCert Clinical Research
Study type
Start date
You must be working
in a related field of
practice and hold
an undergraduate
degree, or equivalent.
If English is not your
first language, you
must have a minimum
IELTS score of 6.0
or equivalent.
If you do not meet
the minimum entry
requirements but can
demonstrate that
you have gained the
required skills and
knowledge through
other learning,
admission may be
possible after a review
of prior learning.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
This course has been designed
to help you pursue a career in
Clinical Research. The course is
supported by the internationally
recognised Edinburgh Academy
of Clinical Research Education
which has strong links to
pharmaceutical companies, clinical
research organisations and the
hospital and NHS sectors.
This course is designed to meet
the educational needs of clinical
research professionals working
in the practical implementation
of clinical research and is
intended to facilitate Advanced
Practice in this group.
This course will advance your
knowledge of specialist areas and
develop new professional skills to a
high level. You’ll be able to deal with
complex issues in clinical research,
make informed judgements and
communicate your conclusions
clearly to colleagues and peers.
Subjects may include
Clinical Research – Practice; Clinical
Research – Theory; Clinical Research
– Legislation and Regulation.
Career prospects
This course will provide you with a
postgraduate academic qualification
in your area of work. This will assist
the development of your knowledge
and skills and enhance your
continual professional development.
Your qualification could form the
basis for further postgraduate study
and should be a key component
in your career progression in
the clinical research industry.
Meet lecturer Janyne Afseth
on page 182.
MSc Health Administration
This innovative course is designed
for graduates who have, or aspire
to, an administration role in
health and social care. The multiprofessional approach will allow
you to develop the knowledge and
skills required to continue at a
more advanced level and enhance
your career development.
The MSc Health Administration
programme is designed to prepare
you to work effectively within
the complex and rapidly evolving
environments of health and social
care. Throughout the programme,
you will be provided with the
opportunity to enhance your
knowledge and skill set within
a broad international context.
Learning, teaching and assessment
methods focus on providing you
with engaging and contemporary
materials which link practice and
theory and challenge you to take
a critical perspective on both.
While the assessment methods
used are varied, they all have direct
relevance to the world of work.
The MSc Health Administration
is distinctive in that it offers
modules from the School of
Nursing, Midwifery & Social
Care and the Business School.
Subjects may include
Leadership and Finance for Effective
Service Delivery; Contemporary
Human Resource Management;
Organisational Change and
Management; Clinical Governance
and Improvement Practice; Exploring
Evidence to Improve Practice;
Health Administration Project.
Choice of one of the following
modules: Contemporary Ethical and
Professional Issues in Healthcare;
International Health and Social Care.
Career prospects
The programme aims to enable
students to be innovative, provide
leadership and prepare them as
professional health care managers.
Critical appraisal of culturally
relevant health and social policy
is used to facilitate students to
achieve advanced levels of practice
and influence decision making
at local and strategic levels.
Read about Rubina’s
experience on page 176.
Study type
Start date
An Honours degree
in health sciences or
management at 2:2
or above. It would be
beneficial, but not
essential, if applicants
are working or have
worked in a Health
environment (e.g. clinic/
hospital). Equivalent
ordinary degrees or nondegree level professional
qualifications will also
be considered and
recognised prior learning
will be considered on an
individual basis. If English
is not your first language,
a minimum IELTS score
of 6.0 is required.
For international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
Clinical research is a growing industry and
Edinburgh Napier has established a reputation
for producing qualified practitioners. Lecturer
Janyne Afseth puts this down to having
academics with the required credentials.
Janyne Afseth
Lecturer in Clinical Research
e initially began running bespoke
courses for clinical research
organisations and a lot of things
evolved from that. For example, I’m involved
in the Asia Training Consortium for clinical
trials where we devise the curriculum for
people in Southeast Asia to support their
CPD learning. We’ve got a well established
reputation as far as training people who
support clinical trials is concerned and are
very much about the practicalities – how to
do clinical research as a job.
A lot of work that clinical research personnel
do is now fully online. People in hospitals will
enter the data online whereas researchers
used to go into hospitals to check the data.
So it’s a very online world. It’s usually patient
outcome data – you give a new drug, does
it cure, does it prevent the disease from
progressing, has the disease shrunk if
it was cancer for instance? They take
that data in and they analyse it in many
different centres around the world to see
if a new drug works.
It’s a very expensive industry but it’s a
growing industry particularly in areas such
as Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia.
In the US, for example, they accept the data
from Southeast Asia because it’s very good.
That’s why it’s so international because
people from Western Europe and the US
have the expertise but they want to do the
trials in the new emerging areas.
At Edinburgh Napier, we’re people that have
spent most of our careers working in the area
of clinical research. Prior to coming to the
university, I worked in cancer research at NHS
Lothian, gradually becoming the network
manager for cancer research in the southeast
of Scotland, managing the research that we
did there around drug development and new
treatments. I’ve also worked in what they call
a Phase 1 unit where it’s giving drugs for the
first time to humans.
We also have the pharmaceuticals science
branch that runs through the School of Life,
Sport & Social Sciences (see page 156) and
they have expertise there. We also have
lecturers on the nursing side who’ve had
exposure to it as psychologists. Another
element is that we bring in other people to
teach things like how to do your own research,
how to write a dissertation and so on.
I’m originally from Canada but I love Scotland.
Where I’m from is so remote and the winters
are very cold, down to minus 40. Here the
winters are great!
Career highlights
Achieved first nursing degree in Canada and worked in oncology.
Helped set up the Scottish Cancer Research Network which doubled cancer patient
access to clinical trials in the southeast of Scotland.
Programme leader, MSc Health Administration, in partnership with CSM Academy
in Singapore and MSc International Clinical Research & Technology with ClinTec
International Ltd.
Undertaking a PhD in unmet needs and holistic needs assessment in Brain Cancer at
Edinburgh Napier University with the support of Edinburgh Centre for Neuro-Oncology.
Student quote:
“I was amazed by the comments,
advice and support Janyne
provided from the very beginning.
Much appreciated, indeed.”
Alexey Efremov
PgCert Clinical Research
Find out more about
PgCert Clinical Research
on page 180.
MSc Blended & Online Education
Study type
Start date
Due to the applied
nature of this course
you will need to
be working in a
substantive teaching
and learning, course
consultancy or other
appropriate role in
school, tertiary or
professional education.
This ensures the
relevance of the course
and provides a means
to learn by applying
online and blended
methods to your work.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
If you are working in Further or
Higher Education, in school or in a
learning industry, this course will
enhance your blended and online
teaching and learning skills. It will
meet your individual developmental
and professional needs and
allow you to explore current and
emerging issues in blended and
online education. You will have the
opportunity to develop, implement
and evaluate learning, teaching and
assessment approaches, tools and
resources within your own work.
Subjects may include
This is a distance learning
course, the duration of which is
determined by the exit qualification
you study for (PgCert, PgDip or
MSc). It is taught part-time and
entirely online so you can study
independently in your own time. You
will use a range of online tools and
resources and get the opportunity
to interact with internationally
renowned experts in this field.
•MSc: Focused industry-relevant
research or development work
in an area of your choice.
The MSc is recognised by the Staff
and Educational Development
Association (SEDA). All three exit
awards carry individual professional
accreditation from SEDA in
Embedding Learning Technologies.
In addition, for participants who are
working within Higher Education
roles, the PgCert Blended & Online
Education offers an HE Pathway
route that leads to Fellowship of the
Higher Education Academy (FHEA).
•PgCert: Introduction to Blended
and Online Education; Supporting
the Blended and Online Student
Experience; Curriculum Design
and Development for Blended
and Online Learning.
•PgDip: Emerging Digital
Technologies in Blended and
Online Education; Education
Research Methods and Practice
and Customised Study in
Blended and Online Education.
Career prospects
Enhanced opportunities for
promotion as your improved
understanding and skills lead to
increased job satisfaction and
improved student engagement.
You will be better equipped for
modern roles in education and
prepared to work in diverse
online blended environments.
You may find work in tertiary
and university education, local
and national education projects,
teaching blended and online
learning and industrial training.
PgCert Learning, Teaching & Assessment
Practice in Higher Education
As a subject specialist, you are
already well established in your
discipline, but teaching at a
university or other higher education
institution requires a distinct
collection of skills and knowledge.
This course offers you the chance
to gain an accredited qualification
at postgraduate level and to be
recognised as a Fellow of the Higher
Education Academy. This will involve
a year of part-time, work-based,
collaborative online study.
This course aims to develop your
engagement with the scholarship of
learning and teaching and with the
principles of student-centred higher
education curriculum design, delivery
and assessment. You’ll explore how
people learn, how assessment and
feedback practice shapes learning,
and the challenges and complexities
that underpin evidence-based
teaching and learning. You will be
joining a community of reflective
practitioners and will engage in
collaborative online learning activities
which develop your confidence,
skills and experience in teaching.
This course is supported by: digital
literacy resources (EN:Compass);
online workshops and webinars (all
with a face-to-face alternative);
online resources in the Virtual
Learning Environment (Moodle) for
individual study, with collaborative
discussion in online fora; weekly
online drop-in sessions (known
as Virtual Office Hours); oneto-one support from a personal
development tutor (face-to-face
or online); observed teaching
practice; E-portfolio (Mahara).
This course is recognised by Staff
and Educational Development
Association (SEDA) and accredited
by the Higher Education Academy
(HEA). Successful completion
of the course enables you to be
recognised as a Fellow of the Higher
Education Academy. If you’re a
registered nurse or midwife you
may also be eligible to register as
a teacher on the NMC register.
Subjects may include
Learning, teaching and evaluation
of teaching; Assessment,
feedback and student support;
Research and scholarship and the
supervision of students’ research.
Career prospects
Study type
Start date
You will need to be in a
substantive teaching
and assessment role
within a university
or equivalent Higher
Education institution.
Applicants whose
first language is not
English will be required
to meet IELTS level
6.5 with no individual
component below 6.0.
For specific international
entry requirements
see page 198.
This qualification will consolidate
your status within your own
university or teaching institution.
You may undertake the course as
part of a probationary programme
for a new appointment or use it
to increase your opportunities
for transfer within the university
system, upgrade your current
standing, or pursue further
educationally focused studies.
More information:
0333 900 6040
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
On the following pages,
we’ve pulled together
some useful information
on support services
available at Edinburgh
Napier University, as well
as details of fees, funding
and how to apply to come
and study with us.
This information is correct at the time of
going to press so please use the internet
links provided to ensure you have the
most up-to-date information available.
188 Student services
190 Postgraduate funding
192 Postgraduate fees
194 Applying to Edinburgh
Napier University
198 Applying from overseas
200 Visit us and contact us
Student services
These services aim to help you achieve personal goals
and support your physical wellbeing, emotional health
and personal and professional skills development.
For full details of all the services and support offered
by Edinburgh Napier, visit
Student development
Studying at postgraduate level gives you
opportunities to develop graduate attributes
such as personal effectiveness, commitment
to professional integrity and autonomy.
These activities combine with effective
personal and professional development
planning (PDP) to accelerate your growth
and graduate attribute development.
Confident Futures
0131 455 2970
Visit Confident Futures on myNapier
The unique Confident Futures programme
is designed to enhance your ability to be
successful, and increase your competitive
edge with employers. The ability to set goals,
learn from mistakes, face up to challenges and
work and network effectively with others are
essential for academic success, professional
prospects and progression. Our workshops
will help equip you to recognise and develop
the essential personal and professional skills,
attributes and attitudes sought by employers.
Employer Relations
Our employer events programme runs
throughout the academic year and provides you
with opportunities to develop your employability
skills, by enabling you to make direct contact
with a wide range of industry professionals.
Employer events range from employer
presentations and careers fairs to networking
events and employer skills workshops.
Employers expect postgraduates to be effective
in the workplace immediately and value
attributes such as adaptability, professionalism
and innovation. Our careers team works
alongside your academic tutors to help you
maximise your employability and make the
most of your opportunities. We list thousands
of vacancies each year and our employer events,
workshops and guidance sessions are
examples of how we work to help you achieve
success in your chosen career.
Academic skills development
Our Student Learning Advisers can help
you develop and enhance your academic
skills to equip you for studying and writing
effectively at postgraduate level. Student
Learning Advisers also provide an impartial
and confidential service to help you meet
challenges, resolve issues and make choices
related to your postgraduate journey.
Student mentors
Our student mentoring programme runs
throughout the year and offers you the
opportunity to talk to an experienced
student mentor with personal knowledge
of Edinburgh Napier University. A trained
student mentor can offer friendly, informal
support and advice which can help you to gain
confidence in your new study environment.
Spirituality, faith & chaplaincy
0131 455 2575
The University has appointed a part-time interim
Faith and Spirituality Advisor, available on Tuesdays
in Room E17, Merchiston Campus. We also offer
quiet rooms on all three campuses and can
provide you with a list of local places of worship
within Edinburgh for a wide variety of faiths.
Our counselling team offers students a wide range
of support to help you deal with personal problems
you may face while studying. This includes drop-in
sessions and a wide variety of self-help techniques.
Counsellors also provide support for extenuating
circumstances appeals if your performance
in assignments or exams is adversely affected
by circumstances outside of your control.
Napier Student Association (NSA)
All matriculated students at Edinburgh Napier
benefit from membership of the student
association. NSA is a self-governing organisation
with a democratically elected Executive of
students, determining policy and representing
student interests.
NSA also supports and funds student clubs, sports
and other activities, as well as the Sports Union
itself. Clubs and societies cover a range of social,
cultural, course-related and political activities.
Independent Student
Advice Service (ISAS)
0131 229 8791
The Independent Student Advice Service (ISAS)
is a free, confidential and independent welfare
rights and education service run by Napier
Students’ Association. It provides information
on issues from budget and debt management,
through housing rights and childcare, to
immigration and visa advice, information on
employment and consumer rights. Advisers
offer a confidential one-to-one service and
can accompany students in cases of academic
appeal, student complaints and discipline.
Disability & Inclusion
0131 455 2914
Our Disability & Inclusion Team provides specialist
help, advice and information for students with
disabilities, health conditions or specific learning
difficulties (such as dyslexia). We will assess,
advise on and arrange any additional support
you may require (for teaching and assessment,
classroom equipment, IT and specialist software,
accommodation, travel and parking) and
discuss your eligibility for the Disabled Students’
Allowance (DSA). If you are thinking of coming to
the University, please contact us at the earliest
opportunity to discuss your particular needs,
especially if you require significant support.
We can also arrange for you to visit specific
campuses and meet School Disability Contacts
in the relevant academic programme area.
Student accommodation
Student accommodation welcomes
applications from postgraduate students
and has reserved designated spaces, usually
in quieter locations. Spaces are offered on a
first-come, first-served basis so apply early to
avoid disappointment. If applicable, extended
tenancies can be offered that run to late
August 2017. You should apply online from
early May 2016 for entry in September 2016.
You are eligible to apply for accommodation
provided you have an unconditional offer
to study and we have spaces remaining.
Full details, including application dates, can be
found at
Postgraduate funding
The following information should help you get started in
your search for funding for your postgraduate study if you
do not have sufficient savings or family support to finance
this yourself. It is very important that you have a reasonable
funding plan before you start your postgraduate course.
For further details, please visit
Student Awards Agency for Scotland
(SAAS) – Tuition Fee Loans
The living-cost loan is not available to part-time
postgraduate students.
Eligible full-time and some part-time Scottish
and EU students who have accepted a place
on a course eligible for a postgraduate tuition
fee loan can apply directly to the Student
Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS) for
a loan to cover up to £3,400 (£1,700 for
part-time study) towards their tuition fees.
Visit and click on the
appropriate link for full details of eligibility and
how to apply
Visit and click on
the appropriate links for full details
of eligibility and how to apply.
Postgraduate Living Cost Loan
From academic year 2015/2016, eligible
Scottish and EU full-time postgraduate
students can apply to the Student Award
Agency Scotland for a living-cost
loan up to £4,500. To be eligible for the
living-cost loan, in addition to meeting
eligibility conditions, you must:
•Be under 50 on the first day of the
first academic year of your course of
education (the relevant date); or
•Be aged 50 to 54 on the relevant
date and plan to return to employment
after completing your course.
If you change course and are aged 55 or
over on the relevant date of your new
course, regardless of which year you enter
your new course, you will not be entitled to
a living-cost loan for your new course.
Professional and Career
Development Loan (PCDL)
The PCDL, which can be from £300 to £10,000,
can be used for both fees and living costs. A PCDL
is normally for courses lasting two years or less
(three years if the course includes an essential
work placement).
Visit for
full details about eligibility and how to apply.
Erasmus + Master Loan
Erasmus + Master Loans allow students to apply
for support for their Masters studies abroad.
Loans of up to €12,000 for a one-year and
€18,000 for a two-year Masters programme are
available and can cover both living and tuition
costs in any of the 33 Erasmus+ programme
countries. Students should apply from their
home country and must follow the Masters
programme in a different country from their
country of residence, and in a different country
from where they completed a Bachelor degree.
Visit for more information.
Scholarships and bursaries at
Edinburgh Napier University
Information about any scholarships and
bursaries that could be available at Edinburgh
Napier University is on the main University
website at:
Edinburgh Napier University
graduate fee discount scheme
A 10% tuition fee discount is available for
previous Edinburgh Napier students starting
their postgraduate course in 2016/17.
If you are a graduate of Edinburgh Napier
University (Napier University previously), or
are graduating in 2016, you may be eligible
for this fee discount. It is available to eligible
home, EU and international students.
for more information.
Register of Educational Endowments
Maintained by the Student Awards
Agency for Scotland (SAAS), this contains
information on Scottish trusts.
SAAS can search the register for you
if you fill in and send them an enquiry.
Financial aid once you are
a matriculated student at
Edinburgh Napier University
(Discretionary/Childcare Funds)
If you find yourself in financial difficulties,
or you need help with essential childcare
costs, once you are a matriculated student
at Edinburgh Napier you may be eligible to
apply to the University Discretionary and/or
Childcare Funds. Neither of these are a main
source of funding and the Discretionary
Fund in particular cannot normally provide
ongoing support for living costs. Nevertheless
you should check these out via
for full eligibility criteria and how to apply.
Limited information is available at
Contacting Edinburgh Napier
University student funding team
You are welcome to contact the
Student Funding Team directly by email:
Postgraduate fees
Different fee levels apply depending on the course you
choose to study. At the time of going to press, Edinburgh
Napier University was still in the process of setting
postgraduate fees for 2016/17.
Please refer to the individual course pages at and click
on ‘Fees’ to check the current tuition fee information, for that course, for 2016/17.
Typically, postgraduate level courses are made
up of six 20-credit modules and one 60-credit
dissertation. If you wish to study a full MSc,
for example, then fees will be due for the full
course even if you only study to postgraduate
diploma level. You can initially sign up for the
postgraduate diploma if offered – not all PG
courses have an option to study to PG level
– and then decide at a later date to continue
to do the MSc. This means you will only initially
need to pay for the postgraduate diploma.
For further information, please refer to our
Fees for UK & EU applicants
Different fees apply to taught courses and to
research courses. In addition, certain taught
courses carry a premium fee. For further
information, please refer to our website.
Full-time Masters/Postgraduate Diploma courses
normally consist of a taught element lasting
about nine months, which contains the majority
of the teaching and instruction, followed by
an element of self-directed study on a project
or dissertation. This typically lasts three
to six months. In order to obtain a Postgraduate
Certificate, students need to successfully
complete 15 weeks of study full-time.
Continuing Professional
Development (CPD)
You may wish to enrol on one or two modules for
your own personal or professional development.
In this case, fees would normally be charged
on a part-time rate per module, as detailed in the
fee table, online at
Fees for international applicants
At the time of going to press, Edinburgh
Napier University was still in the process of
setting international postgraduate fees for
2016/17. Please refer to our website where
detailed tuition fee information for 2016/17
will be made available as soon as possible.
Early payment discount
For international students who have fees of
more than £6,500, an early payment discount
of £500 was available for 2015/16 (details
for 2016/17 to be announced) providing
full payment was received 30 days before
the matriculation date in September.
Fee payment
The University requires payment of tuition fees
in full prior to or at matriculation and accepts
payment by cash, cheque, direct transfer of
funds, and most forms of credit/debit card.
As an alternative to payment in full, self-funding
students with a credit or debit card who are
studying more than 40 credits can arrange a
recurring card payment of two to six instalments.
If you are studying less than 40 credits you will
be required to make payment in full.
Single trimester students studying 60 credits can
choose to pay in three instalments (option 4 only).
Payment plans can be set up online using e-Pay
(see below) and allow you to pay your fees
in instalments. You can also provide evidence
that your fees are being paid for you by a sponsor
or employer. Ultimately you are responsible for
the payment of your fees if your sponsor
(government or other) fails to make a payment.
Payment plan options are:
September starts:
1. 50% immediately and balance in January
2. 3 payments in October, January and March
3. 6 payments from October to March
4. 3 payments, October, November and December
January starts:
1. 50% immediately and balance in May
2. 3 payments in February, May and July
3. 6 payments from February to July
4. 3 payments, February, March and April
Easy paying with e-Pay
To make life easier, you can pay for a range
of fees and services directly over the web.
The e-Pay online service allows you to
pay your university accommodation rent
deposit, arrears of rent, tuition fees and even
graduation fees directly over the web, with
your credit or debit card. You can do this 24/7
easily and securely, wherever you are.
We advise all prospective students to
investigate their eligibility for funding at the
earliest opportunity. Also, all students should
be certain of how they expect to pay their
fees and support themselves financially while
they study, before they enrol on the course.
Applying to Edinburgh
Napier University
The quickest and easiest way to make an application is
to apply online at Our online
system allows you to upload copies of transcripts and
other additional information to support your application.
If you are unable to make an online application please call us on 0333 900 6040
or +44 (0) 333 900 6040 from outside the UK, or email
and we’ll send you the application form in an alternative format.
If you are interested in studying one of the taught
postgraduate courses in this prospectus you can
begin the application process now. These taught
courses will lead you towards a Postgraduate
Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma or a Masters
award (MA, MDes, MFA, MSc or MBA).
Applications can be completed online at or by viewing the
course you are interested in and selecting ‘Apply’
(located on the right hand side of the webpage).
In order for our admissions team to
process your application we will need:
•a valid email address;
•education details;
•language proficiency details (if you are not
from a majority English speaking country);
•a personal statement;
•referee contact details; – an academic
reference will be required if you have graduated
within the past three years. If you have
graduated more than three years ago we can
accept an employment reference instead;
•a scanned copy of your degree certificate
and academic transcript (if you have
already graduated, or a transcript of
the modules completed to date).
•A copy of your passport if you are a
non-EU citizen
•A copy of all your previous visas from the UK
and corresponding official documents such
as CAS letters confirming the start and end
date of all courses studied within the UK.
Please note if your documents are not
originally in the English language, we normally
require a copy of the original document
and a certified translation into English.
Taught students
We welcome applications for postgraduate
courses from students with an Honours
Degree in an appropriate subject, or experience
which demonstrates that an applicant
possesses the appropriate knowledge and
skills at Honours Degree standard.
We accept applications throughout the year
for our courses, which normally begin at two
points in the year – September and January.
Please note that the application cycle
for the January intake usually opens
six months prior to the start date.
We do not have specific deadline dates for
applications; however we would advise
that you aim to have submitted your
application by the following dates, in order
to ensure that there is sufficient time
for your application to be processed:
•Applicants from the EU – by early
August for September intake and by
early December for January intake.
•Applicants from the UK – by early
August for September intake and by
early December for January intake.
•Applicants from Overseas – by early
July for September intake and by early
November for January intake.
•Applicants to our School of Creative Industries
and Screen Academy – by the beginning of July.
Please note that there are two programmes
which have deadlines for submitting applications:
MA Film and MSc Publishing. The deadline for
MA Film is typically in March and the deadline
for MSc Publishing is typically in June.
Please refer to the website for the most
up-to-date information or contact:
Closing dates for applications
Please note that we will endeavour to consider
your application, even if it is submitted after
these dates. Your application should expand
upon your experience and qualifications and
provide details of any additional academic
achievements you may have, which are
not stipulated for the course (e.g. industrial
courses, professional qualifications, partially
completed diplomas or degrees).
If you need any advice or help choosing a course
or preparing your application; or if you would
like to discuss the qualifications required to
meet the entry requirements, contact the
Information Office on 0333 900 6040.
If you would like to be considered for more than
one course, please apply for your first choice
course and the application form will then allow
you to choose a second and third choice.
If you are unsuccessful for your first choice, you
will then be considered for your remaining choices.
Visiting students
Research students
We are also happy to consider applications from
visiting postgraduate students from the EU on
a pay-per-module basis. We can offer you the
chance to take some time away from your
studies at your home university and experience
life in Edinburgh while studying some of the
many postgraduate modules available here at
Edinburgh Napier.
A research degree (MRes, MPhil or PhD) typically
lasts longer than a taught Masters course and
involves a higher level of individual study and
investigation. The normal periods of study for
research degrees vary depending on the award:
Eligible EU students study up to a maximum
of three postgraduate modules per trimester
which, upon successful completion,
will give you a total of 30 ECTS credits
to take back to your home university.
There is also the option to study as a
visiting student for a trimester, complete
your dissertation at Edinburgh Napier
and then have the potential to graduate
with a double award from both your home
university and Edinburgh Napier.
For more information on eligibility, costs and
the application process, please contact:
These awards do not follow the same principle
as taught courses. Research students are
initially registered for a Research Degree
Programme and commence their studies
without a specified target degree.
Progress depends on satisfactory performance
in Transfer and Annual Progress reviews.
All research students will receive some formal
research methods training and a research
degree may also offer the possibility of doing
some part-time teaching or demonstrating.
Research courses are created between the
research interests of the school and your own –
so if you have seen something about research at
Edinburgh Napier that interests you and is in tune
with what you want to do, then please email to discuss the
possibility of becoming a research student here.
See page 14 for more information on research
at Edinburgh Napier.
Part-time students
What happens next?
If you are interested in part-time
postgraduate study you can apply in
any of the ways outlined previously.
We cannot consider your application until we
have received your completed application form.
When we have your online application, we will
send you an automatic acknowledgement.
Any application submitted by post or email
will be acknowledged as soon as it has been
received and input to the applications system.
•An MRes is 12 months (20 months part-time)
•An MPhil is 24 months (40 months part-time)
•A PhD is 36 months (60 months part-time)
Once your application has been considered,
you will be advised of our decision by
email. We aim to return a decision on your
application within 10 working days. If you
have applied for a course from our School of
Arts & Creative Industries, Screen Academy,
the PgDip Career Guidance & Development or
the MSc Human Resource Management, you
should expect to receive a response within
six to eight weeks as the selection process
involves an interview or portfolio review. If
you have been made an offer, you will then
be required to accept or decline that offer.
For details of the Scottish Credit and
Qualifications Framework (SCQF), the
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation
System (ECTS) and other qualifications,
please see the following websites:
Any questions?
Once you have applied, if you have any queries
about your application then contact:
+44 (0) 8455 20 30 50
Applying from overseas
We welcome applications from around the world for
postgraduate study at Edinburgh Napier. Please make sure
you’ve familiarised yourself with our entry requirements and
procedure for applying before beginning your application.
If you have any queries, please email us on
Postgraduate entry requirements
Applying to study at Edinburgh Napier
A UK Honours Degree or equivalent at a 2:2
or above is generally required for entry onto
our Masters courses.
Applications can be completed online at by viewing the
course you are interested In and selecting ‘Apply’
(located on the right hand side of the webpage).
Please note that entry requirements can vary
so please check
or contact
In order for our admissions team to
process your application we will need:
English language requirements
•a valid email address;
For all our courses, if you are not from a majority
English speaking country, you must provide us
with evidence that you can read, write, speak
and understand English.
•education details;
International English Language
Testing System (IELTS)
•a personal statement;
Our standard requirement is:
• An overall band score of 6.0
• No individual component score below 5.5
•language proficiency details (if you are not
from a majority English speaking country);
•referee contact details – an academic reference
will be required if you have graduated within
the past three years. If you have graduated
more than three years ago we can accept
an employment reference instead;
We may also be able to take into consideration
where you have completed your undergraduate
study in English if you have graduated in the
last two years from an institution in a majority
English speaking country. Our admissions team
will advise you when they make you an offer.
•a scanned copy of your degree certificate
and academic transcript (if you have
already graduated or a transcript of the
modules completed to date); and
Please note that some courses may require
a higher score and this is usually noted
on the individual course page. For further
information on the accepted scores and
other English language requirements, please
•A scanned copy of all visas from the UK
and official letters confirming the start
and dates of all previous courses studied
in the UK (only applicable if applicants
have previously been in the UK)
•a scanned copy of your passport
(not applicable to all students)
Please note: if your documents are not originally
in the English language, we normally require a
copy of the original document and a certified
translation into English. If you require the
application form in another format, please
You are strongly advised to apply as early as
possible to ensure that there is sufficient time to
process your application and apply for your visa
(if applicable). If you have applied for a course
at Edinburgh Napier University and you are
not a national of the European Economic Area,
you may need to apply for Tier 4 general entry
clearance (visa) before travelling to the UK.
All students requiring a visa must use a
Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) to
apply for their visas. Edinburgh Napier University
will issue a unique CAS number to all students
who have an unconditional offer of study and
who have paid a prepayment of £3,500 towards
their fees. This number confirms that the Home
Office has given the university permission to
‘sponsor’ your Tier 4 application. If you apply for
your Tier 4 visa using an Edinburgh Napier CAS,
your Tier 4 visa will only be valid for study at
Edinburgh Napier University.
There have been major changes to UK immigration
policy and it is mandatory for all Tier 4 students
coming to the UK for longer than six months
to obtain Entry Clearance in their own country
before travelling to the UK. You must ensure
that you check the UK Visas website
( for the most up-todate information as there are frequent changes.
For students coming to the UK for a course of
less than six months there is now a short term
study visa which you must apply for either as
Entry Clearance, if you are a visa national, or on
arrival to the UK if you are not a visa national.
Students in the UK on a short term study visa
cannot apply to extend their stay in the UK as a
Student Visitor or as a Tier 4 (General) Student.
Overseas offices
We have offices in China and India and a network
of overseas representatives in countries such as
India, Greece, USA, Norway, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia,
Nigeria and Mexico, to offer you advice and
assistance on applying to study with us here
at Edinburgh Napier. To find out if we have
an overseas representative in your country
please visit our web pages:
Applying from mainland China
Our office in China is located at: Room 2805,
Building 3, Wanda Plaza No. 93 Jianguo Road,
Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100022
+86 10 5820 6881
Applying from India
Our office in India is located at: Edinburgh Napier
University India Office, #304/1, Block 1, White
House, Begumpet, Hyderabad, 500 016, India
+91 (0) 40 4240 8800
Fees for international applicants
See page 192.
Edinburgh Napier is pleased to offer scholarships
to international students. Details of scholarships
available can be found online:
Funding for EU nationals
All EU nationals who are studying on an eligible
postgraduate course at Edinburgh Napier
University can apply for a Postgraduate Tuition
Fee Loan (PTFL) from the Student Awards
Agency for Scotland (SAAS). Please see page 190.
Alternatively, further information and details
of the eligible postgraduate programmes at
Edinburgh Napier University can be found at:
Visit Us
To find out more about how you can boost your career at
Edinburgh Napier University and become part of an exciting,
innovative community, we hold a number of postgraduate
events, open evenings and webchats throughout the year.
These offer great opportunities to visit the University,
speak with relevant academic staff and get information and
advice on our wide range of full-time, part-time and online
courses at postgraduate level – either taught or research.
You can also find out about our support services,
accommodation and our students’ association.
To find out more about
these events, visit
Contact Us
To find out more about Edinburgh Napier University,
for extra detail on anything covered in this
prospectus or to request further information
on our courses, please get in touch.
0333 900 6040
or from outside the UK
+44 (0) 333 900 6040
You can also find us on all popular
social media channels:
This publication is also available online
and in alternative formats –
please call 0333 900 6040
or visit
Applying from overseas
Applying to Edinburgh Napier University
Closing dates for applications
UK & EU applications
Visiting students
Academic Practice Programmes
The Business School
The School of Arts & Creative Industries
The School of Computing
The School of Engineering &
the Built Environment
The School of Life, Sport & Social Sciences 156
The School of Nursing,
Midwifery & Social Care
Getting around
Getting here
Craiglockhart campus
Merchiston campus
Sighthill campus
Erasmus + Master Loan
Fee payment
Fees for international students
Fees for UK & EU applicants
Financial aid
Graduate discount scheme
Postgraduate fees
Postgraduate Living Cost Loan
Professional and Career
Development Loan
Register of Educational Endowments
Scholarships & bursaries
Tuition Fee Loans
Bright Red Triangle
Industry accreditation
Applying from overseas
English language support
Fees for international students
Study for a trimester
Student accommodation
Students of Edinburgh Napier
International Club (SENIC)
Research applications
Research at Edinburgh Napier
Tourist attractions
Academic skills development
Confident Futures
Disability & Inclusion
Employer relations
Independent Student Advice Service (ISAS)
Napier Students Association (NSA)
Open days
Spirituality, faith & chaplaincy
Student accommodation
Student mentors