2015 Annual Report and Donor List - Becket
2015 Annual Report and Donor List - Becket
2015 Annual Report & Donor List 2015 Annual Report Dear Friends of Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA, One of the most gratifying parts of being CEO and Board Chair of Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA is seeing how the decisions and policies our Board of Trustees set come to life over time and continue to have a positive impact on our community. 7KHFKRLFHVZHPDNHHQVXUHWKDWWKH¿QDQFLDOXQGHUSLQQLQJDQGRSHUDWLRQVRIRXU programs and the physical infrastructure that supports them remain healthy. Strong stewardship of this organization is critical in order to maintain the legacy and secure the future for a place that so many alumni and families have valued since 1903. It is our pleasure to report that the organization is healthier than ever and the great work of our exceptional staff continues to yield excellent results, a few of which are highlighted below: Board Chair Drew Lipsher and CEO Phil Connor. • Both camps were full by the end of October 2015, earlier than at any other point in our history, with deep wait lists •$VDQRUJDQL]DWLRQZHDZDUGHGRYHULQ¿QDQFLDODLGIRUFDPSHUVDQGSDUWLFLSDQWVLQDOORIRXU programs including the camps, Travel and Service Programs and the Berkshire Outdoor Center • Changing Lives: The Campaign for Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA is nearing its completion and we are on target to raise our projected goal of $12.35 Million •2XU¿QDQFLDOKHDOWKLVVWURQJDVZHFRQWLQXHWRRSHUDWHLQD¿VFDOO\UHVSRQVLEOHPDQQHUDQGJURZRXU endowment • We have continued to broaden and develop our relationship with our alumni, campers and families as we expand the reach of our organization Changing Lives: The Campaign for Becket-Chimney Corners YMCAKDVFRQWLQXHGWREHWKHVLJQL¿FDQWIRFXVRIWKHFDPSVDQG %HUNVKLUH2XWGRRU&HQWHUDVLWVVXFFHVVZLOOSURYLGHWKH¿QDQFLDOIRXQGDWLRQIRUERWKWKHFDSLWDOSURMHFWVDQGJHQHUDO¿QDQFLDO needs of our organization in the coming years. The campaign is a wonderful example of good planning for the future. ,QDGGLWLRQWRVXSSRUWLQJFULWLFDO¿QDQFLDODLGWRRXUFDPSHUVIDPLOLHVDQGVFKRROJURXSVJLIWVWRChanging Lives are helping to VHFXUHWKHPDLQWHQDQFHRIRXUSK\VLFDOLQIUDVWUXFWXUHDQGFDSLWDOLQYHVWPHQWVLQNH\SURMHFWVWKDWZLOOHQVXUHWKHTXDOLW\RIRXU programming and meet the modern demands being placed on the organization. In addition, continuing to grow our endowment LVDQRWKHUFULWLFDOFRPSRQHQWXQGHUO\LQJRXU¿QDQFLDOVWDELOLW\,QChanging LivesUDLVHGRYHUWRZDUGVFDSLWDO SURMHFWVWKH$QQXDO)XQGDQGHQGRZPHQW:LWKWKHHQGLQVLJKWZHORRNIRUZDUGWRUHSRUWLQJRQWKHVXFFHVVRIWKHFDPSDLJQODWHU this year. As always, it is the members of our community that we rely on to help us continue to support the mission of Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA so that we can provide exceptional programming, leadership training and mentoring which allows us to offer the XQLTXHH[SHULHQFHZHGR6XSSRUWFRPHVLQPDQ\IRUPVDQGZHDUHJUDWHIXOIRUDOOWKDW\RXGRWRFRQWULEXWHWRWKHVXFFHVVRI Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA. And again, we would be remiss in our responsibilities if we did not thank the outstanding staff at Becket Chimney Corners YMCA. :LWKRXWWKHLUOHDGHUVKLSDQGXQZDYHULQJFRPPLWPHQWRXU<0&$ZRXOGQRWEHDIUDFWLRQRIZKDWLWLVWRGD\ 7KHIXWXUHRI%HFNHW&KLPQH\&RUQHUV<0&$UHPDLQVEULJKWDQGZHDUHFRPPLWWHGWRRXUXQLTXHVLQJOHVH[IRXUZHHNUXVWLF camp experience and our leadership development programs offered at our Berkshire Outdoor Center. These are rare experiences ZRUWKVXSSRUWLQJ:HDUHSOHDVHGWRSXEOLFO\WKDQNDQGUHFRJQL]HRXUVXSSRUWHUVVKRZFDVHGLQRXU2015 Annual Report and Donor List that can be accessed at bccymca.org. Generous philanthropic support is necessary to continue Changing Lives for Good. Amici and Agape, Drew Lipsher Camp Becket Alumnus and Parent Board of Trustee, Chair 2 Phil Connor CEO 2015 Financials 3 Staff & Volunteers Board of Trustees David Altshuler, Brookline, MA Julia Austin, Cambridge, MA Rachel Chou, Brooklyn, NY R. Craig Collister, Lake Forest, IL Kevin Entricken, Wassenaar, The Netherlands David Good, New York, NY Amy Gutschenritter, Wayland, MA Stephen Hart, Concord, MA Monique Jean, White Plains, NY David Leach, Chatham, NJ Andrew LeStage, Manchester, MA Drew Lipsher, New York, NY Summer Programs Nicole W. Fyvie, Roslindale, MA Chris Burke, Camp Becket Executive Director Peter E. Garrell, Manhattan Beach, CA Moms’ Association Executive Committee Adam R. Gaynor, Brooklyn, NY Sarah Baglio, Bronx, NY Shannon Donovan-Monti, Chimney Corners Camp Executive Director Anna K. Goldman, Washington, DC Susan A. Beringer, Temple, NH Peter T. Grave, Boston, MA Kristin L. Draper, Canton, MA John D. Hancock, Belmont, MA Linda S. Bernstein Farwell, Milton, MA Courtney A. Hendricson, Cheshire, CT Rebecca Fasciano, Lincoln, MA Dan Berg, Camp Becket Assistant Director Emily M. Herbette, New London, CT Jo-Anna Fischman, West Hartford, CT Lynn Hover, Randolph, MA Diane Gardner, Arlington, MA Berta Sinclair, Chimney Corners Camp Assistant Director Arthur A. Hurwitz, Bedford, MA Daseta Gray, New York, NY Justin M. Ihne, Kinnelon, NJ Diana LaRock, Yonkers, NY Sarah M. Klionsky, Cambridge, MA Melissa Lawson, Woodbridge, CT David Lind, Cambridge, MA Sidney McCullers, Los Angeles, CA Brenda Mercure, Cumberland, RI Terri Moore, Duxbury, MA Andrew L. Schupack, Warwick, RI Kelley M. Sanders, Armonk, NY D. Scott Taylor, Mendon, MA Roberta L. Sinclair, Becket, MA Gina B. Solomon, Wellesley, MA Aline Ferris, Camp Becket Registrar Yana DeLuca, Chimney Corners Camp Registrar Alysa Austin, Director, Travel and Service Programs Rebekah McCluskey, Assistant Director, Travel and Service Programs Michael McCullers, Los Angeles, CA Anne Messitte, New York, NY Berkshire Outdoor Center Alexander Roth, London, UK Steve Hamill, Executive Director Robert “Tucker” Schuldt, Simsbury, CT McKenna Style, Assistant Director David Smith, Chevy Chase, MD Amber Banta, Program Coordinator Dads’ Association Executive Committee Anthony Takazawa, Westwood, MA Sarah Holmes, Program Coordinator Josh Apter, New York, NY Derek Tate, Bronxville, NY Brendan Jones, Program Coordinator Richard W. Bankart, Westwood, NJ Young Alumni Action Group Administration David Lovely-Tallon, Program Coordinator Austin Burkett, Brooklyn, NY Lilith H. Ben-Or, New York, NY Jay Farwell, Milton, MA Jamie N. Bogert, Ridgewood, NJ Nicole Cabelka, Office Manager and Registrar Jeremy Feigelson, Tarrytown, NY Micah L. Dornfeld, Philadelphia, PA Roger L. Hecq, Darien, CT Annie M. Golovcsenko, Alexandria, VA Food Service William H. Hertz, Dedham, MA Shaz Atwell, Camp Becket Food Service Director Philip M. Hirshberg, Newton, MA Elizabeth R. Gutschenritter, New York, NY Dean Kaufman, Millburn, NJ Zachary J. LaRock, Yonkers, NY Mik Monti, Chimney Corners Camp Food Service Director Keith Koslov, New York, NY Samuel A. Michaels, Washington, DC Ken Kreinsen, Westwood, MA Alexander N. Porter, Brighton, MA Yvonne Savery, Receptionist Properties Roy W. Krueger, Redding, CT Adam J. Rintell, Chestnut Hill, MA Accounting Steve Turner, Director Edmund Mander, New York, NY C. Marisa Rodriguez, Brooklyn, NY Scott A. Miller, Belmont, MA Lucy P. Schuldt, Boston, MA Conan Freud, New York, NY Julia Superka, Brooklyn, NY Phil Connor, Chief Executive Officer Jim Brown, Chief Operations Officer Christine Kalakay, Chief Financial Officer Brenda Marsian, CFRE, Chief Development Officer Kathy Pagliuca Murphy, Director of Human Resources Jodi Astore-Davine, Accountant Gary Clark, Assistant Director Stella Ting, Hartsdale, NY Stacey Turner, Dedham, MA Linda Laston, Bookkeeper Alumni Council Keith A. Roberts, Hinesburg, VT Savi M. Tuber, Washington, DC Development Alexander W. Aidun, Brooklyn, NY Scott Sutherland, Burlingame, CA Karly L. Wentz, New York, NY Daniel J. Barcan, Roslindale, MA Christopher E. Touloukian, Indianapolis, IN Stuart H. Winchester, New York, NY John Anz, Director of Annual Fund and Alumni Relations Kim Raftery, Stewardship and Development Specialist Aisha G. Bennett, New York, NY Allison M. DeLuca, Tacoma, WA Stephanie K. Donohue, Somerville, MA Jeffrey M. Fay, Lutz, FL 4 Jeffrey Turk, Needham, MA William A. Walsh, Cortlandt Manor, NY Richard R. Weihe, New York, NY Elyse J. Yarmosky, Brooklyn, NY Henry and Ina Gibson Lifetime Giving Society The Henry and Ina Gibson Lifetime Giving Society recognizes those benefactors who have made cumulative cash gifts of over $500,000 to help transform Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA. Named in honor of our earliest and most revered leaders, Henry and Ina Gibson, we are pleased to present these very special supporters. Gutschenritter Family Justin and Merrilou Hillenbrand Roch and Carol Hillenbrand Ruth Ann Phillips Ian and Christina Winchester Donors of Distinction Donors of Distinction are individuals who have made cumulative cash gifts over $25,000 to the camps and Berkshire Outdoor Center in 2015. Anonymous (2) Allen Family Foundation R. Craig Collister Brenda and Eugene Delsener Jim, Gigi, Danny and Annika Goldman Amy and David Gutschenritter The Hillenbrand Family Foundation MA DPH Alliance of Mass. YMCAs Michael and Sidney McCullers Amelia Peabody Charitable Fund Tania Phillips and Jeff Dover John S. Rosenberg and Susan J. Bennett Paul and Martha Samuelson Tony Takazawa and Cathy Dudley (d) YMCA of the USA (d) indicates the donor is deceased. 5 2015 Annual Fund Tamarack Ben Appen and Leslie Chang Sugar Maple Barbara and Paul Fitzgerald ($5,000 and Above) Mark and Martha Arnold ($1,000-$2,499) The Flanagan Family Anonymous (2) Jim and Janet Averill* Anonymous (6) Bob and Jane Forsberg* Jill and David Altshuler* The Bernhardt Family Barbara Abraham Carol MacKinnon Fox Bank of Grandpa Brian Bieluch* Peter, Anne and Will Garrell* Bike for Brent Catherine Bird and Jonathan Delgado* Michael D. Achey and Susan E. Thomas Charitable Foundation* Frank Buxton Rachel and Luyen Chou* Judith and Ronald Adler* Dave Geiger CBB Fund James and Sara Christian* Alexander Aidun* Marcia and Frank Gens* Anne and Tom Condon* The Amlicke Family Lesley Gold and Scott Sutherland Philip and Mary Jo Erickson Connor* John and Brenna Anz* The Gold Family* Dean and Linda Crowley* Julia Austin David H. Good and Linda Schupack* Stephen and Liana Desio Daniel Baginski* Bill and Emily Gottlieb Jeremy Feigelson and Eugenie Allen* Laurence and Warrenetta Baker* Robert and Jennifer Graham* Fichtner Family The Bakers Sean Gumbs and Melissa Caldwell Chris and Peggy Finn Richard W. Bankart* Norah Hass and Ted Lund* Daniel and Amy Ford* Judith Barendse and Steven Chang* Brian and Jennifer Hazelwood* Ted and Mary Hoppe Karola and Peter Jungbacker Joele Frank and Laurence Klurfeld Charitable Fund* Laurie Bayer* Audrey Beeber and Greg David Ben and Katherine Hough Andy and Maria LeStage Rich and Jami Goldman* Shari Berman and Tom Dicker Bud Hurwitz* Andrew Lipsher* Kenneth Gould and Mary Kesson* Bonnie Bermas and Mark Link* Hurwitz Zawel Family* Helaine Lipsher Mike Grunebaum and Ruth Graver The Botein Family Carrie and Walter Jones* Eileen and Stephan Marceau* Bruno and Augie Haas Beth and Don Briggs Bill Kahn and Dana Sobel* Michael and Sidney McCullers* Stephen and Jennifer Hart* Jim and Fumiko Brown* Beth and Dean Kaufman* Robert and Joyce Mims* John Harvey and Kazie Metzger* Laird and Susan Burnett* Alan and Marcia Kibbe Tania J. Phillips and Jeffrey S. Dover Aaron and Katherine Hood Family Fund The Cappelli Family David W. Knapp* Quincy Pediatric Associates, Inc.* Monique L. Jean* Will Cavanagh Meghan Knight* Bob and Luanne Rich* Jensen Martin Gift Fund Parents of Lucas Chacko Mary Kraft* Richard Rubin* William Land and Margaret Seif* Ronald and Linda Chen Duncan Kruse and Alison Melick* Paul and Martha Samuelson Peter and Bridget Lawrence* Richard and Cynthia Chrisman The Lane Family Peter Scher and Kim Tilley* Andrew and Melissa Lawson* Anne and Roger Christian Wade and Marie Layton* Tucker and Robin Schuldt* David and Laura Lind Laura Christian* Steve LeMenager and Laura Huntsman* Schwarz Partners L.P. Sandra Marwill and James Jampel* John and Pat Ciarleglio* Justin Lifflander* The Sharry Family* John and Tracy Mayo-Smith Fund Ben and Cindy Clements* Jon Lucas and Erin Walsh Megan Sheetz and Trevor Price Anne Messitte and Dan Rapport* Adrienne Colby* Sandra R. Mann* Greg and Julia Steinmetz* Scott and Anne Miller and Family* Becca Constantine* Brenda Marsian and John Kaufhold* Julie Sternberg* Muchnic Foundation Cross Family Charitable Fund* Sean and Lisa McCarthy* Tony Takazawa and Cathy Dudley (d)* Suzanne and Kenneth (d) Nash* Mike and Julie McTernan* Dr. Derek Tate and Mr. Thomas McDonald* John B. Nickerson* The Welles Remy Crowther Charitable Trust* Ruth Ann Phillips* Gunther and Valerie Delker* Wild Geese Foundation Lisa and Jonathan Sack* Betty Lee and Dudley Digges Fund Spencer Olin Taylor Dick and Jane Donovan and Family* White Birch Katharine Walker* Jane and Josh Douglass ($2,500 - $4,999) Walker Adams Charitable Trust* Jeff Egan and Dawn McAvoy R. Craig Collister* Brenda and Eugene Delsener Joseph and Mieko Draper Kevin and Heather Entricken* Jim and Lynn Finkelstein* Jim, Gigi, Danny and Annika Goldman* Amy and David Gutschenritter* Justin and Merrilou Hillenbrand* The Hinman Foundation Susan Fabry and Lothar Windels Sherrell Andrews and Rob Kuhbach Sam Austin Fichtner 6 Anonymous (2) Names with a * symbol are five years or more consecutive donors to the Annual Fund. Andy, Tucker, Max and Treanna Geiger* The Media Foundation Chuck Morris and Tia Dennis* Alissa and Doug Morrison Morrissey-Ryan Family* Vicky and Peter Newman New World Foundation Sarah and Ted Normand (d) indicates the donor is deceased. 2015 Annual Fund Matt Oberg David Alpert and Quincy Cotton Adam Farren* David, Theresa and Sarah Levine* Robert and Carol Orr* Jim and Shaz Atwell* The Feldgoise Family Martin Lodish and Kristin Schardt Peter and Kelly Ostberg* The Barron/Yelnosky Family Eugene Ferrer and Michele Curry The Malloy Family* Jane G. Washburn Parker* Anne and Rick Barton Thomas and Carolyn Fiore* Yolonda and Meredith Marshall Randy and Nancy Parker* Stephen and Rady Bauer* Gila and Barry Fischman Jennifer and Ian McAllister-Nevins John Perini and Maura Mallaney* Keir Beadling and Hilary Pierce Jason and Heidi Fortin Dr. Michael McGuill and Jonathan Scott Oliver Platt and Camilla Campbell Becket Third Period Football Richard Frank and Alison Conant* Peter and Elena Mead Jennifer Hellman Pomroy* Susanne Berg and Daniel Whitt* David P. Friedley* Susan S. Meeker Charitable Fund J. Brian Potts Berger Family Foundation Alexandra Fuchs and Gideon Argov Zack and Cori Meisel The Richelson Family Sanford Bernhardt John and Mary Furlong The Family of Jonah Meltzer* Heather and Keith Roberts* David Ben-Ur and Felicia Herman Elise and Neil Gabriele Jodie Meyer and Steve Tuber John S. Rosenberg and Susan J. Bennett* Clive and Sandra Blackwood Annie and Bob Gatewood* Marc, Tracy and Cameron Miller Phillip Block and Judith Ivry Gavin Family Fund Jason Mintz Joseph Rosenfeld Foundation Ruma and Sandip Bose* David Geltmen Charitable Gift Fund Tom Nagorski and Anne Heller Alexander and Erin Gibson Roth* Alan and Susan Bowers* Sarah and Sam Gerritz Brendan E. Neary Stephanie and Jason Rund Deborah and Drew Brennan* The Gertz Family* Larry and Carol Nichols* Ginny and Mike Rutkowski* Jake Brill Steven Gilbert and Maura Toomey Peter O’Brien Paul and Colleen Ryan Steven and Melissa Brill David Godfried and Diana Contreras* The Overbay Family* Shireen and John Sabat John V. Bryant and Elizabeth J. Egan* Janie Goldenberg and Steve Albert Marc and Lauren Patterson* Harriet Samuelson* Chris Bumcrot and Evie Gurney Greenhouse Family Fund Joseph Penachio and Robyn Mazur Laura and Jeremiah Scharf* The Carballal Family Cille and Lloyd Griffith* William Persampieri Steven Schechter and Diane Winston* Ana and Tomas Chadwick Eric and Laurie Grimes Bob Persons and Jeannie Chaisson* Kimberly Armstrong Silcox and Dane S. Silcox* The Chayet Family Evan and Wendy Grossman Dr. Jeffrey B. Persons Ronald and Linda Chen Jacob Hacker and Oona Hathaway Nancy and Dave Phillips, Jr. The Cooper Family Shacknai Hall Donor Advised Fund Andrew and Beth Pierce* Sons of Noble Giving* Douglas Cornelius and Natascha George Trent Harkrader and Deena Shetler Kate Platt Austin Spang and Martha Elliot Spang* Philip S. Harper Foundation David Rishikof Topher Cox* David B. Srere Henderson-Fuller Family* The Roe Family The Cross-Agerton Family Drs. Michael Steinberg and Felice Heller* Christian and Celia Hicks Roseborough Grill, Inc. Andrew and Marilyn Cruickshank Hirshberg Family Charitable Fund Roth Family Charitable Fund Malcolm and Barbara Crystal* Randy and Lynn Hover* Lee Rudy and Caryn Karmatz Rudy James “Ducky” Curtiss* The Jasons* Andres E. Saldana and Elizabeth Miller* Daly/Willams Family Brad Johnston The Schissel Family DeMarco Charitable Trust Chris and Deb Jones The Shadek Family Adam and Rachel Dicker Angie Karna and Chand Sooran John and Allie Sharry Ibrahim Domian Debbie and Abram Klein* Beth and David Shaz* Louise and Charles Domina The Diana Dollar Knowles Foundation Bonni and Jon Shenk Shannon Donovan-Monti and Michael Monti* Steve and Lisa Kops* The Sigall-Gaynor Family* Bill and Beth Krueger Lisa Sloane and Bob Nason* The Kuperstein Family Tim Sloman Brian and Dede LaRock* John and Krista Smith Lori and Eric Lazar and Girls The Solomon Family* David and Kelly Leach* Peter and Gina Solomon Charitable Fund Eileen Simon and Jim Anderson Sandra L. Sonn Edward Steinfeld and Zhuqing Li Cindy Stiles and John West* Jim and Julia Streit Scott and Celeste Taylor John Triedman and Susan Hellerstein* Uberoi Family Douglas and Jennifer Urquhart Henry, Jacob and Ethan Wang* Richard and Friday Weihe Meredith and Chuck Downton The Wingate Family* Scott Draper* Red Spruce ($500-$999) Anonymous (18) The Draper-Shaul Family* Rebecca Driscoll and Jon Bachman Gabrielle Dunn* Stephen Fabry and Leslie Scherl* Lori Leibovich and Larry Kanter Names with a * symbol are five years or more consecutive donors to the Annual Fund. 7 2015 Annual Fund Mark and Corey Sprague The Burke Family* The Gutteridge Family* The Logan Family Robert and Lisa Sprouls Joyce and Austin Burkett Heide Hancock Cal and Ann Low* Aguilera Steinert Family Todd and Andrea Burrick* Stephen and Jane Handley Winnie C. Mackey* Doug Stumberger* David S. Butler* Jacob Hanrahan Katherine Mason Kenneth Suh Jon and Linda Chilson* The Harrington Family Sean and Kara Madden Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Trautmann III Susan and Ted Choi-Hausman Jim and Martha Maloney The Turk Family* Jonathan and Kimberley Crocker* Alyssa Haywoode and Malcom Robinson Stacey Pierce Turner and Michael Turner* Hugh and Judy Cuthbertson* Tim Hellman Charlotte Mao and Michael Brown* Audrey C. DaDalt Courtney Hendricson* David M. Margolis* Ben and Katie Daigle* Parents of Jason Hertz* Michael and Ellen Martin* Richard and Janet Daigle Richard and Michelle Hicks* Christy McAvoy and Walter Kane Andrew Dash and Sandra Krieger* Ann Benson Hill Dan and Stacey McCarthy* Connie Dawson Elizabeth and James Holmes* Scott and Margaret McConchie* Thomas H. Day and Sari Alter Sarah Holmes Karen and Drake McFeely* Dave and Laurie DeLuca Bob and Caroline Horgan Jane and Chris McGrath Nathaniel Dodge The Howell Family Wooda and Kerry McNiven* Robin Menzies Karly Wentz Steven Wilkinson Maren Willard Andrew and Mary Wilson The Wisdom Family Mike Wishnie and Cathy Edwards* The Witt Family Larry Wright* Edmund and Lelia Mander Jeff Domina and Tracy Ainsworth* Hresko/Gravallese Family Fund The Wright Macphee Family Chris and Clare Dowd P. Samuel Hsieh Vic Metzger Summer Zeh and James Wexler Thomas Downes and Ann Velenchik* Tom and Cari Huszar Susan and Robert Michaels* Annie Eaton’s Folks Charlotte E.J. Hutchings* Rachel Miller and Kent Becker Nicole Eisenman Chuck Imbergamo and Family Marsha and Edward Moller Matt and Jennifer Eliot Gregory Jones and Marie FlahertyJones Andy Moynahan* Mountain Laurel ($250-$499) Anonymous (20) Ann and Abul Abbas* Graham Agee Michael Ahrens Chris Aidun and Susan Weiner Bill Alderman Burt Alimansky and Arlene West Sarah and Chris Andrysiak Raymond and Cynthia Aten Matt and Jami Axelrod* John and Sarah Baglio Gordon S. Barr* Anne and Mark Becker Becket Volunteer Fire Dept. Brady and Nicole Berg* Jeffrey and Cheryl Berman Steve and Sarah Berson Scott Blum* Marc Brahaney* Ab and Abby Brody Eric Brose and Jan Seymour Scott Brown Angel Krimm Brunelle 8 Keith Entricken and Roberto Melendez Timothy and Sarah Eustis Brendan Everett and Anna Rutherford Thomas and Stephanie Favia* Evan Fetras Tracey M. Finn Robin Fins, Sam Brian and Ruthie Brian Laurence and Ann Fitzmaurice Kathleen Fogarty Bob and Laurie Forsberg Liza Josephson and Robert Adamenko Ken and Joan Samuels Kaiser* Christine Kalakay* Robert D. Kalter* Sharon and Matt Kaplan* Rachel Karliner and Neil Binder* Jeffery Keffer Sarah Klionsky and Nicholas Nelson* Rachel (Krefetz) and Chris Fyall* Kitty and Don Mullen* Donna Mullis Elizabeth Coombs Corke Myers Myers Family Foundation Mitch Nash* Seth and Mary Nash Elton Ogden Bill O’Hearn and Diana Smith Family of Dani Orenstein Mark Lande Michael and Mary Paiewonsky Charitable Fund Stephen Lebowitz Roger F. Penn* The LeBuhn Family Bob and Cathy Persons* Leinenveber Family Thach Pham and Karin Render Liz Lesnick and Jonathan Gross Richard and Cynthia Pierce Matt and Molly LeStage Judith Pincus and Conan Freud Richard and Barbara LeStage* Harlan Pinto* Dianne L. Geiger Raymond and Mary Leung Charitable Fund The Gierkink Family Becky Plattus, Jess Parrott and James Parrott Yasemin Levine Andrea and Neil Goldberg Family Fund Alexander Porter David Levinger Peter Grave Steve Levison* Mike Principe and Jamie Alexander Principe Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grignaffini Kathryn Link Kim Raftery* Bill and Ricki Fountain* Frelinghuysen Giving Account Joe French* Ronald Fried and Ellen Crane Sandy Gadsby* Diane Gardner and Matt Magee* Wayne and Marilyn Gass* Names with a * symbol are five years or more consecutive donors to the Annual Fund. 2015 Annual Fund Brian and Jessica Reilly Bob Brown and Sam DiFalco Bob and Ginny DeConinck Susie Reiss and David Mabbott Howard Wishnie, MD and Catherine Mitkus LICSW Marlynne and Gianna Brown Jane and Jack Dickison Carolyn Riccardelli Kevin Worth Myles Brown and Judy Garber The Dines Family The Roberts-McInturff Family The Wizner Family Tina Browne Carol Diuguid and Sohrab Habibion Jon Roy and Katie Chilson* Fred and Pat Ziegler* Mark Burak Arthur Djang and Stella Ting* John and Irene Bush* The Dodge Family Rick and Nancy Bushnell Sara Donohue* George S. Butler* DSM The Butler Family Deeth Ellis* Nicole Cabelka* Raymond and Sherri Ellsworth Ray and Toni Cameron Kathryn and Peter Elsea Whitney Canfield John and Norma Elser Maureen and Curt Cannata* Judith Entricken* David Cantler The Ertel Family* Cantler Family Elizabeth Vogt Evans and Ian Evans Philip Capobres Charitable Fund Katherine and Robert Eyre Fund Carter Family Donation Fund Becca and Chris Fasciano* Sarah Sheppard Casey* Thomas Favia Amalie Ceen and Adam Melnick Linda Fentiman and Arthur Levine Cenedella Aldrich Family Federal Street Advisors Tracy and Chisholm Chandler* Aline M. Ferris Don P. Chase Chris Finn’s Dad Lauren Chetel* Fisher Family Fund Rita Christopher Gary and Marta Flaum Jason Claire and Mark Dybul Skip Flinn and Mardi Young* Gary and Karen Clark Steve and Barb Clarke Laurence Flood and Mary Tyler Knowles* Peter Clevenger Tom and Anne Focone Karen and Spencer Compton David Foley and Paul Fiore Connecticut Resource Group LLC Andrew Fox Kevin Connolly Sophia Fox-Dichter* The Conquergood Family Annie Fine and David Frankel Elizabeth Coogan Betsy Doolittle Freeman Bradley R. Cook* Gregory D. Frick* A. Curts Cooke Joe Furlong Michael and Emily Cooper Loretta and Peter Fyvie* Philip and Wendy Cooper Nicole Fyvie and Karin Gemeinhardt* Cosel-Pieper Family Foundation Nancy and Michael Gaba* Edith Rubenstein and Clifford Berman* Issy and Sue Salvini* Kelley and Michael Sanders Christin Sandweiss Schiller/Jensen Family* John Schmertzler Scott Schneeberger Donna and Andy Schupack* Josh Schupack* Carolyn and Louis Schwartz Scioletti / Teitleman Family David E. Shellenberger* Steve and Jamie Sherman Jean Silva* Berta Sinclair* David Sirowich* Evelyn Small and Eric Goldman* Thomas H. Smith* Dinny Starr and Alan Gordon* Abby Conviser Steele The Steinfield Family* Peter and Debbie Strzetelski Wendy Swain Sarah Hauptman Takats Janet Taylor* Carol and Eustace Theodore Jeffrey Trumbower* YouMon Tsang and Mary Flynn Savi Tuber Steve Turner* Brock Veidenheimer* Chip and Melanie Vetter* American Beech ($100-$249) Anonymous (55) 2009 Camp Becket Aides Matt A. Julie and Brian Adams Ad Staff 2015 Richard and Helen Albertson Victor and Cathy Alfandre* Sari Alter Spider and Judy Alton Eric Andersen Ron and Barbara Anderson* The Aronson Family Eliza Austin Ellen Baer and Roger Leeds Tali Balas Bettye and Steve Barcan Dan and Leah Barcan Tapp Barnhill Johanna Barros Charles and Dorothy Basdekis* Jonathan and Anya Bassett* Rev. Joseph and Nancy Bassett Kim Lane Bellomy* Aisha Bennett Lil Ben-Or* Lynn (McDonald) Bentaleb Gerald and Barbara Berg Ellen and Mark Berson* Edward Bing and Linda Atkinson Viscidi Family Trust Kristen Bornemeier Blabey and Robert Blabey Bill Vogt and Diane Doerr Vogt* Betsy Bogard Maia Crandall Nicole Gallagher Will and Marion Walsh Russell Bollag-Miller* Denise and Richard Crisona Andrew and Gina Galland* Tom Webster* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Boyce Cristina - Friend of Eliza Jeremy and Danielle Galland The Whelan Family Alan Brazier* Patricia Curley D. Garland* Jane and Robie White Fund Bob and Rhea Brooks Douglas Cuthbertson Jeffrey and Paula Gaynor Wieman/Ryan Charitable Fund Ruth Brower Richard and Roberta Davis Nicholas Gideonse and Mariam Higgins Names with a * symbol are five years or more consecutive donors to the Annual Fund. 9 2015 Annual Fund John and Erin Giesser Peter Howe and Holly LeCraw Howe Eric G. Leach-Rodriguez Valerie Morhaime and Ilana Curtis Rick Gladstone and Peggy Chan Jon Howell Mei and Chris Morin Liane Clamen Glazer* Cindy and John Hughes Robin Grossman Ledversis and Kevin Ledversis* Kate Marshall Huntington* Seddon W. Legg Isobel and Abby Morrison Justin M. Ihne* Eduardo and Belkys Leon Mountain Grove Association Meg and Ed Ingalls Christopher and Nathalie LeStage Susan Moynihan Suzanne W. Goldman Rusty and Lynette Irons Marilyn and Garner LeStage* Kathy Pagliuca Murphy Annie Golovcsenko Beth Jackendoff The Levin Family Tim Murphy* Ann and Ethan Jacoby The Lew Family Tom Murphy Clarence Murray Julie and David Grand Steven Johnson and Elizabeth Viehmann* Carolyn Lewerenz David A. Libby Kathleen Murray Ted and Sally Grave Barbara McCuen Jones* Ching-Yu Jason Lin My Dog’s Place LLC Daseta Gray Erik Jungbacker Eric and Laura Lind Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Myles* Linda Greenberg* Junior Unit Staff Carol Lipsitch and Stephen Figlewski Nate Ellen and Norton Greenfeld Lila Kanner Leah Lipton and Edward Koral Nature’s Classroom Jamie Greenthal* Herb Kantor* Levi Litman and Kristen Grippi-Litman* Marta Nelson and David Jones* Garth Greimann Thomas Karoff and Pamela Furtsch Mimi and Russ Longyear* Joseph and Ann Neville David and Cathy Gronewold Liza Karsten and Daniel Nienaltow Michael and Melissa Lurie Danforth and Elizabeth Newcomb Charles P. Gullage Hallie, Adam and Sammy Kasper* Lucy Lynch Jon and Andrea Nix John Gunn John Katinos and Anne Baker Lesley and Terry MacEachen Liz, Chris, Rebecca and Andrew Noble Libby Gutschenritter* Kauders Charitable Fund Dave Malin Sharon Nowling Matthew Gutschenritter* James and Jill Kaufman Cathleen Mallaney Betsy Noyes and Nick Smithberg Jay Haas Preston B. Keith* Sokol and Susan Malushaga Tim and Penny Oberg Mark Haber and Chiyo Moriuchi* Vasso Kelly The Mansfields Mark Odgers May Hagiwara and Miguel Herce Todd and Lisa Kiefer* Anne and Bennett Marks* Jen and Chris O’Hara Beth and Edward Halperin* Kilgore-Neuhaus Family* Douglas and Sarah Marshall Teresa O’Toole Steven Hamill* John Kitchener Alan F. Mather* Don Overly* Ben Hamilton The Knapp Family Bill McCartney and Jo-Ann Sternberg Jill Paley Bredt Handy and Chris Reynolds Rachael Knight Julie McConchie Zoe (Rosenberg) Parks Harrington and Pike, LLC Richard Kohn Eric McFeely Steve and Ellen Passage* Bill Harrison Stephen Kolderup and Jan Hiland Toni and Michael McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Paternotte Chip and Lindsay Hart Dan Kops, Jr. Shannon and Tom McKenna* Rich and Cindy Patterson* Peter and Carole Hart The Kreinsen Family* Bob and Melissa McKillip The Pearl and Davis Family Daniel Haselkorn and Martha Rayner Tim and Marilyn Lacey Andrew Meggs Kate and Sam Peretz* John Hawes and Emily Barclay* Caroline, Todd, Brit, and Greer LaFiura Dr. Adeline Merrill* Dr. Diana Perry and Carli Gilson Julia M. Hawes Jennifer Laird The Miksis Family* Nancy Persons Carrie Hayes* Meg and Duncan Laird Deborah and James Miller Fund Fabris and Ines Perusko Dave and Libby Hearne Amy LaMeyer Miller Family Bob Pettersen and Janine McVay Sawyer J. Hicks Linda Farwell Lange Miller / Reutenauer Family Liz Pezza Sam Hirschhorn* Nat Larson Mr. and Mrs. F. Joshua Millman The Phillips Family Margot Hollander Mark E. Lasoff Tad and Margie Minkler* Michele Phillips Karen and Mike Horgan Linda Laston and Family* The Monello Family Amy and Bill Pitkin Joanna Horn Helene Lauffer and Muzaffar Chishti* David P. Montague Ellen Pollock and Barry Meier* A.J. Hotaling* Mary Lawson Dan and Fiona Moore* John S. Preston* Susan and Jeff Glick Emma Goldblatt Jessie Goldblatt Mary Jane Goodrich* Marcia Graff 10 Names with a * symbol are five years or more consecutive donors to the Annual Fund. Holly and Jimmy Morris 2015 Annual Fund Andy and Wendy Pryharski* Sherondaide Mr. and Mrs. William Walsh Alysa Austin* Tom and Judy Quinn John Shriver Walshie Sarah T. Axelrod Deborah Race David and Mollie Shulan John M. Washburn III* Dorothy Hart Rand* Abbye and Daniel Silva Chloe Wasserman and Adam Mansky Barbara, Alex, Philip, Leah, and Simone Bailey Michael and Margaret Rappe Steven and Patti Silver Wendy Wasserman Kelsey Bakas Scott and Elaine Ravelson Paula Silvestrone and Paul Shew George Watson* John Baker Jennifer Raymond (ne Crowley)* Jeffrey and Ginny Simon* Jonathan Baldwin Ken Reeves* Rick Simonsen C. Michael Weaver and Jessica Goldman Elizabeth Reilly Susan M. Sivard and Harrison Sohmer* Sam Webber Melvin Barnum Linda Reineman Lisa Soltani and John Plotz Dick Weed The Barrett Family Tallmadge S. Renault Linda Spang and Denise Elwart Rick and Becky Weinberg* Bob and Cindy Basdekis* Lloyd and Lisa Resnick* The Spinelli Family Erica Weingast* Emily Bastian Gayle and Tom Reu* Melinda Stanford and Bill Grimes* Eric Weinstein and Helen Wong Jacob Beck Kate Reynolds and Ben Ratliff Jeff and Helen Stauder* The Weinstein-Hershkovitz Family Jane Bellet* Paul and Susan Reynolds* Peter Steding Daniel Wilder* Ashanté G. Bennett The Rice Family Tim and Cathy Steding* John Williams Karen Bensley Riess Family George and Dorothy Stephenson* Sarah and Scott Williams The Rimler Family Lauren R. Stevens Will’s Sister Jeanne and David Rintell Jeffrey Stirling James Wylie Albert Bergeret, Gail W. Wofford, Genevieve Bergeret, and Charles Bergeret* The Roberts Family* Rachel Stoler Mary and Steve Yarmosky* C. Marisa Rodriguez* Jenny Storch Lin Zhan Jason Rosenbaum Robert and Susan Storch Zhimin Zhu Nina Rosenberg* The Svendsens Carol and Bob Ziegenhagen Nancy Tallman George Zipf* Andrew and Susan Tamoney Alexander and Michelle Zuver Becca Roth Thinkso Creative, LLC Roman Zwetkow Jack Roth Karenbeth Tilden Adam B. Ruben* Richard and Alice Toll* Christopher Ryan and Lauren Picker* Dino and Joan Torchia* Sanders Charitable Fund The Touloukian Family Beth Sauerbrunn Matthew and Lisa Trottier* The Savage Family Erika Tullberg Marcy Miller Schaffir UNGOWA (2) Joel Schiavone David and Janice Vaughn Rebekah Schlesinger Sheila Veidenheimer Joe Schmelzeis Mark Vermylen Philip R. Schriver Frederic and Anne Veron Sarah Clabby Schroeder Daryl Veysey and Peter Veysey John G. Schuler* Nancy Vineberg Beth Schultz and Drew Curtis Elizabeth Vinton David Scobey and Denise Thal* Lisa and Italo Visco* Scott Segal The Wakamatsu - Berk Family* Sonal and Pinak Shah Howie Waldman Joan and Mike Shane Anna Walsh John Ross William Ross and Eden Spadea Zaina Bankwalla Dick Berg and Lisa Berman* Dot and Ed Bernard Eleanor Birch The Bird Family George Blackburn The Blum Family Jamie Bogert Chris Bolster (Up to $99) Aaron Bond Anonymous (162) Justin Bond 2011 Camp Becket Aides Kirsten Slusar Bossin 2012 Camp Becket Aide Deb Brackett* Rehana Abbas Christian Braddy Carolyn Abedor and Claire Dickson Mika Brewer George Adams Marlissa Briggett Sydney Agger The Britt-Webb Family James Ahrens Julie and Dan Brody Pat and Debbie Aitro Rebecca Brown Peter Alberding Renée Brown Skylar Albertson Anna and David Bryant Julia Alexander and Andrew Housiaux Benjamin Bryant James Alexander-Dann Douglas Bryant Diane and Bill Alston Allie Bryson Meg Anderson Julie Leff Buchanan The Asaro Family Robert Buck* Callie Atwell James Buechl* Names with a * symbol are five years or more consecutive donors to the Annual Fund. 11 2015 Annual Fund Sam Bumcrot K. Day Noah Gans-Pfister* Liam Jackson Paul Butler Patricia Day Sara Gebhard Mary Alice Jackson Bailey Byrne Alex de Sherbinin Aaron Gerber Robert and Donna Japp Cabin Casa Grande 2nd Session 2015 Ben and Mary Demerath Gibey Alec Jones Marc Cadorette Peter Demerath Elizabeth Gilbert Colin Jones Grady Campion Russell N. Gilmore* Junior Unit Staff (18) Camp Wicosuta Kristen Forsberg Diebus and Mark Diebus Kyle Gladman Nico Jünke David Canfield Roisin Doherty Steve and Helen Goetz* Carrie Dickison Jurus Lori Carbone Jake Donohue Jennifer Gold Cleo Juster Julia Carroll* Frederic Donovan and Ayn Whytemare Kay and Michael Goldbeck* Gerald H. Kahn Stephen Carvell Dougherty Family Charitable Fund Phil and Karen Goldberg Noam Kahn William “BC” Case Stanley H. Drucker Jim and Debbie Golden Beth Kanter and Peter Miller Paul Casino* Daniel Duarte Poveda Anna Goldman* Mr. and Mrs. David Karalis Teri Chace The Duffy Family* Danny Goldman Robert Karz Kate Chapman Louis Dzialo Carolyn Ferris Gombosi* Susan Katcher Niki Chimberg EDM Billy Gordenstein Swati and Bill Kearney Chimney Staff Melinda Edwards* Elyse Gordon Mary Kelly Joy Clark and Jack Deutsch Melva Eidelberg Micah Gordon F. Marc Kittner and Ashley Hulsey Charlotte Clarke Robert Ellertsen* Sue Gould Joel Klasky Miriam Conrad and Ed DeAngelo Mark Ellliott* Kris Grabarek Danni “Dribbs” Kleiman* John Consedine Caswell Ellis Melissa and Guy Graff Alison Klurfeld The Corson Family Escapaides 2010 (4) John and Katherine Greenthal* Hendrik Knoess Reginald A. Cortana, Sr. Stephen Evans Hannah Grenfell Ashley Koatz Abi Coulter Alex Fabry Donna Gresh and Jeff Kephart Sarah Koatz Michelle Cove The Fawzi Family Merril Guzman Lori Krasner and Michael Zackman David B. Cox* Jeff Fay* Colie Haahr Isaiah Kriegman Benjamin A. Crocker* John Feigelson Nancy Hajek Cindy Krol Julia Cunningham Brandon Few Selby Ham and Melissa Munn Theo Kruse Stephanie Curci Madison Finn* Hanadel Family Fred and Lynn Kudish Michael Curtis Jack Fischman Mats Harmuth Jeremy and Katrina Kugel The Dachers Howard and Suzanne Fitts Devin Harris Bonnie MacDonald LaFave Nalini Dacy Molly Fitzgerald Nathan Harris* Becky Lane Denise, Peter and Lauren D’Agostino Susan Fletcher Wally and Barbara Hart* Mr. and Mrs. Allan Larrabee Jake Dahill-Fuchel Susan Flint-Vincent Carol and Charles Hattaway Clifford and Jennifer Lent Sharon Dalton and Fred Dalton Jessica Foster Heather Hayes* Pamela Leven Philip T. Dancause Sandra Frackleton Mr. and Mrs. Edward Healey David Levine Gift4Giving Program Hilary Daniels Shirley Franchi Eric Heath Roger Lewis* Katherine and Carlos DaSilva James D. Fraser Tom Hennick* The Lochart Family* Ann Davis M. Freedman* Emily King Herbette Louie and Wendy Mackenzie Davis Nicole Freeman Hannah Davison The Hines Family - Eliza Austin’s Cousins Eleanor Lowe Scott L. Freeman Elizabeth Dawson Logan Gaisford Anne Hogan William N. Lyons, Jr* Edward Day Joe and Denise Gandolfi Mr. and Mrs. Barclay G. Howe Jr. Laurie Lytel Elizabeth Day J. Marvin Gangemi* Ali (Potts) Huckins Eileen MacLennan* 12 Names with a * symbol are five years or more consecutive donors to the Annual Fund. Katie L. Lupo 2015 Annual Fund Maura Magistrali A. J. Nunes David and Terri Scheff* Dhananjay Tiwari Linda Magram Liam O. Lee Schmertzler Ellen H. Toubman Sarah Malcolm Jordan O’Connor The Schmill Family Bailey S. Trevisan Ayden Y. Mallory Mr. and Mrs. Robert O’Connor Laurel and Michael Schnitman* Roger and Kathy Tunsley Mr. and Mrs. James Manley Conor Sean O’Neill Lucy Schuldt* Louis C. Turner Francesca Mansky Samuel O’Reilly The Schulman Family* Mackenzie Turner The Marcos Family* Robert Ouimette Barbara S. Schwallie* UNGOWA (25) Beth Marsh Anthony and Elizabeth S. Palladino* Scintillaides of 2008 (4) Robert and Grace Van Akin Harry and Claire Marshall* Fay Parker Kallen Seamer Jonathan Vance Grace Mateos Rhonda Patrick Laura Seide Cece Vayda Betsy and Lou Matlack Laura Payne Senior Unit Staff (18) Emily Vicens James Matlack Patricia Payne Todd Shera Michelle Vieira Anne McCarthy Sandra Pell and Sherman Taishoff* Barbara and Bruce Shickmanter* David and Julie Vogel Ben and Patti McCarty Bob Pflugfelder Kathy J. Seltzer and Ellen Shub Eviee Walsh Kim and Clinton McClain Sofia Phay Carol and Vitus Shum Virginia Walsh* Ellie Michaud Timothy Phillips Eli C. Siegel Katie Walter* Matty McFeely James Pidacks and Judith Murray* Stephen Sinclair Linda Wang Ryan McGarity Mary Pineda Amanda Smethurst Mike Ward and Kim Friend Daniel McGowan Peter Plagens and Laurie Feindrich Vinnie and Mark Smith Zach Ward Joe Mcloughlin Amy Post and Peter Scurlock Ann Wardwell and Tiger Donovan* Anne and Douglas Meade Karen Pratt Michael Snoddy and Joann BowmanSnoddy Christopher Purdy Heidi and Paul Soltysiak Suzanne Weeks Bruce Putterman Ruiz Soto Leonard Weiss Raemer Family Susan Spang Sophie Welbourn Pat Rathbone Richard and Gwen Steege Charles West Andrew Ratner Daniel Steinfeld Colin and Christine White Mr. and Mrs. James W. Reed Jackye Stephenson Eric and Linda White Joan Millman Matthew Regan Michael and Catherine Stephenson Stuart Winchester* Kent M. Miner* Michaela Reilly Dave Stettler Isaiah Wing Robert Restuccia and Emily Feinberg Betsey N. Stevens* Taylor Wing-Curcio and Carlo Curcio Matt Revis and Mara Littman John Stickford David Wingate Brian Reynolds The Stinchcomb Family Andrea Winslow Cliff Reynolds Jennifer and Wolfgang Stockmeier Ben Wishnie-Edwards Hollie Riddell The Stone Family Elyse Yarmosky Ben Rivitz Oliver Stromberg Teddy and Jacqueline Yarrow Amelia Robinson Alyssa Sutton John Young* Mantra Robinson Gary Tabor Perry and Noah Zack Kate Mullen and Dave Gorin Emma Routhier Jill and Eric Tarlow Barbara Zirlen Zane Murdock Rhonda Russian and Sal Giorlandino Chelsea Taylor Zuroff / Baghdoyan Family Katie Murphy Kate Rutkowski* J. Arthur Taylor Dorota Musial The Safters* Susan Taylor The Neubert Family Samuels-Kalow Family Team Gash Jack Nienaltow Jean-Ralphio Saperstein Peter Tiffany Allan Nineberg* Eliza L. Scharfstein Richard L. Tiffin Jonathan Mellman Kat Merrill Richard Meyer Ada Davi Miller Alfred Miller and Alyssa Weinstein Bill Miller Bryan and Amy Mohn Alex Moin Matt Moore Barbara D. Morin Alejzindrea Muela David Muench Denis Mulcahy Maureen Mulhern Names with a * symbol are five years or more consecutive donors to the Annual Fund. Stuart Warmflash 13 Giving to Becket-Chimney Corners Named Funds We are pleased to share with you our permanent funds that were honored with 2015 contributions. H. Adam Trautmann Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Trautmann III Steven Grave Memorial Campership Fund Brian Bieluch Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA Unrestricted Endowment Harold N. Finkelstein Memorial Fund Quincy Pediatric Associates, Inc. Jim and Lynn Finkelstein Miyoko L. Brunner Cary Lou and Glenn Canfield Samuel and Margaret Carr Stocky and Judy Clark Becket-Chimney Corners Endowed Campership Fund J. Milton Washburn, Jr. Fund Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Parker III Paul and Martha Samuelson Charitable Fund Caroline Stephenson Memorial Fund Anonymous Bill and Fran Gorman Dorothy Grave Fred and Sally Grave Peter Grave Jennifer Ann Phillips Memorial Fund Ted and Sally Grave Nancy and Dave Phillips, Jr. Eric and Laurie Grimes Arnie and Anene Seymour-Jones Bill Helman The Hillenbrand Family Foundation James Stephenson Dorothy and Will Hoyt Chapel Fund/World Service Alumni Weekend Chapel Donations Camp Becket Chapel Donations Chimney Corners Camp Chapel Donations Lee Canfield Memorial Campership Fund Lynn and Fred Kudish Cary Lou and Glenn Canfield Rosemary Little Whit and Micki Canfield Scot Little Ted and Sally Grave Anne Marone Jane G. Washburn Parker Dominique Corneille Fund Pat Krol Alison McArdle Maxine Chansky Memorial Fund Mount Snow Ski Patrol Fund Tim Murphy Anonymous Anonymous Miyoko Brunner Chris Flouton-Barnes Memory Garden Fund Ted and Sally Grave Joan Samuels Kaiser and Ken Kaiser Dorothy Irons Memorial Fund David A. Irons Rusty and Lynette Irons Phillips Dover Chimney Corners YMCA Campership Endowment Tania Phillips and Jeff Dover Other BCCYMCA Endowed Funds We are fortunate to recognize those endowed funds that have surpassed $50,000 and help to make up our overall endowment. Andrew and Dinna Robbins Dr. Paul Dudley White International Camping Fund Gerdes and Muriel Kuhbach Scholarship Fund Shellenberger Leadership Fund Steve and Helen Goetz Goldman International Endowment Fund Millenium Fund Peter Gold Memorial Fund Hank and Ellen Kuhbach Lucas Walker Family Fund Jon Lucas and Erin Walsh Wintman Gaberman Family Fund 14 Other Giving Kevin and Heather Entricken Andrew and Melissa Lawson Rebecca and Gerald Esposito David and Kelly Leach Stephen Fabry and Leslie Scherl Eric Leach and Manny Rodriguez Becca and Chris Fasciano Gordon and Barbara Leach Jeremy Feigelson and Eugenie Allen Andy and Maria LeStage Sarah Feldman and David Scharfstein Richard and Barbara LeStage Thomas and Carolyn Fiore William N. Lyons, Jr. Robert R. and Laurie A. Forsberg, Jr. The Malloy Family Carol MacKinnon Fox Sandra Marwill and James Jampel Conan Freud and Judith Pincus Michael and Sidney McCullers Peter, Anne and Will Garrell Mike and Julie McTernan Herb and Judy Gold Charitable Fund Anne Messitte and Dan Rapport Lesley Gold and Scott Sutherland Jeff and Amy Miller Paula W. Gold Katherine and Jed Miller Capital Funds Jim, Gigi, Danny and Annika Goldman Scott Miller Anonymous (4) Rich and Jami Goldman Tim Murphy Michael P. Achey and Susan E. Thomas Charitable Foundation David H. Good and Linda Schupack Vicky and Peter Newman Kenneth Gould and Mary Kesson Sarah and Ted Normand Peter Grave Thomas O’Brien Sean Gumbs and Melissa Caldwell Peter and Kelly Ostberg Amy and David Gutschenritter Jane G. Washburn Parker Libby Gutschenritter Randy and Nancy Parker Matthew Gutschenritter Bob Persons and Jeannie Chaisson Bredt Handy and Chris Reynolds Thach Pham and Karin Render Stephen and Jennifer Hart Oliver Platt and Camilla Campbell Alexandra B. Harvey Riess Family John Harvey and Kazie Metzger The Ben Rivitz Family Brian and Jennifer Hazelwood Heather and Keith Roberts Dave and Libby Hearne John S. Rosenberg and Susan J. Bennett The Hinman Foundation Alexander and Erin Gibson Roth Bud Hurwitz Becca Roth Monique L. Jean Hugo Roth Family Fund Bill Kahn and Dana Sobel Harvey and Diane Ruben Family Fund Joan Samuels Kaiser and Ken Kaiser Lee Rudy and Caryn Karmatz Rudy Rachel Karliner Ginny and Mike Rutkowski Alan and Marcia Kibbe Lisa and Jonathan Sack Meghan Knight Tom Samuelson Duncan Kruse and Alison Melick Peter Scher and Kim Tilley Brian and Dede LaRock Tucker and Robin Schuldt Peter and Bridget Lawrence Carolyn and Louis Schwartz Changing Lives: The Campaign for Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA Michael Ahrens Allen Family Foundation Jill and David Altshuler Amelia Peabody Charitable Fund Mark and Martha Arnold Julia Austin Richard W. Bankart Roni Berg and Peter Knitzer Linda (Bernstein) and Jay Farwell Ruma and Sandip Bose Marc Brahaney Laird and Susan Burnett Cary Lou and Glenn Canfield Rachel and Luyen Chou John and Pat Ciarleglio Jay and Terri Cooper Andrea and David Cross Dean and Linda Crowley Malcolm and Barbara Crystal Eugene and Brenda Delsener Joseph and Mieko Draper Stephen and Martha Ellman 15 Other Giving Jean S. Silva In-Kind Giving Aaron F. Hood The Solomon Family Anonymous Monique Jean Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Steiger Carly Anderson Matt Kaplan Drs. Michael Steinberg and Felice Heller Emma Andrews Donald Kilgore Greg Steinmetz Brian Badertscher Howard Krieger Jim and Julia Streit Richard W. Bankart Ajit Krishnaney Doug Stumberger Bolduc’s Apparel Bill Krueger Tony Takazawa and Cathy Dudley (d) Caroline Broadfoot Mark Lande Dr. Derek Tate and Mr. Thomas McDonald Heidi Brooks Kareen Laton D. Scott and R. Bruce Taylor Families Melissa Caldwell and Sean Gumbs Chris Laube Andy Triedman The Cappelli Family Peter Lawrence John Triedman and Susan Hellerstein Richard Carter Melissa Lawson The Turk Family Ninan Chacko Maria LeStage M. Brock Veidenheimer Michael Chalfin Barry Maggs and Diane Brady Katharine Walker Chris and Tracy Chandler McCrea’s Candies Walker Adams Charitable Trust James and Sara Christian Chris McKenna Rich and Friday Weihe E. Rafael Cid Montes The McTernans Dan and Donna Wilder Tom Clayton and Cassie Robbins Thelma Mielenz The Wingate Family Mary Jo Erickson Connor Rachel Miller Barbara Zirlen Denis Creeden Bryan Mohn Liana and Steve Desio Jon and Becka Moldover Karen Dines Karin Moskal Cathy Ellbogen Clarence Murray Sarah Eustis Vicky and Peter Newman Harold Evans Andy Nusser Chris Fasciano The Paiewonsky Family Jeremy Feigelson Randy Parker The Fisher Family Kepal Patel Tom Focone Fabris Perusko Marianne Gargour Nancy and Dave Phillips, Jr. Peter Garrell Pure & Wholesome Distributors Helen Goetz Dan Rapport Bill Gottlieb Scott Reynolds The Gregory Family Michael Rie Sean Hanrahan The Rishikof - Glanz Family Jordan Haskell Erin and Helen Roth Michael Healy Paul and Colleen Ryan Carl Hendrickson Andres Saldana and Elizabeth Miller Janet Hicks Nate Salvini High Lawn Farm Stephanie Sandberg Unrestricted Endowment Brian Bieluch Rachel and Luyen Chou R. Craig Collister Jim and Lynn Finkelstein Jack and Elaine Lawson Andrew Lipsher Helaine Lipsher Lisann/Shore Family Fund Nancy and Dave Phillips, Jr. Giving to Berkshire Outdoor Center Programs Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation - Central Berkshire Fund The Irene E. and George A. Davis Foundation MA DPH Alliance of Mass. YMCAs Morgridge Family Foundation 16 (d) indicates the donor is deceased. Other Giving Michael and Julie Schissel Josephine Graham’s Bat Mitzvah Dr. Steven Kuperstein (QPA) Diana Smith Peter and Alison Grave’s 1st Anniversary Francis C. Mason Julie Sternberg Sally Grave Curtis Maxant Kenneth Suh Anthony Halperin, MD Nancy Mosher McMaster Brian Tack Julia Hawes Elizabeth Minich Matt Thayer Jeffrey and Elizabeth Mather Hutchinson Diana Mobley Stella Ting David Irons Mary Moore Robert Trestan Doc Irons Andy Mullen David Vogel Dorothy Irons Kenneth Nash Will Walsh Serena Jampel Eugene L. Parker Willis Wang Katherine Koller and Zach Booz, ICEP 2015 Japan Leaders Jennifer Ann Phillips Edward Sam Webber Peter Williams Scott Williams Kira Wizner Elizabeth Zack Gordon and Becky Kraft-Todd Pat Krol Matt, Alex, Emily Lawson, Samantha, Sarah Berg Larry Lipsher’s Birthday James Paley Gifts in 2015 Honoring the Following: 2007 Jubilaides 2015 Iroquois Staff Eliza Austin’s Bat Mitzvah Daniel Barcan, Adam Barcan, Katie and Sam Draisen, Max and Abe Barcan Steve and Sharyn Bennett Angela Bianchini Renee Brown James and Sarah Christian Alexander Rahn Britton Rodman Mann Helen Roth’s Bat Mitzvah Rochelle Phillips J. Gollan “Gollie” Root Howard and Evelyn Smith Bobby Steiger Julie and Caroline Stephenson Skylar Sonn Tancredi Donald P. Todd, MD H. Adam Trautmann, IV J. Milton Washburn Jack Roth Isabel Schoeman’s Bat Mitzvah Nina Shah and Shannon Donovan Steve and Debbie Spangler Kathy and Sven Tullberg Jonny Zackman and Alec Jones Zane, Pierce and Miranda Matching Gift Companies, Charitable Gift Funds, Foundations American Express Gift Matching Program Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation Berkshire United Way BNY Mellon Community Partnership Chimney Corners and Becket Staff and Administration Danyella-Jolie Dacy Gifts in 2015 in Memory of: Audrey Claire DaDalt Andrew R. Baer Jeffrey and Garrett Domina Gail Bernstein-Gold Bill Donohue’s Special Birthday Isabel and Roy Coombs and Ted Wilfred and Evelyn Downey Garrett Domina Emma Ellis and Lisa Winfrey Michael H. Entricken Becca Fasciano Peter Fitzmaurice Jack Fischman’s Graduation Martin Gideonse Leslie Gold Steven Grave Tucker and Lila Gold Anthony Halperin Emma Goldblatt Dorothy Irons Jessie Goldblatt Brent Jackson The Boston Foundation BP Foundation, Inc. CEB Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts Community Health Charities of MA Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Eastern Charitable Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Gannett Foundation GE Foundation Genentech, Inc. Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co. LLC 17 Other Giving Houghton Mifflin Matching Gift Program Mark and Martha Arnold Elaine LeMasters HSBC Philanthropic Programs Richard Bankart Kathy Lind IBM Employee Services Center Susan and Alan Bowers Drew Lipsher ITW Foundation Mike and Kris Brown Henry and Ellen Lucas Jewish Communal Fund Glenn and Cary Lou Canfield Sandra Mann Liberty Mutual Samuel and Margaret Carr Bill and Judy McMeekin MassMutual B. Stockton and Judy Clark Wooda and Kerry McNiven Tom & Elena Matlack Charitable Foundation Patricia Day Warren and Della Meister McMaster-Carr Supply Company Douglas Alan Dittman Memorial Fund Jed and Katherine Miller The Media Foundation Charles and Meredith Downton Robert and Joyce Mims Morgan Stanley Joseph Draper Margaret Mix Morgan Stanley GIFT Ralph and Sarah Edwards E. David Mobley Morgan Stanley Smith Barney GIFT, Inc. Jim and Lynn Finkelstein David P. Montague Mutual of America Foundation Bob and Jane Forsberg Daniel and Fiona Moore National Philanthropic Trust Owen and Georgia Freas N. Karin and Rick Moskal New World Foundation Elizabeth Doolittle Freeman Steve Pequignot and Lynne Hertzog Omaha Community Foundation Lawrence Friedl Bob Persons and Jeannie Chaisson Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Peter and Anne Garrell Ruth Ann Phillips Plymouth Rock Foundation Jim and Gigi Goldman Leslie Rahn Reebok Foundation William and Frances Gorman Michael Rosenberg Rockefeller Foundation Matching Gifts Program Dorothy Grave Philip and Joanne Schriver Schwab Charitable Fund Fred and Kay Grave Andrew and Donna Schupack Silicon Valley Community Foundation Fred and Sally Grave Dane and Kimberly Silcox State Street Bank and Trust Co. Ted and Sally Grave Jean Silva Sun Life Financial Amy and David Gutschenritter Joan Smith Tektronix Foundation Matching Gift Program Stephen and Jennifer Hart Mark and Lavinda Smith TowerBrook Foundation Tom and Syd Hayden Thomas and Eleanor Smith UBS Matching Gift Program Jim and Doris Hearty Susan Smith LaTulippe United Health Group William and Elizabeth Helman James Stephenson United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley Justin and Merrilou Hillenbrand Spencer Taylor Marc and Deborah Hoechstetter Jeffrey Trumbower William and Dorothy Hoyt Katherine Walker David Irons Ian and Christina Winchester Dr. Russell Irons Bruce and Melody Wood United Way of Rhode Island Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Heritage Club Brad Johnston Members of the Heritage Club have made arrangements in their estate plans or established another planned gift with Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA as the residual beneficiary. Joan Samuels Kaiser and Ken Kaiser Ellen S. Abdow Jay and Evita Allen John and Brenna Anz 18 Michael and Laurel Ketcham David W. Knapp Pat Krol Rob Kuhbach and Sherrell Andrews Nancy and Gary Kurz Name formats were provided by the donor at the time the gift was made. Donors wishing to be listed differently in future Annual Report publications may contact the Office of Development at (413) 623-8991. A great deal of attention and time has occurred to ensure accuracy on our donor lists. We apologize in advance if an omission has been made on our reporting. Ways to Give Cash Gifts of cash are available for immediate use by Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA and are usually fully deductible for donors who itemize deductions. Checks should be made payable to Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA. Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA also accepts payment by all major credit cards. Gifts of Securities Gifts of appreciated stock shares are tax deductible and garner no capital gains on the date of transfer to Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA. For this option, be sure to contact the Office of Development, as contacting your broker alone may not ensure correct crediting of the gift to Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA in your name. IRAs/Retirement Plans Retirement plan assets are potentially the most tax burdened assets that one may own, often subject to both income and estate tax. There are several ways to gift these assets and minimize tax liabilities. Matching Gifts Many businesses and corporations match the personal gifts to not-for-profit institutions made by employees, retirees, and their family members. Contact your company’s personnel office for more information. Planned Gifts To make a bequest gift you may include Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA in your will by leaving a percentage of the estate or a specific dollar amount, or by naming Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA as the residual beneficiary. Estate taxes can be reduced by making a bequest. Learn more about the Heritage Club Society that honors planned gift donors online at “Become a Supporter”. Real Estate Gifts of real estate can be made to Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA outright or transferred to Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA in a bargain sale. For more information on “Ways to Give” to Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA contact: Brenda A. Marsian, CFRE, Chief Development Officer Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA 748 Hamilton Road, Becket, MA 01223 (413) 822-7950 19 +DPLOWRQ5RDG%HFNHW0$ 3K)D[ www.bccymca.org | info@bccymca.org 20
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