good things
good things
Postcards Notecards artprints Blank books folders magnets good things good things fair trade partnership since · · · · · Our products are produced with environmentally friendly materials at a Forest-Stewardship-Council certified printing plant. We do not produce in China. We try to avoid unnecessary transportation. We cooperate with various organisations of fair trade standards. We have support NGO's since 28 years, some of them are: – Nepal Prisoners Assosiation – Nepal Womens Network – Pauenhof e.V. Germany – Various Tibet Support Groups – Various small projects in Nepal 1980 · · · · · Nos produits sont fabriqués d’une manière écologique par une imprimerie en Allemagne qui est certifié par „Forest-Stewardship-Council“. Nous ne produisons pas en Chine. Nous essayons d’éviter des transports inutiles. Nous coopérons avec des diverses organisations qui suivent des normes du commerce équitable. Nous supportant des NGO diverses, par exemple:: – association des prisonniers – Groupes Support Tibet dans – réseau des femmes au Népal le monde entier – centre bouddhiste en Allemagne – Petits projets diverses au Népa La vie est belle The TUSHITA program is a reflection of a certain way of life expressing joy, creativity and – up to a certain degree, the spirit of mindfulness. It comes from an attempt to live in harmony and in respect to all that is living and to create a meaningful mental and physical environment. According to the Tibetan Tradition TUSHITA is a „planet“ on which we find certain circumstances for mindfulness. Dans la tradition tibétaine Tushita est une planète sur laquelle nous pouvons trouver des conditions favorables pour mener une vie pleine de soin. Notecards (11,5 x 16,7cm) 5 -18 5 8 9 11 13 15 16 17 • One World – Une Monde • Flowers – Fleurs • Birthday – Anniversaire • Occasions – Occasions Diverses • Nature • Animals – Animaux • Text – Texte • Various – Diverses Square Notecards (13,6 x 13,6cm) Le programme Tushita reflète pour la plupart un certain art de vivre, supporté par la joie de la créativité et – jusqu’à un certain degré jointe au respect mutuel et à la curiosité de faire des nouvelles expériences. • One World – Une Monde • Flowers – Fleurs • Birthday – Anniversaire • Nature • Animals – Animaux • Text – Texte • Various – Diverses - - - - - - - - 7 9 11 13 14 16 17 18 19-30 19 25 28 31 - - - - 22 23 24 27 29 30 32 Jumbo Notecards (22,3 x 31,5cm) 33-36 Glitter Notecards (11,5 x 16,7cm) 37-39 37 - 38 39 • Birthday – Anniversaire • Various – Diverses index Selected items of this catalogue are not available worldwide. Please request. Christmas & winter 40-51 40 43 47 • Glitter Notecards – Cartes à ouvrir scintillantes (11,5 x 16,7cm) • Glitter Postcards – Cartes postales scintillantes (10,5 x 14,8cm) • Die-Cut Postcards – Cartes postales découpées (10,5 x 14,8cm) • Postcards – Cartes postales (10,5 x 14,8cm) • Adventcalendars – Calendriers de l’avent (17,6 x 11,5cm) • Postcardbooks – Cartes postales brochées (16 x 11,2cm) - - - 42 47 47 49 50 51 Postcards (10,5 x 14,8cm) 52-97 52 60 66 69 72 76 79 84 90 • One World – Une Monde • One World Text – Une Monde Texte • Flowers – Fleurs • Birthday – Anniversaire • Occasions – Occasions Diverses • Nature • Animals – Animaux • Text – Texte • Native People – Peuples Autochtones • Angeli – Anges • Various – Diverses Postcards Glittercards (10,5 x 14,8cm) Die-Cut Cards (10,5 x 14,8cm / 11,5 x 16,7cm) - - - - - - - - - 60 65 68 72 75 78 83 87 88 89 97 97-99 100 Postcards Fine Arts (10,5 x 14,8cm) 101-110 artprints / miniprints 111-152 • One World – Une Monde • Fotografic – Photographiques • Fine Arts – Beaux-Arts • Miniprints – Imprimés Mini (24 x 30cm / 30 x 40cm) 111 - 114 115 - 120 121 - 141 142 - 146 Blank Books (17,8 x 23cm) 147-153 Postcard books (16 x 11,2cm) 154-159 Folders (24 x 32cm) 160-161 Portfolios (23,1 x 32,5cm / 22,3 x 31,5cm) 162-164 Magnets (Ø 5,8cm) 165-166 CD-Cover (12,5 x 12,5cm) 167-168 Tibetica 169 index ONLINE orders Commandes en ligne •all novelties •complete overview •special offers •fast delivery PRODUCT OVERVIEW aperçu des produits •toutes les nouveautés •aperçu complet •offres spéciales •livraison rapide first sign up connectez-vous Login infos product care: technical care: 4 Aga Sommer 0049-203 / 800 970 Bernd Kalus 0049-203 / 800 97 22 online orders Most popular searches Recherches les plus populaires Notecards – one world Une Monde 11,5 x 16,7 cm / IQN – Regular 4,5 x 6,6 inch image Reverse Text f r o n t There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. IQN 6 reverse text d f Es gibt keinen Weg zum Glück. Glücklichsein ist der Weg. No great culture would ever harm the environment. Keine große Kultur würde jemals Ihre Umwelt zerstören. IQN 9 reverse text f Farewell and death are only different descriptions for a new beginning and life. All that you are leaving behind. You will find again in different form and shape. IQN 10 reverse text d f Eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. „Auge um Auge“ lässt die ganze Welt erblinden. Mahatma Gandhi Love and compassion are the true religions to me. But to develop this, we do not need to believe in any religion. H. H. Dalai Lama IQN 11 reverse text f IQN 14 reverse text d f IQN 81 reverse text GB d f The soft overcomes the hard. The calm overcomes the fast. IQN 98 reverse text gb d f Wholesome changes do not happen in the loudest, but in the most quiet moments of life. 11,5 x 16,7 cm It is your mind that creates this world. The Buddha IQN 3 reverse text d f There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. The Buddha IQN 12 reverse text d f notecards 5 IQN 7 reverse text gb IQN 82 reverse text gb d F Golden Buddha Image in Bodh Gaya 100 characters wishing „Good Luck“ Love in the past is only a memory. Love in the future is only a fantasy. True love lives in the Here and Now. We could survive without religions, but we can never survive without kindness and compassion. H. H. Dalai Lama The Buddha IQN 95 reverse text d f Die Liebe der Vergangenheit ist nur eine Erinnerung. Die Liebe der Zukunft ist nur eine Fantasie. Wirkliche Liebe lebt im Hier und Jetzt. Der Buddha IQN 4 reverse text f IQN 114 reverse text gb d F The way is the goal...because very often the goal is in the way! IQN 109 reverse text d f Children are guests, who are asking for the way. There is no way to Happiness – Happiness is the way. IQN 41 reverse text d f A smile is a window through which you can see, if the heart is home. IQN 176 reverse text gb d IQN 169 reverse text gb d How far we travel in life matters far less than those we meet along the way. Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile – but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. Thich Nhat Hanh IQN 178 reverse text gb d Life is the bridge over the river of changes. Don‘t look back. Tashimoto 6 IQN 108 reverse text d f IQN 100 Saddhu Family, India There are no strangers – only friends you haven‘t met yet. H. H. Dalai Lama IQN 104 reverse text d f notecards 11,5 x 16,7 cm IQN 165 IQN 16 reverse text gb d F IQN 172 reverse text gb d Children are our real teachers, listen carefully! They will teach you about the lost world of carefree living in the present moment. A true friend understands your past, believes in your future and accepts you just the way you are. IQN 42 reverse text gb 70% is perfection! Zen IQN 37 reverse text d f Fascination! IQN 94 reverse text gb This way IQN 88 reverse text gb d f Joy & Friendship which way? It is only when we find peace within that we will be able to live in peace with our environment. Every time I see a child, I think about the world we leave behind for that child. H. H. Dalai Lama Life is a Journey – no destination: Love like you‘ve never been hurt. Dance like there is no one watching. IQN 36 reverse text d f IQN 44 reverse text d f IQN 40 reverse text d f IQN 76 reverse text gb d F IQN 71 reverse text gb d No matter what road I travel – I‘m going home! Shinso ZEN still life Buddhist novice boys, Myanmar IQN 47 reverse text d f IQN 162 reverse text gb d To know what you don‘t know, is the beginning of wisdom. Happiness is not something to be received by somebody. Happiness is rather created by your own course of actions, big or small, day by day. If you don‘t risk anything you risk even more. IQN 99 reverse text d f Thich Nhat Hanh H. H. Dalai Lama IQN 35 reverse text gb d F IQN 96 reverse text df Be like the lotus growing from the deepest mud: Learn about silence from the talkative, tolerance from the intolerant and kindness from the unkind. Tashimoto In the present moment you may even transform the past. Thich Nhat Hanh IQN 15 reverse text d f IQN 197 This way IQN 8 reverse text gb which way? 11,5 x 16,7 cm notecards 7 Notecards – Flowers Fleurs 11,5 x 16,7 cm / IQN – Regular 4,5 x 6,6 inch image Reverse Text f r o n t IQN 48 reverse text gb Lotus Flowers IQN 17 reverse text gb d IQN 21 reverse text gb d F IQN 22 reverse text gb d IQN 23 reverse text gb Ice melting – Wenn das Eis schmilzt... The flower, the sky and your loved one – you can only meet in the present moment. Becoming to be – Werden um zu sein A rose is a rose IQN 24 Rose Thich Nhat Hanh IQN 212 8 IQN 45 IQN 52 IQN 55 Velvet rose – Samtrose – Velours Rose Dahlie Gladiole – Gladiolus notecards 11,5 x 16,7 cm IQN 198 IQN 184 reverse text d GB F Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Congratulations! Felicitations! IQN 56 IQN 59 IQN 60 IQN 62 Balkananemone – Mountain Windflower Sunflowers – Sonnenblumen – Tournesols Sibirische Schwertlilie – Siberian Iris Klatschmohn – Red Poppy IQN 174 reverse text gb d When you realise how precious human life is, you will sit back and laugh at the reflections in the pond. Zen Notecards - Birthday Anniversaire 11,5 x 16,7 cm / IQN – Regular 4,5 x 6,6 inch Happy Birthday Happy Birthday IQN 200 reverse text GB D f IQN 46 reverse text d f Your look at life was always a little skeptical. Happy Birthday Viel Glück zum Geburtstag! Happy Birthday IQN 201 reverse text gb d F The secret of your youth will always be a mystery to me... 11,5 x 16,7 cm notecards 9 Happy Birthday Wishing you a Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday IQN 218 IQN 18 reverse text gb d f IQN 53 IQN 57 Happy Birthday Happy Birthday IQN 97 Happy Birthday IQN 103 Happy Birthday IQN 61 Happy Birthday IQN 120 reverse text gb d f E I 10 reverse text gb d f reverse text gb d f IQN 118 reverse text gb d f E I Happy Birthday notecards 11,5 x 16,7 cm IQN 101 reverse text gb d f IQN 119 reverse text gb d f E I Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Darling! Happy Birthday Sweetheart! IQN 194 reverse text gb d f IQN 220 reverse text gb F d Happy Birthday to YOU! Get lucky on your Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday IQN 168 reverse text d f IQN 183 reverse text d gb I IQN 191 reverse text d F gb IQN 193 reverse text gb d f Happy Birthday Happy Birthday 99 balloons and happy birthday! IQN 189 reverse text gb d f IQN 185 reverse text gb d f IQN 188 reverse text gb Happy Birthday Notecards -Occasions Occasions Diverses 11,5 x 16,7 cm / IQN – Regular 4,5 x 6,6 inch IQN 127 Congratulations, a new star is born reverse text I E F gb d Welcome! Good bye old house adieu vielle maison tschüss altes Haus be happy! IQN 142 reverse text gb d f There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. IQN 64 reverse text gb d f IQN 125 reverse text I E F gb d change of address Moving Moving 11,5 x 16,7 cm notecards 11 IQN 128 reverse text I E F gb d Congratulations, a new star is born Just married! IQN 199 reverse text gb IQN 143 reverse text d GB F I E Congratulations on your wedding IQN 126 reverse text I E F gb d YES, we can! IQN 180 Congratulations, a new star is born Just Married Love IQN 145 reverse text D I F gb E IQN 147 reverse text D I F gb E Congratulations on your wedding Congratulations on your wedding IQN 146 reverse text Love gb D F I E IQN 175 Congratulations on your wedding 12 Get well soon! Get well soon! IQN 154 reverse text D gb F E IQN 155 reverse text D gb F E notecards 11,5 x 16,7 cm IQN 214 reverse text GB D Thank you! Danke! Merci! Thank you! Merci! Danke! IQN 208 reverse text GB D F IQN 217 reverse text GB F D Notecards - Nature 11,5 x 16,7 cm / IQN – Regular 4,5 x 6,6 inch IQN 73 reverse text GB D F IQN 74 reverse text GB D F IQN 75 reverse text GB D F IQN 78 reverse text GB Lighthouse, Bretagne In the ZEN Garden Flowing waters Earth Treasures IQN 207 reverse text GB D IQN 204 reverse text GB D IQN 210 reverse text GB The art of nature is reflected in the here & now. Tashimoto What I wanted to tell you... By the sea... IQN 163 reverse text GB D But tell me, which is the stone that supports the bridge? Kublai Khan IQN 186 11,5 x 16,7 cm notecards 13 IQN 156 reverse text D GB IQN 105 reverse text GB D IQN 182 reverse text D GB F At the end of the day the only time that matters, is the time spend in loving kindness in the here and now. Von Herzen! From the heart! De tout Cœur! IQN 91 IQN 179 Misty Beach Havasu Falls, Grand Canyon, Arizona Holy Place of Native Indians IQN 195 Every child makes us becoming aware that we need to give our earth a chance to survive. Tashimoto IQN 38 reverse text GB D F IQN 43 reverse text GB D F IQN 39 reverse text GB D F With the stones they put in your way you may build a solid road to travel. There is nothing more beautiful under the sun. Than being under the sun. Rely on your dreams Tashimoto 14 Ingeborg Bachmann IQN 2 reverse text GB D IQN 92 reverse text GB D F IQN 34 reverse text GB D F IQN 65 reverse text GB D IQN 72 reverse text F Fire & Water Feuer & Wasser All things change – nothing perishes. Ovid Blue Waters Blaues Wasser – L‘eau bleue Moonrise - Mondaufgang Provence, France IQN 203 IQN 205reverse text GB IQN 206reverse text GB IQN 216 Garden friends Nature‘s Still-Life IQN 1 reverse text GB D F notecards 11,5 x 16,7 cm You are Here - this is Now! Notecards - Animals Animaux 11,5 x 16,7 cm / IQN – Regular 4,5 x 6,6 inch IQN 86 reverse text GB D F IQN 93 reverse text GB D F IQN 164 reverse text GB IQN 31 reverse text GB Like cats and dogs A day without a smile is a lost day. Charlie Chaplin Cool Cat Don‘t worry - be happy! IQN 25 reverse text GB D F IQN 161 IQN 159 reverse text D GB Happiness is a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but which, if you sit down quietly, may alight on you. Whether or not a black cat brings you good luck or bad depends on whether you are man or mouse. Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1804 Max o‘ Rell IQN 27 reverse text GB D F IQN 29 reverse text GB D F IQN 30 reverse text GB D F IQN 28 reverse text GB D F Happiness is a good health and a bad memory. The joy of spirit is the measure of its power. What a crazy world this is! Fall seven times, stand up eight. IQN 77 reverse text GB D F IQN 79 reverse text GB D F IQN 196 IQN 102reverse text GB With love! – Mit Liebe! – Du fond du coeur! With love! – Mit Liebe! – Du fond du coeur! Ernest Hemingway IQN 70 IQN 69 Polar Baby 11,5 x 16,7 cm notecards 15 IQN 80 reverse text GB IQN 209 IQN 173 IQN 211 IQN 166 Keep on running... Notecards - text Texte 11,5 x 16,7 cm / IQN – Regular 4,5 x 6,6 inch A smile is a window through which you can see if the heart is home. IQN 129 IQN 192 reverse text GB Truth is more of a stranger than fiction. Happy Family Mark Twain IQN 112 reverse text D F After rain coms shine. IQN 19 reverse text D F 16 „May God bless this House and may my Man always have a happy job to do.“ There is no way to peace – peace is the way. Es gibt keinen Weg zum Frieden – Frieden ist der Weg. I can believe anything, provided it is incredible. Ich kann alles glauben, vorrausgesetzt es ist unglaublich. IQN 20 IQN 26 reverse text F notecards 11,5 x 16,7 cm Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature needs an intention. Katzen sind dafür da uns zu zeigen, dass nicht alles in der Natur für etwas da sein muss. IQN 32 reverse text F Beyond right and wrong there is a place where we can meet. IQN 115 reverse text GB D Yes, he can! Thank you The time we take is the only time we have. IQN 187 IQN 190 reverse text NL E D F I IQN 132 „Let‘s be realistic: Try the impossible!“ IQN 85 reverse text D F What we see often is only a fractional part of what it really is. Colour up your life! IQN 134 IQN 106 reverse text D F Notecards – various Diverses 11,5 x 16,7 cm PS: I love you! IQN 67 reverse text GB D F / IQN – Regular 4,5 x 6,6 inch IQN 68 reverse text GB D F With love! IQN 66 reverse text GB D F With love! Love IQN 33 IQN 215 Paul Klee, Farbtafel 11,5 x 16,7 cm notecards 17 Audrey Hepburn – Audrey Style reverse text GB IQN 170 Audrey in Paris IQN 116X Audrey Hepburn... Audrey Hepburn IQN 87 IQN 202 reverse text F GB D The Secret Audrey Hepburn – NYC Breakfast IQN 171 reverse text Audrey in New York GB IQN 177 reverse text GB D IQN 136 IQN 167 Oh, oh.... It‘s for you! – Für Dich! IQN 135 reverse text GB IQN 89 reverse text F IQN 158 reverse text D GB Happy! Scandale Grande! For the world you are anybody, but for somebody you are the world. IQN 160 reverse text D GB IQN 5 reverse text GB D F IQN 117 reverse text GB Bridges – not walls! Dance of life! Papst Johannes Paul VI. IQN 219 reverse text GB F Moon over Paris 18 Maybe life would be easier without you, but it would be only half as nice. IQN 148 reverse text D GB F Für Dich – Yourways – Pour Toi IQN 110 reverse text GB IQN 111 reverse text GB IQN 90 IQN 13 IQN 157 reverse text GB D F reverse text GB D F reverse text D Self – Creating Holding Memories on the beach am Strand à la plage notecards 11,5 x 16,7 cm The Wave GB 1000 of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. Square notecards -one world Une Monde 13,6 x 13,6 cm / IQ – Regular 5,4 x 5,4 inch IQ 199 reverse text GB D F Life is beautiful! IQ 234 reverse text GB D A true friend understands your past, believes in your future and accepts you just the way you are. IQ 2 reverse text GB D F IQ 3 reverse text GB D F IQ 19 reverse text GB D F IQ 4 reverse text GB D F The healing Mandala of the medicine Buddha Vajrakilaya Mandala removing obstacles Kalachakra Mandala for World Peace True blessings come from your own course of action. Dalai Lama It is your mind that creates this world. IQ 9 IQ 11reverse text GB D F IQ 8 reverse text GB D F The Buddha Golden Buddha Image in Bodh Gaya. There are no facts – only interpretations. Friedrich Nietzsche There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. Farewell and death are only different descriptions for a new beginning and life. All that you are leaving behind you will find again – in different form and shape. IQ 13reverse text GB D F Love in the past is only a memory. Love in the future is only a fantasy. True love lives in the Here and Now. IQ 5 reverse text D F Do not believe, just because wise men say so. Do not believe, just because it has always been that way. Do not believe, just because others may believe so. Examine and experience yourself! The Buddha IQ 7 reverse text D F IQ 14 reverse text GB reverse text D F Friendship is the flower growing by the side of the road. Never try to pluck it or to possess it – and it will blossom for you. 13,6 cm2 The Buddha IQ 6 reverse text D F squarenotecards 19 Eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. Mahatma Gandhi IQ 15 reverse text D F IQ 20reverse text GB D F IQ 24reverse text GB D F Love and compassion are the true religion to me, but to develop this, we do not need to believe in any religion. O m Man i P h at Me H u m The mantra of love and compassion. IQ 50reverse text GB D F H. H. Dalai Lama IQ 25reverse text GB D F IQ 26reverse text GB D F This way Just become like a child that discovers the beauty of the world every moment again and again. Children are our real teachers, listen carefully! They will teach you about the lost world of carefree living in the present moment. We are caught in the traffic jam of our own thoughts. IQ 83 IQ 27reverse text GB D F Chögyam Trungpa, Tibet reverse text GB D Never give up! No matter what will happen! Never give up and develop your heart, there are too many conditions in your country that develop the intellect instead of the heart. Develop compassion, not only for your friends but for all sentient beings.Work for peace and compassion. I say it again: Never give up! No matter what happens: Never give up on peace! IQ 189 reverse text GB IQ 84 reverse text GB DF Treat the earth well! It was not given to us by our parents. It was loaned to us by our children. DF It is only when we find peace within that we will be able to live in peace with our environment. H. H. Dalai Lama Tell me – I will forget. Show me – I may remember. Be with me – I will understand. IQ 87reverse text GB D F IQ 126reverse text GB D F IQ 127 reverse text GB D 70% is perfection! Children are guests who are asking for the way. IQ 241 reverse text D Every Time I see a child, I think about the world we leave behind for that child. Thich Nhat Hanh 20 Fortune is invited into a house where there is joy and peace. squarenotecards 13,6 cm 2 IQ 182 reverse text GB D F Good luck IQ 128 reverse text GB IQ 190 reverse text GB DF People ask me about my religion. I simply say: My religion is loving kindness. H. H. Dalai Lama DF 100 characters wishing long life. IQ 170 IQ 167 reverse text GB D IQ 194reverse text GB D F IQ 130reverse text GB D F Yin – Yang Novice monk, Tibet ...remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck. When the archer does not think about the target, he may unfold the art of archery. H. H. Dalai Lama IQ 237 reverse text GB D F IQ 240 reverse text GB Wholesome changes do not happen in the loudest, but in the most quiet moments of life. Zenway Tranxu IQ 134 reverse text GB Fascination! IQ 149 reverse text GB D IQ 71 reverse text GB D F IQ 236 reverse text GB D Life is a journey – no destination: Love like you‘ve never been hurt. Dance like there is no one watching. Gaze at the sun and you leave the shadows behind. How far we travel in life matters far less than those we meet along the way. IQ 181 Cap Vert 13,6 cm2 squarenotecards 21 IQ 213 reverse text GB Join Hands IQ 230 reverse text GB D A PRECIOUS HUMAN LIFE Every day, think as you wake up: “Today I am fortunate to have woken up. I am alive, I have a precious human life. I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others, to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. I am going to have kind thoughts towards others. I am not going to get angry or think badly about others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can.” H. H. Dalai Lama IQ 200 The way is the goal...because very often the goal is in the way! Indian Devotion Tashimoto IQ 211 reverse text D F IQ 196 reverse text GB DF May you find hope in the darkest hours and focus on the brightest days. Free from bitterness that grows you may not judge the universe. H.H. Dalai Lama A smile is a window through which you can see if the heart is home. IQ 220 reverse text D F IQ 226 reverse text GB D F Happiness is taking joy in the happiness of others. IQ 229 reverse text GB D If you don‘t risk anything you risk even more. Do not believe, just because wise men say so. Do not believe, just because it has always been that way. Do not believe, just because others may believe so. Examine and experience yourself! Kalama Sutra, Buddha IQ 216 reverse text D F IQ 227 reverse text GB „Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha“ White Tara IQ 228 reverse text GB Mahadevi – Mother of Buddha IQ 232 reverse text GB D Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile – but sometimes your smile can be the source your joy. Thich Nath Hanh 22 squarenotecards 13,6 cm 2 Square notecards -FLOWERS Fleurs 13,6 x 13,6 cm / IQ – Regular 5,4 x 5,4 inch Reverse Text image f r o n t reverse text GB D F IQ 22 In the present moment you may even transform the past. Thich Nhat Hanh IQ 38 reverse text GB D F IQ 39reverse text GB D F IQ 40reverse text GB D F Don‘t hurry - don‘t worry and stop to smell the flowers along the way. Everything becomes a miracle seen with the eyes of love and understanding. What sunshine is to flowers smiles are to human beings. Joseph Addison, 1672 IQ 42reverse text GB D F IQ 152 reverse text GB D IQ 81reverse text GB D F Roses for you! Velvet rose – Samtrose To love deeply in one direction makes us more loving in all others. IQ 82reverse text GB D F IQ 235 reverse text GB D IQ 35reverse text GB D F Be like the lotus growing from the deepest mud: Learn about silence from the talkative. Talerance from the intolerant and kindness from the unkind. Tashimoto When you realise how precious human life is, you will sit back and laugh at the reflections in the pond. The flower, the sky and your loved one – you can only meet in the present moment. Thich Nhat Hanh 13,6 cm2 squarenotecards 23 Square notecards - BIRTHDAY Anniversaire IQ – Regular 13,6 x 13,6 cm / 5,4 x 5,4 inch Best of luck on your birthday IQ 224 reverse text GB D F Happy Birthday IQ 77 Happy Birthday reverse text D F reverse text D F reverse text GB D F DF Happy Birthday & Good Luck IQ 74reverse text GB D F Happy Birthday IQ 221 reverse text GB D F Happy Birthday Happy Birthday IQ 222 reverse text GB D F Happy Birthday IQ 223 reverse text GB D F IQ 215reverse text GB D F IQ 80 Happy Birthday IQ 110 reverse text GB D F Happy Birthday IQ 43 reverse text GB D F 24 IQ 225 reverse text GB IQ 242 Happy Birthday Happy Birthday May it rain - may it shine, we wish you a Happy Birthday IQ 109 reverse text GB Happy Birthday IQ 76 reverse text GB D F squarenotecards 13,6 cm 2 Happy Birthday reverse text GB IQ 67 Wishing you a happy birthday IQ 31 reverse text GB D FHappy Birthday! Square notecards - Nature 13,6 x 13,6 cm / IQ – Regular 5,4 x 5,4 inch IQ 171 reverse text GB ZEN in the Art of NATURE IQ 36 reverse text GB D F IQ 1 reverse text GB D F IQ 10 reverse text GB D F IQ 16 reverse text GB D F You are here - This is now! The seeker is that which is being sought. There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. IQ 37 IQ 45 reverse text GB D F IQ 66 reverse text GB D F If you walk towards the sun you leave the shadows behind. Earth treasures With the stones they put in your way you may build a solid road to travel. IQ 89reverse text GB D F IQ 154 reverse text GB D Most people chase after pleasure in such a breathless haste, that they miss it completely. Søren Kierkegaard Everything is beautiful, seen with the eyes of love and understanding. Rock Cave, USA IQ 92reverse text GB D F IQ 111 Rely on your dreams. Island! reverse text GB 13,6 cm2 And if tomorrow the world would break into 1000 pieces – I would still plant a tree today! Martin Luther IQ 88reverse text GB D F Tashimoto squarenotecards 25 IQ 125 No drop of water ever falls in the wrong place. reverse text GB D F IQ 115 Don‘t walk behind me – I may not lead. Don‘t walk in front of me – I may not follow. Just walk right with me and be my friend. Albert Camus IQ 151 reverse text GB Sundown Romance reverse text GB D F IQ 188 IQ 186 IQ 141 IQ 143 Trees are the earth‘s effort to speak to heaven. Tagore The Great TAO There is nothing more beautiful under the sun. Than being under the sun. Ingeborg Bachmann The shells on the beach, a bird‘s feather – All tell you: the creator must have been an artist. reverse text GB D F reverse text GB D F reverse text GB D F reverse text GB D IQ 206 IQ 184 Moonrise reverse text GB D F IQ 198 Misty beach 26 squarenotecards 13,6 cm 2 IQ 153 Trees are poems, the earth writes into the sky. Khalil Gibran reverse text GB D F IQ 137 reverse text GB D F Bamboo: – Flexibility – perseverance – long life IQ 139reverse text GB D F If your destination is clear – bad roads will not deter you reaching it. IQ 187reverse text GB D F IQ 195reverse text GB D F IQ 144reverse text GB D F Trees are the earth‘s effort to speak to heaven. Tagore All things change – nothing perishes. Life is changing like a rainbow: A flash of lightning – a star at dawn. The Buddha Ovid IQ 238 reverse text GB D F There is no way to happiness – happiness is the way. The Buddha IQ 12 reverse text GB D F IQ 183reverse text GB D F No wise culture would ever harm the environment. The Buddha Words! The way is beyond language, for in it there is no yesterday, no tomorrow, no today. Chien-Chih Seng-Ts‘an IQ 132 reverse text GB D F IQ 133 reverse text GB Offerings, India If you have a heart of beauty, you will find beauty everywhere. IQ 145reverse text GB D F IQ 131 reverse text GB D Whatever we know is just a drop. What we don‘t know is an ocean. Many people miss out on the small joys in life, because they keep waiting for the big one to come. Isaac Newton Gustav Freytag 13,6 cm2 squarenotecards 27 Square notecards - animals Animaux IQ – Regular IQ 197 IQ 163 reverse text GB DF Just curious! IQ 61 reverse text GB 13,6 x 13,6 cm Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature needs an intension. IQ 48reverse text GB D F Happiness is a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but which, if you sit down quietly, may alight on you. 5,4 x 5,4 inch IQ 57 reverse text GB D F IQ 55reverse text GB D F IQ 56reverse text GB D F Fall seven times, stand up eight. How beautiful it is to do nothing and then rest afterwards. Happiness is a good health and a bad memory. Ernest Hemingway IQ 164 reverse text GB IQ 113 reverse text GB IQ 95 reverse text GB D F DF Love DF / IQ 72 reverse text GB DF The arctic council. IQ 160 DF reverse text GB How beautiful to do nothing and then rest afterwards. IQ 169reverse text GB D F Cool cat The cat IQ 93reverse text GB D F IQ 185reverse text GB D F A cat has nine lives. Friends! How beautiful to do nothing and then rest afterwards. IQ 94 reverse text GB DF A day without a smile is a lost day. Charlie Chaplin Nathaniel Hawthrone, 1804 28 squarenotecards 13,6 cm 2 IQ 176 reverse text GB Keep on running... IQ 59 reverse text GB D F IQ 60 IQ 138reverse text D GB F IQ 129reverse text GB D F What a crazy world this is! Don‘t worry – be happy! Mimikri – Mimicry – Mimétisme Owl IQ 162 IQ 156 IQ 157 IQ 158reverse text GB F D Pegasus Oops! Unicorn IQ 159 reverse text GB Keep Cool! reverse text GB IQ 201reverse text GB D F IQ 161 A day without a smile is a lost day. Amazonas snake Charlie Chaplin IQ 62 reverse text GB D F IQ 68 reverse text GB D F Developing love and compassion is not an emotional luxury. It is a question of survival. H. H. Dalai Lama How are you? IQ 205 IQ 178 IQ 231 IQ 179 IQ 58 reverse text GB D F IQ 165 The joy of spirit is the measure if its power. Playful Dolphins Ladybird 13,6 cm2 reverse text GB reverse text GB squarenotecards 29 Square notecards - Text Texte 13,6 x 13,6 cm / IQ – Regular 5,4 x 5,4 inch After rain coms sunshine IQ 32 reverse text DF There is no way to peace – peace is the way. IQ 34 reverse text D F The time we take is the only time we have. God has no religion. Love – is letting go! Mahatma Gandhi IQ 52 reverse text D F IQ 207 reverse text D F IQ 203 reverse text D May god grant always a sunbeam to warm you, a moonbeam to charm you, a sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you. IQ 28 reverse text D F Truth is more of a stranger than fiction. Mark Twain IQ 209 reverse text D F Maybe life would be easier without you, but it would be only half as nice. IQ 210 reverse text D F 30 The solution was obvious. But we just couldn‘t find the problem. IQ 219 reverse text D F Never try to solve problems with the same way of thinking that created them. Albert Einstein IQ 208 reverse text D F squarenotecards 13,6 cm 2 Best wishes... IQ 78 reverse text GB Thank you! IQ 243 Square notecards - Various Diverses IQ – Regular IQ 53 reverse text GB DF 13,6 x 13,6 cm IQ 86 reverse text GB DF IQ 21 reverse text GB DF / 5,4 x 5,4 inch IQ 23 reverse text GB Time for a cup of tea! Love – Health – Happiness – Beauty Wishing for harmony. Substantial elements of ZEN IQ 172 reverse text GB IQ 233 IQ 142 reverse text GB IQ 214 reverse text GB One Heart Join Hands DF 100 signs wishing „Long Life!“ IQ 18 reverse text GB DF IQ 49 reverse text GB DF IQ 202 reverse text GB DF IQ 65 reverse text GB How supernatural and miraculous this is: I draw water and carry wood! I can believe anything, provided it is incredible. Oscar Wilde Health is real wealth. Red Hot Chilli Peppers PS: I LOVE YOU! IQ 174 reverse text GB IQ 173 reverse text GB IQ 175 reverse text GB P‘ang Chu-Shih IQ 168 reverse text GB DF DF With Love! With Love! 13,6 cm2 DF DF With Love! squarenotecards 31 IQ 120reverse text GB D F IQ 121 IQ 122 Danae (Detail) The soul of the rose, 1908 reverse text GB D IQ 140reverse text GB D F IQ 239reverse text GB D F IQ 29 reverse text GB D F IQ 47 reverse text GB D F There are two days you should never worry about:Yesterday and tomorrow. When times are hard may your heart never turn to stone.When shadows fall on you – remember: you never walk alone. Always remember to forget the troubles that passed away. But never forget to remember the blessings that come each day. May green be the grass you walk on, may blue be the skies above you, may pure be the joys that surround you, may true be the hearts that love you. IQ 54 reverse text GB D F IQ 147 IQ 191reverse text GB D F IQ 192reverse text GB D F Venetian dream I Venetian dream II R. J. Burdette Stonehenge Time for a cup of tea! 32 IQ 123 The Great Morning (Detail) IQ 193reverse text GB D F IQ 46 reverse text GB D F There are two things to give to our children: One is roots, the other is wings. Everybody go different way – to see the same thing. IQ 155 IQ 204 Gourmet Wines IQ 150 Cuba Libre IQ 17 reverse text GB D F I used to believe in reincarnation. But that was in a past life. Paul Krassner squarenotecards 13,6 cm 2 IQ 91 reverse text GB D F IQ 217 A drop of love is more than an ocean of knowledge. Blaise Pascal ‘me only have one ambition, y‘known. I only have one thing I really like to see happen. I like to see mankind live together - black, white, chinese, everyone - that‘s all‘. Bob M. reverse text GB D Jumbo notecards 22,3 x 31,5 cm / Happy Birthday JO 26 JO – Regular 8,8 x 12,4 inch Happy Birthday JO 17 image Reverse Text f r o n t 7 Languages Happy Birthday Darling! JO 12 Happy Birthday JO 15 22,3 x 31,5 cm jumbonotecards 33 JO 18 JO 19 Happy Birthday! JO 11 Happy Birthday JO 1 Happy Birthday JO 5 Get lucky on your Birthday JO 8 34 jumbonotecards 22,3 x 31,5 cm JO 6 JO 23 JO 14 JO 25 Just Married JO 24 JO 10 22,3 x 31,5 cm jumbonotecards 35 JO 3 JO 7 We will miss you... JO 22 JO 13 Danke – Merci – Thank you! JO 20 Thank you JO 21 JO 9 36 jumbonotecards 22,3 x 31,5 cm Colour up your life! Der Alltag ist grau, das Leben ist bunt! JO 2 glitternotecards – Birthday Anniversaire Reverse IQS 11,5 x 16,7 cm / 4,5 x 6,6 inch Text image f r o n t Happy Birthday 30 IQS 65 Glitter reverse text D F GB Happy Birthday! IQS 27 Glitter Happy Birthday! IQS 29 Glitter All for you IQS 36 Glitter reverse text GB D F Birthday Queen IQS 84 Glitter reverse text GB Birthday King IQS 83 Glitter reverse text GB 11,5 x 16,7 cm glitternotecards 37 Happy Birthday Glitter IQS 40 reverse text GB D F 18 – Happy Birthday IQS 63 Glitter reverse text DF Happy Birthday... IQS 41 Glitter Happy Birthday Glitter 20 – Happy BirthdayIQS 64 Glitter 40 – Happy BirthdayIQS 66 Glitter reverse text GB D F reverse text DF IQS 76 Glitter reverse text GB D F GB Happy Birthday IQS 17 Glitter reverse text GB 38 reverse text GB D F reverse text GB D F Happy Birthday Glitter 50 – Happy Birthday IQS 67 Glitter Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Glitter IQS 69 reverse text GB D F Happy Birthday Glitter IQS 87 reverse text D F IQS 43 reverse text GB D F IQS 79 Glitter reverse text GB D F Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday IQS 78 Glitter – reverse text IQS 42 Happy Birthday Glitter IQS 77 reverse text GB D F 60 – Happy BirthdayIQS 68 Glitter reverse text DF IQS 80 Glitter reverse text GB D F Happy Birthday IQS 70 reverse text GB D F Happy Birthday IQS 75 Glitter reverse text GB glitternotecards 11,5 x 16,7 cm Happy Birthday! Glitter Happy Birthday IQS 49 Glitter Happy Birthday Glitter IQS 73 reverse text GB D F glitternotecards – various Diverses IQS 11,5 x 16,7 cm / 4,5 x 6,6 inch IQS 81 Glitter reverse text GB D F IQS 82 Glitter reverse text GB D F Best wishes All the best Good Luck – Viel Glück – Bonne Chance IQS 71 Glitter – reverse text Thank you! Glitter IQS 48 reverse text GB D F Lucky you! IQS 105 Glitter Don‘t think – just kiss! IQS 106 Glitter IQS 74 Glitter reverse text GB Language of the stamps… IQS 93 Glitter Best wishes IQS 85 Glitter GB Best wishes IQS 88 Glitter Language of flowers… IQS 92 Glitter Welcome… IQS 89 Glitter Thank you… IQS 90 Glitter reverse text GB D F E IQS 35 Glitter reverse text Only you! GB D F NL …thinking of you… IQS 31 Glitter IQS 86 Glitter From the heart Glitter reverse text IQS 94 Glitter IQS 72 Glitter 11,5 x 16,7 cm IQS 45 GB D F glitternotecards 39 glitternotecards – Christmas Noël & Hiver 11,5 x 16,7 cm & / Winter 4,5 x 6,6 inch IQS Follow your star – Merry Christmas IQS 1 Glitter IQS 3 Glitter reverse text GB D F IQS 8 Glitter Merry Christmas reverse text IQS 5 reverse text Glitter Trees in snow IQS 11 reverse text IQS 6 reverse text Glitter GB D F Winter Impressions GB Winter greetings Glitter IQS 12 reverse text Glitter GB D F Winter Impressions reverse text GB D F GB D F Trees in snow reverse text Merry Christmas IQS 7 Glitter – reverse text IQS 9 Glitter – reverse text GB D F E I IQS 10 reverse text Merry Christmas Heaven Sent Merry Christmas to you IQS 15 Glitter Merry Christmas IQS 16 Glitter IQS 18 reverse text reverse text reverse text Winter Impressions GB D F E I GB D F Merry Christmas IQS 4 Glitter GB D F E I GB D F E I GB D F E I Glitter Glitter GB D F GB D F E I IQS 58 Glitter reverse text GB D F E I Merry Christmas 40 glitternotecards 11,5 x 16,7 cm IQS 60 Glitter reverse text GB D F E I Merry Christmas ...and may there be Peace on earth IQS 101 Glitter IQS 39 Glitter reverse text IQS 20 Glitter reverse text Merry Christmas Merry Christmas I‘m back again! Merry Christmas! IQS 50 Glitter Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! IQS 26 Glitter So Happy! Merry Christmas! IQS 52 Glitter reverse text reverse text reverse text Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas Merry Christmas! IQS 44 Glitter reverse text IQS 25 Glitter reverse text IQS 47 Glitter reverse text Merry X-Mas IQS 53 Glitter Merry Christmas! IQS 54 Glitter reverse text Merry Christmas Merry Christmas GB D F E I reverse text Merry Christmas Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas IQS 24 Glitter GB D F E I GB D F E I GB D F E I IQS 21 Glitter GB D F E I GB D F E I GB D F E I GB D F E I Father Christmas! I really believe in you, ok? IQS 55 Glitter IQS 57 Glitter reverse text IQS 46 Glitter reverse text reverse text reverse text Christmas surprise! Merry Christmas Merry X-Mas I believe in you! GB D F I E Coming Home GB D F E I Merry X-Mas to all vegetarians in the world IQS 19 Glitter GB D F E I IQS 14 Glitter reverse text GB D F GB D F I E 11,5 x 16,7 cm GB D F E I GB D F E I glitternotecards 41 Merry Christmas Merry Christmas IQS 99 Glitter IQS 96 Glitter Merry Christmas IQS 97 Glitter IQS 103 Glitter IQS 22 Glitter reverse text IQS 23 Glitter reverse text Merry Christmas Merry Christmas GB D F E I Merry Christmas – Frohe Weihnachten IQS 95 Glitter Joyeux Noël GB D F E I Merry Christmas IQS 102 Glitter IQS 98 Glitter IQS 56 Glitter reverse text IQS 100 Glitter IQS 91 Glitter IQS 59 Glitter reverse text GB D F E I Merry Christmas GB D F I E shouldn‘t have! Merry Christmas! IQS 51 Glitter Joy of winter! reverse text GB D F E I Merry Christmas! IQS 104 Glitter 42 glitternotecards 11,5 x 16,7 cm Merry Christmas everybody! IQS 62 Glitter reverse text GB D F E I Merry Christmas glitterpostcards – Christmas & Winter Noël & Hiver Merry Christmas SI 23 Glitter 10,5 x 14,8 cm / 4,1 x 5,8 inch SI SI 84 Glitter SI 24 Glitter SI 155 Glitter SI 149 Glitter SI 25 Glitter Merry Christmas SI 156 Glitter SI 33 Glitter Merry Christmas SI 28 Glitter Merry Christmas SI 99 Glitter SI 100 Glitter Merry Christmas SI 154 Glitter SI 83 Glitter Merry Christmas... SI 153 Glitter SI 145 Glitter Merry Christmas SI 94 Glitter Merry Christmas SI 95 Glitter SI 30 Glitter SI 93 Glitter SI 29 Glitter 10,5 x 14,8 cm glitterpostcards 43 SI 144 Glitter Merry Christmas SI 148 Glitter SI 97 Glitter SI 103 Glitter SI 31 Glitter SI 109 Glitter SI 96 Glitter SI 120 Glitter Merry Christmas SI 92 Glitter SI 5 Glitter Merry Christmas to you. SI 7 Glitter Merry Christmas SI 146 Glitter SI 32 Glitter SI 159 Glitter SI 27 Glitter SI 151 Glitter SI 34 Glitter SI 150 Glitter ...and may there be Peace on Earth SI 66 Glitter Merry Christmas SI 82 Glitter SI 4 Glitter SI 87 Glitter 44 glitterpostcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm SI 15 Glitter Merry Christmas SI 14 Glitter Merry Christmas SI 22 Glitter It‘s Magic! Merry Christmas Merry Christmas SI 78 Glitter SI 63 Glitter SI 16 Glitter Merry Christmas SI 10 Glitter Merry Christmas Peace on earth SI 17 Glitter SI 75 Glitter SI 73 Glitter Merry Christmas SI 104 Glitter Happy Holidays Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! SI 6 Glitter Follow your star – Merry Christmas SI 61 Glitter SI 35 Glitter SI 105 Glitter Merry Christmas and a happy new year! SI 74 Glitter Let it snow! SI 160 Glitter Merry Christmas SI 106 Glitter SI 147 Glitter 10,5 x 14,8 cm glitterpostcards 45 SI 71 Glitter SI 69 Glitter SI 68 Glitter Merry Christmas SI 72 Glitter SI 76 Glitter SI 161 Glitter SI 3 Glitter SI 65 Glitter SI 19 Glitter SI 67 Glitter SI 86 Glitter 46 SI 79 Glitter SI 70 Glitter SI 21 Glitter SI 18 Glitter SI 64 Glitter SI 1 Glitter SI 2 Glitter SI 107 Glitter Happy New Year glitterpostcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm SI 91 Glitter SI 101 Glitter SI 81 Glitter Dreaming of a white Christmas SI 8 Glitter SI 90 Glitter Merry Christmas SI 85 Glitter Die-Cutpostcards – Christmas & Winter Noël & Hiver 10,5 x 14,8 cm / 4,1 x 5,8 inch SI Let it snow! SI 9 Glitter Postcards Noël & Hiver Merry Christmas! SI 11 Glitter – Christmas & Winter 10,5 x 14,8 cm / 4,1 x 5,8 inch B – Regular Merry X-Mas to all vegetarians... B 1115 B 1469 B 1246 B 926 10,5 x 14,8 cm glitterpostcards 47 Father Christmas don‘t be phony... ...I want to get my fucking pony! merry Christmas everybody! Lieber Weihnachtsmann Ich glaub an Dich! Hoffentlich ist alles dabei diesmal! TX 260 merry christmas...everywhere! B 1108 TX 89 B 848 Merry Christmas to you B 1307 Merry Christmas and a happy new year! B 849 B 1249 Happy Christmas is coming... B 847 48 B 1252 B 1015 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm Merry Christmas Relaxing Christmas B 1310 B 846 Here we go again... Merry Christmas Jesus is coming for Christmas. Remember: he is strict vegetarian – Happy holidays! B 1311 B 1368 Merry Christmas B 1468 B 855 Merry Christmas B 854 Happy New Year B 858 Merry X-Mas B 1111 Merry Christmas and a happy New Year B 1014 B 1313 Merry Christmas B 853 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 49 Adventcalendars – Christmas & Winter Noël & Hiver17,6 x 11,5 cm / 6,9 x 4,5 inch with envelope and glitter – AD 24 Doors 24 Doors to open to open Follow your star – Folge Deinem Stern Merry Christmas – Frohe Weihnachten AD 3 Glitter AD 8 Glitter AD 4 Glitter AD 2 Glitter Merry Christmas AD 11 Glitter AD 7 Glitter AD 5 Glitter AD 6 Glitter Merry Christmas AD 9 Glitter 50 AD 10 Glitter AD 1 Glitter 24 Doors 24 Doors to open to open adventcalendars 17,6 x 11,5 cm Merry Christmas AD 12 Glitter postcardbooks – Christmas Noël & Hiver & Winter 16 x 11,2 cm / 6,3 x 4,4 inch TUBU TUBU 24 TUBU 50 16x11,2cm ISBN 978-3-86765-523-1 16x11,2cm ISBN 978-3-86765-961-1 TUBU 57 TUBU 52 16x11,2cm ISBN 978-3-86765-968-0 16x11,2cm ISBN 978-3-86765-963-5 24 24 postcards postcards inside inside TUBU 51 16x11,2cm ISBN 978-3-86765-962-8 16 x 11,2cm Postcardbooks 51 Postcards - One World Une Monde TIB / B / SE – Regular 10,5 x 14,8 cm / 4,1 x 5,8 inch TIB 338 Join hands! TIB 353 H. H. Dalai Lama TIB 186 Tashi Telek (tibetan greeting) TIB 8 Small world TIB 17 The historic Buddha TIB 1 Nomad child Curiosity, tibetan children TIB 247 Crossing the bridge TIB 11 Keeping warm Curious ladies TIB 82 Khampa Shepherd girl TIB 9 TIB 38 TIB 255 Tibetan children TIB 110 Pilgrim family B 826 Magic umbrellas B 1321 TIB 384 B 1370 52 TIB 260 In a Nomad tent TIB 88 Japanese offering candles B 1122 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm This way? B 989 ZEN – waters TIB 296 OM MANI PHAT ME HUM Offering hands TIB 58 TIB 115 Monk painting the buddha statue Sacred books TIB 236 TIB 164 Small altar at Seralung Devotion II TIB 50 TIB 242 Frozen prayers at the roof of the world Guru Rimpoche Caver, Sopema Golden Buddha at Bodh - Gaia / India TIB 135 TIB 80 TIB 148 The Buddha and the cats Friends Young monks TIB 275 B 1405 TIB 228 Monk washing his robe ZEN way statue TIB 168 TIB 299 Young novice monk Monk from Myanmar TIB 291 TIB 292 Tibetan festival Novice monks, studying Prayerflags in Tsangpo / Tibet Dance with the rainbow TIB 330 TIB 314 TIB 5 Offering butterlamps Offering the butterlamps Tibet Tibet - peace culture! TIB 344 B 843 TIB 370 TIB 371 TIB 237 10,5 x 14,8 cm Potala sunrise TIB 259 Postcards 53 Devotion Monks debating Angkor entrance of the Ta Som temple Joyful childhood, Tibet TIB 240 TIB 163 TIB 287 TIB 320 Buddha and the goddess Happy Sangha Monks dancing, Buthan Novice monks in Myanmar TIB 244 TIB 254 TIB 368 TIB 286 Mount Kailash, the sacred mountain Buddha tree Om Mani Phat Me Hum Stone mantras: love & compassion TIB 326 TIB 363 TIB 111 TIB 178 Joyful! Burmese monks Spiral prayer flags, Tibet The monks and the sea Big jump! TIB 317 TIB 307 TIB 235 TIB 365 54 Eyes of Compassion, Boudhnat Stupa At the center of universe, Mt. Kailash Landscape with Yak TIB 132 TIB 238 TIB 131 Magical landscape lake Kokonor Tibetan landscape TIB 147 TIB 84 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm Hallo Buddha! Basic elements of Zen TIB 283 TIB 182 H. H. Dalai Lama H. H. Dalai Lama & Mount Kailash TIB 162 TIB 130 Dalai Lama, reading the news H. H. Karmapa & H. H. Dalai Lama TIB 39 TIB 41 H. H. Dalai Lama, Blessing the land Khempo Dorje Gyaltsen Rinpoche, Tibet The Dalai Lama in meditation TIB 40 TIB 136 TIB 123 H. H. Dalai Lama Offering of light Tribal beauty, Nepal TIB 392 TIB 388 The young Dalai Lama Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche TIB 83 TIB 100 Himalaya TIB 266 H. H. Dalai Lama with his tutors Thich Nhat Hanh meets Dalai Lama TIB 30 TIB 124 Dalai Lama - Yak ride Thich Nhat Hanh with Cchildren TIB 43 SE 14 H. H. Dalai Lama greeting a child Monastery altar, young Dalai Lama TIB 241 TIB 288 Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche H. H. Dalai Lama and Dilgho Kyntse Rinpoche TIB 227 The Dalai Lama of Tibet H. H. Dalai Lama Deep smiling, The Buddha TIB 91 TIB 373 TIB 116 Riders on the wind TIB 92 TIB 389 TIB 25 10,5 x 14,8 cm Tibet national flag TIB 226 Postcards 55 56 Standing white Tara Manjushri - wisdom White Tara, long life Green Tara, protection Sarasvati TIB 356 TIB 358 TIB 352 TIB 359 TIB 360 Padmasambhara Female Bodisattva Tara Kalachakra with consort Kurukulla TIB 76 TIB 119 TIB 172 TIB 108 TIB 175 Vajravarahi Mahakala Chakrasamvhara, detail Mahakala - door Padmasambhava, rainbow body TIB 176 TIB 179 TIB 252 TIB 74 TIB 113 Green Tara rock Tilopa Adibuddha Samantabhadra Footprint of the Buddha Kalachakra mandala TIB 95 TIB 174 TIB 250 TIB 177 TIB 109 Kalachakra, wheel of Time The Buddha reaches enlightenment Prajnaparamita - wisdom White Tara - female Buddha of long life TIB 203 SE 12 TIB 44 TIB 85 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm Rajasthan beauty, India Just curious! India TIB 273 TIB 31 Colours of India Offering! B 1381 TIB 36 Offerings The prayer TIB 106 TIB 127 Gobi desert TIB 306 Newari children Joy! Woman in meditation TIB 59 TIB 97 TIB 364 Rajasthan beauty, India Indian lady Novice monks, Burma TIB 274 TIB 331 TIB 341 Indian woman Zen nature Ying Yang TIB 245 B 1287 TIB 294 Rajasthan morning B 845 Mandalay sunrise I Mandalay sunrise II Buddha queen, Thi Au Nature goddess Shiva: Cosmic dancer TIB 256 TIB 257 TIB 264 TIB 120 TIB 121 Myanmar Prayers in the night Women festival in Kathmandu Temple India, devotion TIB 289 TIB 261 TIB 53 TIB 335 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 57 India Ascetic writes Ram‘s name..., India Fakir‘s bed TIB 233 TIB 278 TIB 96 Namaste Baba-JI TIB 146 Greetings! Saddhu, holy man, India Father and son, Saddhus in India Pure joy! Vietnam TIB 276 TIB 366 TIB 284 Holy smoke Waiting for the sun, India Monk crossing the bridge Indian child with elephant TIB 129 TIB 285 B 1365 Pagalalanda Temple of love, Khajuraho temple Khajuraho temple, India TIB 308 TIB 105 TIB 277 TIB 349 Khajuraho temple, India TIB 125 Time for a cup of tea! TIB 204 ZEN – Life TIB 298 Aghora path TIB 1267x Time for a cup of tea! TIB 216 58 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm Good luck is flowing smoothly TIB 367 Ying Yang TIB 258 Wishing you well! Praying hands for peace TIB 229 TIB 22 Monk holding Dalai Lama card TIB 165 Monks at Tiksey The Potala TIB 47 Wind Horses at Garden Festival At Kalachakra initiation TIB 99 TIB 24 Tibetan healing 100.000 butterlamps, Boudnath Stupa Meditation cave in Ajanta TIB 374 TIB 93 TIB 265 TIB 18 TIB 45 Umbrellas, Thailand In blissful company TIB 325 TIB 347 B 363 Shiva Shiva Buddha eyes Zen nature TIB 385 TIB 345 Endurance & stability TIB 342 Buddha - Smile TIB 348 Namaste TIB 166x Compassionate eyes Vishnu‘s footprints Vishnu‘s handprints TIB 63 TIB 137 TIB 139 TIB 343 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 59 TIB 272 Cloud over Himalayan mountain TIB 112 TIB 271 TIB 391 TIB 87 TIB 170 Zen Garden B 1113 Pilgrims at mount Kailash TIB 134 TIB 232 TIB 65 Chinese Destruction TIB 77 textcards - One World Une MondeWisdom 10,5 x 14,8 cm / 4,1 x 5,8 inch TIB / TX / B / SE / PN – Regular True love is born from understanding The Buddha SE 04 No culture can survive if it attempts to be exclusive. Keine Kultur kann überleben, wenn sie versucht Exklusiv zu sein. Mahatma Gandhi TIB 133 60 & Humor Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm Thousands of candles can be lit from one single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. May you find hope in the darkest hours and focus on the brightest days. Free from bitterness that grows you may not judge the universe. Children are our real teachers. Listen carefully and they will teach you about the lost world of carefree being in the present moment. Buddha (Sutta Nipata) Prayer composed after a quotation of the Dalai Lama Tibetan Wisdom TIB 310 TIB 319 TIB 161 With the presence of great understanding and freedom in us, we can embrace hardships countless times without fear. Thich Nhat Hanh SE 03 If you want to get there quickly take your time. From Tibet There are no strangers, only friends you haven‘t met yet. Dalai Lama If you want to be alone - you need to overcome loneliness first. TX 232 TIB 8002 Krishnamurti TX 221 Each step you make should bring you into the pure land of the Buddha. SE 07 Love in the past - is only a memory. Love in the future - is only a fantasy. True love just lives in the Here and Now. The Buddha Treat the earth well! It was not given to us by our parents. It was loaned to us by our children. Open your arms to change - but never let go your loving Kindness. Native Indian Proverb TIB 143 TIB 339 TX 231 H. H. Dalai Lama There is no way to happiness – happiness is the way. The Buddha No matter what road I travel I‘m going home. Shinso Keep your head up high, so you can overlook everything. This is the first day of the rest of your life. TIB 267 TX 202 TX 213 Remember Tibet TIB 390 Temple Gate, Kyoto. Don‘t walk in footsteps of the Masters. Search what they were searching for. TIB 184 Being deeply loved by someone gives you strenght, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tse TIB 166 The thief left behind the moon at the window. TIB 322 TIB 383 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 61 Things are not what they appear to be, nor are they otherwise. Buddha In the present moment you may even transform the past. We are caught in the traffic jam of our own thoughts. Chögyam Trungpa True Love unfolds in the HERE & NOW. TIB 323 TIB 191 TIB 195 TIB 327 Never give up! No matter what will happen! Never give up and develop your heart. There are too many conditions in your country that develop the intellect instead of the heart. Develop compassion, not only for your friends but for all sentient beings. Work for peace and compassion. I say it again: Never give up! No matter what happens: Never give up on Peace! Taking good care of the present we can even transform the past. A lotus for you a Buddha to be. A drop of love is more than an ocean of knowledge. SE 8 SE 9 B 927 We can live without religion, but we cannot survive without human affection. Dalai Lama The capacity of loving others depends very much on the capacity of loving oneself. Thich Nhat Hanh Just become like a child that discovers the beauty of the world every moment again and again. Tibetan Proverb TIB 315 TIB 225 TIB 150 „Om mani phät me hum“ Love and Compassion Farewell and death are only different descriptions for a new beginning and life. All that you are leaving behind you will find again - in different shape and form. Tibetan wisdom „Venerable Buddha, I‘ve been thinking – spiritual friendship is at least half of spiritual life! The Buddha replied: „Say not so, Ananda, oh say not so! Spiritual friendship is the whole of spiritual life!“ TIB 158 TIB 312 TIB 248 70% is Perfection. Zen TIB 234 TIB 303 If you want to set out on a spiritual path, the most important provisions is your love for others. 62 Woman who seek to be equal to men lack ambition and fantasy! Dalai Lama Timothy Leary (Hippie Philosoph) TIB 230 TX 229 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm Friendship is the flower growing by the side of the road. Never try to pluck it or to possess it... and it will blossom for you. Friendship is the flower growing by the side of the road. Never try to pluck it or to possess it – and it will blossom for you. Tibetan proverb From Tibet TIB 156 TIB 189 Enjoy this life and life will take care of you. From Tibet There is no way to happiness – happiness is the Way. Buddha TIB 188 TIB 351 The way is the goal...because very often the goal is in the way! The way is the goal...because very often the goal is in the way! TX 234 TX 216 A smile is a window through which you can see if the heart is home. The soft overcomes the hard. The calm overcomes the fast. Tao Te King TX 208 TIB 337 Do not believe, just because wise men say so. Do not believe, just because it has always been that way. Do not believe, just because others may believe so. Examine and experience yourself. Kalama Sutra, the Buddha TIB 187 A precious human life Every day, think as you wake up: „Today I am fortunate to have woken up. I am alive. I have precious human life. I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart to others, to achieve liberation for the benefit of all beings. I am going to have kind thoughts towards others. I am not going to get angry or think badly about others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can.“ Dalai Lama When the archer does not think about the target, he may unfold the art of archery. Make the present moment into the most wonderful moment of your life. Tranxu Thich Nhat Hanh TIB 262 TIB 183 When we share we only enlarge our capacity for happiness. Tibetan wisdom What we see often is only a fractional part of what it really is. TIB 153 TX 230x Trees are the earth‘s effort to speak to heaven. Each morning we are born again. What we do today matters most. Rabindranath Tagore B 1125 The Buddha TIB 185 Always remember to forget the troubles that passed away. But never forget to remember the blessings that come each day. TIB 378 B 968 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 63 Maximum Respect! Vegetarians do it... B 1216 The day you make up your mind is your lucky day. Trees are poems, the earth writes into the sky. From Japan Kalil Gibran TX 203 B 997 Day by day a good day! Every child makes us becoming aware that we need to give our earth a chance to survive. TIB 393 TX 220 The flower, the sky, and your loved one - you can only meet in the present moment. Thich Nhat Hanh TIB 197 God has no religion. Mahatma Gandhi TIB 206 There is no way to happiness – happiness is the way. The Buddha TIB 90 La vie est belle. Life is beautiful. B 1150 It is your mind that creates this world The Buddha TIB 122 64 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm I can believe anything, provided it is incredible. LOVE – the attempt of nature to eliminate logic. There is no way to peace. peace is the way. Oskar Wilde TX 223 Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Monk TIB 300 TIB 246 Happiness is the way Selfcontent! TIB 212 PN 4 The TAO is hidden but always present. I don‘t know who gave birth to it. It is older than God. Tao Te King TIB 332 Everybody go different way – to see the same thing. New York Taxi Driver TIB 214 Don‘t be afraid to encounter loneliness. It is a rare opportunity to make friends with oneself. From Tibet TIB 152 Everything becomes a miracle seen with the eyes of love and understanding. The time we take is the only time we have. From Tibet TX 214 TIB 199 Life is a journey - no destination: Love like you‘ve never been hurt. Dance like there is no one watching. B 993 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 65 Postcards - Flowers Fleurs B / TIB – Regular 10,5 x 14,8 cm / 4,1 x 5,8 inch B 1278 B 1276 B 1434 B 969 B 952 B 1424 B 1200 66 B 951 B 1269x B 1095 B 1201 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm B 1196 B 1202 B 1451 B 1301 B 953 B 1275 TIB 60 TIB 239 B 954 B 1035 TIB 301 B 996 B 1504 B 1492 B 1355 B 1008 B 1009 B 1107 B 1197 B 1198 B 1199 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 67 B 1203 B 1204 B 1272 B 1493 B 1280 B 1279 B 1327 B 1334 B 1347 B 1401 B 1425 B 1426 B 1435 B 1445 B 1453 TIB 281 68 B 1281 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm B 1319 Postcards -birthday Anniversaire B / TX / TIB / PL – Regular 10,5 x 14,8 cm / 4,1 x 5,8 inch Happy Birthday B 1206 Happy Birthday B 1293 Happy Birthday Happy Birthday B 1205 B 1303 Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday B 1283 B 1431 B 1345 Happy Birthday Happy Birthday B 1082 10,5 x 14,8 cm B 890 Postcards 69 Happy Birthday TX 92 Happy Birthday TX 94 Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday! TIB 210 B 1010 WG 18 Happy Birthday B 903 Birthday King! B 1512 70 Happy Birthday Sweetheart! Happy Birthday B 1539 B 1257 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm Happy Birthday B 1464 Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Darling! Happy Birthday B1432 B 1423 B 1476 Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday B 871 B 936 TIB 208 Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Happy Birthday B 1397 B 1398 B 108 Happy Birthday B 1455 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 71 Happy Birthday Happy Birthday B 1530 B 1532 Happy Birthday Happy Birthday B 1528 B 1531 Happy Birthday B 1529 Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday B 1551 B 1548 B 1545 Happy Birthday B 1550 Happy Birthday Postcards - Occasions Occasions Diverses B / TX – Regular 10,5 x 14,8 cm / 4,1 x 5,8 inch Yes, we can! B 1396 Good Luck, Viel Glück, Bonne Chance B 1463 72 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm BABY – Welcome home B 1549 B 1547 B 935 B 937 Congratulation Welcome – Willkommen Welcome! Willkommen! Bienvenue! bienvenido! Benvenuto! B 1353 B 1391 B 1478 Welcome! Willkommen! Bienvenue! bienvenido! Benvenuto! TX 81 welcome B 1349 B 1087 B 1354 Love is in the air...YOURWAYS B 1386 B 1348 B 1358 Welcome – Willkommen Butterflies – Schmetterlinge im Bauch B 1389 Welcome – Willkommen B 1536 B 1552 B 1356 Love B 1430 B 833 B 834 B 746 B 990 B 976 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 73 Moving Moving Good bye old house... We‘ve moved! Sind umgezogen! B 1394 B 1038 Happy Easter B 938 B 1447 B 1270 B 1273 74 B 1268 B 1277 Congratulations! Good Luck, Baby! Let‘s Party! B 576 B 577 B 578 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm B 1049 B 1047 Thank You B 1046 B 1048 B 1449 It‘s getting better! ...maybe even the weather B 1124 better get well soon! Thank you TX 236 10,5 x 14,8 cm B 1459 Postcards 75 Postcards - Nature B / TIB – Regular 10,5 x 14,8 cm / 4,1 x 5,8 inch TIB 33 Gangha Water B 1537 B 1036 Waves B 1501 B 1092 Magic Tree B 991 B 1450 B 1098 B 1269 B 1099 TIB 346 Water Drops B 1505 B 1050 B 1406 76 B 1116 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm B 970 TIB 98 B 1119 B 1324 TIB 1268 B 1427 B 1542 TIB 263 TIB 293 TIB 295 B 1084 B 1094 B 1274 B 1308 B 1024 B 866 Moonrise B 912 B 1414 B 1444 B 1436 B 1521 B 1128 B 1335 B 1117 Flowing Waters 10,5 x 14,8 cm B 1042 Postcards 77 B 1510 B 1523 B 1541 B 1543 B 992 Stonehenge B 1027 TIB 145 B 1429 TIB 193 B 1483 B 1557 B 1503 B 983 B 982 B 1438 B 1502 B 1421 B 1437 TIB 223 78 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards - Animals Animaux B / MB – Regular 10,5 x 14,8 cm / 4,1 x 5,8 inch B 1075 B 1350 B 1136 B 1133 B 1440 B 1134 B 1137 B 1469x B 1499 B 1329 B 1135 B 1138 B 730 B 1422 B 1096 B 1032 B 1338 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 79 B 924 B 1040 B 1006 B 822 B 1332 B 1309 B 1262 B 1535 B 1384 B 1102 B 1336 B 1109 B 1458 B 1333 B 1513 B 1112 B 1555 B 1380 B 1330 80 B 1524 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm B 1091 B 1025 B 1385 B 1360 B 1104 B 1316 B 1534 B 1295 B 1498 B 1553 B 1495 B 1118 B 1452 B 1110 B 1441 B 1448 B 1114 B 1325 B 1041 B 1494 B 956 B 732 B 1001 B 1076 B 1039 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 81 MB 30 B 1105 B 1003 B 1392 B 1497 B 1139 B 1456 B 1433 B 1400 B 925 B 1100 B 1022 MB 31 B 1031 B 971 B 972 82 B 1140 B 1213 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm B 1533 B 1496 B 1352 B 1364 B 1297 B 880 B 838 B 1037 B 1376 B 859 B 1261 B 1033 B 957 B 1264 B 1212 B 1544 B 1023 B 1404 B 1034 B 906 B 1028 B 1000 B 1002 B 907 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 83 Postcards - text Texte 10,5 x 14,8 cm / 4,1 x 5,8 inch Wisdom & Humor TX / B / TIB / PN / PL / POP – Regular In the beginning it is courage, then good luck joins in. A smile is a window through which you can see if the heart is home. Tenderness is a declaration of love towards life. TX 201 TX 235 TX 225 Maybe life would be easier without you, There are two things we should give to Military intelligence is a contradiction in Without imagination you will never meet but it would be only half as nice. terms. reality. our children: ROOTS and WINGS. TX 219 TX 206 J.W. Goethe TX 212 TX 207 Yes, he can! B 1395 Imagine you are searching for yourself... and nobody is home. TX 226 The language of eyes does not know any suggestiveness. Give every day the opportunity to become the best day of your life. TX 204 Mark Twain TX 215 God in heaven: I‘ll be good! and I would, if only I could... TX 254 84 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm Peace on earth. PN 8 Never mind! A lack of selfconfidence can always be compensated by becoming an artist. Peace in Palestiné & Israel. PN 12 I want your vote: peace or war I love you just like I am. PN 2 B 1065 Albert Einstein to his wife TX 205 Peace is Power! PN 3 Women are not complicated, women are a challenge! TX 296 How bad can a good girl get? I want you to come home boys! TX 276 PN 16 Cult Car Dashpots to make you happy! Stossdämpfer die glücklich machen! B 1151 May God bless this House and may my Man always have a Happy Job. TX 261 A balanced diet is a... delicious cake in each hand! TX 295 Danger zone Yes, he can! B 1439 B 1522 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 85 Colour up your life! TX 237 We have childproofed the house, but somehow they‘re still getting in! TX 297 After a dark dream the sun is shining Never try to solve problems with the same Boys go green brighter than ever. way of thinking that created them. Albert Einstein B 1480 TX 222 I dream of Paris... TX 275 TX 211 Good to know you are here with me! TX 202 cheeese! B 1086 B 1090 Letting go always is letting go of fears and Never give up loosing hope! worries connected to it. PL 104 TX 210 Fast Food may cause strange behaviour B 735 86 TX 239 Keep your head up high so you can overlook everything. TX 209 For the world you are anybody, but for somebody you are the world. Better living deep frozen with your new modern wife Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm Skateboarders proudly bothering pedestrians since 1972 TX 280 How beautiful to do nothing and then Wish you were here rest afterwards. Spanish proverb B 1120 TIB 201 God in heaven don‘t be phony... I want to get my fucking pony! TX 259 Errors are the doors of discovery. TX 227 „you‘re ok?“ B 1085 Keep smiling! If I was organized – I‘d be dangerous! TX 298 B 863 See you later! TX 230 If a donkey bray at you, don‘t bray at him. George Herbert Truth is more of a stranger than fiction. Mark Twain TX 228 TX 200 When you start looking like your passport Made in China picture, it‘s time for a vacation. B 1443 It must be love B 1413 TX 299 What‘s on a man‘s mind Game over B 1315 Sigmund Freud POP 3 The tiny difference Heart Beats B 1253 B 554 Scandalous! Beer is screwed up with female hormons: You start talking too much and can‘t drive a car any more. Over 40? Happy Birthday! Text refering to the signs: I walked the city streets alone • no destination • there you were • I was bewildered • we had coffee together • all limits faded away • No need to over take each other • in the heat of the night • all became dizzy • extasy rising • together we started skidding • high above cloud No 9 • the phone rang • I woke up • dreams collapsing • there I was again alone in my bed. TX 233 What use is a wonderful butt when it doesn‘t talk to you. Pressure Balance Chamber TX 258 TX 217 TX 252 TX 224 Never let your schooling interfere with your education. TX 218 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 87 Postcards - Native People Peuples Autochtones B – Regular 10,5 x 14,8 cm / 4,1 x 5,8 inch He Dog, Brul Dakota Sitting Bull Ute Warrior Meet in Council B 530 B 532 B 531 Kate Roubideaux, Blue Thunder Song of the Canyon At the Cemetery, Blackfeet B 528 B 534 B 557 B 529 Beaver Family B 559 Group of Nez-Perce‘ in an automobile „Not a real woman“ with horse Blackfeet Tribe Montana B 526 B 527 B 556 Chief Joseph, 1879 B 1546 88 Fool Bull – Medicine Man Brule Sioux Sitting Bull & One Bull, Sioux, close friends, 1884 B 1508 B 1507 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm Chief of the Brule Sioux B 1506 Postcards - Angeli Anges B / TFA – Regular 10,5 x 14,8 cm / 4,1 x 5,8 inch An angel‘s love is weightless. B 1228 Angels can fly because they carry no The angel you are looking for is already Angels often speak to our souls while we burdens. on it‘s way. are asleep. B 1226 B 1240 B 1244 Sometimes your best friend is actually a The reason angels fly is because they The angels come and visit us, and we only guardian angel in disguise. take themselves lightly. know when they are gone. B 1242 B 1234 B 1230 An angel is someone you feel like you‘ve You must learn how to dance! Otherwise We are each of us angels with only one When children look beyond you and smile, known forever, even though you‘ve just met. the angels in heaven would not know wing, and we can fly by embracing one maybe they‘re seeing an angel. what to do with you. another. B 1224 B 1238 B 1236 Augustinius B 1232 TFA 7059 TFA 7060 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 89 Postcards - Various Diverses B / TIB / PL / MC / MB / POP – Regular 10,5 x 14,8 cm / 4,1 x 5,8 inch B 1416 B 1412 MC 24 B 703 90 B 500 B 700 B 1374 B 1377 MB 15 B 1417 B 1375 MC 1 MB 159 B 519 B 1387 B 1383 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm B 1382 B 1488 B 1419 MC 18 B 1489 B 1418 B 499 B 273 B 1415 B 1362 B 230 B 1361 B 1500 Audrey Hepburn B 1074 Audrey Hepburn B 1054 Audrey Hepburn B 575 Audrey Hepburn B 1341 Audrey Hepburn B 1399 Audrey Hepburn B 1388 B 413 B 442 B 1518 B 1342 Audrey Hepburn Audrey Hepburn Le Secret – The Secret B 1357 B 1363 B 815 B 1540 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 91 B 1173 B 1515 B 1516 Pin Up B 1180 B 1509 B 1149 B 104 92 Pin Up Billie Holiday B 1148 B 1340 Montery Jazz Festival B 1144 B 1147 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm Miles Davis Pin Up B 1175 Pin Up Pin Up Pin Up B 1403 B 1179 B 1367 Reggae Culture Ornette Coleman B 1146 B 1145 Sarah Vaughan Art Blakey B 801 B 806 B 809 B 804 B 801x B 803 B 1219 B 1220 B 1217 B 1218 B 811 B 1221 B 810 B 812 B 802 PL 27 PL 21 PL 23 PL 22 PL 25 PL 24 B 805 B 816 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 93 B 1525 B 1517 Bonjour Paris B 1511 Bonjour Paris B 1007 B 1519 B 1323 B 1259 B 1351 B 1302 94 Bonjour Paris B 1044 B 1043Lighthouse, Bretagne Lavender of the Provence B 1130 Venezia II We love you New York B 1520 B 1286 B 1477 B 1320 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm Golden Moon over Venice B 1129 Queen Mary arrives in NY B 1514 B 1322 B 1428 B 1298 B 1127 B 934 Venezia I Brooklyn Bridge, New York POP 1 Let‘s be realistic: Try the impossible. Lasst uns realistisch sein: versuchen wir das Unmögliche. Ché Guevara B 714 B 1132 B 988 TIB 329 Cuba Libre African Impression B 1005 Egypt, Ägypten TIB 313 B 1339 Ché Guevara B 1258 Dance of Life, Argentina Kissing Lama from Peru Happy People Egypt symbol for LIFE Africa: Peul Bororo Lors de la fête du Geerewol B 981 Africa: Young Woman with Fetish TIB 282 B 360 B 1296x TIB 369 Portrait, Africa B 980 Africa: B 1045 Peul Bororo Lors de la fête du Geerewol B 979 B 1378 Cuba B 1491 B 1300 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 95 B 1285 B 1093 B 1266 B 1131 B 1265 B 1442 B 1390 B 1379 B 1420 B 999 B 1366 B 1299 B 1538 B 1461 96 B 1462 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm B 1465 B 565 B 281 B 571 B 1317 B 546 B 542 B 727 B 762 B 756 B 539 B 150 B 1020 B 1021 B 549 B 758 Postcards - glitter cards SI 10,5 x 14,8 cm / 4,1 x 5,8 inch Birthday Queen SI 113 Glitter Birthday King SI 143 Glitter Happy Birthday! SI 135 Glitter 10,5 x 14,8 cm glittercards 97 SI 42 Glitter Happy Birthday SI 58 Glitter Happy Birthday SI 60 Glitter Happy Birthday SI 53 Glitter SI 38 Glitter SI 43 Glitter Happy Birthday! SI 111 Glitter SI 140 Glitter 98 Happy Birthday! SI 110 Glitter SI 117 Glitter SI 119 Glitter SI 116 Glitter SI 137 Glitter SI 127 Glitter SI 130 Glitter SI 114 Glitter Thank you… SI 136 Glitter SI 138 Glitter SI 115 Glitter glittercards 10,5 x 14,8 cm SI 56 Glitter SI 131 Glitter Thank you – Danke – Merci SI 162 Glitter Merci Happy Birthday SI 121 Glitter SI 170 Glitter Happy Birthday SI 124 Glitter SI 132 Glitter SI 55 Glitter Happy Birthday SI 133 Glitter Happy Birthday SI 98 Glitter SI 125 Glitter SI 128 Glitter SI 141 Glitter Happy Birthday SI 134 Glitter SI 126 Glitter SI 139 Glitter Happy Birthday SI 157 Glitter SI 129 Glitter SI 118 Glitter SI 108 Glitter 10,5 x 14,8 cm SI 112 Glitter SI 142 Glitter glittercards 99 Die–Cut Postcards Merci – Thank you – Danke ST 12 10,5 x 14,8 cm / 4,1 x 5,8 inch – ST ST 5 ST 11 ST 6 ST 2 ST 10 ST 3 ST 4 ST 7 Die–Cut notecards IQN 137 100 DIE-CUTcards Cracker Monster 11,5 x 16,7 cm IQN 138 10,5 x 14,8 cm / 11,5 x 16,7 cm / ST 9 ST 1 4,5 x 6,6 inch – IQN FineArts Postcards - fine arts Beaux-Arts 10,5 x 14,8 cm / 4,1 x 5,8 inch Claude Monet Les Coquelicots, 1873 TFA 7064 TFA – Regular Claude Monet Suzanne Reading, 1887 TFA 7765 Claude Monet Water Lily Pond, 1904 TFA 7775 Claude Monet The Water Lily Pond,Water Irises, 1900–1901 Claude Monet Die Kirche Saint-Germain-l‘Auxerrois, 1866/67 St. Germain l‘Auxerrois Claude Monet, Plage à Trouville TFA 7762 TFA 7847 TFA 7784 Claude Monet The Artists Garden in Vetheuil, 1880 Claude Monet Rue St. Denis, Holiday of June 30, 1878 Claude Monet The Water Lily Pond, Water Irises, 1900–1901 (Detail) Claude Monet The jananese Footbridge, 1899 (Detail) TFA 7099 TFA 7817 TFA 7761 TFA 7763 Vincent van Gogh Branches d‘Amadier en Fleurs, 1890 Vincent van Gogh Vincent‘s Bedroom in Arles, 1888 Vincent van Gogh Le pont levis, 1888 TFA 7016 TFA 7768 TFA 7078 Claude Monet The Terrace at Sainte-Adresse, 1867 TFA 7786 Vincent van Gogh The Cafe Terrace on the Place du Forum, Arles at Night TFA 7767 Vincent van Gogh Bridge at Arles, 1888 Vincent van Gogh Starry Night, 1888 TFA 7808 TFA 7769 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 101 Auguste Renoir Bal au Moulin de la Galette, 1876 Auguste Renoir The Oarsmen‘s Lunch, 1881 TFA 7820 TFA 7821 Luis Jiménez Aranda Woman at the World Expo Paris, 1889 Auguste Renoir Dance in the Country, 1883 TFA 7826 TFA 7812 Auguste Renoir La Caserne de la Pépinière, 1878 TFA 7867 Auguste Renoir The two sisters Tête de deux jeunes filles, 1890 TFA 7869 Auguste Renoir The promenade, 1870 Auguste Renoir Dance in the City, 1883 TFA 7870 TFA 7824 Auguste Renoir Les Grands Boulevards, 1875 TFA 7873 Egon Schiele The Artist‘s Wife TFA 7418 Egon Schiele Seated Woman in Underwear, 1917 TFA 7747 Egon Schiele Squatting Nude Egon Schiele Woman undressing, 1914 Gustav Klimt The Girlfriends, 1917 TFA 7748 TFA 7872 TFA 7746 Gustav Klimt The Dancer, 1916–18 Gustav Klimt Judith I, 1901 Gustav Klimt Water Serpents II, 1904–07 TFA 7745 TFA 7706 TFA 7744 Gustav Klimt The Fulfillment, 1909 TFA 7743 102 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm Gustav Klimt The Virgin, 1913 Gustav Klimt The Kiss, 1907–1908 TFA 7110 TFA 7118 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Students Ball in Bordeaux, 1900 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Woman in a Corset, 1894–1896 TFA 7773 TFA 7774 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Japanese Divan, 1893 TFA 7771 Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Exposition, Art Nouveau poster for the exhibition of his works at the Bodiniere, 1894 TFA 7753 Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Mothu et Doria, 1896–1900 TFA 7752 Charles Verneau Tournée du Chat Noir TFA 7772 Alfons Mucha Spring, 1896 Alfons Mucha Reverie TFA 7736 TFA 7770 Katsushika Hokusai Cresting wave off the coast of Kanagawa (The great wave) ca. 1831–1834 Ando Hiroshige Horikiri Iris Garden Ando Hiroshige Bikuni Bridge in Snow Ando Hiroshige Turbulent Waves, 1855 TFA 7758 TFA 7757 TFA 7782 Keisai Eisen The Stay of Oiso, 1830 Keisai Eisen TFA 7837 Keisai Eisen TFA 7754 TFA 7759 Katsushika Hokusai Thistle and Crossing TFA 7756 TFA 7835 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 103 Isoda Koryusai TFA 7834 Keisai Eisen TFA 7836 Keisai Eisen Bijin (Beautiful Woman) ca. 1848 Suzuki Harunobu The Night Bell TFA 7760 TFA 7755 Raffaelo Santi Mona Sixtinische Madonna, um 1513 (Section) Michelangelo Creation of Adam (Section) TFA 7058 TFA 7059 Raffaelo Santi Mona Sixtinische Madonna, um 1513 (Section) TFA 7060 Leonardo da Vinci Mona Lisa TFA 7100 Gustave Caillebotte Les raboteurs de parquet, 1875 TFA 7789 Roman Fresco TFA 7813 104 Edmund Blair-Leighton The Accolade, 1901 TFA 7788 Roman Fresco TFA 7815 Jean Fouquet Madonna, Serafines and Cherubines, ca. 1450 TFA 7787 Fresco at Pompeii Neo and his wife, 1st. AD TFA 7814 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm John William Waterhouse Boreas, 1902 Primavera Fresco TFA 7785 TFA 7816 Jasper Johns Flag 1954/55 TFA 7805 Pablo Picasso Sur la Plage, 1961 TFA 7436 Pablo Picasso Woman with book Pablo Picasso Femme Endormie, Face of Peace 9.8.52 XXII TFA 7516 TFA 7791 Pablo Picasso Femme Endormie, Face of Peace 5.12.50 X TFA 7794 Pablo Picasso Portrait of Dora Maar, 1937 Pablo Picasso Portrait de Jaqueline, 1954 TFA 7734 TFA 7052 Pablo Picasso Femme Debout, 1946 (Detail) Pablo Picasso Portrait Francoise Gilot, 1.5.46 TFA 7129 TFA 7807 Edward Hopper Nighthawks, 1942 TFA 7738 Pablo Picasso Child with a Dove, 1901 TFA 7068 Edward Hopper Gas Station, 1940 Edward Hopper Portrait of Orleans, 1950 TFA 7739 TFA 7781 Joan Miró The Singing Fish, 1972 Joan Miró Figur gegen rote Sonne II TFA 7827 TFA 7832 Joan Miró Dog in front of the sun, 1949 Joan Miró Carotta TFA 7831 TFA 7810 Joan Miró Daybreak, 1968 TFA 7811 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 105 Paul Klee Park near Lucerne, 1938 Paul Klee Figure in the Garden, 1937 TFA 7742 TFA 7809 Paul Klee Full moon, Der Vollmond, 1919 Paul Klee Aquarium in the garden, 1928 Paul Klee Super Chess Ueberschach, 1937 TFA 7838 TFA 7840 TFA 7806 Paul Klee Oriental sweet, 1938 Paul Klee Stage Landscape, 1937 Paul Klee Fire at full moon, Paul Klee The Mountain Niesen, 1915 TFA 7735 TFA 7764 TFA 7780 TFA 7737 Paul Klee Colour Plate, 1930 Paul Klee Houses at Sea, 1920 Paul Klee Place-signs, 1926 Paul Klee The golden fish, 1925 TFA 7779 TFA 7825 TFA 7843 TFA 7839 Paul Klee Winters day just before noon, 1922 Paul Klee Colourful landscape, bunte Landschaft, 1928 TFA 7841 TFA 7860 Robert Motherwell – Je t‘aime, 1955 TFA 7442 Roy Lichtenstein Hopeless, 1963 Roy Lichtenstein The Kiss, 1962 Roy Lichtenstein Ohhh ... Alright ..., , 1964 TFA 7830 TFA 7829 TFA 7828 106 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm Henri Matisse Dance II (Le Cateu-Cambrésis 1869 - Nice 1954) TFA 7802 Henri Matisse Goldfish, 1912 TFA 7803 Salvador Dalí Corpus hypercubus Salvador Dalí Young Virgin TFA 7804 TFA 7484 Salvador Dalí Wall Decoration (Detail) 1942 Salvador Dalí Ma femme, 1945 Salvador Dalí The persistence of Memory, 1931 Salvador Dalí PH. M. Ginies Salvador Dalí Girafe en Feu Salvador Dalí Reve causé par le vol ... · Salvador Dalí Leda Atomica, 1949 TFA 7452 TFA 7141 TFA 7475 TFA 7458 TFA 7074 TFA 7461 TFA 7485 Salvador Dalí La Bateau, 1942–42 TFA 7468 Salvador Dalí Cygnes refletant des Elephants, 1937 TFA 7723 Salvador Dalí The disintegration of the persistence of Memory, 1952–1954 TFA 7722 Wassily Kandinsky Jaune, Rouge, Bleu, 1925 Salvador Dalí Soft Watch at the Moment of first explosion TFA 7795 Salvador Dalí Portrait d‘une femme passionnante TFA 7702 TFA 7136 Wassily Kandinsky Tension Calme, 1924 Wassily Kandinsky Aquarelle, 1923 TFA 7042 TFA 7502 Wassily Kandinsky Fleche vers le Cercle, 1930 Wassily Kandinsky Trente, 1937 TFA 7036 TFA 17903 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 107 Mark Rothko Untitled, 1949 Mark Rothko Untitled, 1955 TFA 7797 TFA 7798 Amadeo Modigliani Reclining Nude, 1917 Piet Mondrian Composition with red, blue, yellow TFA 7751 TFA 7473 Marc Chagall Newlyweds with Paris, ca. 1980 Marc Chagall Still-Life with Flowers, 1956/57 TFA 7741 TFA 7510 Amadeo Modigliani Jeune fille rousse en robe du soir, 1918 Amadeo Modigliani Femme en robe noire TFA 7750 TFA 7749 Marc Chagall The blue violinist, 1947 TFA 7740 Robert Delaunay The red tower, 1911 Robert Delaunay The Cardiff Team,1922 TFA 7800 TFA 7801 Robert Delaunay Le manège des cochons, 1922 TFA 7783 Robert Delaunay Tour Eiffel, Paris 1926 Kees van Dongen Tango of the Archangel TFA 7860 TFA 7793 Robert Delaunay Window, Eiffel Tower, 1910 TFA 7799 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm TFA 7792 C.R.W. Nevinson Montparnasse Studio, 1926 TFA 7796 108 Robert Delaunay Tour Eiffel, 1941 Pierre Bonnard Nu a contre-jour ou l‘Eau de Cologne, 1908 TFA 7474 Jean Dubuffet La Calipette, 1961 TFA 7438 Raoul Dufy Trente ans ou la vie en Rose, 1931 Raoul Dufy Paris, 14 Juillet, 1989 TFA 7778 TFA 7433 Jean Dubuffet Tissu d épisode, 1976 Camille Pissarro Boulevard Montmartre, 1897 Raoul Dufy Le Moulin de la Galette, 1942 Raoul Dufy The Tour Eiffel, 1935 TFA 7455 TFA 7818 TFA 7777 TFA 7435 Camille Pissarro L‘Avenue de l‘Opéra, 1898 Camille Pissarro Le place du Théâtre Français, 1898 TFA 7819 TFA 7864 Gustave Caillebotte Les peintres en bâtiment, 1877 Gustave Caillebotte Rue Halévy, vue du sixième étage, 1878 TFA 7865 TFA 7866 Gustave Caillebotte Jeune homme à sa fenêtre, 1875 TFA 7861 Gustave Caillebotte Homme au balcon, 1880 TFA 7849 Paul Signac Le pont de Grenelle, 1899 Paul Signac Pont des Arts, 1912 TFA 7871 TFA 7862 Gustave Caillebotte La Place Saint-Georges, 1880 Gustave Caillebotte Rue de Paris et temps de pluie, 1877 TFA 7863 TFA 7823 Gustave Caillebotte Homme au balcon, Boulevard Haussmann, 1880 Gustave Caillebotte Le Pont de l‘Europe, 1876 TFA 7822 TFA 7845 10,5 x 14,8 cm Postcards 109 Maxime Maufra, Nächtlicher Zauber: Die Weltausstellung, 1900 Maximilien Luce Le Louvre et le pont du Carrousel, la nuit, 1890 TFA 7842 TFA 7844 Marcel Leprin Place Jean-Baptiste Clément, Paris TFA 7790 Édouard Manet Chez le père Lathuille, 1879 TFA 7848 Otto Müller Gypsy Lovers Georges Seurat La Tour Eiffel, Der Eiffelturm, 1889 TFA 7431 TFA 7833 streetart streetart StreetArt „Plus“ StreetArt „Follow your dreams“ StreetArt „Flying heart“ StreetArt „I love NY“ TFA 7851 TFA 7852 TFA 7853 TFA 7854 StreetArt „Behind the curtain“ StreetArt „No ball games“ StreetArt „Pablo“ StreetArt „Parking“ TFA 7855 TFA 7856 TFA 7857 TFA 7858 110 Postcards 10,5 x 14,8 cm StreetArt „I want change“ TFA 7868 artprints - one world Une MondeTIB TIB 1009 TIB 1008 30x70cm TIB 1012 / PAN / MB 70x30cm 50x70cm artprints artprints TIB 1023 70x50cm PAN 502 Indian Desert 99x34cm PAN 503 Desert Woman 99x34cm PAN 504 Tibet Landscape 99x34cm PAN 505 Om Mani Phat Me Hum 99x34cm PAN 506 TIB 1024 50x70cm TIB 1026 Which is the stone that holds the bridge? Kublai Khan 50x70cm Now tell me, which is the stone that supports the bridge? Kublai Khan Beginners Mind 99x34cm IN THE BEGINNERS MIND THERE ARE MANY POSSIBILITIES BUT IN THE EXPERTS MIND THERE ARE FEW. artprints 111 TIB 1010 50x70cm TIB 1004 DO NOT BELIEVE, JUST BECAUSE WISE MEN SAY SO. DO NOT BELIEVE, JUST BECAUSE IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN THAT WAY. DO NOT BELIEVE, JUST BECAUSE OTHERS MAY BELIEVE SO. EXAMINE AND EXPERIENCE YOURSELF. 50x70cm TIB 1005 LOVE & COMPASSION. MAY SERVE YOU AS A TEACHER. THE BEST OF FRIENDS YOUR TRUE PROTECTOR. 50x70cm I HAVE ARRIVED. I AM HOME. MY DESTINATION IS IN EACH STEP. THICH NHAT HANH PAN 507 34x99cm THE SOFT OVERCOMES THE HARD. THE CALM OVERCOMES THE FAST. DALAI LAMA KALAMA SUTRA CHAPTER 36 – TAO TE KING DAS BEWEGLICHE ÜBERWINDET DIE HÄRTE. DAS GELASSENE ÜBERWINDET DAS AUFGEREGTE. MP1 TIB 1001 50x70cm TIB 1011 THERE IS NO WAY TO HAPPINESS. HAPPINESS IS THE WAY. BUDDHIST PROVERB TIB 1018 40x40cm Buddha Red - Good Luck 112 artprints 50x70cm THERE IS NO WAY TO PEACE. PEACE IS THE WAY. THICH NHAT HANH TIB 1019 Buddha Green - Long Life 42x60cm artprints artprints 40x40cm TIB 1015 / 80x60cm TIB 1025 / 96,5x51cm TEXT EXAMPLES TEXTBEISPIELE 8 FOLD PATH 8 FACHER PFAD Right Understanding - Rechte Ansicht Right Intention - Rechte Gesinnung Right Speech - Rechte Rede Right Action - Rechtes Tun Right Livelihood - Rechter Lebenserwerb Right Effort - Rechtes Bemühen Right Mindfulness - Rechte Achtsamkeit Right Concentration - Rechte Sammlung 5 AGGREGATES 5 DASEINSGRUPPEN Body - Körper Feeling - Gefühl Perception - Wahrnehmung Intentional Formations Willentliche Gestaltungen Consciousness - (Sinnes)Bewusstsein 4 DEVINE ABODES 4 GÖTTLICHE VERWEILUNGEN Unconditioned Love - Bedingungslose Liebe Compassion - Mitgefühl Appreciative Joy - Mitfreude Equanimity - Gleichmut 6 INNER BASES 6 INNERE GRUNDLAGEN 3 FOLD TRAINING 3 ÜBUNGSGEBIETE Eye - Auge Ear - Ohr Nose - Nase Tongue - Zunge Touch - Tastorgan Mind - Geist Morality - Ethik Concentration - Sammlung Wisdom - Weisheit 8 WORLDLY CONDITIONS 8 WELTLICHE BEDINGUNGEN 6 OUTER BASES 6 ÄUßERE GRUNDLAGEN Gain and Loss - Gewinn und Verlust High and low Reputation Hohes und niedriges Ansehen Pleasure and Pain Vergnügen und Schmerz Praise and Blame - Lob und Tadel Form - Formen Sound - Töne Smell - Gerüche Taste - Geschmäcke Tactile Objects - Tastobjekte Thought - Gedanken 5 FACULTIES / POWERS 5 FÄHIGKEITEN / KRÄFTE 7 FACTORS OF AWAKENING 7 ERWACHENGLIEDER Trust - Vertrauen Energy - Energie Mindfulness - Achtsamkeit Concentration - Sammlung Wisdom - Weisheit Mindfulness - Achtsamkeit Investigation - Untersuchung Energy - Energie Joy - Freude Tranquillity - Ruhe Concentration - Sammlung 10 PERFECTIONS 10 VOLLKOMMENHEITEN Generosity - Freigebigkeit Virtue - Tugend Renunciation - Entsagung Wisdom - Weisheit Energy - Willenskraft Patience - Geduld Truthfulness - Wahrhaftigkeit Determination - Entschlusskraft Unconditioned Love - Bedingungslose Liebe 4 SUPRA MUNDANE PATHS 4 ÜBERWELTLICHE PFADE Stream Entry - Stromeintritt Once-Return - Einmalwiederkehr Non-Return - Nichtwiederkehr Liberation - Befreiung TIB 1022 50x70cm The essential Sutra teachings chart as edited by various Theravada Master. Die grundlegende Sutra Lehren überarbeitet von verschiedenen Theravada Meistern. H.H. Dalai Lama 42x60cm TIB 1002 70x50cm IT IS YOUR MIND THAT CREATES THIS WORLD. THE BUDDHA TIB 1013 50x70cm KALACHAKRA MANDALA artprints 113 NEVER GIVE UP, NO MATTER WHAT WILL HAPPEN! NEVER GIVE UP AND DEVELOP THE INTELLECT INSTEAD OF THE HEART. DEVELOP COMPASSION, NOT ONLY FOR YOUR FRIENDS BUT FOR ALL SENTINENT BEINGS. WORK FOR PEACE AND COMPASSION. I SAY IT AGAIN: NEVER GIVE UP! NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS: NEVR GIVE UP. DALAI LAMA 70x50cm TIB 1014 TIB 1007 LOVE IN THE PAST IS ONLY A MEMORY. LOVE IN THE FUTURE IS ONLY A FANTASY. TRUE LOVE JUST LIVES HERE AND NOW. TIB 1003 TIB 1021 THE BUDDHA THE BUDDHA TIB 900 80x60cm TIB 901 80x60cm 70x50cm DALAI LAMA IT IS YOUR MIND THAT CREATES THIS WORLD. THE BUDDHA 114 artprints 80x60cm THERE IS NO WAY TO HAPPINESS. HAPPINESS IS THE WAY. 70x50cm THE BUDDHA THERE ARE NO STRANGERS – ONLY FRIENDS YOU HAVEN‘T MET YET. NE RENONCE JAMAIS, QUOIQU‘IL ARRIVE! NE RENONCE JAMAIS ET OUVRE TON COEUR! IL EXISTE TROP D‘ASSERTIONS DANS TON PAYS, QUI DÉVELOPPENT L‘INTELLECT AU LIEU DU COEUR. DÉVELOPPE TA COMPASSION, PAS SEULEMENT POUR TES AMIS MAIS POUR TOUT ÊTRE DOUÉ DE SENSIBILITÉ. TRAVAILLE POUR LA PAIX ET LA COMPASSION. JE LE DIS ENCORE UND FOIS: NE RENONCE JAMAIS! QUOIQU‘IL ARRIVE: NE RENONCE JAMAIS! DALAI LAMA 70x50cm TRUE LOVE IS BORN FROM UNDERSTANDING. TIB 1020 GIB NIEMALS AUF UND ENTWICKLE DEIN HERZ! ES GIBT ZU VIELE VORGABEN IN DEINEM LAND. DIE ENTWICKELN DEN VERSTAND ANSTELLE DES HERZENS. ENTWICKLE MITGEFÜHL NICHT NUR FÜR DEINE FREUNDE SONDERN FÜR JEDES FÜHLENDE WESEN. ARBEITE FÜR FRIEDEN UND MITGEFÜHL. ICH SAGE ES NOCH EINMAL: GIB NIEMALS AUF! EGAL WAS PASSIERT: GIB NIEMALS AUF! DALAI LAMA artprints - Fotografic PhotographiquesA AX / / CV A 9727 80x60cm Brigitte Bardot in Cannes A 9746 A 9710 80x60cm Hollywood Triangle 60x80cm A 9748 60x80cm A 9731 60x80cm Singin‘ in the Rain / Edition Tushita A 9747 60x80cm A 9749 60x80cm A 9732 60x80cm La Dolce Vita artprints 115 A 9718 80x60cm NY Island A 9705 A 9711 80x60cm Zeppelin over NY 80x60cm AX 001 100x70cm / AX 002 80x60cm / P533 60x45cm 80x60cm A 9712 Cotton Club A 9717 42nd Street NY A 9716 Happy Gas Station 116 artprints 80x60cm Back in the USA 80x60cm A 8100 Herbert List 80x60cm A 8400 A 104 80x60cm 70x50cm African Dance, Mkhumbane A 2300 60x80cm A 230 45x60cm Marc Trautmann / Edition Tushita AX 500 70x50cm A 79 60x45cm Love at first bite A 280 45x60cm Peter H. Fürst / Edition Tushita A 1000 80x60cm Furman S. Baldwin / Edition Tushita A 9751 70x50cm il bacio, 1957 A 306 A 324 Rainy Days / Edition Tushita 45x60cm A 130 45x60cm Drum Cover Girl Paul Wolf, Back in the USA 45x60cm A 138 45x60cm Jazz artprints 117 A 2727 60x80cm It‘s Cool Man - Summer in NY City A 9719 60x80cm City Jungle, Harald Lloyd 1923 A 9722 AX 502 A 9702 60x80cm Tomas Rusch / Edition Tushita A 2810 60x80cm 50x70cm Nadja Bernhardt Frank Schott / Edition Tushita 60x80cm Peter H. Fürst / Edition Tushita 118 A 9701 60x80cm The Skyline artprints A 7200 Rudolf Koppitz, 1927 60x80cm A 8000 Silvio Panosetti / Edition Tushita 60x80cm artprints artprints A 9752 80x60cm Klaus Redenbacher - The Secret A 9703 80x60cm Elke Hesser - Paris / Edition Tushita CV 05 38x78cm A 9733 80x60cm Canvas Structure CV 06 A 87 45x60cm Lillian Birnbaum 38x78cm A 9737 60x80cm A 9736 60x80cm Canvas Structure artprints 119 A 9750 A 9729 80x60cm A 9735 80x60cm Sunflowers 70x50cm A 9730 80x60cm Sunflowers artprints artprints A 9724 60x80cm Ryan Rössler, Hommage a Fernand Leger A 9723 60x80cm Ryan Rössler, Hommage a Henri Matisse CV 02 120 artprints Canvas Structure 40x97cm artprints - Fine arts Beaux-ArtsTFA TU 001 CV / TU / FR / d‘ECO 70x70cm also available in Canvas TU 003 / 40x40cm with Canvas Structure TU 002 70x70cm also available in Canvas TU 004 with Canvas Structure 40x40cm Art 01 TFA 522 70x100cm 50x70cm CV 03 40x97cm Canvas Structure TFA 800 TFA 800 TFA 800 (with canvas structure) d‘ECO 5034 artprints artprints 90x60cm 80x60cm 88x68cm 50x40cm Michelangelo, The creation of Adam (Section) also available in Canvas d‘ECO 5029 40x50cm Frederik Lord Leighton Flaming June 1895 TFA 816 Leonardo Da Vinci Proportions of the Human Figure 60x80cm TFA 134 60x45cm Alexandre Cabanel La Naissance de Venus TFA 517 Frederik Lord Leighton Flaming June 1895 70x100cm artprints 121 d‘ECO 5030 50x40cm William Dyce, Paolo & Francesca 1837 TFA 518 100x70cm William Dyce, Paolo & Francesca 1837 CV 1 97x40cm Raffaello Santi, 1513, Sixtinische Madonna (Section) Canvas Structure TFA 479 Raffaello Santi, 1513, Sixtinische Madonna (Section) 80x60cm TFA 515 100x70cm Edwin Long, The Marriage Market, Babylon 1875 TFA 487 60x80cm Raffaello Santi, 1513 Sixtinische Madonna 122 artprints TFA 486 Edwin LongThe Easter Vigil TFA 604 The Body-Zodiac, France 1416 60x80cm 80x60cm TFA 495 80x60cm Vincent van Gogh, Night with stars TFA 313 TFA 413 80x60cm Vincent van Gogh, the harvest 70x50cm Vincent van Gogh, Vue D‘auvers 1890 FR 4505 artprints artprints Vincent van Gogh Nightcafe Arles d‘ECO 5013 TFA 807 d‘ECO 5035 Vincent van Gogh, Cafe at Arles 1889 50x60cm TFA 153 d‘ECO 5018 45x60cm 40x50cm Vincent van Gogh Vase mit Iris 1890 50x40cm d‘ECO 5014 Vincent van Gogh, Fischerboote am Strand von Saints-Marie‘s Vincent van Gogh Die Brücke d‘ECO 5019 d‘ECO 5024 50x40cm 60x80cm 40x50cm 50x40cm Vincent van Gogh, Seestück, Seascape 1888 50x40cm Vincent van Gogh Stilllife, Oleanders and books 1888 artprints 123 d‘ECO 5026 50x40cm Claude Monet, Bras de seine pres de giverny II 1897 TFA 439 d‘ECO 5010 d‘ECO 5031 50x40cm Claude Monet, Waterlilies and japanese bridge 1899 80x60cm 50x40cm 50x40cm Claude Monet, Venice – San Giorgio Maggiore 1908 TFA 412 d‘ECO 5012 Claude Monet, Nympheas, Effet du soir 1897-1898 TFA 441 d‘ECO 5032 80x60cm 50x40cm Claude Monet, Impression Soleil Levant 1873 80x60cm Claude Monet, Jardin de Monet a Giverny 1900 TFA 831 d‘ECO 5020 80x60cm 50x40cm Claude Monet, Les coquelicots 1873 d‘ECO 5027 50x40cm Claude Monet, Iris jaunes et mauves 1924-1925 124 artprints TFA 424 60x80cm Claude Monet, Les Agapanthes 1914-1917 TFA 414 Claude Monet, Palais Contarini 1908 60x80cm TFA 126 60x45cm TFA 120 60x45cm TFA 301 70x50cm Raoul Dufy, Nice, Le Casino, 1936 Raoul Dufy Le bassin de Deauville 1926 Claude Monet, Champ d‘iris a giverny 1887 TFA 497 60x80cm Henry Toulouse-Lautrec Femme mettant son corset TFA 300 70x50cm Raoul Dufy, La Riviere TFA 433 80x60cm TFA 432 Raoul Dufy, Nogent sur Seine 1934 Raoul Dufy, Paris, 14 Juillet TFA 434 80x60cm 80x60cm TFA 435 Raoul Dufy, Les mannequins de poiret aux cours 1941 80x60cm Raoul Dufy, La Tour Eiffel 1935 artprints 125 TFA 109 45x60cm Gustav Klimt Roses under the trees TFA 116 TFA 118 d‘ECO 5007 d‘ECO 5003 TFA 113 45x60cm 40x50cm Gustav Klimt, Der Kuss, section 1907-1908 45x60cm Gustav Klimt, Oberösterreichisches Bauernhaus 1911-1912 TFA 110 Gustav Klimt, The Virgin 1913 45x60cm 40x50cm 45x60cm TFA 111 Gustav Klimt, Blumengarten d‘ECO 5006 50x60cm Gustav Klimt, Bauerngarten mit Sonnenblumen d‘ECO 5004 Gustav Klimt, Tannenwald 1901 TFA 112 60x45cm Gustav Klimt Die Musik 1895 TFA 306 50x70cm Gustav Klimt, Wasserschlangen 1904-1907 TFA 514 126 100x70cm artprints Gustav Klimt, Die Erfüllung 45x60cm Gustav Klimt, Judith TFA 420 60x80cm Gustav Klimt Die Erfüllung 1909 50x60cm TFA 801 60x80cm August Macke, Bazar 1914 TFA 408 August Macke, Seiltänzer 1914 60x80cm August Macke, Türkisches Cafe II 1914 60x80cm August Macke Frau auf der Strasse 1914 TFA 429 TFA 437 60x80cm TFA 491 TFA 488 60x80cm TFA 407 August Macke, Journey to Tunis Innenhof Landhaus bei St. German 1914 August Macke St. German bei Tunis 1914 TFA 489 TFA 821 60x80cm August Macke, Journey to Tunis Händler mit Krügen 1914 60x80cm August Macke, Blick in eine Gasse 60x80cm 60x80cm August Macke, Blick auf eine Moschee artprints 127 TFA 314 70x50cm August Macke, Haus im Garten 1914 TFA 417 80x60cm August Macke, Landschaft bei Hammamet 1914 TFA 465 80x60cm August Macke, Tunesische Landschaft 1914 TFA 482 August Macke, Tunis 1914 128 artprints 80x60cm August Macke,Tunesian Landscape 1914 80x60cm August Macke, Kairouan III TFA 804 TFA 494 TFA 492 80x60cm August Macke, Children at the Grocery Store 80x60cm TFA 806 August Macke, Donkey Rider/Eselreiter 1914 80x60cm TFA 802 60x80cm August Macke Mann mit Esel, Tunis 1914 TFA 819 August Macke, In der Tempelhalle 1914 TFA 131 August Macke, Promenade 1913 TFA 820 60x80cm August Macke, Rotes Haus 60x80cm TFA 401 TFA 805 60x80cm August Macke Das helle Haus I.Version, La maison claire 1914 60x80cm August Macke Landschaft am Meer 1914 60x45cm TFA 133 TFA 493 60x80cm August Macke, Gartentor Gardengate 1914 60x45cm TFA 151 August Macke, Mädchen unter Bäumen 1914 60x45cm August Macke, Pierrot 1913 d‘ECO 5011 50x40cm August Macke, Landschaft in Hammamet 1914 artprints 129 TFA 309 TFA 828 70x50cm Franz Marc, Affenfries 1911 90x60cm Franz Marc,Yellow Horses TFA 803 80x60cm Franz Marc, Horses TFA 822 60x80cm Franz Marc Blaues Pferd I / Blue Horse I d‘ECO 5009 50x40cm Franz Marc, Blauschwarzer Fuchs 1911 d‘ECO 5016 50x40cm Franz Marc, Kämpfende Formen 1914 TFA 150 60x45cm Franz Marc, Die gelbe Kuh 1911 TFA 142 TFA 143 45x60cm 60x45cm Paul Klee, Mit grünen Strümpfen Paul Klee, Der goldene Fisch 130 artprints TFA 311 Paul Klee, Der Seiltänzer 50x70cm artprints artprints TFA 303 70x50cm Paul Klee Wandbild aus dem Tempel der Sehsucht dorthin TFA 449 60x80cm TFA 310 Paul Klee Dieser Stern lehrt beugen 1940 70x50cm Paul Klee, Abenteuer Schiff TFA 448 80x60cm Paul Klee, Im bachschen Stil 1919 TFA 304 50x70cm Paul Klee, Versunkene Landschaft 1918 TFA 447 60x80cm Paul Klee, Paukenspieler 1940 TFA 446 60x80cm Paul Klee, Kleiner Hafen 1914 TFA 421 80x60cm André Derain, Pont de charing cross TFA 510 70x100cm Marc Chagall, Blumenstilleben, St. Jean-Cap Ferrat artprints 131 TFA 452 80x60cm Salvador Dali, The persistence of memory detail TFA 341 50x70cm Salvador Dali, Rose Meditative TFA 496 TFA 484 60x80cm Salvador Dali, Virgin buggered by her own chastity 1954 80x60cm Salvador Dali, Disintegration of the persistence of memory TFA 136 45x60cm Salvador Dali, Portrait d‘une femme passionante 1945 TFA 485 60x80cm Salvador Dali, Wall Decoration for Helena Rubinstein 1942 TFA 445 80x60cm Le sommeil 1937 TFA 443 80x60cm Salvador Dali, Impressions d‘afrique 1938 132 artprints TFA 461 60x80cm TFA 458 Salvador Dali, Ma femme, nue, regardant son popre corps devenir marchs, trois vertebres d‘une colonne, ciel et architecture 1945 60x80cm Salvador Dali, Reve cause par le vol d‘une abeille autor d‘une pommegrenade, une sconde avant l‘eveil 1944 TFA 817 80x60cm Salvador Dali, Untitled/known as: Landscape with butterflies TFA 475 60x80cm Salvador Dali, Giraffe en feu artprints artprints TFA 473 60x80cm Piet Mondrian Composition with Red, Blue, Yellow TFA 808 80x60cm Joan Miro, Katalanische Landschaft TFA 810 60x80cm Joan Miro, Dog in front of the sun upside-down figures 1949 TFA 809 Joan Miro Paysage/Landscape 1924-1925 TFA 811 60x80cm Joan Miro Daybreak/Tagesanbruch 1968 60x80cm TFA 827 FR 4503 60x80cm 50x60cm Joan Miro, The Singing Fish TFA 405 60x80cm Joan Miro, The port artprints 133 TFA 814 60x80cm Wassily Kandinsky Hommage a Grohmann TFA 477 TFA 813 60x80cm Wassily Kandinsky Harmonie Tranquille 1914 TFA 426 60x80cm Wassily Kandinsky, Komposition mit Schachbrettstreifen 1922 TFA 483 80x60cm 80x60cm Wassily Kandinsky Milder Vorgang 1928 Wassily Kandinsky, Plat-Profond 1930 artprints artprints TFA 702 TFA 490 FR 4504 119x84cm 80x60cm 60x50cm Wassily Kandinsky, Jaune, Rouge, Bleu 1925 TFA 701 Wassily Kandinsky, Helles Bild 1913 134 artprints 123x86cm TFA 815 80x60cm Wassily Kandinsky Farbstudie 1913 Quadrate mit konzentrischen Ringen TFA 502 70x100cm Wassily Kandinsky, Aquarelle 1923 KA 29 80x60cm artprints artprints Wassily Kandinsky d‘ECO 5022 50x60cm Pablo Picasso L‘enfant au pigeon 1901 TFA 129 Pablo Picasso Femme Debout 1946 45x60cm TFA 516 70x100cm Pablo Picasso, Frau mit Buch d‘ECO 5023 50x60cm Pablo Picasso, Mere et enfant 1901 TFA 302 70x50cm Pablo Picasso, Guernica 1936 artprints 135 TFA 128 45x60cm Pablo Picasso, Femme Debout 1946 TFA 472 60x80cm Pablo Picasso, The bride 1969 TFA 127 TFA 403 60x80cm Pablo Picasso, Los Pichones 1924 60x45cm TFA 130 Pablo Picasso, Verre et Fruit 1923 TFA 410 80x60cm TFA 829 80x60cm Pablo Picasso Nature Morte a la Guitare 1924 Pablo Picasso War&Peace TFA 499 60x45cm Pablo Picasso, Le peintre et son modele 1963 80x60cm Pablo Picasso, Les Tuileries 136 artprints TFA 436 Pablo Picasso, Sur la Plage 1961 80x60cm TFA 818 80x60cm Egon Schiele, sitzendes Mädchen mit gelbem Tuch Girl with yellow scarf TFA 318 TFA 145 60x45cm Egon Schiele, Frauenakt 1914 TFA 481 TFA 147 60x45cm Egon Schiele, Kauernder weiblicher Akt 1914 artprints artprints 60x80cm Egon Schiele, Freundschaft 1912 TFA 312 70x50cm Egon Schiele, Wally mit roter Bluse 1913 70x50cm Edgar Degas, Ballett um 1879 d‘ECO 5008 40x50cm Edgar Degas, Danseuses en bleu TFA 123 45x60cm Edgar Degas, Danseuse TFA 148 60x45cm Karl Schmidt-Rottluff Afrikanisches 1954 artprints 137 TFA 833 60x80cm Mark Rothko, Yellow and Blue TFA 832 60x80cm TFA 404 Mark Rothko, No.12 1951 60x80cm Alexej von Jawlensky, Das Gebet TFA 139 60x45cm TFA 108 45x60cm Odilon Redon, La Coquille d‘ECO 5002 40x50cm Odilon Redon, Fleurs TFA 411 60x80cm Odilon Redon Fleurs dans un vase noir TFA 101 45x60cm Alexej von Jawlensky Bildnis Alexander Sacharoff artprints artprints TFA 457 80x60cm Max Ernst Schild für eine Schule von Ungeheuern 1968 TFA 423 138 artprints Max Ernst, Was für ein Vogel bist du? 60x80cm artprints artprints TFA 138 45x60cm TFA 474 60x80cm Pierre Bonnard, Nu a contre-jour ou l‘eau de cologne 1908 TFA 469 TFA 152 60x45cm Pierre Bonnard Blumenstrauss in weißem Krug Pierre Bonnard, Le bosquet 80x60cm TFA 430 Pierre Auguste Renoir, Sacre Coeur 1896 80x60cm Paul Gauguin, La plage du Pouldu 1889 TFA 463 60x80cm Georg Muche (Bauhaus), Komposition 1916 TFA 451 80x60cm Otto Müller, Zwei Mädchen im Grünen um 1925 TFA 450 60x80cm Otto Müller, Maschka mit Maske TFA 456 TFA 460 80x60cm 60x80cm Jean Dubuffet, Campagne Heureuse 1944 Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Mond im August 1963 artprints 139 TFA 10401 50x70cm Henri Matisse, Akt mit Früchten canvas structure TFA 20301 TFA 10908 50x70cm 73x103cm Henri Matisse, La chute d‘icare WPB 101 70x100cm Roy Lichtenstein, Tin Tin Reading TFA 406 60x80cm Tamara de Lempicka, Autoportrait 1925 TFA 455 80x60cm Jean Dubuffet, Tissu D‘episode 1976 TFA 438 80x60cm Jean Dubuffet, La Calipette 1961 TFA 507 100x70cm Jean Dubuffet, Parcours, 1984 140 artprints TFA 508 Jean Dubuffet, Donne H10, 1984 100x70cm TFA 464 80x60cm Werner Gilles, Melancholie 1948 TFA 506 Ernst-Wilhelm Nay, Komposition in Blau 1954 100x70cm TFA 503 Pierre Soulages, Peinture, 15 Mars 1957 100x70cm TFA 505 100x70cm Ben Nicholson, Abstract Composition TFA 428 60x80cm Hans Hartung, Komposition G 1936-10, 1936 TFA 504 70x100cm Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Komposition 1923 TFA 601 Hans Hartung, Komposition T 55-18, 1955 80x120cm artprints 141 miniprints Imprimés Mini 24x30cm / 9,4 x 11,8 inch CL / FR / MC / d‘ECO MC 100 30x24cm CL 1 24x30cm CL 5 24x30cm CL 6 24x30cm Marc Chagall A dream Marc Chagall An artist and his bride Marc Chagall A covered table with view over St. Paul 24 30cm 24 x x 30cm FR 2305 24x30cm FR 2306 24x30cm Marc Chagall Künstler und seine Frau Marc Chagall Der weihnachtliche Rosenstrauss FR 2303 24x30cm FR 2304 24x30cm Joan Miró The singing fish 1972 Joan Miró Carotta 1978 FR 2301 24x30cm FR 2302 30x24cm FR 2310 24x30cm FR 2311 30x24cm Pablo Picasso Porträt Francoise Gilot 1.5.46 Pablo Picasso Face of peace XXII Vincent van Gogh Sonnenblumen Vincent van Gogh Die Brücke d‘Eco 7044 30x24cm 142 miniprints Michelangelo Buonarroti Creation of Adam (Detail) miniprints miniprints FR 2318 30x24cm August Macke Haus im Garten 1914 FR 2317 24x30cm August Macke St. Germain bei Tunis FR 2312 24x30cm August Macke Bazar 1914 30x24cm Claude Monet Mohnblumenfeld FR 2314 FR 2316 FR 2313 Claude Monet Nympheas 30x24cm FR 2315 30x24cm Claude Monet 24x30cm Claude Monet miniprints FR 3407 Imprimés Mini 30x40cm / 11,8 x 15,7 inch FR / d‘ECO 40x30cm Wassily Kandinsky Jaune, Rouge, Bleu d‘Eco 6035 30x40cm Wassily Kandinsky, Swinging 1925 d‘Eco 6028 30x40cm Salvador Dalí, Girafe en feu 30 40cm 30 x x 40cm FR 3406 Marc Chagall Blauer Geiger 30x40cm d‘Eco 6019 40x30cm Raoul Dufy, Paris, 14 Juillett miniprints 143 FR 3401 40x30cm Pablo Picasso War & Peace, XXII 9.8.1952 FR 3404 30x40cm FR 3403 Joan Miró The singing fish 1972 FR 3405 30x40cm d‘Eco 6040 Joan Miró Hommage and Picasso d‘Eco 6037 30x40cm Vincent van Gogh Nightcafe Arles 40x30cm Vincent van Gogh Stilllife, Oleanders and books 1888 d‘Eco 6026 d‘Eco 6038 miniprints FR 3408 40x30cm Vincent van Gogh Les iris 1890 d‘Eco 6025 d‘Eco 6027 Hans Purrmann 1912 Paul Klee Mit grünen Strümpfen 40x30cm Vincent van Gogh Mas aux Saint-Maries 1888 40x30cm d‘Eco 6011 30x40cm Vincent van Gogh Nachtcafe in Arles Pierre Auguste Renoir Sacre Coeur 1896 144 30x40cm Pablo Picasso Mädchen mit Taube 30x40cm 40x30cm miniprints miniprints d‘Eco 6013 40x30cm August Macke, Pierrot 1913 d‘Eco 6015 30x40cm August Macke Saint Germain bei Tunis 30 40cm 30 x x 40cm d‘Eco 6014 40x30cm August Macke 1914 d‘Eco 6032 30x40cm Franz Marc Mädchen mit Katze d‘Eco 6009 40x30cm Franz Marc Blauschwarzer Fuchs 1911 d‘Eco 6034 d‘Eco 6012 40x30cm Franz Marc Die gelbe Kuh 1911 d‘Eco 6030 40x30cm Franz Marc, Zwei Katzen 40x30cm Franz Marc, Kämpfende Formen 1914 d‘Eco 6018 30 40cm 30 x x 40cm Gustav Klimt Die Erfüllung ca. 1909 30x40cm d‘Eco 6006 30x40cm Gustav Klimt Blumengarten miniprints 145 miniprints miniprints 30 40cm 30 x x 40cm d‘Eco 6008 30x40cm Pierre Bonnard Blumenstrauss im weissen Krug 40x30cm d‘Eco 6039 40x30cm Raffaello Santi Sixtinische Madonna 1513 (Section) Michelangelo Buonarroti Creation of Adam (Detail) / 7 x 9,1 inch – BB Sarasvati ISBN 978-3-86765-700-6 Buddha in Art ISBN 978-3-86547-376-9 blank books -large grande 17,8 x 23cm meditation ISBN 978-3-86765-292-6 d‘Eco 6042 BB 52926 BB 57006 hardcover blank books 146 books 17,8 x 23 cm Blank india ISBN 978-3-86547-875-7 BB 73768 BB 78757 Dream of Paris ISBN 978-3-86323-332-7 Poems ISBN 978-3-86323-334-1 Blissful Company ISBN 978-3-86547-865-8 Art of joy ISBN 978-3-86323-333-4 feng shui 2 ISBN 978-3-86547-874-0 Trees ISBN 978-3-86323-362-4 LOTUS INSPIRATION ISBN 978-3-89789-687-1 LOTUS ISBN 978-3-89789-534-8 Golden Buddha Statue ISBN 978-3-89789-160-9 Stone Heart II ISBN 978-3-86323-337-2 TARA ISBN 978-3-89789-333-7 BUDDHAS FOOTSTEPS ISBN 978-3-89789-161-6 BB 0166 BB 93339 BB 1611 BB 96877 BB 9534X BB 1603 BB 0170 BB 78740 BB 0162 BB 0171 BB 0169 BB 78658 17,8 x 23 cm Blank books 147 148 Blank books 17,8 x 23 cm Notes and Recipes ISBN 978-3-86765-931-4 MATADOR VAN by TEMPO ISBN 978-3-86765-928-4 Beach Memories ISBN 978-3-86765-933-8 Flower Arrangement ISBN 978-3-86765-970-3 Nostalgic ISBN 978-3-86765-969-7 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Klimt EAN 4025872007939 9,4 x 12,6 inch – FL very strong Quality! very strong quality! Picasso EAN 4025872007885 EAN 4025872007908 / FL 7 EAN 4025872007946 Folders 24 x 32 cm FL 5 AS EAN 4025872007922 Monet FL 9 EAN 4025872007960 Kandinsky FL 12 FL 11 FL 10 EAN 4025872007991 EAN 4025872007984 EAN 4025872007977 FL 2 FL 13 FL 8 EAN 4025872007892 EAN 4025872013787 EAN 4025872007953 FL 16 FL 15 FL 14 EAN 4025872013817 EAN 4025872013800 EAN 4025872013794 24 x 32 cm Folders 161 portfolios - 6 jumbo poster cards + 3 Envelopes COVER: 23,1 x 32,5 cm / 9,1 x 12,8 inch • 6 Jumbo Poster • 3 Envelopes • 1 Folder PF 1 162 cards 23,1 x 32,5cm / 22,3 x 31,5cm portfolio - PF / INSIDE: 22,3 x 31,5 cm 8,8 x 12,4 inch 23,1 x 32,5cm 22,3 x 31,5cm PF 2 23,1 x 32,5cm / 22,3 x 31,5cm PF 3 23,1 x 32,5cm / 22,3 x 31,5cm PF 4 23,1 x 32,5cm / 22,3 x 31,5cm PF 5 PF 6 PF 7 23,1 x 32,5cm / 22,3 x 31,5cm PF 8 23,1 x 32,5cm / 22,3 x 31,5cm PF 9 23,1 x 32,5cm / 22,3 x 31,5cm 23,1 x 32,5cm / 22,3 x 31,5cm 23,1 x 32,5cm / 22,3 x 31,5cm 23,1 x 32,5cm 22,3 x 31,5cm portfolio 163 PF 10 PF 11 PF 12 164 23,1 x 32,5cm / 22,3 x 31,5cm PF 13 23,1 x 32,5cm / 22,3 x 31,5cm PF 14 23,1 x 32,5cm / 22,3 x 31,5cm PF 15 23,1 x 32,5cm / 22,3 x 31,5cm PF 16 23,1 x 32,5cm / 22,3 x 31,5cm 23,1 x 32,5cm / 22,3 x 31,5cm 23,1 x 32,5cm / 22,3 x 31,5cm portfolio 23,1 x 32,5cm 22,3 x 31,5cm magnets aimants - for home and car Ø 5,8 cm / 2,3 inch - MAG MAG 1 MAG 2 MAG 4 MAG 5 MAG 10 MAG 14 MAG 19 MAG 6 MAG 11 MAG 15 MAG 9 MAG 12 MAG 16 MAG 20 MAG 3 MAG 13 MAG 17 Ø 5,8 cm MAG 18 magnets 165 MAG 21 MAG 23 MAG 26 MAG 27 MAG 31 MAG 25 MAG 28 MAG 32 MAG 30 166 MAG 24 MAG 29 MAG 33 MAG 22 MAG 38 MAG 39 MAG 41 MAG 42 MAG 43 MAG 44 MAG 45 MAG 48 MAG 49 magnets Ø 5,8 cm CD – cover 12,5 x 12,5 cm / 4,9 x 4,9 inch - CD small selection small selection more designs available CD 173 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 174 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 198 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 100 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 164 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 195 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 192 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 180 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 203 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 144 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 169 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 161 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 188 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 154 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 133 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 196 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 199 12,5 x 12,5cm 12,5 cm2 CD-Cover 167 CD 179 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 134 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 160 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 176 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 136 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 201 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 116 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 147 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 177 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 204 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 178 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 163 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 129 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 157 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 159 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 119 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 101 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 127 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 197 12,5 x 12,5cm CD 202 12,5 x 12,5cm 168 CD-Cover 12,5 cm2 Tibetica Prayerflags with explantation Gebetsfahnen mit Erklärung 3 x 5 flags horizontal ca. 200 x 21cm Order No. 01 Flag Hori 5 flags vertical ca. 400 x 52cm Order No. 02 Flag Verti Prayerflags The translation in lower parts reads: „Everyone born under the 12 signs of the stars, and everyone related to them or being connected with them – may all lead a long life. May there always be a wholesome development in spritual and material ways. May all live an authentic presence, in dignity, in happy circumstances and thus live or life of harmony fulfilling all wishes.“ Outdoor Sticker Silkscreen Drapeaux de prière La traduction dans la partie inférieure est la suivante : «Que toutes les personnes nées sous les 12 signes du zodiaque et toutes les personnes apparentés ou associéesà eux mènent une vie longue. Qu’il y ait toujours un développement salutaire ainsi qu’en développement spirituel qu’en fondement de vie matérielle. Qu’ils mènent tous une vie authentique pleine de dignité et des circonstances heureuses, donc une vie en harmonie en réalisant toutes ces vœux. Namaste Free Tibet Bâtonnets d’encenses „Heaven Sent“ Disponibles en 3 parfums différents Incense „Heaven Sent“ Qualité supérieure avec fixation gratuite à 15 cm de long Pas d’ingrédients synthétiques, comprend 20 pièces Avec fixation gratuite available 3 different fragrances best quality with free stick holder, 15cm long, no chemistry, contents 20 pieces with free stick holder PurificationOrder No. 01 RSTAB RelaxationOrder No. 02 RSTAB MeditationOrder No. 03 RSTAB Tibetica DISTRIBUTION - VENTES représentants des ventes K. Kaltenbacher M. Schollbach D. Zalejski Verkaufsrepräsentant Österreich Mobil: (0043) 06991 - 301 75 27 Fax: (0043) 2254 - 751 01 21 E-Mail: Thüringen, Sachsen Mobil: 0163 - 344 31 23 Fax: 035243 - 471 34 E-Mail: K. Tillmanns F. 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Un hommage à l’art de vie more than 280 Calendar titles each year YEAR by YEAR more than 300 new Calendars Catalogues available from January each year on including the WIDEST RANGE of FINE ART MUSEUM CALENDARS WORLDWIDE in the brochure calendar range ANNEE APRES ANNEE Plus de 300 nouveaux calendriers Catalogues disponibles dès début janvier Comprenant Le plus grand choix d‘artiste de musé´e au monde GERMANY USA france Tushita Verlag GmbH Meidericher Str. 6-8 47058 Duisburg Fon: 00 49 (0) 203 800 97 0 Fax: 00 49 (0) 203 800 97 15 Tushita INC. 456 Penn Street 19050 Yeadon PA Fon: 0 01 (0) 61 06 26 777 0 Fax: 0 01 (0) 61 06 26 277 8 Tushita Distribution France 13 Villa Curial 75019 Paris Tèl : 00 33 - 961 205 980 Service: Export: General:
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