The Blessing of the Restored Kilgen Pipe Organ The First Mass with


The Blessing of the Restored Kilgen Pipe Organ The First Mass with
The Blessing of the Restored
Kilgen Pipe Organ
october 18, 2013 at 7:00 pm
The First Mass with the
Restored Organ
october 26, 2013 at 4:30 pm
The Blessing of the Restored
Kilgen Pipe Organ
the most reverend nicholas dimarzio
Seventh Bishop of Brooklyn
the reverend michael perry
Pastor of Our Lady of Refuge Church
olivier latry
Titular Organist of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris; Professor at the Paris Conservatory
michael barone
Host and Producer of Pipedreams, American Public Media
The organ remains silent until it is blessed
The Assembly Stands
Procession from the back of the church singing, “Holy God, We Praise Thy Name”
Sung by everyone without accompaniment
Grosser Gott
Father Perry:
May the Lord, whose praises are sung by the saints and angels, be with you all.
All respond:
And with your spirit.
Father Perry:
My dear brothers and sisters, we have come together to bless this organ, installed so that the celebration of the liturgy may become
more beautiful and solemn. The combination of words and music form an integral part of the sacred liturgy. The organ has long been
considered the King of Musical Instruments, and rightly so, because it takes up all the sounds of creation and gives resonance to the
fullness of human emotion, from joy to sadness, from praise to lamentation. By transcending the merely human sphere, music evokes
the divine. In some way, the manifold possibilities of the organ remind us of the immensity and the magnificence of God, leading us
into greater holiness. Thus the music of the organ wonderfully expresses the new song that Scripture tells us to sing to the Lord. To sing
this new song is to live rightly, to follow God’s will eagerly and gladly, and, by loving one another, to carry out the new commandment
that Jesus gave us.
please be seated
reading of the word of god
2 Chronicles 5:11-14
A Reading from the Second Book of Chronicles.
When the priests left the holy place, the Levites who were singers, all who belonged to Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun, and their sons and
brothers, clothed in fine linen, with cymbals, harps, and lyres, stood east of the altar, and with them a hundred and twenty priests
blowing trumpets.
When the trumpeters and singers were heard as a single voice praising and giving thanks to the LORD, and when they raised the
sound of the trumpets, cymbals, and other musical instruments to “Praise the LORD, who is so good, whose love endures forever,” the
cloud filled the house of the LORD.
The Word of the Lord.
Assembly: Thanks be to God.
prayer of blessing
please stand
Bishop DiMarzio:
Lord God,
your beauty is ancient yet ever new,
your wisdom guides the world in right order,
and your goodness gives the world its variety and splendor.
The choirs of angels join together
to offer their praises by obeying your commands.
The galaxies sing your praises by the pattern of their movement
that follow your laws.
The voices of the redeemed join in a chorus of praise to your holiness as they sing to you in mind and heart.
We your people, joyously gathered in this church,
wish to join our voices to the universal hymn of praise.
So that our song may rise more worthily to your majesty,
we present this organ for your blessing:
Grant that its music may lead us
to express our prayer and praise
in melodies that are pleasing to You.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
All respond: Amen!
please be seated
the sounding of the organ
Each of the eight invocations will be followed by a brief improvisation by the organist, Olivier Latry.
Father Perry:
1. Awake, O sacred instrument, intone the praises of God, our Creator and Father!
2. Sacred instrument, you will celebrate Jesus our Lord, dead and risen for us!
3. Sacred instrument, you will sing of the Holy Spirit whose breath animates our lives!
4. Sacred instrument, you will carry our songs and our supplications to Mary, the Mother of Jesus!
5. Sacred instrument, you will fill the assembly of the people with gratitude to Christ!
6. Sacred instrument, you will bring the comfort of faith to those who sorrow.
7. Sacred instrument, you will sustain the prayer of believers!
8. Sacred instrument, you will proclaim the glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!
Will the assembly now please stand and join in singing “Holy God, We Praise Thy Name.”
holy god, we praise thy name
(using the three languages of this parish, English, Creole [French] and Spanish)
Grosser Gott
concluding rite
Bishop DiMarzio:
The Lord is worthy of all praise;
May he bestow upon you the gift of singing a new song to him
with your voices, your hearts and your lives,
so that one day you may sing that song forever in heaven.
All respond: Amen!
Bishop DiMarzio:
And may almighty God bless you all,
the Father and the Son, + and the Holy Spirit.
All respond: Amen!
While the clergy change out of their vestments, Michael Barone and Olivier Latry will give a brief introduction to the pipe organ.
Olivier Latry Program
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)
Toccata & Fugue in D Minor, BWV 565
César Franck (1822–1890)
Prélude, Fugue et Variation, Op. 18
Charles-Marie Widor (1844–1937)
Symphonie V, Op. 42
I. Allegro vivace
Louis Vierne (1870–1937)
24 Pièces en style libre, Op.31
twitter Surprise piece selected from Twitter requests
Danse Macabre, Op. 40
Camille Saint-Saëns (1835–1921)
arr. Edwin Lemare (Wayne Leupold edition)
about olivier latry
French organist Olivier Latry is one of the most distinguished
concert organists in the world today. One of three titular
organists of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, he is also
Professor of Organ at the Paris Conservatory of Music and
Organist Emeritus with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra in
Canada. He maintains a full schedule of concert performances,
appearing regularly as a soloist at prestigious venues and festivals
and with leading orchestras around the world.
Mr. Latry was born in Boulogne-sur-Mer, France in 1962.
At the age of 23 he won the competition to become one of the
three titular organists of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris
along with Philippe Lefebvre and Jean-Pierre Leguay; the three
of them succeeding Pierre Cochereau. When asked about his first
experience of the pipe organ, Mr. Latry recalls hearing the organ
at his family’s church in northern France as a small child. He also
remembers watching a documentary film about French cathedrals
that featured an organist playing a four-manual instrument;
seeing all of the keyboards being played at the same time made
a great impression on him. Thus, he quickly understood the
multifaceted nature of the organ. Looking to the future there
were infinite possibilities for advancing an ancient tradition in
the modern world, looking to the past there was the boundless
charm of earlier instruments which remain a constant inspiration
to him to this day. Mr. Latry feels that regardless of the particular
style of an instrument, he always enjoys playing different kinds
of organs because they themselves continue to teach him new
things about the repertoire – even repertoire that he has played
for decades. He says that such experiences are “the guarantee of
an artistic joy with never-ending renewal.”
Having performed in more than fifty countries on
five continents, Mr. Latry sees himself as an ambassador of
seventeenth through twenty-first century French organ music,
hence his equal devotion to the art of improvisation. Today
he is counted among the most noted “improvisateurs” in the
exceptional French tradition from Charles Tournemire to Pierre
Cochereau. He has also a particular interest in contemporary
music, and has premiered many new works.
In addition to concerts and teaching, Mr. Latry has made
his mark through many recordings featuring a wide range
of repertoire played on many of the world’s great organs.
His most recent recording on the Naïve label is entitled
“Trois Siècles d’Orgue Notre-Dame de Paris” which features
music that was composed by past and current organists of
Notre Dame Cathedral.
In recognition of his distinguished work in the field of
organ performance and teaching, Mr. Latry has received many
prestigious awards and honorary degrees including the Prix de
la Fondation Cino et Simone Del Duca (Institut de France–
Académie des Beaux-Arts) in 2000, and “Honoris Causa”
Fellowships from the North and Midlands School of Music (UK)
in 2006, and from the Royal College of Organists (UK) in 2007.
He was also presented the International Performer of the Year
award by the New York City chapter of the American Guild of
Organists in April 2009, and received an honorary Doctor of
Music degree from McGill University in Montreal in 2010.
Olivier Latry
The Organ at Our Lady of Refuge Church:
“Yes, God Provides”
joseph f. dzeda
Photos of the organ console being brought back into the church and being
rigged into the organ loft.
The restoration of the pipe organ at Our Lady of Refuge was not
something that was planned. Had it been, the obstacles might
have seemed too daunting and the project, in all probability,
would never have been undertaken. Instead, a parish priest said
“Yes” to someone he had just met, initiating a sequence of events
that culminated in our sitting here tonight, listening to the
organist of Notre-Dame de Paris play a concert in the heart of
Brooklyn. This is a story of the power of faith, as exemplified by a
parish priest whose confident litany was “God provides.”
In 2006, Fr. Michael Perry and Joe Vitacco met in the
School Hall at Our Lady of Refuge after Mass one Sunday. Joe
asked Fr. Perry, the pastor of the parish, if he could drop by later
to have a look at the pipe organ, which had not been used for
many years. Its problems were obvious—the leather on two of the
six bellows had rotted away after 73 years and a rush of air could
be heard. The organ pipes were choked with dirt, out of tune, and
out of regulation. Hundreds of them no longer could be played,
or worse, would continue to play with minds of their own.
Fr. Perry lamented that he did not have funds in the parish’s
budget to repair the organ. However, those who have met Joe
Vitacco know that he is not one to be deterred, and he offered to
have at least the two bellows rebuilt by a friend in Alliance, Ohio.
With the help of local organ builder Jim Konzelman, the leaking
bellows were removed, shipped to Ohio, rebuilt and reinstalled. The
old pipe organ sort of worked, but it still had a great many problems.
In addition to the organ’s troubles, the building itself had
become inhospitable to the instrument. Water managed to
penetrate the deteriorated pointing of the church’s masonry
construction, causing damp and crumbling walls in the organ
chamber and elsewhere. Dampness is very damaging to a pipe
organ. In order to safeguard the instrument and preserve the
church building, the masonry had to be repointed and the
walls of the organ chamber ripped down to the brickwork and
replaced. This meant completely removing the organ. Fortunately,
Fr. Perry was able to find the needed funds for this work.
All of the organ’s 1,800 pipes were removed from the church,
along with the mechanism that makes them play. Most of the
instrument was shipped to Alliance, Ohio, for safekeeping, and
what parts remained in Brooklyn became unsightly additions to
the parish’s dining room for several years. The question, however,
remained: How could a parish like Our Lady of Refuge raise the
money needed to restore and reinstall the organ? The church’s
more than 1,000 parishioners are a devoted group and due to
their sacrificial generosity the church is financially stable—but
Fr. Perry could not justify asking them to undertake the organ
project as an additional burden. Where, then, would the money
come from? “God provides,” chided Fr. Perry.
The Internet and social media have revolutionized the world.
Since 1997, Joe Vitacco has operated an Internet-based business
that specializes in recording pipe organs. Thinking that this was
the way to raise the needed money to restore the organ, he asked
Fr. Perry to trust his fund-raising abilities. Fr. Perry told him to
“Just do it.” Stephen Tharp, a highly respected concert organist,
donated his services to record the tired, old organ before it was
removed from the church. Joe then built a website for the parish
and encouraged them to open a separate parish bank account for
donations to the organ fund. A PayPal account was established in
the parish’s name to allow online donations.
A century ago there were several pipe organ factories in
New York City, but not one of them exists today. For a variety
of reasons, several other organ builders were not interested in
doing the job. Not to be thwarted, Joe asked his old friend Bob
Schopp of A.R. Schopp’s Sons, Inc., the largest supplier of new
organ pipes in America, for help. Mr. Schopp consented when
Joe agreed to see the project through to the end. He provided Fr.
Perry with a practical plan to restore the organ’s many thousands
of intricate parts. Then Joe asked Michael Quimby of Quimby
Pipe Organs to find a way to fit in the organ’s reinstallation
between the firm’s much larger projects, such as the restoration of
the famous organ in New York’s Cathedral of St. John the Divine.
The two organ builders cooperated with each other to make this
project happen.
For six long years, Joe and Fr. Perry kept working on the
organ project. Joe came up with creative ways to raise the money;
Fr. Perry wrote personal thank-you notes to each donor, large and
small alike. Finally, on the morning of June 17th of 2013, two
large trucks pulled up to the doors of the church. After eight men
worked hard for more than four hours, the parts of the organ
were back inside of the church, sprawled all over the building like
some giant Chinese puzzle waiting to be assembled. Six weeks
later, a team of capable people led by Eric Johnson of Quimby
Pipe Organs put the finishing touches on the organ. Through
careful regulation of the mechanism and pipework, along with
Photos of the largest pipe in the organ being taken off the truck and finally
placed on its windchest inside the organ.
architectural and acoustical improvements in the building, the
organ probably sounds better today than it did when it was
installed in 1934.
The organ we hear tonight in Our Lady of Refuge is proof
of what can happen when dedicated and talented people get
together with a common goal to achieve something very special.
Fr. Perry, smiling knowingly in the background, would only add,
“God provides.”
Joseph F. Dzeda is Associate Curator of Organs at Yale University,
and co-director of A. Thompson-Allen Co., LLC (with Nicholas
kilgen organ history
George Kilgen came to the United States from Durlach, Germany
in 1849, and began his career in this country with the New York
organbuilding firm of George Jardine. In 1873 he moved to St.
Louis, Missouri and set up his own firm: George Kilgen and
Sons, Organbuilders.
The Kilgen firm is said to have built more than 7,000 organs.
Many of their pipe organs went into Catholic Churches around
the entire United States, the most famous being installed at St.
Patrick’s Cathedral, New York.
Some of the finest Kilgen organs were built in the early 1930s.
According to the August 1933 issue of the Diapason magazine,
Belgian recitalist and organ architect Charles-Marie Courboin
(1884–1973), organist of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, was responsible
for the tonal design of the organ at Our Lady of Refuge.
Unlike most pipe organs—which are placed either on a gallery
at the liturgical west end of the church or located next to the chancel
in organ chambers—the Kilgen organ at Our Lady of Refuge is
located in the tower of the church, in two chambers. It speaks
through a grille mid-way down the nave on the liturgical north side.
The clear intention for this organ to accompany Catholic
liturgy is evident from the church dedication brochure of 1934:
The organ is a most ecclesiastic and traditional design being of
the distinct liturgical type, having its tonal plan arranged so that
it will conform with every need of Catholic services.... While the
instrument has only been completed a few months, it is already
known as one of the most outstanding liturgical organs in the East.
Upon removal of the instrument, the windchests, reeds, and
most of the wood pipes were delivered for repair and restoration
to A.R. Schopp’s Sons, Inc., in Alliance, Ohio. David Schopp
thoroughly checked and performed corrective revoicing as
necessary on all of the reed ranks.
The remainder of the instrument—which included structure,
windlines, console and remaining pipes—had cleaning, repair,
and restoration performed by Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., in
Warrensburg, Missouri.
Upon return of the instrument to Brooklyn, the
reinstallation began in June under the leadership of Eric Johnson,
Head Voicer of Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc. The installation team
included David Berman, Chaz Dewsbury, Eric Johnson, Kevin
Lors, James Marchant and Richard Nickerson.
Provisions were made in the console for the future addition
of a Tuba stop, which would be the crowning glory of the
instrument. If you are interested in donating toward this final,
glorious rank of pipes, please see Joe Vitacco after the recital.
Before and after: Great/Choir division
Before and after: Swell division
Kilgen & Son of St. Louis, Missouri
opus 5163, built in 1933
our lady of refuge church, brooklyn, new york
restoration by a. r. schopp’s sons & quimby pipe organs
great organ
2 ⅔'
Violin Diapason
Harmonic Flute
Stopped Flute
Geigen Principal
6 Ranks
from Choir
duplexed from Choir
from Swell 16' Lieblich Gedeckt
from Choir
from Choir
from Choir 8' Violin Diapason
from Choir
swell organ
2 ⅔'
2 ⅔'
Lieblich Gedeckt
Open Diapason
Stopped Flute
Voix Celeste
Flute d’Amour
Mixture III:
12. 15. 19
8. 12. 15
1. 5. 8
Vox Humana
11 Ranks
extension 16' Lieblich Gedeckt
extension 16' Lieblich Gedeckt
extension 16' Lieblich Gedeckt
extension 16' Lieblich Gedeckt
183 pipes
extension 16' Posaune
extension 16' Posaune
choir organ
2 ⅔'
Violin Diapason
Unda Maris
Geigen Octave
Rohr Nazard
Ripieno (derived)*
6 Ranks
extension 8' Violin Diapason
extension 16' Spitzflute
(revoiced to be almost equal to Spitzflute in power)
extension 8' Violin Diapason
extension 16' Spitzflute
Rohr Nazard 2 ⅔' - 1 ⅓'
Spitzflute 2' - 1'
pedal organ
Contra Bass
Lieblich Gedeckt
Super Octave
Ripieno (derived)*
2 Ranks
Contra Bass 16', Bourdon 10 ⅔'
from Swell
from Choir
from Choir
see Composition
extension Great Tromba
from Swell 16' Posaune
from Swell 16' Posaune
from Swell 16' Posaune
Bourdon 16-8'
Violin Diapason 8-4'
Lieblich Gedeckt 10 ⅔' and 5 ⅓'
Spitzflute 6 2∕₅', 4 ⁴∕₇', and 3 1∕₅'
total ranks - 25
Our Lady of Refuge Parish History
Our Lady of Refuge Church is a Roman Catholic parish that
has served the people of the Midwood section of Brooklyn since
1911. Originally founded by Irish and German Catholics, it now
serves some 30 nationalities and three language groups—English,
Spanish and Creole.
In 1911, the Bishop of Brooklyn appointed the Irish-born
Reverend Robert O’Donovan as first pastor of Our Lady of
Refuge Church. The congregation of about 400 erected a church
at the current location of the school, the completed building was
consecrated in 1912.
Within 20 years, the congregation outgrew that small
structure. Father O’Donovan did not live to see the current
church built, this was a task for his successor, the Reverend
Monsignor Francis P. Connelly. It was Connelly’s determined
vision and perseverance that raised the funds for this church
building. Ground was broken in 1933 and the construction was
finished the following year at a cost of $400,000. The first Mass
was said on June 16, 1934. Brooklyn native and Pratt Institute
of Architecture graduate Henry V. Murphy was the architect. He
designed dozens of the most beautiful Catholic church structures
in the Tri-Borough area of New York.
More than 100 years later, Our Lady of Refuge is still
a vibrant parish. Mass is said several times a day and the
parish reaches out to provide for the social needs of the
community regardless of a person’s religious affiliation. The parish
offers many services, including a food pantry that assists about
300 households every week.
Rev. Rony Mendes
Sister Irene Twomey, RSM, Carl Crawford,
and Sister Theresa Kelly, RSM
Our Lady of Refuge in the 1950s
Rev. Michael Perry
The First Mass with
the Restored Organ
the ordinary of the mass
Messe Solennelle, Op. 16 — Louis Vierne
the reverend michael perry
Pastor of Our Lady of Refuge Church
the reverend joel warden, c.o.
stephen tharp
the salvatones
daniel brondel, Artistic Director
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)
Te Deum in B-flat
Prélude et Fugue sur le nom d’ALAIN
Charles Villiers Stanford
Maurice Duruflé
introductory rite
Opening Hymn: “Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven”
Lauda Anima
penitential rite
Kyrie eleison (from Messe Solennelle, Op. 16) (sung by the choir)
Louis Vierne
Kyrie eleison.
Kyrie eleison.
Kyrie eleison.
Lord have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
Christe eleison.
Christe eleison.
Christe eleison.
Christ have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Kyrie eleison.
Kyrie eleison.
Kyrie eleison.
Lord have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
Gloria in excelsis (from Messe Solennelle, Op. 16) (sung by the choir)
Gloria in excelsis Deo,
et in terra pax hominibus bonæ voluntatis.
Laudamus te,
benedicimus te,
adoramus te,
glorificamus te,
gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam.
Domine Deus, Rex cælestis, Deus Pater omnipotens.
Domine Fili unigenite Jesu Christe,
Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Filius Patris,
qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis;
qui tollis peccata mundi, suscipe deprecationem nostram;
qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, miserere nobis.
Quoniam tu solus Sanctus,
tu solus Dominus,
tu solus Altissimus, Jesu Christe,
cum Sancto Spiritu in gloria Dei Patris.
Louis Vierne
Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to people of good will.
We praise you,
we bless you,
we adore you,
we glorify you,
we give you thanks for your great glory,
Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father.
Lord Jesus Christ, Only-Begotten Son,
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,
you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us;
you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer;
you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.
For you alone are the Holy One,
you alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father.
liturgy of the word
First Reading: Sirach 35: 12-14, 16-18
Response: Psalm 34: 2-3, 17-19, 23
Daniel Brondel
Second Reading: 2 Timothy 4: 6-8, 16-18
Gospel Acclamation: Gregorian Alleluia
Chant Mode VI
Gospel Reading: Luke 18: 9-14
Nicene Creed
Profession of Faith
liturgy of the eucharist
Preparation of the Gifts: Cantique de Jean Racine (sung by the choir)
Gabriel Fauré
Eucharistic Acclamations (sung by the choir)
Sanctus and Benedictus (from Messe Solennelle, Op. 16)
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus
Dominus Deus Sabaoth;
Pleni sunt cæli et terra gloria tua.
Hosanna in excelsis.
Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini.
Hosanna in excelsis.
Louis Vierne
Holy, Holy, Holy
Lord God of hosts;
Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.
Roman Missal
Mystery of Faith
The Great Amen
The Lord’s Prayer
Sign of Peace
Fraction: Agnus Dei (from Messe Solennelle, Op. 16) (sung by the choir)
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.
Communion Hymn: At That First Eucharist Before You Died
Communion Anthem: Ave Verum Corpus
Ave verum corpus, natum ex Maria Virgine: vere passum,
immolatum in cruce pro homine: cujus latus perforatum,
vero fluxit sanguine: esto nobis prægustatum mortis in
examine. O dulcis, O pie, O dulcis Jesu, Fili Mariæ
Louis Vierne
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace.
Unde Et Memores
Sir Edward Elgar
Hail, true Body, born of the Virgin Mary: truly suffered, offered
on the cross for man: from whose pierced side poured forth
true blood: be unto us a foretaste [of heaven] at the moment of
death. O sweet, O gracious, O sweet Jesus, Son of Mary.
concluding rite
Final Blessing and Dismissal
Recessional Hymn: There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy
Postlude: Crown Imperial
In Babilone
William Walton
mass credits
Daniel Brondel, Artistic Director of The Salvatones; Organist & Associate Director of Music at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York.
The Salvatones, choir
Sopranos: Mary Ellen Assue, Meg Dudley, Adrienne Patino Dunn; Altos: Joanna Johnston, Kathryn Wieckhorst, Katherine
Howell; Tenors: Salvatore Diana, George Kasarjian, Richard Saunders; Basses: Jesse Cromer, Tom McNichols, Jose Pietri-Coimbre
Stephen Tharp, Organist; International Concert and Recording Artist; Associate Director of Music, The Church of Our Saviour,
Pipe Donor List
We are deeply grateful to the donors listed below for their support. Their generosity has enabled us to renovate this fine Kilgen organ
and offer it back to its community. We regret any unintentional omissions from this list. Please contact so
we may correct any errors or omissions in our records.
sorted pipes
great open diapason
Karl Bengtson
John M. Bullard*
Robert Burns
David Caron*
John L. Chafer
John Coghill*
Alexander Constantine*
David Dautermann
Mark Dwyer
Bradley Gawthrop*
Robyn Gilliom
Monica Goddard
John Good
Sidney G. Hayman, Jr.
Michael A. Hedstrom*
Leigh Hickcox
David Hulin
K. Bryan Kirk
Pauline Langer
Alfred Lewis
Judith Liston
Rev. Richard Long
Thomas Madson
Jeanne Martini
Grant Moss*
Jonathan Myers*
Charles Page
Joseph Parmer
Robert E. Patsch
Margaret Pilgrim
Darrell E. Ressler
Jay and Sandra Singer
Laurence A. Stith, Jr.
Robert C. Sunkel
Maria Helena Tharp
Stephen Tharp
Michael Watson
Richard Webster*
Winston Willis
violin diapason
Dr. Frank and Peggy Bia*
Dubner Clermont
Gregory Eaton*
Virginia Gerace
Robyn Gilliom
Susan Johnson
* indicates multiple donations
Vincent and Theresa Johnson
Sr. Elizabeth Johnson, CSS
Kathleen and Robert Lombardo
Lynette Moore
Steven Morrison
Robert Zat*
flute harmonic
Joseph Adam
Martha Dibblee*
Pamela George
Camille Goussu
Alan Morrison*
Marianne Moscatt
Lou Paff
George Swope
Lynn Upham
Albert van Dijk
Joe Vitacco III
Winston Webber*
Edward C. Whitman
Robert Aubrey
Patrick Black
Thomas Buffer
Huberthe Clermont
Jamie Curran
Francis DeBernardo
James Devlin
Paule Galette*
Monica Goddard
Maribeth Gubanich
Denny James*
A.J. Jehee
John Krisa
Ransford Manigault
Paul Monachino*
James Owen
Bradley Reed*
Frank Schuler
John Speller
Donald Sutherland*
Dr. Frank Bia
Emil and Pat Brisson
Robert and Nicole Buck
Robert Burns
Connie Gelfer
Steve Harms
John Harrelson
Robert Howard
Deborah Huntington
Stardust Johnson
Judith Liston*
Thomas Parker
Rev. Potter
George F. Steinmeyer
Pascal Thenor
Ronald Aaron
Stephen Baggaley
Brian Childs
Monica Goddard
Steven Grimshaw
Steven Grimshaw*
Judith Liston*
Michael Meyer
Lawrence Nevel
Lou Paff
Diane Belcher
Russell Chapman
Gary Coleman*
Kenneth Cowan*
Msgr. Michael J. Curran
Blessed Trinity Parish
Vic Ferrer
The Producer’s Loft
Kevin Grose*
Msgr. Michael J. Hardiman
Saint Sebastian Church
Gregory R. Jack
George Klemp
Robert MacDonald*
Msgr. Joseph P. Nagle
Saint Patrick’s Church
Roger Petrich*
Sebastien Prinsac*
Daniel and Odile Roth*
Henry Stanton
Albert van Dijk
Kristin Vitacco
Paul M. Wiegand
swell open diapason
Peter Berton
Ray Cornils
Patty Fort
Robyn Gilliom
David Hulin
Eddie Humphries
Alfred Lewis
Stewart MacDonald
Gladys Marco
Charles Page
Stewart Shuster
Frederick Sramek
William Stachour
stopped flute
Jon Paul Bish
John Bozzola
Dubner Clermont
Barbara Reilly Denny
Brian DuSell
John Harrelson*
Curtis Hawthorne
Robert McCormick
William Mitchell*
Janet Moran
Eric Walling*
Robert Walsh
John Bassett*
Ola Borg*
David Cary Morlock
Ann G. Patella
Kevin Supple
Jacob Vollmar*
Steven Wente
voix celeste
Charles Chauvin*
John Erickson*
Philip Ernsberger
Tony Ford*
Robyn Gilliom*
John Harrelson
Vincent Long
Lou Paff*
Alex Smith
Richard Wagner
swell octave
John Harrelson
mixture 3 ranks
Matthew Antongiovanni
Morgan Byrd
John L. Chafer
Charles Chauvin*
William E. Danish Jr.*
Matthew Geda
Steven Grimshaw
Curtis Hawthorne
Leigh Hickcox
John T. Kojanic
Michael Sicard*
Albertus Vogt
Patrick Weeks
Amanda Husberg*
K. Bryan Kirk
John McElliott
vox humana
Sam Balden
Karl Bengtson
Michael Britt
Daniel Brondel
Gregory Elmore
Faythe Freese*
Eric Johnson
Plastic Play
Stewart Shuster*
Jay and Sandra Singer
Ann Elise Smoot*
Mark and Haydée Von Sternberg
Rev. Joel Warden
Oratory of St. Phillip Neri
Robert Burns
Charles Drain
Leigh Hickcox
William Kraft
Frederick Sramek
Frederick Teardo*
Stephen Woodland
Stephen Barricklow
Dubner Clermont
Robert Currier
George Damp
Lynn Edgington
Pamela Goloskie
William D. Gudger
John T. Kojanic
James Lancaster*
Michael Latsko
Walter H. Ludeke
Iain McGlinchey
Sidney and Edna Singer
unda maris
Robert and Nicole Buck
R. Gregory Capaldini
Rev. Msgr. Raymond F. Chappetto
Our Lady of the Snows Church
Pamela George
Eddie Humphries
Ola Borg
George Damp
Albert Dijk
Wayne Erfling*
John Geller
Greg Gneier
James Lancaster*
Charles S. Lapunzina
Michael Latsko
Iain McGlinchey
Laurence McGuire
Lou Paff
Stewart Shuster*
Michael Sowa
Rodney J. Weed
rohr nazard
Roselyn Aring
Stephen Barricklow
Ola Borg
Mark Cavanaugh
Lynn Edgington
Paul J. Hudek
John Krisa
James Lancaster*
Edward Landin
Charles S. Lapunzina
Walter H. Ludeke
Valentine Matula
John McEnerney
Lee Singleton
Paul Walasek
Peter Webber
Sam Balden
David Dahl
Sebastien de Prinsac
Herve Dutell
Charles Edmondson
Steven Frank
Sammy Goldston
Lee Groen
Christopher Hatcher
Paul Heidemann
Amanda Husberg
David Jackson
John Kiley
James Lancaster*
Denise Lanning
Peter Lenox
Jonathan Leonard
Iain McGlinchey
Janet Moran*
John Panning
William E. Pfeiffer Jr.
Jay and Sandra Singer
Kent Wingerson
contra bass
Jackson Borges
Sebastien de Prinsac*
Allen Dreyfuss
Thomas Dugan
Catherine Grein
Christopher Hoh
Ray Kimber*
Craig Smith
Joseph Vitacco, Jr.
Richard Bardowell
John Barone
R. Gregory Capaldini
Russell Chapman*
Sebastien de Prinsac*
Richard and Carol Farrell
James Hammann
Carol Kelleher
Robert and Clare Kretzman
Martin Mery*
Greta Morain
Patrick Murphy*
T Alan Payne
Rev. Michael Perry
Roger Petrich*
Craig Smith
Kenneth Smith
Robert Sweeney*
general donor list
Ronald Aaron
Leo Abbott
Joseph Adam
Judy Agard
John Agraz
Concetta Alvarez
Charles Anderson
Scott Andrews
Christy P. Armstrong
John Armstrong
Stephen Arthur
Colette Autier
Guillaume Autier*
Julian Autier
Timothy Baack
Erik Baker
George Baker*
Robert F. Baker
Thomas Baker*
Maryann Balduf
Ryan Ballantyne
Ann Balsamo
Richard Bardowell*
Martha Barkley
Michael Barone*
Stephen Barricklow*
Sam Bartlett
Peter Beda
Susan Behanna
Matthew Bellocchio
Karl Bengtson*
Josephine Bennington
Malcolm D. Benson
Roger Berger
Robert Bernstein
Marie H. Berthold
Stephen Best*
Steven Betancourt
Dr. Frank Bia*
John Bicknell
W. Birk
Jon-Paul Bish
Martin Black
Patrick Black
John Blackford
Gary R. Blais
Richard Boccuzzi
John Boody
Ola Borg
Sonny Borges
Brian Bothwell
Royce Boyer*
Michael Bradley
William Brakemeyer
Margaret Branson
Robert B. Branson
Faith Brill
Emil Brisson
Bennett Britt*
Daniel Brondel
The Fathers and Brother of the
Brooklyn Oratory of St. Philip Neri
Bill L. Brooks
Brian Brooks
David L. Brown
Dean Brown
Dianne Brown
Marilyn Brown
Ronald C. Brugger
Susan Brukhalter
James Brush
Charles E. Buchner
Susan Burkhalter
Robert Burns*
John Bush
Jerome Butera
Jean Caligiuri
David Caron*
William Carpenter
Rev. Michael A. Carrano
Charles D. Cashdollar
Robert M. Castle*
R.C. Marshall Organ CO.
Marc Cavaille-Coll
Joan Chambers
Rev. Daniel Champoli
Russell Chapman
Robert A. Charges
Thomas Charsky
Charles Chauvin
Mariam Cheikhali
Mike Cherryhomes
Brian Childs*
Bruce Christian
James David Christie
Anthony Ciccariello
Rev. Richard G. Cipolla
Mary Clark
Benjamin Clayton*
Daniel Clayton
Kevin Clemens
L.R. Clock
Wyett H. Clolclasure
William Coale
John Coghill
Mark Coiro
Franklin Coleman
Michael Coleman
James P. Collins
Aaron Comins
Peter Conte*
James Conway*
Lawrence Cook
Chester W. Cooke*
Carson Cooman
William Coscarelli
John Courter
Craig Cramer
Kathleen Creighton
Alfred Cresci*
Mary Ann Croft
Joseph Cunningham
Declan Curran
Robert Currier
Thaddeus Czerkowicz
Thaddeus J. Czerkowicz
Marilynn Daly
William E. Danish, Jr.
S. Danziger
David Dautermann
William C. Davidson
Hal Davison
Francis De Bernardo
Sebastien de Prinsac
John A. Deaver
Greg DeChurch
Pamela Decker
Jean Degan
Anne den Hartigh
Laurence Dengler
Douglas R. Denny
Carolyn Deuel
Steve Deuss
Douglas Dexheimer*
Salvatore Diana
Michael Dickman
Allan Dieball
Steven Dieck
William Diehl
Albert Dijk
Rev. Jeffrey Dillon*
Christ the King RC Church
William P. Donahue
Stewart Donald
Rev. Edward P. Doran
Church of St. Charles Borromeo
Thomas R. Doub
Mark Downey
Charles Drain
Allen Dreyfuss*
Thomas Ducker*
Lucinda Dudley*
Alfred Duhamel
Richard Dumas
Brian DuSell*
Herve Duteil
Joseph Dzeda*
Gregory Eaton
Susan Eaton
Robert Edmonds
Charles Edmondson
Helen Ellis
Alan Emmering
Franklin Emmert*
Wayne Erfling
David Ermine
Philip Ernsberger
Jane Errera*
William Evans
William M. Farley
Thomas H. Fay
Stuart Feldman*
Pablo Fernandez
Vic Ferrer
Richard Fidler
Maurice Finkel
Harry Firth
Mary Fiske*
Joseph Floyd
James Folkert
Crescenzo Fonzo
Fred W.H. Fox
Edwin Franasiak
Gladys Franasiak
Steven Frank*
Roy Frenzke
Philip R. Frowery
Timothy Fuller
Patrick Furlong
America Gacharna
Sonia Galarza
Paulette Galette
John T. Gallo
Thomas Garver
Thomas Gawenda*
Gary Geivet*
Albert W. Gentner
Donald George
Pamela George
Patricia George
Dennis C. Gerdes*
E.B. Gevedon
Family Allergy Services, Inc.
John Geyer
Robyn Gilliom
James Gilday
Stephen Girvin
J.R. Glasgow
Joseph Glick
Caroline Goldberg
Roslyn Goldfarb*
James Goldston*
John Good
James Goodwin
James E. Goodwin
Madeleine Grace
Greg Grant
Charles A. Gray
Gregory Gray *
Robert B. Greene
Stephen Greene
Catherine Grein
Deborah Grobe*
Kevin Grose
Russell Grosh*
Ralph B. Grove
Theodore Guerrant
John Gusmer
Erik Gustafson
Donovan A. Guy
Jim Hahn
Ian Halbwachs
Belmon H. Hall
David Scott Hallman
Stephen Jon Hamilton
Anthony Hammond
Edward Haose
Susan Haose
Pearl E. Happy
Christina Harmon
David Harold
Janet Harold
Calvin Harrid*
Victoria Harris*
John Paul Hartfoil
Kelvin Hastie
Christopher Hatcher
John A. Haugen
Daniel Hay*
Gerald Hayes
Don Hayworth
Melissa Heaver
Robert Hebble
Paul Heidemann
Stanley Hendricks
Andrew N. Hey
Leigh Hickcox
Stanley Hightower
Andrew Hill
Robert Hinson*
Francis Hogan
William Hollifield
Mark Holmstrom
Dunstan House
Robert Howard*
Thomas Hribar
George Huafemann
Paul J. Hudek
Harry Huff
Charles Hungate
Elizabeth Hunter*
Deborah Huntington
Amanda Husberg
Dr. James Hutcheson
Isaiah Hyman
John M. Igoe
Warren Ilchman
Gregory R. Jack
Ole Jacobsen
John M. Jelley
Wilma Jensen
Lowell Johnson
Margaret Johnson
Millie Johnson
Rick Johnson
Sarah and Ruth Jonas*
Daniel Jones
John Jones*
John Allen Jones*
Robert Jones
Susan Jones
Gerald Kaminski
Constantine Karalis
Chris Karcher
Carol Kelleher
Andrew Keller
Klaus Kemner
Judith Khan
Justin Kielty
John Kiley
Ray Kimber
Christopher M. King
Faith King-Beckles
James Kingston
Bryan Kirkpatrick*
Jim Kistler
John Klauder
R. Gordon Klockow
Robert Klueppelberg
John A. Knop
Henry Kohlbrand
James Konzelman*
C. Ronald Koons
Philip Kozloff
William Kraft
Clare Kretzman
John Krisa
Michael Krisa
W.E. Krueger
Joseph Kucharski*
Elise La Punzina
Ann Labounsky
Marcus LaCroix*
David Laird*
Michael Laird
Robert Lampi
James Lancaster*
Kenneth Lang
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Lapunzina*
Michael Latsko*
Michael Lawler*
Arthur P. Lawrence
Karen Leatherman
Claude Lee
Ernest Leenders
Charles K. Leeper
Charles LeGrand
LeGrand Law Firm, LLC.
Daniel Lehenbauer
Pierre Lehmuller*
Peter Lenox*
Jerry Lesliak
Paul A. Lewon*
William J. Lincoln
John Lindley
Judith Liston
W.A. Little
William Logan
Rob Lomascolo
Robert D.C. Long
David Lopez
Renee Louprette
Walter Ludeke*
Kenneth Lundberg
David Lynch
James Lytthans
Stewart MacDonald
Ronald MacNaughton
Norman Macarthur
Paul N. Maine
Ransford Manigault*
Samuel Manka*
Cornelius B. Manley
Gladys Marco
Abraha Marijt
Brack Marquette
Jeanne Martini
John Materazzo
Valentine Matula
John Maxson
John Maxwell
Chip Mays
Edgar Mayse
Margaret McAlister
Joseph McCabe*
Thomas McCook
Fiachra McDyer
Mary McGeehee
Iain Mcglinchey
Joel McKay*
Richard McKinley
Melanie Mcnaughton
David McPeak*
Robert Mead
Arthur Means
Rev. John Mendonc
Our Lady of the Angelus R.C.Church
Nadia Merzliakow
Robert Meyers
Darryl Miller
Glenn Miller
Harry Miller*
Jay Miller
Luke Miller
Rev. Arthur G. Minichello
St. Fidelis Church
Jack Minkoff
John Mitchell
William Mitchell
Rosalind Mohnsen*
Paul Monachino
John Montgomery
Aurelia Moody
Daniel Moody
James Moore
Richard Moore
Greta Morain
Brenda Moreira
James E. Morgan
David Morris
W. Robert Morrison
Pamela Morton
Marianne Moscatt
Culver Mowers
Karl E. Moyer
Christian Mucha*
Brian Munro
Alan Murchie*
Lawrence Murphy
Paul Murray
Ronan Murray
Jonathan Myers
Elvire Naar
Anthony Napolitano
Nicholas Neal
Timothy Needler
Mark Nelson*
Lawrence W. Nevel
Chris Nichols*
Tom Nichols
Rev. Thomas E. Nicoll
Philip Niece
Benno Niesen
William W. Nisbet
Jennifer L. Noel
Msgr. Joseph Nugent*
Saint Vincent Ferrer Parish
Gregory Nussel*
Raymond Ocock
Clarisse O’Donnell
John O’Donnell*
Patricia Oesterle
Laura Ogara
Rev. Sean Ogle
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
R. Allen Olmstead*
Frank Olney
Paul Richard Olsen
John OMalley
Dennis C. Opferman
Henry Orszulak
Rolf Oudenstad
James Owen
Charles Page*
John Panning
Joseph Parmer
Robert Parr
Jennifer Pascual*
Ann Patella*
Daniel Paterna
Gregg Patruno
Robert Patsch*
Vera Pavone
Alan Payne
Sylvia Payne
Judith Peckham
Alberto Pedretti
Rev. Michael Perry*
John Peterson
Raymond Petrino
William E. Pfeiffer Jr.*
Sarah Phillips
Joseph Picciano
Basil Pizzuto
Mark Plescia
Richard Plothow
Robert Plunz
J. Robert Poliquin
Ronald J. Potter
From Pound
Chris Prestia
David Pretzer
Edmund O. Price
Richard Priest*
Michele Prokopchak
Thomas Pulsifer
Michael Quimby*
Patrick J. Rafferty*
Christa Rakich
Raymond Ranghelli
Violande Raymond
Lois Regestein
D.Z. Reid
Frank Reis, Jr.*
Darrell E. Ressler*
Rose Riccardelli
Joyce Rice
Philip Riddick
Lee Ridgway
John Riedel
Bruce Riehl*
Robert Rien
Rolf Riesen
Fred J. Riley
W. Wynn Riley
Frank Rippi
John Ritchie
Winfried Ritter
Paul Ritzmann
Angela Robinson
Lawrence Roff*
Joseph Roman
Dr. Marian Ronan*
Daniel Rose
James and Sharon Rose*
Jay Rosenthal*
Robert E. Ross
Robert T. Ruby
Ronald and Diane Russo*
Michelle Saint Vil
John Salveson
Peter Sarro
Douglas Saunders
Allen Savage*
John and Leona Schaefer
Franklin I. Scharmer
David Schmauch*
Richard Schmeelk*
David Schopp*
Robert Schopp*
David Schrader
Carol Schreiber
Franklin Schuler*
Tess Schutte
Charles L. Schutze
Alan Sciranko
Joseph Scolastico
Paul A. Scott
James Scriber
Janet Seckendorf
Paul Seckendorf
John P. Seiz
T.C. Sekella
Scott Semmler
Rev. Francis Shannon
Roylance H. Sharp
Michael Shawgo*
Donald E. Sherfick
Roger Sherman*
Gothic Records
Michael Sherwin
James D. Shoemaker*
Robert Shoring
William Shrode
Stewart Shuster*
Donald Sieg
George Siegl
K.J. Sijsling
Philip Silva
Thomas Simpson*
Angus Sinclair
Jay Singer
Sidney Singer
Evelyn K. Sitler
Alex Skalecki*
David Skoblow
Joan Sksicim
Craig Smith*
Frank Smith
Joseph B. Smith
Kenneth Smith
Mary Monroe Smith
R. Larry Smith
Robert L. Smith
Thomas Smith*
Walter Smith
James Snell*
Bishop John J. Snyder
J. Thomas Sopko
Carmel M. Sorrento
Joann Stang
Sarah Stannard
Dennis E. Stark
Dorothy V. Staton
Michael Stein
Zech Stephane
Nadia Stevens
Richard Stevenson
Charles A. Stewart
Valerie Stipcak
James Stroup
David D. Stuhr
Pastor Suetterlin
Yvonne Sullivan*
Jeff & Nancy Sunshine
Kevin Supple*
George Swope
Kerry Symes
Eric Talbot*
Francesca Tate
William Tate*
David Taylor
Frederick Teardo*
Maria Helena Tharp*
Michael J. Tharp
Stephen Tharp
Myra L. Thayer
Pascale Thenor
Bill Theobald
Kenneth Thevenet
Anthony Thompson
John Thompson
Robert F. Thompson
Robert Tobin*
Kristine Tomesch
Mark Townley
Rev. Christopher Turczany
Donald C. Ulm*
Charles Updegraph
Sr. Julia Upton, RSM
Marilyn Urbany
Michael A. Valente*
Anthony Vallillo
Paul P. Valtos*
J.A. Van Den Berg
Albert van Dijk
Johan van Eersel
Alan VanPoznak M.D.
Keith Vansant
David Vanveghel*
Stefan Verberckmoes
Anthony Versaggi*
William M. Via
Robert Vickery
Selma Vincent
Kristin Vitacco
Patricia B. Vitacco
Joseph Vitacco III*
Joseph Vitacco, Jr.*
Simon Vivian
Jake Vollmar*
Winston von Engel
Winston Von Engel
Haydee Von Sternberg
Richard Voran*
Daniel Wachtel
Helayne Wagner
Richard Wagner
Rev. John E. Waldron
James R. Walker
Lawerence E.Wall
Christopher Wallace
Eric Walling
Kevin R. Walsh*
Michael Watson
Michael Waxer
James Weaver
James Weekley*
Donna Weiner*
Anita Werling
Jason Werts
Calvin S. West
Charles R. West
Edward Whiteman
Ernest Whitmore*
Craig Whitney*
George Wiggins
E. Weston Wilbur
B. McK. Williams
Winston Willis*
Kent Wingerson
Bradford Winters
Jeni Wischmeyer
William Wisniewski
David Witt*
Joseph Woodard
Thomas Woodard
Stephen Woodland
Robert E. Woodworth
Rebecca Wrigley
Lois Yale
Mark and Barbara Yates
Cheryl Yawman
Charles York
Robert Zat
Douglas Zimmer
Peter Beda
J. Berg
Robert Bernstein
Stephen Best
Jon Bish
John Boody
Faith Brill
Bennett Britt
Dean Brown*
David Caron
Charles Chauvin
James David Christie
Bill Clarkson
Lawrence Cook
William Coscarelli
John Courter
Alfred Cresci
Hal Davison
Jean Degan
Mark Downey
Gregory Eaton
John Eckels
Lynn Edgington
Johan Eersel
choir great swell
Ronald Aaron
Roselyn Aring
John Armstrong
Stephen Arthur
Guillaume Autier
Ryan Ballantyne
Stephen Barricklow
Alan Emmering
Jane Errera*
James Folkert
Timothy Fuller
Patrick Furlong
Gary Geivet
Dennis Gerdes
Stephen Girvin*
Greg Gneier*
Roslyn Goldfarb
James Goldston
Deborah Grobe
Russell Grosh
Theodore Guerrant
George Hafemann
Gerald Hayes
Melissa Heaver*
Ben Heizer
Robert Hinson
Mark Holmstrom
Charles Hungate
Amanda Husberg
Susan Jones*
Gerald Kaminski
Andrew Keller
Klaus Kemner
Judith Khan
Justin Kielty
Calvin Kladder*
R. Gordon Klockow
Henry Kohlbrand
Marcus LaCroix
Kenneth Lang
Michael Latsko
Michael Lawler
James Leek
Charles Leeper
Walter H. Ludeke
David Lynch
Valentine Matula
Chip Mays
Edgar Mayse
Thomas McCook
John McEnerney
Mary McGehee
David McPeak
Glenn Miller
Harry Miller
Jay Miller
Rosalind Mohnsen
John Montgomery
Richard Moore
James Morgan
David Morris
Dan Mueller
Ronan Murray
Jonathan Myers
Nicholas Neal
Lawrence Nevel
Chris Nichols
Gregory Nussel
R. Olmstead
Henry Orszulak
James Owen
Charles Page*
Robert E. Patsch
Judith Peckham
J. Poliquin
Nigel Potts
Rolf Riesen
David Schmauch
Richard Schmeelk
Carol Schreiber
Frank Schuler
T. Sekella
Scott Semmler
Michael Shawgo
Images of Our Lady of Refuge church in the 1930s
James Shoemaker
George Siegl
K. Sijsling
Lee Singleton
Thomas Smith
Walter Smith
James Snell
Joann Stang
Richard Stevenson
John Taylor
William Terry
Kenneth Thevenet
John Thompson
Mark Townley
Michael Valente
Anthony Vallillo
Stefan Verberckmoes
Jake Vollmar
Richard Voran
Paul Walasek
John Waldron
Peter Webber
George Wiggins
Bradford Winters
Joseph Woodard
Lois Yale
Douglas Zimmer
Ronald Aaron
John Agraz*
Richard Bardowell*
Stephen Barricklow
Robert Burns
William Carpenter
Rev. Daniel Champoli
Russell Chapman
Thomas Charsky
Aaron Comins
Charles Edmondson
Richard Fidler
Sidney Hayman Jr.*
Leigh Hickcox
Dunstan House
Robert Howard
William Kraft
Michael Laird
J.O. Love
Christian Mucha
Ronald Macnaughton
Timothy Needler
booklet credits
Andrew Pautler
Joseph Parmer
Christa Rakich
Bruce Riehl
William Shrode
Craig Smith
Winston von Engel
Michael Watson
James Weekley
Donna Weiner*
Craig Whitney
William Wisniewski
David Witt
Charles York
Timothy Baack
Erik Bakker
Steven Betancourt
Royce Boyer
Michael Bradley*
Dianne Brown
John Coghill
Mary Croft
Stewart Donald*
Charles Drain
Franklin Emmert
William Evans
Greg Grant
David Harold
Don Hayworth
Robert Howard
Renee Louprette
Joseph McCabe*
Marianne Moscatt
Tom Nichols
Robert Plunz
Paul Ritzmann
Stewart Shuster
Alex Skalecki
Yvonne Sullivan
Kevin Supple
Kristine Tomesch
Marilyn Urbany
Anthony Versaggi
Robert Vickery
Richard Wagner
Eric Walling
Kevin Walsh
Edward C. Whitman
Ernest Whitmore
Book Coordinator
Joe Vitacco
The parish of Our Lady of Refuge wishes to thank A.R. Schopp’s Sons and Quimby Pipe Organs and their
talented craftsmen who spent hundreds of hours renewing thousands of parts for our parish’s pipe organ.
Robert Schopp
Michael Quimby
a.r. schopp’s sons, inc.
quimby pipe organs, inc.
A.R. Schopp’s Sons, Inc., is the largest supplier of organ pipes in
the United States today. The company has been in business for
over 110 years, and four generations of the Schopp family have
been involved in its operation.
Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., has specialized in the building,
rebuilding, tuning and servicing of pipe organs for 43 years. The company has a national reputation, with 69 new pipe organs
and four large new instruments scheduled through 2017, and
many famous rebuilds such as The Cathedral Church of St. John
the Divine, New York, The Cathedral of Saint Paul, San Diego,
California, and The Cathedral of Saint Paul, St. Paul, Minnesota.
14536 Oyster Road
Alliance, OH 44601
(330) 821-8406
PO Box 434
Warrensburg, MO 64093
(660) 747-3066