Wonders Wander
Wonders Wander
October - November 2013 www.azbw.com Through The Tackle & Target 7-9 Western Wildlife 10 Land Cruising 11-12 ! October - November 2013 Vol. 9, No. 8 FOUR COOL HIKES WITH KIDS Before Winter Or Next Summer, Try These Trails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lfa Fia Tank + %# ! $! 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The ribbon cutting is planned for January 2014 Bear Visits Boats On Sept. 27, a bear cub showed up on the shoreline of Lake Powell. Visitors were amazed at his behavior. It's The First And Only )) 32 4%+) ! For Sale 220 Pendaries Village Ln Rociada, NM 87742 $152,000 Eas e on . 1.17 y living w m o ns ith expan f t. h i . acre q a s t 1 6 1 , s n 1 i ve views. s with ou m d fabulous n views of the valley a PROPERTY INFORMATION Open living area with large wet bar which includes abundant storage. 1 bedroom, 1full bath and a half bath. Additional open room could be converted to a bedroom by adding a door. Generous deck offers panoramic views. Flagstone driveway leads to a detached carport. Year round access. Bedrooms ...........................................1 Full Baths...........................................1 1/2 Bath .............................................1 Garage Capacity.................................1 Garage Type ............Carport Detached Fireplaces ...........................................1 Apx Sq Ft.....................................1161 Lot Land Size.........................1.17 Ac. Year Built .....................................1996 APPLIANCES INCLUDE: Dishwasher, Dryer, Garbage Disposal, Range-Free Standing, Refrigerator, Washer, Water Heater-Electric CONSTRUCTION: Frame, Siding-Wood FIREPLACE FEATURES: Gas Starter FLOOR COVERINGS: Carpet, Tile HEAT: Baseboard, Electric INSIDE INCLUSIONS: Wet Bar OUTSIDE INCLUSIONS: Deck ROOF: Shingles STYLE: 1 Story DIRECTIONS Hwy 105 to Pendaries Village Ln C O NTAC T Jim Allen (480) 947-6219 or (619) 523-3091 Jim@azbw.com ! ! $ ' %" # 2� ! , !& ,%# 4#07 0 .'"*7 ," !0# 2# 3, #6.#!2#" 1'23 2'-,1 $-0 - 2 -.#0 2-01 # 2� 0#* 2#" !!'"#,21 ',? 0'8-, 0# -, 2&# 0'1# ," #4#, +#2#-0-*-%'121 & 4# 20-3 *# .0#"'!2',% 0 .'" 5# 2� !& ,%#1 -3 1&-3*" *5 71 +-, '2-0 5# 2� "#4#*-.+#,21 ,# 5 7 '1 2- 23,# 0 "'- 2- 2&# $0#/3#,!'#1 *'12#" #*-5 &#, 1##) .0-2#!2#" 0# #$-0# 2&# 5# 2� #!-+#1 2&0# 2 ! 9 9 9 9 9 9 *-5 "-5, 32 )##. #,-3%& .-5#0 2+ ',2 ', &# "5 7 ," 12##0',% *-1# ** & 2! 5',"-51 ," "--01 20#"3!# 2&# !& ,!# -$ 15 +.',% 2-5 ,7 3,,#!#11 07 %# 0 30, -, 7-30 - 2>1 , 4'% 2'-, *'%&21 $ 2�# '1 $-% 1-3," 7-30 $-% &-0, ##. '*%#1 $0## -$ 5 2#0 # .0#. 0#" 20#+-4# 5 2#0 7 '*',% $ 2�# '1 *'%&2,',% "'1!-,,#!2 ** #*#!20'! * #/3'.+#,2 2 7 1 !*# 0 -$ +#2 * - (#!21 1 .-11' *# 9 4# #4#07-,# .32 -, ..0-4#" *'$# ( !)#2 $ . 11#,%#01 0# * 0# "7 5# 0',% 2&#'0 1 + )# 130# 2 0# 1#!30#" .0-.#0*7 9 4# 7-30 . 11#,%#01 1'2 -, 2&# 4#11#* $*--0 !*-1# 2- 2&# !#,2#0*',# $-0 2&#'0 1 $#27 ," 2- + )# 2&# - 2 +-0# 12 *# 9 $ .-11' *# &# " $-0 2&# ,# 0#12 1&-0# 2& 2 '1 1 $# 2- ..0- !& $ *0# "7 ! 3%&2 ', 12-0+ '2 + 7 # #12 2- 0'"# '2 -32 ', -.#, 5 2#0 0 2� 2& , 207 2- ..0- !& 2&# 1&-0# ', &# 47 5'," ," 5 4#1 9 # " 2&# -5 ',2- 2&# 5 4#1 2 "#%0## ,%*# 1 1&-3*" &# " "'0#!2*7 ',2- 2&# 5 4#1 9 $ 2&# #,%',# 12-.1 "0-. <1# ,!&-0= -, *',# -$$ 2&# -5 2- )##. 2&# -5 &# "#" ',2- 2&# 5'," ," 0#"3!# "0'$2',% 5&'*# 7-3 0'"# -32 2&# 12-0+ , , #+#0%#,!7 3!)#2 5'** 5-0) 1 1# ,!&-0 9 $ 2&# 1# ,!&-0 '1 ,-2 13$$'!'#,2 ,!&-0 31',% 7-30 !-,4#,2'-, * ,!&-0 2- .0#4#,2 7-30 - 2 $0-+ "0'$2',% ',2- " ,%#0-31 0# 162.400 MHz 162.425 MHz 162.450 MHz 162.475 MHz $ # $' Statewide Boating Safety Education Classes October 2013 Host Date and Time Location Cost Registration Arizona Game and Fish Department October 23 4 p.m. - 10 p.m. Arizona Game and Fish Department HQ 5000 W. Carefree Hwy Phoenix $0 (623) 236-7219 Arizona Game and Fish Department October 29 & 31 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. (Must attend both) Arizona Game and Fish Department Office 7200 E University Dr. Mesa $8 (623) 236-7219 November 2013 Host Date and Time Location Cost Registration Arizona Game and Fish Department November 16 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Arizona Game and Fish Department HQ 5000 W. Carefree Hwy Phoenix $0 (623) 236-7219 Arizona Game and Fish Department November 16 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Marine Max 1840 East Broadway Road Tempe $8 (623) 236-7219 " ** 4#11#*1 0# 0#/3'0#" 2- & 4# 7.# $'0# #62',%3'1� 1 -, - 0" '$ -,# -0 +-0# -$ 2&# $-**-5',% !-,"'2'-,1 #6'12 9 , - 0" #,%',# 9 *-1#" !-+. 02+#,21 5�# .-02 *# $3#* 2 ,)1 + 7 # 12-0#" 9 -3 *# -22-+1 ,-2 1# *#" 2- 2&# &3** -0 5&'!& 0# ,-2 $'**#" !-+.*#2#*7 5'2& $*-2 2'-, + 2#0' * 9 *-1#" *'4',% 1. !#1 9 *-1#" 12-0 %# !-+. 02+#,21 ', 5&'!& $* ++ *# -0 !-+ 312' *# + 2#0' *1 + 7 # 12-0#" 9 #0+ ,#,2*7 ',12 **#" $3#* 2 ,)1 ,7 2 ,) 5�# 2&# 0#+-4 * -$ 2&# 2 ,) '1 & +.#0#" 7 2&# ',12 ** 2'-, -$ 2'# "-5, 120 .1 -0 !* +.1 ..0-4#" 27.#1 -$ $'0# #62',%3'1 0# '"#,2'$'#" 7 2&# $-**-5',% + 0)',% -, 2&# * #*;< 0',# 7.# : ..0-4#"=;$-**-5#" 7 2&# 27.# ," 1'8# 17+ -*1 ," 2&# 162.500 MHz 162.525 MHz 162.550 MHz # 0# 2&# +-12 !-++-,*7 31#" !& ,,#*1 -, ,'2#" 2 2#1 5 2#01 Channel 6 ,2#01&'. 1 $#27 !-++3,'! 2'-,1 Channel 9 -++3,'! 2'-,1 #25##, 4#11#*1 !-++#0!' * ," 0#!0# 2'-, * ," 1&'. 2- !- 12 ! **',% !& ,,#* ', "#1'%, 2#" '120'!21 Channel 13 4'% 2'-, * 31# 7 !-+ +#0!' * +'*'2 07 ," 0#!0# 2'-, * 4#1 1#*1 2 0'"%#1 *-!)1 ," & 0 -01 Channel 16 '120#11 ," 1 $#27 ! **1 2- 12 3 0" ," -2 ," 2','2' 2# ! **1 2- -2� 4#11#*1 -$2#, ! **#" 2&# <& '*',%= !& ,,#* &#, & '*',% !-,2 !2 2&# -2� 4#11#* /3'!)*7 %0## 2- ,-2� !& ,,#* ," 2&#, 15'2!& 2- 2& 2 !& ,,#* 2- !-,2',3# !-,4#01 2'-, Channel 22 -++3,'! 2'-,1 #25##, 2&# - 12 3 0" ," 2&# + 0'2'+# .3 *'! -2& 0#!0# 2'-, * ," !-++#0 !' * #4#0# 5# 2� 5 0,',%1 & 8 0"1 2- , 4'% 2'-, ," -2� 1 $#27 5 0, ',%1 0# 0- "! 12 -, 2&'1 !& ,,#* Channel 24-28 3 *'! 2#*#.&-,# ! **1 2- + 0',# -.#0 2-0 Channel 68, 69, and 71 #!0# 2'-, * 4#11#* 0 "'- !& ,,#*1 ," 1&'. 2- !- 12 Channel 70 '%'2 * 1#*#!2'4# ! **',% < *#02 !& ,,#* = & ..0-4 * ,3+ #0 62',%3'1 1&-3*" # .* !#" ', , !!#11' *# 0# ;,-2 ,# 0 2&# #,%',# -0 ', !-+. 02+#,2 32 5�# 2 ! , # 0# !&#" '++#"' 2#*7 # 130# 7-3 ),-5 &-5 2- 31# 2&#+ ," ',1.#!2 #62',%3'1 0#%3* 0*7 2#,130# 2 0# ', 5-0)',% !-,"'2'-, ," $3**7 !& 0%#" & % $ # # # There will be some exciting and significant changes to Arizona’s hunting and fishing licenses beginning in 2014, including a simplified structure, bundled privileges for some products, licenses being valid for one year from the date of purchase instead of just for the calendar year, and a reduced-price youth license. See more information at www.azgfd.gov/LicenseSimplification. % ! *&&& # ! +()$()+$,('. ! # " -*&-+ # & $ ! ! ! $ ! ! "! ! # THE CREW AZ (480) 947-6219 • CA (619) 523-3091 www.azbw.com www.westernoutdoortimes.com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ecipients of 2008 and 2013 AZGFC Media of the Year and 2009 National Water Safety Congress Award of Merit ! 47:1) :A;76 A;B3) -6:1 =::1-: )+3 661; )+3;76 :1,/-; )6- -576 7<< )6-< 7;4-A )A $1441)5; -::A !)<706 6,-:;76 706 )58*-44 -4;-- )?; 18 744)A )3- 7?-44 )/)B16):/1- 6,-:;76 ):A A:-<< )@16- :773-; 13- :773-; 13- )::1; 13- 1>316 )<176)4 ):3 -:>1+" <04-<1+; )<:1+3 7:616/ 07-61@ 7?-: 9=),:76 7:A 1316 & 7;- )6, 76 $-:6-: <=,-6<; 7. <0:< 6;<1<=<- 7. 07-61@ =8-:;<1<176 -):+0 -;+=!0- )<- !75 =6-; !76<7 )<176)4 7::-;< G$)<-: 31 " $)A6- =;<)>-;76 The entire contents of WOT/AZBW are copyrighted © 2013 by Arizona Boating & Watersports, LLC. No part may be reproduced in any fashion without express written permission fom the publisher. WOT/AZBW is published monthly. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Jim Allen, 950 East Baseline Road, 104-901, Tempe, AZ 85283. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $25 for 12 issues; single copies are $2.50 prepaid. Subscriptions are transferable, non refundable. WOT/AZBW is distributed free in Arizona, Southern California, Mexico, Canda, the U.K., and other states and countries. Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. All property rights to any advertisements produced for the advertiser by WOT/AZBW, using artwork and/or typography furnished or arranged by WOT/AZBW shall be the property of WOT/AZBW. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced or assigned without the consent of the publisher. Stories and photos are welcome and, upon publication, will be purchased at our current rates. We do not assume responsibility for unsolicited material. The expressed views of our advertisers and contributors are presented for reader interest only. Publishing them neither constitutes endorsement by AZBW nor necessarily reflects the opinions of those involved with this publication. 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'$') ' "- ) ),36> (=0: (4 05 ;/, October 12th & 13th at Watson Lake Park $ !% ) & Admission Fee Required Business and organization booth space available, as well as sponsorship opportunities "*2 CUSTOM BOAT COVERS & BIMINI TOPS Chuck & LInda Beatty Fishing • 300-ft zip line • Kid’s Fishing Tank • Live Creatures • Arizona Game & Fish Department displays and exhibits • Sporting Equipment Displays • Live Music • Food • Adventure Recreation • Rappelling • Canoeing • Kayaking ! 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Bartlett Lake Marina Concierge Services Customized services designed to maximize your boating experience. • Acid Wash • Annual Service • Battery Installation • Battery Service • Boat Repairs • Boat Transportation • Bottom Paint • Complete Boat Detail • Fueling • Impeller Service • Monthly Boat Care • Oil Change • Pressure Wash • Sewage Pump Out • Trailer Repairs =..; *-?2<8;A ,8662==..< !// 201@*A '.12,5. -?2<8;A ;8>9 ! ' *7- =1. ;2B87* !>=-88; #.,;.*=287 88;-27*=270 8662<<287 !# ;.?2.@ 9;83.,= *9 952,*=287< 9.;28-2,*55A *7- 6*4. />7-270 ;.,866.7-*=287< =8 =1. ;2B87* $=*=. "*;4< 8*;- 7 *--2=287 =8 =;*25 *7- /*,252=A 269;8?.6.7=< =1. />7-< ,*7 +. ><.- /8; 62=20*=287 8/ -*6*0. ,*><.- +A ! ' *, =2?2=2.< ,>5=>;*5 *7- .7?2;876.7=*5 ,86952 *7,.< *7- .->,*=287 9;83.,=< 9;80;*6< *75*@ .7/8;,.6.7= %1. <.?.7 9;83.,=< *99;8?.- /8; />7-270 27,5>-. 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Guided Bird Walk >2-.- 2;- (*54 87 $*=>;-*A 8? .- +A 5A77 *= *6 ..= 87 =1. >99.; 9*=28 8/ =1. ;*7,1 18><. 8 ;.<.;?*=287 2< 7..-.- %1. @*54 2< /;.. @2=1 9*;4 *-62<<287 .0277270 27 .,.6 +.; 2;- (*54< @255 +. 8//.;.- .*,1 /2;<= *7- =12;- $*=>;-*A 8/ =1. 687=1 =1;8>01 9;25 Kannally Ranch House Tours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iano Concert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nvironmental Education Another Bird Walk Craig Lang (602) 206-7499 blmconciergeservices@cox.net 87 9*0. 7?2;876.7=*5 >2-.- 2;- (*54 87 $*=>;-*A 8? .- +A 5A77 *= *6 ..= 87 =1. >99.; 9*=28 8/ =1. ;*7,1 18><. 8 ->,*=287 $.. 2.5- %;29 87 9*0. S IE IN V IVE SPEC JOIN THE CAMPAIGN. AS HELP FIGHT THE STICKER A SPREAD OF INVASIVE SPECIES! ’S IT DO TM TH ER IG H T THING TO GET YOUR “STICKER” AT THESE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS! Gh<hlm'BmlMa^Kb`amMabg`Mh=h' AVAILABLE AT: ADVANTAGE BOATS, ANDERSON AUTOMOTIVE, ARIZONA REFLECTIONS, BARRETT MARINE, BASS TACKLE MASTERS, BEACHCOMBER RV, CAT TAIL COVE, CHEETAH BOATS, COAST GUARD AUXILIARY, CONQUEST BOATS, CRAZYHORSE CAMPGROUNDS, E-TICKET BOATS, GOT WATER RENTALS, HAVASU POWERSPORTS, HAVASU SPRINGS RESORT, HORIZON MOTORSPORTS, ISLANDER RV, INSTITCHES, JC MARINE, JR MOTOR SALES, LAKE HAVASU STATE PARK, LAKELAND MARINE, LONDON BRIDGE RESORT, MAGIC POWERBOATS, MAIN STITCH UPHOLSTERY, NAUTICAL BEACHFRONT RESORT, NORDIC :G9LK$GJ=?GF;MKLGEE9JAF=$HAJ9L=;GN=J=KGJL$HJ=KLA?=E9JAF=$JGFK;MKLGE<=L9AD$JGFKAF%QGMJ%=9J%9M<AG$K9N9?=E9JAF=$ SHIMMER MARINE, SITE SIX, SUN COUNTRY MARINE, THE BOAT BROKER, TOPOCK 66, USA RV & MARINE. The following businesses will have “Stickers” available before mid-March 2013 BLACK MEADOW LANDING, DOMN8ER POWERBOATS, HAVASU LANDING, LAKE HAVASU MARINA. DON’T MOVE A MUSSEL BOAT Clean, Drain and Dry your It’s not just the law, It’s the right thing to do. Inspect everything: if it gets wet, it could harbor mussels. Storage Dock lines Livewells Prop Anchor Intakes Trailer Hull Thru hull fittings Axle Rollers Bilge DAY USERS (boat in water for 5 days or less) 1. Clean — Remove all mud, plants and animals from every part of your boat, trailer and equipment, including your anchor, chain and rope. 2. Drain — Pull the plug. Before you leave the area, eliminate all water from your boat, including its livewells, ballast and engine-cooling water. 3. Dry — Allow time for your boat to completely dry before you launch in any other waters. Your boat’s dry time should be at least 5 days. LONG TERM OR MARINA-BASED USERS (boat in water for 6 days or more) 4. Decontaminate — Clean your watercraft with hot, high pressure water to remove all invasive species, such as quagga. 5. Desiccate — After decontamination leave your dried boat out of the water for 7 days in summer and 18 days in winter. XJMEMJGFDBHPWt B[HGEHPWBJTtOEPXPSH Ie^Zl^[^Zg^]n\Zm^]Zg] k^lihglb[e^[hZm^k'DghppaZm mh]hmhik^o^gmma^lik^Z]h_ jnZ``Zfnll^elmhhma^keZd^l Zg]kbo^kl'Pa^grhn]h%Z_Ûq mabl lmb\d^kmhma^mhg`n^h_ rhnk[hZmmkZbe^k' !RhnfnlmaZo^rhnk[hZm(mkZbe^kik^l^gm pa^grhnk^\^bo^rhnk lmb\d^k" More info at: WWW.LHMARINEASSN.COM & ! ! ! !&% # %! * ! $ ! $ % * % ( ! $ ! * &#! $ ! !# % ) ! ! # $% $ !# !&$ ) * $ ! !&# # ' #! # !$ ! % % " % ! ! !# # !$ ! # ' $!&% ! % !&# ( * #! & $! # +! !&#$ # ' % ( #!$$ $ % % # %! !# # ! $ $ $! ' #* % # %! #"!#% # !$ ! !# % !$ ( ! "# # • Water • Electricity 30 Amps • Storage • Room for a car, trailer or boat • Free WiFi • Laundry & Toilets • Hot water shower • Boat washing facilities • Fish cleaning room • Activity room • Public phone • Pool table • Terrace • Fireplace • Library • Living Room • Club House • Fax • 60 full-Hook up spaces • Conference room • Internet • Pot-luck dinners • Fishing • Hunting • Golf / drving range • Play Cards • Play Pool • Tap lessons • T.V. • Boat ramp - 500 yrds • Gas and Diesel for cars and boats 500 yrds • Liquor / Ice - 100 yrds ","+/ -$)(, 1 %.(% %+/* +% #)-' $& !)' 1 000 %.(% % !)' ! $ +"! " &! ) & $%#"$&% ) %& $! 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BACKPACKING & CAMPING GEAR MARINAS NEW - USED - RENTALS — Huge selection of tents, packs, sleeping bags, accessories, hiking shoes and more. From base-camping to ultralight backpacking gear to Hobie Kayaks. 1828 E. University Dr, Tempe. www.lowergear.com 480348-8917 BARTLETT LAKE MARINA — NE of Carefree, AZ, 602/316-3378 http:// www.bartlettlake.com/index.html info@bartlettlake.com TO PLACE AN AD — Contact Arizona Boating & Watersports at jim@azbw.com POWER BOATS FOR SALE SAILING Phoenix Sail and Power Squadron 100’ CUSTOM CRUISER/RACER 1996 IN MARINA DEL REY...............$695K Christine handles beautifully... in choppy waters, high wind and lazy breezes. The boat performs completely balanced with outstanding control. Should the wind gods fail to smile on her, the reliable turbo-charged Cummings power plant propels her to her destination. See 15 more photos at www.californiayachtsales.com SAILBOATS BOAT CLUBS 65’ FORBES COOPER .........$549K New bow thruster, electronics upgraded, new headliner, new carpeting, new upholstery, new wood flooring, electrical system updated. See 24 more photos at www.californiayachtsales.com POWERBOATS LODGING SAILBOATS FOR SALE MARINAS CABRILLO MOTOR LODGE — 1150 Rosccrans Street, San Diego, CA (1) 619-223-5544 www.cabrilloinnsd. com 49’ 45’ 44’ 43’ 42’ 41’ 40’ 38’ 38’ 38’ 38’ 37’ 37’ 35’ 34’ 34’ 34’ 34’ 34’ 33’ 31’ 31’ 30’ 28’ Vitech CSC Sport Cruiser ’90 .....$149,900 Bayliner 4588 Motoryacht ’89 ....$125,000 Californian Veneti Exp. ’88.........$89,900 Viking Double Cabin ’81 ............$80,000 Nova Golden Star ACMY ’86 ......$109,900 Tiger Aft Cab. Sundeck MY ’89 ....$99,000 Bayliner 4087 Aft Cabin MY ’96 ..$109,000 Defever designed Trawler ’71......$39,900 Bayliner 3888 Motoryacht ’90 .....$69,900 Mediterranean 38 Conv. ’87 .......$49,900 Sea Chief Aft cabin Trawler ’79....$44,900 Hershine Trawler ’81 ................$59,000 Bayliner 3788 ’02 ..................$149,950 Carver 350 Aft Cabin ’93............$59,000 CHB Trawler ’74 ......................$15,000 Californian ’81 .......................$45,900 Californian 34 LRC ’79 ..............$64,900 Californian ’78 .......................$38,500 Bayliner Trophy ’88 ..................$23,000 Maxum 3300 SE ’06 .................$89,900 North Coast Sportfisher ’89 ........$44,000 Tiara 3100 Open ’90.................$47,000 Maxum 3000 SCR ’99 ...............$37,500 Bayliner 2855 Ciera ’01.............$37,500 View boat specs/photos online at: www.californiayachtsales.com LET THE AZBW CLASSIFIEDS 619-295-9669 2040 Harbor Island Drive San Diego, CA 92101 TO PLACE AN AD — Contact Arizona Boating & Watersports at jim@azbw.com ROCKY POINT, SON., MEX. — (4 hrs south from Phx). Clean 28 ft. with 10 ft. beam sport fishing boat. Will fish 6 or 7 people. Small cabin/bathroom below. Twin diesel Volvo motors. Runs good, fully equipped with marine electronics. Must sacrifice at $15,500.00 Includes tri-axel triler for hauling if necessary U.S. dollars. Call Dale AZ #602-324-9558. • Removes Unsightly Water Spots • Removes Alkaline Build-Up with Ease • Won't Scratch or Cloud Surfaces • Shines Stainless Steel & Chrome • No Scrubbing! No Fumes! No Gloves! • Certified 100% Biodegradable 57’ 49’ 48’ 46’ 45’ 38’ 36’ 36’ 34’ 34’ 34’ 33’ 33’ 33’ 26’ Bruce Roberts Cust. Cutter ’84...$59,900 Ctr Cpt PH BW Cruiser ’04 ......$249,500 Dufour 48 Prestige ’95...........$137,500 Hunter 466 ’03 ....................$169,900 Wauquiez Amphitrite MS ’89 ...$147,000 38 Hunter Aft Cabin ’06..........$141,000 Union Polaris ’85 ..................$78,900 Catalina 36 36 AC ’84 .............$42,900 Peterson 1980 ’80 .................$38,100 CAL 34 MK III Sloop ’77...........$24,900 Catalina 34 ’88 .....................$44,000 Hunter 326 ’03......................$64,900 C&C Mark I 33 ’76 .................$20,000 C&C Mark I 33 ’76 .................$16,900 Seaward RK Sloop ’05 ............$42,900 SERVICES NEED A PET SITTER? Experienced (10 years in a veterinary emergency office) technician available for days and overnights. Special needs pets can be accommodated. Please call Cathy: 480-540-1977 or email azhipicat@gmail.com for charges and scheduling. View boat specs/photos online at: www.californiayachtsales.com 619-295-9669 " 2040 Harbor Island Drive San Diego, CA 92101 $ 1 %" +!. %+*" !0 20' COM-PAC HORIZON CAT — Year: 2003, Current Price: US$ 35,000 (12/07), Located in San Diego, CO, Hull Material: Fiberglass, Engine/Fuel Type: Single Diesel, YW# 1456-1814669. Once again,ComPac Yachts introduces a truly classic boat for the diehard traditional sailor.The Horizon Cat is a real Cape Cod cat with a shallow fin keel for added stability and windward performance. Com-Pac incorporated their high-aspect kick-up rudder for convenience and extremely light helm.The Horizon Cat is quick,nimble, and extremely comfortable with its enormous cockpit and extensive accommodations. Our stock comes with diesel, trailer, and many more options. Please contact Ian Bossenger for more information on (619) 990 - 8501 or E Mail at ian@californiayachtsales. com SAILING ARIZONA YACHT CLUB — Interested in the Arizona Yacht Club? Attend the monthly membership meeting held the second Tuesday of each month at 7 pm at the 19th Tee, at the Rolling Hills Golf Course, 1415 N. Mill Avenue, Tempe. E-mail membership@arizonayachtclub.org. LAKE PLEASANT SAILING CLUB — If you own a sailboat and are looking for a fun group of people to sail with, consider The Lake Pleasant Sailing Club. Held every monthly except for July at Rolling Hill's 19th Tee (Rolling Hills Golf Course) 1405 N. Mill Ave., Tempe, Az. (where Van Buren turns into Mill Ave near Phoenix Zoo). info@lakepleasantsailing.com " # " # ! "*2 "( +!. +(+,".!( (!'" /-.+) !&*.&*$ ,!&(", "#&*&-%&*$ SPORTFISHING ( ( ( $ ' ' ! !# # ' ! % % $ # %! % '$ "% % # $!&% # % TOWING SEATOW SAN DIEGO — (http://azbw.com/images/webads/S eaTowSD_151x296.jpg) use this. VEHICLES FOR SALE MOTOR HOME — 1997 Flair class A 30 ft., gas engine, fully self contained, mileage 54,323, asking price $17,500. (480) 838-1966 1993 MERCURY SABLE — 103,000 miles, power steering, windows, brakes. Tires good. Recent $600 repairs. $2,000. (480) 994-5068. DON’T MISS THE BOAT — Sell your current boat and buy your next boat at Arizona Boating & Watersports Classifieds. Contact jim@azbw.com @@@ +C,@ -97 #* % 98=38>/. 0;97 :+1/ D >+-2>-+ 9>6.G< 2+:=/; 90 + =398+6 (36. %>;5/B /./;+=398 09; =2/ :;94 /-= E >+-2>-+ 9>6.G< 2+:=/; ;// +736B !;/.+=9; >8=381 +7: F 38 =2/ +79>8= 90 D 92+?/ $:9;=<7+8 6>, 09; =2/ :;94 /-= E 3<2381 09; $736/< F 38 =2/ +79>8= 90 D >6/ //; 9>8.+=398 ;3C98+ 2+: =/; 09; =2/ :;94/-= E >6/ //; 9>8.+=398 !>8538 /8=/; >839; //; ">+36 9; /?/; )9>=2 ">+36 +7: F 38 =2/ +79>8= 90 D >6/ //; 9>8.+=398 ;3C98+ 2+: =/; 09; =2/ :;94/-= E >6/ //; 9>8.+=398 )9>=2 //; +7: +8. //; >8=381 6383-F 38 =2/ +79>8= 90 D +=398+6 (36. %>;5/B /./;+=398 ;3 C98+ 2+:=/; 09; =2/ :;94/-= E $:;381 >839;< %>;5/B >8=381 +7:< F 38 =2/ +79>8= 90 D #/. /+; >=03==/;< 09; =2/ :;94/-= E!3-5/= !9<= $7+66 +7/ >8=381 +7: F 38 =2/ +79>8= 90 D $299= 09; 30/ 09; =2/ :;94/-= E >839; ;-2/;B +?/638+ >8= +7: F 38 =2/ +79>8= 90 D $9>=2@/<= >; +;?/<=/;< 09; =2/ :;94 /-= E )9>=2 %;+::/;< +7: F 38 =2/ +79>8= 90 D )9>=2 >=.99;< &86373=/. 09; =2/ :;94/-= E +736B 3<2381 +7: += +5/ 98=38>/. 0;97 :+1/ $=+=/ !+;5< =2/ %;+36< +8. 00 312@+B '/23-6/ !;91;+7< +8. $=+=/ 3<=9;3!;/</;?+=398 003-/ -+66 9>=<3./ 90 =2/ !29/83A 7/=;9 +;/+ -+66 ( % #$! #%$ ( $% # &% # % $ !6/+<+8= F 38 =2/ +79>8= 90 D )9>=2 >=.99;< &86373=/. 09; =2/ :;94/-= E >839; //; +7: 38 &83= F 38 =2/ +79>8= 90 D )9>=2 >=.99;< &86373=/. 09; =2/ :;94/-= E(+669@ 3;/ %>;5/B $-3/8-/ +8. >8=381 +7: 38 &83=< F 38 =2/ +79>8= 90 D )>7+ '+66/B #9. +8. >8 6>, 09; =2/ :;94/-= E ">+36 +8. $7+66 +7/ +7: F 38 =2/ +79>8= 90 D )>7+ '+66/B #9. +8. >8 6>, 09; =2/ :;94/-= E)>7+ '+66/B #9. +8. >8 6>, 3<2381 6383- F 38 =2/ +79>8= 90 % # ' # +8-/ 90 @36.630/ -98</;?+=398 /009;=< +8. 9>=.99; ;/-;/+=398 :+;=3-3:+=398 38 =2/ <=+=/ 90 ;3C98+ 98 + ></; :+B :>,63- ,/8/03= 79./6 %2/ 9-+6 $:9;=<7/8G< ;9>: ;+8= !;91;+7 3< +8 38?/<=7/8= 38 =2/ -98=38> D 9; ./=+36< 98 29@ =9 :+;=3-3:+=/ += =2/</ /?/8=< +8. 9=2/;< 635/ =2/7 ?3<3= @@@ +C10. 19? 9>=.99;<5366< About The Program %2/ 9-+6 $:9;=<7/8G< ;9>: ;+8= !;91;+7 @+< <=+;=/. 38 =9 :;9?3./ 03 8+8-3+6 +<<3<=+8-/ =9 69-+6 <:9;=<7/8G< 1;9>:< 38 <>::9;=381 @36.630/ -98</;?+ =398 %2/ :;91;+7 +@+;.< 1;+8= 0>8.< =9 /6313,6/ :;94/-=< =2;9>12 + -97:/=3=3?/ +: :63-+=398 :;9-/<< /+-2 B/+; %2/ 09->< 90 :;94/-=< /6313,6/ =9 ;/-/3?/ 1;+8= 0>8.< 3< ./=/;738/. +88>+66B ,B =2/ ;3C98+ +7/ +8. 3<2 /:+;=7/8= +8. 7+B -2+81/ 0;97 B/+; =9 B/+; %2/;/ 3< 89 -9<= =9 ;3C98+ =+A:+B/;< 09; =23< 1;+8= :;91;+7 %2/ ;3C98+ +7/ +8. 3<2 /:+;=7/8= .9/< 89= ;/-/3?/ +8B 90 =2/ <=+=/G< 1/8/;+6 0>8.< +8. 9:/;+=/< =966 0;// +7:<3=/ ;/</;?+=398< -+8 ,/ 7+./ 98 638/ += *$=+=/!+;5< -97 9; ,B -+66381 =2/ #/</;?+=398 +66 /8=/; += :/8 .+B< + @//5 0;97 + 7 =9 :7 $% 9669@ *$=+=/!+;5< 98 %@3==/; +8. +-/,995 • Drives Tourism Around the State • Generates revenue for your business • Provides your guests with up-to-date information about your property • Displays your message 24/7 • Allows you to measure your results daily • Reaches the community and targets your demographics • Allows you to update your message via a username & password • Has unique "text me" feature to send your information to a cell phone with Hyperlinks for: Business Address, Phone Number and Website! • Uses QR Codes to direct visitors to your website (QR = Quick Response) KioKom, LLC: P.O. Box 715, Scottsdale, Arizona 85252 (480) 389-4669 • donna@kiokom.com • www.kiokom.com !!! e? " ADOBE DEER VALLEY 23RD AVE. B o a t B ro k • Custom Installations • Local/National transport • Boat Pickup and Delivery at ALL Valley Lakes • We can help you sell your boat 24TH AVE. • Mechanical Repairs • Boat Trailer Repairs • Fiberglass Repair • Canvas & Interior Repair • Bottom paint I-17 # Trust Your Phoenix Boat Work To !!! " ! Spotlight: AZBW/Western Outdoor Times BOAT REPAIR FLY FISHING PRODUCTS RADIO SHOWS Martin Marine 715 West Broadway Mesa, AZ U.S.A. 480-898-1800 katiemartin@qwest.net www.martinmarineaz.com/ Hermosa Creek Flyrods 928-367-0300 1662 E. White Mountain Blvd. Pinetop, AZ 85935 U.S.A. mail@hermosacreekflyrods.com www.hermosacreekflyrods.com Shake, Rattle & Troll (623) 221-7655 don@shakerattleandtroll.com www.shakerattleandtroll.com Glendale, AZ U.S.A. Phoenix - 602-992-2830 8337 East Highway 69 - Prescott Valley - 928-772-9118 www.communitytireaz.com/ info@communitytireaz.com U.S.A. REPAIR BOAT TRANSPORT TRADE ORGANIZATIONS GRAPHIC DESIGN Descale-It Products Company/Seaspots Gone (520) 294-5676 info@descale-it.com www.descale-it.com 4357 South Santa Rita Avenue Tucson, AZ 85714 U.S.A. Hale’s Marine Service (623) 879-7236 halesmarineservice@aol.com www.halesmarineservices.com 22241 North 24 Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85027 U.S.A For Creative Sake (970) 884-5254 www.a.ogdenfcs@gmail.com Hale’s Marine Service (623) 879-7236 halesmarineservice@aol.com www.halesmarineservices.com 22241 North 24 Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85027 U.S.A. Arizona Trade Exchange www.arizonatradeexchange.com LODGING EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Maritime Institute, Inc. 619/225-1783 888/262-8020 info@maritimeinstitute.com www.maritimeinstitute.com 1310 Rosecrans Street, Suite G San Diego, CA 92106 U.S.A. FIBERGLASS REPAIR Phoenix Fiberglass Inc. Quality Boat & Jet Ski Repairs Monday through Friday 7am / 4pm, Saturdays by Appointment 2341 W Sherman Street Just North of the Durgango Curve, Grant Street Exit #199A off I-17 (one block South of Grant & One block West of I-17) www.phoenixfiberglass.com jim@phoenixfiberglass.com 602-258-6505 602-258-6506 fax Sun Valley Fiber-Glas, Inc. 480-833-6561 925 South Center Mesa, AZ, U.S.A Cabrillo Inn & Suites/Airport Near Shelter Island in Point Loma The Fishing Is Here! 619/223-5544 www.cabrilloinnsd.com 1150 Rosecrans Street San Diego, CA 92106 U.S.A. InnSuites Hospitality Trust 602-944-1500 ext 243 ischloss@innsuites.com 1615 E. Northern Ave., #102 Phoenix , AZ 85020 U.S.A. MARINAS Bartlett Lake Marina NE of Carefree, AZ U.S.A. 602/316-3378 www.bartlettlake.com/index.html info@bartlettlake.com Scorpion Bay Lake Pleasant 10970 West Penninsula Road Morris Town, AZ 85342 U.S.A. 928/501-2628 www.scorpionbaymarina.com/ info@scorpionbaymarina.com N e w s M a ga z i n e Star brite, Inc 4041 SW 47 Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314 U.S.A. (800) 327-8583 www.starbrite.com www.startron.com PUBLICATIONS Arizona Boating & Watersports/ Western Outdoor Times (480) 947-6219 jim@azbw.com www.azbw.com www.westernoutdoortimes.com 950 East Baseline Road, 104901 Tempe, AZ 85283 U.S.A. 950 East Baseline Road, 104-901 Tempe, AZ 85283 www.azbw.com www.westernoutdoortimes.com TRAILERS Eagle View RV Resort / Fort McDowell 9605 North Fort McDowell Road Fort McDowell, AZ U.S.A. www.fortmcdowellcasino.com/ Kokopelli Trailers www.kokopellitrailers.com Community Tire & Automotive Service Specialists 945 Cove Parkway - Cottonwood - 928-634-0705 12251 North 51st Avenue - Glendale - 602-978-0251 2424 East Buckeye Road Phoenix - 602-231-9090 4139 East University Drive Phoenix - 602-470-0677 15812 North 32nd Street - YACHT SALES California Yacht Sales 2040 Harbor Island Drive San Diego, CA 92101 U.S.A. www.californiayachtsales.com ian@californiayachtsales.com 619-295-9669 Production and Design Marketing/Sales 950 East Baseline Road, 104-901 Tempe, AZ 85283 www.azbw.com www.westernoutdoortimes.com Tour Clare jim@tourclare.com www.tourclare.com U.S.A. N e w s M a ga z i n e N e w s M a ga z i n e (480) 947-6219 (619) 523-3091 editor@azbw.com Arizona Boating & Watersports/ Western Outdoor Times (480) 947-6219 jim@azbw.com www.azbw.com www.westernoutdoortimes.com 950 East Baseline Road, 104-901 Tempe, AZ 85283 U.S.A. TIRES & SERVICE Raven Events www.ravenevents.com U.S.A. 950 East Baseline Road, 104-901 Tempe, AZ 85283 www.azbw.com www.westernoutdoortimes.com WEB SITES Swim Platforms Swimplatforms.com 6024318225 www.swimplatforms.com 3220 S. 38th St Phoenix, AZ 85040 U.S.A. PUBLIC RELATIONS Editor (480) 947-6219 (619) 523-3091 jim@azbw.com RV SWIM PLATFORMS Rocky Point Times Newspaper (52) 6383836325 rptimes@prodigy.net.mx www.rockypointcollectibles.com P.O. Box 887 Lukeville, AZ 85341 U.S.A. N e w s M a ga z i n e Publisher ValueCARD Alliance www.valuecardalliance.com (480) 947-6219 (619) 991-5480 john@azbw.com 950 East Baseline Road, 104-901 Tempe, AZ 85283 www.azbw.com www.westernoutdoortimes.com (480) 947-6219 (602) 885-6540 a.ogdenfcs@gmail.com @@@ *C+@ ,86 "( $ 87=27>.- /;86 9*0. *0*27 #.?.7 =87< 8/ =1.6 *,=>*55B @.;. <=8,4.- =1;8>01 #.9= *=/2<1 -*25B +*0 5262=< *;. /8>; /2<1 *= =1. >;+*7 5*4.< 8; =@8 /2<1 *= >;+*7 987-< As The Season Changes '2=1 =1. /*55270 -*B=26. @*=.; =.69.; *=>;.< /2<1 *;. 68;. 524.5B =1*7 9;.?28>< @..4< =8 /..- ->;270 =1. <>7G< <18@270 *7- <8 .A9.,= =1. 7201==26. +2=. =8 <58@ 8; =1. 68<= 9*;= =1. -;89<18= @255 +. ,86. 5.<< .//.,=2?. @2=1 ,;*74+*2=< *73.;4 +*2=< 9;8->,270 * +.==.; +2=. $12< 2< =1. =26. 8/ =1. 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