Congo Bongo 2013.10.17 copy


Congo Bongo 2013.10.17 copy
Newsle&er of the U.S. Embassy in Kinshasa | October 17, 2013
Albinism in DRC, con’t 2
Kinshasa Tips 4
What’s Going On 5 Classifieds 12
A l b i n i s m in D RC
And in August, DRC Prime Minister AugusPn Matata Ponyo welcomed a delegaPon of PWA, led by Mr. Mwimba Makiese Texas, president of an NGO that advocates for PWA in DRC. The visit carried strong symbolism, as PWA seek less sPgmaPzaPon and marginalizaPon. W e l c o m i n g P W A a s g u e s t s encourages a naPonal message that people should not face discriminaPon based on color, religion, origin, or physical condiPon. OpportuniPes at TASOK 16
Calendar 17
Click on links within text to open web sites. Visit the Congo Bongo Map to locate all the places we men8on: h:p://
What is Albinism?
Please consider the environment before you print the Congo Bongo. An THE CONGO BONGO IS A BI-­‐WEEKLY NEWSLETTER
Do you have something that you would like to contribute? Found a new restaurant or great place to relax? Want to adver8se items for sale or a service you provide? Have an idea for an event or topic for us to cover? Or did we lead you astray? We are always happy to hear from our readers. Please send submissions, comments, correc8ons, or sugges8ons to:
This publica8on does not reflect the views of
the US Government.
recognizes and addresses the a&acks and discriminaPon people with albinism face in many countries. oRen marginalized and abused subset of DRC’s populaPon has received some encouraging support in the past few months. Although be&er off then t h e i r Ta n z a n i a n a n d B u r u n d i a n counterparts, who are oRen killed and muPlated, albinos, or rather the preferred “person with albinism” (PWA), are sPll sPgmaPzed and discriminated by society.
Albinism is one of the oldest known genePc condiPons affecPng humans. While some cultures believe albinism is a sign of luck, others find it synonymous with a curse. Thus in many countries in Africa, PWA are prey to ritual murders and muPlaPons.
These barbaric acts prompted the United NaPons to adopt a resoluPon to protect the rights of PWA on June 13, 2013. For the first Pme at an official internaPonal level, the resoluPon Albinism is a rare, non-­‐contagious, genePcally inherited condiPon occurring in both genders regardless of ethnicity, in all countries of the world. BOTH the father and mother must carry the gene for it to be passed on even if they do not have albinism themselves. The condiPon results in a lack of pigmentaPon in the hair, skin and eyes, causing vulnerability to sun exposure and bright light. Almost all people with albinism are visually impaired, with the majority being classified as “legally blind”. The term “person with albinism” (PWA) is preferred to the term “albino” as it puts the person before the condiPon.
Due to their lack of Melanin, a natural substance in skin that protects from UVA rays, PWAs are more likely to develop skin cancer if they do not protect themselves from the sun with long sleeves, pants, hats, umbrellas, and expensive sunscreen. Imagine the consequence this has in really intense heat and in areas where farming is co m m o n . Con8nues on next page
Albinism in DRC
con8nued from Front Page
AddiPonally, the suscepPbility to skin cancer can result in sores and tumors, which can increase the risk of being shunned by a family or a community. Albinism in DRC
The situaPon for PWAs in DRC represents a perfect amalgam of the opposing feelings about albinism – is it luck or is it a curse? Some families accept and love PWA children, while others are disgusted and reject them. ORen the reacPon depends on the social and economic condiPons of families, the number of PWA children a family has, and also the tribes to which they belong.
Albinism in the DRC is also accompanied by all sorts of mysPcal beliefs and pracPces somePmes quite ridiculous and dangerous. Older generaPons oRen have a be&er understanding of albinism through, among other things, the influence of the Belgian Catholic sisters, who used to be present throughout DRC and oRen helped families of children with albinism accept them and protect them from the dangers of the sun. Unfortunately, this knowledge on albinism does not seem to have been passed through generaPons and the situaPon has worsened. Many parents in the ciPes do not know how to protect their children from the sun and are oRen badly advised by pediatricians.
In Kinshasa, the Ndundus (albino in Lingala) are increasingly more accepted than in the rest of the country, especially the East, where they are sPgmaPzed, rejected, persecuted, or even muPlated, and wizards use their bodies for making amulets.
The main problems for PWAs in Kinshasa are problems of integraPon and educaPon. Children with albinism who have the opportunity to a&end school are oRen not sufficiently supervised by teachers. Since these children are suffering f r o m v a r i o u s e y e diseases, they do not see clearly, and therefore cannot follow the lessons properly. They are oRen accused of not having the same intellectual capacity as other children and are sent to the back of the class where the problem worsens – the blackboard is that much farther away. Also, extreme sensiPvity to light prevents them from parPcipaPng in outdoor acPviPes with other children, and they find themselves marginalized.
Two individuals who are helping out
La FondaCon Albinos Mwimba Texas is an iniPaPve started in 1988 by the famous Congolese albino wrestler, Mr. Mwimba Makiese Alphonse Texas. It has 450 members so far. Its primary objecPve is to integrate DRC’s PWA community into the rest of the populaPon through sport, especially classic wrestling, art and educaPon. The foundaPon organizes three meePngs per year for the PWA community and their families and supporters to discuss topics related to acceptance, awareness and integraPon, such as: accepPng PWAs as a full members of society; integraPng PWAs into society via educaPon, the arts, work, and sport; and helping parents become aware of issues specifically related to their PWA children, such as sunlight. Products that are important for PWAs are demonstrated and distributed as well, such as long-­‐sleeved shirts, wide-­‐
brimmed hats, sunglasses, and special skin care products. Congo Bongo | October 17, 2013 | 2
T h e M w i m b a T e x a s FoundaPon pays special importance to problems of school dropout, PWA school children and the poorest children. If PWA s c h o o l c h i l d r e n c a n improve their vision by wearing color progressive and correcPve glasses, they avoid dropout and can Patricia Willocq is a photographer who was born and raised in DRC. ARer leaving Africa to travel she returned in June 2013. Through her photography and related advocacy work, she hopes to promote understanding and tolerance towards people with albinism in DRC and in the rest of Africa.
Her current projects include three chapters: 1. A reading glasses project to provide children and adults with a l b i n i s m w i t h p e rs o n a l i s e d progressive and photo-­‐chromaPc reading glasses. With the help of the Lions Club Unikin they are sending 100 children within the n e x t 2 m o n t h s t o t h e ophthalmological Center of Masina, the biggest in Central Africa. They are sPll looking for sponsors to buy the glasses that will probably be produced in the ophtalmological center of Masina;
This photo © Frederic Noterman. Previous 3 photos ©www.patriciawillocq2013
play with other children without being constantly disturbed by light, their integraPon into society and their future will be be&er i n s u r e d . W e b s i t e :
2. SupporPng La fondaPon Albinos Mwimba Texas, including matching it up with experts to help the foundaPon structure itself be&er, provide communicaPons training (especially on social network and webpage), and translaPon services to translate their webpage into English; 3. A photo exhibiPon called “White Ebony” that will take place at the beginning of 2014 in Kinshasa and other ciPes in DRC with the intenPon of promoPng tolerance towards people with albinism. To view some of her work from the “White Ebony” series, visit: h&p://­‐
ebony.html !
Mwimba Texas and Patricia Willocq
Want to help out? The FoundaPon accepts sunblocks, sunglasses, hats, long sleeves clothing, umbrellas (to use as shade from the sun) etc. If you would like to make such a donaPon, please contact La FondaPon Mwimba Texas: +243 89 64 39 67 or +243 9999 36 89.
If you would like to help with the glasses project, please contact Patricia directly at:
AddiConal Sources for this arCcle:
Factsheet on Albinism:
Congo Bongo | October 17, 2013 | 3
Kinshasa RecommendaPons
Following are new lisPngs and service providers. If you have one you would like to contribute, please email us at
G uitar L e s s ons
Shak Shakito is a well-­‐known local ar8st (composer, guitar & voice) and very experienced guitar teacher. He is available everyday for guitar lessons – all levels accepted. He works with children and youth too (he is a cer8fied teacher/public servant and un8l recently was teaching at INA / Na8onal Ins8tute of Arts). Shak can speak some English and has had non-­‐French speaking students in the past; he travels to students’ homes. Contact him at +243 810 753 144.
Are you interested in starCng a Girl Scout Overseas Program?
The mission of the Girl Scouts is: Building girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a be:er place. We are trying to gauge interest in star8ng a Girl Scout Daisy (grades K-­‐1) and possibly Girl Scout Brownie Program (grades 2-­‐3). If older girls are interested we could look at further op8ons depending on volunteer support. The program requires at least one female volunteer and would involve regular mee8ngs, field trips, outdoor ac8vi8es, fundraisers, etc. The program is open to ANY girl who a:ends an American or Interna8onal school, regardless of na8onality OR any American, regardless of where she goes to school is eligible to a:end. The program is meant for Americans, interna8onal families or expats. Per the U.S. Girl Scout agreement with the World Associa8on of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, Congolese girls should join the na8onal Girl Guiding program (Les Guides De La République Démocra8que Du Congo,
If you have a girl interested in the The first parent meeLng will program or would be willing to be on Saturday, November 2, volunteer, please contact Trina 10:00 am. If you’re interested, Schroeder or please email us for details.
Jeff Schroeder,
For more informa8on: h:p://
Congo Bongo | October 17, 2013 | 4
Sources for InformaCon
h:p:// – Lis8ngs of events and openings in Music, Theater, Dance, Exposi8ons, Cinema, and Dining. Newsle:er offered.
g294187-­‐Kinshasa-­‐Vaca8ons.html Find a number of area reviews. IWC Newcomer's Guide to Kinshasa. Price: $10. May be purchased at IWC mee8ngs or by contac8ng IWC directly at All profits go to charity as discussed by IWC’s Welfare Commi:ee.
Not specifically about Kinshasa, but could certainly make life easier:
Halle de la Gombe: loca8on of lots of art, music, dance and cultural exhibi8ons. Library on-­‐site that individuals can join. For more informa8on and complete event lis8ngs, visit: www.ins8tuqrancais-­‐ Or via your smart phone at h:p://m.ins8tuqrancais-­‐ Congolese cooking show! Want some help learning how to cook popular Congolese dishes? Or do you secretly enjoy relaxing to a good cooking show? Go to YouTube and search: “la sonia cooking”. The show is in English.
The Congo Bongo Map: kept up-­‐to-­‐date with the loca8ons of the places we recommend and feature. To view the map, go to: h:p://
InternaConal Women’s Club (IWC) Coffee Morning 1st Tuesday of every month at 9.30 AM. Current and prospecPve members welcome! Hope to see you to share some good Pmes together! MeePngs are conducted in English with limited French translaPon. All ladies and gentlemen are welcome to Join, Share & Belong. For more informaCon, please visit the website: Email:
Does your baby like to meet other babies and their parent(s)? Welcome to the baby group! Join us for a parent and baby get-­‐
together every Thursday morning 10 am – 12 pm at a different host’s house. Contact Elisabeth at 0896793545 or
Ballet Studio Nicola offers a range of Ballet, Fitness and Jazz Hip-­‐Hop classes for li&le people and big people. At Symphonie des Arts. 15, Av De L’Avenir, Ngaliema. +243 (0) 81 99 01 001 or
Congo Bongo | October 17, 2013 | 5
Want to learn some tradiConal dance? SABA, a group of very talented Congolese arPsts, offers classes in tradiPonal dance at Cercle Elaeis for everyone to join. Guided by one of the finest percussionists and choreographers, SABA teaches every Sunday at 15.00 at the Cercle Elaeis in the garden paillote. $6 per lesson. For more info contact Pappy 081-­‐058-­‐3982
Yoga Classes, by Yoga Alliance InternaConal cerCfied instructor. Classes Mon – Sat at Orchid Spa, next to the Dutch Embassy. Contact: 0844 702 536 or for complete details. The classes will be conducted in English, with some French assistance if absolutely necessary.
Taekwondo Club for children and adults. Self defense. Get in shape and de-­‐stress! Tues, Thur, Sat & Sun. Courses available at your locaPon upon demand. Contact: Jean Claude at 099 81 15179, 081 03 14274. or
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Elizabeth Pycrom, MA -­‐ Registered Member BACP (Accredited)
Counsellor and Psychotherapist
Whether you are a new arrival to Kinshasa or you have been here for a while, you may at =mes find the physical and emo=onal adjustments to living and working here quite stressful. These feelings are not to be unexpected. Whether you are an experienced development worker, diplomat or the partner of someone who has come here to work, everyone needs =me to adjust and find their own way of being. Some=mes it can seem that everyone else is geGng it right and that you are the only one not quite geGng it. At =mes like this it can be difficult to talk about what’s worrying you, or to express difficult or strong feeling. Talking with someone who is trained to listen and to help you understand you feelings can help. Counselling offers you the opportunity to think and talk about yourself, in a way that is not always easy to do with family or friends. Counselling is a safe, non-­‐judgemental and confiden=al space where you can focus on discussing experiences and emo=ons that are of par=cular concern to you. If you would like more informa=on please get in touch.
Tel : +234819506094 Email:
Congo Bongo | October 17, 2013 | 6
Hash House Harriers: Running, walking and having fun every other weekend. Currently on Bongo “off” weeks, so we don’t have the details upon publishing. To receive updates on upcoming gatherings, email: or check out Facebook:
AfroZumbah and Salsa classes with ChrisCan Mabanza. AfroZumbah: an exciPng mix of dance, fitness and music from around the conPnent. Instructor ChrisPan is full of energy and encouragement as you dance your way to a thinner, healthier self. Monday and Thursday at Li&le Jewels 18h and Saturdays now at the Center Bethanie 17h. All ages and abiliPes welcome to come out and try it! Salsa Classes at Centre Bethanie at Sacre Coeur. It is the church next to ISP Gombe across from College Boboto. Salsa classes are at 17h and salsa/tango begins at 18h. Contact ChrisCan for complete schedule and more informaCon: or 081.399.89.57.
Capoeira : Afro-­‐Brazilian marCal arts. Courses are scheduled 3 Pmes per week (Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced learners). Place: Cercle Elais
Time: 18h30 to 19h30 Mon, Tues, Thurs
Price: 40.00 $ a month as oRen as you want during the month. If you are not sure and want to try it first it will be 5$ per class. Bring mosquito spray, jogging suit (stretchable suit/pants), usually bare foot but you can wear socks if you prefer, and bo&le of water. Contact the teacher: N'Salambo de Wouters Yanni, 081 026 70 70 or
Coach Alain Bomans now offers personal training and boxing at Orchid Spa located at No. 5 avenue Zongo Tolo ʹ Gombe (reference: next to the Dutch Embassy). Classes are offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting at 19:00. tĂŶƚƚŽǁŽƌŬŽƵƚďƵƚĐĂŶ͛ƚŵĂŬĞĂ
class? Coach Alain also does personal training when and where is convenient for you. Check out Bomans Boxing at or call Coach today at 081 52 53 515. ENJOY RUGBY? Consider checking out the rugby team / social club called “Kinshasa Barbarians”. The idea is to gather rugby fans of all naPonaliPes and skill levels, to have fun and keep in shape. Everyone is welcome! We play every Thursday at the Shark Club (in front of the Grand Hotel) at 7PM for 2 hours. Each session is organized as follows: warm-­‐ups with “touch” game, technical training and game against the Congolese Rugby Team. No experience is needed, just a good mood and sporPng spirit. We are pleased to welcome former, future, in fit or not rugby players. Join us! Contact Geraud at
I offer private coaching courses including diet and physical acPvity for people who want to lose weight, reshape their body, improve their physical condiPon, will gradually return to work or to improve their health. Thierry +243995902801
Get fit and stay fit! Coach Alain offers general fitness and recreaConal boxing training. Reasonable prices for individuals and groups. Call Coach at 081 52 53 515 or 089 57 44 985 to schedule today.
Free Entry! 2ème Concession Don Bosco Masina/ 98, Mobutu Q /Aba:oir Masina1 Petro Congo. (+243)89 800 41 55 / 81 22 70 324 / 99 424 24 36 / / facebook: polyvart / Polyvart: a group of ar8sts in the service of art. POLYV'ART (Associa8on of Congolese ar8sts / Kinshasa, designer, painter, sculptor, photographer, ar8sans.
Congo Bongo | October 17, 2013 | 7
Each Friday is Adama BBQ Night at The BriCsh Embassy’s Oasis Club. Bar opens at 6 pm and BBQ starts at 8 pm. Rain or shine. Club members $20 and non-­‐Club members $25 (guests of members). Non-­‐Members can a&end only 2 Pmes, then they are obliged to become a Member. Members can invite 2 guests only. Our well-­‐stocked bar boasts prices hard to beat anywhere else in Kinshasa. 83 Ave Roi Baudouin. Come enjoy the food & great company. We look forward to seeing you! If you would like to become a member of the Oasis Club, contact Cherryl Kanku at c-­‐
Hi, are you having a hard time you can't deal with? In crisis? Lonely? Feeling stuck? Lost? Dealing with crosscultural stress? Wondering if you made the right decisions, if you have chosen the right path....? With my
professional help, we can work together to find those answers within the frame of a strong, safe, confidential and
warm therapeutic relationship.
Through this process, you will stop and think, have access to your emotional strengths (everybody has them) to
overcome the present crisis or perhaps to work on traumatic experiences from the past.
I’m a Licensed Professional Counselor in United Stated with a Master’s in Psychology. Throughout my twenty
years of experience in different countries, I combined my psychodynamic background with other therapeutic
approaches that can define me as eclectic. I am a bilingual psychotherapist (Spanish-English) with a
multicultural approach. I can provide services at my office or I can drive to other location, if it is need it.
Don't hesitate, just call or e-mail...
Master’s in Psychology | Licensed Professional Counselor in US
Phone +243 – 851141108
Always a good time!
This year the La8no-­‐American Group of Kinshasa is organizing their “Fiesta Latina” to support the Pediatric Founda8on of Kimbondo. The founda8on is located in Kimbondo, Bas Congo and was founded in 1989 to treat, nourish and host more than 700 children with physical and mental maladies. The funds will contribute to the construc8on of an opera8ng room at the center. Tickets are $25 and must be purchased in advance by phone. Contact: Flory at (French)
Jenifer at (English)
Grupo la8no américano de Kinshasa (GLAK)
Congo Bongo | October 17, 2013 | 8
Genealogy Research from Kinshasa. Ma& Ellsworth is an expert genealogist with world-­‐
wide experience offering his experPse free of charge to guide anyone wanPng to explore their ancestry, whether American, Congolese, or any other. Ma& speaks several languages and reads many more so there aren’t many ancestries he can’t help trace. His parPcular interest now is to learn about African ancestries by helping LE Staff to discover their family tree. He is also available to perform in-­‐depth research for a fee or barter. To see what he and his wife April are doing to boost genealogy work in developing countries, go to
VillageHistoriesProject. Email Map at
Need a Babysiper? Call Mary! I love working with kids and I also have experience as a babysi&er. My phone # +243 825190030 and my email:
CUSTOM GARMENTS MANUFACTURED IN HONGKONG. We are tailors specializing in high-­‐
quality, made-­‐to-­‐measure garments like suits, safaris, and dress shirts for both men and women. OperaPng in Kinshasa for over 25 years, our family business has a long history of serving diplomats and the Congolese government. We do house calls for in-­‐home measurements and sales, with orders placed to our main factory in Hong Kong. Delivery takes approximately one month. Please contact Henry Chandnani 099.478.8608 / 081.501.3595 to make an appointment.
Need TranslaCon Service? I am a Freelance Translator offering French-­‐English/English-­‐French translaPon services for relaPvely all types of documents (NGOs documents, Corporate documents, EducaPonal documents, Legal documents, Official documents...) at reasonable rates. ConfidenPality and Privacy ensured. Feel free to email me on or call 0822.472.455 for more informaCon. Congo Bongo | October 17, 2013 | 9
Every Thursday a class is held from 7-­‐8pm for beginners, and then it'll be just full on dancing!
Drink Specials: $4 wines. $5 Sangrias. $6 Caramel Vodka drinks (a new vodka from South Africa). $7 Ciroc drinks (with juice, soda, etc).
Le Cercle Francais. Poolside Buffet: Every Sunday from 12h30 at the PailloOe de la Maison de France: 32$. Game night from 19h00: First Friday of the month. Cards, scrabble, bocce, etc. with dinner & drinks: $20. Tart’atoun : Home Delivered baked goods. Cakes, pies, quiches, cheesecakes. Call or email for complete menu. Tel: 081.405.0292. Email:
Call RestoMaison to order food delivery from various restaurants in town. They come usually in 25-­‐40 minutes and ask 5 USD for the service. 082 39 54 523 / 099 71 46 792. Email : 12h30 -­‐ 21h30
La Bella -­‐ a great place to get a manicure & pedicure. $30 and worth every cent! Av. Flambeau, 65 Imm. Maison Rida (at the Gare Centrale end of the Blvd., take a right at Soficom, and then the first leR. La Bella is next to two restaurants -­‐ Sr. Harry and Le Charbon). Phone: 081 5013 875.
Orchid Spa is a full-­‐service spa that offers a number of services including: hair, skin and body care, make-­‐up, massage, an aerobics studio and classes (group and private), hamman and pool. Nice Cream and Sushi make special deliveries for clients. Our prices reflect that we try to give the best service and client experience in Kinshasa. Tuesday -­‐ Saturday 8H30 to 19H30. Monday & Sunday: 12H00 to 18H00. 5 Avenue Zongo Tolo, Gombe near the Dutch Embassy. Tel.: (+243) 99 99 03 333. orchid-­‐
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LADIES MASSAGE, MANICURE, PEDICURE AT HOME. Maman YouYou offers ladies a massage, manicure, and pedicure at your home for a very reasonable price. She is reliable, friendly, professional, and does a very nice job. You provide the massage bed, oil, and supplies for manicure/
pedicure and she gets right to work. She is French-­‐speaking and has offered services to the American Embassy and Expatriate community for many years.I have used her for two years and have never been disappointed. Call her for an appointment at 081-­‐500-­‐7006.
Wood Carving Classes. Do you want to learn how to carve a tradiPonal Congolese wooden mask? Or do you want to improve your wood carving skills? Benjamin Matutadidi is a talented sculpture teacher at the Academie des Beaux Arts. He would be happy to offer class or teaching by hour. Contact Benjamin Matutadidi (099 7499 036) and start your wood carving class!
Congo Bongo | October 17, 2013 | 10
Congo Bongo | October 17, 2013 | 11
All Classifieds Lis8ngs will run in two edi8ons, unless we are asked otherwise. We are happy to re-­‐list pos8ngs upon request. If you no8ce lis8ngs that need upda8ng, please let us know!
Motobecane Grand Sprint: Immaculate condi8on race-­‐ready road bicycle. Handmade double-­‐
bu:ed 7005 aluminum frame, High Modulus Carbon Fiber fork (Kinesis Aero Pro) and seat stay. Shimano Ultegra 6600 STI shi{ers, derailleurs, casse:e and chain, Cane Creek brakes, Ritchey aluminum handlebars and seat post. FSA SLK DXP Carbon Fiber crankset (53/39), handmade Veulta XRP Pro superlite wheels. Size 58cm (good for male 175-­‐190cm), complete bike weight only 9.3kgs. MSRP $1,600 will sell for $1,000. If interested please contact 081 700 5722 or email:
2008 / 63.100 KM / Diesel /Manual Always well maintained at ATC-­‐
NISSAN / Manual Clima8sa8on / radio CD/K7 / bullbar/ Trailer Hitch. Reason for selling: Depar8ng, Available in December. Price: Only 25.000 USD. Interested: Contact Marco at Email:
SUZUKI VITARA. Date of first registra8on: 2000, Mileage on the dash board 46,000 km, economical on fuel, well maintained, engine never overhauled but s8ll in very good condi8on-­‐ Price : unbeatable ($ 5,000) -­‐ reason for sale: purchase of another car and I don't need two cars. Interested ? Please call me on 00243 818 80 13 94 OR Airtel – 0998 38 26 78
Systeme de son/Sound System JVC $175
Service de vaisselle/Dishes set (12) $165
Wok $ 75 Lampes/lamps. A Par8r de/From $19
Bouilloire/ Water boiler $ 36
Fer a repasser/Iron $ 55
Bodum Coffee pot$45 Verres a vin / wine glasses (16) $ 48
FREE POOLPUP! (Search for it in google to see a picture-­‐-­‐it's basically a li:le set of stairs to install in a pool to help dogs jump out safely.) The previous occupants of our home le{ it behind, and we have no use for it. Email if interested.
Wireless bedwehng alarm Contessa with vibraLng funcLon: Very effec8ve to help children stop bedwe}ng. The best among bedwe}ng alarms. Wireless for easy sleeping comfort. Very user friendly with touch screen control. Perfect for deep sleepers because of vibra8ng element under the pillow. Newly bought in March 2013 and proven to be successful in a couple of weeks to help children permanently stop bedwe}ng. Alarm available in Kinshasa for USD 120. Mail: or call 081 97 00 180
Congo Bongo | October 17, 2013 | 12
Verres a eau /Water glasses (16) $32
Sauteuse et couvercle en verre/ Large pan and glass cover $ 63 Decodeur DSTV/ Decoder $ 65
Bols en inox et couvercles/ metallic bowls and covers $ 27
Plants and pots $35 l`unite/ each
Thermos $25
Meuble en bois, assor8 d`armoires/ Wooden cabinet $180
Table de bois $90
For the ABOVE, contact: Jean Lavoie. Tel: +243-­‐81-­‐0845173
Body Care Items for Sale
Prices range from $5-­‐35 per item. Examples:
Mul8purpose Contact Solu8on
Aveeno Daily Face Lo8on (w/ SPF)
Neutrogena Oil-­‐free Sunblock
Dr. Bronner’s Soap Bars MOVING SALE! EVERYTHING MUST GO! This is a par8al list of everything for sale, mostly imported from the US. Most are high-­‐quality items that you can’t find in Kinshasa, which we can easily replace in the US. Some prices nego8able. Contact Ben for the full list and for more details about any item: or 0995 966 873.
Electronics for Sale
Portable Projector – Great for home or office. $400
Computer Speakers -­‐ $50
MacBook Pro Laptop -­‐ $1700
Kindle Fire Tablet -­‐ $150
Nikon Digital Camera – D40 model with addi8onal lens. $900 total.
Kitchen Items for Sale
We can equip an unfurnished kitchen! Examples: Coffee Maker -­‐ $75
Mixing bowl set -­‐ $40
Stock Pot -­‐ $40
Covered Skillet -­‐ $75
Pyrex Baking Dish -­‐ $25
Household Items for Sale
Turn your house into a home! Examples: Organic Co:on Sheets, Queen-­‐size, minimal use. $50
Sofa and Armchair Slip Covers -­‐ $100 total
Charcoal Grill -­‐ $25
Hookah/Nargile -­‐ $25
Camping Gear for Sale
Perfect for trips to Bombo-­‐Lumene! Examples: Air Ma:ress – Queen-­‐
sized, never used. $65 with pump.
Eurohike Sleeping Bag -­‐ $50
Solar/Crank Lantern -­‐ $30
All-­‐weather Hammock -­‐ $50
Household items for sale (a number of which have never been used). If interested, please contact Vanessa at:
IKEA Sultan Favang manress, 140x200 (high resilience polyurethane foam ma:ress; cover can be easily unzipped and washed; firmness: firm). $325. Note: bed sheets also available (see below)
Bed Sheets for 140x200 bed fi:ed bed sheets in red; duvet cover and pillowcases in red color or red/
magenta/ orange checked pa:ern also available. Various prices (approx $10-­‐15)
Panasonic Light & Compact Vacuum Machine Model: MCCG300 $125
Ohmo Food Processor, Capacity 1.4L (never used). $40
PlaLnum Electric Pressure Cooker 6.0L (never used). $100
PlaLnum 4-­‐Slice Stainless Steel Sandwich Press (never used) $45
Pasta machine $45
Cast Iron Meat Grinder $28
2 Dinner Plate Sets (serves total 8ppl). Each set has: 4 large plates, 4 small plates, 4 bowl, 4 mugs $15/set (2 sets available)
2 Sets of Curtains (never used). Each set of curtain has two sheets that are each 260cm (height) x 140cm (width). One set of curtain covers a total width of 280cm. $120/set. (2 sets available)
Hanging Heart-­‐Shaped Tea Tree Light Holders. $10 for both
Congo Bongo | October 17, 2013 | 13
2 Sets of Curtains (never used). Set 1: Two sheets, each 148cm (height) x 140cm (width). Covers total width 280cm. Set 2: Two sheets, each 130cm (height) x 140cm (width). Covers total width 280cm. $50/set. (2 sets available)
2 Curtain rods (never used) black curtain rods, extendable up to 3meters. $20/each (2 sets available)
2 French Language Books: Living Language Ul8mate French Beginner-­‐
Intermediate (Text book with 40 lessons, 10 audio CDS + 1 flashcard CD-­‐ROM). McGraw Hill, The Ul8mate French Review and Prac8ce (also with CD-­‐ROM) $15/book. (2 books available)
IKEA Hangers (30). $10 for 30
Baby phone with Camera (new) $150
Car seat $280
Set of Golf clubs for woman $500
Bose sound dock for ipod/iphone: Digital Music system never used brand new. Room-­‐filling sound. Connect to other music sources with the auxiliary input. Easy to use—just dock and play, and control it all with the included remote. Works with many iPhone and iPod models. Requires an Apple Lightning™ to 30-­‐
pin adapter for use with iPhone 5 and other iPod and iPhone models with an Apple Lightning connector. Asking price 180$. If interested please email Jehan at . HOUSING AVAILABLE
Appartement: pas équipé, 2 chambres, situé rez de chaussée, dans concession calme, en face de Ne:y's. Loyer: 1700 USD charges comprises. Visites/Contact: 0898917615 Monsieur André, demander à voir l'appartement 8 de la part de l'ex-­‐locataire, Dominique Sagot
Property Agents
Tel: +243.816.601.724
Massage bed $600 (Include massage oil & tools) and 1 lesson Thai massage
Contact : Kate 081 469 14 57
DRIVER WANTED: Excellent driver available to work full-­‐8me, with many years of experience with expatriate families and an impeccable driving record and references. Must have experience driving children around with nanny to play dates, lessons, etc. Please email Nancy at if you know of such a driver looking for work!
HOUSING WANTED. I am looking for an unfurnished house to rent for the end of december. Ideally, there will be a small garden and it will be located between Kitambo and Gare centrale. The rent should be about 1500 $/month. Je suis à la recherche d'une maison à louer pour fin décembre. Dans l'idéal, j'aimerais une maison avec jardin (individuelle ou dans une pePte concession) et située entre le quarPer Kitambo et la gare centrale. Mon budget est d'environ 1500 $/mois. Thank you to contact me at if you have some ideas.
3 bedroom villa fully furnished for rent as of November 01 In secured compound La Forge. Pls contact Kathy at 099 99 05 900 or
Laurence Gelgessen.
Email: 081 2876 333 / 099 4990 623 081 503 610 / 085 1391 001
Melissa Maresca, owner of a real estate agency in Kinshasa. If you are looking to buy, sell or rent a property or apartment in any part of the city of Kinshasa or in provinces, feel free to contact me at 243-­‐997-­‐842975 or through email
Congo Bongo | October 17, 2013 | 14
Looking for a villa, an apartment or an office in Kinshasa? Check our website, and benefit from our market experPse. Ask for Jerome at or +243 (0)81 588 69 02.
We speak French, English, Dutch and Spanish.
Beatrice (29) has worked for us for the last two years. We are leaving now and definitely recommend her. She has done a li:le bit of everything at home including cleaning, washing, and doing some shopping to the local markets for us... She is very reliable and is very good at these tasks and at anything else if she’s given precise assignments. Bea is very good overall and we trust her. She does not speak English, understands a li:le and is willing to learn. She is very discreet with her personal life and never asks for advance. She always come on Lme and is a hard worker. Her phone numbers are: 081 477 9547 or 089 812 5569.
VERY GOOD COOK AVAILABLE: Papa Charles has been working for us as a cook for two and a half years and now that we are leaving Kinshasa, we are happy to recommend him to anybody looking for an excellent cook! He makes among other things delicious fresh (homemade) pasta (including ravioli, lasagna, fe:ucini etc) as well as quiches, pizzas, salads, fish, cakes and much much more. A part from being and excellent cook, he is also a very nice person and a pleasure to have around the house. He is very good with kids and our 3 year old spent a lot of 8me 'helping' him in the kitchen :-­‐) We are very sad to be leaving him, but hope that another family will enjoy his cooking as much as we have. He can be reached at 0990914980 and if you have any quesLons you can email me on
Congo Bongo | October 17, 2013 | 15
Our housekeeper Mado is looking for work now that we are leaving Kinshasa. Mado has worked for us once a week for two years and has proven to be an honest and reasonable employee. We recommend giving her a call if you need someone for your basic household chores. Contact her directly at 0811935227
OLIVETTE has worked in our 2-­‐
bedroom house for the last 3 years. She is very reliable, punctual, hardworking, gentle. She can clean, wash and cook for you. She speaks Lingala, French and a bit of English. She is available now. You can contact me for references (Thomas 08 12 10 91 99) or call her directly
08 95 38 33 18.
TASOK Performing Arts Department
will be presenting the musical, ““The
King and I”” on December 5th, 6th,
and 7th, 2013. The music director is
seeking musicians to participate in
the full orchestra for this production.
If you have skill playing a woodwind or brass instrument and would
like to be a part of this amazing experience, please contact Jody Pederson at or
0851578592. Some instruments
are available for your use.
Cleaning Services
Request for proposals
The American School of Kinshasa is seeking proposals for a Cleaning Service for its classrooms and office
buildings. The selected contractor will provide on-site and after-hours Cleaning Services from January to
June 2014 with the possibility to renew.
Bidder’s profile
Must have experience with cleaning office spaces; schools, a plus
Must be able to propose a Cleaning Service with sanitary and safety measures.
Must have its own crew with fully trained Manager and employees.
Must be a reputable company with license to operate in the DR Congo and able to provide business
financials for the past 2 years.
Prospective contractors must have a pre-proposal meeting with TASOK administration. TASOK will deliver proposal packets at the meeting. Bidders must request an appointment by October 31 2013. Call or
email: +243 81 0637556 or .
Proposals must be received by November 15, 2013 by 4:00pm. Only hardcopy deliveries will be accepted,
no phone or electronic proposals. Submit at reception office, TASOK Rte de Matadi, Ngaliema (en face
Tshatshi camp).
The winning bid will be announced by December 1, 2013.
The winner must take all dispositions to start operating on January 6, 2014.
Congo Bongo | October 17, 2013 | 16
D im anc he
Eye nga
Ya m bo
October / Octobre / Sanza ya zomi
Want your event or acPvity to appear on our Calendar? Email
Tue sday
Mi bal e
M erc red i
M isatu
23 27
30 Kinshasa Book Club See Pg 10
Thirsty Thursday See Pg 5
Mark Your Calendars for the rest of 2013: Quiz Night at Bri8sh Embassy’s Oasis Club 20 November and 11 December 19.00 for a 19.30 start $10 Chicken ‘n’ C22
20 $5 per person, 21
Everyone’s welcome, as a team or an individual. As always, prizes, merriment and new rounds! Bonus Round, with star prize!!
Contact Cherryl at c-­‐
T hurs day
J e udi
M in ey i
Congo Bongo!
F r id ay
Ven d red i
M itan o
Fiesta LaPna See Pg 8 Oasis Club BBQ See Pg 7
Sam e di
Po s o
Glow in the Dark Party, See Pg 9
25 Oasis Club BBQ 26 Thirsty Thursday hosted by the Green Team!
Benefit Concert, See Pg 11 Submissions due for next Congo Bongo
02 Marine Ball
Oasis Club BBQ
Girl Scouts Parent MeePng, See Pg 4
NO Thirsty Thursday -­‐ See you at the Marine Ball!
Congo Bongo!
Congo Bongo | October 17, 2013 | 17
Nuvo Party, See Pg 9
Oktoberfest See Pg 11