NEWSLETTER - EWU Institutional Repository
NEWSLETTER - EWU Institutional Repository
VOL) i* ISSUE I* SPRING 2012 EA$T tflf$T ul{tl/EBs[Y l-. NEWSLETTER tJ] i21!: Fi'il EWU holds its 11th Convocation at the Permanent Campus Easr Wesr Unive6ity oryanizcd its llth conleation on its own cmpus l@ated ai Attab Nagar in Rampun on 6rh Mdch. Hono.dble Minister for Agriculturc B%uD Malia Chowdhnrl presided over the prugnn while the noted TV pesonaliry and President of Bishwa Sariyr Kendra (world Lilcrature Center) P.ofesor Abdull h Abu Sayeed delivered the convocalion speech. The prognrn saw the confering ol 643 undergndlate and 475 gnduale d€rees while five srudents rcceived gold nedah for their best perfomaDce in theirrespecrive disciplines. In her speech, Honorable Minister fbr ASriculure Begum Maria Chowdhury lauded ErsL west Univcrsity\ achievement in lann hing its own campus in a reladlely shofler pe.iod of tine. Shc slid thar the univeBity achieved such a *i$oul imposing additional fees on its studenls, which in lhe contexr of our .ountry is a uE exaDrple. The Mrru.rer rhen unde\co-ed ,he reed '.r e.rab.rsnrng numercu\ fe institutions for higher educalion in Bangladesh since thc country has a large population to educate. As the govemmenl cannot alone resolve the situadon, she noLed, it is very imporrant that the prilare sector extends their suppon in ihis resped. ftivale univeBities. thus. should flourish ro complemenr public univeBities and not as their rivals- Moreove.. a healrhy competnion betwen then she said. can help raise the standdd of our higher education. ln dris respect, she specifrcally refered to Easl West Univer$Ly lighlighting its quality aDd standdd since ils inceplion. The Minisrer aho notd wilh enthusiasm that East We$ Univeairy lops rhe list of dll univesities ir Bangladesh in awdding vdious kiMs of scholdships ro ils srudents. Only in the last yca alone, she obsened. rhe unnesily allocated nore than crcrcs of takas for metit and need based scholdships. She congnrulated the Unive$ity for initialing such a Fmdkable program. The Minister added that Bangladesh had hddly a choice orher $an tuming her population inlo resources dd wecan do thrLonly through prcpcrcducation ud training. A peson, she said. when truly enlightened also lplps othes I lo ger the lighL ol educarion. She believed that rhe new Braduates of East West Unive6ity, sprked by rhe philorophy the uDivesiry has inslilled in them. would dedicate themsclves for the welfde of the underprivileeed section olour society. The vicc Chancello. of Easl West Univesity Profesor Ahrned Shllie greeted the audience teming the day d the day of the new g.aduates. He noted th $e new gmduares entered the university unde€oing very compeLilive admi$ion tests dd that now $ey have cone at $c drcshold of getti.g their awards after yeds of labor and perwvennce. He believed that the graduales had not only acquircd good education bul also had nade hemselves good humm beings hoping that they would be able to attain leadeship positions in whatever stors they choose 1o ente. Dr Mohanmed Faraxhuddin, the Founder Vice Chancellor and Prcsident of the Bodd of Trust@s of East Wat Universily, in his speech. acknowledged the contibutions of aU founder dneto6. The Unilersity srarted its journey. he recalled, 15 yeds ago only with 6 teache$ and 20 studenrs. This was the resul! he said, of tre etron nade 15 dedicated educaio.isG of the country. They aimed to prcvide intemational stmdard education to fie students belonging to lhe niddle clas of our society. who would othe$ise not be able ro bl avail themselves of the opportunity. More importartly. as Dr Fa.dshuddin added, whar they .lrafred of w6 a kjnd of educalion lhat would draw on the conrext of oDr counny and rhat would be able lo respond to our l@al needs. It is becarse of thei leadeBhips dd dynanism, he added, that the D.ive6ily can now boast of having a student population of ?.084 md a faculty of 273. The succss of the Universily, Dr Fmshuddin added, is clear ftom irs shift to its own cdpus that is litqucndy termed s one of the best in rhe counrry Dr Feshuddin concluded his sp@h by noting lhe contjnuous efio.t rhdt East West Univesity has made to upgrade its standard of Univesity has always led, he €iterated, jn following upddted cudcula. in collectins teachinA material and esoDrces that suit the needs of ou people, in recruiting the best l&ulry members, in initiating field,bakd onginal rese@h. dd in ensdring academically friendly envnonnent. We have alMly felt. he obseded, the impact of this in the ehievenents of ou alumi in their respective fields, &d this makes olrr notto. he said, 'Excellen€ edDcadon. The $e mosr in Education meoingful. However. he added, we cmot res1 on ou laurels, as ve live in a very competitive world wherc nw findings and discovenes made literally every minute. c (Ptae ee paBe 6 far the lae Wn) Editorial Spring 2012 at EWU will be remembered for one remarkable thing-it was the semester that marked the end of the EWU Mohakhali Campus. The prospect of moving to our new campus at Aftabnagar has deiighted the EWU family. In the Spring 2012 Semester, the students continued and extra-curricular alike, but what to excel in studies made the semester truly eventful was the robust oncampus celebration of Ekushey, the Independence Day and Pahela Boishakh. The successful organizing of such immensely valuable national and cultural events of Bangladesh illustrated the all-round of the EWU students and faculties and officials committed to uphold the motto Excellence in Education . competence We hope for a tuture tull ol neu opportunirie\ a\ we move to our new campus. EWU, which prides itself as being the best research o ented private univercity of Bangladesh expects to earn greater accolades at Aftabnagar. Moreover, EWTJ e4)ects its students to aim higher and achieve further as a new horizon beckons the university. To conclude, sayonara to our Mohakhali Campus and Aftabnagar, here we come. Asif Iqbal Edicor EWI, Newsletter 02 B li ! s The orientrtion program of rhe new sudents enrolled into the BBA Program of Easl Wesl Universily lor Lhe Sp.ins semester was held on I 2 January 2012 in lhe audnorium of lhe unive$iLl. The objecdve of rbe progran was to welcome rhe new students and orienl lhem to lhe university envnondent. facllties aDd academic systcm. Profesor Ahmed Shafee, Vice Chdcellor ol EwU was the chiefgucst while Dr MohanDed Farashuddin, President, Board of Trurtees of East West Universily chaired the whole session. cnvircnment for the students to develop their crreei Profesor Dr Muniruddid Ahmed dlso asked students ro lollow thc rules a.d regllations of the unile6ily. He urgcd the sudents to develop their creativity to innovate someLhing ncw for the naiion through a In his concluding speech. Dr Mdhanmcd Farshuddin paid tibute ro the tbunder nembes who dreast ot a univesity like Edsr wcsr in Bangladesh. The univeAiLy has a gcnerous scheme of Professo. Dr. MuniruddiD Ahmed, Pro Vice Chancellor was a specialguesl iD tbe progran. rcholarships lbr the merilo.ioDs and need-blsed students. and rhis schene accounred for abou r ft ree crorc takls in 201L ln hh addres, Profesor Shalee rold the students thal srudy should be the nrst prionty in Lhen daily work to ge1 a good result in this Dr univeBiry. The university has the facilitics 10 Muhammrd Sirajul Haque, Dean, FrcDIry Economics, P.ofe$or Dr. ol Busines Humayun Kabir and Chowdhury. Chairpeson ol the Departmcnt ofBusiness AdninisratioD and Ms. Kohinoor Bis*as, Assistant Professor. Departnent of Business Administrarion spoke on fte occasion. develop exhacuriculd acrivnies ro nunlre fte creativily of the students. The univeniry has skilled iaculty rnembers and a conSenial East West University celebrates "Pohela Boishakh" East Wesl UDivesiry CIub for Perfoming Ans (ECPA) o'ganiz.ed a cultuml progran named BoNho Boron on the occasion of 'Pohela Boishal - l4l9" on 14Apil. The program slaned with a 'Mongol Sovajatra where Dr Mohmed FMshuddin, kesident of the Bomd oi Trustees of East West Unive6ity was presen! eift the sudents, feulty membcN and administrative pesonnel of EWU. The celebration also included a cultural progrm that started traditionally wilh the chorus sorg 'Esho he boishakh esho esho". The club hefrbeN then sraged a drama Komolakanter jobanbondi". ECPA also o.smidd a 'bojshakhi mela' in which vtrious Bdglddeshi lraditional hrndDade prodlcrs and foods were disphyed. 03 os E ,,.1"r$+'" E ir!3r = = IASI nt$l t ;t",!l Team-Building Program of EWU: The Beginning of Coming Together By Nishat lahan successlul leanr is a g.ouD olnany hands but onc mind. Codirrg beginning. sL,tying togelher is progrcs\, and workn'g togerher is succcss. .... "A toge$ei is . wirh rhe abovc notion in dind. r team buildins ptugr. a.s orgrnized by tlt Students Welfare Departnent. Ewu rr Bar.i Vikora. Manikgonj on lTrh Februlty 2012. The main objeclive of binS.llrhe se\€nteen clubs olEwU underoDe single platform where lhey can creatc a b.idge belseen lhelrsehes rnd work loSclher wirh r grealer motivation and enthusiasm lovards a newerhorizon oi\u.ce$ and prosperity. lhis proeram was to lion All the Lhe eighry llvc Executive Commiftee nrcmbcx seventeen different clubs alon! wnh their respccrivc noderaLos set out eady mornirg for Barai vikora, M.nikSoni To honor this dajesric evenr oi team-building and lo-eethcmcss, Dr. Nlohdnmed Fardshuddin,prcsident. rhe Board of Trustccs ol Easr WesI Univenily. Prnesor Dr M. Moslchuddin and Mr H N. Ashequt Rxhman. MP. menbes of the Board ol Trunees of Erst Wcst University. P.olessor Ahmed Shafcc, vice chdcellor ol EwU- Dr Munnud.lin Ahnred. Prc vice Chancellor ol EWU. Dcans rnd Chairpersons ofall drc deplnnenrs decided ro lccoDpanJ them and to make it asucccsslul one. Afrer rcaching Baiai Vikom. all the reans begdn lo do thcir p.easigncd jobs to make lhis pro-smm a succes The spacious and beautiful place was adorned by tlre Morher Narures boundless jewelry of truiLs rnd flo{es around the shiftneriDe smau Pooh The guests and stude.ts were se!1ed coniartablt on chairs urder drc shade of fees wi$ cool brceze flowing pasl $en. A rclie\hnrg localionj wondertully suited fot the pu.pose *e g.thered for a Dcw bcginning ol glxsrs ol lreshjuices d d dishes .onlainine colortnl seanfirl l]uirs. And r1l ol lhese tree rtranged by the studcnt\ ol rhe dillernr.lL,bs. lr wrs . rcmtuk.ble cxperieNel Tbis has been dre nrsr rimc thar all lhc clubs weF unrted. all under on€ srdlls- t!Lrlcs w,th rcof, sharirg lhe rhouShr lnd rhe sanre noLb.- thaL is l{) work ro8cdrcr a\ ! tcan Thc banners 01 each club were pul up oi a row of cocoDut rrces dnd $c wc,c lnraTcd Lo s€e rhis gl(finLs erhibition The club\ orgdnized every segNnt ofthe prcemn induding thc lbod caterins. decorarion and mnspon senice lMerthecxpen supcn,ision ol Nrhid Hrssrn Kh.n. Advisoi Siudents wcltrrc and Hcad. CrEer Counseliig Cenler ofEwU. A spofis Nctrt took place i. the momi.g thar co,i'prised of Hrdte Huri Vung! ganre (Brcak,ng bowls hlindhldedr rnd r nrini Lorhrll nutch. Lrte. in rhe aiiemoon lhe x culftr.l pr.Earn sn cd ind lhc hclrrrvaDnrg snrgs perlorned by our r.lenred artists crcltcd r delightiirl nxLgical envnonmenl in rhe nridst of rhc suoundnrg gee. lnder xn open blN sky. The progran eided s'ccessiullt whcrc cv.ryone flayed his or her pan nrost sinccrcly und devotedly. It $as r pruclicrl denonnr.don of lhc conccDr ol tcrnlbuildins soins beyond the lheoretic.l Icrchings ol rhc Lrook Temlbuildtug n r lkilli .nd rny skiu N'n be pncticed to bc nrastcrcd. Thc key nrLenrioi behtud rhis progra'n aas ro prepare lhc sudcnts iin thc turue dullenge\ they fe going to lace in their frofcssio.rl lncs. This eleDL has dso phyed a significrnl role Io boon !p rhc nrcnle ol the sLudeiLs when rhe lurule looks blutry and uDlxonising: ho[cvc, Nith so n n] liiends on your side rll prcblem\ cln be conqueredi dll hurdles resolved. We hope thlr $e bond thrr hls bccn crcarcd lhmugh Lhis prcgra sould coDrjnuc to !,ow stnmrer rnd srolger *nh rhe p.sing of toeerherncss and belongingness. As wc srndered around the dea. every row and rhen we encounlercd dccorated ter- 04 East West Universitv observes 41st Independence Day East West Universiry observed rhe Independence Day of 41sr on 26 March who gallant\ rnade the Bansladesh commemoraring rhe heioes best of all sacrifices for the countrys libenrion w3r in 1971. To mark this histonc day, EWU arranged a program that started at 05.45 a.m. with hoisring of rhe nationai flag by Dr. Mohanmed Farashuddin, Presid€m, Board of Trustees of EWU and Professor Ahmed Shafee, Vice Chancellor of EWU. This progran also included a "Doa Mahfrl" for peace ard prospeity of the country. Deans, chairpersons, faculty nembers, administrarive personnel and sludents ftom different departmems panicipared in EWU organizes Program on International Mother Language Day East West Unive$ity Club foi Perforrning A s (ECPA) paid rribure !o rhe Language Movement heroes, organizing a prograrn on International Mother Language Day at the audiiorium of the university on the 21st lebruary. The progiam began wirh pl:cing weaths at a symbolic Shahid Minff on the stage while Dr. Mohanmed Farashuddin, Presidenr, Board ofTruste€s of EWU took part in lhis event with other facufty employees and students of EWU. menbets, It was an effort to reignite the spirir of the language in rhe he.ris of ihe new generation. The day was abour rernenbering the great sacdfice of our movement (Retd.), Registrar. Muntasir Chaudhury, Senior Lecturcr. Department of Economics, Ms. Farhana Zareen Bashar, Lecturer, Department of English, M. Mobarak Ali, Chief of HR & Logistics, olher employees and maDy studems were present on rhis occasion. The day ended wilh a promise to retain rhe sentiments and uplift the glory of our mother language to the greatest heights. language nartyrs and the way the Bangla languag€ came Professor Dr. Abdus Sattar, University Proctor. Mr. Nahid HassaD Khan, Advisei, Student Weuai€ & Head of CCC, Ms. Kohinoor Biswas, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Adninistration. Colonel Shah Murtoza Ali 05 Graduate Orientation EWU Rotaract Club arranges "Voluntary Blood Donation Camp" l-\r Roraracr Club of Erst \lrest Uni\.rsrt! (RCIWU) arrarged ! blood donrLion.amp with suppori from Qurtum roudation ar the univcBity canprLs on 0l Apil Wrth rhe sLogan CIVE BI.OOD SA\iE LlfE. RCIWU organized rhe blood donlrion .rnp su..essfull) on rhe ground floor ol tlre foundation bxjlding.f Easr wesr Unive$it-v. The donarior camt surted .olle.Ling blood n. s,hile a ream olQuantum Fo!.dltion t,oljded nece$aN rechnical support lbr .ollecrirs bl{r)d The volunteer ream consistins of 68 ded(lred menbe,s of at 9 a [[llG" q.,r r ,tr.{. ,"i,...r.I,r rtF\,.\ b.5i.rr'g of the program, !.d co.t,ibuteJ to the elent verl tlrt r LLth1. Dio iLt: IrnrnlalTitntct t,l Ertt \vtst Lrl,.,trirr: rr/\ fuli\ttitt. :t)ttth r\ tht .hx1 ! (n o d lraltu1. .rn,ttr1n,t rt 11\/ lLir, i/rrir.r!i/r Dt: Nr\iuRLli .\hrr\|. Ch,tin\ r. Nrtirntn B.t)tl ol R.\rrrr. \\t\ tft@n .r thr ,,\tu! !u.\1 i ti\ ti)litl rltjlt Dt: MohnD,,.l tuint\hrtLht V,lr .r thi\\in" lintrtr, Dt 1l\l \ .\ttt.r: O.\lir.rr h\ t)L,!\ r!\ rlv) /)r,ur i,' rrir 5\ul Department of Applied Statistics opened at EWU neu depa|trrenr rirled 'lhe Deprdrnenr ()1 Applied Slrlisrics h s beerr opcrcd rl Ersr Wesr University. Prolessor l)r. lV. Nlosleh Uddir. nrenber. Board of Tr!slees ol EWtJ. will rct r\ lhe Q)oftlirrror& Ad!isor 01 A It ras obscrvcd drat dlc doDor qrLcuc ir this camp s4licl frally ended u! Nitn 160 donors in total at dre end of the d!y. The sponrancous paniciparion ol rh. facr ty mcDrbers ard studcris of last \\csi Univcrsrry guidcd the day long became longer and longer 'rhis is Lhc oni) pri\rrc uri\crsiry ollirins Afplied SLxListics boLh rt undcryru.lurLc dnd grrduatc lclcis. 'lhc clrsse\ wil] comnrenre lmnr rhe suDnrer senrester l0ll. The cl sses lir'\{aslers fn):nDr ilill be conducled if the drys CirrdLrutes tionr this discipline ha\c opriu\ ro $ork possiblr iI secroN like ltlrnnLs rcseirrch iIstilures. brnks- corpor'rIe orgrniz:rlions and intc rrtiorul rnd llxliourl orgxuiz.rlio s. Prclessor Dr. Ahdus Srtlrr hrs hccn rppoinlcd rs ils chriqrcrsnr. evening .rnd \\'eekerd $ill 1Lth Convocation I'urri)iu! rt)t l).rt th rnI trr!r) t_ In lis speech, co.vocution spealer Pr.,lessor Abdullah Abu Saveed urged rhe sLudents ro be self'dependent iD dealing with the problems in drily life. tle told thar lhe world is under a great troblem-tha! everyrhing had bcctl based on money . We need to be educated, we Dccd to be industrious. and we also need Io be hoDesr hunaD beings wlth love and affection for the underprilileged people in our countrl. In the convocation, Dr. Hunayun Kabir Chowdhury, Chiirperson of Business ,\dmlnistratlon. performed rhe rol€ of the Convocarion Nlarslal. and Airida TasniD Sagoty. a student of the same Departnent deLivered the 'Va1€dictorian's Speech. Pnt?*)r I)t: AhlLt tnno 06 Center for Research and T[aining (CRT) Thc DrlnurJ' obreclrve ol $c .cnr.r ir k, crtlle lnowlcdlc rlnrrr:h ....Jj' , ,,r ,i Dr TlnhtAhnrel Chowdhury J ..ri.t'. J .i* ..trI..t tr,{ LJ., rh'ough hiniog rnd publicdnri llre x\l trp", lo-dft cvcnrs m u\ uMer : ,r, D.pxnmerlol BusnrcsAd rinNrrrridr EN Wc{ Uni!e$ily Preposal Round 6: rh Pb|l)sih ll! liulty nrcDrbcs. I'ith lhe lnns b tlcvcl.p the Ese ah pornrirlnic\. lo mornrtc $c lr.!lt! hembes forundcnrkine resenr.h rLudics rl r) plbtish schotartl Frfcrl. ln Esponsc b thc Crll lor Ref rh P.qr)\rl R.!id Sir. the CcDrcr Thc Ccnrer cdlls Ior Rese received tuur proposrls lron rhe j cult! nrcnnrcn dl rhe UnileNirl. which $ere senr rorBiewcB rbrrclie\ r d connnenrs To.! ar . Th. E lu !.hn?"l o tl tonnit,t .l tlr( korkhtu Ln\tu( B.nlLxl.nt by Zrhid Akler. .l Fli-!lr\h. Enn Wcst . &,,3/.rnrrr br- ol Litcntntk: Kohnun Bl$\r\ BusirEss Adnrnrnrmbn. EN Wcs tJtri\e^ill . . rrl Nrbll! H0q. ln)ntuh b nt\ k.rut( L1),rrdeirlr: Cdy 5tu4\ ol ,r lr Jrat r ft 8."(lkl.,rl by Biplob Ku.h Nudi. Mutrrxsn ChnudhuD d Cri Qr nrul H nn. DcpdmeDl ol Eronomic\. wln Uni!eNilt. /y' Dcprttrignt . trtcr\ tunded by E$LICRT Shrnrcs Sh$rilr Hlque PrJ |. .i'B o..J-.' \s1,. p(.pe rn. 01 Busnrc\s Adnrnristrlnr. Vicwer s Attnudc towrrds Adle iscmcnl Dr S.S.Ni Sadrul Hudr DCIDnDcor ol Butinc\ Arlnnnisttution Er\t Wen UniveBily Ongoins Resarch Pnted: .l"l ror.. r lcr,rfi. reu:, ri,..or.r..c ''',d J '"1 ,t' .nl(.r.Jlr, .r$! rl1\c.,Jrc,'. 'l Axln.rr l)epnrhenr oi Phunrc] E!{ }re\( UnireAn! . Two No&ing D-l En\t Wcsr Lhiveany A Co tto\iL rrl, D': S.S.NI Sldru Hudd n!.,i!? .r Dia^kt Ra( ,42./!, r,, bv l\,i(l. ll'..1J l Ll ' n.l..rr.' ur \.,' t..n .. t.,iu ' Thc.enlei pubhshed thc s.cond volr E ol !irr7 lyA7./.x, u,r/ lir nrl trlna: l0l I nr lh. nunh ol rrdrr! l0ll Discoursc oi Advefl ising: Lnrguisic/SenrioLic Discou6e in Bnogladcshl hducilionnl Advcrli\enlenls . \h r',-r.r' lrep lrnent ol liDltnh. S,/Lrt I1!n I Rfor.,d,ar rcJh) hrr,rrhj rl'ct,inrllrr. DepunncntolEoelish Ern Wt{ Unn.Nily A t:\l.Rti\.. Sltl\ tI, Nlnslntrhr Zrbcctr. rre nr DL NluhnNned 1 . itltrl*ttirs Ptttlitr\ t, r. . .. . Ttr ' ,,lrh!'1unni\irJ hrle beer conrplctd md Tolnl Qurln! mrnllemem rnd orglni^lioml pcnb nance ir g rfenr\ecd olBrDlUdcsh Aclusrlfalh lhe mdysis lwritnrg publicrtioD. Thosc i1!: . Aclivhy Ba\cd Cosdrg rn Bmslldcnr: Lelel ol Sophiiicni.n Dep.nnrcnr ol Busitrc\s . A Enrpiricnl Stdy of the DcDdnrentol Busincs!Adnlinisrrrion Wen Unnci\n! Abslmcts of publishrd p,pe6: Ad.riri\hlnD Tl' .'r (r L'. I iL. .." .'.. ,rt-...n.J I F... _rtrte. .111. '..rr...eli,g r,p.^ r'ai,'11...1, rui, h..t..rt) nrenrbcN ol dre UDiveNn!'J, oD 8 Febnrrr! 2012 for iNtusion in rhc 6li1 '"1'r r. A\' r.u prbr lr lt ,er ir' I ttr \otur, I inr,g An tpnis! ol rlE Problems d Prcspcl\ ol Snrlll rrd EnLerpises ISMES) liitrricing iir Bnngldcni: A Studt on be ptrblished East West University U J Llbrry hxs b( tLynr! I \it riti.mi '!1. sLtponi'r! section of dic $holc etlucrti,)orL\ ol EWU \nrce En! Wc{ Uinc':ity (EW b! rlie rionlh olApril1012. Library n the Sundry cidhlnh ien{ ol rhe uDiversir! iD 1996 d fN ir ir onc.l rlr ben unive,\i(v liLrries lD rhc corDty lr \ tre.r d.n-!d.J b mc.r rh. irnomdiotr. tscxrh. rd rurculu n need! ol {udcDr. tuclllies. rD. ldt Dr,hbe^ ln, re\e rh xtrd dc\clop rnLnlnrrnlri.s. th. Lib'r'! I'xs $.!e' dre ye r buih robr! rolledn,n ol hootis. bo0nd \oltrDr\. jNnrLs ud a n, ,' .l ,.. p. t,,. '.. 1 . roThtrrdry :8:10 in Fr .y : l:00pnr 8:10 pnr Sfttrd!! :5:00 pDr 101)0 pm l0100pm Thc EwU Librrry edrnin\ closcd oD golemnrent holida_vs and as pcr " Easl lvest Utriyersity on The lihmry. k,cded in rhc lro0,rd hon buildir! slNrd 11.500 \q i.. prcyides d..cs r, rhe hen disnrl .cs rtroulh tB s'b:criinion ro vrrious ddrbasc: rtrd wcbsne\ c.D\iniu ol scLohl) r(icles. j{rurnrl: in scicn... bu:in€s. nrurgeDenr ntrd nrnn! orhe' nrer\ h h$ ncmo't ro tni!nb businesr. ei!iruuc il. rsrruLrtrml. e.oDotrr.xl rid r!ndenric . . . . . . 07 Librrry of€rs somcrhing for its uscr bJ: hclDitrg use$ Lo find iDfbnNlion lharthcy canl Und etscwhcrc cncoursing u$N to lolc lclmins od bccotric tilelong rcrdcn gilns peoplcr fl&e lo meet lnd co.rmunnies lo grc{ ofleri|sch$c:. Doerln\.nd enlbli|S liee lrrte.rel rccss E nrgsonliler.tLrc encourging uscrtobe inlbnndion literale d Litetu.y East West UniversitY LibrarY . tsJ. ... \,u.1.. "'e r.l,l ! F " . ,. J J i,"".-i.. Ii-- A(,. so!r.,. S.'1r, '- l r ' r'-r r'i.\ F,, ,cern Pl'r' r'. l- ' .,..rrnndP \' ''r'!e M--i' rr;trrtrtu'!i. 'a ,e,.rnc..'rcB l J-,'uJ'. {on._, _.e J < H.ol. 'c nl c.a in "D.n rr'. |u L$l Ll'r,rr.J, rrr'."( 'rlei'l'c. I ' r' 'd1" .rr,'hcrar .l r J- r. l'r r" r "l. q r. .hone' rr u 'h(r ' 'l mdcridr' '. loo 'l'..r srcks nnd 'look lor nrcn reluntd Users can ro diEcllr L,oItr oei.Jrr!t ,,.rc.J, rur i. rl,.c. t n.n 'rr,ar ,1.vcr .uo(J'lp'o'. "r'L.r I ' rl'( '.'l rlr nnd Nheneler .at!lo!ie. di,rrblscs. resou,ces- n,dcxcs. nr .oot. 1,^, o. rod-r. rcl.t\o n neeaei. uscrs cm read books, ioumrls. periodicrls. newdeters. newsDapers. elc. iNidc the librur! Motovcr they book; iro'n shches tbr readiDg D€sk so thni lhe! crn Text xiii) Selr.n The pe^onrl be ungines ol vuienr h3ve ro he depovre'l hcrc betute rlorvcd to Pull c them. ii) P$iodicals it) Itagazincs, Nessl€tt€rs Rehrcd Referetrc€ Books Yi) Diss$talions viiil Reports Pur€ R€fercnce Books x) Audioc,ss€ttes CD-RONIS xii) Maps Journals xir)DcilyN€$sp,ptrs OnJin€journals ceneral iiD {iil i€ hkin-! lhcm to the cnculntion Books Books i) Dir€tunt Sections of LibrarJ is ud Dcport . Reading secion.: All books arc rcsened here the purposc ol retiding only i, Rrpmdulliun scrric€.: Iibr ' ".' h.F r. -e lh '. 'D \le .er,_e!rori .llbron er I Teo' rr.on\ '" on every rv.rking dly nelns lnnr Sundiy lo'lhursdal ll.m 9:00 rm p' rJ! t 1-1,. o' e\cr' ro tOO rr' sulcr l rrh\ J,- 'Jr' r,lJ rr. r]\c"r" .\orlln.d., r.'urn,'d lor ' rio.r the ground lloor ofthe DDCblilding ii, NcRs Clipping .OnlinE iournal & Libnry.alalogue search.omer . Releren.c rL'c' Th"lLr:.nrro -. '.v rlppr'!'1-i, ,".'.'.,,l 1", .1J,r..r',.Pdr, r'.h.,. r I P.,DU service desk. 'onJnlLerDr'.1 \o oi rffnies- Phlmicy.nd . hsuing nenrbeship card sectiot . lssuing and bomwirg seclion . Texr and B€sidcs,lh€ user may gcl lblloting sericcs . CnculatioD Scrvice\ . Currcnt Awrrcncss Service\ t Selecri!c Disseirinllnnl ol lDfornnrion . RclircnceSeni.e\ . virrurl RclcrcDce Servicc\ ! Relidal Scrlices . ODlirc lournll & E books se^icc\ . I e.r€r servi.c . Phoro.op! Scrrice CD-ROM corner .Libnry Cledlnce Issuance cornct . Online Jounal &Library catalogue searchcoarcr and section ' Peiodicah .Masazincs and Daily Ncwsprpe^ corncr . Theses and Disertations comer lionrheibrarv: Sc'vi..s . RelcEnce Book Collection corncr lEnc\cluoeJ'c. Brtunn.3, BJnslJnerdi.. SLaulr(Jl Repod. Dise rLon t?ePU \. . online Jou;nal & Lib6ry caralosue sedch conrer Locll jouralV Pein,,lic t Newspaper Clippings Service section .UN and Geman comers rJ 'rnr\e^r] lib 4 n B Dipral lrbr-rv \ol'{Jre .lo'A urrh Mae.zine\ l3t t2 . Library Adminislration EWU Digit.l Libmry L WU Lrbr"f, i. rhe Ir! d,e s/ 612 1,150 glade h t37 l I *, u.*'i""e '\d\ion.Tondrirdin;qoldcL'- crdadJiJrrm l'i or; J 'd Ers Wcst Universitv Librar! has chosen this software Clecn*one Dilital Librlrv S;ftwae has been succesnullv insldled and .i mee' r.e .r, e Je n d r, rhe J si Jl rr ro n i"r oi imi,eoen Lhj ufls "a J' $cll lh. iir^lle.rtr, .. r oi lc .oLnrl 111 ". 'nr'' Primarily EwU Digilal Library conshts of News cliPpings, Theses and :" 'rla. n.H,.l. I Jr) p.p' lJ o 'o\ . \.' ' .' '...r'r of \ul! $'J r{, . \' r1". ..'.' p..n.i.e j.,nL brron All o r'1 .e. h rJJ oc"i ...noo'.{!J""rJ , , c4 ,.!\ I tin,'F'rr'{ ,r h, ..or ! .. ror i.,r. " {'1.-'i;L.n,.o 1cJrdo" h l rer' lo'r 'liref,) '^'nl r.or'oro.. "t.,i.'.. .-."ti'1,",,-.fl o, ne^h!< b-" r'Mo"o\cr i hls d;nc rlrc resislBlnrn with sonre selecred titc on Lnre jou' mk too. 'lhe n'1'. some olher sanple collections The lenerdl colleclion conshts ol aDDroximatelv 2:1500 loludes, prmriy - rourb nonoe "Ph rclar' d relfl(r " I'oo\' e\ro' l l ' E hr-rr'.e marc :,r". roumai. nds"/.ne.. ara {r'r rtrc prb nJ' on' ,. L n wel- ., urrrr newip,pe' rno nPiodrcrl' lhe " n ' hJ.e '"lL" 08 Library East West University Curretrtlv EWU Librrry subscrih€s fbllorvins onlidc iournuls: wwqintcNicme wileyc.n *ww thecochnnelibmfl .o'n sl, hrn //sc rliotr.riD.orgIASA htpi//Dljbnry.$orldbank org/ &E- l hLLD //Dubr htrpr/srw.xgidefr el*olkou/ i$.orri/r<lduNcd hnp //cxrancr.qho.inrhindli/ {irn!., Pr) trJ s rkit nsrur r(frr 0J ^ hnp //oaLe ^gtrurdr .10. http //wws tesol.orgh csov lhrFu.iIs riiualrt\iev\ orj:/ htrpt svs i' ItD h(p /4o t0 nr . Important Links ofOWU Library: webrddres : htlp:// rn'b Of LiDe €mlog hlrp:/Aoha.svubd.edur8000/ : httpr/ Dieiml Libfury lt Paper Pres€ntati0nsl Ms Dilara tse8um. Libfurim, Head of rhc Libnry, Erst Wesl Universiry presented tl hrlf tl hnpJ hnp://ournnl\.iib n\org T prDer oi Developi ng Digi tal Liblaries wnh open source soliw& Md. Ivhmutr-O.Rtrtid. A$isont Librarian, Edl West Univcsity presenleda plper on Mnud Refcrencc scruice East Wesl University, Dhaka : A clse studt in a rwo day long seminr on thc $eme EmerSing Fronries in Digltal Libnies: P."specrives, Empowcrmcnt rd Advoocy al UniveBiry of Kashmn Srirag. hdiaaroo 14Mrh,2012 ol t5 ll htrtr://{tr$d! inleD ioni .org NPC (Nrru'. rid fnL-! Lecture DeliYercd: //wr$ liebdtonliiic.cotrt Nk DiLra Begun, Libftrim. Head ol the Library. Ea$ wesl Universiry delirered lcclurcs on Iilirnltion Lneracy for Liielong Learning dnd Designing Inbmnlion Litemct Inslrmtions lor CndualeJ al the Depanment ol Libory rtul Inlomdron Science, Purlb Unilc^ity, Chrndigarh. India on lvldch 11.2012. hup //r\sr Ms Dihn Beeun, Librarian. Head ol the Library, Easl Wesr Univesity dclivcrcd lec$res on Dereloping Digital Lib.ary wi$ Creensone Soliwm ar rhe Depantrrent ot Library and Inbmarion Sciena, Puniab UniveNilx Pxtia[ ]ndid on March l2 2012 hllD //\!e$.oDli!sinfobrse xrp ve lngetrlrcon rec(.com/ oLe/ Workhop: Elsr wesr University Library on Hellth htp://{$r1xtul\choLlFhip cont o\o4rubli./nidri hhn E Bool lrtrpr sy{ oxlindiourn!l\.ors/ tl htpJ $vui'rqdnrxcdndecl organizcd a Workshop hlomali.n Lncocy (wHlL) :012 lo ils second phasc spotrsored by IFLA/ALP held ar Ea West $m/ !nivesily iion 12 ll Februar], 20l2.The lead lor the *orkshopwrs l5 Dr. hgtar Sing. h(p://l$wiii-ectrtxcoitrc.r..o'n/ 11 h(r://* ts htrpi/4otrnxls.peprbl,shing.od Prole$or, Depdnfrenroi Library and Inlorn0rion Scicnce. Padala,India. This wo shop {rs dcsiencd lor researche^. inlomdion proie$ionah, flculty membes, health workcN, sndtrde !M undersraduale sludents fron difierent instituriods r n,Iil\ociellt)ubLishiDE. \l R,llo-r R, \r a ArrrJnr Lro a rJn. L- r $ei I ncr. ry p { I lello\vship from the Ce cr lor Sciene and Environnenr ro anend a fou day Iong workshop titled Matrrying Infomaion in the Dignal AEe held in Ncw Delhi, India. liom Ma(h 20-2:1, 2012 rs$SPlEDi!tr.LlL,br6 ur{ lt .!. r inBanglddesh ina$o dry lone senindodderhemeof EmergingFronie^ in Digital Librarics Pe$pecives, Enpoyement and Advocacy arUnivqsb oi Klshnn, Sinagai Indhlrcm 13-14Marcn,2012. earch.ebscohos !oDr Rokon Mrhamud atended r workshop on Time Managemenf beld ai Bdlish Council,5 Fuuer Road Dhakron March 21,2012 lvl| TryLor & Fr cis E.Books. Unneniry olChlcuo Pids hnp://pci8.cdi.|dpsl.nctho'ne sw$ ioumrls.uchicxeo trvent: U East West lrsiry Library celebfuted Intenational Womcnt Day on March 08.2012 at EWU Library. AllLibnry Ofiicials weE presnt. cdu 09 Career Counselling Center U.S. Trade Show 2012 U.S [nrbns]. Dhrkr ind Anre,i. ) ChrnrLrcr ol cornner.c in Bdngladcnr (A .ojntl! o,sr ized thc ll( x.iurl U S Trlde Sho\! 20ll iI lhc Rufoshi Brngh Holc! lun 16 18\' 1r. lr,.ufjI ' progranr nnnnrciced $irh t \pcerh l o Di MohNnnned Fr(druddin. PEsidem. Boud ol T,usLees. In his briel sPecd, hc wclconred rll the AlunDis ol EwU und$ Ihe slnre rcof aganr nid .ongrarularcd rhcnr lbr fieir achievcmcnts in diiTeenl sedo$ olthcn prolcssional lile. He rlso nrankcd the Alutunis lor helpinS the L,\.{ r\ ir.\ i. . r or 'p l-R r c' .(n . .1 , ..i. .r'o,, irro .' briefsprn oltinre b! r'anslrtirg drcircducationalknowledge into dE D. said r R.hmln Llskcl Menber of Bo.rd ol EwtI- Pftncssn Dr. M. Moslchuddin, MenberotBoa'd oi EwU. Mr H. N Ashequr Rlhmm. N4P dd Menter ol Bord ol TrusLee\. tiWU. VC. Prc vC. Deris. Chrirpersons lnd real world Truslees. Tflrsrees. inorlN ncnrbca set also present. A t{ml nunber oi900 Snduutcs tlniciprred in fie Alunrni Night They con emoraled drc liin ol as !e!y eijot.ble and cheennl. Nl. Lurfor Rrhmn. Chiel I.tannrL n Olllcer (CIO) and Conrenor ol EwtI Alunnri As\o.iarion conductcd Lhe iighr while Mr Nlhid Hasnn Khao. EwU Adliser. SlrdeDr\ \\iclinrc rnd Herd of Carccr Counselfig Cenler grve r lorc of thlnks to eleryone lo nrlkc lhc Alunni Nighl d 1 i- tionr Amchxn,. pd,li.iprrcd in the l,nde Sho$' ll. In o,der ro rinrin il\ p,.scncc nr rhe pB\ril,ns conrpcririre dr!ironnrcir rnd ro truikl rn nug. Iirclsii8 on Lhc nnnLo oi ENl Wc\l Lririresity '| .. rr'.c L l l. .rnr'. rltr tr*r r". .Ji'. . rr. rl r'{, p.nicip.(cd A signilic..I nLrnrbc, oL people \isired rhc EwLi srrll Thc AnrLu\srdor ol rhc Unitcd Shrcs ol Amcric0. l\'1. Dxt W MoTcn! Nl. Aitrb ul ln0nr. Prtsidenl ol Anrchrnr tnd lh. Mr. A Gaiur. Exe.lLive Dircclo. Anrcha r. Prolisnn Ahnred Shrlec. VLcc Chrncellor. Ern Wc\l Lhi\e*ny rnd lucul(y mcmbe$. and d rlefriil FWll,l$ri\iled lhe s[1]. Training on Career Success CCC rnrng€d r llle drr carcc, developnenr progmir C!,ee! Succc\s Pn)Srn l. Th€ purposc ol this progfunr w.s to nukc lhe sr cnls slilllirl so thrr lhev con citcLr!€ly hddle or courlcr thc utconring chdllerges. Thc prog,lnr derlL wnh ca'€er platrnine ud ioLr stfureli€s, CV Nrirnrs d{l co!e.lerrer, etiquene and grooning, Alumni Night Lhi yer wrs or.can i/cd by dre Alunnr i ,\\v)cin(D CoDnillcc ol EwU lo bridgc lhc grp belween lhe cx AlumniNighr olEwU on i!\ t. f</1 n. {' .' .,' , irlcrvicrving tcchdirtles. nelaorking. ctc. Quui M. Ahnred Lcrd Con{lhnr & CEO olFrrMc I-c es cond ucred rhe prcgram. ,/ Training on Skill Development rrdged. Sklll Dcrclopmcnr Program for tinal ycr. sLudenn ol Ewll. the chsscs Ncrc held sinruhdreously on e!e.t l]!e CCC trll lnd thc nc$ !rudures The ncw g.ldurres got llt oPPrunilt Lo gel rhenrsclvci inrodlced lo lhc otlldrls-mosLlt ex studcnls ol Ern consecuLire Frnhys iionr Fcb,urry 2.1. ro 30 March 1012. The contcnts ol the rrainir8 wcr! goll sctLing. dd selfmotilatior. CV wrilinl:, crertive iob scrrch, making lousell intcr!icw \kills. nrock intcrlie*s. ielsortine. Thc p.oEnN w.s coDductcd by G Sunrda.y Don Coosunrcr Engrlenrent Specialist, Philip Morn Nighl Wen Univcr\iry{n dilletnlorgatrizrhoDsLh.oughlheAlNnni Somc olrhc Alunni shNd drc dillcrcnl lronr rhcir work phce md cxfhined hoq nre,v bcgun llrci, The ne$ lrrdurres ro' lrl,c t...r'.ir, ex gl{Iulte\ {L..eslul. -\..r: SeNiccs Indir S.A. or .....r. 1rl' rrl r'nrrr'Jr'p who bclotg.d ro Lheir unnr\iry.nct Mr cxtI curri.uld .clivit l'hc l0 Don highlighred sonre valuablc lechniques ,,F,\:cs..r",.'u..,1 t'',Jen. roc,':: ics. ,n Career Counselling Center Lh.r. Sohrg Srhn Ttrcl Nrlib (l-cdcr). Nl.l lnUl..Al Srhr. Nld. Wihid Ho$nin. Shrhir Mohxmnrd Srnrlul Hrqu. (Leadcr).rnd Nrinh l\lnnr. Shrll l Ahnrc{l (lho$ dlr u l Idea Masters 2012 li)ll l0ll CCC orslnizcd ldc! Mrncr or 2l- ?l r.d zar F.b,un,! !r rhe EWU .uditortunr $ilh rn rirn ol cErrire r plrttnrD lvhoc tururc business lcrdcN $illbc cFlrcd Thc prcs( N!\ acrulll! r SAARC Trade Fair & Tourism Mart'12 Volunteer .r.phr.. po.. : ,i rll) rl'r. folloiled by dre coDPcrirlon Nezir N{rrcor Nn Al!nnus ol (l(I'. rh. FWLI sltrd.nts got \r[ nbie .hrn.c Lo *orl $ilh Lhe Nri\r.,\ i,om Ncprr rNt U.tdi\es xs t,turo$t Ollieer\ rnd (\rc,rliinrs Nlnrr:c \ n lldr SAARC lr.dr Frir & Touistr Nll!1 ll. which $rs h.lllionr 19 Nl.rch to I April l0l: in BIFCC lhnrgh this rtr:ficious $ctrt. th. ilrder( griied Wilh ll'e rsi(rnce oi pr.clicrl .rpci i.rrc.\ in lh. BASIS Freelancer of the Year 2012 Award An oi-! )ialnnr ndied Eftodclnhs ln.. lnufdcd bJ Ersl \\rcst LnivcAil! sludcnL NId. I{luiu//rmrn ,\nil. Nl0rlcd 'tsASlS l_reehn(er ol lhc \'.r. l0ll iD eonrtM) .rtegor! or 15lh l'cbrLr[ d B,\!lS,$ rl Nighr. A\dd Nighr ru)l p]x.c du,,ng B,\SIS SolrErfo l0l.l r1 llie Brnlrhrrdhtr lnlcrrrr.irl west Lhilcrsity..nd cufl!nrly !n honodtc tncollI Dcrrbcr of $e Dep.rlrDenl ofEnslish. Erst \\rcsl Uni\crsity. corductd dr. East f J e..o,,. J 1.*,r\cl.r..' l'. \'' skills. :o. Hossain BcS. rl\o r Drcnrbcr of lhc rhnnri corduded drc secord scsslo!. Hc dcsigred. workshol (. . t uirl' rrn c (r',J) Mi% Srlmrn d!$cirrioi. o oJ...lottc ,, NlnrI xrd {lso !01 th. chrr.e lo dr.i. L o\!ledge 'ourism in rl,c iicld oi dcc,\iof nr} Sol\ r. ,i .,jc' r World Marketing Summit Volunteer CCC.!d Bmgl.desh BrrDd FoNnr oFrnized a \olunrecr scleciion prcer{nr tbr\\'o d \'llrkcliD-q Sun]mit on l0J, dyl0ll,rFWU audilorium Th. p.olunr \hrtcd undci lhc dnrcti(nr ol Vi Tdrhid hrrcd. ln Chrrgc. Ote.nln)n\. Bughdesh Birnd Forln. A Lohl runrhcr ol l{)0 \tudenl\ pr.riciprL.d in rhe p()g.n A !r1g lhedr. .+0 sludcnrs \rcrc fieliDinriy \clcclcdinnd llnrLl! l0 \ludcnlr $cr. :.. L1 -:-. - :, * \-\ Conlcicncc Cc.rc, r'hcic pron\sion0ts noD ICT gnlhe,ed. Rrngl{dcdr Asnr.iirlor ol Sotlsrre & Inlinmrli.n Scr!iccs (BASIS) hrs idcrrillcd ln(xl.Ldbs In. hrs ber conhnuondy uphoknf! Bmghdcsh\ in !. ln dr. CLob.l ll Spnce rrd 11 arc snn,. 1inr. con(,iburh! !cirlL) by .rn'ing litrcisn crchrns. r.d crctnion cnrlnotncnl. O!r stud.rr N4.l [{ruliLzrDu r\rik -!r!c d \ rhe I'npifu(nn l,L(li,rrr r{) in\|i.e Llrc n.$ |.o|lc ln rhc IT & Frchncnr: \!c(r nnd nl{) flliciprrcd in Q & A scssion r BrandWitz2012" .1rr" n.\l\ -!n$ r g,nr(l rcec$jor A nari{nral inter busines s.hool bfurding .oDpetirion nrDed B,r.dNnz ll cohperirion ors.nized by IBACC of Uiirersily ol 2012. r d RobiArirta ccc senr rhree Li'liled wls held oD Mrrch 16. redrs consisrirtg rhLee pr 01 BASIS.\rd Nighr i. Celeb.irl Hrll ol RICC \hcrc Irc nrp lT prolcssiofuls ol Lh. counrrj $ci. t.c\cnr \\t conirxrulrt. hi'n on his $r.cers.D.l $ish l,in, r b,ilhr rnd ll ud ll- icip.nrs .rch ionr EWU. PrLticiprnK rre NlL.'fHrssrn (Lcrdcl. Nirliyrt SrDrd 11 Career Counselling Center Internship Placement ACNABIN Chartered Accountdh Ainel Bangladesh Ltd. Ashuga.j Power statioD Standard BaDk Linitcd Teletalk Bangladcsh L1d. The City Bank Ltd Top Grade lnternltional Enlerpdsc Limited Bexinco Phdmaceuticals Ltd BRAC Bank Ltd. BritishAnerican Tobacco Bangladesh UNDPBanghdesh Unilever Banghdesh Limitcd Uniled Conmercial B!nk Limited Desh Energy Limited Dhaka Ba.k Ltd. Dhaka Electn. Supply Company Limjted(DESCO) Dhaka Palli Bidlul Dutch Badgla Power & A$ociates Ltd. Energypac Engineering Ltd. Job Placement Banglalink Bengal Plastic lnduslries Ltd. British American Tobacco Bangladesl (BATB) GETCO O.line Limited Fist Secudly hlamiBank Lld. ICDDR B IDLC Finance Ltd IFIC Bank Limited La*aBanSla Securjties Ltd. NCC Baik Limited HPBangladesh Inlerrek Consuner Goods MGH Gronp Nesrle Bangladesh Ltd. New Zealand Dairy Producrs Bansladesh Lrd. NGNTelesenices O.iental Services AV (BD) Lrd. Reckitl Benckiser (BD) Ltd. Novartis Bangladesh LiniLed One Bank Limited Foculty Updole Department of Business Administration Publications Laila Zaman (2011) "Human Resource Managoment (HRM) in Hospitalsr A Resedch on the Recruitment Prccess ol a Bangladeshi Hospiral' Aria Pa dlc Jounal oJ Research in Buslness Mana8ewtu, vol.2,Isste 9 (September), pp 93-98. ISSN| 22294104. Chowdhury Colan Hossan. Md. Ariqur.Rahman Sarker and Rumana Afroze {2012). "Recent unrest in RMG scctor of Bangladesh: k lhis an oulcome of Poor Labour Practices? Ihtetuatiokal Jownal aJ Busivss and Manaseneht, vol.1 Issue 3 (February), ISSN 1833'3850, Canada. Muhamnad Shahin Mial (2012) "Value Relevance of Accounting Infornation and Stock Mdker Vulnerability: A stldy on Lisled compdies in Dhaka Stock Exchange" Iht.natia al .lotndl ql Research ift Contuerce ontl Manaqenent ( RCM)vol-3.Lsste4 (April) ISSN 0976-21 83. Conference Md. AdqurRahman Sdker and Nazmos Saadar (2011) "rnpa./.y' HRM PradiEs an hb Satisfuctu t tnd Orytnisatiottl Perfammce i1Pti'ate Canit ttLktlBa kitt( Sedot oJBdnqknl?it 5lh Asid Busines Resedch Conference, Dhaka, Brn8hdesh. 23rd' 24rh De.enbea 2011. Oryanised by Wodd Busines Insiitute Australia. ABN: 62 087 222 400.ISBN: 978 0 9808279 8 9. Saadia Shabnam and Md. AliqurRahman Sarker (201l) 'C.tQ ar.l ctin! in Oryanintions: A Anal\sis an En!)lafcc hb Satisfaction an.l Orsanisatbral Canlktirnent .tf Erpan O,ienQ.l SMES iI Bansl lesh 5lh Asirn Business Resear.h Conlereice, Dhaka, Brnglrdesh. 23rd-24th Decenber, 2011. Org nised by W.rl.l Bnqine(\ lncfinre Arshli, ABN: 62 087 ?t? 400 ISRN' lntenwl Ma 9?8-0-9808279-8-9 Md- Atiqur.Rahmln Sarker and Falina Kanis Nayan (?0ll). "Efectiv Elihlihalioh oI Chikl Lnbart and lhe C.n1t16b oJ Erpdnrli,ls Pinary E.luLatit t (s R?Dt.rU: A Catr Sxdr Jnn Bangknksh" 5th Asian Busines Research Conference, Dhaka. Bangladesh. 2lrd 24th Decembea 2011. Organised by \!bnd Business Insdlute Australia. ABN: 62 087 222 400. ISBN: 978 0 9808279 8 9 12 Foculty Updoie Kamrul Hassan Touhid Bhuilan, Trusr for IntetligeDt Recomdendation A wo.kshop Paper ritled TVEI Our Hope and Road ro Prospeily by Mr. Kanrul Hassan, Assistant Profe$or, DeparLneni ol Business Administration has been published by the British Colncil in colllboration wirh Bangladesh Enterprise Insdhre. Earlier Mr. Hassan alterded a lwo day workshop on Enrepreneurship and Public P.ivale Pannenhip (PPP) in the Technicrl and vocational Education Training (TVET) Sector of Ban8ladesh held on 15 and l6January 2011 in Holelwestjn, Dhaka. Sprinser New York. (Accepled). '. By Journal: M. Ameer Ali, Nikhil C Sil, and ADisur Rrhnan, A Survey on Existing Vendor Selecrion Techniqucs. Intetnationot Joum t aJ Logistits S,)stenf .nrl ManaseDe , Vol. I 1{l). pp. 56 92,2012. ShaniD Ripon, 'A Uni|ed Tabular Melhod for Modeling Varianrs ol Softwtue Producl Line , ACM S|GSOFT Sofiwarc tusiheetury Nor.r Vol.37. No.2, May 2012 (Acceplcd) Conference; M. Mahnndul Hasan, Humryun Kabn: and M. Anreer Ali. ,Rcd1 Tihe Dete.:tion an.l Rec.snition of Licd\e ptate ik Ben!4li , Internaiionxl Contercnce on lnrase aDd Signal proce$in8, Springer LNCS 2012 M. Mahntudul Hasan, Shrila Shanneen. Md. Anisur Rahmrn. M. Aneer Ali, and Humryun Kabir. "Btock ruaee S?s rentatio , Inre.nrLional Conferen.e on Advrnces in Contmunication, Network and Compuing, Spdnger LNCS. 2012. PhD Award Mr Md. Nawab has been awlrdcd PID in Compuicr Science YousufAli. Assistant Prcfessor. CSE DcpxrtDenr, Jah.ngnnrgr Unilcsity. His On.n inlitation lion SAARC. Mr SAARC Fesrival ol Literaturc held on 16 aid 19 March in the historic cily ofLucknow. Indir. Mr. Hr$rn lrs a proud mcnber ol 18 menrbes Bxnglade\h contirgent led by enine.t writer Syed l0 Prct Mozannnel Huq Azad Khan hls served as u reviever ot rhe ii. IEEE Tfunsactions on Very Large Scalc lDtegnrioi SystcnB iii. Microelecronics Jo!mx1 bccn Dr. Md. NxyabYou$lAlihrs seNed as a Levie{cr published. The book contaiN sonF 304 poems chosen by thc book Other Faculty Activities Granthonrcla Kamrul Hassan has poet iionr his . i. Joumal of Co'npurational Elcdrcnics 2012, Seleded Poens wriren by Mr EngiDeering trom lolloains Eputcd inrernrrional jou rats: his Book Pnblication In Anar Ekushey dd rirle is "A Fumework ot Bridging BAigla to Unive$rl Networkin8 Language Kamrul Hassrn aflended Shamul Haque. ln Lhe listivrl Mr Hasan reciLed itlc of p.-,n. in Er'gli l, r-n\l. , o.. prr rr vcr o,r,. fl,.,r,e, Lhesis other bools. hN llre of$e nnlowins Jut,xtlol zhejian Unitt:i^ S(i. .e C tcoDtt tto & Etecth,tn!) been rcclaimed by rcades and dirics rlike and olcr 100 copies hale been sold in the PhD Scholarship Award€d Mr. Md. Ashfaqul lslm, l-cctu'er, Depr. ot CSE las been ollercd !n oppofuDity for PhD iionr dre Depaftmeir ofConpurer Scicnce, westcrn Uoilersiry, CaDad!. The progrm will be tunded cnrircly h\ r Department of Computer Science "Jllcr' ..HeurItun.hcprc.r' rn {nnnrer 2012. and Engineering NewAppointment Dn lbuhid Bhuiyan Puhlications has bcen appoinred as aD Assisranr P,olissor drc Deparr'nenr oI CSE in Spring.2012. Hc has earned hi\ phD iD Conrpurer Sciencc fronr Queensla.d Unileaity of Technology !l Book: {QUT). Ausrrali!. Hc has Leceiled his B.Sc.(Hont degrcc ir ConrpuliDg and lntonnltion Sysrem liom rle Unile,sity of London, UK and M.Sc. in Compurer Scicnce fron rhe AnrericaD Sh.mir Ripon. Modeling Varian$ for Soh*N Produd Lire Impacr on UML Models. By Lrmberr Acad nic Publishing, ISBNr 97li-l-8.18.1-95?aJ 4 13 Foculty Updote Unive6ily in London. His research irtetests arc in Intelligenl rcconmendations. soci.l retrvork, tru\t mmxgesenl, databasc nunagenent and e Learnin8 in generdl. He is the recipient of Au\rralian Posrgraduatc Award (APA) and Deputy viccCh!nce!krs Iniliative Scholarship iron QUT. Before joitrnr-s F$ I h. . x. e,, plo ed b\ 'F\c 1l . . rn.l o,frni/-'ion' hcludiirs rhe Unilesity of weslern Ausfalia. Cerrral Collc-se Sydnev, Unilersily of Wcsrcrn Sydncy and Jala IT GrouP, Australia He has nore thatr I'l year\ experience in teachirg, xnd sorkin8 rt the lT indusi.j in AusLtuli.. SinS.pore rDd Bangladesh. Preliously he scNcd thc People\ Uiivesly of Ba.gladesh as the ChaheNon of the Deparnnem of CSE ard thc Dailirdil Inlrn.tional Unilersity as lhe Pr.clor \tudents hale auended the sr dy rour guided by 6 laculty menbes Department of Economics Publications: _Irxde Flows ol Bangladeshl Mili Roy and Md. Isar Rayhan., 201 l. A Grulity Model Appn)ach. Econohi.s BolleLii, 3l(l): 950959. hltp://rww.acccssecon.con,/Pubs/EB/20 l1 P90.pdr Mili Roy rnd Nftl. lsrar I I/volude3 I /EB- I I -v3 I - Rayhan, 2011. Import Flows ol Gr.vity Model Approadr undcr Panel Dat! K. [1. Imtiaz-Ud-Din has becn atpointcd a\ a Lecturer r dre Dep.nncnt ol CSE in Sprnr3.20l2 Hc has rcceived his M.Sc. in Securily and Mobile Conpulnrg ftonr the Rolal lnniLule of Technology. Sseden ind thc NoNesian Unndsiry ofScietrc. ord Technology. Noslit lnd B Sc.(Hons) in Conprter Science and IT lro rhe hl.mic Univer\iry ol Technoloey. Bangladcsh. I'lis research inlercst lics or peru\ile.onputin8, mobile cloud computing. intelligenl lcanring. Lru\r imnagernerl and contcxt awnre compuling. Bclorc toini.g EwU, hc {orked for Telenor r\SA R&D, Trondhein. ZTE CorporaLion. Lhe NoNegi l Universny ol Science rnd Technobsy and Islanric Unnersny of Bangladesh: Techno!{)gy, Brngladesh Assisra.r Ptulesor. Depa.Ltuent ol EconoDics. panjciplred in a training workshop on Analysis ol Data lir Mea\u,ing Food Avrilxbiliry, Acces\ and Nut.iLionll Sl!t!s orgatrizcd undcr thc Nxtio.rl Food Polcl Clpacity Strcngthennrg Prosram (NFPCSP) in colhboration with IFPRI (lntemarn)nxl Food Polic! Resedr.h Insrirure)ol the F_ood rnd Agriculruc Orsrnization ol Lhe Unired Narions (FAO) dnd rhe Food Plannnrg xnd Moniroring Unn (FPMU). Minisry olFood and Disasler Mao.genent (MoFDM). They received financial suppon iion $e EuropeaD Union (EU) and USAID. The naining lorkshop was held iroDr 14 27 January. 2012 at BARD. ComiU!, Mi NerYAssignm€nt Amee. Ali hds been rpponned .s drc ChrTc$on ol rhe,tmentolCompurerSciercc dndEnsinecrnrs Dr Md. Dr Shanin H Ripo. has b€cn rppoinred as . Moderitor or ol tan West Univesny. CoDrpurer Prcgrunnnn! Club Dr Touhid Bhuiy.n has been appoillcd as thc Assistmt P..ctd ol the Easl Wesl Unilersity. MethodoloB). (Accepted) Mrnsur H. Ahsan, Y n \ Md and Nandi.KBiplob. 20ll 'An Evaluarion ot Bangladesh Tax Sysrem lrternalion.l Crowlh Cenre (IGC). Lordon. Ndndi. K. Biplon. 2012. Dcht Dynamics in Bangladesh: Ke! lssucs on Domcstic Debt lnd Fiscal vulnerubility Ministry 01 FinaDcc. B!n_qlcdcsh- fothconrine. Training Workshop: D. Basanta Kumar B!,nion. Departmental Activities Departmcnt ol ComFrtrr Science and Eneineeine has {rccesfolly or-sanizcd a study rour nr Intemet Subnrarine Ccblc Landing Starion. Coxs Raza.liom 2-5 Februdy 2012 Tolal 30 SruDY Tou. eole sub6aine Cable Landing Station Trainings: Biplob K Nandi, Lcdurer Dcpartmenl of Econonics. tanicipated in a South Asjan Trainiirg Pro-sran on Modelins organized under StEngthcnilg Fiscal and Budget P.ogran of Nepal Mjnisty ol Financc in colhbo.ltion Nith SAWTEE and South Asian Ncxvork on Economjc Modeling (SANEM). They received fi.ancial supporL from Asia. Devclofment Bank (ADB) and International Finance Corporatbn (lFC). The rfuining aorkshop was held iiod 2 7 August, 2010, Kathmandu, Nepal. Biplob K Nandi, Lcciurel Departmenl of Economicsi parricipated in a Tlx policy Analysis and Budgetnrg Fnrance Panll o.ganized by PROCOTI and USAID ro enhance the aldrenes ol publi. budgctine among policy makers and lublic,lo loecast corectly.n va ous budgcl isslcs lo achieve fiscal sustanrabilit! Tne taining workshop sas hcld lio'n 9 -l I June. 2010 a1 TK Bhnban. Karwan Seminarr Biplob K Nddi. Leclrer. Depanmenr ol Economics. particip.Ied in a seminar enritled Kel Challenges and Cuflent Macroeconomic t1 Foculty Updote l$ues in Bangladesh" dd presented a papor on VAI Reform and Revenue ftoductiviry: Tax Efforts !s Tax Polenliality: a panel analysis for Bangladesh . In this semind, he altempted to p.esent the curenl VAI structurc of Bangladesh. equily and welfare peBpectives of VAT and the VAI revenue potential with conbolling some fundamental vdiables of VAT efforts through peel dala dalysis. He argued that Bangladesh has significant polendrl Lo refom vAI system tbsugh new VAT Law. I' F Himadri S. Saha. Md. lndaddul hlam, and M.R. Anin. " Performd.e Evaluanon of Two-Hop wireless Link unde. Rayteigh and Nakagmi - m fading.' thtematio4al Journal aJ En|ircering and Techholos! (UK). rol.2, no.l, pp,22-21 ,2012. Conference Pap€rs: A. S. A. Noor, ?Dtslriblrite Nomal taxices", the confercnce on Mathemati.s & Applications held at lbe Univenity of Burdwm, India. Mdch 28-29,2012. Award: Fazana Hosain has been awarded "Shah A M S Kibria Memo.ial Cold Medal 2010 in 46th Convocadon of Unive6ity of Dhah for securing the highest marks adong all students in M.S.S exafrination of Department of Econonics, Unjvesity of Dhaka. Md. Ayub Ali, Md. Mamunlr Rashid & A. S. A. Noor, 0 .listibutire Meet Se i latices\ the conference on Malhenatics & Applications held at the University of Burdwan. India , March 28- 29.2012 R. M. Hafizur Rahnan & A . S- A. Noot, "Sohe Ptupefties aJ Sni Ptitue tdeaLs , ie conferen e on Mathemarics & Applicarions held at the Unive6iry ofBurdwd.IndiA, March 28 29,2012. Razia Sultana & A. S. A. Noot, "A,Distibutive ard ],Distrib tiw the conference on Mathenatics & Applicarions held al the University of Burdwan, India, Marcb 28,29,2012 kti.?rl M. Mofazzal Ho$ain, M. Rafiqul Alam . ''Theml Treothe t of Al2O3, MgO an.l CeO2 Gtuh ldted Powdery b! Indtuctio Themat Phtar - a \ Appm""l. 4rh lnrern.rional Symposiun on Adlanced Plasma Scjerce md i1s Applications for Nirrides ed Nanomaterials, ISPLASMA20I2 Chubu University. Aichi, Japd, Mdch4-8,2012. M. Mofazzal Hossain and Md. Shant u lsl^6. FMdohatdl Ptupe,lies an.l Applicatioks oJ Cafion Nanottues as ArEnnas", The 5lh Intemalional Conference on Plasma Nanotechnology and Science, FreDde, Inuyama Irtemadonal Sightseeing Center, Aicbi, rl I Event: Picnic 2012 Japan. March 9-10, 2012. The Depanment of Economics went for their snual picnic on 23 Mdch 2012. This time the location was "Rangamari Water front Resorl-Gazipul. A toral of 120 sDdents and 12 faculty henbe^ mado the occasion ajoyous and festive experience for all. Other Scholarly Activities: Get-together Party Indiaftom28-29 Mdch. 2012 Depdtmenl ot Econonics manged a 8et together party on 5 April. A geltogether lunch was aranged to bring all the faculty membes of fte deparment under the same roof. Dr. Mohammed Ftuashuddin, President of the Board of Trustees of East West Recenny Dr. M Mofazzal Hossain b@me fte Prestigious Editorial Board Member of USA based Journal of Electrical and Electronics. University, Professor Ahmed Shafee, Vice Chancellor Professor and Profesor Dr Muninddin Ahmed, Pro-vice Chancellor were also present on the occasion, Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering Publications: Profesor A. S. A. Noor, Depannent of ECE. detivered a sleecb as a special Guest at the lnaugural Ceremony of the conference on Mathemalics &Applicanons held at the U.jve6iq, of Burdwan, New Assignment: Dr A. S. A. Noor has been appointed as the new 3 April 2012. Chairpe6on of the Delartmenr of ECE on New Appointmelt Mr Md. Sahidul Islam has joined the Departmenr of ECE as a tf,ctuEr in Spring,2012. Field Trip at Beach Sand Exploitation Center Joumal Paper: A field trip was successfully organized by the Dept. of ECE, Easr W€st University on Thusday,5 April 2012 to Beach Sand Md. Abul Kalam Azad. Md. Bazlur Rrhman & A. S. A. Noor. "Fjn'Iely Generated nldeals Which From m-Normal Laitices Jau al oJ EngineetinS Sciehce, O1 & 02 (2011).29-35 Exploilation Center, Cox s Bazd. 38 students of the Department of ECE, guided by Mr. Asif Hosair, Senior Lecturer. Dept. of ECE, staned fo! Coxs Bazd ar 10:00 pm on Wednesday. 4 April 2012 15 Foculty Updote Seminars I Dr. Mashiur Rahman Bhuiyan, rechnical lead of ppl- Energyplus. USA delive.ed his speech on Power Markers jn USA- An Overiew wilh a Nodal Perspective on 29 February 2012 ar lhe East West UnivcNily Audilorilm. Aromd 40 studenrs and tacuhr niembers attended the presenrarion. In rhis presentaLion, Dr Bhuitan gave a brief overview of $e cunent states ot powcr in USA. The role of differenr sources, physi.s based on 'narkets econonics and flnancial modcls, price Lmnsmission co.gestions. t.'l' ind he \kill. needed a' rhc Brow-r bur !hattengrg indusries were highlighred iD the presenLarion. !il to\.] I f,^ from Lhe univcNity premises and reached rhere in thc nexr Doming. Beach Sand Exploirarion Centrc is one of rhe cenlers of thc BANGLADESH ATOMIC ENERCY COMMISSION. It iS Drainly engrged in gcological exploratioD and exploiLltion of valurble healy mnrerah like ZIRCON. RUTILE, tinonite, lencoxene, MONAZITE. garnet. etc collected froh ttre bcach sand olrhc BAY OF BENCAL. Thc CcDter is locrted,l Kalalnli, abour kn soudr to COX'S BAZAR town, oc.upying abour 4.25 hd ot land with an admiristrarive cum labor to.y building. pilor plant. rc( Iouse. housing colony and other auxiliary ser ups. One of the 5 senior scienLists ot rhe cenrer grle ! ddail presenhtnnr of thcir acdvilies. AlLe. having the briei description, s denrs visitcd thc cemer and obscNed all rhe equipnrcDrs used ar rhe ccnter This llpe ol study lour helps studenN ro boost up their tuorivation and enhance lhcir pnclic.l knowledgc as weu Ir will provide a sienificlnr conrdburion in rheir carccr. Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering KhairulAlam, Uniaxial Sress Modulated Electronic Propeilies of Free Standing In as Nanowlle,' IEEE Ttu Bacrions on Etect,a iv is gh,itlg tt?s. torior u w*et Professional Activities Proi Ani$'l Hrquc hNs bee. elecrcd as r Bolrd nreDbe. or rtre Bo d ol Acordiraron for Engiieering and 'lechnicat EducrLnnr (BAETE). BAETE ( aD auronodous body under the lnrbrelh .t Ihe Institurion ol Eogineers, Brngladcsh (IEB) rnd is responsiblc tbr accrediting the undergraduate and graduate enginccrine prcgrmr in Publicalions . Dr: ll,lalltut Rohuftn Bh BaDSladesh. Prof. Anisul Haque delivered his spccc\ on E\lrudiak ot trat .lensities h High Mobilii SoniLartl dar MOSF h cdac. TT at thc, vol.59. issue 3, pp.661-665.2012. IEEE EDS Mnri-Colloquirn organizcd by IEEE Etcctron Devices Sociely (EDS). Dclhi Chaprer Thc Mnri Colloquium tras hetd at Kli the M. M. A. HlkiDr & PereL Adrbum, Redansular Polysilicon Nanowircs bt Top Dorvn Lithogr.phy. Dry Etch and Sun, Mcr.llnduced Crystallizarion". Et.ctrochenL Sotid-stt? L?tc,r, vol. r5. issuc 3, pp. H62 H64.2012. Mohannnad M. A. Hakim, Mrrta Lombardini, Kai Su., Franccsco Giusriniano, Pcter L. Roach. Donna E. Davies. PeLe. H. Howafth. Mdurirs R. R. de Planque, Hrrvel Mo€an and Perer Ashbunr, "Thin tilm Plycrysmlline SilicoD Nanowire Biosensors, Nard /-err.,r, (in pres), 2012. t M (;olanr Sarwar, M. R. Siddiqui. Md. M. SrtLer, and Anisul Haquc. On lhe Enhrn enrc,rt ofdre Drain C rent in IndiuD Rich lr'C1A' \ ltucc ch \4U\l-El . ll l L f\ ttot o \ -t, '-nr Dk tt to n D (t i c. s. (fi pte$), 2012. Univesity olDelhi,Indii! on March 14,20r2. Dr Khairul Alan sencd as r peer Eviewt ol IEEE Etedx,t Dericcs Le e^, |EEE'ftorsactirri! on Nokok.h obg,-, dr.l IET Cnrtits, Detiu!. an.I S\si. ts. D. Mohammrd t EEE Nlojamnrel A1 Hakim sened rs a pecr reyiewer Tftntan tions ar EIe.t nn Derices. oi New Appointments Dr. Mobamnad Mojamnel Al Haknn joined rhe Depa menr ot EEE as an Associatc P'ofessor in spring.20l2 ML. Mohammad Zdkn Alanr joined rhe Dcpa(nenr Lecturernr spring, 2012. t6 oi EEE as a I Foculty Updote Department of English \'Ir. Z.h Al,Ler. A\\ist rL Fr.ics.r. D.f.rriii.n( oi Jiirll\r. l,riL Wc\t LIriYcrsirJ i\ Lirc rru (hxr or rr. l).frirrrrnL ll. rppoinlrnenl i! ele(lirc lronr r\t)rii. l(ill. ll! rrf.L..\ \lr Shalklr! Rrhmd r\ Lhe Ch.,ir Newl] recruited tacullt menrbcrs of thc DeDr'.1mcnt of E I I glish at EWU. Spring 2012 Dctrr!n. r ol EtrgLi\h Nltrhurmrd I-cclurcr. :. Nfttrdinlrd AlnDlri sikn. l.ccl0cr. D.pmtrrenr ol Enlli\h Leduer. Detdnrenr.l Ei! Ilnglish DepartmeDt Seminar Series. 2012 llic l.i!i\r L)rtrLr|rrl..!ril/.1 \rnrinrr rr \t rr U//.dnrn l-ir\ ll.Lrihrr\rr rrrlrLi rrl rr)1rJ rricl!.LurL .rfa NI(h.L l:(u.trrll. 1rt Ii .nrlr nr lt\,)ltirr rrr inrrtlL\Lr rl i.j ttrc S| in! llrll S.n l.Sr i!\ 'lhr L-r\L \\r\ Lrr\ri.i(\ l--rSLi\h l)\.trtr1rirrr1 Li!.n/.dnrn r\ (trr r .{lrr ]s f.b rrrt ua 1r'lh! {]l\. 1.r Lhr Stiiif! ll)ll !.llM Srr r\ 'l|. rrL r.trrrj,ru\nnr o.-!rrji/rJ h.,, fDrn! rtr,\[h], N//r fu l,\ a9tLj BijLhltr\ l Lli..rrrina \.nirrr. ll1,r\!r Sr irlhh lilr.ri r !h,nI r(d.frrr rf LLn)in. !*r\i\L ,d\L \ritrlLrlrr.rrLl I lrrtri. on l:(r(dLl rirl hL\.r\$\ r.rL oi rhr lr.rirrI Itlnrl!N lnnI Lh! Nnrirr\r!.hrL{l.rLlr Lr\l\\rn I r\rriLr \f{Lr1.r rrr i\h 4 M,l lxh'nrlA' R,hh Lecuer. Depnihenr.l Fr!l )h Publications: bb.l. A\il Erigrndi. r\ni\.1\ A ro\Lco ori.rt I rrl!\i\ rl' Brrglrde\lri r-ireull,rc in Eigllni ir Cronrf!\ Lit \,trrtttrt L qlilt Srklit\ Vrl 3. No. I FrlLl0ll) Fnll l0ll f| l1)i lll Prescntations: Jrhd. lsrnl Vjirul Pr(.i(ori{D oLr NnLionrLi$n. S\r(rti!ji rmL thr Enli).cer\ or llisrorJ h r|r A\irn Coi iNnf. oiArr\ rLL Hu unilies l0ll Osrk .llt]n l|1,,.1.1 jn JilIr is r hrrp:/ v$$.yotrrL,be (nn/rLscr'/:\\ir rCo li,!nc.\ J$.,r Scnior Ledur.. in rhc DcfrllDcnl ol Ur!liJ. t-\\'l I A C!$rah) ol lDrprrirlirnr'l Rcr\rLnxlrn! Nrit{r I trr.rILcLl l.r publicnhon in llrc jou.nrl br\.{L.r \.lc.l.d lItrL\ ]lom Continuir!. Con* r1i:nr. (llx\\i.i\nr: R.rdi g Pri.l.olori.rl LircDlur. rgrlnJt the Grninl Inrrmdn! l (! l.rrri.! .iSr rrl.iL bt lhc LrDi\'.$n! olOrlird\ Fr .c.f I .l D.rcDbrr li) r)r Juri./r N1c{i.o\ l..r ($.illrr rlor! | th R!fuir B\Li .nd nrreFLcd lar fublicrtiL!r ir thr b..l ritirLcd /r,r\ d,,/ tllu:i.r^1\: Tht, Rtlt t)l L!r\Li srntt" n in at,r\!r rtr.ndt D.,rr)?trr lo bc tubl slrc(L b\ l,.D.rrl1 Inl.mrt orxl I l).(.iirb.r 'BeniL{) .10t2). Student's Scminar Shx|eed. l- ^nn C, tlLiin! NcNsp.pes EdiLo,irls: CDA Pc$pccriv. t)rcsarred^ xt lhc coni.rcn.e rirl.d ''hrcllccrbasc lnrc ri.orl (lr)n$1rnr ( lnr.!1.( r' I Pcrs|ccri\c\ & Ur Lri. di\ciplin!r\ Fo! drrions lrgrnircd b! r|e Ierne\cc S rc Uni!c$il! dunn! Sprtr'S scsior (Vol llr in BNnlloN l|riltrdd .tr l6 M dr l0ll. l t .rifinrr ,r rkIlrru//rn.Li Flirs lr: .r li\cl\ .dr \i1ir th. di:.u*JL' r\ L lrl r! L ir\ I \,r(\ t c r !r{tjjg .n rh. ,. . t|r\ lrr\. fh).1 iii rh. l,r nrr (!i o tl. r!rLj dx(ir) rrt ro \rn{mrs 0rl iri tli. l.rh.r.inli \\ri r l!l _lr l:.u\\xnr\ trrt l)io D. Khr rlr// nnn \l tr.r. I,r. ,\i \lhrnfnn{L Zo\rr1l S.l. Zrhil ,\l1.r. rrL Hr\trr \ l.Lr.rL l)r \loi.fnmrd I'riNkLLl r. Ja\.\llurr. liol(1. l'!r.r\. l:r\L\\I.n L i\rr\ l\ rtn) \lr,|| of rh. fr.r\ o r I rt \rnr ] !.\r\ rljrjrrtl h\ Pi,t t)L t-rknrl 'fh. \..,{rl \rnr r \,\ I Lrrlfr!.n \l.h.l I1{0nlt d hi\ \rrs\ fi lrr lrrnLnn R.\r)r1ifn rra ih. fi!\.iirrr \1.1\ rlit.f \ (r(L.iIi.. .t)LrLmr \t. .$r\L\1 .Lll r rLLf Pirtrsr Srinrllrh Khr lrjrcrrlt. IrLolr$.1 Khrr \r(. \x. !ir t\ nu.llh\ lhr l{dri LirfrbLI r\ .trr.$n!rLn rh.{' Lr.rr,Nnl h j irLLi.rL .nlntrirs r l1! LhrIL.Lridr't.\ti Lior\rul tlrili\\, KlIr rLr, Lrll.(L rhrl l.o!. 11\ Lrnt (i(i rLLh Lh. orjrjjLr]r\L LL\.!r^r\ \ir.. h. \rn thr lr.Lrrrn R.\o rtif0 r\ I torr .i n d.:\ l|.LL!h rl)fr..irLi\. o llrL) l{rLrilur!ri. IrLir(rlr Irjr,l.r\! Khnn .j[jllti] lr L.rL t. r,nr orI ol r|. t,r! \rrrfjn! L! rlr.rr r .trl Li. r , 1 ..!i r! l\lui r. l\ Othd . T,. 5.n'i i\ \.r. \. I rrL!dlllrL J:.(rlrl(s ,.n) rr. .rtr.L ''lt't fio\irl.rL trl1 r irlr!\\ ar( .frl. . :. i jrj. r Lr,dLljr l rh.rL irr Lr\l \\i\l l i\\ Eigr.h l)rf.r In. t hr..o irr.l !r.r rh. on I Lh.S.rinJ S.ii.\ 11 Foculty Updote The DepaLrircnr rlso orsanired r poerry te.ding sessio. THURSDAY POETRY FEST to ensure studetrts gcr cnoulh exlDsur! to lite,nture. Poety Recn.Iion by Karlrrn Hunrnrel. nored Australiri poer rid Qurrnrl HNsm. a Banghdcshi Haiktr poel wrs thc highlight olLhe pxJgn l. "Mukti- Kobita O GaanerAshor" Dcp!,lDc.t ol Ex\t Wesr Lrniversity celebraled ,11 teaB of thc indcpcndcnce ol our cotrnry by The srudenrs ol ED-elish orsdniring r prcgrmr nanred Mul,li- KobiLr O Carnet Asho! on l.1lh march xl EWUS audiloium. The progran slrfied wilh in inspnarion.lspeech giror by ! srudcnL ol the depdri'ent The program was dilided iDto two rcgDcnLs In the lirst \egmenl. rhe \Ludents rne pred Io tell dre enlirc history ol Rrn-lhdesh liorl rlt lerl begi ring rill loday Lrl'.cading otrt poenrs dnd songs. The enrire script was orga.i^d sequenrially ro gndually rcveal the acrurl lact ol independence. The mon ench.nrins p!fi ol rhi\ scgnrcnr was thaL bolh lhe reachers and thc studcnts rvere ln ttre second seg renr. soDre lc0chcN ilon! wiLh \ome sludents hrle perlonned by sineiDg and rccrling then lrvorite poei*. The prcgrlm ended Nirlt rhe hmotrs soDg lnraginc br Reatle\. Department of Pharmacy Publications: Anrl-gesi. acliviry of buk of MuMya panicullltr: Podder.r M.K.. Drs. B.N., Ahfred. l"tl. l tauxni,ul k nl .f Muli.tu tnrl ,'l,tzln d1 S. ir,. rJ 3(4)- 105 108 (2{)ll) D,u! use prltern in selecrcd hcolth conrrlex and hospitah in Bmgladesh: Asxduzzrnmn. M.. Prd n. A.H., Nasin. N.. A.S., Jxnduddin, A.T.M. Rrhnun,2.. Muhit. A.,Ahn'ed. M. SGH Mc.l J.r,: . 5( t): l9 16 (2011) RoksaDa Rahnran (AuLho,). Muhannrad Asduzzamdn. Nishdr NNin. Abdul Muhn. Sheikh ZahiL Rrihan. Apurba Sarker Apu. and Ahsanul Akbar Anti diairheal. rn.lgesic and cyroloxic .ctivities of crude exlracl of Oroxylon indicun (L.) nen batk.louh ol PhdnnnL\, Retedtrh. l0l1.4(l l),.1296-98. (lC Vrlne in 2010r6.3,1) MuhlDnnad Aslduzzaman, Nishat Nasin. Faftand Rizwan, Forhad Monjur, Runrlna Mo$h. Trcnds ot prcscribing ibr out-door Fcriltric prlicnts in a pivatc hospital of Bangladesh. ./or,?a/ oJ Apl)li.d Phan acc ticalS.ien.e. 201l:0l (10): 123-125. Runrxnr MowlN. K.M. Al Hasan lnrm, Muhanmrd Asaduzzaman, Nishd Narin. Sheikh Zahir Raihan md A.K. Azad Choadhury. Emergence ol mutridrug resistant exlended spectrum ladanase produciD-e Eshch*ichia coliassociatcd with uriDary thct infections in B.ngladesh. Jut 3(ll:225 tutl ol Balir trl alhn\l Phan atr. 20ll: 28. Muhamnrad As.duzzam.n- K M. A1 Has.n I'nrnr. Ru'nrna Mowh- R'rhana Rizwan, lDd Fo ud Nhriur Connn.n disordes and thcir mrnagcnrcnr in \cl.clcd hospul. .r -eedardc Nishar B^neladesh hll.nnnio dl Jau ral tt Phan R?ri4 d,,/ R?r!z,r/'. ?01?:ll(2):5 E. o.atital 5ti."..\ Kh Trn\n Ahnrcd. Phytlrchenricrl rnd Biologi.rl lnlenigrt n\ ol Thunbergia grundifolia'. LAP-LAMBERT rc.deni. puhLi\hnr! Aszadur Ralnnan Cho$dhun K.M.Sh.n*-Ud-Dohx. CnrbH & Co. KC.ISBN: 97rl-l-8.171'lllr-5 M Shdfikur Rrhmn . KM ShanR Ud Doha. Roksdr Rrhnun. 'Anlidianhoeal !cti!iIy ol thc lcaf and iiuil cxtracrs ol Dillcnia indica , tnenwir,rl Jouutal ol Rin\.iores (U6l Volunre L Nunrbcr 6- DcccDbcr. 201L MiN'n. Msr. Hlie'r Khalun - Md. R!fikullslam+, LaizunuD Nahar K. M. Shamrud-Doha and Farhana Alan Ripa Al Evaluation ol CNS Dcprcssant And Analgesic Activilies of The Methunol Extruct ol Piper LongLrrn Linn. Leaves'. /rre,tu i.,4/ Jauflrll of Phdn'la.ertical S.i.r..s ard R.sea,./', (2011), vol. 2. K.M. ShaDs Ud Doha (AuthoO, Md. l\rthot) Plrt\ ttobrndl Stlli.! tl Dilbnnt n lict L.: IdeDtiti.otit't tt Phdn ftobsit(] d(t^iti?s ol DiUenia n tud L.2012- rAP LAMBERT Academic PublishiDg. Ccn!n). Amran Ho{'ladcr ISBN: 978.1 8.1E.r-18211). AS Apu, SH Bhuyln, SS Prolr. MA Muhit. AnLi'i lannurory activiry ol medicinal plarts nativc to Bdnghdesh: A revies. 2Ot2:2(2).7 lA. .htu,tl t'I Altli..l Phan a(.uturl ' AS Apu. F Nashid. HM Mohiuddin. K Falenu. NIZ Rahnln, MA Md. Rdzibnl H.bib. Md. Moninor Rahnan. Md. Obayed Raihan, Abeer Nxth. Md. Alamgir Hosain, Mohammad A. Rashid (2012). Phdrn .ololicrl Eralurtion of Antidesm .shaesembiua Gaertn. Ftuits lor Ceiral Nervous Syslem Depresant Acdvity. Aolcrn Latinoa"jcriLuno I d?l Catibe .]e Pkhkts MediLinales ! Azn.irt.dJ ll (2)i 188 195. Md. Sekendar Ali, Md. Rrzib l Habib. Md. Rafikul hlam. Md. Suiful Islam. Md. Moninur Rdhnan, Nxhid Hasan (2012). ud Antioxidant Acrivnies ol rhe Methanolic Exracr of Spilanrhes calvr (D.C) Leaves in Mxle Ral6: Abbal Jorntul .l Ptun ucabs! 6ll): 12 la. Ho$lMe,. Design, delelopnrcnt rnd i. virru evrlMLion of \oJrlr' r.'r.r\ rrblc' prcp,rft 1\ J.,'..rnpre\'o. using Methocel KIO0LV CR polynrer t ttDxllit tul Jdrhnl oj Phu a& ilul Sti?tftes R.rk| a d Rckanh 20l2ill(2). 121 Analgesi. t21. Erlan Uddin. Fdtema Tuz zoherd and Md. Razibul Habib (2012). ID vitrc Antioxidant and Cykrtoxicit) Screening ol Dilierem Bark Extracts ofAcgle Mamelos Lt tur'nal ofAp ied Phanatczulitul S.;cr.c.02 (03):92 95. Jr.l, Hlidel Nishar Navin. Apurbr Sarkcr Ap! and Muharnmd Asaduzzair!n. AcceleLrled srabihy and anlimicrcbi!l sensirivny nudics or annxicillin d.y $BpensioDs darkctcd rn BrDgladeslr. J. rd.rnpliel Phm uLeulnnt S.ience. 2t)ll Al Syed Shabbir (09):51 55. Kliser Hanrid. Farhaia Diba. Kaiiz Fatima Urmi. Muhammad MohaNmad Abdul Molalib Momin, Md. Razibul Habib, Alrina Alrose. Md. R ibul Hasan, Md. Sohel Rrna (2012). Arti- lnfl.mnarory. ADtioxidrDt and Cytotoxicily Potential ol t8 Foculty Updote N4crhrtrolic Exrrrcl ol T\o Bdgladesh Bcir Lrbhb tur[!..u\ (L.) Swcct White rnd PUl.pLc: ,r.,,d7i2r J.t rrt Pht d.cttn altin.ts ttt / ,R.!r,1r, l(l)r 77ar 7il l. ivld. Monrnrur l{rhnrNn. Md. Rr/ibul Hrbib. Nt.l. l\l\ \ l:rr Snlrrrr his.i{)in.(l rh. DrFrtfrcnl ol phrDr.y 1e.tu., in Spri|! ll)l:. ttrkibfl HNrn. Others \li\. \uin lh(\n. Tluf(url Islu. r in N.wv Krrrn 1tl)tl) A.lioxkhnl Polrnlirl Oi DiltennL Oi' Abu Mohrnrnrcd Conrparalive Ilecou ir jusonrrs LouL Fr\t\t\t Ati0 Jo nut a rl Cli tutl tu\|a)1r.5tl).t) 1a M.hnDnud r\L A Friz Ibsiir. rii. t)f phrDrr.trlidrl Cazi N!ruD Nrhrr Suhmr. Cho$dhurr lio r Zingib.r nunuuD jiulrt l{)ll tlook Dr Biloy P tsrr r i\ co dnins u Lroot .nlirtcd. (;/.rrt1fdf,,. Crlh,l rtrl Llt.dn,i ,r 5,r//r I r'l: aitn.t lr1"rn,ri N rrr sliirn Frcli\sor Dip K.poor. Llnir.rsilr ol Allr.rlr rnlt plole\{n Al Krrinr Dntoo ol Asl Khrn Lidi\cr:ir). l{r be trbtistred h! FNtrfu\e ol 66 \tudenrs ol D.trftnrcnl ot Phrrnrai $ere r one'm..(h iD P[ir L,ridins Drogr. lrc rsrrrcd jiodr trunrber n)nre ol rhe . Rcnrlr. I, r, \.\ \ (Forlh.onng) Thc Br.ur Cdnn!rir!. CLobrli^ron. rrd ii d., ,,r .l' '1'.I ,.rK.t"r B ts.,,r, ,, \ D,r...t,. C!rhrlilrti,i Ctlir\ n l Hlttttio i, S.intt Asir Crititdt p.l.....\l\1.|..,,\.),t /,.,..,t CoL{rinl Idr.rLion: The Que\L ]nr SoriocutrLlrl rdcDtir\ mAl rcno\ne{l thnrnra.curicri L . lss. id DrLss CorDrr! e B -!hdeslr LLd . Ortor indusrrles like !skr)'cr Drnglndeni I GlloSnrithkli Lrb.rlrdies Ld.. xnd Bnrdu nr Labo,rrrics Lrf. Ltd \' \4 Departmental Activities l0l1) i t0Ll Associate Professor and Dean I r.r ,trl' Ll'..r, ',',, , "r .\i.\krt. 'r't Aioiii)liunr (L.) ..loLDrl trl AI)!,liul l,ha rtuatnt! l0l:rll(2).5 E. Jnnuary Fchir rrv Dr. Biioy P. Barua Md ADmn HoNhder. NldlnudrlAlnin Ccnrdl \cnous A rdal r Department of Social Sciences L+l( I ). 57 6l) M l Amir. GNN Sultor. CF Hos\! n A.rtg.sis rnd rfli iiihDnrllorl lcliviLie\ ol Rhyr.ho\Lrlr rctusr dtt,lr dr,/ Mrd i/L. 3 (5)r 55 59. l0l l sclecrcd lor trs Le.lurcr. Detrrlrncnl ot t,hrin cv hr, b!.n \iar n s.n or:.11h bl!s\cd Anriulccr frnrc ple ol Efinophrnnrcolog). Appointment: hNew t)l Dr. Lulfur N.rh.rr Assistnnt Prulessor and Chairperson Pdper Lirl.{L rrl .s El{ldll li\lrg utungcnr.nt: Doc\ it ijrpro!c rtE or lrc,.circ hcrlLh nrtu\ riu,! .td.rt! in ,url Bdgl cstrt, hrs been rc.ct,rcd rs r. o,ll frs.nlnrroi inr r |n,r cl se$rm rhc lrd AP,\ conicrenc. ro bc held in uolt ok. rhailud. Jtonr 16 ( l0l: 'lbuhida lasni a 29 Au! (Assistant l,rotejsor) and Ehsanul Haquc (Assodrtc l,rolessor) Ilook (Fo,rhc.nlrg) Nqtibsrl (;l,,brlarnm ud Highe. Edlcrlnnr ijl tsanghd.\h Chrprcr jn D Kryn . B Brr n rnd A Dxl(j iEds.) Glthrli.utMt (ri rk d,l Fltudn i, t)tth Atit: Ltrr,:ri.,,!. PrLlilinr.i: P!li.r\e lVci\,lillm. N.$ The Depdnrcnr oi Phrnnac) orglnrzcd r \eriinrr on rtrc rofic 'Globrl ClnrnLc chlnsc: Whrr Hcrtrtr Imdiei,rio s oi Crnscs Delrr oi Brrgladeshl on April 5.:0ll nl arc lWU Audilrn.irn. Thc lucn sperker 01 lh. Dro:rrnr wrs Dr AKNI Slddi.tle. Scnnn Asn)ci!tc- DcprnDcnt oi lnt.rnffionrl Hrnllh_ lohns Hofkir\ Blinnnbcre Sdrool oi Publie Hcrlrh. MD. LjSA. He hrs donc . rcrNi\c qo .,' .t r ..r .' ) -,'- ..' Dr Siddique descibcd on the heaftb Lhc inrnrcnsc , ||, p,. r r r,. ellecr oi gloLrrl cLi hrc chrn3c \1rl C,trilrtt Scni0 LeerLirlr (of srud! lcr\.) Rrlur Ila\\r.. Scrior Lcdurcr. DSS rnrnd.(t lh. tnd ,^\ix Pacilic CliDrt. Chugc Adrutdion Fnrrm. UNhp l] t] l\,t!rh l(llll. Urired Nirnr\ Conicr.n.e Ccnrcl B.ngkok. Thritud. r\s a \ohrnrfy ,epner he corcrld d]e intliNing tuet dis.ussiinrs: Pancl l: Locrl co\'e,trDci( r.rl ctimfi. Chrnsc AdrpLrljon isles ol Barslddcsh. Flc mcntioned rh huntn hc!lth is likely Lo be nlltctcd Lry clin[Le \cn\ili!. diserse\ {rch rs cholctu ud odr. dir.,hocrl dise.sesr hrlarir nl densuc. H. stlrcrl thrr $is is high limc to fuke rece*niy lctions b prercnl ttrc inevnrblc crhnrny rhnr i\ r,, tbllo\ in lhe lnruc. Pr el 17: Prrcl t9 Cln! e Chrnge AdnpLrhon Opli{n* ll:Locrl rnd c\pcricnc. Brscd t.r Srjrlt Krowt se jr l\hn.t Ctinr!l. Foculty Updote Field Trip Th. srudcnls ol Dc\ckrDncfl slldi.\ ((;hN lllr ReiL o r lield rip to BRAC Drlf & irood Pmjcd rd & D.\clo|nrctrr hA. r plncrlcrl 'I r'. . .1' L. . _ Ir.r,' Tl'. :t \. I ' I' ctr I ' I I \.. ''.r' rc.orrpxri.d hr_ l\o h.ultj nrenrh.*: Nl\. lorhidr , I'i r\ 'r' P . ,11\llllli.ll'.r'rl tslaAC Ag.iculr0rc Rcscrrch Ccnlrc lBAl{DC) Ctrritur t(J New Appointment: EkhrclhrNl l\lNnr hr\ ioin.{l ll,c DcfrnDcnl S.cirLScicrccl.srlceNrcr(r9lxrtrrr\ lt)Ll 14d. ol : Nis. Nl.nrtuhr Zrtlc.r. L.erur.r. Dcrrnnr.nL .l Br'in... Executive Commitlce Prc\klcrr Vir. Pi.\ Ccrc,nlSc. .rirr Activities of EWUAIC in thc I)$.ltitrnctl llnough Socirl Nicdir NN\ hcl(lon li) F.hrurr). NI(n r) l0ll Co dr.led by xgrierilu xl spcerrli\l Dr l\'ld Zrhrngi, Alu!. Nrrnn'rl l', Dirc.lor ol !om rniry rtrrrl rrd!) fror.ct. thc wor[shop denorsrfurca rhc op|.rr!ririrs in lh. ngri.ulLurl \ccLor LlnurSh on anhNncing ASricullurl shrri'rS phcr.Nl idc!\ I A:enrrrl nrc.rii! ol E$UAIC 3. $rs hcld . r : \..hxr F.hD&L \ll,hrnr [d llln ur l{rhrr.n )l(1. \[hnNJuLHr']r K]] Business Club Spring-2012 semester: L A so knr)p : : r Th. Plmnirs Dcplrrncnl oi F-\\(JAl(l xi nged n rorkshop to Wrirc rn Ellc.ln. Bllucss Pr.l)srL }vhich $rs held Th. dlrn.rir rer oi tsu\ine\s club hr\ lppoiDrd r\\o mr. l:rully nrennr..\ $' )d.rrl(,s fionr thc Depafinrent ol Bu,i.e,. AdDinisrrrlnnr in Ocl(fi.r l0l I NNv nrodcmtors- Senior Le.lurcr Nl\ Knshlix AhDcd rnd \.1s. Choudhury r[nr! (]rr ail e\i:tin! DodcrnL{r ilfi ,\liqur RrhDrn Sril.r. !., . DcFrlnrcnr ol Business Adnlnisnrtnnr. EWII hof. , _ '.rr'r. l,. r'^ . l,l Fr.. ol or |cLrtr'o,). Ho{ CLLIB,\CTIVITILS IN SPRING ]OI] r d oil crnrljla e\cnl\. oD NIODEITA'I'OITS: on K I \',.1 \,i l ' D.f b ".' (r , \ . . r,. I, '.1'r N d Arilltri Rnhnrn Srrl.r. L.!rtr,r: l ._ .1 fhe Dcpllnrcnr ol Phnrins ol E\(lAIc corlinuc{l (l)e Norkshops on Flotr rowiircrr EilccLi\. tsusnrcs I'ld lb. rhc nrcnrbcrs ol Ewll,^l( $hL.h \erc htld o. lilh rtrL 19 \'hrch EXE(T]TIVE COM]\4ITTFF \IE\I I] LR: Moderators L Di Brsrnta Kunrrr l innnl Assinrnr Ptrn.r\r. Dcfrdrrcnl ol Econonics : \. : Antrf Ku rri Drsh illd Kur.u^nr llili( i ll.,.Jr.\fLk & Shu\o Nft$hed 5.hrL\,, T.Nrefln & SrLsaL Ril R.rlr.dL L lrLdD Rrjib & RrhllulAshekin 20 .,J \4,1 R ID Ho..,n. cchF\cd 21 I1 .1c Br Bf tnre, In(r.rj.onre...he.rac.e. I atie.rr tol,,t po.i .r Ja,l,.o1. ^. ,s in.o propm,nnr.BhJm\o!,. p_eJ rROB,-UcSIt,.fl Un,-Fr.\ EWUso-P@ t51i;*;;''c"**,-*. P * East !\'est University Computer Programming Club wcst Uiivcsiry ConrpuLe. prcg.aDnning Ctub upholds $e motLo of p,oviding infoanation rnd knowlcdee or trre{ .e.ln.logre.. ra.on.rtr ree.rtfig \on,p,rer r. he".r.J. r.,nL EasL nu ,,e rlen' .o xd\1r,ce Lcir ( ,oqleJre n .,.,np e. ots,Jmn,.l.e.rJ-'012o,._ntpdh\ Mrtr).rJr. fnbJry^' 8n,gt.Jc.i tr'Ioderators: Dr Md. NawabYusufAti, Asisrant Bofe\sor Depr. ofCSE. rjwu. Dr Shlikh MuhlmnmdAlkyear, Asisnnt prcfesror Dept. otCSE. EWU. Dr Shamim Ha$at Ripon, Asisrant proiesso( Depr ot CSE EWU sazir l\'l!htu2, senior LecrLrfi, Dqx. otcsE, Ewu. f, x€culiye Conmittee m€nbers: prcgranmine. The club lttd some imponant seminars .n.l events rhis sehester rhat were very helptll tor the srudents lo incrlase thcir lechnological knowledge and devclop lheir concepl. Summary of club activities: Training Program for th€ CompDter progmmmers Our prog.anning tcams have pertbnne.l rveu in the regional (lub h.\ -bx)\\- rh,r. LwU C^rplrer pro;rJmlr € d-xrg(J rxin,ng or.pr1,,. ru f..o. .hp em | S.I'1. Shaiar Mahmud KunrarPuin ik Mrinmoy Kumar Das iniror vent Coord PublicRe[rior OE Md SohanoorRahnran Khried BiirYousui Arup Seitkry izingMetubo Md Shajhdullslam.hhridk To contestants up Lo their porcntiat. Smrring tionr rhe of ."c| E : I : r {cr.rhr('ubo tone rl, 'or lle .ompIer froen rrer.. A prc"r1Irn.nJ .rJrrinJ .t_.. i. amnged lbr junb.s eve,y Tbuaday and a prcgrannning ctass is laken for senios every Friday orSulday. East West University Creative Marketing Club (EWUCMC) M!*ering Ctubcrosed $e Spiiig-2012 senrsrrsrtb The Crcaire of.r' L,ll!. I rhi-h rT gq flJ . ied.. t cr rj mernbe^ ot E^rwej Un[e^ ry flrT(inJled. xnrF a Nidc JrJ J. m,ri..,.ll.e After the bugc success of searon # r lnd sason # 2, EasI Wst Univesirv Lc l\'1" I cr r. Ctrb,r$. cVr^r orer rcd tnra 14, {e rC D.bJ; 5!1.on' . tr. n .r\i)dd.hil rhe!or,tc..rion.,Jeislcds.., rhc D ? -c ro napen ,he rnrk- ns Lirfl ot romo rcq , or,ne* tent.,, cr. '.rr' s' h B?del ,lro-.ed i, nnr,rn8 riph..,,u tog.. I rgrm"n.: rh.,ur,peri,or.. f\[l .r.d"nr, ntu trri1t *Lc. ut^.F 1J{e re nB rnxjoF The evcnt. held on 24 Febfury 2012, srared with the wetconc soee.h or r_, trro.i. vJ An1n .HJqrRub".rd Husn€ Ara 4 relms look pa in rhe comperirioi, each coiristing ot l nr bem. The CEO ol IDttrspecd Acdlarion Linikd. t\,t. Munrasir Alanr w6 the CbielCuesr lor rhe grand finale. heCub.nodctuhr,I4o Fr Programrning Contesf titled,'Intra University The dub aho oryanized rhrce Weekly ConMunication Skill praciice,, sessions. Activiries Iike bundingr jn kering quizas and cse rnal,,sis wer auanged. The se$ions rcceived response trom tho seient gE Programming Contest" menrbcs AnIim Urtusiry Ntoderators: ^nd Progmhhing Conlesr ts ol3rnrjd mch smesrs to rl fte nudenh olDasl Wsr Unntany. The bAic pupos ot$is conrcst is ro idcrrif! 'hc por. ,L poq. oi Nr tr i. ., g-ooJ rporr. ,r r. e upcomhs proeraffmar m pturc rhef ski s. so dd rher- drtd be ruiDcd ro rn.r coDpere in thelilfrUnn€sirr In, moderator. {\ conrens in rhe r iutut. Md Ananul Haque Rubai Executive Committee Regional Programming Contest participation Piesidcnt htiaqueAhnedTalulder Viceprtsidenr Like every senestq, or leans have successtulty p.flicipared in different re8ional prognmming conesrs orgrni4d thmrghour $e counhy. tn the Assi(ant Vice Presidenr ll BAI lDre, Lnrr-i,j Co., ,,,,,.g Coi,,.., ,,, : o,, ...,r. EwU AGRODUT consisring orMd. Shohan AhDed, Md. ShakilAhmcd Gend.lSecretar] TrelsuEr ChiefCo-ordinaror 2t Shahin Md.SlmiulHaque : Aiannya MuxNnChowdury ep East West University Club for Performing Arts (ECPA) EN w*t trDivssirl Club lor Pdfonniilg A s (ECPA) is coNideed the largcsr drb ol EN $tsr UriversiLv (EwU). ECPA. $D( ns begirdiis. h!\ conslsrenrll been uursinp \!ituus rtrud phrums rll oleL ihe Thc club ir ptud oi ns r&nred xnd dcdicuted inenrbfls ECPA is xlro $ell knoM ro rhe \ruddn\ ol EWU F: At lhe begindins or Sp ng l0ll. ECP ptrriciprle.l ir ltrc Eisr wesr u 17 Februrry. tolt ar I'hnjksonj UDive$iry']e!in Buldine proglrn Scvonesr d0bs ol EwU oryalized rhe proeram. Aprn lrcnr rhxr. ECPA oBlited ditTmir ir hoor prognins ln se\enl o(asionr. thc mr.jor beiig thc progrx oilunlTcd lo rhc InLe.natiorrl Nlother Lnngulec Dr), on lL Febu ! l0ll. The po-snn nurcd wi$ plncin! llrcr on dc llrcrolthc leDrpo y Slukcd lvlird. r c^toD porbmed Lo shoN honor to lhc bftve rnyrs ol 195? LaiguJge Mo|cnEnl. D: Nlohanrnrcrl Fdnshuddiir. Oc President oi EWU Boald ol Trurree\, nas also pre\erl or occasioD. ECPA !L\o orydnized I crlrunrl !rcSfun ro ieme,nho thc $e histoic dryr ID the crlluial prc-!rum. ECPA pdhmrd ldrioric $ngs, drd tunaLion Thc progLrm cond cd wirh n Crti Ahkkho - Buyurnor Spring 2i)ll ws I vfl! surcc$ful enresl* ln, rhe Eu$ Wen tlni\eAil! Debrting Clutr. lD lhc World Urive*iri$ DebrrirS ChrDrpion\hi0 20ll.20ll. hdd in i\'lanila. Philippii* hrr Ileccnrbcr 16. :l)l I Lrl JDua.] j. l0ll. th. EWU lcur rpre\errdll byAlHudee lld Ilkiulllh iiie NlIl. Aan KoltshiS in ermed 12points e Th s is rlt highc$ scoE e{Nd by ri} kanr ar rhesllseol{o,kL\deh11.inrtred0bienriEtitesp .TauhktHossrin{r\ a p rlisr in xLl rhc 9 tuudLtr oi dctrlne $*c. in B*id$. ialNLs ol deh llt {r&hed one druDpionship rotht d li.D rhe \nrnnut Deb c CoDperirion. on Febildl 21. l(lll. E\\L spfl l lNlenrbe.\: Abdrh R,nrn Sddj. AhmeLl Fazhy Rdbb] TaniD o Nxin Khu TrNdinr). rhc rer repE$ iDg EN Wcsr Uiivci\irr. s lrcherl r]rc rhinr|h\ rtu|h\ lcsi ! } rc ns behi tj debll.i\ ol the rLub one runne,\ up rrophr in 5rb 1nre, Unnssn\ D.bdc Ch npioNhit !r ](h rsi,Dx!tr UDi\n\n\ OD lvl rh:ll_ l0il. clnr E\\L Etitlor i\t.nrLrcN: \lnrTzct Ho$xin. Kh Nlshhidur Rahnu R.Jl .rd Shlhnd Fxn,tr hp. di. ' Up in drodld lo n ncfr lihrrsirrrg.rHo$riir Rorier LDi\d,!rr. Al[a l.ur the excellenr pcft)mrrce r lhe r ioMl le\cl. E\\'UDC .Lro !rsrnted l lol cc stll iDrrr romnxool EWLTDC Dcb[e Pjtnn Lexlre $bd. 50 youns debatc$ pfiiciprtcd. 19 Bnngh dcb e wo,k\trofs xDd t0 Engli$ dehute q'oftshops. ainrcd xr deklopin8 rhe debarire skill ot rbc young debarer. s'cre rlso oryrnizcd thissenrencr The ECPA another oryuilcd Electronics Club culturl pmgfum lor D.y tumed 'Slldhiiol! Ur\ob oD 27 lndependencc Marh 20l2 rhis ln lhe Sp ng-1011 sDeslei EwU Ekdfthics Club rtunsed a woftshop on Matlab dl'd PSPICE for e gineertng srdenr\. Mr S. M. Shatmriar il rhe depfimo olEEE, EWU. dDducrcd rhis so \shot. Scvfl y (udfll\ oiditternl orgtreriis deldhneiN of EwU Itnshrd, Researh Lecturcr rmcsro ro Bnngludcshi ECPA rries highlighr pdicjprled culluie- ltudilnrn lnd nonns. Wirh lhll linr in view. ECPA ollutcdPohehBoish&h 1419issrivrloi l.1rhAlril201l.Tbeprclr n. n ned Borsho Boro -1.119. st0red wilh r 'l\4oDCol Sovdaro. Dr Moh nnrd Frmsh ddiD. thc P8sidenl oI EWU Board ol Tru(ccs paniciFtcd lr the Motrg.l SovaFffa A crlruxt prcSmr wrs rt$ hdd 'l he culruul pn-qnnr consisred of dr na, dMce rnd Dmgta fotk, nudsn band sones. The ptugaDr \ra ed wiLh rhe chorus song Esho he boishakh esho e\ho . Atrd drr. n dunra KoDolnkanLdjob bondi wN sraged.Thor ad re $'rs p*tu.ndby Shdbnu Rir wirh rhe song .Ronge did noLt urors oi ECPA ft Nluntasir Chr dbury dd F{rh!n! Zdreen Bashlr The currcnt EreoLrire nembc$ ol ECPA c },td. AshtuiLr Rrhmn (pre\idort). Md. lmrli Mrhmud (Vic&pr\idox). NId. Asad U, Ztundi (CdBDl SecEr!ry), Kudor ! Kibia (TrelrurrD_ S nid Ahsd The Debating Club EWUDC sratched chdnrtions Ch npiorship by toph] in fie laharginasm Uniydany 5th lDter Universill Deburc iD rhis wo*shop EWUEC tLl$ organized *orlshops on maki08 Roboh d mobik rpplicarnn,s. This is $c firn time rhxr wo*shops ot this kiid weE coidn.Led d EWU. A gtuup ol polessnrats Uom wortdsotr Lijnned conducred horh thc wodshop\. Thcy hrve shown vdous alplicarions ot Android opflltin-q slsr.n shich ie comDonty Ned in sndr rnobih phone More than 100 slrdenr\ lrterded rhef vorkshops. Wo dsofr has a-!rced to.onducr ! similar lype olsoftshop iD every rnrsl ur EWU. Ulsb !t \1. : l:.::r ,. : \hi.gir building BuildiDs. KrDrrl. S.Dror Leclurcr Depr. otEEE \l."rruqu. lhe gound iloor or Adnrir D: e-_.r- \lJnLl.Ll.lsoci.te prcfsso( Dcpl. oiECE Slobar Janno Boi Lecrrer. Depr. ofEEE lvlela E\eculire Committu€ Menbers: In oder to {cquai rhe uftkLpi!ileSed scrions oithe socidy wirh SubirMridal Zrhid Cho dhury Socio.Envio Case Competilion (SECC) wt$ Univ siry English Conlc$arion Club is a vqy poputaL and cuying oul irs acrilides d tollowin.s irs obFcriv*. The tuain objecdve oftis dub is ro,nate srrdoxs feetc;foaabtc 6iig English becone flueir in Engtish. This club aranses differcnr kiirts successtll dnb in a 'l r.rn rtr. i(,'id,.ri,r.,,,,e.!or.. ut,t.c.p.hrnf ,..o,..trJ soil .hof. rh'nucl.ot t, rr rL, I i\. rn .o t-rf you $inking.. in Dnglkh. Though ir is nodorred br Depahrnr ol oDSoin-q social and enlioimenrat p ticipacd in comperiton through rhe EwU ECS hcebook soun Youth Conference on Ctimar€ Chang€ A grcrp of ESC morbfls has pdricipurcd in the lnreuational yourh Conlerncc on Clim e Change hcld ar rhe Univssiry ofDh.k!. The ESC Ledres membos gare a presenration on of the Dcpdrinenr otEngtistr, EWU. The dub held ils esuhr char rc$ions rwice in u week rhis SpriDS ssioi usuall) compdses ot rwo segnenrs: h erery r$ion. onc prnicutar sndenr giles Powcfoiir ! presenlarion on selected ropic, and ir a it followcd. in rhc second pan. by the panicip.lion students I ln order to orienr rhe (udents about fte is$es of rhe courtry, EwU ESC. oBlnized a case srudy comperirion Social Solutions lbr $e EWU sludons. A lir8e number ot stu.tcnts hdle Englisir- this club is open lor!ltsruden$. The moderuror; ol rhis ctub rrc i\'ls Tanzina Tahercen. Ms S ab zahed and l,ts Sreda Ntutir Hlsrn. ) flNor ot EkNhel BoiMela, EWU ESC ory.njzed {udlnrs abour $e hisrory otLanguage novenenr and fie b.ckEound or English Conversation Club Easr rhe .r'p d.l.e r'lc dtr,,r. ,\r:teJ coot .trirrhc 'lnd vre\ ol l-bflnq qfro'tot r. ntd- \ _-cor,nrr p,l .tr tqL F5. k, ro rh oool r. \^kd iorn,tr.. ANrt HJuqe b etcJ iF ' of rll who rhe prrcrice ronve*rtion in English on an ifiersting ropic. The ropics rre prcvided by rhe nrodenos in each session. A signiiicanr addilion ro this senester's activiries hr\ been x unique cultural prcgraD. Tle dub in collaborarion wnh rhe Deplr1,lem of Enelish oryanned r cultural plognm on 14 March 2012 conmenoturine rhe rndepen.lence Day. BoLh reacbes and srudenh p!fliciprred ir vriiou;ldivirics This h6 becD a very tilitful venrurc by East Wesl (jnjveNily Enrihh CoDversdioD Club rhis senr** Eco 'lourisn ro mise r{reness rbout rhe preseNlrion hlling in rhen rcBulxr chlr sessior iD de prcsence ofrhe rhc In Menoir of Siddiqa Kabir ln oderto ptiy rcspect to $e decerrd nririor isr nnd tood recipe makcr Siddiqa (nbir, a set othd hand wriuen Ecipe sas distriburd ahon8 rhe EWU lacufty nernbes. Photographl Exhibition EwU ESC in coopsadon wirh CommuniryAcdon hasorslnizeda phoro$aphy cxhibirion on socialissus on N,larch 4,2012 d rhe sn,und ^,1o AC^Dt\.4t. B ritdr re EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Moderator :S S Assinanr The studerh are ot N'l Srdrut Huda Poles\or Brsincss Adminisrnrion nodemon. Folio$ing is $e li\r conraining mtues otrhe mcmbeA ofrhe Execntiv€ Committee: Ex€cutiye Connitt€e: GoEnlSecEtary PresidenL, i\'ld Zunnun Joint Secrerary Pesident vicePrsidcnr Fdazi Vice Pesidcnr: Md Mchnaj KrbirAbesh Ccnenl Seaemiy: Jasper Ann E!€fls Coordimror: Anik Trcusurrr Puhlicity Seoetary Mitrn Event Managem€nt : ArinumisaT ia (Eknl Cctuodinxror) Environmental and Social Club Md. Asjf mahnud (Logisrico Ieh€ndi Ustshab: Abu S,rdar OneveolBengali Nababr*ha. I419. EwU ESC oryanized Ha,nidu a Rxhno {pocurcmm0 ChoNdhq (Desi8!) T.eetNlgib (Dsigi) Mehendj K 23 't Rabby Lopa (Decomrion) Ahmed. rhe TalimaAbediD Pleya (Decomrion) Tushlr Kanli Saha {Receprior) Fnrhar Binre Hasan (Rese{ch) On l0 lshrr Anrin (phorostuphy) The workshop naned Erplor rhe Excilir'.s WorLd ol Advdrninr began l \'B 1|b. \\c. I rhe welcorne addEss by Eng. K nrul Hassi, $e SuptrvisoL ft oDr TB\\A\Beichnrnlk. .crvrr The sorkshop hrd rwo disliDcr intefucrire sessions. hl rhe Summaly ol Club Acriviries: The dub rctivitics tbr Spring 2012 scnrcstcr !rc li\tcd bcloN. The studeir bmnch and EEE deprftnenr joiirly oBriized a rmind oi r Nodrl Pe*p{rive oi 'Pow* Mdkels in USA An O\dview wirh Februdry 29, 2012 ar rhe Easr Wesr UnileNirj' Audirorium. The Dr Mashn ui$ Disrupioi rnd Medin Airs Plarno dnd N'lr. Pr ak Aied. Seintr Copy 2. Club Objcctilc: IEEE is rhc krgcsl p'otissionll o'ernizdlion in rlrc world. In lhe East Asi! Prciiic rrgion. it hls:190 nudqrt bmnches drd the Er*West Unilersity ltudenr bunch is onc oi$cm.IEEE Nrivitics uige lion adangiig xid auendiig senii!$ to Lxlk\. NorrshoD. sLud] tom, rnd vdious orhd codpdirions. peson was at,l:10 pD' dub Modolroi The Norksh.p wa\ oonduded by Mr Fdhai A2n. Activities ofIEEE Student Branch, Spring S€m€ster 2012 L Apil20l2. EWU I1BA EWU Audiroriun. @lree ll Prifte Club or8rnized x WoLkshop with TBWA\Benchmdk r $e AsmaRahnan Trnpx (Medir) \ Ftr,'\eClrn tun re{ruic Ralnan Bhuilan, Iechnicrl krd ol EiergyPlus. USA. Aound :10 srudeih rid Er-Jife ao, n lNi,t.. rt( 'i.'ee.lo r. Bi chCounrlor: KhairulAlaol 'L PPL lactrhy nrmbe,s lrtended 1... o e\-.u.\e co,r li\t scssion. rhc sptakss discused bnndins, ihe thcorctical concepr srudems lemr in mxdenic rssions xnd how thos coDcep$ apply ro he coao,ure world. They shoqed ho* cxcirins nnd challcnging it is ro work in rn dveni\ing iim. Thcy alsoexplaimd $e vdrious tudors th0t aftict branding sraregies d the rcsult of Benchna* adverrising camplilrs In the scolld ssion. Lhe nudcnts wcrc divided irro several lroujrs wcrc Nked to cEare u sirsh mn$. The nudent! ioycd both $e rsions dccply. The speakds rppr.irLed punicip ni depth of knowhdge. udloli$mots fLom urdcrsmdine level aDd endusilnic ptlnicil)rtion. MBA Ctub ExrculiYe Committee Presideir Lhe : Md. FaiMl Kabn : Muh nnrnd RiqibulHa : : , , kp EEE Depr. EWU N'lohuinmcd Touhidul l Ish Md. MuntasiRlshid B. N4. KhurshedAnowd En$ K nrrlHasdn IEEE Menber+41610197 Pharmacy Club IEEE Membd+ 90505140 c.VicePresidenl: MnhihBaman e.Cene lS{retary: 90505110 IEEE Metuber# 9ll565ll InjamanurRashid IEEE N4onb +9l161160 il Evenr CoordinatoN: (l) htln Arolur IEEE Mc'nbd#91158450 (2) Manln Ph mrcy Club ol Exst Werr Unileixiry has ftc diftnreDt neks ol Phamacr. lhe dub Mdnbd# IEEE Thc Choqdhur IEEE Mcmbcr+90507912 MBA Club bc Norking ro highlighr aid oLh$ org0nizes seminar iornul lnd inlonml iirendive progrums tor the disRrniixrioi ol advanccd knorledge in diltdeir aras of Ph nracl. The club Fovides Phamacy (udents an opporr0nu proiess jonal Lo nleer each orher 6 weu s lacllrr & phlDacisK. On February 15. 2012. the Phdnucy Club ol Easr wesr Univdsit] dranged rhe pdliciprlioi ol tlre (udcnts of Pltunacy Depdnrent. EWU in Inrer univosiry PosLer Cornpetition oEanized by rhe Phamacy Dcpamrrr lhe Phlmn ClLrb otNorth Souih Univesity The sludenls 'd olEan west ljniresit] htid eamed $e honor olbein8 the secoid Runn{up in Posr{compe ior. The posrerpErnrltiotrvas a pairolrhe dnylong Phdrtua Exhibirion 201 I held !t $e Btrhundh& canrpus ol Nor th Sou$ EWU MBA Club orgrnized aFieldTnp ro Kapxsidgrs rnd oilexplondoi Foject uidd BAPEX on I 0 Mr{h 2012. The explouioi dea tulls undeL the Cltpur di(n.l. x is $limrled $aL $e ield ha n rtserve 0i660 bcf (billion cubic led) hich 410 bcl iry be erlrdcted. ll succ$shl. $e ''Li!c oi will help reduce cuftnr energy cnris ir the counLry aid onont. Mr, Sllam Bi\was.Acring Drilhrg ln-chlrge. Eceived the EwU *udenb and denonstmed ro rhetu rhe heavy-dlry did complex d lling prcce$. On the rctun jou.Ey. rhe tudenrs- led by the Club Mod*ut{tr Eigr Kdm lHrsrn-visiGd the village hode olTajuddin rccovered gas boo st ihe cc 24 Greer Live .: Plrrrr;\ . rr:r ol E\\'U lanicipdled in rhis conpetitjo! along wilh naDy dineeir private unilesnics. ni Members of the Exmnliv€ Connitlee of Phernacy Club, EWU (l) Prcsidenr MmlKanal (2)vice PesideDr: Knaja Md. (rr F.btud\ ]i.2012. rhe Phamacy Club organ;ed a Fresher s Reccprion in th. ruditoiun of EWU to welconr rhe newly admifled srudenrs ofthe B PHRM aidM. PHRM plogrum. Tbe pognnr caded rhe dosan:,Drugs Adnan (3) Gcnenl Secrctarl: Md. Tyob Mozaffar (,r) TEdun / Event co-odinaror: Nakib Ibne (5 ) Media Co-odinator: Nishar Jahai .!n t- slve life. Drugs can rake Iifei Phlmrcisr\ ensuEs rhar il only Mves. The progran kickcd off ar 2:10 PM. Profesor Dr Muniruddii Ahmed, pro vice Cbancellor of Est Wesr Univesity aid Dr Sufia htrn, Chairyenon of Pharnacy Departmenr -who atso happens ro be rhe mod aros of Phd'mcy Club- sere pesenr on rhe occasion. In her speecb, Dr Sufia Islam congorulared rhe new rrudents tor enrolling ii Onr Photography Club Workshop and Field trip rhe phamacy The East prcgnm of EwU ard said fiey will be benefiued fton lhe pro8rans dynamism. She also introduced thc Phlrndcy CIub and its adivities b$ides nentioniig its briel hisrory. Thc cukutul program smftd sooD rier "Ami Baiglar CaaD gai' was sunS ro pay tibure ro our Dother langu4e Bangla. A lew nroE soigs, dancc pefomanccs and x dhma fouowed thn. A docunentdy introducins the New Campus of EwU, Wst Uiivosity Phobguphy Club (EWUpC) kicked off hen aclilniesin20l2rhrough rhe lounh Basic Pborogmphy Exhibitioi 2012. ana Rizsan. Senior Leclud of phrney Depanneir and nods or of Ph macy Club gale a conctuding sp*ch lhdtking allthe perfome^ rnd o€lnizes lor naking rhis event a succesi. Afkb Nagar ws showi. Fa The frulry membeB ol Phannacy Depannrcnt vere aho presenr dunng Phtrmr] Club olEdr west Unile6ny organized a Interviews at DDC 1502. The slogan of the progmm wa Cnck the hu les, Nin rbe racet fte honorable gusr sl)eakq, Mr Mahbubul Kain. Dircdor, T{hiicat Optrtuioi\. Incepn Pharmmeuricals Ltd, conducred rhe rhree-hour tong senrinar In rhe beeinning, D. Sulia hlam, Chanposon ol phanrcy Depdhcnr aid On Mmch 1,2012, thc $orkshop or 'Frcing tuodcntor of Phdmracy Club, ii her intrcducrory sPe4h, inrloduccd the gust speat* and Mid lhar cveryone should follow this workshop carelully for futurc Over hundrcd studenN applhd ior this wortshop, bur onty grcup ol60 people gol the chance ro padicipa€ in lhe event. selected This year, Ibr tbe first time, insrructos fron pathsbata (The South Asian Institule of Photognphy), Tanvir MuEd Topu and Tanzin wahab, talght bsic photognphy o rhe pdicipanK. and (coDplishnenr. a Farhana Rizwan. Serioi Lecturcr of PhmDac) Depar.menr Aner the workshop, EWUPC oryanized a field tip to Baliari Janindar Bari, Manikgong to give some ih menbes sone pncticat knowledge rboul photogaphy. It helped the pnrricipanrs augnerr their rheoretical ph mrcy Club kiovledSe about Photognphy. and mod*ator .f Mr 8reeted Mahbnbul Karinr with flo*es. Five ex-studenB of EWU wbo had gmduakd fioto the Pharnacy DepaflDenr w*e also iNired. Since rhey hold respecnble posirions in differcnt phainaceutical conpanics, they wcre able to shde tbeir experienc* and viess wirh rhe sodeirs rcgading Modemtors MSryeedAlan, A$isranrPlofcsor Farahana job inroniews. Mr MahbubulKxrim askcd one of rhe ex studems ro take a dum'ny iireniew of ! sNdenl ol the DeparLmenr to denonstute whar hapFns in realiry. Later, Mr Mahbubul Kdjm discu$ed piiblens an inte iewec laces Ftrdouli . A$istair Proresoi Execltive Committee PEsidenr abour lbe major Vicc President duriig a lob inreivieq poinriig our the nisrakes the represenrltilc had dxde. He ended $e se$ioi wishing everrone a $'cce$iul tuture ahexd. The voikshop ivN lery imerestiDg CenemlSecrlary NigrSultan! Treasuer Event coordinaror md connunicative and the sp€aker's rcnrarkable preseDktioi seized rhe studcnls attenton for the whole line. Rotaract Club Club Mod€rators: (l) Sufia hlam, Ph.D; A$ociate Pofessor Chairpeson "RCEWU Voluntsry Blood Domlion Camp,' & Modemor. With rhe slogtu "Donate Blood, Save Lif. , Rotancl Ctub ot EAr PhmlcyClub,EWU (2) Farhana Rizwan, SeiiorLecturcr & Modemtor, phemacy Club, EWU Uiive8ily (RCEWU) orgaiized a daylong blood donaion canp 2012 ar thc loundadon building 25 ii coltabonrioi sirh eudrn on lvst 0l Aprjl Foundadon. F proces atul rhey 3!ve us knowhdec on thosc scctoN. During Und€r Privileged Education Program "Rotaract School" RCEWU snited its Undo Prilihged Educdrioi Pogm'n (UPEP) on I8 a view loensur $areducadon becc'nes rcc$sible to FebMry 2012 with rhe undr privileged childrcn. The Ronrad School \!d e(ablishcd the Npic* ol Easr west Unile*iry. Evei airh $e coultrywide undd olfr* prinary educulioD. acce* to ir rcndns a distanl drcanr lor maiy BaDeladshi drildren. RCEWU btuughr lhe nred drildrcn. intrcdudion especirlly thos !'ho cvorkingin Ted-Srll "F$ka or Teha shoPs b$ide the unive$ily campus! under $en unbella. Almost thirty fire chil&ei liom rhe deprilcd sctior ol rhe sdiery sudied in the Rotancl School in rhe lisr 3 monrhs. RCEWU prcvided unifoms. studl matdiah rnd luncb on the class day to slcolnge pddcipalion. To ensuF panicipation ol rhc wo,kins-clrss childen, RCEWU ha chosu Sa$rday prindy lelelws $e nraiDconcsn, RouractClubhxd the syllabus ol 'Rorarin School . Since child'ln w{e noL as rhe class day. As takeD in clas I vN as caFgories, hey s'e'r dilidcd into 3 group\ The groupi nane are 'HMtetho ' Bomo & Shakkhoi . Srudent! who r(Dk pei liisi rine in lilesereiithe Hmtcknoi eroup. Childrn who hdre a slighr knowled8c oi hftes weie in the Eoup Bomo while p'eviolsLy dropped out students wer in the Shlkkhor grcup. DitteEnt lesteded pesonalities indndine EwU lacultes & Dishjct Rotamd Oillcials lisired $e plojed ion rinre "Sav€ Ashrafuli son of 3 Freedom Fighier" RCEWU plays a dlnd,nic oh lor rhe helphs and undspriljhecd peoph of rhe societ, Once again. RCEWU prcvcd its worrh Lry extenLlin! helpine rtre hlnds toAshrulul. soi ofa Freedom Fi8hter. who is sut]lrine tionr kidney problen. RCEWU has colhctcd Tk. l,l,8l0 insrantly lor rhe tErnem of ailine Ashnful. "Study Tour to Energyprc Ltd" Rormct Club ofEa$ wen UniveFiry (RCEWU)dBrnged a s$dy lour in lre,:ypJc I'0. onc or rl.c .c.'l 'r''ne4,rg !orno-trel i0 BarBhdesh, on Febuary 25. 2012. Thifty rine menrbss ol RCEWU pdricipared in this rour 0nd risited rhe Eie,gypr Elecronks, Entrgypac Agrc and EneByplc Fashion Limibd ro eihrie knowhdge about lhe producrion. supply chain prccess uid rhe bosiies (ntegy. The dub own cimpus nembds sI off their jounEy ca y ir rhe noniig compornd. During thc touDey, executive nenb{s furansed quiz competnion among rhc dub mqnbers. Ar soon as $e reached thc Eneryypac laclory situatcd Hotapdd, Cazipur. x rexm ol engineqs amnged presentation sccession ir order kr iiroduce rhe comp Prcfi1e 'y rnd i$ past history. lhc number ol prodrds. diffeenr product palts and ! D+. fio ll workin3 proccsscs. Thcy d$ explained hoa r prodnd could be ofqullity and eco tiieDdly. The expsr eigiieds explained $e totrl production the Rotlqcr Club dsked dilltrnt questions rlaLed to pFsentlrion slidc and gor tlren$swe^ Nith ahuge knowledge A blal Dumber ol I groups each coisisrin! ol 13 frenbds lisned consecutively elery sdion ol thc Ef{g}pac Eledlonicr iactory and thos grcups w e prcsentatioD, nrenbers of euidcdby the expert enlineers. They lave us anovetull idea from the !er] nsl slep ol produd nrlnut0ctu ne to finul eoods. The qrgine s of Ene€ypac lanily Savc us dekih ideaduring lactory visit so thar we could abh to gei podical knowled8c about produdion process. Membe$ asked different questioDs cnthusiasticrlly and got their answfls which vill be helpful lor profe$ional c c{ as wcll. we Ncrc trcatcd with honrc made lunch by thc Encry)pac. Aticr lauNh brcJr, nembers lisiled Enflgyte Agrc and En glplc Fashion. Energytlc aero. a lelding Agriculrural conrpdny.does Esearcher lo develoPment agro Products. Resedrhers gave us vurious ideas $our Agro research aid lurm market condnioi. Ene{ypac Fashbn. a leading lamenl exporler in BanSladesh, is oie ol rhe olde$ codpanies in lbe Bdment seclor. The expen ollextile engineer prcces. After deliveed knowkdge aboul doth qnality and lisnin8 aU the lactodes, the company Chiel '.anulactudng Opqating Offico glve us a briel abour olerallprcducrion process lDd conpany s future initiarires. He iho gale emh ol !s an ene€y MviDB bulb sourenir Tbe daylong expdience and conmemontion ended when the club membeB eached al the Easr W$t UnileBiry c npus compound al eleninB. Thal wd nice erperieice by Roraocr Ch'b nembets of Easl We$ Unile6ity. 6 EWU Science CIub Objective The ObFdive of EWU Science Club is to nurture and Suide $e young ninds of East We$ Lhilesity lo knos the known and unkuown featuEs of siene aDd nnd a way to utilize thc knowledge for the belteinent of AcliYities $e sftdeils ii Ma$emadcs, EWU Scieice Club daiged a Mrthenalics Cotupdidon oi February 22, 2012 anoig tudenrs ol any depannem ol EwU. Thk is the fifth iiitiatile ol rhe dub aid ldge iumber den$ paniciprred rherc. The dnb decided to declde lhe To encoumge ol p nane ol tot ten lomdsandtheydt, Ranl, l,ChisLdAidrws(200&3-80'012) Rxik 2r Avijit Saha i20l l.3-80-025) Rdnk 3:Arup Kundr Ptunmit (2009'2'60-008) Rdnk4: MD Shohan Ahmed (20101-60-008) Rdik 5: Md Fele RabbiChoadhury (2009 I l0 288) Railt 6: Nusu Krbn Chowdhury (2012 I 80 047) RankTrSaid IDam(2009 1 80 048) Rxnk 8r Reelaz Rxhman (2012 I 55 011) Rank9rAhaned kman (2008 3 80 010) k 10:MD. Sh ajedur Rahnan ( 2009-2 -80'034) R also nnged a pleaMnl Fmi!tr tithd High Mobility Senicondudor MOSFETS for Beyond tbe Silicon CMOS T(hiology . The imi was prernted by Dr The dub s Anisul Haque. Prolesor, Easr W$r Univeniry. Aiter the sedind Dr Depdtneit ol EEE. Chowdhury Faiz Ahmed, Dean, Faculry ol Scieices aid Eigineerings Depnneir ol 26 rnd Prcle$or, Phamacy, EWU distribured rhe awards anong the winnes Madenaric! Compctilion 2012. ol l:- rhe Intu Univesity I *t'rF Moderaton Ms. Anindit! Paul.Asismir Pmlissor. Dcpdtmenr of ECE /,#il1 Executive Conmittee M€nbers PEsideit Md. Shanlar Hosaii (2009-2-80-047) Mce-President Mobamnad Towfiqul H6an Chowdhry (2009-2 80 0ll) TroasuEr Saneba Zanan Rurhi (2009 2 80 020) GensalSedelary Fuaduzzaman (2009 2 80-051) Sports Club Eest W€sl UniversitJ Sports Cltrb in ULAB'S T20 Crickcr Tdeconnnrnicarions indusfty. orgxiirng discusions about enptoyhent opponunities and ariangnrg ficld rips ro obseNe lhe rpprications of ASM Ashiland Nais Sarwar lslan, Sr Lccture of West Univcsity have beei appointed club modeiaros for rhe Easr Wsr Univerny SFrts Deeds olthe Univesjq ofEasr Wesr srudent co, nrn rJ,l' o,gh. qrd. \r'ie ) ol.po, 1n. r(rcJlo' n riv ir. in Inrer p 'd Iield Trip at B€ach Sand Min€rals Explorarion center, Cox's vare uDivssiry Bazar foolball tournamenr 201L A The dub has aho panicipated in othcr inter univesity spons comperitions like freld Trip ro the Berch Smd N'linenh Expkurion Ceirer at Coxt Baz: nom 5 to 6 April 2012. wrs org rized by rhc EWU Tehcomtuunications Club (EwUTC). Crictet. basketball, badninton, lennis, volleyballctc. ln the monrh of Jaiuary 2012, the club bs pmricipared ULAB s (Univssiry ol Libenl Ant T20 Cncker rounamcnr lnd Fo ny{nc studenls irom the engiieering disciplin$ got ttre opporoniry ro visir the Explorarion Center rhough $e two days toig erent. . They Bot filsl hrnd cxpdence and pucrical kiowhdge on rhe B.ach Sand in hs showi rheir ii rhis sborr cut lbmat olcrickel. Alrhough rhey were.ot the champions,lhey woi fte hearrs of nany spons lans. excellence Etut W6t Unilersity Sports Club at Tcan Building Prog..m is r day to remcnrber for all rhe clubs of Ea$ Wesr Univcnity. Onlhis day, allthe 17 (sevcntcq, dubs ofEasrwesthad agel 17 February 2012 together at Singier, Maniklong. Thc obFdive of $e prognm a suong bording orsanizs picnics. hons s$dy aid workshops on slecbd ropics. Thmughour rhe academic yea( tle club plrnr to rcBuhrly hosr lnd p ticiprk in a number otevents both on oliLhe canp6. groups recE.Iionaland conpetitile Recently our Spom Club has pa icipatcd fto technololy in the indusrry. Thc dub Club. Aleady they hale fonned a new executilc commiree and have st! ed colleding new membcN for the club. The Club srriles ro meel fte mong the dubs and to energize ws ro create rhe club mtivities. The Boad of Truste$ ol Easr Wesr Univdsity, the hononbh vice Chancellor, Pro Vice Chancellor, Deans. ChairycNons. some selecred Faculties, Modemtos ol 17 dubs, Adnin Stafls. and rhe EC Menbe's ol 17 drbs were invited to this elenl. The event sas orgaiized by fte Studen$ Welfare Depanment and wa suDponed by the sludeil dubs of Esr Wesr Univ sity. Nahid Hlsan Khd, Adviso!. Studen$'Wellm lnd Head. Cared Counseling Ceikr, bostd the elcnt. ll The East West Unive6ily Sporrs Club orelnted nunercls sporls elcnts on the occasion. They aho oreanned two 6i side loo$xllnnrhes among Ibe srudent,lrculty and sraffmenbers. The dub is goin8 ro adrnge IntraUiile6ity Football Tournlmenr in rhe coinin! semesrer EWU Telecommunications Club Objective with the telecon relared evenrs and provids suppon to de uni! sity to organtc importlnr eveirs. These include inviring guest speakes lmm thc Minenh, ns cxplonrioi proccdure and ihe equipmeiLs ured for explondoi. Mr Md. Slhidl lsknri the nodeturo^ ot rhe ctub, supdvised and guidcd the sru.lents duoughour lhe Workhop on rip. RadioNet$ork Syst€n and Optimization w6t Unive*n] TelcconDunicarions Ctub (EWUTC) amiged a work\hop on Radio Network Sysren and Opdmiz.rion . It sas hetd on Febtuary 23. 2012 ar Oe Tdeconnrnicarion Lab ot EwU. Md Faizut Easr Islao, Scnior Oprinrtation Engineer ot t\,tcrro Tet. conducred the session Radio NeNork S)rsron and Opdm;lrion. MoE rhan 40 enthusidstic sr denti ol vtrious EngircdiDS depanmenrs aftended rhe proSnm. The panicipanrs fonnd $e iloRstrop v*y eftlctive. Afier the re$ioi, rhe oi srdenr pdricipared in r shor! quiz coiGsr and fou ofrhem wcre awdded atracLile pric$. As r Loken of .ppeciarion. Md Mulata M. Hu$aii. Assisnnr Plofessor ol rhe Dcpdmeir of ECE & Modeuor of EWUTC handed over nementos lo de inrtructor C0lloquium on "Study tip! in Australia ar an Int€rnarional Srudent', E!\t w$t IlniversiLy Telecomnr0nicdrions Club o€antrd Study Tips ir Ausrdia as an Inrenarioiat Student oi 5 a colloqunLm on Mdlh 2012. The coiloquium wls held ar fie Tcloomnhicdrion Lab ot EWU. Ishita Aknld. a lomd ltudenr ofdepftment of Ehdrcni$ & Communicariors Eneineding. EwU, conduded rhe colloquiun. She Teleconrnunictuiois Enginedins colloquiun, hhik Akhrer lotu hs doie her Masrsi in Unildsiry.Ausrnlia. h rhis abour opponuniries to! aD La TDbe dkcNrd te inremationll sNdent in thc Wesi Dr Mohrmmad Ruhul Amin, Boiessor. Depa nrent of Eledrunic & Communicarions Engineering and Dr Md. rndddu 27 I..'n. P,'i..o|Adi, 1.r, Fsr \\ci UrL.,rr $r, pre,.r d. Editor Asif Iqbal Lectutet Department of English East West University Assistant Editor Habib Mohammad Ali Public Relations Otficer East West University Academic Programs of Bast West University Undergraduate Programs Graduate Programs BBA BA in English BSS in Economics Master of Business Administration Master of Business Administration (Executive) Master of Bank Management Master in Developnent Studies MSS in Economics MS in Computer Science and Engineering MS in Telecommunication Engineering MS in Applied Physics and Electronics MA in English MA in English Language Teaching Master ofPopulation, Reproductive Health, Gender and Development (MPRHGD) B.Sc in CSE B.Sc in ICE B.Sc in EEE B.Sc in ETE B.Sc in Pharmacy BS in Applied Statistics M.Pharm in Clinical Pharmacy and Molecular Pharmacology MS in Applied Statistics TA$I lltlE$T ulllvEf,$TY @," Easr WBsr lJNrvnnsrrn A frsbnxgar. RJmpura. Dhaka. BanglJde.h. E-mail : URL: