daxom yoğuşmalı şofben İngilizce
Wall Hung Boilers Water Heaters Daxom Condensing Water Heater Industrial Type TS 615 EN 26 2195 Condensing Water Heater Daxom 33 lt (UKDAX -33BT) / 20 lt (UKDAX-20BT) Technical Features UKDAX-33BT Model 5 7 6 REMOTE CONTROLLER Gas İnlet Pressure NG LPG Fan Power mbar mbar 2 3 4 1- Water Temperature Setting Knob ( Decreasing temperature) 2 - Water Temperature Setting Knob ( Increasing temperature) 3 - Priority Remote Control Choose Knob 4 - ON / OF Knob 5 - Remote Control Situation indicator 6 - Display ( Can be seen temperature and damage codes) 7 - Heater Operation Situation COMFORT Can be used at places where hot water is necessary high amount such as school, hospital , hotel, hostel, coiffeur, beauty shop, re s t a u r a n t , c a fe, b a r, fo o d manufacturer, farm, fitness center, stadium, camp place, warehouse, dry cleaner, factory, apartment , villa, auto detail shop. Provides comfort by continuously giving constant and continuously intended hot water by making continuous measuring with sensitive gas flow rate control and three way valve. SAVING With superior condensing technology, provides energy saving by operating %35 more efficiency in proportion to standard gas fired heater. On the other hand, in case of using external heat exchanger, boiler or accumulation tank for hot water need, composed heat loses increase fuel consumption. Because this situation is raised from DAXOM condensing water heaters, it provides extra saving. CASCADE INSTALLATION With cascade installation characteristics, gives high amount intended hot water with maximum comfort and saving and minimum installation and operation cost. EASIER TO USE Cabled or wireless control panel that can be connected to DAXOM condensing water heater is designed as multi functional and easier to use. All options can be set easily and chosen options can be monitored in LCD. Daxom and Beretta Turkey Distributor Isı Cihazları Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi Namık Kemal Mahallesi Marmara Caddesi No:74 ÜMRANİYE / İSTANBUL / TÜRKİYE Phone: (0216) 369 85 36 - 360 23 40 - 360 71 21 www.beretta.com.tr www.daxom.com.tr Isı Cihazları,reserves the right to modify the characteristics and information contained in this document at any time and without advance warning. 60 33 20 60,5 37,8 Rated Power P kW Min. Water Power bar Max. Water Power bar 10 Min. Setting Temp. °C 37 Max. Setting Temp °C Electrical Connection V/Hz 0,3 70 220-240 AC / 50 / IP 44 Net Weight Dimensions kg mm Cold Water " 29 23 700x450x220 645x400x200 3/4 Hot Water " 3/4 Connections Gas Waste gas conduit Fresh Air Conduit Pipe Length USING AREAS 30 88 W Water Flow (∆t=25°C) lt/min 1 UKDAX-20BT 20 1/2 1/2 3/4 " mm 100 60 mm 100 100 m 4 GENERAL FEATURES Reach up %100 efficiency with condensing heat exchanger 33 lt/min or 20 lt/min for single water heater Higher capacity with cascade operation feature Lower NOX emission burner Gas Group with flame modulation Electronic ignition system Constant hot water with inlet and outlet tempera ture sensor 3 way valve with integrated motor for sensitive temperature control Remote control opportunity with cabled or wireless connection Easier use and functional control panel Can be operating together with solar energy system High temperature protection Freezing preventation Troubleshooting system Operation without problem at lower water pressure 8 different safety system Operating with NG or LPG 2 year guarantee Broad technical service network all around Turkey
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