the full-color bid brochure for letters from Chairs and
the full-color bid brochure for letters from Chairs and
BUILDING OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE NATION BS AS - ARGENTINA INDEX Page 1 INTRODUCTION BY DRA. SUSANA MEDINA DE RIZZO Page 2 LETTER FROM DRA. ELENA HIGHTON DE NOLASCO Page 3 LETTER FROM DRA. STELLA MARIS MARTINEZ Page 4 LETTER FROM DR. RAFAEL F. GUTIERREZ Page 5 LOCATION Page 6 BUENOS AIRES´S ATTRACTIONS Page 7 BAROLO PALACE Page 8 COLON THEATRE Page 9 WALKS Page 10 FOOTBALL AND PASSION Pages 11, 12 y 13 TOURISM IN ARGENTINA Pages 14, 15 y 16 AIR ROUTES Pages 17 INFORMATION Pages 18, 19,20 y 21 POSSIBLE LOCATIONS FOR THE BIENNIAL Page 22 AMJA DIRECTIVE COMMISSION SUSANA MEDINA de RIZZO Presidenta de AMJA INTRODUCCIÓN En mi carácter de Presidenta de la Asociación de Mujeres Jueces de Argen na y Presidenta electa de la Asociación Internacional de Mujeres Jueces quiero invitar a los miembros del Directorio y a todas las integrantes de esta importante y pres giosa Asociación, que reúne a más de 4000 miembros en casi 100 países del mundo, a considerar la posibilidad de realizar la XIV Conferencia Bienal Internacional 2018, en Buenos Aires, capital de la República Argen na. La Asociación de Mujeres Jueces de Argen na, con más de 20 años de trabajo sostenido en materia de género y derechos humanos de las mujeres, es líder en la región y con su apoyo se han formado otras Asociaciones en diferentes países, como Chile y México, y está dispuesta a recibir a la juezas del mundo que quieran visitar nuestro país y establecer con ellas puentes y lazos de amistad para compar r experiencias y conocimientos que permitan mejorar la vida de otras mujeres, sobretodo de las que más sufren, de las más vulnerables, de las más pobres. Nuestro país ene todos los climas, todos los paisajes, es rico en tradiciones por sus corrientes inmigratorias y ha escrito importantes páginas de la historia de La no América y mundial, y nos gustaría que pudieran visitarlo y conocer su nuestra erra y nuestra gente. Serán bienvenidos, Susana Medina de Rizzo INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION As President of the Argen nean Associa on of Women Judges, and elected President of the Interna onal Associa on of Woman Judges, I'd like to invite the Board members and all members of this important and pres gious Associa on, which links more than 4.000 members in nearly 100 countries in the world, to consider the possibility of making the XIV Interna onal Biennial Conference 2018 in Buenos Aires city, capital of Argen na Republic. The Argen nean Associa on of Women Judges, has more than 20 years of sustained work on gender and women's human rights, is leader in the region and with it support have been formed other associa ons in different countries, such as Chile and Mexico, and is willing to receive the judges of different parts of the world who wish to visit our country and establish with them bridges and friendships to share experiences and knowledge to improve the lives of other women, especially of those that suffer most, of the most vulnerable, of the poorest. Our country has every weathers, all the landscapes, is rich in tradi ons because their immigra on flows, and has wri en important pages in the La n America's history and worldwide also, so we would like that you could visit it and know our land and our people. All be welcome, Susana Medina de Rizzo 1 ELENA HIGHTON DE NOLASCO Vicepresidenta de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación Buenos Aires, 20 de abril de 2015 Señora Presidenta de la IAWJ Hon. Teresita Leonardo de Castro ELENA HIGHTON de NOLASCO, Vicepresidenta de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación Argentina,tiene el agrado de dirigirse a Ud, y por su intermedio a las Señoras integrantes del Directorio Ejecutivo de la IAWJ, a fin de hacerles saber, que verla con agrado y sumo interés que la Conferencia Bienal Internacional 2018 de la IAWJ se realice en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.La Asociación de Mujeres Jueces de Argentina, de la que soy co-fundadora , al igual que de la IAWJ, es una asociación de prestigio y reconocimiento en el país y la región, y está en inmejorables condiciones organizacionales para llevar adelante una conferencia de estas características, que además contaría con el apoyo de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación. Nuestra Asociación está dispuesta a recibir a todas las juezas del mundo para profundizar los vínculos y crear nuevos que nos permitan seguir trabajando juntas a favor de los derechos de las mujeres ELENA HIGHTON de NOLASCO VICEPRESIDENTA de la CORTE SUPREMA de JUSTICIA de la NACIÓN Atentamente.- ELENA HIGHTON de NOLASCO, vicepresident of Supreme Court of Justice of Argentina Nation, Is glad to address to you and, through you, to all the Members of the Executive Board of the IAWJ, for letting you know that i would see with pleasure and high interest that the International Biennal Conference IAWJ 2018 will takes place in Buenos Aires city. The Association of Women Judges of Argentina, of which I am a co-founding, has prestigious and is recognized in the country and región, being in great conditions for carried out a Conference like this, and having support of the Supreme Court. Our Association is willing to receive judges from all over the world, to deepen ties and make new ones, that allow us to continue working together in women´s rights. Yours Sincerely 2 STELLA MARIS MARTINEZ Defensora General de la Nación Buenos Aires, 16 de abril de 2015 A la Sra. Presidenta de la INTERNA TIONAL, ASSOCIATION OF WOMENJUDGES, Hon. TERESITA LEONARDO DE CASTRO. STELLA MARIS MARTINEZ, Defensora General de la Nación de la República Argentina, tiene el agrado de dirigirse a Ud y, por su intermedio, a las Señoras integrantes del Directorio Ejecutivo de la IAWJ, a fin de hacerles saber que vería con sumo beneplácito que la Conferencia Bienal Internacional 2018 de esa Asociación se realice en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, en tanto considero que la misma está en condiciones inmejorables de realizar un evento de tales características.La Asociación de Mujeres Jueces de Argentina, fundada por nuestra colega y querida amiga Dra. Carmen Argibay, actualmente presidida por la Dra. Susana Medina, es una asociación líder en Latinoamérica en materia de derechos humanos de las mujeres, y cuenta con el aval de la institución que represento, que desde luego apoyaría la Conferencia Bienal con el aporte de los recursos humanos necesarios para llevar adelante la organización.A la espera de la consideración favorable de este ofrecimiento, me despido de ustedes con mis mejores muestras de consideración y estima. DRA. STELLA MARIS MARTÍNEZ DEFENSORA GENERAL DE LA NACIÓN In my capacity of Advocate General of Argentina, I am glad to address to you and, through you, to all the Ladies Members of the Executive Board of the IAWJ, to the end of letting you know that it is with great pleasure that I welcome the possibility that the International Biennial Conference 2018 of that Association takes place in the City of Buenos Aires, as I consider it is in the best of conditions to host an event of this kind. The Association of Women Judges of Argentina (AMJA according to its acronym in Spanish), founded by our colleague and dear friend Hon. Mrs. Carmen Argibay, and presided over, at the present time, by Hon. Mrs. Susana Medina, is a leading association in Latin America on promoting the human rights of women, and it has the support of the institution I represent, which would give its backing to the Biennial Conference, with the provision of the human resources needed to accomplish the organization of such an event. Looking forward to your favorable response to this offering, I kindly express my best regards. YoursSincerely, 3 Dr. RAFAEL F. GUTIERREZ Presidente JU.FE.JUS Buenos Aires, 16 de abril de 2015 JUNTA FEDERAL de CORTES y SUPERIORES TRIBUNALES de JUSTICIA de las PROVINCIAS ARGENTINAS y CIUDAD AUTÓNOMA de BUENOS AIRES Señora Presidenta de la IAWJ Hon. Teresita Leonardo de Castro En mi carácter de Presidente de la Junta Federal de Cortes y Superiores Tribunales de Justicia de las Provincias Argentinas y Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, entidad federal que está integrada por todos los Ministros y Ministras en ejercicio de las Cortes Supremas y Superiores Tribunales de las Provincias Argentinas y Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, tengo el agrado de dirigirme a Ud. Y por su intermedio a las Señoras integrantes del Directorio Ejecutivo de la IAWJ, a fin de hacerles saber que sería un honor recibir a las autoridades de la Asociación Internacional de Mujeres Jueces, y que tan prestigiosa institución realice la Conferencia Bienal Internacional 2018 en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, que contaría con nuestro apoyo. Las Ministras de las Cortes Provinciales que integran la JU.FE.JUS. y también de AMJA, comparten su compromiso con l promoción y deensa de los derechos humanos, en razón de lo cual será un honor acompañarlas en esta actividad. A la espera de ser considerada y resuelta favorablemente esta propuesta, me despido atentamente. Dr. RAFAEL F. GUTIERREZ Presidente JU.FE.JUS IIn my capacity as President of the Junta Federal de Cortes y Superiores Tribunales de Justicia de las Provincias Argentinas y Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires – JU.FE.JUS (a federal institution composed by all the incumbent Justices of the Superior Courts of Justice of the Argentinian Provinces and of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires), I am glad to address to you, and through you, to all the Ladies Members of the Executive Board of the IAWJ, in order to let you know that it would be an honor to welcome the authorities of the IAWJ, and to have that prestigious institution hold its Biennial International Conference of 2018 in the City of Buenos Aires, event that would count with our support. The Members of the Superior Provincial Courts of Justice that take part in the JU.FE.JUS as well as the AMJA, share your commitment in the promotion and defense of human rights, therefore it will be an honor to join you in this activity. I look forward to your favorable response to this proposal, Yours Sincerely 4 LOCATION BS AS PLAN Buenos aires bus for friends babus It is a double-decker, roofless bus, to explore the whole city hoping on and off at 24 stops. You may also choose a shorter route, this is the Blue Line, with five stops only: the Planetarium, Aeroparque (Local Airport), Chinatown, Holy Land and the River Plate Stadium. You may also combine this tour together with the Yellow Line, which is the longest route. For the longest route, the BAbus departs from Florida and Avenida Diagonal and it ends at the Colon Opera House. In this three-hour tour visitors will get to know the downtown area, La Boca, Chinatown as well as other city highlights. And this is exactly what dazzles visitors most: the possibility to enjoy the elegance of Recoleta, the colors of Caminito, the Floralis Genérica (a huge silver flower sculpture that has become part of the urban landscape) or the beauty of Puerto Madero in a single tour. Plan B offers the possibility to go on a biking tour. For the last six years, and as most of the main capital cities in the world, Buenos Aires has had bike paths, which make the city an increasingly greener place advocating for “sustainable means of transport”. As a result, today you can cycle (from south to north, from east to west) along 130 km of bike paths. For further information check: 5 BUENOS AIRES´S ATTRACTIONS BENITO QUINQUELA MARTIN “Caminito” is an abandoned railroad that the famous painter Benito Quinquela Martin together with some neighbors turned into an outdoors museum to encourage artists and craftsmen from La Boca in the 1950s. There is also a Museum founded by the author, with more than 90 pieces of art. His art was inspired by the intense port life at La Boca. The room "Old Masters" brings together works of art of the foremost Argentinian figurative artists of the first half of the twentieth century. Address: Av. Pedro de Mendoza 1935. Tel: 4301-1080 E- mail: 6 BAROLO PALACE Just five blocks away from the Café Tortoni, there stands another historical wonder called Barolo Palace. It is located at Avenida de Mayo 1370 and until the Kavannagh Building was built in 1935, it was not only the highest building in the city (it is 100 feet high to the top of the lighthouse) but also in South America. Beyond what the eye meets, there lies the heavenly architecture inspired (and influenced in every detail) by Dante's Divine Comedy. Both, the owner, Luigi Barolo, and Mario Palanti, the architect of this masterpiece building, were deep admirers of Dante Alighieri, and every detail of the building can be identified in the epic poem. Therefore, the building is divided into three sections (Hell, Purgatory and Heaven) and there are lines of Dante's Divine Comedy written on the ceiling. One of the joint plans of Barolo and Palanti was to have Dante´s remains shipped and kept in the building, which would be the mausoleum of the great poet. This is a building worth visiting due to its history. There are guided tours and night visits to climb up to the “beacon” that crowns the top of the building on the 22nd floor. 7 COLON THEATER For its size, acoustics and history, is considered one of the best in the world. Symbol of opera in Buenos Aires, offers shows of opera, ballet, symphonic concerts, chamber and educationals over a hundred years ago. There are guided tours every day. For more information see the following link: 8 WALKS EAT PRAY LOVE Founded in 1858, the Café Tortoni (at Avenida de Mayo 825) has everything to be what it is: a "remarkable" café in Buenos Aires, crowded with foreigners excited about its boiserie, its lamps and its airs of glorious past. Or it may also be about its tango shows (every night) or its ghosts: the shadows of all those illustrious customers who used to go there, like Jorge Luis Borges, Carlos Gardel, Alfonsina Storni, Federico García Lorca and many others. You can´t miss its typical “chocolate with churros”. 9 FUTBOL and PASSION If you really want to feel as a tourist in Buenos Aires, you can´t miss visiting its stadiums and museums. Boca Juniors Museum was the first museum in Latin America that was fully devoted to football. This visit combines the colorful past of the neighborhood together with the team's accomplishments that led it to be one of the top football teams in the world. At the museum you may find from a reconstruction of La Boca Neighborhood from the last century to images of the original stadium, which was entirely made of wood. The museum circuit also includes projections that make you feel like being "there" in the middle of a football match. There are Cups, pictures, films, old magazines, awards, t-shirts and even a special place where the most passionate fans can stamp their names forever at the “Bombonera”, in a yellow star shape. The same passion, but only red and white this time, can be found at the River Plate Museum. There you can admire their trophies or cups, and other memorabilia of the seven decades of the club. The museum is open daily from 10 am to 7 pm and there are guided tours of the stadium every hour. Your heart will beat faster just by walking around the “Monumental”. THE CEREMONY OF BARBECUE The barbecue is a ritual in Argentina, as much as “mate” and “dulce de leche”. A ritual that not requires special occasions, although it is easier to celebrate a Sunday with all the time in the world. First make sure you have all the necessary meat: the entrails, inevitable throughout grill, and favorite cuts of Argentinian. The best is getting quebracho wood to make the fire. This is the most aromatic hardwood that can be found and also the one that takes more time to consume. It delays to become coals. Just wait an hour that the fire is ready to place the meat. Therefore, you must know wait, and drink wine, and eat pies while conversing and reaches the key point. 10 TOURISM IN ARGENTINA ENTRE RÍOS A relevant protagonist of Argentinian story, Entre Rios, opens the doors of exclusive places, sites and monuments full of testimonials from our origins and leaders who forged the nation. A cloud of steam from the warm wáter, in large pools immersed in a unique scenery, is your best refuge and ideal for rest your body. The destinations of Entre Ríos offer its thermal complexes with all proposals to enjoy a good time, according to your tastes. TERMAS SAN JOSE PALACE PALMARES MISIONES JESUIT RUINS Some of the Guarani Jesuit Missions have been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Each one is characterized by a specific plan and a different condition. In 1984, four missions located in Argentina were recognized by Unesco: the ruins of “San Ignacio Mini”, “Santa Ana”, “Nuestra Señora de Loreto” and “Santa Maria Maggiore”. IGUAZU FALLS They were caused by a geological fault about 200,000 years ago at the confluence of the Iguazu and Paraná Rivers – this place is currently known as "Landmark of the Three Frontiers". The Iguazu Falls are considered to be one of the world´s wonders. There are 23 kilometers (about 14 miles) from its origin to the Devil's Throat (the famous narrow rift). 11 WINE, ARGENTINA´S “NATIONAL DRINK” TOURISM IN ARGENTINA "The Argentine wine is an honorable ambassador to the world and it makes Argentinians proud as they are able to consume at the domestic market the same wines that are exported and that contribute to the country´s prestige in every continent," stated the presidential decree that declared Wine as a national drink, on November 24th, 2010. “POTRERO DE LOS FUNES” SAN LUIS The town “Potrero de los Funes”, built by the fascinating namesake lake, shows its beauty in the eyes of those who come from different points to enjoy its multiple itineraries. One of the first options is starting the tour with a simple but exciting walk around the lake, or on its waters, by boat and canoe. Fishing, horseback riding through mountains, ravines, gullies and streams; trekking with spectacular scenery; mountain bike activities on gentle plains of picturesque valleys or by ups and downs; climbing, abseiling, photographic safaris, make your holiday an amazing and exciting experience in this small place. CALAFATE This picturesque village on the shores of Argentino Lake, makes up the senior resort of Santa Cruz. Founded in 1927, the city takes its name after the thorny bush with strong tincture fruits that stretches across the southern Patagonian region. Lying on the side of the surrounding plateaus, it has a very benign microclimate that makes it an oasis for tourists arriving after traveling through the arid landscape of the Patagonian plains. The Calafate stream, which divides the town in two, is a heaven of tranquility with its rocky bed surrounded by willows leaning on its banks. 12 TOURISM IN ARGENTINA TRAIN to THE CLOUDS The train runs from Salta City to the “Polvorilla” viaduct every day, all year round, except for the 90 days of the austral summer; time of frequent rains with landslides that hinder railways. The height of the tracks reaches 4,220 meters above the sea level, and this is one of the highest railways in the world. The journey takes about 16 hours and it goes through 29 bridges, 21 tunnels, 13 viaducts, 2 curves and 2 zigzags. Throughout the tour, there are only two stops: one in Saint Antonio station, and the other one at the “Polvorilla” viaduct. The train has services such as: dining car, medical office, audio, video and bilingual guides, private security and ambulance accompanying the train. THE END OF THE WORLD - USHUAIA Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world (the end of the world or the beginning of everything, say the locals), is the capital of the province of Tierra del Fuego (Land of fire , Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands. Located along the Beagle Channel and surrounded to the west by the Martial Mountains and east by the Monte Olivia and Mount Five Brothers, offers a unique landscape in Argentina that is the combination of mountains, sea, glaciers and forests. The capricious topography has generated an extremely picturesque city that combines colors and unevenness with the silhouette of the Andes in the background. Is appreciably the contrast between modern buildings and wooden houses with tin roofs gable, which give a particular feature. 13 AIR ROUTES 14 AIR ROUTES 15 AIR ROUTES 16 INFORMATION HOTELS Alvear Palace Hotel Reservations: (54-11) 4808-2100 - Av. Alvear 1891, Buenos Aires Hilton Buenos Aires Reservations: (54-11) 4891-0000 - Macacha Güemes 351, Buenos Aires Madero Buenos Aires Reservations: (54-11) 5776-7777 - Rosario Vera Peñaloza 360, Buenos Aires Sheraton Libertador Buenos Aires Reservations: (54-11) 4321 0000 - Av. Córdoba 690, Buenos Aires Faena Hotel Buenos Aires Reservations: (54-11) 4010 9070 - Martha Salotti 445, Buenos Aires Exe Hotel Colón Reservations: (54-11) 4320 3500 - Carlos Pellegrini, 507, Buenos Aires Feir's Park Hotel Reservations: (54-11) 4131-1900 - Esmeralda 1366, Buenos Aires Broadway Hotel & Suites Reservations: (54-11) 4378-9300 - Av. Corrientes, 1173, Buenos Aires Hotel Etoile Reservations: (54-11) 4805 2626 -Pte Ortiz 1835, Buenos Aires Howard Johnson Plaza Florida Reservations: 0-800-222-0115 - Florida 944, Buenos Aires BOUTIQUE HOTEL Howard Johnson Hotel Boutique Recoleta Reservations: (54-11) 4800-1992 - Peña, 2049, Buenos Aires Duque Hotel Boutique & Spa Reservations: (54-11) 4832-0312 - Guatemala 4364, Buenos Aires RESTAURANTS La Estancia Address: Lavalle 941, Buenos Aires, Capital Federal Phone number: (54-11) 4326-0330 - Puerto Cristal Address: Av Alicia Moreau de Justo 1082, Buenos Aires Phone number: (54-11) 4331-3309 - Madero Tango Address: Av Elvira Rawson de Dellepiane 150, Buenos Aires Phone number: (54-11) 5239-3009 - Asia de Cuba Address: Pierina Dealessi 750 . C1107BCA Buenos Aires Phone number: (54-11) 4894-1328 4894-1329 - EMBASSIES AND COUNSELOURS Look At The Following Link: 17 POSSIBLE LOCATIONS FOR THE BIENNIAL (Free) USINA DEL ARTE ART PLANT (FREE) An emblematic building in “La Boca”, declared city heritage site, becomes a great cultural center. This buiding for Renaissance and Florentine architecture which has been built for the ItaloArgentina electric company, today have two auditoriums with great acustic and excellent programacion. 18 POSSIBLE LOCATIONS FOR THE BIENNIAL (Free) GENERAL SAN MARTIN THEATER Since the '60s is a reference place in the cultural life of Buenos Aires, dedicated to the production and promotion of the performing arts as well as movies, music and photography. Has a area of 30,000 m² and is visited annually by a million persons. Address: Av. Corrientes 1530. 19 POSSIBLE LOCATIONS FOR THE BIENNIAL (Payed) 20 21 AMJA DIRECTIVE COMMISSION Comisión Direc va President Vice-president Secretary Minutes Secretary Treasurer Pro-Treasurer Vocal Vocal Vocal Vocal Vocal Vocal Vocal Vocal Susana Medina Cris na Irene Leiva Jaquelina Balangione Marisa Zuccolillo María Laura Altamiranda María Claudia Capu María Luisa Lucas Graciela Medina Claudia Sbdar Clara Falcone María Angélica Gastaldi Natalia Castro María de los Angeles Baliero de Burundarena María Eugenia Chapero Audit Commission Natalia Molina Mariana Salduna Mariana Perez Villalobos Honorary Members Elena Highton de Nolasco Stella Maris Mar nez Gladys Álvarez María Luisa Lucas Maria Ester Caffure de Ba s elli Carmen Argibay (in memorian) A orney Dr. Fernando Ramírez counselors María Del Carmen Ba aini Alicia Mercau Laura Balart Fernanda Rodriguez Marcela Leiva Marisa Zarate Notary Ruben Salaberren 22 Asociación Mujeres Jueces de Argentina 23 Quinquela Martín