KIWI AUCTIONS Presents an Absentee Auction of Antique Bottles
KIWI AUCTIONS Presents an Absentee Auction of Antique Bottles
KIWI AUCTIONS Presents an Absentee Auction of Antique Bottles, Advertising, Collectables, Whisky & Brewery Advertising Memorabilia Saturday14th November 2015 KIWI AUCTIONS LTD P.O.Box 15025 Christchurch New Zealand Telephone (NZ only) 0800 782 584 Telephone: (intl) +64 21 944 759 Web Email Terms & Conditions 1. This is a minimum bid Absentee Auction, all bids will be handled as if you were present at the Auction, you can submit your bids by telephone, email or by post using the bidding form enclosed. The Auction will be conducted under the terms and conditions of the New Zealand Auctioneers Association and the also under the terms below. 2. Guarantee, we guarantee the descriptions of all items in this catalogue. Any item found to have damage or faults not described may be returned for a full refund within 45 days of the close of the sale. However any manufacturing ÀDZWKDWGRHVQRWVLJQL¿FDQWO\GHWUDFWPRQHWDULO\IURPWKHYDOXHRIWKHLWHPEHLQJVROGZLOOQRWEHFRQVLGHUHGIRUD refund. 3. 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The highest bidder shall be determined by Kiwi Auctions, in the case of any disputes Kiwi Auctions shall have the ¿QDOGLVFUHWLRQLQGHWHUPLQLQJWKHVXFFHVVIXOSXUFKDVHU At no time will Kiwi Auctions or its agents divulge the amount of the maximum bid we have received that may be higher than the current posted high bid. The following are how each bid will be raised: Simply a 10% increment on the bid received below your bid, or in the case of you being the only bidder on a lot then your bid will be successful at the reserve price. &DOO%DFN6HUYLFH\RXFDQUHTXHVWWKLVVHUYLFHE\¿OOLQJLQWKHDSSURSULDWHER[RQWKHELGGLQJIRUPRUE\YHUEDO agreement by telephone. However this service is only available on lots with an opening bid value of NZ$300 or more. The same bidding conditions as described in clause 3 above will apply. All “Call Back” telephone calls are paid for by Kiwi Auctions Ltd. Given the diverse time zones of our customers it may take several days for all “Call Back” bids to be completed. Please note that you will never be told what your competitors high bid is during the bidding. Where possible please provide us with home, work or mobile numbers and the best time to contact you. ALL BIDDING IS IN NEW ZEALAND CURRENCY 5. Closing the Auction: all bids must be in our hands by Telephone, post, or email by closing time of 9.00pm Saturday November 14th 2015 (New Zealand Time). We anticipate many calls on the last day so please place your ELGVHDUO\,QWKHFDVHRIDWLHGELGWKHVXFFHVVIXOSXUFKDVHUZLOOEHWKHELGGHUZKRVHELGZDVUHFHLYHG¿UVW 6. Reserves: these are the amount on the left hand side of each lot, no bids will be accepted below these levels. 7. Terms: After the sale we PACK all successful purchases and THEN WE WILL NOTIFY YOU of the total cost including POSTAGE & PACKAGING. Because this sale is totally absentee we ask for your patience for approx. 14 GD\V2QFHQRWL¿HG\RXZLOOKDYHRQO\RQHDFFRXQWWRSD\ 8. Buyers Premium: There is a 12% buyer’s premium which is added to the purchase price, plus NZ GST (currently 15%) on the premium only 9. Prices realised: Will be posted on our Website after the sale 3D\PHQWRQFHQRWL¿HGRI\RXUVXFFHVVIXOSXUFKDVHVSD\PHQWLQ1(:=($/$1''2//$56RULQ\RXU currency (after obtaining an amount from Kiwi Auctions) must be received within 21 days. Late payment will incur additional charges. Payment by Visa or MasterCard will incur a 3% surcharge to cover bank costs. 11. Foreign Exchange: We can now accept your personal cheque in your currency for payment, please enquire after the auction has ended for the amount due in your currency. 2 7. SAFE NERVINE ò3LQW\HOORZDPEHU:DUQHUV6DIH1HUYLQH London, light wear, Good R$40 1. KEYHAM 1797 280mm tall, free blown with large pontil, dark green glass, applied seal Jn GROAD ESQr KEYHAM 1797, a rare early dated seal in Very Good condition R$2800 2. WDC 295mm tall, pontilled dark green whittled free blown, applied seal WDC (William Derwent Crampton), Very Good R$400 3. MENZIES BART 305mm tall, smooth base, dark green glass, embossed SIR NEIL MENZIES BART 1839, Very Good R$250 4. HANCOCK 300mm tall, dark green whittled glass Internal Thread Beer, Hancock & Co Brewers Auckland, Very Good R$125 5. CATAWBA WINE 240mm tall, dark green applied top, embossed to all panels CATAWAB WINE BITTERS with motif of large bunch of Grapes, circa 1845 – 1866, research shows the bottle EHORQJHGWRWKH¿UPRI3+'UDNH Co New York, just a minor nick on the collar otherwise near Mint, A very rare early item R$5000 6. 4 CITIES 3DLURI3LQWVL]HG:DUQHUV6DIH Cure Melbourne London Toronto Rochester, one red amber the other yellow amber, both applied blob tops, Very Good (2) R$70 8. VIEILLE CURE 260mm tall, dark green, kick up with dimple to base, applied seal VIEILLE CURE DE GENON, crude free blown, Very Good R$225 9. KEWNEY 270mm, black glass skittle embossed LYON & SON ST HELENS REGISTERED JAN 25 1859 on one shoulder and G C KEWNEY & CO /,9(5322/WRRWKHU9HU\*RRG5 10. PHILANTROP 270mm tall, embossed case gin, THE 3+,/$17523 21/<,03257(' %</8,*,36$,/$ DEMERARA, picture of Gent with raised glass with Crown above, a rare Gin, Very Good R$1500 11. VR SEAL 260mm tall, 3 piece mould with applied seal VR with Anchor, smooth base, Very Good R$300 12. BOOT 180mm wide by 200mm tall and 90mm deep, free blown with large open pontil, dark green glass, good gloss, Very Good R$700 13. MALLET 6PDOOVL]HIUHHEORZQ0DOOHWVW\OH Wine, only 155mm tall, dark green with large pontil to base, minor de-corking nibbles to rim, light wear, Very Good R$400 3 14. INK 3RQWLOOHG,QNPP[PP sided free blown, minor chip to rim, ORZVKHHQ¿QLVK9HU\5DUHHDUO\,QN Very Good R$700 15. MENZIES An important item of social history, 310mm large free blown Alloa Glass, very large bulbous shape with pontil, etched to shoulder Arch 0HQ]LHVHWFKHG*2' WILL I SHALL, with etched head. 0HQ]LHV± Scottish Surgeon Botanist & 1DWXUDOLVW,Q0HQ]LHV was appointed as naturalist to accompany Captain George Vancouver on his voyage around the world on HMS 'LVFRYHU\DUDUH¿QG9HU\ Good R$5000 16. TOWNSEND Teal Green, Embossed Dr TOWNSEND’S 6$56$3$5,//$ ALBANY NY, Very Good R$60 17. KANTOROWICZ Milk Glass Bitters embossed Hartwig .DQWRURZLF]3RVHQ Hamburg Germany with applied top and smooth base. A nice milk glass bitters bottle Very Good $30 18. STOUT $ODUJHPPVDOWJOD]HG6WRXWERWWOH LPSUHVVHGPDUNV%HOSHU'HQE\3RWWHULHV 'HUE\VKLUH-%RXUQH3DWHQWZLWK(; H[FLVHPDUNEDVHHGJHFKLSDWUHDUOLJKW wear, Good $50 4 19. L D NATHAN 140mm tall, aqua glass, applied top, embossed CAMBUS WHISKEY with entwined letters LDN, (L D Nathan Auckland), Very GoodR$35 20. HILL R]/DPRQWDTXD7&+,// SYDENHAM CHCH NZ, with UDPSDQW/LRQWP3LQQDFOHPDNHU Very Good R$150 21. HENDERSON R]%ORE6RGDDSSOLHGWRSDTXD HENDERSON BALCLUTHA, light wear, minor scuff marks, Good R$75 22. THOMSON R]$TXD6SXQ7RS&URZQ Top, Thomson Lewis Wellington :DQJDQXL3HWRQH9PDNHU minor nick off rim, Good R$50 23. BUSSON R]DSSOLHGWRS&URZQ7RS BUSSON & HARKNESS WANGANUI, Kiwi Bird tm, Trident maker, Very Good R$40 24. PLOWMAN R]$%0&URZQ7RS: 3/2:0$11$3,(5RQEDVH 3ORZPDQSLFWRULDO%DJOH\PDNHU Light wear, Good, R$40 25. SAUNDERS R]/DPRQW*:6$81'(56 CHRISTCHURCH, 1883 on base, %UHI¿WPDNHULQWHUQDOVWDLQVZHDU to body, Good, R$75 26. LANE R]'LPSOH&RGG/$1( CO DUNEDIN, Kilner maker, Very Good, R$20 27. PURDIE R]'LPSOH&RGG385',( CO DUNEDIN, Maltese Cross tm, 1906 on base, Cannington maker, minor lip chips, Good, R$20 28. DODSON R]7&RGG):'2'621 BLENHEIM, Cannington maker, Very Good, R$40 29. KEMP R]7&RGG$(.(03 *25((OHSKDQWWP$OH[DQGHU maker, minor rim nick, Good, R$30 30. BRAY R]6SXQWRS&RGG$/)%5$< ASHBURTON, 266 on base, Very Good, Rare Version, R$100 31. LEWIS R]7&RGG:$/7(5/(:,6 WANGANUI Kiwi tm, 3420 on base, Very Good, R$50 32. HODREN R]&RGG(+2'5(1 WANGANUI Hand holding 3 Codds tm, Rylands Reliance 4 maker, light wear, Good, R$75 33. THOMSON LEWIS &771/R]&RGG THOMSON LEWIS WELLINGTON, 1893 Base Rylands Reliance 4 maker, wear to body, rim nibble, Good,R$120 34. HART R]*URRYHGHVLJQGDUNDTXD J HART WANGANUI Kiwi tm, trident to base, Very Good, R$40 35. HENNING R]7&RGG%$6,/ HENNING ONAWE MINERAL WATER WORKS AKAROA, +3)%//WREDVH Very Good, R$120 36. BENNETT READY CT/BEN019, Dumpy Internal Thread, BENNETT & READY WELLINGTON, Lion tm, no maker, base edge chip to front, Good, R$50 37. SAUNDERS CT/AGS009, dumpy Internal Thread, AG SAUNDERS LATE CW BRODIE WELLINGTON, Crossed Keys tm, no maker, Very Good, R$40 38. WYATT Dumpy Internal Thread, J ):<$77/<77(/721 Horse tm, no maker, manufacturing mark to side, Dark Green, Very Good, Rare, R$250 39. WERE Dumpy dark green Internal Thread, WERE BROS CHRISTCHURCH, Tower tm, with “E”, original stopper, Very Good, R$225 40. BARRY Dumpy dark olive green Internal Thread, D J BARRY ABERDEEN ROAD GISBORNE, no maker, minor base edge nick, Good, R$75 41. GILBERD Dumpy Black Glass Internal Thread, GILBERD &21$3,(5$ to base, large chip off rear of rim, Good, R$25 42. HOLLIS WALLS R]$PEHU*ODVV,QWHUQDO Thread, HOLLIS WALLS & CO AUCKLAND, Horse tm, no maker, Very Rare, Very Good, R$300 43. SCHUMACHER R]'DUN*UHHQ,QWHUQDO Thread, N C SCHUMACHER LYTTELTON, Soldier tm, NCS on base, minor nick on rim, light wear, Good, R$75 5 44. PHOENIX &73+2$SSOH*UHHQ ,QWHUQDO7KUHDG7+(3+2(1,; AERATED WATER CO :(//,1*7213(721( KB makers, Neat Colour, Very Good, R$60 45. WERE R]5HG$PEHU,QWHUQDO Thread, WERE BROS CHRISTCHURCH, Tower tm, with “W”, AGM 1994 to base, Very Good, R$45 46. WERE R]$SSOH*UHHQ,QWHUQDO7KUHDG WERE BROS CHRISTCHURCH, Tower tm, with “W”, A217 to base, Very Good, R$75 47. HANDLEY R]2OLYH*UHHQ,QWHUQDO7KUHDG Wm HANDLEY AUCKLAND, Cannon tm, 2 base edge chip, rim nibble, light wear, Good, $20 48. BENNETT READY &7%(1R],QWHUQDO Thread, BENNETT & READY WELLINGTON, AMBER ALE, Lion tm, 1261 Trident maker, base edge chip, light wear, Good, R$60 49. THOMSON LEWIS &771/R]<HOORZ*UHHQ Internal Thread, THOMSON LEWIS WELLINGTON :$1*$18,3(721(27$., /(9,1)RXQWDLQWP$OH[DQGHU maker, rim chip, Good, R$25 50. BARCOCK R]'DUN*UHHQ,QWHUQDO: %$5&2&.-8%,/((+23%((5 LONDON ST RICHMOND, original stopper, Very Good, R$25 51. JAMES PAUL R]'DUN*UHHQ,QWHUQDO-$0(6 3$8/1(:3/<0287+QR maker, Very Good, R$40 6 52. GILBERD R]$TXD,QWHUQDO7KUHDG Gilberd & Co Napier 1895, RLD4 on base, minor rim nick and rear base edge chip, Good, R$20 53. PURDIE R]+DPLOWRQ385',(&2 DUNEDIN, Maltese Cross tm, some surface wear, Good, R$30 54. MILSOM R]+DPLOWRQ+-0,/620 CO, all over wear, a polish would enhance, Good, R$30 55. MAGINN R]+DPLOWRQ50$*,11 THAMES, all over wear, a polish would enhance, Good, R$40 56. MACE R]+DPLOWRQ+0$&( CHRISTCHURCH NZ, Dog tm, Very Good, R$50 57. LEES EVANS R]+DPLOWRQ/((6(9$16 RELIANCE CHRISTCHURCH, Anchor tm, large ding/chip to lip, light wear, Good, R$30 58. BECK R]+DPLOWRQ&3%(&. $/(;$1'5$%DUQDUG maker, Very Good, R$60 59. GREEN R]+DPLOWRQGDUNJUHHQ glass, Very Good, R$80 60. Y-Y R]+DPLOWRQ<<5HJLVWHUHG Trade Mark, inner rim chip, light wear, Good, R$40 61. REEVES R]+DPLOWRQ5((9(6&2 DUNEDIN, polished to a high standard, Very Good, R$100 62. WHITMORE R]+DPLOWRQ0$:+,7025( DOUBLE AERATED WATER GREYMOUTH, light crate wear/ scratches, Good, R$60 63. STRIKE R]+DPLOWRQ675,.( BLACKMORE GREYMOUTH NZ, light wear, Very Good, R$150 64. BALLINS R]+DPLOWRQ%$//,1%526 CHRISTCHURCH, light wear, Very Good, R$80 65. THOMSON LEWIS &771/R]/LJKWQLQJ Stopper, red amber, THOMSON LEWIS WELLINGTON :$1*$18,3(721(,OOLQRLV maker, Very Good R$30 66. WERE R]*UHHQ/LJKWQLQJ Stopper, WERE BROS CHRISTCHURCH, Tower tm, A Rare version, Very Good, R$400 67. SAUNDERS R]*UHHQ/LJKWQLQJ Stopper, SAUNDERS & CO CHRISTCHURCH, crouching man? Tm, KB maker, Very Good R$80 68. SAUNDERS R]$TXD/LJKWQLQJ Stopper, SAUNDERS & CO CHRISTCHURCH, crouching man? Tm, KB maker, Very Good R$40 69. THOMSON LEWIS &771/R]/LJKWQLQJ Stopper, Green, THOMSON LEWIS WELLINGTON :$1*$18,3(721( LEVIN, Very Good R$60 70. THOMSON LEWIS &771/R]/LJKWQLQJ Stopper, Aqua, THOMSON LEWIS WELLINGTON :$1*$18,3(721(% & Co maker, Lip chip, Good R$20 71. BACON BB12, all over tan GB, BACONS AERTATED WATER WELLINGTON, 3LQQDFOHULPQLEEOHV*RRG R$75 72. BRIGHT BB47 W BRIGHT WHAKAREWAREWA ROTORUA, Barney )RVWHUPDNHUKDLUOLQHWR rear, Rare, Good R$250 73. BRODIE BB49 C W BRODIE WELLINGTON, Cork stopper, Good R$40 74. CLARKE BB57 C A CLARKE 527258$3ULFHPDNHU Very Good R$75 75. CLARKE BB59 C A CLARKE ROTORUA, Govancroft-1 maker, scuff to shoulder, Good R$100 7 76. CLARKS BB61 J A CLARK’S STONE GINGER BEER +$0,/7213ULFHPDNHU Mint R$175 77. DIXON’S BB84 large Champagne VKDSH',;21¶6 3$/0(567211257+ large Anchor tm, Very Good R$100 78. DIXON’S BB87 large Champagne VKDSH',;21¶6 3$/0(567211257+ &URZQWP3HDUVRQPDNHU minor lip nick, Very Good R$100 79. FITZGERALD %%'),7=*(5$/' Bourne 27 maker, A very Rare version less than 5 NQRZQLQPDQXIDFWXUHJOD]H ORVVWREDVHHGJHJOD]H hairline to rear, Very Good R$2000 80. GIFFORD PLOWMAN %%*,))25' 3/2:0$11$3,(51= 1898, Blue print, Bourne maker, Very Good R$100 81. GOODWIN DAVY BB112 GOODWIN DAVY HAWERA, Maui Bros maker, original stopper, Very Good R$60 82. JOHN GREY BB124 JOHN GREY & SONS AUCKLAND, original stopper, Bourne maker, Very Good R$75 83. GREY MENZIES BB128 GREY & MENZIES NEW ZEALAND, original swing stopper, Bourne 08 maker, Very Good R$100 8 84. GREY MENZIES BB136 GREY & MENZIES NEW ZEALAND, Bourne 30 maker, Light wear Very Good R$40 85. HALL BB142 T H HALL TAURANGA, Bourne 24 Very Good R$30 86. HYDE A HYDE TE AWAMUTU & TAUMARUNUI, late version, Made in England printed mark, Mint R$50 87. INNES BB174 C L INNES AUCKLAND & HAMILTON Bourne maker, Very Good R$30 88. INNES BB175 C L INNES AUCKLAND & HAMILTON Govancroft-1 maker, Very Good R$30 89. INNES BB175 C L INNES AUCKLAND & HAMILTON Govancroft-3 maker, Very Good R$30 90. KEMP %%$(.(03 GORE Elephant tm, Bourne 0 maker, minor shoulder frits, Very Good R$300 91. LANES BB191 LANE’S LTD '81(',13HDUVRQ pm, Very Good R$75 92. LISTER BB208 J E LISTER 23$:$%RXUQHPDNHU in making fault to base edge, faint hairline from base edge, Very Rare, Very Good R$750 93. LUCAS SAWYER BB211 LUCAS & SAWYER GISBORNE 1900, light wear to rim edge, Very Good R$200 94. McLACHLAN BB224 McLACHLAN & RICHDALE HAWERA, Bourne maker, Very Good R$75 95. MARLBOROUGH BB228 MARLBOROUGH BREWERY BLENHEIM, 3HDUVRQPDNHUFKLSWR base edge lhs, Good R$40 96. MARTIN BB234 H MARTIN GISBORNE, no maker, Very Good R$100 97. MENZIES BB238 MENZIES & CO GINGER BEER, no maker, R$100 98. NEWBIGIN BB246 NEWBIGIN HASTINGS Bourne maker, Very R$100 99. NEWBIGIN BB247 E NEWBIGIN HASTINGS Bourne 23 PDNHUFUD]LQJPLQRUVFXII to shoulder Very Rare less than 5 known Very Good $2000 100. NEWBIGIN BB248 E NEWBIGIN BREWED GINGER BEER HASTINGS, Bourne 24 PDNHUFUD]LQJ9HU\*RRG R$200 101. PHOENIX %%7+(3+2(1,; AERATED WATER CO :(//,1*7213(721( original marked swing stopper, Bourne 34 maker, VG R$40 102. SMITH BB305 SMITH BROS *,6%251(3HDUVRQPDNHU Light wear, Very Good R$30 103. SMITH BB306 SMITH BROS GISBORNE, Bourne 29 maker, Light wear Very Good, R$75 104. SMITH BB307 SMITH BROS *,6%251(%DUQHWW)RVWHU PDNHUFUD]LQJ9HU\*RRG R$125 105. THOMSON’S BB325 THOMSON’S HOME BREWED GINGER BEER, Bourne 13 maker, original stopper, Very Good R$100 106. THOMSON LEWIS BB330 THOMSON LEWIS WELLINGTON :$1*$18,3RUW Dundas maker, original ceramic stopper, Very Good R$60 107. THOMSON LEWIS BB332 THOMSON LEWIS WELLINGTON 3(721(:$1*$18, Bourne 13 maker, original marked swing stopper, Very Good R$30 9 108. THOMSON LEWIS BB334 THOMSON LEWIS :(//,1*7213(721( &WANGANUI, Bourne maker, original marked swing stopper, Very Good R$30 109. THOMSON LEWIS BB337 THOMSON LEWIS :(//,1*7213(721( &WANGANUI, Bourne 36 maker, Very Good R$30 110. WAI WAI BB342 WAI WAI MINERAL WATER CO AUCKLAND, Cork 6WRSSHU3LQQDFOHPDNHU shoulder frits, Very Good R$60 111. WANGANUI BB345 WANGANUI AERATED WATER CO, Bourne 29 maker, Very Good R$40 112. CAMPBELL LIST *DO-DUQRKDQGOH&$03%(// LIST CAVERSHAM, bottle tm, Milton 3RWWHU\PDUNHG Very Good R$350 113. WRIGHT 1 Gal no handle, WRIGHT & CO KODO BEVERAGES CHCH Stourware maker, Very Good R$175 114. PLOWMAN *DOZLWK+DQGOH:3/2:0$1 1$3,(51=KHDUWVKDSHWPSURSHUW\ rights to rear, 3HDUVRQSP professional repair to blob top, minor hairline on shoulder, Good, R$350 115. HUIA 1 Gal no handle, THE HUIA AERATED WATER CO DANNIVERKEMASTERTON 1928 Huia bird tm, 3HDUVRQPDNHU9HU\*RRG5 10 116. SIMMONDS CT/SIM014 1 Gal no handle, SIMMONDS & OSBORNE WELLINGTON NEW ZEALAND, 3HDUVRQPDNHU9HU\*RRG5 117. ALEXANDER 1 Gal no handle, $/(;$1'(5 &2.$,$32, Bourne maker, minor lip chip repaired (average), Good, R$200 118. SHARPE 1 Gal no handle, 6+$53( BROS NEW ZEALAND & AUSTRALIA to one side and HANDS ACROSS THE SEA with Christchurch ([KLELWLRQ0HGDOV for 1906-07 to other, no maker, Mint R$125 119. GORMAN 1 Gal no handle, T GORMAN AERATED WATER WORKS NELSON, 3 stars in triangle tm, no maker, Very Good, R$275 120. BARDEN 1 Gal no handle, BARDEN & SON 1(:=($/$1'/LRQWP3HDUVRQ maker, kiln kiss to shoulder, Very Good R$100 121. O’NEILL 1 Gal no handle, )5('2´1(,//,19(5&$5*,// & GORE, no maker, Very Good R$100 122. SIMMONDS CT/SIM014 1 Gal no handle, SIMMONDS & OSBORNE WELLINGTON 1(:=($/$1'3HDUVRQPDNHU Very Good, R$75 123. GRAY 1 Gal no handle, G GRAY BREWER +$0,/721)RZOHUPDNHUULPHGJH chipping, Good R$50 130. OC STEPHENS 45mm tall, small pot marked O C 67(3+(16LQ&HODGRQ*UHHQ Very Good R$50 131. CHCH BRICK Candle Holder, impressed marks Christchurch Brick Co, minor rim edge chips, Very Good R$75 124. HUTSON $QXQPDUNHGSRWWHU\EUHDGSODWHDWWULEXWHGWR3+87621 &2PPGLDPHWHUJUHHQJOD]HZLWKUHGEOXH highlights embossed “GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD”, Very Good R$400 125. BOYD An unmarked pottery Jelly Mould attributed to George Boyd, pale buff body fruit moulded internal decoration, old rim chip/hairline, Good R$100 132. CROWN LYNN 140mm tall, Vase marked Crown Lynn, Green with white spots, Very Good R$150 126 LUKE ADAMS Impressed Luke Adams to base, ZDLVWHGÀRZHUYDVHULFKVSHFNOHG honey colouring, 225mm tall, Very Good R$100 127. MILTON An unmarked vase attributed to Milton 3RWWHU\ZLWKDQJXODUKDQGOHVDQGGDUN ULFKPDMROLFDJOD]HEDVHHGJHQLEEOHV Good R$100 128. ADELAIDE 3DLURIMXJVDWWULEXWHG WR$GHODLGH3RWWHU\ Wellington, 125 & 145mm tall, both Very Good R$75 129. RABBIT PP[PP&URXFKLQJ5DEELW in Celadon Green, marked Crown Lynn to base, Very Good R$100 133. TRIANG Triang Garden Roller, aluminum, remains of Triang label, 230mm some wear/paint loss, Good R$120 134. USSC 95mm tall drinking glass with etched logo IRU8QLRQ6WHDP6KLS&RRQÀDJGHVLJQ Very Good, R$40 135. PICCALILLI PPWDOO<&&3,&&$/,//, pot, 2 tone stoneware, Very Good R$120 136. CHOW CHOW 110mm tall, YCC CHOW CHOW pot, 2 tone stoneware, ZHDURQJOD]HRQULPHGJH Good, R$90 11 137. DANISH DAIRY 2lb capacity 2 tone Butter crock, DANISH DAIRY with 0LONPDLGWP3RUW'XQGDV maker, inner rim chip and large hairline to rhs, Good R$75 138. MILTON $QXQPDUNHG0LOWRQ3RWWHU\SRW with screw in lid in pink tones, minor rim edge nibbles and edge of screw lid, Good R$75 139. PEACOCKS 200mm aqua pickle embossed 3($&2&.6-$02. 3,&./(6D'XQHGLQ company, Very Good R$30 140. WHYBROW /DUJHR]GLPSOHG vinegar embossed GEORGE WHYBROW, Very Good R$25 141. FEDERAL 4XDUWVL]HZLWKZLUH EDOH)('(5$/ZLWK ÀDJWP9HU\*RRG5 142. GREGG 160mm tall applied top embossed GREGGS & CO MADRA CURRY DUNEDIN, minor rim nick, Good R$30 143. CREAM POTS 2 UK pottery cream pots HUNTLY CREAMERY & LANCASHIRE DAIRIES, both Good R$50 12 144. INKS 3DLUDTXDLQNVVLGHGPPZLWK pen rest and a square 65mm Derby both Very Good R$20 145. JAPANESE Unusual 85mm tall blue glass bottle with Japanese characters and a Cross tm, Very Good R$40 146. CHEMIST 3 NZ chemist bottles 150mm Dr Neil’s Herb Beer ([WUDFW'XQHGLQSOXVPP :DNH¿HOG+RJJ:DQJDQXL SOXVPP8)6:DQJDQXL with original label, all Very Good R$20 147. WELLINGTON 3 NZ Chemist bottles 160mm George Mee Wellington plus 125mm J Monteith Consulting Chemist Wellington plus 160mm R Ayers Herbalist Wellington, all Good R$30 148. BARNETT 7DOODPHWK\VWPP)URP Barnett & Co with matching dose cup 57mm also marked )URP%DUQHWW&RERWK W T & Co, Barnett’s were Chemists in Cathedral Square Christchurch, both VG, R$50 149. PRICE 70mm diameter black & white OLG35,&(&2*(18,1( RUSSIAN BEARS GREASE, factory kiln kiss to face, Good R$50 150. MASONIC 6DOWJOD]HVWRQHZDUHPDOOHW shape 200mm tall, with applied all over Masonic GHFRUDWLRQ3RUW'XQGDV maker, minor base edge nibble, Very Good R$500 151. NORDHAUSEN 1 190mm tall 2 tone, NORDHAUSEN .2516&+1$336QRPDNHU¿QH FUD]LQJ9HU\*RRG5 152. NORDHAUSEN 2 190mm tall 2 tone, Blue print, NORDHAUSEN .2516&+1$336QRPDNHU¿QH FUD]LQJVOLJKWEOXUWRSULQW9HU\ Good, R$40 153. KING GEORGE 3DLU5R\DO'RXOWRQ%OXH JOD]HERWWOHVHPERVVHG.,1* GEORGE IV, with picture of the King, 160mm & 240mm tall with original stoppers, both Very Good R$125 (2) 155. HOUSE COMMONS WGB72, 180mm tall sepia print with handle, JAMES %8&+$1$163(&,$/ SCOTCH WHISKY with elaborate detailed image of the House of Commons, 3RUW'XQGDVPDNHU7KH Classic must have Whisky Jug! Very Good R$1250 156. CATTO’S OLD WGB97, 215mm tall, no handle, the very rare shape CATTO’S OLD HIGHLAND :+,6.<3$5,6 (;+,%,7,213RUW Dundas maker, Very Good R$1500 157. CATTO ‘S WGB95, 210mm tall, no handle, CATTO’S HIGHLAND WHISKY 3$5,6(;+,%,7,21 & LONDON 1884, Buchan maker, Very Good R$100 158. GRANT’S WGB222, 200mm tall Royal Doulton Art ware GRANT’S LIQUEUR, Very Good, R$175 154. AULD LANG SYNE WGB15, 210mm Tall handled 2 tone Whisky, to front classic Auld Lang Syne picture and to rear impressed RB RESERVE %/(1'7)$6+(1(3+(: /,9(5322/.HQQHG\PDNHU lamp hole to rear, Very Good R$400 159. GALLEY LORNE 210mm tall, 2 tone with KDQGOH*$//(<2) LORNE, with Viking boat WP3RUW'XQGDVSPNLOQ kiss to front, Good R$275 13 160. MACKINLAY WGB363, 210mm tall, all over blue green mottled JOD]HDSSOLHGVKRXOGHUVHDO MACKINLAYS SCOTCH WHISKY, Royal Doulton maker, Very Good R$250 165. MINNEHAHA WGB373, 185mm tall with handle, Sepia print MINNEHAHA MARTINDALE & JOHNSTON 3+,/$'(/3+,$'RYHVDW fountain picture, Very Good R$1200 161. ROB ROY WGB386, 170mm tall, all white with handle, ROB ROY OLD HIGHLAND :+,6.<3RUW'XQGDV maker, Very Good R$250 162. CRUISKEEN LAWN WGB422, 175mm tall with handle, Rare RED print version CRUISKEEN LAWN MITCHELLS OLD ,5,6+:+,6.<%(/)$67 Grosvenor maker, Mint R$750 163. O’DONNELS WGB462, 190mm tall with handle, GREEN print O’DONNEL’S OLD IRISH :+,6.<%(/)$67 Scotland on base, Very Good R$200 164. JRD WGB511, 185mm tall with KDQGOHDOORYHU6DOW*OD]H applied decoration with JRD (John Robertson) Royal Doulton maker, Mint R$125 14 166. BALLATER WGB528, 230mm tall, with handle, cobalt blue top salt JOD]HERG\DSSOLHGZRUGV ROYAL OLD BALLATER WHISKY, Royal Doulton makers, Very Good, R$250 167. ROSSLYN WGB525, 175mm tall with handle, BLUE print ROSSLYN DISTILLERY OLD SCOTCH MALT WHISKEY, Mint R$350 168. TAPPIT HEN WGB587, all white with KDQGOH7+(7$33,7+(1 HAWTHORN DEW THOM & CAMERON, smaller YHUVLRQPPWDOO3RUW Dundas pm, Very Good, R$125 169. ROYAL BLEND WGB595, 2 tone THE ROYAL BLEND WHISKY, applied Blue Seal with Stag tm, lip chip/hairlines, Kennedy maker, R$50 170. THORNE’S WGB607, 200mm tall with KDQGOH5DUHÀDWYHUVLRQ tone with handle THORNE’S WHISKY with Rampant Lion WP3RUW'XQGDVPDNHU9HU\ Good R$1250 171. RABBIE BURNS WGB671, 190mm tall, 2 tone with handle THE RABBIE BURNS WHISKY JAR, Kennedy maker, chip to base edge/ spout, hairline to body rhs/base handle, displays well, R$175 172. WRIGHT GREIG WGB687, 2 tone with handle, WRIGHT & GREIG THE JORUM, with ([KLELWLRQPHGDOVWRVLGHVIRU$GHODLGH 1881, Kennedy maker, Very Good R$125 173. CAPSTAN 115mm tall, WILLS &$367$1&,*$5(77(6 Bovey 8828 maker, 3,&785(2)$6+,36 Capstan tm, 2 old hairlines RIIULPFUD]LQJ*RRG5 177. ROTHMANS 135mm tall, ROTHMANS THE BEST TOBACCO MONEY CAN BUY, Seton maker, Very Good, R$125 178. WILLS 110mm tall, WILLS GOLD )/$.(EULJKWGHFRRUDQJH colours, Bovey 8543 maker, Very Good R$90 179. WILLS 105mm tall, WILLS STAR CIGARETTES, orange deco colours, Bovey maker, Very Good R$90 180. BOMBAY 150mm tall, BOMBAY DRY GIN, picture of Queen Victoria, :DGH5HJLFRUPDNHUFUD]LQJ Very Good R$75 181. ROSS’S 130mm tall, blue body white applied decoration ROSS’S %(/)$67*,1*(5$/($GDPV Jasper Ware maker, single sided, Very Good R$140 174. CAPSTAN 100mm tall, HAVE A &$367$1LPDJHRIDOLJKW cigarette, Bovey 15568 maker, blue trim, Very Good R$90 175. PLAYERS 140mm tall, stoneware jug, 3/$<(563/($6(SLFWXUH of the Captain under spout, Lovatt maker, Very Good R$90 182. SCHWEPLET 105mm tall, bright yellow, 6&+:(3/(7-DPHV*UHHQ Nephew maker, unusual Schweppes item, Very Good, R$125 183. TAMPLINS 120mm tall, recessed handle, 7$03/,167$%/(:$7(56DQ early unusual item, Woods maker, light wear Very Good R$125 176. PLAYERS PPWDOO3/$<(56 WEIGHTS ALWAYS A 3/($685(XQXVXDOVKDSH T G Green makers, Very Good R$75 184. GUINNESS 105mm tall, diamond shaped hug, BULL DOG GUINNESS 52%(573257(5%XOOGRJWP Royal Doulton maker, rear edge professional repair, Very Good R$250 15 185. GUINNESS 115mm tall, Bright Blue with yellow print GUINNESS, with Harp tm, Carlton Ware maker, Very Good, R$150 186. GUINNESS 110mm tall, BULL DOG BASS & GUINNESS, Bulldog tm, Hillchurch maker, Very Good R$75 187. ANSELL’S 95mm tall, bright orange black print ANSELL’S THE BETTER BEER, MIE maker, rim edge nick, Good R$40 188. ANSELL’S 85mm tall, deco colours, ANSELL’S under spout, England maker, Very Good R$50 189. ALLSOPP’S PPWDOO$//6233¶6 BURTON ALES, 6 sided early jug, Red Hand tm, Mintons maker, light FUD]LQJLQWHUQDOVWDLQ9HU\*RRG R$150 190. BASS PPWDOO,35()(5$%$66 to 3 sides with red triangle tm, 0LQWRQVPDNHUOLJKWFUD]LQJ9HU\ Good, Early item, R$175 191. BASS PPWDOO%$663$/( ALE, made for the diamond jubilee Queen Victoria 1837-1897, elaborate highly decorative images of the Queen, Copeland maker, gold trim to rim, rear base edge chip, Very Good, R$900 16 192. BASS 155mm tall, BASS & CO 3$/($/(VSHFLDO\HDU anniversary jug 1777 – 1977, old street scene to rear, Wade maker, Mint R$100 193. CANNON PPWDOO63(&,$/ &$1121,03(5,$/67287 picture of large glass of beer under spout, Maddock maker, Very Good R$600 194. CHARRINGTON 110mm tall, deco shape, CHARRINGTON’S TOBY STOUT/TOBY ALE, seated toby tm, Royal Doulton maker, light FUD]LQJ9HU\*RRG5 195. COURAGE 105mm tall, bright yellow, &285$*((;75$67287 $/7213$/($/(ODUJH Rooster under spout, Royal Doulton maker, Very Good R$200 196. COURAGE’S 115mm tall, 2 tone stoneware, &285$*(¶6(;75$67287 $/7213$/($/(5R\DO Doulton maker, Very Good R$300 197. FELINFOEL 120mm tall, teal body red print, )(/,1)2(/48$/,7<$/(6 'UDJRQWP)HOLQIRHOLVWKHROGHVW brewery in Wales, Wade ,maker, Mint R$75 198. FLOWERS PPWDOO)/2:(56$/(6 STOUTS, picture of Shakespeare, Royal Doulton maker, light FUD]LQJ9HU\*RRG5 199. FLOWERS 120mm tall, copper lustre, )/2:(563$/($/(SLFWXUH of Shakespeare, HCW maker, silver trim, Very Good, R$150 200. HUNTSMAN 105mm tall, HUNTSMAN ALES, bright yellow body, picture of hunting and the Huntsman, James Green Nephew makers, light FUD]LQJ9HU\*RRG5 201. IND COOPE 90mm tall, bright deco orange ERG\,1'&223($//6233 Clews maker, Very Good, R$125 202. IND COOPE PPWDOO,1'&223(¶6 BURTON ALES, Mintons maker, light wear to blue trim, Good R$75 203. MARSTONS 110mm tall, deco shape, MARSTONS BURTON ALES, Royal Doulton maker, Very Good R$125 204. MARSTONS 115mm tall, MARSTONS BURTON ALES, entwined rope tm, blue trim top & bottom, T G Green maker, Very Good, R$275 205. OFFILERS 90mm tall, Deco shape, 2)),/(56$/(6SLFWXUHRI .LQJ*HR9,4XHHQ(OL]DEHWK for their Coronation in 1937, Very Good, R$125 207. STAR 100mm tall, STAR BEERS BRIGHTEST & BEST, picture of Town Crier, Wade Regicor maker, Very Good, R$100 208. TENNENT’S 100mm tall, stoneware, all over mottled effect, TENNENT’S BEER, no maker, VG R$75 209. TRUMANS PPWDOO,),7,67580$16 IT IS BEER, blue print, picture to reverse for the 1953 Coronation, Wade Regicor maker, light FUD]LQJ9HU\*RRG5 210. TRUMAN’S 105mm tall, TRUMAN’S BEERS EST 1666, Eagle tm, Macdonald 6ZDQQPDNHUOLJKWFUD]LQJ9HU\ Good, an early item, R$150 211. WHITBREAD’S 120mm 2 tone stoneware, WHITBREAD’S ALE & STOUT IN BOTTLE, Royal Doulton maker, Very Good, R$125 212. WHITBREAD’S 110mm 2 tone stoneware tankard shape with handle, WHITBREAD’S ALE & STOUT, Stag tm Royal Doulton maker, Very Good, R$125 213. WHITBREAD’S 140mm 2 tone stoneware, WHITBREAD’S ALE & STOUT IN BOTTLE, Royal Doulton maker, Very Good, R$125 206. PERKINS PPWDOO3(5.,16 &2;;;7+(&,7< BREWERY BRISBANE 35,=(3$/($/(0,( to base, A very rare early Australian water jug, Very Good R$2000 214. WHITBREAD’S 150mm bone china jug, 3 way pouring action, WHITBREAD’S, Stag tm, 272 to base, Very Good, R$175 17 215. WORTHINGTON PP¿JXUDOERQHFKLQDRI/RUG0D\RU BEHIND EVERY MAN, to rear he is holding a labelled bottle Whitbread Stout, Beswick maker, Mint R$125 216. WORTHINGTON 165mm tall, WORTHINGTON IN BOTTLE, Mintons maker, blue trim to rim and handle retouched, FUD]LQJ*RRG5 217. WORTHINGTON 90mm tall, bright yellow, WORTHINGTON IN BOTTLE, Mintons maker, light wear, Very Good R$125 218. AINSLIE’S 125mm tall all over lustre AINSLIE’S WHISKY, recessed handle, Causton maker, Mint, a VXSHUEH[DPSOH5 221. BAILIE NICOL 150mm tall, 2 stone stoneware, green bands to top and bottom, BAILIE NICOL JARVIE 10 <($562/'63(&,$/6&27&+ WHISKY, Royal Doulton maker, hairline to base of handle, Very Good R$200 222. BAILIE NICOL 160mm taller version of lot 221, BAILIE NICOL JARVIE 10 <($562/'63(&,$/6&27&+ WHISKY, Royal Doulton maker, Mint R$400 223. BEGG’S 130mm tall, JOHN BEGG’S SCOTCH WHISKY, images for Royal Lochnager Distillery under spout and large bottle Beggs and Royal Warrants to sides, Baird maker, repairs to rim edge and top of handle (good), Very Good R$400 224. BENMORE 100mm tall, BENMORE SCOTCH WHISKY, Coat of Arms tm, Royal Winton maker, Very Good R$125 225. BOWMORE 160mm tall, BOWMORE, very pictorial Ocean scenes, Made in England maker, Mint R$125 219. AINSLIE’S 125mm tall, blue print AINSLIE’S HAS RISEN TO THE 723ZLWKSLFWXUHRIDERWWOHRI$LQVOLHV:KLVN\RQWKH bow of a Submarine, to rear AINSLIE’S SCOTCH AS 6833/,('727+(52<$/1$9<5R\DO'RXOWRQ maker, An all-time classic pictorial, Very Good R$2250 220. ANDERSON’S PPDOODOORYHUFRSSHUOXVWUHJOD]H$1'(5621¶6 RARE OLD LIQUEUR, Dickens scenes to sides one IRU0U3LFNZLFNXQGHUDUUHVW DQG0U3LFNZLFNKHUH¶VWKH pot a bilen, bottle of 3 Star Whisky under spout, Spiers 3RQGPDNHUDUDUHHDUO\MXJ Very Good R$600 18 226. BLACK WHITE 125mm tall, set 1-9 BLACK & WHITE, with the Dogs in different scenes, Made in England to bases, all Mint R$750 (9) 227. BLACK WHITE 170mm tall, unusual jug, black for one half and white the other, multiple pictures of the Dogs, no maker, Mint R$150 228. SHIELD 120mm tall, BUCHANAN’S BLACK & WHITE WHISKY in Shield, Made in England maker, light wear Very Good R$125 229. 2 DOGS 120mm tall IT’S THE SCOTCH BLACK & WHITE, image of 2 dogs beside bottle, Shelley maker, Very Good R$125 230. CHECKERBOARD 120mm tall BUCHANAN’S WHISKY, no maker, Checkerboard design, Very Good R$125 231. BUCHANAN’S 1 95mm tall BUCHANAN’S BLACK & WHITE picture of 2 dogs running/seated, James Green Nephew maker, Very Good R$125 232. BUCHANAN’S 2 95mm tall BUCHANAN’S BLACK & WHITE picture of 2 dogs running/seated, with BUCHANAN’S BLACK & WHITE under spout, James Green Nephew maker, Very Good R$125 233. BULLOCH LADE 1 115mm tall, BULLOCH LADE 3(',*5((6&27&+:+,6.< picture of the Highlander, Made in England maker, professional repair to base edge Very Good R$400 234. BULLOCH LADE 2 105mm tall, all over Shelley Harmony design, BULLOCH LADE SCOTCH WHISKY, marked Shelley, Mint R$275 235. BULLOCH LADE 3 125mm tall, BULLOCH /$'(3(',*5((6&27&+ Highlander tm, gold trim, 0LQWRQVPDNHUOLJKWFUD]LQJ Very Good R$400 236. BURNS 95mm tall stoneware, BURNS &277$*(385(0$/7 SCOTCH WHISKY, Buchan maker, Mint R$125 237. BUSHMILLS 210mm tall, large handled jug OLD BUSHMILLS, highly decorative, Hill Church maker, Mint R$125 238. CLAYMORE 1 165mm tall, GREENLEES CLAYMORE SCOTCH WHISKY, Crossed Swords tm, green print Royal Doulton maker, Very Good R$400 239. CLAYMORE 2 115mm tall CLAYMORE SCOTCH WHISKY, recessed handle, Made in England maker, Very Good R$75 240. CRAWFORD 85mm tall, DANIEL &5$:)25'¶66&27&+ WHISKY, Made in England maker, Very Good R$125 241. CUTTY SARK 1 120mm tall, Yellow body CUTTY SARK SCOTCH WHISKY, to rear detailed picture of the Cutty Sark, no maker, Mint R$60 242. CUTTY SARK 2 120mm tall, Teal body CUTTY SARK SCOTCH WHISKY, to rear detailed picture of the Cutty Sark, no maker, Mint R$60 19 243. CUTTY SARK 3 115mm tall, bright yellow with modelled bow sprit, CUTTY SARK. HCW maker, small version Mint R$125 244. CUTTY SARK 4 130mm tall, bright yellow with modelled bow sprit, CUTTY SARK. HCW maker, large version Mint R$125 245. DANDIE DINMONT 125mm DANDIE DINMONT SCOTCH WHISKY, coloured picture of the Dog tm, Importers marks to base, Mint R$150 246. DEWAR’S 115mm tall, DEWAR’S WHITE LABEL WHISKY, Butler holding tray tm, Made in England maker, Mint R$45 247. DEWAR’S 160mm 2 tone stoneware, early jug raised letters DEWARS 3(57+:+,6.<WRVKRXOGHU and black print JOHN DEWAR & 6213(57+DSSOLHGVSULJJLQJ to body, Doulton Lambeth maker, Very Good (hard to get a good one!) R$175 248. DUNVILLE’S 100mm tall DUNVILLE’S VR, some fading to print, Irvine Belfast maker, Good R$45 249. GAELIC 175mm tall, all over copper lustre, GAELIC OLD SMUGGLER to sides and highly detailed picture of the CRAIGELLACHIE GLENLIVET DISTILLERY under spout, Royal Doulton maker, full gloss as mint as I’ve ever seen one R$1500 20 250. GILBEY’S 110mm tall, teal body red/black SULQW*,/%(<663(<52<$/ WHISKY/LONDON DRY GIN, James Green Nephew maker, Very Good R$125 251. GILBEY’S PPWDOO*,/%(<663(< ROYAL WHISKY, with picture of ERWWOHWPVL[VLGHGMXJDQHDUO\ rare item, Mintons maker, Very Good R$400 252. GRANTS 90mm tall, all over blue white ÀRUDOGHFRUDWLRQ*5$17¶6 67$1')$67:+,6.<%XUOHLJK Ware maker, Very Good R$125 253. HAIG 1 150mm tall, bright red body HAIG SCOTCH WHISKY, Carlton Ware maker, Mint R$75 254. HAIG 2 140mm tall, bright red body HAIG SCOTCH WHISKY, Carlton Ware maker, Mint R$75 255. JOHN HAIG 120mm tall, red body black print JOHN HAIG, early jug with Distillers marks to base, Very Good R$125 256. HAIG HAIG 100mm tall 2 tone Doulton Lambeth stoneware, HAIG & HAIG DISTILLERS SINCE 1679 WHISKY, hairline to handle, Good R$45 257. HAIG HAIG 140mm tall 2 tone Stiff Lambeth stoneware, HAIG & HAIG DISTILLERS SINCE 1679 WHISKY, Very Good R$150 258. KING GEORGE 1 120mm tall, KING GEORGE IV 021$&+2)$//:+,6.,(6 with colourful picture of King *HR9,WRVLGHV*UD\V3RWWHU\ maker, Very Good R$150 265. MARSHALL’S 130mm tall stoneware jug, ROYAL TOBY WHISKY/TOBY MATURED GIN, MASRSHALLS on inner rim, Royal Doulton maker, Very Good R$275 259. KING GEORGE 2 190mm tall, large square blue jug with ice catcher, KING GEORGE IV DCL, RD 599921 to base maker, 3URIHVVLRQDOOLSUHSDLU*RRG5 260. KING GEORGE 3 175mm tall, KING GEORGE IV OLD SCOTCH WHISKY with picture of King Geo VI to sides, Moulin De Loups maker, Very Good R$225 261. KINGS RANSOM 175mm tall mustard body with large gold trim, KING’S 5$16207+(/8;85< 6&27&+QRPDNHUOLJKWFUD]LQJ Very Good R$145 262. LOCKE’S 160mm tall, LOCKE’S SINGLE MALT IRISH WHISKY, Made in England maker, Mint R$75 263. LOWRIE 125mm tall, early Shelley made jug, LOWRIE SCOTCH WHISKY, a mint jug with gold trim intact, R$375 264. MACLACHLAN’S 130mm tall, all over copper lustre, MACLACHLAN’S ,21$7+(63,5,72)7+()8785(,21$ SCOTCH WHISKY MACHLACHLAN DISTILLERS GLASGOW, picture of seated Gent on sofa, $VVRFLDWHG3RWWHULHV maker, the spout has suffered damage and has been amateurishly repaired, body Very Good, R$375 266. MILNES 2 jugs 100/110mm tall, green tops, MILNE’S WHISKY, Hoffman maker, smaller jug has 2 rim chips and hairline, other is Very Good (2) R$75 267. M&B 130mm tall, highly decorative jug for M&B 100 years anniversary 1879-1979, Wade maker, Mint R$75 268. MUNRO’S 90mm tall, MUNRO’S KING 2).,1*6&URZQWP+LJKODQG China maker, Very Good R$60 269. OLD RARITY 125mm tall, stoneware jug, OLD RARITY BULLOCH LADE, Buchan maker, Mint R$125 270. OLD SMUGGLER 1 165mm tall, gold trim to rim, OLD 608**/(5),1(676&27&+ WHISKY, coloured picture of a Sea Captain, Royal Norfolk maker, OLJKWFUD]LQJ9HU\*RRG5 271. OLD SMUGGLER 2 170mm tall, gold trim to rim, OLD SMUGGLER SCOTCH WHISKY, modelled head of a Sea Captain, 5R\DO1RUIRONPDNHUOLJKWFUD]LQJ Very Good R$125 21 272. RAEBURN 165mm tall, all over copper lustre, silver trim to rim and handle, RAEBURN’S 92%(;75$6&27&+ WHISKY, England to base, ROGKDLUOLQHRIIULP¿QH FUD]LQJ9HU\*RRGDQHDUO\ Rare jug R$400 273 RED HACKLE 110mm tall, black body red print RED HACKLESCOTCH WHISKY, unusual shape, Empire Ware maker, some wear to black paint, Good R$145 274. PICKWICK PPWDOO3,&.:,&.6&27&+ WHISKY, with picture of James Cook, Hill Church maker, Mint R$60 275. SANDEMAN 90mm tall, square jug SANDEMAN SCOTCH WHISKY, all over stains, Made in England maker, R$45 276. SANDY MACDONALD 1 185mm tall, all over copper lustre STRONACHIE DISTILLERY with detailed picture of the distillery to one side and THE REAL SANDY MACDONALD WHISKY to other, Royal Doulton maker, handle has been professionally restored, ¿QHFUD]LQJ*RRG5DUHLWHP R$600 278. TEACHERS 160mm tall, TEACHERS HIGHLAND SCOTCH WHISKY, special edition jug for Glasgow 1990, Seton maker, Mint R$150 279. THROGMORTON 110mm tall, 3 way pouring action THROGMORTON GOLD CREST SCOTCH WHISKY, picture of a Butler, 303 on base, light wear, Good R$150 280. THORNES 140mm tall, terracotta Langley Ware maker, THORNE’S WHISKY to sides and picture of a seated Gent under spout, Very Good, Early item R$175 281. USHERS 75mm tall, gravy boat shape, USHERS SCOTCH WHISKY, Made in England maker, gold trim WR\HOORZERG\OLJKWFUD]LQJ9HU\ Good R$145 282. JOHNNIE WALKER 1 180mm tall, yellow body black print JOHNNIE WALKER, Made in England maker, Mint R$100 283. JOHNNIE WALKER 2 190mm tall, JOHNNIE WALKER RED LABEL, Wade Regicor/USA Importer marks, Mint R$75 284. JOHNNIE WALKER 3 277. SANDY MACDONALD 22 140mm tall, Rare squat version of previous lot, all over copper lustre STRONACHIE DISTILLERY with detailed picture of the distillery to one side and THE REAL SANDY MACDONALD WHISKY to other, Royal Doulton maker Near Mint, ¿QHFUD]LQJ5 125mm tall, JOHNNIE WALKER, picture to sides of JW paying Golf Gleneagles 63 to base, Mint R$150 285 JOHNNIE WALKER 4 155mm tall, JOHNNIE WALKER BORN 1820 STILL GOING STRONG, early jug made by James *UHHQ1HSKHZOLJKWFUD]LQJ9HU\ Good R$75 286. WATSON’S 1 PPWDOODOORYHUÀRUDO decoration, WATSONS/NO10 SCOTCH, Distillers marks to base, a Rare early jug, Very Good R$500 287. WATSON’S 2 165mm tall, bulbous base with all over blue & white decoration WATSON’S/BLUE BAND, Made in England & Distillers marks to base, light wear Very Good, R$275 288. WATSON’S 3 140mm tall, all over blue lustre effect WATSONS/NO 10 SCOTCH, Shelley maker, light wear Very Good R$300 289. HIGHLAND NECTAR 95mm tall, galls jug, applied handle, etched HIGHLAND NECTA SCOTS WHISKIES, Very Good R$60 290. PLAYERS 125mm diameter, pressed glass $VKWUD\3/$<(561$9<&87 embossed picture of Captain, Very Good R$30 291. MITCHELL’S [PPRYDOFKLQDDVKWUD\ MITCHELL’S OLD IRISH WHISKY with picture of a bottle of Mitchells Whisky, Made in England maker, an early rare item, Very Good R$75 292. TEACHERS 150mm diameter by 85mm tall, TEACHERS SCOTCH WHISKY/ +,*+/$1'&5($0¿QHFUD]LQJ Brownlee maker, Very Good R$150 293. UGLY 4 different 130mm tall early bisque ashtrays/strikers, one marked Made LQ-DSDQSOXVERWWOHRI2OG)DUW Beer (optional it’s full), all Very Good R$100 294. EDWARD LEES 100mm tall Doulton Lambeth VDOWJOD]HGVWRQHZDUH(':$5' LEES OLD SCOTCH/AS 6833/,('727+(+286(2) COMMONS, tiny inner rim nick, Very Good R$250 295. IND COOPE 0DWFKER[KROGHU$VWUD\IRU,1' &223(5('/$%(/$/( Registered number to base, front base edge chip, Good R$125 296. BARREL Large pottery barrel with elaborate colourful decoration of a Swan swimming in reeds, WHISKY in gold lettering (worn), Good R$150 297. COGNAC PPWDOOSODVWHU¿JXUHRI a Gent admiring a bottle of COGNAC BISQUIT, top section of the bottle is repaired, Very Good R$400 298. TEACHERS 370mm tall, early SODVWLF¿JXUH TEACHER’S, Display Master maker, Very Good R$250 299. KING GEORGE 340mm Rubberoid ¿JXUHRI.LQJ George, KING GEORGE IV OLD SCOTCH WHISKY, some shrinkage and ¿JXUHLVOHDQLQJ forward, Good R$60 300. LORD CALVERT PPWDOO3ODVWHU¿JXUH/25' &$/9(57$0(5,&$¶6:+,6.(<2) DISTINCTION, Depositato maker, high gloss, Very Good, R$325 23 301. GUINNESS 345mm very heavy Cast Metal money ER[EDVHZLWK¿JXUHZLWKLQVHWODEHO HPERVVHGZRUGV*22')25+,0 *22')25<286,1&(9HU\ Good R$225 302. TRUMAN 425mm tall plastic ¿JXUHRQZRRGHQ EDVH025(+236 IN BEN TRUMAN, novel one legged character (some fading) Good R$175 303. FLOWERS PPWDOO5XEEHURLG¿JXUHRI 6KDNHVSHDUH)/2:(56WRSOLQWK VRPHFUD]LQJZHDU*RRG5 304. MACLEAY DUFF 190mm tall Rubberoid ¿JXUHRIDVWDJZLWK antlers mounted 0$&/($<'8)) SCOTCH WHISKY, some shrinkage/paint loss/wear Good R$90 305. YOUNGER PPWDOO5XEEHURLG¿JXUHRI0U Younger Wm YOUNGERS KEG BEERS, complete with pint glass and spectacles, Very Good R$125 306. SANDEMAN 260mm ceramic decanter made by Wedgwood for 6DQGHPDQ3RUWODEHOVIRU Silver Jubilee 1952 – 1977, Very Good R$60 307. CLAN CAMPBELL PPWDOOGHFDQWHU&/$1&$03%(// '(/8;(%/(1'('6&27&+:+,6.< White Heather distiller marks to base, Very Good R$100 24 308. JOHNNIE WALKER 270mm Glass Decanter with yellow plastic hat, RED LABEL, Very Good R$45 309. QUEEN ANNE 190mm tall Rubberoid QUEEN ANNE SCOTCH WHISKY, wear to letters, an HDUO\UDUH¿JXUH*RRG 310. ABBOT’S CHOICE 170mm tall Rubberoid ABBOT’S CHOICE SCOTCH WHISKY, minor SDLQWORVVWRUREHV5DUHHDUO\¿JXUH9HU\ Good R$275 311. PIPER EXPORT PPWDOOVROLGSODVWLF¿JXUH3,3(5 (;32576FRWVPDQZLWKEDJSLSHV9HU\ Good R$75 312. ROBINSONS PPWDOOSODVWLF¿JXUH of a prancing Unicorn ROBINSONS, Very Good R$30 313. GRANTS 250mm tall Rubberoid GRANTS SCOTCH WHISKY, near mint full gloss best we have seen, R$225 314. McEWANS 240mm tall Rubberoid 0F(:$16(;32577+( BEST BUY IN BEER, complete with pint glass, full gloss Very Good R$150 315. CAPTAIN MORGAN 275mm China PRGHOOHG¿JXUHRID3LUDWH&$37$,1 MORGAN on barrel, Very Good, R$150 316. LEMON HART PPWDOO3ODVWHU/(021+$57 RUM, model of a Jamaican rolling a barrel of rum, minor wear/edge QLEEOHV&XU]RQPDNHU*RRG5 317. WORTHINGTON PPWDOO%HVZLFN&KLQD¿JXUHRI 5XJE\3OD\HUVOHDQLQJRQDOHWWHU E, WORTHINGTON E, Mint this is the rare version, Very Good R$225 318. BEAM 125mm tall china decanter for JIM BEAM modelled as Uncle Sam Royal Doulton maker, Mint R$45 319. BEAM 115mm tall china decanter for JIM BEAM modelled as a Samurai Warrior, Royal Doulton maker, Mint R$45 320. LABATT’S 245mm tall plastic ¿JXUHRIDQ$XVWULDQ looking Gent in front of a barrel of LABATTS (Canadian Brewery), Very Good R$90 321. DEWAR’S 235mm tall Rubberoid, DEWARS SCOTCH WHISKY, model of a Highlander, Very Good R$75 322. TRUMANS PPWDOOSODVWLF¿JXUH025(+236,1 BEN TRUMAN, novel one legged character Very Good R$125 323. HINE 240mm tall, Rubberoid ¿JXUHRID6WDJO\LQJ down (some shrinkage to Antlers) COGNAC HINE, Good R$125 324. TEACHER’S PPWDOO5XEEHURLG¿JXUHRID6FKRRO Teacher TEACHER’S SCOTCH WHISKY, Very Good R$300 325. GRANTS PPKHDY\VROLGSODVWHU¿JXUH GRANTS 8, provision for display bottle, model of a Scotsman (some paint loss to Kilt) minor wear to plaster, Good R$300 326. SCHMIDT PPWDOOFDVWPHWDO¿JXUHRIDEDUPDQ holding 2 pints SCHMIDTS BEERS ALES, looks like it covers a beer pump, Very Good R$75 327. MARTELL PPWDOOFKLQD¿JXUHRID manacled Gent hold a glass (not original) of MARTELL BRANDY, Carlton Ware maker, Very Good R$200 328. GUINNESS TANKARD 1 140mm tall China tankard, MY GOODNESS MY GUINNESS, SLFWXUHRID7RXFDQ2I¿FLDO Guinness Merchandise marks to base, Mint R$45 329. GUINNESS TANKARD 2 140mm tall China tankard, ST JAMES GATE THE HOME 2)*8,11(66SLFWXUHRI6W -DPHV*DWH2I¿FLDO*XLQQHVV Merchandise marks to base, Mint R$45 330. GUINNESS TANKARD 3 140mm tall China tankard, GUINNESS AS USUAL, picture of DVPLOLQJSLQWRI*XLQQHVV2I¿FLDO Guinness Merchandise marks to base, Mint R$45 331. GUINNESS TANKARD 4 140mm tall China tankard, MY GOODNESS MY GUINNESS, SLFWXUHRID%HDUXSDSROH2I¿FLDO Guinness Merchandise marks to base, Mint R$45 25 332. TOUCAN PPWDOOSDUW¿JXUH7RXFDQZLWK detachable pint of Guinness, MY GOODNESS MY GUINNESS, Carlton Ware maker, Mint R$175 333. TOUCAN PP5HVLQ¿JXUH RID7RXFDQZLWKD3LQWRI*XLQQHVV RQKLVEHDN/29(/<'$<)25$ GUINNESS, Mint R$100 334. PLOAR BEAR 135mm Resin ¿JXUHRI3RODU%HDUKROGLQJDERWWOH of Guinness MY GOODNESS MY GUINNESS, Mint R$100 335. TOUCAN 120mm tall Resin ¿JXUHRID7RXFDQ with bottles of Guinness in his mouth MY GOODNESS MY GUINNESS, Mint R$100 336. TURTLE PPWDOO5HVLQ¿JXUHRID7XUWOH with a pint of Guinness on his back HAVE A GUINNESS WHEN YOU’RE TIRED Mint R$100 342. PENGUIN PPWDOOHDUO\SODVWLF¿JXUHRID3HQJXLQ holding a sign DRAUGHT GUINESS SOLD HERE, Very Good R$125 343. FLYING TOUCANS 2ULJLQDO6HWRI)O\LQJ Toucans 240mm 210mm & 160mm Carlton Ware marks, Mint R$350 344. COLLECTING INSULATORS 3DJHV6RIW%DFNSXEOLVKHG by Tasker/Wilson/Clark, 2015, All you need to know about NZ made insulators, well researched and illustrated with colour plates, Copies DYDLODEOH3RVW3DLGDWRUGHUV to Kiwi Auctions and we will arrange 345. WESTCOTT VOL 2 PUB JUGS David Westcott’s hard back Vol 2 Guide to Advertising Water Jugs & Collectables, hard back full colour, 176 pages for auction R$20 337. PENGUIN PPWDOOFKLQD¿JXUHRID3HQJXLQ0< GOODNESS MY GUINNESS, Carlton Ware marks, Mint R$100 338. TOUCAN PPWDOOFKLQD¿JXUHRID7RXFDQDSLQWRI Guinness MY GOODNESS MY GUINNESS, Carlton Ware marks, Mint R$100 339. TOUCAN PPWDOOFKLQD¿JXUHRID7RXFDQZLWKD pint of Guinness on his beak GUINNESS )25675(1*7+&DUOWRQ:DUHPDUNV0LQW R$100 340. OSTRICH PPWDOOFKLQD¿JXUHRIDQ2VWULFK0< GOODNESS MY GUINNESS, Carlton Ware marks, Mint R$100 341. KANGAROO PPWDOOFKLQD¿JXUHRID.DQJDURR0< GOODNESS MY GUINNESS, Carlton Ware marks, Mint R$100 26 346. CORDIALLY YOURS A soft back publication by Murray )URVWSDJHVSURIXVHO\ illustrated with colour plates detailing WKHKLVWRU\DQGVWRULHVRIDSSUR[ 42 NZ soft drink manufactures, a great publication Copies from Kiwi $XFWLRQV3RVW3DLGDWHDFK 347. COMMUNITY PHARMACISTS $VRIWEDFNSXEOLFDWLRQE\0XUUD\)URVW 2010, 264 pages pf very detailed history on some 66 different NZ Chemists & Druggists, a must have for all collectors, Copies available from Kiwi $XFWLRQV3RVW3DLGDWHDFK 348. SPORTING SQUIRE 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVN Sporting Squire, Dewars on base, original stopper, Very Good R$175 349. ARTFUL DODGER 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVN Artful Dodger & Oliver Twist, Rare Teardrop shape Very Good R$1250 354. WATCHMAN 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVN The Watchman, Dewars on base, Very Good R$100 355. HOOKED Royal Doulton Kingsware )ODVN+22.('$&WRUHDU Greenlees Distillers marks to base, Very Good R$750 356. PICKWICK 5R\DO'RXOWRQ4XHHQVZDUH)ODVN 3LFNZLFNIURP'LFNHQVRULJLQDOIRLO label to rear, Very Good R$300 350. CONNOISSEUR 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVN The Connoisseur, professional lip repair, Very Good R$375 351. WATSONS 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVN'U Johnson, Watsons Whisky on rear, SURIHVVLRQDOOLSUHSDLU5DUHÀDVN R$1500 352. GEORGE THE GUARD Royal Doulton Kingsware )ODVN*HRUJH the Guard, Dewars on base, original stopper, Very Good R$100 353. GILLIE & FISHERMAN 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVN *LOOLHWKH)LVKHUPDQ%/6FRWFK Whisky High Ball to rear, minor lip chip, Very Good R$400 357. MICAWBER 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVN 0LFDZEHUWKH(YHU([SHFWDQW Dewars on base, original stopper, professional base edge repair, Very Good R$100 358. SAILORS STORY 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVN Sailors Story, Ultra Rare in Very Good condition, R$1750 359. Mr PICKWICK 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVN 0U3LFNZLFNSURIHVVLRQDOOLS repair, Very Good R$450 27 360. WATCHMAN 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVN Globular shape with modelled QHFN:DWFKPDQZLWK3LNH transfer, Very Good R$100 366. ROB ROY 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVN Rob Roy, AC1912 on rear Greenlees Distillers marks to base, professional lip repair, Very Good R$450 367. FALSTAFF Royal Doulton Kingsware )ODVNÀDWYHUVLRQ'HZDUV Scotch on rear, Very Good R$100 361. JOHN BARLEYCORN Royal Doulton Kingsware )ODVN-RKQ%DUOH\FRUQ9HU\ Good R$425 362. UNCLE SAM Royal Doulton Queensware )ODVNPXOWLFRORXUHGSLFWXUH of Uncle Sam, Dewars White Label on base, AC 1907 to rear, professional lip repair, Very Good R$450 363. SPORTING SQUIRE Royal Doulton Kingsware )ODVN6SRUWLQJ6TXLUH unusual mauve coloured Jacket, Dewars on base, Very Good R$100 368. TONY WELLAR 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVN Tony Wellar Beware of the Vidders, Dewars Imperial to rear, original stopper, Very Good R$100 369. MR PICKWICK Royal Doulton Kingsware Airbrush FRORXUHG)ODVN0U3LFNZLFN original stopper, Very Good R$450 370. MR MICAWBER 364. SPORTING SQUIRE Royal Doulton Kingsware )ODVN6SRUWLQJ6TXLUHODUJH DEWARS on rear, original stopper, Very Good R$100 365. BEN JOHNSON 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVN BEN JOHNSON, Dewars on base, original stopper, Very Good R$100 28 Royal Doulton Kingsware $LUEUXVKFRORXUHG)ODVN0U Micawber, original ceramic stopper, Very Good $225 371. PICKWICK TOAST Royal Doulton Kingsware $LUEUXVKFRORXUHG)ODVN0U 3LFNZLFN3URSRVHVD7RDVWULFK colouring in relief, Very Good R$450 372. BONNIE PRINCE CHARLIE Royal Doulton Kingsware )ODVN%RQQLH3ULQFH Charlie, Dewars to rear, original stopper, Very Good R$100 377. BEEFEATER 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVN Beefeater, Dewars on rear, original stopper, Very Good R$400 378. PICKWICK PROPOSES 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVN 5DUH7HDUGURSVKDSH0U3LFNZLFN 3URSRVHVD7RDVW9HU\*RRG R$1250 373. SYDNEY HARBOUR Royal Doulton Kingsware )ODVN6\GQH\+DUERXU original stopper, Very Good R$225 374. TAVERN SCENES Royal Doulton Kingsware Barrel on wooden base, Taverns Scenes to ends and sides, Silver cap and tap, Very Good R$450 379. BRITTANIA Royal Doulton Kingsware )ODVNLQ*UHHQWRQHV Dewars to rear, thistle stopper, professional repair to base edge chip, Good R$200 380. STIGGINS 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVN Stiggins, professional lip repair, Very Good R$400 375. NELSON 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVN Nelson, Dewars on base, poor repairs to spout, Good $125 376. JOHN BARLEYCORN Royal Doulton .LQJVZDUH)ODVNLQ Olive Green Colouring, John Barleycorn, A Very Rare item, Very Good R$1500 381. MICAWBER Royal Doulton Kingsware )ODVN0U0LFDZEHUZLWK printed marks to rear for Hudson Bay Co, Very Good R$250 29 382. MONK IN CELLAR 5R\DO'RXOWRQ4XHHQVZDUH)ODVN Monk in Cellar, Rare Queensware colours, professional lip repair, Very Good R$1300 383. PIED PIPER 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVN LQ5DUH'DUN*UHHQ*OD]LQJ 3LHG3LSHU9HU\5DUH9HU\*RRG R$850 388. TONY WELLAR 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVN7RQ\ Wellar Beware of the Vidders, Dewars Imperial to rear, original stopper, Very Good R$100 389. WATCHMAN Royal Doulton Kingsware 0LQLDWXUH)ODVN:DWFKPDQ globular with modelled head, professional lip repair, Very Good R$275 384. NELSON Royal Doulton Kingsware )ODVN7ULDQJXODUVKDSHG Dewars on rear, Very Good R$275 390. BILL SYKES Royal Doulton Kingsware 0LQLDWXUH)ODVN%LOO6\NHVZLWK Bullseye Dog to rear, original chain & stopper, minor nick off base edge, Very Good R$600 385. BILL SYKES 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVN Bill Sykes with Bullseye Dog to rear, original chain & stopper, Very Good R$300 386. WATCHMAN 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVNWDOO with modelled head, Watchman, Very Good R$200 387. GEORGE GUARD 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVN George the Guard Dewars to rear, Very Good R$100 30 391. TONY WELLAR Royal Doulton Kingsware 0LQLDWXUH)ODVNPRGHOOHG¿JXUHRI Tony Wellar, professional lip repair, Very Good R$350 392. WATCHMAN Royal Doulton Kingsware 0LQLDWXUH)ODVN:DWFKPDQWDOO version with modelled head, minor nick off base edge, Very Good R$325 References CT WG BB Capital Thirst Whisky Galore NZ Ginger Beers Bruce Baldwin 31
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