Development Application: 117 Kippax Street - City of Sydney
Development Application: 117 Kippax Street - City of Sydney
DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 ITEM 12. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS FILE NO: D/2014/1506 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION NO: D/2014/1506 SUMMARY Date of Submission: 30 September 2014. Amended plans received 23 March 2015. Applicant: Cornerstone Property Group Pty Ltd Architect: Burley Katon Halliday (BKH) Developer: Cornerstone Property Group Pty Ltd Owner: KPX 119 PTY LTD and WATERLOO 10 PTY LTD (117 Kippax Street) KPX 119 PTY LTD (119-127 Kippax Street) (primary development site) Cost of Works: $17,969,000 Proposal Summary: Adaptive reuse of the existing heritage-listed warehouse to a mixed use development, including: • • • • • • demolition of the 1970s infill building at the rear of the warehouse; 45 apartments; lower level commercial/retail tenancies; a part one / part two storey roof top addition; car parking for 46 cars within the basement of the adjoining commercial building (117 Kippax Street), accessed from Waterloo Street; and subdivision. The existing building has a FSR of 4.6:1 and a height between 18m and 24m, varying on account of the site’s topography. The proposal has a FSR of 4.5:1 and a topmost height of 28m. A request for a variation to the building height development standard (22m) and the FSR control (3.5:1) has been submitted under Clause 4.6 of the LEP. The variations to the development standards are supported in this instance. As the proposed height and FSR are 29% and 21% over the controls, respectively, Council is the consent authority. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE Proposal Summary: (continued) 12 MAY 2015 Five submissions were received raising concerns about view loss, non-compliance with height and FSR controls, heritage, noise and traffic. Two of the submissions raised concern about view loss. In response to those concerns, additional view analysis was undertaken to show the proposed change to affected resident’s views. While there will be some loss of views, having regard to the overall improvement to the outlook and amenity of most of the adjoining residents from the demolition of the 1970s addition, on balance, it is considered that the proposed impacts are reasonable. Summary Recommendation: The development application is recommended for approval, subject to conditions. Development Controls: (i) State Environmental Planning Policy 55 (Remediation of Land) (ii) State Environmental Planning Policy 65 (Design Quality of Residential Flat Development) (iii) State Environmental Planning Policy (Building Sustainability Index: BASIX) 2004 (iv) State Environmental Planning Policy No 32— Urban Consolidation (Redevelopment of Urban Land) (v) Sydney Regional Environmental Plan (Sydney Harbour Catchment) 2005 (Deemed SEPP (vi) Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 (vii) Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 Attachments: A - Selected Drawings B - View Impact Analysis Images DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 RECOMMENDATION It is resolved that consent be granted to Development Application No. D/2014/1506, subject to the following conditions: SCHEDULE 1A Approved Development/Design Modifications/Covenants and Contributions/Use and Operation Note: Some conditions in Schedule 1A are to be satisfied prior to issue of a Construction Certificate and some are to be satisfied prior to issue of Occupation Certificate, where indicated. (1) APPROVED DEVELOPMENT (a) Development must be in accordance with Development Application No. D/2014/1506 dated 30 September 2014 and the following drawings: Drawing Number Architect Date DA-101 Revision C Burley Katon Halliday Pty Ltd 16/03/2015 DA-102 Revision C Burley Katon Halliday Pty Ltd 16/03/2015 DA-103 Revision C Burley Katon Halliday Pty Ltd 16/03/2015 DA-104 Revision C Burley Katon Halliday Pty Ltd 16/03/2015 DA-105 Revision C Burley Katon Halliday Pty Ltd 16/03/2015 DA-106 Revision C Burley Katon Halliday Pty Ltd 16/03/2015 DA-107 Revision C Burley Katon Halliday Pty Ltd 16/03/2015 DA-108 Revision C Burley Katon Halliday Pty Ltd 16/03/2015 DA-109 Revision C Burley Katon Halliday Pty Ltd 16/03/2015 DA-110 Revision C Burley Katon Halliday Pty Ltd 16/03/2015 DA-111 Revision C Burley Katon Halliday Pty Ltd 16/03/2015 DA-112 Revision C Burley Katon Halliday Pty Ltd 16/03/2015 DA-113 Revision C Burley Katon Halliday Pty Ltd 16/03/2015 DA-201 Revision D Burley Katon Halliday Pty Ltd 17/03/2015 DA-202 Revision D Burley Katon Halliday Pty Ltd 17/03/2015 DA-203 Revision C Burley Katon Halliday Pty Ltd 16/03/2015 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Drawing Number Architect Date DA-204 Revision C Burley Katon Halliday Pty Ltd 16/03/2015 DA-301 Revision C Burley Katon Halliday Pty Ltd 16/03/2015 DA-302 Revision D Burley Katon Halliday Pty Ltd 17/03/2015 and as amended by the conditions of this consent. (b) (2) In the event of any inconsistency between the approved plans and supplementary documentation, the plans will prevail. IN-BOARD BEDROOMS To ensure adequate access to light and air, bedrooms in apartments 2.09, 2.11, 3.08, 3.10, 4.07 and 4.09 are to be designed in accordance with drawing DA7.10 prepared by Burley Katon Halliday Pty Ltd and dated 05.03.2015. (3) LEVEL 5 TERRACE The design of the external terrace to the courtyard of apartment 6.02 must be modified to incorporate privacy treatments to the south. The modifications are to be submitted to and approved by Council’s Area Planning Manager prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate. (4) (5) USE - SEPARATE DA REQUIRED (a) As the building is a heritage item, a separate development application for the fitout and use of the lower level retail premises, food and drink premises and commercial premises must be submitted to and approved by Council prior to that fitout or use commencing unless that future use is exempt development under the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008. (b) Any future proposed food premises must have a vertical mechanical discharge system and an approved air handling system designed in accordance with AS1668.1-1998 and AS1668.2-1991 or AS1668.2 – 2012 and the discharge point for the removal of kitchen exhaust air is to be located on the rooftop of the building. Details are to be provided with any future DA. SIGNS - SEPARATE DA REQUIRED A separate development application for any proposed signs additional to those approved as part of this consent (other than exempt or complying signs under Council’s exempt and complying DCPs) must be submitted to and approved by Council prior to the erection or display of any such signs. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE (6) 12 MAY 2015 MATERIALS AND SAMPLES BOARD A physical materials sample board detailing all proposed external finishes, glazing and colours (including rooftop plant screening details) must be submitted to and approved by the Director City Planning, Development and Transport prior to a Construction Certificate being issued. (7) BLIND SYSTEM An external sun-control blind system is to be incorporated to the east, north and west elevations of the rooftop addition. Blinds are to retract into concealed ceiling rebates or pelmets. Details including elevations, sections, materials and colours are to be submitted to and approved by Council’s Area Planning Manager prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate. (8) REFLECTIVITY The Certifying Authority must ensure that the visible light reflectivity from building materials used on the facade of the building does not exceed 20% prior to issue of the Construction Certificate. (9) DESIGN QUALITY EXCELLENCE (a) (b) In order to ensure the design quality excellence of the development is retained: (i) The design architect is to have direct involvement in the design documentation, contract documentation and construction stages of the project; (ii) The design architect is to have full access to the site and is to be authorised by the applicant to respond directly to the consent authority where information or clarification is required in the resolution of design issues throughout the life of the project; (iii) Evidence of the design architect’s commission is to be provided to the Council prior to release of the Construction Certificate. The design architect of the project is not to be changed without prior notice and approval of the Council. (10) APPROVED DESIGN ROOF - TOP PLANT All roof-top plant and associated equipment must be located within the approved building envelope. Should the plant exceed the approved building envelope, then further approval is required from Council. (11) BUILDING HEIGHT (a) The height of the building must not exceed RL 61.8 (AHD) to the top of the building, RL 62.8 (AHD) to the top of the lift overrun and photovoltaic system and RL 63.8 to the top of the services area. The footprints of those rooftop elements are limited to that shown on the approved plans and must not be enlarged without the approval of Council. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE (b) 12 MAY 2015 Prior to an Occupation Certificate being issued, a Registered Surveyor must provide certification that the height of the building accords with (a) above, to the satisfaction of the Principal Certifying Authority. (12) FLOOR SPACE RATIO The following applies to Floor Space Ratio: (a) The Floor Space Ratio for the site (119-127 Kippax Street) must not exceed 4.5:1 calculated in accordance with Sydney LEP 2012. (b) Prior to an Occupation Certificate being issued, a Registered Surveyor must provide certification of the total and component Gross Floor Areas (by use) in the development, utilising the definition under the Sydney LEP 2012, applicable at the time of development consent, to the satisfaction of the Principal Certifying Authority. (13) PUBLIC ART (a) High quality art work must be provided within the development, including on the eastern wall of 117 Kippax Street (examples of which were shown in the photomontages submitted with the DA) and in publicly accessible locations, including near main entrances, in lobbies on street frontages, in accordance with the Public Art Policy. The art work to the eastern wall of 117 Kippax Street is to be non-illuminated. Details of the art work must be submitted to and approved by Council’s Area Planning Manager prior to a Construction Certificate being issued. (b) Installation of the art work must be completed to the satisfaction of Council's Area Planning Manager prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate. (14) LANDSCAPED AREAS AND GREEN ROOF (a) Landscaping is required as shown on the approved plans, the landscape plans prepared by Sue Barnsley Design and dated 5 September 2014 as well as on the photomontages. This includes, but is not limited to, landscaping in the courtyard including within the garden beds, on the exterior walls of the terraces, fire stairs and rooftop plant screening as well as the green roof on Level 6. (b) A detailed plan of the landscaped courtyard areas and green roof, drawn to scale, by a qualified landscape architect or landscape designer, must be submitted to and approved by Council’s Area Planning Manager prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate. The plan must include: (i) A statement that includes details of proposed use of the landscaped courtyard and green roof, general accessibility, as well as noise and privacy treatments and any lighting; (ii) Location of existing and proposed structures, services and hard landscaping on the rooftop, roof fixings and other structural elements that may interrupt waterproofing, including crosssectional details of all components; DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (iii) Details of earthworks including mounding and retaining walls and planter boxes (if applicable); (iv) Details of the location, sizes and numbers of plants used, with reference to NATSPEC (if applicable) and with a preference for drought resistant local species. The sizes are to incorporate mature sizes for planting; (v) Details of the soil media / substrate type and depth; (vi) Details of installation methodology e.g. safety considerations for working at height, location of maintenance hooks (if applicable) transport of materials etc; (vii) Details of the parts of the green roof which are accessible and inaccessible. Where proposed to be inaccessible, green roofs are required to remain such during occupation of the property; (viii) Details of drainage and irrigation systems, including overflow provisions and water retention cells in the drainage layer (if applicable); (ix) (c) (d) Details of any lighting to be incorporated. Prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate, the Certifying Authority must assess and approve the proposed design of the waterproofing system against the relevant performance provisions of the Building Code of Australia as required by Clause A0.5 of the Code and ensure the following is satisfied: (i) A report from a structural engineer confirming the adequacy of the structure to support the saturated weight-bearing capacity of the green roof; and (ii) A report from a hydraulic engineer certifying the drainage overflow provisions and water retention cells in the drainage layer used to facilitate self-watering for the plants. Prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate, a maintenance plan is to be submitted and approved by the Principal Certifying Authority. The maintenance plan is to be complied with during occupation of the property and a copy of the maintenance plan is to be kept on site at all times during construction and following completion and shall be produced to Council on request. The maintenance plan shall include as a minimum: (i) Frequency and requirements. methodology of (ii) Details of safety procedures. (iii) Laminated copies of ‘As Built’ drawings. different maintenance DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (iv) Manufacturer’s contact details and copies of manufacturers’ typical details and specification; and (v) Copies of warranties and guarantees relating to all materials and plant used in construction. Landscaped areas are to be maintained. The owner of the premises shall at all times comply with the ongoing maintenance requirements of the Maintenance Manual and shall promptly upon request produce a copy of the Manual to Council. (e) All landscaping in the approved plans is to be completed prior to an Occupation Certificate being issued. (f) Inaccessible green roofs are required to remain inaccessible during occupation of the property. (15) EXTERNAL LIGHTING Prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate, details of any external lighting to in the rear courtyard - either on the building, in open corridors, incorporated into the landscaping and the like - are to be submitted for the approval of the Council’s Area Planning Manager. Details are to demonstrate that lux levels, intensity, colour, period of intermittency and hours of illumination will not create adverse impact or intrusive light to surrounding residents. (16) UNDER AWNING LIGHTING Illumination from the under awning lighting, when measured from any place in the public domain, must comply with the following: (a) the horizontal luminance level must not exceed 200 lux (including reflectivity from exterior finishes). The lux level may be increased to 220 lux in some areas in Central Sydney CBD; (b) the horizontal illuminance uniformity ratio (Eavg/Emin) must not exceed 4:1 to ensure safe movement of pedestrians; (c) the intensity, colour, period of intermittency and hours of illumination must be varied if, at any time in the opinion of the Council, adverse impact or Obtrusive Light in accordance with the definition in Australian Standard AS4282-1997 Control of the obtrusive effects of outdoor lighting is being caused to the amenity of the area; (d) where nearby residents are located above the level of the under awning lighting, details are to be provided to show that light is not directed upwards toward such residences; and (e) batten type fluorescent lighting is not permitted to be used for under awning lighting. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (17) AWNING MAINTENANCE The awnings must be inspected and maintained to ensure the structural integrity, aesthetic and functional quality of the awning. (18) LETTERBOXES Letterboxes are to be provided internally within entry lobbies. External mailboxes are not to be installed on the heritage item. (19) USE OF HERITAGE CONSULTANT A heritage consultant experienced in heritage restoration and renovation works is to be commissioned to work with the consultant team throughout the design development, contract documentation and construction stages of the project. The heritage consultant is to be involved in the resolution of all matters where existing significant fabric and spaces are to be subject to preservation, restoration, reconstruction, adaptive reuse, recording and demolition. The heritage consultant is to be provided with full access to the site and authorised by the applicant to respond directly to Council where information or clarification is required regarding the resolution of heritage issues throughout the project. Evidence and details of the above commission on the above terms are to be provided to Council’s Urban Design and Heritage Manager prior to commencement of work on site. The heritage consultant must sign off the completed project and submit a final report to Council’s Urban Design and Heritage Manager specifying how the heritage conditions are satisfied prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate or the commencement of the use, whichever is earlier. (20) CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT PLAN AND CONSERVATION WORKS TO BE UNDERTAKEN (a) The heritage item is to be conserved and managed in accordance with the Conservation Management Plan (CMP) prepared by Graham Brooks and Associates and dated September 2014. (b) The Conservation Works Schedule at Appendix 1 of the CMP is to be amended to add the following conservation works: (i) removal of paints on the face brickwork at ground level and lower ground level façade; (ii) removal of cement rendering on the rear elevations (facing the courtyard); and (iii) repair of downpipes and rainwater heads. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (c) The amended Conservation Works Schedule required by (b) above and a work methodology is to be submitted to and approved by Council’s Area Planning Manager prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate. Once approved the amended schedule and methodology shall form part of the CMP. The work methodology must include details for the implementation of the conservation works including detailed drawings and a specification of works. (d) All conservation work must be completed prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate. (21) POSITIVE COVENANT FOR HERITAGE ITEM Prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate, a positive covenant is to be registered on title that burdens the development site and is enforceable by Council (Council to be the prescribed authority imposing the covenant) in accordance with section 88E of the Conveyancing Act 1919 (NSW), on terms satisfactory to Council, that requires the registered proprietor of the development site to comply with the obligations and requirements of the Conservation Management Plan for the site as required by Condition (20). (22) MEASURES TO COMPLY WITH THE BCA AND HERITAGE FABRIC (a) Any adopted measures to address non-compliances identified by the BCA report submitted with the DA, including all the alternative solutions, must respect the significant fabric and features of the heritage building and minimise their impact on the significance of the building. (b) Details of those measures, including all the alternative solutions, are to be submitted to and endorsed by the Council’s Area Planning Manager Council prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate. (23) EXISTING TIMBER WINDOWS (a) The condition of existing timber windows are to be further investigated by the heritage consultant for the project. (b) Wherever possible, existing timber joinery or components of the joinery should be retained and repaired. Reconstruction or replacement of the windows is adopted only when the existing windows are beyond repair. (c) Where windows are to be replaced, only like-for-like replacement is permissible and no alterations to existing joinery configuration is approved. Where existing openings have been modified, original joinery configuration is to be reinstated. (d) Notwithstanding (c) above, window joinery on the ground floor (both Kippax and Lacey Streets) is to be configured in accordance with the approved plans. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (24) RETENTION AND SALVAGE OF FIRE DOORS (a) All the sliding fire doors dating from 1923 and between the 1912 and 1923 buildings are to be retained in-situ or salvaged in the adaptive reuse. (b) Savaged fire doors may be displayed in a communal area as part of heritage interpretation. (25) GENERAL HERITAGE (a) The proposed works are to be carried out in a manner that minimises demolition, alterations and new penetrations/fixings to the significant fabric of the existing building which is listed as a Heritage Item. (b) New services are to be surface mounted rather than chased-in to existing walls to minimise impact on heritage fabric. (c) Appropriately qualified tradespersons (as appropriate) are to be commissioned who are skilled in traditional building and engineering trades to carry out the proposed scope of conservation works. (d) The face brickwork/sandstone must not be rendered, painted or coated. (e) Where internal partitions meet external walls they must abut window mullions, columns or other such building elements and not glazing. (26) HERITAGE INTERPRETATION STRATEGY (a) An interpretation strategy for the heritage building must be submitted to and approved by Council prior to a Construction Certificate being issued. (b) The interpretation strategy must detail how information on the history and significance of the site and building will be provided for the public and make recommendations regarding public accessibility, signage and lighting. Public art, details of the heritage design, the display of selected artefacts are some of the means that can be used. (c) Prior to an occupation certificate being issued the approved interpretation strategy must be implemented to the satisfaction of Council’s Area Planning Manager. (27) HISTORIC MARKER A brass plaque relating to the history of the site must be installed on the facade of the building prior to occupation. The design, location and wording must be submitted for the approval of Council’s Area Planning Manager prior to an Occupation Certificate being issued. (28) MATERIALS New materials for making good, are to match the original materials in terms of colours, finishes, sizes, profile and materials. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (29) PHOTOGRAPHIC ARCHIVAL DOCUMENTATION (MINOR WORKS) Prior to a Construction Certificate being issued, an archival photographic recording of the existing building is to be prepared to Council's satisfaction. The recording may be in either digital or film-based form, or a combination of both, prepared in accordance with the NSW Heritage Office guidelines titled "Photographic Recording of Heritage Items using Film or Digital Capture". One copy of the record is to be submitted to Council to be lodged with Council's Archives. The form of the recording is to be as follows: (a) In A4 format, placed in archival plastic sleeves in an appropriate archival folder. (b) The Development Application number must be noted on the front of the folder and in the report. (c) Include a summary report detailing the project description, date and authorship of the photographic record, method of documentation and limitations of the photographic record. (d) Each negative, slide or digital image is to be cross referenced to a photographic catalogue and photographic base plans. (e) Include written confirmation, issued with the authority of both the applicant and the photographer that the City of Sydney is granted a perpetual non-exclusive licence to make use of the copyright in all images supplied, including the right to make copies available to third parties as though they were Council images. The signatures of both the applicant and the photographer must be included. A digital based recording is to include: (f) CD or DVD containing the report in PDF format and the electronic images saved as JPEG, TIFF or PDF files and cross referenced to the digital catalogue sheets and base plans. A film based recording is to include: (g) 35mm film images submitted as contact sheets with equivalent negatives, a selection of black and white prints 200 x 250mm, and 35mm colour transparencies, all labelled and cross-referenced to the catalogue sheets and base plans. (30) ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERY DURING EXCAVATION (a) Should any historical relics be unexpectedly discovered on the site during excavation, all excavation or disturbance to the area is to stop immediately and the Heritage Council of NSW should be informed in accordance with section 146 of the Heritage Act 1977. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE (b) 12 MAY 2015 Should any Aboriginal relics be unexpectedly discovered then all excavation or disturbance of the area is to stop immediately and the Department of Environment and Climate Change is to be informed in accordance with Section 91 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act, 1974. (31) RESTRICTION ON RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT The following restriction applies to buildings approved for residential use: (a) The accommodation portion of the building (levels 1 to 6) must be used as permanent residential accommodation only and not for the purpose of a hotel, motel, serviced apartments, private hotel, boarding house, tourist accommodation or the like, other than in accordance with the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012. (b) A restrictive covenant is to be registered on the title of the development site in the above terms and restricting any change of use of those levels from a residential flat building as defined in the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012. The covenant is to be registered on title prior to an Occupation Certificate being issued or the use commencing, whichever is earlier, to the satisfaction of the Council. All costs of the preparation and registration of all associated documentation are to be borne by the applicant. (c) No more than two adult people shall occupy any bedroom and no bedroom shall contain more than two beds. This excludes children and children’s beds, cots or bassinets. (d) The total number of adults residing in one unit shall not exceed twice the number of approved bedrooms. (e) If a unit contains tenants, it must be subject to a residential tenancy agreement for a term of at least three months. (f) An owner, tenant or Owners Corporation shall not permit a Building Manager or agent to advertise or organise for short term accommodation or share accommodation in the building. (g) Car parking spaces may only be used for parking of vehicles related to residence in the unit with which the space is associated. No storage should take place for commercial businesses in car parking spaces. (32) RESIDENT STORAGE (a) Each unit is to be allocated to one of the storage spaces located either on level P4 and P3 (117 Kippax) or one of the spaces located on the lower ground floor (119-127 Kippax) and reflected on the strata plans and on title. (b) The storage area is to be large enough to accommodate a bicycle and is to be no smaller than a Class 1 bicycle locker. (c) All storage areas are to be accessible from common property and this is to be reflected on the strata plans. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (33) CAR PARKING ALLOCATION FOR 119-127 KIPPAX STREET (a) A maximum 46 spaces are to be provided. Car parking shall be provided in accordance with the maximum allocation as set out below: (i) 30 residential spaces, including 10 accessible spaces; (ii) 6 residential visitor spaces, including 1 accessible space; (iii) 8 retail / commercial spaces (associated with 119-127 Kippax Street), including any required accessible spaces for those uses; and (iv) 2 car share spaces. (b) In addition to the allocation in (a) above, 4 service vehicle spaces are to be provided for the use of residents and commercial/retail tenants. (c) Any strata subdivision of the building must comply with this allocation with all the spaces allocated as common property except for those in (a) (i) and (iii) above. (d) The 40 residual parking spaces in the basement levels of 117 Kippax Street are to be maintained for the exclusive use of tenants of 117 Kippax Street in accordance with the requirements of DA 338/68 (also referenced as Town Clerk’s file 1520/68 and BA 1525/71). No public parking is permitted and public parking must cease on the site prior to the issue of any occupation certificate. (34) MOTORCYCLES Motorcycle parking is to be provided in accordance with the approved plans (8 spaces). The spaces are to be allocated across resident, retail/commercial and visitor uses. (35) CAR SHARE SPACES (a) Two (2) car parking spaces for the exclusive use of car share scheme vehicles are to be provided. (b) The spaces must be retained as common property of the Owners Corporation of the site, and not sold or leased to an individual owner/occupier at any time. (c) The space must be made available to a car share operator without a fee or charge. (d) The space must be sign posted for use only by car share vehicles and well lit. (e) The spaces must be accessible to residents at all times. (f) The car share space is to be available at the same time that the other car parking is available. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (36) ALLOCATION FOR CAR WASH BAY The car wash bay must not at any time be allocated, sold or leased to an individual owner/occupier and must be strictly retained as common property by the Owners Corporation for use by all tenants. (37) ALLOCATION FOR VISITOR PARKING Visitor parking spaces must not at any time be allocated, sold or leased to an individual owner/occupier and must be strictly retained as common property by the Owners Corporation for use by building visitors. All spaces must be clearly marked ‘visitor’ prior to the issue of an occupation certificate or the use commencing, whichever is earlier. All signs must be maintained in good order at all times. (38) ALLOCATION OF ACCESSIBLE CAR PARKING SPACES For residential development, accessible car parking spaces for people with mobility impairment are only to be allocated as visitor parking or to adaptable units. Where allocated to adaptable units, the unit(s) and car spaces must be assigned to the unit in any future strata subdivision of the building. The area adjoining accessible car parking spaces are to be designated common property and reflected in the strata subdivision. (39) STRATA LOTS FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT The provision of separate strata lots for car parking spaces under the Strata Schemes (Freehold Development) 1973 is not permitted. (40) RESTRICTION ON USE OF CAR SPACES The following conditions apply to car parking: (a) The on-site car parking spaces, exclusive of service and visitor spaces, are not to be used other than by an occupant, tenant or resident of the subject building. (b) Prior to an Occupation Certificate being issued, a documentary restrictive covenant, is to be registered on the Title of the development site pursuant to section 88E of the Conveyancing Act 1919, to the effect of (a) above. The covenant is to be created appurtenant to Council, at no cost to and to the satisfaction of Council. (c) Any future strata subdivision of the site is to include a restriction on User pursuant to section 39 of the Strata Titles (Freehold Development) Act, 1973, as amended, burdening all utility car parking allotments in the Strata Plan and/or an appropriate restrictive covenant pursuant to section 88B of the Conveyancing Act 1919 burdening all car parking part - lots in the strata scheme. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (41) WASTE STORAGE (a) All waste is to be stored on the site at all times and must be collected from the on-site waste storage / bin-holding areas. Waste is not to be stored on a public place. (b) Commercial and residential waste areas are to remain separate and commercial tenancies are not permitted to use the residential waste areas. (c) An access key for residential waste collection is to be provided to Council. (42) LOADING AND SERVICING AREA – RETAIL/COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL USE (a) All loading, unloading, deliveries and servicing (including waste collection of the lower level non-residential tenancies) must be carried out within the confines of the site in the loading area accessed from Waterloo Street. Loading for 117 Kippax Street must be carried out in the on-site loading area for that building. These activities must not obstruct other properties/units or the public way. (b) At all times the service vehicle docks, car parking spaces and access driveways must be kept clear of goods and must not be used for storage purposes, including garbage storage. (c) The loading area must also be available to and is to be utilised by residents for removal, delivery and service vehicles associated with the residential use. (d) A loading dock / removal truck management plan is to be prepared by the building owner setting out access arrangements including access arrangements for residents. The plan is also to address the coordination of deliveries. The building owner must distribute a copy of the plan to all intending owners, tenants and occupiers and provide a copy, or access to a copy, at the time of entering into a purchase / lease / occupancy agreement. (e) Any strata subdivision is to reflect that the use of the loading area is for all building occupants. (43) INTERCOM FOR VISITORS Where a boom gate or barrier control is in place, the visitor spaces must be accessible to visitors by the location of an intercom (or card controller system) at the car park entry and at least 4m clear of the property boundary, wired to all units. The intercom must comply with Australian Standard AS 1428.2-1992: Design for access and mobility - Enhance and additional requirements - Building and facilities Sections 22 and 23. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (44) COST OF SIGNPOSTING All costs associated with signposting for any kerbside parking restrictions and traffic management measures associated with the development shall be borne by the developer. (45) ASSOCIATED ROADWAY COSTS All costs associated with the construction of any new road works including kerb and gutter, road pavement, drainage system and footway shall be borne by the developer. The new road works must be designed and constructed in accordance with the City’s “Sydney Streets Technical Specification” including amendments and “Sydney Streets Design Code”. (46) BICYCLE PARKING AND END OF TRIP FACILITIES (a) The minimum number of bicycle parking spaces and end of trip facilities to be provided for the development must comply with the table below. Bicycle Parking Type Residential Number Requirements 45 Spaces must be a class bicycle locker or Class bicycle facilities Residential visitor 5 Spaces must be Class bicycle rails Non-residential 6 Spaces must be Class bicycle facilities Non-residential visitor 11 Spaces must be Class bicycle rails End of Trip Facility Number Type Showers with change 1 area Personal lockers 6 1 2 3 2 3 Notes: (i) (b) If a basement storage area on title that is large enough to store a bike and is no smaller than a class 1 bike locker this can be counted as a space. The layout, design and security of bicycle facilities must comply with the minimum requirements of Australian Standard AS 2890.3 Parking Facilities Part 3: Bicycle Parking Facilities. The details must be submitted to and approved by the Principle Certifying Authority confirming prior to the Construction Certificate being issued. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (47) CHANGES TO KERB SIDE PARKING RESTRICTIONS A separate submission must be made to the Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee via the City Infrastructure and Traffic Operations Unit seeking the City’s approval for any changes to kerb side parking arrangements. There is no guarantee kerb side parking will be changed, or that any change will remain in place for the duration of the development use. The submission must include two plans. One showing the existing kerb side parking restriction signs and stems, the second showing the proposed kerb side parking restriction signs and stems. Both plans must include chainages to all signs and stems from the kerb line of the nearest intersection. All costs associated with the parking proposal will be borne by the developer. Note: As parking in the LGA is at a premium, it is recommended that the applicant should approach the Area Traffic Engineer to discuss the proposal before making a submission. (48) PARKING DESIGN The design, layout, signage, line marking, lighting and physical controls of all off-street parking facilities must comply with the minimum requirements of Australian Standard AS/NZS 2890.1 Parking facilities Part 1: Off-street car parking, AS/NZS 2890.2 Parking facilities Part 2: Off-commercial vehicle facilities and AS/NZS 2890.6 Parking facilities Part 6: Off-street parking for people with disabilities. The details must be submitted to and approved by the Principal Certifying Authority prior to a Construction Certificate being issued. (49) SMALL CAR PARKING SPACES AND DIMENSIONS The design and layout of all off-street small car parking spaces must comply with the minimum requirements of Australian Standard AS/NZS 2890.1 2004 Parking facilities Part 1: Off-street car parking and Council’s Development Control Plan. The details must be submitted to and approved by the Principal Certifying Authority prior to a Construction Certificate being issued. All small car spaces must be clearly marked and identifiable as small car spaces. The signs or line markings must be in place and approved by the Principal Certifying Authority prior to an Occupation Certificate being issued and must be maintained in good order at all times. (50) VEHICLE ACCESS AND EGRESS Vehicles are to enter and exit the site in a forward direction only. Vehicles are not to reverse into or out of the site. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (51) PARKING ON COMMON PROPERTY AREAS No part of the common property, apart from the visitor vehicle spaces which are to be used only by visitors to the building, and service vehicle spaces which are to be used only by service vehicles, is to be used for the parking or storage of vehicles or boats. The strata subdivision of the building is to include an appropriate documentary restriction pursuant to Section 88B of the Conveyancing Act 1919, so burdening common property, with the Council being the authority to release, vary or modify the restriction. (52) PROHIBITION ON PARTICIPATION IN RESIDENT PARKING PERMIT SCHEME - APPLICATION OF CITY OF SYDNEY PARKING POLICY All owners, tenants and occupiers of this building are advised that it is the Policy of Council that they are not eligible to participate in any existing or proposed Council on-street resident parking schemes. The owner of the dwelling must advise all intending owners, tenants and occupiers of the dwelling of this prohibition in writing at the time of entering into a purchase / lease / occupancy agreement. (53) SIGNAGE TO INDICATE NON PARTICIPATION IN RESIDENT PARKING PERMIT SCHEME Signs reading ‘all owners, tenants and occupiers of this building are advised that they are not eligible to obtain an on-street resident parking permit from Council’ must be permanently displayed and located in prominent places such as at display apartments and on all directory boards or notice boards, where they can easily be observed and read by people entering the building. The signs must be erected prior to an Occupation Certificate being issued and must be maintained in good order at all times by the Owners of the building. (54) SIGNS AT EGRESS The following signs must be provided and maintained within the site at the point(s) of vehicle egress: (a) Compelling drivers to stop before proceeding onto the public way (b) Compelling drivers to "Give Way to Pedestrians" before crossing the footway; or compelling drivers to "Give Way to Pedestrians and Bicycles" before crossing a footway on an existing or identified shared path route. (55) TRAFFIC WORKS Any proposals for alterations to the public road, involving traffic and parking arrangements, must be designed in accordance with RMS Technical Directives and must be referred to and agreed to by the Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee prior to any work commencing on site. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (56) CAR PARK VENTILATION The car park must be ventilated in accordance with the Building Code of Australia and, where necessary, Australian Standard AS1668, Parts 1 and 2. Ventilation must be controlled by carbon monoxide monitoring sensors to ensure compliance with occupant health requirements. (57) EMISSIONS (a) The use of the premises must not give rise to the emission of gases, vapours, dusts or other impurities which are a nuisance, injurious or prejudicial to health. (b) Gaseous emissions from the development must comply with the requirements of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act, 1997 and Regulations. (58) CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORKS Prior to the commencement of any demolition and remedial works an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) must be prepared for the site and submitted to the City’s Area Planning Manager for written approval prior to the commencement of work. The EMP must consider all potential environmental impacts from the approved works including but not limited to sedimentation control, contamination containment, stockpiles, noise and vibration, odours and dust emissions. All works must be undertaken onsite in accordance with the approved Construction Environmental Management Plan. (59) LAND REMEDIATION (a) Any new information which comes to light during remediation, demolition or construction works which has the potential to alter previous conclusions about land contamination then an assessment is to be conducted by a suitably qualified Environmental Consultant. (b) An assessment is to be done by the suitably qualified Environmental consultant if any soils are exposed south of the ‘Booster Pumps’ room as indicated on plan titled drawing DA-105 (‘Lower Ground’ plan) prepared by BKH and dated 16 March 2015. (c) Should soils be required to be remediated a Remedial Action Plan must be produced by a suitably qualified Environmental Consultant and submitted to the Council’s Area Planning Manager for written approval. The site is to be remediated in accordance with the recommendations set out within the council approved Remedial Action Plan. (d) Prior to Occupation Certificate, a site validation report must be submitted to the City’s Area Planning Manager for written approval confirming the site has been remediated in accordance with the approved Remediation Action Plan and that the site is suitable for the approved land use. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (60) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SURVEY REQUIRED A complete Hazardous Materials Survey Report is to be prepared by a certified occupational hygienist (Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists) and submitted to the satisfaction of the City’s Area Planning Manager prior to any demolition work commencing at the site. The report is to identify and record the type, location and extent of any hazardous materials on the site and make recommendations as to their safe management and/or removal to ensure the site is made safe for demolition, construction and future use/occupation. (61) COMPLIANCE WITH HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SURVEY REPORT All of the recommendations for management and/or removal of hazardous materials on the site, as outlined in the Hazardous Materials Assessment Report approved by the City’s Area Planning Manager are to be complied with. Prior to an Occupation Certificate, certification must be submitted to the Certifying Authority from a certified occupational hygienist (Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists) confirming that all hazardous materials identified have been contained, managed or removed in accordance with the recommendations given in the Hazardous Material Survey Report approved by the City and that the site is safe for future occupation in accordance with the approved use. (62) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN Should any hazardous materials remain on site or should any soils that are contaminated remain onsite then prior to occupation of the site an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) must be prepared for the site. The EMP submitted to the City’s Area Planning Manager for written approval prior to occupation. All ongoing or future works must be undertaken onsite in accordance with the approved Environmental Management Plan. (63) NOISE - GENERAL (a) The emission of noise associated with the use of the premises including the cumulative operation of any mechanical plant and equipment, and air conditioning shall comply with the following: (i) The LAeq, 15 minute noise level emitted from the use must not exceed the project specific noise level for that receiver as determined in accordance with the NSW EPA Industrial Noise Policy. Noise must be measured in accordance with the Industrial Noise Policy and relevant requirements of Australian Standard AS 1055-1997 Acoustics – Description and measurement of environmental noise. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE (b) 12 MAY 2015 (ii) Project specific noise levels shall be determined by establishing the existing environmental noise levels, in complete accordance with the assessment LA90, 15 minute / rating LA90, 15 minute process to be in accordance with the requirements for noise monitoring listed in the NSW EPA Industrial Noise Policy and relevant requirements of Australian Standard AS1055-1997 Standard AS 1055-1997 Acoustics – Description and measurement of environmental noise. (iii) Modifying factors in Table 4.1 of the NSW EPA Industrial Noise Policy are applicable. An LAeq,15 minute noise level emitted from the use must not exceed the LA90, 15 minute noise level by more than 3dB in any Octave Band Centre Frequency (31.5 Hz to 8 kHz inclusive) when assessed inside any habitable room of any affected residence or noise sensitive commercial premises provided that; (i) Where the LA90, 15 minute noise level is below the threshold of hearing, Tf at any Octave Band Centre Frequency as defined in Table 1 of International Standard ISO 226 : 2003- Normal EqualLoudness-Level Contours then the value of Tf corresponding to that Octave Band Centre Frequency shall be used instead. (ii) The LAeq,15 minute noise level and the LA90,15 minute noise level shall both be measured with all external doors and windows of the affected residence closed; (iii) The relevant background noise level (LA90, 15 minute) is taken to mean the day, evening or night rating background noise level determined in complete accordance with the methodology outlined in the NSW EPA Industrial Noise Policy and Australian Standard AS1055.1997 Acoustics – Description and measurement of environmental noise. (iv) Background noise shall be established in the absence of all noise emitted from the use but with the ventilation equipment normally servicing the affected residence operating. Background noise measurements are to be representative of the environmental noise levels at the affected location. (v) Modifying factors in Table 4.1 of the NSW EPA Industrial Noise Policy are applicable. Internal Noise measurements are not to be corrected for duration. (64) NOISE - COMMON AREAS Noise from persons occupying common areas shall be compliant with the following: DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (a) The LA10, 15 minute noise level emitted from the use must not exceed the background noise level (LA90, 15minute) in any Octave Band Centre Frequency (31.5 Hz to 8 kHz inclusive) by more than 5dB between the hours of 7.00am and 12.00 midnight when assessed at the boundary of any affected residence. (b) The LA10, 15 minute noise level emitted from the use must not exceed the background noise level (LA90, 15 minute) in any Octave Band Centre Frequency (31.5 Hz to 8 kHz inclusive) between the hours of 12.00 midnight and 7.00am when assessed at the boundary of any affected residence. (c) Notwithstanding compliance with (a) and (b) above, noise from the use when assessed as an LA10, 15 minute enters any residential use through an internal to internal transmission path is not to exceed the existing internal LA10, 15 minute (from external sources excluding the use) in any Octave Band Centre Frequency (31.5 Hz to 8 kHz inclusive) when assessed within a habitable room at any affected residential use between the hours of 7am and 12midnight. Where the LA10, 15 minute noise level is below the threshold of hearing, Tf at any Octave Band Centre Frequency as defined in Table 1 of International Standard ISO 226 : 2003- Normal Equal-Loudness-Level Contours then the value of Tf corresponding to that Octave Band Centre Frequency shall be used instead. (d) Notwithstanding compliance with (a), (b) and (c) above, the noise from the use must not be audible within any habitable room in any residential use between the hours of 12.00 midnight and 7.00am. (e) The LA10, 15 minute noise level emitted from the use must not exceed the background noise level (LA90, 15 minute) in any Octave Band Centre Frequency (31.5 Hz to 8 kHz inclusive) by more than 3dB when assessed indoors at any affected commercial premises. (f) Amplified sound equipment must not be provided on the roof top level. Note: The LA10, 15 minute noise level emitted from the use is as per the definition in the Australian Standard AS1055-1997 Acoustics – Description and measurement of environmental noise. The background noise level LA90, 15 minute is to be determined in the absence of noise emitted by the use and be representative of the noise sensitive receiver. It is to be determined from the assessment LA90 / rating LA90 methodology in complete accordance with the process listed in the NSW EPA Industrial Noise Policy and relevant requirements of AS1055.1997. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE (65) COMPLIANCE WITH THE ACOUSTIC REPORT CONSTRUCTION AND OR OCCUPATION CERTIFICATES 12 MAY 2015 PRIOR TO (a) All performance parameters, requirements, engineering assumptions and recommendations contained in the acoustic report prepared by Acoustic Logic, dated 3/11/2014, ref 20140998.1/2108A/R1/BW, titled DA Noise Impact Acoustics Assessment, Council Ref 2014/501765 must be implemented as part of the detailed design assessment and implemented into the design drawings in accordance with the requirements of (b) and (c) below and to the satisfaction of the certifying authority. (b) Prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate, the construction drawings and construction methodology must be assessed and certified by a suitably qualified acoustic consultant* (see definition below) to be in accordance with the requirements of the DA acoustic report set out below. Specifically, the consultant will prepare a written Acoustic Certification Report with reference to drawings, to the satisfaction of the Principal Certifying Authority which addresses the following requirements: (i) All recommendations as specified in Parts 4.2 of the Acoustic Logic Assessment ref 20140998.1/2108A/R1/BW (ii) All proposed plant shall be assessed with reference to compliance with condition; NOISE – GENERAL of this development consent. Note, Tables 6 & 7 of Acoustic Logic Assessment ref 20140998.1/2108A/R1/BW may not provide correct criteria. All plant shall be satisfactorily attenuated to levels complying with noise emission criteria as determined by compliance with condition NOISE – GENERAL through appropriate location and (if necessary) standard acoustic treatments such as noise screens, enclosures, in-duct treatments (silencers/lined ducting) or similar. (c) Prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate, a suitably qualified acoustic consultant is to provide a written Acoustic Verification Report to the satisfaction of the Principle Certifying Authority that the development complies with the requirements set out in (a) and (b) above. Note: Suitably qualified Acoustic Consultant means a consultant who possesses the qualifications to render them eligible for membership of the Australian Acoustics Society, Institution of Engineers Australia or the Association of Australian Acoustic Consultants at the grade of member. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (66) NO SPEAKERS OR MUSIC OUTSIDE Speakers must not be installed and music must not be played in any of the outdoor areas associated with the premises including the public domain. Speakers located within the premises must not be placed so as to direct the playing of music towards the outdoor areas associated with the premises. (67) REMOVAL OF GRAFFITI The owner/manager of the site must be responsible for the removal of all graffiti from the building within 48 hours of its application. (68) CARE OF BUILDING SURROUNDS In addition to Council’s daily street sweeping and cleansing operations, the owner/manager of the building must ensure that the forecourt and the surrounds of the building including pavements and gutters are to be kept clean and free of litter at all times. (69) SECTION 94 EASTERN PRECINCT CITY OF SYDNEY DEVELOPMENT CONTRIBUTIONS PLAN 2006 As a consequence of this development, Council has identified an additional demand for public amenities and facilities. Pursuant to Section 94 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 (as amended), and City of Sydney Section 94 Contributions Development Contributions Plan 2006 the following monetary contributions towards the cost of providing facilities and amenities are required. Contribution Category Amount Community Facilities $34,788.30 Public Domain $67,075.33 New Open Space $547,748.24 Accessibility $5,505.29 Management $5,952.49 Total $659,069.65 The above payments will be adjusted according to the relative change in the Consumer Price Index using the following formula. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Contributions at Time of Payment = C x CPI2 / CPI1 where: C is the original contribution amount as shown above; CPI2 is the Consumer Price Index: All Groups Index for Sydney available from the Australian Bureau of statistics at the time of payment; and CPI1 is the Consumer Price Index: All Groups Index for Sydney available from the Australian Bureau of Statistics at the date of calculation being – 106.8. The contribution must be paid prior to issue of a Construction Certificate. Payment may be by EFTPOS (debit card only), CASH or a BANK CHEQUE made payable to the City of Sydney. Personal or company cheques will not be accepted. Please contact Council’s Planning Administration staff at to confirm the amount payable, prior to payment. Copies of the City of Sydney Section 94 Development Contributions Plan 2006 may be inspected at Council's offices. SCHEDULE 1B Prior to Construction Certification/Commencement of Work/Health and Building Note: Prior to the issue of the Construction Certificate, sufficient information must be forwarded to the certifying authority (whether Council or a private accredited certifier) illustrating compliance with the relevant requirements of the Building Code of Australia (and a copy forwarded to Council where Council is not the certifying authority). If Council is to be the certifying authority, please contact the Building Unit to discuss the requirements prior to submission of the application for construction certificate. (70) CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN A Construction Traffic Management Plan must be submitted to and approved by Council’s Area Planning Manager prior to a Construction Certificate being issued. (71) ROAD OPENING PERMIT A separate Road Opening Permit under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993 must be obtained from Council prior to the commencement of any: (a) Excavation in or disturbance of a public way, or (b) Excavation on land that, if shoring were not provided, may disturb the surface of a public road (including footpath). DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE (72) DEMOLITION, EXCAVATION AND VIBRATION MANAGEMENT PLAN 12 MAY 2015 CONSTRUCTION NOISE AND A site specific noise management plan shall be submitted to and approved by Council’s Area Planning Manager prior to issue of any Construction Certificate. The Plan must be prepared by a suitably qualified person who possesses the qualifications to render them eligible for membership of the Australian Acoustic Society, Institution of Engineers Australia or the Australian Association of Acoustic Consultants. The plan must include but not be limited to the following:(a) identification of noise sensitive receivers near to the site. (b) A prediction as to the level of noise impact likely to affect the nearest noise sensitive receivers from the use and proposed number of high noise intrusive appliances intended to be operated onsite. A statement should also be submitted outlining whether or not predicted noise levels will comply with the noise criteria stated within the City of Sydney Construction Hours /Noise Code of Practice 1992 for the typical construction hours of 07.00am to 7.00pm. Where resultant site noise levels are likely to be in exceedance of this noise criteria then a suitable proposal must be given as to the duration and frequency of respite periods that will be afforded to the occupiers of neighbouring property. (c) A representative background noise measurement (LA90, 15 minute) should be submitted, assessed in the vicinity of any potentially affected receiver locations and measured in accordance with AS 1055:1.2.1997. (d) Confirmation of the level of community consultation that has/is and will be undertaken with Building Managers/ occupiers of the main adjoining noise sensitive properties likely to be most affected by site works and the operation of plant/machinery particularly during the demolition and excavation phases. (e) Confirmation of noise monitoring methodology that is to be undertaken during the main stages of work at neighbouring noise sensitive properties in order to keep complaints to a minimum and to ensure that noise from site works complies with the noise criteria contained within City's Construction Noise Code. (f) What course of action will be undertaken following receipt of a complaint concerning offensive noise. (g) Details of any noise mitigation measures that have been outlined by an acoustic consultant or otherwise that will be deployed on site to reduce noise impacts on the occupiers of neighbouring noise sensitive property to a minimum. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE (h) 12 MAY 2015 What plant and equipment is to be used on site, the level of sound mitigation measures to be undertaken in each case and the criteria adopted in their selection taking into account the likely noise impacts on the occupiers of neighbouring property and other less intrusive technologies available. (73) COMPLIANCE WITH DEMOLITION, EXCAVATION & CONSTRUCTION NOISE AND VIBRATION MANAGEMENT PLAN (a) All works conducted on site which form part of this development must be carried out in accordance with the submitted and council approved Demolition, Excavation and Construction Management Plan. (b) Where all such control measures have been implemented and the resultant noise and/ or vibration levels at any sensitive receiver still exceed the council’s applicable criteria stated in the Construction Hours/Noise Code 1992 and are giving rise to sustained complaints then the contractor must provide regular, appropriate and sustained periods of respite in consultation with Council’s Health and Building unit. Approval to vary the authorised noise and vibration levels must be received in writing by the proponent from Council prior to activities being undertaken that exceed sanctioned emission levels. (Use where respite periods not specified under the approved DEC NMP) Such periods must be set and agreed to by Council’s Health and Building Unit. (74) MECHANICAL VENTILATION (a) The premises must be ventilated in accordance with the Building Code of Australia and AS1668.1 and AS1668.2. (b) Details of any mechanical ventilation and/or air conditioning system complying with AS1668.1 and AS1668.2, the Building Code of Australia and relevant Australian Standards must be prepared by a suitably qualified person certified and certified in accordance with Clause A2.2(a)(iii) of the Building Code of Australia, to the satisfaction of the Certifying Authority prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate. (c) Prior to issue of an Occupation Certificate and following the completion, installation, and testing of all the mechanical ventilation systems, a Mechanical Ventilation Certificate of Completion and Performance in accordance with Clause A2.2(a)(iii) of the Building Code of Australia, must be submitted to the Principal Certifying Authority. (75) MICROBIAL CONTROL IN WATER SYSTEMS (a) Prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate detailed plans of any water cooling system (including cooling towers) as defined under the Public Health Act 2010 must be prepared by a suitably qualified person and certified in accordance with AS3666: 1: 2011 Air handling and water systems of buildings – Microbial Control – Design, installation and commissioning and must be submitted to and approved by Council. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (b) Water cooling system operation and maintenance manuals and maintenance service records shall be readily available at the premises for inspection by an authorised officer upon request. Such records must be kept on the premises in accordance with Clause 2.6 to AS/NZS 3666:2:2011 Air handling and water systems of buildings – Microbial control, operation and maintenance. (c) The installation, operation and maintenance of warm water systems and water cooling systems (as defined under the Public Health Act 2010) must comply with the following: (i) Public Health Act 2010, Public Health Regulation 2012 and Parts 1 and 2 (or part 3 if a Performance-based water cooling system) of AS3666:2011 Air handling and water systems of buildings – Microbial Control and the NSW Health Code of Practice for the Control of Legionnaires Disease. (ii) Prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate or if non applicable, prior to commencement of the use, the owner or occupier of the premises at which any warm water system and/or water cooling system is installed must cause notice of such installation(s) by providing to Council’s Environmental Health department, written notification by way of the prescribed form under Clause 12 to the Public Health Regulation 2012. Any changes to these particulars must be notified to Council’s Environmental Health department in writing within 7 days of the change(s). Copies of the notification forms are available on the City of Sydney website. (76) HAZARDOUS AND INDUSTRIAL WASTE Hazardous and/or industrial waste arising from the demolition/operational activities must be removed and/or transported in accordance with the requirements of the NSW Work Cover Authority pursuant to the provisions of the following: (a) Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (b) Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2005 (c) Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2001 (d) Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (e) Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011. (77) ASBESTOS REMOVAL WORKS (a) All works removing asbestos containing materials must be carried out by a suitably licensed asbestos removalist duly licensed with WorkCover NSW, holding either a Friable (Class A) or a Non- Friable (Class B) Asbestos Removal Licence which ever applies. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (b) Five days prior to the commencement of licensed asbestos removal, WorkCover must be formally notified of the works. All adjoining properties and those opposite the development must be notified in writing of the dates and times when asbestos removal is to be conducted. The notification is to identify the licensed asbestos removal contractor and include a contact person for the site together with telephone number and email address. (c) All works must be carried out in accordance with the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 and the NSW Government and WorkCover document entitled How to manage and control asbestos in the work place: Code of Practice (NSW WorkCover) and the City of Sydney Managing Asbestos Policy. (d) The asbestos removalist must use signs and barricades to clearly indicate the area where the asbestos removal work is being performed. Signs must be placed in positions so that people are aware of where the asbestos removal work area is and should remain in place until removal is completed and clearance to reoccupy has been granted. Responsibilities for the security and safety of the asbestos removal site and removal work area should be specified in the asbestos removal control plan (where required). This includes inaccessible areas that are likely to contain asbestos. (e) Warning signs must be placed so they inform all people nearby that asbestos removal work is taking place in the area. Signs should be placed at all of the main entry points to the asbestos removal work area where asbestos is present. These signs should be weatherproof, constructed of light-weight material and adequately secured so they remain in prominent locations. The signs should be in accordance with AS 1319-1994 Safety signs for the occupational environment for size, illumination, location and maintenance. (f) Asbestos to be disposed of must only be transported to waste facilities licensed to accept asbestos. The names and location of these facilities are listed in Appendix F of the City of Sydney’s Managing Asbestos Guidelines. (g) No asbestos products are to be reused on the site (i.e. packing pieces, spacers, formwork or fill etc). (h) No asbestos laden skips or bins are to be left in any public place without the approval of Council. (i) A site notice board must be located at the main entrance to the site in a prominent position and must have minimum dimensions of 841mm x 594mm (A1) with any text on the notice to be a minimum of 30 point type size. The site notice board must include the following: (i) contact person for the site; (ii) telephone and facsimile numbers and email address; and DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE (iii) 12 MAY 2015 site activities and time frames. (78) IMPORTED FILL MATERIALS All fill imported onto the site shall be validated to ensure the imported fill is suitable for the proposed land use from a contamination perspective. Fill imported on to the site shall also be compatible with the existing soil characteristic for site drainage purposes. The City may require details of appropriate validation of imported fill material to be submitted with any application for future development of the site. Hence all fill imported onto the site should be validated by either one or both of the following methods during remediation works: (a) Imported fill should be accompanied by documentation from the supplier which certifies that the material is not contaminated based upon analyses of the material for the known past history of the site where the material is obtained; and/or (b) Sampling and analysis of the fill material shall be conducted in accordance with NSW EPA (1995) Sampling Design Guidelines. (79) CLASSIFICATION OF WASTE Prior to the exportation of waste (including fill or soil) from the site, the waste materials must be classified in accordance with the provisions of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 and the NSW DECC Waste Classification Guidelines, Part1: Classifying Waste (July 2009). The classification of the material is essential to determine where the waste may be legally taken. The Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 provides for the commission of an offence for both the waste owner and the transporters if the waste is taken to a place that cannot lawfully be used as a waste facility for the particular class of waste. For the transport and disposal of industrial, hazardous or Group A liquid waste advice should be sought from the EPA. (80) COMPLIANCE WITH BUILDING CODE OF AUSTRALIA The proposed work must comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA). (81) BCA COMPLIANCE - ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS - UPGRADE OF BUILDING IS REQUIRED – BCA REPORT HAS BEEN PROVIDED (119123 KIPPAX STREET) (a) Pursuant to Clause 94 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 an assessment of the development proposal has been undertaken and as more than 50 per cent of the volume of the building is proposed to be altered it has been determined that the whole of the existing building comprising 119-123 Kippax Street must be brought into conformity with the Building Code of Australia. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE (b) 12 MAY 2015 Prior to a Construction Certificate being issued the Certifying Authority must ensure that the whole building is brought into conformity with the Building Code of Australia by complying with Clause A0.4 of the BCA. If compliance with the deemed-to-satisfy provisions of the BCA cannot be achieved an alternative solution in accordance with Part A0 of the BCA must be submitted to the Certifying Authority illustrating how the relevant performance requirements of the BCA are to be satisfied. In this regard particular attention is drawn to the recommendations contained in the BCA Compliance Assessment Report No 5166-Rev00 by AE&D dated 04/09/14 and Fire Safety Engineering Synopsis by Scientific Fire Services dated 18/09/14 submitted in support of this application. (82) BCA COMPLIANCE - ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS - UPGRADE OF BUILDING IS REQUIRED – BCA REPORT HAS BEEN PROVIDED (117 KIPPAX STREET AKA 10-14 WATERLOO STREET) (a) Pursuant to Clause 94 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, where existing fire safety measures within the building parts (10-14 Waterloo Street) subject to this development application are considered currently non-compliant to the Building Code of Australia (BCA) these must be upgraded as necessary to the satisfaction of the Principal Certifying Authority. Specific reference is made to the fire safety deficiencies identified on pages 80-84 of BCA Compliance Assessment Report No 5166-Rev00 by AE&D dated 04/09/14 for 10-14 Waterloo Street. (b) If compliance with the deemed-to-satisfy provisions of the BCA cannot be achieved, an alternative building solution in accordance with Part A0 of the BCA must be prepared by a suitably qualified and accredited person and be submitted to the Certifying Authority illustrating how the relevant performance requirements of the BCA are to be satisfied. (83) ALIGNMENT LEVELS – MAJOR DEVELOPMENT (a) Proposed building floor levels, basement levels, basement car park entry levels and ground levels shown on the approved Development Application plans are indicative only and have not been approved by this consent. (b) Prior to a Construction Certificate being issued for any excavation, civil construction, drainage or building work (whichever is earlier), excluding approved preparatory or demolition work, alignment levels for the building and site frontages must be submitted to and approved by Council. The submission must be prepared by a Registered Surveyor, must be in accordance with the City of Sydney's Public Domain Manual and must be submitted with a completed Alignment Levels checklist (available in the Public Domain Manual) and Footpath Levels and Gradients Approval Application form (available on the City’s website). DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE (c) 12 MAY 2015 These alignment levels, as approved by Council, are to be incorporated into the plans submitted with the application for a Construction Certificate for any civil, drainage and public domain work as applicable under this consent. If the proposed detailed design of the public domain requires changes to any previously approved Alignment Levels, then an amended Alignment Levels submission must be submitted to and approved by Council to reflect these changes prior to a Construction Certificate being issued for public domain work. (84) PAVING MATERIALS The surface of any material used or proposed to be used for the paving of colonnades, thoroughfares, plazas, arcades and the like which are used by the public must comply with AS/NZS 4586:2004 (including amendments) "Slip resistance classification of new pedestrian surface materials". (85) PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD / DILAPIDATION REPORT - PUBLIC DOMAIN Prior to an approval for demolition being granted or a Construction Certificate being issued, whichever is earlier, a photographic recording of the public domain site frontages is to be prepared and submitted to Council's satisfaction. The recording must include clear images of the building facade adjoining the footpath, the footpath, nature strip, kerb and gutter, driveway crossovers and laybacks, kerb ramps, road carriageway, street trees and plantings, parking restriction and traffic signs, and all other existing infrastructure along the street. The form of the recording is to be as follows:(a) A PDF format report containing all images at a scale that clearly demonstrates the existing site conditions; (b) Each image is to be labelled to identify the elements depicted, the direction that the image is viewed towards, and include the name of the relevant street frontage; (c) Each image is to be numbered and cross referenced to a site location plan; (d) A summary report, prepared by a suitable qualified professional, must be submitted in conjunction with the images detailing the project description, identifying any apparent existing defects, detailing the date and authorship of the photographic record, the method of documentation and limitations of the photographic record; (e) Include written confirmation, issued with the authority of both the applicant and the photographer that the City of Sydney is granted a perpetual non-exclusive license to make use of the copyright in all images supplied, including the right to make copies available to third parties as though they were Council images. The signatures of both the applicant and the photographer must be included. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Any damage to the public way including trees, footpaths, kerbs, gutters, road carriageway and the like must immediately be made safe and functional by the applicant. Damage must be fully rectified by the applicant in accordance with the City’s standards prior to a Certificate of Completion being issued for Public Domain Works or before an Occupation Certificate is issued for the development, whichever is earlier. (86) PRESERVATION OF SURVEY MARKS All works in City streets must ensure the preservation of existing permanent survey marks (a brass bolt, or a lead plug holding a brass tack, covered by a cast iron box). At least forty-eight hours prior to the commencement of any works in the public way within 1 metre of a permanent survey mark contact must be made with the City's Project Manager Survey / Design Services to arrange for the recovery of the mark. Prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate, a survey plan, clearly showing the location of all permanent survey marks fronting the site and within 5 metres on each side of the frontages must be submitted to Council. At least forty-eight hours prior to the commencement of any works in the public way within 1 metre of a permanent survey mark contact must be made with the City’s Senior Surveyor to arrange for the recovery of the mark. A fee must be paid to the Council for the replacement of any permanent survey mark removed or damaged in accordance with the City's Schedule of Fees and Charges (Reinstatement of Survey Box). (87) PROTECTION OF SURVEY INFRASTRUCTURE Prior to the commencement of any work on site, a statement prepared by a Surveyor registered under the Surveying Act 2002 must be submitted to Council verifying that a survey has been carried out in accordance with the Surveyor General’s Direction No. 11 – Reservation of Survey Infrastructure. Any Permanent Marks proposed to be or have been destroyed must be replaced, and a "Plan of Survey Information" must be lodged at the Land and Property Management Authority. Reason: To ensure that the survey control infrastructure and cadastral framework are preserved for the public benefit and in accordance with the Surveying Act 2002. (88) PUBLIC DOMAIN PLAN (a) A detailed Public Domain Plan must be prepared by a suitably qualified architect, urban designer, landscape architect or engineer and must be lodged with Council’s Public Domain Section and be approved by Council prior to a Construction Certificate being issued for public domain work or above ground building work, whichever is later. The Public Domain Plan must be submitted with a completed Public Domain Plan checklist (available in the City of Sydney’s Public Domain Manual). DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (b) The Public Domain Plan must document all works required to ensure that the public domain complies with the City of Sydney’s Public Domain Manual, Sydney Streets Design Code and Sydney Streets Technical Specification, including requirements for road pavement, traffic measures, footway pavement, kerb and gutter, drainage, vehicle crossovers, pedestrian ramps, lighting, street trees and landscaping, signage and other public domain elements. If an Alignment Levels condition applies to the development, the Public Domain Plan submission must incorporate the approved Alignment Levels. If the proposed detailed design of the public domain requires changes to any previously approved Alignment Levels, then an amended Alignment Levels submission must be submitted to and approved by Council to reflect these changes prior to a Construction Certificate being issued for public domain work. (c) The works to the public domain are to be completed in accordance with the approved Public Domain Plan and Alignment Levels plans and the Public Domain Manual before any Occupation Certificate is issued in respect of the development or before the use commences, whichever is earlier. (d) A Public Domain Works Deposit will be required for the public domain works, in accordance with the City of Sydney’s adopted fees and charges and the Public Domain Manual. The Public Domain Works Deposit must be submitted as an unconditional bank guarantee in favour of Council as security for completion of the obligations under this consent. (e) Council's Public Domain section must be contacted to determine the guarantee amount prior to lodgement of the guarantee. The guarantee must be lodged with Council prior to a Construction Certificate being issued. (f) The Bank Guarantee will be retained in full until all Public Domain works are completed and the required certifications, warranties and works-as-executed documentation are submitted and approved by Council in writing. On satisfying the above requirements, 90% of the total securities will be released. The remaining 10% will be retained for the duration of the specified Defects Liability Period. (89) PUBLIC DOMAIN WORKS - HOLD POINTS AND HANDOVER (a) Prior to a Construction Certificate being issued for public domain work, including civil, drainage and subsurface works, , a set of hold points for approved public domain, civil and drainage work is to be determined with and approved by the City's Public Domain section in accordance with the City of Sydney's Public Domain Manual and Sydney Streets Technical Specification. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE (b) 12 MAY 2015 Prior to a Certificate of Completion being issued for public domain works and before the issue of any Occupation Certificate for the development or before the use commences, whichever is earlier, electronic works-as-executed (as-built) plans and documentation, certified by a suitably qualified, independent professional must be submitted to and accepted by Council for all public domain works. Completion and handover of the constructed public domain works must be undertaken in accordance with the City of Sydney's Public Domain Manual and Sydney Streets Technical Specification, including requirements for as-built documentation, certification, warranties and the defects liability period. (90) STORMWATER AND DRAINAGE - MAJOR DEVELOPMENT (a) Prior to a Construction Certificate being issued for any excavation, civil construction, drainage or building work (whichever is earlier), excluding approved preparatory or demolition work, details of the proposed stormwater disposal and drainage from the development including a system of on-site stormwater detention in accordance with Council’s standard requirements and details of the provision and maintenance of overland flow paths must be submitted to and approved by Council. All approved details for the disposal of stormwater and drainage are to be implemented in the development. (b) The requirements of Sydney Water with regard to the on-site detention of stormwater must be ascertained and complied with. Evidence of the approval of Sydney Water to the on-site detention must be submitted prior to a Construction Certificate being issued excluding any approved preparatory, demolition or excavation works. (c) Prior to the issue of any Occupation Certificate, a Positive Covenant must be registered on the title for all drainage systems involving OnSite Detention (OSD) to ensure maintenance of the approved OSD system regardless of the method of connection. (d) Any proposed connection to the Council's underground drainage system will require the owner to enter into a Deed of Agreement with the Council and obtain registration on Title of a Positive Covenant prior to Construction Certificate being issued for public domain works or above ground building works, whichever is earlier, and prior to the commencement of any work within the public way. (e) An "Application for Approval of Stormwater Drainage Connections" must be submitted to the Council with the appropriate fee at the time of lodgement of the proposal for connection of stormwater to the Council's drainage system. (f) Prior to a Construction Certificate being issued for any excavation, civil construction, drainage or building work (whichever is earlier), but excluding approved preparatory or demolition work, a stormwater quality assessment must be undertaken and must be approved by Council. The stormwater quality assessment must: DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (i) be prepared by a suitably qualified drainage engineer with experience in Water Sensitive Urban Design; (ii) use modelling from an industry-standard water quality model; and (iii) demonstrate what water sensitive urban design and other drainage measures will be used to ensure that the development will achieve the following post-development pollutant loads: a. reduce the baseline annual pollutant load for litter and vegetation larger than 5mm by 90%; b. reduce the baseline annual pollutant load for total suspended solids by 85%; c. reduce the baseline annual pollutant load for total phosphorous by 65%; d. reduce the baseline annual pollutant load for total nitrogen by 45%. Prior to the issue of any Occupation Certificate, maintenance schedules of the proposed water sensitive urban design and drainage measures must be submitted to and approved by the Certifying Authority and a copy provided to Council. (91) DEFECTS LIABILITY PERIOD – PUBLIC DOMAIN WORKS All works to the City’s public domain, including rectification of identified defects, are subject to a 12 month defects liability period from the date of final completion. The date of final completion will be nominated by Council on the Certificate of Completion for public domain works. (92) DRAINAGE AND SERVICE PIT LIDS Drainage and service pit lids throughout the public domain shall be heelguard and bicycle safe, finish flush with the adjacent pavement to avoid trip hazards and be clear of obstructions for easy opening and cleaning. Pit lids shall be in accordance with the City of Sydney’s Sydney Streets Design Code and Sydney Streets Technical Specification. Details of drainage and service pit lids shall be submitted and approved by Council prior to a Construction Certificate being issued for the relevant stage of work. (93) PUBLIC DOMAIN DAMAGE DEPOSIT A Public Domain Damage Deposit calculated on the basis of 4 lineal metres of asphalt site frontage must be lodged with Council in accordance with the City of Sydney’s adopted Schedule of Fees and Charges. The Public Domain Damage Deposit must be submitted as an unconditional bank guarantee in favour of Council as security for repairing any damage to the public domain in the vicinity of the site. The guarantee must be lodged with Council prior to an approval for demolition being granted or a Construction Certificate being issued, whichever is earlier. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 The Bank Guarantee will be retained in full until the final Occupation Certificate has been issued and any rectification works to the footway and Public Domain are completed to Council’s satisfaction. On satisfying the above requirements 90% of the total securities will be released, with the remaining 10% to be retained for the duration of the 12 months Defect Liability Period. (94) PUBLIC DOMAIN LIGHTING (a) (b) Prior to a Construction Certificate for public domain works or above ground building works being issued, whichever is later, a detailed Public Domain Lighting Plan for pedestrian and street lighting in the public domain must be prepared by a suitably qualified, practicing lighting engineer or lighting designer and must be submitted to and approved by Council. The Lighting Plan must be prepared in accordance with the City of Sydney’s Interim Draft Sydney Lights Design Code, Sydney Streets Design Code, Sydney Streets Technical Specification and Public Domain Manual and must include the following: (i) Vertical and horizontal illuminance plots for the public domain lighting design to demonstrate compliance with all relevant Australian Standards and to meet the lighting categories and requirements specified by the City; (ii) The location, type and category of existing and proposed lights, including details of luminaire specifications, required to ensure compliance with City policies and Australian Standards; (iii) Footing locations and structural details; (iv) Location and details of underground electrical reticulation, connections and conduits; (v) Certification by a suitably qualified, practicing lighting engineer or lighting designer to certify that the design complies with City policies and all relevant Australian Standards including AS 1158, AS 3000 and AS4282; (vi) Structural certification for footing designs by a suitably qualified, practicing engineer to certify that the design complies with City of Sydney policies and Australian Standards. The public domain lighting works are to be completed in accordance with the approved plans and the City of Sydney's Public Domain Manual before any Occupation Certificate is issued in respect of the development or before the use commences, whichever is earlier. (95) TACTILE GROUND SURFACE INDICATORS AND HANDRAILS All tactile ground surface indicators, handrails and other elements required to provide access into the building / property must be located entirely within the private property boundary. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (96) PHYSICAL MODELS (a) Prior to an Occupation Certificate being issued, an accurate 1:500 scale model of the development as constructed must be submitted to Council for the City Model in Town Hall House. Note: (i) The models must be constructed in accordance with the Model Specifications available online at Council’s modelers must be consulted prior to construction of the model. (ii) The models are to comply with all of the conditions of the Development Consent. (iii) The models must be amended to reflect any further modifications to the approval (under section 96 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act) that affect the external appearance of the building. (97) SUBMISSION OF ELECTRONIC CAD MODELS PRIOR TO OCCUPATION CERTIFICATE (a) Prior to an Occupation Certificate being issued, an accurate 1:1 electronic CAD model of the completed development must be submitted to Council for the electronic Visualisation City Model. (b) The data required to be submitted within the surveyed location must include and identify: (i) building design above and below ground in accordance with the development consent; (ii) all underground services and utilities, underground structures and basements, known archaeological structures and artefacts; (iii) a current two points on the site boundary clearly marked to show their Northing and Easting MGA (Map Grid of Australia) coordinates, which must be based on Established Marks registered in the Department of Lands and Property Information’s SCIMS Database with a Horizontal Position Equal to or better than Class C. The data is to be submitted as a DGN or DWG file on a Compact Disc. All modelling is to be referenced to the Map Grid of Australia (MGA) spatially located in the Initial Data Extraction file. (c) The electronic model must be constructed in accordance with the City’s 3D CAD electronic model specification. The specification is available online at Council’s Modelling staff should be consulted prior to creation of the model. The data is to comply with all of the conditions of the Development Consent. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (98) APPLICATION FOR HOARDINGS AND SCAFFOLDING ON A PUBLIC PLACE (a) A separate application under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993 is to be made to Council to erect a hoarding and/or scaffolding (temporary structures) in a public place. (b) Where a consent is granted allowing the placement of temporary structures in a public place the structures must comply fully with Council’s Policy for the Design of Construction Hoardings and the conditions of any consent granted including: (i) maintaining a current and valid consent for the full duration that the temporary structures are installed in the public place (Section 139, Roads Act 1993); (ii) bill posters and graffiti being removed within 24 hours of their placement (Clause 3.1); (iii) maintaining temporary structures in a clean and tidy condition including repainting where directed by an authorised officer of Council (Clause 3.1); (iv) hoarding site fences complying with Clause 3.3 - Element 3; (v) site sheds on decks of Type B hoardings being fully screened from the public place (Clause 3.3 - Element 5); and (vi) providing and maintaining operational artificial lighting systems under Type B hoardings (Clause 3.3 – Element 9). (99) BARRICADE PERMIT Where construction/building works require the use of a public place including a road or footpath, approval under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993 for a Barricade Permit is to be obtained from Council prior to the commencement of work. Details of the barricade construction, area of enclosure and period of work are required to be submitted to the satisfaction of Council. (100) ELECTRICITY SUBSTATION If required by the applicable energy supplier, the owner must dedicate to the applicable energy supplier, free of cost, an area of land within the development site, but not in any landscaped area or in any area visible from the public domain, to enable an electricity substation to be installed. The size and location of the substation is to be submitted for approval of Council and Energy Australia, prior to a Construction Certificate being issued or the commencement of the use, whichever is earlier. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (101) TELECOMMUNICATIONS PROVISIONS (a) Appropriate space and access for ducting and cabling is to be provided within the plant area and to each apartment within the building within for a minimum of three telecommunication carriers or other providers of broad-band access by ground or satellite delivery. The details must be submitted for the approval of the Certifying Authority prior to a Construction Certificate being issued. (b) A separate DA must be submitted prior to the installation of any external telecommunication apparatus, or the like. (102) UTILITY SERVICES To ensure that utility authorities are advised of the development: (a) Prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate a survey is to be carried out of all utility services within and adjacent to the site including relevant information from utility authorities and excavation if necessary, to determine the position and level of services. (b) Prior to the commencement of work the applicant is to obtain written approval from the utility authorities (e.g. Energy Australia, Sydney Water, and Telecommunications Carriers) in connection with the relocation and/or adjustment of the services affected by the construction of the underground structure. Any costs in the relocation, adjustment or support of services are to be the responsibility of the developer. (103) WASTE AND RECYCLING MANAGEMENT - RESIDENTIAL (a) A Waste Management Plan is to be submitted to and approved by Council’s Area Planning Manager prior to a Construction Certificate being issued. The plan must comply with the Council's Policy for Waste Minimisation in New Developments 2005. All requirements of the approved Waste Management Plan must be implemented during construction of the development. (b) The building must incorporate designated areas or separate garbage rooms constructed in accordance with Council’s Policy for Waste Minimisation in New Developments 2005, to facilitate the separation of commercial waste and recycling from residential waste and recycling. UPON COMPLETION OF THE DEVELOPMENT (c) Prior to an Occupation Certificate being issued or the use commencing, whichever is earlier, the Principal Certifying Authority must obtain Council’s approval of the waste and recycling management facilities provided in the development and ensure arrangements are in place for domestic waste collection by Council. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 SCHEDULE 1C During Construction/Prior to Occupation/Completion (104) OCCUPATION CERTIFICATE TO BE SUBMITTED An Occupation Certificate must be obtained from the Principal Certifying Authority and a copy submitted to Council prior to commencement of occupation or use of the whole or any part of a new building, an altered portion of, or an extension to an existing building. (105) BASIX All commitments listed in each relevant BASIX Certificate for the development must be fulfilled prior to an Occupation Certificate being issued. (106) HOURS OF WORK AND NOISE – OUTSIDE CBD The hours of construction and work on the development must be as follows: (a) All work, including building/demolition and excavation work, and activities in the vicinity of the site generating noise associated with preparation for the commencement of work (eg. loading and unloading of goods, transferring of tools etc) in connection with the proposed development must only be carried out between the hours of 7.30am and 5.30pm on Mondays to Fridays, inclusive, and 7.30am and 3.30pm on Saturdays, with safety inspections being permitted at 7.00am on work days, and no work must be carried out on Sundays or public holidays. (b) All work, including demolition, excavation and building work must comply with the City of Sydney Code of Practice for Construction Hours/Noise 1992 and Australian Standard 2436 - 1981 Guide to Noise Control on Construction, Maintenance and Demolition Sites. Note: The City of Sydney Code of Practice for Construction Hours/Noise 1992 allows extended working hours subject to the approval of an application in accordance with the Code and under Section 96 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. (107) ENCROACHMENTS – NEIGHBOURING PROPERTIES No portion of the proposed structure shall encroach onto the adjoining properties. (108) ENCROACHMENTS – PUBLIC WAY No portion of the proposed structure, including gates and doors during opening and closing operations, shall encroach upon Council’s footpath area. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (109) SURVEY All footings and walls adjacent to a boundary must be set out by a registered surveyor. On commencement of brickwork or wall construction a survey and report must be submitted to the Principal Certifying Authority indicating the position of external walls in relation to the boundaries of the allotment. (110) SURVEY CERTIFICATE AT COMPLETION A Survey Certificate prepared by a Registered Surveyor must be submitted at the completion of the building work certifying the location of the building in relation to the boundaries of the allotment. (111) SYDNEY WATER CERTIFICATE A Section 73 Compliance Certificate under the Sydney Water Act 1994 must be obtained from Sydney Water Corporation. Application must be made through an authorised Water Servicing Coordinator. Please refer to the Building Developing and Plumbing section on the web site then refer to “Water Servicing Coordinator” under “Developing Your Land” or telephone 13 20 92 for assistance. Following application a “Notice of Requirements” will advise of water and sewer infrastructure to be built and charges to be paid. Please make early contact with the Coordinator, since building of water/sewer infrastructure can be time consuming and may impact on other services and building, driveway or landscape design. The Section 73 Certificate must be submitted to Council or the Principal Certifying Authority prior to an Occupation Certificate or subdivision/strata certificate being issued. (112) SITE NOTICE OF PROJECTS DETAILS AND APPROVALS A site notice is to be prominently displayed at the boundary to each frontage of the site for the purposes of informing the public of appropriate project details and relevant approvals. The notice(s) is to satisfy all of the following requirements: (a) Minimum dimensions of the notice are to measure 841mm x 594mm (A1) with any text on the notice to be a minimum of 30 point type size; (b) The notice is to be durable and weatherproof and is to be displayed throughout the construction period; (c) A copy of the first page of the development approval, building approval (including any modifications to those approvals) and any civic works approvals is to be posted alongside the notice in weatherproof casing; DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (d) The approved hours of work, the Principal Certifying Authority including contact address and certification details, the name of the site manager, the responsible managing company, its address and 24 hour contact phone number for any enquiries, including construction/noise complaint, are to be displayed on the site notice; (e) The notice(s) is to be mounted at eye level on the perimeter hoardings and is also to state that unauthorised entry to the site is not permitted. (113) COVERING OF LOADS All vehicles involved in the excavation and/or demolition process and departing the property with demolition materials, spoil or loose matter must have their loads fully covered before entering the public roadway. (114) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL The Soil and Water Management Plan (SWMP) or Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) which has been approved by the Principal Certifying Authority must be implemented in full during the construction period. During the construction period: (a) erosion and sediment controls must be regularly inspected, repaired and maintained in working order sufficient for a 10 year Average Recurrence Interval (ARI) rainfall event; (b) erosion and sediment control signage available from Council must be completed and attached to the most prominent structure visible at all times when entering the site for the duration of construction; and (c) building operations and stockpiles must not be located on the public footway or any other locations which could lead to the discharge of materials into the stormwater system. (115) VEHICLE CLEANSING Prior to the commencement of work, suitable measures are to be implemented to ensure that sediment and other materials are not tracked onto the roadway by vehicles leaving the site. It is an offence to allow, permit or cause materials to pollute or be placed in a position from which they may pollute waters. (116) STREET NUMBERING – MAJOR DEVELOPMENT Prior to an Occupation Certificate being issued, street numbers and the building name must be clearly displayed at either end of the ground level frontage in accordance with the Policy on Numbering of Premises within the City of Sydney. Numbering is to be designed to be sympathetic to the heritage item and details are to be submitted to and be approved by the City’s Area Planning Manager prior to an Occupation Certificate being issued. If new street numbers or a change to street numbers is required, a separate application must be made to Council. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (117) LOADING AND UNLOADING DURING CONSTRUCTION The following requirements apply: (a) All loading and unloading associated with construction activity must be accommodated on site. (b) If, during excavation, it is not feasible for loading and unloading to take place on site, a Works Zone on the street may be considered by Council. (c) A Works Zone may be required if loading and unloading is not possible on site. If a Works Zone is warranted an application must be made to Council at least 8 weeks prior to commencement of work on the site. An approval for a Works Zone may be given for a specific period and certain hours of the days to meet the particular need for the site for such facilities at various stages of construction. The approval will be reviewed periodically for any adjustment necessitated by the progress of the construction activities. (d) In addition to any approved construction zone, provision must be made for loading and unloading to be accommodated on site once the development has reached ground level. (e) The structural design of the building must allow the basement and/or the ground floor to be used as a loading and unloading area for the construction of the remainder of the development. (f) Where hoisting activity over the public place is proposed to be undertaken including hoisting from a Works Zone, a separate approval under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 must be obtained. (118) NO OBSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC WAY The public way must not be obstructed by any materials, vehicles, refuse, skips or the like, under any circumstances. Non-compliance with this requirement will result in the issue of a notice by Council to stop all work on site. (119) USE OF MOBILE CRANES The following requirements apply: (a) Mobile cranes operating from the road must not be used as a method of demolishing or constructing a building. (b) For special operations including the delivery of materials, hoisting of plant and equipment and erection and dismantling of on site tower cranes which warrant the on-street use of mobile cranes, permits must be obtained from Council for the use of a mobile crane. The permits must be obtained 48 hours beforehand for partial road closures which, in the opinion of Council will create minimal traffic disruptions and 4 weeks beforehand in the case of full road closures and partial road closures which, in the opinion of Council, will create significant traffic disruptions. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE (c) 12 MAY 2015 Special operations and the use of mobile cranes must comply with the approved hours of construction. Mobile cranes must not be delivered to the site prior to 7.30am without the prior approval of Council. (120) ACCESS DRIVEWAYS TO BE CONSTRUCTED Approved driveways are to be constructed for all vehicular access to the construction site in accordance with the requirements of Council’s “Driveway Specifications” to the satisfaction of Council. SCHEDULE 1D Prior to Subdivision Note: In addition to conditions relevant to subdivision throughout the consent, the following conditions are required to be satisfied prior to any subdivision. (121) SUBDIVISION – FURTHER APPROVAL REQUIRED Subdivision plans the subject of future and separate applications for a Subdivision Certificate and a Strata Certificate are to be in accordance with those subdivision plans submitted with the DA, amended to reflect the final approved DA plans and modified as required by conditions of this consent. LAND SUBDIVISION (122) LAND SUBDIVISION – SUBDIVISION CERTIFICATE A separate application must be made to Council to obtain the approval of the plan of subdivision and issue of a Subdivision Certificate under Section 109J of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. (123) SYDNEY WATER CERTIFICATE - SUBDIVISION Prior to the issue of a Subdivision Certificate, a Section 73 Compliance Certificate under the Sydney Water Act 1994 must be obtained from Sydney Water Corporation. Application must be made through an authorised Water Servicing Coordinator. Please refer to the Building Developing and Plumbing section on the web site then refer to "Water Servicing Coordinator" under "Developing Your Land" or telephone 13 20 92 for assistance. Following application a "Notice of Requirements" will advise of water and sewer infrastructure to be built and charges to be paid. Please make early contact with the Coordinator, since building of water/sewer infrastructure can be time consuming and may impact on other services and building, driveway or landscape design. The Section 73 Certificate must be submitted to Council or the Principal Certifying Authority prior to a Subdivision Certificate being issued. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (124) FLOOR SPACE RATIO RESTRICTION A Restrictive Covenant must be placed on the Titles of all of the lots in the subdivision limiting the sum of the Gross Floor Areas of the parts of the building occupying all lots in the subdivision, taken together, to be limited to the extent that the Floor Space Ratio attributable to the whole of the land in the subdivision plan (being Lots 1, 2 and 3) is no more than that permissible for the entire site by the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012, or that which is currently in existence. The Restriction is to be created to the satisfaction of Council with Council being the authority to release, vary or modify the Restriction. (125) EASEMENTS UNDER SEC 196 CONVEYANCING ACT Documentary reciprocal easements for services, drainage, support and shelter, and emergency egress, affecting the whole of each lot if so desired, must be created over the lots in the subdivision, pursuant to Section 88B of the Conveyancing Act 1919 and to Council’s satisfaction. (126) ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS Any other documentary easements or any other encumbrances and indemnities required for joint or reciprocal use of part or all of the proposed lots as a consequence of the subdivision must be created over appropriate lots in the subdivision, pursuant to Section 88B of the Conveyancing Act 1919 and to Council’s satisfaction. (127) BUILDING MANAGEMENT STATEMENT The Building Management Statement must adequately address the ongoing maintenance, upgrading, redevelopment and structural adequacy of each stratum lot to Council’s satisfaction. (128) STREET ADDRESSES OF LOTS In accordance with Clause 60(c) of the Surveying and Spatial Information Regulation 2012, the street addresses for each lot must be shown on the final plan of subdivision. An application should be made to Council to obtain the correct street address for each lot. STRATA SUBDIVISION (129) STRATA SUBDIVISION – APPROVAL OF STRATA PLAN REQUIRED A separate application must be made to Council or an accredited certifier to obtain approval of the Strata Plan and issue of a Strata Certificate under the Strata Schemes (Freehold Development) Act 1973. (130) SYDNEY WATER CERTIFICATE - SUBDIVISION Prior to the issue of a Strata Certificate, a Section 73 Compliance Certificate under the Sydney Water Act 1994 must be obtained from Sydney Water Corporation. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Application must be made through an authorised Water Servicing Coordinator. Please refer to the Building Developing and Plumbing section on the web site then refer to "Water Servicing Coordinator" under "Developing Your Land" or telephone 13 20 92 for assistance. Following application a "Notice of Requirements" will advise of water and sewer infrastructure to be built and charges to be paid. Please make early contact with the Coordinator, since building of water/sewer infrastructure can be time consuming and may impact on other services and building, driveway or landscape design. The Section 73 Certificate must be submitted to Council or the Principal Certifying Authority prior to a Strata Certificate being issued. (131) RESTRICTION ON RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT A documentary Restriction on the Use of Land is to be created over all residential lots in the Strata Plan, pursuant to Section 88B of the Conveyancing Act 1919, appurtenant to Council, in terms requiring the apartments are only to be used for permanent residential accommodation only and not for the purpose of short-term rental accommodation such as hotel, serviced apartments, boarding house, tourist and back-packer accommodation. The Restriction is to be created to the satisfaction of Council or the Strata Certifier with Council being the authority to release, vary or modify the Restriction. (132) RESTRICTION ON USE OF CAR SPACES AND STORAGE SPACES A documentary Restriction on Use of Land is to be created over all car parking and storage lots and part lots in the Strata Plan, pursuant to Section 88B of the Conveyancing Act 1919, appurtenant to Council, in terms to the satisfaction of Council or the Strata certifier requiring the on-site residential car parking spaces and storage spaces, exclusive of service car spaces, are not to be used other than by an occupant, resident or tenant of the building, with the Council being the authority to release, vary or modify the restriction. (133) RESTRICTION ON PARKING ON COMMON PROPERTY AREAS A documentary Restriction on Use of Land is to be created over the Common Property in the Strata Plan, exclusive of any visitor and service vehicle spaces, pursuant to Section 88B of the Conveyancing Act 1919, created appurtenant to Council, in terms to the satisfaction of Council or the Strata certifier prohibiting the use of Common Property in the Strata Plan for the parking or storage of vehicles, boats, trailers and the like, with the Council being the authority to release, vary or modify the restriction. (134) ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS Any additional easements or any other encumbrances and indemnities required for joint or reciprocal use of part or all of the proposed lots as a consequence of the subdivision must be created over appropriate lots in the subdivision, pursuant to Section 88B of the Conveyancing Act 1919 and to the satisfaction of Council or the Strata certifier. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 SCHEDULE 2 The prescribed conditions in accordance with Clause 98 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 apply to the development. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 BACKGROUND The Site and Surrounding Development 1. The proposed development comprises two sites: (a) 117 Kippax Street (also known as 10-14 Waterloo Street) (Lot 10 DP 582591); and (b) 119-127 Kippax Street (Lot 11 DP 582591). 2. 117 Kippax Street is a 9 storey commercial building with frontages to Waterloo Street to the west and Kippax Street to the north. It has an approximate site area of 832m2. A public parking station operates from the site, with vehicular entry from Waterloo Street. With the exception of minor works to an existing loading dock on Kippax Street, no works are proposed to that building. Essentially 117 Kippax only forms part of the development site as existing basement car parking within that site is proposed to be utilised for the proposed development at 119-127 Kippax Street. 3. 119-127 Kippax Street is a heritage listed 4 to 6 storey Federation warehouse and has a site area of 1,549m2. It has frontages to Kippax Street to the north and Lacey Street to the east. Vehicular access is provided off Waterloo Street from a right of way (over 117 Kippax Street). Loading areas are also provided on Lacey Street. This is the main site the subject of this application. 4. Within the same block immediately adjoining the site to the south is: (a) 16-18 Waterloo Street, a 9 storey residential flat building with 16 apartments and a roof terrace; (b) 72-80 Cooper Street, a 7 to 8 storey commercial building which also has frontage to Waterloo Street; and (c) 82-92 Cooper Street, an 8 storey mixed use building with lower level commercial uses, 97 apartments and a roof terrace with a pool and tennis court. That site also has frontage to Lacey Street. Vehicle access to 82-92 Cooper Street is provided from Waterloo Street from the same right of way benefitting 119-127 Kippax Street. 5. Surrounding the site are residential, commercial and warehouse uses, with this area of Surry Hills still housing many ‘rag-trade’ businesses. To the west on Waterloo Street is predominantly two storey terrace development used for residential and retail uses. A 6 storey building, known as ‘Standard House’, is located on the western corner of Kippax and Waterloo Streets. To the north on Kippax Street is 2 to 8 storey office and warehouse development. To the east on Lacey Street is 2 to 4 level residential and commercial development. 6. For simplicity and relevance, except where otherwise stated, references to ‘the site’ from this point throughout this report are references only to 119-127 Kippax Street. 7. A site visit was carried out on 30 October 2014 and 8 January 2015. Photos of the site and surrounds are provided below: DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 1: Aerial plan of the site and surrounding area. 119-127 Kippax Street is the primary development site. Figure 2: Aerial of the block showing the site (119-127 Kippax Street) circled. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 3: The site is on the corner of Kippax and Lacey Street. Figure 4: Lower level detail of site (Kippax Street). Retail / restaurant tenancies are proposed at the lower levels. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 5: Site, looking south on Lacey Street. Figure 6: Lower level Lacey Street detail. A retail tenancy and entry lobby is proposed in this location. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 7: Opposite side of Kippax Street, looking west. Figure 8: 117 Kippax Street, on the corner of Waterloo Street, looking south. Car parking is proposed in the existing basement of 117 Kippax accessed from Waterloo Street. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 9: Rear of site showing the 1970s addition to be demolished and adjoining buildings (generally looking north-east). Figure 10: Relationship between the 1970s addition and 82-92 Cooper Street to the south. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 11: Relationship between the 1970s addition and 16-18 Waterloo Street to the west. Figure 12: Looking down into the rear void from the roof of the 1970s addition. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 13: Looking south-west from the roof of the 1970s addition. Figure 14: Looking north from the roof of the 1970s addition. PROPOSAL 8. The proposal is for the demolition of the 1970s infill addition at the rear of the site and the adaptive reuse of the existing heritage-listed building. A mixed use development comprising 5 lower level retail/commercial tenancies, 45 residential apartments and a 1 to 2 storey rooftop addition is proposed. In detail, the DA includes: DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE (a) 12 MAY 2015 Basement Levels P4, P3 and P1 (117 Kippax Street) (i) 30 residential car spaces, including 10 accessible spaces; (ii) 6 residential visitor spaces, including 1 accessible space; (iii) 8 retail/commercial spaces; (iv) 2 car share spaces; (v) 8 motorcycle spaces; (vi) 29 storage areas accommodating a bicycle, ranging in size from 5m2 to 15m2; (vii) new lift from carpark providing resident’s access to lower ground and level 1; and (viii) in addition to the spaces listed above, 40 spaces on Level P2 and part of Level P1 will be retained for parking for commercial tenants of 117 Kippax Street. This is consistent with the DA consent for that site (D/338/68) which approved a car parking station for 120 cars with 40 of those spaces required to be reserved for commercial tenants of that building. The public parking component of that car park will cease under this DA. (b) (c) Lower Ground (lower Kippax Street level) (i) Conversion of existing loading dock in 117 Kippax Street to a small retail premises (23m2). Loading for 117 Kippax will be accommodated within that site, accessed from Waterloo Street; (ii) 18 bicycle parking/storage areas for residents within 117 Kippax Street at the rear of the small retail tenancy mentioned in (b)(i) above; (iii) restaurant / bar (243m2) on Kippax Street; (iv) a loading dock accessed from Waterloo Street with 4 service vehicle spaces; and (v) commercial and residential waste rooms. Ground (upper Kippax Street level) (i) commercial and residential entry lobby on Kippax Street; (ii) commercial/retail tenancy (232m2) with entry from Kippax Street lobby; (iii) restaurant/retail tenancy (371m2) with entry from Kippax Street; (iv) commercial office tenancy (366m2) along Lacey Street (but mostly below ground) accessed internally from Kippax Street entry lobby; (v) 20 bicycle visitor spaces; and DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE (vi) (d) (e) (g) landscaped courtyard to rear in place of 1970s infill building to be demolished. Level 1 (Lacey Street level) (i) 8 apartments; (ii) residential entry lobby from Lacey Street; (iii) multi-purpose room for residents (37m2); and (iv) retail premises (82m2) on Lacey Street. Levels 2 - 4 (i) (f) 12 MAY 2015 30 residential apartments. Levels 5 & 6 (i) demolition of existing roof; and (ii) new part 1 / part 2 storey rooftop addition with 7 residential apartments and green roof. Roof (i) Plant including photovoltaic system, solar and air conditioning units. 9. The DA also proposes strata and stratum subdivision. Separate approval for subdivision is required and a separate schedule of conditions relevant to land and strata subdivision is included in the recommended conditions. 10. While non-residential uses at the lower levels are supported in principle, approval of specific uses including food and drink, retail and commercial premises, will not form part of this of this DA. Matters relating to use, noise, hours of operation, patron capacity and the like are to be determined as part of separate DAs to be submitted for those tenancies. It is noted that mechanical ventilation and a vertical exhaust discharging at roof level for a possible future restaurant has been provided for in the base building design. 11. The proposal was amended and additional information submitted in response to concerns raised by staff, including: (a) redesign of the rooftop addition to incorporate more solid and masonry elements to relate to the heritage warehouse. The extent of glazing was reduced and deeper reveals incorporated to improve solar performance and privacy; (b) reconfiguration of the Lacey Street lobby / retail space to preserve and interpret the former loading dock, a significant heritage feature of the warehouse, including the preservation of the original stamped floor finish; (c) amendments to arched window openings to reinstate and interpret historic joinery features and configuration of the warehouse windows including highlight windows and transoms; DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (d) deletion of 3 apartments in response to amenity concerns and replacement with an additional retail/commercial tenancy fronting Kippax Street; (e) amendments to apartment layouts to improve amenity; (f) incorporation of a bin holding room for residential waste collection from Waterloo Street; (g) incorporation of a loading area for 117 Kippax Street accessed from Waterloo Street (following conversion of an existing loading area on Kippax Street to retail); (h) reduction in residential carparking to comply with maximum controls and increase in proportion of accessible car parking; and (i) additional view impact analysis (discussed in detail later in the report). 12. Further to the amendments made in response to issues raised by Council staff, the proposal was also amended to retain the existing fire stair of the 1970s addition within the rear courtyard instead of constructing a new stair in much the same location. The retained stair is incorporated in the images included in this report. 13. The amended DA is the subject of this report. 14. Images of the proposed development are provided below. Figure 15: The proposal inludes removing the 1970s infill addition increasing the the void area and the separation between adjoining buildings. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 16: The proposed massing of the part 1 storey / part 2 storey addition. Figure 17: Kippax Street (north) elevation. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 18: Lacey Street (east) elevation. Figure 19: West elevation. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 20: South elevation. Figure 21: East-west section looking to Kippax Street. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 22: North-south section looking to Lacey Street. Figure 23: Lower Ground plan showing vehicle access from Waterloo Street and the lower Kippax Street retail tenancies. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 24: Ground floor showing the building entry and the retail / commercial tenancies on Kippax Street. The proposed landscaped courtyard in the area of the 1970s addition to be demolished is also shown. Figure 25: Level 1 plan showing the Lacey Street entry and retail tenancy. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 26: Typical floor plan (Level 2 to 4). Figure 27: Level 5 (rooftop addition). DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 28: Level 6 (second storey of rooftop addition). Figure 29: Existing view (left) and photomontage (right), corner of Kippax and Lacey Streets. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 30: Existing view (top) and photomontage (bottom), from Little Riley Street. The car parking in the foreground is on 134-136 Kippax Street which is in the same ownership as the adjoining site (130-132 Kippax Street). Those sites have a height control of 15m / 4 storeys. A DA for the redevelopment of those sites approved a 6 storey residential building (approximate topmost RL of 57.25) which has since lapsed. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 31: Perspective of the proposed addition. Figure 32: Rooftop addition (Kippax Street). DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 33: Rooftop detail (Kippax Street). Figure 34: Rooftop detail (Lacey Street). DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 35: Perspective of courtyard following the removal of the 1970s addition (looking north-east). Figure 36: Perspective of courtyard following removal of the 1970s addition, generally looking south to 82-92 Cooper Street. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 ECONOMIC/SOCIAL/ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS 15. The application has been assessed under Section 79C of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, including consideration of the following matters: (a) 16. Environmental Planning Instruments and DCPs. The State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs) and Regional Environmental Plans (REPs) applicable to the proposed development have been considered and the proposal is consistent with the aims and objectives of those SEPPs and REPs. Those instruments that warrant further discussion are outlined below. State Environmental Planning Policy No 55—Remediation of Land 17. The aim of SEPP 55 is to ensure that a change of land use will not increase the risk to health, particularly in circumstances where a more sensitive land use is proposed. 18. A Preliminary Site Investigation was submitted with the DA and it is unlikely that the site is contaminated. However, an underground storage tank may be present on the adjacent site and depending on whether footings are required in this area, potentially contaminated soils may be exposed. The City’s Health Unit is satisfied that this can be addressed by consent conditions which have been included in the recommendation. 19. A Hazardous Building Materials Assessment submitted with the DA and identifies hazardous building materials such as asbestos containing materials (ACMs), synthetic mineral fibre products, lead-containing paint (LCP) and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contained in capacitors in fluorescent light fittings. Some areas of the site could not be accessed but it is assumed that those areas also contain asbestos. Appropriate conditions are also recommended. State Environmental Planning Policy No 65—Design Quality of Residential Flat Development 20. SEPP 65 provides that in determining an application for a residential flat development of three or more floors and containing four or more apartments, that the consent authority take into consideration a number of matters relating to design quality, including 10 design quality principles. These are discussed below: (a) Principles 1, 2 & 3: Context, Scale and Built Form Complies: the development involves the adaptive reuse of the heritage listed warehouse. The proposed rooftop addition is considered to achieve an appropriate built form in terms of setbacks, scale, proportions and response to the heritage item. Both the existing building and the proposed development exceed the maximum FSR and maximum height and this is discussed in the Issues section. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE (b) 12 MAY 2015 Principle 4: Density Complies: the number of proposed units is appropriate having regard to the overall development planned for the site. (c) Principle 5: Resource, energy and water efficiency Complies: a condition will ensure that the development complies with the commitments in the BASIX certificate. A roof garden is also proposed and conditions are recommended regarding same. (d) Principle 6: Landscape Complies: the proposal includes a landscaped courtyard at the rear in place of the 1970s infill addition proposed to be demolished. A roof top garden (accessible only for maintenance) is also proposed. (e) Principle 7: Amenity Complies: the proposed development achieves satisfactory levels of cross flow ventilation, complies with minimum apartment sizes and provides acceptable building depth and storage areas. (f) Principle 8: Safety and Security Complies: the development provides the opportunity for casual surveillance of the surrounding public domain through the retention of windows to street frontages and active uses along both Kippax and Lacey Streets. The ground floor retail uses will provide passive surveillance at street level reducing opportunities for anti-social behaviour. Pedestrian entries are also provided on both street frontages and are clearly defined. (g) Principle 9: Social Dimensions Complies: the development provides an acceptable mix of unit types, including adaptable units. (h) Principle 10: Aesthetics Complies: the proposal was amended to incorporate a more masonry finish to the addition to tie in better with the heritage warehouse. The removal of the 1970s addition and proposed courtyard treatment significantly improve the building’s appearance to adjoining properties to the west and south. 21. SEPP 65 also requires that a design verification statement be submitted with applications for residential flat buildings verifying that the building has been designed by a qualified designer (a registered architect) and that the building achieves the design principles SEPP 65. A design verification statement was prepared by Jake Eaton, a registered architect, of BKH Architects. 22. The development is considered generally acceptable when assessed against the above stated principles and the SEPP generally, which are replicated in large part within Council’s planning controls. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Residential Flat Design Code 23. Clause 30 of SEPP 65 requires consideration of the Residential Flat Design Code (RFDC), which provides additional detail and guidance for applying the design quality principles outlined in SEPP 65 to a specific locality. Compliance with the Residential Flat Design Code is addressed in the table below. Residential Flat Design Code Control Compliance Comment Partial compliance Proposed building depth is between 16m and 21m, glass line to glass line and is considered acceptable given the proposal is for the adaptive reuse of an existing building. Except for height, the bulk of the building as viewed from the street generally remains unchanged. Building Separation Five to eight storeys/up to 25 metres: • 18m between habitable rooms/balconies • 13m between habitable/balconies and non-habitable rooms • 9m between nonhabitable rooms Yes The proposal includes the demolition of the 1970s addition at the rear which increases the separation between existing buildings. To the west (16-18 Waterloo Street), separation is increased from 9.7m to between 18m and 21m. To the south (82-92 Cooper Street), separation is increased from 4.8m to between 22m (open corridors) and 27.5m (habitable rooms). Figures 66 to 68 show the existing and proposed separation. The increased separation will improve the amenity for existing residents. Adequate visual and acoustic privacy is provided to both existing and future residents. Daylight Access 70% of units to receive 3 hours of direct sunlight in midwinter to living rooms and private open spaces between 9am and 3pm on June 21. No 67% of the residential apartments achieve at least 3 hours of direct solar access to principal living spaces. The 3% shortfall equates to 2 apartments that do not receive at least 3 hours of direct sunlight which is considered acceptable having regard to the constraints of an adaptive reuse of a heritage building. Building Depth 10-18m (glass line to glass line) It is noted that between 7am and 3pm, 87% of apartments receive 3 hours of direct sunlight and 93% receive 2 hours. It is noted that Council’s DCP requires 2 hours of direct sunlight. Natural Ventilation 60% of units to be cross-ventilated Yes 71% of apartments are cross-ventilated. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Residential Flat Design Code Control Single Aspect Apartments Single aspect apartments should be limited in depth to 8m from a window. Compliance Yes Single aspect apartments are no deeper than 10m-13m with habitable spaces in those apartments no less than 8m from a window. All apartments have a minimum width of 4m. No single aspect apartments have a southerly aspect. Limit single aspect apartments with a southerly aspect to maximum 10% of units. Deep Soil Zone A minimum of 25 per cent of the open space area of the site should be a deep soil zone (natural ground level). Comment No The development incorporates landscaping in the rear courtyard including a large garden (around 145m2) above the loading area at upper ground level. The garden has a soil depth of 1.2m able to accommodate mature trees. A green roof (190m2) is also proposed on the western portion of site. These two landscaped areas comprise 22% of the site area. Having regard to the site’s urban character and the constraints of an adaptive reuse development, it is acceptable that no deep soil planting at ground level is provided. Conditions recommend that a variety of plant sizes, including more mature sizes, be incorporated into the planting. Communal Open Space Communal open space to be 25-30% of site area. No In addition to the landscaped areas and green roof mentioned above, a multi-purpose room for residents (37m2) is proposed. In total, 24% of the site area is provided as communal open space. While most of the space is passive and accessible only for maintenance, it contributes to the amenity of residents and is supported. Converting the proposed green roof to a recreational area accessible to residents was considered. Given the large footprint of the roof, the proximity of existing residents to the south and the potential noise and amenity impacts arising from the active use of that space, it is considered more suitable as a passive space. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Residential Flat Design Code Control Compliance Comment Safety Clear lines of sight are recommended between entrances, foyers and the street. Yes The proposal will improve opportunities for casual surveillance to Kippax and Lacey Streets. The retail uses at lower levels will provide access to the site and activate those streets. Visual Privacy Yes The development provides satisfactory levels of privacy. Building separation complies with minimum standards and privacy impacts from open corridor areas to the rear are minimised as those open areas are used only for access to apartments. Apartment Layout (Kitchen) The back of a kitchen should be no more than 8m from a window. Yes All apartments comply. Apartment Layout (Unit Sizes) Minimum unit sizes: Studio: 38.5sqm 1 bed: 50sqm 2 bed: 70sqm 3 bed: 95sqm Balconies Provide all apartments with private open space 2m min balcony width Yes All apartments comply. No Given the constraints of the heritage building, only apartments within the rooftop addition (level 5) have access to private open space. This is acceptable taking into account the proposed warehouse style apartments with large and generously proportioned windows. The addition of balconies by converting those windows to balconies (by ‘punching out’ glazing) would have detrimental impacts to the appearance and integrity of the heritage item. Balconies to the rear would also have potential noise and amenity impacts to adjoining residents. Ceiling Heights 2.7m min ceiling height in habitable areas. Yes Complies. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Residential Flat Design Code Control Compliance Comment Internal Circulation The number of units accessible from a single core/corridor should be limited to eight. Yes Complies. Storage Minimum storage provision facilities: 1 bed: 6m³ 2 bed: 8m³ 3 bed: 10m³ (With minimum 50% storage area located within unit) Vehicle Access Driveway widths should be limited to 6 metres and located away from pedestrian entries Yes Complies. Conditions are imposed to reinforce the provision and allocation of storage facilities. Yes The proposal utilises an existing driveway located on Waterloo Street. 24. Proposed amendments to SEPP 65 and to the RFDC were publically exhibited in October 2014. The draft amendments to the SEPP and the Apartment Design Guide (ADG), intended to replace the RFDC, were considered in the assessment of this DA. The proposal in not inconsistent with the objectives of the draft amendments and the nature of the controls relevant to this DA included in the ADG are similar to those contained in the RFDC. State Environmental Planning Policy (Building Sustainability Index: BASIX) 2004 25. A BASIX Certificate has been submitted with the development application. 26. The BASIX certificate lists measures to satisfy BASIX requirements which have been incorporated in the proposal. A condition is recommended ensuring the measures detailed in the BASIX certificate are implemented. State Environmental Planning Policy No 32—Urban Consolidation (Redevelopment of Urban Land) 27. SEPP 32 provides for the increased availability of housing within the inner city and to assist in meeting the demand for housing close to employment, leisure and retail opportunities. 28. The proposed development of the site is consistent with the aims and objectives of SEPP. The matters for consideration in determining DAs set out in Clause 11 of the SEPP are addressed throughout this report. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Sydney Regional Environmental Plan (Sydney Harbour Catchment) 2005 (Deemed SEPP) 29. The site is located within the designated hydrological catchment of Sydney Harbour and is subject to the provisions of the above SREP. The development is consistent with the relevant objective of the REP to improve water quality. The proposed landscaping to replace the 1970s infill building will increase permeable surfaces, capture more stormwater and reduce the urban runoff. Sydney LEP 2012 30. The site is located in the B4 Mixed Uses zone. The proposed use is defined as a mixed use development comprising a residential flat building and is permissible in this zone. 31. The relevant matters to be considered under Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 for the proposed development are outlined below. LEP Compliance Table Development Control 4.3 Height of Buildings Compliance No Comment A maximum height of 22m is permitted. The existing building has a height of between 18m (Lacey Street) and 20m-24m (Kippax Street). A topmost height of 28m is proposed (to the top of the screen enclosing plant). The proposed height is considered acceptable. Refer to the Issues section. 4.4 Floor Space Ratio No A maximum FSR of 3.5:1 is permitted. The existing building has a FSR of 4.6:1. The proposal has a FSR of 4.5:1. The proposed FSR is considered acceptable. Refer to the Issues section. 4.6 Exceptions to development standards Yes The proposal seeks to vary the development standards prescribed under Clauses 4.3 (Height) and Clause 4.4 (FSR) Refer to the Issues section. 5.9 Preservation of trees or vegetation Yes The proposal will have no adverse impact on existing trees. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 LEP Compliance Table Development Control 5.10 Heritage conservation Compliance Yes Comment The site was recently heritage listed (LEP Amendment 11, in force from 29 August 2014). It contains the former Ford Sherington luggage factory which was constructed around 1912 in the Federation Warehouse style. It is one of the earliest twentieth century industrial buildings in Surry Hills and has been associated with manufacturing since its construction, initially with luggage products and then from the 1960s with the clothing trade. The site comprises the original 1912 warehouse with a later 1923 addition along Kippax Street. The site also comprises a 1970s addition at the rear which is proposed to be demolished. The site is not located in a conservation area but the Little Riley Street conservation area is located to the east of the site. The proposal retains significant external features of the building and amendments were made to preserve additional heritage fabric (discussed earlier in the report). The demolition of the 1970s addition will expose the heritage warehouse at the rear courtyard as well as increase the courtyard’s size enabling the warehouse to be better interpreted. To enable as much heritage fabric to be visible, the applicant was asked to investigate whether existing timber beams and joists, significant features of the warehouse, could be left exposed. Residential development requires specific fire separation and in order to expose beams and joists, self-supporting fire rated concrete slabs would need to be constructed. Structural advice was provided that the existing timber columns and footings would not be able to support the additional load from the concrete slabs. While the joists cannot be left exposed, heritage fabric in other areas of the building will become accessible with the proposed retail uses. A Conservation Management Plan has been prepared which outlines conservation works to be undertaken. Associated conditions are imposed. The proposal, including the rooftop addition, is considered to have acceptable heritage impacts and is supported. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 LEP Compliance Table Development Control Division 4 Design excellence Compliance Complies Comment Outside Central Sydney, developments that will result in a building having a height greater than 25m are subject to a competitive design process. Under Clause 6.21(6), a competitive process is not required if the consent authority considers that such a process would be unreasonable or unnecessary. In this instance, a competitive process is considered unnecessary as the development: • • • • is limited to an addition of between 1 and 2 storeys with a maximum height of 26.2m to the top of the addition and 28m to the top of plant screening. The plant screening will have limited visibility from the public domain being set back around 15m from the Kippax Street frontage and 4.5m-6m from the Lacey Street frontage; results in a reduction of floor area; is not considered to have adverse impacts on adjoining properties or the public domain (discussed in detail in the Issues section); and while the addition will be visible, it does not significantly alter the building’s appearance from the public domain. While a competitive process is not considered necessary for the reasons listed above, the development must still exhibit design excellence. The matters for consideration in determining whether a development exhibits design excellence set out in 6.21(4) have been considered. The proposal is of a high architectural design standard adopting a form, massing, materials and finishes appropriate to the heritage warehouse. The proposed development, as amended and discussed throughout this report, satisfies the requirements of this provision. Conditions have also been recommended requiring the incorporation of public art in the development, in accordance with the requirements of the City’s Public Art in Private Developments Policy. Art work has been proposed on the eastern wall of 117 Kippax Street with indicative images included in the photomontages. Conditions are included in the recommendation. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 LEP Compliance Table Development Control Compliance Comment Part 7 Local provisions—general Division 1 Car parking Yes Parking proposed complies with the maximum number of spaces permitted. 7.14 Acid Sulphate Soils Yes The site is identified as containing class 5 Acid Sulphate Soil. No further investigations are required. 7.20 Development requiring preparation of a DCP (or Stage 1 DA) Yes As the site is located outside Central Sydney and will result in a building with a height greater than 25m, a DCP (or a Stage 1 DA) would normally be required. However, as the proposal is for an addition (not a new building) and does not increase the gross floor area of the existing building, the clause does not apply. Sydney DCP 2012 32. The relevant matters to be considered under Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 for the proposed development are outlined below. 2. Locality Statements – Surry Hills Central The site is located in the Surry Hills Central locality. The proposal is considered to be in keeping with the unique character of the area and design principles in that it provides active frontages along Kippax Street and responds to the scale and form of the heritage item and adjoining conservation area. 3. General Provisions Development Control 3.1 Public Domain Elements Compliance Comment Yes Conditions are recommended in relation to public domain improvements adjoining the site and public art. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 3. General Provisions Development Control 3.2 Defining the Public Domain Compliance Comment Yes Active street frontages are provided to Kippax Street with finished levels that relate to the site topography. Awnings are provided to building entries on Kippax Street that maintain 1.2m from the kerb to allow street tree planting. The vertical clearance of the eastern-most awning on Kippax Street has a vertical clearance between 2.5m and 2.8m (sloping site) which is less than the 3.2m required under the DCP. As the width of the awning is limited to the width of the opening (2.7m) and the location of the awning does not raise safety concerns, the shortfall is considered acceptable in this instance. Conditions are recommended in relation to light reflectivity. 3.5 Urban Ecology Yes The proposed development does not involve the removal of any trees and will not adversely impact on the local urban ecology. 3.6 Ecologically Sustainable Development Yes The proposal will not have unacceptable impacts on the environment and satisfies BASIX requirements. 3.7 Water and Flood Management Yes Standard conditions have been imposed in regard to stormwater management. 3.8 Subdivision, Strata Subdivision and Consolidation Yes The proposal includes strata and stratum subdivision, however, subdivision is subject to separate applications. Amendments that have been made to the DA will necessitate amendments to the strata plans. Conditions are recommended in relation to subdivision. 3.9 Heritage Yes The existing building is heritage listed and a conservation area is located to the east. The amended proposal is considered to have acceptable heritage impacts, as discussed earlier in the report. 3.10 Significant Architectural Building Types DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 3. General Provisions Development Control 3.11 Transport and Parking Compliance Comment Yes Residential and Retail Parking The proposed number of parking spaces complies with the maximum permitted under the LEP. The parking is provided in an existing and approved car park (in the basement of 117 Kippax) which was constructed around 1969. As a result, not all spaces and turning circles are likely to comply with all of the current relevant Australian Standards and a large number of “small spaces” are proposed. The car park is currently operational and was inspected as part of the assessment. Relevant conditions are recommended, including conditions relating to small car spaces. The certifying authority may determine that amendments are required to achieve or improve compliance in which case a section 96 application may be required to reconfigure parking arrangements. Car Share Two car share space are proposed and appropriate conditions are recommended. Bicycle Parking One space for each residential unit and 5 spaces for residential visitors are required. Six (6) spaces are required for the retail/commercial uses plus 11 spaces for visitors. Each unit is provided a storage area which accommodates a bicycle. Twenty (20) visitor spaces are provided on the ground floor with separate provision for secure bicycle spaces and facilities to be provided within the services area to be shared amongst the retail/commercial tenants. Conditions are recommended. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 3. General Provisions Development Control Compliance Comment Service Vehicle Parking Four service vehicle parking spaces are required (1 for the residential use and 3 for the commercial/retail uses). Four service spaces are provided, accessed from Waterloo Street. A small rigid vehicle (SRV) can be accommodated in the loading area and a turntable is provided ensuring vehicles can enter and exit the site in a forward direction. It is noted that a SRV parked in the loading dock area utilising the turntable will block access to the 4 adjacent service vehicle spaces. The traffic report submitted states that deliveries will be coordinated and appropriate conditions are recommended. Conditions also require that the loading dock be available to residents for removal trucks and deliveries. Motorcycle Parking The DCP requires 1 space for every 12 car parking spaces provided (4 spaces are required). 8 spaces are provided. As the DCP does not set maximum rates for motorcycle spaces, this is acceptable. A condition is included to ensure those spaces are allocated across resident, non-resident and visitor uses. Accessible Parking One space is required for each adaptable unit. The development provides 10 accessible spaces and 10 adaptable units. Conditions are recommended to require accessible spaces to be allocated to adaptable dwellings in the strata plan in accordance with the DCP. 3.12 Accessible Design Yes Ten adaptable units (22%) are provided. 3.13 Social and Environmental Responsibilities Yes The proposed development provides adequate passive surveillance through its lower level retail and commercial uses and is generally designed in accordance with crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) principles. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 3. General Provisions Development Control 3.14 Waste Compliance Comment Yes The development provides suitable waste servicing and collection areas in accordance with DCP requirements. This is also discussed in the table below. 4. Development Types 4.2 Residential Flat, Commercial and Mixed Use Developments Development Control 4.2.1 Building height Compliance Comment No A maximum 6 storeys is permitted. The existing building is mostly 4 storeys on Lacey Street and 5-6 storeys on Kippax Street. With the proposed rooftop addition, the building will present as 6 storeys to Lacey Street and 7 storeys to Kippax Street. Both the existing and proposed heights vary on account of the part 1 / part 2 storey addition as well as the sloping site. The proposed height is supported having regard to the site’s context. The adjoining building to the west (117 Kippax) is 9 storeys. 82-92 Cooper to the south is 8 storeys with a street frontage height of 7 storeys at the boundary with the site on Lacey Street. The addition is contained below the height of those adjoining buildings and has acceptable heritage impacts. Height is discussed in detail in the Issues section. Floor to ceiling heights The existing warehouse has high floor to ceiling heights providing good amenity for residents. In the existing building, proposed floor to ceiling heights vary from 3m to 3.4m. In the rooftop addition, 2.7m floor to ceiling heights (minimum required) are proposed which are supported as these reduce the overall height of the addition. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 4. Development Types 4.2 Residential Flat, Commercial and Mixed Use Developments Development Control Compliance Comment The lower level commercial/retail tenancies have floor to ceiling heights of between 3.5m and 3.7m. 4.2.2 Building setbacks Yes 4.2.3 Amenity Partial compliance The height of the existing building to the parapet forms the street frontage height. The addition is set back 3m from the parapet in accordance with the control. Solar Access Solar access to apartments has been considered under the SEPP 65 / RFDC discussion. The proposal is largely neutral in relation to overshadowing impacts to surrounding residential properties. To the south (82-92 Cooper Street), some decrease in overshadowing results from the demolition of the 1970s addition. There is also a minor increase to overshadowing of one window at 9.00am which is considered acceptable. Lightwells Half of the apartments have bedrooms that rely solely on voids for access to light and air which is generally not permitted under the DCP. This occurs for the most of the apartments with frontage to Kippax Street. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 4. Development Types 4.2 Residential Flat, Commercial and Mixed Use Developments Development Control Compliance Comment Given the constraints of the adaptive reuse of a heritage item, some flexibility is reasonable. In this instance, the amenity otherwise provided to those apartments is very good. Those apartments have a northern orientation, receive good solar access to living areas, have high floor to ceiling heights (between 3.1m and 3.4m) and are large apartments. The affected 1 bedroom apartments are between 14m2 and 21m2 larger than the minimum required 50m2. The affected 2 bedroom apartments are between 54m2 and 77m2 larger the minimum required 70m2. In addition, the voids provide a pleasant outlook to the landscaped courtyard and have been designed to minimise visual and acoustic privacy impacts. It is noted that the proposal was amended to delete 3 similarly configured apartments, but with poorer solar access on account of their ground level location. Their deletion improves the overall residential amenity of the development. “In-board” bedrooms A number of bedrooms rely on borrowed light and air as they are located between 5m and 7m from a window. While “in-board” bedrooms are generally not supported, in this instance it is reasonable to provide some flexibility having regard to similar reasons listed above, including: • • • • the heritage constraints of the building; that configuration being limited to 6 of the 45 apartments; those apartments being larger than the minimum required size by between 9m2 and 13m2; and those apartments having generous floor to ceiling heights of between 3.1m and 3.4m (or between 400mm and 700mm higher than the minimum). DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 4. Development Types 4.2 Residential Flat, Commercial and Mixed Use Developments Development Control Compliance Comment Those bedrooms have been designed to access light and air through a louvred opening (spanning the length of the wall) above 2.4m glazed walls all the way up to the ceiling. A condition has been imposed requiring that those bedrooms be constructed in accordance with the details submitted. Internal Common Areas The DCP requires common corridors to be a minimum 2m in front of lifts. Internal common corridors are 2.2m wide. Corridors, lift lobbies and internal common areas have an outlook to landscaping and access to air. The area immediately adjacent to the lift on level 1, which connects residents to the car park, is 1.5m wide however the main corridor width increases to 2.4m. While it would be difficult to manoeuvre large items out of this lift, the loading dock provides direct lift access to all apartments and is available for furniture deliveries and the like. Landscaping, Deep Soil and Common Open Space Landscaping has been considered under the SEPP 65 / RFDC discussion. In addition to the landscaped internal courtyard and roof garden, a multi-purpose room for residents is provided at the ground level. Private Open Space and Balconies Seven of the 45 apartments include balconies. To preserve the integrity of the heritage item, it is preferable in this instance that not all apartments include balconies. Precluding balconies to the internal courtyard also reduces potential noise and overlooking impacts to adjoining residents. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 4. Development Types 4.2 Residential Flat, Commercial and Mixed Use Developments Development Control Compliance Comment Acoustic Privacy, Ventilation and Outlook Conditions address acoustic privacy requirements and 71% of apartments are cross ventilated. All apartments have acceptable outlooks. Views from existing residential development is discussed in detail in the Issues section. Dwelling Mix The proposed dwelling mix is provided below and complies with the requirements of the DCP: • • • • 3 x studios (7%) 15 x 1 bed (33%) 19 x 2 bed (42%) 8 x 3+ bed (18%) It is noted that some apartments contain large studies that are capable of being used as bedrooms. The above mix and the assessment is based on those rooms being bedrooms. 4.2.4 Fine grain, architectural diversity and articulation Yes The rooftop addition is part 1 and part 2 storeys. It responds to the slope of the site with the two storey element sited to reduce its impact and overall height. The addition was amended to better respond to the masonry façade of the warehouse and incorporate more solid mullions and deeper reveals to control solar access and privacy. 4.2.6 Waste minimisation Yes Given the constraints of the site with a heritage item, Council garbage trucks are unable to enter and exit the site in a forward direction. The proposal was amended to provide a bin holding room for residential waste collection from Waterloo Street. Separate areas for residential and commercial waste are provided as well as a bulky goods store for large discarded residential items. Commercial waste will be collected internally from the loading area and appropriate conditions are recommended. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 4. Development Types 4.2 Residential Flat, Commercial and Mixed Use Developments Development Control 4.2.7 Heating and Cooling Infrastructure Compliance Comment Yes Where possible the DCP requires that heating and cooling infrastructure be consolidated into a centralised basement location to facilitate building maintenance and to future proof residential buildings for future environmental technologies. Centralised areas on the roof have been nominated for air conditioning plant, at the southern boundary along the boundary wall of 82-92 Cooper Street. Access for maintenance is provided from the floor below. 4.2.8 Letterboxes Able to comply Letterboxes can be accommodated within the residential lobbies. Conditions are recommended. 4.2.9 Non-residential development in the B4 Mixed Uses zone Able to comply The proposed non-residential uses on the lower levels are supported. They will activate the streetscape, provide access to the heritage item and are considered compatible with the surrounding mixed use area. Those uses will be the subject of future DAs where matters such as noise and operating hours will be assessed. Conditions are recommended. It is noted that the ‘first use’ provisions of the Commercial and Industrial Alterations Code in SEPP (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 do not apply as the site is a heritage item. ISSUES Height 33. A maximum height of 22m is permitted under Clause 4.3 of the LEP. 34. The existing height of the building is between 19.7m-24m on Kippax Street and 18m-18.5m on Lacey Street. 35. The extent of the non-compliance with the height control varies on account of the site’s two main street frontages as well as the site’s topography which varies considerably. Along the site’s Kippax Street frontage, the site falls 5.5m from east to west as can be seen in Figure 4 earlier in the report. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 36. 12 MAY 2015 On Kippax Street, measured to the top of the rooftop addition, the proposal has a height of between 23.2m and 26.2m and is over the control by between 1.2m and 4.2m. The addition is set back 3m from the parapet in accordance with the controls. Measured to the top of plant and lift overrun, the topmost height is between 25m and 28m. On Kippax Street, plant and lift overrun areas are located around 15m from the parapet of the existing warehouse. Refer to Figures 37 and 38 below. Figure 37: Kippax Street elevation with the LEP permitted height shown shaded. Refer below to Figure 38 for inset of roof addition. Figure 38: The varying height of the rooftop addition including plant areas. The plant areas shown with a topmost height of between 25m and 28m are located around 15m from the Kippax Street frontage. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 37. 12 MAY 2015 On Lacey Street, measured to the top of the rooftop addition, the proposal has a height of between 22m and 22.8m and is mostly contained within the height control. The exceedance is generally limited to the north-east corner of the site. Measured to the top of plant and lift overrun, the topmost height is between 23.3m and 24m. Plant areas are located between 4.4m and 5.8m from the existing parapet. Refer to Figure 39 and 40 below. Figure 39: Lacey Street elevation with the LEP height control shown shaded. Refer below to Figure 40 for inset of roof addition. Figure 40: The varying height of the rooftop addition including plant areas. The plant areas shown with a topmost height of between 23.3m and 24m are located between 5.8m and 4.4m from the Lacey Street frontage, respectively. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 41: South elevation with LEP height control shown shaded. Figure 42: Roof plan showing the distances between plant areas and the street frontages. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 38. The applicant is relying on Clause 4.6 of the LEP to vary the height development standard of 22m up to a maximum of 28m. Clause 4.6 allows Council to vary development standards in certain circumstances. 39. The objectives of Clause 4.6 are to: 40. 41. (a) provide an appropriate degree of flexibility in applying certain development standards to particular development; and (b) to achieve better outcomes for and from development by allowing flexibility in particular circumstances. Clause 4.6(3) requires a written request from the applicant that seeks to justify the contravention by demonstrating: (a) that compliance is unreasonable or unnecessary in the circumstances of the case; and (b) that there are sufficient planning grounds to justify the contravention. The applicant has submitted a written statement justifying the proposed variation on the following grounds: (a) the design of levels 5 and 6 have been skilfully integrated into the existing building to minimise visual impact when viewed from a public street and have been strategically positioned so that there is minimal adverse impacts by way of shadow, amenity and privacy on adjoining developments; (b) from an urban design perspective, the addition sits well within the natural built form height plane created by the buildings either side of it; (c) the substantial set back from the parapet of the existing building such that there is negligible visual impact from the public views from the surrounding streets; (d) the addition to the 1912 building only exceeds the height of the existing roof by a minor amount to ensure key existing view corridors are maintained, view sharing principles are demonstrated and impacts to private views from surrounding properties are minimised. The addition of the green roof and the large scale artwork to the existing blank wall are measures that contribute to the improvement of the existing views as a balance for any impact; (e) the creation of the sculptural landscaped void in the place of the existing building mass to be removed provides for a highly improved outlook for the vast majority of surrounding users; (f) the removal/demolition of the existing building mass of the 1970s rear addition also improves the solar access to the residential apartments to the south; (g) the demolition of the rear of the existing building and installation of the sculptural landscaping also improves privacy for the surrounding users through the increased separation between the buildings; DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (h) the demolition of the rear of the existing building also improves amenity and separation / ventilation for the surrounding users; (i) the proposal design has no adverse shadow impacts; and (j) the proposal is composed predominantly of existing building form and fabric. New building fabric contributes to the history of the site’s adaptive reuse while sitting unobtrusively from a built form perspective. New work has been designed to be visually recessive and subservient to the original building fabric allowing an easy and simple reading of the older buildings. 42. Clause 4.6(4)(a)(i) requires the consent authority to be satisfied that the applicant’s request has adequately addressed the matters required to be demonstrated by Clause 4.6(3), set out above. In addition, Clause 4.6(4)(a)(ii) requires the consent authority to be satisfied that the proposed development will be in the public interest because it is consistent with the objectives of the height development standard and the B4 Mixed Use zone. 43. The relevant objectives of the height development standard are: 44. 45. (a) to ensure the height of development is appropriate to the condition of the site and its context; (b) to ensure appropriate height transitions between new development and heritage items and buildings in heritage conservation areas; (c) to promote the sharing of views; and (d) to ensure appropriate height transitions from Central Sydney and Green Square Town Centre to adjoining areas. The objectives of the B4 Mixed Uses zone are to: (a) provide a mixture of compatible land uses; (b) integrate suitable business, office, residential, retail and other development in accessible locations so as to maximise public transport patronage and encourage walking and cycling; and (c) ensure uses support the viability of centres. The proposed variation is supported. Compliance with the height development standard is considered unnecessary in the circumstances of the case and considered to meet the requirements of Clause 4.6(3) and (4) as follows: (a) the proposal is consistent with the objectives of the height development standard in that it is considered to be appropriate having regard to the site’s context; (b) the proposal is consistent with the scale and form of surrounding development and is acceptable in the context of adjoining buildings which are 8 and 9 storeys. The proposed is not inconsistent with the desired future character of the locality; DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 46. 12 MAY 2015 (c) the proposed height, including rooftop plant, is contained below the height of the two immediately adjoining buildings; (d) the largest area of non-compliance is from the screening to plant areas. On Kippax Street, these areas are set back from the façade by around 15m reducing their visibility from the public domain. The visibility of plant areas on Lacey Street is also reduced on account of the narrowness of that street; (e) the proposed addition does not have negative impacts to the heritage item. The heritage inventory sheet accompanying the recently listed building envisages a one storey addition set back from the Kippax and Lacey Street facades which would also breach the height control for the site; (f) the proposal does not obstruct iconic or significant views. A comprehensive view impact analysis has been undertaken and discussed in more detail below; (g) the proposal does not overshadow public open space and has minimal overshadowing impacts to residential development (being limited to one window); and (h) the proposal is consistent with the objectives of the B4 Mixed Use zone as it provides a compatible land use within an accessible location. For the reasons outlined above, the proposed development is considered to be appropriate and it is recommended that an exception under Clause 4.6 be granted to the height development standard. Floor Space Ratio (FSR) 47. A maximum FSR of 3.5:1 is permitted under Clause 4.4 of the LEP. 48. The existing building has a FSR of 4.6:1 (7,147.3m2). The proposal reduces the GFA by 175.5m2 resulting in a FSR of 4.5:1 (6,971.8m2). 49. Notwithstanding that the proposal results in a reduction in FSR on the site, as it still exceeds the control, a request to vary the FSR development standard has been submitted in accordance with Clause 4.6 of the LEP. 50. Strict compliance is considered unnecessary in this instance. Having regard to the zone and FSR objectives, the proposal is considered to meet the requirements of Clause 4.6 and the variation is supported as: (a) the FSR is reduced; (b) the built form is considered appropriate having regard to site context and heritage impacts (as discussed throughout this report); (c) the removal of the 1970s addition reduces building bulk, the overall FSR and improves the amenity and outlook of surrounding residents; and (d) the proposed FSR is consistent with the zone objectives and the objectives of the development standard. The built form is not inconsistent with the desired future character of the locality and is not considered to result in adverse impacts. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 117 Kippax Street 51. 117 Kippax Street, which forms part of the overall development site, has an existing FSR of approximately 7.08:1. Like the subject site, a maximum FSR of 3.5:1 also applies to that site. 52. As part of this DA, an existing loading dock on Kippax Street is proposed to be changed to a small retail tenancy. In addition, a resident storage area is also proposed. The retail tenancy and storage area add approximately 63m2 of GFA to that building, increasing the FSR of that building to 7.15:1. 53. As above, a request for a Clause 4.6 variation has been submitted. The proposed variation is supported as strict compliance is unnecessary in this instance, as: (a) the proposed additional GFA arises from converting loading areas to a retail area and storage area. The addition of a retail tenancy at the street improves the streetscape and activates Kippax Street consistent with the desired future character for the area; (b) the additional floor area is contained within the envelope of the existing building; (c) the small size of the tenancy will ensure the intensity of the use does not result in amenity impacts to surrounding occupiers; and (d) the proposal is consistent with the zone objectives and the objectives of the development standard. Views and Amenity of Adjoining Residents 54. Two submissions have raised concern about view loss: (a) one submission is from an apartment in 82-92 Cooper Street; and (b) one submission is from 16-18 Waterloo Street and is concerned about the loss of views from a rooftop terrace. 55. Both properties were visited as part of the DA assessment and each submission is discussed below. 56. An aerial map showing the properties is provided below for ease of reference. In addition to the images included below, Attachment B also contains view impact analysis images for all residential levels of 82-92 Cooper Street and 16-18 Waterloo Street. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 43: Aerial map showing the site and adjoining properties. 82-92 Cooper Street 57. 82-92 Cooper Street is a mixed use building containing 6 residential levels with 97 apartments. One submission from a north facing apartment on level 6 was received and that apartment was visited in January 2015. Concern was raised that the proposal will adversely impact the north and north east district view of residents on level 6 and 7. It is noted that no submissions were received from level 7 (top floor). Privacy concerns were also raised. Images of level 6 and a typical floor plan are included below. Level 6 is also shown at Figure 13 earlier in the report. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 44: Most apartments on Level 6 (shown boxed) have a northern outlook over the subject site. The 1970s addition is shown in the foreground. Figure 45: A typical residential floor plan of 82-92 Cooper Street. The apartments shown boxed have an outlook to or over the subject site. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 58. 12 MAY 2015 As shown above at Figure 45, a typical floor contains 16 apartments and 4 of those apartments have an outlook to the rear of the subject site, either to the north to and over the subject site or to the west towards 16-18 Waterloo Street. Figure 46: Existing view over the subject site from the balcony of a Level 6 apartment of 82-92 Cooper Street, generally looking north. Figure 47: Existing view over the subject site from the balcony of a Level 6 apartment of 82-92 Cooper Street, looking north-east DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 48: A stitched together image to show the overall view from the Level 6 apartment. 59. The view impact assessment submitted with the DA included a view analysis from Level 6 and rated the visual impact from the proposal as low-medium. Following the site visit of the apartment by City staff, additional view impact analysis was requested from the applicant to include “after” images of the outlook from Level 6. The view impact analysis is provided below and is representative of the average view from Level 6. Figure 49: Existing view, Level 6. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 50: Proposed view, Level 6. 60. Figures 51 to 53 below include an overlay to show the permissible height envelope compared to the existing and proposed view. The extent of the visual impact arising from the portion of the proposal that exceeds the height control is shown hatched. Figure 51: Existing view with 22m height control plane shown shaded. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 52: Proposed outlook with 22m height control shown shaded. Figure 53: Area identified as visual impact shown hatched. 16-18 Waterloo Street 61. 16-18 Waterloo Street is a 9 storey residential flat building containing 16 apartments and a roof terrace. Two (2) apartments are located on each floor with 1 of those having an easterly aspect towards the subject site. The building is not strata subdivided. 62. Submissions by and on behalf of the building owner raised concerns about view loss from the roof terrace. Concerns were also raised about amenity and heritage impacts. In relation to view impacts, the submission is concerned that the proposal would totally obscure the distant north-east and east views from the roof terrace. Images of the site, the roof terrace and a typical floor plan are included below. The roof terrace can also be seen at Figure 13 earlier in the report. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 54: The roof terrace enjoys an outlook over the subject site in an easterly direction. Figure 55: Lower levels of 16-18 Waterloo Street. That building is located 9.7m from the 1970s addition (measured to the blank wall). DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 56: There are two apartments on each floor of 16-18 Waterloo Street with a total of 8 having an easterly outlook to the subject site (shown boxed). Figure 57: Roof terrace of 16-18 Waterloo Street, which generally has an easterly outlook. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 58: Looking north-east from the roof terrace. Figure 59: Looking south-east from the roof terrace. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 60: A stitched together image showing the overall outlook from the roof terrace over the subject site. 63. In relation to the nature of the use of the rooftop terrace, there has been some uncertainty about whether the rooftop terrace is for the exclusive use of the two apartments below (Units 15 and 16) or whether the rooftop is communal open space. A planning assessment report for a pergola approved in 2010 (D/2010/787) states that the open space at roof level is for Units 15 and 16. Also in 2010, a Strata Plan was approved and allocates half the rooftop to each of the lots of Units 15 and 16. That Plan has not been registered with Land and Property Information (LPI). 64. In response to a request for clarification, City staff were advised by the building owner that the rooftop is a communal terrace available to all 16 apartments. Documentation from a real estate agent was also provided and includes the names and signatures of each tenant confirming they each have access to the roof terrace. 65. The view impact assessment submitted with the DA included a view analysis from the roof terrace and rated the visual impact from the proposal to the roof terrace as low-medium. Similarly to 82-92 Cooper Street, following the site visit of the roof terrace by City staff, additional view impact analysis was requested from the applicant to include “after” images of the outlook from the roof terrace. That additional view impact analysis is provided below. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 61: Existing view, roof terrace (above the 9th storey). Figure 62: Proposed view, rooftop terrace. 66. Figures 63 to 65 below include an overlay to show the permissible height envelope compared to the existing and proposed view. The extent of the visual impact arising from the portion of the proposal that exceeds the height control is shown hatched. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 63: Existing view with 22m height control plane shown shaded. Figure 64: Proposed outlook with 22m height control shown shaded. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 65: Area identified as visual impact shown hatched. Assessment and conclusion 67. In assessing whether the view impacts are reasonable, consideration has been given to the overall development including the improvements to the amenity and outlook of all residents of both 16-18 Waterloo Street and 82-92 Cooper Street from the demolition of the 1970s addition. 68. The images below show the existing and proposed relationship between the buildings and the subject site. Figure 66: The existing distance between 16-18 Waterloo Street and the addition to be demolished is 9.7m and 4.8m between 82-92 Cooper Street. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 67: Following the demolition of the 1970s addition, the separation between adjoining buildings will be increased to over 20m (Level 1). DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 68: The overall separation between the buildings generally remains the same for all levels. On Level 4, 18m separation is maintained from the projecting room (balcony on Level 5). Landscaping on lower levels is shown shaded. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 69: The existing 1970s addition to be demolished is shown on the left, viewed from the right of way looking in a north-easterly direction. The image on the right shows the 1970s addition removed and the proposed internal landscaped courtyard. 69. As shown in the view impact analysis images, the proposal will result in some impact to the outlook of the Level 6 apartment of 82-92 Cooper Street and the roof terrace of 16-18 Waterloo Street. The outlook currently enjoyed by both properties is over the subject site and is amenity partially borrowed from another property. 70. In considering whether those impacts are reasonable, the planning principle on views established by the Land and Environment Court in Tenacity Consulting v Warringah [2004] NSWLEC 140 has also been considered. The planning principle sets out four steps in determining whether view impacts are reasonable: 71. (a) Step 1: the assessment of the views to be affected; (b) Step 2: from what part of the property are the views obtained; (c) Step 3: assess the extent of the impact; and (d) Step 4: assess the reasonableness of the proposed causing the impact. In this case, it is considered that the impacts are reasonable as: (a) there are no planning controls that protect views or outlooks enjoyed from private developments over other private developments. The DCP, at, states that views and outlooks from existing residential development should be considered in the site planning and massing of new development. As shown at Figures 66 to 69 above, the demolition of the 1970s addition will significantly improve the outlook of all adjoining apartments, particularly those at the lower levels; DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 (b) of the 32 apartments that have an outlook to the rear either to or over the subject site (including both 82-92 Cooper Street and 16-18 Waterloo Street apartments) only one submission was received raising concerns about view loss from a private apartment; (c) on balance, the impacts to one apartment and one roof terrace are considered reasonable having regard to the benefits to all apartments from the demolition of the 1970s addition that will: (i) increase separation from the adjoining buildings; (ii) improve the outlook of all apartments that will now look on to a larger void space with landscaping; and (iii) increase daylight. (d) the views affected are not water or iconic views and comprise an outlook to treetops, tops of buildings, buildings in the distance and the sky; (e) the proposed height is appropriate in the 8/9 storey context of adjoining development; (f) the impact is not considered unreasonable as a development that complied with the height control would also affect views to buildings in the distance, treetops and tops of building. In most areas a complying development would only retain more sky views. Refer to Figures 51 and 63; (g) the outlook currently enjoyed from the level 6 apartment and from the roof terrace will not be entirely affected. In addition to buildings in the distance remaining visible and treetops from the roof terrace, a large open aspect and an outlook to the sky will be maintained. Refer to Figures 50 and 62; (h) the two storey element of the rooftop addition has been sited towards the north-east corner to reduce view impacts to apartments on levels 6 and 7 of 82-92 Cooper Street. From these levels, views to the north to the tops of some buildings will remain visible; (i) the amenity to residents from the roof terrace at 16-18 Waterloo Street is mostly derived from its size and openness. It is a large and uncovered space that provides seating and BBQ facilities for residents. The visibility of the addition will not reduce its overall amenity; and (j) none of the affected apartments in 16-18 Waterloo Street have existing views. All those apartments will benefit from the proposal as their primary outlook is to the 1970s addition which will be demolished and replaced in part with landscaping. Riley Street terraces 72. While not in relation to view impacts, one submission raised concerns about the visibility of the rooftop addition from the rear of heritage-listed terraces located on Riley Street as well as from streets to the east of the site including Little Riley Street, in the precinct between Sophia and Kippax Streets. Concern was also raised that the addition does not maintain the visual harmony between heritage items (being the subject site and the Riley Street terraces). DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 73. 12 MAY 2015 The relationship between the Riley Street terraces and the site is shown below at Figures 70 and 71. A photo included in the submission which shows the subject site as viewed from the rear of one of the Riley Street terraces is also included below (Figure 73). Figure 70: The site and the Riley Street terraces. Figure 71: Looking east on Kippax Street towards the Riley Street terraces. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Figure 72: Rear of the Riley Street terraces from Little Riley Street. Figure 73: Subject site viewed from one of the terraces in the 401-411 Riley Street row (photo included in submission). 74. The Riley Street terraces are three storeys and considerably elevated on account of the topography. While the addition will be visible from the rear of these terraces this in itself is not considered to be a negative impact on the heritage item, the Riley Street terraces or the Little Riley Street conservation area to the east. As viewed from this direction and height, the addition is contained within the height of adjoining buildings and does not impact on views enjoyed by private properties or diminish the heritage character of those terraces or the conservation area. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 75. 12 MAY 2015 At street level immediately surrounding the site, the addition will not be prominent as it has been set back 3 metres from both Kippax Street and Lacey Street. The addition will become more visible at street level further east and north-east along Kippax Street and Little Riley Street as this is the highest point of Kippax Street. While the addition will also be visible from the corner of Little Riley Street and Sophia Street, that view is predominantly over an undeveloped allotment currently used for carparking. Refer to Figure 30 earlier in the report. Notwithstanding, whether or not that site is developed in the future, the visibility of the proposed addition is not considered to detract from the setting or integrity of the heritage items. Other Impacts of the Development 76. The proposed development is capable of complying with the BCA. It is Class 2 (residential), Class 6 (restaurant), Class 5 (office) and Class 7a (car parking). 77. As discussed throughout this report, it is considered that the proposal will have no significant detrimental effect relating to environmental, social or economic impacts on the locality, subject to appropriate conditions being imposed. Suitability of the site for the Development 78. The proposal is of a nature in keeping with the overall function of the site. The premises are in a mixed use surrounding and amongst similar uses to that proposed. The suitability of the site for the proposed development has been discussed throughout this report. INTERNAL REFERRALS 79. The application was referred to Council’s: (a) Specialist Surveyor; (b) Specialist Health Surveyor; (c) Heritage Architect; (d) Urban Designer; (e) Building Services Unit; (f) Public Domain Unit; (g) Development Engineer; (h) Tree Unit; (i) Landscape Architect; (j) Waste Unit; (k) Section 94 Contributions Planner; DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 80. (l) Strategy and Economic Development Unit; and (m) Transport and Access Unit. 12 MAY 2015 Concerns raised about aspects of the development have been addressed throughout this report. Conditions recommended for inclusion have been incorporated into the conditions. EXTERNAL REFERRALS Notification, Advertising and Delegation (Submissions Received) 81. In accordance with Schedule 1 the Sydney DCP 2012, the proposed development is required to be notified and advertised. As such, the application was notified and advertised for a period of 28 days between 13 October and 11 November 2014. As a result of this notification, 5 submissions were received. 82. Submissions from and on behalf of two properties raised concerns about view loss. Those submissions have been discussed in detail in the Issues section. The balance of the issues raised in submissions is discussed below: Height, FSR and variation to development standards (a) Inaccurate estimates of height contravention. Response – The proposed height has been discussed in detail in the Issues section and includes images showing the proposed heights in various locations across the sloping site. The heights discussed throughout this report are consistent with the height assumed to be correct in the submission. (b) Non-compliance with the objectives of the height development standard as the height is not appropriate to the conditions of the site or context. The impact of the proposal far exceeds the impact of a complying scheme. (c) Non-compliance with the objectives of the FSR development standard as the FSR has a bearing on height and impacts including impacts to views. (d) Non-compliance with the objectives of Clause 4.6 (Exceptions to Development Standards) of the LEP as: the degree of flexibility sought is far beyond what is reasonable given the impacts to 16-18 Waterloo Street, 8292 Cooper Street and the heritage warehouse; and, it does not achieve better outcomes from the development as a result of those impacts. Response – The proposed height and FSR, while above the controls, is considered acceptable in the site’s context and this has been discussed in detail in the Issues section. The request to vary the controls under Clause 4.6 has also been discussed in detail in the Issues section. The additional impacts from the areas of the addition that exceed the permissible height plane have been quantified by the applicant in the additional view impact analysis. Those images are included in the Issues section. On balance, the proposed impact from the non-complying height is acceptable when considered against the benefits of the proposal and the demolition of the 1970s addition. The objectives of Clause 4.6 are considered to have been met. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 Heritage (e) Proper weight has not been given to the impacts to the heritage warehouse. The addition will be a prominent element of the addition and the impact can be minimised by the deletion of the seventh storey (Level 6). (f) The proposed addition is contrary to the recommended management of the building under the heritage inventory which says that consideration may be given to an additional level (not two) above the existing roof. Any additional floors are considered to have a negative visual impact from and between the various heritage items in the area, including from the heritage listed row of Victorian terraces at 401-411 Riley Street. Response – The addition is part 1 storey and part 2 storeys and has been set back from Kippax and Lacey Streets to minimise impacts on the building’s heritage integrity and the streetscape. The 2 storey portion of the addition is sited to respond to the site’s topography and adjoining buildings. The addition is not considered to be contrary to the recommendations for the management of the heritage item and is supported by Council’s Heritage Specialist. The visibility of the proposal from the rear of Riley Street terraces has been addressed in the Issues section. (g) Suitability of the proposed artwork on the western wall of 117 Kippax Street in the heritage conservation area. Consideration should be given to a horizontal garden instead. Response – The site is not located in a conservation area and while it is visible from the Little Riley Street conservation area to the east, it does not detract from the heritage item or the locality but provides visual interest to an otherwise blank wall. It is noted that the artwork is indicative and conditions require approval of the final design prior to its installation. Other (h) Concern about noise and traffic impacts to surrounding businesses including from ground level restaurant/retail spaces. Response – Separate DAs are required for specific uses and fitouts of the proposed retail premises, food and drink premises and commercial premises. At that time matters such as operating hours and noise impacts will be assessed. Notwithstanding, the site is located in a mixed use area and it is considered that residential, retail and commercial uses can be accommodated without adverse impacts to the area. In relation to traffic impacts, the proposal utilises existing parking and vehicle access points and loading will be contained within the site. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE (i) 12 MAY 2015 Concerns about privacy from the rooftop addition to level 6 of 82-92 Cooper Street. Response – Privacy impacts from apartments in the rooftop addition to the north are mitigated by their distance from 82-92 Cooper Street, being 28m away. To the east, as the openings of the rooftop addition are perpendicular to the openings of 82-92 Cooper Street, it is considered that these oblique sightlines in themselves prevent direct overlooking. A condition has been included to require a privacy treatment to the external terrace proposed at level 5 which projects into the courtyard / void space. (j) No objection so long as no amendments are made after the DA has been approved. In particular, the removal of the 1970s addition must proceed to address sunlight and privacy to existing apartments that currently face the lightwell. In addition, the lightwell garden must be incorporated. Response – The removal of the 1970s addition and the landscaped treatment of the courtyard form a major part of the proposal and are reflected on the plans recommended for approval and in the consent conditions. Council cannot fetter the applicant’s ability to make an application to modify the consent under Section 96 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act. If such an application is made, it would be notified in accordance with DCP requirements and be assessed having regard to the planning controls as well as the original consent. PUBLIC INTEREST 83. It is considered that the proposal will have no detrimental effect on the public interest, subject to appropriate conditions being proposed. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS/S94 CONTRIBUTION Section 94 Contributions 84. The development is subject to a Section 94 Contribution of $817,000 (rounded) based on 45 residential apartments and 64 workers (43 retail workers and 21 office workers [GFA based]). 85. Under the Development Contributions Plan 2006, a credit for the existing workforce population is applicable which would reduce the contribution payable. Section 4.16 of the Contribution Plan sets out how workforce occupancy rates should be calculated. Under the Plan, it is preferred that actual worker numbers are used to calculate credits and new contributions. 86. The applicant has sought a credit of $720,000 (rounded) based on an existing workforce population of 397 workers. Details submitted in support of that credit include a list of building tenants and lease details. The applicant has calculated a worker population of 397 adopting the following land use categories: (a) 293 workers - Older Style Office Building (circa pre 1970); (b) 87 workers - Shops with a frontage to a street; and DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE (c) 87. 12 MAY 2015 17 workers - Older Style Industrial Building (circa pre 1960) used for wholesale/retail. The documentation submitted has been considered by Council’s Specialist Planner Contributions as well as Council’s Strategy and Economic Development Team. The methodology and land use categories adopted by the applicant to support the credit sought are not supported for the following reasons: (a) the bulk of the credit sought arises from adopting the workspace ratio of an “office building”. This is the densest employee per floor area category in the Contributions Plan, calculated at 1 worker per 13m2. This is considered incorrect as: (i) it ignores the type of industries (and respective employment) that has typically occupied this warehouse (businesses in the creative industries and wholesale fashion sector) and similar buildings in Surry Hills; and (ii) an “office building” are typically CBD office towers with tenants (and therefore respective employee numbers) operating in finance, professional and business services industries; (b) the building is currently occupied by various tenants, however the credit sought is not based on actual workforce population but is based on floor area and land use categories set out in the Contributions Plan. Under the Plan, actual worker numbers should be used to calculate credits; (c) an existing worker population of 397 is grossly inconsistent with surveys undertaken by Council. In the 2012 floor space and employment survey (FES), a total of 61 workers were captured in the building. In the 2007 FES, a total of 43 workers were counted; and (d) adopting a retail land use category (“Shops with a frontage to a street”) is also considered inaccurate as those tenancies with street frontage do not sell to the public (retail) but are wholesale which falls under a separate land use category. 88. In the absence of actual workforce numbers verified by supporting documentation, the appropriate land use category to determine a credit for workers is “Older Style Industrial Building (circa pre 1960) used for wholesale/retail”. This category is calculated at 1 worker per 82.4m2. Applying this rate to the entire building, based on an existing GFA of approximately 7,147m2, a credit of 87 workers would apply. This is consistent with the latest FES data for the building (61 workers) and considered to be more representative of the actual workforce than 397 workers. 89. It is therefore recommended that contributions be levied for 45 apartments and 64 workers with a credit of 87 workers applied. This would reduce the contribution from around $817,000 to $659,000. An appropriate condition is included. RELEVANT LEGISLATION 90. The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 12 MAY 2015 CONCLUSION 91. The application proposes the adaptive reuse of a heritage-listed warehouse for a mixed use development with 45 residential apartments and lower level retail and commercial uses. A part one / part two storey rooftop addition is also proposed. 92. The development proposes variations to the FSR and height development standards. The variations are supported as the development is consistent in scale and built form with surrounding development and will not detract from the significance or integrity of the heritage item. 93. Concerns raised by or on behalf of two adjoining landowners about view loss from the rooftop addition have been considered in detail. On balance, those impacts are considered reasonable given that for the majority of affected residents, their outlook and amenity will significantly improve following the demolition of the 1970s infill building and replacement with a landscaped courtyard. 94. The proposal is recommended for approval, subject to conditions. GRAHAM JAHN, AM Director City Planning, Development and Transport (Silvia Correia, Senior Planner) DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 117 KIPPAX STREET - ALSO KNOWN AS 10-14 WATERLOO STREET - AND 119-127 KIPPAX STREET SURRY HILLS 11093004