Issue 59
Issue 59
The Brid March 1995lssue59 BrassBandAssociation. Inc. OtlicialJoumalofthsllor$ Amsrican 21-22 NABBA 95TORONTO, APRIL Fifteen bands and fifteen soloists ale regisM for our 1995conbst. That wil bea high Fint in r€centyearsifthe nutnb€rshold.In thisls6ueoftheBddg. we aI€ publishint the tentative6chedole for theweekend,which will besubje.t to changea9 needed.Bands and soloistswill have rcceivedtheir dtaw by mid-March. Becauseof the nud$€r of bands that haveregisEred,we at€stardnSthecontest F iday eventn& wtth fte Youth s€ction.The new solotgt(ompeddon wil begh on Friday alternooryprior b the NABBA Board meeting.A[ of the ev€nb arebeing held .t TheSrlvation ArmyTomntoT€rnple,BfamwelBootr Auditoriuo induding the GaIaConc6tby lhe Cradt.n StrffBrnd, oneof th€ world's leading brals band!. Olr Friday night there will be two v€ry ryecialevent&First,theannurlNAEEA Redtng B.n4 thts year headed by Rry Tizzardand meElb€trs of th€excell€ntFoft eionalbrassbard,H.nnff old StsrGtB|niL GRING YOURHORNS!) Tfter! .Jter tre Youlh Sectionparticipacr, orE of Nortr Amedca's nne6t Sa\ation Army b.rde, Lndon Ctt dcl, led by orE of ta6t yea/6 NABBA adiudicabr'e Bram Gr€gso&wtl gtv€ a fr€e concert. London has tlre rno8t succ€ssful recordinghigbry of anySalvadon Army corpg band in North Am€rica.Dorft misathis gr€at bad. H€re arc the bards that w€ €rqect in in dphabetic.l oder by Toronb,lid s€ction(rct draw po.{don): YOUtll Columbus, OH JuniorVarsityAl-Stars, OPEI{ Ltd,Brass Band, Wood6Manufacludng Ottawa,Ont. CHATLEIGE Buf{aloSilverBand,Buffalo,NY OH VarsityA[ Stars,Columbus, ltot{oR3 ChesterBrassBand,Chester,Nova Scotia Ea6t6nIowaBragsBard,Solon,lA Hetdelbefg B|aBsBard,Tifftn,OH NCSUBrar6Band,Ralelgt!NC WhitbyBraseBatd,nckertn&Ont. All-StarBras6ard Per€usslon, Colurn- '95 Tentative NABBA asofMarch 1,1995 Schedule, This scheduleis Eubjectto change.AU Honors Bandghave been bl(rl.e.d tcF getherprior to Orciudg€s'lunch,a proa€dure pr€fened by d|e dtrectors of thesegroup in recentyears.Thefinal s.hedulewill be publtshedin theContegtProgram. Apllr2r FRTDAY, 12:30-2:45 SoloistComp€dtion(10 minutes eadr sololst) 3f0 NABBA BoardMeeting 5dXH30 NABBA Reddtng Band(wift RayTlzzard, conducbr of ote Hannltotd StrcetB.nd, Canada'sleading profeg Eionalbrars band) 7:30 Youth Hor!-one 6:15 Festivalof M$tc-Free Adrnlsslon-Lndon Ctt del Band of Th€ SalvationArmy, B/M BramGr€gson h!8, OH cHtflPtoislflP Atlantic Braes,Millville tIJ Bras6Band of Crlumbus, Columbut OH llinoig B.assBsn4 G€noa,IL Ohio Col€giate Bras6,Colur$us, OH WesfonSilverBand,Scarbolou8lfOnt. Thebst pieceBshouldproveb Fovide bofi bclmtcal and mustcalchals€es: Youth-I^qgad in Bass(CurmwlOpen/ Challenge-Partita (Wilby); HonorcTdmnE tts fut 8'{'6 (h\r, c}ta.mpior*nVThc Es*nrc ol Tine (Gtahari. This musicdbuld alEobegr€atlisbtF ing ior the audierre, nof always ttP @eatconbt6. band SArUnoY,led 22 8d)0 OpeningCeremonieg 8r0 OFn#l 9i00 Hotrors#1 9:,() HonoB *2 lO20 HonoB#3 11S HonorsfR l1{0 Honor8#s @'tirlual onFgc 3 N,4RBA Editor's Notes )rIE aMrlrqN tr^ra |ino Otlicialquaneryiounsl ol th. North Ameican Bras€BandA$ociation, Inc. Fourd€dby J. PerryWaisonin 1980. Us€lulnewslor British-sty'ebrass bands in NonhAmedc€. Tha viov/s eDr€Gsed by codribLltorcare not n€c€ssaiit thos€ ol the NonhAmericanBlassBand A366ielion,lnc. Publlcatlon and adverlising d€adlineserelhg lsih ol January,Ap l, Jut, andOdob€r. Copyrigh e 1995 by lhe i*orth Amedcan Bra33BandAs€ocialbn,Inc. Allrights nonsld W.Holz,Eidlb. Thc8fa8€Bsnd*lde! tubry CollogouslcDrpt Wllmon,Kentucky USA{1390 (606)858-351 Telophone 1 ext€nsion 2246 Fa.simile (606)858-392'l hul E Dmdo,nevh{ir Tom ysGAdvofllslr{ Lyneto0won8, Roduclm NABBAomboBhlp Duos IndiviJual Studeri/ Rotlr€d M€mber Band Corporato Patrcn Leadorship $20 10 With thepGsibiltty of a r€cotdnumber ofbandsheadedfor Toronb, all ofus in NABBAcanhavegoodcauseto rei)ice. The soloist cont€sthas also drawn a finenumberofenFiesin its ffustseason. In addition, the fiIst regionalNABBAsponsoredfestival, The Leitngton Bra8oBand Fectlval (F€br.J'ary 25-26, 1995),demonshad another kind of venturedrat can be of great benefit to all our bands. Pleasenotetiat all the ToronlDeventg will takeDlac€at TheSalvationArmv Torono Timple, a tocation*ry "onre. niently placedin downtown Toronto iustnexttoEatonPlac€shoppingmeganrall. The Gala Concert, previously lisd tor Massq/ Flall, will also be at Toronto Temple. The cooperationof TIle Salvation Army in Toronto, the terribrial music departsnerltheaded by BandmasterBrian Burdio and, of course,the diligent work of our host band, Wesion Sllv.r (Conduct)r Ron C'layson,and conbst coordinatorBob Cray), should insure a very pleasant sihation for our annualgao€ring. lf. B..l L Wley NA88A lbrb.ntdp ClCr P.0.Bor2{38 Cullo|hoqlmrCmlln 2fftl Moving? ThgBra$sBandBridgocannotb€ fo ard€dbocauseltlsmail€dthird class.So.b€ surs to mailio B€rl Wileyyouroldandn€waddrgsses, or )our copyof lh€ Brilge will b€ discad€dbylh€ U.S.PostOtlics, a.d youwill misstho nextissu65! 2 rb 8rs Brid BdO. Iarn 1996 In our Dec€tnt€r issue I asked that videoentriesgo b TomMyers,asI was hoping to haveL€tlntton BtascBand enter the contest.Well, we gpt a tape made but ran into technicaldifficulties-we hopeto enbr nextyear!So,if t y somemistakeyou sent the tape b me,donlt worry-no problend ln this issueyou wlll find two fonns. After NABBA 95 there ar€ somegreat sumrnerbrasstrandactivities.Try and catcheitherof thetwo GreatAm€rlcan B!a33Band Festlval6, as Drofiled in this issue.Two of our band; wiI b€in theline upsthissurffrEr-Weglon Stl. v.!, at Danville, and lllinoir, at Batde Cr€ek.At the Int.nadonal Tlump€t Fesdval,May 2F Junet Indiana UniveBity, at leasttwo Sreatbrasr bandswill be Eendof ColumbusandBtassBandof Battle C-rc€k.I saw on one list that Got€bor8 BrassBand of Swedenwag comin& but I was not able to confirm that rumor.ThereshouldbesorrEgreat brassplafng at any of thes€events. resFnsibly on this imFrtant group ands€nl theform to BertWil€y by ruly lsl Twq NABBA applicationfonnugea copyof this form eidrerto renew your own nEmberghipor to getfdends or fellowbandmembers loryour band!] who havenot done so already b Fin us. The next issue of the Bddge wtll be producedin rune,asI leavedirecdyfor london ftom the Toronb conbgt I will be in EnSlandfor six week5,having a chalce to seequib a few bands, some contesq do some lecturlng at Salford University College,and finalize researchon a new book I am writi^&Btues Ba s of TheSabationktry (EgonBook). 100 One, nominationform for NABBA 500 Boardof Drectors--tlease think carq. 1,000 fully aboutpersonsyoufeelcoulds€rve ToPin NABBA,pl€asemailyour namo,addr9ss,tglopl|onenultber. Instrument, andbard's namg(il you playh ons),plusannualmemb€rship dues,lo- $50.00in tor the 1995calendaryear. Then we can have a more accrtate picfure of our association. last Augost th€ NABDA Boardau6orizad Oleprinting of a list of NABBA rnembe$in anupcomingBridgc igsue. The assignedcommttbe, headed by Bert Wiley and GeorgeF@ter,have Ecomrnenled to Pr€9id€ntMyersthat this ir rlot practicalat dE rrDn€nt but that a list of cltrrent NABBA bartdgbandst|at ha!€ at lealt paid tleir band n€mbership-wil be prind in Ore Brtdge, with ful addre$sand phone inforrnation.Thisliet will appearin our Juneiesue.Any bandstlut arebehind in ltEir duesareencouragedk get Olat Seeyou in Toronto. R.W.Holz, Editor and ConlestChair InMemoriam All NABBA rnemberswil want to remenb€r NABBA Board Member Bob GIay and family in their lhoughtsand pray€rsdue to thedeathof BoYswlfe, Debbie. Bobhas the addedburdenof being our coordinating ho6t for the contest He hasarled me b s€ndon hig thanfs b dl NABBA friends who are supportinShim and his scnat Oristin€ of loss. iIABBASchfdura lrcnwe 1 a0nttnupd 1210 Honor #6 1250 tudgeY Lunch &€ak 120 Chalerlge #1 2f0 Orallenge#2 2:40 Champ.#l 320 Charnp,#2 4fl Oramp. #3 4:{0 Oump, #4 520 clump.#s 550 NABBA Men$eNhip Meeting 7:45 Awards Ceremony 8S0 Galaconcert-R6erved Tickets$f 2,00(Canadtan) $lom NABBA b.ndsCrn dl.n Strff B.nd G/M Brian Burdito, with Guert TrombonistALln Ttudel of MonEeal Tlreiudgespanelthts)€atlndudes two vebrans b NABBA championrhtpsSephenBullaandJamescurnow New to NABBA, but not to brasebands,ls Bram Tov€y, now clnduclor of Tha Wlnnlp.g Synphony Orchertra, He has a fne backSroundin the British bftss band ontest gcene.Onc€ again tl€ Conbt staff will be led by Dr, RoMld Holz, NABBA Conbst Chair, Beth tlronek and NABBA Pl€stdent Tom Mye$. Fo. furtls dlEct information about th€conbsLtickets,other logisticrl concrrns,contactBobGrayof The Waston Sllv.! Br.d. Offic€: (416)-39F9020; HorE: ({16)-261{855. For questlons concening ttle tecbnicala6pectsof th€ conbsg contactRon Holz, phone and fax nu.rrb€is for whom are ligd on page2 of the Eddgc. * *N/ BBA* ChampionshipsXIII * 1995 Toronto. Canada AuditoriumToronto TemDle Bramwell Boolh 1995 April2l-22, (Ron Band Clayson) Host: TheWeston Silver (416) BobGray 261-0855 Host Chair: Friday St.Band Band withRay'lizzard, Hannilord 5p.m.MBBAReading Youth Section 7:30 o.m. p.m. byLondon Citadel Band 8:15 Concsrt satuday 820a.m.Contest slans I p.m.GalaC,oncen (Brain Burditt) TheCanadian StalfBand Alain Trudel. Trombone Soloist l&IdrlsS tlr Bn88BrndEddgo 3 Literature onBrassBands: A BilefAnnotated Bibliography ol Recent Books 8y RmrldW.]iok PeoDleinEr€sH in bras€bandsshould know that theleisa reasonablenumber of booLsaboutbrassbandsand relad topics publish€d within Orc past t5 yeaF. I har€ chos€n1979as the year b€for€wNch this list doesnot delve,In addition,I havenot lisEd doctoraldiss€rtationsor mor€ spedalizedartid6. Th€ objectof this brief report is to inform our BrldSa readeBhipof the fine array of bookgthat arc cullmdy avail.ble. Fora rsre comprehensivelisting of all literatur€sourcesI sugSestFying to get an Interlibrary t an copy of the following:SusanKayHenthom,Iritislt B|?6stunds: A Cuid. to thc Lilenhn4 Master of Library scie.Itc€Res€arch PaFr, Kent StaE University, 1989.I haveincludedbools abouttte Anedcanbrassband tradition as well as O€ British saene. l Bainbridge,Cyril. Br6s f rirmp&ant. L-ondon:Frederick Muller, 19E0. ISBNG584-1872-7.lnpp., some photos,profiles of fifteen bp contesting ard SA bands, dis.ography, yearly diary of band evenb, index.While not writbn in anacademic rnanner,drts cornpactbook hassonr€fine infodnation abouta wide range of British brassband iopics, including essayoon early higtory, drc contestproce$, 20th century developinents, and SA bands. Boon,Brindley. ISB [nEnational StaftBandof TheSalvationArrnyl. RecordGrc€tint Ltd., 19E5.ISBN G951UGG4. 3U pp., phob s€ctio& irdex. Anengaging,aieadotal history ot the SAs predd€r brass bandby the Arm/s leadingmusic writer l8oon's 1%5 bool, Pt4yrr, Mltsb, PWI ts still the standard work on Orestory of SA bandsl. Theindex is excellentbut the rrast It *.!r8||rt8dt llrchlgo anay of details pr€send are not documend through endnotes. SonE fasciMting insighb inb SA musichistory and leadlngpersonalities, indudinS Eric Ball's p€rsonalr€fl€ctioN abouthigleaving theSAand thestartof hb careerin conbsting band9. Brand, Violet and Geoffr€y, Editors.Brass Bandsinthe2qthCcntury , London: Egon Bools LtC., 1979. ISBNG9G55E5E-12-3. 240pp.,multiple photog,some musicalexamples,contestrcsults lists, Sood index. This is the book that launch€dthe nroden apprcachkr writing aboutbrasgbards. G|aF ierrarewdtbnby riousauthors, induding Violet Brand on early hisbry,Natbrelard BdleVuecorF tests, farnous bands/corduclors; BarriePerrinson instrurrantal de velopnrents;EricBall on the traditional repertoire (19G1975); and EdwardGregsononconamporary rEPenDrre. Camug,RaoulF.,Edlbr. dtariaa, WindondPcrclrss bn Music,V olUII].e 12,Ifue.feturb-dAwiwMu. si.:A Collstbno!SacrdandSefllar Mr€i!. G.K.HaMo., 192. ISBN 484pp., musical G8r51-1553-7, scoreantholos/,with explanatory €66a,excellentdocrrrEntationand index. Contalng 24 saoresfrom Ad€rica's l9th centurybrasgband liier.fure plug a fine abahacton this mugic writEn by the editor. Reviewedin August 199{ Bridge, v.21. C.@le,PeE M, Erb BalLTk Mot ordHirMr.Ji,. I.ordon: EBonBootg Ltd.. r91. tsEN G90565&565. 239pp.,multiple phoroe,gaod nts de{, rvorls lisl appeddies with musiol o<anplesard arulysis of sdecH worls. A grdciousblling of tlle life and carEerof Britain 9 leadhg hass band composerof the20thc€ntury.While not written in an academicnunnet (no cleat docun€ntation), this is a wonderful IesourtEonthisrcnurkableman and, to a certainextmt, his music. Hailstonq Alf. The Brilistt Bottde truncenentryB@k,Lo doniEgon Bools Ltd., 1987.ISBN Gq)585& 39-5. 272W, multiple phobs/lllustrations, Sood index. Subtided "a social hisbrv of brassban&," this book follows the bra33band movementvia the accountrfound in TheBi tbh Bandsnnn,1887-1987. Fascinatinga(ount, well-writtm for the general reader,but the scholarwill find much nuterial, a9 well. 7. Hazen,MargaretHindle and RotF ertM.TheMusk Men:An ustrold Hislory ol Btuis knds in Arn riat, 1800-1920.Washington, D.C.: SmithsonianPress,19E7.ISBN tF 87474-5462. 225pp.,multiple pho tos/illustrations, Sood index and endnoEs.A beautifully p.oduced booktl|at is alsowelldocumenH, this is a excellent,broad ovelvlew of our Anerican brais band heritage. Herbert,Trevor, Edibr. Batdri Itt, BtresBandMorrn nt in thcTgthafid 20tr Csntunes,Phtladelplda:Open UniversityPress,1991.ISBNG3A5090702-2. 224pp.,five scholarlyartides,photos/ illustsadois,appendicesoninsbumentationandband calerrdar,endnobs, index. Tr€vor Heftert hasbeencalledtheleadtng brassbard musicologirt ln Great Britain- This ftnely documenH bookcertainlysupportg8tat clain Helb€rtard four otherwriter8pra vide detailed,acadetnicanaly* of sev€ralinteregting asp€ctsof the brassbardrmvenslt in GreatBrits ain ar!l, in one article, Ausfalia. Th€writers' focosnot only on musicological conasns, but also, ln particutar,sociologicalf.ctoF. Review€d in lv{ay193 Bddge,p. 17. 9. Holz, RDn.^ldW. EriI lzidnn: tund Artunger anil compos6.Edwi^ Mellen Press,1990.ISBNG88946 472-3.32pp., multtple photos illugtrations,work lists, Somemusical examples,index and complehensivefootrroca.A scholarlyprofile of one of An€rica's leading wind band witers of the 20thcenhrry who was alsoa ptemlerbrasg band composer,$pecially for The SalvationArmy. tlidzen was the first non-British compos€r b be commissioned a test Piece, Sirfdmi.rtta,br the 1955Bdle Vue conbst. The book is divided into two parbr life and workg. ing personalities[players,conductorol,andrepertoiie.Profileltnterviewsof KenHirst(administrator, Bram Cay (player, Derek Bourgeois(composertand Mait Peter Pa*es (conductor),areinduded. 13.Kreitner, Kenneth. Discoursing SaaztMusia:ToumBandsandCon' munity Life in Tumtf-lhe-Century Petrnsylwnia.Chicago:University of inois hess, 1990.ISBNG25201661{.205pp.,multiple tables,illustrations,including somes(ore examples;endnotes,index. ExatrF in Northeast lnessomebrassbands period tE90Pennsylvaita In the a 1910.Thoroughtreatnsnt of rurrow subjedrangeisagr€atsbength of the boot ptoviding a renrarkaue portraitof thehst daysof srnall brassbandgin Arnerica.Reviewed in May 194 Bridge,p. 20. cussionof brassband scoringvia excellentexamplesfrom both SA and contesting scorcs.While the discusslonis technical,lt is aimed at the Seneral musician. resourceasan intsoUnsurDass€d ductio; to brais band instrornentation and scorinS. 17. Tavlor,Arthur R,8t4is B4rd5.Londo;: CranadaPub.Ltd.,l979.ISBN G24&11082-1.356pp.,somePhotos,appendice on contestresulb, bandevmt calendar,discograPhy, index. This is by far the bestgen_ eral lustory and overview of the brassband movernentalthoughit already ls out of date in soti€ re sPects.Dvided into three Parts: 10.Holz, Ror6ld W. H eralds{ Vittuy : History, Events/Occasions,AP A Hisloryol theNeu YotkStaf Bad New York TheSalvaFndices, 11887-1987.1. .lSBNG8921fi6t tionArm,l 18. Tavlor,Arthur R.lrb r andIDve 9. 347pp.,photo s€cdon,illustraA; Otul History ol tha Bflss Bond tions, chronology, discography, Movernenl.London: Elm Tree Mordmer, Harry. On Brass:An memb€rshipli9t9,endnot6, index 8001(s,1983,ISBNG24l-11132-3. ,4!loriogrady.Sherboun€,Dorset The first part of the book hls the 28Qp., somephobs, Soodindex. AlDhabools,1981.ISBNG9065D historyof *tebard udng thebardTh€ aulhor has compil€d a won01"7.223pp.,phobs, trdex. HigNy rMsters as the point of deFarturg derful s€riesof resrrons€sfrorn a individual accountof brassbandin .hronolqgicalorder.Thesecord very wide range oi brassbands" ing IlDm on€ of the tnost a(tomDartof the book, mor€ tedrnicatln men,pr€senteddFonologicallybY Dlfuh€dmuslciangthe nDverrPnt irature,tus chaptersdeattngwittr four time D€riods:c.1900-1920; iver produced. Chatmingly Pt€lngtrurnentation,repertott€, 3olo1920-1945:1945-r.1965;1965s€nd, with good hurnor and inists, ard other sp€cializedtoPics, gightful corNrEntary.The s€ction pr€seni. The good index helPs irrluding vocal accomplishrnants lrukes thebookmoreu$ful llun it on the MorlirtEr hmily adrieic of tlle group, whidr alsofunctions might seemuPon first Slance. mentsin th€brassbandnDvetrET|t as a rnaleclEia. is tsuly rernarlable. 19. Thompron,Kevin. WinlBottdoand 11. tl(,rwcrc,d,Wa\ly.Atdph 5ax,1814- 15. Perring,BaEie.Btas BottdDi86r. wLeEjiandsitl Schd ondMttticCenl l4acy Londo Hti Life cnd 18%: hs. Camb.idgq CambrtdgeUniLordon: Egon Books Ld., 1984. ESon Books Ltd., 198:).ISBN 0versity Prees, 1985.ISBN 0-521iF ISBNG9$E5&2&X. r%PP.,m 9(FE5&1&2.214pp.,phoios, i|lue 2:rEG7. 166pp,nultiple muric etder. E ty short attid€6 !t!,rinH Fations, endnot€3,index. As Sax abpler, index. Intendedasa music Eaty'sfrom thepageroftttt Btifitl invenH Saxhomgit geerr9lik€ he edu@tion handbook in the areas ru; ard theSAMrcirion0ordonl iBaFr6onweought b lnow 6onE_ mentioned tn the tide, the book in TheaddeB 6regrguPed 8ix cat_ dJng about! Very fin€ Presentaalsocontainssomevaluableobs€rgersElbrusbad,instdceSories: tion on this inventorand llrginskuvatronsabout brasst and l€lleafs. tions aboutrunning a brassbard, nsrts, &eir hisbry ud d€veloP als,repgbire,atdscoringforb?a59 bchnicaltr|atterson bras PlaYinS. r|elrt in dre 19tr century. bard. profil€s on bra58band p€fsorutities,music,ard nfrc€llaneousstb_ t2. Howartlt Elgarard PaEick.Whata Pafuntaracf: Th. BtaE8knd Pbystect$ Londonr Robeeon Book6, l9EE. 16. SEadn|an-Alen, Rry. Ctlour 4fid ISBN Gt60514749. 237PP.,PhoT.tute h fi. Br'fsbnd fur. 14.' bs, Ldex- Fatls and sonteamuP do[ The S.lvadon ArB|t 1980. for a stes of €says on th€ hilbry ISE{Gttl12-36&2.t4P.,multiPle of tr.sbardsinGit at&ita!4 l€iadsaor€o(ample3,ird€rc.A frE di8. ra|gtls It!Bn$B|nlSddga 5 Regional Festivals AreHere ByBo|lWllst lEdito/sNob: NABBASes€taryWil€y graciouslyacc€pd dle assignnEntof supplying thb rushed report iust before we went to pring so, in between manningNs booth,and greetingmany NABBA friends, he was able to glve someinsight into the festival. For tull p. ram detailt seeR€crntBandhograrnsthis issuel Morethan 150brassplaygs on stagean awesomesight, indeed! Beginningwith a rehearsalby the host band Friday night, Febmary 2{, and concluding with a band and massed bandconert Sunda, February24 one ca ol ga lhat Thelaington Br,6.s EandFeslilulwas mormously su(less- ,ll6s'd&lJ6ffi,4,tu1tlot tuI. Coordinad by Ron Holz ard Stip Gray,ca<onduclorsofLeri.ndon Brass B.nd, the f6tival feahn€d five band* Larlngton, Commonwealth Etaaa Band, Clnclnn.d Btass Band, Salvadon Atmy Stud€nt Fellowrhlp Dt st B.nd ol Arbury Coll.8e, and Scloto Vdtcy Bt r! .nd Pcnculrion Sod.ty. Th€festiv-alwascombinedwith .n annual T.U.B.A.Day urder the ausfc€s of Th€UniveBity of Kenhrcty. Acdviticsthat 14erc8oin8 on simultaneously late moming--early alternoon were Frforrnanc6 by n e [,K Tuba-Euphonium Ensemble, rehearsal/clintcaby thefour gueetbards with bolh Paul Droste and James Cunrow, and n|asbrclasse3by gu€ts Dan P6anbni, tuba, and &ian Bowman,e,uphoniuc exhftfts by Curtorn Mudcand BerEl Mrt3k Ltd.w€reavailableall day. The fir8t conaert,a thirty{lnuE p.ogram of ryptcal bra$ band rcFrbhe, featurd tE ho3t bad and sev€ralof ils out6tanding soloists: Davld Herde$o& euphoniunuDaleWarr€rr Eo[tDon€;ardVirEDiMartirD-Tdry Ptubgr$r byEialpo Ea'lr "b|rsArur El i& ttrr I,'ffD tn L@t es M Ev€rsor,corrEtdueiots.Thalrfolowed the nrasc€dbdnd r€helrssl. In the eYsdngdE guert ban& w€lEhe6rdin concertindividudly (two bandson the stageata tirE), folbw€d byfour worl6 for tlE five b.nd! oribtned. It was tuly a ruuabh .n qcitnrg soord. OnSutdayrDming two of OrebardsClnalntudand fu oHavel€d btwo local churches, both wlth excellent crowdsard both svic€s broadca8ton dth€r Tv or radio. Sundayafunoo& the gu€startists w€treheardln concetrt witr Iadndon Bt.s B.nd, urder d€ 3rD lg6 rh an|. B||t(l Mde. 7 direction of the hosb, Ron Holz and SkipCrny, aswell a3gueotconducting by JamegCumow and Paul Drorte. Vince DMartlno played Curnow's CDnatrtpiee,with Ole composs conductiryt BrianBo*'rian playedBula's Shnandah with anoher greateuphonium player a9 conductor-Paul DrGte. Otlrcr gr€atsolo fareinduded Bowman on Sparke's F4rLsy and P€ranbni on a nere arrangamentby Ridurd DorEk ot A$an's Crrriel. All 6ve bards pined tn an exciting conc€rtof four nrassedband tbmsconducH by Curnow, Drogte,Gra, and Holz-to ooncludethe f6tival, Thefestival was brtliandy scfredufed, held in the fiie fadltdG p,rovidedby fte Untversttyof Kertucky, tu[y sanctioned by the parent a$ociation, NABBA, and O€ fe6tival should provide a drodel for fuhrre r€gionalfestiCoveringan exbemelybusy two days, the festival was a great su(less. Congratulationsare in order to the ho3t3, the host band, the guest artisb and conducbrs, the attendlng bands,and the manylocal r$idente who attended the concerts,May therebe many morc festivalslike thls one! American BrassBandFestivals Great 1995: A Biletlnttodluction Tkre wil betwo GlatAmctLanBt !s B.nd this year.Tl€ o ginal, home festlval, will b€ held Friday through Sunday,fune 15-18,195, in Danville, Kentucky,Actording to Dr. CeorgeFoiernan,f€sdvalcoordinator, theCntadveltneupof grouF irrcludes: . BrasoBandof BatdeCreek . The New York Staff Band of The SalvatlonArmy . WestonSilver Band (195 NABBA TapeContestWinrE ) . Mr. ,ack Daniels' Original Silvet C-ornetBand . Rhythm and Brais (Bnss Quintet alld RhythmSecdon) . otyd|Pla BrassBand(New Orleane StyleStt€etBand) . Saxbn'scornetBatdcivil-War-Era Band) . Advoctb BrassBand ftiost Bard; 1880-1920 style (lmmunity b.nd) On Friday ,une l&h a tuhd Hbtory Corrlerarar wi[ be held in coniunction wi0r tll€ festival..The focus fhis year will be on Der6onalldeg of d€ Cold€n 8 l|tluBlrd8d{. mr1S5 Ageof Bands--€illrnor€, So$., Pryor, etc. On the prevlous we€kend, Friday evening and Saturday June 1G11, a shortenedform of drc GABBF wtll be held in Battle cteelg Mtchigan at the KeuoggcorporabGard€ns,downbwn BatdeCreel, ju3t we8t of the l<ellogg Headquarbrs.Theline up for that fegtival will indude: . Bras6Bandof BatdeCieet . ninois BmseBald (1995NABBA TaF ContestWinner) . New ColumbianBrassBard (188019z) srylepmfessionalgroup) . olympla Bnse B.nd . ,act Danield Silv€r C-ometBard . Rhyuunad Brals . Saxtor{sC-on€t Baid Foiturtherin ormadonon the GABBF, writeb TheGr€atAm€dcanBrageBand Festival, c/o Dr. George Forema& Norbn Cenbr for the Art8, Danville, KY ,tO422,No.ton C€nter Phone 60& rwr. Brass BandPrograms Reent,Rep€ssrtativeBrassBandConcots: Music Lisd in kogram Order. Brars Band of Colunbus (Paul Droste)/Ohto Col|€giate BrassBand (PaulDrosb and LesSusi).TrluneConc€rt Series,ranuary 20, 1995;St.rohn's EvangelicalChuclL Columbug OH. PartI, Ohlo Colegt.ts March-Brilliont (Hlrrrp); EemsP.t/d (Howatthr; Buster Strikes Back (|,!{orriso 'l; Malaguena I,€{J.rom./S1tsi)iPrel de to a NewAge (Craham); Fanlasyfor BtassBanil (Amold); Part fl, BBc: Cdatel Bogey Marcl (Alfotdrt Fow Drnca lrom flg! ti4gl5&ElGernstein/Polsbtt; Conarlo yioltr Merdelssohn/Jenkins),Doug trr Drosteviolln soloirt, accompaniedby BBcj Thats a Plnrty (Pollock/Susi); Feslioe Overtur. (Shostakovitch/ Kitson); Part III, Colrbtncd B.nds:'r Donna(Puccini/Susi);Tlc Stars andSt'ip{sForc&r (sonsar. Bra8sB.nd oI Columbff (PaulDroste). OhioMusicEducationAssociationProfeasioMlConfer€nc€,February4, 195; ColurnbusOH ConventionCenter. Midltqy Morch Wiuiams/Gallehue) Cornet Solo-Cr/r,r'r,vlof VeniceN,ltu Rimmer/D. Rimnrr), Dan Klng soloisq Four Danc6 lturn !4d-!tidt-]llw (Bernslein/Polster)TromborEFeaturel 6lory Bel Wm. Broughton);Marimba blo-A Victor'ePabn(Cumow), tar|eg Moore soloist; Fa,rioe Ooerlurc (Shostakovltch /Kttson). Br.!! B.nd of Minot (lame9 D. Thornton). November 20, 1994; CamegteCrnter for O|e Art9, Minot, ND. Ile Cluzpians OVillcocts' Sakation Is Created (Tchesnikov/ ChristiaNon) A Moorsid.Slrilr (tlolst); Blerhcin Flott'lislr6 (Cumow); Nigit FIW|in Modid (l-€f,lie/SEph6$) Snenad, (Bourgeoie);Amazing crace (Him€s); Mid.lest Marct (Richard6/ Broadbeno. Br.3B Band of Mlnot (tames D. Tfiomton).Febnrary' 195; Mdarlad Auditorium, Minot, ND. TrooCcrenonirl Fanfur6 (Currrow) Con€t SploInt ermezzo(Mascagni/Langf ord), Shauna Hiske soloistt Connotations (Cregson); P/esto (talo/Wilkinson); ToreadorMarch(Bizrtlsmith); Comet Carillon (Binge); Folk lrstirral (Shostakovitch/Snell);Euphonium lo-Crandfathef'sCloct (Doughty), MichaelCwachsoloist;DeepHamgny (Park6/Nev/sorne);Ifie W ol lheOId Brriad, (F.Wright). Iddzen); Euphonium Solo-PsrryPiaz (Sparke), David Hmderson soloist Cornet Duet-Q ickiber (Craham), VincentDiMartino and Terry E!€rson soloists; Pines of the Appiafi WaV (Respighi/Graham). II. F6tftnl of BandstSASFBr.!s Band (Ronald Holz and JanEs Cumow)IoyousCdebatbn @! a); Comet SoloTheyShaU BeMine(Catptwood), Kevin Buff.lo 5th'erBand(Micha€lE.Russo). Sparks soloist; O Horo I love lesus (Ctrnow |; Prelude-ConeThouAlfi W ty Fall Concert,Novernlr€r13.1944.Fa far. lor NABBA (Curnow);Criaord Xing (Curnow). Scioto Vall.y Drass (lrvine/Richardst lrre Shnna of St. and P€rcus3ionCompany (Carol (Alford); CornetSolc-.MyLov.b GeorSe lJaryardr-Fanfare lor theScioloValley Likea Red,Rd\glord),Richaid (Hickeyl; Magnilic4l (Rutter/ Cosssoloistlestl,ulMrrc.rt-Aberys augh HatwardL Midltay Malch (Williams/ (Merritt); Tr. Shipbuilders (yotyel; Gallehue).Clnclnnatl BrassBand SempreFidelis (Sousa/Stephens); (Anita CockerHunt>- bnd of Fredon Slq@nicDonce*8 (Dvorak/Wright); (Bulla);CdricSrite (Sparke).Common BemePa|ld (HowartJ\r;Patune(Faure/ wealth Bre38Band 0ohn R. Jones)lanSf ord);,{ DsreyFartasy(Richards). Fmnlier Ooiture (Broughbn); yariclbrc a1 Tefta Bata (C\mow), MaBBed Buflalo Sitv€r Band.Winter Conaert. Bz de-Dancetl3 fromTheeDaleDana6 Undet the Dotble Eagle(Wagner/ Dat,r (I.S.Bach/ Cone Swed C'l,lcod); L^ gford); Cantenpbtbn (C^Eli^etl; l€idze rt Wq*inglon Grays(Gtahtlla/ TheCanadian Menilll; IA Mela)cThe gone.); Musiclor Grctnuit r (Gregson); Curnow); Elsa'sPffiessiotr(lvagrer / Himes). M$6€d Bands conductedby SetuadelBotuJg€oisrt lau, Confo d RonaldHolz,SkipGrarrarnescumow, My Haalt(J.S.&ach/ Ball);TheVonished Paul Droste,respectively. Amy (Altord); ArnazingCra.e(Himes); A Cafien Fanlasy(Bi2Etltangtord). III. Fesliul Fiflaler Lerln8ton Bta66 B.nd (RonaldW. Holz and SkipGrayt with GuestSoloistsDanlel PeEntoni, f@dvrl Clty 8!.s3 Ltd. (Wayne M. tuba, Brian Eownan, euphoniumand Becker).November30, 1994;Wehr GuestconductorsJamesCumow and Auditorium, MarquetteUniversity. Paljl Drosle-Fanhre fot the BbehtenSinfonidta(l-anglotd\t Oqheus in lhe nial ol the U.S. Consitution (Donek ) Und.rltto (O$enb€,d./F.Wright);Atr Cottccipbe for TflfiWt and BrassBand tor Srile in D 0s.8ach/D. Wright); (Culrlow), Vnrc€ntDiMardno sololst; Rutsia'n Chrishat Musi.Reed/L€pla); Sinlonidtt lLddze'J.,;EnphoniumSoloErastMiniafirret(Curnow,; LittleD'1/mSheunddh (Pn'llt t Kitl(s He/ald,lrcm rrr Boy(Davis,/Sparke) ; Ctrb hus ColPaSedrf ry (Howells)iTubaSolo-Ness!fl lo8. (Becker)j Manhattan March (Puccini/Snell) Fantasyfor EuDorma rJaidz€,\rtThra Kirlgs'Szring(HiitEs). ptloniumandBmss(Wke' TubaSoloCamioal ol Venice(ArbanlDomeb. I2ringtot Bra s fund F6tiryl, February IM?'dsrd8.rd&-Fanfare ant Fburisha 25-26 1995.SinglelaryCenterfor the (Cwraw\ Punchinello(Rimmer) Izad Arb, Unlver6ityol K€nhcty, Onl (R.W.Holz) The Nao Cooen4fit (Cunrow). l, Mini C.on.rtt Lcrlngton Braar B.nd (Ronald Fiolz and Skip Gray) fc6rir. Prdrdr (Bulla);Trombor€Solo- Smoky Mountrl,n Bresa B.nd gohn n Gutdion (&ah'tr l, Dale W.rrtn West). Chrbtsras Crncert, Deember, &lotgt; Mir ch-K.ntu*y (Goldman/ t94, with Arhvtl|e Chot.l Soclety Ilrdrr0e5 IbBI|3EBind&ldgr I BandNews Gok Keener). Comblned Itanr6- Onceia Wl Daoid'sCtty Wilcocks) Ioy to the Woid! (F.J.'tler)'SeeAnid lhe Winlelo Sroa,(Willcocks).ChoBl So. clety-A Mtden Most Genfle(Cater); ^ Bareis Bon Mathias); We$vd Carol (Rutter); Tlrr Chtistfios Night Williarnson);Sti,Sfill,Srtl(L€dger)I Wondcras I Wcrder Niles/Rutter). SmokyMounlaln--Crris tuasTt iptych (C[rrrowr; Gftasleat?s (rngford, It theBlak Miduinter ('lre,,afihe,j I Bring Ydr a Bran h of May (Trevarthen); (Bizetr,Co bin€d ltems-O Farandole All Come Y. E ithlul Qvtllcc,cks\;I6us Clild (Rutter); The First Nou.Il (Willocks). Trlangl. Brss Bend Michael Votla). Fall Crncert s€ries, Three locahons, Novemb€r1994.Fdnlrr, ,nd Fbui6h6 (Curnow)i EleSyand Rondolrom A DoMIond Stlit.(hela d\;Rhapsdybt E Flat fuWanoContel (Eaves/Gregson), l.arkjn Horton *loistt C.olonitlht g (Grainger/t nSford); Etc.r/s ftorn RE,rt n (Verdi/Hile); Nicaa4(Hirnest SinpleGif sGbadman-Allqi j Y. Banls afid Bn6 (Cralr'€]et\;He-Doui hofi Edee(Coplandl Tdantle Br.8s Band and Dulc Unl. verslty wlnd Symphony (Michael Votta), Deember l, 194, Duke University Baldwin Auditorium. Combincd-Flolrisrr for Wind Bcnd (VaughanWilliarns) Tlt,,ltgl-Elry and Rondo/J'3'ladrtwlnd Sym-S!e9a Mrmtflcts' Catd (Craingerl Com(Ja(ob);Trtbl^ed-Mu6i. for o Fds.tioal errtlc-F anlt eMd Florrish6(Cnrrl@w, ; ColorialSonS(Grainger) wlnd SymHarnncrsnith (Holst); ConblncdOoan IftrciaI (Yvalh,^r. U.S. Army Br.$ B.nd (Timothy Holtan), with U.S.Anny BraesQutntet and MtI Cr€ekStlver Blars Quartet, February1,195. FortMyersArmy Base.Quintet-l rier FirP'sCarqnny (Edelbrock); Ptttssion of th. Nobles (Rimsky-Korsakov/Seipp) ; Watet Music SuifeGlandel/Seippl; Clait delune (Debussy/Seipp);Maniag. ol Eigaro Mozarl / *iq!'). @arlel-F outenelor 8/ass (Spurgin); Dioertimento (Voegelin); yaliations ol a Themeol Pasafiini(HorovlEr. Brads BandCaniliileOoertrte (Bernstein/Snell), EuphoniumSolo-ParfyPriar (Spark€), laura Uneberger sFloist; Li'l Da in (Hefti/Sparke); Concertolor Tuba (Horovitz), Dave Z€rkel soloisbC.rlaur Contdl Mar.rr (Broadbent);&rssitn c,rb,r'us Music(Rd/IEpla\. WoodsM.nuf.cturlng Comp.ny (Oltawd Ltd, B!.sr Band(D.Druc€).ConF munity in Concen,January22, 795. Nepean Centrepoint Theabe. Other participatinggroup€:Thc B.nd of th. Gov.nolr foot Gu|td (T. Porte), Plp.s .nd Dmm. oI th. 18th Highl.nd.r6, Lt8g.r Colledrrc Inrtltute Orahcrtr., Lirgar Collcglate lrudtute Cholr, Ll8g.r ln8dtute Conccd B.nd, Hlghl.nd$, VocalistsD. Bourre and G. Hampson.This nusgi!€ program wassponsotcdby TheGoverDot Ceneral'sFoot Guard Foundation. Among Ole item featur€d by Woods Manufaclurlng-N.ssun Dorma (PuccN);P6rHornQlop(oef g);Rosr 4 klingeE(Kttnx'):Thunds atulLW| ning Polka (Strauss/LanSford); FdnndoleGizelJ. WelcEmeto Dominion Bracs Bmd! ThesoundsofBritish bras6bandmusic will soon be heard in the Tidewater areaof Virginia. The Domlnlon Brass Band, createdas a bint effort of Old Dominion University and the Unlted StatesConttnental Amry Ban4 Fort Morlloe,Viryinia, will beginrcheatsals on March20thand prcsentconc€ltson May lSth and2lsL Corductingtheband is CaptainThornasH. Palmatier,CorrF .nanderand Conduck)rof The Unlted St t.8 Condnental Army B.nd and past director of The U.S. A.r|[ryBra8a A.nd. Boosey&Flawkeshasalso aSreed to s,upporttheband.Thebandis happy to announcethat res?ons€has been overwhelmingfor its call to membership from area musiciansand we are exp€ctingnDre than 30 meribe.s for theeight-weekspring season.Wendall BanFy, well known throughout th€ TidewaEr region as an accompltshed clrnet and humpet soloist, has been engagedas the co(Ertnaster of the Dohinion BrassBand.The$rpportstaff includesKarlSchultz,librarianandsob euphoniurq Dave Witt, rnanaSerand principal E nat bass,and Chucl Jackson,publicity director and B Flat bass. It is the Domlnlon BtaasBand'Bhope lhat interest will be hlgh enough to continue presentingconcertspast the first setof Derfortnances. For more lnfonnation;boutDomlnlonBt t6Band calfChuckJacbonat (E041727-362O;or DaveWitt at (ml)-727-4060. Orvleto Muslaa-Chambar Mu8lc Workrhop in Orvieto/ Italy NABBA rrPmber Douglas Hedwi& is pleasedba louncethe secondyearof aChamberMusicWorl6hopinOrvieb, Ital, July 5-29, 1995,Op€n to bnss as rr,ellaswitd ard sfing playeF, lt is an intenslve 3 1/2 week p€rformancr reorkshopfor stud€nts,professionals, educators, and dedicated anateurs, with coachingsand perforrMnc6 in andarourd thepeacrful cttyof Orvieb. The braseprogram ls dtrecd by Dr. DouglaeHed$'i& a kumpebr and(orr*tist tn his 22nds€.ron with the M.fropolttan Opar. Orcharka in New Lch rS fb B|rr &r|d 8dd!a 'll _ INTERNAI1ONAL _ Demands aregreater, so more andmoreBrass Bands areturning toWILLSoN. Dr.BrianL. Bowmanard lh€wodd'sfinest -the euphonfum Willson Compensaling ModelTA2900 Bes!r6to leslour insirurnor s intheDEG boolhal Chanpionships Xl onAp.il22& 23,1994. Willson background specialist for: Euphoniums, tenorhorns, basses. Distfibution inUSA: DEG Music Products Inc, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin 53147 Distribution inCanada: AtWillson brass instrument ghout dealers throu Canada. York Gty and ProfBsor of Music at Brookl).nCollegeand theCity University Craduate Center. His ove! thirty recordingsin vaious mugical ldioms appear on Deutsche Grammophon, Sony Masterworks,Nonesuch,and Columbialabels.The workshop fee is $1250,which indudes all cources,use otpracticeandrehearsalfacilities,rmm, breakfast one main meal/day, and transportation to all conc€rts.Trany portationbetweentheU.S.and Orivekl is not included, although information about low{ost charbr flights will be provid€d. Und€rgaduab and graduaE college credit is available for an additional cost. Fot further infornutiorL contacl ORVIETO MUSICAPhone (212)304-9726;FaDtQ12l 629452J51;E-Mail:ayeung@pwa.acusd. edu. lDouglasHedwig] AIan Femi€ lo Vlstt U.S. Alan Femie, one of the leading blass banCarranger/cohposeF in the IJK wil be visiting rhe Unid Stafeoin April of this year, His aplraranhe is 12 tho*.!sBrndEdtr l|tdrtSs being sponsoredby WestemCarolina University, Cullowhee, NC. At the University Fernie will conduct mastercla$$ on tsombone,work with theorystudentsonarrangingfor bre6s, and give ageneral-audienc€ ledure on musiceducationin the UK. Femiewill arriveon April4 anddepartApril 13.A higNight of his bip wil behis rcheare ing th€ Smoky MoqnLtn B''ss Band, conductingthe band,and per.forming with the band.It is anticipad Olatthe entireprogramwill bedevod to originals and arrangem€ntsby Mr. Femie. Fernieis writing a pi€cespedficallyfor the band, Ame can Variations,kr be publishedby BernelMusicin its /medcanBtalr tund Seri6.IPFitwneyl Yo|rng Anbassrdorr to Tour US in Augu8t The Yount Amb.ssadorsBrars Band ofcrcat Britainwill sDerdthemonthof August, 195, in fire-northeastUniM Statesahd Canada,Date6of the tour run Augurt 2-22. Th€ band wilt visit West Warr€n, Agawam, and Spring- 6eld,M.A;IakeGeorge,DiarrbndPoint, lake Luceme,Weesport and Niagara, l.Iy; St Catherines,Burlingtort london, Carnbridge,in Ontario, Canada; also, BufIalo, Tonawanda, l.JY; and Weston, Ontario; and finauy, Altamount, Albant try. A compleb itinerary can be had by calling (7U)293-9312,The Young Ambassadors BrassBandwasformed in l9Z8 to orovide a "Bridge" for brilliant young musicianstocometogetherandre-unib following their initial training at music collegesand/or drc Nadonal Youth BrassBand of Grcat Britain. This will be their 50th tour, and fifth North Ame cantour. [Bert Wiley] IJK National Youth BrassBand He.€ tn 1996 Word has been received from Roy Newsomethat the Natlonal Youth Bia33Bandwill becoming to the USin Julyofl9 ; theheadquarteBwillbeat Western Carolina Universitv, Cullowhee,NC, The band wi[ 6e sFnding the we€k in Orc US in rehearsaland touring in the region.Prior to the arrival of the NYBB/ Roy Newsomeand two or threeadompanlng tutors will conducta brassband school for brass playerg from the US and Canada.Details will follow ln tuture issues of the Btidg€, but some inforrnationis currendy availablefrom Bert Wiley, (70l)-293-9312.This will c€rtainlybe a highLlightof the surnmer of '%! [BertWileyl The ioint concertof the Brars Band of Columbus and the Ottlo Collegtate Bta$ listed in this issueof the Brtdge drew dne complimentr tror Colwnbus Dspatcr!critic, RatphODette. Here'Ba sample:'The Collegiate Brassbegan with afine perforrnanceoftJ?iaalbrass bandfare.ThencameSusi'sadaDtation of Stan Kentonlo flashy Maliguem, The.e was great playing by ail and a briliant, in-thestyle cometsoloby Bil Dunn," ODette went on the praisethe 8BC's rendition of and Ian Polste/s arrangemento of dancesfrom WestSide €!@r. lPaut Drosb] I ) CommonwealthBra6s B.nd has nam€dJohnR.Jonesto be its associaE conducbor. Jones,assistantprofes6orof tubaand euphoniumat the University of lruisville, has performed in other NABBA bands, induding the Band of Columbu! and The Unlvcr sfty of nunob Btde Band. J. ,erorE Amendcontinuesas music direclor of ComEronw€alll! a post he has held sincethe band was organizedin 1989. Amend and Jonessharedthe conducting duties for the CBBSamual Chrietmas concert at Broadway Baptist Church, Decemb€r19, 1994.The pro8Taminduded Fanlareatul Flot/ris;''6 (Cumowt c'rrirhnasS ite@tttld:,MMdl otlrref4ls (Herbert/HanIrEr) andCornet loIntheBlfukMid-Winter (Holst/ Broadbent),RobertWebb soloist.The churchchoirJoinedtheba^d fot Onaein Wal Dand'sCity (tlillcocksr; O Cone AlI Y. FailhfuI (W llkcr,l<s\ar]dA Chi stnas EantaryIa glotdr. [ElmerHall]. From F.3tlv.l Ctty, Kathy Musackls€.retary, Boad of Dil€ckrrs] reporb that the band has had a great startto the1994rSseason,startingwith a visit from Martin Dawson, former tenorhom nEmberofDc3lord CoIle.y Band.Their Novenrb€r30thconcertat MarquetE Untversity 0tsted in band prograrnsl was fouowed up by the band'shorneFall conert on December 3, 194. In addition to tlE tull length conc€rtsthis Fall,Fecdv.l Clty abo got out b sp€ad the holiday ch€€rby perfonning Chrlstlnas musL at two of Milwaukeds largFt shopping rulls. Thegloup was gr€ed by many holtday shoppeis who enFyed taktng a br6l9 and even ganta hlfiself, who danced to the band's rendldon of Rudolph.Then€xtprogramiortheband will be r conert on March 4, 195, at ConcordiaUniversity,tobe$ared wtdr that school'sWtnd Ens.mbl. direcd byDr. truisMendre, [Ka6yMulactl NCSU Briti6h Bt 3 8:nd and Triuce bands,and theU,S.Afiry Orahe& angle BrassBand i)ined togetller on tra.Oneof thehighlightsof thehip was February19lhfor a ErassBaid futuna the perfornunce by the Arm€d For(ts con(Ert as parl of a BrassconcePts Tuby'Euphonium En5eBrble.Fifty or concertseries.Also featuredwer€two morcof the finesttubaand euphonium outstanding professionalsoloists, players in the world played anangeRaymondMase(trump€t)ard Warren ments of Dukas, Brahmg,Susato, Deck Ouba). Full details in the rExt Bruckner,Mozart,and Mussorgsky.A iseueof the Bridt.. Trt.nglc wifl Fin thriuing p€rformance,inde€d! Guest with the USABa, as repord in tlut artistg included Alan Baer, Lary band'sprcssreleasethis is$e, April4, c:mpbell, Sam Pifafian, RoSerBobo, 195. Triantl€'B 1995Spring Corlc?rt WalEr Hartley,Mark Camphouse,and season\{ill include four concerts, Kevin SEes.Perhapsthe rno6tmernoshetchingfrom MarchEthto May fTth rableFrforrnance wasgivenby PaulS, in a variedof regionalcsrErs. At E en Kellner,aeuphoniumplayerandmernfirst concert,in Raleighat Edenton5t. ber of The U.S. Madnc B.nd. Sgt. U.M. Crulrh, Oteywill b€ Fir€d by K€Unerplayed lart siqfur Euplanit n organisl William J. Weis6er.Icormie andOrch*tnby SFphenBulla.Kellner Varnerl is a tsl,e artist. Bert and Ernie higNy necomrrendthis annual event! lBert WU.yl Salt Rivq BrasrBand'soncert set'ies in early 1995are a9iollows: Rbruary Woodr Manufachrlng Co. (Ottawe) 5-Songs4lon r d War;Mardr 19B/assWitho Broque;May14-$ngs My 8ra$ Band has started a newslethr Mothd Tou8ht M e;| \tly 4-l ndcpenda& that tells of current band activity, On Dty. Decemberll, 194 the band gave a beneftconce at Christ ChurchCade dral that raised $2000for the church. Smol(y Mount ln Bralr Eand irirEd wood! M.nuf.cturln8 is anOFn Secmusicalforc6 with th€ Arhvtlla Chotion style NABBA band, usinS some rd Sod€ty for lhe s€condyear in two trumFts andfrenchhomsin theirseatexciting perfonnanc€sof holiday muing plan. The band is co€d,rangesin sic lseeBandPrograrnsthis issuel.The a8e from 19 to 73 yea$ of age, emd first perfonnancewash€ldin tha?l€niftludG a numberof ex-s€rvicebandg did auditoriumofthe lbuywood Conr ib Theft directorlsDavid munity Couege,while ttE se(ondwas nEn in ranl€. Druc€,formerly from the UK; theband perfonr€d for a starding room only is sponsor€dby Gothde Woods.The audienc€in theChapelat Wan€nWilbard hop€sb r€cord a CD sonctirne son Collegein Swanannoa,NC. The following their March 25,1995(orKtrt. programwas€nffiining and reasreForfurth€r inlorrnationabouttheband: ceivedwith &eat e husiasmby both Woods Manufacturing Co, (Ottawa) audi€nc€s.[BertWileyl Ld, 67 Ib€r Roa4 Stittsville, Ontarto k2SlE7 Canada. Aeft.nd E da's Grcrt AdYantuE! On Thusday, b.uary 2, B€rt Wil€y and E. (Er€sf) Wayne Pr€661€y erF ba*ed frcm Culowheeard MarsHill, NC rcspectivelyfor a tour day trip b Warhingtonb atend th€armud ft.,aEuphoniumconfden c aaForrMyer,VA. Thetripwas hardlyuneventfirl,asdt€I€ was a largecrowd in athndancg plus O€r€w€r€ntanybrilliant by invid 8u€st ertists, military s€F Ini 1O5 IIP Brraa&nd &ld!a 13 NewMusic forBrassBand tuvleffd by Pr|rl0r6b ntcaldentards.Thebeautyot Ol€piece li€sin its simplicity.Itwould sewewell Thr€er€c€ntpublicationsfrcm Rosehill as a confidencebuilder for a young Music have been submifted to the soloist,or asa short encorcfor a more Bddte for review. Two of them, No7- acomplished soloist. $egianS@t and TheFltrt, are by WilTle FIir, (Wiuiam Rimmer/Elgar liamRirnrrE(f 862-1 )arrdhavebe€n realized for brass band by Blgar Howarth). Rosehil Musig 1991.ffie Howarth asparts of Ifie Musb of EIg4' flirt is w'itbn for tuI brassband with prgminent s€ctionsfor the solo Ho.drartrseries.Rimmerwasoneof the very corn€t It is tn traditional A-FA form, most influential brassband leade$ of wlth a polka on both ends and a his day ard a very prolific compos€r/ cantibile sectioninthemiddle.A direct arlangei.At th€presenttinreonecould comparisoncan be lnade with the haonsiderthese to be "Friod piec€s," miliar cometsologofH.A. Vandercook. part of the tun-of-the$ntury reFrThe solo cornet part has the polka tore, rnelody, sonEtimesas a solo, sorECmrcl Sdo: Notuegittl fuig (lllilliam tirnesasa sectionaltutti. Thehomsand Rimmer/Elgar Howarth). Rosehill flugel carry most of the cantabile Music, !99. The solo with brassband melody of the mid-s€ction.As ln Noraclompanir€ntisnrarkedandontea d flregiznSon&the demandson the aclastsatroutone rhinute and a hall Ex- $mpanirnent parts are minirnal, but cept tor two high A's, the solo comet th€soloconet trartwill bst theflo<ibilpart do€snot go abovethe staff. The ity of an advancedplayer. Th€ piec€ a(ompaninEnt partg arc mostly 6u9 lasb abouttwo minutesandhasusefirltain€dwith very mod6t rahSeandtech 1** * * * Nz49BA* Championships)CV 1995 * * ** ** inColumbus, Ohio Aprill2-13, 1996 Hosl: Brass Band olColumbus Projected Gala Guest: Concerl Southem Territodal Brass Band ofTheSalvation Army (Richard Holz) 'la lh.&..rSrrl< hrl$ neagas an inbresting exampleof a bySOneefa. TromboneSolo: The Noble Trcmbn (Brian Bowen). Rosehil, 1994.Brian Bowe&f orm€rbandnastetrofTheNcr York Stefi Brnd (1885-1992),cotrrposedthis fivFminub solo with brass accompaninPntbr Dudley Bright and ttte PtincirylsCD teatulinghim and Philip Smith. While written for tenor hombone,an f-attachfi€nt is requircd for severalnotes,thoughopdonalnotes ar€ provided. Afur a short introductton the "noble therne"i3 pr€enH in the6010 kombone,lhende!€loFd bclrnically in the following section.A short "drarnati@"sectionalmo6tin rccitative stylefollows,thenfurther developrn€nt of the odginal theme, and finally, a short (9da. There are ftequmt meter changes,mosdy from 3/2 ro 2/2 to 3/ 2, as so forth. Thesolopart will rcquire a hombonist with a well-grounded techniqueand Fojection, The band parb are often expoc€dand require son€ technical facility, as weu. ffir Norl, Tftinbw ls well-named.It offerstrombonesolokts and bandanopporhrnity to play sonEtNng traditiorul-soundin& yet with a new ard differ€nt twist. Iot doftheDanczebnipw ilby).Rosehill, 1994. Editor'sNob: Ros€hillhasrelels€dthis irdividual rnolqnerrtftorn Portila: Pcrcadslrvn Hona as a ryrate itstn for bandsiust wanting to feahrrethe baditional Shak€r tune, so skillfully and jo)'fully set by Wtlby. A completeIe view of Poila4rdsappearedin our August1991i59ue.Partib ha9b€€ncho6€lr for the Ch.llenge seclionfo. thisyea/s conbst in Torcnto. TheU.S.ArmyBrassBandWelcomes NewConductor ByShfi Sot ChdsbDturJ. RorBsay qumt guestsoloistandoneoftheband's strongestsuppordt wil unveil anew aFa.gem€ntofEugeneBozza'sC4priar. American seavicemenrbers lnow that changeis a fact of military life. Merr betsof The U.S.AImy Bra.caB.nd arc remindedthat they ar€no exceptionb ttEt rule asthey vaelcomea new director to the podium. Capt. Timothy J. Holtan was appoinH to the position when the ensemble'sformer director, Capt.ThornasH. Palrnatier,was reae signed to cornrnandThe U.S. Cond. n€nta.lArdry Bandat FortMoruoe,VA. The first fall rehearsalfound an eager and determined conductor under the scrutiny of a curious group of musicians,who wonderedabout the future of this new collaboration.CaDt,Hol tan expressedhis desireto build'upon the band's past suc(Essand ruintain its standinga9one of America's premier brass bands. True to his word, the ensemble-sfiIst co(ert of the 1994-95 season was a success,,Vincent DMartino wasthefeaturedguestsolc ist and he also had the opportunity to p€rform a duet with a former student of his, Staff Sgt.and Army BrassBand member Paul Klofltz. Most rccendv. Holtanconducd tlE bandontheopeiring con(Ert of the 12th annual Army BandTuba-Euphonium Confetara, a event sponsorcdby Tha U.S. Adry B.trd (Pershing'sOwn). [SeeBandProglams thb issuel Holtan, a native of Bisrnarck,ND, re ceivedhls Bachelotr's and MasE/s de in music education from Mon8ree3 tanaStateUniversity and the University of Montana. Prior b hig military s€rvi(E,he sFnt 11 yeaE as a schml musiceducator,culninating in his position as Dircctor of Bards at Great FallsH.S.,GreatFa[, Montana.During his tenwe there, Holtar{s ens€rhbles eamedreSlbnalarld national re<ognttion from the Music EducabrY National Conferenceand alsop€rformed atthe r98SWinblOlympicainCalgary, AlHa. As abra$perforrrEr, h€served C&in nrqhyJ.HoWl as priricipal trombonist for tlle GErt F.llr SymphonyandSymphonyBr.s! Quinht. Capt. Holtan pir€d the Army in l9EE and was cornrnissionedin l9E9 as an Ofticrrcardidab SchoolDistmguished Miltary Graduab. He has been honorcd for high achievern€ntthroughout his tsaining.Beforehis arrival at Tha U.S.tumy B.nd in 191 Holtanserved with tlte U.S.Conttncnt l Brnd alld on the stafl of The U.S.Army Schoolot Music,Norfolk, VA. As d|e U.S. Aftty Brir5 Brnd looks forward toward the future, th€ chalImge of changeand gowth condnues to be rrct by its inembersard its new director. Throughout the coming rnon$s, The USAEBwill continueto enterlainaudiencesat hon€ in Washingto& D.C. and on th€ mad. Of noE wiu be fre band'stdrd apFaratrceat lll€ Natiarl,'lTrun wt Ctnidition at *n P.M.on Saturda, March lE at G€orge Mason University. OrKe again rlrerft bersof theUSABEwill shaletrc stage with cornetistand Naw York PhtlhalmonicprirKipal tsumpet,Philip Smith. tn addition. VincentDiMartino. a fre- In April the USABB will ernbarkon a four concert tour, beginning with an appearance at 8:00P.M. on Monday April 3 at RoanokeColleSein Salem, VA. Theconceftwill featureguestsoloist Dr. Jos€phBlalu. Blahais a former memberof The U.S.Army Bandand is now cufiendy onthefacultyatRoanoke College.Thenext evenin& April 4 the band will presentaFint concErtat 8:m P.M.with Th€Trlantle Bra$ Bandat Fuquay-Varina Fuquay-Varina, NC. Triengl€ BraBB,under the direction of Duke Unive6ity faculty member Michael Votta, has distinguished itself as one of the countrl/s up and coming amateur brass bands.The firulc will featureboth bandstogether. Theband'sthird concertwill beat 230 onW€dnesdayApril 5at RoanokeRaF ids H.S.,RoanokeRapids,NC.Thetour will clnclude with a 7:30P.M.conc€rt on Thursda, April 6 in conjunction wi$the All EastefiBafldandltlslrummlal Clini. at Uttle Creek Naval Amphibious Bas€,Norfolk, VA. If you would like more infonnation about theseFrformances, pleasecall as indicaEd: National Trump€t Cornpetition (703F993EE88; RoanokeCollege Conc€rt (m3) 37F233; Triangle Brass ioint concert (919)-557-2531, RoanokeRapidsConcert (919)-5372505;AUEastonBandOinic (E04)-464- 75r0. llrdr igt rhe BrBr Brxt &ldg. 15 Band/Brass Recordin w@w@I,N|of;#!t.I,@IE NEED NEW MUSIC? trREts @AIAN@@EXES Updated ltstings OYer 1760 dtles! LOOKING FOR TIIE IIITESiT CDIS? BERNEL IIAS THEMT CEII TODAY! NEW A,IVDUS.EDIII'STRUMEIITTS BESSON SOVEREIGN DEG WIITSiON DO YOU IIAVE MUSIC YOU WANT PUBLISHED? CALL BERNEL TODAYI BERNEL MUSIC LTD. P O BOX2438 CULLOWHEE,NC 28723 PH/FAX 704 2939312 VISA-MASTERCARD-DSI COVER tO lta Br|l! 8f|d Br'l€o l5rft lS5 1. Iad Ot1.The Rra8sBand ot Columbus (Paul Droste).Heartsong HsCDol.TT6125.Program,/oycr's 71stN.Y. ReginentMqdt (byet / L^ker; Lead Onl (R.W. Holz); Firdltonn(Blllar; Powetand Glory (%!et; Jubilahae lot CometsndBand (Hiries), SoloistDan Kin& ,4,rnli4 (Newsome); Harlequin (Broughton, fie WashingtonPosl Mat.h (h\tsa/ l.eidze r; Ooettute to l4Jgr4.dzl-P6!iu. (v erdiI Wright); Tlra Neu Cooefiant (Cumow\;ElCadtanMarch(. wal; (H Bl6sAneri.t (tulin / l.€id]g ); Elsd'sProc6s,o,Wagner/Himes); Sevefity-SixTrc bon6 (Willson/ Duthoit). This r€cordingis the first compactdis( for this outstandingband whidr ts crleb@tingits tenth anniversary.A wide variety of music is presend, from Sousarnarchesto classicWagfler,All of the compositionsare p€rformed with excellentprecision,ens€mble,and intonation. The highlight of this album for this reviewer is /t/rilancelor Coflel a'd Bandby William Himes.Not or yis it playedflawlesslyby Dan Kin& principal cometof theBBC,but it is givena very energeticreading by Dmsh and the band. Mr. Klng's Frformance should s€rveas a rnodel fbr other cornetisb in NABBA. Paul Drosb s leadership of this group deservesmuch praise,especiallyfor hir preparationof the s(ores. All the composltionsare perforrEd wior great claity, balance, and a rich bne quality. Thenro6t!echnically difficult works of this album, Fi'.rlorrn, ^rd It Forzt dd D.!tino, arc played wift a critical sens€of detail and contsol.Eba'r Prlc8sior is an endumnceontest for any band,but the BBC maintains its composure and sound all th€ way b the find chord. C-ompositionsftomTheSalvadonArmy are represenbd on the recordingand, in addilion totgbilanae,RonHoHs LrtitE S?,tin&lad Onl a dTh.N?,.oCDoa,anlbytanEs Cutnow des€t'vealisbr b,yfdlow bards as excell€ntcompo,.dtiong foaconc€rts.Thlg recordingis an excellent choice fot conductors ard bandrnembersalike, for its careful attentionto detailand for its wide variety Crnofmusicsuitablefor anyoccasron. grahtations to The Bras6Band of Columbuc and Paul DrosE. The CD is availabledirccdy from the bandr$16.50(includesshipping);Cae settesare$11.00.Checkspayableto The BrassBandof Columbur. Order ftom: Mr. RaySpilrnan, 2787ConcordRoad, Delawarc, OH 43015.Also available frcm BemelMusic and EgonRe(ords, Reviewedby Don Kneebut&Professor of Trombone,University of South Flo.ida, Sunrhine Blasr B.nd piere,'fhanesndCo-opera tion.Hor oitz providesa fine blend of cerebralchallengefor the conductor,pyrotecfmical demandsfor theentiresp€ctrumof the band, and a persistentcall for ltrical elegancefrom the end chair playersin which OrisrelativelyshortconEstpiece, lastsabout 10and a half minubs. I do not think thiswork will godowfl asone of the popular test works, but there is certaidyexc€llentwritin8initforbands willing b make the commihrEnt towards sudr a thinly scor€dsymphonic sketch. Theguestsoloistgare all excellent,with thebombonesoloarealstandout.Brett Bakerreally rlatchesup to the legend 2. Natb/al BrassBafidChowbtlshipof the gr€atArthur Pryor.FaLeyBand 1994.Induding National Champi deliveBsomedazringEchnicalft atsons Black Dykc Mllb B.nd (Jarneg like their deft handling of the doubleWatson), WtUlams Fatrey Band* tonguedruns in theSmetanaoverture. (Maior Peter Parke6);Combined The recordedproglam from the Gala Bands+of Cws clrsgow (Archie Concertis aboutwhat one expeclsfor Huhhinsod andUnlt€d Notthwest such a Pops and Celebration atsnoCoopetatlve Rochd.le (Dennis gphere---{RichardRodgers'b.oadway Hadfield); Breft Baker, trombone falorlb; a new,butclasstc{tylemarchi solols! RogerWebster,comet solo- good tsanscriptionsfrom Orcclassics; lsg David welsh, euphor{um solo- great solobtg. Unfortunately the two ist.PolyphontcQPRL()7lD.TT 70r11. combinedbands, while giving sorn€ Programr me Pioneers'March+ fine playin& do not seemto beup to the (Broadbent);Ooerfure me Barteftd very higheststandardsonehascomeb Tromexpectat 6uchanevenl Therearejusta Iri.dc (Smetana/Broadbent); I do Lver (Pryor/ few toomanvnodceableDroblerns. boneSolo-ThouShtgof hopebrassbandsn'lll eventuallyleam Wilkinson) Slaljtfdro, 10thAv.rut (RodSers/Srnlth);winning Perfor- to play the end ol RussitnOtbt r4 manc€by Ela.rk Dyk -Trdm, and M!ri. without distorting dreir bne, Cooryration(Llorcvib\; Daficeof the e6peciallyin thealto homs.While I am out on the Droverbiallimb, let me also Cofitdbnsr; Euphonium Solo-nE saythat now that we havea Soodjive BetterWorl* Gearaoft! Galaric+ (Davis/ Fan); Cornet Solo{oncett CD recordingof R6pighi's Pin6 of the Errdz+(Co€dicke/Wm.Brcughton); Aryian way, as ana gd by Howard RussianChristmts Mrsic+ (Reed/ Sn€ll,that I amconfirrnedin my pr€ferLepl^\; Pines of the Aqian W|f enc€lorPebrGraham'sFansariPtion(Respighi,/StEll). it flatErs both the bra$ band ard tlre music in slighdy betEr fashion. Pol,?honic hae Eupplied another ae tonishtnt '1iyd' CD, r€orded in the Overall,this really is a TGminutefeast Royal Albert tlal last fub€r at the of goodbrassmudc, with outstarding Nationalsand the ev€ning Gala Con- soloistgard solo band perfonrunc€s, notably DyL. and c€rt If you have ever played on the you have F.irey. Specialdlanfs b Polyphonic will stagein this-uniquehall, for aontinuingkr be suchgr€atchronia greahr appr€ciationfor their bclmiders ol brassbard history and culfure, calachieven€ntginrecodingtleevenl Bla& Dyke deli!€rs a near flawle6s Reviewedby RonaldW. Holz rrerformance of Horovitz' new test 3. Solo.Russell Gray, comet and t]rc BNTI, Aand (RichardEvans),Polyphonic QPRL070D.TT 70:45.Prog.alIll.Ftun the Shorcsof theMWty Pacific (Clarke); Traumerei (Schurnarm/Snel);Oarlis ft ot1lEW lSc.bJhrN2Jlklzrg.(Richatdslic4,o Notnc Nerdi /Tarli^g); Fafitatiaorl Thefis homCainen/Bi2EIlT arline]; salutd'Amort (Elgar/Sr'€ll)tun Pdit Rien(Gollandl; fie londonderryAir (Trad./Richads); SongMd Dafice (Sp^rke); Ufla Fortiva L48rit1t (Donizetti,/Wyss); Aye Wukifi 'O (Trad./hoverr;The Sw6hin ofYour (Ray/Hurne); 8e6t,you Is My Smr:te l{orntr (Gershwin/ Dro!et); Concerto lor Cornet and Bta66Band (Sparke);slrinx (Debussy). It is alwaysFatifying to witnessa top flight ensembleput forward an ex(€F tional Derformer from its ranks; the BNIL iJatrd'sprincipal comet,Russell Gray, has recordeda fine disc in collaborationwith his colleagues,As can bedeterminedfrom the foregoingpro_ 8tam listin& this project is a veritable snDrgasbordof styles, dra*'ing from folksongs,opera,classics,and popular songs,as well as four oriSinal works. Cray is obviously deservlngof the expo$rr€ hereceiveshere,Playingwith a wonderful flexibility anddarityof bcttnique,esp€ciallyin PhilipSparke'sConcerlo.I would preler slightly mor€iudicioususeof vibrato, esp€cianyb lend mor€ direchon to the many singing pkases of this program,asI b€lievea listmerhas to bedrawnin constandyto s$tain att€ntionthrcughalengthydisc of relatively brief pie<es.The soloisfs obviousdaf tsrnanship,however,compensaEswell for such shortcomings (which may be only present in my Arnericanea$). scoringarewonThearrangernentsand derfirl; I was esFcialy imprcssedby 6tr k$afik LontotderryAtand John Golland's harmonicallyintsiguing u, Pett Rir, (wNch unfortunaiely hasno nention in th€ liner notes).TheBNTL wond€rfull, fo. the Bandaccompanies rnost part following dle soloist Per_ fuly through every rhythmic nuane. I||dr lg5 't7 TheBla B8||dBddop Thee are also some fine individual perfonnancesfrom widrin Orc band, notablytte delicaE sopranoplaying in Ted Tarling's arrangementof Verdi's CarDNorr. Tl€ rnain flaw ln this r€cordin& in faci, is due not to the peF fonnersbut to theediting and production.TlE jeareatleastfouredits imnEdiately noti.€able by the differencein volurrp from one take k) another,and tlEre is practicaly no lade time at tlle endof any selection,resultingin rather abruptdnishesto manyoth€rwisevery l',rical pieces,including the end of the disc.Th€s€Echnicalflavrscannol howev6, ob€curedrefact tlEt RucaelGray has acromplished a noteworthy solo r€cordingdebut, and we can look forward b hearingmore from him in the future. Reviewedby Terry R Eve$on, Prcfee sorof Trumpet,TheUnivergityof Kentu&y; Ladngbn Btars B.nd lEdikr/s Note ProfessorEversonhas th€ digtinctionof b€ing the fust trurr pet soloistb havea CD sponsoredby The lntemational TrumFt Guild, rcleasedin 1991tollowing s€veralRrst placevict)riesinf TGinErnationalconF petitions.WewelconEhim toNABBAll 4, TheWoldoltheEudaniwn,VohneL SteYCnMc.d, Euphoniurnr with Joyce Woodhead and Richard PhillF, piano. Polyphonic QPRZ 014D.TT ZS. Program:Sorutair F (Marcello);Parlita Gutterworth); Vocalire Gachnuninov} Solilo4yIX Wig8ins) Yari.rror6Kumn€rlFrrtrsy (Hoshina); SonataEuphonko (Haruey); Aprds Ufi Rro? (Faure' W.W6last Woltz(Ri'Jfict), H.atI in Heart (Eosankor: Btrcarolle (Off€ruadr);AN&rrCrrrftalof Vnti.e (Sbvens), WrofrRonfril Tl€ Cornsl Ofib€. PO8oxl'/. [€t us not get inb an argunEnt ove' who is theworld's greatesteuphonium player, or which Ecording of euphonium solosis the best.SaveZ minut€3 of your tin€ and iust listen to Steven Mead's labst recording. ln tem$ ot literatw€ it hasa litdebitofeverythin& rangingfromarranged(or ?und6ed" asSbve sayson theiacket)piecesto the new6t mu$c for euphonium.This is a wonderful selection of liter"aturefor euphonlumand piano and shouldap D€aIb mugiclovergof all tasbs.Much ;f this literature was new to the rcviewer and now, by way of thlg superb r€cordin& it canbeshar€dwith euphc nium playersworldwide. Perbnrrancewige this is an awesorne r€cording. Mead'Bblazing technique doesnot get in the way of the music. His playing is always under contsol, caretully thought-out, and imrnaculately presend. The sound that tE pubtish Music...we it! ' Toloptnns (01452) Far 014t2385631 Gloucsslor, GLIlLW. England 523438. Wright& Roundhavebeenpublishingmusicfor brassbandsince1875. Our currentcatalogueis thelargestfrom anysinglepublishinghousewith over5,0M titlesavailableincludingan archivesectionof over2,000titles. Ournew1995catalogue is nowavailable.Ifyourbandwouldlike to beon our mailing list justfax an addressto Wright& Round.andwewill keepyou informedof all our htest releases. Or justcontactyour local dealerfor our latestcatalogue. il r||lrlrrta|l{. [.tn tS Produc6 from the euphoniuh is a model for studentsand profegsionals alike. Therecordtngstartsoffwith Marcello's four-rioverrent Earoquec€llo sonata, played ra'ttha cello-lite tone and agility. Mead'sliquid sound,ninble tech nique and articrlation, and tasteful phasing are all evid€nt here, and on every other Piece to follow. Butterworth'sParlih could be calleda companlonpiee b tl|e Marcello sonata,with flve short but very inter€sting movemenb in the 20Ol cmtury idiom. Mead'splalng coverslhe centuries with ease,and musical under standing. The weff-known Vocalise ol F.achrnaninov receivesa sensitiver€ading, as does Faur€'s/Zes trn P€ra.A highliSht is Christopher Wigginr' unaccompaniedSoliloguylX, oneof the mostinbrestingandapproachablecontempo.ary piec€savailableb the euphonium player. Muting is not a new techniquefor euphoniumplay€rs,but it is us€dwith unosualefkiv,enessby Wiggins and Mead. Ano0rer very intercstingpiece,both musicallyand hl9torically, fu the Kurnmer Variatiotrslor Ophicleide.Writbn around the l&3G for a now ob6oletekey€dingtrun€nt in th€euphoniumregigEr,itig in air varie style that wag populari2€d for brasg trBtsurnentsby eolot6tlike J.B.Aban. Two of tlrc nroE exEnsive pie(rs on thlsreordlngaretlEFanl6 orEudtc rilm by Hoshinaand Flartey's natd Etrphofl i{ra.While profitingf romM€ad's flair, bothpiec€gar€of morEinteFst tr euphonium players than to general audi€n(Es.Ther€are somelovely p6r6 in both piec€s,particularly tlE tmprBgionistic flavo1' of the Hoohiru Prece. ,{r.rt i, Hart r|s€d trDst of d€ trkts and etftcts Fssible on bras6insEunEnts,yet had obvious musicalinE8rity. Th€ Bdlaaroll,and C.'riDil pieeg weremulti-tract€d by Mead.No wonder that tl€ vibratos match€dso we[, ard ttattheirzzy partin Ctmioal@EB off so tighL listeningl krviaf'P[dd:Fh/'ct/flxfu,rle?6s8gd It OrisieVolunE I, I c.n hardly wait for suc€ssivevolurrEs.Meadhasgivenus a 6r9t da99perfonrufte of lnEt€3tint afi, vari€d liter"ature.The piano ac<ompanincnbbyJoyceWoodh€ad ard RlchardPhiUiF are equallyoutstardlng. It was hard b rerrain from aF plaudingaftereachtrad. Thesoundo{ th€ dis. is cleanard hasplenty of dynanlc range,If you can aftord b buy only orE euphonlum reordtn& buy thls one! Reviewedby Dr. Paul DrosE, E!'.!. Band oI Colunrbur. 5. Finni* Br'-$ln Atr6ir. ADaT L|n Pottrt Flnnlrh A6.rlc.n Er.|t B.nd. Glob.l VilaSe Mu-dcCD t10. TT 56:fl. hognrr Twenty-three short pi{'c€s,rsdy dance/rwrh bnns,br|ta&ominiatue.bygbelus ad la€rrE€dl Atrsir.n brassmuskianshavedelved inb all sortsot ridr hisbrk)il traditions in rcrrnt years. The sudd€n wide spread interest in Civil War-Friod 8IouF, IJewOrleeis-stylesffi bards, ad eouic-bas€dgroupoare all a part of late.2oth century brass activity. Am.dll.n Poli.t, e brasssepH in tre Fnnish Fadition ltorr8dr-ts,.t*olrecre aE5 a fascinatingmusicalcultur€ ard erdthroughtheir dean r€adingsofboth baditional Finnish-Arrerican mwic ard arrantern€nts that resuld from the interaction betweei this ethnic Sroup-smusicand rnain-gtseam PoPular styl€s.ThebroadgeneraltimefrarrE for nost of this music s€emsb be tl|e late 180Gb the 1930s.Darc€s-polla, tango, waltz, sahottkche,saniba-arc dEtrtainstayof dler€perbire.Thelongestpi€cedo€snot exceedfour Inlnubo, a reflection of the funcdon of rmst of this music,either for soclaldancesand f€sti lsorcornmunitygathertngs.Several slsrt "concErtpiee6" Irace thlo disc,in partioiar Sibeliu{ Musenahom about1915andsevera.l charrdnSpi€ces by his tElatil€, Atmas Jaernefeldt.The instrunentation of the group i9 as bllows. E-flat cornet 2 B-fl,.t conr€ts,Fflat dto hor& Ell,at tenor hom, &flat baritone hom, and tub.. Thie sepE oeating wag also reflecH ln such ArErican group3 as tlE MoravlanbasedB.Itd oI Thc 25ahNorth C.rolin Rcdrn.nt c.SI., thal played a fanour role during the ArErican Ovil War.Theperforrnance6aresolidlycornpetent with good blerd and dear te production; tf|e recordtng quality ie Lfcfi 1995 1lr Br! Brxl Bdrl!. l0 very good. The liner notes, by the group's lead6, Paul Niemisto/ale exceilent and provide a great tnboduction into this interesting combination and literature. The mernb€rsof the group indude Americanborn des<endanB of Finnish irntnigrants, and ar€ musiciansand teacheE drawn from th€ north <€ntral statesof Mimesota and Michigan. They will be burtng Finlandlhig summer.Forfurthei lnfornution on Olegroup: Phone507-646 nlA; FAX m7463549 (Northfield, MN). The recording is availablefrom (nopric€quod): MtchaelScNestnger, GlobalVillage Recorda,245We6t19th st,NY,try r000r. NorthArnerlcan Brass Band Assoclatlon, Inc. POBox2€8.Cullowhe€. NC28723 APPLICANON FORITEMBERSHIP pt,d/g.@np,obcl$ry aN ln lu Namg Mr/Mrs/ Misglrg Dr(please cW one) Review€dby RonaldW. Holz P0Box Stresv City zip Stab ( Tolephone Numb€r Mombsrship Catsgofy Insfument Playsd BandNans Crtogorlor ol llombor3hlp: kxllvldual... msmb€fship $s €gular ralslorreliroes &soclsh... rsduc€d ratsbr sudsnb $udonl...r€ductd Band... msmbership lorbands .. membsrsirip torcompanis Coryoralo. psryear Drr6s: $20.00 DrJ€s: $10.mperyoar Duos: $l0.00perysar p€rysar Du€s: $50.00 poryoar Du€s: $'l00.00 malcch€ckpayabls h Ploass B/assBaNtAssociatan. trs tl'tft AfiEt'c€n bhilohd<aN @nDlod lotn b: B€rtWilev POBox2438 NC28723 Cdldvhs€, 20 lha&rBr|d&l€t 5ad! ls BookReviews 1. gryks,Harry.Witha'nausndtunds: 2. Arrfild,ZAch.Musiatl Put!stw',,.''ls: At fiyfund.Piva|c 50+Ina sahntiotr A Grideto thcCt Ltttuction,Ue, ond Printingby Author, 194. 240pp., Rhetorical AMIW6 of 62 NoodMusiilushations,no multiplephotosand .tl lrctruntnt,l.B6don Musittl Parc. irdex.ISBNG964494.Gl.Pap€rbadc Availableat $12.00plus E2.00ship/ hand. ftom PraiseUnlimit€d! P.O. Box1614,Windsor,CA 95492. The gl€at conbibution of this entertainin& fast-.€adrngautobiographyof a bt6ss bandsnBn lies in the portait given of a vanishing era,a tihe when SalvationAImy bandin& ln a positlve s€nse,guidedapeEorfs lifeand worldview. Thedaysof a corF bard [urching back to tl€ Army corps from two OpenAL serviaes,sorretimestluee,on a given s|rrday, plus two wolsNp servics, ale fading it not btally Sonein Anerka. Bandsdo moretoursandconcrrb a '€ar than tl€y do oubCoorevangelisln That b mt rtEant asa siticism; Otatis reelity in tp late lts03 fiarry SparksoF6 up with greatcharmand hurtDr hjs d€e? f€elingsand obs€wations abqlt a life of sacEd service.In tlre processhe bls a higtory of bra99 barding in Calilomia, and in-pardc!lar, of orE geat band-rDw Paradaha Trb.n-t [I,o! ArycL! Clt dcl-Ls A[t.l.r T.b.rn.clc-Hollywood T.bartucL, th€nPa!.dcnal. Tldgls not a doc'urnenH stud, therc i9 no index nd bohobg. YetSparlgprovtdessor€ qcrllent (ommentary on tl|e Frconaliti€sand hudc ln the world of Salvation AImy banding which he elcnunlercd. In additioD Sporls tele sorne very funny sbries about hi9 barding exp€tri€nce, th€ tird aI batrdn€mb€rs like b repeat.He also dureg the s€rioug,sad actorrntsof tragedy, lii.e the gudder lo6sof star playersin an automobile accidentiugt at the conduslon of HollywmdT.bqn .b's196{EuropeanTour.Thegeneralr€ad€rwtll have tun wi$ UdsbooL Derpiteit8 inIorE€l approaclr, the bool wtll offer good things to bad schola$ as wdl. Pacific Grove, CA: The Boxwood hes6, 199{.287pp., multiple iIuEtrationg/diagrams,good index. ISBN 0-940168-28{,PaDerback. $14,95from TheBoxwoodPres6,184 OceanView Blvd,Peific Crove,CA 93950.FAX 1G3754130. Here ie a puzzle book br musiiais fascinaH wilh words or inffi in sorre fun constsuctionFoje'cts. But wait--do)|oukiow whal aFnlonmrym is?ZachArnold, ProfessorErneritusof lntegrative Biolo8y-University of Califomia,Berkeley,canbll you and a whole lot moie about puns and their realization in conceb form. You do not have lo have good craft skils b enjoy this workbook, handsomely bourd with plastic splral birder for easyusein th€ shopor study. Sor€ of the puns are outraSeou&One of my favo.i€s is the "Knocted Um in Sea" Nocturne in Cl; thiscanbecorrea litde diorana, t kinS what UE author says would be about 4-5 hou$ rrork. I b€lieve hirF-myrelf exc€pH for 51lcha tinre.frame,who will continueb enFy the book for ib humor, thorough re 6€arah,exacdngdetall, and irugination, leaving the claft for nroregifted folL Actuallt there arc a nufirber of proirte that might bedorEquiteeasily andbandscouldsel t]EnL Manyof th€ Plrlsfnrr?rls rtua.lly can be played! TfE book is thoroughin botr its oplanation of th€ puns, detailed dc.('ip tiong of tha consFuction, induding toob/suppliB n€ed€d,ard a hoet of oth6 us€6rl dat . Ever,,thingfrom a RulrtaBanlto aTuhTdhrcM Advertlslng tn The Brt dge NowConlact: Captaln Thomas Palmatlor U.S.Continsntal ArmyBand -99E5 FortMonro€, VA23651 USA Fa|i($0/l72740F,2 SendYour Band Ness & Concert Pnograms Pleasesondyourconc€rt prograrns ard artlcleson r€cenl adlvltleslo TFIEBRIDGE u/ewanttorPad about vour bandl R€viewedby RonaldW. tlolz 1tl5 Tlr Bra3rBarxlBdd$ n American Military MusicPreservation Formed Society Bylhonrs tlcolsl military music programsthrough the years. [Edib/s Note: Tom is a 22-yearveteran of the Air Forc€mudc p,rogram, statiorEd with tl|e AlI FoIt. Band of rh. P.dftc at YokotaAB, Japan.l Sincethe time of the colonial afmy, musichasbeenanimportant partol the Arrprican military. Artrericanmilitary unib werebasedlargely in part on the Britishmilitary, and sinc€koop rnove mmt was directed thrcugh the use of drum signals,musicianswere an inbgral partof thelinesofcornmunication. Offic€rsof regimentsnot authorizld b tlaveabandwould solrPtime3pay"out of poc*e(, to brm a band of civilian musicians.Uke the military balds of toda, a portion of their mission was hoop nro.aleand public concerts. The number of bands tn tlte mittary haschangedwitrt tsoopsb€n8th;morc bands during times of contlict, less during timesof peace.Although ther€ areneverenoughbandsaroundto meet all derMnds, like all too many school musicprograms,theyar€olten the6rst to go when the budgei a)(€droF. Botby $ew, Sammy Ne3tico, Clark Terry, Mike Crotty, and Bill Watsous ar€only a few of thenany gr€atnam€s in music who have be€n invohcd in 22 l|r.B||.sd8nto rtgr'l$ Wh€n military unib are irucdvaEd, (dos€d down,) unit recordsar€ sup posedb betuved to aplaceof storage, such a5 the Air ForceHietorical Re searchAgencyat Maxwel AFB, Alabarna.TheseareofEn very incomplete. Massivear|ount3ofrrenrorabilia,guch asphobgrapb, recordings(including riasE tape),concst po6&N,andolher itemsof hfubricalinbrest arclost,asall spaceallowedfor sbrage is a G.l. footlocker.Additionall, whenbandstelocateto a new base,itemsale oftm lost, dartat€d, or rtlglaced. Entire music libraies, sornetirnesfull of original aihavebeen rang€rnenborcompositions, knonn b dlsappear.Oftendurtng the life of a unit spacefor all the acqulted firsnorabilia b€cons a problem,and iternsareSivenaway,or duow out. Forrier military baM nEmbers rnay havedEmorabiliasbred awayin their dusty attic or rnoldy basernents,just waiting to b€ $rown away by family mernberswho nuy not r€alize theit historical value. Donation of thes€ tEhs, or thelr copi€, would beof great benefit to military bad historiansof pr€ent arrl fufure generatione. To Dreventth€ furtl€r €lo8lonof Olis valuablehistory of Americanmilitary music, the Amedcan Military Music Pres€rvation Society (AMMPS) was founded.Acthg asatemporaryrcpository for thes€itsns, th€y wil be catalogoedand storc.The long rangegoal of AMMPS tu the etabltohrnent of a nationalmus€umof Americanmiltary music.OtherprojectgincludedeveloF mel|t of a national radio show featuring American military bands from a$und theworld, and variousres€arch projectsabout Americanrnilitary music. YoursupportofthisworthwNle p,roiect can help preserve the history of Amertca'srnilitarymusicalheritagefor pr€gentand futur€ gerrerauongto enFy. Duesarea mod6t $20.mfor a one yearn€mbeEhip,whichirludesa subscrtptionb theAd€rican MiXtaryPr€e fivation Society rournal (published quarErly) .nd tlle AMPPS Direcbry, which IistsaI individual and orporate membergof the society. To ioin, or b rcceivefurther lntolmation, pleas€wriE b: AmericanMilitary PreservationSociety,n 9 EastBroadrr,ay #lm, Tucson,A.izona &5710,or dirccdy to the presidentof the society: SMSgt Thonras H. Nicolat, PACAF Band-Det 1, PSCz-P.O. Box4638, APO AP %325. NorthAmerican BrassBandAssociation, Inc. Formto Nomlnate A Memberot the Boardot Dlreclors NamootNomlneo pleaseyint or W Statementot nomlnee'sbackgroundand brassbandexperlence. t. I agr€€to mynameb€ingplacedin nomination fora position as M€mber-at-Large on theNorth AmericanBrassBandAssociation, Inc.Boardof Dir6ctors.lf elecled,I agr€€to servoat l€aslthree years,attending asmanyNABBAlunclions aslpossiblycan, anending al loaston€boardmeeling year, I willholdvalid a andwilllulfillcommittee wort andotherassignmenis as maybe required. membership in NABBAthroughout mythree-year termon the Board. FlrstNomlnator's Slgnature Slgnature ot Nomlnes Flrst Nomlnator'3Prlnled Narn€ Date S€condNomlnator's Slgnaluro second Nomhator'3PrlntedNamo Ple6a rclum thls@mpletd tom W July I , | 995to: Mr. BErtWil€'y,NABBASecretary P.O.Box2'|:}g Cullow€s,NC USA28723 mis bm maybe duplicatd as nee&d. llrd| rSO 1|| g.r!E&nd Bndg. A THE PF|'cE FIGHTERS! 'Wottdt LaqealS4leai.ll ol rtttt@ft I ttc@tl6 SIMPLY RFTURN It/o.//b/ o"j"ct 9o/e*th of#onrc,l/ootlpinrx, (i 8,yq 4r"u"**c adf/or"/' Ile lollowing Coupon toreceive a FREE Brcsswind Catalog! Address Clly Slale- Zip ,rcryffi${141n 19880Shlr tln6nd. SoulhBend lN 4663t 0urService, Selection & Prices will Kw0CK rau oAfl 1ntl lilfiftlti[\ rl N/BBA No.r! ^d.rlce !r.B B.!.r Ar.clrrlo!, ltrc, The Bress Band Brldge RonaldW. Eolz, Edltor Asbury Coll€g€Muslc Dept Wlmore, KY 4o39o USA u Jl rlt ttnl II iEi I I rzti tl ;ll tx Non-Prof it 0rganization U,S.POSTACE PAID NC Cullowhee, Permit No.30