In Step - The Greater Washington Ceili Club
In Step - The Greater Washington Ceili Club
In Step Promoting traditional Celtic dance, music and culture. Newsletter of the Greater Washington Ceili Club F e In This Issue Edie’s Dance Notes Bev’s Best Bets CCE MAD Week Nicola Joyce & Noelie McDonnell Portraits of Ireland Local Seisiuns Local Ceilis & Dance Classes Events Calendar b r u a Page 2 3 4 4 5 5 6-7 8-9 Set Dance & Sean Nós Workshop with Patrick O’Dea Patrick O’Dea, that energetic and enthusiastic dance master from Roscommon, Ireland, will be in town for a fun set dance and sean nós workshop, on Saturday, March 5th, 2011. The workshop will be at the Frost Center, 4915 Aspen Hill Road, Rockville, MD and run from noon to 2:30 pm. A ceili will follow the workshop from 2:30 until 4:30 pm. Music for the ceili will be provided by The Frosties…Tina Eck, Philippe Varlet and Rob Greenway. The cost for the workshop and ceili is only $15.00 and there is plenty of parking just outside the door. Later that evening Dixie Baker and Dick de Freyre will host a pot luck supper at their home at 6:00 pm for all workshop participants who would like to attend. More details are in the flier on page 11 of this newsletter. For information call 301-294-3568 or visit r y 2 0 1 1 7th Annual Spring Fling Weekend 8-10 April 2011 We’ll be back in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, at the Clarion Hotel and Conference Center for lodging and libations and dancing on the great wood floor and the War Memorial Building downtown. Jim Keenan will be teaching sets and there will be ceilis on both Friday and Saturday nights. For those with a hearty appetite, the optional brunch at the Barvarian Inn in on Sunday’s agenda. Details and registration form are on pages 12 and 13 of this newsletter. The special room rate at the Shepherdstown Clarion Hotel and Conference Center for Spring Fling Dance Weekend is only available until March 11th, 2011. That’s only a few weeks away! The special rate is $94 + tax per night for GWCC Spring Fling dancers. After March 8th the room rate is $119+ tax per night. So even if you’re not sure you can make the Spring Fling Dance Weekend, reserve a room just in case. You can always cancel the room later if you can’t make it Ring of Kerry Dancers Celebrate 20th Anniversary In the early Spring of 1991 a small group of ceili dancers gathered in a community hall in Gaithersburg Maryland to discuss the possibility of forming a new Irish dance group. Previously, the prospective members had taken dancing lessons under the auspices of the Gaithersburg Recreation Department and teacher, Kathy Andes. The group had often been referred to as the “Gaithersburg Group,” but within the class they were jokingly known as Andes’ Dandies. Continued on next page. Don Kaliher, Editor Things had changed, however, and it seemed like time to form an independent group. At the meeting it was decided that classes would continue in a MCPS classroom and Jean Murphy would be the teacher. On Sunday, January 23rd, the GWCC monthly ceili was held at Cherry Hill Park, with seven + sets of enthusiastic dancers in attendance. With about ten members, the classes began. Word spread quickly and soon the group had 20, and then 30 members. A name for the group was chosen (The Ring of Kerry Irish Dancers), the goals were set (have fun, learn dances, preserve a cultural tradition), and a leadership style chosen (consensus). The workshop dance was the West Kerry Set, taught by Don Kaliher. This set is a real workout, especially the last figure with lots and lots of doubling! After a few tries, everyone seemed to be getting it. The band was the Bog Wanderers; the music was absolutely terrific, and gave the dancers a good workout! The rest is history. The group, now numbering about 60, continues to hold classes in the Gaithersburg area, perform in various venues, march in local parades, host numerous holiday parties, travel to Ireland, and offer friendship to all the members. The first set of dances included the Clare Plain Set, the Cashel Set, and the Four Hand Reel. The pot luck tables once again showed off the culinary talents of our dancers; every bowl and platter was emptied. The second set of dances started with our workshop dance. It was followed by the Ballyvourney Jig Set, and the Corofin Plain Set (whew!). During the second break, Bob Epstein won the 50/50 prize. We ended the evening with the Boyne Set, continued with the Sweets of May, a waltz, and ended with the Clare Lancers Set. On May 20-22, 2011, the Ring of Kerry Irish Dancers will celebrate their 20 years of wonderful accomplishments at a unique location, Shrine Mont near Orkney Springs, Virginia. Past and present members of the Ring of Kerry Irish Dancers AND all members of the Irish dance community are invited to join in the celebration, The Odyssey Continues …1991~2011. Join us for one or two nights! The cost per adult, per night is $100 (double occupancy). This includes your room, all meals, happy hours, all activities (except golf), set dance workshop with Marilyn Moore, and Friday (CDs) and Saturday (Jesse Winch ceilis. Children are invited. For all details contact Diane McLaughlin at or Marilyn O’Brien at (301-466-4100) or The registration form and deposit are due March 15. In Step DANCE NOTES ~ Edie O’Donnell Our next ceili is Sunday, February 27; don’t miss it! Please note a scheduling change for March; the ceili is scheduled for March 13th, to coincide with St. Patrick’s Day. Additionally, GWCC members entertain at a number of senior residences during the St. Patrick’s “season.” See Edie O’Donnell or Dixie Baker if you’d like to join us in this very rewarding outreach program. ~~ SET DANCE OF THE MONTH ~~ The dance for February is the Aherlow Set from County Tipperary. This dance was taught by Pat Murphy at the 2001 CCE North American Conference in Toronto. The set consists of 6 polka figures and has many similarities to the Clare Plain Set. Paul O’Donnell will be teaching the Aherlow Set at the February 27th Ceili. Dance notes are on pages 14 and 15 of this newsletter. February 2011 2 the better. But just when you think that might happen, the fantasy comes to a crashing halt. However, in a couple of ironic twists of fate, it almost seems that there is some selkie magic at work after all. BEV’S BEST BETS ~ Bev Ricks Ondine: Not your grandfather’s selkie When commercial fisherman Syracuse (Colin Farrell) brings up a shivering woman in his net, the circumstances of her being in the waters off the coast of Ireland seem, well, fishy. She’s shy and doesn’t want anyone to see her, so Syracuse takes her to live in his dead mother’s cottage in nearby Cork. When the woman goes out on his boat with Syracuse, the amount and type of fish he hauls in are so astonishing that the patrolmen from the Fishery Board check out his catch to make sure it’s legal. Soon his bright but wheelchair bound 10 year old daughter Annie (Alison Barry) decides Ondine (Alicja Bachleda) is a selkie. What else can explain her father’s good luck and his seeming happiness since Ondine appeared in his life? Between trips to the dialysis unit Annie goes to the local library to check out some material on selkies. Even her dad seems convinced Ondine, whose name means “up from the water,” might be one of these mythical creatures. Ondine innocently goes along with this, burying a pile of seaweed, with Annie’s help, that the child thinks is Ondine’s seal coat. Meanwhile Syracuse confides in the local priest (Stephen Rea), that he’s found this woman, “sinned” with her, and fears their happiness will be short lived, because that’s the way his life has always been. However, he won’t be doing any penance or coming to mass, but the priest takes that in stride. Rea’s character provides some sage advice and comic relief. The priest, who has no name, tells Syracuse “misery's easy; it's happiness you have to work at.” Father also acts as Syracuse’s individualized AA meeting, clapping as instructed when Syracuse begins his confession by giving his first name and the amount of time he’s been sober. Annie’s belief that Ondine is a selkie provides her with some much needed joy while she awaits a kidney transplant. She lives with her often drunk mum Maura (Dervla Kirwan, Assumpta from Ballykissangel) and Mum’s boyfriend Alex (Tony Curran). Sometimes the kids at school tease her because of her special needs. So you want the selkie to change the lives of Syracuse and his little girl for In Step While the film’s only sex scene, described as a “racy romp” was cut, Polish actress Bachleda, Farrell’s real life girlfriend whom he met on the set and with whom he now has a son, shows enough flesh in her provocative costumes that Ondine rated a PG 13. Several scenes are shot from under water with the camera angled up at the surface, which helps create the sometimes surreal feel of the film, while the accompanying instrumentals are almost sonar in tone. Other music provided by Lisa Hannigan and Damien Rice make the film worth watching just for the soundtrack. Producers Neil Jordan and James Flynn’s 2009 film is listed as fantasy/drama, lasts 111 minutes and gets three stars. MARK YOUR CALENDAR! MARK YOUR CALENDAR! MARK YOUR CALENDAR! May 20-22, 2011 Ring of Kerry Irish Dancers 20th Anniversary Celebration, at Shrine Mont, Mt. Jackson, VA (near Luray, VA). July 18-22, 2011 February 2011 CCE Musical Arts & Dance (MAD) Week (formerly Fiddle Week). Classes in fiddle, flute, Uilleann pipes, guitar, bodhran (Irish drum), Celtic Arts & Crafts, Pennywhistle, Sessions, Song Circle, Sean-Nos (Old-Style) & Set Dancing. Faculty - Fiddle: Martin Hayes, Patrick Ourceau, Cleek Schrey, Robert Spates, Donna Long; Flute/Whistle: Kevin Crawford, Laura Byrne; Uilleann Pipes: Jerry O’Sullivan; Guitar: Josh Dukes; Bodhran (Irish Drum): Jesse Winch, Myron Bretholz; Button Accordion: Sean Continued on next page. 3 McComiskey; Sean-Nos (Old Style) & Set Dancing: Shannon Dunne, Marilyn Moore. with Noelie McDonnell. They plan to go into the studio to begin recording in January, and will be touring in the U.S. in February and March. For more information, visit website, call or write: Mitch Fanning, Director, ; 301-565-3657; or Nicola Joyce and Noelie McDonnell Saturday, March 5, 2011, 8:00 pm at The Lyceum in Old Town Alexandria Nicola Joyce, lead singer with the Irish band Grada, is working with songwriter Noelie McDonnell on a project called PoetSong: the poetry of the great Irish poets set to music. In February and March, Nicola and Noelie will be bringing the project to the U.S. Nicola Joyce is orginially from a small town called Lower Culleen, near Headford, Galway. As vocalist and bodhran player with the Irish band Grada, she has toured in 26 countries, playing 150 shows a year in venues from Dublin’s National Concert Hall and The Royal Glasgow Concert Hall to the Sydney Opera House. Grada's album Natural Angle was chosen by NPR as one of the five best folk albums of 2010, alongside Natalie Merchant, Patty Griffin, Ellis Paul and Crooked Still. Grada's sound is deeply rooted in the Irish tradition, but also layered with fresh, jazzy tones and strong rhythmic grooves. With Grada, Nicola has worked with a wide range of traditional musicians from Ireland and American, including banjoist Alison Brown and Odessa Jorgensen of the bluegrass band Barefoot, and, as producers, with Trever Hutchinson of Lunasa and bluegrass master Tim O'Brien (whom the band had met at the Tonder Festival in Denmark). With a break in Grada's touring schedule, Nicola was finally able to turn to work on the Poet Song project In Step Noelie Mc Donnell’s songwriting has been recognized by both fans and fellow musicians for its beautiful and simple observations on everyday life. In 2008, Noelie McDonnell won the hearts of new fan's all over the nation with his Irish chart topping single, "Nearly Four," which also remained at No.1 in the iTunes folk chart for 6 weeks following its release in October. The album Beyond hard places was hailed by New York Post "as a startlingly good new Irish talent" and spent two months in the iTunes Top 10 folk album chart. A meeting with American folk legend Greg Brown last summer kicked started a chain of events that led to the making of Come Alive. Brown invited Noelie to support him on his U.S. tour, which lead to Noelie playing at the International folk conference in Memphis and playing with the elite of Avant Guarde Americana, including Anais Mitchell, Devon Sproule & Jess Klein. Then on to Austin, Texas, where Noelie started work on Come Alive at the stunning Aerie Studio. Noellie finished the recording in Toronto, Canada at the end of this summer. Noelie’s live performances have earned critical acclaim and won over fans. He has as shared the stage with Greg Brown, Luka Bloom, John Martyn and Eddi Reader. Portraits of Ireland The Teelin Irish Dance Company is known for performances that accentuate the energy of Irish dance with envelope-pushing choreography. Under the direction of Maureen Gately, recipient of the 2009 MSAC Individual Artist Award for Dance Choreography, Teelin is proud to present a performance to touch your heart with the beauty of Ireland and fuel your spirit with the energy of Irish dance. From the graceful beauty of jigs and reels, to the thundering beat of Irish percussive dance, a performance by this company leaves audience members at the edge of their February 2011 Continued on next page. 4 seats, wishing for more! GWCC Officers and Board of Directors Officers: President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary Board Members: Dixie Baker Hugh Conway Bridget Curran Susan Day Dick de Freyre Linda Fitzpatrick Betty McCarthy Emmett Murphy Ed O’Connor Mimi Reilly Bev Ricks Patrick Twomey Jane Twomey Committees (Chair): Ceili (Dixie Baker and Dick de Freyre) Membership (Bridget Curran) Outreach (Edie O’Donnell and Dixie Baker) Newsletter (Don Kaliher) Scholarship (Beth Curren) Cape May (Linda Fitzpatrick) Spring Fling (Dixie Baker) Publicity (Emmett Murphy) Elections (Edie O’Donnell) Communication (Tom Scullen) Tom Scullen Paul O’Donnell Edie O’Donnell Don Kaliher This ninety minute performance is a professionally-collaborated production which has a cohesive theme expressed through dance, music, and photographic art. The show features the Teelin Irish Dance Company, which is comprised of auditioned dancers, and also includes professional artists. Portraits of Ireland is a must for anyone who appreciates the arts and enjoys live performances. Director Maureen Gately is committed to increasing the number of high quality artistic productions in Maryland, and has successfully met this challenge with Portraits of Ireland. Portraits of Ireland will be performed March 12th at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm at the Weinberg Center for the Arts, 20 West Patrick Street, Frederick, MD 21701 LOCAL SEISIUNS AROUND TOWN Check out for all the details. Cape May Dance Weekend at Rehoboth Beach Date Change! The date for the 2011 Cape May Dance Weekend at Rehoboth Beach has been changed to 28, 29 and 30 October 2011. This change is due to the hotel and convention center double booking October 21, 22 and 23 October. Fortunately – Padraig and Roisin and the Cape May Ceili Band will still be with us on the new dates! So mark your calendar for a great weekend of dance at the shore! In Step J Patrick’s Pub, Locust Point, M Monday – Beginners Seisiun 8-10 pm Tuesday w/Laura Byrne-Egan & Jim Eagan, 9-12M Thursday w/Peter Fitzgerald 8-Midnight Kids Seisiun w/Donna Long Info: 410-244-8613 Royal Mile Pub 2407 Price Ave, Wheaton, MD Kids’ Seisiun w/Mitch Fanning, 4th Sunday, 5-6:30 info: , 301-946-4511 February 2011 5 MORE LOCAL SEISIUNS AROUND TOWN McGinty’s Publick House, Silver Spring 911 Ellsworth Ave, Silver Spring, MD Kids’ Seisiun with Mitch Fanning, 2nd Sunday info: 301-587-1270, Adults’ Tuesdays, 8:00, Dennis Botzer & C.B. Heinemann Info: MONTHLY CEILIS Note: ceili in bold is GWCC Emerald Isle Club Ceili First Saturday, 7-11 pm (March, first Sunday, 2-6 pm) Live music w/Peter Fitzgerald & J. Patrick’s All-Stars All dances called by Marilyn Moore. American Legion Post 183 Hall 2301 Putty Hill Ave, Parkville, MD 21234 Family friendly – ceili, set and two-hand dances Info: Auld Shebeen Pub North Street & Rte 123, Fairfax, VA Saturdays, 12-2:00, kids once a month 11:00 Info: 703-293-9600, Kids’ info: Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann (CCE) Ceili Second Saturdays Class at 7 pm, Ceili 7:30 – 11pm Live music by the Bog Wanders Ceili Band All dances called by Marilyn Moore Frying Pan Farm Park 2739 West Ox Road, Herndon, VA 20171 Family friendly – ceili, set and two-hand dances Info: Ryan’s Daughter Irish Pub 600 East Belvedere Avenue, Baltimore, MD, Sundays, 5-8 pm w/ Laura Byrne, Pat Egan, Julia Fitzgerald Info: 410-464-1000 McGinty’s Pub Arlington, VA 3560 South Glebe Road, Arlington, VA 22207 Wednesdays, 7:30 – 10:30 pm w/ Tina Eck & Keith Carr Info:, 703-969-6909 J Patrick’s Irish Pub Ceili Second Sunday, 4:30 – 8:30pm 1371 Andre Street, Baltimore, MD Live music by J Patrick’s All Star Ceili Band All dances called by Marilyn Moore Sets and a few ceili dances Info: 410-244-8613 Nanny O’Brien’s Irish Pub 3319 Connecticut Ave, NW, Washington, DC Mondays, 9 pm, Info: 202-686-9189 O’Lordan’s Irish Pub 14 Liberty St., Westminster, MD 21157 Open Irish traditional session Every other Wednesday (9 Sep), 8 pm, Info: 410-8760000 Boe's Strings, 26 South Market St, Frederick, MD Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm Info: 301-662-0750, GWCC Ceili at Cherry Hill Fourth** Sunday, 5-9 pm (**Except Ceilis - Oct 31, Dec 31, Mar 13, Apr 17) Cherry Hill Park Convention Center 9800 Cherry Hill Rd, College Park, MD Set workshop starts at 4pm Live music & Potluck supper Sets and few Ceili dances - some dances called Info: 301-294-3568, P. Brennan’s Irish Pub 2910 Columbia Pike, Arlington, VA 22204 Sundays 12 noon – 3 pm Sunday Brunch Irish Session w/ Piano! Info: 703-553-1090 In Step February 2011 6 WEEKLY DANCE CLASSES Note: class in bold is GWCC [Check with Instructor/School for Fall class dates.] Mondays Ceili, set and 2 hand dance, 7:30 – 8:30 pm 1st and St. Stephen’s Church, 6815 York Road, Baltimore, MD (at York & Regester Road) Instructor: Marilyn Moore Ages 8 – adults welcome Info: Marcia Ferguson, Mondays Set Dancing, 7 – 8:30 pm, Beginners Howard County Parks and Recreation Instructor, Jan McVey Ellicott Mills Middle School, 4445 Montgomery Ave, Ellicott City, MD 21043 Info: 410-313-7275, Tuesdays Ceili & set dancing 7:00 beginners, 8:00 improvers Ring of Kerry Instructors: Susan Day (beginners) Marilyn Moore (improvers) Kingsview Middle School, 18909 Kingsview Road Germantown, MD 20874 Info: Marilyn O'Brien, Tuesdays Sean Nos Dance Class, 8:00 – 9:00 pm J. Patrick’s Irish Pub, 1371 Andre Street, Baltimore, MD Instructor: Kelly Smit Traditional Irish music & dance session 9 pm Info: MORE WEEKLY DANCE CLASSES Note: class in bold is GWCC [Check with Instructor/School for Fall class dates.] Wednesdays Set Dancing Classes 7:30 – 9:00 pm St. Mary’s County, MD Instructor: Diane Clark Info: 301-475-3542, Wednesdays Sean-Nos Dance: beginner 7:30-8:30 pm Advanced Beginning, 8:30 – 9:20 pm Joy of Motion Atlas Studio, 1333 H Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 Instructor: Shannon Dunne Info and registration Thursdays Set dancing 7:00 basics, 8:00 advanced GWCC Instructor: Paul O’Donnell Frost Center, 4915 Aspen Hill Road, Rockville, MD Info: 301-649-5419, Mini-ceili on the third Thursday of the month Saturdays Ceili & set dancing 10:30am–12pm beginner friendly Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Eireann (CCE) Instructor: Marilyn Moore Green Acres Center, 4401 Sideburn Rd., Fairfax, VA Info: or Tuesdays Ceili and set Dancing, 7:30 – 9:00 pm Fairfax City Department of Recreation Green Acres Center, 4401 Sideburn Road, Fairfax, Instructor: Hugh Conway Info:, 703-273-6869 Wednesdays Ceili & set dancing 7 – 9pm J Patrick’s Pub Instructor: Dan Stanton 1371 Andre St, Locust Point, Baltimore, MD Info: 410-276-2766 In Step February 2011 7 UPCOMING EVENTS Note: events in bold are GWCC MORE UPCOMING EVENTS Note: events in bold are GWCC Feb 17, Thursday, 7:30 pm Celtic Crossroads (Young fiddler, harpists, singers, & dancers) The Birchmere, 3701 Mt. Vernon Avenue Alexandria VA Info: 703-549-7500, Feb 27, Sunday, 4, 6 and 8 pm Beth Patterson - Bouzouki queen and stellar songwriter The Old Brogue Irish Pub, 760-C Walker Road, Great Falls, VA 22066 Info:, 703-7593309 Feb 18, Friday, 8 pm 33rd Irish Evening, featuring author Colm Toibin Music by The Narrowbacks [Brendan Mulvihill, Linda Hickman, Eileen Estes, Terry Winch, Jesse Winch & Culkin School Dancers Jim Rouse Theatre, 5460 Trumpeter Road, Columbia, MD 21044 Info:, 443-518-4568 Feb 27, Sunday, 12 pm – 7 pm Celtic Fundraiser for Gaithersburg St. Patrick’s Day Parade Quincy’s Bar & Grill, 616 Quincy Orchard Road Gaithersburg, MD Info: 301-869-8200, Feb 19, Saturday, 7:30 pm Young Dubliners, Barns at Wolftrap Info: 877-965-3872, Feb 27, Sunday, 5 – 9 pm GWCC Ceili with Bog Wanderers Ceili Band Cherry Hill Park Convention Center 9800 Cherry Hill Rd, College Park, MD Set workshop starts at 4pm Info: 301-294-3568, Feb 20, Sunday, 4 pm Celtic Crossroads, Rams Head Tavern 33 Water Street, Annapolis, MD Info: 410-268-4545, Feb 20, Sunday, 4, 6 and 8 pm Matt & Shannon Heaton, Trad Irish flute, bouzouki and vocals The Old Brogue Irish Pub, 760-C Walker Road, Great Falls, VA 22066 Info:, 703-7593309 Feb 26, Saturday, 7:30 pm Maura O’Connell (Jonell Mosser opens) The Birchmere, 3701 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, VA Info: 703-549-7500, Feb 27, Sunday, 3 pm Niall & Cillian Vallely w/John Doyle Stone Jug House Concerts, Biglerville, PA Info: 717-677-4420, In Step Mar 5, Saturday, 1 – 5 pm Patrick O’Dea Set Dance and Sean Nos Workshop, Ceili at 3 pm with Tina Eck, Philippe Varlet & Rob Greenway Frost Center, Aspen Hill, Rockville, MD Info: 301-294-3568 or Mar 5, Saturday Old Town Alexandria St Patrick’s Day Parade Mar 5, Saturday, 8 pm Nicola Joyce and Noelie McDonnell The Lyceum in Old Town Alexandria Info: Mar 6, Sunday, 4, 6 and 8 pm Robin Bullock: World class guitar, bouzouki & fiddle master The Old Brogue Irish Pub, 760-C Walker Road, Great Falls, VA 22066 Info:, 703-7593309 February 2011 8 MORE UPCOMING EVENTS Note: events in bold are GWCC MORE UPCOMING EVENTS Note: events in bold are GWCC Mar 13, Sunday, 2 – 5 pm Baltimore St. Patrick’s Day Parade Info: Mar 6, Sunday, 2 - 6 pm Emerald Isle Club Ceili w/Peter Fitzgerald & J. Patrick’s All-Stars American Legion Post 183 Hall 2301 Putty Hill Ave, Parkville, MD 21234 Info: Mar 13, Sunday, 4 pm Mar 10, Thursday, 8 pm A Celtic Celebration: Music of the Emerald Isle Baltimore Symphony Orchestra The Music Center at Strathmore in North Bethesda 5301 Tuckerman Lane, North Bethesda, MD 20852 Info: 410.783.8170, Mar 12, Saturday, 10 am - Noon 11th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade of Gaithersburg The Washingtonian Center Gaithersburg, MD Info: 301-208-8833, J Patrick’s Ceili, 1371 Andre Street, Baltimore, MD Live music by J Patrick’s All Star Ceili Band All dances called by Marilyn Moore Info: 410-244-8613 Mar 13, Sunday, 5-9 pm GWCC Ceili Cherry Hill Park Convention Center 9800 Cherry Hill Rd, College Park, MD Set workshop starts at 4pm Info: 301-294-3568, Mar 17, Thursday, 7:30 pm Seamus Kennedy Blackrock Center for Performing Arts 12901 Towns Common Drive Gaithersburg, MD 20874 Info: Mar 12, Saturday, 1 pm and 7 pm Portraits of Ireland – Teelin Irish Dance Company Weinberg Center for the Arts 20 West Patrick Street, Frederick, MD 21701 Info: Mar 24-27, Thursday – Sunday CCE North American Convention Hilton Hotel San Antonio Airport San Antonio, TX Info: Mar 12, Saturday 7:30 pm Celtic concert: Maggie Sansone, Robin Bullock, Matt Bell, Shannon Dunne, and Regan Riley for 50th Anniversary of Saint Mark Presbyterian Church , 10701 Old Georgetown Road, Rockville, MD 20852 Info:, 301-530-2613 Apr 7, Thursday, 8 pm All Petteway & Amy White Baldwin's Station 7618 Main Street, Sykesville, MD 21784 Info: 410-795-1041 Mar 13, Sunday, Noon – 3 pm Washington, DC St. Patrick’s Day Parade Constitution Avenue , 7th - 17th Streets, NW Info: Mar 13, Sunday, 4, 6 and 8 pm IONA- The Old Brogue Irish Pub 760-C Walker Road, Great Falls, VA 22066 Info:, 703-7593309 In Step Apr 30, Saturday, 10 am – 6 pm 33rd Annual Celtic Festival and Highland Gathering Jefferson Patterson Park, St. Leonard, MD Info: May 20-22, Friday, Saturday & Sunday Ring of Kerry Irish Dancers 20th Anniversary Shrine Mont, Mt. Jackson, VA (near Luray, VA) Info: or 301-466-4100 Jun 16, Thursday, 8 pm Maggie Sansone, Sharon Knowles and Shannon Dunne, Baldwin's Station 7618 Main Street, Sykesville, MD 21784 Info: 410-795-1041 February 2011 9 In Step February 2011 10 In Step February 2011 11 In Step February 2011 12 In Step February 2011 13 In Step February 2011 14 In Step February 2011 15 Join the club! Get our monthly newsletter and save on monthly ceilis, all for just $15 per person. To sign up or renew today, send this membership form and your check (made to GWCC) to GWCC, P.O. Box 1703, Silver Spring, MD 20915-1703 Name Address Email Greater Washington Ceili Club P.O. Box 1703 Silver Spring, MD 20915-1703 In Step February 2011 16
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