1 regulations and general conditions
1 regulations and general conditions
REGULATIONS AND GENERAL CONDITIONS VOE COM A TAP E O CARTÃO CONTINENTE Modelo Continente Hipermercados, S.A., with head office at Rua João Mendonça, 505, Parish of São Mamede de Infesta e Senhora da Hora, borough of Matosinhos, with share capital of 179,360,000.00 Euros, registered at the Porto Company Register, under no. 502.011.475, which is also its Legal Person number, intends to carry out, between 05/01/2016 and 29/02/2016, a promotional competition with a prize draw called “VOE COM A TAP E O CARTÃO CONTINENTE” (“FLY WITH TAP AND THE CONTINENTE LOYALTY CARD”), hereby applies for your required consent, according to articles 159 and 164 of Decree-Law no. 422/89 of 2 December, with the wording given by Decree-Law no. 10/95 of 19 January, as amended by Decree-Law no. 114/2011 of 30 November and Decree-Law no. 64/2015 of 29 April, which shall comply with the conditions specified below: I – General Section 1 a) Modelo Continente Hipermercados, S.A. which, hereinafter and for the purposes of the competition these regulations apply to, shall be referred to as CONTINENTE, intends to hold a competition for all customers of “Continente”, “Continente Modelo”, “Continente Bom Dia” establishments and “Continente Online” situated in mainland Portugal and the Autonomous Region of Madeira (duly identified in Appendix I to these regulations), who are effective holders of the “Cartão Continente”, a competition called “VOE COM A TAP E O CARTÃO CONTINENTE” which will take place between 05/01/2016 and 29/02/2016. b) The commercial establishments situated in the Autonomous Region of Azores are excluded from this competition, for which reason the purchases made in those establishments, even when associated to the “Cartão Continente”, shall not be taken into account for the purposes of the competition in question, as are also excluded all the purchases made via the “Continente Online” website which are associated to the Autonomous Region of Azores. c) In the event that during this competition, commercial establishments are inaugurated other than those duly identified in Appendix I to these regulations, within the scope of the territory identified in paragraph a) of this clause, those establishments shall be considered automatically included in this competition, whereby such information shall be immediately notified to the General Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 2 The price of products shall not be increased by virtue of this competition, without prejudice to price changes that may occur due to market fluctuations, within the context of normal business operations. 3 a) This competition is aimed at all individuals, residing in Portugal, who are holders of the “Cartão Continente” and who perform purchases in “Continente”, “Continente Modelo”, “Continente Bom Dia” establishments or “Continente Online”, situated in mainland Portugal and the Autonomous Region of Madeira, with a unit expenditure equal to or higher than €30 (thirty euros), under the terms described in these regulations and effectively perform the respective payment. b) The holders of “Cartão Continente” who do not wish to participate in this competition shall inform CONTINENTE with regard to this fact promptly, by email sent to the following email address: apoiocliente@continente.pt. 1 4 For the purposes of this competition, CONTINENTE is fully entitled to not accept nor consider valid any purchases regarding which there are signs of fraud, all purchases performed under special conditions agreed between the purchaser and CONTINENTE, as well as any purchases which may be considered unlawful, in any way, under which circumstances CONTINENTE shall exclude the respective purchases from this competition. 5 All purchases made by customers who are in default with regard to the payment of goods and / or services provided to them by CONTINENTE may also be excluded from the scope of this competition, as well as all purchases that do not comply with all the conditions established in these regulations and / or those that are returned without due cause, until the date that the respective prizes are effectively awarded. 6 a) Without prejudice to the restrictions described above, within the scope of this competition, only the transactions/purchases that are associated to the “Cartão Continente” at the time that they are performed will be admitted. b) Transactions that take place while the system is offline and when it is not possible to associate the “Cartão Continente” to the transaction cannot be considered within the scope of this competition. c) Regardless of the number of “Continente” loyalty cards that each customer / participant holds, for the purposes of participation in this competition and, consequently, for the purposes of awarding the prizes inherent to it, only purchases associated to a single “Continente” loyalty account shall be admitted, for which reason the purchases associated to other “Continente” loyalty cards held by the same customer / participant shall be excluded from this competition. d) For the purposes of awarding any of the prizes in the competition in question, the personal data associated to the “Cartão Continente” must be duly up-to-date, in particular contact information – email and telephone number – filed in the Cartão Continente database, for which reason if this does not occur CONTINENTE shall not be held liable due to the fact that it is unable to get in touch with any winner. e) If by any chance, the email and phone number are not specified in the Cartão Continente data, or if they are out of date, customers may add them or alter them with the Customer Support Services at a Continente store, via the Cartão Continente customer hotline (707 201 919) or at www.cartaocontinente.pt. 7 a) By means of this competition, CONTINENTE intends to offer all the customers of “Continente”, “Continente Modelo” and “Continente Bom Dia” establishments situated in mainland Portugal and the Autonomous Region of Madeira, or customers of “Continente Online” who make purchases associated to the above regions with an amount equal to or higher than €30 (thirty euros), during the period between 05/01/2016 and 29/02/2016, on presentation of their “Cartão Continente” and following effective payment, the possibility of participating in the competition, whereby such participation shall be processed automatically and electronically simply by means of the presentation of the respective “Cartão Continente” when the purchases are made. b) For the purposes of participation, only 1 (one) daily purchase (the first) whose value comes to €30 (thirty euros) or more, per customer / participant, and which is effectively paid, shall be to admitted the competition, for which reason, for the purposes of the draw, each participant shall only be entered, at the most, with a number of participations / purchases that corresponds to the total number of days this competition is available. 2 8 a) CONTINENTE, the entity responsible for data processing in the scope of this competition, will prepare a digital file, for the purposes of the draw, in which all the respective contestants shall be identified. b) The file shall contain the following data: “Continente” loyalty card number, date that purchase was made. II – The Draw and Awards 9 a) The draw will take place by randomly drawing balls numbered from zero to nine, held in a container for that purpose, whereby as many balls will be drawn as are necessary, composing the numbers of the Cartão Continente of the respective holder, in this way indicating which contestants are the winners. In this way, with every draw, the first ball will correspond to the units digit, the second the tens, the third the hundreds and so on and so forth. b) In the event that the same contestant or the same Cartão Continente win more than one prize, only one draw will be considered, corresponding to one prize, whereby the others will be voided and repeated as often as is necessary until contestants who have not yet won are drawn. c) Considering that the Cartão Continente may have out of date personal data, such as address, email and telephone number, 10 (ten) substitutes shall be drawn with regard to the three prizes, in the event that it is not possible to contact the effective winners. d) Effective winners and substitutes shall be different persons. e) Recourse to substitutes, if it occurs, will follow the order in which they were drawn. 10 a) As described in the above clause, 10 (ten) substitutes shall be drawn, in order, with regard to the three effective prize winners. b) Recourse to the substitutes shall take place whenever revealed necessary, for example when winners do not meet the required conditions for their participation to be considered valid for the purposes of receiving the respective award, as well as whenever any of the rules arising from these regulations are found not to have been observed, or when it was not possible to contact the winner and / or they refused to accept the respective prize, and that recourse to substitutes will follow the order in which they were respectively drawn. 11 Selecting the winners, as well as the random draw and the random draw of their substitutes, shall take place on 08/03/2016, at 4 p.m., at Rua João Mendonça, n.º 529, 6.º piso, 4464-501 Senhora da Hora, in the presence of the representatives appointed by the General Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 3 III – Prizes abd claiming prizes 12 a) The prizes to be awarded are the following: 1st prize: Pair of return tickets to New York, including: Return flight Lisbon / New York / Lisbon on TAP, economy class, including tariffs, accommodation in double room during five nights at a 3 or 4 star hotel, breakfast included, with a total net value of €2,880 (two thousand and eight hundred euros). 2nd prize: Pair of return tickets to Rome, including: Return flight Lisbon / Rome / Lisbon on TAP, economy class, including tariffs, accommodation in double room during three nights at a 3 or 4 star hotel, breakfast included, with a total net value of €845 (eight hundred and forty-five euros). 3rd prize: Pair of return tickets to Madeira (Funchal), including: Return flight Lisbon / Funchal / Lisbon on TAP, economy class, including tariffs, accommodation in double room during three nights at a 3 or 4 star hotel, breakfast included, with a total net value of €690 (six hundred and ninety euros). b) Prizes must be used by 31/12/2016, excluding high season / special days (from 4 to 14 February 2016; from 18 March to 3 April 2016; from 1 July to 14 September 2016; from 16 December 2016 to 15 January 2017), and shall be subject to seat availability for prize tickets on the chosen flight. Bookings must be made until 30/04/2016 sent to the email address parcerias.loyalty@tap.pt. After the tickets have been issued, no changes shall be allowed. In order to arrange for accommodation after the flight booking has been confirmed, prize winners should send an email to reservas.online@geostar.pt or contact 707 212 325 until 30/04/2015. c) Other changes, namely in relation to accommodation, which are requested by prize winners and cause additional expenditure, shall be supported by the prize winners. d) For the purposes of claiming the prize, prize winners must be TAP Victoria clients, regardless of the date on which they join this programme. They may submit the admission form on www.victoria.flytap.com. e) In order to benefit from their prize, the passengers who win the trip to the U.S.A. require a valid passport and authorisation to enter the country, which can be requested online at the address https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov/. Passengers without passport and visa on their booking shall not be allowed on board. The winners will be solely responsible for obtaining these documents, their processing and the costs involved. f) The prizes in question in this competition are personal and cannot be transferred, nor can they be redeemed for cash. 13 a) The overall net value of the prizes to be awarded within the scope of this competition is €4,415 (four thousand, four hundred and fifteen euros), plus Stamp Duty amounting to €3,612.27 (three thousand, six hundred and twelve euros and twenty-seven cents), according to item 11.2.2 of the General Stamp Duty Table, for which reason the gross value of the prizes will amount to €8,027.27 (eight thousand and twenty-seven euros and twenty-seven cents). 4 b) The payment of the Stamp Duty applicable to the prizes awarded within the scope of this promotional competition will be paid in full by CONTINENTE. 14 a) After the draw takes place, CONTINENTE will contact the respective prize winners by email and, in the event of no reply within 24 hours or if the email does not exist, shall call the telephone number specified in the associated “Cartão Continente”. These contacts shall take place immediately after the draw takes place and during the 10 (ten) following days, in order to confirm the information regarding prize winners and whether they accept the respective prizes, and a minimum of 5 (five) contact attempts will be made. b) If by chance the email and the telephone number are not provided in the Cartão Continente data, or if they are no longer in use, the customers may register or alter these at the Customer Support services in a Continente store or call the Cartão Continente customer hotline (707 201 919) or online at www.cartaocontinente.pt. c) If, after 10 (ten) days have passed and (at least) 5 (five) contact attempts have been made, it has not been possible to reach the effective holder of the “Cartão Continente” associated to the winning purchase, or if the prize winner does not immediately accept the respective prize, they shall be automatically disqualified and the respective prize awarded to the first substitute drawn associated to the prize in question, who shall be contacted in the same manner as described in the above paragraph. d) When it is necessary to resort to the substitutes, a “sudden death” rule shall apply when contacting them, for which reason CONTINENTE shall make a one-off attempt at getting in touch by email and, if there is no reply within 24 hours or if the email does not exist, shall call the telephone number of the substitutes associated to the respective prize, starting with the first substitute and ending with the tenth substitute, for which reason the first contact that is successful, when established with the effective holder of the “Cartão Continente” associated to the winning purchase and if the prize in question is immediately accepted, shall be considered the winner for the purposes of the award of the respective prize. e) The procedure established in the above paragraph shall be repeated as often as necessary until a prize winner is confirmed. 15 a) For the effective delivery of the prizes, the respective winners shall confirm their acceptance with CONTINENTE by signing the respective prize winner acceptance statement, which shall take place in person at a location scheduled with CONTINENTE. b) In accordance with that set forth above, the prize winners shall go to the CONTINENTE facilities and sign the prize winner acceptance statement, mandatorily, by the date that was effectively mutually agreed by CONTINENTE and that prize winner, for which reason if the prize winner does not appear or refuses to sign the statement in question, they shall be automatically disqualified and the corresponding prize awarded to the first substitute according to the system described in the above clause. c) c) If the prize winner is unable to appear at the arranged time and date, they shall inform CONTINENTE as to this fact at least 1 (one) business day beforehand, via the Cartão Continente customer hotline 707 20 19 19 (Monday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., except public holidays), or otherwise shall be automatically disqualified on the grounds of non-acceptance of the respective prize, and the corresponding prize shall be awarded to the first substitute according to the system described in the above clause. d) All prize winners within the scope of this competition agree to take part in the symbolic award ceremony, which may be recorded by means of photographs or videos, for which purpose the prize winners agree to assign their image rights to CONTINENTE, according to article 79 of the Civil Code, whereby CONTINENTE shall be duly entitled to disclose such photographs and / or videos in the manner it considers most appropriate within the scope of this competition. 5 16 Without prejudice to that set forth above, after the respective prize winners have accepted their prizes, CONTINENTE shall proceed to publicly disclose their names using the supports and means they consider suitable, such as by publishing the name and location at CONTINENTE hypermarkets. IV – Final Provisions 17 This competition shall be advertised at points of sale, press, online, mailing, posters, leaflets and other supports and media as CONTINENTE considers convenient, undertaking to clearly describe all the applicable conditions, in conformity with that set forth in article 11 of Decree-Law no. 330/90, of 23 October, with the wording given by Decree-Law no. 57/2008, of 26 March. However, this shall not dispense with the need to consult and read these regulations by all participants and potential participants. 18 Using certain forms of advertising, CONTINENTE shall inform the public not only as to the place, date and time that the draw operation will take place but also the date until when they are entitled to make purchases and be entered into the draw, in other words, until 29/02/2016. 19 Within the scope and while this competition is in effect, the “Cartão Continente” customer hotline (707 201 919) will be available from Monday to Saturday, between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m., except bank holidays, in order to help with any doubts regarding the competition. 20 Within the scope of this competition, CONTINENTE shall not be held liable for any unlawful acts performed by participants, any other entitles involved or third parties, either during or after the competition takes place. 21 All and any actions, as well as attempted actions, which are aimed towards obtaining an advantage through actions that do not abide by or that distort the aim of this competition and / or violate that set forth in these regulations shall be considered illegal, whereby CONTINENTE reserves the right to exclude the corresponding participations, without prejudice to activating all the legal means that are considered necessary. 22 CONTINENTE reserves the right to terminate, amend, shorten, delay or extend the competition these regulations apply to in the event of illegal or fraudulent activity, or any external event, beyond the control of the organisation, which affects the proper operation of this competition, and shall immediately communicate this fact to the General Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and submit the respective evidence, in which case the participants shall not be entitled to compensation in any form. 6 23 a) Participation in this competition implies full acceptance, without reservations, of these regulations, as well as the assignment of image rights by all the effective winners, for the purposes of their disclosure to the public, whereby CONTINENTE shall be duly entitled to use such means as it considers appropriate for this purpose, such as television, internet, press, leaflets, outdoor and / or in-store advertising, for which reason the winners shall not be given any reward and / or compensation due to this fact. b) The assignment of image rights, granted under the terms of the above number of this clause, is granted to CONTINENTE by the respective participants, freely and intentionally, when they accept the prize awarded to them. c) The prize winners shall not refuse any use of their names, or video, or other images for advertising purposes, free of charge, fully or in part, unless they also refuse their prize. 24 These regulations are available for consultation at the information desk of all the CONTINENTE commercial establishments situated in mainland Portugal and the Island of Madeira, as well as online at the websites www.continente.pt and www.cartaocontinente.pt. 25 CONTINENTE reserves the right to eliminate any participation which, in any way, infringes that established in these regulations. 26 CONTINENTE shall not be held liable for any actions of the participants in this competition, namely the misuse of data and / or elements appertaining to third parties. 27 The elements requested are mandatory in order to participate in this competition, while the personal details that are provided in this scope shall be processed fully in compliance with data protection legislation, in particular Law no. 67/98, of 26 October, and Law no. 41/2004, of 18 August, for which reason participation in this competition assumes full knowledge and acceptance of the following: a) The participants agree that the provision of data is required and mandatory in order to process this competition and that data shall be included in a digital file for which CONTINENTE is responsible; b) CONTINENTE ensures the security and confidentiality of all the personal data processed after being provided by participants within the scope of this competition, and shall not transmit them to third parties; c) The holders of personal data provided within the scope of this competition are guaranteed the right to access, rectify or erase that data, whereby these rights can be exercised in person or in writing, at the address indicated as the head office of CONTINENTE; d) The personal identification data obtained may be made available for the purposes of civil and criminal liability, following request by the appropriate judicial authority, according to the applicable law. 7 28 CONTINENTE undertakes to submit to the General Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, within a maximum of 90 (ninety) days counted from the end date of this competition, the declarations of acceptance by prize winners, duly signed and accompanied by photocopies of their Citizen Card, proving that the respective prizes were effectively delivered. 29 Within the deadline referred to in the above number, CONTINENTE undertakes to provide proof, to the General Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, of effective payment of Stamp Duty applicable to the prizes awarded within the scope of this competition. 30 a) If the prizes are not claimed within the deadline or the respective proof is not given under the terms and within the period established in clause 27, we propose that the prizes in kind, or their cash equivalent, should be given to a charity or humanitarian institution designated by the General Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, within 30 (thirty) days counted from the date of the respective notice. b) This reversion shall also apply if, after the competition has started, it does not take place, under any circumstances, including non-compliance by the entity promoting the competition, with any of the conditions established for this purpose, or if the corresponding prizes cannot be awarded. 31 No members of the board of directors of CONTINENTE shall be entitled to take part in this competition, nor anyone involved in the competition’s organisation. 32 In the event of any omissions in these regulations, these shall be settled by agreement between CONTINENTE and the General Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, whose decisions cannot be appealed. 33 The General Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, under any circumstances, reserves the right to demand the submission of additional documents that provide proof of delivery of the prizes, establishing a deadline of at least 15 days to do so. 34 The applicant, with at least five business days notice, undertakes to: a) Confirm, in writing, to the General Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the dates of the operations and the identity of their respective representative. b) Perform payment of expenses related to the supervision that will be performed by the General Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, with regard to this competition’s activities, except with regard to operations whose payment cannot be calculated beforehand, in which case the payments will be performed immediately after those operations take place. 8 APPENDIX I # CONTINENTE STORES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 AMADORA ANTAS ARRÁBIDA AVEIRO BARREIRO BEJA BRAGA CASCAIS COIMBRA FÓRUM COIMBRA SHOPPING COLOMBO COVILHÃ ÉVORA GAIA SHOPPING GUIA GUIMARÃES LEIRIA LOULÉ LOURES SHOPPING MAFRA MAIA JARDIM MAIA SHOPPING MATOSINHOS MONTIJO OEIRAS OVAR PORTIMÃO PORTIMÃO II STO. ANT. CAVALEIROS SANTARÉM SEIXAL S. JOÃO DA MADEIRA TAVIRA TELHEIRAS TORRES NOVAS VALONGO VASCO DA GAMA VIANA DO CASTELO VILA REAL VISEU ADDRESS Estrada Nacional, 249 - 1, Venteira, 2724-510 Amadora Centro Comercial Dolce Vita Rua dos Campeões Europeus, 28-34, 4300 Porto Avenida dos Escultores, 199, Canidelo, 4404-504 Vila Nova de Gaia Estrada Taboeira, Quinta Simão Sul, Esgueira, 3800 Aveiro R. Cândido de Oliveira e Rua D. João I, Verderena - 2830- Barreiro Rua Zeca Afonso, 7800-522 Beja Avenida Robert Smith - Fraião, 4710-249 Braga Estrada Nacional, 9, 2645 -543 Alcabideche Estrada Bencanta, Santa Clara, 3040 Coimbra Av. Dr. Mendes da Silva, 211-251, Sta. António dos Olivais, 3030-153 Coimbra Av Lusiada, Centro Comercial Colombo, 1500-392 Lisboa Serra Shopping , Quinta do Pinheiro, 6200 Covilhã Quinta do Moniz - Zona Industrial - Freguesia da Sé - 7000-172 Évora Rua Particular de Santo António, Santa Marinha, 4404-501 Vila Nova de Gaia Algarve Shopping, Lanka Parque Comercial e Industrial do Algarve, lote R, Fracção 3, Guia, 8200-425 Albufeira Alameda Dr. Mariano Felgueiras, Creixomil, 4835- 075 Guimarães Estrada Nacional 1, Alto do Vieiro , 2403-002 Leiria Vale das Râs, São Clemente, 8100-616 Loulé Urbanização Quinta do Infantado, Lote 257, 2670-482 Loures Quinta da Bacoreira, Freguesia de Mafra, 2640 Mafra Rua Agostinho da Silva Rocha, S/N - Nogueira - 4475-451 Maia Lugar de Ardegães, Apartado 1009, Águas Santas Rua João Mendonça, 505, 4464-503 Senhora da Hora Zona Industrial Pau Queimado, Rua da Azinheira - Afonsoeiro, 2870-500 Montijo Oeiras Park, Av.António Bernardo Cabral de Macedo, 2770-195 Oeiras Sportsfórum- Centro Comercial, Av. D. Manuel I - Zona Ind. de Ovar, 3880-109 Ovar Estrada Nacional 124, Quinta da Malata, 8500-524 Portimão Rua das Papoilas Cabeço do Mocho, 8500-313 Potimão Estrada Nacional 250, Quinta Casal da Pipa, 2670-339 Loures Qta. S. Bernardo, Rua Alexandre Herculano, Bairro S.Vicente, 2000-149 Santarém Quinta Nova do Judeu, Estrada Nacional, 10 - Fogueteiro, 2840-293 Seixal 8ªAvenida - Shopping, Av. Dr. Renato Araujo, Quinta do Morgado, 3700-240 S. João da Madeira Rua Almirante Candido dos Reis, 247, 8800-318 Tavira Av. Nações Unidas, Telheiras, 1600-528 Lisboa Rua da Tonova, Qta das Ferrarias, Freguesia de Santa Maria, 2350 Torres Novas Avª do Conhecimento, nº 75 e Rua Julião Sarmento nº 285 4440-837 Valongo Av D. João II, Centro Comercial Vasco da Gama, 1990-094 Lisboa Quinta do Ameal, Meadela, 4900-204 Viana do Castelo Av. Regimento de Infantaria, nº13, 5000-423 Vila Real Avenida da Bélgical, 3510-150 Viseu 9 APPENDIX II # CONTINENTE MODELO STORES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ABRANTES ÁGUEDA ALBUFEIRA ALCOBAÇA ALHOS VEDROS ALMEIRIM ALVERCA AMARANTE ANADIA ARROJA AVINTES BARCELOS BARREIRO BOMBARRAL BRAGA BRAGANÇA CACÉM CALDAS DA RAINHA CANTANHEDE CARREGADO CARTAXO CASTELO BRANCO CHAVES COIMBRA EIRAS ELVAS ERMESINDE ESPOSENDE ESTREMOZ FAFE FAMALICÃO FÂNZERES FARO FELGUEIRAS FUNDÃO GAIA GRÂNDOLA GUARDA GULPILHARES ÍLHAVO LAGOS ADDRESS Rua da Esperança - Samarra 2200-210 Abrantes Local da Alagoa 3750 - 301 Águeda Rua do Municipio Lote 32 8200-161 Albufeira Rua General Humberto Delgado 2460-052 Alcobaça Estrada Nacional 11 - 1 (Extinta Corticeira Ibérica) 2860-004 Alhos Vedros Rua do Matadouro Novo nº119 2080 Almeirim Estrada Nacional Nº 10, km 129,6 2615 Alverca Olival S. Lázaro - S. Gonçalo 4600-279 Amarante Estrada Nacional nº1, Malaposta 3780-294 Anadia Av das Acacias Lote 1 Zona 6, Famões 2675-689 ODIVELAS Rua Estado de Futebol Avintes 4430-826 Avintes Rua do Passal, Freg. de Vila Frescaínha de S.Pedro, Barcelos 4750-804 Barcelos Alto do Romão Lote 32, Quinta da Lomba, Santo André 2830-528 Barreiro Zona das Act. Econ. Comercio e Serviços - Polo II lote 16 2540-095 Bombarral Lugar de Seara ou Feital -Frossos 4700-154 Braga Avenida Abade Baçal - Britelo 5300-068 Bragança Rua Marquês do Pombal, 2735-317 Cacém-Sintra Rua Bernardino António Carvalho Pargana 2500-136 Caldas da Rainha Chão do Conde, 3060 - 127 Cantanhede Lugar Carambancha, En 1 Freguesia Stº Estevão - 2580 Concelho De Alenquer E.N.3, Km 25 2070-621 Cartaxo Quinta das Taipas, 6000 - 145 Castelo Branco Estrada Outeiro Seco - Zona Industrial 5400-570 Chaves Loja A12, Estrada da Ribeira de Eiras 3020-088 Coimbra. Estrada Nacional 4 - Lugar do Paraiso 7350 -214 Elvas Rua das Macieiras, 330 4445-502 Ermesinde Lugar de Bouro - Zona Industrial da Gandra 4740-010 Esposende Quinta do Carmo, Freguesia de Santa Maria 7100-055 Estremoz Via Circular - Quinchães 4820-273 Fafe Parque Comercial Largo Discount - Lugar do Xisto 4760-727 Famalicão Rua Nova de Santa Eulália, 300 a 326 4510-570 Fanzeres Urbanização Vale da Amoreira Lote 27 - Freguesia da Sé 8000-800 Faro Rua Professor Joaquim Barros Leite 4610-000 Felgueiras Quinta de S. Marcos, Fundão Rua Alto das Torres, 891 Mafamude 4430-010 V.N.Gaia Bairro da Liberdade 7570 Grândola Qta. do Ferrinho-Freg.S. Vicente 6300-566 Guarda Rua Norton de Matos e Rua das Pedrinhas Brancas - Gulpilhares 4405-671 V.N.Gaia Via do Mercado, Rua Cimo de Vila, São Salvador 3830 Ílhavo Urb. Cerro das Mós Lote 315 8600 - 773 Lagos 10 APPENDIX II # CONTINENTE MODELO STORES 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 LAMEGO LEÇA DO BALIO LIXA LOULÉ LOUSÃ LOUSADA MAFRA MAIA MAIA VIVACI MANGUALDE MARCO CANAVESES MARINHA GRANDE MEM MARTINS MOITA MONÇÃO MONTELAVAR MONTIJO MOZELOS NAZARÉ OLHÃO OLIVEIRA AZEMÉIS OURÉM OVAR PAÇOS DE FERREIRA PALMELA PAREDES PENAFIEL PENICHE PINHAL NOVO POMBAL PONTE LIMA PONTE DE SÔR PORTALEGRE PORTO ALTO PÓVOA VARZIM QUARTEIRA QUINTA DO CONDE REBORDOSA RÉGUA REGUENGOS ADDRESS Lugar de Nazes - Quinta do Rabobal / Almacave 5100-190 Lamego Rua da Mainça, nº 697/779 4465-675 Leça do Balio Av. Dr. Machado Matos 4615-655 Vila Cova da Lixa Olivais de Sto.António - S.Sebastião 8100-390 Loulé Av. Dr. José Maria Cardoso 3200- 202 Lousã Lugar das Arcas - Cristelos 4620-134 Lousada Estrada Nacional 116 - Salgados 2640-000 Mafra Av. do Lidador - Águas Santas 4425-116 Maia Estrada Real, 95 4470-274 Maia Av. Conde D. Henrique, 3530 - 112 Mangualde Lugar do Cotovio - Tuías - Edif. Sonae 4630-205 Marco Av. Dr. José Henriques Vareda, 122 2430 Marinha Grande Rua António Feijo 2725 Mem Martins Quinta do Carvalhinho 2860 - 707 Moita Veiga Velha - Cortes 4950-855 Monção Estrada Nacional nº 9, 2715 Montelavar Sintra Estrada Circular do Montijo - Lugar do Arneiro, nº22 2870-152 Montijo Rua do Murado, 292 Mozelos 4535-211 Sta. Maria Feira Av. Abilio Santos e Sousa nº3 2450 Nazaré Estrada Nacional 125 - Sitio do Belmonte 8700-173 Olhão Av. Ferreira de Castro 3720-256 Oliveira Azeméis Rua vale da Aveleira, Vale Aveleira 2490-542 Ourém Rua Dr. Mário Sacramento Freguesia de S.João 3880-783 Ovar Lugar de S. Domingos - Carvalhosa 4580-136 P. Ferreira Estrada Nacional, 252 - Volta da Pedra 2950-313 Palmela Lugar de Pias - Freg. Castelões de Cepeda 4580-233 Paredes Lugar de Chãos de Cima – Freguesia de Milhundos - 4560-232 Penafiel Rua General Humberto Delgado, Sitio do Convento, lote 7 - Ajuda 2520-000 Peniche EN 252, Lugar da Cascalheira 2955 - 189 Pinhal Novo Quinta do Casarelo, Freg de Pombal 3100-505 Pombal Rua de Merin 4990-096 Ponte Lima Rua General Humberto Delgado 7400 Ponte de Sôr Rua do Joinal nº 12 7300-526 Portalegre Estrada Nacional 10, Km 109 - Porto Alto 2135 Samora Correia Lugar da Bouça do Monte Beiriz 4495-252 Póvoa Varzim Avenida de Ceuta, lote nº1, Foros de Quarteira-Cavacos 8125-116 Quarteira Urbanização Cova dos Vidros, Lote 85 2975-333 Quinta do Conde Lugar de Vilar - Rebordosa 4580-340 Paredes Quinta dos Montes / Rua Lousada Freguesia de Godim 5050-262 Peso da Régua Rua da Junqueira - Reguengos Monsaraz 7200-516 Reguengos 11 APPENDIX II # CONTINENTE MODELO STORES 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 RETAIL VISEU RIO MAIOR RIO TINTO S. FÉLIX MARINHA S. JOÃO DA TALHA S. JOÃO VER SALVATERRA SESIMBRA SETÚBAL SILVES SINTRA SINES SANTA MARIA DA FEIRA SANTO TIRSO TAPADA DAS MERCÊS TIRES TORRES NOVAS TORRES VEDRAS TROFA TOMAR VAGOS VALBOM (S. COSME) VALE CAMBRA VALE SOUSA VILA DO CONDE VILA FRANDE DE XIRA VIZELA (M) CÂMARA DE LOBOS (M) CAMACHA (M) CANCELA (M) CANIÇO (M) CENTROMAR (M) ESTREITO CÂM. LOBOS (M) MACHICO (M) MACHICO II (M) MADEIRA SHOPPING (M) RIBEIRA BRAVA (M) RIBEIRA BRAVA II (M) SANTANA (M) SANTO ANTÓNIO ADDRESS Av. Fortes da Gama, 16, Qta Magaranha 3505-639 Viseu Avenida Dr. Mário Soares 2040 Rio Maior Av. Dr. Domingos Gonçalves Sá 4435-096 Rio Tinto Rua dos Limites - Lugar de Espinho - Urgal 4410-151 S.Félix Marinha Est.Nac. 10, Quinta da Maçaroca 2695 - 671 São João Talha Centro Comercial Suil Parque Estrada nº 1 - Lote 36 4520-605 S.J.Ver EN 118, Km 46,7 2120 Salvaterra Estrada Nacional, 378 - Venda Nova 2970-866 Sesimbra Estrada de Algeruz, Quinta da Caiada 2910-272 Setubal Estrada Nacional 124 - Lugar da Tapada 8300 - 038 Silves Estrada da Cavaleira nº1 - Santa Maria/ Lourel 2710-140 Sintra Loteamento Municipal a norte da R52 – lote 4 7520-001 Sines Rua Comendador Sá Couto 4520-192 Santa Maria da Feira Rua Benardino Alves Barbosa Santarém - Fontiscos 4780-410 Sto. Tirso Av. Embaixador Aristides Sousa Mendes, Freguesia de Algueirão 2725-537 Mem Martins Avenida Amalia Rodrigues 2875-613 São Domingos de Rana Sto. António - Chãs-Sta Maria 2350-537 Torres Novas Conquinha - Freguesia S.Pedro 2560-000 Torres Vedras Av. da Trofa Velha -S.Tiago do Bougado 4785-716 Trofa Lugar Pavalhã - Sta Mª Olivais 2300-410 Tomar Estrada Nacional, 109- S. João 3840 Vagos Rua Luís de Camões, 706 - Lugar de Carregais 4420-490 Gondomar Lugar da Corredoura - Vila Chã 3730-401 Vale Cambra Rua S. Domingos, Centro Comercial Ferrara Plaza, Carvalhosa 4590-060 Carvalhosa Regufe - Lugar do Casal do Monte 4480-776 V.Conde Lugar da Várzea - Outeiro das Areias, Castanheira do Ribatejo 2600 Vila Franca Xira Rua Comendador Joaquim de Sousa Oliveira 4815-401 Vizela Sítio da Torre 9300-000 Câmara de Lobos Sítio da Nogueira 9135 - 060 Camacha Cancela - São Gonçalo 9050-299 S.Gonçalo - Funchal Rua João Gonçalves Zarco, Edificio Caniço Shopping 9125-086 Caniço Rua Ponta da Cruz, Centro Comercial Centromar 9000-000 Funchal Sítio da Igreja - Estreito Câmara de Lobos 9325 - 063 Estreito Câmara de Lobos Sitio da Queimada de Baixo 9200-017 Machico Sítio do Ribeirinho, 47/49 9200 - 102 Machico C.Comercial MadeiraShopping - Caminho de Santa Quitéria 9024-501 Funchal Sítio da Meia Légua 9350 - Ribeira Brava Rua dos Dragoeiros, nº 59 9350 - 215 Funchal Sítio do Barreiro 9230-085 Santana Rua Dr. França Jardim, nº 2 9020 - 401 Funchal 12 APPENDIX II # CONTINENTE MODELO STORES 121 122 123 (M) SÃO MARTINHO (M) SEMINÁRIO (M) VIVEIROS ADDRESS Caminho de São Martinho, nº 14 9000 - 070 Funchal Rua do Seminário, nº 5 9050 - 022 Funchal Estrada Dr. João Abel de Freitas 9020-158 São Roque Funchal 13 APPENDIX III # CONTINENTE BOM DIA STORES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ALCOCHETE ALGÉS ALMIRANTE BARROSO ALVERCA ALVALADE AMADORA ANGEIRAS AREOSA AVEIRO (ESTAÇÃO) BARREIRO BENFICA BOUCINHA CABECEIRAS DE BASTO CAMPO GRANDE CANEÇAS CELEIRÓS DEFENSORES DE CHAVES ESPINHO FOZ GAIA GOLEGÃ LARANJEIRO LEÇA MAIA MACEDO DE CAVALEIROS MASSAMÁ MASSAMÁ II MASSARELOS MATOSINHOS SUL MOTA PINTO NORTE SHOPPING OEIRAS ODIVELAS OLIVEIRA DO HOSPITAL PADRÃO LÉGUA PAREDE PONTE DA PEDRA PÓVOA DE SANTA IRIA PRAGAL PRELADA ADDRESS Avenida da Revolução nº 1383 - 1385 nº 365 - 32890-013 Alcochete Praceta Alfredo Sousa - 1495 - 070 Algés Av. Almirante Barroso, 9-9A-9B - S. Sebastião da Pedreira - 1000-012 Lisboa Galerias Choupal - Rua António Sousa - 2615 -009 Alverca Rua Acácio de Paiva, nr 22, 1700-006 Lisboa Largo Dr. Dário Gandra Nunes, 3-3A - 2700-279 Amadora Rua Professora Ofélia Da Cruz Costa nº 720-740 4455 Lavra - Perafita, Matosinhos. Rua António Feliciano Castilho, Nº 1171 - Areosa - 4445 Pedrouços Maia Rua D. João António De La Concha , Nº 12/14 - 2830 Barreiro Rua Olivério Serpa, Lote 1 - Benfica - 1500 - 471 Lisboa Av. Vasco da Gama - Lugar de Boucinhas - 4430 Oliveira do Douro Vila N.Gaia Av. Cardeal D. António Ribeiro - 4860-149 Cabeceiras de Basto Campo Grande, nº 1 - A - 1700-086 Lisboa Rua Coronel João Brás Oliveira - 1658-581 Caneças Av. São Lourenço(Estrada Nacional 14) Lugar da Cruz - 4705-474 Celeirós Braga Av. Praia da Vitória e Avenida Defensores de Chaves,Nº 7 a 9 A -1000-245 Lisboa Rua 41, 43 e 20 - 4500 Espinho Rua João de Barros, 265 - Foz do Douro - 4150-414 Porto Av. da Républica, 1895 - Mafamude - 4430 Vila Nova de Gaia Rua do Arieiro Estrada Nacional 243 - 2150-154 Golegã Parque das Merendas - 2/8 - Quinta de Stº Amaro - Laranjeiro - 2810 Almada Tv. Helena Vieira da Silva - Paço da Boa Nova, B. 3 - R/C - 4450 Leça da Palmeira Plaza Center - Loja 26 - Av. D. Manuel II, 2076 - 4470 Maia Rua Dr. Aguedo de Oliveira - 5340-235 Macedo Cavaleiros Rua D. Maria Ana Austria - Urbanização Massamá Norte, Casal da Barôta - 2605-663 Belas Rua Sebastião e Silva, lote 3 - 2745-838 Queluz Massamá Alameda Basilio Teles , Nº 60 a 152 - Freguesia de Massarelos - 4150 -127 Porto Avª Villagarcia Arosa nº 993 e Avª D. Afonso Henriques, nº 1131 - 4450-016 Matosinhos Rua Prof. Mota Pinto Nº 384 e 400- 4100-356 Ramalde, Porto Rua Sara Afonso, 105 a 117 - 4460 Senhora da Hora Av. Embaixador Augusto Castro, 14 - 2780-199 Oeiras Rua José Gomes Monteiro – Lojas 1 e 2 – Edifício Odivelas Plaza – 2675 - 395 Odivelas Rua Dr. João Afonso Ferreira Dias, 3400-173 Oliveira do Hospital Rua Nova do Seixo, 4460-384 Padrão da Légua, Senhora da Hora Praça 5 de Outubro Nº 19; Piso -1 - 2775 Parede Rua Ponte da Pedra, 240 a 302 - 4470 -108 Gueifães Maia Rua Américo Costa - Quinta da Piedade - 72625 -160 Póvoa de Santa Iria Rua Quinta das Casadas de Cima - Alcaniça - 2825 - 020 Costa Caparica Rua da Prelada, 19 - Porto - 4250 -376 Porto 14 APPENDIX III # CONTINENTE BOM DIA STORES 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 QUELUZ QUINTA DO ANJO QUINTA LAMBERT RAMALDE SACAVÉM SÃO MARCOS SANTA QUITÉRIA TONDELA VALE FORMOSO VENDAS NOVAS VIANA CASTELO ESTAÇÃO VILA PRAIA DE ÂNCORA ADDRESS Praceta Simões Almeida Júnior, 13 - 2745-332 Queluz Rua Venâncio da Costa Lima Nº 189 2950 – 701 Quinta do Anjo, PALMELA Vila Lambert, Lotes 6 e 7 - 1750 Lisboa Rua João dos Santos Ferreira Lote 43, 4250-507 Ramalde Porto Urbanização Quinta do Património, lote 20 - 2685-010 Sacavém Estrada de São Marcos - 2735 – 521 São Marcos, Cacém Tv. de Stª Quitéria, 38 - 1250-212 Lisboa Rotunda dos Combatentes do Ultramar, Fojo, Colmeeiras 3460- TONDELA Rua Luís Aguiar, 16 - 26 - 4250-269 Paranhos Avenida 25 de Abril - 7080-138 Vendas Novas Av.General Humberto Delgado, Nº 101 - 4900 - 317 Viana do Castelo Rua 5 de Outubro; 4910-456 Vila Praia de Âncora 15