newsflash AUTUMN 2006


newsflash AUTUMN 2006
14:49 Uhr
Seite 1
The magazine of TELEX / EVI Audio
15:37 Uhr
Seite 2
When planning this issue, the thought that first sprung to mind was to
page 3
News from the pro audio scene
page 4-7
World Cup retrospective
page 8/9
Metallica in Berlin – with TSE AG, MIDAS and EV
page 10/11
500,000 at Telecomcerto in Rome – with
Billy Joel and Bryan Adams
page 12
Simply Red / Lynryd Skynryd and 3 Doors Down
page 13
Jan Smit tour / UNICEF gala in The Hague /
„Neptunella“ Gdansk
page 14
Jazz on the Danube – with a new
system combination
page 15
"Most Outstanding Players“ – Harry Witz
of dB Sound Image on the production
of „NCAA Final Four 2006“
page 16
Dynacord Cobra – four new references
page 17
Party On! – Street Parade Zürich, Mayday,
Bacardi Bat Club
page 18/19
Villa Kennedy, Frankfurt /
Circus Cinicelli, St. Petersburg /
Vlaams Wielercentrum, Gent /
Coronet Cinema, London /
daLuxe, Saragossa
page 20
Open-air cinema Butzbach – with EV XLE and XLD
page 21
G8 Summit in St. Petersburg /
IBC Amsterdam/ Company news /
New in the team
page 22/23
Dynacord with beyerdynamic / Bosch / New web site /
Shuttelsound’s PI Academy / New in the team /
EV meeting in Moscow / PLASA 2006
dedicate it entirely to the World Cup. After all, in six of the twelve stadiums
in which matches were played, it was our systems delivering the announcements, the canned music, and the programme of half-time and prematch entertainment (and turning in perfect performances every time,
too, with the system in the Allianz Arena during the opening celebrations
coming in for special praise!); our intercom systems in most of the outside
broadcast trucks sending images all round the world; and our systems –
Dynacord, MIDAS, EV… – in city centres throughout Germany, where
crowds gathered to follow the action on giant screens. Enough material
there to fill a newsflash several times over, you might suppose.
On the other hand, even during the World Cup, there was still a world
elsewhere; and the last few weeks have seen a host of major productions
including Metallica in Berlin, Simply Red in Heilbronn, Lynyrd Skynyrd in
the USA, and Billy Joel and Brian Adams joining forces to draw a crowd of
half a million in Rome.
In fact, wherever thousands gathered and great teams or great bands played, we were there with our systems. And not only there, as this issue of
newsflash should make clear.
Cover photo (TEXIM s.r.l.): The Coliseum provided the backdrop – and
EV the sound – for a spectacular concert by Billy Joel and Bryan Adams in
Rome. See pp. 10/11
EVI Audio GmbH
Gunther Matejka
James Edlund
Guy Low
Daniel Kappla
Robert Pletz
Rhea Marstaller
Hirschberger Ring 45
D-94315 Straubing
Tel: +49 (0)9421/706-0
Ewan Whyte
Fax: +49 (0)9421/706-315
Sabine Bitterlich
snapshot Redaktionsbüro
Gunther Matejka
Tel: +49 (0)89/74 65 36 63
Fax: +49 (0)89/74 65 36 68
F&W Mediencenter, Kienberg
E-mail: gmatejka @
newsflash / Autumn 2006
Featured in the new Robert Altman film, "A Prairie Home Com-
At a party thrown by
panion", alongside Tommy Lee Jones, Woody Harrelson and Meryl
Def Jam Records at Miami's
Streep are eight EV
Sobe Live, the happening
RE27 micropho-
hip-hop label presented its
nes. Says Produc-
latest acts including the
tion Mixer Drew
toothsome Rihanna (seen
Kunin: "These mi-
here). Drummer Boy Sound
crophones repro-
was responsible for the
duce the human
production and deployed
voice beautifully
a Dynacord COBRA line
as well as having
array system. More on
retro styling that
Rihanna and the COBRA
perfectly suits the
on page 16.
One of the highlights of this year's
"Club of the Year" according to
The Russian studiofitters Oko TV Professional
the clubbers' Bible, "Pollstar", is
Video have been relying on know-how and
the "House of Blues" in Chicago.
systems from TELEX/RTS for a variety of diffe-
rent projects. And to great effect : among the
Muscovites' current clients are Channel 31,
concert summer in the States was the
traditional "Ozzfest Tour", in which EV
endorser Zakk Wylde was at his dazzling best, featuring not only alongside
Ozzy Osbourne in the headline act
but also with his own band Black
GTRK, RTRK, Vesti-24
and the English-language broadcasting company "Russia Today".
During the IBC in Amsterdam,
Pilote Films of France was presented with the "Distributor of
the Year Award". Seen here (l. to
r.) are Klaus Seitz (Director Sales
Export, EVI Audio), Gilbert
Pernin (Pilote Films), Nico Lewis
(Sales Manager, EVI Audio) and
Bettina Hülsmeyer (Pilote Films).
newsflash / Autumn 2006
15:48 Uhr
Seite 4
At the recent World Cup in Germany, the first major sporting
event to be produced in HD format, over two thirds of the international broadcasters were relying on equipment from
Cup. Sound systems from Electro-Voice
ensured optimal audio quality for an event
followed by billions all over the world.
The sound at this and all subsequent
matches played in the arena was the responsibility of the Munich-based production company Wilhelm & Willhalm, who
took full advantage of the sound system
installed, which comes from EVI Audio and
is one of the glories of the Allianz Arena.
Based on an Electro-Voice X-Line array,
this system had already demonstrated its
excellence at every home game played by
the top Munich clubs, FC Bayern and TSV
1860, since the summer of 2005; and here
its enormous versatility was also in evidence : not only was the level of intelligibility
during the speeches delivered by FIFA
President Joseph Blatter and the German
President, Horst Köhler, and heard by over
67,000 spectators, exceptionally high, but
the musical offerings were notable for their
powerful, balanced sound. Commented
Oliver Sahm, EVI Audio's Project Manager
know-how; and the extent of our
and Sales Manager Permanent Installation
of the year. All over the world, soccer fans
dedication, ingenuity, and resolve. Not
Europe: "This system was conceived to
followed the matches with feverish inte-
simply because our audio equipment per-
satisfy absolutely all the demands of the
rest; and within Germany it generated fee-
formed so magnificently in the stadiums of
Arena – and to do more, besides. The net-
lings of euphoria. There was a good deal of
Munich, Berlin, Frankfurt, Hanover and
work linking the pro audio system to the
flag-waving; and you'll see more here too,
Nuremberg – and in the distributed sound
public address / voice alarm system is uni-
I'm afraid, when we look back over the
/ voice alarm area, in Leipzig as well – but
que and sets new standards in stadium
four weeks from the 9th June to the 9th
also because in the broadcasting centres
sound reinforcement."
July. This year's World Cup left its traces
and OB trucks sending the images round
everywhere and created a feeling of com-
the world, as well as in city centres throug-
munity within the host country : old and
hout Germany where crowds gathered in
young were one in their desire to see the
front of giant screens to share the excite-
national team do well; and old and young
ment as a community, it was our systems
celebrated and commiserated together as
that set the tone – from the opening cele-
the events unfolded. But great things were
brations to the closing ceremony in Berlin.
The World Cup was the sporting event
happening behind the scenes, too : there,
too, motivation, creativity and professio-
nalism were called for; and the call was
answered – inter alia, by systems from EVI
The opening ceremony and match in
Audio. For it's no exaggeration to say that
Munich's Allianz Arena on the 9th June
this World Cup showcased the compre-
2006 laid the foundation for what turned
hensiveness of our solutions; the depth of
out to be an extremely successful World
newsflash / Autumn 2006
Detail of a cluster in the Allianz Arena, Munich
20:07 Uhr
Seite 5
Wilhelm & Willhalm Veranstaltungs-
had been put out to tender and did not
really conform with the specifications. In
Munich) supervised the sound equip-
such cases, we often had to test several
ment at the stadium venues for this
times over to see whether it was even pos-
year’s soccer World Cup. This was a mas-
sible to satisfy the requirements with the
sive undertaking, but not a daunting
materials to hand: whether there were suf-
one, as Managing Director Alexander
ficient guarantees of operational security,
Wilhelm explained to newsflash
for example; whether in the event of an
emergency, the level of the voice alarm
newsflash: How did you prepare for this
messages would be sufficient, and so on.
mammoth task?
newsflash: Which were the two outstan-
Alexander Wilhelm: Having a great deal
ding stadiums?
of experience in national and international
Alexander Wilhelm: Munich and Berlin.
football, this was nothing new for us.
newsflash: What was special about the
Naturally, in view of the fact that this was
equipment installed in those two stadi-
the World Cup, there were special needs
and requirements, but we had already
Alexander Wilhelm: In Munich and
“two outstanding stadiums” — the Allianz Arena in
encountered these — admittedly on a far
Berlin, enormous importance was attached
Munich, and the Olympic Stadium in Berlin
smaller scale — at the Confederations Cup
to quality from the very start — and the
in 2005, so we had already examined
requisite funds were made available. In
It's nice and reassuring to have the infor-
them then in considerable depth. What
Berlin, line arrays were used, in Munich,
mation at your fingertips at all times and
was most important in the case of the
conventional systems, but very, very
access, as well as to receive error reports
World Cup was meticulous planning —
powerful ones. From the standpoint of
and be able to act on them instantly.
especially where logistics were concerned:
sound, I regard the stadium in Munich as
There's no alternative to this technology.
access authorizations, access times, cable
the best in all Germany.
newsflash: What kind of feedback have
runs, new regulations and so on.
newsflash: In your opinion, would it be
you had from FIFA about your work?
newsflash: How many of your people
possible in the Allianz Arena for a band to
Alexander Wilhelm: It was very positi-
saw action during the World Cup?
rely exclusively on the house system?
ve. They were very, very satisfied. They
Alexander Wilhelm: There were 60 of
praised the motivational level and creativi-
us in all on the team.
depend, of course, upon the music, but in
ty of our staff, and felt that we had carried
newsflash: What problems did you
most cases, yes, absolutely! The additional
out the entire commission in a highly pro-
encounter in the course of execution?
PA brought in by an outside firm for the
fessional way. Who knows? Perhaps our
Alexander Wilhelm: To be honest, none
André Heller part of the opening festivities
paths will cross again, but that's all I'm pre-
whatsoever. Everything went really smoo-
didn't yield any improvement at all. In fact
pared to say.
thly. No one fell ill, no one's car broke
it had the reverse effect. The management
down and the equipment never let us
of II Divo, which did the official FIFA part,
For more information on Wilhelm &
down for an instant.
insisted — after conducting exhaustive
Willhalm, visit:
newsflash: The stadiums are equipped
listening tests — upon the use of the
with different sound systems. Were there
house system and the house system alone!
significant differences in terms of perfor-
And it worked perfectly. They told us it was
the best sound they had ever heard in any
Alexander Wilhelm: I'd prefer to put it
stadium anywhere.
Alexander Wilhelm
this way: two of the stadiums were outs-
newsflash: What's your take on the
Managing Director,
tanding in this respect, and there were
remotely supervised and remotely control-
Wilhelm & Willhalm
others that lagged behind. This is because
led amps from Electro-Voice?
Veranstaltungstechnik GmbH
in many of the stadiums the installations
Alexander Wilhelm: They're the future.
newsflash / Autumn 2006
20:07 Uhr
Seite 6
The recent World Cup in Germany saw, if not the birth, then the incidence on a hitherto unprecedented scale of the 'public viewing' phenomenon. In almost all Germany's cities, instead of watching the matches at home on television, fans without tickets preferred, it seems, to congregate
in their thousands in front of giant screens in city centres. For these 'soccer fiestas' to truly come
alive, the sound had to be right; and here — as in most of the stadiums hosting the event —
systems from EVI Audio played a key role
"Excitement, passion, sense of commu-
how seriously they were taking their res-
nity" –'public viewing' fever grips
Front PA: 72 x DYNACORD V systems
(V12, V17, V28)
Delay systems (decentralized):
Foldback (acc. programme):
Loudspeaker controllers:
26 x DYNACORD L2400
Johannes Möck: "We designed the configuration with not only the live commen-
Football matches are events people pre-
To deliver, though, production companies
tary but also the accompanying program-
fer to experience communally. The vast gat-
had to deploy vast batteries of enclosures
me of entertainment in mind. Before and
herings seen all over Germany this year had,
of the type, and in quantities, associated
after every match, there were DJs and
in the view of sports sociologist Hans-Jürgen
with open air rock festivals, as the follo-
bands performing live, and the Dynacord
Schulke writing in FOCUS, "a whiff of anar-
wing cases illustrate.
systems once again demonstrated their
chy — a mixture of Woodstock, the Love
enormous versatility."
Parade and the day the Berlin Wall fell".
(MK Badensound)
Bielefeld (R&H
Giant screens had been seen before, of cour-
Renchen-based MK Badensound is one of
se, at other World Cups and major events of
the leading suppliers of production equip-
There were up to 12,000 fans in front of
other kinds, but without ever enjoying the
ment for events throughout
the giant screens in the Jahnplatz,
same popularity. What made the difference
and Baden-Württemberg. In addition to
Bielefeld, whenever the German team was
at this year's World Cup was that the tech-
video, lighting and rigging equipment,
playing. R&H Veranstaltungstechnik was
nology — especially in the area of sound —
and LED screens, the company managed
responsible for the sound; and the team
had finally caught up with expectations.
by Johannes Möck ensures that the sound
led by Jochen Reineke relied exclusively on
This year, you heard people remarking as
at concerts, raves and screenings never
the Electro-Voice XLE181; "faster setting-
they said their goodbyes, reluctantly, under
disappoints; and when soccer fans (not the
up times, more compact installation, pro-
the giant screens when the fun was over: "It
most taciturn of folk) gather in great num-
blem-free handling, superb projection and
was just like being there — only better,
bers — in Freiburg there were up to
plenty of penetration," explained Reineke.
because you had the commentary", and it
15,000 in front of the giant screens, in
The first consideration was of particular
was this — the fact of having the commen-
Offenburg and Achern, 8,000 and 6,000
importance, since for three of the scree-
tary, or rather, of being able to understand
respectively — making the commentary
nings, he and his team were allowed only
the commentary — that gave these giant
intelligible above the roar and hubbub
an hour to build up and had to dismantle
gatherings the best of both worlds: the
calls for no little skill and the finest equip-
the system even more swiftly as soon as
atmosphere of the stadium; the information
ment : Möck & Co used only Dynacord
the party was over, as the Jahnplatz is an
flow of the living room.
systems, which gives some indication of
intersection of critical importance to the
newsflash / Autumn 2006
20:07 Uhr
Seite 7
flow of traffic within the city. The military
For the World Cup in Germany, the
ked to the company’s own ADAM at its
precision with which R&H performed both
first major sporting event in the
Miami headquarters by an RVON-8 card.
operations and even more importantly the
history of television to be produced
Explains Manuel Brico: “Both systems were
outstanding quality of the sound won prai-
in High Definition format, over two
connected to the trunkmaster in Miami,
se not only from the clients but from the
thirds of the world’s broadcasters
which made intelligent communication
fans themselves: "From the standpoint of
relied on systems from TELEX / RTS.
between the systems possible.”
intelligibility, the sound was absolutely
For most of the planet, the World Cup is
The World Cup 2006 – media superlati-
perfect. All we heard was praise," com-
the sporting event that most matters,
ves. This year’s World Cup in Germany was
mented Jochen Reineke.
which is why the world’s broadcasters
one of the largest and most complex pro-
Front PA:
began planning with meticulous precision
ductions in the history of broadcasting.
10 x EV XLE 181 (with EV Dx 38)
the logistics of their coverage of this year's
The Swiss firm Infront Sports & Media was
Delay (at 90 metres):
event the moment the contracts were
responsible for marketing the worldwide
8 x EV XLE 181 (with EV Dx 38)
telecasts. In terms of magnitude, more
Berlin (TSE AG)
To minimize the risk of something going
broadcasters covered the World Cup in
If you couldn't get tickets for the Olympic
wrong in the course of what was the first
2006 than ever before. According to
Stadium, the place to be in Berlin was the
major sporting event ever to be produced
Infront: “Virtually every country on earth
Waldbühne. TSE AG provided the sound
in high definition format, no fewer than
tuned in.”
reinforcement for the screenings at this
four of the seven HD outside broadcast
The following outside broadcast trucks
historic location. TSE's team, led by Marcel
vehicles relaying the images employed
equipped with TELEX / RTS systems were
Fery, had already demonstrated at the
intercom equipment from TELEX/RTS.
hired by the Host Broadcasting Service:-
Metallica gig at the beginning of June that
There was a reason for this: under similar
the Waldbühne — a nightmare for most
circumstances at both the summer and
Visions HD-1 (UK)
sound reinforcement providers — held no
winter Olympics as well as last year’s
Visions HD-2 (UK)
terrors for them, and they did so again
Federation Cup, TELEX/RTS equipment
VCF (France)
during the World Cup, using once again
had given conclusive proof of its reliability
Visual (France)
systems from Electro-Voice, MIDAS and
and effectiveness.
Media Pro (Spain)
Klark Teknik.
PA: 12 x EV Xvlt , 8 x EV Xvls ,
TELEX/RTS Intercom EAME with EVI Audio,
16 x EV Xsub
outlined the complexity of the problems
Amps: EV P3000
associated with providing images of the
Delay: 8 x EV Rx
tournament: “Each of the outside broad-
Consoles: MIDAS Siena 480
cast vehicles had to cover matches in two
EQ: Klark Teknik
different stadiums, shuttling to and fro
from one to the other. Since at the end of
each match, the systems had to be dismantled and set up again at a new venue,
ease-of-use and reliability were of paramount importance.”
Among the intercom equipment most in
evidence at this year’s World Cup were
Inside the Media Pro OB truck
ADAM digital matrices, KP-32 keypanels
Univision, for example, the host broadcaster for North America’s Spanish-language
stations, the ADAM in the International
Broadcast Centre (IBC) in Munich was lin-
newsflash / Autumn 2006
20:07 Uhr
Seite 8
pic: Marion Vogel
At Metallica's only solo show in Germany (on the 6th June at the Waldbühne in Berlin), the trick
was to provide the 22,000 fans with an exciting auditory experience without infringing the strict
noise control regulations.
Berlin's Waldbühne in the suburb of
sound reinforcement design proposed to
only was the system tested in advance and
Charlottenburg was already sold out weeks
him at the ProLight+Sound show in
exhaustive SPL measurements taken to
before the appearance of the American
Frankfurt by Marcel Fery (Chairman of TSE
ensure any spillage remained strictly wit-
metal kings, with fans from all over
AG), having worked the venue before and
hin the statutory limits, but a considerable
Germany and surrounding countries fal-
being well familiar with the problems
degree of flexibility was also built in, so as
ling over each other to get tickets for what
posed by the Waldbühne. The design,
to ensure the level could be lowered if
was to be Metallica's only solo concert in
which was the product of the TSE AG
need be in the sections closest to the resi-
the region. In the event, the 22,000 fans
crew's many years' experience of the
dential area without the rest of the audien-
enjoyed not only a grandiose spectacle in
venue, consisted essentially of an EV X-Line
ce noticing the difference.
a historic setting but also magnificent
as the main PA, EV XLD line arrays for the
centre and outfills, and 16 additional delay
This impressive and highly idiosyncratic
systems distributed among the galleries.
venue is one for which it is notoriously dif-
Synchronizing and balancing the system
ficult to provide good sound reinforce-
involved the programming of over 28 dif-
ment: not only is it situated in a nature
ferent delay times and filter curves. To pro-
reserve, but the nearest houses are a mere
vide efficient and reliable management of
500 metres away. Consequently, the noise
the large number of system controllers and
control regulations in force at every event
power amplifier channels involved, TSE AG
are particularly strict; yet a way must still
deployed a NetMax N8000 and P3000
be found to provide adequate coverage
DSP remote-controlled power amplifiers
for an audience that fans out over 270
governed centrally by IRIS-Net software.
degrees and sections of which are not only
"The systematic use of delay systems allo-
a hundred meters from the stage but also
wed us to provide optimum coverage of
twenty meters above the highest loud-
the audience area whilst at the same time
speakers. Metallica FOH Engineer "Big
taking the sensitivities of nearby residents
"By the beard of the prophet…" – Big Mick
Mick" Hughes immediately accepted the
into account," explains Marcel Fery. Not
Hughes at the controls of a Midas XL4
newsflash / Autumn 2006
20:08 Uhr
Seite 9
"The surgical use of meticulously selected components"
This was the phrase Production Manager
Marcel Fery used to describe the approach
adopted by TSE AG: "We decided in favor
of the X-Line because our past experience
of the system had been unfailingly positive; and, in this location in particular,
where precise directivity and homogeneity
are all-important, the X-Line is the perfect
system."Not only was the audience delighted with the results but so was "Big Mick"
Hughes, who as Metallica's FOH man now
for almost 20 years is clearly an authority
Great sound guaranteed – EV's X-Line (top)
on good sound: "The whole system wor-
A head for heights – TSE boss Marcel Fery (r.)
ked outstandingly," he told us. "There was
The Waldbühne is set in a nature reserve
no shortage of power in the bass or penetration in the midrange — and that was
true not only at the FOH position but
throughout the venue."
equipment list (extract):
Main system
16 x X-Line Xvls 90°
12 x X-Line Xvlt 120°
24 x X-Line X-Sub flown
12 x X-Line X-Sub stacked
48 x EV P3000/P3000RL
12 x EV XLC 120° line array
16 x EV P3000 amp
Centre / Frontfills / Outfills
24 x EV XLD 281 line array
20 x EV CP 3000 S
22 x EV Rx112/75
Distribution & Electronics
7 x Klark Teknik DN9848
1 x EV NetMax N8000
newsflash / Autumn 2006
20:08 Uhr
Seite 10
Around half a million music fans streamed to the Coliseum in Rome on July 31st to enjoy a free
concert featuring Billy Joel and Bryan Adams, sponsored by Telecom Progetto Italia and the City
of Rome. A huge line-array system from Electro-Voice made sure the audience’s expectations were
Billy Joel and Bryan Adams were dual
Texim, official Italian distributors of the
who made the final projections for the
headliners at this year's Telecomcerto, the
Electro-Voice, MIDAS and Klark Teknik
whole system.
large annual free concert organized by
equipment that comprised the entire
The main system comprised 56 Electro-
Telecom Progetto Italia in cooperation
sound reinforcement system. This year
Voice X-Line enclosures (24 x Xvls + 4 x
with the City of Rome. The two-for-one
Texim celebrates 30 years as an Electro-
Xvlt + 28 Xsub) flown from four X-Line
superstar event took place on the July 31st
Voice distributor, as well as 35 years in the
grids. The delay systems included 112
2006, on a stage where many of the
professional audio business.
XLC127+ speakers suspended in the layer
world’s greatest artists have performed
The event location included one of the
over the last three years, in front of the
most famous streets in Rome – that run-
Coliseum and in the magical setting of the
ning from the Coliseum to the Imperial
Despite difficulties posed by the climate
Fori Imperiali (Imperial Forums).
Forums – along which sound reinforce-
(with temperatures at times reaching 35°C
in total.
It was a night of great music and high
ment was provided for one kilometre.
in the days leading up to the concert and
emotion for the estimated 500,000 fans in
Alessandro Galli was responsible for event
90% humidity on event day) and the
attendance. The audio and lighting equip-
production, with support from Diego
reflective surfaces of monuments and buil-
ment for both concerts was supplied by
Bertuzzi. Milan-based Stage System sup-
dings, the alignment and equalization of
Italian company MMS srl. of Solaro
plied the stage and the layer for the delay
the system based on the EASE projections
(Milan); Maddalena Tronchetti Provera
towers. The EASE projections for the audio
turned out to be perfect. This ensured that
and Vittorio Quattrone of the Four One
system were made by the Texim Technical
the hundreds of thousands attending the
Music company organized the event.
Department in collaboration with Giovanni
event were treated to sound of the highest
Colucci and Massimo Sartirana of MMS,
quality. Final fine-tuning was performed by
The event was also a great success for
towers, and 32 Xsubs and 12 XLC118 subs
newsflash / Autumn 2006
20:08 Uhr
Seite 11
PA manager Massimo Sartirana and resi-
The sound engineers of both artists
dent sound engineer Domenico Carnuccio,
expressed their satisfaction during both
relying on the SMAART program as well as
the rehearsals and the event. During Billy
FOH & delay tower control racks: 12xKlark
their own, highly trained, ears. The decisi-
Joel's set in particular, one had the impres-
Teknik DN9848 loudspeaker processors,
on to suspend all the enclosures of the
sion of listening to a perfect mix with a
1xKlark Teknik DN9340 Helix digital equa-
main system – including the subwoofers –
very high degree of intelligibility, a wide
lizer, 1xKlark Teknik DN6000 Spectrum
was also vindicated.
dynamic range, and tremendous sound
pressure levels throughout the entire audi-
1xMidasxL4, Monitor 1xMidas H3000
ence area.
(Bryan Adams); Main system (Coliseum):
Equipment and personnel (extract)
24xEVxVLSx-Line 90° , 4xEVxVLTx-Line
120°, 4xEVx-Line Grid , 28xEVx-Linex-Sub
, 42xEV P3000 power amps; Stereo Delay
Systems (x4) (in the "Via dei Fori
grids, 32xEVx-Linexsub, 64xEV P3000
12xEVxLC118 + subwoofers, 18xEV P2000
Power Amp, 6xEV P3000 power amps;
Lighting and sound: M.M.S. srl; Sound
system engineers: Giovanni Colucci, Gigi
Belloni; Sound design: Massimo Sartirana;
The concert highlight of the year?
The joint appearance of Billy Joel
"Telecomcerto" in Rome on the 31st
July drew an audience of 500,000 EVI Audio systems turned in a per-
pics: TEXIM
fect audio performance
newsflash / Autumn 2006
20:08 Uhr
Seite 12
The commission to handle the sound reinforcement for this year's Simply Red tour of Germany
gave Satis & Fy a chance to tour for the first time with their new X-Line and Tour Grade amps
One of the largest companies in Germany
Christoph Klemp euphoric: "The sound
providing technical services in the event
system was controlled perfectly: every
business, Satis & Fy recently took delivery
nuance of Chris de Margery's flute and Ian
of an X-Line and Tour Grade amplifiers
Kirkham's saxophone solos came out
from Electro-Voice. They were so convin-
crystal-clear above the powerful bass and
ced by the performance of the new tan-
drums… It was a delight to listen to – from
dem at the Red Bull Air Race, Rock am Ring
the first row to the last."
and Rock im Park events that they had little hesitation in taking them along when
Simply Red in Germany Equipment list
they were given the commission to handle
Simply Red's upcoming tour of Germany.
Obviously Gary Bradshaw, the group's FOH
EV X-Line (16 x Xvls 90°, 6 x Xvlt 120°, 24
engineer, had worked often with Britannia
x Xsub) Amps, EV Tour Grade & P series
Row's X-Line in the past, and the task of
(24 x TG7, 8 x P3000), Distribution & elec-
satisfying – or rather, exceeding – his
tronics, Klark Teknik & EV (2 x DN9848, 2
expectations this time fell to system techni-
x NetMax N8000)
cians Alexander Lewin, Stefan Harazd and
Paul Wunderlich.
It would appear they succeeded.
Certainly the critics were impressed, with
LY N Y R D S K Y N Y R D / 3 D O O R S D O W N
Lynyrd Skynyrd and 3 Doors Down's "Double Trouble" tour of the States this summer lasted just
under a month. LD Systems provided the sound reinforcement — using equipment from EV
The FOH system was an Electro-Voice X-
morning, you can spend the day fine-
Heritage 3000 console (3 Doors Down
Line, with up to 40 Xvls, 8Xvlt and 28 Xsub
tuning the other details – it all adds finesse
monitor mix).
enclosures deployed each evening. It was
to the tour production. This tour is playing
driven by 74 EV P3000RL remote control
all kinds of venues, and the X-Line is pro-
DSP amplifiers; and 8 EV X-Array Xn fills
ving equally impressive in all of them;
were also used. "As always, the X-Line rig
which has really proved its flexibility."
pic: Marion Vogel
sounds awesome," reported Robert Ausmus
of LD Systems. "It’s really unmatched as a
The equipment used included the
rock rig. Tony Luna and his crew also love
how quickly they can load in and tear down
40 x EV X-Line Xvls; 8 x EV X-Line Xvlt; 28
the system. X-Line deployment is heada-
x EV X-Line Xsub; 8 x EV X-Array Xn; 74 x
che-free. When you often have the main
P3000RL Remote Control DSP amplifiers;
system up and ready to go by 10:30 in the
1 x MIDAS XL88 matrix mixer; 1 x MIDAS
newsflash / Autumn 2006
20:08 Uhr
Seite 13
At the star-studded UNICEF gala in The Hague on the 25th March,
AVEQ Rental & Sales supplied the equipment and expertise
Dutch rental company Triple
Showtechniek recently invested in an extensive audio
package including systems
Teknik and MIDAS for popular
Dutch singer Jan Smit’s latest
classic hits: "We Are Family", "He's the Greatest Dancer" and "Lost in Music".
The AVEQ Rental & Sales team led by
Rutger Klein Kranenbarg (FOH) and Dimitri
Van Dijck (Monitor) used a sophisticated
Electro-Voice sound system for both the
gala and the after-show party. Comments
AVEQ boss, Robert van Aalst: "We put our
It was the social event of the year in The
Hague: the UNICEF gala on the 25th
March. Celebrities from the cultural, spor-
faith in the EV XLD and that faith was utter-
ting and political worlds thronged the atri-
awarded the commission for next year's
um of the town hall and UNICEF made a
gala on the spot!" Gala: stage equipment
net profit of 143,500 euros it will use for
12 x EV XLD (6 per side); 4 x EV X-SUB 4 x
charitable purposes. To heighten the mood
EV Xi 1122 (in-fills, mounted on the X-
of generosity among the guests, the UNI-
SUBs, 2 per side); 2 x EV 1081 (front-fills,
CEF team had organized a high-calibre
stage centre); 10 x EV T221M (monito-
programme that included not only Jim,
ring); KT 9848, EV power amps; Midas
Told U So and Frank In Person (F.I.P.) but
Verona 480 Tour Pack After-show party:
also the legendary disco group of the
stage equipment: 4 x EV X-Array XCN; 4 x
Eighties Sister Sledge, whose set included
EV X-Array XCB; 4 x EV-X-Array XB; 2 x EV
powerful and dynamic renderings of their
DX38; 6 x EV P3000
ly vindicated. After the show, the compliments were veritably flying and we were
The rental company responsible for Smit's
upcoming tour of the Netherlands and
Germany is Triple Showtechniek, based in
Purmerend. With a view to achieving perfect acoustic results, the Dutch touring
company's audio specialists launched an
investment offensive, ordering an extensive
package of Electro-Voice, Klark Teknik and
MIDAS pro audio systems from the Dutch
EV distributor, Electric Audio B.V and
MIDAS Consoles Holland.
The shopping list included:
18 x EV Xlc 127+, 8 x EV X-subs, 6 x EV
CP3000S, CP4000 amps, Klark Teknik
Square One, Multiple Klark Teknik DN-9848
E system controllers, MIDAS Heritage H
2000 (FOH), MIDAS Heritage H 3000
Showtechniek's MD, commented: "For a
“Neptunalia”, Danzig: THE LARGEST XLC IN POLAND
tour in this category, you need the ultimate
audio package. With the new systems, we
Whilst students in the rest of Poland are
ween them, came up with no fewer than
celebrating the coming of spring, those in
thirty Electro-Voice Xlc127+ cabinets to
Gdansk prefer to honor Neptune; and
create the largest Xlc array the country
despite lousy weather, they flocked in their
had ever seen. They were scarcely pouring
thousands to the shipyards in mid May to
oil on troubled waters either when they
hear bands like The Rasmus, Clawfinger,
deployed the new X-Line Very Compact
Culcha Candela, Dreadzone, The Dub
system alongside it — the first time Xlc
Pistols, Looptroop and Superfunk at the
and Xlvc systems had been combined in
this way.
magnitude of the event, Audio Plus, EVI
Other system components included
Audio's distribution partner in Poland, put
MIDAS consoles (Verona, Siena, Venice), 8
together a coalition of three of the coun-
x Rx215 subwoofers, 2 x SxA 360 powered
try’s leading sound companies — Legro,
speakers, and a variety of RE and N/D
JBS Marketing and Evelina — who, bet-
series microphones from Electro-Voice.
newsflash / Autumn 2006
can achieve the very highest standards."
20:08 Uhr
Seite 14
The Jazz on the Danube festival (Jazz an der Donau), which ran from July 13th-16th, offered another excellent, highlight-filled program this year. Ingo Haasch and his team were responsible for
sound reinforcement, and relied on a combination of compact Electro-Voice (EV) line array
systems, Dynacord PowerH power amplifiers and EV NetMax N8000 signal processors. This combination, being used here for the first time at a major event, impressed musicians, sound
engineers and audiences in equal measure
Above all, it was the wide range of application possibilities offered by the NetMax
N8000 that most impressed the crew working FOH: the IRIS-Net nerve center is a
modular digital audio signal processor
with 32 inputs and 32 outputs — all
accommodated in a space-saving 2U case.
The N8000 is equipped with four module
slots for local audio inputs and outputs, a
CobraNet slot for digital audio network
connection, and Ethernet, CAN-Bus and
RS-232 interfaces for the purpose of control and supervision. Simply put, the
system, which is equally suitable for fixed
Hot rhythms, cool equipment — Juanes and the NetMax/PowerH rack were among the festival's classiest acts
installations and mobile professional applications, offers FOH engineers all they
could wish for.
The Jazz on the Danube festival, now in its
used at a major event before, and the
twentieth year, is one of the ten biggest
results greatly impressed the musicians,
Ingo Haasch commented: "The EV XLD
jazz festivals in the world. It's an event cha-
production personnel and audiences alike.
system, like the XLE, is ultra-flexible. It's
racterized by music of exceptional quality,
The two EV NetMax N8000 controllers
tops for small to medium-sized jazz, thea-
an intimate atmosphere, excellent orga-
used were of decisive importance in the
trical and classical music events, but also
nization and the finest equipment. This
system design. The left and right sides of
provides a solid foundation for medium to
year's jubilee event — in which Latino star
the PA (with 8 input and 24 output chan-
large rock concerts. With the addition of
Juanes, Randy Crawford & the Joe Sample
nels each) were controlled separately. The
X-sub boxes, for example, you can arrive
Trio and Klaus Doldinger's Passport all deli-
new FIR filters were responsible for the
(with very little expenditure) at a line array
vered highly acclaimed performances —
equalization of the main PA and proved to
system that is really something." Haasch is
thoroughly lived up to what has become a
be of enormous benefit. Franz Lermer,
equally enthusiastic about the Dynacord
great annual tradition.
Manager of Digital Development with EVI
PowerH amplifiers: "Ultra-virile, ultra-tight
Ingo Haasch and his sound team, along
Audio, and part of EVI Audio's support
power amplifiers generating oodles of wat-
with the state-of-the-art EV & Dynacord
team at the JAD 2006, commented: "The
tage. I was totally convinced by them."
systems they deployed, made a considera-
sound team had never worked with FIR fil-
For further information,
ble contribution to the success of the
ters before and were highly enthusiastic
right from the start.” The team found the
The key elements in the sound system
system design, developed by Peter
design were a combination of compact
Hallstein and Günter Krauss of EVI Audio
line array systems from Electro-Voice (XLD
using IRIS-Net software, precisely addres-
281, XLC 215), Dynacord PowerH amps,
sed their needs with minimal hassle, mini-
and two EV NetMax N8000 digital audio
mal hardware, and requiring only minimal
controllers. This set up had never been
EQ tweaks in the field.
newsflash / Autumn 2006
20:08 Uhr
Seite 15
NCAA Final Four 2006
This year's NCAA Final Four – the single biggest event in basketball – ran from the 1st to the 3rd
April in Indianapolis, with 100,000 fans turning out for the three days of sports, music and entertainment. Harry Witz, CEO and System Designer of db Sound Image, which was commissioned to
provide the sound reinforcement, talked about setting-up amid tornado warnings, pulling down,
the venue, and the giant PA system his company deployed for the event
Array. I wouldn't use line array here if you
Equipment list (extract)
gave them to me. We're using Xf ,Xf, Xf,
Main P.A., Stage (facing down Meridian
Xb,Xb, Xb and the reason is is that they're
Street): (2) arrays of (11) EV X-Line per
only 40-degrees horizontal and 20-degress
side, flown. Comprised of (9) Xvls and (2)
vertical, and I'm hanging three of these on
Xvlt, per side; (3) stacks of (4) EV Xsubs
each side of the video screen. The reason
per side; Power amplification, Main P.A.:
for that is that they throw very far and
Each flown array powered by three racks of
have a very controlled, tight pattern and
amps for a total of (12) EV P-3000 per side.
we want to keep them off the buildings. If
Subs powered by two racks of (4) P-3000
we used a 90-degree box down those stre-
each for (8) amps per side; Monitors: 24-
ets with the buildings it'd be horrendous,
EV Xw15 monitors; Sidefills:
it'd be pinball…”
X-Array (2) Xf and (2) Xb per side
First Delay Tower (335’ from main stage)
Harry Witz on setting up and pulling down
Harry Witz on power amplification
(facing down Meridian Street):
"We set up the whole front-of-house, tore
“Since 1979 I’ve owned hundreds of
(2) hangs of EV X-Array – (3) Xf and (3) Xb
it down, and then reset it up amidst torna-
amplifiers from all manufacturers; I don’t
per side – flanking video screen All EV P-
do warnings, bad weather, etc. It had to
know a lot of people who have owned
3000 amplification
be done; no laziness here. Then we basi-
more. Anyway, we did a test in the early
Second delay tower (480’ from main
cally plugged everything in and had no
‘90s when X-Array was coming out. EV
stage) (facing down Meridian Street):
buzzes, no problems, no nothing. It was
wanted us to test EV amps. What we did
(2) hangs of X-Array (2) Xf, (1) Xb, (1) Xn
perfect. Then at the end of the event,
was a blind test. It really was surprising,
per side All EV P-3000 amplification
there was a similar scenario as to when we
but we all picked EV. Our initial order was
came in: tornado warnings, bad weather,
over 400 amps! Three years later we had-
etc. However, everything considered, it
n’t serviced one of them, which far surpas-
went really well.
ses any of my other inventory. I have EV P3000 amps currently that are going on ten
Harry Witz on the X-Line and X-Array
years old, have been around the world
"If you point a bunch of X-Line cabinets
many times, have millions of miles on
straight forward they're going to sum real-
them, have been through dust and dirt,
ly good and they're going to throw like
had fans in the racks break, and still work.
hell. Of all the PAs that I've ever played
Amazing. EV amps also electrically match
with or tried, the EV X-Line definitely has
the components in the speakers we use.
the most power and throws the farthest,
That’s another cool thing. An EVX-180B
without a doubt. So when we're doing
just about runs out of mechanical gas and
these kinds of shows, it's just the thing to
electrical capacity when the amplifier has
use. So, we've got the main P.A. (X-Line;
little juice left to deliver and we use pairs of
9xXvls + 2xXvlt per side) at the monument
the 180’s on one channel of a P-3000; we
pointing down Meridian Street.
use four 12’s on one channel. It all mat-
"At the arch we have two columns of X-
ches up really well.”
newsflash / Autumn 2006
20:08 Uhr
Seite 16
Whether it's rock, disco, techno, live concerts or
fixed installations, the Dynacord COBRA has all
it takes and more, as four case histories from
the global pro audio scene amply demonstrate
The Spy Bar is a small club with a great
and a CSR-4 LX amp rack in each of the
the local production company, was taking
reputation among aficiondados of the
four corners made it happen with hea-
no chances and opted for a rig that had
Chicago scene. It offers patrons an intima-
droom to spare.
served it well at numerous high-profile live
te club experience that is big on style and
"The Cobra-4 is without a doubt the
events in and around Miami: a MIDAS
sound quality — largely thanks to a
best conceived system that I've ever laid
mixing console, Klark Teknik processors,
Dynacord Cobra line array system installed
my hands on,” says Robert Grimard of
EV wireless mikes and monitor wedges,
by Audiolines. “There’s a long line around
Productions Reno, who was responsible for
and a Dynacord Cobra line array. "We
the block at Spy Bar every Friday night,”
the sound concept. “From the quality of
heard great things about the sound from
reports Audiolines' Eric Dahl. “Since instal-
the audio design to the simple power of
all quarters," reported DBS's Harold
ling the Cobra in February, their booking
such a compact and complete system, I'm
Cummings. "Carl Fermin, Manager at
has taken off. Purefuture, the big DJ &
Sobe Live, couldn't believe how little time
dance music promoter here in Chicago,
No surprise, then, that it was the Cobra
it took us to put up such a powerful
had previously been booking their big
that made the difference at the bi-annual
system. Soundchecks were scheduled from
name DJ nights at a mega-club that held
Hookahville Jam Festival in Legend Valley,
10am to 2pm, but the rig performed so
about 3000 but switched to the 300-capa-
Thornville, Ohio. Formerly known as
well that whatever each artist needed was
city Spy Bar simply because of its new
Buckeye Lake, the outdoor venue was a
dialled in quickly and precisely, meaning
sound system. Obviously that says a lot for
favourite show stop for the Grateful Dead.
all three soundchecks only took an hour!"
the Cobra rig!" Upcoming ‘name’ DJs on
This spring, it was the turn of Ekoostik
the schedule include Deep Dish, James
Hookah supported by special guests inclu-
Zabiela, Lee Burridge and Danny Howells.
ding Blues Traveler. AA Sound supplied the
"As the only vertical line array designed
Cobra rig, which was used to great effect
specifically for ground stacking as well as
with a MIDAS Heritage 1000 FOH console
flying, the Cobra is a really versatile pro-
from DBS Audio.
blem-solver," explains Dahl. "It has a small
The AA crew deployed the Cobra in a
footprint, yet pumps out huge sound into
new configuration they christened the
the 50 by 50 foot room. The Cobra-2 has
"Cobra-10": a total of two Cobra-4 rigs
the brute force of a system twice its size!"
and a Cobra-2. "The rig sounded pheno-
That it can work the same magic in
menal," reports AA's Will Roth. "We flew
clubs many times the size of the Spy Bar
four Far and four Top boxes per side. That
was illustrated at the Metropolis in
took us all of fifteen minutes! Sixteen PWH
Montreal, when the Dutch turntable titan
subs took care of the low end, lined up
Tiesto held 2,300 trance fans enthralled for
across the front of the stage. A crew of two
three and a half hours. The Metropolis
can set up this PA in no time!"
crowd were surrounded by 36000 watts of
When you factor in its price:performan-
sound from Dynacord Cobra-4 systems
ce and size:power ratios, the Cobra's in a
supplied by Erikson Pro. The Cobra confi-
class of its own. Top Miami Beach venue
guration for the evening was all about
Sobe Live recently hosted a party for Def
controlled coverage with tons of low end
Jam Records, featuring the label's up-and-
thump: Two Cobra-4 kits, a stack of four
coming hip-hop stars: Christina Milian,
PWH subs, two Cobra-Tops, a Cobra-Far,
Lola and Rihanna. Drummer Boy Sound,
newsflash / Autumn 2006
20:08 Uhr
Seite 17
S T R E E T P A R A D E , M A Y D A Y, B A C A R D I B A T C L U B
From the Bacardi Bat Club in Kiel to the Street Parade in Zurich and 'The Mother of all
Raves', Mayday, in Dortmund, production companies, we discovered, had arrived at the
same conclusion: to generate the requisite buzz at a rave these days, you need a sound
system of the highest professional quality. newsflash took a closer look at the challenges posed by each of these events and the solutions adopted by the pros.
and 16 x 4 racks of EV P3000. For the
appearance by The Prodigy, a two-point
system was added consisting of 28 x EV XLine Xvls, 8 x EV X-Line Sub and 8 x EV Xlc
15" Sub. In the smaller 'Area 03', 24 x EV
XLD 281 and 16 x EV X Sub provided flawless rave power. Two Klark Teknik DN
9848 E controllers, and MIDAS H3000,
Badensound's Johannes Möck (above)
XL250 and Venice consoles, formed the
nerve center of operations.
Some 800,000 people braved miserable
weather in Zurich this year to participate in
the Street Parade. The companies responsi-
Over 4,000 guests flocked to the
absolutely brilliant!' Hannes Sellugga was
ble for the sound at this massive event,
Ostseehalle in Kiel on Saturday, May 6th, for
equally enthusiastic: 'Satisfied guests,
Badensound of Renchen and Flashlight of
the Bacardi Bat Club Party, one of the most
delighted artists, enthusiastic organizers –
Zurich, deployed no fewer than 230
popular disco events in northern Germany,
once again, the COBRA really showed us
Dynacord V systems and 76 Dynacord
the appeal of which this year was further
what it's made of.'
power amplifiers to flood the city with
enhanced by the introduction of live music
'The Mother of all Raves', Dortmund's
pulsating techno sounds and ensure that —
to a program that already featured the
legendary Mayday, drew 25,000 hedonists
like the fine lady upon a white horse in the
finest DJ sounds. To ensure even coverage
from Germany and beyond this year — all
nursery rhyme — the 800,000 ravers would
throughout the almost 5,000 square meter
hell-bent on dancing away the night from
have music wherever they went. There
hall with its notoriously tricky acoustics,
April 20th to May 1st. A lot has changed
were even two 'Lovemobiles' beside a stage
Spirit Light Veranstaltungstechnik's team of
since the first Mayday fifteen years ago at
at the main station pumping up the volume
sound specialists led by Hannes Sellugga
Berlin's Weißensee. Now staged at the
until, by the end, even the locomotives
called in the Cobra, Dynacord's compact
Westfalenhalle in Dortmund, the event has
were doing the locomotion…
line array: two Cobra Subs and six Cobra
grown larger and more professional with-
If Switzerland's leading dance event was
Tops were flown each side of the stage and
out sacrificing any of its charm, as this year's
an even more spectacular success than
a further cluster of four Cobra Subs stacked
event, which spread over three differently
usual this year, this may have had much to
in front of it. The system was powered by
sized venues, made plain. Live shows from
do with Dynacord's brand-new H 5000
Dynacord L2400 and Dynacord L1600
such stars of the scene as The Prodigy and
amp, which was making its first ever appea-
amps, with the Dynacord CL 1600 prefer-
cult DJ Westbam contributed to the unbrid-
rance at the event and drew from no less an
red for the nearfills and monitors. Control of
led euphoria; but above all, it was the
expert than Johannes Möck the predicate:
the main PA, nearfills and monitors was pro-
sound— provided by TSE AG Berlin — that
'Best amp for driving the system I've ever
vided by the Klark Teknik DN360. 'The
really set the party alight. TSE had sent out
had!' In fact, the boss of the highly respec-
Cobra has set the tone now for a wide
its infantry, marshalled as ever by Marcel
ted sound company went further, saying
variety of events staged by us,' commented
Fery, and they deployed Electro-Voice
that 'with the H 5000, you have a sense that
systems for their heavy artillery. In 'Area 01'
the amplifier has a grip on the loudspeaker
Ostseehalle, it came up trumps once again
alone, the largest of the three halls, TSE
and can make it do exactly what it wants.'
and the guests loved it – the sound was
used 32 x EV X-Line Xvlt, 64 x EV X-Line Sub
newsflash / Autumn 2006
20:08 Uhr
Seite 18
R O C C O F O R T E H O T E L V I L L A K E N N E D Y, F R A N K F U R T
The sound reinforcement equipment in the new Rocco Forte Hotel Villa Kennedy in Frankfurt am
Main — a combination of Electro-Voice and Dynacord systems installed by Landau Electronic —
is setting new standards, with pro sound and life safety systems working hand-in-hand, a flexible
and intuitive set of user interfaces, and the systematic monitoring and supervision of all components to ensure reliable operation
a complex set of requirements, it having
6 Dynacord DPM40000 digital matrix
been decided in the early stages of plan-
page processors, 153 supervision lines,
ning that a system was needed that could
and remote amplifiers from the Dynacord
be used not only for announcements and
ProMatrix system with a combined power
voice alarm messages but also to serve the
of 4,500 watts — covers the banqueting
entire needs of the conference and mee-
hall, conference rooms, restaurant, lob-
ting area. It was further required that the
bies, and the entire spa and fitness areas,
system be capable of supplying different
and offers enormous flexibility. In the con-
areas of the hotel with a choice of audio
ference area, for example, you can select
between local audio sources, adjust volu-
The commission to install the system
me levels, and decide whether or not to
was awarded by Bosch Sicherheitssysteme
make audio signals from one section avai-
The spring of 2006 brought a notable
to Landau electronic, where it was quickly
lable to listeners elsewhere.
addition to Frankfurt's stock of five-star
realized that combining a Dynacord
This complex web of audio signals is
hotels with the opening of the elegant Villa
ProMatrix system with Electro-Voice's new
managed via CobraNet by Electro-Voice
Kennedy, which is situated just off the
networking digital audio matrix, NetMax
NetMax N8000 controllers, which also
south bank of the river Main. The new
N8000, represented the ideal solution to
form the audio basis for the provision of
hotel, which is part of the Rocco Forte
the problems posed — not least since the
background music within the hotel as well
chain, comprises three newly constructed
same tandem had demonstrated its syner-
as the entire alarm system. The controllers,
buildings built around the Villa Speyer
gy at a number of World Cup venues and
which are programmed using Electro-
(1904). Among the hotel's attractions are
proved that a sound reinforcement system
Voice's IRIS-Net software, contain a special
the Villa Spa (comprising an indoor pool,
of professional quality and a state-of-the-
priority matrix governed via a software
gymnasium, sauna, steambath and treat-
art messaging and voice alarm system
interface by the Dynacord DPM4000 pro-
ment rooms), a 330 square meter ball-
could interact and complement one ano-
cessors. The system also supports the fully
room with its own entrance and lobby,
ther without the multiplicity of possibilities
bi-directional exchange of system status
and superior facilities with the latest tech-
thus generated becoming as daunting as
data and error messages as well as the per-
nology for meetings and special events
to preclude operation of the combined
manent supervision of all components.
including multiple conference rooms that
system by untrained personnel.
can be used individually or combined.
The sound system was designed to satisfy
The system — which includes 6 ElectroVoice NetMax N8000 network controllers,
Ruton S, EVI Audio's Russian distributor, has just delivered an extensive package of equipment (12 x XLD281; 12 x Xlc215; 4 x Xsub; 4 x SxA100+; 15 x CP3000; 4 x DX38; 5 x
RE2-N7; 12 x Zx5) to the Zirkus Cinizelli in St. Petersburg, whose colourful live shows,
blending music, acrobatics and magic, attract around 2,000 visitors daily. The response
was immediate, with Fontanka, the city's largest newspaper remarking that "the Circus
Cinizelli offers the best sound in all St Petersburg : velvety and powerful at the same time."
newsflash / Autumn 2006
20:08 Uhr
Seite 19
With the new Vlaams Wielercentrum Eddy Merckx indoor cycling hall in Ghent, Belgium is not
only honoring its greatest sports hero but also providing the next generation of Belgian cyclists
with one of the most modern and technically innovative velodromes in the world in which to
compete and train. EVI Audio's partners in Belgium, A.Prévost, installed the sound system
Minister of Sport, Bert Anciaux, as well as
supervised remotely. "This amp and spea-
the legendary cyclist himself. The sound
ker combination offers not only excellent
equipment was installed by the Zaventem-
sound quality but also the ultimate in
based EVI Audio partner A.Prévost, whose
terms of ease-of-use, - maintenance and -
team, led by MD Walter Geerts, opted for
supervision," explained Geerts. "There are
top level loudspeakers specially designed
no compromises here: it's a set-up that
for highly reverberant halls: "The louds-
satisfies the highest expectations."
peakers we installed guarantee 1A bandwidth and directivity control and high
The systems installed include:
The new Vlaams Wielercentrum Eddy
sound pressure levels even in halls with
2 x EV P900 RL and 4 x EV P1200 RL
Merckx indoor cycling hall in Ghent is one
problematic acoustics," says Walter Geerts
of the most modern and technically inno-
of the EV FRX+ 660 and EV FRX+940
Dynacord CMS 1000 mixing console;
vative velodromes in the world. Over
enclosures making up the central cluster. A
Klark Teknik DN 320 double 16-band pre-
4,000 people attended the official opening
key role in the installation is played by
set EQ; 1 x EV FRX + 660; 11 x EV FRX
on the 17th February including numerous
DSP-controlled amplifiers from Electro-
Belgian politicians, such as the Flemish
Voice's RL series, which are controlled and
Having started out as a theatre in the early 19th century before becoming a cinema
in 1910, the Coronet has a happy knack, it seems, of reinventing itself every 100 years,
with Simon Parkes, the man who rescued the derelict Brixton Academy in the 1980s, the
midwife to this latest rebirth. Parkes has placed live music at the core of the Coronet's
new business plan, and wants to put the venue firmly on the touring circuit. So far, the
club has hosted Franz Ferdinand, The Orb and Macy Gray, and is nurturing a commitment to showcasing new bands and avant-garde events. The permanent sound system,
designed by Bernard Mani of Systems Etc, features hangs of eight Xlc 127+ cabinets and
In the short months since its opening, the
two Xlc 118 subwoofers flown either side of the proscenium, with a further four X-Subs
Café daLuxe in the Plaza del Pilar,
and eight Xlc 118 subwoofers beneath the stage — all from Electro-Voice. The system is
Saragossa (Sp. Zaragoza), has developed
controlled by one of the first EV NetMax N8000 processors in the UK, which was instal-
into one of the hot spots of the Aragonese
led by Shuttlesound and cho-
capital, thanks to its exotic drinks and
sen by Mani because "it com-
varied and exciting program of live enter-
pletely integrates the system:
tainment. A high priority, therefore, when
all the profiles of the EV cabi-
installing the sound systems, was to mini-
nets are easily accessed and
mize the spillage of sound from one sec-
managed via NetMax, giving
tion into another — a problem EV's Spanish
you a global picture instead
partner, Auprosa, solved with ease using
of the jigsaw you'd get with
the following formula: 18 x ZX1i + 2 x ZX1
+ 2 x SX-300 + 2 x EVID 4.2 + 5 x Q66.
newsflash / Autumn 2006
20:08 Uhr
Seite 20
The Landgrave’s Residence in the German town of Butzbach, Germany, recently provided the setting for the largest open-air cinema in the Federal Republic. Ultra-compact line array systems from
Electro-Voice reconciled the interests of cinemagoers and local residents, helping secure the future of the event, now in its eighth year.
(centre) — a set-up that,
feature films, the dynamic range is very
great. Quiet passages of dialogue are follo-
Sauer, provided not only
wed by what are often very loud action
very even distribution of
sequences — and this in a noise-filled envi-
the sound but also "outs-
more cinemagoers to be able to hear every
If you want all the 2,000 or
word of the dialogue, there is a certain
positioned alongside and
level beneath which you cannot go."
above the screen since,
Nonetheless, the sound during the action
scenes was never excessive; and the balan-
However idyllic the Landgrave's
"this was the only way of ensuring that the
ce, in the view of Sauer, was "absolutely
Residence in Butzbach may seem as a
coherence of the waveform was not distur-
venue, it poses awkward problems for pro-
bed by the screen". The length of the array
Ute Wieland, the director of the film "FC
duction companies; as the palace, built
was also important: "The longer the array,
Venus" which was screened in Butzbach on
700 years ago by Landgrave Philipp of
the greater the control you have over the
the 3rd August, was of the same opinion.
Hessen-Butzbach, is situated plumb in the
sound dispersion — even at lower frequen-
"She was really enthusiastic about the
middle of the town. In fact, two years ago,
cies. Since a film soundtrack consists pri-
sound quality," says Sauer: "In fact, she
the future of the open-air film festival for
marily of dialogue, the directivity of the
told me that she had attended screenings
which the Residence provides the setting
system needs to be pronounced all the
of her film at a number of other open-air
seemed in doubt after local residents
way down to 500 Hz," says Gregor Sauer,
cinemas, but none could touch Butzbach
expressed their concern about noise emis-
"with the region between 1 kHz and 4 kHz
in terms of the intelligibility, and evenness
sions, and a way had therefore to be found
especially critical as regards noise levels."
of distribution, of the sound."
of focussing the sound radiation from the
The final problem was to ensure the uni-
speakers upon the cinemagoers to avoid
formity of the frequency response and
The equipment used included the
disturbing the 25,000 residents of the
sound pressure levels throughout the enti-
following: 18 x EV XLE181; 11 x EV
town. Comments Gregor Sauer, the festi-
re audience area, which was around 60 x
XLD281; 4 x EV X-Sub; 8 x Dynacord
val's Sound Consultant: "Reflections from
50 metres in extent. For this purpose,
Cobra PWH; 4 x EV CP3000S; 4 x
the surrounding buildings pose an enor-
numerous simulations were conducted
Dynacord LX2200; 2 x EV P2000; 1 x EV
mous acoustic challenge at this venue, but
using EASE and EV's own Line Array
P3000; 5 x EV Dx38;
the team led by Ingo Haasch and Matthias
Prediction System (or LAPS). "The configu-
The signal source was a Dolby® CP500
Zörb managed to eliminate them with
ration we opted for proved highly effi-
cinema processor
ease. In fact, the film theatre, host, local
cient, since both the vertical and the hori-
residents and people of Butzbach were
zontal dispersion angles were very precise-
unanimous in their praise for the way the
ly delimited," reports Matthias Zörb,
sound reinforcement problems were hand-
whose company, Zörb Acoustic GmbH,
led in 2006."
was responsible for the installation and
To focus the sound pressure on the up
operation of the sound equipment.
to 2,400 cinemagoers, Haasch & Co opted
The problems posed by open-air cinema
for a combination of Electro-Voice line
productions were described by Ralf Bartel,
arrays — XLE (left and right) and XLD
the organizer of the Butzbach event: "With
newsflash / Autumn 2006
20:08 Uhr
Seite 21
G 8 S U M M I T I N S T. P E T E R S B U R G
G8 Summits, annual meetings of the leaders of eight of the
world's leading industrial nations, which are hosted by the country holding the rotating year-long presidency, require an enormous logistical and technological expenditure
The G8 summit in St Petersburg
The mere task of translating the numerous
that live interviews, press conferences and
This solution proved a great success and
speeches, press conferences and communi-
other events could be made available in the
the customers were highly satisfied.
qués into the requisite number of langua-
languages required by the world's media
Comments Igor Naum of VGTRK: "The
ges involves a huge team of translators and
swiftly and efficiently. However the
sound quality was truly excellent and the
interpreters working under considerable
distances between these venues were such
complete system is highly flexible. It's an
time pressure for long hours.
as to render the establishment of 4-wire
intercom solution that is extremely conve-
connections problematic.
nient and user-friendly as well as offering
For this year's summit in St Petersburg,
the decision was taken to employ a Voice-
For this reason, Okno TV decided to use
Over-IP system — the first time one had
the two RVON cards to link St. Petersburg
an excellent price-performance ratio."
No sooner was the summit over than a
been used at a G8. Two of the Advanced
via Voice-Over-IP to the Moscow system.
further RVON-IO unit was installed in ano-
Digital Audio Matrices (ADAMs) in Moscow
Each of the various venues in St Petersburg
ther of VGTRK's buildings in Moscow — a
were expanded with the addition of RVON-
was then equipped with 3 RVON-IO units
clear sign of customer satisfaction — with a
8 cards, and translation stations, connected
with 18 keypanels each in order to obtain
view to making a comprehensive intercom
by intercom systems, established by VGTRK
the necessary capacity.
solution available there too.
in various parts of St Petersburg to ensure
"Once again, we saw an increase in the
held on the TELEX/RTS stand on the 8th
volume of interest from visitors, and the
September, with the new RVON family,
quality of the enquiries was very high," was
based on the RVON-C card, proving the
TELEX/RTS Product Manager CCS EAME
main focus of attention. "No wonder,"
Manuel Brico's assessment of this year's
comments Brico. "After all, what we are
International Broadcasting Convention
offering here is pioneering Voice-over-IP
(IBC). The greatest increase was seen in
technology. We are way ahead in this field."
enquiries from England and Ireland, with
eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East
not far behind. Another success was the
level of attendance at the press conference
Darko Bujanovic
Sales Engineer CCS East Europe
Phone +385 12059325
Our new Distributor for Audiocom
in Uk is Amber Sound:
newsflash / Autumn 2006
20:08 Uhr
Seite 22
As part of a worldwide brand-refocusing programme, Dynacord has appointed beyerdynamic UK
to handle its products in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The change follows similar refocusing
audio markets, we felt a change of orienta-
Dynacord have a very strong brand name
exercises in North America, Asia and other
tion was needed. In beyerdynamic UK, we
and their product strength in the touring
European countries that have brought a
have found a partner that is outstandingly
market is complemented by some won-
marked increase in Dynacord receipts,
well established, excellently structured and
derful new MI products, like the D-Lite
accompanied by a slight rise or else no
convinced of the merits of our products.
speaker series and PowerMate range of
change in those of Electro-Voice, and is
The fact that the product portfolios of our
mixers, which are currently the best selling
intended both to make use of beyerdyna-
two companies are complementary and
powered mixers in the UK.”
mic’s proven abilities selling complemen-
that their philosophies are in harmony,
tary product ranges in the UK and to free
combined with a thoroughly convincing
up Shuttlesound, Dynacord’s previous UK
business plan, made the decision in favour
distributor, to maximize its already excel-
of beyerdynamic UK an easy one."
lent performance with Dynacord’s sister
Lutz Berneke,
brand, Electro-Voice.
Welcoming his company’s appoint-
Managing Director, EVI Audio
ment, John Midgley, Managing Director of
Comments EVI Audio Managing
beyerdynamic UK, said: “The ethos and
Director, Lutz Berneke: "We are aiming to
precision of engineering that German
sharpen the profile of our various brands;
manufacturers like Dynacord bring to their
and to do this in Great Britain, which is
products dovetails well with beyerdynamic
one of the world's most important pro
Organizational assignment to Bosch Security Systems
At, you will find a wealth of informati-
The Dynacord ProMatrix system now has its new web site!
STUTTGART/MINNEAPOLIS-The Bosch Group has been gran-
on about the system — all presented in a clear and user-fri-
ted the necessary approvals to acquire 100% of the shares in
endly way — divided into seven sections: Products, News,
Telex Communications Holding, Inc., Minneapolis/USA, as of
Reference, Service, Contact, Downloads and Links.
(August 31, 2006), Telex will be integrated into the Bosch
To permit members of the ProMatrix communication to
Security Systems division. Telex is a leading manufacturer and
exchange ideas, there is also a Members section.
supplier of professional audio, wireless, life safety and communi-
The ProMatrix system offers an individually configurable
cation systems. In 2005, the company generated sales of 308 mil-
sound distribution system and problem solver for the voice
lion U.S. dollars.
alarm, pro sound, audio networking and media equipment
Bosch Security Systems provides comprehensive security and
segments of the market. Since its introduction in 1998, it
communication systems. With the acquisition, Bosch can impro-
has been used with
ve ist worldwide market position and significantly expand its
success, and proved
communications systems product offerings.
reliable, in more than
newsflash / Autumn 2006
14:50 Uhr
Seite 23
Twenty audio specialists from all over
ples of acoustic electronics followed by a
Great Britain attended the first Permanent
detailed guide to the complex subject of
installation as well as an introduction to
Shuttlesound in London in May. The two-
the wide Telex range. So enthusiastic was
day training event focussed on the requi-
the response that Shuttlesound decided
rements of the modern fixed installation
on the spot to offer their Permanent
market as well as the technology underly-
Installation Academy to a wider group,
ing the latest products from Electro-Voice,
including dealers and consumers. MI aca-
Dynacord, MIDAS and Klark Teknik.
demies and more specialized courses with
Shuttlesound specialists John Ellis, Jason
titles like 'Networking Audio' are also plan-
Kelly and David Howe offered attendees a
ned. For more information, visit
refresher course in the fundamental princi-
At this year's PLASA show in London's Earl's
Services Europe. "It also gave us a lot more
Court (10th-13th Sept), the Telex brands
space to work with, thereby raising our
were split between three different booths,
collective profile." This year, four MIDAS
so the latest products from Klark Teknik
XL8 digital consoles proved particularly
and MIDAS (TELEX Communications (UK)
powerful magnets for visitors.
Ltd), Dynacord (BeyerDynamic UK Ltd),
and Electro-Voice (Shuttlesound (UK) Ltd)
were featured on different stands. "This is
part of the new, more brand-oriented
marketing strategy," explained Robert
Pletz, Coordination Manager, Marketing
In mid-May, the annual Electro-Voice
Since June 2006, Tony Sawyer has
Dealers' Meeting took place in Moscow.
been strengthening TELEX/EVI Audio's
Around 40 dealers and rental companies
team in the Middle East and Africa.
from the Russian pro audio sector reuni-
Tony's remit includes the provision of
ted to witness the presentation of new EV
technical support to customers in
systems and attend workshops and
both the touring and fixed installation
demos. The main focus of attention at
segments of the market.
the event, which was organized by Ruton
S and Walter Reh (Export, EVI Audio)
were the new Xlc and ZX series from
Tony Sawyer
Electro-Voice as well as a number of concert sound systems.
newsflash / Autumn 2006
14:50 Uhr
Seite 24