14210 – Roskilde Fjord Link
14210 – Roskilde Fjord Link
Technical description and sample drawings for the technical dialogue for the Roskilde Fjord Link 14210 – Roskilde Fjord Link November 2014 Revision 1 The Danish Road Directorate Vejdirektoratet Roskilde Fjord – Link Technical description for high bridge contract 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 This report takes into account the particular instructions and requirements of our client. It is not intended for and should not be relied upon by any third party and no responsibility is undertaken to any third party. Job number 234351-24 Ove Arup & Partners Danmark A/S Frederiksborggade 15, 7th floor 1360 Copenhagen K Denmark www.arup.com Vejdirektoratet Roskilde Fjord – Link Technical description for high bridge contract Contents Page Roskilde Fjord – Link 1 1 Introduction 1 2 Summary description of the high bridge 3 3 Bridge proposals 4 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4 5 6 Assumptions and requirements Description of the bridge Construction methods Operation and maintenance 4 7 15 23 Retaining walls proposals 25 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 25 27 28 28 Assumptions and requirements Description of the retaining walls Construction method Operation and maintenance Main quantities 29 5.1 5.2 29 29 High bridge Retaining walls Construction programme Appendices Appendix A Supporting Drawings 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX 29 1 Introduction The Roskilde Fjord - Link is a new 9.5 km, four lane expressway spanning over the Roskilde Fjord with a 1.4 km high bridge. The link is situated south of Frederikssund and is intended to alleviate the traffic congestion at the existing Kronprins Frederik bascule bridge. Figure 1 below provides an overview of the scheme. Figure 1: Overview plan of the Roskilde Fjord - Link It is currently envisaged that the scheme will be divided into three contracts: 1. Traditional contract for the road works on the eastern side of the fjord (approx. stationing 8km to 9.5km in Figure 1). 2. D&B contract for the high bridge over the fjord, including the retaining wall section through Tørslev Hage (approx. stationing 5km to 8km in Figure 1) 3. D&B contract for the remaining road works on the western side of the fjord. This report has been produced by Arup, and is intended to provide technical information on the high bridge and the retaining walls which are part of contract nr. 2. This document is issued by the Danish Road Directorate (VD) with the sole purpose of being part of the material for the technical dialogue in January 2015. The material shall be treated as confidential. In addition it should be noted that the design of the project is a work in progress and the details outlined in this report are subject to change as the design progresses. 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 1 The following activities have been conducted or are ongoing: Assessment of foundation conditions and choice of possible foundation methods based on available geotechnical data. Definition of cross section, alignment and longitudinal profile of road. Choice of preferred bridge type. Investigation of the measures required to ensure a 120 years design life without repair or replacement of load-carrying structures. Sketch designs of the bridge, including description of possible construction methods. Sketch design of the retaining walls through Tørslev Hage. Preparation of preliminary time schedules and construction cost estimates. This technical description is structured as follows: Section 2 gives a summary description of the high bridge. Section 3 describes the bridge proposals. Section 4 describes the retaining wall section included under this contract Section 5 outlines main quantities for the bridge and retaining structure. Section 6 provides a preliminary construction time schedule. Table 1 below provides an overview of the abbreviations used in this report. Definition Vejdirektoratet (Danish Road Directorate) Below ground level Below mud line Danish Vertical Reference 1990 Environmental Impact Assessment Geotechnical investigations Ground conceptual mode Post tensioned Precast concrete Reinforced concrete Sheet pile wall Abbreviation VD bgl bml DVR90 EIA GI GCM PT PCC RC SPW Table 1: Abbreviations 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 2 2 Summary description of the high bridge The Roskilde Fjord high bridge and adjacent approaches span from Marbækvej to the east, to Tørslev Hage on the west. Travelling from Marbækvej westwards, the crossing consists of approximately 200 m of embankment leading up to the east abutment of the bridge, which is set back 180 m from the shore to minimise the impacts to the coast line environment. The high bridge has a total length of 1360m measured between the abutments, and has a constant horizontal curve with a radius of 4510 m. The superstructure is currently envisaged as a single cell, post-tensioned segmental concrete deck, with a total width of 19.7m including for 2 lanes per direction with a central reserve. For the substructure two different options are currently considered: a V-shape pier with a rectangular cross-section or two vertical piers with a circular cross-section. Based on the geotechnical conditions currently known, the foundations over the fjord are expected to be piled reaching the underlying limestone, and on land they are expected to be founded on pad-footings. The vertical alignment of the bridge allows for a single navigation span in the existing navigation channel, providing a minimum clearance to the underside of the bridge at +22.5m DVR90 and minimum draught of 2.5m. From the eastern abutment, the bridge vertical alignment rises westwards at a gradient of 2.4%, and meets a central hogging curve of 11100 m at the bridges high point, allowing for the navigation span of the bridge. The vertical alignment then drops with a gradient of 3.81% reaching the western abutment. The western abutment is set back 100m from the shore to minimise the impacts to the coast line environment. From the abutment, the road then travels on an embankment dropping in level until it reaches ground level, and then drops further in a retained cut that stretches for approximately 700m through Tørslev Hage. The retaining structure is envisaged as vertical sheet pile walls, with the top of the walls following the undulating surrounding ground-level. The low point of the road is located in the cut at approximately +3 m DVR90. Noise screens will be installed on both approach embankments, on top of the entire retained cut, and for 200m on the bridge, starting from western abutment out over the fjord. Figure 2: The bridge plan layout 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 3 3 Bridge proposals 3.1 Assumptions and requirements 3.1.1 Architectural assumptions Given the flat and open character of the area where the bridge is to be constructed, one of the key requirements was to design a structure that when built becomes ‘invisible’ within the existing landscape. It is not intended to be a signature bridge. On the contrary, the bridge is to be unobtrusive and in harmony with the surrounding area. Therefore no high pylons are allowed and a bridge with moderate span lengths is envisaged, with a constant superstructure depth. As a result, the design has focused on minimising the depth of the superstructure and the number of intermediate supports. As the navigation on the fjord is mostly limited to leisure sailing, the ship impact is limited and the piers are to be ‘light’ and provide an unobstructed view for passersby on both shores to the best degree possible. Protective paint layers on concrete surfaces will not be permitted therefore a high quality visible surface finish is required. 3.1.2 Geotechnical and hydrogeological conditions The ground conditions for the bridge are based on 18 No. boreholes undertaken either during the EIA Geotechnical Investigation (GI) or as part of previous investigations. Refer to drawing “Bilag nr. 3” in appendix A for the preliminary Ground Conceptual Model (GCM) at the high bridge location. Only 6 No. of these boreholes have been drilled to the top of the limestone formation and none of them have been drilled further down into the limestone. The characteristics of the limestone therefore currently largely unknown at the high bridge location. A marine geotechnical investigation is planned to be undertaken between November 2014 and March 2015 which, amongst various objectives, is intended to investigate the geomechanical characteristics of the limestone formation. It is noted that between Ch. 5+900 (close to borehole S7) and Ch. 6+500 (close to borehole E) there are no boreholes that are deep enough to determine how the limestone surface varies with depth along a distance in excess of 60.0m. Moving eastwards from borehole S4 (Ch. 6+850), the spacing of the boreholes drilled to the limestone surface reduces to about 200 m. Finally there is an apparent discrepancy between the depth of the limestone surface as inferred via the boreholes and that determined through the geophysical surveys carried out to date; it is noted that the latter suggests that the limestone surface may be shallower west of Ch. 6+500 and about 10 or more meters deeper at the location where it is expected to be deepest. The top of the limestone ranges from 23 m bgl (-20 m DVR90) at the western abutment location and 21.5 m below mud line (bml) corresponding to -27.5 m DVR90 in borehole E; it is expected that it then deepens to about 38m bml (-43m DVR90) as observed in borehole S4 (Ch. 6+850), where the presence of a fault is postulated, and then rises again to 23 m bgl (-27m DVR90) in borehole S3 (Ch. 7+040), to 17 m bgl (-15 m DVR90) in borehole S2 (Ch. 7+270) and finally to 19.5 m bgl (-12.5m DVR90) as observed in borehole S1 at the eastern abutment location (Ch. 7+440). It is noted that the fault has not been investigated to date during the EIA GI as none of the boreholes were drilled through it. 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 4 The depositional environment of the subsoil overlying the limestone suggests a risk of encountering boulders; this is particularly important to assess pile driveability and, to a lesser extent, dredging. More information is required to determine the presence of boulders in the fjord’s subsoil. The limestone formation is generally overlain by glacial deposits (quaternary) of variable thickness. It is expected that the minimum thickness can be as low as 1 m (in borehole E) and that the largest thickness is found where the limestone layer is deepest and the thickness of the glacial deposits exceeds 20 m (in borehole S4). The thickness of the glacial deposits ranges from 5 to 15 m moving inland at either side of the fjord; whereas on the eastern side of the fjord the glacial deposits are expected to outcrop at around Ch. 7+250, on the western side they are always overlain by either late-glacial or post-glacial materials. The post-glacial deposits overlie the late-glacial material and outcrop in the central part of the fjord between Ch. 6+200 and 7+200. On the western side, where the fjord waters are very shallow (0.51.0 m) there is a max. 3 m thick layer of sandy post-glacial material between Ch. 6+200 and 6+500. This layer is overlain by a shell deposit as well as by gyttja west of Ch. 6+500: the shell deposit has a maximum thickness of 6 m, whereas the gyttja can reach up to 10 m in thickness. The layer of gyttja outcrops between Ch. 6+500 and 7+200: within these chainages the fjord bed ranges from level -1m DVR90 and level -6.5 m DVR90. It is noted that the stratigraphy of the late-glacial and post-glacial deposits presented on the preliminary GCM is based on boreholes with a spacing ranging between 20 m and 190 m and therefore the assessment of the lateral continuity as well as the estimate of the thickness of these deposits require further investigation and verification. The presence of such shallow waters suggests that the equipment that is typically used for near shore and off shore investigations or construction works may only be deployed after having carried out some dredging activities in the fjord. Whilst this has been envisaged as a solution in the EIA, other options may be considered whereby a temporary access – either in the form of an embankment or of a timber access bridge - is built where the waters are particularly shallow. With regard to soil properties, a brief outline is provided below based on the information that is available from boreholes S4 and S6. S4. The layer of gyttja has an undrained shear strength <50 kPa and generally equal to about 30 kPa, as derived from the FVT; its water content is generally in the range of 200% which is common for organic deposits. The layer of late glacial material that underlies the gyttja layer consists of sand or silt, according to the 2 no. PSD analyses that are available for this borehole; an SPT value of 12 blows was obtained in this layer. In the glacial deposit located underneath it the undrained shear strength sharply increases to reach the 100 -150 kPa range and a water content of about 10 - 15%. No physical or mechanical information is available for the cohesionless layer located between the limestone formation and the glacial layer, nor for the limestone. S6. Underneath a very thin layer of gyttja lies a sandy deposit characterised by the presence of 5 m of shell material. The two SPT tests undertaken within this material indicate that it has a loose state. The shells are underlain by a 10 m thick layer of late glacial sand which is expected to have good mechanical properties as the SPT test results are generally higher than 30 blows with the exception of a 2 m thick layer between 16 m bgl (-18 m DVR90) and 18 m bgl (-20 m DVR90) where the number of blows drops to about 20 before going 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 5 back up to a value >50 at greater depths. No physical or mechanical information is available for the limestone. Uncertainties also exist on the groundwater levels as the data available so far has been collected between April and July 2014 and it is expected that higher groundwater levels will be detected during the coming winter months. The preliminary GCM drawing shows that the proposed formation level of the western abutment is below the groundwater table. 3.1.3 Geometric assumptions The route selection took place during Phase 2 design and only small adjustments to the alignment were introduced on the eastern side of the fjord in the Phase 3 design. Both horizontal and vertical alignments have been designed for design speed 110 km/h and the corresponding stopping sight distance is 190m. The Phase 3 vertical alignment has been selected to allow for the required navigation channel clearance in the fjord. See drawing 14210-009-007 in appendix A. The road cross section on the bridge includes for 2 lanes (each 3.5m wide) each direction. The central reserve will be 0.6m wide. 3.1.4 Load and design assumptions The bridge will be designed in accordance with Eurocodes and corresponding Danish national annexes as well as supplementary rules from VD. All calculation and design assumptions have been covered in a Civil Structure Design Basis report, which will likely be included in the tender documentation. Static calculations will consider loading during construction, taking into account construction stages, as well as loadings during operation including superimposed dead, traffic, wind, temperature, ice and accidental actions. Major design assumptions have been stated below. Traffic loads will be applied in the global model following the Eurocode as: Load model 1 (LM1). Adjustment factor αQi for tandem vehicle shall be taken as 1.00. Load model LM2 - βQ = 0.80 shall be used. Load model LM3 consisting of: Vehicle A: Class 150 or Vehicle A: Class 175 or Vehicle A: Class 200 Load Model LM3 shall not be combined with normal traffic. Apart from accidental actions during construction, a ship impact of 11MN action shall be applied in the operational stage. As the bridge is intended to act as a semi-integral structure i.e. integral pier supports with superstructure and with articulation at the abutments, temperature actions will play a significant role in the structure behaviour. Two quarter span joints have been assumed to minimise the temperature effects. 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 6 3.1.5 Environmental assumptions Noise is a major environmental consideration for the scheme, and noise-reducing road surfacing is required for all the new roads. In addition, 2 m high noise screens 200 m in length will be provided on the western part of the bridge, on both sides of the structure. 4 m high noise screens will be provided on the western approach to the high bridge on both sides of the road and a 3 m high noise screen will be provided on the eastern approach to the bridge. An appropriate interface will be provided between the noise screens located on the bridge and at the approaches. Requirements are subject to confirmation by ongoing assessments. The installation of the bridge piers will likely influence the hydraulics within the fjord and reduce the cross sectional area of it, but it is presently considered that the effects will be minor. The approach to the design of the embankment on the eastern side of the bridge will be progressed in such a way as to minimise the impact on environmentally sensitive habitat sandbanks. 3.2 Description of the bridge 3.2.1 Bridge superstructure The bridge deck cross-section is described in Table 2 below. Figure 3 and Figure 4 provide typical cross sections for the deck. The deck cross section Width Slope Edge beam 0.55 m 1:15 Emergency zone 1.5 m 25‰ Traffic lanes 2x3.5m 25‰ Edge line 0.5m 25‰ Central reserve 0.6m 1:10 Edge line 0.5m 25‰ Traffic lanes 2x3.5m 25‰ Emergency zone 1.5 m 25‰ Edge beam 0.55 m 1:15 OVERALL WIDTH 19.7m Table 2: The bridge deck cross-section parameters 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 7 Figure 3: typical span cross section Figure 4: Typical support cross section 3.2.2 Span arrangement and articulation A 19-span structure of span lengths 17 x 73.5 m + 2 x 55.25 m and total structure length of 1360 m has been assumed (see drawing 14210-009-005 in appendix A). The number of spans has been determined mostly by structural requirements. With the depth of the superstructure set at 3.5 m, spans of 73.5 m in length result in an economical solution for balanced cantilever construction. Marba k Torslev 55.25m 17 x 73.5m = 1249.5m 1360m 55.25m Figure 5: Span arrangement Due to the significant length of the bridge, and consequently significant temperature movements, a fully integral concrete structure is not feasible. Therefore a study has been undertaken to identify the minimum number and location of expansion joints required to guarantee an optimum solution. 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 8 As locating an expansion joint on a pier would result in a wider pier head compared with other piers (the pier head would have to accommodate four bearings), this solution was ruled out as it would not meet VD’s aesthetic requirements. Based on the above a quarter-span joint approach was selected and used in the Phase 3 design of the project. Two quarter span joints have been assumed in the 6th and the 15th span. 3.2.3 Foundations Based on the available geotechnical data at the time of writing this technical description, two main options have been developed for the high bridge foundations: Option 1a: 1.5 m diameter bored cast-in-place RC piles as shown in Figure 6. The piles are all vertical and designed to be end-bearing in the limestone. Option 1b: 1.0 m diameter tubular driven steel with concrete infill, all vertical and designed to be end-bearing in the limestone (not depicted). Option 2: driven pre-cast concrete (PCC) piles as shown in Figure 7. The piles have been assumed to be 400 mm square sections. The perimeter piles are raking in the directions indicated by arrows in Figure 7; it should be noted that more than half of the perimeter piles are raking in the direction of the navigational traffic. The piles are designed to be endbearing in the limestone. Direct foundations have been assumed for abutments and for the piers on the land. Figure 6: Large diameter bored cast-in-place RC piles foundation option - top view 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 9 Figure 7: Driven precast concrete piles foundation option - top view 3.2.4 Bridge piers Two pier options have been developed: 1. Two vertical circular columns. 2. A V-shaped pier comprising of two rectangular columns tapering towards the top. Figure 8 below provides elevations of both pier options. Figure 8: Pier support options 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 10 The final pier outline is determined by the required ship impact loading. In order to avoid increasing the columns cross-section a transverse crossbeam up to 1.5m above water level has been assumed. 3.2.5 Abutments Abutments have been designed as full height RC walls. An inspection gallery has been assumed to allow for bearings, expansion joints and box superstructure access for inspection and maintenance. Figure 9 shows a 3D model of the western abutment. Figure 9: Western abutment – 3D model Due to the high embankment on the bridge approaches, sheet pile walls have been assumed as abutments wing walls. 3.2.6 Bridge elements Waterproofing and surfacing The bridge surfacing will comprise of: Membrane (type IVa) 10mm, 20 mm open asphalt concrete (drainage layer) ÅAB8, B70/100, 45 mm modified ABM type c (protection layer), 30 mm (wearing course) SMA 8B. Asphalt surfacing shall include for with a noise reducing wearing course. Thin waterproofing will be applied to all buried surfaces. 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 11 Drainage The surface of the bridge deck will be drained by scuppers with a heavy duty frame and grate cast in the bridge deck structure. They will be located at adequate spacing along an open channel formed by 25‰-steep bridge carriageway cross-fall and 100‰-steep counter cross-fall of the strip adjacent to the parapet beams. All inlets of the bridge deck drainage will be connected to two carrier pipes, one of each side, laid under the bridge slab and mounted within the box section. Carrier pipes of minimum 200 mm diameter will be installed in minimum 20‰ slope. The downstream end of the bridge deck drainage will be connected to the expressway drainage installed underneath the road surface and along the mainline. Water collected from the bridge area will be discharged into retention ponds located near the landfalls and then after initial treatment into the fjord. No drainage pipe shall be exposed and visible to a spectator watching the bridge from the outside. All exposed “horizontal” concrete surfaces such as upper surfaces of edge beams, bearing shelves, foundations etc. are to be inclined on a 20‰ grade as a minimum. For narrow elements (less than 1 m) the slope may be increased up to a minimum of 50‰. Structure elements permanently submerged in water are excluded from the requirement outlined above. Bridge abutments will be provided with back of wall drainage in the form of perforated pipe covered in geotextile and adequate filter material (e.g. hollow blocks, no-fines concrete or other appropriate system). The bearing plinth area will be connected by a weep-hole pipe into the back of wall drainage system. Collected water will be discharged into the balancing pond located near the bridge abutment. Bearings Pot bearings have been assumed. The bearings shall be designed to allow for: Maximum ULS on the bearing in compression, The translational, rotational movement and guiding needed for temperature movements and other deformations, Provision of jacking points that have sufficient capacity to allow for the replacement of the bearings whilst there is live traffic on the bridge. Bearings have been assumed to be located only at the abutments and in the quarter span joints. Temporary bearings including tie downs which might be required during construction will be the subject of further investigations in the subsequent design stages. Expansion joints Modular expansion joints are adopted, and due to environmental constraints, noise reduction expansion joints are envisaged. It is assumed that the noise from passing traffic should be reduced by circa 80% compared to a joint with no noise reduction. 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 12 Figure 10: Modular expansion joint example Figure 11: Sinusoidal plates top view Approach slabs RC approach slabs have been assumed to ensure the appropriate soil-structure interface at the connection of the approach embankment to the bridge. The length of the slabs is to be 4 m or 60% of the embankment height, whichever is greater. Safety barriers Where there are no noise screens along the bridge, H2W3B edge safety barriers have been assumed. H2W1B safety barriers have been assumed on the edge beam sections adjacent to the noise screens. The box cantilevers over the full length of the structure will be designed to accommodate requirements as per W1 safety barrier, as to enable possible future noise screen installation along the whole structure. In order to align road and bridge safety barriers a transition barrier segment has been assumed outside the extent of the structure. Noise screens Transparent noise screens with a height of 2 m height and a length of 200 m have been assumed on both sides of the bridge at the west part of the bridge. The noise screens shall be assembled to the outside surface of the edge beams. 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 13 3.2.7 Materials Concrete The minimum concrete grade for the high bridge structural elements are provided in Table 3. Structural element Production Concrete grade Piles In situ or driven PCC driven C25/30 or respectively Pile caps In situ C40/50 Direct foundations In situ C40/50 Substructure – abutments In situ C40/50 Substructure – piers In situ C40/50 Superstructure – box girders Precast C40/50 C40/50, Table 3: Minimum concrete grade – the high bridge. Reinforcing steel The characteristic yield strength shall be minimum 500N/mm2, and ductility shall be Class B. Prestressing steel Permanent post-tensioned tendons (external and internal) comprised of EN 10138-3Y1860S7-16,0-A strands are assumed in the design. The strands properties shall be as outlined below: Tensile strength fpk ≥ 1860 N/mm2, Strand diameter d=16mm, Cross section area Ap=150mm2, Characteristic value of maximum force Fm = 279kN, The nominal modulus of elasticity Ep= 195 GPa. Post-tensioned, plain bars to EN 10138-4Y1030H has been assumed for temporary stressing. The bar properties shall be as outlined below: Tensile strength Rm ≥ 1030Mpa. Bar diameter – accordingly to design requirements. The nominal modulus of elasticity 205Gpa. Class 2 relaxation shall be used. 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 14 3.2.8 Durability A working design life of 120 years shall be assumed for the bridge in the design, with 50 years life expectancy of non-replaceable parts (mechanical expansion joints) and 25 years for replaceable parts (bearings). 3.3 Construction methods 3.3.1 Extent of Contract works The exact extent of the contract is still under discussion, but at present it is envisaged as including all works between (and including) the overpass at Tørlsevvej to the underpass of Marbækvej. Figure 12: Extent of contract works 3.3.2 Site Compounds/ Access and Land take East end of bridge Lack of available space and limited opportunities for road access on the western side mean the majority of the bridge construction will be carried out from the east. The main construction compound would be in the east and cover an area of approximately 70,000m2 as outlined in Figure 18. Note this is indicative of the overall size and not intended as a functional layout. This includes provision for workshops, site offices, 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 15 work force welfare, car parking, concrete batching plant, pre-casting facilities, storage of component materials and completed units, storage / plant / materials for in situ concrete works e.g. pile cap construction or abutment / pier works, jetty or quayside for transfer of materials to / from barges Pre-casting of deck segments, caissons and pier units has been considered and allowances made for these however the final areas required may be subject to how the works are to be constructed under a design and build contract. It is intended to maintain sufficient areas within the proposals to allow a contractor flexibility in future to develop the preferred method of construction. The east compound is shown indicatively below: Figure 13: East Site Compound for high bridge Apart from the west abutment and land based piers (no. 1-2 on drawing 14210-009-005 in appendix A), it is anticipated that construction would progress from the east towards the west commencing with the landward east abutment / piers (no. 18-20 on drawing 14210-009-005). Access to the east compound is to be gained via a temporary haul road as shown below which is to avoid conflict with the contract 1 contractor. 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 16 Figure 14 Site boundary/ compounds for adjacent contract 1 The opportunity to prefabricate / pre-cast elements away from the site has also been considered as a further option however this would unlikely reduce the site compound area, as storage of units and also area to support in situ works would still be required. In the event that on-site pre-casting / prefabrication is chosen delivery of these elements to site would be via the following routes: By barge along the fjord from the north however this would require careful navigation through the existing Crown Prince Frederik bascule bridge at Frederikssund, nearby marina and associated marine leisure crafts. By road, entering the site via Frederikssundsvej and passing along a temporary haul road to the east site compound. This haul road would run alongside the Contract 1 works. The embankment between the high bridge (009) and bridge (008) would require fill material to be imported and this would be along the same route as the pre-cast units. West end of bridge Access to the west abutment would be via the existing road network and then along the route of the new expressway. This access route would have to negotiate the construction of retaining walls and cutting in the Tørslev Hage area. This would require coordinated planning with the other elements of works to be constructed. Figure 15 below refers to the principal elements of work through this section of the project which are: 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 17 Bridges 013, 014, 012 Cutting, drainage works Highway construction Sheet piled retaining walls. Construction of the bridges and cutting would require a series of temporary diversions of existing roads and utilities however these could be constructed after the west abutment has been completed. Figure 15: Site boundary/ compounds on west side of fjord 3.3.3 Abutments and on-shore piers on shallow foundations The abutments of the high bridge will be constructed in open excavation pits with a maximum depth consistent with the proposed formation levels. It is noted that in the case of the western abutment, this will probably require temporary dewatering of the excavation pit potentially with the aid of a cut off wall which could be built with a cantilever sheet pile wall (SPW). No soil replacement is envisaged underneath the foundation level at this stage. A similar construction method is envisaged for the two on-shore piers closest to the eastern abutment, the westernmost of which will probably require temporary dewatering of the construction, similar to the western abutment. 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 18 3.3.4 Piers on off-shore piled foundations The following construction method has been envisaged for the off-shore pier foundations: 1. Install sheet pile wall to create a cofferdam with a size compatible to accommodate the piled foundation. 2. Dredge within the cofferdam to reach the excavation level consistent with the required thickness of the underwater concrete. 3. Install the piles from a barge using a template at top of cofferdam level (either cast-in-place or driven PCC piles). The bored piles would very likely require a permanent casing for their entire length to ensure integrity of pile concrete. 4. Cast an underwater concrete plug of adequate thickness to protect cofferdam from vertical ingress of water. The top of the piles will temporarily protrude above the concrete plug. 5. Install the required propping system and dewater the cofferdam. Cut down redundant sections of casing in the bored pile scenario. 6. Trim concrete in the piles to underside of pile cap. 7. Cast the pile cap and remove the lowest propping system. 8. Cast the pier to a level that is adequately above the mean sea level. 9. Flood the cofferdam and remove the remaining levels of propping. 10. Remove the sheet piles completely or cut them at pile cap soffit level. 11. Install the scour protection system. Where the current water depths are not sufficient to get a vessel afloat, dredging would be necessary prior to activity 1 in the numbered list above. The following alternatives could also be considered: Alternative 1: construct a temporary embankment with imported fill and install the piles in the dry. It is noted that the construction of the pile cap would still require a dewatered construction pit with perimeter cut off walls. Alternative 2: construct a temporary bridge (for example on timber piles) from whence to operate the piling rig/hammer prior to initiating activity 1 in the numbered list above. An alternative construction sequence may be considered for option 1b foundation type, whereby the tubular driven steel piles are installed from a barge and with the aid of a template but without a cofferdam; a pre-cast concrete shell with a “follower” cofferdam is subsequently floated-in and connected to the piles and the concreted to form the pile cap. 3.3.5 Substructure Either a cast in-situ method using a self-climbing formwork or support erection by means of precast elements have been assumed in the design. 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 19 3.3.6 Superstructure Either a balanced cantilever or span-by-span construction method has been assumed in the design. For both methods the construction is assumed to be carried out by means of an overhead gantry. Deck slab execution Post-tensioned box segments have been assumed to be pre-cast together with box cantilevers. As an alternative in-situ cantilever execution could be adopted, see Figure 16. The benefit of this solution is that, for a given length of segment, there is a lowered weight of segment. On the other hand, assuming the maximum weight of the segment is defined by the capacity of the crane, longer segments can be cast and erected. Consequently the number of construction steps can be reduced and so, potentially, can the time for construction. It is important to note that casting of the cantilevers may require additional time and may also potentially interfere with other temporary works taking place during erection. Figure 16: In-situ cantilever execution PT box span-by-span method This method of construction is well adapted to long viaducts with spans that generally do not exceed 60 m. The decks may be statically determinate or continuous. The segment joints may be glued with internal prestress or dry with external tendons. Generally the spans are erected on under-slung falsework consisting of relatively simple girders placed beneath the side cantilevers of the box section deck. This minimises the projection of the girders beneath the bridge soffit. If the bridge deck rests on cross-heads or portals that would impede the under-slung girders, if there are deck bifurcations or if the highway clearance envelope makes it impossible for falsework to protrude beneath the deck soffit, overhead gantries may be used that suspend the segments during their assembly, see Figure 17. 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 20 Figure 17: Span-by-span overhead gantry construction The use of under-slung gantries is not feasible for the Roskilde high bridge due to limited clearance of end spans hence overhead gantries are considered more appropriate at this stage of the design. It is noted that a possible construction method composed of conventional falsework for end spans and under-slung falsework for other spans could also be used but is not considered at this stage of design due to additional complexities. Figure 18 shows the proposed steps of segmental span-by-span construction method adopted in the Phase 3 design. Note that auxiliary works are not shown for clarity. 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 21 Figure 18 Span-by-span construction method 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 22 PT box balanced cantilever method The most widely used erection method of precast segmental bridges is balanced cantilever. It is adaptable to spans ranging from 25 m up to about 150 m, and can cope with virtually any succession of span lengths and deck alignments. The upper limit on span is generally imposed by the weight of the deeper segments and the cost of the casting cells, although if there is enough repetition, longer spans are viable. A typical deck consists of pier segments, and a number of span segments that are usually symmetrically placed about each pier, in a balanced cantilever. The span is closed by a mid-span stitch, cast in-situ. The joints are usually glued, although this is only essential when internal tendons are adopted. Balanced cantilever bridges may be erected by crane, by shear legs (or beam and winch), or by overhead gantry. The choice of method depends on the scale of the bridge, on the weight of the segments, on the height of the deck above ground level and on the nature of the terrain crossed. An overhead gantry method has been assumed in Phase 3 and is presented as one of the variable construction methods of the high bridge. Due to very limited pier support stiffness, additional temporary pier supports are required for the bridge erection. The temporary supports are assumed to be seated on pile caps and/or attached to a pier supporting a gantry. Figure 19 shows the proposed steps of balanced cantilever construction method assumed in Phase 3. Note that temporary works are not shown for clarity. 3.4 Operation and maintenance Access for inspection of bearings and expansion joints at the abutments will be established by means of an abutment access gallery. From this point, access will be provided to the inside of the box girder through an opening in the bridge girder end diaphragm. An access to bearings and expansion joints at the quarter span joint locations will be provided from the inside of the box girder. 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 23 Figure 19: Balanced cantilever method 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 24 4 Retaining walls proposals 4.1 Assumptions and requirements 4.1.1 Architectural assumptions The main architectural intent is to make the road as visibly unobtrusive as possible through the inhabited area, resulting in the preference to place the road in a retained cut. The Tørslev Hage area is characterised by the presence of hills which leads to considerable height-differences between the top of the sheet pile wall on either side of the road (See Figure 21 as example). To smooth the effect, the intention is to let the top of the retaining wall follow closely the adjacent ground level, ensuring no sudden steps in the walls or in the noise screens. 4.1.2 Geotechnical and hydrogeological conditions The ground conditions in the area of the retained cut at Tørslev Hage are based on seven boreholes S37, S7, S38, S8, S45, 104, 105 and two CPTu tests (104A and 105A) executed within a 30m distance from the mainline alignment. Additional ground investigations are ongoing. Beneath the topsoil, sandy, silty and clayey layers of postglacial and late-glacial origin are present; moving westwards from the western bank of the fjord the base of these layers reduces from an approximate level of -1.0m DVR90 to +11.0m DVR90. Post-glacial and late glacial deposits are underlain by glacial strata represented by sands, locally silts, of various thicknesses (0.5-15m) overlying moraine clay with interbedded sands which in some instances include cobbles. The greatest thickness of glacial cohesionless deposits underlying postglacial and late-glacial material is observed in the boreholes located at approximately 250m distance from the western bank of the fjord. Moving inland glacial deposits in the form of cohesive till located beneath postglacial and late-glacial material are prevailing, however glacial cohesionless till is underlying cohesive material. The top of the limestone rises from level -20m DVR90 (22 m bgl) to level -11m DVR90 (16 m bgl) from east to west and is covered by a thin transition layer of non-cohesive soils in the form of cobbles, gravels and sands with a thickness of less than 2m. Groundwater levels in the area range from 1.5 – 4.3 m bgl in the shallow deposits. 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 25 Figure 20: Ground Conceptual Model for the retaining walls 4.1.3 Load and design assumptions The main load acting on the retaining walls is the retained ground, with additional dead load from the noise screens mounted directly above the sheet pile wall. Depending on the retained height the embedded retaining wall is either cantilevering or retained with one or more rows of permanent ground anchors. 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 26 4.1.4 Environmental assumptions Noise has been identified as a major environmental impact. The contractor will therefore be obliged to adjust the construction programme and method for the retaining walls to minimise noise impact. 4.2 Description of the retaining walls An option study was carried out to identify a preferred option for the retaining walls structure through Tørslev Hage considering the sensitivity of the area. Based on the assessment, an indication has been provided that the preferred option is a vertical sheet pile wall. Figure 21 below provides a cross-section of the road in the retained section for this option. To mitigate the noise during operation of the road, the sheet pile walls will be clad with noise absorbing panels, and 4m tall noise screens will be installed at the top. Figure 21: Preferred solution for the embedded retaining walls at Tørslev Hage. 4.2.1 Materials S355GP steel in accordance to EN 10027-1 has been assumed. 4.2.2 Durability The design working life is 120 years. No protective layers to the steel is envisaged and the resulting sacrificial thickness has been estimated to be 5.1mm. The loss of thickness has been assumed and calculated by extrapolation method in accordance with EN 1993-5:2007. 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 27 4.3 Construction method The construction sequence consists of the following phases: Topsoil removal. Sheet pile wall installation. Excavation / installation of ground anchors. Installation of finishes. The sheet pile wall installation method is currently under assessment. The contractor will be required to choose the most appropriate method in terms of work effectiveness and environmental constraints. 4.4 Operation and maintenance No protective layers have been considered in the sheet pile wall design, reducing the maintenance requirements. Access to the permanent ground anchors should be available from the road level. 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 28 5 Main quantities 5.1 High bridge The following main quantities have been assessed conservatively for all structure elements including large diameter piles. Item Unit Quantity m3 23053 Reinforcing steel t 7916 Post-tensioning steel t Concrete Dredging of access channel 1726 3 15375 3 17991 m m Earthworks Table 4: The high bridge main material quantities 5.2 Retaining walls The length of retaining walls has been estimated as follows: Retaining wall north side of the road – 570 m Retaining wall south side of the road – 510 m The average retained height of the wall has been estimated as follows: 6 Retaining wall north side of the road – 5.9 m Retaining wall south side of the road – 4.4 m Construction programme An indicative programme (time location chart) has been developed considering the environmental constraints and is available in appendix A. Note the programme refers to an earlier option for caisson construction. This has now been discarded but the overall timescales for the foundations are considered to be reflective of the current design. The programme for the superstructure to be executed as segmental structure using span-by-span and balanced cantilever construction method is shown in Table 5 below. The overall programme would be approximately 183 working (5 day) weeks (including 2 week full holiday/ shut down periods per year). 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 29 Segmental post tensioned spanby-span Site set up/ construction of 1st abutment and piers Deck Remainder of Finishes and services after deck complete Total duration Start Finish Sep-17 Duration in weeks 76 Working weeks 74 Mar-16 Sep-17 Jun-19 Jun-19 Nov-19 91 22 87 22 189 183 Table 5: Indicative programme and duration for post-tensioned segmental concrete option The programme considers the following environmental constraints: No piling: January - February No dredging: March - December Whilst this does not affect the overall duration these constraints limit the flexibility within the construction programme to manage resources and also to manage time risk. The current programme including the constraints relies upon a “doubling up” of resources with concurrent work faces and hence barges / cranes for: piling pile cap works pier construction 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Page 30 Appendix A Supporting Drawings Drawing number Drawing Name 14210-1017 Linjebesigtigelse – Oversigtsplan Station: 0.200 – 9.500 14210-1018 Linjebesigrigelse – Plan Station: 0.200 – 9.500 14210-2018 Linjebesigtigelse – Længdeprofil Motortrafikvej Station: 0.200 – 9.500 14210-009-005 Linjebesigtigelse Bro nr. 0000142-0-009.00 UF af Roskilde Fjord (reg nr. 21416) Oversigtstegning Beton Løsning - ark 1 af 2 14210-009-006 Linjebesigtigelse Bro nr. 0000142-0-009.00 UF af Roskilde Fjord (reg nr. 21416) Oversigtstegning Beton Løsning - ark 2 af 2 14210-009-007 Linjebesigtigelse Bro nr. 0000142-0-009.00 UF af Roskilde Fjord (reg nr. 21416) Beton Løsning, Tværsnit 14210-009-008 Linjebesigtigelse Bro nr. 0000142-0-009.00 UF af Roskilde Fjord (reg nr. 21416) Beton Løsning, Søjler - option 1 og 2 14210-ARP-SK-CB-009-00003 14210-010-001 UF af Roskilde Fjord – Supports Selection – Option 3 Phase 3 alignment, one-cell posttensioned box Elevation and plan view Linjebesigtigelse Bro nr. 0000142-0-010.00 Spunsvæg HS og VS (reg nr. 21417 og 21418) Oversigtstegning Bilag 1 Situationsplan St. 5.8 – 7.3 Bilag 3 Preliminary Ground Conceptual Model N/A 14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004 | Issue 2 | 10 November 2014 C:\PROJECTWISE\ARUP EUROPE\JUSTYNA.MROZ\DMS49324\14210-ARP-RP-CB-009-00004.DOCX Time location chart Page 31 Note: This document has been issued by the Danish Road Directorate with the sole purpose to be a part of the material for the technical dialogue in January 2015. The material shall be treated as confidential Note: This document has been issued by the Danish Road Directorate with the sole purpose to be a part of the material for the technical dialogue in January 2015. The material shall be treated as confidential. Foreløbig Note: This document has been issued by the Danish Road Directorate with the sole purpose to be a part of the material for the technical dialogue in January 2015. The material shall be treated as confidential. Note: This document has been issued by the Danish Road Directorate with the sole purpose to be a part of the material for the technical dialogue in January 2015. The material shall be treated as confidential. Note: This document has been issued by the Danish Road Directorate with the sole purpose to be a part of the material for the technical dialogue in January 2015. The material shall be treated as confidential. Note: This document has been issued by the Danish Road Directorate with the sole purpose to be a part of the material for the technical dialogue in January 2015. The material shall be treated as confidential. Note: This document has been issued by the Danish Road Directorate with the sole purpose to be a part of the material for the technical dialogue in January 2015. The material shall be treated as confidential. Note: This document has been issued by the Danish Road Directorate with the sole purpose to be a part of the material for the technical dialogue in January 2015. The material shall be treated as confidential. Note: This document has been issued by the Danish Road Directorate with the sole purpose to be a part of the material for the technical dialogue in January 2015. The material shall be treated as confidential. .0 -2 1. 0 0 -1. 9. 0 0 8. 0. 0 0 3. 2. 0 0 1. - 0 . 1 1. 0 . 0 0 0 . -3 7 . 0 0 8. 0 2. 1. 0 -2 .0 0 5. - 0 0. 0 5. - 4. 0 5. 0 .0 -5 0 . -6 -5 . 0 -5 .0 0 4. - -8 . 0 0 . -6 0 5. - -1 . 0 0 . -5 5. 0 .0 -5 -3 .0 0 4. - -6 .0 0 1. 9. 0 -1 0 3. 0 4. - -3 .0 -4 . 0 0 . -5 0 -4. 0 10. - 0 . 10 - 0 7. 1. 0 3 . 0 0 . -2 0 2. - -4. 0 4. 0 -5 . 0 .0 -4 0 -4. -5 .0 0 5. - -4 .0 3 . 0 -1 -2 .0 .0 4 . 0 .0 -5 -4 . 0 3. 0 0 4. - -2.0 -3.0 0 . -5 1. 0 St. 5.8 - 7.3 0 1. 1:4000 -2 .0 3. 0 4. 0 0 4. - 0. 0 -2 . 0 -1 .0 0 3. - 8. 0 6. 0 9. 0 1. 0 0 . 1 Proj. 1 . 0 Tegnet 0 0. 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Note: This document has been issued by the Danish Road Directorate with the sole purpose to be a part of the material for the technical dialogue in January 2015. The material shall be treated as confidential. 5 . 0 3. 0 4. 0 0 . -4 0 6. - -3 . 0 0 1. 0 7. - 7 . 0 6.0 0 4. - 0 4. - 4. 0 0 4. - 0 3. 0 . 7 0 . 4 - 0 0. 7.0 0 6. 0 3. 0 0. 0 3. - 0 2. 0 . 7 .0 7 0 5. 0 1. 0 -2. 3. 0 0 4. - 0 4. - 0 4. - 0 3. 0 7. 7. 0 0 4. 0 . -1 0 2. 5. 0 0 3. 0 0. 0 2. 0 3. - 4. 0 0 6. 4. 0 1. 0 .0 -2 0 4. - 3. 0 0 3. 0 1. - 0 4. - 5. 0 0 . -5 0 5. - 3. 0 1. 0 7.0 -6 .0 -6 . 0 4. 0 4. -50 . 0 0 . -3 2 .0 N .0 7 6 . 0 2. 0 5. 0 0 7. - -6 . 0 0 3. 1 . 0 0 4. - -4 .0 1.0 0 . 7 0 4. - 0 5. - 6. 0 0 2. - 1 . 0 0 3. 6. 0 -2.0 0 0. 0 3. - 0 4. - 0 4. - 6. 0 2. 0 .0 -4 0 . 3 4 . 0 0 4. - .0 -5 5. 0 0 5. - .0 -2 0 . 3 7 . 0 Reinforced concrete pile 4 . 0 3. 0 4 . 0 0 1. 0 . -2 0 4. - 5. 0 0 6. - 4. 0 0 4. 0 . 8 0 . 8 0 . 6 Jernbetonpæl / Steel sheet pile Reinforced concrete pile 0 5. 4 . 0 0 4. - 4. 0 0 . 6 - Spunsjern -7 /. 0 Jernbetonpæl / 1. 0 0 7. 0 2. 0 1. - -3. 0 4. 0 0 5. - 6. 0 0 6. - 0 0. 0 . 6 8. 0 Kontrol. Godk. Dato Etape nr. Bilag nr. BVE 26.08.2014 14210 1 Note: This document has been issued by the Danish Road Directorate with the sole purpose to be a part of the material for the technical dialogue in January 2015. The material shall be treated as confidential. ROSKILDE FJORD HIGH BRIDGE INDICATIVE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE INCLUDING ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS TIME LOCATION CHART WA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 EA This indicative programme scenario includes environmental constraints No dredging Mar ‐Dec, E No of Work No faces in of Fjord Dredging Environmental constraint: dredging only permitted October ‐ December 1 3 2 Environmental constraint: piling not permitted January ‐ 1 1 Piling Access handed to Contract 3/ 4 2 Pile caps 4 4 Caissons Environmental constraint: piling not permitted January ‐ 4 5 6 6 5 Piers /cols 4 1 Deck ROSKILDE ALL CONSTRUCTION TIME LOCATION 26 SEP 14.xlsx HIGH BRIDGE ENV CONSTR 1 OCT14 Distance assumed between activities for logistical reasons Programme primary critical path is through east side land works and then deck 1 1 1 1 0 Final stage of Install lights/ comms / utilities 0 0 1 of 1 2016 2017 Mobilise 1 04‐Jan‐16 18‐Jan‐16 01‐Feb‐16 15‐Feb‐16 29‐Feb‐16 14‐Mar‐16 28‐Mar‐16 11‐Apr‐16 25‐Apr‐16 09‐May‐16 23‐May‐16 06‐Jun‐16 20‐Jun‐16 04‐Jul‐16 18‐Jul‐16 01‐Aug‐16 15‐Aug‐16 29‐Aug‐16 12‐Sep‐16 26‐Sep‐16 10‐Oct‐16 24‐Oct‐16 07‐Nov‐16 21‐Nov‐16 05‐Dec‐16 19‐Dec‐16 02‐Jan‐17 16‐Jan‐17 30‐Jan‐17 13‐Feb‐17 27‐Feb‐17 13‐Mar‐17 27‐Mar‐17 10‐Apr‐17 24‐Apr‐17 08‐May‐17 22‐May‐17 05‐Jun‐17 19‐Jun‐17 03‐Jul‐17 17‐Jul‐17 31‐Jul‐17 14‐Aug‐17 28‐Aug‐17 11‐Sep‐17 25‐Sep‐17 09‐Oct‐17 23‐Oct‐17 06‐Nov‐17 20‐Nov‐17 04‐Dec‐17 18‐Dec‐17 01‐Jan‐18 15‐Jan‐18 29‐Jan‐18 12‐Feb‐18 26‐Feb‐18 12‐Mar‐18 26‐Mar‐18 09‐Apr‐18 23‐Apr‐18 07‐May‐18 21‐May‐18 04‐Jun‐18 18‐Jun‐18 02‐Jul‐18 16‐Jul‐18 30‐Jul‐18 13‐Aug‐18 27‐Aug‐18 10‐Sep‐18 24‐Sep‐18 08‐Oct‐18 22‐Oct‐18 05‐Nov‐18 19‐Nov‐18 03‐Dec‐18 17‐Dec‐18 31‐Dec‐18 14‐Jan‐19 28‐Jan‐19 11‐Feb‐19 25‐Feb‐19 11‐Mar‐19 25‐Mar‐19 08‐Apr‐19 22‐Apr‐19 06‐May‐19 20‐May‐19 03‐Jun‐19 17‐Jun‐19 01‐Jul‐19 15‐Jul‐19 29‐Jul‐19 12‐Aug‐19 26‐Aug‐19 09‐Sep‐19 23‐Sep‐19 07‐Oct‐19 21‐Oct‐19 04‐Nov‐19 18‐Nov‐19 02‐Dec‐19 16‐Dec‐19 2018 Dredging of channel for acess to site to be completed before piling commences Construct harbour Access via Contract 3/ 4 future areas Programme secondary critical path is through dredging, piling, caissons, pile caps piers and then deck construction Pre casting activities 04‐Jan‐16 18‐Jan‐16 01‐Feb‐16 15‐Feb‐16 29‐Feb‐16 14‐Mar‐16 28‐Mar‐16 11‐Apr‐16 25‐Apr‐16 09‐May‐16 23‐May‐16 06‐Jun‐16 20‐Jun‐16 04‐Jul‐16 18‐Jul‐16 01‐Aug‐16 15‐Aug‐16 29‐Aug‐16 12‐Sep‐16 26‐Sep‐16 10‐Oct‐16 24‐Oct‐16 07‐Nov‐16 21‐Nov‐16 05‐Dec‐16 19‐Dec‐16 02‐Jan‐17 16‐Jan‐17 30‐Jan‐17 13‐Feb‐17 27‐Feb‐17 13‐Mar‐17 27‐Mar‐17 10‐Apr‐17 24‐Apr‐17 08‐May‐17 22‐May‐17 05‐Jun‐17 19‐Jun‐17 03‐Jul‐17 17‐Jul‐17 31‐Jul‐17 14‐Aug‐17 28‐Aug‐17 11‐Sep‐17 25‐Sep‐17 09‐Oct‐17 23‐Oct‐17 06‐Nov‐17 20‐Nov‐17 04‐Dec‐17 18‐Dec‐17 01‐Jan‐18 15‐Jan‐18 29‐Jan‐18 12‐Feb‐18 26‐Feb‐18 12‐Mar‐18 26‐Mar‐18 09‐Apr‐18 23‐Apr‐18 07‐May‐18 21‐May‐18 04‐Jun‐18 18‐Jun‐18 02‐Jul‐18 16‐Jul‐18 30‐Jul‐18 13‐Aug‐18 27‐Aug‐18 10‐Sep‐18 24‐Sep‐18 08‐Oct‐18 22‐Oct‐18 05‐Nov‐18 19‐Nov‐18 03‐Dec‐18 17‐Dec‐18 31‐Dec‐18 14‐Jan‐19 28‐Jan‐19 11‐Feb‐19 25‐Feb‐19 11‐Mar‐19 25‐Mar‐19 08‐Apr‐19 22‐Apr‐19 06‐May‐19 20‐May‐19 03‐Jun‐19 17‐Jun‐19 01‐Jul‐19 15‐Jul‐19 29‐Jul‐19 12‐Aug‐19 26‐Aug‐19 09‐Sep‐19 23‐Sep‐19 07‐Oct‐19 21‐Oct‐19 04‐Nov‐19 18‐Nov‐19 02‐Dec‐19 16‐Dec‐19 2019 2019 2018 2017 2016 Wor 03‐10‐149:51 AM Vejdirektoratet har lokale kontorer i: Aalborg, Fløng, Middelfart, Næstved og Skanderborg samt hovedkontor i København Find mere information på vejdirektoratet.dk Vejdirektoratet Niels Juels Gade 13 1022 København K Telefon 7244 3333 vd@vd.dk vejdirektoratet.dk