January-March 2015 - Sierra Club


January-March 2015 - Sierra Club
Volume 70 No 1
2015 is the Year of Muir, a year-long tribute to Sierra Club’s founder. PAGE 2
Why ruin a Malibu ridge to build
mansions? Sierra Club says no. PAGE 4
Grab a spot on a Sierra Club cruise to
Alaska and other trips. PAGE 6-7
Streamlined permitting would make
rooftop solar even easier. PAGE 43
SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES: Hundreds of hikes and events inside. PAGE 8
In this issue
Happy New Year! And
the coast. welcome to the Year of Muir Defending
“The Edge” wants to trash Malibu hillside.
By Carole Mintzer
It’s been 100 years since John Muir
walked this earth and we are planning
a year-long celebration of his life and
his contributions to environmental
protection. The Sierra Club itself is
one of many reminders of the legacy
of Muir and our activism and successes are a tribute to his continued
Before I share with you our plans
for 2015, here is a quick reminder
of some of our accomplishments this
past year.
• We celebrated the designation
of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument – yes, our
volunteers helped make this happen and I got to thank President
Obama in person!
• We welcomed George Watland as our Senior Chapter Director
and Angélica González as our Conservation Program Manager.
• Our outings leaders led over 4000 hikes and trips throughout Los
Angeles and Orange Counties as well as other parts of California
and beyond.
• We endorsed 71 candidates for federal, state, and local offices and
worked to get them elected in November; 41 of our endorsed
candidates were elected.
• We continued our conservation efforts to protect open space,
improve air and water quality, stop fracking, and address climate
change right here in LA and Orange Counties.
• We established a new, vigorous fundraising committee.
• We received more donations than ever from our Executive
Committee members, who led the way in recognizing the importance of having a financially healthy Angeles Chapter to make
a difference every day right here in Los Angeles and Orange
And now as we begin 2015, our Year of Muir, we are looking forward
to all kinds of new adventures and challenges.
We’ll start the year off with a Sustainability Forum on January 10 at
the LA Convention Center and an all-day Executive Committee kickoff meeting on January 11 at Eaton Canyon. Both are open to all our
members, but you need to let us know if you are coming.
On March 1, we’re having a fundraiser house party with author Paul
Loeb, who wrote “The Impossible Will Take a Little While.” This will
help inspire and remind us that big change does not happen overnight.
Our annual awards banquet will take place on May 3, with our keynote speaker, Bruce Hamilton, Deputy Executive Director of the Sierra
Club and an expert on the life of John Muir.
We are working on other events that aren’t quite ready to announce
yet – they will be announced on our webpage throughout the year.
How can you celebrate the life of John Muir and support the Angeles
Chapter? Here are some suggestions:
• Come to one of our events celebrating John Muir.
• Go on a Sierra Club-led hike or trip.
Banning Ranch threatened with development.
Travel Adventures
Schedule of Activities
How to make solar power easier for consumers
Chapter briefs Chapter supports living wages
Scientists sound alarm on climate change
Powering cars with sunshine
January–March 2015
Volume 70 No 1
web: angeles.sierraclub.org
e-mail: southern.sierran@sierraclub.org
Mary Forgione Editor
Tom Politeo Design
George Watland Senior Director
Jane MacFarlane Chapter Coordinator
Angélica González Conservation Program Manager
Chapter Officers
Carole Mintzer Chapter Chair
David Haake Chapter Vice Chair
The Southern Sierran (ISSN 1078-6875) is published quarterly
by the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter, 3435 Wilshire Blvd. #660
Los Angeles, CA 90010-1904. Phone (213) 387-4287, Ext. 212
(fax: (213) 387-5383). Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Subscription rate for Chapter members is $1 and is included
in membership dues. For nonmembers, the annual rate is $12.
Periodicals postage paid at Los Angeles, CA 90052.
POSTMASTER: Send change of address to: Southern Sierran,
Sierra Club Data Changes, 3435 Wilshire Blvd., #660, Los
Angeles, CA 90010-1904.
Advertisers: To advertise, call (213) 387-4287 Ext. 212.
Deadline for the Apr-Jun 2015. issue is Mar 1, 2015.
©2015 Sierra Club Angeles Chapter. Image copyrights held by
the artists. Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily
those of the Angeles Chapter.
The Sierra Club is open to all people who believe in preserving
the environment for future generations. Club policy prohibits
discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender
or native language.
Printed on recycled paper with soy-based inks.
Defending the Coast
Overlooking the Malibu Lagoon, the ridgeline above is threatened by a five-mansion development proposed by U2 musician
David Evans. This is one of three locations in Los Angeles and Orange counties where Angeles Chapter members like you
are working to protect the natural beauty of our coastline.
Make your voice heard at Coastal
Commission hearing Jan. 7-9
By Penny Elia
For more than a decade, several coastal Sierra Club Task Forces have
been working to protect and preserve our finite coastal resources in
L.A. and Orange County. These highly contentious projects will be
coming before the California Coastal Commission from Jan. 7 – 9 in
the Los Angeles area. (The exact meeting location TBA, with Santa
Monica or West LA being likely locations.)
Sierra Club Task Forces need your help and support! • Santa Monica Task Force – Fighting to save Malibu hillsides from
a massive five-mansion project proposed by U2 guitarist The
• Banning Ranch Task Force – Fighting to enforce violations in a
critical habitat known as Banning Ranch on the Newport Beach
• Save Hobo Aliso Task Force – Fighting to save more than 230
acres in Aliso Canyon/Creek the South Laguna area in Aliso
Some of these items will be heard during the multi-day hearing.
Applicants for each agenda item are heavily invested in these destructive projects and have the resources to turn out large numbers of
people to support them: They bus them in, pay them for the day(s)
and provide lunch. Your Task Forces are asking for your help in the following way:
• Come prepared on the 7th to spend part or all of the day; you’ll
learn a lot just by being there. It’s always a good idea to bring a
brown bag lunch. Should one or more of the agenda items roll
over to the 8th we can let you know in advance so you can schedule your day(s) accordingly.
• Arrive at the meeting location early to fill out a speaker slip for one
or more of the agenda items. By filling out a speaker slip you can
help in two ways:
• You can cede/donate time to another speaker allowing them
more time to present to the Commission.
• Actually speak on the issue at hand. If this is your preference,
one or more of the Task Force chairs can provide you with talking points.
• Be prepared to hold a placard or raise your hand when the Task
Force advises the Commissioners that they are representing the
Sierra Club. This clearly demonstrates our numbers and shows
our unity.
More information on this critical hearing will be forthcoming in
e-mails and will be posted on the Sierra Club website at angeles.sierraclub.org. Please consider donating a day to helping save our coast.
“The coast is never saved. It’s always being saved.”—former
California Coastal Commissioner Peter Douglas, 1943 - 2012
Key hearing to decide if U2 musician
will be allowed to trash Malibu hillside
David Evans, a.k.a. the
Edge, wants to build five
mansions in a sensitive
coastal area. Why is he
tone deaf to the
environmental impact?
What’s wrong with the plan?
Grading for the project is massive, nearly 42,000 cubic yards
(28,720 cubic yards to be cut,
1,490 cubic yards to fill in). It
would be a major disruption of the
existing landscape.
Landslide area: The structures,
By MaryAnn Webster
swimming pools, garages and drivePlans for a development that
ways and the entrance road are
would place super-sized mansions
slated to be built in areas of mapped
on Malibu hillsides by U2 musician
landslides. In addition, there will be
David Evans (a.k.a. the Edge) are
a 16.5-foot-high mesh rockfall stastrongly opposed by Sierra Club,
bilization device running more than
environmental groups and public
300 feet across the hillside.
agencies. The Sweetwater Mesa proj Road grading and building:
ect, as its called, in the Santa Monica
Grading of a 2,000-plus foot road
Mountains will forever change the
is required to access the proprieties,
profile of the ridgelines and impact
and compounds the already huge
environmentally sensitive areas. The
footprint, along with accessory uses
plan will come up for a vote by the
such as lighting, pets, and required
California Coastal Commission at a
brush clearance of large land areas.
March meeting (no date and locaThe overall size and grading is not
tions has been set).
consistent with the requirements of
The development goes up against
the Coastal Act to minimize gradCalifornia Coastal Act rules and
ing and avoid locating structures
violates portions of L.A. County’s
on known geologic hazards and
recently certified Local Coastal Draft
known landslides. This project is
Plan. The Club opposes the projincompatible with its presence in
ect that will rip through designated
the National Recreation Area.
sensitive habitat land and heavily
Viewshed: And then there’s what’s
grade massive areas of the hillsides. David Evans of U2 in 2009.
called visual degradation of the
The proposal calls for five mansions,
area. The Coastal Commission Staff
pools, driveways and associated out-buildings located along 3,000 feet admits the project will have impacts that are “unmitigatable” on public
of what’s designated as a “significant ridgeline.” The land also is well- views. The proposed five mansions and their associated outbuildings
documented as an area with earthquake faults and high fire danger are within the view site of this designated “significant ridgeline” along
the Malibu coast. Placement of these homes would have a jarring visual
impact. Also the height limit is not to exceed 18 feet above grade, but
Sited in the Santa Monica Mountains
The Santa Monica Mountains National Recreational Area is a very at least one of the structures exceed this limitation. Fire zone: The entire area has a history of wildfires, and structures
special place and is one of the greatest urban parks in the country.
Roughly 54% of the 160,000 acres is public or otherwise protected built will require extensive resources for fire protection, costly and
open space. But lacking funds to buy all the parkland, scenic viewsheds, dangerous for both residents and firefighters. Ecological issues: The land to be developed in this project is comhabitat linkages, watersheds and trail corridors that need protection,
it’s imperative that the protective policies of the California Coastal prised of pristine native chaparral, coastal sage scrub and oak woodland
Commission and the Los Angeles County Coastal Plan be used as habitat with ESHA designation. It is surrounded by some 28,000 acres
of undisturbed native habitat. This habitat sustains mountain lions,
The common goals are resource protection and preservation, public coyotes, bobcats and other animals who need large undisturbed blocks
access, enjoyment and safety; these goals take priority over develop- of habitat to survive. This core habitat area will be severely impacted
ment in the Santa Monica Mountains and within the Coastal Zone. by development.
Growth inducement: Installation of a 7,800-foot water line with a
The project proposed by the Edge in Malibu is inconsistent with the
California Coastal Act (specifically these sections, if you want to look capacity for connecting to adjacent undeveloped properties provides
them up: 30240; 3250;30251; 30253 and numerous policies in the infrastructure that encourages additional development. Core habitat
County’s plan dealing with H1 habitat. It is inconsistent in regard to will be cut into pieces by the long water line, access road and brush
grading and geology, visual impacts, environmentally sensitive habi- clearance. Trenching and installation and maintenance of the waterline
tat areas (ESHA), water lines, hazards and cumulative impacts. The significantly impacts this presently undisturbed area and is inconsistent
with the L.A.
destruction of habitat has not been minimized.
Coastal open space Banning Ranch
deserves restoration and protection
Violations of the California
Coastal Act is damaging one of
the last coastal open space sites
in Orange County.
By Terry Welsh
Sierra Club is urging members and supporters to speak out against unpermitted
activities at a key swath of coastal open space
in Newport Beach. The enforcement action
because of violations of the California Coastal
Act is expected to be heard at this January’s
meeting. The land, known as Banning Ranch, should
be permanently protected as voters decided
back in 2006. But a developer is proposing to
build more than 1,300 homes on the site. In
addition an oil operator has been degrading the
property considered “high quality habitat” for
a number of critical and endangered species.
Sierra Club members and the public at large
should voice loud support for the Coastal
Commission to deal firmly with these violations and permanently protect the affected
areas and impose on-site mitigation.
What’s at stake
At 401 acres, Banning Ranch is the last
large unprotected coastal open space remaining in Orange County. It contains at least
19 special status species, including U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service-declared critical habitat
for the endangered San Diego fairy shrimp
(Branchinecta sandiegonensis), and the threatened California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica). One of the only two remaining
coastal vernal pool complexes in Orange
County exists on Banning Ranch, as well as
irreplaceable cultural artifacts of pre-historic
Native American peoples.
The swath of land in Newport Beach
just west of the Santa Ana River was slated to be open space after voters approved
the Newport Beach General Plan Land Use
Element in 2006. More important, its value
has been identified as “high quality habitat, heterogeneous habitat, it being a larger
sized property, its alignment with impacted
habitats, and that it contains covered species”
by the Environmental Oversight Committee
(EOC) of the Orange County Transportation
Authority Measure M environmental mitigation program. For these reasons, the Sierra Club and the
Banning Ranch Conservancy find it unacceptable that excessive major vegetation has
been removed without permits (as prohibited
Banning Ranch in Newport Beach
by the California Coastal Act) in areas where
1,375 homes are planned. The oil operator performed the unpermitted removal under
the guise of “routine oil field maintenance and
fire safety.”
What’s even more unsettling is that the
major vegetation removal has occurred during the planning and processing period of the
proposal submitted by the developer, Newport
Banning Ranch LLC, and before a Coastal
Development Permit could be issued.
Degradation of the land by drilling
Over time, large areas of the property have
been degraded by drilling more than 150
unpermitted wells there since 1973.
The resolution of all of these issues is essential to establish the baseline condition for the
proposed project.
Given the biological, cultural and historical value of Banning Ranch, the Sierra Club
and Banning Ranch Conservancy believes
great care and consideration should be taken
in the determination of its use for the public
good and that every effort should be made to
protect and preserve the site’s staircase ecology
as it now exists.
Some of the issues may be addressed at
a California Coastal Commission hearing
in January slated to be held in Southern
California (no date has yet been determined).
The commission is planning to consider an
enforcement action against the owners of
Banning Ranch for unpermitted development
related to drilling and vegetation removal.
What you can do to help
Activists are urging members of the public
to attend the meeting and urge the commission to:
• Ensure that the unpermitted major vegetation removal is permanently halted.
• Ensure that the affected areas are restored
and permanently protected. • In an effort to discourage similar activity
in the future, impose appropriate fines
and seek additional on-site mitigation at
a ratio of at least 3 to 1.
• Address the unpermitted well drilling
activity and require restoration of the
habitat where appropriate.
If you can’t attend the hearing, please write
a letter to the commission. Address them to
“Coastal Commissioners and Staff “and refer
to V-5-11-005.
California Coastal Commission
Attention: Andrew Willis
200 Oceangate, 10th Floor
Long Beach, CA 90802
Terry Welsh is chairman of the Sierra Club
Banning Ranch Park and Preserve Task Force.
For more information, go to www.banningranchconservancy.org. You may contact Terry
at info@banningranchconservancy.org or call
(714) 719-2148.
Travel Adventures for 2015
Florida Keys and the Everglades
March 7-14
Join us for this eight-day fly-drive excursion to the wonders of Florida Everglades and the
Florida Keys. Highlights include the Everglades National Park, viewing birds as well as alligators,
turtles, snakes and many more wild creatures. Visit John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park on
Key Largo to view the reef on a glass bottom boat, swim and or maybe even snorkel Trip cost
is $1,350 for Sierra Club members, $1,450 for non-members. Airfare is extra. Contact leader
Mike Sappingfield, mikesapp@cox.net, (949) 768-3610. Cuba People-to-People Eco-Adventure
March 18-April 1
Spend 15 days exploring Cuba and exchanging thoughts and ideas with the Cuban People. This
cultural and educational exchange emphasizes ecology and the environment. Visit Havana,
Santiago de Cuba, Baracoa, Camaguey, Trinidad, Cienfuegos and Las Terrazas. Cost is $4,625
per person, double occupancy. It includes round-trip airfare from Mexico City to Havana, land
transportation, bilingual guide, visa, most entrance fees to cultural and ecological venues, hotel
and some meals. Contact leaders: Bruce Hale, (818) 957-1936, brucehale@sbcglobal.net; Jon
Perica, (818) 360-8444, jonsperica@aol.com.
Alaska: Denali, the Last Frontier
May 22-28
Land tour prior to Celebrity Millennium Discovery Voyage Alaska cruise (see below). Experience
the Call of the Wild on a seven night/eight day fully escorted charter coach trip from Anchorage
to Talkeetna, Denali National Park and back to Anchorage for a fun slice of urban life, Alaska
style. Relaxed pace to enjoy wilderness lodging, hiking adventures, spectacular scenery and
wildlife. Price $1,295 with Sierra Club #, non Sierra Club members $1,395. Includes: lodging,
private charter bus, transfers, happy hours, some meals. Contact leaders: Donna Specht, 714963-6345, donnaspecht@juno.com; Ana Cadez, ana.cadez@bt-sore.com
Discovery Voyage Alaska Cruise
May 29-June 5
Celebrity Millennium Discovery Voyage Alaska travels south, boarding at Seward, AK and
ending in Vancouver, B.C. Explore the Hubbard Glacier and the Icy Straight where John Muir
paddled his canoe along the coast and where we can still see the richness of the Tlingit culture in
nearby Hoonah. Price includes stateroom, meals, more. Staterooms start at $437, inside cabin,
double occupancy. Contact Gabriela Melgarejo at IB Travelin (888) 477-8669 or email: gabriela@ibtravelin.net Sign up before January 15 for the best price and best cabin choice, limited
cabins in some categories. Contact leaders: Donna Specht, 714-963-6345, donnaspecht@juno.
com; Ana Cadez, ana.cadez@bt-sore.com
Canada: Best of Vancouver, Victoria and Butchart
June 5-7
Treat yourself to an unforgettable weekend getaway in Vancouver. Take a gondola ride up to
Grouse Mountain and hike the Alpine meadows and enjoy spectacular views. Walk across
Capilano Suspension Bridge. Next day, take a short bus and ferry ride across to Vancouver
Island. Visit the world famous Butchart Gardens and Victoria, a lovely seaside city with OldEnglish Victorian charm. Price $595 (non member cost $645) includes lodging, 2 breakfasts,
all tours, guides. Airfare is extra. Contact leaders: Donna Specht, 714-963-6345, donnaspecht@
juno.com; Ana Cadez, ana.cadez@bt-sore.com
Join Sierra Club on these trips!
France: Pilgrim’s Route on Via Podiensis
June 9-July 4
The popular route dates to the 10th century and takes participants from Le Puy to Moissac with
a daily walk of 11 miles. If you’re thinking about walking to Santiago de Compostela on the
Camino in Spain, consider starting your journey in LePuy. Cost is $4,300 per person, double
occupancy. It includes 25 nights accommodation, breakfast and dinner daily, all land transportation and two experienced leaders. Contact leaders: Ed Maurer, (949) 768-0417, balois@cox.net;
Helen Maurer, 7gables@cox.net
The Wonders of Oregon
July 26-Aug. 1
Enjoy the beaches, lighthouses, and historical sites of the Oregon Coast before moving inland
along the magnificent Columbia River Gorge to explore the waterfalls, hiking and touring
Bonneville Dam and Fish Ladder. Highlights include Mt. Hood, Newberry Crater and its
amazing obsidian flows, Lava River Cave, and Crater Lake. Trip includes all transportation
in Oregon, lodging, tours and most breakfasts and some picnic lunches. Trip cost is $1,295
for Sierra Club members, $1,395 for non-members. Airfare is extra. Contact leader Mike
Sappingfield at mikesapp@cox.net (949-768-3610).
New England 2015
Oct. 3-11
Join us for nine-day fly-drive excursion to the wonders of New England in the fall 2015.
Highlights will be exploring the Freedom Trail in Boston. Highlights: Exploring the Freedom
Trail in Boston, including visits to Paul Revere’s house, Bunker Hill, and historical sites such
as Concord, Lexington, Walden Pond, and Plimoth Plantation. In following days, tour New
Hampshire, Vermont, Maine. Trip includes transportation in New England, lodging, and more.
Trip cost is $1,395 for Sierra Club members, $1,495 for non-members. Airfare is extra. Contact
leader Mike Sappingfield at mikesapp@cox.net or call (949) 768-3610.
China 2015
Oct. 8-21
See seldom visited sights in Yunnan, panda bears, Shangri La, several UNESCO world heritage
sites and scenic areas and ethnic peoples of Southern China. Visit the Great Stone Forest, the
old town of Dali, Lijiang, the villages of the Naxi minority people and the beautiful Tiger Leap
Gorge. Group flies to Chengdu to visit the Pandas at the Panda Breeding center. Cost is $3,799
until Feb. 28 ($3,899 after March 1). It includes airfare, transportation, four-star hotels, all
meals, admissions, tours. Contact leaders Bruce Hale, (818) 957-1936, brucehale@sbcglobal.
net; Fred Dong, (818) 545-3878, madelinesdad@earthlink.net
Everyone is invited on these trips led by the Sierra Club’s Angeles Chapter. These trips help support our work to improve the environment.
Sierra Club, Angeles Chapter
S chedule
Great Outdoor Adventures in Los Angeles and Orange Counties
Everyone is invited to join us.
Follow us, we know the way.
The Angeles Chapter leads these outdoor activities as a public service to everyone
interested in coming along. We offer diverse physical activities — walks, hikes, kayaking,
bicycling, backpacking, outdoor photography and more— all covered in these pages.
Activities range from short to long, easy to hard, day walks to overnight backpacks, nearby
hikes in the city to hikes in our local mountains and wilderness areas. Some events are tailored
for families and beginners. Others aim to suit tigers who want a vigorous workout. Weekly
conditioning hikes can help get and keep you fit. Wilderness hikes can help you experience
the best of scenic Southern California.
So, step away from that sedentary lifestyle and join us. Learn firsthand about the thousands
of miles of trails that surround the city from people who know the way. And see the wonders
of Southern California’s wild side.
In this schedule
Ratings codes
Repeating events
Advance notice
Rideshare locations
Activities and Outings Skill Level Rating Codes
Repeating Events
These repeating events include an ample selection of conditioning hikes,
many of meet weekly throughout Los Angeles and Orange counties.
Sunday Repeating Events
7:00 am - Navigation: Indian Cove Navigation Noodle
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
I: Navigation: Indian Cove Navigation Noodle: Navigation noodle at
Joshua Tree National Park to satisfy the Basic (I/M) level navigation requirements. Sat for practice, skills refresher, altimeter, homework, campfire. Sun
checkout. Send email/sase, contact info, navigation experience/training, any
WTC, leader rating, rideshare to leader.
Dates: Jan 11, 2015
Leaders: Robert M Myers, rmmyers@ix.netcom.com, 310-829-3177; Phil
Wheeler, phil.wheeler@sierraclub.org, 310-214-1873
8:30 am - Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve Newcomer Hike
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
O: Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve Newcomer Hike: Easy paced, reasonably
flat, 5 mile hike, approx 3 hrs. Newcomers Welcome. Enjoy the natural
beauty of Bolsa Chica, one of the last remaining wetland ecosystems in
Southern California. Meet 8:30 am. From Warner Avenue in Huntington
Beach turn south on Bolsa Chica Street to the end of the street and trailhead
(Brightwater). Park on the street. Bring camera, water, sun protection, hat,
light hiking boots, rain does not cancel.Shaune Hand
Dates: Jan 18, 2015; Feb 15, 2015
Leaders: Houria Hall, houriazhall@yahoo.com; Donna Specht, donnaspecht@juno.com, 714-963-6345; Dorothy Gutierrez, totomom_99@
yahoo.com, 562-483-7362
3:00 pm - La Mirada Theatre Performing Arts, Symphony’s POPS
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Social Event
Join us for The Symphony’s POPS. Meet in the La Mirada Theatre for the
Performing Arts at 14900 La Mirada Blvd. La Mirada Ca. 90638, cornier
of Rosecrans and La Mirada Blvd. Free Concert but donations are welcome.
Meet in the West Lobby. Bring $$ for dinner later. Host: Fred Lazzelle
Dates: Feb 22, 2015; May 17, 2015
Leader: Fred Lazzelle Jr, ferdlazz@yahoo.com, 657-217-7321
The Angeles Chapter Safety Committee has established the
following classifications for all chapter-sponsored outings to
differentiate the levels of skill required of participants and event
leaders. Classifications do not relate to outing strenuousness.
C Events conducted by a non-Sierra Club entity (e.g., concessionaire).
O Uncomplicated outings such as city walks, bike rides, trail
hikes, backpacking. May involve simple off-trail hiking not
requiring navigation skills. Climbing level: Class 1 terrain.
I Outings that involve cross-country travel where navigation is
necessary. Rougher ground than O outings may be traversed,
and the use of hands for balance may be necessary. Includes
outings that have snow travel or skiing on easy terrain.
Climbing level: Class 2 terrain.
M Moderate-level climbing: Class 3 terrain. On rock, the hands
are used for climbing. Some participants may want a safety
belay. On snow, safety dictates the use of ice axes and the ability to self-arrest.
E More exposed than M outings. Climbing on Class 4 terrain.
Rock climbs will use a rope for all in the party. On snow,
steeper terrain than M outings is permissible, and safety dictates the use of crampons.
T Technical outings requiring specialized skills as identified in
the sponsoring group’s safety policy.
8:30 am - Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve Newcomer Hike
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
O: Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve Newcomer Hike: Easy paced, reasonably
flat, 5 mile hike, approx 3 hrs. Newcomers Welcome. Enjoy the natural
beauty of Bolsa Chica, one of the last remaining wetland ecosystems in
Southern California. Meet 8:30 am. From Warner Avenue in Huntington
Beach turn south on Bolsa Chica Street to the end of the street and trailhead
(Brightwater). Park on the street. Bring camera, water, sun protection, hat,
light hiking boots, rain does not cancel.
Dates: Mar 15, 2015; Apr 19, 2015
Leaders: Houria Hall, houriazhall@yahoo.com; Dorothy Gutierrez, totomom_99@yahoo.com, 562-483-7362; Julie Garner, avtrix@sbcglobal.net,
7:00 am - Navigation: Warren Point Navigation Noodle
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
I: Navigation: Warren Point Navigation Noodle: Navigation noodle at
Joshua Tree National Park to satisfy the basic (I/M) level navigation requirements. Saturday for practice, skills refresher, altimeter, homework, campfire.
Sunday checkout. Send email/sase, contact info, navigation experience/
training, any WTC, leader rating, rideshare to leader.
Dates: Apr 26, 2015
Leaders: Robert M Myers, rmmyers@ix.netcom.com, 310-829-3177; Phil
Wheeler, phil.wheeler@sierraclub.org, 310-214-1873
7:00 am - Navigation: Grinnell Ridge Navigation Noodle
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
I: Navigation: Grinnell Ridge Navigation Noodle: Navigation Noodle in
San Bernardino National Forest for either checkout or practice to satisfy
Basic (I/M) or Advanced (E) level navigation requirements. Send email/
sase, contact info, navigation experience/training, any WTC, leader rating,
rideshare, to leader.
Dates: Jun 14, 2015; Sep 20, 2015
Leaders: Robert M Myers, rmmyers@ix.netcom.com, 310-829-3177; Phil
Wheeler, phil.wheeler@sierraclub.org, 310-214-1873
Monday Repeating Events
6:30 pm - Conditioning Hike in Rancho Palos Verdes
Palos Verdes Group Outing
O: Slow moderate 2 hr. 4-6 mile hike: Some streets, some trails overlooking
the ocean, and city lights. Some steep trails. Only one group, not for beginners. Arrive early, leave at 6:30 P.M. every Monday at the end of Crenshaw
Blvd near Del Cerro Park (click on “Get Directions” for more info). Wear
sturdy shoes or lug sole boots and bring a red lens flash light for winter
times. Rain cancels.
Dates: Jan 5, 2015; Jan 12, 2015; Jan 19, 2015; Jan 26, 2015
Leaders: William Lavoie, mrmnply@aol.com, 310-378-8723; Zoltan Stroll,
zoli10@verizon.net, 310-378-8975
7:00 pm - Conditioning Beach Walk (every Monday)
Long Beach Group Outing
4-5 mi of brisk, fast-paced walking. Meet every Monday at 7 p.m. Hikes
start at Belmont Pier parking lot, So. of Ocean Blvd. at end of Termino St.,
near Belmont Pool side. Free Parking after 6 p.m. Flashlight optional.
Dates: Jan 5, 2015; Jan 12, 2015; Jan 19, 2015; Jan 26, 2015
Leaders: Jeffrey Kenyon, http://angeles.sierraclub.org/longbch/Navigation/
people_leader_contacts.html; Gaines Lyons, bigbearlake1@peoplepc.com
Tuesday Repeating Events
7:00 pm - Conditioning Hikes on Signal Hill (every Tue and Thur)
Long Beach Group Outing
O: 3 hikes. Fast group, 5 mi, 800’ gain; Fast-intermediate group, 4 mi, 700’
gain; Moderate group, 3 ½ mi, 600’ gain. Well behaved K9s welcome. Meet
every Tue & Thu 7 pm at Industry Drive & Redondo Ave. Bring water,
lugsoles, flashlight with red lens optional.
Dates: Jan 6, 2015; Jan 13, 2015; Jan 20, 2015; Jan 27, 2015
Leaders: Todd Williams, http://angeles.sierraclub.org/longbch/Navigation/
people_leader_contacts.html; Sharon Moore, http://angeles.sierraclub.
org/longbch/Navigation/people_leader_contacts.html; Bob Yinger, http://
Joaquin Valadez, http://angeles.sierraclub.org/longbch/Navigation/people_leader_contacts.html; Richard Boothe, http://angeles.sierraclub.org/
longbch/Navigation/people_leader_contacts.html; Lawrence Stern, http://
John H, 562-429-0809
6:30 pm - Irvine Conditioning Hikes
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
O: Easy/Moderate/Tiger paced hikes, 4-7 mi rt on hilly trails. Bring water,
light hiking boots. 405 Fwy, exit S at University/Jeffrey, L on Ridgeline, L on
Turtle Rock, pass Sunnyhill, L into parking lot of Turtle Rock Community
Park. Arrive about 15 minutes early to get a parking spot and sign in.
Regular Tues/Thur Night conditioning Hikes
Dates: Jan 6, 2015; Jan 13, 2015; Jan 20, 2015; Jan 27, 2015; Feb 3, 2015;
Feb 10, 2015; Feb 17, 2015; Feb 24, 2015; Mar 3, 2015; Mar 3, 2015; Mar
10, 2015; Mar 17, 2015; Mar 24, 2015; Mar 31, 2015
Leaders: John C LaRue, jclarue@cox.net, 949-661-4437; Jim Palmer,
james.palmer@computer.org, 949-551-8912; Donna Specht, donnaspecht@
juno.com, 714-963-6345; Chris Dickey, dickeychristine@gmail.com, 949651-9642; Maura Van Strien, mvsdvs@aol.com
6:30 pm - San Pedro/RPV Conditioning Hike
Palos Verdes Group Outing
O: Strenuous 2 hr, 5-8 mi conditioning hikes on flat/hilly streets/trails to
explore fauna/terrain in San Pedro & RPV. Not for beginners. Arrive early.
Leaves 6:30 pm every Tue from 8th and Averill, San Pedro. Wear lug sole
boots and bring red lens flashlight. Rain cancels.
Dates: Jan 6, 2015; Jan 13, 2015; Jan 20, 2015; Jan 27, 2015; Feb 3, 2015;
Feb 10, 2015; Feb 17, 2015; Feb 24, 2015
Leaders: Barry Bonnickson, bonnicks@pacbell.net, 310-519-0778; Jacques
Monier, jmonier@pacbell.net, 310-320-1249; Joyce White, 310-383-5247;
Dorothy Boynton Chadwick, xcskiers@earthlink.net, 310-544-0600; James
Brooks Chadwick, xcskiers@earthlink.net, 310-544-0600
6:45 pm - Tue Tiger Hikers
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: 2 hr, 5-8 mi fast-paced strenuous hikes in Santa Monica Mountains with
some bushwhacking. Rideshare to local trailheads. Meet 6:30 pm; leave
6:45 pm sharp each Tues 1 block W of Topanga Cyn Bl on Clarendon St (1
stoplight S of 101/Ventura Fwy, next to Post Office). No dogs. Rain cancels.
Dates: Jan 13, 2015; Jan 20, 2015; Jan 27, 2015; Feb 3, 2015; Feb 10,
2015; Feb 17, 2015; Mar 3, 2015; Mar 10, 2015
Leaders: Bill Crane, bilguana@socal.rr.com, 818-773-4601; Joan Weaver,
hoansw@yahoo.com, 818-717-1946
6:45 pm - Tue Tiger Hikers
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: 2 hr, 5-8 mi fast-paced strenuous hikes in Santa Monica Mountains with
some bushwhacking. Rideshare to local trailheads. Meet 6:30 pm; leave
6:45 pm sharp each Tues 1 block W of Topanga Cyn Bl on Clarendon St
(1 stoplight S of Ventura Fwy, next to Post Office). No dogs. Rain cancels.
Dates: Mar 17, 2015; Mar 24, 2015; Mar 31, 2015
Leaders: Bill Crane, bilguana@socal.rr.com, 818-773-4601; Joan Weaver,
hoansw@yahoo.com, 818-717-1946
Wednesday Repeating Events
6:30 pm - Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
Angeles Chp 20s & 30s Singles Outing
O: This weekly Wednesday evening conditioning hike has been going on
for more than 20 years, come out and be part of the continuing tradition.
Moderately paced 5-6-mile hike in the lush canyons of the Puente/Whittier
Hills. Enjoy this Emerald City Hike as the sun sets in the west. You will get
a spectacular 360 view of LA and Orange County lights. 700’ gain up along
switchbacks and trails with varying routes. Wear hiking boots and bring
water. This group loves to snack, so bring some to share. Meet at south end
of 7th Avenue where street ends and turn right on Orange Grove to park
on street. Use 7th Ave. exit off (60 Fwy) Pomona Fwy, go south to Orange
Grove. Leaders: Lisa Lee, Marty Kluck, Alan Daniels, Sandy Viernes. Rain
Dates: Jan 7, 2015; Jan 14, 2015; Jan 28, 2015
Leaders: Lisa Lee, neofenyce@yahoo.com, 626-286-2443; Martin Kluck,
martinkluck@hotmail.com, 562-677-4740; Alan Daniels, adan1207@
gmail.com, 714-882-0031; Sandy Viernes, divekaawa@verizon.net, 562941-4917
Thursday Repeating Events
7:00 pm - Conditioning Hikes on Signal Hill (every Tue and Thur)
Long Beach Group Outing
O: 3 hikes. Fast group, 5 mi, 800’ gain; Fast-intermediate group, 4 mi, 700’
gain; Moderate group, 3 ½ mi, 600’ gain. Well behaved K9s welcome. Meet
every Tue & Thu 7 pm at Industry Drive & Redondo Ave. Bring water,
lugsoles, flashlight with red lens optional.
Dates: Jan 1, 2015; Jan 8, 2015; Jan 15, 2015; Jan 22, 2015
Leaders: Todd Williams, http://angeles.sierraclub.org/longbch/Navigation/
people_leader_contacts.html; Sharon Moore, http://angeles.sierraclub.
org/longbch/Navigation/people_leader_contacts.html; Bob Yinger, http://
Joaquin Valadez, http://angeles.sierraclub.org/longbch/Navigation/people_leader_contacts.html; Richard Boothe, http://angeles.sierraclub.org/
longbch/Navigation/people_leader_contacts.html; Lawrence Stern, http://
John H, 562-429-0809
6:30 pm - Irvine Conditioning Hikes
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
O: Easy/Moderate/Tiger paced hikes, 4-7 mi rt on hilly trails. Bring water,
light hiking boots. 405 Fwy, exit S at University/Jeffrey, L on Ridgeline,
L on Turtle Rock, pass Sunnyhill, L into parking lot of Turtle Rock
Community Park. Arrive about 15 minutes early to get a parking spot and
sign in. Regular Tues/Thur Night conditioning Hikes
Dates: Jan 8, 2015; Jan 15, 2015; Jan 22, 2015; Jan 29, 2015; Feb 5, 2015;
Feb 12, 2015; Feb 19, 2015; Feb 26, 2015; Mar 5, 2015; Mar 12, 2015;
Mar 19, 2015; Mar 26, 2015
Leaders: John C LaRue, jclarue@cox.net, 949-661-4437; Jim Palmer, james.
palmer@computer.org, 949-551-8912; Donna Specht, donnaspecht@juno.
com, 714-963-6345; Chris Dickey, dickeychristine@gmail.com, 949-6519642; Maura Van Strien, mvsdvs@aol.com
6:30 pm - Conditioning Hike on Palos Verdes Peninsula
Palos Verdes Group Outing
O: Not for beginners. 5-8 mi in 2 hours with many hills through various
areas on the Peninsula. Multiple speed groups. Start in the slowest group and
work your way up. (The faster groups may not be able to wait for anyone
who cannot keep up.) Please come early so that everyone can sign the Waiver
by 6:30. Meet in the Peninsula Center parking lot near the SW corner of
Hawthorne and Silver Spur (click “Get Directions” for map).
Dates: Jan 8, 2015; Jan 15, 2015; Jan 22, 2015; Jan 29, 2015
Leaders: William Lavoie, mrmnply@aol.com, 310-378-8723; Jacques
Monier, jmonier@pacbell.net, 310-320-1249; James Brooks Chadwick,
xcskiers@earthlink.net, 310-544-0600; Joyce White, 310-383-5247; Zoltan
Stroll, zoli10@verizon.net, 310-378-8975
6:55 pm - Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike
Pasadena Group Outing
O: Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike: Sponsored by Pasadena Group and
Wilderness Adventures Section. 6 mi rt, 1400’ gain aerobic conditioning
hike. Great views of LA Basin and the night sky. Meet 6:55 pm (we start
promptly at 7 PM) every Thursday at gate at Pinecrest (from Pasadena,
exit east bound I-210 at Altadena Dr, N 2½ mi to Crescent Dr, R to 2260
Pinecrest Dr; Altadena). Remember the neighbors, keep your voices down as
we gather. Bring water, flashlight, sturdy shoes. Rain/landslides cancel. For
additional information contact
Dates: Jan 8, 2015; Jan 15, 2015; Jan 22, 2015; Jan 29, 2015; Feb 5, 2015;
Feb 12, 2015; Feb 19, 2015; Feb 26, 2015; Mar 5, 2015; Mar 5, 2015; Mar
12, 2015; Mar 19, 2015; Mar 26, 2015
Leaders: Pam Allen, ezadorah@hotmail.com, 626-296-6911; Beth Powis
Martin, whmscl@sbcglobal.net, 626-396-9701; Keith Martin, keithwmartin+1@sbcglobal.net, 626-396-9701; Ginny Heringer, ginnyh@ix.netcom.
com, 626-793-4727
Friday Repeating Events
6:45 pm - Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
West Los Angeles Group Outing
O: Spectacular view of Santa Monica Bay and LA Basin. Moderately strenuous conditioning hike for fit hikers. 2 hr, 5 mile round trip, 1100’ total gain
on fire road. Meet and sign in at 6:45 pm every Friday, Los Liones Drive at
Sunset Blvd (0.3 mi from PCH). Carpool 1.5 miles to trail head. Lug soles.
Bring flashlight. Optional dinner at restaurant after. Beach Walk when there
is a Red Flag Warning. Palisades Highlands sidewalk when it rains.
Dates: Jan 2, 2015; Jan 9, 2015; Jan 16, 2015; Jan 23, 2015; Jan 30, 2015;
Feb 6, 2015; Feb 13, 2015; Feb 20, 2015; Feb 27, 2015; Mar 6, 2015; Mar
13, 2015; Mar 20, 2015; Mar 27, 2015; Apr 3, 2015
Leaders: Edward H Lubin, edlubin@gmail.com, 310-826-2750; Marshall
Ratinoff, lataxman@att.net, 310-420-3600; David Haake, dhaake@ucla.
edu, 310-237-3447; Joe Phillips, recreationbyjoe@yahoo.com, 818-3488884
Saturday Repeating Events
7:30 am - Trail Maintenance in San Mateo Canyon Wilderness
Sierra Sage of SOC Group Outing
O: The Santa Ana MountainTask Force (Orange County Group, Sierra
Sage Group, San Gorgonio Chapter) maintains trails in the San Mateo
Canyon Wilderness on a monthly basis. The location each month is based
on current trail needs. To receive email announcements with details of each
month’s activities, contact John Kaiser. No experience is needed and tools are
provided. Bring work gloves, sturdy boots, water, lunch. Meeting location is
typically at the south Orange County rideshare at 7:30 am. Rain or critical
fire danger will cancel.
Dates: Jan 3, 2015; Feb 7, 2015; Mar 7, 2015
Leaders: John Kaiser, jkai39@gmail.com, 714-968-4677; Michael Metcalf,
msmetcalf04@yahoo.com, 949-492-6277; Rich Maxey, richmaxey@yahoo.
com, 949-310-5134
8:00 am - Peters Canyon Regional Park Conditioning Hike
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
O: Fast paced conditioning hike, 6 mi RT, 700’ gain. No beginners or
Tigers! From 5 Fwy, N on Jamboree, or from 55 Fwy E on Chapman. Take
Canyon View into parking area. Bring water, hiking boots, $3 for parking
or have permit. Rain cancels. (Important Note: If park is closed, meet in
Taco Bell parking lot, corner Chapman/Jamboree).Conditioning Hike every
Saturday. Arrive a few minutes early to sign in.
Dates: Jan 3, 2015; Jan 10, 2015; Jan 17, 2015; Jan 24, 2015; Jan 31, 2015
Leaders: Sharry Puraty, spuraty@hotmail.com, 714-761-8761; Donna
Meade, donnammeade@gmail.com, 714-846-3969; Norman O
Montgomery, 714-557-0794; Shilo Bartlett, shilo@shilomail.com, 714968-5099
8:30 am - Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Volunteers (males and female) help build and maintain trails in the Santa
Monica Mountains. 8:30 am – 2 pm (usually) each Sat (Oct – Jun). Tools
and instructions provided. For meeting time/place call Ldrs Ron Webster,
Russ Marshall.
Dates: Jan 3, 2015; Jan 10, 2015; Jan 17, 2015; Jan 24, 2015; Jan 31, 2015;
Feb 7, 2015; Feb 14, 2015; Feb 21, 2015; Feb 28, 2015
Leaders: Ronald Webster, 310-559-3126; John Russell Marshall, russmarshall13@gmail.com, 951-898-4632
7:00 am - Navigation: Indian Cove Navigation Noodle
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
I: Navigation: Indian Cove Navigation Noodle: Navigation noodle at
Joshua Tree National Park to satisfy the Basic (I/M) level navigation requirements. Sat for practice, skills refresher, altimeter, homework, campfire. Sun
checkout. Send email/sase, contact info, navigation experience/training, any
WTC, leader rating, rideshare to leader.
Dates: Jan 10, 2015
Leaders: Robert M Myers, rmmyers@ix.netcom.com, 310-829-3177; Phil
Wheeler, phil.wheeler@sierraclub.org, 310-214-1873
8:30 am - Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Volunteers (males and female) help build and maintain trails in the Santa
Monica Mountains. 8:30 am – 2 pm (usually) each Sat in Oct thru June.
(No trail work in July, Aug., Sept). Tools and instructions provided. For
meeting time/place call Ldrs Ron Webster, John Russell Marshall.
Dates: Mar 7, 2015; Mar 21, 2015; Mar 28, 2015
Leaders: Ronald Webster, 310-559-3126; John Russell Marshall, russmarshall13@gmail.com, 951-898-4632
Daily Schedule
Point Mugu State Park looking toward Old Boney. Spring day hikes in the Santa Monicas are delightful, especially after good
rains. This image was taken on a particularly wet El Niño year. Some long-term weather forecasts look forward to a wetter
year this winter, following three years of drought.
Daily Schedule
Events from Tuesday July 1st through September 30, 2014, with selected
advance listings into next year. Please see our online schedule of events for
more events, trips and updates, including possible cancellations at:
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Repeating Events
7:00 pm Conditioning Hikes on Signal Hill (every Tue and Thur)
12:00 pm - Henry Schultz Memorial Hike, New Years Day
Calorie Burner
Santa Clarita Valley Group Outing
hikes start at 7pm sharp. Come early to complete waiver form. (Participants
must sign the waiver and must have waiver card with them on hikes.)
Sturdy hiking shoes or boots strongly encouraged. Flashlights are optional;
a colored filter is recommended to avoid blinding other participants. The
Tuesday/Thursday hikes typically have a wider range of levels than the
Wednesday hikes, which are not recommended for newcomers. Tuesday/
Thursday coordinators Mike Johnstone and Louis Alvarado. Wednesday
coordinators Joe Young and Sue Schohan. For more information, see http://
Leaders: Sue Schohan, s_schohan@yahoo.com, 818-648-9170; Joseph
Young, thehikerjoe@gmail.com, 310-822-9676; Emmy Goldknopf, egoldknopf@gmail.com, 213-483-8183
Friday, January 2, 2015
O: Join our annual New Year’s Day Calorie Burner up the Los Pinetos Trail.
This hike is being renamed in memory of a great outings leader and activist
in the Sierra Club, who passed away on October 29, 2014. Henry loved
to celebrate his birthday on this partially tree shaded trail. Moderate 6 mi,
1400’ gain to ridge between San Fernando and Santa Clarita Valleys with
outstanding views. Meet 12 noon at Walker Ranch entrance of Placerita
Cyn Park. Take I-5 N (Antelope Valley Fwy), exit Placerita Cyn Rd, turn
R (south) to park and continue 1.7 mi past main entrance to gated Walker
Ranch entrance. Do not block gate. Bring water, snack and lug soles. Serious
Rain cancels.
Leaders: Raymond Lorme, rlorme@aol.com, 661-296-0246; David
Morrow, dlrchmorrow@sbcglobal.net, 661-254-5245
Repeating Events
7:00 pm - Griffith Park Evening-Night Hikes
Angeles Chp Griffith Park Sctn Outing
Saturday, January 3, 2015
O: Evening hikes range from moderate to very strenuous over hilly, sometimes steep terrain with uneven footing. Hikes are intended only for hikers
capable of maintaining the pace as set by leaders. Leashed, well-behaved
dogs welcome at the discretion of each leader. Hikes last from 1-1/2 to 2-1/2
hours. Meet at the Griffith Park upper merry-go-round parking lot #2. The
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
7:30 pm - Moonlite Hike in Palos Verdes/Lunada Bay
Palos Verdes Group Outing
O: Travel trails along coastal bluffs Meet 7:30 pm at intersection of Palos
Verdes Drive West, Yarmouth, and Via Anacapa across from Lunada Bay
Fountain. Rain Cancels. Wear sturdy shoes for muddy trails.
Leaders: Dennis Bosch, dennis.bosch@gmail.com, 310-328-3874; Stephen
Bradford, smb310@ymail.com, 310-993-5501
Repeating Events
7:30 am Trail Maintenance in San Mateo Canyon Wilderness
8:00 am Peters Canyon Regional Park Conditioning Hike
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
Saturday, January 03, 2015 to Sunday, January 04, 2015
Pahrump Point (5,740’), Stewart Point (5,265’)
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing
I: Start out the New Year with a fun weekend of rocky peakbagging
near Death Valley NP high above the Chicago Valley north-northeast of
Shoshone, CA. We’ll move at a slow pace each day; however, each peak will
require a strenuous effort, and although the routes will be restricted to Class
2 scrambling, comfort on steep and loose, rocky and thorny cross-country
terrain is required. Saturday morning we’ll get an early start and head into
the “Nopah Range” Wilderness Area located along the eastern range bordering Chicago Valley; first we’ll warm up by trudging across a broad alluvial
fan, then we’ll make our way up through a sometimes tight and rocky canyon before getting up onto a steep and loose, rocky and thorny ridgeline that
will bring us up onto the narrow and rocky summit ridge, which we’ll ascend
to the summit of Pahrump Point. After thoroughly enjoying the reportedly
exquisite views up there, we’ll return the way we came in for a day’s total of
8 RT mi with 3,400’ gain. We’ll make camp where we’re parked and will
celebrate the weekend under a nearly full moon sky with a traditional DPS
Potluck Happy Hour. Sunday we’ll head over to the nearby “Resting Spring
Range” Wilderness Area located along the western range bordering Chicago
Valley, and will once again venture out across the alluvium, up into a tight
and rocky canyon before ascending steep and loose, rocky ridgelines to the
summit of Stewart Point. We’ll return the way we came for a day’s total of
6.5 RT miles with 2,600’ of gain. Feel free to join us for one or both days.
This is a DPS Outing co-sponsored by HPS. Email Mat Kelliher at mkelliher746@gmail.com with contact and carpool info, recent conditioning, and
experience for trip status and details.
Leaders: Mat Kelliher, mkelliher746@gmail.com, 818-667-2490; Bill
Simpson, simphome@yahoo.com, 323-683-0959
Monday, January 5, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Conditioning Hike in Rancho Palos Verdes
7:00 pm Conditioning Beach Walk (every Monday)
8:30 am - Tue Moderate easy pace Hikers / De Anza Park to
Liberty Canyon:
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 6 mile, 800’ gain. The trail follows Las Virgenes Creek
to the Talapop Trail overlooking Liberty Canyon to see an old adobe in
Malibu Creek State Park. Lots of trees, views of the mountains and interesting plants. Meet 8:30 am at De Anza Park, Calabasas. Exit 101 Fwy at Lost
Hills Rd., turn south. (Left if coming from the Valley.) Proceed 1 mile to
parking lot on the right in De Anza Park. Bring water, snack, lugsoles, hat,
sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Pixie Klemic, pklemic@roadrunner.com, 818-787-5420; Rita
Okowitz, apthealth@hotmail.com, 818-889-9924
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Mountaineers Route,
Topanga Lookout, Saddle Peak
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Strenuous 10 mi, 2300’ gain loop hike, taking the Mountaineer’s Route
to Topanga Lookout from Stunt Road. Lunch will be on Saddle Peak
(2805’). Return via Stunt High Trail. Meet at Stunt Road trailhead (101 to
Las Virgenes Rd, S 3.2 mi, or PCH to Malibu Cyn Rd/Las Virgenes Rd, N
7.5 mi Las Virgenes Rd, E on Mulholland, 4 mi to L on Stunt Rd, 1 mi to
parking.). Park free in dirt lot on R side of road. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles.
Rain or red flag alert cancels.
Leaders: Robert Cody, bcodyman@aol.com, 310-410-9172; Jeri Segal,
gsegal@earthlink.net, 310-391-3439
9:00 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/De Anza Park to Malibu
Creek State Park
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderate 9.5 mi hike, 1200’ gain hike on Talapop, Phantom and connecting trails. Meet 8:00 am at Pacific Palisades rideshare point or 8:45 am
at SW corner of Mulholland Hwy & Las Virgines/Malibu Cyn Rd. (PCH
W 8.5 mi from Sunset Blvd to Las Virgines/Malibu Cyn Rd; Mulholland
Hwy is 5.5 mi from PCH or 4 mi from 101/Ventura Fwy). Short 5 min car
shuttle to De Anza Park for 9:00 am hike start. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Margaret C Fields, 310-839-8235; Catherine Froloff, cfroloff@
ca.rr.com, 310-821-4123
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Repeating Events
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:30 pm San Pedro/RPV Conditioning Hike
7:00 pm Conditioning Hikes on Signal Hill (every Tue and Thur)
12:00 am - Pine (4,539’),Silver (3385’)
Angeles Chp Lower Peaks Outing
O: Join us for a day in the Angeles National Forest, 7 miles north of Azusa.
The Rincon Road is finally open. This makes these two peaks a lot easier.
Pine is 2 miles up a ridge with about 500’ gain. Silver is 4 miles round trip,
with 1620’ gain on trail. We will also pick up a couple of other peaks. Bump
3812 is right off the Rincon Road. We will go over Bump 3430 on the way
to Silver. Space is limited. Slow to moderate pace. Bring food, water and 10
Leaders: David Comerzan, comerzan@verizon.net, 909-482-0173; Patricia
Arredondo, paarredo@verizon.net, 562-618-4391
6:00 am - Pine (4,539’), Silver (3385’)
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing
I: Join us for a day in the Angeles National Forest, 7 miles north of Azusa.
The Rincon Road is finally open. This makes these two peaks a lot easier.
Pine is 2 miles up a ridge with about 500’ gain. Silver is 4 miles round trip,
with 1620’ gain on trail. We will also pick up a couple of other peaks. Bump
3812 is right off the Rincon Road. We will go over Bump 3430 on the way
to Silver. Space is limited. Slow to moderate pace. Bring food, water and 10
essentials. This is an LPC Outing co-sponsored by HPS.
Leaders: David Comerzan, comerzan@verizon.net, 909-482-0173; Patricia
Arredondo, paarredo@verizon.net, 562-618-4391
6:30 pm Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
9:00 am - Aliso Wood Grand Tour
Orange County Group Outing
O: 11.5 mi, 900’ gain. Start the New Year right with great views and 3 parks.
We’ll start at Canyon View and go up to Alta Laguna (Top of the World),
then thru the houses and on to Moulton Meadows. From there we’ll leave
the ridgeline and drop into Wood Cyn for our return. Abbreviated versions
of this hike are possible. Meet 9:00 am at Canyon View Park in Aliso Viejo
(from El Toro Rd go S on Moulton Pkwy, R on Glenwood, uphill & over the
toll rd where it becomes Pacific Park Dr, R on Canyon Vistas Dr to bottom
of hill) with water, lunch, lugsoles. Rain cancels.baloiscox.net
Leaders: Ed Maurer, balois@cox.net, 949-768-0417; Helen Maurer,
7gables@cox.net, 949-768-0417
7:00 pm - ‘The People’s Republic of Chemicals’ Pasadena
Group Monthly Meeting & Program
Pasadena Group Club Support Event
O: William Kelly and Chip Jacobs present an illustrated program based on
their new book “The People’s Republic of Chemicals”, which documents
the severe air and water pollution problems of present day China, the social
discontent this pollution is generating, and what the government is doing
in response. The authors are well-qualified to address this topic; their previous book “Smogtown”, was an in-depth exploration of how the citizens of
Los Angeles rose up and organized after World War II to force government
action to address the severe air pollution generated by industry, the ports of
Los Angeles and Long Beach, and the ever-growing automobile congestion
in Southern California. Information on Group’s hikes, outings, and conservation activities. Newcomers always welcome! Doors open at 7 pm; meeting
starts at 7:30 pm at Eaton Canyon Nature Center, 1750 N Altadena Dr in
NE Pasadena. For more information contact Group Membership Chair,
Elizabeth Pomeroy, 626-791-7660, ewpomeroy@gmail.com.
Leader: Liz Pomeroy, ewpomeroy@gmail.com, 626-791-7660
Friday, January 9, 2015
7:30 pm - Jan. Presentation: Grassland Study
Long Beach Group Club Support Event
Saturday, January 10, 2015
O: In January, Kim Moore from Long Beach and Michael J. Martinez from
Bellflower will talk about the Restored Grassland Arthropod Study they
completed. Over a three month period, Mike and Kim inventoried over 100
species of insects and spiders comparing a restored California Grassland to
a non-native habitat. They will share how there conducted the study, what
they found out, and some of the insects and spiders found in Long Beach.
Leader: Coby Skye, cskye@dpw.lacounty.gov, 626-458-3550
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:30 pm Conditioning Hike on Palos Verdes Peninsula
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike
7:00 pm Conditioning Hikes on Signal Hill (every Tue and Thur)
12:00 am - Mendenhall (4630’)
Angeles Chp Lower Peaks Outing
O: Join us for a day in the Angeles National Forest, NE of San Fernando.
12 miles round trip, 2050’ of gain, est. 5-6 hours of hiking on road. Slow to
moderate pace. Bring food, water and 10 essentials.
Leaders: David Comerzan, comerzan@verizon.net, 909-482-0173; Patricia
Arredondo, paarredo@verizon.net, 562-618-4391
5:00 am - Mendenhall (4630’)
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing
I: Mendenhall (4630’) - Join us for a day in the Angeles National Forest, NE
of San Fernando. 12 miles round trip, 2050’ of gain, est. 5-6 hours of hiking
on road. Slow to moderate pace. Bring food, water and 10 essentials. This is
an LPC Outing co-sponsored by HPS.
Leaders: David Comerzan, comerzan@verizon.net, 909-482-0173; Patricia
Arredondo, paarredo@verizon.net, 562-618-4391
8:30 am - Thu Moderate Hikers / Pt Mugu State Park
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 10.1 mile, 1000’ gain hike past old windmill and on
Upper Sycamore Canyon, Hidden, and Sin Nombre trails. Possible small
stream crossing. Break at Danielson Ranch. Half of elevation gain within 1
mi on return route. Meet 8:30 AM at Wendy Drive & Potrero Rd parking
area. From 101 Ventura Fwy in Newbury Park take Wendy Dr exit, go south
2.8 mi on Wendy Dr to its end at Potrero Rd. Bring 2 qts water, lunch,
lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Doug Demers, dougdemers@hotmail.com, 805-419-4094; Nancy
Krupa, nrkrupa@aol.com, 818-981-4799
10:00 am - Walk in Placerita Cyn
Verdugo Hills Group Outing
O: Placerita Canyon: Join the Verdugo Hills Group for a walk in Placerita
Canyon. Enjoy this lovely canyon filled with live oaks, chaparral and other
native flora. Wear comfortable shoes. Bring $ for lunch. Heavy rain cancels.
Meet at the Verdugo Hills rideshare point 9:00 or 10:00 in front of the
Nature Center at the Canyon, 19152 Placerita Canyon Rd. Newhall.
Leaders: Delphine Trowbridge, dtrowbridge36@gmail.com, 818-5587722; Evelyn Alexander, alexander837@sbcglobal.net, 818-843-0920; Carol
Henning, carolhen@sbcglobal.net, 323-465-3797
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
Repeating Events
7:00 am Navigation: Indian Cove Navigation Noodle
8:00 am Peters Canyon Regional Park Conditioning Hike
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
8:30 am - Hike to the peaks in Chino Hills State Park
Orange County Group Outing
O: Chino Hills State Park: Join us as we summit the Lower Peaks in Chino
Hills State Park. This is a 9 mile hike with about 2200’ of gain and a slow
steady pace. We will begin on the South Ridge Trail to San Juan Hill down
to Telegraph and up to the North Ridge Trail and Gilman Peak. A quick
down hill and we are at Telegraph Canyon, over Easy Street and we have
completed the loop. Meet 8:30 am at the Orange County entrance on Rim
Crest Drive. Bring 2+ qts water, snacks and lunch; lugsoles and a hat are
necessary. Poles would be helpful. Leader Ron Schrantz Asst Leader Jay
Leaders: Ron Schrantz, rschrantzsce@yahoo.com, 714-995-8240; Jay
Matchett, sierra_jay@juno.com, 714-730-7730
8:30 am - Hike to the peaks in Chino Hills State Park
Angeles Chp Lower Peaks Outing
O: Chino Hills State Park: Join us as we summit the Lower Peaks in Chino
Hills State Park. This is a 9 mile hike with about 2200’ of gain and a slow
steady pace. We will begin on the South Ridge Trail to San Juan Hill down
to Telegraph and up to the North Ridge Trail and Gilman Peak. A quick
down hill and we are at Telegraph Canyon, over Easy Street and we have
completed the loop. Meet 8:30 am at the Orange County entrance on Rim
Crest Drive. Bring 2+ qts water, snacks and lunch; lugsoles and a hat are
necessary. Poles would be helpful. Leader Ron Schrantz Asst Leader Jay
Leaders: Ron Schrantz, rschrantzsce@yahoo.com, 714-995-8240; Jay
Matchett, sierra_jay@juno.com, 714-730-7730
9:00 am - Sierra Pelona Ridge via PCT
Santa Clarita Valley Group Outing
O: Moderate 6 mi, 1200’ gain with gorgeous views of Bouquet Cyn and the
northern part of the Angeles Forest. Meet 9 am at south end of Newhall Ave
Exit in Newhall. Take I-5 to 14 Fwy, 1st exit( Newhall Ave), take right to
Park and Ride. Rideshare 40 minute drive to trailhead. Bring water, lunch,
lugsoles. Rain cancels
Leaders: Ken Kerner, 661-259-8800; Gaylon S Rodin, grodin2@gmail.
com, 661-263-0568
4:30 pm - HPS Awards Banquet - Revised Location!
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Social Event
O: Join HPS for its annual awards banquet at the Taix French Restaurant in
Los Angeles, CA, as we celebrate our accomplishments and visit with friends
new and old. This year’s speakers will be Craig Carey and Bryan Conant;
their presentation will be on the “Highlights and High Peaks of the Southern
Los Padres.
Leader: Christine Soskins, csoskins@gmail.com, 858-220-9697
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Repeating Events
7:00 am Navigation: Indian Cove Navigation Noodle
9:00 am - Lemming Hike
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderate 7 mi, 1000’ gain hike. Join us as we continue the long tradition of this “formerly-miserable” hike on fire roads and trails, this time with
lunch at Parker Mesa Overlook. Car shuttle. Meet 9 am at end of Los Liones
Dr (PCH N on Sunset Blvd ¼ mi, L on Los Liones to end). Rain cancels.
Leaders: Bill Crane, bilguana@socal.rr.com, 818-773-4601; Joan Weaver,
hoansw@yahoo.com, 818-717-1946; Mary Ann Webster, mawebster1984@
sbcglobal.net, 310-559-3126; Ronald Webster, 310-559-3126
9:00 am - Allison Saddle, Bonita Peak (3,983’) from Heaton
Pasadena Group Outing
O: Allison Saddle, Bonita Peak (3,983’) from Heaton Flat 11 mile rt, 2,000’
gain. Hike scenic Heaton Flat Trail to Allison Saddle (4,582’), deep in
the back country of the San Gabriel River’s East Fork. Climb Bonita Peak
(3,983’) on our return. Most of the hike lies within the Sheep Mountain
Wilderness. Allison Saddle is the jumping off point for climbing “Big Iron”
Mountain. Meet 9:00 am at Azusa rideshare point (on Santa Fe St. just E of
Azusa Ave, one block N of Foothill, just before the railroad tracks.) Bring
appropriate footwear, lunch, jacket, at least 2 liters of water. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Ginny Heringer, ginnyh@ix.netcom.com, 626-793-4727; William
Joyce, rollingtherock@verizon.net, 909-596-6280
9:30 am - LA River Walk
San Fernando Valley Group Outing
O: Join us on one of our irregular walks along the LA River. We start by
seeing the Water with Rocks gate. Then start our walk by going through the
Great Heron Gate, look at the historic Fletcher Drive Bridge and see several
intimate parks. And if open, we’ll stop at the Frog Spot for a spell on our
return. Wear appropriate attire; bring 2l water and money for optional lunch
afterwards. Walk is approximately 5 to 5.5 mi. Rain or rain within 24 hours
cancels. We meet 9:30 am at 2487 Fletcher Dr, 90039.
Leaders: Sandra Tapia, slt91345@yahoo.com, rick8183612465@hotmail.
com, 818-365-8789; Gerrie Montooth, gerriem@sbcglobal.net, 818-7617490
3:15 pm - Crystal Cove Sunset Hike
Sierra Sage of SOC Group Outing
6:30 pm - Newcomers/Members Meet and Greet Special
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Social Event
O: Come and find out all about our many events: Hiking, Backpacking,
Winter Activities, 203040’s, BBQ’s, Adventure Travel the World. Hike and
travel safe with the Sierra Club. Meet the leaders. Be a part of the largest
grassroots environmental organization in the US and join Sierra Club $15
Special Offer, free gift. Free Drawing. Refreshments. Everyone welcome,
bring a friend! Meet at REI in the Tustin Marketplace, Community Room,
2962 El Camino Real, Tustin, CA
Leaders: Donna Specht, donnaspecht@juno.com, 714-963-6345; Charles
G Geller, eduright@aol.com, 714-292-2352; Houria Hall, houriazhall@
yahoo.com, 714-525-7400; Scott Closson, closs100@mail.chapman.edu,
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:30 pm San Pedro/RPV Conditioning Hike
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
7:00 pm Conditioning Hikes on Signal Hill (every Tue and Thur)
8:30 am - Tue Moderate easy pace Hikers / O’Melveny Park
to Mission
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 5 mile, 1400’ gain/loss hike with great views of SF
Valley and way beyond, depending on visibility, in our second largest city
park. Meet 8:30 am at trailhead. From 118 Fwy take Balboa Blvd exit north
about 2 miles to Orozco St, turn left continuing 1/2 mile to end, then left
on Sesnon, pass parking lot, and go about 4 blocks to Neon. Turn right
and park at end of street. Bring water, snack, lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain
Leaders: Reaven Gately, reavengately@yahoo.com, 805-255-2350; Virve
Leps, ants.leps@ca.rr.com, 310-477-9664
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Malibu Creek SP to
Paramount Ranch
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: (Sierra Sage, Easy Hikers): A “Mike’s Hike” of 4 mi round trip, 100’ gain.
Enjoy a late afternoon Beach Walk down to the cottages, then back along the
beach, pausing at Pelican Point to view the sunset. Meet 3:15 pm at North
parking lot. Enter Crystal Cove Park opposite Newport Coast Drive, turn
Right after the toll booth, and continue to farthest north parking area. Bring
water, $$ for parking fee. Rain cancels. Ldr: Mike Sappingfield.
Leaders: Michael Sappingfield, mikesapp@cox.net, 949-768-3610; John
Kaiser, jkai39@gmail.com, 714-968-4677
O: Strenuous 12 mi, 1600’ gain hike via Tapia Spur trail to Malibu Creek SP,
MASH site, Malibu lake, Paramount Ranch, return via Reagan Ranch. Meet
at Tapia Park (101 to Las Virgenes Rd, S 4.8 mi, or PCH to Malibu Cyn Rd,
N 4.8 mi). Park at Tapia Park or Piuma Trailhead (fee, or free with appropriate parking permit), or park free in dirt lot at the SE corner of Malibu Cyn/
Las Virgenes and Piuma Rd. Tapia Park is 0.1 m N of dirt lot, 0.3 m N of
Piuma Trailhead. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles. Rain or red flag alert cancels.
Leaders: Michael Louis, 310-395-8432; Ernest M Scheuer, ems728@gmail.
com, 310-274-7987
Monday, January 12, 2015
9:00 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/ Tri Peaks (3010’)
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Conditioning Hike in Rancho Palos Verdes
7:00 pm Conditioning Beach Walk (every Monday)
7:30 am - Bi-Monthly Meeting
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Club Support Event
O: Learn status & issues, help formulate & implement actions involving
land use in the Santa Monica Mtns. Keep current on issues and meeting
agenda via SMMTF monthly newsletter. Refreshments. 7:30 pm. For meeting place, call Mary Ann Webster.
Leaders: Mary Ann Webster, mawebster1984@sbcglobal.net, 310-5593126; Ronald Webster, 310-559-3126
O: Moderately paced 8 mi loop, 1700’ gain hike on Boney Mountain scenic
trails past Balanced and Split Rocks and Echo Cliffs. Meet 8:00 am Pacific
Palisades rideshare pt or 9:00 am at Mishe Mokwa trailhead (PCH 24 mi
W of Malibu Cyn Rd; 7 mi on winding Yerba Buena Rd to R side parking
area - 2 mi past Ranger Station). Rain cancels.
Leaders: Robert Cody, bcodyman@aol.com, 310-410-9172; Peter Ireland,
peterireland@msn.com, 818-996-8846
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
8:30 am - OCSS/Sierra Sage O: Whiting Ranch/Billy Goat
Loop Hike
Orange County Group Outing
whales, walruses, seals and polar bears behaving as you’ve not seen before.
Leader: David Haake, dhaake3@gmail.com, 310-237-3447
O: Join us for a strenuous, moderately-paced 7 mi rt 1400’ gain/loss hike
up Serrano Canyon and Dreaded Hill to Four Corners and the Billy Goat
Trail, returning through Sleepy Hollow with possible deer sighting. Bring 2
liters water, snacks, lugsoles, sun protection, $3 for parking or annual pass.
Meet 8:30 am at the Glenn Ranch Rd entrance in Lake Forest. Exit I-5/405
at Bake Pkwy, go E 5 mi, R on Portola, L at Glenn Ranch Rd ½ mi and L
into parking lot. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Sharon L Kirk, sl.kirk@sbcglobal.net, 714-376-3197; Audrey
Tomovich, tomovich@cox.net., 949-830-8936
Friday, January 16, 2015
7:00 pm - Wilderness Skills: Emergencies and Survival in the
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Club Support Event
O: Join us for 3 days of skiing in the Mammoth area. Stay in comfortable condo, ski mountain or join local ski tour. Cost includes 3 nights
comfortable condo, 2 dinners, Happy Hour, continental breakfast, $35
cancel fee before 12/15. Entire fee non-refundable after 12/15 without
suitable replacement. Send E-mail, H&W phones, $245 check w/SC# (Ski
Mountaineers), $265 non-member to
Leaders: May Adachi, madachi@teac.com, 562-692-0150; Tom Marsh,
qrtmoon@roadrunner.com, 805-498-9580
O: Join us for this fun and informative evening series of monthly classes
at REI, 2962 El Camino Real, Tustin, California as we will be discussing
subjects such as day hiking, backpacking, navigation, first aid, stoves, cooking and meal planning, sleeping and sheltering, emergencies and survival,
gear selection, and more. All courses are taught by experienced Sierra Club
Outing Leaders. This topic will cover weather related emergencies, common
injuries, navigation, what to do if you get lost, how to refind your location/
direction of travel, when to create an emergency shelter, how to emergency
bivouac if you need help and can’t make it out, how to get help, search and
rescue, when to start a fire, the use of the 10 ‘plus’ essentials, wild animals,
how to get more water and more. Information will be available about
upcoming hikes and events. There is no charge for the course. [Feel free to
arrive at 6:30 pm for social, registration, and to find out what is happening
with Sierra Club in the area and to visit with the leaders before class.]
Leader: Frances Penn, fpenn@rutan.com, 714-747-1019
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:30 pm Conditioning Hike on Palos Verdes Peninsula
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike
7:00 pm Conditioning Hikes on Signal Hill (every Tue and Thur)
8:30 am - Thu Moderate Hikers / Malibu Creek State Park
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 8 mile, 1000’ gain hike including Lookout Trail with
great views, Century Lake, and Reagan picnic area. Meet 8:30 am at Cornell
& Mulholland dirt parking area (from 101 Ventura Fwy take Kanan Rd, exit
36, south 1/2 mile, turn left on Cornell and veer to right continuing south
3 miles, past Paramount Ranch, to paved entrance of dirt parking area on
east side of street just south of Mulholland Hwy). Bring 2 qts water, lunch,
lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Ted Mattock, mattockman@gmail.com, 818-222-5581; Diane De
Marco, hikerfive@gmail.com, 310-645-9442
6:30 pm - A Mid-winter Night’s Stair Hike – Hike 5 of 8
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
O: Hike 5 of 8: 4 mi, 2 hrs. Fulfill your new year’s resolution to hike more
stairs. If your new year’s resolution included hiking stairs with a heavy
backpack, even better. Meet 6:30pm at Thirsty Crow, 2939 West Sunset
Boulevard (90026). Bring water, adventurous spirit, strong legs, and deeper
appreciation of stairs. Flashlight optional. Heavy rain cancels.
Leaders: Sarah Quist, sarahschuh@gmail.com, 608-334-1033; Anne
Mullins, hike2thepeak@gmail.com, 323-698-6455
7:00 pm - The Arctic and Its Inhabitants - a Travel Adventure
West Los Angeles Group Club Support Event
O: Dave Weeshoff will present highlights of his 24 day trip to the high arctic, including birds, plants, and the Inuit and Viking cultures of that area.
Included are some amazing photos of arctic glacier ice, pack ice, various
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
Friday, January 16, 2015 to Monday, January 19, 2015
Mammoth Ski
Angeles Chp Ski Mountaineers Outing
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Repeating Events
8:00 am Peters Canyon Regional Park Conditioning Hike
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
Saturday, January 17, 2015 to Monday, January 19, 2015
Anza Borrego Carcamp
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
I: Spend 2 nites on a large group campsite at pretty and comfortable AnzaBorrego state campground (running water and showers). Optional early
arrival Fr nite. Day hikes include a beautiful desert slot canyon hike, an
interpretive trail to a palm oasis, and a nice section of the California Riding
and Hiking Trail or PCT. Slot-canyon hike will require some moderate
rock scrambling. Optional group dinner in the town of Borrego Springs
Sat or Sun night. Optional trip to Marshall South homesite on Monday.
Campground fee will be split among participants, max $40/person, collected
on trip. Send email or 2 sase with experience, conditioning, phone numbers,
rideshare information to leader.
Leaders: Dean Wallraff, deanraff@arsnova.org, 818-353-4268; Terry
Ginsberg, tjayg@charter.net, 626-296-6911; Pam Allen, ezadorah@hotmail.
com, 626-296-6911; Beth Powis Martin, whmscl@sbcglobal.net, 626-3969701
9:00 am - La Vita Trail hike
Orange County Group Outing
O: Hike a remote and relatively unknown loop through the back hills of
Brea in the Chino Hills State Park. A 4 mi loop, 1100’ gain, along a trail
crossing Sonome Creek. Meet 9 am in Olinda Village at 200 Verbena Ln
(and Olinda Dr (not Place); off Carbon Canyon Rd) Bring water, a snack,
and sturdy shoes. Rain within 48 hours cancels
Leaders: Eric Johnson, ericsj@mindspring.com, 714-524-7763; Fred Reed,
fkreed@msn.com, 714-528-4841
9:30 am - Millennium Loop Trail
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderately paced 11.4 mile 2700’ gain loop hike on the Millennium
Loop Trail in Calabasas. Some lovely wilderness views once we get past the
macmansions! Meet 9 am at the Woodland Hills rideshare pt or 9:30 at the
trailhead: exit 101 at Parkway Calabasas; turn left (S); then, immediate right
(W) on Calabasas Rd.; drive 1.5 miles to the end; park on the south side of
the street (Thomas Guide Map 559, Grid C-5). Rain cancels.
Leaders: Robert Baldwin, rbaldwin@uclaextension.edu, 818-510-1274;
Ron Rosien, glendon3@aol.com, 310-474-0349
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Repeating Events
9:00 am - Sierra Sage/OCSS O: Laguna Coast Wilderness/
Boat Canyon
Orange County Group Outing
8:30 am Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve Newcomer Hike
8:30 am - Whiting Ranch Sleepy Hollow hike
Sierra Sage of SOC Group Outing
O: A “Mike’s Hike” 4 mi rt,, 200’ gain moderately paced walk through
shady oaks and sycamores in Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park. Often see
lots of deer. Children 5 yrs and up with parent(s) are welcome. Meet 8:30
am at secondary Whiting Ranch Parking Lot on Glenn Ranch Road, ¼ mi
east of Portola Parkway in Lake Forest. Bring $3 for parking, water, camera,
munchies, lugsoles, and hat. Rain cancels. Leaders: Mike Sappingfield,
Duana Miller.
Leaders: Michael Sappingfield, mikesapp@cox.net, 949-768-3610; Duana
L. Miller, duana103@hotmail.com, 949-831-0890
Monday, January 19, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Conditioning Hike in Rancho Palos Verdes
7:00 pm Conditioning Beach Walk (every Monday)
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:30 pm San Pedro/RPV Conditioning Hike
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
7:00 pm Conditioning Hikes on Signal Hill (every Tue and Thur)
8:30 am - Tue Moderate easy pace hikers / Malibu Nature
Preserve from Nicholas Flat
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Rare opportunity to hike from Nicholas Flat in Leo Carrillo State Park
and descend through a private nature preserve in Nicholas Cyn with stunning ocean views. 4-6 mile, 200’ gain / 1600’ loss. Learn how this land
came to be protected and the history of this area. Enjoy snack in the beautiful Sycamore Grove picnic grounds and enjoy historic Sierra Club and
local landscape art work in lodge. Meet at 8:30 AM at the Malibu Nature
Preserve. Take 101 Fwy W to Kanan Rd, Kanan S to PCH, then PCH West
7 1/2 miles to Malibu Nature Preserve, 33905 West PCH, Malibu. Free
parking. Short car shuttle. Bring water, snack, lug sole boots. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Peter Ireland, peterireland@msn.com, 818-996-8846; Pixie
Klemic, pklemic@roadrunner.com, 818-787-5420
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Malibu Cyn/Las Virgenes
Rd to Saddle Pk
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Strenuous 14 mi, 3300’ gain hike along the Backbone Trail from Malibu
Cyn/Las Virgenes to lunch on Saddle Peak and return. Meet at Corner of
Malibu Cyn/Las Virgenes and Piuma Rd. (101 to Las Virgenes Rd, S 4.9 mi,
or PCH to Malibu Cyn Rd, N 4.7 mi). Park free in dirt lot at the SE corner
of Malibu Cyn/Las Virgenes and Piuma Rd. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles.
Rain or red flag alert cancels.
Leaders: David Finch, davidmfinch@mac.com, 310-450-4102; Michael
Louis, 310-395-8432
9:00 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/Sullivan Cyn Ridge Trail
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: 9 mi rt, 1900’ gain hike through beautiful shaded cyn. Possible stream
crossings. Meet 9 am at end of Queensferry Rd (Sunset Blvd to Mandeville
Cyn Rd, N ¼ mi to Westridge Rd, L 1¼ mi to Bayliss Rd, L ¼ mi to
Queensferry Rd; watch parking restrictions). Rain cancels.
Leaders: David Finch, davidmfinch@mac.com, 310-450-4102; Carol
Leacock, carol.leacock@verizon.net, 310-454-4188
O: 6 mi, 1000’ gain from Dartmoor Gate in Laguna Beach to Willow parking lot via Boat Road/Bommer Ridge/Laurel Cyn. Return by catching the
OCTA bus on the “safe” side of Laguna Cyn Rd with a transfer in Lag Bch
for return to Dartmoor. Bring lugsoles/water/snack/money for bus ($1.50$2.00). Lunch in LB between bus transfers is optional. Meet 9 am at end of
Dartmoor St (free parking). From end of Lag Cyn Rd, R on PCH to Viejo
St, turn R, then L on Hillcrest 1 block, R on Dartmoor to end. Rain cancels.
Judy Mulry judymulry@aol.com
Leaders: Peter R Height, prheight@cox.net., prheight1@cox.net, 949-5581347, 949-412-8954, 949-713-4569; Judith E Mulry, judymulry@aol.com,
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:30 pm Conditioning Hike on Palos Verdes Peninsula
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike
7:00 pm Conditioning Hikes on Signal Hill (every Tue and Thur)
8:30 am - Thu Moderate Hikers / Placerita Cyn, Pinetos Trail
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 9 mile, 1700’ gain hike starting in Placerita Canyon
Park with shaded oak groves and a willow and sycamore-lined seasonal
stream, to Walker Ranch and then up the Pinetos trail to Wilson Canyon
Saddle. Meet 8:30 AM at Placerita Nature Center parking lot. From Hwy
14 in Newhall take Placerita Cyn Rd, exit 3, and go east 1 1/2 miles to park
entrance. Bring 2 qts water, lunch, lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Rosemary Campbell, hiker.rosemary@sbcglobal.net, 818-3446869; Norm Stabeck, normstabeck1945@yahoo.com, 818-236-3884
Friday, January 23, 2015
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Repeating Events
8:00 am Peters Canyon Regional Park Conditioning Hike
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
8:00 am - Mt Pinos Backcountry Ski Tour
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
I: Moderately strenuous 4+ mile, 500’ gain to panoramic vista. Ski from
end of Mt Pinos Highway to summit at Condor Point. Possible side trips to
Inspiration Point, other destinations, or just playing may add a few miles + a
few 100 feet elevation loss & gain. May ski lower on mountain if conditions
warrant. Part of route may be in pre-existing tracks, but recent snowfall,
rutted trail, or aesthetics may require breaking new trail. Intermediate X-C
skills required & metal-edged, backcountry skis & backcountry boots highly
recommended. Bring winter clothing, water, lunch. No snow or likely blizzard cancel trip. Send e-mail or phone leader w/ experience level/conditioning for trip details in the 2 weeks before trip.Sponsored by Orange County
Sierra Singles, Wilderness Adventures.
Leaders: Mark Alan Mitchell, markamitchell@att.net, 818-753-9328; Mark
Fleming, mflemi@earthlink.net, 626-712-3671
8:00 am - Snowshoe Dayhike in the San Jacinto Area
Sierra Sage of SOC Group Outing
I: Join us as we snowshoe around the Round Valley area, in the San Jacinto
Wilderness. This is a snowshoe day hike for 8 miles, 850’ gain. Starting at
the Palm Springs Tramway Mountain Station (8400’), we will hike up the
drainage to Tamarak Valley, explore Tamarak and Round Valleys, return
down the ridge to Long Valley, perhaps stop at the Adventure Center,
and return to the starting point in the afternoon. Final route subject to
weather and snow conditions. Must bring snowshoes, waterproof clothing,
warm hat, warm gloves, warm waterproof hiking boots, hiking poles with
snowflakes, ten essentials, lunch, two quarts of water, money for tramway
(approximately $22). Bring some money for optional beverage at the Station
after the hike. Must have snowshoe experience. Group size limited by permit. Contact leaders, Sylvie Côté and Todd Clark, for more information.
Leaders: Todd Clark, tclark@ttmtech.com, 714-803-0195; Sylvie Cote,
mlsylvie@hotmail.com, 949-547-2998
9:00 am - Monrovia Canyon
Pasadena Group Outing
O: Hike to Deer Park through Monrovia Canyon Park on historic Ben
Overturff Trail. Moderately paced 6 mile round trip, 1100’ elevation gain,
in scenic Monrovia Canyon on oak- and laurel bay-shaded trail. Some of the
trail is on paved and unpaved fire road. Bring lunch, hiking boots, suitable
clothing, water. Meet 9 am at REI, 214 N. Santa Anita Ave., Arcadia 91006
along the eastern edge of parking lot to rideshare to Monrovia Canyon Park
($6 fee). Rain cancels. Leaders: Bonnie Strand, Liz Pomeroy, Bill Joyce.
Leaders: Bonnie C Strand, nelsdotter@sbcglobal.net, 818-247-6398;
William Joyce, rollingtherock@verizon.net, 909-596-6280
Sunday, January 25, 2015
9:00 am - Whitney Canyon Park
Santa Clarita Valley Group Outing
O: : Easy 3-4 mi, 200’ gain in beautiful shaded canyon on the north side of
the San Gabriels. Recommended for all ages including Little Hikers. Follow
trail by streambed up to small waterfall and return. Area now part of Santa
Monica Mts. Conservancy. Meet 9 AM at south end of Newhall Ave. Take
I-5 N to 14 Freeway, take 1st exit (Newhall Ave) and turn right into Park
and Ride area. Bring water and snack. Rain cancels.
Leaders: David Morrow, dlrchmorrow@sbcglobal.net, 661-254-5245;
Raymond Lorme, rlorme@aol.com, 661-296-0246
hat, sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Stephen D Beck, stephendalebeck@gmail.com, 805-400-5366;
Rita Okowitz, apthealth@hotmail.com, 818-889-9924
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Malibu Creek State Park,
King Gillette Ranch
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Strenuous 14 mi, 2500’ gain hike in Malibu Creek State Park, including
Liberty Canyon trails with lunch in King Gillette Ranch. Meet at Cornell
Rd just S of Mulholland Hwy (101 to Kanan Rd, S 0.4 mi, L on Cornell Rd,
2.3 mi, L on first rd after Mulholland Hwy, L into parking). Park free in dirt
lot. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles. Rain or red flag alert cancels.
Leaders: Jon Sheldon, jonfromto@gmail.com, 805-496-4371; Jeri Segal,
gsegal@earthlink.net, 310-391-3439
9:00 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/ Santa Ynez Cyn via
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderate 7 mi, 1000’ gain hike to Trippet Ranch via the re-engineered
Wirebreak. Shorter 4-6 mi option. Meet 9:00 am Santa Ynez trailhead
(PCH N ½ mi on Sunset Blvd, L 2 ½ mi on Palisades Dr, L on Vereda de
la Montura to the gate). Rain cancels.
Leaders: Wlodek Proskurowski, proskuro@usc.edu, 310-202-0331; Ernest
M Scheuer, ems728@gmail.com, 310-274-7987
7:00 pm - Sierra Sage Open House
Sierra Sage of SOC Group Club Support Event
O: Join us for our annual Open House and Chili Cookoff for the Sierra
Sage Group of the Sierra Club. This is your opportunity to meet many
other people with similar interests as well as learn more about the Sierra
Sage Group and the Sierra Club’s various activities, hikes, camping trips,
environmental and conservation efforts and many more. Enjoy the exhibits
and demonstrations and have all your questions answered. There is even a
Chili Cookoff Contest to indulge everyone’s appetite. Current members,
new members, and even non-members are invited. Everyone is invited to
enjoy the Chili and vote on the best. You are even invited to enter your own
chili(call Patty Sappingfield for details)
Leaders: Michael Sappingfield, mikesapp@cox.net, 949-768-3610; Patty
Sappingfield, solanese@cox.net, 949-768-3610
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Monday, January 26, 2015
Repeating Events
Repeating Events
8:30 am - Sierra Sage O: Bear Canyon Loop
Orange County Group Outing
6:30 pm Conditioning Hike in Rancho Palos Verdes
7:00 pm Conditioning Beach Walk (every Monday)
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:30 pm San Pedro/RPV Conditioning Hike
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
7:00 pm Conditioning Hikes on Signal Hill (every Tue and Thur)
8:30 am - Tue Moderate easy pace Hikers / Calabasas Peak
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 4 mile hike with 950’ elevation gain to the top for
great multi- Valley views at one of the highest peaks in the Santa Monica
Mtns. Wonderful rock formations and flowers; waterfalls after rains, too!
Meet 8:30 am at Stunt Road trailhead. From 101 Ventura Fwy take Valley
Circle/Mulholland Dr exit south, turn right on Valmar Rd (becomes Old
Topanga Cyn Rd), right on Mulholland Hwy for 3 1/2 miles, left on Stunt
Rd for 1 mile, park on dirt shoulder on right. Bring water, snack, lugsoles,
6:30 pm Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
O: 7 mi, 1000’ gain up from the Candy Store through chaparral and oaks
and wildflowers, then up the ridge to 4 corners and back by shady Pigeon
Springs. Meet 8:30 am at South Orange County rideshare point, or 9:00
am at the Candy Store on Ortega Hwy parking lot with Forest Service
Pass. Bring 2 qts water, snack/lunch, lugsoles. Rain cancels. Ldr: Mike
Sappingfield 949-768-3610 mikesapp@cox.net
Leaders: Michael Sappingfield, mikesapp@cox.net, 949-768-3610; Sylvia
Stevenson, sjstevenson2828@yahoo.com, 949-616-2765, 949-487-2660
7:30 pm - Monthly Meeting
Verdugo Hills Group Social Event
O: Join the Verdugo Hills Group for a program on his recent trip to South
America presented by David Eisenberg. See images of the Patagonian Fjords,
the Straights of Magellan, Antarctica, and more. …presented by David
Eisenberg. Everyone is welcome at 7:00 for social time and refreshments.
The meeting begins at 7:30 in the community room of Montrose Citibank
[2350 Honolulu Ave-Montrose]. There’s plenty of parking, enter in the
Leader: Delphine Trowbridge, dtrowbridge36@gmail.com, 818-558-7722
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:30 pm Conditioning Hike on Palos Verdes Peninsula
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike
8:30 am - Thu Moderate Hikers / Northern Malibu Creek
State Park
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Hike on some less familiar trails on this moderately paced 8 mile, 1000’
gain hike, including Phantom Trail, Cistern Trail, Lookout Trail, Grassland
Trail and Liberty Canyon Trail. Meet 8:30 AM at Liberty Canyon trailhead.
From 101 Ventura Fwy take Liberty Canyon Rd, exit 34, south 0.8 mile to
end, and park on west side of street. Bring 2 qts water, lunch, lugsoles, hat,
sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Stephen Beck, stephendalebeck@gmail.com, 805-400-5366;
Nancy Krupa, nrkrupa@aol.com, 818-981-4799
Backcountry Ski Leaders: Mark Fleming, Homer Tom & Donna Specht.
Snowshoe Leader: Dave Black and Gwen Sharp
Leaders: Mark Fleming, mflemi@earthlink.net, 626-712-3671; Donna
Specht, donnaspecht@juno.com, 714-963-6345; Julie Smith-Meek, 909393-0630; Gwen M Sharp, socalgeogal@yahoo.com, 714-991-0997; Homer
Tom, hikerhomie@gmail.com; Dave Black, dave.black@sbcglobal.net, 949362-4119; Scott Meek, scottandjulie@verizon.net, 909-393-0630
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Repeating Events
8:00 am Peters Canyon Regional Park Conditioning Hike
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
6:30 pm - A Mid-winter Night’s Stair Hike – Hike 6 of 8
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
O: Hike 6 of 8: 5 mi, 2 hrs. Train for winter outdoor adventures by exploring stairs and steep hills around Los Angeles. Bonus points for carrying a
heavy backpack as if you’re on the JMT. Meet 6:30pm at Red Lion, 2366
Glendale Blvd (90039). Bring water, adventurous spirit, strong legs, and
appreciation of stairs. Flashlight optional. Heavy rain cancels.
Leaders: Anne Mullins, hike2thepeak@gmail.com, 323-698-6455;
Alexander Prieto, alex.priet9@gmail.com, 415-240-1911
7:00 pm - Conditioning Hikes on Signal Hill (every Tue and
Long Beach Group Outing
O: 3 hikes. Fast group, 5 mi, 800’ gain; Fast-intermediate group, 4 mi,
700’ gain; Moderate group, 3 ½ mi, 600’ gain. Well behaved K9s welcome.
Meet every Tue & Thu 7 pm at Industry Dr & Redondo Ave. Bring water,
lugsoles, flashlight with red lens optional.
Leaders: Todd Williams, http://angeles.sierraclub.org/longbch/Navigation/
people_leader_contacts.html; Sharon Moore, http://angeles.sierraclub.
org/longbch/Navigation/people_leader_contacts.html; Bob Yinger, http://
Joaquin Valadez, http://angeles.sierraclub.org/longbch/Navigation/people_leader_contacts.html; Richard Boothe, http://angeles.sierraclub.org/
longbch/Navigation/people_leader_contacts.html; Lawrence Stern, http://
John H, 562-429-0809
Malibu Creek State Park.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
9:00 am - Placerita Canyon 8 mile Loop
Santa Clarita Valley Group Outing
Friday, January 30, 2015 to Sunday, February 01, 2015
O: Strenuous 8 mile 1800’ gain on roller coaster hike in Placerita Cyn. Park
and Angeles Forest. Good conditioning hike on north slope of the western
San Gabriel Mtns with excellent views of Santa Clarita and San Fernando
Valleys. Meet 9 am at Placerita Nature Center in front of main building.
Take I-5 N to 14 Freeway, exit Placerita Cyn Rd, go right app. 2 miles to
Park. Bring 2 qts of water, lunch, and lug soles. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Matthew Lax, matthewlax@juno.com, 661-252-2393; Kate
Okamoto, kate.okamoto@gmail.com, 661-288-7931
Winter Sports Bus Trip to Mammoth Lakes
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Friday, January 30, 2015
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
I: Join OCSS for an awesome weekend adventure!. This trip has it all: Learn
to cross-country ski in the backcountry with experienced instructors; enjoy
backcountry ski touring and snowshoe touring with leaders; XC ski on
your own at Tamarack Nordic Ski Center; Downhill ski or snowboard on
Mammoth Mtn. Newcomers and Non skiers Welcome!! Stay at Quality Inn
(2 per rm, 2 beds, priv.bath) close to shopping, night life, free shuttles. Leave
O.C. 2 pm with pickup in San Fernando Valley. Return O.C. Sun. 10PM.
Incl. bus, lodging, breakfasts, happy hour, Sun. dinner & bus refreshments.
Send email address (or 2 SASE), phone#, $310 w/SC# / $330 non-mem
(check payable OCSS). To Reserv: Donna Specht, 22221 Wood Island
Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92646. Leader: Mark Fleming, Asst. Ldr:
Homer Tom, Backcountry Ski Instructors: Julie Smith-Meek & Scott Meek.
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:30 pm San Pedro/RPV Conditioning Hike
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
8:30 am - Tue Moderate easy pace Hikers / King Gillette
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 5 mile, 400’ elevation gain hike around our newest
acquisition to the Santa Monica Parklands, most recently owned by SOKA
University. Beautiful valley and coast live oak savannah, grasslands, coastal
sage scrub, etc, as well as manicured grounds around the original Gillette
Mansion. Meet 8:30 am in fee parking lot of Ranch. From 101 Ventura Fwy
take Las Virgenes Rd/Malibu Canyon exit, go south approx. 5 3/4 miles
to Mulholland Hwy. Turn left on Mulholland and then right to enter the
long eucalyptus alleé driveway for Ranch. Bring water, snack, lugsoles, hat,
sunscreen. Rain cancels
Leaders: Pixie Klemic, pklemic@roadrunner.com, 818-787-5420; Marcia
Harris, mrharris35@verizon.net, 310-828-6670
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Mugu/La Jolla Ramble
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Strenuous 12 mi, 2200’ gain hike to the summit of Mugu Peak first
thing at a moderate pace and get much of the gain over with. Then enjoy a
beautiful ramble, including a descent of Heavenly Hill (Hell Hill the other
way) and Guadalasca Trail. Meet at Chumash trailhead (PCH 22.7 mi W of
Malibu Cyn Rd, opposite Navy Firing Range orange tower). Park free in dirt
lot. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles. Rain or red flag alert cancels.
Leaders: Lynn Lively, llively@aol.com, 805-256-4106; Michael Louis, 310395-8432
9:00 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/ Buzzard’s Roost (2507’)
from Encinal Cyn
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderate 8 mi rt, 1700’ gain hike from Encinal Cyn Rd down beautiful
Trancas Cyn & up to Buzzard’s Roost. Meet 8:15 am Pacific Palisades rideshare pt or 9:00 am at Encinal Cyn Rd trailhead (PCH 6 mi W of Malibu
Cyn Rd, Kanan Dume Rd N 6 mi to Mulholland Hwy, W 3½ mi onto
Encinal Cyn Rd to shoulder parking on S side of road just E of Fire Camp
#13). Rain cancels.
Leaders: Margaret C Fields, 310-839-8235; Wlodek Proskurowski, proskuro@usc.edu, 310-202-0331
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
9:00 am - Emerald Canyon
Orange County Group Outing
O: 9-10 mi, 1600’ cumulative gain/loss, depending on the route we take.
Thanks to the installation of a new bridge, the canyon is officially open
again! We’ll hope to see lots of green in this wilderness jewel and maybe
some wildflowers. Meet 9:00 am Laguna Coast Wilderness Willow parking
lot on Laguna Cyn Rd (take El Toro towards the beach, L on Laguna Cyn
Rd at the “T”, almost immediate R into lot.). Bring 2 qts water, lunch,
lugsoles, $3 for parking (or credit card). Rain cancels.
Leaders: Helen Maurer, 7gables@cox.net, 949-768-0417; Sherri Sisson,
sksisson@gmail.com, 949-786-7681
7:00 pm - ‘My Solo Hike on the John Muir Trail’...Pasadena
Group Monthly Meeting & Program
Pasadena Group Club Support Event
O: San Gabriel Valley resident Pamela Zoolalian will present an illustrated
program “My Solo Hike on the John Muir Trail”. Pamela undertook this
272 mile hike from Yosemite to Mt. Whitney in a personal effort to raise
$5000 for the non-profit organization Aspire2Be, which she founded to
empower young women to dream, create, and grow through art programs,
action sports, and other outdoor experiences. Pamela is an accomplished
action sports athlete who has successfully competed in numerous activities
of the International Gravity Sports Association World Cup series, as well as
other competitive action sports events. Seven years ago she volunteered to
be a youth mentor to other young women and inspire them to reach their
dreams just as she had. Meeting will also include information on Group’s
hikes, outings, and conservation activities. Newcomers always welcome!
Doors open at 7 pm; Program starts at 7:30 pm at Eaton Canyon Nature
Center, 1750 N Altadena Dr in NE Pasadena. For more information contact
Group Membership Chair, Elizabeth Pomeroy.
Leader: Liz Pomeroy, ewpomeroy@gmail.com, 626-791-7660
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike
8:30 am - Thu Moderate Hikers / Towsley Cyn, Santa Clarita
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 7 mile, 1350’ gain (optional 5 mile, 1050’ gain) hike
with great vistas, a chilly narrows, diverse plant life and tar seeps. Meet
8:30am at Ed Davis Park in Santa Susana Mtns. Take Calgrove Blvd, exit
166, from Interstate 5, turn west under the freeway and take the Old Road
south ½ mile to Ed Davis Park on right, drive past Santa Clarita rideshare
parking area outside entrance, go through gate and park in large dirt parking area 100 yds beyond the gate. Bring 2 qts water, lunch, lugsoles, hat,
sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Mimi Knights, greg.mimi@att.net, 661-253-3414; Norm Stabeck,
normstabeck1945@yahoo.com, 818-236-3884; Margaret Vernallis, margaret.vernallis@csun.edu, 818-360-4414
Friday, February 6, 2015
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
Friday, February 06, 2015 to Sunday, February 08, 2015
Rabbit (6640’), Villager (5756’)
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing
I: These peaks are normally done in a 2 day backpack or even as a very
strenuous day hike. You usually start in the dark and often come out in the
dark. We will be doing this as a 3 day backpack. All hiking should be done
in daylight. Friday we will hike Villager, 7 miles, 4900’ gain, and spend
the first night there. Saturday, hike Rabbit using a summit pack, 7.5 miles,
3100’, round trip from Villager. We will spend Saturday night on Villager
then hike out on Sunday. If time and energy permit, we may add Mile High
peak, a peak on the San Diego list. This would add about 2 miles round trip,
1600’ gain. Space is limited. Slow to moderate pace. Bring food, water, 10
essentials. You will have to bring water for three days. Contact leaders for
status and details.
Leaders: David Comerzan, comerzan@verizon.net, 909-482-0173; Patricia
Arredondo, paarredo@verizon.net, 562-618-4391; Pat Vaughn, pearlv9@
yahoo.com, 310-671-9575
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Repeating Events
7:30 am Trail Maintenance in San Mateo Canyon Wilderness
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
9:00 am - South Pasadena Historic Walk
Pasadena Group Outing
O: South Pasadena Historic Walk: Easy 3 mi walk through historic neighborhoods of South Pasadena threatened by proposed extension of 710
Freeway. Walk, which lasts 3 hours, includes summary of early history of
S Pasadena and visits to historic residential and business districts. Optional
lunch and/or visit to museum after walk. Meet 9 am Meridian Iron Works,
SW corner Mission and Meridian Sts, adjacent to Mission station on Gold
Line light rail. Rain cancels.
Leaders: David Czamanske, dczamanske@hotmail.com, 626-458-8646;
Bonnie C Strand, nelsdotter@sbcglobal.net, 818-247-6398
5:00 pm - Mystery Dinner Fundraiser
Verdugo Hills Group Social Event
O: Advance Notice -- Mystery Dinner Back by popular demand! We will
have another of our famous fundraisers. It will be in a close by Crescenta
Valley location. We will have wine, delicious food and great entertainment.
Please mark your calendar for this special event. For more info, call leaders.
Leaders: Delphine Trowbridge, dtrowbridge36@gmail.com, 818-558-7722;
Bruce Hale, brucehale@sbcglobal.net, 818-957-1936
Sunday, February 8, 2015
7:00 am - Navigation: Mt. Pinos Navigation Practice on
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
I: Ever wonder what it is like to navigate in snow? Find out on this navigation practice as we take a cross-country route to Mount Pinos (8831’).
Four miles round trip, 700 feet gain. Snowshoes required. Send email/sase,
contact info, navigation experience/training, any WTC, leader rating, rideshare to leader. Leader: Robert Myers. Co-Leaders: Ann Pedreschi Shields,
Adrienne Benedict, Jane Simpson
Leaders: Robert M Myers, rmmyers@ix.netcom.com, 310-829-3177;
Adrienne Benedict, sierraadrienne@verizon.net, 805-374-1960; Ann
Shields, apedreschi@sbcglobal.net, 818-637-2542; Jane Simpson, jsimple@
earthlink.net, 310-476-3059
8:30 am - Bear Canyon Loop
Sierra Sage of SOC Group Outing
O: 7 mi, 1200’ gain from the Candy Store through chaparral and oaks,
via the Bear Canyon Trail to 4 corners, then down to Pidgeon Springs for
lunch, then back to the Candy Store. Meet 8:30 am South OC Rideshare (1
Blk east of I-5 on Ortega Hwy and Rancho Viejo Rd). Bring water, lunch,
lugsoles. We will carpool to the FS Parking Lot and Trailhead at the Candy
Story. Forest Service Passed required for those driving to the Trailhead. Rain
Leaders: Michael Sappingfield, mikesapp@cox.net, 949-768-3610; John
Kaiser, jkai39@gmail.com, 714-968-4677
Monday, February 9, 2015
6:30 pm - Southern California Trails Night:
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Club Support Event
O: As the Summer Hiking Season Begins, Come learn about all the great
hiking trails available to you throughout Southern California! Slideshow,
Maps, Descriptions, and Stories will be presented for trails of all ability
levels, from first-time hikers to peak baggers. We will cover local trails in
Orange County such as Peters Canyon and Whiting Ranch Parks, Trails
in the San Gabriels such as Echo Mountain and Mount Wilson, The San
Bernardino National Forest, The Desert Parks, and also touch a little on
the Southern Sierra and Yosemite. Find the trails that interest you! Free
program. Meet at 6:30 pm at the Community Room at REI Tustin, 2962
El Camino Real, Tustin, CA. Hosts: Charles G. Geller (eduright@aol.com)
and Donna Specht (donnaspecht@juno.com)
Leader: Charles G Geller, donnaspecht@juno.com, eduright@aol.com
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:30 pm San Pedro/RPV Conditioning Hike
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
8:30 am - Tue Moderate easy pace Hikers / Placerita Canyon
State Park
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 4 mile, 400’ gain hike through Placerita Canyon Park
with shaded oak groves and a willow and sycamore-lined seasonal stream
to Walker Ranch. Meet 8:30 AM at Placerita Nature Center parking lot.
From Hwy 14 in Newhall take Placerita Cyn Rd exit and turn right (east)
1 1/2 miles to park entrance. Bring water, snack, lugsoles, hat, sunscreen.
Rain cancels.
Leader: Pixie Klemic, pklemic@roadrunner.com, 818-787-5420
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Bienveneda-Leacock Trails
to Will Rogers
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Strenuous 14 mi, 2800’ gain loop hike starting on the Leacock Trail,
down Temescal Ridge Trail to Temescal Gateway Park, across Rivas Cyn Trail
to Will Rogers State Park, up Rogers Rd, across the Temescal Pk Trail to
Temescal Ridge Trail, and back down the Leacock Trail. Meet at Bienveneda
Av and Via Floresta (Sunset Bl ½ mi W of Temescal Cyn Rd, N 1.1 mi on
Bienveneda). Park on street, watch signs. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles. Rain
or red flag alert cancels.
Leaders: Maya Levinson, mayasl@aol.com, 310-398-6344; Ernest M
Scheuer, ems728@gmail.com, 310-274-7987
9:00 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/Mishe Mokwa to Bony Peak
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderate 7 mi rt hike with 1500’ gain hike on Boney Mountain scenic
trails past Balanced and Split Rocks and Echo Cliffs. On our way out we
will pass Sandstone Peak and bag the less-traveled Boney Peak (elevation
2825 feet). Meet 8:00 am Pacific Palisades rideshare pt or 9:00 am at Mishe
Mokwa trailhead (PCH 24 mi W of Malibu Cyn Rd; 7 mi on winding Yerba
Buena Rd to R side parking area - 2 mi past Ranger Station). Rain cancels.
Leaders: Catherine Froloff, cfroloff@ca.rr.com, 310-821-4123; Ken Star,
ken3star@gmail.com, 323-931-6343
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
8:30 am - Sitton Peak
Orange County Group Outing
O: 10 mi, 2150’ gain. A nice workout up the Bear Cyn Trail to 4 corners,
then on up the Sitton Pk road and trail to the peak. Tremendous views on
top, ocean to mountains. Meet 8:30 am at South Orange County rideshare
point with 2 liters of water, lunch/snack, lugsoles non-cotton layers; hiking
poles helpful. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Sharon L Kirk, sl.kirk@sbcglobal.net, 714-376-3197; Rich Maxey,
richmaxey@yahoo.com, 949-310-5134
7:00 pm - Wilderness Skills: Meal Planning/Stoves/Cooking
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Club Support Event
O: Join us for this fun and informative evening series of monthly classes at
REI, 2962 El Camino Real, Tustin, California as we will be discussing subjects such as day hiking, backpacking, navigation, first aid, stoves, cooking
and meal planning, sleeping and sheltering, emergencies and survival, gear
selection, and more. All courses will be taught by experienced Sierra Club
Outing Leaders. This topic will be proper food handling, stoves, cooking
and meal planning and will deal with the different types of stoves available,
different cooking methods, meal planning and more. Come ready to sample
the meals we cook. Information will be available about upcoming hikes and
events. Come and invest an hour or two of time, as it might be the best
investment that you have ever made. There is no charge for the course. [Feel
free to arrive at 6:30 pm for social, registration, and to find out what is happening with Sierra Club in the area and to visit with the leaders before class.]
Leader: Frances Penn, fpenn@rutan.com, 714-747-1019
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike
Thursday, February 12, 2015 to Saturday, February 28, 2015
Thailand Cultural & Wildlife Adventure
Angeles Chapter Outing
O: Now a small trip with a 16-participant maximum. Few Spaces left!
Join us to see the cultural gems and wildlife of Thailand on a sightseeing
and easy hiking adventure. We’ll visit many previous trip important sights
& more new attractions. In Bangkok visit the magnificent Grand Palace,
huge reclining Buddha in Wat Pho temple, Boat trip in Bangkok canals,
Thai Theater performance, National Museum full of Thailand’s treasures,
Golden Mountain Temple & much more. Visit the ancient temple complex
of Sukhothai, a UNESCO world heritage site and Thailand’s equivalent
of Angkor Wat. In depth tour of Ayutthaya, the Historic Capital City
and UNESCO world heritage site, including Royal Palaces, Temples with
Thailand’s largest Buddha image, and other priceless treasures. We will visit
two premier Thai National Parks, Khao Yai National Park, a UNESCO
world heritage site including Elephants, Hornbills and largest park, Kaeng
Krachan, enjoying wildlife in this rich forest environment. Spend time
at a beautiful beach resorts, Cha’am. Visit a beautiful waterfall area near
Burma & some of the ethnic tribes, the famous bridge over the River Kwai.
Optional trip to Angkor Wat. Price includes hotel, bus transportation, most
meals, airport transfers, most hikes or walks, and more. International Airfare
is extra and group air is available. Sierra Club members $1,995 before
October 8th. After October 8th, $2,095. Non-members $100 more. Send 2
SASE or e-mail, H&W Phones, SC#, Check for full amount (Sierra Club)
to Stephanie Gross, PO Box 423, Montrose, CA 91021phone 818-5453878, Maew Suchin, Leader
Leaders: Fred Dong, madelinesdad@earthlink.net, 818-545-3878;
Stephanie Gross, madelinesmother@gmail.com, 818-545-3878; Rapeepun
Suchin, rsuchin@yahoo.com, 626-202-2955
8:30 am - Thu Moderate Hikers/ Trippet Ranch, Musch Trail,
Eagle Rock Loop
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 8 mile, 1200’ gain hike in Topanga State Park. Meet
8:30 am at Trippet Ranch parking lot (from 101 Ventura Fwy take Topanga
Canyon Blvd, exit 27, south to Entrada Rd, turn left (east), go about one
mile making two left turns to stay on Entrada Rd, and park along Entrada
Rd outside lot (or pay to park in lot). Bring $ for parking, 2 qts water, lunch,
lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Ted Mattock, mattockman@gmail.com, 818-222-5581; Gary
Anderson, anderson_gm@yahoo.com, 818-592-0710
6:30 pm - A Mid-winter Night’s Stair Hike – Hike 7 of 8
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
O: Hike 7 of 8: 3.2 mi, 1.5 hrs. Prepare for upcoming trips on stairs and
steep hills around NE Los Angeles. Carry all your new gear in a backpack
to train for backpacking and for show & tell. Meet at 6:30 pm at Superior
Market on 133 W Avenue 45 (90065) in Highland Park. Bring water,
adventurous spirit, strong legs, and deep love of stairs. Flashlight optional.
Heavy rain cancels.
Leaders: Sarah Quist, sarahschuh@gmail.com, 608-334-1033; Homer
Tom, hikerhomie@gmail.com
Friday, February 13, 2015
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
Friday, February 13, 2015 to Monday, February 16, 2015
Yosemite National Park Winter Bus Trip
West Los Angeles Group Outing
O: Join us for the group’s 36th annual winter bus trip to Yosemite. This is
the best time to be in the park. The air is fresh & clear & the crowds are
few. There will be ample time to do whatever you wish, ski, snowshoe, hike,
etc. To reserve, send payment in full to Paul Cutter, with each reservation,
include the names, addresses, phone #’s, email address & membership # of
all participants. $610 members, $635 non-members. Cancellation policy:
$20 per person to Dec. 31, 2014. No refunds after that date unless your
space can be resold. For all details, please call Paul.
Leaders: Paul Cutter, patecu@sbcglobal.net, 310-837-5269; Ilona Kupecz,
startrekgal48@gmail.com, 909-599-7115
Friday, February 13, 2015 to Monday, February 16, 2015
President’s Day Weekend in Yosemite at Wawona
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
I: Rideshare Fri to stay in a cabin in the Wawona area near Yosemite’s south
entrance. Join leaders for low intermediate xcntry ski and snowshoe each
day at Badger Pass and other areas. On your own you can downhill or track
ski, ice skate or simply explore Yosemite Valley in the winter. Cost includes
3 nights lodging in modern cabin with all amenities (2-4 per bedroom with
shared bathrooms and kitchen), 3 continental breakfasts, 3 lunch fixings,
Sat and Sun group dinner. Send $285 (Wilderness Adventures - $40 cancel
penalty, no refund of balance after Jan 12 unless trip is full and suitable
replacement found), 2 sase (or 1 sase and email), H&W phones, recent ski
experience (if joining Xctry skiing) to leader. Leader: Keith Martin at 530
South Lake Ave. #708, Pasadena CA 91101 Asst: Beth Powis Martin, Snow
Shoe Leaders: Sharon Moore and Jim Hagar.
Leaders: Keith Martin, keithwmartin@sbcglobal.net, 626-396-9701; Beth
Powis Martin, keithwmartin@sbcglobal.net, 626-396-9701; Sharon Moore,
justslm@earthlink.net, 562-494-3080; James Hagar, jhagar@speakeasy.net,
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Repeating Events
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
Saturday, February 14, 2015 to Sunday, February 15, 2015
I Rating: Mt Manchester (3602’), Homer Mtn (3740’),
Angeles Chp Desert Peaks Outing
O: Saturday- join us for an exploratory climb of Mt Manchester, just east
of the Mojave National Preserve. This peak is the high point of the Dead
Mountains Wilderness, so-named because it was a sacred burial site for local
Native Americans. This will be an exploratory climb for potential consideration on the DPS list. We will approach from the west, ~5 to 9 miles r/t
and 1500-1800’ gain, depending how far we can drive a dirt road onto the
Dead Mountains Wilderness. The nearby highpoint of the Sacramento Mtns
is also a possibility afterwards if there’s sufficient time and interest. Sunday climb nearby Homer Mtn (3740’), approx. 5 miles r/t.Kathy Rich.
Leader: Daryn Dodge, daryn.dodge@oehha.ca.gov, 530-753-1095
9:30 am - Backbone Trail at Piuma Ridge
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderately paced 10 mile 1800’ gain out-and-back hike along one of
the most beautiful sections of the Backbone Trail; views of Saddle Peak
and other rocky escarpments along the way. Meet 9 am at the Woodland
Hills rideshare pt or 9:30 at the trailhead (exit 101 at Las Virgenes; go S to
Mulholland Hwy; continue south 1.5 miles to Piuma Rd and park on the SE
shoulder (Thomas Guide Map 588, Grid H-7). Rain cancels.
Leaders: Robert Baldwin, rbaldwin@uclaextension.edu, 818-510-1274;
Ron Rosien, glendon3@aol.com, 310-474-0349
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Repeating Events
8:30 am Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve Newcomer Hike
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:30 pm San Pedro/RPV Conditioning Hike
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
8:30 am - Tue Moderate easy pace Hikers / Rocky Peak
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 6 mile, 1100’ gain hike in Santa Susana Mtns to Rocky
Peak, primarily on fire road through dramatic sandstone rock formations,
coastal sage scrub and chaparral with great views of Simi and San Fernando
Valleys. Meet 8:30 AM at Rocky Peak Rd trailhead. From westbound 118
Fwy take Rocky Peak Rd exit, limited street parking just beyond end of off
ramp, or park across bridge. Bring water, snack, lugsoles, hat, sunscreen.
Rain cancels.
Leaders: Reaven Gately, reavengately@yahoo.com, 805-255-2350; Stephen
Beck, stephendalebeck@gmail.com, 805-400-5366
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Sullivan Canyon, Ridge,
and Murphy Ranch
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Strenuous 13 mi, 2500’ gain loop hike in Sullivan Cyn and Ridge, dirt
Mulholland to Nike site, and Murphy Ranch, including 500+ stair ascent on
hidden staircase. Meet at Queensferry Rd (Sunset to Mandeville Cyn Rd, N
¼ mi, L on Westridge Rd, 1¼ mi, L on Bayliss, ¼ mi to Queensferry). Park
on Queensferry or Bayliss, watch signs. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles. Rain
or red flag alert cancels.
Leaders: Jeri Segal, gsegal@earthlink.net, 310-391-3439; Michael Louis,
9:00 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/Upper Mandeville Cyn Loop
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderately paced 7 mi loop, 1200’ gain hike with vistas of Mt. Baldy
and Catalina, and with lunch at Nike site. Meet 9:00 am at Gardenland Rd
Trailhead in Mandeville Cyn (5 mi N of Sunset Blvd on Mandeville Cyn Rd.
Gardenland Rd is second to last street on left; limited parking). Rain cancels.
Leaders: Carol Leacock, carol.leacock@verizon.net, 310-454-4188;
Hannelore Suddeth, hannesudds@gmail.com, 310-370-3008
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
8:30 am - Sierra Sage/OCSS O: Lion Canyon Falls
Orange County Group Outing
O: 10 mi, 1100’ gain. A long uphill hike to our lunch/snack spot on the
rocks beside the falls. Footing rough in places; hiking poles advised. Meet
8:30 am at the South Orange County rideshare point with 2 qts water,
snack/lunch, lugsoles. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Delores Denton, deadenton@hotmail.com, 949-581-8396; Rich
Maxey, richmaxey@yahoo.com, 949-310-5134
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike
8:30 am - Thu Moderate Hikers / Chumash Trail to Rocky
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 8 mile, 1500’ gain hike in Santa Susana Mtns. Meet
8:30 am at Chumash trailhead in Simi (from 118 Fwy take Yosemite Ave,
exit 29, north 0.4 mile, turn right on Flanagan Dr, continue 0.8 mile to end
and park). Bring 2 qts water, lunch, lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Reaven Gately, reavengately@yahoo.com, 661-255-8873; Norm
Stabeck, normstabeck1945@yahoo.com, 818-236-3884
Friday, February 20, 2015
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Repeating Events
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
8:30 am - Hike to Morgan trail
Sierra Sage of SOC Group Outing
O: 8 Miles, 1000 foot gain. Starting at South Main divide road trailhead, we
will hike the Morgan trail through Morrell Canyon. Walking through the
oak woodland with moss-covered rocks, sycamores, and poison oak. Cross
the creek and enter the San Mateo wilderness. We will walk to the rock garden, eat lunch, and return on the same trail to the trailhead. Bring 2 liters
water, lugsoles, lunch. Rainwith in 24 hours cancels.
Leaders: Russ Brown, russbrown3@cox.net, 949-481-5295; Michael
Metcalf, msmetcalf04@yahoo.com, 949-492-6277
9:00 am - 7th Ave Hike
Orange County Group Outing
O: Hike with us on a loop above Hacienda Heights with great views of the
San Gabriel Mtns. 4.5 mi, 600’ gain. The preservation of this land launched
the Habitat Authority effort. Meet 9 am at 7th Ave and E. Orange Grove
Ave, Hacienda Heights. Bring water, a snack, and sturdy shoes. Rain within
48 hours cancels
Leaders: Jim Mccullough, jm@dalab.com, 442-1521; Eric Johnson, ericsj@
mindspring.com, 714-524-7763
9:00 am - La Canada Trails Day
Pasadena Group Outing
O: La Canada Trails Day: Moderate 5 mi, 900’ gain loop hike in rolling hills
of SE La Canada with outstanding views of San Gabriel Mts. We’ll discuss
and observe ongoing efforts of this city to protect and enhance its natural
environment by building environmentally. Newcomers welcome. Meet 9 am
parking lot of Community Center, 4459 Chevy Chase Dr, La Canada just
south of Foothill Blvd, with water, lunch, sense of adventure. Rain cancels.
Leaders: David Czamanske, dczamanske@hotmail.com, 626-458-8646; Liz
Pomeroy, ewpomeroy@gmail.com, 626-791-7660
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Repeating Events
3:00 pm La Mirada Theatre Performing Arts, Symphony’s POPS
9:00 am - Slide Mountain
Santa Clarita Valley Group Outing
O: Strenuous 9 mi, 2400’ gain to peak overlooking Pyramid Lake. Hike to
the Fire Lookout you see coming down the I-5. Great views of Los Padre
Peaks. Meet 9 AM in north Valencia by the Embassy Suites. Take I-5 to
126/Newhall Ranch Rd.,take R off freeway to 1st light (Vanderbilt), take
R to Westinghouse and park. Bring min 2 qts water, lunch, and lug soles.
Rain cancels.
Leaders: Matthew Lax, matthewlax@juno.com, 661-252-2393; David
Morrow, dlrchmorrow@sbcglobal.net, 661-254-5245
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:30 pm San Pedro/RPV Conditioning Hike
8:30 am - Tue Moderate easy pace Hikers / Cheeseboro
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 6+ mile, 500’ elevation gain in the lovely Simi
Hills, first through ridge grasslands, then along an old ranch road following a streambed/ multiple stream crossings with lovely oak woodlands to
Sulfur Springs. Meet 8:30 AM at trailhead. From 101 Ventura Fwy take
Cheeseboro Rd exit, turn north on Palo Comado Canyon Rd then right
on Cheeseboro Rd, and continue 1 mile to park entrance, turn right and
follow road to second parking lot at end. Bring water, snack, lugsoles, hat,
sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Pixie Klemic, pklemic@roadrunner.com, 818-787-5420; Dottie
Sandford, dotts44@att.net, 805-532-2485
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Top of Topanga Overlook to
W Red Rock Road
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Strenuous 12 mi, 2800’ gain hike from the Top of Topanga Overlook to
the bench at W Red Rock Rd via Summit-to-Summit Mtwy and Calabasas
Peak Mtwy and return. Meet at Top of Topanga Overlook (PCH to Topanga
Cyn Bl, N 9.3 mi to Top of Topanga Overlook, R into parking lot. Or, 101
to Topanga Cyn Bl, S 3.3 m, make a U turn just past the entrance to the lot
and enter from the south.). Limited free parking in lot. Heed camera-monitored STOP sign on leaving the parking lot. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles.
Rain or red flag alert cancels.
Leaders: Ernest M Scheuer, ems728@gmail.com, 310-274-7987; Jeri Segal,
gsegal@earthlink.net, 310-391-3439
9:00 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/La Jolla/Ray Miller Trail
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderate 7 mi, 1,200’ gain hike. Hike through a beautiful canyon, then
get dramatic views of Boney Ridge and the ocean. Meet 8:00 am Pacific
Palisades rideshare pt or 9:00 am La Jolla Cyn trailhead (PCH 21 mi W of
Malibu Cyn Rd – pay fee or park outside). Rain cancels.
Leaders: David Finch, davidmfinch@mac.com, 310-450-4102; Robert
Cody, bcodyman@aol.com, 310-410-9172
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
8:30 am - Sierra Sage/OCSS O: Donna O Neill Land
Orange County Group Outing
O: 5 mi, 200’ gain. Longer than our usual hike in an area of the most beautiful regions of So Orange County. Maybe some early wildflowers. Children 5
yrs old with parents welcome. Rain cancels. Meet 8:30 am at South Orange
County rideshare point. Donation to DONLC: $10 adults, $5 children, to
support the work of the conservancy. Ldr: Mike Sappingfield 949-768-3610
Leaders: Michael Sappingfield, mikesapp@cox.net, 949-768-3610; Gail
Roy, gr6716@yahoo.com, gfroy@uci.edu, 949-981-8523, 949-854-3820
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike
8:30 am - Thu Moderate Hikers / Caballero Canyon, Topanga
State Park
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 8-10 mile hike in northern Topanga State Park. Meet
8:30 am at Caballero trailhead in Tarzana (from 101 Ventura Fwy take
Reseda Blvd, exit 23, go south 2 miles to east side across from Braemar
Country Club entrance). Bring 2 qts water, lunch, lugsoles, hat, sunscreen.
Rain cancels.
Leaders: Gary Anderson, anderson_gm@yahoo.com, 818-592-0710; Diane
De Marco, hikerfive@gmail.com, 310-645-9442
6:30 pm - A Mid-winter Night’s Stair Hike – Hike 8 of 8
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
O: Hike 8 of 8: 3 mi, 1.5 hrs. Prepare for summer trips by backpacking stairs
around downtown LA. Optional weighted backpack will increase difficulty.
Meet at 6:30 pm by Grand Central Market, 340 S. Hill Street (90013); near
Pershing Square Metro Stop. Bring water, adventurous spirit, strong legs,
and admiration of stairs. Flashlight optional. Heavy rain cancels.
Leaders: Paul Garry, pwgarry@earthlink.net, 310-399-2334; Anne Mullins,
hike2thepeak@gmail.com, 323-698-6455
Friday, February 27, 2015
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Repeating Events
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
Saturday, February 28, 2015 to Saturday, March 07, 2015
Winter Hiking in Switzerland
Angeles Chapter Outing
O: The Interlaken area is a veritable winter wonderland for hikers. More
than 60 mi. of trails are tracked in the region and the leaders will show
you the very best of them. We’ll stay at the centrally located Hotel CarltonEurope (all rooms with private bathrooms) where, after a busy day on wintry
trails, we can enjoy the facilitites of a wellness village with 2 saunas (Finnish
and bio), a steamroom, and a Kneipp pool. We reach the trails, typically
at altitudes of about 5,000 to 6,500 ft., by cogwheel trains, aerial trams,
and chairlifts. The views of the mountains that inspired J.R.R. Tolkien are
breathtaking and our meals mouthwatering. In the evening we’ll learn how
to play curling and how the Swiss mitigate and adapt to climate change. The
cost of $2500 with Sierra Club #, $2,600 non members, includes 7 nights
accommodation sharing twin/bath (single supplement $195), buffet breakfast daily, one main meal daily (lunch or dinner), rail transportation from/
to Zurich Airport, all transportation needed to get to and from trailheads.
The leaders have extensive experience in the area. Interlaken is served daily
by high speed trains from/to Berlin and Paris, allowing participants to balance the week in the snow with a few days of urban fun in the capitals of
France and/or Germany. For itinerary, application and cancellation policy
contact the
Leaders: Ed Maurer, balois@cox.net, 949-768-0417; Helen Maurer,
7gables@cox.net, 949-768-0417
8:00 am - Snow Valley Backcountry Ski Tour
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
I: Moderate 4+ mile day ski in the San Bernadino Mountains. Beginners
who have had at least a couple days prior ski experience welcome! We will
break our own trail on a route that will depend on participants’ skill level; if
conditions warrant we may play a bit on slopes. Metal-edged, backcountry
skis & backcountry boots highly recommended. Rental skis should be available at nearby RimNordic ski center although this gear may not be ideal for
backcountry. Bring winter clothing, water, lunch. No snow or likely blizzard
cancel trip. Send e-mail or phone leader w/ experience level/conditioning
for trip details including early-morning meeting point in the 2 weeks before
trip.Sponsored by Orange County Sierra Singles, Wilderness Adventures.
Leaders: Mark Alan Mitchell, markamitchell@att.net, 818-753-9328; Keith
Martin, keithwmartin@sbcglobal.net, 626-396-9701
Leaders: Mike Sandford, pacific44@att.net, 805-532-2485; Dottie
Sandford, dotts44@att.net, 805-532-2485
Saturday, February 28, 2015 to Sunday, March 01, 2015
O: February 25 Wed Verdugo Hills Monthly Meeting: The Verdugo Hills is
again pleased to present a speaker from the Glendale Historical Society with
a program entitled “Glendale Lost and Found”. Learn about city landmarks
that have been destroyed, altered or are hiding in plain sight. Everyone is
welcome at 7:00 for social time and refreshments. The meeting begins at
7:30 in the community room of Montrose Citibank [2350 Honolulu AveMontrose]. There’s plenty of parking, enter in the back.
Leader: Delphine Trowbridge, dtrowbridge36@gmail.com, 818-558-7722
Snow Camp to San Jacinto Wilderness
Sierra Sage of SOC Group Outing
I: Snowshoe Backpack, Palm Springs Tramway to Round Valley: Saturday
snowshoe with backpacks 4 miles, 700 feet gain from tram mountain station
(8,500’) to Round Valley Campground (9100’), and set up camp. Strenuous.
Explore Round and Tamarack Valleys on snowshoes for approximately 2
extra miles, 200’ gain. Saturday night happy hour. Sunday, possible day hike
to Wellman’s Divide (conditions permitting), 2 mile, 600 feet gain, then
return to camp for lunch, break camp, and hike back to tram and depart.
The outing will take place at a slow but steady pace. Must have experience
backpacking on snowshoes. Group size limited by permit. Approximately
$22 for Tram fee (10% AAA discount available). The $5 state park camping
fee per person to be paid in advance to reserve spot (refundable if spot is
resold, as prepaid to the park). Inclement weather will not cancel. Snowshoe
camping experience required. Must submit snowshoe camping experience
resume for consideration. After acceptance, a detailed trip letter will follow.
Sylvie Côté.
Leaders: Todd Clark, tclark@ttmtech.com, 714-803-0195; Sylvie Cote,
mlsylvie@hotmail.com, 949-547-2998
7:30 pm - Monthly Meeting
Verdugo Hills Group Social Event
9:00 am - Snowshoe/Cross-Country Ski Trip in the San Gabriel
Pasadena Group Outing
O: Snowshoe/Cross-Country Ski Trip in the San Gabriel Mtns: This hike
brought to you by the Natural Science Section and Pasadena Group. A
relaxed snow shoe walk or ski on unplowed roads, looking for tracks and
other signs of winter life. Dress in layers and bring water, lunch, and your
preferred equipment. Possible locations depending on snow conditions are
Charlton Flats Picnic Area, Chilao Campground, Buckhorn Campground,
or Little Jimmy Campground. We will carpool from the La Canada carpool
point. Forest Service pass and chains required. Call or email leaders the week
before the trip for snow condition updates.
Leaders: Ginny Heringer, ginnyh@ix.netcom.com, 626-793-4727; William
Joyce, bill@rollingtherock.com, rollingtherock@verizon.net, 909-596-6280
9:00 am - Snowshoe/Cross-Country Ski Trip in the San Gabriel
Angeles Chp Natural Science Outing
O: A relaxed walk or ski on unplowed roads, looking for tracks and other
signs of winter life. Dress in layers and bring water, lunch, and your preferred equipment. Possible locations depending on snow conditions are
Charlton Flats Picnic Area, Chilao Campground, Buckhorn Campground,
or Little Jimmy Campground. We will carpool from the La Canada carpool
point. Forest Service pass and chains required. Call or email leaders the week
before the trip for snow condition updates.
Leaders: Ginny Heringer, ginnyh@ix.netcom.com, 626-793-4727; William
Joyce, bill@rollingtherock.com, rollingtherock@verizon.net, 909-596-6280
10:00 am - Corriganville Movie Ranch
Verdugo Hills Group Outing
O: Easy-moderately paced about 3 1/2 miles rt. walking tour of old movie
ranch owned by cowboy Crash Corrigan. See areas where movies and
T.V.were filmed such as Fort Apache,The Robe,The Lone Ranger,Star Trek.
Meet at Verdugo Hills rideshare 9:15 am at the Joslyn Adult Center,1301
W Olive,Burbank,park in rear lot.Others meet 10 AM Corriganville. Take
the 118 West into SimiValley and exit on Keuhner Drive, Turn left [South]
going just over one mile and turn left to Smith Road. Follow to end and
enter parking lot on the left side. This area is also known as Simi Valley
Regional Park. Bring snack,water,sturdy walking shoes.Optional lunch afterwards. Rain Cancels. Leaders:Mike and Dotty Sandford, 805-532-2485,
The appearance of La Jolla Grass Valley in Point Mugu State
Park changes year-to-year based on the amount of rain and
a successional growth cycle tied to fire. The grasses are
moderately high in this 1990s photo. The valley is among the
best places to see California native grasses and oak savannas in Southern California.
Monday, March 2, 2015
7:30 pm - Bi-Monthly Meeting
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Club Support Event
O: Learn status & issues, help formulate & implement actions involving
land use in the Santa Monica Mtns. Keep current on issues and meeting
agenda via SMMTF monthly newsletter. Refreshments. 7:30 pm. For meeting place, please call Mary Ann Webster
Leader: Mary Ann Webster, mawebster1984@sbcglobal.net, 310-559-3126
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Las Virgenes Cyn Figure 8
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Strenuous 15 mi, 3100’ gain hike in the Upper Las Virgenes Cyn Open
Space Preserve with an exploration of the headwaters of Las Virgenes Creek
and lunch overlooking Simi Valley. Meet at North end of Las Virgenes Rd
(101 to Las Virgenes Rd, N 1½ mi to end of road). Park on street. Bring
water, lunch, lugsoles. Rain or red flag alert cancels.
Leaders: Jon Sheldon, jonfromto@gmail.com, 805-496-4371; Ernest M
Scheuer, ems728@gmail.com, 310-274-7987
9:00 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/Calabasas Peak and Red
Rock Canyon from Stunt Rd
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
Friday, March 6, 2015
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Repeating Events
7:30 am Trail Maintenance in San Mateo Canyon Wilderness
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
O: Moderately paced 8.5 mi rt 1750’ gain hike for an ascent up Calabasas
Peak overlooking Red Rock Canyon and spectacular 360 degree views into
surrounding canyons and the San Fernando Valley. From the peak, we hike
down into Red Rock Canyon for exploration and lunch, a beautiful canyon
similar in looks to canyons of the Southwest. A shorter hike option at 4
miles. Meet 8:15 am Pacific Palisades rideshare or 9:00 am at Stunt High
Trail parking area (PCH W 81/2 mi from Sunset Blvd to Las Virgenes/
Malibu Canyon Road, N 6.4 mi or 3 mi from Ventura Fwy to Mulholland
Hwy; E 4 mi to Stunt Rd, turn R go 1 mi to parking area on R). Rain
Leaders: Margaret C Fields, 310-839-8235; Robert Cody, bcodyman@aol.
com, 310-410-9172
9:00 am - Switzer’s Picnic Ground to Red Box
Pasadena Group Outing
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
O: Join us for this 8 day, 7 night fly-drive excursion to the wonders of
Florida Everglades and the Florida Keys. Highlights will be visiting the
Everglades National Park, viewing the many varieties of birds such as
Herons, Anhinga’s, Ibis, Cranes, Egrets, as well as alligators, turtles, snakes
and many more wild creatures. Who knows, we might even see some manatees and american Crocodiles. We will visit John Pennekamp Coral Reef
State Park on Key Largo to view the reef on a glass bottom boat, swim and
or maybe even snorkel. Key West is one of the destinations with opportunities galore to enjoy the shops, museums, and historical places and/or take
advantage of the tours, etc available. We will even stop at the Dolphin
Research Center on Grassy Key and the History of Diving Museum on
upper Matecumbe Key in Islamorada. Trip includes all transportation in
Florida, 7 nights lodging, all admissions to scheduled places, and tours and
all breakfasts. Trip does not include air fare to and from Florida, lunches,
dinners and optional tours. Trip cost is $1350 for Sierra Club Members
($1450 for non-members) A $500 deposit will hold your place on the trip
with the remainder due by December 1, 2014. For information and to apply,
contact Leader Mike Sappingfield at mikesapp@cox.net 949-768-3610) or
write to him at 26352 Via Juanita, Mission Viejo, CA 92691.
Leaders: Michael Sappingfield, mikesapp@cox.net, 949-768-3610; Patty
Sappingfield, solanese@cox.net, 949-768-3610; Mary L Morales, 10ter@
cox.net, 949-636-2981
8:30 am - Serrano Creek Trail
Orange County Group Outing
O: 4.7 mi one way, 590’ gain. (or 10-12 mi rt) Starting at Heritage Park in
Lake Forest, we meander on the trail in Serrano Creek Park, cross Trabuco
Road and continue along a shady suburban trail, climbing gently toward
Foothill Ranch, where we cross Lake Forest Drive and the short hike ends.
Participants return to the starting point by public transportation (OCTA
bus #177). The longer hike continues into Whiting Ranch following Live
Oak Trail and returning all the way on Serrano Creek Trail all the way back
to Trabuco Rd with a stop for lunch (picnic or eatery) in Foothill Ranch
en route. Meet 8:30 am at the Heritage Hill parking lot on Serrano Rd,
less than a block north off Lake Forest Dr (west of the intersection of Lake
Forest Dr & Trabuco Rd). Bring water, snack, lunch (long hike), water,
snack, money only for the short hike. Walking shoes ok for these hikes. Rain
cancels. (bus.75 seniors, $2 adults). Ldr: Ed Maurer 949-768-04117 balois@
cox.net Asst: Sherri Sisson 949-786-7861 SKSisson@gmail.com
Leaders: Ed Maurer, balois@cox.net, 949-768-0417; Sherri Sisson, sksisson@gmail.com, 949-786-7861, 949-786-7681
7:00 pm - Pasadena Group Monthly Meeting & Program
Pasadena Group Club Support Event
O: Pasadena Group Monthly Meeting: Illustrated conservation/outing program. Information on Group’s hikes, outings, and conservation activities.
Newcomers always welcome! Doors open at 7 pm; Program starts at 7:30
pm at Eaton Canyon Nature Center, 1750 N Altadena Dr in NE Pasadena.
See our website (http://angeles.sierraclub.org/pasadena/) for updated information on program speaker and topic or contact Group Membership Chair,
Elizabeth Pomeroy.
Leader: Liz Pomeroy, ewpomeroy@gmail.com, 626-791-7660
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike
O: Switzer’s Picnic Ground to Red Box: Moderate 5 mile, 1500’ gain hike
alongside bubbling upper Arroyo Seco stream, with views of forest-clad
mountains as well as some areas burned in 2009 Station Fire. Meet 9 am
La Canada rideshare point with water, lunch, warm clothing, and a sense of
adventure. Rain or significant snow cancels.
Leaders: David Czamanske, dczamanske@hotmail.com, 626-458-8646; Liz
Pomeroy, ewpomeroy@gmail.com, 626-791-7660
Saturday, March 07, 2015 to Saturday, March 14, 2015
Florida Keys and The Everglades
Angeles Chapter Outing
Sunday, March 8, 2015
8:00 am - Hike to Gilman Peak (1685’) in Chino Hills State
Sierra Sage of SOC Group Outing
O: We will hike to Gilman Peak (1685’), 8 miles 1200 feet gain. This hike
begins from Carbon Canyon Regional Park, near the mouth of Telegraph
Canyon, and follows the North Ridge Trail to the bald peak. From the
open summit the vistas extend across four counties. The winter snowcapped San Gabriel Mountains in the north, the Santa Ana Mountains,
and Orange County basin might be visible. We will eat lunch and return
through Telegraph Canyon trail. Bring lugsoles, hat, 2 liters water, lunch.
Rain cancels.
Leaders: Russ Brown, russbrown3@cox.net, 949-481-5295; Todd Clark,
tclark@ttmtech.com, 714-803-0195
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Caballero Canyon into
Northern Topanga State Park
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Strenuous 13 mi, 2000’ gain leader’s choice hike starting in lush
Caballero Cyn with a possible return via the Bay Tree Trail and lusher
Rustic Cyn. Meet at Caballero Cyn (101 to Reseda Blvd in Tarzana, S 2.2
mi to Caballero Cyn trailhead which is just before the entrance to Braemar
Country Club and Estates on the right. Do not continue to the top of
Reseda.). Park free on street. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles. Rain or red flag
alert cancels.
Leaders: Michael Louis, 310-395-8432; Jeri Segal, gsegal@earthlink.net,
9:00 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/Zuma Ridge Trails to
Buzzard’s Roost (2507’):
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderate paced 8 mi rt, 1700’gain from Encinal Cyn Rd to Buzzard’s
Roost via Trancas Cyn for magnificent views of the ocean. Meet 8:00 am
Pacific Palisades redeshare pt, or 8:45 am at Encinal Cyn Trailhead (PCH W
6 mi from Malibu Cyn Rd, Danan Dume Rd N 6 mi to Mulholland Hwy,
W 3 ½ mi onto Encinal Cyn Rd to dirt parkig lot just off N side of road
just W of Fire Camp #13). Rain cancels.
Leaders: Robert Cody, bcodyman@aol.com, 310-410-9172; Margaret C
Fields, 310-839-8235
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
8:00 am - Morgan Trail hike cosponsor Sierra Sage
Orange County Group Outing
O: 10 mi rt, 1000’ gain. Hike to South Main Divide Rd for lunch in a scenic
grove of oaks and sycamores in upper Morrell Cyn. Return same way. Meet
8:00 am at South Orange County rideshare point. Bring 2 qts water, lunch,
lugsoles. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Helen Maurer, 7gables@cox.net, 949-768-0417; John Kaiser,
jkai39@gmail.com, 714-376-3197, 714-968-4677
7:00 pm - Wilderness Skills Monthly Course: Sleeping and
Sheltering in the Wilderness
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Club Support Event
O: Join us for this fun and informative evening series of monthly classes
at REI, 2962 El Camino Real, Tustin, California as we will be discussing
subjects such as day hiking, backpacking, navigation, first aid, stoves, cooking and meal planning, sleeping and sheltering, emergencies and survival,
gear selection, and more. All courses are taught by experienced Sierra Club
Outing Leaders. This topic will be different types of sleeping bags (down
and synthetic), sleeping pads (foam, inflatable and self-inflating) and one
person, two person, and three person tents that are best suited for different conditions and temperatures. Tarps and bivies will also be discussed.
Information will be available about upcoming hikes and events. Come and
invest an hour or two of time. It might be the best investment that you have
ever made. There is no charge for the course. [Feel free to arrive at 6:30 pm
for social, registration, and to find out what is happening with Sierra Club
in the area and to visit with the leaders before class.]
Leader: Frances Penn, fpenn@rutan.com, 714-434-2754
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike
7:00 pm - Our Ocean’s Edge: A Photo Documentary of
California’s Marine Protected Areas
West Los Angeles Group Club Support Event
O: California’s 124 Marine Protected Areas, magnificent in beauty and
wildness, provide protection for wildlife, solutions to climate change, and
recreational resources for all. Photographer Jasmine Swope set out to capture
the essence of the marine parks, traveling up and down California’s 1,100mile long coastline. The result is “Our Ocean’s Edge,” a photographic documentary project celebrates these fragile seascapes while increasing awareness
about their natural benefits and inspiring conservation action.
Leader: David Haake, dhaake@ucla.edu, 310-237-3447
Friday, March 13, 2015
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
Friday, March 13, 2015 to Sunday, March 15, 2015
Winter Combo Bus Trip to Mammoth Lakes
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
I: Ski Downhill or Snowboard on Mammoth Mtn. Daily guided backcountry ski tours and snowshoe tours with the leaders. Visit geological formations. Quality Inn lodging, two persons-2 beds/private bath, microwave,
fridge, indoor spa. Close to shopping, night life, casual and fine dining, free
shuttles. Leave Orange County 2:00 pm. South Bay and Sylmar pick-up
later. Return Orange County Sunday approx 10pm. Includes bus, lodging,
full breakfast, happy hour, bus refreshments, Sunday dinner. Send 1 large
sase, OR E mail address, phones, $310 (check payable to Orange County
Sierra Singles) to Reserv: Beth Martin, 530 South Lake Ave. #708, Pasadena
CA 91101 (whmscl@sbcglobal.net). Leader: Keith Martin (keithwmartin@
sbcglobal.net). Asst: Donna Specht Staff: Mark Mitchell, Snowshoe: Kent
Schwitkis, Sherry Ross.
Leaders: Keith Martin, keithwmartin@sbcglobal.net, 626-396-9701; Beth
Powis Martin, whmscl@sbcglobal.net, 626-396-9701; Donna Specht, donnaspecht@juno.com, 714-963-6345; Mark Alan Mitchell, markamitchell@
att.net, 818-753-9328; Kent Schwitkis, schwitkii@earthlink.net, 310-5405558; Sherry Ross, chlross@yahoo.com, 562-429-6953
Friday, March 13, 2015 to Sunday, March 15, 2015
Winter Ecology Workshop at June Lake
Angeles Chp Natural Science Outing
O: Winter Ecology Workshop at June Lake: Join us for two days of crosscountry skiing and snowshoeing to learn about animal tracks, winter survival strategies, and geology. Must be comfortable going several miles on skis
or snowshoes. This trip satisfies the Environmental Awareness requirement
for the I-rating. Fee of $85 includes naturalist instruction, breakfasts and
trail lunches, and accommodation at local Sierra Club members’ homes on
Fri and Sat night. Reserve a place by Mar 1st, by sending sase and $85 check
payable to Sierra Club Natural Science Section to leaders Ginny and Jim
Heringer, 245 San Miguel Road, Pasadena, CA 91105.
Leaders: Ginny Heringer, ginnyh@ix.netcom.com, 626-793-4727; Jim
Heringer, james.heringer@gmail.com, 626-793-4727
Friday, March 13, 2015 to Sunday, March 15, 2015
Winter Ecology Workshop at June Lake
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
O: Winter Ecology Workshop at June Lake: Join us for two days of crosscountry skiing and snowshoeing to learn about animal tracks, winter survival strategies, and geology. Must be comfortable going several miles on skis
or snowshoes. This trip satisfies the Environmental Awareness requirement
for the I-rating. Fee of $85 includes naturalist instruction, breakfasts and
trail lunches, and accommodation at local Sierra Club members’ homes on
Fri and Sat night. Reserve a place by Mar 1st, by sending sase and $85 check
payable to Sierra Club Natural Science Section to leaders Ginny and Jim
Heringer, 245 San Miguel Road, Pasadena, CA 91105. (Primary Sponsor:
Natural Science Section; Co-Sponsor: LTC)
Leaders: Ginny Heringer, ginnyh@ix.netcom.com, 626-793-4727; Jim
Heringer, james.heringer@gmail.com, 626-793-4727
Saturday, March 14, 2015
9:00 am - Mishe Mokwa Trail to Sandstone Peak
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderately paced 6 mi, 1500’ gain loop hike to the highest point
(3,111’) in the Santa Monica Mts. Option for a 3.5 mile r/t extension along
the Grotto Trail once we complete the loop. Meet 9 am at the Malibu rideshare point. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Robert Baldwin, rbaldwin@unex.ucla.edu, 818-510-1274; Ron
Rosien, glendon3@aol.com, 310-474-0349
9:00 am - Condor Peak Trail
Pasadena Group Outing
O: 8 mile rt, 1,800’ gain. Hike the scenic and historic opening section of
the Condor Peak Trail. Get outstanding views of numerous peaks in the
San Gabriel Mountain front country. Hike at moderate pace with steady
elevation gain. California Condors have been spotted as near as three miles
from Condor Peak Trail. Condor Peak is within a proposed wilderness area.
Learn how you can help gain wilderness protection for this region. Meet 9
am La Canada rideshare point, with appropriate footwear, lunch, jacket,
water. Rain cancels.
Leaders: William Joyce, rollingtherock@verizon.net, 909-596-6280; Pam
Allen, ezadorah@hotmail.com, 626-296-6911
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Repeating Events
8:30 am Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve Newcomer Hike
9:00 am - Baldwin Hills Ramble
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderate and fun 6-7 mi rt hike over urban trails. Visit Japanese
Gardens, waterfall, lake, forest, and other areas in this urban gem. Meet 9
am at Ken Hahn Recreation Area. (10 fwy to La Cienega S 1 ¾ mi). Exit
right, then L over bridge and into 1st fee lot on L, drive to end (Olympic
Forest). Rain cancels.
Leaders: Ronald Webster, 310-559-3126; William H Vanderberg, bill.vanderberg@ca.rr.com, 310-245-2763
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Sandstone to Danielson
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Strenuous 13 mi, 3000’ gain hike, starting at Sandstone Peak Trailhead
going over Tri Peaks (3010’) and Pop Top (2930’) on way to lunch at
Danielson Monument, retracing route on return except taking Mishe
Mokwa Trail loop past Split Rock. Meet at Sandstone Peak traihead (PCH
16 mi W of Malibu Cyn Rd, Yerba Buena Rd N 6.3 winding mi to parking
area on L side, 1 mi past Circle X ranger station). Park free in dirt lot. Bring
water, lunch, lugsoles. Rain or red flag alert cancels.
Leaders: Robert Cody, bcodyman@aol.com, 310-410-9172; Michael Louis,
9:00 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/ Sycamore/Serrano Cyns
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: 9 mi rt, 1200’ gain hike to the saddle above Serrano Cyn. Meet 8 am
Pacific Palisades rideshare pt or 9 am at Sycamore Cyn fee parking lot (PCH
W 19 mi from Malibu Cyn Rd - pay fee or park outside). Rain cancels.
Leaders: Wlodek Proskurowski, proskuro@usc.edu, 310-202-0331; David
Finch, davidmfinch@mac.com, 310-450-4102
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Wednesday, March 18, 2015 to Wednesday, April 01, 2015
Cuba People to People Eco-Adventure
Angeles Chapter Outing
O: Join us for a unique 15 day travel experience to Cuba for a special
opportunity to experience the island while you exchange thoughts and ideas
with the Cuban people. We will engage in a full-time schedule of cultural
and educational exchange with the Cuban people, with special emphasis on
ecology and the environment. During our travels, we visit Havana, Santiago
de Cuba, Baracoa, Camaguey, Trinidad, Cienfuegos and Las Terrazas. Cost
is $4,625 double occupancy, Includes Round trip flight from Mexico City
to Havana, land transportation, Cuban bi-lingual guide, visa, most entrance
fees to cultural and ecological venues, all breakfasts, some other meals and all
hotel accommodations. Tips, departure tax and flight to/from Mexico City
are extra. Deposit $500 due January 2, 2015, Final payment due February 1,
2015. For complete itinerary, application, deposit information, cancelation
policy please contact the Leaders: Bruce Hale. Co Leader: Jon Perica
Leaders: Bruce Hale, brucehale@sbcglobal.net, 818-957-1936; Jon Perica,
jonsperica@aol.com, 818-360-8444
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike
Friday, March 20, 2015
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Repeating Events
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
8:00 am - Old Sugarloaf (3326’); Sierra Sage, Lower Peaks
Sierra Sage of SOC Group Outing
O: Starting from Bluejay Campground, we will hike to the original and
higher of the two peaks in the Santa Ana Mountains that have been designated as Sugarloaf at various times. The hike initially goes downhill to
Chiquito Basin, climbs to a ridge, and then gradually descends to the base
of Sugarloaf before the final climb to the peak on a steep and brushy use
trail. Long sleeves and pants are recommended. The return hike backtracks
the same route. The roundtrip distance is 9 miles with 2100’ of cumulative
gain. Rain or critical fire level will cancel. Bring lunch, plenty of water, good
hiking boots. Meet at 8 am at the south OC ride share location or 8:50 at
the trailhead (west end of Bluejay campground). Those meeting us at the
trailhead should contact the leaders in advance.
Leaders: John Kaiser, jkai39@gmail.com, 714-968-4677; Rich Maxey, richmaxey@yahoo.com, 949-310-5134
8:30 am - San Mateo Peak (3591’)
Sierra Sage of SOC Group Outing
O: 6 mi rt, 950’ gain. Join us for a loop hike to this rocky peak, the highest
in the San Mateo wilderness, and enjoy outstanding views of the wilderness
and, on a clear day, distant peaks. The return route will take us through
upper Wildhorse Canyon and a portion of Rancho Capistrano and along the
upper portions of Morrell Creek. Meet 8:30 am at South Orange County
rideshare point or 9:15 am at the Morgan trailhead on S Main Divide Rd.
Bring water, lugsoles, snack/lunch. Contact the leader if you are planning to
meet at the trailhead. Rain or critical fire level will cancel.
Leaders: Michael Metcalf, msmetcalf04@yahoo.com, 949-444-9270; Garry
McCoppin, mccoppin@cox.net, 949-858-7292
9:00 am - Telegraph Canyon hike
Orange County Group Outing
O: Hike along Telegraph Canyon and South Ridge in the Chino Hills State
Park for 7 miles and 1000 foot gain. Meet at the Discovery Center ($5
parking) at 9:00 am. Bring water, a snack, and sturdy shoes. Rain within
48 hours cancels
Leaders: Jim Mccullough, jm@dalab.com, 442-1521; Eric Johnson, ericsj@
mindspring.com, 714-524-7763
9:00 am - Fish Canyon Falls
Pasadena Group Outing
O: Enjoy the Azusa Fish Canyon Falls Trail with a 5 mile round trip moderately paced 900’ elevation gain hike, along live oak, big cone spruce and
alder-shaded creek to falls. Trail Access, newly open to the public, is on
Vulcan Materials Company’s Azusa Rock Quarry property. It is located at
3901 Fish Canyon Road, Azusa. (Here are a set of directions, but would
recommend you google the address from your specific location: From I-210
take Irwindale Ave. off-ramp. Drive N on Irwindale to Foothill Blvd. and
turn left (W). Follow Foothill, which becomes Huntington Dr., one mile to
Encanto Parkway. Turn right (N), which becomes Fish Canyon Road after 3
blocks, and follow it to the quarry gate, one mile.) Enter through the Access
Trail Gate. Meet 9 AM at the north end of the parking lot at the kiosk by
the Fish Canyon Falls Bridge. Wear appropriate clothing layers, hiking boots
or serious walking shoes; bring water, snack to share.
Leaders: Bonnie C Strand, nelsdotter@sbcglobal.net, 818-247-6398; Pat
Zeider, pszeider@yahoo.com, 626-794-1750
Saturday, March 21, 2015 to Sunday, March 22, 2015
21st DPS Chili Cook-off
Angeles Chp Desert Peaks Social Event
O: Join us for a day of fun in Anza Borrego State Park. Whether you like
your chili traditional, Texas-style (no beans), or vegetarian, bring your favorite recipe or just hearty taste buds to this DPS classic. Cooks prepare chili
from scratch at the site, then all enjoy happy hour followed by chili tasting
and judging. Prizes will be awarded by category, with special recognition for
the Spiciest Chili, Best Presentation, Most Original Recipe, and the coveted
Best Overall Chili. Cook for free or taste for $10. With the recent rains, we
hope to enjoy some spring wildflowers. Optional hiking activity in the area
before the Cook-off. Send ESASE with choice of Cook or Taster to Hosts:
Jan Brahms (janbee@reneric.com) and Julie Rush (julierush11@gmail.com)
Leader: Julie Rush, julierush11@gmail.com, 323-669-8382
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Santa Ynez Cyn, Musch
Trail, Garapito Trail & Trailer Cyn
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Strenuous 14 mi, 2500’ gain hike to Eagle Rock, Garapito Trail, and
returning by Trailer Cyn. Meet at Santa Ynez trailhead (PCH to Sunset Bl,
N ½ mi, L on Palisades Dr 2½ mi, L on Vereda de la Montura to the gate).
Park free on street. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles. Rain or red flag alert cancels.
Leaders: Maya Levinson, mayasl@aol.com, 310-398-6344; Ernest M
Scheuer, ems728@gmail.com, 310-274-7987
9:00 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/Temescal Park to Inspiration
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderate 8 mi rt, 1500’gain hike on scenic trail via Rivas Ridge to Will
Rogers State Park. Meet 8:30 am Temescal Gateway Park (from PCH take
Temescal Cyn Blvd past Sunset; pay fee or park outside). Rain cancels.
Leaders: Catherine Froloff, cfroloff@ca.rr.com, 310-821-4123; Peter
Ireland, peterireland@msn.com, 818-996-8846
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
9:00 am - Ladera loop hike
Orange County Group Outing
O: 6.6 mi, 1950’ gain/loss. A fairly strenuous hike with lots of up and
downs over a relatively short distance. We will follow the ridge above Arroyo
Trabuco on a “roller coaster” track, then go down a big hill that borders San
Juan Capistrano, and return to our starting point along a landscaped path,
with the possibility of an optional Mexican or Thai lunch as a reward when
we get there! Meet 9:00 am in the parking lot of the shopping center at
Crown Valley Pkwy and Cecil Pasture Rd. From I-5 take Crown Valley Pkwy
east, cross the bridge over the Arroyo and turn R on Cecil Pasture Rd; take
a first L into parking lot and park near that entrance. Bring water, snack/
lunch/ lugsoles. Rain within 3 days cancels. Ldrs: Ed and Helen Maurer (cell
949 357-9931) balois@cox.net.
Leaders: Helen Maurer, 7gables@cox.net, 949-357-9931, 949-768-0417;
Ed Maurer, balois@cox.net, 949-768-0417
7:30 pm - Monthly Meeting
Verdugo Hills Group Social Event
O: Join the Verdugo Hills Group to watch “Southeast Utah’s Canyons,
Reefs & Arches Galore!” Michael Beck’s slideshow of this realm of singing colors and phantasmagoric shapes will convince you that here is where
living geologists go to heaven. Everyone is welcome at 7:00 for social time
and refreshments. The meeting begins at 7:30 in the community room of
Montrose Citibank [2350 Honolulu Ave-Montrose]. There’s plenty of parking, enter in the back.
Leader: Delphine Trowbridge, dtrowbridge36@gmail.com, 818-558-7722
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike
Friday, March 27, 2015
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Repeating Events
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
8:00 am - Santa Rosa Plateau
Sierra Sage of SOC Group Outing
O: 6.5 mi, 300’ gain. Enjoy the glorious springtime in this ecological
preserve, and a leisurely hike along streams, through rolling grasslands and
100-year-old Englemann oak woodlands. Lavish wildflowers should be in
bloom, as spring runoff collects in vernal pools, which beckon wildlife. $3
entrance fee supports reserve upkeep. Meet 8:00 am at the South Orange
County rideshare point, Ortega Plaza SE corner of Ortega Hwy and Rancho
Viejo Rd in San Juan Capistrano, or 9:00 am at the Santa Rosa Ecological
Preserve on Keith Clinton Road, west of Temecula. Bring water, lunch/
snack, lugsoles, binocs, field guides. Newcomers welcome. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Michael Sappingfield, mikesapp@cox.net, 949-768-3610; Sylvia
Stevenson, sjstevenson2828@yahoo.com, 949-616-2765
Advanced Notice
Saturday, March 28, 2015 to Sunday, March 29, 2015
Onion Valley Backcountry Ski Tours
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
I: Daily backcountry tours for skiers with at least high-intermediate skills
and strong physical condition – anticipate climbing 1500 – 2500’ each day.
Backcountry telemark or Randonee gear preferred and skins required. Tours
will be either in the Onion Valley area or in another Eastern Sierra roadhead
area, depending upon accessibility and safety considerations. Base planned
to be from motel in Independence - approximate cost $75 per night for a
room that sleeps two and includes home-cooked breakfast. Send experience,
gear, conditioning status, phone, e-mail & address to leader.Sponsored by
Orange County Sierra Singles, Wilderness Adventures.
Leaders: Mark Alan Mitchell, markamitchell@att.net, 818-753-9328; Mark
Fleming, mflemi@earthlink.net, 626-712-3671
8:00 am - Deadline for Leadership Training Seminar
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Club Support Event
O: Last day for receipt of application and payment by LTC. Register for
April 11 seminar to be held in Pasadena area. See LTC website (http://angeles.sierraclub.org/ltc/) for registration information. No registration after this
date or at the door. Next seminar: Fall 2015.
Leader: Steven Botan, sbotan@pacbell.net, 714-963-0151
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Backbone Trail east from
Kanan Dume Rd to Castro Pk
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Strenuous 14 mi, 2400’ gain up/down romp via Newton, Latigo, Solstice
Cyns to high point lunch. Meet at Newton Cyn trailhead (PCH 5.9 mi W of
Malibu Cyn Rd, N 4½ mi on Kanan Dume Rd after 1st tunnel, or 8 mi S
of 101/Ventura Fwy just before 3rd tunnel). Park free in lot on west side of
the road. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles. Rain or red flag alert cancels.
Leaders: Roger Woods, palisadeswoods@aol.com, 310-459-3389; Jeri Segal,
gsegal@earthlink.net, 310-391-3439
9:00 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/ Santa Monica’s Hidden
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderate 7 mi, 1000’ gain hike. Join us to count the stairs (about 500
up and 500 down) on this hike from Will Rogers Beach to Will Rogers State
Park. Includes 9 hidden staircases and historic Upper Rustic Cyn. Optional
hike to Inspiration Point. Meet at 8:30 am on Adelaide Dr and 4th St. in
Santa Monica (1 block N of San Vicente Blvd). Rain cancels.
Leaders: Carol Leacock, carol.leacock@verizon.net, 310-454-4188; Wlodek
Proskurowski, proskuro@usc.edu, 310-202-0331
Malibu Creek as it flows past a bridge on a hiking trail in the
namesake park.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
7:00 pm - ‘Honeybee Keeping in the LA Basin...’Pasadena
Group Monthly Meeting
Pasadena Group Club Support Event
O: Pasadena Group Monthly Meeting: Manhattan Beach honeybee keeper
Susan Rudnicki presents a live program “Honeybee keeping in the LA
Basin---an emerging craft”. Susan responds to citizen calls regarding human
conflicts with honeybees, rescuing the bees and re-homing them to people
wanting honeybee hives through the network of her club, HoneyLove, a
non-profit dedicated to education in urban beekeeping. She has 8 hives of
feral rescued bees, is a mentor to new beekeepers, and sells honey from her
hives. She will bring a observation hive with a frame of live bees on their
honeycomb. Honeybees live in a world that is endlessly fascinating for its
complex behaviors, communication and organizational structure; with a
queen and all her sisters, it is a matriarchy driven largely by chemical signaling and with strict “job descriptions” through which all workers will pass in
their lifetimes. Bees play a critical role as pollinators for food and flower production; an understanding of this role helps dispel negative views of stinging
insects. Information on Group’s hikes, outings, and conservation activities.
Newcomers always welcome! 7 pm doors open, 7:30 pm program at Eaton
Canyon Nature Center, 1750 N Altadena Dr in NE Pasadena. For information contact Group Membership Chair, Elizabeth Pomeroy, 626-791-7660
Leader: Liz Pomeroy, ewpomeroy@gmail.com, 626-791-7660
Friday, April 3, 2015
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
environmental organization in the US and join Sierra Club $15 Special
Offer, free gift. Newcomers welcome, bring a friend! Meet Costa Mesa
Community Center, 1845 Park Ave, Costa Mesa (55 Fwy S, R on 19th,
cross Harbor Blvd., L on Park Ave, R into parking lot next to library.)
Contact: Donna Specht
Leaders: Donna Specht, donnaspecht@juno.com, 714-963-6345; Charles
G Geller, eduright@aol.com, 714-292-2352
Friday, April 17, 2015
Friday, April 17, 2015 to Sunday, April 19, 2015
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Malibu Creek Camping MASH-4077 Style
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
7:00 pm - Wilderness Skills: Planning the Backpack Trip
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Club Support Event
O: Enjoy a fantastic camping weekend getaway at nearby Malibu Creek
State Park in the Santa Monica Mountains a short drive from LA & OC. We
have reserved the large secluded and private group campsite overlooking a
meadow covered in wildflowers where deer come to graze. This leader’s most
favorite local campsite that is tough to get! You can hike through oak and
sycamore woodlands, visit where MASH 4077 and other movies have been
filmed, go searching for wildflowers, or relax at our exclusive group camp
with our own bathroom facilities. We will enjoy evening happy hours (come
dressed as your favorite MASH character), Potluck dinners and campfires.
The camping fee is $40 per person ($10 extra for non-member or solo
driver) which includes group campsite, parking fees, light breakfasts, and
happy hour goodies. Due to limited parking we encourage carpooling and
can assist in connecting with others interested. K9: Well behaved dogs with
responsible owners are welcome (must follow all regulations). Space is limited so sign up early. Reservation *must* include participant name, email,
phone #, city, SC # (or extra fee for non-member), any carpool arrangements
and a check payable to Verdugo Hills Sierra Club mailed to Ed Khatch, 338
Grove Hill Ct. Brea CA 92821. All communication will be via email (no
SASE). No day-use visitors, attendance is limited to participants signed-up
in advance only.
Leaders: Ed Khatch, edkhatch@yahoo.com, 714-671-1977; Jacqueline
Meese, meese508@yahoo.com; Jean Noud, jnoud@hotmail.com, 714-8418798
O: Join us for this fun and informative evening series of monthly classes at
REI, 2962 El Camino Real, Tustin, California as we will be discussing subjects such as day hiking, backpacking, navigation, first aid, stoves, cooking
and meal planning, sleeping and sheltering, emergencies and survival, gear
selection, and more. All courses will be taught by experienced Sierra Club
Outing Leaders. This topic will cover how to plan the trip, including items
to consider in selecting the location, trailhead requirements/restrictions,
obtaining the permit, fire restrictions/requirements for the area, trip duration, checking the weather, and before and after trip campground information that may be helpful. Information will be available about upcoming
hikes and events. There is no charge for the course. [Feel free to arrive at
6:30 pm for social, registration, and to find out what is happening with
Sierra Club in the area and to visit with the leaders before class.]
Leader: Frances Penn, fpenn@rutan.com, 714-747-1019
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Saturday, April 11, 2015 to Sunday, April 12, 2015
Navigation: Places We’ve Saved Noodle in Mojave National
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
I: Join us for our 10th navigation outing at this jewel of the Mojave which
was preserved under the California Desert Protection Act as a result of the
efforts of Sierra Club activists and others. A basic to advanced cross-country
navigation workshop will be conducted out of the Mid Hills area in the
pinyon and juniper forests at 5500’ elevation. Potluck and social on Sat,
and for those arriving early on Fri. Limited to 14 participants. Send email/
sase to leader.
Leaders: Robert M Myers, rmmyers@ix.netcom.com; Virgil Shields,
vshields@alumni.caltech.edu; Ann Shields, apedreschi@sbcglobal.net;
Adrienne Benedict, sierraadrienne@verizon.net
Saturday, April 18, 2015
10:00 am - Skyline Trail hike and Buddhist Temple
Orange County Group Outing
Monday, April 13, 2015
O: A leisurely hike along the ridge between La Habra Heights and Hacienda
Heights, with lunch at the turnaround point of the Buddhist Temple on
Hacienda Blvd. 1200’ gain over 3½ miles through walkways under Colima
and Hacienda Blvds. Meet 10:00 am. Park on S. Holmes Circle between
S. Hermitage Dr and E. Cargreen Ave. Vegetarian lunch ($5 donation)
with time to look around the largest Buddhist temple in the Western
Hemisphere. Bring water, and sturdy shoes. No tank tops or shorts allowed
in the main temple. Rain within 48 hours cancels
Leaders: Fred Reed, fkreed@msn.com, 714-528-4841; Eric Johnson,
ericsj@mindspring.com, 714-524-7763
6:30 pm - Newcomer Night: Spotlight on Orange County
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Club Support Event
Sunday, April 19, 2015
8:00 am - Leadership Training Seminar
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Club Support Event
O: Become a qualified Sierra Club leader. Seminar in Pasadena Area.
For information, see the LTC website (http://angeles.sierraclub.org/ltc/).
Deadline for receipt of application is March 28. No registration after this
date or at the door. Next seminar: Fall 2015.
Leader: Steven Botan, ltcregistrar@hundredpeaks.org, 714-321-1296
O: Find out all about events with 20s30s40s, hiking, conditioning
hikes, backpacking, ICO, adventure travel and conservation opportunities. Refreshments. Free. Free Drawing. Be a part of the largest grassroots
Repeating Events
8:30 am Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve Newcomer Hike
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
6:00 pm - Advanced Mountaineering Program (AMP11): Basic
Safety System
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
M/E-R: First of four climbing workshops open to Sierra Club members with
prior roped climbing experience. Today’s indoor evening workshop of four
hours reviewing ropes, harnesses, helmets and basic climbing gear will take
place in Pasadena. As space is limited, priority will be given to participants
who commit to all four workshops. Send email or sase, phones, Sierra Club
number, resume to leader. Leader: Dan Richter.
Leaders: Daniel Richter, dan@danrichter.com, 818-970-6737; Patrick
Mckusky, patrick.mckusky@lausd.net, 626-794-7321
7:30 pm - Monthly Meeting
Verdugo Hills Group Social Event
O: The Verdugo Hills group is pleased to present Carol Henning who will
relate though stories and pictures a search for Jane Austen through the fields
and woods of Hampshire [England] where Jane grew up and spent most of
her life. The search ends in Winchester where Jane lived her final months
and is buried in the famous Cathedral. Anyone who has enjoyed her novels
or the programs that were made from them should appreciate the influence
these areas have on her stories. Everyone is welcome at 7:00 for social time
and refreshments. The meeting begins at 7:30 in the community room of
Montrose Citibank [2350 Honolulu Ave-Montrose]. There’s plenty of parking, enter in the back.
Leader: Delphine Trowbridge, dtrowbridge36@gmail.com, 818-558-7722
7:30 am - Advanced Mountaineering Program (AMP11):
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
M/E-R: Second of four climbing workshops open to Sierra Club members
with prior roped climbing experience. Today, at Stoney Point in Chatsworth,
focus is on belaying and principles of anchor building. As space is limited,
priority will be given to participants who commit to all four workshops.
Send email or sase, phones, resume to leader. Leader: Dan Richter.
Leaders: Daniel Richter, dan@danrichter.com, 818-970-6737; Patrick
Mckusky, patrick.mckusky@lausd.net, 626-794-7321
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Repeating Events
7:00 am Navigation: Warren Point Navigation Noodle
Saturday, May 2, 2015
7:30 am - Advanced Mountaineering Program (AMP11):
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
M/E-R: Third of four climbing workshops open to Sierra Club members
with prior roped climbing experience. Today, at Stoney Point in Chatsworth,
focus is on rappelling. As space is limited priority will be given to participants who commit to all four workshops. Send email or sase, phones, Sierra
Club number, resume to leader. Leader: Dan Richter.
Leaders: Daniel Richter, dan@danrichter.com, 818-970-6737; Patrick
Mckusky, patrick.mckusky@lausd.net, 626-794-7321
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Navigation: Warren Point Navigation Noodle (e-mail leaders for time)
Angeles Chp Leadership Training Outing
4:00 am - ‘Cactus to Clouds’ San Jacinto Peak (10,804’)
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing
I: Navigation noodle at Joshua Tree National Park to satisfy the basic (I/M)
level navigation requirements. Saturday for practice, skills refresher, altimeter, homework, campfire. Sunday checkout. Send email/sase, contact info,
navigation experience/training, any WTC, leader rating, rideshare to leader.
Dates: Apr 25, 2015
Leaders: Robert M Myers, rmmyers@ix.netcom.com, 310-829-3177; Phil
Wheeler, phil.wheeler@sierraclub.org, 310-214-1873
Saturday, April 25, 2015 to Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Zion and Bryce Canyon Bus Trip
Palos Verdes Group Outing
O: Join us for a double-header hiking adventure in Zion and Bryce Canyon
national parks April 25-28, 2015. In Zion, we will have numerous hiking
options on trails surrounded by massive sandstone cliffs of cream, pink, and
red, which soar into a bright blue sky. On a day trip to Bryce Canyon, we
will have shorter and longer hiking options through red forests of hoodoos
(unique pillars of rock sculptured by the forces of erosion). We stay three
nights in the Bumbleberry Inn in Springdale near Zion. Price includes bus,
shared motel room, all admissions, snacks, and driver gratuity. Depart early
Sat. from Redondo Beach and return Tues. night. Cancellation penalty is
$40. If you cancel less than 30 days before departure, you will only receive
a refund if the trip is full. Send 2 business-size self addressed stamped envelops, your gender, H&W phones, email, and a $357 check payable to PVSB
Sierra Club to Terri Straub, 28017 Indian Rock Dr., Rancho Palos Verdes,
CA 90275.
Leaders: Judy Shane, judyshane@aol.com, 310-379-1111; Terri Straub, terristraub@hotmail.com, 310-544-5017; Emile Fiesler, emilenid@yahoo.com,
720-834-2878; Zoltan Stroll, zoli10@verizon.net, 310-378-8975
I: Join us for the classic “Cactus to Clouds,” an “extreme” hike that can
convey bragging rights (assuming you are able to survive)! According to
Wikipedia, the Cactus to Clouds Trail from Palm Springs, California, to
San Jacinto Peak is a hiking trail with the greatest elevation gain of any trail
in the United States. We will begin early Sunday morning from downtown
Palm Springs, and we’ll climb past cacti, cholla, ferns and pines. The views
are phenomenal. We’ll return to the desert floor via a ride on the rotating
Palm Springs Aerial Tramway. At about 11,000’ gain and around 22 miles
of total distance, this strenuous day hike is only for the fit and experienced
hiker. Please bring $$ for tram as well as lugsoles, layers, beverages, lunch,
snacks, sunblock and hat. For trip details contact
Leaders: Bill Simpson, simphome@yahoo.com, 323-683-0959; Jimmy
Quan, h2otigerjim@gmail.com, 323-257-9846
5:00 pm - Annual Angeles Chapter Awards Banquet ‘The Year
of Muir’
Angeles Chapter Social Event
O: Who’s being honored? Find out at the Annual Chapter Awards Banquet.
Mark your calendars for Sunday, May 3, 2015 to celebrate Angeles Chapter
awardees, leaders and volunteers. This is our most exciting event of the year
where we celebrate all of our entities and leader achievements, meet old
friends, make new friends and cheer on the awardees. Special guest will be
Bruce Hamilton, Deputy Executive Director of the Sierra Club. We will
begin the evening with a fabulous reception hosted by our generous entities and put our bids in for Silent Auction treasures. Congratulations to all
awardees for their important achievements! Reservations are $40 per person
or $400 for a table of ten. Contact Event Coordinator: Donna Specht for
details. For the SILENT AUCTION, please remember to bring cash and/or
checkbook! Contact Mary Ann Webster 310-559-3126 or mawebster1984@
sbcglobal.net) with your donations. All profits benefit the Angeles Chapter.
Location: Brookside Country Club, 1133 N. Rosemont Avenue, Pasadena
91103. Near the Rose Bowl. See you there!
Leaders: Donna Specht, donnaspecht@juno.com, 714-963-6345; Silvia
Darie, outdoorsygal@sbcglobal.net, 818-718-0674; Mary Ann Webster,
mawebster1984@sbcglobal.net, 310-559-3126
and phone.
Leaders: Bill Simpson, simphome@yahoo.com, 323-683-0959; Jimmy
Quan, h2otigerjim@gmail.com, 323-257-9846; Bruce Craig, crsig3162@
sbcglobal.net, 213-746-3563
Saturday, May 9, 2015
9:00 am - Powder Canyon hike
Orange County Group Outing
Saturday, May 09, 2015 to Sunday, May 10, 2015
Advanced Mountaineering Program (AMP11): Rock climbing
techniques and anchors
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
M/E-R: Fourth of four climbing workshops open to Sierra Club members
with prior roped climbing experience. This weekend completes the series of
AMP workshops at Joshua Tree National Park and focuses on climbing and
anchors. As space is limited priority will be given to participants who commit to all four workshops. Send email or sase, phones, Sierra Club number,
resume to leader. Leader: Dan Richter.
Leaders: Daniel Richter, dan@danrichter.com, 818-970-6737; Patrick
Mckusky, patrick.mckusky@lausd.net, 626-794-7321
8:00 am - Navigation: Beginning Navigation Clinic
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
I: Spend the day one-on-one with an instructor, learning/practicing map and
compass in our local mountains. Beginners to rusty old-timers welcome and
practice is available at all skill levels. Not a checkout, but it will help you
prepare. Many expert leaders will attend; many I-rated leaders started here
in the past. 4 mi, 500’ gain. Send sase, phones, rideshare info, $25 deposit,
refunded at trailhead (Sierra Club) to leader.
Leaders: Diane Dunbar, dianedunbar@charter.net, 818-248-0455; Richard
Boardman, 310-374-4371
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
7:00 pm - Wilderness Skills Monthly Course: Backpacking Trip
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Club Support Event
O: Enjoy a 5 mi, 1100’ gain hike and info about the Powder Cyn Significant
Ecological Area. Meet 9 am Powder Canyon entrance (equestrian ring) along
Old Fullerton Rd, 400 yds W of Harbor Blvd (near Pathfinder) in Rowland
Hgts. Bring water, a snack, and sturdy shoes. Rain within 48 hours cancels
Leaders: Fred Reed, fkreed@msn.com, 714-528-4841; Eric Johnson,
ericsj@mindspring.com, 714-524-7763
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Repeating Events
3:00 pm La Mirada Theatre Performing Arts, Symphony’s POPS
8:30 am - Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve Newcomer Hike
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
O: Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve Newcomer Hike: Easy paced, reasonably
flat, 5 mile hike, approx 3 hrs. Newcomers Welcome. Enjoy the natural
beauty of Bolsa Chica, one of the last remaining wetland ecosystems in
Southern California. Meet 8:30 am. From Warner Avenue in Huntington
Beach turn south on Bolsa Chica Street to the end of the street and trailhead
(Brightwater). Park on the street. Bring camera, water, sun protection, hat,
light hiking boots, rain does not cancel.
Leaders: Houria Hall, houriazhall@yahoo.com; Dorothy Gutierrez, totomom_99@yahoo.com, 562-483-7362; Donna Specht, donnaspecht@juno.
com, 714-963-6345
Friday, May 22, 2015
O: Join us for this fun and informative evening series of monthly classes at
REI, 2962 El Camino Real, Tustin, California as we will be discussing subjects such as day hiking, backpacking, navigation, first aid, stoves, cooking
and meal planning, sleeping and sheltering, emergencies and survival, gear
selection, and more. All courses will be taught by experienced Sierra Club
Outing Leaders. This topic will cover all the gear that should be carried for
a typical summer backpack trip. These should include the 10 essentials, first
aid kit, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, shelter, stove and food, bear canister if
required, water and filter, clothing for day and night, bathroom items, and
leave no trace rules that should be followed. Information will be available
about upcoming hikes and events. There is no charge for the course. [Feel
free to arrive at 6:30 pm for social, registration, and to find out what is happening with Sierra Club in the area and to visit with the leaders before class.]
Leader: Frances Penn, fpenn@rutan.com, 714-747-1019
7:30 am - Monthly Meeting
Verdugo Hills Group Social Event
Saturday, May 16, 2015
O: A land pre tour extension to the Celebrity Millennium Discovery Voyage
Alaska May 29 to June 5, 2015. Experience the Call of the Wild on a
seven night/eight day fully escorted charter coach trip from Anchorage to
Talkeetna, Denali National Park and back to Anchorage for a fun slice of
urban life, Alaska style. Relaxed pace to enjoy beautiful wilderness lodging,
hiking adventures, spectacular scenery and wildlife. Price $1,295 includes:
lodging, private charter bus, transfers, happy hours, some meals. For complete information, itinerary, application, refund policy, Contact Trip Leader:
Donna Specht. Co leader: Ana Cadez.
Leaders: Donna Specht, donnaspecht@juno.com, 714-963-6345; Ana
Cadez, ana.cadez@bt-store.com
Saturday, May 16, 2015 to Sunday, May 17, 2015
The Big Three: McKinley Mountain (6200’), San Rafael
Mountain (6593’), Santa Cruz Peak (5570’)
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing
I: Very strenuous, moderately paced backpack in central Santa Barbara
County. Two-day totals: 34 miles, 8600’ gain. This “exciting” and “fun” outing follows roads and potentially overgrown trails and use trails. This event is
sponsored by HPS and co-sponsored by WTC; it satisfies WTC experience
trip requirements. Email leader with recent conditioning, experience, city,
O: May 22 Wed Verdugo Hills Monthly Meeting: Experience a river boat
journey from Moscow to St Petersburg through photos and stories. See
world famous sites such as the Kremlin and the Moscow subways. Enjoy
beautiful palaces,amazing churches and charming towns. Everyone is
welcome at 7:00 for social time and refreshments. The meeting begins at
7:30 in the community room of Montrose Citibank [2350 Honolulu AveMontrose]. There’s plenty of parking, enter in the back.
Leader: Delphine Trowbridge, dtrowbridge36@gmail.com, 818-558-7722
Friday, May 22, 2015 to Thursday, May 28, 2015
Denali - The Last Frontier
Angeles Chapter Outing
Friday, May 22, 2015 to Thursday, May 28, 2015
Denali - The Last Frontier
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
O: A land pre tour extension to the Celebrity Millennium Discovery Voyage
Alaska May 29 to June 5, 2015. Experience the Call of the Wild on a
seven night/eight day fully escorted charter coach trip from Anchorage to
Talkeetna, Denali National Park and back to Anchorage for a fun slice of
urban life, Alaska style. Relaxed pace to enjoy beautiful wilderness lodging,
hiking adventures, spectacular scenery and wildlife. Price $1,295 includes:
lodging, private charter bus, transfers, happy hours, some meals. For complete information, itinerary, application, refund policy, Contact Trip Leader:
Donna Specht. Co leader: Ana Cadez.
Leaders: Donna Specht, donnaspecht@juno.com, 714-963-6345; Ana
Cadez, ana.cadez@bt-store.com, 626-836-2235
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Saturday, May 23, 2015 to Monday, May 25, 2015
Keller Hut Memorial Day Weekend Fundraiser
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
O: Enjoy a fabulous Memorial Day weekend at the charming Keller Hut
located between Running Springs and Big Bear Lake in San Bernardino
Mtns. We have this rustic hut reserved for our fun filled weekend of activities
with our very knowledgeable overseer Marty. Keller Hut offers two livingdining rooms, fully equipped kitchen, shared bathroom, and two dorm lofts
with sleeping pads. Go up a ladder to sleep in the loft or pitch your tent
outside in the picturesque grounds. Our weekend activities include visits to
local points of interest and a hike to natural hot springs. The weekend fee is
$50 per person ($10 extra for non-member or solo driver) which includes
hut facility, light breakfasts, happy hour goodies and one special dinner.
Optional trip extension is available (details upon RSVP). All proceeds to
benefit Keller Peak Ski Hut to aid in maintenance and improvements. Due
to limited parking we encourage carpooling and can assist in connecting
with others interested. Space is limited to only 20 participants and it will
fill up quickly. Reservation *must* include participant name, email, phone
#, city, SC # (or extra fee for non-member), designate if you plan to tent or
sleep in loft, any carpool arrangements and a check payable to Verdugo Hills
Sierra Club mailed to Ed Khatch, 338 Grove Hill Ct. Brea CA 92821. All
communication will be via email (no SASE). No day-use visitors, attendance
is limited to participants signed-up in advance only.
Leaders: Ed Khatch, edkhatch@yahoo.com, 714-671-1977; Jean Noud,
jnoud@hotmail.com, 714-841-8798; Martin Kluck, martinkluck@hotmail.
com, 562-677-4740
Friday, May 29, 2015
Friday, May 29, 2015 to Friday, June 05, 2015
Discovery Voyage: Alaska
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
C/O: The world climate is changing and nowhere is it happening faster than
in Alaska. If you want to go to Alaska, now is the time and this is the trip.
Answer the call of the wild as you travel with your adventurous Sierra Club
friends on this Celebrity Cruise Southbound boarding our ship at Seward,
AK to Vancouver, B.C. After many years cruising Northbound, we are
doing something different, exploring the Mighty Hubbard Glacier and the
Icy Straight where John Muir paddled his canoe along the coast and where
we can still see the richness of the Tlingit culture in nearby Hoonah. Still
Southward to the Pioneer Ports of Skagway, Juneau and Ketchikan and the
Inside Passage to Vancouver. Join the leaders on rainforest hikes and frontier
saloon explorations. Leaders host on board get-togethers at sea and brisk
hikes around the deck. Cruise fare includes ship stateroom, gourmet meals,
entertainment, exercise opportunities. Staterooms from $437, inside cabin,
double occupancy. Port charges, Gov taxes, transfers, tips, airfare extra. For
information contact Gabriela Melgarejo at IB Travelin, Phone 888-4778669 or email: gabriela@ibtravelin.net Sign up before January 15, 2015
for the best price and best cabin choice, limited cabins in some categories.
Pre-cruise Land extension to Denali Nat’l Park, May 22-28, 2015. Postcruise extension, Vancouver, Victoria & Butchart Gardens, June 5 – 7. For
information on Pre and Post Land Tours or the cruise, Call or email Cruise
Coordinator: Donna Specht.
Leaders: Donna Specht, donnaspecht@juno.com, 714-963-6345; Ana
Cadez, ana.cadez@bt-store.com
Sunday, May 31, 2015
7:00 am - Ross Mountain (7,402’), Throop Peak (9,138’),
Mount Burnham (8,997’), Mount Baden-Powell (9,399’)
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing
I: Join us on this very strenuous, moderate-paced hike through the heart
of the San Gabriel Mountains for a total of 15 roundtrip miles and 4,900’
of gain, 2,700’ of which we’ll get on our way out. We’ll start from Dawson
Saddle and get our first three peaks as we travel northeast along the Pacific
Crest Trail to the summit of Mt. Baden-Powell. From there we’ll travel crosscountry along Baden-Powell’s southern ridgeline and descend 2,300’ over
steep, loose, and brushy terrain to the summit of Ross Mountain far below
us. From Ross we’ll have to re-gain the 2,300’ we lost coming in by climbing
back up to the summit of Baden-Powell. From there we’ll return along the
PCT back to our cars at Dawson Saddle. Expect a long, full day of hiking.
Not suitable for beginners or the faint of heart. Please bring lugsoles, layers,
beverages, lunch, snacks, sunblock and hat. For trip details contact
Leaders: Bill Simpson, simphome@yahoo.com, 323-683-0959; Bruce
Craig, crsig3162@sbcglobal.net, 213-746-3563; Jimmy Quan, h2otigerjim@gmail.com, 323-257-9846
Friday, June 5, 2015
Friday, June 05, 2015 to Sunday, June 07, 2015
The Best of Vancouver, Victoria and Butchart Gardens
Angeles Chapter Outing
O: Spend three action-packed days out and about Vancouver, BC. It’s a perfect ending of your Alaska cruise. Or, just treat yourself to an unforgettable
weekend getaway and meet us in Vancouver. We will take a gondola ride
up to Grouse Mountain and hike the Alpine meadows enjoying spectacular
views. On return walk across Capilano Suspension Bridge high above the
canyon floor surrounded by coastal rainforest. Next day take a short bus
and ferry ride across to Vancouver Island. Visit the world famous Butchart
Gardens and on to Victoria, a lovely seaside city with Old-English Victorian
charm. Hop-on Hop-Off Trolley for Vancouver sightseeing and stroll the
beautiful Stanley Park, voted #1 top park in the world by Trip Advisor. Price
$595 (non member cost $645) includes lodging, 2 breakfasts, all tours,
guides. Airfare, airport transfers, gratuities and meals are extra. For complete
information, itinerary, application, refund policy, Contact Trip
Leaders: Donna Specht, donnaspecht@juno.com, 714-963-6345; Ana
Cadez, ana.cadez@bt-store.com
Friday, June 05, 2015 to Sunday, June 07, 2015
The Best of Vancouver, Victoria and Butchart Gardens
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
O: Spend three action-packed days out and about Vancouver, BC. It’s a perfect ending of your Alaska cruise. Or, just treat yourself to an unforgettable
weekend getaway and meet us in Vancouver. We will take a gondola ride
up to Grouse Mountain and hike the Alpine meadows enjoying spectacular
views. On return walk across Capilano Suspension Bridge high above the
canyon floor surrounded by coastal rainforest. Next day take a short bus
and ferry ride across to Vancouver Island. Visit the world famous Butchart
Gardens and on to Victoria, a lovely seaside city with Old-English Victorian
charm. Hop-on Hop-Off Trolley for Vancouver sightseeing and stroll the
beautiful Stanley Park, voted #1 top park in the world by Trip Advisor. Price
$595 (non member cost $645) includes lodging, 2 breakfasts, all tours,
guides. Airfare, airport transfers, gratuities and meals are extra. For complete
information, itinerary, application, refund policy, Contact Trip
Leaders: Donna Specht, donnaspecht@juno.com, 714-963-6345; Ana
Cadez, ana.cadez@bt-store.com
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Tuesday, June 09, 2015 to Saturday, July 04, 2015
Pilgrim’s Route, France - Via Podiensis
Angeles Chapter Outing
April 1-June 1 $1567/$1724; after June 1 $1724/$1896. Covered activities/
costs: All ground transportation; all sumptuous breakfasts and dinners (ahi
and two other BBQs); 7 nights cabins, lodge, and condo; two restaurant
dinners inc. grand finale Aloha Dinner; cooking gear, logistics. Airfare is
extra - best prices early. Cancellations received in writing after April 1 incur
a $405 penalty; after May 3 a $739 penalty; after May 25 or no-shows
forfeit all monies. No exceptions! Limit: 14; fills fast. For info only, send 1
self-addressed-stamped envelope. To signup, send email address, or, if no
email send 3-4x9 sase’s, with Home/Cell/Work phone #’s, $395 deposit ($92
non-ref ) made out to Sierra Club, include hiking experience/conditioning
info, to leader.phone 818-773-4601
Leaders: Bill Crane, bilguana@socal.rr.com, 818-773-4601; Joan Weaver,
hoansw@yahoo.com, 818-717-1946
O: This unique long-distance hiking experience is so popular, we are repeating the pilgrimage along the Via Podiensis. Anybody thinking of walking to
Santiago de Compostela ought to consider beginning the journey in Le Puy.
The first written account of the walk from Le Puy en Velay to Santiago dates
from the 10th century, more than one thousand years ago! It takes us 25
days to walk from Le Puy to Moissac with a daily average of about 11 miles;
however, it may be possible to join the small group for only part of the way.
The cost: $4300 includes 25 nights accommodation, mostly sharing twin/
bath (single supplement not available), breakfast and dinner daily, all land
transportation and 2 experienced and knowledgeable leaders. For complete
itinerary, deposit information, cancelation policy and registration, contact
the Leaders: Ed and Helen Maurer
Leaders: Ed Maurer, balois@cox.net, 949-768-0417; Helen Maurer,
7gables@cox.net, 949-768-0417
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
7:00 am - Navigation: Heart Bar Peak (8332’)
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
Tuesday, July 14, 2015 to Sunday, July 19, 2015
I: Practice navigation for Sunday’s checkoff on this 7 mile round trip, 1400’
gain hike. We will take a cross-country route to Heart Bar Pk and practice
micro-navigation skills along the way. Send email (preferred) or sase, with
contact info & recent conditioning to leader.Ann Pedreschi Shields
Leaders: Robert M Myers, rmmyers@ix.netcom.com, 310-829-3177; Jane
Simpson, jsimple@earthlink.net; Adrienne Benedict, sierraadrienne@verizon.net; Ann Shields, apedreschi@sbcglobal.net
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Repeating Events
7:00 am Navigation: Grinnell Ridge Navigation Noodle
8:30 am - Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve Newcomer Hike
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
O: Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve Newcomer Hike: Easy paced, reasonably
flat, 5 mile hike, approx 3 hrs. Newcomers Welcome. Enjoy the natural
beauty of Bolsa Chica, one of the last remaining wetland ecosystems in
Southern California. Meet 8:30 am. From Warner Avenue in Huntington
Beach turn south on Bolsa Chica Street to the end of the street and trailhead
(Brightwater). Park on the street. Bring camera, water, sun protection, hat,
light hiking boots, rain does not cancel.
Leaders: Donna Specht, donnaspecht@juno.com, 714-963-6345; Houria
Hall, houriazhall@yahoo.com, 714-525-7400
Humphreys Basin Mule Pack
Angeles Chp Mule Section Outing
O: Join us as hired packers carry gear of 50 lbs per person while we hike
separately with only our daypacks. Tues am hike from North Lake Trailhead
9 miles, 2,078’ gain over Paiute Pass (11,423’) to camp along the outlet
stream from Lower Golden Trout Lake. Wed-Sat hike, photo, fish, or relax.
Enjoy happy hour followed by a hearty soup every night with wine provided.
Sun we hike out. Trip cost: $395. Note reserve/cancel policy under the additional information link where you can find other info about mule packs. To
apply, email with recent high altitude and distance conditioning and health
to Co-leader: Cathie Miller.
Leaders: Catherine Miller, owlforever@sbcglobal.net, 310-326-8495;
Douglas Farr, doug@dmfarr.com, 818-957-0845
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Saturday, June 20, 2015 to Saturday, June 27, 2015
Tuesday, July 21, 2015 to Saturday, July 25, 2015
Fortieth Annual Hawaiian Islands Eco-Adventure: Kauai, The
Garden Isle
Angeles Chp Backpacking Comm Outing
Sunrise Lakes Mule Pack
Angeles Chp Mule Section Outing
O: No backpacking. In 8 days experience the unique and outstanding natural beauty of Kauai. Enjoy moderate hikes (4 -7 mi/500-1,500 gain/loss) in
Kokee State Park. Hike Alakai Swamp, Pahia Lookout, Awaiawipu Trail to
views of the canyon and NaPali coast 4000’ below. Plus moderate 4 mi RT
Na Pali Coast day hike to Hanakapiai Beach explore lava caves. Snorkel/
swim at picturesque Ke’e Beach & Poipu Beach. Exclusive: Manuel’s Ginger
Chicken at Salt Pond Beach Park. Tour National Tropical Botanical Gardens.
Stop at views of Waimea Canyon and Kalalau Valley. Rainforest cabins (pro
kitchen) 3 nights, 2 nights rustic cabins at Kahili Mountain Park & 2 nights
beachfront condos (full kitchens, swimming pool, whirlpool spas). Cabin &
condo all week inc. 2 nights condo. Meals cooked group commissary style all help with duties. Cost: $1425 w/SC# / $1567non-mem before April 1;
O: Hired packers carry gear of 45 lbs per person while we hike separately
with only our daypacks. Tuesday morning hike from Sunrise Lake Trailhead
(8,150), 6 mi, 1,000’ gain. We will take a small detour at the Clouds Rest
junction to see Half Dome and the Yosemite Valley. We will camp just
south of the first Sunrise Lake (9,166’) with beautiful views of the local
peaks, including Cloud’s Rest, Colombia, Finger, Tresidder Peak, Tenaya
Peak, Echo Peaks, Matthes Crest, and Cathedral Peak. Day hikes include
Cloud’s Rest, Matthes Lake, and Echo Lake, and over Cathedral Pass to
explore the Cathedral Lakes. Wednesday-Friday hike, photo, fish, or relax in
camp. Evenings will be filled with happy hour followed by a delicious dinner
provided by the leaders. Sat hike out. $425 includes the dinner food. Note
reserve/ cancel policy on the website. To apply, email or phone with recent
high altitude and distance conditioning and general health to Co-leader
Fran Penn.
Leaders: Frances Penn, fpenn@rutan.com, 714-747-1019; John C LaRue,
jclarue@cox.net, 951-659-2258
Friday, July 31, 2015
Sunday, July 26, 2015
AT CAPACITY C: Panama Exploration and Panama Canal
Angeles Chapter Outing
Sunday, July 26, 2015 to Saturday, August 01, 2015
The Wonders of Oregon
Angeles Chapter Outing
O: Wikipedia describes Oregon as: “…diverse, with a windswept Pacific
beaches, volcano studded Cascade Mountains, abundant waterfalls, dense
evergreen forests,… and high desert sprawling across much of its east all
the way to the Great Basin”. Come join us on our 7 day, 6 night fly-drive
trip from as we explore this fascinating and interesting State. You will start
by enjoying the beaches, lighthouses, and historical sites of the Oregon
Coast before moving inland along the magnificent Columbia River Gorge
to explore the incredible waterfalls, fun hiking and even touring Bonneville
Dam and Fish Ladder. The last part of the trip will include Mt. Hood,
Newberry Crater and its amazing obsidian flows, Lava River Cave, and
last, but not least, Crater Lake. Trip includes all transportation in Oregon,
6 nights lodging, all admissions to scheduled places, and tours and most
breakfasts and some picnic lunches. Trip does not include air fare to and
from Portland, Oregon and most lunches and all dinners, nor does it
include optional items. Trip cost is $1295 for Sierra Club Members ($1395
for non-members) A $500 deposit will hold your place on the trip with the
remainder due by April 1, 2015. For information and to apply, contact Mike
Sappingfield at mikesapp@cox.net 949-768-3610) or write to him at 26352
Via Juanita, Mission Viejo, CA 92691. Leaders: Mike Sappingfield, Patty
Sappingfield, Mary Morales
Leaders: Michael Sappingfield, mikesapp@cox.net, 949-768-3610; Patty
Sappingfield, solanese@cox.net, 949-768-3610; Mary L Morales, 10ter@
cox.net, 949-636-2981
Friday, July 31, 2015 to Tuesday, August 11, 2015
O: Join us on land and cruise tour of Panama. This is small ship/small
group tour. You will spend a few days on a 24 passenger catamaran cruising
through the Panama Canal and stopping at various ports in and around the
canal area. From the ship, you will visit Taboga Island, known as the “Island
of Flowers,” a title it lives up to with birds of paradise, orchids, and other
tropical species. You’ll pass through the Miraflores Locks and the Pedro
Miguel Locks, experiencing for yourself the thrill of these engineering marvels, then through the Gaillard Cut and later staying in Gatun Lake. We will
leave the ship to enjoy a nature walk at San Lorenzo National Park to view its
diverse flora and fauna, some of its twelve miles of picturesque coastline, and
have opportunities to spot some of the park’s several hundred bird species.
The Land tour will include a city tour of old Panama City and other sites.
We will also explore the Anton Valley, where we will visit a conservation center, hot springs, and other attractions. We will go to the Gamboa area where
you will visit Soberania National Park known for its variety of bird life and
you will learn about the indigenous culture and meet some of members in
a small village. Price includes hotel, bus transportation, most meals, airport
transfers, most hikes or walks, and more. International Airfare is extra, group
air available. Sierra Club members $2,226 before August 12th (full payment
must be received on or before that date). After August 12th, $2,695. Nonmembers $100 more. Send 2 SASE, H&W Phones, SC#, e-mail, Check for
full amount (Sierra Club) to Stephanie Gross, PO Box 423, Montrose, CA
91021phone 818-545-3878,
Leaders: Fred Dong, madelinesdad@earthlink.net, 818-545-3878;
Stephanie Gross, madelinesmother@gmail.com, 818-545-3878
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Thursday, July 30, 2015 to Sunday, August 02, 2015
7:00 am - Navigation: Mt. Pinos Navigation Noodle
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
Mule packing In the Shadow of the Minarets
Angeles Chp Mule Section Outing
O: Join us as hired packers carry gear of 45 lbs. per person while we hike
with only our daypacks. Thursday am, hike 5 miles from Agnew Meadows
(8,300 ft.) with 1000’ gain to a base camp along Shadow Creek (9,000 ft.).
The Shadow Creek trail is a moderate trail that affords the hiker the opportunity to stand among peaks of the spectacular and rugged Ritter Range.
From this Ansel Adams Wilderness trail, there are incredible views of Mt.
Ritter, Banner Peak, and the Minarets. The Ritter Range is among the finest
mountain landscapes in the Sierra Nevada and our hikes offer views of these
peaks at a variety of angles. In a region of exceptionally stunning, sparkling
lakes, Shadow and Ediza are two of the loveliest. We will pass Shadow Lake
on the way to our base camp at Shadow Creek. We will also have two full
lay-over days to hike, fish or relax. There is easy access to Ediza, Iceberg,
and Garnet Lakes from the base camp; for stronger hikers, both Cecile and
Minaret Lakes can be reached from Iceberg and the magnificent Thousand
Island Lake lies beyond Garnet. These lakes also offer the opportunity for
fishing (with a license), where you can catch a variety of trout including
Rainbow, Brook, Brown and perhaps, even a Golden! Organized hikes daily
and group activities nightly. The cost for the trip, including a pre-trip group
campsite, is $300. Note reservation/cancellation policy under the additional
information link where you can find other info about mule packs. To apply,
email or phone with recent high altitude and distance conditioning and
general health to
Leaders: Christine Gutierrez, emailchristineg@gmail.com, 310-549-1405;
David Cross, bulwonkle@yahoo.com, 310-531-6019
I: Navigation noodle in Los Padres National Forest for either checkout or
practice to satisfy Basic (I/M) or Advanced (E) level navigation requirements. Send email or sase, navigation experience/training, rideshare info,
contact info, any WTC, leader rating to leader.Phil Weeler.
Leaders: Robert M Myers, rmmyers@ix.netcom.com, 310-829-3177; Phil
Wheeler, phil.wheeler@sierraclub.org, 310-214-1873
Sunday, August 02, 2015 to Friday, August 07, 2015
Saddlerock Lake Mule Pack
Angeles Chp Mule Section Outing
O: Sunday morning wranglers will lead mules carrying 55 pounds of gear/
food per person to our base camp while we hike separately with only our
daypacks, from the South Lake trailhead (9,800’) 4 miles with 1,325’ gain
to Saddlerock Lake (11,125’), enjoying beautiful alpine views of lakes and
mountains in the Bishop Creek drainage. Monday through Thursday, you’ll
be able to hike, take photos, fish, or relax in camp. Agassiz, Chocolate, and
Mt. Goode peaks, as well as Dusy Basin, Bishop Pass (11,972’), and various
lakes and interesting ridges are nearby. Enjoy planned Potluck dinners every
night with wine provided. On Friday, the mules pick up our gear and we
hike out. Trip cost: $325. Note reservation/cancellation policy under the
additional information link where you can find other info about mule packs.
To apply, email or phone with recent high-altitude and distance conditioning and general health to
Leaders: Laura Joseph, ljoseph2@earthlink.net, 626-356-4158; Leslie
Wilson, les.wilson@roadrunner.com, 805-522-2642
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Sunday, August 09, 2015 to Friday, August 14, 2015
Thursday, August 20, 2015 to Sunday, August 23, 2015
Clark Lakes Mule Pack
Angeles Chp Mule Section Outing
Hilton Lakes/ Rock Creek Mule Pack
Angeles Chp Mule Section Outing
O: Hired packers carry gear of 50 lbs per person while we hike separately
with only our daypacks. Sunday morning hike at a leisurely pace from the
Frontier Pack Station in the June Lakes Loop, 6 miles, about 3000’ gain, to
lovely campsites along Clark Lake # 2 in the Ansel Adams Wilderness. Once
we set up base camp, we will have four layover days to explore this scenic
area. Day hikes will be available to destinations such as Thousand Island,
Badger, Summit, and Garnet Lakes, Island Pass, Spooky Meadow, Carson
Peak, and possibly San Joaquin Mountain. The nearby section of the PCT
High Trail usually has an excellent display of wildflowers. Or hang out in
camp to photo, fish, or relax. Enjoy happy hours every evening, wine provided, and a couple of planned group dinners. Friday hike out. $285. Note
the reservation/ cancel policy under the additional information link where
you can find other info about mule packs. To apply, email or phone with
recent high altitude and distance conditioning and general health to
Leaders: John Kaiser, jkai39@gmail.com, 714-968-4677; Yvonne Tsai, yctsai@usc.edu, 626-297-7906
O: Hired packers carry 45 lbs. of gear while we hike with only our daypacks.
Thursday am hike from Rock Creek Pack Station (9,690 ft. ) to Lake 2 or
3 in the Hilton Lakes area at approx 10,200 ft. The hike is 5 miles one way,
with 500’ of net gain, and 1200 feet of accumulated gain. The camp is in a
lovely sub-alpine area and boasts excellent fishing for brown, rainbow, and
brook trout. Two full lay-over days to hike, fish, or relax. Access to many
of the other nine Hilton Lakes. Enjoy group salad night, happy hours with
wine provided and fun evening activities. Hike out on Sunday. Individual
camp sites available Wed, Aug 19 at Rock Creek Lake, or stay in nearby
cabins at Tom’s Place (9 miles), in Mammoth (28 miles), or in Bishop (33
miles). Pre-trip camp site also possible at Rock Creek Packer’s lower corral area. $310. Note reservation/cancellation policy under the additional
information link where you can find other info about mule packs. To apply,
email or phone with recent high altitude and distance conditioning and
general health to
Leaders: Francine Oschin, foschin@sbcglobal.net, 818-907-1130; David
Cross, bulwonkle@yahoo.com, 310-531-6019
Monday, August 10, 2015
Sunday, August 30, 2015
6:30 am - Angeles Chapter Newcomer/Member Special Event
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Social Event
Sunday, August 30, 2015 to Friday, September 04, 2015
O: Come and discover the Sierra Club with the Orange County Group,
Sierra Sage, Hundred Peak Section, Wilderness Travel Course, Mule Packs
and many other Sierra Club representatives. Learn all about the Sierra Club
and the many activities and adventure outings available. Table displays,
exhibits, refreshments, free drawing. Join Sierra Club $15 Special Offer, free
gift. Bring a Friend! Meet 6:30-8:30 pm, Elks Lodge, 7711 Talbert Avenue,
Huntington Beach, CA. Follow the balloons to the East Entrance. Contact
Chapter Membership Chair: Donna Specht
Leaders: Donna Specht, donnaspecht@juno.com, 714-963-6345; Charles
G Geller, eduright@aol.com, 714-292-2352; Scott Closson, closs100@mail.
chapman.edu, 714-457-6820
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Thursday, August 13, 2015 to Sunday, August 16, 2015
Mammoth, Yosemite, Bristlecone Pine Forest Bus Trip
Palos Verdes Group Outing
O: Would you like to hike through grassy meadows under towering pines,
soak your feet in pristine alpine lakes, and feast your eyes on vistas of snowcapped granite peaks? Join us August 13-16, 2015, for an adventurous four
days of glorious hiking on some of the most spectacular trails in the high
Sierras. The grand finale will be a visit to the ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest
to hike among the oldest living things on the planet. Participants must be
fit enough to hike 5-7 miles in hilly terrain at high altitudes (over 10,000’).
We stay all three nights in Mammoth Lakes’ Quality Inn. Price includes
bus, shared motel room, driver’s gratuity, and snacks. Depart early Thurs.
from Redondo Beach and return Sun. night. There is a $40 cancellation fee.
If you cancel less than 30 days before departure, you will receive a refund
only if the trip is full and we find a suitable replacement for you. Send 2
business-size self-addressed stamped envelopes, H&W phones, gender (M or
F), email address, and check to PVSB Sierra Club for $360 to reservationist
Bob Baldwin, 7500 Wystone Ave., Reseda, CA 91335.
Leaders: Judy Shane, judyshane@aol.com, 310-379-1111; Robert Baldwin,
rbaldwin@unex.ucla.edu, 818-510-1274; Emile Fiesler, emilenid@yahoo.
com, 720-834-2878; Zoltan Stroll, zoli10@verizon.net, 310-378-8975
Garnet Lake Mule Pack
Angeles Chp Mule Section Outing
O: Join us as hired packers carry gear of 50 lbs per person while we hike
separately with only our daypacks. Sun am hike from Agnew Meadows
(8340’), approx.7 mi, 2500’ gain, to camp at Garnet Lake (9680’) with
beautiful views of Mt. Ritter and Banner Peak. Mon-Thurs hike, photo, fish,
or relax. Possible day hike destinations include Thousand Island Lake, Lake
Ediza and Clark Lakes. Enjoy happy hour followed by a hearty soup every
night with wine provided. Fri we hike out. Trip cost: $375. Note reserve/
cancel policy under the additional information link where you can find
other info about mule packs. To apply, email with recent high altitude and
distance conditioning and health to Co-leader: Cathie Miller.
Leaders: Catherine Miller, owlforever@sbcglobal.net, 310-326-8495;
Douglas Farr, doug@dmfarr.com, 818-957-0845
Sunday, August 30, 2015 to Saturday, September 05, 2015
Mule Pack, Sierra Peaks, and WTC. O/I/M: Charlotte Creek
campsite, Mt Rixford (12,887’), Mt Bago (11,870’), Mt Gould
(13,005’), Mt Cotter (12,713’), Black Mtn (13,291’), Diamond
Peak (13,127’), East Vidette
Angeles Chp Mule Section Outing
O: Use Charlotte Creek (over Kearsarge Pass) as your base camp to climb
peaks in the area. This trip is designed for strong hikers who want to do
mainly cross-country routes and peakbagging, so we are co-listing the trip
with the Sierra Peaks Section and Wilderness Travel Course. We will start at
Onion Valley (9,200’). On Sunday morning we will hike 8 mi, 3000’ gain,
with our daypacks over Kearsarge Pass (11,709’) past Charlotte Lake to
Charlotte Creek (10,300’). This will be a superior peak-bagging opportunity
with many SPS peaks in close proximity, and also other peaks in the area. We
will lead as many peaks as time and weather allow. There are many streams,
lakes, a few trails, and many cross-country options. Monday - Friday you can
hike, climb peaks, take photos, fish, or relax in camp. We will have organized
gourmet dinners each night. While the higher elevation means we can’t have
campfires, mosquitoes and other pests should be minimal. Saturday we will
hike out. Weight limit for the mules is 45 lbs and cost is $410 per person
including dinner and wine. Note reserve/cancel policy under the Additional
Information link. Accepted participants will need to complete Participant
Medical Form. To apply,email recent high altitude tolerance, conditioning,
and experience to
Leaders: Sandy Lara, ssperling1@verizon.net, 562-421-8143; Peter Lara,
plara@mwdh2o.com, 562-421-8143
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Repeating Events
7:00 am Navigation: Grinnell Ridge Navigation Noodle
Saturday, September 26, 2015
3:00 pm - Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary Fall Festival
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Social Event
O: Join us from 3-6 pm for wine, cheese, hors-doeuvres, festive lunch and
music in this sanctuary deep in Modjeska Canyon. Our guide will lead a
nature walk through the winding pathways and gardens to look for the
resident tortoise, Henry, and many other birds and animals. Live music will
feature Patti Barnes, vocalist/keyboards, among others. Proceeds to support
the Sanctuary and conservation. Space is limited due to parking requirements in the Canyon. Reservations are required by Sept 20. Send 2 sase
OR e mail address for directions, $25 with Sierra Club #/ $35 nonmembers
(Ck payable OC Group, Sierra Club) to Reservationist: Gabriele Rau, 12
Columbia, Irvine 92612-2632 (gabrielerau@gmail.com) Ldrs: Patti Barnes,
Bernie Lipman, Jay Matchett, Bob Siebert, Donna Specht, Chuck Buck,
Suzanne Cecconi
Leaders: Patricia Barnes, mezzohiker@msn.com, 714-827-9744; Gabriele
Rau, gabrielerau@gmail.com, 949-725-7905; Donna Specht, donnaspecht@
juno.com, 714-963-6345
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Saturday, October 03, 2015 to Sunday, October 11, 2015
New England Extravaganza II
Angeles Chapter Outing
O: Join us for this 9 day, 8 night fly-drive excursion to the wonders of
New England in the fall. Highlights will be exploring the Freedom Trail
in Boston, including visits to Paul Revere’s house, Bunker Hill, and visiting key historical sites such as Concord, Lexington, Walden Pond, and
Plimoth Plantation. In following days, we will explore the fall colors of New
Hampshire and Vermont. Highlights will be covered bridges, walks along
wilderness streams, Ben and Jerry’s Factory, Mt. Washington via the cog
rail, and others. We will finish the trip with a visit to Maine with stops in
Freeport to visit the 24 hour flagship LL Bean store, lighthouses and Acadia
National Park. Trip includes all transportation in New England, 8 nights
lodging, all admissions to scheduled places, and most breakfasts. Trip does
not include air fare to and from New England and lunches and dinners.
Trip cost is $1395 for Sierra Club Members ($1495 for non-members) A
$500 deposit will hold your place on the trip with the remainder due by
July 1, 2015. For information and to apply, contact Mike Sappingfield at
mikesapp@cox.net 949-768-3610) or write to him at 26352 Via Juanita,
Mission Viejo, CA 92691. Leaders: Mike Sappingfield, Patty Sappingfield
Leaders: Michael Sappingfield, mikesapp@cox.net, 949-768-3610; Patty
Sappingfield, solanese@cox.net, 949-768-3610
present fanciful shapes. You will see the beautiful old town of Dali, subject
of Chinese painting and home to the Bai minority people. Next, visit the
ancient city of Lijiang with its 700 year old cobblestone streets, a UNESCO
world heritage site. We will visit some of the villages of the Naxi minority
people. We will see the beautiful Tiger Leap Gorge, then to Shangri La
described in James Hilton’s Lost Horizon. This is home to many Tibetan
people where we will visit some of the beautiful temples or monasteries. We
will also see some of the beautiful high mountains and scenic areas of this
region. We’ll fly to Chengdu to visit the Pandas. We will visit the Panda
Breeding center where you can literally see dozens of Pandas in this park-like
setting. Last time we saw almost a dozen baby Pandas. You can have your
photo taken with a Panda for an extra fee. See the Giant carved Buddha of
Mt Leshan and the nearby temples. We will also visit the Mt. E’mei scenic
area and then Jiuzhaigou National Park, a World Heritage area, famed for its
peculiar karsts landscape and multihued ponds that are set off picturesquely
by snow-top mountains, vertical ravines, and vast forests. Cost: $3,799 until
February 28, (March 1st & later $3,899) includes RT air (LAX-Beijing), all
transportation, 4star hotels, nearly all meals, admissions, CTS guides. Taxes
& Visa Fees extra. Send H&W Phones, SC#, e-mail or 2 SASE, deposit
check $400 (Sierra Club) to
Leaders: Bruce Hale, brucehale@sbcglobal.net, 818-957-1936; Fred Dong,
madelinesdad@earthlink.net, 818-545-3878
• Bookmark the Chapter website and check it at least once a week:
• Like us on Facebook.
• Make sure we have your email address so we can communicate
with you by email instead of using paper.
• Volunteer with the Angeles Chapter – check out the postings on
the Volunteer Connection at http://clubvolunteer.org.
• Vote for Sierra Club-endorsed candidates.
• Join our partnership with Sungevity and put solar panels on your
• Give a gift membership to the Sierra Club to a friend or family
• Make a donation to the Angeles Chapter so we can continue our
work here in Los Angeles and Orange counties.
• Make the Angeles Chapter a beneficiary in your will or trust.
Most importantly, get outdoors and get involved.
John Muir enjoyed this great earth, but he did not stop there. He
took action to make sure land was set aside for future generations to
As we face threats to our climate and the life we love here on earth,
we cannot sit idly by and hope someone else takes the action we need
to make. It is up to us to carry on the legacy of John Muir and ensure
that 100 years from now people continue to explore, enjoy, and protect
the planet and all the beauty it contains.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Thursday, October 08, 2015 to Wednesday, October 21, 2015
China Panda Yunnan Shangri La Adventure
Angeles Chapter Outing
O: See seldom visited sights in Yunnan, see China’s ambassador, the Panda,
Shangri La, several UNESCO world heritage sites & scenic areas and ethnic
peoples of Southern China. You will visit the Great Stone Forest, a massive
collection of gray limestone pillars, split by rainwater and eroded to their
Rideshare Meeting Places
Airport-Marina: US Bank parking lot, SE corner Lincoln and
Mindanao Way, Marina del Rey.
Antelope Valley-Lancaster: Park-and-Ride lot on N side of Avenue
K, just W of Antelope Valley Fwy (CA 14). Turn into Park-andRide at Avenue S traffic light, meet at back fence east of bus stop.
Antelope Valley-Palmdale: Avenue S exit, Park-and-Ride lot E of
Antelope Valley Fwy (CA 14) as near as possible to Avenue S
traffic light entrance.
Azusa: On Santa Fe St. just E of Azusa Ave, one block N of
Foothill, just before the railroad tracks.
Canyon Country: Vons parking lot next to Soledad Cyn Rd. Sand
Cyn Rd exit from Hwy 14.
Corona: Park-and-Ride on Main St N exit from 91 Fwy.
Diamond Bar: Park-and-Ride lot, Diamond Bar Blvd, N of
Pomona Fwy (Hwy 60).
East San Gabriel Valley: Albertsons W parking lot, Westfield West
Covina Shopping Center, W Covina; N on Citrus St 0.2 mi
from San Bernardino Fwy (I-10) to Workman Ave.
Fairplex: Park-and-Ride N of San Bernardino Fwy N (I-10) in
Pomona, exit Fairplex Dr., go N, turn right on Gillette Rd.
La Cañada: Angeles Crest Hwy (Hwy 2), Just N of Foothill Fwy
(I-210). Park on Angeles Crest Hwy only.
Long Beach: North side of E Atherton St (across from the CSULB
Recycling Center) between N Britton Dr and Fanwood Ave in
Long Beach.
Malibu: Malibu Civic Center. If lot not available, park on street.
From Pacific Coast Hwy, N on Webb Way, R on Civic Center
Mount Baldy: Park-and-Ride, NE corner of Mills Ave and Mt
Baldy Rd. Baseline exit from I-210 Fwy, 0.6 mi W on Baseline,
1.1 mi N on Mills Ave, Claremont.
Orange County, North: Park-and-Ride, E side of Tustin Ave just S
of Lincoln Ave, Orange.
Orange County, South: Ortega Plaza parking lot SE corner, Ortega
Hwy/Rancho Viejo, San Juan Capistrano.
Pacific Palisades: Los Liones Dr at Sunset Blvd, 1/4 mi from
San Fernando Valley: West side of Balboa Blvd, north of Burbank
Blvd, Encino.
Santa Clarita: Entrance to Ed Davis/Towsley Cyn Park. I-5 exit
Calgrove, W to the Old Road, S to park entrance.
South Bay: East side of Vermont Ave, north of Artesia Blvd; use
Artesia West exit from Harbor Fwy, Gardena.
Sylmar: Encinitas Ave, S of Roxford St; Roxford exit from Golden
St Fwy (I-5).
Tustin: Redhill Ave on N side (fwy side) of Stater Bros Market, just
SW of Redhill Ave exit from Santa Ana Fwy.
Verdugo Hills: Joslyn Adult Center, 1301 W Olive, Burbank. Park
in rear lot next to Clark St.
West LA: Federal Building parking lot 11000 Wilshire Blvd, visitors section, Veteran S of Wilshire.
Woodland Hills: Taft High School parking lot, SW corner of
Ventura Blvd and Winnetka Ave.
Leaders Directory
Chapter Ombudsman: Bill Jackson e-mail at angeles-outings-ombudsman@
Adachi, May
Alexander, Evelyn
Allen, Pam
Anderson, Gary
Arredondo, Patricia
Baldwin, Robert
7500 Wystone Ave., Reseda, CA
Botan, Steven
714-963-0151; 714-321-1296
Bradford, Stephen
Brown, Russ
Cadez, Ana
Campbell, Rosemary
Chadwick, Dorothy Boynton
Chadwick, James Brooks
Clark, Todd
Barnes, Patricia
Closson, Scott
Bartlett, Shilo
Cody, Robert
Beck, Stephen
Beck, Stephen D
Benedict, Adrienne
Black, Dave
Boardman, Richard
Bonnickson, Barry
Boothe, Richard
Bosch, Dennis
Comerzan, David
Cote, Sylvie
Craig, Bruce
Crane, Bill
22351 Mission Cir Chatsworth CA
Cross, David
Cutter, Paul
Czamanske, David
Daniels, Alan
Goldknopf, Emmy
Joyce, William
Lee, Lisa
Darie, Silvia
Gross, Stephanie
PO Box 423, Montrose, CA 91021
Leps, Virve
Gutierrez, Christine
Kaiser, John
714-968-4677; 714-376-3197
Gutierrez, Dorothy
Kelliher, Mat
H, John
Kenyon, Jeffrey
Demers, Doug
Denton, Delores
Dickey, Chris
Dodge, Daryn
Dong, Fred
Dunbar, Diane
Farr, Douglas
Fields, Margaret C
Fiesler, Emile
Finch, David
Fleming, Mark
Froloff, Catherine
Garner, Julie
Haake, David
dhaake3@gmail.com; dhaake@ucla.
Hagar, James
Hale, Bruce
3025 Alabama St, La Crescenta, CA
Hall, Houria
Harris, Marcia
Height, Peter R
949-558-1347; 949-412-8954;
Henning, Carol
Heringer, Ginny
Jr, Fred Lazzelle
Kerner, Ken
Khatch, Ed
338 Grove Hill Ct. Brea CA 92821
Levinson, Maya
Lively, Lynn
Lorme, Raymond
Louis, Michael
Lubin, Edward H
Lyons, Gaines
Kirk, Sharon L
Marco, Diane De
Klemic, Pixie
Marsh, Tom
Kluck, Martin
Marshall, John Russell
Knights, Mimi
Martin, Beth Powis
530 South Lake Ave. #708, Pasadena
CA 91101
Krupa, Nancy
Kupecz, Ilona
LaRue, John C
949-661-4437; 951-659-2258
Martin, Keith
at 530 South Lake Ave. #708, Pasadena CA 91101
Lara, Peter
Matchett, Jay
Lara, Sandy
Mattock, Ted
Ireland, Peter
Lavoie, William
Maurer, Ed
Johnson, Eric
Lax, Matthew
Maurer, Helen
949-768-0417; 949-357-9931
Ginsberg, Terry
Joseph, Laura
Leacock, Carol
Maxey, Rich
Garry, Paul
Gately, Reaven
805-255-2350; 661-255-8873
Geller, Mr Charles G
Heringer, Jim
245 San Miguel Road, Pasadena, CA
McCoppin, Garry
Noud, Jean
Rodin, Gaylon S
Simpson, Jane
Mccullough, Jim
Okamoto, Kate
Rosien, Ron
Sisson, Sherri
949-786-7681; 949-786-7861
Mckusky, Patrick
Okowitz, Rita
Ross, Sherry
Skye, Coby
Meade, Donna
Oschin, Francine
Roy, Gail
949-981-8523; 949-854-3820
gfroy@uci.edu; gr6716@yahoo.com
Smith-Meek, Julie
Meek, Scott
Palmer, Jim
Rush, Julie
Meese, Jacqueline
Pedreschi, Ann
Sandford, Dottie
Penn, Frances
714-747-1019; 714-434-2754
Sandford, Mike
Perica, Jon
Sappingfield, Michael
or write to him at 26352 Via Juanita,
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Metcalf, Michael
949-492-6277; 949-444-9270
Miller, Catherine
Miller, Duana L.
Mitchell, Mark Alan
Monier, Jacques
Montgomery, Mr Norman O
Montooth, Gerrie
Moore, Sharon
Phillips, Joe
Pomeroy, Liz
Prieto, Alexander
Proskurowski, Wlodek
Puraty, Sharry
Quan, Jimmy
Morales, Mary L
Quist, Sarah
Morrow, David
Ratinoff, Marshall
Mullins, Anne
Rau, Gabriele
Mulry, Judith E
Reed, Fred
Myers, Robert M
Richter, Daniel
Sappingfield, Patty
Scheuer, Ernest M
Schohan, Sue
Schrantz, Ron
Schwitkis, Kent
Segal, Jeri
Shane, Judy
Sharp, Gwen M
Sheldon, Jon
Shields, Virgil
Simpson, Bill
Soskins, Christine
Specht, Donna
22221 Wood Island Lane, Huntington
Beach, CA 92646
Stabeck, Norm
Star, Ken
Stern, Lawrence
Stevenson, Sylvia
949-616-2765; 949-487-2660
Strand, Bonnie C
Straub, Terri
28017 Indian Rock Dr., Rancho Palos
Verdes, CA 90275
Strien, Maura Van
Stroll, Zoltan
Suchin, Rapeepun
Suddeth, Hannelore
Tapia, Sandra
Tom, Homer
Tomovich, Audrey
Webster, Mary Ann
Yes, I want to join the Sierra Club.
Trowbridge, Delphine
Webster, Ronald
Tsai, Yvonne
Valadez, Joaquin
Vanderberg, William H
Vaughn, Pat
Vernallis, Margaret
Wheeler, Phil
White, Joyce
Williams, Todd
PHONE (optional)
Wilson, Mr Leslie
Woods, Roger
Viernes, Sandy
Yinger, Bob
Wallraff, Dean
Young, Joseph
Weaver, Joan
Zeider, Pat
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Contributions, gifts and dues to the Sierra Club are not tax-deductible, they support our
effective, citizen-based advocacy and lobbying efforts. Your dues include $7.50 for a
subscription to SIERRA magazine and $1 for your Chapter newsletter.
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Or visit: angeles.sierraclub.org/join_donate
F94Q W 0400 1
How to make solar power even easier
for consumers
By Philip Rojc
California doubled its rooftop solar power installations last year and
leads the nation as a solar power giant. These are heady times for the
residential solar industry, which has spurred job growth and attracted
billions of investment dollars in the state.
The one dark cloud on the horizon: a lack of uniform permitting
guidelines wastes time and costs homeowners more money. A new
California law, AB 2188, requires 500 local governments throughout
the state to improve their permitting procedures for rooftop solar by
Sept. 30 of next year.
And the Sierra Club is working to make sure that happens.
Solar power, by the numbers
While California is a model for solar energy, clean energy accounts for
less than 5% of national capacity. The U.S. needs to redouble its efforts to
make distributed generation the default choice wherever the sun shines.
“When utility-scale solar projects are added in, California’s total solar
power picture well-exceeds 4,000 MW today - nearly twice as much installed
capacity as exists at California’s last remaining nuclear power plant, Diablo
Canyon,” according to a Dec. 2013 Solar Industry newsletter.
Manufacturing costs have decreased dramatically but related “soft”
or collateral costs have not. Permitting can be a major part of this soft
cost burden. It’s estimated that in municipalities without efficient solar
permitting, wait times and fees can cost homeowners and businesses
an extra $2,000.
The process needs to change to include:
• easy-to-find requirements online;
• online application processing;
• a reasonable period of approval – a day or so, rather than several
• lower permitting fees;
• single inspections by city officials, rather than multiple inspections; and
• short windows of time in which inspections must be done.
Under the current rules, most cities in L.A. County fall short in
one or more of these categories, creating wide disparities in how
quickly rooftop solar panels are installed.
for over 70% of residential solar systems installed in California. These
are homeowners rather than renters, but AB 2188 sets a precedent for
streamlining permitting across the board. The Sierra Club wants to
make distributed solar easier for multi-family dwellings, businesses,
schools, and other public structures too.
What can you do?
Sierra Club members, supporters, and friends of a clean L.A. need to
spur the shift to efficient permitting. All need to reach out to members
of local municipal government throughout Los Angeles and Orange
County to promote action on AB 2188, well before deadline and with
an even cleaner set of procedures than required.
The Sierra Club will act as a resource and information exchange
as community members tackle this much-needed step. Activists are
already meeting with officials from cities around the L.A. area to help
them make informed, environment-oriented decisions about their AB
2188 ordinances.
Your input and support is needed at the grassroots level to help make
the case for efficient solar permitting in your community. Please contact Chapter vice president David Haake to find out how you can help
take this concrete step toward a clean-energy economy.
Philip Rojc is a writer and Angeles Chapter Sierra Club member. You
can find him at philiprojc.com or follow him on Twitter at @PhilipRojc.
Working to make solar easy
For several years, the Sierra Club has lobbied cities to streamline
their solar permitting procedures. In the process, activists compiled a
report ranking L.A. County municipalities on how well they implemented a streamlined process.
Facing a September deadline, the Club wants cities to not only meet
AB 2188 requirements, but surpass them. The idea is to give active and
obvious encouragement to residents who are considering solar energy.
By locking in renewable, distributed power as a default choice on the
city level, the Club offers a rebuttal to gridlocked national politics that
likely precludes any federal solar permitting standards in the next few
years. And consider: Distributed generation is a declaration of independence from the irresponsible fossil fuels economy.
Streamlined permitting brings solar power to the people, out of the
hands of luxury markets that can afford a costly process. If “soft” costs
are cut, people in middle and lower income brackets are more likely to
consider making the switch.
Already, households with incomes at less than $90,000 a year account
Chapter Briefs
2015 Sustainability Forum on Jan. 10
How do we all lead a more sustainable
life, in cities and in the wilds? The Angeles
Chapter is sponsoring a 2015 Sustainability
Forum on Jan. 10 at the L.A. Convention
Center. Discussion will center on urban lifestyle, transportation, and panel discussions
with Jessica Aldridge of 350.org and Gina
Goodhill of Global Green.
Other featured speakers are Matt Petersen,
L.A.’s Chief Sustainability Officer, Jere Lipps
of UC Berkeley, Mark Gold of the UCLA
Institute of Environment & Sustainability.
When: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Jan. 10, 2015
Were: L.A. Convention Center, 1201 S.
Figueroa, Room 405, Los Angeles
Register: Contact Angélica González at
(213) 4287, Ext. 204
—Angélica González, Conservation Program
Join the Chapter kickoff Jan. 11 for
the Year of Muir
The legacy of John Muir lives on now a hundred years after his passing here in Los Angeles.
Learn how we plan to commemorate his legacy
and what you can do as a member of the Angeles
Chapter at our Kickoff meeting on Jan. 11.
Come meet our Executive Committee
members and participate in the discussion
about our 2015 plans. You can get involved by
reaching out to new members, helping expand
our volunteer base or volunteer for our fundraising and communications campaigns! The
new year is a great time to get involved with
Chapter-wide activities.
The ExComm will focus on the following
• creating a welcoming environment
• expanding/strengthening our volunteer base
• fundraising
• communications
Date: Sunday, January 11, 2015
Time: 9am-5pm
Where: Eaton Canyon Nature Center, 1750
N Altadena Dr, Pasadena, CA 91107
Everyone is welcome! Bring a potluck item
to share at lunch. —George Watland, Chapter Director
Sierra Club joins lawsuit over L.A.’s
dirty air
Four health and environmental groups,
including Sierra Club Angeles Chapter, filed
a complaint Oct. 31 in the U.S. Court
of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, challenging the
Environmental Protection Agency’s faulty
approval of Los Angeles’ South Coast Air
Quality Management District’s most
recent regional smog plan.
The plan allows for filthy air, deferred emissions reductions and continued pollution in
the nation’s most smog-polluted region.
The failure of the smog plan to achieve
National Ambient Air Quality Standards
and reduce pollution vulnerabilities throughout the South Coast Air Basin prompted
Communities for a Better Environment,
Physicians for Social Responsibility-Los
Angeles, Sierra Club, and Natural Resources
Defense Council to file the lawsuit.
“The EPA is kicking the can down the
road, as it has done for decades, turning a
blind eye to the hundreds of thousands of
people who need clean air because they have
asthma and other chronic lung disorders,” said
Earthjustice Staff Attorney Adrian Martinez.
The legal challenge seeks to reverse the
EPA’s approval of the inadequate plan, in turn
eliminating several polluter loopholes that
have allowed the Los Angeles region to evade
meeting ozone standards for years.
—Angélica González, Conservation Program
New Chapter board members elected
Winners of the Angeles Chapter election to
the 2015 Executive Committee are George
Denny, Sharon Koch, Ray Hiemstra and
Jerard Wright.
The newly elected members join at-large
board members Carole Mintzer (chair), David
Haake (vice chair), Marcia Hanscom, Lynn
Plambeck and Charming Evelyn. The Chapter’s
regional groups will vote in their representatives
to the Executive Committee too.
Sierra Club supports L.A.’s goal for living wages
get out in nature and enjoy and explore wild places that nurture and
nourish our bodies, minds and souls. But when a person’s income does
not allow the leisure time for such activities, we all will lose in the end including society as a whole, which will be saddled with higher medical
Frtom Chapter news
and mental health costs, among other social costs.
The Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club supports raising the
Our decision also is underscored by our recent hard won victories,
minimum wage in the City of Los Angeles because we realize that the including the ban on single use plastic bags, the Zero Waste LA franstruggles for environmental justice, protection & enjoyment of our chise policy, and LA’s new energy-efficiency mandate of 15% by 2020,
earth and its resources, and a living wage are inextricably linked. which would not have been possible without large crowds of citizens
Sierra Club’s mission is:
from low-income communities of color packing Council chambers and
To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth;
demanding action. Our power to effect environmental change relies
To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth’s ecosystems on solidarity with these communities, many of whom find themselves
and resources;
unable to provide for their families’ basic needs despite more than fullTo educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of time employment.
the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to
To tackle climate change and create a fair and just transition to a
carry out these objectives.
clean energy economy, we must widen our tent and make the Sierra
We need everyone involved in this lofty, but important, mission if we Club a welcome place for everyone. We must be equal partners with
are to succeed in protecting our earth and its ecosystems and resources. those who live in low income districts and are disproportionately affectWhen a person’s income is so low they must work two or three jobs in ed by toxic pollution, for they are the same people who will turn out
order to make ends meet, they do not have time to even think about for a Los Angeles City Council meeting and call for improvements in
the environment, let alone join with us in these important endeavors. air quality and an end to fracking. As Michael Brune recently wrote,
We cannot and should not turn our backs on the minimum wage issue. “To succeed in standing up to those who don’t care what happens to
Together with our founder, John Muir, we encourage everyone to our planet, we need the help of everyone who does.”
Raising the quality of life for low-income people is
inextricably linked to protecting the planet.
As scientists sound the alarm
on climate, a reason for hope
By Mary Anne Hitt
When I look at my daughter -- and I know
all parents feel this way -- I know I would do
anything to keep her healthy and safe. A new
report out from the world’s climate experts
makes it undeniably clear that we still have
the chance to protect our kids from climate
disruption, but time is running out.
Here is how the New York Times summarized the findings of the report, which the
paper said was the “starkest warning yet” from
world scientists:
Failure to reduce emissions, the group of
scientists and other experts found, could
threaten society with food shortages, refugee
crises, the flooding of major cities and entire
island nations, mass extinction of plants and
animals, and a climate so drastically altered it
might become dangerous for people to work
or play outside during the hottest times of
the year.
The report paints a scary picture, but I
think its most important message is that we
still have time to turn the corner on climate
change — the next 15 years will be pivotal
— and we can do it affordably. As a matter
of fact, it’s the cost of inaction that’s the true
threat to our economy.
Indeed, across the U.S., as we make the
transition to clean energy, we’re not just cleaning up the air and water, but we’re also saving
money on our electric bills. In Georgia, for
example, utilities recently received bids for
solar projects at 6.5 cents per kilowatt hour,
which is competitive with fossil fuels.
So it’s more than a little infuriating to hear
the dirty fuels industry complain about the
expense of cleaning up its pollution, when
we know that clean alternatives are available
and affordable. While big polluters drag their
feet, our kids and families continue to pay
the cost of this pollution with our health, our
healthcare bills, and possibly the safety of our
very planet.
Since 2010 when Sierra Club and allies
launched our campaign focused on existing coal plants, 179 coal plants across the
U.S. have announced retirement, and clean
energy has come rushing in to fill that gap.
According to a new analysis, from 2007 to
2013 U.S. coal generation fell by 21 percent,
which resulted in a 16 percent drop in U.S.
carbon emissions. The majority of that coal
power was replaced by wind, solar, and energy
The climate march in New York.
efficiency -- not natural gas. Indeed, of our
drop in emissions, 40 percent of the fall came
from switching to renewables and 30 percent
can be attributed to energy efficiency, while
only 30 percent came from switching to gas
(Greenpeace and EIA).
“The report paints a scary picture, but I
think its most important message is that
we still have time to turn the corner on
climate change — the next 15 years will
be pivotal — and we can do it affordably. As a matter of fact, it’s the cost
of inaction that’s the true threat to our
So far in 2014, renewable energy has
accounted for 40 percent of all new energy
projects, continuing to transform the U.S.
energy landscape. Prices for clean energy
have continued to fall (an 80 percent drop
since 2009 for solar, 63 percent for wind),
and according to Lazard these projects
are now competitive with new gas plants.
Furthermore, because we’re using energy more
efficiently, U.S. energy demand has remained
flat in recent years, which means some of this
retiring coal capacity just won’t need to be
These new clean energy sources also help
us modernize the grid. Last year’s polar vortex
and natural gas shortage showed the vulnerability of relying too much on gas-fired plants.
In contrast, wind and solar power held strong
during this period and helped make up the
shortfall in key markets like Texas and the
Mid-Atlantic. This is one of the reasons why
utilities should look to add clean energy to
their portfolio when replacing coal.
Finally, this shift in our energy mix doesn’t
just benefit our children’s future -- it also
improves their lives today. Retiring the 179
coal plants announced to date is projected to
prevent more than 4,600 deaths per year and
$2.1 billion in healthcare costs, according to
data from the Clean Air Task Force.
We don’t want to go back to a system where
power plants cause thousands of deaths per
year and take a wrecking ball to our climate
-- and we don’t have to. In simple economic
terms, it is not financially worthwhile to prop
up aging, outdated coal plants that damage
public health when we can invest in modern
solutions like wind and solar.
As the world’s leading scientists hold up
a danger sign, hundreds of thousands of
Americans who are moving their communities beyond coal are pointing the way to a
solution. This is not a time for cynicism and
despair -- it’s a time for hope, determination,
and action. Join us.
Powering cars with sunshine
Gina Coplon-Newfield
The opportunity to power a car with sunshine just got a little brighter -- and cheaper. In
November solar installer SunPower, auto manufacturer Ford and the Sierra Club announced a
new partnership to make it more appealing for
consumers to go solar.
The way it works is that if you own a Ford
electrified vehicle (EV) and are interested in saving energy costs and slashing carbon emissions
by using a solar system to charge your vehicle
and your home, then you can contact SunPower
to sign up for a free solar evaluation. If you then
purchase or lease a solar system, you’ll get a $750
rebate (check in the mail), and the Sierra Club
will get a $500 donation from SunPower.
And if you’re not yet driving a Ford EV, you
can get information on the program and sign
up when you’re at your local Ford dealership.
Indeed, the plug-in hybrids C-Max Energi and
Fusion as well as the full battery electric Focus
are great plug-in cars to consider (and the Focus
just got a big price cut). If you do purchase or
lease a new vehicle, the Ford vehicle salesperson
will get a $250 Visa giftcard.
So it’s a five-way win for the consumer,
SunPower, Ford, Sierra Club, and the planet.
SunPower and Ford began the Drive Green
for Life program a few years ago to promote
their solar systems and electric cars. With the
new announcement, not only does the Sierra
Club join the party, but consumers benefit from
an expanded program that includes more rate
options for solar purchasing and leasing.
There are currently more than a quarter million Americans driving electric cars, and there
are more than a half a million U.S. households
with rooftop solar. Not surprisingly, many of
these people are doing both, and I blogged about
how that works previously. When the Center for
Sustainable Energy interviewed plug-in car drivers
in California last year, they found that 32 percent
of them had rooftop solar on their homes.
And solar is getting cheaper. If you lease a
solar system, you can start reducing your energy
bills right away. If you purchase solar, the packback period is now faster than ever. In fact, from
early 2011 to early 2014, the average price of
household solar dropped 50 percent. Using electricity to power your car is much cheaper than
gasoline, too.
“As an electric vehicle owner with solar panels on my home, I can personally attest to the
incredible freedom and financial savings that
come from being able to power our family’s car
while lessening our carbon footprint,” said Jesse
Simons (pictured above), the Sierra Club’s chief
of staff. “At the Sierra Club, we want to bring
clean energy prosperity to all Americans, and our
new collaboration with Ford and SunPower on
Drive Green for Life will help many more individuals benefit from a switch to clean, healthy
Solar is a completely renewable and wildly
abundant resource that slashes a household’s
carbon emissions. And it’s something we can feel
good about. Ever heard of a catastrophic solar
spill? An asthma attack because of a solar panel?
A military operation defending our access to the
sun? Nope.
And switching to an electric car (when not
biking, walking, or taking transit) is an important way to slash emissions too. In my state of
Massachusetts, if you drive a plug-in Ford Focus
and have conventional electricity, you’re reducing your carbon emissions by about 65 percent
compared to driving a Honda Civic. (See the
Sierra Club’s online EV Guide where you can
calculate this for your own state and with any
plug-in car in mind.) With solar, your carbon
footprint - or skid marks - from your car drop
to almost nothing.
To be clear, this new Ford-SunPower-Sierra
Club partnership does not mean that the Sierra
Club is necessarily endorsing Ford or SunPower
over other plug-in vehicle and solar companies.
There are a lot of wonderful options available,
but Ford electric cars and SunPower solar systems are terrific examples of products that will
help people live greener and save some green too.
In signing up for the program, people will also
support the Sierra Club’s work to advocate for
clean energy solutions nationwide. I’m obviously
biased, but I think that’s a bright idea too.
Gina Coplon-Newfield is director of the
Sierra Club’s Electric Vehicles Initiative.
Sierra ClubOrderCalendars
(close out prices)
your 2015 wall or desk calendar today.
Mail check payable to “Sierra Club” to Sierra Club Angeles Chapter, Attn:
Calendar Orders, 3435 Wilshire Bl. #660, Los Angeles, CA 90010-1907.
City: ZIP: Type Price Each‡ Quantity Total
Day Phone:
Wall $8.00 (reduced from $12.25)
Desk $8.50 (reduced from $13.00)
*Shipping & Handling: $6.00 for the first, $0.75 per additional calendar
sent to the same address.
‡Prices include sales tax
The Sierra Club Angeles Chapter
invites you to the
2015 Sustainability Forum
Urban Green
Living With Climate Disruption
Green Transit
Keynote Speaker:
Matt Peterson
Los Angeles Chief Sustainability Officer
Jere Lipps, UC Berkeley
Mark Gold, UCLA Institute of Environmental Sustainability
Pannel Discussion
Jessica Aldrige—350.org
Kwazi Nkrumah—MLK Coalition
Gina Goodhill—Global Green
January 10, 2015
Los Angeles Convention Center
1201 S. Figueroa St., Room #405
Los Angeles, CA
To register please contact
Angélica Gonzáles at (213) 387-4287 ext. 204
Show your support
Yes! I want to support the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter! The Sierra Club Angeles Chapter
provides local opportunities to enjoy, explore and protect the environment. We are looking
forward to an exciting 2014. Please consider making a ONE-TIME contribution to
support our ongoing efforts in Los Angeles and Orange counties.
❏ $25
❏ $50
❏ $100 ❏$200
❏ Surprise us! $_____________
❏ CHECK (enclosed) ❏ VISA ❏ MASTERCARD
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❏ I would like to become a sustaining supporter of the Angeles Chapter!
Please sign me up for credit card payments of $______ monthly or $______ quarterly.
❏ I want to be Green! I would like to receive information online, instead of in print. Please removed me from your paper mailing and sign me up for the Southern Sierran online at:
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Please return this form to: Sierra Club Angeles Chapter, 3435 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 660, Los Angeles, CA 90010.
Make checks payable to: “Sierra Club Angeles Chapter.”
Contributions to the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter are not tax-deductible; they support our effective, citizen-based advocacy and lobbying efforts. Shop with us online