Byzantine Studies - Brepols Publishers


Byzantine Studies - Brepols Publishers
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Index Religiosus (IR)
Library of Latin Texts
Patrologia Orientalis
Database (POD)
The new reference bibliography for academic publications in Theology, Religious Studies and Church
The world’s leading database of Latin texts
The corpus of patristic texts from the Christian East
published in the Patrologia Orientalis series now
available online
International Bibliography of
Theology, Church History and
Religious Studies
The Index Religiosus endeavours to become the international reference bibliography for academic publications in Theology and Religious Studies. It covers
publications written in various European languages
(English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, etc.)
and is the result of collaboration between the Catholic University of Louvain and the KU Leuven, which are
both recognized internationally for their excellence in
the field of Theology and Religious Studies.
Since 2009 the Library of Latin Texts consists of two
parts, each of which can be subscribed to separately. The aim is to input the largest possible number of
Latin texts and make them available and searchable as
one large corpus. This is as a response to the growing
needs of scholars to have the widest possible material of the highest standard. The material which makes
up the Library of Latin Texts – Series B is drawn from
existing scholarly editions whereas the Library of Latin
Texts – Series A benefits from the additional intensive
research work undertaken by the Centre ‘Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium’ (CTLO).
Key features
Key features Series A
• Approximately 590,000 bibliographic records and
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• Contains more than 3625 texts
• More than 20,000 new records every year
• Updated yearly with new material
• Over 1000 journals systematically checked
• Multilingual Interface (English, French, Spanish, Italian
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Tenets of Canon Law, or the Dead Sea Scrolls
• Ability to export records in several formats (Endnote,
Microsoft Office Word, Refworks, Zotero, etc.).
• Academic partner: Centre ‘Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium’
The Patrologia Orientalis Database (POD) is a collection of patristic texts from the Christian East, including works, recorded in non-Latin languages, that
come from geographical, cultural, or religious contexts somehow linked to Rome or the Eastern Roman
This initial version of the database allows users to access texts included in the Patrologia Orientalis (PO)
series in two forms: the original text, available as a
PDF file, and a searchable translation. The user can
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Table of Contents
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The Diaspora Series is dedicated to research
into the heritage of the Jewish nation and
its culture and the varied ways this culture
impacted on Europe. Pre-modern Europe
bears witness to a diversity of subject areas
concerned with the Diaspora. Not only did it
see the emergence and continuance of Jewish migration, it also reveals the formation of
interrelated communities. Jews throughout
Europe were not simply the distant or settled
‘other’; they also formed a vital part of the social, cultural, and intellectual life of the European Middle Ages. The Diaspora Series seeks
to explore this diverse and sometimes contradictory phenomenon in all its complexity.
J. Raba
The Gift and Its Wages
The Land of Israel and the Jewish
People in the Spiritual Life of
Medieval Russia
XII+420 p., 33 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2014, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-53438-1, € 130
Language: English
Series: Diaspora 1
In its efforts to be recognized as the ‘New
Chosen People’ within
the family of nations,
Old Russia rejected the
descendants of the ‘Old
Chosen People’. The almost total absence of
Jews in Russia throughout the ancient period,
along with the central
role played by Jewish
tradition in the development of its culture,
are a contradiction. This book presents the story
of this dichotomy during the Old Russian millennium, from its inception to the late seventeenth
century. The material is organized chronologically,
beginning with the creation of the Kievan state in
the far reaches of the Khazar polity in the ninth
century, and ending with the reforms of Peter the
Great. This is preceded by a survey of two sources that shaped the image of the land and people
of Israel in the erudite world of ancient Russia: a
description of the Holy Land by Abbot Daniel in
the early twelfth century, and the ancient Slavic
translation of Josephus’s Wars of the Jews.
M. Rozen
Studies in the History of
Istanbul Jewry, 1453-1923
A Journey through Civilizations
XIV+518 p., 55 b/w ill. + 8 colour ill., 12 b/w tables,
15 b/w line art, 156 x 234 mm, 2015, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54176-1, € 130
Language: English
Series: Diaspora 2
The ten chapters of this book present the history
of the Jewish community of Istanbul from the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople (1453) to the
establishment of the Turkish Republic (1923). They
delve into specific subjects such as the Romaniot
presence in the city, the Karaite society, family life
throughout the generations, material culture and
its meaning, social life, urban history, economic life,
and relations with the Ottoman regime.
J. V. Tolan, N. de Lange, L. Foschia,
C. Nemo-Pekelman (ed.)
C. Maillard
Jews in Early Christian Law
Les papes et le Maghreb
aux XIIIème et XIVème siècles
379 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2014, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55052-7, € 70
Languages: English, French
Series: Religion and Law in Medieval Christian and
Muslim Societies 2
516 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2014, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55229-3, € 79
Language: French
Series: Religion and Law in Medieval Christian and
Muslim Societies 4
Byzantium and the Latin West,
6th-11th Centuries
The studies in this volume
shed light on the sixth to
eleventh centuries, a key
period of the history of
Jews and of Jewish-Christian relations, and focus on
key sources of the period:
Byzantine imperial law, the
canons of church councils,
papal bulls, royal legislation from the Visigoths or
Carolingians, inscriptions,
and narrative sources in
Hebrew, Greek and Latin.
The volume makes an important contribution not only to the history of medieval
Jewish-Christian relations, but also to research on the
uses and functions of law in medieval societies.
R.W. Mathisen, C. Martin, D. Freidenreich, B. Judic,
J. Sherwood, Ph. Depreux, C. Nemo-Pekelman,
A. Panayatov, B.-S. Albert, R. González-Salinero,
K. Heil, P. Magdalino, R. Stocking, M. Jesús Fuente,
O. Prieto Dominguez, A. Linder
"Es ist eine Stärke des Sammelbandes, sich nicht ausschliesslich – wie mehrere andere rechtshistorische
Darstellungen – auf die Normative Ebene von Gesetzestexten zu beschränken, sondern auch danach zu fragen, was diese normativen Quellen über die konkreten
Lebensbedingungen der Juden aussagen. Eine weitere
Stärke liegt zweifelsohne darin, lateinischen 'Westen'
und byzantinischen 'Osten' vergleichend in den Blick
zu nehmen."
C. Scholl, in:
Das Mittelalter 20, 2 (2015), p. 450-451
J. V. Tolan, S. Boissellier (ed.)
La cohabitation religieuse dans les
villes Européennes, Xe – XVe siècles
Religious Cohabitation in European
Towns (10th-15th Centuries)
326 p., 3 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2014, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55252-1, € 75
Languages: French, English, Spanish
Series: Religion and Law in Medieval Christian and Muslim
Societies 3
The legal attempts to define and solve the problems
posed by interreligious relations are the subject of
this volume, which brings together the work of seventeen scholars from nine countries (France, Italy, Spain,
Hungary, Portugal, Lebanon, Israel, Tunisia, USA), specialists in history, law, archeology and religion.
A. García Sanjuán, D. Quaglioni, T. Mansouri,
F. Bouchiba, A. Paudice, D. Valerian, P. Moukarzel, B. Catlos,
E. Baumgarten, O. Constable, F. Barros, A. Oulddali,
K. Szende, Y. Masset, R. Lauer
"(...) c’est avec plaisir qu’on découvre cet ouvrage très
documenté et fort éclairant sur les rapports sociaux, la
fabrique des identités, les coutumes cautionnées ou interdites, pour le pouvoir dominant aussi bien que pour
les minorités religieuses, dans les espaces de contacts
multiconfessionnels que sont les villes médiévales."
Carine Giovénal, dans:
Perspectives médiévales, 36, 2015
Étude des lettres pontificales
de 1199 à 1419
Pour les papes il était inévitable d’entretenir des
relations avec le monde
arabo-musulman, oriental
bien entendu – l’Égypte
et le Moyen Orient – mais
aussi occidental – l’Espagne et le Maghreb –.
Ainsi dès 1199, Innocent
III s’adressait-il au «Miramolin, roi du Maroc».
Quelque deux cent et une
lettres, rédigées au cours
des XIIIème et XIVème siècles
et pour la plupart enregistrées dans les registres des Archives secrètes du Vatican, permettent d’éclairer la position du Saint-Siège
face au Maghreb.
"L'ouvrage très descriptif, présente de manière très
détaillée 200 ans de relations internationales entre
papauté et Maghreb. Les enjeux et les intérêts des
pontifes à maintenir des relations diplomatiques avec
les souverains musulmans, comme leur intérêt à veiller sur les fidèles sont très soigneusement présentés.
L'ouvrage permet de mieux comprendre les intérêts
pontificaux au Maghreb."
Amandine Le Roux, in:
Sehepunkte, 15, 2015, Nr. 9
J. V. Tolan (ed.)
Expulsion and Diaspora Formation
Religious and Ethnic Identities
in Flux from Antiquity to the
Seventeenth Century
244 p., 3 b/w ill., 3 b/w tables, 156 x 234 mm, PB, 2015, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55525-6, € 75
Languages: English, French
Series: Religion and Law in Medieval Christian and
Muslim Societies 5
The eleven essays in this
volume explore the relations between expulsion,
diaspora, and exile between Late Antiquity and
the seventeenth century. The essays range
from Hellenistic Egypt
to seventeenth-century
Hungary and involve expulsion and migration of
Jews, Muslims and Protestants. The common
goal of these essays is to
shed light on the dynamics of expulsion, in particular its social and political causes; the integration of
expelled communities into their host societies; and,
finally, the role of expulsion and exile in the development of founding myths that establish (or attempt to
establish) group identities.
J. Tolan, K. Lyublyanovics, K. Szende, R. Mundill,
N. Koryakina, C. Wilke, M. Sebők, J. Muntané,
P. Sänger, G. Christ, M. D. Birnbaum, S. Einbinder
I. Yuval, R. Ben-Shalom (ed.)
Outremer is a series devoted to the history
of the crusading movement, mission and
the Latin East in their widest definitions.
The series includes monographs, thematic
collections of essays, and translations of
original sources. The languages of publication are English and French, although
collections of essays may include individual
articles in German, Spanish and Italian.
J. T. Roche, J. M. Jensen (ed.)
The Second Crusade
Holy War on the Periphery of
Latin Christendom
XII+338 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-52327-9, € 86
Language: English
Series: Outremer. Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East 2
A seminal article published by Giles Constable in 1953 focused on
the genesis and expansion in scope of the Second Crusade with particular attention to what
has become known as
the Syrian campaign.
His central thesis maintained that by the spring
of 1147 the Church
“viewed and planned”
the Second Crusade as a
general Christian offensive against the Muslims of
Syria, the Iberian Peninsula and the pagan Wends
of the southern Baltic lands. This volume aims to
readdress scholarly predilections for concentrating
on the venture in the Near East and for narrowly
focusing on the accepted targets of the crusade. It
aims instead to place established, contentious, and
new events and concepts associated with the enterprise in a wider ideological, chronological, geopolitical, and geographical context.
compare primary sources and historiography, and
yet others consider the crusade in its Mediterranean
context, which is sometimes overlooked. These definitive studies of established areas of research are
augmented by the ground-breaking work in relatively
new areas: the ‘emotional language’ used in the narrative sources; the memorialization of the crusades;
and the use of literary sources for crusade studies:
notably there are complementary papers on the heroes and villains depicted in the Old French poetic
accounts of the First Crusade.
This collection of studies is
devoted to an examination
of the cultural discourse
between Jews and Christians in the Middle Ages
as a longue durée process,
and pursues its concerns
from a variety of innovative
perspectives that join together authoritative scholars from the field of Jewish-Christian relations.
"Readers interested in the many hidden aspects surrounding the First Crusade will find Jerusalem the
Golden extremely useful." (Thomas Zacharis, in: Military History, July 2015)
R. Ben-Shalom, I. Yuval, P. Frederiksen, M. Rubin, B.Z. Kedar,
H.J. Hames, A. Patschovsky, S. Shalev-Eyni, J. Cohen,
N. Zeldes, C.B. Stuczynski, Y. Kaplan
A. Guellati
"(...) the volume is more than just a collection of essays in honor of a distinguished colleague. It is also a
model of how to write the history of Jewish-Christian
relations in the Middle Ages(...)"
Jonathan M. Elukin, in:
The Medieval Review 15.04.13
La notion d’adab chez Ibn Qutayba
Étude générique et éclairage
264 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-56648-1, € 60
Language: French
Series: Bibliothèque de l’École des Hautes Études,
Sciences Religieuses 169
S. Morlet, O. Munnich, B. Pouderon (ed.)
Les dialogues 'adversus Iudaeos'
Permanences et mutations d'une
tradition polémique. Actes du colloque
international organisé les 7 et 8
décembre 2011 à l'Université de
428 p., 165 x 250 mm, 2013, PB,
ISBN 978-2-85121-263-4, € 43,60
Language: French
Series: Collection des Études augustiniennes. Série Antiquité 196
S. B. Edgington, L. García-Guijarro (ed.)
Jerusalem the Golden
Cette recherche s’inscrit dans une double démarche:
restitution d’une cohérence globale à l’oeuvre d’Ibn
Qutayba (213/828-276/889) et essai de définition de
la notion d’adab (genre littéraire, éthique, paideia?).
Elle s’articule autour de la fonction d’auteur telle
qu’elle apparaît dans les ‘Uyūn al-Aḫbār, somme de
récits et vers exemplaires, ainsi que de la fonction
rhétorique de cet ouvrage qui l’apparente à un recueil
d’exempla de l’Occident médiéval. La parenté des
‘Uyūn al-Aḫbār avec le genre de l’encyclopédie y est
également abordée. Enrichie d’un éclairage comparatiste apporté par la littérature médiévale occidentale,
la confrontation critique de ce texte avec les interprétations qui en ont été données est fondée sur l’analyse rhétorique et stylistique du prologue des ‘Uyūn
al-Aḫbār, ainsi que sur la lecture transversale des introductions des trois ouvrages fondamentaux d’adab
d’Ibn Qutayba, que sont l’Adab al-Kātib, les ‘Uyūn alAḫbār et les Ma‛ārif. La traduction annotée des deux
dernières citées accompagne cette recherche.
The dialogues in which Christian characters are debating with Jews constitute an important aspect of ancient
and medieval Christian literature. Modern critical editions and detailed monographs are now available, but
we still need a book which would be exclusively devoted to this group of texts, from its origins to the modern
period. This volume offers the first general study of
these texts. It is centred primarily on the literary, historical and doctrinal aspects of the aduersus Iudaeos
S. Morlet, D. Jaffé, O. Munnich, L. Ciccollini, M. Ribreau,
P. Andrist, P. Lanfranchi, Chr. Boudignon, V. Déroche,
I. Aulisa, C. Schiano, G. Dahan, A. Sapir Abulafia,
C. Soussen, M.-H. Congourdeau, Ph. Bobichon
"This is an extremely wide-ranging, informative, and
balanced collection of essays on a body of literature
that is as important as it is sensitive in the current
scholarly investigations of intercultural and interfaith
relationships across the centuries. The individual contributions are of the highest level, displaying remarkable scholarship but also subtlety in reviewing the
Barbara Crostini, in:
Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2015.02.31
This collection explores
areas as diverse as the
military and ecclesiastical aspects of the First
Crusade; its representation in contemporary
sculpture; and the way
it has been portrayed
in modern fiction and
film. Further contributions analyse and
VIII+306 p., 15 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2014, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-53514-2, € 80
Language: English
Series: Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle
Ages 17
H. E. J. Cowdrey, J. Flori, M. Rojas, M. Tangheroni,
M. Carr, R. Somerville, J. Riley-Smith, K. Bronstein,
J. France, L. García-Guijarro, S. Spencer, A. V. Murray,
M. Brett, S. Menache, S. Kangas, E. Bellomo, S. Parsons,
C. Sweetenham, R. Bartal, R. Irwin
J. T. Roche, A. L. Bysted, D. Gerish, S. A. Mourad,
J. E. Lindsay, D. vonGüttner-Sporzyński,
J. Møller Jensen, J. T. Roche,
L. García-Guijarro Ramos, S. B. Edgington,
J. T. Lees, J. H. Lind
XIV+384 p., 14 b/w ill., 1 b/w tables, 156 x 234 mm, HB, 2014,
ISBN 978-2-503-55172-2, € 89
Languages: English, French
Series: Outremer. Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East 3
Studies in Honour of Ora Limor
The Origins and Impact of
the First Crusade
Conflict and Religious Conversation
in Latin Christendom
D. Glad
B. Kühnel, G. Noga-Banai, H. Vorholt (ed.)
A. W. Carr (ed.)
L'armement dans la région
balkanique à l'époque romaine
tardive et protobyzantine (284-641)
Visual Constructs of Jerusalem
Héritage, adaptation et innovation
XXXVIII+492 p., 254 b/w ill. + 24 colour ill., 216 x 280 mm, 2014, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55104-3, € 150
Language: English
Series: Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages 18
II+434 p., 114 b/w ill. + 3 colour ill., 216 x 280 mm, 2015, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-56013-7, € 90
Languages: French, English
Series: Bibliothèque de l'Antiquité Tardive 30
Cet ouvrage traite de la typologie, de la production,
de l’origine et de la diffusion des armes à l'époque
romaine tardive et protobyzantine à partir de 1210
occurrences provenant de 156 contextes différents.
Le cadre géographique est limité par les frontières naturelles de la péninsule balkanique dont l’importance
stratégique ne fait aucun doute. Le cadre chronologique s’articule entre deux importantes réorganisations administratives et militaires entre le dernier
quart du IIIe siècle et le début du VIIe siècle ap. J.-C.
"Visual Constructs of Jerusalem (...) fills an important
gap in our knowledge by analyzing how Jerusalem was
constructed, primarily in Europe, from Late Antiquity
to today with the focus on the Middle Ages and the
Early Modern period. (...) While scholars, including
many of the authors of this volume, have already
done much to shed light on this topic, this is by far the
most comprehensive, in-depth, and original treatment
to date. (...) this volume is an important milestone to
which a wide variety of scholars – all those with an
interest in medieval or early modern art and medieval or early modern Christianity – will undoubtedly be
turning frequently and for a very long time."
Elizabeth Lapina, in:
The Medieval Review, 15.10.04
Art and Architecture
460 p., 57 b/w ill. + 149 colour ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2014, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54130-3, € 150
Language: English
Series: Mediterranean Nexus 1100-1700 2
Newly accessible to scholarly view, the imposing
late medieval cityscape of
Famagusta here receives
its first synthetic examination since Camille Enlart's
great study of 1899. In its
heyday, Famagusta was
home to Greeks, Franks,
Armenians, Jews, Syrians
of various religious backgrounds, and numerous
merchants from the Italian trading cities, above
all Genoa and Venice.
Smaller groups completed the mix. With money pouring in from trade and the support of the crown, in
the fourteenth century the town was encircled with
impressive walls, still extant, and dozens of churches
were constructed, adopting unique variations of the
Gothic style, including large Latin, Greek, and Syrian
cathedrals. Many of these are still intact, others consist of evocative ruins among the palm trees with the
backdrop of the blue sea. This fascinating history and
its heritage are dealt with in the present volume.
A. Weyl Carr, T. Papacostas, N. Coldstram,
M. Olympios, M. Bacci, M. Paschali, J. M. Andrews
S. Bogevska-Capuano
Les églises rupestres de la région
des lacs d’Ohrid et de Prespa
Milieu du XIIIe – milieu du XVIe siècle
831 p., 80 b/w ill. + 69 colour ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54647-6, € 95
Language: French
Series: Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études,
Sciences Religieuses 166
Th. O’Loughlin, O. Limor, B. Baert, J. Pickett, A. Scafi,
T. Mgaloblishvili, M. Bacci, R. Pacciani, Ts. Siew, N. Bodner,
M. Vicelja-Matijašić, K. B. Aavitsland, G. Gagoshidze,
L. Arad, M. Heyd, S. Shalev-Eyni, E. Andersen Oftestad,
V. Plahte Tschudi, R. Milstein, B. Reudenbach, N. Jaspert,
E. Thunø, J. Erdeljan, A. Lidov, M. Levy-Rubin, J. Rubenstein,
R. Rubin, E. Edson, L. J. Whatley, P. Arad, A. Worm,
H. Goren, C. Rudolph, M. Kupfer, R. Bartal, K. M. Rudy,
M. Pelc, K. Beebe, M. E. Dorninger, O. Medvedkova,
R. Ousterhout, M. Meyer, M. Immerzeel, M. Nagy
J. Vroom
Byzantine to Modern
Pottery in the Aegean
An Introduction and Field Guide,
Second and Revised Edition
224 p., 130 b/w ill. + 178 colour ill.,
2 b/w tables, 156 x 234 mm, PB, 2014,
ISBN 978-2-503-55314-6, € 65
Language: English
Art History (Outside a Series)
Pratiquer le culte dans des grottes n’est pas un phénomène inconnu à Byzance. Néanmoins, chaque région
possède ses propres caractéristiques, et l’étude des
monuments rupestres de la région des lacs d’Ohrid
et de Prespa démontre leurs particularités. Vingtquatre églises, datant du milieu du XIIIe au milieu du
XVIe siècle, ont été recensées et étudiées du point
de vue architectural, iconographique, stylistique et
épigraphique. Dans quelle mesure les programmes
iconographiques reflètent-ils les fonctions des lieux?
Quelle est la différence entre les chapelles des diverses périodes? Quels sont leurs rapports avec les
monuments construits? Ce sont les questions que
nous nous sommes posées.
Byzantine to Modern Pottery in the Aegean is the
first general introduction
and easy-to-use field guide
for Medieval and Post-Medieval pottery in this part
of the Mediterranean. It
encompasses ca. 80 wares
most commonly found
during excavations, surveys
and in museums, dating
from the 7th century until
the 20th century. This indispensable book guides archaeologists, field workers and everyone interested in
the Medieval past of the eastern Mediterranean ware
by ware through 12 centuries of ceramic artefacts and
human activity.
J. Vroom (ed.)
Medieval and Post-Medieval
Ceramics in the Eastern
Mediterranean – Fact and Fiction
Proceedings of the First International
Conference on Byzantine and Ottoman
Archaeology, Amsterdam,
21-23 October 2011
400 p., 84 b/w ill. + 32 colour ill., 4 b/w tables, 178 x 254 mm,
2015, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-56512-5, € 95
Languages: English, French
Series: Medieval and Post-Medieval Mediterranean Archaeology 1
The focus in this varied
collection of studies by key
scholars in the field is on
the material culture (especially ceramics) of the eastern Mediterranean during
Medieval and Post-Medieval times. The scope of the
contributions encompasses archaeological remains
of the Byzantine Empire,
the Islamic World, the Crusader States, the Republic
of Venice and the Ottoman
Empire. The volume offers a state of the art of an often
still hardly known territory in archaeology, which makes
it essential reading for scholars and a larger audience
J. Bennet, B. Böhlendorf-Arslan, V. François,
A. Gaba-van Dongen, S. Gabrieli, S. Gelichi, D. Harlan,
R. Hodges, F. Kondyli, N. D. Kontogiannis, P. Papadopoulou,
D. Papanikola-Bakirtzi, S. Redford, L. Sedikova, E. J. Stern,
J. Vroom, Y. Waksman
F. Thuillier, E. Louis (ed.)
S. Gelichi, R. Hodges (ed.)
I. Foletti, H. L. Kessler (ed.)
Tourner autour du pot…
New Directions in Early Medieval
European Archaeology
Convivium 2.1: Many Romes
Les ateliers de potiers
médiévaux du Ve au XIIe siècle
dans l’espace européen
789 p., 462 b/w ill., 220 x 280 mm, 2015, HB,
ISBN 978-2-84133-524-4, € 64
Language: French
Series: Publications du Centre de Recherches Archéologiques
et Historiques Médiévales
Aboutissement d’un important colloque international
tenu à Douai (Nord, France) en octobre 2010, cet ouvrage est entièrement dédié à l’artisanat céramique
du Ve au XIIe siècle dans l’espace européen. Il s’agissait
alors de la première réunion de cette ampleur consacrée à l’étude des ateliers de potiers en France et en
Europe pour une période cruciale, celle d’un premier
Moyen Âge qui voit, selon les lieux, l’effacement progressif ou brutal des systèmes de productions antiques et l’émergence plus ou moins rapide du vaisselier du Moyen Âge central et tardif, largement adapté
à l’usage de la glaçure. La présente publication vient
indéniablement combler un grand vide et constitue
un ouvrage de référence.
S. Révillion, J.-P. Jacob, Chr. Poiret, F. Thuillier, É. Louis,
F. Verhaeghe, A. Wilkin, É. Compagnon, Chr. Séverin,
J.-Cl. Routier, A. Bocquet-Liénard, V. Harnay, A. Lefèvre,
L. Bourgeau, C. Brut, C. Claude, R. Guadagnin, S. Hurard,
F. Lagarde, X. Peixoto, V. Goustard, Y.-M. Adrian, N. Roy,
F. Labaune, J. et F. Fromentin, J. Bouillon, A. Querrien,
S. Jesset, Chr. Lagatie, M. Prévot, R. Prouteau, C. Mani,
O. Simonin, Chr. Peter, G. Gouérou, S. Guyot,
J. Charmoillaux, S. Gaime, É. Bertrand, C. Ducourthial,
M. Le Nézet-Célestin, A. Horry, N. Sauvaître, A. Guériteau,
G. Sanchez, Chr. Pellecuer, S. de Longueville,
K. De Groote, W. De Clercq, A. B. Biernacki, E. Klenina,
A. Ioniţă, P. Pétridis, N. Poulou-Papadimitriou, S. Didioumi,
M. Caroscio, R. Izquierdo Benito, A. Ramos Benito,
F. Lesguer, M. Châtelet, A. Bressoud, M. Frauciel,
M. Gazenbeek, K. Michel, R. Lansival, P. Blinkhorn,
D. H. Brown, B. Jervis, L. Van Wersch, Y. Coquinot, F. Mathis,
A. Bouquillon, A. Verhoeven, L. Grunwald, P. Hanauska,
G. Scharrer-Liška, Ch. Diamanti, Ch. Bossu, L. Meulemans,
P. Benoit, N. Thomas, J. Thiriot, A. Heege, J. Ignacio Padilla †,
E. Travé, D. López, S. Millet, P.-A. Capt, D. Allios,
P. Lagarrigue, J. Chapelot
Spain and Italy Compared
Essays for Riccardo Francovich
367 p., 86 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-56520-0, € 75
Language: English
Series: Haut Moyen Âge 24
This book of essays is dedicated to the memory of
Riccardo Francovich, one
of Europe’s most eminent Medieval archaeologists, who died in 2007.
It takes as its core theme
a comparison of Italian
and Spanish Medieval Archaeology, in each case
challenging the status quo
and attempting to move
the boundaries of our
historical discussions ever
forwards. The volume attempts to evaluate if the Medieval Archaeology of these two important Mediterranean countries, largely unfamiliar on the international
stage, with their different ‘histories’, can be compared.
L. Olmo, S. Gutierrez, A. Malpica, A. Quiros, A. Gutierrez,
A. Molinari, Gh. Noyé, R. Hodges, S. Gelichi, G. Bianchi,
Ch. Wickham
A. Öztürkmen, E. B. Vitz (ed.)
Medieval and Early Modern
Performance in the Eastern
XXXVI+576 p., 82 b/w ill., 2 b/w line art, 156 x 234 mm, 2014, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54691-9, € 130
Language: English
Series: Late Medieval and Early Modern Studies 20
The more than thirty articles collected in this book
bring to life an impressively broad array of performances in the Eastern Mediterranean. It covers many
traditional types of performance, including singers,
dancers, storytellers, street performers, clowns,
preachers, shadow-puppeteers, fireworks displays,
and semi-theatrical performances in folk and other
celebrations. It explores performance of the secular
as well as of the sacred in its many forms, including
Sunni, Shiite, Sufi, and Alevi Muslims; Sephardic Jews
and those in the Holy Land; and Armenian, Greek, and
European Catholic Christians. The book focuses on
the Medieval and Early Modern periods, including the
Early Ottoman. Some papers reach backward into Late
Antiquity, while others demonstrate continuity with
the modern Eastern Mediterranean world.
L. Terrier
approx. 450 p., 359 b/w ill., 210 x 297 mm, 2015, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55317-7, approx. € 125
Language: French
Series: Les Études du RILMA 7
In production
Approche renouvelée des rapports entre l’Antiquité et
le style 1200, courant antiquisant qui se développe au
nord des Alpes, à travers les types de modèles utilisés
par les orfèvres, les sculpteurs et les peintres médiévaux ainsi que les modalités de l’imitation des œuvres
du passé. Ainsi, nous problématisons également les
rapports avec le monde byzantin, puisque ceux-ci ont
souvent servi à expliquer les tendances classicisantes
dans l’art autour de 1200.
"This collection is ambitiously large, and the editors
have done yeoman's work in keeping it thematically
coherent, at least within the individual sections; some
of the essays are exceptional in their reach and originality, and overall Medieval and Early Modern Performance in the Eastern Mediterranean will have a place
as a general reference to the state of the field of historical performance studies."
Anna Linden Weller, in:
The Medieval Review, 15.10.22
296 p., 210 x 270 mm, 2015, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55560-7, € 43
Languages: English, French, Italian
Journal: Convivium 2.1 (2015)
This volume of the journal Convivium, marking Hans
Belting’s eightieth birthday, focuses on one of the crucial aspects of the myth of Rome, namely the ways in
which the imagined and physical characteristics of
Rome were intentionally engaged to construct culture,
power, and devotion throughout Europe and the Mediterranean. From Kiev to Avignon to Protestant Bohemia, to Assisi, and obviously to the second Rome, Constantinople, the Eternal City became a model, explicit
or implicit, for generations of artists and intellectuals.
Table of Contents
J.-Cl. Schmitt, Rome, Trier, Kiev — T. Michalsky,
Grata pictura and mapa duplex. Paolino Minorita’s
Late Medieval Map of Rome as an Epistemological
Instrument of a Historiographer — I. Foletti, Dio da
dio: la maschera di Cristo, Giove Serapide e il mosaico di Santa Pudenziana a Roma —D. Blume, Rom
im Exil – Die fiktiven Räume des Matteo Giovanetti
in Avignon — S. Piazza, Un unicum fra Oriente e
Occidente: l’immagine della Trasfigurazione in San
Gabriele ad Airola, Benevento — F. Dell’Acqua, Porta coeli: the Annunciation as Threshold of Salvation
— M. Bacci, A Power of Relative Importance: San
Marco and the Holy Icons — Sh. Tsuji, The Starry
Night. Art before the Era of the Icon — Á. Bollók,
Byzantium on the Theiss: of Byzantine Diplomacy,
the Emperor’s Image and the Avars — B. Cvetković – C. Hahn, Imperial Aspirations: Relics and Reliquaries of the Byzantine Periphery — J.-M. Spieser,
Le monastère du Pantocrator à Constantinople: le
typikon et le monument — X. Barral i Altet, Un programme iconographique occidental pour le pavement médiéval de l’église du Christ Pantocrator de
Constantinople — A. Taddei, A Neglected Mosaic in
the South Gallery of Hagia Sophia, Constantinople
— O. Jakubec, Roman References in Early Modern
Central European Confessional Architecture —
S. Romano, Picasso e il vero volto dell’Arlecchino
M. Bacci, I. Foletti (ed.)
Convivium 2.2
184 p., 107 colour ill., 160 x 240 mm, 2015, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55561-4, € 43
Languages: English, French, Italian
Journal: Convivium 2.2 (2015)
Table of Contents
M. Bacci & I. Foletti, The World of Convivium:
Between Post-modernism and New Discoveries
S. Riccioni, Colores rethorici: réflexions sur la rhétorique de la couleur dans les mosaïques de Rome
du XIIe siècle — M. Bacci, Old Restorations and
New Discoveries in the Nativity Church, Bethlehem
— M. Lidova, The Imperial Theotokos: Revealing
the Concept of Early Christian Imagery in Santa
Maria Maggiore in Rome — F. Volpera, Tra Oriente e Occidente: riflessioni su un dipinto inedito
già nella collezione dei Marchesi d’Invrea (Varazze) — D. Gh. Năstăsoiu, Patterns of Devotion and
Traces of Art: the Diplomatic Journey of Queen
Elizabeth Piast to Italy in 1343–1344 — G. Peers,
Transfiguring Materialities: Relational Abstraction in Byzantium and its Exhibition — G. Leardi,
Prêt-à-Byzantiner: moda, modi, mondi bizantini
Book reviews
L'imitation de l'Antiquité
dans l'art médiéval
M. And, R. Refael-Vivante, A. Ozturkmen, M.-A. Durrigl,
M. Curschmann, D. Rotman, E. Birge Vitz, P. Ław Marciniak,
T. Palagyi, K. Durak, S. Faroqhi, O. Nutku, D. Haase-Dubosc,
E. R. Toledano, C. Kafadar, D. Mizrahi, M. Hamdan,
N. Zeltsburg-Poghosyan, J. R. Cohen, E. Marushiakova,
V. Popov, V. Kepetzi, A. Vasilakeris, E. Petrosyan,
H. Khachikyan, G. Currie, S. Mehrez, Y. Demirer, F. Dincer,
E. Ivancich Dunin, C. Behar, Z. Khachatryan, P. Burke
Studies in Honor of Hans Belting
S. Solway (ed.)
B. Fricke
Fallen Idols, Risen Saints
Sainte Foy of Conques and
the Revival of Monumental
Sculpture in Medieval Art
IV+282 p., 92 b/w ill., 216 x 280 mm, 2015, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54118-1, € 110
Language: English
Series: Studies in the Visual Cultures of the Middle Ages 7
This book investigates the
origins and transformations
of medieval image culture
and its reflections in theology, hagiography, historiography and art. It deals with
a remarkable phenomenon:
the fact that, after a period
of 500 years of absence, the
tenth century sees a revival
of monumental sculpture in
the Latin West. Contrary to the West, in Byzantium,
such a revival never occurred: only relief sculpture
– mostly integrated within an architectural context –
was used. However, Eastern theologians are the authors of highly fascinating and outstanding original
theoretical reflections about the nature and efficacy
of images. How can this difference be explained?
Why do we find the most fascinating theoretical
concepts of images in a culture that sticks to two-dimensional icons often venerated as cult-images
that are copied and repeated, but only randomly
varied? And why does a groundbreaking change in
the culture of images – the "revival" of monumental
sculpture – happen in a context that provides more
restrained theoretical reflections upon images in
their immediate theological, liturgical and artistic
contexts? These are some of the questions that this
book seeks to answer.
C. Maranci
Vigilant Powers
Three Churches of
Early Medieval Armenia
IV+281 p., 126 b/w ill., 216 x 280 mm, 2015, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54900-2, € 120
Language: English
Series: Studies in the Visual Cultures of the Middle Ages 8
This book opens to the
reader the world of early
medieval Armenia: its sacred landscapes, striking
churches, and rich literary
and religious traditions. Examination of three sculpted
and inscribed monuments,
produced during the "global" wars of the seventh century, demonstrates the close engagement of Armenia with Byzantine imperial interests and with
contemporary events in the Holy Land. The dramatic context of the military frontier, and the apocalyptic expectations of its contemporaries, shaped a vibrant visual culture with ties to both the Byzantine
and Sasanian worlds. The seventh-century monuments of Armenia are important not just as an extraordinary moment of local cultural production;
they fill a crucial gap in our knowledge about the
medieval traditions of the Christian East at a time
from which little survives from Constantinople and
the imperial heartland. Vigilant Powers is the first
English-language book devoted to the subject.
S. E. J. Gerstel (ed.)
Viewing Greece:
Cultural and Political Agency
in the Medieval and Early Modern
Medieval Coins and Seals
Constructing Identity, Signifying Power
IV+547 p., 269 b/w ill. + 42 colour ill., 216 x 280 mm, 2015, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54344-4, € 175
Language: English
Art History (Outside a Series)
Papers Stimulated by the Exhibition
'Heaven & Earth, Art of Byzantium
from Greek Collections'
approx. 280 p., 14 b/w ill. + 148 colour ill., 210 x 297 mm,
2016, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-56643-6, € 100
Language: English
Series: Studies in the Visual Cultures of the Middle Ages 11
In production
Deriving from conferences, workshops, and lectures that took place in conjunction with the exhibition mentioned in the title, the thirteen papers in this volume focus on the art, architecture,
and topography of medieval and early modern
Greece. Multidisciplinary, geographically broad,
and diachronic in scope, these papers consider
the cultural and political agency of Greece as part
of the late antique world, the Byzantine Empire,
and the early modern Mediterranean.
S. MacMillan Arensberg, M. L. Hart, R. Cormack,
E. Gerousi, A. C. Antonaras, S. E. J. Gerstel,
M. G. Parani, M. Kappas, H. Maguire, Fr. M. Constas,
A. Weyl Carr, P. Fortini Brown, S. E. Roberts,
V. della Dora
Medieval Coins and Seals: Constructing Identity,
Signifying Power showcases these objects as intrinsic and highly significant aspects of medieval visual
culture, and contributes to an understanding of the
many ways in which they functioned as conveyors of
meaning in Western European, Islamic, and Byzantine
cultures from the fifth to the fifteenth century. The essays presented here, by art historians, numismatists,
sigillographers, and historians on a wide variety of
coins and seals, afford fresh insight into these tantalizing relics of medieval art and the vibrant cultural roles
they played at the time of their creation.
K. Dimitrova, M. Goehring (ed.)
Dressing the Part
Textiles as Propaganda in
the Middle Ages
213 p., 150 b/w ill. + 32 colour ill., 210 x 275 mm, 2014, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-53676-7, € 100
Language: English
Art History (Outside a Series)
This volume explores the
ways in which textiles were
used or invoked in the construction and display of power. The essays include material culture studies that explore
textile display, archival investigations that reveal patterns
of donation, technical studies
concerning design and production processes, as well as
art historical studies concerning the representation of textiles in other media. All
together, these essays offer insight into how textiles
were interwoven with notions of identity, status, and
power during the Middle Ages.
K. Dimitrova, M. Goehring, D. Ganz, W. T. Woodfin,
H. Schilb, Ch. Elster, S. Seeberg, K. Böse, C. Walden,
E. Wetter, J. E. Courts, Y. Kadoi
"Though an anthology that brings together such a
prestigious company of international scholars might
function as a unit, Dimitrova and Goehring’s Dressing
the Part: Textiles as Propaganda in the Middle Ages,
merits a place on the reference collection of research
libraries. The chapters operate as unique scholarly
statements, offering important new ideas, especially to readers whose primary language is English (…).
Valuable insights concerning the visual art and social
history of the Middle Ages can be useful for various
ranks of scholarly readers."
Janet Snyder, in:
Reviews in History, October 2015
B. M. Bedos-Rezak, L. Travaini, G. Berndt, D. J. Wasserstein,
L. Mahoney, W. Sayles, S. Leibacher Ward, L. James,
A. Gannon, E. L. Jordan, K. Slocum, S. Johns, J. Cherry,
E. New, J. McEwan, M. Späth, Ph. Schofield, J. Robinson,
J. D. Hurlbut, J. E. Snyder, S. Solway, J. Cunnally
E. Cronnier
Les inventions de reliques dans
l'Empire romain d'Orient (IVe-VIe s.)
525 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-56510-1, € 95
Language: French
Series: Hagiologia 11
In production
Le culte des reliques n’appartient pas aux premiers siècles
de l’ère chrétienne, mais, à
partir du IVe siècle, il devint
un élément constitutif de la
nouvelle religion. Si l’on peut
s’étonner de la brusquerie du
phénomène, il faut aussi se
demander quelles en furent
les modalités. Sans doute
la Paix de l’Église, puis la
christianisation de l’Empire
romain, créèrent-elles les
conditions favorables à l’assouvissement de nouvelles
aspirations, mais un obstacle a priori insurmontable
n’allait-il pas très vite se dresser devant elles? Dans
la majorité des cas, comment faire pour retrouver – à
supposer qu’on y pensât encore – ce qui s’était perdu
? C’est alors que l’on se mit à «inventer», à découvrir
providentiellement, les corps des patriarches, des
prophètes, des apôtres, des martyrs, bientôt des
moines, des vierges ou des évêques, et jusqu’aux
reliques (secondaires) du Christ et de la Vierge.
Après avoir exposé pour elles-mêmes quelques-unes
des plus notables inventions survenues aux IVe – VIe
siècles, ce travail s’attache à en éclairer le mécanisme,
d’abord par une lecture suivie des récits qui nous en
ont transmis la mémoire, ensuite par l’examen des différents enjeux qu’elles sous-tendent.
É. Wolff (ed.)
Association pour l'Antiquité Tardive (ed.)
Mondes ruraux en Orient
et en Occident
Volume I
Mondes ruraux en Orient
et en Occident
Volume II
480 p., 119 b/w ill., 216 x 280 mm, 2012, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54672-8, € 82
Languages: French, Italian, English
Journal: Antiquité Tardive 20/2012
480 p., 168 b/w ill. + 5 colour ill., 216 x 280 mm, 2013, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55066-4, € 84
Languages: French, English, German
Journal: Antiquité Tardive 21/2013
Littérature, politique et
religion en Afrique vandale
378 p., 165 x 250 mm, 2015, PB,
ISBN 978-2-85121-276-4, € 45,36
Languages: French, English, German
Series: Collection des Études augustiniennes. Série Antiquité 200
Les communications prononcées au colloque international «Littérature, politique et religion en Afrique vandale», qui s’est tenu à l’Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense les 6 et 7 octobre 2014, constituent
une synthèse sur l’Afrique vandale (439-533) qui faisait
défaut. Y est étudiée en effet successivement la situation politique (relations avec les Goths et avec l’empire
d’Orient), religieuse (la question de l’arianisme) et
culturelle de l’Afrique vandale. Dans le domaine littéraire, une place particulière a été faite à Dracontius,
certainement le plus grand auteur latin de l’Afrique
sous domination vandale, qui, depuis la publication
de ses Œuvres complètes dans la Collection des Universités de France, est mieux évalué à sa juste valeur.
L’ouvrage présente un solide bilan des connaissances
sur l’Afrique vandale, en même temps qu’il ouvre à des
interprétations, des pistes, des idées nouvelles.
Table de matières
G. Cantino Wataghin – H. Inglebert, Introduction
1 – Le vocabulaire
J.-M. Carrié, Nommer les structures rurales entre
fin de l’Antiquité et Haut Moyen Âge: le répertoire
lexical gréco-latin et ses avatars modernes (1re
2 – Les données paléoenvironnementales
F. Saggioro, Paesaggi in equilibrio: uomo e acqua
nella Pianura Padana Centrale tra IV e IX secolo
3 – Démographie et dynamique de l’occupation
J. Bintliff, The paradoxes of Late Antiquity: a
thermodynamic solution – L. Buchet, Apports de
l’anthropologie en matière de démographie et de
dynamique d’occupation des sols dans l’Occident
des IVe-VIIIe siècles – B. Geyer - G. Charpentier,
Évolution démographique et modes d’occupation
du sol en Syrie du Nord: les cas du Ǧebel Waṣṭāni,
du Ğebel Zāwiye et des Marges arides (IIe-VIIe
siècles) – B. Riba, Démographie et dynamique
de l’occupation du Ǧebel Waṣṭāni dans le Massif
calcaire de la Syrie du Nord (IIe-VIe siècles) –
C. Duvette, Le Ğebel Zāwiye (Massif calcaire de
la Syrie du Nord): l’architecture domestique reflet
d’une évolution démographique – M. Rivoal, Les
fluctuations du peuplement antique dans la steppe
de Syrie du Nord en question (IIe-VIIe siècle) –
D. Stathakopoulos, Death in the countryside:
some thoughts on the effects of famine and
4 – L’économie rurale: organisation et structures
D. Vera, Questioni di storia agraria tardoromana:
schiavi, coloni, villae
P. Jaillette, La structure agraire dans l’Empire
tardif au miroir du Code Théodosien : quelques
5 – L’économie rurale: moyens et techniques de
T. Lewit, Oil and wine press technology in its economic context: screw presses, the rural economy
and trade in Late Antiquity
Cl. Raynaud – P. van Ossel, L’économie rurale et le
commerce en Gaule durant l’Antiquité tardive
G. Traina, La production rurale dans la phase finale du royaume de la Grande Arménie: le témoignage de Moïse de Khorène
K. Harper, The transformation of Roman slavery:
an economic myth?
Varia, Chronique, Comptes rendus
6 – Le vocabulaire
J.-M. Carrié, Nommer les structures rurales entre
fin de l’Antiquité et Haut Moyen Âge: le répertoire
lexical gréco-latin et ses avatars modernes (2de
7 – Les campagnes en périphérie de l’Empire
A.S. Esmonde Cleary, Northern Britain in Late Antiquity
A. Stuppner, Die ländliche Besiedlung im mittleren
Donauraum von der Spätantike bis zum Frühmittelalter
A. Poulter, Goths on the lower Danube: their impact upon and behind the frontier
8 – Les formes de l’habitat
Cl. Negrelli, Le strutture del popolamento rurale
tra IV e IX secolo in Emilia Romagna e nelle Venezie
E. Ariño, El hábitat rural en la Península Ibérica
entre finales del siglo IV y principios del VIII: un
ensayo interpretativo
M. Veikou, Settlements in the Greek countryside
from 4th to 9th century: forms and patterns
C. Duvette, avec G. Charpentier, C. Piaton, Maisons paysannes d’un village d’Apamène, Serğilla (IVe-VIe siècles – Massif calcaire de la Syrie du
I. Taxel, Identifying social hierarchy through house
planning in the villages of Late Antique Palestine:
the case of Ḥorvat Zikhrin
D. Mattingly, M. Sterry, V. Leitch, Fortified farms
and defended villages of Late Roman and Late Antique Africa
9 – Le rôle des implantations ecclésiales
G. Cantino Wataghin, Le fondazioni ecclesiastiche
nelle vicende delle aree rurali: spunti di riflessione
per l’Occidente tardo antico (IV-V secolo)
Y. Codou, L’église et l’habitat dans le Midi de la
France aux Ve-Xe siècles
M. A. Cau, C. Mas, Christians, peasants and shepherds: the transformation of the countryside in
Late Antique Mallorca (Balearic islands)
10 – Les rapports entre villes et campagnes
D. Fernandez, City and countryside in Late Antique Iberia
F. Cantini, Aree rurali e centri urbani tra IV e VII
secolo: il territorio toscano
Varia, Chronique, Comptes rendus
T. Boulay, P. Van Den Eeckhout (ed.)
La viticulture grecque de l’époque
hellénistique à l’époque byzantine
& The History of Labour and Labour
Relations in Hotels and Restaurants
in Western Europe and the United
States in the 19th and 20th Centuries
VIII+414 p., 53 b/w ill.,
1 b/w tables,
170 x 240 mm, 2014, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54359-8, € 57
Languages: French, English
Journal: Food & History 11.2 (2013)
Table de matières du 1er dossier
Th. Boulay – J.-R. Pitte, Introduction / J.-Fr. Terral –
L. Bouby, Domestication de la vigne (Vitis vinifera L.)
et origines de cépages en France: apport de l'archéobiologie / J.-M. Boursiquot – Th. Lacombe – V. Laucou – K. Bakasietas, La “vigne de Pausanias”: mythe et
ADN / I. Anagnostakis, Noms de vignes et de raisins
et techniques de vinification à Byzance. Continuité
et rupture avec la viticulture de l'antiquité tardive /
S. Kourakou-Dragona, Protection phytosanitaire
dans les vignobles de la Mendè antique / Th. Boulay,
Viticulture et cultures intercalaires dans le monde
égéen de l’époque hellénistique à l’époque byzantine /
A. Lonvaud-Funel, Microbiologie du vin. Un autre
regard pour l’étude de la vinification dans l’antiquité / Ph. Boissinot, Archéologie des vignobles grecs
antiques / A. Carbonneau, Diversité des architectures
de vigne dans le monde. Contraintes environnementales et facteurs historiques / E. Vaudour, Th. Boulay,
Towards a spatial analysis of antique viticultural areas:
the case study of Amos (Turkey) / M. Kaplan, La culture
de la vigne en Grèce à l’époque byzantine d’après les
archives de l’Athos
Table de matières
K. Vössing, B. Lançon, C. Guittard, V. Zarini, A. Delattre,
R. Miles, A. Mkacher, B. Pottier, H. Inglebert, S. Fialon,
C. O. Tommasi, M. Venuti, M. Manca, É. Wolff, S. Labarre,
B. Goldlust, A. Stoehr-Monjou, A. Luceri, B. Bureau,
L. Gosserez, L. Galli Milić, A. A. Raschieri
V. West-Harling (ed.)
Series of the Ancient History Documentary
Research Centre at Macquarie University
E. Mathieson
Christian Women in the Greek
Papyri of Egypt to 400 CE
XII+311 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2014, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55241-5, € 60
Language: English
Series: Studia Antiqua Australiensia 6
S. N.C. Lieu, P. McKechnie (ed.)
Aspects of the Roman East
Volume II
Papers in Honour of Professor
Sir Fergus Millar FBA
284 p., 35 b/w ill. + 50 colour ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2016, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-52875-5, approx. € 65
Language: English
Series: Studia Antiqua Australiensia 7
In production
This is the second of two volumes of papers by
scholars actively engaged in the study of the Roman East in honour of Professor Fergus Millar FBA,
formerly Camden Professor of Ancient History at
the University of Oxford and the leading scholar
of Roman History of his generation. This second
volume contains papers by scholars mainly based
in the Southern Hemisphere. The first volume
mainly from contributors based in the Northern
Hemisphere was published in 2007.
Table of contents Volume II
Documentary papyri are an unparalleled source
for the study of women in antiquity. Among them
are numbers of female-authored texts which allow women’s voices to be heard. In the period
to 400 CE twenty-six of these texts provide information on Christian women’s religious lives. This
book analyses these papyri. They give insight into
Christian women’s knowledge and use of biblical
texts, their practice of prayer, their theological understanding of God, their lives and relationships.
This book also examines texts written to Christian
women or referring to Christian women among
which are a valuable group referring to ascetic
women. The perspectives of the papyri nuance
what is known about women from other sources.
R. Burns, Diocletian’s Fortifications of Syria
and Arabia
G. Clarke – H. Jackson, Evaluating Cultural
and Ethnic Identities from Archaeological
Remains: The Case of Hellenistic Jebel Khalid
E. A. Judge, Who Authored the Res Gestae in
S. N. Lieu – J. Sheldon, ‘Damn the Dardanelles’ (admiral Lord Fisher, 5th May, 1915) vel
Onomastica Callipolitana
P. McKechnie, How Far Is It From Antioch to
Edessa, Two Early Christian Narratives in Syria
and Mesopotamia
A. Nobbs, The First (Named) Christian Accountant?
R. Tannenbaum, How the Goths Won: The
Battle of Adrianople, its Causes, Courses, and
L. L. Wellborn, A Coin of Aretas with Possible
Implications for the Chronology of Paul’s Life
Three Empires, Three Cities
Identity, Material Culture and Legitimacy
in Venice, Ravenna and Rome, 750-1000
351 p., 52 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-56228-5, € 75
Languages: English, Italian
Series: Seminari del Centro interuniversitario per la storia
e l’archeologia dell’alto medioevo 6
This book focuses on
three Italian cities in the
early middle ages, Rome,
Ravenna and Venice, and
looks at them in a new
light. The unifying element linking them was
their common Byzantine past, since they remained in the sphere of
imperial power after the
creation of the Lombard
kingdom in the late 6th
century, up to 750. What
happened to them when
their links with the Byzantine Empire were almost
entirely severed in the 8th century? Did they remain
socially and culturally heirs of Byzantium in the 9th and
10th centuries? Or did they become part of the next
imperial powers of Italy, the Carolingian and the Ottonian empires? A workshop in Oxford in 2014 brought
together an international group of specialists to discuss these questions in a comparative context; the excitement of their debates is captured in the discussion
sections linking the papers in this volume.
S. Gasparri, S. Gelichi, E. Cirelli, R. Santangeli Valenzani,
C. Goodson, P. Delogu, F. Bougard, H. Keller, C. Wickham
L. A. Berto
In Search of the First Venetians
Prosopography of Early Medieval Venice
VIII+485 p., 1 b/w line art, 156 x 234 mm, 2014, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54101-3, € 110
Language: English
Series: Studies in the Early Middle Ages 41
Previously published
R. Alston, S. N.C. Lieu (ed.)
Aspects of the Roman East,
Volume I. Papers in Honour
of Professor Fergus Millar FBA
XIV+230 p., 160 x 240 mm, 2007, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-52625-6, € 45
Language: English
Series: Studia Antiqua Australiensia 3
Table of contents
R. Alston, Fraying Round the Edges: Models
of Change on the Margin
S. N.C. Lieu, Rome on the Euphrates – The Final Siege of Dura-Europos
D. Noy, The Jews of Roman Syria: The Synagogues of Dura-Europos and Apamea
N. Pollard, Colonial and Cultural Identities in
Parthian and Roman Dura-Europos
G. Greatrex, Roman frontiers and foreign
policy in the East
F. Beetham (Trans.) – S. N.C. Lieu (Annot.),
A Byzantine Life of Constantine (BHG 365)
Đ. Bubalo
Pragmatic Literacy
in Medieval Serbia
XXVI+428 p., 38 b/w ill., 2 b/w line art, 156 x 234 mm, 2014, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54961-3, € 100
Language: English
Series: Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy 29
The author examines the significance and uses of
written documents in medieval Serbian society. In so
doing, for the very first time the manifestations of everyday literacy are revealed in an area where the East
and the West intersect, i.e. in southeastern Europe.
“Bubalo’s book presents a much needed opportunity
for traditional Western scholars to expand their knowledge of this dynamic region of the medieval world. All
comprehensive collections of works on literacy in the
Middle Ages will want to have this volume in their catalogues.”
Denis Crnkovic, in:
The Medieval Review,15.04.07
Based on an extensive source analysis, this book provides the biographical information of all early medieval Venetians, thus offering an invaluable research
tool for the history of Venice.
"(...) the information that [this volume] conveys is
detailed, comprehensive, and thought-provoking. If
it does no more than provide accessible evidence to
support new arguments and suggest ways to process
it, this work will have contributed substantially to the
scholarly discourse on socio-political and cultural
formation in early medieval Venice, in the Mediterranean, and in Europe."
Suzanne Mariko Miller, in:
The Medieval Review, 15.08.40
C. Ciucu
Since its first volume in 1983, the series has
earned an international reputation for its
contributions to the field of bibliology, i.e.
the sum of disciplines that deal with books,
whether manuscript or printed: the history
of books, the history of ancient libraries, bibliophily, bibliopoly, the French concept 'bibliothéconomie', and bibliography.
N. de Lange, J. Olszowy-Schlanger (ed.)
Manuscrits hébreux et arabes
Mélanges en l'honneur
de Colette Sirat
432 p., 96 b/w ill., 20 b/w tables, 210 x 270 mm, PB, 2014,
ISBN 978-2-503-55152-4, € 95
Languages: French, English, Spanish
Series: Bibliologia 38
Manuscrits hébreux et arabes est un recueil de
mélanges dédiés à Colette Sirat par ses collègues,
amis et disciples. Les articles portant sur des manuscrits provenant de lieux et périodes différents
montrent l'envergure des travaux en paléographie
et codicologie hébraïque aujourd'hui.
C. Ruzzier, X. Hermand (ed.)
Comment le Livre s'est fait livre
La fabrication des manuscrits
bibliques (IVe-XVe siècle): bilan,
résultats, perspectives de recherche
296 p., 47 b/w ill., 210 x 270 mm, 2015, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55549-2, € 85
Languages: French, English, Italian
Series: Bibliologia 40
Si le texte de la Bible
et sa tradition manuscrite ont depuis
longtemps été l’objet
d’une attention soutenue de la part des
philologues, des exégètes et des historiens,
il en va tout autrement
pour ce qui est de son
«incarnation» dans un
objet matériel. C’est
aux diverses modalités
de cette «incarnation»
qu’était consacré le colloque international organisé à l’Université de Namur en mai 2012, dont les
contributions sont ici réunies. Cette rencontre fut
à la fois l’occasion de faire le point sur les connaissances déjà acquises sur la fabrication de la Bible de
l’Antiquité tardive au XVe siècle, et d’ouvrir de nouvelles pistes de recherche. La perspective adoptée
se veut globale et comparative, et met en lumière
la diversité des solutions retenues pour répondre
aux problèmes posés par la réalisation matérielle du
texte sacré selon les époques et les contrées, des
premières bibles pandectes à la diffusion des bibles
P. Andrist, D. Batovici, D. Ganz, N. Togni, L. Yawn,
G. Mariéthoz, L. Abiero, R. Casavecchia, E. Orezzi,
L. Ruggiero, G. E. Unfer Verre, P.-M. Bogaert, Ch. Ruzzier,
G. Murano, S. Natale, M. Hoogvliet, E. Poleg, R. Adam,
O. Deloignon, E. Ornato
M. Beit-Arié, N. Pasternak, J. S. Penkower,
S. Iakerson Karasubazar, J. Isserles, J. Kogel, J. Ashton,
A. D. Crown, R. Loewe, F. Déroche, J. Olszowy-Schlanger,
E. Engel, M. Blasco Orellana, J. Ramón Magdalena,
M. Perani, E. Attia, G. Khan, Ph. Bobichon, J. del Barco,
E. Abate, S. C. Reif, S. Campanini, D. J. Lasker, N. de Lange
Y. Zirlin
Au-delà du visible
Relations entre juifs et chrétiens
dissimulées dans des manuscrits
hébreux enluminés
208 p., 104 b/w ill. + 37 colour ill., 210 x 270 mm, 2015, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55230-9, € 75
Language: French
Series: Bibliologia 39
Bibliothèque nationale de France
Hébreu 704 à 733
Manuscrits de théologie
approx. 300 p., 132 colour ill., 210 x 297 mm, 2015, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54547-9, € 90
Language: French
Series: Manuscrits en caractères hébreux conservés
dans les bibliothèques publiques de France. Catalogues 5
In production
Les manuscrits décrits dans ce volume présentent des
textes de genres divers dont la date de composition
est toujours postérieure au XIIe siècle. Avec quelques
exceptions, ces textes furent rédigés et étudiés en Espagne, en Provence, en Italie et dans l’empire byzantin. Les cinq premiers manuscrits (704 à 708) portent
des commentaires sur le Guide des égarés ou d’autres
écrits relatifs à Maïmonide. On relève également, dans
le même domaine, cinq exemplaires des Guerres du
Seigneur de Gersonide (721 à 725). D’autres œuvres,
mêlant kabbale et philosophie, sont inédites et encore
trop peu connues : la Pierre de Saphir, d’Elnathan Qalqish (727 et 728); la Perfection de la beauté, de Samuel
Ṣarsa (729 à 732); les Demeures de Jacob, de Jacob ben
Salomon Ṣarfati (Hébreu 733), livre en partie autobiographique et copie autographe qui renvoient à la Provence du XIVe siècle. Plusieurs volumes sont consacrés
à la morale et à l’explication des commandements. Parmi eux, figurent deux copies d’un ouvrage du kabbaliste
Yosef Giqatilia (713 et 714) et quatre des Degrés des
vertus de Yeḥiel ben Yequtiel ‘Anav (715 à 718), livre qui
connut un grand succès en Italie. Deux manuscrits renvoient à l’aire ashkénaze (709 et 712).
Manuscrits de Kabbale
260 p., 210 x 297 mm, 2014, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54546-2, € 95
Language: French
Series: Manuscrits en caractères hébreux conservés dans les
bibliothèques publiques de France. Catalogues 6
Ce volume offre le premier
examen systématique de
manuscrits de Kabbale
selon les principes novateurs qui sous-tendent
l’ensemble de la collection.
Il met en évidence la richesse de ces manuscrits,
leur très grande complexité et l’apport de la méthode adoptée dans cette
collection pour l’étude
scientifique de la tradition
mystique juive.
A. Lipszyc-Attali
Bibliothèque nationale de France
Hébreu 175 à 200
Commentaires bibliques
307 p., 94 b/w ill., 210 x 297 mm, 2015, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55316-0, € 90
Language: French
Series: Manuscrits en caractères hébreux conservés
dans les bibliothèques publiques de France. Catalogues 7
Le septième volume de
cette collection, le deuxième consacré aux Commentaires de la Bible
conservés à la Bibliothèque
nationale de France, décrit
vingt-six manuscrits datant,
hormis un seul, de l’époque
médiévale. Les copies sont
de diverses provenances:
neuf ont été produites en
Italie, six dans l’aire byzantine, cinq en Espagne
ou dans l’aire séfarade,
deux dans l’aire ashkénaze, une en Provence, une à
Constantinople. Cette collection comporte un nombre
important de copies des oeuvres de deux grands commentateurs qui figurent toujours dans les grandes
Bibles rabbiniques: Abraham Ibn Ezra (dix manuscrits)
et David ben Joseph Qimḥi (huit manuscrits).
C. Ciucu
Bibliothèque nationale de France
Hébreu 778 à 800
Manuscrits de Kabbale II
approx. 250 p., 95 b/w ill., 210 x 297 mm, 2016, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-56561-3, € 95
Language: French
Series: Manuscrits en caractères hébreux conservés dans
les bibliothèques publiques de France. Catalogues 8
In production
Le huitième volume de la collection offre la description complète – paléographique, codicologique, matérielle, historique et textuelle – des mss Hébreu 778
à Hébreu 800. Copiés en Espagne, en Italie du Nord,
à Jérusalem ou dans l’espace byzantin, entre le XIVe et
le XVIe siècle, ces manuscrits portent, pour la plupart,
des copies de diverses parties de la littérature zoharique. Les autres textes copiés dans ces manuscrits
sont principalement des écrits de mystique juive des
XIIIe et XIVe siècles.
Ce livre offre un genre d’étude différent dans la
recherche sur les illustrations dans les manuscrits
hébreux, recherche qui concerne habituellement
leur iconographie et leurs sources. Ses sept chapitres montrent que la lecture des illustrations
avec un regard dégagé des habitudes, à la lumière
des événements de l’époque où elles ont été
créées, leur confère une dimension complémentaire en les transformant en outil dans l’étude de
l’histoire juive, jusqu’ici fondée sur des textes et
des documents d’archives.
Dans les exemples étudiés (ainsi, les illustrations
dans les manuscrits liés au scribe et enlumineur
Joël ben Siméon), ce regard révèle qu’imperceptible à la lecture traditionnelle, se cache un reflet
des relations complexes entre juifs et chrétiens.
P. Bobichon
Bibliothèque nationale de France
Hébreu 763 à 777
D. Getov
T. L. Andrews, C. Macé (ed.)
J. Signes Codoñer, I. Pérez Martín (ed.)
A Catalogue of the Greek
Manuscripts at the Ecclesiastical
Historical and Archival Institute of
the Patriarchate of Bulgaria, I
Analysis of Ancient and Medieval
Texts and Manuscripts
Textual Transmission in Byzantium
Digital Approaches
between Textual Criticism and
338 p., 27 b/w ill. + 51 colour ill., 26 b/w tables, 156 x 234 mm,
2014, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-55268-2, € 97
Language: English
Series: Lectio 1
580 p., 6 b/w ill. + 6 colour ill., 1 b/w tables, 156 x 234 mm, 2014,
HB, ISBN 978-2-503-55269-9, € 114
Language: English, French, Italian
Series: Lectio 2
This collection of articles aims to give an up-to-date
overview of the use of computer-assisted methods
in several fields of scholarship dealing with ancient
and medieval texts and manuscripts (from codicology
and palaeography to textual criticism and literary or
historical studies), across the boundaries of language
and period. In moving away from theoretical debates
about what the field of digital humanities is or should
be, we present a clearer picture of what textual scholars can achieve when they use computers for their
research needs and purposes, and what their expectations may be in terms of the technology and developments in computational methodology.
A workshop was held in February 2012 in Madrid to
stimulate a debate on textual criticism centred on the
analysis of Byzantine texts and their modes of publication, rewriting and diffusion. The main aim was to
provide future editors or scholars of the history of
texts with a rich typology of concepts to guide their
task, such as interpolation, paraphrasis, metaphrasis,
quotation, collection, amplification or falsification,
among others, but always taking into account that the
principles upon which the discipline of textual criticism was founded needed to be reconsidered when
dealing with the transmission of Byzantine texts. The
results of the different approaches put forward by the
contributors offer a broad palette of methodological
strategies that are, to a great extent, complementary,
and will, so we hope, illuminate the task of the future
editors with new reflections.
Bačkovo Monastery
XXII+532 p., 173 b/w ill. + 8 colour ill., 216 x 280 mm, 2014, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55173-9, € 95
Language: English
Series: Transmission des Textes: Catalogues
This book is the definitive documentation of a significant segment of the Greek manuscript legacy – the
organic library of the famous monastery of the Theotokos Πετριτζιώτισσα (Bačkovo) near the city of
Asenovgrad in Bulgaria. It provides comprehensive
scholarly descriptions of thousands of texts, major
and minor, that served the liturgical needs and
helped form the mind-set of the Orthodox monastic
community on the Balkans.
Print ISSN: 0373-6075
T. Heikkilä, Ph. Roelli, J.-B. Camps, F. Cafiero, A. Cantera,
A. Hoenen, K. Van Dalen-Oskam, F. Stella, L. Spinazzè,
S. Rubenson, Ch. Tupman, A. Jordanous, M. Romanov,
A. Castro Correa, E. R. Luján, E. Orduña, I. Rabin,
P. Andrist, J. J. Van Zundert
Editor: Marie Cronier (IRHT, Paris)
Peer review: Internal or external, double-blind
Latest volume: n.s. 10 (2015) | Annual
The Revue d’histoire des textes is published by the
IRHT. It covers a vast chronological and geographic
realm; it focuses on texts composed before 1500
from the Latin, Greek, Romance and oriental linguistic domains. It publishes preliminary material
for critical editions as well as studies on the whole
of a given textual tradition, illustrated as necessary by the edition of short texts and of previousy
unpublished fragments. An index of all the manuscripts cited makes each volume a valuable tool for
authors of catalogues, as well as for cultural historians and, in general, for all those interested in the
transmission of intellectual heritage.
M. Hinterberger, J. Signes Codoñer, F. Ronconi,
S. Wahlgren, F. Pontani, M. Menchelli, P. Golitsis, C. Macé,
Th. Wauters, L. Cuppi, B. Crostini, I. Pérez Martín, E. Gielen,
M. Bandini, J. M. Featherstone, P. Odorico, A. Rhoby,
F. J. Andrés Santos, D. Bianconi, M. Miglietta,
J.-D. Rodríguez Martín, Th. E. van Bochove
S. Papadaki-Oekland
Byzantine Illuminated Manuscripts of the “Book of Job”
A Preliminary Study of the Miniature Illustrations. Its Origin and Development
478 p., 127 b/w ill. + 285 colour ill., 230 x 300 mm, 2009, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53232-5
Languages: English
Published outside a series
Special Offer: € 75, instead of € 150 until 30 June 2016
This is the most complete and comprehensive study about the Book of Job
in Byzantine art. The fifteen Byzantine Illuminated Manuscript Illustrations
of the “Book of Job” studied, illustrated and discussed are: Vaticanus gr.
749, 751, 1231 and Pal. gr. 230 – Patmos 171 – Venetus, Marc. gr. 538 –
Sinaiticus gr. 3 – Jerusalem, Taphou 5 – Athos, Vatopedi 590 and Lavra B
100 – Athens, Byzantine and Christian Museum, MS. 62 – Oxford, Barocci
201 and Laud gr. 86 – Paris, BnF, gr. 134 and 135 – St. Petersburg, gr. 382
(former folio of Taphou 5). The number of miniature illustrations included
in these fifteen manuscripts, dating from the 9th to the 16th century, comes to more than 1800 of which 2/3 of the about 380 illustrated herein
are previously unpublished manuscript images.
“This volume will be indispensable to historians of Byzantine manuscript
illuminations and scholars interested in the history of reception of Job.”
L. Seow, in:
Studies in Iconography, vol. 32, 2011, p. 235
B. Neil, P. Allen
A. Canellis, É. Gavoille, B. Jeanjean (ed.)
The Letters of Gelasius I (492-496)
Caritatis scripta
Mélanges de littérature et
de patristique offerts à Patrick Laurence
Pouvoir et puissances
chez Philon d’Alexandrie
XIV+252 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2014, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55299-6, € 65
Language: English
Series: Adnotationes 1
376 p., 165 x 250 mm, 2015, PB,
ISBN 978-2-85121-275-7, € 45
Languages: French, English
Series: Collection des Études augustiniennes. Série Antiquité 199
approx. 350 p., 5 b/w ill., 150 x 210 mm, 2015, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-56637-5, approx. € 90
Languages: French, Italian, English
Series: Monothéismes et Philosophie 22
Pastor and Micro-Manager of
the Church of Rome
F. Calabi, O. Munnich, G. Reydams-Schils,
E. Vimercati (ed.)
In production
B. Neil and P. Allen consider Gelasius’ letters on various
problems of his time, such as displaced persons, persecution, ransoming captives, papal property management, … This approach rounds out the existing portrait
of Gelasius, and make a contribution to a new history
of the late-antique papacy, which will revise the view
that Gregory the Great was a stand-alone micro-manager without precedent. Comparisons with earlier
fifth-century popes like Innocent I and Leo I, and with
later popes like Hormisdas and Pelagius I, show the trajectory from Gelasius to Gregory I.
Ce volume d’hommages à
Patrick Laurence, spécialiste des Pères de l’Église,
mais aussi de la condition
féminine et du droit dans
l’Empire romain tardif, rassemble vingt-trois études,
réparties en trois rubriques. La première traite
des femmes dans l’Antiquité, depuis quelques figures
mythiques ou réelles dans
la littérature (Homère, Cicéron, Virgile, Ovide, saint
Jérôme, Robert Garnier) jusqu’aux institutions familiales (selon Cassiodore). La deuxième offre diverses
analyses de l’art de la lettre chez des auteurs tels que
saint Jérôme encore, Sidoine Apollinaire ou Juste
Lipse. La troisième est consacrée à l’univers biblique:
interprétations chrétiennes de modèles anciens, vies
de saints (sainte Barbe, saint Martin de Tours), questions d’ecdotique, relecture contemporaine enfin
chez le Hongrois Miklós Hubay.
J. Peigney, J.-D. Beaudin, F. Guillaumont, S. Roesch,
É. Gavoille, B. Jeanjean, I. G. Mastrorosa,
M.-A. Calvet-Sebasti, J. Schneider, A. Canellis, É. Wolff,
A. Ricciardi, J. De Landtsheer, R. Courtray, M. Cozic,
B. Mounier, D. Viellard, B. Gain, M. Kanaan, R. Poignault
I. Bochet, M. Fédou (ed.)
L'exégèse patristique de
l'épître aux Galates
292 p., 165 x 250 mm, 2014, PB,
ISBN 978-2-85121-269-6, € 33
Language: French
Series: Collection des Études augustiniennes. Série Antiquité 197
R. Ceulemans, P. De Leemans (ed.)
On Good Authority
Tradition, Compilation and
the Construction of Authority
in Literature from Antiquity to
the Renaissance
470 p., 1 colour ill., 15 b/w tables, 156 x 234 mm, 2015, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55479-2, € 105
Languages: English, French, German
Series: Lectio 3
C. Broc-Schmezer, A. Le Boulluec, M.-O. Boulnois,
M. Dumaey, M. Fédou, I. Bochet, P.-M. Hombert
M. Alesso, La complessità della teoria filoniana
delle potenze nel De fuga et inventione
M. Alexandre Jr., Twofold Human Logos in Philo
of Alexandria: The Power of Expressing Thought in
M. Alexandre, La puissance de Dieu chez Philon.
Lexique et thématique
E. Birnbaum, The Bible’s First War: Philo’s Interpretation of the Struggle for Power in Genesis 14
F. Calabi, Il potere regale di Dio e le sue incrinature
in Filone di Alessandria
V. Laurand, Puissance de la parole. Louer Dieu
d’«une bouche que rien ne freine» (Her. 110)
C. Lévy, La dunamis philonienne et l’idée de puissance dans la pensée romaine de son époque
A. M. Mazzanti, La centralità del logos come
componente antropologica in Filone di Alessandria. Natura e funzioni fra protologia e genesi
della storia umana
J. Moreau, Outil exégétique ou enseignement
métaphysique? Les puissances de Dieu dans les
Quaestiones in Genesim (4.1-19)
O. Munnich, Les puissances divines dans les Lois
spéciales de Philon d’Alexandrie
M. R. Niehoff, ‘The Power of Ares’ in Philo’s Legatio
R. Radice, Filosofia e allegoria in Filone di Alessandria. Questioni di metodo
G. Reydams-Schils, ‘Unsociable sociability’: Philo
on the Active and the Contemplative Life
D. T. Runia, Philo of Alexandria on the Human Consequences of Divine Power
L. Saudelli, Filone e il concetto presocratico di
G. Sfameni Gasparro, Filone e il potere di Roma:
l’identità religiosa ebraica nell’ In Flaccum e nella
Legatio ad Caium
E. Starobinski-Safran, La doctrine philonienne des
puissances et la doctrine kabbalistique des sefirot.
Essai de comparaison
G. E. Sterling, When Virtue is Impossible
C. Termini, ‘Il mio scettro è il libro dell’Epinomide’
(Spec. 4.164): monarchia divina e democrazia nello speculum principis di Filone di Alessandria
Pour saisir les différences et parentés entre les auteurs chrétiens de l’Antiquité tardive, il peut être très
fructueux de comparer leurs manières d’interpréter
les Écritures. L’épître aux Galates est spécialement
intéressante dans cette perspective, étant donné
les questions fondamentales qui y sont engagées
: le conflit d’Antioche, l’attitude de Paul à l’égard de
la Loi, sa doctrine de la justification, ses explications
sur l’allégorie d’Agar et Sara, ainsi que sa défense
de la liberté chrétienne. Ce volume est le fruit d’un
séminaire dépendant du Laboratoire d’études sur
les monothéismes (CNRS/EPHE) et du Département
d’études patristiques du Centre Sèvres – Facultés jésuites de Paris.
This book brings together
views from various disciplines on the concept of
authority in Greek and Latin literature from Antiquity
to the Renaissance. More
specifically it deals with
the questions how texts
attempt to gain authority,
and if and how they use—
or abuse—earlier writings
in the construction of their
own authority. Moreover,
this volume examines to what extent a text’s authoritative claims influence its transmission and reception
and how these claims themselves are subject to evolution over time. In this context, special attention is
devoted to compilation literature, such as anthologies
and commonplace books.
Table des matières
B. Flusin, I. De Vos, S. Morlet, J. Mansfeld, U. Kenens,
E. De Ridder, K. Levrie, S. Boodts, L. Bossina, E. Gielen,
J. Hamesse, S. Delmas, L. Waelkens, M. Crab, E. De Bom,
I. Draelants
The Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization series aims to cover all aspects of Byzantine culture: political and religious history,
literature and philology, theology, archaeology and art history, from the late antique to
the late Byzantine periods. The series will also
include the aftermath of Byzantine history
and culture ("Byzance après Byzance") and
the interaction between Byzantium and the
East, such as with Arabs and Persians, as well
as between Byzantium and the West, such as
with the Pope and Latin-speaking people.
A. Rigo (ed.)
M. Hinterberger (ed.)
H. Seng, L. Hoffmann (ed.)
Synesios von Kyrene
Politik – Literatur – Philosophie
X+503 p., 24 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2012, PB,
ISBN: 978-2-503-54662-9, € 90
Languages: German, English, French
Series: Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization 6
The present volume brings together the papers presented at the conference “Synesios von Kyrene: Politik – Literatur – Philosophie”, held at the University
of Constance in November 2008. They offer a broad
approach to selected aspects concerning Synesius’
works as well as to the historical background, philosophical contexts, and reception in scholarship
and literature, from Late Antiquity to the present.
Theologica Minora
The Minor Genres of Byzantine
Theological Literature
X+202 p., 11 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55102-9, € 65
Languages: English, French
Series: Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization 8
The title of this volume,
“Theologica Minora”, may
wrongly suggest that the
essays contained herein purport an antiquarian interest
in some minor theological
quibbles within the vast
ocean that is Byzantine theological literature. On the contrary, this volume illuminates
texts and theological genres
which have so far remained
unexplored or under-investigated by the vast majority of scholars. Whilst unlocking the as yet unknown
troves of florilegia, religious poetry, and monastic
kephalaia, this volume investigates the cultural background of these different endeavors and provides an
image of Byzantine theological literature which repudiates the rigid narratives proposed to date.
P. Géhin, P. Van Deun, R. Ceulemans, A. Giannoulli,
P. Ermilov, A. Rigo, M. Asmus, I. Pérez Martín
F. Lauritzen
The Depiction of Character in the
Chronographia of Michael Psellos
X+260 p., 2 b/w tables, 156 x 234 mm, 2013, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54841-8, € 65
Language: English
Series: Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization 7
Table of contents
D. KREIKENBOM, Kyrene und Ptolemaïs
zur Zeit des Synesios – L. M. HOFFMANN,
Die Lebenswelt des Synesios von Kyrene –
ein historischer Überblick – C. AMANDE, Il
Lexikon di Sinesio: presentazione ed esemplificazioni dal De regno – K. PIEPENBRINK,
Selbstverständnis und Selbstdarstellung des
Synesios von Kyrene als Bischof – H. HARICHSCHWARZBAUER, Zum Werkcharakter der
Briefe des Synesios von Kyrene – M. OP DE
COUL, Aspects of paideia in Synesius’ Dion
– H. SENG, An den Haaren herbeigezogen.
Sophistische Argumentation im Encomium
calvitii – I. BALDI, Ordine o disordine negli Inni
di Sinesio? – U. CRISCUOLO, Sinesio di Cirene
fra neoplatonismo e teologia patristica –
S. VOLLENWEIDER, „Ein Mittleres zwischen
Vater und Sohn.“ Zur Bedeutung des Neuplatonikers Porphyrios für die Hymnen des Synesios – I. TANASEANU-DÖBLER, Synesios und
die Theurgie – L. SAUDELLI, Un dit d’Héraclite
dans le traité Sur les Songes de Synésios de
Cyrène – A. PIZZONE, Heidnische und christliche Träume: Versteckte Polemik in Synesios, De insomniis – D. ROQUES †, Lecteurs de
Synésios, de Byzance à nos jours (VIe-XXIe s.) –
F. KOLOVOU, Ein Bischof kat’oikonomian in
spätbyzantinischen Urteilen: Synesios von
Kyrene und Nikephoros Gregoras’ Protheoria
zu De insomniis – D. R. REINSCH, Bemerkungen zu einigen byzantinischen ‚Fürstenspiegeln’ des 11. und 12. Jahrhunderts –
K. SMOLAK, Die Hymnen des Synesios und der
lateinische Westen
This publication presents the first study of the defining features of Psellos’ Chronographia, written
in the 11th century.
“It takes courage to make Psellos’ Chronographia
the subject of major study. Not only has the
scholarly world been awaiting such a study for
decades, but many editions needed for making a
full investigation of Psellos are also still lacking. Initial steps for any major enquiry into his works are
therefore quite difficult. In this revised version of
his thesis, Frederick Lauritzen has produced such
a study and it yields new and important results.”
Christian Høgel, in:
Bryn Mawr Classical Review, October 2014,
D. Kreikenbom, L. M. Hoffmann, C. Amande,
K. Piepenbrink, H. Harich-Schwarzbauer,
M. Op de Coul, H. Seng, I. Baldi, U. Criscuolo,
S. Vollenweider, I. Tanaseanu-Döbler, L. Saudelli,
A. Pizzone, D. Roques †, F. Kolovou, D. R. Reinsch,
K. Smolak
The Language of Byzantine
Learned Literature
VI+228 p., 2 b/w tables, 156 x 234 mm, 2014, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55237-8, € 65
Languages: English, French
Series: Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization 9
The learned literary language of Byzantium is
subjected to new and
ground-breaking analysis
in this volume. It combines the expertise of
linguists and scholars of
Byzantine literature to
challenge the assumption that learned mediaeval Greek is merely the
weary continuation of
ancient Greek or, worse
still, a poor imitation of
it, while proposing that it needs to be treated as a
literary idiom in its own right.
I. Manolessou, M. Karyolemou, A. Giannouli,
J. Noret, K. Bočková Loudová, S. Wahlgren,
M. Hinterberger
"This volume on the language of the Byzantine
learned literature fills a gap in the field (...) it should
be said that the contributions are – without exception – of high quality; most are written by the authority on the field (...) this volume will undoubtedly
foster more research."
Jorie Soltic, in:
Medioevo Greco 15, 2015, p. 352-355
C. Harrison, B. Bitton-Ashkelony, T. De Bruyn (ed.)
Patristic Studies in
the Twenty-First Century
Proceedings of an International
Conference to Mark the 50th Anniversary
of the International Association
of Patristic Studies
650 p., 6 b/w ill. + 12 colour ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55919-3, € 115
Languages: English, French, Spanish
Religion (Outside a Series)
To mark the fiftieth anniversary of its inception, the
International Association of
Patristic Studies, in collaboration with the Center for
the Study of Christianity in
the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, convened an international conference in Jerusalem on 25th – 27th June,
2013. The theme of the
conference was the state of
patristic studies in the twenty-first century, focusing on the implications of the
various settings and interests of patristic studies for
the future of the field.
C. Harrison – Th. de Bruyn, S. Ashbrook Harvey,
M. Wallraff, M. R. Wysocki, D. Trout, D. García Bazán,
S. Toda, B. Neil, M. W. Libambu, A. M. Ritter,
A. Di Berardino, J.-N. Guinot, A. Cameron, E. Fiano,
T. Pettipiece, C. Stewart osb, B. Crostini, L. Karfiková,
E. Walsh, R. Kiperwasser – S. Ruzer, M. Vessey, D. Côté,
T. Dolidze, Y. Moss, R. M. Jensen, A. Karahan,
B. J. Mulholland, E. Panou
B. Wayman
Diodore the Theologian
Πρόνοια in his Commentary
on Psalms 1-50
XX+267 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2014, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55050-3, € 70
Language: English
Series: Studia Traditionis Theologiae 15
This study examines the role
of theology in the biblical commentary of a fourth-century
pastor and teacher Diodore
of Tarsus. The notion that
theology and scripture are inextricably connected in early
Christian thinking has become
a scholarly commonplace in
contemporary patristic scholarship. But the nature of the
connection has been less than
clear, particularly with respect to Diodore’s commentary on Psalms 1-50. B. Wayman argues that a specific account of πρόνοια (cooperative, reciprocal, and
immanent.) supplies Diodore’s primary theological
framework for interpreting the Psalms by generating
the questions he asks of the text and shaping his view
of other themes in the Psalms.
"(...) la recherche de l'A. (...) invite à porter un regard
neuf sur le commentaire de Diodore. On lui saura gré
d'avoir su réunir sous le concept théologique de Providence l'apport des études antérieures consacrées
à la méthode herméneutique de l'Antiochien et à sa
conception d'un "sens supérieur" de l'histoire – la
θεωρία –, d'obliger certains critiques à réviser leurs jugements sur la dimension doctrinale du commentaire,
et d'inviter la communauté scientifique à en faire une
lecture profondément renouvelée."
Jean-Noël Guinot, dans:
Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique, 1/2015, p. 322-325
J. Biard (ed.)
Raison et démonstration
Les commentaires médiévaux
sur les Seconds Analytiques
310 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55440-2, € 65
Languages: French, English
Series: Studia Artistarum 40
S. Ebbesen, R. Strobino, C. Cerami, J. Brumberg-Chaumont,
A. Longo, M. Roques, Ch. Grellard, J. Biard, A. Corbini,
S. Knuuttila, P. B. Rossi, J. Longeway, A. Storck
C. Høgel, E. Bartoli (ed.)
La compilación del saber en la Edad
Media / La compilation du savoir
au Moyen Age / The Compilation of
Knowledge in the Middle Ages
Between Fiction and Document
632 p., 26 b/w ill., 33 b/w tables, 165 x 240 mm, 2013, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55034-3, € 65
Languages: Spanish, French, English
Series: Textes et Études du Moyen Âge 69
Medieval Letters
X+471 p., 22 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55520-1, € 110
Languages: English, Italian, French
Series: Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy 33
En este volumen se analiza la práctica de la compilación en sus diversas
la Edad Media (enciclopedias, compendios y
florilegios) y se determina, por una parte, el
alcance de su contribución al saber medieval y,
por otra, su papel como
instrumento del trabajo
intelectual y como mediadora en la transmisión
de la cultura. El libro presenta las Actas del Coloquio
anual de la FIDEM 2012, que se celebró del 20 al 22
de junio de 2012 en la Universidad Complutense de
Madrid organizado por el Departamento de Filología
Latina. Los autores, especialistas de más de treinta
universidades y centros de investigación, ofrecen un
completo panorama sobre las investigaciones que se
están llevando a cabo en torno a las compilaciones
In this volume, which
draws on the proceedings of the ‘Medieval
Letters between Fiction
and Document’ conference held in Siena
in 2013, scholars analyse the historical value
of medieval letters in
both Latin and other
and explore different
approaches to the field.
Comprising contributions on methodology,
Latin literature up to the fifteenth century, Byzantine and Romance literature, and courtly letters, this
unique book also documents the debate on unedited texts — including women’s love letters — and on
celebrated cases of disputed authorship such as the
Epistolae duorum amantium and Dante’s Epistola to
Cangrande. It thus offers a significant re-evaluation of
the huge and partly unpublished heritage of medieval
letters across Europe, and provides important insights
into the use of these unique sources in social, literary,
and legal history.
C. Chaparro, C. Codoñer, J. Hamesse, N. Barrera, L. Buono,
T. Callejas, P. Cañizares, I. Villarroel, M. Cruz, F. Cuadra,
M. Conde, E. J. Cuccia, G. Dinkova-Bruun, I. Dobcheva,
Chr. Erismann, F. Fiorentino, Fr. Galli, A. Gómez Rabal,
G. González Rabassó, G. Lopetegui, M. T. Kretschmer,
E. Lombardo, A. I. Martín Ferreira, R. Modonutti,
R. Peretó, P. J. Quetglas, V. Recio, A. Rísquez, C. de la Rosa,
A. B. Sánchez Prieto, J. F. Silva, L. Tromboni, T. Zahora,
C. Mews, D. Squire, G. Zollino, L. Holtz
J. Donnadieu
Jacques de Vitry (1175/1180-1240)
Entre l'Orient et l'Occident:
l'évêque aux trois visages
283 p., 1 b/w ill., 148 x 210 mm, 2014, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55418-1, € 60
Language: French
Series: Témoins de Notre Histoire 19
Jacques de Vitry, né
dans le troisième quart
du XIIe siècle et mort à
Rome en 1240, est issu
de la génération qui,
au tournant du siècle,
fut acteur et témoin
intervenues en Occident chrétien et dans
l'Eglise en particulier.
Homme de savoir et
d'action, Jacques nous
a laissé dans des écrits
variés et nombreux le
témoignage de ses expériences: l'étudiant parisien, le
chanoine régulier du prieuré d'Oignies, le prédicateur
de la croisade contre les Albigeois et les Sarrasins,
l'évêque d'Acre acteur de la cinquième croisade, le
cardinal de l'Eglise romaine. On découvre ainsi une
personnalité complexe et attachante chez laquelle
trois traits de caractère ne cessent de se répondre: la
passion de l'étude associée à l'acuité du regard; l'ambition de servir; la recherche d'une voie spirituelle
patiemment explorée au fil de l'expérience et de l'âge.
F. Stella, L. B. Mortensen, W. Verbaal, W. Ysebaert,
P. Cammarosano, Fr. Mosetti Casaretto, C. Pérez González,
F. Hartmann, E. Bartoli, V. Sivo, G. Dinkova-Bruun,
R. Angelini, J. M. Ferrante, P. Garbini, P. Dronke,
M. Th. Kretschmer, Fr. Battista, C. S. Jaeger, M. Grünbart,
Chr. Høgel , D. Manolova, S. Lefèvre, R. Witt, Th. Ricklin,
A. Casadei, F. Delle Donne, B. Grévin, J. B. Holloway,
M. Ferrari, F. Piseri, M. A. Soleti, S. Roselló-Martínez
R. Burnet
Les Douze Apôtres
Histoire de la réception
des figures apostoliques dans
le christianisme ancien
835 p., 23 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2014, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55119-7, € 120
Language: French
Series: Judaïsme ancien et origines du christianisme 1
Histoire de la réception des figures apostoliques
dans le christianisme ancien.
"Une bibliographie (1627
titres!), un index des
textes bibliques, des apocryphes de l'A. et du N.
T., des textes anciens, un
index des auteurs modernes, un index géographique, un autre des fêtes
liturgiques et une table
des illustrations complètent cet ouvrage dont
l'impeccable présentation
est conforme à la tradition des Éditions Brepols.
Notre recension ne peut donner qu'un aperçu de son
extraordinaire richesse. Parions que l'on ne tardera
pas à oublier son titre pour ne retenir que le nom de
son auteur. Quand il s'agira de connaître le destin de
l'un ou l'autre des Douze, on devra consulter impérativement et pendant très longtemps le Burnet."
L’objet de cet ouvrage collectif est d’étudier quelques
moments majeurs des interprétations et usages
des Seconds Analytiques
d’Aristote. Il n’entre pas
dans les débats contemporains concernant le texte
même d’Aristote et n’examine que de façon marginale les premiers commentaires grecs; il a pour objet
premier leur transmission
ultérieure jusque dans l’occident médiéval. Dans ce parcours, il prend en compte
le monde byzantin et le monde arabe. Une grande partie de l’ouvrage est ensuite consacrée aux XIIIe et XIVe
siècles en Occident médiéval, mais on trouvera aussi
quelques études examinant la place des Seconds Analytiques chez quelques humanistes italiens ou dans le
nominalisme du début du XVIe siècle.
M. J. Muñoz Jiménez, P. Cañizares Ferris,
C. Martín (ed.)
Jean Riaud, dans:
té, 20 février 2015
T. Fernández (ed.)
Florilegium Coislinianum A
approx. 400 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2016, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-40661-9, approx. € 205
Language: English
Series: Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca 66
In production
The Councils of the Orthodox
Churches in the Byzantine and
Post-Byzantine Era
approx. 900 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2016, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-52529-7, approx. € 470
Language: English
Series: Corpus Christianorum Conciliorum Oecumenicorum
Generaliumque Decreta (CCCOGD 4)
In production
The fourth volume of this ambitious undertaking
comprises the critical edition – sometimes the
very first critical edition – of the Councils of the
Eastern Orthodox Churches, i.e. those sharing the
profession of faith defined in the first seven Ecumenical Councils. Among them one may find the
Protodeutera (861), the Council of Constantinople
of 879, the Tomus Unionis (920), the Local Synods of Constantinople against the Syro-Jacobites
(1030) and against John Italos (1082), the Council
on ‘My Father is greater than me’ (1166), on the
Filioque (1285) and on Palamas (1341-1351), the
Synod of 1484, annulling the so-called union of
Florence, the Synods about Lucaris, the Panorthodox Synods of Jerusalem (1672) and Constantinople (1872), the Local Synods of Constantinople
(1691 and 1755), and additional materials, like the
Patriarchal decision of annullment of the Excommunications between Rome and Constantinople
(paralleled in COGD 3).
It also includes the first publication of five synodika of Orthodoxy: the Georgian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Russian and Greek synodikon with a new
edition of the oldest surviving version of the latter
(11th c.), which was the basis for the subsequent
translations. Moreover, the volume will present the Conciliar tradition of the Patriarchate of
Moscow and of all Russias, including the Stoglav
(1551), and the Councils of Moscow of 1666/7
and 1917/8 and more recent Councils of the 21st
With editions by a.o. H. Alfeeev, F. Lauritzen,
B. Martin Hisard, G. Guaita, V. Kontouma,
K. Maksimovič, R. Saccenti, M. Stavrou, T. Subotin
Golubović, A. M. Totomanova
Gregorius Nazianzenus
Opera: versio Iberica, VI:
Orationes XI, XXI, XLII
X+359 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54399-4, € 220
Language: French
Series: Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca 78;
Corpus Nazianzenum 26
The series Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Generaliumque decreta, a subseries of the Corpus Christianorum, is intended to offer a better critical edition for the decrees of
- Councils and synods recognised as ecumenical by one or more Churches;
- general Councils of the Churches of one or
more traditions;
- Councils which have a greater importance in
the history of the Churches themselves
A. Melloni (ed.)
B. Coulie (ed.)
The Florilegium Coislinianum is a Byzantine anthology
dated to the ninth or tenth century. It deals with subjects ranging from the creation of angels to sin and
virtues. Although it is an important document, it has
only recently received full attention from the scholarly
community. The present edition is the editio princeps
of the first and longest book of the Florilegium Coislinianum. It is based upon a detailed examination of
all the known witnesses of the florilegium, and a thorough comparison with its sources. The philological
introduction studies the manuscript tradition and the
relationship between the manuscripts, explains the
orthographical peculiarities of the tradition, defines
the ratio edendi and discusses the most relevant textual corruptions of the archetype.
A. Bucossi (ed.)
Andronicus Camaterus
Sacrum Armamentarium, Pars prima
LXXVI+298 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2014, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54410-6, € 230
Language: English
Series: Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca 75
The Sacrum Armamentarium by Andronikos Kamateros is one of the most important and voluminous
remaining Byzantine inedita from the 12th century.
Written for Emperor Manuel Komnenos (1143-1180),
this writing is a ‘stockpile’ of theological texts to be
used in refuting the theological arguments of the opponents of the Orthodox Church.
This volume presents the first critical edition of the
first, i.e. anti-Latin part of the text. The topics under
discussion in this part cover two of the points of disagreement between Catholicism and Orthodoxy: the
primacy of the Roman Church and the procession of
the Holy Spirit, the Filioque.
"(...) In sum, an edition of this quality brings with it
the potential for tremendous progress on a subject
that seems to be interesting more people with each
passing year. It is an extraordinary and brilliant piece
of work."
Tia M. Kolbaba, in:
The Medieval Review, 15.08.10
Les discours de Grégoire de Nazianze (330-390) ont été
traduits en géorgien à plusieurs reprises, et ont donné
lieu à des commentaires nombreux. Cinq volumes ont
déjà été publiés de ces versions géorgiennes (Corpus
Christianorum. Series Graeca, 36, 42, 45, 52 et 58 =
Corpus Nazianzenum, 5, 9, 12, 17 et 20), contenant,
dans l'ordre, les discours 1, 45, 44, 41, 15, 24, 19, 38,
43, 39 et 40, qui suivent l'ordre liturgique des discours,
en géorgien comme en grec. Les discours 11, 21 et 42,
qui viennent ensuite dans l'ordre liturgique, font l'objet
de ce sixième volume. Ces trois discours existent dans
deux versions géorgiennes différentes, dues respectivement à Euthyme l'Hagiorite et à Ephrem Mtsire.
Le volume contient, outre une introduction, le texte
critique des deux discours dans leurs deux versions
géorgiennes, un apparat critique détaillé et des notes
comparant le texte géorgien à son modèle grec.
D. Baldi (ed.)
Etymologicum Symeonis Γ-Ε
LIV+423 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2013, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54411-3, € 255
Language: Italian
Series: Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca 79
The Etymologicum Symeonis is an important Byzantine dictionary, which was compiled in the first half of
the twelfth century and is extant in two redactions,
each preserved in two manuscripts: Etym. Sym. proper, and Magna Grammatica. The latter is a version of
the Etym. Symeonis that was enlarged, around the
middle of the thirteenth century, on the basis of the
Etymologicum Magnum. With letters Α and Β already
published in 1969 and 1972, the critical edition of the
following three letters of the Etym. Symeonis was a
long-time desideratum in Classical and Byzantine
studies, and opens up another part of this important
text for scholarly research.
"This is a high-quality edition, both with regard to the
editorial and printing aspects. It is to be hoped that
Baldi, or others, will continue the task and finally
achieve the complete publication of Symeon's work."
Ian C. Cunningham, in:
Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2014.01.14
E. Gielen (ed.)
Nicephori Blemmydae De virtute
et ascesi necnon Iosephi Racendytae
De virtute
CXLV+92 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2016, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54412-0, € 160
Language: English
Series: Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca 80
This volume presents the first critical edition of
Nicephorus Blemmydes’ De virtute et ascesi. The Greek
text is preceded by a detailed analysis of the manuscript
tradition. Special attention is also given to the indirect
tradition of this ethical treatise. The reason is that
Nicephorus' treatise has been included in full in the Synopsis Variarum Disciplinarum by the philosopher-monk
Joseph Rhacendytes (ca. 1260-1330). The main difference is the addition by Joseph of a passage from Maximus the Confessor’s Ad sanctissimum presbyterum
Marinum (CPG 7697.1) after the introductory part of
Blemmydes’ De virtute et ascesi. Joseph’s De virtute is
presented here for the first time in a critical edition.
I. D. Polemis (ed.)
Theodorus Metochita
CXII+374, 155 x 245 mm, 2016, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-56456-2, approx. € 285
Language: English
Series: Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca 83
In production
The twenty Poems of Theodore Metochites (ca. 12701332) constitute a unique corpus of approximately
10.000 verses composed in the traditional Homeric
hexameter, heavily influenced by the poetic works of
Gregory of Nazianzus. The poems of Metochites, both
in their entirety and each one of them separately, are
a curious mixture of various genres (autobiography,
ekphrasis, letter, hagiographical praise), which testify to their author's wide range of interests and his
bold attempt to renovate the traditional patterns of
Byzantine poetry. Some poems are addressed to his
friends (e.g. Nikephoros Kallistos Xanthopoulos or Leo
Vardales), but most of them are addressed to the author himself. Metochites was quite pessimistic about
the situation of the state and of his own affairs, and
gave expression to his inner feelings of frustration and
sadness in a rather unrestrained manner.
While several poems had been published in the
past (in editions that are either difficult to obtain or
not entirely adequate), this is the first full edition of
Metochites’ Carmina. In the introduction the editor
also sketches a balanced portrait of Metochites as a
poet, underlining both his merits and his limitations.
J. Grand'Henry (ed.)
ably be identified with the homonymous student of
Maximos Planoudes. Merkourios composed four dodecasyllabic poems with a total of ca 2,190 verses:
two hagiographical metaphrases concerning St Theodore Teron and St Theodore Stratelates, a rewriting of
a pseudo-Chrysostomic homily on the Annunciation
and a iambic canon on St John Chrysostom.
The edition is preceded by an original introduction on
the poet and his poems. The final chapter presents
the editorial principles. The establishment of the text
is accompanied by detailed apparatuses, mainly the
critical apparatus as well as the apparatus of sources
and significant parallel passages. A series of indices
completes the work.
The series Corpus Christianorum in Translation
provides modern translations of patristic and medieval Greek and Latin texts that have been edited
in one of the Corpus Christianorum series (Series
Latina, Series Graeca and Continuatio Mediaevalis). These translations, which are published independently from the critical editions, are intended
to render the texts edited in Corpus Christianorum
accessible to those who do not have the opportunity to read them in the original language. For
those conversant with the original language, the
translations can serve as a tool for quick reference
and an aid in interpreting the Greek or Latin text.
Gregorius Nazianzenus
Opera: versio Arabica antiqua, IV:
Orationes XI, XLI (arab. 8, 12)
J. A. Munitiz
LV+253 p., 2 b/w tables, 155 x 245 mm, 2013, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54934-7, € 195
Language: French
Series: Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca 85;
Corpus Nazianzenum 27
310 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55106-7, € 50
Language: English
Series: Corpus Christianorum in Translation 16
T. Antonopoulou (ed.)
Mercurius Grammaticus
Opera iambica
approx. 150 p., 155 x 245 mm, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-56457-9, approx. € 95
Language: English
Series: Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca 87
In production
This is the first critical edition of the literary corpus
of a minor Byzantine poet, the formerly little-known
Merkourios the Grammarian (Mercurius Grammaticus). He wrote certainly after AD 1100 and can prob-
Titus de Bostra
Contre les manichéens
483 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55017-6, EUR 60
Language: French
Series: Corpus Christianorum in Translation 21
Rédigé en 363-364, le
traité Contre les manichéens de Titus de
Bostra est la plus importante réfutation chrétienne du manichéisme.
Elle se distingue par sa
composition en deux
volets (réfutation rationnelle et réfutation
scripturaire) et par la richesse de sa documentation (on y dénombre
quelque 150 «citations manichéennes»). Préservé
en grec aux deux-tiers et intégralement dans une
version syriaque de la fin du IVe ou du début du
Ve siècle, cet ouvrage est d’une importance capitale pour l’histoire de la théologie chrétienne ancienne et du manichéisme. Ce volume offre une
double traduction française annotée du grec et du
syriaque, la première dans une langue moderne,
établie sur une base philologique sûre. L’édition
critique gréco-syriaque et sa traduction française
permettent désormais une nouvelle approche
des sources manichéennes et de leur réfutation.
Le texte qui a servi de base à cette traduction est
celui qui a paru en 2013 dans la Series Graeca du
Corpus Christianorum comme volume 82.
J. L. Papandrea
On the Trinity, Letters to Cyprian
of Carthage, Ethical Treatises
216 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54491-5, € 50
Language: English
Series: Corpus Christianorum in Translation (CCT 22)
The semi-encyclopaedic Thesaurus or Treasury
was composed in the middle of the thirteenth
century by a little-known spiritual author called
Theognostos. It was intended to provide an overview of the sort of knowledge considered essential for a young prince, as one chapter is an exhortation to a future emperor. Thus, it contains
a summary of the Old Testament, with curious
reflections (e.g. on female wickedness and the ingenuity of Solomon), chapters on dogmatic questions, moral exhortations attributed partly to Amphilochios and backed by pious stories, florilegia
and some questions-and-answers. In general, the
work opens a window into the mind of the ordinary believer in mediaeval Constantinople.
The source text of this volume appeared in 1979 in
the Corpus Christianorum Series graeca as volume 5.
Novatian was a priest of
Rome in the third century who wrote a commentary on the Rule of
Faith, commonly titled,
On the Trinity. Although
the document is not
well known outside of
the field of early Christian studies, it made
an important contribution to the doctrine of
the Trinity in the early
Church, and as several
scholars have maintained, it helped set the stage
for the definition of the faith known as the Nicene
Creed. Novatian would eventually find himself at
the center of a controversy which led to a schism
of the Church, and so his works were relegated to
obscurity for centuries. However, in its time, Novatian’s On the Trinity was the epitome of Roman
theology, and as some have argued, it was even
ahead of its time. This new translation contains
the complete works of Novatian translated into
English, with an introduction and full bibliography
of Novatian studies. It takes into account the latest scholarship on Novatian, and brings the documents up to a new level of clarity and readability.
The source text of this volume was edited in 1972
by G. F. Diercks as volume 4 in the Corpus Christianorum Series Latina.
Il s'agit ici de l'édition critique de la version arabe des
discours 11 (à Grégoire de Nysse) et 41 (sur la Pentecôte) de Grégoire de Nanzianze. Dans la majorité
des cas, on peut constater que le texte de la version
arabe du discours 11 suit le texte grec de la famille
m plutôt que celui de la famille grecque n, mais avec
de nombreuses particularités propres à la version
arabe, en particulier celles qui apparaissent dans
deux manuscripts du Sinaï parmi les plus ancients de
la version arabe de Grégoire. Pour éditer la version
arabe du discours 41 (sur la Pentecôte), on dispose
de deux familles de manuscripts, la branche égyptosinaïtique et la branche syrienne ou syro-libanaise,
branches qui présentent dans le discours 41 arabe de
nombreux traits qui les opposent l’une à l’autre. En
ce qui concerne les rapports de cette version arabe
avec le texte grec original, on constate que dans certains cas, la famille arabe x syrienne ou syro-libanaise
a tendance à suivre la famille n de manuscripts grecs,
tandis que la famille arabe xyz a tendance à suivre la
famille m de manucripts grecs.
P.-H. Poirier, A. Roman, T. Schmidt
W. O. Duba, C. Schabel (ed.)
F. S. Jones
Bullarium Hellenicum
Clement I of Rome (pseudo-)
Pope Honorius III's Letters
to Frankish Greece and Constantinople
612 p., 3 b/w ill., 2 b/w tables, 156 x 234 mm, 2015, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55464-8, € 114
Language: English
Series: Mediterranean Nexus 1100-1700 3
This volume gathers 277
letters of Pope Honorius
III (1216-1227) concerning
Frankish Greece and Constantinople. These letters
constitute an indispensable source for the early
history of the territories
conquered during and just
after the Fourth Crusade
of 1204, for which almost
no local archival material
survives. The Latin texts
of many of the letters are
published here for the
first time, and almost all the letters have been reedited from the manuscripts, primarily the papal registers in the Vatican Archives. In addition, the volume
makes the letters available to non-specialists through
a lengthy historical introduction, exhaustive English
summaries of all the letters and complete translations
of the most significant ones. Maps, tables, indices,
and a guide to papal letters make the volume a useful
tool for future studies of this fascinating and controversial phase in the history of Greece and the papacy.
The Syriac Pseudo-Clementines.
An Early Version of the First
Christian Novel
352 p., 3 b/w ill., 120 x 190 mm, 2014, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55111-1, € 55
Language: English
Series: Apocryphes 4
The Pseudo-Clementines were
popular reading throughout
the Middle Ages in a Latin
translation and reemerged in
early modern times via vernacular versions and especially the Faust-legend. Often
considered the first and only
ancient Christian novel, the
Pseudo-Clementines originated in Syrian Jewish-Christianity in the early third century.
Two ancient Syriac translations
from the fourth century reflect Greek texts no longer
preserved; they contain the essence of Clement’s
biographical account and of Peter’s teachings and
debates with Simon. Of particular interest is Peter’s
detailed review of the origins of Christianity, which apparently seeks to rebut the canonical Acts of the Apostles and lays the blame for the unbelief of the Jews
squarely at the feet of Paul. This volume presents the
first complete translation of the Syriac into any modern
language and thereby opens the door for a new stage
of historical research and literary appreciation.
T. Abraha (ed.)
Gädlä Abunä Yonas Zä-Bur
Eritrean Saint of the 15th Century
approx. 182 p., 180 x 265 mm, 2015,
ISBN 978-2-503-56548-4, € 97
Language: English
Series: Patrologia Orientalis 236 (53.2)
Abunä Yonas est un membre de la famille monastique eustathienne qui est né en 1403/1404 A.D.
à Hägärä Mäsqäl dans la région du Bur, au sud de
l’Erythrée. Selon la tradition, il a fondé six monastères, trois dans la région du Särayä en Erythrée
et trois autres dans le Tämben éthiopien. Le Gädl
constitue une source historique importante sur
les dernières années du règne de Zär’a Ya‘əqob.
Il s’agit de la première édition critique du texte
complet du Gädl et de son Effigie, avec traduction
anglaise annotée.
226 (51.1)
P. Bringel, Sophrone de Jérusalem,
Panégyrique des saints Cyr et Jean.
Réédition et traduction d’après de
nouveaux manuscrits
79 p., 180 x 265 mm, 2008, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-53176-2, € 36
Languages: Greek, French
227 (51.2) T. Abraha, I Gädl di Abunä
Täwäldä-Mädehn e di Abunä Vittore
175 p., 180 x 265 mm, 2009, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-53405-3, € 62
Languages: Ethiopic, Italian
228 (51.3) O. Ranieri, Vita del santo monaco etiopico
Malke‘a Krestos (sec. XVI-XVII)
130 p., 180 x 265 mm, 2009, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-53428-2, € 48
Languages: Ethiopic, Italian
229 (51.4) G. Colin, Vie et miracles de Madhanina Egzi’. Texte éthiopien et traduction
M. Choat, I. Gardner (ed.)
A Coptic Handbook of Ritual Power
XIV+146 p., 20 colour ill., + CD, 210 x 297 mm, PB, 2013,
ISBN 978-2-503-53170-0, € 65
Language: English
Series: The Macquarie Papyri 1
Vie et miracles de Samuel
de Waldebba
Texte éthiopien et traduction
IV+296 p., 180 x 265 mm, 2013, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-55207-1, € 150
Language: French
Series: Patrologia Orientalis 235 (53.1)
190 p., 180 x 265 mm, 2010, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54136-5, € 100
Languages: Ethiopic, French
230 (51.5)
O. Ranieri, Il Gadl di san Pietro, patriarca
di Alessandria e ultimo dei martiri. Edizione del testo etiopico e traduzione
G. Colin (ed.)
This volume publishes a new Coptic handbook of ritual power, comprising a complete 20 page parchment
codex from the second half of the first millennium AD.
It consists of an invocation including both Christian
and Gnostic elements, ritual instructions, and a list
of twenty-seven spells to cure demonic possession,
various ailments, the effects of magic, or to bring
success in love and business. The codex is not only
a substantial new addition to the corpus of magical
texts from Egypt, but, in its opening invocation, also
provides new evidence for Sethian Gnostic thought in
Coptic texts.
A Coptic Handbook of Ritual Power is the first volume
in the series The Macquarie Papyri, which will publish
the papyri in the collection of the Museum of Ancient
Cultures, Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia).
Dans la deuxième évangélisation de l’Éthiopie, qui
suivit la restauration des souverains salomonides, la
province septentrionale du Tigré occupa une place
prépondérante; le Wāldebbā, district aride et désolé de cette région, est célèbre par sa vie monastique
intense (toujours florissante de nos jours). Le plus
connu de ses anachorètes fut Samuel, «l’ami des
bêtes sauvages»; en plus d’être remarquablement
versé dans l’exégèse sacrée, ce saint personnage vécut en effet toute sa vie dans la familiarité des lions,
des léopards et des éléphants. Une carrière aussi
singulière et éclatante fut narrée, dès après la mort
de Samuel, par une Vie (gadl) haute en couleurs. Un
demi-siècle plus tard, environ l’an 1500, elle fut définitivement enrichie d’une série de 70 miracles qui
fait de l’œuvre une des plus riches de l’hagiographie
éthiopienne. L’édition du gadl et des Miracles est fondée sur l’unique manuscrit, encore conservé dans le
monastère du saint, qui renferme la totalité du texte.
59 p., 180 x 265 mm, 2010, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54158-7, € 30
Languages: Ethiopic, Italian
231 (52.1) C. Renoux, Les Hymnes de la Résurrection
II. Hymnographie liturgique géorgienne. Texte des manuscrits Sinaï 40, 41 et 34
306 p., 180 x 265 mm, 2010, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54159-4, € 82
Languages: Georgian, French
232 (52.2)
C. Renoux, Les Hymnes de la Résurrection
III. Hymnographie liturgique géorgienne.
Introduction, traduction, annotation des
manuscrits Sinaï 26 et 20 et index
analytique des trois volumes
120 p., 180 x 265 mm, 2010, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54160-0, € 36
Languages: Georgian, French
233 (52.3) H. Kyoung Song, Anastasio il Sinaita,
Omelia sul Salmo 6
96 p., 180 x 265 mm, 2012, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54574-5, € 40
Languages: Coptic, Italian
234 (52.4)
C. Renoux, Le lectionnaire albanien des
manuscrits géorgiens palimpsestes
N Sin 13 et N Sin 55 (Xe-XIe siècle).
Essai d’interprétation liturgique
196 p., 180 x 265 mm, 2012, PB,
ISBN 978-2-503-54800-5, € 63
Languages: French
For information on the Patrologia Orientalis
Database, see the verso of the front cover of
this catalogue and
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C.-G. Conticello (ed.)
C.-G. Conticello, V. Conticello (ed.)
La théologie byzantine et
sa tradition, Tome I, 1 (VIe-VIIe s.)
La théologie byzantine et
sa tradition, Tome II (XIIIe-XIXe s.)
IV + 805 p., 14 b/w ill., 155 x 245 mm, 2015, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-51715-5, € 150
Series: Corpus Christianorum. La théologie byzantine
IV + 1029 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2002, HB,
ISBN 978-2-503-51061-3, € 150
Series: Corpus Christianorum. La théologie byzantine
Limited number of reprints
LA THÉOLOGIE BYZANTINE ET SA TRADITION se propose d’offrir au monde universitaire et au public
cultivé une première mise au point d’envergure et un instrument de travail fondamental pour entreprendre des recherches approfondies dans ce domaine. C’est la raison pour laquelle un soin particulier
a été accordé à la prosopographie, à la constitution de répertoires complets des œuvres de chaque auteur considéré – cette section constitue l’esquisse d’une Clavis Auctorum Byzantinorum, sur le modèle
de la Clavis Patrum Graecorum de M. Geerard et J. Noret –, au repérage des manuscrits pour les œuvres inedites, à l’exhaustivité et à la présentation critique des bibliographies en langues occidentales et
orientales, à l’élaboration d’indices détaillés. Pour illustrer l’exposé sur la doctrine des auteurs traités,
partie centrale de chaque contribution, l’ouvrage présente également un grand nombre de textes pour
la première fois traduits ou edités de façon critique.
"These volumes will become indispensable works of reference for all interested in the tradition of Byzantine theology ... The real interest of this volume lies in the immense detail it provides, and it is scarcely
possible to do more than mention the wealth of detail in a brief review."
A. Louth, in:
The Journal of Theological Studies,
vol. 55, 2004, p. 392-393)
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