Company Profile PT DDM 2010 Dec2010
Company Profile PT DDM 2010 Dec2010
CompanyName Name : :PT. PT.Dwi DwiDaya DayaMakmur Makmur Company Address PesonaKhayangan KhayanganBlok BlokQQNo. No.88 Address : :Pesona RayaMargonda MargondaKav. Kav.45, 45, Depok Depok16411 16411 jl.jl.Raya Indonesia Indonesia Phone 62-2121-32496519, 32496519,87712520, 87712520,7706888, 7706888,0811813665 0811813665 Phone : :62Facsimile 62-2121-7706888 7706888 Facsimile : :62Numberof ofEmployee Employee: :10 10person person Number BankAccount Account BCACabang CabangMargonda MargondaDepok Depok- -Indonesia Indonesia Bank : :BCA E-mail : : E-mail;; MainContact ContactPerson: Person: Main To Tomonitor monitorthe theprocess processcondition conditionininprocess processindustry industrysuch suchas: as:Chemical ChemicalIndustry, Industry,Water Water Treatment plant, Food and Beverages Industry, Textile industry, Fertilizer industry, Treatment plant, Food and Beverages Industry, Textile industry, Fertilizer industry,Pulp Pulpand and Paper industry, Oil and Gas Industry, Gas Processing Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Paper industry, Oil and Gas Industry, Gas Processing Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry,Waste Waste water treatment plant, Utility plant, we need instrumentation that can measure all kind of water treatment plant, Utility plant, we need instrumentation that can measure all kind of parameter parameterininprocess processindustry. industry. The Thecondition conditionand andparameter parameter that thatcan canbe bemonitored: monitored:temperature, temperature,pressure, pressure,flow flowrate, rate,level, level,gas gas composition, pH, conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Chlorine, Silica, gas concentration, flame composition, pH, conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Chlorine, Silica, gas concentration, flame monitor, monitor,combustion combustionmonitor, monitor,gas gasdetection, detection,gas gasemission emission, ,moisture, moisture,vibration vibration, ,fire fireand andsmoke, smoke, opacity, ambient, security system and siren. opacity, ambient, security system and siren. Besides Besidesinstrumentation instrumentationfor formonitoring, monitoring,we wehave haveproducts: products:control controlvalve, valve,pressure pressureregulator, regulator, cable, junction box, filters, instrument calibrators, inverter, pump, tools , heater, force cable, junction box, filters, instrument calibrators, inverter, pump, tools , heater, forceand andtorque torque instrument, telecommunication instrument, laboratory instrument, thickness tester, flatter instrument, telecommunication instrument, laboratory instrument, thickness tester, flatter measurement, measurement,weather weathermonitoring monitoring, ,industry industrylamps, lamps,CCTV, CCTV,PLC. PLC. We Wecan canhelp helpand andshare shareour ourknowledge knowledgeand andexperiences experiencestotoall allour ourpartners partnersininprocess processindustries. industries. To find good solution, we need complete data process that you can send to our email address: To find good solution, we need complete data process that you can send to our email address:; ;;; Then we will find out the solution for you and continue for the next step Then we will find out the solution for you and continue for the next stepininthis thisbusiness. business. AGENT AGENT,,RESELLER, RESELLER,INTEGRATOR INTEGRATORFOR: FOR: THERMAL THERMALIMAGER: IMAGER:Infrared InfraredCamera Camera FIELD FIELDINSTRUMENT: INSTRUMENT:Pressure, Pressure,Temperature, Temperature,Flowmeter, Flowmeter,Level Level Control Valve, Regulator, Positioner, Control Valve, Regulator, Positioner,Rotameter Rotameter LIQUID LIQUIDANALYSER: ANALYSER:pH, pH,Conductivity, Conductivity,Turbidity, Turbidity,DO, DO,Cl, Cl,Percent PercentConcentration Concentration GAS GASANALYSER: ANALYSER:O2, O2,CO, CO,CO2, CO2,NO, NO,NOx, NOx,SO2, SO2,Sox, Sox,Moisture, Moisture,Insitu InsituO2 O2analyzer analyzer INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENTCALIBRATOR: CALIBRATOR:Dead DeadWeight WeightTester, Tester,Dry DryBlock,HART Block,HARTCommunicator Communicator COMBUSTION COMBUSTIONMONITOR: MONITOR:Flame FlameMonitor, Monitor,Opacity Opacity&&Particulate ParticulateMonitor Monitor FIRE FIREALARM: ALARM:Smoke, Smoke,Heat, Heat,Flame Flame&&Gas GasDetection Detection SECURITY SECURITYSYSTEM: SYSTEM:CCTV, CCTV,Camera CameraDome. Dome. MOTOR MOTORSIREN; SIREN; INVERTER; INVERTER; PLC; PLC;JUNCTION JUNCTIONBOX, BOX,FILTERS, FILTERS,INVERTER, INVERTER,PUMP. PUMP. Butterfly Valve Control Valve Positioner Pressure Regulator FIELD INSTRUMENT Bi Metal Flowmeter Pressure Transmitter Recorder Pressure Gauge Thermal Imager FLIR Systems World leader in the design and manufacture of thermal imaging systems ThermaCAM® P-Series Powerful infrared inspection system Ergonomically designed for maximum efficiency High-definition images Instant precision temperature measurement reveals critical details The Professional Thermographer’s Choice Thermal Imager Digital Image Data capture and input on site Build Inventory list during inspection or pre-load from excel Thermal Image Excess heat = potential problem Pen Tablet Instantaneous reporting Adding Real Value Web-Based Software Detailed Problem Identification LIQUID ANALYZER SYSTEM Conductivity Sensor pH, ORP,DO, Conducivity Monitor JCT COMPLETE GAS ANALYSER SYSTEM Sampling probe Pre Condensate Heating Hose NO2 to NO Converter Filter Sampling Gas Conditioner Portable Gas Conditioner Peltier Cooler GAS ANALYSER SYSTE M Potable Gas analyzer Portable Emission gas Analyzer Oxygen Analyzer Oxygen Analyzer R-Decade Box Dead Weight Tester CALIBRATOR Pressure Calibrator C O M B U S T I O N and Emission M O N I T O R Flame Monitor Opacity monitor Oxygen insitu analyzer Dust concentration FLAME & GAS DETECTION and SAFETY MOTOR SIREN JUNCTION BOX System Integration PLCProgramable Programable Logic Controller PLC Logic Controller CEMSContinuous Continuous Emission Monitoring System CEMS Emission Monitoring System FIREALAM ALAM SYSTEM SYSTEM FIRE SECURITYSYSTEM SYSTEM SECURITY Our affiliate with toko Lindeteves for local source. We provide many item of industrial tools that always used in the process production. The tools are needed for support the maintenance and production department. The item that we supply are: bolt and nut, rope, tools, chain, driller, welding, compressor, regulator, pressure gauge, rotameter, flow meter, hand pump, filter, dryer, pump, connector, cable, fan, heater, fuse, MCB, electric component, electronic component, communication radio, antenna, phone, safety equipment, lightening protection, emergency equipment, siren, temperature instrument, voltmeter, watt meter, ampere meter, controller, packaging, sealer, glue, diesel engine, lamp, electronic audio, video, freezer, stove, home appliance, radio, cctv, pipe, plate, grinder, cutter, laser tools, lightening protection, non contacting infrared temperature sensor. THANK YOU Contact us : ; Ph: 62-21-87712520; Fax: 7706888