a huge range of tapware to suit all styles TIME-OUT!
a huge range of tapware to suit all styles TIME-OUT!
UNPLUGGED YOUR FREE TAPWARE GUIDE! Issue 5 - 2012/13 TIME-OUT! You deserve a bit of luxury in life a huge range of tapware to suit all styles Foreno Tapware. Health. Quality. Innovation. 2 True to Character Formed 4 Function NZ Inspired Foreno Range 5 RT 10 Fusion 17 Villa10 22 AutoFlo 27 Waka 30 Mixers 6 V-Line 11 Elegance 18 Neo Classic 23 Ezyflo 28 Rapa 32 Slide Showers 7 4x4 12 I-Factor 19 Antique 24 Low Pressure 28 Kahu 34 Shower Roses 8 RTD 13 Ovaleno 20 Rocket 25 CodeMark 29 Mana 35 Shower Mixers Minimalist Classic Contemporary 14 Factor Duo 36 Bath Spouts 15 X-Factor 37 Enzo 37 Eurotech Foreno Range NZ Inspired Functional Character Contemporary The Minimalist 4 minimalist RT the 1 | Sink Mixer RT01R Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min 8 | Sink Mixer RT01 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min 2 | Basin Mixer RT02 350mm arm length Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min 9 | Square Arm Shower Rose RTWR Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min 3 | Shower er Mixer RT03 V-Line Sink Mixer RTD Shower Mixer 6 | Slide Shower RT04 300mm arm length Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min Spout length 260mm 4 | Shower Mixer with Diverter RT06 Spout len 220mm gth 7 | Swivel Bath Spout RT09 10 | Ceiling Mount Shower Rose RTCR RT Basin Mixer RTD Rounded Sink Mixer 5 | Bath Spout RT05 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min 5 Swivels at base 6 4x4 V-Line Swivels at base 1 | Swivel Spout Sink Mixer 4X4A 2 | Swivel Spout Tall Basin Mixer 4X4B Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: 1 Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min 1 | Sink Mixer VL01 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min 3 | Basin Mixer 4X4C Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 4.5L/min 2 | Basin Mixer VL02 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min 4 | Moko Sink Mixer 4X4AMK Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min 5 | Slide Shower VL04 3 | Shower Mixer VL03 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min 6 | Shower Mixer with Diverter 4X4D 5 | Shower Mixer 4X4E ength Spout l 180mm Spout Length 170mm 4 | Shower Mixer with Diverter VL06 4 | Shower Mixer with Diverter VL03 7 | Bath Spout 4X4H 8 | Four Function Slide Shower 4X4I Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7L/min 7 RTD 8 1 | Round Spout Sink Mixer RTD01R 2 | Basin Mixer RTD02 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min 3 | Flat Spout Sink Mixer RTD01 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min classic contemporary 4 | Swivel Bath Spout RTD05S ength Spout l 235mm Ovaleno Basin Mixer 5 | Coil Spring Sink Mixer RTDA Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min 7 | Slide Shower RTD04 6 | Shower Mixer with Diverter RTD06 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min le with Availab malist ni 80mm mi late face p Coming soon! Direct Basin Mixer DR02 8 | Floor Mount Bath Mixer with Duplex RTD08 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min Elegance Basin Mixer 9 | Shower Mixer RTD03 10 | Shower Mixer RTD03M X-Factor Sink Mixer 9 Fusion Elegance styled , k e e l A s l tap and tal tchen ki for the screet di with a t spout u o l l u p 10 2 | Bath Mixer with Spout FSN9 1 | Basin Mixer EL02 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min 1 | Pulldown Sink Mixer FSNA 2 | Gooseneck Sink Mixer EL01 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min 3 | Basin Mixer FSN2 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min 3 | Shower Mixer EL03 5 | Shower Mixer with Bath Diverter FSN6 ength Spout l 190mm 4 | Shower Mixer FSN3 4 | Bath Spout EL05 5 | Shower Mixer with Bath Diverter EL06 11 A great & energy r wate nt efficie re ssu low pre on t solu i 5 | Basin Mixer IFAC2 12 Unequal/Low Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6L/min 10 | Tall Basin Mixer IFAC3 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min Unequal/Low Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6L/min 1 | Sink Mixer IFAC1 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8.5L/min Unequal/Low Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 5.5L/min Ovaleno I-Factor Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min 1 | Basin Mixer OVAL02 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min 6 | Sink Mixer OVAL01 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min able Extract spout 6 | Extractable Spray Mixer IFAC8 Wide Spray Slide Shower Shower Mixer with r Diverte 7 | Shower Mixer with Diverter IFAC5 11 | Wide Spray Slide Shower IFAC7 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min 2 | Side Valve Sink Mixer IFAC1N Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min Also le wtih availab DR01C) ( Direct le Hand 2 | Shower Mixer OVAL03 Unequal/Low Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min 3 | Shower Mixer Large Face Plate OVAL07 7 | Slide Shower OVAL04 8 | Shower Mixer IFAC4 is com patible with IFAC4T Mains Pressure M Water Efficiency: W Water Consum ption: 7L/min W 4 | Shower Mixer with Diverter OVAL06 h lengt t u o Sp 190mm 9 | 15mm Exposed Bath Mixer IFACX 20mm Exposed Bath Mixer IFACXT h lengt t u o Sp 230mm 3 | Coil Spring Mixer IFAC1C 12 | Multi Function Slide Shower IFAC7M Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 95L/min 4 | Bath Spout IFAC9 5 | Bath Spout OVAL05 8 | Rain Shower IFWR 13 Ceramic e headworks ar standard for this range Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 9L/min 1 | Sink Mixer XFAC1 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min 1 | Sink Mixer FD01 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min X-Factor Factor Duo 6 | Basin Faucet XFAC7 Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6L/min 11 | Basin Taps XFAC2 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min 9 | Basin Mixer FD02 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 11.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min 7 | Basin Mixer XFAC8 2 | Basin Faucet FD06 Available with 15mm & 20mm inlets 2 | Sink Faucet XFAC1W Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8.5L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min 6 | Sink Faucets FDBT1 5 | Tall Basin Mixer FD03 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 11.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min 12 | 15mm Bath Taps XFAC3 20mm Bath Taps XFAC4 8 | 15mm Sink Taps XFAC3A 3 | Shower Taps XFAC5 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min 10 | Bath Faucet FD05 3 | 15mm Bath Mixer with Diverter FD07 20mm Bath Mixer with Diverter FD07T Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min (WELs rating for handshower only) 7 | Shower Taps FD04 e “WOW” Add som aundry l to your hese t h wit taps stylish 11 | 15mm Sink Taps FDEB1A 15mm Bath Taps FDEB1 20mm Bath Taps FDEB2 4 | Hob Mount Bath Taps XFAC9 9 | Shower Mixer w/ Progressive Cartridge CLIMATIC-X Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min 4 | Cistern Tap FDAS2 14 8 | Washing Machine Taps FDWM3 13 | Floor Mount Bath Set with Diverter XFCFB Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min (WELs rating for FDEB1A only) 5 | Washing Machine Taps XFWM3 10 | Bath Faucet XFAC6 (WELs rating for hand shower only) 15 16 1 | Wall Mount Sink Faucet ASF4V 2 | Shower Rose AMS1V Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 9L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 11L/min 3 | Basin Mixer FMB5V Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 3.5L/min True to Character 4 | Shower Mixer FSM4V Villa10 The Villa 10 series is crafted especially for traditional bungalows and villas. It features the hardest, space-age material ever used in tapware… Titanium. This pioneering innovation by Foreno ensures that your beautiful brass finish won't become worn and dull with time or use. 5 | Exposed Faucet with Telephone Shower NBF5V 6 | Basin Tap Set ABT1V Villa10 Faucet with Telephone Shower Handset 9 | Slide Shower ASL1V Villa10 Shower Taps 7 | Sink Mixer FMX1V Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 4L/min 8 | Basin Faucet ABF2V Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min 11 | Bath Spout BF2V (Length 200mm) 10 | Shower Taps ASC1V 12 | Bath Spout BF7V (Length 175mm) Rocket Sink Faucet Antique Basin Faucet 13 | Swivel Faucet ABF4SV 14 | 15mm Sink/Bath Taps AEB1V 20mm Bath Taps AEB2V 17 15 | Bath Faucet ABF5V (Length 175mm) The Antique Range features 5/8” headworks. 7 | Shower Rose AMS1 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min 1 | Basin/Sink Faucet 2 | Swivel Basin Faucet NBF4C 6 | Sink Mixer NSF9 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 9L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min shown w/ optional Gold Trim ABF4SD See the inside back cover for finish options. 8 | Hob Mounted Bath Faucet ABF8 2 | Sink/Laundry Faucet ASF4 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 9L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min Antique Neo Classic 1 | Pillar Mount Exposed Bath Set w/ Telephone Shower Set NBF5P Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 11L/min Both the Antique and Villa10 ranges are available in a variety of finishes. Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min 3 | Sink Faucet NSF4C Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min 7 | Basin Taps NBT1 9 | Tub Taps ASB1 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min 13 | 3 Function Slide Shower er ASLM Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min 3 | Sink/Laundry Faucet ASF4P 10 | Bath Faucet ABF5 8 | Shower Taps NSC1 4 | 15mm Sink/Bath Taps AEB1 4 | 15mm Sink Taps NEB1A 15mm Bath Taps NEB1 20mm Bath Taps NEB2 20mm Bath Taps AEB2 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min (WELs rating for NEB1A only) 9 | Concealed Bath Faucet NBF6 11 | Shower Taps ASC1 5 | Basin Faucet ABF2 10 | Washing Machine Taps NWM3 18 18 14 | Single Function Slide Shower ASL1 5 | Laundry Combination Set NWM4 12 | Laundry Combo Set AWM4 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 11L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 11L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min 6 | Basin Taps ABT1 19 Rocket is a range of retro styled tapware designed to suit retro-fit renovations where the use of existing plumbing is required. Perfect for Retro styled homes! Rocket Formed 4 Function 1 | Sink Mixer RSF9 30mm 100 - 2 cement spla Wall Di 8 | 15mm Sink Taps with Aerator REB1A 2 | Sink Faucet RSF4 5 | Basin Faucet RBF2 9 | Shower Taps RSC1 Rainjet Showerhead with Facial Spa Mode Direct Coil Sink MIxer 3 | Basin Mixer RBF7 6 | 15mm Sink Taps REB1A 15mm Bath Taps REB1 20mm Bath Taps REB2 10 | Cistern Tap RAS2 Fusion Pulldown Sink Mixer 20 4 | Basin Taps RBT1 7 | Concealed Bath Faucet RBF6 11 | Laundry Combination Set RWM4 Autoflo Handsfree Mixer 21 e Check out th r xe FMXF Sink Mi n with built i filter mixer (page 30) RTD Also see the e 8 range on pag ble essi for more acc tions tapware solu Hands-Free Mixers withs auto sensor for less cleaning and better HYGIENE 3 | Goose Neck Basin Mount AVO175 1 | RTD Basin Mixer with D-Lever Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min 2 | Filter Tap FMXF Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min Filter Kit available - Code: FORPT111 1 | Hands Free Mixer AF210 4 | Basin Mount AVO176 Ezyflo Autoflo Easy to use swing handles 5 | Shower Rose with Sensor AVO180 1 | 15mm Sink/Bath Taps EZF3 20mm Bath Taps EZF4 3 | Sink Mixer EZF8 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min 6 2 | Sink Faucet EZF1 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8.5L/min 6 | Spout with Sensor AVO178 Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min 4 | Basin Taps EZF2 sor eet sen r c s i d A imalist and min e styl Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 11.5L/min 7 | Spout with Sensor AVO179 6 | Sink Mixer EZF6 2 | Hands Free Mixer AVO181 3 8 | Sensor AVO177 22 5 | Washing Machine Taps EZF7 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min 7 | Laundry Combination Set EZF5 Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 4L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 10L/min 23 LOW WATER PRESSURE SOLUTIONS WHAT WATER PRESSURE SYSTEM ARE YOU ON??? Does the cold tap run faster than the hot tap and do you have a pi pe protruding from the roofline? You have... mn02c mana basin mixer see page 29 UNE QUA L LOW PRE SSU RE mn01g mana gooseneck sink mixer see page 29 Do you have a gravity-fed water supply and both hot and cold taps deliver the same low volume of water? If yes, you have... fsmQ2.1 foreno shower mixer see page 35 EQUAL LOW PRE SSU RE FDC8 shower mixer with diverter see page 35 If your water flow is not described above, you have.. MA INS PR ES SU RE FSL9 luxjet low pressure SLIDE shower see page 33 eqmx1 equaliser sink mixer see page 30 EQMN1 Equaliser Mixer see page 35 FSL8 mono jet SLIDE shower see page 34 under PRESSURE These mixers work with pressures as low as 17kpa! An im portant thing to establish before you choose your tapware is the pressure system you are buying for. If you have low water pressure, you will need tapware which can work harder to bring you better water flow. Foreno have an excellent range of tapware especially suited for low pressure systems so even if you are not on mains, these taps can make you feel like you are. Because many ceramic disc mixers do not work effectively on unequal low water pressure, and not at all on equal low pressure,it is im portant to know which system you have before purchasing tapware. how to check your system Does the cold tap run faster than the hot tap and do you have a pi pe protruding from the roofline? If YES, you have an UNEQUAL LOW SYSTEM Do you have gravity-fed water supply and both hot and cold taps deliver the same low volume of water? Foreno has products to suit every pressure system but... CodeMark is an initiative administered by NZ’s Department of Building and Housing. CodeMark approved products: - Comply with NZ Buildng Codes - Must be accepted by the relevant Building Authorities - Are quality and fit for purpose Look for Foreno products sporting the CodeMark emblem when you want proof of quality! KNOW YOUR PRESSURE BEFORE YOU BUY! If YES, you have a EQUAL LOW PRESSURE IF YOUR WATER FLOW IS NOT DESCRIBED ABOVE, YOU HAVE MAINS PRESSURE WATER SUPPLY. THIS IS GREAT FOR PRESSURE, BUT YOU MIGHT WANT TO KEEP WATER CONSERVATION IN MIND. Watermark Certified Tapmakers 24 Foreno... a CodeMark accredited tapmaker. A first for NZ. Made for NZ since 1969 CM 20054 25 NZ inspired 1 | Sink Mixer WK01 - Black or Paua Shell Inlay Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 9.5L/min Mana Sink Faucet Waka 2 | Bath Spout WK05 Kahu Basin Faucet 3 | Shower Mixer WK03 - Black or Paua Shell Inlay Rapa Basin Faucet 26 Waka Bath Spout 4 | Slide Shower WK04 5 | Basin Mixer WK02 - Black or Paua Shell Inlay Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 9.5L/min 6 | Tall Basin Mixer WK02T - Black or Paua Shell Inlay 27 Rapa 2 | Shower Mixer RP03 - Black or Orange Inlay 3 | Basin MIxer RP02 - Black or Paua Shell Inlay Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min 2 | Basin Mixer MN02C Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min Mana 1 | Sink Mixer RP01 - Black or Paua Shell Inlay 1 | Sink Mixer MN01 3 | Shower Mixer MN03 1 | Basin Mixer KH02 Kahu Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min 4 | Gooseneck Sink Mixer MN01G Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8.5L/min 2 | Sink Mixer KH01 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min 5 | Shower Mixer with Bath Diverter MN06 3 | Shower Mixer KH03 28 29 1 | Hob Mount Sink Faucet FSF3 6 | Extractable Spray Mixer FMVL Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8.5L/min 7 | Sink Faucet FSF4 le ctab a r t Ex pray s r mixe Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8.5L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 5.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 3.5L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 3.5L/min 26 | Bidet Mixer FMB8 n Built i Filter k o wor Mixer t bench der with un unit filter Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7L/min Available with D-Lever handle 17 | 15mm Sink/Bath Taps FEB1A 12 | Sink Mixer FMXF Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8.5L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min 22 | Basin Taps FBT1 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min 27 | Basin Faucet FBF3 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min able Extract xer i Spray M 3 | Extractable Spray Mixer FMV3 Great everyday sink mixer with a 4 star water rating 21 | Basin Mixer FMB5 Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6L/min 8 | Wall Mount Sink Mixer FSX1 D-Lever handle option FSX2 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6L/min 23 | Concealed Bath Faucet FBF6 13 | Extractable Spray Mixer FMV2 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7L/min 18 | Basin Mixer FBF7 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min 4 | Sink Mixer FMX1 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 4L/min 9 | Cast Spout Sink Mixer FMC1 14 | Sink Mixer EQMX1 Foreno Mixers Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7L/min 16 | Basin Mixer FMB6 mixers 2 | Sink Mixer FSF9 11 | Concealed Sink Faucet FSF5 le for Suitab ures press as as low A 17KP 28 | Shower Taps FSC1 24 | Bath Set FBF8 19 | Exposed Bath Set FBF5 29 | Exposed Bath Mixer FBX1 5 | Swivel Spout Basin Mixer FMB3 10 | Swivel Spout Basin Mixer FMB2 15 | Sink Mixer FMX2 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 4L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 4L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 4L/min 20 | Exposed Bath Mixer FBX2 25 | Exposed Bath Set FBF9 31 32 3 Function Hand piece! Check out the stylish new C3-2... The ultimate in slimline showers! 1 | Rainjet FSLR 2 | I-Factor IFAC7M 3 | Tri Jet 3 Function FSL3 4 | Arcjet 5 Function FSLA5 5 | I-Factor IFAC7 6 | RT RT04 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Cons: 7.5L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Cons: 9.5L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Cons: 7.5L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Cons: 7.5L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Cons: 7.5L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Cons: 8L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Cons: 8L/min Optional PVC Hose rain Swivel ead h shower s swivel New style handpiece suitable for low pressures Double header slide shower C1-2 7 | Double Head Swivel C3-2 8 | Double Head Swivel C1-2 Slide Showers slide showers Features es w e wide sp ay spray Multi Function 9 | Cobrajet Low Pres. FSL7 10 | Mono Jet Low Pres. FSL8 11 | Lux Jet FSL9 12 | Quinjet FSL6 13 | Low Pres. Multi/F FSLP Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Cons: 7.5L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Cons: 8L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Cons: 7.5L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Cons: 7.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Cons: 5.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Cons: 7.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Cons: 7L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Cons: 7.5L/min 33 Arm Length 300mm 1 | Rainbar Ceiling Rose RBR2 Arm Length 300mm 2 | I-Factor Ceiling Rose IFCR Arm Length 300mm The Equaliser range has operating e sures of pres 17 1 -600KPA 3 | RT Ceiling Rose RTCR Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min 1 | Equaliser Shower Mixer FSMQ2.1 7 | Jumbo Face Plate Shower Mixer FSMJ 4 4 | Rainbar Wall Rose RBR1 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min 5 | I-Factor Wall Rose IFWR Rainjet s feature us i r u o the lux Spa Facial Mode ions 5 funct er and wat t n efficie 8 | Shower Mixer FSM4 4 | Equaliser Shower Mixer EQMN1 irdrive A NEW Mixer Shower 7The 2 | Shower Mixer with Bath Diverter FDC7 6 | High Rise Shower Rose FSHR1 om Plumbs at bott ve gi bracket to ht additional heig 7 | Rainjet Fixed Rose FSRJ 8 | 5 Function Watersaver Rose FSR5 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min 5 | Bath Mixer FSM5 3 | Shower Mixer with Bath Diverter FDC8 9 | Shower Rose FSR8 10 | Low Pressure 4 Function Rose FSRL 11 | Shower Rose FSR1 6 | Shower Mixer FSM6 9 | Shower Mixer FSM4 ange Enzo r f es hal featur eramic turn c rks headwo 1 | Cleo Bath Spout Wall Mount 120mm spout projection BC1 4 | 15mm Basin Taps ENZO2 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8.5L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 7.5L/min 2 | Cascade Bath Spout 200mm spout projection BF9 Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 11.5L/min 4 | I-Factor Bath Spout 230mm spout projection IFAC9 2 | Laundry Combination Set ENZO5 7 | 20mm Bath Taps ENZO4 15mm Sink/Bath Taps ENZO3 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min Enzo wivels Spout s 1 | 15mm Sink Faucet ENZ01 3 | RT Swivel Bath Spout 260mm spout projection RT09 wivels Spout s Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min 3 | Sink Mixer ENZ08 6 | Sink/Basin Mixer ENZ09 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6L/min 9 | Laundry Console PLC2 7 | Bath Spout 200mm spout projection BF2 8 | Bath Spout 175mm spout projection BF7 1 4 7 5 8 6 9 10 Eurotech Bath Spouts 6 | Bath Spout with Diverter 175 mm spout projection BF7D 8 | Basin Mixer ENZO7 Mains Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 8.5L/min Low/Unequal Pressure Water Efficiency: Water Consum ption: 6.5L/min 5 | Icon Swivel Bath Spout 240mm spout projection ICON9B 36 5 | Bath Mixer with Shower Diverter ENZO6 2 11 9 | Waterfall Bath Spout 220mm spout projection BF1 3 12 * See back pages for specifications for the Eurotech range 10 | Hi-rola Hob Mount Bath Spout 200mm spout projection HR1 1 2 3 4 Swivel Spout Basin Faucet CBF4S 15mm Sink/Bath Taps CEB1D Cistern Tap AS2D Basin Taps CBT1D 5 6 7 8 20mm Bath Taps CEB2D Washing Machine Taps WM3D Basin Faucet CBF2D Shower Head Chrome on Brass SR110 9 10 11 12 Laundry Combination WM7 Sink Faucet Heavy Duty SF4D Tub Taps SB1D Inline Laundry Conversion Tap ILC5 37 C P , SC , B 32-35 130 60 2 Ye ar s CP 7 Ye ar s C P , SC , B R T06 7 Ye ar s C P , SC , B R T05 7 Ye ar s C P , SC , B 25 220 R T09 7 Ye ar s C P , SC , B 25 235 C e iling mounte d showe r r ose R TC L 3 7.5 2 Ye ar s CP 25 300 Factor Duo Showe r r ose R TW R 3 7.5 2 Ye ar s CP 25 350 P ag e 14 Sink mixe r R T01 4 6.5 7 Ye ar s C P , SC , B 32-35 200 V-Line Sink Mixe r V L01 4 7.5 7 Ye ar s CP 32-35 P ag e 6 B asin Mixe r V L02 4 7.5 7 Ye ar s CP 32-35 Showe r Mixe r V L03 7 Ye ar s CP 3 Function Slide Showe r V L04 2 Ye ar s CP B ath Spout V L05 7 Ye ar s CP Showe r Mixe r with Dive r te r V L06 7 Ye ar s CP Sink mixe r 4X4A 10 Ye ar s C P ,MK Showe r mixe r R T03 Showe r mixe r with dive r te r B ath spout Swive l B ath spout 4x4 P ag e 7 Sink Mixe r 3 4 7.5 7.5 7 Ye ar s C P , SC , B 80 Showe r mixe r with dive r te r 3 8.5 4 6.5 10 Ye ar s 3 8.5 4 6.5 10 Ye ar s 300 Tall basin mixe r FD O 3 3 8.5 4 6.5 180 225 Showe r taps FD O 4 130 100 B ath fauce t FD O 5 B asin fauce t FD O 6 B ath mixe r with showe r dive r te r FD O 7 B asin Taps FD B T1 15mm B ath Taps FD E B 1 175 15mm Sink Taps FD E B 1A 20mm B ath Taps FD E B 2 C iste r n Taps FD AS 2 Washing machine Taps FD W M 3 XFAC 1 3 8 5 6 XFAC 1W 3 8.5 4 6.5 B asin taps XFAC 2 4 7.5 2 12 B ath taps XFAC 3 Sink Taps XFAC 3A B ath Taps XFAC 4 Showe r taps XFAC 5 B ath fauce t XFAC 6 B asin fauce t XFAC 7 3 9 4 6.5 B asin mixe r XFAC 8 3 8.5 5 6 XFAC 9 180 10 Ye ar s C P -MK 32-35 110 60 CP Showe r mixe r with dive r te r 4X4D 10 Ye ar s CP Showe r mixe r 4X4E 10 Ye ar s CP R TD 01R 3 8 7 Ye ar s C P , SC , B 32-35 210 220 32-35 130 60 Showe r mixe r 4.5 CP 6 2 Ye ar s O V AL07 FD O 2 25 Showe r Mixe r with Lar g e P late FD O 1 4X4C 7.5 80 C P , SC , B B asin mixe r B asin mixe r 3 C P , SC , B 7 Ye ar s Sink mixe r 175 7 Ye ar s CP 175 R TD 04 CP 150 Slide showe r O V AL05 2 Ye ar s 225 C P , SC , B O V AL03 B ath spout 32-35 7 Ye ar s Showe r mixe r 7 32-35 240 3 C P ,MK 8 205 C P ,MK 3 32-35 O V AL04 10 Ye ar s 90 C P , SC , B Slide showe r 10 Ye ar s R TD 02 120 7 Ye ar s C P , SC , B B asin mixe r 32-35 2 Ye ar s P ag e 8 C P , SC , B 7.5 7 Ye ar s 7.5 R ound Spout Sink Mixe r 7 Ye ar s 4 7.5 R TD 4 2 Ye ar s 8 O V AL01 7.5 4 3 Sink mixe r 3 7 P ag e 13 3 O V AL02 4X4B C ode B asin mixe r IFW R 4X4AM K 4X4I P r oduct Ovale no O V AL06 225 X-Factor Sink mixe r P ag e 15 Sink Fauce t R TD 03 7 Ye ar s C P , SC , B 80 R TD 03M 7 Ye ar s C P , SC , B 70 Showe r mixe r with dive r te r R TD 06 7 Ye ar s C P , SC , B B ath spout R TD 05 7 Ye ar s C P , SC , B 25 220 Hob Mount B ath taps Swive l B ath spout R TD 05 7 Ye ar s C P , SC , B 25 235 Washing machine Taps C e iling mounte d showe r r ose R TD C L 3 7.5 2 Ye ar s CP 25 300 Showe r mixe r Showe r r ose R TD W R 3 7.5 2 Ye ar s CP 25 350 Sink mixe r R TD 01 4 6.5 7 Ye ar s C P , SC , B 32-35 200 Dir e ct Dir e ct Sink Mixe r D R 01 3 8.5 5 5.5 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 200 C oming Soon Dir e ct B asin Mixe r D R 02 3 8 5 6 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 150 Dir e ct Showe r Mixe r D R 03 10 Ye ar s CP Swive l fauce t Minimalist P late Showe r mixe r Dir e ct Showe r Mixe r with Div. Dir e ct C oil Spr ing Mixe r Fusion P ag e 10 B asin Mixe r 300 210 32-35 145 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 145 10 Ye ar s CP 30 10 Ye ar s CP 30,25,30 230 10 Ye ar s CP 30,25,30 140 10 Ye ar s CP 3 7.5 8.5 2 4 12 10 Ye ar s CP 25 100 10 Ye ar s CP 25 6.5 160 10 Ye ar s CP 25 160 10 Ye ar s CP 30 160 10 Ye ar s CP 10 Ye ar s CP 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 180 10 Ye ar s CP 25,30 200 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 100 10 Ye ar s CP 25 160 10 Ye ar s CP 25 160 10 Ye ar s CP 30 160 10 Ye ar s CP 30 10 Ye ar s CP 30,25,30 230 10 Ye ar s CP 30,25,30 115 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 130 10 Ye ar s CP 25 10 Ye ar s CP 10 Ye ar s CP 10 Ye ar s CP 10 Ye ar s V10 32-35 270 3 8.5 4 6.5 XFW M 3 C LIM ATIC - X Floor mount bath mixe r XFC FB Villa 10 Sink mixe r FM X1V P ag e 17 B ath fauce t AB F5V 10 Ye ar s V10 30,25,30 150 B asin fauce t AB F2 V 10 Ye ar s V10 30,25,30 100 AB F4S V 10 Ye ar s V10 30,25,30 117 Wall mounte d sink fauce t AS F4V 10 Ye ar s V10 30,25,30 275 10 Ye ar s V10 25 100 10 Ye ar s V10 32-35 120 4 3 6.5 9 4 4 7 7.5 80 240 10 Ye ar s CP 4 7 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 235 216 B asin tap se t AB T1V FS N2 3 8 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 95 100 B asin mixe r FM B 5V B ath spout B F2 V 10 Ye ar s V10 25 200 B ath spout B F7 V 10 Ye ar s V10 25 175 15mm Sink / bath taps AE B 1V 10 Ye ar s V10 25 160 20mm B ath taps AE B 2 V 10 Ye ar s V10 30 160 Showe r r ose AM S 1V 3 7.5 2 11 10 Ye ar s V10 25 Slide showe r AS L1V 3 7.5 3 6.5 10 Ye ar s V10 Showe r mixe r FS M 4V 10 Ye ar s V10 80-120 E xpose d fauce t with te le phone showe r NB F5V 10 Ye ar s V10 25,30 Showe r taps AS C 1V 10 Ye ar s V10 30 NS F9 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 220 NB F4S 10 Ye ar s CP 30,25,30 117 10 Ye ar s CP 30x3 210 10 Ye ar s CP 25,30 200 10 Ye ar s CP 25 100 10 Ye ar s CP 10 Ye ar s CP Wall Mount B ath Mixe r with Spout FS N9 10 Ye ar s CP P ull-Down Sink Mixe r FS NA 3 8 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 180 230 E le g ance Sink Mixe r E L01 3 8 7 Ye ar s CP 32-35 185 250 P ag e 11 B asin Mixe r E L02 3 8 7 Ye ar s CP 32-35 130 110 Showe r Mixe r E L03 7 Ye ar s CP E L05 Showe r Mixe r with Dive r te r E L06 I-Factor Sink mixe r IFAC 1 P ag e 12 Side Valve Sink Mixe r IFAC 1N IFAC 2 38 32-35 CP FS N6 7 Ye ar s 3 8.5 4 7.5 3 8 200 Ne oclassic Sink mixe r 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 200 P ag e 18 Swive l basin fauce t 10 Ye ar s C P ,SC ,B 32-35 150 B asin fauce t NB F2 150 Sink fauce t NS F4 3 9 B asin taps NB T1 4 7.5 NB F5P 10 Ye ar s CP 30 120 NB F5 10 Ye ar s CP 30 160 10 Ye ar s CP 25 160 10 Ye ar s CP 25 160 10 Ye ar s CP 30 160 10 Ye ar s CP 25 10 Ye ar s C P ,SC ,B 32-35 10 Ye ar s C P ,SC ,B 80 Showe r mixe r with bath dive r te r IFAC 5 10 Ye ar s C P ,SC ,B E xpose d bath mixe r IFAC X 10 Ye ar s CP 25,30 160 E xpose d bath mixe r IFAC XT 10 Ye ar s CP 25,30 160 Wall Mnt E xpose d bath fauce t with te le phone showe r se t E xtr actable spr ay mixe r IFAC 8 B ath spout IFAC 9 C antina sink mixe r IFAC A 7.5 9.5 3 8 120 32-35 2 CP 3 C P ,SC ,B 11 7 Ye ar s 2 10 Ye ar s 6 6.5 IFAC 4 5 6 4 IFAC 3 IFAC 7 8 5 5.5 Showe r mixe r IFAC 7 M 3 5 CP Tall basin mixe r Multi function slide showe r CP FS N3 Sing le function slide showe r 315 D R 06 Showe r Mixe r with Dive r te r B asin mixe r 25 4 190 D R 01C Showe r Mixe r B ath Spout Ind icativ e Ind icativ e S po u t P ro je ctio n S po u t H e igh t (mm) (mm) CP - Chrome ; S C - S a tin Chrome ; B - S la te ; V 10 V illa 10 ; G G old; W - White ; CG - Chrome + G old, MK- Moko Showe r R ose Tall basin mixe r 4 function slide showe r Finish O ptio ns H o b/ W all H o le siz e ( s) (mm) B r and Name 80 32-35 IC ON PIC 2 0m m 7 Ye ar s R T04 IC ON PIC 15m m 7.5 R T02 Slide showe r O u tpu t in L/ M in 8 3 B asin mixe r Star Rating 3 P ag e 5 O u tpu t in L/ M in 220 Star Rating 210 Inle t S iz e W arranty ( fo r C h ro m e finish o nly ) M ains 32-35 R T01R Star Rating C P , SC , B R ound Spout Sink Mixe r E q u al Lo w 7 Ye ar s R -T U ne q u al Lo w C ode M ains 8 P r oduct E q u al Lo w CP - Chrome ; S C - S a tin Chrome ; B - S la te ; V 10 V illa 10 ; G G old; W - White ; CG - Chrome + G old, MK- Moko 3 B r and Name O u tpu t in L/ M in IC ON PIC W E Ls M ains Lo w P re ssu re P re ssu re O u tpu t in L/ M in IC ON PIC P re ssu re S y ste m TAPWARE FEATURES AND SPECIFICATION CHECKLIST Star Rating M ains Lo w P re ssu re P re ssu re Finish O ptio ns H o b/ W all H o le siz e ( s) (mm) Ind icativ e Ind icativ e S po u t P ro je ctio n S po u t H e igh t (mm) (mm) U ne q u al Lo w Inle t S iz e 2 0m m W E Ls 15m m P re ssu re S y ste m TAPWARE FEATURES AND SPECIFICATION CHECKLIST W arranty ( fo r C h ro m e finish o nly ) P illar Mnt E xpose d bath fauce t with te le phone showe r se t 5 Ye ar s CP 35-38 220 15mm B ath taps NE B 1 10 Ye ar s C P ,SC ,B 25 230 15mm Sink taps NE B 1A 5 Ye ar s CP 32-35 210 20mm B ath Taps NE B 2 Washing machine taps NW M 3 2 Ye ar s C P , SC , B 2 Ye ar s C P ,SC ,B C once ale d bath fauce t NB F6 Laundr y combination se t NW M 4 Showe r Taps NS C 1 4 3 7 8.5 4 4 6.5 7 4 6.5 10 Ye ar s CP 30,25,30 150 10 Ye ar s CP 25 140 10 Ye ar s CP 30 2 11 245 195 B ath fauce t AB F5 Hob mounte d bath fauce t AB F8 B asin tap AB T1 Slide showe r 10 Ye ar s 3 8.5 4 7 C once ale d sink / laundr y fauce t FS F5 4 7.5 5 5.5 3 8.5 4 4 6.5 5 6 10 Ye ar s CP 25,30 225 10 Ye ar s C P ,C G ,V10 25 100 Wall mount sink mixe r with D Le ve r FS X2 4 6.5 5 6 10 Ye ar s CP 25,30 225 Sink Mixe r with Filte r Dive r te r FM XF 4 7.5 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 155 E xtr actable spr ay mixe r FM V 3 4 7 10 Ye ar s CP 35-38 220 E xtr actable spr ay mixe r FM V L 10 Ye ar s CP 35-38 220 E xtr actable spr ay sink mixe r FM V 2 10 Ye ar s CP 35-38 220 10 Ye ar s C P ,C G ,V10 25 160 E qualise r Sink Mixe r AE B 2 10 Ye ar s C P ,C G ,V10 30 160 Sink mixe r FM X1 4 Sink / laundr y fauce t AS F4 3 9 4 7.5 10 Ye ar s C P ,C G ,V10 25 275 Sink mixe r FM X2 Sink / laundr y fauce t AS F4P 3 9 4 7.5 10 Ye ar s C P ,C G 25 210 C ast Spout Sink Mixe r FM C 1 Laundr y combination se t AW M 4 10 Ye ar s C P ,C G ,V10 25 140 Swive l spout basin mixe r FM B 3 R ocke t B asin fauce t R B F2 4 6.5 5 6 10 Ye ar s CP 30,25,30 100 Swive l spout basin mixe r P ag e 20 B asin mixe r R B F7 4 7.5 4 6.5 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 110 Sink mixe r R S F9 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 B asin taps R B T1 4 7.5 10 Ye ar s CP Sink fauce t R S F4 3 9 15mm B ath taps REB1 15mm Sink taps R E B 1A 20mm B ath taps REB2 Showe r taps RS C1 Laundr y combination se t RWM4 C once ale d bath fauce t R B F6 C iste r n tap R AS 2 4 6.5 11 C P ,C G ,V10 110 4 7 3 8.5 10 Ye ar s CP 35-38 220 6.5 4 7 10 Ye ar s C P ,C G 32-35 270 4 6.5 4 7 10 Ye ar s C P ,C G 32-35 270 4 6.5 3 8.5 10 Ye ar s C P ,SC ,C G 32-35 270 5 6 4 7 10 Ye ar s C P ,C G 32-35 160 FM B 2 5 6 4 7 10 Ye ar s C P ,C G 32-35 160 B asin mixe r FM B 6 4 6.5 2 11 10 Ye ar s C P ,C G 32-35 120 180 B asin mixe r FM B 5 4 6.5 2 11 10 Ye ar s C P ,C G 32-35 120 25 100 B ide t Mixe r FM B 8 10 Ye ar s CP 25 10 Ye ar s CP 25 160 10 Ye ar s CP 25 160 10 Ye ar s CP 30 160 10 Ye ar s CP 30,25,30 150 E Q M X1 10 Ye ar s CP 25,30 200 15mm bath taps FE B 1 10 Ye ar s CP 25 160 15mm Sink taps FE B 1A 10 Ye ar s CP 25 160 20mm B ath taps FE B 2 10 Ye ar s CP 30 160 C once ale d bath fauce t FB F6 10 Ye ar s CP 30 B asin fauce t FB F3 4 6.5 5 6 10 Ye ar s CP 30,25,30 100 10 Ye ar s CP 25 140 B asin mixe r FB F7 4 7.5 4 6.5 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 110 10 Ye ar s CP 30,25,30 150 B asin Taps FB T1 4 7.5 10 Ye ar s CP 25 100 10 Ye ar s CP 25 Showe r Taps FS C 1 10 Ye ar s CP 30 10 Ye ar s CP 25,30 170 10 Ye ar s CP 30x3 120 2 220 8.5 32-35 FS X1 30 3 C P ,SC ,C G Wall mount sink mixe r C P ,C G ,V10 7 10 Ye ar s 120 10 Ye ar s 4 30x3 20mm bath taps 210 7 C P ,C G AE B 1 30,25,30 10 Ye ar s 15mm Sink bath taps CP 25 10 Ye ar s C P ,C G AS C 1 220 10 Ye ar s Showe r taps 200 25,30 FS F9 30,25,30 CP Sink mixe r CP 10 Ye ar s 150 25 AS B 1 CP - Chrome ; S C - S a tin Chrome ; B - S la te ; V 10 V illa 10 ; G G old; W - White ; CG - Chrome + G old, MK- Moko 30,25,30 CP Tub taps Ind icativ e S po u t Ind icativ e P ro je ctio n S po u t H e igh t (mm) (mm) C P ,C G ,V10 C P ,C G ,V10 Finish O ptio ns H o b/ W all H o le siz e ( s) (mm) 10 Ye ar s 2 Ye ar s W arranty ( fo r C h ro m e finish o nly ) 10 Ye ar s 10 Ye ar s 2 0m m FS F4 AM S 1 15m m Sink fauce t 11 AS LM Showe r r ose 7.5 FS F3 P ag e 30, 31 2 3 Function Slide Showe r 7.5 C ode Hob mount sink fauce t 2 Ye ar s 3 P r oduct For e no Mixe r s 3 117 IC ON PIC B r and Name 6.5 7.5 30,25,30 100 3 AS L1 3 C P ,C G ,V10 30,25,30 IC ON PIC O u tpu t in L/ M in AB F4S C P ,C G ,V10 Inle t S iz e Star Rating P ag e 19 B asin / sink fauce t (shown w/ opt. g old tr im) CP - Chrome ; S C - S a tin Chrome ; B - S la te ; V 10 V illa 10 ; G G old; W - White ; CG - Chrome + G old, MK- Moko 10 Ye ar s W E Ls M ains Lo w P re ssu re P re ssu re O u tpu t in L/ M in IC ON PIC Star Rating IC ON PIC P re ssu re S y ste m TAPWARE FEATURES AND SPECIFICATION CHECKLIST E q u al Lo w E q u al Lo w O u tpu t in L/ M in U ne q u al Lo w AB F2 Star Rating C ode B asin fauce t O u tpu t in L/ M in P r oduct Antique Star Rating B r and Name M ains M ains Lo w P re ssu re P re ssu re Finish O ptio ns U ne q u al Lo w Inle t S iz e H o b/ W all H o le siz e ( s) (mm) Ind icativ e S po u t Ind icativ e P ro je ctio n S po u t H e igh t (mm) (mm) M ains W E Ls 2 0m m TAPWARE FEATURES AND SPECIFICATION CHECKLIST 15m m P re ssu re S y ste m W arranty ( fo r C h ro m e finish o nly ) 3 8.5 4 6.5 Autoflo Hands fr e e mixe r AF2 10 2 Ye ar s CP 32-35 150 E xpose d B ath Se t FB F5 P ag e 22 B asin mount AV O 17 5 2 Ye ar s CP 25 117 B ath se t FB F8 B asin mount AV O 17 6 2 Ye ar s CP 25 100 E xpose d bath mixe r FB X1 10 Ye ar s C P ,C G 25,30 100 B asin Mount Nano Se nsor AV O 181 2 Ye ar s CP 117 E xpose d bath mixe r FB X2 10 Ye ar s CP 25,30 100 Wall Se nsor unit with Showe r r ose AV O 180 2 Ye ar s CP 170 E xpose d bath se t FB F9 10 Ye ar s CP 25,30 170 Wall unit with Tubular Spout AV O 17 8 2 Ye ar s CP 160 Slide Showe r s MonoJe t slide showe r FS L8 2 Ye ar s CP Spout with se nsor unit AV O 17 9 2 Ye ar s CP 150 P ag e 32, 33 Ar cJe t 5 function slide showe r FS LA5 2 Ye ar s CP Wall se nsor only AV O 17 7 2 Ye ar s CP FS LP 2 Ye ar s CP 10 Ye ar s CP 25 30 210 Low pr e ssur e multi function slide showe r 10 Ye ar s CP 30 160 Double he ade r showe r pane l C 1- 2 2 Ye ar s CP 10 Ye ar s CP 25 100 C olumn Double Showe r C 3- 2 3 7.5 2 Ye ar s CP QuinJe t slide showe r FS L6 3 7.5 2 Ye ar s CP C obr aJe t slide showe r FS L7 3 7.5 3 7.5 2 Ye ar s CP FS L7 X 3 7.5 3 7.5 2 Ye ar s CP Tr iJe t Slide Showe r FS L3 3 8 2 Ye ar s CP LuxJe t Slide Showe r FS L9 3 8 3 7 2 Ye ar s CP R ainJe t slide showe r FS LR 3 7.5 2 Ye ar s CP C hr ome -on-Me tal slide showe r AS L1 3 7.5 2 Ye ar s C P ,C G ,V10 315 5 5 E zyflo Sink fauce t E Z F1 P ag e 23 20mm B ath taps E Z F4 B asin taps E Z F2 15mm B ath taps E Z F3 15mm Sink Taps E Z F3A 7.5 7.5 3 8.5 4 6.5 4 7.5 2 12 3 8.5 3 8 3 8 10 Ye ar s CP 25 160 4 6.5 10 Ye ar s CP 25 160 2 10 10 Ye ar s CP 25 140 6 4 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 270 5 6 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 180 10 Ye ar s CP 25 C obr aJe t with 90cm E xte nde d R ail Slide Showe r Laundr y C ombo 4 taps E Z F5 Sing le Le ve r Sink Mixe r E Z F6 Sink mixe r E Z F8 Washing machine taps E Z F7 Waka Swive l Spout Sink Mixe r W K01 2 9.5 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 190 170 P ag e 27 Swive l Spout B asin Mixe r W K02 2 9.5 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 155 80 Showe r Mixe r W K03 10 Ye ar s CP Slide Showe r W K04 2 Ye ar s CP B ath Spout W K05 10 Ye ar s CP R apa R apa Sink Mixe r R P 01 4 6.5 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 205 170 P ag e 28 R apa B asin Mixe r R P 02 4 6.5 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 120 95 R apa Showe r mixe r R P 03 10 Ye ar s CP Kahu Kahu Sink Mixe r KH 01 4 6.5 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 205 170 P ag e 28 Kahu B asin Mixe r KH 02 4 6.5 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 120 92 Kahu Showe r Mixe r KH 03 10 Ye ar s CP Mana Sink Mixe r P ag e 29 G oose ne ck Sink Mixe r 40 B asin Mixe r 3 7.5 165 M N01 4 7 3 8 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 195 M N01G 4 7 3 8.5 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 188 M N02 C 10 Ye ar s CP Showe r Mixe r M N03 4 7 3 8 10 Ye ar s CP Showe r Mixe r with Div. M N06 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 3 8 3 7.5 3 7 3 5.5 3 6.5 Antique 3 Function Slide Showe r AS LM 3 7.5 2 Ye ar s CP Showe r R ose s R ainB ar Wall r ose RBR1 3 7.5 2 Ye ar s CP 25 P ag e 34 R ainB ar C e iling r ose RBR2 3 7.5 2 Ye ar s CP 25 R ainJe t Showe r r ose FS R J 3 7.5 2 Ye ar s CP 25 5 function wate r save r r ose FS R 5 3 7.5 2 Ye ar s CP 25 170 Low P r e ssur e 4 Function Showe r r ose FS R L 2 Ye ar s CP 25 170 Hig h R ise Showe r R ose 3 3 5.5 10 Ye ar s CP 2 Ye ar s CP 25 170 7.5 2 Ye ar s CP 25 315 3 7.5 2 Ye ar s CP 25 3 7.5 2 Ye ar s CP 25 3 7.5 2 Ye ar s CP 25 350 IFAP W 3 7.5 2 Ye ar s CP 25 315 IFAP C 3 7.5 2 Ye ar s CP 25 FS H R 1 Showe r r ose FS R 1 I-Factor Wall R ose with B lack Tr im IFW R 3 I-Factor C e iling R ose with B lack Tr im IFC R 4x4 Air P owe r C e iling R ose 4x4J 4x4 Air P owe r Wall R ose 4x4K I-Factor Air Dr ive Wall R ose I-Factor Air Dr ive C e iling R ose 7.5 300 290 300 300 300 41 O u tpu t in L/ M in CP - Chrome ; S C - S a tin Chrome ; B - S la te ; V 10 V illa 10 ; G G old; W - White ; CG - Chrome + G old, MK- Moko 10 Ye ar s CP 80-120 E Q M N1 10 Ye ar s CP 80-120 B ath mixe r with showe r dive r te r FD C 8 10 Ye ar s CP Showe r mixe r FS M 6 10 Ye ar s C P ,C G Air Dr ive Showe r Mixe r FS M 3 10 Ye ar s CP Showe r mixe r FS M 4 10 Ye ar s C P ,C G 80-120 Showe r mixe r FS M 5 10 Ye ar s CP 80 B ath mixe r with showe r dive r te r FD C 7 10 Ye ar s CP E qualise r Showe r mixe r with Jumbo P late FS M J 10 Ye ar s CP 80-180 B ath Spouts 120mm C le o bath spout wall mount BC1 10 Ye ar s CP 25 120 P ag e 36 200mm C ascade bath spout B F9 10 Ye ar s C P ,G 30 200 235mm Swive l B ath spout R T09 7 Ye ar s C P , SC , B 25 235 230mm Swive l B ath spout IC O N05S 5 Ye ar s CP 25 230 230mm B ath spout IFAC 9 10 Ye ar s C P ,B 25 230 175mm B ath spout with showe r dive r te r B F7 D 220mm Wate r fall bath spout B F1 175mm B ath spout B F7 200mm B ath spout B F2 165mm Hi R ola Hob Mount B ath Spout HR 1 P r oduct Showe r Mixe r s E qualise r Showe r mixe r P ag e 35 E qualise r Minimalist Showe r mixe r Star Rating FS M Q 2 .1 B r and Name Star Rating C ode E q u al Lo w O u tpu t in L/ M in Finish O ptio ns U ne q u al Lo w IC ON PIC M ains IC ON PIC Ind icativ e Ind icativ e S po u t P ro je ctio n S po u t H e igh t (mm) (mm) 10 Ye ar s CP 25 175 10 Ye ar s C P ,G 30 220 10 Ye ar s C P ,SC ,V10 25,30 175 10 Ye ar s C P ,G 25 200 10 Ye ar s CP 10 Ye ar s CP 25,30 210 10 Ye ar s CP 25 100 10 Ye ar s CP 30 160 10 Ye ar s CP 25 140 Sink fauce t E NZ O 1 3 8.5 4 6.5 P ag e 37 B asin taps E NZ O 2 4 7.5 2 12 20mm B ath taps E NZ O 4 Laundr y combo se t E NZ O 5 2 10 B ath mixe r with showe r dive r te r E NZ O 6 10 Ye ar s CP 25,30 170 B asin mixe r E NZ O 7 3 8.5 4 6.5 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 110 Sink mixe r E NZ O 8 3 8 5 6 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 200 Sink / basin mixe r E NZ O 9 3 8 5 6 10 Ye ar s CP 32-35 150 15mm B ath taps E NZ O 3 10 Ye ar s CP 25 160 15mm Sink taps E NZ O 3A 10 Ye ar s CP 25 160 P LC 2 10 Ye ar s CP 25 260 30,25,30 117 Laundr y console 3 8.5 4 6.5 Swive l spout basin fauce t C B F4S 5 Ye ar s CP P ag e 37 B asin taps C B T1D 5 Ye ar s CP 25 100 B asin fauce t C B F2 D 5 Ye ar s CP 30,25,30 100 Sink fauce t he avy duty S F4D 5 Ye ar s CP 25,30 210 15mm Sink / B ath taps C E B 1D 5 Ye ar s CP 25 160 20mm B ath taps C EB 2D 5 Ye ar s CP 30 160 Showe r he ad chr ome on br ass S R 110 2 Ye ar s CP 25 Tub taps S B 1D 5 Ye ar s CP 25 C iste r n tap AS 2 D 5 Ye ar s CP 25 Washing machine taps 42 25 CP 25 Inline laundr y conve r sion tap ILC 5 5 Ye ar s CP 25 2 Year warranty on Gold co coating CP 5 Ye ar s GOLD GO 5 Ye ar s 2 Year warranty on Satin coa coating SATIN SAT 10 Year warranty on Chrome co coating CHROME CHRO WM7 2 Year warranty on Chrome/Gold co coating W M 3D Laundr y combo CHROME/GOLD CHROME/GO inish options E ur o-te ch CodeMark is an initiative administered by NZ’s Department of Building and Housing. 165 E nzo Foreno... a CodeMark accredited tapmaker. A first for NZ. 80-120 CodeMark approved products: - Comply with NZ Buildng Codes - Must be accepted by the relevant Building Authorities - Are quality and fit for purpose Look for Foreno products sporting the CodeMark emblem when you want proof of quality! 110 140 VILLA 10 Inle t S iz e H o b/ W all H o le siz e ( s) (mm) 10 Year warranty on Villa 10 co coating W E Ls M ains Lo w P re ssu re P re ssu re 2 0m m TAPWARE FEATURES AND SPECIFICATION CHECKLIST 15m m P re ssu re S y ste m W arranty ( fo r C h ro m e finish o nly ) Please note: Lead times may vary depending on finish option CM 20054 Watermark Certified Tapmakers Visit Foreno’s website for help choosing your new tapware! Find out about what’s new in tapware View the extensive range of Foreno tapware See close up views of tapware... and download product specifications Check it out now!!! w w w.f o re n o.c o.n z Contact Us: Foreno Tapware NZ Ltd Production Factory: 5 Hewlett Street, Port Whangarei 0110 Postal Address: PO Box 4090, Kamo, Whangarei 0141, NZ 44 Freephone: Tel. 0508 FORENO (367 366) (+ 64 9) 470 2090 Freefax: Fax. 0508 642 437 (+ 64 9) 470 2010 Email: info@foreno.co.nz
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