TSI and CO2 Market Report
TSI and CO2 Market Report
TSI and CO2 Market Report Carbon Management Technology Conference (CMTC Nov. 2015) EOR Sequestration 11/17/2015 Confidential Information The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person Sudhir Brahmbhatt, Ph.D., MBA Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry 1 TSI and CO2 Market Report Topics Covered CO2 Gas - A high profile Greenhouse gas and valuable market commodity US CO2 Market - A changing Landscape - Suppliers in US, CO2 Applic., CO2 market Opportunities - CO2 applications in the market US Regions and CO2 Market - Market, Key Drivers and End Users - CO2 supply capabilities, Regional Distribution Capabilities Commercial Aspect: - Market Pricing for US Region as a function of Volume used by the end users Business Options - Options and ROI calculation - Notes on Economic Analysis References 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person 2 Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry TSI and CO2 Market Report Technology services Incorporated: The Company Highlights: Expert in Industrial gases applications in >Chemical Industry, >Environmental Industry >Pharma and Biotech Industry >Metal Industry >Pulp & Paper Industry >Cryogenic Applications Industrial gases related experience more than 35 years with top 100 corporations. More than 25 patents in a variety of industries, Commercialized new concepts successfully with very attractive ROI Have developed variety of markets from small portfolio to large no of clients. Work with end users very closely to understand their needs and prepare solutions to their needs. Our Services: Technology Support for productivity improvements, Yield increases in Support in Environmental, Chemicals, high temperature and metal industry in productivity gain, meet EPA regulation Pharma/Biotech, In processes such as fermentation, Lyophilization, Deoxygenation, Support in Global pharmacopeias requirements. Creating Innovative ways to optimize operations. Premier Consulting Add value to your products. Contact Information: Technology Services Incorporation, 1700 Country top Court, Glencoe, MO 63038 636-458-1775 (o), 314-409-1120 (cell), 636-273-6093 (Fax), Sudhir.Brahmbhatt@TSInc-US.com, www.TSInc-US.com 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person 3 Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry TSI and CO2 EMISSIONS >Average coal plant today "generates 3.5 Million tons of CO2 per year >In the U.S., the Obama administration has set a goal under the Clean Power Plan to slash CO2 emissions from existing coal-fired power plants 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2030. >In the U.S. alone, burning coal emitted 1.87 billion tons of CO2 in 2011, according to the U.S. Energy Info. Admin. Worldwide, coal-burning released 14.4 billion tons of CO2 in 2011. > CO2 emissions from U.S. electricity generation by source, 2014 Million metric tons Coal 1,562 Natural gas 444 Petroleum 23 3 Other 11 Total 2,043 Source Share of total 76% 22% 1% <1% Coal generates 44% of our electricity, and is the single biggest air polluter in the U.S. Coal pollutes when it is mined, transported to the power plant, stored, and burned 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry 4 US Coal Fired Power plants: 5 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry CO2, A changing Landscape – Global Perspective -CO2 is both a high profile greenhouse gas and a valuable market commodity -This product is found naturally from underground wells -It is also emitted from Fossil Fuel burning industrial plants -Sourcing CO2 in US: >For 2010 total US Merchant CO2 production capacity was 40,000 tpd >Most of the Merchant CO2 is now from Ethanol plants. >Ammonia plants are expected to continue to lag as No. of plants shut down to high NG prices in 2002 onward. This could change due to low NG price now. >Ethanol plants continue to be dominant source of CO2 supply. The current global demand For CO2 is estimated at 80Mtpa based on 2010 data • Of this 80Mtpa, at least 50Mtpa is utilized for EOR, almost exclusively in North America. • The remaining 30Mtpa represents the global demand of all other uses, predominantly the mature industries of beverage carbonation and food industry uses. 11/17/2015 The future demand Estimate (for the year 2020) for the short-listed reuse technologies is 140Mtpa, including EOR. This estimate is based on a predicted growth of current technologies such as EOR and urea fertilizer and the implementation and commercialization of demonstration projects for the remaining technologies in line with their prospective development timeframes. Ref: SRI Consulting, March 2010, Chemical Economics Handbook 2010 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry 6 CO2 Supplies in US Suppliers in US: Major CO2 suppliers and distributors are unique as they commonly do not produce the gas. • Linde is the largest supplier of CO2 in US with 25% of total 27,000 tpd produced. • Fullerton, NY Sunoco ethanol plant started in 2010 producing 600 tpd of CO2 and supplying to Food, beverage, chem. manufacturers including dry ice to the industry. • Praxair, Airgas, and Air Liquide follow Linde. • Airgas is the largest producer and whole sale distributor of dry ice in US. • EPCO, recently (2014) purchased by Air Products, is large specialized producer with 10% market share. • Pain Enterprise, Flo CO2, and Continental Carbonic together contribute 22% in market share. Matheson Trigas bought Continental Carbonic in Feb 2014. • 75% of CO2 liquefier plants built in past 10 years are owned by small specialized producers. For 2010 total of 40,000 tons per day of CO2 was the capacity. Two third, 27,000 tpd was produced and distributed in the market. 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person 7 Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry TSI and CO2 Applications Carbon Dioxide Supplies And Users Key Applications: For Dry Ice - Gaseous CO2: Supplied by Pipeline - Liquid CO2 is supplied by Merchant Channels such as tankers and Cylinders to a wide variety of industries. >Demands are steady for : - Food and Beverage Applications - Laser production and welding - Dry ice - Pharmaceutical Industry - Green House Gas >Demand has surged and will remain strong in: - Enhanced Oil recovery using pipeline CO2 consuming 177,000 tpd of CO2 to extract additional Oil from reservoirs -Food Industry: Meat processing, Short term food storage, distribution In flight catering, R & D -Dry ice blasting: surface cleaning technique, a gentler and green process. -Pharma and Biotech Industry As a note: -In Midwest region, Illinois based Continental Carbonic produces 1400 tpd of Liquid CO2 where 80% of this product is converted to and sold as dry ice. It has 8 production facilities and 31 distribution sites. Matheson Trigas, a major industrial gases company in US, recently purchased Continental Carbonic gaining market share in dry ice business. This will also offer organic sales growth to Continental Carbonic as Matheson market share is diverse that includes welding, specialty gases and electronics. 8 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry Some Applications of CO2 by Industry Manufacturing and Construction Uses: >Carbon dioxide is used on a large scale as a shield gas in MIG/MAG welding, where the gas protects the weld puddle against oxidation by the surrounding air. A mixture of argon and carbon dioxide is commonly used today to achieve a higher welding rate and reduce the need for post weld treatment. >Dry ice pellets are used to replace sandblasting when removing paint from surfaces. It aids in reducing the cost of disposal and cleanup. Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Petroleum Industry Uses: >Large quantities are used as a raw material in the chemical process industry, especially for methanol and urea production. Rubber and Plastics Industry Uses: >Flash is removed from rubber objects by tumbling them with crushed dry ice in a rotating drum. Food and Beverages Uses for Carbon Dioxide: >Liquid or solid carbon dioxide is used for quick freezing, surface freezing, chilling and refrigeration in the transport of foods. >In cryogenic tunnel and spiral freezers, high pressure liquid CO2 is injected through nozzles that convert it to a mixture of CO2 gas and dry ice "snow" that covers the surface of the food product. As it sublimates (goes directly from solid to gas states) refrigeration is transferred to the product. >Carbon dioxide gas is used to carbonate soft drinks, beers and wine and to prevent fungal and bacterial growth. >Liquid carbon dioxide is a good solvent for many organic compounds. It is used to de-caffeinate coffee. >It is used as an inert “blanket”, as a product-dispensing propellant and an extraction agent. It can also be used to displace air during canning. >Supercritical CO2 extraction coupled with a fractional separation technique is used by producers of flavors and fragrances to separate and purify volatile flavor and fragrances concentrates. >Cold sterilization can be carried out with a mixture of 90% carbon dioxide and 10% ethylene oxide, the carbon dioxide has a stabilizing effect on the ethylene oxide and reduces the risk of explosion. 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person 9 Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry TSI and CO2 & Applications •Medicine: In medicine, up to 5% CO2 is added to pure oxygen. This helps in provoking breathing and to stabilize the O2/CO2 balance in blood. SCCO2 applic. in sterilization of drugs and Extraction. Global CO2 market in Pharma & Biotech is $85 mm, US is $32 mm and growing. •CO2 Laser: The CO2 laser, a common type of industrial gas laser uses CO2 as a medium. Welding: It also find its use as an atmosphere for welding. •Oil Wells: Carbon dioxide is commonly injected into or next to producing oil wells to draw lost traces of crude oil . •Metals Industry: It is used in the manufacture of casting influences so as to enhance their hardness. •Fumigation: Used as a fumigant to increase shelf life and remove infestations. •Enhanced Oil Recovery: Heightened interest in US in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) using tertiary techniques such as EOR using CO2. However, Laid in cost for using CO2 in EOR projects is driven by distance from its source to application site. Danbury resources, a key CO2 supplier in Texas via pipeline sells 400 mmscf per day CO2 for EOR in Southeast region. Major limitation in other areas of US is CO2 supply in scattered EOR project locations. Carbon Sequestration and storage: Syngas and Power projects for many regions of US and Canada will provide CO2 for EOR services in years to come. Oklahoma state has numerous EOR projects where CO2 is pipelined from Bravo Dome and others are supplied by ammonia where CO2 is byproduct. This is new area and it will take years before its activities are at peak. 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person 10 Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry Waste CO2 to Valuable Products from Algae Separated CO2 from Flue emission can be further: -Purified, compressed, and sold to commercial gas clients -Used in agriculture e.g. algae farming. Algae has found its usage in a variety of industries as follows: - Fuel: EPA 2011 renewable fuel std. volume requirements at 1.35 billion gallons of advanced biofuels. And the U.S. Navy's goal is to operate at least 50% of its fleet on clean renewable fuel sources by 2020. Achieving this objective will require a significant use of biofuels. -Renewable Oil Markets: This area is focused on addressing the needs of chemicals, nutritionals, and skin and personal care markets using algae. -Chemicals: In 2009, about 9 million metric tons of palm kernel and coconut oils were consumed globally for food and industrial applications such as laundry detergent, soap, and shampoo, functional fluids such as airplane de-icing fluids, Algae oils are a natural fit for these markets. -Nutritionals: The $2 trillion packaged food industry is actively seeking more natural, sustainable sources of fiber and healthful fats without compromising value, quality, taste, or nutrition. Commercializing a suite of microalgaederived food ingredients is in progress. -Health Sciences: Target market is global skin and personal care market, which is estimated at $323 billion. Within this market, focus area of business are (1) Toiletries, makeup, and hair care, estimated at $239 billion (2) skin care, estimated at $84 billion. Consumers are staying active and living longer, and their desire to appear youthful will continue to drive growth in the beauty and personal care markets. 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person 11 Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry CO2 Market 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person 12 Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry TSI and CO2 Market for the CO2 Manufacturer CO2 Market Opportunities – Should it be Wholesale Raw Gas or Direct Marketing to Consumers? • Some decades back, in the United States, many of the sources (i.e. ethanol, ammonia plant) operators and owners were and are the same parties who owned operated the CO2 plant near the raw gas source operation and marketed. • Today, also numerous independents thrive in the United States, as direct sales to consumers. Since the emergence of the major gas companies, most of the raw CO2 is actually sold to the gas refiner – which is also the marketing operation for the merchant CO2. • In addition to this exception today in North America, This direct CO2 marketing scheme is quite common in Latin America and many other regions. Ref: http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2011/11/23/carbon-dioxide-applications-%E2%80%93-a-key-to-ethanol-project-developments/ 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person 13 Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry TSI and CO2 Market for the CO2 Manufacturer • One fact supporting direct sales of CO2 by the ethanol firm to a limited merchant or niche market is a large margin difference between the raw gas prices to a refiner/gas company. Raw gas prices range from $5 to $25/ton v. consumer market prices usually averaging around $90 to $100/ton; and in some high priced markets with little regional competition or no local supply can be $200 to $300/ton. • It will be necessary to evaluate the costs of production, distribution, and overhead, initially to consider wholesale raw gas sales or direct markets. • Further, once markets are understood, and the costs & requirements for producing CO2 for the merchant trade is known, along with distribution; then potential risks for direct marketing can be properly evaluated. • Numerous cases exist, where a niche market or a specific region would make the most sense, in terms of directly marketing the commodity – and a true opportunity to produce much stronger revenues. We now quickly review different US regions, their key drivers and CO2 capabilities 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person 14 Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry The New England Region -Market Key Drivers in the Region: • For New England Region the most important driver is the Govt. R &D as total revenue has been steady from $67 billions to $69 billions from 2006 to 2011. Health care and related services have grown to $66 Billion in 2011 an increase of $7 billion since 2006. Computer, electronics and component mfg. has seen largest growth since 2006 from $20 b to $34 billion in 2011. Chemical, Petrochemical and plastic segment has dropped more than 40% while construction more than 20% in same five years period. Food and beverage sector is steady $5 Billion during the five year period. CO2 Supply capabilities: • No CO2 production facility in this region. • Nearest CO2 sources for New England region are from Ethanol plants operating in New York state. • Both CO2 plants, one EPCO Now Air Products in Madina near Canada, and other by Linde near Albany were commissioned in 2007-2008. • Independent CO2 distributors are -American Carbonation in Palmer, MA, - Esquire Gas Production now Tech Air Both companies have rail receiving Terminals. • In addition, Linde has rail depot with 500 t CO2 storage capacity for beverage grade CO2 supplied from their Volney, NY facility. 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person 15 Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry The Mid-Atlantic Region -Market Key Drivers in the Region: Govt. R & D market in this region has grown steadily from $269 billion in 2006 to $277 billion in 2011 roughly 3% increase. Largest potential market for gas industry. Healthcare and related services is the second growing market that grew 10% form 2006 till 2011. It is now $188 billion market. Computer, Electronics and component market grew 65% from 2006 till 2011. It was $38 billion in 2011. In contract chemical segment shrunk to $31 billion in 2011 from $46 Billion in 2006. The Natural gas extraction is picking up at rapid pace. CO2 supply capabilities: Four known CO2 plants in this region with Total Capacity of 1500 tpd of CO2. Two are in New York both from Ethanol plants. Medina, NY plant was built by EPCO now APCI while other plant in Albany, NY owned by Linde. Medina plant built by EPCO also covers Canada. Linde ships product to the region by rail and has terminals in NJ and PA. It has second LCO2 plant in Cumberland, Maryland from cogen plant. Air Liquide has CO2 plant next to the refinery in Delaware. The plant was shut down in 2010-2011. 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person 16 Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry The SouthEast Region -Market Key Drivers in the Region: • Large Number of Govt. R & D in region value $403 Billion in 2011. Florida is home for NASA Operation at Kennedy space Center, while Virginia for govt. labs and TN for largest National lab for DOE. • Healthcare is another driver worth $215 Billion in 2011. • Total manufacturing is another key driver in the region, where food and beverage is $67 billion in 2011, automotive $22 Billion, $50 billion for computer, electronics and components. • Construction sector has dropped 31% in 2001 from 2006 to $107 billion from $154 Billion. CO2 Supply Capabilities: SouthEast has large infrastructure of ASUs, 105 ASUs owned and operated by major gas companies with total capacity of 21,000 tpd of LIN/LOX which is 27% of total installed liquid capacity in US. This is large region with12 states and more than 80 million population. There are 22 known and identified LCO2 production plants with total capacity of 9000 tpd. Over 75% of CO2 is associated with Natural gas wells. Owned and operated by Danbury resources. 15 % is from Ammonia plants and the rest from ethanol plants and refinery. Air Gas, Linde, and Praxair are major CO2 players, and some independent sources such as Matheson (Former Continental Carbonic) are also in this region. 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person 17 Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry The Great Lakes Region -Market Key Drivers in the Region: • • • • • • Great lakes Region manufacturing represents very large share of the Industrial gases market (US gas business is $16 billion in 2011) Largest Automobile related market ($44b) in region and home for power houses like Kraft, Kellogg, Smucker and food and beverage sector ($33b) Healthcare and related services is also a bright spot ($148b) Computer, electronics growing 7% and was $21b in Great lake area in 2011. Chemicals, Petroleum, plastic sector growing 7% and was $66b in 2011. Govt. R & D represents second largest overall market in Great lake region after total mfg. CO2 Supply Capabilities: 19 CO2 production facilities with total installed capacity of over 6000 tpd. Mainly from IL, WI, and IN. Over last decade dramatic increase in CO2 capacity. And it is linked to number of new ethanol plants. 75% of capacity is associated with from Ethanol plants. APCI acquired EPCO in 2013 with four new CO2 plants in the region. Air gas has important position in the region for CO2. Linde, Praxair have owned and operated plants for some time now. 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person 18 Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry The Plains Region Market Key Economic Drivers in the Region: • Agricultural segment grew 37% between 2006 and 2011 ($30b). • Food and Beverage market size is $22b in 2011 making it largest individual manufacturing segment by market share. • Healthcare and Govt. R & D sector in the plains is healthy. Healthcare grew 13% to $69b from 2006 thought 2011, while govt. services sector grew 2.1% to $99b. • Mining, oil and Exploration grew 62% from $2.9b in 2006 to $4.7b in 2011. • Computer and Electronic grew 38% to $20b from 2006 to 2011. CO2 Supply Capabilities: • Important source of CO2 through Ammonia plants and Ethanol plants. 5000 tpd installed capacity. • 20 Known and identified LCO2 production facilities Operating in the region. • 75% of CO2 capacity is from Ethanol plants and 15% is from the ammonia(NH3) plants., remaining 10% is sourced from the refineries. • APCI with EPCO purchase now has 10 production plants competing with Praxair who was the leader in the region before 2013. Matheson purchase of Continental Carbonic and Air Liquide through acquisition has also increased their share in the market. 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person 19 Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry The SouthWest Region -Market Key Drivers in the Region: Manufacturing segment is key driver with $204 billion in 2011 (pertaining to the gas business). Largest is chemical, petroleum, and plastics sector with $65.5 billion in 2011. Computer, Electronics, & components mfg. is second largest with $61 Billion in 2011. The key driver for the gas industry is the govt. R & D, $183 billion with key govt. institutions such as Los Alamos lab, Sandia National Lab. CO2 Supply Capabilities: 22 known LCO2 production facilities with total Installed capacity of 6600 tpd of which 38% are sourced from Natural gas wells compared to 75% in SouthEast Region. Ammonia plant is the next largest source of CO2 accounting or 28% of total supply of CO2. Petrochemicals and refining account for 22% of CO2 sourcing while remaining 12% is from Ethanol plant, Power plant and cogen. (CO2 for EOR is excluded in analysis) Reliant Holdings is the largest operator of CO2 merchant capacity. Linde has five CO2 plants while Airgas owns and operates 3 facilities. Air Liquide and Praxair have access to some merchant CO2. Continental now Matheson also has presence in this region. 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person 20 Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry The Rocky Mountain Region -Market Key Drivers in the Region: Govt. R & D $57.4 B (in 2011) is leading the key drivers for the gas Industry. Rocky Mountain Lab (RML) in Hamilton, Montana is the largest lab NIH has in this region. The Mfg. segment is $44 B ( in 2011) followed by computer and component equipment sector $15.6 B (in 2011). The Chemicals, petroleum and plastics make up $7.9 B in 2011. The Healthcare industry is $28.5 b ( in 2011) while Oil and mining is $12 B (in 2011). Colorado accounts for $ 9.0 B in Mining while Wyoming mining industry is $8.8 B The construction industry is $14 B ( in 2011) that was down by 26.6% from 2006. CO2 Supply Capabilities: 11 ASUs owned by major gas companies with total capacity of 2300 TPD LOX/LIN NORCO, large distributor owns a ASU in Boise, ID. 8 LCO2 production facilities in the region with total installed capacity of 2000 tpd of CO2. Over 50 % of CO2 is from Natural gas processing. 25% of CO2 is from the natural wells. Remaining 25 is from Ammonia in Wyoming and Ethanol plant in Colorado. Significant CO2 pipelines in the region for EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery). Linde and Praxair are two largest CO2 players in the region. However, Ferus bought independent operator of pure CO2 and Reliant Holding built CO2 recovery plant at only ethanol plant. Kinder Morgan Energy partner invested $671 M in 2011 in CO2 infrastructure and expand CO2 production and 500 miles Cortez pipeline to reach from Colorado to Eastern New Mexico. 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person 21 Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry The Far West Region -Market Key Drivers in the Region: • The large significant manufacturing sector is computer, electronics, and component market totaled $152 billion in 2011 out of which $86 B is in California and $60.5 B in Oregon. Electronics and Semiconductor processing are large users of gases and specialized materials. • Healthcare and related services is also large market share of $154 billion in 2011. • Govt. R & D sector totaled $274 billion in 2011, while Petroleum, plastics sector totaled $41 billions in 2011. • Oil and Gas mining sector totaled $31 billion in 2011, Alaska mining was $10.5 b while California was $16.4 b in 2011. • Construction shrunk down by 36% to $74.5 b in 2011 from 2006. CO2 Supply Capabilities: California has largest no. of ASUs in the region. The region has 7 merchant plants operated by Air Liquide, with two Joint ventures one with Praxair and other with Air Products. Total liquid supply capability by all ASUs in the region is 10,000 tpd 11 LCO2 production facilities in the region with capacity of 4500 tpd of CO2 almost all associated with refinery H2 production except single facility operated by Airgas in Hawaii. Praxair and Linde have similar size capacity followed by Air Liquide. Recent start of Pixley CO2 facility by Air Liquide has further increased AL presence in the region. 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person 22 Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry Various Business Options for CO2 Suppliers Business Options Option I: Contractual relationship with Industrial Gases Company Pros: Minimum investment by the supplier, long term contract Cons: Typical current price can be $ 8- $10 per ton. Comment: Contact Distributors and industrial gases companies to pursue this option. Option II: Install pipeline to send CO2 to closest pipeline for Enhanced Oil Recovery project in the area. Pros: Minimum investment and involvement once the CO2 is sent to the pipe for EOR and make CO2 as a revenue stream Cons: The pipeline cost may be prohibitive depending on the location of the main pipeline for EOR and CO2 source. Comment: Will require to ensure that a long term agreement is put in place with EOR. This may generate $10 to $12 per ton of CO2. Option III: Independent distributorship. This will require investment of capturing and testing CO2 onsite and have delivery station to distribute the product to local distributors and demand price >$11 per ton. Pros: Can demand higher price that market can bear, long term contracts Cons: Invest in capturing CO2 onsite and delivery station. May want to use third party transportation service to deliver product. Comment: This will require separate business line with sales and mgmt. team. Competition: This will be competing with major CO2 suppliers such as NuCO2, Linde, Praxair, Air Liquide, Airgas, Air Products,Matheson, and other independent distributors. 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person 23 Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry Various Business Options for CO2 Suppliers Option IV: Make beverage and USP grade CO2 onsite by investing and having delivery station. Pros: Can provide excellent ROI based on New customer base and growing business line. Long term contracts with commitments from 5 to 7 years. Con: Will require investment, Sales team, distribution network Comment: Separate business line and portfolio. Competition: Airgas, Air Products, Linde, Praxair, independent distributors. Option V: Make selectively USP grade CO2 for Pharma industry onsite by investing and having delivery station. Pros: Based on pharma industry intelligence, US supplies $32 mm USP CO2 to the Pharma industry. Excellent opportunity Cons: Will require investment to make product, Sales team, distribution network. Competition: Major Industrial gases companies such as Airgas, Linde, Praxair, Air Liquide etc. 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person 24 Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry Notes on Economic Analysis • A 300 tpd plant, the estimated cost to clean up captured LCO2 to food grade and USP grade is $5 million, however, $6 million is used on calculation. • The operating cost used in calculation is 30% of revenue. This number is very conservative as average production cost is $15 per ton for new plant, plus the cost of piping from the source and the cost of producing CO2. • The price for CO2 is estimated by the field sales as stated in the analysis. If price is significantly reduced to $30, $35 and $40 for different use rate, the ROI is 3.67. This analysis is in the spreadsheet titled Analysis in Extreme case. • It is assumed that CO2 available from the power plant is 72% w/w CO2 and purified to >99% when available as USP and Food grade for use 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person 25 Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry Economic Analysis for Options CO2 plant Business Analysis for Options III, IV, and V Option II Option III, IV, V Extreme Case Pipeline Estimated Investment LCO2 purification, piping Tanks, compressors investment Production capability, TPD Product spec 300.00 Industry grade $6,000,000.00 $5,000,000.00 300.00 Beverage and USP grade $6,000,000.00 $5,000,000.00 300.00 Beverage and USP grade Expected ROI , Years No of contracts Contract length, Years 2.64 1.00 10.00 1.83 20 for 300 TPM, 16 for 100TPM, 10 for 50 TPM 5.00 3.67 20 for 300 TPM, 16 for 100TPM, 10 for 50 TPM 5.00 Distribution, $ per ton CO2 for 150 miles Delivery Charge, $ per delivery HAZMAT per delivery $40.00 $90.00 $50.00 $40.00 $90.00 $50.00 $40.00 $90.00 $50.00 Tons per month, available ( 90% uptime) Tons used 8,183.70 8,183.70 8,183.70 8,100.00 8183.7 8100 Pricing, $ per ton $11.00 Pricing, $ per ton $85.00 $95.00 $140.00 Pricing, $ per ton $30.00 $35.00 $40.00 $63,015.00 $500,000.00 $250,000.00 Users , 300 tpm 100 tpm 50 tpm Net Revenue ( Estimate) per month Note: $2,000,000.00 Options III, IV, V >Option II piping, Option III,IV,V have compressors, tank investments as separate item >Except Options I, and II, estimated investment for all options is for purification equipment to meet food grade and USP grade product >Distribution capital not included. >This is strictly an estimate based on best available data. 26 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry Recommendations TSI team can help evaluating the potential of becoming supplier of CO2 to the market Depending on the option, TSI can support the client in developing information that can help make sound decision. This may include: - Regional Market study and identifying: 1. Industrial gases company that may take additional product, its contact and support in contract negotiation if needed. 2. TSI can help finding distributor and/or delivery net work for the product 3. TSI can support in exploring opportunity in pipeline for EOR projects in the area. 4. TSI can help come up with the list of end users and their volume needs with the possible availability date if option III, IV, or V is chosen and do the detailed market study. 5. May help secure businesses using experienced account Managers if required. 11/17/2015 The contents are strictly confidential and are not for any unauthorized person 27 Providing Innovative and cost effective solutions to the industry